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Braorhra Noa. 1, 'J, 3, 4, 6 aad 0 of thc Arualgaioated Boclcty ot Carpeutera aad Jolnera, i.eorge W. MUMleton BBBBBBBa I'niud Ordrr of Airerk-a-i Stalr Bulldi ra. Edward Blanchard marahal- l-acliing Boxmaker*' Vnloa. SECOXD BRliiADE. Brlfade marahal, to-orgr Warner, of Dlatriet Aaeembly XO. 268, t'.e Bulldlug Coaatruetors' Dlatriet, ln whlrb were thr- follow.n? unloiin and offlc-ra: Tha atrlklng KolghU ot Labor of tliu Xew-York Central lUllroad. Tlioums uaffney marahal; C. 11. *>alf?bury and IllW Burke, aldra. St4ni.iflto.ra' I'nlon. whlch took the prlza for marrhlng: Jahn Kletcrx-r u ar-hal. I.oca! Aaaeinbly Xo. 9.208, of Brlck Handl^rs. with flaaa; JoBrph Ktfly, nuirshal. L?c?l aaBBBBBtp No. 7,445. of Lurober Ilaodlrra. Wllllam Bell marahal. Bulldlntr Materlal Drlvera' I'olon, in roatiitue; Jobn T. Brady, marahal. Ilexapen l.anor Club of Tllelayera* Ilrlpcr*. .lames Fln uerran Helglan Pavera' I'nlon; Iron MonldW Aaao-laiio,,. Daiilel Brll marahal; lloa?*an>lthi<' I'nlon. Wtth neaily 1,000 men, t'harlea Itellly marahal; the Archl teetural l*atternmakrra' I'nlon; Compact Labor Club of alarhle Cutfra' Helpcrs. Wllllam Rvan mnrahal; Italtui Marble Moaalc Workrra' A??oclatlon: WhBBaaaae a*ro etatlou of Marbleworkara. Georgo Honrynuui marahal; Rellaner I,at>or Cl'ib of Joxrneyinen Maihil BflfllMia, >"hn Melveagh rr.arahal; Ccment and Aaphalt Layera' I'nlon; Mrstle Tle Aaaoolatlon of Snah. Door ?Ad Bllnd MaSTfra, Jolin MePher-on marahal; Engllah-apraalng Kramcrs' 1'iilon, Oacar Jana<-n marahal; I'nlted Order of ftTBhlBB Cai|>enter? an.'. Jolnera. Xelaon ktaVaddoa marahal: t'oiona Xea. 1, 3 and 0 of .Im Ualtrd Brottoerlicod of I'rogre.sslve l'alntora, Edwurd Co.ikllu thal; l"aper Hangtrs' I'nlon, Aifred Cahaty marahal; Bhfl L'ulted Bri.thcxhuoi of l'rogrc-*-lvt> VBflBhhBM. There were 100 poll.t-men at 1'nloi. .-iiuare and ulong Uie llne under Ihe Imiuodlnto coai iiuuil of lBflpector steera and CnptalBa Broaan, Allalrv. Waa oer. Murphy. ltollly ond Ryan. Member- of Ibe various unlons eaaaertaf wtth thc central Labor Pcderetlon attend'*d u great pleni. ln Pleaaani Vailey Orawe, near Kon Lee ,?> tho Hadaaa. ln tho afteruoon and cv.",lnp tlio inrnib'-rs of th? Central Labor I'nlon parade aitenrted ? plmlr nnd atliletlc ln U.c Twenry-thlrd Park, al Obo Irandrcd-and-for.y scventh -.. and Thlrd avc, at whkh there wero al-o music aad iaarlag) THE PARADE IN tlBOOKLTN. OVER TEN THOl'SAXD MEX IX LfiXE, RKPltE SENTIXf. SIXTV-FIVE ORC'A'NIZATIONS. Over 10.000 men took part ln the parade ef labor organlr.atlon? in lirooklyn yc**crday and a great rrowd of onlookcri pathereit to scc the urgani/atinna marrli by. Thc hollday was gencrally ohsarved by tlie ccssation of buslness, botli pnblle und prlvate, and tho dlsplay of flags. The rendet vous for tlie paraders was at Lafuyette uvc. and Cum berland-st. Thc llne of luartii was fonned under tlie dlreetion of C.ranil Marahal .lohn ii'Coniicll. aided by Wllllam Browner. Joscpli liradlcy, Patrirli Xcvln. I'harles F. Wyntonn and Wllllam Moore. There were sixty-flvo orgaulzatlons in thc flve divUlons ef tho parade. Tho route followcd was in Lafuyette. Bcdford. Flush Ing, Tlinatp and Wlllouglil.y aves. At Ilushwlili and WUIouflibj* ave-s. thc reviewlng stand was plarcd. The llne wa*. rcvicwed by A,t!ng Mayor Mclarty, in the absence of Mayor (.hapin. Alt^r ?the levlow tlw ranks were hroaafl an<T thc varioui. ortraulcatl-.ina sct o..t ?eparately for tho plcnlra ln Ktatgewood lark nnd lllgb .iround Parh. where tbe aftcrnoon and evenlng were upent ln various festlvit,?s. The Otimaa-apaahlBg unlons !>el<>nglng to the 1 eo>ra Uon of Tradcs hail a parade nf their own. with Bboal 2,000 men In llne, in ihe Plxteenth Ward. A nuuiber of r^oelallstlc and Anarchlsflr organlratloiis wcrc In the ranka under red tlays- _ Xearlv all of tlie 2.200 workatea at the Navy *.ard were penniited to liavc yradkreda/ Ba a lioliday, and they took ?.rt ln tho labor parade. THE OERMAM FLAII DBAGOED DOWX. *N IXCIDENT OI' THE f.AB.a.l DAY I'ARADE IX A!.L!4;iIEXV C1TT THAT CAlsF.D . n.\ri BJ.con. nttstairp, ssei>t. l.- A"i:i ? tbe ftafcera' raBTm was po'-ln^ lu the lahot parade up Nortii avc, AHegheny 4 Ity. IhU BtterBOoa. a party nf Ameri'aii inechani. ? broke Into ihe ra.ika and tore fljawa 8 (ierinan *BBg whieh th- baker- were rarryinp. The hahen dcfendi-d th^ fl.iR. hal they were oteryirwered aml tha Sag tra!!f-d ln Ihe d?-t. Xo p<-:-<?., waa --rloii-ly 1? juic!. hal Ibe irirtdeal rreated preal raefteaaeBl aml co.i-ld:' bt <! bhi >' Labor l>-..v w:is generaBy iJiaeivrd t mI y. ,\ll tlie l.mks.'-s und mill- aad ataay bnalbeaa l?.n-r-s were rhi-cL Th- d.iv ?u? brighl. and u-uiv.' lo.orai workmen, repreaenting nl! tbe trode* Ib Ihe ? itv. took pirt i? th - i.:.i-.i<i.- Bimllar d- arein-tratai , were held at .leann'.-tte. (.i-cen-lnuu and othei sui luu.i'llng town-. __ CKLEIU;.\TI.'XS IX XEI'.illi.'KIX.. TOWXsV, Lahof Daj wa- geaeralty relehrata-d ia Jeiaey City. Whi'e t'n'tc waa not :,:, entua- -i,-i?ii-i.'i of bual j-^sa, ihere waa a BoUaay apBearanie ai.c.t (he rlty, aad th: parmlea, atid^plcnles oe.-ap'ef Ih? aiteatloa af Bnay peop"* The; La** r parade waa ?a laprecdre d.>moB?tralk*, Tbe llne ol marrli was tl.roug, the prlor -,.i: atreeti of Jeta?> fliy. anl theae* to CaJedoniai. Park. where alhletk gaaies were n-'id. One of ihe nutable f4rataie? of Ihe day was the trkwabbw f.-t'val aad iu-aie. Botb i,arade<= were revioweil at the I Ity Hall by Mayor ( levchind and other rlty ofli-iaN. TI- day wa* .flehratd in Xcwark by Iwo laparatl f|-?n? ,iy the Ccmrul LalK>r I'nlon and tbe other aader the ata-iareB of l4vbt*rara- Itonctivc rnlon Xo- 1- The f.-rmor haM a pi'nle al Ca:elon,an rark and the otln-r at Wth-'s rar':. Labor Day wa- K-'-erally obaei red at Xcw-Hmn wlc'; X. J.. ncailv every n.orc liant 8'odag his btor-. "iTlSS:n:;he"^.^'rcd,rato', of Laleir re'ehraU^ taa, aaa with a aarade, I'u-lae?a v'a- gciienii> ?ma en-vJi I, >f',.nt Vernot- tttere waa a *?"??* arnde. partielpa.ed ln by the loeal ortr.inlraUona and Koby sev.raf TrdtiBg .aJe*. I n Yoaheia bu rt MB8 was BBifaBfai. and l..VHjj.icn paradfl. Kl'frT.S F.XCTIAXdEU AT ALHAXY. Albany. iaft, 1 (Spe<lali.-I.ah?r Hay wa* obscrved bv a parade In whlch 3.0OO men t<aik purt and bv a monstcr afcafS on thc Fair firound- Tra-^c thliiRs leaaened the lntcrest ln the strike. Thc polbo report that nvc ahots wcrc flred ln tho vlclnlty of the Rnssell road whieh I- ln the west end of tho rity, carly this mornlng. lnveatiga-tlon ahowed that tw, men were heen on the trark near tho plaee where tho pitssenger train strnck thc pile of tlca on Saturday mi.rnlng. Shflts wer** exrhanged by the llnherton mon and tha in._.a._: ai,ri the formcr pavc ehaae. In Ihe. wak' lafSa^aBB. tS MuhertoTi meii foaad twoahorela. The MnkcrUBi Btea belleta thc Intrudrra were there 1? ^ mo8laurdo-e. Tbe polh-e say they are of the oplnlon^hflt tl^men were almply for WBod chncka. THF. WORKMEX'S DAY WIDELY KF.CO.iXIZED. Dlapatchca from all thc prlmipai rMea and towm, of the I'nlted Mataa rAaaa that Labor Day was gen erally obacrved by thc closit.g of BaflBja, haathfl and tactoHca. P^ades -^.^^^^S'^^t^iuon ? m KEADY TO BEGIX THE IXVESTIOATIOX. Canmilaalooera PukoIL Itobertaon and Boi.ovan. of Uu Btate Beard at MedlaUo.i and Aibltratlon.arrlv-al ln tbla city Iut nlght and aeat u> the Uliaey Houac. thej wlll begtii ?n ln??