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POTOMAC'S FIXE FORM. T-TE BEST OF ALL THE WO-TTATTOLW. PJ.OV--D A STATrr. EY HIS R_f.t_U.-CI IN Tlir r_,ATP.rsII STAKKS. M may not navc been the equinortlal. but lt wax a perslxtent, drivinc rain yc.terday. Nevcrthelox. tho -eilre to sec IWIainr, fullie MiClellaud, Strath moafh ond othci-x rn seven fnrlanpi f"r Ihc lirst time ln thelr peatatt Bvea wax rt lahVienl attrartloa te bt-lii6 out a i_"i>rt ntlendnnee at sheep-beaal Bay. Thla nice M-ttlcd beynti'l ravil ar d!<-putc the qae~tioa of two-ynur-old inpremnrp. Mmtkaaeath and Su'.he McCleU-nd luid pw.leail*. th.ame.t_i po*ee*?.ed of wotgbt c-n-yitip alility aud apeeil, but l'otonia.: merely played witli them. He won wlth ie Brack ln hand that any aalliantc of the natahe. of pounds that he eould have gtven them wc.nld aeeaa*agant. Kvery apeekataa who looked npo_ this aaapt-nVent colt waa emphatle und Mt-AfftaaUc ln hia pral-.-. A irre-it. powerful frllow. he l. not awkward, sprawline. tooee or uLtvuth. Hc eoaabh_e~ nma/in- power for a colt of h->o-th uitli rema kibl-1 H-anaa ery. smm-thn-Sfland prate of a *>f good ajaaBt-es, of ?_nti~ taaapce, hlpkbred air. aieillm -peed. ;ui_ all the t_-__t?. lliat c*i to make up tln* tr.u- rac*'horse. Htl level, 9mm aciion __*ranr* apaee. Mr. Helmont un ffirtu_at_?ly '*_?> ncrt preaent. He should hav been th??r" to h'-nr aJI _ke v-.-arm w..r*lx thal w ?-? l.-fc-rVd upon the BBjaaapton iww-paaa*_di of ihe eoantrp. it ta d-uutft.l. li;de*_. if a-iv i*\u \i___--old ln KnghMld <-* aa.v.-bt~e ei*e ran niit- !i hlm. T'ic wtadoaa of Mr. BeBnflnt'i pokVry b. not tnktng up gof'~ twnjani nkli too early, nnd nut eatBag upon them io do too amrk. ataaa** out rfetrty and BiTonfly ln ifi* caso ?f Patonjar. lf ke kad been raeed ron Ftflutly t'leou-'1. tlie aencoa. Irom tho open inff of tlie lirnveaend irarh on May ln, ne mlpht now be a. grlev.nsly beutfti by inlerior anlmals a-. are RtMaeU and Ambulano e?a*_ry time that taejr run It lx posaiMe to ruln thi ipeeai au"d spoii oveu tke best aad gaealeai of r_*o*. by axltuiig ino inuih of liit'iii ln their Infaiicy. P.nt Potomac- has been handled wlth ao uiurh patlenee, reeci'vo nnd __aarattaai <hat Ikera Ib every naaon tai bellrve tlmt he wlll be the champion threo-y.'ar old ol )_?_, Ihat l.e *?*ill lu ap hlfh tlm lninors and glnries of tlio I'clm.ii.t stabl*. ihat hc- wul iweep tl.e nche.t ya_aanfiai_ra him. and tha. aa *~m be a worlky sm c^Kor to aad Flrenal a. a champion of thc turf. Mr. -I-aatrjjEiii haa j-o-it.vely drvtded lu r_tlre t-alvat-r and K.rcn/.i al tke eird uf tlii- aenaou. 9m towue l. a vustlv beTier in-er tban Tcr.ny at hix age. Indeed. maiiy u thc *lt_*?w~e-i and i ??< k**- ladsea of f~rui Wbo *-*?*' lnni nin >?_-tr*i*_afJ arid x?w hlm nin m'tiii) Fu'.iulty dialared tknl m him Bai the promi** and ibe pateaap nf an-t-her fialvatwr. May lt pm*' sot * af Bke Brat uiasniitnde l-lable too rarely. If tnls'yuun.stet- I. tiu* one t<i lake ap un- cbampiuu tsnip _s salvator lajx u Uown and r-tlre. to a wrll rarne- r__t. so mucb tl.e bett.-r fnr rhokPt. lt H Krarifyinc that Hat aaa ar k> in tbe t-iu i. an ownor a.. Mr. Belninut. who -.11 rta tb-1 ba 1* Dol raced to e-c-eiss, that l.e i? not n-..I a.x a gnnbllne. toot and that ha ir- handled m tvtry **up in Ibe most honorable aiid uptUrat BJanner, a- far t ? r>? hoi-er- ui thesc day. .n-e hai.dlcd i:i uar Ataerlcan btO-K*. Tka daifi waa uot aapfoaa rnoaith t.. make the ira..; deep In water ar ln innd, but of eoarse it \*a-x nofl aud Wft tliro-khuiit. J.tiii-x Bowe \*.i-s not lertain that -"ot-Kiac wnuid apprar al kla be-l oa sm h i t?w_, atf-e dever h_*l worked kim on Ju-t that ?,it of 6i*Lrf_ce. Jlis two r-.e. ai M'mmoath an.l hn rme lu the FutuKjy w.-re run ap m roar?e?3 of a consL.xU'iny and in Plflrrenl ro~diti.m. Ii wu-x tiir ti,,,; faaiird .o beavy -*nt. on ralliL McCleUatid that _artn_ B-oal ol the bettlng -ke Btood a. well iu tbe qnoUilona aa did Potoin-c. In fa.*t a' one time ?he u- ihe favorlle aod fotomao vu, -.-r..;.d ckuire. Tke beitlna ?*? opened at 7 to *. againxt p.iintnut aml *? lo .*. apnlnal .all** MrfrrBaa- -.'?? >?? Mratameaili ?w at :i lu 1, aod Uie othe:- .tar".--. ll'-nmor. Kiklerr, *We?trh**-l4*i ond Maataarep, ttere *'? -><? n.o t h-.pelflM "f out-We prt.e_. The nu._ey cani* m *o thk h and ln*t on ~-IBe McCleUand fm- a ihorl time _ lo l **~~ i|_oi*d _i;_4iia( Ixaiaanae. Tben tame ponrlna down tke Jeltine of w_ccr? fi-i.i tho.ft.i'i.dx Mkiwci- o. the l'<A mont stable, ai.d qnirkly f-wced Ike apal-at pot unat- hark a-un to 7 to -? That ->-_* the ruliug a- Ihe fcowei wenl to Ui potrt. Houuua- was i-i f.n.itlex. roodltlon, Irained to tha minuie. Hc la a t|, penraabla, po 'd hamarei fcllow; like the baaflu* Hln4too, an ea*y horae t.i start, to hatidi* and lo; oae that h.s Jocliey can plac* aaywh_i_ ln tlie -not; ouo i__t is patlent aud BetJUsontrri!!*-. and vet ea^rer to m~ve up at any iu stant when hlt jcrU-y call- up.u bla., I'oiomai.. la _,_t, ls a trnc t-eut!t-in_n. Has stan. araa perteel Kiidter ataawei the w?y to t'i* ii*?* of lk* koaaaataatel- i!am_t"ii leit cer t?in uf the race tbrangkoat and fcept Potoaaac under aa 9809 P"-11 '?' ***** or f0'irtl' l",?*-,-' L"t'1 ,,e ?"*"iht* tue la-t Qaartet ef a mlle Then ke .ave the areot colt hii bead, at.d IM-eaac ipnrnod with h,x fl;,u.< Uee_t the wrak and IneiVlent opi.Uon i hlnd him. daxheu away fr-.ta theni a* if tliey werr b*-low hti raah aad kl* ? l-**- . and aron lu .praker-Becd | fa-biou by t*A*> rrnpik*, wktrh llamilioii mlabl bava f made a*u if ~<* had let I'nu.nia. Ir.ivel at bi* uwn pace Uuraaabaat. Htrath-catk rtayed wit well and ? waa attuad. two lenplk.. b-f-ix- balii* M<~>ll?t*d. while KIHeer m- a rkne hjurtk. b-aten onb a bojal I by Salllc. Thi. ni. .i -:t*o?l peilorii.iuc ? i * KlMaur, | wbo Hka* ...ft twi.'b' No man doabta any kjaper whal la thc __"st tw - year-old iu Ame'i'o. Tlie .,*n.'-i-x "f -I, saUle UeC____?a~, BniaeJI, AB-balance. Bey d?l Bey or any ot'i-r ran aa h?per iray _-.tomae'* in. rnen-e Bapertertty- Mr. Belai-al ka* a -tion* stable now. wltk H. ~>'"r '?1!; '?-? J"*** and wi'h ao aaperk and inpren.* a eoB ? mii - BJ tbe way. Pfltaaaac can jlve La Toara many peaaia aad k*? ber la Ibelr work. wkal a haCUianl naUoak .* hu lor tha great prlae. ;i i-? 11 ratotmat waara a aloaay aatla <nlt af i kaataul kna and wklta -Uh BtiWkllJf* oa Iih aul.le.. Reciare. ..Uder. by Tavkw. wax t. ? lavorlte at udd* on ln tka lir-t ra<<* --. ?""?'<> f-_rl?Hi?.. Bul ' ?" ..oeanc-d to be a_<-<*!!t-, nr sadlv Mit nl sorta, ai d ?be irime iu Ifclrd, fa'ortk wiunlna ea.lly, *~n!i that mo*t aarartaln ot klBe*, Liruuic-xx, ln Mjt-und pbre. Aftei UM lerOUd nwa, a lulirduap at a nnl" and a Mtaaa* ?=--?".-? raee-faer* tbaajtbl Ihat Mr. Lawreiiee t.iA a-Kiii overlooK'd Twla tit* f'.rui, *- i i the ??** of rn'.iic-.- raaan. for fm-iti .le.-m,*, ?rho ?uon Uu**.' r*C"x at tbe Ti'lii Ciiy uux'tli :. and rui a niilc and a c|nartc-r in ?_' :0- 1 2 witli 113 pound. up. wa. M la thi. knndlrap al only 100 ptruu-x. He the run.-iln- ..11 tbe way and won by a liaii laaptk fi-om Di.blo, wltk BenedirUna a p?*"i tlilrd. H-d.-.r waa the f-iv.irlt'-, but hc won; the rogar'a token. ?he bin.I;*.