THE WOMAJi IN Tllis ( \si: 1M.AYS A 1'ROMI
NF.Nr PAirr.
While the steamer La BrHn*ne,< of the Ft*neh
l.ire, was hring iwnaj int>> the doek Bt 2 o'clork
yc*ta?rdoy afiern>?>n. a thort, pmi.l-h nkinir. wel!
dftOBfd wonian paeed up mmI duwn the pier and
rafrfnltjr aeannrd the bappy faeea <>f the paaarnarra
vn ihe deek, wlw wrre "rrmtlTn clt.l worda of
wel.-.mie '" t) io i r relitives and fnends. Ihe
face lhal s'ie s>-naciit for was niissiriK, and sh;>
frcqnently WiBfd away the tpars that aw streain
ilt* doara her eheoka, Iler MfhwiMBW and i>Lrita
liun \sere BBI etleed hy the laree erowd, Whieh
only had eyes for thp returninir travpllprs. I'hree
larte. hrawny, ni.isenltr tnen, however, leaned
carelesslv agaiaat thp si.le of the pipr. and they
m?' nothini: hal the w.mian. They watehtd hcr
every inovenient like cnts.
When tbe fthip had bpen madp fast, thp
passpii^prs rushed duwn thc crariR-plank. and In a
Bmment therp was ? minplins of toars and kisses.
In tlie exritoment Md omfusion the WOWII hp
HM enhn. Shp ajad a posilion near tlio pan1.'
plank and wntehed tho nassenjrers alowty doseend.
ffaariy all were off and licr faee hal hivmne pilp
nnd Bad. .Alnii'St thp laM aaaarnacY 1" step uti
tlie plnnk was a slmrt, mi.hlle-.iired nmi, wh<> Wii
faiiltlessly dressed and wbr* a hnivy Invird tinped
with pray. Thpre wm a nerv.ms twitehinp in
li:s eyes, whieh ran np and d>>wn Ihp lon:: linp of
fo'-ps. Ref. re hp had pM ni..tp than half-way
tlown tlip plank, thp waitiny arotnan elapped her
lun.ls with joy, exctaimed with a stronu' Frpnrh
8'TPiit, "Frank. niy darlinir:" rushpl fto mcpt hini
?Bd liujriTP'l and kissp.l liim with ?rp:it vijr?>r.
The nian did not Ukc t!ip sliow nf affrctlen sis
kindly as it was |1r<>al and ppntly puslipd the
woman away. Up aajd in an uadrit*M : " Wall
nntil wp arc in a plan- of tafety hefom you tbew
yonr colors." TIip.v Itafhfd tlip jiiiT, bul bad
unt takea ? daavn *\e\>ti i<pfore thp lanival <>f thp
ttuet- watddlf nipn, Drtprtlve IJoirrrs. of Ii spp>
t<T lVvrnos's Ptaff. l.iid lu* h.nd hravily on iIip
inan's slioulilpr and said, " Mr. Kinitiidl, I w.int
you." I
The nian |?atd ;is if Iip had bfMl sliot, hal
<jui?kly rpcuvcrod biniarlf and aaid ih.it a nns
takp liad Ifpn mado. as hp waa m>t Mr. Kimball.
Th?- othpr two ujpii, who wvrp Delertivfa llayter
and Sliaw. of WafOMtcr, .M>s^.. ttepped loiwrl
th>'n and idpntiiidl thp pn??ni'r aa Frank Kiin
ball. the ahafoodlM payiaa t?-l!pr of the P*opk*"a
Savinirs lVtnk of Won esi4-r. Thc.v siw iIip
smimtli facc of Mr. Kiudiall throni;li t'.p lie.r.y
beard which was worn ao a disfulae.
Thp woiaaa was EateDr \a> lt?>n, Kiiaball'i
mistross, wlw was tlie <'.m>p nf liis dowufall ?nd
had Ird hini to dflNl bJa.wif* and two childrrD.
Fac brokf np his liappy hoiur, and in Ihe rnd,
without kaoarlnf it. brottiihi :>'?? t hia arrwt.
Ktaball w?s aajrlaa arilei <?t lh* *>->nk lor aaaaj
ypars. 11p ros*' Ir.'in a l.mu ?!?? piaw and *>p
caaa? a trusted otlifpr. Hih .iss<>< iati-s liad the
preatest eonfkJrncc ;n hitn. and li.s aauc was a
synoiiynie for honestv. K^tplle Ijc Bon, a Fremh
(anatlian, raa aima Kiinball's patli and di>
tnrbtd the p.accfuli ess and rewalarity of his life.
8he was an iintnor.il woiuan and ptrtendfd to l>c
a (lres6inaker. Kimhall bpoaiue lafatuatcd with
her, hired a OOOM ai. i lived with li< r in a uttiel
?laco. Slie was not teonaaaicai, and the saiary
fil Kimball eonld not ke-p pa<c wllh hcr ??????"
f(.r diautuiida and djvaara. , ,
<o Kimball pnl hi^ hand into thc bank vatiltt
to u.'t nioney W uieet h*i extru ..^..?.- , a .1 WU u
thCft vu a chancc of hw pe< ulatious heing <U?
covered he packed up bundr and aecurities TaUjfl
nt 643.500 and $5,000 in cash and fled. Ihe
woman'went wttt him They spatit, a najrtMta
th,s r-itv an.l then took a slwuicr for L-m, . n
Vnder nctitk.aa nan.es. as aaan and *???.?*?
IravelkMl all nvei Eorone and landXt in l*aria
t,'l,?ut a month a<ro. 'Ihe money waa gniiw <-'"
Und Miaa U BoJi had to rannU bw expnaea.
Thia U-<1 to a o,uarrel and >wnaration.
mVs \* Bon left Kimball i" P?r? and twok
w?ta? lor Baal??. Brtcrtivea ltajnn and
Shaw who had Bwn work.ns on the raaf rv?
ihe start. heard of the w-nnan I Piwnec Jn
Boatel and tried to Bet lier M t ? ?"?* 11,!f,'r,:":i
Fon aVx.ut Klmhall! Sl* wouW not trll thm
anrthina exerpi Ibat abr b?vH KiajlMU twttci
,pr lifp and wonld not da aaythina t?. bara
im. Thev shad-wed her and vanilv anU?M foj
s. rlew Ihot would ?liaeloae th.. hiding-placp d
Kimball. Miss I.e F-n ramc briT re-enily froni
Buston an.l made bei b?n* ai a ?????.'? *?*
Thirtv.f?urtb-at. !>.-t.-.t:v.- Rt?i>m Joinod the
Eaattrn dftettivw beir and ronroeted a plan hj
trhieh they pot faameaaion of a lrtt?r froaa bei
TbTtenor of the l.tt^r indie-ited tbot Kimball
lnt*n<k*d t? retnit. bome. and MSaa !.?? Bon theiv
i'ler was wat.lied nifht and day. It w.is in.t
' ? eaaetly wJ*n Kimlaill would iHnra. hut
,,;;? w-.man unwit.inu'ly M ihe d.-teeti ?* t? him
i.i the proper time. Wlien abe was laken ?
PoImt ||?wViuart#ra abe wept Wttrrly and aaid
thal her beart waa broken over tV faH ?h?t a?*
) ,d innorentlv bmnahl alioni KimKdl ? arrrot..
Khe aaid that if ii had aot l*en fo? hpj- pjead
irss Khrhall waoH neve? bave eome laieic tu
thia aoontry.. , ,, , , .
\f?er helnf arrested Kimhall rrtn*tg t? aaj
anylhinff- When h.- was seanh.d a1 hdieo lleart
ouarters all the aV>h*n bonda v.eie f..nnd in a
tlnrket. whieh bad >-en made on Ibo maide of
!,is undershirt. The honda aic all n-.bna ala.ve
inr l>nt tl^v eoidd ?tily hp <lis|"se l .,f in a foreian
eouatry wi'h diflirnlty. Kimb 11s ?il.jeet in r??m
ine here was t?. ilbtnnaa ol Ihe bwida m s'.me
way. He will he hel.l here f..i a f?'. d.;\s niiUl
the re<iniMtion papers eaa bt made out. Miss Ir
)ion was set free.
to pipe SATinu. n.ys to rjrir.tw.
rhi.-azo. Aup. m f?perlal?.-A ?l<patrk tn>ia Markm.
llirt.. sa>-: -TIk- lodMUM Natara! <>.<.- and < >|| ( .,mi
panv. artNMC poraoaa ta t> alpc aalatal ^i- fr<>in th.>
Indiana IH-1.1- t-. CBkaRO, iW ..H'!<- "f a -.- iatl.iii
artta tlie BwerOei jreateiday. Tbe rapilal -t<"ii h
?:,.ooo,ooo. The aleertom an' Patrkli A. MrRlwaa,
John n. Cahaa, A. Ilayeo, FiraTerkli >. Fln.ton and
Ilobert c. neid. Aotompanvlaa tbe ara>f of a-.-o.i-v
t?ou w?* a aaai of lm>t t?i ''f llllnrti Tni?i and
Kavinr* rank. of CMraaa. and FenMnaiia' Wkiter, m
liidlanapoU*. to .wnn> aa l--ne ?( l.oii.l- hv ttic .oni
pany not to excced *V>o.<HK>.-'
Aurora, J!l.. Anp. 31 (S|?p<-iah- ThC Ani <ra WaKh
laetorjr. whi.h fuiled a yeiir aja, araa -"I.I Jf-teiilav
liy ?he M?-t<T in Caaaeety to uaaatji Ibe baa4<t. Tbe
plant araa baf in v>r mjOOB ay a lyaibale raaaaoaoi
of s. 1). Beoamaa, K. w. Tr.i k an.i j, u. Masoa, <>f
Aurora. m.-mtier- nf Ibe old < aipaajr. It I- -iippi-.-l
lhal aoma Haatera watel aiaMiina*tBeew an* aiMi in
tereste^l. A- i if* faee vaiup 4 Ihe hoa4h M ann^a>i,
the hoaataoMer* r?aly rr?nae altoat fort\ roata aa Ihe
doijar. Thc factorj) ?U1 ba -larted up apria.
Pt. T.oni-. Aajb ?!' laarrtalji -Two St. I^.ul-* phv
Hrlans havc afaaMM l<> Uaj M:i\or to st ip (he. re
Jlpiou- revlval aoai |a pn.civ-- m a laeaje t?nt ua
Jtftraaa ara unrt.-r (!i<- aoapkea of Mr-.. Voa4waei,
?t >a-i Flpo. I-.'-;. on fiai u'r-'im'l lhat thc waaaai Ts in
aanc aad hvpn..(i/.c- bet roamt* Taa phyalehaM
a^- f?r. \V<.Uiii^tr.n Adaata. of Xo. -'.r-ji olive -(.. atia
l)r. The<*ir)r?- Dvll.-r. of N". vk? Norlh Jefanson-avo.
