Newspaper Page Text
ribtme. /? 4C<0uC V0L-L.N*1.5,985. NEW-YORK, BUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 18M-TWE.YrY-T\VO PAGES. I'RK'E FIVE CEIYTS. THE NEWS IX LONDON. an itidemk; of strikks and labor TBOUBLE& AUVTRA-IA'S HOBBTES STUIKE - EMPXBOB WJX-LIAM'S BUSSIAN' VISIT-LUIiLAND'S 1*0 TATO B'-IGHT?".VEI.S1I FARMEItS AND urssAKS-sit; chart.f.s dii.kE's rilOJECTS-TIir.ATr.H-.AL NOTKS. (BT C.4M.E TO TIIE TRllU'SE.* Coptir'ght: 1S90.- Ity Th'Srir-Ynrk Trihun*. London, Aug. 3<).?Immenso intorr-st is lw-iiiR ?aken hy the Briti.h workin_man in the lal.or stnkes whleh appi-nr to hnve l.roken ont in the form of an epidemie, thioflfhoat the civilized world. Allhoiifih tho ot Labof have never aueceeded in estal)!i.shiiu- a kindred i.r_rniii ?zation in Qnal BBHala. eo___dti_bk Lnteiwt ha_ heen felt in the Nr\v-Y..rk Ontrnl nnd Tlie Chicnj?o difticulties, heeause at tlie present monient the British workinan 889 similar di.putes on hand. There is seiimis difiieully at S.?tithnmpt.?n, whieh may not only atTe.-t tlie railways enterin^ that port, bat B-88 tho loadini: shippiii- <"in par.ies. The employers nre not unwilliriK t<' 8ji**8 Siibstantial concossiom., bal deeline Hhsolutely to deal with uniona. The Tilhury dookers, who failed to lerrori/e the company there into dis chai-jrinj, two or three b_Mk-9*B*, luive now a sori ous dispute with their own clnefs. Th* leadors of tlu* PoOkers' D-lOB have refusod to jfiant Strike pay to the dockers at Tilhury he<-aus< they went ont without suftioient reasr.n or au thority. The men are TOW-Bg von_eaiiee apninst the lender., and threatonini; to pt<trt a rival OnJon, Another Btibjer-t ol wide inteies* at the pres.-nt moment arisr-s out of tlie proposal of tlie Docfcrrs' Couneil ?<> rlose th.-ir ln.oks a^ainst tho BdlB?M-OB of any more moml*ors. and t.> eOBSllfBte the niiioii into a co-operniivo gaild whii-h shall tin.Sertake the work of d_aeh_lg_nf 9_l*foea in its eorporatc capn.ity. If tl.e BOhuBBt is adoptod, it will leave a large residnnni of poor. iinskilled, hnif-starvod 1,-iborers exelude.l work b) tin- dor-kers" rules, wlio will oither l.-eome a BOBItC ?f danu.-r to toeiety or puuperized and throwo upon tbe public rr-tes. The result to the union would l*e tlie shori<*t'i:i_ of Inbor to eight hoiirs. If Ihis proves insufrioient to give e_nplo_.-__cat t.. all o_pml4ers, the hr.urs would Ih* sl.oitene.l to sov.-n aud perhnps even lo six. Ilut then would l.r rn. correspoiulinR dfa-lOBtion of paymont. lt is DOl likely lhal tlie e:npl<\v.-i>. will re.n.ily agT*ee I ? accopt this Inf.-st BOBtrfl-Q of Mr. Johfl B_I_8'B The proposed OOnbinatloB of shipowners growa apare. nnd nnetincs are bcing held at Glaagow, Newcastlo ;ind other pla.-es, BB|r_M*-1--g th" general idea that _hipf.wi.ers aho&ld OOtflblne for defensivo purpi.-es. NeM v.ook will witnc:-s BO iniportiint gatheiinf in London t.? .ieeido how far the comhinaTioii shall go, and what .-!e:iionts ahaJl be emhodied in the BCli-Toe. TranscendL'*.? in importanoe all tl.e.s*? trade quostions within tllC EMtiBfa 181-8 is tlio nate of il.ui-s whleh prevt-iia ia Aua traiia. F.very day haa brongfat m-ws of the ar'j_ravatiou of the .risis. Tl.e .allinu out of tha military. as well as tbe vrist area over wi.nh the d_?piites extond, t-Mily to iho s?v.-rity ol' the stiiiggle. Th.- Britiafa Deckets* I'nion dis plpys a gense of deop gntitude f<?r the l.elp it ieri?iv*ed from A-Btralia twelve moat-9 Bgo, and is keenly anxions t.. glvt Anstraiia a ^-'",'1 n-tnrii in exchani-o for that lilxraliiy. It is only to-day, ho-wover, thnt tl.o' lenders obtnitit-.l trnst wortky nrri n? t.> what 1988 reqnirel r.f fhcin In addition to the proposal to boyeotl ull Bfaipa arri^ng from Ar.stralia whiisb the Col.niial BBioB* have placed under inU-rdi.!. the re<incst is BO** made to retnit funds. Sirai.htway all Ihc pro vineial branrhes throuuhout i.reat Britain wi-r,* instrueted to make a daily le\y, BBd t.". invito loo.-.l unions of r.thor tnktta 1<* oontriluite. A meeting of delenales is to lie hold at on-e io or*.ani7e a national BabsciiptioB, mniiif.-si -os are to Iv* issned in East London Invitiag B_B_rt__88, and a propoaal is to i*o mado al the TradCB __!?_ ('onares- at Liverpool to re.on.n.end tho move uient to every trade SOfJetJ throaghool the Ki.n^r dom. Th? strngiile in Australia isevid. ntly golng \o 1k* a matter of lifo and death li.twoon labor and capital. Kvory day lolo_r;:nis ahi.w thnt th<* eonfliot is exten.lini; to trade so.i.tios whi.-h arr far removed in the Bt* IctStaBCC from tho orhvinal dispnlants. Tliis is easjly B_t-81_t0od when wo rfnionil.-r bow oonipu-tly trade B?loBiSlB is fedorato.1 in tlio Antip-.-l-s. The omployors, too. aie evidont!\ Bta_dioi ahoflkler t/. ahonkJer, ur:-i tl.o Btrafgle wbteh rnosl ol ihe \ieit..:s 1 . Anstralia have |o_g Bflti ipatod i-. ) ".-. RBgl-g (t is expeotod thal r1.- E_gllah eontiibatioBa to the Aitstralian worUogmeB will probabbjf appr*-<-i ?30,000. V'ery little is aUaehed in cflirial eir cles t.i Eaaparer William'a ro,<-m vbdl to tin- Csar. Mueh l'-eway had to lie made ap even to ap proxin.ate oontid'-n.o in 888b oiher before the two rulers oould ix.ssil.Iy arr.nj.;- oonfidontial re lations or dev*lop anytiitnsr liko a now poliey. ln Kussia Kroporor WULia__ is regarded as flighty and ern.tio, nnd as BB abatlnate jrounj BMB wbOBC quarrr-ls with his mofher nnd PriBCC I'.isiiiarok. and whose eo4)netting with 5oo__l_8_a hnve exoited distr'ist and diag-Bl Ofl o\orv side. Exeepti-g that *he visit has inprovod the roii. tior.s lietween 18/8 0001*18, s'imril it.-d the pro fessmns of anxioly for poaoo, aml possihly paved the way for a nevision of tbe Riiaao-lien__B tariff, it is not believed thal the icc**>b1 Interview in.h ajaadflWd any dottiiito reBOtts. OI.M-rvors BOtieed Wtth what purn-lilioiis eerenmny the tWO Emper ors treated eaeh other, and bow r.m|?er..r Williain aeemed to ehafe under the eoldoeaB wliieh per vaded every liiiu-iion. S..:n.'' aoooaBta aaaerl thal _C loft Htibsia iu no pl.-is'i.t Iramo of mind, BBd that he was anxions to removo tho estratiKemeiit which l'riiif-e iiisman k's poli'V I ad . roated. but that ho f.iinid Krnporor Alcxander laol;ing in iui.-.thinc liko a rvsponBive apirit. Tho Eagliab Foreign OEmt is uiidnulilodly p088B8B_d with 8 notion that l'.