CtTTIONAL 6Prrao. '?
Aaotber auocesaful and enjoyeefe aiternoon of rae
jig must be pat to tha oredlt ot the Brooalyn Joekey
CJnb. September has been so amlabls and Indulgent
dartog tbe last tbree days as aiaaost to make amends
for the gloomy and protractad storms of the seeond
week of tbe month. The alr was delictously invlgor
aUng. Tbe track was elastlo and fast The attend
ance romparsd weil with tha highest flgures of the
year at Oravesend. The racing was of unasaal la
terest. The only fly ln the otntaeat of the apotbecary
waa that tbe alx racea were not run off as qulCkly aa
nsual. owhig to the Inauberdlnatton and reckleasness
of tbe Jockeys ln the ftfth raee, which delayed the
?tart for a long time. Henoe, the vultors to the
iraok dld not get back to thelr homes ao early as on
one of the days when there were elght raoes. Baoe
land redocmed his aolled and shattered reputation.
When he ran ao despicably in his laat raee at Shoeps
head Ray, beaten off, far behlnd the field,
Mr. Belmont was ln Newport. Thls shrewd,
reflectlve. but not profoundly conaclentloua
animal. perhaps thonght that it waa a
good opportunity for hlm t> do his worst while bis
owuer was many mlle; away, but yesterday Mr, Be'
mont wa? present with tbe eye of his maator upon
Xim Raceland concluded to resume his ftsrmer atand
mg among horses. Only four ran againat hlm ln
(he Woodlaw'i Handleap at ons ard threa-sUteenth
rrlles. and of these four, one, Iceberg, was of no Inv
aginakle occount Mr. Belmont and hia trainer made
MM s<-cret of the fact that Racefand'a work ln the last
few days had been aatlsfactory. aud told thelr frlend*
t!:at they cxpeeted tlie famous geldlng to wln.
The followers of the Belmont Stable plunced
on Raceland. At the opening of the bettlng
a few bookmakera marked up eveo ftloney,
and lt was reported that ln aoine retmote and lnae
co*-iMo fast?ie?ses of tl?e bettlng, far beyond the con
flnes of civilttatlOQ. two or three audaclous adventurers
otTered 0 to 5. But no explorer. less patlent and
i;;irvpld than Mr. Stanley could get any such odda
Lnrky indeed was the man who got flOO on at evem
moncy. So wild, so flerce, so headlong was the rush
to hack Raceland that the bookmakers wore speedlly
f?rced to eut down thelr quotatlons to 8 to 5 against
him, and at the start 1 to 2 was put up c/n many of
the slates. Buddhlst, Oastaway II and Triatan were
all wcll baefced for the place, whlle nobody gave Ice?
berg the attention even of a passlng thought. Race?
land was fully himself agaln, and won ln his owp
fi.rmer fashlon, without heat, haste or hurry, Just ac
he liked ln tnith. Captain Brown was at the track.
Probably he and lds trainer, Rogers, are as rompletely
disgnmtied with Oovlngton'a reccnt ridlng as the race
golng rublic ts. Anyway, Covlngton dld not rlde Cap?
tain Urown's horsos yesterday. George Taytor waa
engaged to rlde Buddhlst, and rode him well, gettlng
aeeond place with hlm by a head from Tristan.
Castaway ls perhaps still short of work. Ho is notli
taf 'tke the Castaway of May and June, and waa not
d.n-.gerous even for a place ln the last hundred yards.
Raceland ls ln the Manhattan Handlrap at a mlle
and a quartor on the opening day at Wastchester, with
111 pound6. and no pcnaltlea. Salvator ls to oarry
IM pounds and Ftrenxl 110. If Raceland goes to the
post that day ln yeaterday's form, oarrylng thlrteen
pounda loaa thau Salvator earries, he mlght make even
the Klng of the Turf hasten his lmner'al atrlde.
Owners wero out ln force at Gravcsend, ln larger
numbers ln faet than oa any previous day of the
autumn meeting. Not only were Mr. Betaiont, Mr.
WiUicrs, Mr. Oalway, E. J. Balduin. Captain Brown.
the Dwyera and many othera. who might be named
prescnt, but FrOderlck Oebhard paid oue of his rare
vlfcjte to the racecourso, acoompanled by his lnseparable
friend Frank Elllson. Mauy a femlnlne glanco
Iingered long and lovlngly on the liandsome palr. Mr.
(.cbhard and Mr. Elllson recontiy made a starUtug and
plcturcaque appearance ln tbe pages of "Tlie Illustrated
American.'' where they were depicted in their bathlng
sults on the beach at Narragansett Pler, with one's
head lovlngly plllowed upon Uie othor's bnsom. It
was an aoiaxinEly odd picture. and it is believed that
botb Mr. Gebhard and Mr. Elllson look with the most
sertou* and emphatlr dlsapproval upon the unbounded
ar.d obJecUonable BOssssfl of modern art.
Mr. Gebhard dld not have the pleasure of seeing his
rcnowTvcl sprinter Volunteer wln the flrst racc.
Luuntaka was a etrong favorlto, but came ln aeoond.
xellle Bly Ja a wssiOstwiJ daet **& wttb llgbt wetght
up at flve furlongs, and she won the raee with remark
able ease. lt waa reported that ahe could cover
tlvc furlongs ta one mlnute flat. Tremont la tbe only
liorse that ever ran llve furlongs on an oval courae
in publir ln OM minute. But Nellle Bly won so easily
in one mlnute and three-fourths of a serond as to in
dieato that lf hard prcssed she might have clipped off
tliat thrce-q.uarte.ra of a seeond and equalled Tre
nio:;t's retord. Volunteer was a closc tliiid, beaten
only a liead by Loantaka, with Madstone a close fourtn,
u head behind Volunteer.
Iu the ot can Vicw Stake* Sinaloa turned the tables
on Deinutli, who beat her ln the Fulton a few days
ago. Then Dcinuth carrled 115 pounds to her 119.
ln the Osoaa-Vlow Demuth carriod 127 pounds to lier
UP* and th.e change in the wclghts reversed tho rcult.
Kirnes sOOB Sinaloa t<> the front. set tlie pace all the
way. a:.d althnugh Hamilton rode his hardest and pot
all the speed sSst of Demuth that there was ln him,
Demuth was beaten a length. Yet so swlit was
D< tnuth's rush in the hoinestretch that Barncs was
forced to use tho whlp fwly and rlde Sinaloa
out to wln tho racc. Wortlt. at tho most
extravagant of outsldc odds, put thlrd place,
bv a head from Iianquct. Helter SUeltcr, after runniiiK
soeaai to Sinaloa for about threc-quarters of a mlle
under a U..uble pull, sTtOffSi out of the raee and came
in last. she is a bandsomo tilly, but she runs liko a
laak l ounterfclt.
In the fuurth raee, flve furlonps. for two-year-olds
tlwt had run and not won at this meeting. Eclipse was
the favorite and au easy wintier, whlle Void, who wtvs
well basked. got seeond pla<e, and Stratagem, an ex
treme ouUidcr, was thlrd. only a neck before Reckon.
McLaughllu thought thnt I'ierre Lorillard's fllly
Klldeer would win. Shc wa-. well ridden by Taral, but
five furljngs ls too short u ttstoaes for her staylng
power to tell. EcUpse, llke Nelly bly, prefers flve fur
lonjrs to slx, and luv* a coteworthy fllght of
apeed at the shorter distanee. Some of the others
ln this raee that Kildecr could beat by
many leiigtts at sevon furlongs or at a mlle,
succeedeu iu beating her at Uve furlongs.
It was ?ald ln the ring ttua Mnhael Dwyer, Davld
Johnson ard otlier hesvy pluugers put large sums on
Little Jim ln Uie HfUi rate. Janios ^lields, his owner,
aiso backed hlm with a freedom and coafldeuce and to
an extent that lie larely shOwo ln backlng his horses.
The long dekSf at tlie stirt probably prevented Llttle
Jim from w.nnlng. Masl of the horaes acted badly,
Lut Llttle Jlui worst of all. Ho waa whlrllng,
plrouettuig. and rcfuslng to go off with the others
ar'uiii and agaln. Ho came ln seeond, whlle st. Paris,
who waa Uio favorite ln the bettiug at flrst, but who
was foroed down to seeond posiUon by tlie hcavy
VOfOn on Llttle iJiin. won the priie. Sam Wood was
thl-d. Borgeii rv dc Kcm agaln. He was lavish with Uie
whlp in the hOSasaOrotcB, but when hc ?aw Uiat he could
not ovextalie either St. Paris or Llttle Jim, ho did not
nde out for thlrd place, although Uiore was 0100
Uiird money which he mlght have got, and pulled the
borse up.