Both o( th'-in ataerl taal '!"'? laaoenee <>n Ihe pursona
atarteal l- mtac mjHrkiaa t-an rvca a raae of the m..-t
hvUbmant <1ls<\.-.-. Tbe t-nt I- iTaardcd by lu.iioo
peoplc nlahtly. and fully kxi f-?ll In tnin.es undcr thi
?pell of the aptaker.
Meholaa Rlta. ated thlrty sl\. a Hhailoiafbl, and
Thomaa CYowley llve at Ba. 2 Wcat OBO haaieai aai
?fteenth st. Crowley 1? the JaaHof of the Inilldinp
aa4 llvea in Uie ha>cment. Kl'i's t-hlldren-annoyed
atm In many waya, and to keep them awnv frorn his
aaar he threw water on ffaaat Tlds anperod Rlt/.
a?4 laat Monday b? met (.Tiv.ley in the stre*-t. UnocUod
hlm doan and kleked hlm In thc baad and body. Cma
ley waa Injured aeverely au.' was iinable 10 l"ave hi
hea. Tha pollce werc uot told of thc assuull. La-t
?Vataaaday Crowley'a aympt 'nis be.-anie alarmlns. and
he waa taken to tbe liarlein Jioapltal. J'eritonlM*
i In yeaterdax and a coroner waa s?nt for to aake bla
atktement. Oawley ahleldcd bla ?*??!!
Bltl iintil be li-aul frnni the ttoautt Mirjrron that ln?
u.ix KOlnR lo die. and Ih-n Ik- saM, "II I die. Klll ln
uiy piardi-rcr." After atuklaK a ?taf?ncnl laipllraUng
i:ftz i?> th- roniaer uii iii* i-aiinn w;i- pcrformi-ri up**n
hiai, ;iii?i ihe Intrrnal injnry ?;:x fumid li:i\<? h?n ?<.>
r\W>n?ive :ha* thi'ic was ii<> rbmirc ol wvinc hW Itfp,
I>-tntiv- .M..II arrarird Itits and Inrkfd blRl n i m
thc F-i-i V\\ ? hiiiidred and twcnir?lxlh -t. ?'athMi. lle
?ay* tnafiiv -imku iiuvky ln ?clf-4cfdk??.
77/#V SH001ISQ Or C.ESHRAl'JtAlinUSDlA.
blMH.All CASE IN l&HS.
WMMnflon, Aa*. 31.?The st.ato Dtavtawiil has
: taktn nea<nm lo ww W pwllrnfcw <>f Ihc ? bant
i uie ol Iteacral Parnindla, mi bnari an Auicriran vcxacl
i lviue in tbc i"Tt oi mi Jaaa, by offtren <>f lb? r.aa?e
1 malan liovninM.t : and unt.il Um ?uirt faetx and rlr
| ruiB*tanc?^ NwnertH wH* Ibe aiTuir am known, It
I inM not carc 1<? <\]>ro- any opimon opnn thf raac or
' iipon th* rouwe ?f MlnhtcT Mlsner. A mmm Involvlnc.
: ikc id-ntu-al arlnrlple wHh that ?t nrnrnl Rarraadla
i onurred in N! arnma ln li*5, and ln tliat ra*c Sr>ip
' tarv I'ayurd itifni-nifd l?e l"IlM?i Rtalee MknMcr tn
i (Vniral Aiihti'-h that Ibf Xlrarapnan (iov-ninietit ha<1 a
| ripht !<? talif froai an Atn-rlnui menlmnt ve**el th?*.
I 1HHM wantwi. iwiwlacd thc veaael wae In Mcarajown
The rsu> wa* thal ol ?lo-'> nmnaa. In a tottor
UM ftaaltnanla, IWHTOIIT 10. I***. MlnWfT llall
' iuformrd Mrrctary l->eyllnrtny?en Hiat nr hid bwn
inf.inncd that Lbfl ?.iinKinilm Otirrrninnil pr.tpn^d
?<? lako f]i>m Ibf i":i< iti<- Mall Mcanwr llmidnra*. Ilwn
Ijrlnn In Nw 3tmn rt<l >"'?? a pa??4>nerr namH Comra,
in iran-it for I"anania. tput waated In Mraraxna ln
aiiawer a ciiarp- <>f nHn* laipllraM In a iwrnl ln
?amrtkM In Ihal ronnttj. MlnHrr llall AM t!i:t
lir- aad dm-iuii t'ic I'nlted Maimt ?',?fi-iil ;it Manacn?
t<> Infarai Ihc Niiarairmn KaTfmaifnl "thal "iir ???'V
wniiii'iit baa nrver ?ai*riitp<, and wlll ih*?'CT ron*rnl,
to Ihc WTPal and rpRKuva] fnini an AimTicnn v.^--.-l, in
a f.n-itn jKnt. of any paywcncvr ln Iranxil. tnin.li \<?-- If
tlie oltence ls pniitiial." The mptiln "f ihe vr*?-l
did ii'?t Bjvr nji Ibf inaii. and aallrd "iit if p"ii
wiilioiit Kernrine prnpar rteannre pap?r<. II*" *?i
triod and eonvlcled lur tlii^ by tlw Nlraragaan antburi
rbe ca*e r?m*) before Ihe MaW Di-partmeiit m ibN
war, and Ihv lx-|mrtnifiil bcW il.n MinisUr llall li:*d
ii.>t arlcd iirrurdiiig t" b*w. ln Ul> I'-u.-i :?? !'.??
Mini>t?r. whlib )- daW Mai'i 1.'. i--'<. i*rnl*r>'
! i.u>aitl M)?: -lt appwint tlml U*?iii*"i v damanly
U?A paaMpe "ii ti..- \.--.-l. knowlnic lhal It \mukl
euitff en vo<.u- a Mhiricumi P "'? Jl '"''s '"' -'f'l.
alUnnvd lhal ?h?ni a nirniuint v*>?a'l .?! oie fK-Uri
\i-.l^ lh.' l i?rt-? Ol Ull .tli'i 1 ??!? ?.!.-? |i np n* <.f tr.id II
o?es tt-iiipuMi-v ill?"ifii*nr* and i- ii'jji'nabw i" ? *??'
)uriMli< Iki i ?i llml i ii inl ?> ? ai ?' I- ? i ?- '' ?" t!l' llA "
vln.li L..V. iii t!i. I-.II ii vWl? -? HMie .ix H .v'li .ii.-.
I.llltxx it l- ..".ii.:m-' pr..\i<l.d |.< III .tv \i,\ \
cniiitiuii nr ii'.nniiiin in.M I- -? il JurixrtiriU* wurt l/t
drrlvrd froni i1..ifiil "t 11**1 ."oiiiitn "
lt 1- x.nd lliai i.'--'- Iis?>? *' fr .jin'i' b onur'l In
itblrh ivvoluii ?.!-?? .md rthiT* aanl I l?r offeiii x
,.< ,,.on or aootlMT *.*%-? ' .?? - u *\ l>\ iii"
Havuila:.i-tTiimnil ahir *?n ir'i-h mrlLiii
;.ip- and nnnu I'.rltJ.ln Inix imi ii-<>i? ? "? <l. ilit*-*
i"-t.iliixlu:iu- d p!i>ni:i:ii* pre d< i s. II.ul lll' v.-- I
!.-. n a inaii "f *'ar Kurunda an.iW iml havo l.'-i
slllijcrt H? jurixiin Ihtli, a WMT v -'I- ? ai: \ evr V
ahrre Hi** Juri-dln|,.'i <>f tli- n-nntn *h*?? " ?-' ''' v
flv. T!i<? mrrundbi aifalf dHlw- t- m lh? olhrr.
ln ibal ihr awn wa? xh..i : i.ni ilv ri !n t^> -??</?? toittt
..?ri. .-d.d. |bt< ri-'ii i" klll if >--i lanrc i- ntad*' i- an
<.!d "stablHIi -d i.i-i... * i-i.- *?f l.v .
Tka prlnrlptl .tili.i-rn mad In ?'i 1 mv!f ?? r 1 ?
nf Mm!-t t Mi'i. r'- ? i-ip?? i- lhai ..' m n-.r-ir^ ln
, HTfrr-urc. Ii ix -iic." -i"*l lhal h" rulghl dav.. xinml.
-t.nod lo ttl- filiaU?li:aliill? Iii..' Iii". x.l,i! tli iii.. i
,it ? li.-lr owii ri-l,. Imi on lhi? po'n* H l> ' '? ?Ch1 ?? V
to awali knoaledf **1 exacllv .\ ii ? ih* MI I I r mIJ
and di.i. bcfop" pmn*mnfla? Jndlcneni apon in- r..n
ri.oorvx ?"<>? tuf. ai xTitn.xiwisx. ri:?'NTiF.n.
VWmna, \?f 31.- Th*1 r?"<ir bea>T mln*i uto" bav*
fliKM'.od part *>f Ibf r.inniiy nnd ha\'f d >ne a e;. .t d .1
of damat'??. On thf AualryfwKi fnwtfcr torav -??<
I tions r.f 1,-uid havf bCCfl eaHVfflfd Into blkw and Imn
dr^c ..f h-.uxf-x arv ixoiatrd. ihc orrapaatt barlng lo
! ro to and froni thclr homo In boafx.
Pn-K. \'-r. 31. M. Vv.x i....-\ Ibu ?lfl -r i f
I Publir Workx. hn*- xiibrulttud to tlif, CabimM .1 pr*?f?f1
: for th? con-tnirtlon ?f ? an r.u.il lo I'arl-. Iii- pbuit
w?t?? favorablv rontJdMtd anu wore referren lo a coa>.
mlite* <>f fiigmwix..
Fari-. AUf. RI. Tbf < nrrtn:-i<.n .f lni|0lrjr wlii.U
hnx Ik.-oii InvfsiliEBtlni tmn* Kaharan raflnajr -iV-m. -
bax approrrd a ronie fr..tn l**?n t.miin'- and hl?kra, ln
Abdera, arroM th<- d .-<ti h< Ukf T?had. Tbl-. r**ul ?
l- bV W?y ..f i :ni:.--lni- and Anu-nid. and tinv.-r-.'
Ibf Toiiaifi.'-* rountrv. Itx knirlb ix pU'm a --*????>
imi.-. Th? projorl i< ba?ked !?/ t^'?, lanque i:u
ei l raaoalse.
