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waa aeoompanled by the Duke and by her dauchter, and tho party was well recelved. AMKRIOAN- IN SWITZ__RL__S*_>. Amerlcans are well to the front at all tho most frequented. botels ln Kwluerland this season, aml fcaratoga trunks and monster dresa-baakets crowd the oarrldors. The ladlea, yrung and oM, dreas and rhat all day long. The elderly men smoke and slt silent, "meditans nesclo quld nucaruni totus ln 1111*," as Is tho manner of th.-lr nation. Young male Ainerlca ls. perhaps fortunatoly for his fellow-touri-te, foebly represcntod. FP.ANK UICKSKE'Si WOKK. The plctnre-book of the year will bc Frank Dlchvec's - LUuatratlona of Othello," whleh will be tho next in stalnicnt of Inteniatlonal Miahespeare. a work which, after tho faahlon of tlie times. promlses to rar.k as b rival to thc famous Iioydcll thaJwapaare. Uirksfe's prevlous taak, " Itomeo and Jullet," costs 50 per cent rnore now tlum Ihe prlro at wulch it wus publlshed. Would-be pui*lia-xers should bc on the alcrt. MR. .JP-J1EUT AND HIS BM UO<?. Dn Maurler'a blg dog Chang, who dlcd a year or two ago, is, in point ol alte at all ev.nts, 88 be ocllpsed. W. _. Gllbert, who has been atavlng at Carlsbad and la much benctitud by tho cure, lias thcro purcluiaed an absolutely enonnous dt.g. wliich he ls brlnglng with hlm to Englaud. EDMCND YATES. TBE DALT COMFAXY AT BVME AGAIX. THEIR ARRIVAX, YESTERDAY MORNING?ITNEX AMPLFD 9VCCESS IN IaONIXDN. A b-nd ot victors. wlth laurel crowns-flgurativo ones at least-arrlved in town early ye*ter*lay morn ing on the Servia. It was Mr. Daly'* company. whleh has been pla>iug for tcn weeks at Henry Lrvlng'* Theatro in Loudon, and haa won sueh honor* as lt is more than safe Ut say no American artUts evor won beiore ln Englaud. Tha memhere of tbe company all well and had enjoyod the voyago for tUe most part. though tho sca for a few days waa c-ceedlngly rougli au*l ncarly all tho pasacngers on board were more or le.xs aaaaaaR. But a safo arrlval and the ron eciousneas ol a genulne OrTumpTI abroad more thau caaipeiisatsd for auy auoh Uttle lnconvenience. The Daly Company left New-York ou May 31. on the Aurania. and opeued its sea-xon at tlie Lvceum Thoatre on Ju.?e 10. It was well known ln E igland, but the engagement of th!s Bummcr far cx oecded any Bj*aj*rlB8_l one ln popularliy witli tlie public aud with the cntlrs. The performance* of tlie com pauy a* a wli^le were frecly doclared to bo BBJMB passed by anyCiing of tlie k_nd that bad. ever been seen ln Etigland before, and Miss Rohau. well known aa *l.e wa.x alrcady. was rcgarded aa a rcvolatlon. Aiuong the playx pro.sentod at the regu'.ar perloriuancea and at beneflta were "Scvcn Twenty-Elght," -Namy * Co," "-*? Tannng of the Sbrew," " Miss lloydcu'* llasbaaaj.1 "A. You Like It" and "The Grc.u ln kiaTwu." lt was on " A* Yoa Llke If that the most abundant pralse was lavished. but the Other plays were by uo nieaus ncglected. Thf membera ol tl.a eoaaaaay wlm havre n?w returnod mnst feel that they hav won man. friends and bronglit back a great dt?tl of glorv. Th.* friend* who weleome them honie shoiild ai.o teel that tlie trluuiph ix one for Ameiioans and one of wliitli they. aa Amcricans, may well V* uroiiJ- , lilihard Pornev, Mr. Daly a katflaeas manager, who ae.t u> Fnrrnrt- the toatpany, rame bat k about a week ago. while Mr. l.alv UB8*elt, aho went a few w-**__ ln advaiiiv, ls still in Europc. He w.ll return -fit'i Mii. Dil'? aud Mwx Rehaa '.ti about r*vo Reaka. Jol'.'n Drjw will also remalB obroart for a Bhort tlrue louger. Tho companv will phay short ongageine-it*. ln two or throe other rtttea boforo op*uiiig tiic rtsgular toa-un at tho liome theatre. WT_>_?7.V<;?. Charlos Hamlin Wlnslow, of Tho New-York TribJiic. and ali_s Hannah ilaraaea MflBTi aaaafhVf of Cuptaln Learia 8. Edgar, were man-ied yeat.-r_ay aiterr.ixiij. The weddlng waa a qulot ai.d pr'Uy one and took plaee st tho nome of the brlde'* paieuu, No. 1,050 aR-Beni Boulevard. fRB Hev. Jtrfin B. Devlna. of Hope G-Bjpel, officiatod. C'aptalu Edgar gavo the bride away. MiM R'inana, a elose trlend of tlie brtde, w_s bri.le*m_ld. B. J. Mooney waa b^t man. The brtdo waa dre-sed lu a travelliuK ctietunie in alate color, wlth liat to niat? h. 6he carrled a blg bnnch of wlUto ro-oa. Mlfc- Wlnans w_> atttrx-d ln gray and plnk and carrled a bouQuet ot roses. AmoDg those present wero Mra. Wlnslow and tlio two Mlasea Wlnslow, of Wa-hiiigton, tho mothor an* slsK-a of the bnde4*rooTii, Mra. U8J0K ?nd _Da8 Jf__' Mr. and Mra. He.cker. oi byracuse, LoiUs JU. Alyord. ot byr?cus-. _ia-iai-4BBt of tlie bride; Mr?. OraJTfal*. ol byracuae; Mr*. ilars. Mrs. Kemblc. of Htarnlord Conn.. A. L. Maekaye, OT The Trlbrne, aud C^ptain J. c. t. Oray. of tha Brltish Anny. After the eer*_nonj- Uicre waa a luncheon. At ti p. m. the newly__'?_"** c*?-P'e kft New-York for a weddJng tour tJiroi__h the vVcst. Mr. Wlnslow i* one of the most popular memnert of The Trtbune aUfl. He has done able work in the elty and aa a cwmipoadont _p__+_W_t ____2_" ** oeived many handaorue preseata from thelr Menex. Chicago. Sept. l (Special).-Albert 61dney Jobnston Magruder. a woll-known Chicago attorney and brothar of Jnstlce Magrnder. of the |tate Supreme Cawt, a-j* mamed laat evening Bl tjoqth Haven ta Miss Nanett* Jood, daughter of (olooel Road. -? ? W/T?f TBE BOTSOS AT SOVTHAUnOS. Tlie lunchoon and nieot given at Southampton, L. I., on faturday afternoon, by Mr. and Mx?. Albert eterena, ot Uie Hampton f'lub, to Xtx> Easex County Hunt, of Orang". N. J., waa a eliarming aucoeae. Alter luncneou, Mr. Stewart, M. F. H.. brought out the tounda, and the ridtra were aoon moontod and a?som bled in the fleld weet of Mr. Stevena'a bouso. Tho flekt aud lawn preaented a brllllaiit scene, with pretty women. men ln plnk coats, and the d-ag- *aA traps.. The hom sounded, and away the ndare atarted, tAking the fencea to the weat. TurnLag toward tho nortb.. a clrouit ol aome ulne nilloa waa made. Then tha coursa ran to U?e Fair Loa groutid*. wlth the flnish on the lawn of irr. Thomas. Tha hounda kept well On Uio scent. and feuces and Iiodges were taken by Uio akilled ridoM and trained ho-?ea ln eiceUent fomi. BJoat of those followlnic Ui carriagra drew up on HUI Bt. whlch ruus out of the Crldgehampton roaA toward U_> oosan. Mr. titevens was Brat at the rinUh. The followlng are tho membera of the E**ax County Hunt Club who are now ia fconthampton : J. A. 6t?w art. Jr.. Mr. Stewart. MJ?- Matcalf, lleury Page, John C VVilin*?rdiug. Jr.. John Farr, W. W. Tu.ker, Charlea Pfiser. jr., and John Hllbretli. Ar ong those who were at the luncheon and hunt were Judge aud Mra. Brady, Judgo and Mi*. Daly, Mr. and Mra. Sydney Harria, Mr. and Mra. Robert 011 phaut. Mr. and Mr*.. Humphreya Mr. and Mr.x. r>Jl, iii and Mra. Charles Urown. Mr. and Mrs. Moran. Mr' a-id Mrs. HeuderaOn. Mr. and Mr*. Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Mr. ai.d Mr*. (?r*ru. Mr. and Mrs. Vorton. Mr. and Mw. Townaend. Mr. and Mr.. Cliarlex p.a?**1v Vr. and Mra. Arthur Peatody, I>t Cliaiubeis, lir atd Mr*. Thomaa. Dr. Porter, Jmlge Kilbretfc and M-ia KUbretli. Mr. and Mr*. william t?. Hoyt, tlie aajaaaa Uucr. the Uev. Dr. Wllson. Uif U-v. Dr. EaUia !o:a and Mra. Kalnxford. Mr. and Mlsa Parrlah and ilerbrrt Rattcrlea._ * -> TBXSIS O.V STATES ISLASD. The flnal* in both alngle* aud double* of the S~tU*n IsUtid Auiletle Club tournament were liutshed yester dav. Theae are the sroi-e*: Doublea-P. E John~on and J. Y. G. Walker, Stftton I?l_nd fricket and Iiawiniil Club, beat John F. llubart aud F. H- Lowrle. New-Vork Tennla Club, 0-4, 0?11. _?4*. ti-3, ?? ~. S!ugle??F. E Johnvon. I?u?ten Uland Crlcket Club. beat J. V. G. Walker, aame dub, 4-0, 8-1, 3-8, 6?0, B? 3. tbe raaa/0?.vr ARJ ?_*.v. xurrman to be therb Toledo, Ohlo, Sept. l.