The last raee liad siiigular welght condltions, an
all-wwice of no le?s tliau Urirty-flve pounds belug
given to hor*es Uust sjovst had rua seeond, TWs M
E Uie Dwyer*' Lot.gford at 105 pound*. Micluel
lnvv,7 backed LoagSOH boldly. MeLntighUii rode
Blaikburn from tlie aame stable, and led the flsW a
Baem dance. nlx lengilis lu fraat of tliem for the ni>t
balf iniie. He wa? ineklng the pace for Loiigford, who
oasne np In the iioincstivtch and ^won, wltu VMlfred,
^bt fti\ i'T'C* ktt^'siJlifi.
(, Waiaaam, the well known owner of Bradford. Ken
a</*i RaiufX^s. and uainy other hor>?*. aiinouueea
yesterday his luteuiion of sclllng out his stable in
t*o wOSW Mr. Walrevim has ?et u mo*t couunend
ab!e ai.d n^rltoriou* example to his feljow bookmakers
wha own and run nreheraos, Ihe iYlbune hos ofien
den..unocd ihe iudef<'ii-iblc and evll Mrttea of pernill
t;n? bswkasakers to own and nin raeeboraes waile tlu-v
tilv'^tlH'tr ttade as |jooUinal.er>. No jaMStBH excuse or
ap<,i..gy ceu be n-de for thls pra/tlce. lt outtht to
be brokea up here. os lt waa broken up loug ago ln
Enclaud and It rould tic broken up very easily. to
tiw irrmit sdvaotage of the American turf. fromc
Sf thsTlMOteaSofO are houorable and falr-deahng
iirf-n ajid many of Uit bookiuakets. who ouu
honea run them fairl.v and never have them pulled
liut thero are oUicr !,ookmeker* who own horses fc?d
who do .ot run them fslrly. and tbe practicc l? so tsa
toahuseond ls 00 full tV JSS&tm. ?? *S*X
lt oasbt not to cntlnue. Huiuan nafure belng wliat
it ^tbo temptotlMis must PJ-^c Inv-slsUble to any
it si^Js^iTjgfBg; fawjgy ?><?",k"?w?'u>
be iniilty nt thls, but there are others. aud other* not
rfewTwho have beer, gulltv of it ??*?&*}?
whole thing should be swept.away and Mr. WaBW mn
exauiple otight to be followed prompUy by overy book
utaker who runs a raoelforsc.
bk T?J.
E. MeElmet4'a \. f. V'Vl" Blr. hT Ktratford *
-Maumec. 2 yra., 93 r?.(Macauley) 1 ?-l l-1
D W. MaOeanl to. s. T-r*-'>'?v ? m.
r. Ototor*..b.g,v^Z^7,ftlbte,,, W w
?^?tobl?'ato...>stotosto^4^g.<J!!, w W
W. H. Thumoa.'. b?. e. M?iereyjra,.? J4 M
w r> *.,.,. w ?'- * 2s- OovtfgienjO 60-1 U-l
w. C. Dely'e b. e. Lepanks, 2, to.. .
nwv._ , ,. '?- ('? LemWoy) 0100-1 4e-l
Dwyw Brethera' tr. f. Aurania, 4, UO.
w ?.. ?_..... (Martra) 0 60-1 20-1
R? Vaa Bruafa b o. Btrrke. i, MBCBeiacn) 0 80-1 16-1
Battyhoe aed Evarglade dld no? ste*. Loantaka and
Madateno, head aad head, weat u tbe front ai tbe fall of
tbe flag aad made tbe runnlng to the beeteoarotch. whore
XeUle Bly rushed through aad gataed a commendtng
lead. whleb abe toM to tbe aad, wtnnlag la tho eaalost
pooslble manaer by tw? itagtbo; Leeataka, rldtfen eut to
a staadsttTL aeeood, a etort bcad baforo Voraoteer. on
wbom Ftaspetrlrk worted with tho ramoaanooi of despalr.
Madotoae wao a good fourab, Yaluatwer beatlng hlm oaly
a bead. Aurania wm a good tojl *U tbe way.
Mutoaia-Nellie Bry stralghl $2416, plaoe to 40;
r^oantaka plaee to.
81. Pl.
Auirm?t Beunoni'a b. a.RaeeUed. by Blllet
-CaloinM. J jnm 120 b.(HamlHon) 1 8-5 Oot.
8. 8. Brown'a t>. o. Bedihist, by Hlndoo?
Emma Hawley, 4. 118.(Teylert 2 f*-8 1-1
L stuart * Cn.'s b. b, THatan, tr oieaelg
-La Travlate B. UO.. .THavwerd, lr." 8 8-1 2-1
B*ver?rrck Stable'a a. c. Caataway II..
4. 112.v .(Tafal)O B-2 4-6
II. Bradlavt eh. ?. Ioebera, 4. p.V.(Jooe?) 100?1 30-1
Mr John, Xowor-Nevor aad Bellwood were wltadtawn.
Ic-ebera and Dashaway Janoa opened a gap as aoon sr the
flag fall. and made tbe runnlng for slx furlonga, when
both went Into a ttato of utter collapae. Trlatan was
tecond to tflta polnt. aad Buadhlst thlrd, whlle Raceland
rocked alooc In the rear, ready to go up at any moment.
Harailton cut Ioojb on the turn. and at the head of the
homeatretch Raceland was ln thc lesd. Buddhlst eheb
Irngfd boldty, but the geldlng ahook htm off after a gentlo
rouetog, and comlng away to a hand gallop, won by a
lengtb- aad a balf. Buddhlat and Trletan kept up a littie
controveray. ovir the place tlll the laat atrlde, the former
cauturlng lt by a ohort bead. Casuway waa two lenptha
Mutuala? Raceland otralght a8 46, place S6 73; Budd
hlat place aa 85.
YEAJt-0*LD8. ?100 EACB, $1,500 ADDED. WIX
St. Pl.
E J. BaJdwln's eh. f. Slnaloa. by Orlnstesd
luaegic Emeraon, 119 Th.(Barn*o 1 8-5 Out.
8. ?. Brown'a b. c. Demuth, by Ten Broeok
BeUe of Nantura. 127.(Hamlltou)2 11-5 1-2
A. F. Wa'-otfa ch. c. **'orth by Duke
Blackburn-Poyuma Barry. 122...(Taral) 8 40-1 8-1
W. L.. gcott'a b. g. Banquft, 122. ((iarrlaon) 0 6?1 i?a
E. Corrigan'a b. f. HeTter Skeltc^UO^. g ^ ^
Torso and Slr John dld not sUrt. Slnaloa. her head
swtngtng from slde to slde, went to tha front as soon ?a
the flag fall and opened a comfortable gap. None of the
othera ever got near rhcr except Dcmuth, and hla bolt waa
?oon ahot, as hla crushlng welght told agalnst hlm at the
cnd. Bamllton kept hlm baek tlll he started around thc
upper turn, thon moved htm forward with a rush that
qulckly carrled hlm paat everythlng but the leader. At
the laat furlong poet Bemuth waa at Blnaloa'a aaddlo aklrt,
and Barnes waa ridlng for dear life. Thlnga looked squally
for a few strldea, but tn a moment all waa calm and
unrene. The Ully drew out under preaauro and won rather
eaally by a l*ngth; Demuth aecond, the same dtatance be
roro Worth, who ln the tlghtest aort of Anlsh beat Bauquet
a nose. Ilelter Skeltcr waa threo lenrtha batk.
Mutuala-Slnaloa atralght rj lt. plaoe to 2?; Demut*
place e*T 10.
at. in.
Bennett' at Warn'a b. c. Ecllpae, by Kyrle
J7alv-BlUo>%, 11? n.(HaJiii Kon) 1 a-5 8-?
