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TENNY DEFEATS FIRENZL BUT BEEGEN DOES sOME POOR RID1NG. TWO VICTORIFS OF EXTREME OUTS1DERS-A POOR DAY FOR KAVORITES. Sky aud a'.r were allke a.nlable yesterday. lt was a hollday and many were the thousands that asaembled at tlie faaclnatlng grounds of the Coi.ey lsland Jockey Club, now lonklng more charmlng tlian ever ln thelr feptember glory. There was muoh to amuse, cnter taln and Intercst ln the contests of thc afternoon. Tlie Dwjer Brothers prudently concluded that as Klngston would havo a Chubb lock on tho flret roce, tme that could uot bo prlcd open, plcked or broken, they would 6tart hlm in that, than run hlm agaJnst Tcuny, Fircnr.l nnd otliers in tbe flftli. When it was luiown that Klngston would come to tho post lu the flrst contest, the owners of other horses were like ewarmlng bces lu the eagemess with wiUrh they tumbled over each other to wlthdraw thelr cntrles. ln a twinkling out went Fitzjamea, *.Iadaione, run&ter, Jr., FTlncess llnwllng. O. W. CooU, NelUe Bly, Ocypcte, Foreat Kiug and Shotover, Icavlng ouly seven to run out of a weli-rlbbed and well (leshcd fleld of slxteen Uiat had boen cntered. King iton could have won with any Jockey. Bergen. on ivhom the Dwycrs have a second call. rode Blue Rock. MarUn. tn whom tlie publlc as a rule do not have fhat profound contldcnce whlch Mr. Oladstone. _ln varlably dlsplays ln the Thlrty-nlne Articles of the EbtabUshed Angllcan Church, was on Klngston. But oven Bunn could have rldden Kingston with pertcot eafety. He galloped over the cou-?e with his egra awecplng and supreme strlde. coverlng the ground. thc Futurity Cour-e. ncarly three quarters ot a mile, not Qulte ln 1 M 2-5. whieh cpials tlie fastest tlme mude oeer tliat rourse. .strathmeath ran ln exnrtly the ume tlme at the Junc Klngston i* as great a aprlnter as ever he was. and lt ls reported Uiat ho worked a mile on tha Shcep6head Bay cotute ln 1 .40 the other day. Whether he con run a mile and a qua.ter with hia former uneipialled apeed la noc yet clear, but prooably wq shall have a chance to seo aoon. Old Voluutoer was iitta-rly bewi'.dered. falrly " broken up," as the slanc phrase goea. becnu?e he wa? called npon to eaiTJf only 104 pounds. whll< reoeotly anywhere from 130 to 154 ponnds has been paoked on his I,ack, He dld not recovcr from Mi flurprlse untll thc race was over- not in tirae to dc feat KlnrMon. Yet I,c ran well and eame ln second. whi.e Klue Koclt was thinl. Wllllam K. Vonderbilt. the |W0BB*kl0t of the pret tiest raeccourse in An.eilca, wa.s ifl the club-hous lle ha- rarely fuvored his own property with a vi-it ln rerent years. Mr. Vundnbilt is looking pale., wan and sad. Eithcr tho rarea and resp hs.biliiie of looking after a fortum- <>f ...nictlung Uke one haa dred millions of dollara are upian hini. or thc l>aee ef thc Xewport -cason this year (whkh, lt is cnrrently report"d, has been 80 nipld as t< dlsconnt j-alvator'- mile in l AV' l-*l hao bnea au exhatistlnp that Mr. Vat.'derbllt faalfl ln nee.l of re-t aud letWBtbBB, I'erl.aps this |Waa the rea^on why be sonpht the peauefiU hhades of Sheepslieart Day, where all ls tfaacyan, pi.eti.-. aerene, wbers noinlng eeara. a rra ik> rarc arleea, where the narteal of llfe'a (rogreta rnove- aa aarttfard, unrippled and BBwrlakted. nlrrnr Ul.e and ialm. iJenerK! ajraaatby w;is r pioaird f?r Mr. Vanderbllt. for really he did not 1?"U well. lt was patlK-tir t<> -ec tlie raurer gtaarea of i:r>"d wiabea that were < a-t apoa him from all -;d">, and i: any a teiidcr-hearted Butfl who looacd npon lus i?aJe ?aee and w,aii"d eyex .?>uid bardty rbofce dowa tbe is-palse whkh wa- itlrrlag witiiin him tu ga ap to Mr. Viti.lerbUt, to pr? lu- baad lerveatty, and to r-ay to h n, i'i tme- throbhlBg with t-.irful rhaiity: - Mr. v.i II you iimi t!.e bnrdeii of a bundred milli ma i., beary, we wlll gtadfy rellevi yon ol b part oi lt." . fj.- aa roaM bc aeaed, Mr. Vanderhlli betrayed i... -. '..-iiiui. lo s!ui?' tbe Ureaowie ! >ad uf rkbe* with the tkaaakere. 11- h ioo weadtay u> cai* al.ou. wlnair.g raoney by gambUug oa ti," rarea, a- he coold li.; oai ti.e wh..; ? I,- i:lag ring. as tbe praperty whi. h he ha- labrrited and ? i-tunabtled Btuat have exreed.-d in \rt!'.-> thc lotal Btavaaatdoaa ?.f t-la* lS.orai aeafae wi.o ? ?: ? ui ihe Irarh, not exrludlng u,c railriaaaircfl ?-he wete preaeal, Mr. Vanderhlli thoughtfuJiy ana puBiaoailj retnlaed frem aaaexlag any oi t*i< ga.r, of the liialiraBlMTi to h.s p:od.tlous and stnp.-mloa. wealtb. T;.i- aaa ind-ed r'.KKl of alSB. l>ut who:, a in in reanb- bla rlrh * by 'h^ sn>it? ol atlilloBa, why >.?...,.,.'. )f eare t>> din.i:.i-Ii ihe l:t:lc stoie t! at e.,. li busy ant BBMHig hi- kli->w ne-.tuiis BBS acuniii'ated by ii jmi;.,..;- and fraral l-riblag of Jockey-. rarrapliag <>! trali ? .,.'! dlvenlag ihe Btralchi stream of eatdne t\<-.-. ;i: .<:.? ;:,:?> dBvifla* byway* aud riaaifeed roraera. I*i ;:.o heifliBiBhlilB raj dce and l.-t them bc truly prveful to Mr. Vanderbllt. lle mlRht have left them all it sutntc yeatardag or >uiy other day whor. l*e ehaaa ta v. ihe rarea and to plap thc ureat pame of.the tut,' rllh :it :? limit. But he iudulcently refnilned. He batalned troai iBterferiag with their lnscrtivorou* ai rt:.d waa ? ...i.-^i. with tli" m.alerat4: a/<|uire aud inv -:.:, ::i- "f lu- rareer. jt i- unduja'ood lhal Mr. I'aadeebilt aaa reaacated to exienalvc ImproveaieBia am! iKlilitn.n- t.i thv ?-i-j.:..1 :-..!.?! and benlaa-ring ai hheep?bead ?ay. I"r ihla I..- ii ? ?:-.-? :?>?? thauka -f raifgoera gene.adly, und h" i-.--:\ tl .~.i. Now, ,f he ...lild devlac aoaie way by w., rn ll .-a..iid bc arraiiged thai on aucfc dav ? ai m:!.i.:..,:, Day. FBiurllj Day, Labwt i>ay and otbef d.- wbon great trowda a.-*" Breaeat, d-.-. "..t and rv,p?rtab!e p -.?;?:? ?houbl Boi b< Jangled, Jawtled, j,,,, .,.;. j.i t: .!, -ijii-./.'il a'.d prraaed oul of sh^in; by.a ra-'.-liv. '-.?'.v-v. f?".i in.aathed ai.d profaw <rew, w.'.n ii lorcea it-- lumnltaout w?y tuward ibe ?at--s by whieh arceas .- glvea >" Ibe raitroad tiain-. Mr. Van d :^,.ir \w.uld aVacrve aml.i'-e no' only a vote oi tjirtt.:.-. bnl he Bight cv.-n raaaal apoa an lllumlnai.-d te-,i.:ioii!il fr-.m tl.j'e. Bfe >>f relinea! aml g-tf.'-h; Ufc who ktill retaiB a fondna>.a fur the ?B?arta >.f the mrf. wai in the :a<?- uf every dl?*otu*aflBririeBt, earery de pi.-.