*tlgailou tuto gae cauara of 8aa atrlko of the KnlgM of Labor on the Now-York Central and Hudaon KlM-r Rall road ln Part I of tha Ceurt of Common Plaaa promptly ut 10 e'claek thia mon.lug. A. W. Wright and J. J. Hollaod, ot tae Oeneral Eaacutlvc Board of Ihe KnlghU of Labor. alao arrived here laat nlght to ba raady to nlve aor teati meny aalled tor at tbe lnveatlgatlon thta mornlng. ? ? VARNISHERS TO KTR1KB TODAY. Tbe Progreaalve Varnlahen,' I'nlon PieaaUg aubmltt-*! a new aeale of wagea liirrea*Uig thelr pay fran, 8^ 50 aod BJ T6 to 83 75 aott 88 a day to tlie Boaa Vainlshi-r*' Aaso clatloo. whlch refuaed to approve the ai-al". aud thl? morn lng It Ifl expected that 1.500 varnlah.ra la thia city Broaklyn wlll BjaM work aad attempt by gaiflBJ on a atrlhe ta raree thelr employern to per th* arale drmaoded. OLAtBS FACTOKIES XTART UP. Uay.8 Laodlng. N. J.. 8ept. 1 (S*peclaJ).-AU is actlv ltry among tbe gkaaabiower* In Xow-Jeracy aud all tbrongb the Ka*t taday. tlie tlme agreed upon to Etart the factortoa. With few cxccptlons thia pro pramme wa* carrled out. All factorlos wlll run to thelr fnll capaclty. Tbe outlook for the window glaaa trade among the South Jeraey factorles U flatter laa> Onlv one lactory is idle. that at. Malaga. War tSrjr RK.t,'-ers of Glaasboro, who, lt waa alleged, had ea?a?yfldTnambei ot BSlglan hlowera. lintlgiiaatly deny tha charge. -?-? MAJOB DAXIEL A. SBABPB DBAD. Boeheater. V. Y.. Sept. l.->UJor Danlel A. aharpe, Coroadr of Monroe Connty, dled this afternoon from the ?frecte af lnjnrlet lnfUcted by two men laat^Monday .,>t,t Ha haa been anconscloua moat of the tlme gtiJeVlte ?^t*K. Two of hts alleged aasallants are la Jall. g _ DAMAOB BT TIDES AT ABBUBY PABK. Aebury Park. K J-. ?>pt. l.-Tlie l.lgb Ude of laat otglft dld fnrther damage to the board walk and tlu? Btiikbeada oa tbe ocean front Tlie walk wlll njd bo r^Jtuntll next apring. Mr. Bradley'a h?* 1" ?b*7w>. _ ,_^_ C1UOAOO VIA CLKVBLAND. Tkaa -Hew-York and Chlcego Umltcd" leaves (irund oaaTraa. StaUon every day ln Uve year at B:M> a. m. ???% KcVYormCcatral, the great four track faat BBBtt ?roate.^EacbaBge. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA. MR. SIIERMAXS A.\fEN'DMENT TO THE TAJUFF MLL. HIS PR0PO81TION IX LRRR WITH RRg WK.Llr RROWR SE.NTIMENTS-THE WOOL AND SILK SCHEDULES DISP08ED OF-OKLT P1VE MORE fajHRDULEB TO BE DIISCUSSE? -DETAILS OP THE DEBATE. tBi TE.'JtoRAi'ii to r:ie t-'bubb.} Washlnirton, Sept. l.-Tho Kcnate enltred today witli evldent satlafactlon upon the laat of the many tedious wfchs of debatc upon tho Tariff blll. Mr. Aldrlch had tlireatened to call for nlght ?c*siona 11 more appreclablc progress aPnnld not be made dnlly npou the pendlng mcastire: and to avold the nddltlotu.l cjertlon Jnvuivcd ln taliiing "tniltf rcforni" evenlnip,, as well aa monilngs and artcrooona. the l>cniocratl< scnators, tinder Mr. Cailisle's lcaderohip. iibandoucd thelr "flrbt for a recorU" on evtry Indlvldual Item, howevcr iiiiiniportant. ln thc bill. A tftf tcat votca were tafcen, but all nierely dilatory o;.po,ltlo:i n-on cejscxl: and before adjouminent both thc wool nnd tho siiu uhodBhi hud liecn aUapoaed of. This have* oaty live ruorc m hcdule* to bt tahen up. thos* rciiiiing to sua-ur, cotton mannhrturea, flax. henip and Jutt; pnlp. BUgBW and books; aud anndrit**. uf taaaa tmly tha angar avbedaik wlll gtve rua ta mnrh debatc. Thc icclpioilty t********90 arlll bo ta'.icn np t<i monow inornlng. und it B. probablc that ihc greate. part of tlie two diivs of gencial dcl.ate still retaallltog will bo Ucvoted to B disni-slon of the best iii?atix of ?omtrlag trode advantagea ta aogar nnd eoffee prodnrtax eoamtrtea. No rhaagea worth notlag arere ruad. to day lu tiiu Plaaatm C4jmmltteB*a rcuort on thc wool und .-llk xchcdulcs. PriRmbly thc inoxt atrlhlng tarbtont of t - d-.y a dix raaatati aaa. the talroducthm by Rr. Bherroan ?f an adoiiious.l rertprjclty amciidiiioui. in Ihc dirertlou "i x.-.-uring inoro sati-fu't.-i'V tnutt tvlaUcn* alth thc Doiiiliiion of Caaada. Ihe aaafJuRnenl provldf* apeclfltaUy lor thc frea n?lini-M?n of Uaadlatt roal into Ihia couiitry. ta rctuni for ll.l ftcc a?liiil?i..ii uf Ani"iii.iii cwl luto Canada. II al?o loolis t-i a r*nu plete, or ut hmet u partlal, i? n.-.vul ol dutlw up-<n ? trada belwera thc t\*o n**antrh*s Tho leai af the aimiidnieiil lx i*x aWhiwa: riut whciievcr it ahaM bc rattUtod t.i tho W* gentol tho V i.W btate* thal the ....veri.nici.j uf the innilnlon ol l anarta ahall, bj ?? '"' 1r^'"i;"1?! ? ,,'. mlt rco tf duty Int*. ull IU ra.ris roal mlnad in tha "ulted Matea, he ahaO maU Pf. cumaiion of tha Ia* . i;.d ti.c.eafivr. whllt auth law or rtgabillon I* ? t ,r7f eoul mtaed ln the i.i.mnilon of Canada MjI bc admluediwSlt duty into all thc porta of Um I n.icl Ml,Ajjd whenever It ^hall be duly ccrtltled to Ibe P**4*d dciit ?.f hc lniie.1 Matea that thc <'"^''"'""lrit,' fh" I) :nl .lon Of I'HUuda haa dc*lared* u. cater iiito buch arruniici.'ientx wlth thei tniW suue. i' wul ln tl.e eampitte **t'jmrtaU re n vi.l of dutlea upon tmdo between C*nU? and UM "'?H V Mutcx. lle .hall appolnt lh?e J^^ blonci-.. t.i tncet ihaae arte .aawbe ***^"*^ftl~,J? rcnrcxct.t th" .iov.-rnnicnt of Canada, I* ."ii-?" r thc V' nf eatendtai tha trada relatloiia bt iwean lanada and .hc tattj-tt^lta. ??*????* an whal lerma gmadrr frefdon. *J*???" ..L.,, iween tho two eimutrtes can btat be at^rfO.. ann -aid "omn.lxxiiiner. ahall report to Mm. lYrxiti.-nt. who ahall lny the report befor.' Conjrjt**a. Aad thrJ}*?*; <urv expeeixf*. of thc commlisxloii.-rx at tr-e i-av- i MO a day earh for thc 1!me ijcrcxxarlly cu.pdoyed lu *aid duty xhall 1-c paid out of the approprlatlon for the collcctlon of Ihe ciixtoms rtvenuc. Senator ?.hertnau'x propo*ltlo>i I* wplalned tx. bo Ih? uaturiJ f?utirr.'Wth of hia well -known xcntii.ients and, as rep-atcdly cxpr.--ed in tho Kenate. A< lot-.e .-W.-0 as Atagaat 7. 1m?iS, Mr. Hhtiaam atahsd. in a earafnlty Btrpared xi**i>cii ta op|..**iti..ii to tii? aaa erles trcaty i>c?:otlat?'d by thc cievcla'.nl Adajlnlatra ttoa. that he waa wininit and anvio'ii to brtag aboat a pnlt.y tliut would mokt nwea inilinato the retoHona betwotm <*mad? aad i!ro I'ntted dtataa. and thal any. Ihlng wluitevcr that w.mld BtBd t/i pri.timti' ...i:,Tmii-ial Uuettoarat betaean tattt i*4aaalrlta woaJd aaael in* moxt tiearty fiipjKirt. ?'1 wai.t faiiaUa Ut b? part of the l nltcd Btatm>* h" xaid: and \*lth a food deal of empha*bi he pw>dlrttd that wlthln ten yenrx. ta his Jnd7nn.iit, the lH.inlnlnti of rawada waahl ik> reprem nt'd ellhtr ta the Imprrljl Parltement of tii"ut Itrltaln or ln tht t:ongre*a "f tht t'i itiil >tat.'x. lle h..|e-d that Ihat rv|u-e-ciitati. n araald be ta tlie Ojogrv* of the L'nlttd htatea. Ahuul xix weeka latcr ho tatnalneed ln the r^.'tiaav a rwola ttoa taatrnrttag the CoaamRtee on ForciKti r.ciatlonx to luqnlrc inio and i* port Bpoa tlie ttate af thc relattona af tht fnltcd State* wlih <i.rat lirlUIn and tho Doiiilnioii of Caiiadu, wlth Math nicixiirc* *x ?,-ni expcdb*n1 t<? promotc frlendly ootnnierrlaj a:id polliical |!itor*MBU*aa bttween thfxc cintiTri'-- aml thc I'nWtd .'tat.'-b. Rr, shennan'x prwpo*al i-.iiilli.tx iii part, bowewr, with Ihe retalbilory amendnitni rvp*iitcd bj Ibt I'laanft i ..::iinii:. . aud ihe apecllh ?uai?