OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 30, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1890-08-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOLL.N?- 16,994.
Paris, Aug. lt.?"Lat Paris*1 prints tlie follow
ing: "Tlie ?CgoHatlnna lietween Prance und tho
Iniicd States relutive to tke Atnern nn laiifl mr
upproacbing a favoruhle oonclusion. The WMh
inirtou Governnient will reiuqvp tbe (luty ou aa-orks
of French art, antl Frarjce Nvill reniove the pro
kiriition IfmtBBt Anieriran pork.''
It Is dlfflrnlt to doride po-itively a.- to th* BbeoMfl
eori'*tne*- of tlie above dhrpafrh but it i* to be
hoped in the tBksreet of i^'tii ooaniriei tioueefMd that
tho iniorinatmii i* oxaet. Anylinw, the mere e.v
pre-lon of it by ?? Le tmttn* is one more
rvMcflMd of the ronnliatinp *ii!rit with whleh
Uie diplomatK- ufWlauefl ll NfBfd t<i tho leadmlailoB
t?f Anieriiati aaBed iinat* Ium Dbbmb ar-e reeelved la
that eoaatry. mi Tkauwday the laaportaaa orgaa of
a Frenrh lei:i-lat.ir and rmbli'i-t. M. I.alon. DtTCCtflf
of "La Frame.'' WBfl repnrted. a* f-avuring Ihfl prompt
a*>rog?tion <xf the prohflaBlve teereee. Teaterday
Baethee groat Frena h newapaper, ?? l* r.ni-." i* -aid to
have tadtooaed wtth more i.re. i-imi the baala oa whleh
a -ettlenient of tlie qacattOB will be made. " l.o
fBiisa waa ftaaatalj edtted by M. Chartea
Lnurent, and WBfl the organ of the <']?
pnrtuuUt. i.ovfri.inent and e-perially of II.
JuK's Ferry, avlm lias been mai.y UflMfl
Prlaaa Mlabfle* to Pranee, The pfooeot Cabtnet being
BUIIIWkBl more r.tdhal. M. Lar.rvnt ha- beCB *ik .-aafled,
ii waa repGwted, a* Dlraetor "f " Le ftuia" bjr M. Bam ,
who waa -ni ini" exUe ander the Thlrd Empire, and
aaho Boaaeaaea a large Infaeaee ln ihe Chamber uf
Depuuea and ln tae itovernmental cirtiea of Prani
ii'iier papera may be expectod i>> folluw auit In Uie
waho ?>f " l-i Pranee" aad ?? Le Parha,** and publlc
opinion in Pranee may ?ufBcieoUj atrengtliou the
li.mii- "f ihe Uovernmeut i-' anable II to Bghl sunes*
fnllv ihe oppoaltton of the few Intereated Preneh
pacaers, nm-t of whom belong to aome weatern de
partaaenta, lorBMrtj devoted to the Kmplre.
IXTF.UVii.vvs wnit m: KBESt 0~ THE sinatl
1TNA*"U'H OOMJflPrTXB AMi MB- whajit. B.
wa-hiiigton, Aug. 2si.-Th.- paragraph la "Le
ran-." to the effeel thal the (.1 ve. :ini"iit uf tlie
i tiit'*i Btaaaa wearid iffove the datp on worka of
i art, and tlie VtOt*ll ('nverntiieiit l-emove Ihe.
iiri>liilit:..ti BfBtaal Atn.-i ir.m pork, a*. the rtv-iilt of
iifgiiiiati'His. \\a- ahowa to uienibera "f the Ptonnee
tree to-day. .-eiiator Aldrieh. who i- in iharire
of the Tariff bill. -aiil hc Knew notliiiic al.out any
negotiatiiiti*. Whetl.er 01 n ?t tln dnt\ 0B work- of
art w.mld be removed. h" could not -ny.
Senator BhenaBB -aid of eonrefl th" members uf the
Raaaee roinmittee kaear nothing abocd any iiegmia*
ti,.;.- th* two QtiveniBMata may be eogaged in. Bai
the two aahjeeta menttoned la Um artlrle troai "Le
l'aris," Ive aaid, have in> eonnerUon wtth eaeh ?tlier.
l tn- Flnanre t'otnnilttee \n ill probably reeommend Uial
Ihe daty be removed from worka ??; noi onlj i
i.ut all forelgn art. There i- a dlfferenfe of opinion
mi that aubjeri whleh baa not vel been aettled. But
li will have no rvia'i. be aaid, i" Ihe aa Uon of Um
Preneh Governmenl toward tbe ImportaUon ..f Amer?
iean pork i'lto thal wruntrj.
Br. rVhartoB, tha- Atatstanl Berretarj of state, when
Ihe paragraph ln ?? I.- I'.hi-" aaa ahown hlm. -n.il
Inglj -.,,.. thal li" waa aot aware ti.-.i a;.y suck ne
g.,tiatioii- a- tl. .-e iniiiiaied were In progreaa,
Tin: \'.r,:.i..Mi nv p >:; p] \. i. BSGHCTJ uv sm.va
DOl*. ,'u.Mi GUATSUfAUA.
\Va-hir.rt.-,ti. Aag. 2'.>. ArttBg SotTttmrj Wharlon
to-dav reeelved a dBrpatck from Mlnlater MUner, it
?uii.i. throngfa MlBlster r..\a.i. al Mexleo City,
lated Aagaal -J-, aa foltowa;
Went agaln I i AealuUe. in Bahrador, aa Monday,
\aith three "f the dtpTomaUe eorpa. Mel Provl lonul
l'.'-i'i." i wllh aeveral hnndred kadtnp men of the
1 ,. i ..-i- of |. aee exphalm-d, allghtrj modlfted :
??i.K'iied and ?lgned by General Baeta. Betnrned here
ii.n ii.-in.ii.il yaaterday afterrtoon, when Onadenala
al-Mi i cepted end algned. Iioih partlea kav
uihrlall) noiifled t<> rettre thelr amlea In forty-elghi
i .ii t . i ginee them tn peaee t""
daya. Tiii- eatabUahea pehre In Uerrbral Aawrtea.
AeUag -('(i.-iiirv B'bartoa aaid he regaroad thi* a
a -ati-,;.i. tOTJ -? tiiemcnt of the trouble.
MB. CI.AD-ii'NF. i>N in'I.I IX'.Ki: ANIl Ni'WM\N.
i...iirt.'... tatg. -.".i.-Mr. <.]:i.i-t,..i". Ui an artlrle ln
"TBfl .-lieaker,*' eoJoghMfl DolHnger and Bowmaii aa
two of the BMMt remar'aable mee ,.f ihe eontemporury
< hri-tian rimrali. F..;. h. be -.i>-. lave l.i* bearl to
HM I'.iiifier. hlJ will 1" tbe Wlll Bovernlng tlie uni
vevae, JTm ronatruetlon "f DoUlnger'fl mlnd waa
almple; ef Bewman'a 11 waa eomplex, requirini more
lo be written abont Tbe CardBia] waa a aubtle.
fBr-reaehlng ^inii-. Ihe ahadloga <.f whoae thonght
vii*. iikc the eoBBtleaa rlpplea al the aee. H" .t.mii
in no iiiaiiiiou; rlvatry aa a man of prodlgloua learn
Beferring to Dolllnger's addreaa oo tho .lews ln
Rnrope, Mr. Qledatone nyi it waa laaned when the
anU-Sen lUe moveBraenl raged la Germany, evldently
f >r Um parpaae uf Baklag the Gernana aahamed.
UoUlBger knew. a- othera AM aot, the wcredlble auf
fennc* rf tt.at raee eaJferhige whleh dlahonor Ba?
rope aini..-; aa miii h aa t.'ic BBfleringa uf ireland
d;-h":n.r Fn^lui'l. Hi* hr-turii eun-eieme and ,*eine
uf JaaUee wiere offended al Ihe threateaed Inltetaton
uf ln-w iijnriea. Tlie I.atin chtierh araa not Inaennl
ble uf the tap ln her ranha by Uie expuLaion of l)"i
llnger. 11" waa contlnnally hunted down with ao
UcAaUona for hla submlaalon, ahich, thongh warm
and rovpaTtfni. amonnted i" "Eal your words; Uu*ow
ar.nviitloii'. behlnd; -tain aonr lonn life." A detalled
defenoe of DoUlnger followa.
M*lbourne. Au?. ?_".?.-Ihe F.'np!"'.i-' lil.n has
acnt a leiter lo the May or "f Bethoarne ujtng thal
no partial M8UeaaeBl ot the lelrar dtapate arlB be
sali-fart'.rv. Th* pf.-ition, the lett'-r -ay*. r*-<|uin-A
a tiioroueh and gfjBaMBiMoaa aettteflMol d eoBler?Bce
in'tw.-ii tho ahlBeavnera, BUtM-owaera ami eaaployera
BiiiuflflUi l- projected, a'-i'ii Hm objed of diacnaaing
tha fiitur*? reiatiun* botweoB empJoyera aad enployea.
