Newspaper Page Text
HOME NEWS. NEW-YORK CITY. It maa*? a mari f*el queer when tin tret* trio an out-and-out woman's restaurant, to nee one t-mall and lonely tablo, tn the darkest corner, ni?rlti*<l " Reserved for Gentlemen."' Tbe 11ml' d space, lintier many a earner -peanut stand tr not only used tor a sleopliij- plaea br lt* thrifty Italian owiiei. but Lultrrr*. are laken'tn ami Ho packed Uko Maine minnows In a. Freaok sarulne box. A gas stove ho* been Invented to rlral the booh ca-o-foldir.r. bed. It ls concealed in a handsome colo? nial clock-case. Hullos have Kept on SSSSSBlf rlsln*- In favor and value* for the 1? t ton yea? A stone of ol^ht or nine r-irifs I* neaw wold!) from ISQuOOO to gBO.OOO. A dia? mond of liar ***rl','h' ?niiM nor cost ni'>r.* (han _Q.0OO. Tho free rrni:r.;n,p? and Bli??- ol tbe rooper Union ?will reopen la asot'fttW. Kate Lrown. a ba_aeleaa woman, thirty-five years old. tiiod in :,di herself yeeterday morning in tba Eleventh Precinct Police station, bv itabblBg beleeli In tho breast arith a pair ol shear., she nos sent to Ibo Gouvcnirr.r Roes>ll__L Prom Anet*) 19 to Aognat 17 Inclusive, the mei* BtopeNeea of ihe ll-alta Department setied i.fitm pounds of b.-ff. 1,:,.'??' poul ds .pf veal. 1.BS0 paaada of iiiuit.ui and 1,400 iH'i'iip.s if f;t;::, Bag ar.d vecetaMes. The KaasbHag ? inf* connected arttli tin* Yeaag Man's rhrintlin Aaaortatton ipenl yesterday strodinc aban! Roslyn, I. !.. and s-ai!"'l hoaMWai-l down the sm,ul hv uiooaUght. Searl) li'D members vc;o In the marty Number of dry Beames Issued list ?eek. _*t; amei-j-it colic, tn!, ..!.'. "* .no. H-c-dpt*. usc of -in? ion waler, s.i"io parted, _ ,1,7_a". .,.', Tho Catholic Temperance soc|p>!;es of the I'nlted sia'e- will celebrate lbs l allier Mathew Centeaary by iiBaViaiag a ila:: h ibe I stliolk eniver. Hy a' -Tass* lu "tn, ar a com pd --" * " 1 An attractive novelty ar the l'.tlen Milbee ls a bis re? volving itereoarope abowlag portralla if tba aetreaaea iii this country ami Europe, In handsome costume-, aag .-iil-clv line wllh coletr ami Vitality, Mri. langtry, Mrs. in;ter aad oilier faYorltee ara anion-* ibasa. Th-* Dtngarlaa Orebeatra mil Blay at this afternoon ard evening's concerts. ii.e r.-v. .i. \v. Kelty, of ihe Cathedral, bas arrived from Europe, aft' r an absence of throe months. Anbbantaa Carrtgaa luis appointed Father KaBaer, of .-?. NtSbolaa's Church, la Becond-at., to be choir BMater ??( the i atkediaL Of ij,o laity-eas yoang men examined last week in th:* . ri a- io i!.r-ij- ::?!;'--'; tn i rmi>- fol the prle-st hood, twenty-eight passed Bams win be sent to Uesae, aad Boaae to Bt. Jo. ph'l .*?* mlnury. Troy. everybody was surprised .ir the i-omarkable apllity a which Mr. Ulallie lumped uti u_,ot> the ehatr u** fora ,. z''-iiiin;: Ult addie.? io tin.- workingmen in .vi adi Mill r- p:*re. E. M. Wailers, s?re*ary of the* Irish Parliamentary Em. I Association, I- sp-:.illili.- his i acatiun at tho Pros? pect llou-o. shelter lataad. Th- ityle of a": Immense brownstone private dwell lag Jvti Hnlahed in upper Eifthavc ls such thai al n;f -: everybody tal.? ii io bo _, hospital. An oh! French -toto, ha*, bern marchlne seven milo- i _*h da. In tl." Park daring ibo last three years. mi-! ri--,: _ .raincoat, and carr)lag his coat and l,? in kaad i aa keary ca,n\ Ba deas this in iain a* weil a- in clear weather. A i al! for a turn verala, .avering almoat half a hie,.:,. i- ;, mg bulli by ibo Germans, ar btXty-Mventh . 'ave. i l-i"lait.I's letter Of aecoptanco la being held back fen nani ol tyi e. Tbe sei<in- of tiro first 100 words * ? i-'op] ali the capital l'a bad M's. Captain P. ll. MeNesnee, president af th* Irish Amerleaa Anil-Free Trade League, neither drinks nor sn,,h c. Tha reunion .estiva] of District No. c. af the Order B'nal ;,iii.-:, will laka pia'-e at Jones's wood, on Tbarsday. The atveceds wOl ba gives lo the Home fer Aged and Inarm Brothers and Staten una tho MalBBontdea Ubiaiy. Walter Meyer, an iee peddler, of No. ?71 1-2 Mon? roe si., who is char and wttk kavlag caused the death of V.llllum Goree,, aga mii'deon. of No. :, I.c-tis-s'., bv kirking hlrn In the al*los?Sl, OB Attgt ll ?"?, was ar? before Jusii'-e Dully, ar rhe Eases Market poBre 1 illili yeeterday, arid held in default ol S5.000 bail lor examination. BROOKLTN. Th-r l.iisine,s men in Eulton-ave. In the part of iv -j viny iiitii \vai'i eomalala that iiie Ktnis County t*!'--r,-l Railroad Uomnaav baa so block?! un tho l: cl ia front al theil olaeea al baslaeu with rallwaj* ;- - - that ace?* to their si.1 ls seriously Impeded. A committee eooatsUnc eif \. a. atrawsoa. ST. .-miUi ani \\. i>. Van Loder iii- been suaolnted lo call .'ii Cha vi a aad have hd.i dlreel di- ressoval of tlte-p. :?:.