-.:...?., i-v.-.-y aJaapBoiatatenl and avary aBi ir.r, -n. -till laaial apofl s-a-int' the famon Ihiii.iBialiiialu of the tirae teet their merits and thelr I^.w.-rs. There are ejulel inen and women who ai-e MtacJaaf U. nt Ihk. aWlraata of seeluir ra/c?, who w.mld be wiilintr la pay any taBiaaalila suui hi exeeefl ef Ihe ordlnary cluiives f.rr a r.uiveiilejit a^id eoaafortahhl nirai,- af ^'etUiiK b. iba Iraeh a.,d c.-tiink' frora it. lu ti,:s 8jcpartrarail Maararaiih rark, wtth au it- fauiw, ia fur -np'-rior la laaaefalaBBf Bay. The railroa*l aertrwa, UM arrai.ireuicnts for leaving the trains and reaching the tJUs, BBBjffaBB ao Bat those at hluapshoad Bay Uiat t.'icre ia nu p^rasible rooflB for reaaparBBBB. Why is-jiuUble and eelf re-pc/'tliu* pe^.ple who ko u> tlie r* ea ahould be |auaa*aed in a pen with the flliiileat M'um and refusc of tne guttcis of New York when tliey lcave thc racea and try to take the traiiifl does D?t appoar to thc ddiberaie and reflc live intellect. II is a wrong and an abaaa t-hat this staaUd be ao. Peoplc who are really zeal.nis for raclng do not liko to ieave tne trarh unt.i tue lu.-t rar-.- u over. if they wait untll t!,e ltt>l nu* la flnlatied, Lhey oannot gct in thc apectal traln ta Lo.ig 1-land City. They are s.'mt out of lt by the rJaatag of thc gatc*. ln that case. on a aay when there 1- a great eraerd. they aj-e eruahed in aa by a hydraullc preaa ou thelr way to th'j Ncw-VorK train*. '1 hey could bear the pre*>.sure li lt were ilean, well adjiiated and peaieahle. But as thlnga now go, they are forced iuto dlrect contact with aome ot the rudest, rougheat and most riotoua ruflian* that the lowett divca nf New York and Brooklyn cau aplt ont. Mr. Plnkerton aad his m-n oubIU to keep more careful eharce of tlie outgolng thronj.'a. Oubaidc tlie gatea of tho course ladlea are liisnluid. gentlemen aasaulted, and every prlnrijiie 0f de.cniy, order and prop.i'ty la abuaed and vlUtied oi, the way lo the trains on thoe crowded daya at hheepuheart Bay. There is au abumnlable aud deapkablc eli.-mcnt that (flv.-a to tho race-track-too largejy in^h, lt muat bo ad mltt*d, with regret- that la made up of the same atrociona and diabolical elements whlch lnaflifaOsd and took part ln Uie f.endlsb. draft rtotti of 1H03 In this city, and all t?uck beaau want la thc opportutiity to werk out the vilhiny that ls within them. Althouajh t - Tkere is Only One sss AND TIIKftK IS NOTIIIM; I.IKE IT. Ull NOT >1 IMPOSED OX WITH Hl'BSTITlTP.S, IflfJTAa TIONK. BTC..BELAISK THE DKALEtt MAfcUM A FKW t'BNTH MOHK ON A MOTTI.K. Lend Poiaan Cmetl. 1 am a palater by traflr. Thrce yeara afo I bad a bad caae ef Lead Polaoo, cauflcd by ualnf palnt. I waa earcd Ut a ahort tbne by S. S. b. Tbe medlcme ttrova tho pauan out tbrooeb tha poree of tbe akla. Mt ayatem waa ae aaturated wita polaon that my uaderclothaa were eelared by tbe ptlat briB? worked out by tho metlleUio tbreagk tbe porea ot n? aain. I waa curtal entlrely by *? 8. ?., aad have bad aa retura aloce. C. Park LEAX, WayBeerUle, Obia. ifttatalflB sa jTOaed aad Skla Dlaaiaea arailed trea. IWUrT BPECIPXC oa., Attaata, Oa. TUE PALATIAL BUCKINGHAM HOTEL NOW CORPI.ETE. FIFTH ATE., 40TH ANB 50TH 8TB., NF.W TORK. FIIvEPROOF. Thla poaular houae ha* been ereatlj enlaracd br the addl'.lon (on Plfthavt.) of an abaolnttU Brepreoi bulldlna, EXTENSIVE aeven ?lorlea hleh. rnakliiB Un- total FHuNTAGE. frouUge uow 328 feet. lt ta conaplcu ou* fur lte eleicaiit 8ll(j hoim-iike acioni LU R V Rl O V 8 inodatloiih and lls attractlve biilt-?, earh AND HOME> comorl.sliiB drawlnc.ioom, larei' alrv L1KK. ACCOM- double and almrlc l?-drnRn?. wlth balh MdUATIONs. and drc**lna-roum attaclTd. PUBLIC ItOOMS. The public nxmis are bpi-riallv nnted for thelr clrsaiu-c. comturt and oaavtat* DRAW1XO- tncea. the ladh-s' drawlnii-rnom bclnc KOOM. In Ui? Lotil* fstlie atvle. the craud din lne-rooni In tha Earlv l-.iu.-Uxh. Tho READ1NQ- a.-ntli.-mcn'a lcadlnu and t.mokliic-r<.oiin ROOM. urp KUPPll.-d w.'.h everv'. The liilliard-ruiiin. wlth lufo atlaciicd. la an EDISON ELEO- attractlvt- ftaturc of tho house. All TRIC LItiliT. lichttd bv tht- EdUon ateetrM llcht. T.-lcirrauh. BBttBhaac and ?U.<-k lndl TEL E O R A P H catoi* on the Btaaataea; alan a ne**? ANU T L L E- dland wlth all Ihc ltadlin: iiewBiiapera PHONE. and nerlodlial*. Tkkrt* can bc pro cured for Uie opera. Uicatrca aud all other ulace? of amuacincnt. SANITART AP- Suoclal attcutlon ha* been nald U> the POINTMENTS. heatlne. nlnnibliia and ventltatlon af the nu.-klnrhara. Thc locatloo 1* gat fluest lu the clty. lt 1* wlUiln ea*v LOCATION accca* of the Giand Centrnl Deoot. the CENTRAL. Opi'ra Ilonse and all olacea of aniuac lnt-nt bv tho eli'NBlfd road*. Madlbon and Sixth-a^e. car*. Omnlbusea pa*? Un- dt?ir everr fo*v nilnutc*. El'ROPEAN This BBlei 1* loiidiirtid on tlie F.uro PLAN uian plan; the rp*taurant of uni-ur RESTAl'RANT. nabxfd cscellcuc*: thc cbarcra icaaon abl*. WETHERUEE A FfLI.ER. ITourlrtor*. Ihey dar* nof iinlulce ln nn outbrcak or rlot on any eiteiixlvo BtalBb attU indivldual nitinbcra of thlx mob are bold and aarage eaoagh lo beoabcal and thrcaten men .uid wonien. to vlolatc every prinriple of sell rcatnilnt and i-oninion de*'tncy. O thc tiiucs! <? thc niorals of thc tlnica! That auch tlilngs shoiild bo on Uie edge and border* ot Js'ew-York rity lu this day nnd amieratlon: But the i oaej lahaad) J.ickey C'luh daea not hato contiol of Ihrae rallroad pens. ln ihe Daah Stak.s, Mr. Rtbaoal'a colt alenbea, se.ond In the Fut.inty, was un even inoiicy favoritc. Itat Bve tartongl did not suit hlm mi \*eii ax fix farlonga, appartnily, and hc waa only tu Ih nr llfth at thc ilni-h. aRhoagb ln rarrted llghl welghi. f^peiaasa, the iillv lhal ??l.ucky" l'.ahTwiii und his fiiciuLx baehed ?'? aeavily in thc KuturTIy. ran weli aud got sccond plme. Int khe wax not ijalte la?t cnoueh o beat Eilipxc. **ho ***> at ) ag outxldc odds lu the hcttinp. but WiMl vcry c*.*oil*. althtjagb hc \\us cdncedlng marb wtlghi i" tho i.thcrx in Uie r.t.-e. t'orrwiloii alth the t"l> aehthl aaa third. Ma.-ln;r did ii.'t ahow hix tn.c fb>nn. lle waa luilmky lu ilie rare aml wlll do baitef laler. ln tile thirrt ra<c tho Wcxtcni horae Al Karmw, who luv- baan dotng well oa Ihe idher xidc of the AUrghanlea aud galnlng many prlae*. had frii-ndx not a fcw. Rat BC lx hanlly aerhanatlsed ta the Raat y.