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Laragon beats sir dixon. THB OMNIBUS GOES TO MB. CASSATT. "AMA-UKO PAILUKB OP THE gta.000 COLT SEVEN FAVORITES DEFEATED. Tbe Inexhaustible nneertalnttea and tha grotesque aeoldenta of racing were remarkably Illustrated yes? terday In tbe Omnibus Stake, at Monmouth Park Ur. Cassatt's Taragon has started many times this year In all sorts of company- l*P to yesterday he had succeeded In winning only once, an extremely poor race In tha mud against Taite Doe. It ts true tbat with heavy allowance* In weight be bsd suc? ceeded In getting second place In various contests, but his true class was well detormlned In hts race, only a few days ago, when that little blt of a thoroughbred Badge, carr.lng 120 pounds to Taragon's lia, beat him In a common canter. When Taragon wa* worked for the Omnibus he pulled up so atilt and sore and so lame that his trainer, John Huggins, despaired of his rhanees in that race. If Mr. Cassatt, his owner, bad not come lo tha course yesterday. Taragon would have been withdrawn, as Mr. Huggins thoueht him In such a condition that he had little claim to Hist, second, or third place; but Mr Cassatt said that the colt might a? well run. The result was that Taragon won a stake worth fCO.tXM), with tba favorite, Slr Dixon, in sec? ond place. Ii is hard to explain such things a* this, and yet the effort must be made. Michael Dwyer esme down from Saratoga with Slr Dixon, and thpupht, as every man at Long Branch who knows the primer of the turf thought, that, taking Into account the Baxter st quality of hts opponents, Slr Dixon would win in a canter. Mr. Dwyer backed his colt with confidence snd spirit, and he ran Bella II. also, with fhe Intenilon of getting first money with Sir Dixon and second with Bella B., and for that purpose Murphy was engaged t<> ride the tilly, as Mr. Baldwin, with all his usual caution, bad witbdrswn Los Angeles from tba Omni? bus. Yet, as the running of tbe race proved, If I/is Angeles hail gone to the post In anything like fair condition, she would have won lt with the greaten ea*e Imaginable. But Mr. Baldwin was never a true sportsman. The Idea of putting up I?0.'i0 for the start? ing money of Los Angeles made him turn pale with irighi. because he believed Slr Dixon had an absolute linty of the big p 'r.e. and yet he would have been betttag practically only gBSO against abont SCO.OOO? pretty fair odds In their way?and would have car? ried off llrst money : for Slr Dixon, by some Inscrut? able dispensation of tbe evil deities that watch over tbe turf, could not run a blt. DETAILS OP THE OMNIBUS. Many of tbe heavy operators among the bookmakers held Slr Dixon out and would not bet a dollar against bim. Some of the others gave only 2 to 5 against bim, while a few daring adventurers offered as much a*- 3 to 5. but would not take any large amounts at ; sat The race was mn In a fantastic ami Ul*ri c way. the first half mlle being covered In the wretchedly slow lime of br. seconds. Defence rjulckly took the lead and showed the way ft>r more than a Taragon running second and Slr Dixon and pella B. walting behind sib* by side. If it had been ed thal then was the least danger of Slr Dixon's | to win, pella B. might have been used to help v setting a fa.-t pace from the fall of tbe flag. * I Dixon's success was deemed an absolute certainty tbe plan was to capture second money with P-Ila P., and therefore she wailed alongside of the colt. When Defence gave up the come "?he ls a short dis:anre cit and can never go a mile and a half In any company?Taratan moved up to the front. Mclaughlin gave Slr D xon hts head at the lower turn, ? -hp- Dwyer ro\t did not respond. At the finking i ? McLaughlin was whip and spur freely, Int Taragon still remained in (rent After rdlng, ipurrtng and whipping sir Dixon for ball a furlong. McLaughlin gave up Ita ODateal a* hon-li-ss and took the coll ii band. Taragon, altin ugb nur-<*d with marsreUous delicacy and skill by Hayward, wn* getting ennngi) of it loo yards from the finish, tiring badly. McLaughlin set sir D .xon going again, and If tke race pa'l been a hundred yanls further Taragon va* such an utter wrerk from exhaustion tbat the tn ?ii'* niu-t havo won. Put Hayward rallied all Taragon'! expiring forres, and Just got him over tbe 1 ne a length before Btr Dixon It wa- a cori: al ra*e in many ways. The winner was covered with a thick lathci. was so weary and vern fbat be eonld banllv pur one foot before rh,* other, and crawled n> tim paddock with bis brad down, :? i :? tr-mhl ng and bis whole frame quaking and ring wnh exhaustion. Hut sir Dixon, the : 1 '. s,-. fought with McLaughlin for his bo?!. pr eked his *a- and looked -'as lr*?h as paint," as lt seeascd as if -dr Dixon, in spite ed ti.e conti races ihat he bas run, bas the fat: te I ol . ami is without stubbornness or courage, for fie-)) and Vigorous airer the race tbat be ? ra have mad' a belter finish with laragon, aral I ought to have caught ia tired ami exhausted a hruso The On:r:! u* o' 1888, rich and Important stake __ || 1*. must be considered a wretched Boko. A great three-year-old s:,-,;,,- ,. rarely woe by --o poor a ra*-, baree as Taragon, In so poor time?2:41. The re-rit rosen bi ? -^ LoriUard **-_.kes a few yean ago, which Ike Dwyers, by a series of lucky accidents, raptured with Ecuador, one of lae whim horse* tbat ever stood on four legs la any decent company, and one that ake even a lueeet fnl idling piatoi ifterward Taragon belongs ts. lie cannot win a really good idling plato In fast company, li*- ? lld i ot mata er. lie i- hardly likely ro ?. in a ileh ..'ak" a. v ? a: that Slr Dixon, the tenons K0.000 who e long series of revers-1* on thc turf this summer has no-.-, made bim sud resigned at ai wai cheerful ar:d good f his heavy i :*, lo backing Ibo i ii , a,n the big stakes Ile i u r o ) anl sm le Hft'-i tl." lace l!.a, ll tva.- lm i te * ?!! anything about racing, No man, tit. ma'ter hls aasoclati tl thg turf, could ct a line on horse*. Ile ami his b:oi!e: had both supposed thal Blr Dl.\on was a s'ire winner e?f rhe Omnibus Be hardly knew what be could lay to lu* brother when be went back tn Saratoga tn explanation ol Bli DU Perhapi if might be tl. arorl - i Dixon at a md s j doa ri to Long Branch, ? ry deep In mud a: j. rend ? mill and .-. hall In lbs deep mud In _ 7 only, bul ll wa. possible th*t any running al ill in mud io deep might have taken away hi. T certi ? : ? ? le theory, 1 * - ? tta i" ? not rd s;, ed and coul 1 jp.tei get up to Tari ? in a fa.r i.tin? With , ? r\ tss mule would '??< by no means certain "f ; _? homo li:^ . expert turfmen ipoke il the feel Cn Slr Dlxoa had nol sad a raes sine.. i.o won r ;.