-nperor WU_B_B_ visit has pro dttetji no fruitc. and has merely improved, and that sh.hily. tlie personal relations Iw-tween the two Kmperora. I lenrn trom th. same BOBfce that BO importanoe Ls attaoh.-d to the IVitagaeBe ehjcetloB to tlu* recent a^;oeino.-it l.-twooii EBgland ai.d Portogal. The dttstrihH <>f tiie I.isl.on pre*B nre o_ly found ll! the Opposition jnuriials, wboaB eliief is to secure a eb_B_f8?4>f Ooven___etrt. 'lin- Liabon Cabinei baa _rl~if8 Lord SalbilMiry B_eh eoBBpIet* -Bsuranoes of ils anviius dosiro fra-kly t,, aeoepl tl.o new ;.ri.ii; that iho Itiiti.i, Foreign OfJee seoms jieifoi-tly s.tisti.-d tbat tho arr___e Uient will l>e fuithlully lei-o-iii/od. Not o;.].v h. bch-ld si.iferiiifi from ihe potat*. MiKht, 1 .iit a'.s.. trom a lailure iu many ut tlie, BWlBf lo a want ol iiue woatlu-r. l'i fortunaioly it is just tho P00I899 j.ui ol tl, eountry wln-re th-1 vi.iiaiion is at its w-orst. The Insh I-.nd loiuini-vsion's n-port is Ki-nerally 1..-1 ! to understute the >-ravily of the BfOSpeet, Al reudy then* is a taik "f st.wtirm a ;.-re..t ivlief fafld in London, and Ml. BalfOBI b-9 g8_8 oi in l.of hoste to, tho QUCCB -*_B| sjiocialiy anxious ta le..rn all that C8B b*> knoiwi BBOfll the Biihject. Many 118-1-8 of (iiiardians nnd pans . piiesls are loud in thoir demands for help. Bal _be lionovolont pul.lio, and tin- r.ntish l.oveii ment will have lo I.e wury oi beUevtBg ull Ihoy hear from th.-so iiuarteis. If we credited the termr iii wliieh the tituatioii i? d.'.s.-nhed to-day, wo miKht iniapine that Ireland was already in tllC thioes of a famine. The pinch BM not e0B9J yo', but ia clearly loi.ming iu the near distanoe. Hr. liealy hii8 availexl him-clf of tbe oppor- . tunity tn ruisc another " Nu Kont ? ery. Hut i)iis will do llttle tu li?*lp hla Bafferlac oonntrymen. Had he tiolivfrcl ?advice,** aa he eapitaaed ;t tbe othei day, la a pi-eelalaacd distriot, hc weald raoat likely liave lieen loikod up. With thr* mixed notiixis of rncini hihI ttium with which bla niiii.i sii'ins eoafaaed, tUc Butrvcl is thal he haa Bot Bpeat ball hi* lifc in prlaon. Bo (..r, Mr. Hcaly is lhe only piomiiieiit man whe baa at tempted to make poUtieal eapital of the famlne. The Welsh farmc-rs nnd Nnuroiiforniists are iu a. Btate ef Kraat dfagnsl aboal tha proseneo of haa sars at the rolloetioii of- titha-s. There has been no drawiag of gwarda ot c.ns.iu.ptimi of powder. lt waa quiie siiiiiciTit te ifcew thal Lord Balav barj was in earntal whea hc aaid tha! ns he eonld not pass liis Tithos bill ho would at lcast see That the tithes should be aol!r>t?"<l. Tho farniers did imi bettrrc it. They tbaafht it weald ho sufti cient to BtOBC tho hailills, ..r, ns on n roeeut oa> eaaloB, tai tai and foathor thoniT Hut tho tn.idorn Welsh inartyr did not eount upon the presowo ol troopd ta make l.iin obaeria the law. He has, however, jrtelded te oonipulsion and Bhowa that when authoritv is nphold p--oii tho ohstiBBtC TTtlahiaan obeya withoBl restBtaaee. On sovoril oceaaaeaa of late, Sii Chariea Dilke baa showii hhaaelf as ondoavor;ti_ t.i rido Imek into pablk favor upon tbe tlde of Borae pe-pnlar iiiovomoiit. Ile baa doclaiod this week for tha Bgitation. Ho cnns.dcrs tiio rnal-iiiin in<- iiulustry a a*hve***ahie liolal lor oxpi'rinii' legialatiea ta thi* BtattCT. Sir fharlea Dilke i? in eonfllel with Mr. Jaha Iforley, who eoaaldeTa tho oi-jht-houn niovenioiit snuiild be n matter fnr tnuio arnioacaa*Bt ruBani tho emaloye'ra and t in'.I.iyes, nnd not for lrglalation. Ia Aaatralla the eifht-honra racafcnt prevaUB everywhere, I.ut it rosts on a ffor.oral oonsensus of opiaioa or on tho rulos ol tho trados BBJobB, and i* not llie reMilt <>f s|;itiitory ol.ln-ntion. Greal di*sitisiaelion prcvnils wlth rrganl to tho rcsalta of tbe aateaiB aaval taaaoeavrca. If iha-y have a-stalilishod anything, it is that the navy is ill-piovi.iod with eralacra to rccoaneitnj f..r tho onciny. Adiniral Sir Oeorge Trv.ui-s fkel waa wheHj* IwafBcienl te dcfieod Ut* Brltlah eoaata and at tbe aaatc time io proteel tho ahip ptafl on the hkh Bcaa. It aroald raqairc . btoamcra to laad evea a amall lavadtag faree bal twenty erulaera ooald aaralysc wBBiaerrje and thereby atarve Cie nation ia war tiaio. li is expecled thal the Qe*reniBr*f?Bt wiD ni'.\t araaleo prop..'^ t.i lacreaae the BBathci af faaa exularrs. I.;*t weeh Mr. Wil'.ard iuduk-od in the (Inring experiraent ..f laviting many clergy aad mlnlataTa to witacaa the perfonaaBoe ol Judah.'1 Tbla week he has prodaeed "The Dr-aeoB." tho raotive of which is an appeal to the Dlaacatcra ln favor ol the theatre. Mr. Wlilard'e r?rfora?aBf? >t -Tho ]>eae.m" was rXOClaCBt ln every r-j-e'" Althoagh the play Ittelf U a littlc tbla, lt baa a ,.,.?d dialogue, and tmy ?* roaarded as one of tbe bc.*t attractioaa of tho day. ATTAIR3 IN CENTRAL AMKKI'A. fHB PEACE PWJiroOO- l'AVi.r.Mil.i. T" EMTA TIII- BEPOBTEB CABRCET CBiaM I\ r.'Vll.M W.a ntj "f Mexi.o. Aag. :J". vii. OalTeatofl.-MBnael r>;r_-ii~7. ('unlcmalan Mlatater, WBl iii'-rM'-.v d lo-dai reapertlag tha trutli of the icfart of a CabtoH r.i in oeateaBata. He Hrid that talefi ?roi reedved b l nlghi aad thi* iiwrning made aa B> .] '' Of ac:i-i ? Being aahed aboel lha lapofled battle between lUandaraai aml Balvadorlaoa, Henor Dlegaea aaM tke ?,-?-. Wn* v..pie. ii" polnMi oal laal ******** **** roirh ?na irullty of aaaaaaal ..-eot-raj.lUaaJ error-. The nunnr. ?.f i>en/v> nrmi.eon.'vil/- Iii OBBtiai Aater lea ?,,. ,.fii.iliu*. i.ut the geaeral belM m thal - \sBla v-iil 1..-1 ael a* PiaaMaat, and lhal when '??.<-' maka la-natad npea a latara to th.- atada ol aBalra exlstlng uetnra tlie death of >W...W. it WM ?Hh a saVrS BBdaritaBding that lh* l^jaUva 'Aaje?b>f oalstlng l^ tl.e btte Prealdenfa deaifc, aml i. -? to Menendot. bat wnr anpportlng RiMa. 'haiuld be ralled te govera the t uiiiti- nnUlthe ev t.n of a PreaWent, and tbat lhe rhofca ot ? it-i rt'?-t.t "laoaim l.-* Brranired laeforehaad. The pn e , '??," 1,. Bieto, bal .- avorded and ar .;. ,.,, \? H* to f.iiM nnbody'a feellnga, and i ra avBTha aa bafere wM* Baala aa Prealdeat, tiii*. DBATH OF B.\i:iMM'i* U Ubertad, Aag. 30, ria OalTaBtoB.