-t, :m.i while l.e did md ran a bad rara*. hc fuii<*l to get a plaee. Mr. Cornehl scn. ownci- of Ktag * ral.. ximi btfore thc rare Umt be wa* to bet fl.000 that Knii-' t'rali WimM dcfi :ii Al lar.'-n**. Hc wax rlght, Mr.ilio**a.v wax tlie fa I'urtte, hi.t lindiilil-t \*.i.x in Bne l*n*m, tbe Sll !>??> pcrandum RiKtera having at laxi eot t'aptata Rrown'a Btaaea Into .xicllvnt mnnlng roodltlon, aml woa **Mlio::t aitttnJty, wblle btrideaaaj aa* aeoond, ar.d Klng Crab third. Al Farrow .aj.if home fourth. Oi.r of thc.' <; ",.i' .t liUhop* ta tl.e hlstory "f tbe Enghab Cbnrrh **.*- namrd Raime. He are, and I Uilnli atill ix, lllbhop uf l'ci.'rif.r...ich. altbongh aa to hia exlatlng -?? d prtaaiit c*y ,i..<|uc:uc l wlll not roafb, lt b lu* in the le.-i hlicly tlut, the boy Magco. who wa* iu babby haach'a aaahlle iu uie lourth rate, l* avaa the K'li.otext rclativc ai the goldcu tongucd Ul.-Jiop of l'eierbii"ii|.'h. if hc were, ihut prci lous xpe. <? in*t pKhate ol tlie Rngllta <hur*li woiilrt haaten t?. d!so**ii hlm aud oven (*xt hlm out altogctJair. For tliat lut.e RBfW lott ihe fourth in.e ou iiol-bv Ueach eith'-r |iiiip.bcly or S* thc cMrcnicxt iicdlljtcjicc and ?ai-o Ic.ancaa **.?!? ai.pai-eiit to alnn>st c\er>' aptrtator on the KKiund. V*t the Judnea. wlth that noble'und lofty liidltlerence to niiO'.r huinan artalr* whlch *o oftvn iBJUBfBMlaaa thc |afhjaa on Aaaaairaa raaaa^oaraea and whlch I* so tnily Ulymptan in Its maje-tv, xo heavea klaslng ln lu atutudc, luid ytt oftcn bo deplorablt and gricvous ln Its re.sulU. failed to fttaftaj the BUfihifbt iot/'.'e'.t ln tlie ib-riillar liles of youiu; Mascc'a ndlnc The rjve waa woa hv Ihe raahaal of oalaldan, iiai^i tiicn:i. lt ?a* re portcd that ln tlie rin*: at one tuuc lt waa p.sxlble t.i pct even so mnrfe as l*?? t<? l a^ainxt Maie'i Gknn. II is c xtain that ther*' waa BO diflnuily ln petiliu: 80 und io to 1, .md ta the Frenrh p.?olx Rabtl Ulena jmid b**J30T0 for i?J atialght and $Vsi :;.'? for *?"> pbace ilrhtta. H waa a dlummnacnm t-":t of ia. ?-, an* **ay. ane ol 1h>x- di-toit'-.l, ' an I amailng ahalra that n ? bnman i-'ine ""< -idi* ?f a lonatlc a-ylum *ould p.--.lly ven tiin- b> trv to und'i-tiiii.l. Here were Worth aud l?i-l/2l?- ln this i-a-e, both we|J hiiard. nnd both faat xp.intci'x. Thc rars wa- over the Futurltj Cotuae. Drisate was ridden hy Martin, To the rare ful .xtud^i.t f.r many peaji "f ,'-'- rhllng "i atartla, Bothtag nioro neil 1^; sii'1 a- ?<? tbe rea**m whr\* wa* bo| li'-a..- IHe h*?int a' U.e finlab. -t-Vf-i-'.n h.u ridden soinr. falr ra****. tlux ytir. R'hy he Ohl n-'t do atttee wiih Worth doei B'd exartlj float on th. aurfa.f of thc BOoL Imt th'-rc it I* Rabtl i.ifi.n. at any iu-ne yaa pleaw-. fot tbt ra.**, hwiii.-. ta -a b wax rcc.nd. W.-rth and MxxJt, 1 "th falh'.! to i'U i piai": aj.d every btJ^nmher ln tho nn.', rn**tepbortralty -I?eakiiig. thren up lu* bat ln lu- iKart. rarulRd ai d el ulU'd, wua JubUant and Jo.voua, UutfUVed tlie Judi;.-s in tht innio-t of hia .xoiil, rej.ilifd mlghdly lhal Bone of Uie onir.-rs of thc rlub nad an li.<4ulrli.*i Btittd or ln dulK-d iu troublcxoini: curlo ity. an.l wciil hOBM al iioarr wlth nlmtaH and with all Ihe wortd. Matt Byiaaa, J. B. Ilargln'a iralmr, ptj*fcir?*d ui nin Eiren/i al 111. pouu.1. Ill tbe iia> Mai,. rathcr Uavn Ui nin BaR**atvr at i:i'? praands. lli'-nzi wa* nddca bv Bergen. Kin^tain, falvaior, Coxoa-io Taw, Kuvri-a, Juiljju MOfTOW and Al 1 BITOW **'.e arithdrawn. Wlth all theae ont. Ilrvnsl araa a atrvng tavorlie at 10 u. i) on. The V--t bettlng Uiat th. baekert, of KllfJltl tver r.ot wax evca BttJUCJ. 'Iln was a rux.c to wetp ovcr. All the h> ?'>>N l^**1 walllng onlers. The* ull ran at ?o artAchfd a pa*.**, all in-.v.-u ao slowly uft-r the full af thc flag. thal Tayb* .m roncraaed to k?i ?ut. lle uiad< the pa<c lor tbr**e-quaitera of a rollo. Endlng Ihe iir>t balf niiic hc araa al Icast four lengtha ta frout mAb I*rinre Boyal und Flmnzi aagBB lo niovc up. Atang Ihe Plrentl outian IMucf Uvyal 'ii.d galnnJ on'lthoiio, while 'iarrlxon kept T.-nny con.foitahl* ln thc l*At plaee. Ob U.e tawer tarn ln th<* ui hal. mii. I ircnrl wlth th-- grcate*! paaalble eaae 'iK..k ofl prlnce ifovul, rnoved np U> Hhono. uml BWlnalng Int' the honici>tri>tch for the last qaarter mlle t-H.'i tte lend. Pnnro ftoitil und Ithono were now tuiindu Icaten and OarrlM,n artnt .<? worU on Tennr. The ra-e wa*. run exactly U? sult Tenny fierijen, wlth thc mo?t uufortunau* ovtr-confldenre mnd *<?! hc bad ofteu *t?i Tenny mii an.l knew whal a bural of boe.-.i in tht baattaWaieiCB Thoni is maxter of), loohed from Flrenzfa aaddle at <iarrbson oa Tennv and grlnned al htai. U ?< a faUU grto. *Firnil noiikl have won IhU racc ln two wb/b. hh ? rould aave laln lehlnd Tennv up to the laxt fnrlonir und then ahot hy blin a* r-alvator ahot hy Tenny when they last mat ui Moiimoutb. or ahe could bave p*me .mt from th. fall of the flac ma the tnllf und a quarlfl In 'J :0', l ?_? or 2 -Q*! a-nd ppoliablv T>miy would n.-v.-r have raughl np Hut BmRca aagarhiaaiy rhi.s.- tha one plan >?! ranntag *hat wa* eet*taln to lea. the Qne.m of Ihe Tarf Tliat wia- to nmve ui.. Ull nir I'iIikb and Rhono, and thtn taht a pull on thf niare lesbtn her Hpocil. shoi-t.ii hei- strldo ln tht ', and let Tennv (oine Bp wlth niin of thoM! tremi'iidous rnahea of hl* that onlv a Salvntor or a Plrtnxl nt full BB?aed ran Brllpae. Eltntr SalvatoT or P nnzl at any tlnie. at any plac*'. can beat Teanjr l" tha la..t fnrtong If they Be bthtad' hlm If tht> try to niuhc a part lu front of hlm ihe reault N aomtwbat doobtful. If a |oekey Is taullah anoneh to ataehea up and let Tennv m.,ve np to Ralvator or Firenr.l, when Tennv ls ln (ils fullest xttld. and nt hta fXtreinc pitcll ol lli^hrxt xji.-eil, w iiil s-iivat/ir or Flreatl 1* tiot, ?liy. Tenny mnst Wln, "i rmirse lt waa ao ycxtiidav. fi.'^cn. afW tahlng thf lra/J caacd up wltJi Klren'l. alu.rtened Inr strld.- aml ataVftVned aptJfd, a'>" Oartaiai h.'i.i.a'ht up T.*i.nv wlth on" of thoxf niatrniflrcnt ftaaRffl of hix, and won Ihe *%&,?* HtrHfTnow ! Aak of th. a Inds and wave. r.n Kh'ffnbhead Bav. Rcad Mra. Mtinan-'a tonehlng Ji-arful verse* al.o.t* th" fr.mi.fntx taal ati**arfd Ihe Lea Perlan. lie.givr* fra?nt*ta did nit atrtw thf b^cxactl .Pn..t if ..>." bu.h.'1'x of Klren/I COU d ha* na**?l a v-rdi.l on lierp-n tliat would have btfr, ;*rZ,-UibJ after that n?.e. hey would have fonalgned hBato . TrWfvM tnoniib.erv and to a b?ar>,e dl.