OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 26, 1890, Image 7

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"tfJJtr LIXCOLX, lf. D.?
A tottter aad less 1n?plring performanee of a play ls
t^iaion aeea than the one at Proetor's Twtntythlnt
j.(reoetTheatre yesterday aitornoon. The audlence at a
trial matinee ls osonlly kludly dUposed, but even 1t?
deslre to be pleased and lts frfendly tecUngs town:-d
tiie author aad toe actors ec-aid arcase from this
iBdience only the faintcst attompts at applanse, aad
those et long tntorvels. Thc piece tliat thus made IU
Qrat public appearance was ealled " Mary Llneoln; M.
D.." aad was wrltten by the autlior of "The Coanty
jVr," Clarlet narnard. The atory |* inroherent and u:i
rntercrtlne. and the dlalogue splrltless anl oftsa un
nsinral. as If ?ugge?ted by the langujge of play* latber
tnaj, by the langnage of Ufe. lf the plcce ts ever to
be *at on Uie stagc agan It should be remodcll-d.
nsu; and repollslied, and an attempt should bc made
to infuse some flrc aud ltfe and Intcrest into tke
jiruatlons and thc words by whleh they are doveloped.
;k? pooplo who plajed yesterday are tuiuwn, most
gj them. as actors of abtllty, but they appcared at a
Ut itlsadvantage. It waa the effort* of Btoa Mary
y^w to make aomethlng of tho tltle part tbat gavo
jnost of tho pleasnre tbat the audicnee experienre^,
tmt the part wa* not one to exclte much avrupathv.
B?>i<ios the cight rharexters who were repic-emcd by
*rtor? ou tbo stoge there were three more who were
not sJeo, but who* were described on tbe programme
M -other character* of the storv who are assunied to
be ln the nelghoorbood of the wonc of tbe play."
At a meeting of tbe members of tlie Alplia Delta
phl ITaternity llvlng in New York aud lts \irinlty,
held at Delmonloo's on Wednesduy evenlng, arrnnpe
nients weie perferted for the cstabllsliment of tbo
Alpna Dttto Phl ?*lub of tlie Clto of New-York. Tlie
Inrorporators are Clarenro A. Seword. F.verctt P.
Wheeler, CaBBtto I.. tolby, Riiis ll. atotJtrta, lltaalftl
. n. Twonil'ly. Truman J. Bttrlna, Willinm Tabott and
William 1:. Baaktae. Tbe BttaN of Uosreraoto is cem
yosod of .foseph II. Cboate, Jwlpe Eawjird Patterson,
Artliur H QtWtet, Willinm Launiaa Iinll, (Jeorpe J.
r>i. Robert f, Illxby, Uenjamm \V. Franklln, Alfred
F.l\. Btttott 9. spenrer. t'ollln .Vnnstronp, liradford \V.
lliuhcock and Alfred L. Manlerce.
The club will start wltli about 150 resident and
100 ufii-rcsident member^. Tne former homo of Dr.
fornelius R. Agnew, ut tlie northwest corner of Miirt
ifon-avo. and ThlKy-nintb st., has been taken on a
toBg lease. and will be lltted up for a club house.
The fWs>t floor will contain thc tvcrptlon, lounglng aud
dinlng rooms, and on the aeeeael floor will be tbe
llhniry. rcading, rard and billlanl MOttia The third
u:id f"urlh floors will be us<>d fjr lodping roattt for
rtatttef members and surh Alpha Delts as carc to
Uve i;i tbe house.
('larome A. 8ewnnl prc^ldcd at tbe meeting held on
Btiataaay nlght. and .inseph II. thnato has con
wnted to serve as the flr>i piv>'deiit of tbo club.
AaatatJ t!'.e memt?ers of tbe etob are John ,Tay, .Tuuios
C, Carter. Robert B, Kiuld, (*'orpe N. Jlcssitcr, Rro
Janiln F. Rlalr, J. Vnn Vecht- n nleott. Fi-.uicis Lyndo
Meisoa, wiliiar.i D. LeaaarB, Artkar F. Boerers, Heary
L. siirapue. William B, Donncll. Fraartfl H. WlletMa.
A. E. I-aliner. W. M. ITiluicr. TBIeeil Willlams. tho
atov. I>r. J)hn Bralnard, Jc>se totoaBOB, Balktri Batlth,
K1!U 11 Robcrts. Charlcs is. FalubilU, Bahetrt M. GaCtt
way. dsbom E. Brlfbt, Flsher A. r.ahcr. Ueorgp
(,?.nlon Rrooks, Dr. Alcxander HuMiii?s, Jos? \:\i \\.
