Newspaper Page Text
JXXEMORY OF WALTER IIOWE. ACTION BY TIIE UNION LEAGUE CLUB. ATPBrOmVATF. Jt.I-.0LUTIO.N- ADOPTF.D-A. W_RM WF.LCOMB TO CHA1-NX*F.Y M. PEPPTW. The Union League Clab held it* iwl meeting of the fall last ni*,ht and welcomed CliHiincey M. Depew back to its halls. There wus a larjffl at tendance in spite of the early _ra_on, and tlie m?*4*.Bi)--_oo_* wiik fairly **U Mled when Mr. JVepew called the npvtin;- to order aniidst llie liearty applanse that his appearan.* called fortli. ,T. Seaver Page, secretary of the club. lnd a plcas ant (p*eeting also, and so did Oeneral W. T. Sher man, who Mt on tte st_4.*c.' There was little loisinesa to l>c transae.ted, because dur m< the _iiu*u*er no piovisions are made lor tlie aaUnisfliou ol candidate. for niembership. Tlie only set business for tbe uieeting was tbe adoption of resol.itiona on the death of Walter M?we, wbicb were prepared by I'ay&on Merrill. M. W, Cooper. .1. Seaver Pa_c Diid Franols O. Freneb, a coininiltre appointed by ihe Exeeutive t'otnmittcc. Mr. Paise read the FtflflJal-flafl. wbleh are as follows: -tnce tlie la-t moetmi; of the I'nlon I.eacne Clnh, anie of it*. hflfll known aafl ino-t v;i*.ueil nifinber*. twlrfl kflrrflBUf of tin? orfanlflatlon, aml u ronnplcnoai aa<1 nnaful pflblic ofBcer. Waller llo-ve. wafl, I>y a n-uel faie. sna.ehed fiora Mfl faniily, fnead-. -.-soeiates and leHow-rlttaena. A ron?, leiitimi* devi.tion todutv. pablir and pnv.ite, nndulled hy ea-e ?>f rlrruifl-.aneea, ,t heurty e,,.-r_v in the eaeralton ..f hin *eU lnip?-e*l laflka, a niiiun-r rhoerv. pemal, frank and alneere: tbe*-1 were tiats ji-inet. with .le.,,i,t taslefl und u< conipll-liii.cnis that riM-Mrad hlm ... .,11 with ?.?.hum he 'inne ln e?nta?l. lils tldelitv to -Ifl- Mflfllfl in pnhlio servi.-e, hl* rennine. u.tal.-.'?**" pablir -pirit. make hl* !,,nS f-lt (eyond ih?* rlreh ol niendshlp by bli fellow-enlflem "f New York nnd N- wp.ct. llifl ti*. Lrief UfC will bfl remenil.-rod with flBerilon hv his ii-nitriate-. and hl* in-iii,.rv can he beal rw_PJKtcd l,V us if ln -?ine detrrec we ran Iflkfl his ideul oux e_amplo. Wcp no more Kor L*"*l*>?. your -torrow l? ?ot flrafl. SunK tlio;i(*h h>* he limfath th- watery floor-; ISo _l_ii49 thr ln H,- arrfla bt*, And ft* aaaa r-|,aim tn* flrMflni hrad And trld.n hi- braaifl, and ?Ith li-.par-.sled or? F1_it!?* ln th,' i.>. i?:id ,,f th- BonlM **f, bo Lyeidas *unk law, Imt no'inf-d hi;h Thr,,ueh th- (l**.ir mipht ot Hin, thut Mitlktd th- wat*. *. Kesolved. Tliat the I'nion I.e.._*ie Cliib herehy fl\ prefl?es lt-. pnifniind MMTow nt ihe death ,,f Mr- llowe, lu* rccopiiltl' n ??* the er.;it B** e\i*<-i,en.--.l l.y ihe pub? lic a* well m hv thi- flh.l,. and Bfl deep .ympathy a.r.h thfl famlly of tbe-BcreaaeB. The 'p.i8sa_i' froai Milton was re_arded as pir ticularly becanse it was written on Tlie deatli hy drowninf* of a triend of tbe Miixl poet iiT* 113*. Alter ibe adoption of tbe resoln Tions the meeting was about to adjourn. when Ihere were l-uid eails . >r Mr. Dep.w. He nrose on'l said tbat iiia.*_iu<-h as tl.e newspapers bad his s|te,'cb in Till on bis return botne. be felt like tbe famoiis slnnip oratof wbo went a^out the eountry with a rcpomT attachod t*i Ium. When be askcil Um reporur wbal baainC-fl be ha.l to foliow him around. tlie reporter replied Le had beea insimet.-.l t?? rep..rt all of the arator'i speecbes. The oratoi aiiswer-d tbat bfl had i.iily one vpeeeb, whereupoa the reporter replied: "Then tbe n.-wspopers have no baflinrii wit-i jroa." But Mr. Depew *-ven at tbe risk of repeatins btmaelf would say tofla-thtac: an,l the lir.t thlUB was 11,1,1 of ull ihe kinlly wcWmes tliat had rome to hlm ?>n bis return hi.iue. tbr .-.weeiest and BAoal pra-ious waa Ihat _iven to him hy t!:e Union Lettgtat Club. It wa*. of eoiirs.'. pleasaal for biin 1., heat l?*"pl< aaj tlu.t thev were **& t<> see b,m botne a-.m even il they ,lid not tnean it. Bul bis return bad >>i*a>n made i!,e oeeasioa f,,r h:s telliusj f.e " pul.lic what he knew nhnut t!.-.* on The New-York I'eniral, when .;iere wns no strike. llis mind iuihcr revert.-l to the plensant inemori.-s of soine dellfhtful ruiiversatioiis be had hal with piominint men ou 1i.e other Ttide .-1 ihe Atlantie. ?'<?f ull ibe freal ABtericaiis," said Mr. Depew, '- wlio aie fumous on tlie othflt side, in-rie are so well iinown then* as .lames ci. Blainc aad Willian M.Kinlev. They seei:.-d t?. reK.,nl Mr. M-Kinle.v u-. a Bflflfl w'ui had luvu stud.viUfe' up fliibjaota. ?_'. bad inveuted laume new b< li-me hy whieh I.e eould e!<>se up all the faetoriea in Ku? rope and slarve all the pe?.ple there into^ m.ssioii to th* Ameriean ('overnnient. Tliey klied me with iiueBtlana ibout tbe M,-Kiuley bill ir, order to leirn whai natire of man he was and wbal Ihe diekrna he was goiBg to do with all the people ;.i,r>,..'l. - 1 replied tbal mv notii.n ol Mr. McKiniey was liiat p,.nsi'.ly he h-vd an idesi "I liiilu-iiiK Euro ji-uiin lu eauBraK with iheir fuetoriefl aad work iii^iueii t? ihi> great Aaierii-a and h>lp (.iv- a j:re;,i't'r eonsunillB powi?r t,< nixrietiltnral armlnelfl. Cne ..f n.e nioal fan. >us ehara**U*r*a, Mr. U-i?.v _uid. tbat hi; un-t ?as tjie Sultan of Jabjore, wbu w;,s blaek. lle s..t near Mr. Depew al ilinnei une*-, and ncenied i<> **** *aell p.',M?**l o:i Aiii<-i..'.,.i allaiis, and was aiixioufl t" leurn n, li appeaird iha. the Sullo.1 was b., mueh thouuhl oi by Etglaiul that his flulisidy wafl 9l.wOB.oBu a v,-..r. Luntii" ron**n*alio.i with Mr. l.e[-e\v, the .euiletii ui froai liulia intii-ui-d tbal I.e miah* return to his hom>- by ^a?:lv ol" ihe I'nited Siat.-s. L'i faet-, b- mgjfflflted Tliat eour_e, probably loohing for eneouraui'u-r-ii from Mr. Deprw. Val Mr. Depew rould n?i i.hsure iiim ibal the Aaariiean piropk liad bern edu?at4*U Bufli.-iently i-. reeeive ium with tlie ?v<me leveren-e as J,e o,et in 'Kaalund, hecauar Ilr. Depew w-?s ta-eretly afraid ihat tiie porlei nl Ihe Wa.ner paia-e ,".r <>n wliiih Iie travelled would U* .lmiiiii?"l bj h.* eolur. Ihe idea ol tliifl lnteie-atiUK man und his i-.'.plc as to whai ronfltituled beauty in the lui ir\, was ia' A j.'.ii lieunty who weighed leflfl llian ."0 p,?uii,.s was of Ba BeeoUBt. A WoflflaBMf iiLo'it Ilul w.-i^ht was iiiv.-enied to the . ,,i-Tr'i\. niil llifl Sulian lnimediateiy con**4.iv?d a4und.i4>M f.,i tius l>,n-i, ,.l flwectueafl. II- i- solvi"* lhal l,e wi.ul'l if,ver her with diamoit. la, apd when lus private M-retaiy brard ?,f it, be waii o"r**n*o_je with awe at his matit.-i s abiliiy tu i'.i*'- BMiiiey. Mr. Depew el.-s.-,! his -P-?*rh wilh a trihuie t*. the Bavarian p< who lake the prineipil partfl in thi- r.,ssi,,n l'lav. lle *-aid thal he lind w***n nearly al] Ihe areal aetora in th? world, anl they sfliinetiines were n.erely Ui'lors, in-i nlwu.vs .iie eh.-ir irtrrfl th.y IniiMTflonati-d. II,.1 Ibeae simple peai-iltl were ul\aavs whai sflemed t>> 1#. - ?-.? TUE SEtr 8TKBL 9TEAXSUIP 9BGTBAXCA. Th? ?? ii .'.i-l ii-iini, aeflaraara, ?.t h," I ?>. d st?t-n ?:,. Hrj/il Mail >t>-aii.n.i.i, ..<?.:?.!,,y. na- .* Mal*. "I !,:?'?' ?- n?,.- lay :il If-r |.i- : :,i H,,.'H.-. n la-' i,ll ht. Ovt-I t,.',r liundr-d j-tn, Ir-?, t!,- (uiffl at* ilfl-l,::;-i.t bi Um but t" U*? ?afldlMl i.i, j,d?n. .,,t :i?.|, di-n in Ibe khafl i!|ey, *.*?* tu->..-d on al tie ,i f'l.i >>i. ,">-. Th* ***r*m*m f,,r ihii d.?piuv ti_n Um Ii,i*i _,i, a.-i ,,f Ihi .!? ,ln, al li.ntu.lJtioi, l.t ihfl na?-llla? .>ct.*i' -..: *?<.:.? ????? 1 thfl inifd *nt.;*n bt?!,a_^l s ,|i (itm r-. Itn.d-r- *:\A l'ufl?r--rll i?' A? . fllfli.on nu? m un- ti:?t khlp l.-.-uiii-d >i,,'l?r Ihfl r,, "nl rijid rnifj. for tlxlrlcal i..-i_;.?.:,-,, .?ub;.niii?d l.v ih>? HflflflMlMi Th* flurv.vom hid <*.\??_l:i,-d UM n , '',??i,al |<irt- of thi B?gui_ii<* flnd lant algfll th.y i-ni.-d th- llluadafltlafl tt* J4?