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OEN.RAUM'S DEFENCE BEGUN THB PENSJON COMMISSIONER CAXLIXG MR. '. COOPER AS HIS FIRST WITNESS. aSSISTA.>-T S1TP.I-.TARV BV.S.-KY PBA1SIBG TUE.' *100MPLI*TFP ril.r.S*' 6YSTF.M AND RA'M- | TO F.XAMINF. 13-< PEBISIOSI OfWCl i-_.EI_*.S-M!*.. COOl'LK AND Mi' P_ICK AT CDDS TfimiiriT *-*ept. 11.-At thc bccnnlne tij* ?c-iiou tliU BMratag thc ipeelal lloaae Caimniinea invcstlKatlnp tho rnarfflfl flpBarl CoaMrtaatoner Baoni h_d the aaaal aall* BB. Mr- U**, ** S*?** pjember. hatfli lo a per-flaal qaeattoo, uM that hehad te-n eredlblj B.lor.i.-d that arlBle hc iv.i. ******* *** BBMWMtlfla with Mr- ******** **> *** ?" *? **,, thc other day. Ihfl eliali-man had *ald Ibal his "I_"-wl? m I ,1iH wm not pentlemaiily. and he wanted a reti-aetion. ,, _,._ ffclll-Morrill a_M that He Had no icoll-rton 01 havtaR niado -Bfl. a IBBMUX; **** ***? ***** ?*? denied tliat it liad been made. taklng occaaioa aho to Itl fll-the of*iclou> outuden -Ho were "-ee-hlj* to mal.e bad feelini; in the ropjralttee. Bitler Flt.h flfaa then flalled to the itand. and te-tlfiefl tliat Biadley laaaat had apoBea to hln* about tl.e r-lrlgiifltor lom.a.iy. and ol hin praapeeta, ln a BbMtal way. Wltaflafl lnfe.i-.-d Iroai thc eonveraa tlon Uiat Tanner wa* golt.g Into lt a* a baalncafl, aud rcpea.ed the ntory. To Oeneral Raaai a-itneas ittld that Tanner never told hin. that nfl bad rtoek ln th. ^itnpanv, or had put any money lii it. Witnefla had never told nnvb.-dv tliat Tanner had said that hc had it.-rk. but told th-ni that he inferrfld that Tanner flM lnte.e-.ted. Tanner did not Irj *'* **** duoe wltne-i to inve-t money ln the roaipaay. To Mr. Caoper Wt1m**9*M ****** ?"-" 9****** tliat Tanner nscd the word " we ? ln apaaBtaf of Ihfl eoaipaay. Did not tell Mr. Caoper that TBnner'e teetlmooy about Ibe time teniaaaH la Ua VtrUnla Irtna "flaaifl Un chce turn pale"; said he was -a llttle anqarlfleaV bu. could not u.w rc.-all anythlnc Taaaer had na.d to justify tlie -flflaaapttoa IBnl ??** ***** lia4' "*"d ""' tlme ol the Ooveinineiil Ifl Mt ***** TBnnef h.ol since then told wltness to tell thc lonunitice all tliat he knew. Mr. t oopcr said that he had no more wltneesefl, and (.-oininissioncr Kauni. begmntne M* defenre, Mkfl- lhal Mr. Oflflfflfl bc flvora. ln answei to thc Commtsstor,cr's qifntion*. Mr. Cooper iald tluit his attention bad b-cn called lo tho rcfi'i.ei-l.-r eoaipaay by the oew.paper artB-lee, nnd aftcravai-d bv <iv..(.*.* I>- Fle.ninc liad lalked v.ith a half do-cn othar pflraoni eonfldenllally. but d,.i r.ot cam 10 Pive tt.cir .ati.c-. Mr..F -ml,:R had latd that thc precedtag -Itness (Jtatler Fitrhi had loM Imi. that seven Penslon Oflirc e.nM'-yes had l??.?ht re frlnenitor s.ork. That WM ***** tl* Chargfl **t inatcd. xflhirh MflflAfld to bc rormloiat-d by Ihe nenra paper article*. Tl.e Commi<sioner aad Ihat FlcnlnR was hlflMflll tlir author of the defamntoiy artielefl. Mr. I'oopei- naid that tjie < ..mmls-ioncr had give:, out un ai-Ucle blui-df. Htyiag that hc liad not fiven his note to Lcnimi. The ComminMon-r leplled Ibal he had deni-d that Jie h;id pven a Dote l"r *_5/*?tO. Mr. CBopev remailied tha. he had Ml np a eflflfl and fln?wered it. Tho romn,i?-lon:r said l*_ll hc liad taken the eaafl Whirh he fou:,d iu tli" n-.-w-;, .p-i-. Mr. Cooj-cr i-i,!;cd lhal he had l-en ronflrmed in hl fcclief n, tlie flhaw by Ihfl C ??Ha-IOB-r,i refaaal ... v-wei h- qaeatlon. Br.l Ihe eharffl re?tH upon >-:cn.in_'s and Flteh'fl t ,tin,?n>. M t ey ave.e _?-> U-,l ont, ill rlght. Thc <VM,ir.,-<ir.ev replled thal hc Ihonght thay had Baeehed thea?eli'ea dowa. Vr Caoper aa* nol flare lhal if Ihe Ntohi weie pre tatad Ihe naaiei nf Pearfoii fHBee employea a .uld n d be iv.iiid. aad rhat Bradley Tanner had not been pro inotcd for bbi lerrleei t'> Ihe eonipaiiy. The (v.;nmi'*i?ner fltfllfl preaaed Mr. Cooper for the BMBflfl of W* lafM-Mnt-, n.'iyi:,.: " I ******* to get at thfl men -ho have p.u-ored yoar mi:,d.* Mr. Caofflflr Ihoagbl tl,e lemark wa* urataltoaa. bu. cxeused ihe'i,ei- bocaaM hc bad -o*?c feel CBm-Moa-T Fnuni-I khoald th.nk 1 had a inall amou-.t uf fcettai ***** * ??" * ?T??_ -'? <*<-?**->?*'> n,v iredit r.n fal>e rhai-ce>. Mr raoacr -Yofl haa. adailtled parl of them. r.iail--?*-? Bflnatr Ma, -ir. 1 have not. CaaBaalag Mr. rm.per aaM Mr. ?K*?-la?n. repra .cnliuK refrl'-er-ror iloeh. had ipokoa ol tbe booha taa vay thal 1-d w.tnena |_ mppo-fl they nbowed croohed MH The Inve.-ti-'atioii ?n al'MM! quwlly fl-flifl *>** a qaarlflt of an boar, and Iben there ?a. aaoiber eat Ut. caoper wa, --till on the itand, and had aaM hc ha-l apiet fleea tne baok* -f ihe eoaipany. aben Mr. Hirk ih.,; q-flrtaS: -Vaa ***** >">' ?*>'? "*> ***** don-t ****** V-? bave flworn ? .,."u,,?t a.o thal yo? , .u'.d lake Ihrea. bw*^ and -?-!;,.:, ihe-e rbarpcn. Mr c ,.|--- -I said 1 b"li"V"d il. Thal -,-r.Te-tioii ol yean aaa angealleaianly, eoarardly aml mean. M- l'lltl.--\nd 1 Tiil.nit Ihat you an- a dl.iy dog. lhali-M'.il eralearored to reairaln the mam ber.. but Mr. F-*- fldBcd: " Ita had na rid,t-nor anv flflhet niaii-.o ma..e lhal lrfnail.."' Mr _e*vis JoiT,?*d in to belfl oat Mr. Coofflr. ******* '?Mr. Fllch bad no riphf ta ?-U Ibal fljaaatlon nbout 1,1- belng undt-r oat!,. lt rarriefl aa ImpBeatlon." Mr FllrU denied any larh ii.tcnilou. order havlng been refltored, Mr. Fii<k eoaetaded the exanilnatiun. The wltoe-* Fiuh was realled. and po.itively 9* aicd that hc had IflM Fleailflfl ?**?? ot tl.e thtagi Uiat Mr. C<*opcr had apoheii nf. I" l?'0 ***** * *** ** amlnation *p?riiitanet Rana rflflearhfli; 'The -viu-le ."Ung ls a flrmcni of Oflflfffl T,. Fleinlnp. a dischartflfl employe of tlie ****** ****** ** has us0<1 Mr- Coo*(:r ?1 don't say rorrupUy.* Tho chalrman aealn iBtflffVflBCt. Mr. Coopef lemirk'-d that ho araa flflfli to Uiat. Ifl a-hieli Mr. Hick responuod i " Yoa will to bfl flcn in you.- AflflMaaar." -I am n-.t afraid <>f jr?fc" Mr. Cooper. dc Eantly. . . The rhairman pc-.f-ii.ed untll hc got eflder, and Uicti the ra?ai-i-ln-n ..tfe.i-d lo ****? b* the 13d l*er_on Offlce en,],loycs who liad beea praanBflfll lhal Ibey i.a.i not boucht nor b-en Mfl-fM to bay .-frl'.'era'oi' stock; but 'he con,inittce decd-d tlmt it wa* aaaoaaiflfl*. V* takc fl-fl-a ?f fl-fl-Jnaooy to peo*r? <*? ********* *** Ihul it would be wUaBfld With afhduvit- ; tlmt the tofttlmouy waa -all puppyeotfc." aa tU ehalnaaa tatafld lt, t? tlie great H.d-jnation al Mr. wi.o vraatod it to be admitted. A recea* ww, taken at tftfa poiat, *nd Uiu tncmber.