- lo Ip s. Sdi Balley, a printer, was fm?d drowned la a bathtub .it J's hame. .No. :;_:_: Rerson-St.. \ iterdav, H* na<i been la the bath room only a f**v.- minutea, wheo a . 1 Ma- |,rnnl .'rom him ai.ti the doe r 1 ns broken open, I il waa dead, il^ait diwan ls lovaosed to havo been 1 ? , maa, Annie Wlaala. a renns woman llvinT al No. 1.718 Broadway, c* plained to tl nolice authorlt!..ter dey tl,? kai bu-baod and her ilatat bad eloped to jr-iitrr. earryi:)- awav iii: ber 1 -.otiev .-.nd valuables. Munt'' Bud - lier, livt-tl ?Uh 'An Winnis. Oa Frtdar ni_iii Mra. Wlaala reeelved a lele_ram from hi r ;,tis>,.ind rt uaestina her to come at h'm ? iii llii* cor? in-!- 01 liioviwav and i'liltou st*.. New-York. IO ni"et Mat aa Imvortaai bustaaae. nh" could nol find him I herr, On her return she found ?; ? -?? 1,, bad ii-rn to th* j-ns,' and taken away her money and )ewe_-T< A lotter irom ulm -.aid th I ber slater had cone- wnh him. Tho Bev. W. J. O-hanalllKMSY. of (iiwan. Avr ahlre. Beotland. li al No. 7:.!* Ballar-Bt, II*- la coilert Ill_*_ Iiu;l.p*v f'pi Ills rlmi eli ?'d COIi.e- r_-0_a??ld_d bv AiehMiboB ' roka, ol GaabaL Tbe Kim:- Conn".v Elerated Eallioarl will onon a station at Utica ave. to B-orrow, Tbe tiains will herc aitoi' sion more treauentli at the Briana. Maria's Basel sll snd Beeta] I'lnb win make iheir third ann'ial cxeuislaoii to-monow, leaving Hamilton Ferry at -::.o ,1. m. ;or Lav I il:! Urova. TEY INC HARD TO ORT TESTIMONT. THE IMMOLATION INVESTIGATORS LOOKING AFTER FLAX SPINNERS. Consro^sman Guenther, ot tho Committee on Im bb_? alina, called a Tribune reatalai'i ?tte?tion yos tarday to the fact ila*, ftstet Lear A Hon. of Bridge port. Penn., liad beea ladleted In Philadelphia, for violation of the Oeatrael Labur law. "The mom ben of th--* firm." he said, nilli evident pleasure, " h-ve keen art-"?te*'! on the evielenro brought out by our committee." ? Tho two nun Lockwood anl Rr,--, who, accoMlnp to tho testUaony of t'aptaln Fraaril V,. _\_*% t..k,-n un Friday, have' ben e-htaln in^' aaturalisatton papers i"t- sileas t<v (aha sweag lnj,-, con!'! neil !,?? found on Friday, sa Ibe tuvestlga. tion nf yeaterd? wa* Sere tad tu die case ol tho Li*r Flax gaiaalag ( o., of Pat. ron, N. J. Tho only witness on this casu fnnn whom any sat-sfaetory lasSUaoay eouM bo .invn wai Mr*,. Jant* Rjau, of Patecaaa. HM had wurfead lor tho samo firm ta one of their faelorlss in Belfast, Ireland. i sitsaag i/onp. uni) al thc lapertateadonta in Uie mills then-, had "~sa her and four other girls tieki'ts to Ken Yuiit. At (-as:> Oardea they vero Joined by a wum_n who gara thea UekatS to I*ater son and a* companied lhasa _b___L bho did nut know winn) tba BfikolS ha.1 cdiiio fri mi, ats she hail not asked. M;.? ha/1 lieeu guaranteod not lo*,s than tb a amek, HM pasaasja mon-y w? deducted from her wap? at t!,e rater af Hfty rents a week. t*he *lid not work for Mr. Rarboar now, but _ho showed a re lo give iBSllBSBBJ. Kale Kiainy wis S?Xl called to the wttne? stand. Khm die! mit grane to bo _u anilal.l'< as Mis. Ryan. AH't irylag las paUesr-S ol art aRamloen sorely by trying 10 -ve avaalva aaa wail sba ?-? i-r *i po|at blank lo i*-',iy to ali egam tiona if) iain n? to lbs niau nor in whim oho egBSS ta Anaeiie* -ml femad einploy nuit.l- When told Ihat lbs must answer ye^ or no, *he burst Into teai*j and waa removed fis.m thc stand. -Taaa b-Mlght bae i. ai-aln she wms a? atab burn as eur. Ail of BnjBkrtaaas Dat "nilli ba learned from her wa* that bhc ha<l come hero to t'i<eii sthan her trade. IkS <ioz*-n or so wltnce-ses who we-rc if lei ward ex amili'et we-rc staree-ly BMJTS ceimtriuii'.iillve. Th'v ha-l come io thia com ny on prepaid Ueketa whleh they had paid for to instalSMnts altar arriving bera. Ileariy ali eif thom bad sent tie,i,i it,-,i lu ten saab tickets to theil friend er rel [roland. The ilcki-is iimi bisfii iiuiitpil fi*,ir. Wllllaui Nealon, sn periatendeol ?>'? '?*'' Barhoar lia-. Bplunlag co.. and wore -.iso paid f*r <n it? Instalment pian. N< them j,a-i eoaie bore under cunt mi. bul al) had lound * mployui'tit la Mr. Barboar*a fae terr) aiihta two or thi*-- ela.- a'i'i an'IvIuk Iii A:n i-.i*. 'I ?. f>aii!?oii mills wera 1 11 of mria who iia-i ooma trom i-eland. in tho Harbour factory aleae ibeii over a huudn-d working giris nh*' hail cana Iron, Leila? in ri'*<-iit rears mea bad beea cowing orer Id increasing aumfcsis The ex^ml-iatioD will be continued oo Monday sa?*alaa lUfilLY. .uflAY, 6TH-AVE. ARD 22D-ST. V UH vi *_? The Greatest, the Grandest, the Most Remarkable Sale of Ti i? "W C3r O CT) Tl S Ever Held in New-York City STILL CONTINUES, a S fl*. BF" fl TPQ F3fT*l?_ 1P(Ti"r?Fap*Til^8i>r* LL mm tm ..