Newspaper Page Text
TB A*y% ?tk tibmtt V?'-XI.VIII.i\0l'.t>";.' NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 188*---Ti:N PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. BOULANGER TH KICK Vic TOR MIS SUCCESS HOC H> REACIinNAUY IN fLUE-fCE*.. TnilMrilANT CANHIDACirS IB TURI") DBPABT urrtt f writ of riotibg and ims OBDBB?THE GENERAL A ll) PO AC \'N. lari's. Au*. *?>"?-OW-MEl |{?ilnr_"r electee to the CtSSabvM Ot Dcputln from throe dtp-part m?)!** flB-H-By. Il sid s S'mm", whore be re reived a ru. jority of ."'l.T.'!** voi-s. ho wns Boocan fill jn Charente and th'* N\>rd. reotlving in tV formrr I majority cf 1.*..(>ii(i and in tho latter n ?ajasttjr of _.&?_. At ..miers, r !.<* o?-it tl of tho Piper! mont ol Somme, tlierc w* ii ti.ip nt th* pilling place* ("urine thc who!-* day. Thc disturbances mn tiru?! until midnight, when th** military forres were caEed OQl and mci:* oom- -.1***1 t-o charlie th" people at the point of tho bnyonet in order t. clear the ill-*1 IB Similar scenes were witnessed at Lille, the capital cf thr- Department ol tho Nord, and fourteen arrests were made. General l.oulanirer i? preparing a manifesto thanking tho elector, of S>mmo, Charente and the Nord for viv,in_r for him. When he has finished it ho will m lo tiie country for rest. Ile is ro* coning tin iisnnd*. of telegrams to-day eonKialu latlaf him apoa his man-a. Numerous boaqaeta have . ls<p 1. "n sent lo liim. Rapabllcan p;*i><:s d.c_ari that General n.a__Et_I*l snores* in the elections yesterday ?was (?used hy tlie ]}ea ct ionnrirs, who lacked tho cour *?*-? to advance candidates of their own. The " I.opal)ii.|iio Francaise" holds tho '* Iniransi l?ant," M. lJo*hefort*s pa;ier, and tho Badleala rrs[>onsil)le for the result of the elections. Th-* Conservative journals st;>te that the vote which elected General r.oulangor was directed again.* tho Republic. 'I lu- " Temps" says the results of th.- election yesterday ar* humiliating to the good KIN of the Nation, hut need uot disquiet tho Re? publicans, as the victory was due solely to a re? actionary coalition. GLADSTONE ON "JIU; PARNELL CHANGES. tONVINCEDTHAT THE IRISH LEAPER WILL OBI JUSTICE IN SCOTLAND Lonrion. Aug 90.- Mr. Gladstone, addmaiBB a rt>-i!t tation of I. !>erals of BareMn, who Mad presented him with a vase, saki tho 0?rrra_BMll hsd treated Mr. Parnell with ero... inequol ty abai they refined to allow an Inquiry Jnto " T!.e 'Union's." cliarpe-, ncalnsr Itini by a ."lect comm.Hoe of the Baan *>f (oninion*. 'I...* rharg's agalnM Mr. Parnell, h** said, -.vould, If In.iMi'. d*"-tniy everything he valued?political power and posit on. But ho wss inlne to he tried on vague general charges. Mr. Gladstone declared he woaM never believe Mr. Parnell p-nllTy ?f personal dishonor. The Inquiry, ho said, might la*t f.>r years, wti ch aroaM moan pecuniary rum tor Mr. I arnrll. while the BX* pcn.e lo "'nie Times" would be a mere flea bile. Rogai-d ng the action brough! In Edinburgh by M Taradi against " The Tun ?*?*" he said Mr. Panie would be eertuln io got Ju.rle**. If the loiters forg'd he might get - lbs ta tillal damages, hut a specif clau? In the (om miss on hill Indemnified *'1h Times" If tho charge* were no' Blade good. Thi a as a specimen of the Govommont' sense nf equalitv In concluklon, he refoi p-d to tin Ridley and Mandi \lllo inquests as foi ther proof* of the unfa.mess * the (.( Tba Inatannl ol political prlsonei In Ireland he declared to be abominable. It wa all very well to -av that the (iovoinnient in- rr .pon.lble; every mau having a vote and not Being I against rids system was lospoii bio. He appeal** io tho electors not to depend so|e)v upon their anita efforts, bu! to devote their Indlv dual energies t< restore order lt) Ireland and givo real unity lu th Empire. (Cbaen). ? Bl ? RECEIVED BV THE SWEDISH CROWN PRINCI DELEGATES TO THE RELIOIOUS CONVKNTIO ^VELCOMEI) TO THE ROYAL PALACE. Stockholm, Aug. 20.-The conference nf tho Vonni Men's Christian Association was concluded Int BtgB with a meeting for young mon. winch was addmaa by Robert Orr, of I*ir- burg, Penn. Af li o'elix 1; thi morning a second farewell meeting was hold. Th* farewell address was delivered by the BI*!iop of Vishy snd replies were marte by H. C. Morse, of New-York snd ddgaios from <;reat Britain, France, (-eimatiy Russls, Spain and Haly. The King and Queen, His Royal High ness the Crown prince and other mein hoi*, ot the Royal family have not only shown their deep l.iterest In the work rhe associations aro doing for young mon by th"ir liberal subscriptions toward meeting the r.\|-?ise= of tho convention, but they Invited al] the delegates to a reception at the Royal Palace at Iirotliighain, where, recently tho Em? peror of Germany and his suite wore so handsomely i*nfertsltieiU. Tho royal paluce ls six mlle, from the ?Itv. At ll .-."clock the Jdos-ates bit on Huto ireamers provided for tho occasion. Tho via.tors en loved a ramble about tho palace and elegant grounds Df tbe Royal garden- and af .1 o'olodi luneh??)ii was len *il. "in the absence of th. Kin*, who Is In * hrtstianla, the (row:. Prln*.? presided and welcomed his guests, express,!,;* )i*s pleasure gt nieetltiK them at the palace and his lr-.oiosf |n tho work they BK doing. The Rev. (iustsve 7_phe|, of (Jeneva. spoke lor the conference. AJ . o' lock tho part." returned to the city, much pleased vrnh th slr reception !?> royalty. .HF. BMPBBCB'I 1PE SO. TO THE BOLDIEBB Berlin, Aag. C" - \ semiofficial report of tho speech of the Empemr at tho headquarters of the 1st loton ty (.iiitiils on (Saturday ?ajs: Tho annlver*ai v of Ihe h. ttlrs ,,f st. Privat Dav. which Jed lo the event? ual triumph of (irimany, was, he p-ald, of Importance for the whi.le amy. lt was tba day for tblnlilng of the many who weis, t.ow no BHt, His Majesty said he wa* convinced that should tba it'irliiieiit's timo come again it would not be Ixl.lin! Its achieve? ments of that day eighteen years ap.. Thc speech wa? receive- with enthusiastic cheers. ? .?. ? FIVE _HOt SAND LABOBBB1 THROWN OFT Ol' \\<>KK, London, Aug. 20?Hat land and Wolff, ship build en of Belfast, hnve eleeed tl.i-ir yunis owing to a partial strike of their eiaplofe*. I'ive thousand hands aro arte; tri by the shin down. BVBHA AND THE BEMUSE OF M..SSOW..H. st Pctoi-sburg. Aug- -O.-lt ls stated In woll-ln tanaed etrcBa tiia' Daly'* unto in ntotloo io the selriire of Mann a Bl docs aol affect l.n.sia*- attitude on the questlou. Russia, lt ta sad. will coliform ta the views nf Turkey, arbon Inion* st* aj-e prejudiced bv tbe sei'ur. anti who la alone competent to Beeton lue incident closed. MUHUEHEl) HY QC A HAS TIM I BfflOBBE. (h.* ago. Aug. co .