Newspaper Page Text
PART IL PAGES 9 TO 16, ^M^^t^itaa^^^S .__%._ *? ?-? -?--?--r? SUNDAY'EDITION. j AUGUST 19, 1888. j - ri-? * t/~i y I llr-rises will contribute to the fund. Tiae I pjuor wn R. H. MACY & GO. SEXTO-.-TI-. 13TII TO 14TI1 -)T. COL'D SILKS. FAILLE FRANCAISE EMBRi.ClNC AU. THE RW SHAPES FOR AVTPMN ANH WIKTER COSTUMEa TniS _____?IAIi MAS A SOFT VF.hVr.T HMS!!. WITH SMALL ROUND COUD, AM) IS WARI'.AMID NOT TO CRACK Or.', \M) ls 01__JU__ AT I'M . AM) .1 1'.). ri.AIP SCRAMS RECENTLY BOLO AT SI. POE __. TLAIDS. CHECKS, AND BTBlf-SB, DOUBLE WARP, CHOICE COMBINATIONS. AT ..? , USUAL PK IC I'.. *)0c. BLACK SILK VELVET 100 l__K_f_ kcpkrior quality with i-roam AND NARROW r.l.ACK 1-All.Ll. AND KATIE *_Ti;iri_'_, BOe. ; WORTH .'. SA NOVELTIES IN BLACK SILKS BLACE SATIN* WITH GROS (.RUN STUirF.S. 5.c. BLACK ur." ?.?.?* - \T 74.-.. TUCn BLACK SATINS WITH OTTOMAN STRIPl'.S. FJCH BLACK FAILLE WITH BROCADED SATIN fsTr.l!'! S !*v. ELEOAHT WATERI 0 SILK, KEW DESIGNS, We. .-INCH RICH Bl.AC;! il)RAH WITH BROAD AND MARROW BTRIPBS, <;.*. ; GOOD VALUE DRESS GOODS. WE art: KHOWIRO MAKT HEW SHADES in ALL Wool HENRIETTA.) OPAH IMPROVED MAKE OUR OWN IMPORTAT1 *N PEI E O'." PEETARD REAL VALUE- Me, OCR LIKE "V ita. < A-.nMI~.E8 ak; Vl.I.T COMPLETE, MAKT HEW BHADES HOW IN STOCK. IN OT*R MOURNING DEPARTMENT WE ARK. OF FF.RING EXCELLENT VALUES. WE MAKE BPE CIAL MENTION OP A BUPERIOS OL'AUTT Air, WOOL HENRIETTA AT 7 I PER V.M;!., IT IS WON. DERFULLT CHE UT. Untrimmed Straw Hats . nr- tirivr: FOR LADIES, MISSES t.l_ .nu.un? ?.._-. CLOSED OUT AT LESS nil HALF THEIR YALIES LADIES' ALPINE FELT HATS, ALL COLORS, AT Ole. 73c, &3e . Mo., AND .1 17. FANS! FANS! FANS! WHITE AND ASSORTED '?<"*! OBED BATIK, HAND TAINTED, WORTH FROM T5c TO 1175, AT THE UNIFORM PRICE Ol 19c &AUZE _____ GOSSAMER DIIDSRWEAR FOR MEN. WOMER AND CHILDEEN, AT VERT DECIDED BARGAINS T-** CLOSE OUT BALANCE OF bTO.h. REFRIC AT FRICES THAT Wiri. WARRANT TOD IH 1 i. RASING EVEN li YOU MAT HAVE THOUGHT THAT THE OLD ONE WILL DO FOB ANOTHER LITTLE WHILE. Bargains in Men's Hosiery. ENGLISH FANCY HALF HOSE ..*? THESE ARE BRETTL1 R F1N1 - MANY OF THEM wnn SILK STRIFES. IHE USUAL RETAIL PR] ai. FRENCn UHBLEACHED LISLE THREAD HALF BOSE SSe. FBENCH COLORED LISLE THREAD nALF HOSE 20c; WOKTB 60c EXTK. Ol'AI.ITT FAN'Y COTTON AND LISLE, 23e; Wr.RTH Bte. COLORED PLAITED SILK. 37-; WORTH 'oz. Bargains in Ladies' Hosiery. FANCY STRIFE HOKE, 21c. FANCY STRIPE BOSE, NEW BTTLES, 3i WOBTH SBe ENGLISH COTTON HOSE, SOLID COLORS, 29c; WORTH 7oc WE HAVE NOW ALL SIZES OF OUB CELEBBATXD Unlaundered Shirts AT 7-Je EACH THFT ARI* MADE ( t DTK \ NONPAREIL MUSLIN IN TI!- AND ll WY MOO IRIsIl LINEN IN Till. BOSOM. TI!!-. WORKMANSHIP TAREs Wini TH! FINEST CUSTOM SHIRTS TH] BUTTON BOLES BT ING ALL HAND MADE AND WE HAVE TH.'-. TEST1MONT OF MANT GENTLEMEN THAT TH. -I SHIRTS KIT WELL WEAR \- WELL, AND LOOK AS WELL AS Til"*.. TIIET HAVE HAD MADE TO OKbi::. * EACH TO A* E.* li FISHING TACKLE. COMPLETE AKKOBTMEHT OF DIST GBADSK AT ABOUT ONE-HALF USUAL PRICES MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS. ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES AT LOWER PBICE8 TUAN THE SAM7. GRADES CAN BE PUBCMASED OF ANY OTHER HOUSE. Vf n's Scotrh Flannel Coat and Ve-t. A3 59; WORTH to. ALL-WOOL BLAZERS, A2 9. ; WIRI. 43 89. SHOES. LARGEST ASSORTMENT PATENT LEATHEH TI!. _B LACK AND Bl LOUIS K V. OR l'LAl HEELS. AT tO-tO; FORMERLY -i:>. ANDS&M AIMEE Bl__PFBRa at BtW; REDUCED FRO! fMf CLOSING OUT PATENT LEATHER Kl R'.ETO OXFORDS AT f?'-.82. CHILDREN'S. AND MISSES' OOZE LEATHE! KUOES AT *18? AND MISSES' GOAT sun's AT KS.IK OUR NEW WALKING !*-'?OT OP OOZE t-EATHE BT a***-. L.v' I. ..ll nt FOB MO! .Main wear. OUTDOOR GAMES OF EV:. '.V DI MtTUITION. hoi sa: QjUOBSi ALL SORTS. t. WE PREPAT FREIGHT TO ALL TOWNS WITH! A RADI Uk OP IBS MILES OM PAID Fl Bl Ham ol' a. ABD over. Mail Order* lirpfullj Execute:!. R. H. MACY ft CO AX EYE TO LIGHTHOUSES. COL. T-'ILtfON'.*. M-W DUTIES. N APPOINTMENT THAT WILL INT!:?.! sT HEN cry LOSTO ISLAND DEMO! RATS Washington, Aug. 1-1 (SpeelaD.?Haagry Demn t at I'- pa".:t>t- of Lui);: I ?-l_.i_*I and tlit*lr Mead! kail the neal i r i oloael \Vii?*.n tn iii** UgkthoaM Board ? ytstte of Qanaial Dnaao, retired, a* iii** dawn of a ?ttei d?- fur t! **:ii Thc adnu nial ration af air?t? ky hr- Ughthaaao i*?ard a. rn prcaaat eaastftated hu rrougM despair and dctOlatloa In rh' l>?*m?ratle heart. Theta an whole plans of pstronnpe ar tho a * .uta miyee al af the Board. Ughtheon Leeper*. llstanfa arr to lr oppotnted atirl rot,tracts to h** giri ii eat, ami iii Ike management af all Iheae matter* iii** Beard ha* obsUnatety laalsted upon considering only *|''- ritiTis o| mrf'trtiry an*l litne.s. utterly Ipmr ins politics. They hav<* ? hand e_a_ i lita af efltoet in the Trenenry BafhHng, tal aiaaage their aftair ?lthtiiit consultation srlth t'i" Tfeaaiuy Tffl*tals. lee retaiT I ali* ililli aaa on** pat hr Hi* imwr which ha aiakea to ail the n nair rom eomplstnti showered upon him that Republican Mghthonaa haopen are kept in oAces witch Demoonts art* anxious le BB. 'My Ui*ar slr," ho taja, "1 have no control over I base appointments. Yon musi ga tip Um Lighthouse Hoard, tal I t .11 yon frankly i-.i advance yon will get DO sattsfa*Hon from theos.11 Whea thc complainant reaches the P. on rd ha 1 generally asked Hare, questions: "Io tho man yon tran! removed him?!? ls he eooapetaatl Does h* discharge iii- datleo satisfactorily T- if thc *jepllei ais* afBrmnttve tko Board Invariably refuses to eon sider any other complaint, ami one nora DMnuetatB oUco-aeeker retire: disgruntled. Colane) Wllsoa is ro garded as a raffli lentlj serviceable Damner? i.irhanpe ai; ibis, an'l li ls hpp|i"*i tbat his appointment win be followed iv a general ihaklng up ol ihe apjwlni ihe lighthouse districts of Sew-, irt and other States Colonel Wilson his Hit* ady mun* oflieeo than one man can properly attend to, tal there wm do other ufllcer available of ihe r julilte rank and political reliability. 11i?=. position i- Superintendent or Public Buildings and Grounds places him In charge of the House am' brlnyi rum directly under executive Influence. ANOTHER CBUISEE NEARLY READY. THF. Il a LIE* il'.E To BK LAUXCBKB ON' AUGUST 2fl ?A Ft-OATT-fl PORTRKBK Washington, Ans. 18.?AU airanpemcnrs hare h?n Bade for the laun.h of the new protected crul-p r Baltimore, ar Cramp <v son's shipbuilding yard on .