H. w: Wltarow * C'a ch. g. g^"^ 2 ? M
Hough Brothera' br. c. Ml.Jfa, 40-1 15-1
J. A. & A. H. Monta'a ot, t. Iffifojgi 6_x ?
RancocM Stable'a br. f. RUdear. 116 I'laral) 0 5-U 4-a
W C Daly's b. t. LiHle. 108 (Laiabley) 0 50-1 26-1
Cndlne Btable'a to c. K.nfux, Jgj^jy , 20_1 ^
Dwyer Brothers* b. c, Blacklock. ^to^.. q
1-arkvllle SUblo's br. c. Balelgh, 10? (Ituniu 0 So-al 20-1
uray k C .'a ch. o! Cpman. 10.jb^V?soa) 0 100-1 40-1
w/b. ittoeA b. c. W. b. *>.gfeiiom-* 40-1
Aiter a U-fllaus deiay at the stait and numerons brenk
aways ln eaeh of which Kinfax ran a Mrlona at top
sKed.' the flag fell on a falr sUrt, Klldeer KwtlnK,
Icllpse thlrd. Rlnfax shot out with a apint, and openlng
a gap of three lengtha, led Into the homeftreuh, where
he went all to ploeea. Inslde thc laat furlong, Ecllpse
csuae away lu a blg caUop aad won toaoda down by, two
lengtha; Vold, who was weB up all the way, secoad, half
a lengtb beforo StraUgem, who had a Uvely tuaals with
Beckon aod beat ker a h?a4. Blttha, Aima auy and
Yoaemlto dld no? aUrt. Mutuala-JEcllpa* atralght *14 ?8,
plaoe as 80; Vold place tlg.
e 1,000 ADBEB. l1. MILES.
* st. n.
M. Corbett's b. g. 8t. Parls. r?y Muscovy
(?ood Intent, atrd, 110 rr> (e,00, (Fosfn 1 4-t 7-5
J. bhielda'a ch. h. Little Jtm, 5, 110. .
(Taylor) 2 7?a 1?2
J. J. Hyland's blk. c. Sam Wood, 4, 111
(G. Covh.irton) 3 12-1 4-1
<*. E. Hmlth'a b. c. Keni, 4, 114..(*torg?aj 0 4?1 8?5
lu. A. McOttUe'e blk. b. Blackthorn, a U4
^sj (Tamlj 0 15?1 6-1
Bovlc ii LltUefleld'a ch. c. St. Jamea, M.
jio .(Uttleaeui 0 12-1 5?1
ReyatOBe* (stable'a br. f. Emlnente, 3. 9.>
(Joneai 0 5?1 2?1
Beverwyck Stable'a b. t. Re-Echo, 4, 108
(Hunn) 0 30?1 10?1
Hanover Stable'a br. k. Eleve. 6, li;
fjutgeraj 0 to-l. lo-i
?flrne 1:W.
Horaes and jockeya acted badly. dclaytag tho surt lalf
an hour. To get them off Mr. CalUweU waa oblig(d to
leave hla box and go on the traek with a whlp. In tho
round-up he atruck Kern, whereupoa Bergen pave hlm
aome rather unpleasant. talk, which under ordliiary clr
cumsuneea would have resulted ln hls Jn*Unt ausptmalon.
The sUrter. howevcr, K.-ueruusly overlooked lt. BlaoJ;
thom led when the flag leU and St. Paris wii* last. The
latt-T gradually Improved hla peatttas, and aftor a llvelv
dlspute with Little Jlm ln the homeatreteh, won clev< rly
bv a neck; Little Jlm secoud, a length and a half befoic
8-im Wood, who beat Kcrn a iMigtii and a half. No bld
ror the wlnner.
Mutuals-Mi Paris atralght $39 85, place 815 50; LitUe
Jlm pUcr $8 35.
Dwver Bros.'b. o. Lonifford, by Lor.cfcllow
--Sciniwi ld.m, 8 vrs., 105 T)? ...(MarUa) 1 3-1 1-1
1? 11. (ixill'a Cb. g. WllflsKi. 0. 150 iBorg.ai) 9 t#?fi 4
D A. IfoniK'a b. h. CaaUway. 5. 160 ( rarall 8 4-1 0
C. J- ateBy's br. t. btUigsteeli. 4. 1J0 ._.__,
(Kttrpatrn'K i 0 15-1 6?1
(i Hearata b c.Anacouda. 3, 140.tllaywaidj 0 15-1 3-1
Dwyer Bior.' b. C. Blaekbern. 8. 1 <0
' (McLaughHn; 0 8?1 3?1
Time?1 M5*2.
Waluo Jobaaon dld not stort. McLaughlln hurtled
Blackburn to taie front and aet a rllpping pace, ope.nlne a
gap of ien lengtho on the toetotretda. A faitoag froni
home Blatkbtm was dooe anl Casuway took the lead.
Ltngford came up wltli a bold challcnse. Wlltred foMow?d
ault. and a vigorou* Cnloli resulUid ln a head vUtory f?i
LoiiK'ard ; Wlltred second, Uiree lenRtba beftre CaaUway,
who beat Kbipstock a reek.
Mutuala-Dw>er*' ijali atmlght 80 40. place $8; Wllired
plaoe W W.
XOX-WINNERS OF $1,000 IX 1800. 7 Th BELOW
Name. w'k N*ino- v,'t
Daaaate .llo.Wre.tler .100
DruWeas'" .IW Punstei Jr.loo
uTlJilwrnJ.UO 'Ihe Abbeas. 97
S22 ""' ' i.; .llOM.erUeD. 97
VStttm'icit....UO Evarglade . 97
?ta&rSo .107 Voronlca . OT
SuHnST::::.looUalry gueen. 97
EACH. $1,000 ADDED. 1 Mi MILES.
N.._,. \v"U Name. W't.
FH-TVal ....l^|Tu,,adBlackbur?.....::..,o.
i^011?,,-:. .....lteiXaaaeu . '.<c
DefSM'ter . 104
Mv Po low .1U"
YF.AR-<JLDS. $20 EACH. $1,000 ADDED. SIX
W't. Xaino. W't.
I?itiu;\ .|04
A.-ti ?.Jiioiiici .103
Kaoce .100
ri .
Two LiM* .!,?
M ?adln.""
joiii Donohue .?"?.'
Evartfltoe .10;;
Ad\eirturer .'"??
(*oldi-tep .H?
MalAvorvU Hlly . ... 14k
Zunobla .100
lloufcfhrum .98
Mav Retoete .ft'>
IniUh Olrl .95
Kas?ou .!?".
ElkU?n .\\1,
*. 119
W't. Name. W't.
Latlttr .1]
(?eUliM.g .109
lhlle d 'Or.10i?
tsallle Harper.109
Uraulto .10J
ame. W% ?N'?,IU''? <PI
ll.rVbou.HSiSyraeuae .102
: ?. Heimuu,.:.JJSIPeteeU. .101
umatlck .J ?0 ? "i,r'% ?;,. S
W?i ?' ? .
Manola .}0?
Blll Barnea.#?? ?'"?
Maeauley .122
Little Mlnnle. * J2!
Ruth .]S3
fetehUght ..~.10
Csn't T<ll. M
sio'over. 0??
r^rael.. M. }W
f.oulae . 9J
LirWe Addla. M
Bojit . v
Sus:e b. ??
Name. W*t Name. WH.
Rast Bsy . f*
K?yser . 9\
Danlel B. 25
John M. g2
Anarchla*. tr?
fcadr Real
_ Duks .1
Eolo .lle
VUkage liaia .113
Rlval .11S
Puimter, Ja .108
Flrat raee at 2 p. m.
To tho Bdltor ot The TrlboBO.
8lr: Bome weeka ago It was promlnently publtshed In
the dsljy newapapera tbat a horae named Roy WUkes bad
trottad a talle at independeoee, lowa, ln 3:08>s. and had
thereby beaten Maud S.'a record. long unehallenged, of
2:08?4. Aa lt waa aa error oa tha part of tha autbor ot
the preaa dlapatoh ln not stating tha galt of tha horae,
U eeoma a* It a correctloo of tbe miatake le called ,for.
The faot ls that Ray Wilkea ia a pacer. He dld break
a record by his feat, and thla made the dlspatch appear
more cradlble, but It waa the rtcord for paclng etnlllona.
The record for paclng geldbigs U still lower, 2:06V ma1?
by Johnaon ln 18&4; wmlle Uie reeord for panlng marea.
2:10, wsii made by Crlchet only a few weeka ago. It
will be aeen that Maud S.'a record for trottera U still
uaapproaehed; Sunol, the faur-year-ald. with taree-ycar
old record of 2:10"* belng the only aolmal that thr *SfO
to beat lt. It ia alao wsrth notlng that Maud 8 *
trotted nearly two aeconds isster than aoy mare haa < i
pacad, so that the suprcmacy of tae spee* of "sldcwheelers"
may not be enUrely satUed.