*-, for the l'r-t time, and. alUiOURh hi* kralaar tbeaabt well ol him and bm bed him, Had-'- , jtae iu la-:. Ii m a plty if llll. f'-rmeilv i-\ tflllent Htlta hoiv has laraed bttl i, i-i-<al. It nii_ht not be an un*\i-e plan to turn hia oat tm the ix-.i ui th.. year ntid taltc hlm ap In lelil aml tme if hix t. tiipei will Improvf nnd if he will Kfain ln. ? old sptjeri. Cruii-i Jceaa* ran *a pi"d a race tn.*t ke oiuKt iiave be>-n semiiii al leasl iri ai.v i;,.<-. ltui Luablo was ui,lii<-?y. ba\iir' been Intcrf.-rfl with twtre on the baofcatntcb. iic- rame wltk a iine ru t. ln tbe un furlot.K and if Ike ra.e IkmI keea a Btlle kmger would have eaagkt ("iixiii .!*- ni... The karken Of Weatern farm apilti had a pu But the Weatern plunirerR. both the "rolored*1 cotn bln-ttou and tii* white "rombiiie," de-x?-rtod l'riiu* ionaoju Uio ~heepxi,c-_Q stakcv heran^e thev said that he oouM ,,ot run in mud. Altho,,"!, lt wa* not a very mucidy track, only _ suft ?,nc, ax already aaM, it ia earta-t that for .ome n-avon all the .p"**d wkkk I'rtuce K011..0 d.xpiaied on Tu'<d_y liad vaalabed. Tbe coloreu ptanfat. and their wiiiu- ulllf. and aaiwdaar. bao-od Krotitetia* with the gnateM ea.ernexx and cou _dei!i<'. Ba_kr*iag that hc w__ invinrihi., ?t his Lghf weiKi.t of rrmety :ive poundx. KenwiKid i-et out Ifl make the pa<e, and m_de lt llvely, Cktytaa rha<i*d Llm wlth Frantenac, and |..ok Uie leail ln the honi.Ktretch. Then Cavtaptaa kraapM up Daanrib, wi,<, -,-_s /un 0f naiarap, and Deeantk won readily '-nouirl,, .j-o.itciia*' .'jcoiul and Her Hlabnea* a bad tbird. PrlriCx* Paaaa wa* never in it. Maaant, ridden by MrLauphlln. li*oked well and h_~ pteuty ol ?p?ed aud spiriU. e-he wa* w*ll up lor a mlle. Then her haavp wenght of !_-'> pounds to'd -.he wa* -pving a *o_*_ aounds to Demnth, thlrty tdrc* t<i l*r~ntwi_e, tliirteei, to Her Iligl.ueM atjd feartaaa to Kenwood and ahe wa* unabie to get a plac*. lt coold not be co?slJe?d a eeMJeeaaM handlcap. althou~l. U.e flt.Uh mlpbt have been far rIo~cr on a diy tr.ich. A. it waa, tke horae* were *.trung out at lonr Maaaaeea, und did net make anything llke one of thos* clo.* and cx clttng flnlahe* wh:eh are >o f.*ec|nent in Mr. Lawrenee?* ?uoeea?fo) handlcap*. Brlc waa the favorite fnr the On-at Fall riellinr btakes, ond ran a good ra*'-, wltk th* top w*lght of 117 poundi. Dnuii.tirk **-* the second eholee aod Oolden rteeJ. Baymood O. and aome oUier* rurried no imall rama. ln a Biubbornly fvught llnl.h Ra> mend 0. won by a head, with Krlc -eootid, Lollon a poer thlrd. Id the main lt waa a profltabl- day for Ui* plunget. and a loalnp day for tbe beokniakert. The throwdex. aad _~t aztanilve laveatera on the track let 'K*ci_re alone in tbe flrst ruco and won cxtcnslvely on Worth. Iloal of them lo-t m li< .,,,d kome otber hBr?e? lu Ihfl lerood r_ie. but of tbein naved tbolr _n ve-liacute l\ barhlni; Ulaulo for a plaee. Tflc bent 'u<i,:e-. of raelaf inrm were n.a<1e mueh rti ber bt fotamac'fl muf rictmrjr, ai.d some of them relawrd t<> ie hii aatrat i.y ihfl rnlarad eontinpent, waaM not toi.rh Frontenac. exrept for a pla. e, and bfl, _**d l.-TiU'i*,, both aay*. Tbeii En,- ara* lemptlni! to bifl better*, who -on thelr plaee mmny ou hini, wliile inniiy ,*f tlu; biBdeal -perulatori won bandflomelj" 0:1 l-,vnila llelle ill tuv hut racfl. It ).- .1 well fa.'t t'uai inost Anvrlcan bandi rapfl are WM bf ono of tlie licavy welghte. ln the la-t ra< e. Laaiiiia lifl-lle wnn flflth Pliilo-opliv *e> ond and Maebeth tlilrd, Uie tlirce hl^'bent weJghts tu the liandicap. Mr ii:.l*vaT I* -erif.ii-ily dlfltttlflfled wltli tbe earelefli and ' ln<_Jleren: ***?-**? ta whirh M.-uiin rude bli <'olt Mnni-oe an BTedneadar, so -e i.ou-ly tliat Mai-t.u may n-.r nde ;..;un lor ti,c ftaahnea* >tni>lo. Mr. Uahras ni?_e? m rharge* nl frand or bad falth, bat be bellrve-, that Xlartin ba* b'.-'oine so tiniid and ruwanllv tbat be d<?-fl ii,'?t d.irc to .0 up i 10 a rrowd of boraea, ,,i try to L-"t thro.ich ou tl.e liima. lnitead nf watrhins for h? iipenlne. Martin 1- ln tl," liablt of t;,Uifix bt? m'nmt to llie citrcme oiit.-ldc at tli" rur.u.. tlniR avoldmK any tion-;'.!*' ri-k "f a B*ll, a laatlfl or an arcident. but lo-lui" an itirinn-e. anio_fit of m-oiuid?oftei, a fatal lonn. Mr. (ifllwajf lia-- flOM Mom-oe for *?_,500 to a One ?f the most Imprennlvc and obtrunlve featuros of rartai lu Ibe Sorth li Ihe prodlgkwa pms-'-ritv ai',1 tlw overa helmtal prominflnre of _,e colored rarii if our bheh fru-nd- fall -omettmei t,, get tiieir vote. cointed In aoaie mouthern SUtee, tliej never fuil t<> K.'l all Ih.'ir nfibtfl and oiten a ("i-eut denl more, <im our Noitb'ii, rararMraca. Aaaottg naner*, trainen ai.d j, ,-kejri are man* eolwred men aj,d bajrfl, a"d hundrrd* ,?1 i'"-rT* '-.ij*~*_i handaiane IneoiuA.. A urirt of tli" Mi'.'i'i eleineut on Ihe turf, however. 1* oitrfl'inel* ubiciiiouable. A i<_rt ol it ls hliiun(-l"- ly braz.11 _iidi?lon* ??*"?* .'"i-i'i'Pi- TM* i-* fl-itiTilI.v tvue. pf i,,'"-'- i.f ? parl "f tne aainte cl.-mcni al-,,. Bul there I* i? i-flrta.n ",i-.v band ?,f eatored n-a-piralnn weii known 10 all wi'o nr,' in the aarret- of thr rin.-, whieh ba* dane a pr^at deal ol nilM-Hlcf on tho tu'f'lo'J. last v ir and tbin Thia t.roop uf f,,*v Ix-otrr* ba- pul up u"'Ui> a Job. Tbr-e fellon-a niafce a tb,*-.- ..ini i?"iiic iranie Of raeinp, -_fl far a^ the* i.iii. and j-iav fii, public no i-han.c. rharc is a blr' <>f arhlte pirates :.l-i?. wlrtrli l- u-i betier. i,..t ra'<- iioew in tfi-'-e dnys ncc *? many dllflkv coinplex.ou- ln Ibe ?rraiul mnud. M 'Ufl lawn, .,; tlie paddoeh, ln ti." bett.nic r'j,p. and raneptcaou-l*" ui tlie ptik.r i.irn and other < ar. going to und (rr?,u ,in- Iraek*. H,a! Ihfl pu__led pliiio-oplier b. oft?*n rn, Imcd io d'.u-'i whcllicr Anfllo-_ajiun Mjprcn,a<-\ on tbe Morthern turf 1? not a aa-re niytii and tradl.l >n. Aa tlte )", iifl-v club oBu-er* feared tbat Kinfl-tou m ilit ?i-an.' awajr all oppa_itM ln the -peed t*take*, they have added an ehtra rac* to the pro^ramiue t,< ii_y. I'bis ,.- llie kl_.h ra,,'. a nellln? aflalr at nliie fiirloncs. DETAIL6 <>F TItF. HACIKO. FIRST RAC - SWEEPKTABBJ-. Tl.KI'.K-YKAK. Ol.!**. *>-5 EA. II *!.,.00 .VDCEfi. "sri-'IAl. \Vi_l.iH'l-. BEVKM Pt'libOXflM. UetUnR _t. ri A P. \Tfl|cott'l rh <?? Worth. hr Luke Hi*,'.-.t,.i.a nany. 110 Ifl (T_._l) 1 55?1 ?*?* ... A \ A. H. Ml'lll-nflll- f. lli?l.-n. 1?, I.lti.eilldi 2 '.'0-1 4--1 H w.,n,ic> * flea'a br. f. K-n ?.--??. I.u iTTjvlor, 3 5-1 1 -10 _. s. Br..wn'.n fr. f. Jeaalc B. .u.' ii. , i.i.w:.. .1 a 40 1 1---1 .1 Baraltt*"! br. e. Dr. li--luiuUi, l._ (ila.TWald. J: ) 0 ?0-l 10 -J la.liv v _aui?e1?'- b. g Miny. >l' ,\jraa- I 0 I..-, 1 --1 ft. 0 Dalv'n tb. f. I'rbaaa, 107.. LawUiji 0 00-1 _o 1 ii,,.- 1 ao. \V, rth led all tl.e ??>. and ,",.i .-..nlly hy tbr? lea-rtbfl Reelarr ia,<d witi, hM f,,< baif a nlle, ti,,? becaa tt ?** Bh< 1:t,U be,-,, ,,'f",?-u tuat MrLaufhlin aa? io rid" b-r to-ria* :? tl," Blren Stah***, aud *h* dld n?t l.t nd n, l.-irt her., lt I" I" al Worth for ? |i',,-.- -I dl.UUO Ki-fllflrr I* a .n.ari lilly, * Ullv *ni_ **lin.iin; ?ay? ?h":, ln u?. i.'ri.i'r Afta-I ".\o.ih nr>ii,"'l b-r ?_? l.ll >till fict.i r tiMk. al.nwlna I*t ..<>??**? ti, le at h'r tbrc--|iiarb-r* of ? i M.--U for tb- '.:*?"? Ur./.'l", <',i-U Biea, Benwuod. i.uu-iid -ml Be-ettc did ?,>t po to tho >-t. M'.t,:ai?- Worth ?U-alJ-M Ml PO, pla *? &5 , i-ruld.n. ?>!