Howe, Sateetfaad D. tonlth. W. D* Vort*t K<?w;;ra'
Ur. William R. (lark. Dr. Roswcll P. Collui. Williini
N. Cohen. llamlliou W. Mable. ClMtrtoi M. iVatt., Dr.
( . E. Wuimby, Kdward F. tfeybark, Clan-me L. Weat
,ott Samurl K. Appleton. Kenjumin lii-.Hur. Dr. Irvln
(.. Hltrhrork, Wintam M. Kidder, .i?^i>'i w. ( ?sh
?aa,?llfcert P. CoaraNta, Addlson F. \i.drews. ruii
anl L. sweexy, Oarttoer UoBty, I* Bt. tlalr lolby und
James W. Fimb.
t'nitcd States Attorni y-iieneral W. II. II. Millcr.
wbo b in the <lty on private- katlacse. waa at tbo
I'eaeral Baftatoi yeatetttay and rallee upon Jattig
Laeetakt and Ctork DkleMi in the t'niicsl Btotot I li> ut
t ourt. _
The honso of Jtjaea a. BewarB A Or*., aarretsera to
Warren, Werd A (o.. No. '? E-ist Tveuii..tb ' . a aV WM
that dates back nearly Imli a ctnturv. is aUmt u>
rctlre from bustnoss. To old New Yoiker- a-id mai'iy
otbers snch an announcement ?v*Jl ca?is,- penuine
legret, not even ItBaftftll by ihe fact tbat tbe tino
*tock ot fnrniturc of the house. will be tttsp >M-d of ut
iptail at the most attractlve priCcs. This house bas
lunp mad? a spwlilty of flne work in wood. inai.u
factortntt Bafy s?ne??re, wrtl-m.xte fomiforc, of wojd
pnperly seasoned. As an adjolnlug tirio has pur
cnased the bnlldlng. and takes p,.sse*sion December 1,
tbe entlre stoek of furnlrnre nowr held by the bouso
iiTuBtke dlsp?.s..-d ol beiow thal time for wbat lt wlU
The "Httlc advertisements of tbe BtBBlB^tBpaBl
to ovcry cwidltion of awa and voniau. They rn?
alonc the whr.le panuii of human neeesalttefc Ibu
mo?nlng you will tlntt them on tbe Btotk page.
Tbe IIBtollir totareea the Broadway Tbcatre and
U?e Flrc D<T*rt'ner,t, are not quite ttet yet. Tke ord.r
that was iwued to tbe mauagers a few nlght* aKo was,
** baa alr*?dy been aiinouuced. tbat only enouph tlckvU
for atandlng room almiild bv $eM to form one BBW of l?eo
Z aloug 1$ .pace tofctoi tto aeato. Tl.e.i the BBte$$
rom the door. ot the audltorlum to the ttotol **? roped
,ff *od aome little pei.a wero left In the wlddl- of tho
t^a of tbe house, wbicu wer* thus. as-eeetttog to the a?
Zm* fttaav no lo.gvr pas-ageway. and not aakjttttlt
S agaliintoa of the law. Bt* B u *^**S?
only aaeeaj. ttototo to lana aae raa * aeeptoi kat?a>ke
peo'ie toZjei laVertvee itaatket laattti of su..di.,g u
one long Une. they BBto tto BtoietaM psae pretty :nea ly
tuii uut tue ?aaaeato wero tatog aaly wbat tkej
tuoupht tkep fcatt B?att*etoB to to. aad ?$ toay were ew
,?ued when John l.ntly. the feWMaB on duty at Ute th.a
C waa ealled before the Bo.rU yesterday Msetoa and
Iu.bend.-d for not ItBatttol tbe conditlon of Iktogs ou
Wtaaeatoy atykt. k> ?? he had $**. a-toaa to eHt,
II lt waa tben declded to aell no Handi^-roora tl<tto
iu.' aud uono wa* mU last ?**? Tl.e BBBMlteia aay
toto tkey are Bttog to tt. tto counselI ef *??"?*
partment and pet bi. Int. rpretatlon of th, ^J****
uTay know v.bat tkey ktvt a rfSkt U do. and tlll they do
thla thev wlU aell no -tandum ream lt ls suid that
Duffy haa lx?^n a llr, man for un yeaia, and ba* never
been reported for misconduct before.
