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DELEGATES FOR MILLER r rREPAlUXG FOR THK STATE COXVEXTT* 'X. DISTRICT CONVENTIONS IIF.LI. IN A NUMBER OV COUNTIES?TIIE IT FL! NC _____ ONI-. WAY. [BT TKI.rt.BA.'ll Til TIIK T?r*r*._l Auburn, Aug. 1-".-Warner Miller c-ptured the dede. gates to lite State Convenlion ehoien In tin- Ile; nb Lean illstrict conventions held lu lats emmy to-day. Ibe 1st Mstrlit Couvenllon was held al ?'< edsport. anil these gatSfasm to the State Conventlin were ??l?tcd : I.e.. ls l*. T.von Auburn: C.. W. Dickenson, 'f M.-nti: Krank th fright, nf Auburn: Cleft BheMon, af Benoit; c. H. Ueanlng, of Auburn; h. L Burrill, of maur*. Al Moravia tbe foRowIng stat,* delegaU. wei-,* *ol?te,i: <ictvral loka v Knapp, of Auburn; _-*reiio ... Payne, of Auburn: Q0OIRI PUrdyeo, of Bj Bgport; c. T. luker, al Hearing; A. w. pie..ks. of Lochs; ? i: Bounds, ot Miles I i State doleg" In ea*.') e.':.?, i nit ne were htatrurted for M Covert)..!-. Th-- Mate delegates *.Il Sl Moravia Men* abo in>tiveted to vote fm- Judge Rehire. Ire Jlldge p.f IhS ??mit ol'Mls. Ihe (oi,;r.essioi):\l delegati - ate favorable io lae renomination ol < en* frasssaaa B. w. BaiMag, of Oswego. Ililli . V? i- B] ? ll In all tbe eleefjon dla I ,.: ri1" enanty eaueueca st rs held -!i airer )? ? ii evening fir Beat Tuesday'i convrnlloas to to the Republican sia"o niton. li"i!i reports received up '*? n ?;lit by tl.- i aunty Commll leo, Warner Ibe choice for Ibe Oti-crnafoilel nomlna :' - *...-I. v.;.*- favored for rcnoml '- Judge. Conj!.- nm.) ,tolin r. Weber'i booie lor Ltentenant-trovernne re eetved m huprtn-, ami H i? believed thal ludge : '- '.iiii.'iiicv xri!i mall Ib Mr. n*eber*s wiib i! ra wal. i v. v.. Vug. i *; Orleans I, 'pnbll eau* i??? .us t'i,linty Cnnventtan All ol ibo town** were repreannted and * um "i ?? alli ii wlifa thc delegates Indicated ihe tl , - linty vv.iiiitl fall I) : ?? hi record, hi swelling up good larg" ..??ni-, asa majirli ?t the fnii eleetloB. ievemi en'.b'its.ii - rat. niml". ( i.vnu'-y IT. Lum vi , ? ! , mutta, and d'lrpaus m ibe >Mato and ?<i i .,ti\ * niiitii- wen elected, 'be former elton* io -rnpoti pitta foi Ueutenent-Gov ill i i ,' ;? loati uetlons lo u for i ongress. The ?; ... nst i ucl lon* on Governor, Mll|e| ti, ? man. T!ie r-tate delegate! a? . ; .lia Dates, .'. D. Rllllttgi and ? T at. * ' *? fn ssl ii tl '!*-:?-''"?- M. H. Phillip*, i. s. signor, r.. i :? is, ll. a. OB-Mea, A. M. Chareh i ? Lenvcntlen did not nominate a.. A-v-niblv r, a,). Roe hil < Republicans mei at New City i\ pp choose Mate and CongiaisleBal dolo s, . aire .'i ol tbe County ? I thc coavenliou io order, and . i e\:tw. nt *,iii!t {.yack, ?as chosen chalr sian. Vi'. I."* ?- (peech Bloused greal en ? m. Tim terre- ? -i tren Alonzo i ? ?? ? . , ,| \ :?. iiaeselbanh. ? legations wert chosen by Beetami - - tte convention, John I. Brownell. i- v\. Rdaalt, Bamapa; Walter T, ? nv l'.iiiif: w, T. Purdy, llaventraw; to the i, i * m,on. Urangrlowa, Clarence -. Adan: C. llac-elliarih, Berkie; tlaveit-iraw, loka d. Noni*, : IL, I*, l- Springsteen, li. W. Oldfield; : [taker, laaae W, Maali, lt. Vf. ; ( larkitowa, Merak B, : Earle, Isaac w. c. Blauvelt, Den ;, - ? Int, Will, un J. II trd, M. I'. i: !. nd u. George -trout. _ ml IV' country o?nv? great s*tl*faeii.p'i si fe outlook for ii*:': 'ii snd Morton mei Pm tertian. Ml Ibe delegal* are uulnstrUoled. N X . \ ? IS Tlie I", IV.t.tlelni 'f Ibo lld : ; . i . t:v to-da] eli i ? i (hs fellowtag a'.'ti'lon: C. ll- DSttChy, Alonzo I i t_ H. Vii r lt, P. B. Weti !. Josiah A. 1 re.ii?, lllrvm i-'"- anJ Wl'llsm E. Klsselbareh, Jr. A KIM?V. JAUNT SPOILED. ?BBBB1BG a OOBtlRBUIOBATi PKLF... ATION AT ITTSBCTO. i taburg, Aug. i- isp", ab.-'?iMiaror Vance, rf Korth Carellna; Congn?i_ncn McMlllIn, ol Tenne iee] Tarenay, ol Mlehlgaa, n-'l Mafsh, ol Pennsyl? vania, whn came ban to speak al tbe county !>e r it'i-iev muM-mcetlng tbi* afternoon, were tn have b "ii treated to a watei excursion to?moifow, bul ni Mas Moorhead of Ihe Monongahela Black Water Kavlgatioa Company, put a stop lo it. it aad beet arranged f*u several eiays- thal the .team cg Voyager ?.?as to b*- rigged ag in Rae style, a grand lunch put **? beard, and the Congressnion aad a lew were to take H Bnnday ride ap tie- Monouga affair was to be kept from the ranlt and i'd* o. tho County Democracy, but to-day PreeMenl ^?l -<-nt a point blanh refusal lo ra? Iheao on Bm day. i he company hu i i ? which f.nL.ii- all plowore erafl n tba -larlt "i- r p.n gut-day. Hr. Moorhead said Ihoy did aol ?-i pe -e | a't<r il It lad bee* tim rule for twenty Whoa ashed if he dkl nor .? el like i "a*d::g ir io allow the Congressmen to ne ?omeiMng ol Ihe tiaca-watet navigation about which they ba*i beea ti r, ii" *__i<i i "No. lat I btu go np on ene nf the regular ger booti ami dawe em thi- other. Bosldei, . ---I* --::.'-n have gene about ?:i i!.*'.v could a-rinti-i Ihe ? om] M ? Th ? River and Nnrbev b'll. wblrh bal become a law nlthoul Presidenl rieveland'i s?!Kllatn?s?, rr:; ' , : on fbr tbe purchase by the Govern Bl Ita own price, ol Lock Ba T, nt the i?..l i M !! is is ihe bestnnlDS "f ? ?.' in mahc ti.e entire Monongahela Elver in iiep:i\-e t!'.- Navigation Company of the iii . it i a- been coUacnng fit.m coal shipper., mr ever Ihlrty jea:-*. PACTIOXfi IN* 80DTT1 rAROMKA. ( lian- .run. B. i . Aug. 1- (Special).?The lbdl<?r tlons now pout to .a dwperate political fight In lids fcrate. ihf BepubBcans have not had a state crliet In tb^ lleipl 'Hi".* 1*7*. bttt H.'- ill*.eii*=loni in Ibe i emoCratk rniis an grew ey, se lerioai ti,?t it i* n*d Improbable thal s Republican ticket, under lbs seare of the lirdcpendenl Reform rieiiet, wi!i be pal la the f.ebi. Tim n: kv cn "> . vi d i! o Pat-men' llehet, be? gun '.wo years ago by ll. u. Ullman, a brother ci ? tmaa, hst grewa te inch an extent thal the Bepublteans a-e onee m*ire coming ta the front. .1. Hendi le ks McLanc, who tn 188Q led n,e ? -bael; movement, has returned here from lloston and lt !s rumored is about t" star: an bid-pendent paper ar iht ?-ife capital, Mrange tri fay a dreccbdanl of Joha C. Calboua bas furnished Ihe !* sue br C'.* organise tl n "f ihe Republleaa revival. Tha lalo Vf. (J. denison, who d>l early tb!s year. s property, the* birthplace if John C. Calhoun, io a buaid of trustees lor the retabllthawnt *f u .*:ate Bgrisulliirel gaclety. Thc w.u ts eontested by Mi*. Ice, of New-Voil;, a granddaughter of Hie dead statesman, bal Die c liege question bas been taken ap by tba tamara m.der the lead of Tillman, and ba* largely helped the dlsnnsloni la the rai;-.* of ilin t'cmoeratk' psrty. -? N'iMINATl'I) FOR t?_f-Rl_M. Pt. r-.ul*. Aug. lg.. Tin- DemocmU of the Xllltli Missouri District, in eonventluB at Bpriagfleld, havo nomiiiaieti c. c. Matlock, of MartonvlUe, foi Congresa Beaa_agi Nam, Aug. ta.?The Prablh-ttonlsti of tb" (? tl tkatricl eomposed of Begin and Lehlah Counties this afternoon tK-minated william M. fstaiinVr, a itOVo manufacturer of this (Itv, for Con gre*i. OAMBOBBALB DBM0CKA1B OQMIKG OVER ? arl.poiidal.', l'e un , Aug. IH Mpcelel). K. Mayor Tb' ma* \-ov!e. of ilo* eitv. one uf ihe ,,,,,.