-The PaMBc Mal! iteaaier Aeaaalea, whk* BrHrad bI lala porl i?dav. brtnga tha new, tliat Oeacral Itarrandla, arhp waa a aaaaea?ar oa Ihe reeaei freai Aeaaeleo, waa aaa/ ln bl itaterooni by OerataaiaBl olareri ..' Ban .'<? r, finaternala. I'pen tl." arriaal of tha rteaaier at tbal porl the aiitin.riti"- demaaded ti.e rnirrender ..f Bamindla - an enetn] ol the < .anlrjr. lt I* retwted that < ? piti iM-tiiiu npon from lhe Annrlnui MliiBtcr, wi,'. -io'i lhe ofBcliili bad ihe il nmceedlnga. allowed ihem 1.' They m ,,. i ntlempM to arreal liarrandla. who eai*ted, wher-eopon they Bred aereral bot* and be frll dead. Waablngtoa. Ang. 30.?AcBng Beeretary Wharton kaa reeelved a eahle dlapateh fron BlBlater Nlsner, dated ^a.i ?'"'?? Aag. 89, reaflnalng lhe rerjorted kining of aGeneral Jo?e Berla narraadia oa the ?icanei Acapulce, wblle realatlng an -i. Wlthoal dliaeai ini* the Inlernatlonal eonaeqBeneea whiit. raay foUow the kiBIng ?.f Barraedla. II can be rcx-all-ai Ihat on lhe Bnl aewa ef Ihe Cantral Araertran oatbreak Tha Trlbnae ralled alteataon i" lhe '?- ' ilia: (ieril'ral Baimndla, thea an a-\lli- ln M.-xi. .. wonM be an lataeriaal tartor lo lhe treoblea. II waa exahataed thal tbla man, who began hla ?... n i.f Ihe Je ni' order and Bflerward bcrame :i Mlalatea of War aii'l a tevorlte >.f Barrl ?, miKhi iT.viide Gaateaaala from 11. ? hTexlean fra-tnlter and proanoat agaiaBl Preatdeal BarUla a revoln km a-hleh tt.,uiii have t-Toutiv inipiiai.?i iii" iiit'i i . hla atruzalu with ealvador. rnriliv- araa pf*rfeetli rofmbuuil <>f thli diii.i.;'r, and thia i* way be dld not be Hal-a lo order the eaytare ol Barrnndla, drad >>i ahare, no ii atler where aad ander whal aag hand* eonld be lald aaen hlm. siiii. it aapear* lhal lt i^ to Bar.dia thal Barlllai is ladebted for being the aeteal Pre Meal of Uaate malii. in Mareh, 1883, Baflno Barrtos, after havlng pi-orlaun 'I tl.e rceofl 'ililti'in of t*l" uni'.l. of lh* BVB Repabllra of Central Ameriea, under the blgh dlrertlon of lii" own roaatry, OaateaiBla, marrhed againal Bal vador, whleh Waa oppoaed lo the ubIoo ander aarli ii. t.i!;"-. He waa kllled ..t the battle <.f Cahaalpa aad lhe reaaaaal ol kl anay Bed t<> the rapltai, where Ue^ral Harlla Barrandla eonld do wlth it a* he pleaaed, aa ke araa NlBltler ?-f War and lhe oaty man la Oaateaiala kaiing nllttary forrea al hla di pr.~ai. stiii. be allowed ih- Flrat i'<- Ignade," or \ I..- Preatdeat, Beaor BlnlbaBU, to auaiae power on April .1. But B faw dit\* lala r . twie fin atahed tivt Beaer MalbahU wai la eellaalen arllk the -ul- 1i.ii.iii-, and he ajul'tI.v realfBCd Ma pruv|.| pjeaMcaey oa B*arraadla*i reqaeat. Bothtai weald aarc beea raaler for lhe toriner prleet lha:. 1'i luoiiahn lilm-elf I're- i.l'lit. wi'h t'e rapport "f IBC army. uhlili be ?";iiidiit Iii ln raaaelty "f Mmi-ier "f BTar. Inatead of dolag Ihla, BarrnndJa eaaaed Ihe Batkmal Aaaembl] i. oeeepl lhe resB'tiiatiiiu "f Baoor Malhaldl, .... laa plea thal he aaa meatally deraaaed; aad h" aaked thal Oeaeral BerHlas, "i QaaeaoltawiaBao, arho avaa BBeond Vlee i realdent, abeaM i.o plaeed al tha bead of the Oov crnment. IBarrandla aenl Barlllaa maaj telepama, _j,hln_ liim tu rome aa i|nlckly an poaalble i i the ,,,,,1 iu tariiig ulong avlth hlm Ihe mllltari forrea he roaJd eommand from bli dUtrlet, tbe Altoa table-land* Itarllla* entered Ouatemah-a wlthout uiii exrort and lhe battallon "f -ijn. the moal Impoiianl ;and p'.i' ..i.all. deVOted "f hl* folaOWCTB, ' 18888 u.l" tha . ipllal only two daya later. Thi* 'i* rcrallod by llarruiidla, ln H.e pamphlet -i-r., I........ -:::..'' ?i.i.ii be pui,iM."'i receiitiy ln MeAleo, aa a deii*ive. u:i-?.-r to ll." I liaij-r* that he ?i.-. anxloea lo make hlmaeB Prealdent. Ile a? eepted 100a allarward t'"- app<ilntmeni'inalan Mlulaler lo lt ily. Bnl he -."' I.... oceapy hla poal for a kwig tn;." Ill enemlea areaaed l.i.n ..f havlatj od-.ei anlawlul poUtlral exeratlona, and c%]**ctollr <* tovinf ae fnuided Ibe Northern Ballroad vi KIOO.OiW. I-" rundla ha* atiempted l" oxplaln awaj ti.o-'' .na:." , bul !"? wa* Miineanai Impnidonl ln wmplalnlnj: ln his i.iimpiiiei tim.i tl..- Barllhv iJovernment inn l.i* famlly Into ll-e atrrel from a nianaon which liaj i'i-t liun --iii.-re tl-aii B100.D00." BBd li.'l ''"' l:-'aie.l i tber properta ..f hla ..f r??l valne. The?e adm . >n compeikM Impaitla! people i" ..-k bea H hid ta n po**t!.]e for a former prlc-1. Who hail ""ne y iiaile i.i Mini-i ;nl offtrea, to bulM iii' -in l. ;? barge fortiinoln h ah rt time. Barrandla reraained '?'. "xil" dnrlna t.ic !a?t few yeara ln Mexie i. whrnoe be iuuleB*ly avai. in >t tbe courae of aifaira ln Oaateaiala, waani h" aad jb?i eono, oaly tai be Kiiicd m tae eahii. of an Amcrirau 1'iclilc atoamcr. PROHIBITIOJS A MISTAKE. oriMONS or thk kki.m n PKESS OH mix ISTKl. KEID'S LKITEK*. TBM 01N RI IBO-fABLl BESB 08 BEKPIH- Oa'T 8MBICAB ffTBBK ? APPBOVAli Of TIIE AMKHIfW BIBISTRB- CABGUAGI Pnris, Aag. .io.?Tho -Journal dei Debato" in puhliahing tho lort.-r <.t Mr. Wbitrlaw BebL Cnlted State* Minisior, t.. II RH ot, llinlstef ol F. ret_ra -f talrB, eo_-8r_ing the probibitioB "t Ajnericaa park, i aajrs: " Fr.-noh prohiMtiun of Aiueri.aii pork BeCBM Bflnasooable, iu vicw ol ita ha* ine BwB year re? eeived Tiie hlghest pri/o Bl the ExpodtfoB. I'ndor tbeae rireuinstaiieos. we ll.iiik. in facl W9 kn-.w, thal the Fr.-n.-h OoverBtneBl will be dispoaed to romove the pr.lext [or the HcBt I_8pe<rtloB bill iiiti-oduood hy Senator RdnundB, earpeeially as the s.inifnry ,-xa:niiiat n-n whieh the Amerie ns pro poBC o'.Teis every -iiarantoe t,, Frone), i.80-8.1*9. It is improhahle. l,,,v.o\er. tliat the FtVOCfa OoT trameut will wlth iraw lin- probihitiofl hefore tbe UBBBiiiihlIng of the ChambeiB." Tho '-Toniiis." dJaeBBBing ii"- Batne eabjeet, aajra Mr. Koid's loi ter ni.i.v be eonsiderod as in 8088* degree an expoaitiofl ..t the inotiYea led t<. the i-'oent in.-,.huros ..I retaliation. The "l'aris" says : "lf tbe __-8BI*-8 of rrtalia ti m should be vi-orouslv ontiireod. it would COi otT the si.le of 400,000,01,0 lia-ies' worth of Frcuch produet annnally. For BUCh Ofl inior. si il is well worth while t" BBrrltlcr Botnethlflg. Th* pnblio beahh will n..t he [laoiaged by admitting a rew toflfl of Anioriiau p.,rk." ? The "Fi'-'i;!"" tbin_8 thal Fi'anee W88 wroflg, both ln thoory an.l iu practiee, in pruhihiting tho inportation of American pork, bnl il holda that it is now Impoaaibk to move backward, and espe.