-Pre-ldent Harriaon and Gen eral Miermsn ha\i) both arr4*pted lnvltatlo_a *> be preaent at the twenty flrat aunual rounlon of the hoclety of the Army of. tho Cumberland, to be held here. on September 17 and la. Many other dRtlniruiahed men ara also expeeuid. lneluding Geseral Roacciana and eA-Pretldent Hayos. Tue aimuai anidruaa wlll be da hvcred by Geueral liates P. Tbuntoii. tO BXrUQEE ABIZOSA AMD XEW XBIICO. Princeton, N. J., Sept. 1.?Profeaaor Carl Lumholtx, the Norwcglan eaplorer who was made famoua among geographers by hia cxpedlttons lu Australla, ia to explore lowcr New-Mcxl.xi and Arlzona under Uv direetlon of the Amcricaii tieographl* al Mocietv of New-York. About a dozeti men versed in ai-ehacolog}', botaiiy and ?or.Iogy accomj-any hlm. Prof.*a*yir l.Ibbey, Of Prinreton l.'nlvoixlty, who la a geographer a- well aa mathematiclan. k Mmong tli'.* number. The spt*lil object of the cxpodltlon Is to cvamlne the remuins ol the anctent rlvilizatlon. nntedaUng, It la aald, that oi tbe Azteea, exlaiing jn-m< fpallx, in the Oluv Valley In the northweat part of ArironA. Tbe jieeullai' kahtta of tl.a and .N'avaio IndBY-a wlll al?o be cloacly lnvea_guted. a DMALD 0. RlTCBElsL BHEAKH BIS ARB. New-Haven. Conn., 6ept. 1.?Donald (J. Mltehell, better known as - fk Marvel." broke hia left ann yeaterday by falllng off a low rock while walklng about t_? grouiida aurroundlng hia house ln Woodbrldue. a EXJOTIXU LIFE AT CBESBOX. Cicsson Bprlna-, I*enn., Bapt. 1 (8peclaI).-Tha waather to-day was dellghtful, aad eo rulld cauipared wlth Sunday that It enliveaad thtugs up a llttlo at lha Mountain House. Long walka were Indulged ln by many, and In the afternoon Mra. Halford taok stra. McKee drtrlng in her phaeton. They went by a beautlful road to ihe mountain sumrnlt, and spent nearly the entlre afternooti thrre, |n th-; i-veulng thata waa nanrlnt lu tho parlur, und Mrs. Harrlaon waj preicnt._ A FISE VBW BOTBL OFBNBD. X.AVLSII EXPF.NDlTUr.H BY TU". MEBBJtS. OOKLEI -a Tnoitoi'i;n.i.y pirepboov stiuvti'iie. Tho new and lirvproof IIoM Impcriul, ut llroadway and Tliii-ty-s.coiid-st.. was nptrned laal nlghta There were BJUO people Inviied. ln,T,?lii,i; thc (iuvoinors ol all the btaU's, tbe (lovenior aad bh i-'.aff. und tho State, oalflBli <>f New-Yiirli, NeW'Yorh Citv oaVlala, pi-onilneni Imtel men of Iblfl and other eltlefl, and maiiy l'-adiut* rfttseaa. Thc Hotrl linperiul H Wlthoat doubi one of tho bcM and mo-t luxitrluusly fiirnistted boteb It, Ibe rlty. II araa ballt bjf Ihe Gacletfl at n roat of W.iico.ono. Tbe VioBrtetora, Meaara. stanvni and Wkttaker, may well feel pi-oud Of th'-lr Mipcrbly furnish.-'l und Becorated houae. The expondit.ires on thc hotel were lavl.h. yet a reiincd alricanre preralbi wlthout vaigar dl* play. Tbe dec,i-;,!l..ii> are rtrh, bnt rbaate, ;.- ls aeen ln the extjulslle haimony of rolorfl und Ibe blOBdlng of deoorutiw efacta. The pie-is waiidrred <>v,-r t>,. beautifuily lararroaght atoaale feora, tbe anfl aad dell cat.-iv aiiuded rarfflBa, pa--t. ghnariaa n,irr.,^. ebtbornte rotidelabru, fes-tooiis nf BOWera, Ibmugb r.xnn after room Cnely fui-nished and upholstered, ar.d ate a kfeueruiis dlnner. The main corridor ls partirularly rl. h ln l!s decora tlont. T),e w;,ll- are of'flnely Btatrbed Afrlcau niurblc, and they extend clcar up lo Ibe Mese. The edling of the corridor, witli sliRht inwllflcailons. la a rcpro ductlon of tlutt of ihe Vatieaa in liuine. and I* of ? de.ply ludent'd dCbirtii. tlnUhed ln p;,l" blue aud pold. The (iinlng-roon). on tho rlgbl of tbe ataln < orrtdor, iN iu, exact niBtadartlwn of tbe awadaBr of Marie An UMnette, and ls. flnlshed ln whlle aad goM, plvlup a rhu>te effect. Th<> <af<\ ricli but alinple, Is Hni--hf4l ln white niahopany. arttb a delinfte hlae and white rrll tnp trinnned wltb r*"id. Thc barrooni u after a pal tern fro.n Lord Bandolph t'ltiii-f hill'- ehalean In Fiaiue. The walaVotliif. Ibe bar-front aad bar-rall ure af >Ic.xK-an onyx. and the i-oom ls llnlshed ln llflecnth eenturv oak. Tl,e b.fty flreplare. ln Ibe rrar of tbe maln corridor. and Iha BTnnd alainaae, bnth nnMu-d lu BBarblefl and tfrxlrati ?n>x. ure two >.f the band aomeat arrhttertaral fnrnlahlnp In tliejbulMlng. Tho aotel 1? tht.roughly fireproof. with lnn and slate stalrs. There are two rlevatora, uiid 3*2*' rnoius, most of them In suite?, und nearly rrerr aarlor haa ? Creplacc. Every room ln thc bnildlng li- rarnlshcd ln luard wood. Steain-heut. pa- aa,d electrtc llchtlng are ln every room. *'j)fc hundred aad thlrty tlve roonia have batba, with .mtflde eZBoaare und vi-utiliition. The bolel I- uow open t? Ihe publk, ruonis Lciiiff from B* upward, on thc Europcau plun. COXTESTIMJ FOB BCFBJSMACJ IB 0BEB3. KBBOVtB OP THE TI.N'TIl AXB FXEVEKTH BOVBBB IX THI- MANlHESlER TOt'IlSAMaUNT flJXA\X*MXti Ol' THK PI.AYEKa. Manch?ater. Supt. L-Tl.*, rf.uud of Uie u>t*r natlmal ch*aa U,n,..i:r.ent araa j>lay*d io-4av. and r?ki,lUd a* fi'i.o"a . Maaea araa a uame frtm, Maritmar, aba . i?u <i Ra) Iflrpefl. Ibe lonii-r pot a aBalaa .?Uaanl.ii'e i.iilv lii tl.e i o .;,-.-. au'l *i i urct) a \l,io,v .tt'.'r liiii.vtv. u laorea XBBtftty, "be trl?* U,.' |io|iu:ii Quern'a 1'iMii I'lutiliii;. bad to BBbflaH l? :> dijfk*. i.r - <i bj AHpln'a woud.rfHll] briiiurit mmblnaihia. Il.e belUa !.-.?.i f..: tat-uty-alx ?OTaa. Taabaaaaaa, abe pmi".- nd tl.e Vlenaa to ..un.wm, a^bii-v-d a trletary ln lwealy4iBi*r>Bicvea. Tiw Parlalaa pla>>d unelv l? Ibe Bilddle n'.'l fiul of cani". Lce aad tl.e Bcrllaar, Brballopp, aarawd t" flra? a gflaae afte- Uilrty-Uve iwvea. Lef opaced tv;tl, Kt to K 11 9, and ai'.houch Bdaalkpp pot a better mmBbm, l.iru inuinur-'d u. g?t oZ wlti, ,i draw. The b-.'u-s. Beken a?ji,i?t I.k.k n (R,'y Lop< I), SBifaaeh afatiift Ma. ., liile (Uuy Isupt-i), Aoaalp, IU. r>..l iFruaa*) ?,.'i Van Vliri acabiat Owan ,p to Q t? h.m u. i?. adjo'irnod nit. r fott.i t?<>. for'.i -l,\r, fo: ty-U,rr. und forty. ?iKh- ino\^- reapcctiveljr. B.rd d fuated Rla: kburne In' m.-v.'?. Tbu vettran Bprced P t- Q 4. aud f r a ? i., Iii. rab!' tlu..- octth.-r Biayci bad u,iy advaataae. Towaid tin- emi ef u.^ raan. bavatae, iwd ratabiakea a wianiaa paalUaa ?,,d Mrarad. Muil*r tnrd Um l' ">o H R 4 afeolaa ar-?b-"i ijraaabeff, aud co*. de.ii'slly U.r- Uai of the apaattagv Hs'.txl'.g aou.a what bla att^ution. h'- albrareflj CBaaabere ta ffrt a n,a!.r!iil .dvuiita..', whldi BBYC Ihe l.ittei Iba vl.:torj- ln forty-ei,. ItiOVas. TTi? .r.fwnth r.'nirJ waa plajffd rveatBff, nhrn thfl folloRln? \nr- Um r- -.nlt^ : Ulai kburue played U.c llur Lapei acalael Oanala ia ?,id an eveji fn.-i.ij {, ::o?t-d. Ni iUier playef araaM xin'tir.- tiia laaait, aiei at tiie jiviklticu ataa ptrlutttf *\*m imi alaapla, theae riieatem aKrc.^1 to divid.- O.r .-i, i >? a/trr aUmit tw.ti'.y oue BMMrafl, An lrregularly 0|/ened uamu by Maaor. aealnat Tlnaley reamited alao lo a draw after twri,tT-?:\ incvea. Mortinicr acored a ajileL.dld!a teoB -"A ganit uHr: flflj two iuovm attilnkt thc Iliriln^r. Scballapa> il-.r iott. r iultlated a "BuBltb" aud git a lad aaaltlaa in Ui* mtddia af Uie paitie, and Mntiiiucr, dolim hl. baat, latfaad lraaHrtf'i raaljnatlon. Another draaau battlo ?aa b*t??-n l.?>, o. a and Muil.-r. Tkt latirr piayed u.? bjUBIbb BeJaaea, and Blthaaajh bfl g*t 8 tllfatlT mferlor jioaltlou, ha BUUMBPfld t" draw flftri* nu\.h w<re leicrcrd. Echeve auccredtd in bruttii^ tbe ll-v. Mr. Um-a l? farty.??vta movra. Aa u.'iul Ihe Utfa r adaptefl] ti, ? laarrtarl oitfttivg. Kl ?*? k ii <t. s i,i-m- gct a pull ahortly uffr tlif opealag n.ovi. uiid lliully acoitfll bj pretty play. aIjjiI,,, who tri"d tbe I'lii^iiiul apralaf BKalaat Van VlUt. pnt, Um ?oi.t ol It lli ? ;.d yarii* a:,'l had 141 rraaign after forty-elfbt niov--. 'J'ha jjirfiea, Mp.?<iuie 8BBUurt T.< ?? iP t?. Q i 11.--C-.-1 ayaiji.t ***MaaaUuMta (P t-r. K li i.. ai.d Birfl aaaln.i Ci'.a.ip ,P .-' K ll 1 . i.iil t> l*i) ii'ljiiuiiu-U af'i-r f'i:l>-.i\, forty.flve and Mxly-or,- ,.',,,va rraBecUralBj Thc aaBawtaa u a tktutkn ut ui! ti.. fe,...;,.. uu to u. ultht: ,;:,' ,ei i.aii..