-t of vtifctuhle' and watir wlth the m .i?..*i liixnrv of I'luin brtart t?r the rtai af hia dava Of cotuae. there are p-oplt on r/turf wno wTirtblnk ^"K****?^ h areat**r racer than Flren/I. WeB..taa*ra Bte B?opB thaTevtrv now and then aal on J*to^**4*??5^K ..? nn tli* 1/ib? of tho h II* and wnlt for Oaluiel s ?RnaWaa-iajt^^ note on the wavca of whlch ther adBileat, np ta tht S& ea3RU"aRRW^^ 1 , wlth Dnim^tlrk. Ut. Part* ran second and FlrtfU thlrd. Dminatlck waa nin un from 81,000 tojanrt than ?2.?2r.. and bought In by Mr. Ualv. a hlghlT coSmmmaahla mwntr^^rrletlnff **j?__" trationa of the woral freehooter wlth whlch ahe Amcr u'^%'uif""^!^ iai**aaa??*>.?? a* thlrd plaee. The race was for the Welter fctakes. one and three-slxteenths mlbs, on thc turf. Lct us rerapltulatc. It was a inost dellghtful and enjoyablo dav'a aport. with a fund of precloui In utrurUon, diverslon and hllarlty lhal is rarelv ap proaehed. The attendjuee was verv laa-go, althougli it fell somewhat btlow tiial of r-aiurdav, when tlie Futurily was run. The track wa- di-y and fvst-. The weather was perfeet, and the bookmakers were very, very happv. 'i im? inost unhappy people were tha u.ifortunate wretehes who were rau>;ht In the da,n of driftwiNid. gotaaflfl and Jetvun of the dcad eai. rottcn vcire;al>les, aewage an.l scutn aort. that sonicilmea lloats on our bathlng bearhei froru the dun.pini: srows,. This wa- thc aort of silt and dralh age that foo oflen aeeiimulales around the rallroail gates ou tke way lo thc trains. lt naat bt iiuritled ln somc way. or the number of areeptable <>r cven tuler al.le people that ro io the raereoarae will bc serlously dlmlnished. . . . Darrlag tbe Bepteraber ims-tini: at KbeepaBead r-ay rarlnj; begina dailv at 3 o'cloch, and uot at - -iO. as The frlbuiie's ?? Vt'hat Ifl (loii.K t'n To-Dity" had lt by a sllp ycstenlav. 1M.JAI1.S OF THK KACKS. F1BST RACE-SWI El'STAKKS. 8-5 EAfll. 81.000 ADDF.D. SPECIAL Wl-.liillTS. AIKH T BIX rtfRLOXOta, ON TUE FUTURITY COVBSB. Bottlng. bt. li. Dwrer Tlrother-' br. h. isp'-ndthrifi? Kapaaga, , bjr Kmrstiin. via.. l?4 ... . Miiilin 1 K. Oehhard'a b. g, Volxnte. r 0. 10, .. ,,j. i'o\ inu'toai - 0, Walbaum'a b. c. lllne Jt..-K, I, 101.... , BergaB) 3 ii. il. MorKa'a rh. c. Tipataff, 4, l"l ,Nar.fl''7i 0 D. A. Honlj-'a ch. g. Mlke Watson. I. 1-4 ,.? iCIaytoinO 00-1 12-1 J. R. Ro.aa'a b. f. Kitt.v Van, 4, 101 ...... tn iSU-ppej 0 10-1 4-1 O. Hcaral'a b. f. ..lcumlnu. 3, 103 .... (Mldgtey)O 5a-1 8-1 Tlmi>? 1 :0'.i L'-.V Blue Itork, QbBflBdeg and TI|aUtT wttt the Iredeifl for the fir?t thri-e farlaaga. with Khajratea and Valaateet lylng rloae np. I on.lne around Un- qnarbr pn?t at the tara .Martln gava the favorili- hla hrai and he Btfiatfl tn the from. h.-ttl,,,a- uil duiil.ta about Ibe r.-sult th.-n and there. Old Vflfaaterf piuxlxd at hlm all tl?- way d..w,, Ihe attetch. but niuld ?<-\er barry hba, a?d he won with out ertort bv a Irnpth; Volunt or si-,o..d. a leagtB befora lll,,.- Ilnok. w ho beat TipslalT a 1. flgth und a half- flTf* jajnea, Mad.-tu,,i-, PBBBtrr, Jr.. 1'rnn ess llnwilni:. <?? W. COflB, Ni-Ule lllv, Oi-ypi-tfl, i'or>?t Klng and Miotov.r dld, not siart. Mutuals-Klnjraton Mialcht *fl 88, p'.ai-o 80 0-'.; Vo.un. teer BBKc **., '??'>? si;,uMi HAi K?DA8H BTAKEB. IWO.YEA8WJ1.D8. B.'.O KA.II. 81,280 AIHU.n. BPETIAl. WBIOHTBa riVE i'lIlLOM.-'s. ON THE IT'HiUiY COl'BSB. ll. tllnj bl. gaaarlt ? Wara'a h. <-. Et-lipaw, by tCyrl* ?.,.?. Daly-Bllluw. iir* m.BVppeil 80-t 10-1 K. J. llaldwin'a I. f. I -I", by i.nii ateaB?llenuoaa, 101 iear l.v. _ , _ , i Ramea) 2 7?1 *?1 j. a. 8 A. ll. Morrla'a I r. f. rotmUea, bv lllinvar-Mainne Qray, 111 ,,E. Pt lUttieBeldl I 18?1 0-1 .;. T. I.iaii.'s hlk. .-. It.H.'Mi'' K't ili.ii.- n ?'>''-' I*-I fmtlne stai-i--- h.? ll?n-.r. tlV.Xanar-i ?> 50-1 B-i l.a-lil-.r.l Manora b. e. ..;.-...... 104. Mariliii 0 BU I -o-l (.'. 11. .M.'t .i.Vs ih. g. I :.|'la,? Waifii'i IVi ? irar k Ca.'fl <h. f. BarUVaU, loi |.-ar. ,,)(-,, ... I ll.'ii l I 0 !.. Ani-'u-t U'liii.-nt* b. r. .Mii.-li.r, 104. Kaaroeaa , a-tl" st li. .Ii.lni S.V'l. '. b. f I'r: II. .\1..,,,-' Ileagh I'-i'itii' ra* br. ,!. ii. ttderria'a b A. V. Walcott'a . Slra. ,1.. ,',?. b. ? ,, 11", I raa 1. r <> 10 I ,.|;i 1 |."l IM'ii o I" -I ,. |01 I.-.K-: o I.ii- I i . K-? tt- -I. II" ., , IIMIIL' "U 0 IS 1 a...,n UU illnrtei, O l '1 MI 101 -,-a- I.M 8-1 0-1 1 -2 I 1 II 10', 1 40 -1 o au i ao i Tlme 1 Thera wa- bel a -hort ?.lay al Uie peal and a 1811 n*n ?. nuil". w.tii tbe ynun?.trra Blrelj rraaaprd. I"ri* riibJ KtraBHrem. t'aiaala Wa.'en.-r. rnrm-Htaa aad Fa-llp** ?,,.. Bj the fron. n.cbl Maah-r ?-?> ?! * W 8^?ta8 hla auie>. TBrtwrh the dlp aofl up lh? hill >i waa aayboflj - Mm ha| hefore Ibe aaa r.... ii'-l IVIIpaa drea imi ??d laaa ? roauaandina pualllon Ib Ibe L art. ahbh ba the >..d. Ntaaiim ?ni> a-t'.in-iiitii. ti. in i< l,V t?n li'nKih./l.-rru.'^ alth ? m." bnral -.1 apeed al ti." n.i 1,1, ar a letiKlh and .. half t.-l'T" , .'r"'i"n. A ,,../,? toiHigaara ?.r- aithdn. aad l?? "?:?? add.d U th- li' Hl Mutuala-Kcllpae rtraieht 8*8 Ui. plaee 113; Kaperenn |.;.i . 810 05. Tiuitn itACi: - ?*? r.i >' OI.B.S AM> t'PWAl'.U. ' SI'!'.'. 1A1. Wl.l'.ll t?. ' s S. Browi/i b. r. B .ddhl llaaly. * yr?.. i >L t' I ?-. Tld'.l I VK tlt l \i ,,. ,i ooo Aiu.i :> M II. l.? ll- Itint. Bt. I'L lllnd o lailp btahle'i ch. r. faraealaen'a b. Mr..; awaj. K aa ( ml> J r>>' Lonn'a b ?'? Taiiuir 4 10* \V. 11. 1 SflBlth't b I. Al 1 ano? iinjti i. I :.,? .-. i ? ? II r ? 1 lri-.S 107 Narv.ii:. 0 J. M. Br.wn t ro.'a rh. f MomU llarili ^ J4>4 ... . -11 ?"*'' BL C. Llilaaalant , n ai. r>i?le. . fW 2 o la?I 4 -'i n '. r. i :.- i 2-1 o 1 Ma ... 1 Vlvinii.) 50-1 ia-1 W. C. Haiya b. h. Piuray. ?'- }*lm^ffit 40_i.i-,-i Vline?1:41. Fltiroy took Ut* l ad ai u.o .urt. whieh waa a goed one. .nd ,-t a Bkrel, pacf. bat Moalta llardy wtail ,| t? hlm aad rar.-d M bl* head 'III batb b? and aa* ?t. too tired U, galtap I'.'" Al Parraa Bl.-4 la front but ll'idrthl.t. faUo-?ed by BtrteVeaay ai.d Klnv . r?b '-a-i ? aloi-u ttitt, all all -'t fllld paaafclfl l.lm 1' Ui? airrteh. aaa rleverl* by ha I ? 1-BgUi; Mrid.aaoj nvoud, a ii- ? bef.r.- liuu' t'rah ahu b ^t lantnl a loimlh. Nar'.aei pulled nu ahea be ..? U.a' Al la:,.. raaiM u". ata. TBr lur ?? ran a? if ahorl "f aork nn ?^- li-i at Hi.- -'art Wlllnd, P-arl SH jr-ne, ll.idi.