BpeeMl eoBBtahlea katre baea enroUed to Board tha
city in rtow .?{ the threateoed rtota, The eBp la
aaiiiiom pa, and tin- rabarba are dlmly ligbted. Tho
inail aervtae and overaea traAc . n tinue. Ihe ihlp
plnj eompuniea are empkiying uon-nnlon men.
Tha wharfmea al New-Zealand port? have atrnck.
The M-fviii- betareen Bew Zealand a;.d Oueeneland i*
partiy inalntauied by non ualon men. The ofltaere <>f
l.ve of tlie y-trrrItrafand Company'a iliaflwai .'<-fn->e tu
loln Uie atrlke.
ottawa. out., Aug. fljBv_Tae aaaaal vohuao of eaaal
sutlstle* was Uaued tiday. It -how- that the peatCT
proporBae of th* tmtii, thal paaaed thnmgfa the Wel
lttiid Canal I i-l \ea.i BBM nnimd fiotn on.. I nlted BtBtea
jiurt to ?other. The QBBnMli a.f griin paaalng down
Ih" W'llatid t'anal from one ftgjflrh88 i.url Iu an
other tBCieaaed froai -iT.ikki mm ln lr-u i? ^i:;."imi
Iom iii laBB, flflhereaa, Boiwlthaiaaerng Ihe ab i.t on
..f ty.ll- npon ea*uou..d Qanadlan -*anab, tha quantlty
nf gr-in inat reaehe.1 Bontareal by way ol the
la-t year wa.- 2t\~."<r.t tuii-, ** eoeBpand with 3a3,oOH
ton* in lHrtO.
l?arla, Aug. ??.?ln reply to the BBpeal ..f M.
Tli.haud a*lii.'ig LhB t" itply to UM ehatfa made i,y
'?The Figaro" that whtta be araa kakUa. i awMoaad
in the Fli'.'Kh annv he B8fBtiBled wlth Maefl JerOBM
Napa.leon with ll vi'-w M UM BBBCttOBl of B ItnaldlBll ,,f
innioe hv BBlvoraal loffraga, Genetal Beedflacef ha
BoUvorlxed M. Tbebaud t" anaaaer the eharge mada
by ihe new*paper.
fittawa, ont., Aug. -!'?- Fifteen l'hiiiani*n BirlBfld
ty .*??a/ii*r la--t week at Vlcti.ri.i from Bal Fra-n i-i,,
Where they had not been aBowed to land. They *av
they Will work their way aCtOaa the Soiind Into Wa-h
Bi'ton and then south to tli-ir QliglBBl fl"-tln;jtli>n -
tan Pmnelsco. WlUiln Um la ' mooUl or ao a kurgl
Bumher of rhlne*e have arriveal al Vletorta, from
*hiih point th*v iav thelr plan- tor imaggBng them
?Blve* int? tlie UnBed Mile-.
Trleate, Aug. L'O.-Mueh 8Xdte_M&i VM BM ed h*ro
J??t night by Um exploaloo of a bofflb In the doorway
?f the pollro headntiart<r*. Anoihcr b inb, wltb tho
b?e bun.lng. wa- foond Iu the railway ataUOD In lini"
MlMvent what might have been a dreadial eataa
LlalMiii, Aug. <20. -1'ortugal has ls,ued a note Ot tli<
f?*er*. proteaUng agalnat Um IncorporaUfip of tbo
***** and Mustayamoo terrltorics by tlie foiigo Btate,
Mo7.?mrilt|ii<\ Aag. 20.?The Brittsh hav.- bjbbjbbiBl
pos?essli,ti of tlie >linc lls'liliiiid-.
City ol Me\ic.>, Aag. It, via (ialv.-stnn.?A
San .Insr- d? (.uaU'inala dispatrl. says: " l-.v.-ry
tiiinp wag ptrepaitd thif nmrning to oaattuc ihe
revolwtionist, Gcaei-l Mnrtin l'.iinuiidia, wh* was
on board 8 paaBiBJ Americmi Htearucr. Th* Port
(laptaia, with 9*veral <-..iiiputjioiis, boarded tbe
Bt -afiVr aml .It-tnamlcii (BC sum'ii.ler oi Karriin.lia
trom CBptain Pitta, who auswercil that li<- would
deliv.-r up th* revolat._Bia8 aml invii.-.l them to
Barruodia'a eabio. The Assist-mt Chief ..f Pollee,
Captain CaMeron, :?ii<l three ofieera were aatoBf
thoae whn went with the eaptaio t<> tho eabia.
When tiien* .Ma.i'>r Torhjllo Btade known t.i
Barrnndia thal tbe captain <>r tli?* vos-..-; bad >\r
eided to deliver bim np- Barrandia therenpon
opened flr* with hia revolver apon tin- party, wha
anawered hia Br*. Barrundla fell, riddled with
btiUeta. Hia boflj waa taken to tbe i'ort L'up
tain's ofBee."
ins i..mi*ii;,'-..
For n wcek or -o rabk dlspatchea >.f ;iti abtraalng
.'Iihi-.hrter hav* been r.Ived irom Morocco, Aboui
one ni.iutii Bgo Tbe Tribane related the faet* eoncera
Ing revoM <,f tb* Ikni Zemnior, their defeal by
iti- i-iiltaii'- troopa, and their apparent lubmUalou,
whlch lii.- b.-.-n followed by a freah ontbreak. Al the
rnmc tbne the Mooriah Uovernnienl had upon ii- liandf
b .l.ilniiiiy <>f *n InternalloBaJ i bara. ler a;tii bpnln, m
a i-.--.iit ?f tin- anprovobod klUIng of Bome Ppaiil.h
ravalrrmen ?.f the McUlla garrlsoa. Thli dlfacuHy
al-.. waa iu :i fair way toward an arrangemenl and
everytblng leemed to Indlcate a pcrlod "f con.
paratlve quktneaa in the alahagreb eountry ln the be
glnnlng oi August Mouky llassan ran t-iad t<. bave
iii-iii-.' to attend t.. ln- reUglooi devotloni at Babal
and t., r-!-t .li],i,in.in. iiiy tb* eontlnooua encroarb
iiients belng made by Barapean powera apon tbe
Independeac* and the Biaterial Inteffrity of h,- emptrcs
Morocco i- "the ilch man" ,>f Borthwealern Afrka,
whose .h-.th i- belng haatened by Ruiupean Intrlguc*.
and over whose poeaeealon bpaln, Italy, France and
Qcrnaaav may Bght ench other. Italy b trying "?
fottlfy her poaltkfl m the InterkT l,v itarting there
iiriii- hartoftes, r*8t]aning Ban; italKiri elril and miBUry
onipaiTjf Geroany haa Beenred ;i rnmawretal ri-*-..t\.
to ih.- luiv.nit.,-????. "f whlch other nal.- ar* .-i.tiilui
ai-,.. t.ut v.ii.. t, wlU be catnBcJalty of proai t<> her a*
-do win buy ihe moat of tbe Meorlah barky and ?..-.t-.
thua inrlurnrltic the naaaetal ilt?uattffti of Morocco;
tbe l.utei- i- ciiisUiiitiv dreaanlng of a Rranco AJgerlao
ai-iiiy tvoastag tlie Moulaya Blver, tbe weah trontk.
Un* betaeau tin* Mabsgreb regton ai.,1 Algeria; ..- to
Bpaan, -h<- baa :. tlrin ln.ld <>n the liorth'-ni portiOB of
Ihe emptre, c-i.-.iaiiy ilnre the vlctorle* of Marabal
O'Donnell in IBttO. Who knowa bnl lhal some Ume
ln the intnr- the BnBan al Pea nUpht nol Invok* Ibe
praaecBoB ol the t'niied Btate*, ..r s.^u amnc ktnd
of arbltraUoo ?.f 1.1- Ironbhra adtb Buropean powera
whleh are already luapeeted "f havlng fomented the
preaenl revolt, American InUnence i- powerfnl In
Morocco; and ll haa i."t been weakened bj the re
gretable eonfiieti ralaed there bj Oonsul Beed Lewla
dnrtng tb* Clevebtnd Admmlrtratlon. The i a poinl
rin-i,t ,-f Oolenel liatbewa, -.. popnlar among the I
a-!<i the toretgn re*ldenti ln the emptre, hu* aln idy
r..-.-i:iiili-),'"i th* preatlge <n<" wteMed by the Unlted
Btate* al Tangler, Fea .md other ..f the Batthwuitern
Afri' ui i iti<--.