-,c?? 922 90. >IA,,M* lUCE-HANBIl'AP S\1T.I'.1--T AK I'.S. *SS I.A.1I, -l.U'O 1. M1I.L*. IktUlifl. bl. i'i W. C. Vla.-U'n b. h. ,'ou-ln leem*. bj Te. ,;.k "?"? *****"?*>? ,',:?;, :..?, , l2 , __, rwtie M.i:l?'- b. t ...ihi". . II.' li.ra.i_ 4-1 7- > \\ . II 1.:i..;,.,,- ? >h IT ,.? n- *1- 'I.- . ? ."? . ,,. i.-i -?-i i.j.;?.:t-:.- ,h. - M> ?fc,*^*9 ,., ,. , A. Th_a.p-4-.fl ., I. Mal..a.^l.-J fl ^ ^ w. c. Pjiv- br ti. Ballflten. ?'? J"" . , , (Lan i.i'-v, 0 ...-I 10-1 .;-orte llrarot'fl b f Mi*> .!? 11". 3, :?: w Mul ? ? ?. fl 15-1 0 1 .1 M'.lli,,-.'- I- h. B*d_". ft IU .'layior 0 '..-5 :. ?? 1 .,:,- 1 ?"? ".'? C_u-in J'^,,... fojlo-ln* the exanple ?>. I.y Worth ln r," pr.'To'ifl raee t?..^ i.e : ,. k s' ih< fall <'? lb? i'a. and ',:.,!?? al. tbe r'i?n n-j, alnnti . b- I a'-f ? le f i. Iro Hiablu, al, , ,:-'l up r, ii.-n.ei Joii- .ap tn ...?? Ii?i ba ' , mll. and w:>* ? *t, blaa C<-a_in ..??'??.? -?? '?-- >' **..*? .".l-i. ] ?hai !,- ? ,uld t.-rialalj i.u-.? *?<* -f ih* p*** bad r>,,i 1,,, \ n,;i,i * loti.'r. i'la.:.. ku. "5 --JI. b'.t d..?|*i-d ?"'-. I" j tb- reai ariJ rould bot | -l llitu Bl? nt,?i- Ull , ? ra>< 1* 1- , haif uier. IU?i,e ???>? a 1.--- d ai.'J 1 li'O ,- I, H-1* 1 ?-' ium iu hifl I::- aud :-y mntutA :?? hair a :.,J --ff.*l .?> lijrr,. II" refuard t-> I > ? JTBrd, ai.rt ?,- lant, ot ti-al t? last, all UiC *?ay. BMMdleMM baae bad a look ln at Uie _-l*h U h* *** no* *>**?o ***** uut ?*?! hc aiait-d to fl_-M bl? run. IL- wa. l-at-Ji 1 l-nfU, for tli* plaee. Bitpih, B heajflrne aad BuddaM -er<- altbdtawa. >i?.t a- v o min ttta* -t a.itfu ?^9 .5. y.onfl fltfl 10 : Dl|b... plaa-C fll* .-">. riUFtn RACB-Kt-ATBOBfl bTAKKS. IWO-TE.IK OLIiS tli KA? II, *1..*.00 AUDKB. BJMX1A1. W-UUUTS. si-.vt.x niu.ON.ia. Bettlnfl 9k *' Aue*.** Ii'i"- >**'* '?**? *? Ftttumr, b*. St. Rl ..... - ,. i .? iifl .oa 11 - " II iB..I*'.n 1 ">-?* ** ?> u. k >:,,: - . ', g. Mr-ih. laia, i? >:,,? , ??,. . j ,...,.r i.l M-..-. ? Hj ??"''?* - i-l *-?? n. *-i ? i ; .: -1 - ?,. i ****** Un ? ikii-d. I,- in _.-?? -i;?il tuA B.'-*-. .i- "-??"', i tt- < * ? Ita- - u j. . tabl, '? br. I. la. ,1 ? r. 1". , |-Jl,| 0 ?'.'. 1 *- 1 av I. S.-OU"* rh. a. Fl >m .-. I* l Mma 0 -'? 1 8 L,! ,1 un, .. r. '.. Uuttotvy ><??? rar.l 0 ?" I e I j \. v .'. il. Mnn.. - ... " u' ' "' -' ' J* in, . . I. I*. -fi...fli 0 Ho 1 i I "". llii"- 1 ;__ .-.'. A'v-r I. ilf a do/'-u i-l ika Ui" fl:,:' Ml on a falr 'a I KliO?, hedlBf, .-T:a,b:i.'Jt:, flflrmid, PM.aH-. tblTU, IV' 0.|,.;n i-|,.-, up a,,(1 .11 iu Iflolliia. Taatu t?,MI 1 hl _....;.t :>?':,. ai.'t ?'.. * Biei.) |J -, bill f.Hlud .'- l-i| u-.b ? I le ak-al a-ai li'.i.i 'lb- V-r*- .-'.'*? Moiifc-rcy r_:, Into : ?:.* ]...-? at U." q'-'< "?'r. bul *">".. -.aa- -..> to fltiata- | i?. t>, b. ?i," inadfl Hf' a burdifli f'-- H .'I.: !?' "' >.?? ! louiili' '? *'?? --F by Ib- ->1>;'- "I .*-..;,<? *?!?< 1-llaiid ti!,: I llflnnor vrl W__tebe__n "^'"? ?*_?? "' ">?? f a- I... ] tore.- favor.>*- u.oa.1 Up to-,:l>>- od .:.,- Vt.rt. a-.d qul k.* I a.-,. ?:.." -.f K.ld'-r calM Into tli- atiflirfl ,,* h? fl|*rt ] Siraihiamlfe Iradlai ***** ttral -bt-wti >,,it hii t...- run ln l*flt?lnef i-aiue aafay iu a bU I-'a 1 ? <?;. aad *>'-,. mti.e.t Ui.kII if *vlJ|l or np>,,, b.v t?u iiT.Jtbn; Stiallill.'alb *?? ul **, ti," lawtf di-u,, ??? ti-'.- falll. M', biia-.d. Tar iti-h ?an not qul!-- beevy auaaph for isab: -. Ifnaiana dld aai fltart. Matllfllfl I*iflTrnr.T1 ura.Klit $1_ Ui, plaee flBWi Bti t.a uieatii piacfl .10 '>?>. tO* itill HA' B alll .I'.i"* il IMI" HTlKI.-. TIU-.J.I. ii;.ii:.?i,.-i. *.i li.icii. ll.-.oo A_?I"t_0. 1 ?? Mn.;..--. Ilrttlaa 8t. ri s _ Broini'fl b. * IVmuth, by Tea Br? k n-ll*-<>. Nfl.'tura llfl Sh (ti 4 ??- . .-.-., J T--2 1 I IV. Wi n-r'- ?>. ? I ,'??'>,,?? . b. I- '-??'? - 1 . :, ,i '.I', . . ' laib-iij 2 4 1 H . A U ,-l I. -l.i.'.iil-- rh f. II-: II.'. ?.:,?-? by . ... ii ,,- ii.. 1 :_? II io ,!,..?., ll fl I ;. 1 li. \V:ilT,|.,n,'- b. r h ???.. l.ll. IflUUbli-y.O ?> I a? 1.. I. Ilai I ii, - ? b 1 blualou, i. . M. I.a ichllri 0 b 1 3 1 j. . Tnyman V I'a."*, rh. e. I'rin.- I ??*,-... _ . ll", . . . (OuroiiiO 4 1 " :, i.oi.r^* llearat'* b. e. Anarundi :*', \\ Mldfll'-ri 0 .5-1 8-1 Tlme?* lo4-5. K-naaood *?an hurrl'd of al tbe fall "f tb" dav, Lamb|i*y Irylna lo ?j?i<" a i,..,.*:iy tat* af it, bnt Prontenae rauyht him ai ib" > nd ?t Ibe n.n- Mid flcitt him rearward. Mualra .i.'i Dcuuth f llowed l-'ruut- na,-. whn led .rvuad tbe t,,,, and :,,*" tl, -tr-i'ii hi a Imij-Ji. Ii< ,< Mnaloa ?,.- rl.aily flraien and .*?!? i.hh-i.ii,, p'iil',i^,|i. Bal Bematb *<? i-t mi, ai,a vilTIi a I irn of *|ii"l Ibal f?."-v auppoaed hlm >-a|abl? of |,a^-ed Ironfna/- a On *lxto**tk pu** and ln al ln,r, ho,,,,- bv a laaflth and a hall; llet IUkI, ?'-- tb.i'l, i'-,i IrnfUm ba, h. Vri-.n- V'mum, aba <l,d not n. ??!,, ui.ii ,/. rnn at all. kept Ana-ond* MBipany all *Ji'- aar. Hi.m tu-, ril 'a* JabaMB, Bli Job,,. Maaleiiede, Banqarl _>,d TnrMi d. 1 imt Mart. Mutuali, Draaath fltrali-bt -"_"> 10, pla^e H125; _ ioii teiitt" plaee BIS so. lil 11. BACB 'iRI'.AT PAtX BKLLIBfl BTABE8. AI.L. AO.... .50 BACB, .1.-60 AUI,!._ I '. Mll.l.h Jl.-tlll.l-. bt. 17I. W. I._-?lai,d'? ch. c. Ravniond *:., by Eula* Mnon, fl ym., \r2 lt, ifll.OOOi ... . ,.lo,,e-i 1 t 1 2 I ll. il. .Moiri.'n b. c. Ilr,'-, 4, 117.. ("I aral 131 B j 4 5 BeVerWVCk -aUble';. b. >. I.otlon l.flKI ... iM.-v.nnon) 10-1 4 1 W. <;. fialy'* b. 6- DnUBfltlefl, *>. 10. 1 i.n,-ibl, vi 0 8 1 1?1 l-'xi.lnior Btable'a b. tn. ./old-n K.-> I. fl. \q? . . .... [liunrnO 0-1 8-5 M. i orii-tt'H ch. ..-. Kei.-,|lar,d. A, tb*. ... . |, lavtoiij 0 10-1 4-1 1) T Palaifer'a br. h. Orlmaldl. atf-ti. 106 , i lalor, 0 B-l 2 1 llanoie, B_?b_"*? " h. f. Vlfld. 4. '.I ' ll llll 0 -0-1 U I Exfl-elalur btnblcl b. f. Ulpny Qu_.u, 1, lS*T. .,"*ha.,eriO 20-1 8-1 O ii,-ar*t'? 11, if- Bbllflader, 4. 1.7 U. UWMfl fW a,,)(.K,?T,0 .J5_, I0_, Tlme 1 .'.7 l-i. ilriiiall, rot off In front, but lmu.ediatelv went l*> tite r-ar t, J"I" PhUaadflT, *?'"> ?""*? IB hav,- a i?ortir?||i- ,m Uiat bonorabl" p-flBlOT, l:-rli- w?* tlord aahni tlu fltn **,-?t do?-Ti. but tli,' old ?l.'iiT."? ??? -o nloiv u, 9** "Uider -ay tbat h<- too ??-* ?o"--i * "'" r-ar. alon'.-md.- of Beaip land aml naymond ii- liruirmtlek ojKflt'-d a yap of llirie .e.igtba, aad wae not ca**yht untll bt turn-d mt., tha haia inach. iiere Krk a,?i I.otio,, jiflmfl hin,. and nade hnn f|,nt, b?t "iillf they ***** i.-i,tm. It out, H.iy. .Tioufl u. ramo with a raahi a"d Blpped i',i> ou tbe ,.,?i 1'iiaicfli Tralofl In tb. W.rlfl. Thfl Roj.1 Biu* Itlnt ***** between NevvTorh. Phlla flrlp-ia. Baltlmorfl anfl Waahlnflton. vla J.-r?cy CflflBal, Iteudiiig aud B. k O.. are ual only the fa.u-.t tralni ln tba wurid, but tbfllr aafltaflMBt 1? tbv ***** 9t*l *>*'*** a,,d ,inbrate? ali Uie drvk-Ni and ai>pl_>n<*fl? ** ****? *?t*tf ?i,d ^omfort Uiat ar* known t* u,. < ar bullder'* art. Vaau boled car?. protccta-d by Pullinan'n ant.-H> fl.oplc dflvlc _nd heat' d by ateaoi and ligiiu-d by PluUch o*?. Station laal ot _.y.?*tr-?l. * by a ?hort hr-ad ; Lotlon rjilrd. a Jenpth *-_y. Bk P*rli. Pallaade, Pitijama* and Klr-flr did not .tart. Mutuala? Ravmond O. .iralRht ?_0 95, Blac* ?_- 80: Brl* plat-e tli 05. .SIX III lUCK-IIAVDlCAP SWF.r.PSTAKF.S. ais KACU, BI.OOO ADDtiU. I*. MlM.-x, O.V THE (SRASS. Bettkif. st. i'l Tievar**? ck Stabl*'. h m. Lavklla G!!c*. by _Baara-ow-_.Be Bnlgkt, .'