Newspaper Page Text
V?-?L.N*I5,tW. NEW-YORK, TUE8DAY, gEPTEMBER 2, IrHWL-TEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. VIOLENCE IN ARKANSAS DEMOCRATIO OITKA'.KS Al YESTr.KDAY'S ELKlTK'N. T JICRDEH, TXTIMIDATIOX AXB BAI.LOT-BOX 6TUFFIXO THROl'l'HOUT 1 ?11^ STATK-LAW >ND ORPKR Opr.XI.Y PI TTED. [BT TELtCBAllI IO Tlll. IklDLM-) Little Koek. Ark., Sept. l.-To-day's eleetion Jias been a repetition of tlie framl. InilMoziiiu- nnd other critnes ef greator mafrnitudr conimittc I bj the Deiuoeratic. uartisans whi.-h have Uitherto bceu reported rcitardini: eatetleaa in this State. lt was cven more violent and illci;.*! tnan thc eleetion two years ago, whieh U gencrally kuown t., have lK.-eii carried hy the foulcst and blac.kcst criines against a free hallot. lfrports have reached this eity up to 9 e'cloek *aB ?Ighl gtaawiBf that in ruany coiir.ties in the Stat<- arui'-d hodirs <>f Deinocrata visitrd the fa>llt aad not only in timidateil the volers, but iu n.orr than one in ifunna aaaaalted and murdered l nion Labor men bihJ Rcpiiblicans. Kxeitement here is at the hjghret pitoh, and troiible is anticipated and will doubtleas come if the Deinoeratu attempt ta carry out tlieir threaU. forcibly to take ',.i***ssiou of hallot-lxixea whieh coutaui large majnrities for } uer, tlie Uuiam Labor and Bepublicau oaadi tlato for Uovernor. There ia not any dottbt but what If'izer has carried thc Stote by at Icost 15,').in u.ajorily. Bat alri-ady the Drato, r. ts have begttll th'-r Lellish work af destroyim; the baUota and stulllii*' uml atealing the lullot-l'.-Ne-,. ln L#r Couuty the bailot-boxes wvre slulled and otln-r frauthl antCtBBML Iii Lalayette Townehio, Ouacliita to.nity. last aifbt, aa ..ruied nnd. killeti a Ke pii.liean and took forcihle pos>es>;ou uf the I'niou Lahaf ivillote- ln t'tmway 1'uaaty, wnere Jehn M. t'layton was Baaataauaated wiaie t.ikmn tesu n.ony la eontt-st tlie seat ia Congrrse h.-i.l by I . JJ. lireekinridgo. the tisiia! dcvi.try and Itaud have *taeea perpetrated. Thr DrjBMtorata ia Waal ingl ?n I'ouuty have tclepraphcd ia advance thal tlarji have itrraiiped tliinirs to Inaure u nsajorilj lor llteir U'ket by foul nic.wis. In I'nioi. UoantJ liLjb han.ied outia_-cs on ihe hallol-boxri n e repur e I. ]n Si. lrancis t ouuty, where a fjir ekctiou waa held. Flart'a uiaj.irity is adimttcd hy tne Di-mo Oiata to bc over 1,008). la Castlund. Aahley, Hill, I'i"" "'"' "1,,?r aaecincts in this il'uh.-Iu cuuruty lickeia were forcibly taken Irtnaj ete I'ldaa laalmr raen uuii Bcpublieaim and destrayed, and iu s'-Mie prr. in. ta thc Detiioeratfi heM arparate ebiliora. aml uVlii-d tLe reuular and h*fally appointed judgva of elretiim. holdly aaafrtiuu lhal Ihe eonrl* wmil-J tut Bfliadah au?h otMn-es. 1ml aronld BiiMain their ?villany. ln vhe Third Wa: I ef thia cit.\ I "' Demo,'ratic Sherif af Ha* ruauiy weiil l? i.r polla with ananii?-<l faeaae "I ?a?puti?*?, und lor, ibly eiected tl.e k-gally BBfwiaU-U ju.^e.- ul eL't-tiuu Bjaj insta.k-d judgeB ol 1 is own arh-.tioa. A partLsan DrsBveVatk afteraooa *L<-r ri1"'*- ?**?? hrief but' ti-itiiiiil aecwunl ol liie cuadat't ol Ubj M.eritT and j.osse ui 1 '.a* Ti.n-I Ward: ln the Wanl an axritaha* -I'H'- ??? .?**"??? giionls l-efiae - o'clnrh. A p-d lied ipi*. ''?,"'"''. 1,,-,.-.i tT.. re Hefore thal hoar. Hial aBaaig uiein wttpj a v ,1 it. ,.iitv,-M"-.'l- a"? M-'i'l I"'.-??""'. ftUJ iMl-n ind-w. H. SbIUi. the reaahtr .;.- i-.'.-.t.-.i ung> . alto are CepablicaJja. aere nn toirf bv ;'?;"; ;.,V' vi,.-, they aitempted tfi asaaine .....irolol ta i ?.. -? dith.ulty or. urifat, and thejr jw oW*f*\ .,*-'.;:? t, their .-ti.tiineut. the dlfhcaliy raoie ?*??**???' li I Kii?11. the thinl Judi". havlns lailrd t?. pu| '?' w BBBeanAre. O W. Wlflatei. a Rraail-Jrran. aaa *-'. |"7 ttr 111 the vai-aiii-v. Tl.e lu^e- rhen a 1th iv ? h". - enierod the B?llrna plaee. whiel, fro.i ,' ,',h . n '.intl. - ^onlv afl-i-warff hherli Andrr EattwSm-lgtl ? ????*- ol tW*4?*?g gJtX i ,na>d ih- JikV.i fo gct out. The muei aaViaj -o 8' '1 anrre ta*aered out.,ia do aa4 vary ? to the extrnt und j-tnt ot N-iolrtiee eommitted in vurious portiona tn tbe State. aml thc uidawful actior.s of IM lVaaoeratk partisans are severely eriticiaed by the ,ei,servat;ve and law-ahiding citi/ens ef M solitleal P^ lt is laapoaaible n. BMlaaate just j.ow the rxtrm of ln?"d and rrlax whuh has tera raaauBitted %n Arkanaaa t..-d.,y. and thr rr BU|t Udreadril by ull ?rh? liave ihe la*al liiterrata of U.e Sia.e al heart. Kvery heur frrah iirwa is leeeived ?l tnd grrt4t? rraada and Intiaii ll.tioll U? and on'." have hren SUjeTSe .ed l.y ehaiat and rrilit*. and Ihe ri-jM.n-:>.jlitv is uaon the Hen.ofn.n. partj and M vlk n.<-ti,<.ds nl aarryiiia ehaciioaa. \ erivate BBraaagr fr..n. a raraminrnt aentlriuau Bt raniden, Oaiehita fonnty. ?li. is perfeelly iraatworthy, rtya thal bb arm-l laatid of lh-iao. erata viaited the hoaan. ul eoloml KepaldieaBii laat aigbl and hfuke in Ha* doeia. hred Inte the liouses. and warard Ua* n,-gr.--s not Ui vwt Ihr aolra on pain uf .awith. \l He, rv Fh*teliei b they pr-med anase and smnshed in th- (tooi aad ffred 8 vol? al Fleleher. one la.U takiaij afleet Fletrliei r. t irn.-l ti,.- and wmin lnl ..,.,?. the BB?h. wl... ilten diapi nad. Thia mornirw araard men pattollrd the r.n ?""! anaraa-ii - - relorrd vetera aut t? e..nie to the polla ?"''?**? thet would rtgree to vate lla* I)eia? ? r.i'i-- llekrt. T is they Btftaaed t? da, and the Deinocrata tht-u forrcd then. to retiirn hoiuc. (iNLV TIIE -U.SLAL DISTrRBASCER." PHYU.NOR I.A.. I.l S miEXlM ? I.AIM'IHI. STATK BV IN< " alAJOrUTlKf*." ',\\r.r.M. ratflfl BBBrAT. ii j I.ittle Roek, \rk. Srat. l.-The Ktate ?"<! tOUUty ele.tiolis tBTHlaj parW-d ofT .jilietly so far M knuwfl t- thia lioiir .11 p. tn. . Ni.Uiing -niore thau a lew ilteturhataera al Uir ordinar} ehajaclet have oecirred. and thea" did not nfleel t!.?- reaiilta. N? iroahtea arhatever here. Partial n-Mrns and BBUsaaiaaiaafeeeived by "TheOaaette'' froia thirty ol tlu- -M-.enty-iive eouatara ib Ubb ritale mdltjate aargely iwrieaaed Bjajoritira f..r tioteruor Eaglc und the Dratocratic ***** liekrl -ner twa yeara a^o, when hia rnnjorily was I.J.OOO. DenmcratK: niajorities aa eaaatt uffleera and legiaiuUo*a have heen eurrespondin^ly iacriaarrl Uraaijrrata elaitn ffar state l.y tro.n j.'.,.,<>n to :iO,n'?n uaBJorliy. ln ti.e Thinl Wanl aml arveral townalupfl in thia (Pulaaki eounty daabar polliug plaeiaatrere eaaalt lislieil, owiiiK lo a el,ar?e il,: t the I'onnly Ju 1^'' violafatd thc iuw in appMiitiuu judgra . i ee.t.ona. 'J l.e roiii.ty ia clvive, and tue rraoll ma lurn ou ju-ii'lal eoiistriictioii of tlie taa. drllaiag thal adicial'a dnii.s. ?.??. ? C. R BBIaTKOCSlDGE IN SKCLISION. THt Bl.XIUilAKV 00 T IIK W'iUKll.I.TO>' KAlU KOl A.i l..v Ilil.i. TO WOI I.ii Bl. yi ESTIONKIiS. W'B'-hl.i.-t.iii. s-jit. 1 lafreriall. Th?r' w.-r* tnany In qniri - f?r Ur. aU>4*rMarMge, ef Afhaaaaa, to?Jay by men who arere anxiou- t.. bbo? whrther he haf re reJVed aay due.t iiifi.r.i.i.ioii almtit tne jilavf'.,! laM of Baaaa Ihi.kIi-.i- ?