-e, M- tld-?!.. K>r.?. II. S...?ar. Ilhn khan, >i ? a?a atart. ?iralaM 821 BS, pla Mrideattay pi. ?? 8T l 1-. ii I'.TII Kt' I oi.ii- '.:. i \ IV Kl 11. *J1 '." - r * K i - Taa - t 11' A aad *a? ? lo -.'u Wl.|..ll"s >'L". I lll - V MA 1 i IU.".N i iiiiei: vi tr. :. .-ri.. i ti. .... ...-. TH. ii. ui Alirtr^e I n ,' ? :. - Mti.diHi ? ...... ? i.i J. M li "?,; a > " J4.4 . . D. a l".---i ra <h f Mali 1 i. i -I : ? l.. i 11 ? n Wa.,., 1 SO-I J .? I < 41' 1 I ,1.1 -I 1' I uuah in Val" L. J. f. 1'.' ,. f I. Tl UU A-I 1 10 , . o ' u -1 15 . ? i i 1 1'. llobl-y H' .' I, ran : .Utt tha. I' >l 'I <?' t ?.-ar hlm, t ni alth ? i his hi.r -i:... II. ? th ? ac : ??ahneotakrr' ?" i,,-ii * an. M 'i Uj, tn Um fti't' i llirnalim .ir lt Ma;-" .1 II,. ... lli .ifl- : II l.i'l rudi mi befora Puii-u-r. <: UuM a half. Bobhj -<??.. i.i!. bmr 1-, KipertB, Vemolea, laaa, Wraaller. Ib~-Ue, Man.l. II aml .leiinle II were >? .Ihdrawn. Metaala-Mabel iJiitm aiMhjkl rJBOTO, pbu:a *>?'-?'? Ii,..,h\ Bearh p ?< ?? 810 83 P1PT1I K>>'' IMI "ll UAV STAKI - Ai.l. l"l-a vlOO i..Mll. t:i,ooo Ai,lil.D. M'l.i 1A1. WtliillTS 1'4 MU Tbe flai-' MI "t th- llr-t areakaaay. b'.t IB* pao* Bradi it th- ?t-?rt waa -o aloa lhal u.<- apertauwa auppoaef Ui ?o kca arlf pulllag ni' f"i a..ntb- t alteiupt. N?t MI Un (as-tea riaebad UV J?"if ?' ?taad ?n everybtaly cea tlaeed that U>'- ra.e wa- aa. IU.u.i.. BaBtldaa '"r M> arkUfl and palUas Tayhw ""??'> ?very strnt llnval a.-. <? llllglll ll. rkaagi' "' I ?Uv went ba... t" Ma |" At, Iha [.-a.! nf ,1 ii',! ut tlu a.lll.11" lll Hl by I ii,'thv with I'r.ii" ,(1 ;, ?." k b IB ' !?'.<? ?.'!. Who Wa~ a Bit\aii'<- "f l',.n>. ih.-r-. ?a- littli iisilni,, fur i, lull". fiSCept U,tl lyiono'i SEE MV SP0N6E? ' 8HINE your ShTea with WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING ONCEAWEEK! Other daya waah them elean with SPONQE AND WATER, EVERY Housowifa EVERY Counting Roorr| EVERY Carriage Owqer EVERY Thrifty Mecrianlo EVERY Body abla to hold a bruati gjBotJLD uaa afflBBBBW atasm: _IK*^ON atfVa>1KlaM\ ?*lr/V Wiu. eraiaj Ota a Ba? rvaoiroac Wiu. Sraiai Outaa ana CMiaataaaa mu sraia Tinwaaa Wiu- BTam vawa olo Baaarra Wiu-Braiw BaaaraOaaaM wovrr * BaaaixjLPTa, ranniajkai, Striking constantly, it never strikos?a Reming tou Stundaiil Typewiiter*> Ich, wbere U*e ra.e actually bf-KBii, hc wa* *.. nt harrtidly t<> th.- r.-ar. nh< rt ba bdaagod. The f".r*t half aillf **a. rtin lo 54 BBCaada and U.e Uirot-quarier* ln 1:18*3. All th- jockiya r.-c.-lvcd vaaaaBg afdtra and Uii'*- \*rre aajIRBg an 1 eawliiK all Uie way ItfJt they mlirht IH ahcad ot aacb otin-r. Rcrgca **a* aaa up*t u> amva uu. He loo-c on thc turn nnd llrcnil qulckly .ol land Bheae. ?ho tai imo the ?un-t<'h by a aarh. l'rinct Knyal followid Haa Bwtrltt, but narrlt-oii mad.- no movo on Ttnny Ull wll Btiata*Btt*aed out for tho run'ln. Then l-niiv emat up aa Uie out-lde wllii a ar.-at e\plo?lou of xpffd that blBBgai hlm alongalile of H.eml I" a t**i?k. llnii. Bttgta riKle *ory hard to net B***y fnun thc ry elaao, bnl e\.-ry ellort was iiM-lea*. Tenny hud Kli-.ul i, nt Un- tartaag aaat and Un.- r**t of taa hmracf **aa Btala haiiina. Ra **ou ta Ihe aaabat rauma* tamgtmv ?i. rn .. leogth; nr.-iizi lataad. thres aaa*rtha ataara Prmca, ?ho b. at IthaM o lmuth. KUigbion, taha tor. Caaar ta Tar. Raperta, Jadga Morrow ?ud Al Far :.,** <l.d i.ot hlart. Muliiatx-Tt-iiny clia'Ki.t 81'J 0'., pla.?-? 88 06; Flrc.ui .MAiii UACR-Pt'Rafc *i.0oo. BRLL1RC4. O.VK MILt;. U.Ul.tb'. bt. I'i. vv. r. I>alf? ch. g. DruuixM.-k l,v Dataaatar. Uo.'l,-A'|.p|.- Ulti-boii,. 0 yif.,10' fflBI.WBI) "*! 1 7-1 ?? M ru.i'.-ti'b b. ii. a*. Perta. a. 10b i??bUi 2 o-l S?1 j. lt. Rctaraika'a cb. i. ftrrdy, :.. IwB.. . , I iji.nj 3 7?- 0?. .1. J. Ililai.d'a hr. c. teain VVovd. 4. ll/." . - 1,1,. Cevhigtaaj 0 13?1 4-1 Madix.m btahtf'a lt. <-. lafo 3. '.rj ..Uearaj 0 30?1 H-l i. WalUaun. ? b.r. Crcaaru, i. 108 ilJi-ria-in 0 10-1 4?1 11. *?!?**. h Klebla'a ... t. 11 rtin i aiuyO'U, _, xt.laMtveaaeaj 0 B?1 4-1 l>. i. l'',i.-lli r'.- Ur. c. lioiil.y. I r*J . lA. Ctl1bt,ttO) 0 50?1 1j-1 VV. Laki'land's ch. h. Tattl.-r. Bgrd. IW illan lltaoi 0 5-'J 4-.. I'aatlt stal.l' x .li c. ||.i. 8. K.' (Weberi 0 BO?I 3<?-l M. 1. Iit.iiu'.ai.'n .li.f.I'i i..niii.-.;i, 88 f Tfll t? U l*?1 &-1 1,. A. liu .i. - b. li. tabta?a>, 5 n?i . il l?*t?n; 0 .0-1 8-1 Tiu,' - 1 Itl 1-.. Iirumxtl.-k rot a fl.i.nit .-ta:t out of thf rhutf and araa ii. *ir raiib'lit. II.- *|ir??4.i**?U*4 l,ix Behl lu tbt tiifxt ""ii ||.t- BBd xatixfa tur.,!,. r, *? iiiiilntf by UJrte k-BBtua. i.ii-|.r *>ax ..'...mi f..i .. \.-n rarlnaa* an.l n.ichl ba.e re .im 1 il, l Blare al Un. galab, bat Wben n f.uml laat li.- **j- Ibat-ii li* i.i.ll'd up. Bt. l'ari- and Kn.ily had an aiilluaOd dlagata n*i-r l>li.-.- In.n.irx. vhltb ioti hiui il tn tbt la*t btrajV, aaea Bt. Parl* pakrd bla l>-i.? i,.. ? in ti.nt. The ab a. i ??. ui. to *-',.>-?"?, al wiu- ii |.;n-' hl- t.nln.-r Iniijlil l.lin Ri. auVl.NTR ItAi K-WELTKIt BTAKK.B. -t'-'j EACI1. Tl "ixi M'l.l lAll,. 1 3-lvi RllatSt u.\ i in: URAna. iwttlng. bl. 1-1. HtatrwrrB Ktable'a a. m. f.i*ini-* IMI-, hy l...i,-;f.-Ibia h- -it- Ki.lubl, .. *!--, I*S :? u.un 1 7-5 1 2 J. i: RrBuaald'a t>. >?. nJb*o;thy. I, l??.. i lli Un rhlii.i -' 2- 1 4- '. Kf\.t-. btablf* .ii. '. M.ixi.rn ;?. l-l iLUU 8J.-MJ 3 -"-1 ?'-' la. Lloid'a . li. ||. W '?'?'>' J-'?-?? ,:'"' i iii|atri. *? o I**?1 ?. I ii iirte II.Bl I'a i li. ? I'lillandi i i I'.'.'. .. Haj iaid.0 -'-1 8 1 .. \'. It inklBB I <'?? x l.r. | M . i.-'li 11, -, i.,x ....ninl* t) 1'J 1 .'.- I [? I*. ? ,. ti, .- nt , Kiin.-t.i :. .< i-t Ai.d. ;-'.ii o >o-l :."- 1 IV. ' 1" ? <h. t. I".. n. iia ? 0 :'. -i h : , i pi :?.;,- ii . . lilit :i :?-''> Barn. ? U B 1 ?( 1 i I I. ii.-.'x b. r. I...r.l ??! W.e llar-m. ;, i.| *V. IIIII 0 UO 1 L'O 1 'I ill.?? '.' ".I l-i. li ii.i it and Ki-rn *? r* altndrawa. t'rbaaa ?? d Klne .?-,. ii :t !?' th | i "? ( r ?;* furloOtfB, **'h- il I.SMn.i 10.. ,a-?..: Into lb< 1 *'. f .1""'! hj l'*f ii.i'l MK'-tii il. Ri Liiietilin wnri.d * t 'ir.|bbt .ou* p?-xa.'- aa Pbllaaa. .I.'.-. ?? i.i. b..-i:.'d ln diOtrutUfa -Ul tho vrav. and protably n.adia I"" niuiii n?r nf hlir.. A donn tltn'* bt app>ared 'rat-n. bai undt-r puitlnhra-tt leataledty caaa* aaain and jkaln. ta Uii' atrrttb h.- nnv.d up ... btronu that n.ain ?ll h.- ...ihl d.i M .'I'.eetc La\!nla n< 1> homf flri>t by * n.- k . I'lil'liy *-.'.>iid. a ateh l-"l"?'