<? Travers e needed at lea- om- good, bap! contest to Bl kim to run a mlle and a half foi tta "ni..bus. There is Boreel klug in both tbeo , . no doutt. Ne one i*-.)' an In? sane Imbecile coull lappoie foe a moment I sri - l* son'i rru* lorm. tbe colt that has shown Ita sneed which im bas shewn in tbs na?t. te*ten badly rn 3:41 aa a nacl: .**> fa., thai fitzroy voa 'he Brat iaee in i ;*_ 1*21 lt Ml Dlxoa ami Taragon ai- both in Ike I bolce Stakes al I mil" and a half on Tined bj TkB .s a neb stake for Ihree-year-okli thong] a* valuable es (be Omnibus. Tar ? ron will ron tn that 113 ??, ami sir Dixon at US y Bow, ll both oases io tia- i*.st, let us see any turfman, who knows a ttartreghbred Lcm a dead being boiled out tor fertilisers ar Barren :. bold enough '*' b.vk _aiag*.i against Slr Dixon then. A BXEAT cr.owi. WITH EMPTT pockets The grieadance wa* I an monee, ne giami stand, ibe club nous' balcony. ai.<i ali tta spaees around ii"-* building! being crowded. Bul it wa* a sen and lulenin crowd Indeed, for tbe taaaosu track became a slaughterhouse, la whirl i>,. public, v.) always |.;.s favurttes, wa- i.-.a le?*iy by ti.e bookSBakera AtueBe ??* ai even money In Ike Sra! tare, and aas a poor seeesri le Pi:zi*r. ihiltn won Um two ,p.u race, but :h*-n piillcs Minke M' ea itiuta aad al! ita backers went down in Miloo aid torment, while tba book siakei-s Beurished and giew lat. Everybody bactad Sir Dixon. .**o one in blt- right n.ind venturi il to hm k laragon. Of course there wan Mime dreamers of dreams, Imagine:* of vain thing-, babbler! of hidden mystcjles, saBotOU from wild hallucination*., who were reckleis enough la put a little* money on a colt that bad been beaten again and a_taln by all rhe prom? inent Iksaa ytiar nkll against a colt that has always been rankerf with Empoi-or of Norfolk and Kacelat.d iii the first lhasa of "ne leading horses of his ano. and whom the Dwyers were bold enough u> send against The Bard when that great her*- was at SB best lint of eouis. s. me ' ne Will al*av*, be found lo b,nk in] koree against am "ther if 'be lest lacohvrse ?hat ihe world ever ?-? could be by any posaibllitr matched nexi week against thc mani that wa* ever foaled, tome people would be sine le back tbe sereu ag????>! ihe *: amnion. __ _ ,, After the defeat* of Aurelia and slr Dixon, loll*.*ed In gloom-, succession tbe failures eif oririaiume. George Oyster, Ban Yan au*', Westmoreland. Ugeel eitel i i> sat came wltkoui a break of light or a ?U<-f bel It waa a day that lilic*_ the i,ovk' ts ol thc bookmaker. | until they wore bursting with big blUs. and left the I. *_L_p_-b-*0 ?C'*'S<,*1-* enough money to ge* their din? ners with. They all had return tickets, which wa* fortunate, as there 1* no canal from Monmouth I'ark to waihi consequently no tow-path for easy HOW THB FAVORITES WF.RH DEFEATED. Garrison was off at a prize fight on Friday night and lost all his sleep, and was capture! by the police early yesterday morning. He wm released In time to net to Long Branch for the racing, but tbe loss o' sleep ami bl* severe experience with tlie police force seemed to affect his skill. The contrast between bis riding ot Aurells snd his magnificent management of Belvidere on Thurs dsy wss portentous. Perhaps Aurelia could not have beaten Fltiroy, no matter how well she was ridden, but the fact remains tbat while Garrison on Belvidere fought every stride In the last half mlle, riding like a demon, getting more out of bli horse than any other rider could do, on Aurelia yesterday hs was satisfied with one little dab at Fltrroy, with a touch of the whip and the spur, gave up the contest a long way from the finish, and carlten.-" himself wtth pulling Aurelia back to Flageoietta and simply winning second money In a canter. Fitzroy ts an erratic sort of beast and ran rarely be trusted. He had only won ona rare before this year, and that, like bis yesterday's vic? tory, wss won by many lengths. He either wini " 'way off,*' as the saying ls, or does not win at all. Mr. Withers had two bad bits of sad luck. His fine and fast filly, Minion, while out at exercise with ?salisbury in the morning, ran Into tbe fence, and waa .o bailly Injured that Mr. Withers thought last even? ing she would dla. This ts a severe loss to him. for the filly was not only a winner and a proml-lng youngster, but with her breeding, speed and shape would have made an excellent brood mare. Ills second piece ol ill fortuno was ihe clumsy and foolish riding of LlttleOld on bis lom Ochiltree-Dawdle In the rich Criterion Stakes. Captain Brown's pair, tba Invercauld colt ami Senorita, wore tho favorites, Wtth tue Dawdle rolf next In the belting. The Dawdle colt waa leading at the head of the bomeatretcb and at tho furlong post, and If I.ittlefleld could hs*-*) ?iummohid to his aid strength ami skill as a finisher Mr. Withers would have captured tho Criterion But ta could not do the colt Justice, beln?- too feeble and toe much all abroad In the saddle" In a hard-fought finish, lt waa a wonderfully clo? thing to the end, lui*aver, between half a doaea , io eloae Uiat the spectators woe wholly uncertain as ta which of tbe youngster* wa*, ldrst, second, third, fourth, fifth or ilxth. Tho judges, however, di citied that Captain Brown's Senorita, who rame with a gi eat rush at tba ti nish, won by a short bead, With r'.rl*-, beautifully ridel' n by Hayward, seoond, a ibort head before lim Dawdle colt, and Hansom, with Garrison up. the Invercauld colt and Flo: cut lue were re dose up that theta were only heads bel ween them anil ihe Blared bursts. It was one of thc closest and most doubtful finishes ever icen In this or anv other country. The best horses, at the weigal', however. no doubt won, as Senorita got a bad siam, moved off slowly tyid was not really In ber stride until the tield was almost a dozen lengths away hom her Sta rame with tremendous speed in Ike la-si furlong r*he ls a handsome chest nut filly by Prince i harlie ont of Gondola, ar.d showed such sji-.