>f ?",> Im ,?i-" Md mv peapk" ln conway < ouniv oi, Miitnaai. arho laravely a aauli'd aml rtttalard tara Braaeebk rlttaeaa, one of Wli'.n, vv.i- thflj I'.i-toiliai. nf Ueketa fur tha u-e nl aml laBBBarralt al tha eterttaa today. Mr. *8reeaiBrMga rouhl nol la; founil, aml Bl raBBBI lt BTBfl Ihtalight tha. he had leehaacal him-eif t. Baaara over iha -.inful arta of Ma - arh kal partnera'' in Uaaaay loumy. Then Can be BB iloul.t lie flraa oMii ..nn- u I. li ;h,i;i/c n,''i,i, horror and grlef Brheu be heard thal Uamtl Arim.t.0111; rflflhl at tlu; h.-a.l uf the aiaitd aiaf BMaaiihal ! legion whieh. aitl. tt. raaceva af .u,?.ii rattafaata on foot, "held uji" a lailmad Inun ut Moirillto,,, and beaet, hcat and miiix-d two aaaceahle rltfateai arbaae only offemo was thm they wen- trylag l<< BBBfly legal votera with ballota to be lawfully caat l.v them ln t),e eleetion of today. . Tfiia Carroll Annatreng ta dne of i rei klnrldi'o'a j boaora Menda and moat atanrh aupiiortora. Uc erafl one of the men a-hom Itrcehluiidge, In the "vlewa* whieh he klndly and tlKHightfally prepared ior. and whieh were iucor.a'aerately adopted ly, the I>om,?, crattc Bietnbera of tbe Eieetlona < ommlttee aa. tht-lr own. deacribec aa - geatlemen of the hlgheat eliaracter aad ttandlng, and ne cemplalnt 4a made or can be Btadeof tliem." Oarfadnly no cornpurnt can be maaa of them or the bene IN lanes of thcir iritne*. lt is tnic tliat Uie | caieoiniuin aliiiv? Qiint.-d traa <-xpiiiiir.f*i m the im-| aatbialBtd aml vvholfxalc niutilatloti whlch thc dora- j iiniit aflrrward xiitt.-r.*!: I.ut in a dirfrrent plare Brrrkliirtdgu and liix -jialx" higged la t**n printed j pagaa whkh werv imt i? parl "t thc othrtal rrpwrt t.? I the li'nixo, in ** i'a- atapplng of .\i*a?trwig'a tii-u by Juilm.- Mrt'larc la dRell apun n- an ..utr-ag'' Bwro lielt.t.iix by far tl:an thc n.unlvr nf Clayton. ln tiiix u!ia;:UiorUc<l aild.-iiduiii to tlie olllrial rn .ni au at tempt ix raadr tu earlte ayaapathy for the baUdotlng Amatroag- Hnrchlnrblgt'a boaon frirad?by atatlng that "Iic lx a xinall. frail uian, rfjghlns Imt little if ai.v over UM) pouuda, and of DttrVoU* tcin|M-raim.-iit.'' i vbilc MrCkirt b* dorrlbed ax "h large aml powtrfMl I Btaa, and Uat diflcivn..: ln IMr phyalenl atrength ! would aione aaggeat ftrbayaranca." It R farther xt.ttfd, BO Aniixtri'iiK's autJtiirity, tliat he wax Qnanued : when M.-('liire ahtppcd his fare. saliuday. when ?.?' piouuJy ixaie at tlie l.e.d of t.'iat I ioIhhIibbt eavatry les-on c,l Oaaaag Coauty, tbe rufhaa.j A.-iiixtning? thlx "xta-kll. fmil" boraaB fii.-i.d uf Hi-.ik.n- j , ridwe' Uiix ?* aabUeaaan of ti*o hir*ifxit tharacter." **ii?i ' i ir*i a mob ti -l.'.H" a rallwajr paaacug** traln nnd 1 : axxa.ilt uiiai-nifd .ind pia.calile paaatug. r> - waa not ? uiiarnied. BBrroanded and bai kcu by tjRgl bt i.."..mi ! arnicd and nnlhn?1a?ilf iHaaoriah), tt la Un wmnto. ' thlr -xiiwll. frail," lOO-pound linxoii irli-nd of I Hrvckinridge ahoired a boid froia, and oshibRed a I - de '.? ol reckltax bravcry ln the < ? upofi two : unarmed and biugen*!** paaacagrra in a railaaj traln -a fraol and a brnvery whlrh atrjoi lo havt raptlvaltd | U,c- poinUare uu.i rxut.-d IU eatbuwaaai tu -..< i. a : ocirrib- lhal il.e rnerrhaul ahoi hix xt.tre. tiu- me*lianlc ! I dex-erU'd hix betn ii um! for^c. nay, ev,-n the lurfl* I saloonkeeper cbjeed his bar aud tun.cil iIr- Ki-.v i^.ii -.1 I tblnty Ikanorrat*. ln order to rrlebrate this la'.ixt ! and graodaxt vRiory "f the Conway I'ouiity 1> ?*?> . crals and crown Ui ? v lora, I* l~ ... W'.t ?lcr, <?'.!..-r. | i that siii-rlll Baelby aad ix-'puty Khtrlg ?*UUV RtntlJ I nit onlv enit>ura**ed tl*' arnied moli wlth almniir.ini i ' niKlx aiid appruvliig sntlh-x, bat Jmnod in <i-l b"..i.'i: I the gtorlou* virfary. i unt Biwktnrtdge. bi Waahlngtoo, one <'f ihe i. ia- , j flrhtrk*. nf thix and litte rltttlli**, lii.lex liiii.xi'lf fr.'in ? tl.e valpar gazc. ini?-t-x h|x n Umnte frirnda with dt.-.*ii | 1 rii-t tjret and aaddtntd o>uiit>-iianec. and i- arrayed I ? witli.-i) njtaaplairically r-rv-bii.m^. ln karki-autfa ..ud | a.-ln.-x. FOR A BALKAX FEDERATIOX. E.V'.I.AND RlaPORTED TO II*.VI. PROPOMMD IT 'i1*' THE ri.wi.p.x. Taxis. sept. 1.?The " Flgaro" >;.y< that Entiand haa BJadf n pr.?p*adth?n to Ibf Powrra thal Ihey n~.iii">ii a fedfratjon >.f tht Ralaan xtai.-x. Im-lndlug Ktunaiila, Hiihraria, Ni-vla. Moiiafntgni nnd u |iart of Allaii la. ln i.' to Aim.-iiia. Ihf |aj|a*|s -a* Engbnid wlll un dtruuic an ?'ii-.'.- Ititrrfi'mirt untll ordrr i- r-- loitd. |!l ii- ?] >-!? l- t-.. t!i- k-! P.-'-v. ;?- nf Ki:tx.|..' t . m tI; i **::ll nllli Bl I " "i. "! a r.'il"!-'.' ? -i" : ' Ihc Muall .- u ?::?;?- ln Ibf Halkaa-, I. :-l "Jjll-ltiiH '*? : 11 j have !>?". i.n ??! ln ? oti-oiinit. ? wlth t'.- at.i l: ? n.i .. .. v . .:. . ,? M - i . ?- , i h* ii"'1 i.ii ' t ? ? ; xaii m I,:.-. trealy, whi.h aa. tliroaii ....l it lli** j l -:l ii i i) if< i re, l;nl t :?? - hei i . .i pr <? .t >i in I the rabk" dJ i'.' h, ud - -u aimnul''. tiu it I a Ut !? duubtfiil lhal Uritl-!. dlpLim * xi-r-m l* cnt.-r t.i. ,t. al !' ? l li H ??'' ;??*! l 'im. ' ?? ha*?11 ? ? . K claad. Wlll ll ptvl :.'l- lo '.? ? --:? I? I? -'-.i: .' I'll'Ki'J. . i:. ! !i irdly pr >p.?-c !?> -? at !i "ii ? li|.>re li iili f:-..iii I.i" ??vk mi',." Th.x I- wbat v*t. ihl lc d.'.t iiia v.a- t.i fii'.i- the Palhaii le*leiail>..i. *m tlie .il.-i bai d. Hiui ania <a>i haidly !??? s.u*l ' ? '' a liaJkan ftatv. *cp..rati*d .. - ie i- '?;. Uio | Daanbe Xr- i.i tht hi V*u peniii u'a. Xlorf?.v r. | Kmg I'barlet and bt? p ?*?. rful na! u ; ii. . .t liu ,....? tn Iv 8-H.ill.iialed *..l:. 1 -.- -....1". | xui'-x, aml |. - Ihrir nathanal idtntllj ln a inibin witli ; tL'.l.i. A? I" l.i.ijjaile. x*-.\,4 j:,il \,.:r.-ln .:i . I.i J Btight ron*cti; ;<i ib* fedfiall.*;i plan .1 iim-j aere n..t x.. j al .:;? ??.' t-a- !. ot!.' r. Illtd >? p+> U'.'.) .! tht U-: couiitry wa-x not -*; liiQinat* I) b'?nnd !?? I.ii . wbl. h ba.x iuru, niorf than evtr, ui?*"it I'-a--.;:- t.. i ?? <ip p.ix.d ?.. a f .!? i ifin dire'-i *w;aj.i-l bfT Utfluaiirf aod weiin-'.Aii iiltlniatc pi-ojtrta. rii" lde* ut h ii. ( .iiii"*!'-i vi lui- I.:i geliei ?u*l by tli* rantlnaoua iroible* whleh acitit* Ih** pfiilii-'.ila and j.I.h e tli.- pea-" of Kunipe it. ? -..' flanger. Imt it- realliatluM rt<|iiira*. sr-i. that IM DlBltn ti"t?*-e"ii the 1'an.l.i- nnd Thf** aJy Bhoald forgft thelr r-eiprm-al h.tired and Uiflr ixcekxlve prtdo. lt I* Imt flio.i.-li that are ol Ibt ?4im* rellgbas, Hff.r they a^'r.** 'o f'irm a *ln?lf nallnji it ha* l-e-n ?mt tlmt thov ahoaH bo ureparad t. aubmll lo autnr hli 4 llke ibe tr.-.vitiit'iit wiiicii a bunorou* lurk aald ouahi to be Inflti^ed .rn thf Orreha, K**rvlaa? ui.d hulgarbuix ' who live in MavriRkNita, whtre tvary one ul thetn ruviai thc relig'.otis auprfBMlfy. Iit fcald that It wa x,. .iitii cult to di**lnguixli tin-xi- inminal brathr>-a <>l th* nr ttiodf.