Ciirrcnt inrident- in Moroceo _r*?, eofl .?'?uciitlv, of
ipedal Interesl lor Anterkan*. Tha lateat newa
rfiiid'*ii--*d from --I..- Revefj da bforoe" and tha ln
ternatlonal or-,-ans irabtkhed at Taatfoar bi???
d_t* .'f Aupi->t l-'l. und do not .ontain ..i.v 88*8*888
iii.ii.atK.n a- to tb* paoaabk B ne af B*e a**a?fii
a. it appeara ll t H a a*d In 4 I
trlbe* ut the ^ame ti'iif.' '..-ii"- tbe rtasplelona i ?
tatned .'.!,..in.-.i ti.t- part whkh may hav* BMn
liiav.-d in tiir im. iiii-.ii.? by lnlci?.ted partie* "I Bu
,.,-.,.. in Bbe beginnlng ?t Ui* iiinimer it aaa re
p.ivd thal four Berber tm."- on the nppcr Moula? i
belng Inciled by nyaterlnu. eml.sarl.-a. *ere r
revoli aa Mon aa Ihe Pullan ihould liavr k-n Fei w
v, mii, /. i<> travel akuB tbe VU , . t. A
brother "f the Hnlton, Mouley Rwhid, Goveriior ?l
riit'i'i wa. -''in wlth aome t ? ; ' to li
di-i;i't-. hm he Boon returned nithont hHvlim ri.
anvtlKng. Aftei bl* di-partiire Mohamod ' ?
, !,.',?; ,,f th* All v-'i".- tribe, *a* ln "
troubk ?nh hi- people. Flnallj tbey al
Ucked tlie < a*bah, IU* n.*,
the Shelk wa. entrenefied *lth i".? Boldirra. wb'?
fouitbl desperately arilii.t tl.bek, a i.,.,,?:.>-<! -ii
more nnmerous. Moliamed fhilakb ln ell
Hrlng frotn n wlndow nnd kllled t >re Ih n i " ' '?
llve men. Iiut he wa niurtalh wiamded, nl*
, ,.jVf.i ;.!-.. -'.ni" wonndf. the . . i..,l. ?i' il irrncd i?-.
the beskgen and dutak'i kllled on Ihe in-d H.
I ,.|'. ua- < ni up in manj pl" re?. lii ? , i
wlth two fi.iilifnl negroe* ol hlf e?corl to Ibe .1 I
nf a fri. ,idl\ >h?-il . >vki ?:i- itlacked In lu tm
rompi-Ued Ip retrcal nith hl* rorcci lo th- 0>wn fl
rWron lliat lowt, '?!?- l,.-i";-'l bj Ihe l'i" X
thc l:it.--i IntelUgcnee, were *-nli nroi:nd the i.tM-e,
tin i.L-li thev hi.'i been repulaed after h CM :. ihI1
The BMltan, Mouky llasBan. I?*ft Babal on Aujru t
7 Soll.lng 'i.-ti'iit- ai the lalesl date from i i ?
v::,s known tli*re :.- to the route whli li ??? ild b. I
br tbe Btiltan and hli armj : bnl rnmon wei
about ilic ipreadlng nf the rebellion among n mj
tribes in. I'.dinu lhat <>1 tbe ht-.\ Zemmor, whirh
I i.i made it- mbnlfsiorl reeently. Monki llu-.an
had 'i.ni'-d for a fow honra al Babat h, ordci t<
),:- devotlom in the moMrne on Asajnat B, Friday belng
th<: Babbath of th..- Moalenw.
st. .John. N. ii-. Ang. 2B.?Captain BUnkbora, of
th- M*booner Besak a'alker, ln froen Blach Polnl (o
dav. t.,!'i ;t aad tak On Wedneaday, In company
wlth the Behooner Wava, the Bi le B'alker aalkd
Irom Appk Rlver. In a itorm that nlghl th* i
s-.i, were m eoOlakn and then drifted .'.jiiirt. the Bei
ak Wiilk.-r golng a?hore on ih<- beach ai Biaek Pcdnl
Th<i erew drifted aabore oa rafto made from ttw deel
load. and iiit?-<'ii Btlnnte* ktei the ve ???! brofce I >
ptaee*. Ttt Wave atrncb on a reel a ihorl dlftanee
uu ii and aoon weal to the botl >m. all handa on
board. Inchidlng a girl named hmltb ?ho was coining
li,-,',. ou a \i-ii. belng drowned. rhe l?dle* of t.ap
ta,.i M.-,tili.-?-, a aallor and Ml Kmltli, were after
,,,! f.-.iiti.t .... Ihe beach. rapto n Matthewi kav.
a fa'nilv at Appk Blver. The Wave wai owned bj
Mr. Bpleer, <>t Katoiivllr.-.
Vlc.m;.. Aag *J'?.-Ti..- "Kene Prrk Prease- aayi
that Kii.i>"i-"i Wiliii.n. of tlennany and the Caar had .
dlBngreement arhlk they were at Barva, in eor oqneni ?
,,' whlch the i.'-niiiin Biuperor ihca^ened hli vNII .mi
ha-tiiv 'u.ittd I'.'t-rh'.f a day ejaratar than be hai i *.
pected io do. _ _
Vi'ima. Ang. -'??? liavernl eB**U*r|naae iboeki were
f,-it in tbe Dannba Valkj M..terday, kom Amitettln
to Oreln. Tha tJaaeiu i;.*.t?-d kn minalea. Tbe rlver
,,,... in long llne* alaallar to tbe wavea caoaed by a
-r.-aincr's paddk. _ ^_
M IMcrabarg. Aaa, 9?. Tha Caanwiteh wlB atari
on hi- ttNtr on o<u...<*r 13 fr..... Bebaatopol on board
tne frlgak Paaakatt Ayova, coinnianded b\ hk brother
,,.,??<? Tbe Imparlal famlly wlU go to Bea* topol
u> bid'ti*.: vcorager* taaaweR.
I<.-,doi. Ung BBd- In a not- lo th* s, rvlan no-ern
^tthe'porteflnaJly He. llne* t?, glve m.t.-k.-..i...i n.
Bervi. f?r tl.e weenl ainrder of the serviai. Conaul at
F,,--..?,iTfkrvtaVwUI appealtoth* Pow*. .
Dubiiu, Aug. BBd- ti.- likhop of r>roaaor* I- iytag.
lial.imon-, A,.,r. 'J'...-A di-paMi to "Th.- Min" fn.ii.
Oaklaad, m.i.. aayi that al 9jno*rt Craek Corva. wt/tm
BtQe* ,-ast of ..aMaii'l. Ofl tbe Haltimor..- aud OWO
Uailroad. thls aft.-rnoon, an eMtbOB-d fr,-lglit train of
twenty four eaia, llkd with eattla, waa roanlng al i
iiiftb rat.; of Kjn-.d ?.tii two peaierl-l eadnea, <,ne ln
tn.nt. taa otbar a the raar, wbea tbe konl wglne
juiui^d the tra<k. Bdventeen ran were ?r"'i.'.t and
the . ti.iti<- fltre aeattered iu every direction. i <>
droven and trainhandi eaoaped Inipry ,f'x,,'"i,,. "
tir.-iiiiiii of ih<. iioui englne, who wa* kiiiefl iii-iiihd.
kiu.Eit IS' a CdlBIB iar ACCTDENT.
ciiinip., Aug. BB. \ i.f- waa l"--1 ii' * tabk ear
a'.i.i. tn |b ihe Waablagtoaat. tannel thi. Btternooii
The Beetdenl ara raaaed by 11. - griaanan plnnglni hl
kain aa*at1oiig late a raaawaji tfato lhal waa eomlng
at full bpied down tlio 0HD'jBati Uiilin''. l'ruiik
U. ,..'.. a i expr ?- ag ot, "f BL Paol, waa arltli hh
?riie mi the Bnd train. Bverybodj who onaUd do
*o, Jaaped t" eaeape th* tmpendlBg taofflr, MeUP*
being UutrwD under ih- wheela of tbe traln and jtllled.
Other peraoaa were Btore or !?-- hun and -hiii"
n[. and a half-dosen waroen falnted. Thia waa tne
Mal uf fu.ir aeeMeota thal o.iurred on the Yerkee
ayatem darlng Ihe day.
