Newspaper Page Text
3.mneem-M9. ACAIHIMT-fl-lS-Pantamlmfl. IMAPWAT THKATHK . s?Tha _Urr_ _to__rc_. >UOUT?EATB*-.:I?-MyAuntBridfflt. | CA8Va"0-".iia-Mme. An?ot. BALY'fl THEATB--?i5-T_aT_leof iCal | ?BENMUSK?-WaxTabl_a_ j ? RAND OTXKA HO-HK-8 ef Lif. HAMME-lATEIXeHABLKMOPERA UOUBK-8:15-Th. j . araa Suabla_a < KOraTEK_i BIAl.'8-f4-.Cannflnrlt.. , ".TCEUM THKATRE-8:_0-Th. Maiflter .f Waodbarrow. MADI80M BQUABE OAKDEN" AMPHITHEATKE 6-Str.DflflConrrrU MADISON sgi'AKK TH?ATR*t-B:K*?Bflfltt BPl?m?l j WINER'r" 5THAVI. THEATRE 8-On.Brror. XEW BABK THEATB?-_:15--t>Up?. KEW POI.O OROl'NDS-4-BafliJbal MIBLO'S SABDEN-fl-BonefltHMttfl and Wllllng H?nd?. | f-ALMBRS THEATBB-B-Thfl Red Hufl-ar. PBO-TORR 23DST. THBATBE-.-AU tbe Comfortfl | of llomu. ?TAR THEATR?-8:S0-T_e fleaator. 8TAXDARD THEATRE-fl.lB-Cl.-.ue-Oeaa fam. U*.IO*tI8QUABETllEATRE-ai.-T;.i! Couatyralr. 14TB STRBS-T THKATBE-8-M,D?trel?. Jn&.y to QlO-criiscmcntB. T*tt CoL| Vtt a Coi. Aanunaeru. 9 o Tn*nrafltie.. ** - ? AaaanaeaBMia..10 b U? flcnoni*. . A-cuoo aaia al Rflai , _???! Nouee*.. 4 I Katau. 4 8.!x.fliaD,t Bflaad. 4 ajum ... araaar.. ? 4 M.rriaceaanaliaatb. 7 fl an. nttmt.... _ . '? ai?..iiani??,i?...IM o? Bufliaeaa Caanoaa.... ', fl Mxc-eiiaiiianua. ?> ?? ?_?_*-?*? lweweflfl. d 1 Nfl-tp-uueaaoa. ? 1-J repartrerflb.t>XoU-e. rt 6,0rraa ataaaiar.. 4 ?* i-nuoirr -i 4i?ror>o?ai?. 4 ?> OiTieann BatlCM. B e . .iliilc Noiiee. 4 j jjrfliiniBflinr. & 4 Railroan.. * ao liMnrttie -iHiauflBfl | BaalRfliat*. I> 1 Want-?. 8 MiBiailfllfllfl. * **** Exrutfliont. 4 I Kuomflana Pl.u. 6 ?" Finanoal. '.? 3-*> 7 ?> j, rrtai.. 6 8 Btaainooala. rt Hnaiv.ntea.. rt 0 . nminer lleflorU.. 4 '-' H.ln Wanu-n. R 4 Tmcnert._ a Bfl 4 t 4 4 Work IV.intid. S 4.8 Bn.mfS- Koticca. A Few Ki.f.oaxt Si-ites to Rext I.t the fleanon. Culsi:>e un.uritfl*.-d. T10TET. BR1STOU ST-t-AVE ?nd 4.i>-_ T.. M. T. Sl'IUf HOTEL. FlBB ISLAXB llEAl'H. Traluit laave __m*I 34th-.t. 8:1*0 -. in., 4:10 p. m. till Sept. 15. %M^wk?^&%ribvm rOTJNDED BY HORACE OREELET FKIDAY, SEPTEMHER 12, 1S90. TEN PAGES. THE JtEWB TniS MORNING. Foreign.?A revolnt ion has broken out in thc Canton of TVino, SwiUerlaod, on aceoairt **f dif fcrences over tl.e revi?i?n ol thfl co_sfiiiiii"n. ??- An atuck wa. iipoa rn. Armenian l.ishop in CoB-taaliaopte. ??. ?- Tlie Glrua-le Conncil-Oeneral at Bardaanx demanded of the French fiovernineut thfl repeal ot llie law pro Lil'ltinR Auieii'-ait park. - : Thfl Blrikfra at ISoiit!.au-pi..ii were ui-i.-i. durin. thi' Uay. == Tlie Eauperor and Eapree** <>f tJenuany, Becon. pj-iiH ln* thfl I),?Ue r.D'1 Daehna of <'<>!ina.:;.-ht.. rc-etv.-il au rntlius-Otlfl greellnft at UreaLiU. ? - ??' JSrw Sii-ii'i Walra haa dfclaretl ln faaor of ihe lodciaii.iii of ihe Aufltrallan rolon.i-s. ("on^re-.n.?n.'tl, hraorhefl in flfflalon. ? . Tlie SciKit. : The eonffl-trnee reixirt on the>l Orani Fi-rleiMie h>!l \v:-s ci,!'<!,-re'l. _-_- Thfl l.oafl. 1 There tn-in^ n<> ijaorura mi tlie qaefltion <>f ap amviaa Taeariajr'fl Joaraal. an ndjournraent arae taken arithin a half h?.-,ir after the sittinir Wj-'Tin. z. lii r,iuiu.itii"e : The Kaum investi'.'atlon -rnt on hefwre Ihe apeelal II,,use -omnAtee. l),n:iesti<".?Taln nnd Itoett, t'e men aeenard nf t)>e ?.vro-'kr,- Of tlio Xew-York Ccniral's Montreal e\pi?-*v<. voii* Brreflled in Xorthem Xew-Y..rk nnd l,r?n-l't lo Tri?.v. ?:- l'lif-cs ol whent, <?<<*'*., o.i-s nnd i'ins :,.',v,.i:.-i*'l aerernl rcnta at fbir-ng" <-n Ihe itrengtli of l!ie i-orernroenl f-mii rep ri. ? :-?' M.'iiy Boninstionn were made tr rnncreej t!ii?'i-hout the Stalea.-: Tliirty t,iiiitiaaRil people Bttendetl tl>?- Dateheas Cniiatjr Falr !??? 1',.,1-liki-ppsie. :- Heavy r:i:,s i il n, Kew-Ynrh State. **. --?-. T:iriff delattea arere held o; K:>riville and Oarepo in tlii* State. - ( :-_?t ii:i Tilliuan araa ri.>Tiiir*:.t. <1 foi Gorerm.r by tiie D-i*.:.,'ratie Cnvn t:>,*i r,f Sonth CaniJIna. z ? The liikt _?oar al ihe fleaflon in Ila. Uniled 6?t-.iu*s fell ia Moatana. City nt.'l SnhurbaB.?A young wuman in II, >ti,ken hanged here**lf; lier fatber, ?n UnUinR ber hody, s'.mt hiaua-lf aud will probably <li<*. r A man fatally *-hot his iv,fe and il:cn eammitted b!iici>lc. ---_?- lln* Tnioii League Ciup adapded ap jM-opriatc NSalatloBfl on tbe death of Waltci liowe. i ? Thc bri,-k "Banafacturent cont_*?Bphiieil jhippinK bfltea flfiain to t_iis markel an l nn. *odin_ and carting it flbwUl the eity with tlioir own u.i.'a and hBTfleBfl sr= Wiaaeia at 9<eep?head Bay: ?Worth, Consin J^bibb, Patomae, Decinth, Uay mond O. aad Lavinia J-'l'e. =3= - 'Vw Orunt Monumcnt CanuaHlflfl aceptcl tl.e .lesic:i of J. II. Duncaa, of this cHy- = Stoek* were flttivr, with 6harp deelinefl, clohing bi*.--i?Jy. with umie rrcovery. The Wealhef.?Faif-BBl lor t"-tluy: flondy aml rainy, with t-'iirhi ihrninl ehanftea Temperai -re yestenlay: Hifbflat, 7s ,le-rees; loweat, 01 : av.i ag<\ 6-'>. Thc Crnnt Monument A-BOfiatioB hai np proved tlio a<tion of it- E.\ocut.ivc ComBiittcB in ??efercnro to a do*.i-.'n for tho monuni'-nt. The coniuiitttfc'? rhotoe fell upon thr plan flab niittod hy Mr. John II. Diincan, tha deaiRTK-r of tho Mf-morial Anh ia prnccM ?f em-tiofl iB Bmokija. Th.; pablic wUI so?n have an cppoi-riinitT to examinc .ho ilosij-n whirh I.a* found favor in ihe cyc_ of thc ar-aociath-n, Hinco it ii* to bo plao?<l '>n Bxhibitioa to-m,?r row. This InnK ***** forward ifl thc ercrtion of the Giaal Monuincii't ihotlld ba in.m?>'!iat iv efHcacio.i* in t-timulating nibflcriptiofl-. for Ihe complction of tho '?work to wbich Xew-York Btands pli'iisc-l. Now that tho TorifT hill is on! ol th<* v.av for tho prosent, thc Kcpuhlit-an SfBatow ihow a rorr-ot crivp of tho situalion l.y inakiii-.* lip an ordor of b?sin(->s in rafereaco tu ? aaaibor of important ponding mcasur, s. A doz.n hil!s wero pnt on tho b.