* Church, aho *aa*a?d mi ainrh troubP m Ibal Turklab iir'.\iii'.-, lhal Ihey *boaht be biandrd, fa. h a.ih tht inllial l-tir-r ..f hi- i.n i.n. ii.. ?., II Thf pe*,pbJ of tl.'- I'alka.ix ;ire li'.t traU^ v.-t llii.x t-i k* c ! i.'.'ii- uutotiomy. a TIIK LIVKRPirOL I.AU*>K fONf.RESR. VOTIX43 SVMl'.v'i II V \.Mi All. POR IHK V-li'.A L.1A.N x-j MBl i-.x. ljT**rpool. rk?pt, l. Tl"' Tradf'i I'tihaia rnnsr***' Opfllfd bfTf toxlay. I ;"?? hlindnd 'I'lf.-il"- tn- ]? " ei,t. Aniotig ihf d> l.vitf - are .tvtraJ w?mw*. John Itiirn*. thf *>w-lalb4l. k-ad-r made a ni<itl?n **i I ! prt*Alng ti.- ayuipathj "f l!i.i,.'"-- vi'l. ib" wn I who a.-e now un -miI." ln Aii.lrallii aiid n-.-fl lliat j raatarlal htlp be *rni l? uVm. Mr RnniB rtenii..; i ?,.. .trike in tu-?ralla a* Hn Kreatfai battle ernr lo nrhl ln lla* im ?:.? i ? ul taiifoi .i Mr.,n am i.iiin.'d llml '.!.""" had l**fn '<?: b*rl"d ?.'?:? thf bfliel'1 -.1 ll." \:i-;:...!.Ui xfU.'ix. aiid il?ii -uii-. riptlotix v '?:?? ?tili l!u' iiip .1 ? V!r. Hiim -'- motloii **a ui ..'.in."ii Iv . ii'ii-tl. ? ? HPHillTKR oi ri'".li l"l; TIIK PAN'AMA I'AVAI.. l'ai:..t...i. A*ijr. -'? I-''" I"' ? !?"? ' "' thf r.' ? ? <"?-.:ii are it"fliiit< Ij brl :??? ?? utid i-. t1 ?<? I. I f?rn ...i . |r. b* Ib rt I " i I'i I* re. ?rd' I ?' ' rully ronfhidfd. Mr ?'? ? la* ulrni'tj arraicd all Biat'tra of priiirlpb wlth Ilie I'rexidtail bi?*I ?'t, a::<! ;.'..?.?. Blld tl ? hiraate ai lt. l-if- t ... A l.-l.-irram from lattclal <>..???? ll liiayda Iia- ln - n Iml^ lixii.-.! in Paaama. ?aj ng lliat llif llf ul- ut Iw ifro:i,iii"ii(i"?l t'. Coiigr*'** Un- pmpuxal uf Mr. IVj ?-. whlch i- ax f.illowt.: ?,ii rxttn*hMi nf thf rontra*t fur clgbt yfar* lot ;."-r. |Bt *>f.l*b to U' li'-ir...: ""' Hmii 8 *'a. and .1 hUf altrr approval Tbe li'.vinnn.-iit .*iil' JiKHri 'icct.i-f. id tliinl lhal ai.,v be |U'..--,H I.I ,.(ri..*>. ,,ut tl,.- -ilii.ii" and -f.lf all <-vnr ".'""itjvn papejibea Tht rompany wlll pa) tbe ru*uiiiu,uii Coveinmeiil i?' i?<i<i.'i*?'i Irants In rl/hl aiinnal Inatnl nient* "f i.m-.i.ii"(i tr.-ii:<-x tnrh and :.,.m..i,ih'" tram - aortli ?f f.'"'- imvll'vixl ahart*. The ronipiuv *?? ill ,,i-., .-.ti tri'ntf :k).'*?i n-.i'.ib iikiiiIIiI* for Ibt ail'Rar.i riiit .il.di of Ihe Irant-it: all fndfiht* >?<( i.'ubjnibtan {.rodlirt Iiax'liil' irVfT Ihf I'anniiia Ilatln.aU to b" fX.ridvd at h.ilf Ihe taiitt rat"-. Rl xxiAS M'.W TARIFF. st. I'fterxiniiv-. f**pt. I.-A depntatkiB rataprialag Ibt Radlng aairtrhant** of Rtjal-Rofgunal aaited apun M WychntgradxBl. Mitn-i'i- nf Plnanit. today t.. in aulra ionr**rnlag tl"- ata "*'l!T- Tl'" ?la.?*.??* "?M ihad the t-aix.i.i.' ..I tb" dnti.-v on farflgij giaat" va- a fr-xi, tvrt.?!.'?? 'M Ihc <V-.r'x kOllelllHte for tht dtrelup ,, r.,t of llobblan t.-.d". iii" "ld i'i"'- *?*e dutp* had lo-t thelr i...|i...ta:.?.- w.ii. Ihe advanrlng rat** ol -. iibn'f Tbe if'.-n. in.i.-i.x.--. l.e *ald, **.n..l n-ina.ii "'.p-iano. uiHli ...*iv. by whlch liu..- he huped Un "evi-ion uf the ti.i'.ll *....l?l l-i roBipleted. _ ?. TIIK. III.'l.r.KA IN THE "HMKNT. Ca ro, H l> ? I.?M?ra Tntx-la* laxt ll..'." Iiave baen f.irt'. aight fre?.h '?*-'?- "f rhotera al KRnr and tlgh te.-., deatb* f.".n tl.e dix--, -. Ad* . e. frooi M"..ii are ta the ftfrt that Ih- rity I* 1""' /l''"" ''i"v'' Snakini Nrpt. )? Tha graln trad ? l-etwaan >u. an.'i t"' ii'frii." ax btoa atuaptd, ln laater io piwenl Ui..- aajtaad of cholei-a. _ RO C..oi.NK>S HF-TWr.F.N f/AK ANI> RRPRROR li.-rlln. Mtpt. 1 lt I- x..:?i..'1i.'l..lfv aniUHlWfd Ihe report- iro.ll St. PttlfHllBrg thal 'l r*?llll?** a.".' Mtwrtn Iht ?**ar nad Kmymt wiiiiam dnring the racanl rhdi "f mc aattar are ruaapkttly i-* ahr-i. ? \vi-x.M\N.v vwrrixu bri'meia I'iii--cK ??i'i- l. >"?']"' Wixxin.ii n arritfd litre to dav iii if-ii'.Kxe to an InvrfatPai Irorn Klng Leutaihl 1 . lirnx-i-lx ^_ . oKi.ri.iMi ir.w-x th i.c.vvi: Rl kma. xt |'.-t<-.,'...iv. M'lii- l.-The (.'.vf.i.'ii- ..i ti"' T.'.iix ,? xni'.i, Tf.-i'|..i-.'x bax ia*dfred *evrrnl ?*??*- h? ?*rttla lii.-lr alfalrx and .,..11 tl."""v Wliala -? kaolllll. KJOHTY MINKH- M IT.KATKH. vieiiua. taaat. l.-An .vpioxioa orjwed bxUy ln .* ,,?I:e ai Iloiyxlav. OBlJehv Rlghtp ?tacra were >,utforat?d. _ _ EUROPRAN RtUSRi INDIsPOSED. 1-aria. Hept l.-Presldrnt Car: ot 1% Mitfcr ng from Indl'.p ialtlon. . . I Ul^in sc?t. l.-Klnjr (harlcs h.ix not y.-t "iitin-lv ?Jffatad SSm Wa rMi*V^Roa. Hc b* atfll,,. eALlBBURY AND CaURPI T?> CORFRB. Rome. Sept l.-Prlmc Jrtnlatcr Crlxpl aaoieedad on a apoclal ateamar from Nnptca to Mco totUy- " ?> leaorled thal the objeet ef m* rlalt t- t<. hoM aa lalervtew v.iti, Lefl fhdiabatT. ta* n:iti-h Prtaac M"nV ter, who i- now ,t .Mr.-. A.vF..\T!Nii Tu T1IK I'AIUI *4*tf I!S DI'MAM *? <'<>ii-ii,iilinoiile, NTti. 1. Th'- Arn.eaia:, IViilar. B. m? i-r ;? .,.1,1'ienu- with the Mti'ai'. -. rr-tary, obtauard au irade a?aentlag le all Ihe Aeeaand* made i.v tae l*utrlarrh in hl- m-min-anduii., Ineladlng the ifafraBj tion of lh? prlvlle :*--. ef Ihr Anr.eiilaa Cbarra Bftl the iiiipn.veiiient >.f Ihe eomtiio., of th* ArtaeBtern iu A-la Mlnor. The Patrlarrh taerrapea agreed t.< wrta> druw 1,1- realgnatlon aml eentln a, ln hi- boM *bbt aoaM inonth- pendlag ihe iuyii;n.:,t i.f ti.o sttltaa'a,,,l-e*. ? l.i.nUoii, grai.* l.-A ria*ie?ae8aaBat of "The Dalff Seaa' ?t. Iga*r mi>- lhal il Is rrperled thc.*e UbbJ Ihe Arnx'iii.ii) iiovi-rimra bave Le -.. ord.-rrd le arrret aai Armenlana eanghl mnrer?lBa on the atn-eta aa ron-iilrat't--. aml to -e,,d Utra* to ConManilnopla. Iu ra-n nf n'-i-f.r r", |(,e lioveriiors are liistrin ietf to iheot thc BflTaiiakf. MR. FLAII BBCLISINQ A MlSSTOy. PKIA'KXTKI) BY IlKSPOXS! BIUTIK* KKO.M BT., . Ml.v; TO tal'AIX WaahingtoB, Sept. 1.?It is reponrd here to? dav lhal tl,,' Spanlah Miaaion, mailr va.aut by tlie rralgnnliwn of ex-tioveruor PaUaer, oi Mi-lt igan, haa heea ohlered t<> ex-Sraator T. ('. I1 its ol Srw-York. li is also sud tha Mr. 1'laf M dcclin.'d to a.'.epi ti,e phavi. When Mr. Platt was a.-ke-l aboiit MiH diapatrh, ycsK-nluy, l.e auuled, and n-iiiaiked that t Wnfl ratlu-r au old Btory. " lt ta true," he added, "thal. I have been oflrrrd ih<' miaatoB, and ii u> hLso Irne llial I have deelined ihe placC, ueally two raontba aga 11. r.- .- all there UJ almut ,t. feaying il,is, he prodnced Ihe followinj; ieltrrs: i?. |i;,:..?i',it o( Jnne ?-'-. l-'-'O. %\ Ivar Mr. Ptattt: iv ?!;?? l-r-w. nl - dli ? ; "'? a...l v. Iih gieal p-i- '??! pienaurr myaell, I lend i rn vi th- iu -aion lo *.|mlu, made ?.<? ...,i bj lli" re?igiia ? .?, ..I ihe llon. T it'i. i.l Mlrhlg-iU. Ilopin' ti c v..,.;- ii.iiv nleiii" and ? mir .'? - :>-- " .11 ?'.in-- io ? \..ii to ae.-.-pt th- poa'll. I BHI, >,.;,!?- OT) 1 ,, -.-li ' JA.MBS ... IU.A1M*. !1,- lU.ii. T. r. New York, Jah :.. lefBX M-, ..,-?: !tr II. '" ' I eiil ll r'. .-,i>; ol .-,...-ih.-'. lawn ..I ; a- J-'ii n".. ...nvoy.'i'-' <" nie ihe iv |(| ? ??.- |.,-in.'t,..i.-. iin.l \"in ermipllnimil*. ln i.i.:??."_? .,1 Ihi l.ll -."ii l" -i'lini. I'-ad.