-d in this race that ihe will be bearii from again, and Brie's second plaee wai due solely to Hayward's superb riding Bo other Jockey In America could have hamUM this colt wirh s<j much delicacy, finish and polish, out of him every- ounce there was in bim, and Just snatching the place frotu the Dawdle colt by superior loi-rtnaiiSkip. OTHER FP.ATPRES OP THE SPOUT. The de-eat of sir Dixon by Taragon ba* been fully described, but a word more of pralaB should be given to Hayward for the marvellous manner In which he nursed sn utterly exhausted colt home. A Jockey of less patience and refinement in handling a horse would have beaten Taragon a hundred yardi fnim the finish by forcing him too severely and calling on bim with too much energy. The winning of so fine a slake with 60 bad a colt, and erne so completely ex? hausted, ls among the nm'" Impressive feats eif Jock eyshlp that any racing man ever saw. The Mel? bourne) Stable sent Tbe Lion down from Saratoga te have a try at the Omnibus, but ho ls of no account whatever and never had a chance. This ls true al?o of Mr. Haem's longitude, who was ridden by Ham!! ton. Good a Jockey as Hamilton ls, he could do rn thing with ttils beast,. Uypocnte was ?t wholly different Plly yesterdaj from the lilly of a few days ago, who waa beaten easily by Specialty and Benedictine. Bbc ran a wonderfully fine race, anil won easily, with len Booker second and Ortflamme, rhe treat favorite, third. Orlflamn-e ,pd not run up to his la-*t week'* form. Hypocrite a tai ndelen by Barnes, who also rode -? rita This colored led li getting enthusiastic prar?e? from horsemen on all s'tle, and is really showing exceptional -till fa rhe saddle. All experienced turf? men are agreed thai hs is tho besi light weight in America lo-dar, ami aoj one of tbe great stables would be giaii to get ulm. But ii. i u, i <;:. who bought St rt (leeway yesterday for ...'p.i io bi a con tia>-i with Barnes, which nen year, snd although the ii..>?!*. Mr. Baggln aiiu evcrj other big would like to secure barnes'! services, I ba- tbe ftrsi call on him. Bartel ihowi conspicuous promptness in getting od areli, tbe eoolesl ol the nu e-t ol JwlgoM nt ll . . Ht) to e-.un.atc pace, I lone a: Iho I The moat comical of rumors gui around the traci ra ? lt wi . ? ? ?. ai ' !?-?!; Ii. MolTl. . a* BO .Hil:. . UVCI io King Idle iiii*.' bi sta laldwell, in ...i<* face. To any one who I ? ii the idea ls lufitcleut tu count the wilde**! * iialw.-i! I* | man ol prodigious musculai divng'li, a rom whom nu ol.xcepi .1 champion ? would 1 rei vent ui ?? to Bassall a ? ano tireen Muns li an old. bent, thin, weak man, ol ilo.i and feeble gait, with a low, pl ilco, ? . ng manuer. lt ls true thal M* irl* ,' v Indignant over the stan arel complained lo Mi. ? -. dui be said nothing to Mr, t-aldwoll. Ouly lt ran, and George Oyster, ridden by McLaughlin, ?,, . . . lie. w n h King lille, 1 Idd _ strong see ond choice, lt a ss a bi King Idle, bul li v.a- Garrtson'i fault, ii a ht prize lighters, am! iii*- little 1 ?i ng ".iii ii.e .New im k police loree, had away ail his ih '.I lo th ? day. Ile c vii.:, me other three, bul be was trying to make up for his l"-: night'd sleep In the saddle at ti" start. ? ut lt rs go aa ,i> w lui" 1. ? v.._- tl Mr. Munn ought lo have complained ol bis 1?k-_.?j rather can the .(acter, who tried to give King Idle .1 t linne. Man. a rank outsider, thc lo?'e_l in tuc tuning, won easily, with King Mle second. ll mo!,* noa a- 1 Mr. belmont mane de worst bahgain of his life when he pad #lo.r>.? foi George Oyster. The rheumatism which afflicted this roll ntcr must hat ?'truck In his brain and bli heart a- I* loses ail 'm- ri -es which he is exp"cti*d to win, 1 malter whether rn* Jockey is good 1 1 11.*! neal u- iel ??? t? In ihe _? liing 1 1 time the Crack lightweight Jock'"- rouM pp .iv g 1 lei :h he rode tte 1 ism Iii*. Bal ? in, roll. ' '?? fasi home lloa land, rid li Hatul-ton. winning somewhat cm ly. Malaria isrervcd bully ir. The Bte**p]echaa' rins abo at' upset Charl ? and Weat morel .Jid can led the money, fell, willi"' V. ? tm.rn land could gel only Ihlnl place Coldstream and Sam Drown also f-ll. Ifevlnij the of ham Brown, w** stunned and bli 1 -as broken. Jim SdcOoi an did nor sulk ai usual, and won easily, Schoolmaster .-??? '.ntl and Weatmore land third DETAILS OF THE RACING MUST BAC1 nAKDICAP BWKEPsTAKES. gSO l.v*.:: ?>. OOO -DDED. ONE MIL1 ri rc rv'.:!i":s'- h. c. 1 by B tta, I vi-*. 108 B. ? ? r 1; ii ir. n-- rh, r Aurelia -*. 120 . il, r. ria " ? ? .. ion ? 1 s v. -? ...??? ,-n n. Lucy ll ... loo. . I'.,,.,.-?) o 1, \v Htreet'a eh. e. NI ar-* ra, 4. ll". ? ll A KC." ' b. B .Pl..'!. Tin.' -1 42 1 'J pp,si odd* Te a I, Aurelia even, Fit/mv 7 ?<> 2. .... 1 Niagara b to 1. Plai - ? ? 1. Lucy ll, Ai' te. l. I'lae* -Fltir >y ? 1 ct, Aai j., - 1 ?, ? rtart BietuBond gat ag slightly li I bat he uar" very ?? and guiekly dropped te th" r-ir. r l.-i-e he rein-iined throftgboul th* 'arney, r.:iif_ hi* .. M1 nneaalneM Flageoietta'toob Ita lead on th* ? um witt, Pltsrey speand, sad thew two, grasring sway fn-m their spponeuM, had 'he raes le them*- ? leren farlangs, Flageoietta then had saaagh sad car.' s rho made ? laugtabls sttempt I leroy. The latn-r eaialBg sa und*: an eaay pall, ?,?;? efl "? by Bs lengtiis. Asmua I .. I latta 1 length and tie other- nearly 1 ri meei th al 1 , , t.\ CB-TERIOB STAKES, TWO -V I.vf. OLH --. ? BACH, SL?-*J ADDED. SIX Pill LOKQ8. <s s Brawn'! br. f. Senorita, by Charll" *.? vi- -.. IQS ::,....(flam - I", lyirlliard. jr-:-, h. e. Erle 11 ? - ? . ;k??'??: s -' ', ,, ??. tha? - Di * :.. ? >lt 108 . - (Lil tit : 3 n ?* Brown - 108 ... (Tai 1 u Ha nt in's rh. e. Fiereotln, I0S . . (Hi 1 11 i:-i.".'n -s ?!.. e. [Uaao-B, 120 . . in stabl s 1, . [Utter?*, I0S . ' ? I 1 V.elip.aaid. |>. c. lilli Hani,*, '.or*. V: , , -?? :. il'. . . . ( i 1 Baldwin'* u f. vlente, 105 (ear. i* " 1--' (Armstrong) 0 T!nie-1 :18 l_. !? ? i* : Tn a i'. Inver* au t S I ? _ I _" ra 1. Dawdle eali .*. ta 1, H_n*oin .'. ta 1. Klu'entm n to I, lid** "ii ti I" 1. Bill lt.rr., s 12 la 1. l.rlc 1 V'len? '.'. I liiii" Hock 30 le I. Plaee?S< Thai bi >ta iway three times ?.,, f .i<- tba rug fell ia * *? n in tu - !? ad. Rai Bill Hames ttiird ind senor.ta. Dat. Il.irn, * leah his n?ui,t In lund, and MOBM-d In an h'irrT alKiiit getai Bp in the li.v_.-ra. fill il:, ri ? * fat In fiaal a: rle ind l"d te th* q tarter, *hcre In- wns p.?-e 1 l,v Beek md 'he Hand!" et,lt. K_ss,,n dropping back C, fpiiiriii glBCI In (he boin* stn tri, the Iiawdl" salt a ?? saumai anl laetad Uta winning. nm half a Sereu *?ornr 'hal'erifes were nial", and be(BN NOehtBg the fur lone yat* I.ltilefleld lost bl* held. and ptlklag ap bis whip, got hi* mount Into dlfnctil\"?. from which hi* ?mall skill could not extricate him. Tiie |B rai BB Bid n.ireittlT). and Krl* gm on evn t/-?n* wnh the "lil blank." and for a time it wa* IBJ hadj's rice Hame* went verv wide coming Int', tie Mn Mb Bad brought Beaeriti up aa tta ? rids arith a riser tr*r_t In front and a yellow demon aa le r Lack the tl,ly Barep tit.mewarl _,ith electrifying IpOad, ."Ming Bp In UM nude, and l,v _ now. Th" Neall was in diubt until the number* went aloft. Brie, who wa* ; vend, beat th.- Dawdle call a Sheri lead. WhU. Invercauld MM and Plnrentln wer* only head* back, (laoymede. Tlhtlatt, Ci illly and Sorrento were withdrawn. | THIP.D BACX-OMBIBVg Bl vee** Tlir.P.c *. i IB OLDS gggg BAGS, .10.000 ADDBD. I I I Mlld-h A. J. C??