> iljr. ?nd .Httli a?..r.. fi,,.,.! c? il,.-: '. t aaii-l"'*.'?".'?? Tbe v.n??!n , Mflnlractflfl unfl.r lh? Aiii.r: -i li .lld< t? "i.'i I'a *et*rllr*' ,,:l?>rn, athuh nr- mut" t*.-,i l.lnv-'*, 'al, tt* lnn'J,<:d al I'n- ralfl.- Oi tiif i.niirrii, IVr- ?.' tlifl I>: la- I"! E'JI-ape-oi liaaiaiirlal ->,tr-n u.^n au-. *,,.^r.\% j? yj.. tuiild. and aai*._ the*- Wtm rn .-a | it fltorlrkal htfltalla.laa thc preMliioi* aalll b?s IflflIKtfl -l.ll f?,t,i,-r. Th- N>'.-'ir,,, ,. plaaafli ..*? flflurl? t>'?.',?. ..-ji'.i uv Am-n,., .kin utan'd hv A!TH-,i,ii? ,?j,|l-il :i?d ?:,,-4p. d ,:, Anif-.r.iu 'ia'1-. ja ? trl'imi'h ,,f .u*4l _:? hit"i*t,in. aml falr) d< ii,,r.-trlt<? U.e ?flfflClt). ut An:eri,a?? U> b'lild nhip- -hfch wlll r?M pcU -it-'. a?.v !? *?*? ***** ? TIIE OR< IIESTRA AXB TUE PB0SOHRAPH. A- 0i>* ****** o'. Dn* s.r.ei-* Or-h4Vtra ai tl.e M?dl o . b-i?ar- Ofllfll draw tf. ? rtm?* tle-y ?:?* -u"flln|i wltt, ..\.,i Mflfl ******* lflt. "ll ?haii bi-!..lf. Thf-r.- aann . uo*,*\ a'-dii-n--. imiral I?-t ***** ln **** * ***** *??** ??ailMi, and Un, lJ,'i?l **>A tbr ltullU ?.-r.- Inilv f,ij-,y.-d N**_aaiw --r.- r_k<r>. U'l,. to pttttrvt tb* *at*ym**t, tm _ flaira pi?t??.-n|,h? aew ***** '?? ****? :'"(1 reretv*-. tflfl. -Ira'lin u| tlu- WlhuflUa a* it plai-d Um |.hono?,n|ih {Mlkfl ar.d -on,- of U:.- f_v?.i_- aalU**. l??.l?. tl,. lr,termln?ioi,? BM phflaiflflflBl tusr out flflfllfl what tb' y h-d r.-ofV.d. ?nd <?.",cl, labM **tt aiUM hfld *o Ihat al..ut li) 1-f.plfl- 'ould ***** at ?.?.- li"-. Th- vo-ul r.fli.-.-tio:.n tt Um flj.iiaaf ttn i<\* Xk-olal narakp, -ho _a'_ Kn.t?a Man-7 Hflvinfl'.iU* "*** l Mv Wihh." * i M.?... Kruno.dKo-rl. Thr liBiaflflnphfl aalll b- k-flH -Ci;, at the i.a,-d? tbU eve,,u,_ a?d at Ui', iiiflUu-e ,o morrota. Tl.- iflMalfl for U?.|ii-.-IH tt* 9*9* Bulfgu* a,.d Mi.. Marta Yr.idkk. .-..?47.4/. WIRE FBXVEB. Fron. The Boston I'o?t. lt ut one of Uie t.nilt of our ...ore or le.n arfilKial aoelal llie that piTflOai who have toatlp plea*aiil a t-bliilfliiifi away froai homfl '" ,,1,; ?"???_?. *r,'.ai" U? flnd a tfinnuiiy in rene-ainf Iheai oa their reiurii lo town. Wl.h noiiifl their eirele of frleinl* U *o Ur?i< tbat Uiey henitate to tuUne thrlr vlittli.fl h*t. ?bXle a-llh other* an uudue ?ei,-ltlvene<.? an tl.e ?fflee flf floelal iw^ltlan prevenU .hem from *******' kag al homfl tho rlalnm whlch they have eonceded i a*~ay from It. The el*ment of _K___l?hJte~a I- Lm xtronp ii, ABi*rlcan aorletl to ba ~"pt Irom manl fe-ting it-?-lf ly Invidiiin. dl.tlut ti.. -,- whii'h belp to exc-lte thcix" iocfc_l J.-altm-ies and hi art bnniiii.x are a aoarra of nii.t-ry to p*r._n* v* hu ;n \ ilt-peiident on tha rc'iijiiliiiiii ot other. fur thelr en loymeii. ol Ufe- lt I. pMlal'le thal happlnaM .h.nild l.e at the nicrc.v of .ucn ron_B!oa* a- have been d*. veloped Ir, our _wlal Iif* hy tln- lncrei,?e oi ???*.-,lth and Inxiiry. and lt I-*tin_ to m.t, ihat thr ??a*p*rn''.x ?f th?lr pox-.-aaor- to overrlcl* .oiial b.-ir rier. has led to thf- rtrenatbeaiaf of ih-x.*- uhatarle* to advanrement. Dr. Ilulni-s ba* .uid that in Eaelaad .ton* *~a!I? i-epre-ent thc- dl. tln.ilon* *~blc-|, clivlde rhuira. whila la Ihli ..untrv Qiey are ?.prr-enleU hy wir* fencex. the idra b*in~ that thonrh Ie-. eit-ilv seen th*y at. as tant/l. Ie und effectlve here a. there. A BUSY DAT WITH TBE UBRARIAXS. PAPER-S READ AND T0P1CB D_Sf?_*-8EB BEFORE THE WH1TB MOUNTAIN AMxV.MBLV. Fabyan lloiixe. N. II., sept 11 (Bpeetall -It xvcild be dlfticnlt for any u'lliixtrnrted pei?oii to dctenntm qiiic kly th* rhararier ol tl.e bu-y Ihrona of people now overtlovvinp thi. Imtel, who rn*h nhont wlth blt* of ?oid ot .? or rojral parpla rlhhon IntterBia ln the inonniani btceaea, who ,,re ln a perpetlial -t.|ie of e.iffi-r di-. ii-xioii ,.:? altHade of r~perlanl Iniereat, aml whoaa'i.'i aioaat- to .ntha*la-t- :,. they gn about ilapbiylllg ximdrv printi-d hJanli* and te-hnicitl .ipplliiiue. in tli- way of hit. ol wood, /.in. or rard bi.iii.l. l'.r tlii- uiilii.-t i'i" I'-'l pt-rx.ii. .rti ?,-tiui, Iv h-WIng to tbe tradltb** timt likrurlnn. ure r, teb-ir-ly, xii.w, worn iia-. "f m-i, and woraen wlm ronatanlB | dittttxi! M cli-i-nt lil. rnrv iitriioxpln-re. would never thinls that the..* re-tlr.-x, tetive. lalkallve people vtet ttbraiiaas. The day law been Uterally rrammed uith b;i-iii*sx. At f>*~0 a. m pror_e_ln_s war* oprnet bv il e rrpnrl "f Tl?,i**:,ld t-olberg, lat* of the I.ii_rary of .on**r-~-. on "Llhrary Legi*hj-ion.*' * olonel Wext-iti llirii. xtriii.tii ian nf th* T'nita-d Male* liui-iMu of F.tiiic-.rtii.ii. f~lli?we_ v.ifh a report on Ihe librnry worh ol Ihe Htuixiu. In hi- oplnlon tli- tlm** had fitv.o to prepare au other public report. brlefei and more rompa-t thnt of l-.Tu. brliit-ing Ui* hi* tory of libr.ine. lll thc l'tii't-d r-tatf. down lo diie. .V clever paper *? '- read by Ml*. HarrH J*. ilreen, th* ratalogner ol Ihe Dottan Athenaeani, aa lo Ihe rlght. a,'i drit!? ..f llhrary rxperta and wliai n_n*ti inted a .-lalni tn th..! titit-. Tlie ii~i>e.r rcad by Charh*. f*. KooJe, ihe t~-i 'ii publixhf-r. on -Th-- IJirtlr. nl tbe Triixt.-ex of I.ii ni'it-. " w.inld mahe an <-.-.? ? II.rrt mannal (or Ihe gaMante nf *a*'h btrlie-. The ?mni" -nl;-. I **;,- trcatrd by ih* Rev. ... P. I_4*a**~ed, of m. l/itil., ?nd ?*. ?**. lireen. ol IVi?r, eM< r. The pabu*her~' i~*rtli>n mei al '_:-'- p. m. W. I. Fletrher, ..f Am~*r?i. wa. . i-. i.-ti prr~~l*nt: William C. Lane, ol llarvard Polh'ge, .-<?? retary and lrea*iirer: *'. r. x-iti:!-. -l-lvll li,**-'.* Blld B. B. Ilowher. meml-'tra nf Ihe e\e. 'Utive ron, lll it !"-.*. II **;,. .UfTgestcd lhr.t the iiul.-j t~ **?ay. and peii-ial lit-rriture l,oW ln preparali'MI be ralled tho A. !.. A. incl-N. Tln- li anmewhal *vl.!"i>' kiiowii a. the Fletrhrr lnde\. a .<! wiu reqnire inoi. ihaa twojrear* more for ro~iph~l~a. An annntated rala l-tcue of dexlrabb' ?~t-rlt- f..r Ihe *. -.:itit- h.i- 1? :i prinled by tbe aerilon and i. now ready for *a!e. The weai-er. of the r.-.vil pni-pl-* b.,.l:-"-. braring the word ??New-York" ln ~"!<l h-ier*. md t.n-lder ihr llhrary of tli.*ir own >taie. Among tho-" j,re*enl were lieonn Woiiam llarrta, llhrarujii ol r?r nel! l-t.iv-rxiiy : R, li. Pnole-'lH-irge Baker. of l***himbla 1'idlrge: Mr. nnd Mrx. Dewer, Walier H,-n**, Mi-- i ?-?. ..f the New-Voili l'rt-e rir. iilaini- liLrn* ; Jir. M. Mnl len. Mr. i-msioii. of t!i" laoird ??! B-iffiiu: l'i..fe-.., Itixi*-... nf Hartinnnih (V.ll*Be; Mi- *~eyni*~ir. Mi?. Walker Mi-. I'niler and Mr*. I. >-nii-. Tlie pra?tl ? ai.ilitv ..I c--tabli-ii.:ir n S! tt- rl _rli>- Imii-e I-r dupll ,R_..>_\iax di-, n--."l. Mr. M.nm. ??! W i-hlim'toti a mw ..? iTj:;.." Miirit,. Biihonm '?<! Ihat Ii?? i ?'. ni ;? ra***. "i |mki~*4 f.-r he bad no room, nady lo ? ?-i lo -nt h a ? lerivn . h..ii.e. Tlie i|ne*li'?n i.i i Matf . -..i-xhip f.i iii.iii-t.-x r*ccei*iti- publk money eaiiiol a llvely>n. XOTES OF THE STAOB, Mi<- Ro'e r.._iiian open*d lha n*w Arulemy n? Mn.le at Mllwankee nn Wednnday evenli :. pUytai '?]*,-_ Wi.lli!i|.'t.'!l." Mix- I . _:il.ili f.,.!\fil Bp pirtii.,- and a Ur*** *i m-iiUy ol i'-.**.-i-. Th* <? ??- ? -? ot tbe Mnle ar-ci Ihe M.iv-.r nl the ? ill ~t-HpU-l '? *' Nal i.ot.cis.i'i uiiiv-d here ve-letday on Ihe tierr*. He ba* been j lajii s A <-? H Mm*"' B!.*l "Thc li ? i. maher*' al Ihe i.aieiv Theatre, -.indim, Ilie Buei provlng evtr-:. -1* popnUr. A wlU be K.\-ri to ea-h Ie!*- atlendlng the llnl I'.etfori'inii'e of " The t '|'-n,.-nt?:, ti r.i -" :i! fhe Mnndard Theatr* on Mondriy nr.-iit. lt "aill l** ?* -?? -inilh- itipy "f "I/.- l.'*i' LelU'l. I" l'li-i.-e i !? ?:? :i ..aa." F.van. and II ? v ** ill play "A Pntlor M.-ifrH'1 at Ihe Nc-W Pinll Tl'.r'.tie oll Mol.'l..) e*.'iim.. It I* rili nounred lhal new BOtlf. *id duir,-- ?lll l.e itureO.. Tt.N *tHlf*m'nl *l>'-ut a f.r." r.imvlv K-nnn. ?I*ajte ax ??!.! ..