William Hsnlon lltolTJ to his ptott at tbo Academy
of Muair tott Blgto snd BfitMrt fcl tho trapc'ze P-rform
?,ce wltb hls biolhcra. He dld aome kiteatattog und
Uiiiicult feat*. and dropM aBfelj tatt tho net. lh<'^ l?
?,,lr aaettot atttt sfter this of the .uy of tbe troupe at
the Aesdetr.y.
The biU for to-nlght at tho Amberp Tbeatrc Ia Ein
Hllt/in*?-del," alth Krauleui l'aula J^oewe lu Uie titlo
amir of the pipatonty of "Pate Itaetkf" eeattote
t* rome from Oern.ar.y, and a. th- r,h. arsals po on at tke
Castae, the bopea prow atiaagtl tbat tot opera will be as
*. II recelved a? lt bss been Btftta the oeeail.
_-? ?
Major J*Uie? B. Pond. who la th- BMfW *f Honry M.
BtanleVB torBBN tour ln Amerl. a. *ald ve*t?rday that Mr.
and Mra. BtoBtty, Mr.. T-nnant and Bwta aeri-aut* had
UUeu P*s?Ke on the Tcptonic. whi. U will leave Queeua
ttwa on Octeb-r fj a*.d la duc ta New-Vor.( on Btomkat
t Mr Btauley will dellvei hia flrat letture ln thl. clt> ln
ih,. urt?uiiuu Oper* ttoaaa on Btsreaakve n. The suh
5,1SbT%?C" >? "?*tnc ****u,e vyKn-u''
and the Msrch Acroa* Africa."
... ? *
Th* w.ddlng of Dr. J. Rludle (io'e and Ml?? Eleanor
Tsylor. of No. 2b BTeH Korty aixth-at.. will Uke place on
Meuday aftemooo, 8 pt u.U-i BB, at o p. m.
Vt P. T. Ksnipwn, proprlctor *nd edltor of "Tbe In
swaoee Tltnes." of thla cltv. dled lsbt evenlng at hl* hom*
la Mstuebtn. X. J.
Tbe qwrtwlv tooventlon of the Woman'a (hriatlan
lempersnee Onlon of New-Tork Couotv *aa held ln the
IBtotB congrcgatltmal Church. Msflbwm^ve. and One
BuuaXl^id.twenty-arat-st., yeaUrdsy. There aere 100
delagatoa pre*?nt from the dlfferent union? throurbout th"
el?y. The meralst aesalon are* devoted to the r-pert of th*
tr^um ?r?. C- 8. *"*< ** to0." of th* loc*U wi0?*
by tbelr pr*sl?*ut*. After thU there wss a Ibo***** ?
H*rt?Bi B*U, at 0n*4?tindr*d-and.tirenfo -flrat-st. and TBird.
at l e'ckKg the Bftewoon seatloa aasembled. Tue
repoKs of tbe ?lvt*toe supertnteiKJefita were msde aa
ttlowi i Foteiga Work. Mrs. W. Vhtellua; WareeUcs, Mr4.
C. Ivtoa lleredlty. Uoalth and ftfaa AJlthattol, Mr?, Dr.
Uam Wri?ht; Uigtxt BBasiUH. Mr?. M. C- ^^J
hHmtltlc lu.taucttoB. Mw. D- Omff; Sundsv-whool Work.
BBB. F-mllle D. Martln : <*ol*red Woik. Mra. C B Ix?r<1:
Ttw-t-ranee Uterature. Mb"- J"H? Colmao . l'rea* Work.
Javeall* W*rB Mra. Comalla H. P?*r.; Eveo?ell*tic. Mr*.
A. ?. Kaox ; t>*a?iu?tor Wme. ???. J- V. Itat? : fiabbath
Oba#rv*?e?. Frt?-. aad JaH Work. Mrs. I. D. Tbom*?:
Bsldlar* aod SailsM. Mr*. Uom; Mothera' Meetlnirs. hoclal
??irlty, Un. E. B. Graunis; Young Woman'. Work. Mla*
lts (totrek Ftow,., kimIou, MJes My?rs; Parler Mtwtloa*.