*t ycBterday, thotuch it ia hardly to hc hoped ihat all of tliom wi!1 lo" ?waed before the Tariff bill is finally irted on and an adjournment taken. lt is ;. BBtiflfac tion to sec the Anti-Lottery bill in thc for*> most pla.e on tbo list of incasiirc.s lo hc lakefl up. Still, thia bill and oll thc othcrs are at the meivy of tho ininorffi, who under th.) amended nilos have it in their pmer txi taJk to death anv measure obaoxkmfl t.? tliom. Il.e rme imtst _ooa comc arbea it ivill lo paaaibte for tbe majority, inatead of tbo ini_onty. lo eontrol the Senate. Evidentlr aorae of the ex-cmployc-i of thc Central Railroad have been bnildinj, bopw npon Mr. Depew'a rctnrn. and cbcrishinj, tho idea that he would do aomcthinR in rrfcrenco to the atrike whieh would better their poBl tioo. Tho deleRation who waited upon Prefl ident Dejiew yeaterday were rereived kifldly and courwously, but they foi no satisfaction. Mr Depew told them plainly and iirinly that the oase had been closed, that there was no atrike aad that the busineas of the company waa being oonduoted BBtiafactorily witbout them All thia baa been apparent for some t-BM. and il aa? beea __???<.? cruolty ia 4_m lahor leadcrs to in-*ist that the strike is still " on.'* _ _ Po thoso Repnbfit-Bfl Rfpic-eiitati ves who ar? away from WaaWflpton r-alize that the hnsin -'nf il." Ilouae ia blodted hy reason nf their abBBBBB. Aa afijeairaineBl waa tnken yesterday *imply bceaiwc if wan erideat lhal i!i,? Demoiral-i weia Bbont m r"pcat iheir i-hildMi perfi-rman.***-. of tho previoaa day. I< s.i.h a roiiMC ln be Bere-wiry ajrain? There will bc Bfl Bereasdty foir it if thc clected repre nentative- nf the people aimply ?!<> th*dr duty. AhsentceiMn has hecoBM an inloleiable evil. The BMwion will boI laal mueh longer, and there nughl to I"' no f Ull her pound for ("iii plaiat Ofl thi* ?*(??:?"? HONEST FOL1TIC8. A Rtroag, ponitive aad nn?werviag Rcpab ii<aul*-:n is huauri'd, Bfld wiu*. Thc le---on W laught not aiore impr. .--ivcly by ihe tretnea* doua niaj.,i-iiios in Main. by th" pnt-w-ed inc- ifl Congreflfl. The Tarifl bill wan pro aoaaced by itn nppoa<-at* **** cxtremo aad aa ,onipronii*'iii<* that they were abaolutely cer tain it rould aerer i.a*-*- Ihe Ilouae, aad then t},.it it rould nol imn* ihe Senate. ll haa piis-cl both. Spoaker Rewl was so lc-olu***. uoiliaehiag aad Md in -airyinj- oul a l.< publican policy, and w lilile Inclined to tnieklc ?,r trad?. to yield tn s"ii-"!"ss rltunor or to paadex to the notions of thoae wbn have ao atroag gra-p of Republican priBtiple,. thal his opi.,,iit'ii;* thotiRBl ii pmlitahlc aml bci-om in- t.o einptv oa hini all Ihe l*ilIin-_*imto nl iheir eontiaaad. His was th- one cloao di? iri.i in Maiae, and be, they were aure at lind. w.mld hc overwhelmiagly defeated. Hul Aineri.ans lil;,' pllick. They wanl a Biaa who kaown whi. ho believe*. aud darc-i tu pul thruagh what he ihiaki. right. Tbey hna*?r tbe man who dow. whai hc think- hi* dmy and truits the people. Th** rc-mll i> n perfloaal triumph ararcely ever .i:i]>.i*-"'l Ib *'-- -igniu canct'. It do.** not pay to ho tlio sort of Kermhli, -:in who believe*. thinp.** only jiwl nmiijdi md tn got into anv <-.,nti.>\ii>> witli Demorrat*. Thc people have na bbc fnr a Repahliean who is hal," Uemocral or half Mugwujnp. Their n.ii'.'h but. roiuly Ingi. .ay?: "lf Ihe R-poh. lican ideaa Brc right, lel us try Ihrm thnr onghly and boneatly. X? paltcring. m> trirk i>i-y. ii-) baJf-way mea-uret* * when Uepnblii-am. aro guiBg t<> govern this ronniry le; them be Kepublieana, md badly dilnteil, bul idraighi. Thu* and thus only ahall we ever learfl from rxperience what thc pnliiy whieh llepulduana favor really moans, and whai merit* il ha.**." Th<* people have a l-elter op|a?rinniiy nt** to choo-to between ti,-- t'.\>. partie* tban Ihey have ever had aini-e ihe war. Thc Ih-mwratii' party ha*- beefl gmdtially .hufHiflj* <>?'* *'* dread ,,f l')en. >.-raii<- idoa- and '.elief-*. aml in ****** nf |h? f'onsr?*s-.i'-iia! di*tii?t? -K-uarely ipi-wes thc pri.firtinn of .\ni.'iiniii iiidu-tri - aviiii-t foreign coaipetition. and ihe pmicrti'-n nl Ainerimn vnter* agaiiisl f* nnd rrinte. What the party h;in ;i!l lln* tiine wanicd nr he lieved. m the main. il n?*w ha** Ibe manh.I t:, aay in a good mafly plae -? **i* ihe otht band. Ri'publican*. m. longer sariilire all liu-ii prtui-iplcfl and parl of their -r,.n_ii, in a **??*<*? |<-._ effort lo Hlrh the favor of m< n who are neither one Ihing nor thc other. Repul li? ui |.m bom Ir aa t-. Ibe line and lel* ihe .hin* Hy. 11 a man rej< > :s it- piinriph-* m-budj triefl to I. cp iiiin in niiw-lroni** i-'iini-nny. .*? . to-day ihe people ?'-ni vote f<?r a li publiran taudidate wilh a ecriainly lhal be will noi !?? hall a Democrat, and for a l>-in.?. iatie tan* ?liilate with boibc ronfldenf*- thal he will md hn a ?*tariff .? : ,im'-i" al ihe ln- nml u V**?*?? Tiader at heait. Wiu.l iii ? |?- |>le a,inall. ?vanl aad *<?**? I ?"* Iht.v hi\?' ;i > '? ? ' ' get. That T-i'itfl all hmicsi vnl? i-. *" au.*-* il ],-nr.-.n i!i ? imwer <>f ihe m i" t.i? ...:???* wh"' liv ? I'.v i a;:!i': wilh both pi.': ?*. m l>.- ? ".* * inj* viit ;* "1 l'??th. Ii ofl ???-'' Ih'1 rmiiitiy an <*t \k *,f i rinriplei aail i>f S.ninnal welfare. . n whirh vnl i* ,-.-in divid**. II Ih" Nali<m w:.:U* <-|,-,ii-nis ,'.'ini ?'! i v Inn.',* >?f *?*<*'? '.*', ? * ?? little j.,l;"i'" balloti. nnd I * t'i" -.hotj-nn. il ?nj?!il iu go l).'ii,? i-.ri:- iiiilil piaelii -il ? |"-ii ui,.' cninjiel- if to di*rard lh<* I '? n. i ?' party. li ii wanl-* pmi fii ,n <>f 1 "ni<- indii ii-i**-; it nughl t., have reavi.-il. ?? :.-- u n? ? tba. ?;? publican virtori*'* "ill ? i '?'? :' ;" ? ??'? m.i l.y praeli.-..l i*> ].**i i- n* ?? v ic.t h II pi <? tion really ncan-*. the xriiirir niSTRH i The R.'p.iblicaiifl ?f llie WTIIih r.-np- - si,,iial I>i-(rt* t >,t tiim -lal ? li;i\" l in'!.i n il?'d Jnhn A.'nb.i*.h. N?? < lh?"i .andidale ua* ineiit',,ii,'>l :n i***' M.n\e.ii..iii nv. r wl ? li tl,,. \f*t-:-f. . laitiii I. Tnwii*. ml pn-i'l. -I and the unaniuiil.- wilh ubi.h th" iiie:iii.e.?. <,i ih. ii ;i\ '?:.;?<,:i m.|i|_*rt?'d hini m ' - .' ?? I "I'i whirh he ha.* ii),"ii tbe i ..,'. Ivh " ol I'i' IJ ' publican-. <-f ihe di*,ni?-i. Mr. *>*????? '??? **--<-^** i-nurxe as a ( ungn ->innn h:n bi? n eniii \* creditalde. Il< ua*. si-rved hi* ???/ii*ti?.i-*iii.* with iji'lu-t.v. i.dclilj and ifliri?*my. and ?*>'????? uiie "*imh| t.iin de*-*rv.?? aii"lb*"r, he i.* i*?*li cntilled t?. a rf?el -riinfl. jStiil, i: i- well t" beai in ini'id li???u. now nn to tiie 4th "I N'lV.'inix-i il," Wll lll. i* one ni' th<* l.'niigrcsfliunal di-triri.