? ? -?
KAN lxi.MINit' ?"> UKM.\NI)> "N IIAYTI.
Ilallfax, S. K, Auc Ul. Jam - Znhr.ib whn ??;**
' liiiu-h ru;i-iil al llaytl al lh? lln.f th ? r- -?? i p-\?*
luiion. and Icfl llifff on Ib*! ?ar-hl|i l*yla*l ? If ? *?' ??
of b.-liir' pioxslv liixaltod. I- in M .ni.x hiHraU.iu "'
tli.- Jut latrly ppoi'-'i Ibal ;;'" "??"?'nl.- l-'v"
(r..-c<l Ihc Itaytlan Iruwkr, >lr. Znhr..li -i - ihn?
havc undoiii.i.illy d*ai? -.. |?r lln purpov -.i f?r m>i
Um pariy i.ow In p*iwer m rtdifm n- imii..,-- lo
x,,n Uomlnco. Tbf Uomlnlmn-. la-lpfd Ihppdn- '?'
d -f-ai iTvsld'JTit l..v!l:ni'-: Iml lll?-lr u--i-ii."- wa.
gtven on Ui' dlstUnl nnd. i-t md.n/ lhal ll?r- -l.oi'd
ba p rtlllr.i'ion ol llw fi-i'i'-r. and llml laud- ?./?'!
fr..||| lli<- |J<Hlllfll< aila >' il' a.-u sbiJUd !??? IC I ?*>l.
Miof ll\t'i?iii<- t-r r - -1 -??1 in- l-i-xiii. .. \. in- lioiiiilii
.;,?, Iwv. ittvei. I.l.n inril,. I,-': :ai.d >lr. iMiral. ?a?<
1li.it Ull th- aim- a .'I aloliiiili II-T. -:.!l?:"' !'"?' >r%
Vorh lo x.U'l. Ani-n.nin |.M- l?r "''i- llflH' |... I, and
,,-t n-n,lv l.oiin.l t-. i-uli H'.it. '??". ??"? '??'"? '
loiwlod Joi- iii- llaytl iax. N?>? lli" n?"? Pr -m1. >. -w
d-ntiy >??<? lln* x.'iiit-. bax p.pn ;i.iti.| ln- iimmi '??
1 ,s;ui iioinlniro. and ih ? launliilraiix ha\<- ? ??? ??' M*"
I fruntier to enfoff tbrlf rlalni?.
j (IIKCKIM. A MoVKMr.M IN FAVoH "I M \ i.\ \FA.
Apla. lianaai. An/ TJ. pfr -l.iin'l Alan.-.! . ? ? ? n
Fiim.i-.o. A.ilon ha- beell l.ilan bt-W f?nll. I?>
'? lon-ular rcpn?ntatlvo ..I ih- Fultfd M.it?- . 'irral
Iiriuuii and i.-rin.iiiy lo -ul.dni- Ibe dl .(iii.iid- im*?
lug ..iit of th?- apparcnt <tr..rix .,( -\ KIiik Malaafa f
p:am hls lo-l pO?tnr. Jh- ?nii-iiK i-n-d a prurUiua.
I ii.,n warnlog ih- di-<.icnl*d na Ivw wcalu*) Umn
lag U.HV latrMWM i<> plare Rataafa In p*?wfr, and de
.larmg thal .Mall-t-.a ha-l b-.-n p-.xMfnllMl an Ui- Kln*;
! of -ain.-a by ih<- Ihree P???9r?, and Ibal Nuonan vll
haitM that xiavuid nrlwl ?iwlii-.i blai v<mM us -.-:<l>
dcwli ?ith. Ti.'x prurbunatl'rti. *lift*H by ih- ihrw
roiixulx, wayx BrtatBd ln th- nwmkoi lanfuage and dix
uibut.xi ikrutMtb Ibc l-iandx. imt-d alult*. <-.mi nl
(..?i.-iul bewnU ???! m <*** i" ll" Mw* "f **va*
?? Um miu.i 4WI M'-hhai. and ralled a BW*Um ol
thc (hi-Jx o? l?* xinioiiiidlng dlxiiKi-. Th- chlefi
ux ur.U Mr. Bawall that th-y arkno?>dBVd MaII-:oa
i ibe Klnff. "?'"' Um? ""> ,,,M| "" l?,*",,u" "' ''""IK
. aiKlhiM thut voald MMiae trouble wiUm i land-. Mr.
ii'.'i;; ,,.\11?-,x..?i MM.-ir ax -??'-"?tf;.1;^,;;-;:;;',:;"
.... ,i,.. ,,.. riii iiuriiaeuient i" ibf ui-aii' i w? i" >
1 '.' ?, ,'ild 1- -V.-.-V. J'.iinxh-d. I?r. M-iih.l. .h
r.-nnr, ..xnl?..-n?-!al. a,-. VI U-d N.V..J Mj.l.*l and
L v c < o.-fx a .lioliw wanilnK. TImmj vWI, m
E ii .'v.- t.. ha I.- ..x,,i.-d ln niufli iwi. ihjmirh a i.ui**
!;,.!? ojf uS "atiM-x are r-i-r-d lu be xi.i. ln n <?* >?
"' Tn-'Vi'.ited Mai-x nanofaar Ji-iu-i- arrlvH al
iii.li ..,;?. l.'r rm .if. ??* ?m>u "' "'- ""?'.
? ?
Melbot.'n,*-. Aar. 31.-TRa tall P?lk? **t* of thh rlt,
aIr,l i .HM, .p-cial .onstal.h-x ??n IM dnty loday.bnt
lil(. liil(?rd..?,on-t:-at,on whi.h ?ax h-id ptav-d t? 08
ordcrll ^"'lv tl'"""ii,,u ?*"? npr.",:,,,v'' "f "ll
tradca/loraifa '?- l-w-Ooa and paraded Ibe ~t.. -i .
tlie ii3e of elertric JiKliU.
' TIIB KAWWH Visn TO RI -rl.\.
st. P,d-rxbu,r. Aaic 31. M. ?? ???*. ?" Ilu~s|?"
Mltiister of lon Icrn AffalM. iv.?-iviiik' wvi'ial dipl-m tl.
jrrtMiaj. taanacd klauMtf ax iompl-t-h Mtbuiad
wtth iuio mxult of the rarcat liiK-rvlcw batween Um
Uaw and Baaaerar Willi.mi. Thf in.K-iini:. ha mM,
, eoKaUtated a iV-h and -ol.inn artrniatP/ii <>f the i? ?
rdaUom exbrtlng betweea Ru-ada am - i.fnnain. and
aoiild -ortalnly coatrluutfl paweifaltj to^a.-d Uw
maintenancu of thc BeaOB <?1 Rurope.
-?. - -
llelKradf. Au?. 31.-The RffMtd ???? &'sk<'<1 tlic
na>mt^r? of the Oablnet to poaipaM tli'lr rcolitnaUons
antll tlaj result of tho elcciiotix ls known.
?. ^.
Latidon, Auif. 31.?The lUillan und Frcnrh (iovfrn
menls have falled to ajrref rcp.rdltiK tne I'intialllic.
attundJng thc proposcd vislt of a Krcnch aaaadiaa u>
bpoxzla to do hoaor to Klng Ituml?rt ou Uie oCcuslun
Of the bviixbing of a liew Italian Aai-lup if <h it aurt.
In cnaaennenee "f llii- Ihe Kiiit' baa dertded Bad t' ?>'
10 FpRUkl. hiit lo -??!,.I Ihe Dllkr >>f (.<< ima I" ir|fe*ent
hlm ul Infl lannrhlng ?l t'i-- v< -.-l. I? i- feared that
a |M.iiii'.ii (cmI'u? bctt eea ihe two tvontrtea ?'W
m i<. m:ia and tiie st i.tav. i
sniia. An*. 81. T!.Joarnal ol hubjearhv." bi ?n
artlele on tlae aunlveraary of th>- aereMlna of Ahdul
HamM II, to Ibe TprSd?h tbrone, Rlowinfly pralaei Iba
Sultaii'- wUe an.l f.?r -c-.injf BoUry. ulii.h. it viy-,
ha- bad Ihe effrel .?f nnltinc the Rulaartaaa and tl?ir
Knaeraln bv lamda ?f pratltude. M. stambuluff. tho
);ulpartau I'riiin- Mlnhler. vi-n.-.l t'ie N-rretory of H><:
purte t.xhiv an.l offered his roaamtulatloaa.
? -
Ullbao, Ai-. 81.?Qneen Reavnt ChrMlna, areoav
panled hy her Prime Mlni-ter, Henor faimvas <lel i'Ata- '
tlllo, arrtved here to-day fmai Kt webaetlan. Thcre ,
w.is a laipe rrowd of apeetatora at ttie ?tattoa when
the royal traln arrhred, and the Qneea reeelred a
hearty welrome. f-roeeedlni n> itie Ancl > ?pmi-ii
naval vaid. at Portaaal te. tM-- Qucen arltneeaed the ,
lauli.lni.p of a new spaiil-h fHllaer. ? hl.-h sh'- <Nil
tened t>i" Infinia Maria. Afier tlie rerentonle* Her
Majesty au.1 ihe Prlaw MlnUter retarned to St. Heaoa
tlan. _
m. Ittrohagr. Aag. 3I.-TI.Xoroe VrwayB"
learna that Ihe Ameer ?f Rnkhara ha- adetded to pe
araanlaa hl- araiy <>n the Kn--iin ayatem. The tn.op
wtll In fatnre aear unlf'.rm-. -imilir to thoae worn In
Uw Itiisalan aervh-e. Thc Amevr lia- a-u-.i thr *va:
In aend in-tnu t<>r- t<> .imi tii?- aoktlera aeeordtad t?>
Ituoalan ta. .i. -.
Ilis Win. \V\s WITH HIM. l'.l'T wvs RESCt'ED
-A I.ll'ir.'VT SWAMI'Kli WIIM.i TRY
IN<. T?l savk ni ". MAX.
A dmwnlng neeidenl neeiirred yenterday afier- j
n.i in Ibe anrl n! INdm I^Mikont, I* I. TV
r.M.l wenther and n rtroita ?'ind rtid nol deter |
Rie'nard II. Eirtlin and his wife ir-.-n bathing in i
thr Mirf. Tlir> had i?-n in llw water nnly a
nbnrl lime wla?n n biit wavr atruek ihem hoth,
kniH'kiiiit litem ibiwn. Mra. Ervtlia aerenmetl
wlwn abe mw her hnalmiid hrinfi carried out ,
i(. N-a.
