Newspaper Page Text
70 <0 i&4l>C itXto^inb ribune. V0L-L.IVM<>,007. bEW-YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER I?, I890.-TI.i\ PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. FOREIGN LABOR AGITATION. THE STRIKERS AT BOCTILUIPTOS QITF.T. CO**-nE>r*a'iNr. Tiir. i.ocai. union- fou act-NO _,GAIN6T _OTU_K* ADVICE-TIICSTKIKK VS TIIK AU-TP.ALIAX SlllPPJXO TRADK WF-AKKXIXn. Soutliampton. Sopt. 11 ?Thc* strikcrs hcrc are more qtiiet to-day an.l Bfl riolous dcii.onstraiioiis liave been ma-. Tlie polire anthoriti.-s liave Lisued an order forbi.lding the hoMiiii, of pn cefisions, ond the ler.ders of the atrikers have promised ta sec that it is obeyed. The mail 6teamer La J'lata sailed to-duy for Eiver l.ntc. A frcsh c.rew svas euj-aced to take the plarcs of tlie old hands, svho went out with the At a ronferenee ?f atrikers t'nls afternoon it svas deeided to return ta svork on the concession af iered ? fortmsht apo. ln an intcrviesv after tlie eonferenre one of IM doelonen'8 leadcrs. named McCarthy, said that the faet th.U tlie strike had l*een hrgaaI svithoul ihe authority of thc London executive prerluded the hope Ut BBO-I- The dockers had been svained asainat precipltot* ar.iou, but they flboflfl ta dis reitard that tuivioe. The executive had telcf-raphcd that no strike ),ay svo.ild Ik> sent .o .he atrikm;, dockerfl, and that if they coiitinued ... strike they must relv upon loeal aid. MoOirtby atrnnj-ly condemned tlie,ainpt..n union foi .k-Miik against the adviee of the executivo. Jol.n Baraa _m ar.,ve,l bere from 1*mAtm with fiirther insmic.ions fraia tiie flw-eail-rfl" n-?:.r.ii'.c the handlinc of the atrike. The de.-Won ol thc eonferenre to rcsunic work is iWcely oppoflfld hy n s.ron*- minority al the atlUtfn, and the linal deeision ha? been |*oBtponed until ta_on*oW, 'J he concession meann u ri*-e af u penny an h<>:ir. The question of employintf non-u-nion mrn is left open. The dock eouipmy has ta have nll perishablo caigotfl unloulcl. This and ******* work that wxs mirenlly m- csary hflfl l*?n done l,y the nwn svhoin the i-?nipaiiy rcu.ine.1 in i.e dnoks. *" Blnekleirs" isere n?t .uip.ov.-d. Tl.e troops are still ln nticndancc at the dafkfl, ???? their sers'iees are m-t nrtded. Al a ni_-s-mretin_ of stnkers ta-alfhl Mr. M-*<arthy and other Speakers emphosi/.'d the fa.-t that th*- meu svciv nosv nble to rcsume svork svithout 1-elng WD jected to anv puiiishnicnt, and lhal their return w.uld not iuv.ilve l loss ol di.nity or pifl-tifM ou tbe part of the union. lt wouid la* un a* I of follv. tbe speakers held, for the ta enntinue ta throw thei_M*lves flfalaat *"**M ?**??? '- **** Letter to loae B flaall h-ttic nosv than a crc-ter one hercafter. It, is expce.ed that the jnfinenec of Mr. liurrs wiU sm.-oth usvay the irritatH>n lhal still exlsts nml secure tli-* return ol Bll t?t* nn'... Melbo rne Si'j.t ll.-Thfl .mkeis n thfl ahip pi, p tra-le are Svcakcnm.- Tb. wUitary toKt xvhleh has lecn foarding tbe propcrty of tl* emplover> will bc reduee-l. aa thfl ********* "* s" ',' n large numbcr of troops is "?onaidW- nr, ****** e-starv. Thc twei.ty-four seanieii wl,? sscie a.r^ted'veaterilav for itfBfliBB to svork sv,. i non aatafl men have Wn releaae.T und have rvuirnc.l t0Svdnev, N. S. W? Sept. ll.-In consc,,Mence ol .he'strilte there are nosv T.BBB men mil oi worB ?T the Newc._tle district. Ihe rmployers are ?onfldent of srinninF the flffht. but thc strikers khow few signs of yiclding. TI1B DTCHESSE DTZEi AND iy?lT.\_a"<';i>M. }ID? ENOr.^Oi"1* CW-TIUBCTIOXB TO Tlll'- CACB*B -A FECraiAXT -T'-A**' OB ABC. London. Sept. 11.-The reveUUo.u. of tho rarl? ? Piflaro" **-*- t?at *** D******tc **Vit* _as~) BO0O__00 f> thc Jto.ilanflUt Mill. but did not hcr-ilf ln tl* pctty Infriguc- ol thc party. In an in.crview lirlnte- ln thc "XlXc >ierle* she MfllflM all U\at M Men.ifix had aaM tflatiratfll her part in taa affair. and tuAA*. that nlie nimni-'vcl the interview -Ith tho tointe tlc I'arn at Ucaetal B___M_ar'a r.-<nien*. Os leaaifely .t waa an aecMeatal aMCtlag Urlweea Um 4,'?.t'-"_e raru aad Boatoaaer at her hotal. Tha D...|,(-4c Bfflfli spflalw aoaiea bal bilterly ?,f Bon htaaer'a *-***>* ?* eoaraae. The Parin .-?,ii-c-p,.i:,'c;,t ol "TBfl Londoa T,n:-* .?.as that eveiv aofl HMHtloMd lll Ihe rcy.'lj'i..., a??er- i"**** ?'**** "' ******** w?*pUag thi ********* dTta! who. -lU-Hil hul.i rerelvlria ****** t?rn. ?pp"urcd to *0*rt _U p_?J D.C i".e ul a p,.-? i.niaiy Jw-i) of An. <_ AN ._RMKN"1AN WSHOP WOUXDED. ATTlCKI-D WIU I-rMVlXr. A f HflU U-P.M VF.N.iK. TUK MOTIVK. CflflilfliiBflu*- T-rpt. 11. a* the Arw_anlaa Btaaaa Tadjad ttaraaiBB ?*?*?* ***** * *******??* *****l9*9, a sounc llllllllll appn._rl?-<l him an-. flttf-fiag .1" iry of --..aiior.- trid Ifl kill hlm avlth a krille. bal only mmiilrl la waaaalaB ****** ln -,"* arm- T,,c at.-rk 1- -?ppf.-?l ti. hare ae?a prompid hv a rtcair* f,,r revenifflj upon the "inhu;> far avMflB-C tlve, lt* him Ot*** th" pri-".i-Ti charced wttl. 1,:.m... bflflll imnlira'M !? thc rc.---,ii BeaMMfltrailaii* t-traln*. tho ArmcM..n Rlrtorrli ... the rathodral ln *** ****** H*p? quarter of Uaaalaatlao|iie. APCIDKNT TO TIIB AI'iTI'IAN KMIKF.-S oporto. .lept. II.- Tho Kinpn-i of A?-iria. who ls \i--itli.? I'.'it.,irai. wlule walklflB fl?ar thi*. elty, fllipp-.. aad f-n- ***** ******** ******, <*?*****-?*'>*>'? none J^W-taB/aow-eer. I* af a Bflrtoaa natai* This slicht arrid"nt wlll paUbhr i,?t Intarfcrfl **.lth thc long '.xirmy wl.iih Kiupifm RBaalie-i laleaBa to make -to (ul.a anrt p<,>-Ihly to thc I'aBed Ktata*. It li known thal *Im- Ii fond of tiaffllllBg and Uiat ihfl used to |to aliuo-i every year to keatlaad and Ir?> land for ihe pur| of huntlnfl. Ihln de-lf** for travtl ha.n Btciaaafli t-lnce **** terrtble dranm fll Merorhnc. *-lK-re he. aoa, the Cmwi, l*rlnrc RadnlpB, commitie-fi nuiriii*-. r-un tlw* pragraaiaM ?,f her |aaraev im not tieci, flkflarvfld a? ii alafl -ral arraaaed. Ihfl Au?t4i_ii F.ii)p!.a-. it h:in hi'.ii, reiiorti-<1. ava- to em bark at Flu?hln?. lloll?i.,|. ?u tlie va. li. af at. KukIM. fenUenian and to flflutflfld tn ****. li^t.-*d of tha> klic went lo Parl- and n'xjnt iOBlC day-. th*-.*-. Min ii well known u** ******? -*tong Uteran ta-tc-. and whll' In Parb --he went tu tlie Caflwi of Maal jnartre, mid plu,,-d a etrawa aaofl thc fltravfl of llcnry Hfllnc. who*c paflflfl* an- nearly all Known l,v heart by the Brnp-Mt.. t--.li_ imv, li Incoimiio. and durlni; her .oj.mni at AxrB<-.i.,n. a waflerlafl pdacfl aeaf Blanitt, ln ."rance. manv Icttori adilrnicil at her liotel -to Her M_)e_ty, tht Eiopresv of Au.tria." -i retumed a? "unknown." _"rom Jtrraflkoa fBaarefla Kliziftbeth and her dauehter, witb Ibetr s.iltc. wen. la Itordeaux and emburki-d on Imard the -tcam va. ht .hazalle. waleh took Ihein alij?K thc lpaale_ roa-t io I'oi-i.xral. ".vfici-e flcearrcd tlie atcldent flwalloned l.y the rable dupat. b. ?jt* iie at tiik fotctmnst of nucsBr-gp- bodv. (kilicnhagc.