- lt*e - ??-- ran x .,-i..| new. ? .._.__. . -. ? BODEL-1 or t'LAXXtr art ron tiu: xr.BtXB I.a i*hani;mgi.e, whlrh bitIvmI or. Pntiday from llaviv. bM"l_h1 ll- r* lb" iwo I.i--" li ?o!< I ??-* t'**..-i- lll Inl] ../,-. i.i tb" r.irtli-t.on und tri.- inaiti f... id* ??( N?trc liani ?. ol P-H . lo ''- 1- IJ-iwed laii-r ln II. ,...,? f? ,i I- ,.; Hit. p.-vanipk- ul l':--t ri i,,..i!.,"*.il iA?,k, .i- well ri- bv mod-N ol th" D-mpI-- ..f K..:t -1-. -.,. j',., "..i.n. ih- Ar. h .?! * ??: lanline, ft- i."'.'-i'-. ,.|.. xi.* l"artln'inHi nr'I Nidie l*am.- \*'ll I*- -?' ?. |,li r- in ih* i.i*.'.' llall "' ihf M"lr..|M.litan Mfl eum ' ? vu. M. .illv. **l." Joined tbe |*art. i - _- - t '._-.- iu l*iu.- tind'-r ihf - i |..-r\ i- i-?:i "f M. ililppi"/. tl~ ,,I, !u",,l"-'i-: B'ld nr IIIH'i I. - i.'?'?'' ' if r.i'-l- l 1','n- r*.tui-ii*..i' .Ihi?ii ln Ihf i??-'?? '? ?l lb" raiU" "" ,.,..!,-i... ihf lil' 1 ;.--;.it- .?' M. ' lil; i'.v/.' ? pru.'.iiind -tudy ,.f iha B*il'J< ? i WEDIHSHS In.Mon -ept. 11 |S|a'f|ali. lohn ab-1'.ird a drv ^ii-ai- ui.-:,-bai.i oi l.o-ton, wa. marrit-l t ? rnihi l" >li-- M.-.iv .1. Ii.-.i :,"i. cl N ?-.!???? |. r-r f.-- ni.;:.' took .nl:,..- ln "-'. I .aill' l'.|.i ?"?;?? I ? ?aiar*-l. ."*'?'?* Ifurrport- I'raiihlm A. W i.-i-r-. "f l>~i'.ii. *? ? l*-i inaii. and M.-x Muriot, Dav, "f n.,* ihill, ?i ... honor. M*? ?*-. John Shepni-rt. Ji . a ..ti ?f Hi?- i.rid i.-i.M,u,; H'-iiiy llall, ol iTn vid-iii - *.ll.,~~i '? Tii .', .'.rn! -in ne. M. II .11, "f l! - lon. *' ?!- ll.l** '? \ft.-r tti" rei-uionv llfn wa- .. r.|.t '' i- ????? oi th,- brlde. Am >na H. p.f ni ?' r- Mr. ? i -.',?- , .,1 ? - A. Ann x, Mr. i id V: I ,.--t- ??? * I '* I i ? . v. .1. Ke-'. preodenl <>l ''.- Lin.-oln I'-ai.', ol B" * *i, ii, d bi- **i' ? Mr. and Vi -. I i ,-, i- >l n k Mi aml Mr.. il"i.i* N .I'V'fi:. ??*. ' I.-.V.-X.I .-'i I.- ? -;."bl M. r? nnd v.if.-. Mr. ..'?! Mr- li'-riili'.-iiii'-r, "I .'..?.*? V ri. . I'. tt. Il.C'll .lil! V. lf. . i '. 1.M1 A-I.urs I'.iiis. N _.. x.-j.i. 11 ,x,,..,;,| || ??,. w,,. i.fld ulllK-rt, "i U-r-.v. I'unif., -ui,.-.-.?,'.:..:? ni of m~il. on th* Jfew *i','ii, and N-** iii*"i. i. uii- -i.ii. ??* i- 'ni ,ii-t! t'u- in -'? l-awl". M-lh-di-t l'.|,-. * - * i * liiifi h. 1V1..11 i.r.,*-. to ^!l-- i....;.-i, lli**l,_;- '. f Neubnrg. The Bev. J. H llawkhnr.t. tt.r ,d Un hud.-. |*-rf..r,n<' I tl.rtiii'iriv. Ml.. Jeiuile *M, ,.f iiai k'-iixa l., \*a- Ih* ol lioiior. and t'raiih <-.! 1.,'rt, a li'ii.'i. r of tbe bridi.-;.?.ni, v.a- tln* be I ma',. Tln- i.-n-iiioi.:' **..- f.ill'iw*d b* i, i- npiton .-t Dr .ummer bome ol Ibe brlde'. iiaieiit., on ril.iirn I'at.'i way. _ ^ -- ? WDRGESTBALER'A URE IT IS VEXT10X. I' rxf|,t. 11. A .!"' l.ioll bri- Jll.t l~> 11 rfiidci'-d by Ihe rommlnee on *-?.?* und Ihf An, of tbe 1'ranhli.i In-tilui- of ii.u-.--t i-. m*. m-.i.. .oui- inoiithx .._.. tl. award nl tli" r_IB~l i i- ~.n I Biedal **.i- lu.i'l" :-. "rti.-ri: M*l .'-:.l ba!-i- lor ln- lli | v.-niloii f-f Ihe ln if. p'-. and f.ubll- annoum menl mad*. An .ip|~-il -?*- l'. -?'?' I-.* anolli'i n.v-..j aud tb* -.,!'.-, t *>.i- !? ?.'?'?''il io lb- above i~im.~l '"rn I rnlnee. Affr aii r*ba~?tlve r_ainiiialioii and in | qulry tln* a-anl io Mr. M.'rgefiUialer b.ix be.ii ii.ii. | lirnied. Th* appcal **r; b,.-e,i ??_ tbe Ju tilMmi ap ; p.imtu-'. The io-i,uir't'-" xa;..x Ih* lii* p.i'-. I . ni.... ant-datc I'** I' v* "f Ihe apprll inl tn d add - Iiui In Un- 'ii'i-riu.-.i' of ' our *nb i ommitt'-i*. **.-n if | tbi- .l.lllli ioiiI.I 1.. xlll ..'??'I. It foill,-. '. l-i ill B part of Ibe -xti-rr. iv ln- li.- u- f'-.tin- ol Ui" i Meiveuihat-r mmhhic ilrlt ymt .ub-f.miuiittef woul.l j i..,t f'-*l disf^o~i-d i ? reroiiiiuend lhal Ihe auai*u bu .-.; i axlde." _ _ ?. ? ? RIAilS.YI.Y'i TBE iVI.U.'iE TBAR. \Vill,aiii-io*vn. Ma*.., *?-pt ll. Will am- r..!:c_ ? opened to-day witli '-YA *liidenl~. an iim rm c of one ..ver la-t year. Tlie fre.hman rla * numb-i- ei^-luy. _? ? - .1 7f-.W.V r.i.'n h.rn 1IY BEEA. I'hoeni.will" *tory ln The _.tl_h~rg Bt-patrh. \ .warm ol liee* rr*_t*d a bim ~ In a t uuon manncr aa tha l*erhhtni-ii IU?l-?d today. A l-'irhl irain runnlng b"iv.<-n ivr;.i..:?.n .liii' aml Alh-niown ktoniH-d io labe wnUsr ai Balm i-taltoii, iweniv aill*'. north of here. A awarai "1 bee* Inm ?? ne.Klil~?ring faiuilioiixf b..d l..:..ii refa? inx-i,,,- **,?*: n--ar bv. and w.'ic-t, tlie irilri -lopp-d at t.i- -tali.MI lll*-. i lii buillna out- aii.~..l!-h;r.l wlth one a.-. ord on Ih* lendf-r b-hliid tb* eugllM*. Tbe en_ii."~r nnd hl. a--i-tmt Ititl the hraheaien .tanding anaind He* traln ?air* a-ion i-lied at the vi-ilaiion. and promptly _-ii-l.i ~ifet> ln tha waitincrofini ol Ilie Uie flreinan. "-Illlaiii Mc-lxf. wa. on tb* en.lii" rab af the time bu lly -hn! Ing ma] rron on* .Me nl Ihe n-ndfr lo the olher, and ln au hixtaut a hnjidn" itetm -?i upon h:m. llall mad altii pal ii. i?- juinpi'd o(T the t<nider and roBcd wn.ll* iu Uio (iia.. at tt"i roadald*. , , Tha xilfdiil* tiui.- fm tkirtinf- lb* traln rame_nnd urnt, bnt tlie ir-vv tavv no vvay ln whlrh I" .tart. Tlie! b"ld a cutixiiitatloti over ih* piobl-rn. ann 'mall* a biighl Idf* xtnii-hiiiif rngliieer. PiilUiig it inioMrni tion. br i rrpi loflly and nnrofl*?rn?*nl_ ":> '?? uw tfud'-r. after the nnuiBer ol an e~pen*_li--1 i.-- aiwr, and aerarrd iM.-i-.xion of tb* adjuxtib!" Im-' *"? wblrii Ui*. eiiKin*.?'r. ai*i_r*ruatoaied t, clcau up Mieir < tu*. lie L'ot the drop on tha b?*"x. nnd tiirned on I1"''" ?* *B*aj_ xtrcam of cold water. The effe'-t wa. tnirtai. iin entlr* .warm took to th'-lr wii,-. and mt^rnbro a xtralght Iin**--.* be-llnf-tnward the wo..dx. raa train raiiimed lt* ionney, flfU-on mluuie. bchlnd timo. MIXISTERS GOIXG TO JVOBK. THE PEOPLE'S MUNICIPAIi LEAGUE. t;.N-_ARf.lN"G Tlir. OEXEftAL coMMJTTiiE-TH-. XEW XA.ME.S. - I/>wis L DelntlfM. .hfllllflii of the rommlttee on the Incre:me of tbe UeaflnU rommlttee of the People's Miiiii- Ipal Iftflg-f. aaiMMBroi lu*t evenltil" that the foi knriag poraoai imd been flppoiotd and had con-ented to arl ?i mcjaben ol Um .ieneial Comiulttee: John T. TowatMBB, '?- ll. Veaacr, Uarha Mr|> Whltiork, o. a. Wllliimi.. Cbarlei L. Uernlicim, V H. Charoberluln, U. PultOO (ultinc ft. Ba*** (uttlng. lTofmsor Chariefl F. Chandler, Clareaea lt. CflOfer, ll-nry Ch-w**. I'. DuUlafer, Charlea de Knv, (leveland 11. Dodfe. .Uiirn L. Uu f*a, I).,nn:,n H. Eaton. 0 hnrlea B. F,*s iiir);, Henrj, F*. Ilowlaafl, l|. L. Horloa, i.oul* llow l.ind, .lame- ... Iliggttl oa. J- Montsoni.i-y Hai**. *it* .lohn C. l.-y. Jr? W.llla.a C Kinc, John A. M'Klm. 3. B. Newronbi Leouari B. Opdyrkfl, Charlrfl K. I'.-llew, .iol?, n. r.i,-. Joha Primntae. IfeorM A. l'liinp tOB, llenrv K. I'om-roy, H. L. I'iirrMi. Tlien-dorc II. 1'rire. Kdward T. . teei., AafUfltUfl &f. lia.idCQ-i. WM lai'u Al-xuiider Mnlth, \Vilhaai R. btewart. John >l,v,i??, .'.. \V. Tuylor. rhinrnian DelaflflM aHo made thi- ni;ii..,i)p,it: Th., ,. i.:,,!>>. - lian noia- fatrlv rnt_r-,l iij-oii tho pr f..,.,.:i!,.i- ot lt- d.iti?. aud h.t- durlnfl Uu- pflfll t?o flajrfl .ntlt-il a l:\tz- ii,i,:,l?-r ->f *ptt ?-;>t it-lv.- rlt,*-n. U, addl U4M i? ti,.,? aaawfl Bbflve t" b-weat* tacfluben ol Um ,..>,. ral (oiiiuilf. -. Thfl nan.-n ti lli- prrflMfl *t l?vll->l alll D-t b? ?d,l-d to th.n<r_l CMUBiUra until th-y ?hall hav.- ttttktoi in wiitlag .- th-ir apt-flaUaeat. bat -,,!,-!., ?. Ifllly no i' I'inil. ln ?. I, MpMl IJ,- <?'??? r:il I'ominlf.. na\? *** v-t l,'''? r**e**lvefl fr-,,, lho?e laviufll; a,?I *? .omii.ilt-- ,n IhT'I-r- .?..?,r.i?.',t l? th- 1,'U-t lhal U? Ohj'-.ta ?f thi- 1. -_,:?? i:,"t ll,- flpproVBl of Iti- Mi.i.t l? :.|lF.?t portlon i.r Ihe, aml that iher. arBI h* no dilli. nlty Iii maklnfl Ih- ..'?>:?,al ("nminitl.- ,i*W,-li wlll :,.