? Ma.i'rl.'d.'. aba a-,.| |. 4 .. it ..f ir-- cl ? -I-. M .'...,.-. t.a*mU ll-K- xiriUht 414-0, piace 8S 88 I'' -..;.ny ptaoa BB70. ? _?? ? EXTRIES nu: T?l DAV-S u\<v.<. iif roufbt It i- ltii|i.fllle .mv^" ln keep nu xii blb'h i .tai.dard :.- lhal x.-t oa aaturday aud *?? t -;*l-t.x bl . ' onej I-lanil J*B*Bty Hub, **!.!?:?. ,,, ,. ... |j , i i...:, i; b-- The ra* lint i*vd i) aill rn- I'." -*-"1 .-??".?: |.la*e, beran*** ..:.l*' bui-at* o| \u.ipial.iy a :il ruu. nin- .t:" ll ?? h-i i' .!.. pwbabbj alaritr*: liK-i il.ll 1. -H . i I- . Ahl x. -rl . i..'II. il i'i ADPI.U, Bl'lAlAL Wl.i'.liTx,. Aii-.'i i ftl\ I l.l.i ' , . w ' N t "- vv i Mr.d-'. .1 > P'il'-i '..'?': Mik v**i-..:. . ? :..'. ti.-x|.-ii'. . i.a Lft.f M iii ? '-"I x,,..Si. KAI'I x\M'l l'x| AKl x. 1 Wu\ r.All.'M.I'x III IT M.VIH W4I.N :.""? * > 1 -V II. ^1 ' " Al.l.l H. AlalaOWAM I x, All'U 1 .--IX I 1 i; l-.'Si.-x. VV ? \.'."- Wl *, ?-. .uaa. Utl g;a .-".'< . }U ri,..,, ... . ...II i w ia?a. "a , w -t 'I' . B*t.y .-"'"-. ??"* aVn.,.i. .'iit. ? li" ? ' ? - .' r, ' ,_ 1. ? M Half". .a 1.... ?"? Iik r " Hl' IHIIUI IU( . M I.UMI >^l I i'M vKi> TllltKK. VI..M'. "!..'>. 4:-. l-v ll, *i. to viU'i.:.. Ai'.o. I M\ I I Illai'Vi'.*!. N,.? Wt, N-""- XV(. . i.'i i.d.,',1 . |l? *!*'?' '? . Ji I! .,...1 .... .1 I'J "ll I' 1. .' ';..,';;;;::.? ,.":; u-j *?....t i?..n,.y . ;*.i Ui larliua Iln i, -.-.* I'at 'Jifi" K-....-?k- ?? " : v;: ;:,::;?;?:...:.?..:?: \$ ;;:: IWiu*" l-r... IU. llelll I>.'???' ylin :..i- '.'rl . j,.,, Klll I'-'?' I xi I.I.IN'- SWT.KPKTARES. *-o i.A? II. 81.0PM ABBP.B 1'- MH.l v san.. ? l- aaaar. w'. ..?:,,!,. .. ||.j is, I'.x K waili...".".":: no ti ii. r. '???: Pal... af thf lli.i.,a;.'i- l'" I ?'"I' <"' . ????? ""' I il III RAI ..-UANUI' AI'. 88.' KAI ?. -1 OORADBLB. i a in Mii.r. .,?, W'l N"." Wl . .2** . IfJ ,PHa * rta*e . 2 >" ' ??????? ???; ?[;;? | Haiiiiuel kuu. ,'a',,.t V li'VlM-l'd*'. Jivi'i'i' ItAi K-.**WKKPaTARI?. 818 RACH, 81.000 AOliKO VVII.TI.K WKLlim*. Al...OWAMl>. ,,M. Mll.l.. "N HU '-.*-^s V'.ii U"' ?Si"1'' i n >??'? SI .li.lui . '-" I.. tt r llanre .. . 1-" l,.|., . '-'J l.n.ntln- . II' l.ltll- AJd.'l . I'" tsuilia UaijaT .... li I, 13 . 120 .11. I'i. .1. llall*..... ... r!?.^""" .."" -Irv llambier.-J 1 irat ru. ?? Bt t p. BJ. i.v BIRR RROTIIERR' TRACK AT RORRlitTOWX. Tliere are not many half mlb* trotUng traeha x? btan tlfnjl* - Itiat. d and xn .'iiinpl.'to ln cv.-ry dc.ail ax Umt t,i 'I.. ixlre Unith.-rx at, Ron lat '** Ba N- J- Ahout 1.'.. *> pcuple iixxf.i.hhd Ua-re ycaterday, tu.- Int day of the UKb-lliiK Tha -'inr* h-i aa* a full on.-, und the ,,1-idx rui.'d fairlv targe. Every aaat waa well cn usated xon.c nf thc BnUhc bilng eluae aud ridUng. Tbe l.ri.i'.a'Uin^x were tnUvenad by a pararbate de amnt tnaa r belghl of ahont nne Ihonaaml lc-t by I'r.fx.,,:-; Uonahl. Thc y.-ai-idd rme v*u* aiiitnlabad; and, cmI.,x,vc of thal the c.rd fur ... daj baa threa rneca for tmr?a ta tha 8aT7. 8:40 uim '' :J"'!ii''oo<l.A^ TROTT1RO. Pt'lURIxRRt. yr:V.,.L,,,:,:,h".-. "liMR j t 11 K,l!T"'h': ,v,.:irv^: i | l \ i_~?h _*_*? ?-?_ . il'iuii-l il 5 a 5 (,..?. ii.i.iia.., I?. a. iC'iiaa-amai dl*. ?'Uv.,"-i. i. i. ...iltejiiebtai di*. |:2I n.ASs-Tlli.niVi. IMTISK BSSR ,., ,,.. i. a ? ..IA. Duiihanii 4 11] Vlolln, b. g.. (Sinltl.) 14 4 4 K.'r"ii?.>ii. b. ??.,1.. I.i,.i!...n.> :. :? ^ j; ^a^rMorar:*':::.::::::::.**??< llll IttSif V"?r B. iK. Tnrn.'r. <l dla. VOUR-YEAR-OLBSAXO I'NDElv-TROTTINO. PVRRR ? ''.'tO. *** Aatorla. b. m., by Kenturky Wllke... ..(H. SmUh. 1 1 National. b. a......;;( Tnull dla. Wllliair K. b. g.....(l' dia. ?^kl,r,nce'blkTUx-i:ri.lV'.:8.V BUTTRO TU.DTTINO tTOCR l? KENTl'CKY. Chlcago. Sept l.-A dlspatch from Lwlngton. Kp., mv.' "The heavteat deal ln trbttlng horaea thU ytar r?dow belng carrled on here. Some of the atock; haa bee^aeoxued, but the parttaa taioreated are adthaoldtof I tho lnfornuitlon from the publle untll the deslred nam ber is obtalned. It baa leaked out Uiat Monroe Souls biiry, the Califbrnlan, has placed wltli the flrm of Hia.-tleld & Tipton here $80,000 to be lnveated ln trot.lng brood mares of the best hrod stralr.s. It ap peaiia that Mr. fleiilfl*mry has un Idea of his own ln breedln^'. He owns ihe two gnat stallions M.mroe. I'hl.f . -J : 1 ra 141 aml Liirertor ,2:17,, and it ls to breod t.i theae horses that he is endeavoniig to seiure those MrLArGHLIX TO BE A JOCKEY AGAIX. 1IE ItETUluN'S TO THE SADDLE TO RIDE FCR THE HELLGATE BTAbUaB AN'D Wllal. Tr.AIX XO MORE. MeLaughlln, Anierlra's foremo-t Joekey ln all the years that he rodo upon the turf, will renirn to the siiddle. Frank Ehret, who recently bought Theodore Wint.'rs's hor=es, intenil- to ito In for mcing ou an e.tlenslve sCKle, and ha* engaced MiLaughlin to rido for him BBSt irawnn Tlll thc dr-t of Januai-y the Joekey wlll tontliiue to tnilu Plirre Lorillard's stahle of the ?fcaifcfj rlfllfl horses, thcu he will 9* haek to his old That he ls still tho ld.,1 of tho rarlag UBaiBMBBltJ araa made app;irent yesterday hy the apptaaflfl that pi-ivt.-d hlm when he nale out on I'hllo-ophy, his flrst moiil.t this year. lt Is under-tood that he wiu rlde from tlme to tlme la weltor wel?ht rarea durinc tlie nrBiallBllB" of the skkwu. ThoiiRh MrLaiighllrf has had falr surcess as a tralncr, he has not been enUrcIy happy ln his new ralHaff. Mr. l.orillard ls weil aatlsiled with the way in whlch he has BBBflUed tbe Ranrocn* Stable, and the rclatloaa betweefl owaer aml txalner have been of the pteafleateet po-sible deseription. ?? I have been tftliiklnir of Kolnp: baek to the aaddle for s-veral montlis.-' MeLaaaJttla said yesterduy. He had Just left the Jorkeys' room. after takhag <>h* the colors in whlch he rode Phlhiflophy. and was still bn-athing fast from the "Xhaustion of that hard tlnlsh. ?? I don't llke tralnlne. and now that I am uble txi get down in arabjJrt wlthout inu.-h wastlng. I aiu auxlous to rlde agaln.* ?? Wliat Is joiir welpht now"' ho waa ii'ked. "Stripped, I wclgh Just 121 pounds. I dldn't liave to do any work to get down, elther. Im lighter than i aam beaa ln taro yeara wlthout i-oBBtderable waatlBg." ? BfbBt weJfbt will J-OU have to make. with Mr. Ehret ."" "Tha roatraet h laat I rid.- at ijo pounds. To rall MrbiuKhUn u hu-tler sutus up ln one word aearly all hla nerfertioaa a- a joekey. 'ihe dutionan deiinitii'ii of this vord is not half broBd eiiouirh. bat tbe world does BOt have 10 go tn Woii.