| prominent Itimoerais nf Hi* s'-t ti"ii of the -ale. and a Hf" long mambas ai thai peaty, bm rome out laMbetsd ap?in*i ( .evol.nd. In sn InlenutT publl?b.d In tb! Ir.g's ?? I.ead?r.'' be says ihat his grsl vote wa* cast In l-l-., foi ti.e Camm mlle rainlidato for QUI Bl UM nf tins state. Mr. Verla lakes in ide in being an edil? lilie liemoeraf, aad ihe SU-OSSS af Ihe Jiarty four *,eats ago gave httB mucb pleasure, lie laehed fm a tigoi-ou* foreign pilby Ihst could not be mistaken; liiR)ead ot th!*. Cte cmintiv lint boon lu control d tho Mugwump ami ike Bwgtloh e)en ent. .Vf. Voyle's icii tltnenls are shsnsl by nisny others, abo sag In tl-, .lobn W. Lannon, liemocrstle ( ouncllman Iron) tbe* Il.iid W ard, ba* i-otne out for HairUon ami Proleetli n. HS tara (bat Irishmen have nolhlug to gain by sup "ul e.f Cleeland and bis policy. M_?M10_V Tines INLF.H Lise c-miOK. Sl'v-khol'ii. Au_. le- Tht fm: ih day's ?eV*!on nf tbe yenni Nba**. OtsriSttea A**e>eia'!rin oeavaatlee in this *ity epaned tbi* morning with the atari devotional ev - cmid')" ted b> Hie i'eV. A. Knlmodin, of Stl.elt. holm 'Hi-'' -Bseaaaloo af tke loph . - The Cn stloa and iVgaaisaMaa aita, fount. Men's * hrietiaa kttot 11 va- i;,ou ope and by I >avi'i Walker, ol Australia a There 1* taus* r of blood p-dSBBlag hv ns ns I,:... k l,?i.,it f Hie c 'or ran bs chusged br ?i*1 or waihtng. l'hr*l .un* reconi)nir|)d Hn,|tli * Aiuell* hoiseiy, ? ths roloi tass? bs ttaeeai, ind ls obtaiaed by a secret ntiuo*. pt.sris pr oe* ss assd oolr by ihsm Biwus.1 iv. a i \t.____ 4 ce. Wboliis'.i only, 22 Thom*! Sh. general discussion followed. __\ __a_ afternoon the business of (he convention wai disposed of, and al 3 o'cloeli dinner was seired at Iii" Hate) BfdbeflB Ai ,"> o'clock a public meeting was he'd for tin* Umeil: of lb* gWBdill Me'iids, who have shown much interest in the convention. Addressei w,':*e delivered In Preneli. (;er and KtigUsi,. each being translated Into Swedish. The attend ance al all tbe lesaloni has been larj? ? ? A "GRAND" PBOHIBITIOJ. BALLY. __________ DOTI LNTHChlASTlCALLV CUL! It I N ? POI PIM ano nuooirs. Washington place, at lt.* Inaction with Pour! was lo han htei tbe ?eene nf a "Cirin-I Prohibition Pally al 7:30 inst evening Thither i Trihi porter wended his way ri Ihe boar named, tally ex? pecting io '>e guided lo '''" ipol bl si leaal of ll ,? ordlnar) * . >mli inti ol | ii lb ii "'?,,,' i Pur ?.n hour aothlng sppeared io Indicate nu a il ivi'emcrt tn th? Ihoreitghtare, Al tba eaplratloa nf thai time n mick drawn by me boree snd coi I several Ulamlnattng iranapareoelai came la light and li: the f.iltbl!,- ol ii I SI I 'inn'' dram corps accompanied ii and attracted the In? evitable Crowd of siuaH boys. Then Bboul :? *b/eu ni*')!, evidently actuated b| cnrioilty, lefi the ildewalh ne I iti I ri i i distance from Ihe wagon, which wai converted Into sn Im? promptu speaker's simd. The chairman announced that, ufler !? song by the "choir," Which suddi j,-.:-, i (rom ,i hitherto concealed portion ol Iho . the audience would have Ihe pin ure of : _ lo Dr, Ls id. Ci lom I .Iradi snd llenjamin Hogan, an ex-pugilist, all ,.f Ibis elly. Tha Bnl ?peaker proposed a cheer f"i Hie Prohibition candi? dates, ami the occupenti of tho wagon, ? listed by the airbill- In front, acceeded In making some nols". Many tiarrisei ami Morton buttons appeared In the rrowd whleh collecled a* Ihe neellng proceeded. However, the reporter lucceeded in Anding a Prohl bllionlit, who Informed him confidentially [hal "one of the r<-ns'.:)? whv vv hold meotti -?- In Ihe up * ls tia* ihi'ti we ai- -.iii- to have a number ol p nple ', snd HiHi very fae) seem* to Indicate cn ? m." in Ion- nd j' oiiilng Bili dor Btteroi-l Bl giving a cheer wa* made, bui with nol urn'!; boiler ii before. A RIGHT VIKW OF 'lill-: CKHM-i DB. BBB VB DOEB BOT want TO BEE what BE RAB WOBBBD DPOB POE TEABB DB8TB0TED. The- Lev. pr. B. L Reeve, rector nf Ihe I burch of the Transfiguration, Rroohlyn, and chairman *f ibe guts CommRtce el the Amciteao party, is ttrongly opp -ttl io the action o' bli parti In acmlnatlns can? tor Presidenl and vice-President, and bas d' rlared bis Intention ol voling tor the Republican nomi Dr. Heevs ;s said lo be the strung man ?f his party.. ami considerable Importance I sttached i" b ? mtlon. "There ls altogether too much al Hake Just now," he said lo ? Tribune reporter yBstetday after noon, '-br any roten to Ignore ihe main Issue af Ihli election. Tbi. I* a erisis fbr Ameriean workingmen, int ii is not a crisis tei our party, and we can afford to walt "Before mir convention mer. i i*'er- up n proteil ? a ii ms bell - n ede, on ihe grow d thal such ititi*)': would be extremely Impolitic while Hie party is in b formative elate; Inoppoitune, because lt would divide the popular .erdirl In tl"- I test, which is one nf principles rather lhan men, and [Ore ll kell tu rouse the enmity of Ihe Industrial ila*-, a! least subjecting the party lo chartres a::*i countercharges in the future. We are organised In twentj righi Stales a:ai control mora than s million roi rs, '? ll makes me tremble lo tbinli thal thil power may I to degrade our workingmen lo Ibe condition "f European p topers. I am -thor cari esl in tlii-. matter. I baie iu-i bed for fourteen rears with oul pay, giving my whole -ni.iv i,, Ihe worthy poor of ni] church, ami nun. slmosl a' one blow, li Isnd is !?? ?"!,',?*",l. all tl u i ii'ivi done lo better the condition ..f Ihe? people I* lo be .mi>"i! out, si life's work villi conni for nothing, if l do nol volo tor Harrison ami Horton, I will be giving Ihe He lo il.o work of my Ufa I in their convictions, bm I can't h dp iii-''.': thal they ora superannuated fo-*ils. Whatever t's.' th*-. nia\ be. ihoy in thl* election represent the party of Kum, Bobbery and Wini." ? ?-? A B.TTT.l. POLITICAL RTRUGGI.K th;: FiGur roi*. c*ini,].'->-sm w raging ix N1AGABA Kd'NTV. Lockport, Aug. IB (gpeelal).?Thc most bitter political Bght lu ibe history of Niagara County ls in ;? her" over the Republican Congressional nomlnatloa p.: ie County eonct *les tbe candidate lo Niagara In tbls dlstriel a- John D. Weber has bad Ihe ofli'.-e for two term.