The foliowing 11st ahows the namea. with thelr slraa,
of all trottere with recorda better than 2 14, thoae merked
with a atar belng recorda made tbia saaaao:
Maud 8., by Harold . 1*8*
Jay-Eye-See. bv DKtator ?. ?.']?*.
Sunol. by Electlonear. 5 :J2?
Ouy, by Kontuchy l'rlnce.?? VI?.4
St. Jullan, hv Volunteer. J ?}\'*
Axtell, by WllUao L. ??.
?Jack. by Pllot MeOlum . x:l'JJ?
Mnmboul, by Nuiua. SSS1
Palo Alto, by Electiobcer. LvfiSl
?Margsrot B., bv Director. 141?
Belle Hamlln, bv llamim'a Almont, Jr. 2:12>4
Rariia, by Conklln'a Abdallah . 2 :18>*
Maxle fobb, by Happy Medlum . ll:18s?
Harrv Wilkea, by ifeotge Wilkea. ii:l8\.
Rnoiiie McOrea-or. by itobert McOrcgor . 3:1.<>?
Pbsllaa bv Ufctator . 2:1H??
Of the above. Axtell, Stamboul, Polo A'.to, Maxle l.'obb
and Phallas were atalilons. Elght out of thls llat wera
alred by aooa of Rysdyk's Hainblatontan. three bj grand
sons, and two by great-grandaons. The other two were
Ouy, by Maanbriuo Chlat, aud Rarua, whose slre, Conklln's
Abdallah, ls uutraccd.
C H. C.
New-York, Sept. 24, 1800.
Phlladflihla, Sept. 25.-The threc racea on Uie card of
the Belmont Drlvlng Ass.ciaUon to-day aerved to draw out
a good attendanee. Dandy was a hat favorite ln the 2 :26
elasa trot, bnt was defeated bv Krank T. The 2:40 claae
trot waa won by Ella E., the favorltu. After two haaU had
been paced In the 2 :18 raee a poatponcment was iieeosaary
on aetount of darkneaa. To-morrow Harry Wilkea and
Roaallnd Wilkea will attempt to lower Uiclr recorda for a
spocial purse
Glouceatcr, X. J., Sept. 25.?The roces to-day wouud
up with almost a rlot. Judge Nwleon declded that the
last raee, wtflch was run ln seml-darknes*. waa won by
Rosa Pearl, the favorite. It ws* evident to all those
near the tlnlsh line that Aaa really won, and that Uoaa
Pearl waa not better thau fourth, and aa aoon aa tho
decision waa announced the judgra' staud was aurroundod
by a crowd of inen who drmaudtd that tha decision be
cbangot Xclaon was flrm, and bcta on Itosa Pearl
were pald. Cainp haS wclghed In to rlde Uoaa Pearl, but
after the hor?es had gone to th<- poat he was oalied to the
utand by Judge Xelson and "Mlke" Berpen waa subsU
tnted. In the third raee Klug Ialar and Jugglef l%n %
aoad heat. The run-ofT was won by Klng loler. Fol?
iowing are tho summarlca :
Flrat raee?SIx and a half furlonge. Bralt wen; Tap
pahannock aecond, Crlapln thlrd. Time?1 :28.
Kecond )B<S III furlonsrt,. Sea Ulrd won; Umplre
Kully seeond. Rhelngold third. Tlme-1 :18s4
Thlrd race?One luile. Klug IdJer won; Jugglar sec
ond, Oouaman thlrd. Time? 1:44V
Fourth raee?Seven furlongs. Pnnama won; Har
wood secoDd. The Doctor Uilrd. Tlme-t :82.
Flfth racf?Match, flve-elghths of a mlle. Englewood
won ; Oenevleve seeond. Tlmc?1:04.
Sixth racc-Slx and a half furlonga. Roaa Pearl woa;
Sliunber seooutl, Lcoiillne thlrd. TLmc?1:20s?.
I/andon, Sept. 25.-The prtnclpal raee af tbe day at
Newmarket to-<lay was for a handlcap of 5 aoverelgna each,
with 1,000 added; for thrce-year-oldx and upward; one
mlle and three-quarb^rs. lt was won by E. Lascclle's
three-year-old bay colt Queen's Blrthday- Charry Chaae
waa aecond, and Padua thlrd.
Tha anruial cricket roatch between tho profeaalonala and
amateura of New-York waa played on Uic grounda ef the
Suten IaUind Cricket Club at Llvlngaton yeateiduy, and
ISSallrg lu a vlctory foi the prob ssionala by elght, wloketa.
There wrw a large crowd pritent during the aftcrnoou.
The batting waa nflt of a hlgh order, but the bowling waa
t vurythlrig to be deslred, and the low Bcorlng ahowa how
SflOettVS the dellvery of ElUa, Tyers, L?irie and BSSJSffOI
waa. (.uest alno showod good forni with the leathcx.
T. M'Hitgoniorj- batted beat and carrlod his bat through U?e
aecond Innlng. Tlie full acore foliowa :
Aruateura?T. M. Montgoim ry, b. Lane 3, not out 13;
T G. (Jlarke, c. (iuest b. Ijuie, 2, c. Lene b. Gueat 4 ; C".
U Kllls, b. Eanc 0, b. Uueat 0; K. (SO. <i. Walk. r, b.
I.ane '0, b. Roberta 0: C. V. Hltebtna, b. Tyers 1, S.
(iue^t b. Keberta 0; J. L. Poole, run <>u: 5. b. Robvrto 0;
A. Adan*v b. i-aiic I, b. Ouest 0; J. Metcalf, b. Tyora 1,
b (fu>?t 1; J. Woodfleid, not out IS, b. lU>bert? 0; C. A.
1VII, b. Tyers 0, C. Tyeia b. Kobcrts 8; J. Grleraon, c.
Lanu b. Tyers <b. b. Hobert-. 0; b><??. OJ bves. 11',; log
byea 3; tut.iK 31, 45. Bowling at:alysls, flrst lnning
Tyera?Ovars ?, mawiaia r?. runs 4. wi'-k.a* 4; Laae?Orera
7' niald'Sis 0, runs 24, wleketa 5. Seeond lnnlne?Kob
eits?Overs 7, siaid?ia 1 run- L'O, wleketa 8; (iueat-Overa
0, matdena 2, runs 10, wleUeU ??_._.-__, 0
Prnfenslonal? C. (i. Tnrner, a. Woodhird b. Poole, 8,
Roberta, c. Clsrke b. Ellls, 10; Tyera. c. Hltchlna b. Poole,
10; uuest. b. EUla, 4; Laae, b. Kllla. 1; 11. rr;liig. b.
1.I1U, 0: Smltbson, b. Ellls, 0; W. lllrtwlstle, b. Ellls. Ol
.). Talntor. b. E1IU, 13; W. O. Wllklnson. e. sub. bJOUs,
8; C S. Carnahan, not out. 3: byea, 1); wldea, 4 ; total 69.
becond liuUng-Two wlcket* down, 30.
The Salford Hunlers. who nre belug .-ntertalned by tho
Manhattan Athletlc Club, speat yesterdav IS a auiot w?y
ao they dealis^l to rcat a llttle before taklns nart In the
Canadian championahlp gam.> ai Montreal to-morrow. At
half-past 7 s'cloek last eventiiK they start'-d for Montreal,
ln rompanv wirji a *good repre<,cntaUoii from the Macuattan
Athletlc Club. Ainomj th.- ( h-rrv Dlamonda who ?lll
take rart In the Canadian ehaui'..lonshlp eame* are A. Cope
land. the famous 220-yard runner; M. Remlngton. 100-yard
runner; Luther Cary. 100-yard runner; R. K. Prltehard,
runnlng broad Junip exp.rt; Qu.-ckb.rner. heavy ?elght
Uirow.r; F. L. baabretbt, 16 and 20 lound shot-putUr;
A. B. OeOfffSi long dlatanec mnner ; Thomaa Conneff. lonir
dlauiice ruiiner; C. 1. Xlcol. lonc UsOaBSS walker; Edward
I>ange, 1-n lle and 2-n.lle walkei?; Z. A. Cooper. pole vaulter
and jumper ; & Rsdd? and t:. W. Vounp. Thomaa Robln
son, the MaabBtOM'a truaUd trainer. ?111 look after tha
iiien and take BhOMS of the ttip generallv.