-.*er or \\Vl,.?ter to learn it- ni.-:iniiiK. lt had II- (I'-velopu.ent aud prop.-r iipplliatinn In the wild and wm.llv regbrrn rf our .omnioi, lountry. :u,.l has apread wherev.-r Aatertrafl push and enrrgy bare peaetratea*. To aaatle. Ib short. BBBUM lo iret there br Ihe Bbrheal eut. itettlng there nmd" MeLaaglillB'fl tame nnd e*lal'hahrd tv Aaaerlrafl m-BooI of rtdlng. Xo other Jockey ever rode ,is MrUacbUn <lld when ni thc plnnarle of hl taate. Turfmrn will t?'ll you ou Ihe ?p?l of tfw BtaWBeat thal rarea are won at the tini-r:. im, when adtlaed t > <*>.< ikter aertonaly tlie atyb. and method ol MiMaghbn ihey wlll udmll thal numi ..f hla raeea \"f(V"i a? the beglnnlng. In rertaln ie*pcet? other |.w??ey? :..?? htfl eqtiai*. potalbry h,? wiperlora. Iut aa :> 'i'l"'' "' two year-okl* be aaa uevei apprmclied. lt w.i- ini the T. V. ?'? h- made tu- name. ifcte the Rngllafc art nf Valtlng a i- ., glaaatrmw expedleBl. Kngllah Joekey ImiiortaibBM. -nh -is llayaard. lutriicc. Keakea hu.I lo.|e||o. h.i.l t~'r OWfl over a di-tat,'.' of groand. l.m when it raaw To a <ia-h >.f Ive. aia or teven furtonga they were bopeleaaly outcla-aed. MrUaghliii would have Ibe rare won befnre they c?.t falrlv aUrted. Wh-n iu tl," cmphry "f the l>w.v r lie rode Ihelr twn-year olda al exer. i?e and teughl tU-m ,>,-? irt of grttlng a? ay. No tnatter ? Here be hiik'hi I " ,,.;.., tbe .tartcr dmppcd ln- red :!?.-. he wa, In vuriably In the Hal ai Ihe end -f ihe u:-t aixteenih. ,.;,,;. |Uving .:." a'hl al h:- ba?k, he aoold tjike , e,. ,[. j. ,:i ,r Iut inouBt, <"-i\ hlm Into hla atriOe. ,--,.. ?,?.", ,i .1...:,..- :?' ,?.ver i r aih. aud ln tlw lioiui SriHejii roimi away an ea-y ataner alth Ihe B.M I iu 'be a meni il relail >n between He tilauauon or ci' i*? - .....,-? -?--? -? ??- . Wi hl" monniaa The b?.r*a*a he mde b'-ame d -pi it- l-rs ,n Ui" l-.tmi'-'h-r.' ,- '?" -u:vr I'Vl.lea.,' nf m, j,?'i..'v'a fall-aad tha baay toagac af iraiBfal t..r Ui^ I'^'.-d'di-h.'.ir.on.d he bft the I.wyers and ,.,.., J-ith th.' t'hleagii stail" f"r th- -m-.... of I--'-' r t !?? 'imt u."- raln-a! hlm mdlilng. IVel.-W -md dia . ,- ?.,,.n, ..Mii.iou hlm. H" wa.- ui'dir eontraet toXTll*Ba?-, but fonndlt well n?blB.B.r<M.lB .,,.., ,.?,,. it. is.-.. -??i':'f'!\?'-.--i'": .:.*;,':"..7.!.: ...,-;i'l :in-l lalired frmi Ihe -u'ldl ?'.?,', inrliv-l lu'rodea tea tlme, lur AnmM ,-rt i Vi ll..'1:1:1. when i:,."l,'..l. Uni-rl and aaltat.* ? ..'?,,? i wi-lght whi '1 ''.?W '? 'I" " ;th?.H I-" i-iu.-li redneli'g i" Auat-i-t I'".':' I?:illanl e.ic?K?l uBfl-iBih-thrtbito..?; ?-'?'"l!'l;,;i)";!..aj.:.. :,; ititi.-. iM-cai, ilu-i** mi Jiinuari I. I.i-ti.illi- ?'? "i 1 ' .,.? ,, , 1 ??..',, \. .'.. an ?"'? '?!'-,' 'I' ">?<?? !l '" "*' .?',',,I th.- wrlier ???>- mu<-h ea-i.-t Hnui rlitlna.. MelJiiiKfilUi'a iveplbaial -'-'H "" th- ,. V ? - ..-,^..1 hln, ? - little fuil.?"'? ?' dl-M. "' -'?"'i1'1:!. ., ,1 ,? . 1 ,. Iiiiiaop ra.i's, .,-. ,:?', 1 1 lii!B' aml : ?, ? 1 ?? ? .;-". ,-?:|! ..*!,.. ?fl., 1.1- ? llrh it IJ?v;;a?*h liarriMHi end llamlli ai. V* ?' l?dc? ?? I"*'" ?T '"'VJ r.,ili.-d wllh Haiwa,*!. Ihall alu.Ill Allien-B ii;. ..,'., , im ." in,: i,"i artiet. whlb- ln a rtnvinc fliil- 1 ,?,, ,,B?i?.Hi and llatntlt.m fnaj.,...,il.\,?^\Y*]J*\Z\ ..-I-,.. ia- .-i|."n,.:-- I'.ut lak.' hlm all ln all ?e -.-iii nul -"? hit lilav agaln tlll we again -?? Idm. ? ? .?.iRi.l'i \n > 1 HAI.'i.l:s M'rT REFI rED. ?; ||i; m v\ -t: V < ItH m. > Ull .< l?M? '-N ' r: N ,?..! RT. ," 1, ,an, -. ?, 1 .-i-..,i . rh. |. :.. .nl ? fllmlt 1 ti i'i ', ol < ...I." a ,- t"da? i"i''.::.-i l'? Uf - irt 1,,; railu.f to refute tlie rharge- m ? mpllilO allti the liaml.ler.4 aml Uw bteafcer* ree-ntly itudc bj Kdwaid t .rnitaii lin- per-ai lu ? ' ill iHed l? ;"' ' ln,,:l r nirl reatralnlng Miyor < >vgl, 1 f. mi HH- rfrrtns w.lh tlie We t rlde Pari. n .- trark iliartied ti" Mavoi and fblef "' l'"l.' ? with rei Ivltia- revemie fr an ih? Kam blhu'deiia. P"'I ...'iu-. i'ti-1 ?.'. r I.aI-- n - >rir ?: I ?? , I.. A - ; w... ii.'if'l WlLtl Jtl'l-"' lliflfliill ln i.pen .'outt loday rriilel id tlir Ma?or lor md re (at ng theae aerioua , hariw , ?I .-nn -?,pn-il." sii.i llie niort, "thal ik? aa*w lu b's-i, m,.i" ,u tm- Bialter lt aaa ihrre weeks a.-... thal l rraiited tlu- Itijnmtioii. and II a ia onh ., fca day- later thal l wr?t.' .1 lelfif t" tlu- < a-portllon i,,.,,l ,,r i!?, -t.iti.i.' th* charc-a iiwat?i Hiri nt thr adml.i.-t.alio.. ?.,-? -eriiMis. aud Ilul 1 W.'iill I'.'Mrt. ',! ,"\ I ni" '" >U*V bim an upp utuiillj I., iitfeiid i'i- Blh--atlM.* 11 he .. draiivd. II- haa lal 'i in? adv i'i'-, :?? "f ait willingiie?? '?? i."a.- the m-". |.,,- tlsr* weeba l l?v.- 1.u ia'ni\ ln hi-ar an appli.a tion ln -I aolva Hi" InjBiu ll.ui. ln Ihi- w t\ rvldeuee rwiW be laken. and I w..iil.| alb'W .1 lull li.-^i II- nf Wtli.i?e- ihi ln-':, -id" ?' -\ri. M.,i WlllillU t" t.i." up the .'.. I. .t h' any tlme ? ? ihe .lull.:'- araa a-li- .1. -li-rtainlv. II i- a pllbllr atfali-. and 1'ie p.*..ple -!,..?l?l l.n.'W all iil"'i.' "? " Ihe Mhv.i" 1. -1 an\'..? t.i tiiV" ,1 trUI, I will a. il,,.' h.n, at ali\ tlme upo.i glvin*' BotliX' t" iipi'i'iut ."un-":.'' TIIHEE ' I'VTHVT /..l/;../'.'f.'/f.S KTOPBED. l'i-l,.'i i,.,-. .-i.i.riie. oi the Kiir'-.tu ni Ihe llargu OfJti-e. ii'iiii.t vi'-ti'tslav th,-" ,n--n Who univnl IMI tlie 1'cr-lan Mnii -.11 wli'. are rontrnt lu!oiv:> ofl Ih r nu,, ,,iii.'ii--l..i,. Thelr ii.nne- ure Lnala Dekvuls. LtBteea Veta. and iia?iBve Llelwehnfc They ni"t" afltdavlta tha. Ih-nry Mela wrote to t'i.-i, fmat i'iti-is thal be wiaiW lii> ? lo engaia* Hb .11 ui tai>" <aiv ..f hla hrawefl lhal he was goiag bi Imporl on tbe l*rrabtn BERMUDA BOTTLED "VOV Mt'ST ?.<' TCI IlKKMI UA. IP TOf DO NOT I. wn.i. XOT 111: i;,.M',.N-ini.i; f*?? TIIE CMflB' QIIMKS.' -'I'.ll'. U.M I..K. 1 ' AN APTORD NKI I HEIl Tlll'. TIMi; M'.l 1 "'I MOXEi ? ' "Wlajlala, ll' XIIAT Ia lMlliS-lltUi . TllV SCOTT'S EMULSION OF FURE NORWECIAN COD LIVER OIL. I SOMETlMl'S (ALL IT BERMUDA BOriLED, AXD MA.M lASES Ol-' CON8UMPTION, BROyCHITISm COUGH or SEVERE COLV l HAVE CUHED H'lTH ITj AXD THE ADVAXTAOE lt THAT THE MOS1 Si;XSlTIVR STOMACM CAN TAKE IT, AXOTIIKK THIXO WH1CH C0MMEXD8 IT IS TIIE BTlVtXATlXU PKOPrUtTIEa <*+ iiit, HVtVu PHOSPlllTEb WHICH IT COXTAIX8-" rtp* Bearare of leilUtlona.