-. who had bru'*ed eatl. other. Iflelflige, tahhag the afl vice at the other _Maaber_, palchad af then- dlBerencea. Mr Flitk -duiittcit lhal i.e i-d mlflflaiflntand Mr. (?ooper-s Mill-* rcl-".tvc to Ihfl book?; Mr. Cooper ifitlidre"-' ids lamaUJa whkl aad flBeaBfld Mr. Wlch; Mr Fllck ln turu wlthdrew his aapMaeant t_arac"eri_a U<m of Mr- Oooper. and fftut teat** -a* rc.toitd. After rec4S8? Asil-taiii ******** Baaaflf wa* callod M a wltnes* and te-Ufled retatt-fl to tba "ro-ipl-ted t_o_" order. saying iu eileat tliat he liad approao- the order. bellevlug Uiat lt wa. the be?t n.eaus of dn PMing ol Uie oa?e? whbah aaia iflflflMi or oouM ea?ily be .ompleted. and whlch had eaataarad the nle. for years- He thought that it w,.? of great beneflt to the offlce and to thc clalinai.ts. and that favorittim under Ifcwa* not p.artkable. The biuine*. liad been faclMatcd. too. Hc had been ruin 1. pJea-cd ?alth the great linprovemcnt of the PlBfllBfl OBtafl under (?om-iUiloncf Itauin's adniinl?tratlon. Ho dld nol ie? that tha oiflter matlc any great diiTei-cnre a-. bfr tween clalniaiitu wlt!. attorneyii and t1.<*.e Wtthoet attorneya. or tliat it weehflfl unduly in Uie li,tci_-t ?f Waaldagton attorneyi. Deputy Comnii-sluiier Ltncolii had told _-ltne?. tha. hl> letter wa* wr.tten to flt MT. Uraon'- prop.-..tlou. but that. u? Miiall*. pcrfeetod. tbe ?^or-ple^-f.lea'' fly-tcm wa. a .plendid arrangfln.eut ^wV*! uS*tm*B*t lf Ihfl wttaflaa hai investigated the ch-iitc. conue.tlug Uie t-oainilflflioiier and Mr. Union. The witues. replied: ** Vo you aappoaa T am golng tb take np everythlng I f-ee in ?nc nearrtaaerfl, and art _pon lt. I don't dral in ncws*,aper .lander.* Contluulng, he nald Coiiiinlmloner liuum had tohl iai_^3S clrcuDintan. ei fully. and tbe ********** ***** StlaftTrtlTTT He h__T 110111111;,' to do wtth thfl ***** wSSSSSRiffl-aSfl bunlnem so long aa thfl latter con dacted the public builnes.i propei y and baariMy Mr Cooper-When he pot Mr. l.einon to K<> 011 hU nn_a _r__ that not a pubhi- Biafracc I %fwitae?-I hav-e nothlni: to do with that. Mr Coooer? You refu-e to an*werl Wltne.a-t'ndcr the ciitumstanrcs. I Jce nothing W^nera?tBu!st*.y added that hc -a*. --aliiiied that the ConiJi-?-il.ner bad not the sllgl.te.t lnuntii.u to lavor Itr. Umon or auybody clse. ?_____ Tbla elofled the Aaai-taot Berratary'a cxamination, and theo at tho Coramiisloner's la-Unre tbe ran j____*declded _at It would licar ornl ti-itlmony from JSilft ?infllo_ Offlre clerk-i who had bflflfl proinotad. Ahflil-doacn who had been In aiuu.dante were pu. oa ihe rtand. and u-atllled that they had no -********0* itS-k liad boucht aaaa, and knew Bflihlflg about it. . %hfl wtnmlttee. after tnaklnK arrangenieiiti to vl lt the PenMon Offlce to-morrow morning to take thc testi mony ol the other clerki.. afljou.ned. TO BE COMSI'L AT AMSTERDAM. Waahiaftoo. Sept- ll.-The Preaident to-day aent aha MB****M nom?aUon ta tha baoata; Xheodora K. IrhMar, of Tetineu?*, to bc Consul of the VuiVJa Mates at Am.ierdani. ARBANOI-W AN " ORDER OF BUaNESS.-. _ TIIK REPI-BUC-N SBN-ATOIL- DECIDING VTOK A DOZEX HIIJ.S TO BF. TAKIN V9. \vax|.in-t..n, *x-pt. u (fxiK'lali.-Th* Rafnbllenn genalora i-.fiu a r.-nieiene* ihl*. morniu- tu arnuige _n ?? order of rMatne*-' ?'< I" folluni-d _!*? the ron krenra rep-rt on Ibe Land Ornni Fij-jW*-- Ml t di.poMd c.f. After a MttiM whirh laited iknvt two aonra. it wax cu_r|_e~ to Inka up w du-cu of tl.e atora arpent House toeaaanM uow pendlng ln ?_? -ennie, in thc rSOowlng order: I, Tlie Anii LoUf.y bil'. ?' 1*111 t" rrp-al th" Tinih*r Cnlture *rf. S ~ io cstaiiiish privntc land ektfta rourt.. .1 ..11 for thc rolkjf of Uie tapgettM Court. *, Mll f.r th- i.dju-tmrn' of claims of laborer.. ctr..' under Ihe Elfkl Hmr law. 0 klll mnkln. elpkt hour. a da> " T,? veA i-v ?.... ? rrs it.;.. Iii G_vej*n_ienl etnp! y or crnpl")-- ''' ?*"> trai tor* doiiu' Oovern?*-_nl work. .__,__ tn_ 7 lllll to imasfer 'hr* Bev~nne J-arlne fer. ice mi.n tt,e Tr*n*nrv lo the Xavv Ueparlment. _:5S!&^_5lk-*^ Indian deprednWi-i*. I,'' IXril^^Sn oompanic. under iho opemtion nf th- !!i!<*.'xt;r* C.;uniu..r.o _,?*. 1_. Dixti.'t of rnliiinhla llllx. Uow far thi. proframiae ran ha rarrted out wlll depend k-rgel. on ike lenctl. of time r?n...m*?l by ln. eonfere*. .-.. U.e Trir!tT Mll in karmonlalna tl.e ,li~-i rnre. between iho two fcon*ea OH ihat A' p,_..e..t. it .x.-.nx nnlikely tkai u.e b.ll wW a*et on of eonferenra 1?t iw*. wedsx lo ro-*, aud ln tha' caxe xeveral ol tl." mtanwea cn thc t.ew IM can uu donhtedly ba pnPJted to a vote: hn. it la aen?nW n?,ced.-d tha. an adjuurnmmit will WkJW *hoii!i altc Ihe paxxaite of the 1'arltf bill, and tiu* lenate mav nn. M abte to dl.poae uf hn" the blll* II .......".nre. llaeM rea.iv io aci .... beiwaen now and adj-n-rnaaenl. Tha tollnra lo amend the rnk*. at ihla ttmUm will leaJe tlit-e importani part, meaxurcs Juxt whci-e th- lantf ,?,i .nd ihe Elerliuit b.ll were lolt-al the inarry ol M|?K-~nJ^ ? ,,i r*1 Vi , h' I.1..-I -.11 Ihmuah ike am-mer tu jo'ri'ty ?toT'n.inl a*nd dire t tke pubii.' bvjai-eaa. ma DFMOCRAT- TAKEN BY SURPJUS-.. PKiivrNTin BT a PlttMP- AWOriCTMr-XT PrktW PWT-I-IUS- AWAV A TrlllU* DAY IN TIIK HO_-.E-M.--5Y I'-'TI-DlilOAXS ABx! NT. WMl-npttnt. s.-pi. II '^W?-Jto,^tnen ,? ,,,c Hnu-p wero lakM bv *urpr.-c '"n' ?'/''" Majnr M.K.nlry moved an adjo..rnn,"..t a half-honr ???,??. aa. rarrled hv thr- belp , f Ikelr own votea. and " nr ol ike. .--.' their hand. ... *?**? -vk-t-n " Tb*. had rome to the IIoum _.-..?..nii.M ,? ~_7e ike dav h, a rn*ili*>~ of tm* ^??__?; foriuamr-s of y.'xterday. l.emcrat. may irv lo n _ke lt Bpr-ear Ikal they are mhUwt lor a aonnd i-"" ra.!.-,,.p.e"-?l.a' '*? **?' ? <-"-" 7" "('T w eler..,. .'i-u n-i he adinltted .... W* arnj wkkfc I* orenpted by a whlta man who waa not tnj-rM. thal was irne. ihea r~nkl rkn-danUy appenl t- O* Uemnrratic party Uroo__oul U.e rountry lor ipntpatk) ?!icl enioiira+ren.ent. Bul ,. lx ,:.-. truc*. in-er th* nUra. Ih* Uowa raa tranx*rl no hnilnea* until thc Jftninal ol th? pievkm* day* pr.rdlnr* ka* b*e~ read and .ppnrrad. and the -otkMi Ifl approva ennnol I* P-x-". u?ies* a ounruni W pn- nt. Ihe l>t~n? ral*. kl te n.flv tiiii.u-t.T.'.l and meaked all d-,v **___**_' _:d beean tk* ~~me |i-i_nrmanrr? pvdav '" ~r~*r wi preven! t'i- appnival of the Jnnrnal. ln "':"'" *' ','" tnrv x.,iiiiiu.-.l and -u,-a~"d. imur uft*r b'-ui'. ln order ,., pxpro. thelr dlaappn.J.1 ol tlielr nwn pi.dlnj.