Newspaper Page Text
TlxlTlM. EEESlt-AIi: CHI I.I>E EN. WARMLY OP.l.i.i; i' fifi v.::: * ? DC GUESTS. HOW THE I'HII.IintN* AT WIST WIM'IKI.D AMI SF. TTlF.MKF1.Vrs VN!) TH fl It HOSTS. West Wnil-iil. N. V., ..ui 1** !sp?UH.-Thls quiet ni.; lava N a* jreienl ea)e>iag aae ol novri agpei , fm-uti'* alloti a rai ?natty. Oac handle-- K s, sent out by The 1 rib" ? ' - \- Fund, nie Iii Its midst, having th" !,c.t limes 'hat evur their yoBBg Hves expei _ Bart tiie pleasure ??'.'! U ade ar.- aol ea their -ale a!, -e : their evci*-.-,* I Iles, an ! cul". Inn,"-- ? ? ? Hie stmplett a: eamatpylaee, furnl '? in ai ladanl ? i m?al.v. nt ?.? I heb kind booti and huateaaea, ^l-iie to not a fe? af tha I'M - i re I itomed kappi ' - fhe ehlMrea same a week a-*... aad tha - iowa t< ike sia'tm. Ti ? *r ).?,-").m ? was most eordial; Rev. A. 1 tk, all weal la pr. aai i whet - ? -' sty fer the tired and tra Imenl lo the he watta. Tho Kor. Mr. Khas i I ita arrtval !-,) . Air wntli In 1 mer hom-, and lt hat been mainly thai pie al Weil I * i so rn my ? - ld* brother paatort i ? aral eon nous. The ?,;s- few tl. le ores had C'-'.r plans mates by the Inclemenc. af "r ' ' "",:?-? ? .: li , ate., while tl - In gamei a::d Vllltl 1*> the pear and a I . I- ,,\. ef, \ ?, how ?var, appeared, ap-aa arerty every lawn aol lt- ililldi-en ct 'if! |." -"en bi play, little Villagers six' aft] "shavers" together ail happy, ami eech irvin: Mo lim o-!)"!' In ri lld!*!) eon " " I s-rtaatng in th" hammock, .. ?! "playing bom ike tavoi te pasiliiiri, yet a aiuaber have - pieferen i Hi la the fields, t" se., hew man) varieties of wild fiawera they caa gathei :' d ftc:: leafed ,-p . ? ? ? wi aught be termed Weal : eblldree to visit lt i? replete ia pict f.ri-'V.pes an.l that beauty alw - tendant upm ? tend tl li i- been | by th* Piala, ? ; < ?? Itself ls rich |a ft !iaj-"* am! Dewei i, and the country has a . . reyatatton for ll ? di ami the quality ol the <? ? amertea. The dlcl i ' - and varlet] i- every conn*?- larder 1 Cna.' t aboal three miles west ef he:-.*, al , i ty, aboul furry In number th Vest .*? Infield The good (Tinfield, aie mi only I bat ham tal ri] fallen In love with theil - been aa hour at rae oat tn tl tad came bai '* radii an armful el never ' ''an to ! : (olnlng, wer | .. t! ilr iii-*- take them out ; lo a " Fres _ the reina Nellie Anns"nm.' aa I Ml Porks, I party to thai pla I ;?? - . iv, .? rh . '--.-d last T :? furtht : -mi. ville aad left the ears al Bridges it d to Vi'esl Bdmui . ' I .-? Stile Hui-, i j , ' . platform, li theil wi cap* anil t' - 1 ie- p opie al Brtdgewatei ?< ned in* i rd much disappointed wi ? ??. learned thal these dots had teen assigned, to TVesi Ed ny") Isit.n. Thq R*?v, '! Di ti the Eoinfl * mmli r la th of i i Ma tri id Si: .'('/,;. .rules Verna's nave b have bet s veritable polei mlnei for the makera ot ipi : sys, ami ?? Mathias fsandorf," the latent t,. poe-1, pe* on w', eh r hand- ai , specialty performers and ballets. The action of the itOl") ,- I bl fl) Cl CC! persecution of Count Mathis Sai i patriot, who ls arrested tnr eons] 'ist the sa Emperor, escape- trom pi >n and ? ever a p tod deal I pe ami ? ol Northern Afi I i Bli . lor i admirably : ? nery. 'Hie gloom ii ii,, . iwtrack bul Uolossy Klralfy ead perhaps ll i with this i lea thai li- pi '.meet the stahtilng of ti,,* j ?o by ii- bea? villain, with the ante's of two musical de llowi i> w.rh f.'ie tncks OJ a Juggler and I luz of a man diet But the specialties hi , ?? , the ti ki at ll done a::d th" ballet I ami vary few penile are Uhely t<> care whetner or M ry is aaerlfleed te i leal i *|0 ? I.- a ? Vt laned, t ?.e Brothel Irow, ar-- extremely up and actloni are decldedl) Automaton Dam ?. whleh !- itroagly remlaleeent of Mi , io lepresent Mra. 1 l-arah Bernhardt, ai.*l Henry Irving, po througl tome well ar:aug"d 00 I I ind < to run dos d b* tray tenden stand ? ids with thi ? I . : ai.J well-filled hose in decldedlj un? usual posit 'il" bail") of Am rica i xl :.umb<-r of handsome a ly eontraated [ts earle ns dh. ? lude Indiana, ? number ol email ehlldien greased Lin le MBe, r_i: la, who is an ? ? ? Banocre that has been brought here In ino years ls the premiei*. and ls aid] rted 11 >!ii" CappelUnl, who makai a much moir attractive appearance rhan would thi wraal male dancer, wiih bi. sadlees twlrtng un one leg. The ie<*ne SB-Msd " Black and White." whleh ts ioma eon]tuing and Ulu - perfi ???I in -,\.,,i" in an !?n"i e black ei md not work imoothly, and fa l-l to maka Un thal *as i". i'l*ti:!y lateaded and boped l"-.-. evoral pood a-ion. in ti.e cast, including Miss Mila \ene, :.::.-. t edle Btu i aad W. s. .. were ex iia mel. llmlte... ii: the la-? *? :, ? - 1 bul J-r lbs - nmiiy in . ? f,i asm ?? . "? curs, a- ?!?" first act bera i-. -. waterfall scene, wltl al,: meade ol .??