-i whieh .... eraor lliTl ai.d tho other lietiiM-ratii: hader*. <*iunt ii|u>ii trarryins. "Th*1 Albany Auiu* ! pr-fted Mr. Qiiaekenbu.b'H nnii.inalion wilh Ihe as1- rn "ii lhal he uniild I.e iiiiiibl" t i nvi-r !,.,>,)? "a llenMMTntie plinlil.v <>i over l.."iiiii , ,- -i at iho lasl Slate <?'"? ii,,ii." and dnubile.*.* i id !. "Kd" Murphy aml Ihe .??.( lak. a j.'???d deal "f mmfirl tront ihnw lij-iir.' ? Ihn iie;. I ,,,.,?! i.. if imi her ibe Republicaii*. ,>f Ren>*aela?*r ! ;in<l Wa-ihinglna. Two year* ap, t!i-y I Mr. y.'ii'k. iil.iinh l>.\ a plunlity <>! nearly, aml Ihey Mill l':.v iho vnl.?? t?i nend biin batfc h.v an tipially euipbali.' li^"n<"- The ,).-n ? t :ati" pbirality ?,l iwr l,r?BB i.f v.'.i-li "Tho Ai'.'ii.'' ni-.-Tiks in a nhain. 1' i notnriniifl thal Ihe llenw.. :.,* ?,l Ihe <im tr;.t in qnefllinfl were largely indel.Ud I'u ilr MM-c/ns whieh Ihey aehioved at Ihe iwlln IiiaI h.ll to wholesalfl frandfl u|,.>ii Iho ballut-box. The Seal in Ihe Senate fnr l.i.W"*olaer aml Wanliiiipti'ii wiis Bwanled t<> n l>eainrrat, hul ihe Republiean mntefllanl pre*-'Bte?l u mm*- "f evi.lence befnre the Commiltec on Rleeiinan whirh must have madn every repuiable D"in miai in Troy blu?h f..| hi* party, MBre it proved inci.ntes' that the Tndafl Hoinoe racy und-**f its prenenl manaaeinenl is m?l aflbamed to miaiaioa lo it* Bfl?i*4ian ??* tm Kbf tion l>ay repeaten, ballot-lM? Ktuffew ai 1 ratcally ia?pector_. H th" fmids of Itwl year wcrc to he repcated then .Mi. QiUK-keabu'di mipht well des|,air of siu-ccs-. Hut they raa ii,,t be repeatedi u.t if our fiieiul* thmughoul th** district, Biore e?peciallj in Troy, are vigi laat aad reiolate, and if tbey aee t.i ii thal ihe Hallot.Ref.inB law i* f.illy and faithfully excciitcl. That tiie XVIIIlh Dislrii 1 ill its nuiina] COB diti >n is i* geaerally admilted. A? a rulc, when the Republi'-am* have l"*t it. il was easy to flefl thaf tlu* .'uarn-ls nf their irWfl iai'tion-j rather than I?cni<>craii<- voies bad proved loo Btneb fnr them. They rannol I.?? beaten when they all stand tngetber aud niahe the best tipht whidi they lumw how to make. The Repiiblicaiis of thc rest of Ibe State <\ pect their brethrcn in Rcnsscltcr and Waflb* iagtoa U> kecp tho dintrict where it now is aaid where it rij-liifullv ...lnns.-in tl.e Republican t'lilllllill. POLICJES M'T TO HE DIFOBCEDn The iii.<;r|.<..-iti..ii of tho Aldrlch amend inriit ifl ihr. Tariff Mll haa licea a sur ,?,.,. |o ihe I'.i.uui'iti'' pr?->*- f*?BttiBR OBl .?? mniitha i.r." "i'i' the fiii.tKtii* M~ii~iptioB lhai .-cntiiv WaiBe wt* a I'""''1 TtBdcr, aad ,hat ni* iTiiir-uiiv propoaal* wcrc ini-.m''-. jl.le with thc piindplea ?f thc Mckinlej l-.ll. ,hni p'-x- hn l..'.'n pl.aling over the pi-u?r*cc1 ?, j;,.,:.:,!,,;,,, .li.., .i-i....... The oravciaiofl al tho tariff ...honi" int" ? rc-ipnwitj inc~.ui" ,?i'.?<iviii- Secretarj Bfatine'a leadina. pro .,, mU ia a Rrictniw di-RppointmeBt of parti-BB I,,,,,,-.. ];.-, ;,,.?,.iiv an?l l-mte-iioB itro fa~ed iMMahi-mngcnc.r.i.y whleh the PrtBidenl i;i,l .-. ivirt'.v lllaine on orr- hand an-l <**P ?''r Ij.-ihI aml Mr. MrKinley ?.n thc other ran wm rJ.tiMttl*. uniie in ?iippoitiBt_. The Tarill bill with i.i~ Aldrieh ameBdmeBl nBnrn ;i i~im- for harmoBiiaw aeli.m nn ihc parl ol BB?t?l Re piil.lic-i.nixii.. Thia reaull ia vlewctl wiih rli~ iM.-,v i,v oBCBiiea ol Prole*rtion. They are maiiins dc-peratc effo_t< already lo aerure tho r,.j,-,ti?i|i ..I ih** iiiii.n.'liiH'iii and therebj to crcaie diiweriaioii in thc Rcjmldican party. -Ti?. Xcw-York Herald.*' for c_aiapte. r>ri? . furward Ihc arsitBieBl lhal the cllei-l ol ihe aiBOBdinciil i* t.. Iho Pre-ideBl jnUl ;1 lawmaker, -irH-e ii arnw him with power tn "anniil ;i law HdmittitiJ, rcrtaiti article- ft*;'' and aiil'-liiiil i ""'? ?"!' '-"?- diiiifa.'* Thia. h ,.,'ii'inlx. i. iini..B.?titiilioiBil, -ii"'' bo !"-i* latiro |M.wrt_ are rt-~t..l ifl fhfl l*r_>idcJlt. -I!i_ -iutv." ir add~, *-w to ?*?- lhal ?<-'?- ?*?* ,,.;;!'. |,v (' .ii :n'xx ;ii" ..** ... utr.l : it i** n?> 1< make ihein hin.self." ar^iiBicBl i> on.i whirh ih.' Ik-mwraty ??ill " la. rr?'-'t airc*~ in ih.< h.-po -f de ;,-,.,??-' ih-- .M'liiili am iiilmeiil und impairinj. i:?I-it!.lir_-tii '.i.TTv. It ix a falla, ..?'i~ |ilea fer liu. >;.n iit) Ixhal Ihe t .crt-i.f dia ,.,-,. |,?i;-.:v (Nitvei iu ext-iiltB3 ? ?"?*- ***_-? ,,,ii\, it ih' K_eeiiilve into a la-vmnkvr. 'J he nmcn.IiHPiii pniviiit - rjiai imilt-r e *nditi.*n~ ol fair and r-piiialdf reriprocity ret-.iin |in~l.i4.*i Khr.ll l-i admiti .1 rrce. an?l lhal witlwnii t". ,,,;?!.,i??s a liM-.l arheilBla of diitiir. t*hall be impmictl. Vonttri** 'T.a.i* ?bc law for n freo markei for Soiithern piodii.ts tvhrn ABienean l.readuMiff*. aro reeoived in evhans-- on ravor ,!!.- i,',-,-,.. an.l i.inih.'i law f*.r th- imp Mtion ,,f iintii'- wi,. 11 I.. i|.i.'i it.v is ii .1 offered in re ,,.,.?. Tho I'ic.i.i.i't ix armed with a larjte .Jisirelion in Ihe ?e.-nii.iB of thesc alt??m?tive ],,v<. Ilnl rhi-ther *"v'i|'- ,",T''*, :,n'1 ?':'l'-s lonid im.. a liv mark-i or i.i" Mibj..! to ,1,,1.,'x i'M-l iii n-laliatiofl for n'-'l rl on Ihc ,,,,( nf .?; -'ii'inni l?1r* l ' t lb*' fivor ihc I---1 uiivc _._.ill n -i bc in any i? al .,?-,?' .i kitvinul.-r. II- ? iH " ?'>' ' "?' ;"' ??,!,., |.n --riMrd ...iiditi-n* lav.s ~an.uon.-l |? , ,,? -i.-x; an i lhal ii ii.i:ni.\ is ih- snpRtne !'\. ,?,.*.? iiiib-i lb- ? 'Mit'ili-B. |;.-;,;;i.:,, ni li-idi-i- 11. ?""Urtr. ? ,,i;l '"'; ' " ,i,, iv.-d bi ihi >" < -ii ii'o'i na! * ,?'.:-.!? ad vani-ed bt Kr..' Tiado joiirnaN. The Tariff l,-;il wiih f -? l;-? ipr ?? .'v \ia-ndin* m \* 'l j i,',,,,,..,;,. m.. .:.-.x...-. nhiih unil- lb ,;?:v and-nabb-ii t * f-..<- ?-? KfiM ;?-?-? m ?!.? .\.,v- ni'" i- ? :in.i.._-*n wiih the biiuht-:-! |.i - , L.,^4 nf R.hi-tin^ an "? ?" I--'li:l1'- ?''" **"?*'' ! ;., .,,.,-i m i.f limii- iiidn-tri. * an.l .-. , ?f f,.,-".'i. tiui'- i- I-.* '":"" " :;''1 ''"? ?*?'? .,.' ;,',,, Hl . ! ll.-'Ml" ? i '! I'r"- '" ,:i ' " ?' j ,,.mpr.h"n-iv- *? n.-ii.i* l-'li-y ?" *"'; ' :'' :1 ,.,,, '.. M.?i.i . ?!,'.. mi :.. ii.i! mnuin r. i.ii I,,,!,... hav- b..*n adv.H-alinB ?*?*- M?Kin5**.i bill and ??.iT.taij l-l-iiis*--- n-ripi '??.- I' - i,,,x;,is w,th mual eiithiwiaam. Th- two p.-i |r|*, nrr n*.w n:H irally anl h-.i-nPy cnibined i? ||,.- T.i;:ff bi!! a- il ha? ,,, - .1 lb- *??-."? Thi. i!"':i"i rr/ 'I l?. ni' ' ".v ""?' '?' "'"* ' ;\. I div I-'' '? I'i" VV! ,,; v ilir '?!!? iri.v V..llt.. R! I iHl-B <i""'' ''" ,. ?