-i, .--.-pt. II.?-WB E. Carr, th- I'nlted fctates Miiiikter. and oilier nicmU-rs of thc Aiiieriiim Lepation fltaric*. for Mtor__a_fl thi* fli*flafatfl to bfl ereflent at tl.e rcrcinonio* aMwBlag the ixtepti'm af iptaln lirlcfl*<?iri bt**. ritorkhohn. bcp_. H-Thc I'nited -aUt.* warahlp "Baltlmore. from New "iork wltli the bady of .lohn F.rir?-oB olioanl. pa***t*\ BotphulB* InUr.d .lus atoralna. .he U eipeeted to arrive here to-flmrraa. evenliiK. The eaercl>ca att?n<Iliirf the formal re.eptio,, ?# ,(l<, tody havo foccn iBfli f'"' - O-lflel .-unday afternoon. A DATTLF. \V<?N BT Tlll M.-ORs. Taughr. _cpt. II - Tl^e Sulfan of MorarraN fore^i liave had a battlo will. llie Zeniinoun, Ifl whl< h thc latter were drfeated with hcavy los*. The leauaaan were Uhen by surpti-c aud wcrc lomplcicly muied. Iheir fainoui chicf. oliamiuon. wai rapturcd. ? FOR Al'STBALIAN rSDBRATlCiX. Svdnor. N- **? W. ?***? 11- T'"* Lcitlnlativc Ai aembly, by a vote of 07 t>? 11. has afloptwl Mr Ifcary l_rke-'s seheme for an Austi-allan f<-,le,:i,|on. Tho Aisernbly api-ointed a M ICpfCBCBI IM ****** at tlie coming ro2ivenUoii. A NT.W TANAI. IN SWITZRKI.AND. Bcrne. left. ll.-Tbc Thnn NeaaHblf i.'otnpany tia? derlrte*! to conneet lnteilakcn and TIiuti by meuns Ol a EHI'KKOU W1LLIASI AT PREIaLAI*. Bnalao. Kept. ll.-Emp?nir Wllllam aud Empress llacaato Vlctoria, atcompanJcd *B *liC Vuko ***** ot i_M>_u'Uit. *ni\H* to-duy. Iho route Ifl thc* c-a?tle wn. lin*_ wlth sp*rtator- *nd Uie imperial party recrivcd an enthuslastlc grec-iig. RKVOLITION IN A SWISS C'ANTON. A MEMBER. OF TII 11 GOVEIINMI-NT KII.I.r.D TROOPf _ENT TO Tlf- SCEXE. IWn*, Sept. li?A rovolution lias limkcn out ln tl*? ('i-ntcn of Tlcino, owinj to a ~ir_ere~4** ol opinion r**jT*i_lirj| tho lcvision of tl.o ("on st it ii tion. Tliin* nirralxTS cif t!.c Cnutotial Imv rrpnicnt have l'**cn lu-prlaoned, ane lic*cr. );illc*l nnd tiu* oiliiMs bave flod. 'J'lio Fntera] Oiivt-rniiii'iit baa -cut tv.u bottaUona to Ihe seen*'. A DEMAND FOH AMERICAN POI.K. I THi; 1T.HXI II (.OVKUNMUXT CALIa-D vro'X T*i MEPEAO, THi: KXISTINt; LAW. ntirdoaux, Sept. 11 ?'1*1:** fiinmili* fininril l (k'ticral haa aenl a reaolution to tlie Gorernnient clomancliii- tln* raily r_f??J of tlio law prohib-tiag Ute iuipurtatu.n of Aineriran saltod pork. -? C-NADIAN COMMEXTS <>N THF. TARIFF T.ILL. ITS 01'ERATIOX At* RllLATED TO Till- COhtUEBCB of Tiir. noMi.virrx. Tni-otito. sept. 11.-All tli* paperx tl.l. mnrnint: clls rn--csd Ibe pa~_a8* if tke kTrKlnJej biil. " l hc BaBplre" ( cir-.iiu xnvx: -Tlu-iv I-. im ic*i.i.ti *-vhy Cnn.vt,. akould Iic* de ipondont, IkoaRb <*o_?a nt tl.e rhan-o. in thc larlfl raha tho duty ou our exporti t<> tlie I'nited Htate*. ii~r rountry iiinnol bl inixlicil by riir'i arttOM nn tiu* part ol ou. aelfk-ar*, apon wboni wa ar*' uot drpendrat Even if wc were aVprlred of Ikrlr nn.riirt there are atkrr* wh.-rc wo niuy liml euecr pnrrhaaer* nnd ron Biimrr*. Tka Inlmlrnl iiitiiiicir a-*um*H t.y tlio 1' Matfla iii rcpard t.? i i.tiuiic-rrlnl relntloti- tiuiy pmr* tc. l.e Canada** apportunlty. With :i iittlo riiterpri*. are aaa) sn-i.rc new rkannrl. of irmSe and flll the p..-ltioi. whi. i. thc I'nited Mai.'x ka. lorfelled by ll. paradrd liiixiiiity." mTke i-l.tio" il.iin*r:ili aay*.! '? lt mu-t he rlrar t.i Ibe i.|iiiit.--t mt.ri.shipj.'-r t,f ihe Xatlnnul pollrjr tlmt tt will gn httrd **itli u- if Ih..t cf li*-?..__- nnd i.f pritil... trr- i- r *l-f*<*d Ifl :i |..**t-. li.-ur.- m tli rnlted x-tntt*. ilni'i bere. imr r*-?lrlrth<iii.l frirnd. I mr.* tiill, i.x tl,.-* llke iiliint Ihc advlaablllt* "f mahlna | ihi* xi-if r,ml',ii,.-,| .,,intnu..ity entirely Indeprndrnt ul : ary itjner, ini-M bc arhkrvrd wltkout tnuili rlxk If we llrrd nn a i?l;n.ot all by uui-cl*.-. *?? orenpled a roniparallvrly l*~*lated |n>llbiii on 11.i - eartk, lil.- An.tralia cr Pllralm l.laud. A- tt ix. aalar. ha. licl tix irn'v.iia'tly lo tli" Amrni-.m rontlnont, and **c nm ii" iru.r" :itri.rd t" malnialn .i r<*K'lni" uf lu-'her niniiula. turcrx' prir.-x tluiu Ihos* prevalling in Ihe I liiiol st.ticx than Xovn .-.nti.i uu.ld lu rc|n*i t of Nrw -llrnnawlrh or Krfltktnd "f I Eir.fh.n-. 'I be *a.naaiVr ml?_lit Imper Ihe wlnd i*i tl.i* .horn paople i" t-wne .-.\t''iit, hnl in tl.e rnd I notiiinc runid prevenl a whok>a]* flirh! ol rnpital I and labor frcni tli?' tont. )i'-;ivll\ t.i Ibe Ie*. Ii".i*,!* uixnt siile ul thc llne. And llll. |. all tli" RMira i-.-iiitin lu rlew uf Ibe _la.l~_.U~ii ln vniu" uf tii" arodari. ol ibe inll wkk'h h llk*lj lo Innn th" iip|i!it:i:l^,u of tl.e >l< Klnl- y ttulfJ lu our u-n rnttnral esp.-i.."' "Tha Mi:!' Iln-ependenl) aajra: K"r lb* pmrni are raanol rape* t *reu Uuiltei re< ipro. iiy- lt i. "iiiwirrrr, ri';ix...i.i'.i" |u eapeil lt. time Amrrtran upinh.ii wiu. a t:.\,,r- frivr rt'latitiiix ?.ll bt iiblt- ll. .i~-,Tt ii ??cif. Then -rr fot**** wahlna lur more lrl*ndlv i.olii v In thc* inttc'd htatc. Juxr n. Hutt are ?uih fnncx her*. *"?tily a few dav. n_. l-,-ili aartlr. tn Canada darlared for lerlproral o*_~t?all~n. mr ihr ahnmaJi Tin.*.. Tliis w.-ix un adranre for one ol ifc*> two itrcnni/ii'l'-tix. In tli" I'nited Blalefl iii<? liffbl wlll yet brc-ak.* RAILROA I> TXTERESTS. 'J-\vr. GREAT COMPAXIES fOMBIXE. A?.r.*i\i;iN?; FOR tiii: <-.onnuLIPatihN i i' tiu: W__BT1*~0-K>1~ME AND IHIXJ1AN HOl'-HS r?t?r~inr. ~*n<~ 11?<?*of-_* w>5tlrptinTi?*. Jr.. I?*f l.CA' in hix privatc rar t.'day f-.r flilca-'n. wlm* li/* alll eutafer witu f;*orcc* Pnilaaan .ind arrana- d*t~iix ol thc piwp-*td ctixullilatl'in ul lli* I*ullni:in and \\>xt Inph. nse*. A Kit-at dc-nj ba. brcn w.ltt.'i. ?bout tl.l. blc deal. leveral tinu-i lt bax i,~rn sta'<-l that land bax |-x?ii purrka-rd fnr thr anv-thm nl ri gi**at f-'tuiv wlu-ie ean and cl'-'trir mutur. --.likl bt tamed mii wrlk wunderful rapldltr. I,ul it h onlv now that Oefinlt* Inf.Tmatlon ln. r~m* fr-.m h*ad i|ii;il tffx. Mr. >V".trt!-!icit.?* ndiuittrd t-tdr, lh?l li r Ba. poina t'i <liiia-'i t'i .-iriiili-.- il'-M,!. V. itli Mr. I'ul-Biai and lhal tb" Intere-t* ..f tli* |wu arral rnr p .rati'tlix i*.iiM bc J.iir.-'l, ;ilMi.-i.fli lu- diri.i-l Ihat there woald be a dlrect rona-li-atuJii. The atury pal.liaheal mmim; llme ag<> nl tl** purvhaM .-( .. h*~_a bli. li uf prop rty it. ililia.ii a<- a Mte for a XtrVary b?*. aN-i clc-iiic.-<|. Th" lompani.-.x a' preaenl wlll iu>t anii a f.iit..iv. h>. tlirv dn not n""d it, c-ruli havlna lt. own plant ai.d att*ndln|* to it.x o"~n of tiu- lu-ii,"-.. Ti.o int".*.