\ir.-iist -j*. Soeretary Whitney aud the chiefs of the various tarean* of the Navy Department will go over ky special train to witness the launch; and li ls ?Iso expeeted ihat many memben of both branehei of Congress ami other prominent peopk. kt whom Invl tat loni have beoa sent, win po ?i-o. The BaM mon- ls one ol tho three largest nf the elpht author? ized pniteci.*.] cruisers. She ls of the same dtmensons ai the Philadelphia and Chicago, namely. SIS foot lon--. 4-1- feet beam; lft 1-2 fe*t mean draught "hen fully rr)uippcd, and ...rn ana ???*.? -. ter corr met price ia ?1,333,000, but tn. Chicago's antraet price was only frnSD.OOO. Thi* RalEmore as contracted fur on December 17, 1S8S, and the me for completion expired on .lune 27, ISSS. ID't t the requeat of the talldon for in extension of lan Secretaiy Whitney p.antcd sn extra allowance f four monfh?. baaed upon the calrnlatlnn hM fhn word, of cnn*' ruction wa* retarded to that ex? ert through no faint of th** eontraeton, tat bv the u'tion *f tke Government itoel Insneeton (lino ofli ' tke Nnvyi. In rcj-ctinp a heavy pcrcer,ta_.e of he iteel supplied In the early stapes of 'lie work if h>s limit httl roi brm oxtered, the eouiracior* nook) i*e paying a penalty of ..'_'? a dav for nunhl snd which would now amount to -- -nii ir ibe li ? id bv October SS, then ihe penalty will begin. Her ' tlmated hone-power, with forced draught, li to be 10,750, and a t_s_*A. of . kl ?- an hour l? guaranteed. Tke Baltimore li a twin-screw vessel, built rf st?l a-d with a ' - led deck. Her an.iau.cT_t w:ll eonilst of four f Inch bn-rch-loadlnp rifles. mouutM on the poop ?id forecastle, 2** 1-2 and 21 feet, re ipeeflvely, above rhe water: six-inch breech loadinp rlfls: six 8-ponnden, rapld-flr. puns; six Hotckkln revolving cannon, and four Gatling repeater puns. Five abovc-warer torpedo la'tnchlnp-tuhes or puns a? 'wo Axed forwaj-d. tirtr.E directly al _a.l, ot? fi.xM tube aft, ond a training tn'.*e or. ea<b bow. The --mci, pin1- t v, the i nop and forecast ls win be sup portod ilkkeadi of 15-pound plating, a::*i Intercostal boomi under the racers. The 6-Inch guns will b. supported by vertical bulkheads of Lb-pound - stiffened iy heavy metal anplcs worked be? tween the boril ? and upper dec Its. Althouph rho Chicago ls a 1 - ,-?i. rhe Ttajt'.mo? will be of sail-power as oa auxiliary to rhe feam in case ol derangement of machinery, she will have t nlv two masts, a?l fltt-d with military tops for mounting the mptd-flm pun*. Tho Baltimon will be fitted for service as a flap shtp. The Admiral's cabins will be at the after end nf rhe berth-deck, The motive power will be fur? nished by tv.'n triple-expansion enpines. placed tn ? t compartments. Tl* cylinders arc 12, rn ., etcr, and ... I length of stroked Wirii 10,000 hor?-pnwer and a ronsumptlon of SKIS tort rf caa. per dav it io calcu? lated skis may make a speed "f '.fi Knots an hour, a?l "iii a ; p .ti ii? twenty-five tons of coal a d.?" make a ip.' of io knots an hour. With her full bunker eanai ity of BM lol - of coal, ike will Ve ab!? rn sreani three and a one half days at full speed, and thirty-four days at a 10-kn itt' ipeed. BYNUM THRESHES OVEB OLD STRAW. OLD CHINESE FABLES PROMPTLT DISPROVED IN THE HOUSE?ME CHIPMAN DISCOMFITED. Washinprnn. Aup. 1" (-special).?The Hou?e enn Mimwl tko whole of to-day on the Chinese Beattie?lea bill. Ml MeCreary, of Kentucky, actltip as chairman of tko I ommlttee on Fn?!pn Affairs, in thc obsenes of Mr. Belmont, ar.d General Hooker, of Mississippi, made painfully labored efforts to prov*- that in the Chinees rreaty then wai at least one diplomatic a< * in which the Administration ind not blundered, ihe [louse, without a quorum, in surprised sllenee .njoved the novel experience of a eulogy of the .:-tr.*e Depart n.cnt. Mr. * h!; man. ol Michigan, while discussing thc benefits which tire b!ll would confer upon Aniori t an labor, wa.- nonplussed by a *iulet inquiry from Mr. Hermann, of Oregon, as ?o what advantage this l ill would be t.*-1 tbe American laborer if the cheap pro? ducts of the Chinese laborer would be brought into tlie country, duly free, under his party's policy of free trad". Mr. Bynum, of Indiana, arte?p- d tn rhro.h orer apaln tho straw which Mr. Vest ht;! BSOd !rt the BenOAl two days before on the thrice-exploded l!**s in rcpard to Genera] Hanrlson'i Chlnaaa record, and also thc reeord of the Republleaa party upon this question. But, le*- eantloui than th" Mlsaourl Benator, h" wont Into dates ard details, ard his CoUc^UOS, Owen and I . ll tt, ni Illinois, met hln. at every point with incontestible disproof of a!i his main assertions. ,\t the ? ?' basra, I ynum wa. lcD in a piti? able ' ditton, A vole .nulli easily have been reached on the bill thi day. But so much timo had , tho>-ratic _.?iibr? of ti.e Com? mittee on Forelga AlTaln lp. buncombe speeches the dav wa> far a*lvam-"d when Bynum brought forward IB a purred form ids sta.!* and exploded gc Hons, The Republicans, who won si! prrpartri to support "I this cheap attempt to make political capital at ike expense of the vital Inter- ti ol ike whole l_el i lope ond determined -i_at the vote should not be tsk'-n until the groundless, ti_.abl< character of these ulandei - hail been fullv anil wi e ?? Hon*** oceordingty ad journed, Having U - I IH -mu pending. Messrs. Dior row, lint. Cannon and Ov-ens on the Kepubllcan acre tiiramMI among those who advi.cated its [p;v-sip". and no iv pt. du au yolee -aa- lifted in opp*. s to n The quibble raised ramo tram Mount, of Oeorffla, Just returned fruin an arduous .;?? ie *? cunt renomination. It wa* Democratic trickery and siu:,.irr only that Republicans rrsentod. - ? 1. "Mis OFFKBED AND ACCEP1 ED Wa-innpton. Aag. IS.?To-day's bond oiTcrlnc*. smo'Jiit.d fi SStVA,SM in l*.ts as follows : 1 our j-v eefto registered gCS.OOO at ISA, ..->,i>oo st ISi; toni md a half pei cents registered .it io.-, #md. 'KIO al HW 8-4, if-****.', 'ip :.' Kp- 1 - Th?- - r Um Treaaary aeooplad the follow Inp ofTeii th!