- ih.. notnlaatini rflavrntloii ?I ihe Leafloe) a ninrfloala UVC b,?lv iii Um befll ? w* tt tl- Werfl. Ai.l- th- ilir.Ma. n who h.ue rerflBtt. plc<l?ed lh.-m*.lv-fl f> tbe ********* "? the .'-"I'leVn Munlrlpal Leaaoe ar.- Ibe followlnic: Tlie Ber. I>r-. .;--.,re<* II. Pa-TMin, II.'inT Wll-4.11. Bebrrl (Ytllyer. . .i-oiv- Al<" ,i?i-r. .i'.--|,i, II. B.lanri-. Howarrf < . , i,y. Charle* F. lu-fii,-. K. F. Mohld-nh- and V. <1" >uU Menden: and Ihe i;-v. Me--r-. ?.-':.??? ... MlnfllOfl, \V:lli.ini K?t"~ht Mel/iaran. J. Bhrhart. V. II. Tyintall, 3. *'? ***t, Da-M II. i.i"f-r. \\:il,|,fl ?*. J. M? D-ev-ll. 3. W.inl-n. W. ll. s, hiui.-r. Madl-oii c IVlcr*. *?? K. Mrwwbrids-. Mnuriee II. HarrK Anloum Arrishl, .Um>'. K-m.-iv, llober. W:i- on, M. V r*ompl.-n, I'xd, ll-nrv Me.??ner, .*. Kam*ay. l*. F. Ilaa?. v-,il,,,u \v--t-n,-i'l. ' llftiill II. l.-va., 11. V. I':," 114*0, I. Newl'fll -i:,!K.r. 3. -? si...,-. Boberl F. sample, J. W. A-hPinlt, srott M. t'ooke, l- II. Scbwab, F. iib*nh. l-i'hai-d <?? W.iitiil.r:,!.--. .1. M. l'hilpiitt. John T. rrali. William T. mi.? ?'? >'? bo-Bar, \v,il,??!f*v )."'.*<ii-h,.rpi w. r. Blrrb. C. A Behreni, Uilhelm H,:?. .1. V. l>.it'-. I'- ?**? I'haniberfl, F. F* t rawforB, A. II. r*ro>i.v, 3. i*aaipbe||, .i,,,..'. r'hamher*, Thoina* Dlaon. Jr.. Alfred l>rfl?yshln?. Alberl I.. llnll. r,.w:?ai E. KeBner. Kdwarfl l?. r.,v-'>n. .inil- ?'? l,..|i. Hana T. Blrhler. Vl.i.* < . fniith. l*e?Jan>'<< H. IMei ')w|V;t M. ll'-i--. i torl.- K. ll-,,in.. Milllaia \ i.ivtflin. U. II. Nwrlhrap, i*, 3, V******** **???* ll<*"?"f M".tet. _^_ MR. fTCTTER'S I.ITI I.E INVKNTIOK. _. OT ANX1 1*9 TO S- l-Pl.V SI W.TORtC AM" IlROOKI.YN'-W IIAT WIT.!. Till', POUl'C B -\i'._ I? ?1 .l<. -j,', W<"t.-r. ,'f Xo '.'- M i'l ? " -'? BtmokltB. the inv. ? lor and mannfcirtnrer ni llw . "ii***.-ntlve nmobei i, ? ,; ,. ? .,-. ?'_.?', H i. i">l.-\-d the .,i,,- ,., ,::- ..?,.:.:..,, ,:">:,'-, ol ballot-. l.eeitH l-r _,,.. ,.;???. ;.)..? ,?:<-, ;?,.!, ran not be n iiml_-r>**l. a >. .|>iiivd by law. in ihr l.riel lime Ilul elap*-- ln thlfl rlty |?-ti.-:: 1!:- ,'itfl' ??'. tt*> - i.'l ** tl"". .!..v. l?l \' ?'? T.1..V II ?,- hf* wm- ..... an-ifirtl* I" ?11 hi? ll,', lii! en l-i th..- lo w! th- l""i.'.?. ? tiiml *lfl.ii"r*J In ,1,1, , ?y. ma* ?:?? ld? I*. nu nd tlie urtili ot f.fl |?rn llne i, l , ,,'1,1.,'Ti.T- ihe i.,;i.i-. The f|imiid:ir- whnli th** I'oli.c i.".ii.l "l Un* rll) i- io over Ihe giir*tl.m <?* .- n hlnB u,, ,,:; .? ,..,?:- ,.f ihr numberlni rt Bi , ,:..? aa;i, |, Id Ti. >' -|--nl:.. *fl Tlll lt*. ****** *-*'*** :,,,,:.. 1:1 llial .,i'i..l- oii H,- ai?lh.*il- of Mr. K-!-.. ??( Martin !?? I?*? '?*'? prinlmi; hn... >' No. *?1 l**ub v\ **-.*. ihi* <>tv. were d-M-l Io Mr IY< Her. ??Th.. prl.e "1 mv !>.,? hn <*.* ? ??'* Mr. tt', ?? *.* ?nd Bla-aya lia* heeti ?!?"' ?>'* * ?**>< <?** ******* '" '?*?*?'?* ,1 fl.?,...r ,.,, tl.-Ml. I 1.-- i't*-** 01 VI >' .-- >> - -' ? '?' lb" traoa. ?-> alle#ed by Mr. Bebo. T',-v raa i- had "t -,.,, j,.;,.. I,, H .v ,1- ,,?'! i nmh-r, l nt I ".'.-?- 1 am .,,, ,,- y;...- 11, Rll |.l_ ?? ' na..* Li fiirtil-h Ne 1 ?*** , nv and liroolth... '???' ?' wmild r?-*|iilr-e pn-.l '?"??*'? Mx hn-.rfr.fll .1 ?.-. w.a.M br ?.-*??? 1 I" >'-? Yor_ < it!" and alm ,t '.:." ln BM" Ul; n. i , >hiH. it i ? .;,,.. - ,;., !-. Ill-ni oll ., !? rh, f ?: I have ,i I.,.-:?? > ;':> y,.. .,:;.. ?:, .......1 ln .. ,:?? .'? i" t -.-"!' *** *?? ******** I ?..- ti ... hinra .!-? ?>:. .11. :?"? over an un li ' . '' ,.,1 ., half. hul th.-* ?i.??->?"' I') ?'*'*** * ? '" ,,:.,.?:,.. || ,- :...' ? II ?:.'" '1: I "" **'*** >*'* ***** ... ... t ,??', i,| ii,.- ., li, i. I.e. ..: ?! 1 > f. "1 1 ' "-U. ?'? VI .-..I I mn . :i '.. I, V ::.. lll! " II I '..'? ' Ihi Map. .,:.,! ... T.-i >. I - > *. >*?**?* ?***-*** ***** *** ;,-( ,. - ,i uuiiil ? :? I ?? .i. o.i ? ? *'?' hallot. -\ f ' li ,.. .,, (.h , rornei in II, ah) I rvfn "* * ?" ' Ut * .?.',.- lii.-n llllie, m ...'!, ?' M*'-' ' >:i l"ltCO r.iin|?ilil ..,, ,,, |,?,. ,i ,u ... |i. |.>.mi, llie T-I..1-' I i.t-1' r, ,: Vjl .,? ?, . wai >-,t lo ? ii) "., ' ? : "'* ***** ******* **'?'* * ,..,,,:.,I ,,, ncll !?? I. m. Ih" i?v >* ?hal Mr. I.'"!, ? ,, ? mi, ,uii.- v ln. Ii uuiiil. :- Hw I'.'H"' ?''? ? ' '" .,,...iv. I.tiI it piu.M Ih" al.brevl4l.on ?>'*..' l-*"f.ire ,,?. i.. ,,,... ||r - nl .".i ? Ir. .1 ai i ? "? ?? "?' ' ?' rU' ,:. .,.-:?,!,. ihe *-*_',- oB.-niiii l? *iippl> ***iV.*>** ******** l?,.-,1 .;. :',..-.'...*. loii \M"M.''. .-, ,.:..l IM"r 'I" I""' ,,?,, i ,,? a-l-r-vlalioii ?>'?..' Uiafle ,..,1|.,. 111 ? _-- *. I - [>..- mi, .;? t.,.i...- . lhal i am nol aii\'"U* l" - II BU Ui.,, '..:., t.n ,\ ?.iui.lvinan Vtilin. ,.f Albany, ar.-ompa.<1 bj A .-?,>.I;. ,:.. . I- ','!*. "I Ihi* 'I'V both lk-.ll.? mt*. , ,|| ,| ,,:, >;r. Vt.tM a- U-nia). ll,-:, ,,IJ-.t I-n.- I" ,,' .? .,.., ,,. ... ...,? ?',. |,i n*-?. 'The \\***H*\ \:.. -.' mil, ,. j, ,i, Mr. N'-laii .- .,?>,', t?*i. h.i- t:.. ... i.tra t ,..' ,?,?! ,-,.. ; ,,;.- ,- I- iin-fll in AIL..'.* lln- 1,11 I ,' .,,11 ? ...,, i.i unill'"!* aml Mr. .."i >ii I* ,.'" , ,| . ?'?, ai'iloiin i.i fr* i'.iimihIi iiotnle-iiiiic iii.o li . ,., ,,., il," u .. II- '?''? ' ,"? ?> ' - A******** I '*' ''-"'' ,,,..,,? ,, ,...:!.uu i.l,-ll,, I ),<? M.i- liolllfl lo lf-1 tlH! II ,? '., ? ? > ..... Ml \Vfl-lt?-r I ?ld The Tril.nin- Ki-ort'T Ihe *ini-'r ,. ... | .,,,!, s..... i ..ii.p.111.. f.hi.l. h-*fl 'I'" I" ?? **>* ... , - , ,ii|.'-i.. :.,. iMti.** ii- .- ?**'*> prlntin-i aml nnm ,?.,,?_ i.,,i:?T-. ...i.n 1...1 ,".-.:. ... i.u -,?h ?*'?*>*<;.*'*? IHHil* llilf N>'* V'Mh ' .'i i'li, Hw lie*? l-.ill ?! ? '. ..,-,]-,i ll?- ilul l.rf Hilllh .hal Ihe - '' ? '- ?",? tweiiij , .,, ' ,., ti,,. ih) thal " i.W ?'?" Ihe wfl.rli bi ih,- llnifl mjui-vd._ TAMMAXV-S . llll r 1** SFIHXX IJKK , i.;-ii.N*. 'i" flbvu K uouvukiBTu ABUl'T M.W.,1'. liltAXT, Bl'T U1V14I S" Ol'l'MOQi Hl M-ll-l'. r.Khard ? r-.p.-i. ihe hin ....*?' "i lammanj. Hall, j,;,.."1 **?>:? ???*?'*? .uiell) ... IH* I-,,,,-, ?i N". -'? Mt. Morri-av.'. II - pi< ??>-"' I" ""' *'** >??'*''<? ?*? '*'* ? ?. | ,,r .ii'.i,.- I',. ? T.iin:,,:,. ..' leifll-r-. D ??-?- >>* *?* *** ,?:,,,, .mr!, : th- Ua* lu n?i?,.- afier bu and .? l,.,,! ,?i| ,f ti.,- *I,.' l.a.l ?--'- "I' I"* ****** *****"'?* biiy ..I the di-tilb "" t1"' "anipalcn. Mr. < roher l??M II ?',? Ihat he ?'o?l'l |'"il,??'!> "' ""?!?"?--- ln 'be ? > ?: ". 1:... BwltinK" *<?** u**-' nc-t len ***?, **?* b? ma-l ,.,,.,. unie i" !'"- *>??"? "-1"' ?'"*":,i rar.'fiilly. >'.i,'l "?t , ,-.;,, H) wi.-i'. Tan.niaiiy'i weah hj?'i? were awfl" ahal i.n.l.l ti, I,.- .l-.Ti- Ul -li-:.:ll:' II Ih' Bl. M.,:v rwfll | pl:uni ?:,-?:,,':-' Ma).rwii.'a adiuliiUtral.o.1 rolled ln ,,'? Mr. i r-l.'T. and Iie wa* farm-hitl alll. ., vartrlj ol i...i-,,in wh) tiie M..'.ir onyhl ,,',. li, I"* >'-'. ******?**'** ii?. ,?,,,.-: (r?ni ? ? i Ben" who are ,,;,,,. |,,| 1,, ., ?l\ ' II' thfl H'.*?"J. bfll-MWW* v.-i- aaal t ? *** Ihe m"*-' *t h.i,,',,:. Mr. < 'roher lltteae- aileniiv.-lj lo ,,n n.--e repw etitatlonti ?<**'* i_rrii-.*illoii?, l?nl mallilainrfll ***** **** Lcrtiiil,.,!,!** aud ?phlni lil?- <l,"i:>;>i?,r. Ktvlng no -**** m iM,,?.flti,,.i bv whieh th..-- abo ai-it-l him ..,n!?l j,idK- "l ****** ****** **" ***** *'****1-' 'l"c l1""*' ,ilt Oll.-l.-ll II" OJIilll"!!-. lt u i- niin-.ivd >estfl-rd:ir lhal at a w-nfereiice i,'* tv.-,-,, Mr. I*n*er. .-...iiini-nh,.,'-I "fllli fl" awfl Kik* ?'""' ,?-????, 1->,m',.v II w?, .1.1.-.I tbat tl,.- l.,ii.r -h-.?l. '. ,kr Ttintmany eandWat. for Ihe i "*?' vBU* "--"-' i ,,?,?,,-??!,-,? In Ibe *iiuir_e_ IMotHrt II lll I--1I lll" 'I I IIM"* ' **.?*? **? ? ??.--*? *??* - - . . ,,,. |:,,?.?i?v eaiidWat- for the ?*w ***** "' ****** Tm ,inln*io.ier In Ibe Imieited lt wa* ?'*** ,',,,? ,,,?l?-i?? ln.n -iil-.bin.laU4 f"'"-'l ?' h-'onlv whi f.,r p;.-ni-iAiii.' rummanv :.*<-t,ftii,? > .,;:,ve he M,,l-n,. l.-t ,-v-mi.''.