Newspaper Page Text
PART II. PAGES 13 TO 22. SUNDAY ED ITION, APRIL 6, 1890. HEA N t_ ?_{_. 20 A-.D 30 .VK8T FOfUTEENTH-'.T We Promise The Following Each and Every Day This Week Silk. At 49 tthlM. .antl .. CO eent* rln, ?? hunrt.'d plecee TLAlN COLOKF-D INDIA8 for PlMim, TeMOWB* ji.'I I an. y Work; Iwe wMthi--4 kod Ji Ittehm; blick. whlte, tttma vA oll _??? ?*?* "?P** c,,1"rs Sl'LLNI'ID VAI.I'K Firur.d Chlna Silk, ull ?-?* -. *? " r'~ f_MM--a, Wa>k ?i.d .:...?-?*-. ?-""?' M'U'IAI, VAM'l S IN 1AM V SI BAHS. plaids aud rtrlpe* ,49c.59c. We.... Wl ? U-BCl-L VAUT.S IX KA1M.1T ITUXCAlSE. *_.:?.k aud 'olori'd....-?*.?'*" tr_BClAL YALV1TS IN BURAHB. tmret, ' _\ "-? HMk. ?*.** BP~CIA__ T___->~E_ IX BLACK BreeOralae, W quhlltic., ?MU Mamiltau M |Mla Khadam.--, 1' qaeUU*-**. latia Dttcbt-_c, M< Pmm ?e (Me, ' -?? ' Armn..-, _qual.l>,".. BMenee " q.i?iiti>-?, Wrmmtm. Bqu-lttie*. !?_? j.ui}>c8. ? qu?li:ie?, Hoires. iqH-_ltl-?, Dress Goods. The lnr?r?i naaorinirni lo be fuiind ! All WooT Txm " T l'lali) and Striped M AB-Ptml f*' ? Bord'.-'il vi.' hiik l>*'rd' tti beite* Colored BiHllMUnea Tallcr I Ca?bnxr'' Deheljee J'an. | ? frmch M'n-n, ) _* All-Weol MlXtBIM ' IM .ron l/he-k* aml BtrlpCl Lerce l'.aid aud st: . Fipur.-d Wool I _-_l< ? \. . CV-Unrt-t fteneh HfnH-t-M All-Wool F_____M.ll We lai IU .ttent on to ?ui and _1U_ Bnlah ( nahmeri-aiiiiil Hcuricttn .. ?t whieh ? * ? | j.,n. ?. tx - <?' - bl .?? __od .? _ blacl :.:.??:, q <?? ?? "' ?" w? *?;?"?'?.'' , ... ,,. TSett b'JeU... -1 "?' ??" ' ?6MA. V.l.JlM'.XM'A.l.XM.Fi:. *.perinl?in Btaeh 4_,.o.l_. Wool N'.ii- Ve| ... \. I'.ahl A l-Woi 1 i :.. M-lw h T. ' ? .,, ... .1' Aii-Wooi X-i - \ 1; A't.AVoiI r.nq. P*All ? 1 ?' All.WoolTtl ;_ I-ri.-t:.. ?>' ell- ?wi? nenHettM, W eenu. 8PB1X- fLOAKIX?*s niahit detha MelMna nna Lifhl W-1f_t ***__*, in In China Department Second loor, Th^i?'ll bo a Mk frt ROKER***'** ???T SlI.VKIt-Pl.ATF.O WAR/ at th-.- unlform prl I ot Two Sixtyeight Each. >: | U ;,n tWO Ul - ? '? - Ttxznt* BuftrBowl-, Cremnitaga, tuAhUtAArn. C?tor.. B "?' ' ' and < .ii.' Il'i-T. '-, I'I ... .<? __tjtn -,??-.?? ' rn 1.. rl . ? , ; ? I ?Boi . ? I' ?' nhi'.'i ll ':? ' ? -'- -?*'??'? ? "' qU-HW Thli n-.-rinc I. mAt a- ?'i a*lv rtlxem nt fi i fl l ?" _? . ? ? . xttrth 1"- than ...?-? the mejorlty ar- wori - u I ? BM elene hawe ron ?' ' ? '" *l ?' ' ' n\w beky-u hav- the Ui ? f , ,;; .ea, ^baolut Ij perl?-t-ell (Ml te? de - ? ? -'''? FKIDAY. A** VUVAU ?A?OAIS DAT. Upholstery. At** <t.?s.9i.BR. 1.1PORTEI) IM)I4 I'KEI'E < I RTAIN***. Whlte, -???: oilv. Bloe aml Eera, with eontraatlna and varlrgated allh *.?-"-- atrlpea aome .Ith deep -ilk -ijd.'s ami borden all iroond .Ith _n.d without tinacl? heavy k.*i(,tt,ii Irlngea all aroundi .orth Nlne to 1* dollars. ?7.fis *?.9<* 911,PM. Three huadred peli B1LK CURTAlNS-pure -::_. double .arp aad revcialble. Regular pricea, i .."??-. le Tjiittv-i-vi- dollara - At *A.H* nnd -??.???**?. ? ALL OVKR OIKMI.I.E I'OltTI I.RF.**-. ln i.,*, ? - ind I- tt .!? algn . All nr.. I.ii*. .rn.ain, u * more than double, At Itn MNKTY-EII-IIT. ioo palr Baxeny Cbeallle Portlerea with i>* ra r- a.: ar.imid and d'*i|. dadoa wortk 91 ai CEXTC .i?.i i'i- .'? - Flne_l Frcinb Hrp ? rclonnra. Thc c.-ia-t-i.i ;i j .' .u.i .Mc rt-goler prlee. :.'.*-. Al MVKTEEN ll-.NT**.. I'nn,:: . -.,..?- Bi i '.* - and Btrlp * .; .' wldth ; v, i r* 32c. fliited trrlmi Madraa -: i -. 7V ; wortb .12>j I'lomlnau d - :. .. i" ? ? . .orth r. 1 am | Bordi i - rln - ..... 10. ? orth .IT Indlan I tw?_ Slriu. - ? 10*-.' rorth .11 ? olora . liold -?." i *i . ?? i* - -'?' - , *on .r.d ' ' . -" "or. ? I : " -,- '- I' ' " ?>'> Apj ll<j . ,. ... I..- - <"": Leather Coods and Trunks. Th hta ol il - ii ul ol I "J- ? i ' i . ii da ii!. ? i _?? i, 'l ????. : : ? , :? ,* t.A I \t . 1 run ' . , a -. Sani l .^ , i H-.iv. * . i " . i OU 1 na -' . .- in, h. 4 ... - ? i . r Ti unka _ i : _ *'i 11 < m) liiii . * . anvaa baratoa .-:.?? : l 11 ? ;. ?? U mallea l 80 00 14 _0 Di -- '; r'.n .- Iron 8_> 00 l1* ?" Ir*.!, boond Baaawood dov. '. :. 10. o :i , ? | . ? 13 00 20 aad 28 la., 72 00 ..'i.ti'm.-n- Bojne! KlveteO, ti On ..??iit:-ni, ir- .-?.. Leatber, go 00 ir.'.D . ? Leather, ?:i- 00 I., 120 "" 110 lo '.- 00 ! ? *.. ,'i JH 00 Lighl lora, i i: ? ? , ? - ? : 4 ?. ia oo ? ', '.. 27 00 Bl -- II??" | I -. I.l-iil.ia.i,. l.n/_. I I tn _> l inrh. Moroeeo, 11 ??? - . I, .? . , MUI. r'a Vi . -1 u io ..