_,. . i with s realistic rftect. which was e I when. In -i wi . tu a call, hr appeal' i befdn* tho curtain :n a ct ndltlon ol Indubitable ? - rhe programme ?nu not md t.ii ve? la ? seems to b Voidable with spectacle*, no mattel r how 11 ,'aiiv n ?". aie a lew ref a::t! qulck nss... and ll Mr Klretf. should decide t i elim Ki iii% I i." drama stoper, ns toss .\uuid nut greatly felt. TiBOPPISO FIVE TEOCASD FEET IS 8AFETY. Vf. Vf Mci.ip n UM uero:.?*.i. rd MleklgOa made a tine a?e--i?ion st Haakawaj Baaeh yeaMiaay sftcrnoon. lt.. balloon was mealed M UM lawn in Iri'iit i,' 1 aldo Monea The baliuon arots for a glMSaea of itvtut S.000 fee-., and Mt-Bwea perform" 1 leela upun ? Uageee r-'i-s : from lu When a balgal _f b,gp0 feet, ?__* teeehefi "? _? rcuaii'. ~r/>. !u I geiaihail lad "'ir lt \SWSA Bam Ute balloi-n. The i?:;< ? I aad MaKwaa came dppwn gradually sud Laadad In Jamaica Hay In gfteaa fe<t depth uf wster. Th'r seam ya.til Comet went io Uie I aeronaut-* assn--an*?._ no anna bai kwajux Prom The Albany MeoalBg laaraaL The Kew-Vork Tribune WI Basti Is the Republlcar.s of the biate t?> bs <-"!-i et ts lenomtaate a> >?? republlcmi who In thc- la*t LeglslatUN, mu-ti . ti.e ililli Ueeaaa MIL 1' ?->???:> the Kepubllcan i ?,f ti t- viiiii Nea Ifark - lty District mn to r.'in:. Assemblrnian Morgan to his pott of duty, n ?,?v,, the pnai masi ol his conadtui ? favored thi Ulgb bill wnlch le- tried to defeat 1* alan remind! the * onstltueutr. ol ^!' Enter, and Gallai Ijie, e-<iei-^-. ol Niagara, l; /. "'? > i M. a aniirh, of sullivan, "thal ibeaa men reiuaad ir, abide by the fiefilsloa of the part) i i-i- m Lieni - bili, threw even ob rael, in i; way, ami t.ais-iy fall-d lu the effoii t*i defeat n *? ita* ls a Bm* warning and la publicans who believe In teasperaace Krform i-liould tiear u in mind, 'luis ls mi tim" in take a st?i haekwarfi. The galoon interest furnishes the .treiiiMh of t!:e Democratic party. I' oppo.'t: ia,- i,.-j, na. an party. Nothing ls to pected Bam lt. I urtin-rmore public opinioi I ovei WlielmlriKly lo favor ol high l.c_ii*e. 'lb*-:clure, let the li^hi go on. A CT.EAI. (ASE. The Tribune continues tra '-rampa:pn of arpiment and educauuti" bv calling the Deawcratlc pat . hoary-headed old ilnner." And the Democratic parti ls so sltuau.-d that lt cannot hue fur libel - (Nee Vurk world. Very true; tbe defendant would have such an abundance of evidence In proof of the truth of Ihe eharge.-'New Haven raiiadiuai IFTEB THE ROYAL JOURNEY HI1UJUIN ET.T.M..NTS TS ETT.OPEAN POL mos. III* Sp-ni.I, ;'.-. l.; |! LSTBUI QIKSTION r.I.VIVF.lJ ?ax?"? in.FNT sr!".r.(*u nv the em i'F.lloi:?SI'"O.TF:f'ANT (.MIAXdFf. IN TH* MII.ITAUY f)R fap.t.mfnt. ren\/rtp\t ? ls? _h_ Tlie Xi,r V -?; AttWOtattO Prut. Bmperer v. (Barn lunched I t the h-vlrpiarteis of tl :i-try OnaitU, ami nude aoothet peech In response to a toast n ld- health proposed ti Colonel Flesaea, Air: . it hes I" come knowe bat the Emperor*! remarks wera mainly a repetition ol ,u)u!d lin?. *.. hat ike had gained, aad alas e.\p ii!"iio[i thai ' neel al] .: .1 count sa>- H,a( the Ea to the regiment, referred te ? tining be himself had received in irs ranks, am! u ti" st'vii'i . which the rec.meai rt flayed the !:i c iit,\ a-!"._ old ?? to the anny. 1 ige of Emperor iV'Ullam, although aa Imssodlata menace, l aol to be ed lo hil lui! lt i.' - iel! bluntly. llb ipeech at Pi u Wort wi ll ,*erbaUy prepared. The Empeiar'i Ire has beea rr.. rlted by tine Baesfan Governroeat'i permitting or hi? lting iii? pre? to raise r ? additions, contention that thc Char, i Ivi of iii- bea? of Bolsl lain i ipeclal lights to tappet, the Biala? ol a - 'lui-oftieiii ooaxaranleatloa te the Cologne ?.??? soya: "Sch!* -.- g-nolstein can only ba leparated from Germany by war, with I as the attacliit? nations. We take note thal fro? Russian diplomatic sonrcea *? ii cleai " anni Ihe event if a sueeeuful campaign Dei would s>:;,,p- in i he t,,? -v ___\ |, , , ? ? ? T i" tone of th" reasloa rio - noi fully cvp, . - f.-ir in the ii-- tow aid ih- wanton revival of a barfed que Blunt aad Impromptu as the Emperor WUUam'i lan. . i Bated, it struck effective!) ail around. concurs In regretting the futility ol - and .?upcnhaci" visits, n ..-,-.. __- within lour weelu after Ihe interview betwe a the l /a:- aral the r a uii,mi, ti,.