- aftomoOB 186,OOO at ISA, i*V0OO at 12fl f5,000 ar i_7 :> i. SS-000 Bl 127 ;i ., all replstere.l fo_ir_?and S5,000 aoupoa fours a) EJ _-__,-_ ARMY and navy INTELLIGENCE Washington. An? I*- -'Hie Vandal!!, now at Mono lulu, will probably be ordered to san Francisco to ka repaired or surveyed as looa as ilia Dolphin, now or her v.?y aer*.ss ih' Pacific, rr-ar hes that port. Chief Engineer Melville, oeeompaaled by As.istan Engineer a M Mattiee, left kan last night for Ken York 'ii.--, win accoaspaay Um -.'.nun mi tar atm it.i Braatl aud will nperiatend Um worklngi of tb BBt__-M for Ba I.'mts nut. The ship ortll thoa bi turned ami will steam half way back to the Hook, apt Ihe Chief and his as*i lan will return by a tug Th oblert of this ls to give the engines a thorough test which Las not _el been applied, and try their ac Uv. tnder the forced draft. if .11 ftm* well tbe ship will ?oceed oa KM wa. to fh" -fa-tor, but If thete ls any lefect she will be delayed. Th" m tt* the cruiser Reston are _t)Jt*B_*_+ aleted that In a"a**ut a week the ve*<elwill j; ?ni( one convenient point, such as !iu->-a..i *? n?y. h"The"o.Ss|pee has arrived at Hawkesbury. Cape Bf* T.rders were sent fo dnv to fan J22J?Ster*US ucn repairs on tn- Mol lean ai win ta?? "';*rrrer,t,r. aken from the dock. The Anal aiders ?t?*L*Jl the ? il! be withheld until th** arrival of the ?port ? '' s'vor'.er^Va.' schofield snd UajMgBtS *"J[W ,nd irehc. of his itt*, wi ********* "?'!,.;',??;.: For New-York, where they will remain ??',,?, an business connected with Ita Div ft? ?',." W|llV? Ueutenant miss, ol General tehofiekl s_??. wu JJ nair ar Armv l.e-id-martcr--. i;H.I I wa e a ^ ?jc -angemenl ls msd >. Oener^ f-ehofleM *??. Hm; between thl elly and New .rl.ii.. parity ai I nmmanrter In-Chlcf of Ita Armj ami mander of tho Division of the Atlantic. a TIIE "CONDITION" CEASE* TO F.XI-T. Waahiagton.. Au* 1- -ffp--lan.-8|*raher Carlisle. every v-ar when tko approprtaUon DUH and Biker maaswns Involving axpendltum ate .rVcans uv-' ..he clerk, of rhe different eommtttees to fnrnl h wm with a statement of rhe aggiegnta amounts a-ppm pnated. These returni being aenrly all lai rat *? pn-cm year dlseloee the startling fart ti nt ., amounts appropriated, or in course ot WW*-* on wltfcln twolvo or thirteen minion dollars ai tae estimated revenues. "Tke condition tfcst es h? Iboretow nearly <*ea-cd to exist, and Ibo ine tiaders gad their pet b,irab<.f a dang ,?, ni .lnncer of entirely dlsappearlnp. The wont et_B .... . . | es will not rermlt them to charge this nsuM to Senatorial oxtravagnoee. in sp- - ? their customary tactics of omminp sbsolutely rn appropriations and trusting to the Senate to inson. enough ramalM chargeable to theil account to p ?e th- mala resp* of ita Increased appropriations on their own shoulden. Over eighteen mflllons sn required for ft :". .??.'??' btnughl abom by Demeeratie nilsmnnapement. Large amouaU hs ?"!"'""' U dlngs-flve and a half million* In .bree bu.ld ;._ alon*-, tura, of the Increase, af ""???*?? !%_-_ well Wiled m the ihsi.f i;r:l,!'-; I ' ^ ,o h* has cone .uro the River and narbor WO ant interin* V.ndrv Civil and other bill's ort '-rating laI Ihe HO""* , .-ua condition of things ls nanMug *caiei * orllsla and his henchmen great nncaMne?s. THE _BOBMOS~PRESIhEST DESPO.SPEST OKC-AR-BO TnAT POLYGAMY IS IfORS A MATTKR O! FAITH Tn AN PRAC. ITV AT Pfl-iSKNT. galr Lake Cltv. Aug. 15 (Speclalb-Wllson Wood? ruff, resident of the Mormon Church, ls perhaps tho most in)portant penonasa In Dish. Ec M at present In hiding. A relative ol Woodruff, now first vi-liing Salt Lake, was recently a?ked to drive wltb Woodruff's son. This ls the story he tell- I "I was not aware of thc object ot the drive untl we were about four miles from the c'ty. it- n ** dtew up beside a quiet-looklnc house, and my com panlon Informed me that his father was within- I* . _.__....__i i.i- tho tr.ndow I ' -mau panor i co.uu _?_ ... ri--ra!>Ie man, who, as we entered the hallway, od nced to the threshold and grasped my hand warmly, udlng to my family resemblance, and mentioning * long period that had elapsed since he had seen i cousin, my father. *? 'I sm greatly overworked.' said he, as be co? rned his beat wtth a sigh af exhaustion. 'Our urch ll Involved In io much litigation brought by r perseeutnrs that I am overwhelmed by fhe n onslbillty that fall* on me a. the head of the itirch. Then th" minor duties of that position go as ever, ami when sny of our Individual members e arrested for their faith I am called upon for vice. Yes. I am asod to hiding. When thc first tseeutlono bepan I had to fr.iiow th*- example af l thc prominent men of tho Church, and now portleu i ly am I lotted to keno from public new. of ?irs*- you kr.ow thar the Government bas cloned in aon us hud. ami I am afraid we will have to give em a million or so of onr property before they win i satisfied. Toa noticed the item in Um paper a iy or mi apo where we made over fl.,0.000 and ore to them. They are Interfering materially with e work on the Temple, ami all of our Institution! O now controlled by receivers that are embar isling. " 'What ls our position nnder this prosecution? e have had r.o alternative bul to succumb Put an tidllcent young nian like you can look about you, lew the imprnvements of rh's prosperous city and M cultivation of this wonderfully productive I 7, and thoa determlna for you:s"if what compuV an ar.d time lt will tak" to eonvtoOO the la iortmr.s who have built up both city and country n tlie basis of their faith thar that faith ls . admit thal the r.overriment ii pushing ma? rs rapidly and to the grear embarrassment of our **ople, but remember that not one of those most ersecuiod has ever renounced his faith. Just now polygamy ls practically abandoned, for you know how peedlly they are omatod under the cohabiting law. tut, as one of the tenets of the faith, lt ls .t ll a nnch Indorsed hy the members of tho church of l_a*. er Day Saints as ever. 1 am an old man now, iast viKty-flve. anl tho work upon mn leaves few i.p.mcn-c to OOtlSider the future. We have ,,ur m|S loiiarte? {.tm abroad In all countries, and ll li it?t we hav*. entertained some Idea ol removing IO tfexlco, Many Mormons have already pone, tat the alk of an em irv removal is out of t;.e question. tah contains too much permanent Improvement '?ir that. To mr the poss,).]