. vr... l_2 tr. . fTaral) 1 I. F.. MeOenald'i b. t. Prillojephr, 4. i.'*". iSl<-_au<_h~ni_ a. V. l!l_lkln??. b. g. Maebctk ii. -'?. I~fl . liMiBaidyj 3 L. Llovd'a rh. p. St. Luko, _coci Iin . . (i. iri.aca) 0 U I.loyd'. ch. p. St. Jchn. n'-'.-d. 114 . .*";. r-.*ii st ui o Costle i. Sop'a ch. ?. Bouania, a**-. 117. iThriiipxon.O 10-1 Timc-i: :*.? i-u. fit. John wrnt to tiu- f-out lo iiak*' th* pace for thf* Othr-r ap ?t>. **I.o llagerrd *< it.i lk* .eauaoa hrr1, *ud n.-v-r rn.- rged tkcrcfreai, On tiu* bv ta-h M*X-M>|tkBn fcrc-c-d Uu- )i*cc- and l'lillo-ri hy Ml t<. tbe* tu?i. vuttt i?*u.ia iniii- rauriit kka, aml fta? laat ae-al ie t.i* fini.b thc* batt.* between Uiem r_f.'d fa.t and furiou.. Lavinla had tta mo.i .p..?_, aud **rll riddc-n bv T.iral. **c,n by a lengtk and a half; P-flOx-P-*? sr-eond. t**o if-ncthx brforu Marketk ii. ttomUntt and Pakea did not xtarU Matnala larlala BeBe ktralgkt *_i -3. plac* eoi-; l'bili.Mi-iy i-laci <?1_ Ci. SHEF.PSHEAO BAY BXTRIES TO.DAY. KIHST ItAiJE-SWi.Kl'x,! AKl'.S. 415 EACM. al.OOO A.Diiu. bp_x_al >vrr~iiTs. o~k miial. :,iiii.. wi. Xatne. Wt. i.a-'r Janci colt . 113 Me* ro...U~ ? l an .?? ? ? 11-"' Mad-Moa .1-2 i ? -. it K'rdi-v . 12; I'.'B*. .I- ? naten. hhXOXV il.M I'? Sl'l'.KH si'AliliS. AU- AOVM. %-0 BAOH, xM.'.oo Aimi.n. A1..MT SIX PUBX**-Bl.k, 01. TII- I-'UTTRITY ItSf.. Naiue. W't. J* .me. *_"__ Klo.xoi. . 1__* . Drir/I-. IM Flt/J*m.*. i-_ I" >n'.". _ Vomiiii" r . lii.'lt orr.. :ion . ?*? l.o* hmgtktt .nf I illllUi Il.M K -At "1TMN TWO-TEAB-OLD KKl.I.lV. stakf.s. gra naCH, ~i.-*><? addeo. anorT SIX FlHI-IN.-x. UB THF. KfTllUTV COt'BhK Haaje. Wt. *??* ? **'.'*; V.-ld . M-l rii.'im .1 . I hl.Iflllll .. .. . ll" S-iMt'i . ??* II ii. iv . H" lMl'-v.r . - ? : w d unor . IU i *anr_*l-i?. ?': llar.l.._a. U-i Vnnlty . ?'?< UlTt.ll-. IU?' l-Ot'RTII ItACJ* sir.l'.N xTAKIS. THRKf. YTAR CU.I. KII.M-.S. tTi'. KA* II. 01.-09 AOlli'-D. bPIXIAL WI'.Ic.llT**. 1*1 Mll.liS. ii w'nrnii" l Mtii'. br. .'. Beelar*. by B*t*im?_T*ri BM I! I'orrl BU*. b. I B-lt.r~k.-ll r l.v i'-l! M- 11-Kn. cr* 1-J I. x. M?ll>~Ba~d'i l*. f Tnlia by -*?-? .'u.Uhair.a .?-? B. .1. .li.luiMin'x b f- R"l' rta. l.v l-r.u.- Uiarlli M I'viu-nt" 110 Oeurvi-'i. b. f. ml.. b] Fru. U-arB* l.inn-I ............. .??? ?;.,00 3. A V A- II Morri*'? rfc I I'r lldaaa, bf MOB* _,.,,?_,?.< H.ta^ut't'.e . . ,"''? ;. B. llacc rr* .ii. f. Ro-nt. ny .l~. Banfc.-r--B.iaa U um FIllll Rac I. IIAN-llCAP. g-O KACII, *I.-Vi ADDI.H 1 Md Mll.liS. Xaiin*. Wt. Nnii.. . Wt r*.. angelea .i _ _? i _<.-,-. - -i .- l;> Badp* . IK 11 l-r- . '?'* x.|X lll R ?..'!.-PIT.x.!: ?i....i. SKI.I.IMI. l'? MM.l.v Xiiiu-. WI Xt ?V't aaa, u.-td .1-1 l'- I " . s,,.-. ?t,i . 1-1 BlBlll I" ?? lll it'i'-iixid" .||71 _-.r-.--j . Ml . .,-: ..,*) , ll.- .lc - . i'i i'r t???:.'? .? Flov^.... I_?lBov-i HU Si.VI NTlt BA*1 HWfJ I'x *l*l x ||:, EACH. *l .O'.i wjii.ii.r wj.i.,ii;s. o.\J_ mii.i.. ox 'lll'. lil.ASrx Xatra- Wt .Nm. *. tV'l 11: Arun?'. . i--r r.'.'i li'd I. af . I-. I.I'M I itlli ....... I'.l" I.i i.-..,. .;... i_. im ?'? .r.-i 1 . I.- I -iay .117 a-* at 2 |. i.i. <;i.F\T F.W.I I'N IIANl-ICAP. Foi .?*!.'.:? ir* th. >*-ii-:'- f-r '-'.' ?"r?ai l"a?t*m it*ii-i ?ap, f-r t**,. *-ai-..:.- ii .ut -.* furlona-, l* i- run *t xi,.. _.-f,. _<i li... to.nif.i~ * .iii.o v. t Mai tfl. J'.f.-.a.- . 1 '" '? ?" > . "i J., ,..;, .. .. l '. *! . M .lo* . : || ..all, I- |-l "? .,_.. M . I lla 1,4 .. I. I | ' '?* A ? !> ll.l.. ??. ' ' ' "' ' ' l .... '1 . ' ? I..'.! r':r' .. : ' - I"*''?'"'?_"?: * '' | - :,.i.1- " ' . ;! ll: ?''"?''' u TIIK nRU n i VI, HASI-tt'AP Tli. si? irr lb* ". ?I.t* -?--??' ' ' - r''-"1 v '' M r" tu, i.. .irl-i.UI ItBlidfap I"* 'i-i * alll. -'..?" Bdd i! ? . . r.?, ..:i l'ia<da- I.-,'?!..I.-t llt III" IH'' 'lav '-f Un |;r. ?? . I'f Ha * . i'i" l ? :". Nm ... W ' Nj ' w Kl...- U~. *3. \-: '?'-"? :., *?? ?-.? |,l?i , I.. I.t . t i. I.f. - r-araland, -. ...... J-' ?? -:''- ;' ? '; i'r... -.- B?>ai, ... l-.'o i ...i i. - i.,,,,., ai--0. II; ttU. ..?..:-, ') . I ? luVTi.* I? '-?????'?? '?? ;!': :r^vi"'4 in riv ;-?'?.,'? i':^ _ .'.-,, iii H'. uni..i -- <? ?"? 'J*.',n.a.i.-?t u "? I'.'" "?'?; . * . j.,' ||,i.!.;.,. .4 . -?' lt-" -;id ??-. ? j ,11... -.1..-"**. .'I ' .. I- .', _. - ll .1 ,. 4. .....110 U'l ,'r .'? x> ._',. ? >. i ?: l-d*. 4 fx',,.a...a II. J ... '?" *" ''.<-?. :l '.'-'?.? |.,?, . i-.,.,.... :t i!"" i >. a... ... . B<i?in Jraiu. ?'. . '?'?? la ! H ?' ,,' i ,, . | . . ln. ' rui > in 3 .'a Xeuioa, i. "* A..a ..'nla. a.t'O ? ? FLKKTWoor) IRi'lS POSTI-flNED F|.a,_.,~cl r.rls. al**.i.- ui.l..-kT ln tl.-- B.atr*. 'f u.j' *??- uot --?iiii-.i t.. .-?:...- tiu- ? Ihnu-h n. itland CIi.mII r~e*tlnB ?*? hall '?* i n f r-- Um- i t ?-? nipilan ye?t>rday rmttlna ... ? ?.-t fa* I. bibbt* ,1.?-.t...ix. anU tli* 1- Met U. v. r.U far x -ky n-f.-r.. i ? nt-.m??. il- wd^i k* an*haiir?d and tl,.' "":_- .'l--x luiiit-. i.n lir-'t I.'I.- t-llti tl,. 'i t.t i-l--. t., follow, -iiii'- tii- - . _' U_i and pa ?? aill be L. ill '.Vi-r llil Sat...Hi* -?- -? A VliW OWIKKB FOK i.ii. - li AM I'l 'V PAI I.R r.'.fTa... ~*|~. II llu'ii'i I. f.-* r..|l.rtllil tii- M?'"l l..t ll. fl.-- ?'??r.i! F-ll0~l~. Ih* |-'irl.'- I tiui l'-.,iii. r by .. Buit il" ?i' db "t-. ilurb-. 1 Dunbai ba* j-.-xt I-..u'l.t tli- fain..'ix p-i-l ."Bli i.-ri - 0"',i fr-". I- ' l.-.n*. nf bt l.-.'iix. f..r ri... oo .lui.:..! -ii ba* lk* f*.i-'xt mii.- r. t- anv |nj. *r U n..i'.-r ln th. *nrld ? ?? ? RAt'lXU IN I N'.t.AMi I..,:itl'.ii, B*|~ II tl 'I" i''-ii':. '?' BWi-Una t.i ilay Mi raf- f-r Ua* l'"< M.'if.ti l'ii't." t.f _0?l xwi. rali'ii., BV* furltiiiit' arui l~2 yarda, aaa a_n ny i.- rd R cimr. Bll) i.'Abr.-.a ii- J_aarr*. Mr. Pit __*ir* noi.. i.ii.uu.iii. wa. .' t'.iii.l. Sllu'iTIXO IN RAIN AT i RBEIlMlVlB. At (r. - iim.-iu r*-t**day, in tn- Judd ui.t.h. _?_ vnrcl-. A. I'l-trit. h kcorad *'.7 -ut of a |,c.. :i.i. ;u i' H Piatt *Hi. J 9. Kl-i.i a~, T. J. I't'lan Hi aml A. |I_4n?a Ul. TM l'r.alsl-i.t'h maUli for ttu- mllUar* .?|i<iii|i)-ii?!iI|i uf th* inita-il Ukntat waa _~b by Mspa* c ll. IHw?, ??'" ?r.,r-.1 40 at vaiil. aad BB ul 0041. rxniii" i-'.-tl *e_n .1. tl... iiiaifh **? r- K. A tVf|t? 105, 9. U lii.iliiu. 10*.'. j m. Btaart io:i. J. ci" Parraat 103. <i-n.-r.ii < 9. Roiii.iiix lO'i. W. r*. I'l.Ki-tt li'M aliil I. .1 M...111IJ.1.V 103 Th.- Itarn.-y WalUu r l-ain in.a- ii i- ..jfii ?* Icam. -f flvt- frciii, au* rlli' iiui.; illxt-u???-, _i"bi yard*. Ik* Z'ttl-i I'.lllc- Club b**! UM*** t'uu.a lu tli" IL I'l. oui- of wliltli *-ou tli.- pnii: Tk* **u.i.' l<-~ii 'iiii-l.'-il ?f '.. ".lfi.i--rii._ii. Uu- "Mfcnet_*n Ko.-tiip," :i'.?; M,"t. i_j j. a. Beyfcca. 10; II. Il'ilr"'". 89, ar.d ~. I_ ZrtAlat, Ml. fl Un- all .'.iiit. tliT- t*.'i" i.nly tiir.*" ... ur". annli) ,if Hut.-; H. ll. W**a*rall a:i J. 9. Bielu 34 a.ul A. R Ku-r 82. Ymt ???? r-4 lu Ui* rttolvar matrh w*ro P*tty UO, and X***l.iir.v 110. To-day tli* Intrr-tat" Mllllarr, fh" Int*r-t*t* l~tnt; Rain'- and ont- m bnlli of tlio briKad. ln . alll b* -iiui Tn-iiiorrow tlie ttmmma llllton tf*|.liy wlll be rantpetrd Mr ? ?. CI.OSF. OP TIU" AR.MV KIlI.i: COBTf_?T_. liomp Dciii-la... WW., Hrpt 11. I lu c-olit".'. for p* .Itlon. oo Mir r.fl.- afut armr .-ariniir i-ain. c-lo-.-il lo-da) II,- lollowlng I. tli" r'.'ilt nl Ui- fo.u day*' utlng. l\*? d;iT. ut ki,i.**ii dlataae** r.n.i?t**.> day* at aklrailabiaa Iri,. tc.ulx for lb.