- tension et < I latlon ? more than ever. H return to ofi natural sequence Df tlie death of tiie Emperor Frederick. Prince Bis? on ck wa* opposed to i to east him mpetor Willi i al ri'-'ai-d for Herr \ on i.nicker, supported Um dm - I erfala which Wltl i - : and has taller the first ? ii,itv io re ,.:? ,? ,. '. Presi? dent of the Prussian Ml PING '"Fi INGES IN TIIE ARMY, ?wei ping chi anmend ef the limy sw Impen more generals, sine lienlenenl . aumber of mejnr. al* v. ,u retire. Uri era! von - I STar, wm not be ' lent i al Von * ipr Ivl, as i il \ ? >n ? * ?? n- isl Von lina a,- si idler ai a i "puled - la favorite I - ? Ol li." pSj *,ei,e:;il Von I'atte resl~vrd the commend eif rh** (.Hards, e .?:?)! ? edlr.p him : ? .? ll Voce I) ii. \ l? -.- Vd mi ral < ount tn I I ' Ihe Naval Depart .?? ??!.")-' bi ?- of Hu Arm) peel I for. *. till bi to I ' ", al von Goets. -i. are slmnl ?? : ni the troops, a force every tl 'partmcnl SOI TSITTO '-???.;?' int. dian Prime Mil '"??, li tin to ar-lve at AUgU3t 'jo. [la will remain In Germany five da's arid re nra to Tome on * :>*>. in eu-d'T io aoeoa i WE PROTECTION HORSE 'roy, tNOVEL RA IDE WBICH WAT TW* Ml IU, VOTE. A novel wacr was agreed upon by Jo] i D Mut ray and loeepfa I - I I,cooklyn Bl cutter-;, la*' I ey agreed to race on I a ?! IVu?l ave.. Jtroiik Fort flamllton and back, tc deeside whl - "ppiibi vote, fi protection or fr?i trade ray wa* t!.e j.;>-.\,;,,,:- ,,f -he \?uit)_r Mcn'l Democratic ' lub of the Eighth Wsrd until i.ct ll a yoong man ami ! i ? (!?"' land'i ' iii fo d ??? IS tn - so he withdrew from rh" party to work for linns ? He I i". , : ,-i" ?? ? p popill i" rn ?. and when -: - ? reed bim In the t ? i ?? ?? . membei of the club, snd when ll was found that Murray ws mined | urpi >-??. ? ' political . ?? a ' ' ? vector da) ,-,t . p. m. Both ne-ii sir,;,, - papers si I .' If M r. av _ ? on Murr-'.v I \ I,"- for < loveland. Promptly at i o'clock Murray wai on hard. I ll ? \inr-e i dari mit, a white fe ?ried a rldli whij loaned him by a ? Phillp ; _??? .,? i > ae he i Mui:ay a li . tor a Mic as by John ? A small ero. At ni ie D after i Zeh . . md Mm horse ut a gallop <1"-'--:j tho broad avenv ?. Ale course 1:" wi* balled snd *; nei ed. si ne outed " B bte .'. . Murray wenl ?? courae at a good rate, distance was a little over four miles, and h<* ma! lt ::i f tidy -live minutes. A- be c.rn- In at a full gallop led for protec? tion aad Harriss?) aid Morion. After li was all over bummers r,*i*- up on ? white hoi ? Ile bad ? arni tl"- rac" i d to Murray, and < ipi rn- palo over hi '? irtay had w* TO PCT DOWN HIE ALAR AM A RACR RIOTS. a large poaaa on the wat to tb Mt-BDEBOrja TU.'.Fat- BT WHIT!-. M__IE_t__ Cha.iga, ."im.. Aug. I- ?; I rac - a" the I' Iron Parnaee. I Mountain, Ala. The discharged white mlnrr. ; ,,n es were ia!;en by entered laborer, broke ? ?? :-? :>? dynamite, and iwear ? Ul blew up tba furaaee if lt ls star) in aeii)r*.taticf win. the orders ol I Twenty rifles ami one thousand ro; ?_? nm: inion have I worka from the Blowah RBI ? Anaory, al Gadsdea, and the ihei I ii'iui.ei- i eaaty and one hundred awn have pii." io ? mlnen isrear they wiu kill Elliott if it takes them a year. The te: wat- baie b"cn eat and t.*-As cornel slowly, ME. BLAISE BKSTI.Vlt" ir POI.ASD _rj__VM Mead Springs, Me.. Auk ls (Bpael?_.?Mr. I and party arrived at rhe Poland SprtBgS Bouse ' where they will remain for some timo. The consist! of Mr. and ?-. ; -Ional and Mr pliij-T and Wallier Blaine, They were met station hy Mr. B -ker, the piaprfs?'I af rhe Pels I Iprlaga, ami eeeerled bj bru te the hotel la si Kant landau drawn bv Bil Mach horses. On IBS the Springs, the gaeets turaed eat ta preet Mr. Blaine, sad ie was repeatedly cheon - --,i f:",nj '',s carrlagr toto the 0-fiea Mr. Blaine somes ama for a al,on mel after thl il Ids loni trip, An ii: formal reception wtll be tendered to bira thl* ere Mr Blaine. ? r ht re an I Bei rea* Dingley, will speak al Waterville on Mon lay, Ans. ri" TOBBBTBT ASD AQBICULTVBM. Cincinnati. Okla, Aug 1- I h?- trfends "f apr!(-ilt ue aad foeeetry, taking sdvaatafe of the altai at the Centennial Exposition, hav* to promiin nt agriculturists, iiii?'tnr* sd expertmeni 11," I nib t! .-tat'* at, I ' to attend a convention ta ba bold m * Bise yet le ba pries te Oetebei _7. The alteadanei at ihe . ion bai been greatly Increased the peel weak. 11..-,a are adding new eaterfainmeaai tune ii. nm. . md ls here n , i two v>?_?_., engagement. A "TL,I PL Kl mi: nilli- OB Till: BT. LAWBfBt I Theaaead Island i'_r_ _y. y, aag il i?Ar :?? fer a KttOX I ll ' Anawa I ?:,i fr..ia Um latei lei nf th" ? -e, BBd r)iut a "? numbai ,,f pe? : b" i. In ?? d: <'U*s;,,ii t.f all - I on"*""!' br tiri.itiiiit'iii reprt Die di't- ? i ?? I ',' *"'--)? a ? aeona aid Bvsa-B_a> Aawag thees arhs bees laaniised to attend and to take part In the detail-, are I Geor? W. Bal" of _--U.U-_.y; L. Foal?. M. _'?? of Cansda, ber! OrbBa, <-liiirn?n of the NiHonal Antl-Salo n *Vv iiiic?) i ,nm-tr.? the uaw. Dr H. k OarteB. ri "The w-Yeirti tadeaendaaf*j Pirissssi I ii i *? st the tsdam Wanaal fieheeli th,* Bev. B kai, ri irT;ilo; Ma?r /.. K. Pant-burn, ri Jersey cut-, ead a Mena M Msaseehaestia -""< vl_ his ls-en nskp'd lo SSatMa bu'. I I jceept-d ? lllVll thl BM an ;..!' r I "ANOTBRR OCR Ah BORROW !'