\ .ii-pat. ii fran Bi _--n_ ville, Tex., .ays: "Thc uncalled for qaaraatlM aa tin Mexican .Ide oi He Rio QroBBe li*s terminated In a tragedy. -Satuitiay two nupctilablo Meitrer?, MU r'n* of this county, named let nando Mint/, anti Joh . Dolores, tried to run the quarantine Into Matann u-a* by swimming the rtnr bato* Bagatoa. 'I hey mete Iii -d upon by Mc.ii an soldi,-? . ..neealed In Ihe bu-hcs on the oilier side. ITebBTi WM ibol and sank. Mnit- .warn tick lo this s?); _,?? theepa*, lim man killed wa- trying io get into Matainora* tn see iii. brother, who was Bat and si the point of death. The quarantine ls still nialmsirieil. though mall com? munication win be nepaaed Baaday. There is a flowing .cairily of flour, tugsr. Ballee, sud cosl In, bal tbe Mexican eotbettttn are d*-af to all ippeaik In favor nf their ona people, lu this city ibero B neither wsnl nor BtImibb. captain Lively, keeper of thc comdr? say* !,.? Beni kn.-w in his long e*jierleiii'0 s*. fen dnlhi in Auguat. Dui lng me anaaai aaaotB 'L.-i-.* bavi beea bal four death*. lhere have be* B no yellow Inn cases on tuber side ot the river." -? jrjnr/BBtBi trdrsatiob or labor. Trenton, Aug. 90 (SpWtal).- Tba tenth annual meet? ing of tke New Jcr.'y Fedc-i allon of Trad't and Labor I nh>ns was hel*l at the .-'atc House In this city la-Bag. I.e.ldeiit lK-iinl- Mullens, of Jersey ll ty. j until the el* *t.on ol bl* Men-Bar, Minuel Mellor, of Tivnion. During lh?* session, which was .lonny st times, naaaaUaaa nm adopted urging th'1 Legislature la ifjieal I Le contrail printing law, lo pa*-, a Batar tay half-holiday Isw, an s't compelling all manu Intania lo have elth'i a weekly or semi monthly p?' day and an aol for ptotoeilon of ihe trade inn ks Ot label- of Ja! ot oi Tani. at.on-. Various resolutions dli-crtlng the Legislative Committee to mjcuic reform? atory enactments wen* also passed. The A ti ri ral ian ?.'stem of voling a. I! obtain- In llfl-MBh____4_- was ucommended and also legislation prohibiting trade and commerce on Sunday. A resolution of sympathy B-Ui John bwintou, whose eyesight I. seriously sitscted, . ? Maaied. John D. MeCormscfc. ?as elected Tin preBdaal of tho Federation; Owen B. White. ?ecntarr; s. b. Campbell, assistant secretary, and Beary R. Blakoe, trentu-er. TWO SE IV CASES AM) OSE DEATH. Li I" JACKSONVILLE KEEPS PP THE FIGHT A CA INST THE PETES. Jacksonville, Aug. _o i Special!.-The genera! bal? ing hoi" to-day ls s'ill 1.tiny an! and hopeful, and the new cases discourage none. The store* are reopen? ing and great efforts will be made tn resume business soon but the quarantine In the counties south make* i lt hard. The new nan *ro not widely distributed and '0 can be triced to a eon:mon centre, which ls encouraging. A lsrge force ls on tho streets to-day eleit-lng and to ni "u ihe cannon will he ont again, while the fnes will bun al! over town. Another largn 1 shipment of rosin was received last night for this purpose. 1 ab suspicious cases have boon reported since fl o'clock yesterday evening. One death altai ltd at _and Hill* list night, James M. Minion, from Onad I nlun Hotel Plo. k. I Washington, Aug. 20.- Dr. (5. L. Posey, of Ihe ; Louisiana Board of Health, has beor. Instructed bf Bargeoa (ieneral Hamilton fo vl*lt Orlando, failford ; and oilier towns In florida and ascertain their ronrtl ! tlon. Surgeon Hutton has arrived at Waycress, (.'a, and annand charge of rh' fumigation stations there. Di. Wall at Tampa. Fla., telegraph- to tho Marine ; Hospita! Banna as follows: Having hou-e* a-i<! effects fumigated a. sick get well. Authorities Bit* having premis? cleaned abd diilafeeted. Aa infant was lost In a famllv which wss tak.n with tho fever to-day. , THE JESSE JAMES Of THE ALLEG HASTES. \ ARREST OF A RUFFIAN* WHO IS CBAB8EB WITH THE COMMISSION OF CRIMES OF FOUR ?OBIE Pittsburg. Ponn.. Aug. 20 (Special).-Henry C. Dawna, who ls proud of hi* title of " tho Joss- Janies of thc AU-ghany Mountains." has !,een brought to the Pittsburg Jail to answer a eha-g" of ciniitorf. iring. Be I* also wanted in rieariicld Comity OB th" charges nf burglary, highway robbery, and placing obstructions on a railroad track. Bowser U a big. splendidly proportioned man. who ls known all along tba west ern slope of the mountains. Ile has lived In tho wilderness all lils lifo, and to-day he said that fer years he had not known what rest meant, so closely did the detectives pui-*ue him. Hrs plunder ls Mip posd tn lt" eoBCealed In a rave for whleh the authorities are searching. Last November, four masked mon. of whom gowan wns one. nibbed James Smlih. who lives near Dubol?, Penn., of fgQO In money and se? curities. Smith and hi* family wan at supper whon fhe robbers came In. tied them all to their chairs, and eera nd thom with revolvers. Two years ago a Bamber of local officers stlempted to arrest Bowser, but he kept them ai bay with his levolver, and escaped. Tbca T'nlted States, detect Iv? got after him. and stayed in tl," woods for months to catch him. Bowser slept In the woods also, and escaped. Threo meta ago Bow-er wa* pursii?d hy a pera of citin-Tis fer bomiieallng Ba wa , capiuri'ii hui willie on I nc* 11 way ni lin. n*. I.""-' knocked two of his captors down, and escaped '"' Detective Mcswwny. of tho I'nltetl States sci i*t Sci H rice, ilien began a search for the dnperado. Howse v was found ealing breakfast a' th" boon of a friend I aid before he eouM mata any reibtaan Mc.-wet il? pili the handcuffs on him with the anBtaan of tan ;> other afleen. lt. -. RA II WAT IS TERRS TS. - THE li.linois central PUSHING WBSTWAHD * I Chicago. Aug. 20.-The following ls published here i '? Recent awreaienti tend la confirm the belief that tbi il . Illinois Central will Invade not only Nebraska bal I also Wyoming, ind possibly Colorado. Tbe ObJectlV 0 I point win lie either Ogden oi Denver, with tho chancel j In favor of tho former. Articles of Incorporation ni I tho Wyening and Eastern Railroad Company have re * i (ditly been tiled with the Secretary of the Territory, at ,- i ( heyenne. The Illinois Conti ni ls believed to be ! baching this enlei-prlsi". The capital -foi li I 1 _10.0O0.0O0. and the length of tho road ta be built In ! j Iho Toirltoiv I* BBB miles. The mule dnlgaafld ls '? | easterly and northwesterly through the valley of Horn ' ! Fork, the South Pass, tho Sweetwater and Nott! ; i Platte valleys to the Nebraska bonndaiT. Between ' [ the main lines of tho Elkhoin Valley (Northwestern! * and I'nlon Paella, ls a rael unoccupied stretch of country, the productive wealth of which ha* naively been touched. The eastern counties are well settled, and rapport hundreds of thriving communities, while the central anti western counties are In the Infancy of development. They have been retarded Ly lack of facilities for reaching marketa. Crossing the river at Onawa. thc route indicated to the mountains would lie almost an air lino, and would lead rival lines a lively race for overland traftir." BAILROAD MANAGERS' BEARISH VIEWS. Chicago. Ang. SO.?A local paper says: " (ieneral Manager C. H. Chappell, who, with other officials of the chicago and Alton, has Just completed a lour of inspection wee thc lines of that road, lake* a rather beaiish view of the crop outlook. When asked about railroad earnings during tho last half of IBBB, ho said : ?The prospect ls decidedly poer. In tho flt si place, the wheat erip ls not taming out Heart*** s, wei! as was expelled, and there is namely any of it moving. It was ai peeled thar tbe wheat would grade No. 2 lu (bb ago ami St. Louis, bal lt now appears that ir will (pilly grade .'1 and 1. 