>l.?.n t.i open thc Amciiran markel v> Canadlan roal i* lih.-ly io -ii"t wlth aertoua oppo*lHon. lt ix protable Ihat Ibt*:'- alliemtuictlt will bt adopled, lo Ihc fflxtlubion nf all othere, ax the m..-t saiixf.n t.ry - .11 tlon. f.-r l!i" pix-oi.t, of the n-ipiii'lty pn.hleiu. .-enat-ir PmMofh, <.f Rehraaha, nneie a geaieral laritr ipeerh to-Uay whleh attrarted ? .n." alltntton. vir. lvidock l.ux iiipiniii'd Mr. l'ltinib ln aeveral of the ki'ur stutoinair.x ruids ui*ui tha bill" bai Ihe Rehraska SwaSm today gave u aaaeat ta tha docirino und theory oa whlch Ihe measnre I* ron ?tr*8**led. li'* l.inlt, he -u'.d, with u Um dctall* ln thc blll's rnnkenp. The pendtag qat*a*lafl wa* on Paragrapk 373, ax t<> wool and woniieii yarn*. to whkh the Flnanee Com initt-f had reporUd an amtudmenl Inrreaalng ihedntj per puuud from Iwtee t<> two and a aaR Hhbm Iht datj |mpo*cd 'Ui iinwaxh'.d wik.1 of thc llr-t claxx. Mr. Al.lilch convfteu a lnbtal.0 BUMle in the Il4> rlprwlty avnteadunent r*-portc*l by la-xt wck. th>) unrd -BBjuat" barlng been a*ed toalaad of Ihe ward - linciiirl" dl .iilti.lijutliiii. Mr. Paildoik mldrcs-cd thc Seiiate. Th.'t-e waa m. dl?*ctit la the Kc|iuliliian paiiy, he i-ald, t.i thf <l.-< lara llotii. h"i-i if.irc mad" It. itx platfi.nn*: but there arere dlgtrtncea of optotoa iix to ihe. detaiis of Ihe larlg. There araa m. dlajeuaton wHhta the pariy u* t" aarh piufitlon tis would eover thc dlffcroni'o ln th" <u-l ol hvhor between thc L'Bitei stat??< atat ttealgn euan tilix. H* xhould bc Kh?d lf hc 'ould faliaw thc ma Jority of the Flnunto Ci/inniltlc:; but he rcgrctteil Ihat he .ould tiot rcc li!x way . learly to It a t'< ull Ihe ?ectlon*. lle aparaehJled fally Ihe ardaatn nnd ihllh IM lahors of the Flnanee Coininitt.v, aad rc^'n-it"*! *> have beard Itiximiations that it had auViwed lt- artton tt, be lagaeaeed by tlir-at*, biugalna nr cajolcry. The Wcit i-i-cirdcd a -'rcvixir.n of th" tariff* a niean ing ?'a rediiction of ihc tarltf" whanever p*at*lhR'. and h* waa (oiiiid-nt that the demand for a l"**er range nf dutles would liuw: to rccelre an eaily and tavorable rcxpnnse fr*,m COngreaa. Many of thoxe dutlea, li- cmtlnaed, now bdlered to be too liich, had kaag Bgo tttw Ihc aoik Whtrh had firxt Jiibtltled thelr Imptjalttou. Ral thc atnUajenl aaa growiug ?nd thc bcii-f waa aeroaalng nxed ron* ,1e!i(,n ln tht Wcxt- at hmal ns to aoaae af the prottcted Inataatrtea that tha detrtaaed <"xt nf pr*> le^tion shoiild now ba .mt by a greater derreaac of ilutlcx ttmn Hi" maimfui'lurfra had \<t l.'ii vltl tag to aceept llf (Mr. Paddocki wonid radaca tho dntlca on the nt.-.'xsarle* of Hfe lo the loweal pollil ronslxtent wlth thc iniilntcnan.t of Ibe Boujc ln dtixtiica; und hc would dcinund raaaaaa fur every linpobt?rc.ixoiiH tlmt *honld \m aperlBc and coniln sivo?not oaty reapartlag tha nced of u duty itaetft but as lo tho of siu h dnty. Thc blll. aa rc? portcd, wldlo* Impri.ved oteff thc llouae blll. aas, hc adinlttcd, BjRBethJB| of a tllxappolriluicnt. In the roaahlcratlitfl of the blll. he had vtded f.r i,.wct hag d.ttie* whenever hc bellevcd 11 c.nld bc aaffly donc; and he liad. ua a nilc, votcrt afjalnst all tacreaata exceptiiiK only tli.e-e on lnxtirlcs and thoxo upnn airri.tiltiirul aeodarpj. Thc llst of aarh larrtmaea on ap-liultural prodmth was u lui.R und vahmbta oae, and lt was a plcusure to hltn lo ladaJrae spcclally so iniicli of tho blll as rclated to tlmt partb ulur sub Jcct. OoaaJag down to the wipir achedtilt. Mr. I'addock said that the rnejiufa''turc of l>ect root atiRar In tha rnlted Mutes had BtWaei, t>afely aud *urcly, beyond tli? txi>crlmenUil sti*fe, and Uiat thc nurces. of tlut In dubtry. If propcily protected by tTaRaBgeaa, was already aasurcd. llo bclicved In free eugar, but he bclicvcd lt ahould bc se*nred Ihrouirli aome surh plan of re rlppoclty aa had be**n Indhatcd by Mr. Hlalnc and formulated by thc Flnanee Comniitteo. Hut whatovcr Htarillua UuH'Ovtry. The dlacovery by th** of a localitr hRherta unvlalted by the pextllenl ?courac of fr\er and ?ku.-. that lt exl*t* In thelr very mld?l. 1* decldedly aurulnK. Bu.-h dlfcaverlea are rr.ade Bt every ??-a?on, lu every |?rt af tho I'nloa. Sub"qiiently. when lt h. BHlimmid, as tt in vaiiibiy i* at eanh timi'*, aawaajgb u.e. ralaaaaa aapaRaaia of boine aaa *'ho ha* been beu.-nied and IMld. that IIoh. ictter'a htuniacli BHUr. la a thoiougblr .-Bli-ai-lou* eradl caUir uf thc uialnrlal pol*on, and a imnin* of tortlfylnt; the ayaioui agaln?t lt, a fi-ellna of more ?ecurlty and IraaajetRRy reli.'ii* througliout U.e wbole n*l|fhborhood. Lesldr* the febrllf forra* of malarlal dUea?e, dnmb aij.i" and atrue rake art) removed by Ui? pot.'nt r-tton of the nitU-ra, to whlch rclence alao glvea lt* aanction B4 a remedy for, dyBpepauJ. con-t!patlon, Uvrr complilnt, dablllty, kldney tro* blca, and all dlaraaaa UnpalrUif the orgaaa of dlft*tl:m aad aaalmliauea. miglrt be dono ln that re-pcrt, If a libcral bounty t* honicprodu'-cd auga,- were asiured for fiftecn J'**"! Ibare w<mld bc no oecaslon wha.cvcr thereaiter for ho Importatlon of a sl.,g> BOBfld of *u*ar into the t nl 108 Btafaa. lle would treat the ptvposed tii.plale induatry ln the same wav. lle v.ould BOt vote for the BT? aoaef Im-naai, of duty Bfl tin BBBtea, bnl BC would rbeerfullv vot/.- for a bounty la th- Hn plate liidnMrv. Tlie rest of ,Vr. lr*addork*fl apeeek w-,s maluly dc voted to a ref.ib.thm af abe rtaleaarota n,?de by Den,,, rratlc rieiiab.r. as to *hu linp.verii.hcd rondltlon of the farnilug <la~. and be lahwwel In the WatB of Xebraaka tlr-re v ns nn aaeh BgTB nltural dep.ajsslou. but that. ou the emitrary. tbe farmei-fl were pn.spcroiis, and the .?tat<- ri. h aml growlng. Mr. l'latt said that Mr. Paddoch'fl atBteateiil lu lhal reeaeel was un nnan.'.vera!,:- argaaarnt la fav,.,- ..f tho proteetive poll.v- I ndrr lhal potlry the >im>: of Se brarha had, withi.i the hp>| iblrty yeara,'growa frora a prairie inio a great. ImirbJUBg. rlrh. pna-pcroaa and BdvanrlBg reraaoawra*th. it was t.ii" prote. llve policy that had ttimahatrd the BgrirBlinre ol lhal Mate, an.l bad made Xebraaaa rewlbh*. The only thlng Mr. PI >tt regrvli-d ln Mr. Paddock'a apccrh was that ihe lultcr -Vi-.ied to thinl; that the nsrbaltBral rhn.<e* ol tha West bad. Ifl 'otue way. not hwl a fair ahara of Iho hc.ieiits of protartloe. ' .Mr. CarlMo -ald thnt Mr. PttttM Hrguvi.'iit Bttrllrot ing tho proaperlty <>f Xcl.rasha to Ihe klgh protei tive tarliT waa a ,-i>"tition of Ihe old argBmenl \.-h had btfa ortre wlttlly llhtrtrated In Ibe H"i> ?? ot Itrpro ?eatatlvea hy s. B\ i*iw. -There are no ?ahe* ln liehtud.' Mr. Co\ aaid, "aml Ireiaad haa free trade; tbcrefare, Ihcre <i>n be no aiiakea In nny ronntrj lhal aaa frec tradr." The Ai.I< ia peoph*. Mr. i-arlMe a,l?t",i. bad heeo reaMMiaWy prnaperoi:* tttA unly uiiii.'i-. bul all ..ther.!:- - bnl ihr) bad b*mi aa ia ? pit?' ..I liigti IflriB taaatk n. m-t on an-ounl ol H. Nr. CarlUlr then proeeeded lo argnc dlm-tly Bsaln*! Ihe pending Binendment. The iti ,,:?-. ni t?r:i<-<l I.- 'l.v "'' ?!i' 'l'"'^l,"> '? *!,(' nnnnVrof pound-. "f wool ie.|!ilre8 l? I mdnre .. ponna of rloth. Mr. I'arlWe and Mr. '?'? I????.?-"., a? "Hini ?n Ihe antlmiliy "f u nian wha?e uauv waa 11..1 noade pnbUi'. lhal It .ini uol i'i--' fonr pound" ??! ur,: ?:. L....I. or wiiily a- tuurl. i ? maSe a p-mnd ol rloth. ai.d :.!,. Al'iri. :, a-aertlng on otbei uathorll) lhal n dld. Kr. hhtrmaii D<>"- i.i" Nriialur froai Krntaiki >!.