-an Kianii-io, aag. ?.?Tbe UnttBd Katea tntta
-nn i iMiii i-i-u, which h.id a aatteaaful trial Wp Ul
Banta Barbara Channal oa Wednraday, retanMd here
to-day, havlng made a trlp ap tha coael al a ipeed
ranglng from UUrteeii to afteen knota. siae re
eeived bd enthBatodUc wekoBM m ihe paaaed up the
baj to ber aneborafa, and her fog alren wa- bhrwB
almoal coaatantly ln reapanae to aahrtea from de
iteam v. Aie-. Durlni the trlp ap the eeaal the
new rralBer l?d ? namber ol tnmbtg, a-veratoi and
ateering teata, and naval ofBeera ahoard prononneed
her iiiiii,H.nerin:: qnaJBtea wumlerfiil. Theae toetfl
were all made athlle ibe waa runalng at the rat* "f
thlrteen and one ball knota. One englne waa auddenly
reversod and Bm hehn Uirown hard over. Bi Ba
mlnntea and two aeeonda Um crnlaer turw-d a eoav
pkatc .-ir.-le. -h" ahao turned a ronptote clrck) withoul
revenlng one englne In tiv- mlnntea and Uiirtj twa
-.*, oini-. Whlle -".i??-' ahead al fnll apeed both eng.
were aoddenly leveraed, and in fortjr-llve aeeonda the
v.--.i waa inovina baekward, havlng rhanged ber
dire. ti..n wiiiiin her own kmgth. 8he wa- ahao fdven
an etgbl bonr tn.il, wttk bnl one boUer ln nae luider
a forced dranght, Um other three boiker* nol be
Ing n-a-il nt all. In thia tri.il ahe averaged Uilrleen and
fourtoen knota and conanmed approxlmatel) between
tight and nine tona ef eoal an bonr. rheactual i ed
made by tbe Ben Francl .ti her trbal trlp ln Banta
i.ni'.ira Chaiinel la-i WedueadBj .olng haa nol yet
been determlned, and wUl prohably nol be known
deflnlta ly autll after a board, appetnted t i con
,i,.,i tne trial, baa aabmlttod IU Bnal
r.ih ni.itiuii- have aot been oompkded yet
.,,,. ,.,., uterable work U neei arj i" di lermli
mi,,,,,,. t ,i i.i I, the c ' t (ti'-ii'"' which th ? ?
,i during her trial and ihe number ol hour..
m.im."- and se. ...nl- wlilah elapsed wldle Uie a- I
was oa-*li,g over tl.... .1. t in. ?'. li i- dertnltelj wttled,
however, tliat her mastniuin -;..<*i wa? So.imi kiiane
.,,,,. thal tln- i-.it" wa malnlained during Hi- li-i len
i,.,,'i- ol Uie um. bo far u> uvtrragi! -i---<i for Um
lunr Itoura' rwn ...ii be deterniliiod now, Uie trial board
? :.... tion ui dcr
l'.i.T-j hii..!-. bui tlu- Bgure i- -till .ubjeel Ui ?
tion. r-.intn alore John Irwln, Uie preskteul "f ih*
Uial board, nn ln- arrlval hei* thia mornlng, reaeived
n dlapati .1 from Bea retai r Traey i taUi - I ?' Ihi - an
i ,, had ? i-r..;,en the rei urd." 1 he Ban Pr.un
wlll remaln at Uie Fi. Iron Work i t> llvi
day* m. brfore ?be ?ni be tnrned over lo the oov
ornment and ??iii U? Mare latand Navj yard.
III. SII?.I- A IiI'.I'NKiN MAN WHO 11 Ml f>H"
, N' 'VI ll B I
Wlliiani J. Kehoe, <f Bo. 213 F.a-t Thiftj th I
a berti. der for ?' *n v. Padey, who i a i
tl i ? ,,,.. and ' 'i'"1 latally
arounded VVllliam Luman, of Bo, 410 Eaal Bea nl ?
it., v. -t.i.;, i
.1,1 and a paii ler. He qnll i
, ipree. ll" waa ln i olej plan B lulf ] i 'J
; . and aftei i 'l drtaha we i Inbi a
? d "ii the b iter. 1
ran onl "f UM r"..tn Otl
taa a. ll" ordered Ltu
aa l. iraan dM nol g ? rrnii Ui i nongh. Ki h.me
fiom behlnd tl ? i ... i i ?'?? r a tui le ihi
ln a UlUe v.luie Luman retn ? '
runnlng agal i. Bcha I I t It a
? it Uae head aad f.? Laman
away, and aoihlng more hlm anUI ba
4 o'cloek, when be ean e bai i. to Ihe l -,
: ||e 9 i ilinnk and abaalve, and
, aUed Kehoe ev< rai InaaBlng i i
WIBtoBfl Pagan, eighU of B ?' i ?
. th -i . and ? ? " ! N ? '--' hveBBO
. ? , Kehoe, and Un \ wenl Into Uw
to ?':. 'hlm "in Kehoe fOlkiwi I In a ' ?? IUi a
. . in ln* hand. Lnniii i-latol a I
-t,.iii.-.| cii a raa. w.lli Ketha ?? ..f." hlm 1 ?
..i.e. illl K. ' 1
bal] -t:-,., k Laman Ln ''? "B tne
K< '".,.
, : Uugan, ?? i, , l.Mh a ?..?. ti,"
,. hii Luman i l'~>la
III" '?? l . ' ' "? and
, *.,, , ,1 tln ii fell Itonnd mian Qulcl' \
.' i
I Ui thi .
, ,n i.iiin ii ' um
. ii . j. i.ii. aud Ihi .' ?
ald that I*-' would prol ublj die.
M'/r aT rorrrit i.o\ ii.i. i rora. XBBIOSEB.
Boal .n, \iu. -"?' Phe aa i Uml Bi m i lo elj
. . a ? , . ?? i .? . i '"i I '
? ? . ,??. r i ?." dne ? . bui
tho o flrn i 'V' othai ind WUl P
w.ather the atorm. lt la andei t -.d thal Un
?? ii linienl were iUarwd on tbe Bbaw * I iti a 4
fi.t tJ.a-n- WI 'll
j Um eflerta of Potter, Lorall d ?'". a n de, foi
i torge u.mt, of C W. L'Jement traitee. lt I Ud
thal ii" aote ?? .- for between gaoo,.I aad bT.OHO,
? ,? the i iii in pquity ?.. brongbt t. ? ??? -.
Uiia. v.?i. :i F. Bhan ,v Broa. talled lii 1883, itei-dl
nand A. WMiiitn wa made ? Ignee. Mr. B'ymai
.-.|ii.-ii'h aold th* . ??'- of ii." roneern to a ayndlcate
for --i^iimmi. [>avld t'ummliif ??? ' o . and C. VV
i lement were memlier of thi yndlrate, i'.
. | !,,..,., , ,,?.,( i, t'd undw the ..ni"- uM'iiarifs W.
ent. ti ? ? .'.'I i.i i"l"'i ha !,"? i ." -.'"?! ba
Potter, Lovell a ?'"- On Tl ui ll ij Mr. i'l
allowed bl* i ? ,.?.?.? nf I'.'it -r.
Lovoll a I-.. t liold "ii.f hla paper, broiighl i
ni 1., equlta agal. al Hm partM 1B toten I ... th ?
,-: ite of F. Bhan d Bro
Fii-i. ... ;,. Bd.,*Aag SU (Kperlali. It. Um hoapltal
in thi rlty t-.i.'.i iobn on, a young rolorod ?
i? ,,i tlie potnl of death. Khe w? ? pa mgei on
Um BolUmore and Ohlo traln which lefl Haltlmore
re f'i'i.i.. aBernoen. When near Uamavllte, Bfta
ii,:,.,. miie- from lialUrnore, UM hmln ?vbb ronBlng
ai fnll ;' ed. Al thal polnl 11,?- rallru M ero e Um
l.tapaeo KK'er on the treatta bridge aboul 100 i" I
|o | and flftj i""i I".''1 1M Bm rentre, Uetoa In
rj mUer are large Jagged roeka. lt u.i- here Uial
i;i./:, made an awful leap. t'nobaerved ahe rearhed
),,. ,,;, ,i , ,i ,.i Um > ii' and galned Uie phaUorui.
liefore ?n> "v" could atop her ihe woman aprainf
,?ii from Uae train Bwwrn ahe arenl o?#er Ihe ?lde
,,i (>.,. ti, ? i ? .,ud irucl "i ii." harp mm i- liehiai.