-Jiff*. _ .OHS. Amazing Bargains in Every Department. ling Cut In Prices. $100,000 WORTH OF ?mW Hair Shawls end Seal Sacques During this Sale will be offered at less than Half Price. GBEAT SPECIAL SALE OF EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS PLAIN COLORED DRESS GOODS. EX VMINP OUR Pille I.S. PULL LINK*, of FINK FRENCH ll! INRI El T i.s. 18 rilli* Willi*. 70 I Ulai*!-* ci!) Mt*.)l I-.' CA MB I_9' UAH;. MIOeiOA CI/OTII, CASHMERES IMI'ERIAL SERGES, VENE '?H.'. SERGES, AT ONE-QUARTER FORMER PRK i.s. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS 9 LICE CURTA!.... IUD PORTIERES. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS HAVE T1KF.N* MADE : CURTAIN'S. P0KT11 RES, PLU-Ul AND BAW SILK RN1TI 111. COVERINGS. stonnfling; Bargains. Compare Our Price-. WE SHALL OFFER A FINE LINS OF IMPORTED LK PLUSH S. INCHES WIDE. AT elli .1 75 AND SO; REDUCED FROM '-I 7*. S2.60 vn D -:. T' BEST MOHAIR PLUSll a I- S3: REDUCED 1 ROM St. PANIC PRICES. 1,500 PAIRS OP CHENILLE AND TURCOMAN POR il BES AT PHI C. KM VARYING FROM .- TO SIS-731 ORTH FROM M.50 TO ^ iv.:, PAIRS ,,. |-.F_NA1>HANCE, TP.rsi! !?* ONT NI) TAMBOUR LACE CURTAINS FROM gS.60 T*> 12; WER! * TO "? .__ 1.20C PAIRS NOTTINGHAM L-CE CURTAINS ROM gLlS "10 10.3 i! REDUCED PROM .- AN!) VA. iPEClAL SALE OF CRETOiMS. TINK FRENCH CRETONS AT *___; REDUCED ROM Si. KINE ENGLISH CRETONS A':- 25c; RE i D :--:'*-.; :;,.. FINE DOM! ric CRETONS AT ' ; REDU< ED FRO - Ens ?,t Less l-l HI Files, BAND-MADE RUGS, "ANTIQUE DAOHESTAN, ri.IAN AND INDIA RUGS, ORIENTAL COL ni ?.,-.- .:-:' il a::. DESIGNS AT ONI HALF THE rh-;-; of impoktatio.v. felt rugs, ken E.C.'lON ART SQ fr A RES KHF.EP i:iN OTHO ATS, AT LESS THAN M V.M l A* -i UKI RS' PRK I ? EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS IN OUR ,E\_ DEPT. Mi _ m. u__ mun! l__..W._r,' IN" ONE 1,'iT OF LADIES' SATEEN cor,*-:.'!. dllTI! AND COLOR'S Al Ab . REDUCED ii: l.M 75c ONE LOT OF LADIES' EXTRA FINE MUSLIN HAW! RS AND CHEMISES TRIMMED WITH FINE I DERY, Ai' . ,--. ; Kl d'! I ED i HOM l" . LOT Ol EXTRA FINE PAM'.-- NIGHT . PJN1MIED WITH l isl: INSERTION AND MBF.OIDERY. ;7 a : R.*DU< I D FRO I nae. SIMILAR REDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE ON .VERY ARTICLE IN I ills DEFAR1 - I IOTICE OMS .-HEAT BEDECTIOKI PISCES ALL-SILK MOIR!'. Rir.noN. ATT. Si! .DES, ri. .,: .\r, ii SATIN EDGE, Se. FER YARD; :.-,.'. ?.p lu /.KS LADIES' CHEMISETTB COLLARS, (-*"I.*'P.! !) AM) WHIT'. I*,- rWF.RE 40*. 200 DOZPN LADIES' FLEGANT FRENCH EM Bil"! Fl ? LARS, ALL SIZF * Se. : V\ , RE ??:.-. _ I'll . S FRI NI ll IMPORTED BRAIDS, lc. AND Be. PER V A I li ; Vi 1 .... .1 IC. AND 50t , I I TONS I )., -il! BONE V^TAL A NIi d', fp i I! I OMRINATIONS, _ . ,\ND7c. PER I" ?*_? : -. ? ?? ; . > DOZEN - ENGLISH R'M'-TLr. ANT) ELEC TPI* II Af il !.::: HI H '.'.,-. ; WERE 75-. FINE ENGLISH TOOTH AND UAH*. HEPSHES, I Oe. roon BOXER TOURIST" FINE RU FIBING, 6 TA RDS IN BOX, lOe. PER BOX ; WERE _*-. IVTOST EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS LADIES' FINE SHOES. PULL LIN1 LADIES* HAND-MAD1 FRENCH KIO AND e.'i.v-.-. --' ; RI DUCED FROM FULL LINE SI PERI INP. NX FRENCH KID. rr i.vii-vi vi.i "i"-.:\ roi FRENCH HEEL, AT ,..i -.'?? : REDI'CED PROM Fl I.i. i.i:..- OF r???' . v.M) MISSES' SHOES LIT. ERALL. i.l \ ! N AWAY. NOTICE REDUCTIONS IN OUB CALIFORNIA BLANK ONE LINE AT ? .'.Oi WI RI ? PINE Af S-"?; WI ;.. .10 50. I. LINES ? ? ?'. I . ? .*, AND *?0; REDUCED FP."\! -:). .-:-, AND l.v*;-. OUR IN TABLE LINENS EX*1 IA QI vi.ii", ?_;?.' YARDS WIDE RY 3 YA ".OS P"Np.. ? : RI DUI ED FRI i I ?!P FULL LINES VI ? ",. t% S7 AND .1; REDUCED FP.dM ."?*. S12 v's D )UR LACE AD -RIMMING DEFT, extraordinary bargains ONE PIN'F, OK EXTRA FINE FRENCH in AN? TI, I.V FLOUN( ING. BOe ; Ri 1,1' ED I ROM ONE LINE 'I SUPERFINE SPANISH GI IPI RB ?BOUNCING V' :??.? : RI DU* l-.I* FROM |1.4S BOO COLORED BILK FURNITURE SCARFS, 75c. ; ll :p' ' ED ! ROM 5 l.SS Jill. BALANl E Ol "PR SUMMER PARASOLS MD UMBRELLAS .vii.l be offered at one-quabter their ;ost. l_E~_ ui;; _?;i._: SEDUCTION!. jENT'S furnishing depabtment. EXAMINE THE QUALITY ANI* P IICE8. ,*,00 DOZEN GENTS ENG. 1-2 HOSE, P*>c ; WERE Ile. 200 DOZEN EXTRA FINE FRENCH BALBRIGGAN . PSTS ? WI.PK 75... -?'??'.. '.'?'.'?.: NOW 50c. ' '.-. s v.M* WALKING-STILUS Oi FVERY DE JCRU'TION WILL i'.. MH.u AT ONE-QUARTER i HP. Ft "PH.IN IL COST. IttnUV/) rkxta \*_w* \_r l?_i/ O LITERALLY GIVE.. AWAY. Examine tho Quality. Note the Prices. ".!'. LOX OF Bl PEIVFINE FRENCH CAMELS' BAIR VIGOGNE IN CHECKS, STRIPES \ND i'l. .IDS ; I ' .. . Il PRU i - ' -s. N".V .. ONE LOT *'I ENGLISH AM' SCOTCH CHEVIOT CLOTH SUITINGS IN CHECKS, STRIPES AM) MIXED EFFECT' WERE -1 1)5 NOW fi lo, J.SCO FRENCH COMBINATION ROBES IN SILK PLUSH. VI LVET (iNI) PLUSH, IN ALL !.1-- DS v-.,) i"I."l".v OK BILK MATERIAL, fail's. .::,2 ANI) I7._'J, FORMER PRICES WERE -14, *_; AND .3.'