The new Brooklvn athletlc club. known as the A tlve
Amate-ir Athletlc Aasoclatlon, held SSWCSSSfal gamea yes
p-rday at Adama 1'ark. WssSslOf, L. I. The game* con
i>lat.<l of the usiial BSaOMaa famillar U> am.it.ur athletles
arul all il*w a falr aliowlng of entrles. The 100-rard
dash, handlcsii. was won by John W. Armltage, handlcap
4 yarda, ln U*? aeconds, with P. J. MrCano\-an, handlcap
2 yardv, aecond. The half-mllc acratch raee wss won
bv Welter J. Rurke In 2 mlnutca 18 4-5 aeconds, with
p'ercy AUierton aecond. Jamea Walnwrlght won Uie run?
nlng high jnmp with a lead of 5 feet 4?4 Inchea. wlU?
peicy Atbertou ae.o.id. Walter Uurke won the one-mll..
run, handlcap frorn scratch. ln 5 mlnutes ll>? aeconds.
Janiea B. Huid won the w.lght-throwlng conteat and
Arthur Wordcn the QUur:er-njlle hurdle racc. nindanme
prlrea were given to the Urat, aecond snd thlrd men in
,arh tWrtrst. and the club has rca?s>n to be proud of IU
ttrat day of apoita. _
The annusl me'ttng of the Prospect afOWtSSi will Uke
nla.e on OetStaf 0. at tho Fountaln Houae. Xo. 441
Klitbuhh-ave.. nrooklyn, for tho purpoae of electlng
Fnrd a ra*e will probably be declded at the naxt meet
Inc of tlie A. A. V., to be held to-morrow.
Th. New-Tork Athletlc Cl'ih haa ??nt a tiowerrol team
to r -nr ? aat Uiem ut the Canadian chamiilonshlp meetinp.
ess>Msea of tho Miowinr athietes: Mlstbftl. flsajr.
Vvnm, WOUoJhi Jnrdan. BohwrgaSV, Vrtdouburg. Haher.
uradMi, WtrgoM Bl*" ?nd t^etoaas.
It ls l'k> ly that Doaoy O'Brlen will conteat in tho
Amat'ur Athlttlc fnlon boxlng natches for the Cl.erry
"'Vtliitsa Bsot ciub win hoid a rsgasta on th.
^iJrTlXtaw. Tennl. Club wUl hold a tourna
meut u>-iorrow at llobolun.
rWMUmXT AM1YAUS AT TUE ^'>^",^lf
nnrVhWICK-Mllloii ll. biulth, of Umlsvlllc. fi""
AV^lF-Kx-.iov.rnor H-ifus II. Bllyk,jfS****
and Cor,-.ral Tai.n,-r. OILBEr-AttStS^qssalOsI W^lt. U.
Mlller and wife. of Indlanapolla. liltAND-Mra. WaB?SS
H. H.neo.k. IIOFFMAX-J. O. **E** Vslento.
Uratlllan MlnNt.r at Waahlngtou M^tMTIBUa;
bauiuel L. Clen.cr,. and lleuiy C. l^hlnaon, of HarUord
?,',J' AVK.MB-Dnvld A. Wella, of OsMlHtawt
wTMDEOR-TM O'Cbry, of London. and Samuel W. Al
lerton, of Chltago.
Tla? vailed beauty ot the s<;enery sJong tho m*^0
Hudson und tlusKigli the tovgg .Mtf,l*w? .IT.^;
tooehed hv the soft autumnal tflJts, hnosto ajograg
by tlie New-York tentral with a pecullar chann to
perw,ns of artlatlc tcinperainent. _
?Right magiilllrantly appoiuied P*^"^0^1'JS*^8
Grand Ccut?U bUUon. dilly, <w tho borth and West.
Xew.York 4, Oleveiaod I. Roeton 4, Ptttsbmrg 8.
New York 10, Buffalo 6. Oeveland 10, Bostea 4.
liusburf 0, Brooklyn 4.
Toledo 7, Baltlmore 4. _
Buffalo, bept. 25?Ten oat of tno sixteen runa la
to-day's gaain were seersd ln tbe flfth Inalng. and Ewlng'a
Olauta made seven ef them. They got them on blta by
itrown and Jsbestoa, three baaea on baua, a wlld attea,
Rowe's errot, aad a mnrdoroaa wlld tbraw by Cunnlag
ham. Tbe Naw-Vorka toC yrevloualy ecored taree Unea,
Brown'a battlng belng largely Uutrumeatal. The acore:
* 1b pa a .
Hoy, o f. 1110 0
MatK, r f. 0 0 8 0 1
i/lai-a, e. 0 0 8 1$
Wlae. g b. 0 0 8 4 *
Baecner. 1 f... 0 6 2 0$
Bowe, s s. 2 1 8 2 k*
Wbite. 8 b. 110 4 0
Ir-vln. 1 b.. . 1 -J H 1 0
Cunnlngham, p 1 1, 0 $ t
Toftal. 0 68412 7
bUttery, 1 f... 0 O i M 1
Rlchardaou, s s 2 2 8 8 1
Cooiior, 10.... 1 o 14 0 0
O'Koorke. r t. 1 2 1 j j
Biowo. c. 2 8 8 0 1
jehn.aoa, c t 1 1 3 0 i
bhanaoo, 2 b. 1 1 0 I 0
WhJtaey, 8 b.. 1 0 1 1 o
Oraao, p. t $ 0 4 0
Tokal.10 8 27 14
Buffalo .'. 100080011-0
New-York . 26017600 x-10
Eerned runa?BuiTalo t. Btruck owt? By Cunnlnghnm
2, by Crane 4, Bases oa baUa?By Uunnlngham 4, by
C'rane 2. Htoleh baaes-Hoy, Connor, Shaonea 2. ' bacri
flw hlta?Maek, Cunnlnguem, Hoy, Olark, Brown aad
Urane. Left on baaua Buttala 6, Now-York 8. Double
play-Wlae to Irwtn. Hlt by pltched baU-Mack. Wlld
pftches?Cannlntthaai 1, Crans I. Time?1:35. Umplrea?
Knlght and Jonea.
Cleveland, Bept 26 (Speclal)_The game to-day be?
tween the New.York and Clevelaod Natlonal "Leegue team*
waa a flghtlng, wrangling one, requlrlng eleven lnnlnga
to play. strlef waa the umplre, and it every declslon
etther one aide or the other took offence. Then would
toilow ? aeaaon of flghtlng and klcklng. Tbl* aort of
bualness waa kept up all through tbo game, uatll lt
became abaurd. New-York won, boesuae In the latter
nart of the game Young weakened and waa hlt hard.
Cleveland made several errors, but they out no flgure ln
the sooH. hharrott was wlld, but kept tbe hite well
down. Tbe atar play of the game waa a megnlflcant
throw from doep cenire by Davia, cuttlng off a man wbe
?ttrmpted to acore from thlrd baae. The acore:
NEW-YORK (*. L,.)
r 11) po a 0
TK-rnan, c t. O o 1 0 0
i.iark, 0. 0 0 3 1 0
tiUiKacock, a a. 1 2 4 4 1
Whiaiicr. 1 b. 2 211 1 1
Uurkrtt, r f.. 1 3 0 0 0
HtKiUl, 2 b... 0 8 0 8 0
iiornuug. 1 t.. 0 1 2 1 1
Dcuny, 3 b... 0 1 0 6 1
buarrott, p ... " 0 0 1 0
ToUkla. 4 12 83 10 4
rlbpo a e
Wrlght, t l.. 1 1 5 0 0
McKran, a a.. 0 0.1 6 1
Davia, e t. 1 8 2 1 0
Vlrtue, 1 b ... 0 o B o 1
Ollks, 1 f. 0 0 2 0 1
laaaUey, 3 b.. 1 2 2 1 0
Zlmmer. c... 0 O 6 l 0
Delaney, 2 b. 0 0 8 3 1
Young, p. 0 10 2 0
Totals.. 3 6*3214 4
* Hornung out for not runnlng.
New-York . o 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 Jb-?
Cleveland . 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0-8
Earned runa-Xew-York 3, Cleveland 1. Two-baae hlta
-filaanoock, Whistler. Home run-Davla. Baae on elean
hlta-New-York 14. Cleveland 9. Loft on basej-New.