*. Three promlnenl eandidatei sppeared in thc SeM. En A-viimblytna*) ami United gtntoe Com mluloner John K Pound, ea state Senator T. 1 i worth and ex Congi* iman Riobard Crowley, announced themselves as eandldates, ami have been ip.,pib ami nail i" *.re Ihe delegates from Ih * I'ounty lo the Congressional Convention. Theeaucti ?? Wen held in this elly. Then' -a- Unusual excite menl ail leal night, the stnvts liing crowded with mon dlseassing tin- situation. Then i 'ia.,,- monoy in ibis Bghl for Cengreasioaal delegates than bu? lleen seen ir, many a Presidential campaign. A peculiar featare **i 'he canvas- i- the facl cat >ii.. Richard (rowley, win. i* a well-known society lady ben* anel In Washington and New-York, ls prinelpally conducting ker busband'i eanvesi sin" la seen a* all buffi's in _mt husband's otHee ami on the- iii eels, Mrs. Crowley ba. splendid mental abilities, ti." light, while ii has been a sharp one, lm- engendered lit, ll! fl Dill! Ihe fhr.a: i ' i't - all promlnenl moruben of Ae lm- ben-. The pd lowing ls th" result of t.!ie caucuses up '" Ihe presenl time: Ellsworth, ->; Pound, 7; Crowley, *;. A VIGOROUS MAHOKE ' 1RI Pl.AP ISSUED. Pstorebarg, Va., Aug. 18 (gpeelal). Tbe Mahonc Re publleam ol Ihli dty i-sneti to-day s circular which bu i.ii freely distributed bore, snd i lai ..-? ? number ol copies of whieh have been sent through the muli- lo all sections of the rVth Congressional District, and slso throughout tl," State. The circular accuse, ex-con? gressman Brady *>f lupporting John Mercer Langston, tito eolored candidate tor Congresi from ii i district, and al*o of hiving been and still being Ihe agent of Joha S. Harbour In Virginia. The clreul I tbat lt was through fraud thai Brady gol on the National Committee. Speahlng of Langston, the Ma bonitos want io know when Langs) rn became i ita ne fa ll* publican, rs only a short time* ago ho WM Bdvori ing cleveland's nomination ar,ii th? planing *,f Govern* Lae on the llehri a< Vice President. Tito circular de nina tin* statement vttBe by congressman Rrady in a letter recently written lo Langston, th.t Langston took siieh sn active part In il"- canvas* of If?1 and 1882. and rendered such valuanle ?ervine to Ihe liepubliran party. _ MB. MTLLS TO T.\r,K TABIPP IN VlBOmiA. Stolid, Va , A'. ? I - l| lt ls the lm BspsMleaoi *r ti"- :*?.??(? alli be tally harm,ni/, d try 'he tag "f steelton, and thal Virgil vat/' i ,r Harriet?, sa iM d: l ter Urant Rngei Q. Mills ha* pr*,mis, i to Selim l speed ii.-f on the l ulfl during tbs eaaresa His free* trade lendenclrs will make him r.o trleaaa, bewevei ai (-disguised mur be the profession* The ou'i'.riii in vi.gii,is is Betdlaeeurai ? ? I i. | r lt ,ns. ? OOBP1DEBT OP IlKI't I DLR AN* slier..,.-;. Phar,'.n, Penn., Aui, 18 (gpeelal) - Tba Mercer Cbunty campaign was opened thu evening In - ii in I | sn immense Republican meting, addressed by preeriaenl ipeahera. Including ex-Congressman Mil? lar. A largs llanlson and Morton ? lub \ias I s<. coniiin p.t ito the rjhenangn balley msnufartiire? feel thal Harrison will be i-]-?*. d thal milli sud fur aaec are starting up on erery tide. CARLISLE AVXIOUfl Ton TUE JO'lBT DEBATE Washing!- n, Aug 18.?Speri i r Catii le * t* - be will meet Mr. Blaine In n Jolnl dei,at., eg n,? iai!,| l|N, tlon if the BaUvnal Committee eoniidore mch a step necessary. ? - ? A 1 INP. PARADE IN JERSEY ( ITV. Several thousand people a* tembled on Friday night In the neighborhood ol the Five Corners, Jereel ( ny Heights, to wltaees a Republican banner raisin The banner, bealing Bne portraits of riarrison end Morton, wa* swung from Ihe tool ol 11 ?? Avei ne Ho ssc tn a hulldlag on Ihe opposite ride f street amid enthusiastic cheering, liefore the ? ral cd lhere was atflne parade of onitormeii ria * eluding the IMO] buardi the Mill mh il Union, ibe Taging Men's Harrison and * the pift:, Diilrttl Republli an I Harrison and Marton Campaign, tke Dslubs gum ? Ibi Rai risen and Morton i-pg cabin < lui,, the Tippet (adel* and tho Wayne .?r<-"t Republican Club, ah these organ-ballot? v-.-re from ihe lld, um* and Vih Districts, thai pn p'iikpI an attractive appearance lo their brilliant uniform.-, and excited enlhi all ?1.m.;_: Ile: lue ol mured'. a meeting wa* organised siter ihe bann i :*Mi>k and speech-1 wan n.a.p. ,(> Mjlj?, ? , ,.,?,,,,,, ? M. t BaarbaM and Ckaitas il v.,... ralsii | ami the mealing nan sad.. ibe i i ; tbe Vtb Dlstriel Harriwo and Morton I Hlseu ? ( ci, ol which 0. Prank Sutherland is i.i-*i,|ein i l..,*ke ans elialrmaii of the Commute, of ti , menu ami ll whs .hieily through hil Individual efforts ""-' |he mean *"* me banner ?>, ,??.??-. a ai_aidf*2ttr,ii.r'1 ,nuMi6'haT* -****- *-r 8-R vEEti larg** number of prominent Republicans ?md mmiy who hive hitherto benn I*-mix isis wero ? >Y..STi'Iil.S. I.K l.l.i'nH.ICANS AT YVOUK. nrm mm cati..*, io rn wists oobtem* TlOB-tlU -Vol!-. OF TUM PA Pd UTI VE COM MITTI".!:. Tb" fJaconfl DHtrtcl Bepuhlleaa convention of Wes*. Chester CWinty was li'lil In Moran's Ban, st White Plains, yeelerday, ie eleel Bve delegate! to tbs Stria Convention c. be held at Saratoga ou August SS, nat elsa le evri the .atn? number al delegate-, to Ihe Cet>,;,! Convention hereafter to be called. B. p.. Pong. Editor sf "Tbs White Plaim Wasteherier Bears," chalrtnan of the DBtriei Committee, railed the con? vention io order. r> <> w misma, ot Raeteheeter, .,-*? e|oeie.i chairman Ihe ballon srere Counted, the Ive names having the highes' numb"!' nf vole* for tblecti.'- lo the Plate Convention werei I, I. gerard, ii--, af pelham; .1. c. Cooley, of Rye; flradford Rh des, of geandale; n. *>. William,, of Basicbester, .-md Bamael c. Miller, of While Pl! , anti Ihese w.a'f tl.'" I elOCt ld. The dolegati - rh*, en by iii"! il io Hi" i ongressloneJ Convention wen' David Cromwell, ol White Urina; G. W Daven] New Rochelle; w. \. Anderson, of E_ritch*_ier; dames Hopkins, of Northes tie, ami il. ??? Hendereon, of Ifesi ih' dolegateB to ihe State Convention were imi instructed a< to ti,- ebolee of Oovernor. but ii ls ti miers: i. .ti iiiat ibo] tevor Warner Hiller. The con ventlon adjourned after giving Ihreo rousing cbc ri foi i .ll ;? nd Mm I m. v t nm ot lng of tim Executive committee of ike Pe publican i oiintg League, David Campbell in Hw 'bair. arrangement, wore mad" for a County Convention of I)'." Republican tllll' of lin* <.ltl>. to take place at MoiaiC Hall, lu White Plains, tm ?sepC'inher ... f"'. tim purpose of forming ,i grand league of ibe eliflM of th'- monty into on" solid body, to b" known as the M.'sip hester County League, Bach club bellini Hm league will send ir." delegate, ami live alternates. i Ill.l.PPir. NEWS AT HEADQUARTER* i ra was an unusually large number ? >f vi Hon at Un- Kt?].ni,i;i an National lleadquarten yesterda] forenoon. A dosen Stales wen wpreeenled, -ind all bad ihe -mi" itory t" ("il Dontocratlc defection un aeeoui - ' free trade posllton taken liv tha- pain Mr. firmly, tim member of il,*' National l ossmlttec from Virginia, dropped in befoi itartlng for home. Me was in high -pints over !!:? icttlemenl nf lbs mable lu bis s'at". ami predicted excelleni resulti from P. in ih.igrcsslonal elections certainly, srhcthef ibe .tale ls tu- i- not carried on the protection lisne. Letten ami reports d thc m<>-t encouraging character continue lo poul imo Ihe committee from all part* of ti.,- country, a iamp.0 "straw" from yesterday's lu Illustrate Ih!