-. will bc* ?o ktentitot}. iww.-it-r, tlr.i one .?(.lpi.ratltin wiu worh Into tiu- banda ..f th* uthrr aiut n.JI tnaki- rmitrart. fcr i'ic other. Thaa the ItUlnian .'.iu tf i.v will la.* iblc- 1/. nialio a rontrai t f"r 4 >-.?nij.!<-T ontlit f..f a road. I'lclu'liti. rar. atul fnoto-r*.. J lu \Vi-xtii.irh'.uxf. I'fiDipaiil iau du Il.r .amr. and in Ihl. wa* a lat.,- Bniunnl ol hu.|i,e.x tlmt w,,ulil ~th*rw|>*t 1*- dlvicb-d amoua * naanVr uf rnmpank*. wlll bc kepl bu;c'Uic*r. - ? ? A HK.NIAI. FRI?M C11A1RMAN I.I.AM 'HARD. < Incaifi., *-<-pt. 11 llxp-'i h.i-. Cltalmjail lil nf thi f'-iitral I 'ii< ifl c* A--HI -laiiiiti. 1. inu'l. wi'iii.tit up over il*". Btatetaenl lhal he hax f~nra**d*4 tt. iii" It. Irratale f*~nnieme (i_-inTi..i-n, an armiaieiil aaalnBi liu- We-tern nrid. In i-for*n*e lo Ihe ..-"-nt dniiloii of Uio t'urimiisxio.. cm -n-n-.tiabl'- rau*-." un araln and roaiparallre rat''.x n- la-twc-csn Raaleni and WeJhrni risadx. Saui he to-day: ?? l have imt forwarded an.* paper iriiat-*.-.- |o tb* fo~i~il<.hin. If i d-. i .inii imt mai." tlie ih.lin, m- rnpurtefl*, Ihat a liv.- renl cllffrr "titial between Rratn and pnn'l.hi'i. mnnol u- maiti ia.iK-?i ander Ihe t'omiah-loner'. rnlin.. N'-itii^r .imti I mv lhal Ihe rvduc-tiun on ...rn n*a. mad'- In defervare lo jK.puiat' citainaiid, imr .hall i andertake lo thxlm lhal lt c-'i-t. Raatara linr. t.mrr u> handle araln than M*a~t ern lln^x. aiul that rciiix,-.|ii<.-utiv thc-v are t'iitlllc.?l tu hlphrr rat** J-t ton |?-r tnlli-. 1 am rhar.'i-d l,y I h" ?lullit r.iln.iiitf'i* t'i prCWU. an :ir_uuii?nt f ,r .ubuils.lflll to th" *'nmiui...'.Ji acrUn-i i_. r 111 i., *.' de* lai luir ih ;<! anv Inzlior r-.ti- UltJU 80 i"titx <m rum and '.?.': n-nts nu arnaat, I'bVago lo Now Vork, un: unreaaonabk*.'1 ? ? -? sIll'.NAND'iAII VALLKV RrVitKiANIZATION, |ialtiB~orr< ttepl. ll Cpe* fali.?Tl.e and iil.lo and Ihc Wctrrn Man land an- r*pnrled to bo liiter* xid I., tl:* rcori'riiil/.atloii of thc slirn .tulnali Va] l.-v Kalliuad. Tl." plan of m mnti-niplati-i i-o.i-iil.daiii.n nf tka takenandoak Valfey and the Nor. folk and Wrxto... iillroaclx, and rxtcisloii of thc lo Wuxiiiiiift'.n. Tka Wi'.trri. Marjrland now iia. a ron_eetloa wlth thc *.h"iiaiidiiah Vull'-v, nnd by this ix-iutr the itcadinp wlll ntw aeeara a -_nn_*tlon iiinmrrii ti." CurntxTlaiid Vadfl* bv thc W'-stc-rn Marylatid llnea. Tli* i'.:iitii..o.-i' and ohlo wiu, it bi anderatoud, f.irui a roiiiicilion wlth th* NoifolU und Wctrrn at P*a*~llli| ton, .rii'h an arran(-*mciil helni ralaabJ* 1/i all lha ll.iix iiit/*r<.xii*d. Tho Pfeaterti Marylaiul. under lt. tu-*.- tralRr arranmnent wlth thc rialUmore and ohlo, wiu rm* h U'axiiltipt'.n ovcr the new belt l.lne, con itrurflOH of whlch wa> b"eun yr-U'iday. Tiir. MILWAI-KEK HPI.T I.IVF.. MUwaakee, -apt. n pparJali.?A route hT Ihe Itrrl l.lne, whlrh ha-** hoan pwleried by Mllwmahea rapltal Ut., wlll bo aakM't~*d aftcr M".xrs. I'al-I aml llamlltun, two c.f Uie dlivUii*.. rctiini frotu Kuropc. Tke c-'tst nf builiiitii* ani e?inlpplng tha linc .* aatltnnled at f't.OOtt.OOO. TIhj jhoijiIc l.itcitxU'rt f'-ci ...nliilciit of gvjtllni all -he hett H"e baalnflai when thelr .-n.-.d l b.illt. Tlie hnaln-** they expc,-' i. to oonM from new _?__*- m,,! fi.nii linc. whlch iiriw "nt<r by muim othrr r.rul Tke Illiu"is Cenlral I* one B_r*te~i a-klrh lk* i-t-it I rne pcipl" eaperl t" brlna ln Milwankee, an.l tke L'kira_u, r-nrflntlnti nnd Qnlnr. Rnllruod anothcr. PI'.oI'OPKI) Full rilAIRMAKSIUP*!. fiiiragii. ~epl. 11 inpeekU).?* i anrml Pa-aenaar A'-'oiit. Fortt, of ll.c ivntixylvanla; Smith. c.f tha Lake ftbore, und beall, oi thc llnlllaaara and ohlo, have beea upp.ii.itod u rontnilttee to report on a vlra riiair man lor Um fhaaenpet of tke ("titriil TraMc Anarlalkan Unkra* thc Mreatera l*aa*eiiger A-Mirlatioii pclH ubci.d of th!. roinn.ittcc Uie Ulter will on <?rtuber 7 subnilt to Uie frneral pnatenwei apenta of tho aaaoilallnn the taaaaa of y. v. UonaM, firn.crly Kenc-ral pax.*.n;"r nicnt of thc rhlcniro aml AllatitU-. Chnlrman lllain luircl today cnlled a mcct Ing of tl.e ajaaaral aaaaaa*er* al ~~-1 '" tke ?ana-ktilon and on October ? ti.c-y wlll approva or dhapprave tl.e ?araon aandai by tl.o eamiHiea of genam] paaaengar auentx. Tl.e pcncnil manaifei- of llncs In the Wc.tern Paa. soiif-cr A.*o*lation today -Clertcd Proldcnt (abie. of tbo U-cU I-.laj.di yi-4VjL*-C*idcnt HitrrU. vX tke liur Uiigtaa. nnd Ocaeral Mfliup i Plater, of Um CWffl?*i S?. 1"buI, Mlfincapollt nnd i.-nalia. as a ronyult'e-" to ? hoo-e a tarrcflinr to Ckarratan .loddard. The ***** mltKi*. niet Ihi* afternoon and ne.tled flflofl f I-'inlev. of the Tronn JII?no.-.r1 A?-.,< latlon, and F. C. DoaaM a* the men iiest qaallfled ,*,,d Du*?t fliallabK Neither aai newted def'.iilicly and aatraa thfl <?"'?"? tiilitec rkflngra Its mind, both iiaincs wlll be tu thc gen-rnl ...anaerrs Ifl iiioniiw. To (liauiiia.i lioddard l,u-;.l-ei> nffei-cd tl,,' aflht of r>'i:eral aiannger of thfl Uil.- Wieia. lle refa*** to s;i.v whether o; not Ihla ls thc pfcftCT ln1 Wlll ?' ''ept whi',, hi- floreoa?iir as rhalmian i-. ilioi-n, bal u h ii-i'.i'ily hiiutd it li i,y railruod ptopk **ho micut kaoar. ILUNOLS CEXllTAf/S AFTAIRS. A TAI.K SVITH rr.l.nll.i.M' FISII BttiABDIXG A RElrlVT ATTACB <'s TIIE l'.'i.s:.. (tlkflgo, Sept. 11 opcriali.?HreaMflnt S.iiyve?.iiit I'l.h. ol t:i<* llliaot. tvnlral Itallmad romparqr. lll ipeaklng to-daji of the reporlcd dl*afl'tata. ***** "'? afoekhoMcra ailh the manngemeal *l il.e raHroai, Niid: "Thc whol- th>,.?mi-iitioii. II miii plea-- t'> mll it ao?la not de-ervlBB nf ?aeh attenUun a* b** been pive,, to it. Kvciv rflllmad has been tawagh s.i.h an e.xperlenec, nnd ipeealatori we kaoarn fi> iii.cntly to rauorl 10 si.rh rlieuifn ln flffflCt thc ntu.'k market. The document rmanated froai _**?"C"iilator V. bo d-T-lied. bv flcpremil,. the -(,??', of tl- IlllimU I'entral, i<> raare a r.'Be.i B'llon i., other fltorka. :i,ev -erured i,y tii<* it-c >.f ,i,,,,?-v ihe pnl*Bratl*i? ?>' II,,' tnatti'r. and then hv pdnfl ??,, the n|.,U Ksrhflflflfl nml selliim .-, few dian-fl af the llllanh, Ccatral fltaa a+.-eil to ra.i__ ;, nBflht deelloe ln prlre. i-ut itn effeii sian only im-iiiriitary. fllid tlio-" wlm ei,|.1?ee,vd tlio Hl.c.i.c are lii, in, I,Ilv Ium':'- b) Ihfl apw :i.i,.n." -I.,, \?u kpoa tho per-,.?i- ano pi,-*,,i><i (hc ilr ralar '.'* ? There ??:,< no rirenlar prepared." Mr. I'i-li replied. -Nniie :ii ull st !,?:.-? i have been unat.le i" ll!-< 'ia-.-,- :i,,\l-,M'.v aalu. >:,?? :i i.ipjr ,,f it. ,-i.her ,?, llilo or ll'e other -i'l" Of Ihe SWiIi*". I me -,,n- tbal ii" -ii.-li clretilar ha* bern rtmir.liiited | flaianfl the -.ti-rkhnlder*. lt *. ?n a,i.?,v,ii,?i- rom : iiiiiiii,.