- fuii. day. ai. Klvi-n i Ritli' t' am -bu -utmiiaiit Mall, ITlli Infanlrr. '.b**, ( or ior.1 pimaaian. Ub laajatry, IM; s.n:raiii l>i*i?. l-U" Intaulrv, ?'?:)*: ?'uri-i-l I'rn ti. 7Ui lafbatrr, "/IO, Ht tgrani llaoileir-. 'iM l-JMtrjr, .*'."?; H?tfiaat M*r?vln, i.'.t.. ln antry .'.-0; .S'r.c-ant Uou.ati, 1 itinini.-r.. .'~?4 ; I'arparal bMg/l-tk liif.uiir.*, .'X)2. -Sirg.-it I'ager, r.tti lanwtry, 11*0; Wrat* i.r.rn.?ii, Hth Inf-utry, 174. Carblne t**n.?Captain Karr. OU. CaV-lt-, Ml. Carparal Thornton, Oth Cainliy, .14'.'; niark.n.ltb Kalacr. :.tli < av Mry, -31 i ?"?l't*ln nall. 6'li ( Bvulry, i'JO: Corvoral O'l'onnor. 5t~ faialry. 408; .S*r?*i-it Tyl*r, -U. l'a*alr.. . 4_k; Corparal C'.rji, 6r_i Cavalry, 4U0; Corvoral llakf. 6tn Cavalrr, 4?0; Prlvit* Mitahili ?Ui Cavalry. Ud, Ll*" teiiaiit Wri?ht. Oth Cavalry, 431. u>Ul-5.80P. Civalry t_t_i -6 010 XkB -?' l*~r -ir-bin *f e_cli leam reo*i*ed ?old medaU, and Uie remalnlng ?lx mcrrber* of cach team b?? ?ilver m-dal*. The medal* w?r? pr?i*ented by Oeneral HuRcr thl? CTianlnp. ? ? ? THE MI.VKHVA DEFBATS TIIE LIRIS. SAILING THF.IH FINAL MATCIl R.ACE OM .**'? vsvavlx noir.H watftr. Tlie flnal maleli raee between (he I.lrii and thc Mlnerva wa-, n.lled yc-t-rdav over a twenty-nill.' c mrs,-, at l.ariiinout. Ten flllle* were to wintlwa.d und Itn to leeward. Tbe Miicrva wan the vtrtor. Tlio flflad MflW half a gale fron flflat iiortheaRt, nnd getttng u rlean aareep down ti,e ***** ki, !u*d up a ^e.i ahleh alinont b.iricd thc two er.lUnt 40 fo ,tcr-. Thc Liris plMvnl hfltaell a ?'>od sca boat. .bfl went toarini* aloiift In a imothcr ol i-pray. but could not ratch the flct Mlnerva. Kvcry yarbtaman wl.o saw the racc wlahM tbal tbr r.o?noon had been tliere, foi- the itrafSfc aat :, b.ird one and one well efllealated to te-t the wratherlv ?lualitlcn of a vmlit. old salbra of tbe Sound dcbircl they bad nover scen roughcr weatber on tlii4 u-ually pla'ld nhect ,,f water. The Judjte-i of the raee wcrc Me--r-. Srott," Zcrcca and Snilth. Tho eournc was from Larehmnal to a ?"?rh 1 1 2 inllen wc-t of a ran buoy off Shlppan l'oint and barlt. Thc yaeht* startel nn thc port taeh with top masts hon-ed. Thc Mlnerva had tbree rcefs in her ntalnsall. a re<'fcd forc-Mavsall. and a smnll Jlb. Tbe I.U is rarrbd a double -rcf.-d tnaln?-iil. a arhnlfl forc ?tay -ail. and a unaltjlb. Sh" also had part of lier paff tup *fll1 nn, a- iin.eii ,,t it nn ahe ranM'eany, ln faet. rnn -I'leiinc that her topma*t vaa housed. she all ,wed the Mlnerva *2 minate-i :,7 leeendfl. It wa- getttng an lowanl no'.n when lb" yflrhtl ntartcd. They etood over avell lowanl tlie Long I<-l_nd nbore. nnd reaeheil tn tbe evtward ajong it in roniparatlvely smoolh water for a tlme." Thfl Mlnervn got a irood ntart. and led Ij-om th- (lr.-t. When tlie yaeht* Wt tho flheltei- of Ihe blflli khfliafl Bf Long Inland. and bflgBB to work tnward Shlppan Polnt. thc real fan be?an. Seldom liave fltther of them had -u< h pltejilng and tcnltiK before. Now their hallfl would he cntlrely bldden by Ihe whlle rreated -n-. and then tha ricer- would ihoot irnl ?f anter nrtll half Iheir heel* were vi-tble. The .-I irt wa- n ? f-.ll ?*?'- : ******* .\* gig l.lrl* ." ' ' The lir:," at r-hlppac IHdlll whv Mta_, .1 M 00 *****-***?*. .., ,?, 1,1,- . The Mlnerva ****** oal hrr reefi on raunding tho tarnlnfl him. aad ?ct a b,_ |lbtop*all aa a uptanahflr. The l.iri- t,1", *** ii |lbtr*p?ail aa a iptnpaher, bat made bad worh uf it. The tunc of the ra**fl was ?<? *****'** i_lap-"d Corre, t'*l -etrirl. I""'. t,""\? fi??:-".:.:. ...83i "'??*?*? *?**' -" Thr |_>ng Isla-.,d flonnd N|eadron of tbe Corinthlan Navy will ,-all a reSBlla at liraenwlch. ??onn.. t?-mor r"Wriie dr-l iperlal raee nf the Nanhflttan Athletle l ln', \aill I-' -alb'l "lf, !,?)>nl lii-ninrmV. Ih- .' f'.r lb" a... l.t ra.f Ihfl Alhleil, , Iut, 1-, n, ,it,,-.s ara: ?*?-*>??>?. *.*"]' .-., M -ti.l. Al'T,-. .i-r. M-r--"- and Uh-ihii.1. I'.,.-' Ma ri.,,, na and l.iri- wlll kuiI Iheir ...... h taen uver thi* .'.i.r-e. ,,.?! ii,.- M.ti.'ia.i. riKress, **?-<!"_. whI eniitnin are pi*?bable -nne;-. WIIAT ATni.l.TI.* ARE DOINO., ',, 1'. Ih, "f tl>" N' -.-I':-' A-bM!" nilb, I* ?,'. ?< ..' .:,'..b,.' l.s f?.l v.-ut M -',.1 Ifl thc fdan. ,,?.,? ... . . i.*, > ii bl rare. M" ?HI carry tb" N J A " ? t*. -,-?. n. . i. . , mi-.' ? ?"?.!, i- *-elMI? allve J',-". ??., ,, | , ,.. ... ,,;.,,,.,? ..',. to b'lIM mi' "f **?? *****?*'* . . ... .,. ,,.,- ,? -,:.,. ;. a. II ??IU I-' a tbr- ? b*ry ,.,' ,...'. n - ba-ei eni alll !? >'.? .?_*d t" h-wllns ,1 ..,, _. .;' , iral r.-i -. Th- hr*. il-.r wul -.I*ln thc .-.,... 1- .',.' ,ii.r..',',... l-i'll ?-' p*i.'?r. ',," ,. ??. .,.?, a,..| .af., The --..?'. I'.. r wlll bc ttkm . iv Ut. l--.ii, ,..i-.,.: ? l-ath >rd I" I'l <*"" ' *? -i'"' ' : .?...;;..,. i.. ,.i "?. ? ? ?'? ?^?????!'' f":"- v'" Vw ,,- w v I'-.-", i x lir. ' i ?*** *?'?? ;,:" ? ,'? ,.,,. i ..... ih n..n,l.r* of '?**? ? .mnnltlce. ,.',. ,.' i .1 ,a-.- "."? I-.??** *>.' ? "' ***** j |, , .,, ,.,| 1-, -.,:. I, ... ? ?->?. '"ll 'ih, pl-ttf ? , S-nt. ,n ,, . -,. -? i... Il-id*. ', Kii'f. ,,..,;.., | , ii l?b Wlll play Ih- tlr-al- ln Ui-.r .,..' . ... ,,,-:..?? >?-?. rruw "i, ih' Kr<...i.d? at v\av-r.-i ' ifc/Sirjrl'.-iatyi -i _.iClub will i ayu,- .-|. v.-n U ' , 1 -I lp. ,?,.- ..t w,.:.i?k'i.n i'-n ? ? IB, ,-..* fbaai l lUrrlero who >r- lo ?l-l. thta ? i n'ry aud ., , . ..( .i : ? ?- ?" - ni ' ',.'??.?? *???* - .. .".:. AUa-li. IK.U ?lil ***** ''? l'*lb.*IBd a-ii.if ! , ...en a,., '??- i w. itiiy. '?*. *?"?*?' ""? . ?. ; ?fu...l W li M-r'"', north-ni , ,Ulill.. ..' '.*? : ' _1..'.?? fl"*d ***** *.I ******** *?"*' , ,,. rwiIll, , .,. s. ? m t".., ICO^a-d .b..i., . , ,. i ,wi.?i ?"d aorU a roaauc' ?|.i..?, l" I Ni. L..U. iiuarl-r iT.llr c...n,liloii -f l.m;la..d a,.<i 220* .,,":,..-. :.V -? >" V TU" '?"'- '" ? r"''r* , ?,.,.- f-r ?.'.. o:--... ?? fr.-w .''" >a,d? Ui iaw..j II.., N-n-Ier. y AU.i.tle fl'ib I* flTOWlaa P?;Hdlv. At .?.']_? _H-tia? tn fo.lown.fl a** a********* ***** ?'***** I ,?.., m?wi.-,. . ?? '*-?? ?' **a*****".:' '' " I ,. II. liar-l I m.11.1 J I'lb-ri- Mr) r ,"???. ,,? , ,.,r. i. 11 '"..: a,.. .1,1 o- H I- **'**. ?'?>? ' ...,.:?-. i.n:.. -?'":,. I " ">'?''. J' ? ... .1 Ull. "in. '. ?:- B -'? ,. |. |,.: :... VA. OU* ri.l ?' ; , p >.,..- :.,. I I I'.Ml.l. I'.l i,.rl I I '.(!?? .'. ' K' 1 I, ... ' , 1 \. I '?? , ,, v. li , iu;i ii- - ??'?'? wm ' ,. ,, ., b . il ?',*: I-' '? ' s > : : ': ?******?**? '. n ,.., (,., -. \s::,-.. BroiA". . lateu * M - ith, --. n itariMi. THf. < "1111 Tl.NM- < IIAMl'!*.Ni*HIP. N"U,...t'I. It. 1 . -I'' I' '??"'?? ""-? ""':' ******* . .,, , pi?i, , f i!i" a. . id. re i-i*l.y u,",.- ., I"!"t ." Ihe ,.|;, ? ?i ? I*;.,- I,..]..? l-i-W.- iu ahirh !," -,v-' "T., . ,?,.,. , un. |.-- . ll'IJ "' * *??'? ******* * ' ***** '" "'" , ,??,. i ai.h ... iv II I* b"l my t" defend | m* -.anl. ibampl*.. hlp. I ani ?*...|>l"yed ull ti,.- ... ,i , , .:? ,r*l ... r-ie "?" **** * ****** ?* " " Pr,*l,"ir' ,'; Cu* nu.* . ,- ??? i ********i *?'**> *'?? *?? *** ! ;? ,!. !?,:,,-.,,o, iii '-.-r Ui* rlwll i._c* alil.h U.aj le Bill u," _ BIU HES lAt A fl/'*' UIANEB. ? i.ams. fiOB-rrr.BB anb nsii in DrLB f*.bt?e ! i'iT Ml N'S a-*-*"' I * *???"*.. Tl,e pai M.'T,'- A--o, liH '". ye-tentay had its annual j rlamb-kc at iniarrn-i. I*?vili**.i. ******* *t**. ****** \ .t. ? ,.?,,. rhefe aere |ii'l la-raty i. "' I. luilliidual* ,l'-i,i:.