- : A lot lei came from Middletown, B. Y.. where the Wheeler, Madden A ? letni-en Manufacturing Company employ 800 banda About IBO <>f ti.e-o am roten. In i? i 1_!j *>f Ihese voted for Cleveland, 'll*!"- year they have tormed a Harrison and Morton club. Over 130 men have already Joined lt, ami it i* expected thal then will b.- ISO employes la Ihe organization In a toa dayi Resolutions have been passed denoune lng Hu* Mills btu. and a petition against its pa-sage l a. br.'; lit ned I'v .ri") employes. Subway i om nlsslnnei lbs*. General J. Rlachhotise, and li* I Hi "' -v!l a"! * v- "?'" among lbs alter noun ? ? ?lu 00 I-'* I. ABA TOG 4 PROM Q> li.Ns COUBTT. 'I'll" Itepublican i i,mein,,n ,,r me nd Dlautai "( . t van le id a' li'.s'li v, -t.-ijay Slid 111'' (allowina delegate* t,, th" Sum CoBVCBUea si Sault,ira mon shoseai Jan* i ll I - lair .nil K. J. bplt/, ul ng; William J. young mid p. a. Wright, ?f Oystei DB) ; .'.'; |_ i .,). and li.n'L-,' VV. RaBtmaa, *'t Bartk llempatead; and Harriseu s. Mean ai large. Th" delegates tavei Un: naailnsUaa nt Worm'.- Miller for *..,.. . JOIW JARRET! SPEARS AT WOBBLING. Wheeling, B*. Va.. Aug l- ?*!"? rial).' Jahn Jarrett, es ,..., i,ir i, n| ihe Amata..iii I A iodation, di t.I the tariff and t Idea of iiroteetlon. to American workingmen ami American Industrie* bera i to un audience of 2,500 iron md pottery workers, and made -.un:' telling hits, being cheered to tim reba repeatedly. lie attached the tariff I* duCtl .oi-1 III front, Hank, am! rear, and exposed in the most complete ami con? vincing manner tba fallacy of tie' Democratic theory of cheapness regardless of when the product purchased '- i: -ol', il" ..ii'i ibo claim **f tbe low tarin m"n that high wages in America aa* mainly ... of or ttl.a ih*- part <*l nag" workers vas a i' as was Illustrated by ih"*n ,f Kngllsfa wage worken, wka bad ffi- Bensrutlons waged h persistent war bj iii- aid ol c." best labor iur let'cs on ibe face ..f th* globe. Pet iheit ?-_ir-?* wen about ii)., loweal la i pe. in'h wages iu Amoriea hail their sole origin in a protective tariff, and to ihe perpetuation of ti,at tani! ina. ravid the) look i"i- a continuance of the ? ; dey BOW enjoy. To this be wanted I'l add ttl'" restriction "t Immigration io ii,ai no man nf foreign birth might ?l loni on American mil except hf a-metl io work for th*- same wages niling in ibe Industry io ? ???-? BOTES OF Till*. CA-ff I ss The Hamilton Republican Club nt \\--i ilnr'p-tn held I** regulai weekly meeting tai cn,lay night a: Coleman** ll',son - ? .n Wes-, flneliuiidre 1 an 1 t'vt-rii) flfih it, Thirteen ma members agni i iii" rall ?There "ni lie aa i ppertunlty tor young tarn t" Join '.ins bi i'v apaiyiBg to ih' Citi'iiiiit'iit Committee, "t whl _ .?*. ? ii - . >,., tann, st Nu 2S0 VV'-', Oae-hna fourth-*! Tins , i.h caver* ihe bm m lm i met the XI?th tsaombly District snd where " ? i: , . . sn party i,a- Ha' a ii i ham? <>t 1 tins I I A _? ?? 1 ? ni I : _:,ner raisin.' ? 'll lako pla '? ai Hf hoadquarw-ri al the Twenty-Bret t\ ', Oermaa Hepuhllcsn AsaaelaUoa, Ba Ml I-.-,.??! m., Break lyn, bb Mei.y at ts p. m. 1'ioralneal speakers r.iii addr's. ti,,, in el lag. i" )'-?? W. !> i-'. wha received gr,, non votes a* ese___ gate of the Labor part] tor Civil Justice last year, is our tor RsrrisoB, p. II. tsp', t b a/line BHtB in th" rani;- of tho i party and the old titi?ubach party, I* Worhlag f,,r Um rlectl in b! Harrison sn i Morl m. John Brennan, ,,f Blom * Hy, Iowa has arrived in the p-ii. end i- pe,nc op 't, . * i Bork an?tig Irita- Ita* ricans i .ia.d John Psrrell, at tha XVllth aaaembly Dlstriel, I I le the Re] sblleaa cause and n.,. loki n rot iii risen and M in Delaury, from Harrisburg, penn., ha* heen retarli ? rr. Ute head loam rs ol the National Bepubll ian Con,aa ? He kt.,,? . Ms',. Men a eli. .1. M. Wall aili ?:??k this aftp.nmon snd'evening ot Ungi l iii" irish? AiS'Tiean Aatt-Piea Trade i.-arue. - * Bughl n, secretary rr th'' tri ii A_aerioaa Anri i-:.. imi" League el Um XVllth Asaembiy District, is sa energetic work t ii la helping te make ? p- r?_iai canvas* smon| thc Irish voters lo thal district. -i'.a' (,, tmtin BepabllcaBi of ihe XXIIld Assembly ni? nict In ld a meeting on Prlday il their headquarters, at -.-". SSS l m Oiie-buodred-aad-seveBt" ? t. ii wa* ,-. large enthuslsatle lucella*. Then aaa sn Inc?tse ot t* n delegate -1* tte 1 ? ? tho Herman Re pub Hean Central I tad a large numl ir or mendie * *- ' Addressea wen delivered bj es-Alderman Frederlt i Isegei nnd others. The Republlrena ol Mamu neel Mend lo hive .. grand rally ind banner-relMnp 'indar ihe mspleei bi Rm n-ir ii-, a ind Morten Piotr lian dab ol thal locality, e ,,i, ?? tt. i Masai ,,( Illinois, alli he Uk principal -.peaker. Ths Repabllcaa Clab ot R b .?: rettie alli at ?? meei Ina, V"T Maantala, If. v.. Aur*. it a BaauMlaaa nun ?-? nt, held it i..-\ii,_-i,,n i.isi ,. _.|,, |? tha rink <-f John Vin Vllkenburab. Bs mt ?-at wai aceupted, sad ii tba -? ? indlng rooat ???** taken, .'smut svrry voter In the town stttmded, sn i Hm ,.f the hlfihir satl-Jactory. Til- Bteetlag ms aliened I . .1 -? Dh i-.- '. . a- '- ' l ' ? hall ia, '?' !a, ll I ' a. A Knspti i"* ,!? 11:.;,',, ii r hal maa in a ria ali? ol lr* - I. Introduced w Ulan, tiroaamaus and Leal* J. .i a? tim speakers ol tbe evening. The si held tl Hoi : rhont, and wi r? Cv ?|t|,lairl' 1. 'Iii" ".", ?int: waaud up sn I foi Ila" ll li Sad N Thli has ilwayi been ? Demoeratle iowa but Ike Re? in, a -. d-1' it .i.i,i tu gain a victory In the eomlog *> If I IB fB|* 'dMi -?A'v'.mim Caanty : be l". pal lb lbs *i , e Ihey ban thai Di ? ind" BB ans t!,., gea th ri Uti i ' ,i,.- lats rest i ? ? iwteerilla pe-, iieiaai ll Mt a B laen anet ningi ?; i ? t Bea Bi Bala, Aug. ll i si Ml ph .' ? il. | ?? ti.e.d 1 a|th Pillan*, tslni Bari lp> furiii I ' ! .n ,. la. I 11,1* ind el tt i a-mi;, j oishal, the lined bira ft*-, ii ai. I , , , ,, (feretAre-f?titi*! v- i.? VlafS r^fp*) - ? sr tx I'll l/r,', I hr.\ . ?? Kanssa ? Ity i i Iii I- li a mild mstii i , i,, i, lucky, who hv. adv meed lbs tbeurj ihii ii,, i iii nf . ried ,,.. Ihe ? Ita ol Ihe e.,,ni.i | an i Him ti" ',;i-s| sip],: ls no other laan Uk Rup i li . not dim* all tn bollevc thal th ? migii il i tried I I . oil ike , omi m i , ,. iii"...'' i- (julie pli i ? mi ii is only propel i., i il tho of.) nariel i- beeping up the Adim ami i rd la Snt class i hear ? ii ir H PBB in/./, r if Bt IRR st uv.;. Prom 'i is ' '.ma ? i ? i- rn * iiii i about ladles ."limning * ."? kai , sao'l pul oa iu>. ildessddli *uie when they jp, lu IWimmlrji 1 hf y mil I kbak out Uhf a man or got diuviii.d." STRANGE BRIBERY CHARGES. A I.ITTKI. ATTACK ON HILL AM> MULLER. "mr. nirooKi.vv RABIS tfmsa TAir mohr INTCRKSTIMi THAN I ly'ST'.VOli Ttl Y - IX I'l.H IT DRX1AIJ I'o'.lp'W PBOMPTT.T. ??The Bree Mpg ?afihi" feeareday printed as it* laadlag Sdltorlal an anleie nearly a eolumn In length devoted to serious ehargei against Governor mil. Whleh lt glvi's In * 1?