*att'* ih. c. TM Bgaa, by Stratford-. fn, IIB Th (car. Ill.(Hayward) 1 Pwyer nrothers' hr. c. Slr Dixon. 12,"i . tM* I-i"'.' Dwyer Drotbara* b f Bella lt. 120 (Murphy) H 'I J..' : I ? i. field 0 Mel boa rae Mailes eh. e. The Mon, 109 . iBameal e* J.H. Baggln's b. a Lonrltade, * . (HatnltUM 0 Tost odd*: To wln-slr D;x,,n 2 to 5. Ta?.on .1 to 1. The pion | t?, l Balla lt. 1" ii l. 2<> to l. Longitude no to i. Plaaa?Taragan 3 io .*.. sir Dlxoa none. Ta rs eon led for a quarter mlle and wa* pas*ed by Defence, who wa* to full of running that his titler SBUM not hold him back. Ito remained In fro ir until the head of the homestretch wa* reached. Taragon running MBBBd and Fir Dtn_S_ and Belia n. alt-riiarine In third place, Brat one taking it, then the nth?r Neither McLaughlin nor Murphy appeared to knew What M do. When they had ?uared away f..r h nu end settled down fo the final brief struggle, Defence dropped out (ind Slr Dixon set sall for Taragon, followed by Bells B., with whom Murphy expected to win second place. Th* favori'e seemed to hang and Mclaughlin, after shaking him up with the bridle, drew hi* whip and began to p'inih him severely. lt wss not -mill he pa??d the hu lang P?t that he could get aim extended. Then Sir DI ion *an.e with all hi* speed, but It wa* (oo Iste. He could never reach Taragon, who won by a length, the (sveriM a head before Bella B. Ls r. timon t md Les Angeles did not start FOURTH RACE-nANDICAP SWF.KPSTAKr.S. *3"i F.Acn. Annr.p. i 1 . milt ". W. 0. Scully** br. f. Ilvpac-lrs. I Ilyp-'t-*, 8 rra, 106 IB. (liam*?) 1 T. N'* b. g. Ten Booker. 0, 93 (car. ".'7 1 - A. nelmoni'* gr. e. Orlflamme, |. HO . (XiItUcRald) X J. I) Morriaaar'a t>. m. Kaloolah, n, 109 . fTBTler) 0 It MradleV* b. g. LB Locos, f). 10.1 . (t?0 l-l Preri|:ne*? ..table's p. c. fiddler, :t, 100 . . (Hall) 0 Tin? 2:10 PP Po?t odd*: To win?eiHtlsnun* f, to B, Fa!*.o'a>> 3 to 1. HrpoerltS 7 to 8, Ten n"0ker h to 1. Le Poe"* 10 tn |, Fiddler 15 to 1. Pla. o-^llTpocrlie evan. Ten Booker 8 t., 1 Orlflamme lapped by Ten Booker snd Kilo, lah madn fhe turning for a mlle and wa* pi*"*-! by Hypocrite, ti ho afrer waiting patiently for the otho-* to run them iclve* tn a _'and?t!:. strol* ovr rhem and won ns ?he I leased bs- twa laagthA Ten licker a neck hafen " 1 .Va,.- hagan hi* run i-iiMr-ly toe -una. Ill culdn't rall a* linnie, d.l. tut purni"! R out taters e*iie raaetad the boom streich Tao Mei Park Racing ISMtlstliB aoght to MtabUsh a Kheri for lackeys with Barnes M |,e " ?,',.-, n* ,.??: I ? _ like Tit! ,r. I.r ledi ld. Anderson, A-nn'roi?. Gonda! e and a do?n ethers a great many thing* B0VBT dreamed nt In their phrioaonh? Bf r.din.-. F1PTH BAC1 Mil; IGE *-i \i: S, WKLTEB II ANDI CAP. 1-30 EACH, gOOO ADDED. BIB PC ULONG. S. w. Street' ? tk. g. Mareo_t,by Mae u itte, 4 vt'.. Ul B.(Aii."r?on) 1 i- B Morris-- br. r Kine Ide. g tgj n) '2 A. Belmont's b. e. Georg.* Oys'er, 3, 1-. McLaughlin) ?'? N. w. t W. ll. Penlmore'i h. h. Leather * ag-d. 109.lArni-trongi 0 Tlnm-1 :14 lt I' M odd*: To sri .- lyster 0 to 10. Klnr Idll R '.pp :". Leather Bl pekina :i to l. Maroon lo to 1. Puci? Bu i. Blag il-." l m _!? Oarrlaaa trie-d to mah through tnta the r?..r. gain a running bad, hold lt all tho uar. and win hands down. Starter Caldwell mw hie, taming, ?w him .',"1 fr de word, and grouped the flag. As he did so King Idle swerved slightly, ar.d Garrison. peUlBg up Just, enough ro *teady him, found himself fuur lengths behiad bli three opponents ns rhev biota aw?T. MaroOB ln.r.."d!s'' ly Mah 'ii- track, ani keeping ii ill the wit, won br a leasth. Garrison rad" as ir ill Um I haring him, and succeeded in beating Qeerga Oyster fer the place by half a length. Brees Morris tore bia bl th" bad start, and lt wa- arel tl ittarter Mreteb that he tore Sir. Caldwell'i ai-o. but : Kart I indignantly d?l"d, vowing that he ha'l not seen Mr. Morrl* in two y> ar*. It wa* adi further reported that, (latrl-^n bet H.o<X> on Georgs Oyster, hut tho '? Snapp":*1 did not ride a* If Oyster Milled his moaej. sixth rai i -purse eeoo. belling, beveb PUBLONGB. G. Forbes's bi h Rowland, by B-iannen-P.tgHn, 6 yra. (Hsmllton 1 VV. 0 ScullVr ch. e Ban Van, 4. US .Barn-*. '_! }.. I I., . : -1 Sfed 97 ? JV Vf. bl et** eh. * T. tV. ll I' I ? I). I-ld. , :, * i, ;. I ??? : ; ? (ABd -'a., D ? 1 - l',,?. rd-1-: T,, vtln- lim Van 2 fo 1, Malaria I *" ' Row Is ii l :, rn 1. Pi to 1, Luminary Cl ', 16 tj 1. Pl ' .;?'?'.. It I- paaalble tha*. Banes held bli theta this tine an 1 walu I Mo I **a.s In frant a*, UM ' rervid across Um _, nraa, cannon. ?? I thar, however, and ha wen, riddat M auaea, by batt a length. Ban Yjp ,..-.," tu eg al Um Balah, but rai..', ta ???' Bp ad am' third - foi the it Inner. SKVI.XTB RACE-HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE PUBS! - ' ' PULL COU1 w. <-. Dsijs i, h. J,m McGowan, by Ila I Hemp . s br. | School." .ter, seed. 130 (M. Inly) 2 Stanley Mor?fl_ci*e ch. h. Westmoreland, *_? >'? I Ken-f*s b. g. I- ri'an. Sged, IBS I-f. Rei A. T. M ?'! ri'* b. g. A ? ? ; 13 orne) H. . ci;, r Coldstream, 4, ISO Cooney) ? J. P. Daw ct g. i vv. c. Da!*"* b. h. Barn Brown, sged, PJ7 . . (Nevi ??__ a a ai. ?Pell. a: a. T.'Bam nrt,"i-n. C..;ds-?.-.m sn'. Ch -"r-.zg-n* tall, tn ' Injury. Nevil e wa* broken and he wa* hurt iir?nal !y. .? ? iud ault. J then Balah* . -s after hi* acct: iliuu "i Wes ?. SURPRISED /?'_? di: is ETTI-;. AN DTSET IN i ':: * SGBESS EAI___, TIIF. CALIPOBBIA MABI SBOWfl HPR Iir.PT.S TO WAST ABD LITTLE MIN* ll AT SVPATOC.a. (ar i_:li..,iia.-.i ip j nu raimrea.] gara tegs, An*. IB Bp* si -Tha weaUMi being d? ..'. \'\e Tenn* - rsa nore :h'.n rh-- usual Saturdiy crowd st I ? - sch la tact ll wsi -: track was in much na iras led 1 peet. Bl d a rai" bo! ' an e,]\ chief al - Il ike* lo >ke 1 fer th mt *i intel - ,r. ir Little Mlnch was to I,?? i ?:,?* one tt, da th" ?-! ea elis : taken by a f. ?? , t faith in I Min'-h post bat 1 ? ? r.iv.iT .v-ll and then ran ???? lion* bi*. ? bel ai cn tha mares ri.a' ? tim feeling ran high. . I , ,. ap s Bamber, ind an an_-ry crowd ??..? i an 1 Sb I Ut i f, an! one pers,,tl became so sborivc that he wa* i * I wss rn, doubt la regard - te non tty an. open lei rth, ind thia only * I a 1 !?.-! larrre ap ,n Wary betting I Mlnch. Ii win be remembere. I u et wea bi straight Tiie Tenn'' i pening rsce ind fal i One cootel .1 iiiatiio, i.: ?re dtaappolDttneai to the Cai idl n party. They expeeted Pee Wee] I ?? beat M"'it rose, but ito I which n by i ??? sn oula ! ..- Bohemlaa a waa ae I In the ra. e throughout, snd th - T. fr,un the lash, and ll waa finally r* laced rn a match I Vina Tum and Bo] ?* p, r , ..?: foi ?lie llagglB Blly. The ste . ? ?,, ?-:th ?'??:??? (sr b thin i -ti" i Inner, i hs FIRST RACE?TENNESSEE STARES. 