Th" train wa atoj'ped und Ihewomauaa* plrned up,
i.,,.ii-, manglod. KBe ha been unronaarloua alnre he
jumped. _
Llttle Rock, Alt., Ang. 'J!' (i?perlal). "The Bea
y,?i, 11- i-i,I,i " ol ABgnal -ii pnbHabed ,. tatemenl
Im.iii Conwaj i ...iiity. tin M..I". iii.il Republlraii
..,,,. armed and were/deelarlng Uial they wooJd h.i\"
tie- oflkea al aU baaarda. iin- i* untrae In everj
porUenlar. ln tead of Kepubllran havlng ti*ui" aneh
i.iieni. .ii . ibe latementa of Uial rhararter have
l.i-en made b) tha Demoaral . and ll Is a aiatter id
general InformaUon thal a DemoeraUi elnb haa been
armed by the Blate athoriUeB. The Republlrami
.,f Coaara] OroBty are targelj In the majorttjr, and
with a talr ?-]??< ti'.n and aa honeal eonnt, Ibe Bi
piiiiliian tiiliit ?iil h" ei". ted. Two yeara ago a
i.udr uf maaked Dei.Tata t...>k i.v roree from ** i?? ?
ludgea ul eleetlon Ibe baUof boa in Un ml Town lp
tn tii.il eonnty. whleh eontalned B00 Republlean
iiiajoritv. ReputilleaiiN will eiideavnr t., prevenl a
ri-petltlon "f tliat ontrage. hut there a\in be aa re
lorl to lon e. _
l'hii.ideinhii. Anu'. 80, K i.. Pefler, Ihe acUne
lielgian O nul Ifl Uth rlty, baa reeetared oBkbal notwe
ri..in in- Oovernmenl Uttal Klng LaopoM n on tae
-i\tieth annlveraary of the todependence of Belglum,
" hlrh wa- luim iil.-lit witli tli.- twenty Ii ft ll a. ni' ". ."
if hla riiL'ii and whteh iMe*arred Jaty all, grantttd
.imne-tv ti all tniiitiiv deaerter . rhia 11' ? i n'i<- - all
|||.,-C V. ','. l|e-eltell Wl.lle |.erfuilll i II " 1l|e|l' I ? .1111,'11-. .1 1
ii. ||t rv dnti'-. and Hi"-e wiii. I'fi tlie iiiniiiiv ivlihout
havlng -|H'..t any "f the attpulated Um ? m Um IHMrerB
im nt aervice. _ _
B.t.r .trns .vor fo nr BTTBADITBD.
Ilaltl.liure. Aag. 8B, l."\elll,.l .1.1. I,-.,II ll"' I.n" i"
rnrrehder Mai Jahn i" the Bea Vork .u.ii."..'"
luhn araa todkted In Bew-York aty, rkaraad wlUi
grand lareeay Ib getUng 914/M0 wortk of gooda
...,,?, || | i Uailn J Co. fo. ihe lirm ..f .i.ii.t. a. mtVat,
of tiiia city, knowlog UM tr*\ ^ * MMOHMBti
The Beard ..f Waikinc Dalegaarg af the Build
iriLC Trades an?l the in.-inlters af the <'art-r*' and
liri. k-IIandlr-rs' I'nions nhanjed their tacii.s yea?
terday, and liltc.l tf.e boyeotJ ..n contract brlck,
thitt is, hrirk outit r:.<-ted to be srut t<. tliis city
before th.- niaiuifiH-tiireis' Ix.ycoft \v;.s bCflUB,
aad tbey tl.us have extriealed tbentaelvea frnm
tl.e stupid position ..f doing for the Mannfaoturera'
Ajaaociation what the Baaoeiafion will now prob
ai.K ir.v t<. do, with greal and protraeted difB
rult\-, for itM-ll : tiiat is, t.. stop even contnict
liruk from i".tiiiiiir t<. the city.
This im.v.-iii.-iit on ttn- pul of tlie lahorers was
oallfd forth i.y the prompl action of the deatera,
who had begun nutklng preparatlnna to employ
iioii-uuion men ln their yarda. The weakcnlng
of tbe d.-l'-L'iii.'s is ako eredited to tli<- dlfflculty
tbey found ln getting the handkra and oartera t<>
st |i work when the permanenl l,.s* af their
sititi.tioiis Btaird tliem in the faee. There araa a
i<- Ung pretty Liherally expreaaed yeaterday by
tla- bulkkra, thal il it eame i" the teat, none ol
i e other building tradea uniona would kave
work :ii ihc whitn of the walking dekgntea. This
? i the Iwyc itl will extend t., all contrael
lirick exoppl thal from th<- four Verplanck'a
l'oiiit yarda originally under the ban, nnd bb
th.-re are n gootl man* i,,.- .- loada shipped by the
ntinn liefore the boyoutl wns .- t.,i,iisl..',|,
now lying at tiH- picis of tbe city, the mnrjtet waa
greatly reUeved yeaterday, and the deakra had
a breathing-apace, thouejj ti',,'ir poaition w.is well
expreaaed by one ol them, who aaid l
"'1'ins relkl ia very uiucli like that f.-lt, by a
man in .1 dentkt'a ciiair, when tlie forcepa siip.
The iu'oii.v sto|is, iiut the tooth is still tliere. II., I
il,.- dekgatea kepl up the lioycotl on all oaaoeia
tioti brlck, contrael and otherwise, there would
bave i.-en a simrt and declaive battk, and tbe
troubk wonid he "><-r: bul now they will skir
uiish away over our heada probably for wee_a
and hurt oiir btiaineas greatly."
< lll'.. KM VTI. UV Till M.\M I'.M Tl r.,
The uannfaeturerB accordingly feel that they
nuisi take immedlate atepa i?. stop the ahipmenl
ot '.tr.i.-t briek, bo thal tbe dekgatea mn.v t <-l
the reaulta ln the kbor market al onoe, and i ike
ti,,- boycott, LJnleaa thk ia done apeedlly, the
Bupply oi briek for tbe wlnter and apring ir;.'i<*
. ? i. and, they aay, naaufacturing
tiiu-i stop, aa Btora .- i""in is limited and faci ll ea
f,,r Btorina expenaive. The aaao kl on wna great
lv oiieered ! by t!,<- r.-|i?,rt thal Brveral
other manufnctiirera wer.rning into the com
lion Tbe Bubacommittee for tbe Sew-York
i aaid lhal arvei .! out.uk briekmal cra had
written Ihem, expreasing theii Inteniion <>t Work
baek their
|,ri, k till t r iro ' r ???? i -?"'? I ''? " 'bere
rera who mid th il
.,.,, atopped, aome inembew
of l! .? BMBOTJ itl.'ll wouW . >'I dli
- \, ,. l one, ?? we have aome pe
,1 iu .mr rmiks There are one "r two ol
j RKoation, who did ni t
., ? . ilklng and coaxed tlu* r-st Into
tbe light, who hav* not. aigned the agrrement,
,?..,. , . trai la
... do ii Tbeee men ?r.
thorna In o il Bkk and dk I 8 re-t, l.ut
.1,,), t.. tl -? -',,;.m. Bl ' f
i.n.-k t-. Uie 'it-,, I h ive no feara ol our ultlmate
II r usrfen d * ol the labor
, iu ...r brl" k*
Tin. iii.ni roiced the aeotimenl "f ?' krge Bum
her ot raanufacturera, who are prepared to make
tin- propoaed Bctiun the m"*t prominenl t*ipic
ul their IM--I meetini I i mlting
i, di thk ??' ii"". f any ean br re" overed ln the
rta, wijl I-- ihnred by all the mrml erg
. i, ii i- not rxpe. !<??! th il n auil
Id !..-. when I
. 1N .,-, ... ? . boyi otted briek in fulfllmenl "i
i.i- conl
I . TIIR DEL1 '?? -Tl * Q' ?K1X?1
l he walkn n delegatea ha ?-? . iine.1 i nolnl by
i .- , ..ii..-si,,n, and thej knoa lt, tliough :.i their
ntreting thej aremed dkpoeed to arh ti ite tn ittera,
aml feared n |.I deal .-i oppoaltion irom
tra,l?- utiions, iu . ,*<? 'la- preaenl difflculty ahould
,nll for a general tie up
I-,,,- i: Uoagland, b enl for Canda A
K;,..,., ,;,, '.. . lurted for lt aton ye ?<?< 1 ly, and
s i<j take .. tti|. through ..ll the bu lirick
yanla Ikrtween here and there, bei. returning.
ii.- -.',- the ini. ii'"- contract* for r?o,.,?i>0
brlck and k determlned ita cuatomera aholl nol
auffer Thej have ao far lieen able to aupply aa
,,, . || briek aa waa needed, bul Mi lloo [land aava
thal it briek edvancea much, he tldnka il would
p_j io buj .,- far awaj ui ft aton and bave Ihem
ahipped to tbe clty. He will nol hav now, aa
briek eaa !?"? bad ln thk clty foi 0 I ?" 9 thouaand,
bul he is mereJy goin to provlde agalnal poaaiblc
itrait-f in tbe ful ire
?l in v DOBT w \vi TO ARBITRATR.
\ reporter aaked a kading Baanufactarer if ha
araa ol opinlon thal the aaaocktlon woukl be
willing i" arhitrate the vexed qoeation wlth the
dekgatea He Bald there eould be no arbltratlon ;
ll ,i s i aimpk caae of rlctorj >,r defeal
? ii? you think it would be a wke tm aaure ta
uppeal tu the State Board "i Arbltratlon?" aaked
the reporter.
? No, l dont think bo," aaid he. " l an eert iln
,u ;,p|M-,l will ii"t <?.".it.- irom "ur aaao ktlon.