- \ril.: I'V Hi- ,.- . l.ili 'i .'f <!.ifl' I'alin-'r. "f Mlrlii.MIl. IVI ll.- |ii..;.-.'l\ ratlniatlna t:.i- boiior >",: ?r.-.l, .,...' iiu'i | ? ?.. latl. * Mu- .-vld.n. ihr I'lf-.d. v.r , ?? - ... ? ., .1 \..i, |..-r r.'^Mi.l I feel taili ali-siimal .. ???: irn nn de. | n.ilion .>! II. ? |.o.|t|.>u. ,.,,, .,., | .-, -:,.,i.-i-?,''li'- ??!?;i^;ttb.ris i.i,,|,i ? ih.. |. - .. ,itv ..I tn) a. ."'.:..- lli" t?|...i. ' ? , . , ? . ?,.- ?.rt; 1 a-nl >? Kial M ... ni i.'i rn i allm ? - i'. ma> !?". I .imi'i 1.:???;' ... ? ? im..'- l<i ??iv- ll, llie Ini:ll-. ? i i i'u; |.ibrr re ?'! ' a n I ?*' pr>MBl .'--i'n.n-..'-? ,,, ..,,.., . ,.t. ,i, , ? |. ? ... ! . .i.-ii. .,: !!,?-? ii le i:,.,,,!,i. ii. v'.... i :.? v..-i- ? ii. i ." 'ii ,dr Ihe "limiid ol.! I'uriv" i"i' ,",' ' *lonra failhl i'h i ,. ri.\i r, 'I ll ? Ilul,. .1,4,IL ? ll. Ll ,?l ' lt will la* ..l>s.-i--I tbnl Mr Platt here de r| rea wbal ln- irieiila have ki.own ft.r n lo'it liine ive >- ,. ' ? ? ? i d 'I >te 1 r tl.e I'n.'e I Si :<- >!? ate -., an.t oti, , ull ?-. n<?ltvilhalnadiB8 ull il?e empiiain ...-.:'..?!.- lo the r..BiMry. TBE CBABLESTOS lil /77.vs m HOShLULC .'U'l'.m r> ro tiii "?? *?> -' ian i-.i.'.\ii- hl. ti ? i ..!? mr. i xh ni n r.i'V'O it: v. I'.rt ToWl.x'tilt, W.i ?:,.. aaepl. |. ''? f; i- il -tn'.-. rrula r . liaih ?lon -..'I' '1 I'.'l'. ? ? ' " H '?' alun I-:.,: t'.-. ,,, ol ..I:-:-.- '?? '?'???? >p: " '!" , >"? ? ? 'i I'V Itear Admiral I' fn . ..'- aeeremrv ?: Ih" Navy, ,< ,,;;,.. Hni the v ---I ! n - ?! .,?? iv lo llono lujll, XI.lalotl ol Ui- rvl ..,: ..I Ih- I harleal .ii |.i || ,ii,!. ? ,:. I'U i, ? ' ??' i. 'Ill'l '' '?' I I'MBTI n?. |?baj>d . Tl.e ll irle?t?in l? pmvl.ird f?r m.a yeap'a ciii:--. _ ._ mrs. Ainios n rormitt tx j ut HilTaJ'. - !"'? I. *'?":? '' ,;" ''" '' '?" ,;'>T'' *" W , ?? N-m Vorh ,i|i?-j.'"l -|..i- JnUg" 1 ? a ia, ln th" KBpreme .'..ur, ihi- n,. rnlns ln !'" ' ?? " "' **'"? A',l|..,i W. '!? ui.v-.'. mIm. ??'.. ' imnllied I. )i'! f >r ioiii. mpt of, i\ o.i- ? '. -;- il,li Jielce ......iv l; la,n . -if < I....; .'. :'..i'<:' i?. Mi l'-.?i.-- ? wii. i.rdi ?! '.\ Ihr- -."u. I ? !?? . "?? n re^ild li. her m .,?,. .ii ,.i.- ii . . .-I. i.i ? '..I ?!?',?;. .i : ..? I.. i ?" i,|,|,..,:-. -.. ?!..-? I.. ?..? ' ' '-? ??..,?', ,-, :i...,. . .-, ? ' ?'. I ? ?: ? ? ? i*d a ? -' ? i, . r \ ?...-' ? i., |-l i'.i - ? ' ? I v ? ? ? ?" . eil 1 It. '-I. ' !? ' e t.i .. ? ,. n i-a ?: v.irio.i- " i- ni I'.i I.- "la ii U.-I ' i'l '" I .ii:.'. : ? '.., ' ' .-..' ' i.ver ,-. !??- ?.f. ,???.?' .]?? ? .'? ?..? Hi it ..,.,:.., i' ?"-,..? i".: ? ,? : wa .,: i i ? - " j r v ???;. "? ihi .; .' lu a ?>-\. . | , itifl l.ll' ? . ?? ? | . , M ?? Mr M.a.l .;. ... . . ! ? I .?..? ! ? ?? t w i Irn I, ii ti in h i Ih' .1 .'i '? " d ;?.: II <:.?' ? ?? ?? , ?"? ' i|..o. '..? pi 'i ihnt Vr . 1 .. ? ???<? . . ' ? ? ' ?' i' ':?? VI i I'.it i--i.-iilar|i I tn .-.|;"?. . .- i ?? '.- l ..- -.... ? i ?: ..I r ' . .1 In'IntiEiiifl ? . '? h . I?t,,.l atB4* ? li, Jn .? I ? Will ;. ImIi . - rt d- laltlB IB* nr.tri WSTKBXFS IV .'-'.' Tll JFBSFJ Ma '- i.n d.n?r, '? ?'? s>pi i ~i"' il The ayaa*r araain ... -.i'i I. i' ? ilul .. ril !i Wa- i ia.'' '.T l1 ' ... .i ... ?! .' : ? ? ; . ',.- ? he ? i !-. .i ::\o '.' ill, a <arw i. I .-: '. |. ;, , -? ,', | ,.' |.. i. i.. i!:,\ .,-. ?. i i II - :. ?.'., hi ll,.' .. rt? all r -.-l1 f"r 1", r I i ' :. ,.',.. I : ?? ?? i ?? ?.1 ? ? .! : . .1- - pi .,111 ?? ??' I ? . ? .-\i ? ; . i I 11 - np ii v.: .i t " .. . ?. ? ? .tiiiKlj favora! : ? i ? ?!? tty-U-r. ln la. t, t.'i- -:i?-ll tl I, harr pn.w, a., !.:?? I.'jl ll I.a l.-ll |..1,1.1 .,.?. --.-.Ul I . |fel I.l'.. - lal.'l lo 1 Hi'- r.ainl. Tlie llrsl io i-i- r. ?? Ived lame from Manriee Hh-i , ..v- and ll?e *e*i?-tt> alMiee "f ln-liiv:,,'. i;.,v. ,\ ,',-.-i, iiwiii "f ih- Min:!" Illver o\t-i- will K.i t'< New \.iil. Ihi- vear. Tn- pUllll ig :;:iii,,iila u. Miiii"-- Rivei i.r.i- Inir I...:, .\, ,.,?? ?..-,,. ib.- i.wier i.ri-, i iii,.rji.-i- ,i lerritoo' "' nture ihan l:f. v nniP' i.i.l' . 'I !.-??? Ii.-i.-iii il I'.irir l-ltl,d I'oiiii. I'liBiterland ...ii'itv. ii.i nni .'a,.i?.,.i| imi- .o Mitiuiii- Illver. i'i'mi fnlli.a id- .i,i.-- m>iith nearl) .m.-ivi- mllr to I'.-hiiii i r?;, ln i ap. v:.u .'iiiiiiii aml llien norlh .<> Kgg l-iunl. lareMi nul.-a. LAKCBXT Piri.'i"IM isu r.vr.R ATTEBPTEI*. I'iii.ii.uati, -i-p,. I. The Xm V'""', Ki., I.'an.b <>f Ihe A'l.ilatnae I'li"* aiid "t'-.'l Woii,- win ihi '.v.-.-K i.i^-Im lurning oni Ibe large*! piprra-tltig ,-,. ? t.?i|.t<-d ln Uila .o.intrv. b?lng Bve fe-t u dlim-,.-r ;,lmo-t ii'Hii'i.' ihi' l;<r-'-'-t -./" heretofhre .'i?i . Kaeli plp- will he U feel -i Inehe long. The Ihlekneai nill 1,.- 1 1 s ir, |,. . i ,,. tVMlrbl uf evh ?..t;..'i uUI ia- -ia t..ii-. The l.-ii .-..I in makina Um ... t wlll IkiHI ,,:? ? |;i,? ..f uiolli i ,;.-. ii. I." j.,," i: ? le Mllwankee io be u-ii u oi.tainliia h ?a, r aoppl. u-n, tn- UK". Kighl haudred trngtha are u. be ,,ia?l.-. .? I.a0fl to,. -. FORErt.'wrtl.s ov KAXSAt FARVS. Topeka, Kau., s-et- i Wperhili.?Letlen frora fortr tliiii- iii-tiii i K.iiit rlerlo. ... Kan-aaa -Im-. Ibe nomber of fol-i Io Mire of fiiini iiioiU.u'?s in llflr n-.piU'.a ? ?taiitle- dnring Ihe iii-i .i\ moniV. of i-nu to i.n 1,11X1, ul.ui lai-nlj llvc ... i- iu h rounty. The l<i al (ur Ih- l.i'i .uiiiii,-- ol Ihe, on Ihe -amo h.i-,-.. i.ould Im-, or i-i ' iiimit *j.ihm, ni in. A -laulfliimt l.'.iin- ..I ih? repon h .1,.' f.,< i ihai a I.ii/- poHlon oi Ihe lo.-. in n,-a. ?,..norr |! '1 Und-, I i.^'li. np ..'d moi Igaged lor wbal lt,-v wuulU ring l>> Bpe< ul.,." .. ?. _ ? A roi'XTEBFElTKB ABBEB7ED AT TBEXTOX. Ti'iiii'iii. >.|ii. l isperlali. <'haii<-- Qaeen, n panlo iiiiiin- ;,i:i-i. ?a- BiTeated li'-r.- loday f?>r piu%liiB a i aiKer ilollir. II" liml' on llla per??HI Kflern bad dHa,-. and flftj latd halfdidlara. Tlai prlsoner aaa arralgned before < 'oaiinibal aier lliawe aml -.-ni lo iall t" aaall n," a-iion m the liraad Jary. ,?i-..i\" I'llni-r lw- l."? .|i int.liit ,n l'l,,l nl Ipn.a to iir:i--l '.'iiiiii'- '- If". if i.'iv .'. nl.'.i." ?- .. ?I - lu alMiW lhal ^h?.? i- alau la ih" l.ii-in.-- ..i handllBg apeuiuaa '""'? _m m .1 IIVUKtiX B1VEB Ft.UKYlio.tT VAPBIXEB. Albany. Bepl. I. 'The terryboal Pow Kmllh. a aaaaQ i-rait. rapalard bbbt Ihe ahore to.iay whlle ahoat to tahe on lioa.d almut f ?I.V peraOBa 10 <:..-. Ihe llud k.iii to UM bSll i-'aiae. The pBBflBBfBjril WOf" all saved. EKiHT TBWBAXD (ARJ-EXTERX O.V STRIEE. rhtragO, sepl. 1.- i;..n-tniiUvc!y all uf thc unlon rarpeatera la Chlraga. '" n?n,in-r aiouf ".oott, are aa sliiUo t'i day: I'Ul. as they wrre partlripatlnft I" tlie I.abor Uay parade, Uiore waa no evldeme of the atrlke beyoBd thc idifuess on iinildiiika M .raawaa^af 4T4a> sinidlon, almlhir m thal whli-h exUmda to other Liranchea of labor on the ?ame acouut. A HAD DAY FOR F. 8. GIBBS. I A IU:ciMMKM)ATI.!N TO THE COUltTY CO.M M1TTEE THAT HE BE F.Xl'ELLED. j EMPHATIC ACT10N BY AN OVERVVIIFX-MlNf; i MAJOKITiT OK TIIK EXECUTJVE OOMMITTEE ??