^ Adji.'iliud (' i.i,,. iupt. |ju;i,.a, Alaitu .^?._. ... 4 I, 1 hri.T.. 8 8 1 lila'ki^un.e . v-j S-a 0 Ooaalii. '_' 7 j oujoabare.'. nhi ?'j d Quaaton . :,-..? .'j :; U-. . -t.- ?" j 2 Ur .11 k . t II I .Mu'K.-ii?!- . - "h ij :: ?la^-? . ". ? - ? 1 MorUmer ,,.. '.-j t.-i ,, ttiulbr. fi a 0 Ow.n. :i 7 i f*eballop . _. '."a '.'.- i S-l" i?. ??? f.'a 4 j j Tarrani-li. ?". :i 2 Taubmbam . .', .-, 1 Tbom d .?. :. ? TUi-iev ,...,. '.-j f.i; li tin Vll.t. 3 ti 2 TMNKIB CHAMFIOSS AT FLAT. CAMPBE2.L AXB K.N'Al'l' fil'.AT III NTIN'.TON' AXB HOBABT AT \; B !' ST. Xowport R. !?? s'l''- ' '-!" '-,ii lli- i.'iiii, t .nrna ment was rwaaaed brra ihla morninr. nnd 'he wisiiher wa*. ajam p'if''t for pla; Inir. Pul iwo maf-bea aen to be played, and a- tlu ?" tvrre b"'h rxpeited lo b' hutJy toaleateal, tbe ?ourta ",, ablch Ibe male'ic arers to uk.- plaee were anrronndrd ilua-.- ;,:,<t foar rows deep altb earlted apertalor*, II a 1- dermed lu-'tlaablf lo plav b,.'h ronteata UiSTtber, In ord, r t-. have peifert light, and botli flrera M;irb?l ahortly after 10:30 a. in- '.'ii tbe coort Boareat ta tbe l*a*iha l.iilld Ini? V. P. Hnniliiknon and ??? B. f'ampbell a?ni t<> play. whlle u rhort foBtaaoe u?a.\ VV. K Knapp and c llabarl were to tr> <on. lusiona. Bolb nf theae Btatrhea weia Importunt, aml earb roalral had ir. fall aaota ?.' on lookera. The llebart-Knapp faine waa Brsl Btarted, and froflfl ihe flral ?ame rai h poial was hotljf ronteapaf. Knapp played rjoae al Ibe net, whlle llubali wie rom pcileil to plav lils atr'.ltea frotn the 1,;,-.- Hltat. Uanies alUTiuitcd untll :i all waa rearhed. Then llobarl w?n tWO Ku.nes in aure'-ssl'iil, o.iiv tn lo.e th" MhlWlnp two. Hobart won U.e vaBtaBB 8*88*8. uml vau* a polnt of the Bet, but Knapp tl.d thr - tv and Rnali' won th" set, 10 n. Thc stend arl waa a- ,To,e aa tli^ flrst, und Knapp V?!" Bdopted tbe aamc lartlrfl Ba ho had ln the f*r<t. ?et. Hcjbarl Biannaed ... inake Ibe ?core "flve ganu's all," aal*f *> baai tbe aet, 7.*.. Hobart now BBBaawd Mrad ual frota his hanl pbty Id the pweodlng soba, and ns a f"-ult Ibe thlrd ard r* ulted ?ri Kiiupp'K favor. B-2. In tlie mi'iiiiime ("i,i,,pl'e|l ;,n<l Huntinj-io.-, waro havlng it bultic royal on Ihe adhanlnc eonrl. Ilunl li.flon plulnly Bfarared his niperi'iiiy in tbe openinn aet, whlch be raptared, aV-B. Ib His aot famplall pla'ved BfltlOTi'ty. and mls.ed in.uiv ea v ? <>i.<'-. The aeeesBl set was Iwtun, aad (un-pi-il uirnctl Ihe ?ui.ies on hi- opnonenl by raailj wuibibv. " -? i'1" .ou wcii bow " l all.- botli men mikle fra-iti' etforu to ciiptare thc thlrd Bet C*nmpbell rnpt ali'-ad ?t iiiat onlv io e pataa-d by llBBtlnirtiin. whi. won the irt* 7-5 TM f'.ur.h -I waa handlly won bv ?amptie'll. iCBa tlelBg the awtc. Ihilh ?,,?:, inja; zn^^w(:^ ? tt w$z **} i\irtr***i*X overv p'.tnt. ?*aiii" ufl'T BBBM WCIlt ??, ( .mplH'll M7iT^m^tSJ^AJffJWZ!Z ?iaf?*iWfj?Lf!?SM "^*w?nj???.i"?araaf BMBt, The scr-s: . ,, .,?_, siaml-ilnal roui.d-o. B. S^Bbrll beat ll. I - 1 ?nt inirt/m. :i--?. ?-?-'. v-7. *-***-?' w' '? ?Klup', beat C. Hobart, 10-?, 7-f). ir-3. ... a? i - A WARE1IOCSF, BVBXRD BT AS IXCBSDIART. A. warehouaa at PlaUiftelfl. X. J-. Bflraed by Frr.ln.uifl B. flUBiUi, aad at*ra4 trtatt ?aU aud vartlaliia., waa itrrj by a-i ln- t-tid a-y la.t i.l.iit. Wil'iln an liotir th? alorcliou.o a.-.d itx eaatrala aeta aaaawaai. Aa adjointng bara. (jt'ii'd l.v II. II. HoTman, aaa also tiuru.-d lo tliu Kround. Jh" fl.-i- leparta Nl wa* almoxt bbBBBB) ao Ucrco weru Ih8 Ttaines. Tlie lcss !a lari<'-. GLA XCES IIE l! K A XD THER E. "There liu-i been for a long llnio a growlnc fVvllng of di-ini.t among ni'-n who lnvo oui- pfvlos-tofl for lt- lf." ..Uii un artor, ?? at u eertalB clasa of peapla woaaea ...ii'i their Btanaaera?who have im srraplea about thelr uwiihoda of iidv.-itixin, Iheasaelvaa. They make no prctenee ot drawlng aadlencea by ablllty or hp tlie nieiit* of thelr pruilurtinii. They alm Ie rrvatc xonie x. nsation and lu itrivlng for tlii-- tane of thetn do imt atop at aaytalng. 11 ix _a th" tetatna *>f a inur-iiv or xnai" surii thtng that they expet't to ataad 011 the stage bef.iro the jiiibllr not a* the herolne of the phty. lt ix not ijgtesrary for ne te mentlon any niiui -x nr lo < iif any rereal Btatanrea. Thc* have been so many and Bo llugmnt thal Ihe publle lx fainiliiir with ih.'in lo ihe extenl of naaeea. I eaofesa thal l am a rrank on ihe x-ulijt-ft, for, ax a nmtter of fact, it I. hardl) worth thlnklng aboot. T.ils rondltlon of atfnlr* ront laat. lt la a tnanla now ond will MOB prove ;i buotaerang._ ? but what dlxcuxts u* chlcfly la that Ihl9 cheap ud ver'.ixlng tnicht throw dl.xrre.llt on thc honoral.le and maarientloaa wlnajof the profeaalon. Of eearee, there I* im daager of this ln the caxo of those who know ciiotigh ali'iut Ihe BtlRt aud BCtOTa and ai tres-'Cx a. a **:lutt to Jntlite by tiie f.iri-. Hut f.-r Ihose who ure OUlj t?io glad to xiiecr and M-nff lt lx an adnilrulile opportanity nm to ba Brgtorted. Tii.y ar^ rlfkl ln xaving thal fbeat an- dlmr inu-cuni int'tliod-. and that Ihose wlm practl-e tht-m are leahtaa Uie dime BMaaeaai Iivi-i and or tatcv aill rraeh It. Thoaa eatoe* and aitrciica who are filmre ?urh itlxcracfiil and dK |i?iim>I prartlre* wlll arelrome the dny when tha the> aii-' jplng public wlll retent tarh iuxiilts tu thoir In tclUfjance." " You people who are afiaiil nf malurto?and It I* u g.I K.inplaliit t<? be afrald of-have sonu- xtrungo hieas ai.i.nt the dltvaaee,*1 aald a phyttelaa. " Voa thinU lhal if you rllmh a nnuinuln aml hiilld there, or that jf yuii llve n-i Ihe -lutie of ii bil! whera t.'ie drainnse i- I'frffft. you are xiJe. Then roaatlng on thl< yon -it amnnd In Ih* evcalng alr with n<> coierijig oa ymir head, or you aleep wlth a windnw ro iifi?r t_i<* hfad af vnur hf<l that 11 ourrent of dainp air blowx over you .all nlght Klnext way In the world to catrh malaria. lVi-xoniUly. 1 bclteve that If I had only two ehaure* nna i.f Nving ln Uie catYtre of a salt niarsh, and the other t.f living one mllo from Ibe i-ti.e of tl.e marsh oa sloplng ground. 1 i hould taiic the mar?li every time. I artmit. hewever, that t_.f.r?> an- verj" many peop'e ,T',,, d.i imt .ui'i'i' **ith this oplnlota, Hut to roni". barh t.i oiir tiral jiripi'-ltliiti- ? -over | mr I oa<l When >'?"* 888 out <f d ">r*' after dnrk. BO m.ittcr bow tnild the alr vi'tiix. Voung glrla **hu ;.t -ummer rexo-ux ni.h from a I ull roii.n to oaaa varana'aa t-.K" Uielr livea lu tl."lr haild*. M?-*l M thftn ;irr ao Wlldly r**ehle*a that It l-i a wond'T Ihey Mv* threngh one xeuson.-' RAILROAD ISTERESTS. TRARRFKR OP TIIKClltCAOH ARD ATI.ANTIC. Clih-age, ."-iit. I.?Th* Chlrafo aud Atlantle Railn .'I aaa lortnally torned over to the Era< rtvr. poratiou tiu- morulng, aad thnx iMvoatea a r'"rt ef lhal naiipany'a *yattfn. Vi>*>l,ra?l4l?*at B. M FeRon. Jr., of tho Krif. ha* ta'cn chtug" nf the n-w:y B.qtilred property ?. getieral maaager, und iMued hl* tirxt t.ili. :..l iiidfr. a; ]."int4ng K. U. Thoi "*? gea t-rol niat!Bi.'fr, .. '>. Coihnm g-tieral fixlaiit Bfrtit, P. i.. iKin.iid general pu**eiigi>r agral, aud <;. i>. tVivod tnri-Jliug aadltor, alan glving notlce that a< rotintx f..r Auausl shnnM be 6<:tti''d wlth V. L. Makitt, _;e rtrlnp ix-cflvt-r. Mr Thomas. It I* undTitiod. will UI..V.I htx lieadqaarteta rr??ia Rrar-York t.i rnl.ago. A R. rneker. g.r?l aup^rliitradrnl ra] ?'I.- Ni a V'.rk. pfiii^vlviiii.i and iihtu dlvhUon "f tha V.rlf. i? li* have the lhlia_o aud Atluill' atlBrhed ?o 1.1- Jnri-ail.'tiuii. FA1.UN*". *'KF IN K.A-Tl.oT'NI) FHII'MPNTS. Phlraro, '-'.-pt i iBp**rtoli. Th.- *tat>roenl ??'. ??***-t b..iit,.l xiniimentx f..r laat week aRowa .. Milit._ of?. eapeckally oaj ?'.c Laka* ah*a*a and M'.chigan tVatrai. Th* totuls w.-re f._,U7il t*in?, again.-t iH.i.lT lon* tha preretttn* week and i:i.T7j tli* rasretp-adliia weet ,.f i.i -t \.