- Mr. lillro) ??; ,ll,,i,.?l -,* |?,.ltiveiy d-iiMn- lln r,>,il. laviaa thfll ii *-?' toi tuly t" ngrec npoo ao) plaaa -luievrr. a i.U'.'.r. vmti; I'.,i.i.v.n at Tlir. PbImaBIFJ-. The ll,i-r,? M'i,'n Iti-pahllrao < ir.m,,/_tlt? h'ld ?,,?,.,,..',? ,?,- V-i,-.,- .l',t,.?. ?f Bll '.he A*-.'.. Mr Dl-trlrU la-t evrnlos "X" i't Uw XVth. XXU, aafl \XI-' I r ,h- |?iir>,,." <-i rl,..-?,ii- :t, flflereUl., ,'r, ,-.,,. r :.,.'! twa latp-rlom ?f etrctlaa f"> *ac* .l.tmn dl-lri'I. fllid ;,l-? U-i....- I" "-he I n-nlv, ,'.,:,*:.-.- An*.',? hii -.ui Ai,!,?,,?..? ,?nt'?,!,.?-. ,'i,:i,:,. B Bwfl-rajr, ".."? ....?i< tarj ?J- a- h-adnoarli-r-. No. *** ******** ?. ******* * uu.. i,??r rr.el4li.fl Om h-iira?. H- iflM Ihat ?-.?'ih i-tai.ii.ii_ Ihe l.i-l-'i.'-'.l iv-athT Ihfl vol- p.ll-d *??* **<*<> .,?,/in,.:, :..:,.'- thfll **>* u<g:u: ttUtt tt.ut flrOWlMfl nmldlj ln ... arlv -*? >y pflH "' t.i- rlty. in flpraklni ... i*>- |,,,'?'..i.i- i"'i,-v u, i., ffiii-ii*-*! la **_? raaipalgn, >l<- *****} ?***? '*" <?>' ****** ** '* IV pr"1 vnlll,,. n. i.lUn.i.l *>t Ih- .',-:,?l/*.,..n thut uf.IV a r-"K",,-,*! 1;.,,!??,, thut* b- iii.i'.rfl.d f?, Mfljrar. If ***** *t*> l" be only Driuocmlf. to vote for. we nrelrr lo m?a? no ?tJlclaJ ii-l*cllon but allow c_.|j mnnbor to chooie for hlmaeli f*r vvhojr, hc ta. v,?tv." TILL).AX BfAMED FOR GOVERNOR. THK SOtTlI OABO-INA STRAICBTOL'TS RLFC 1X0 TO MAKB THE NOMINATION t'NANI MOL'S-A-*,' Atftf-StlOBT SEi4SI0N. Columbla, tf. C, Sept. 11 (speclal).-The SUtc Demo cralir Convention adjourned *t _ :_0 ahis mornlnc liaving reiualned ln *e*.|on all nlaht lt >vas :i o'crlaeB before the antl-Tillman .otitx-Ung deJesatluns wero uu.eated, when the .umtrr delopation was d.-prlved of Its seat, (ieneral Karl. of SunibT Cotiutv, who lias led the llrfht agaln.. Tlllman, aroxc In the gallerv, declarid the aetlon of the ronvention ulteriv lllc-al and hl~li-h-iided, and atinounr.-d tliat he would not j bc bf.riliU bv lt. artlc.ll. Th* tlchct namM In I*~t niahf- dis-p-Mi*. aa I prohable waf notninated la full. It Is aa follows: <>'V-riior, 1). n. Tlli.-nan ; IJaatenaat t.overnor. K. B. ?'ary: Bmtelaty ar* Mate. .'? B. -Ir.dall: Attorney Oeaeral, II, u. Popc: I'lcaaarar, tf. T. C. Balea! 1 tipermtriident of Kducation. VV. I). MaylleM', Cm troll.'ri.i'iieral. tf. II. KlbiliCo: Adjutatit and liv ?p. tor (ieneral. ||. i? Ka:l"v. Wlien Capta'n wa* put ln nonilnatlon the clr-er.x oa thc iloor vvitc drowncfl bv BtOT-U of lilx.r In th* gmXk ri*.. The ?tl_lght_?|B votc-d xolidly BgahJ-t 'J'lliiiian, and refiixc-.i to iiirvUc blx ?.?r.ilriatlon unfMtl Iiniiix. vv_. the only noHilnee for Uovernor and the voti- in iii-. favor v*a~ over wbeBalng. Tlllman app-arcd before th** lonvention at .'. i.'i lork. Hn ipeorh wa- a ll*appo_RtB--Bt to Diar.y of hi. LiUowr-r-. He ~u bit.'r toward (.'iltini iia. lle iwore that if he liv*<i ba arvafcf be ekvt'-d. If lc' idoiif hc- might becoine niibl. but lf viorrli-d h" would n?e ln. rlaw.. III-. pottry would be to ri-fund thc .-tatc d'-bt, if po-xlbl". nnd If aot, to t-r-ll t_e bond- fur what ther** would brlag and pa.** the h,.ld*'Pi in eaah. lle felt l:e,-nlv the rcfiix.,1 nf oae f-ution to a_a~a his nomtnatlofl ananimon*. lt h that faptaln TUItnan **a. ,,i-j.'-*j bv aom* of hl. foi lovverx to ni:.kc a t tm-ei vativ . ..nd rorit iliatory -pserh, but lie failid to do io, and iiiiiiib.'i . of hi- adhercnU rxpreMed tlielr dl-appointnifiit The rnBre cnurse of th.* nmjorlty wa. to conrede nothing, and lo rarry everytbmg before iheta. To-day. aien who bave bere> bren alnmaly oppoav-d tii a xpiit ln Ibe p-u-ty. upenly advorated pulting ap a llrbet and rnnning B. Iieneral K.irl artl] make the flcht ll bc U raBcd upan to rt. -... Tbo** favorliif, tb:- r04|r?e de.Uie tji .t ?If if j.-. t,nS' men canunl ln tlm treatmenl Ihej have if*eiv*d at tli- hand. nf tbe majority. Wltlllli tii- n*ll vi.. _ || Will bi-.!??. I'bil vib-Hict oi not aiioiher lirhrl .hall b* P*H la Ihe li- II. lli- |.l.iti'iiu Bdoptrd bi tbe .oiiv-ntion dcnmitwcd Iba M<-Kiiil-y Tarill Mll and the Loda* bill: demand* tln- abolllbm <if National bank., aud a larger l--u* of Icifil ti-r;.|.'i no*'.; rall. f-.r th-- p* "**a*e ol towi t-> pr i-rnt d-aliti-x In fntitt.f all Bjrrti nltural pn~tu-t.. prr-rrlling ?ui-ii aietli**!. ol prmedure ~ will .im prompt ioii*i'tion-: ur.:-- an Iniorii" ti*. ..ii IndlVtdltal- ii'id "ii t!.rplll. of ? -.r |. o-itt-.n- . n-~ |..r addltiotial pmrer inr thc Bailr.*_d ' "mmi-xioii. aml d'-inaiid. Ihc calimg of a i-.~i-tlt.itlonal r. .ttyeiit i*m ln 1,.im.. an nrgnnl. law Ih** la** Midt "a itandins menara to our rlvlll-ation ..nd tu our' *da*-a 1,,'iial iii-tltutiiiii- ' Tn" pbi'loiin <1.x a. folloWx: -VV" i..l-'li nm .ii* Bttflllpt. lit'ir Iv *r-.iit. tjt-i-l. or l,i |,t>|) alllalH* wlth tb" fiic-niv. to dl-rupt the 1*. ui" ,i.,t.. party "f Ih* >'?'?'?'? B'hB* *apr*mafi |. ibe billwarh nl .-ir . I- tlt.-ti.-n. and faii oi.l.v be HMUred b* liti.ioi ratlc nn i'i' - "* PH0TF- TI"N ACiAIXST FRF.E TRADE. Ml S4.B8. 'IIT.K v.Mi IIAi'.TI.a TttaBlNO ON THI T viv.rr vt i l.l.l wi:.i.r.. BBen-ille. N V. i-pt. ll Ba?r.mgn.'man Ro* irrll ,.. Ilmr, "f Uii'hla-n. *i*d Mi. hael I? llarler. ..f ,,?.;,,, loiuiiiiifd Ihfli 'b-vat" on tli* lanrt al tli i i-t. r i .iii.i* lair here lo-day. It r.iri-i dnrina Ih l_? | ...?? ind .. b.if i~ ll** drUt*. i-tit "*-! I.?~~i .,.: ,?. -t ,..| iind-r iimbrell*. !?? U*>l*a t..t:..- ?;? .l.-i I y.-. lli-rr ."??..?- --i.-r.;:-. ol ih* l ? ???? li *ni .":-.?- "t ; pr"-.' nn in '.:i_-w ... up and rli-ip i upr-lni. I? ,1... ... , !n thi. "?' i '?'? <" he i".-''""l ! , ,t;,r. nnd crtunery. ~hi.-h had f.u-?? ~~nd.'rfolly ! m prlr- *,in* t'i- adoptl** of hitfli-r t.,..if nl"?. II" j d.-iii.utff. Bi .la'.i a- ?"'!? iv.'m - l<i ' "i.t-d *:'''':' ,;' i :,,?.-??.-. >nd x.i.d r.i:.I-:.::?? rr ???*? pr?i.-li:.~ a_aii..l I Um Vi.-KlriW blll heriiii*-* -t ~"*iW liiju.* tla-m A i , , . , . ,,..;.,!, >,. ._-k'*'l *?:..' it ??*..- .- UrSB i : -?.... ,..| *.... i wa. r.x? iii.t' rl-il. bul *.1 *> ?. I ,'!v **.;!;. ln a |*~.~ll~ttrf **-l"h .fl-..""'. ?'?.':? -?.r .-..,- raw mairti.1 ill ''?- ?'?' "'** 1,'"'r' :,!'c| s" wim .v.ivt in_. Iii" l?.*t~ Pi'-f'-'ed to ..*'? up *ll tli- l.i.ttlU of | t|..n f.r a aiimli -itoillll t nw mM-iol .,;_ 11...?. ,|." iir-l thal '..'"i- ln Ih* roner-l ... , ,. .. ,,;, ? .!."!. nm'.'-i,' '? ranif in t-> *~ai|~.* ,, . | i,..... ;, -.- -tiboat pj?u*d aay t.i _. ahhV all ,1,-, ,, .,i **.,- t.-.v-l Mr. llart*. deri-ted t""-' " ,,... |, v., ihf (a-iii-i-. -i*i'x thit ?~*r* ir.fiity . | _,..,. '...:, t*'-' rl* "'I- lll n iaaif Inl. .? ,, ,_.,( ? ,? . ... kti.i ?? ? Ibf - |fr~ i<"i l!''' ? ?"?? tU| ,-,?. ;..;.. ,., panr lr-..l.'d thf f.irm.'r a. if ... **.i. ih- ipfid. man. ib- ' '?*! -? " ?-'"-* l ...._ ||,? ..rm *ii."- i r-- niop raptdly ui.d-'r :, r . und t'.. .1 ht-li ti:.:l. n.'l had Mtiully df Imed g? ? ,- u,a |a t t. . *...r-. . -.mii .- i" ih- M K :? * | .1 lu' i.'i it **..x lll..' h -Id n< < '!??*" "rr I" I'l" .,.r ... lie r.HiM n> - . Ih- d.dlar ... tli- "".-i ,. . .,. ,| .' ,'. in,' priif. of farui pi-.l i< '? I "ii - , ...,'| .,:?..'.> B ti.lfT ? -.i'l l."? l-i-'ll l!"f fnr'i.'i' \ir i|?rr i-|.!r.l lhal firtu- had h:.i-".i .:??? i-i--.t 1 ,n 'va'i,,.- ..f late. bai lhal Ihe- had Iheir full , t ,|, .. ..?,.. ?< pi .-.- li .tt il- .pol.t II - ln i|- '? " - i ,.| -t.-.'l i ,11. ..- all .iii-**-: '" *H I'-ii-?? i .IL Briniliienl , .. ., ? . ,,P.,|.'. ,,., vi ii,.-. f..||..%*.-d aith Ihe . -,,'.? , ,,i ,!..,, wlille xi.,-1 rall. 'u'l ? I'-ai" ' "-1. Auier, , , ,?. .,|-.* .*- I.fl :?- I-'* ." >- f"i Ihem lhaII idher ,.pl.- on h..nt nt Ibe '... b t. . Bl ll'.rr 'I"*! I ||?. ile.iBi* ni a ~BD a"d ii-*iueiit -|.?h "f i^*' in.i, ib-' dnntioii. Mi:-x|;x IK-.1X1VKB ASn a*ll.*-*N tl i-WBOn ii**-.-". N. ^ . - bi 11 *T '< 'al ? I1"' '?"