>'K- OF THE RREACHEROCI A.SSEJ4. RLYMAN.s HEM'TI XER LOREgJ A OOVRRRRERT PLACE. Tht Kcpulilicau t'oiintv Kxceutive Cornrnitteo ? pliifrd thc I'inplintie Bral of it? coiiilr-iuiisition of party trcaeliery un.l inli'lehty lnst cvening l?y I twluptiug ;x, in a.-.-anlancp witli a pro visinii of thc constitnlioii ol tlie Kcpulilican or gaiiintiofl of Kew-Vork ('ity. reoiiiimcniiiiu to tlm Coiialy . riiiiiijiit"" the fX|inlsioii of l-'rcienek S. Uil.lis, iltlegatc In-tn tlie Mllth AMembly l>:s i trtet, and representing iliat di&triit in tht 1.x cc.uiivc t i.niuiitifc. there wa? a large attend | unic of tht* mi'inlHTs, and m.iiiy gailirrraj in thc ; eiunraittee'a roaraai in the UltnhaBi lloiel iicfuie 1 the exceutivc leaaiua bc?an and lalked ? over tbe aituatloii iu b livcly way. Ur. <iii.iih hlaaself waa iipii.'i the gtoarul early and I iiiadr au earties' eMVaan, Bet'kiug to jnstify his i latiiuiuny rccuni ti. individ.ial delegatCB. litit ', Iic aonti feuad that tlif grueral scnti iiii-ct was Btrongly againsl lum aad j Waa cvlii'inely hut iif t?. lu-. r.'tentiiui )n tue tre. Duriug hia prraoital araxrh lor eupport l.e ap proacui-.t Reruurd Ittgliu, ol ibe Willtu Diatrict\ iui<l the "<o!d iomi.Mt' li.- reccived froui tui.x vcter.-.n Kepulilifaa Ulualratra pretiy well ilie *.*....*. in wiiu ii liie tii'.ur.t.v rc., .Mci ni.ii. lu au xiu.r 10 Mr. lilhWa ihairo to k .ou- whal tue caut* ?.intii'c tueunl Iq u.i, .Mr. tilgiin ab-iwer.-d lilunUy: "I uou'l are bow yoli cau rxpect la ivi.uii iwiu ! IxTixfiirv in l.otii tho Ibtpublli-au pariy uml Taui ? in..n; llall. \o'i caniail urrtninly la; allowe*! io 1 sit in Ihe l.'epiiltii.-iiii coUBflla aml ..l tlie taUM* ;iiu.- iv- Horkiui) lor Mayor i.r.uii aml thc rt i; w.iin. Vuii uiuai bave u curiuua oi.imihu ol Uie Ifuih-ra nt tla* Ibfpulilican pariy <il New-York it : y.m ibitih they will pul up with poliiica oi tua.i ki.i'i Tbe uiceting waa ralled lu ordet by thc presi iii'!.i. t\ i'.iiiic Juatice Jacoli M. Patterson. and WUli ? It. Hrllaioy, the Bwreiary, waa to hia naiii'l |i - ihc in nf muiine "t oprulng Uie nai'liug la*ing >?vcr, llcnry ".r. mv, "I Ihe XXHId li,xiii,i, iiif.prrai.leut ul Ihc i ounty t'aiuiwtdc**, I-V-..I*.:. H. i:..:i.l'.'i ol th*' ''UlntlilttcC, tlli'IC'l laat ! [u.l ??* mg leaoiuiiun : u.Mi..-. ii" ..\i-i -a ?"* a pslltiral Blliaaca bHwara j i r.,,,,. ,. - .. i -, -. a..- i '.-i of Uii.<?? ittff. *..d .-. r Uln ..r ti,.- '.'.I? "f lawataig llall lb?* Ie imi aaat. ;.: ,4 | it,,....i. .... lx |i .ai, ? . ..I'U- ? "I i... Ilie ,?,.,.aafi'ili - lu n.e !?-'. '?? i.-.atu.' . n.'i' la ,-aa. I ,,. . ? ., -.:. Ui" ? ??' 1 l" ??-'?"?- "1 * i"'1'" J"*"" BBd j ui- |i b. x..n *.?? Iar.vt.aua 'f ?aal '.:-:- n. .taaeiUii I Ut-i \., . ,. i t- ,[.'??.-' t.f l-.-'r U)4 p'lbll. lewaad* the i avi-rii.rva ui t'.. i-urrupt daa.taatlna of Taavaaaa) llall la ? Uii* :? aad w, rea* II - la apdieal laat aa a:.-. ol Tataaajay i ||*i x . i i, *.u u. larti'iiMf ." "" ? Ui af Uu i: t.. .. *.. i-ii "i w ii" part ln IU goirrnimat. i;. ...s.a. UmM '...- .-?? '.ti*e . t.ii.....:t.'i r. ? to Un i u ii.l) ' oBjibltter Uu adtpliaa "f tbe Mltwlaa ."- 4a -. ? ?U..O.V.4. li**8erkk B '??!" ?-. * <? l< *?'?'" ,:' '??"> ? , .. , .. , ? ,. "i e fr-,. . f.. Mlnii A---M.''..' In-'r.-t ., . ; -., r.ei.tlng x.:.l -l.-tr.-t ln t:.- I.k-".'..*' ' .i...:'-?', Iia.i.g |.i"*.a f*i?? to the UepaMi ?n i'ti?'?i'' and aa 1 auri * al partli'tpaH*ai ln the raaartla an.'. gaveraairat of Uie Hapabil aa partj ... tiii- ? uy. '* bereBy nmarrd aud ,t|. Il.t ?? a n.?n...-r M -*:<l CtMBy ?'.-.- jnd x.tld l.l. ...nvf . ?ii.*l'.?. ??? aud bl* ni'.' rr?.-?l fron Ibr rolt ?f t,,. . ..ti,-.. ..a. l. Xlilin AaaeaaUy W?t i oi , .ii ?.: i- ....-I rhal t'. Rtllth nixiri't BfcanltreHto b* '' :.,,...,uxi t, ea?*? X.,.-. *?*',.?? tn tt. d-i-.-.'i "i t" ie Bi| i l,i .0':.' ?nlUtd" ?n I tr'.xt*o;'Ji> RepilUiran " Mi lii'd"* liurae*li.itely a.hltcsM'.l Ihe chair atnl will, N.'i.t alu.w "t li-li: - 'I'-m.-'l tl"' chargta ou i -.,,.,, ,, ... *,. M i H.-l. llt ."-'Tfi-.l lhal be . ,,, s.,.,,r i? ;.,. i , i-a-iciis ileeiMon, an'l bruzrnly ,. , i i." Ii I -a uiaiuiaint'l inii' ,,..,.. .? I.. i:.f Il.'|i il'l ? ??! pirfy. II" 'm I ,, ,. k| y ,|r, ,,. | i ,h .. ir 'f'i turtMin Witli I iii. |__. s |j , J ;,,?! ,,,.,.,..,'.- ; lii t i. itxitlf lllll II'II "x .,,.,,. la* !|.- hl".:,: 1 lo ''?'? U.HIII '?"' '?"ii'tii "''"? \|i i,ilili*?? lU'tnalx mii i'\pli?r..iliona werr niblly I re.-fived, bwwever, ?u?l u*' l?"?hed i,pp*Mliii?l.v ??**. nl William II ImwiuV.v, "l Ihe IVlli lll* iriei, **:,.. ar..***, nthrr ln^iialiiutly, ?'' ?? *"< |,i.-vs.-.| br hopf lhal li' li??t> bi'Iimii h?* laktii hy ? I.,. i,.?,,?.i:.'.- Mr. Ti.wnli.j ti.- .-I tlwl - ''I" luiltee .1 liuc" '??? -i**?-i.I. hi'H re wlwin Ih Bjuver "i ibt ir*! iiii.ii -i ?? iM '?" ii-'i'i'-""! '" (UruUli .Ib *il "ii i i'.l.l'x'. t n-.x'.n, tiu- a.-nx.'.l ' |;,?n l , ' ,? i..' iu ll x ..** n ilrl.':."i\ I'l.l... Ji.'.li i- s^"ii ll Niutlb, *\!i" i'V|i'-ix ? Mayof iinnii i" ..? k'..** l-U" hla l'"-' arrvPta '" l llall ''.'? .":i"' .??"'-' I"."' ?h*ii ln* ' jiii-i-.' t.-rui ahull c\pirf, IrrWy i-atae l-i Mr':. .-..-..atalii-e O.. a.-ku,,- Mr ..ra.x-e if Blial j,,;, ,,, ibe i.i- fniiial the aiithont.1 liii liu- eapulaion 'il i.i' ''?? Mi .sm' r.-|.ln'l lhal lla* Ual elauar nl Articlt 1 I iuri.ixl.'l aioph* uutlioritt lle i?'u.l ihe olauac iffrrred t". whudi pruvi*lr? r?.r r\|*?lliug .u.u I u-ix iii liiliha'N -i..mii wlfti i*\.. ...u.l'. "i tiu I'uuntj luiuiunife votf i"i n. "" Li"' written n".uiiii.'!i'laii..ii '.1 thc c\e.iiti*c raoiBiltiee. liu.-, re* i.iiiiti.-i; litiui ix to ra* .ertni'.l t.. by nele gaira from ih,r:.-cn diatrirta, ..r rfprerfh'ting a ili.tji.iil.v uf thc i.ifiiilicrs nf th** I oiitil.'. I oiiiinll ir Mi. ?,i M.-if al.*- Biiaarred Mr. Ui'dai an.l \!r Towoiey, aml aafciil wlutl lurili-r pruol i-l M." liiliba'a waal al Irally "? the pariy u"-* iiteded lN*M*iVa hia icn.r-l m tlie Utal U^gtahiliire aud hia ,.-,.?? .Uian..' Taniiuaiiv llall, bIk.WIi hy Inc Mayur'a uppoiuttnral ..f ' Uieaca W. !4**a*?8 aa ptiiii-r juatice. iVIifai Mi. liiaaae Imd tiriislj. tl .Mr. Towaleya mmliitian v*." uVlraletl hy an uvcrwhi'lauug . ruajoniy. lialy Mr. Townley, Mr. i.ihha aud I .l.istif Str.ith eaal lla** ?.! tlicii' ilistxicia 1 ,,? j, ,,,,,1 j?h|, VV. .I.i""'".s. uu e.v-ol!hl.. lle'i.t !?.,, ...t.'.i iinliviilually aitii thciu. All Bthrr ' bbi'iiiImtb prratiii vola^l " No. Tlie *-.<? waa theii ti'.^'"' hy distii.'ta ou Mr. ..:.i- i's rcautulioii rwoiiittirniliiig Ihe eapulKian "f Mr, liibla., .ual Hu* ri'x.ili ?.* a atroog ailnioiiiii'*a ti. lhal erratie poliliciaii lhal Ihe """? '"l> ?r* riM"l l?.r Imi: la-gu." Tlie vute itvod 434 tu 14. Mi. tiilil^ wa.x t'Miisi'il H.oii voliii^. .I'.l.u < aa I inih, oi il.t IVih Diftriit, pn.UratiHl agaiual Mr. I..\yni'.\ x nelioii ln nialing Hh* rate ul dia> ' irifl imaiual ilar reaalulion. Mr. I'vllliiaaaid llial [ thc li.ic M'nliini'lil "I tl"' IVtll Ih.xliiit waa ' a^aitisi Mr. lilliba'a in'ai'hi'ions eoiirae, aml thal, ullliouiiti Mr. TuwnU?) waa Ihe PkecuUve incni 1,,-r, hc i.