.. J.&C TflSLE NAPKIN8 ANO LINENS OF EVERY DESORPTION. SUPERFINE <_!''(-".** an,) bed stm;e*iPS nv EVERY Di.-' lt il"- WILL BE S'jl.D AT ONE QUARTER -i IP.Ii-. \ ai-').. EXTRAORDINARY IRDUCEKENTS FANCY PLUSHES' AND VELVETS. ONE PINE OF COMBINATION VELVET AT Osc; RPIilt I i i ROM .".. ANOTHER LINE AT al 08; REDUCED PROM SS. FULL LINES Ol LYONS PLUSHES WILL BE SO!,ii AT ONE-QUART! ?'- Till ru u rt'AL VALUE. 50 PIECE* roi/)RED SATIN RHAD1MERE AT :? REDI'CED FROM _ TIIE IIALANC1 OF Ol !*. EXTRA FINE IMP'iRTFD FAIL' USC A ILL BE Ol I I.U:.I) AT ri 18 INO CLEA RINO Vii.1.. 0 WORTH "P REMNANTS OF COLORED SH,,: _ AT ONE QC vu u: ORIGINAL (-**<T. NOTICE REDUCTIONS. THE BALANCE OF '"-i*. STOCK OP FRENCH ': SATEENS AND S <'? II OINOIIAMS WILL BE SOLD AT 10c AND I--,-" PER HARD; REDUCED PROM GREAT REDUCTIONS BLACK DRESS GOODS. ONE LIME SILK-WA RF HENRIETTA AT 75c; " ; I."-: SI 15. ONE LINE VJ ll: RI OUTED FROM SI *?? i.ii' - II 1 WT ( AMPI-.y HAIR AT (50c . RI ni i ED FROM SI. wsrm vmm ? ^"i BROADWAY, .ITSi -AVE. A.-ii5 ?s_*_!j5--?*T RR METER DID NOT WARI TO "MOTE o.\." IE AND HIS FRIENDS ABE INDIGNANT AT A POLK I.MAN lol: ARRESTING HIM. Martin J. Meyer, a. yourie dry-goods salesman, was _t Pul re BeadQaarters yesterday to complain t*> leting B ip* rirt* lidi-i,! p.."mi * oi ;i" conduct lowan] i in "I Policeman < barlee A. Gannon ol if.'- I ifteentb precinct Mr. Meyer sod a party e.i friend! lefi the Horton House earl) Friday all it end walked down 'ourteenth-.t toward 'il* rd ave., whew Mr Meyer hid in aarpolBt-oent to soeai sis friend I iptaln Heed. ii.,' party itopped tor a (ear atomest. te await tho iiTivai ci ti <? eaptala, who was lalo, sad wi le lag th'-re they were gruffly aeeoeted bj Officer :;?.!ioii. srhe offlelouily ord red them I i "more on." Destrtag i<> heep liis engagement Mr. Meyer de '?lar.-ei thal be Mould nut move epii. ai thal the <.ri? or is reported to hav,- eattrd Mr. Maper a variety ? >f villalnems intii's. Nut sai.!l"tl *v|i(t this, the poll) t man arrested Mr, Moyer ami ini,k bim to the ital on. liny weis- followed, nf coane, iv the friends ultu vera will Mr. Meyer, waa '??-.?? decidedly Indlcnanl at thi. trecfasai I Serfeant I lark was .it the desk, bal ?vu bis pren nee did aol Influence ibe offlcer, who ?i,:,'i:i;i'(l Iii* abm Ive lal lie even a ut jo far as ro ll rust ld* dob In the Pi-,* ol 'ii- prisoner. 'Din sar goan! ordered h!n to stop and N-trned to he starts* *,r the gentlemen who bad followed tin _ffl?r ??.il ii.- prisoner '" the ita! on. They quickly 11 a-, .d I-. Kim 'i iii thej wt e but In i "- . I [pg and lbs ? "ll ! iown to Hu m. Kurili rmow they declarer] thai be bsd done no th ni? ta v -r,a i th ? 0 tam alli be InvesHgated by tbe po!ie? ... 101 Ilea MS BLBBt T> I'i: BAPTISKB TO-DAY. T!ii- win I.- a ir. tai day f"i the Faith Cure people n Jersey City, f"r there will be meeting, ol r ?? aagri gat loci, (hal e.f the < ' web ol tbe I p al the Mt _"lo i*i it ii * h_|,. i ,i- and thal al tbe Kt* ej Mi limp?!?. of j, well ave., whl< h will hi ld ijti iv do, i bay, .\t ihi un ' been i I '. : i ?r* .a,, ii. and Mi. ;., ii ul he )..ij I lied in ?xJ.----I.?i iii? il," i' v Ul lat ? - it Mt. ' !',a !???(.?? I, |, ,n lu Hil. ?: rt- I illly in il.*- chape! and one othei pure i mousIy, I be reeent convert* have eho?en lo lie un tiiri*,p*,i toilaj. Thsra ara aUmt twenty al tkeae. -lt. llan_ii__, tbe v? tor. will _,_,v_ cL; i.j ol Ibu coru i and service* al Ihli point. Tim music will I'? h. charge of William Bennett, lin* organist ? SENDINfl KED M.-.I VPN' ROMS 1 ol the crew pf l'a" Gel air sill*" i l . ll ? Th Mir v ii Ins * ni?; p - House. At thf I ? rk li'--' li , ? , ol i... i\", ?? r-ia have friend ? la the 1 he v ,i iii re main -ii .*i of their beg ? . to linn? tbs Thlnevslla's it ii i rx ? i to ii i'. Tho i the Slavonti gio each foi bj the aejr, sad ail the riaiuis if ail the _hipwrei i passengers st ths ( i.|,> nbagea ' L. Ttl band, of BtOCl lr,Ina. fnrrni>rlv of Ke-nrb. ?'?? rind run,Uar,- in liv- *, lu r t- v. ul, Job !?-? taint., nf n ii _ i..-ld I tu: srlfi ' ? _li*. rheban- . daozlii r, abs li (beat to t?' la.u rle I. _ (iiirw; MOBPBIBB TO A WOVLD-BB sciciDE. a ii'iidi**, i ram? aoman, trbo ?;is sabseaneatly found t.p I," Mi-- Mirv li fl I Oraas ttoa* 'pu sk of the ii ,!? p,r Laekai aaa aad WeatenAuil \ i innouaes I to a < i . . i , p.nlni; I. j..i "a* r for s train rlth walch t'> ? i., , , a - ... di ? li ,nt ibe If grasp sn i. I :? i. braced 1 ar aa I d .,' I h nt I'i ISks li'T. Altai il .-' , ? : pp ii, a.- tina ... i .pl' al ll, , . ,, ii-,' ll | lia. la ? Anauunc-oioota Hate yon rricil C-.tiNKi.L-g Rrnzoim ('<** , p. . .ski ? :ll ? ? 'iv I ,'t -a ? ? ? f I n . ? Sinn., iirOirRisei. ?*? __. .'? VV. 'J ' ' " . !? ll ?"".!? ??:. K. tV \V A NI'.