* pnte Ihe wrt lhal it i?<i"'?-- ''.nr. ar in Ih. iteighUir !,.,,, l nf ri.iir. ii"i:mi- ..I niiwu-hed wool lo uiake a .1(1 of , h'tll .' Mr.>' 1 <l?. Mr. Mi.n.t.m li ihe rienator ran dcmonatnit" lhal It ,,|.-i- Ihe wkole ol i'i- ?""l tanil r.lintiiie. U Hi,- lime I aondered aboal Ikal culgtuu, n-d I eaamined |l. If Uw reaatur ran -uov. aic lhal two iM,n:i'1s of unwa h-.1 wool wlll make a pound ol rwta, i will agree lhal the whole srhediile wlll hare lu hc n'Vi-ed. I rxanilaed the f--ti.ii--ny of c.\p,t- nn lhal ,1,1,1,1. and the unlform ilalemeiil -a- that. a- -. f.i-. i reuulred f-air pimiida ol unwa?iied wool, .. iwo iiiiiim:- oi waahed wool. or a poond and a half of Miiured w'nol, to a pound nt rloth. \itrr ubont Iwo In.ti;- had l.<"ii .a.iip;..: In tl.e <li-.,i--i..ii. Mr. Itale aaked Mr. ABlrleh ulial !.'- -?? |i-itatl..i, w.i- ?- io maaiiifl any p.-.r.-i- with t.'.A inll The dlaroa lofl aa i'-'l> ini i- '.:,..' and illum iBBtlag: still. "H.iat.r- oarhl lu bear ... m.nd ti at mnfli iiupi.tanl pail, <?: Il.e b.l! had I.'t >? b ? a nmhed, lhal Ute i ...- for <? ? :?;, ?? ?-? ?iear un' an cnd. and lhal tlu- llnn f'.:- tlo* mliiiib' li.iio waa limlted, i rel.-:' ;ho-? roi.iitio:.-. ?- u-nid :?? L-lail I" have Ihe ??> ?? >i ?' ll-Bi Llfde 1 Unl ?'?'?? whether he u,.v nnvramine :. Ma miis.l abeti thr a-iail aihclul.' ao, ,1 pi.-l.ald) '" llin.led. Mr. AMrirli rrplied Iha! - -? >| ? ?" ' ? ?'? i:" u ?"' arbrdnk' would be . om l?.i. <i l?i- inierrian. After inir ? dbvruaal Ih lOrtiatlH ?'? nn-nu ni-.,. aaa agrevd U* ? -t- -?''. n*j '"? , . . Mr. MrPh'-Taon rmrveil m n-niu-i tlie ao'inionei aa val.m r.itea ln Paneiapli '.''.. tntn ???? |?'-' ?? -., p-i ,-eiit. llej.'. t-.-d ..-.,-, 17. ....'? -.. Tbe neal pnra.'ruph aa rwl. II .?:??'? to a.?i||-n nf .?.-.- fd i-bitha, 1.1.ll I..'.'. a, cle. Tl. ! .Min?- < -m init..e is-piniiil an nu, r.'l.i. "i. un I'. i'u: Ib.' Uult iwi fr<.i!> Iwhe i" llrec tline n.e dtit) p.-, |...iinii i-ii i,,,'v.,.:?-o <"-">i "t ti"- i ' ' ?'-' ' '"'' '"."J tnlit "? nmi'iidmenl ?'a? :,-?? I I v''^ -'"? '? '? '?? tn ametidment, offered br Mr. M i ? ?'?. ' ? '?* liuu' tbe ad.valarrai ,-ai-- m Ihe p.i-.iu? ip >. ;(-- "! \.;i-, le. I,:,'.-. - ?? "'I tl?"t?.'M " ," ? ': il-i.'. tl- ? M "-haw'-'' Waa ',;.?-,?' al < lll' "T - " w.,.llri. .?? ?... ti"! < 1'it.i." "? \.:r.i.-' :,'.-?..? a. Hlthuni: , bc ni'' II ?' ' ??' ? ?>> l'MMI ''' " ? -1' '?'' aaeh rheao ahawla were . ? i. Mr. Ulaar tlHiBfhl UiV I'w I ?'? h ' ' >.ol,iH1 _ alwiuM be ni-r- eap.lnl ln lt? i.'ni- ? "? . ? ? lo ,i\<- au earuae Ut ib-in , ?? vip ? ? ?? '? ?? ]-.a r wofliaa'a abawl*' ?.i- ii t m," '- i a i : -lli.nld itn'. >*? pnl Into l'i<- |ai vt.'J. The iirx. paraflrrapb, Su. ??. ? n-uie i>, inauia ?. hat- ,.f w.-vl and ti-.'i'r . lo ns ser.- ? ? mi,t.-<- ;ii,.-m:n,-nt .-? lle 1.?-? ..|>i '?? ? ? " '?'.'! tlir -??..? .,- thal ufl a pound md a ii.l.1 ' ' ?! " ' IHrtllKl, of II! w ' '">l '.I ' ' ' " *ir1-' ' ''? ,.,' haad v;il..P',., r-.t-. il ? ? auiwd U>. ?<? I -?' > ? d in- i t n I. :v.| i -. Mr M' l! " - .. ?" : ?? ??? ''? *"? ' Was r./'. t.-l v.-a-. 10 ,.:.'-_. -?. . j The ncxl paragraph. N-i. :iT?. relif .?? . > i I rblWren-a dr>-? Bo-al*. An am min.-' r : by M carllale, t<> ii'.iii"- tha raie*. aaa .-,.-.. .i ...... i.?. "a^'r."i'i?,?b aare nattee af an aatendBKiil * hleh la nron..' d t" "ff-r. imi oMui: ,r, antioul ,.-.\ .-1 :'. p r ,..'??, on ,iivi.|.-i'i-"f'"ti-ri'i-..'-. lnlere?l i.n >..,,..1- \m. iiiitin-nt- ;?->'. u: i-i i. redjutl'iii ??'? :?.?'?? ?.,.,.. ,..|,.,.,| i.-i .',.- I-....;?.'.' idr. ,.t.d aen r liiieil wlth?iil lln .-i -. ii ni v of v a i ..'. v..-- ., I.. ' Mr. . .rlt-l'- .iT'T'd ?! ame^dmen' lu t*"- Utm "f an Hdiililonal utirarmah, "m" ' ''?? :'.'^ "" -i'- ?" '*"* for iiii>er or printtng maial'i' . ' ?'.>'?? " l??.'???'? in .1 :!,, jnt r-iil ad vi,l"r?-..,. I'-, ?..?-!. - II ?? ?' ' " i.:,- nnd i,?-?'-. I'ari.rr.if.l. H-1. ICbltlnK lo rarpela. hiit.i? I-' rearhed. Mr. Vrm"' Bah?d M". AMrlrh U> ??'" i iT:,~.>ti for lnrre??ing Ihe ,iu'v on ? ,:p-t \Ir AMrlrh Thi' lu-mi-" i .nn'l' ,.'"? UV by IIn Ini n :," "f ih" 'Itny on , wpH w?.| Mr. Vanre I have m.iM".' mon lo -.\. Mr It.-umti. a>- a ir.iuni'-iit'irT nnon '!"? I-III. ??":> ?" i!?- < krk'a de?8 and bad read .? |iarasrapl. h >n. T'c st. I <>iii- l>|''." ataifng lhal Ihe a?ll<> ?' -rial- i.ii tli^ i'ad ori- paragninli luel .'.;i' en I'.e! Ing eaiaMlahmen* al Ri I'a-". Te?., :..r>.-- Ih- riv-r ... Jn i*rr,. in Mexi.o. Mr. T-Mrr .;il,l he dld f.? ?* ran> If all Ihirf ni-l'. . i-.i,!.li-hi,i"i.t. were ramnved I , bjaaleo; : r i',-. i,.,.> no empWrmenl to thelr w.irhiuni b?!iig a'1 Meabaii who in>s-il llie ilv r i.-v r> li aiilng lo g>i I i ?brir aork. Mr. I'arHale eantradleted 'hal afaiomenl lle had been Ihnmah Ibn aBMdtlna worfc. ln RI l'.-" I.i-i sm., inir nnd h.,d nol -<-et: a Meal.afi in 'l'-,n. Paracrapha n-J M"d 8*W hav'nr Imi-h read, Mr. I'ar IMc aaid lhal. in ?/"aw >.f ?he drdre ' ? ?v..ll u.i ?? inc ?-lon, and ul 'he liinl'llt) ? ! ut!- ln : m, iiiii ...I ,, .-nl- for k r-.linil'.:. nf dnlle . h?? wonM nol . if-r auv to uther paragraplH ln Ihe ?. h-iiu'.e. Kin.llv lle- WOfd -'hi.hi!" '.ii- ? implelid, ti'id Mt Vanre ..if.-r.'.!. ,,< an addltlonil ???' l..n. H." infml m.nt of wh|. i, h^ had heretopire glven ">ti.-. i.ii.w ? ??f ,'-J,,i 'I'.n- '.f dntv ..:: !,""?- pm-i I. i-'il with ,|r proreeda of fann ?pnatu'l" ..Id Ifl f. ?" Irt, .'.milri- . Hl nl I? ?ald h?- would :..l. f-.i xn ev.-li.llfl -i-.-luii f?? luurrow lo ei..ilil>' lalfll to ikI.Ic-- ?ln- >-?!: i'e u|..n i,. -.liis-iiaii- L. relatlng io ?Hh .^id .llti ;--"i-. - . ihri, tjiUi-n ,,p titnl th.- BBienlmerit' M I. ,.|i >r.".l l.e ihe I i? -.:;.?? 1'iiiiimlltee wera acrwd '?-. AI? ? an aee'tid mein iiir-ia'l l.v Mr AMri.h - HkliiR ..,:? .>f ParRa-raph *MK! ih" word* "apaa -iik" aml addlag t" ll Ihi" a-ori! "apail aill. ln -'ii.'li,?. or eapa, ?,r on In ;,?,4. II". per ad val'.retn." Mr. .'rnli-l"'d lo ^ir.Vi- .>?? ftf lh? !'. I patfl graph, :::'.'-. lu ih^ -ill; whrdnle ibe pp,.tt-n uYai all ? i pv" iimiiiifm .un-- ..f whbh m .-! i.r I.i' i- i lumpj BUtterial ?hall he ?!?- Ifl, I . ntflii*ifa?tn-'? ?l wo',1. Afier im esplanatlon and <i-'.-i,.- ,.f 'h- pro vi-o by Mr. Aldrtrh, ihe moilon \\n- rejeeli-d. tmk RIVKR VXli m\i:!'<m: mi r,. i ur, ciini i.iti.i.- s,'i.\:\i; TlfKIR RI i"i:T M' -t OP TIIK RFaXATf .' tOKKEP T< . W.c ?hlinrtoi,, s. i>t. l.-.*ft<-, a wi.;,'. alcadt wiark tlie conlereea an Ibe Illver afld llarboi Ull have rearhed :,'. Bgreeaient nnd h-ive alpied .h-i, rrport Tbe rhangefl ,?...i" in Hm ...! by Ihe N-nnte arre ern erallt agreed le, l' pntiMTonfl n? Ihe uppr* prlattoa waa rrdnred. A.. ...-,. u t,i..n, the prli, Ipal It.-ins in th" 1,111 v,h<. ghiligta vn ? ma"h* :ire a followa: ,;i,v Iti'li'.' L'hannrl, Kea Vorii lla la?r. -tI'"?."< U. The ;,p|i,i,,..-l.,il' ? [..r .:.? . :u. -val .f Mnllh' .tut VVIndmlll l.limt-, :,i Pl.ln?dr|ph!a. wn- rtutued t<> ^jihi.ii'iii. iu authorltr wus i_-l\.--i io roniru<t fm I'.iinpiiitina thc work, eatlmated tu ".-i -'i.^h-kki., lur Ihe Impraveimnit of Ihe llar*am Rlver, rhU-h the KciiuUi -Int'l. ",.,'. *?-?*.'i.'iOi, .'u-. uppropriated. II waa f.rovid.-d thal ral'r>ail l.rdg i o\.-r tim rtvei ,i?, t I,.