<- ou - , . - ( lub I'n 4(- 10 lo .'0 imhi-4. i :. -:_.-? '.:i i*.- om * ? - ' nhln Him-. II) |? at(l lo. h.-->. J 00 ''..?-. 149 to Kllgli-h Kno. I, nl... ill ling - |<J I (. _.) |?, I,, .. Price, 910 * * ..- 1 ..- ? i *? I i _a i?h Dn -? Ma|| IIiik r I 91200 b IS 00 "? r-. :, M t KKIDAV. AN l-l IL, II 11(1. IIN III I. LAVXCBISG A NEW FIBEBOAT. COMMl-SIONER R0BB1X- CHUISTEX8 HER Tlli: SEW-YORREB \ DE* BUTIO.N I THE Vi. --II The linll '.I a ne? flf-b-Ml wm launthed '"" the H.rlcri) Blret Irom tbe yvia nl the Jota m i and Marhlne (oropany .1 half-paal 10 jre Urd?J moralnf. In tli" ptoenee ol vh, people. On a i"'"i*'?* ,-arv platform nor tbe ve _ei' bow _tood ' oiw l*?iow. S. llowltnd Kobblne, ol the Flre Dep_4rtment, wlth tlw invitrd laesta. When the bloeh* wcrc hnorh*- a"a> , and tli-' boal wm aiTi-.ii'- t.. aUde dowu the ? i,j. a ; littk ...?! i uneal Maud I. Nell-on. who aU**\ by Mr. broke n bottle o_ wlne on the bo.i - and Uie Cennilul meraaid "1 rhrtatan thee New Yori-er.* Then Um rrowd ebeered, tbe jraehl "sa iua" f;r,*i a aalute .nd ?u tbe n.'- and .tomboate In tbe nelgl-bortauud" BMetM ? -inill wel-twne to tlielr new aUter. Mft the b-tinchlng the Invlted guc-U adjourned to tbc fnundi. . wbere ? lani beon wh? <?; ved. at wbl< h Mr. RrHilni preeided. Ex-JudlM tilMenJeeve waa the orator. At tli** end '<{ ln- -]"?<?' li Iw roelled I Maa*. ** Launchliifi "I tlie (.hlp," wltb draniatle rfle.t. Bhorl apeectaea followed Irom laaae Andcr ?on, caebler "f Uie Twelltb National Isaiik, Co__-ii..i<,nfr Robbini and othei.. Amoiift ilx?-?- who witiie>vt-d um nancbint were bonner, < hlel ol Ihe tftp Depwt-Benl; Aael l?nl ' hlel Franel*? .1. Rellly, f'harl- . ii. ___J and RII BatOB, .-.iln".-. i,,n uruit'.r Gowlee, wbo bu been a r-j-laborw wlth Mr. BewMf in deelgnlng Ihe reeael; Captaln Grece, ol the tup; Befate, wbo itas aaved man} froin drownlng; Ceptaln ||. ii.-i.iv Andre- . "I Ibe Kasqua, and Carl laeaea, Mciwtarj <?1 tbe Flre Department. L_t?.-r i:i tlu; da] tbe New-Yorker wae towed i" Jer>cy City lo li'-r engllM and m >?< -hnn-i v frorn tho ihopa (il Brown <v JfTHer. MeNcll -t MeLaogbBn, <-f lireenpotat, wlU furnl.h the batlere. Kbe wlll nol be readj ft* eorrlto j ?? %hmjt ") fonr monthe. Wben eompleted the rrirT.riof will be oim ?i tbe b?*l equlpp-d v ?___ of n. kind ln eztetenco. Bhe i i" be moorod at tlie Betterj, wltb tttaai alwajr. up, and u l? ex poctei thal .)!<? i.ii, nach Portjr-crond-at., In elthei rlvcr. wltim, Iwaatj nlaato after laeelvlnj. an .lann. ii<t MMMeaMOta wlll i??- h folktwi: Length, liij feet | larhcw: nticM luaadtb of beam. ->; feel lt laehaa; -tepth. in feet; dUpBwement, 351 ton.. Tb. ball i- m.-id.- <? ntin-iy ?.f ateel. Tbe re el Iw .i lncii fNeboaid nf aaaeaal tlreagtb, to wlth-tand Um vi.,ratii>iis eaaa ?i b| Um poamfnl enrtaea wben ran ninK 0.1 fnll _9i__L 'ihe i>uin|i- have !'. n apaetallji dealgaed i<t (hl* _er\i"'. iii'i wi!j i.'U'iA dtber foai foar-lnch str._i.ns or ta. Iire-laeb iiiiaai ae _Ba_ be tt-ir*-<t. 400 fcit ln anv diri-i t.nn, and tbe MtcblBerj allow. oi MedMeattaae u> taM Um aeede <if tbe aeraloo. The fu.-i. wttb whieh tli?--.<- ilitami an expeeted lo -trihe wiii Ikj M__Meal t,, __be an opeolafl In UmmI order thrnuch Iron _hlltoil. or lo leat ? bole thru-Utb an ordinarv i,n. i, waU. Oa aeeeaal ofl tbe uaterlnl ?>f whleb kbe i- ballt, tbe noa boal ?iii be able lo Bicht Ire. ai ekwe >, iartei . Tha Bea Yorber la nol Intcnded ior worh on tbe Immittiati- rlvei Ironl ufene. Hba wlll bave larte wbteh ean be ron 2.000 .<yi a hon-. and at tbal di. tew-e the -iii be eaaable al more elfei-tlve Work than a lirr BBBhM) Tlie daiii;*'! o| delafl on ?ecnunt ef aeetdaalfl 0, maclnnery l. providcd lur ')' a_akln? _n her 06b<_iiU_il uurclUucry Uu_,_i< aic. Tlio , Uial - .1 She _ III h ive a i r ? ? : ? nieu. TBAXSACT10X.S l\ BEAL ESTATE. V _L_01_T I ILLI SO ll IN Bl SIN1 ? KROM PR1 v;,i - WEI K-- .OME Ol THH - vi.i -- ?: \ i.i.. There waa mme Interrnplioti .-? renl - lale hn li , i. i ?? i ,*? * nl bti Ine nn .i i :,?!.!?., whl. h .- 11 ni.liv uli crved .-? r gn ?t< r oi i* l,j ihe rei . ? enl ln the rommunlt) Tbe i--".nl ..I Ihe werh do. uol mnke ?. I.? ?' ahowlng .i- im- ..'?-ii Ihe ra ?? In the :.. . fe. week Whlle :i . <,:i-.*,'-i:.:,..* i.n Inc ? ?n li-aii-_Mrt__*d al tbe Heal i: late Bxchange niunj -*f .ln* parrel* were bid in by "'.iii.