'i he oats crop is also ruining oul badly, and I understand that lt is showing < eighteen or twenty pounds to the bushel. The eon crop ls ail right, bal than will not bo enough moved Hits year to affect earnings. on the whole, the out? look for the railroads ls anything but bright.' " In regard ta the removal of the trains to Kan? sas City and omaha. Mr. chappell ?ald that tho nuna? gin would not revoko their dori-ion. If wn purdy I matter of economy." MISCELLANFOrs RAILWAY INTELLIGENCE. Philadelphia, Au.. 20 (Special i.? At the miin offloe of the Readlii- Railroad lt, was stilted thlt Ahr..h?in Barter, acting for wharton Baitar, in the Miter el the proiKisirlons of the R-adliig Teimlnal C"HB?WBi. rantin to the construction of the Benita railroad to Twelfth ond Market sts.. went to New-York Ip-day io MB! pi. silent Corbin, whose signature to the pa-n-r is malted. If Mr. Corbin signs the agreement, lt. will be forwarded to Chairman Hammett, ai the Committee nf Connella, and I meeting will 1 >?? called, which will act favoiably to Ihe building of the Slanted road. st. John. N. ll . Aug. 20.-Ii ls reported that Alexander CU.*.'it has floated a million jud a half of bonds of thc Northan and Weeten Ballway le a Breach syndicate. 1; iv said that Gitan will make a half million oul of the transaction. nananah Aug. 20.-The Central Railroad ln.1 nankin. Company of Georgie has bough* thc tmnds of tho Clu (lim.'iti. Selma and Mobile Railroad. The transfer was mad.- t'l-dar. Betwan *? 1.200, OOO and a_.BBO.a00 worth of bonds wen- bought at abou' .SO cents on the Ballar. (blcago, Aug. 20. ?A meeting (pf gene.- paasaBgat Bgmtl of the raliway * fetwna Chleago and Sf. Paul was h.lil to-day for the purpose of adjusting the BSlsUag tatt difficulties. Five of th" through lines were represented, bu*, the absent-, of Mr. Balker, of the Wisconsin Cenfiiil. m-idc |t Impossible to ?aift a final agiecmenl. The other lines, howey.*:, iinsoim'.n-lt d'dd"d to refer the whop matter to the general msiiS-Ors of the roads Interested, ? nd a nil f'>r a BMBBag of Hi. BMaagOIB to t* h?Id |0> li....--: ..vs w.n. i.siel Noni 'pf the roads except th-* Wis cousin Centra! and the Itmlinirtin have reduced their rain heme,.,,,, and Si. Baal, ind lt ls not probable, ippamtly, that they win do so. The peniir-ylvanla Railroad t day reduced its rates on grain to al -u' thirty points In the mild!. Western, (?p meei ihe < ut* pul Into elect las: *?._. bT ia- Vand i bil' snd llaltln.oie ____ ohio toad*. Thc rednctlons r?nge from 12 cen*, to 3 cents per 100 potin.s. BFKRSAL MAX Ainu KIMBALL MBOM BITTER. Omaha, Aug. L'O (gpeelal).- Thoma. L. Kimball hus io far recovered tha' his plijsicjans feel eonlldent Ihat s tow months- rest win bring him back to his nhl form. An order was Baaed to-day IO th* effect that C. S. Mellon would jierform the dulles of Sonni Manager ot the Proton Pacific in.til Mr. Kim? ball ls able to ifstime active warfe DMOWBRB j.v thi: MOBAWR uiver Albany, N. Y., Aug. 20. -Thomas leonard, Ihomas K McGrath and M. peder, all of Fonda, on heh- niara from a visit lo ibo AurMv.lle Shrine this norning, were capsized while attempting lo ero.* tho ilohawk Uiver jM a rowboat. 1 .cunard and McGrath rero drowned. Th. bod.*', have DOt Ix"in recovered. (L-lcs snMCERL* -BBSS to cmafousu. Philadelphia, Aug -JO |gperla!) ' Bte Sprei kel* ie Wived a lob gram from San Francisco to tl.i annouiu ng th. death of his lather In law. Be loft for Ihe \,-_l willi Mta. Spn* kel* to attend the flinns!. -._a_-? MIT BBS POBCEl) BY ILLS ESS TO STOP VOSS. Phlladolpliis, Aug. |0 (gpeelal). Thn divers unload ig the steamer Ku-eka, sunk oppo-llr Lombard*!, .kerf, Delaware hive., _.avo boeii compelled lo flult J "work owing to Illness. Those men have boen cor i staidly al work In fifty foot of water, and have boo j voiy niece, sfni, hsvlng secured at Joist flo,OOO wnr! I of goods In fair condition. Tho men hive eonMntie. at work In *pil. of tho warnings given them, te have -iiffered throe attacks In dlifeiont parts of th ! lipxlv. STRUCK BY A TORS A DO. BUILDINGS DEMOU?|KD AT MAKQIE ITF?A GAL! IN I.OVISIANA. Milwaukee, Wis, Aug. 20.?A Marquette. Mich. ' dispatch fo uTho Evening Wisconsin" says tha tornado struck that cltv at C :.1o thu afrorncot Many buildings were partly demolished. No i WON loll. Baa Ol Baal, Aug. BO.?Aa easterly gale hrvs pi* valled since fi p. m. on Saturday. v.l*h fitful gusts of thl velocity of js io (Vu ttttes i>c-r hour, (licit damn'-f has taea done in the city and along th" river front. [ Several bwfldlBgl were unroofed, fences wei-c BIOWB ' down, tte. s mara uprooted, and Ide* coal fleet nf the Pittsburg and Beat ben combination suffered severely. Fifty boats aie known to have boen lo.t. Thev wens valued at ?),00O each. Tho [_?il;vlll? and Nashville and Illinois Central trains wore delayed bv washouts. Oma! damage has I- m done to tho rice and sugar cine clops. Tt kl gi apb wires sro prostrated lu overv direction. Then his boen no eoniminilcaiion wllh outside points sin.*' 8 p. ni. on Sunday. Th** city wet in darkness last night. The electric Ilga* ilBBl wai shut down on aeeounl of the contact Ol Ci" electric light wlm witta telephone and telegnph wi. ?.. Information from tho Interior of the State ami elong tlie Gulf Coast -ho?* that tlie darna,?