\V<- have nttl blocked tbe rourae ol trndc In aaiy
V7e are offerlng brlck here al 9* "?" ;i
iliouaand. li the deal" ra will aol handk lt, we
.,!,? not t.. blame, It would he us jusl to contk nn
i, I,,,,,, i,,r itarvlng ln* ehlid hecauae il eouldn'l
,..,t, :,s to oondemn us for ereating a mrnine ln
l,ri< i. I think, though, the dekg itra may ap
prove a s.-ii leiiu-iit bj ihe Stnte lloard, na it would
them from the chagrtn of an open defeal
They are rertnlnlj hlndering trade, and eould
make, ao valld excuae for refualng thk hoycotteil
briek. I think if tbe State Board ahould deci I
.,st them, thej would he rery glad ta make
a vlrtue "i neoeaalty and rake tl," boycott."
Mr M.uiiii. oi the liiiu ol I'.'-k. Martln .V
i',,, is a iiuki man, bul a man of nerve und
push. When hk men refuaed to unhmd the
, , ,.., | ? |,,s pim nnd tli* carler* would nol
deliver to his eBBtomera, he expoatuhted with
tbe men, telling them that it waa neceaBary for
him in tbe rulttlmenl ol his eontraeta to deliver
ibe briek, and dellvered it woaW he. As tbe
men s*,il deinurred. be took ride* B#ainal them
al oi.ee, aaying lhal II tbej dldn't eome to
tenna he wonhl make hk a aoB-nflioB yard ln
abwrl order aad throw hia LnUuenc* on tbe tide
?f M.e manulflctureri aud gei along aa beal he
,(,?ld withoul unioii men He then eenl word
,? i,,s euBtoinera lhal be had pknty of briek, If
,1,,-v woukl arnd for lt, Tbe bulldeni promptly
hegan haullng for tl,.-...s.-lv.-s. and hk men had
,.rt.-ru.i to raminate on tbelr unrenaonabk
"nduct. li Is tl.?hl thal hk deokive aciion
"nd that ol aol.ther agenta broiight aboui
tbe rahdoi ofthe boyeotl on eontrael briek.
A had ki 19?B rOBTHB axmaiTT.
Om "leal.-r aaid yeaterday thal this was .me of
theararal aeaaona that eould be choeen far tbe boy
,,,,, from l.i. palal al vfetr, m ihe Biirploa ol
Briek in theeila waa tuiuaually low, owing to the
,.a,iv apring and open winter gl.vlng auoh sr.,,.
;i?. buUdlng operaUorax "Wa bave been puahe.
lo BflppJy briek all tha eeaaoii," he a-kkd. nnd
during jimt- und July. when deulers _t?ueiully
accumulate a titrnloa, we lia.l all we could do
tu iill our euiitr.iits. . ? i 91
?? Have the dealera t?ken any boycotted bnck.
aaked the reporter. "No, not yet," hc ikBL
The aetion of the dekgatea in removlug the
boyeott ...I eontnet briek arlll rehove aa to bbcB
a degree that are don'l araBt tu preclpitate Diattera
by making uu opeu rupture with tha deifl*B?te8.
I \aill *.iv, however, that tliore h,.s been a good
il*al ol Verplanek. Poinl briek oeed [n tne olty
sii.ee tln- boyeott was eatabliahed, and it is being
Blipped in every day, ofteu t.o tbe lOMrwaMgc at
the handlera and rartnieu."
Qeorn W. Debevoiae, Baperintendent of 1 uoiio
Bohool Bulldinga, gaid yeaterday thal lie waa nol
gotng to advertlae lor blde on Behool oonttacta, ad
there waa no certainty as to the abllity ol bullcl
ers iii obtain iiru-k. aml reaaon-bk beroM oouni
nol bi* proeored. II- added that tbere were tt*n
?Chookl in niiirse of cmistruetum, DUt BaOBt Ol
them were neariy oompleted, *n hc did not ex
pect to be much affected by tli<' present Boarelty ol
brlck. Canda A Kane are furnbanlng briek for
(be ichool 81 Oiie-liiii.dre.l-auil-litty-seveiith-st.
iitnl Cunrtlandt-ave., and have nol tatted ln tne
Bupply aa yet lt ifl aaid thal about pne mllllon
and one-lin'U more l>ri"!' will linish the buildlng.
The ichool al Nlnety-thlrd-at. and Anurterdani
ave. will be delayed, aa tlie buildei wported 1ns
inability to gel I'riek.
[oquiry nt tlw Buildlng Bureau revealed the
fai't that there bad '"'"ti ? declded talllng off
linee tli" laoycotl began ln the number of jilans
ir.e.i bj arch'itectfl for prapohed btiUdiofa.
111 m.din<;? lii.iMi i.i'.r.a -run.
A large namher of bnikUnga are bow BBafcr
conatructlon ln the "ity. whleh wlD be afJeeted by
tln' boyeott, if it conttnuee long. Between the
Battery und * l..iiiilieis-st. there are siNteen new
bulldinga golng up, and tl.i rl v-six under altera
tii.it. s.tne ..I theae bulldinga .-.re eostly and the
alterntl inb are extenalve. Between Chambers and
lIotiBton .-(-. there are 113 m-w bolldlngB golng
up, and on 11 .*, alterattona are being made; be?
tween llouston and Twenty-third Bta., 148 new
buiklinga and I 13 undergoing altorationa: between
Twenty-tliird-8t. and r'ifty-niiith-.*!., 145 new
buiklinga and on 1211 alteratlonBi between Flfty
nintli-at. and One-hundred-and-tenth-at., eaal of
t'entral Park, 300 new bulldinga und on twenty
?even alterattona; iMtweeu Fifty-hinth and One
hundred uid-tetitti ita, wejt "i L'entral Park, 748
new bulldinga and on tweiity-nine aiteratlona:
between One-hundred-and-tcnth-Bt. ad the Harlern
River. eiwl ol Eighth-ave., 318 new bulldinga and
on thirty-l tur aiteratlona; between One-hundred
and-tentli-at. and the;Harlem Blver, and we*t ol
Kighth-ave., 187 new huildinga and on si\ altera
tiona; north ol the Harlern Blver, iOti new bulld?
inga, and on ninety-elx aiteratlona ar.> being tna le.
During the llrst miarter of tbe year 1888 there
avere Hled plana lur bulldinga to ooal 816,314,720.
The eatimated value of buUdlnga the plana of
which were li'ed during Um name qnarter of thia
year 1* il8,08s,007. Two hundred and thlrty
nioe of tne buildingfl the plana for whleh were
tilod for 1880, were frame itruetures, their aggre
gate value being B377,885, and the past were
brleh ..nd atone. The total expenditure fur buUd
ing purpoaea ln the city for 1 $88 waa $68,504,872.
The following are aoBM of the largeet bulldinga
now coin.; up ln the "ity, whleh wlll requlre
further large iiuantltiea of briek, together with
propoaed itructurea thal wouM in all probabUlty
have lieen itarted had tbe pneent boyeott not
been impoeed on material:
Oa .I'ui. I" Brorh araa begaia ..n afflee bulIdlBga In Ceder.
? natlng ir-.m No-. IS t.. ri. H"l".i L. ri ? Ipa Rtokes
r and I ia eatlma . .1 valui >- ago 1 f> I.
On \,Mi au ?.. k aaa i>.-.111 on a Baunbei ..f flaelllaga In
Bobrrt Wallace,
.1 .1- 1 valoe. Oi IprtJ a w?r:i
.. .. ing 1.. -. - in Sevi uty.ntth.at., nxt
1 ...'. 1. ewner; < .-ttn.au u i
li - Broarn Loti Laa M*.i plana for cfflca btUdingaat
?. . : .. - ? . w ii D 11. Rlag |r., l
: ? itunateti aalue 1- 8800,000.
Work ? ' . ".' April ji .1.1 flata at Xo. 200 Weat
? ,,t\ ,-i.\Ui--t.. John .mi 1- bi -?
U . 1 .! ,. , B1H).000. Wa*a
,,? |,?, j,, ., 1 mi Pieabytertan i.'.-i.mi. ta FoaiiUa-ave.,
- i.r- -t-. ; . rtln ita .1 i ,.-t,.
gi78,000 ' ? Ir'.. haa 81 ' > dwelUBg in
i-.u.-iit>-i.iiitii^'... aeat af Weat i rMVava. WUIIam B. Laa.
,,,,. oaner; eal aaMad eaal la 81U,000. Qeorga B.
? i nt'ii pbaaBfor a ah ? i ln I aai> Poa?? . - , Frtrn. A.
UM vKi'.e. 8800.000. Oa
.N,- Ti'. '..
721 i .tuici. ri.e i.....ic. aad lAaeaaalM in- laaaraaca
v |? havlag them aaJll ?t. aa eaU?oted etal ef
o. on .ii.n. ;i i. r^ bcgaa aa ai tdBci baBdlag al
Nll _?, : m , nui r John i . - '' d i bbI
L. fioodwln h.u. nl- a |.lun- f.,r n botel
l( N -???, oui.i'i Jaeob BoUu>
. ...ii, it .; aalm 8110,000.