-ially la 11 iBapoBBlbk to take rh.- attitnde of yielding lx*foi_ ihe econoniic threatB of Iho Ameri.ans. " Whal is n.-e a-l," m.vs tl.o - Flgaro." i.s sinialy tho coui-fe lo walt aod bs* arhnl rrault* are goini t, befall Franee. We oanool preveni any per.Miii eloaing hia doora to ..ur producto, bul we can, ln rcturn, nol open our own doora too widoly U> him." The ".Mopttoiir L'nlrerBer polnta to the rwjent addrcaa of M. Bibol ..s provinii tl?l the (io lnonr is ronvineed rhal 11 mual ahai rlon Uie idea ?l proliibitiou. rhia eoociiiaioB, it aaya. waa .,., , ,.,i h,.., the Uovernmeut liad h?*nrd fn.ui M rtoustnu, Ihe Firneh Miuister al wn-lilngtm, t i...t ,i b'rane* prr-i*t*-d in proliiliiting tho imp?.rla lion nl Amerioan pork 11 woul I bave I ? Bubnul 1 - B heavy a.l\ nee ih tbe dutlea "li n.s produetrj, nartieulnrlv silk, winea and worka ol 1 rl 1 ?? | , j ,;,,,...... uka .*!""' ' " rieneh wine crowois now think ol tlie iHuation t ? which r.-.:s;..r.,?i haa k*d. H Iwlhrvea thev will 1 ai-iv S....11 I"- ronvln.1 lh~1 there ia lit+le julvan ti-.- iu pr.'t.-. ting Frrneh awine, and, In tho [ntereal of l>i*et grow? re and ? . proi Ihitlve duti.-s ..n tmericau rorn, il the rrauli Ih t,, I.-.- their ..-mi markel Tl.o "XlXe Si.-.:.-." aftei <i>i"in- Mr. Behla l.'tt.-r aava- "Wi 1 do nol - ? n approvc al.s.'li'itoh the !.n???? -? "' Ih" I l.llod Sl v| . .,,., fhe prohilntion 1 . itnal American pork ?v,- 1 iatlll. ai.d We ln e '" l""> f"r " T"" <?' ,r'N Bnl t.i wian t" pul an end verj aoon t" sueh a ? t-undalouB me u TBE i.'Iii.m: OVI B i ra rwt.s. MAffTT Pl Rfl ' 8 ?'?? WBED VILT-AOl 9 FU _ii ,w BAI? - :?- -v\n/.ri:i.AM?. Vieniu %Bg. BO, Tl"- l ' .:'."--1 II .,. ih* \",i,:.-..' '!!??'. me , Lactnaa aml 1 I aod ?,. pa*aa_M tutvo mwn <ir"* ,.;..,?. A., , ?? iieHW rartn ceaHtaa* m ? i_m?|, eaa Ing lo_<- Bt Um rtvora. 1 have bc ratlon wtth th* C_nlon ,-f OrtwiHi I,- tlie hlah vret i, .V?t .011.1.itinl.-alne.J . puroa ln th- Arlberp mountaln. I ,,v ,?. ul tlie aawc raa ? ? ' l?P ha o. ln bt. ..olliir.l I'.ss. ? - BBMUBATIOB OP Tiir. 8BBV1AB l \i IM r. Belgrade, Ang. .'i'? 1''*? r*.-rvn*:i r_i,ln.-i tm- r?. t-ll.Ii<-.l. Thoro :,ir- J.i-t now M iihiiv !. i: . U0tt8 ln s,.,\,.i 1:, it ,1 i haifl i" '?- ex " '!-' ? hal < > ' "' "' Igiwtlon '?'? Uie ' ?' Pei al ut I. I - ? l| ,; .,, llflVO, ..f " ? I t*l 80 4*. I'I y,m terial rrta. ??"' .'? ? ?' 1.v.? uiat, m, rrgnnl l ? porrlj rtOBie I- -im and th* ,',. 10 be oh ? iv-I i' . ? ? tlna ex-BIni Mii u Ul, .. ..< --.jf. and tlieli -.ti. t'. -.?.., i? Kl ? ? Uci i.,t onl r." II - ' perterl bi rurd i ol lhal Hm ?' read 119 ?< n m ?: . -. 1 . ? pollti. - - " ? ' ' ' '? ' ' ,,-::""1 '' , , ,,?. . ,., .!?!?? them. --ni- " ""'::i '?''? ',- Bdopilou ..( ' 11 .- 41 m. . ?- ?' a ' ll,,-,.-,,.. whleh rtrntliiued pt-elie_llj U> l"'" :i... impoH.iUon ul Mervton ,:-?.?;. .I Mr -'""'? .., ui ter to Au Irla, alu '? <-' ;-. ,,,;,il..|. lt li ..hi. "I"'-.-- * '"?' "?'' ?,?, h -'? . fi ', . . Imp 1-1 '!?? ? **- '/?''," ". !;?.,'i,:,.,i i.v BelgBM.* 1 a .mrtlon of ??? "":;,', "rn- .,.' ' H ?* r-?? .I 1 ? n ]'? ? ., .. , -., rvlative 1- Uie roi.llnuan.-4_ ??' ' ." " ., . a M.-iv.- ? il'llIB bl \n ?' ' ,;?.!.]?;??? ..1. '?.'i.""i '?"?"> H'-? 1."?l,:"" ;,?'::,_;;.;,I,,. ^S^OT.Vm Khotild liare bnnurhl H '''? "' Imuilloji ??l t1' ;''''-;;, ? [ a.i- vl r.\ a 1.fiHa-n " ' '?' ? ;''"''" "f, rt. Ite real r?n_e ot th. l rrWa. ,i,,?l?,v.-l? ^rvM.ull iiiore pli-nl ?.. tv,, ihosa a-hnluve Ju.t reflgned. m TIIK K1N'. ?F PIlBTtTIl VI, M.I ? , ,. .nn _ai 1. i.e ?-i-.ti-- "f Phrtoiml li BoBer . mi.tark ..ti ? i? ?' ;' ,l"11- "" .-,.i'iii.. _ ,,-M v- 81 PPR1 BrtKiN OF IRRKDF.NT1 I Vleana. An.. 30. Tlw -Kremdcnblalf pnl,h?hc m ?,,,,.. ,,,,):,v roiigratulallns Un lUllan li >i rninenl ??',, th* a, 1 ' :''?'' f"r ""' M,i'"!' ? ,'i?. irrodei.ll l , und do. lare. tlial Ul v alll liave a ;;[r'l" ,';: .,'?,, ,,*.,, upon th* rolatloui he.vv.-rn Aatstria mw I1~1J 0 L|V_W LOCT BY TIIK < i.i.l-AI-i: OP A ?r.i.iM! ,., .|..Ug. aa Th.Itor of 1 brcwerj ln Wo tt eilt/. -.-iv-t,-. ln whirh a ii,nni"-f oi rn. 11 wer* Bl . .??' 1 "i.\. liunliiB fclateen "r ''?' " rl'""'!' ,',;'?,:? ';: J-i.n v..,,- m\* and tk* real arer* levereU inJnU'il. # BO itr.v.-i.i ri'.N in MAWAii vr.r. ..,., ir,,,,, , . Aug. 30. .'? Mner Alan>"'?' ,, \ .| Ui daj Irom -"'"'"' :""1 ".lll!u- u'' " trom llonolulB lo Augn 1 !S1 ilat* lhal IBe ler-: UBura tmi rrochfd Uw latj eeond da) "i 't- 1 ?fon ,ni.i ;, ...n-i.i.-r.i'i'- im .unt ol ??? rt 1 >'i been ?" ? '" l. 'i ii.- approp 1 illon LitTI liad n arljr n a?.1 tli - ,',',! , f ,1 . ... mi 1 kdlnit. The 011I3 poU. ' ' "'" '" thal ha _cr?rr*d lo rroale ? ripple oti t_c " ' ? ,,:,,,,,: .1 affair ari ;. i?-.1 pr? uted to tb* Bln I j natlvc 11 !**?. P '' ' -' ""' ""' **W?ln9i_-i*l "' i, ...nv.'iiiioii i" draw np .. ravl ed aon litulhin. 'iiii . ,. mi \u.-a t 11. <"i tl..- foii.wiii.- dav th-* .. ,. ,,,??! over ; .tne l,v. I.;,. ? A-.M-n.blj bv royal I ,.. ,.e. Hllls hnve ;lh.'..t> I.II I lltr "I 'li ' .1 f'l th' ,???,?,-.. ?f ann mll ?' llio*e lan ??- In the pr* ent ??"' ?H"U ,.'i t'. vvlii"!: th" 1111111 ol.Je.'tloiis im OBl.I. , 1. ,,. '.,i-,. bnl rv ? el In th* harlmr, tha \.,,i'n wliieh leave. lur Rngland ihortly, to be im reedeit bv th. w.u prite, tlien dallj espeetod, and th" \ , |f win, h awali '.I "? tbe lr.M|ii..l . t" relleve her. wlien ?he .vill return boBie. \ |,? ,1 Bteamer returued to llonololu f""'. 188 j, ,, . _. .:,:.., _||| ,,1 V.Iai 01. Aie.'ii I 11 vvilh Mar-lml lion:..;-. ?'ho, vv.ii. <ii|..'riiiieini.'tii Bvam and twelve polleemen had been Ihore lo Inretdlgatfl 1 r-pott-8 oulbreak. Tbero wer* tventj nin* naUvea roneeened in tin* .t1 turi.aiir'-; ..{ tbe* 1 foorl -ti vm 1 ? aire-tcd and ,.,,] on 1 rbarg* ol 1 uttting Super1nt***n_4*nl Evan*, v I,,. a..- badly maltn_tod. 'iii-v wen ronvirted and icnteneed tn dlff4areBl Uwflii "i unprl-on_-ent. The r____ uf tho <ii-iini a....- 111 that tl.e **e*-oni un ,.'..1.1 11,,.i Bvan iif.i.i-i i.iillitit- -own all lioii I,, Kabiwan h.-.-m-e ono dllapldated .U-Ctura kaa 1 m j, 1. in down. , ,_ . . M 1" Kal.1l.a11a five .'. I:iiii|i..-t nl 1 al " l U. __. idniinil Hrown provloui t>. th* rrulier ? ii.n-.--~ ,,'is leiiMii.