-i'i i,i*i nn .* the price ii_f< red bj othera were decmed Inaufflcleiil. Thla week Iherc vnii be bttraa Uve pan ? I offered, nnd the bu Ine dono oughl ... be .'i ron ktcrable magnltudc. Hj prlvute aale aome Importanl propertlea chnnged hand-.. The number of ronvcyanret for the week ended on Aprll - vin- iti, Involvlng #12,011.1)40, agalnat _..-7 ron,"-. involvlng --I'J.i',:..:.'.". In the ame week "t l--:*. The morlgage* iii?*.i f..i li.'* week wera 401, ln VOlV-llg im, -ii-.i. ?_.:,_;, ,.,n,|>,i-,i| With IHO, li" ..'',..'il 1.2-0, ii, ii..* ume week *-f la l year. Th. re were -i\.v one bulldlngn projected fur the week, al mi eatlmuted co t a,f *. i.u-jj,:.-:,, agalnat 100, at an e I lliata'<l <a.-t .,f .;2.l I'...:.-.,, 111 I--'.'. Among tn.* private aale laal week onth ol Flltj ninth at., .'.,].-- Molea, exerutor "i the Nelll ratate, -i.lil the three-atory, attlc aml basemenl rtone-fronl bulldlng nt tlie northeaal rorner ..i IH-erkci and lireene ?ta., with ? lul 25x12o, for #10...o_0. II I reported thal the buyer v*.a- Nuuuel Cohn. ITiarle II. lirook i lum toM Uie bullding No. Ml _?* mard t. (or ?c-'i.ikx). Alwve Elfty-nliith at., tbe _ah i re ported "f .. i-!"t "f eight i"t- at the northweal i'-*rnci ,,f Weat E nl iiv.-. imal i in.- Iiiimlr al .nnl -?*'*>ii'l i . r.i i i-i nr It. Meyer, vlce-pn Idenl "l Ihe Mutual Elro Itikuraiice (<.in i...11-., at ?-. --'.."". Mr. Ileycr Intrnda I., pul nji a |,...1 hon >? !?>:? Iii- own occupitii >-, ll., Kurnl - '-i.i..- i.uil) Milil th. .* loi for #a().(XM). Tli.: live h.t- nt Un* -.intii.*a-i eorner <.l Ninth iv.*. iiinl ILii'iitv elghth t. iniv. i?-.-,i ...lil foi .r.i*i,iMiu i,i ii. lt, < i el tn Ludwlg Hroa, John t'a-ej lia .,,iii the Uata, No IWi, 171 and i".i KudI oiie-hiiii .ii,*il .ini! iif.n l.. l"i 9*1)0,000. lieorge i). Deiinlug, im. l-Oiiglil tlie al.l threeatory dwelllnga on the north .,,:,? ,,i Blghty clglitli-Kt., '"" for! weal ..f tn. Iioulcvard, l ' -ri-'i.i'no. Charlea Huek ,v ( ... have i,ii,._iii a plol . i \ I'mi |i..-i on ihe ?oiith ?lde *?! sev. nt. hlxin -i. DOO I'-.-i weal i.l We i End ave., for . . .,000 for Terence Earley'i som >ld to ; ? . ia. ou private terma No. T- vv.*-: -|.\.*nl\ Mi-l -l. Iln- Willi.ii.-.* Ilni. No. 111 Wa-I i"u?. iiuii'ii.-.i ii-nl iwa-niv lilih -i.. ln. ? been _old tn Y ji for .-/i.'Hiai. nklnner .v Nellla have j,rn. h.i-.*al from Huckle) a .lon.- llie plol lOOtlOO ?, , | ,,|| Uie -< -al.* of -iv i*nl v.-i\.li -I.. * |.*?*. , I ,,f v.'.*-i Kud-avc., for Imurovemeiit. The tcrni are private. .teven J. licngncgan ha. Itoughl llie -untiiiM-t comei "f Nlnth-ave. and one-hnndred-and -i\.li -t for -H 1,000, from Un?dle> ,v Currler. ? ?l!,,. Real l. late Record an.l Un_de" prlnt*. tabl-* a,f eonveyaneea, mortgagea, ete., for the flral .1. ininiiii- "t the year. Tha number "f convevaneea for ih,. in-t ouiirter "f l -no wa. 3,7-tS. Involvlng #71, H*", im. agaliial ll.Hio, Involvlng *<'.-.)-1. k>7. ln th*j 7,,... nuarT.-r "f i--'... The number of nn.rtgagea re ,,?,|,.,t ua- :i,7--. Involvlng *0'.i ':?.''.-'. u ? ,*?,, involvlng _??? i:..:.-. i ?; -1. In i ?'?' Hie re-oid for ti'ia-'aiuart.i of l ?'?'" in. In.l- Ihe morlgage glven ln tl,e m u.iiiiian iiinl Ueti-ipolltau elovat-d rallwav- on i,,l and 1..1-..111I propertv to the itentral Truat J '"" naiiv fnr MO.00O.O0O, Hi.fl al-D tlie morlgage glven bv tlu* Edleon Illiimlnalliig Company to tlio l.cntial Tru-t Company, for *0,000.000. SiikipsonCrawford & SlMPSON. Ladies' Walking Jackets. I.OMiON MADE.) 1IOX1 IKYOICEfl .||'-T Itl'CKIVKI) >1AKF. niH|-T(M k OF iAdIEJT LONDON MADB WAI.K INO JACRETH tlli: i.ii.tM)i>T i.vkk BHOWN. 'thi: ti.otii- iiiini willCII T1IE1 aim: MaM ARE KM.I.l-ll KERBEYB, WlOB AND BARROW W\I.K. IMAlTONAI-, I'l.AIN AM) l>IA..O\\I. tH'OTCII < III.VIOT- AM) ? Oltl\-< lt ITW -. Al. THBNI IRK TI1B -AMK 4i.\--i OK MATBRIALN A** l-II) BY 1IM-T 4 I -TOM TA1LORM POB IYEAR, TIIB I'ltURs ARB Afl BBABONABLB AH Tlio-K l-I ILI.1 ABHBD POH OBDINABT HOODM. Ladies' Paris Wraps. Ol ? nt-llTN-i: BAMM Ol- l.\l>ll>' PABIB WRAPB Dl KIM; TIIB PA_*T WBBH l? TU* -TKOM.K-T MM) OP I'BOOT Ol TIIB OU! AT BABIJAIX* WS ARB OFPEBINO THB A_*? *?oi<T.|.:\T l- -o . I K\ I.ARtaB TIIA1 I.ADIEB 4 IWIIT KAtl. TO I.l T -I ITBD. .4 IIH.17 Ollt PRIC.EM 4IIIT Vl'.l_\ I OU RANHINf- AM TIIB1 DO IHOM 8X98 TO ?...?.on tiii.