\- F:-el!i_' w:'s n k""d awimnier thnoe on tlie j
nhure did imi tbink that he waa In dunper nntil ?
he Ibrew up hl* baiida and eallrd b?r l.elp W?nl
\\iis arnt l? liie lif?-s:iviTi!{ aiation iwar by and
llie captain ?l 1-1 ?<? -'? ' '?' 'i'; "k|v -''' "", "nr
,,l thc lifehoala. MraHliiw Mra. Frrllis *??? i'
ca.d In an exhaiiMed i nditi?ii. Ma> erie I i"
tla.se arniitid her in wve her hnalMiid. Afier
tJMi |iff?. ,i ha i m.u-.-'I In Ihe iraeiie ..f Hm'
druwninp n in, wh? aiill eo ild I.-en boMdiw
up nnd down In t1 ?? bn-.iher*, tbe wihleat ex
( itrmcnl prevai r I am >n ll.n ab<.re. I?wlna
j,, 11^' i i.h nind and isn sually la?avy ara llie
l,i,..?. ,t made liitle ? r ihi pn>areaa. and was
lina'.ij sv. mip-il I. ?? lifr m\I:i? men wete
.,??!!,. I t., ,i n ii all farlber attMupta Un
,,.-,,.- t.ie drowniiiii inan. and ihey llieiuaelvea
l,?i /..-.t diflicult: in ;->-u\u- i>..< k lo ihe aliorf
in aalrty.
II. hIi? wi've?--'l Ihe thrillina v?-n>- al.1
aprTllNiund as thej atarel a. Kretlip, wh<> ."ii
tinued ??? be earried t rtber nnt t.. se. un':l he
waa Hnally h?l au'hl ?f alt... .??;a-r Afier Mr
l'i. t.i. had heen rrnmvrd l? Ibe lu??el ??ie l*i i:?e
h\si?ri al and repeat??dly ;.>k?s| if her h lahand had
U-en s-tved.
The truth was kept fron her as lonp as poasi
l.le. nnd when abe learned that her Buabaad
had i-H-n l"st abe beeame alm..st frantie. The
Ufe-aaviiifl mcn ^>re kevp*n? a ai.aip lookoal for
the butly ol 1'irtlig.
? ._ ^
At<;i--T IIKL.ABAR. S? Rl : *P.V .'C IMI. BARtRlfc'
r\!"\. WAs ( I.M.I.r !? \ \ .> ai; ?'.' -1 I I).
| x Will uiibm l.ai.'-i< lrfiir??ll I1 - N< ? Y< rfc !???"??
j f,.,-.-.- - i- ii.i<? a i|ii< H'Hi '????.' ? ? 'ihi' Ii '?'? " :' '?
i |,?. .'..r, - I..I 11,:- eiimitl "f .dl U-lli.ll I'.!."" ? lll P?-l
I -i.m.iin.- !???? ard Ibe r* I " '. '? '("' " ? !' !""1
In'iirj sald I" !??? i !'? >i--?i '"v '''' i"11"' up n Anw l
|m':.,...,;.. is .,:...\ id th.' r.v ??!-? ll I'1 i:ill 'II ll l i<
P ,,., ,,,!".'.! r>* iall-l and m- ;nl ? r ><1 t'i>- IVlitral l.al--r
I.-.I-; ,li..t:.
! 'ii,.- -t..! r, i i M bt Mi Itelal ir, I I i efT-ri
I f,.I! .v. - : "?, -,ili' -I i\ nilH- h.itiPI linion- "f l!il- ''lll
i ;.-, | |.. ... |vi h< M iMr }<?.! ! .mi nul ph n ? In l.l u
j |-.,i?. ,,'i.| V-. I?- I il-ir v , ? !..i . ' '?> "f M..nimllle
,. Hn ll .>?'..? ?:?! ? \' II |. m >. Ml la-l .'?..? -''?
;, .,.,if ,.] in.f I 1/ |".li" Mi ?i -: '? :?-.! ll"' plrlll.
k ? .,.? ,| ;,- i| . .\.tt r ili ,1 ll.e in . ? niu t -*"i'
Mr |...;.,> , ;:, h iiSli .?l . >I'i' ?'>. I"1 ??' '?''' '" " ''
! .,..?- .,.,. in ,. ?? in ni I. aii.1 ii'l that if "." j? li.
-. : iiiMHi Ir.M'u- i'.- f Ih i ??-? '"II' l- he wirtiSd
, ?, , ||,e pi .i il in live n.l llle lli- ..I " !'i '?" b-l
,,? :,., ,,,/. i mI ?. I,.:. t , : a. tl ?? v... ??
,-, - ii, u , Id. i, ?? /-.I H.d . .a""!. ai 'i lli
' ,,. i. , *.,. i,n i.. - up. ..:??' I'e! i ... aa I ?ki-<I up In
: ,.... ..... ii ,::.-!? , ? |.? '...?!..ii. ? hpre ba I ? a
,.'? .... .,,..) i... ?.., l ... -1 In |. ..'I Ihe lit,-hl lli prl? ?
, |, .',. II ul' .n l'"l.' ?.'?' '? '?'? ' ? ' ? /' ? "'-"
. ,?,,;,. , mi i i.i.n ? < .!. ..:.mi\ londu i. ' ?? ilnn ai
..' , ,.. , . .... ,,,:,.. J...H..-Whltr d - .arpe
. , . ? , ,-. :.??..' i n ?'?? iniitlre a . appili.I
... ,...., .,' i| Ibe ' ellll i! hal-* I MlTalloll ?
., , . ' ? . ??? i ih I- !?""?" ??".; '!
J:., ? , . i. -?.-. idr \.mtH id hilbe < u.ll I "?????
? ^ ? ?
/: ui.i;i> m /a ii.ur.srs.
n. .\m> n, r.MT.M.i 11 i:i's.
r.;.!ii.r-. An/. 81 iSpe.lali. Tlie l?iltim**e I ?'
ni,,,, |;.. ?<:?>.:< I li?lll|Wli? " i.iilnue - I" niake In'i\ \
e?|M*ndllure . Thr In/.' ad.liii'.ii- lii Ihe rolllnn -'.,.1,
..f ibe riHiipanir f<?v-luido?ed Ihe i-ne >( anothrr
iar Imi-i uunlpape I" pav for ihem. Tlie lanl IHI*
?.? pi.i<<-.i lii l'iiii:i'i.-l|.iii.i at :, |.-r ..ni. hut nwar Ihi
(,,,ii .,i ihe.iniiv i- inii-ii in.-ii'i'. Whm Ihe :i.'""'
rr-lehi-earsTand lw.,i!ilrd. ?t m- .-t nf Ihe ?? i:..>hI
? lllii- i.lne"' i- niade up. ih.mimay mar lu?\e in
; |""ne a rar. ti-u-i nwrtfaBe f?w al.I a millinii ...; a
MlllUlM ?i,.l ? half. ?r I. m?y i- aaid r.i <mi <?f the
was I.ilK.il alu.iil -"".e Hme M ?.
? ^ ??
l:?liim<.r<\ A'nr. :n |Xpe?lal?. I*n? ;.i-nt inrh, ?f
lh<- U'.' t Vlntlnla r> iilral Kallwa) l"rtii|a?ny, and uther
rapltaJIsto lni? i-.-i'-.l in Ihe i" ???? W a->iiiii;:i.ui an.l l*MBi
derland llallruod i-i-..j...-?- i<- lanrtu thr . ..-ini. iJ.m "f
the hn.' a? -""ii aa p"- 'Ibn*, havlna I.n delayed awall
\nf ii?. a.ti.n "f Ul- """I- In Ihe ir.eiv.r.iiip ..f Ihe
t'ii,.,ap.-al-.e and "iii" I'anal abwa arhlch Ihe rumpon)
pmpbM) i" ? on-irie i Ibo iiew ruilroad. Tbe -'
n.'.iloii ?'f Ihe haiiklue honae of Jobn A. Ilanibkrion *
? ,lf |.;.|,,.<-. allll the .-:,!.-i-priv. an.l lli-ir h.iu-'
kiiVidni: i.rwi I" lUr W'--i.-.n Marytond mahe ll
i r, 1,11,1.' Iliat lll"' Wiillllli:t..li ainl I 'lili.l.el laa.1 lUllns."!
v ll ?,,lv r.i down Ibe ?in?il l? a p.-ini ah..ve th.'
IN.ni i.f li."l>- and Ihrn <i" - t" Nmulry f??r a rjwi
,,.rilon with th- w.-.i'tu M.i M.' Itollroad. ,l'
,u n'.ei ?M. ? ""ll*-' rtval of ihe liartlnuirc and
ohki In ti"' coal Ua*
? ?
llMrnelUvilk*, X. V., An*. 81 ispn-bil A awdkai
?a- arpie.1 at i:<? he-i-t. TJiuraday taal bef?ire
Judm Kiimi-.a bj e\ ni-iii' t Ait'.in.y l?. L llentai
?? 1,,'half ?f Xalhanicl iT.t'.n. "f Ibla rlly. fne Uie
appulni.ii.-.t of a rcrelver In Ibe ii.t-n-t id Ibe
l?.ii.iiii'i.i"i- "i t1"' ll?-heaier, llorncUavllhi and Larka
uai'lia iladi-oa.l .ipany. Mr. iTeatun I- I Iar/"'
i., i,.iii..l.i.r and be iiim- to bave the auunutenrul "f
'? ina.i libired In Ihe han.i- ..f ti.? who ara m
,.,-i,.i H the paymenl ..f ii ? ih-atiup liabH.H"
?ii il lnl.r.-t "ii nuUtaadtoU .Kla. .la.U'.' i;iiin-e\
M-M-rved bla d<'> i-i"t'- Thr naad i- teoo niid-r llie
ulriil ..f i.eui-p.' l?. Ihapinaii. ailll II- liva-un Saul.V
deiilet.-d II '- **M lluU "1,: Wl**** ba?*? But
boeli pahl for aU ??*?_
Chlraco. Aajt. ??i (Hpetlali. J. N. eawyer, atiawol
fralRht a?enl "l "'" ,,r':" Xorlhern Railruad, has r.v
tleited his ofare, llh aace s-..r ls r. L. I'Mnkr. a
ataUnl (teneral manaier uf Iba Brfe Dbpatrk.
-?? ?