York 5. Cleveland 8. Fliat baao on error*?New-York 1.
rieveland 4. Double pt?y?-Denny and <?laa*rork; Hor?
nung and Whl^trerT iWaett, Whlatler and Waaacock :
McKean. Delaney and Vlrtue; Dsvla and /Immcr. Kirnt
5a?on balli^taaaeaek 3. MrRean 3, Vlrtue X Delaney
and Davia. Struck out?Hornuiig, Hmalley, Clai-ke and
Young. Wlld pltohea?Sharrott. Time?I houra. Vm
$ -
Plttahurg, SepU 26.-The PHUburg Natlonal League
team lost a credltable gams to Bwiton on what aome called
a bad deelidon ot MeQuade ln the. nlnta, cslUng a probable
two-t.e*e blt a foul. The acore:
Pttasburg . 000O11001-3
BaaeblU-Boaton 10, Plttaburg 9. ,E*"r<>*?7Bo,toQMJ'
PitS.lmr(? 2? Pltcherv-Nlcbola and Smlth. Umplre-Mc
The looal Playera' Leairua Uaun won a game ln the
nlnth on urrora by tho vlaitara. The acore:
Brooklvn (P. L.). 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0-4
Pfttaburg . 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 --0
BaaehltA-Brooklyn 6, PltUburg 10. Krrors-Breoklyn
0. PltUburg 4. Pltcbera-Weyhlng and Staley. Umplros
-Sherldan und Oaflney.
Cleveland, Sept. M.-The Oeveland Player-' "League
team hlt (lumbert and Daley both hard to-day. ?? ?corfl :
?s*jh==== 111111 itsj
Baaehlta-Boeton 0, Cleveland 20. Errora-Boijtoni 4.
Cleveliid 0. Pltchcri-Oumbert, DaUf and Dewald. I m
plrea-lVaroe and Snyder.
Toledo Sept. 26.-Toledo woke up and plsyed a aplcndid
game of ball to-day. Smlth'a pltcMng bolng tho featuiA
ho balnt afloeUvo wllh men on baaea. The aeoro:
?BSr?-""~: II1UJ11H
Raaohlta-Battlroore 10, Toledo 11. Errora-Baltlnioro
2 St Bls'rlS. and MeMahon. fmplre
Lebanon, Bept. 26.-Until the nJnth lnning tbo game to
day waa lo doubt, but after Fltzgerald had been fo'ind
for aeven hlta and flve runa Newark gave up all hopo.
The acore:
K5S?.::::::::::::?:I UMIMH
BaaehlU-Lebanoo 20. Nowark t. Errora-Lfbanon 2,
Newark 4. Pltchers?SmlUi, McL'alTrey und Htzgera.d.
rbliagt. SeP*- 25.-The Ch'cago-Phlladelphia Leaguc
and Chlcago-l'hllafiolphia Playera* games wero poatponed
on account of raln.
Much Inureat l? Mt amo.ig baseball men, eapeclally
Jio amateura. ln the co;iiln3 sefiea of games between the
NewJer.-,fty and the Detrolt Athletk Club teams. The
l'lr?t san.e wfll be (Jayed at th? l'olo Oroimd:. to-morrow,
md with uae weather a lari}? trowd v.lll bo prcsent.
Dubs. Won.Lcaf.Per.ci. CUto., Wou.T^t.Per.eS.
BrooKlyn ....81 *? ??*? Clneiiinati ....71 U AT9
Hleafo . .-79 31 .009 New-York ....02 C? .492
Phiiaoalnhui 7i 51 .6ta Cleveland ....41 81 .328
Boatou .......? K ,?1 PttUbUrg .22 lt9 .lOJJ
Clube WonLoaLPer.ct. Cluba. Won.Loat.Per.ct.
noiton 78 44 .il-jO! PhlUUelphla ..hU M ..W2
SrooXii.:i74 ? .588 I'llUbura .55 00 .455
New-York 71 'o3 Mt CJevelanl .51 73 .41
Cft'ttgii .."..70 01 .^lHuffi.10 .81 91 .272
Cluba. Won.Lobt.Per.ct. . Cluba. Won.Lo?t Per.ct.
LoulaMllc ? .-73 l" .?|l
St. Loula. 71 ?9 .592
Colunibua .67 64 .6->4
Tolrdo .("1 85 .620
Rochestef .6V 6<J .601
Athl?tlc .55 V>Z .4J0
hyraeu?e .45 IWJ .89?
Baltlmore .85 85 .292
A handlcap leueoei game la a new thlng under the
vun. and one will takc Dlace at Washlnston Park to
morrow btteow the wcll-known Brooklyn lacroaac club
and a t?-ani phKfd from the ftower of aeveral other local
duhn. The picked U'am will coualat of elghteen men. and
the cxtra men will be placed wherever the eaptaln deema tho
..1(1at lmpoitont placea for double aupport. A handlcap of
'polnt* could be manaued w?l! enough. but a puttlug on of
uddltional men to arengthen tha weoker alde. It ls feared.
?lll i-eault ln confualon among the playera. The Brooklyn*
are trjlng lt as an cxperlment, however. for they feel
that handlcapplng of ?ome klnd l? neceasary to f;iva the
woakar cluba he?t? for contcaW with their pQwerful rlvals.
her MAMMfW jasrcdP*.
From Tlie Wiuniugten (Del.) Bcpubllran.
Laat Suiiday mornlnc tlie Bev. L. E. Berrett, p**'"r
of 6t. Paul's MethudUt Eplscopal Ohnrch, preachod a,
powerfnl sennon from the wordi: " Hhe lia* choaen the
tood part, which ahall not be taken away frem ner.
At tho close of the aern.on Mr. Barrett. as la hls
istom. pessed down tlie alsla. shaklDg hauds with the
rongregatlon. Among them was a good old lady who
nad giwTn partlcular attentlon to the words of tho
"peaker. She. honev-r. dld not recognlae Mr. Barrett
when he kra*ped her hand and sald :
"aeod mornlug, aUter; I hope you are enjoylng
^Well'Tes. I ara. Hut, brother. how dld you enjoy
>%*S^,?S>SftutilMlll. bnt reallslng tbe
sltnatlon. replled : _.
,:^ATM?1 good." eontinued the
old lady' 'and ftblnk he is a real good preacher.
'h?1uir\Sl?i?plled the preacher. "and at preeent he
.t,We^ruk0e,u.h.^,'repMc?d^he lady, as Mr. Barrett
**7t?ja?4 or ?o Uter tlie lady turned to another
?^wS wTS^entleman I was just Ulklng wlthT
? u-bv thatwaetoe Kev. Mr. narrett. who prearhed
this tnr.rning*' ivplled the one addresjed. who having
hilrri h" convcritloD, wiia conalderably aniuaed.
h?^?t weal- gEped tho old lady. m ebo aank bae* ln
i,?- SJ^aitSTiafter a moment's thought eald :
about hlm." t
Ptom The Boston Ilerald.
Th? rhlorldo of sodlum, or eonunon salt, ls con
m;?2i es?i il?l to tbe hoalth of man. Inflnenclng.
.'fit ?Sl tsstortoBtTpb.VHlolo.lcal changes whleh
as L^iiivSnn wlthtn the syatem; but lt ls
S? S toePhkltoey'? ^hl^'t^niS
cBon?mon SSttf tbb S^ SS^N-ady. The effecb.
rommon aa? ?? w " , mirkad. for of one case be.
hfKSncT^heXh^ror^tow SC fn
SJSSS anl Dowrty of the hlood gave way to Ju?t
tnX ?%<??? nn^ff? uH thc patient. whu a few
tSffS^StWSTili de-iKTndent. I> now full
ffiii tJti eootaln no ten graltw,. The number of
?;i,7dally^ras adfusted to Ui* pattent's conditlon
^HjSlr^fe^Bea hhn. Erom two to Ove eaeh
i^ ^a to tove^oeenthe llrnit at flrst; and after
^TSiuf Sl^arto the auiuber was elowly d>
From Top to Bottom
The house is best cleaned that it
cleaned with Pearline. It is done
with little labor and with great re.
sults?with ease to yourself, and
with no possible tnjury to anything
that is cleaned. To tise Pearline
once is to want it always; you will
want it always because it does what
you want.
Peddlers and some nnscropaloos gTOoert will teTJ jtm, "thls
LffX h as good as " or " the asafi a* PesrUne." IT'S FALSE?