-i,.-'.'d f"r Iheir "b---.iv. D. II MlinmHi". r-'i'i t"-*'d BWIiafle i- .9*4 I.nd?. iii'"-? Th-re aaa a b.i-:.,"-* uwrttnn Ilr t, *t ahirh Jadiw II, II. UM-hanaid, ,>f l i.'i >."?:'? *?*** reeleeird prr ui.-.1. I". II. Murphy. lenelflry and Irca-unr. who h..- li?-id il.ii"" Ut nn," -???? ? iv year*; and viieprf.ld.i,t?.. .'i.a,,:,"?> M,r,,-. ln*. Pani'in md i . a. ?.i.-ven-i. nf i.ri vi""'" I* -? l:l**.inan aml l?. ll Muii*,.,. ?,f ll, - ',('? . I""* Whltflu... nl fapriliflfleld. ?nd .rs-< U. ''.?>. ,-f l ".!'" Then eame ll," f" I I. II atW -I: .Hv ? tJ-tr 'born:, ilTair, -i-i thal nu <?i?e ****** untll i: vt ,. ;,ll over. Tltfl lb' ? ' '"'' ****** "' ****** ir,i'i. n?f\ rla.iifl. I.,r.l tlu.-.,il bH"i.-ii. raa" lomaliw-*, ***u rorn. fliimli.-d pwtal*? . , ?i,t |M,||,-d l i, i-r flti.1 v. i" rn "i"ii. Mr. Muf.fl.ui nn. .iii.i-il IWii il,./,"i -'tl ,la?,-. ,',:" Hbd a llllll ,b,/,',, 1,,u,t rlaum a ,,ii" At ii.iiiai.---. .? ?*:,,,! * J,:,'ll"l ,,l,.,.i',..b i ur ,-ii'- i.f .-l.ii-i l.i.'.h. -?v.*.i - ??'?- ol run,. t'u.e wli.tlc 1"1. -"i- and irt." v. b.i,- w a.ei-i,ie|.m. Iim Hi,. iiiimi *a,.i.rfnl l-at ?f >ll rn* il,. Mun<i>ir* .,,,.,!,,.1 ?( ...ii,- ,t ?'i. Aii-i- Ihe hr r.'biiiriofll Cai 1.i:,,,' --1 b" w,,iil,l i:. a ini!" lob ? i.t ' :.,.d .-.i.l.i.* lan b" -i-ai "d ihen. iu v'i;.>-,r and ci them'wllh ^t,*.ii relUh .... lop ol Ihe aatermelnii. TBE FAMIL* WIU nr VXtTED AT I.AST. Th,,*- month* Hb-" ti"' Re*Inho? (Bmlly arrlved bere froai lt,,?b. In detarhuw-nl*. The father wa- detalned ll, llanibuiv e hl- l,apn-i_" wa - ib'lave.l. bul bl* wlfe a?,i -,\ .i.iidien Mib-il fur nu- poi'i. ibey aere -efit la< I. beraafle they bad na fru-nd- bci-c and no one b,li,i'd tb-lr iit.iry. I. aa* Imred thal ti,ev w.,nld b.-.o.-iie pui.ii, rharpe*. Ta**y pu.***. Beflinhiaf **u Ihe orcan. fllid wb,-n I.e arrlve-l bere li- was neaih fruufle wul. pri f. Knpcrlnteudenl B>ber tnnh hold of tbe p,..,r un,,.-* i-.i-f. aud r.i-elved Ihe tba.ik* of Iho I'nlted llibrra <'i'.,,,,i"*- for hl* *ympatfa-tlr aorh. Tbe no ,i"iv pul i;,-iiin,,iT to worh niii, ii?- lfl.en.ani Ing i,,,.i,.-y 1.1 bl* famll) if be wtmei t" be a p<_-d anrher aud a de-lraBle ,iti*. ?. Ve-ienin the nrraui ratlon -ent WO ni'irkn t.? Infl.i-riuirfl. Kim-l-i. lo pay tl? eviMii--. ,,f brlnolns ibe faiiill- !,, Ilaaiburg. Tlw li.i'.ihun* Ainerii-aii Pa*hi-t I'niiipaiiS Wlll tr.insfer the pwo. pi 1,1c t.i tin-. porl free <*t > har.pi. ? -? - ? IXXTAIUXO A i'ni.l.i:<it: FBBXIBEXT. Laneaider, Penn.. S"pt. n (Kprelall. Tbe pev. Pr. .1. s. >.iii,r wa- todav Inaaftaratcd pre-ideiil "f Praiih lln ii.,,1 Mamhall rnllese. Ihe Icfid'n. rda, ational In i -tiiu.ioi, of tbe lierntau i;e"u-'>,'*i rimrrh In Amerlra. The ,-\i-rri-es nm-.l*ted ,?; prayer h\ tbe Be*r. f>, Mi,-?",?. of Bradlag; tbe rharge tn Ihe new praddenl by Um .i'-v. T. 'i- Apple, Ibe r,-t,r,np prr-ddent, and the laaafBMl __4i?aa by I>r. Wflhr. l'r. ... ,>. Mlller. ut Vftrh, Penn., prflsMed. B'hen Ihe Inflapnral e? rfl-dae* wno ended. graand a?i br..!..*n for Ihfl ?ea k'Tmna*l?!?. Th.* Bev. i>r. i;.-<-d. pre?iOe:il ?f I>irU in--n coiiepe. made Ihe addre??-, and the raUega cic<.' ,-lub fnrnlabed ih" mnale. nilCAIH. VIA DETBOIT. Tl.e eleirant Bortfa Phore UmlteB- Ihe nnly afternoon lin.iti-d traln out ,.f Baw-Ynrh?leatea urand .'??nt.Hl Matlo:, evcrr dav at 4 :.V> p ?., for Dfltreit, CIiI.-_ko ?nd the Weit, via thc Xew-Vork Central---A.uerica i uroateit QaUi-uad." ? ? BETTERIXG THEIR BEC0RD3. CTN'CIN'NATI AND OUICAOO LEAOUE TEAMS WIN NINO TWO OAMES EACH. NATIONAL LEAGt'E. Cinrlr.natl 2, Pltttbuig 0, Cnieaco 5. Clerelind 0, flrat Ur.t itimc game. _ Cln. i.ia.i 4. Plttaburg 1, CkJaace 7, Cloveland 6, **c ii-c-nd gau.e. and BMB*. Bo.wn 2, _<_lladrlphta 1. ( inrlnnati, Sept. fll-Thi Cinrinnati. played two <7.m?. wlth thr Pittaburn thi. jifternooii, and **on thrm both. I Bklaaa and Dury..-a pltrhcd tlnc* ball for the ClnelnnaUa. ! The BeMlag uf CBagaaia, UM R.*dx. new xhortstop, **_* | thc featurr of both ganiea. The scorc** **c-rc a- follow.r Ur.t csine? ' ilniiinall (N. L.). 0200000*) x-2 PitUburj . 00000000 0-0 i,._...hiw-cinriiir_ti 7, nttibure _. Eneii darav nati 1, Plttaburg 0. Pliclicrs-'-hlilips and l~._i?s. tm pira-fllfli f. Si .t nd game? (In.-iiiiiatl. <N. L.). 0 110 0 11 0 x?4,i,ur_ . O 0 1 O 0 0 0 0 0-1 _a."hlt>flnclnnatl 8, 1'Ufbtir- 3. Errora-Clnrln. 3, i'ltt-burg 3. Pttekaia- Uuryea *nd O.born. t r_ pii. Strlcf. Cbii-acu. Sept. 11-The Chkago aod Clcveland Leagu* te-im* plived two game. to-day, Anaon'a men wlnolog both. Jhe r~iult* were aa foilow* : Flrat game? Oili-a... (N. L.). 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0-5 Cl-Mlann . 00000000 0-0 n_f.ciiita-Chl.-ago 0. CteveUwd 4. l*rrc.r*-Cblcago 1, Clev?Iaad 0. lltikira llaiaklian and Voung. Lt-pire? Metlaada. Hrcaad -aro*? cnkaaa iv. IV.).o --001200-7 .it.valanci . 0 1 '.' I 0 0 0 0 --- I!a*c-hiM-Chlcago !?. Ovelaiid 11. Error?-Chlra?o ft, ClavelaaA 3. _'lt~l.erx-~te!ii and Vlau. Iniplf*->-<"? U'lidc*. Uoiton, S*pt. ll.-NlChol* and Vlckery both pltched siooj ball w-clar. Rctoii won bv btta over the ffnce by Sulllvan and Hardle foi run*. The acore: _JS~e,f'~.f?f:.~.!:: _ 3 - o i h 8 8 *?. Rvwhlt- -Vhlladelphla 7, Doit-n 5. ?"?*_**" __ phia 1. n.Mt.a 4. PUekara-Vkkcry and Blefcala. -'?? pire?Power*. lialtlmo..., K-pl. 11.-The nal'lmor.>..Uhl?tlc gam* w.ig t.vll.Ht ln UM llr.l haif of UM fourtll innlng. -'b* -"*?_ .t?.Kl: Ilaltlinore 3, Athfc 'lc 0. RAIN' PBEVEN r.-s ?<K'.\I. i.AMI'S. Tki rain y-Merday eaaard th- aaatpaaet-ii-l "f ''"* n>w. Yi.ri.-Urot.Klyn Lc-airu.- cjmt- at th" Poir. UraaadS. Ihe ?__?? tauina wlll play tmtny. Ike Bronlilyn and l*o.tou Players' tromi. were ai.o prevrnted from piaymg at i-ai-rn Park. _t TI.F, RKCORDS. NATIONAL LEArtUE. C!uba. Won.Lon.Per.ct. ' Cteka. *_l&_i**& Bnwaiya .. 71 *' .....j ,nn.~.~au .. 67 4. JW . ,,???.' 74 44 .H'.'T 1 N"?-i-r~ .> _?' ??' ' t, -.i-lV.r.'ia ''71 47 iHWIUevetand.:*- JJ A_ PI.AVI RS' Lr.A'il'li. i.'1-l... Wio.Lo.t.l'er.ct. CluU. Won.I_tjat.rer.ct. {!-;:::,? :::fn & g|^i"-'*-3 fi ;H; New .Vork ...a? 40 .r.~! |t ."y.iaiul 4f '?? w l-hllndelphla .~ll ?'.*. ?*M|Bu?rt* .. 81 __ -.4 AMIRICAN' AS.SOilATION'. tlab*. Wo-.U.l.Per.ct. , Club*. Woni.Loit.P*?.ei r..~.i. *!!!-? ....98 -7 .i...|Ro"h--tor ....? ?'_ -'". Tol'dn .?d W ..Mii l nyra* utr. ......a tn ,*ib CnlniLbU. .?U 40 .-,!.. I l.-lt m.:? .C'J ft ** i/fiir r/:/- CH/T-n-s UASTERA PI.AYED. MOVT'S IN 80MB OP TIIE 3AMKS At TIIE MAN CB1..TI-B TorRNAMiNT. Ti.* foiiowlns MleetloB of*. ?x plajrd 1-at we?k ln **!.l b* found lo oe Intermilng M th" xtudti.t* uf me r-yal aaallwa: ,,?.,,,_ IIuw'r' b-nt the vo'in- ??? rii.rm ti.i-t.'r, .Murll-r ?n?. i..rauaa ? kl* b*-t and Maeiler Ikftroafbly o-.t .,;r,i,.i SBEEBTOBT Ol'EMMI Mt i.r.i.r.R. l'1 Hri!-?:ii,J' I P.'io'B IU .-?>. **_**? 3 _-!' to K .4 r* , _ P tu (J K t 3 I' II. II I 4 i; t.. i*i: g R 3 ?? !i '?' K 0 || lt. VI 3 -_|-'-;'i ."j |0 Kl to 1* ?* 1? Kl I** lv 5 ii v \ v r. i' i r i i? 1., II *a 1-.' l.'t v kt i:t r. \ i*t ia-P m K it 4 ii ... iu us H-q'?* i*.i 1 , II.. t.' rst 4 i '. R '-. II - ..-. ,<i r . K -4 l-> y t.. II 3 ? . !? lu II 4 1 ' U I* I*' * :- .< tu ii... i* Ptti g r. < lt. 1' lu M . I'-' It to K -l .ii is- -.- ii .t ." -0 tu ii :t ?i Kl tn 1*. '. Vi I' '" Kt 3 __? Kf \ II '." *. x Kt ..iv t.. h ii: -:* Kt to i, 3 i i; ... I< .j .1 Kt I.. K 5 .:. ii \ Kt _?