-.'ir. Th* ?.!.ii>ii-ra a.vy that Un two leailni Va-.d.iMlt lint. and th* Fart fTayna al.ow a loxa na areounl ?! the bUl*vMa<!tna b*.y'-tt. Tho Yan derbtlt lloea l.iv It t<. tl..- R?w York C*ntral ttrtka. Hy th* ?? ritri.l Traflic *t..tfi.t. ')'e.('1rft'V1.Jr'i'lJ t.'ik IK) 1'i-r '*! lha ln.x_i.'*s; Rt. kel I'Ujb*. IB Fort wa*u". 1?: Lah* *.h*.ra. 12; SilrhUau Central. U; h.tltiiii irc and .Hilo, 7; uud Pal. ll.nidle. il. _? - ? .?? HATP-.' TO TEXAS RF>Ti HtKD. |t LoatB, Kept. 1^-Ratea to Teiaa polnla were to-, day n-Moivil to tl.e 81 a". Lo-N. TIIF. on.f-'XIOVH BILI, OR t.ASHKO. ra_**e_* s-t t l (Spat-iai-.-Th* _tun.?t of Baaarra r,avl? t.. BM-H .....iiHini'i* Baa BM of Ui* unlf?Fi- blll nf !_.bia ....*!.* aaa . bJllara. a. far a* kavraejj the RV hMh "r"'d Ti-.nk u/,4 "?:? I'o'.r" have r.-fu?*d t* U*p4 ir a..4l ll I- MpaetH tliat oth-l Itoea -Hl Uk? t*_v t$mt aurnd. T,"' I"'*'"*.*. af th* ,.:.jr,t'?t r0ad? to that a* nm ..I isdiiig ouaitt to b- ?r.ii f'TUi-r aataadaf ~ ?.? u.,. vi.-**. -I .>>? ahlpper*. aad lhal B a-aakl ba foil* t*. put lt Jat*. ttrtl ?l."'i Bhs n.a.f** ftf" that th md* aad th* ahlppera can ch t-~*tb-f aad aere* aa * n. *? b!J "f h-Raa wUb'a twe aaeBa, THP r.r.Hl ll RKDl'i IN'> RATKB K-STP.iN r.P. .-_. ,, .., s i.i |. .. t,..!r u.i.n M.'! -I'T. "' -?? Wr''-r:, ,-r. -,,., .v?a??ution, r.t'.ni*rt btra t.,a!*j. it. h...i aardly _, ,, | ,,, ... |? |,? ??? i.a.l.ftl tliat I.i- l,...x:ul. tu tl.l- ll.tat .._.. , otm*-._r_iU*l*a **aa s' 1-n.t parttsUv a aaceaaa. a*W '?" - , .. ??f -iw aii Ui. ' nmlaatonrra aaaept Mr Veatey, ?,- is"i i. f ,.,? iheai '-if aJleet _.: r-d-ftlaa ln gram r*t" weviiil |.av*>. Tli? 1'" .?a.iin*ra imt boln? t>.?.-thi-r. I -"'itd rwt ?fl nu luilaallil aiix?*eT, t-it tlf* ai-iiar-ntly a-**l tii (eleeraph fr-.* ?"d U.e r- -".li -a* a M* .i-iu 1 I.a*- Juit ti-. !*f.l *vli|. I. .av Ol* "f I'r frtU'lar graln fBt.~ 1* t'i*t i,,i,..l. 'lli*' i- all U. ? laformattoa I iji*'- at pr-ici.t. and al.Mii r Un- |*ja.ta*aji*aBt ut I* "> an laiaflnRa '1*-- I - " ?*"< k;.i-'?." i !..? rhieago luvea a? a *.'!ioi'? do nat n?m to eaw ?rhetbet t_" rat** sre rcdaecd or ..ot. Tha u."*t af lh*ai ilaiai ihat l_< l.ulk ft th-- grata I. na**. ar.d fei BiOaBa* M.- I.i-..-:., n.i.'. .iu- at i l-'.x rata thaf| lli" umi.j'.. Ih? (-., uiiajBloner* -ui>t Uial ".< 8*d*r. ir aarar-ad, wauid i-ut no li'-'ir ln U?'? r~iinu-*. OIllTVAllY. DIMOR. Tl.e Aeaih af i'h?ri-. Dhaori, vli*epraahlenl of the Kin_. I'inint) Hank, i"i.k |.lar* on Aagaal _7 at hl* fu.iiif, No. '1 i:?-.ii ti ??!., Mr. luinoii ?* *i\ty lui'i- i*?Br* "i'l. Hr v*:i- born In Bimthpnrt, Coan.. tn,it <i.n..- t.. Nt--.. (llv ai.'.ut l-i::. fiiterltis a* a rlerk tli* ahlpplng h.Hiae ..f fioahara * Dtnion, Sn. Ba Boath-ai., lu rbirh hix bmthrr, Fi**aVrlr|i IBbmmi. **? tha j'inioi' pai.'.'-r. Afier ramaliilag bobj* Ihna aith hl. biothcr, Mr. l>liiniii ueraitii* i..f thf fllWI '-f vVaaeman, tlookln u c**., a laiv ahlpplng Imiixe. F*?r the la-t fi-n yara Mr. wa* vka-prraklenl ol llit- Kln.'x fiiiiniy r.iinli. 11^ waa alxi. a dlractor "l th* '-'. Mi ti'llMX Hll'lR. B tllflllll'T of tl." I'l'.al.l. ? .'. I Marltlme Earhaage*. aml a veslryioan uf .-'. Vnu - i>'..l/' -t-itit r.|.|xiopal rinireh ln K;.h.1iIyii. ||? p-aVe* a wldow, oui' daughler, Rn. John R. fhapman, ?* ii'.t-.i.l'ii. ?'d i atpter. i )"? tiiaeral took pla__ "n Katurda)' mornlua, the rratalaa in-ing aonvejraa to satrtbport f-r htirlal. ? ^ MRI4. MARY 1-:i.I/AiiP,TH COOLKY. Atm Arlior, Mi' n.. Brpt. I. Rary WbtabHh iTeoJry, v.iff of .lu'li'" Th'itn.i. M. i.a.!.-.-. i luUrruau of IB" Intfi-t.ii'- i nit.i'if.'?'? ii.nitiiixxii.i.. -ii.-d ut her B*J_t* l" Anii Arb"* >.--ta-i-tnv BtnrnlaK "' ranrrt nf the ttotnaeh. Mra tiMihy had bmg i.n promlnently Idantlfled allh ,hnrrh rharllaW* work ln Ihe Btale, havlna -ei^pled |he i.llif" "I iu* .Ident of Ihe H"anl of f'untml of tlii aiate li du-lrial SiIum.! for a nunilar af >?-arx. Mra. r,'.!ifv h.'i a faiallj oi *l* rMMran. foar aiya and .?,, oirit ill of viii'.ii ui" llvlug. Tlie liiiH-i-al n*rvir*'< **'iii tiio-'i.l"" Tnradaj *o(*mlnB and mII be rondii' led bj? Pnrfe-lnr VV. H. Waar, of Andover. T1IOMAR B. MAHRATT. s? Paul Brpt. l- Thi.inaa, R. Marrafa, Iho BaiaaM owner of f-'^t i'"^"- '" 1l"' B-BTthawal, dted *ud.icnl.v vf-'ifi-,:;..v a!l"ii'""i'. lla had Jnal la.-n kla d uner ,l ,t talking l" :i W?"''d "" ?** vtrandB wbrfl h< r,.'ll fi'iraard ai.d explr-d -f brarl .llx.-;,x,-. IM ara; Ihiyslx >r-r*i "H. w?d he toavea au aalate valaed ^.il'.l.'HHl. _0 ' wtt.l.iAM l TK1MBLR, william J T1..1.11 . a ataiirh ReaaMfcaa, **hn nprf ?,,,t.d Ih* XXM'rl.t in th* A.-....MV la ,.?, .IM Bl l"x I'".'"- ??*'? !'- '?-"' F.I.I.'*t."irU..xt., Nl ,,,, ||, **Ax -irnk'-ii dowa ln th.- atrtx-t alth aaralvaU ilitv ae.k? a?.. ui.d alaee timi ti.m- had b**a rapidly MHH Mr. aaa at aa* tlai* i't?^a: ,l, rk ln ti" sorroaatr'a UM' e, aud at Ihe tiu..- al hto -- alh h.HI B I'*'" hl th" -**B D-imrtniartt. Il- ":?* II". M-,.t. r nf th" Trae Ctaflaawa'a Ladga P. aud A. M . aml a ,,rm~ini*nt iue_MJ**t of lUm.. 1'oat. Ra 44, (1. a. It. il" aaa al,,, a 1I..-H.'-. r al thi- Kalsata of Pjthlaa. Mr Trla hl" toavaa a **iff aud t~o da*igh~*ra. Tho funl ral *rlll take |.la.'f at CaaaeH M-norlal Chtiroh. S*v*nty ai\ aud Baf and BT- at h o'l'lufk to-morrow p*enliig Afttr the atrvlt'H at IB* ebBf-h Uit> MBBBBll lodse wlli hold Ui. Ir arrvtaaa. At tht- Btava <*rand Army romrada* wlll ptoliahly pc.f"nu *""',r r"" !;X-FAYMA~Tr.I.-<.K:*.k'.KAl. <;K/VnuK F. Cl'TLKR. W_?hliu't..ii, S.-pl. 1(-Kxl*ayn,axur.<ienrral lai-erCf F ouuer V. -? at*. d"?* ?' ?**? ?eaataaaaj, ia Uia dtr. , th,a mornlinr nt 7 o't-lovk lu tho si-aenty.tlrat, arar ot hla vgf. The body wlll be airit bfl Muunt Aubi:rn, lioato;,, fflf hurlal p.-ubabl\ o:, WcdMBday ii'-xt. THE BBICKMAKER& AVVEAL. AN ARGUMF.NT FOH T11EIB SIOE OF THE FIGHT. BflX ADDITIO.N'AI. F'U'.M.S JOIN TIIF. ASSOl'IATMX TO Oi'i'i'Si; THE WAUC1X0 DELEOATES. Afi er-tliuaia-tir BBBStlBg of tho liri'l: Manufarliirers* Ai--.iclai.ou Braa h<-ld at tbe A-ior llraue reatcrday. Abeaf ninety BaBBberi at-re. preseut. >ix urm?, wbuse aaaaal omput exeoeda Mjuoofioo brlcka, Jolned the a.MM-iatlua yeatcrday, Thoe Crm? aie WitaMiurn lirotluT-,, Wllllan. McOfllnneaj a n.:>-, Bobert Lont, Itrrjr & Vaa Daaen, aad Jotui Daan .v 1:0., ,.f tilaaco, on tbe Hadaoa Rlver, aad B. 1. McUaire .v fo? ,,f v,r phtark'fl I'oint. i;y this addlllnn t" IU inctiihers il waa s:,id yraterday that the Bfooriatlon would iwa- control luliv ??.- p.r eent of the total anpply ..f brlrk B-aally teaf to thia port Bla of Ibe elgbt flrnia, inembera ol tlie Maorlatlan, whlrt ar:- itnaa flcndjng fron ?> to ? brlrlts a BBMth to this rlty, have agraed to ghre np thelr ts for tho prcaent. K> p reaentatlrefl of Iwa otbar eoatpanlafl were wtBtag ... a, t.wltb the inujority, but were obllzcd t<> Rft farthci a.ithortty before tuBtn? Ihls step. it was auid. hoic ever, that l"BJ Iwo Ur,?s would probally aet with the other aii, luil thal BOtldBg dnlt.ite would be annoiiiu .?d untll tbe next neetlBg of the axeratlre commlttce ln this rlty .rn Tbaradajr at iu. at. It waa dedded that aJl menibcrs who inii-'hl derllBO to exeiute thelr contracts to supply brick would be fully pretccted bv Ibe aattorlaUoo. Tbe foUowlag ad dreas, signed by thn aaeratlve ooatBttttee, was raaf und onlen d t/> be prlnted aud malled to eaeb niembcr of tlie aaaorlatlMi: We rall v.iir ni'.st rameai atftrmttoa to thta Bjatlrr of boyrott, hegun. aa jrim nre aware. agalnst the J*?-'"-" of four \anl. Bt \ erpl'im U'-. then exuiid"d lo all brlcka mannfartnred bv thuse. \\ i,?. arted ln tho oniy nianner whieh after mu. h ihoaghi and dlM-uaaioii wt-iua oia-n to aa aa men <-f ,?.?.-tin;- thi* iiueatlon and ma* Iric li p.-a-iiiie for brlcka to be hert-after aa l.erel'ifirrc manufattuitvl, a, one of Ihe roiiipetlllre IIiiiumnea. TIbj raase of the, boyrott. fPren bl a waJIUng ileiewi, a. publiahisl iii ''The Bvening t?un" >-f Augaal -'.. ?aa. ?l-.v.