*.?.ri. BIMI railing upon Hie flov enmr to lo? no lime in refuting thl Charges, If th*y ran be refuted, se th** the gerty may eel with 'lue regard lo the duBea and dlflcultlci ol the ei fore Hie Democratic slate Convention pul)* Its ac? tion beyond control Tbe Urst part of there el whieh "The Ragle" baa set in array, refBn lo thu nm f nm,ai letter which Mayor Resritl is said lo have written lo tbe Governor regarding tbe Aqueduct and the Investigation which ibe Senate Committee been making. Thil letter was inch a itarti dictmcnl ol the uovernor and n- alleged eonnectlon with th" Aqueduct mattera, ie Ike story ran, thai ii" was literally driven Into reeei.ending the passage of the art abolishing the old eommlislon and Institut* Ing ths presenl board. The bistort ol Ihli reported letter and thu details concerning lt hav.* already beea fully described In The Tribune. ihe ether itory, given editorially, and al o In "Tlie Ragle'i" n ".'.? columns, li In lubstanee ai follows: John K. Develin, tba form"!' chairman ol ihe County Democracj (lenci*] Committee, and attorney lor and one al lbs auditing dlrecton of the Mutual l-ife In ?urance ( om pan y ol Sew Pork, is represented shortly beteca bs died, as having told Police Justice Maurice .1. [tower and ai Mavor Edward Cooper thal bo had discovered among the records of the Insurance com? pany a voucher showing the payment of SC?'.OOO lo Jadfl William I.. Muller, fha (iiiwiiini', intimate Mead ami fi,inier Isw partner, for recuring the Dov '?rum's tignaturo to iii" act, pa---*! by Ihe L lat un, which attempt* insurance eompanlee from a Stale tai levied upon them, and returning io them moneys timy had previously paid Into iii" Mate Treasury. -"The Ragle" calli attention to the f?t thal inch sn a*i wai peen I si I that ir received Uovernor lilli's iignature. li -m- al-.i thal tbe Governor and bi* Mends emphatically deny any knowledge of Ihe payment **f the TIM*. BTORY DORS BOT l. M K DEN I Alt, "Thi i '.rio'1 dbms th!* with an Interview bv one "? Ri ra poi tm with Mr. Power yestenlay Mr. p.i?r denied thal Mr. I>*-?.* i: i ever mad" inch s statement as ihe above lo him. and tald thal he ls not thal Develin ever mode a ilmllar one to bs Mayor.; Mr. Power declln d -" ij whether or not li*' nt, aware thal Mr. Dov,dm lt ni made thal statement to any one, contenting himself a-|th say lng thal Mr. Devella had neve' made it to him. .lu* nee Po wei had lefl Ihe city .ml bad gonn lo Par Rockaway last evening, ami Edward Murphy, Jr., chairman nf the Democratic state Committee, who ls si-,! mentioned ia "Tl si I ele i baring learned Ihe leets **f Ihe alleged transaction when ) e sought a political sssessmenl Rom tho Mutual Life, wai ai bis boms in Troy. "The Eagle'' sa\- thai lr ts re ported thal tills discovery led Vi: Murphy In denounce Millie a thief," ami a'-p, ? * HUI a- denouncing Muller to Murphy. Judge Muller was f .'md at tho Hoffman finnie last evening an 1 bad lils ai lent ion draa ti to " The I l artleifs bv !? Tribune ri porte . A ft": ear fully reading Ike portions which alluded lo himself, the .1 idge sal*!-. "Ihese itatements ai- wholly taine, T nor tim litchi I - of truth In them. John P.. Devella never audited nial nevei mw any inch paper or voucher of mine as i; de.erl! -d. among Ihe " of tbe Mutual Life Insurance Company or anywl re .?Pe. and 1 d' nol believe he ever ?ald so, l never received g50,000 hom the eompah] for obti riovernor Hill's iignature, or any other sum, large cfr imalL Roi did 1 p-v"' receive any money at any lime from ;?1.r person 0. company In cnnilderatlon of any utile.:.! Ml pot form "d li tba Oosrernor, As ?? Hie legislation referred ?>?. i nevet had the slight esl interest In ll personally, politically or olbcrwl?." PRETTY (il.MUM.I.V DISCREDITED. "ls this the ib'-i cm** thal thta charge has been brought '*? your attention I" ??lt is.-* answered Judge Muller. "I never beard of lt before."' Blehard A. McC lei I of I ? Mutual Lifo Insurance Company, wm tinted by - 1 ? Eagle' ' reportei yesterday, it 1-. said, ami bl* staicmcui was ?eked for. Mr. Mci'urly declined to lei Ihfl reporter bul -'-ni word 10 him by a rn,.nger thal the proil tlertl hnew nothing shout the alleged payment ot rr.'.ii.iHiii io Juilgn Maller, Ml McCurrty llvei In New Jersey and wa* nol In tbs rliy last evening. The ? -ii opinion gathered among politicians of til rh "les in the \aram- 1 eadquarte? si.d hotel corridors len evening *.-.* tbat th" ..".o.imiu itor) was Wholly Impribable. A roi-porstlon with sm-ii a reputation for Integrity and probity ::i all it- ; ? 1 . pub ile snd Individual, ss Ihe Mutual Life Insurant0 Corn pan) enjoys, lt v. as thought, would nut make u-p- of to further its inter -is. 80VTMRRR EDITORS 17' IOHOERHRADS DBE OP THEM CHABOBD Willi POLITICAL RAD I Mi 11 CALLS 1118 Ai ? 1 *i -. \ 1.1 Mt. Ifsshvlile, Tenn.. Ang 18 (Special) "The Ameri? can'' aad "Democrat," published In this city, are Democratic newspapers. The former is edited by A. i*. Colyer and the latter by P. Vf. ' ST?" li. "The Democrat" recently Intimated thal neither the editor of "Ph" American" nor Its principal stockholder! ware Democrats, ll abo asserted thal Mr. Colyar had made 1 contribulion lo iii" fund ol Ihe Repub? lican Rs????iitiv.* Committee ol thi* county is 1 yu* .mo. and asked for Information av* to whether the stockholders in question were not la favor of the success of the Republicen party. .Mr. Colyer ad ed s letter lo Mr. srmaek, in whieh he saai ilia! thn latter krna ibo charge was lal te thal I "!vai bad contributed to th ? Republicen (Undi during ihe election for Governor proceeded lo sj 'lit other thin - published In "The Dei erat" srere untrue and closed at follosrs:" There fore 1 mk" Ihe III" 1", ol denouncing you ai a liar, aid 1 brand you as such. Von can now lake your own tout se. 1 will remain ii Hw elly. Tl proceed! on tbe pound lha 1 n a paper i- nol ike place in whieh tip s"ti|p' ? personal difficulty, and I du not wish la i'll!- 1 1 1 (ri nd; ; refor 1 rend 11 is by ?na;!.' Mr. Carmach wrote an answer, and published both let ten to-day. (fe contends thal "The Democrat" has a righi io critic! e "The American" whenever - course is Seemed Beeessarjri and ehargei ihat Mr. Colyer contributed lo the lt*> publican campaign committee. ll" ekes not that Mr. Colyer did nol wish lo Insure ? f, u ot P 1. raj lor. b it h. ilsti thal ahen the rcntslhurion sra* made n wat Impossible for him lo rontrol i's disposition. Tbe raids have created ? great dori "t lath, but it 1- nol probable tba: lp uble I nm result. .4 1. A lion LEAPER CBASOBB WITB COXSPIBACJ pittsburg, lug. i- iSpec ?