Mis. M. P. Buebaaan; KmncUa*. Mra. C. C. ERteson.
ia tae eveatog BJtjl Jalia Oelaata t^llvered aa luterest* I
Ing sddreaa which ahe called "The Trleka of Alcohol."
ThU waa an extempomaaotia uik. ieteiarmad with Ulua
Ostfcm* by means of a eplril kamp aad apparetua, wtth
which the apeaker ahowsd tha qventlrlc* of alcohol con
tained la some of tha meat eoumwn pstent saedlchias and
bcufeheld Btcceaulea.
Si ?
Worceater. Mavss., fi*pt. es (8peel?l).?One alm of
the Worceater Muslc FesUval is to encoureee Ameri?
can foui'Kwors, and with thla end In vlew, the eoncort
Uils atternoon wa* largely given up to contemporaneoua
works. The flrat mimber was J. C. D. Parker's
? Redempt^on,, hymn, flrst given by the Handel and
Ilaydn Soclety at Boston ln May. 1877, for chorus
and orrheatra, Tlie compoaer condurted tho perform
ance In person. The aolo part was taken by Miss
Gertrude Rdmands, contralto, who ssng acccptably.
The next American coraposer to be heavrd was Ylctor
Horbert, the assoclate condnctor of the feaUval, who
pnrsonally dlrectod the band in its performance of his
serenade tor atrlng orcheatra. It Is a charralng llttle
anlte of flve movcmente, wrltten In a brlght. heppy
veln. It la taklng muslc, ?nd ls elaborated In an
artlsllc way. bnt lt ls not a great compoaltlon. Mr.
Herbert la a favorite with the chorus and andlence.
and !io waa twlee reeallcd. Tho thlrd and last
American eompoalUon In the programme waa "An
Island Fantisy." by John Knowlea Paine. pro
fosaor of muslc at Harvard TTnlversity. The
romposer agaln wlekled the baton, and showed
himself nn expert orchestra leader. Tlie "Is?
land Fantasy*' Is a genulne and scholarly
worh characterited by great freedom of treatment
It contelns a pleasant varlety of melody, as well as
of efsctlve harmony.
Mrs. Johnstone-Hlshop. althongh suffcrlng from a
Mlght cold. conflrmed the good imprestlon ?he had
alrcady made by hinglng lu a creditable mnnuer tho
dinicult recltatlve, ? Now Tremble, Natnre," and the
aria, '? Pralse the Rcdeemer's Name" fmm Hoethoveu'a
?? Mount of Ollves." Mtss Kdmarnls appeared for tho
seeond tlmc as sololst >n Uie thnnhless aria, "Oh,
My Child," from Meyerbeer's '?Prophei.'' She sang
lt urtistlcally and wa* rewarded with a recal!. The
programroe was broiight to a olosc by the pcrformanco
of Nos. 3 and 4 of Dvorah's Slavonlc danoc. Thls
brllllaut mnsic was given with a snap Oint dld murh
to atono for t!? rather drcary numbers Uiat prweeded
To-nlght's conoert was the soclal affair of tlie
fostlvol The audleiKe was ln ftill dress, and tlie
ladles of tlie chorus appearod clad ln wntto, Tho
I?r;'grammc wns largely mado np of Wagncr mnsic,
jind It was lnterpreted by the leading artlsfh 0f the
fesiival. Two attrartlve instrumi-ntnJ numbers were
lnlroduced, the Andant? and Yivare from Moskowsul's
-foncerto for Violln and Orcheatra," and a hraee bv
the stiing orchestra, consl.stlng of the lntrodnction to
tlie flfth act of RcltiecUcs" "Monfred." and Glllet's
?' I.lon Dii Bal." Taken as a whote, tho concert was
the most rucressful artlsta' night ccr given at a
Worccstcr fostlval
stiT brizh OIVBH at the nsv cf thf. pi.ay
The flnals ln the hantUcap tcnnls touniamcnt of tho
Oninge Athlclic Club were playcd on (ho Grovc-st.
pounds ln Oraoge, tt. J.. yesterday aftoruoea, ;u>d
were Kharply contcsted. The scorcs were the follow
Miu's alnglcK, final-A. Mnnn. scratch, beat W. K.
Katon. acrauli. J-n. <l-2, 10S. 0?4.