-rv .-.upinye ot hrl.-k Btannfarlnrara innal b<- iiiaaii t>. lolii thr labor orgwiliatkin whether be may ***wn to nr not. W"e wlll nmkc tlain know wbal c gaofl li th.-v don't know already." The prartteal reanlU uf thh v.a. do ?'., n.-e.i aii> eipbtnatlon of. Ttwaa foor tlrms need no aiwnwmt lu runVUire Ihein nf tha nutlU ?t au, n an .ukunuation a*. la ,n>w nodeavorliig wtth wi uneartalnjb***nnlBaunti ... areiiBipllah tlu-lr fl,,aiii!'4l rala. That you. bj omplotera i?f labor, Und your Iniereata te-t *?r\oii i.\ the. eiupi'.vineiir ..f -r.:-. Imtuslrtoua workmeii. make, vi.u. a* all of BB ui- . ta.vful ..( >.">r nieii and atixlotu for Ibetr aeUara. and attuaW the) oeMre i" fm-,,, ;i.a,? lalI.,ii-i tta* Ihelr nmluul ii?prr>i i ",i.-.i'l \ "'i vi.uht \>? Biiwianhy Ibe Baaie of eoiployera ir >."i dei,|.-d Of bludered tha! r"*-ult. bul v.,1, an- roafronted bv a rondlllnn never bef.*e est>erlon<?d b\ any .T.i.-.- "I manufactiiri'rs. '-i gaiV. of if, n-viriaiioi, hare dmnanded thal employe. ul Hwve? fonr llnna le' ?i.-?,> "f tbe kni-iii. ..i Labor <>f rours- v.iu mideratand ihla .:.-:iiu.,?l I-. W'' I'mliiarr ln \ llbe demand <.n eii'li ii.a;iiift.-t..ry ii,.. ii.iiv., -htii H.-,,, pnipiunua. jiic ':'"!'1;,v;,'.':; uueatluli ib* i.nt deaire ., meiiiber-lilp. inen ( Ai- Uie l.e-n ahnun tl,.- ...Ivai.tii.; ?> i.i.'l 'Inall' J" ? .iiul.^l to h.m lil.'llil. r-1 N"' al ''1- ,u1'r!'1 j i.ither ?n. Tladr empbryera wen- inroniandert ?:,.i''r thr, ,ta i.f ni'." tu thelr bOMtiea., alaaild fi-V ?e.-i :.-. ;,, ,,.,,,.-1 n.e..- ,?..,, ?;... ,t. D.-f .:'-.??? ,..'i'.ii-i'?i','i< n becrme meiiil-r*.. The f?nr rlmia ,?"iu--d t- **ev. The llirratl -f ilr* deVgaiea ?.,- p.H ll. Brureaa uf ?M? IiU-iIihi. Tlieli lM-nduiT i-. b?.yn.tied. \ the hrieb tnariel \* Blriaad* >.ver aupplled. iTIei-a nil" hrw, uiir'-ii.u.'-niiive nml far fmni ->' - far|..ry Ui \o?. It annW --in ?.> IhniiVh llje pwalur ,,f ti,-.' f..'?r Jfarda mishi '?" apared fr-Mu t.i'- ? a.ih.-i .,...1 um anpply eBiUill-d bj a; uiaoy lulllbjii* a-Jlicir ,.,:,,,?t ?....',:.i have been if nnre?trlcu*d, i?/*"' ' ralneii mua. mtaln aad btrci-r I --.' <? *" '?""'?.? ." baUnee ,.f manufmluti'iN. Ilul lo tl'->- fimr. helpb - aud a:..,.-. .lnicflln? agaBial ihla i .ma-il |?-a^r Ut t urtti.lnb'. irte aileoiPJii --f all trtannfa/iiieerfl wa* airti'.-l 'Hi.-y .-'i.pv ihe p'..nio:i whkh the a.-. i dem <f Inrallti aalghi have liujaiaitd npon jroa. K* Mw ???*' "l Ihe uii4.ulii.iiv alth ahb'h Bianufa?'lBi*-ra de' the BTtiou "f the aalklng .!->k.-.i-. tt?a ua- aware .>f Uej uriranlflailon for the piirpoae ol dr\1ati,| Mime plan l.v ahleh tbeaa [i-ur flrrna inliflu l^. rarflcoed . "f Iha nvWInira held f--r d.- i--s,..;, ;;f '?'?? n,,, , ,-,-.i?-n tlu. .I.,.l.i- "f brlrk ln Ihr **?*?,?'*** Ii 'rfcet aiul ibla a?:..'."". "' fhe beeri btlcrrai Hhoan by th.- deab-n; and *roa ar* awar,- of Uir-ii Umldlty. I" v.,u Me.w ?hy t',"v an- lliubll ?" iti,." the tt~tA' i/atl<m ."ill-'I Khlghui "f l?ala>r tuyt bound lb.m i:.d and r...t. They aroi???*''?; '*,,I'^| ,,?.,,. pttre an.l almple, a^ l- evlde ,.--d ?' ';''/' ' tn*. ihiw. aben .mr i?v?nl/atbiii haa altnmpleit i-< re.i-u.. th.? f'.nr nrm-. bv rrfoslna i-> lilfla*' nur i-nalB. ..?I Um N-'w Yurb marael BBleaa tiwir. !???. altall - ?Jlowed eaiual ,.pp.Hionliiea, and when Uto demaiid ol Uie l.rn . haiMlbTfl Ut an eatOrU -n nf IS renta a Ofmiaand addltlr.nal i?. iha regnlar and aarmer pnee ut fli^-Baralna ..irk?> baPmirtnii lo ?,.-,.,!..?,-..f imr i.^.. <l..,|..:i wa^ r.fVi-.'d. ?Ji<t wUm .*ir n.-n ,.-i rt. i-^l th. brlck by ib" ii* rrowa, waa are proaaad abat-diuiilj al,le U> dUeharue mu. h f.t-.-r tlBW laaaaally re 5Sl>ed; then Ibeaa walUnu delisatea ia*di'rad awat t'. .artlnn, and illPa-u-.l llie d.ail.-ra lu !,a\e i.,'t.,lii. I., <:,. ?!ih th-'.-a bn-k, whieh IV dmlera luwl '?? ua I tt!.d "llh wfib-ll thev r..?!.l Iirnl IMI faalt' BBd Wjiell tj,o erewfl brtaan t? pu> ?">? ?b" '?*??',-*,,**" *''"? ' J d.-l? tl-'l up the T.,n!t w'.ria' ,?..', .li?t,l!>.' Wt* ...eM,p,.-i. and Fhe bn.lri.-a. ,.l the d.-al^r ai Iha PUja. 4?v ai??].;-?'!. and ho. pnaarlea*.. way. f-nr-t |.. .ubtiilt, a'Hl ll'.- dlaebarglBf ut Ibe bnuU fltaa '.|'|..l. Wlll a'.? pernill )?'"? bnainj .. w rb baa Iwn ntitalned'after a-. 'r.a:.' rear? "f latt, Inln-'rv. nmn ..??>? aml raidearnr. ??? be pbwed In anrh rcndtlb.i t'l.rt Ihe WBJm "f -i walHtig deb-isale b:ii] ... II np tn-y..ii ,,n Vfii'-in < lil/en. burti <?' ? nj") "?' '?" nt lhl< r.iii.itrv whi'h l.enrge *A'aahluirUin and ibe Immnrtal Paihera perlll.*d I'.v-. andI **'?'n*** I.i Are v.ui aUlina ln plaee ln llie liand i.f Ihe walklng debnuite all lhal y-u hava raiiK-il .li,,.' yiiur li..\ b'.r-r. d:.v- I Ar.- r.ui WflllrK t" ur ri-nder v"iir fur an Inimodlafe. dull-ir un-l Hm prlee ..f ii,.ie|,ei,.|..|,.e ,.. ihe ?ulkln? d?l<-icatv f, r ib" prttllege uf helna uiilrun ln y-urvlf.' If \..ii nn- ailllng io du thi-. A >?hi Bre ?,:,?..: .?? I [ii the p..-nii.ii uf thoae vi . ara unabla i < tlu-lr bualfieafl in any aiainier aaeepi bj ! ??'' -1 - - "' and dlrartloB <d Ibe walklng deb-gai.?, Iheti la ? v.iur ktand. M"\? Hjaarelj out alwre ye? i?.,\ w kn.jw.i <.f .-.11 ti'-n . , , Urdor yuur barav. and arh.?Miers l .ek U, ri-ar vnnl. I....d nii'l Ir.vanl ibem Ba rapldlj i.? poa^lble. <? II Iho ? nn'.." lli.'-l t-ml ..'?, ll', llie ii'la ii'i. ?' (,f i.rl.t-r \"iii i.i ?!r-!,i...:- ah<> ln. ? nn .,,'i'r nllon ,f Mu. ,|. im ?,.- ne.Mi. r>.I f"' ir.i.1, wai ' "f ,,?,.,, ,,, . i !??!,.? bul tin- irul'i -iii-i,'?-- and '? , irn.w mlndi-d |Millf? i.f ilw ptwnl fal. a?d I l i" t?,?r" ,.-.1" ? ire ,.f ll ?'.' Hni If nm i ,?f. t i.-t. ,.,,?. ,., , p , ... .,? Krf,r!|. i id preaeut ,,.-'. v:i;.,.-t.'r rall?e |.'- -*. r, ?'! I nu ?l!l. ll, ? ?, T T. [. .'. > ' Hl iniinVrs nf ihi- :. ?? lallnii n< 1 .. ??'? <? "f :' .-.i, ? '? I,,, ,i, f.r i -?' . i'l-'"' ''""? *>?? ?"'? '?'* v "r m'i.iiv.'s. n-i.iI im uinrr* bn k to lh? New Y-irl iimrhi'l iii.ftl i.?r fi II ?? men I.'. ?:.* V< 'il il > ? > ' ? aml, ii. rn, ..[.-I, ii. nl'I. N'ol rni ?e will ?>;r t..-.l.r ,.!l f"i "'"in as Indlvidnala, bul lhal I ?'!.' f-ir wblrh \\" I- Ibe .It.-iv.-i ,.. ' t,f ev.',v ln ;,'lt :,'" "- far lu Hf" ?'- h1* '" pnritv and IH- h.'ii'-' endearnr eaii e\lend. \nd ... Ihla t firt we i-U v.n.r decUkm and b"'??? lt i? v lhal v nr rhlMret. maj yel re.?? Ihe tlme alu-n llnir falh-rt h"lp"d ?l:''"i,,' ' '> ?''' ii.-f -it lli" :? ,ult npi.n ii," eoninieirlal llbrrflea nl Ihla k'e.ii ruti"ii. \i ((,,. prliulpal brlrk ib-llvrv wliarrea ye "?"' ?' H.ere M. li'-l B l':.'.''l"..l "f bri?B I" !?" '""' f"r l"v'' ' ni'.,i.'T. <>nl\ :i'."ii. gjaaMBto brlek*. "t .thlrd >?! ,!?- iianaldiili) imnil?r, aen- deUvi-red. T" rabi-ye I ?i iinii ii ? Hn-.|.-:ii.i,nl llp.i.1 I r t -ti i dni.ii ' fb" lt-- ItlH ;, ,v.. ,.,..:..,; bat ? I, "?? '", draa i." n ?'? ?? ,-, '. :v,- .|.nk. Lnl Ibe i|iiaullllea delivered hate U-en "'"'v'-I.e. .,| Mi.-.-ll ,k' nf lll" lllllldllia V'l:l.l I'-.l-'r-1 A -K-la.l.M, '-..ii I- l-'i Indat. al wljlrh '';,"?"."' wlll prolatblj beBdiipled rbi-lug up all Ih" brtekyarda. ABEUICAS BUCIAL Bt'lEXl'K AXM'tATIttX. ?.i.ii...-i N. V.. Sept. 1- Hi" T' '??'*?'' c''i,iei, >'f il,,. Aiaenian Nalal tH-li-nee \~ .wlatbKi aaa held h-re i..!.,?,. ll." itiiendanra. wi- lurgr. Nerrctarj raaiiiM.rn reud I.N Biinnal report. II ahowed lhal Ihe atelety wa> li, a dourbbltiS nindlllon. dnuiicluU* and other wi..-. The n p.M i."i??'! rnriinraglnu prwure*. lu Ibe tv.,:!, ?f ibe ? -i.eli.ih.ii. The preaident. Aadrea l?. fl/hlte, dellvered hi- Biinnal addreaa, lu Ihe" r?f wh!. I, bc ahowed Ibe !,-?. ? ?>ltl <? .*** nrganlw tl'.l H4 -th- S". l.ll .-'I'l"" A- ""?.: "1. I'"' glvini: .!,. IralBlna niinlred ln men ab.i have n deal aitb varlou. Inalllullnna. rharllnbl". penal nnd rdncallnnal. Th" upenl.e, Park up in-H"! "' iilBiation i? - ': ' arteera, aad ruasWerrd Ibe ini i whieh Hn- ua-uciiillmi KdlvMH .almalbiil. he.ilih. Irale a -I Dnanrv, .lal rroiaiBiv, nnd |Br>Btndenee. -|.... .!;.,' ?f niunlrl-Ml mUiP.trnin..i.l. he * ???.ur anl} -... " ,?,,d at prrM-nl la ln i-i.