1 V^ Pearlius is neyer peddled, and tf your grocer ssads you aome
thi0ginn>?ofP^Rt.4QthyhoiKMtbiBt^^t,t%4. m
creased. It ls donbtfal lf there exlsts an agent^which
alone or ln comblnafion with others will cnre advaneed
nright's dkseaae: but lt ls not foo mach to expectthat
there ls aomewbere a cnre for tha dlsease ln. IU earty
stage. The physlclan ln question saya: "From ray
reeent lnvesfjgaalons I am led to beHeve tha* ln ln
clplent BrlghW dlsease the chl04?s^a?r-acts aa a
euratlTe agent, and that lf preserlbed ln tha eerty
staxes lt will prevent the further degenerstion of tho
blood and conseouent chaage ln tbe narmal exorstory
products of the kidneys."
The sult reeently brought byAttorney?Oeneml Hogg,
of Texaa, agalnst the Mlasourt, Ransas and Texas Rall?
way has been rerooved to the Unlted States (Clrcutt
Court, for tha Weatern Dlatrict. which slta at Austin.
The Attoruey-Goneral made some oppoaltlon to tho
motlon, but, ln the oplnlon of perssna famlUar with
Texan affaha, the oppoaltlon, llke the origlnal snit for
the forfeltnre df the company's charter, had a atrong
pollticai flavor. Mr. Hogg has oceupled his present
offlce for nearly four yeara, and la the Democratle can
dldate for the Governorahtp. The removal of the sult
to the Tnlted States conrta probably ends lt, but a show
of opposltlon would naturally be not wlthout effect on
tbe pollticai sltaatlon.
H. K. Enos, preaident ol the Mlsaonri, Kahsas and
Texaa Rallway, was asked yesterday about the effect
of the Iltigatlon snd the transfer of tho case to tho
Federal courts. Hs replied, after a llttle hesltatlon:
" Dj a heated pollUcal eampalgn much la said that ought
to be excused. I am IncUnod to think that Attorney
General Hogg acted in tJils case with the bcst of
motlvea. He probably felt It to be his duty. beforo
reUiing tram offlce, to lnstitute the ault agalnst the
company. It waa probably necessary. ln hia oplnlon.
to a 'clearlng-up*, of the buslness of his offlce. I cannot
thlnk that he had any other purpose. Tlie effect of
leglslatlon adverse to the railroads In Texaa. and of
offlelal persecutlon of all corporatlons, has been tlmtdlty
on the part of capltal abont enterlng the State. I
cannot say that tlie course of Oould ai:d Huntlngton
ln thelr rallroad enterprlses In Texas has not Justlfled
a large part, at least. of tho hoatilo leglslatlon. The
Mlssourl, Kansaa and Texaa Rallway ls nnder s new
managoment, which lntends always to ob?erve and obey
tha laws of the State. We bellcve that by so dolng we
shall work best for the Intereats of the company.
Itesldes, I have noUced that there ls always a reml
slon after perlods of hostillty and persecuUon, and I
have no doubt that the next Leglslatnre will bo snl
raatod only bv a Just regard for corporate rlght-s. and
that as Ooveroor Mr. Hogg will be l.Ued with a lihe
RalUmore. sept. 25 (Speclab.?Aloxander Shaw, a
rallroad and co&l nperator, rcceived a setback to-doy
ln his flght agalnst the West Vlrglnla Central Rallroad
managemont. Judge Dennls, ln the Clrcuit Court,
denlcd hia nppllcation for an order to compel the com?
pany to prodnce ln court all the books of tho Pled
mont and Cumbcrland Rallroad Company, a branrh
llne. Mr. Shaw is seeking to have the lease of the
llne enjoined untll after tho examlnatlon. The attor
neys for the rcspondents were willlng to submit vol
untarlly to an examlnatlon of the books and papera of
the Pledmont and Cumberland Road to such an extent
as was necossary to the Issue Involved, but Shaw
asked for such an order of court as would enablo a
complete examlnaUon to be made. The Pledmont and
Cumberland road was bultt In 18R6. and has been
operated under a verbai arrangement between tho
dlractora of tbe two roads, practlcaliy tho aame in
dlvtduala. Messrs. Davls and Elhlns hold 30.194
sharea of stock of tho West Vlrglnla Central (a con
troUlng Interest of 80,000 shares), and hold also the
majorlty of atock ln the Pledmont and Cumberlaiid.
Secretary Blalne, Secretary Wlndom and cxsSccrctary
Bayard aw among the atoekholders of the West Vlr?
glnla road. The West Vlrglnla OentnU proposed to
Icaso tlio lledmont and Cumberland road and_operate
lt for BO per cent of the gross recelpts. which Major
Shaw rlalnied to be lnadcouate and not fo- tlie lnter
esta of the stockholders of the West Vlrglnla Central.
lt was also clalmed that the funds of the west Vlr?
glnla Central. under the gulse of operatlng cxpen-.es,
havo been used ln constructlon and betterment of the
I'ledmont and Cumberland road. and lt ls for thls roa
son tliat an inspectlon of the books waa deslred.
- ?
Chlcago. Sept. 25.? Complalnt ls nia<lo tliat grnln
.rates between Chlrago and tho seaboard are belng
manlpuluted lh the Interest of Eastern mcrchants.
The lrregularlty Is lald ot the door of the Eastern trnnk
lines. A large proportion of the grnln traffic now golng
East by rall ls on dlrect orders from tho East, which
uamo the route by which the shlpmont is to be for
warded. Esplicit tnstructlons are given to bill the
freight not to the nctual destlnation, but to a polnt
tliat takes an arliltrary rate above tho regular through
rate. lly thls systcm of HctlUous bllllng, lt ls alleged,
the tronk llnes galn ln some instaocos 3 1-2 cents per
100 pounds, whlle the lnltlal llne falls to recelve Its
legltlmate proportion of the rate. It ls not supposed
that the trunk llnes approprlate thls extra amount to
thelr own use, but that they glve lt to the conslgneo
to wliom they are indebtod for orderlng tho property
forwarded over thelr llnes.
? si ?
Generel George J. Mucee, of Lccch Croek, Penn.,
and Corning, X. Y., rcturned from Europe on tha
'stonmshlp MOfesttOj He was at the Grand Centrai
Station yesterday, and wore a frown when his atten
tion was called to the reccnt dlspateh from San Fran?
cisco, qnoting him as authorlty for a story that the
Vnr.derbittH and senator Btanford had comblned to
bulld an opposltlon Lne to the southern Paciflc " That's
nows to ine," said Geoeral Magee. "I know only MM
man in Califonila. and I'd glve a big roward for tlie
productlon of tliat loltcr I am said to have wrltten.
Chlcago, Sept. 25 (Speelal).-A local rallway nttws bu
reau aaya:' "Tho board of chalrmen ln auihorlty over Uie
dlvtalou of tranio from SouUiwestern Mlsaourl Rlver polnt*
made a declaloii yesterday which stralns that agreement
slmost to buratlng. The declalon waa ln Uie shape of an
order for the Atehlaon to turn over, durlng the next seven
teen dava, 450 eara of grain to the Mlsaourl Paclflc, 450
car? t> the Wabash, and 100 eara U, the Alton. Presldent
Manuel agreed to ols?y the order, but left no room for doubt
that on Xovomber 1 he would retlre permancntly from the
The Erle Rallway anuounc.s the diacontinuance of all
Saturday half-h.llday tralns after to-roorrow. A new
tlmo-table will go Into offe.i ou the Xow-York and Oreen
wood Lake Rallway on October 5. A number of tralna
that have be?n run durlng Ui? auroaar will be dlacoo
tlnued, aod Impoitant chaugea will be made In Uie time
of othera. What has heretoforc been known aa Uie Orange
Branch will hereafter be known as Uie Watchung 1UU
road and operated uader thls i.ame.
? -?-"
Chlcago, Sept. 25 (Speclalj.-Jho papera ln the t'ol
orsdo Mldland ?doal" were coniplet*d to-day. and \ba
ownerahlp changed when ttey were algnad by offleUis
of both roada, (ieneral Manaarr AUbraa algnlr^ th.un for
ibe Celsrado Mldland, and Preaident Manuel for tha
AtcMsoa. 9 ?
From Tbe lluffalo Express.
?? lt's curlous," said tho commcrclal traveller ln the
readiug-room at the Hotel liroetel. "but I never soe
a!. ecldent hnuruuco pollcy, llke that one you'yo
got wlUiout thlnMng of a slngular thlng that happened
to i? cousln ol mlne ln uhlo.''