-iti?ii. aad aa* -et np fmm Ihe niaiiii*rrlpt by a NewYoiK rveninfl ne*- ****** la*l I rtday. l i-'llevi. I Un ia thr per "li- ,-,-|,,?,-,l'le f,',' llie'all,,,.. l.,it 1 i di.n'1 rare l*< **** Iheir naaie* Jt,-i yet.* 1 ? SSI.-it hni- >,?i t<> n:,v al.'.iit >",ir r-tip'uie,:t. >,r Ihe ii, i'>'"l.:.Lil,l.v nt V"i:i' ret. (I-n, aild al.'.ul tho I....1 finanrial rondltimi <>f Oa- roa<l"" i "-almplv IhlH ih'." *--. III be, -i, far Bfl I an, al.h- ta j <,id.,-. .,?.,-? a'lu'e ln th.' ;- r '.,,,,.1 i?l Ila- ******* ?** il?. |.ln_ .-le. Him, -?ve ln ,,:;,? lii?tan?** Ihe elertii-fl ,.f ,, n**a ,iii.'. t", lu pi-,"* "' """ whn *'*** rrllw. l"i !,,S-lf. 1 a,? a h-'I'l "*'?'"? -B'l IHIW miliv \,:n- I have ycl tu -.-iv.- i ' '*?'* **'? wBhoBl b??kln? np the rr,,,,,! ' .?lav-fl jriair Icrm a*. preiMcn. espire** ? N,., lt run- .ih ni:. nnle-- th" dlr-rturj ??" Bl ln ei.rt Bn*.ther i,:--i,i.nt. and lhal." Mr. H?h Mi,:im.-iy ?'t,i,,i. -I (i*iii*l ihlnk "di i," AMni llie riaan . tal ?landli.? "f Ihe i-,<1. I ******u** ***t<* *'??*' ***** | would -rall nnOI Ilv annnal ,* p n I* l-*m*-l. bal I wlll *_v Ihat nor pve* ihi rio-e f>i ?lartn. Tla? In.rea*-e m t'?? g ??-- rarnhifl* i*f Ihe ?)? .eni f,,r llie l-i-l .-.*?' Ti-'""'",-- *?" ?' ."'>*'.,*M''" -V.'lnil wi- tl.e l!?le:i-e i?l llie > '*T*r lef",a' oV.r th-' oreredliifl rear* " ? ?HUT- \a.i- i:.'n". Aild if II. l"*-?e ln th*" Uri ,-:?,?.,-- .d Ihr pa-l rear ha* rad ****** on a par ***** j t?,??l ln th- li.,ie:in,-.| rflprndBnK-fl f'-r *?***"n.**** Iniiirirt-einenl of .mr .v-te:,,. |i.r lOfltanre. ?. Iiav. I _ i .-'il Lm.OO.. i..i. -f -t-el ralU, l?._lead nf. a* _' ,1 nififlT ?,:,-. The rall-. to". ?** ***** ****** Kaierio Ot* ' ***t Ihan ************ fTatfiSTiu ,?n,l* -i.i >.f Iheni ai- ********* "':': ,?T_i& ?d ?rail nl f.*rtj nlit-*: aral^V_!S_T__i S , ' in ,,,. ?,., ,-,,i and 'i.-i.-lit "f l"i'l:i-t. all "t aairn ,. 5? ?.mil? '*?** <"'? **?*<?** l"!,,,","r,a.u"-'T ' .,,.ilrlihel* i,i il ,?,-,'?' in..,,'I"'- '' I'1 " A:;:!'L fa.a.,.,i.'I.:.*iM.'.1,v.';''-'-v.'i'-n.inr- .ii'i," ! ;.,rnias*. I ***** ***** ,!l',t ***** "* % "'"" i ? -> - \nmm. MRRTIN'i OF TIIK NAXIVNM K**\*. ' M l-i'.l. bfpl. 11 .-I*'-' al,. -Tl.e ilo. lil, ,M. I' "f the st. IV,I. M.nucapol. and NaaNuba Kallroad < ?'" nai.v held thelr annual McMinfl lu Ihi* rllir ******* About tiTo-thir-* of HN BflarB ***** r*pi***tutoA. n,u?t SI i, _. prosy. -anv- -'- ?>>?? ** ?*?"r" ******* Ut DoaaM A. NiBth, i??*iw ****-*? ******* mtt* ft. V. ITnagk and U. *> lirnier wew rlerl^d .lun'or*. Tlie board hai not yet i.r*_aal-"*d by Ihfl eb-tlfla of oArrr* a,-d b Baandal -tai.-,,,. nt f.r U,-- iflven n mta* fron, Julv I. I-**. 10 Bl. leflO. aa* tom c-apl,,- to Nea -01*. Ihe |.?*: id the NanlloU to the liical N"r?!i?TU na- .'*t.*1 '-n l.liui,v I. and aBhoaflh Ih- Manll.dia r.*ri* atlU eil?l?. ihere tn n? Indei*ndwi1 l,r.n. ?.I fltatenient -."?? llial tlme. Th- 'ti?.-i:ient fitf th" *-*l*en BHinllll iti*-'- "'" rriKA earnliiB- a* -r-l.iaB.-4T 7?: re..ii.-_lr.H.. -II**I il. n-ls Blld Intcrcil ull ,:ia.-,:,i''T,t. ?:? ..2-1 . ? . "l? ral !,?? rnpen*e* nnd tai**-. -*,""T.(?;i '.'1 : li,..*r*-*.l ***?*? -!.:.--.,.. i:t: diiid.-wi .I. **?*.**?: :*******>* ??_*? _-o:i "'-;:?'? i-mm and ****. .-i:i.-'.;-*.M. ' '" **' ,',,.,-t fnr Ihe i*-mal.,..,i! Bve m??ith? nf tlie ti""i >*ar .niiinc .nn*- ??<>. i-?"'. ?HI appear la the rrp -n .?. m< tireat Noitl.',n II,?d, ? ? ? BATEX TIIKKSTI-'.NKI' ll*. THK K"< K 1-' SN'I>. . hi..K... >"|.t. II ."*.i'.l' The ll"!. I-i" 'l '-'?", rr.l-.eil a s|..;?, ,? . dai'? Bierlinii "I U- \S.?t?>n Frcl.hl A-'-litl"', tv BiHHiomltii- lhal II a.mlfl ir> ply the ni1ti"*I *'h.:il i.,i<- ih. mill fltuB and lli- ." ,1?, pd .,,n. r:,f -li .-" nnd l'"v. I'nivr*..*! .-. jeition aafl ntfld". Ih- H'"l. I ****** **** A,t"" '. arrced ?" ***** ****** ,r" *J-,'>' "' ".' '"'*'l'''' ? lu Kraln ra.e* from ll.?.? "" ?,,l",' -halrman Midsb-j r,..'H.'.l ?or.l aln-ihei Hi- Inti-r-iaU. ...inmeri.' > "fl, mln.l,.,, w'ul.l j.-.i"'!,- .i -I"' l "' '"*!" ******** min ral"*-. ll,.- 'i?- -.,..,. ***** |.n?.-tl??llss de.ldrd r,,iUv i.v ,1 irWraai I. <'"U,?,,--i ?'-?.? Jdorrl' ... b k !.!?!: }..' a arlfien*-meiu ni wbal Ua- raHru-dli ? _ A sfm stubct i.aii.svsy i-'.i: rinr.v;*.. ihi. ..... I*rpl 11 .**peelili. TlK .,i Klat." IflnHMl ,i l,...-i.-" i'"'a\ t. th- <?'i:.i|.-li,l- Itall-at, i ir ...iiipinv. ?,r .'li...,-". ableh **HI iiiii.alfl.lai. r?l Upfllbla raltaaj rar and loiprnvea-eiil llfm-n. The rapital tU*b *- PHflMflfli. =",-1 H- larorpiaaliH iu-e LoaU .'. /"IU. Hearj V. fandeis aad tolm I Blehard*. A li.-n- wa* al >> .--u-i I" ""? ?"""',' c,,l, :,c,, Avena** and Jack*on I'arl. Mreel IUIIwbJ <""' pviv. of .hl. 'M". Il.e ripllal -**** b of llll ...npiny I- o. j 110 . ii mi. Blfld lt- un orp-eat-.i ?- ar- Ira ll'l,.-. |,,M,1 I.,.; al,<l ('hni'- l?. I <**. Tl.e l _l - W.ll i?., le ran b. eP-**irtillt. M'-,..n'll ATlN?i F.?lt SN'.rili.i: ll-'Sll. .* ?l''',|,,. "f th- ,ll"''"'n "f th" ' IC' I'.I.'L I'l l,nili,,.., , .,,< u.n.itl aml *?.. U?nl? llallwai an h IU \r torday. Tlw prinrlpal l.u?...e -. bef.-re il relab-d t, th.' ii.'iT' for a-uiilrlMl.' tl.e 1 iii, Inn .tl. *? ?ll datakl aud 4 T.-v.-l I...1 Kailroad. Th, ,,,.,'1 nili* frofll .naiidil-I.V l? t'l'-vclaiKl. I.'il BlUc*, allll ? hn, < 1, fr .fll Ciii'V to Undlajf, "iii". and Ihe.i>m\ b*ai*i Um r.ilu',,1,,,-, >|.r!.,tii-!'l and I1a**liiaatl Hallmad, froai iilniiiliun <o rp.l:'|.-ll''l'l. !.'? .nll"--, I.'i- pruperl" aalll bfl * valuahle _n|al*ltbifl l" tl.e * |||fl f.Hir* ^\ triu. Th.-,,- i- lit.i- d.ailil lhal the ncKOtiatkm* will bc fnt,-fa-l-'fily ruaipV -.'.1. ? ST. .lull NM.'I'.V AM? I.SU I lll A M 1*1, Al N SI. J<h',-l,'HV, VI., "-"I'l- II. Th- .'.:.',.! '"?' lafl "f tl.e St. .I'.|.n-l?,ry vA'.- < l,:,?,|,lal,i 11,11 ???.kI ?afl Md |,.-re" t'.-'l,'. -?d th- ?l.l ll'.anl if I,li.,|,,|. . 1., lnl Ml l.ord ?:m "l-'t'd pn-fll-lil, .',,,<i V SV. *tit** -.,,'l.irv. X!.e -t" i.-'d ?<*?* ****** *" ***** 4 per rral Iwad* ln jii,ui,,,i ,i?i racrcdlafl ?8,400,000 t" t*t *???' daatlafl Uii.t BRKBIMI ni sv |-mim.,,s r.ns. TlfliV. N. Y.. .*?' I't- 11. ' .' San SV... rt. f,.r .1,,- ?*?_?*? fr-1,-1.*. :a."'.l ui th" SVi-nl.-r,, [l|H(I?n >?'. th- III ,,!' i"K* ,"'<l. Lan't uderrd bta ra-lflaflH-fl, i>..\.,,k arrnpt.- ti. ? Bpflulnt in,m. ?f Brw.Tnrk BUU* tttmi ?f ?',- Wert Uht* ruad, iviti, b-adqaartew ?t Sna-,,--. liia .,,,i,--i,r ?lll bfl i.oii-c V*. ."ull,)-_ m ._ HKALA BFABt'E IX REBBIXO SEA. -in Fiaael-eo. Bap- n * ,'"''' rw^lved here from . meinh-r ol _-? erew nf ihe -rallnji M-hnoaer Triamph, whirh arrired at lae ******* port. .e.-miv. flay* thal ihe had laeB *********** of bj the North Ancriran ciuiinereial Coaipan. ha* bren flhared hv th- puaeket**. -,-ala aew reinarluhly ieanfl. ihe Triaiapl. flpeoly Imaatfl ol flfliing ioafl all ber arallni* In Itohrtaii **.??