* continued action of he Government toward ni li a (tussling question, Imt, no matter nhat th? persecntlen, tho fauii of ihe Mormons will cand ihe l? is r.s-r_r? segroc. were tut. ones killed. New-Orleans, Ea., Aug. IA?Reports from Free town and from other sources Indicate that more thar, twenty negroes were killed on Thursday by ?guLat*.is. st.d that leven! othen were ?\crciv wounded. One White man was klllcpl. It ls alleged hy >he whites tbat the trouble was occa-ior.p'd by tho Immoralities nf certain low negroes and whites. A ram of young men, mo-'ly clerks In the store. at Abbeville, began a crusade against these person, or; saturday night by whipping with cowhides severa men and womon. In their rounds for rhis purpos tiiey visited the house of a white woman, who wa living with a mulatto, and demanded a/lmlttance, bu In rer-i"On*e were flr'*d upon by tome one Inside tb house with a shot gun. One of the party Joh Ahadia, wai wounded. nn Munday a call was mad for au 1nilignar|p>n meting, which Masoned next pla ami wa- participated In by atanl OOO ie.,;,le, oin . ? i '.'11111.1 were colored. Resolution ? ir. plain wordi tb woman and vagrant whose open Immorality Inspired the meotlas, ai ordering them to leave the community. About o'clock thai evening - hundred mounted commute* mon, white ami black, air.ied with Kine bes ter nfl' that guns, pr weeded tu tho ahedas of thn . iden snd intered them ; depart in tweH At -* o'Chx k on w tko cnminltti was H"a.ii nnder arr.-.- to continue ihe marching order itoe was n pp, in everj lr .tsnee those i look 'keir departure bnl i .'-'l at point nearly midway between Nea Iberia ar Lafayette Th" novernoi try wi siul . . Tarli of the Iberli ?.nari!-, ie r ?? - iroubl captain aiplied to the iherifl p.f Abbeville fi Information, las "f thc Bherlfl was th thc community could toke ca:- ol itself I jusiit.rat.on of th" a. non of the Abbeville peoplo, [i said that there are no dividions among tho go< people of either race. STPIE1S0 POR TIIF.IP. tfinr TOOTB cr,\(r.,t. Pall Elver. Mass., Aug I6 (SpO-lall -The weave at tho American Elm*r. Mill anr on *tr:ke from a nov feOBOa* The weavers use fer picking up brok, threads In tho cloth a peculiar kind of tomb wi Win tOOtb A few weeks igo word WM lOcetVi frt'm print wi.rks which the Uren nilli* supply wi doth tba' a roller on a printing machine had be. injured by one of these te.-th having caught tn t c;oth. Som** of tho linen mill ? ?,-, work Invent a comb that would not break, and saan 1 0 teeth on some old ftCCOO of card comb. The rn comb was tried and than the ue?vrr. were order tu u*o Ito new OOOabS and ill-mrd the old. T old comtss wast of tho same pstrern as thosn usetl all other mills In tho city and were owned by I weavers themselves. The weavers assert that t new combs ?_til not pick np fhe thr-ads as easily ' tho iiMial pattern, and they struck agalr v. hat they considered thc arbitrary action ot 1 nilli management. Two thousand loom- ?? '? sr. pt>cp| since Wadaaadaj. Ihe *rrlkeis tum.ght ti, grievance before the l_xrcutiv? Committee "f I nnloti. and a MttlSOneBl al tho timnhle ls BXpsC Best week. _^ _ TUP FALL KITKR PK1ST CLOTH HARKET FaU River, Mi*s. Aug l? (Spoetal-?The pr cloth market closes firm at :i lg l*-, for SdxSdS i ,'l 7-16 eeDts for BQSSOa. Production. 170,ixhi j,i?, _._*J?-*, BSS-OM.: hstaras, __M,000; spots, BO,** liiooo: *".'.-.s, IO,OOO; adda, 141.0 deliveries, 170,000; sabs- for we. Uv deliver] August, C'-h) pieces; Haptombar, i_-.<" 4.i.i*m><>; Kotesahei 9 OOO D .-. fur the v.e?-k Jiu' ci|uaLb'<l the piodoet ami UM m-iket, w.-.-.rh week wac. ennnl\ I of spot goods, continues so. The fsatnre of a eek was the heavy sale of futures fur we. delivery sxtendlng to January. Prices have vaucod. Them ls a prouiaci ol a further lacrea?? THK VOl tl THIA Ii UAiUIAium. A 8TANCH YOUNO KKPUBLICAN CLUB. rand crowtii or a nkw assort ai io*, iv tup. xxiii ASSSMBtT i>i*tm*-t. A meeting was held friday evening at I'lfry-nlnth st. and Third ave. under the auspices nf the Young Men's Republleaa Club ot the Nineteenth Ward. Al? though this rl-tb ls a nev. Iv formed o'i iranlzation, lt ls already In a thriving condition, lt attracted con iMerabk attention by Its line appearance tn the Blaine parade, nt that tune halag onlv three weeks old ami yet taring 110 men In line, as will as a tine band. ?ni- etub intends ti. oMke itself o permanent organi? sation, and In tim" will Join the Prague of Republican clubs. It ls the only nub of tlie kind m the XXth Assembly District, arid M has a lin- field for work, i hat les C. ooKlta I* pp -ident ant Bamuel L Kern secretary, ihe beadojuartan *>f the ciut, are anusu aily pleasant sr.rl attractive, and although the weather was insufferably warm tlie meeting *>n Friday w-u* an l! attended Leopold Lae dlaewaad fhe tariff from Its var!on< Bides, laying e*p"ciai emphasis on the workingmen'i Bead of protection. TV reviewed and ln*!nr?d the il principles of the Republleaa platform and mad*, manv keen thrusts al Democratic policy. Mr, Eeo also railppi attention ta a statement made some tinvr ago tri ?? ila- Bun," thal if" 'h** Republloai manages to wane the wm.iu sh:rt in this campaign, tbe !? -i.i rmi defeated." 'l he ne . v :;s ];?: ;. \.,;..?-. ||# made a Speech "Mell v-ts vi"-., although brief, t.tiling of bli experience In rn lending s Tammany Democratic meeting, in which tit" ng mor" recent than the r_? !* - i - -. .ti nt Independence aral ii,.- sword of I I'ill. ?? And ev. ?? now," said Mr Andrews, " the i>em*> crarlc part. \? sitting upon ti;" sword af Punker Hill with its back toward the pi ?sent" Tlie meeting closed with a few earnest ?crds of encouragement ami advice bom Charba _-? Eexow. -?. ? EVEN DEKOCRATS ASHAMED OF rr. COLOHBL F-r.EEOWS'S CROSS HBOLBCpT of dlty AROT'SES JEST HtDIGH ATION*. The alastnce nf District-Attorney fellows from his office ha' extended ovoi an anusunlly b-ng nrre. even for a div ollie- bolder, but little erttlel tn was made among the lawyer's having dealings with the Dtatriet. AttOIney'I office -o long a- Mr. Fellows th supposed to be enjoying a vocation whi*-h might flt him to pursue more rigorously thin he has In the past the duties of prosecuting o'll.-.-r. Now, however, lt ls oaaaannul that Mr. Fellows ha* gone to Maine to sp->ak to the Democrat- of thar Btata, In a forlorn hope I of being able to stem the tide of enthusiasm for tl?e Republican eaoso excited by the epeerh? of .lames ? .. P.lalne. Iiemocrat-. ev.