_ John len,.a. National *eere- ry ol ti.e Film (iin-s Workers' I'nlon, was arrested ai Rochester, Penn., Ihli afternoon, ai 1 ,? lustsiiee of the Rochester rumbler Company, the concern of ns hind m the world. The ehai-gc is ronaplracy. A strike is In progress al dis fa-to? umt tallon and president smiiii have been Undine places in union factories for ibe strikers, QSACBTVL riBL&PiUL From The Springfield Union. -I trust your papa -ays grace at the table," taid th" rheerful Bunda) nehuol teacher io ona of her little girls. ?Yes. When we have company he does," was artie*, reply. ii- lays i" mamma, 'Grace, | 1 The Lady Who bri* ITnlr, anti desiree t,. ??-_. garva c* eolWi abundance, omi lustre, slituibl BSB Aycr'fl llulr Vigor a, a*. it keeps tlie aealp elena and coal, ami i* by far tba ino*t exquirite toltol pu naratiea In the market P. M. Johnson, M. P , Thomas Nit!, Mo , sit* : "1 have nset. Ayer's [lair ^'i-:"r In my huntly f**r n numb r 1 f fi u I. an '. regard it ns the best bair preparation I lint ? of. It koopa tba e*'iiip dc in, Ibe hali sofi and llvelj 1 1 reai nt* the origil il 1 "'1"; Ny wife hal 11 Mil lt for ,1 long titos willi ixtu.i Satlstae :ory results." Mi* B A Bork, Of Anderson, Tc.*.*, ? " At ii,., aga ol 84, in Monroe, 1 1 . 1 ba I a *e\ ur" etta* k of sw imp, or t ll ll il, fever. After I got well my hall ? '.miner,! ,-,| coming *>nt, ntul lOeoU linnell nulli it bat) tv, ll ulah all gone. J used lei aral kinda ol I. ui restore)'. Inti tbev .Pd po good. A friend - ive me (, I,,,"ii,. ,,f Ayer's llntr *f|gm Bi 1 ?1 ; the Brel bottle ni. bair began io grow, and bj tho Rim 1 used Uu-u ? .1 h.-I u nm' head of bair." Ayers ..air Vigor, PBBPABSa nv Or J. C. Ayer _k Co., Lowell, Matu tv.o ty iPfeggkjB ,_-, In.iurt.h will y*>u have nome of the turkey!' but when we don't have company. In- .ays, *Wsl, old woman, what me >" niiln' us to-dayU " THE 800TB PENNSYLVANIA. _R__fr__VlVAt effoi.ts TO FiNisrr rr. A IIISTORV OF HOPE DI.FK.llRF.I) ?STORIES OF THC, I'l.VN.SVI,VANIA DITCH. Tlio much ellscu.s-el Benth Pennsylvania Railroad, if ir ls over eompleied. win nm throng-, soaaa td tho Wlldesl Slid tBOSl pl'tures'iiie territory lu tho State. ths grading oa the wotton that srnasai laaaraM County was nearly InMhed Wo? work wa* suspend? ed, two years aga, wln'ii tho fatnoii* "dear was com |i!"t"d between the VandertlltS and the Pennsylvania Railroad < m ? inp, by Whleh th" Bew-TasB ""entral ? ompan. i ed sentrol of the v\p-*' Share Baflread. ami i)i< I eiinsylvania Company wa. to havo taken lins..ion ol tha Boath pennsylvania. The cou rf* itepped 'ii ?t this juncture, however, and defeated but part "f (ir- programme. The blsto-7 al the road, Knee Hi- eourta Bret Interfered, ls familiar lo tbe public. Beary eourt Ihat bas bad anything ta do with th" care bas decided that the road parallel* the Pennsylvania Railroad, and (inf. eonsetiuently ae j to I -1 wi of pen*: Ivanla. th" )at;**r ttl ? >' kuy it. PeriodleaUj lhere appear stories to the effcel that ihe fe'outh Pennsvlvanis i* to be eompleted In the near future; ami thousands of friends **f the enter prise bsve ilneerel. wished lo iee these promises materialise: bul any one who will tata tbe trouble tip bink over the fib's of the bOWSUapOll will find that ihar ibe $arim Rind of storiei have a-speared ai inter rall ever lines ii"* eourti riist decided rhar rh" road could nut b" bought by the Penmylvenla Company: ami poop] ? thal have boped aimee I Bcalnat bon" for completion of iho road, have bemm lo grow ice pt lc al about their inop'i ever becoming realities, Th" road-bod i; graded ri a _n-''a* altitude, and th" 1. should it over be completed, srould become famous for its reenort meir TUNIfl i.s iv TBIBTT Mir.r * Where it enters Somerset Couatv, fiom th" east. a tunnel over a ml!" long eula through the backbone of ihi Allegheny Mountains at an altitude af aboal B.800 ft- ? above -cai rel Tea miles farther ea. Raero Mountaih i- piereed by a tunnel i,soo fi t long; Mt ar Sight miles bellini, a 1,700 fbol tunnel j;,"- through mother lower ri'in". a'l'i the read leaves the county ,n H." v. st by pterelns f-aurel Hill srlth a tunnel ibo'it i mil- and ? quarter in leneth. Besides lhere four tunnels In len thin 30 t.i'lcs. In this picturesque ounty, iiiei" are many deep cut* and high embank !??? ti?>s: ioma of tbe euli are 78 ber deep, and th" rm ? 'i's from 7n to loo toot blah. These mima ture bills and valleys cut np the farms with Impes table barriers, and Isolate ono part of tho farm ands from tin* other, causing the farmers no end of permanent ann tva:.: and as they eb) not ?c*ive ? . Ip n,'flt ,:i the way of ti an*nort..i!o:i facilities. he fanneii ,,r natural.;* bitter in their denunciation if methods that make sued a s-iate of affairs pooilMe. ?The farming portion of the Inhabitants ul the county ire, for th ? mo.r part, Pennsylvania Dutch; and -? bm : ara a- 0" if tit, SI I Bl "' 1 lOO, en ? WOU-d ? - tli" h!"s on whleh th-y liv". rhey are s '. \ l-wo k'ng ret, rising before daylight uni working oneil after dark; thetr greatest com? plaint, before the railroad wa* partially finished to fur* tish them with a new grievance, wa- thal the 'ia\s acre not long eno igh. Bach fm mer lias his' e-ial bole," ?"hera lie digi cori for his own use, the velm of coal iRon cropping oul * f the top of tin* around ; ami many edi of i, ai levered f'-.-i in thickaess were struck ii the tunnels and cuti of the new railroad. Tho embankment mado from ike excavations In Negro ?i, tunnel was almost entirely of coal, and the '. expressed a fear thai lt would som'* day ?a't'h flie end entirely burn up. Many ot ?' '? hi'... never been oul ol ti.' county, s. ?ii e railroad train, .md more have lever .had a ride on ono- stn* of the meir.- Ignorant ines have tteatd of tbe large ol iles in an Indefinite .ii1 y. and ha\" a tn Idea of them a- t!,e ? Rea forker ha- of the "realms beyond tut: kici." They an' nearly all Duntan in theil religion, ? : ! hull their love-feasts, where they wash ea_'h rt ho r's feet; am! th" minister) srhom th" members if each church elect (rom among their numbor to em, may bc seen *i\ day ? lu tl," n-- h ploughing ii his Holds, end on ti, -shorting them in he picturesque churches, many nf whleh aro built n th" winnis, where tl.nly sounds tha* disturb the rolemnlty of their woi*-ii!p is the chirp ot the rhii* nuiik. the iiliir I r r of a MtilrtoL p>r tho slnelnc: of .'rds. lin-. LE01 BB OP TIIE HAUNTED T8BASUBB, Borne it range legends ara tobi ila' occasional ot those paris. One in particular was cam ng con ni at tl." time of the wil*"r's I .1. Pout.' " '.i's BgO, so the st.,ry nins, live- men >ame across 'h" mouotalni from th" Past, in a particularly wild region, thal ls even now inver tod except by exploring parties, ti. ? y discovered t pocket if i;< >l I In ih" rocks; and they stave.; I'rre overs! month, melting lt up and putting lt Into eon -enlent ihspe t*> carry. One bad spirit among them oncelved Ihe Ides of killing h's companions and ..turning Rael with all of ths gold. Bo be laid a inp by which three of them were kllP-d In t_l_f< rent I the woods a ound ti.' camp. The last of be four, the father of a family, the descendants of rhom are still living lu the neighbor!.I, was a riant in ilse and strength; ami though badly wounded ,y ihe murderer, ho had enough itrengtb i*'ft ro li ll iiint ile ihen managed lo drag himself to i mountain road wveral mllei away, ami luckily f"ll n with ap, 'mt train, what explanation )?? made to account for Ids it ran ge position ls not old. lb* never recovered, however, bul wrote a p'tt.