*? n.,e n-,?- r.-venue raltert n-v, lal lime-. bnl i,?thii,K ? . .-.i.l Iii ber l.v ihe i.fli.em leavlnf Behnnfl v-! Tho Trtumph irporti Um toial ratrh of fuarlcea acalera, *** tt*ST4 tbia*. TIIE r0Pri..\TIO\ OF MAtXB. Sept. 11.-The tenMU "niec todav jjivr's llie ponnhiMon <f Mfllflfl fll i<*>,-2M ; an ii.erc.-c l? u*n yeara ol ii.::J'.. <?* 1.76 |*er eeat. A POBTBAXTBB IiISM'I'E'.IRS. IiuiTal,). bept ll- .."hn ridlaffar, poflhaaator '*? (Urenie. Krle Coiinly. ha-, dln.ippc_ral. lle kept _ eotiniry _torc, aud |a? eifccU ijiiyo pccji "}Ci*cd. by Uie bheiitl. A NEW PLAN OF ATTACK. BRICK-UKa-SS T*> BE I1RICI-4IAXDLEB3, TOO. THF hUWUFACTVt-EM XOW (?ONTI-MP-ATi. SIII1' PIXO TltVlU BIIICK T'I THIS MARKKT AXD I';c:11ttNc? TIIK 7,Mi r. r.viOXj IS A.'.-'il ll!-: II WA V. Tlie rtrtrk Manafarturem' A.<-o<-i_ti'>n ha-" at lencth aluiuxt inrreeded In BtApptnej thc anppljt of hrirk thal conies Ifl thc Sew-Yort iimi limnklyn ...Brket*. When Ihc iioycult wa. fltsl r-'iiblixlird thc nmount uf brirk lielnj;, u.rd dally lu XcrVork iilnnc anumnted to nearly S/h*~),0OO. I'nder nflrmal eondrlkinB thi. -upfap ?t tl.fmo.iioo brirk dally, whlrh h rei|iiln*d when tke Tt.itil-llnt- .c-??nn |. at IL, wniild fflll nlf altout S^OO.OOO ilirnnc the nuuit!. of .Septcinlier; so lliat.ilt ix rctlaiated, l,~r*~.MO brirk a day would hc cnou-i. t keep hnlldina operatlon* nwvins without any itrln ,.i, r _*ili? f.-lt f.i the rct of the BMBOn, lmtwltli itandlnj the cxae.eratecl leporti ln rlrrnlntton tliat a. tuurh brirk ix iii-t-dcd now a. waa raqntral durtaf Jnne and .1ul\. II i- lui" lhal the dealer*- delivc-rlc. clurin. AttgH*! ahuwrd im iliminuii-iii, Iml an estra -npplv wn* bernp laid up I.* Hi" I,ull"Icr- ii- ii provlikm agaitixt the lamlne ihat wn* more frnr-d than experten. Manv liinlili'i-x pal mi c\tr~ hand*, and whrn there wa. no room Ifl rlora brh*h about t_*tr premlaea, they wero rnn Into thc wall. wlik ann-ual alarrltjr. aml all lmiid fhp apprnarhlnfi romplethm were Bnl-fced. whii" Ihiiao lhal were Ju-t xtaited wcr** ntluwed tn wall. l.y Ikrl incaiix nn linpclu. wa. _ivcn i.i Itnlldlnf, an cxtra amntiiit cif timtii-v wa< furred iutn thc of lat-.r. and Hu* rarprnter* Bnd .i -'>'*! pr* xprrt ..f luMde work ni tlu-ir In.'tn Inr -"lil" iiui" I" "'?'"'* ln romiili'ltuB l1." l.tillilin-. ilius liiinir.l im., rxMeore. Taking int.. r.inxidi-rriti.iii thlx ln bulMlna. th" natural ti,..i:-li imt pn-ai cc-x-.-iticiii of liaildlna oprrallona duriiia tiu- full. and ihc BRJOunl nf --nrfcer,*1 "Bnenk."1 ",,.ntrnrr i.t.,1 fnn-l-n brirk tfcal hu-* been rontlng I,, tl,,- rltv xinir- thc hnimt. WB. ctaiili-hed, the I iii:iiuif...1:trrr?. ** ho ran lll :itT..r-t tn tnnl'-Uln so rj I priialve u ~_rf~re, are l*vitii'.it;_ t?i irruw Impattent \ Bl th" I"**' ilc-i-nt of tlu-lr *.'ii-M.i'C. While 'h" . walklng detegalea nialnti.ln that lt kaan't dearended I .ii nll. rjrepl lu tlio i-mo- nf ,i few handton and rart ' in. ii al... are r~rapr~M-t?d tn a -i'"-'*' "\t-iit I'.v Ibe | e~tra uurh alvm tbrm brfure tbe bovrotl wn. _*? j iaC)|.b*d. ln ti." kandllna nf i.Mllbmal qnuntllv of Imai.Tiil, simni l.y tii- bulktei. fur Iba prc* I entrravnrjr, Al th.- hrirk vard* th" .ituaibMi i- e~?*ee_ln-l| un | ri-mf rtrilih-. <-.,ii'.'"-tl..n ? c'\ii*v. Ii"i'* aud thc .tm 'd | brl. I. ha*. In matij i.i---. bren ""I* ?t*~***d ln lrmp.~_rf I .ht-r.cis, and '..? bren raiii-wa.~'*d nml mluci'd In I v.-!il*',lo th-- . WI.I ..f i diiTl.r a'.'t. Thi. I .t'lpitrc* nf l-n-ili- ? bll' h.-:i*.I.V ll|."'i th" "imi | lioJfiV'--. th.-ui-.-l-.-?-. Blld m vic\* nf t'i.-' fn'x thf* | maaufartiirrr. ar* wurklna *hi * wn plan, whlrh I. lu xtarl lllpplli- l' .?"' V..rl. , ui-.d .I'ml th-'lr ,,**ii ui.i, t,, unhiad n!"l Ihrtr uwn - <rt- lu ddtv.-r fa ; r. i; nt Ihr l.ulMui-.. 'Ih" |~-?J*?I i* ""'*' liiii h:i._- :ix y.'l, '.'it Ih* itiiul- "f "Ui" nf t'i" n-..--t pr.Hulnrui bh ?n-.'-i- ..l lla* B-?*?-b.tUMi :*r" bn*~llna t.\.-r lt. ili'l it :- t-\|i-'"'l lirtt ..1 irrxl M'.nila*'. nirrtln* Ihr M\ J<-' *--1*I be n~i.ldrr*d. -Thlx 1- ** W* xlvtul-l ll iv.' O-.ll* :il lii-t.'- -ild ..i-r "i tii.-iii t-i i liri.nii" r-'purirr, ? i.ut we t:.'iii-ht tke denlen wiuild a-1 **itii lnd*prnd*nr* and lake bold nf tli" 1"-'. ..'if"d hruk tl.e.u. ivc whrn **" ihrrstenrd t>> *t?*p Ih*. ii|.;,!i. Th* l.rlt-ltla-.fix h;iV" bron BllSbiU. fr..-i.i iii- lu-xi t-i !n\ il-.- Iti. k .. id i-a*" been fcepl Irom u-:iie it i.v ln* dealcr. and butMer. r*fu*lna t?? t_l*<' U lii" dcah-r. "pefu-'-d fnr toar ??! iilfrndUia Iko walfclnn d"li ca1.--. I'.'i't Ih" uia."ii l.tiild.'r. t--rauxe tlwir bnd c.'rr.'tx vt./nM ? ..t r?rry ii. bai when lk* praaenl fumin* waa pr-.jc. i.*i th-- bulM*ri ln aevrral bi.tanre* tgxpti 10 .Iv thc* l.rl.k lf UM dcil.-r. WuttM ci-iiv-r lt. ... Wut rrallv our onlf fi-,ml.lal,lc iiuputarutl have li.-cn th* dfv.ler. and thc-h- men. "\v\5 riui ,"t prrntr ol rarta and hor-*a oaUida tlw? rity -ml pl-ntT nf n*'.i Ki Saw-Yurk wko wlll be ?U1 t.. rart llic hrh k lollr*. bulUI"."*.. ttt wlll *.-.ul .-ur of u nu-:. ... anlufld, and thc luilldT. tn manv InakHM <i huv" ii*t>-i.l to lakr dln-cl fmn. tfi" a..,?lallim. and hrnnre tke -rnlar. aNocatker. tf thev knven'l gai tke !,:,. i.i...." lu h--f i> Ikem xu|.pll*d when ihe hrirk I. at th.-lr wltor*".. 'I* tli*"*** ~'IT __-Mfc_od of thc m.iuii f.u tm.-.- -t.iiiiu- :..".. un'.n y.'-xrl. ln diit"t*ctit parta of Ih,- .11*. -ix hax la-.i. i.'|f*Tl*-1 ?' That I. vry hanl t,. -.,.. 1 ttil'ik ti??' Ih" pi.-x-tit BB* .rlatlnti. l.l.t a **?~n l,ii.?u<~, ,ff ni "ut t**--rity "f Ihs Iradliui ,,,,.,, I-, ih* i.u.iiic-x- mi.'iit nnltfl t" d ? ?u*h ? ???_. *.nr .i.-i.t. b*r* wooM bave , .uprrvi.U.ii nl lk* rard.. i? lh*> know all bI-ouI Hi* ,,? ,:... ; br*!dc. in mv ? f Ih* d'-rji'Tx Wuuld rulli* i'i lf i>?.v . i-r wc w.-'-c il.-t.-ni.lticd lo l~u*k thent lo t!i" "iu! aml r..ul.l runlrol tl-* iii.irlt.-t. Momevet. tln I. an li.lpailm: maii.-i-. and I ran <t\ uutbius f-.r rrrtaln tiii .iftei neat Miiiidny'. hutIIu.." ? - ? ? r.l/.V JXO BVETT VXHEB ABREST. rilH TWO Mi-xiN'- TKAl'NWHI't Kl !-.x I.t NU A*,|l I'" ii I II I'l' I'lli-a, N. Y. -'|.t II- '?.i I.Rkrrt*~i delwllvi*. .,-r.-xt.-.i . ii.ii aml liurtt, uk? werr wanlnd l.*r ani klna v.r Muiitrml rapre. ""' ,>",r>l Kallmad mar Vlhanv. aud b-ft ibli rllj fur AIImiiiv al II :~~ '?? m. lli,- m,:i w,-i" inr* lll N.,ltli--n, Sea ..ul* UT i.m.i.i.. th- il.'N.tlv.'x r.f..-"l t'< -iV "h.r.-. Tl." d-lc t.*"- I'.ix.'l IfcniU-k lli.i v-t'-nli* .ift.-i-iiiii.ii. rull.iv.lna ? **~n_n wlm wa. In rotnaiunlcatlun *"ih HW n?-n w..nt..i. Th-v lame hrre *?n fu- Hunu*. U'atcM.iwn aml iiadeiiabura llallmid at li a. m. aml Ibai thi* B.cotiiitrd for the traln heini; lat* 1 n^ *rai,,.t..