** , ,-,,-?. M'i.i, .ane. ron.nti?u* I -->-'-*- ml~hl \*eil du. Iml whlrh nob<<dj wonM l>-V. ? il-'1' ?" .ipei-l of li-m'.i'.tx. ihe andden and nnrapeetrd adjunrnmenl or uie H???. md.v ..n.-ht t" 1"' a kwd and *t*rtl*e -nn. l?_ to i;c|...i.:i..r,, a-wnlee*. l-'nttl tnev retnrn m dutv tke 1.x.. ,_ belpleaa; I. at Ihe im-. * of a, Deiiw iratk mob. iim-t nl wlt*>a n?eni_er*i nrni.-r t-. perforn. thelr duti's. aud rlio ilrtaally r-pndl ale thc .-priL of the ."lem.i Oflth to vblrk t!;cv sub-. rlbt-d wfcen tfcev *?"?** admitted ,.. the n.-ht. and prlvll*gtt uf Bvprewntatvaa ..I tke people. T-ia <?:ily ivr.u, vote taken todaj Bkowed no |txx tna.ii ih:J n**t?-er_ were ak*enl nr not votinp. and that ciltlity llvc of llietu Repab lican.. Tke vote wai taken ~o cariv tn tix* d~r that thiitv t'i f'l'.v H.'iuiblliatix who weir lli '.Va-hi'i-tnt!. twantv ol wh.ii were Ul tha Oipit'il. lallvd lu be ln th'* hall em.u_ti t<. Vfltfl. Aboal a doarn ..f th. Brpnlilleaii al.xc-r.lecx ar*' ill c.r'arc drtcrred at bume DJf tln) __l_c_. or r.'i?nt dcaih of ni'-tiilH-ix nf their fan.llle-. They are Meaais. li_r ii-i... ,,f N*vadn; Bniwne, itidn.i.a; Palaell, r*-ni-.*l vanla; Doraey, Nebraakn: Klnlay, Kenlaeky; * Vciin-.iit; llupkina, III111..I-; Lanxlj.f. >??** Vnrii; MUU ken,; Tayka*. llUmaa; Taylm. Tcntu?.e; Wad deil, Virainia; fValtace, Mos-. aud Wa.kinflun, Waak Ington. utker BeTmhllrana who w.r" reeorded *- a_*ent ui uot vi.ln.- tn-day Mex.r-. Atltll_i"'i, Woat Vk alnln; Baker, Sew-York; Ilu:-,.., kl_?.~ackn?f}l..; l.avi.c-. Pcnn.ylvanlB; beckaltli, New-Jer-ry; BcMen, >"??* Vork*. Berarn, N'e.~-.i.-i--v : BB?*. Mlchlanr: Bontrlto, Malne; Bua-drn, Vlrplnln: Brewer, Mkhipan; liro?*r, Snnh * .*r-.*; Bn-wne, \ Bnilvrwiain and raklwell, okk?! ?~_ter, Montnnn; (ulc-mati. I.nui.iaiia: ?-iinper, Iowa; I'r.uu**ell, Jlebraakn; Cflflprr, cnin.; C'raig, l*ennaylvnnla; C-lrke-n, >i,.hi-ai.; Uar kngton, I'eiiu.n.vlvania; Della-ea, l*allioniU; Delano. New-Vork; Dollivcr. Iowa; Kwnrt, NorlR CaraBna; Faruahar, Kew-Yarh: PBrh, Um*', H<-*d. ttaw-Yarh; t'raiik Mli-toarl; l'.uni?u, Kan-a-., inftur-ii. tw-ulk Dakoia- Ma*_<-h.i--ttn: Hall. Minne-ota; Houk Tennenaee; Ket< hai.,. Kea Vork: Knapp, .**>>-? Yurh Luidlaw, New York, MeCoaMM, Marjiand ; M< C'.-U Miaaoarl; Mriiufflc, Alabama: MeKenaa, <_JI foi-iiia' Mile*. Connarlieat; Morey, ohio, Morrlll. Kama*: M?dd. Marylaud; Neidrtnghaa*, Mi-sourl. o'lXinneB. Mi, hluan : Petei*, K_r,-_n; I-Kkley, yhi?, RandaB. Ma-flaehMfaBt*; Bay. Pean-ylvanla: Beybarn. I'enn-vlvanlT, : NMlfnrd. New Ynrh: flawyer, N-w i ork : tncranU.n, I'.-nn-vlvanla: t-Bllth, n-nilth. VN*--. Ylrclula; Bnir?er, ohio; riiuder. Mll.-ot.i, trtewart, Yeriuont: rairihle, iowa: ftwonry, Iowa; Tbonin-on. Ohio' Yan rSehaleh, Wlieoniln; WI.l-r. Mlrhlr-n; Wil-o.i Keiitu.l.v; \Vri_ht, I'enn-v Iv.mia. Me--.-.. llKla, Morrlll and f-awyer were ln attendanre. ai tom ulttee ui'-il'in FOI.r.Tll-CLA-i IHiSTMAS.TK.RS AT'Pni-aTF.I). Wa-hln^-ton. scpi. II.? . o ,, tli c a?fl p .--t'naft rfl ne c todav Bppotatad us f illi,??: I'l-niinvlvaul.i W. Bfebber, Avara; Miss V. H. Ilarh ma,, -Oiwbeth*/ille; II. I- Hoi-erie, Laha Ptaflflaat; i, U Henry, i.i'H- f*ap: -? M. I'arher, Bntaad, N-.w-Yoik-J. Ilart, boath <..*?<.< e. ? ? ? ? OOODB IN BOXD ANO Tlll_ TAK1FF BIU.. Waahinctoa, Hept ll.*-ln rtow of thc faeltag among haaineM .uen aml othen In New-YorB eniaaralng the posnibllity of a ntrln.-niy In thfl monev market by the deawnda that may be made apoa iii? baaha by Im portora for Btoaey to lake Unportad lerthandlae out of bond before the UMng c'fc t oi Ihfl UU* Tariif bill. Ihfl Tuinrj Uepartiiieni baa ralled upon the eaatoa.* authonttes at New-York for au exa< t stale.i.ent of the varioaa <in--"-> of Impartai goodi now lu boaded wn.,. hou?en, Ofl, it in nald by a proiiillielil Tfi-usury ofll, lal, no ro.recl e-.tiiuatx* ? ati b'- foruu-d {_? to Uio ainount of money that will bo re<,uir-_ to pay dutlc- on the-e KOodn until thelr preilse CtaflfltBcattofl l? known. All ka-porta are aehednled to pay dutic. aecordlag lo thfltr ctaaalBeatioa. It i? bclicved, thia oflb ial snld also, tlmt tho propor lion of |0Od-< In bond np >n whlch dutles are ralaed by Ihe provnioiis of Ihfl M.-Kinley bill .- coaiparaUvely -inall. In rasej where dutici have n:>t bflflfl lu, l-c Iftfld, hc ountlnurd. or whero they have aetually been diinln ished. or thc goods added to thc frce list. there wlll be, no niotive for retlrlng ******* ft"0'" bond licfoi-fl thc new law jmcs into oiieiation. Ceflaaqaeatly, only sucli goodn a*. have bflflfl advanced ln dutles would bc r*> tlred. and it 1* believed this cla.*. would form ?nrh a nti.all proportlon as to miulro only a relativcly sniall A Welcome Rain may be good for farmers; but w ot feet and wet clothing induoe colds, with Symptoms of Fever headaohe, and goneral sorenesa of the body, whlch may be relleved by taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. ?pnpan* kr **? ft *>. *jt*A*c*.i*t*t*i.*ttt* amnunt ol tnoney to pay duOea. Thc dr. n upon tha binkfl lt 1* helleved. wlll not be ************ m?r.-_*lv the llnancial sltuaUon-rauch leaa rreate a !'!j*__zs__^_r^^ thr. dlffweaefl ln Impurtattaai of rike rlan>es o. gooa. betWflefl tl.Ifl year and last year. TIIE NEW TRDASURY NOTES. __,* EFFORT MAKINO TO BIIOW THAT TMEY HAVE BEE-N -.ARGF.LY REDI-EMIt^ BOOK AFTER I-JSI-K-TIIE FACTS Hl TIIK CASF.. Wa-l.ln.ton. .Sept. 11 (.pec._l)-An effort Ul***** made in some flaart-Tfl t? throw d.srrcdit upon thflU** -.-casni-y noien isnued 9**** ******* * ?_? *ZSZ , w. by .nakln,' lt appear th.t . Un* ****??*? ,he*e note- havfl been redeemed and put ********** latlon thus tUtm after thelr l--ne. One ?"?>_<??> ,o thi, offort ii fhe New-York llrm.of Dow Jones A l .. linan.ial 0**** ****** ***** ***** ""'' a ' ZSatBBB* * ''irruiar. of whlel. Ihe ?^*?P? lt tal bee. o,,",,ly ******** IBat aa "**^* Tlil* h?* b, ii IflBfl, a* I* -no**- na im ?, th,? rountir fl. S.',.trn,h.-r I. 131*0. The Tl*^* ataefl -, d ,v,d,-r the _rt of Jflly H. IBBB-4B* **, ******* '?',, ,n,?"d in ,,aa_i"?t of aBrer halMaf-aai all ***** ,' , Tt -*? S IK'O, u. A_c? 81. "r rdrtla-fl day., ~r.fl_.-00.COO <>' thi* .-aoeat W.-B-.-M taw re I ."* ,..r ?.. .biv la -?>*?' ***** ***** ****** * .irJuiflUu!,; fllJW, l-r eeat of u?- at* ?,??"y va* tt ehaaced la ilfhtaaa day-. a ropv of rlrrator ******** ******* Teller. of Colorado, and he aenl it to Ihe ?*?-, -r.t-.-y ?f V* Tt**** ,,,-v whi, a letter, ?<-*__ to be advlara whether ****** II have been t.nde.ed by ********* ?rth??Jh thfl Nali?.,..l banli.n. and what u.uouii of ******* .B ******** to r-old. ******* Wmdon. ?