-im.i r? elalBin - ?rim. down ..Mi. Ll- ,.. v-"i? as Hfir plnirJi'rbig b?i?m uu ,',,',',1". I.r I- tt. . wi.i.l.l lt I"' i",- ainuiiK Uie |?.|'|e l<mr I'L:.- of IllUllielpal g I ?H?, ,,,l n?. ,. iub!|.|inieni nl .r*". of lB*iraei|.n ln Mx-lal arl 1'iico al tl.e lu n r li.aUUitluiifl of p.arnlng. --?-? VBAXdB OF TIBK TO c A/T rift.t.VO. Tlu liimvtabhi fnr Um lnn tab'amhitai l*onipany*a I, la i?r,?,..v KU.-.I alll rhallfr' to-lay. I.n:- ? b iflog v i Twrntythlrdal.. N"*?? l;'v,r' l"'l,v "' '" " a ... uiit'lap, .,,.. and Iv. N'- I. ?. Ulver. Iiourb /iV^^.ii;''!;:/;:;-'1.'^:, ,:!"::;,i,v.^ht5?? Biakina ihe iwn n.|.. ivrrj day aa ..-i..,i. TIIE CUCTELAXB noXffUDATKD BtXSTBMA. A? .!,.?:?? |?,r?.?.,,1,..?;.??,.t:e!,v?a. ,?:.!? k'lv.,, ?,,.,..,??". TlM.rem|anyUk..owaa.ll?'W.H.t>t.aad Couaolldaled Mlaatnl.. Tbe dldennee fron, Uv ? ? ?'r-l eat.-rtalnm.Bta h rhb-dy Ib the >.-??<? -?"-";?'" cnat'inxa ?.u.'e iie. uiu'l. n-, ???? k,.?i.?, i. imt, ,i,T" fuiu.y u>'? ?"'-'?', ? ""' ,f ?**. v:':/ ? ia *..,'." .??-..?:i-m -"-"??? i-^'V'''. "'"' '?,' *?** Wllllam H.d.ii.11., iuvn..,'i,l KkflW. F. N. **Mflaa. Mjd ,-l.arlr, ...le aaa d.?erv,d a,.,,:;.'.-. I"** ^^ ?M ?,!,,,.. il l-j 1,1, ..U1 frirntfa aud .?..friili.-.l IM.'U. ... 5 fltd v.,y. and h- ?a, .^Ulrd I. d.a U L.v BMI I^eik.,,.. ?.r,,.-y Pamtn and Uagbrf Ia,..tfh"rti- MB rmie ??? . vr.ui th- laat ,,a?,.-d. i.ii'd "Tea di.m t, i..? um, . alay," aa. BBrtKaUrly laany. aad aaaai ti taa fe.turc. of thn .econd lavrt wetc al.u BBflrtBan. 8KILL WITH SAIL AND HELM. .SMALL YAeilTB BACING CN THE BAY. TUi; L.ViROEST KEr.ATTA OP THE K_-,'D EVEJl HEL_> IIEKE. The larteaat sniall-i.*>ni rg-.tta whlch was evcr Ivld ln New Vork liay wai inllfd bf the tleet of the New Vorl; Vaiht Ra* in ; A -o iatioti yc-t-rday. The wln tn;-- ln the v.irlntis clax.ex \*e;e Hruiihll.le. Mollie. F.n.le Wnig. *tu (nrn, Juxt R'oke t'p, Boa Ton, (iala vVatcr, .llenry llray, Kfpple, Roca ?*., N.ilya and oiienta. The wlnd ?;.* l.-ht BM t of the raee fnmi Ihe M?thca-t. N-atly 100 yarhta atarted. All th* ainallcr rluba in Rcw-York waiera were repreaei*la*tl. The ronrae for tho larger yarht.-i trat arunad Ihs-y No. n i _. i n the suuth*'..'-t BpR, and the smalier yachta had n*_t_e~ BaalBiKd lo them of s-hoitcr dlataiKaa ac rordlng t?t thelr xi/". Tho lroii xtfi.inb' Cygaaa Bccaaapanted ti-- yaeht* ovcr the roarae. rrowded arlth the IrteBtta of the a-natour aallora who raaniwd the yaehia. tiovei-nor Ai ia-tt aaa out i" aee thc rare la lu* aleaBi rarhl .*,.? *\ .l.-j- .-v a:.d tho ever efllrlent ? 01111110.10:13 Prliuu waa ui h.ind 11: th" Jii(tr"x' Lat. .__,___. , Th- tteaatta C-minittee con-i-ted of It. Pnnlman. of t?_-- lavoiila Vaeht Club; J. A. -.'yte*. of the Tappan /?a Yarht t'ltiii; Thoraaa R. uooth. of th" vnnii.-rt t'.irinthlan Yaeht Ulahl K. M. uower. of the Neaark I'lub. uud (ieorr'f Parkhill, of the loluniblu Yaeht *"iub. _ _ PLANiS FOR FXTURE BKGATTAS. TTIK N'F'.V-YORK TACRT CL,i;B*_ FALL CO.VTESTS -MARIRE AND FIEL-D CLCB IUCES. The Rew-York Yaeht Ctab hni cmpleW -rrince nient- f, r the full rej-ttta. Thc antnniu rrgatti of thla ilub ls one of the grt-at Battarea "f the yaehtlnf xf.ixnn, and the pri-grumnie Wlll b" rcad with Interaat by yarktfoj in-n. The regatta wlll take plaee on hatura-y, Keptcraber 13. beginning at ll a ni., what and weather p<Tinittiu*,\ Tl.e start will be off tha .xi ttland LhthUhlp. 1 oiirxe Nol 1, for I'lass .'1 M-honner. utnl Ct-t-Ba *i aml 7 ato-ps, catier* a"d yawla, wiu ba n ae atUca to windward or to leetvard aud iv-turn. Coaree No. ?_?. for all other cla*--?*, aii typea Uxhaded. alll ix? t iiirta-en mila - tu windward or to feoward and retara. A asoo-prtte wlll be aivan to thc trtnaer In larh iia.-* when two or nmro boata atart. A t*7_prl_e v*lil be giv.-ii u> hoat.s tnklng su nd plaee ln eaeh rliaa whea iotir or BMM*8 b**Ji> xtart. A xp.-.-inl prl/." of *?-.".*> Wlll b". giveu for koel KhOOBCra xaillng in on? r'a-x,, If twu it more start. K.ntrifx for the reeatta will ir> reretved up t> 10 p. m. on xt'pt"!nii"r IS If tddraaasd lo the Regatta romnilttee of tli-; R?m-York Yaeht Club, No. B7 .Mmii ?llllil*!', Cli" xi-.-ond annnal reratta <-f the Marlne and FleM Clui. wlll lake I'luf itViaiirrow nuralng In lha toaar iia*. the xt.nt t.i .." made at 11 e*i*lo**_ o:f tha rtab gn.utiit, ;it Bath li-ii-li, I- l. Aboal twenty live of iit- ::. t.-i i.t.;it. belonglng t<> the feadlru: jroehl rhtlrt of N.-w v..:lc .md lt- vl-iniiv have _li*-ul> entered, aial I'titile. **ill ba rcciv.*! Bp tu the :. ornltiK "f the rare. W i>li. HaidimahPa h~X* tunl?r, the Jeaslca, bnllt ln Knirl.tiid. n.ii'h haa Ju*. arrived In thix nmntry. ?ir t-i,.. f.i- th- tlixi tiine ln theae waiera. Cash prlzajs will 1^. ,,tl*r.l lo'ix 111 ll...- latg-r t l..x>.-~. r-it.-i-x f'.r th" fail regatta ?i -if Ma?*n lahuid KiNind -tinaili-.-.i of t'.i. <'!ihin Nitvy, Whlrh i- to 1.-? ola.1 j-atiiM.iv al ixewaran, S. ?'.. el-ae to ni.imiw wlth l.oul- U-r.. No. "r. VVeat TTilrty Uilrd xt. Th.-re \*ili !?" 11 -t"ii.n aiid naphtba laiin.h ra - ln tlie f.,ix-ii.a.t, utnl ran** f.?r xiia.p, nnd rat* at -J :*i> n. _*.. tiu- laf'er ItirtiMtllif a C-llteat fur tiie chiinploiixlup of Ibe Mateu lahtiat rnmnd waicrs. -4> - MANV li'iATi VVEQR fWAMI'F.n. Tiu- fnii regatta .f the Njai.-ii Ruwhag Aueraatton al Ryaek ye?terday orcaptai nearly all day, and the i;r*t ra*ea *a^;-h rowed -te-agh rhoppy wnter. In th- -f...:..! .la--.. Jui.ior slnirtea, Harr) Bhtavell won. .1. K. i-:!'x i.xit ?a~ -'.*niiii?? 1. J. Arthar l>ilha_?aa ano tlie t;it ?'.."? Jnnlor aingle*. th- btavta of ? ui-ti-. r-mith and ii'di Ranni-ter awamph-f. ln i!;.? --i.i..r .ngl'.x J. <?. DavMlaiB waa H.-t. It ??i. t:,.. ut ra?e of the day. The |e?lot doaMea raeed ibrea half-tMlle h*at*. Th* tii.'il heal waa waa by .. \. I'ell-.t inus ai.d llarry Ureea and fmith's :',. 11 rap.Ulng tlft. f<-f Irow thc Bnlah llne. Tl.e aitiiilni rrear ln the f....r oared raa awr* Wward , ... -t'.kf; J. ". I'mm. Ro. .1. Clyile Banntoter. n-, ? f k m.|I4 N... l. -. Arthar K.Jl.enina won Ihe liib rae*. and f. II. Oreen rarried off the h*?tww 1,1 t:.. Kwlmmlng ronteat. Few of ihe rowera had ii ii..'<l pruperli' f?a* ihe rrtnteat* i: \< IV. "11 URAMOK PUIK. t inl.'i- the aii-i..i.'x of Ihe luaiiK-eiH-rt, ? otin.. llo.itaig A.-... i..ti..n yeataraay ual -eaalde l'-ra Uu-re %*a.> s.itled !. i_CMlt_ ?iUi iil,*_.-ure jHflio. ^l^ ptu.v uiiiounti'u; t.i Bboat ??"'?). The rare **?? wltneaaed by ihawaaaaaaa .?, Khotv and on ateaMnera, tasa. ateaai* iuid lalllnv '.-.'t. Tlie ."u.-x.: *?h.x fi-aiu a stafee baal aaar Ih* l?.ut...r Mght 10 .1 alahc boat ln the smnd BCar *i,.'..-!.. tirouiid illxt-nt aii mllexj, and ret^irn. \ flyii k xttiit \*-.i? t..U-:i xliortly after 11 oVl**'~ n-nd r... r .*. 1 h wa* rr,,... 1:17 h* '- oVhiek. The wlnnera ?... ,1. ? V il*'.-; ''I:*-* ii, A1n.1t.ur; rhtaa 1>, I ...,' ti.,.. B. llornet; . Ui-x V. Allea; rjaaa ??. ?hvlli* ?! "?' \"'': w,ir: ''''s v,/>""1 VW*W iK,vu(i <y"? *-.'?*.-.1 ih.- jiitlicx ai,*l BHHUbera uf thc prc*x arouiid tho .ourw*. _ . ?. KNirKF.ltntN'RKR H"A1> HM'IV'.. \?.,.' rarlii* ?iartrd Ib Um rrgatu ul tb* Koiektrbeek'T Ya i.t lluli yeatv-iday. Th* *url waa nati- at 10:30 k r.. *?:? .1 aa* -1 llirbt thptuBli ail the raea '"..? tl,',.l..t U'K.d lat.'l -t. Tl..- .'-??- Utne t.v-r (>..? .?. ?ax bj th* Myra. al*1 tvat tli n"M b".. ,,'|., [,-, ,,.. h.Hir and Uvlity ralnaa-. >i'- had m> ,, ....-:'i.i iu lui . .t -.. bul 8*4 ? I'.'" I' ' t),'"t Ua** over \ .. ., J.. iii.. Muiat-r* **i-ri' Xyxaa. Allr*. N'aalta an?i I.n ;.. Titr imiixait: it"vr 1 T.firs Bl vi vrr.v. ?n... i'.ii-.'i. ii-a: I'luU ha.u it. twroty.ttUrd saaaal ....,.., ?..-:, i.;.i* i.|.|*-.lti lt. rlaah-ua* at Uleaaao-. .%..!;.* ."vi ia - **t- ?!'-'? -'"I I-' ***.** ""' ahaarveta | ,._??