,.,, ,i,.i,.. a arorh aaa begua on .i arareboaae at Bo. IW
, . \ ' "?-?*.
,i ai g v o ,. araa i* gan oo a atora ai d
llaci ..,.1 M-r . r-t. The prop.
? !? .... ? ated aalue, $110,000.
i lat th. .ari -t orner af B
. ,,,, , MOO 000 ;.... i -'??; tb? i -
" 8p - i. : '.'- fo?
'..,i,lr,*i-..ii'l '
? -; in..... m B. a-lne, II ?.000.
I a ? | ui ?'? have H l I.-..-- r?*
it Wa too Bquam ? at, ? -un.at.u
1100.01. ?)""? 18 ?ort aaa la lun oo a
,- ........ \. l .rtv-f.iii.tii and l ?" Ufl -'
. iir. arlng Caanpaai af 8 ??
.! i , ,.-. rai^' 1)00.
,, ,,,, ?.,. ni,.i for a -tot*' aad iiat- at lladlaoa^va.
:..,.:. ,i aud - ith-at. Tha buildlng la I -
Uugh It.a.i... iiiel Ha ? 'Ui.??'-' aai ? la BIOO.OOO.
,.,.,.,, .,., :i;.,i :.. \. lt. ia-Ln v Bea f"i- a d? ?
; Nlnth-ava M eoat 81W.00I
... .i..i.'. " Pragne ba* Blod plana (or
tni -',.!- ni- Beveaty^lghUi^t,. aaai Teath^va.;
??,? r. ll ... i L U vj , eaUmaled eoat, B45O.O0Oi Oa
.n a i"? '.i '1" ' ? ;?.-.- ln Sflnth.
1VI . i., ,r Om .i.'iii.ti. (!?:?-'.. i i"i riek O. Boaraa, ewai r;
, . - ro.ooo.
I' i' Donovan, Commlaaloner of the State Board
?l vibitrntion aaid yeaterday that ne had nol
uv.i ealled upon by elther party ln the contro
vrray '" uxbitrate, aml he preferred nol t
unvibing uutil hc had become more converaaul
witli ihe . *" aud bad been oflleialiy Informed ol
tlie tlulllilf_ _
Mewburg, Aug. 20 (Speelal . When Bm lirieka -
v , | ,(.,,:, ,,,!?; to I'uii-Kie:' th" wlthhohllng uf brlch
trora ti." N""- Yorh marhet, eleven rnahera aaid ti.it
they had contraeta Uie) a*eie boaad t> raapert, i \
r:1?,, ronttnne to manufactuie and ahlp to tboae arho
i?.|,i tb.onUracU. bu( they agr.i lo avlthUohl UM
e_ecaa Tha roBtracI matter waa referred to Ui"
oxcrutlve rommlttee, and II tanod uni\ Ive of Um
cteaen .......'.? t- to be valht Two ol thoae nol vaUd.
,,,,,,,1, ig t.. the eommlttee, are Uie.I J. ?'- Jova and
.,?. .??.,. Kriih ru.i,ranv. boUi "I D.i..-imn.cr Potrtt.
j,, ,,,?.r tin- city. Mr. Jova aubmltted tho matter
to e\ l?.-i..''i Attorney Anthony. ol Nowbiirg. and ho
vlrtualh auaiained the rommtttoe. aaytng Uial moral v
,V, \,- l.ou.i'l iu..mi.tn." I'' ahlp.bul .'i"",^-" he
I ,|,, aa li- pleaaed. PreHldent R. ol the Koae
-,'i i conipanv. -ii'l that, ulthough he rontlnued to
,h"p to I'.'.'., Martln .v Co., there were ao wrltton con
un t-. _^_,
AUantid l.lty, B. J , Aag. 20 iSpeeiUI Al Brigan
tine Bearh Jnal befrire noon b>aiay Thomaa O. Boyw,
,,( Uleghcn) ntv, thlrty yeara old. waa droaaned. III,
i.tii.r. li. H. i;-vi". li prealdenl of the BaUnnal In
Kiinince rompanj of AUeghenj and thedead maBwaa
, ruember ol the Brm of Gord. Btrobel * Co., of
illfflln and H.oa -t- , raUadelphJa, englneer* Bnd
,, |, trnctora of blaal fnm;,..*. Br. Boyle, ir, herf
i,-,.,. ni tin- Ifohtaokom Botel, BrlgaaUne, f'i aeveral
,i,\.. and nla aon came on fn".. Creaaoa *?pring*J to-daj
,,, , u hlm i. Bylng vi-it When he anlvod M B<e
,?,i,-. found thal in- rather waa tahlng a baU . aad
wlth ui" i.it.tiiiui. .'f glvlhg hlm fl pfcaaanl larprlao
,?. procuied a bathlng-aall and harrtod dowa lo Uie
!?.,, I,. ii,. raa ? good iwBaBief ....'i rtrach aaaward
before ln- rather ?..- apprlaed of bta urewnee. Bi
Mayor I ddeU, of Plttabarg. bb* JTOUBg Boyhi awBn far
bejond in depth, aad aaw blm Utrow ap Nta aanda
:ll?l ntt.r .. irv fur l."l|>. Ttt had evi.l.ntlv been
vei/,v. with rrampa and dl?nppeared betieolh the aatei
nimu-t it.dlately. Mr. Uddell -tarted to hla --...".
i,ui ?n- obllged tu gtve l.i* atteBtlon to hta own aon,
uii,. had ..!-" anl bm.i hla depth and bonan-e ex
bnuitcd. rhe body ii..* nol been lecovered.
.4.V .CTffffl aTTRBFTISQ sririnE.
Chicaao, Aag. M* leanie Bddy, a barleatpaa aetraaa
nniier engagemeal avitit the "Blaabaard* eompaay,
|OOh iii'ipliliie Wlth *iil(i'lnl Inleiit li-t Blght gali" WBfl
in u leatanranl wlth aBveral ae^aatotaiMee, and aad
iienu iwaltowed the roaUmta of a potUe ol Baorphlae,
bat -.ii'l nothlBg to any "f tha party ahoarl it. When
the dmg tool oBoct her frlemla <h1I?m1 a phyatdan, arho
i.v dayllghl had in* patleBl in a aeeal toaaelo? eoiuii
II..ti. Bhe "di |ir"l.al'lv rcrov.-r. Thfl BBBflfl Of lier
attempl a( ratteme i- tJi.nigln hi be a nottce ihfl h.ul
i .., ? .ii iti- manager ..f the company, tbal Iht
rrlieai ? i \ - > r i ... h'i.ii i. and unlena al.rnld
ii.i i....iei- l e a-ould i.tve to raneel tl.ngagement. i.
Is inlao i-.'t>.n-t'-ti tiiit a mlauudenabanding Letweeu
two men iu tbe compapy ou ber, agjeoasi liad mui.ii to
ii.j with tli'; matter*
explaixixo nis vlews Ao* Rrooxans ami-ju}
GaJI BaVUtUOal to his PObxVKR tXaRfg_C_j
KEfJ alAfgOff ANDi/>i.?;i. A.\o
,ar tBUBBBAffl to Tiit ikh.i ne.J -
Watervillc, M.-., Aug. -.><?.?lf anybody thlnkf
that .Jatnes Ol Hlaitie is not in ao-ord with lm
old eotistituents in .Maine he should have lieen
preaeill at the sreat rally in this city this after
n,.,,n More peopk caine out to listen to tli*
irreat Bta 199119911 than were ever assemhled on a
siiniliip t.cca.sioii m the past. S*e.-iu,l Trains
broaghl large drkgatione frota ..11 TTie largg eitics
in the Siate, whilc thousands drove |B from BaV
Joining towns. Good iii,lir?**? estimate the nunii>er
in attendanee at 5,000 i?eopie. Q-aTgrnor Bur
h-iifh aml leveral uaemberaof hisstatf, with oAleerj
ol tlu* State inivcrnriicnt, eame Bp from AjBgesta.
Henry CBbot Lodge eaaae irom Bkowhegaa, where
he apoke iai>t night .Mr. Buhae .'am.* from liar
[farbor ln company with .. iinall party af friends,
inolu/ing Walter Daniroaeh an.l wife, tocaaerly
\li-s lt_rgBlH lilain.'. The party was 9991 9l
the stiitioti by a cognjalttee "t pn.minent Depab*
li.i.ns Irom this BOd othei fi.i**s and .-si.iirt.'d
with th.- nuisir of banda to the l.eaiitiful catiipus
oi Colby fjnlveraity, where the t,|.-;.k.-rs' st.-md
was eajeeted. The weathet was perfeet and hun
dr.-.is ..t beacbea nnder iin* Ug eka treea pMvided]
aeata for a sniiiil part of the auukfloe. Eulhuakaai
waa in th:- air, and Mr. l.Iaine's ippearance waa
tl,.- sijtiii! for t'ltnultuoiis applause.