-n, speak of the utter un consciousness shown by the Dlstrlr*-Attorney to thc Impropriety of his ab-encc af this time on such ar errand. ?? It ls not,"* said a lawyer who has bustnest with the District-Attorney's office, "as though Mi Fellows was makins tpeochos for the Democrat!* National ticket. Ile has gone to Maine, where th< -. -.eittn* attention 1 issue winni ,s -. , the election of State ofl'icers. The present term of court his been very busy and there are hundreds af ma*te? arUtng on vhltb the bead of the Dbi Attorney's office should act Re complains frequently of til health and of the effects 0f overwork. Tot WO fin*! Mr. Fellows leging all the Important dnties of his office to sperrd h's energies In an arduous speech making trip io help Um Democracy of Maine in tho effort to win a local election. If ho would di-play half the energy lr. the preparation and prosecutlun of Important ea?c be does la these ."uris to help a Mate ticket In a dbtaal part of the country, the city of Kew \''i\ k would mci ave a better return than has for th' v poid to Mr. Fallows. I could understand the miking nf a few speeches tn v or its vicinity, in the excitement ot tbe latter part of a Pr invasi, bul Mr. Fellowt'e i present neglect of bli duties i- ll Mr. : been ur i.i- office In thia city for i about ten hours li. thc last lix weeks. >r ; os ad he lr. bo SI -.1 ths wo .nr ll e ted BM ind e . DO; M in inti i a re tbe )kly PLANS or MASSACHUSETTS DEMOCRATS. TO HOLD THE STATE CONVENTION ON SEPTEM? BER 6?POSTPOMNi"! RATIFICATION. Reston, Ang. 18 (Special).? The Democratic Rata Committee met at noon today at the Washington s-rret Headquarters, p. A. p Ung. The sub-committee to prepare for a raUfloatloe meeting reported thal lt WOO advisable to postpone that ' meeting to a dat" ia Mills could bo I present, ar.d the report was accepted. Tin* re: lunation j was received aa 1 accepted of R. T. Sullivan, of Newton, a.s a niem'ier of tho commPtee from the lld ! Middlesex Senate District, and the filling of tbat vacancy was l"fr to rho District Committee. Po-t ?aatar J. i>- Rbharda, of North Anieboro, abo resigned, ami Herbert L, Peck, of i Taunton, was cho?en in hts stead. On I a ballot for a rlace fur holding fhe State Convention. SprlngiiePi had Oiteea votes, Worcester ten, and Boston five. Springfield was irnally chusen and the choice was maile unanimous, the da'e being fixed fnr Wednes? day, september 5. ihe basis of representation wiD b>* the same as that of lust year, one delegaie-at large for eaeh town. city, or ward of a city, and on'* for every 100 a..res or majority fraction of loo cast for tin* National Democratic candidates tn 1--4 Secretary Alter. Treasurer Lewis, ami H. P. carroll, of *>prin . Celd, were appointed a eommi'ree of arrangements for -?< ? ..-. The committee adjourned, after sibling H. P. Recd, of Boston, tn the Executive Com? mittee. The Executive Committee m"t ar once and . hose ex-Mayor John ?>? Donovan, of Lowell, as chair? man of the eonvei I ??? n l i .i..-."l ''hnrb's H. Taylor, ?.in, a- chairman of tho Committee on Resolu? tions. ? Pnir.ADF.EPmVS ENTnc*IA-*M GROWING. "Philadelphia, Au.- 1* .Sp?lali.?Philadelphia ls rapidly becoming a city nf bannan. During the week six handsome banners, beartng excellent likeness of Harrison and Morton, wen- raised ly ? many new political clubs. To-night four more were thrown to Hi.- breeze, making In all twenty-nlno Republican bannan In the ci'y. Cf these, the Antl-Cobden Club took the lead, ard theirs l? the handsomest banner yet raised. Cl :': - ar" springing Into existence In every ward, many ol the larger wards having from three to six of then organisations. The Fifteenth Ward Republican Marching Regiment ani Pioneer *-orps have a membership of over 1,100. Thu club will ilea ut., ir attention mainly to th" cam? paign ia Ncw-Jereey. lu ii;-t parade win in In Atlaa'tc 'itj, un September 1- The oiTip-crs on: Colonel, John F. Glenn; lieutenant-colonel, John l>. Ueyburn; m .; .;?. Thoma** *;il!igan; ailju'ar.*, ll. M. j??, , . Samuel rollin.; commissary. E.. .1. Adam-' .i winiam stiic Strict a-', i-: n hu been glvoa t.. drilling, ami the oma win malu; a tine showing. -? DESElvriNC TIIF. DEMOCRATS IN NEW REDFORD. item? Redbird. Aug. ls (SDeclali.?Tho Republican Club In this dry ls dung excellent work. Every meet? ing decs new members, spjiuo of them converted from the Demoeratle narri, and others who heretofore have ha*l DO part' Eb n t-. Milliken -aai ?? Already half tho towns in the .-i.ib have clubs, and th** League is deter aUned thoi every town shall tatt * pil'tiel John F. Vlnal. ol Washtncton. told the club this rn had known Harrison for fourteen yan. if ebeted Pi ? !? : General Barrlsoa would ?? I- --ident, but not beyond reach ofludlclons counsel. m win carrs every Hortbern Mate, and ho bo tteved Weal Vtrtlnla. MBMACmTSETTI DF.MorRATIC CONVENTION. Boston, Mass., Aug. lt..?The Democratic State Committee, at Its meeting this afternoon, decided to hold the btato eonvantion at Springfield, on Sep? tember &. -? srirmE of A tor.vo tcom.iv at OCBAM orove. Ocean Grove, N. .E. Aug. IB,? The body of Woo I Kate Mall.rn wa. taken from Beeby Laka thi. after? noon. Rhe was twenty seven years old and was the daughter cl DI*ard Mallon, a Nsw Voile - int. She bad ben -topping st the Crct cottage. On Thuraday she r. ? ? ?? ?pl a telegram announcing tko serious llln--s of her mother, she arose st i o'clock oo Friday morning, ami going on th" littb Int lg" Dents Wesley Lake, plunged lu and was drowned .-she hail i.e. _ stibjec to melancholia, ami Um new. of her motlier*i slcknei ? on .mother ana k. dating which lb nded ht Ufo. Some boys un ike Uki- dis ed ber bod) ami polled u ik-ti? r ?. a colored woman, a sotvant in ort'" of tta cottages, sa-- M.s Mallon Jump in. but did nu" giv-- the slams. ?ie said shs sappaaed ina woman was bathing 0OMBIBIB9 T<i R'PI.U. TIIE BROOKS law. Philadelphia, Aug. in (Spoatal).?Ii is w?u aadaa Stood thal the call tnr the state Ci-uvsntloti by the pei's'.nal liberty Et a true ls to OQOan the annulment o tho high license, law. lt ls do Mont thal tho I .Magul ronMantty rely upon tho a U i ol ibo Pea ot i st j Hi es th" high license bw bas I.n m eBeci then ha t""ii a remaihobie f-iimc off m th* Dumber *.f in of tb Rom? ol Correction Ia inly ol ls \i r.