. nv iTTfl iM' ti* \VAnNiNf;-vrc\M!'.r.s ';' tl WILL BOT SINK. ' i ''. >? i) f I li e i r i f> m ii r . Slr: Over a year a__ , I ?n- to ?>ur pat>er a com- w = niiicailon under the heading "The impendlnc Cal i ."* ii aesslagty di 1 aol wlak le stm , reade--., ami se uy Blaming UHe-weeds and pro] __ I -a, is sappi - ,,i. Bhortly after t'i!-, Ci.< ? ar.d Brita* ? Into one another. On - .?a-1' n ii." i litoria! *?? hanni el The Tt baas lt_ seepeet lo .rion 1 !>??? beea ha cading (tori were Oiled with apologies for wbal was ,(r Jled "i ra Beeldent," ami wit: -leeters M -ni sae was l Maa? * Ba "the taapendlng darrin-- has taste all fhe ?ame. with mme a' fi.llow: i - . saw ready 1 ' an attainable icfeirm In behalf ot our haman ad ' Or a l! fl dear, shi a ? ?? ? lt I were a eran! and acopeatag aa lm] -.' an Invention for my i ? i:I-1 be isvplalnaule. I : ol ? I di ' I man?tad, my nn icded appeals of best year mers i hlek my friend Dora toand ?*! to iwerfal vi !? ?*; ro li bl-sa if, living, would it.-ist, -i anea greed towed to fo on forever ni I of the ?eau. whBe wrecMng bamaa bearti aa I sad i propelled by fa:.- arny aad must go down; lt a Vt el di ll ? baa rn more r!?ht to link ian a li\e gah ot a whale. Every -teamer on the ?ean rani"- motive power enough si i self mechanically, were sha even mada i f ly so] | ir in ipn iflc gravity lbs would ? :,t enies heavp-r ti aa wafer . far birds at le i levier tl,an air are able t" rise ara! I ? All.p? r. lion, to -tate once nm? In your jlumns the conditions r--<iu!ie,i for an unsinkable p... d: First itidii a compartment absnlutel e of being pis ? lv- a,:'' ? aa) ai. . , il, nutt I ? ? Irect a ever h eas* thi parti *'f the ship outside it.- citadel of : ?. ?.?. c-powcr centre. THADDETS HYATT. ? it, Brook!) a, Aug, 17, : T:ir: Tri .Ir. Hyatt's ?Hit. because it la the hon * of sn man, not becnuw it has hitherto refused im a hearing on bis " m* cb i beory, or bx bus it las been iii thc habll ot rithhnlding condemnation when tb ? disasters bad lm* :i *?? :? ll TIIF. THEORT ' ?. > ERVOt*-. DI *. I I ? ' ?' | ., r ? f ! I, r I ri li i< n e - Of Ul" ."'tl he v. ll ? ?? Idemle *pf n p .. 'licit f ... : p.:- bel thc mai ? . Aa- OWlti| ta to i neasure io tl ? 'al opinions. F rraerly tl ? ? Influence the mind i ? li cp,i;\ I? ed ? i . .: magnify ai ' ? ? Uko a cai ? ? pu, ' . tin rrsi manta, l waa I i with me I I ll ia.*??' i t theire ? - IO, l-a_ ext Ai ter tut: i hs, T o tht Editor o) t t ? i <? i I, ?. ,, e. ? heat - , fol] bnl which fre ippean to fail In eomlng, you it-i,. ?? B bal . _ ts, I bcUo.e, i -gard th in a *a Ute i hut, mui Boi aaa 1 ii a layer wbli h overlie) i ? lempcratui-e. . iou th wea I ru quadraul ol ? - - : ... ( ply I i cool i ii sevei al i* e. than ? I. t li. ll. Ne** Vork, Auc. 15. I- ?-. A MILLIN1 ? IC RE. Fr,.rn The Wot ' U It 1: ? ? ? ? ; women undi . d Ibe a ?? ol : ? .v. wo nu a h..v.. ? .ii ni . \ . S* I . *.*?* I. . ,f In Btla n. I I and to shin i linui ' lialned a* much as lr, de? I tn ali and vulgar In --.'?,? ? arl) beet, ? be ibe r mi" . pure i . ii"-- t ? t lo In hi ll'ard ? tl," Al.' ol Iii" ' :? ihe cf ai un of rc tn. per ?fltilte object I ? - . ? i ; ? I; Would li*' li"' I a blind t"\. She du - rhat I* es ii - ? well It is nol 5" ' !. ' weil, nol i . ? : i, which are of a ? ot ll ri, ti." two ? ? ? I it ii re ol .ill ? I* an n lo be woi:, ? : i began t" bc made on (bc ? ? . ? The WU lei i I late . D ! ave l. ? Vie mi* tobi i!. i ii,lo I them, bul gain overrtdc thai we have eve I with a robin . i pei-kon ot i tv o. oi et < i, Immolated o i in'i I bought I K ? hoi t t : : pplled ?mall irado last . in "i'll ibjort wblcl ' In the ilaueliter cannot I a ami tho li wisted ol their supply, and our own Knglt-h hedgerows and entues are Beeoadl]. there aie a_w In : better worth encouraging than that of ma: Howe?, aklll has marvellously advanced ot lalo In ir design and construction. Th?- afford employ work tor women. Tho thinjr is te id"*!: aad als i pretty bom li b inls bed, lol i a wli toe, ire li ne ? eall) ?? ir toa a a-.d country iel *. i- of bl ? boase, tbs : of bli rfll is ind parts fl ? i ri h. ,o ?* li han l ifi" poe t tl lt to ] n tn i- I ne' In | ?i'. before he tumbles ... i r,, ,. ,.' ?)., ,. |, employers are . led a; and, of cmnsp, their nts musl I,- aiieiul'd t i n tr/.VG inn: AT SPtfpop.T. g JOLLY Y.rii.s-* x ioBB TO 8--B A POXXt I j MIT'-". ,i I "ali.