CMeafO, Aup. 31 ispe.uh.-llobert I.aw, tate pencral
naertnlendenl of the fd. Loato, Keoi.uk and Borth
WOatefB and Ciihaco. Ilurllnptoii and Katiaa- ( ity rall
reada, wtth un oaVe al Keoaak, ha- aaaaaatd tbe dattea
?f antat bi ta* st...k yarda, to whi.li adaca hc was
ftiiimintert i.y the Rxeeatlaa Commitu-o of the s'inor
hfiSS I *ill h?ve .liarg.; of tii? prnprrty of
^ tu. rtwitVhiiiK AaaodaOoo and wttl Baana?a it>
%JS%2E?** ^.uiunUon of bualnc. In tho neur
ROY wii.K!;ss imiknomknal pekfokm
lOWa AJ.ABAXTXR1 ni.w maiik k?k
Ind>pe?*lenfe, lowa, Ang. 30.?Alahaater and
Rey W'ilk-s raeh lowered a re<ord yenterday.
R*?y Wilkis \v;;s sent io heat l.i* Kcwrd of '.* :0'.?
.u,.i lirokc aaother workla rf-nnl, maklno, Um
nilf in 2:08 1-i: qnarter*?33 1-4, I :03 I-'.',
i :35, -j :on 1-4.
Abbaater'l work wig 1-. tlie four-ycarnM trot:
pnrae $5,000. Pook koM witli Alahaater the
ln tlx> first heat, nt thc balf. Alahaater led, fol
lawed by RhanVriek Dbn nnd Erena at Intervato !
of two lengtha. Krrna !ost on t'o lionicstr-t 'h ,
aml thc licat trai uini by Alahaater, folkiwed by
Rboderick Dl\u, oae and :t balf If-anthi haek.
S.ml hcai-Alalm-tcr $25, li-l.l $10. Al the
balf thc posilions wcrc tl.c samc as in tlie lirst.
heat, witli a ilistan'-c of two li"ii?tlis hetwren I
ihcm. Alahaater eame Rying down Ihe in.mr- j
?treteh, hreaking Ihe fnnr-yenr oi.i rtallfon r? -?r l
and diftancing Um fi--1 ? 1. Tinie?S:l.*?j qiiarter*? '
33 3-4, 1 :07, | :41, 2:15. l\.;.s < ?\\ is by .Vcr- '
deen, dam hy Almont. II- is U?c property ol
Myere A: VVagnrr, Duyton, Oliia.
.-?? .?
TH<n:oi(iHi;i;i:i>s is uAXGER.
IXfFNni M'.Il.s SKT Fll'.l'. TO aFXATOR ST A N. j
l-nf.irs p.\f.O AI.TO STABLI 8.
s?n Franrlaro, Ang. 31.* f>nly Ibf vlallaacc of ho-t- |
|. ???. ai -onii-.f rtanfurd'n blff Pnhi AIt*i ran*-h n-.ir j
Mi-nhi llirk Ii-.! i i.-ht prevciilcd a Bre whlrb arould
have i'?:i ? rcpftltliNi of Um di-.i-i;.* Bre ol Ibree
yean as<?, in Mhi.li ni.nr ihan adozcu proaiUlns yonng
IroUvr. and nmniTx aere burnct. Alaail '?? o'rlork I
Bamc* acca dcl*-?tvd In Um riMM of pi.'rfxi i,.,:.-- >>t
atniw nrar Ihc ... i htable. ThU utraw had Juxi i-vn
p... l.'xl in iii- i.-?-?? barn and ncakd up f"r alaler.
Hy ibe lighl i' Um bumliis ?traw terii m-n aere nccII
raniiing a?ay, bat th- daii^cr aa* x.. prcatlng lhal
they riaiM not be foltmcd, Ihodzh th- t"hlne?e Brcd
l?u x|,..t, m tii.ni. wii-ii ihc bicii ?.?! ..in Um Bcf
ho- , tli-v f.'iind \ \<\i kh ?' i."l ! ? Ih< liilddl" to miK
it i, :??--. rhe Bre v..ix . ..nin-d f ihc ttatite. Ihc
Iijlv. ix ?*,taio.
_ - ? - ?
tlHll'K M.tM t.U II UF.RS i<> Jtr.BT.
TIII.V MI -t Ali'I'l .N : V. | \( 1 ;? x ,.u BE Ii! A'llN
IN Jli:. I i .11 l.
Thf rsfcnth.mniitl.I Ih' RUfb Miimfact* j
ureix.' \ Mn.Hioii v.,ii iii?v| lodaf ln Ih" a-'-i- llo-x". |
mi l aill tai.- hirthi'r 41 ihhi i x.kn s t < .1 n ?..- ?trlnin*nt ?
.-t. 1- a<lion -f I .- !???.f a'alklim l>eh> !
. ,?.- !, I ?- !.. III l.ll-! -? l!.' ll IIMll '. IllVl 'tt. dld
i.,,. || .-.- liic niuiafai* f'.'x. a- n alamel acveril
miin .ii i..Mk !?> '- in.; ?'?! d m <???? ' iiy. ;|>'1 v ,:r
|...v. ..11 ?.i. ih-r l..re m-l I- ? lnirtl il. IL- '?- ull
? tll Ihi" \- t'.-it Hh" rieriillvi" ? ??iu,-..itt ?<? alll al 1'
1. , ,,? .? |od?) .-????ull'. d. ?? 1- !.- I.i Ihili <f '"'
I :.-..;. .._? ||i.nlrartx n ?? r\Mitiii larawii < ? '?? n
r? :,.!,..- ..! Ihf Mai ifarl irri A .?..'.';.. 1 and in. ni- ;
Ihtx ..1 Ihc llillMllii: Mi*-: al !)?.;?-' F.\.!iin.-..
Al 1 r?1*1 th-r- .11 ?....t.-.?? - c\lxtlng hrtacn tho 1
foll..?'n,- 1 rni. ol mai n!.. mp : - !*l d drab-IN ralllng
for Ibe ntcadj rmplaynMnl of a numlMr ol b?*aU: The |
DhMiuind 1.11. K < ..11., a-:-. :...? 'l-v.-n t..i:-. and J. J.
jura and Ibe Herh Ma.iitfai-iuriaii 1 ?nh|mii) uvrlhcr
havc lacnty >...?'-. ..II and'-r i<-iilrafi alth landa a
kanr to ?appK tfi-m witli brl* k : thr ?? A. Ii. ('-(0:11
pany h+x n\. bmie undkrr raatracl ?'th raatkc a
.-mith. ?id ihe Kt-? Cnaiaaoy ha* -'? i,ni?,s "nd,'r
...ntri.t alth ivrh. Martta *t ? a. Thf*e boati average
alont ?j.'.ii.i""! brtrho rirh. and rnn mahr frnm lw?
,n| . ..... u.,.|. t. ?'('?? irlpa .n tv, u,-.'.x and
.: iivci and untftd t >.i*ia*.f?*a" l.*l?-fc i^cr> aerb. !>?
? p - mi- .iipplr, ?:. 1 lla.ufainircfV A??arla
ti..n aill attcmpl 1.. i.ip. ?'. I- 'iillard. the llfd
;,,,];, \ .1. 1.11.I. IM..I >if 1. t .;-:. ?..> - h- . an xnpply
.j,,^,,. . ?? , ,-<\ ia.nl* f.air laair* In a ptro-h.
7:, . .. ,:? . ? - ?' ip| If r- I"i- Iht- pn.MblIity
,|.,. v 1 : ?., ni' ? :? ;' . ? . .. .d it ? n.ia - : a'.ly
. ?,, . ,.,t ||, ,i ,t ?- i. Iv ?> . H'rti "' '"'"? *'? ?'" H
,l,||( alll. III Ih"' : ? h ?' '' ' " ; ''' " '""' '-?
,?..,. ,.,, x, , :;- -,, I.I 1 brl 1. h*i :?.--? iVra
h.i- l-cii p.i ?!.??<! ' ? ' ? ? ir ": "'?? mat'?l 1 :
?r, -. ,,, \.?? i..rk. and n.a-1 .':??? .1 !- tr? 1 I .-lin?
..j. In .1 r ? ?-. a.^-k ??.r 1 ? -
.. ii. Vxirlj 1 ??"!.?I-J '? ??' ' '"',' "' j
,! ;; . Ip.iU I,:;, ;.-.1 .... aill I. ihroaii .f
.n.|.|..>n..:.'. _
i:\ri ti.<wx "V 1 1 i n /;".i i.
rilf. I N ilM . :: IMI M.l I* - I AM IXH WTII.I
IT. II llll.V i>: I .
Thc 11 .-!.,,t Wlll hiii II. I:iii l" ? Ii.avlrtis II.,<-> -'?
1 rrddi II iHk-11 ln l<>?. aa- k-ih i - ? '??"' ""' Ka '
Ii ?.,: vr-t.Tday, and al.. 11 "I ;? "? ' '-' ^i^tl.-th I.
,.,, f. m pi.t- ol Ih- \'????'?? ?v.t ih? l!r? ? ? ??'??? v
, -,.].,..t aitli 1 I .rp r , rl. Vv ??????',?? < ?" ""
n.-.: ..'T ,!:?? .kvll-'hl ..f Ih- ? tutt - and hn.--l.-U ?l?an
..? L.,., ii,,.) i.-ta.-t, l!i." I PP...HI and Ih- cn Ii
I .... ? ... r.n Ih." I-.*I Nnli'd*. V'ati - Iml k - ? n--r.
,-..1 thlrl* Bvc, ..I "" Ii ndn-.l and '..hv ?? .. .1 ?'.
, ?i Thlrd ivc; J..I111 li.*:?i ?n. '??'''?' and. nnd '?-." -
.|i.Bld.n., ||nman..U??n-l*nflr?lan.M?ilr:!.th.i. and
i i,i,.i .,.-.. and rn.-n- W.-iii ing. a |-a --navr, ol N?*.
1. r.'i i ? .in -???.n av<".
g ,.f il.? .ara-l x."ri.HM injarv e\f|*l \*n
-.1,, . ? v h.i v... bmird nnd. rncil'i !?'<? aiy '?? l"f,,','?
!.*> t?'* riiii'i i" ''' ? ,., , ,i,.t?.-i ,i..?fi
!,.l-d tl..-an. and wlll dlc. Ihf l*w ?-'*' *??"
,,,.. rtv? ... Ka-I !?">?? Mh t. ??.-..? .. ?.!? n.ad?
f;?.| ln thf plT. Tbe bual "?' ilalnaa?l +?""'?
? - ?
riro txcr:xniAi:tf:s roti.nu.
ninwki.r. i" - '? "?' '" rKVI ?'''' " 'K*
H I.I. .'I' I'l. IM.l .
Thrre aa? an Inrrodlarj Pn
.rtlv b-f.'P* in
nUh1 Mituniiv ln ihf nvr r*M) ".",-nt h V
,,. ,,,i,;,?i.i. Thc h.--- '- '"''i";' ''\,,fn
acrMHi . d.vi.l-l H.I.n famlhV*. Abraham l*\y.