-r to tils son, who na, In the Fa-t, .ml as a i equesl , ked th? emigrant to swear thal he would 'oliver th- letter Intact to bli son. lhis wa* done leveral yean afterward, and after a var ar taro of ip lay. ihe ion came out and found iii" place where si had mei bli death, and In exploring about h.- place (Ound the fbur bleached iheletoni of his rtpanlons, ami the gold Ile was greatly . . picking up the gold bus. ? sere in a crevice if Ihe rook, when iii- reeks *ul len!v Int .inn- hot, am! a blUO Rame shot nut of th** trevlee, lb- Jumped lair, am" as ho did so heard i great disturbance in tbe slr ami bushes close to b m. mt could ice in,Min).', i!" wis greaUj alarmed, and itarted t*) nm away, when a voice called alter bim, teemingly from the ali. and loki him it was ic* father'! ipi Ht, snd thal the reason he bad !?? ??*;. disturbed waa imt tin' sjiinis of tito murdered men .had become lilias thai In* puatcrlt] alor:" shu,,ld tl)3 ? iai;i of tie* (rilli; lm; if li" mu. t come bark tbe lexi year, at the sam" tun**, he thought th" ofhets lould by tiru time i int to bli Huting lt ibis i" did, and ih" next year, uni foi man) y i - afb'r, i" wenl io th'* mountains all alma', bur the other nilts --mu refused to let him have th' .'nhl As roan wont ty, ho grew old ami feeble and i:h*-iy to I be feb in iiitl" io mak" tin* trip during Ci" -i, I ? i ailed his pnlj son, and rn ide bim ? , ? tal wllh th" Storr. Tbs old man tl ",| s,.,,u if*-,, and the sou ma'le th- yearly trips to tim i . :i,i|s, bul Wttfa l!" ? lame disappoint HIS results that ,:. father had mot Bo th" itury and legacy have cu banded down (or several gene ations; ant the llrrcl decendants, "i whom tl. are now bm fivo, itlll continue te. mata iii" trip i*> the mountains every inne. They had just returned when thej told the p:" ttory, though it u rommon property in th" leirliborhood ard I- lal host* ii before, ami they ie*! tl ? thej bad leen tim gold ami were about a. pick ll ''p when tho i-...'ii* again became inn ur. 1 i iii" Ham" shot mn of th* erevlee, ail again they leard Ihe splrll poa won in the _u*- aad b'.-hes. __%\ si'i" inbi io " come again. A DBMOCBATW ntl BP. AV OF IBTOBMATIOS, rom In ? lt,'Sion JoUl DBL Doubtless those gentlemen who. when in the Repub? lican parlj lim ? I Its belief In honesl * ls il hen Ice re? form, and have recently lolned ihe Denn eratic party 'or *h" sake of free trade, will be highly edified nt 1 earing of Ihe " lim eau of lon" which been iel ou foo* in Washington, Tht* ?? bureau" li regarded is likely in prove ? valuable auxiliary lo the l>cmn ratic mar ht ne lu coaxing contributions (rom Federal iflire-holders. Al Hie head nf the list of subscribers inpear. tim III gust nun" nf th" President ,,f ||?, I'ni led -!a*e ii ls not io !"? presumed, however, that any "coaxing" ?.ts necessary In his rase, lint then* wui a- ai i ? f lon thal some ol the other official* ih" ma) contribute lo the "bureau's" hindi will give lol in mm ' ?? '? of s '"ll heart an 'pin nf an .'ippitsfiPMi ivt. ma', fearing to do otherwise, n.e ronnecVlnn of i i ? eminent ? ref mm r." Public printer Renedlcl nod \s I lani Sch rel I '?' ii nard, v. uk h.s noa ?? bureau/ ls ???'. i* : ab** Hm report thal lt possesses the orm,.! indorsement of ti" President. The ?? bun- i" s evidently in Institution iviiirh will rena] careful uncommon.) lita an ill concealed "\i\al of Ihe fiacranl old ipolls lyatem ol which vi ' land in hu heitei ilayi won! u> ex* ;,.',., ian ,-if with so miii'li abhorrence, ? BT in DIKd ns I.Pip ll. mi,ir,? 'rom i i ? , \iiii. ''Jeda iii bauer, U'lm guilty, i shot the Doaleh i ll I vam- thu Hootch? tn lu prut ?? li ? Pal He ll-1 '?' > up 'ii ih- ! Mi'l'ili Bl ree | police onie a* 'i rd of killin.: Irinili llul'sman'- bull I -ri! >r ll" room mil inv ju I hullo mid shouted Pun . h l iii!. }, a bauer, bul tha Doolekmaa nmvo ic" 1 rou * ?" him hill tte* ,:?? '? Veil, i il.i *s? . ?-.\' imus" h" iii,!, i nuver hill* s flog ahlnd sny nan s boll a " "Hon ma. b was your gog arortkt" utod Jmlleo ,\ hlte ll" vi* v.rtli dodlngs. but I vant! dot Irishman to pu lo beam. Dote all B." Von stn both tlii'tl #..*? each for your oxttemo _i>it.?ij. 1 .u.i'.'ud the c_.oru.lo__." PASSENGER RATE PROBLEMS. CHICAGO AND ALTO.* OV ITS m.SCLE. A SriCY REPLY TO Mn. PIKIISOV RW,PECTI!I*P TIM*. IMMKJKAN'T PATH I'.KDPCTIO.tS. Wnee the correspondence which paised t<tw?a g. P. I'lei-son, BgaBsaajSC commissioner e,f the Trunh Moa Assoeiatlnn, anti .lanics Charlton, the general passenger agent of the Chicago and Allon Railroad, on Auguat 9 arni IO, which wa* published at tho time, Mr. ('hul? ton lt? received another lefter from Mr. Pierson. Mr. Charlton, In a letter of Aujr'ist JO, h?s sent the fo|. biwlni. romninnk-.Hon tn . lialr itian Abbott, of th** Wet '?in S'ales passenger Association and to all (ten?a| ii -T'i- a_;*rits of \V? -ter:, lines In MHBfBtltlM ?-|tR th" ( hlcanei and Alton : I)*ar Shs: Far your Informa'l'iri and f? the purpn^ r.f m_kln_r plain the phillp,ri nf th,- e- hleagr, and Al- ri, I Bive y-ill he!,,nr enj.y of I-"ter '.f Aucust M, (Nm S P. i'lers .11. and ..; a ? f u.y re |,!v ???? him .f 'his d'' , on the I ni mi i? ram. r?:, i Bad waaniaalena Th' eiipr of l|,e letter fruin Mr. PIM BUB I lOO, p!.iI"p| A:iL"ist 1 1. reap!-. li ir Slr: I hive yeal (alagna and maBed eapf if sine, gattri I Otk toil .- return fr'.m um t t.i preveal ?laaaeeitaosleu, I tag l present dlriiitiity i., ,?? baals .. g(, p,f tb-' nv <,f ".mia.-.. ,t,- f_ i nv ,o;,d* w, .r, of * and St LOUIS ta Ni'hulas Maller, I* ?? r M'-Donnell ant "?ii- ' ? itdlag-koaaa keepera, naasra err . in Now-York, who u? rhe ??.mrri *?it.ns ?lui* f'irnl*hp1 nt rt:i?-r. SB undue share -.( Inmilgiaat business to th* Hui* ukiah furnish thea, savei and is ita praJaSbo ?f ir trunk Ra is an l their e?meeUoaa The t,*her triink lin- * *sk Ol a p-o.ine.flonl tba*, *o long i* eommii loni ara paid 'ta thees peeale, ?lml!ar commissions my bl |"il to (hern to SaeMl 'h?i , ? i um eeaapetiUea, wtth Um Badentaadtag Ital the** m in ml aai ens *).ail ba paid io immjpraai;, aad re,' _?, .o railroad *>r iteamsklp ursala boeidlBg-tanai tosgaii and runtier*; the effeei ? "dine will tie to | tbs party transported tia - I ry tha ra-rl r. I 'ins* f have rtir). t.tjr BoaitiaW ' Th* rrunlt line* wlil t.t Slaty lie very mm h pleas*"! to Ti*-., ? *., eO'Dperatlea sf yeeraeU sad el the Chicago sad Utaa road la theai mattera Tours rory tr*iiy, 8. V. PIEBBOB, Mr. chuii'n's ansurer t" Iff Mereoa was d .cd from chicago, August I fl. It was as follows: Dear .