-i. d.-.iicd Ihl*. however. Th., did lll" I III p i^nineV. d"-n.ii Ihl*. however Tho two men did n?l irrlvi. bere ou lha atall uain from the JTeal dae -t TtYixa ro t~r/r~ tue vabbos trtxt. M ! ut-, Kept. 11 l-pi'Mall. Wcl-1. II.*?. nf O-'VO |_,.,. ,,ur. hii-nl r. ronln.lllna Inten -t ln tke i ,.1-iifv r..rt?,n rompuny, -f *?'? -~ul*. b*r *-.".'a? n?. i?v,-,i..i.-iii ba* i. -.-I ?JlawWiwnro. b* Mr. Hn,.. |, ;, kndlna .t.H-uiini.kT in Ihr National r*i-bo~ ,.?Bpanyi nf I'lcMluhd. BOd I. ril.n kuoWl, ... b* ronnrrtfld lnll.uaU-lv.~ilh Ihc lluu.lon ( um ,,ltl,v Mr. Il.ues haa piinlia.,-.! ll." nnercix of three .tuckholder. and will coojieraic wiih fienornl NanaRer -.uuii.'i li. Hoolser. ol tl.e Ki.iclitv. There ran be littla ,??...i.... lhal t.ivhaxc i. parl af a x,l,e.,.e to rx , .,,i,.i, a rarban lm?t, Um about a lenr apu thc liil.llty oll.-icl to -.11 ""I al B mm h l'.*"-r ll-urc tha,, .hat ii-w paid fm a eoulmlUa- Inlereal onlp. The Thcinixni..|ioii.ion rampany baa larp* rarnoa warka -u Pranuini. Ohki, und ha* a Inrpr. if^ nm a ,,,?tr,,!ll.,?. Il.tcicl lu both tkfl Uriisli aml N-tmnal - at ("mc'and. Ihe Thiiin.o..-ll..iixt..ii plaBI |, ,,?, |,,..t in Ihe rountry nnd I* rrcilll.'d wlth Imvlne alre-d| **sinn*d tke nnnnln~ll~n of the llr~ak. N??-,i?il and Htnudaiw. Tfck. ix tke lerund uit-iupt m f.?-i-, :. tr..... Ifce provloi.s ..rn- havlna f.ill.-. owlna _, Ih*, nric.. brlnit pul nP lon l*Kk iit Ih" -I'.l'. *.-_f i ,.L _??!, i. ili,,iix-in,l. Nu lir-'i- r.,nxiiiiic-ix pahl KiifS&.y 'f.; * i, i".ivi-d noilre of tkr iru*l , * ,,,,-'...'ii'd ai on". tn ordrr beavllv f..r fumre V."?...:1. al "in.**"!. V'-i'<-'-" and the Ituel fall t-W-__k iilmoxt al .iiiic.___ rBB+lBtMCFT cnrsriL OF ST. T.OFIS. -I louii f.cpt. 11 (..pociali.-Coun.i'.nian John (iBuahl. a i...x|.i".x ....... and a peonlnenl RRnre la munlrlpal lcK'ixl..t'..u f?r .rveral vcar-. aaM fr-dajr that hc would ,c-l-u hi. pla.'.* in th- lonnrll on B-ronnl ?f in* rarrnpikin ln that bodr. Mr. Unnabl wid ha ra.?s__rj?Wi_?A reapeet._ l mUUBBf BOXCBBXT lir.hU'iTEh. w.,,xi,.i. conn., Nept. It-Tka*' Vmm ??.?( eierted on ileiirhix. wa. approprlntely dodlrated thi- aftcrnoon. 'inv.-iuu. Unlfcaley und .?a~. x.v.-ral lud"i> nf Ih" dlnle inart* and utl.i-r prtiinlti'ill ?uc,t. wen Pir'-iit. -amncl 1'e.xcn.k'n. of Ma.nlord. wn* Ika orator._ 4 FHE TBABaV WBAUXtl rOTAQK BXDBD. v.-w r.i-dfoid. Ma.... tjept. II. Tm v.h.iin- bark r-Xrm .rHved In p~rl t.. nlakt afl*f a whaUni v,.ya~c ?f over Bve vcu.x. si.e. tmnt Inlan Ba-W bn-xTrf. of Yperm mi and l_W> po~nd* of **__?*? ^^S? _S t,X*0K!-^^^?,^r Mu-~T und lud a r-vzli tlu'SW FATAL WRECK OX THE CENTRAL POm MEN KILLED AND THREE INJ-'KEI) AT SCIIOD.U'K-OX-i HB-MfilSOa. TSVO RXOIKCBBB, A KHUlMAN AND ni'.s KI'.MAN DEAB AND TSVO EN..INKS AND TKN PBCIUHI I'AUS lil.KD ll' ON TIIE TKACK-.l misi'I.a..i-:d HW1TC1I thi: cmcsi*. Alliany, Sep1. 1 I.?No trains liave nrrivcl licre from Ncsv-Yorlc ain-e 7 :.?0 to-nteht, owlng t., a dlfl-fltroufl wreelc at Schnrlaclc. sixtcen niiies helosv this city. on tlie Nesv-York Central Railroad. Tlie railroa.1 au.lioiiti<*n l.ere aay that an extra frcij-lit train ss-as in collisinn svith a rcgulnr freu'l-.t train, owlng ta ? misplaeed _svi*cli, and a fesv freight ears left the track. It has beea learneil fron other sonrees, hosves-er, that thc svrcck is ilisastrous, two enginvs, tcn ears and a cal-ooso Iioiiii? pilcd up so as ta eover thc traeks as svcll as thc fKight tiarks. Two eiiL'incers, a flreman and a hrakcmaa are killcl and thrcc oth-tfl are svouiiiled. _ PBiCES BOOlt IX THE GRAIS PITS. -TAMI'Uit* OF IlfB SHOBTB IN* CBIOACO OK TIIF. GOVE4IXM-_l*ra DFLM.II PIOUBRS. rbteafo, sept. ll (Bperial).?Ta-nlglit on tlie Board of 'irade curli. exrlted brafcen were tryiag la 9* fieeemher wheat at *1 07. an adv.v,<v of nearlv .'. : rents over thc ia*t regalar priea o? Bfedne*day. TBh : surpn-uiK )ump In tho day aaa< rtue. iiltoKdhor to iho j < report. The prlre hefore tr,"* opcnitlg I thoweii n? odvant-e nf li rent*. aud thc Int | regaUr prteaa after thc Uf of the bcB aBowai aaotber I halften, gflin. Fron. thc apenlng to thc elortng lliorc wo* a iiefldy buyiiift of wheat. at ?nc moment hv afearta, Bt another by out*lde baB*. The tlp top ! Rgaifli of the Mefllofl were n.:,d" In tho la?t tm Bilaataa of tho trailag. mplflibflf wheat rin.-d at | ti oi 14: Derember oponed a. Bl 04 l_. anld up io i -M on '.??>. a.?l rlu?fld repilarly at -?i <"'. i *: Ha* npened al *?l OB, boM a* Mgh a* *?i l" _-?*. and ,i,.--,i at ..1 K? 1 -t. With tl,,' cxreption of a flfflflll Norll, aeatern mo.ena*nl?only IB7 rara at MlnneapaUa flnd a predlnion of bad areaiher iu Hakota, there aafl | praellrally no oth.-r ntttiMe Iniaene*- than the tsovern r-.-ii.rr. i. wa. th- c-i|> .hal Pardrldfle aa., ranglri r-hnrl ,m a llne of a rnllMon >t **, * and v.hrn Herembct ttnt to -M mi l_ and over. ;. aafl prnerally -<-t <i ,am lhal a dnaen <>r more, i I.Mkem \\cr- at worB t_e*| na l,,.l; hl? ?he?t. It ?"* :,i ,, the lalk tliat llnteliiii-uti had miH a .'*.! many , ,11- imi \\'-,lne-,|iv nleht. rertain it waa '!,at at I...,-- darii c the d.iv he wa- a lirge bnyer. (',,rn adraneod ,,v-r i renl*. and maliitslned ll all. Th- laal n.uie. rt*** at Ihe Untnp. tjept-mtier ??I'flned al i- 14 and rbmed al Ml renta. Url.dier op "i-.l at ?'.-' l-fl .-nt-. Tlie n.otive wt- tlM *??** repnrt. The buynifl a-ai all tha (l-r,-r I.-, ,,,,-- even l.odv hni c-i,-nll\ eipflrted It. lt t**9A p'u-rillv known ln thc i-it that there iu.1 been e-ornt ,.,,- -"HIlIC ,,f ralln Wtilncl.v nl-lit by llut.hl,,-..:, and PardrMffe, and that the cntl-e 1,1,,, U. aflfrerit ' Inc. -"ine thouk'ht. i- lui.ih a-a _,<:in..<iflMi baahels, had been Uken by a roapte ,.f ball hni-c-. Everybody | at*xi,.ii-ly -walle.1 il.e t-.-tilt. Ilatrhlnflon'i vil.-i arerfl iHppn??d !,. bfl airain iotu: r .,?. -,. that nobndy e_ p.'iteii him t" be a.: cviteii burer. It .* i- U-oaght, liwiv-i, tlnt Ifir'ridee-n -,il,an ,,f .-?11- put Mfl* -liort in thi* tnarket. and he * ,n naaaentartls eapeeted to nriUo a Uanii for eover. n.iri' en .,-,>ch he to'lt ilarm ; J,:-t hefore Uio < 1 ,*.-. Thc'p prlrefl *vere n,-%Ao t 011 that aort of huvin -. ont-. advanred il ,-'it- '>n thc aniiour.eement l.v Mr. IDodcc of an nvernfle ronBlttflB of only 84.4. ha was tho ra*e with all thc other Brolni, thc flnal prlres wcro , Bhoirt U** he*t. Septcnil^er ojiened at 117, too< lietl :>n l Bnd ejrfl.??4 at 17 "I rents; ?'i toher 0|-*.iCflI at 'l~. | loaekeB 81 l-fl?"lfl 1 4 ai:d eionxl nt .'.i 1 8 centi: May ; <>|->ncd at 40, Nild iu high m 41 12 and rloard at I fll .1 H reiilfl. i Tlie pr,.vlni,,n tnnrkct followed .he rorn. There I were larpf rereipt-. ot l.ojs at tlie aard-. and prlre*, the.r,- '.a-er.