He tlleked the a.hcs from tho end of his clgar. drew
a loug breath. as lf some palnful or uielanrholy memoi-y
luid l.eeii sUrred, and proeeeded:
?? \v7were at a llttle town called New-Vlenna waltlng
for the traln to Clnrlnnatl. Whlle lounghig about ln
the station Uw slgu over the Urtat^ller's offlce
wlndow, -AccMent Inaurance PoUcles gOM Here, at
triKied my attentlon. I said t/i Siim-th it waa niy
couMn's name-'IIadnt you better get one ol these
Doliciesl -lt costa only a quarter.* ... , ,
? Tm a llttle superstlttous aboat such thlngs, ho
said. 'I've never lnveatod ln ono of them yet, and
1've travelled tbonsands and thousauds of mlles wlth?
out an accldent of any klnd.f _
" You don't know wlien it may eome your turn,
"'well.' to make a loog atory short, he pald the
tlcket-seller 2ft oentb and got a pollcy. bv the ternw of
which hia helrs were to liave 03.000 ln case of hU
death by accldent wltliln twenty four bonra. In a
Uttle whlle the traln camo along, we got aboard
"tHo"commerclal traveller's volce hsd got nnateady.
Tk? ?' CaaaDarinrut C'ara." as tba aaw aleeplng eara
of ui H&T^neTbetwVn Now-Vork aad Boaton, aro
eaiied8 ?rn*d mSsn\\\u9iimTm\mf
eomplate sedualon aad privaoy B Oastna. aaca ww
raom has a lavstoor.
Althoagh our vast ahowrooraa are etowdad from basosvsnt
ts sttte with our own spselsl "Fall Exhiblt." wa kooo
iuat taken adrantaf ? of
to buy far apot caah st leaa than
a rellable rnaniifartnrer'a atoek. which cocslsta eMafly of
tn Black Blreh. Mapla, Bog Oak, Xataral Mahofacy, aad
LEXTLY WELL FIXI8HED. Xow, aa wa have aa
room to atoro tbia atock, it
Therefore, a aample of each haa been plaeed on 000
floora and plalnly marked
at prlcea %ound to effect Uie apecdy clearanee wbjeb w#
41 to 15 Weat 14th St.,
We make this announcement to
call attention to *ix Royal Wor*'
cester Dinner Scta for which the
reaular price was $125.00 now
offered at $75.00.
Ovington Brothers,
Fulton and Clark Sts? Brooklyn.
He stopped and turned his hoad away, as lf struggllng
to repress his emoUon.
'? what happened to hlm I" Inquired one of tha
eager listeaers. An anshed tear gllstened ln tha
narrator's eye. . _ .
" Xothlng," he said bitterly. " Ho had wasted that
(itiarter of a dollar-and lt would have bought flvo
beera.? _
An lnterestlng ditTer- ,<rof oplnlon waa reported
yesterday between General Dennla F. Onrke, one ot
the Asslstant Appralsera at the Public Stores, and
Edward C. Lo Seur, one of the examtners there, over a
question which ls said to involve some thousands of
dollara and to have erwated great Interest in the glovs
trade of thls city. The report waa that Passavsnt ?k
Co., the glove impnrtera, of Church-st.. lmported a
largu and valuable stoek of kid gloves ln August. It
ls said that Mr. Le rseur bclieved that the conslgu
ment was undervuluod. and ho advanced the lavolce
87,000. Tho gloves next went to General Burke, who
is said to have dlsugreed with Mr. Lo .Seur und caa*
cellcd tlie advanco made by Mr. Le Senr; and 5I?\,
Cooper ls said to liavo approved (ieucrul Uurke'O
In eonnecUon with this, there was another report
that General Burke's proceodings wero uuuaual, be
r;iu-e lu <<i.->; of a dm..r.:iice of oplnlon'
between tho appiaiser and tlie examlner, a ra.
uppmlsement is ordeied, and that some glove dealers
crltlcised tho Genoral's act. There wa? a dlsputo
over the question, and it appears that Speclal Treasury,
Agent Wllbur was requcsted to investigate the case,
but he decllued to SOf anything about lt yesterday,
The Board of General Appralsera toak np the affalr,
and will reopen lt on Monday. But George OL
Ticheuor, the presldent of the Board, refused to thross),
any llght on tlie trouble yesterday. Collectof
Erhardt said that the Boaid had oonaldered lt ad?
visablo to order a neappralsement of the gloves,
but would say no more. It la t>ald that General Borko
aud Mr. Le Seur havo h.nl a slmllar dlsagreement
over a conslgnment of gloves lmported by DoullleO
<fc Co., of Greene-st., in which General Burke would
not allow. an advance of $3,0t>0.
Goneral Kurke could not be seen la-st night, be>
cause ho was under treatment at'a sai.ltitniun on West
Forty-flrst-st. Uut Mr-. Burke was found at her
home, Xo. 43d Wost < meVhundred and-fiftieth
bt, and explained that hor husband had had
diffcrences uf oplniou with Mr. Le Sour ort
several occaslons. and on his appoal to the Board
of General Appralsrs had always been sustalned.
bhe said tliat ln the Pasbavant case Gvnoral Burke
had followed tlio rcguhtr nicthod of procedure, and
that there was nothlng ln the report tliat ho had
violated rules and had done Hometluug undurhand.
The attendants at tlie I nion League Club said last
nlglit that Appralser Cooper had gouo to Waahington,
but dld not know why. General Burke 1ms been an
Asslstant Appralser bofore, under Prealdent Orant's
AdmlnlstraUou, and before Uie war waa In the dry-goods
busluet*. Mr. Le aour has been an exauUner ln tho
Publto Stores, lt ls said, for tlfteon years.
Wsabingtoo. Sept. 25.?For Xew-Eaglaod ueueraJly fatab
wam.er ; aouUicrly wiuda; ralu Satuiday.
For Eastcrn Xcw-York, Eaatern Pennaylvenla, Xew*
lllSnjT ?id DiUware, ralu, preceded by falr, warmerj
aoutherly wlnda.
For Marylaud and Vlrglnla, raln, cooler, followed 0J|
Per Uie Carolinae, Oecigla aad Xorthcrn Florida, Mtakj
For Alaoama, MihUtaippl, Loulalana and Arkanaaa, falr,
warurer, exeept auiiooary u-n.p.-ranir ? iu Houtbaro Loalalo
ana and Mlaaanili pl.
For Weateru Xcw-York, Wostern Pennsylvaaia, Ohio,
Wost Vlrglnla, Kentucsy, Tonneaaeti, ladlaoa, luiaain
and Lower Mlchlgan, raln ; warmer.
Kor Upper MUhlgan aud Wlacooalo, falr, exeept raln
ln SotiUi.Tii Wl?<-oiiam ; looier.
1 or Mlsaourl, clearing.
lor Mlnneaou, lowa, the Dakotaa, Kanaaa, NcatsskOj
and Colorade, falr.
^ _ aa?
*"ln Ui7<aag?un*a M^&SJS? JtfE sSsfVaSsa
niu'tiiatlooB TdatardST, aa obaerveQ aitae tiniaao autiaa
the teaipewture noted a? Parry's Paanoaey. swa owsaiao*
Tribuna Ofllce, 8>pt. 20. 1 a m.-Falr weatber prevaUed
T*et*rday, with a dry alr. ftousb the wlnd got araead aa
tha soulheaat. The temperstuw isngod between M and
00 degreea, the average (90) batng 5?s lower tkaa oa the
rcraapondlAf day last yasr. snd IS hlgber tasa sa
W^,'aoar near thU elty UMlay there wlU probably bo
warmar, fslr weathcr, followed oy raln.
a ? ?
San FrsnelKO. Sept. 25, 1000.
a-, *??>w,iwi JSMai
A'r.',;'. M .to osair.ai?% tuiS
EST* Mckt7..l? ?*? NSMI .7.0? 7.0J
iu?n * Bdcbw.S.I* . _
Bodie Con.J.JO IW
Chollar .??????? -f*J J-R
CooCal A VS...4.00 4?
Crown Polnt.1.90 2.94
F.ureka Caa.4.?? ???
fisT..?:.?.?::::??? *.*
Meuat DUUas....SU? ?
Savage .1.90 S.80
Sl'rra Nevads.. ..2.95 ?."
inlon Cea.2.99 i.
I'tth .LtO r
Yellew Jacket....?.? t
Cotmuonwealtk .2.50
Xavsda Qaeea.8S
BeBa Iale..1.00 1
Hettb BeUe lsls.1.00 t