?'' d?? I.ale \* i.i.b ~a. i" have i'"-ri Ir-M al Ih* fair _rc.titid. rtin ? g lb* ii"--* r*Hin:y 1 ~ir to..l. i ? t?? ?? ihl* ?"?? nin_ ii, ii,.- ,'..ui.i', I .iml lb,ii -. T'.r'.-i - man J. I' 1 I'..||i*'i. nl luwa, vi.. th- . n imp.oii "f |.i..i". iimi, an-l r.,',.,-1-.- man VV. I. Wil-.-n. ??' tt>' ' I'lralnl... had Ihe c ,..;.'. . I., \ nf - L.i in.'i.-' lanif r I- rm I an ?_ gre-.,Vf|* p ???!'?' I t.r.ll i, iiMi* . Mr VV ll ..i .??-? I.'i 'I ' i.i iir*time,i., in lb* iln i~i< i and ".? * * -l h- ? ."' .,,-,. ...,,ii.'..! by II. II" il.'i, IIU'-I lll- M- kl-rl-v b.ll j and ."../."l n- pi"' ..lon a. I unli n.omi. <\ i #.---:*.* ..I..1 niijii-i t<> i||* agri?ullnral i la-.. Mr. ladlner, In lii* riply. l?-?an !?* prnvlna thal ! V!r. tt I utt't UU* r.boil ll e I.II larill **a- a- un . meainiiig a. drunimlini ni~.n a il'i pan ll- *~i~l tl >l II,, .; ,.||. m thal tb- r mnlM li.i.l '??- n ib .p ll--I l>3 ei.t- -.\f t..*.at,.,ii wa* mii. ui...-. and ??mn|*an*d Ihe , mdith.ii . i Ihe lil. r rn: -I.i- "? h?'f*e, l**th urn rulluiaj ai.d iii'iinii... iimi'-'. wiih Un.I ?~~et iMunin..-. |.nm. r- who had -ul Into the bad hahlt ,.f .,.?, -ld'-nn.' tii--iiix.-iv.-s -ii.ii-ti ap" **-re nnivlnced tb..: ln realfty ihey **-i ? l"-< c' '"l- ?" ir-r- ''? ,,??,,ari-..:,. I.I"il Ih- < l-Utl"" <*< ""' ?-->* ~? ,i m, in ,.t |hf l iiri-'l Mai. ?> >' ??' tHiUrely i . pni B_-.-ea.-Ba_ aml -.*-? *Uli I ?- *h..wing lla* ia< i*-a- In pr-ln.ilon and th- rem-.rhable .1.a** ln .I'""'** j? ,|?-|,lK, he p.i.- -.fn." B.a*d ....oini..i-i.e.i by pr.. ie, i nj . i"' kerj aad Bla ??*'"1' - ? ? I1IKY r.W'.'i: (-il'.M'l. V.ILI.IAJI I hTIMN" The ln, ni'-- M.n'x l:--ii < ?: .'..n./.il ,..n -i tli" XlXlb .-? -enil-lv lu-trbl at l'* meetlllC al l-'itli .?iv. ni..! *?.*.!*? Mflhxt. on W-.l'i-'biy uii-'M t.ii.iniiu"u-l.. I -..I..i.t. d a !?? ?biti -u dcc-UirliBji rol"in'l WHJiau L Mro.iK lo be tbi'lr ibob- lor Mayor. C"\i'iu->-M.*N i.ii .iw rtrriBED. Orean i Ity. Ma.. >'l"- " l"-l~'?~?l?. *"h? Dem~rratlr ! |i-iit u\ i Ihe i ..:..i---i" i."iiiiimiloii ln the I-l !>ix ti1.1 rnd-d un. rrening. rh.arenthin v*i-.,n--!ed ,*,., il..*- I-.I V*,-.-l. lll 1 -ll rev lll.'. illld IIM loril.-l wiu, iv-iiiu-.i to-day. Ilenrj Pa~-. .n* Homcraei I'.iilllly **a. iif.inin.ied Ml tb" l??h b-ill"' lli* ??,...Uon i- a r-ward lor lu- ?n>Bty lo I'nlled K.aic* N-nalor tVII-m Mi tbe roni. -i In lb* let la-l **lntei'. t iin.r' '-H'-ou. vtlioh.i r.-pi. -.'tile.1 lb* ctt-lliil ,,"?,?'? ,erm*', ""l1l""U'l"'lv _}' Jr?d a ,rn.,.,il.i..lloii H" ~?d bl- frh >M-~ ?"" ?""' , ,',, ._;,?__,ni-.l . n l.i-a.b h ihreal*.I ln llio blt-. | u-to xi.iid Uenarrary id ihe B_~iera Mwre. .? ? - ? rc.i.i.rtV.ii FAitMK.i:*. imUB" IBTO i'?n.iri.>. ?'i.arl- ton. >. c. ~rpt, II i**i>'"i.l'- The Afre A.ii.'ii.i.n i iiii.KT.' AlBanre U loBowliia la thc fo*d xi.-ps ..f thelr whlla bioth.-i-x and are gotng Inlo ,..,1,1,, ,. II,,' ti,-t Il-'VI-Iop.u.llt of llll. o.'.U.I.d t'i dav. vihen Ibe I'ep.lbll.n.. rmv.-lili.i-.f- >_?_t l'"" t?a fa.-.l?.i,.. "n" o| thr." .. pli'l.-d I- lioinlll-.l Hr W D. .?rutii. an Inlelhltenl < tn.n. lor ii'ti .,.-.- fr.,,,, th* Lt I'lxiri.t. T.dher will itoBilnato \v 1 lirant, a rtrli niha?d bat-her. arho I* b__ pr-Bl dcnl uf IB* ...I'li.-d ..lliini". II" h,v,.rs the *->? l,-,M.IV M|.,. and lb.- l..idp<' MB- The ?'*?"?"? ,iii, ?>.l?T..i.t.! ls i-ol-.i.el W .1. Brawley. a proail iient rallrond ailornev. who b*.il II. a. Meet/. tha _M~~ne? '., the ..-ent De.rall. r.~iven l,o?. _ ? - - Pi:.i|lllllTl"M-<T** AM? TIIK I1M.I"T LAW. Trenton. N. .1.. -x'l'l- II -Tl.e Bereer l'< Bl ity ftn hlbltlolllxt. hfld a c-.ur.fy , oiiv-ull'.ii here ln .lav and nomiiiiite- Wilbaiu*. "f Hamlltpa *|~ai*. tn* Khc-rlll. -rt-retarr Win.n-. <>t Ihe Male lealnl iw milfre, d.n. iir.i-l UW liailol liff" "> l?- a* r* -*' ?-' l? dl-fan. l.lxe Prohll.lib tiiat-. an.l -"??? ""?"?? ??* '__* um cupf.x dlxtri.t in th* Mata the I'h. Mbltlonl.t* eould uoiniiiate by louvetiUon. lu live ronntles and s?ven Assemblv dlstrlrts, he said. lt bad be. n sdvlned that nomlhatlonfl b? hy petlttnnn nnd in other plaee* whero fr'e.nds of pnluhltlon were in>t ninnrrniin ei.o.iKh for this that voting bc dono with >tirkfli>. . * ? A qUIET ELECTIOS IN WTOMING. THE M'ORMOe,* VOTE OOING TO THC DEMOCRATIC OANTMIIAT-'-THF HESt'LT IN DfU'BT. Theyenne, Wyo., Sept. 11 iSpecial;.? To-day's elertion was <*uiot with a lar^e vote caat. The Australlan ballot Byst.m worked ?atisfa?torily. N'o delinite retnrns are in, and the resnlt will not Iie known with oertainty untll to-iuorrow. Tl.e pivotal pointa are Vinita County, where there is a lieavy Mormon vo.e. and Swivtw.iter County. where there is a large mln ing comni.inity. Tl.e Vinita County Mormon vote haa goBC to, Demoerat, for <"ov ernor aii'l for the Republican LeKislative Ucket. Carban County, wliich in 1 -.Mra cavo Core..-, Republieaa. %<?* majority, gives Warren. Repabliean, 260. Dcmocrats claim Baxb-r's eleo tion, but aro douhtiul about tlie Lcsislat.i.e. DISFRAXCHISEMEKT IN MISSISSIPPI. PB0CE4-OIBOB OF THE CON_TITl.-T_0-f-J_ OON Vl'.NTU' -" AT JACKSOV. Jarkfloa, Ml.-*., s-pt. II laflgfl Caihoun, pw-ld^nt ,i. ihe CoBfltitatloaal <',,nvcntlon, orrupie<l the fl'-or for nearly two hour* to day ii, M.pport of hlfl Kle.tOMl coO-flfl wl,i< I. hni* been fully de-erihed In tbflflfl dl-patrbe*. Thfl .ludpe reeicwcd ull tlie franehl*.'* pluini Mi.init'-d t<> the ronvenMon, and Innisted that noiic but thfl CBflipb.ll plan and that whlrli hc liad pre?,ented hlni-rlf would Inaara white contrul In the _tat?. It wiih ? law ,,f divltn- iirdln.itioii, hc .ald. lhal thc whit** rire. .aiiin-t tokrate dlvldcd -, tai any Le.'is laiure WOUld l,.,ve thfl btftinp of MiOCJT upon it that WQttld iin-nnble mieh U body aa this, with Ihe en.r ni'ius alb? .*\pvii-i'. avl.l. an obj-rt uliort of th;*. The ipeaker did not ihaflfl the apprehenaloo of tbo-fl who thonithl thal any rhsnee "f Hm Ci??_|_atloo tlut aao'iiii have ihe rifeet of tfeprf-lna a pr-.t numher ',f lir.nM-n nf Ihe litfht t?i vote WOUH involvo the "-tatii ? ,r NU- |nn|pp| i? ;, rnafllet with Concrcsfl. lle tboa_M th-r- ? ,- h prnhat-llify of nii.h a ronfllet, a- tt wa* ?..-,,. :_llv rofireded ..lufrtin lawyrr- the fiilida mental rnndltioni of IBe ?_ t ?'f lv-70 *-cr>* uticon-iUtu tional, aad t'>,t M,-->---ppl liad a right to UnpOflfl .ilui.,1;. nai or pmpertjr auaBflradoti*. a- other --tate*. pmvtded ibera "-a;. ao dl-> rlminatlon on aenmpt ot ,?.,. e or rolor. "Uilt-," he r,.i,tii,,i<'d. "if thc wor.t , un,'-. tn tl,,* worst a:i>I we lo*c some of our rep reaentatlnn Ifl <--,n_i-es*. we run -talid It rniiiplarcnUy if all'.ii.-il in niaimto our lo, aJ and Mate attati- un dUturhed.* Kvr,i Uie I're-nlftiejr, thc iprfllfiir s.ii.l, wiu. a mfltter nf l:,-i.-n,li> .,,,,-? r?ii,|,,iia-i| wua |,i> al n'lf pov.'rnmeTit. lb* did BOt pmpoitfl tu mnn- malters nnd lnde t-chind fl ?abt**rfu_V, bul a-ltid l,y anvbody if lt flrai tlie purpo-e of ihe ranvenlM-fl lo raatrtn neare taffraafl. bfl flroali franhlr annwer, - Ye*; that *?* what we are bflflfl **.* I*>., bad Rone fortb tha, fr-ui-J. forefl aud liitlmi'la i,.?, ,,,?-i i.-.i-fl'. aml if thr roiiventlon falled t<> liiniiro whilfl -u|,i":,.i-v ly p-.K-eful n.etho-la, he would, ln ,.->-.? a .,-_.. ?;,- hereaftcr _1ll<*l ln ? aolilieal riot. ,-L-ai-d I,:.., ? lf :,'.d every m-inl-ir ut tb* ronv--nl:..ii -i- ,, ,-.,-..rv |o tin* munl-r. Th- flpeaBer ihrn anide an rlabonte ri-ii*.i.niloa?l _rfiUBfl_l to prove that th? plan h- f:,v",->.l wa-4'Uepnbllean Ifl f'.rn,. Tbl? plau -lnd'- ihe --.?:'?? Into tbiru-en a-rrymaaderH eieiuou di-irn i-. eijflii ..i whi, li will hav- whilfl niajurltlen. aafl t Ii.ii Ih-? nlull .I-! all ****** a,,?I luun'v ? -ib'.-rn. Hie *t.i- *??:;?,''? and the Lesl-laturc alone to hr * :.-. *.'i l\ llie (n'Ople. I :,-r- .- .,'? |,,-"-,'?, i ,,f a v,,|.- on the M.fTrage iines ,...