- -j ,. j?|, , ,i. n! ;i unil <i a-?! hariii'.ni'-ii. ;,,.. v, ,.,;. -v >ii . ?? tt* I wtihiB ii* I, ,,-i, in N'lt.ii. -r. r.-,'.:i- H-" ''?'" l?? I- ?? ;,;-x nl, -l. I !" I,'i*l ?" '. I ' I /?/ AVi' /-(/-' ? > J' "' <r/'"'r -;,,,;.-, li. .:. iii r* ? .:i:w -?' I'"'1 ^'?'l ?'" ,,???..-. , -:i,.- ?: ui?i? iii li." II o.i'*.*. '''?? ,i,i,,, i ? " lli-'bw.iv i-.l.i-.-i: iii tiui" iia- i.ii . : : ... ;':.v lan ni ha* ll l. ?-??.* <? ., , - . ,IM | ibli, - 'liliM-iit pl' V.iril'i'.' ,. , , ,.,., iim, i? .-. will !?'.' i do ihiit." ... .: .,. t:.i- . x.,,:- nl Itiiil'.l illld ' ' I" i.ji ,;, ,.n th "ir: "i Ih. ntaj'.iili ;..,i., |... . .?-,: ,? i ii, d"!ib, r.iL- \vn-i-- i.f ;,,.,,. ,?| t ,,? |, ut .,i ih- iniiloriiv .llll ij.ii ,;,.? - . ? | ?:,.- ].,.,.::..- raiuml |i il.a;-. b?< , , ?.. | , |, - - . -- jiitl.lii i.piui :i i- poucrfiill.*. s ., ,|, \- |l?. ..||,| .lf ll," x, -;,,||. wll-ll ,., *?< ,,t' tl,.- Ii irhi-.l ii'-:' 'iiaii.' ? ai'1 I'i b< i ? | ,,.? n, I" in." tali. I.'.'-I--I'- hai ' x,ii.-,?.-.I ,] ... ., ; -,-_' |,.|>i. ;:it'\" I.n- ii?" ? f'?r Ihr >> ?? '. ,|,l.ll-'- -"li'l Lt ll~b,i. Illt.-I*\xt>. ] -,.,- ,- :ni al - ni- "- 11.a _? hra .' i.iiilribiit<-| ., ||,, ?? .i|,-i-i..; ri.'l a. ?i:ii.-lifi.v vip-l-lll- '*( ,, .,. will I.a* " t ? I- ii i'l" I - x . ? i" Ihf Rl :,;,,! . ,, ? i.f ll.i iii-ii 'iii.v xi, ax t , vii-iin- a , || ., ;. i ;,' tl.. *?.' lk i.t Ih" Kt'-**. Hl i*. I*. !?" <?"'?" |,l : .1. 'II... ,,,'iii'iv i- tl".i"ii-'ii!.' iii synipaibv wiih il, . |,i ,i, 'ii!" nl ''tli' ii'iii ntiji lit.v riib- in tl,. ||..i...'. Th- |;<'|iob|ii.iii li-.i?.< i- hav. maiid.d |.i'.!ic n ~|~.'*i by iln Unii'i.-imiiB-l aml i,...liit.' ln',ii iu-', in iini.'Bdiini ih?? rultt ainl rsii-iiitatini! Ii"-'!xl.iii. n. li ih' x. x,|,.ii t |i,-'. wiih ;i 1'iii'wrl nl ulmtt.ii.ioii i.i- ii*"* ihoy will |,i< pi<|i|ii-i| ni pr .1 ? I'liii-' v i/"f..-.i l.v ii.'iiuixi " j.. ny lan-eny" "- well ax " lu_'!r..i\ i^i.l.'-i.* ,,| iim..." L-i ih* ni rall in Ih- iibM-nt.-'s and ,,,;;, ninit- Ih-ir f< ri <?-. an I ' ) will im i,, .. |i.nnl r.i nn. < ni'.i-- v*.i i t'l.'Ir aHlit.v ? , ab.n ? I./. .Isati*. ? ii li-aiti. an I lo rcton* ihi- f-fii. '?!'. v i.f th" l.r'i'i ilsini: |..u.i-. hat! nhirh in-- ii'.w r.;i-i..l iii f:i -'ihi- <!? ' ;t' ?'* ovei i.|i*i-ti.iii cn ni" ix aml in fri'.i'l ni* and inixc-ti, Iv ni, .t;in -tivi- b; | 'iv **., niil .tiflii " I"!' ih" .|:xiii--i .ti ol billr. nhii'h have iia-* -I Ihe S*'H ,..:,- and Rr*' awailinj. ai-tion bt Iln Iimi*-. '|-'h,.|,. -,ii ? ihe .hi|*pinu liill*?, a* an i,,,-i, uhii'ti xii|i|.l-in. iu iln Taiiff I ill mid in iiii.H itv, and lojiimlly i.nnpl.'ie llt** work nl Ihe I'iin Am-rii iii Collferi'llii' Tlieae. un-:,! S,li<?iial im "i.t."- x. ,.),;, h are i***.-*'iilial lo tl,. 11 ? ---?'? j ? 111?- * 11 i.f ihe c\|i'.it irad , '"in li" .dit'ti no and |Ki~~"d il Ih- llepnbliran leadera will make ;t linal di*play ol eneri;.. and ax-t-n ihe n-ht uf thc liinimiiv t i .niiir.l and diarmteh t liu I.u -iu* --. of Ihe lli.iixi-. " Ih-tiv larreny of lilii*'"' oilf-'hl imi ti be of any avml in ront paaainB their d-feat. ////: COU.AR AXII TUE OUHE. Ani' n.; Ih'" rn hi' vi'iii,'his nf bvientiH*' 1 <-s.v.r.'li jii l.l- vi'iis. iiii iin|i,,rt ml |il',i- iiiiibl Iic- ^j*,u t.i ilif work iu i i-t.ii'-iiiui-.i i.v "Tlie lii*_pi?tl <;?/f'tl<'," of vviiii li ,i i,'|iiirt h;,s Ihm-ii iiuhIi- public, This invof-tii'iiii'iii war, rtirr-'U.I t'lvuril ~r1ermln. |?a the relatlnnahip, ethicttl, paycldral, iiiiv.i ulogiral aml phyainnnomieal, th,,t i-\i.ts betwa-en tl,.- iimi*- and hia eullar, an?l its rr.ulix. m rar ai ilis,rl.i.c-ii, ara of irally atirtliua Int.-rr-t. lliili-i tii il haa hi'i'ti j..-rn r;iiIv Mi|ip~sr.l Ihat Ibe eullur nxirt* lic-iniis.' i-l the fl mii-; tliat ii ix niaile f ? ? i liiui to;, IH*e thc rrxl ribl.un b_ tlie l~"_ioii ,,[ li.r, ni' iln' hn.i* in <i p.i-; dn-'s t ul, ,t Ib vni.ii.iaiily iis-iiiiH 'I '..v liim aa ;i badfte <.f ii.s.iin iimi. an nuttvard and vikible .i?n nf an itiw.inl a:nl imi'. < ih- ?r.i/**. There wrere many *f*raaoi*a lor thiakinfl thal thia was thc ru.M*, Imt U'l- result of "'-.ic fia-Bttr**!"1 rr~K-ai_hea ?lis prcvoB tliom nll. Thc theory "Jblcb ib now advanted, aad whlch ,b .uppurted Ly a convincing array of faots. u thfl very of tbis. Thc collar docs not. oxist heeauM of tl.e dude, but thc dade MttatB hfcau-e of tho collar; and if thcrc bg any badffl l,?.ine-_ Ifl the eat*. it, is thc dnd,* that b thc hailge of the collar. It has heen in.lispntal.l.v e_ ttihiixbed that tho v/c:.ri.i_ oi fliiflh a collar in inr-iuhly atten.ied hy ? train of ooii_e*peaeM W| Ich are flflfl-U re.*.*i.ni_ed as the aympioui* of <i.i.ii_i.ii..-. Thc farc *??**** oavei-d with ***** p,..- the eyes prow week and watery and tout oh a vaoi.ous itaic; ihe ***** Up droop. BabhU-/, an.l tbe voice hicnnies ciTeuiinate and drawlni.. Tl,.- ?roffK-fl "f theflfl cniditionb is more or lew r.pi,; aeeoidiiia '" thc mifltlng ****** of the irictim. but i? lime evea the m-st rohuil ****** n?,'fl'<nni*. Xalnrally, ****** nnd poav.lcr nr-* re _>rie,1 to, to Iddfl tho pimples: a nionock* ihlebls ?,,o of tho atUaj eyea, ?* ******** ***'* a M*Q' hcad are uscd to cork up tl.e hal.-opcfl month. ?uil Iho work of the collar if* eotuploio it Rppea-r-i theiefora, thal th,' harfl*friaahen are mpoBktble for the ourbMH anthroBolnBtcal phoimnioi,:, of Ibe |>ast fow years. 1*.\ letling loo*** thi-*- fatal eollarfl, thoy havo areated and bbmb t:,-io.l tho nenerallon oi dudea. That. it, h.,s hrra t? their own protit lt is oasil.v to he ***** lipved, flnd thal wcl is wiBleient t? neemuit l?r Ihe whole misiness. It may l*e a law n utrainb-B llw- froai rellinB ***.* **?'?*' dudc-pcu .luring collara wuuH be objeeted tn aa fluniptHnry h'gialation. *'"t >" **** U.h' <** "The Gu?**** revflailona, m. appeal to tbeit humanity riwald ,,?, 1,0 naavailina. II hi aa ol.l proverb tiial H lake- Bitw lailor- ti* make ? man. Mu?t it al*. heeome * provrrh lhan one* haberdflflhet can ***** ,1 th-hi -.imi dudea? It wns kooJ liek. nol -rood Bjajiaf-ment. whieh n,a,.,| the puflfleniterfl on tbe ->r_ey lity hi.e.-t-.-ar whieh wi? run Into by ?