-i: WRAP* tR? TIIB ritoot i TIORB OP THK. LBADIN.J PARM IBARrFACTI'B** BRM. IKD AI.I. Tlli- -i:\-ov- I.ATK-T KT1 l??'?-? ai.i. -i/i- ll* TO i> ut -f -IBA-atBE *?>_.: TO BB POUND iv III I ? MA-MMOTII I'OIABO TION. Ladies' Separate Vests. I\ TIII-. TIIB l-T->T i.oMios KOTBLT1 POB I.ADIBV \4J\lt. WR ll))i I *'in 1 Altl.K A?oimiivr IBADB li:o*i ill'Mil-T nrrriiV" op < .-iimh.i: rtWTINCia, To M 1114 M ? B INI ITE ITTEXTIOX. Misses' Suit and Cloak Dep'l. lill- DEPAHTMENT I'lt i:-l.vr- IM-I\l. bTTRAC'TIONM I*. -tn- i\d OITHIDI MAR. HEXTM POB HWBEM' DBI --. -t liooi. IND NTREET.WEAR. THI 1 ??0RTMI'.NT-* I* ? *?' " il.\ ? IRE \llti KXTENwItE, IMI THK I'lili i> thi: i.iih i-r Wl IIAVB EVEB BEEN tlll.l. to *l)M imi I.IHR Ifl \iMU-. OVEB -tm IMPORTED MDiilii- l*> JtMv. M-. I'OATM AM) < ii\m. ?l \:: ta AT ONE-TMIUD I.l? TII .N l O-T TO UM). Adberlaa i? <*"r ??__ ?,,i,-. .?r a. rbarajr foi allniiM rillur l.miii- ?>r Mi.-r-' I l?,:il.? ... -uli -.iimm:***' * im.i>___. v*** Trimmed Hats. ov ,1.1. ' IIOI( DK1 ' ? '' '? T> S) _ to _; 8'* To ?11.'io i v ii -i it \\\ t.uul)-. l M .:?:;? i M i - -. ? - I ? I UU UD IIAT_* IN 11. v K AM) 1 . ? ' . : ? i X ? 4 1111. ' i:? .. <i-.. II. IN 6th Avenue and 19th Street. uu: nm.ii'S l.tlli I'lEU /'?/??* t nn.sE.\ . .. '. ...... -> " I 1 I ' ' I I ? ' ' ? ? ? . . ? - ? .. nn. i . -.. ? ? ? lon, Vi. Iiii ? ' ' ?'" ''"'? II. t'ulvlii. D. ?'. < I , ,i. I.) :?,.-..''? i ? . li '? I i II. \ Ki*yi II ii Kn ? ii'. i i ' ? ' ? ' ?'? '?' ' - I ? ; | ?,. , .1. . . P- . Ir . I _V. P" I.. I i p.:..-. y \ l ? ' " - \ i' -., ..,-?...? i r-ixt. ll ,;. v, ,: li. < ' . ai,. . II. .. ,.!.,. I. I. l.'-'Hi. K. i.. II VVIh ...... \. '? itli ?' ' l Yerki . vt. l> KcifiM.I, .1. j. p. iiii'-ll. .1. V. I arwi II, )i. \ i-roniil "I Ihe l,i;!,,, iKiwevi i. ? howi ?! thal Ihere aa . .. n t-J ,|la,jc '.,, ,!,.. Vote "l ' idoiu l lii -?: - II. Davl . n uinoiinrcd, and thal ln t- .-1 i_ beiim d? .rntril, he ,,,, iviil ni-arh ii"- larn*' i i m. ol '? ?'? - ?' ' I"' ?,,, ,,., ii,.? i.p ??? ?-, ii iv.; l-Ai. im ini* ' . Mr, | ,.(,.? ul,., -.- .i oll llir ln t II) krt, .ind Ml W - ??i tlu \ I'liiinp il Iln ii vote . ln |iil? wlthdrawal ln tlie ill IniJiM-ii ?? vote i" * i" I him elt and Mr. w I, -,-...? i? ? \ Ml. K?-i l -ti wa <'l i ti 'I ii i i- T" ,., (jjtivr ,,l Hi.- IT' ii I- I )l? I-'11'1 ??' ,; ':' ' ?""' " ? ?l il,,. dn cood** ii" i. i"ii' ,: '?- Kf'Ui i'l<' II ?n ; ;;', , ",?, ,?,,? imi. -I irJ |/, rlert hfii. ImvliiB born .? a hmu ._". ., iV( ufti n.. !??? I?. imtlrr ? ' im ni"' of the lii'ii ol l-utlfi I.r-'-- i. J. I',- "?'? ? ,,,. ,]..;lt 1)1 li"' ' Dl"" ** ': "'"' i"'"U ? ? ? l .VII EB9ITI AU If.VJ TO .</./.' Tbe annual dlnner "i tbe Sea Yorb A urlatbm ol j il?. Mutiinl "I the i nlvei II) ol R.n lieatei wlll I. j , id ,i Delmonlro'a, on i m daj ? ven ng. Aprll -. il 7 o'vlorb. Tbe peakcr wlll be li Idenl Da) Id J. 11111. ,,f the i nlvn lt) . Pi' Idenl Trtim.n 1. Itnrkti ,f p;l- her Inatltnte 1T- ld< nl M _. .n B. '??''? , ol Uutseri follcite I're idenl Jame M TtxyUtr, ol l i ,, i ,,ii.-..-. Kcnatoi I rederli h l\ i I h, ol N< Ji*i lYofc or liiin ? II. -'?' en . ol Yitle rin.-ol . I< 'I ?.?,',,i;ii\ and lYofr ?? <""i'" M, I. , of . I'rilvri lt) "I Ro ln ' r Urown i nlvenlt) wlll l. ? ,,.,,.. cntcd b> i harli L. I olby, and CoHcate i nl VC| |t) I.V .1.111" II. I "I- lt< AmofiR othei who wlll be pn enl are II ? lei lolinaon. who wlll pre Ide KdioiDul I.. .1 ?)'. tlte II l?.. i;. o. y,. Arthur, tlw R< i l?r. Kdaard Hrl ht. lohn I>. Rocheli ller, ? "ol ?t? I1 ' John '' l-wnM-nd. , har|ra .1. I'.-.ui-.ii.I. in- Itrv. jolill II. ralv-n. |.,,,., ,.i ji Im i . i>.rrlil??r, the !?? ? '* Norman I ,,\ the i:.-- . Dr, ll nr) l? Mo ehoii -. I'i I ,.,,,1, - i aprn, of tlie Ni !l?'' * h. I,, john P. M.? ? alvln I'atte mt, I'v II I lllll-- H \ I.:.!.!"?' . H.'? ' ";,'' ' ?; ' \. Allin, '--.;.'- II. ' ?*. '<? Kinmetl n ? ? and ? ? ?; I-, ,,; ii?- n-retar) ol lh< i -' '? ' ?' I' -.jini.'. "i n.i. 1-" Hroadway, from whom tlekcta ma) t,r ihoi ured. COLUtrOX OX \S ELECTBIC EAlLvYAT. N.-w Haven, Apnl ?'? I a.l nluhl a r?r on the eb*e t rt. road nl Ulrnilnitluni wa topped al lh ? f *A ol .i .:,-, M erade. A rai foUowlns II rlo - D roukl n 4 b , i.,.,| ,, ,,i , I., hed Into ii"- Br t '?"? Uirowlan tbe l,a.oriiRera Into a bean la Um forward end a id rmtlnd ', wiiiii .