-! Un::.-'l*i< h.'i:-'. I' B. aml >? '' B-aalr* ami t... d.aibl-.seull Bill* .?" lla*., ?"? 11. 'I'L'' ..-. ,.t...i:..'i laarg" m ?-. *" ea.'itlnt ruata-t, aa* ?on l.> tl,. II .l-oiix If ?'? I'~. I K ll.ilrt.ii and I O. K"*x ? ., ,,.. , ,.?? ,1 .? ?, ?- ..-uii ra.- lli * ?7. In Ih* J'uilor , ,. i ...,,., |U. - ... H tiUgama, r. U. R_a?lre, IA-. 1 . 1 11-? n'.-. aud 1. tV..?- **"i ln B.-7. 1. * , .,., .. u'.hi ii,. i>|atm**ilp aluglt --ull ra**, l*j 1.:. B:4d*j. ?? !'? Ual" " '" " l1"' )"lllor ato_l4v*a*aB ._,.,,,', i|. ln lli. i'lni.tfai-a xli'll r. X. '.? H..o|i. r. |i M Mi..*.:: il M- "?"*. '? f'. ;_:i.:i'uvin. ?. I. lirikiiap. 1. M.k..iiat.. iv f. iHHty, y. 11 -ajlta and II ... Wa.-. nf.. 111 tt..- Bltrll N_,xa.i. **n- Ui" ?lun*r.. , .. , ., ||i, hi tlie **?ler foui ??? r.-.t shrll race, * IV vj',' '., u tt . w n. Kaapp. i?- r>*v* aad J. B. Moflatt *? 111 Iii .. M" - ?- - - - ? 1U8BBCS \T AS AXXVAL NCXIC. Thf -.M-'Mh a-iiiuil ui. f'''i*il of the ., ,.?i uravr ul lllbrni m* l??*k I'l'"' ?*?t*J*dai .ii i.i- wm aud f*>.':.?-' Ui ?'-? w x w,. .1 and **_? alteaaled 1,1 *.;,i iifiii-intl pt.-il. Im- artrvaiUna cob* *i,ix l-i, ?.?:,. i."i ii **w ** ii'.i m itiit'i.x ni rlbboa* *u gonen II) ii- t-> mai.?'" thltth thal U wa* the '-"If l*:,it:..n ..1 th* lri*h natlwnal lajllday oa nt I'.i'n k'a laii Tho rt.*-- uf Ertn B??ai<-I *.ver Uw groaiai* all d.i). and the inual* ?! Ihc ?U hand. a* areM a* the nailoual Bir* ol Aawri.a, **-:*? iflveM l*| Kr~i_B*jr William imtua'a HWh Ih'UJnarat ?*nd. lo Ihe Intrn-. dellght of lha h*.y? tr*.ni ripp<*rary u- **<:i aa tho boy* fioni Ur4HI I>..r.--~nal. A iiuotber -if arult. t iiie*i. **-.i.- und. ritii.i'ii. in **hirli J***eah P. llefl ,,,' ... arted u* .tartei and |nda ?. R?*l ?_??__? "'?," liaik'iKUi l-eloiigcd |i i.V or;.?ii/ aud aRhuug' . -i1,.-- ,.11 ilu-v n.'.'l' at. fx.fll'i.t xl,..*v. M-iur."" \*,!hf|-f. 'f I'hlli-lfll'hi:'. th" na'..''..l -?___??? { ' ,1 ii*,.' I un I'i't.' 11... -:-"i. ln ahkh be ataiaed th* bravrrV ind .iaie.nw..*hlp nf >lr. r*araelland ,,V.| ,.,1 hl' i-i.niliiued -uti;i"ii UTtoraJJv ana Baaa li.tlly iintil ih--- trued n. ot In-laud *v*~ ifaBiux-d. IUE~WEAT11ER REFOBT. I-..HIX'AKT Tll.l. 8 f. M Tt'!>r.VY., 8'Pt. I.-I r i:.*.r.. X, ?* -Vi.rU. Fart-ru f_nH*ilva~lB and S.aJpr?.y, lalf. hdl-wed by IbrM ,n iiortto-ra parttoaaf *aal*rn Bew-Xarki aaraair. .t.nilurl* **ni''.-. 1 ?r vv.-x-r'.i Xew-Tork and Wt-t.'in peaaaytvaaia. lair, f,,:?i.,i ui usut lo -a Bi...***r., wsi-wr, atod* b*-*?a_a? """l-ar tb* Ol~trlc| nf 1'iJumWa, laHawara, Marytaad and ,.,,.,,,_ fll. 1,1,,,'j hv .;ni**fr. in beuRiera Vlivit.ia; R ,. , ,. \;,r.i'.|. **,iiilx. I .-. ou liii! aouUwrly i?, x.irtj, rm-. i.'i aad Bouth la-aliiaa, ahawrra; aUtlotiar) t. mii-rit-ir-. I ,? ,,.. , 1 ai 'I .*..'?-*?'??. f:i?" and wiri-iT ln n<*'th. ra, .,,?.,,.. .ndaiatkm. ? 1 ?? |*'?tur- la amithern i-rrvoa. I. . .?.i W.xt VII-lBia. far I.. :..*. il b) I* al *. o*-. r- in Oh 11. , . , , I ,,. -,-...?...,... and K.'iit'iiKy, fair, toUow*d l.v toral .:? ,,-, |a v,,-'t:i Kentucky: **-nura, 1 ,? imi uu.i .ni iii'.ii"*? Haht lo*al -bawera, pracaded ,'^r;:;^:':*tl',llMn'i.;-a,':i'ir|-,'r MM.i:.- aad vvi.on*!,,. l0,'il,r;'M'.'ti.,',.'a"!.r.l lowa. loral aaow*r?: roatot. ? TRIRRRR UB3AL OliSKUVATIONB. fe^.r^^BP-iMtni'iJ ?& Mk^hA_um^^^Wi 30-3 ,; v:J*,l_^.aHi''i*P-l-g - .' r .'._tf-3Lii ' _?i ',00 tn tiu tliaar.iin a ctint;iiti"ia imu sho*?a Mie barometer a.,auiaiI011* raab-rdav, a* ob? "*'d at Ibe L'aNad .Swita* s -.1? 1 s'rvl. - aUrtaa at thi* 'ity. Th* d*.ha* tnaicst* t, u.p' .-.liure "Ot'd st lVrry'. I'hamiary, bun Buiidlnt. irfhtiiif* Ollifr, Srpt. 2, 1 a. m.-The inovemcnt In tho barometer waa upaard a_r_ig the clear weather at ysatar day. Tha temperature r?n?ed b> tween 67 and 74 deareeB, the averaae (06'., belnn a'a lo?er than on th. .-orreapood blg dav laat yrar and J'* hb-iher tiian on hunday. Clear, or falr nnd vtarwi-r weathur u.ay bc i-apeciea ?? dcy iu and near thia city. * ? FREPAR1XG FOR THE CAMPAIOS. DETLEdATES TO TIIE BABAToOA CONTP-NTIOrffl Tbe Llneoln Leamia held lt* rogular monthly meet* lnp la*t niu'ht at lt? rminifl, No. 135 Eiithth at.. andl ateeaei the Mtoartag detagaaaa aud bbbbbbbbbi to tha rJaratlrfl Kcpubllcan Leaj-uo (.imvciiUoii ! Iielegatca? Charlafl N. Taintor, 'aaaBj Brainnii and James W. Ilawea; aJliaiiBlia rhailo. W. Wagncr. 1'. M. Kcllly and .lar.ies Walton. Thc nepubliraii f'l'ib of the IXth AsaomblT DlflJ tr'.et. at Its li.eellnir laat nlpht al No. l Abinayion r;.i?ar". elrrted tbe Mtwadiaj t<> pepre-",,t it i D'-bv Batea? MBhaei l>. MlUer, Thona* J. Dartoa and Walt^r .-. Logan: alteraatea-E. r*. Morgaa, Artbar Waro aud IL IJ. t'lark. ?-0 NAMED rOB TH- AS-EMfiLY. Roehester. N. Y., xpl. l.-ll. 8a Mlll"f waa to4lay ranoailBBted for Btctab r of Aaa -inbly I.r ueneaee Ci.unty by the Itepublh .,:i ruiivi.iith.ii al I.alav U. NOMINATFD P<>R CONOIIFM*. tlilrago, rjcpt. 1.?Allan C. Dtirborow, Jr.. was nom> liiHted inil-iv ni tho Uemofratle rnndidate for I'on P'i>a in tha 11 Id I>l?trlct. He ha> never held a publle otliee. Bt l.ouls. bflBBh 1.?The Itepublleaus of the XVIIIth Illliioi- ('onpn'sslonil Iii.triet nomlnated todav JudgB C. .1. Ilndley, a BBBBBBB* of the r'armers' Alliance. Aflban I*arli. N. ,T.. Sept. 1 .specl:iIi.-Tlu? Ber. oc'Tp' ii. bayder. of Oeeaa Oroae. h,*. been nomlnated _ for roflgreaa bv the Pn.hlblii'fliiMs of the II Id Dla- I tiiet of Bow-Jaraay. trbteb romprbBBi tho eaaaflBaB ua? iioimioiitii, i nion and Btaldleaaa. PIIT'.PARINU TO RTXF.IVE RPKAKER rtl'.F.I). ilat-.on. kS'-pt. 1 pjflaBBBU. f*labar?B* iirra?4-e,i,.nta ba\e 1?-i-.ii niaii" for S|i?aaei K.-.d'. \UM lo Hoaton and bU laiaiaey haaa B.B. cBy la I'urtkBid. lt la aaaaweafl tbflt tt,.- Speak.r ? !1 arrlt.- le ,. W.-dM-uay at .".30 p. in. bv ti,..Ti'"ti? ?;,d Alhaay road. II" v?lll kt drlva U. BM llotk-1 Veutloui", unrl hVte be "lll l?- the itu.-at a? uTnner of several of bls |.-r*o,,at hrlrada. 'i'bai, h^ ?lil g? m Paaea|] UaB, ?b. ra h- am! l'eaemaaa_ lienry r.ib. t Ladflf a.-- ?? addmai ?> RepaMlraa aa*rttac taa nuetiiii! tiiil b?- u,e a*Maktfl jaa of tie- MaaaaarkaMettB <-aru UBlga Oa 'iiui. <!?,.' a ajalag Mr. h> .1 ?,n reaaaaB hla ..i'ir""y, i"j\i,?? Baatea i? b apeeial rar flttarbed to *,:.-? b.30 :i. ru. traln over lli" BflBflBB" ainl Malne roa'L aad brln? flceotapaakal u, PartflBBd by a adeaaHaa frmn tnis State. Tbe traln aaill -,'.?,|i a* llnverlilll. .Salmon Pfllla ar.d Btflflflfli patnta in Mal,,.-. aml lle praBBbllBlia, ai" tbut durlng br,n,e of theae *to,ia Um Sp'-ake- b!B r.ak'' BtdraMM THE tiTIT R'.'HHEST AT 011 TTBBTBtt. (iett.vsb'.ri.', PaaB.. Brpt l.- The relefBBfl "f tho i4tii CuvBlry Bflitiifllilnd arj ur.d iBjetr lin- Barararaal at u o'clm-k and f.riiiailv a*4*flj|eated M in tbe "BrBaaaae of inaiiv ape. lattera. T!c nt', rt.ooklfn VetaraaB nn i,-iMl thelr israiilU* ni.trK.-i on L'nlp*. IIUI Utl. BMamlng at 0 o'lh.'U. (..',..:.?! v.. li. KOal r pre-lded and BUie a short B8flb*a?B, aad c.lon.T Lewh. K. UatgaiaBP 8B> Uverod tlai oratloB, OPBXrXO OF TlfE I'ARE THEATRE. ItOSTOX. Ko-ioii, aopc i. Tbe l'ark Th"it,e opeaed Bj aagba. Ilorjt'fl --A i;ra?s htoakey* vi*. preaunted to aa aull ei."' thal te*t?-d Uu, rapadty "f Ua* boaae. Tbe abty and the aetor* arere well rai-elred ar.'l made :t ^i,.ce-.?. The eo.nimes a:,d BnnBe ?nre aew and aaaat. m-* Ilub Punch sr...;th'N UV arrtuklcfl fn-m ti," bratfl << .-.r-. ll-ib Paarb ch**i tbe aptrit lt. aan .plrttfl aro |,u.->: aud rklilj btMBfld. '.r.- I r. inrl truggtmU. ?-.?. - Vi,,, Alrnhnlle. btaoltau iMiig t i liamraana. _ ?Oflfltter 1 blUU'ier-. Aa BBt, l."-i liaiii..!.,-... BT. X. MABBIBD. niitsnx?HAMMOXD- 81 Iha Marray BITI ll "'"i. Ileflr. Va?ra on M.maUy. >-|.t.v..'?" I, by Ua V-n. Il-nry i.. ZleiCOfUaa, B. 1 O. I'a.i.' -I" "|'"'ie . .bnulilj af lutid s. Ilanueaad, to i;ou-:t Wtlllaau ilibaia, "f aaflr. l'ark. MiKii-.i;-?AXT!:il-ln *?'.- ?**???'*. (b-.r-li. Mivvr-anl Niuare N-w-Vorli ( Uf ..,. M .,..! .y. Stfpt ?