*? IVniwyUrania tollroad train on Sun lay ni-ht. Fi.rturiately rhe elevation ,., ;!,.. iVnpsylvnnia'M Irnrkfl will M**.n remler a ropeiitiou ?f Mtirr. an aeeideBl at Ihat p?.int Im IwmiI.i.; Imi n.or- ?re many iither like ilanaeroii** places in Jeraey ? nv. afl Ibere louni nl i.****y l^ wherever rallway and tfreet-car traekfl eroflfl nl ;-ra,io. When do the other rallrofldfl whieh , ..? f,.o -tv.-st M'io ef tbe North River pm ,?,so t? fullow tho _?o,i rxample hoi by the IVna n>i\.,,i.i Company. Aeeordina t? "Thfl Albany Tim,-" Governor Mill si.-iiol llie hallot-roform hill " vi.lnniarily." 0 yos, voluntnrily. but nol rheerfully-wlth no irnrli keen delisht* for rxample, as that whieh il...?ls lus hmtoni wbea he itabfl n higli-liccnje nie;i_,nre with his Bttle veto pon. "Tl,r fanal Proteetive I'nlon" ehargefl ??r.illv" Sheehan, tbe Demorratw Inuler in llie 1 st Aflneinbly, wh'-fl" repatntinn wa" ?*'? h""'v datna_.ed i,v thfl Awenibly rellinB lnvefltl_ation, raiwed tlie ,,??,..V,1 ,,l tli,* ltiifT.--.-0 (.,n,l (',,II",-?!S 1', an i,:.',,iiaotii.'iit plaee, "not to ln ni-.y-.vi_o benelit Hie ,.,:,.,! -,r ,Tn eoBimerrr, ?>m. flimply and aolcly .,. inntrr and |,r .iii"t?* Ihe l?i!"*i.-et_? "f a ninijle m.Iimi.i, kept and nianam-il by one John V. Malone." V.'ell, ?:>,i ?f ?*'? ?'bal iu llie ift'orld i* ?> i?"H ,., ian like Sbrrban c?o*l I*'l ll <?*<* *? **'?><*?*' t1""--'* i-iinifonable f". s^1""' Bi< per-:' li.s eonrt*e nu |,..!i I.i oi:no .!i-ii..>."ntr.,i.'-. lhal tbe r uu powcx , ,.ii count ujion him rvery ti'!,r. - ? - H y,vi w.irit t. *?!?'?. y??.ir -:!* fraraefl eicely ;; Vntl btvt *'* ???- is I" WB*h ihem in l*4"?*r. >,, s.,.^ ?? |'||(. S !>??'.?;' A':.,'i :?'ni '" Thankli, l?it v,,,;,"-? ibe I'rdiil ni'.u aun-admenl in adopted, v. Iben? -? This ln.. ,**,- a we.k of p*ilnful vieMl.ulefl ,. r || ,. ili-ni... >.??? I I .?-.,"' I ' " ? W irl' I'''*'.:"': it*' :. .... -,; , |1 | |.| : .- II I, j-:..- I'T Mt'llfl of l.'I'" ?' , ,? ,,,,,;, ,., M ii . uii.1 , ,. ll ?? linpainuiMil nl .: ,. < .?. ,.;n ,-.-! .i- Thr rie**ii?ii revr-nlH :i . ;.. i |. r'. I . I i ? l'r.... .fm, and Ibr Sp.akiT, _. k... ,,| , ? , .., ?.. ?! ??... .i .",'1 pro,>,:,!',r,'!\ kiiio I ' M maM ,.ri,,i,.,- , iii return t" Waahinstou ln ,.,!,,,,,!,. Tb? Tariff Wll, whieh ilurina Ihe _,,- *.r pnn "f ihr ve.i ll.-ni.H-r.tic pariuautt lww : ?.|., i. ... ...,l. ,1 \f .1*1 I.'-v.T r-' *l*o ihe l.| ,,.'.-. ,| ,.t tl.- S '?*. him '*'??!' fldoptnl 1 ... pr... im. wi,, ii ih." ******* unfortuiiflte Biaipl'Ufl ? ,. . ,.;,,| j,h .? ,-n.i' Ibal ?'...lld -*-i''." Ihe ,',- m ; lf. \v:,n ?-ii,l.i ... Ih- 1 .ntl B-eawiP , . .Ir lb. A!dri.h i.n." dnii-nl. Tih- i:?-|i ****'*-*** ,. ? . ,. ??.?-.| nnd vi.-l..ri*. .?. Tbe Hemi-i-rai-y .,.,'|,.,:: (.. I..I- all !?>*" >''ir ,:i '?*'' *' '"^ "' I . II.-a ll' -,"? ?I ncv.r u*V*t P'.i'.'i'-s at th'-v aBrienlltiral ,..,,- | ..-.iv t.ilk ...ri- ? S.. l.nv,ril..I II.'I |s ?.p.,ri.*d ..s itavinB. I? !? :* i'"' ***** '"" ''"'" ??, c-ihitiii an ."I'.al reicacl t"r the pr..prieiu'*4 ,? !.__, ?.".,,,....s i? fhe l.-vslinito . Slati' ., |a.r ,,.,? i.itfliy oiin'lt t., tr,-.: nf n, II mu o\ ,.;,, _..._. .?,i'.-? -I _???"'-: *?*?***? i"*"^1 |tm ii,,. i2nvrrii.*r n* ?*er hrflitatrti l?. im-'ri ",.. ,,i hia Klmira niuuip ?pee?"h..? into Um' ****** *** n i|nr -itnoiit. _ Tbe IVnu-eraey ifl rnpablr n. makina pr,,.:r,*ns .l,.r tho Ktinuli'ifl "f ? poHerful eye ..pener. >**?? .,,. m?ril,?3 ,.( Ihe Maine ek-.ti?-n mi* ?f *** .I,ng iiniuiH anu-unred lhal H* **p*-aker roidd ,,]..- >?. ,?!.-. f.-,l by fn.i'la, whieh a rViaoeralii! ll',. ,.,. -,,. ||.| une.irlh, aml tbal hw Mitl w.?ul?l l-e eont-*lel. iHi Ila* ni?min? nller ll?. rle*tn.n n lerl?l> ery nf fratiil uri.l hrih-T.V ***** , ._..| Tweiitt bouni flfterwanl tbe full Mri-iif o( Ml Keedfl nverwllelral.m plur.ilHi **?* .?.,,.,.,,,,..,1 Tbe S;,.'.,i..'r Wil 1 .r.lll.V ??""-""' i,,.,i ?,,?? l,i? vietory, mi I 'll Ihm.i BB-rwiina |.?H pvenita 1?.--.!-?.?'? ?*"'???.hM*eHe4le.|, va, apparenllv al-indmie.1. It taBe? lime. Imi ,,,. ?,.,.??., ,,v -^..s ilirre- al bal. r,*,l in tbr : ... aml wilh its lon/ue in ita eheek. ? ? ? \ urit.T in nae ,.i llie mav./in??* Inquirefl, "Tan .?!,. u. iiiamil.ictiired"" ll i* nndeml.I tlml p,.,ti?-r .,i llie "Kiddniakera*' |u?i arrealeil bj ins'H-, tnr Hyrnea'a men will he Invitrd t., roply .., ihe .,,,.-.11,-11. __ ^ ___ T!,o I'rpfliilent'fl power nf ni|?pendinK fn*e Im ,?,,,niniis from a .",-?" emintry will i?>t *** ?>rr:.t.-r ?i:<lor tt* Aldrieb lhan hifl pior.._:iMvr ln neaotiate a owmnieretal trvaly. Sueh a irealy w*mW rr*.|.iire Ihe ?f Uie Senatr and pr_i*litiilly ol .!,.? Iloiiw a!.*". flfl ** irvi'iiia- liM'.'n'iio. Il1* iiiapeiudve vet*i <,t :i free iimrkel r,,oi\,-- iu advanei* thr wneiion ?,f "'"ii L-reas. It ,s virtiialty ?* reittllotory funclinu **?***?* whieh .\i,,,'i'i.-aii I'l-miIoiu.* have fn**|iH-ntly heen :ii?n-,l. It. ,1.,-s not ilnifl'i i-.nnonti.ill.v from f. >? ?liaeretlonary power \*i'h whie.h the E\ei*utiv? \\:i> v.-i '.I uii'l.-r tho Krtaliation Aet paaaed by Ihe last (jflUgreflfl with n-loiom*- ... ('.uii.iii. FEBSOSAL. Thfl Be**. Br. ****'? *** Baln*f"Pl. rr-.-.-,i ,,f >t. .irr.r_--n ,,, in Uil- .-itv, who li.m Ip.-oi, uneudlnfl Ihe .nin mrr ai Nwthamiumi, l.. l . I? rep*irtcd t>. b? _r>'.itly in,| i-iived ln i,.'.i!iJi-_ M. Al|.tn?inH l?,>i,1,-t. thfl hMKNM Froi? ti novrli.t. 1* iiowr quilfl rerovered fr?flu I.i* reeowl lllne**, .ui<l l> i,ii-iiv i-ii^'HU'i-rt ,?, a floiv iiov.-i a-t \acii an :. play, Um littor Im mi; c.t.Tiiil',1 Ior ih,' ..yiimano. T|ie:itit\ lll tlir- f,rtl? tiliiliii; *v,,rk ol frmii tlf |MMI Iflf Ihfl aulhor "f " r-.tpi.".'' nf ***** ntlier po|**il-i' |.l.s. Ihi) nlK'Vl'.ll "1 (ll\,,!'.,? wlll ln* iilialwril iii:i| ,li \,-|,,|,-'fl|. fl'n|K-, li*M> n. Itn |.-l.itl,,ii- ||l th*' nl.IM.lo4l i*f'iiat,, iil paran.fl arlai aave iMsen M*|Nr?ieil lii r? litv. M. flinilfl't i- n,w il, iu-. Iii'.iiiliriil Mll:, at , i,.,,i,,,,-"-,*. h innii, K-treat on tlm banka nf tho m*i.,,?. nt'iir I'orhell. Ily thr will Bf lli." late Mr*. Braarefl Hr,,?'i,f>ll II,>l i.ii.ii, oi liHi.foiii, .'onn., ti? ??, ,,( i* iit* vN.'ii tn Mu. propo-ed Rpl-nipal ralbfldral of il.i- rlty. Ml-. lli,II:,i,,l aaa- B 'l:iii|il:U'r i,I limliup li,,,w,,,'ll. Thfl UouatflBfl ,,f AberBflfla, ?fho rotitributfld *o mueh t,i the I,i,|,>ll:i,itV ,.f 1,,-r llll l,i,i?l'a viio |,.y:ill>- nf ln?l:u,rl fllurliii! tl|r Iflfll artniiiil-t.:ifl:,ii ,,f Mr. lilfld nl.,,,1', I* tfl* Ihtiiiiio un fltfiliir. A 1,,-w pi'iinv luontlily i,lagasMfl, for y,>iiii|t wihiioii aud in,iili,.i-, |. to bfl brouKhl ont at Ihfl *U* of tha year nmlor tha nu spin-i nf tha Hflflflln llmiflfl Asnt-iiitimi, vhleb l,_. n,,*v i;iii\tll Ifl -ikIi nll.ieiinliiiM ?. tn |*t*?