-Mui ol Qm puMwifen jrt*" ttitj pnlmA .ll.'l ' ut. os. Desire lo place before their patrons this week the follow? ing specialties. It is almost needless to state that they are all of SUPERIOR QUALIT1ES, RECENT PRODUCTIONS, and at MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES: IMPORTER.S, Sixth Ave., 22d & 23d Sts. LADIES' UVIPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUITS m;ide of Cheviols and J25 Ladies' Cloth in plain and combinations, handsomely trim- ,ro med and tailor-made, waists altered without extra charge; <rrc worth from S50 to $75 at. ^00 LADIES' CLOTH SUITS in plain and braided in navy blue, wine q nr and all (lesirable shades of gray; formerly $15.00, at - - O._--0 LADIES' CL0AKS. Coaching Cape made of broadcloth, stylish and prelty in effect, with five rows of embroidery, in all desira- ? ejr ble colors and superior workmanship, at - - - - - O./D SURAH SiLKS of extra qualily in every conceivable shade, good #q value at 75c.; now - -.- - 4uC. BLACK ^iLK Cashmere Sublime, 20 inches wide; value 75c, at wl/C, FANCY TARTAN SERGES in unique combinations of colors; worth /q 85c. peryard, at.WjC SURAH TWILLS, all-wool, with lace efTect borders, in popular col- rn ors; worth 95c. per yard, at.OuC. LADIES' COACHING PARASOLS (comprising the produciions of the b.'st makers only) in plaids, stripes and changeable elTects, n qc with handsome imported handles; worth $3.75, at - - - *-3 J LADIES' GL0VES. Gants de Suede, Mcusquetaire. 8-bi'tton length, in desirable lan colorings and embroidered backs; worth S1.35qq p< r pair, at.J0U* IRISH POINT LACE CURTAINS. in choice designs, exceptional value ; ? rr* worth S4.50 per pair, at.- - ?*-3y 25c SILK AND WOOL FLANNELS, in elegant colors and combinations; |Xp worth 45c. and 65c. per yard. at.4jC. BLACK TRIMMING LACESin all popular designs, Hncluding Chantilly, iq Russian Bambooand Spanish Cuipure, 7 inches wide, per yard. to I^C. SIXTH AVE., 22D AP_D 23D STS. < \lCKI\-._ EXTBAIfCE Oa _13D.?T. so rom : vi \ ' l!: "/s '"-'?' I!ls - .* ? ? ? i, ,i . ? . i . . ? ? , - 11 : ... I'-l v ' ;, ? ? ? ..... n.'..iii?. ? ?, | .,?*! I ' | - -? " ' ,,, . II,... :, ? in. .iu, , :...- |* r ?:.., , 1 ' I I ?? ' .. i.tiM* oi -.'I'"* I . . . tv H an.l -II.I... II' ' " ' ' "... , III' if.i'iv. i.i - *? ?" ,"?",";,.'';, r nn- um ??? ? |l?. ,1. pnll.-. ..I III. flH-rlll. ??['? >.,,; lind l.l-l.'l' I . ,,.,.M* ..1.1. .nil-l- ' . .... h.m. ? V :?r"hnt.i* ? fj':,,:;;..-:!'v;:'.,;.,\':;"1' ???*??- ??? "a ,"l;:::;M;'t',' aSNttffc i.v* H l"" '' ;l'- ''" '. , ?| ,-. And i.-i.ul "i th- 1-n. ? ?:',,, ' .,,... ,?.. ,,-., I.II "liv ll - ?h..l.' :?? "' "'" "; ,,rh''i .?> '" . n. hlm; md ? i*** ? . 1I;1. ,.,. . ,,, ii,.- shcrlll i Un ??' ? - ol lh I.n -li.-riil-. M ?? V ? ';., ?.*':,;,:.;:, !?.? ,,f i,i-i i*i- und -:v..'.i ?? putV. .___,_.? ,| iln* .ml'?:? l?l ""' i.'-ii'-1.mi",w;, d ? ii" ?" p"""" ? v ' ? ' "1 ' ' :' ". ., , i'i imtl.'-a and ?'??1,,r' '" '' '"?; ' *,? mi ii ?! Hi' ?>.??'??? "?':,".i,vl:;:,';; .I**, r. -?'>->? SV/tn'^mXi-uS^'rthcV'ha.on ol ? '"""''?- ' . _.?_. ?? *? . t ih.* ''? 11 ' ?? "'? "I;i";'' iiJ.ll , , tlu- imi '?*'?'? ol "'' ,,, ,.itll.l . ""I ' I" - 'I'" tlon. Ill i ivll and rrlmlnal. _._ _ -_? ???* CMOPB tX TIIE tl*'--T LYJJ XOBTRB .'" April '- i-i'-*i.i'- Wm*' ' ?' ''?'[? ,, , , .,. : mii".' .WlBS in i- rtara-t-r. ;?,.:,...,,.?,:.. . t-Kr-efailsiov-rtl. I .' ' !' ,.f ,.?- ,,-,,,, .,..** in the irround i l? - i???" < ? - ,,?, ,,,, :.,?i..*..i-i and i" !"? "i.r Ml* * Pl* , , .n M. I' .I '?!-? " '' '^?'"r' v ?_ ,,?,* ..?,?.* lu llur Ml M"?rl V___.II--> ?rlll" an e*-<?- ? J>I "";?"?:,,., ,,,..., ,,, , .., ,11. no froni kan i- ' 114 i" "> _? ' ,,,,.,,. :, ,;,',_,,:,,,,?,,,.,,!.,''?.'-?' und pcai "'' '"' ? ' I uraAB DAlRt EEX IX BBS810X. ,*,,,,-?,.. April a <-;??" ??> Tba K?n_w __*lrrme"'a , nrlnllon hrW Ita winnal i""i'" ' " vl''! ' .,. ,|. Monrmd nad tiii ?' *'? rnl - ?.1d ..Tl?. Idcal lr??ml I ' ITol.?- *?'? ?? * .i:**--. |."l-. "I.I '?'? ?"?'?*? ?,owa". ? II H.,ii .,: h.ui .i. i Ity. on - i.mi'iin*- ui> the t? mdu try . -i i- Bb har, ol Ablleoet m "boiriiu. la Ditkinvii Luuuiv. KuaM"; U. o. iuii, '? )')] ?' . ? K ? ? ' ? Ul-Olll 111 . Wl !??? "I that riloil l.ouM ? ..:.:? i . ,: :, ,. m, P. ? i ? 'l.iiv Int. . -?? . .,- : 1 '' ?'? ? i tn il ? -ti:--. li iuld .? ilr "f 'l.llr .1,1 I..- tfy .