-.iliv rc|...x.'iit.'.i ni.I.V lumacll uad aaUB" | i#bjiii'bciiicil tlie ilialrict. | ri,. ruKowiiiti iii"nii'.'i'x kih'tu'.! ihe reaolutlun | aa prwviiied ?>>' iIm* r**rt>titittaiitt: Jaeoh .M. Putter ! s..u. Mii Ii.xi.i.f. .Ii.hii II- SlmpBuu, Vltn: IVr iiard lligliu, Wlllili: Joha Ih'liienwelier, XlXUii John K. Nuaent, XlVth: Ueurgt llilltanl, Xllth: : \ i. \if..'i:c.'.i. Vthj'Thoiiuia ?'."?>*f1J. Vlliii: R v. U. v-i. Wyrk. llili i.ruf.W. ttiuimaker, JiVllth: Frank X\UW: ?. ?? m I.-..-U uu.i .1. Tbotnaa hteariia, AXl\tli. Uiurgi x.;, s 11 lt ti; Thotuaa i.tary, llll: A A. l'lruti.h. Xllh. .i.i ..t,? \l, ,.,..,,x aaawnied an a.r ol hravudo aftei | ihe ujertiitH aud l*il*l Hu* rc|H.rtera Uutl be ilhln ,,i,' Inr ll..' .?i..:.....Mc"H icsiilnll"... It Wauld ! i?,iv u.akc i.i.u Blrutiaer m hia rtialrkt. lle .1 - i riare*l liial he would ?*" r.'-c!cft.;.l. and would rume Imek i .iieiiiiVr of ihc eotuialttee agrUn. ! ?.,'i,cr:il K.-ruiti. Interual Brvtfnue .'ollc'tor. : rf.vivc-l woi-l froTB thc Sernvry ol jf.^f"*; ! ,,Vv vcsicr'h'v li.nt Hu? rcsiifii;.ti""...f llrar* llirad . I LBtiCfT in t.cticrul h>minTB .listrict. had l.e.. ae Ife,,.,--!. Illrarh waa i ' l,..l*l-..v,'r ., f...:t. the j , |.?.|.,.id A-liii-nisliatioi, .... la licni'liinai. ..f M. Ii.ilihx in th- Mllll. A-xsiMi.l.l.v l,'s.,!"IVi, M Geoeral Kerafln liewaar Colleetor, Mr. of frrtd hia resii;.iati..n. h.H it containcl a B^vbuj that. one Cbarlea W UtapW ???*?*<onB 0Aj*? l.iliTe,. Blioiild-snci***..! f. his nlac**. \\ hen "jrafii found later ou tbat Drtvper wouid not be accepted as his MiiT-ev.ur, he withdrew his rrsignation and Mr. (iihlw hastened tu Wasl.inglon to prevent ita j aii'eptai.ce. tiihbs's roadjiitor, Ilamilton Fish. jr., i eame to Mr. Qlbba'a aaaistanoe, and a lively llght 'waa ingli- to kecp their follower in OfticV Both Mr. Cibbg und Mr. l-'isli have been I crowing Joiidly over their allea-ed suee-.-as, and Itaa afl'air had aaaumed tiie propori.ioii.- of a tesl iuv* in poliUeal elrclea. lt is repoiu-d as a reault I of the virtual removal of llirseh lhat aboilt i half a other ndherents of the Ftah-Glblaj reinme holdintf plaees in the custoins and i reveiuie servi.-e a'.n'l in the postuttice are irvva bling violeutly in their ollicial boota. _-* DBMOCRATIC DEFFCTION' IN WFSCONSIN. iEADKltS OT THE TARTA' TOME OUT FOR THE | i REPIBLI.'AX TICKin 001 THE SC1IO0L 1MUE. Mllwaiikec. Sept. 1 (sperlal).-Tho DemocraUe lead- j I ers of Wisronslti an; l.cpinninR to reillze that d*niii:<ia- ; ? tion of the Itennctt Srhool law, ln'tcad of provinp the i sulvation. Is to work the de-trurtlon of the DeflBOrratte ! i party. CWnileillBtton has alreaiy been reaaaf ln tbe , i Deatotralle ramp by taa nunvrous hotta ?f - >me of the . i leadlBg DoaKKtata of thc Mate on aeeooat of laat | ; plank of tl.e Demnrrutir platlorm whieh is | I to the pulill.' s.'honls. ABBMig thc leadlng Mll-vt.iUcc Deatorrata who are at out- with thelr party are llagh | ] Ryati. \V. II. Tlmlln and Wlll.a.n lt Turner. C*8Burtea j FAetBer, of rishko-h. who raa for congrefle'ra taa viti. ( ! Dlatriet two y-ars ag?. will tak<- the ?tu,r.p for the I I'epuljllcan tlrhet. Todav li Is announ, <-d tlmt f^vir^e ] Q. ntitiBiann. of Mltwaahae, and Jtatga A. Beett aaaaa, j of rltarer liam. wlll bolt the Demorrwtlc tlrkef on the srhool qaeatloB. Mr. OberataaB ** pre-irtent of tl.e mM.kiI ltoant fonr year-. and last iprtng roiild have had tlie laeraoeraUe flomlaatina for Uayor f<>r the a-k Ing. " I BB i, Ix-morra..'' ho said. -but if the Den.o rratJe party Btoepa t?. bargalli away BrliaHplefl for the I salie of putting a few ni.'i, into oiUre- I ain not a DeBBO ! rrattc rotar. I shall tlarrefore, in ooaanaon wtth ,?a.,y other Demoerala who Ihlnk a- I do. vote BgBtBflt the : th l?-t noiiil.uii.-4l ln this rlty thia week." Ju.lec Bfoaa is nn ic-- enpbattc ln e^rawtag his : apptadllofl t<> tha Uekel and platiorin af his party. j ;?! nu. thoronchly ilisirustcd." be lakt, "aad thal feel | ing .- general antoog lieetotrata where I have beea. I i have -.'.'ii Bearly evcry proaiincnt DeBuwratle -.'? torney ut tay rlrralt aluee the roavcailai, nobbb of a-hotn were oatapoken In thelr li-.-ent from the plat. I fur,,. adopted l.y their party. and tiwre aeeBMd to l* ! hardly ;>.? one among tliem u. defend elther thelr I party Uekd or ihe plaitbrra derlaratloBfl aa the : irhool ri?.-ti,.ii. ??ne of the leadJttg lleBVatratle al I laraeya of Dodge i*onBty Biade the predleUon that j iviii would have rewer rotea w* ln Doafpe Oatiiiy tban dld Mnrgurrtwo yeara agj. How aasrh tatheran dcfertloa IroBi thr HepnMlran tlrket wlll redaee tl.e ' v(.t.: ii I- Impo?Ible ... Jadge U..V-. l.nt I bape there I win be .?..,,.i, uiaUde. iU'U ihibkbijr. la*Be*rata who ' wlll 4and l.y tl.e K-publlcna on thi- s.-hool qu tlo'i t-- more than roumerlathuice atiy bia?e? ti.?-v maj -u-t.iln l.v nvw.n .,f th ir advoraiy of th- prtBelplefl ,.f ibe li.'ini.'U law. ..tiviinor lloara ha- t.ii.en a matily and ooaraii.ifl piWltl..., tliis qwalloa, and di'sri-ea th- aiipport "f -v-ry patriotlc i-ituen. ,o|.?,.'l l-etirge IV. Illnl. -f Sadlaoa. D-mo.ratic raodtdata f..r i.-in'ial t*<. yeara Mu, bbm I,- knowa of .iii.nii-d- ot ii'.'?i lieaaorratfl ?jbo aiu \.,,- arainai th-ir pariy >>u ibe aeboul <i?<-t!on. ln . in n .iit..,K'u irlend irot-eraor ll .uni -avs: ?? m thi- rlehl 1 eare iady lor th" ?"i'l1'"'' ?nd ?,d.. -..>"iit i-f men ln whose h-.-rt- there tmr,,- the a- .,f M.rl.,.1-1... lt sta-WI* that tbe splrl. ,-f I' I,.,,,- a workliig iu ihe htarf* of mea. tni ahow them ,|... iiiinortauee -,f a repraal ol the iowa of tMriottam. The r.-i.m't. law ita If l? Im--' Bpon l?'rh^?n. and 1 l-ll.-vo that this Is the \w,y the BtaTrple look .it it. ,-aa - THE BLBTTIOS IN VERMONT TO-DAY. FAO OF A Q'IF.T CA?VAWt-THE JfaEPUlUCa* iiAJoinrv. White niv-r JBBetloa. Vt. Hept. 1--The eleetion Ifl thi- Mate tniBorrow win ut.d..,.t.ted;y be a .|uiet one, aa i- ?-nal In an of year. Tha i;ep.,'.hr.n eendldate f.-r uovernor. Carroll fa. i-aig.-, >f lljra> ****** wai BoaBbaated b> a v?* malorlty in convenUon. but th^ dl-uppolntinent ef the aupportera of the hefeat-d lamtlilato for tha nomlnation ha- BOt dis?iipi..,red. and Ihere a->- ln<l'.-iII.t- thal there raav la? s?n.<> qulet niitina ,.f r," i:?p?m.. ?.:, ilckrt. Thia. <?'.'ed lo Ihe di. iifertimi whlrh httfl lieen mitiiiaheal Ib rr-rtaiu bteall il-- |n i'- northern part of the Mate ar.d thr p-nenil iiptlhy nl ItepiiMlran totera. wtio teel that their landi aate bt anre nf rtertlan. raav :"-'dt ln r''vin?! thr He pnbllran iwmlnei a aomeahat amaller majority than tho averige av, n In of veara. A f..v.i:..r aml other Mnte ofileera, rongreaaaBea, , ,. , ir - ,.f ibe LeaMalure an.l i.-nntv ..fl,< r- wlll i?- . I,..?i. in Vrnnonl ?-..!,v Thc Bew Lrirtalaluru will <?!??-? ;. ??"' "' '?? .iti-tin >. Morrill (Rep. . Hh. t.'iin raplie- next Man-h. Th.