Tl.t . ?i- I'v- oathchmrtb .1..bad .n
,., a aeddlng and retanifd brnnf al a qaarter fa i
i-iI.hI, \- li- ?ax p ni'.' Ihnmfh Ihc fr.*."r ?'
-l,.?t. 'ihii-i. -t wan. alni ?? a .Irangcr to bim.
P-.-h-d ., a.,.i-..."i ran hmard l-i... ? -v U. yy
Sbounl.1 lhal the ...a,. ?.. a p-n> thu f. and dtd ncd
lolloW ll.lll. .
\ft-i- grttlag inio Um iHilldlM !<??*?.. r.aiad Ihc i..?ii
n.llof Diokc, ahlrhaa- .:"?-' rn.m tl.|lar. II
,,o?x-d iim t-.i:m.-. vi. ? ?? .'?' *?'*'> '" ,!l" -,l'"'';
l..wand Alherl li<*ui tl.1-.thf rclbir do*w.I
a l-ni; tla.n- -h"t l?l? ""'' f" "? 'tUm *m* * '"''"
,?ii 01 waltlng. ahbb bad bfwi wittrated allh
.,,..,-.-. imr.R ..? Ihf .lalrs. The, ,...k.,? ....( ? |
?,?(..?,? and .an. II ?*? >bf xi.,,t. an, h.id llltl
1r.a1l.lf l.ilUngtml Ihe r.- ln Ihe woial aurk altb
B frw ,,a,i. ..f aaler. Th- -im-x and arood n i.artui ?i>
had ,,,,.,, oltiratH altb 1. ...-n-. aad th- -.riy di
,?wrv iiad rtac-ked a bi- nMiMagralbHi anl prabal.le
, .1 i,f,. 1.,. nobVc ar*" l"'!...^' h*r th- iwcndtarv.
\n.. i-.'att-.n|.t ai ln*cudiai -". ?a? rr|a.rtcd hy Ihe
???.. ijUicrday. W ? ""? >?? '? "' "'" "' M"": ;t '";
* t\ .. iiu. *ivi'.Lut'fi'*il i>\ "x.ir:("*t wiii- 'i
STrJI?$&, *> Tbe gaa aMt#r. -vid-.-ily wltb the hope
tiiat the mrter woahl bh?a* ap.
. ^? -
ro.?...bi.x. ....lo. A,,,-. .-.I '^'?'?i-,"l-,rn;,i;,,nf
w-.l ctato ln Ike Xalh.nal Capltal. valiud nt 9SO,
U, um property. Tha parUei whn lay etata to the
- Ungimi. PM d-xrcndanlx Of Mrx. W.t'.ol, a.,.1
(,)T ?ll of Ihcm lh<- ln and ai-ound ( ..l.imbux. rj-y
. Mp?. Lather Doaald-oa, Mra. Bto* IhjW Mw
i-. ... ^.nand. ilaataa, Oavfea and Wllllam Jol.nslon
Mra, Hannah BdKC and Mra. Holrln n?? Thc
iattor llve. ln IndlanapolU. Mri. Wctwl WM the
pivat-pj'ihaltiiolher of Mr-. li.pps. BH. DOBatdaoa
iiml Mr-. hnllaiid ai-e ha'.f-i-t'-r- and e.m-lu-p.T iin i
?f Mr-. Iieaga. Power of atrorney kaa been sipn.-u
b) all >.f the aartiea. nnd ?a? lled with tl?: coaatjr
il.rk la-t evciiiup f >r ua.i-iui? imi to a bwyer "?
WasbJnston, who dlaeorered the alieird def.-.t in tho
title ahllc exaatinlag Ihe anpera for Ihe traa*fer of
Kerretary tt'hltnoy'a tVaahliirton boaae, when thc ,
lata-r retlttd with the ( l.-veland Adiuluistrailuti.
" l.ittle Roek, Ark., Aup. 31 .-To-uiornw Ihe
eleetion o.-.iirs in Arkansas f..r rounty, i^-'is
latutv, and State ..tlieers. Mr. FlaVT, FnioB
Labor nnd Repuhlleaa eandtdate for Oovenwr,
Would nii'iii. ,-tional.ly earry the State on a fair
hallol and an honest ei.unt, The hetter elenatnt
In the Deinmratic party ll divided, aud in the
white coiintiea the IliemoeratJe party vote wili
fall l>. l..w ihe vote of two years apo. Many of
the white eountiea that gave Raale, the Demoeratio
nominee f"r re-e'ection, a majority two yeara
a.'.. will (tive Fi/.-r a majority lo-mormw. N"t
withstanding the .1 feeiioa in the Demoeratio
party there is little r.".m lo hope that Fi/er would
be inniMiiraled. thouph hts majority should rea.h
80,0110. Prominenl IJemocrata have openly aa
aerted iu Filtle I.'-i.'k tiiat no tnatter wliat
majority Fiz.-r avta they will eouut hlm out.
Seveial thouaand haUota were sent thia morn
ii.p t.. Morrillton In lieu of Ihoae deatroyed yes
t.r.lay hy the Deruorrntle ni"l>. bul the Slieritf
uf Conway I'ounty having i-.-ue l a pronuncla-1
nipnto t?. the offect that no Republiean tieketa
Shall l>e used, it ia alt"petl;er prohable that the
Kepublieana of that rounty will ia? dbtfnnchbjed.
The an.I and ruoillitod in.-n that robhed Ihe
train yeatrrday ar- tiill In the aaddh?. Reporta
are rouiinp, in fr-.m varioiia portloiu. nf tbe State
..( Di-ni... rotle outragea on tlie eve <>f the eleetion,
t,.;t it is tlie poiley of the Republieana to lele
(tmph nothiiig t.. the luetropolltan preai tlutl
ntniiol I..- venlied hefore i' is seni oil^. In U*
< uunty ihe Kepublieana Itave a raree majority
un a f.ir eiaint. Yeelerdny when the KepubUran
tirk.-ts n-aehed Mirinnna, llie roiinty-orat, tlie
I),-ini"T its ihrr itened t!ir nian lutrualed with thetu
With a--.,ssiiiati.,n iinl'? he tlirncd tlieni OV?T.
?I,.,. dauphler ..f Ihe t,. k.-M.e ir-r arereted the
liehela nnd Ihe hnll<l?zerV aeheme foi!ed. "Joe"
K'-nui'd.v. ehairman ol ihe llepuhliean Commitiee
,,l i.,.,. i imi iy an I o meiuhrr nf llie State ( oui
inittee, haa !"?? ti wariiwl I ? leave tlie rounty on
p: iu "f i|.'..th. Keiii:edy is an educatcd and in
Biu :,ti .1 ."I. red ltepnldi?,nn.
[? i.,,t.,,1;.nty, tlie liome of <l .vernor
Eaple, .. Ikiuoernl ?? m?d? aaaaulted Jmhre Ifannu
yes'erdiy whib? he waa deiivenna :i Kepuldtpnn
.-. i>'.n-.s, aud a in"i wl.ndeavored t" a#ive I "
Ju Ipe waa alao pmineed up"ti and aliam-fulA
hraten l>. Ibe lanu ?> iat*. Judpe llauna and lii*
fii.-id w.-iv ihen a.'ie-tel. t.ik.-n hefore a Ueui -
.?niti'- juatiee ..f Ihe peaoe and lii.ed with?Ul a
triftl. Some deernt Hemocrnta were s" in'ei.M-d
ai the oair.ipe that tl'-.v made up a j"irse a:.d
t?-n .i-rr-l Ihe two men tbe auv.unt of liie line and
,.-(., whieh llary peremptorily refuaed lo re
Pnlaakl i'ounty. Ia whieh the State capital is
loeitad, is in ihe baada al the Demoeraey, nl
ibouyb ihe rounty ooiitalna 3,000 RefMhUeaa
mtij.'ii y- Th' si^ritf h teomml sioned soni.- nw
IhUlld.el dei.iitie.*. and ll is feared that blood
will ia* abed, aa the ???iier ela-s "f dfiaena aee
di ti n.iinP'l i? bave au lioneal eleetion, and that
meana ihe d-feat "f llie llemoerala by a deeid?l
majority, whieh tbej will i\^' peneeably atibmtt
t... _
Th- .|..ti.ei i Arl.u...:- t...l.i.- ? ll be foriJ.*emor
;l, (1 ,,->;,., Mate itrhVer*. inriiil*r.' "f lh? Leii-bitiru
.m| u.anlj ..:."!?-. Tlie nea l^-gl-lature will ekit
a l ult.al .-t.ir.-- >?? it?* t" - i. ' ed J*"*'* K- '??" '
? l>.-i,i.., i.it'. aboM- 1.1 a explres iiext imuitb. TTw
1..! I.- ..-I.'.ti.: ?u.- In-iii".. it.- !?> aboiil el-hlv-h?o
?.4j?nt) un J.miiI i...ii'.i. The iwo i*UM-Urketa iu the
?,, ii| ihe l hioii Lab r. ? hii li Ihe ICi publb aii^ h,k\..' iu
,j,.i ,:, aud lla Henua r.ite ai>- fc?<: I" hiw:
I 1, 11 1... I- UiJ
i inn. uv KKXTCcky orn.AHs.
|.| ItlF.IM |X Tlll KUFXl IM VU!> Ll FAt'TlOX
M ii; M \1>. I'lttMlM t i:>.
i./.t.t -. ll.-. Aiig. 31. Faptaln 'ialllMr. who h.\- been
; i.n.n.ind ol Ihf lm?.|? glvlns pt.?'""? '?' JadiK
[ |.IH>", ruirl al llarnnl. Ky.. rra-lml Winrhc-ter lo
,',? allh -i\:?n i.n-.n.ix. AniiHlS Ihcm ar- H. F.
r.h. .1. ? . Kv.i-.'l-ar.d l.wirBe W. K.'t'i - .l>\ IcadfTs
Ihc I p-i. !. EvfrMilf read. ahl h h.i- r.w* i < >n
m ?ni. inailik" and danpr ln IH.it mtUon lor niany
,i:,, ii.-x-' Madcra >wll be hfhl wlthnal lull r**r j
Hlal al Wlncbeatrr. The Jadge -'f th<' ?inch*fr
i ..mi ha.. iii- p pib'ti-n of havlng mardcrer* cuuvMtcd
m.d lnn-.l Thfrf a"' ''ln- othrrx vh? Im'c I -n
.ngagwl ln Ihf f-d ... th." partt bn uirhi !?? MIra-heater,
and a nuini.-i- a--r- l-C iind-i- nuanl Bl ll.ir.nift.