*B un >>i K.'i.l Of lls .ii n, iind Iha .,.,.ntenn, ?ho |? preiMenl uf thfl a*oi i Ulicn. aalll .'illt It. Kh" l,an *ili-?-iily many pro ilse* nf mipport from l.or llioimv frloml*. Thfl <'"in to.s la avi'il knowu ln thi* ii-mitiy, ulileli hlm vUllad two ye?rfl flf***. l"<lont K. N. Pnttor, of llol-art OaUflflJfl, <ienev_. N. Y.( bai beoa tfillvorlns flcroioaii aai _i_i-fl??c- ai Advorate BflfBBt of tbo CJinrch I'niversity Board ot Rogei.t-. ?All wl.o are fortunat- enongh to partalic of thc ho-ritalltr nf Mr. and Mrs. ******** *""?"* Cuha_-_t." -fly* -"Tho Rostou Her-W." u****** *h?ti ? ls om fll the happle-t and rnont ******** ******** .lon* tho sjouth -"-horo. Mr. Jfl-Bfa. Andcrson. Marj- An ?r_ir7_-u-J_r^|*r^^S S_r_aS_._5? ,__3_S_s* untll Ihe latter??rt fll Or.iobcr, and pcrhapa .tlll later. Tho Rev. Uabrld truinpbeU. D. D.. of HBbmw. N H has bflflfl ***** I't-.fe.sor ol Kvidenrc- of Um*,* tlanity ln i-artnioutli L'oUflB*. Tlio lato .fudpe OflOfflfl Wllllam Rrown. of ********** vaa- tho >onl of rourte_y and ******* ? * KM*d "[ hin. ihat when riilef ****** he ono day ***** *** ** eourt to UM sldewalk, where his rolored roiirhmaii ?aa aaaltlna Um. - ?__,? ***** **** ****** ***}"*' ?-I never t-hflB you lo Bo many ******* ****J**\**t\ '. littk party at Mr. Uoimpartc'e. , WIU J * ** ** a ,-?,,,i.*li t.. dr.vo ubout B o'clo-U und tflkfl me hinii-''' , PlCflMeat BT. A. Quaylo. of Baker ri.lver.lty. BaM win Kai... I* MM I" bo the younce.t roile_e pra-ldont ,? Um world. lle u_ "fn_l*-?t_l flflll ?** >cars tt?" and Ifl imt yet thlrty years of a_..-. Tm: TALK OF THE DA*. In an ont ?f tho way eorner of flU ont of the way u?nt?t, -mveyaN ****** a butterci tomb-iton,-. brarta* tha f'.ll.min- epIUph: ******** to Ihfl ****** of Kben llarv.'V. wbo departed Ihli Uffl ******** and un um.,iiy i,v a i'-.w kk-hlng hlm ".. tbe 14th of . epicm-fl.. !?&?. WflM done. ffuuB and falihful eer rant.* A rhli_o mllllonal-a ruptureB a bjnoi ******* ,li,,l white .,.:.-r.,ll.t.K- alth hl, ****^J^f**2*^ ..,,. ., l.m. n,i. .hould u-arh hu-4-urt". ? ?****** *?<?'**'? .,, . Tlw nilllloiialr-*.. funoffll ****% f,?r ti i..*. as ),;;ili, :,n\,i, aif?*. ,ii'.s-.i..,itei''s bill aawuttlflrt t -i..\,,.'-n.-,to-n ll,-i-.>ld. Club Joker-This Is a a_e: ?***?? v*'hrn *** f.'ll.iw ln propofllug lo a irli'l, she llke-. ium to put -t'tnln'* ln hlfl il,.-' latration. ..1,1 llardhcad-You wean ***** ***** **** arc n,,t ,n II :it nll. 1. 10-1*1 TCnU" slie> lnl" t" I'l't lli i,i, deriaratton. bul dollar?, aofl ptootjr of them. I tie-.pee.ea1 inil.i-refie-.-Tom.iiy (.iirpr>i:il|--Why. ,,,;,,. 1 ti?.u.l.t olifl >i.u?:iful "1 HMCM ?a* BlWBfa ??" 1,:.:,..f:;.,"i-:,'l:::r,.L -. a r_.t*_-r_i.t. .,.? -_*->. Tflka all tiio ?ui__r rou w,,i:t-><'n'?__' rrlbune. T,.:k Blmni you. politieal pr?pbet*, therfl l? Colonel Ahrii Mefliir** f">- v'li,, who piv-iirt/d that - .p-.-ikor Beed'fl majority won. bt balf. a?d probably not a iliiiirter. uf llifl _,J,*0 rt. eived ta*,* yais u,-.." The f:i,i.?i<s ?f Bmrland. Francc. liennaay fln4 llollautl pn-duee ahoul 77.<hh.. ..k, pln-. da'..jr. arwl ? ,,? , :,.,,,r,.'.v .,-!;.: ?? Wher- d'. t?-ey a.l u". 1" .??_}.""?? n.."i wlio nrc cniniiWd ln tlu* rourtiUK bu-jne*- *??> i'imI ? n-:u many of Ubem po to wal?_e-t>_nU_?wa liu.U.l. ln tiio eitv dlreetorjr nf Puboque are f"und thfl litmefl Lotisbody. I-intno, kor. I.onitbaekor. UmgRUB, Louahevl, i."iin-*-i>ray, lotigbetA nnd LuOffoot. The MNm? "f lle*t"-The KnUrhtfl >?f Ubor flfleai m hnvc h.*l ti-ii- Itinina i" thi- v.llic". and i,.,w lt N rii.ii -i-"l a new i.raanl__tloii b* Ij. ******?* *_? "... , ti.c - eom ,,f K-t '? Tbe pr'nelpal ruhj ?1 tho .,r,lei l that ??.? one rau_ht with por_pir?0."n up".. hl? **o* n|i.,!| l? flued ,i i.i-ni Pfl*P**r "f -m?kin_ lohaieq and u i-la. pipe f'>r iho ii o >'f all lli membei.. A <--n tlnii.-d re|K*iltl..n ,-f tt,- oBeuifl rcaulU m eapul-hm. -'U.iM' n .-*?'? *?* I'itifleU. - j.,..1.. Antila Kn.T.ey Ifl Waim-rlan," -Tivn "Thfl fl,;. um ,H Tmi' ? >' "flfl iip?*IUIig m-.i-aro is .,, i?. f..nn i m Waaner'i I'lc B'aOmre. lt fonui ti,e mo'lf "f tlw r.'?.',/:i:,i,,'r nwveRtentc, and B, rni.-h i'-,*:?l--n the wli-lo w*ene. lt la fl_> !?.,.., iv j ri.:, ii,-I.*. j,,-t a. thfl polnt "-h-ro .-,. gti.-it I'epi Into the lame. AirhouBh r**. .l-fliitfl*; .,. >.itIv fl-vrn coverhig ooa mea_orfl wnh ,,,i ? imte over, U i- exae.l> tha ni,n,.* a- th,? beglnntiiiC ,tf a,.,,.-. <".-.> i" ih- leropo. I. U hardly likelr lhal thn ttiilhi-r Of I.i'H'* An ,i" K.i"V ha> i-l.t.-i.iri/.'-d Inui W,.!:-r. ;,- II Ifl B.-uMful If bfl ?* lontly f.i'inl,:,. with ti?.- >'ii-;' of >h? 1 u.urc tu Le tbk to do ,1,1-.'' Pllt-iRTRM-f* QfKTI0?. Vouni. la-rieui he lia* mu, i, lo kflra. ,\, ,|. Ih<i,i-ll ll>**? r*--* 1 .,'."l -'I, II,. ., .;,. I., . vorytlii! . h- w-efl And |,"."t- and -.. ?**??**?** Ihat!* Tl?, ,./.. ihr lt.,- Uie *tl.h*. the fltouefl. I ?? li'H-*e. llie il.Ht. llie ' "t. '??>,.-. .-:; .,;.? ?.? :.?!?,. ?f t!?- w.rl.t \. .| ... '..? :t?..- -\\,>t'- t',:?t I" Vouofl *-!,.?:?;.-,? nit-. np'.n mv kne? Anu in ?,* knowkiue ba?ka; In mjf ..,?,,l-r,e,,t wl-il'.ni . i im ,r'i .i'.l !,- .i i ?? ii-- Hank. Ua* l.-iiii "i i--iT-'.i"- iprlnfi | r- lll J:-T h 'I ..,'ll Bl) Iflll '? - :..-.,! !?> tlw Mititalll Aml .i-'.- and :**b*: ?? \V..f? that ;* \v.' .,-?? .,11 slmrleni* larcer _row? W . , i-i, at ,th i I.l .??,,. ??>?'. A, ,j -, ? , ...,..-? |,l -.,v " wh.,,'- t' ;.l '.** \\ l,\ i*i-ti i'. tr,,- '." ,'? i.f. . Uiitin l*. fiifli:--- ii -.-'?-iv? IVe w >:i?l.: H....-I. ll.'Tfl al i I,.-. .-,. in ? rlddte "f I',- ? '.W kVc ..iity -..> . "V.:.,.'. ?? The -.1.-- > f Ihe -!?!":? world, | ;,. " !.. :- |.| l.-.'.t. \ll i : t ?,,,'.- -.**?>:'??,,''? '|>l--?l' '1 Itl Ih..? lll... ..,,'. , II .... ? >>. A niillioii \ ""i't- ?-???*?*'? i","i ***** *??*?'?**'. ?[*..-*? t, ., ,|-i ,., ii Ii ll eroal . Tl e* -l,"?t ln Hi I' nien-Uie* Aml i.til) .i-ii: '? '?*'??