-1 I' i "s r A. Ii .M.I)., i ? naas I , . ... II" it . - I , ll. _ lu H. sItbrh Tooth Boap tXtts pssoAr white i- in. iitinil? Uis *irn,.:i), urOT'sa? leets f-vm tl-tiiy, Ak. _!__,_,;,_, VA li.iol.ll d-S.l -J L> _*-?_. B. Al li st, li st ii ni in. (18th St. Station Elevated Road.) Are now Showing; a of Advance Styles of DRESS NOVELTIES For Early Autumn Wear. NE WU FROM THE .SUBURBS. NEW-JERSEY. The New-Jersey Athlone Club will havo Ita fall game*! on Its now ground., at Bergen Point, on Sep? tember 3. The*? will be .00 ami 300 yards mm, one mlle and half-mil'* runs, a one mlle blcyclo r.?o, a potato r?o, ami shefl and canoe race?, a baseball game will be played In tha afternoon. Patrick sTeanshsn, a wealthy farmer who lived about three mil? from Matawan, was thrown from hil wagon yestenlay, and strifclng on his head was al? most Instantly killed. Mr. Keenahan was ths father el the Rev. ,1. r. Ker nallan, a Roman Pafliollo Priest of Jorsey City Heights. J KP - EY CITY, narry Vreelaad, a? eight, of West?.ldo and Oran. ave., while playing In Lennard's pottery In Grant-ave. yesterday, was .truck on thc head by an arm of a grind? ing machine and Instantly lilli**-. _.._?_ KEW AUK. Miss Jennie Guild, age sixty-two, a daughter of aa Judge \v. R, GuUd, format owner of "The Newark Journal." committed SUlcids at Canlon, Ohio, on Monday. She took her life by hanging during a Iii of inelanrholy. Jonathan Ash, ape seventy-six, of No. _7 Penn? sylvania aver, a rctii-ed batcher, dropped dead In bis garden yeeterday from heart dlseaaa, Ho waa well known and highly reepeeted. BTATEM ISLAND. Hiss Fanny Vaughan, the sixteen year-aid daughter of bberlfl Vaughan, ol Richmond County, is learning to operate a telegraph Instrument and toe r*heritf some time H'S"- had an instrument placed In bli offloe ?o that his daughter could use lt. cn Friday Dight during tin* thunderstorm, lightning struck the telegraph wiro ai il eli'* electric fluid waa conducted by the wii * li to I's office and ills two j i ir-old ion, Grover cleve? land Vaughan, received a severe shock Tho lltt'.p* fellow was ai?o severely burned about tb*s head and ins by iii? ol Ors fruin the instalment. WBbTCB ESTER C ?PNTY. Another draft, of fifty convict-* vv? made yesterday nn the Mug Sing pris,ni to be* transferred to Clinton prison, lae ?? Black Prince," who arrived at the prison en l -May, was among the convicts that were ordered to change their habitation. QOorga Morley, Harry Morley and two other young men from Fort i hester whose names wore bot learned, while out on iii- so ind In a rowboat daring rite- thunder storm *'ii i rid iy afternoon, were thrown Into the water by the capsizing *.f their boat and bad lo swim for their lives. They succeed*d In rea bing Shell Island. A new Qaeea Anne cottage belonging to Louis C, Meris, at Brooksville, Just completed, was itrool aad sol on Ure by light nins daring tho thunderstorm em Friday afternoon. A chimney was badly shattered and the Interior of the house damaged to the ezteni eif 1400, The members of Flandrsaa Post, No. SOB, 0. A. R., will have s ramp Ure at Contrail. Kipp's Hudson I'ark Koa Rochelle, on Wednesday. John Moora,, an Italian laborer on the new raoo-tracl af Westchester, attarlcd David Marica, a fellow wor? man and countryman, near a clump of woods yester? day, and after robbing him of gao, stabbed him severn! tlmes and left him f"i- dead Miora wai taken be fi ir* Justice Kennion, who committed him t<> the White Plains Jail to await the result nf Marica'. Injuries Marica was sent to the Coonty Hospital. ALBRO THI* BOrjN-t, A soldiers' monument at Mitford will he dedicate*! on Angus! 30. Governor Lounsbury, General Sher? man nial Oneral A. IL Terry have boen Invited anti an- expected to be present. TO clo.**.: r___B sisc, sisc, OAMP.MRBHRQ. The i-n days' camp-meeting i'1- Bing Sing will corns ti a ci'.*e it. ?Jdntaht to-night w;-h an old-fashioned .P'thod l*t ]i)lil!. e. lt l- sxpeeted thal there "ill b-* a lar? ll tendanes to wltne? His eloalna icenei of fhe ?..;i ,,: tha Rev. Thomas Hamsun. ;v\! ia i.. jubilee (hr a wlii I ervlee, morning, after aid i nentng, and tlie children's meeting at . p. in This camp-meeUnB I?m proved one <>t tbe most. - ni, ... i ',., . I bj Uti Bil ' Bli ? Al Be in t ion. MA KIN S I !i TE /. /. i Cf EN VE. MtMiAfTas* al.- _*s*._a Tia-l'AT. San ns? ft:10 I Sits. C:-'" I Moon sou MB I Mooa'i tsfS 1 mau vt trsa _tM?aaa__> Mesa. feSOIOov. Isl*I bom Kanoasa 7il _'.__ ?Sandy H?o_. Jul ,* I *inr. 1*1. C:17 I Hill n_;_. Hil) INCOMING 8TE IMEES. Il VXl. Feint. trom, tonal. ta.: I t an Monarch_Tamdon.Aufr 4.Menari I-ra ors.Lmi,'an .Aai -.s A n i 1!.C'miar Mn rn ti-.Il un n ur ir.Ans' *.... Hamil Aa,. I - - r ~ * ?Neth-Ams p. i bampagas.Rat ie.Auk l L.troaea i raa Ain.iu.a.Rio Janeiro I dj 38....Ca_tt)ra_n HOBDAY. Al a.. _0 Devonia.'ilastow.Aili- f).Andu Ki ida.Brenan.Ann Uoi Alv.. Pori I.'