1"!'. TWO rRAR-OLDB, _2o EACH, 9700 ADDED. BIZ PUBLOBG& " t. Gypsy Queen, by Ravon d'Or Ltatti - ! ? .(Marlin) 1 Ca?tie btable*? li ? Diablo, i:* . . . . Taral] S ness, 107 (W.he iui l"7 ll- -"ii I in. i nine In Tn lnj, ( Ho. an t ' roi! 101, ala UK - - i " - |inj a ., 4 Lioness, ? ,'t" Ct,na* te-Taw, bo Jobi ia ill Place _ ta l on Gypsy Qaeen. .', io 4 pb Diable gSS Gy , I 123, Llonese Si*'. Brid a| ? M * HS Tn *;- ? ? -1 K, yo * -? o?.1?r wl'h Plnhlo ? ? ? rite sf , ? Ii- i" Diablo l.v 1 with The L SECOND AP RWEEP8TASE& t_<) : : ,i., *. Pariel 1 Brea.' b, 1 Montrose, 4 ir-, hr Duke of Monl bb-I'i llb 1 Lea Is 1 J. P ll'ic Mi - I, I- 1"*) (Wine I ? Vf. !!? 1 in s n f, :?, Maitinj :i f io ?.. .", ! A'eep, .% to .'" to 1 11 I '.*:ai' n I g Hi 1 ,. ? , i ]'. ' I- IN 0 VV,- ,, - , t_0, ? ?? 11 '.' Gallatln wenl nfl vi'h the 1. *!*h Pt- Weep second ?1 ? 1 ? i. 1 -1 url set the ps two lei . I. with Cs :n ;hi* 1. mi ier an the nm lo lao ? ?? _i ot a n - I*... Weep ."in a he 1- al bet * Tllllin Ks' 1 COI .'! ILL BTAK1 S. Ali BACH. ?-'?*' ADDED III 1TB OP SIX PURLOBGB Sams latta BUhle* 1 I I Ort.?. 4. bj *.ie,,c|g. ,l.,i.i ISA. ' [WI tc- 1 1 T 11 bt" ? ??'- 1. f Wary, 4J__\r' Ktable'i b. h Little M 11,1 ? ' . ,iti?:,.|u :i .i I Ifl 1 ir. 1 . i: .[?I ' I en l.lni" Mu,, li, 1*1 ro .*? Vl'.irr. 7 to 1 ., M.n h. .', t,. 2 Wary. 3 I" I ?? ?. SlOf), Warr ?r." tirl-scue ?l_t. Wllh Mlii'l. ?"'\ - BIB. Aff r heat? Mlii'b l-'t-t. ncld SSS Mutual! al fl '?" '?'i4 SM 'JV rirst hea>?Little Mlnch wa* ugly is usual, ind whan . they finally got ava'- Wary wa* In front., and Mlnch second. A* th"-v run tlowri to tha half Gr'?tt.> rook the lead, a nep-k Infp.r* Warr. ?he a leng'h from Mlnch. (in the lower tara GrisetlC nushl nut half a leimth ahead af WaiTi and Mlnch droped Ihreo linglh* behind. On the stretch .? ? ,. | not orertah* 'ho other*, and \>i* palled Ult. TV li ..-"i V lw?n *he lauri's was (la e, and r Iii fav,.r ol * I--ire t,y _ f?w int lies. ?I beat?Wary was Um first awav. hm Grtaatte rii-li-l forward ind was .1 lencth In 'runt af Wary at. Ita 1.air. a,ni ihis leal -v: Increased to mn ie::_;ihs on 'i,c lawei lorn with H neb * leugih in thi r-ir. I K"at i, r lea.1, rt r-.l amid nt the prsa'c*! ".diemen! woo Iii" h" il.? p length* from Maty, who wa. 4 baa 1 le-f.pie Min, li. POtTBTB BA4 B-PUBBB S400. FOR THREE-YEAR. oi.d.-i. SPECIAL weights. OM; mi i.e.. J. B. llaggln'* ch. f. Tom Yum, by OnondagaWsr Over. 1*i:i ~ .(Winchell) 1 iBBiaaniy Brea1 h. f. r.o Pam, 103 . (.William* _ i. to 1 on Vum Yum. 7 to 1 attain*) Ito Peep. Pt-r-U?Taat Vum lita Bo Peep *__t Tia??l :4ft, Y'ini . bm tiip'k 'lie lead at thc ?tart and cantered home a d ,/,-n leagtka Irt front. PH TH BACE-HANDICAP _^B_BPLBCIIASB, pei:*:: ? 'OO. H. Tc* .<?!.?? ch. g. Chanticleer, by VIstor-Chlcksbtddr. a?.L lg] Th.(Pp!-. - 1 M. I !?,,?nlntr's ch. g Killarney aged, IBO i.iieini 2 P. Gonaaa s r>. ir. r.cechmore, aced. HO (McBride) 3 Will Darli 117. aul Zanz-isr 14'), also ran. !' 1 ic - Cv n Beech?ore, .*, le 9 Win Da vi*. 5 to 1 Killarney. 10 Chair nie-. 10 Zangbar. Plaea-I to I I* ir, c, ? . fi Killarney. ld ?lo. Mutual*-"!? 50. Tlme?I :_?.... - ii"\- r0o|; the lead wllh Chanticleer. Deechmore, Dav:- ind Zangh-.r !n the older 1,1 ii"d. and they ran In thi* way 'n the hurdle on th* stretch, where Chanticleer came sway aai heal Killaney :.,? 1 npth.s, wnh Beech. moni six lengths further off. BABATOOA EMTBIBi FOP. MONDAY. Ea?- ga, Aug. 18 fSgeclsl .-Following are the en'rlei fer .Monday: FIRST BA(-_-TWO-TBABeOZ-DB, FIVE furlongs. Name. Wt. Name. W'r. Laura -stone._ 107 ? neform-Msdge fl'.ly. 0. Monsoon . 10., I Queen Ha .tie. M Wa baa? . ? Ja Wo Tomi. '.p.-, ? 'iran bs . ?, Koastabout . ii", Jeiehel . 93 Dalai Woodruff. !*?". May Bf . ... SECOND BACE-TWO-TEAB-OLDB FIVE FVP_ LUNGS. Na tea, w*t Name. W't P*m?n . I*-. HJdlehead. 'aa Ljdv IM Virgil Coll. "J" I ? . I* J ii -a f,. Wu rd . 102 * lundler . '.'*i Palmer. I UUI. 'Jo Ton Karl:. __\ THIRD RACE-BEATEN HOUSES. SIX FCr.LONGS. W '. ? Nan.e. W'U i . ll'. Alta . UH ll , Glenn. UO vrathspey . 101 Lot dace . 100 ll_r-,.l-t,iirg . im - . 1 o i atoaby getting. 101 Caiiulln. Hi7 Tnmlsir.rciie . ?.?. Snick . |f)7 Skip . 84 Lili'it . 1"-, Itii-sing . 84 Toruade . ii pocbtb baob-onb milk and thrprsix tcpnths. Narre. Wt. Nama W't Le!** . IP. Vosburg . IPS Arga . 107 Joseph . ... M-2 li ? (hton . 107 Wynwood . 109 Letrlut . I'-. PIPTB BACE-BIX PURLONCB. Bama Wt Name. Aft. Hsrrv Cooper. 1 IK ? *_*lli_;tri . IOU P.ed Prince. li;; llace. BB Pd*.,ii" . 112 Mirth . !'l Bed? Kii.i ri. 107 MX! II RACE-ONE MILE AND THREE-SIX TEPNTHS. FIVF. HURDLES. Nam*. Wt. I Name. W't Voltigeur . lia Jim Murphy. 12J percy . I leer . IBS G<orge McCullough. 110 Nm Goodwin. 1'* ; ? . ito Evangelina . 120 Mentmore. . 184 r* ti.!. OP Mr.r, o i,. lok ill a RD'S hop.^t-**. Mrs. (.cor? L. LariUaid*! horses m training were sold tr Colonel Bruce ai the saddling paddock st Maaatoath v Hardey before tlie rm-es regan. Strldeaway, the pl. :c nf the lot a chestnut soil by Clonmore, out of Spinaway, cansed i'.v":v billing. '? -Snapp. r-' Garrlaaa wanted him; I Gi bb Monta bal il. Tuetar, a Western turfman, with whoM itaUa B ever light-weight jockey, is engaged, ge*, him foi t.:..C50. .S'rfdeawsv I* tn fine ii-, nu danit', win rid* him to rietory u his ia lt mea TtaM ari) tho prices fetched by others ,,.- :ta t ? Tourmaline, IL Lewi*. ir?n; rgiy Duck-lac, D. Mecoun, ff 27.".; tta Idalia celt. II. Lewi*, 81.300; Tre?een, a *,., ion, | i- -? lr!--, L. Martin, gi, 100; bsy filly, by Sensation, nat ol Memento, w. 0. Bcully, B-JOO, ches*. :-,n, sat of Beettar, W.O.beully, BS50; -. i Benaatioa, out or Leolda, .i"im Daly, - .i r SH Mia, W*. A. Clark. ."_7_; ScnsaMipn, out of O'-can Quean, Vf. 0. Scully, ?ISO. A ii.!scc;ir,ri*cu? lot w?re sold as followsr Bassoi ,. .'. lt. MeCreery ai.460; wm Ap*, j. h. m*". Creery, SXt; c>n?-a, j. H. MeCreery, t's2o, Mi'.eawan, A ' ?. . * -,-?. 'T IN* CENTRAL AND PROSPECT PARKS. T?. p .'- .?* w.-re p.rived ?'. Central Pj",. | day, on* between twa Mew-Torn dalia Um Cosmopolitans ai.i iii*-. New-Torka and 'he athel betwesa ths Amataur i rue, of New-Terk, and the Uuremt.nt Cricket 0 I New-. Jersey. In tie BrM match the Cosmopolitans de" atel their ad a scorn of td to ;|i), p. Vf. Gillett .nuking Um wirrir-* with 14 runs; BorlM, of Ihe ? na I" tiie largest serle* f__ ___ *..;.?, il run*. In th-* ether match, Claremont- won easily with. 5Q runs sgalnst IS for the Amateurs, not one of whpim mmaged to spero s -I "::.'o Maxfleit ____ Ilttt.-liln made lb anl 14 rani r *p?tl-*ty fal th? visitors. Tba ' ,.sv" 'he King* County Club ii ? Proapoct Park yi ? rday. _tlt ting the gm i i nins the Minhsttsni run sp IBS r I wwaeM, J <? Davis, 09 not tut; M. p.. bb, hit k lid tot M."ir runs, Mgl.ll.Il latl :. Who rr.'