* the IsUuid*. whleh ihe *ii<i onder lealed order*. H '* ~,?','?', ,U:,i ,,", a_8-i8B lnttv-tl of tho ii-u^uoi. v. iii itUeva Um BtpakB A DEMOCRATIC OUTRAGE. THE BfASEB Of BEFUBUCAB AND [ABOB BAIaLOTS A.*>'\n.TF.D AND BOBBED. \'.'!' Otf A tlOl IV T1IF. ABKANSA'S C08JBTT WftBSI CI \VTON WAS ASt*ASTSIN'.\TF.I> LOCU, 'in. BM I'I'.I'**:nt, ni'T i e makk MO IFtXBkl TO PBa> VI'NT THI DEED. I.Itfle Rork. Ark., Aag. 30 (S|>c. lali.?As ihe Utthl Rork tralfl palled lato MerrUltoa, at ia*.40 to-day, it aai tirroandel by 1,300 Deaiorrata, aml Qeorfa \v. Miniii. a eltlaeB af Uoaway Ooaaty, araa araa rarrylng t.ikiii rni',11 Labor Btate aad i oaaty ti. kete, waa atrarli i.n tii.- beal rdi tin."- wBh loaded eaaea aad kaoeked BonaeloaB. Tlie tli kota wer? then tal.en by the IVmo n:it BBd '!? Merrillfmi I* liftv mlle* Weat Of Uttle Boet aad tho eeaaaj seat of Coawaf ooaaty. lu whleh .Inlin M. (liavtotl w _* iis- BBatfl it<**l WhUO looklag np erkleaee to conteal tha ual ol Cuufieee man Brecklarldra, of tha Ud Diatr i L The IraroedbUe raa*e ol the treahle it Nerritttiai lo iiii * h i.i tpi poaae i,,ii .,f ih.. inloii Labor laillota iu;.i t.i eieak veaaaanee na Oeottpa Staatt, who i* rbarged by the Beraocrata nith bayiag arfaalaed . r..'1'i vreiy ao tt. Mr. BraaU left Llttte !*?;<*u alth 7,000 I'lii.m Labor aad Beaabrkan Hekefa, avhu-h had l.a prlnted la Bt Loata t<. preveet tae Daaaaeraai tram eoanterfeitlng them, and thaa aataariag lhe eol ... >i rotera The Ihaaocrata had aaed every BNthod i,, tpn |. ? ..f a aaaiple cijiv. i.ut wlthoal MU i*--,; ...i tbey I'l.ii-.t'it Bereeal baaatred hoiaamea al the itathai aad forroed them la regalar n.-ufiai array. They awalted the traln, whlrh a ipj in i.iiiie it.K.l{ bad Inroraaed thean woald earry Mr, .-.nall antl tl..- ll.lieK. The BOBBted men wem und-r'ini i.f Carroll Araiatnmg, whom Jadge Mii'hire ilepped Ih the raee <iurin_r the roogreaa Coeimlttee'a aeealoo ln thia rBy. Two long lin<'~ "f r.'iv.iin were fnraied, tae raca being arrayed ln red nd rarrylng nlolatare flaga. Wlthta tae Maea of eavatry and aear the rallroad tra.k two Uaea of Infantry were fonaed, aad when lha ir.iin reached id- .'liiinn the llaea cloaed, ae that tba traln wa* i..'iip!eie]y lairoatided. \t a atgnal fr.nn Clr rall ?*l n< * .i.-if aVrlght, - bandred of ih" in -ii bcarded tbe traln, and the rar eon g Mr. aaiall waa antered i.t doera and wtadowa, ;i ? i .iii ?vaHable apare aaa Blled wlth the mob. i "ni>\. a depaty iheriB, ti." man who i- inlted Jndge Beajamla, aad the man whom Judge Clayton charged rlth .'.illia kuoarledge <?f the _.. ,- inatlon .?' <'Uyt.ui. jame* I.ueaa. arhg un- ronvlrted ..f frauda, and Vialter i' AMi*. another ballotnoa thlef. entered tlie rar, and wliile thej were end. ivorlni" tu . t th" aatchel con laJnln. iiii" balMv other pemon? atrnrk Mr. Bmall on tlie li* io wlth loaded i.n.'-. .1. '.?? UcLaaglilln, '.f tlii* iit\. who waa oeenoyliig .. -.? wlth Mr. Kmall. arm *!.'. a oin B ?: 'i il- .;*'t over the aeat, bui \ i. nol -eri, Imrt. After the tirkcta avere <i ihe m >i. r ?l" ?.ii. Th" sherifl aml hla dep nti". '..."i*- pr-, ???: ? rl ? . ?? ralled "I. for pl '" hui ihey pald i n attaantlon lo tla re |i* ;. , Tll'o BBOTBEBMOODB \T ir.t/7. - . Anl .io. !."<?, Ai.u'. ::<>.- The rorrteal between "... - mtl -n I-,. ifli Ballaay and tho if Ita aafui in-- laemhera of Ihe Itrotlierbood haa asaurned ,i it |. aoa atrk tl] a .!? pnte between rhnod <?'. L eomotla ? K. i and 1 ?? Hrotherliood "f Loromotlve I'lremon. it eaaM ahoal ln Ihla way: The 111*11 Bltrhie, who waa appolnted -? - traln and I..i';1 ?lnl lhe Br-'it'- rl;.> ?>! "f Bnjrli "? nuamaty oii 1 . Bl .1 .1 I.ll ?'.' Of ' ?.<??% .'.-.1 th ii Be be rt |.nt 1:1 h. p] t"-. I the 1 ?"! refh ed t" ?!"? The engineera here -.?nt ..a b commlttee t" Hen I'rai'.-. i i.< eoafer a-lth th? in .... :.,...! ,,f ibe roaet, and if thelr rta I 1 . .... 1 ,?i rett ?? i" a ."i'i. they aaa they rn top even traln NewOrleani - , , , -. ,1. ihe UniUici li ?>?i of Lw ? nmila ? pHipoBeti t.i rlaind t'V IJ11.II". It. too. uill wi,<l 1.11 a ri.niuiltiee t,, r.?n Vmii. i?'.? 1" ronfaar avlth w- nern memln?a '.f Ihai order if ibel ""? "' Bllehle I- mit. I, they all! d ? to I np lhe r >_. ? -? .4 P/.VI tXBATt BTBDBBBB rAPOBT . - ,'?. An?. iH-f'i*' mklnlghl Prlday r ...'.,,: | itch from i'r . | i ....,,.,-. loathwevl nf here, ronl irnli 1 Ihe Bd. MrCart) : wlll le iu Cloelnnall , ? Th- aewi spr.-aai iiUe wlldflre. aad In ' mlnutea &00 people were af pollrc headi|nartera arall ,- Bd. HrCarty, Ihe man thal ahol ..'?i kIBed - Keddermao In Ablaall at. i..-' Bainrday nlahl jiii.1 avlao bII lhe week alnra hi* been bafllli g Uae mtlre ji,.i;,'.. force c' l lorlnnotl, ?h > were dlllgi ntly - - hlm. It ww .uii paal 13 when tbe arrlved aaiili the pr|a_nei haridriiffed ? ? Ira-tlvca Va'ltte I ?? ' I ; l"*'? """"' , .: ! . Irlai C".- u> i u'fl ?' aflerniBiii. ? ,,i..iii half paal l" i.'i'.i:!.' arrvted thelr niaii. m.i nrl i ? nl ,"i Uw . .< | . . , i.. ?;. lhe I . i ... i.i ... r . U! ?--. iwaafKerliiR :. ?: ai ' -?''" ?'?'? ,,ni I,, ih ? poUf '?' .il. ';i ihe ? ?? ? hauun ?? uf ,.. ,: ,,,... ?i , ['i.i' ho li ? .Ba a :, hlm -.-If t" he. \l. i j...' bnd l?'ii in hldtng ul n lumhrr . Bmp i.n Ihe K. ....; iida . I ihe rivcr, op|Mwlte ItBlim mui. Ind. II . ,,., ..-.. ,? , ,, i, ' . i I ... >.. I" i hi"f "t Pi i?. ? .:, re ln la]. Bnd li? ?' irh rt luu ? I > the i.i,, .? iu ii l.iigio , Mei'nn ' illng luml-er bi <i ; .. , .<? rl irk ' r I"""" "I "l"" hlm uddenlr. Il<- .le an eBoti t" draja bla re ro|a-er. bul v.t- 'iiilrlilv itlanrmeil. Ile sa>> he aitlke.1 ?ll ||?. waa I ' ? -"."I '""I rrad lhe iiew pap. i i. Ume nf hl-. eririi". II" dld nol attempl ti. denj th ? he wi. ? ""'?;" Iled ? . dn n ln aeii ,..'.;,,.? ln ihe p..lie" "irt tl.- mornlng hla raaa mi, .i.iitln'.iil uatll t'eptembei 10, 0AMAOB BUTta QBOWIXG HCT OF A FLOOR. i ui. ;i ;.>. Aii ' 30. A '!? P??'? h <r :" Baa Chi wi-.., i- Papera have been prcparrd la the flwl ol the hlg anlia for damaga t.. property bj the greal ( hlppewa Blver dood of alg year ago, ,iiie.;e.i io have been .:iii*.'l b) oefllfonl managemrnt and faultj con -tnutinn ..i di. Ai '!." mtiit"!". llmlUtion ei , ,, f,.n ,1;,., . the papera ... all the aull ?ill be .. ,lt ,,i?". The Bral two a. tlona an- th.