-,-1 . .1.1 N lli.r.x! AND lAlllilAi.i:.
\ ii. ix'. luu-n-x- and rairlaec arere *t?d n icvfral
.!:,.- agn lr.*i the ?tal*lc >.f Kdaard ll.ir*4>arg, aho
lit-'o ni Klaiura, a -mall v.n.i.- ncar KUiabeth, S. i.
Mr. H..I-I.IHX a.t-d ibf p'.t af a deiectlve and fouad
llml thf h..<? had bren drlvcn |.i Jcr*ey Friy. ab?Tf
,t had i.-.'.i kepl In a -taid- over nlttht. The anlraal
! ?.,-. tli.ii Irtinight to tJ.ix niy by ? tall. a.-ll dft* *d
j IM;.n. v.!?. talKfd like a bofiMdeah* Mr. ll*a>lNirg
i aatrh-d the iui.ut? "u Ihe HouJcvard. and on r*l ar
i day wax rraurdcd by arelng Ida horaj and rarrlaiw
j pHiig ap th- naid. The m-cupaot ..f ihe rarrbve, Rr.
HiNxtaarg karned, w*x Abnthaai .->ii..i.xx, of n.?. :;.'??>
Ea-t NfVfBt) H I"1' ?t.
Mr. Ilfa>barg a?*nt M Ibe pnUre utatton at Treeaont
and I'aptaln raVienaon neal Fin-einan iarttdrlu t..
air--xt Mr. Strau*., aho aaa fo.m.i ai hix boaae on
Saturday aftenwoa. Mr. MrniuM totd Faptaln ateven
mhi that be had laajgbl Ihe borae frwnt Uaatoii l>
maiirhe, ? iio;x.d.Mi-i'. aho ha* ? *table at X**. i-i
F.iurth-ave. iifheer Jaindrln arroted l>eaa?aehg at
M< ktable and took btai to ntaamt lle s.?id
that be iiid uot kauw ahew thc borae raaao
fp.iu origlnally, and that be had bonght the
anlmal in **?i falth fnaa John Foa-lcr. ****% <*?'??;.
nvi.o had, a -i... Ureeawh-i. xt.. near u.-i i. aihft.
n- axU-d thf raptalu t?> *ead aa offerer uith kn* t.>
l-'iliikiiie ti.it th- p.i-..n":,x -t-.i-y wax rorrect. thf
rautain ?fnt hiUcemen Jarndriii and Ihaiaboc alth
iC'manclM Th.BreM x.ar.h-d in the ii-lirhh .iho,?l
irn>ri. I>.n.an.h- *atd that be had pot thc bon?, bat
roi i.i ...>. iind ??*! *""? l,v t'"" "aMI>' "' roerler. ih
iiimii. Ii ? i'\oi'ixx,il Kivat Mirprbw and xaid that nnd-r
i- ,irr.unxtaii(-x ln- aoald allllngtj! go altb thc
OfBrera harh to the poUce atattoa and try and < k-ar
UPIMmancbe wa*. allent on the lonc Journcy to Taa
mout on tbe cl-vat.-d nawt. lt aaa latc at alghl ahan
ili, 'uiioii at <>m Imndrcd and stv.-nty x-vcntli-t.
wax p-arli.Nl. A lai-K'' rnead P>t off at tliU pbvc and
a, tbe o?reea w-rc roailng ioarn th- Malrs wlth th
lirixi.i-f iH'iiianclif J.imp d away fn.m thcm and rJHaaa
h di-i. tbraagb Um reaanl. lllx artloti wux i?rh a
romplcie kurarlae to the offreea tlut h.> got a c;?hI
xtart Irforc thcv rcill/.-d what had llippancd. Ihcv
rati af.-r the min and thivat-ii"*! t<> sho?t hlm. but
La kcnt oa Rolna aad K?t away ln the darkncss.
Tka aaeaae ania lmin-dlat.'ly repovtad at the p-.Iico
sutlon. and a-vcral dcte.tlvc* ncoured the. ncighbor
hood wlthout flndlng aey U-a?? of Ujo fuflUvo.
r-REPRESiarrATiVEa accuseo of iubbbbb*
'BT TELEGRaPH to the tbibuhe.^
Washliipion, An--. 31.?The Baaaa of Repi-e<?-ntatlaaj
may he treated t" a peiiiiine BaBBBtlBB to-niorrow.
it ia exaerted that Iba r.reciuiuidpe aaadaaa eaae
will be bfOBfM np. and pml.al.ly it will pr?voke ona
of llie mo.-t llvely and blUei deb.itcs >.f tbls llvely
?ontoa The rnadart of tlie Daaaaetatic bbbbbbbw
of the Kle. tions f'oaMBMaaa Ia ihe aaaaaomaat ?.f tnu
raae would Ia; lnexpli.al.le axeefd for the fact. Whiah
appeara lo be nIf iiitanaf. that fram tho bafdaadag
ihetr roaraa haa beea iadjoeored, aad-ta ? greal
axtaat eoairo'Jcd, by Mr. DrarhbirtdfaJ He. <.f aataa,
want- ni rttag to lii- uaVa Bod the aatary arhteh it
briaga-aa \<>i<.* aa poaatbte; aud prarraaitoatl .11 haa
in-en the waichword from ihe nUhi <>n wiu 11 Ctaytaa
f.-ll aader tbe hu.ii-h.it aad -iu-s of a pnfttleal a?
aaaala, niiieieeii BMMitha ago, d.iwn 1,1 tho areaoat
iiiue. No pla for iklay v.liitli . iiild b<: iiiventcd
or coaeoeted oa aay prataxt, buwerer Ihaay, haa
been aegtet-ted. and s,, Mreeaafal hava i>eeu iho efarhj
<>t pAvraiurblaa an.l bla Meada lo B otaaao tho
.le.i-i'.n ..f the lloaaa.thal he atUI botda a atoaaV
ttalnrd teat, and drav.s a aalary whieh, areatdbaj to
the BBBBlBMMM Judpiiiei.t ..f lli-.- majority "f tho
Eleetion* toininlitre, aover belnnged to him, but
whieh dld bebang to tho luarderod Ctaytoa.
lait UrarklnHdgo and aia auUtkal -pabV M tho
Ifoaaa have dnae tomethlng ebe. They baaa d'-Lb
eratrly aiutlatied and n>rrupted a puu.i. doeaaanat
nf the Hoaae, whkh waa In Ihe poa^eadoa >.f tbafi
laidy. Tho pieliminary f.ni. ara ibree: 1* Aagaatj
;,. afi.-r maay d<-taya-raaaed by ili" mviia.u-, i.ut
i.i.i iiii-eiuimi-, ruodurt "f Ihe niaority. uriiug at Mr.
brvrkJnrMge'a in-tipttimi - -the rommitlea awdo i"-> '?>
|.,.it t.. lli- llouae, de.laiinp th.u lr ektBridfd waa
Bot ctected t? and waa not entifJaf t" a aeal In Ihafj
1, <i\. ..a August 1-, t.i.rie. n daya afJarwaid. tho
-vi.u- .,1 iht< wliMMlty" w.r.- bttbaiiiied lo ihe ll-.u-o
h) loloacl .'.lai-ii. a;..: tbrrwapon beraaai pui.ue
prnperty. noihj \d Ibe un.-t otteu?l%-? paru f rhal
d... unieni were luimedlaiefy pufa 1.-1.0.1 broadraot
ihrougteaul ibe rountry. rharpina trw un-mber. ..f tita
majority .f iho ti<-. Uona ttuuuiitu* niih forgery,
i?l,...p.. .,'iii.,.;,.ii and otber gmve rrimea aad ari*
demoaiior-, ami m? BaMuber uf tbe Uemoi r.t.r atiaofitf
-aai uay or dl?avo?ed ih publkato.i.
Alibougb t .- =? andal aia d>amment waa pre??ntet
to the llouaa by rolouel MaUh, of Nann?>lvaaU. ?
r,, .,.,..,,.|,. m luber ul ihe .iioltloe, u 1- HTJJJ*
MTted that be hiiew ibe oatrageouK r.aturo ?f Ita raa>
?j.at-. rn. d... ::ii!"nt -??:..- W havo beea prepei ??
1 iu- ?,.'?.?<:.:?- hliuaelf. <?:? m..l"' hl HtiaiedUlO dr>
, . ;, ,. .,.., . , uve : " .i"-!-"i and 'Hfered to tha
l,,.,i- 1 s I'ul >l Maiah v tl. ibtt rai rful i M iiu*
,1 ,,, ?|,e || ttc -ii.il.l l?va be*ti>wed U|*? 1 * doeumetd)
,.iiian?tiug t'""' a waa who ?tm 110I i wewt^ 1 tba
.mittee. i.nt who w,i.- tho "i l> Uvlng a ; -ni to bd
ftftVeted by it. and. BM?rrn*-eT. withoat a ia?Btcioa
timt ibe dorumeul rontalned iho fal?e. aixbetnaa aad
liisultlnp Ktttemrnta wi.i. '1 were eatUatled Ia it. Tl.^
pr-eioua dorament wa- risned bj all the otber Deaao
rratk awmbero of tbe rommlttse Mea*r?. ?'ri-i>. of
(H-irpia: WUaoa. of Boataaa; O'BbRbB. of Vtrgtata;
1'iithwaite, af "bt". and Moora, >.f Taaaa. Tbeea i?
no reaaoa to bofatra that any .me af tbeee Rep
reaeatottvee woatd have aigned tbe paper tf he had
beea apprtaed of the real aatore of :.- raaNaaaaa To
that eateol all ?.f Ihem musi b<* aUofvod frutu com
plairy In tlie aatlBga.
W'hat aext wa.- ahOWfl' Well. enoi-h piss.fs af
.opie, of ttii- pre.ioiis doruateat were oMaJaed ao that
o^.-i m.i'.ii'..- .-I ihe ndiawiiy. i"t il-> Ihe i>'<1 aat ? -r
nf th.- -Vlew ." rouM l?' provMed with one. T'io
! pnurf -lip- nr:-t htvc been In tlirtr kattda b) Aagaat
1 ?.:.. on. '!?v ?!.' i- the fal?e md auUI?.??!> rrawBea
: a.-ain-t the Repubtirsn iii-'aii-'t- nf thr eamtmlttee bad
i-.-n publl-hed In all he k-adiflg newapap r- wf tha
cui.'rv. . .ti ih. authortty and aith the .:-'iii. .f te>t
| the r..i.!ilva: ??.?. Of M ?:-. Mai-h. <'r.-P. W.!-oa,
? ?>l>mll. 'Hilhwalte and Moian*. Ila? Dem.i i-iti atem>
I ???- ,,r the -1":.mmlttee. X?a.f th-m. be it
a.-ii'i --..md. dlsoau.at or <ii-a\o?,-.l tia? fa'-e and
1 -,:i1;. ...- ?' . .;?- What Ihi-t del An ?.i- I ? 1-gla t<>
, |i..|d -.. i.-t r..i -niiiifioi- with lirrrkli ridise. and Boadhly
! with other ssMiihern l?em?"rai*. Tli.R*ultBthaae
l t\,:v -.. --!...'?- aud pridrarted lliat t'"1 V"'i f t,l(?