-Tha orlgiaal SCOTT'S EMULSIOX U put up ooly lo Sabaaa colet wrauoer. aud la tn aalo br AiL DuCooisia, EDISON The Edison Eloctric Illuminat** ing- Company of NeW York an hounces a reduction of prlee, tak injr effect Oct. 1, 1890, to the rate of 1 eent per hour for each l'J-candle power lairip, and pro portiouate rates for larger lamps and for niotors. The Company has for several years supplied light and power by its underground conductora through inany of the leading busi ness and residential streets down town and uptown, and is now largcly extending its connections. It is also increasing its facilities by a new Annex station in the Produce Exehange Bnilding, and is building a large station near the City Hall and dry-goods dls trict, adequate to supply 150,000 lamps. The electrlc light reduces the danger from fire incident to gas or kerosene, and the Edison light is the safest and-suirest of all elec? trlc lights. Are lights can be sup? plied from the same wires as in? candescent lamps, and turned on or oif at will with perfect safety. The Edison low-tension current is absolutely liarmless to hiiinan life. The current al.sosupplies power either for heavy machinery or for light household usc, from the same wires as for light, and the light has the advantage of adap tation to many ornamental pur poses?as riecorations for dinners and parties?in addition to its frcetlom from delcterious gascs, Hicker, etc. It is the intcntion of the Com? pany to lower priees from tlme to time coineident with the increase of its busiuess and the eonsequent decrease of cost per lamp. The Company lias a AVirlng De partinent, whieh will give est-i** niates for wiring huil<li?igs, or it will aceept the wiring of other wire-titters after thorough inspec tion and approval by its experts. Estimates for wiring, informa*, tion as to light and power, etc., will be furnished on application, personally or by letter, to the General Offlce, 432 Fifth Avcnue. New York City. A SAMPLE CHAfflBER SUIT (ln our Klnor rrpre-rnfa tn;?, flltr to flae hundred BCiaa uiiiilo. nnd ia nfii-n ?old inuiiv liinea oaer lo a iU?, ao aou ?<-i- llie -;..i' e iu .liuu ii la very iinpor iii nl. bul iinaa ia Nlli-il ha 11 -liml.- lif. over auit of *>|irtn? *>.n.'k, vali'.li iiiii-i ?i-i out. eaen il'aivrii atvuy ua flrea vtiiod, ihrrrferr arr aaarb Ifarai daarn io prb-e* a? rlienp liuu anu avuiild be li-iupied lo buv for lu.ure j,rni r:i>>ini?. I Iu ileUaerv r?i, aviil. your romenli-nre, aa there la> i.ii-iii) ui roiiii in .1,.- aaaaaakaa in...-.' wnt uoor. in v or thi: >i akeh, GEO. C. FLINT CO., ri kmiiki: MAKBatS, 104. 1 (lll .t\o I0S \VI->T 1 ITH-*tT. vi, i .ir-. it to A.Mi'ia. in il have lliem warfc fur hin: oa i,. hirni tn llllf.d*. M i.'!",i-d the i.?t ram bbbbj r.'i. .. ii.-.tit't aud the la-l mail fio. If tlie raa? ia i;,.\.il ...?.!?:.-f Mr VetB h" vlll h? din-d f.l.OWt ai.iaai for earh runim-t labmvr he latported. ;\ n //// the sew MOSTB, poiXTS "\ 5tUlf.Rr. MBI i., aiiORT r *UH ea Di :,Ds ivn ii" i-'iiiv OF M.iini; v.',K>. tieveral Iflipurtanl lawa, m..-t nf a-hlrh have hee-n d.-. i- -"I Itl II," I rll'Utie tv.-i'titly, gu int.i eff-i t tod n . AataHig th" ainefldBtenta t'< Ihe flenal rode ur.' ihe a'.ti. hni'.'iA -ciii.iii aad ihe tarw law aaalaal Hbal Tho new I,: i-i U? imi.e. au*r aera <a gntltp >.f liia'l "?lm allflllll -l.-i"-. dellveta ,,r tnin-.nit-. l.v any n.ean* ahatrver, i" Ha ataiiBfir cdllnr bbMUIbb* ar laflaarfag if nny ,,.?-|i.,|nM-. Btflaatsiae, puhii.;,.,.parhaflral or aerlal. f", paldkallain taareta, aay llfardteaa atat.-menl roiieendng any per->:i nr rorparBtlata, ;,..d therehy se? rai - Iha artaal pi.Mi.n.iui. <>f ihe mbbs." I!;.' Uw i? lef-iviue ... liflhery f'Thl.l- the rerelvlnf of an>> l>> uii eaVtal f?r au ad .oniio ted altb lu- ..itn i.ii dutiea. Other im- uhlih ga lato rtfert t.nlay are those ro. lalina in d'-'i- and BiiNrlgBgra, irae ?>f them pr>* -. .iie- ,t -!,-?:?! I'luiii for d.1< and BBffllflflUBat, whh li mtual be ii-"t u.-.l. r ii |.,-;,:iliy af *.". as an SStlB f"B lor ree.a?dlng eaeh rouvejpaaa in wblrh Iba l?>.n; f..,-m i- uaad. Am ihi.- urw l.iw raaaBBBi the tllinit ^.f a ;, i.r that any iil.irUa.i- whitl, ha.- hia?n recorded n .ni' lhan t'l.-iii icara i- -ull iu fome. and t*ke- away t',?' m'i urltv "f tl.e Iflder of a Bta*rlfl*aBB whieh haa beeo. d,e i.iolo Unill ttva-ut.. >".ir- Bnteafl llie BflAieS ls lilcd. fUtEM FitR BWIBM SIXHISU SOdETIES. ?|.'? thoaiaaad geoafe aaaeaaafed a, *CajBaB8a*aaa IHrb ><?-;. lainy t > witne? the . inMiiR rxerrlaaa ot the ?adaa. ABk.*rb*an islngtna aca i.-.i"-. Tho pr<.i;raj?mc fi? a, nf BWtBUalBg. -nin.tllli: and llthlcUi' rn|ite-t- la ft iK-ral, aud ,i,e aarardlBg <>f arlaea. Aa lnteroting fi-atuii- ?f the da.V- rtaiiiiiu-iit wn.- the parade of a ti'iinhcT ,,f arumra an.l raiMrra in tl.e t***9*M nf the diileivnt >?,-- , aiiton-. Thev were reeclvett with rheer- a-herever Ih y veat. Thc pn/.es coiislated nf allrer eafakta. >p.?ei-. atUauB and numey. They were roatrthtrted l.y Uk- Baeaabera >.f tlie ditierent ?o .:i"tie- and were w?.-th i.n-r IIJOOO. The followlng -la.etii* rereJved artae* r.r arti-tn' Bhaajaci Hrst pn/.e. Wllliam MI .?..< i.-ty, ..f lina.kl.Mi: Bardaaf. (Srutli Maiiiierehor. ..f New -York; thlrd. sweltier Mannerchor, ,.f rtdBBlrlf hla * toirtb, Jura Naaaaarraar. af Near. York; ilfih, .Man.i.'r<l.or ilelvetla. af New-York; slxth, NMielle fhorale Helvetlenne. of Xovra York. The MlaarlBg M'.'Teti.?. ir-.-lvett prizea for BopahBT ..iii8ii.?: eautla Maimerthor. af New-York; ..rutli Maiinei'hor. <>f l'at.r-on. N- J-! 'iruinenstelnj Ui.artet ( lub. of We-t II..Ik.U.>i : ILIvetU Ma.nen-hor. S Alleglieiiy. lVtiu-. and the fltoeataar Maimenhor, oi l'*Tiiie"nrNt vrite for thc rostume taafaat w-.t> awarded to Mlal laSS M-hiid. aeeoad t.. Mlaa .fStataafj J?h..?irhel tldrd to Mr.. Mur/eneiriPT. fourth to S i r-ii and 11 ft li to Martha lllralg. Iu theas ?nrT.ilta tbe IrS prUe-a-lnners have th.- nrMleee of rabtBC the ?rat clwlee from ihe IM of pri/es orTejvH ? rli. ?iBflilnln8 wlnners do ihe sanie iu Uie order rtr tael? S*********M ?onti*U..ts. The judjfea SraraMaiMBplchrr, Dr. II Mohr and I. Lund. Tlia n7iT nYeetbia- wlll be held at ratersou. N. J.. ou Sep. [ember 1. 1602. a THRF.E ORE.VT LIM1TEU TRAINS. Every day In tlie year the New-York Central aenda out from Grand Central StoOon, New-York, ttrea great limlted trains to Chlcago. ?t. Loul* and Clav. clnnaU. Thlfl llne U atyled by the pi^eae of two 888*1 tlnenu "Amerlca'i Greaaeat ftallroad." ?* .