- , || for li. rtir . i'i. i -? diinug the .-!..? ? F ? i "" '? 7" '.'.' IIEBi ' !?? 1 ??'.., ? ? ??? thi - ? ? : ? ? kl) i; illroad llni: tl .i lie -'?.,;..., | ? ? ? ' i plan for ?'-.-? il"- -? ? ' ? irl t. Mr. Ambro* ? ? i'i-' iil to t i, and ? ... Ik> dm - not : ? i ? i ? Mi , ?? ? i _? "?! ti ? . ' ... I . ? ? ? ' . i i - i th*' l.oii'it. I ? : I ll ! .?? i.. \t ; . ?'? f K-tiin ite. ? It ILL OF UEXEB ll .."/.'' ET < Si'IlEXt'E \\ ? ?? . Vprll ? Spei'lal riie will of I.n ,-ii i -. . m k wus tllii lt I ir. d ' M -' '. l ?**_l. und u ' of M it, I. . .. i ?:. real Irm Ihe ? i n| tl,.' e\< I ? . ' .I.-..; ; . that o| i. . ' .. , !...,i" -i ..?... . ? i iiin.l b) . : i- l ? : ? [laratc n ; I. I" Ik* | ? \ epl ,i i.imii li ? . low i. he ? . ? ' ?: , . .!.-.-.,;ii -t? II I ? |.|- .- Iln ?' liolll-'. Ill !.: i Dl lo? ' I.l ll k . >: ?....t i - - foi lii.-. .ind llirn lo llirlr Ilv.- I ."? w :! .! ' ur, II. L. Illllll _nd li. V. I t ?.?. r _ ? ? Tlli: FUHID I \ I UE UlSSlVttPPl. Sew ? ?!'.? i . Vprll ?? x dl pati h from Roaedale, 411 nlay. ?ny*i. ?? i de I.. 'v levee al < al iisl, |* ? .-itv' .,,,,! i;. p. \i . il i in i. m., .-.i-i water U ,i i:;iji ii'" fei'l '?' i?!???. I'll.:?' of thl? la*l i,,, i ?;, | ? iiiitlt i I i '.v ur Laiidlng und , unipiii-itivel) near tlie Ka?l.v , ., ." .v .|i-.|..ii. ii lo ?? i ho I'i. lea Drnio - il ' from llelenn. \ t>i -,,\,: ?? Tho river i- ll i nc Im li. rh ? i?i i-i... j,i I'uirn ?iii prnb ibi- re ? h hi re ln aboul Um ,! ,\ und wlll I" _ Uttle nl Ihe late \ dUpntrh recelvcd Irom Rolllnu 1'ork, M i ? saye: .. |?;,,. a'utcr in Dcer I'i vk Im- rl?en four feel In the la i thlrty ?l* hour*. and i- now runnlnij over lt* bank* oi, |j,e . .i-i "i" and U i ll rising al the ratc 11 hail . n .in hour. Ever) fool nl dr) land In Rolllng i, rh will be und t before I" : traln No. "?'. from Memphls due here lu_>l nlght, did nol ur rivo tlli ihi* mornliig nnd rould g. further. After ,-,.,,,,ii..in_ here for -? ? ral liours ll wa*. tunied nroimd ,,,,,1 ,.,.!,;. ,i i .n i in l.i i md. i h ? truiuiueii ?a) il i^ l?i|,o.., le to gi'l i ui li Iin i" v- nli It. ui the tni l. be i...., i i ..ui, iu i.uni ni 'I Nltn > iiiini iti ??? ??'? ull H !"??! , ,. . ? i in i.. ed over ll Ibi mm uln -? i he . ,. |||, ,ii mi In-s il.-.-n h. i ? in ]-?! .1 id 11 alll uiidoubti dl) ; <? inin li di-eper thi* year."' ? UPPOSED Ti A l>i Tt ''.\ BILl EBLl W? OBEB. p.l p.i-... I'."... April ?'?? rhe lloard i i rrade ad Um i,'i,,w,ii_ reiolutioti lusl nlght, whlih lun l.n .,,, ,i i., the ll< u >e tt i' - and Mi un I'oniniittci , .,ii.i i ui I'i _a_ delegntloii'lii W t>hlngton i w l.-.. . li i- ? i-"|i.-.-.l b) Ihe niajorlt) ol i oni ii ..- ..ii U iv nnd Mi-aii ? to re u ?-.... tlw nn im .ii.i .i dut) oi i l - i-uta ?' pound .rn ilvcr ' ... tVhrn i i lie bulk ol '" h ""?? ai ? Inin utrd into the I inird siiil - fn-ii Uw llepul i. Me.iri . and tlie ,nip..iii.I Hi- dut) vv..iil.l ivmiM ln prurtlial , ,,,:, imp -ii ition . i- Uu - ? I . I',. oper.tiloti "f inuti) . i Indii.trl. . ii thli poinl and al otlna |m.IiiI u I b I,., ,.,. ,,( rc\a?. and rli?>lng 11. mim Iter. would imrulyM U.'' ""' i'i!-.-!;!- ol Xrw Mexico, Vrl ',,,, , UM| ivxaa. re-ultlng in throwlng thou ? : niin'er.d l-.; - "?" "' eniploymenl In tho?e ,,,,! further pmvo n."-t diaaatroua to the . Uie i nil .I htaten and tho r..imi,l" ..i Hi -i' o, Iiim uflii'h n : ,. ..i ? ? ? ;,'.;..', ',,?. .,,,, ,,,. ..,,?i vvi,,,', M.-M, . i ii . >ii ?, ,i.i.i v ui . ..; Am -ii Iheri'foiY, -. iti ? ., ,...,,. K ?.| . ' ih- i""i" -i duty. -.-;?? upin the ? ,'v, ,,?| M...II-.'iiii. and upon all our renre ,. ,i v.- to take aurh aetlon aa may foaler, rather than i-i ird tho growlng rommerro between tliu Luiied >iati.-i aud t.'iu BepobUe ui Mea-loo. A VOTE POR ELLIS ISLAND. THE HOUSE PASSES THK SEN.VTE JOIXT EE80LLTION. kBotnaxTB roa and agaixm tiif. tlacixo of tiii: immici.xnt i.andin.;-statiox ox tiii; ULAVD. Ifaahlngton, April _..*?The I! m-e to-iay, on motla*m nf Mr. lioutell ?, ..f Malne, wm Intn .'??mnil.tco <>f tho \vi).,i.* oir. buttenrortk, -*f Ohio, !? tii<* ekatrl <>n the aettate J'.iit ratohitloa lor tha rooao4ral "f thc naval oiagaslne Irom Bllla IsUnd, Kew-YoHi IImii..?r. i.n* Bnl lectlon authoriaea Um wteniory *>f the Nnvy to take Imraedl-ate mea-Mtrc- -Jof Uaa raaMMnal ol fn* naval napulne Irom Bllla i-Umi. Tlaa omcmB ?ection approprlatea 975,000 to pnrehaee, oe to ol.taln v rondcmnatlon, a aita (nr, Mid for th i er? Uon od o aeval magazinc, v. ith halldlnica tlwretor: aml tli-- tO-. retary ol the l-arj li authoriaed to -*l.