*-.- S blt ! >r leven. Th* Albion Cricket Club easily defeated tta n-ooklyn The gae rai wen Albion lil rana B >k fB '2_. Only one lnnlrAra, ; MABBSM AN'S DADGr. MATCH AT CRF.F.TIMOOR. Th* Ninth HlltlMSS'l Badge Mach wa* snot at,.,er yest*rd:.T. Tba WeathM was line, [!ght and Wind liclng enul Tbe ivmn'rs were a* follows: 2* * .V*) P.. C. Smith . . I. Maeaal?> . . S W. Merritt . . i.l;-:.. . . I. W. ' levelled . . i T. s Iter . . . li h turton . . ."rs : G. W. Hipdt . . ill . . . . *;. e. * ? -'.tV?. . a. L. Ely . - - I. > : ely W N. Lavlcr . . *'. L II I ni . W. 1. i i -- . . Co. \ Bug ,i I I l> li P. i 17 th i (. I-' ll II C r.e?. ia ia gg 12 - '21 : ? tl IU j , ?Ji 21 Total. 4*1 4', 4 2 41 41 41 lg -I . LADIES HATE \ LIVELT GAM.-: OF CRICKET. - Mema iiiMpnanl ri obIoi nie-ub."* ,*r rn,- Bm Criei;et Club, tnt ea* i - ?? captainship ri Mr* Benaan arl tba ether beaded by Ml? L. Shippen, , _ mat Ml** Bhippen'a sid- wan by a sear* ri HS M 107. " - C rk diattagalsbsd berrelf _ line 1 g hit fur three run* tn hor ?eore nf ?even. MlM Shippen nail" fottl hui* In good form. II. s- I Bes ey wss the umpire of tta gSaM. cnoQUP.T PLATERS OPP cor. N0BW10B. Pbiladalphla, An: IS Bp?isl).?A large delegat'.en of eraqoel p ?'. in aai their friend* left tho el'y tod iv '" *:t,-ni um BMetlag of the Nan,mal Croquet Association, at ih. Coon., on Toeaday Tha aetiva membei ' the i arv- _- ml , a a BUlbreogb, Joseph Adsmsoa si I Charlo* A. Greens.!:. Bf th'" Quaker City Club. The ekampianablp of the I'nlted brat.* will probibly be da? li g ^_ LACB088B OB BTATEN ISLAND. A*i taproa pta i " - - played v*?rordir en ? ? buten I-'.aiid Athletic club, nt W?* :i, t^twrc'i MBBM ' I ? ' ' IIP and tho Slat'n Athletic Cle'is. Tba '.vine resulted In an ea? tot tba Btatea i-^*t.! u im by a score of Ave t? ?ala -*> A TACHT CLT'IVS REGATTA po-sTPONED. The Baietarta ,.': Teekt Oub'l regatta for open eat r:?,'1 b SM ri ' aeveath clas*, uhlch wa* ro have j >d at Pert Morrl* y.'sterday. ha* b?i indefinitely p"st|iorie1. Til- ..pii.ta'????r vaned al! afterri"'ir_, but Dei ry gender*! yacht Ailee wa* me only b.,at to put in an appearance. The ti.. ? : ta ta that moat of the owners were away ob Ike ir IB BIMBI vacation. A LOADED DYSAMITL BOMB WOVBB IS EPFFALO. Buffalo, N. v., Ang l ? (Specie!).?What appears to be a genuine. d.i nambo bomb WM found by th" police ti>-<iay near Gerber! Lanfi brewery. Balam levailey, the powder tl":i!er, tni*l lt was it loedad bomb, and Police Buperinti nd ml lt ta the city ebeaiel dr examination. Tb" bomb l* made of gis-pip.", ila I long an.l w-ell put together. There are An Ita portion af th" ruy where it w? found. and pia- theory is that some td Ita mon* rvllc.l af tho rceentlg defeated in ttn-tr may nai*' contemplated revenge. When tta i is i'i pr (gi*?- ti1" ' nf ih ? iirlkrn were spposfld tn tta A nar biri doctrines advanced by i few uf'thern. DENTIN'S CERTAIN CURE For Rbruniatism and (_out frriiilii, flata aai Bpeedy, wbriher Arnte, -uh-t-me or I hronle The cure aSkiMU Ita BMMl evtr.iordlnary power* tn rellev Inr in b faa I*.- t pulua walch have cuawed nd ai i draaglaas, or win ho - ' '? ' 1 ip. any allross, a; at SO tier bottle or a7 ie) jp*r half dasaa (IIAKLES DK\M>, The Pharmacia, Ural plare, rar ( ?ori-st., Braablya. N. Y. THE NATIONAL GAME. OIANTS CLIMBING STILL ITIGnER :aIT as If glued the?. Rtttif meeat, and as Tlleeaak and si lr Ita Ben* York battery. Instead l.f THEY BEAT THE DPTR'UT MIN. 7 TO 0?TIIE BECORDS OF THC. LBAOTJB AND ASSOCIATION CLT HS. The slr at the Polo Ground* yestenlay was snaked with humidity. There wa* searrelv any breeze, and the crowd suffered eo-i'Merablv. Tho file flair efaattg to rhe eentr** Held ?iraft as If glued the?. Neat] 10,(X)O people, were pres pby were pit In for tl Keefe and Biring, every play w .s closely watched. - Bath teams 'Hil geed work In tbe fl-hl, the players teeming fairly to revel In Ihe bent. The local players, by good batting, soon ba*l a long lead, and 'were ap? parency winning easily. Tlleomb, tawever, <H'l B >t bear the strain so w. ll a* the garie went on. ami t te result ed flu" match was In deiubr until after tl la ? man had been put out in the nln'h Inning, l.lehai I *on playe.i a snpeeb garee ar sen nd has", an*l sa <l *1 Whitney at thltd. I.vneh's umpiring wa* again an. thing lu:' FVisfartory. Murphy wa* th" grot batter tO face Ileatln. After he had two strll."* he Tock ll* bi? on balls. Bkhardson'l lung blt rn righi sent bim lo third, and Tlenian's nut on a long fly to Han? lon s'lowcl Murphy to score N**w-York's flrif run. Ward now knock-1 out a pretty single to centre, Rlch Sldaoa going to second, After Conner Lad bey*n re? tired, O'Rourke caught the ball squarely and knoe'.r.l lt out to centre. The ball took a luck bound over Hanlon'* head and rolled ln!o the crowd, tl: is ^com? ing a "block" ball. pei.,re the ball could b>* brought into play again, Richardson, Ward and O'Rourke hail rn,'-eil the plate. No more run* were sceeed until rho fifth, when, after Murphy hail tan reflr?l, Rich? ardson reai-bed first on Rowe's error. Tienntn's bit sent him to lecond. Pestln now- hit Wan! on ihe arm and "Johnny" tooti flr*r, rhu* filling Ita besea Here was Connor'* chance, but all New-York's heavy bateman could do was to strike out. O'Kourke, how? ever, again ramo to Ita rescue and hit a liner to cen? tre, Rlrharil.nn anel Tlernan scoring aa the hit. O'Bourke was caught trying to greta leeaML Detroit seoreel their fli-*t run In rho sixth on two-baggers by Brtmttan and Moan. In the seventh Twltchell knocked tta ball ever tho rope* in left n?*iet lor a homo mn, scoring Detroit's re rend nm. After two amie out Tiree,mb gave ( ampau bi. tiaso on bills. Ile s'.ole secmiil on Murphy's wild throw, neatly stole third ami se.trt'd aa connnr's error iii failing to bald Richard? sons quick throw nf Hanlon'! slow bounder. Han? lon stole ieee ad a:i*l score l on Brouth?rs'_ hit to cen? tre, r.routhers going to MCOnd un the throw In. He stole third on Murphy's wild thro, and scored on Rowe's hit to right. White flew out to O'l.ourke, leaving Bowe on llrst. The game wa* now growing exciting, the score being ? to .". In New York's favor. Connor opened Gie eighth fm- New-Y'nrk w:th a three bagger to tko right held pleket lenee and rame home on O'Rourke's stngla to right. In tbe nlnrh Ileatln walked tn first on " ball-*" and came home on lampau's ti ree-begger to left-centre, ii* '?a* left on thini. how? ever, a* Tlernan mad" a great catch of il.inlon'.s liner nnd Whitney doubled him up on third by Catching limufl.ers'g liner. The seOfB was a.s fi.Hov.:,: Beat-Tofts, lr, l'i po B.|?.|| Deroit, ( r. lr. po a. e. Marpby.e.! ii o i ?