<>?** ?,1Iter ?? the. rnltea Malea Trea-ur-,. .nitha latter repllrd ta Senator Teller 1,-t U****** ** !**???? ., _, l? r-i'U to Um tme. of tl.e clrcalar aharr elten. ***** ,? .,_ - iut ih- aab Inf-ra-U-a t.?u tomttatb** th N ,;,, evea r-,T'Ot-,y hi- a U.*** ** ?**?"? iirrort"of \.,-?-t'.';. u-i. ** ** at**** ***** ?" "" ndlrV'-iTn-,',,.,,,. n.,:. ********* *^**Tr^LlV ".:.?, n.,,.'d by th.* r__l ?.r..f *. Bea.y-rhB?b.Trea-ary, ^^rffsu- Tn-.< *- ??* _ ?? .n,,*.at-t-Uvcball.r^^.-i^?ft!-Sf ?,,,'... betofl payBbl* aai, 1" >h" ??*? ?*. ** Jr.*""" ??*?. flbould ba pi "".'"I ?? "?' ' f"".',t'r pf "" B ll" Trraflarr, nml ,?.' u.r....i-i* th" Baebaofle ' ?it,- ?tti-aUea of ti,- Bcw.York oii? ?? aa* t* aae* raBH I. ihe Mib-e t of th- rlrrolar. ?.,d it appear* to hara ber. wa ..-,,11 ,,. Ih- man',-r Ifl ******* '*??' -*?** r-lTitliu; <" ""* 1""'" '?, ,,?.,,. ?.bovld i- rarrM eat. *nA -nha-i'i.-ut ",r r,-,-.,,,,.',,,. av.ti. ti,:.i.? Baally lettled d-wa v, Ihr fael ui.t it ?;.* d.?. i- av- lime. Md *? i '"????" ????* uf ,,??..,? .?,.!?.. -Od co ?.:."! lb, l?.Ti,al ******.***. of ti,.- oih.e ihere, bavlag Drtblng alKdem ta do **,.h S. ,i?.-H.- .......... The N-V,.- ItaM Itaaje **** wv_r_?-ayUr-?d.rlla.*dUii.I".^1tei.?^*,111*, ?t iu b,..,n-. The, al- -",'?- tl,- M,?tn-.'',.ll"-, ,1,,,-h, wlthnut dlarrimlnailMi. aad ti..-- ar- treated ia the .;i.,,e mannei ?- aay ath. r eV haa*--*. I Mibmll l"?:..** im Bwathly -a*|_?rl ** the kinrt of par. -nmta ha th- .s-,!,T,.:.-',r'r ln aetUcaaat of llearlag \\ it-- i al ii ???? f?i **** ****** nt A**fl-"( ';u-' " , . , , -I."- 4-.*4f*-,{* 0,1 l';,,i in >, .-I rcrtiOi_i.ii. ***fi* .,?,_? I'.il'i I.i ir. j.'it.v u-i'-, lb-'" TnUI . \, ,i niil pi-erelia v tm* .. ?'..,! |n r-rt paai... i.t ?. "?iv a* ll. ?>? ***** r-'ia-'i r i ur br th- N.-4-V-.rH '"' '. ?'"? aBhnal .|.,-i(i",. ';;? ,??;???. ;i. b, M .-_. i- i-med.. .w........ Th. i-.u-._iu.* u..< ?'. "i"- r*, rM:";,: Md ..,..:, _at -r nr...l.U *. -'"" alt-i u. ?* '-'" ? .um..,1 iv ih- U .-. 1.ilr dett_n..a.*1. ree.iftcd f,,.n, Ihfl H',,'?'i "I I.".".-.'' '"?'1 ??*?*"""? ''>? ?" ['.".nt ,:,,, ..,- flioo aad 0I.C00. a?d 01 *hr** Ih- t."_: l_?u-lo dale h, .,,?,,,,. >'f -HO" . .??'? ' '.' .ir. ,h. . ? ?'. II.UOO .. Tflttl "I '""h '1 '"''' ***** Thcrr **.!. in u," ?**??'" ' ll.flSti.SPfl I'.** ii- i" rir*"..lfltl'-n *'2.* Tbe .,,. ..'.nt ?h?'-n ... . vitt fl-rmirflftaf, - f.r ?- >b- .? '*??? "' '*- ?"" rn- eerned. -h'-n lt I- ron* d ' 'I '??' * '"'-' f" I ftr,.,*-i.?', _o al th.-.- n-_- *?*?*" " H.?4k*.'Bi |. r ' '-r,- ,,*? "?' !? il lUI nn I. rr??rd.d i ?t tl.. fll.OOO *****! *' i I 1,- . -\*. -Wil lonk i? <?' -? H ?>?' ui io u-.d in par-* ?'' " ??t. th.r-fnr-. rurll- - u i l - Ou** they. " '"' "' -h?ll ?"' gel '"' -'"???; '.T'-nUtO',. *',-. u, Vi-* nf Ih fl. n.aud bv t"' b*i*l .-i ,nflU, ulfl, ly Ifl U ? f?t du.. t:.,.'. ii,- pr, ?.??. putilk __a-reB.?". >??,t, .,,1 fttt*. lor ."'a.'.a- lb*. rr-ta. ' rt.Ur.iy r.i t-aall M.f* U?a. .-. (- ?i*a. '""; :" ; i?.,,ti,n. *t I.. ti,cT-f.,T.. -f "? -.v thfll bal f- ?' ihi.!"? cf ii.'.v i,..u. wlll get t-..,iid tal W*** y?,k <iitv hank* lt *???<?? *?'""? *?* ****?'? ? ,,,' i.r. ,.-, >cn'l* anu inatefl r?, *-',':, th. ?ma.l ,...,.*?.'?,- nf th' !???*?*?* >??'"?? ** ***.' ******* f-,,,ii tin Baiaiaii "f 1.'??'*-? ''- aafl I'rlnUBfl, -??. ?'" rrafly fm i,*,.- ihey ?lll b" la atarh gtfwil r d-maafl than Um i???t aaall k?al-l*wdff* flafl .iv* eerua-in-fl. ,,, _,,..? ... tin! fm.t lhal IMJ .:? a fall ' l-."*!:- '.d-r - f,., L..II, pabllf aud prtvalr <!',-. Th< ln?ira Hoa. ***?-. ti,.- i?.,_:!n',.i heifl l-i-B .l.?. aad ? *,.:, il, ?o ".:.??. no At rrumnaii-a *bt**%n thnnlt i- *h..wn In . treatf...nt Ut i:..-' Bwiefl by Um AfliNUul T..?" ' ?l >w' l*"? " St*,*** al !Ce*?.V?rfc In ,.....??-? |a*m-a. -f .'...verBB :' ?.l .,",.,,-. ur _? n? U.i ,-.-.*. f t <? a -'.'ie ''t -acwia. CO.NSUI.TISCJ ahoit thi: tariff biu. TIIK W*VH AM. MEANS MAJOB1TY AXXli-t*.- Tt< IIAVi; IT PBOMIT-.Y SFNT TO - * ' N11 !_ rs'l.-Tii:' kf'.-.n AMI.XpMKV.l~ U:i-!ii;,i-r'.-i. -'i'' ll it?P**i*ll -~ "f ,fl" Bepnh liran nic'iiil--.- ol lli* and Hrau* '"-- ar. in U'a?hlna1on. aud liuy *??:?? ln ror, aBall ? wtth ~n? an-thrr durln* :. 1-....I parl "I Ih* day a* Ifl tli" h**>t rtmne t" pnr*n* ln i..-.M '" ibe aniondmentB prnpo...! by lb* **- nat.' I? Um lii-vi-tui" bill. _1th a rlew tn r?a<-hln>{ an aptremenl a. aonn a* prartlrnble. .Tke Drnioirulii- menibc*r. nf thc* rnmniltfe whn ar* h'-re iImi ">nfirr?1 to.ether In t-'.ii*- to the n.ufter, and a nieetln- of th" h.ll coninntfe wlll la* held fo-morrn tn .lern*. thr x,,l,]crt. Bfld. lf |.o-x|bl". t., Ag.rrr upon xome rour-c ut artl'NI. rlinlruii.n MrKlnley and hix ifputiUcnn rollaaa*-*** *re nalnrally ansloa* to a-opt lhal whlrh .hall rrarh a aatl*factory n-xiilt lu th.- rh'irt.-~t tlm* pmrtlrable; and **lth that pnrpoM ln view they would b" cli.'i Ia kave the blll pramptl) ief.-iT.-c! to u c-onfrxi-Tii- romnlttee on lha baMx t't non rniic-iirp-uir- l.y tl " 11 ii-" ln all tiu- x'-n it<* an.rnd tn.-nt-. it sirm* rath*r doabtfal whelher thi* ran b* .1..::.: until BepabUran akflantrei wlll rrlnrn Ui w_.~ l.i-ion nnd itt'c't.d to tlii-lr li'i'Llatlv.- il,,.,.-.. I' tilmut th* mo.t knotty und dtftlc nlt prob 1-t.i uitl. Kkkk th* < iBifi-n..'.- t ..innillli'i' will hav.- tr, 1. that ral-..ii bv th" M.-natc Biiieiiilmfi.tH to th.' .rit-ir irkadnle, Wkkk provlde tlmt only ra*v awcare, iiniit fm- cioiut-.ti' aa* wttboul iwflnln*, xi.aii be ~d uiltbil Irea "I duty, and wl.lrl. ralxc, Ihe mte uf dutv ou refloed aaajjr*. Tu hutk theae nm-ndnisnta un ,,vir .lii-liuiiig niajurlty of thc ltepul.ll. au lide ot tke ix _pp~a*_, and'-r uf. .lu-lii lx .Ir..i-L't* f.iv..i-tt| bv .nn.-.' than a l.u-C-r'x do-.u. of Uopubliran i:-P" "-int-tlve*. lf **en by m, manv. -Thc K*i,i,ie must n-. i-.ii- from both Otvtt Bmeodmant*." i> tl*- fi nt und "iir.i.'.t demand of many of tlie mual lu llii.-titial Bcptibllcan*. Inrludlna th" BepnbBran u.eiu _er*J of tl.o Way* a.ul Mc-un- i o.nuii.tcc.. ? ? ? frciNDS UPFRBr-O AM> AffKITI-'D. Wa-lilli-t'.li.' rsi'pt 11. -Tke "tb'l'x of 4 I'i p"r c*nt bc.iid. ixi*r.:,ve.i ai tke Ti*a?nry Department up u> ?mii t.idav u.der tke alrrulw of Aagnat 80, aggre ajjled fxli;7.'.'.--0 u* roUowa: ?13..'~X> cuiip...ix, and ?g.yi T50 wuhtered. Lator, ofTi-r* of rnfl.t*nrd 4 1*9* to Iba omuimi ..f ?*'?*..r.v. wera r-rt-l\.-<l and ac-aptoi. The total iiinfiiuit nf four und enckalf P"r rent boiidx oirc-re.1 tu ike Ti-i-b ury Departajent for rericmp tiu-.i yesterdap, r_r tbe enilre rountry, nnder tl." <lr nilar ?.f Ai.KU-t '.'