> iii Ihat instil ns, ad. more than aron congaed la l___ ISSfl ll i- ti, Intentloa of the taafno t** nm oppoi lion caa In every district, who will vote at tbs next nea-dm ut the Legislature tu annul tbe high 1 cease measure The expenses will be mst by ths brewers and retal dealorr, and all ths boag tribe* ak_ failed :_ stint acknowledge that the fight will Ik* an uphill one. a* will require two th rds ol all the legislature fo carry such a measure, and as Governor Denver ls sure to stand by the present bill. ? . - BTARTUTR O.V AX OCEAX RAC p. FOCn WELD-KNOWN ST EA MPHIM LEAVE NEW YORK TOGETHER ? A TRIAL OB* SB-SB LIKELY. Great Interest was excited yesterday bv the de? parture of four ocean steamers within one hour. They were the tried cimarder I'mMa, t.!*e new Inman Liner City of New-York, the fast. French ship La I.ourgogne, and tue speedy and beautiful North i-t man Lloyd vessel Ste*. The officers and owners of these boats of course disavow all Intentions of mairim: an ocean race of the voyage ; nevertheless, the public ta ii regard tha trip as a fair last of speed. Th" performances of th' i'mbrla and the City of Nt w Fork, especially, will tv* e*7"rly watched. La Eourgogne wis fli-st away, am! reached Quarantine at 2 .35. At 9 :10. ten mlmite. later than h<-r advertised time, the Cmbrla swung out Into rim river amid th.* cheers of Cte linndn-ds of people on her pier. r*he started off so fast, thar tr really did seem as tf her ofllcers wanted to put a good distance between her ami her Mg rival ar, tho outset. The Ems wss tia* ne\t to leave tho port. >he reached Quarantine a ?t p. m.. thno-qnarteta ol an hour after tho D Of all, the hug'* bulk of th^ City of NewVor.c I om. as-isted by two tap, and twang slowly around. She started down the river ar Ii .22 p. m., twenty-two minnies lar*. and was at Quarantine nt 4 :_"> p. m. In leaving her pier she crushed the big saloon gangway ipeciaUy mad. for her, which was hauled In somewhat tardily, and most of tho railing was splintered Into litri. bits. Bach of the vessels carried many passengers, es | will be seer, from the ll? published in another column. ! Tho I'mbrla ls a decided favorite In the race. John McDougall, the chief engineer of the City of New I Vp.ri;. I- employed by tlie builders to look after the ' machinery during the fir? few voyages, and lt Ie not likely that he will allow 1* to be " worked for all lt ls ' wort IC |uol yer. The pawngers of the Cmbrla ar.d the City of New Tork were nearly all Interested In th. result of tho voyage. Rut there were mw exceptions. An old Irishwoman In the steerage of the i'mbrla olternstely Into a handkerchief and waived lt frantically a.s tbe ship moved away. " Good by to ye, Kitty," ?he veiled da a friend on the fler. ?? C. ?o-tiy, to ye. and If I'm drowned In a col islon. If* thc davetnf. bin lal that I want yee to give me. D'ye hear, Kitty Mahoney ? Roo-hoo f TEE BBSIRRSS ornoOK RROOURASIRS, Poston, Aug. 13 (special!.? "The" Commercial Rul lettr.*' of t~day Mys: ''The distinct Improvement In manufacturing Industries will be evident to the reader of the fourth page of lo-day'i 'Bulbttn,' where favor? able and unfavorable news, carefully classified, ls tm partl.'.ly presented 1n pa rall el columns. Rolltng mills are an exception to this general mle, and In ?. -.i ?.ti,p be s/ldcd litton to the snui-nnwris n-in.,.*;.? ?.?..- - it of the North Chicago Rolling Mill, throwing OO men ont of employment for at lea- three week-, e other branches of Iron ard s*eei working do not ?ar to be suffering. The improvement tn textile torlrs ls marked, If not yet large. The I fpo ?y stoppage of such an tm tx.'ar.: company ? the iway Plains ts offset by the starring up of r.e-x lustrles, ard the resumption of full time by the saliet and *>-!.e- large milk. One gla^s factory has ne out of business, bur ino have resumed work at I hlchest rat? nf wages paid for years. ne new shoe and learher establishments, all In New igl.-tnl, havo made their flr-t bow this week a?1 "miraging progress is reported tn the construction others already announced. Tho solitary blt of bad vs ia a .trike In rubber works in Connecticut vend wup..! working establishments have mffeied >m tire, but their deaf roe tlon ls a small lom corn? iced to t! e new tndusrric<- reported which will use arid as a raw material. Summer ts a favorite time r making repair-, ard if the closing milli 0 count i- not reckon"! as depressing nears, tho out uk win be seen to bo m ire encouraging." FREE LEAD OBSOXIOVS TO COLORADO. Indianapolis, Aug. is (Spacial) -CornoUtnt A. Logan, cousin of General John A. Logan, a resident of hirago and Consul to Chm and Central America mler Omni and Arthur, was tn the etty yesterday I pav kb respects to Oonenl Harrison, ne has Just "tinned from Colorado. He said: '"The work Of Ivor mining In Colorada Is associated with the lead i lusby. One means th. other. Lead ls so cum? in 1 With tlie silver that lt ls one of tho profitable rodurts In any mine and goes a great way toward Liking mining In tome districts pay. If the free )ad clause of the Mills bill ls adopted, lt will l rt nally destroy a portion of the Industry. Tlie eb*-ap **ad of Spain, whens m!ners get :.0 cents a day. as I ave myself s?n. will be ihrow-n into the country lestroylng the occupation p;f thousands of the Colorado alnara. The miners of * * lorado .wait with anxiety he progress of legislation In this direction. " As to IUInols, I never before saw the enthusiasm hat prevails there. Once there was a species of no-trade sentiment afloat among the farmers, but protection ls now the sentiment, and I look for the >t.?o to go Republican by a plurality of 30.ODO to JO OOO. IMPO. EP ri'O.V TTIE TlVREAV OF CHARITIES. Philadelphia, Aug. 13 (Special).?The publication of i dispatch from Brooklyn in a morning paper. In which it was said that the Bureau of Corrections and .barnies dispose of their pauper* by sealing them io thal etty and New-York, was officially denied tip .Jav by President White, of fhe bureau, who said: "John Hogan, wtaaa ca-e wa.