!.!.., ,iii.-:,f ??'?- ;???? e.irre.t?d u'id re%l?ed. aiaf tho
| ,1 ,. mi. it itM-lf put.l -ii.d. iiutll tupuM ?-"?'- eknen daya
I Bfl.-r II bad '."i -ii'.-i:.::. .1 t-- Ibe llou.-e a.nl -.-at U?
Ibe Pul Ii. l*r iit?*r.
.\- pul !;-'..d. II diffi :?- in ii."xt i'tii'"vt.iat partfc -lira
fponi ihc doiunMiil ahl Ii th- ll" i? ? *?n a ;-n-t M
!.->. ii ,.? i .1- || ? ?? \,.?? - .?! ih- iiiiiiorliy." I :'->i d .? u
iikhii liax Uvii .-:?-:?> fii-ii'd. n>d *?ly i*? t;e
..?iii .x|. ?! of niittiTHi- |.:- !-???. laii l.y th- Bnaath**r / a
adilili'Hi *>f -???'??? ??l-.'hl print-d par-.x "f Mirar>*i>Jii4
n att.-r. ta-H !':?:<- "i ahl. ti r*-!u?" t>? an InrtaVnt ahl. ?
had ln. i.-.u-i:.-'. n-.i:- or r. i. ?*??. Iipnw Ihe x'll.;-. t. in
hand. Th.Ighl I-.-"-. a* ac|| a- th- .\. i-ihi- Uf
(???? in. itl.I. ar- ilearty Ih- i--alt "t Ihc ~V"\
r..|.x,,|i:,;|, .. witli Brm kiurfdif.-. afler th- "VWj "C
tlli< ii-'.n .l-il. I 1.1 bf*?H *Bl.nillt?<1 ln tlM H-'tlx.-. a:.d 108
ati-mpt i" ii.j.-.. t!i-in i.t" an ..lUVial rened uf lhal
|..?l", ix *s n-.liaful ii - liupild ?' :t. Ln" Ih- nntliiati?-n
..: th* orliriiial r-i-onl. b\ i-iitting oui alMde ?euU*ncc?
a:..l iwraaraphx. -.. a? maifdall) i?* rhtnai1 lt- ?pini
Utld n.-.ilii:i.'. a- aell a- i ?: ti- ut.a ;tl.'>r./.--l aiMt
Ulilaatul Bttdili.'lK Uaivl*.. Ihc ! >< n... i i! :? Blfil.U'r*
,.f ih- Kl - ti".- i'.immltt?"c ar?" re?poa? l>l>". an I -'. .um
l,.- i.-i.i p-iM?u-lblf b\ ihe li".ix-. aii of Ihfai ere.
,., |?-tt. ? 1.. I-. h**-vec-: IM.IM .>f th-iii. prdauily.
u.uild - -k ?" an.-? <i ti- plcadlng- ln a .a? at kar
alili ui t. -ti.- lo Ih ? ciatrl.
Whethcr Hm xtrlking .aat <?< rertala matt-i- in the
orlirlnal --vl-a-" aa? a rowardly p?-riurmaii - ia* otaer
v..-.- iit.- nieii wh. did il b-xt knoa-. and it .-d nol bt
ii.-p. .I'-. a-- d. it ix not ..i.i\ pfrtiat-ttt, but baput-.
tatil h"v.-\-r. lhal Ihv Itoaar. a, w.-ll a. Ihe ...untrv,
siiould kio.a xHufihiug at.nt ihe aiaiilailoa ..f the
ovi-iml i-<..pi a ". >pi ahl.-h, i>? it renieaiherat, ?m
wrlti-ii or dictaifd b\ thc dffcndaai ax ibe Bndtng
..f a inui'.iiiv "-I h- erand jury In hix ..an ray#.
ll. p- i- ,i miid fxainple: in ihc original the Itoaa]
wa- .ali.it ii|...ii to Jodtf* bow "dUgraiefnlly and
. t-ni.il...ih " th- in\.-xtl?ni"ii h.ul bfcn roadariea by
tii- niaj.irit) . in ih- p-\ix.-d and matilated reeord tna
mi .{.-.I ?,.:.|x d.. i."t appcar. V f<" ? utearc-i furth-r
on 'n ih." nrlelnal p-<.*rd appear th- l.dloaing fiNe
nnd inaii. i-iix kiatentfnta re-*pfrtlng the BMtorlty
ii..i.il.c:- of Ihe ruaaailitee, everj ?.>r>l "f whlrh h;w
bi-vi rarefnll) i-kpanged froni ihc prtnted re.ord:
?'l)ix...tiif-x.v. uafalrnea*, negteti <>t <tuu. anJa-tlBahlo
irtt >???. 'ol Vitiu. n p|.'"." "f t.--iiiu.ni\. and ->.n
iiivani'- at rriin- li*v<- tn.irk.-d th-.r .-oiirx*. ax uju ha
v,.,, \,\ li.d.ii.italik" pioot. Thlx hax ln-.-n unh.-ld by
ui,- -I i.i- maj. n:v and retmkfd by noae. Party prcju
.ii.- ii'.iii.-. [..i.|...x- t.. arrompll-b ?Lfod_ or laapropee
...jl".m (,, havf deadened evrrj -.iMMIItj in penUa*
iiicii (."..' ?h-ii' th- llo.ix- and tbe rtatatry ha?l a iiirht
t,. ?-\i.-. i l.-it.-r thtoge. >" '"? iin?ottiiv pnrpiaa- x.-,.m,
t-. I... th-'r hiiii and .l.j-.r. ->.n- iu'tmbl- .-oti.pa. t
-.?iiix i.i have fop-xfiii-.i ibrtr aeUaa; aaaai baac aa4
liiccul.nit* iniiid x.-cnix io have taktod theai: and lt i-j
fir xiioft uf thf tnilh t" -iv thal tinx lnve~ti?::??ion hsa
i.. -u a ml-eral.b? lurcf, and that Ihe majoiity report N
unf.Hinded In i.n'li. u?t ja-tlHed by Ihf evhtenre, and
?tffarcd by ih- r-p-l ilon af partUan UanMeta, not su-?.
,'..,| |,j H; \ b-.tim.HH. Kaowlng Um utt-r la-wf>
ilitciuj <?r rchnant i'vld*nc.- to an-eat Mr. Iir?kin
rldec. Ktioaln . Iiatfed. thal lt pp.v-x h(n -Ic.'cd. the
majorllv r-p-'t r.inc'.-x ii -i.-rv itnin-'lu iid- dlrc-ilon
f..r taiiit-r to .1 -t"it. ln th- vaiu bope al bflrcoulng
?tr-u th ti-i-'-<'i.v.''
Thf iinot-d u.itd ap" Ihf wopl- "f IMctidant l.rcrl.
Inrldse iath.r-.l b> r,don-i Mii-h and the ofhee I>-nio
i-rallc ni-ini-ix. of .'?- Ki?tion- r.utunitt?. aho sicn-A
Ihf .1".?iitn-ni ahli-h ...niiln-d ih- vord*. Will thcr
II..W dl?*"-vn and r. ondi-itc th." fal- rharte ?".a't'.-h
,h-v l-ut Ihf *Hghl ?f InHr r*ga?? .O.^Jg
i.i. ad laitoraacf? K th-v attoffd] th* rhmnra. b-llff
ii ? tl,-in I.. ?.-? tru.-. wbv did th-v expanav th.-.n I >o
inatl-r ahat may he Ihf an?*cM t.. Unne oth-r p-r
tln.nl <t?ti..n-. u-f-ndant PrfcMartdaa Mntactr, aj
Ihc ?iillu.r of t'.? -ha-v-. i-aanot i-aeape ffiaa th* n!t
a-blrh h- h-.x dna tnr h'n.x-if: kf aapeaw to the tfafa)
?f i .-..aardlv calnianlator. aha ?afh? tr. hld- M* par.
I v,?,.ti-\ .nd p--n n?s|lillllv, and for abaej *v-n the
,ratu l,Z>-ix of ..? Fb-tionx mmmlttf* Bkriiik
. " . u" p.-no.,-.bi-. II ix nHftty oui of theaaea.
i?,/ that <oio?cl Maixh. ?he ls a ??tleayaa
laavcr ?h*Mi|d have n.'""^ aarh
?,,r,..'.,?.. Bnd iintrathfnl --n?-n ?*?-: but be N cuipa
I.I* llc.-a.ixc h- did not pnaaaU} dhaaa th-n a* gaN
.,. ??.- pu' !'-t-d to Ihf ?ountrv.
a' Furth-r on thc aathnr of tbe nrlglaal nn*vp-ircat*d
: . , ? I-,,.. ??dl- U*a ll-pn'"'."''. ai?rai*ra at tna
1 cnmmlttee ta thexc wordx: ? lt l? dlffl.-nlt t> ron
i ri-.v" that t'"-n fVMi an raatroftol bv aarttoaal and
1 ?i'rtv pr-tudi^* or bv bad partv ptirpo-c-. cniild be
l, uftVrlv bu-htag a* to ranro* t u ?haaetHe
iiua ihu Thlx |s no .-ritiic acaiiKt the ballot
!v iinknon-n mea. erha v-d thflr fn.*- from th;
I vi*w of a pnhlic that th-v know wnuld -ondfmn and
oinUh th*m: If I- not th" .?rlin? of an unluiown a-*x?*.
, Bn. who hax M x.?ck the da-kncss of nlght to comn.lt
, (*--A tliHt he dar x n<?* do In th* nu'-llc mr*: thU
l |^ .i.n ir* of in-n "i offl.ial bf*. and th-v fvprft thi?)
body and the pnbllc, to a-bnm and for *Nn ?"??
I x?. ,... lo kparova, to laud. to apptaud. aml to pront
^Tha -efeara." aa pnl.ll'hcd. do n?t contiln Ih's
cholc? par?|m?ph. In paxxlna. It tnar bc rc?l?<*r al
gafTU Uieorlginal ? vwwV falrly brlsUe wtth para