<K B|**a***1P-ted -_--,l-0| mahlur. ii total thux fnr nf $7,t::i.-.o The i.t'cpaviiK'nt ul Interaet on th'- fotir per rejit bonds y.'.i.r.lay at .Veal.ingtun, N.-~ Ynrfc and lio* ton, in nreordiuir* wltk ike elrrnlnr ?l september fl, apgfagated HetS,4*--. Tlto snl Tn-iMiry rc-deemt.l yextm-div p_41,4>00 4 l--_ pnr eent boiuN and pr.-paid tr7.-..iK>o li.l.-n-.t nu tl.e t per eent kama. Only u unall part of tiu* laterpal pajntaut was on eot.pon bot.dn, und tlf far" ralne of Ike ksnda<*~ wa. .ii.out *?'_o,imjci.(khj. Thr alnnunt of bond. on whlrh Intcrext Iitu. been p.u.l ?{ tlie .-.ub-TreaauiT iu tho lu-1 two da>x_j> |ea* than *.,l iMHi'rno 1'nvinent. in acount of pefiBlmiB lu Ihe week xin'ro they wer. bcgun umoutit lo c.v.-r ll-SOO/MV. TIIF. LAND Fnni-EITI-HF. BILL IN THE KBXATB. Waxliinf-ton, kept U--ln th* ?--fiat* today, on nioti.ui <if Mr. I'lninb. tlie ''onffreii** i-eport on tl.o Kailroad Land 1 -orfeitur* blll wa* tnk*n up. Tl.o ...alu piopoxllli.n ln the report ls cotitalned In th* fir*t scetion. a. follows: Tliat Ui**!*- I* herehy forfelted to the l*B_t*4 s-tat.x and thc I'lilted Ptates hereby resiimcs tl.e tl.lo tiiereio. all land* l.t.-retcifure erantf-l to any Ktato or to anv loriioiatlon to -1.1 In the ronntriu tion nf a ? iilin.ul cippoxltf' to and contcrtnlnou. with tiu* portion or any au. fi rallroad not now eoiuplHt4?<t aml ln i?i>cra tlou fur ih?* c-o.ixtr*rtlon ur beneflt uf wkkk m.cI. land. were rrantwl, and aii ?nrh landa i.r* declarc"*! to ba a aaii of th* pnbllc domuln; p.-ovideil. tl?t Ihl* a.-t xhaii imt he ronatrned a. furfeitinit th" rlgkt of wnp ur xUDtiti croiiuds of any railroHd totnpauy hcreto forc, ijraiitecf. Mr. Moraan appoaed tlie report. as a log-rolllna Kkrtaaa, -"tt.-n up fur tl.e bi-netlt of all the laud-Kniut road.. Ho r*a!d fial. v.i.lle the flrst aertlon prcife*se_ Vlrt.rl* HateL 6th ave, Breadwiy aa< _7t*--*i. Eottreiy a*w la Ua asDOln-aeau. AmvKaa ttiA t*_-iK*au _i?a. ___&?g??_3?-_S __*_??_a^^ft?2^i-it_*_. I,_d wl-hcA ta ercrt a *********t(.lo( "ne N.-rtl.cni &_f__ tiXh^^XA ^rcad hcrc "Without ilnlflhin. hi. 2_^M_^S^-S,1S. for * motion t.i adjouin, and thc -Himio ai |OaraCd BtatB to-nmrm--, A CHILLrNVsElTEMBER RA1N. 6L*VERA_. OOLD WAV-S M THEIR WAY BAfK* WAUIl. The long l.eralded cool w-ve made a tardy arrlval in this elty on Wudfllday nlght. and whi*.* ita ******** wai not felt ***** ******9 ?** ?ity. lt broag . ,vitt, it some dlflagrwable weathcr. lt ***** not untll noon ffl-tafaay. however. that the ***** M S-t thc ral., fcll ln light ah-Weta. bal M the afternoon TolttH Z ********* ********** '? tlT^.0 r_ra_. and Kt 4 oYloek lt ******* 9** *** thCn l' wonld cnilnue tarwiglwrnt Ihfl nl.Iit. At 'J a. >?- ** ?.mp,T.iturc wai 6B degreea, at MN lt had ***** * M d,-,-n-,'s. but flt 3*0 It had fi,U"? ??".'^'^JSJ cui.Unued iawaaard. Tn -M Um r?ln ta *n****a*\ dii.*o.?fo.t to petfettrlene. raat* ? ***** ***?**** wiu.!. whirh Ine-flned ln vktdenrfl M ********** aI>. Proa.-had, and daihed the r_i.,d,,.|,- Into tba fi-**- ?? tlu, people coiag honie fioin bflfllneafl. -C 'OM wave baa eovired the Whale of the .onn trv flaflt of tl.e Ktaal^tpld ***** *?*>"?" *** ' ,'r*TC:l"' I.i,?n. "and than Ifl Mill fl-lhther Menfl flt ****. **** l? Dahrfla, mo-lng laptaly ea?tnrara. etnrm \o 2 there I- aiioftici* floM *.?? of t*t V**** ** len.ltv than thc one ?..-? npflll ***? , '.'l'!??!:" SSKJ Northweal thfl tcmperai,,,,;* are Ijetoa tlie / ? ? polnt Thfl raiu now lallin. I* ****** * ;! "l",,1 v intil tomcTow mornlns. and wlll ?? ' ??'? ?,'> ,-learcr -eather with a klightly ***** lewpflflainra. ?. KFKF..T r-F 1IEAVY B.UNFALLB IN Tlll** STATE. Byiara<?, N. Y.. Hept n iBpei-lal..- Bala hai been talllng he.viiv bere all d?y. Wllhln the laal -*-*??-? roar bnari a rareral e-tlmete pla.e* thfl rainfall flt ov-r three ln, he-. Ihe (reneral av.-ni..- amonnl in a ntonih dnrlng nrdinary -?-?:i-. .mo-Hlaga Uh? hni rlncn ranaMerahly, to thc grefll dl-a.omf.-rl and dama-'c ,.f tha pteaaare re*-a-ti. The iiramP-r-' plenle al Maple i;;,v. uaally attanded by lh.n--.nd-4. lind ta be Indell nii.'iv po-tponed. Tbe New Y.-rh Ktalfl lalr aai tn have t/,d.-iv. bnt Ihe raln ha* Interfcred _eri.-u_l.v wnn tho p.i.i:.a.?,ne. Forlanataly llie falr gn-und* ?ra nndcrtlM. io thal when Miii*hlne mmei again lt avin md not lahe kmg before the Wr ***** * ***** with a ira-oaablfl d-.--i-.-e ?t -t?,c-. There in a tu* niarhably Iflrw namber nf eshlblu ihi- year and the ii-ml i-.i,.enni.,l ,.-|.-hr,l,'.u pr"..,.-,*- lo be a blg n,i... if the veather proa'*** g*--t Rlmlra. X. Y.. Bepl. 11 iBperlalt.-Thfl rlv-r here ua banha th,- mornlng. rearhing llie Intamiata l air <..-.,uiul-. II aa.***ked f-r a lime hy the hurl, banh ahlrh the mana*em?*nt had buili u|..?? thin m,|e ..f tbe expo-i.i"., gnmiHla. bul ******** ?mtita iionn ihe ,v.,.,r it .!.a-r Ihfl hank and nt-.ivd ,?? ?,..?, iim .-poMt,"? groandfl m K-nrnta. The rardraeh wa* -,*.,?-,nbi,?-'.-i. The rmundfl aere Mam -u.rou'id.'d by Ihe waten and th-.mal- wblrh ???? bruagM fr-in lentral l-rh, Nea V.-rh, had m h re??.v,',i f. i* ptore <rf _atvty. Tbe mtlw gronnd-1. Utrttue a ra.1 Iaaa. BflWWIora had a Hveiv iu mmivtaB Ibelr dl-ptoy.. A l?r,- f-r"* "1 ***u ha* 5m, ?t aa.,rk Itare all '.**', and ta ?I?.IT *w -mirninK tta. fair will gtl On. ,, ,,?. Kil- yardfl ln Ibl* rtly hfl-e I.n ******* ?*" rta, ,,? train* baving ****** **** *'?** *M**"-* ]1'"'" yc-i-Tda. mornlng unUI .?"? evmlnB. H*l*** **"<" j,,,,, ,',, river i*M* >*?* 'J"" "'- *****.'* '" ,--,.,-r than ..' IIM r.p*.rl4*d. Ai Adfll-m ihe ?"'' ?Nfl ihe highe-i known I-i l??Hi U y?.r*. "nd Il,,rIvaii.,?-...i.i."-i'i '..- ,,-..h'."i.-la.-erarrl.-d v.a.v. The -i,.,,"?-T"U i.,"V.- ??? ' "I .?*? **** -' ....llr l?.t and i'.!-'.'.l ''-,' .' **?**? *?-'* .''?.??"'"?-"'? Thi* evening Ihe ***** **? again fnlbng, and. a* no raln ha.* Ulteii ***** un InrUier ******** *"m .he ll.I - appeehei-tcl. Thc me-rhant. jn thi* u,,'?iv,.:,i f..r....... ii.i..M-h'...! -i"-*-'i:-v l.hea*'?J |,V ihe bnl ,,', e.,,ii::,'_ i ,.... duaiage . an t madr uiiil Ihe aai, r lia* .deil. ,...,.?,,. N V.. -I" II *****??*?** ?'***?" '*??????*<> '?? fall here *****?**?* evi-nlni.-. und '.. ?i-nttaaH *'.* v* u.y a--..,'!'.. Pnrdv ***** ft "'?'"' *?*' ??'-?' ***** ZttU r-mlng Mdewiilk.. .lan.?*. *.1 ?*** ****** -?,v iK.'.n.fll ,"' i.T.'..r...l !"r .?- Ihird I. " wltldn lhn*e yan aM tba _oatH and ?e I i".rt,on, ol t',c ,-.. v...i-. iinrtei- aa.ii.