*< t ? itta at a -.if.- dlstence from popahma eltfee an.l trom the Jtlpping of the Harbor ol Bew-York. Tbaet to ?l*o m appropriaUon ..f Bisjooo, t. eatble lha 8_er_tary f the Treaaury t. Improve Bllla latand lor ia_-_-__? Uo ii pnrpoaea. Mi*. lioutelle expUlned tbal tlu* reaotatkta ha** i?., ? _-?i the senate, bad rarelved H"- nnanl_nona r-T-.r! from Um Committee on Baval Affialra, and haat l>**cn ,i I,*, the .i"i'it Committee *.n l-ninltraMon. Prompt artlon ahould be taken In order t" nmooo. ?.,::?:? ;.,:i. explosive* f-Oa IH" \i*:niiv ..f .N'! Ily, and to accure an Inimlgraut -tatlon, aa the l-ra_e **i I'u-t!.* Uarden would exptre In a len day*. Sr. Co'verl aaM thal there araa no objeetlon _?_-? arhere to the Dral part <>f the leaotattoo. provldlnj ht Um removal ol i in- poirder macailne. Bnl ii" iM ah ;,,. in the proposlUon thal BUIa Manrt bhNM beeO-M ihe permanent, or even lemporery, alte "f th-* _______ Itureau. * if ..ll the l_b_nda In Bew-Y?_l llarbor, Ellln li-land waa the moat nntll f..r tiii- pnr j,,.-.-. n 4viu u i"". i""_ l-buad, a nalta and a ii-.n from Seu Vork, rontalnlnft onlj --ur or Ire aare-, aml le-tlUlte "f ii.Ii.i!,;l ,: ! -. Ue did OO- think. however, I, .1 any ..f tbe Ialanda ahould be Ml._L Thc im ;*.n atatloll nhoi I'l be upon tli*' iii.tnilnnrt. Mr. ".it< , .if Alabama, favored the icao-rnl of the magazlne, but objected Ua tbe leteclloa ..f BUIa i-iar.d (or ii,.. ImmlgranI atatlon. The latai wm i miihII one. and the dcepe_l water whi.-h eeaM , '.talned nt it waa aeven ..r cu-iit laal. rhere wa* not room on Um l-laud tn eraet ? boepttnl i,..ii-*-. and the Uland would have t<i ba -..l.u _???<! bj Mvcral a. :-?-. Mr. Brewer, ol Mlchlffan, favored Ihe aelecHon ot KHi, i! i*i.i. Ue dld ii"i iiniiii thal a proper Um "ii the m.i. ii.. *'i rouM i b ?.red lor l'-- than -18,000.000. Mr. ??_---? ii.'.v..! I- -*..;*? oul i.lauae provldlng ;,,, iho loi-Htl.f Um Inimlgraul station on Blili Ul md. i"-i I" '" ??"? \l.. Cnvi-ri oifered an amendmenl provlding thal Lh?* ini-i.,-1 ' -N'"* ' '"'??'. i,i,,..i,!\ a, Uon. Uland < lt> or fluteii I Mr. C'iii - - . nl '?? Vork, - ud that be would ,,i I., v.ite fnr th-- amend there a aa - >u<** -j, ?, i;ji im | it< ? ta i mn it. t'ongr-ea* bad the m * retary of thc rre_i-*ury full power to wleel . und in ii.*- e.\ei*..: i ial power he had -e lertcd l-wllow'-i i Und. i *--..t.? -1 - ut_ulii**t thi* >el>-* tl,,n had * . n-ade ?? the ritizena ul Seu Vork, and ii.i,i i, . ,.i;_ ihul tli*- IIoum; had hcedrd theaa ii..* , .*-.- lo Sew Vork t.i ui-.i--ii_-.n** tho n.if-'i. iii.miiii-i''.- had <t"!.a its work thiimiiuhlj and had reported I. favor of Ellla ; .|Hnd. H-?:-? - ' * -"omeihli i y ? ? II * : i.'.'l in iim ir, *- he tll.1 no. - ?? how he . ?uld ?-""? ln any uj i , ,n *,.. . u-taiii tha ;i* Uon ol Um i ommittea. 11?- ' a ed, ua wax alao uu amend l.j Mr. Mi \. ol Sea .i**i*-.'v. pni-id ,*,.- thal the po* '!"'? m--?!?'?*- ahall he loeatod al taaal mlle-. t: *"i New ^ >?i tl C'tj ? pi o . ??*?.'. aud tii- Jolnl resolutlon ivan passed, with an luilmportnnt amendment, whlch will i.? ? ? iry lu return to tho zMnale lor fkrihaf Uon. XICABAOUA'S FIXE CLIMATE DR." ?tit.i'.: r.r RiVES w?ME'.sTiM. IX* rOllMATl N' ON 'MII. > IX.lIi WORB? PAS IM v v GBAVEYABD. .t. Edward Stabbert, rhlef inrgeon af the __f|afaraf____i r.i-,,! I'ompany, n ..'-.-.l ln ibia rliy on Um ateaaMf Xewpori .*n v- --tt i :??-??.. \. and la atayinn ot tha dtarta 4-anl Honae, where be aat acen by a Trllmne reportoc yesterday. Dr. -stubberl brinn*. a glowtng aceoanl .- , iituate al Mcaraj d saj i thal althouih ha !:.i. been rn ncarly every climate In the world thera i. none of ihem whlch he aould prrfer to BkantRko. rhe mercurj In the thermom.r raniiea, be _aya, trom rn to '.'" demws thc yeur arouud, an.l. m (art, aeMoa reachex tii.?* extrcmea. The f *!'_ .! openl ig ol the actual v."rk on tho ranal ua. beftun ln ihe*r part ol Oetober laal yoar. aad aince Aupisi .*f ii-t aummer there hairo been on aa .-.* -ni men at worlt on the ra >i. and Um oeotb i ,-.. ,...:.; - thal Ume has heen only one penon <n.*rv ,lx v.*.;?