> a of M. ll. Barlj againal Frederlrk Weycrhaiiacr and othera ln tne i lilppcwa ( ...inty I'lrcull Umrt, for damagea . i Um .um ..f ri.".'an?. aad A. D. ? hiivi'-ii mjuln j Knd.-rlrk VVeverliBiiaer ai.d otlie.i . ln the . Inult (,..t i,?- i;;,,i c;.ii,' i nuiity. ri* ??:<'.. daniBiMji. i io i, -. rewtfl ..f .lrti.,,1.-' ftBlmed lu iill already ln tho iij.i.i-, ..I th" kfawyera H nearrj hall a mllaon. srir A0A1X8T rm: BTATE OF ILUXOtB, , ?;,? ...,, \;,-. :w .-I.II, Jean PapUale Maariee de (Baetloaqnct. of I-arl*. Krance. ha* broughl aultngul I tbe Btatn "i litaflaaa t" Afhrce paymenl of pl. v.irth of i.ui'i- "' fi"' i* bc of I8M and Intrreal ::,, ., The aall la dlreeted againal Andltor farr Md Treaaurar Leairke, who hava refaaed to pay o? ii?. i?.t ,i uni." dlreeted ui do -? by the court. Tho '' ? , ? ...w.? v .are rhe 5 per oentB laaued to , i?-,', , ? li," -'.t" debl ln ..'oriliiiite wllh Iw ael ;;Mii: -"'"' aaknowftthe^areiiea BboatBU^OO .,1 ti,. boada uaUlandlng. rtBCaTaTD W? TBB OBLAWABB COABT. MlUOrd I?'i.. Aa* 30.-Tbe acbooner Baale Bertek ?n la aaak abeul B*re mlbw outhweBt of ********** i blafl ,. loadrd avlth a raraa of raw bhtei IW W l. si,..n * fo.. of Mllford. Tbeveaae h, lytnf ,?,?,....? f,,-t ..I aaa.-r. j? ? ??',.? i?tof lln,' I-la.-l. Bta ; ; BontheT. .'." rrVa rant. aahore lh thrtr baat TbecJJiaa!l*v:,l...'l Bl W 000, BBdla B total lo- - WA* ? TWBXTT BATTLBB OF TBB CtYIL WAM. (arlMf. III.. ABB. *>? ***** ^ * SflTiS autj oa,dledhr?b>day. Ile wa* eagaaM ln tweatj baitte* dnrlag the tata war. Ha araa woaaded by a Iroaae dHogd tato prS* ?**** ** +**- _ 9ABEIXQ TBB WBBCB OF Tlir. WETBOUBr. Boal. Maaa., Aag. UO. -Tbe Ughtbaaae lloard taa plared a blaek aad red baoy aa Ita wreck of the ar.aer Weyboa-et oa tba broton paH of IWk ,., .,,?. |,n?v |a i? f.,ur lathoiai af arater, abeal ?sw^sa^A*-' Md i.ll i.....v* wlll rlrar the wrerB.^ 1/./. Tlir. BXTBA TBIPa TODAY. ,,?. tutv.-i le Loag Draach aad Coney Warad Cl^Si'S.'tS.S-aa.-aa.a* open is not .vct dcrided, ?n<l tne cxrursion Is &o f-oi.l and ao rhaap ln prtrc tliat it should not be 8_a888_ Tlie l-oats run dlr?-< t Ut _M Inm pler* al 18* Kland ai'.l i!n- iln.: fcteajnori doinir, tliis work run -to often that tlio tnivel is nii.-ly B8*08_-0-M9i during the entlrc day and cvenlnir. THIS COUXTRY CAXXOT IXTERFERE. ANswrr* of tiii; dkpaktmf.xt 09 state to M BW-TOBB AMBBB3- NS. The tnouibers ot the Amienluo "('-lnny'' of Ncw York Ik-i.i aaothet BMM8-8B8?ng at BBatern t>t_r Hu.;', - reqth-Bt. and Thlri ave., inst ara-lag, to .-on.ider ihc nuidition of bBB-I* ln tln-lr natlve .oimtry. Dr. m. s. (.ai.ri.;. Hm preaateai ..f tha eeto-y. a.t-.i aa ctialiiiutn. Aftor the iisiial introdii. tory BCrvk** ha aaai tha foii.wlng lt-tior irom A.timi Beeretari of 9mm Wl.arr.'ii in reply to the pcrltion ?ont to tlio Pl.ii8*u| twa 8108?1 ago: I have t<> B-baoWtodfe tho re.elpf of your <oni munioaUon?referred to inis i%pn.rtm>nt t.y the PkbI dated tl.e. 1998 inst., _ran_jB-U-U| Um toxt ea a petithM to Um I'roMtii.-nt adopted al h wm? meeting iietn bv ihc Arni'-nlan Colony in New Vorii on i.-.e M of AugUtt, 1880, in ivlation lo tin; suiTcilng toavUtion of natlve ArnMalani nndar the ruk* of tne Kuniisii ulfl ,-.- ,ii r:ie Hitoiaan Bi ii'iro,. Wlth tl.e peUUon Br* imioM-d itaiementa aUeguig eruel perioe_l-oq of tho Al'lii'iila.'is l.y BOUSIB l*-y. _ T.ul.i-ii gOVetBlNr. .-.. inr a-s tho loiiittu-t of Mouiaa lie. is coocerned, the tagatlou ?f ttic Unlted Btate. at (*oa?tan_nople tus I..-.-H unren_tU-g ln urglng his puntshment mr rartaln outrage. he is praved to have oommlttod upon Ameriran rluiena, nut up to thla time without re_ul_ As regard. tne eondtuon ol Hu* natlv.- AmMnlan*, the Uovernmeni of the Unlted tsutet u well awaro or u.o aUegationi of Kurdlsh oppreaaion whleh bava been made, anil ll (Ma before now bei-n aaked to Int-rv-ne iii BUpport iif the (i,-inanit of the Power- Whlch sitrned tn- Freaty of lierlin, that, In .enformlt** wlth Um e.i-t Aitii'i" tbereof, tlie oviis of ivhu-n Annenla romplalna .ball be mltl.atrd or ivtnm.-d. Thla t.ov cmuieut, houevi-r, ls not B party tO the Tr.aiy of Beiliu, aud tl...- tnuUUonal poliey of the I mteil Btate*. whlch fornid* lulerventlon In tne attHi". of Ruropean uaUona, preelmtra any aasociaUoB wlth the Powera toward the exeeutton ol eompacta inmiiK themiclvo_. looklng r.i the rontrol or modutcatloa of governi.taj authority m th"9e ooantrM*. lf any IntereBta of American ciU_emi ihould i.- InjurlouBly atfected, the ra*. would ii.-rinit Independent e\_nilnatlou at,<l acUon by rnli fJov?___ent, whleh eouM ln bo eaw appaal to the obtlfationf of Turkey toviard tlie MB88a .,i Biirop* under Ine Treaty >f lierUn." l.r. i.ahr'"l. lu roiiun-ntliiK upon tlM r-epiv of th'< -t,-" LMpartment, bbM thal it was aot i aiaappoint ment. it ihowed, he aaid, lympathy, an<l lympathy wh- what Uie Arinenlans vlahed. it proved ako, that ..tiiers ii. <i iiireariv intereatcd themaelvea ln Um toi-ta ,.t i:. natlve eountry. rhe Do??tor made an etoquent ;,..-, a ,,n the auiTeringB nl iii- fellow rountryraen,aiid i?i .... utoii th- "illertloti ..f a fuiul to be used toward tin- miieiioritiiMi ?f their rondltlon. Addre-ses wera alBO made by M. BaBhazar and Mr. Vailotiglan, whlch -i,..vie.i that tao AnnenlaiiB believed timt they would iinaiiy trinmpfa over their Turklah pers.-. aton. Tiro ijves r/jsr BY a YACRT r.tpsiZISO. Oio-eeater, Maaa., Aug. 30.?A annll raeht owaed l.y .1. II. ilall. ol raiiil,rit!;.~[?i"t, W_0 is l_K*-dlBg th* lunaaor at AnnlBquam, waa rapafaMd to-day in Ipawleh Bay. Ilaywood liaii. ag*8 -ereneeoB, a nephaw ..i iho owner, and W. II. Uoymoor, aged twentjr-ooe, <-f iioivoi.e, Baa*., wero drowucd. John Aauneo, ?>! rambrtdgeport, another "f Um party, ?-_s found by ,i ru. hi ii ".lin- oo the water and was _co_f_l Mhore aml ii-siis. Itatod. THE EBTATE 09 JOEN FEW. piooMateri Ba***. Aug. 80 (Bpeclal).- Bprvanu* RiiiiUi, w. ll. Jordan II. r****_l_a, appolnted i,v ti?. i- ?..... courl t" appratae the eatate "f the in-- John Pew, have eampleted Uwlr dutte* ?.nd jlve Uie fnll wlnf M tli- re-ull <-f their vatuaUon: Beal c?tate, #t03r-00; perfoiial. 81-8,88100; total, 8-51, -;,l <?'?. ABBEBTED /'"/' 8TBAW.Y0 oni.D WATCEEB. Bofton, Aup. ri" (Bpoelal). 