*' has bmil Srhtespnad and heavy, and the proportions of rhe 'lorin msy well bo "calli-d cyclonic. Several lives have been lost. ManphB. Tenn., Aug. 20?Heavy 'rains havo fallen all over tUs se tlon of country during the past three days, snd still continue. Telegraph wires bot ween ManphB and Now Orleans have been pros? trated, and only meagre news can ta ob: allied A local storm of unusual severity swept over ('.lifoo ville, Ml- . to day, doini.' considerable damage. Ri po,ts coming In show that tho ra" s havo tate dflaStW In Ital- nature. Th** Western Inion Telegraph Company to-night, tepon all wires gawa leading lo Neu.Orleans. In tho r fetal ty of Vl.l.sburg and Ihe YABOO Valley fhe rainfall h?s boon unpreoodcnte.l. ami serious injury (lone to cotton and com liss remited Mobile, Ala., Aug. SO.?The waters ot the gulf havo been driven over Ihe lowlands both east am! Weal rt here hy a heavy gale, and fhe Louisville and Nash? ville track ls badly flooded south. Then have tom no trains to-day either way. Iho low. r portion of tho city was flooded this morning. HIS WIFE SHOT DOHS BES I Di: BIM. POA) HERS FIRE ON A CABOEIBG PARTY OB THE TOBIQUE BI\ EB Boston, Aug- 20 (special).?A dBpateh Bool sr. John. J N. B>, records a terrible tragedy, Involving the death I nf a wetl-kaown and highly cultniod lady. About a j mouth ago Major Howes, of Phlladduhla. au ageni for Hallett A Davis, the taloa -.ianoforro makeis. ami lils family started up to the beadnatcta of Tnbl'juo River ni a s-Inion (lshlng cruise. They nen returning sunday, end Whoa about thirty miles fiom the month .1 thn .;._.. ** -*? .._..,..? *> c....I i ..... I,- uer ' solis anboshed In tta woods ra ita side at ita tiver. Their fire was principally directed lo tho flnl canoe, in '. Whleh we>? Major Howes ami tafe uife sad twa Indians. Thc first m.. shots gassed over them without l.ijurlng any of ita Bcfitjaaii of t tic* eaam, bat a third ihe. peaetraaad Mia. lloww'i bead, she (Ml forward in the cant? wit!, a BCreaai and died In .tautly, lin* cowardly wretches did not desis* from filing when they sv* ilie woman fall, but continued their fu*IIJ-..**. When the second canoe, containing the Major*! daugii tor. Helen, came np, tiie girl only neaped hot anther's fate by lying down in the canon Boram! shots ga I liaruilosslv owr bal hea.i. When the thlid canoe, con taiiiiiiir tba Major's *on, Lorraine, and Mr. Lincoln bl* companion, carno ap, the fire was rei urned and the .crotches Bed. Major BOWH, his daughter and throe iou leached Andover last night wiMi the body of tm* amrdend wonian. The body will Ix: embalmed and taken to Rostou. Pornheis ate .suspected of the murderous deed. ^ GRIEF MADE HIM PAKE HIS 1.1 FI. BUIC1BB or a TOVBB man who hap i o?t both PABTBTB ANf> A rBOTBBB John Cragaa sh?.t blamll ar his h'ime, Jfo. 531 Wosi Tblrty*aevi atb*st, yesterdai nlternooa, ami died shortly after his adsnlsstoa to BoosBVoll Ho-pital. Cregan was a young man with a peeull.ii ly sensitive iiniperament, and the cause of his tailing hi- Ufa was grief over the lo-s of seveial siemliiis of his familv. UN father, who was a retired merchant, died about s|x months ago. arid three months ago h!> mother died suddenly of bear! di-ease, .fohn hearne melancholy after his mother's death, wa? freciuently found weep? ing in his noni when ainr.e, aud beean* n dnpondcnl thal feail were entertained a-s to bil sanity. He acid queerly, took no Interest lu his business, WM unable to sleep and complained of teveee palen in his head. He had Just bogati ta recover Inst the .hock of his mother's death and showed a little cheerful' when his bmther Bisgh died, last Saturday, soddi il1 . fiom the same complaint thai had Lilied hts fa'bol? and mother. The young niau ?a- BgalB drives Into the deepest gilef and nothing could connia him. He wept constantly ami would no! have anything io >a> io ids Mends. The only lUrVtVOtS of the family weie John and his sister, Mabel, a yoong girl abi.ttt eighteen years old. Jobi' and h's elster and a largo miro tier of Meads w.-ni !<? ("alvan Ceanteij ynterdny when Hugh wa-- tarted. John bcCBBU fiann hN daanaatmBOBI Ol gilef at the grave and begged lo I".- put iii ibo coffin with his brother. He had io !>e restrained by his sister a-;d friend, to bnp him from Jumping Info his brother's grave nhl? Ita t odin rn towered, ii*' cried bitterly and sahl that he would soon follow hi? brother. He appe.ited dazed on th)' May home with his sister, and when ?he s?>|<o to him h" apparently did BM" hear hor voice. They gol home al-ttit ri p. m. JOhB looked for a long lime at bl* brother's pfetan and then gal down, resting his bead on lils hands. Ile jumped up stnidi-iili. Then was a wild glare in his .-;.?. ___ ealled sharply ' fppr his slsie,- and angrily asked her to open tlie l.t. I. parlor door. When li was dom ta went Into tho i-o.,ni and slammed th" <Lp?pi siter him. Al! na- silent for a second. ,?d Mabel listened at tho door to bear "hst ber brother wa* deina, Suddenly tbe crack of a pistol lang through th" boise and Mabel ran -creamin- Into ' tho room, where ber brothel lay on the Boor dying. Bbc fell upon his pi-istrate foi rn and begged him te speak lo ber and wm lound In ibis position "hen lome el il." neighbors who bad beard ile* sho' cane in. (she a'hed ono of her friends to hill tar uni, th jame that her brother had used SO that -lo* alni all the family could be united in death Tta young woman wa. dangerously -!> k in*r evening, and ll li thought doubtful If she rcCOVOTS her reason. SSS BB ISO A KA .vs.! fl COBBTT shat 018PBTB Chicago, Aug. BO.?A dispatch from Oerdea city. Kan., say*: "Another move io nttom th.' counir ti war In Wichita County was made Kildav nlehf. bv two of th" County nunn tSBteaBfl iSoallBB away tho Com nils-loners" records and ?moving ihem to larmer City. whore, lt ls presumed, they will attempt to sot nu a logus county government. Than ls much BXCiteanai In l/'oil. ami threats are Indulged of going In force io return the reeocdri te their aleen. What vin be .i.? n*- I j ls not Known, but tho reno rt ts that th" two (oin j ! alntoaara win noeeed lo dnlan a vacancy in th** jfflce of Coaaty clerk and Board **f OoarasBstooera. ta j _ ? use these oiriceis lefund to accompany them, and - it-Ill fill (ho vacancies by appointment. At the *anie Imo there ls talk of filling their places at l.eotl bv an xilntfiicnt. an'l so Iho old county scat struggle, which o ol to the assassination of seven m?n at CBmaade some ilghteon months ago, is again in a a av to he ooenod ip Wtth i-enc-ed violence, after having I.-en fullv citied."' suicide of A TSOBBLBB \oc\i; WITS Elmira N. Y., Aug 20 Special). -Robeit A ?ott ind wife of Penn Yan. drove from their home this ^ naming le tho Arie a manon halal a few milos ., latani, on Lake Ke'ika Bhoftly after their arrival Its. Scott told her husband that ata bael taken a dose f strychnine wllh suicidal Intent. in. Uadd-ll was inniedlately summoned, but too Jato, as the woman .. led a few minutes later lu great agony. Just le fore er desth she became sorry for her ad. ant! piteously nplorcd the doctor to save her. The couple hat! ron married ouly a few months, ami Ita mun "f Ita Ifc's act is atti United to tho efforts of Mi. S. off's cen married ouly a few months, and the cause "f '.V Ifc's set ls attilbuted to the efforts of Mi S. off's ?' dative- to etfeci a separation of the conpl BAIBlSe THE l'UPMIPM os < BOPS OIL. Tltusilllc, I*enii.. Aug. '_'*? *?