-r N'm m'ti'.u- d.uiak''' baa been KS'?a **w*vi**a ii,. ...v..... i! ... '-..'??? ??*??? *** '*?!?--._"?"!_?_"___ ^/^VPlVt-:,; ,;,;";;.?-: ':..:****??< ^* ..*****<?? ln thut -i. l? n* ?*e ??P !' ?'?"if u*BrT'J.'.rted i!..' i-tin-riNi ba. .o?*r*-J ae-erely nf ll,- I.'-. i.'d reporu li.'.i :*'l* t..*i..x -. . U*? '''Vf;,.^''!v;J:wV;:*:v^,"',-:'"..M'-''-'r'rv'n ,.?,-,,", Ki"". and i-lnnai-H ln. Mt* l??P h*J KJ-7,?;-;-?;?\ B.W^&rprS Kra-T-T-W"-11: -??????:',:;,.""? "'" H.ln*.,,.-. I..i.liii**iir-r* *nd i\* . -Bt* i tl. i. S. V ? iwpl. IL ':"' a*"*."d m Ihl. virinti* |? tt-.r-.i.-Mv x ...i.'i **.r'' *-?.:*- whl? h I-" '.? f,:: ' r?',,iiifJ* f." f-rtv.i.-ht h.rtir.. Iii the li'.r \ . *'. '''(_'. !.,,,..,i'-.i. Th" iirram* ara nverPowma! {,, ?, 1,,-t.x. and tke M?~~vak Blvar _ai? ara nncrrd aitk aat**r. ____.-?_? |iruv -,,;.? n> niK .MlixK.V f.iA~T Aaburv l-ark, -< pt. II i~|~-i*l? ll ha* *<""'"*< UMvtiy .ui day ai"UK tbe npi~_ teriion al tha >"? t-n-.-v r,j:i-t. Ik-flre I'*"" ''"liv the inri waa r ? ;??. I.i.h and -tn..,- apon tk* bea.fc. Kv.ry aav* mi imt the mnd alona tl.e boark from !>? *1 -"-;'* lontk I- "knrk Blvet InM lo a depth ul tm*.- b> rt. fMK N>H,lv flverp ~~hlna I'-iuiiti waa damafed. Tht. evenln- the ...rf lore bi* I..i ln Ibe l.e...l. ard baurrad trltk terrlie ?on* agetn-l tbe i.uikk.-_d. la lurtni th* baaH walfcB. A larr* p***e ol the br**-. down N-tf-eai itnn.edn.tely .... fl. ..f Ibe B-hlna pta -a. ton. laoaa ba tl.o ien. The blofl at Lona Bimnrh wa. alifc-htly Injured by Ike aiirf. Ut* m lk* aflrr nnon th" M.rf ran ao hJirb *t 11**1*11- l.eii.l.. b'*lw.-e? !l"<>k ?nd *c~l~1_bt. Ihat 11 threatenf-4 lo ruu ?*..r UM tiui.. nl Ike N.'f.l'i"-* -..ith.-rn d.*i-i"i "f :_-tA,_s??~_,ia!__r2L*? &,_^r^^ li i-i belleve- hn ainrn#aa_apa ~ul ha e-ina. ? a I'litsT SN..W nl" TIIF. YF.AB, -t rr.ui. Mlnn.. drpl. lt- wimal [??tv.m ..-rv.-r I ?,,.i. .** anrra waa rrpnrted mix mi.tu.ii_ fn-n ' "" \s.i'??lmlne. Mni.t. Tiil' 1* lk* ??**! "? ,w "' ""' smtan ln thc l'nlt*~ Mntr*. knoa ln a deplfc nf fn-m f??r to *lx In.-h.-x afcM fell at pla.*. in Ih* m~-h?*. i.-rnt'.rv aliove Muntnna, um. abmit one hall Intk rell over N'.-rth M?jnt4tfln. WAS Tiir l.oi'AJ. rr.SSi'S IXeOBPLBTRl In nvpnuxe Ifl a re*inr-l li. .VilUnia MrM. i.|~-*r. Mayor Omnf* prtvnta *errelflor. l-re~-*nl ikarlo. Ocorpe wil.on. -.I the lieuiii. Board, -nt ? *~ Banre* to tke ? ity Hnll y_*le-~ny. rompiled h.r tta i.urpo..* of provlng tl.e imortetttie-. af lk* la-l I'nited .Un-- c-n-u- iu Inl* rttv. TN -atilt-.ry P-Ben ,,.,-.ii. of I-'- *vux r'l.urt.'cl t" 1"*: teneinent liuu-e*. __.3ih>: nunlBea, _37.l*7_; p4ipnfcUliin. i."'-.~.70l, lirnn-lit tn l".m Ih" HltUI-. au-: t-nenieiit liot.s,-x :i7:ini. ol wkkk B,4~W ar* reof konae*. On this baM. rbn atatUUrtan. *?f tke lleatth U-parttnent deelnre Ibnl f|:,t p.,|.ulalloli BOW UVklg !u t. i.'-mrtlt linil-e. Mtilllll bc- l.-J'i<>,""-. They Bftlmnte Ih* kJdpliia -"*??? l'"l"i ljituti al IS-BOO, and lhal ol puhllr lii.tltntion., -i-i, __*). With the people in privaie kn~*e?, bourdln^ Iniii."- und iipiiitii.fnl lu.ii na th* Itmllli D*p_rt~n*lil imti, aii.-iix p.tint !?? a pm-'iii populatlon of abunl ii-*nn*Mi. ArrurdlnR lo thi* ni'l" -ne.-ui-wk tli. ii.'tu.ii c-'iunt iif the I nit*-*l ktate* riiiim.-.iitois |. .oi. in7 (no xiniiii. f XABLR TO COXTBOt. TIIR BCTTBR UARKrT. Th* American A\* aud Toof ( -mpiny. ln fblllntf tn iu. utp'irnb- the Iiiiiiii Rd_*Tool t utup.nv. neu'.itia tiuiis fnr wkkk have been pendlns ror aonte time, hn. fniied to -ecurc oontrol <>f tha -rylba market. Tke Atnerlrau Aaa und Tool t'ompany l. ? ilnrng ruu reni, and i- at pre.ent in alnuix. ab-nlute rontrol nl th* aSfl inarliet. The a\e peopb* tkouRkl Ikal b* BbMiibing th-- Dimti rompany, 'wklrk manufcirlnmi both axes and trytkeai Ikry wuhM rontrol tke -rytke aa well a. tka axe ...Nrket. NetcotlntkHM with the Diinn company wc-r* nearly contpleted: tke tran*~~ ?ails |o have taken plare on Attgnal 1. Tl.e ax* peopl.* lenrneil, however. that. they wnoli not be able to rontrol th* xrythe mniket. and so MHpkt an exc-.,xe fnr hiaaklaf oir tha apreenteni. Thla v*a. found in an alleirrd defcit lu tl.o tltie nf tl.o Diinn rompnoy to thelr proprrty. lt hu*- keen reporled thal Mr. Iliibbai'd, iif 1'ilt. biir*. pn-.idi-tit of llio Auu-riiau Ane and 'IVol I'o.u pany, had l.'-l.'iu'd, aml thal hix re-ignatlon waa duo to tl.e fuct that tl.e axe rompany bad loxt pre**Uaa by its P*~lare la ltin.rp..iatc Iho Dunii rotiipaiiy. The lieadiiuarteiH of thc axe rompany aro ln Trov. und nuiie af tlie nfllccrs or atembei- nf the roinblna ilntt <ould lio fniitid iu Ike ilty >e t-Tday. William K. Hn.-, Ihc -i;i'I.t for the axe r-unpiu*. ruiilil .mt Many Paaple Hny tha low prli*. ln furnitur* hav* anat.l'*- t'llut _ _o.. llio. 4. Ba4 OUi-ave., lo Q*_tu_? Ui* lail t_-tl?. B,*r__*??fi?___le,rti reslgnation ol tlie prer.!dent of the company BIG CROWDS AT THE DUTCBESS FAIB. THIRTY TIIOl'SAND rEOFLB ON THE GRCl'-a-DS AT 1'OUGUKEEPSIE PoughkeepMC. _cpt. 11 (?ipeclali-TI.erc ***** JSSSS large attendance at the *******MJ? patr todav. Fully peoplo passed ttirou.h *M _-a?e*. Every county ln the Hudion Rlver ******** tn otiota and New-York and n,*? - ??? rflpr___tai. Over 300 tcu.ns to*** ********? ?ou..U- from Uie boat. aud c.m and J-^J-S ..000 teams belonglng to tarmers on *?? *"u^ Fron, 10 a. ,n. t.U _ , m ^?? *3*? gate*. a l.un.lred a mlnule. ?^'T'* il* ? ...000 people and lt wa. jjMl?* J^SX -tand at the raees ho- -.000 aeata and **r^*YZ peoplo ln it. Twenty thonaflfld people ******** _?J____tfJga-__?g terlng with fhe other raee*. la tlie "?"" w ?Vn rt-rtrra, tiie Jcwett etock Farm's ta M.M**** Mnda Uoefl thfl BflXl *** *** 2*3V? \i_T_*-. etaM oalf one heat waa trotted, \\. B. flpa- , r *_k.Dg lt in '- _? 14. Then. wcrc flcc kOffl l ?-** '^There are to be sli raees to-m?nrow In 8evera, ?r?n ?SSS? A i?-i,i,le on nnd then -periul fraln* *_?JSu thc falr Ifl hi. ilenpl.e thfl ***** ***J&g?* ^SbI lar behfnd la-t yeara Ufc lb '"n; "gJ ol i0 |,n partment ln purtimlui- |a qallfl ******* * portant ii rounty a? ItatrBflfla. ?- " MASVEL QABCIA, TBKBAKDIt _./_?.. UOW BF. BIOXI HIS OKDERS-IIIS WAR A..AISST raiUSmai.-'-a BI.ASPHEIIOUS PHAYER The late-t adviren fr-m f?aha ********* 2_L__T difltrirtfl of the Utomt. He I* tbe man to Iflhfl ilin.i.Mn ui i.m m*m ? lt;- coill*i ....... -iiren il '.,11, -1 th" balldlltl. aa,'"* <* ? ., . ren.S.1 ,,v the fonner rap.a,,,.o,,era. who ,,?i.i,,?, fonr montha ... Cflbta ** ** ??* w en-r.