_, _i, 1 i l: l ?> mc Hants'n -Jip 2 1 l| .". C. lit others. 1 I). < Si A VJ U o Tt-rnun. rf..., 1 1 1 ll 0 ito we. a S. 0 -** SI * * Wirti, a.*. 1 : o 2 1|| V-hUe.-lb....1 i| C| I S| 1 Con r. lu.. I 1 l lil o| 1 Usnzet. Sb.... iii 0. 1 1 '? O'Bourka If. I 1 ., 2 *?. u 1 1, S, 0 " V. ;) I). 1,1 i| n| 0 Ile anett, c. .. " '" _ " *> rsl-lt-ry. o L.' '> ' *'l ii l) lucilia, p.I ll)')' i in. ....a, j,.... 0, j ii 7 o Cam pail, rf.. . . Total*....... ll! Bew.Tqri- . ... 4 0 0 0 S 0 0 1 0-7 bel -oil ....00 0 00140 I-*; Earned nm*?Ne w-York 5. Detroit 9. _*l?t ta e ? New-York ;i Detroit 1. i-'fr on bases?New Detroit ft. firs: ha.- on belia?Murphy 1, Boatip 'J. ( iiinpau 1. - .-?ll anl on 1. Ilreu hen 1. Cam ran 1. Serii'k out?RI laird-"', 1. Ward 1. Connor I, (tows l. Whitney i. White 1, (Jamel 2, Bennett l. *'am? ii,??:.- rana-O'Bourka l. Twltchell l. Tbree u.i? bite?*. i.i"ir l, Can pau 1. Two-baas tilts?* l, ;;,>?.*.,: i. Double plays?Whitney and Blehardi .,? I. Hil by fl''it-r-Ward 1. Pniplr?Mr. Time nf gsaae?3 ffours. Jersey City and Elmira nines played at Oakland Park, Jersey City, yesrerda. a larg" rrowd. The hume nine, through timely batting and superior 'work In the field, won easily, thu-: _T" *? ? ,i i r. I fi pr e. '. , L-'-.nri. , r. li ;t_ a. t. .... ii u l .' 1 Sbearoii i> . Liing. ie.... : 0 i I 0 saar,lb. " a\\_ ii l Total*.|"7j -j r,.tals-.-___[ - .lersev City ...01410010 0-7 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ') 0-1 ?J rons?Jersey _!'. 3, r.lmlra 0. Firs" t,ase on ? v City 7, Eln.lrti I. B_t*.i on Bails?HUand ant-Brad] lilt riv pitcher?Prlel anl O'Btlna. len. Two-b ti Bl owles, n ind int?Knowlea Botford, Daley *. Lang, Mi ', u. r.ln. . '? in \ - vii" - Brady, Left on baeee?Jersey j. Elmira 4. I?:,-?? 1 ba * in-- nr 2. Wild | ? 1. "sharon. L' tupi re? Mr. Pierce. Time of ga 60 A finely contested game was played at Bergen Point * day between tbe New-Jersey Athletic Club nine and rli" Haetatt-Carhsrt b-aui. The Athletic Club area KOted Ike winning run lu iho leal Inning, as ibo ap pended score will show: Bew-Jeiaay A. c. . . ooooiooi 1-3 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0- _: The league and Association records to date aro ao toltowi: L'vj't'. Won.i,o?t p. e. AWieimiin. Vt on. U>*t p. c New.lari. _>-> Al SM 8L LotUI. HI) '.'9 .'iTl Cliicigi. .?_ (7 lal 1'ineinuatl. Jti .,. .* .. Ll* troll, . 47 ll .3.1 Brooklyn. .7 ;17 .BOl Pliii-smiVhia... til 13 .Mh.' 6:1 ..n .SM Ma,ion. 43 4. .J ? p i.altimore. JJ 6- 4.:' I'.tr- -ar*. ... .'* 4'. ?) ?* i .pii.ST.Ila.*.> ii ..)*, .tull_ .", il ,l'?i):< leTolHU.l. .'I-' 5- -i'14 _ ss j'j ,_..,.._...- . _' oi ,a_ts ? Ilasletons played their Hr r game In Newark yesterday. The icon was as follows: 7.ew rit .... A I I 0 " 2 0 3 0-10 in . . ? a 0 ? 1 1 0 0 9. tr? t GA MKS IN OTUPP. CIT I Lb. Faasa* C;rv, Aug. 18.?Tho Brooklyn time wa* again beaten by tba Kansas City team before B la:;") and co? lette .rand. HnBraan pltctad poorly at first, but Man settled dawn aud did *i<.etidid v.p.rK. Csruttare pitched in h little SSaeV, Th" Baldtng play of l_'-rd"-k *j.a Csteiday m,d Cline's batting ne? the pleasing feat. ? n tlie game. The score waa a* folio wa: Ti .k'.yn .... 41000000 J-6 - city ... o o l 4 i o _: 3 o-ii Baaehli?Brook:vu 7 BaaaasClty 15. Brr r* Br 6, pltchera?Carutbera and UoCmaa l m;).re Bl Doe !.-". philadelphia Aug. IS.?Philadelphia lost its ?eond cai'." Bl tho ?xe,,n lo Pittsburg to-day lccau--) ? ,-.-'. weakened in thc eighth Inning. With tho score a a-, the Pittsburg nen lu ttio eighth batted out l.v* "f then earned. Mast __ ihe hits were | far BacrlflM int.*. but they all fell sa.'" just, out? side th" Infield. Carroll wa* hur. In sl'.iling to tin; borne plBtC la this inning, and Miner tam. lu to catch. Xta ittsndaaee waa 4,200. The score ?m as follows: Philadelphia . . . 0 ? 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 ....... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 0-3'lnt*? Philadelphia 8, Pittsburg 10. Error*?Phtla |e|] ila ?"< Pittsburg 4. Pinner.*?<-a.?*y ami Morn*. Mr. Powera pp ?'.,n, Aug. 18.?The Boston nine to-day administered a erua__| deieut to the Chicago team. Baldwin was batted almost at will, and tba errors of the visitor* ma? terially aided tbe home fain. I laikssa p.'p'lied a lazy bait. but. waa ^ffectlv*'. The cn ?:1 iva* IsuBSaas, over 8,000 going wild over the great slugging uf their favor? ites. The score was a* follows: Ruston ... .10100809 1-15 Chicago ....010001111-5 r.j?!.!r?-Bo*'en ]'., Chicago fl. Error*?Biston ., Chicago s. arni Bauwln. I inplre? Mr. Kp-1 ly. v. ,-;,:.? gton, Aug. 13.-The gime hera to-day between the Wush'.ngton aud Indianapolis club* wa* a model one, anil on the whole Interesting. The BeBUag of both teams WSS : .feet. Cte Waafclagteaa not inakuig an error, while two battery errors were made ly the visitors. After the ? __-"">"''-?" had scored two runs in the seventh inning, with Ono man out, a heavy shower caused the game to bs! called, and tho Men reverted to the _rlxG_ Inning. The p?,,rs" won tho game in the fourth inning. 'Hie .. ns as appended t Waahlngtra.0 0 13 0 1-5 Indi-imp., is.OOloo 0-1 Basel v,*a*h!ngton B, Indianai'piU* 5. Enure?Wash? ington ti. ind . Wldner ana Mealy. Mi. ValeBtlita. rim iiinatl, Aug. la.?The Cincinnati* won to-day's jmlily fn,ni the Atha'.lc*, hs the "StUCS could do ntii'p.uig nilli Smith-* p'.tthliie. TM laeal lieu put up a - yatte bi Ita BsM, and bm au AiMette ptayoi pa**.-d ?p'onil base. Attendaiice 2._.'O0. The seor- ?> lt Cincinnati . . . . 0 2 0 n 0 0 2 0 ii t Athlitn.OOOOOOOOt'. Bas. ruts-cin-lnnatt 7. Atblattl :i gnaw Clnela natl o. Atblatli 2. Pltetara .'.mith uni tawaiC li. plr' Mr, 1 >r Mi" n. Rr. Lei'*, Aug. 18? The St. Louis nine defeated the Baltimore team to-dsy through superior work st the bsu SPECIAL OFFERING. A LOT of Misses' and Children'i carrif-d over from last pe.ison ? medium weight*, suitable for Mountain and BeMade, at less than half regtlltf prices? BOYS'& YOUTHS'FALL OVERCOATS And the bc-st assortment of every? thing for Children's Wear, from Hats to Shoos At tbe Lowest Prices. BEST & CO. 60 & 62 West 23d-st. WOOD MANTELS, FIRE PUCES. A large ?tock of Weed Mentals ard P!reptaee? mada fro_B our own de*.?is, ?PtCIAIXT aoaitkii i??ii OMilKf no-flia. J. -9. CONOVER A ?Om 2*1 AM) .'ti? Wi-,', 2SD-ST. Tta cont, st vi. \ ,.: played and li.ureitlrig throughout. The srore wa* a.* Illlewi st, i.euis. . . . .i i o o 3 o o i i-a ii."'? ....00100163 1-8 ;u*eh:??St. p.,ul* lg, Baltimore 8. F.rrora-St. Louli 4. Batt moie A. Pitcher*?llodaoa sad Khroy. t'mp'.n ?Mr. Ituldemith. other carr."