The Bieeting was presided ovr by Dr. A. W.
Stnall. presidi-nt of Calhy I'niversity. who intro
dueed tlie apeakera la b ni,,st graeef?1 aaanwef,
Mr. Maine referred ln feeling ternaa t<? his early
poiltleal life when he reeeived his tirst (oti
^'ressioiial nominatioti in a Waterviile ball. Hi*
expknatian ot his position in regaid to the p?l
ley of miprodty witii the South Auierican He
publlca was reeeived with every mark of cn
tliiisias'ii and approval hy the audienne, Demo
.rais as well as Kepuldiciiiis oxpresbinK a^ree
ment with the opiniotis he advaiued. Indeed. un*
of the mosi prominent Dcnio<-rats in tlie State,
Who was present at, tiie m**o1in^, d.-'darcd thal
Mr. IJlainc's VkWB wrre approved hy hiuiself
;iiid a host of others of his politi.al asso.iat.-s.
Tlie general opinioti of those pr.-sent who are
partiinliirly intercst.-d in l.overninent poli?-y
Beemed to he that the position so cxplieitly s?-t
forth by -Xi'r- Blaine in to-day'a apeeeb is pn>
pbetie of a ii'-'v .-iii in tlu- relationa of the
l lut.'l Statea with the other couutries of tiie
iVeatern hemkphera.
Mr. Blaine, in his address, .-poke upon State)
affaira iu th.s way:
The allairs of no other State in the Tnioa
have been n.ore ju*rly. more wkeiy and Baora
Iccoiioiiili-ally adnnmstenld. Mame's BaeeCBllOBl
ot Kepubilcaa Chief aaagiatratea baa beea without
apot or bkflaiah. Tlie ekfCttoa whleh takes plac*
oti the gth ot next BBOflth involvcs, in grciit
piirt, the political lsfeiies now utuler discussion iu
th.* National lield. The dc.-isiou ot Maine will
have dtie infiuenee on the other Si.tt.s. aud thal
deckion will be pttmouneed ln tlu* ntajorittea wa
sh.il gtve in our i"iir t onguaaionai Uutricta.
i i .,t theae dktricta is repreaenaed i>.v an abfa
iu ui. in whom tn.- Bepubliean i.-opie of_.\huiie
bave '??.nlideiici*. I ahould r.-u-ard it as a polit.eil
, i.taitv t.. tlie State H any OgM "I tm* four
ahould by an* poaaibility '?* defeated. In tin*
tiktrief 1 am sure that Mi. Millik.-n haa beea a
laiihfu! repreaentative, aa will be abown hy
.. iai..- majorlty. and i trust (be KepnbUcana in
the iiii.-e other dktricta are alive to their duty. .
Then going on to national queatiooa he siil:
I wkh to declaA the opinlon thal the Itnt.-d
Statea has rcached B polnl where one of i*s highe
.-st diitu-s is t>. enlarge the area ..t Ita foreigaj
irade. I iid.-r tlu* beneficenl poliey af Broteetioa
we have developed a volume of manutbetnrea
wlflch, ln many departoaenta, overruna t,ie de>
mandg of the bome market. In ti?* Seld af egrt>
.?i.ltiin-, wlth tbe Inunenae propukion >ii\?*;i m
it by Bgrieultaral impl.-tn.-uis, we ean do fnr ux.ro
than produce breadstuffa and provialoae tor aag
own peopk; nor would it i?- aa ambitioaa deetinji
t..r so L-r.-ii a .-oiintry :,s otns to manufactttra
only wh..t we ean conaume, or t?. produce only
whal uc.aiii-.it. VVearealrrady,inmnoy fabricf
and iu many produeta, far bejond that, and our
great demuad is expntkion. i mean eitpanaioB of
trade with countrie* where we eaa Und
prolitabk exehangea. WTe an* aol s.-.-k
i!,^' annexation of territory. Certainly
we do not desire it BJikaa it ahould
come by the voliUon of a peopk who ndghl aslc
th' prlcekf* I'oou of a phvee under tl.<- tli-.u- >.f
the I'ni.'it. 1 1. el sure that for a loflg time t'J
cotne Hu- peopk of the L'niie.l States will bg
wkely content with our preeeal area and not
laiin.-h upon any s.'h.-tn.- ot ntnn*\at io"ti. AC
the siime time l tnlnk we should be unwkeiy con
i.-ui if we did not aeek to engage ln what tl.e
vounger Pitl so well knned annexation of tra.le.
For nearl* thirty yeara now the Unlted Statea
iiis bad the great advaatage <>f a proteetive
tariff?by far the Iom;t'st nnuroken nerlod thal
it- iiidi-tn.il poUey hi,.* i-'.-n In fore* ainea the
i'.-.lerjl Governmeni waa organixed. liappily tlo
grral majorlty of our people, withoul stri.t ro
_.,i,i to party lin.-.. i>eli?-\e thal the reaulta to
Ihe Ameiieau peonie from the proteetive poliey
have beea Incalculably lienefleent. nggVgatiBg la
a i|uarter "f a century of National and Individual
wealth heyond anythlng ever dreamed af befoflt
iu the hktory ol tbe world.
I do not ineiitioii prote.-tion becauae I do not
Intend to 8peak ln reference thereto before tliii
? illence. That woui.l be a needleas, if nol aa
iu.pcrtinent, eitort. I merely wkh to ptnclaina
Ita victorki. W'lthoui protectlon tbe L'nitefl
State* would have been poor, Indeed, ultVr t'.e
I,. i'-s oi the war from I8d| i<. i **?'.."?. Witii
protectlon everj nectloB haa Sourkhed and pr.?.
uernl, growu aml nlned. Even where revena*)
.1 itiea l, ive been loid with no cxpectatlon ol devat*
indiistrka ther.* have. in many Inatsateeai
i.u great Bnancial aud IndnatrhtJ reaalta. The
heavj duty on silk was levicd primarlly, ti"t i..r
protectlon, bul Blmply t<> aeeure :. Utrge revenua
trom one ol the luxurka of tbe ri.-h: but ?? a
, inaequence of the duty the silk induatry hag
Increaard an rapldlj lhal it oonBtitutea one ..f
the kading fabriea "i Kew-Jeraey. one ..i tha
largeal nunufacturlng Stat.-s of the Tnion. I
eould readlly advanee >>th.-r illuatratlona to tl_a
Mitiu- ,- ii' i As i have alrendy Lntimated, 1 aaa
here t.< siN-;.k >>i the rxpanaion ol our foteiga
inde, not l.y any novel pro.-e-v>, not
by any niode that will .hoek ..r
dkturb bome Induatrko, nol l.y any
iin.de thal will invite our people t,> rauli experv
menta, or that arlll laun.-h us la doflbgfflj aud
dangeroua Inveatmenta
a l'Li.A F,,r. BBrflrltOCITT.
What I mean to sia'i.k ot hnetl.v is 9 B.vftem of
reelproelty not In'eoBfllel with t pr,,te,ti\.' tnitf,
Ini 1 siipiil.'iii.-nt.i^y then'to, and pn-sentini; 9 BBUM
..f ent.-iprise that will richly repay the gfaffl
aad energy <>f the Aaaarkaia r..p!e. \\> shail
ti u.i it itistrii.-Iive and valiiahle to ox:iniine mto
tbe sourc-s of our inipoits, and tbe deslit:ation of
our exporta, and t" Btrike a badaoee between tlie
two. I'akc last veur-1 *,-?'... ll that flkxi our
whole exporta t" all the eimBtrlea ln Ijbe three
t ..iitineiits ot Europe, aata aad afrka an.l to
\usualia Canada aad HawaH, amoanted, ln
round numbera, to $959,000,000; aad "iir hmpaetg
from all tiurst- counirka amountad, ln roaad iia>
bera i. Bo2P,000,000, fbowing thal from that
vaat trade we'had a balaaea n] 9139,000,000 in
our favor, e.|invalent t<> t' it BflBOflfll of gold
among oui- |H*"pl,>. Bfll wu.-u all the aeenunta
were eloaed, Inetead <>t h-vlag Bl20,000,000 in
our favr, w'e bad 8 baktpea "f |l3,000,oao airaiiiBt
us from our forelgfl trade, We maat, therefere,
liive logi Sl 12,000,000 in our ?' 'tiitiier.-e wlth thi
ciiiit I.-- ?> itsi.l,- ..I tboge lo whi.-h | have re
[,., , Where ...uld we have t..und bbb8j 9 lart'e
?dverae balaace '?'
|,,-t .i.e trll vou'. We h'.st f..rty-oiie millions ln
< ui,.. from whleh our Importa were $j-j.ooo.ooo
uad io whieh our cxr.rtb were only BlliOOO.Ofraa

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