'i-i-s Pmlth, who lajri he iuo- in Pltchbarg, and Aiurt Barr, wh.. s.iv> i. ? i. employed on a ratUe ataBBMr. a*ei*a B*fre**t*d l4st nlghi al the Borth Bnd. The bbm bad Bv* *rah*aol< |oU watchaa la theh poaaaaatBU, all rvBMotly Btotou. in tb?* poehet <>f one of tho men waa Band a note, whlek j,:p'-"1 tliat ln- ."ine t" PHebUurg and roi. a Mr. -iiwvei's -t .re ati'l tli n gO to BOW-YOfk. TB* gola waa u-iiiii <?pt*vin Beandy. A aaroad aol* waa r-m.i whlctl iild timt the poine were on to th-ir nud ;!, ,r Ihe ...?'?- w i- Bp." ? - ? .4 nu; PMAtatM rtaa is xnimi d.ikota., Aag. 3ft "The .1. urn.-il'." Dl.kin-o-i. N. i).. dlapatrh iava: "A wldaapiead aad d?*__cUv* prairie Bre ravaged bu-drodi "f thowsBBdi of Brraa aion- the Little Bl8?ourl Blver tfeo or threi* dajra ago, atiniit f,.nv iiui.s trom the atatn Um "f the BOrUwrn l'a.'tl. Ballroad. The -n-at ran--- of Ib* II. T. Cattbl Company ?? ..- iwept . l.-.-.r. Tho tli-o w_r put. oul by :,.,:, ol nr-es Whleh were Mll.-- for tho PBI_j088 *f them ;is dracs lo exfingulsk ih- 988808. Tho i?,--.-. w.i- -pin up tho tm. k and thetr iare.:.? drsKired over th.- rottntr) h\ kmg ropes. Twelvc liiiiiili.-.i head Ol lior-es \v.i>- -t.tnipv<l"U 98 the f mr V lll.l-/' PfT 0B8TEFCTION8 ON TIIE TR.trK. I.owell, Mas-., Aag. 30. Iawr-nro r.r_t.on. an . . Bped Inmate of tn- Catholle Protertorv, Bew-York i ity, wai arra-ted bere t div for placinf u_*Uae_o_i ou tha i.. i .a aad teiweii BaUroad tracka. lio bb-BOwI ? his i:iilit. 8BB10CB nF A CLEBE'B FRROR. .i.'fT-r- -a rlty, Mi.. Auu*. 30. \ a*J*4*ovory haa beea l::.i.|.- by UH >t.ile Attottiov lienor.l t.V ,1 iTer.<:il .iti.i- on the pn-; oi th- enrolllng .lorii <>f ih.' kwl t-'iiute tn.- .int.haptcr on teet <>f ihe BevBod Mattili?? el I -s(i 1. 4' ,<i. rBf DESTTTtnrON IS OELABOEA. i.Ma'i'.m.i < ilv, Ind. T-. AUg. to Captain liurl, wi?, wa- delalled hy Ibe IVar _tepa4H>nent t" exaailne Int ali'-..i .ii-iiriuiot <*ni-tinj_ iu this eonntry, ha i ? ??nt in his report After rnaktng a thoraugh InveaU (ovilcm he found a few raaei of r*etnal rieailtu-on, and 1, ..;,at many who wonld Im greatly beaMBted bj belng fiinilslird w-Mili Bl a tei-.ti..-,'!.- ...'-ip-ii-ation. Ile rerommendi thal nrlual ra_of nf ileitltufton be relMvod |.\ ihe l.fiiance "l f'..i. rhrthlng. and lhal ihe balanre ,.f tin* money be ipenl ln bulldlnn i".-nls aud brldptri. il.- cspccl.illy ri-'iu'-t- that iom?* metbod be adopted vhore'.v -c.-d wheat < .n b.- furntahcd ? ? .1 I'HU.ns ETBTEBIOCa MBAPPBABANCB. Xanrlwster, 8 !'?? Aag. 30 Barah Biraad, elghl rran old, who wa* broughl fo rhli .i'v from On I viiie, B. !?. by her rather, to be edarated in a eouveot, dl appeared on Thur-.i iy. Iler fatnor l.-fi ber ln IB* morning withoul hl. eual iwarj klr.. and a?er ,?_ 0ver rhe ovewlghl Um rhlld lefl Ihe Imumj and hia ?ot ilnre b-wu aeen. it la thoughl ahe haa tlrowncd heraelf. ^V IBANDONBD YYRErx AT SFA. Ohrareator. Maaa., Ang no. CBptaln Seoly. f?f t;'' . er llnatler, raoai Oraaid Banka, rf*porla on .uguai 88 in laiiiude i?, kmgttade 89, f.-n ln wlth ;?id hoard.-d the Brltfoh 80-01.f BdBBUUd, "f Atuherst. n b lumber kulao, waaerioggoi *'u| 9b*Bdn_Bi <ap UUn'rieelj took mt the nn* and rlg*4ruc Bodjjet 8rai to I ? wreck. bul it ?"oi'lu not l.ura. I*he **rocli ls _ !,;,!";,;? XtrueUoo to -avlgalkm. .votliing la known ?f tbe eraw. vrniTF. r.trs ix iiAtxe. Me.. Aug 30.?Oo* buBdred mon weaiiug ?hltO 'ap'- BBd masks i:illo.I at tlie hons.- of t'aai-l vVoodnmn In IrvtagBOO at niidnlKht OB Thni-Mlav, aad BPon belng rofuaed ralmlttance deawllaked tho ioor .,,?, pntered tlw booae, and made * Uiorimgh bul ??,. in e.pii for Woodman. rhey bad made ![,,ir,,pni''!,!s J. .ar Ud feother him lor wife bcaling and otli'-r otl'-nie-s. FlltlSO OS .1 PABBtNO TRAIS. Kanaaa rlty, Ang. bU-TBb 9a_t* 18 \amnBt* IntB which bere al 8:80 p. m. waa Ind u,,,,, wiiea al.oat twenty mUtt west Of thi* -ity. Tbe markimen ar*r* hkBMo ta Um klgh crass some dlitance rr. Ih* nOlway traek, an.l eoBM bc toeated ,,?h si the puBa of m."' trom their rMea. Neveral . h..'" pa -.-ii through the '...-. Bo one waa ,;;.", ,i?. flyiiig buUeta, bm Ihe **_8set_8t- ar*a*j badly trlghtened. _ iVIin TBEBW nm BOWE TIIE stepsi Beyer, a Qttmtm walter, was found aenae I__m in ih.- aUey adjoinlng !). II. Boit'a lidgtag bouae, v,, |50 Chrj 'ii'- -t?? euell re*tardBf. IU* -huii waa i, !*. t.i- f - rh* poBea aeol bla lo Um Oonm-eur HoopKnl, wheea ke wa* boBoved t" be dylag. II waa tho'.-ht 'ttiat he had been Bung down the fronl tep* .f ih.- lodutag iioi.-e aod draaged Into tii>- altaty bj iiikiii'vvi, hUaallantB. Detecttvai won- Lu_y making InnuIrS* aboui the todfdng houaa y.-ieui .y. Mcyer wui nol able to latt and ll was 9wrad th-t bo would dlo without UUIini* who hurt hlui, MR. BELM0NT8 FUTURITY, HIS 00LT8 OOm IN FIRST AND SECOND, WIBBIBU Nr**4.RJ.Y 867,000 I.V ONE MI'NTJT?, FOURTF.ITN AND ONKFIFTH 8EC0NDS. It was a -zratoful ehanjre from the illimltable and immeasurable aleierts of Montnouth l'ark to the pleasani gTB?dg of Sheepehead Ilay: from a plaeo a.f penaneo, avhere the alistaneea are ao gieal that the unforttinate spei'tntor, with etrain itilf eyi'K, faiiinjr, vision BBd purzleil bmin, ia obliged t<? xui?ii at the iiK'i<la>uis of the raee wiiicht is iu progrer* in soine diui vibta fur away. to a trtie pkawtlC glWBBll. with nohle trees, hroad stretehea of briglit ifreeti turf, lmtulBonie buildinjrs, pretty fiovaer-plots, charniinj; surmundinj-'a, and tracka on whleh the eoiita-ats of the hortes ean be seea* 80 eompletely that, no shatlow of the struggJe ia inissed. A iireat erowd took advantajre of the iipiiortunily to see hiirh-rlass raeinir on the tnoek popular raepcourse in Ameriea. and the raultitiuldl was fi.piou.sly rewanhd for its atte.ndanee. lt. waa ohvious, however, as on the chief days of the June lneeting;, that, the ( oney lslnnd Joikey Club nuist. enlnrce its lioimdariis, must hroaden its xarmcnte. So dimintitive and insufllcient a jrrand stand should not, be allowed to reniain unaltered for another seaaon. It ou^ht to lie expaudeal to tavice ita present, dimensiotis. The bettinn; riryr alao ia niueh too sniall for the rush of speeulata>rs and fnr the li?."i stunds of the bookraakers. Whea the Kioutids of the elub were Md out and the l.uildiiiKS w.