- twenty-fnur het al-ore priuti . and mnat be i-i|iii|i|>eil wtth drewfl that ahall l?- opaneg oulv li tui-i-i, the boora .?f 10 a. m- aml ', i<. ?,. Theae liiiii--.- ni" o> be ermtrd whea aiith *Hy l- gJvnn l.v t,,.' LeglalAlnre ?f Kew-Yarh t< t-nable the rallroads to rhanaa thelr erajdrfl e>;<. Innarforai with lhal level Tlu- apiimBrlatloii for work <.n thc Mi. ? ? <i>i. 1 R!e< r under the ('..mnii-iiou was rrdacrd from an..*atX>/Mh*l to gil,-jOO,i).K); ti," appropriallon f'.r t'?' rarioua harbora v.:.- limlted i" IMiOO.OOO, and 'or ti," aortt .it th- beu'l nf Ihe Atrhnfataya and Ha- month ot lt-l Rlvnr f.. BgriOOOQ. Thc :ippr- piliilli.n for worfc o,. tm- M] -oiirl Rlver under the rommlaaiwn waa rrdured from ri,sao.aorl tu W.ioo/ioo. Aa It pusscd Ihe llom-e the hlll ;,|i|in.p--i?l,-.1 p|0,. Ii4?.4-i.'>: ai lt Piii-sel thc srf-,t.-. *-.;',,7-h.h.y.i , as aa*/eaf to lu (..iifcremr, f**d^*ai4*bS. LABOR DAY AXD TIIE FOTO LAiaiH HILLS. Viaslliigtoli, rsrpt. 1.- The ri.-nate ,ii,'t ,n 10 a. n,., imi it waa a half hour afterward befora i.i.'iin'Ks ronhl he j>ia,roe<1eil With OWlBg to W," ah-. ,,r<- ,.| ;i qiiOTUBl. In tle) inrnli.lnir Mr. l.lalr aafced wIic.Iiit u .uolioi, tn adjourn woaht la- lu onler. Th'.s wa- uLabor Di,y.* l,e said. aad ahoahl l^* univoraallv obaervrd. II" Luou)!ht lhal tl.e f-ennte, wlilrh warhcd -l\te.-n h.iuis a day battaad ef eiirht. oaghi t? d.< awair i.< Ihe ,??? raslon l.y un adjournmeni. Mr. Ilonr p?ve It a* Ma aplohW lhal I.a'-or Day woiil'l 1k; bettcr heiwrtd r.v legti bafl in mi behalf ul Ubnr. ??Very well." Mr. Ulalr -a'd. iu ni qn 'ea, .-m ?, ?? there are four lalair hflla thut have beefl -.- l over by Ihe Paateal Tralna In ihe World The Rnyal Blm, Laae tral?? bstwrea aVW'Terk, Piilla drlplila, Pnltlniiiri' aud Wu-hlii,:t. vla J-r-.-v .''-ntral. K adhiK and B. k (?.. *f mt aaly th- fa?t".t tralna, lu th" w.rld, imt ihrlf rcjnrpBMat i? t:," Da ?? t vtn hnllt aad ? inbraira all Ihfl di-vli.- aml iippllaii.-.-. ,i ?.-,?,u. -',f. !t and rontfort that an- knowi, to Un i ur bniiti r - .irt. V.-atl bulrd cara. prut.-i-t.-d hv I''? an'i-l !.?? o;ih- df-vlr, and haat.4 by -t-am aud llghkd by l'ii, Uu jsutn.ii fftot of Mbertr-ht. "Best & Goes Farthest-Largest Sale in theWorld-Once Tried,Always Dsed " , ii rr..-n-n Vnw trint the manufacturers are drawing the attention of are hounehold word. .11~~ *?~- ?T** "tnven.ion, _, best of all coco.,, il jrill soon be the American public lo this Arst and ?v?*?** '* ^ (hat the manllfactu?* requ?t ;, apprcciatcdhereastvell as d. ewh e <d tta wo ? simnlv owe tr/a/. or still bcttcr a comparatuc tesr v* u # ? Oa BeSra*! and a refreshing bcverage.-Superior lo tea and coflee and no injunou, eflec.s. Ask for Van Houten's and take no other, ,0 rajjj*4jj*aajjaMraTaBl afl Il.inx,. of ncprc-cnlntlvci. I wonld be tery gl** *? bntA t'l.-u :i. f-il mi hv the Benate." -1 dc .iv," xai.l Mi. Iloar, -to spcnd ihe day ln i?(.-!? btiini thal **ili ral <? the ttafea <>f bhor." ? i jrlve .."ii'.' i" Ihe s-nator ln rharge "f the TartR i ill " -...: Mr. Illalr, "that I alll u*>H Bionlmotta ron -n.i ot . .?? ?" ni.To to gtve luvcMenrc ... th- .ot.xid. ra li.m i.| labor Mlh thal have he.-n x.'nt to u- bv Ihe Hmubs ..: Kepre entuMvra. Thl. ix I.ahor Dajr. nnd th -?:? I- ii r.nlv'-r.ul d" Ire lo <l . Bomttblng for labor." Mr. vi'i-hh mjfcttd to -;.:?> fnrther bnnramlm ... ...|?. - and ?r. Iilalrt i- ...siililoti ", ?h|. reniHi'li ,. h-it -iii? t-; .? x.? .i.u'.vc ..I Uie monopoly ini.Ft ,,' i-.', ? bnt that ii." Beimle ahauhl m?reftbelea* i'.? ti,.. ,-.,i.-x- a.,d u.e prtnallug ohVrr, Rr. IfgaR*. ??*_ L.,1 n.,'...-xbtd Um aanntor frotu Sca lia..., ta .,',, rre ih" iiil-'x and refrnln frmu dehnt**, rhj. I,iik* Ineldeiil ofiiirred bafore the appranuiee t a iimmim and before the readlng of *???<??*' ..??i"i Later Mr Ulalr aibcd bbbiiIbious rmiscDl y> '?;.' M I- the ron-lAtl'in of the llouae blUfcr th8 t.ljv.-rn.c't of arraoitU u.'dr thc clsh^baa; ?'"? Mr AHi'i.'h -ahl he **.."hl md nbjert U H>o blll ...iilil !*? dfepaawd of withoutidlw u-oi.ti. .Mr. rUmnnd* and Mr. Ilarrh aMttttJigw Ibs iihjf. tlon v*nx mado by Mr. Aldinu aud thc Tat'.ff blll **ax tahtil up. TJ1K AM'SKS IN THE PKNSI'.X OFFICE. atliRtOt'd IffAMlEH ACAIXRX THE CIIIEP '--'" TUk i; ivi'.n OV RF.VIBtV <'OMMlssi* >RF.R ?VD gRCRRTART RKFtTdtRU TO *?T. Waahlnglon, x>,,t. i rppeelall.- The Itttaane aome llmt a*. inf.iii...i..'.i .'."'i. R. Vl.-i Mu'.'f. rhW of Ihe l;..a-.i ff I'.-*ic.v. among a roterle whe bad f.irnied ? ivnxi..,, 4.1*1. r real eatata peoL whi.h t.r..*e<1 fortunatc ,? p, ?,..,.,?,. toinvtsi-r.. and of **h-h there mejr be .. .,r ... -..* Imrtmfttr. II 1* < hawrd that. ... ibe . latm ,.f .. eal!ai.l laaaarEifd M.htler. waaae ara aa. am p?,.,H al ihe xh.iuiJ-. >;..t. Vmi Rater wimii*. and froat Icar of cvil r.. .ciuai.ta hin.-ci.. removed from thf "I- i.f Ibf rae* an lm|...r.Blll ..iljndl-alorv or BO rl on .tlpwhlcb If had htaiefM Mgncd. raxomBiendtag ||b illiivaioe II.- rlr, n:t.xtir,.-.'x BtttUdlllg thix e.v .reni.-l* btrhm* mt a-hlrh i* |*nnl**V<d by ?e-?M ;, -t.ii .....-" ,';."hf,,-lt.i". ih, dtaahlfd rlerll mh.i i,|.? |,|. rlnlni 1-ra i.'--nr ..r raratlng ?t hix ,?.,. |.|?.und-r il** ".*!.*:al ivrvi"'." rale; ,,,, |, i, .Uld ii." Viiti Mai r hlnix.ll nrrH ihe maii ,.. iv.- I.I- ."j-.i"l 'li! " mi|iened. aid to i ? ?< ...,t..: rt.mnilx-l. ei I ? '???'? "-J ?p"w ? (''' '"'?'' .,,..,, I,,',.-.: Mr. K;..l->, il.e ? , !,.?( ..! th-- hia <i.'" ? "?'; ' '= , .. i *? ;'..? |,|| ? nl thc ....iii*' llllt' "f !? ,? in..ii ?* paal. ....-? ihC "1 IBH ." I'"' ' ':' '" ' ' ' ' ' ' ',,,'? .;;;.:.. .:, '. .:.-- ll"'.. '?? .?tril.Vt.d llH.I'k.1* .,...,,., - , ,. ir ii . ? : ib'hl lo ,;'" .'*;'"* all-iW ':' ' \ '.,',.' ... n n.i und lhal Mr V i , Mafi' ,:,,.;;.,..,: : i .. **?>" ^ '??" >': '? ,. .'. ,.. |? ?'.vii .1- :<. ahile t ?? ...:*??.- xli ,,,'v*. 1.4,1.* ra ?? ?'' ??? II ??' '',:" ' " ",'? :,-:.- Ihat Im. Mat.T. i..>'?:- '? ?'? ??? ?"??? "' .Uii, bad If ona* Iniih c i.*l t it ut\i ??.:.". I I,,. , a-,- ?? .t-a i"i ." ' tl'. d. .i'l" *ra?i.( ' _ ,< 1....1 iilwtra* t.xi ii I... :- t* . ? .. t: .'I ?! thc ll . tl .1 t it It i. 1 ntli'ir i hiiV'.l Ih lt ,;,,.,,.,, ,,, r- L.ticr 1... ;i.'.. und * , , , ., t..- t. i'. ?? n "? "' ''?'"'?? ?Vltl .,, i . ih" x" rctar . %I.H *.-t Mr llauii u:i A"-'"? " .?..:? V'i/"1 thi i m-'in r'.d Ibe ' -' t"':' " a-????""?^?,." -M'i'-"!'^ .., ,.,. : .*:??,ti u i.n.- i.i " " il i ???*? :^!?',1 ," .. '.,,.i. oiu'ht I'. "- done loi . lil ,d the -.'*i.'- I ?o?ld -..* -ln. Pi-c thcx.U.'fx ,;:. ,,,.:- of dlv. .-.' ' Tahe Ihc rbifl ol Um. ' , - ,;,.v,e?', aho i" "? i.|'?? all the rU'.n.x of j . I,fi .- . ).?? gtl x-.""" ?> >" >'?' ' I-,- i lialmiati .V..uld >??. * " ?? "rvv ?aii ! ,.,.??.?.,?...?. Kaunt If 1 had not u.1v.?l hlt.i lo tol ni- aiaiM ha.'?" M.r thrtf awmtha ago. !,,. i ?i *.-* f??flh*ul offrr* '" B" ?"" "f ,!'r "n"'0' ,",t i ?m-.,i hlm i- xta* l. i- t."t r,.-"-ai) u. *ay to w.? ci-ithuKt. *-l Uiat tW.ia* b - ^.al ,|,.'. to: ? ..( .Ulhetahl al.ilitj to i*tc|' 81*0 "( ""v'r 'r'l.'i.n boatvtr. ^av.-.ii.-ii.l* ha*g*. wben ha ( .?,,,, ud, .,.,.,,,,-.,. I*. Um i-aiatlltfe - ?'??''"" j ,,.. I.lrred add.-nUnm ... lat atli-iuil "I \ all Mat. r a | ,,l,i* ..I ...tli'i'. "f I'lx <?*? ?" l'1.vnrmnclit. for | at ba*' a brutiu'-r wttb hlm ln Ihe Board "f K. rtaw. at | , iilan "f fl.ttlO j v***''. ahm*a wh* dntj for ytara ,,,., ,?,x I..V-. I- aUBip .'a-.