*.):! mr. favored with yaun Sf Hrh Inst, li ?. latltm rn las ram oar ulindi yoe have laBUgurs Bew-Tert and Cbleega sad Bl Leola ea* which, with th* lid of *-.rne VV-.--- >? m end. a v arin .? "> irea| and north of Chicago Slid gi I* Bia As ih" I. . and Allon is -? f..rth a! ll , _, I. ' f..|'h III B_y "I: , I Of 10th in .... I ?'., int knew tha* th. tl I* BM til. Nt it that yea a-lt Ba M iw.v you e.,rim's?!or>? '/) ena't!" yoi t" rut, ra';?. ?* cami tl ? al why y,,u have boycotted U* for - t a '"iiths, tn oby-you continue ta boycott u* tn ire de. line to _be.!is:i rrmmlariaaa; and v ai *uli r*. n*niber that you. thlet objection to ihe i*a*-n:ent sf Baas a- I "o ? ut ra'es. Ti il vere nt helot ! the latirstBtl Cm. ' I --. I ?h.en the Iswyera and witne mes .pf .-"ur lit,*'* Saacrib* d the iain,.nt' of ,-,,ni'. iMioni ti I ? ? '?" Mim "f v.lilli t> lon. If ll is vii" and ate Uv d' ii, rallilag far u* ro par ?I'ln'idssi, ns, js , ii tended by I I wit. lines il thal ttaie, how has it bl?bm sar* bing else now it thli time for yon to d- bubb! msm - ur tbs Bg ntO-t, Du! Why have .m. panlahod bs r..r ilxte ia i ra So pmriab i- f..r psylng eemmlM ma wbaa van a_>w uT.,n! ? f,,r the express ind ivewi I pargee! el enttlna 3','s (fl hpripdli in v. ly Iii, p : - ' ? |)*niT Uscriminatlng in their favor sgainai Ameriean eltlrs We .".av never bet tl ta ?r ?oms larions on lininlcrrriM basiaeea te tatt Iga Ratal apni tat ti. pay row ntl asians on psiroly AaMrieaa buss* i to Amei ket saeata We have alway* r. ? ; ink ii thal -1 lt at lea bo Sleeria* natii ii. To wi P i s_ay pm UM ?? mmlMleni which i u t aa require ta i e said, Umbi com nly i ? 'ii" k: rory mi it be !'ii-iii"-s a:?.ns hitherto !- i paid M saeata and .the rs In this eountry, nnd in nth'-r MUBtrtea, fol UM pur ,,,s. ,,- ... ar,t.:r Immigrant bunin* --. lad " a hen this era* I rai Is os ? :" I preaume iii"'-' rommlsalons ?:!i ea?Uv dnrt mu former ebal w .annal aaderatand whv the new:, in,ported foreign aerklngmsa ihoold be cai ri d il I Ins r? ?? thea < in v. arklii'.'inaii, ot Ameriean eiti/.-n s-..iiiii Bat i I caril d bi is law ? slea i u Aaa i ian tailwiv* h yoe nr.iias ?? rart.r fcritgnere. The seana yan a-.o id'.ptin.: ? : [poa the raUwayi "f tl ? li unwire, unfair, and ??.mp.''.ely inuVAmcricaa u principle sa ll li i As nut;Intl in my BB -a,.'" ta PN of 10th inst., 'ho policy sf Ita Chi ago and A!tan aili lie ro tarry American ?i'l/en* at as !<,is rares a* fenlgaera Sag WS WlU advise ,nr f:!,mi ma thnt a ? ?ii! aeeapt *he mbm pea arUooa ney,,ad Chi iga ind beyond St Leali t.n flr?i ?Ibm travel that you tatty ba aathorited, by any line n competition "ith us, ta bm la ticketing newly tm tarted taratan ra We prepare aa.blag this geaaral and an, 'ri. nilly eeaneetlea "f eura wm ba aaUMrttad M u_ss *u?h aaa at say pa I aa Tears truly, j. cn tRLTOSf. ?--a-? TUP. REPORTS WEBE BOT CONFIRMED. In regard to tba published ,'.:-; itches about tba an sent '?tare* n titi floverumeni ot Manitoba ind rh" Barth. ira PaclBe Railroad fer the operation of railroads la Um Pro "nea Independi nt ,,f Cm Caaa ban fte ldc, aa i on hm ipf the reports eontd ba nbtataad la this i lip yt -'erl.,v. illlceri "f Ute Northern PadSe Company were il a lore ti account for rh" eJiapatche * ai l rent Inanlri* s n> Wlnni ieg tn leam the foundation foi the mporta They had tat raeelved any reply c :i lam hour, bal 'tier arere eaa> idp'nt that thu iuiuois aere mi rely ip :alaUve. WISCELLABEOTJS RAIL-TAT IBTBLLIOEBCE Chicago, kag 18,?Il I* s-avd thnt the genre ll man. - - ' the isrtoas nedi .-.A tba Mi* wuiri Itiv"' ra' i * aeladi I ta t ike o t irv ir limited e\pr> ** a,, weah fi-n. n"\t sm,diy, wgardleM "f th pi i esta of thi Kansai Cit; ? IO ? * i : The Ubh mil i . ; at limited tams, bul Will be tu ' and I half lt..tirs tamer Iks pat on. Chicago. Aaa- 18.?Ib i telegram rec"sred to di r \ ? ii read Chaliman Plereon, "f Um Craah Lias Asaa aim,m. it ate* that i a y nu ted him -a I - . \". re|.? ? , ? -ni PaclBe . Hate'. that i ? Itt i- bli ' i w.itia.h M _ bsd au ?'? '? sny sue ii i ita ta Ut. Pie - i ither r \ -? ? l-,it thal, ,,n the eontraty, they bad noiltted Br. piers,n rhat teitfa ? "ii" mi.iri PaclBs not tba \N.c,.t*h weald i ?-? in rhe pro| - ! I'ii" Tra - icutal Lh v w bel I i ate . tn l a iv- l *ir. pieis'tii that the rates prapoaed by him weald ? -. ,.. accepted by the Trana-Missouri Riv r The Chicago and Ail.mlle aili |t-B BOttae -n ^Ie?.l,!lT f tim a!"i'i"i_ ol i n.ii prorisioas (rem Chi - ? New-York, "-i ? ia*:, of IO IM p'tnid*. ti t.k?* - ?.t.-Mil,, r I. The Commit f general pi tinted ' ? - ire a revised I lenten! sad rules, concluded Its tabers to dav. tad lsd t" Um ii H if UM West,.ril ,,,.,*, ,,? -.;,,? i:.,- __ , , heen ai hoik tt.r aver twa i eta, md it ls mid ital Ita repo ?. is one of rhi, urongeat igreementa fur frsi ihe preser\stl n ot pasacBget t?vi I r foi r* I at I -. i ogles ii tagual 28, *? meeting "f lbs !m,. between I ml .**:. Pani. r,i ai'.., the ?'* bouad rituatiaa, baa BOOB. Chioaao, A ? i, .1 S I - ? Trans. - had th" n ?? iraoaconi t;ir:tr si,, ,t !,,] ? ? ( || latona lb rated roada H h..- be n decided :,, pal Ute* ? - rtleet September 1, notwlthataadlng tba aapealUaa ri Ita iraak lins seople, who et id that i . ? i ih. meela] ralei ra commo?ilea caaaot be ad : - PhUadetpkla, Au.-, lt (Special)?Li Rall read BBgtMOrS rue MrsefUMJ it r.piro fer a lunn, h t.. ex. lend the Mad from LaaadoWM ?? Pt ??,'. jls.t)' fot.r ii iii s. t.p trip a peach disirmt. Tba Bal Havre and oula I* prajaettng a Rae u* ita coal retlaaa a:?p>'n. Ralealewm. p* nu. CLOSING PRICES OF OAUfOKBU STOCKS. ban 1 ru'iiisco, a,ic. !?*. 1**** Ye*t*rda-.T,i-d.iy. festal?ir Te i?f Sits. i.l J l..ii) Saralo.. 1 ._"? linlwer.Od Sir. o.A'H ''* hettA Halehar 3 70 g?0 l',.to?i.. BM I 'i BtM'.iBtion. l.?0 1 __ Savaae. S.M .?0 Choliar. ... Ol, SSS "Sierra Neva,!*. IkOS Ml Con cn* v?. Kt-.-."-, poo Balee Caa.Its) _ o'rown I'oint... :(4u S.80 Utah... LSI UM aou'ai A 1'urrr. I.HO s.,i fuMwiaakas, Ai^ I tl hair a Hot ... 4.7.V so*) Dread . I.W Ire M*-ieaD. jin .i". Nevadai_u___ .... 4as Mubo.70 '.'j | Why Don't i i maa irv* karaaparitia m von have trr.pu? wood. have i"*i year ii|i|h?_ii.>, have ital Riei feeling rn ate iraabiad bv si.k head? rbi i MUbubbsosI llh** si remgl?bed srsariere for Nwaaaa-li ri riMsssI pe->**? **** If niven a lair til* .,,:?? a _v?A. - I have iH'i'ti troubled a i-r* itt d''*! ?lth he_.ll' tie, had nu apiiilite, nu aliin^ili, and fell a* mean a* any eiB ?OUld, and lm about my w,prW. Mu*'*) laking ll *ed* harsapariils I have nut had (he li* ailii'l ie. my lari **? Ntlatad, sad MBeari ls Ss BS BjseS, ?''? - ?,?',, ?**? *n'* ??'lt Kr,p?)nr: StfaOgSf tVOWJ I lg " ML ?*? BSBUttlhere 10 Quat ST!. l-iaipd Rag-da Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla aolet er all (lruiiiti-te-, Si I *ix for et. Ir?is*i?ired *Mly hg C. 1. iltPi'U A CO., ?:*, Lowtll, Biak 100 Doses One Dollar