- th" cau.e ol the publication, applied to rhe Qnardbns of the poor In this city, slating that he lived In Boston, and that If rhe Guar? dians wonk, furnish mileage to New-Tork, he could find people then who would interest themselves to forward him to Boston. He said he met with an ac? cident on a railroad nea- Baltimon, lo which he lost his leg, and ho wanted to return home. The trans portatlon to New-York wa* furnished, and he left earlv tn the week. The s.-tiu-l t.p bb departure from this city ls recorded in New*York." XV ALLEGED CASU CF LEPROSY l\ CHICAGO. Chicago, Aug. IA?August Johnson, a Dine, age twenty (nie, tu th** County Hospital oa Thursday to consult the dOOtOn about a inaih-ome s?n. disease fruru which be ius luQorlng. After ca."Eil examina? tion, the physicians decided that the patient *a . bring from tubercular bpmey, and he was planed la an Isolated compartment of the eontagtOUl waul. John.on came te this countij- vhen three yann of ase and endued tho boat of health up to eight months ago, v. hen tho lllieoi? f"tsr mada its appearance In the f.irm of a small red ol'itch on bl* right loin. Ir tatt ul until lt P* came as larc.- as a nun', hard. Similar blotches ippeamd in diilereal parts of the body until no ls dow ci iiplen |> ci'veicd ?-? Ml SEED ROPRFHS I'R 1 Vi: ,V OFF EY TBAIBMBB, St. Louis, Aug. IS.?A dbpnteh to -The Post IHspati-h'* from Cheyenne. Wyoming, says: " \n attempt was made at g o'clock thil morning by ti:a_keil men to rob the Cn.un Pintie eastbound over lantl poseeaflOr train. At Daua stxtion, near Rawlins, three masked arno covered the engineer with revolvers and compelled him to throw up hts hands. Biak* oma Frank Ttllmsn grappl"*! with ono th- robbors tli" expiatl aaSOSOBgOf cam- to hi- abl ami the B| marauder' 'vi*-' pu' to High- after thirty or fori* had been exchanged. Unman KajtbABd man Tillman wen* seriously Wounded, tho former ?h.p in the hip au'l arin and rb" io'-'-r lu the lido. Orv rohtier was dropped bul w? carne*l olf by his pal? lin* sherill of Carlon County, with a posse, ls In pul >uit of tho moans.*_ PBDDLCrC mTtVQSLRD GOODS Boston. Aug. 1* (Special!.-A soedy-looklng youn man, moah In need of snap and a shave, walked Int th. room of Mr. MelKinald. _p?i*l officer gt th Tiaaaury, at the pus' o(*tc.>, ana otfired to sell hit tko sloth, ready cut, for a suit Ol doilies H- m_ th** guisls were smuggled from Canada. Aim** Itefore he knew |f, he was [g the bands of the Cnlte sr.ii.. Government Thta forenoon ho was ham nv i Ha'1. Bitty lults of unmaib" elpthb hutt baan bund m iii- posieoeba, ami the? w_ evidence ??nouirh to bimi him over to trial. SO MOBS pesru TBMRLMBR. Pittsburg, Aug. is (opecla!) -Five glass tactorl will rinse making punch tumbler*. They are loeati at New Brighton, Penn. ; Martin's Ferry, Ohio; Whe? lm:; . ?eiiitn.illc, Ohio, and liellalre, Ohio. The rn ? inploy.d In these factories belong to the Anierlci Flint (.liss Workers" Cnlon, ami the scale uf war now In bm docs not permit a man to make rn* than a certain a?tar of each sba p? day. Fore! manufacturci* at" shipping poach tumbbn hoi a. liv ply raie. ami the Importations have beeaoao heavy that the nanafaetunn Brand H Daaaaaary ton Um anton to slloo the aaen i" auks mo? tumUara. a oanloranes was bald ai BtaaUng yaabidoB, a the oochmaa oaTaitd "> deonuea the number of tumbi on No. 2 .ice, and sdd them to Ros. 1 ami I si/. The n'anufaclurer. sahl thl* still would nol epa (ham to cuuiueti* with lu it Icu Ui-huUcnirert sud t fcuioitsait MtSSk THE BX-OR OF A BRILLIANT SEASO-i; CHAT ON POLITE AND TIMELT TOPICS-Ska] GOULD SB-EX-ffO THE CIRCUS PARADE. Saratoga, Aug. ia (Special).-The tidal wave ol summer nave) which has been rushing up the eoaet from Cape May to Par Harbor, gladdening ths he?rt* al all Inn keepers, rolled over Saratoga thia wmB. Long ago tha soo boarding houses and smaller hu tala ol Saratoga wert submerged, bur tr takes a pretty big wave to cover those big rocks, the I'nlted States and rh' (.rand Cnion. This week, however, their pros P'detni*. are happy In rhe consciousness that they have I eas overwhelmed wirh custom. The hotel clerke a;>olugise to every arriving guest at the character af UM room that ls ro t? assigned lo him, and fha guest h.uisilf, by the time he reaches his destination, shoat a*'|uarter of a mile from rhe hotel offtre, u inclined to think that the apologies we? not misplaced. One sees also tn the crowd'd character of tha streets of Saratoga that thu ls the "height of tbs -''"-lin.1 Edward Kearney, the Tammany Sachem, 'a ho has put up a permanent wig*, sm here, said thil weak: "Al an example of th. crowded condition of -.piator-a. let me state that the proprietor of the hotel at Saratoga Lake tells n.e. that there are over uno thousand rrtva'e carriages that dally slop b-fore the : ott 1, that does nor Include the omnl >?! *s Whbh run oul from Saratoga to rhe laka, erowded with tourists.'' The crowded condition o| ba atnga ls aba lUnatrnted In another way. Every ? _.:.-. aaeepf Sunday, there has been racing on tha track. Thal subtracts from the population of Sara, toga several thousand peopla dally, but the sine ts se-ms as crowded ss ever. One ot the men mos' observed at tbe raes co?no this week was United States Senator "Joe" Blacb burn, of Kentucky. Of course as a Kentuckian bo '.aves horseflesh. Many of the horses he saw were Ired In Kentucky. One day at the races he kindly OOoMSatad to act as a I?lp and the crowd at the laces had the novel satisfaction ot seeing a United Stares Senator decide whether one hors- or another lad won a rac*. Poor blackburn I He thought ho could have several days' rest her**,but on Wednesday word came, lt i* said, from the headquarters of the EbanaratM National committee that ba must start at mice for Weal Virg'nia, as there was danger that the "wicked republicans*' would capture thal State. So Mr. Rlackburn reluctantly left the race_* c .uise, packed his carpel La,;, and started by tho first train for West Virginia. Speaking of Democrati and polities, Robert G. Mar* weil, the superintendent of the Insurance Department, who was here this week, gave a good Instance of tha quickness of wit ot thar eminent Democrat, samuel J. Tilden. Mr. Maxwell said that shortly after the election of 1ST4 William Dorshelmer, who had Just run for Lieutenant-Govert cr oa the ticket with Mr. Tilden, came intc Mr. Tilden*! office In WaU Stress ami said: '* I b,r? E' t received from Albany the ...i ...... ?? .f mu vote and I lind. Mr. Tilden, -at 1 am about W** ' ?tes aheaii of y**u. You receive o.oipO mniorirj-, *"d ' noolvo 50,-00, In round nam? ers." Mr. Tilden smiled benignly and then crushed torsheb-M. wirh th* remir!