- laal Leaialatuee we- overahelBiiiigl) Uepuldlean. Tbe ihn.'e BUte in kel< Ifl tlie BeM ,," > ? ? illoW?: i; i ? i.'n -u . prflaa, ralu' ?. ,.?.,r-, r (.i-i... - i'i.'. rl.-rl.?rt I". Urlfraia I . .' ,,,, '. r'. Ilu.n A. H li her, .... :t'i- W. Si, :'Ii. : ;.. . ,|i : : | i-.d i-i . . IMIard. i,1 , ,.- i i i ,1 ?? tt i.n ana V. " Kl, .. I. ., ? . -i. II. im I'. l i.l-iii May. I.,:. r- - \'..:... II. Ii '??> l'.'? '?"'-.- kv-Mak*ej II . \\ .'::, tt i. ,it. Si. i ? ssin rUflflf. IT. Iiili '..... ,'.. Mioinr. II I.. ? !-n. 1 "' ' ;?':??? , .",:."? IS IV -' lH ?: 1 N. i . I.i- i- ? .'? , ?;'.--,ii.i:.Ii al I Im i--s ??M *,* f llow--: T. lal. P.. |. n ?; *:,. ,:'. ?.'?'? '..i i ii ?? ,_?; ?.-: 818 . ,;-. rliifl au..-,. -, ii mr. uKifiiLK vn i*r.\rK (hmmittkk. The meaibrra of Ihe Kepublieaii Mate foiamlttee -.vtll .,????!. a- a'liii.iin.'.'.l. al I'1" I'lflh Weimr ll"t.'l at tl o'ehv-k Ihla bi -i i Ii c The rhlef ubjerl of Ihe nieellng I- t" deilde farmallj whether a r*Ute <'<m ventlon ahall or li.dl not la* held. A reawtatkm ln favor of nui h ildtiiK one waa otfered al thr laal meet Inr, I""'11 I" -1'"''' but wa., l.ild on ..V- tatjh". I. wlll i.r tah"n up Ut Ur. Imou n> dav. 01 courae there I liltle, If ativ, ilmibt tlmt the roflimlttee wlll derld.- BOt lo Im- aay renrentUB. ll la the K.-m-ral epinton of j Ihe partj lhal ?uch a meetlBg wiNitd i"' ?BBeriaoaa. The pr,,,- Ipal ?ork <>'. II lhal af nomlnatlng a Jtatge Ut thr ...iut of Appeala ran he nerfiwated l.y Ihe rotnnilltee, j^w.-r lo do ao havlng been gtven t<> tlu, l.oiiy hi thr la^t Btate fontrenlloa. The other par poaoN nf a i onvretion- armnong the rolera. eu-. -wiu 8> | reallred lu Ihe elah nweeattoii at laaratega on Tbara I day, lt is piv ii. ally rertalB. Uiewdtre. that Ihe te^ wlll voi.' ao! i?i rall a rutivcntiofl. aad bat-lng atme Ihla. wlll proeeed B- i.dnate n . indMate far th-' jmliiiai ..fii. .? i?rnt,..ii.-d. lt 1- BOderatiaad thal opm j1,,., ,?, im- uoliil i. deeidedly lu lavar of n -mi.iatl'. Jndge r..i.l. He la a Hrima-rat, bul ln- W-ord i- - earelleni an.l ao IbonaialiU Btfla-aarllaaii lhal IBe lle uublhan 1.-...I--I- thli.K ii "..uM be In ihr ..f I |in,c,s--u.. pulili. - to hmior hni, ln thi- wai I li ; i.v'n to .'v.-rv ..,..? famlllar ??th Ihe -Itiinlon thu- ,iov,-rii..i- IHI d.H-s not waill Jod?e Karl i'.'t,..|? Jnatrd. aml tlwl ritalrniBii Varphy. ol ll"',ul"!".,.M.'f i,' -un- roi.Ittee. wlll nol ?hi.I io areept hlifl I ' i-,,?t rZpelled Ifl di, aa by IMfl BTOBOaed a.tlou ol the Iti-p,il,ll.alis. _ HKI'i IU.ICAN8 OATIIRftlXd AT gARATOOA. barabaaa, la-pt. l iBperlali. Tha RaerBtlee IJuai ?,it'..,. of ibe National Uepubliran 1.,'arue. Judse .lolin If. Thoral ni. uf Nebraaka. prea >:eat. wlll a-a-iobk lu-re ln semi annual meet iii a ... aml i-,<maii, iu -,---ion two daya. I'l," -."?,?. .f> - A. b. lliiMphrey, -f Xrw York, a..d a BBml**r ol taraitjera ,,f tae i-ommltlee have :,l,s-a.iy arrlred, aad the irthera Htr eapeebd br-alghl and ln tbe moralag. Mead ,iuart'-.s have leen eatabllahed al ('?''- ll?1 Th -?? .... ti..- graand expreaa IheBtaeivaa la favor ..f tbe lederal KlecUon IdlL. The ohjerl of the eoai mlttee tueetiag b logevlew the Leagae work dnre tbe MJbiBBl .oiiv.'.ition at Na.hv.le Ust apHng. Tloy will <??>? n'.t with ref.n-.,.'.' le Ihe w,nk ?f th^ roBiIng ,ai?|,,,i.n. wllh the spe. lal vi.-w of BBi Blfag B K.' publlrai. lloaae ?.f Kt-pi-.-eutniv. a. Un at ln(.r."I is iiniii.f.-t ?l m the state I.ri.m- of ll).pui.||rau rinb*. whi. h a--.-,?i.:-;- ln .?..:i?-ra,t..:, hirj. Ih?.-,lai niornlna. and wlll |,i'o;.Hi.iyr.,'. a n ? aeaah n ,;,, ,i,n, Tb.iveiul u will be addre s .1 b> lieu eral Xataafl lioff. of Weat Vltgumi Judaa_Thiiratfln. ,,t v.i,i:i.i.ii t oiiBToakinan Uoldvcr, <>f i.>w.i. .\. j. .-;.?,' i f -p'l-.ut'iieid. Id.: (oiMi'l E. A. Mi'Alp.n aad .la.m's' A. Illan hurd. of Xew\ink ann'itHWTEH chnty rnoiuniTiovisTs. The Prohlhltloni-t- of Wc-trhr-stcr f'ountv held ther roi.ventl.m at Mt. Kisro yeat-nlav. aml niale the fol lowlng'on-: ('...ipii?-. XlVtg Dl-trlrt, S. P. Wlll!-. "f Vew Vi .?!? I C-BBBty Tr-.-ur ?.-, Stsntoa Cid\ . slBg isins'i I'.'io..".--. B. -i. f'irp'iiter. Horaee Catfl nlaga anl ('. IMerro; sm-I,?o1 Cun.m^slonera, u,.- ? Uatlraer, WU11h.ii P. fnialaaaa aml John M.l'er As-enihU. lst I)i"tnrt, (ieoriw K. Carrol: Ilni'l iJiiirlit, Wllllam H. liuu; llld JJUtxlct, Jvlui A. Hmml. LABOR MEN IN LLNE, TWO SUCCESSFUL PARADES. OVER TWEN'TY THOCSA'XO WORKINOSIER MARCII TJUOUOM TIIK S.TREETS-PINB CIVX DaaWtVATg. In all the glory of rivlc pomp. wlth banners waa* Inp. fla*Ts flyinir and hand- p!a. !n2. over 20.O00 worhv inptien marcliet Thixjimh niilex .tf street- In thl* clty yestirday ln lionor of I.abor I>av. the holid-iy of evcry rla*s anl cotalition of nici. The fcatnr-s >if tlie day Vore tlie parad-s of the Central Libor I'nKn and ( cntral Labor Federation. and it I- KCta'rallv conceded that they were v. Ithont douht tlie bc-t appolntcd and tnadu the bext ataOWBag of paraata af orcai.l'.ed labor yct xeen in thi-. city. Probahlv Um larpc nnj.-rlty of the liihahHanlB of thi? cltv were mnre Intcrcttd each In his or her littl-- pliti to have a a'ood Umt, and thcra were pleniy of opportanlttea f.?r the fiiltiltueut of my and all of the-e prtrate schtmes. Athletic spurt-, on land and \*..;"r took Ihe l-a<l: In f.i? t Laber I.ay la ivcry year heln? getottd nmre and moif to thc ex? grriae af tliov athleti.- liiitmcts luboru :n thc natlv* American. Tlie we.itiicr wax in a happy niood ycxterday and the xun i-ii-e Ui a blazc of spk-ndor forctcllliiR tho gtortoaa day it araa. llaixlly the sun rctlccted " good BBTJeaaag" arlBBB ln thuusaiids of 888888 prvpara ttoaa were iiiade tot iiavinjt a b'ood linie in both rity nnd eoaatry, a'd ftaajaBnia of laarheaa baxhers wero rarefuUy pa. ked for the aay*a aagfag. Flaifx wcro lyiag on Um ITtf Hall ar.d puhllc Iniildincs wiiiie every athar hoaae ar ta tli" avenuf*. and the Btaiority of ' loxs xti".M^ araa :.:ay arttk the tlags of al! BBttOBJl and rolored bBJBtlng. RF.Al.V POV. THE RARCR. Aa earty a* S a. m. nicinii-r- nf argaahted labor begaa to garbrr :?! Haa beadRtaartera af Padr rarhaaa tinions to iiiarili to the'r aoattuni on the llne of raarch. Ou at*rouat af the BBtaajjaaua aadatRtg iit tween tha labor uaton* aAbated **iti. fie f*e*rral kViuor I'nion and tlmx" ronntctfd alth thc ( Labor FciliTiit.on, t*\'t piridix tjjok Bhtee, <>n" unrtcr tht anxpii-ex of each orgaalsathm. ihe paradc af n.a t'tntral Lahor Federttbrn, or i*****taua4 aud Ilebrew x...t|fiii-. v:. II.- titM tu BtatC, and AngUbl Dclebar, ihe prand raar*hal. ga**a Ihe order to atarch at 0::; i a. at.. and 0,0041 men Btfd atep to tht Bjiixh- <.f two leore I' an.l dt-uni ritrfa along thc tolloaring roate: From wondave. aad Me*****4BB> -t.. to rTflh-Kt., I'i Fit-tave.. l.i Funrt.-eiit i xt.. ta BccOOd-ava.. tO Twenty -ci-uiid st.. lo Avi BM A, ta roiirtf'.-i'th xt., t<. Arenae <, ta Pltl xt., lo HtajsaM xt., t.i Xorfolk xt.. to ll'iiixtu:, xf.. iu Fir-t ave. lo FlrM st., t.i aeveathat., to Avenaa ll, lo T?ntli xt.. to Mt-.y. reaaat IMai-e. wh.