* resulted a* follow*: At Allentown- Allentown 1, WBtaStaSSS 0. I At Turo:,to?Toron'o *). Albany 2. At bandon?Byrann 8, London 7. A' HaniKron-llanil ron 8, Troy % WIRRRRB OR THE NRP7TORT POLO CUP. nra m.vf.. TAKE .i.i. BUT *"):.r. goal in thi IIN'AI/S?.\(i 11'..NT TO MUS COLGATE. Newp.rt, ii. I , Anz. 18 .Special).?The final* for tha .*iO) poht tup, r-ir leam of four earn, we? p:ay*_ at tha C. Ground thia Sftara Bl, ti ??: na I fishlonari'.c audience, the size of which thawed iii) failing ott on account of tha accident* of Tb.r-dav'* play, when p;,i.t Zb,irow*Ul erin? M ni ;n dariBg forever hi* polo career. Thl fortuna? Bass who jruri.del \Vj;?; Hil 11111111*1 ba?ket picnic wara all at the games, ae I .a-.- arba hil not pienlekeCL Il wns a forezpir? eenelualeo that the Meade** Brook'* un, winch defeated ike erippiei arestataBiaai on Thursday, would have in nay tlrrnj with the tame club'i ? I ai, er White t.-.m, felt out? matched, played ,pn th. defensive, aud at times prolonged rle (BBB The hitting . I ri" White* wai week, >?? B bm played a urang o(T,*n*tve ream game, - bi ile iriselve* than on Tliur-i.iT. The feaUtrea wera the goal play br lt. I). Winthrop ind bind*. Tiie fara* were: White?J. L. Keraeetaa, Healey1 Mortemer, i_ l. win. '.liri;,. ;r., P.. L>. Win*.ii.-op. lillie?T. Hitchcock, jr., 0. ey. Bird, W. k. Xtorn, g. I banda Asa_taas-ieak_h_> ' Um r nr.-eu What mich: have been a sertou* aee|d*nt ocean**. before the four in-hand drag Into the *|.a far the drat-*, a. j. Leith ran against :i pott and. then Inro rp;.- fence, "lill lufllcient force ie t,,' tracea rhe -r,,- * hrea Mr. Leirh and Mr*. - .??'. nat) io the ground, I - ' tba faaea and fa., lng I mon 'iiid-r ;.e hoi?*1 fi.: si... waa p! ked us aller iii- coach had red and t arri,-j la Mr BO-DB, 'Vi .? 11 sr,..-* and a- i,.it eotlewaly Injured. Ult c~ ape Kerned au. tava the m.-, id-nt. A PRETTY BACE OF OYSTER BOATS. TWr.NTYP*)II. EVTEB I'OIt TUP LARCUMOITB rnizpr---piitpf.n COMPLETI tiif. course. Larekmonl iras yeaterday the scene of annthei highly suecesBful yachting nee when tn-enty-fntu oyster li ar eooteated f"r various nmney prize* sub? scribed hy the Benton I f tl rt l-airhmon: Yarbi (I'll). The eouree yesterday was from Parchmnnt tc. and around a stake-boat Backend in Hemp^fead har? bor, thence to anel around a 'akf-borit ajnihoied one half mil'* S. \V. :;-j S. nf Captain's i-Und Lighthouse, thence tit arid around a Btata l">af anchoretl In Hemp* rieed baiter, tbenee t*> ami aeroos che finishing line at Larcbmoflt; dlstaaee twenty aaatlcal ni.ip--.. The b.'a-s wen divided Into two classes, a first and second arise being given in eaeh class, itwing to a la*-k of Wind P was two hours beyond the stated timo b.'fttrs' r!i'- boats made a starr under a slight southerly wind ubi am. 1 he I.!//!" B Bell ito ned th'* way, clu-ely attended by the c. i>. g_nltb, .leinv Paker, the Watson ami ti.e Delphine, while la almost a clusier folio wed Ita remainder. Bounding the turn at captain's bland ,-1 i aa opportunity tor an exhibition of skill on rhe, part of rhe C D. Btnltk, while the Delphine and Allie Bay pass ..i the itate-boal -? fl"*** togMtof that the j igri wen unable to -Spasata rh* ni. Fran tho Island botnoward then waa ? d.m heat to windwai-l. Tbe wind now- awakened Into a strong breeze, which ? for in*- nil *.f the afternoon. The result was ? nacbed I-ii!ini"iit in fairly good time, the last boat pairing the lalaklng lino at ?:;??) J-. Out of the twenty ;..iir tl it Malted l'.ft<*en completed rhe rom*?. The following are tho winners and sec* radi la their respective elsaaes dael 1 [eabti riaaaa BU aaa Hag t* feet and over), Wiitstin lad Uxala n BaU . i aaa I '-abm sloop* under 36 fe,- , Alien ia. -nd allie Bey -toes ? i?voo **-?? ov9t M leal). Lean; - ?*- I >pea Ibeeta wattes ad t.\,StaaAe_ ? ricaed boa:* . Jo_;er ana Panuni M. RACING IN THE RAY. Th* tklrtletk innaM regatta M the Jer*ey Cl'.y Yiehl duh w.i. *.< ?! nat May. laen wero untie eontc*t ants la tha sit laaaea Iks teas that ?ira.-ted the deep. cs-, interest wa* between it? 'lass A t~* ts ca'jin ?!?B?, :<: feet m I aver. Then* w< ia twa Malissa tta <?? mudo, ia Ol ' ? Jo*'' i-lUw-prth. and tha tho lally Caprain ? Tom" Ilarrlaon. l;,? ,.r.:? '.*:i* tn? a ?;_::'.nu patel near the north of BecBew*! [riaad, snand Beef IS near Coney Island Point, and tho tlnlsh al a aukeboat In front ol Ua cluh hollM*. Tho Gertrude ind the N'j'ishen got od well tod'hei and did tint get far apart until after passing Port Hamil? ton. A-. tha-. p,,int ih.- lulg's' boat left the rteer* and returnod to take ihe Bul-hing lime of the other boat*. Tho Qm ll ail liiil-h'.l ai 7 flt, in ft hou?, '_.(. mlnutei and 60 >_e-,.ii la Ito Wiaaaaa hal ""i ye-, tinish** the eour?a lt 8 p. m. Ita ta n?e for tho other ela*" * wa* around Buey ij inst- il if i ;. Tta Btaanas won in C'._t_* b, in 4 hoe?, ._; BtlnatH jul :(?'? weeada Tin- Kiiish1. Templar w.,-1 the i lani G prln In ni**!! - mi over, ia 'A hour*, 2A minutes and '.4 m- .mile. Tho Bessie wa.n the Qa** I) pri/e, for earboata, _?_> feel and over, in :< luai'*. M iitiii'iU'n and Kl w.oiid*, and ma-la the best Bm ur any b"_'. -B :l,'' r-'gatta. Cia? Ii, for catboats Ul (Ml aid KW, BWB a MWH from the flax boat oft tho elah hann Ibm niue* around twmSee Inland. Ii w_r* won by tba B__une ta l hour and 87 minute*. Tha M?v C., fotlowlng hr doaely, rlnlsiied -ne minute later. i? . .,? j", foi ueaai lau nc aaa, there wen- two entrie*. The laoola :;'L- md tba Alanta weal o\er tho i_nns in i bear amt . minute*. TEMHIl P.PSCl.TS AT H\r. HARBOR. Bar liiirt.".. .'!? . kag. ld .--p.. al -Morton S. Piton. New-York, won Ita III feB-W-f .**.ngie* In the Moseley Hall lawn Manta tBUnaairnt herc to-day. The weather aai ho', but Ita atieiidaiti-e unusually large and fashion Bbla Mr. Pat..n's opp,,in'i>t. Lee llonsali. of Baltimore, played lu I il ll Mm, Bad Hip'? nen n::iny gean ind vantaaa gBB_ea, bm Mr. Paten Masag the bail* with much ladgmnl ind - Mei' toing tasM BashMakK _,,i aaa I i ;" ?' ? '? ''"-? ? '- "?' ?*? u?.rt li. i. . :' I of N'MT-Y-rh, *ho hold* [??? tom on Malala'. tn1 th.' latter i* expected to duplicate ? last >ear. ?II,,. tn-cun with the following re*nlu: John lt Thayer, lr., lelphia, and i..i??rd liar, of ,. . , giving 15), beal Wa?? HacV-xMfh jr., af Phill , and Mr ll,.ward, of i Blear*, *. -.. 0 .' K"gir li, .aa,...ii Ncott, "f Phlladelpk-a. md Mr. Ayrault, of Boa. etvlng half nf'-n aaa i tn -"" . beal Arekm ind \\ alter The BID-MO. of Phlladalph I, . - ?. *l-3. ?-8. Tha latter pall woo tho doatte - -""1 their defeat t 1 da* wee i nrprtae. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "NAPOLEON SMITH," A NEW NOVEL BY A WELL-KNOWN NEW-YORKER. Good Plot-A Breezy Atmosphere-Originality-Perhaps the Great Summer Novel; Who Knows? rr ice 50 centt, at All Bookstores anti of All XetrsdealerBr