Mrn's ftauMoa, unal?A, Mana and R. SUminon, srratcb,
Ixuit W. 1'.. Katon and C. K- Katon. a<r:it<h, 5?7, 0?1,
8-0, C-l
Tlie prUcs were. gold pins, in the shapo of rarqucta
for doubles and raeqaots for ?ingle?.
The Interest l;i tlie fall tournaiuent ot the VobBOTS
and I'arh llill tcnnls clnbs attractrd a large nnniber of
people to wltncss the gaiue* yeaterday. The play was
spiiitoft ond clone. The rcccptlou aud dancc at Uat
Yonkers (ltib houso, on Monday night. by tbe Yonaert
club, will be the flrst importniit soclal tOBtara of the
HHinn The play yesterda.v WBS as foltows:
Women's alngles, flrst round?Nlss Kdlth F.lting
tK5.?t Miss Knte Atklns, .-.-?, 8-4, H--^.
Men's doubles, tinai ronnd-seliuyler A. nogart snd
Ariiiur S. Kunyon Ueut Ylctor II. Kltlng and II, V>.
"^Sfeod' aouliica.' trst rounrt-A. B. Rnnyon and Miss
Bdltb Eltlng beat A. C. Ketcham and Miss o. La.^h
iord, 0?4, 0-1.
? i
Baltlraore. 6?pt. 25 (SpeclsJ).-The tHal of the sult
for PT5,0O0 damages tor tne alienatlng of a wife's
affeetlons brought by John fetebrecht agalnst WlUlam
H. Evans attracted a large orowd, moat ot whom were
wonien, to the superlor Conrt-room to day. Tlie case
is both roraantic aud peculuir. Hlebrocht is a inlddle
agf^l. well-to-do iiibiirance agent; Evans, an elderly.
gray-lialred. wealthy contractor. Slcbrecht marrlcd
Miua I'ctera lu 1872. when &he waa twenty years old.
Evans waa Plebrecbt'a confldentlal frlend. They had
known each other from chlldhood. Several years ago
blebrecht and hia wlfe began to dlsagrco. They liad
numerous llttle dr.mestlc dilTereneea, and flnally
i?iebrecht asked Evans to act Uie "mutual frlend," tolk
to Iii6 wifo and try to bring hor around to her husband's
way of thliihins- Instead ol rcconclllng tho couplo,
the husband clalms tliat Bvans's lnfluence over his
wlfe led her to flle a bill for partlal dlvoree. Her
hnabsnd trled ln vain to persuade hor to wltlnlravy lt.
Ita then Kigned a deed of scparatlon. and not long
afterward Evans niaiTled Mrs. Klebrec ht and they
went to Europe. Whilo they were on thelr biidal
tour abroad tM de*erted husband liistltutoU thla sult.
Bostoii, Sept. 2r. (Sje lall.-In Octil.er, 18S0, J.'hn A.
W(K>dward, cushler ln the oflice of the treasurer of the
city of Boston, disappeared, and an InveMlgatlnn showed
that he was a dcfaulter to tho amount of more than
$?0,000. Although every reasonable cirort was mado
|0 ascertaln ln wliat dlwctkin he had fled nothlng salis
factory vvas learued, and even bis relatives und in
llBSBto frlcnds detlared that they lmd rcceived no tldlngs
of lilm. It has roeently boen nseertalned thut his
objectlve polnt was Brcnos Ayres, where ho ls now
engaged in buslne.-s. When arrest f-tared hlm ln the
face If hedelayed hl? depaitm-e anotlie.- hour he buanlod
his yacht at South Boslon, hailed for Quincy, at which
place he took a tralu and reached Fall Rlvcr, where ho
took the boat for New-York that night. His intenUon
was to take a stoamer from New-York for Europe, but
fcar of belng apprcheiided led to an lramediate change
ol his plans. He accordiugly sailed up the Hnrison
BlTOr to Albnny and from that city rupldly made his
Waj to Canada. After a -horf stay ln thnt countiy
he "sailed from Montreal for Europe. He went to l'arls,
und after remalulng Uiei-o a short time rcturred to
England and at onre cmbarked for bouth Ainerlea,
where he ha? slaes reiualned.