-This ha* been a ' f, I i! rest for ti.e fleet The people ol Bewporl ?., ni." ot* torem al In their i r I- ? picnic, wiiii'h will . ? "her 1 tho mmmei n here; another ts tiie eomlng i 'lt b, and rb" tl rd B, ? :- rather a - - t ip ia ? ? ? : bi i p*do match. Cemmo- p rrry *!iil nut *1.e ta detreci f-mn s, ? i ? _ r''"*'"'- ? sa a y if p?ri":':ii enjoyment arltboul an aquatic pt .mme. Thn morning th*- yachtsmen spent in re-j ? peet Ive ern fr on ,, ? Bath Beach or in visiting ashore. Al boob Hr- ' <; ?enee pena mi '?el them- I ., Kinnie Island, j .- the afternoon, ? f ? ?. itch, wi utica! a-:::" waa the rule a'::*.tic the spectators. I bea the Tribune reporter eeoared the harbor la ? St about 1 oe lock the follow -: were at anchor! Behooaeia?Clio, Dam Cltana, Ors* ron, Intrepid, Iro- j '?;s. Lydia, Marguerite, Miranda, Nokomis, |, . bern, Triton, Wanderer ai '. . Bedouin, Bertie, Rlldegai :i*in, Katrina, Mayflower, Nymph, Pu ? . [leaper, ; ?jenner, Waif, Alton, Perl ami Genavls) sam yachl ?- electra, i -I and Of thea "1- half a dozen do not r.'ally fong t" the fleet Borne of the regular merni I i :' i. temporarily and will return lo- ! arron .r Monday morning. The Grayling lefi ?? arly Hi,* afternoon, s1 ? fur New- i l With a BBW O'lltre tard. Ol [or her to race baa rented a eat on the ( ova ai d wlB j ma.a here next week. ? ? i:.\ will do some ? Ht ts thai the days of Boeton'i pride, the ! ?e over and it ? i Nea Vork iloop ill, ti.e \,,! mu r a rub next >'lt a na t<> h'r h.':::", Providence, tins afternoon ? of lie* gi ? bi d. Pier I evening; The after the __ - e will be ? i ?'il' nil. ? ii en foUowIng her . ? yachts i morning ? ? t 0 . . . TBE PROMISED < OOL B A VE ARRI. ES. TWIT! . "ANY DF.ATIIS '1 TIIE Bl ' CED. inused *o,,i wave arrived yesterday, anti a m-."i!mum of only ?tnperature was 86 Signal Service ? : a,r ii ns New ii, ;.?:?_" t , id ph i-ant Bun . ill lair, cool -ly winds. In ?p,!te el -ant chan?, the nun;', e: of ??..-I to ye?er ,iv. -; A.*ie reported: I <? i months, of No. i.i-r;> r;.:r*l ave.; a ? : S ? 232 i in li"'! and rht years, la f No, ipfa lisiie, a? thirty even years, of So. .",.* Cherry-si ighton, ? ll s ld, ol "?'? - Foley two ld, nf so. 'j.-,. . --.-. ork Iii WHBBB : BB 91 ALL BBLOSOS ",?:n T?tai - InstrueUt g hu clati In natu ? Ip anal cia*,, of bin'., du? tue hauk belong,n I bli ls of prev." ply, ' pealed th' i quail bel n ? ?-?... -I or at the foo: ' ? rWOBIHT. i rr "lit me for a few rh!i_- I ?? of d? i and I ir ll. Id-be < tomi I rn ii have the money I trust ) ou '? PROMTNESl ARRIVALS AT THE nOTELS. < of 1 ... - HR.YT : HIE WRATMRS REPORT BOTaaw-Bsn1 rwntcATto^s?ron 24 hop.?. w-a?m:n .ip?. Au- ',*? IO a, m.?For Kaine, Nsw-Ramp ? ? ? s fbtly eeeiet; wm *., ? ? ? For I* letti '-'ind, ronnectl.".t, Eastern New-Yore and Eastern Pennsrlvaaia, - lad by except nearly itatlooary itnnonthi eoasl irtBilsgsnerally mb th westerly. i ?r District ol ' -Tew .t-rsev. ' ski r i te ir, i I -s .:;V!rc*>i>r. Fur ? Kalla a, (i-nrri.v Eastirn ., lt "ll local rains ? Sar i ,.,-, : xi .. ?-.ii-atir r??, axeast ? . ? i-. raia, uearly ata i me. It.r . - Kentaeky, ra.n In weatero yortloua, Mattoe trr lempei .nura. f,:r. nearly atationary temperaturs. :.! Wasts) '"0 and ..'astern I'unnsrlran- , fair. *i',_:,t v i - inri * ? ' " ?eaarl, fa.r. pr?e-i8<i in ex ? light r.lti*. I . r ! ia, bar and warmer. . i aad Iowa, least raiaa i genaniij w.u BM r. lr; -r?rn an '. SoathWBStera DiScota and Na!)?aka, local ? - ?. Uir and warmer. . -.'.ni. TbilitNP: : I*.VA t:*iv -. nrr Bab inch? 30.5 il 30.0 20.5 1: - ' , ' b ? - . rate Um ? - n ? .I,ay. "Ibu?*:-orri'?. Au.. 1* -I __,-?? weaiher] waa fair .ri tl- BMralagaad ? I . i sy ' tue _rt?r neon BBd St ,i .a fm 7. | ? I rai iii.ia ott i-ri.tay *'? BB! i. l), r_ BUB _r.__b!/ bl fair an . ? _t BEFOST. i'r"' ? il I* i ri iilinirilnrj. bm Sa ' al seen S-lurd-ri lu. **'? "i . ..... ;* Auic ir.,. M.,.an. Ana. u. tai i ?I.i' m. Au*. I.i, il a-tu. _.* Ts. Miiiiinuin. Aua.i I. C- I lianne,.ITg llanso. .7.' li.-lanes travolled Ur (Uo wind. 1,-16 nillo-, llaiufal .._ lucU. THE WORSTED INDUSTRY. AXUFACT1T-F.I.S DO BOT WA.M FREE woo:.. ra lAMBBTOMB FACIOIIV OWNF.ItS AND TC07.I Mi'.N OppOSld' TO THK MI IT.Sj BILL. vn. M. Y.. Au-'. 1- ?i" iv .-Thr? active, I and enterprhdnr- r(>|es adorn fhe southern ihe stale of fte* Torfe, Ilinr_hamtnn, Elmlta ad Jamestown. All have railroad connect e,ns which ir flown thc Btats of Peaaeylvaala sad tfeeiefls-S *e rather Intlmati ly ndated lu a ie Peaaaytvaalaae, -."-hich amy ter i to allay any IVBMM f"*'!lii_*s on the part of - I 6Jate. . Indei-d, looks with I'nicli hindlln'? aero s :" biiunilary line, onlv a few miles distant, as lt is ? antara] . tn hes manu ,. Ans- one who should r?