-t..' a* a pur-ly miUtary BUiB. Uhfl '-enerai ''''?. ne'famn,,' h.ghw_vn..n Mannel 0_reia H BJ ,??...,, ?.,,-,;.? with the t.tta ?f raptaln m****** ' ,..,?.,?<. ll.,i,n< aro nign.-.-.oHl.i^ the u-ual royal cunotu 1" >*?*** '? *' ' ? . ,????,. ,?.,?,,, a?d ?f n-arly thc wh?b* l-land -*? M.,??..,.ar.,athe.-?-t.^ ****** r-v J ? m.m h .nflu-flnment fron, the planfr* aud -?^*? h - pi--imlac immanlty Iroa, -is dep'edai.o,,-. and o* .. ?,alU |,c d-tal.Tfl l.-av.-II.Tn nntiT a rann?m ***** * ,?df.i.i.iin.n, the.r frcedom. ~?OflWTJ?iI Ul-.,,.va rcrenUy "wfa-iB to pny an a-4e**mei.t -f . _ . ie in MaJefltV Manutl liai-rL. .-ju.i.Ki bnd upon it bj in* "i?1?J'-*,' r,?, rndangered hN preatlBfl. and ***********T^,'" p,wtll*fl. A. thc head of a half *.,H?dP*n flf ha_4iW. Lll ,??,,, ,,-,, rtdlng m thelr B..e btafl .inlforn. ?* .*,-,,-. Menacl ttarela neeaplfld tlu- ***** * QwlHean. b-* |.ea-tafl of the* and hea_ta. :,? ?., ,,. ,? ,.,.. bu.idinr. Betaffl *****? ,-?.?,** ,.. ?.e -nr- ,.f IV d.'P'.t *""*"T -" "" '7' ,.,,,,..?.- ?f ih- rnmpany. IntamilnB th-m that tbelr ;,:,?,?,.???r",,',H,v^.^''.-^^; ??,. ,,,ivl:,_ dliob v.-d ihe . rdera fll KH ?*^"lJJ,,e* ,r_ '.,!.. ,--n,,n bvt(,-n.b'i'it"' the event. I-> ,?,?,?.,. ,..?er he ? n, a rartflfl ta the ,-.?larm--. hat ?K. ?ref.,l .,-,. lo aail f-r thelr anival. Ihe rail ,,.?, .,,,,'a. .? ? "i,t -. dld not pay thlfl an-.s-,,-.. ? ,-,,h?. and tianla ***** ******* ***" ,-;,i eompel****) th- .Ptayea ta lear mal aoajfl ralla fr-.n, lli- li.fl. I.- Ihe ,,-xt traln "-.mlhrown fr?m he .- ? ??,;,?, ;;i....,il?*l'a.idilred upon It.woundlng .;:,,;"' 'p.',-...?._.*.?.. n- raptaw- ? **neomotl-? ?? . ,?i gave hlm anaiber leitar tar the rallroad lUn-.tar.. wh,-,,, he ,,-en.ed flgflln. thi* tlme ta the ? ,.?,,t ul CW.0O0. H" "l"1 ?*???on'- m,,rc """; * ,,,'.. ,.,?1?,?,en. ln Whieh he wro.e: - If Ihe whflta -,,,.? ', Armv ?.- al my baa* II roaM .,"' raptnia ?,.. * -ariia nnflhl have addefl: "Thanhfl io ,?.. w,.,.,.-- of mv h.,i-.- I'T he haa alwayi a food -,.,n oTTior-e. and doM md ran the n*i: of belng rom ._.?___ -.ini.ti,.,'.*- I- rry Hkc Wchard Ull " My kii.g fcTk_S .-.'.b-frnnnd.... nn'^PT^^*^^. _ -if L e n. ." '-"iidartntsi wlll puixue ne. ? ""' ,,"m? f"t b.* ix'-fui fnr ram.'na; nrttket'thelr S-41SH-x,iia*5S ',! -, ,,- Ti,.. ..i.t .t,'li*.r.-.l J.'.iah fr..t? th- wkate I '-'. r- i - i.'v hav* i." Ihouahl uf InflndM tha n. ..', of tl.'.* __lb.WB in thix -at-nlri-'lnus tuvoiut.on. onirrARY. .ic.MN * _?TBFE. "j.lil .-. tr** t.rrx.t.-nt nf tb* liv.uc -aviiigJ Inxti i.-t,..-'? ' -li.-.I v.-'-t. rday i.!t"ii.'H... from piieumonla. at nl, ,. ,'?.. \? __il We.1 Mneteentk*t. lle _?? born ... ii.oi'ininiy Tyrone. Irrland. nn Firbniary i~- li?U. l.'t ,i?,e io thi. cmnlry wb*n a rhlM and wa< ed* ,.,?.., ,? f,?. i.?.ii x.!,,.il.. When tmtttttt jrear* oM i?- ,--, -.,.,..- a . lerU rn lu. i.'i.-lv. -aaae. **-tp, ?*u" *__ . ..,, on a !..:-*? retaU .-"????ry bnalneaa at Jay und ?va.iiit.~t.>i. xix. lle lemalned wltk hl* ancla IUJ tka lilt.r rrtircd fnrni btt-lne*-*. "- iken openrd a rtora ?1 lu. own ut N..rth M'.-'i- '?""? Undxon **->?. _ii<l -f* tu.'d ln IkKl. l.avl..' Btade a larpr fortun*. irom thi. petlod Iw devotfld IU, ciiorgio. to the real e.tat.- buxltic-. and mntfM up uiu.-U property ln Uie 11"., i.K'itn and Mateentk Waidx. rktefly euitetat_a? ,,f rorner M?- r_arlj m th* ilatle* ka beraaaa a di ,-,-,,..rin tb* Irvinp >avlti|- luxtltutiou, aud wu~ m ..,.? ;iunt f.u- many year*. Ha wa* |i~_rr*rly prrsideut ? th* V ua Na'.loiiul Unnk. ai.d one of the Mudlnjj ?.1,., ?, tne raaanwr.-al Inanrnnra <'?}?*?&? ?'" ?hat ..-..-iti wa. **..ui'.l up. .or >* liuml*-- -ii year* , i,?. i...'~ a ii "uibi'i ?l Ibe Mrnantlle Kx.iu,nt,v and ,.,.,.-,,! -...,-letv ?f .Mcha.ii.'x .md rrHd.' nl-u a Illi... t..r .n tl~r ?tl"b" luxiiniii." lumpaliy. H* '*?'?* * ?_m__r i- tta ivtYtrnl M*tk_dlat CnnrrkkWreath r. and Fuurteentk at. lle kave* four rhtklreii. FBANK W i.KKAKI). Piabk w. U-rard. nt Ita ~rm ef ifernt- _ Brown. mrrrkandlse bt-Ker. al Bc l*"_ I'eail-t . diad re*ek*r aay al kl* -onntrj -uene ln Wkltn HlHa. nene Wrnung baat. fimn. Mr. Uernt- w.,s u .., at Sewb-ig. X. ** . r'ebmnry 14. le_a. und itwetved mt hwstna-a tnlntoc ui tta wellhnown bro~*.-~i- ki<4~*a <.f -jveetw *- .?*.<"? whirh he left lu WT. to rntat* ou lu* -"? ??-,,,unt I1-* ***? a *?>" '"?*t"1 l'r"Upl ??'?', Wi's *>**?* I- I,,,.,,,-.. and x."lal We, a af the llnriVm ',, , , the ll?r!,,n li.-publiian llub. B* k*V-t ? ,,,**? .md f.'.i. t-klldrm. Hi** ln tkl? iltp ? ** "t Nn. 141 Wevt . me hnndircf and l-*ul> tttalfc *t. _.. -? ? THOMAX MuNAiiHAN. riinitu.x Mflnackaa di*d yeaterdap aaamlng al kla iu,m,- XO. 388 Far,) Korty Irat-at.. from Uiduey di-e_-o. lle wn. born in Dii?.lu-la. ttMBty M.ath. livlan-l. ?, iK.? ai tka apa of r~a*ktran ii* naaaa to Ibta ronntry and ensapai ln thr nalnt and aU knalneva at Tl.rrty f-urihst. and Thli-d ~ve.. whirh h* Mlowai until 1x70. ixm.-e then he l.a?* dc_lt lara'oly ln rea.1 eatatr and was a pmni'.nept tuen.ber af tl.e Real EBtate l"x. l"*"-e. He waa aUo au mtttPm memb-r ?f me Mank-ttna Utaral -tab. Ilta t>ody wtB b* laken ka rteak Pond, U. 1 . for cremauou. wheti an ffiisx will be made hy T. B. *^?'","*1V?P *""' U0Um tfhati le?\c- a wlfc. a sun und oue. dau;hl>r. RDWARD W. TWTTt'Hl-l.l.. Rtrle. I'l'tm . Sept. 10 opc la!). F.d-aard tt. Twilth ,ll, a nativf ot BaaaarknaatU, dicU at his home lu i'.iiiiibnis>,.ai tiu- a^" af Beventy yeara. Ha was a .mber of the Pennaylvanln Ugttfnkni- duritut tiu* war. lle fiiundecl Ihe l.dmbon. tnWWt* -*'-* ?"'1 ??? a chailer lniKtcH* ef Ihc Kdlnboro Stutr Norinal Scl.ool ovet ? ininrter nf a rentarr __o. He haa b**en a mcrrkani fur many year*. ? - ? -? a JAMI'.S MOXTF.ITH. j_bm* Mouteiti, d.rd y??t*rday *t hl* k*-n>. ?' __ N.i..a*-. aud One fcnadwd and -fly laartk at 'rom Bi'iirala-a of th* heart lle wa. born ln Uii. rMp ln i.:n aad waa edacaMi ln tka pnkHa aakaota. At t'.e as* ?f iv*...itvt**.. ln* laatpllrl a manual of pBBflraafey whi.h l, a .un.lard i*at,_ook tn-day. 11* *a* aiM th* author of ? lar_* i.i.n.bir of .c-oaraphlral work*. a t'l.lted Statea Ul.toty an.l work. ou ?rl,-ntltl.- .uhjcct*. Vor a nu.uber ?f yma h> ?-. prlnrlpal of * Srl.ool No. II ln thi. i-itv but for th" ktat t**ciit.v-uv* u* eanlnad hi? at> t...tiou to iMltli.C. aud Ma u-xt-book. bave had * larft* ,al* Ua Wiilm-ailav evinluR h" >n?dc* a B~H**t of ?oilal .all. and .-ailv r?*ti?*-*>' ka IIBiplalara* Bf a .rverti paln ln hi. lirait. and lu kM -MM * qu.rtrr ot an hour alt.-r war- h* ill-il- II" bav. ? wlfc and thr.** .hlldn... t.