*j '? i ia'i. Tba I i-emluin i crude oil was raise*! in all Ita ti-Ids to i'r. with 0 exception of bradford. The Washington Held lalsr*! from T cent, lo 2-" cents; Grand Valley om 17 1 2 lo IO i.'iils, am! ai! middle sid bp" er ?ld oil from ll i" IO cents. The premium B 'bus might up to 20 cents on tho oil of all fields -iccpt \ a-blngfnn, which ls _.. rents. This, willi tho Pipe ne picmliim, brings thc orlce of crude at tbe elli to nearly 01 2i. sb A DISAPPOINTING RACK. TIIE CONTEST FOI* THE HXWPOBT CUPS. VOLUNTEER, FANNY, DAUNTLESS AND SACHEM WIN IV THEIR d-ABBEB. [bt Trxriairu to rn* minn.*?.] Newport, Aug. 20.- This day hi- !.t en what nautical people .all 4 ' ff.ike.' from colors t'i rho sunset gun. 'ibo Xewporr (tip race hat. bam a failure nf tho most protiout --1 type, as far as the contest Itself has been co'iccrii d. and thli fact ls the mote neplomble ba cause io morrow the glory *'f Hi" BOW -York Yai'lii ? '?nb ertitse will mil. Tbon arbo have tioen edifying thein'ohes with their power of command, fir example, arl!! strip Ibenntves nf their authority and disappear again in the SBaelsllliai of Ordinary humanity. Tho - eemmaaden of Hie different yachts will desoto them scfvos for a few weeli* to the task of enjoying them sdi >*s without being hanipot'd by the lutero,ts of others, ind lh<*n arin' li, r yachting season will be ove.-. The day broke with hardly a ripple on Newport harbor, anti lt was generally expected that tin- ran ansi ho postponed. As tin* hour for starting ap? pro., -luti. however, ? lighi "Inkey" breen sprain* up, and at half put . o'clock the Electra started out for the brenton's Beal Ugl Ishlg to establish tho Marline lm.-. ai an early hour In tho morning the New-York Yacht club float at i' Vthaif had boen throng'd Wtth yacht-,' lion:-, all nady Ul lake aboard tho nu BniOUfl g?ust<. who had arrived |n resplendent turn "ii?-. Doth ihe lan nc he of Hu* Electra bon load after load of distinguished gi* sis aloud the tlag ship, and when i oinliiodoi" Ueiry'l baadsMM yacht weighed aii'hor, a large aommbtagS of well-kim-vn society people wore distributed over her. Rear Admiral Line, nf Ihe North Atlantic s'liiadion, whose flagship (.alena left leer* for llayil yestenlay, was property saluted Wbea bc came on hoanl logettaf with members nf his family. 'Ibero were on beard, otoo Mrs. Howard Walter, Mr. and Mis. Henley Luce, Mrs. william N. lay, Lieutenant McCarty Little. I*. S. N. ; Mr. and Mrs. Prescott i.av run?, Reginald ll. irises, Miss Ueorgfe Bei ry ama, Mr. and Mm D. B. Fearing, Mr. ami Mis. Munn, Miss "Brana, .mi-. Mabel Wright, J. J. Van Allon. .1. o. Beck-bar, Miss Romaine srone. Mr. and Mis. Henry (levis, Mr. and Mrs. R|y*Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. *g. j, r.-Hh, Captain and Mrs A. Burdell Benjamin, Slr Edgar Vincent, Edward Taylor, slr Alfred >liii loidi Gooch, Mr. and Mrs. Witlieibee, Charles R. Peering, Frederic Bronson, A. pennington Whitehead, Commander and Mts. Goodrich) Lawrence Taman, jr.. Mr. and Mm. li. Barnett, Mr Hugeeon, Mis. i.eurgn Merritt and Mr. Porter. Ihe Aegshlp steamed out to deuton's Reef Light? ship ami rema ned there for two lu.tris whistling for wind while thc contesting yachts were, working their way painfully up toward rho line, 'ibo Regatta Committee hail chartered a tugboat to act as stake boat, hut at th" last moment the sharp Yankee pro? prietor nt lin- tubby eralt succumbed to a greater offer from an enterprising local photographer, and left the Kew-York Yacht Club fleet In tho luieh. It wa* ther. that tho pren UM ol' Admiral Luce ?h*iw?d Its value, foi ns soon a* the sjaro of affairs be j * ame Knoll lt thl BCfVfeCS of lit*1 lleireslioll lol |-th 1 boat Stiletto weie offered ta Commodore Corry. Th* 1 st net to ares accordingly ordered ta stand ont to sea , The coom bad beea ?nvtousty Baed n Utera mltoi . 'lue -lilith, makin* the posltlofl of ihe slakeboat OM half thc way between Bloch Island and Martha's Vino I yard. The wind wa? then BOrtbwml and " fluky.^ witt j no afparato pmbablllty al Ri iteadylng ir wai I nearly 12 o'clock baton it tree decided ro starr tht I ricers, and by ihat time some of the guest* on board UM tag ship had ta bo talon off lu a catboat on account ol " imo di Bm-" Vi'ben rhe starting gun wa; finally tired at twenty ! minutes of 11. ihe ya "lits had got sorely out of incition, 1 the r'su!' betas fha! nan ol thom had ta take tta I handicap Hine, noon, for their start. Tho order ol atari was ta follows ? I Parim . . . ll:.*.':_ll Intrepid ... It 50:117 Fannv . . . . 11:51:27' Bedouin ... ll o'...17 Daunrte?, , , 11 vt .ix Palmer . . . 11:M:.S Alarm. . , , ll :.*..*_ rOSl liaii von ... ll .'.sm Hildegarde . . ll :35:42l K.i.una . . , 11:50:1. Volunteer . . . 1 I el OH I ?Thl Huron. Lydia, Athlon, Mayflower. Miranda. iroquois, flat limn. Cinderella, Peri, Papoose, Oavtota and Mabel ba nt wen* given handicap lian, crossing tiie ||ne la the order Barned. A- the yachts neared the line they all dropped their spinnaker boom lo itarhoard, and 'ts they came acron tta start, set Hie i- tplnaato! - and balloon Jib topsails a* weil, and In fact all the light kites they could. There was hardly enough wind then to till the salis, and the -heets Bopped mournfully ulong the funeral proces? sion. Baton tta nears wero a mile oul the wind headed them ami spinnakers hail again io disappear. The Volunteer, at this time, bad overtaken thc Puritan aini paned lo Ita toad, *o that at l o'clock she led by hall a nillo. The little '-loop Fanny also had the temerity to pa-s the Puritan, ami at throe bolls the order of thon in sii-'hi was: Volunteer, lanny. Puritan. Tho rest of ihe twenty-two Starters weie in tho tuck so far that they OOttld BOt bo seen am! maners wow growing worse. By soul'1 great anti Intlng streak of luck tho Volunteer carried a wind with hoi and was selfish enough lo heep if- General Paine was looking for revenge, and If ever a man was adp-d in his purpon by the fates be to-day. lie had left the entire competition below Hm horizon when h>* rounded tho stiletto, and the melancholy bel beeean apparent that, uniler tho rule.*, int* Votuntmr Would finish with? in Ibe tune limit of eight hours, and Would thus make a inc* for all elsens and would coiii|m 1 holli thc siileiio and Rtoetra lo stay out on tba pitiless sea fm Bl hast a portion of th** night. TIk-ii then was much philosophizing aboard tho Electra, and Com? modore Gerrj dolbnded his reputation a.s a wind oat i> bringing ml a leaf (rom a poUtieal almanac tor lase when, under daio of August SO, Shakespeare wa, quoted .*_* toUnura; Wa- aver (Bathei -*> lightly Nowa la md fro as nus ?Bltltade f?Beary VI, Part 2. Ih*' Bald ol Avon is therefore held nsponalble [or tho fful?. Well, then wa. no race to dc Sc ii bo ifter ita Volunteer rounded tta stake The pride ol .amalea simply laemaaed hw lead, ami was half rag ha. k ta Brenton'* Reel while ibo ml aero sun 'ooiing around oa iho outward coins.