|t Jamestown no? fur tie ral time eould nut fail te perceive the brisk business lr of the place, niany ba i I SW ami t-.p. taetorfea Indleattng a proeperoua existence, aw In t! e helri.t of I - of travel ? has an cpei;a!Iv an mated " m" I msequenoe of the pi thin its Um f hundreds nf men, women ami ch Idrei i pi' eoaslng from his rm wn obeerves thal tlie cm- i* larpelj BepubUeaa in p,l Boa l pun the chief thoroughfare a lar_a- wigwam ss been ereeted; and tl ? Igwam bes ovei Ita ?pplit r!nor lar>*e portrait! 'pf lier,jar: IB Bai-tSOfl at. I i vt p Mortpiii; with the inscription beneath Hie i ? borne larketa." Tha wigwam i- a large me, T.*> feet a Iel nd io feet ion_ and ~U seal 1,800 persona J-*-- I !???- th- birre i mi there i- a committee mom in the ! ulldlng of considerable alsa Here ounty fiimrni'f" of Chautauqua County meete, ned se can Bod on rie the ebie! Bepubllean a aners of the B SB t!; | rm m ll."re bl -adv gone fbrth the lm] i - .rmattoa of Bepab-ieaa clubs in Cheutauq . i ?ne Bepubllean club here In Jame-town, I _wi ?: Bepubllean Marci, ag Club, eorni ,,f Swedes, I ?pde unanimously far Harrison. A bonk at the wig ? am ai "neil on sat-. | over 20 I Ignaturea, many of tl.em thn-c of Dei ci ina on irs first pace rh* declaration: "We, tba indccif-ned cuzens ol lae estown, believing that rin* lection eif Harrison and Morton w 1! best pn irosperity of <>_r c.irani,'ti ?? try and the *, mr pi opl ?, hereby pl ea to v te < ?':r best efl, rt. to lecure their election " T'ne people of Jamestown, both Democn ns. i.i'.'o goe ' "tis for voting t" ?istaln the Kespubllcan *? I. One of I hlef industries, the wol ld by hs free-trade policy of Prcsld I ? ? it the fi ter l f, winiam i ' an Kt.'.-ll-! man. aid yet thats ls BO limier ipponent *.f English tree-trade Ideas tl ta WUllam ead. Many yean a;?. d'::itif? a vlsi I lo '. lome ai Bradford, in England! be discern if tbe maehtaery used In the manufacture of an -ods In place, an! resolved thai, if I im:.b! I - ur machine)y in Ameriee snd < i ? ? I lt. Then he returned to 'own and endeavored te Interest sap la his taterprtaa lie had nrtie n ? ? ? succeeded In convincing \\ il'lar.i Hall, >f this p!.u-o, of ' I .' a- blllty of en ? ??! min. In the 1 h cn i d b ? ', ar a profit A small worsted mill wa. I thc mah_- of worsti ? ' ?y the enterprise p ?" . _ tul a I the pa ..??orv. 'ihe jamestown Worsted Milli became ' a", over the State, a5 tier vere rh- on IJ that made a particular s;yl- of gooda. i ? ? v. wonted ?'?'- tea goods ire tbe the mills. Some ye*? . Mr. Irtso-vod their partnership, the latter c* ti." parent mill and Mr. Broadhead building f*,r him? self a glgantle factory In aia il tho city. ,"ie.fown V. i ls and have :.:,) |< ... OOO bam-,-. are. therefore, 1,100 I (tad tn the welfare of the? waisted i I - with tli-m has b decidedly practical. They ara not supporting Mr. ; a. -. kins ' I the proposition of Mr. Mill- tr, take duty on woo]. Mr. N - I mit h"!p ui. A's fi i tail woolde . . ? el ? would them. The wool we usa In i tied I get i--- James? town?at lei arouod here got a gi : r wool, and thp'ni to rajs, sheep, 'lhen came the act of 168 '!u> lug the duty upon wool, ai.d far::i"rs neal ceased to raise sheep Now e_c r?r our wool from a ill-iancp*, from all over ' - ires; ami i : :r. We hav t: ? ?? ipi f' ur h lj af lt on hind row. All this busl ive eil ,ir:y lost by tbe :?.'?'. "t l ? ?'?'' reducing the duty on woo!. The act 3 also hurt the manufacturers of worsted - a ho manufacture ?<> di all ? because there ls moro labor Involved In their manu ? ?? Ihe chief defect In the present tarin, ?o far as ?? 1 goodl ar** l? that :r d ? nt protection to high c'a? goods, tho ie -' I v.lve a good deal ol or of Europe : ! the labor of n ?oi*s "d gnodi !- alreadj ? Europa Mai ? || r har the ] I, I l il . f labor la Int oh ed. Ai 11 ll I- here the n id Mien wcine them ben Into cl ?? [low tie the ??3'_"? if your men. Mr. Rr*.a*'.h."Tit , the san.e I ? lu '1 ''' -?Our h. Mi r roadbead repll fl, "rseeP . ? ? " g. _o a week; In tl SIB a weel ? , lj ? teir men ?"i doti ? Of B IA'NEUS FLOWER > TV I. ES. Truth. kl OUl fhe llewen - ' ' '?? _ to bi b novi ? the non .k'f rtlnner-partle of their c i tow i ? nipper. down Ihe centre, a ? ? hor le r of _ -? t|pp".t: iii the me al regular Interval!, were ti" pott! ' ' I he blue ,,f the ? a l:h IL 1 e\ ? much ai procl i ll ? and r. [act could pause In ? ry of tho arvangci ? her ne*, _ ul designs for th* ?? did not git - ?. much Info j tblnp ?'les of tl" : rotor can i lt. ruses: ami now ii at lt i- net , ' fi tu the vul ? with arl ii.nil Bi Ulfa of her" > ls that I look 111 " I rib, ll ? ? la. ii. rosee this will ion!, lo. ?? tn be bonneti io match, with real Bowi ft,:? rim , '". I- ll." llnral ba a"i, p1 ' - or !? ' er tlowei I i - ir bon met ? universal lo continue io, tor ir I. li In anj ather form r , many Ben Ideas, -ill wrapped in mysterj (i r tbe rea i I i ive mei i however, I Il wi, a Soi "ibii were m.nie ..f tulip stems. The lyre lined arith the lovelies! white ? and tl' re into a I ' :" - n, ? | ?a as a gi of pa -. ariel of ti"* tulip or the -rebid blooma ai i r ? oul l. Th. t" be made and t:. . oaatrueted I i i,lu. ol itood up the side. I Blmo " I IS the om- I -aw Int11, p?tt|?t standing op- i- * flirtatious tm ,,f bouquet, for the bolder *-iu pee|t tl langemu- a ? eyes thai u??