Aurora, 111., Sept. 25 (Speclal).-Two soldlei-s' rc
unlons were held here to-day, the 4th Illliioia OBVOJlf
and tbe 30th llllnols Infantry. The 30th Reziment
elected H. II. Douglas, of Aurora, piesldent Tho 4th
Keglment olect4-d M. R. M. Wallace, of Chifago,
Monmonth, IU., Sept. 25 (8perlal!.-The slxth an
uual reiinlon of the soldlers and sailois of tbe mllitary
trait etOOOf here to-day. The business honses and
realdenccs were all decorated. lonts were pltched at
Camp Logan for Uie soWlers to slossi ln; but. as they
would not accomniodate one half of them, the cltlwns
opened thcir doora to the votoffiBS.
Conrord, N. H- Sept. 25.-The Governor has ap
nointed John C. Ltnehan, of Penacook. State Insurance
Ootnmlasloiier, vlce Honry H. Huso, deccased.
_-^?? i
lf there Is anythlng you necd ln bu?lne*s or at home,
you will probably flnd lt advertlsed on the nlnth page
of The Tribune to-day.
-? aa
From The Detrolt Free Pres*.
??I v.-)S a-golng along," he tald, as he stood at the
sergeant's deslt ln the Woodbridge-st. sta:iim yester
Sav -I wa* a golng along. saylug nothlng to uobody
when s feller as was a standlng ln a doorway call*
?"-^.dlo.'Pumpkln* 1 how'* your ma?'
"Mv name la not Pumplun*; my name 1* Terry."
?i aas." said the sergeant.
? Aud iay ma has been dead for twenty-turee years."
" And ln a very gentoel wuy I owialnen to the
.tran^er^tVheTad made a mlrtake.'
? Bnt' what *** he do bftt bea my pardoo and eaR
me Mr llayseeO- That ls not mr name: my name li
Terry HmS me Hfiy.eed on<{ wants to know how
the Jquash erop was comlng on."
'?I Law"that he was mlstahen. and I tells hlm so
but what doe, ho do tmt bam my pnrdon agaln and
calls me M?- Turnlptop. and *k the prlce of ?abbages."
? 1 see. You hit hlm t
" No. I comes down h?re for advlre.
"A2Vto^nll^herWhela:as maklng Ojg of me. and I
KhonJd PbVaUraSal Lwtatog a feller evor
" Kry SSSrrm TtUim. 1 will sm?Hh hlm. I
will toMesThls head off. I will rendcr hlm a wreck,"
Ito storted out and wa* goae ten mlnates. Then
*?X^tTndS*Sm, bnt NLMLWSaS.
oollax aad tlm horo and B out aad walk ao and Oown
tnd let some other feller toekle me. I thlnk there's
a feller on the corner now who'll call me Mr. Corn
armlk and want to know lf tho prlne of taterbnga liaa
rls, aud you telephone for a doctor and watch my
? ? ?
l Bomo opposltlon haa found expresslon to the con
' tluuanre of tbe Rev. Dr. Cliarle* A. Rrtags as pro?
fessor in the Tnlon Tbeologlral scuilnary, on eceount
ot bis vlews on tlie liitermedlate rtase and bl? ad
I vocecy ot Uie so-called ?? blgiier crltlcUm." It haa
j evea been auggested tbnt an elfort be made to force
ttfcttj fo reslgn his ptacc. Dr. Iir!g?s has been a
i nictobcr of tho faculty for seventeen year*, and now
i ocruplcs the rhair of llebrew and cngnatc lanrmnpes,
| He studled ln (Jermany four Vear* after l-eln* graduated
, from the lnlon Kcmlnary.
Dr. liriggs when se?n at hla home No ftBO West
Nlnety-Uilrd-st. laat evenlng sald tliat b" BtottgBt tbe
l opposltlon to hlm was partly tbe result of a ruls
uiulerstatidlng of hls oplnloua. lle did not teBtB
redeinpUon after death, aa had btttt charged. but
progresa've satirtlllcation. lle )ia>1 i.ad ito quarrel
' with the Westuilustcr Confessiou, bui on tke contrary
' had spent much tlmc ln studylng it and iiad for
? fourtoen years been gatlierlng a llbrary of works
: rchttlug to It. He waa ln perfect accord with tlio
i rest of tbe faculty, otherwise he would Imve reaigned.