* M Mi l.vt.'.ci'. thf t hift **lth a rabbei ?ump **hn h i* all llml be lx tli u,r iiatatd, ii im* a?ug beta Ihe optntau nf Ihe awre ,?i,x..|-vatl*f i'lciKx that lt woald have hi-n u greal ,li, ti. il"- i. and Ibe Rtaahllran part*. liii.H.iiaiiv and idbrnrlaf, if both the v*t. Rater* hu?i |. tt ibt harvan year* aa". rbla i- n"t b) an* in.-aiix Ihe Bttljl <niaxl?.ti Wlthln ti.,- abMitaie bnoahatge af The Trtbnne ta whlrb thc thiff ?l tht Iinar-i <'f Revievr ta*! aecR Implkttted ln ,i'?. ifiimvii ol "-Hi"-" ttvm Btaatan dalma. (ndead, iimter th- Bdmltaatrattaa af the -l^aieal Wrerh," ahlib both ronimi-.lciiitr Raam and v??r.-u.ry Rahle .,..??, dfl'-rmlntd <o cbamtatan. Ihe arartloa ?.?-'an.e ,o uiamiiiigly i.v.|-..-ni ihat iiiu.k i-n.-iixhrd atamvptoiT vrder forblddli.ii ta wt.rb aUpa aro. >'f ixBttrae, ofhetal iiart* "i ii" .a-.'. whi.h are of Baraatoniil lmpa*rtaave ' ,??;,. |,:.,?,ll. Il.d.-eat, than of thf tvl.>'C. .. ,L. h it Is pa-xlble io I.-I.U.H-; .md it raajf tatereat i .ii, ..( iln- i.lhna:- liain.-tl. .ix greal und BiiK.i. 1'iii* ,,*?.,;?.. i.i um.** the palns and pfnaltlea arith walrh ii..- li ? 'f th- I'nltfd waloa aarh ufffneca. r.?. Iliili J.4VO.I nf the R.-vlxi-U ^latl.te- rca*l* i " KT* l'> p, i,,ii **h<i Wtlfulty dibti.iv-. or uttemptb U. itfxttiiv, ur, **ni* Intenl ta -tcal iw deairay, tahea and tarriea a*u.. alil racwrd, oi nr... <- dlnu- uf u inuil of 1,,-t'r,, tili-.: nr iVr...xit?-.l altb any rl**ra or omeer '.I a.irh fi'iirl, m any papcr or doviuii'-nl. OT leioiil :'i,.t wt dtpVadted lu im* BUbllc HflliC. or **ltli un.v Inll-al ol pUbllr otVi Cf, xi,all, wllhoiil rcfeivu. e to iln- itiSne oi tiio ramrd, papv, ditearntaf, or proceed Int. an lahi'ii. pa\ a BM ol lu.t IBOIV tl.nii aajtaRJ, or i.ii.i- iii'i'i.?? nt Bttrd Ih.'o.' mi more thun tlir-e *i'iu . or li.ith." Th.- latcmrnf, ln thla ilhpatrh 8K a xmall part iml* nf thf n! ii.-. **hl.h hnvf irroan a|* li: the Pftialoil Iiiirxbh. it .niK1'. batrr been Buypi^et thut ibepriaaiit luliiuiti-triitloii af the Departnntit of thc liit.-i-l.ii- and of tn.- I'lii-ioii uftl'f ao.ild purg" llsi-lf of tlie tbttao* aBlch lt Inticrittd from a fnrnier rtglmfj i.ut tn apHe nf ihf inu'iv varatng* und mmh advlft frmu frl.'iidx wlthln tl\* aralla of Un* I'cnilon iitiici'. both the ijecrttatT ant tho L'ommU?4oner baat tnriicxl a deaf ear ta the dciiiund.'* of Jin.tlce. They huve bcn tli. on thc contrury, t.i re*|Ulte klndly iBRiiii I.. a i-tirl und brutnl puburotton whloh dtttle* thc tnilh of tha xtatenient* m.ide hy The Trlhuno oor rf>tMifutent, a* wa]) as bh ahlllty to coiidutt hl-. own iti-lii'.*, vvhtlc thev boldlv chanipion the eomtpt aml i..m'.a-ilc admlnhnratlon whi.h the paopl" of thc I'nittd "infeu i-i'l.tihcd and turned imt of ofllco U. pnt Ihcin In. Btnrt theae iwn prnmincnt RepnbRfon anVlala *cem dctcrralned to forre a l!.'|.u..|lraji newipafaa'' to n-s^lxt ut Ihe wttxlilng, whlch. for tlie benetlt of all roncerneil, ti'lu'ht w*fl enotttrh huve been thuie In prtvate, It nuiy Imi ^ta("d tbnt tl.e imbllc dryluc gronnd* are open, and the llncs are tTBlUng for Ihc llnen. RtTLUOR AM> BORTJ PrprilASEH. aroahlagton, sept. 1.- The bond oftors to-day ?ir irremtrTl $1 ,(io.*..4.'.n ragbuared 4 1-2 per contx, In l.*ts as follrrwx: ifJO.000. $.-.0,000. $1 .',0,000, ?.-.0.(V>0, !?'.,((M). iBhOO, UxOO, B.1.r,00. ai.OOO, IflrtO.OllO, $100,000, mioo. fxHxi. nnd ?5nj,450. All IhC Bffera were ibcirpled. Thc purchaao^ at other cltlcs were lljrht. Tlie ainount of sllver ojtertd to thc TrtaetUT U"iiart ment tadap wa. i,'ji'.,.i*)o oamraa, Tiu1 at*eeptanrea \*cre Ia*fld0 ounrc. at 91 IB 1-4, and 133.0O0 oanrea nt #1 18 1 '-. or I60,f?00 In all. Thc aimnnt ..f ? iiver pur-hiii'd ?lni-e Angnal 18, wben thc areatiit baa wfnt Into aReft, is otuuma, taavtng onlv '.I'.n.iit.o nunre* lo hc puri-ha*.-.! betweea now und -i-pt.'inlii'r I.'I to inecl tho leiiuircinciilb of thc law for tbe purrhaa* nf .i,."i00.(mk? oanrea ln ea**B bbbbUi. TIIK ADMIaWIOR OP AHIZONA AM) NEW ME.XU'O. Wa-bhlngto". aaPBl, 1.?At a mectliig of thf lloitxo roii:niitU*e ou TerrlUirlea Uiday, thc *ub]cct of tho I'.n- lilci-Htlnii of Ihc blll* for the adnil*xlon of Ncw vicxlco and Ar'/ona Into the I'nion bclug uuder dt* raaal >n, a prcainhic und rcaoliitlini in rcgard to the inattor, drawu up l.y ilepreacntattve Man*ur, of MI* aourl, waa unanlmoiisly adoptcd. Tha roxolnllon _ authorlrcs tho Comn.tttee on Territorlcs to acnd a sub rommlttee of aeven men.hera to and, Ariaona arlth aBtborltf to laajalra Into tbe aeeteJ. cdu- | nillonal. naaartal and moral rondltio.ia ******* in earh Teirltorv. and report whether the are j pretakred for Btwtchood or not. Tbe r^aotatlon alaa enthorlxcB the stih commlttce oa ?? trip }*J?*Zzf plai-a li. the T'.iTltorv of Itah M lt maj drcy prn ar. 5?d there lake and report ia*tirnoiiy ap on gjg? ItoflB of thr prevahrare and extent of. '' '^J' J of. the aortrfnea Bad pnwi.e, nf Phiral and w?? marrlBKea. as Uuiht by tbe headfl af tue .moi?,?u , Pbareb._ l THE JIAUMIXQUIRY SUSPENDED wrrnDRAWAi. of mb. smyskr. A RKPl'BLI- . CAN MKMilKK OF HIB GOMMITTEF, snoAx to bi; a stockhoi.dip. isf RV-i's P* > FUIOr.ttATOrt <i Ml'VXY -IIIXTS THAT MIOIIT. PF.RHAPS, PKOI-TTABLY nr. ivQriP.KD IHIA [or TCLBtHUPa TO THE THIUt'Sr.] Waakaagtaa, Mbbc. l.-riic Raaaa invcstlgating C?t . ntttea fltraek a sudden BflBf todav aad thcrebv beenme lemaorBrlry alaabtBd. Ib the aoaraa of ihe forer.oon it irw -h ,wi: thut Mr. Smyr.iT, ?f Ohio, a r.epul.U- | raa of the coinmtftce. Is a atockhoafer in Ha. m'a P'fri/.-rnt'.r rompenv. One of the ******* agalnsl ba.un i- lhal his lateaa of ltB? Itaeaa attd ef iu-l,",.'y ,..f rlerk* ln Ihe rrn-nn Bnreaa, aml Ibrlr i-laiui-. for pn.mi.ilon, have been reforrd l.y hi- aaaer dr-ire to proerore Iba Putaaea ,.f his retrbjerater rtanv pacv. The eagenaHfl of U'ts d<-lre doe- imt v>m to bc any teat lhan ll would havo t-^n If lleneral Raan had rn t been. a- he lafbraacd a Trlbwae correapoadent tu, lBtio, h-i h..d been for aeaat yeari, In faet. ever ?tiH*8 hla retlreiBBBl fnun 'he rrfare ef ?' unniia rtoner of I,.i?r.,al rtevenae, la raretpt nf a rearly ln rome >,f Irora tSiJBOO to 928.001). i'e*an*al Raan haa -ati-ii"?l the iiivi-tipitlntr I'eanmltUe ;,.,d e'l other aa- | prejndleed Beraona tha? n? elerh m taa Pensl,,', Bi reau !- a refrlgvrator --o-khold-r. and IbarWiire || niu-t fol ' .w lhal iu .:>'ik baa been prnmot.-d hei.,'.-" he owned ,e',:^-r..t -r -t". k. rberw are -ald ln he aom* aophl-tlmled per-nt,s in ta'aahlBgton. bowevcr. who liinl. -:? luilmate. ..r aug p ... thal if a r-?i ?.---.: nn I* P 'I nalured ai.d lili i-i ,i .-, i.'ivh t'. hay ? .ni- r-fripT i ?? -.??> k wfcb-h i'en .mi l.'aiiui .- :>:i\i..t,s ... -.'.: ;.!,?l whi'h aiay bci-ome i.\tr"iu<'ly v..i,::,i.i- -In tn- -?.?.?i i.v.-iiiiiti.,.'" for ,- .-. : |he piwal (?4i*re?ain>an kll BV* II Biay be i.-u'.iv |..--,i.|.< ihui Ihe frleiid nr prilcs*, of the :-'?"<! ,-si i -..ia': ?-?>..n ?f.r"-.,:.l. aho rhaneea to he B . 1-,-i. I. il,- I'-i.-i n I nr in. iiinv be piomoled fo ti ,..l -.1 ,iy. ,., ii'luia- al ur -?,--.--,? !. :,.??*?? v:. Irtf l . ii.-l p-r-.-'i- alr-.i'lv melitU'licd ,i-.: ,i i.n.r- rlose and -.-.,,. hin.* Itxpilry taiiifai ahnw lhal n eoiifliderable immlicr of Di-mo, ralle lU-pre-I ?eiitatlvna and Kepablleau Uepreaentallvea al-.. bate Irv-'iiio so impreaaed with Uie \.,l?f and Other Uilvali la^i-s of rerrlgerah* aturh n- to Inve-t in U. nnd then it nlghf be pertinenl t<> Inqnlra a- lo ahal | .ii-.ii'iri.i.'iif.