- |.,\vi-r. ThcrB *?*?*?* fl-ou-iil-niiile urVdier ' nnd caah U*iuld?Bon ln pnrfc, aud the parkera aeia pliilnlv fn-e nellern. but .ill the*e onllnars* btar in tluenre* were outwi'lflb-d hv lhi- ,'xe.-?-.1!,,?! -tr.;,,.',l, irf r.,rn M'lif.-nib, r p"rl. opened at .-?'.??'?" and rki-fld at , .rnilHi; ii, ("her pnrk 0|w:,e,| at .*:? 7', and rloiiil at flinn.'i; Jannan < |,,*,ic<i at i'li m7 and ,-|,.i-d fll__o: ] M.,v o|n-,ie;l at tf\2 '..? und > l"->il Bl *fl- ".">. .lamiara ! la:. ,,|ii,iil af 5--.''7-j aml rluaed -it ftl 7".; Janaar. ? rll.- npcnvd al PS -o aml ,-li.fled at #.?f_. The m-IIIiiK ol .lanuarv pr>Mliiet wan M t.v Arniuur and b* the I'.mlem. Ah"?t l.'i.tflfll hflrrelfl of r.,-li and .?-tol,"r . pnrk were MiM by I.-aalle. a bmkrr. i I'iiI- ofl !>.*?? rrii-4-r wheai wer.' |IO.*illi; rall* 1 f>l oa 1-4, I'ut-i on May rorn, ji J ? ; ralU, 30 7-n I ****** IIF.AVY flAI.Rrl AT TIIK fltflttrCK FAdlAM.K. Tlie iinfavorihl" .toVenimenl aheal report. predlc I in.,, ,,. fro-t. and foi-i-l.-n baytng, naaldncd ye-teniav t.mi ihe uh-at marfcfl*. np in the Pmdare Baebaano j tu,- j?,ini-. Tl." nv-ult waa that a beavy day'* IradlnR j \cis ,i?,i' in ahflat, ah**o. nlne ntllUon bu-hei- litrhig |-"1,1. Then* wa- ronflhlerable efleltement. Dveewlier | wheat, whieh rtnaed nn Wed.e-da.v at 91 Oi a bfl-hel, I we?. ?p venti-n1.iv iu-. blgh a* t?l <>1'7 fl, and .lo-ed at I i?l ,,'.i:,-. May wheal il,.*cl on B'edne*day at ? #1 on i l, an.l venteialfiv al i?l 14 1 -. Deeeaiber rorn ,l..-eil on SVii|::i'n.| i\ nt .'.li 1 ?_ reilO*. a;.<l a-ntcnluv ai -i7 l i. ital* aere n,,ia yo?berda) al an aivance >>' : i _ .md ;; i _ eenU. _ ? +. - ? ? THE EIRE BBCOBfl. ITRF.MK.N oVKIieosiK BV KMOKF. .\< Roandiman ..arritv, ,.f tbe fh.ireh*r. paUe* ktafbm, *a- paMlnn ihe eorner of Praaklln and rhan*h -t-. laat nlght. be -melt the ,Kior of barnlng rhBh and n_w a .mail putf nf -mol.e arKlr.c frofli the erllar ,-f Um eotaml-?lon h..unr nf Jfevln* ** fo., Bo. _1S fBareh st. Ilfl raag an alitrni. and vahen the ilti'ineu eanr* and .'hicf iioim-r aaflf tl.e joii whi.-ii he had tu aandle Iie nent out aii_thi*i' alarm. The tiremen htal the nr.-at. >t dlffl.-ultv .tt eettlng tt thc Hr-. v'hnli wa- ln ihe (iibrellar. Tba -iu,.u fro.ii the bur,,i?k" rloth wa- -" il-n-i- and -tMlnfl tL'it M eiitran,-.' thnatgh .I.e ..ore ..mi.l n<it be rfrrted. nml the ,"",, ?iep* nr dead li^'ht* had t.. he bndum al.h flflea. .iiarlen ier,,-. "f Traeh B?*. i<>. wa- th* irM to f1e-.,eml into the . -Ilar. II- wa- i.venoine b* the Miiolte aml fell throuith bl the ,-lla, bclow. a dlK-li.e of Iftern feel. lle ?:.^ pslrlialed by a roatrade. and rciov.-rlni* wulh-d to Ifasaibeni stiv-t HoapttaL lle MBtalned a aBgM wntaalon ,'>f .!?? iralp ?n<i ral both hi* irdna. AeBag lltfflf TBomaa A. Kennei, of the seventh Hattalioii. und rin' Jaha *'*? ****** were slflO ov.-reome by th- -.uiol.e. and luvl l?i be t-arrled out K.n.iev falii.ed and f.*n barkward thmagh ? ?tj*r Ughl and landfld .?? a bale ... ?iii<niMeiiii> laanel. lio vvan n.-t hurt. however. ii.ia. -., ,ea,av,l. The rellar roatatned b nnmbcr of old paeklaa '"'*<-* and a nuinititv "f tUun.l. -flaperlnleadent IH.H. >;[ the Kln* l'H.r.,1. thliiln lhal Ni-vln- _ i ?<?** ***** ***** ,.-> a,,,,ui aiJ.i>"(?. and .he dflWflgfl to tUe baUdlag Bt.300. ._i_ BTBArsKY INsril VN.'K l**>l.I? Il'>. Tl.e of poodi behmging b> fforlti .-Imtiiky. I'.rolhci- _ <".. i't N"- IM -:?as, .''lHnil twenty Hfth -.-. whirh w?- daauged by ilr- ofl B'edflea dav nlEht. was limural for th- -um of Bt&A*** Ifl thfl BlIblWlBg rnllirillllcn; Muiuai K,ie ,.?.. p..ll.'le-,. ?,-.',,..HiO; Kire Annoi'i-tion itwo iKilir.c-,. ?.-O.o-.-o; Aratatroag Itwo pnliele*., B11.&00;, I.,n,i,,u and i.lobe. *J>:.,im..?: urle.ut. 1*0.0.***: *f-J,.".,n); \?i-ri,aii. of _0_tOB, *'-'..'.' *'. Karnu-ut. flj^W: ',,1-litv. of rilirlniiull. #1..VH?; Iloatmen-. of inttfl 1,,v >1.3-0: l'oloma.-. "?l.&00, l'ea hodff .91 fi** . s n antlle of li"*i"n. 9*.0OO*. Borwalh. 1-30. he "IT. Ifl efllimated at ai.?ut -o per .cnt of thfl tOtal alliount ol tlio polb.e*. flf ??*!0.l.,i?. -BVMIAL ll<>t>l> DAMAtiF.P. A Rn at nn enrlv hour yeateriay niornniK. in liouo nt Nos. VH io BIO Mart.son rt., fleeaaled by rulored people. < aaaei a *** *>l ah?ut Tho lire broko ,?1( ,,i iii.- nioni* af lnaae Hiir.iove. _t No. 30B. Thfl damaffl Hien- amounurd t. i?l^oo. willan, BoaaeB i- the owner. A lll.e los* was rau-e<| lu No. MA, ova-ned bv William SValUer. A loaa ?f *f.'.<X) wa.n ,au-e*l ii. N.> 304 owned bv Charl-- .. trKenbuii:, aud ... \o *'ii.) owiu-d by liernanl Earl. The oeeapantfl 1,,-t .,,,.,, ii****** io *-',,)0 *?**'**? ** bflmwae laaifl e_ plofllon raaacB the lln*. ? DBOWXIXO OF A SEIYYORK BOY. Bamtftga. Bept " t*t******??*****. the tfx-veatr ,,M n,.n of Mr. and Mn. \V. 11. lliint. ?I New -Yurk ai?l Yonbera, wafl diuwafld today in KatnUlll liay. ilx mllen from Cflldwell. L_Uo Ocorgfl. Mi**. Ilnnt. svho in _i, liivalld, wa- eii.npletelv pntstiated ******** formed of the oceurreuce. JUo boy lud faUca into tlio vatcr wjilifl at .Ui'a A HU8BAKD-8 DOUBLE CRIME. HE SIIOOT3 BB WIFE AXD THEN KILLS HIMSELF. *?fir ECrrflCB TO LIVE WITH HIM-THE WOMA*f FATAI.I.Y WO.'NDF.D. Then* was a dnuble traifrdy at 7: 40 o'clock last ovpninji in front of No. 44 Stanton-at. 4 man, nnme is suppnsrd to bt* eitlier Roeen lilatt or Beaiiiharg, shot his wife, and then blew out his brnins with a **hnllitaf" revolver. The poliee arr* not yet fully aoiuaintrd with all the cireumstanccs Icading up to the crime. Three weeks a_'o thi* pirl, wlto said that her natiu* was C.irrio I-mu, c?ij..,cpd a room witli a Mrs. Mnt.ilniri', who lives in thr tcnenient-houee al No. 44 Stanton-st. Tiir sirl said she was single, nnd wns employed in a lestaurant in Fcarl-st., near Wall-st. Slu* also said that a yotin? mnn with wliom she " kept company,*' and expectrcl to uiarry, livcd in Brooklyn. She waa repular iti her hahits, and scldom remained out late at nigiit. Aliottt 7 o'clnrk last nlght, soon after the youna* wninan retttrned fnun her work. a boy e~me into Mre. Hamlitirg's room, where the Rirl waa sitfi.'i^, and said to the latter that a man waa ?tandlnp ontaMe wlm wantcdl to see her. Sha went dwwnatnira to the doar, where she berran a ronvriaatfoa with a clark man. who stood on the Kidowalk. StandinK oa the stoop at the time waa .iwiri'w Ihswaiiifer, a hartender at No. 1,314 l'irst-ave., wim, os a friend of the Hamburg fani ily, was pnjrtag them a visit. He overheard part nl tli" ....nversnticin hetwec'ii the man and tlie jrirl. .'lie* mnn seemed to lie considernhly excited and rp|*eated a nuti.lier of tiinea a rcquest, thnt tha pit. should cnnie and live with him in Brooklyn. SI.e secme.l tn he makini, e.euses, and flnally re j fii.s?'d deiidedlv. I'resentlv slie left the man and I went ititu a nei^hlinriiist slmp. Thc dark man then turi.ed to niswan_er and j liezan tn pour liis trotibles into the lattrr's rar. lle said lu* |ub*| n.ariied tln* jrirl five years as|o in ! I'ittslinr-. Uiat tlie.v had lived for some timo ! in Hroulslyu, where she liei atne the niother of i a rliilil, whleh v-ns now three years nld. A year , n_i. liiov .