-?B x D .?I -K M "i Q B tm '.'.ll' U* R 5 ?J7_r' t. Kl B .7-g to K ?q .. ij i.. K i BS-ll to ll .o ?jy y '.. g ll Z K. Qil' :m k io y Bt aa :*o ii to rt 3 .,1 K t.. Kt 3 31- P to H 4 :. I. to R -.| 1.-0 t* R I ?:* I' b r 3:. P .. fr* 11 'j ... k t 2 B??9 to Q f S."i !'. r.i II ?_ ii'. ll \ K I" :i. ij io ki ii _'? y ? y . ;; v t.i .'IT -11 Ifl Q 0 .. i;,., ,_* _? aa ii m il _? :in ls R Ui Kt 2 ai> I* 10 K .', f"h) iu ;> iu ii _ 4" ii \ ;: r il ls :.. K, -<| 41 R \ II hl 4J K -r.'ii. .,|i |..;i*x .-, ?'SplliUh" n-rn-i th* Ci.iu' irl .i,t hr iHild in.'. |<l*y "??'.. beiB-if* lli- *'-t nm -. , i .,.,. iiiddl) Bia-'it.riru- mado a little gem out t.f thi '.ur.' f-r aii thJt Bt'T I."l'l.~ i,..x,xtl>. liLAiKlti-RNC. ,Vl ll*. Bl a k. 1 ;? Ui K I 11' t" ~ 4 .- ki t ls II J '.' I-' t* '1 rl :, ,1 -., ki . :i 9 ?'? y 3 I ,- I.i .j ., 4 I' t* 1. * ,-, |< s |< !? is". : ll 3 i. ic; :,. R 4 ti lt to I*. i ; . t, ls: .', " ' i-t'-x ? ii i u Kl l-P i li .. (i Kl I.i II il U II l ? ' "'I Ul i- ;. y Kl 3 10 0 f K .q H |? (.. Kt I lt Kf t.i u ? I Kl t.. K 4 1- li . H ;i l* 13 h t t > B ? li _ 14?I' l ? II I g R IS _ ?- - - ll 4 lu *5 ?... i. .i i-- ..- ? i . ,s It lo K aa, i ? - ii t.? R xi l.x l| to II .< l" lt \ B I' ir.. ki u* k i J_? ??' t.y I ?-.- u t . V! . 20 Q M II a _i u t.. Kt '? -i-y i. u 4 _?-?- !!? .la,.* no** thal "dark ~_t_f" m_cl" < s'i-.rt ***. k i iuh i b _all*|<p. of B-ri.ii. Q P Ol'ININ.. TINM.I Y. -* H M-I'l'l' iWlill illiu.l.. I- ,., g 4 1 I' I* I* ? I Kl to il II *t - M i-> K II 3 a ki to y ii a ;i l' '-? K ' I [? I.. K 3 4 II 10 K ii t- y ii ui g 1*1 Ui 6 t :,' I B I'l. 41 Kt 3 7 1. ... Kl 3 I- '?*_.' 3 - <** 5 l;'J . ,',' r. .K,."'i*3 lu ,s Kl lf Kt 5 Id Q '" i* -1 m* k v n y ' Bl i - tu K 11 8 I K It ... ll ..I ? r ... i* Blt U Kl ".I'.l I! X V ? II 3 Kt u. B 4 r. I* ? '*' l< x II l \. !" .*_? ?" I- I' I' t at i: ?_ * i; ln K t-. R x.| K t Iti-Q t.. B - _,!.. i. I" Kt "(J ,,||) a _i g t.. I* I '.- g t.. Kt _' ::i g li m u mj ?n ii t.. ii 4 _l- I* lu li i .. Kt t 9 -?'i. Kt'i'o k"? -* y i" b a |l ., '. ? I' to " -..- P U> Ii? ii 3 ,, RtoK B*? :?? Kl UJ.B ?*_ ??.. Kl \ >. t ."". ' i>? ... I- Ui li i) '-" !; '?' ? *. ao r iu ki i ?:" '? /* ,1., :n w ? k ?:.'?' ??; " - Si it i.. K I*' -I ;'- H**-an* .\ ...riimii aud a lf'mea.'ljli dl*M-u**fd tli" It*llin can-." .,iu-x.?tk k.i"*? a i>olut .nor.- ?f It.illiii KhCBM* and th. I?"1I.1.UI lu-t. illfOCO 1MANO. i.fNSIH.R.i. VON SrilEVE. ?Ablt*. , ? , ,. \iUck' ? V m K I I?t to K I rltiutus ^^tu',^,,Jl>, ?"*J? LiltoKi 11 Kt Ui 11 3 7 It bl K 3 s. Kt"!..'V<. R !5,\;'i H lt to 11 I i.i.:..- !>?.??. ?*,.? .1 Kt I.r II 3 ?J lc li 1' \ 11 Kl lu IC 2 B . * ? ....... i ii.-ii^.K Bta ?? v)v:,gt 1'.' I' l.itj I .. i* t. r 13 Ktto U .1 l.l P x 11 t' i. u I,. K -a H -i iu*. ii " |5- K to li .'I I.'. I'l.. Q ir. -I- x V 10 Kt x P ir i* 1; :..o?iiK^ i? 5??,V-*i 1 . lt x I' '" Kt ? . -o Kt.oKMl?l.) 20 -K.OI -1-g u, Kl' itlil _ SI <-.*-"'?_"'*. rm: roucE eocBt clerkt AcrovsTs. Tl.e i'..i,nnl~-ionc*r. of AcrounU. have oompleted ,i?slr ..,:,i,.,i,i.tii... oi tke fec ammiitd nf thc etorka of Ihc all poWet ruiirt. ln* l_~?. ~x well a* al tlie re rcipt-and <llsbur.?*ment. nf the rtty prl.en aurdeus uid lk* xu|ii'riiiteuiic*nt of ike *vrtrUlu.u?* aa lllurk walfi laland for tli* *~me perM. Th.-v Und tl.nt the -torlr. riilleeted ??.!?"?'-- *." of ?tii.h. exrept 9i'i. wm ...ui ...t.. tiu* rtty iraaearp. Tfcl* xhort.ure vrtw* ufter ?rard niade |~-d. The wanlm. of tke pri.ona und tlie a-otr~k~U*e -uperlntendent c-oll-rtfil ??C0.2flO. of -lilch a|(r_ wn*. imt xcnt kt. Bx W.irden .Ume* Kinn ls h,-l<r ni r.iuntuhle fnr WTl ot __? c.eflrit, and Warden .-. <^IMM^MaMMMB|^iigia_______B I ! MATTONI'S h GIESSHUBLER THE BEST DIETETIC TA13LE WATER eiiOsr-^end-ljo^-- A_M_ttTf otntAmSt NY, frWrWMI"lt'im,l>llfe"w-^>i-ro Dangeri in Every-daj* Life. DL'JARDI*. B' AIMETZ. thfl forerroit nedieal authoiity tn tha wor.d. Iflffl: "TIIB DlUEt-'llVI- TWIB I-i A LABORATOBY. IVIlE.IEIX POI-ON-4 AHE IN< ETflT-AMLV ELAB ORATEP,** ?nd deaerlbei th- ****** ot dnnRcroui eTlla whlch follow Uielr :,:-o'ptlon tito ihe t.looi. "The problem l. to ellmlnat? U*cm." Thc 'Cactug niwid r,m.' dof? this ln every ea?e.' who u?" it and ?ee iu msraellou* effecM are IBf loudeit ln Ita pral.e. fm Was BUMM ?L/ure CHRONIC ULCER OF LES. Among the _i?ny <II-r?nc- revilting from morbld "nWld ln the blood, ln nonn baa the flaeeeaa of u,o Caotus Blood Cure been more marlc. d than ln chronle ulccr of tho leg, eom ninnly Itnown aa "feai-r soroa." Tlu-: chronle dl.ohwgfl from thttv ulrers I* nlrnply Uie effort of nature to flflt rlfl o. the noxlon. ele,?. i,t? lii tlio hlood. whlch, lf r-talned, would i-v. ntuallv lead to *vor?e call*. ?. a,inti-? and 1 s ?o,i aud then caufle the uleerfl tfl Imal, but thev t]o i.oi rejnnve tlie oau.e, and It Ifl onlf * queatlon of a nln-rt tlme when the po!*ono?* mflterlal ? _flt? appear*. '-Iiher aa ulcer, an reirma o. thfl nkiu nr ir, anme ,,?e of tl," variouii ways nature rmpioy. to get rid o. the?e ImpnrlU-fl. xow the ractuii bv *-.-,:.<ia inc th?*e petitonou* mattera, thr4**lgh the nat.if.l thflaaete. reawe the <:au*e 0* thfl _l.ncharr?, and thfl ul tt* *<o> ix'Sl perroan' a.iy. It wlll ti., .1," -Ull" of anv auiJ.r-r from thia dlM-aie to wrlte to ?r call at our cflk-e (or further partlcu* larv Tha medlelne is for uale by drnaslflU. or wlll b. ?ent. expressflce pad, on rtcelpt of p.-ice : I.ntgf flllO, B2; tmall, $1. ALVAS RR.A7.II.IAN BPECIBfC CO.. Offlce, 0 Wflll-flt., New.Yortt. .Tain?n 1,,-dwlth for $.'11. Thev said that the dla rrflgj^aeiefl were eau.ncd by rb'rlcal crror*. but linally pald over thc inoney. The tolal numher of comralte nicnt* for IfPO in tlie pnllrc courts ara** __..")45, ot whicli n,t*4*7 were for liitoxicit.ion, 13..135 for dlfl urderly rundui-t. ii (or viulatiou* of the Iiuilding law, lil for naflieflalna attuapei f.ot.le*. and 4_ to enforoa the r.illeition of bond fcefl. MAKING THE 8CB00LB READT. 0I_"* tVtaniCKB BBOC-UED TILL THE .KE". ARRIVES. Supiirlnfendcnt Ja-pcr, of tlio pnMle srhool*. and lil* a,.s|.;.-iiit-? are bu-ilv cti-nccd ln ma-ing thelr &n Bapl eWta lothfl aohool baUdlngfl i-> rariaaa part of tha rlty. The ttrnflinrn at tli-.-c Brhflala alrcady vWted i,a- i.e<-n found anaflaatly larnfla Tbe repflifci ln rc.-ard T.i the nr.inttcr nf lehfltart who attended thc S'-IiooM lwt Monday will BOt I"" nvwly f'.r publbatlmi. however, for waeral day-,. t-aperiatendenl Qeufgg \v. Debcvoisa -ald ye-t'Tdiv that i.ranniiar gflhafll No. SO, at Lenox avc. and One himdn-d aud thirty-fourtl.-fl... wa* now rei-ly .? r tho n>e ,.f Iho bovs. Did fnrniturc has been ptaced Ifl thc ni<.,tnn. it wlll bc u*ed nntll Ihfl e/>n Iraetoh farniah tlu- balldlng _,-iording to agrecment. The. -"tii aay that the.r detap i< duo to t)?e strike on tho New-York Ontral I'., and tliat thc fiiml tnr*.* f<,r tbe variou- new baUdlnfi Is -.oniewbere on tha way. I'llBiniai flehoel No. 0?. ln One hnndredandtwenty etghth -t.. iuar Laaas-aaa. wiu be ra.*_dy for tlie usa of tha clrln r."\t Monday tn'trnine. Tl,e primary de partrneat of thfl --inio lehflfll will be pi* parcd for tJia luicptten <>f llttle rhildrcn In _ll pn.babllity Wednefldap Or Tnandap. Mr. Pflhflaalw ha- also de ,-ldeal l.t uie. for the pi.ncnt, old furnliurc in <ir_n*_)-r r-<'!i>,l No. ???