.man ? Vu/ 7.Atll City of Atlanta.Havana.Aug 1-.Wa?' iri.M'AV. AIL. -- vi is,-,,niin.Liver seal.Am ll .(.ino huts of Nebraska.Ulaagow.Auc ut OUTGOING STEAMERS. iu-.a, Veisi VtStti, Line. F',r Matu close. a_.ll Il_rr_couta, Atlantic i WI, ItarbadoM.. 10 a in nooi MOST-AT, Alli 'JO. Colon, Pacino Mali. AaaSawaU.10 am doo ii i -i>u. alu, !_1. Aruona, Oiiloa, LlTer.aal. 4:30p waoaeaoar, aim. ?_'_ Adriane, Wn-.tnSt?. [.Iver,,.,.,!. -J am 5 30a Var Wt, .'-aiion'.l.|.?_t. it p Baale, Ef li UoT-V nrp-aii-ii vu Sotitli'lou '.'tarim 6 _ -in, Nulli-Amer, Anist'Ttliim. 'J Ho * rn tl a Wee-land, Hart HUT, Antwerp. Ulm ii a Sara's?, Wara-,-lavena. 2 pm 4 p shipping Titra. I'ortofnkvv-vou:'.BATO RO AT, Alu. IS, IS! A R I: IV I'. BtsaaieeRapabile iRr), i>.> tea, Liverpool Ango, wi milne and I >.' passenger* te J Urmo Ii.nar. Ar lin .tl .tiOt ,, it . steamer Martelle 1 r.r). Moore. Hud 14 days, with sad as?t ft pwaeengsr. to Baudersoa A noa Anno 1 ,; tba 1 ', '.' SO 1,1 iii. ? ?I, .tait 1 1 ...Ut ina I*-jii na Halt tn'1 e.. Havan i tnt '. *, wi I i? llnvi in.-yi is A- 1.1,111. uni'! lu l lias 1'mtntusr i? it rim <* ib? Hu at B ? m. steam ' dence span). Carmona, Havana 4 days, * nh ant Hal ?_UM ,,.,,, ; , I . ; p |>U-1 111* ,V Ctt ?t,ipii. 1 . ...?..? H. 1 r.r 1 1 mr. Mums.'?t 7 flays,wi itigai ii. lim im< i, rs ,t ililli, reseal la M dur. Ball -? < ps .-*l?ii,|r F_nil_, .Noip-.m. Willum .Ititi, _ ii.i.s, uni and ji is ? an-1 s ... t.i Wm P Civile a Cn rtear fri.maa vv HoM-r. MeMuian, capaBayUoa 17 dat Willi lng',%,m.iI I.l J Ililli..- USOMMt ila. v.M.ta IO 1. 1.1 it, noe ,v 1 ,i si N ,| :' ,\t Beast? ir,p.>_, wind, 11 't. B\V; weatht 1 h.,1.IV. Al 1 Hy, .Tin,1. light, aWi weather, cloud.'. Ari it'.-,I \t .'? .._. Miiiin-t Baals i'i'11, Hli'liter Ure.non Aili; 4. Moulhainnt ;.. mtin n,ii i- and i,.11 paiieugen to UalrleaaA * .s .vim nt Hie lt .r at IO. la p m. UI._ A le i ll-ii,!,.' ,,,!? i:r, ' ? ' ' ? kV I 11 nt si ? I Ila . , I nut ll lani un, HUSh V I,-voa , ;. i lit,. Mi'Ma kau, i .i.i ugo ria tinsel ll,.,,.-A .a . ?a ll III,... a .V I , _r City nf Hew- Vats Sr), Watta?, Uvarnool i Oa?ii*tea n Pi ;n vi i icm I i it..n i.r,. Ka*-.ii,. ?Umk ,t Jevoui Ho.tiiiot leela (Br), Jamiioo, l_|y_r__ol?Hsndarsea Bro Mn-Hiar-si-vu-ia 'lit), Sp.'itiildt. Hiattin, PniMMiiiHgtu ,_ Ki>ut,4r.l'. .t. * h. ' uli-iu? liuii.mia (Usrj, Uuf n, iU-.u. _>._ Kuuiuiilt A 1 I J. .EMIN, fi CO., Sl'tCKStMOIW TO A. T. STEWART & CO., (llSTA IL), Cont limo to offer the accumula? tion from last season of ODD PIECES OF CARPETS, that cannot bo duplicated, at A LARGE REDUCTION BELOW COST. They -will add to the above sale 100 PIECES (REGULAR GOODS ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS at ?1.00 ncr yard. ENGLISH ROYAL WILTONS at SI.50 and $1.7.- per yard. ENGLISH CHENILLE AXMINSTER^ at SB.75 to $_.."50 pei* yard, WITH BORDERS TO MATCH. Also, Best Ail-Wool Extra Soper Ipi. at ffffCs per yard. [.roadway. 1th ave. 9th and 10th sk "October 19,1864." ?nCOIAI. OBBBM. For SO Sate only. Te meet M......*!..- for *?''" w-or-d? memorial of -IENERAL mu Mt I HAN, We will br*.ait our ralo u,it to t-di gin ile copi? <,r i,ur m III-.TOKII tl, RATTLE SCE.Sfc.' sud tm 60 la- .,. his death, whleh occurred en August ?>. w wll un enters hy mau lor our wund?ful R.'_ro ductum IN COLORS ol T. I)K lilt l.STUCrs r;REAT PAINTING SHERIDAN'S RIDE. We will further ilrt the meTtmen. to peip-tua'.e the memory of General Sheridan by reducing the ur ce of tills PANPiCS PICTI Pi-, rar ,;. T_ ... l-ltnii || KO TO 9'A 00, to hriiiK ir. iv:ihin tin' reach o' hil old *? This reduction, boweya., it only fur _i> dat/, af'-r uti death. 1 ii'* ar?nz*'m>*nt of po*t!tfon>i In this palntln? wis mada bv GENERA Ii SHERIDAN HIMSELF. He also fur rushed for his own portrait tu-o thntogrii 1,1.1 taken ?t a!.,air nie date or the ride, e,.-t 19, !<..,4. Th_ fln!1, ,,?,..,,, of Hu* painting were executed tn Ueneral nfitriitan't head qua rt tri. ru puters l? Btoeate-L: __v_-t. a desctptive bo-c. with hey U) portlalU. tc, pi ,-s w.rh picture PRKE Beni rurriii." ni ,1. ,,n receipt ,,f S2.00 1 or one-halt the reg-i'nr prt.-i Rt'T ONLY TOR '?.,* r>\YS M'TP.P. THE lui., HP GENERAL SHERIDAN'S DEATH (.Vic 5. 1888). L, PRANG & CO., Fiiif Ail Pat-Ushers, I.osto't, Mass. CARPETS (*M<s, .TI'-.S RETAIL! D AT \t li'iLP.**ALE I'HICE**. OT'i. f.?,;, STOCK oi' (? t !:]?? liv;. LTNOLE OT I.-* I.-i'i HS. '. .. ' MRRAOE- All. TIIE NDVE1 OP TIP. SEASON. B FRAME 1'. iDY ::.:' s-pl.s A DOWN-TOWN CARPET STGRH. THEHYATT NO. 273 CANAL-3T., NEAP. II P.*) A DU AV. OtTR SPEi'IAI.IV THB (FI.KBP.ATKI) ROnXl'KY TAPESTRY BBUSSlTLI. AND VELVETS. *?.?