>w throu ??e, and an i ned with lol bldeoui sooty stmr as io nu nora, sash N another bi Idea i hav- t seen one of these Kin ral hats alas expected to " eal on" If U bo a Uno leasan For ball lapp?! M i.i". i. the flowefe quite low, or e arranging tUem lu lall tu_e.ta_i_._ tar above the ai mundina dish?. New and elaborate aee?sorli*s art tiring devised for thn dinner rable. and aWo new e-l__. ? Mons and novei st.? _> TH', Y DID SOT BATE TUE DEAL. 'rom TBBt* siftlnc*. ? l/p-.u bSM.*- said an Austin dude to a newspapes ?? you i ll m" a couple of good Jokes, f fr*t them orr a,s original, you know, at a l't'le ocial gathering to-nlgaC I'll lend you five dolla" I yt ti ii*)." ? l dont think lt will wort/ ?pl'd the newspapae nan. pensively. *? Way i '? I a-i s' blamed poor that If I am fonnd with flr# Mian ni my person, I'll be vn-erie-i of having lob n the-n: and you a? so blamed sinpld that ll .,'i gol .af a g. .ml Joke, everybody wiU aaspeet you W_*_^_ ADIRoXOAf _ __?______* ?BaoaeehSawa, n. y., au_. i**.-Never tn its histe**" is a Slimmer ti Mri has f'.llza!' ihtown ha.) sueh a sun" "??nn s<? Ihe pre? nt one, and the puru, dry. kneing air has given a BS** Meas **f Itfe ro many eua) yeeaM - iee have a ara eal with business rares '?Tin*- with throat or pulmonary troubles, The kotetl hare all done a la?-- busir.e?, and * The iviuiisor." the leading hauee ad ini< pan of 'he Adimrv Ia_-B, I led (,, overflewlag s'ncc early Int inly, together wtth ail n*- eottaf ? sad si avaiiaHa - e>, his been the i ? . a tennis tournamenS 'or a eoupla ol da] tosaa trillians were Bade, being "ti" of tire interesting frat* ores. on Wedneaday evening the proprietor, Mr, (?rlando Kellogg -i- i complimentary hop to I'l ? ! a!l ri- -ti Wded 'pf New. York, Bro >klj n, r i a itienee an*l other cities. An p nation was served al t, and a aa i i** eveatag spent. "1 MORE TBOUBLB *TOB IMITATOR*. Beetelter B CO., ef Plttabatg. I'ssn., ka\- berne aa actina in tha t'',r.,l States ( tren lt * our-, southam Dis trie-or Ns* \ - rb their CAuna", a. ll Carke. ?q..aaalasl - in, :; > V*s,t *'.. N. Y : ll If. thoma*, of 32S Weat Thirty-flf_k-st. -V V aad I'eix _ i ?..y. n? jij Bra i Iway, v Y., for eoasp n*_ "* pal % ol n'ss'stt'i'. Bitten oe tha mae* ket. -*?? -TEWI-OBT TK\*N't-* ( riA'tPioysinp. Tlie "flloeum** rackets an uar-! br the bast players lu ali tournament!, ^paldls's,'Jil Broadway. Tiiousii a!! rpiais uta '. in Ba nw, aaily aaa rou" to B'*?t_r_ e*n|,lnr. . ? I a tie Sew. V???_ uni New-KaCUni ?< t'i- *?r and On. t?l al rm- rt ? ' . I . ) a. _. andi arriTca In Halton at tl IS _. ro. Yellow Fever la af Vonr Ddt, Drive lt a wai ly ::r*AXT>'n Tour :par- r .la?, octlni'iaa*. sinus .te,.Vi. a;.ais n ? - . ? Bat" muat aad : ,ti..a:s.iau_ Bi.J, I'la tl st., Sf, y. r.VR'iV-Al toner Rrancti. tageat I.s. Jns?rih!ne, wtfeot William iivr-fiu. Punari t*?r:_e_ wai take ptacs from tha reetdsnea of her r in '.sr, Hr J. T K-in.'ir, 107 Bast 3Bt~a__ ea .-.-. Ati-'isl 19, at 'J * I .. It-'atiT-i andr:i-Ql. ??? Invited t" attea !. BCRD?Hnddealy, Frldar, Sagan 17, George Vf. Bart ia ? - pries". i: ? Af -.ho rssi.'enes) of her mother. Mra Francie _, ron, n. J , Ai?',.si l*, Mus laaM ? s i . ? a '.ir. au.ust I'.', at lOi'io a. m., I ru r o' i ei'iral and Wetiti area. ,-a nfc ISIS liat.. at Ra') war. ?'.-T . t bsa i Dnks In th .Stitveerat has an. . ?* '.hat ri ri .ti war, I ll ?>'.av, I rn. K'nat.Tci _u. fro-, ar,-.av.:,) 1 te "Via:. Interment t,r:vatu. PRBhUAN?sturdav. Ancust lg, at Omala, !.**- Dr, Jaiin N. Preeaaa, *?f r-o lUu.on p.ace, Bssoalya - GRIFFITHS?At OneawtaB, conn., on ths 16th lm", . >-iro!uii5l !*? Cl S th a re. and I l sr., un "' ?', , at ID a. m. OKIFrlN'O "n * ir.rir,!_iy. August 18, athis reinleii?, II >rsc? B *.r.itii,_ Kotlcs ti.' inner.!' I ,-eart-r. Mas-iir'.v-ai Bia *? l Spriaaa Bew-Yerk,aMaraaho? . i, i 'w?::, .. r Aatbeor Q gaasbarr. of Sew. ark. N'-**- lera ttl Jacob Vf. Mllisr, .: -,-piar " Ip.t tc _ - s st Bern il H.t.: - ir, Aacnst 17. at Ike norna of h?C -r ;n iar. Ooo. II. .indrawn. 110 fc,_,r, 17tS-" Vow taliaF., pIui.m r or tits late Ur. Natiiaoioi y. a . iveu, Ia ng Iilead. Vuneral ?r-leas Ueadsr, Aus'nat 20. lp. m, lutanneatla -jvargraaaa i oas Islam! papen ?? capr. SI' A i.l !?