>. The hi-lK?,I wlll be Iln1*hcd about NovembiT 1. Mr. Dflbflflntafl, ln all prol.-_l.Ulty. will ;.ol In- able to ei.Joy tlie raratl? flraiitcd hlm by tb? Hoaid of Kdu.atioii on Tue-.iay. as hlfl tlme *aiu be t_,er, up fully iii aaperiaiendinfl t.ic <ii_iiire-. aud lU.'eilt I-'pilin Itl the Vari'Mi- -rlloiil blllldtp.a. The folii.wiiiK' nonilnati'-is f'*r prtnelpalfl of ei*en inB -.eli.,1.1- have l*?en iiiiuie : Ill-b mI??,1- -al. T. Boyle, \V Y. li ml-ou. A. Iloalaiid a.xl ?.e.,r|.*c WWto; nclNml* ior F. DarBng, .-a,:iuel Mor*. iioiin... John T. Magalre, <'-ar P. Iloire, I'cJer tB9H**K y i .1 i,ut_neii. iiavni K. ..'iddl-. <*. Mraubenniueller, l-mofl barhii .1 *eph ... Fony. Ho*t* Mortts, Rblunond li I'iiioit Mitrtin il. Bay aiid K.ander (hlldn; for fe in'alO?-MI'4 Kate M. l-t**phen?. Min* Marv A. Mt 'uvern Ml?i Bartba Huiiter, Mr-. Annie K. Boyte, Mr- Eliia a. It. -uilivai,. Mi** Jane I're, MUsMaiy J. I'leraoa, Mi-n. Kliaa s. ivu. Ut*,-, Jeunio L. Plhe aui Ml>a U. li. lTnloy. ? TO HE1.L TEGETABLES BT WEIOBT. Carry, Walker und Duffy, of the Come mitteo on MflrBfltfl, rotmidercd jenterd_y thc propo -rltion to romp.1 market gnrdcnerfl Ib ncll veeetablea, and other lonntiv pr.tduec by welpbt of ry _|e..-:i,,'. Tb" .***? w" Yol'k K< tiiil tirieern' .'ntoil, niemberfl have devofled nnuh time la prcs*Ini, ii,.-, hai,.-', ?a.- beard In fa? * af >t- ** Bew ar_iunenti were brmigh. foraard. Tbe -;,n,e. ordlnaafli aaa j,.m^.-d b) ib," 1.. .1.1 ?f Al.'.ennen about |am yeat. Hgn but Mapor ll, v.-ut vei.-d ll <m ibe groand that it ,'.' i,,t retiulre t'i.- r?-i.-.;l ?_.-'?.?.-?; ,iNo .-, aan br avight. Tbe hearlng a-a* i-BJ.iartied t" SepMMhflg ?_'", *.. allow nll th. 1HI.-P---I- affi-flted t?> t .ke pait THE PETBOLEUM MARKET. BBBfB KltO.M TIIT. FIU.D AXD HAN'nF. OP PRICEB. <vaii-,,i",-,'ii the iqaeeflfl In Bwney r?t?*> aefl thfl weahnef-fl -ii wi, ln the rallway -hare marbeu tiie prtreleaai ?peealatlOB?If it maj- be .,, eaiied-Mhowod -;ib-t.ii,''<* re_t4*rday In lt-- toiie. Plugreaa toward blgher prlci. whi.h -,*.)m<*d to liave *ta-t?-d nn \Vedna? day. vaa <*li'*? lt.-*!. bnt at the -t-vrk BschBBfl tha ?l,--- Brtc. f"i I'ennnylvai.ia oll -u- tl.e lowe,t. aod t!_? ,-. al fienre near lo the be?t. Tlio . .rtobcr optlonfl ?<*. n,"!.' Iiicllned to beailnea*. bu. tbe rtntuut *** onlv a flt>?dy ,?a,U"t loi.lil bc <|?.-tod at tbe >to.ji Earliange. wfiilo the ngurc. at the <-?.,.-olid.tefl Bo?nl were t?. iil,.d to ir****. The eaeea. of debveriee over niiii bv Uu- Sailoual TTan-nt aud ndewafer plpe lin-fl S far ln 8e|.ber I*. aboat IO**** barr-l* : tha ,.-..?.< ro-fl ,>f the Bmbe)e *1p<- Llnfl av-rage abuat ?,io?"> bur-ei-, Anv ..,tia-e Inrreaaa In elih>*r exp?*rl ur'fuel ml-',', ln ibe flhaen.* nf'm ??*'f1_f*2S _nn ni>... I'toce tbe"i.?n of ***** ?', . ,. ?ll ..:i a lir ?ith ih ? talal >U Id. KpeealaMoa .t ii lae* be, mi* of t.videnee ot aiaiilpatation, but ,!,'.. fli.iia.lon rn oii ouglB io bt-in- i? ?i. iB^tinont kpr-N. anaind nillng llga"f*?. The niarfceta rloaed ht.-ad.rV l'i?" >?."'-* "I ****** ***** ** t",?,l ********* Wfl-ie a- follawa: _ _ fntivk r\eh?,'_e. < Olinollfllflt. a. N,t ir. lli'.ie. \.,:.rr. lln kevfla -iie". 'hereeli B7.UOT 99*B9 ?TOu.-O 30 000 ? IT,. ??? ,..-? ***** WB ??_,* r-1* of - a*h rll at Wic. BeBiied ml inu-hanged at ::;.'. renr? par gallfla ln barp-l- .,-',,1 H -??? ?'?*? lt* lb rflflfla. r. [-.-i-n inaihet- <}ao..tton? rceovered all of u.-.i,,,'- <r,i-n I,---.- aed e d"d flt 16 5 - fraiK? ln Ant wcrp. ,;...'. Biark. lu BreBMB .ind r, _ Ba ft l _ i*euce la Luiidl.:,. r.ivr. bTOCB'.Ts- bv ti'.i.f.-.haph. Rnffali. .*-? -'t 11- H ??''- P.'''"i|,tn IflM 24 hourfl, 1 i.i,, ,' ,J ''.'t-il lor *??? a 0,'u- ttr. I'. A00 nead. for .,,,. t ??? l.-t i.i Iti.lflO bead: wa-lga-d i,,r??irh. ;V 1 io hdd. ,'r iM?'l, t.U'20 l..ud t.. *<^***i** ***J5 P.fl ,,.|.r and nnchaiitfi-il. aaerii aafl *a***a-***r*[*** 1-,-t ', ?,rn '.'?.',?? I?.il. tolll f'-r ?.K ...?. f-r 2i':*Q i. ,l" f..i? t. -..> li-r ti***. '-',.,.",' b-ad. ioaalgl_4 ti>r<>?_ii i oou i***id. of ?hu*h ??<*) to s********.** ***** I -.,., i,...I noi-1 and aa-hanged H??v-Bee I'.u lat, i hMll* ll.n-_3 ?"*ad Vi ?.-e_ Il.n- far. 3-, Ol.i head; u,r n.ii.' time la?C .#*h -'J.T'i" ttiMetto* thron.h. "il|. e' i-li li 2.210 t.. SeW-V Mfc i "M -i .-I."**'.. d?U auil 'lower; niedluai* nn* b-aiT. 9* "****99j forB Vorkera, #.Tj; roa?MB to c-iod Miehigaa, ?iT0wfl4T_; iHil.^ifli S"|,t 11 -rairle-rt",e||,t> li.r-OO head of whieh 1 i?ii -"P T'X?n- -md nn.. r.. .l?i?. |>ri.-?_ woakt nailie. *.. 7'..iV> 14 . Teaan*. r'2 :.,'?-' 3.'.. rang-*-. 92 oB uflST.t. l|ot? Rei-i-,1,1- -."? <*... ti.-ail. tnirk't l? RetTer .Imt.. ihioi v el,a?" ,,-t rl.,). b?t pri..'* no blch'r; ..t,., .;) S,,.i<>4, '.'.'i 1..-I fcaav, fl4 40,,#l60. birbt. $4 .">.,.* 1 .?. Slvep II"-, -ntv ..,0... nteadv, M 00*1 ?y, *.; (ur MllVi*: fll I* -'fll .I't Wi-nieiufl, ?J'.,0-?4iJ Texans. La?,l,*, ?.".,,-*i 10. SI'. I.OI'IS i.ltAIN' MAI'.KF.T. Bt l.onln. Sept. 11 .--Hour "a?y. nfi-aly. Wlieat?Th. volumi* ,f i>,ii.i,.4? t, iina't.'l ita" hwar, ?"d ti." n,ark?fl ?:m -ii it .1 ?nd bi.;..r. The aperlag ".- Z'**' "p '<* ji.-i .ini,"r aml -'.'? f." May. a* ei-.,,par--d al.h .veai.rdfly'fl i lo? ii'i.ii'i a*cr.- lu'ht anl raM"* atroa?ar tut hunier. 1 r,?? fhe ,,|.e,i!n'T ti the rlofl.' b'Mi f,if,r".? a<lvflnffl_ ntnid ll\ -ith ".ilv in i, ,, rul rci.-iuvi, and Hual fluur-fl wera 4,i i*4>- ai."\,' v. nt. ii.iv. Sent. tib'-r. 99t U* mrlv, *..ld laf-r al +1 ai.d *\< **-i at ??._ bid. Oelabef had ?1 b4 .?,.v. b-,i nt ?!,.- ., .? .-ii*'.' aaa Bef eatfc *x?V? HV: ,,-"l.r ei "2*. ?: D~ *.?*,,. "r li O.'.S bid: May. ? I ll'- 1,1.1 v'fl.m ln.'..,,_ *?** fair anu tlte maiket alronf an.l l,"p'..r. 'llie .-, n Tr.' ?a- "aJIV due M> tl.fl .iime .nnlitlen- liifll ., lafliieed wheat. Ilrfl the MaBtag u,e idvllive ?a? .?-.-.rta tc the rUm* wMeh ??* 2*iJ^T?o hi.her than roterday: Bfl 2 eaeh t**t*. 0*taun, 47-,e imi- Xi \.', i.e- ..V" iioininai. Beeeiaber, tt>\f. nom Inai' Mai 49K4t**tt. "*?- h.cb.-r. tradlne lu May waa ? -t'v,- and thr* ,<a> aeme demand fot ,-a*h, .ut other month* ?t* t.-rlfiftl: Nn 2 ?***n. 3fle ; Maj. 41e bid. Ita. loiier \, 2 i'l- bid. ftflrl" qi.l-t, but firm; Iowa, 7'.,. <"ni li-"al' ????*. atflfldv. Haa f|, bt. eofljT llraa ,].,.?. uh ra?...i| 'I 40 l.fl-afl hl^-her. verv fleareia ?nl want.-d. *l Ti bid. *l 72 . a?kfld. lVhiak.--.BllS. Ilntf.'r ,1?v e?.'t. I\-?."* M. <3iee?.i, urieh-nfliad. IT...I-l".,- 1*9 bub't I'ork. .10 .".0. I.ard. M. T)rv Ull mrtto i,.x"d fll*4?i.ld--t- WTJ_: loi-.?*, *..". 4;.a*'. iO , rtl.n 4', .-.iie*'.->'? ?h'.rt clear. US (21. naron. nhouldera. ii* U tmtt **> OSStti 10 ; rlba, .0 OS JflO 16 ; ?hort elcar *_ 2t>'* *.' ;.?'' ?' 8;,r ***** hai,,- -'"_<iv :.?it nmi. .1" .lOJ ? l* 50 Ballag flt'iff. firm and de-nand tood at flflffflB. TiiTrnii,*a?Ptoar. 4.ono bhi*; wii.-n-. _B.*flJfl bn?h: eom. ?loofl*. b??h, oau.. 17.000 bunh; rrc 2.000 boflh: berley. AOUO b?*li. Shipment*- Plonr.,.* bhl? : ?hf?t. ll.OOil hiiflh ? rorn. 41*000 tuflh; cau, 27,000 buah , rye. 6,00t bu?h ; bariey. nooe. < HICAHO VIA CI.EVF.I.AND. Tho JCflW-VarB and Chicago Limlted? <* Queen fll American Rallway ti.lns'-leave*. Orand Central Sta? tion every dav ln the >ear. at 0:50 a. m., tle. thfl New York Central, Um great four tr_c_ Ihat mail routa,. ?*?