-re ereeteal, appnrently lha projeetora dld not dreain of the liheral sweess whieli would atteiial the enterprise. And yet it aeems Btrange that, after lhe erowds whieh have laeen seen at .Jemnie Park on holiilays for many BBBIBi the jren tlemen ititerested in the new traek should not have tiaken a laBBOB fro-ni the si/'* of tlie attendance at Fordhatn am the preat tlays, and have put np miieli more spaejams bui'dings and r.iaale thelr lawns, their bettinir-rinu and the other spaeea which tlie publie use far more extensive. This de f?.i t oaght tu be renudied without alelay. It was a true raelnp-lestival, and the Futurity was a ban quet iu itself, the jtreatest prize ever disputed tui a raeeeourse ln the world?a prize of $71,000. And ri^ht rov.illy it waa battled for, and riirht. royally it was won. H"'h lirbt and serond money weat to tbe niost popular and hor.oreal of Ameri? ean turfnien, Aucust Helnnmt, whoae eareer on the turf is B niiniel BBd exemplar to all other owners. Kvery one knows that when Mr. Rel ninnt's eolors are in B raee the owner believes that lie has a e.hanee to win, nnd that his liorsea are out to win. Never has he Uefced avith folera lii.n npon the viejoua systeni whu-h is now so prevuleut all over tl.e 1'nited St.ites of I'liiiiinir l...rses fnr work. Mr. Itelmonk rui's horses to win. and when his lmrses are de fentel. it is thfaagfa no nedii-enee, no omission, rm fault, of his. Ile hns never spared money or pnins to briag his Btabk t.i the hlgheal state of rfficieacy. Ile has never spared thou.hf or labor ti see.ire the best raeiu": stoek. to have it trainrd aad ri'lileti in the nmst skilful manner and to eon rjaet bia raciaf te-tabttrinaeni in a aa-ny whieh no one eouhl eritieise or llml fault with. Of all tlu* noted Ameriean owners of this eountry Mr. Itelniont ranks lirst and fnreinost in publie esteem, in publie. faith and eonfidenee. It was a strikinir, suceess that he nelueved yesterdny, one that ha in iv well ba protnl of all t-tie of hia litBJ He not only won the Futurity, hait his 'e..h.r4 were in eeoond place alea, md both his eolta., Potaimae, the wiaaer, aod Masher, tJ.?' accoad' were i>red by himaelf. c.tul.l any raein^ nian desire a loftier triumph ? The air rantr with npplause aud aiheerinsr, and the deligbt of all the sra..tat'.rs was manifcsted by every form of heirtv alenionsTri'tlon. The e\i'el!euie of Potomae and ..f Masher wjib a proof of the wisdom of not runnin-r, two-j-ear oldd t".i early. It was Masher's lirst- raee and I'.it.iinae.'s third. l'ot.iniac's flrst appearanee ia publie was only a fortui^ht ..r so Bga, and he woti when he lirst eame out. Few owners have the patteace to wail with their best v...inirstors aa Mr. BefaaOBl has watbrd avith the?e. Moat ownen are too eacer to eluteh at the fjt ba?rs of dollara whieh are oftVrcd af i.ravesend in May. nt West ehesier and Sheep*hea<l Ili.y in ..une. and at Mon neoath in Jaijr. By raaaiag over inil uver apiin far valaable stakes in May, June BBd .luly, a deplorable iiereeatau'e is broken down aii-1 niine.l: or if' infatit rnrers do not break ih.wn. in t.i" BUaBjr caarB they lose their specd le they i.eeoaie t'nei- year-olds, and are al:*no?t) worthleas afterward. Mr. DBB?BBl has eho en tho U'tter part. Ile has lieen patiMitand he has proveal that patieme in these alTairs brinss in splemlld returns. not only in repuiation and plory, bal nl*.. iu BCaatlable sa-ouritia-s. If the joekeys of the 1'i.tiiitry-iieiuiy all ol whom are impatient, reckleea, OVCT-eaaCT, ar.d eertainly fallinc into the l.liinaler of niakini: their raaa avith their mounte t.... BBOB?CaaH imly take example by Mr. IVl inenfs eaal aad caha self-re'TlaTnt, aml bido their time. many ra.a-s weald ba won that are now Hut Who ean e\peet that thrse helUT ^keli. r. reekless, hitf-heaaled lads avill takf copy I.y s.? hona.ii'.l and diatiiwuished an exemplar as this'.' Potonaa was 'he favrite tliroiiKhout the l>ef> titiL", ^enerally at about 2 l-J to 1. thatagh tu ti.e early qaetatiaBB it atad posstble t., aibtaiu :<. At the elOBB so nvirh n??1(.v went on that 2 to I was tha I.. st priee obtalaabh?. Mr. bVlaaeet and hi* 'rain "i, l.h.we, thou^lit ihat 1' had an e\eellen8 ebaace. Vi both had <v wheleaeaBe drcad of the slnaular <|ia>.l that aTjabalaaca has shoavn oa ,lry iri.k-. Both thoufhl Kev del* danjr.*r ,,u> .rn his priv.ite w..ik. a:ul Ihey also hid^a siiieeie resiK-et fet Stratlmifatli, the w.nner oftTiO Jlinlor ( liaii.pi'ii. in spite nf Sti-athineath's weij-ht penaitiea. fiatbalaaiTn nnd Bay del Keyes eame ii, m iu the bettiaa to Pateaaae. the aaaa] nuota i....iis againal tbtrn BHbi i and .". ro l. lt waa poaalhlr ta obtala kiog prieca Bgaiaal any of the Othcra, ineludnm the .lunior Champioii vietor. V delcgatiea irmn Sarat<",". f.uH'ied E. .1- Hald wins pair of lillies. BaperBBBB aud CafOfBtn. !lut in? Ulipifjiiilu'i'd ;'-nd s.i DaCioaa jiidue of pub? lie form thaaghl >,':" fhdf had the slipliteut ehanca. .Monterey is B two-year-old ,,t ootaparativci) pooe ciaaa, akhaagh he has woa tom stakts. Whv his oWBCf wnnted t.. *t irt him ;,_..iiist aach horaea as he met la tha Futurity ta ? mysteri'. Mr. Scott'a lasl lilly Amulet w.ia 1 uriiel ln hei prepaiatioii f..l thib BMB BtlBI 9Mi spl.t ln ..I had grown f.-i' Mie w..? nol nrrt 1, r s'.K'h a rtnqcgle as this. 1'ierie I.erilL.rd \a?4 pteeeat, and eajegrad tha laxarp "f pajiag $2:.a to 1ft hi* nllv Kildeer take a Imshful and back ward pari la a fhaUf hapakdB livalrv. -John a. Morris, who is aeca Icxccpl at Waaliheatir) on a raataaaana only arlBBi Mg stakes are run, was iii tho clab-haaaa bakaBf wtth lui tw? si.ns. lie theafhl lhal Aaabahara would run w.-ll and de.ided ta, take aai Keekon and put BuaaeU la bet plaea. rh-aaU ***** ndden i.y ilay. v<AlA ,,?, M |?. ,,,rr.e.l UO piritBdB, and his ic ,,,? f.iru, hns .,.t beea exaetlf ecatatia, few baHkg u.en any aitention te K..*se!l. Nellv Hly waa kbI to tl.e p.-st prebabiy t.. t>i?c her owner the ,.?mfort of savim,' to his grnndehildren iri future thal he otrtf I " IUj that ran in the famaua Fatarity af l***. Bat paer Nellv BilgM as well have baaa Cagafed in an efaii to ?,'?? around tlie world in el?hty adaatas as to try ta run with sueh henaa u.* riltn**aBIT. Masher, St rathmeath, Kev del I.Vyes and .itlier*. lkMiy Frather waa aa uiher entry by an o\*er-ambitious, and not at all jiidioious, owucr; whilc Long Fortunc'a. eaae