>t.'r 1. I8W, by Ui:K'V. 1-'.. Canipton. amiauin, Jamea Aaaaty M,..r-. t.. Aiiii.i BaxWt. boih uf Birw.Vurb Ctty. WIXSLOW-EDOAB-At Btf ??? "i-n" "f th- brWa ratkeV, No. 1,058 la-,.',. IBMll-taral. Il..,,n..l. ?"***?<> u.k'.i'. o' lapialfl i.-?i* b. 1--''. t' Caartta UaaiBa wi,,.-iow. both of thi. eity. Notlces of tnarriage must 1* lndorsed with full oame uud auUreas. BBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBJ UlEh. tial ItYMPLK-Oii, An?'iit *?, 1PW. Bt Moirta D?wrT B J"'o ' tvi.h.nS l-vt-r. Wrt M Uairytni.l". aou (T^aarak a! aafC uu.- fSaarka 11. ua.rynp.*, i" ">? ?pjSUTaa?Uaa %m Bt. Paaa-a f**fr,?g*Wn' T.i??l.iy aneraMMMk, B V*"?>r.l.--r 2. i.t 5 1.. o cl... < Truma ieaae laat Ban-Uty anl I brUW.|*er a j.^ **?T~*X at H jo ?nd 4 p. m. llalun, IMla fnu Bl.llBaaara a* DE bfl reaidenre ,,"ar N'ow-BrUfbtoo. s. I.. AM_? ??t ?o. Ma.or .SMney DcKay, ?on of tu.- lit<' (.on.uiouoro rwnVtUvtf a't'st. Maxy's thurh. MilBBallB, fk L. Ttwaday, h.'i.t' 11.h- r 2. ut 10 oVl.. la 8. 11. . o? arnaal of 9 o'.'lo-k traln fr"?i N'ew.Turk. .. . ._ . 1-Vb i.ii- aJ.U n.u.rad.v. ..f th. I.oval UafltflB ln\lt"d tn atl.-mt. yilliiurr Order af t'i- l.-al U ***?*<,!," v!^^ ? |feaduuart>ra (omn.and.-ri' M tue sta- at ?> ? ??? ? r*t NVw.York belflalBlbe. I, 1-J.V-i o?.pu.. ii' ur.' Inl'-rMi-a rf Ih-d'".!.. oJ,*IU" .'lOth ?lv... Of *"'l?nl?!?'ZZ'l*!? S;dl,-r W Kat. V. S. V..U. .n> luie ,al vti.l talM BBrra 1.1, Tucdaa iitorntni.'. Mi.t^n.r.r 2. a. I.?""?*' f,L \l',r,-. tliin I,. . o.-tl-.on' *:,<1 Baiil Btva.. >'.',. ..,l/htp,i. s'.,fi, i?;and. < "i. pawl"a* -r- r n -la-t.-.i t>. aiuaa. me iDahrllb. ?nd rnaitmJr, badite af B?.i?'lna a :i tm wara. llv ,.-dr of " A'.i.l. >\v M -*'-,, ' I'.r- t M..'.r'--i:T, U*. a. -M.i.v iMared). (iF.<"> DI'. F'llH -T ItAKi" iV. I .iii.iiiand'-r. l^it-- Payaaaab-r l*. *? n..v ?'. Ptl l.lTZ-I'.i'b-trd ll'iib Ib'iit' d-u?,i.<l In the aurf al Ptttnt Lunkaait. MBitday, Aagaal 81. mt J j'.' not yet reenver. J. . ORFKN-At Auburn. tal.. Aagual 84. **&?..'?*** WJ vonik-.-i. aofl oi Anui V. nl'd Bt" lale .M-'ra l. ..r-.i. ln l-;,"u,l'ef:i'i'.'.!lfri--!*:.' ar- inwl.rl tn attend Mfl firo-ral 9tt llcea it ^' illgtiatlao l1ia|a I ii.-t l|iH|?t.l|.. . ii-Jf Wfl |!,.?>r. ou W'..]i,.-l;n .-? rt.>'.'. - S a: I" -.'? a. H. iii.Miv-oii AflBjaat 11. i. fbatltaa Haary, bt Bm oad Pniieral' fron, Ma lat" reaMnnee, Ki-n- r'a Laa<. UflBBBBB. ta.r. n, Beptenber J ut .' l."? p tn. In..r:;. ,.' rrlval*. Pleaa.' om.H ,'ow.r.. I km-*.n .\'i-',vt i'a. at XaJiaitt, Ma--., UlnbeSh B,, KUe ol t:ie t narl... I.a.,.?.??. ? Kt.e.'il -:??' ? aar 888 la. '. Id ?.. Tu'?day, S , ' :; r a- tue <'b ireb of the lloly i omaiuniou, coraer -uu-' . ' rid, at.-. at 10 a k \| i \- 81 Ui'l?,,. N. V X ;t Biber 1. Ma,v W'.'d. ef U." lat. lll BU, Ma.y. ,? U.'l "Olii >'t li.i, r.-l Ir..-: ??" .at i-i-lln- oi Wiatm-aday. BUfllBBBaf a. at a a'elaea. Ki.-.i lis-A- Karbaven. Ma?. Auati,.! SI. MU.. ??nl ''?. daiifhler -f tl.W? T- a?J II Brj ll. ,iv-:-. n Bw IMJi tflflkji nf U- r a8 '? ... , , ..,, ,, , Fuu.Ml -r.;.-"- .t Ka.r:::ia.? u? "Aedneaday. ..'1 i.-l WAIJ..V, I' -.*",. M.'i.iUv >!,'":.;?'. I.. .ij ? 1'i.r N .1.. oi .ia. Mi," ?f Ibe laBfl Br. bdanjrJ Wa.late. ... ) r...., >.' IpMa_ fi-jccial Xotuc3 Ur.. i*\ A. *ai:u-littr ?Olk'Na oruer. for l.o?. -made Jains, i, . a. . u au, tal, Biaaflttea ai.a brauaefl tratta .au ',.' ..? i.. .t liuataat <-tf. ana o,.i.. :;.?:?- a*.> uiateruu uflaa. VII frtiit bul uu U, ulaaa .4,4 atareal fj: coal auera aattl fi rar lurcuiar* rautaiaiaa price. and r. i??:? !..???? ad? iT-.s Mr.. '. A. bi.K'.alr. .No. 1 Aiuo l4Min% li:o.._lyu. .N. T._. _________ Po.ioOj. i- *o.l.e. ,-i.o'ild b" ,'aU Ua..., t.) aJ ,nl i-lJ, 8* rbBBg?B "^y " LKUr* lat loi ,,'n .o'.iiirn-. m d Bt* be -ii?? taily ad Jr-.i- i ior di-ia. .i b, aB) pai ? uar atvaui-i <\^'i't i-n.n lt I. d.air.l t.. >ti,d n ipllcaU-a "i ti.I aufll .?-.? u.Bjcal du ?-..i.i-. bltur. wit .uflcuvl* aBdreawd bv^g ,., i,v l!,,- la-l't'. \i-k-. ,a u.a.U'l ?? l.r lliii ,.a:l, UM Ul* ""W HidlBg ta-Bt.-a.bvr I Wlli i i . .- na V a, 8 ik,.. i.'. U'.uoin |? - - **. ou rt. Iraoi Vna -i n.. .mi al , l. ,. la. I ? I'.ia- ? ?' ' ???" ihi...:i a.U >ai.'."... alat, U PUla nuui.trkfl. au Bls Jaiuiro. par an ^ .aL.ia, ii.nii Baltlnteru. , ' IM.I.M.-..A-I ai . a i. ttj irelaad. p.r ... ?. MflJe.ll-. aia u?..i,-t...>? il-H#ra fm in;?4 '?fitalfl uul Lt A aajta BV for Imi:-".- pai ? " '?"" "i ?S'".:r...i..|.to'4 anu Hr.-i..-? ib-ater. f r ir. ..,,.1 liuu* Im <lir-. ?-?! T"*r Laha"i: at 8 8U ... u. tor Belaluai Uii* i. p>. ; *? **ara. lai.U. a,_ ALtacrp ,i lt?M BiUta be <l.,..l .1 *pei WB* la:,J" al ll ?>? ai. f " loi.uie lalfliM. IIb>:, a,l S?a.a i.llla etc., le-r ?. .. Alve; a: 1 p >< 1 ?: t uoa, ler i. .. .N.._..r.. wa llavanai at l u m f.>. at. iratj and m. ILon.a. tl. "?l ti"X, al-w. \\ii.Jv. jru b.amli d,r>i-l. n?r " Tbaradar-At l p. Bt fm < ipa Mayi.. St. l.nminao and Taraa l.laiui |nr -. a. au'i i i a: H p bi. f..r i'.n.uui. l?er - a. i'.-of Marar. rr.. r, N.-n.,.-.. .n-. I IIIUAV Al ll a in far Kurfm^ lalaad. Jer-mlr and jamiba .'?? > < ?"? m- a ila IJatoa per a a Atv*aa; a8 li ., i, f?., ,i.< i j. Khatraaaa jml i.uatfiaalfl, |?-r a. .. AcVflii il.lter?f..l !'...."? BlUflt b" ii r- t'il 'pr .\b'uan"U at ;i !? in. ior in. ....o. u"r a. a K Beaajb, fi.u, aew. ' ratTPRBAT M ~ a in. for Kran--". Swucrlaud. Italy, S-ali, aud lVr" .?! |. r a. -. I... Ilre'a.n- Jla llior-; ,' - su a ii for lr*'.and |.'r a. - - rtla, \la (Ji.n?rr,wu i.e-i. ra lor U:?at Itn'.alli nn 1 Btbar Karapvaa ion?t, ?$ i?, ,nr. t-t "pei s'nbi" .n;:i;i > ? ?_?_***_ ? I i>, Vtfl s.,|,liu:-.|'t<iii anrl I'.r , >? ri iieliera M ...nd. Irui"'. KaU'erbwd Italr. tt|*!n imd P'lr1" imi.t ?'.?'.l "i",' , i-i.-," ?*??? " n- ??. - a I I.'I Vlfl s,i i,nu:-,|,,.),i .lil, I'.r ll.'l l.ener. i?? ,r buid. Ir.,,''. KaU'erWwid Italr, K|B'u and l'"ri?aal '' a*. '? :i .' f" tn" .a''H"r ..... al. Itolteldaai latter- i-iil-t (!,'dlreV-lad -i-r Vrmflin" ; al Oa. ?? lar a.otlaaa^ttlr?eti p'l .. a. i' .,,:-...1. \ a '? a ? .?" a aaaat be dir.rug ?'-., r Inr. ??'." al 18 ,. h Trluidad wd Ta^ja per a' a Tltaale; at 1 p. a,. f<-r (Bmparb-. CalaiBa. falKifc'T "ni' V.,.a,..?. je '* a. V,,.n:,! le;.. N lo: ? uba ajj T..i i''<? ?? and Tii-|,,,i rt reel and fn >?' '? ?? v <? BtaBBfl ila \ r ir?if Biiiat be dliwted "B-r y?Barl .. si-niii v-ai 8 p. i"- ka* "??*? ?"?'? 9" "? 8' 4i,"i,l?? froiu Xew-Orie-iOfl . , ,. ,-.n? Msala far u,- Hawallaa laUada, i"-r ? a. A,?.ral a San r'rai.el. ". i?*e ? ? ?? aapt Biber "(J. 9t*M !.. I,.. ' Malt. f.-r I i, ":? -"l iapan. i.-r ?... t Byef Kia Jaiii'lm I..'. a-,,, I ?;(???..'". '' "'' '""'? >?<?:.ten ber '10, it 8 81 ii m. M'i- f*? *"*?ralla n-??-/..,ila'id. ? J .. . ?., | i i..,d .->aii.o-iii I-i.-ii.i1.. |^. ?. *. Alau.eda !' m ior .... arrtval at *flea.york ?? a. a - Aaraabj, aitB ltrltiab i, r,.r tufltra ta.- Mail* f.;r .,?? Baetaty lalanda ... r khi:> Tr"-i-' li rd ifraaa su,, rnaearol. rWM i.r- se,.ie".-r '.,. t 8 80 l> 'i. htalla for Newfouad |?,i5. bv rall W llBllfaa. aud ftemv l.v .'.-nr r. rtaM M h,a'.' daiiy m * ?'''' i'- ""? "'? '* !"r ... i .? >i..?'vi fliid t1.. ?'??<? by -t."u .??.-, i-loae u'. 1*1. aaVa d Iv nt ? ?? l>- "i. M'iK f?.r <?!.-, bv rall t<> Tan,|,a. I ?-. ,,,., ?;,..- bv s,e.;,..-r aailbifl Maudatl aml Tlnir.. daya) rt*'*" at t'lla oeii ? ila lv at 2 Bfl a. m. Mal!* for il.-xii'-o overtand, un'e-a -i>e l.lly .d.i- .? d for d.->i<a'. h i,a .,? uner .I.-- at IBia >.r.,i-e ilaliy at 3 a. m. . |-f,p a.-h-ii'iio or i''u.'ii'.' nf TraaavPaelBfl niiiia ta .r.-.?|('-d o? tr,.. i-r.-.un i t on "f tlii? r "i.ln'i rrupt d ovi>?. lanii tran-,,. u. San Prwielae*. Micl. fr m th a F.i-at ?rrlM,ik; on t.,:e at San Praaclarfl, nfl tl e diy ol a;i!ll?J cf ateanen a.e dlapatehef ib-D'. taa n*\* day.. Kimia trrvd mail clo-.? at rt 00 p. Bi. prevtetja day.'8 VA-. roiT PaaaataaHba PottoOce, Naw-Yora, BT. T , Aucuat 29. 1880.