>?**_ TO |50 SAVED on th*> price- of reliable O _*..*SeslilUn (_r_ent If uu?h?el [hismonth. *'. 1:. SHAYNE, manufacturer, i"-t Princ lt., neal Broadway. ? THOMAS W. OSBORNE, Caligraph Operator, of Rochester, THE CHAMPION. In a spued contest at T',ron*o, Monday lust, tx* tween the Call fraph and Remington, Mr. O*. lppirnp-, Ken ogre"?* arith tin* Vac Hum nil Ce., Roehestcr, N*. v., performed the remarkable teat rd - 637 wards, corri Bve minutes, aa average af ovei P_". per mlnut? this is the li lt* Ji MN (.peep! e\,;. j -ps-,,-,-l r.y f_\y ? of out ni,?li!ne, aid Bpet'd iv? rhe point lit l-SUO. IP win, of course, hold rh<" eharnpton ' ".a* world until this r- BOT. Tlie Rf:nin?ons had two ol I operators preeent, Miss "rr, of New-York, mid Mr. MeGurrttt, nf Utah, who have lind .a !if,.'s txperienee in all hindi ol copying, anl th? wea Um "ires Iir dletatlon work; bnl in ihe leeead trial, writing a familiar sentence Iron memory, to test whleh machine wnn-. 1 ?s| 01 ? nlpulatlon, the Call graph proved ita ability to write tiie most matter la a given tin... Osborn-*, McOurrln io wards; and Mrs. Henderson, a Caligraph operator ar T01 into, il Ml - On 29 wurdi. While tue Remington operators new slaking Hi tain itrokei for 1 f'. Osborns wrot ths 19 wordi 111 bevon 1 tb reaeh or the Reraln ;ton, Tye bars w tot tie- as fast before, m l tho on iph c.? 1 wh in lt li ired thai 12s pei minute is faster than moat stenographers arri Is bro ?- tara? Rmi [Ger), Jungst, Hremen via Southampton 0* richs ? _ _ riteame. Brinlo , l>tch\ Hoo-erwerff, Iliruruen. Hol Punch, Kelye ,v Ce. Blaamer *. i? rt (Nor). Kanit/. Tanti Island, Martin' m ,- _t \|, |c Steamer <ieo W rime, l(.alrae?. I nib Isl in,'.. Sa. !)?mlr>_i . ul *';i|ie Hay nen Wm p 1 ir,*- ,v Co Steamer fitvof Columbia, Itftt'g. il ivana?Jas E Ward . Ce sieainir('oin-l. P.isk. Galveston a 1 Rey Weal c n Mal lori '.io nt?mer Kt?tiler. Higgin-. Sew-Orleene sj T Van sickie ?...iiiir Louisiana, aa_r, Nea 'Mata- ail Beaman. St.,.r Parnta, Nelson, Wilmington, NC?Wm P Clydt A fo Btearnsr Old Dominion, Pouch, Richmond, city Point mi Dun Inion Sa Co ii-r.i,,' ludotte, kelley. Norfolk and Newport New ?tilti Dominion -?Oo 1 tat Breakwater. Wallana, Weet Point, Va?uidDomii lon *?? ' h. Steamer. W Garrett. Jester, 11 immure-n M Downer, st..uner v 1" Miller, 1 l<>tu.-r, Manaor P n Smith JsCo. Bleeiuei 1 ran oula. Benn tt, I'ortUml -Horatia ? ..,,.-! ll K Diirio.-k. Etdrid ,-. Hoaton il !? Dimoefc. Han \\\ \i i-tieleu (S?eili. I.-la-l-r n. stettin -liouhat Jr Boreaen Bara Atlantis (Paul. Paderaen, Hamiinrg-Piinch. Eyde^ Oe, Hark Marry liiisft.nuiin (Pr), Morrii, riymouth?J I Whimsy .*. *p>. ia. (Ital), M-iren-a, I.lintMlrk, Int-John Senr-. lit,, tuba y Canaries iSpan), Rodrlguss, tanury lalaads 1: i'phk br? siistin Berg in, r aeds, Bara pp. Mi lier, linn ,t tai. Bohr Harold B fensons. Devise, Mace 10 ria Ballimore M t l'a kenn. ,i l'a .-tin lida Ponier, Cosgrove, Vieques J .* co, BAILBD. , Bteamers Towsr Hill, for Loadoai l'tniiriaand cite N-p- York, (or Liveriiool: lini.ii... n,.:i. -Uvoni.i, I'o rnnagei Hob 1 a. llauibnrgi Km*. Brims /,.i,. lu. Amati 1 ,i.m. *;.u -. ._. 11 ? 1 _; 1 n l'.,,nr_o_ii (lae w 1 ii ila, s..n Dumlnao s Iv* ia Pm 1 an Print e, rn, * ,1 anthia, n.iv.'.n.i. < .1. I.,,,,.,.,, i.,,n nana and 1 to, ? * nt,1,tl,...i. .'?iiiai il mi 1 in ol "s.n.i it.h. *.iv_i nahi Old i',iiiiiii,.ii. Kiiihmou-, OuvuuploUe Noi p..rt .\.-?*. K udor iiin. Baltimore Shir* I ,?-)??- lar Ul.ive. Ii.ik- Wm Hales. r,,r singanom; Miriam. HaraD-nr on ie,,, ito nanum 1 tbei 11. Blina Leone. ? Uti M.111. fur I'm 1 _n l"i m. I AtsesaiM ria Long labrnt Monad -<te?,,ners Miranda r liaiiia.. 1 .m-v p Miller. Hangor, Blaanora, Portland 11 I il es 01 k. I' , .inn. Hark 1.ntnr. Inr Melbourne. Bilge Ul?y .. issn, lei i',,n ..,', chas a Kparki, Boston. 1 ill. miv ii : \ ,? . 1 -, ,?;. ^ n y_y_% . * ? ? 1 . _M_,_*r ' "?>? Van Dyck (Iii 1- isl or, irmn New. \ t?rk - -Ug 18 mel. ,|, , , u? r|!r, lu,,lu?i, ... ? , BS_'_..L*"r Ne1' Y* V ''' S'?''0,l? ?"'?"ll? '"'a'"! IBai ll tum c. A US IS Arrived. it?ul[ California (Os \t nu kier, ii.-in New \ mk. AMSTSanaM. Ana IB- Bailed,etssaass Am.ieriiara (DM limier, rm Msw.York, Airtwaar. Aug in Arrifed, iteamir Tlstsr Ss Costa (Oslg). Urarsns, trout Nsw- YorS. I J. DENNING. GO. Sl't'CEMSOR*- TO " A. T. STEWART & CO., (RETAIL) Offer the remainder of theil Summer Stock at LARGE REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC NICHT ROBES, TRIMMED WITH FINE EMBROIDERY, AT $1.35 EACH; REC.lf.AK PRICE, $1.73. LADIES* FINE WALKING SKIRTS, With Flounce*- of Extra Fine Embroidery, AT $1.75 EACH; REC.Lf.AR PRICE, $_t.