*I - Ihat 1* The mlittit* > rl .1 E "?- "t ??"? der* i. .ml Ut. Th ??*?** "f tl.e niil**????*. Will iM-ver ull '- t"l'l. Aud ll.-h H ? creat. eternal ye?r? We'ij ?. mid.-r nttirh ttm-*at, |*?i-ver nnd (-".'"'r ?*- : .... " tbat. whaf* that. whiit'** - - fi. Po** It, VankeA Blade. Tho .'her d.,v a r|?l_efl "T Roodmit. whlle walklns ,hr,.?t.?,, a pal< I. "I ******* *** >'-"P"*. f""'"? ?* Pull lali lhal nioflflured f-rt -. t-i.-ln linhe* ln rlreumfenMiee. Vu\ . i ,-', >:?*,? h:,t,f- I wU4, t?. ln-ert .m _?lve.t--e meu. ii, " I'he >|,.n,.:,H lin-1'." , '? rh *,' ? -'" -i 0?rv.?,,.'?? .. ? tlu* ?-'?>? : T.iv ffltih. a_d pn. t*i<ane M-..-.I- lll I ., -?" I 'I-I--' ? Vi .. .ir." ?? \.,| i ui ', *..,'.| tn, ' .no f,.r Ihe anm?rt f^r ** im,>iii, ,.,- - ?,. -i. ankee iii !?? ?? rhe <'hn-M.u, litMUlrer"' i-il- Ihi* "The ? ha rnia i ,.f h |luMIe llieellnu i- i*\\u led ,<? ?-" pl-a-ril phr_-.-fl uheli h- |!)I|.,?l,l,, - ih.-" *V: ? I ,'...' |i I'. \' -..:'.,',?.-. I.i,.-Iv ih',- wero pul'lle ni--iii,,i'...l ?> .u"'- on iie.'.Hinl nl ihe dealh of a hlithlv .-I?ni-'i . i'i--',. Th*' nsttt ,,f llie Ki'i-,.|,il i hureli had *??*".. invlh*i .., nffer pmyer, and ihe rhalrnian, h-*-lln : ll ln.-uml*?*ni nu hlm ,., ?:,, Iho L-rmefiil iliin.-, made ihi* :i,,>i,?n >'oi,,'*?t : ? ll?. a,,.!;. ? will now ini., .1,,- pk-aaur. of li-ienlii t,i a prnter t,y Ihe li-v. Dr. r.irv.' ' ?llnit: Throw up *,">,' l>,i,d<'* t.?,,iuted .ho Nix.ta.ia '.n-.'.i'.tl. >? h? -i..i,|"*.i .!,- ***** ?? \i" hflin'i -??? lUoi-isI '.-m. ih.-4-rtullv ri'h'd ? pu* .-,?,,l g from n.-Mii Eafl-. i**|Hlii"rtleld I'nkm. OFP "N Tll\l "OTIIX iim." i'i;..Ti.\ni.v. From The u.i-i,,,,-'"., ****. it H now It, oi-der ... k*'< "?. ?> ?earrh wairaal ->r Mr. KloWfl-i'-t . n,,_:?, c ?,,. il-,*. ? - ? - WHV -IIK I,"l> >"l i.KOW. Froni Tho Kl, Umifl Limlidana i* i"' pi-:t-.'.l with it. _k?w arowth ln populalion. Ilr i n,,r-:i-'i,- Umi>liUm'a p*,li ln?-. m .i.n the i-irt whi, i. aitrarH ?? ttlrra. _ . . ? ... N', 4 11 AN* 1*. TV'W. Tho Mlnm-spoBfl Trtl'iino. The Impendlne ">pBI I" Ihe HepuI.Kran flflrty In Tfl'.xi. j. n?i new? !? do.'d Tlu* lte|nili!lcan? b?1 *U<"h hriahl h?.p * nf ?>**??*?? nims ? ii,.*.j.>nty of MHuethini over 1<H,.,??,, you l-.n.-w. \V||i> NK.Klis TIIK .I'A.NKIN .1 From Thfl pjUttuwro Amerkan. B'hen thfl IralnlUB IM tha h,,n,o ha* bem wrh lhal Ihfl i?--.??11 of ,t i. that l,,\n nr..t flirb betw-eu Ho ai<m ftf Ihlrteen and *l\1.*.'l, rn,, aw.iv from 1,?.',,.' I ' irot i?a".i.',l. il i? a <|ii--ii,'i, whether Ihe parcnta d'? not 1H-.-.I the bii'.-h iiii.i'.- thau tho iliilduvi. I|,? II ! H,X II 1 llflUII 1 From The Philfldiilphla Imiulrer. Thfl Amerieafl people bra l?? k**tflter r.inre ni-ni:ir.-U their "'."-I di-tii,u*,,i-li?d f.i.i-iili-i-illiin an.l t" ***** iu**' Ium II l,< wlll kiii'llv ani'i't au liivil it.oi, t-> v,-it ti,|n i-mnitry he wlll reertvu Ihe Wflfl***.! kind ,,f a \v,l, 0,1,0. aml Will..111, may liUe it i.r imt. flfl hc pk-a-o*. _ _ MAItn T<> 1MA..INK. Kt..111 Tho rm.rniit. s?i,|?.-.,' anythlm 1. ><1 happened?na *a eiipho.nin llralli **y-to ihe TeiitmileI 11 m i?.i lmp.i--.l_lr t-i fniiflv ?* New Vork wtth-Mt h Moal UtA*. Mi,l,:,.*l Anmsilnu .',iri_:i,i ln 11 *** hl,t-h,i[,n <?,.?,- aud .,r, h hliahopi. _i*-Ihi. t:v. lt >.?? |,l,a-, lo f-u,. v a Bew V,,rk wiiluiiit 11 1 li.i.tniey M. Uepowl It flrouMttt bfl Ihfl -iinu! phu'e/ ? . - ?- ? INADK.Qt'ATK rnCll.HU. A.'Ci IMMODATIOXB. Fron. Tho liiiichi.mioii H.-puMU.ui. Tho Tiibuii" aiiiioiiiHin Iha. lli'TO ur>- li/KM rlilMren In Now Vi.rU <iiv wlwi aee ,u,.ii,l,- U. oOtaln admltlauia tv Iba p.iblir niiiotiln borsuflfl ih-.-.' ara n,n -uflk ioni ar<,iin.ii,al,ttloi,s f,,r them. Pfcflt Ifl .1 ****** htwl .nlt.iw lt>K fur ih- Nu,mn,,1 i,,et,0|,o!l? of weultli. I'lider ?iieh condltloiin Tatnmauv poll'le* flHHt ,o_4__.i_? to tlutv. aad tuiv?_---l iBBBflBfltBl dav?U>9. A DESIGX CHOSEX AT LAST. THE G1.A-.T MONUMEKT TAKES SIIAPE. john n. duncan's wor.K becf.ives the ap rrsOVATa ?!?' thi-: ?*X)mmi_tf.f~ Tlie Grant Mi'ntiinont Ali~r~atlaa mct *t No. 240 Fiftlivivo. yoterday afternoun. An acrount ol the mcetliiB. ?vhlcl, was held in -"t'.-t. wa. supplied to The Tribune reporter by UM -e.ret-.ry. Tlm following rafuH c,| tlie KAectitive (onitinltci! wa. ap|ir.vo*1, 114 the resolutlon aeconipanvnu* rt *?--> iiiiaulnioualy adopted. Tlie Execiitive roinnilttcv af thc <-rant Miinum.nJ AssixlatImi iv..i~" tfnllv rc-p./rif. tlmt since the la*| inc.tin? c.f the ~xx,? iatron, at wiiic h thev reported that 110 one nf tli*. xi.vty tlve 4a*lgpN rceived fr. m com pctln~ archlterta in t're; I'liited Mat .n unil Kiirnne nrtt .ati.fat lorv aiifl _r.-eptal.If. thev huve iec|iii-tcd nv. li t'? siibmlt until si-ptc'iiil-i'i-. Th.* ."I'tl-'iiii'ii ~rlertei were Mr ._n rarera ~ itn-tinir-. ('harfc* \v., lf. Le Brurj A >i>ii., and John II. i.iimun. c.f \, u York. and .lohn c >;d. of rtiil.ii|i-l|iin:i. Tlie r.-x-ilt nf thc*ir labor. ls now bef.if** vcii. niici vi.,ir c nm ni itt/*c- tahe jaleaaw. ln Mat In- ttat th-* w.ti-li pr.tdii.f~ by ull ?f tlM-nt i? un* 1.1-t :i--.ii-Hiiri- that thelr ~4_k_**_loa ??? Judlrlmu, In fa<t. c-ac l, cf tha dexiciix fniinil a-rorat-a arnon? Uie membera <>f y?*ur .i.iniiiitief. The PrafhraTE li.i*vi.-ver. araa l;,r_ily in favor nl that of .lolin H. Iinnian. and 1 nniinitfee BOW uriariiuicnslv rerora iiii'inl th? ncli'pilon i.f hix dr.iim. xriibje. t to Ma*h inodl. Iir.ifi.i'ix ;,^ nuiv lu-i-enft.-r be d-tfnnlned upon. - Vour . ..iiii.iitti-.' ib x,iv lo rall yiiir -ttc'iitntrn to thi itagvlar f.i't tlmt four uf lha tlve ccitnpetitors, aftn clev,,tiii? inni'i irii-fiil and , nn.i-i'-ntion. -Mdy to tn* them*. nm. liiil'*-! thut a iii;*?.s->U-,itn pre.fntinK featnra*. f|( fnilirt ln Hi- I'r.r.tliron iit R-BM .-U'l fh? tomb of nt Lo- InvwlMe. ln Part. -a_ t>*-| fidapted t" Ihe pwr <?? Mr. IBaaraa*. d-s:_n ls trng nf ri,,... _,,?,.. v_ii- ...niniltt.c iBfar* fhe* MhRBBfl rc~f.ut.~i f'.i- th- iii'i.t Ih" a-xinlut:~n : -1!<-.iiv-.-d. Ti:..t th" rep-Ni "t *?*?* e.\?-utive ro_. mlttec . -, tifi,in,'m!in_ t'i" nitu* *~'it, af th?* d'-x;|_*. ?| Mr. J.ihri II. Inim .111. mi?.J"ii t- _~rll m~ei~*arl*jaa aa nmv h.