-, j ho Puritan nf bW rival i"'ling lu as sta na. going oul and ter proud hair na- broton Bbs turned tor borne iiel did BOI l!::l-n. rta iwo loaders in ita lirst lass sloop* took ttic* close haul borne together, aiei bi Mag-flower Bho turned tall when ber sisters came dong, J ic* Electra returned ta Newport le pul nveral Hillier patties asiippie BIM) ll.eil .'i_'n:!i \i-lit ont lo be wei prepared lor a nigbt'i nay. The Palmer, 'uriian, bedouin a.d Mabel swift returned without InWblng, General Paine crossed just aftei -iii;-ci gun, pu iii.- pott tack, under ? briak uortbeui wind. The \iici time was 11:3(1:43, tbe run having been made ii 0:42:41, tbenfon makin- a ia" for ail ir balf-~aal 7 o'etoek iii" schooner llakryoa ?a, evealed In the darkness by Ibe Electra'* elect n.* eurah light, ih" nhooner passed ita flagship's tor.: iiiis-in_ il..- lino and ita, therefore I-i. om ol tin- competition for tho i ups. Thc moon nee brightly with .fa mil fa.'*- disappearing for brief <-i i.ois behind Hie el rr hui clouds bul then was m. sall Ho!!' for a couple of teilioiis hour-. J lie sloop utir,v mis the second to cioss tho lin*', ami was I..-.ii loiioM'.i bj it'" Katrina, Ihe rion flnlsh <>f nlj -i. minutes being somotblng remarkable. ,\r io lime. Itara vhs .liber sail In Sight The anni was allowed 2 minutes, Ul seconds, by ita ailina, making Ihe corrected elapsed time 8:25:26 Nd 8:29:50, respectively, Ihe Fanny winning in ?comi . la-s siiM.j.s by i minutes. ?">- teconda At a quarter of n o'clock, th*- black hull of tho ainu less emerged from ita gi av m *t ami ibe oaeed the Hm* at 6:40 OS*. She va, s,, fat ahead f ihe nst of tta il rs i ila i schooners that lt was ?nain that Commodore Colt's celebrated yacht had on in her class. The Koctam won m second class 'boone!? at 0:00:22. Hatting at no.ut. 'I-!;.* tb-et Hi disband Immediate., attn eaton in the morning OOTBRSOS HILL ABB TBS OSIOS TBIBTBBS Albanv, Aug. 2o. Pie-ddent .lames J, Wall, of Ita ibany Typographical i ntoa ??*>? '. ratorriag le ita ? lemont OOVemoi HUI wa* dealing unfalily th the union pilntei-s by sending his public papers a nonunion office. e_p!.?:.-d today that the pi e. nor wa* required lo d<> so under the law. i.i ii tba union priaten tested tito legality al this partment contraci work they had tho co operation Oeveian IBB, bal Ita eplatoa ol the Attorney narai lefl him n<> alternative .\t ita regan) af ? union men ta Ibm insisted upon the Imprint of ? union office being OttlttSd from hi- pagan. ?? LLRB BI A PEAci MiKPli's IRTRRTRRRRCR . 'lisle. Sf. V.. Aug. jo (gpeClBl). At a lat.) ur un saturday Blghl i pert) ed labored enptoyed j. .i. lone's briekyam, al Paarkammtr Mat, met BeWllllam'i Botol, Bariborougk, srul Dan Sheedy, tn.rli of ibis cit), sud another patMU whose ?utily has not jet tam ntabMstod bad s friendly a. i Ing matoh on a rear lialcony of the balei A end of Shoedy's adversary, believing that ihe men ?*o fighting In earnest Interfered ami striking ?dv, knocked him through tho railing of the balcony. Sheedy foll thirty feet io the rocks below. He wa nicholl np unconscious and carried Into a barn neai nv, where Dr. A. H. Palmor found that hi, spine w* broken. The Injured man died early this morning At last account- sheedy', assailant had not beer arrested. RUBIED U-TDRR A FALLISG ARCH. .Hr. Bl'PKRINTENDKNT OF A MILt. AND THK OWN FI'.'S BltOTHFIl lN.TANTI.T KU I.F.D. An accident occurred yesterday afternoon at the now silk mil! of Edward ot/., at Spring st. and High polnfave., Wost Hoboken, which resulted In the Instant death of Robert Ota, a brother of the owner of tb* mill, and Julius Mahler, the .superlntendon!. A BBW arch had been elected at th" ea? end of tho new tte tppry building, ind Hobert ()l_, who was tho architect, gave Instructions to some of the workmen to place an Iron ornament on the top of the nevly eeailmeted arch. The Iron-work was adjusted according to lUBtnte lions, an.l Ota, with Mahler, the superintendent, vi. ired Iho placo je.ferday to examine the work. They had stepped beneath rho arch, when ll f Tl through, completely burvlng tho two men. Au alarm was at (inc* .ent out and many workmen hastened to tho scene and worked earnestly to save tho burled men. They wore taken from tho ruins dead and their bodies wiro mangled Info a frightful condition. ASOTHER CASE ol' BRUTAL CLVBPISO. STKPHFN TYNE'S S.OKY OF POLICE ABf SK?TO IW. IX. KSTIOATKI. Stephen Tyne, nf No. IBB Ht-- tine s .. superintendent I for Phelps. Dodge <- (o.. of No. ll (Tlif-st., for tin* last ten yeais. railed upon Deputy Superintendent Hernes at Police Headquarters, yestenlay. and en I tcred a complaint against Policeman Proderiek Hallen | bach, of tta Prlneo^ Street Station, who, hu alleges. I brutally dubbed him la. f Saninlay afternoon without any canto W provocation. Mr. Tyne was accompanied yesterday by Daniel Dillon, a friend of poll* o rom missione: Vol rbis, who sub-lantla'ed Mr. Tyne", sLite ments and ccrtlfled to his good standing In the com? munity. According to the story that Mr. Tyne related td In? spector Iiyrno?, bc left his offoe at Pier 3:*. In West st., about 2 p. m.. il being a half-holiday. Ile walked up West st. ta, and at Thompson and Brooan thete was a poll* ermin standing talking wllh naomi people. They took up tho entire sidewalk, and a. Mr. Tyne wa- passing ho brushed against one Ol tho men. Policeman Hnllonbach swore at him and struck him a powerful blow- in the fa"o with his fist, stunned him by blows with the club, and at tho Prince street Police Station made a charge of BBBaull against h!m. Mr. Tyne a.ked tho privilege of communicating with his family, but this was denied him and he had to .tay In a coll all night. On Banda)! mornlr.g ha wa- taken to Jefferson Mackel Police ( ouit. (>n the way there Policeman Hallen!)?h and another officer slopped ar I llrjuor store at No. IBB lileccker-st., where both tho offl'i'is drank whiskey for Wbl h anoiher prisoner paid. Hall>_i!.aefi bragged about the Wg] he had - done oaf Mr. Tyne in Ihe barroom, and marched him up and down before a crowd of loafers, .udp- Pattenou bald Mr. Tyne on the polkeann'i I Judge said that ho would entettala Ita eonnter-cbarge I if proof was brough! to bim al its troth. Mr. Tym being under arrest could riot then produce any wit nnsca. lie was locked up In detault ol ball, and lt was not until tho mention of his ari.**' appeared In yesterday's papers that his friends ami family knew . what had become of him. Mr. Dillon furnished the no p's-ary ball. Mr. lyne vent to Police Headquarters to make tho complaint against the policeman a. soon is he was released. inspector byrnes Batoned to ' Mr. Tvtu-'s story, ami told him tnat ho could nol take | any action In fhe ca,e until thc chaige in the police court had been dispoted of. _?.