- .md pr atotl ma ut 'ii" ivmi. n liareau, ll nny. have been anggi-ated or .?<...?.<>eiid<*l by >b'* ;,foiv-:!ld lliv.'-ti.r-. There dnea acrai t? be a grahi of leBae la thera hm.? ? and liitlmailo-.- a- lu tho value nf Kaani'a refrigera'or aliadt. <'pmioii- . ??'.-m 1" diiT-r. lle ilonbthraa thflught thal :H".,.hi,i par value of lt *ia- wuith -oiiiethn..' lll i,.o,i-v wti",, h. detmalted it In a tgaablnBtoe hanh a. coltuiteral ?ernrlt? n-r the paMnri.t of a Bot* "f felJ..a-M., bal d.iiirl-.. Ihe dlrrrtora >.f the batnk rr> it.irdid the Indnrawmeiii ul ;, mllllotuilrc pmal ,, ehilm Ngeal oa Iha afore*ekl a- p*?\ nnd -uiiiiient ar.-arity. Wbea Kaaia wn,t ... nn-w the nole he secni?i to krel -..??? mls/ivln.'s :,s M the actual t.i.'Ury val'.e of th.'. ia|.aj.,a?" pur valin-i <>t relngrrat.,.' alark, for, as lm ha- trattrled, he otfered ,- attaTUk.nal a Hfe liiMtrunrc pidiry f?r fio.'ao wblrh he had Uken t-> n:--.t thi- very .-mergi-n?y. t.i.t ahi.h tbe baak afhrtah Ibotighl was n.i ueceaaarr. becanae they still hud Iba bbbm uf th-- milbonalre rbtlra .iKeni ?t, thc barh <f lt.*,,,,,'- ii't-s. riu- is tt,.' rliilui BflSNtt Baare than r.fioo df vOui..' rkalnafl were phtced <>u the oompletc>t nirs betweea lebrnatv :i and Aagaaf |?, i^uo. lt livlna To look a- the l.'uuiu Bighl ,.,?.i?,'.t to tomethlng after all. Judh'loUA K.'piit.ll.atis I.''gln to b':u- that wbal they rall (jeii'ial Itaotu'a ktre-d fur iBaBjey has priaaptcd blai hi 0" tlu?8s whkh ma> mjure Ihe Ke publbea Adu.t.'.i-tratlo:i aml p.trTyT hui.e^t aml abl" UciiuMTata do. .an- lhal hy haa already reofcaaed Im uiiu Hung f."ia th- ptftlfTeal ruoaaj.,<-m-e. of anUli Ihe Ad: il.i'.-trallon ..,,, irlieve Itsvlf unlv b) promptiv dlamlatlna hini Irwaa oili.e. Mr. 1'iaiper opencd thr peoeeadlngfl b?'fi>re ihe rom? mlttee this Diorulug bv .iplalui.ig th tt the record had bCM ? il"''t"'ssl.- tha. unwariunted rorre<-;l?iis hial l.'s--i nnul- bv rommlsaltmer Kuu.n. aud that mu. 1, matler bad been striil.en out. Tho ritBtmlttee lu airucuaf th- atriiugreplier bi aaa that Ibe reaoitl *? ruii, pli'fe. ('ii,,,i?l--slo'ier Itaum wa- and. uftrr tl'-tlfj' |ng thal tlu- l'ri.Mi.n Parrau gave pret4*rettee la apptl ratloiia bv l\mgre?amen lor iisfonnatioii ,,, t, pen?ion ui-i' -ald. ln anaaer lo .. U.M4S.UOII Iv >lr. sauvi', tjnt Mr r.iiip",' had ralled for ?ueh InfiarmaUtMi ln Hi.'i.nt ,'>,<hh. i..--I. and had it tn a lirtu nf ludlena peuabm atteraeya. That aa? bi-ton- ha beeaaip l-'ommlaabmer. Mr. <'.>op-r n-'.'sl if wi.m-. bad m-t s s-,, a Irftrr ln tho cortraBotKli'liee axplalnlua hl4 actlan. Tad wltm-.s be lind foiiml a lotlg tele Mr Cooprr de. lar?<d that Be had addre..,.-d t'i" De mrtmeW a letler rxplalalag that be bad almplj Hioi tbe .alls for Infoiinatlon a*. an a.t uf .a.nrtasy t,.w?nl tha attoruev-. Uradi.'v Tatiuor. prtvBte -<-reUrv to Ibe liMumla aioner vras the next wltneaa. lle -*'d tha. be had been promoted bv romralaal'Mier Raaw hat I'ebrnarv. II" had liept tlie inliiutea f..r th" refrlgi-ratur lomuany aud Irad wrlibn let'ers on the rotnpaay'fl imsliies- fr au i.i'ueral Hiiuin's utrtalloii. Soine of tlie l.lters kal been wrltfe.i ln the .?onitnl-.stiiner'a nftii-e. bat al'iiu-i alwaya after bonra. lle w.-ote tiie Balaatea of th.' retrlgerator ronipauv at hi- boeae ln tbe ovcnlug. llv never had aay sto.K ln the rerapaay. Mr. sinv-er. a men,ber .>f Ihe coflBBUttea, wu- aworn at Mr iiK.per-a n-ourat. He said that he was a at.? U liolder iu th* ref.igerator .oinpany, rrpreaentlBg hlm aelf. ?'. W. Kanke aud P. <\ Olvcn. of ohla. who had au arruiiaemcnt with J. r. Taylor und V. 1?- llord. uf wooater, ohio. Thcv held i*o.-j?h> aharea and had i>*id glO,0<Hi for them. Wltmwt't flharc uf tl.e stmk had eaist hlm fCI.SltO. Tho Buhacrtptioa hvi baan mude laat Aprll. A reicss was taken at thia polut. Iu the duiitin the reiea* of the ronnlttee, Mr. Cnoper, rlslnit t?, a tjiieatlon o*T prlvllege. stated that i tic of thc rhsit*ea made in the reaolttlloii otfered bv hlm for the Invtstigutlon of tlie t'ommlaalener Of Peoataaa wa- that the t'ommlaaloner waa aelllng stock lu a refrlccrutor rompanv to cmployoa of the Penalon oftttc. llo lind ln vaui uttempted to oblaln the name* of the stockbolders ln thc concerh. Today be had learned-iind this knowlcdgs was bon.e out by the teMI mony?that one of tho Btetflbera of the lnveatlgatlug Commlttee IteprcsentaUve M. L. Smyaer. of ohio? wua ut.e of the stoikholders. Mr. t'ooper therefore ofTered a reaolntion dia, hargtng Mr. Phiyaer from the commlttce, and dlrectlng the ripeaker U> uppolut hla ?arrraaor. Mr. BBWjrer. 8f Xew-Vorh. aaid that there was no reasi.n whv the faet thnt Mr. Kmyaer waa n stu, k holder atfected his iiiiallllratlon to derlde whether r not Mr. Kuum's ofarial i-ondnrt hud beea wnaia. Mr. gaayaer -aui that he hail no intlmatlon that hc was (foint; tn be appatated on tlie roramtttee unill iiniioiineement waa made by tlie speaker. Whlle he. dld BOt undersland whv the faet of hU ownerehlp i.f atot-k should affert his atunding aa a member of the nimniittee. if hla rolleairuoa In the rommlttee were of ihe i pln?,n that Iks waa so affected, he wonld yleld w'tlli.iKly and n-slcn his plaee. Mr. Mon ill. ?f Kansas. rha'nnan of the rnmmlttee, -ald he dld md douht the gmtk .nan'a m.Hlves In tl.e l-ast. but be hopwi that. In order to relicve other in-ml.i'rs, he would pmmptly wlthdruw fr im 1he rom tnltt...'. Mr Stuyser then a-hcl aa ha rellcved frem furthcr aerrire oa ihe enmmlttee. The renie-t waa granted. Tbe iTpeaim that when he t'.e eom tnlttoe he i iut no lu.owledp- ?f any re'atlon b-'lwe??n the geutlemaii frem ohio and the eompany referred to. Tlie pnireedlna'a ln the Hnaae, reatiHiug ln the realg natlon of Mr. Mnvaer, r'anaed the poslponerocnt of the lnvestlgat'on unill the vmancv la flllcd: and the eom Tha l?.uiid maai ha led in order Uiat tbe realatlna and r?<-?p.-r?tlve |iow^ra la' -'Ktalnrd. But ihla dor4 not nienn Uiat ord.narv firaif ahnuld he clvan. Thn rooat nutrlNoua anfl raally digf.ti'.lo f.od niu?t be uavd. Mcllhi'a i'uod paaflflaaaa both tkeae requliemcnta. mlrtec. without attcinpt.nT to procced after the ra* cets, adjourne*!, Bab|et*1 to call. TIIK PUBLIC DBaVT STATEMENT. A NET DECREA8E OK ?>?33,0T*-' Dl'RIXO AlT.C/rU -RHPORT OK TIIK C'lXTRUM.H". OP TIIB rURrU.N'CY. Wnahlnpton. Sept. 1 |--|>"rlat).-ThO public d?bt ?tata>? nient from the TWaaar** rjJ*partaa*m4 tod-ir show* a aaereaae la the deal dartaa lha laxt maath raamaaahaj t., BjastMiTg. TN- ii.t.-r-t '. wring deht, earamlta of bonds [x.-ii-d ta r.ulllf rnilroadx. |x ;?i;ei).:.T-i.*niO, <*? fMO-MUO l.'x, than a BUMttf. W*o; while, 1,11 tht nthci- l.und, the net raah bilaaff, or BBIfgaa, in tho I'lca-ui-y BaUing tbe l*xt tnontli has dccri-ax.-d fnun lo ftaObRI".-*i:i. Thc aaa* <" la nnd btill. lon a.x-i.-t- have <1 ??? tt*B> -I aboat WXjSSOJBOO .lurin? th- la-t ni.itith, and lo day aggregjaaa .friio.-j'.'o.i'j*!; the -ilver a-x.'tx iterrr-wd ahoal WlJWOJOOO, und fo-day a.n.ii.nt 88 ?.'147.l.vt.r.4J: the mrrciiry aa.etx, I'nitvd Mat.-s nntes, Natiotil.l bat.k not"., and frnitioPiil cur ~:vy. duf taa laat iM.'JV),o*k>, and t.^day ainotitil to gR4.daa(llft; v*hlle *;>'ld, allvar und .urret.ry iortl.1 ratc*. axxctx. tantarard nliout ?