-. rhc dlsea?ea from whlch the men aulter ,*,. rhtell) ii.ii.l forma ot troplcal fc4*era, and Dr. .- ,.t .-,\- thal the death-rate ha* only been ona ,? ,.f ever) 240 ra? - ln tbe hoapltala. Tho . . number ol ra_ea In the boapltal ln one \*y waa diirln* an epldemlc, whlch did nol provo ,, .,,, , .-? number of patlenla ll the hospltal each day from Amra.' I. i--'*?* <" "1<} ; time wua aboul thlrty. ll" my* lhal nol o_M :. who wei. from the I ' ~' *'?' h:v4 * except i'i ..?? -I accident. with ,.,. r| : .,??? had nothing _? Bo. rhe do-lor remariMd thal Ui. <1-'";v'i with the ic-rril le death i-uo on tlK* I'.iinin.a < Uial. I rompaiiy'i head<iuarters are "?? ?t ? tian Juan River. Tlu- dty U UM ,wn **f Ni...i..-u.i- Tbere the i ? . -..,1 B h-.-plt-J, whlch i- buill after - ,.. ,,.,.i,:,,i, .,f .:,.- clty. and TAt- *?*?*?? ,!,,*,.,.. ihal ll i* an tii.** an Inatltntlon of the klnd ? N "'? '' ?? H a in .'.'-'?' , , h tn two aatUtanta and ? torpa ..... :., ,... , hlm. it aill .......nm-Hiit.) ,._. _ ]it, i,:. > uhherl 'i ??* nol tblnfc thal Iho ",,,' -. :-, ... ..- the men l* aeconnlod la* ., . ij,,. miwi of them aro naUvea or neai ,, ,. ,. ,,.: th.- um -ii ti..' none of thooa who Wl,n| , ? i ?:,,. litatca ha_ been fatally attafked , . n,e f,.Vcr The phyl al fcaturea of the gronnfl u!,,'. thc excaval .' ls to hc done l< nol lucb a- to .. (,?..*,-. lt ls prln.Ipallj I ni i ..r -.ii'l. ..,,. ,, uttlc ex. ivatliiB to be done In awempy j ,,,.,..,,,,?.,.,iv Ur. wubbcrt doea nol th ah .,,,. ,.?.;,. uill he any acrtoiw epMemlcn amona Iho ? ..,,.,,-, i?--i,i,*. the inaln boapltal al Ureytown ,,,.,,, ,i;v _:ill::,, i?.-|.'tii. ail along the Une, whlch ,llV rilU|iectod with '!"? maln ho?p ial by an amtmlaneo \\i?..; a n, im la nol K'ri.msl) ill he U kepl ',, .',,.. iciuiMiran i,*-|.itah. hut wheu a patienl beromeo Ij1",1!!? i. ,-?i,,,iuh-i. removed t*. tho aaaia l!"7!''.''".n,.n reportl tlial work on tbe eaat md ol .,?."? ?? ?,u .mder way. The i.u-.ikw^itcr at . .,-,? _,f *,.., '...,?) it ua) - >> ii' -i a. - *, ' . - ?m -iii feet. it wlll furnlah pro ,..',,? ,?, rouriecn feet **f water. ,,,.'.,, th.! ii....-.- harbor wlll hc bettun on April ? x i.'i.'--rii.:i Him Has heen hulll froni tireytowo ; , , ,,ii* xxlii. li li "?' '"!' "f ,!"' "'i-v"'''" between ,k urvATil ia-...-.-.i t'i?- two pl-..*-. a diatano t '"' ;,;..*, n.iiik**.. and tbe work of conatructlon ;""" -, , i '??*?'.?>.?" "ue ?f . mai hai been '..:., .'.? .',f t:i: I-.-. .."-I I**'.'." -"' "ld * 1 UUa .,.*....rt : . ' . .. -j..*h. men ..i wor.i Um actual con '.' ., . ute i mai. I'r. suibberl famo t.* Bew w "wav f I1'*"" and I?auan,fc ri.-- la.t.-r VbuO ? ? ,. , -uil i.- *i -sraxeyard. I!i<' 11..-.._-i.ii.t- of '.'.,.:;?',, ?', . hlnery whl,h waa used on tho ,.',,. , tnal i- lyln* aboul Wlc Imi nol a workman ,:',-.,*,, mc iiundn-ds nf ftreel steam -h.,v.-n il.d dcrrl.ks are l)in? * ? ?'" as r,,..t.tini?-i*t* to the ,i,,-.-.' "f men Who --....i.-i) mlnul-d ihelr Iwnei wiulthodii-t" ln mrlni to ucomplUh aa lmpo_*__itlty, l.orm.y MUBDBB HV A BBBVAXT QtEL Chleago, April i.-t?eora? B. Soonan, ? reeMonl ol Bnglewood, dled _uddenlj UUa moralnn, and h..^ \?iia m?i .i.i*i_iii-i- were found -erioualy 111 M lha o,<no ,...?,. from .*ecU ol H .hai U la th n.-ln anM ,dnilu d lo t ?in *?* I evenlnB .\ - nrnnl __rt. Pitarlc. ls -i.-i' cted of the rrme, Br*. Soooan ,. .1 ;i: j] ,,-, |,?', lli,- llLUlu:.-. I':-*' MTVMl Cirl. lt en dlacovercd, 1--1 '. "'??- mornlM f**r i.,,??,,- i '.. l l'.'i '- t ?: ' bave been aaked r., ,.,., |i ' ,. iian '??? *i l arnod tnal a -Pn ,..- 1...I-..II ui a 'tiiiij i?ai- tbe i fi'' "t I "' V ?? " il -'? I '??'?'??'.' uft.r """"? .. ? faEbbrb cebbefcl is bixxebota. Chleaco. April '- l-Jperlal). Dl patehea froaa flfty point-i In Mlnneaolo Indlcate lhal tho enf onttoot , .i proml-lng ln thal dtote. Tho -",1 U In e\ reiicni coudltlon, and artth the henry Mareh anoan ,,,,! tho r.i - of the month, tii :-.- i- uon molatnra In ii"' (tround than f**i' the la?i Uo yeara. Boodlaf ,., , tro ti i-r'ii*.*.?!:.,. I- waa I. _*n , i.i-i \mt',. I.ut ihe i.i,/,:i .i *; I'liurada) pul a alop to opemtloua untii ;iu. w.i.. I.) ne_al ..iniiil.i- aec-llux >*ill ho (.'.-uei-al ,,!i ,, er thal Ktate. 11.<- farmera are cbeerful and maklng a. u\>* preparaUona to aeed a laroja aenonk More f.iitniiiL' iin.l ln- bi*i'ii M_ld tliij spilus ba Jiuij.c-"'..- tlian lui ?cvcr__l }\