|iir.rrellt-'l i.tnl he left her. He returned I to her a few weeks a_o, Imt shortly afterward they | iiuarrellcil a.aitt, he ar"iisin_ ),*r of l**ini* nnfaith ' (ul ln hiin. il" tolcl Ih.waiiL'er that he had hceti ' infiirtiu'd that .lie wns mtiinite witli a man nam*d ' John, wlm w is e'!ipln.\i''l la a Hr.inklyn r-roeery. | 'Iticy arparated agaln, tlie girl _*-_-_ ln board witli i Mr.. Hamlirir-. ii.v thi. time the _irl ha-l retiirncd to the stoop i whero Ihe Iwii it.en si.khI t.ilkin.. The strangrr I tur.u'.l ..uldenlv upnfl fhe _ii!, aajriRg: ?\n\v, tlien, inme t<> Mroiklyn an.l live with j Ilie*. rs V'.ll iMtffllt. " " If I sb.ioM do tlii.t." rcplied the _*irl. " I would take a pnli.-emai. ai-Hta* tu protect mc'' " 1*11 ilmw ynri Imw ntneh I care fnr a police i mnn," he aiwwereil evitclly. al Ihe same moment ' drawing ;i lanr* s.x-ih:i:iil?oiiA| revolver from his triiiisers pc --ket and pnintiii- it at the pirl'a : l-nvist. He lired and she fell Ifl tlie sidewallc , with..nt iittetiii'.' a ....i.tiil and apparenfly dead.' He tli.'n iiirneil tl.e revc-lver at I', but seen.e-i to re"iiitsider hi. int"niion. and, plaeinR the I 111*17. Iif* wiflnti an inc*|, of his own head. and Rrinp, fell dead the tineonscious forrn of I his vi.-iim. i ratrolitinti .Tuseph F. Ilnnter, of the Eldridge j 6t. poliee statinti, was standinir. two hlocka away j and heard the slmts. He ran up and immedtntely i telepimned fnr au nmluilunce. The girl waa I found t<? lie still lirentiun.. Slie ?M taken to the liouverneur ll.ere Dr. t'urran said I she would prolalily not hve tl.roneh the nijrht.. i Thc hullet had jienefnted li"r ri.'ht lun_. She ! wacs ennsc-iniis upon her, a.:d denied that j she hail hceti slmt iiitentinnnlly, apparently wish I ing to shield her wnnkl-he miir.lcrer. Slie said she had a sister llrittg at No. 112 Kcut-ave., I liruuklyn. Thc ileail man w..s of tuedium hricht, with ' dark intiipl.'M'iti. ii ii. I Wure r* ntlsed lirown suit. j The lirxf iuilil nf three tincers of his left hand w.'ie Hiiaalnc. In hia p~r_~.a were fiuind two h.ii.ilkeri hiets, a ha.r-tirush, a rliam with buncli of ke\s atta.-l.i'.l. J-1.11 iu nmney. and three li.iwit lirlteta. Um* fnr a wateh, pawned with i Mlversiein. Nn. I" Si\tli-i\e.. nt. July '.)>, l*ore I the iiaiue Riwenlilatl : aimther fnr a rin_ had heen | at lle satnc pawn-.hnp t? A. Rnsenbtirir I Tlie third fieket. I*earin_ thc latter nam*, had r l.-.'ti isxi.ed nn a nmt. nawned at tiu* 6hop of Juaeph (...I'lstniie, Itrtiiikhn N'*thin? furfher I waa Irarnrd ny i!n* pulir- last nijtfat as to th* ' iiian's i.le.ititv. Alim.t ", p in \*"ster.l.i.v a man. who.e descrip tion talli.'s with lliat nf the dead man, had | ralled iipi'ti A. l-inknuf. proprielor nf the Old Fel j Inws' AsM'mhly Koom*, al Nu. 98 F~rsyth-sf_ aud ' iiu|iiiri'il fnr unr Seh?B?n~erp. The iatter ls n , iiu-iuUt nf a rin'. wliieh me- ts at the al*ovt*-men tiniiel plaie. Ihe man had .anl hc C\|Vi*ted to ' start in bnalneea witli Srliuenlwrp. ? . _a - ? IIi:I'.l) VPOS WUU.E sl.F.KIXe, tHF.l.TF.R. rxri.r.'i.N: i - r.*..i >l__ ABA~ 1-OXFO BT thfiis i Al'i \1.V IX Bl ItlliN.: rx! A. x.i-i Fiarni-.". x'l1' II l-prelali. TM" arhaaner .1. II. l.'-.iix airi*. ?-! N"ix- tnctay from la-lirlii- >ea with 1,11-4 x,.,,i akln?, tnalsiti-T h"r total f.T fh" ?ca?nn ?j ..!'i. on Au-iixt T, when >lxty nnl". noutlieaat of . i|.|> r Ixiuucl. ?ke pi.-lsifl np ihr.*,* h'*a<~ fontalninf eleveit nf ikr rrew nf tli" -. l.arr *'. <i. Whlt*. They |ii.| tlit-ir \.-...*! iu a ttttl .nnl had flve clavi iM ~pen lic.iitx when Innnd. Wlul" tr>iii~ to tlnd -!i"lt"i nrul aatrr at 1'iipper t-l.ind. ihr*.' ??! them weni al-.<~, Janw- l"?rr dvlna fmm kl. w~anda, The boat* w.'.x'- ri.I.I! tl **ii!> I iill"ix. i ir. **nx taUon ,_.hore Bt tii.'iu and im."ti by Ih* rrra rin- aatlvea uf C-Pper l-l.i'u! -.imt it iii-- men l**__i*e thry .k~~-M tli*r ?ere ...iniii. tiu :" in l*ill "-ril*. I'.ur b*al* in all *f?ivod f,-..iu lli" Wlul1. "ii" bnal "'ih x|x int'ii landins *t I'.ipp-i Ixiitni and tlu'x" nu'ii rearked here a fe** dayi (,_.. nn tiu* .t.Min.'r K.irtiili. i'ti" i.f Uie men lirousrhr d.i\*n I.) i'i" K.triuk aay. trW *a.*re deU~erat>ty 1-ft tn iheir> iu upen bonta bjr (apiaiti llagcman, af Um r. *;. Whlte. Kii.i.rn ivim.r 88RAEIXQ ixto a rotse. Ni-*i', * ' "i-pt. II. Jaha J- Waiera, fn.iv-live year. *4d. wa* ahul dead bf <t_orp* KnnarkN* twenty-one wat* old. laxt ntciit tt lane vWa. three mll x xniitli nf li"r". l'ti.***V<s and Dr. Pa*rM Ki..**l"x rark rlaln Ifce awner-fclp t.f a baajnj left by tiui. faili<*r. IktvM knked np thc ?*rcinl.e? nnd pla.'d lll. n1fl .'n fteorpe on puard thereln. lii.t-i- .l:i\ KnoulPx taii." *~.?h a party of nelchhora ?i-i! -f ulecl I.i ni ilie dii-r. *.eor_* tlre*I, krllm* Water. wlm \*a. |? lli" party. I'r. l?.ivlrt Knowlc, iix **ii". .r.ti lieurpB Kiuiwii-. bave beea anciiei. Wiitfi- t-rut". a ivid.iw and -i*. rklMrcn. FOR RKLUXO A XBW8PAPRM O.V SfXDAY. Wiitc*rb.i..v. (nnn.. -H'|if. II. Th*.* ca.- nf rin* Mntti aanlnal 'Th" tandnf Herald" wa. heard ln tha Poliee t'niii. thix rnorntnR. M l?-PJ nr~d*trc<t wiu not n*nilr*r a driixluti for a week. i'ouu.r*l for -The lleraM" aa?re aoilra IkH .nnrnini' tlmt lf a ronvirtion \*u. luind fh"v wnuld t uu*" i~" arrc.t of ev<vr per ?un nrlllna N"*v-Vork aaaipapera un t~?* >tr**?t* of Watcrbtuy oti .-xtinday. JERSEY .ICSTI'E WBU MlXIXIKTERED. rVabnry Purk. N. J-- S,'P'- I' (.xperi-l>--'vdli~~? B, \V..~li. the yonnc carri.i_e p-iir.tor of Long f.ran. ll who tjHik lieorpa FattPt lk- fotmt -*"'1 "' a pallaaaaaai of Elttabetk. to lllgklapi Dearh one niuht last June, and after nearly kllllnp lilm. threw hlm otf the '.ovemmenl bnlkhend, **a. arraUned t<> day l.ofore Judge Conover al FroelioKl for sisiitonre. lle plc*_*le*l (nillty. and Judft rnru.ver flnad hlm #1.000 und .-ntenced hlm to liard Ubor for tcn year. ln **tat* prl.on. .1 ir.l~.Vf.Vf,' TO f'lOARETTE SXOKERS. Truv. N. V.. rvpt. 11 .--J<*ltti Diiwson, th? fourteen ycai old Mfl of Alilerniau DaWaun. of ('oiioe., wns at tackcxl la.t nlcht witl, af the heart. Induced by *.Ulna a larce uuanlity of gnipo-*. Hf ?Jled bdWja niefUial ald arrlved. Tl.e boj*. _omtt ka4 bS**n. wea?> c__ed by cifarett. bmoa-iii.