_: "I gave you those M, 00 votes.? _ * Ex-Senator D. B. St. John, of Newburg, who baa nst been making a summer trip, addi another story bout Mr. Tilden, who, by the way, was a great ?rer of Sararoga Springs. "I visited Mr. Tilden 1 18*. I,*1 said Mr. St. John, "In company with ex iovernor Lucias Rir*T_ITfT__ Ve w?nt to iee him ibont the reports that he might be a candidate for ?rosfdant Loth of ui we? old friends of his, but vere afraid that his phvsical infirmities woold pre. ent his taking the nomination. But wo wished to .au-.fy ourselves of his Intentions. He saw us as .non as we reached his bouse and greeted us very iit.dly. After a time we frankly told him the ob? ject of oar mission, when he at once replied: 'Gentle? men, an act of God forbids my taking the nomlnn i.un.' alluding to his illness. That satisfied us that ho stories about his being a candidate had no founda lion." " How dltT??.t-j newspaper e-.'*rprts? aro -tarted now," #ald Mr. St john, u from the way they were forty years ago. I remember weU th* circumstances under which Horace Greeley started The Tribune. I think lt was the winter of 16-V4 that he came to Albany and tried to interest Thur? low Weed and Governor Seward In his icheme tn Mtahlbh a Whig campaign newspaper. I was then a Whig Assemblyman from Sullivan County. Mr. Greeley _a;d tha* he must have some financial assistance In his undertaking. Weed and Seward and the rest of us Whigs took kir.dly tu the Idea. 6oms t f us subscribed iMO. sctr.e j*,*), some ?100, until Mr. Greeley ha*! enough monet r<. s-art hrs newspaper, he called 'The Log i abln.' It was so suc cc?fill, ami tiie Wing memt*-? of the Legislature in* (crested fhems.ive. s.i much in Its fortunes, that Mr. at the end of tiie. campaign camp* to Albany, Ol ?'? teeing General Seward, said I -It seems to me thal I eau tako the thousands of suiter.ben I have gained for " The Log Cabin" and induce them ro subscribe foo a regular newspaper.' Aud so he started Th* Trib? une.1 _ The bulls and bears of Wall Street would believ* thM Jav could ls '-out of Wall Stireet," and not looking constantly at the ticker, if they could have iecn him last Thursday morning. Forepaugh's circus waa In town and was tip parade through the cbinf streets, lt was to be a regular clri-u.-parade of the period, with a BMnagerie, annals on view, cowboys and Indians belonging to a Wild West show, *< robats la brilliant costumes, hui-semen clothed in m**d.?val armor, and live er six elephants. .'.? fas! abl peopb troon all over tlie country In the Mg hoteli bad ?I much cur. oslty te tat this street display aa bad the boarding? house folk, dav Gould brought his family from thefc " to the from pla?a ol the United states Hotel, tocos apon Broadway, along which the circus was ro pass. Mr. Gould placed himself Just at tho rup of tiie steps boding to the big front door Ho In a chair, ami :n chairs ba?*k of him were ; .'iiii? arni other n:emb*,n of his family. The sun proved to.* hot and Mr. Gould *ent tot an um brella. A common cotton one was brought, with fh* words In w* rte p -nt upon lt. " Patted states Betat" [I aaas ovidenUy on umbrella that tin- loaned ec casionallv to imp: ' ; --ons. Mr. Gould Ofg* dently did not tare "how the tiling looked** as lona a- he was ihblded fr. m tip" sun's ray*, and lifted ll over hi* head rta iteps an.1 piazza back of him ?r crowd d ali the i nite,- state*. Tho big hoteb near Dy were abo crowded with spectaton anl th*' itreel waa bia k aa.-a people. But whan tho proee- heerjer tntereit in lt thau Mr. Gould. He li Improving In health her*. OPP KELLOWS EAT A COKNFK.srO.Vfll Lawrence. Mass., Aug 1- spe.tali.-The corner*. stone of the O.M Fell'w.-' holding in Maln-sl,, Nerti* Andover, was laid tins olternooa by Grand Maste| A g. Pinkerton, of Worcester, assisted by the grand officers. The afternoon was observed as a holiday In the town, tho milts and Matt* being closed. At I o'closk the procession formed a' Merrimac IlalL, tha .ight resting cn Waler st. Thc line of march was from Water-.t. to Kala, to Elm. to Pleasant, te Clar? endon, to ths site ot the building. Th* corner Hone maa 1 i tending b the Odd Fellow*' ritual. In thc stone coins were deposited bes:d"*> ct pies of the lawrence papers, a hi-rory of I-odge, o| (faith Andover, Itu eoMtttuUoa and bylaws, and a history of the Odd Fellows organization '.n I_sore?jo? After laying the none the Grand .Master delivered OB addross, at the eooetustoa of which the lin* was tarn formed, and all taking part In the parada sat down to a banquet in Mei-rlma*' Hill. Tbe building will ba i . br ooeupaney in *_rly odafter Wauwtn*! Lodge, through whose efforts the building h*_ be?? erected, was instituted September _. issi, aud new _._% KM) members. TO SERVE OCT AS OED SRRT__RO_% St. I/uils, Aug IB?L t. Foreman waa arretted ol Hannibal, Mo., last night, for a crime committed % 'inaner of a century aso. In ISSI Foreman stole % horse from James of Calls County. IJlo plea on trial was that he hail taken the her?, by ord? al I aptan fIring!.ana, who aaa____ti tts company Foreman was In. Foreman was found guilty and i-e.' to the pender,;iiry for a term r.f iii yean. A guard was placed ovor h'm, but he escaped during hf. l'lironun claims that he had been wtthla n - of 100 milei of Hannibal ever since h* waa kintenced. Ile h*- been taken to ths peultnuUarp Ol Jefferson City. ? ? HO IMPORTED BEX IV TUE WALTBAM BATOR F.tOTOKT. Waltham, Mass., Aug. 18 (r* peela!).?In relation ta Ihe charge that contract laborers had been employed by the American Watch Company, Superintendent shirley, of thai concern, said t.. a r*|>o.ter ibis morning t ? 1 know nothing about the artair, lt the alleged btpattad men arv ? .-overs, as stated, then they WOnM lt) our New-Vork oitces. W* do tat | engraving here. 1 can safely say ttiat there are ne . tmporird latoie? In thb fa.ti.ry, and, moreover, na aliens ot auy sort, for we ar** particular about thia. 1 thaaM sav that the whole thing was a canard. A couple of years ago tho newspapers started * s|*all*-l storr about us, but lt bad no inundation, a| wag -scuta, aaa. ___* Utuka n s^4 -lea; (Mt bubs kai*