- ' 1 i?At : a .i?.ir? W?tar Har.. Anfrnit 17, Juliet Warner. ?..i ile ? u *t ?* It-ter. Funeral Motular, .: p. m., iroai lier .ate realdeac*, .J?! : . -'., Ur ,o-lya. ' M?*? ?? K-ln Baw-Yack, Aturnat 19, Aaaen G., infant ssa , ,-t. It ? ? a.,io. .- copy. INS? Anne B_. W ? I I e-)_'.)0?a, _;.?t ..c.,- ia a niel, ii n.oo.uU'. *_ n. j.. ala r.a:lanco on Monday, A-?u?; CU, at 3.30 p. m. PACXABD?AI Vlchr. Franca, on Thurs*. ,t Anauat IS, Packard, or stew.Tark c.-r. mt:.e loth raero! bli ii'.-a. at .it Rrusseis, Re.g'.nm. RAXXKY?Airest, Friday, SagaM IT. 13.*, Dr. Walter I*, T- . ? i . Mrvteei will be heat at ala late .?ai.t.aea. 14 Vf-t% at .':_.__, Interateat prtvata, ?pl-.!., nt "oclcty ol Ihe ( nnniv ol N*esv-York.-_ien_, latteadtha lunars! ol tne:.- ute as-..*. , .i-. v. : - : . s - ? aeaaa, it *Avai rust. '. V, ill.MK Jp ll Nb .'N*. M. D, i> It. A*. i.i.V. M. I>.. Preildent. ? tory. BKTKOLDfS?OB svnr'.-r, ABB-iat IS, at hla raflSlaaMr*" 374 ra,, br-j.;,:.jn, Tl uaaa Beyaeida iu t I . Bal I (ai.ural her- . ? Special A bsb?rnrrtaae very mn- . w intel tor apa->r llflk ehlld. Plcoso stn . io ith-ave. i'oat tl .li cr Soma ghoul, bs read iallr ty a*i uiterestcl aa char--es aaasi occur si any time. i^eti-ra .'r torstgB countrlei need not be ipeciallT ii. - by a: tr particular ateam.r. eier,,j when - ' banktag and com. *. :e:tera r.oi ac. _..j addraBsed l...._: ..iii by t.i" : .. . i . : ii ? \ - _"i aril] d -a ronmptly lr. ??* csaeal a*, <."*.'.-?_ aa fellows: _ m. f"r O:. ?..'?'? i ) ?, . ... --*_.,.. , , ,, ,,u, Ti_ Aapiuw. . . ? ? . . . I'll '..H ii , |p. m. (ar lie :-1 rte Coital amt iklp ,-.:y ot DiU^a, tum - ? _V?At '_' r>. m. b.r Inland, pt*r itsamamp Ar . . t*or..ia?Tn (isttera f ,r .rs..r Brila.n at I nmrflin couulne. mus; oa dir. "od ? per Ari. ?waa WI.ii :.-:iiT -U '_ a. m. for Irs'.tat. per Heemiklp . Tii '.ie*' .? , . . .,-, ;.,r Briis.n ani sWi? Europe? e_s_a_r_M mut oi dir. -- ' ,"" I li * ?? -'A i a. xi. '.,f Ba ro,r. ii-r etoi inti ? * , ? ria 1 i.u i_ uplm Bad 1? a ? i I lattin (ec . "per ? ... .1 -ll. till, P?t ?f.r i ? I I - pel -tam"); .ii 2 :.-i ._, bl tor Balala*) aims, r*r ?t,-:i'.. - * Iniw* illara i; id (Ur*-tad " per Waeaiaart" ailOi I r i :ad lio!iv_r, par Urama - ta bi. i ?? I ? , . - - . ,',i per t'*ia. . i - ii . no i in.. ? mr ot?->. . - i . mn; _e aireoi.l " o.t ? Till K-I.vY V. 4 a, m. for En: M H -iiehlpll-:* in, r . e.ra "nix I :"r-..ur_ ami llaatbalg lett "? lui- Ie ? FBI I ai ai ; |p. m. tor Proina-, >? i ittmiT'ily afestea, vta . i muat t? iiiifci.-: -- yet Ssl iee SAIL i \ ? ?>_, in fir Hr tn, n. I?', ind. Bel taraaia T~a -iowa ' ettera I l lian tay, last-la lienuiirs, rc .?c c. ba iiiraciod ? ?f .u- ? ? - I" '?'"' ' " * -sir.a, ? a ? ? nr ..r. ix-r ..... s."... fi ? i ir nili-i Kut,> psaa - ?' r<s:ta.| .' . " 4:90 i. Ill ar Kr. . ? - - :itR 1_ lia! , spain sui Portafal. nor eieuiisap l_ ______ , llkvri . ai I _'? a. rn lot centum ., pr ita_mi i. via umij* :ie.ter? nun ba .li? ?i " li.'" .u i J,i _ ti. fur sa* ii*", ia te, t.? Roi ter um. eat impdiIi) I_- r ti.i.n italian mun lie dinctel "- m.- ... ai i ) a h. lor si ?*. via Si Cnn, alsot - - - lip BarmaSai a; ll ._ m. lof Voue.aaU nut I i:_-__. t>. f lisa?alUp ' "I ? as ?-., i. * ..: Co.oin-i t.ii ur.i ox. tuuel br .tiree-1 **p? i iri.-i, ?',. Sl'N'tiA. -At 11> at. ,',,r , asia Hf ? via L. noa, par SSBBSBe ai.ip loi-.-l.. ..o:i .---.-w-'n .-. . rA "??? / I. ".l-wvtaa, rt'i aadSarnoaa lt.iii',, ur s;? n-..:.' Alan airton -*_u Fraucs<oi, - i ' i arr ral _l New. Vork ol au-. ?. i . * . . , ...,-,._,_,. id 1-,'vi. per -la-uslilii i .ty ol -, lau Fra ? .?? Aag iel ? .'I >t 4 ' ? ? s ,.???? , ,?_, . , if rom Baa .'..., \ . toot -.,. ai 7 it n. Mi is tor. ibo - : .- ? I ..mass it-, iiaaaaar, >__ key nv??_, lia,, _;_?e a; ia * o.n.a u..r ai USO a. iu. ? ?saan ' ettiiataaet Trn_-r?iii(3 ?aaa taarraacat ?ataepnsuiap ?? ? arrant*- iTi"aaa_r*aMl ? ? * ila -'T i. ji ti _a tx Baa frat. ay otaaUiag at ala inman iUaaUSeJ l.io_i c li.c e_iao day. Ill NPY 0. PBAttaOS, Po?ln?t*r. Post OT?*?, Baw.Yt l political Xoticrs. I i-e.|, ti-, I" , t ,-i nn-l Un: Bl li).. . . i _EY-Sl . .\. \ . Aniit'.c Po .;: i. Kel Han nr ra, raai paige Klulpm*:.tlV Phlrta. i ap**, i l| . fun !i ? Hcligious Xoticcs. pr* i ii RlsT :,. b ?-., near r**h _ , I'*" '-' BOtUlUg bj tho Pa Ital, Ibo Kev. ll. u. ri\'l_ POINTS li IKHUSTRY, l'.J W.*rth, . , ll .KN Alt!) Mi|* rmi.b'til. - , , ' ! ' - \ a . ly ?" .hm:. ,L It-tost arbour ly iho ciiil_?.u of tho laatltuilou. l'uhl.a ,T 'liNvTirs Liiripii, r,r, wv - 40th-sL l*- . AKllU'l; Kin li II iv. 7 7-4J * ilr ;a Bari u ?. di '. A., v. m.: daily v a. u_, i*ri___y, i. a __T k.t.K li?.P. f_.-_ ?- . *V _. __fe bean lr<-_.