-? FILLED EY AS ELECTRIC SHOCK. A BBBBO LABORKR IN THK AQUEDUCT LEANS ON THL BBABLT WIRI*. The Aqueduct claimed another rh tim yesroiday In I Hie person of Nelson Richardson, a negro, of Tenth-ave. and One-hundred and slx'y fifths!., who, with a number of others, was hired In Virginia and brought to this city to work on thi" A'lueducf. Richardson and others were working In tho tunnel between Shaft. No. 27 and 2S. which are lighted by electric lights, as are all tho tun? nels below flio Harlem Elver, tho necessary force toing supplied by a dynamo belonging to the contractors, Roans <fc Shanly. The wires carrying tho electric cur? rent are fastened to the side of tho tunnel wherever lt ls mon convenient to drive Into some crevice a staple holding the glass Insulator, around which the wira ls listened. The result ls that In many cases the wire ls brought to within four or five foot of the ground, an'l lt ls said th?t lt was against on** of theso low wires that Rlrh aidson leaned when he received the fatal light nine touch. Tho wires aro all fully Insulated, and for a (lino lr was a mystery how tlie man received tho shock that killed him. till lt was found that his shirt was soaking wet with perspiration, which acted as a BOO. doctor for tho electric current. Jt ls not known whether RtohaiBM l"av,*s a family or not. but Rogers A .shanly. tho contractor, have ordered t'ndor taker Banger to pnpan tho body at their aipenm preparatory to |t*? being removed to Virginia. THE SIOCX STCHRORS ASD DE FI ART. NO PROGRESS IN BEGOT!ATINC A TREATY MADE RY THE 0OMMI88IOB. Chicago. Aug. 20.-A di.patch from Btsaunk, Dal?.. says: " A messenger from Standing Bock Agency brings Information that the sioux CocamtsstonerS an still thoin holding on with tenacity. During tho last fortnight nothing worthy of note ha. transpired, the com? mission things unit.* o?v, probably In the linne thru th** indians win be rabdued bv their penBtoncy. Today is mttoa div for tlc* Indians, and tho Com? mission hopes lo ni3ke a favorable Impression upon the Blinds of tta sioux. Trustworthy Informal ion show., however, that the Indians hava not tho least kim al signing tho treaty, am. that thu COaUBtoSlOMn will meet with a similar result at fhe lower agencies. Sit? ting Ilull cuts BO conspicuous figure at this croat pow? wow. Be I* sullen ai.d defiant; has nothing to say Whatever, His Jealousy ol < htol ??all i- dai'y becom? ing more pronounced, and ll ls feared that a serious turn In affair! will bo tho result. " In special dispatches sent our during the la. i con. terence, ihe itatomeni wn made that Judge Wright, ol tho Commission, in addressing the Indians, told them Ihat they must sign or tho GOVOmmeal would take Iheir lands without compensation ami employ soldiers to scatter the rodin* u among tho i>'sc:v a'loiis In liffeicnt parts of tho Wet. The fact B. ladas Wright lld not use this language, ami mad*.* no Ihieats ai an; '.line "Bed Cloud, the great and Influential chief of tho I'ine Kui.e Agency, is sim moving around among the riles ltdH112 np opposition ou avery band, ind he '-m mt be suppressed. vulva msc, ros TBS itu; hay state faiu. Springfield. Ma.*s., Aag. BO. Baslnoss men. capltal ,!-, farmers ard citizens generally ats1 looking for rerd with Interest to tho gn?at Hay State fair which s to open nn October 4 In Hampden Park, and v.Ill cciipy large buildings to be erected In other patts I the City. The executive committee were In sc? ion hoi* last week, examining the gc.ur.ds and plan? ing for the needed Improveamat-.;? wooden ulldlngs will at once bo eroolerl In Hrl*lj?> st.. near he old rink, for 11*1* in the todaitrial exhibition, ?hlrh promises to be a h'gtily successful feature of lie fair, as a large number of manufacturers havo Ignlfled Hioir Intention of taking space. A working airy exhibit win bc oin* of tta attmettoai of thc tali. b? poultry show will occupy a large tent In the park. o me shows will b" allowed or. th" grounds, nor will ie -Ar if Into*'.eating liquor of any nut be permitted Ithla a quarter <<f a mlle of tin* grounds, it is ' Minuted that upward ot M>,000 people per day will I neild the exhibition. XXlOV* ro WRLCOMR CRAtiBCMT M. DRTRW. Albany, Aug. 20.-A dispatch from Mt. Mcgregor Bys that A. lt. Whitney, of No. 17 It im ad way, New ork, and W. J. Arkell, of ??Judge," aent Ihe fol rwtng cable dispatch to-day: M. Depew, care of J. S. Morgin & Cn., I -nd?i. England. Your friends and admirers of thc Meta of New-York Ish |a tender you a reception on your return. will u accept? Levi P. Moiton, Frank Blssisk, A R Whlwev, isrles E. Fitch, John A. Sid 'her, James Ai koli, John l-ran.'is, o. (1 VflHISa, AIIpcii Van Donore, John I'lun.ii .-r, John Warier, E. A. Durant, Jr., W. J. r..ell ant others IBABTBQBA BTTBCT* OF A BOSE cf ChOTOS OIL ? '.can Aug. 20 James W. Wight, a wealthy tired tea merchant of New-York, look a dose of -.ton oil la. t night, hy mistake, snd his life ls lu eat danger. TIIE FAMOUS HILL LETTERS, "DRAFTS" OF Til EU GIVES UP, THE MAYOR WILL PRODUCE THE ORIG!?. AI3 TO. DAY. THE FASSETT COMMITTEE HAS AV ATX-DAT BTBUVOtB WITH MR. HEWITT. AND LIVELY BA I.I.IKS AH'U'ND-THI. DRA.TS DOOK IN. NOCFN'T ENOI.CH T*> PEOPLE WHO DO NOT READ nr.TWIKN IHE _________ .favor Hewitt, with his face hron/cd hy th* sun lt |*enccfiil Sliriron Springs, sat. ju the wit? ness chair nt the Aqueduct investigation ycster day. I_M Sim!*- fointnitfoe luis never had such ii *fnrmv session. The mom ben nuarrellf 1 among I hem so I vcs. The lnwyers fMBSallai among them s. hos. The .Mayor ranglod with General Tracy nnd Senator Fas- it. Senator Van C'ott did not i say nuich, but gave the .toady support of his j vote to tho chairman. Senator Mi -Naughton did j the talking for tho minority, and received a silent support from Senator Pierce, and Senator Hend? ricks was not present. General Tracy his not attended tho committee'*, moorings lor a month or moro. Hut lie did a big share of tho work yesterday, for he stood up be. for*- ibo irate Mayor and was bold. Do Laneey Nicoll, coached a groat part of the time by As tttablyman " nilly*' Sheehan, battled for th.