*o .o... ami mi. daaaktrr. Mr. MantaBk _aa * bbm ot iiiK'b rhai.ut~r and peaaaaaad moro tiiau Uu' avaraa* knakn*a nijiilty. H? *?*??* a*4*aatlp ltit*ro*t,?d lu W.**t side rapld, aud v*a* ?loaely idL-ntltled **Ith many uicamirci fur tiu* Imi.rovcmciit of Wa.hliigton HcljIiU UBBBTI'8 Tomn nm xot bvrx. Th* llght ln r.l'x.'.V* ton h did noi lium laat nlght. Whaa Uie i_pi.' guu irom C?.*~? Wi_u%t_ t**Mmed over tb* HODGMAN'S Mackintoshes FOR GENTLEMEN, Mackintoshes FOR LADIES, AND Mackintoshes FOR CH1LDREN. All of Suprrtar Qn.lltr. ?nd w.rrmmed la ?lria flatlafactloD. may ba foaad atthe B.erfl. ' ' HODGMAN RUBBER COMPANY, "ttANUFACT.ltEBS, BROADWAV. I 21 Weat _3d St, Cor.OrandStreet. | adj. ."th Ave. Hotel. |*iTABI.I*3lIBD 1S3S. FURMITURE. With a flrm determinatton TO "sF.-L, OUT CLBAB every t'HA.MBER SL'ITE of l_*t neflson"* nuKI, wo bav? m*r_ed on each ?u';h a prlre a* ho??eke,perfl wlll ?__n, gr??p Bt. Kemember, we manufacture Alrrrt for the retall cu?. tomer. And *-* MU, ln adtlition, Beddln. at ptlflfB unOtt inr. body elflt; lu tiie trad". GEO. C. FLINT CO., 104, 106,108 West 14th St. Bay and the flflc on OaflH-flCfl WflflB eame do-n thi tlertrle earreat *??;>. tmafld on in th" twrch. Ior t?? h,?ir* It baraed brlebtly. bnt at '? .VtacB it aaal Mfl. Tliere b"iT,C ii', ,,.n,i,.?ni.-i(l,-n aaltl, .1," Mafld aft"t ?un.?et, lt **as lipeaalhlfl la i"~rn ahflt th" traahl* aaa. WHEN GOr. HILL OVEBBEACHEDniMSELF UM FAI.f.S INTO IHE TIT RC mr*. POK MA. Pi |'i'W-JtK. P0WDE1U.T N"T "TIKKN Uf.*, KtrraeiMfl, Sept II <*-l" rtal).?A"Uarjr ll current "v-ra ahleh pata *****.? Iltll ln ? Be* **B** u ni,t '*"*** lhaa-a that thfl iririeriM aaa- more interested polifl nilly ln Ihe reeent fltritoe than berared tfl baflB hrii-rn. but flbo thal 1," Ml lnin*'*lf *** * **** hfl ** tM tor Mr. Depea". Mr. l"o'.'derlv. the pr_i,d ma-t-r work bm "f ihe KBKhti ..f Labnr. waa ta ***** tm ******* dav aad addrrr rd a l-.r.- i.u.ii.n. .* U* ******** ** *?** .Uhambra. 11- n*>tt. ut eaarae, Inehaied Mtaral eea. fci-eu.e- wiih Ihe 1", t.I KnlBhta, Bnd tt*** UM BF t** ,i. iu.-... the -""iv ******* ""'? lt ***** ?"' **"**<******* that <."V'rnnr Hill. at tl.e time the -drih* na thfl '>.>? tr.,1 ara* at it- a.H?t. aa* aahed bj Vka i*>.-,ide:,t WTehh t? .au eat the Mate miUtta Ine the pari.fl- ****** ?* IM thc e,?,|1.,;,v'a piopenv- Thfl ***** ****9* ?,r,.g:i*.l it, Uu- r-l'i- *t ? ehaae* li.dire.-tlv to dfl Ilver Mr. I>. pew a t.-ll.:,- ?hat. nnd ,.. --ardtaglj- ***** .,?-.', Mfl ?f lll. oVTUl.lI' uI.vimc* -'f hi* ** ** ???; d-maanflb" lhan -Ineera. He ***** ta ********* thal tl,- -"??? V.a*i'entral.?**er? aafM *********** uoih-vethe ailBtiaolth, fltata B******???*? 'ri,a r.,,i',,v ar.f *b* *'?***?* ***** !'??? ********'** the barh Bt hla atateaaaanBfce BBflarttp and tn th' ir , -?? . ,,?,',....1 Ihfl vote, by tli-u-Ti'id- that this tv. ,,,?; .,-,,??.,. ,e.Ter-0? wnuld g*M ******* J^*"J Knlflhti at Ubae. ***? ** <rnm ***** "' '**? '" barmerldfl bait. beraaa* ******** aHh thc ********** '', ?.,.,?,. ?,evt!,o?,l,ttl,en,.*.te: ***** thfl***** Mfl rv .?,.?. 1.."iv l.,K.d..|.-i-d"'"UM"^thcA. ,.,?v Kae-urve .,- It," "f d.'l.,..."iu"n. Mr. pnaderfr. ***** a-hed ahoat the flutter *??*?**. a* mlttrd thal the****** tacMflflt. and itaflfli tUc.r pr>-iti"fi *va fnllnw-: ?? if tl," rej-ularlv nrsaalfled ?IMarjr -*?****? <*f ***?* Mate aflCfl not 94.BO >" *** <i";'* "f ?**'**~apd " I. gultfl- evl-ent thut tl.ey -vre n-t. alnco <*'????' IIIH mM <-v--vr,r dld he *lt Idl" nnd .'.Ilow a f*>i*el?n unned for-c to Inaaifl the Mate under the .-on.i-.and ol Babert rinlcert.-n. ahfl bad Bfl -arnrnt of authority rither from the tfatfl or Vatto-flt < and WM ,, -mv anta him-eif: ***** *** **** ******* **** (.allow ?|, hla flrst -ta.ement that t',e nuli.u* ?-*? no. rnuitcd bv BaelarlBB fl? ?"'m>' '?? Wnhertfli pmple ln rehniii'.n a_aln-t thc l ,w, .,f Ihe Matel" Mr. row-ii.-riv intlna.ed ihat tha nit****rnee"? inien ,-t m tl..? WMiKlnci'.!'*,! ???* Bnt ;,- _r*al ;,- hfl aaaM , ,,,. then tblnh. Vr*ta nthef r-mrrei it i* l-Mrned thal Mr l-oflrderiy ha- I'i -H-paral"-** an BrU-h th.* will baadta t!,- tii-vernnr alth antfoi-ed hania. V*** f-,.i |fl Mr l.e-.-w ?tund? hlflher fodnv flflflnag thfl Knl-ht- lhaa h" did duriM th- ntrike. .md hapai -* -?r,.-,.- tha. I," "?*'!! ><?< ***** *** "" ,,,,> **"**?'*'?* "?? ..r- Mr r.-Ait'Tiv -.iid ta-t nlirht ... hl*.*****} U^*j^ 'T.i-erfi.V/'lllU ha* -_-_? .veri-e_.-li.fl -_-_*"_-. oa Ul bid I.T VolO. riOAHMAKKKS IM.KFTTS ARKBBTBh Bt_?haaa_ea. K* *?* ***** U*+*** ******* ertmtti ****** thfl ***** .'i.'-rTu.ikem ******** bv a n-.ie_.rl of the Bttefl* BB fhe ft** ti the maaa* ******* t" rmah >hc atrUwra hf a ************ ! of P,fl-kc,-. Manv aarran.. have ******<J***J**+ | Heavy ball ls deflUflded In en. h rflflfl. The ****** BM arrwt- la apparea.l, la eabaa** the ******** ? t-BB_^?a& oiiicxn Into retarnlM *** ** ***** ,-* MINKIt*' DB-fAJ-DB i.l'.ANTKP. I Atteaaa. iv,,.,.. flep. H-Th. *********** **T* trou. eafh Mde ..f the adj....rn-d,e ***** ,'P"r.,t,.m and ,?',.ei, of tl," dS.M.t ******** Oearlield. 1>_U_. L-*hrt_, HnatlBBtBa. l.U.r***** ? tor* ********* ****** ?*?'*?-*??-* *****> J*W______ ! ?fl...M.u.-n? flt ?he; d.fh.*.. *J**** ,?ade. ha IBifl BBiaeCMBl thc ^JE~g*A\\Z : SSeVa. u,,l uhlrh ....? .fl-vrator-*** to^Jf"?? | 3^?Jtt&2 _JrJJB. K -"- - ]ul>ll-llt. ^.__ JAFAXBBB FBOFBBBOBB IX TOWS r*** rrrrJKr s^,w.t!i?S -,?-,er llot'l f.-ra I ? ***** "__ "_?___ pMflflBfl-fll * Ibpm: ^.r ** J?"J 2? BagB* Tb'-- "" ?* T?S* "" r_Tl^rld io .ar-41-ate ___flfllhflBl -MV-UIM aeaaad ** ",n,^. w,? ,,,?.,,? Mat uatil ,Mti.fln1n and U.-titu.-"?' ' T mt(X vUh *,ru_l tt-tam**. The p-rt. an* ?? y?,n? kc*a fli.d pKtflbH *******_ THE WEATHF.B BBFOBT. ?^?5~\^^?**~ wara. aad -t?aia?*> .__m.._..__-_i__a_nfl Bfltta --?< w?r?i,r l? Ihfl "fl*. *-hri' ^ cli..n?e; .?a*t.-rly wlnd-. , ,-< MBbBBM Kor ti>>" CawMaaa, O****** *****'*m* * io*-?i *??"*??< cpt j?m in the sflu-* Tor Laal. bflflfl and T****. f-r- <"*tCP' ** rilat pafUaa. areMaa IBaMfH?-h **** r^;r*TSU-TS- i. ?- ? ^rt: -V ?o?t-,-m : __*?., cnniT ...jd^r- p-llnwed hv rlfl".! .or Nortli i'**.. *******. teuai.Mflt.n**: *?**??*' ^_"tfg_.___ r,m, parUy M t?8*? !-"?r ^,,ith l?a-.'? H_*B*wi ""*' v iu norUi-.'"t poiton. aaiBflr._ 1RID.NE LBCh-fl OBBBAY******* ******* Offlce. Sept. IA 1 B. ?V_^.j_*S__ll'5S - ,?d*, veiy Uan,p alr .enen,, ejadK-jSaSS M. aa Iha iMjinmllfll *** ** ****? ***] ^ ? tha.. vn W*dBB?dO_ ,,lT imn will probabiy -< 35r SgagJiytaSa ch.n8-. DI8C0NTISrAS-'B OF IWMM CUH SLEEPI!*<H The r.lecUin- .ar ^^ttSSUt Sj-SS