*50, LADIES' HEMSTITCHED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS AT $1.50 PER DOZEN; RED*. t El) I'R.MI $2.40. LADIES' AND MEN'S HEMSTITCHED COLORED-BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS AT 12-c. EACH ; RE II I CED I-'KO TI 5.0c. 3,000 YARDS COTTON AND WOOL DRESS GOODS, Pin Checks, Plaids and Plain Colors, at 10c, 12-_c., and 15c. per yard; Reduced from 15c, '-Oe, and 23c. A large variety of fine FOREIGN DRESS GOODS, IN LENGTHS FROM 8 TO 12 YARDS, 1 at 50c. and 60c. per yard; REDUCED FROM SI.00, $1.15, _ $1.25. , HUB BLiGK SURAH _U,\ 25 per cent, uuder repular prices, 20,22, AND 24 INCHES WIDE, at48c., 55c, 65c.& 75c. per yd. _Dry Goods soid at the lowest prices in the city runt tl eli cered out of town FliEF. of mail or express cha rrfcs. Samples and informa? tion sent free on ajiplicatiotie Broadway, -l-h-are., 3_!i and 10th sts. _ i CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS BY THE TRIBUNE.*4i^i-xi; ami i>i>mierabm, Bo. 101. " Pi iud jil. ? and "?!. n " of tha Rap ut H. eaa party. A leaflet conralnlas thi* p?irtralta ol Hu rt ma I arni Morton, and sketches of their lives; and tin I Bl publican National plarlorm. Two copies for I earn; IQ per >?>. lOO. " Dimorrticr I'hoiogrnoheil , Tba ' Etecord of a r.ogus Reformer.'*- A document ra* ipectfully dedicated to Oaoffe william Curtta. A i_ife 1 ag review of Democratic appointments, alphabets J kally arranged, which arr* shun n hy Demoeratle _N_k mony to violate ovary r::!e Of litmv? and every pr>> fes?ion of President * loveland. A document criminal with exact taits whlt-h every itacera advocate ot irefurm shonld road and consider seriously. !_ esau s eopy; iud eopleo for si ?_.*>; 1,000 for $7 50. >... '.:'.? ' lat.liio.i ? CH* 4 Ilaire-"? Eit/M-i r 11 Kngllsh papers, showing to American vo'.srs thal Kn "and wants the Demoeratle party to succeed, ia a* in secure Free Trad* Including "* Punch's*1 cart-Os-, lapraaaattng Mr. Cleveland Introducing '-free Trsdi* to '? AnuriiM.-' Al- england's free-trada flag Alia th- 1 al of 'he cobden - mil, ami a list of Aaierlcaa 1 ai In ' affleara ami otbar Datnoerata who ais maa* hers of that duh. An ent**i..tining do*-ameat, at which 120,000 copies wero told tha tirst day. Pr-*-, **s f.?_- a cent; 100 ooptes foi io oeuts; ?_ pit 1,000 copies; ll. lac 10,000 eoplaa. Mo. US. " I'rolii lion Iur ??"armers."?WlthOOl quail Heat lon, Ihe i rat document for farmers to r?_ ln print Published In eoaiso type, making o:gtt-> pages tit The Waakly Tribune. This document coat-la* tha "AltlK'ss to .'anne?"' l._ued by tho ap?--t?1 eommlttaa ot nine repraaentanvea of Agricul-Bia which met ta Non -"il- *-">' la-st January to _Bt i! t.-f ila'.' to tho denian I ol .several hun__ thnmanrt farmers for protecrion to American __*? emin?. Also t!n> inei U re- ti submitied by ?-*? I member of thc committee. These papers *o ex ?Uborata practical expl.natlon, by funner., fe: BA benelit of larmers, la tavor ot a prof.*. rive tariff, lat 1 an appeal Lr eohealVS anti united action. I ns lt ! tiie moa! at_?I and Interesting publications st tts -tresant year. Price, single copy, 3 conti; IC* eopt? fiT -??_; 1.000 c.,pies lar .io. "So. M. Containing tho IV diem's n?___|- ?** j the tarttT and Mr. Itlal 1:??*?* powerful reply. ___??*? j form for popular distribution. I'wo coules for St* I cent; Ri per 1 ,ooO copies; iii lora of 10,000 ot mts* *1 60 per 1,000. t Mo. 9... '? '1 hr ??:? ??!?_..? Irons I'm. ?>." et Bk . maine's reply io tho President. Four copies Bt te* I cent; .1 p.'!' 1,000 1 p'p.cs, tu Ins .if lo.O'.'O a_4 trott j 7.. rems per j Tn rid ol IMO. - A document ihowing attt** what armies are protected, snd what ones ttt ao*, 20 yatee (aaah page 8 by 10 inches), clearly _>-___ Au elaborata statement of tin* present duttei ta tatty article of laportad, together with ss ?**-?'?'* of tbe tip'** li t tn full; the ?iantlty or eat* o'**** Imported In l__3 aud 1 .; ami the total -tao-*' ?* duty collected on eaeh article. Them l? ? -*?*'? Introdnettoa reciting .til tue tariff acts ever po***- -? Congress, tha ob)aat and result ot eaeh on* heist tx pia.nett. Al-o, a tablo of the total Imports, Stat ot year, from ITM to 1**7. This littlo panip-** ? accurate, waa prepared with great labor and txytstot .ml alli brt required, continually, for rr*-**-'*** lu lng the ysr. lt shows how America Hap W mllllOBa all over the world for foreign l?-r "J l ip du. is, even under the present tariff, *-at| ^ .'lom were Increased by the reductloui ? Price, sm -? aaftaa, li conti; 100 copiei fat - 1,000 .a.pie-, for $70. t.rpHB UOOK OP OPEN-AIR ai,OR'-V____-______l 1 pago* 1 ? _fi*l__ Aiii.i Upiii open al.' srou?n?ut_- Hole ?' . *?'.".&_ I**1 ming, ball plsylii-. .lu >_u?. hornet' -k. '"', "fi.--. V__\ in full, al par wpy i-..(dishr,i i?> l>-',.LL^SSTm?? Tot*. __iit?ruiu_ug sud ui_iv*r*>*-'y-,J-L-:,--BW press.