-, b-foru il,"- !,:;-!? part of nesl areek. ? ? ? -? A BKPI'BLirAN VlfTORY AT NE\VTv>RT. N-v|..,,. i:. l.. T-'pt. II.?The < .ui.. "f Ihfl t,.ill,,?" ra*.l ;:, r?.nierfla)'?* cledhn ?-?**? romplet-d at 4:10 ,,i:?u ihla m ni,.. Thoniafl t*oap-*liaU (Rep.) h ri-t-d M.iwr hy lo* majorii. . Th- Bepnbli-an* al-n -,i m.,, ... -ix Aldermen, trn -mt >-f r*ft.*.-ii ,..,.,,, iIti-ii ."1 Ihi***" -->,i ?>f fiair -< ii".'l fl,,iinuiii.*.' 11,. || I'.- |, :??;,..-!-;.ei Ifl l*il* pe.OO.1 Ut *** new I .tne Imn-- ? t- -.uri-d i.r over 500 majority. UEXKRAf. W'KWKi: iil'.t I.INK- \N F.MITV HONOI*. l>-n Motnen, low.i, .-pt. il. ,.,->-ral J. li. MTcaver h.i.- ii-. I';:-! iha i nion Lflbor mrtnBMik-a for Coucrou in tUij fllftrul _^ __ MUMIXATF.D FOB OOXOBBflB. Jrack*on. Mlv... lirpl. 11.-Tho n?'p,,blir;in* of the Vth [llnU-li'l ,,..,',: ,?l \. -t.-i'I iv .1. U. *>. Plttfl, of Waan . leni.y. f. r ' ,,:.-: -?? 1: <i. ii i|? ::-. i*ept. 11.?Tha ProhiMtlonlsf- of ihe \-1|Ull lnd i- t I' Irirl'il th- ll-v. B. I' , i.i ?:.-. uf I.,;. n-. I >r ...iik'p-- at lljrinouth jreflterday. i . Innall. M-pt. I! I'. ?? H",ii 'iratii' .''-nv,'iiti,,n <>? ,,,,. i ? i hin |i|.,rl,t ii...l..n .1' .1 .'t.iav ... I'lflfBW (or Tlie ihi Im li'.'l ?'??'-? v> ni...'. nomlnated Ollrer Brown. ],.,:,. Ki-, . ?i't. i <? li, - BepubUran* ol t.'n* l-i !>-,.,. t yentcrday iioiiunal.-d < >-- li.*l-..,lt for ?'<,n .-,., i;.'|>.--'-,i..r.\- Morrlll. >,f l*en*lon Wll fanie. mIiu ii m ,--|,,.-???.'- ihe ii:-t,1.1. ii-rii!i.-,i i.i run. l>.,r it. .?pt ll -rh- Bepuhllean*. of tbe i\,:, ,'.,-,.?!? iofi ,1 l?t*trti t ?.--i.-iaiay Riiooilnatei J- 0. I.llll .? ? ': '. fl, ? 1 Wll lli.'... I l.-v.-land. nhiii. >? 11 11.-Th" Peniarrats of th VIHIIi ,-.,... h. ?;-.-. ,,->niln:ili-d D. fl. llar?. of Wyandut uuiiil . I'i- . ? ii _: i > ??- a> -l.-i'l.ty i hilll...the, Mo.. *-,|,t. II. The RepubUfan* of the U,l |i..,i,.t i.,iin nonunatfld Jamefl Pflttlluba tot niKia ... \tl.,::,:,. '?:< . SepI 11 - The Vllfh Dtltrli't Deino ,,:,,., ,it ..ii:,.-.m. havfl nomlnated K. IT. E-eretl imiii ,:i,.",-l* for < oncrr** rhe ln*.rle| Kepublleanfl, n. ...Tne^vllle. have itiin:it?*< /.|on \ llaniell bt Cntiftt ?>. 1...M.'. M. >.t.. .?i'i- ii Tlie )l'.t>t_na Bepabflean i ,-i:,-. ,;, !,.-..- f .1 iy renominateil Tboma* II. Cflrtee i.u , .- .-?-?--. |-..|iim'.n?. K.:: . -i>' ll- The RepabB-am ef the m.i i-.-:.i. i hav.-reiionilnati-d ll. B". I*erhln? lor Con*. ?-?*;'. 11 Th- I'nlon Labor pn:-tT of Ih,. VII. I?|.ir:.'i ?'., ***** M:ir.i,'-vtl!e. n,..nlnat4*1 )| ij'.. iMllihsr, ,'( ,.,-'???. .i?t!e. f-r r?lii~*-v.. 1... M ..,,--. I-i ,. -*ept. 11 The I>--u,. ? rat- of the lV|t( ,-,. _.., . |i,(in,i in r..,iv,.nii,.n al Xew llamptofl |?.,|,-, i.,.n,,ii.,.-d tt'all II. l.ali-r. .'f lai-lie I I.IIT.It ., *-*.pt. 11 rhe I..,:, , ral* nf Ihe VIIIli .",1 .,t |i, ;';,,, iMv_ i-enoniiniued JiK.ln II. Whn.-,,.- hy ii. . n. )|..n,lt, M.... ? pi. II- Ih- |i-*n,...n,f- .-f ihe Xlllth liMnri ii'i.n ',,i.?t .i?i-'- K. tt'. Itvan for OHiarea* b| ui. l in.iiii?n. KilUiiirtie < itv. ttlv. Nepl. 11. Ih- Kepii'ihcatM of ||?, \ |||| ,,,;..>??- IMnlml I' '."IIMU.-l-d . 1..11 I-n li. . l.trit. Murt-I*.?>?:,. N. ?' . ****** 11-- Ih'' VlBCflHIfW-fl I?i* ,,?t I-.',,,,. ,.,!,-? roiiv.'iirlim >,-i--?i?v unanimaufllr no.ii.n..le<l -hrriil L-flnieliii* N. I'adma*. of l*9***tb i .-ui,,,. M'.n.-?mery. Ma.. ?!'' '?' I'1"' ? .>t;_rr.--?*-l-j...I . imvenliiHi for ihe Vth Alal-aiaa llmlrl.l w..- h-ld * t,.:,i..v .,. ?.?,-lwul -r. Jam, - K. *.*?*???> ??'* renomhiated ?., tlir |lr*l |.,iil.-fl. II. i* ll - Ihlfl ?? ',?::..,n,,:,. \- tt'heeler .,,?i Pnrpln have no ,,pp ,-,n,,n. it h now i.-rtiilli Ihul ih-- Al.ib ii,,;i l>e:n,,. ulifl- I',,ui:iv.-?,|,.,I|?l.i?- ttlll I-- il..- -. ue a- ln I ".*. I*hl* I* Ihe mili NMiihrru **ialn ll. il ha* in??l? ** > ' ***** ' Mllwaul. tn*. Sept. ll Tlie M Di>Ma*l n.-ino ,...-? I'onveiitloii ul ttalortowii ?.,?-'??:,i.,> naminated , lliitn , liabbit.. ?? *?*???*? f" ..iv_?min. i ,it,.,n.i|,?l:-. -"-pi. ii I?..-.?l II. '"attoii ??? aoflil nmlrti |,V ih- lieiiw iiii* "i Ibe \th IndUna W-trt*i tu I'onfn-.* ""--1,,'i.iv .,' Moiioii. .1. Lottlfl, N*pt. M.'-"' ''I l"l'h to ****** KepnMl, " fi,,',, llelena, .mu. -.n- tbal the Repubtteana ol tlie l-i , m.i:!--- I'i-.Ti, i >.--irrday reiiomlnated by arrla m-l.'flu i.. r. K.-aiher-l ?n. % , hyli;- Teiia.. ***** II--I1- *'*f K.vaim wa* tO day ,,.,'??.;.,[.,i i.y ti.- K.'P'ii.h. aiM ,-f thfl UM Oaa_TCM lll-t: t. t - Nanbato. N*pt. II.?Thfl Deaiorrallr r.inpren* Coo ve,,.,",, >-f .'>?? lld IHntrkt mel h-r- tudav. Vn ii.templ aa* r?.?l- rn i,?i..i-* Ibe ramtldary nftieneral i n luker. il,.* 1 unm-i*.' Alllaiiee rbiilee. but a.\ 1 ulted sUtes .-.-ii.i.i.t Williiti--ii wa? ii'iiii.i.iii-d. to n-T ,\ MXTI -tblHT TICRCT IN Tlir. Kir.Ln. T_e i-npal-M >" ,?>tt" *??t Ba, trad.' aud U.n.r u,:lo?? of Uu* h... ,,l,.-t l~i"'" ***** h... * Wa* ?".-ii.>? I'-i , irl.l ;,?rt - I'l'd ?* -\->*-0 .-ni- tlie. oj U*. lo i,">??,?,e Ibe .-u'lid-i-n on tli- f." "'-'.i',, tkhel or 0.- Hoclaliet Labor l"arij ll ????- *t-?irt- *l to i-tu. ,j,-.> aiafloallaa f?r Um Ii n!.-. ,,! li- ,,':.'. -' A|).',.i- la 0.1* i.'i, inltt-r, iuui j il,. >..,.,,) ?.,- , 'li-r.d ln ?ead aai a , ir. ?Ur Utt. r tu all , t,,.- _wlili?i m* I "> * "' Sea-YerU Mate. kaylafl ti-.n n. ?;*.. '. ,,... ,ii-.-<-v.arv t<> --ali * .*-tai- I'aaamilaa ?,f Ui- l*a> ***** * lil. r |-:<Hi. ..'"' ??*l*? thal t?-. -,,ti?.w fl-lth-r -an. lio,, ? |r. ,,,,:.Ii,,..|, iu, to h- ,>'t.'l^ hi ll.f* ,?'?,l?flll?- ,t-?,ni,tt-,., , ..r make ir.ih |te,?l-,.l l-umlilfllioo* Blld m l.nflt U,en, ua th ? I r,,,;,..,,.- ,i tl., ;i?i1r _n<-" ?,,??!,* of lli- .*. i,_ll-,l 1,1,1 ..r I'ai'y. -m li. -..t,,,?* aerf :<l?o a?l>"d to irad l?T.,,f|p na,,-.. ln roaii lianre alth lh? , l.?i- ?i Ihe n w baih.i lat* whieh i .| 1,000 fllflaalarflfl, ." th- aaailaaUwi "f * ,-a?ilid?t'.' fnr fl Klate ***** I* ""* '?"' **** ** .>""'h,a>- '? tttt ,-i*ii,iiv and ?,??,,-i|,ai i,i-i., :. *???i eaadldate*, f?> tli-- Mat >,.??,,. utmto a,?i a? H.i.iv. Ti," uomlaaUafl - i,nr?ii i,.? wiu iii?i ii-m ?-- .' aaaa* Ihe**** ? and.da.r.n. Tha tl. I. 4.I.. - l" thr n.-'inu aeia >-.vlr-,,i, Iv i'?lh?->?-ll<\ w,d ,. ?a. ,, ,,i\."i to ,-..iif an mrrtetifl ,:i?i|u..?. i;.|i.?in ti.ri' ?:ad Ir,?? tl?- l?ll?-l?- Ann.iulii.v dmtriil.n lu ._>? ,lli aaht, h have Be.* *?rflaal?f4|! Vlllt, Vlllth. Xlh, xiiu, xiviu, xvm,, xviuih, xxui, \xii-i, xxmd tkA XXIVIh. i PROFESSOR BICKMORFTS LECTUBE8. TUE P-BLIC t-CI-O0_. OFFICIAX.S WAJJT TffHM WI BE CONTthMl'ED. There It llttle doubt among mcmbers of the Boari ol Fidueatlon and the oflleers and teaehers of thfl publlo schools that the lnterentlnK lectures of Profe?ior Albcrt b. Bli hinore wlll he rontinued tliis wlnter ln the Amer? ican Mu>enm of Natural HU.ory. doples of the reso lution presented at the meotlng of tho Uoard of KBu eat.on M \\'-dne*dar. a?klng that i?ome means be pro vlded to liin.ire their dellvery untll tho meeUng of tlio LeKlnlature. wheaj Uie u-mal appropriatlotfVlll be made, have been nent to ."overnor Hill. the fitate Bnperla. tendent of. ? hool* and the tnn.tces of the Museum. A niceting of the Commlttee on Counw of .tudr ot the Board of ********* has been eolled for next Tuefl day at 4 oYlock. to eonfer with the fitab* -upertntenB ent and the tnisb-e* of the Museum. It U expectoA that .irraii.emenb> will then be made ln refereiiee to IBe leetur-s. It ls co.iMdercd pr-bable that the iS.OOO Bfleflflflanr for the flap?Bflfl of the leeture*. untll tha mcettng of the l/*Kt*lattire. wlll be advamed ****** rarlly bv the tnutflflfl of the ******** Morrli K. Jesup. prer.ldent of tho Bflflfi of Tru-tees of the Mu? seum, 1* out of town at pre.cnt. He wlll return tfl the elty. however. In a few we-Ks. The members of the Bflflfl <>f Edueatlon and thfl tflacfeflffl of the rliy are greatly dlsapp .Int-d at r.ov ernor llill's failure t<. '*$* th- bill apprfrprl.tlne tho iniiney for thfl* l-rttirr*. Thry tblnli Nrw York eotltleB to thi* approppiation af BtBj-BO, a. It pflffl *nrb a larso p-flTflTtfl-fl of the state Uxc for flrfeflfll pnrposo-. A.eoi-ding b> the Igarflfl "f <j.minl.