-nnft'-r I.f 1!..?tnlin-'l up- n. b* apprwel aml tij" rmnf,inc 1- ~*r-l.v Biith*~rlae~ and la-'r-<*t***1 to employ Mr. John ll. l?niif**n nml 9n pemmtn **ith th* -un, inni vl'ii nll ih- ililiL-i-iic-i- r-otJ*L.tent nith work manllk*. rcilnl.1-' if~i.trur.k-~i.'' mi tha miiilii'i "f B. 1". *-li-p_r?1. th<?. tr*~c,ir-r ?nd neeretmry e?ere lo-tra-t*. to make an aaltaMa arran-e m*nix lor nn e~hi~l<h*a "f thc ~ealga. Bl tha m.'~il-.r4 cf th- pro-r, ;,l 11 .1. rn. ; a!xo, tn have a fr-*-* e.. hibition fnr t'i" pahlb. in the PrflrhM Art ..nllorieri. i-intlaalng lor one wech froan to-morrow, at HKh haan _- tiicy in.j -etermlaa ajaia. THE "CASE IS CLOSF.D.'' .vr.. sn vtti ;rs Iff*. BOPEI of i-:m-Hts of tfABOR trno cai.t, CrOX n:>r. Th*rc> v.a. no d*I<*cation o( New York r~nfral xtrl_ . r*-. headi'tl by tbe *.ian<! Ma~ter B'oihaiaa, Mr. Pow. rt-rly. **nl devvn New-Vorh liav aa B*4J~~e_-f-i| morn in_ to nn'it I'r"- dc-nt D-pfw. lind'r a _eN<*t~~ that 1*,* tnieht a~?'l*e mm r-;fr.,oi-dinirv mi't'i'Ml of r^lievirii the net. fr -?:, th* ron-. ..iienee- of Iheir o*m folly. liut a v-1 wi- ma.* t.. ihe pra?la_at'* oaVaal tha rtrai . (t-ritral r-r ,t,. -i y.'-t 'd:,y by t!v* nf tlie,tforni"r *'~i pl iv. nf tri" .-'ii.pniv. nf whom Thnaaaa <.aiTn-v wm -1 -iiiiiritiati." The men vv-ere pravMei w-iih aeata tn the atitf r?? ?:.. a-r! their nanies taken in on xbp- of paper to ?.??.-ui* im \al. Barh man at*i.hcd M Ma nime fhe - ????! "? : T~ '?''"?" If ,n"i{ Mr- I)l1 **?* OI1,y b f-w -?-" ? '??'. ? f ? ?? *? 1-I'lon to iraw oat the aaaale -:-.:. t!iir . v' ?tumM )..*'.? bertl pr.'iixed t<. ihe otli<*r ?jrnrd. i'.rn t * at.11 were reeelvcd lstndiv bv the ttt*. .bnt ..(ihe N ?*? ^ ; - i.'entral, Iher laM ??'hat ???t>'*. they ,-.,,ild nia~" .mt I ?:- re hlm. aaa* Ihej arer.ar_e~a-lf iiff.irme.l .-! 1 - ;?"??-?" aWe natare of the step **hn h ili.y t...k ii:.i<" Hw i:..-riii<l?r..e of >Ia?ter Workman Laa. Ai io~n .- Mr. Depew had fl.rl'he- hta wor- at ? meetlna lahina p .?-? la th* dire.tor.1 room. h* M_1t.1l himi-B at lu* .:? -h aml raBei ont eheer~ar: '-*?ho~ Mr. r.iff,,"*' and hl. trlepmt la." The Ir* men flled Ir.t. tha p ,-;.!-? fl r -nn WttB the fr-edotn a.-. ?r.-*d to a ..-,;, '?',,,.* ,*.. |.-_:lii..n ..1 romaiBter*. la n-ponxe to a ,?,Ut* areetin-' Irom central'* pwthleat. Mr. fJaffaey ..,;,! : - We .'..iV,- cnlkd tO M8 If F4W caut <_?> -OniCthtllj tu -.-iti-- t; .x .tri;.''.-' -I di. aot -e- thal Ihere l? BB**rJilaf I ean do, r*v rl'M Mr Oepem. " V.? 1 ho*e b> -"''?" ih* e:np!oy of he , MHP-ll) while I "~ax tn Kn:"!*". Th~ -4*V*TI hav* ? ,',-,1 v.?,r i.u .-. alth other bm>b. -Bo eaaaa und#r ? plHira of iH..t.-.i...ii. T- r.-.i 1- betna oper.ied aachv /?.t..illv. and ... f-ir a- I am c.n.ertied thc c*-* is rlOBed. ' I r. ttmt *.lremelv Ihat 8ktt ahonltf hara BBff P?ik-, bat th* matt.T bai c..<* m*.? The -pt.l.t-'iiri'i i.f ihe Mrikan intltnaiM agaln that IIM .trihe v*..x alll -":.-?' an? that thcrc waa a chanoa ,1 -BettU-a ifev-n ii"'*'. -There I* aothlaf ??? -ettle that 1 ean .ee." reptio Mr llepe-r. "V.-u r--.-ri-l v-ur lilaatlont arhlM I ?.,- n'.'i- n-t and Mr. W.-i.l.. ivlii h.t- of th* ,,,'-;,,lna d-p-rtavnt. hm -.npl'-ved "th'*r m-n. HU ? ? ,-, ha* -4*a rall le~ hy tm IVbm4 "f Dlreetor. ol Ih- rompanr. aml thal l? 1 pnvei xtiperi-.r to m*. 1 ao n-.t -?'? lhal I raa -I ? Bl >thln| f-r y.._. the *???? ii.i- I.I rlo*e4.n ?i.ui. Mr. i? i..?.* nr.ed ~ti -tlier o: the MrlReri, ?Ibe new tn.-- an* in-\i.en--:i"*d. Thera ls ...n-taai tr-.n'.-lt* -vr the r-iid ; Ihe v-in!. at Maty Blath *t. ar* f.,il nf bM-vn ? ir*. *~- aa have rer>~-? t^-'! B*~|hl imiin d.n.'t run un Um*. ln-* iliiuuhm ia not __at . rept.'-eritt-<! |.* * 'i b? Mr. W ??!?!'." -1 .-arriiot d,-.u- any Biatier of that aort," r* pl-eaj Mr iX'pew. Ir.p.' " Mr. Webb 1. thi ),.-.ial .f oar .*r*ra:h.- a>tairia|fBl. lla rrporti B tn.'that therond :- b-'i:i~ ? 1*er it* <i x..,,-,-,. ..*r i*. Thk . * :,i-n,'.* arhi. h .."? - ?" me ix the retara 0. raralnp, an-l thf-f* are rnllrvljr -.iti-f.t-t.<nl* ?'' -Thi. .trike r.~i_lii- hava happetM- lf jm haa been he--.'' v*a- ihe halfmi'taaelwlr reaui-k of on* ,, iba -,,..i:?U-.-e.' "Mr- W?b_ ~***jMB*t arbi'r_t~ ..r il-i BH) tl.m-.'' ?I ...nt ...v vvliat armihl have h.iiip"!-.*d if I hat i.-r-,, here.- ?a~ ih* r*pt.v ??'? rewral". pi--taeat. -I ? ,- _..ton! be*. v*i,-'n 1 h*ai*~ ..f lha atHhe. ll a ,- Rt > d,v- t-t-tv ihe iwtw i-aihen me. an*l It -!? ?-W * I,,.,. van of Bl) v.i ilina. Ir- t'-iriilov.-x ,.f Ihe " l ti ,1 hav* al*. .*- ' **"irrr.'..""l Bial an r-uy bear* mcfivea 1 ? all rumi-alat*. I ih.ak that every_*tr,hi ,- ., ;ui-..,~e. .,.1.1 ih. Br*? V.~* lentral _~? tha --? ,,...t nt, **ii .!i I v*...|.i ra|*i-; ": - '.'"'?' ? |.i, *,.,, !hiuk Br. vv- ?-? -''"'l -?-?- ;" ."-*?" ' 10 i,f ilie iu.-u. . , ....,.,,?,.. hcr,'i-..l-.;i"?!.-.l--'^,iW"'[', r.....,,.-,! Nr l."P- ??*. -Bh .. ?'??"?'?? -* *?***' , ,. ... ,, ,. -..?.:, ;,|.|.i- *.-l !?* IV ni'ir.a_-ri"-"t. >'"-? p_?r. !..*.- I'-ii i'-:"i by .Iter i*_eB an~ ihere B ll.illlll:. llml 1 'i'l 'it' '?<* ? :i' v ''' ' .^^i^^^^r^^^'V-trrrir^ "'''-V-v^i'TV';!::^:!,*..:;-.^^:'; ;,,,,!,V'J,,,,.t?.... V., ;.....'* ?? -..* 1.1- n"i..* &K.^.'..,'J ??.^^ '^!^V.^^ ;?;= :__.,l-:--::.,:,V! _- ?...I,-..::,-,v.;-.'>-,-= -V .??$,.^??', li...I . -?! ""? '" "" ! " ' '" ,-lialr ? -I ?? ni<"it".il*?l Bt i.-i'-"* 1 ?*- 'i',1'' _?; ,''.,; ,?.,,.. ,1.-1. .-,11,'M I'l r-tnl tti.-tl t.lir ? t I"' l,/,.,rKW/,,,F,~r!/i:rK/:NiPrvr.irrv'>v,v. . ...... x.. -t II |-P -nl-- T'i"!'r**l ,,:l.,-rr -i.-r- aml aiiHrr umhrriU*. rhc ?. I*J vex.ertl.iv .. r,i .,,- *?..? -<?*?? <?' ' : V _ . M.*T h.-pt I..-, in Ihe .-..ri..-.' i" arv-tal aay*. ,,M;, ,-,;,??,, hat**,, *l'h ..."- ?*.??;? gK-S lirmmTmmXimmZ V --J ij-^ v*et-.iiinid....I. Btiie. >? .*-?*?? ,,',';:\V;.;,U ,, v u. .Mtmaiaa i r>nnus JJ-B ha hera ?k >*.,-'...*. and pre,,,.. M ihrtr ,,"*l'tl,.l ?? ?***? l">'""- , .,..,. -| ,,i:,_ direetly To in~iii lha l'le-nii'i.t. i?-'""< "* - - , ..'...eaf.-rclii.ner. -.I Mr ?-.*?? ?_ "? ?'? J i-a.'...:-ol iv h.I.a~ lha. M e^ar*apjif th* ,,?,,? timlaht .-Mi lha l-eaa-vyli-aahi **- '.-"' ?"" ? r,,,i,,?i,v I- xi.:.i." Immt- ''"" ?*??" . . .,,,,-. ,,,?e or ua *H~.h.l baaae- ^^JfjS The I'-'-idenl .Mm..'.! Ihe ap^meiH ^?M f. I?__h- J" ?'" '?n:-",,.^.(i ' l. . . .ax?.,-4.eraJ l.v the ,e-i-'..."* ?l -;*;,,.^".lt.liv.,| .? ,l,e *?_*? ll.rlts.iii. -Hi'.-e *' '?' m . '?'-?,',?., ,I?,,i,?;,-.t bv lu. Biiuit, nf B'a-hlagtiia.