* minor* ity. Mr. boardman. Corporation ObbBBbI iJcekmaa nnd .Mr. Lovatt wore nil thero, hut in a .fate of masterly inactivity. Among the amused speetn tors of tho fight in which Ihe Mayor was tho cen? tral figure were Mr. Uerry, his private secretary. Jodie William Ea Muller, Theodore Hamilton, ex-Judge Morgan, <? ".missioner 1'jsh, ox. Commissioner of Jurors; Mr. Dunlap, rboaaaa H. Plata, Deputy Sheriff Young, J. A. M*Cu!lo?, ox-secretary of the Aqueduct Commit* siori; John Sheelian, the present secretary; D. D. Mclicau, ol BmwBa Howard dc Co.. contractors. A HARD WRESTLE FOR THE DOCUMENTS. The cause of the unpleasantness and the " scenes" that made the proceedings memorable was the flat refusal of the Mayor to produce cer? tain letters sent by him to Governor Hill. He made a stubborn fight on this point?for principle, ho declared, and not for private reasons. Even alt' r "* liiliy"" Sheehan, who had astonished nearly everybody by coming out ns tho Goverbor's mouth? piece in regard to this matter, and had given the Major thc Governors permission to make thc let? ters public. Mr. Hewitt would not hoar of it, and it was only when Senator Fassett. by a stroke of strategy, managed to have the totten produced and pead bf -Mr. Nie.;]! through Mr. Sheehan, that the Mayor was simd from the certainty of bein j reported to the Senate for contempt. (his was in th*- afternoon session, and Mavor Hewitt was already in danger of that proceeding, because thc committee had united in demanding the letters. Mr. Nicoll attempted to examine the witness with a view apparently to bringing out that lie was withhclding the lett-rs of his own free will. General Tracy objected and tho chairman ruled tho whole line of evidence out of order. Mr. Nicoll insisted on his privilege le cross-cvamin and .hereupon Senator Fassett abruptly adjourned the committee till this morning. ?o that Senator Hendricks might attend and vote. Everything was immediately in confusion. Ths retiring audience was arrested by informal speech making from the Senators' bench and tho counsel? lors' chairs, and al! resumed their scat, when they heard Mr. Nicoll declare that ho had the letters in his possession. Tho committee was reconvened, and the letters were read. Here they are: I. MAYORS OFFICE. New.York, July 13, ISM. The Hon Divld R. Hill, Onyernor: ? Slr: I ippeal to you for an ict of Justice to the City of Nevr-York, which you alone ire In a position to render. A ?ie.-lal se* "on of the Legislature has been convene!, which can consider only such as you may ?e flt. to submit tn lt. I isk you to iccommerid the tepea! nf Chap? ter BB7 of the Laws of New-York, pened May 13, 188., by which the CnsSStSSlm fir building the new Aqueduct f.r furnishing the City of New-York with an lncrea?ed of pure and wholesome natte was reconstituted. Thl? law was maeted by ?he Legislature, and approved hy you, a.alnst the pioint Sf the municipal BO-talBtafl of this city, made In accordance with the general demand of publle opinion. It hns ncdlessiy increased the expense of the Commission, and exclulcl th.* Mayor ind Controller from lt* dellbciailons, tasaan they \,. re n.i ac cptable to the conti'.'tors. its aecretsry was displaced in oilier to miks room for a political partisan, but was reemployed in an. oilier position because ihe n?-iv ap-ioln'oe could not do tha work Milich the seen uar}- has piewou-ly performed with, out extra compensation. The araliarla fer the asaWne-* tlon of the work have been confessedly violated hy undei. letting to*, who would have been glad to do the mirk for the eily at tho reduced pilce they ?-re com? pelled to BCCBpl from the contractors. Bad work, since condemned, has been accepted and pild for; expensive rutv. I!" BWiaary lins been substituted for dry tilling without gi\1n_ a i. -???--...nilli!!* increase in the yalue of the work; and, in many naya loo numerous to mention, the Inter, Bala of the city have been .acrlij.t I to the demands of tha contractor! .wi ihe rataBnasaita sf party politic*. || ha* lc-c:i spsnly MattS-i by oue of the Commissioners that the lau, v,hn-e repeal I BOW request, was tin* resulli Bf a palmed, whereby 'he Republican party ?cure<| nttOMfB! aaB ii BppeaiB that, DnssenBl campaign delus, Inrarred in ita etoeilm of i?_.?, wen subsequently pen |,y the leanna rs and charged to tht member of tho flrm who was ai tip- head of th-* State Comm!'r.e. 'Jiu* pp>eple ..f this city are a.iounded by these re .elations. The opln, lon la universal that such chang* s in the law stmuld ba pmnip'ly ma To as may be required to free this _rroat pub? lic inn tom talttar entanglement, with political iud p--r. ?nal Int. ii -is. Tiie situation is not without embarrassment; but lt pre? sents a plain duty to which neither you nor 1 can iliut our y* Mfa an- DeflBBenaa wini.' tho legislature ls Re pub. .can. i in* is a fortunate conjuncture, is lt will enable ?n'li poliiiiul parti.'.- t.p stan themselves from further io. ? p.-uslbiili> fur tins imbil tuna ta legislation. If y..u ahull mike a recoiiiin. nda'ioii for thu repeal of the obnoxious aw, lt will d"ubtl'*-s ?.? p. m.ptly responded to by the UagMamra, The first step ?iU thus n taken lois aid tho luntkallon nf the political a'unsphere and the restoration if tta _".. inm.'iit of this city la Itt right to participate ia h. .tiiitioi if au aapeadltan ?iiicb i? pun Ty local aud of asl propo! tlipii*. ll Bttg ba ?ld that lt ls now joo li'p' to repair the evil ihlch has teen d"iie ; bul thi* B nm th*' Mt*, Ihe wura rill I* quire eswsnl vars for Its completion, and ll la es. I Batted ilia* the expenditures yet lo be made may amount . la SB ty million* tpf Bettors. Thin vast nurla, must bo ? ?nirulli " by ofliccrs in whom tlie people of (hu elly havo mir I con.d ncc. ant lt ls ladBpl usable that In pan, it nat, the Commission shall tsiimisi nf men who derive their o.itlon dlrecily from thc suffrages of thc pBBpto. IB this apj-al for Justice i am in.-rely doing my duty to tie clll/en*, whoso oOlcial mouthpiece 1 am. and -s ho loo t you foi that pioleciu.ii fr-.m ..'ilbery, fraud, and w?sto f pul.ile money which th" (joy. rnor and thc Legislature re rxiuiid hy every consideration of honor and justice to ford. I ha\e no doubt that the gravity of the .ituatlou . as apparent to you BS il is to inc. and ihat the result will I such as tu mitlsfy th- reasonable demands nf publio (Inion. 1 baie Ita honor i? be, vet y r> sp. .fully, your ibBibj be ian a it ii am s. nLvsirr. ii. M._Y>>K' Ol lin-, Bea -York. Julv lt. issi. to n..ii David R Hill. Batman: -?slr i In my letter to you ot y. -t.rdav. the word " anya thu sixth line of tho second page should bo change-] " corresponding." Asking you to make the oiri-eilon, h?\e the honor to bc, very respectfully, your obedient ivant, AU1U.M S. HEWITT. Hf. MAYOR'S OFFICE, N. w-York. July 20. 18S8. !<? Hon Da Md n. inn. Benaan i ?Slr 1 hl'tr read your n?s?gi' to the Legislature oo I subtect of reorgat.i/lng the Aqueduct < <>iuiui*-i?ii th profound satisf-dlon. I congratulate you a* well mph th-' nanga which .mi ha\o .-bown as for the clear inner In which you haie s*..iett the principles vihicb ould a*nm 'he legislation of this Mate lu reference municipal affairs. The cltv has for a long time *t<Hid te a tanp Mt?m. be'oto ih shear*-; s In the present o the legislature We have no right* which the L'gt*. .mts has been bound to respect, and but for tl? Inter BBn of Hie 8mm tho lan vesltgo of "home lula* mid long alncc have been obliterated. At timon yon ve aaved u* from very 8-oai wrvuga, and at oihsr hms