-re thc graad tnar-lial and hix aid.-a a-.rt tlie proiniiient leajaera af thc vati aix imli.ns rt viewed the:r f.>lln\*eix. aa .Ihey man hett a. r.<x, tha x.|tiaiv aift di-hanil.-d. Tha r|<?ak!nakcrs' Iinoa I paraded witli tl.e lanrcst BBmtarT of ni.-n. rj*a*fa*aBgff | r. ll. (iantkit and Joaeph Uarandeaa ri.lins ?ide by xnlc a* maribah of .'i.<axi mcn. tlOW TMl. Rl N RARCREO. The r,..f of the parade ?'?* made up af the folloaa itiK utiiuiix : a*ba* raiki ra' t'alra, Tautr*' t'alta* Xca, 1 aod 2. buapendrfaiaker*' I'alaa, nattvahigiaMbera' I'ataa, IIikI l >|,. iat:*.x' t'.ilon CBpBJBbira' IMoa. BJJBtfa* L'nlraa Xa*. t, ". S. II. '??-? al ar.d ?.??'?. I'l'haKer'.' I'alaa, I.a." r H" r )ir.**.rx' I'nion. Ale and Httrter Brtarfra' Pataa, Bt*t Drlvert' I'alaa, Waiter*' i'alaa, riaaiamtrra* lat.inmbaml L'alaaa Nox. io. 9 and 41, I'aratatfra' EodL'.- Xt. iia. VaraJahtr* and rntlahaea, Ari'hlte.-tnral ll*Ba?orkera, rri.b-r.xxi*,. LalKirer.' fn.Oa N... 1. t'BRfd Ma.liiiiixtx, l ii'iiiixL-rrx, R. .entric En. rinrer*' N.i J. l-.r.'iii'.rx I'alaa No. 1. luiian MtaaM Tuelayera' I'atta Iraa M**ala>ra' I'ataa aa. 2".. I'ap. r Baa2<r*' i'ataa So. IK. Rlller* and Mlllarleht*, BalM ng Material* lUiatltra, reaaeat Labarer*' I'aiea Rt, 3, * ar rlace and VVai'nn Mn."v llai.jn 8taa** Mn-on-. li-rmaa l'r*\ .--. I'.ai.on.ak. r-. Ilianal 1 ahtli U* t'nton. UabflW i^ar|? titer* aiel AB^al8JJB*aBad, Baaaaaratfetl**, So-iallaltt Brrtlaa. gaihua. i'roaie**ive btik tR'ataea, Rtartaapai I'rl.itfr*' I'nion No. 1 ; paajaWa, ionip..?IU.rx and reportera oi the "Rtar-Tarturr V'o'kx gaRaagM ; iwaaayaa af "Thei?.?. I ctallttaad a'tihmgaiaa'a Adtacat>,"aad tbt ruaatgaamaal i!n,r? Tradta. iOnt ftiiiny liieldent of tlie Fcdcratlm parade waa when Mhx Pretgdctr. one <>f Ihe nur-'ialx. rolled olf hia I." ?-? to the |ia*cinc:it and rffuacd t? inoiint airain. ilo -ait: thal he had alood riiiuii: aa*4**4dmcti ax bjag aa :... i. nid. and aa hc nnly btifw ouf knew <>ne arajr ol rrttlttg ??'A B Morx". hc ftll off. At ?::nex raVawBi dl : vi-.i.:ix .tf the parade h."aaa* ronfn*fd und w.i.ild pal I the regular rn* :??. km:l Ihtae little mlatakea oi.lvt I -auxfd u maiparary dtlag and treee talwti *.**od | uaturtdly by ill cimi-trtifd. Allhougb the P**deratb*a parade aaa ...cp'.-i'd at* tn.i-t < nf x,?i..i,-tx. t'n :-.? w.'ix' iM.f.liii:!* i,-w rcd lla^x. an.l iven tbete a-x a r.ilc liad -.1.1c mo'to raibrobdered iip'ni them. TIi-mv were inai.y ABaBrteaa fia;;-. Althnuirh during the pande thc hr;- foreg "f polh-a al"iir the llne aere md <?H"d" "i"':1 to illt''r* t.'-. there u.-n- -v. ral fight* atarted by t.':- n.fti.! ?':?- "f tbe ll.l.n** Knoe iipfi h.-x Raaawa* t nlon. who f taud ln ll?a?tiai -t . tn-ar I.u.lli.w and i-r. hi>rd -t-. Wllhini I. Mltl i. "f N,>. iit i.iidi.iv. -t., drove an i..-**a."n auwa lli*aaaua> -t.. and atarted ;<> turn tato Ludhia -i., **li"n aer. ?ral *.f tli" ni.-n vii-. aere formlag aere attsed ktg I...--? and l*rjwn t.. t .?:.,? <r it alth thelr > .* Rlthaj prid' -ti.l a_a.:.-i tiu-. i nt aa* ii... U*4eaed m. -a '.- utart d in tn il"f"!.i! ln- kiirae, and when Pot! enna liiiuutlly arriitd an thc irmund a bmall -Itfd ri." arad ln priJgrr-b*, and a aniubt Ib* paradft naaaod alavrtd tunibelnitr, >?'. v.. -t >'."t-i:T -t . au* f...i"<i wRh a -. !-... i-ly i ut li..-.l. for ?l-leh h- 1 MiUVr, \*!io, !..- -iil.t. aru. k hiui **i!h Bll i..-a\.-. l'"li ll.".. ?era ii.Kc.'i befura .lu-ii.e llogan in the f.?a Rartmf i'..!i.f I'onrt, aho m t ihe ia-" down for tl.i- nionilag f..r eaamlnatiun. rkweral ..H.?r amata*r Bght. a-era t'.pp.ii by tl.e ji.*i,.c. All aere rau*ed I.) trufh ni.-n Iryiug tn brtah Ihraagh tne ime- of Um nicti ** iiiie k**a*4ng to aaradf. i!l.\r:i\l. I.Ml'fl t'RI* \'x MIxi'l.AY The awradt nf the Orntral i.nb.*- i:.!'in aad tha K;:ii:!itx ,,f i. Vor \*aa a greal aaereaa la every way. ritcr? **(?-.* md ao many men ta Hae a> in larataf naradra. hut the amrradna. appcaannrf and raaalafl i.f the paraaVr* arere far auaanior hi lhal aeea la othte l.ihi.r Day p.ini.iex. rhc rtptaaathm f>r thla waa that tieaxly all the tn-n ?c:v xlull-d mct lunifS nv relvlng Ugh aagea aad ttewBate ii>'.l..*d i>r>.xj),-rtiua. i harle* P. R4*4>rr*.. "f tht Maarbte rattera' Pnhaa, aaadg a paad graad amrahal. aml there wa* aa ramfaataa oe iu tht ranka at any tlme darRig tht pai-adt, a marh'-d f.-.iiiiiv "f Whtrh ?:c the 184*8** iiiimhcr of Aineiiuin Rag* ratrted aml the abteara ad x.ifiali-tn' etiihlenix. rii>- vaiiniix ni.i.nix paradlag h*raaed ta kaa al tn a. iu. lu thf x.?.- xtif.-i- ,..) ra* li xjii.. ,if li.inth ave. betweea atatb aud ThirU*eath xt>. aad awrriaat ui* l-'o.ii'tli a*o. t-i I ni.iii x.iiiiii". ln > ' cnl cnl.'i xt,, aaat tii" revtfwlag xi?nti ui Kiguth-avt., m radftja fi.nrlh xt., t.i Kiftliaxc. lo t.nty -., -t.. and .11* bandrd There were 10.IHB) nr nn.iv men in line. ti.rlndiug avet 7<H* inusirlat.s ln tht BaUtda and drum enrp*. r.ands hi!id"d n-arly every ii'iioti. FtRaVrWaag v*as Un' larder of thc marehiug iinn.iix: ihailcs P. Koi-'crx. i.'1-.uid BUtraBal; lefea I, ?iarry .iml Williatu Kfliiit-all*. aid'v-. an.l graad r.:ar-nai'8 xtutf;;cs roatainlag ihe namaalltee of a.Tanirc BMMits, .i.mii-i P. An ahjaht, AaTred Aahley, U* rga K. Mi'Vii. Patrtck Rtymdda, and fharif*. Rttfcr; RhaV laiu Bat lly, amrahal ol tha Fir-: IMtlatoa of Prtaalag t'ladcx. aad xtatf: hayae'a inRh i.f^iment baad lead lag the -.aiiinix rh.ip.-lx of T* p grrasdatral i'nion No. i>; it. J. Ilawkea, ataralat, aml B4*aa*4BaBB'a aud leed enf uuioiib. A II.Aii POR CI.OVK I'l ITKIIS. fhen Jnlaix Mnion and l?ioii \V. liiirke. mar -halx ..f ihe I nii.'d lluak and mi.I rutU-r*. Wlie.i ttUt iiniuii approarUcd ihc I'atoa lagiuire .'"luibf. ta aaaata* it- -mii -i., ahich **ax dtvoted eatlretf ta aaaaea. ticj ua:.,le I aml a foiiimltU". i.f whlel. Artaur UulJ **ax i iialiuia.i aml Vift.-r iicll BtiKbi'iirt-r. xie(,p,'.l fnuu iu ? raukx aud h-i mai i" a haJK ?pt?**ch tnm < or.ii.-r Lovy aho ii-"xciuil a bandatme Amenraa xllt* flug ti, tbt riiiai*. uiiei'x' l nli.ii. <ni Inliali of A. ai'hwab. Wben liu- iircxii.talani ??- ?vi-r -iiin. .uie -lii.ateU -Tln-ee tl:.e,x fur Mr. arhwab, tbe nevt MaVor of >.** Vorfc!* aad tht paradtr* rborred. Pollowujg ara ihc tiiK"anUati.nis aml ammhala ax they raam la llne: L'nii,d t ii.thi.iu Caabaa PBmiil Ataaaaddp Re. 231 tf the Kn ghga o. LilHtr. WaRtt VV.' treo. niar?hal. El?h? . liaplaia oi ihe PitaaJRa A?*tb-tatioii o. attmaata and faaa* .rx, J. J. Daptt inarahal. L'nloaa .Noa 1 aod 8 af tha J.n.rn vr.ieu Ilor?c *3hoerb' Unlon, H. J. CWCttaB nuralial. I'lioenlx Labor ? lnb of thc Kiilsal* of Labor, ueargi and raaa, maiabal Thc i.iid-r?? LTaiaa. TaratittBl I*r.'ctl*c r*atan, re, r* ntnu the liroad. way. tVladaar, lla-r.t-in't and o-h. r thiair.!. lu IhU clty and Jtraey lil* PaRip Ktll* marbhjl. l'ln and ghaal laaa Wor.ier*' l.'nloa, Danlel Almondl marahal. riratiile Cullera' ABaocUvUoa aad floata, Horace