-*lonei* Holt, tho haocBhtfl n?liool Btf ralsed bv the Matfl for the year bftTnnlng lll Ortober. \**9, was $*l.4"W,10n. Of thlfl an-'unt N-w York city rahed .1.5.i*?.370. Onlr *.iia4..'l.4 wa. ..[,|,".,pri',l.*l flfl" the u,e ************* ln thlfl rlty. iTofe-or BUbaiorfl begflfl BU 1-et.irei four vears aco alth th.rtv tlve ************ JJ?JSKf_ I.a_r vrar .nor*. than 1..HM, tearhm had the l-.-neflt.ot th. 1,-tnr"-. wblrh are |.Ur ln th- ********** *** i-nappointment fl'mflflg the trarhrr-; an.l *&**** reap"the Indlren beneflt. win he at-eat W Ihfl ******* U. di-r.mtlin.eal. Th- leetun- b-_ln about octobefl l-_, tu.d iiro dellvered earh ****** untll .May. ? BTTTEX BT A OBXTIXBLF BAD DOG. Ml** MaflflU Qn-n7o-. fl ij-iaornr-.. of rialnll-M. ?i. J., ?a* bltt-n thfrf. hy a d-z on Bf, ,l?-d.,y evflalaa. and ttmt at t" th- l'an.-.r In-tit lt.. Bl B* IM ***** T-?tl,-?t.. t> fllaeo 1,-r-if aader t.a.? ?f rr. I ;,'.i UIMer Dr. UB*. **** ftautioy: "My pathnt 1* lu no flaag-r 9b* ******** U t ****** Uoeal-5Ua U4ap. Th? in-.-ti-n* '-r rtraa wlll ha r..i,?Ui?'<l f'-r tm.-o daya. Th* do. an IrUb ****. WM Ihat. ?nd BM b-1. **..* ***** 10 ?- lant, oighfl. After ? thoroaflh ljihiUiHm I '?'-<.? that thc 9?* h.d h-cn ln an ndvan -d . fllBl.fl * ***+ l ,, o,?- taoeflUirB ****** ral* and ****** uUB U- ***** ,.f the ******** am,: fli. aad l am mn tbat **** ***** -***0" na-,.,pto?in af rabi-a in flboat fllafl aud UMB d-Ji ?e ny-fl -Uv-ly."_ UEFOBTBB PCRrUASE BT TUE 9TAXDAB* -*0. Pl-IHidelp-iia. ***** II opeelal..- It wa* ******* ** Uflaping rlrelei t>.d..y tha. thr rwo w,-il kaa*nX?* 0-rmaa I.l-yd meamers Maiue and Klune **A ***** .old to the OU Companv and uoald Iie r?i|. rerted lat* u?k Heaiaflffl lor ?Bfl ***?*******}* 011 lu bttlk fron. tiil* eoi.n.rT to Kurope. ********* ?__t_____t o? the Mblert eould be nbtaloed at thr nM of tl" .-..ini'i..'. . bnt the inf.,.'.?ati?u raflN throuRh a -Uudard uil ebanael. The Ituflkinpham llotel. on Flfth ave.. Nrar-York. Ifl den.-rve.ilv popabie altb thfl tr.,vell,i,_ pnblie on occoant o* IU ad.nlrable rttaalkNl. perlflel ******** , .-,_,,i inviir.,ii^ and romfortabta furnishing, lVVfrM a- Itfl u"rlv e.1* r--,a?ra?t and ******** M well ****?**". .,?. ,,,.?.,?,, ,,f a ******. w'.thout ilHTtha 'rarefl and auioyai,. Z * bu******l0*.-B*0* Iwa lloine JoaroaL llftT* floa floehflfll "-our ***** *r*'t t"*_thl*, l".fl*.__f lrt_T IIrutt. Otop m.til roM hav prucr-d fl ?<?*-. bowla* t\ ?h ',-," i V"" ?in lAaolc -,- g??ail/ Ur tha uiaw SoUiUif wlBBeBgM f*** ***** *** **? ,"0"" *te&*rotfa%f^t?1^ um .,, -h.. vfi_*hfl* t-luufl I- ****** ". , WhS -h, had i-l'.-r*n. oho .?*? *** OtH*** UABBTBD. ... . ..r. , . vv. _n ...ii- Sr-.ttinhrr 10. at thfl ABBsTBn.vo-l*OBJB-<>fl *'**?*&tj, tlr- uartha >-> S__?&.w^?^S^ ? ".^,*1^, ? vt ;r.," ir^_aV.i?.Tfc5iB_.ta I1;;.,?.-. -I'uu'TT-r'. al! of N.ia.Y-.rK. .?? . _i- __-? \r _ti,_ si?- U. V.. Hepltmber 10. low. l\* tt -\tl.**. s." ***2n?**m *><? ***Du<Uey Km? b ?"i:';: ".r'n" *___N _. **?' ?--*? "5 t?;J__-^et-_t__; iva......!:.....ivK,T.ii..:1.uL,.-h,,-.'i; :;Xvb^a {.Vnl,!"?f l"'*- ul'l-o.***' *'. >iir_ai.-_ ?-___ Ult-h... ot WltflWIim-r. On M'-nl'-ndav. Bnuuhei MMtN r. - .. ?... ol tn-' l',.'l' '* i-'i",'* -v" ?' .'.; ;"'..',, 'pAut . V | |,t Ih.. II. \ i ...r.'" ? . hMllta. I.OI.I ',,:'.:,'. WUdcU LaUK* l* Hl.aat. t'i -lor-.'ii.fl DIED. ";^r-zTv^*r^^T "? "*? r____r*_-S , ,-t,.-.'- I'n'lhe ****** *"--ir * '"* ''?''' Vi tl uf t iliflml l.< :-al"t.r. ..... 1 ai U****t****a*t***. j***- 9 lll-llli I.'. af -? <*'. 1 : sVu-idiaitn al i l.l.AVi.l.AM.-l.i-t'i' 1 Ul nleace of ih- fan.ny. t lli',:-,lay. .-?? !>'? Uib?r W ^^rH-rVt >? ^.'a*;-1.:.- ..;,...,. a.._,.t^a. of ,4;^r^W:::^,V:Vr-^;^,U;;;'e. N,ac_.N.Y.. , ' . , ., ,, .... ,it,.,? Yiflihrrfl-ra-HaOoa, on Thnr* *%?tm\\u&HTl. ifl'-i'" W.i.i' a. S?c, ln u," tBBl yeai l-"f,_w ^"',V, 1 frhodfl an U%1-f*t U att.nd itefMenl i-at. ''urtat.Vl". ,'!,.-. 13. ? _Uf4fl_f- U.'U'.I'.. Yflfl-flflB ? ^^N.,!'*. N. V. j i-\v,M*in t-.u4fl.alr. hepuarter 'J. H-nry, ?on of taa ^::^?r**3%v Weat llrti-flC, ll half I'"**- '" a- *"? ,. ? IIHIAKI. At Whlt.' lllIU ?e:tr l,i:j, m'.'^lonn.. lra.:? I. 1 in I- r .*-:.,! >e?l , , ... . ... , ,i,f.r ?_ Ki.ral - ii"- a' '- <*''"'k ,r",">- ?*"l't"'1,',r ' i,:r.'i'.':.' _m '-.a. 'I." B..I. * <:- >'''"'?"; .?-*?*?? ? ?? MAYNARU-i >. s-|--V"r 10. |".H/a_eUl M;.i?.rd. - idoifl ' ,.f Janirn N Muxiani. ui Ui- *lO, ?.*?r "1 I-' ..*-. s.ti ??' it :' P ?>. Prtda*. .'.,- l-'h. <r">? h-r U'.r rr.?|. ' .1. !?-.- >.. ;ii. i.i-. i.-.'ii-t lub.nt a. ?..'>"." len.* UBfllf. ai-.s'i llll au-M'-alr, _.-|*.-n.b.r 'I l-'U. ?' h:* re.i. e.u.V wilhlnKU-i ll".'-"'- ?..?..Y-ra.ll-. It*m* Moo ,/...,.'in ?>? f'Kh *??>' "? aU ?**:? \ ii.? ," ral l,'r-.,if>. |- ,| nl .,,:,:., in,1 BO'l'MI imp-l- pl-a-" " PT IT RUY -*.. i'l"*- '?""''? .- ?'- BVI*eaiB ' "V*"**1 >? f-iiidy Hido* ol !.,?.:> I'urdy. ,? UM M t? :,'i ?M-nlfl ,.,,;,.:,:'f.''i!''-'?.,. a,* *?????.r *?*}***. ?***&*? ll,?n,'a-. Sn. 4-1 l-?n,.i. rlaml-nt.. llr,.-..un Bfl IililiJ Ulfl I'.th ,?-' . a. 2 -?'- -' K I-. ?> KMi, I IIH On Tti'.Jav s. ;'? ? !?? r '?. !?-?, at Thoma* HH? .,, .|.|. ,,', I. flv-i-!,..'!? .i-'-d .. - t-ai-. lntr.:',i il at ..--I-V1...1I. N V._________^_? MUl'BT ll'Tt CEMt"TEBYi 0*tt* 3.0 S:\th a*-.. ***** ?**** ?*' Y fijjcciiil -Cottcrti. 4 nrp.-i 4 Irnuina. T. M. >i I'WAlit, i.u ;U\-t*\n. IJ i l.-!!i .*? ',d f-r - ?'? "la,. 1'iinum. r >olire. (Sb->:.'1 bB r ad daat bv a.l U_ .t-?U-U. flfl thflaflCfl m?f '' 'l'-"! f"f...lUf?W-B . "?i,t >'. ,"">l ** ?'" n,,..-lallv fld ttvmtv* to* aiflOfll'h I't BU* l?.i,f.'.la, ?:-.t!',.". "X'll V ... ii -?>.-. ,1 Ui .-od d" nlli-afa- "f Irtiikltik ai?I *m* ;,. r ..j ,',? , ,?..?,,. Mt.-r. ?..' -.?'.,:..Iv _,l.:..--d iriui ?, ,,( ?,( !? , ia.'. -, a- --? I* alll..i'.l -. Vorelflu Buillfl f"r th- <*?*'**? radUfl T-.fl>t,..-,,li.r 13 *t'il ,->,->-., nr"- :, l-Ht Ui aM ? a-- - ?'. tl.l? "fllfl e ?? ...llitufl: fcAfl i;i..\V Al I a. m. for iran.e Kwltr-rUnd. ltaj*., t-trl'ifal i>?l '!'?>? ? .? I"r * ? I.a ? ha-,pi.,rf . * a l*tr."'i ai l:?.i. Ni f" l.'.i-l-. l-i,--. - iT'irfl. v.O o".;_.lo?n ,i-,:>- f.r .ra,?- KwltvrUnd, I tal* lymta. pflirtuaal a,?l T.irfl.** ,?>?i be dii-t-il "p-r Ktr'ina"; al IA Ri f..:- f -...laiKt'ilir ?-'.. I?r ?. - ... t-aia. a i.i ***tut**t litt-i- N...*l h- 'I.r ? "aU -p-r li-a-m a" :,. fl a ? for vr?.?,t.,..n. l.Bi, ,. Rn* Jan *** -?<>* ******** ******* ***** roiiiilili- il? Bb. Jfli'lr*'. I"- *? * ?-?-""""* -.'.' .*' "ii .-,- v. r,i_i ,lu -t 1?- B. n l*ltin'l iletl-ra nnni .. rti- ,.?,. -i,.r Ifllaad7, : at . :** * m. tor U* Ut**** a ? , .... M-tmuii. vU Am-terdam fUtieii _!. i r n . -a l'i/*atl. fr?tn N"?-'>rl'aii.. \,i '. for '?.?ntr:.l.a.,N>?-i'.'ala?d. Ilinallan. Kijl and h.*.:" ''; H ,. , 14 ?t fl HO P ?_ lflt M flrnaal al v v ri '..f - - Aaraali ?Bh lir,ii-h ?,?:. f,.i \-,?. . !.?_ M_ll. f,,r I'hlltfl Bad .Iflpa,,. i-r n. .. n,v of BU tr.tli-t ? ."*?.'*. *"*mi_..... .,,,.,.,,, r. s,.,.f..? i?., -ir _t u, ?>?-? a in Maili f-r M-*l" nverliad. u-i--. "intTv -.i.'.r*-->. f?r dUpateh hy ttrumtt, .lo?i> at thi* offlefl ?-"'I-n,*' ., hrdal. of rlmUi <-f TnaavfBeBN m*Bt lt *** ******* .'? th" pr-nii,, |..:-i.i of th-,, ?:i,i?.',r-ip:.-d oa?r un.l traii... i" *?-.' I'"....?!?.'"? M.B.I? fr-m "*o Kfflfl a rla.iifl i-n t>,n- ai f-an I'ran, inro ou tli- dav of flaaUfl ef itt-flni'-r- ar- rt -p?. h--d tli.-n- -? th- >ain" d?y. Ke*.l?u>r-l mali ,'M. it'll'- ', |.r-i'?-,',-,1 iv. ***** ****** 'cOBXEI.Il'S VAN" rorr. PflHtniflfltrr, PostofDce. Nrw-York. *S. Y.. Bept. 6. '