*f?."d*0.(XX). and m,**' aniount to ifio.i.oii.'ii.l. In atlear Trcaxiiry notca 93jWUjOOO aere Ueaai aiater thc new bjw, and aia now ouiMa.idiiii:. for whteh tha Treaaarjr Imld- au eqalvataat ta &i,>o.<?oo .tatd.ini ftaBara, and P2.o2i*.. 000 lu xilvcr hiilhun. National l.vih dep-.xitorl^s t., day hohl gbV>,37P,853 of (ioverninciU fundx, or aln.iit *?iOO.O*K> le-x than on Aupixt 1. i.i.vcrniiieiit rerejafa fiont all aoaatee darii.g tlie Ral n-'-iith a.-iir'-gutcd *M,-V.::o\>. ai:aiiixt *.,;,-i:u.|.OJ iu Attiptbt. laaV. ! hc iii/":..x I'c'c.ptx in A..,'n-t wcra $J??.:il'..eT'j, a*a.r.xt RRMtll?,'.?:;.". la Attgnat a yeai ago; llio iiitcrnal reveuue reretpta aciv ?t8*^7?*5f?,_* about i* i)o,.a)i. more tban in Anttaat, l-ef*. <>u ma oth.-i hand tlie eaBvndlturca ior Anaamt wer* gav*v xno.uriu. againat a>aa.t*J?li.?48 ln Auitdat a year agju, The DeiKkill iiavTO'tilx this year m Auxaat w-ra a)j? s'Jm.ifcl", or ahoet $l,BUOJ0OU h-.x than lu ABgaat, l-^-'i '.-c nremtam paid .m bondx puretmafd Ima) iminth aaumuted t.. dl.7a?^49. BBBtaat .r'l.-:.-.:..;<> ln \iii.Mxt 1880. Tnc rotaagfl of aunta, laat auJfltb, ol all Mi.dx i.f nioiii.v. BBjtWjaatud m latiMj dSwfMW. ? >l thlx. ?.-J.-i."i-,iiiiii iu -tait'tard. Hprei ('x, and *-'.44'"."tai ln i*'!'l aierea, Tht < .titroll.-r of tli" < ui i'.'in v. ln III* moutflly -fatc inc I jx-aid lo-dity, xh.i\*ins thd BBtOttlll ol National banh ii'ii'x Amnixi :n. .."tinred '-*it.i Mib-nxt :il. i"-.u. aml aaring the laxt anmth, P'p'irt.4 a Ucirea*c dminii Ihc y.-n- amounlina t" rRSfI4Mi<jU*| a'.1 d.llillg the ia-t ni."it.'i of Pl.IUtl.3ri**. The t-.taj i.i Nat.i.'.iai bank rlnnlataut Jalp Hl, lm*t?, aaa cl-i.-.:i.oTii. airaiiixt rRai*i^I4s!,4MJ ??n Au'iixt ol, ?~* -.-. THAT MtTIIaATED KLBCTfON REPIlBT. TUE U!U:< KIM'.IO'ii. CA8K l'".vk.m. 1 l' !N TIIR UOVhE TO ImV-a Rl'MOREU i'i RO* CR.J.TIC Tl'.IiK. Vaxhin .??)'.. Pept. 1 i*|"'' ral'.-Thf II. :- ' < mam tttB on K.!'"'.;.'iix iiif.'i.i.i! ii raJJ ap the I rerhlnrldge m ?> today; bnl earif ta Ihe r*fte**B?uu tt .u. dtetded m let tbe matter t*o uver until i? morrow. Iaa*marh at this prwbably wa.- tha la<t day of thc aetaloa on artaVh Pipgiicntitlrra .utihi hc rta*4atadaBi ou ::. ibrti t.> in.'." Ihe pa *ag? of Mtlt aader -ii-i>"iisi,.u ..| ibe mi.-. Kroii InttnmUoaa reitlred from Demaxra'H rataaecra, lt appeara that the f-i-ndx uf ItiafhlartdJB have been trrlng to aerara atedga. from hix part* a-aa riate, to inarate lln'ir x-ai> aud have the rhai ihc:. th .4 t*ampatttaf lha aaajarity t? teep b uaairum prtaeat ta order to dlxi'"-c "' >'"- ' *"'? T:'- aM"" '",l>"- '? -f.-mx, wa? ta be ad.ii.tftl lu Brtvenl ihe dtrlabm "f Ihe tont-'t af i.i; b' a.-a;ii-t \>uahtt, ??( Vtrtrima, a. d that "f Miii'T acatabt Ellbut. of bw**bi8 I'are* Haa, the roate'taata ta the la-t taii laaea i"inc ??"!? urcd mcn. Thcr.- Is Bo a--'ir.i'. ?? th-" thix a*dley ?.lt not be B*araa>*d. and Kt*t*ablt>an ab*tntte* *haaiM Bor. ern tajtaaaelTca arcordtagly. i if ion:-e there are BoflM Uemaa ratx wh i **.'.! r.ot Bgree tu lha h*ahVh t*4jar*? iw-omia*?iati*d by the aaalh. ?n. men who |ur yeara have taUtcntd .u tl.e aaidt* ."ib bj ti rtward for Ui" aappre*a4.?n uf the Bi*pabt4*aa ?.?'.? fjrraahanal ai.d clc.t..ral votc ..f Ihrlr d.xtr..ix aad htataa It xeemx. fram rertata eapi*e**hin*) da*ppaf af icrtai'i l*4*aa.irrat?* t.--day. ihat the |*4t l pertartamaayal iiff.'iidunt tlreihlarhlge aaat the l*fta*a-rali* adaaalff of the F.le.-tl'.n- rotnn.itt.- UtwroaghR d;-r:-t''4 them. ul imirM. the fa*i. were mt hnowa t- :''<;tu untll they had tK'ard and read iif tbe r\piaau*ea in ra* Ua. x Tribuni?. but th.'V werB H"' ?'"" [" dcii?ui..e llrtcbliiridgt >it?d hix mcthiblx ax auon b? tie f..,-t^ **cra bruuglit to their Bttanttan. Tho Triiiune ekpv**art exftted anlvtraal rumrnei.8 Btnoiig Kepubllfan*. > me >A ahmn ttaaajght K ?? ircdlbh* tlmt thf mlnnrity <?f ;* iiimmlttee ariaald dar-, tirxt t.. phue Iheaitelvi** in ibe baudb ..( a d**aa*4 xiiitur I.* adiiptlllg hix I.i]-,- an.l li.ali< 1 >n- .-*??** '?'"*; and, atfwodly, t*i mmptr alth and BintUate atmo** l.evi.nd i***r*ja*nltton a piihl.' diK-umenl wiii.n, i". i" iirlainal xhape. wlll f..rn. a part ?f Ihe a;-. hlve* iaT ? IbAlM.. If llnvhintliUc Blld hl* polltb'itl "V_ ,"? Im- ll'ilib.- exiape with .mi* a hft liroa*t*ldf '?.'?? dlgnaut ii'ithl-iii. ihc* may riaudder itB>w?**n*ta r-rtu* ual.'. __ A l'l.KA Pttft Pl'BUl' W ILIUMi Bltia. \\axh.,,i;t..n. itffd. I.-A Bumher .d rwrnl ** <t the lltiiix..' Intveeaard la tht pablb bulhtlng bUI? ??hwa huve x,, far fail'.l to re-fivc tliml i.ainjleratUw ln thg llotixo imvc aaltfd In a aM*mal n-iucxt lo the ?''?"i. mlt.ef ou Itilli - that. !?>' mtau* "f 8 -l"'< ??'' "r,,,'p' aaAVteat time uc tu the fommlllft on l*?hBg Itnllduip* mul i.rotm.lx ta dl*p**>e "f x.'.i.i' "f tV m.-ra lmp**rtaat aaim?mrea. The atatt*aaeal lii?ltaae* aadB* iiiint ititftidett ta ,i,-m..-.xtrat" that. Botwtltaiaadlngj the i,in,iii,.i. liiiprexxi?u that lha BBfa*Biirmtwn* n.?de up t,. thix ttiiie by the l.lxt l***nir*eaa are esfe**4t"* la ?m,.nnt. aa a mattct af fart iheg are m*tUjr aawtl 8bt.oraD.000 haa than Ihe ***$&** ***WJ U..,*, Btaato at the rlr*t ?.""?''' '!'',,li J .' ut 5 iaflaaSVla^^ "" ""-'r, " ' rS7 I, BkBerttal 1.* .crtuin .uei.i hraTUtr^ I'lU.ll.- bnlldlttfa. llml th- x,ai.-.n.-nt J* ? 'Mr? htttt, ..f tha ?M.v,...?ti...;* ?...?",.;M,'-j,,'l,;u^ :.;;r^:ii^:^::;:^'':.,'ai:c'.>y ***&? hulktlngx aar.. mr Inrbuifd in t - xt,., .. .f ea IK-nditurex .,f tiu li.iigrt>b atid w iiBOTBra iij*aa tRmrot*reapomlinc emiirtaarat of> ?> ti* pivxcnt i'oii?;itxb. THE PIIOIMSEI. UKMOVAI. OP aUAXt* IRJJJ Wa^.lniUo... Beai. I.-*'. II. T. C..lllx. a IM**"* tm>RtwYorh Otaad Haaaminl Oommlttat.ta^ay ttaa* graphed to liep.Vbinti.tlvcx r'lowcr. BJRajta, und gulnB that tf thf Plumo.Udlnaj Ua.ktng to thfJ^j^Jk twiieral Orant's body to ArilMttm *Ib*ii " ?M lipoil to-da* th- plaiix for tho in ;.un.cn1 ln >*? ? ?~ would bt adoptfd toiuorrow. TREASt-RER HISTO.V N??X AtaOCT 1? BW,lC"J' Washlngton, A'pt. l.-TTc:ixiircr HiLxt.m ***** tnrned to Wastiliutton fnun a sla.rt vi.xit lo hl* " lu Indiudia. Hc ^ays that thc ruinor that he l* anoaa to itrlpi hl* affhaj B* revlved pmhuhly by !*._*___ who deelro to niat*c dlaoonl betw^tn the Preatnaataj hlmtclf. aud he add* that he l? too giaal a UcpuDlicam to gratlfy them In that niaan. TBE SWI1VB IXLOCKED ASD THE l.WBT OVt. 1'oughkecpalt, sept. 1 (SpeclBl).-Thfrt la no d*wM tliat tho rallr*md accident In tho northern part of tnm clty at mldnlght was the worh af depcrate mea. The traln thrown from thc ralls w au extra frelghli The locomoUve and llve aafS tumblcd down an embanlU ment. lmtncdlately aiter the accident the ewltch waa exanilntd and found to be unlocked. and tht llght tm been txtltiR.Ushed. Thc tnplncer aaga poxltlvtly tna? the llght was oat The rallroad authorltle* and the rallroad poliie BBf ihcre l* BB douht whatever tnai Uie * raah waa caused by strtke.*.. Thc btrlkcra aar tht now swltehman waa carclesa. and tht new awlttfiv uian aays be was not thcr.* at all durlng the nlgni. At all cventa. apc*lal detectlvea are ****?*fE& on tha caac lt I* looked upon as slgulflcant tna* neVto?ort^whfn auy hlnd of an mcWePAaa ocgag the *pot haa boen crowded vvlOi ptople. um umm nlght not a doacn put ln an appearauce. Pllat. VLINT faablon* ftnt. fancllul KUIUNlTf HE fur flrat famlllee.