Thc Rev. Dr. Thotnas s. llastings, presldent of tke
semluary, said tbat hc consldured Dr. lirlggs a most
I iiidefat'.gablc and aWeeteatttl teacber und a tlioroupli
Calvlnlst, and tliought there was not the sllghtest
ground for bellevlng tbat hls vlews unfltted Iflui for
his plice.
Tho Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby, a leader of tliat body
ot Presbyterluns who are opposed to tlie '?hlghcr
criacism,** said : ?? Personally 1 tlnnk Dr. Rrlggs ls a
most generous-heartcd, lovahle, Christlan mau, euniest
I and fcoaest ln cverytiiing tliat he does. At tho same
I tinic, I regard hls vlews on the Inspiratlon of tbe
! Illble as dangerons. lle has more or fesi sdopteil tlie
! prcvaleut Uertuan doctrlnea, which would ahuke the
loiuidatlons of (lirl-ilaintv and rcvcalctl rellgioii lf
\ they were true. Btllt, I tlilnk he ls p-itctly lK>iie*t
I in kecpiiig hls place, for ho aees no ataBlei between
I bis vlews and rlie nvakytoratB Confessiou of Faltli.
; lf he dld, be would rcsign at once. From my polut
of vlcw in: ougbt not to teach ln the aemlnary, but
from h's point of vlew he Is perfectly riglit iu con
tlnulng to do so.**
Minneapolis, Sept. 20.?"Thc TrlbuiiC to-morrow
will have an iiiterviow witb Lieutcnant Franrls l'rosfoti
Fromont, son of tho late Gcneral John C. Freniont*
now statloned at Fort Snelling, Mlnn., wlio says tbo
publlshcd reports concernlng tbe financial conditlon of
hls motber and slstcr lu Callfoiuiu aic grcatly e\
aggcrate?l. Wbllo they bave no mcans of tlicir own,
yet they bave a regular lnc??ine out of bis aud bU
brBtlttr*a salarles. Mrs. Fvctliont also looks for a
Kstorattoa of seven nerta of land iu haa Franriaeo,
foimerly owned by (.'cneral Frcmont, and aeiaai by
tlie Government, wblrh used tbo land for a mllitnry
rcservation. Flfty-three otln-rs wlio were on tlie
tract at tlie same time as (iencral Fremotit bave had
their tillos leslorett. Mrs. Fremoiit ls also hoptfttl
tbat tlie penslon biU for ktr rellef, now pendiup ln
Congress, will be pas-cd at iiii cerly etto. Mrs. Frc?
mont and her danpbtcr are livinp ln Callfornla on ac
count of Ihroat and kng troabtos. Lleetentnl Fro
inoni suvs be would have thcni nulio tl*:ir home with
hlm if tiiev riniiii enduro tiie rllmato. Thc taate is
truc of bis brotber, who ls Ma tiotiod at I'liilad-.'lplria.
Pitt-lurp. Bept 88,?The rlo-lnp .-<?-1 >n of itic
Catkolk! Congress waa held yesterday. ln tke after
tiixiii tbe (.'cntral I'liion was formed ;is tlie bead of
all tke Catholic sooletics of fils eonntry. keaolatlt ns
were adnptof protcsting npilmt tke Itn'.lgntttes keapea
upon tbe Pope; dcaiirtlna tbat ehlMren to tttacatotl
a.s parents see fit; ilWBblg Otiedlenre lo the 1'iiitcil
stiitcs and nnegtoaea to tho Pupei expreaatog a pref
ecenee for thc Oernan lanpunce, wherevrr pnanhle
The iifBrers of Ibc new Central Fnion an- a-> fi-llnws ?
0, ik'bliiian. ol (')iichlh. presldent: P. B'tnBUfk, irf
?t. Lonls, rlre presldent: McIm?Ii> Bimon. of ('MeaA.
ateretar) ; Frerteriefc Loetttor, of AJlegketiy tiiy, ina
Waahlnpton, Sept. 2f> (Sp.s:laJ).-rer*.ti? who or,' ex
pertlnp anaaera from Robert P. Fort r. SuperlnUindeiit of
the Caatae, as to complalntM which laBVt b^'n asattf a' out
tbe count ln different cities will be dlsappolnt.d. Mr.
Ptotot l? aeriounlT 111, and Is not ptrmltted to know auv
UiBir about tlie affalra of the Ceaiua Offlco. IIIa phy
?k>l*na have enjolntd *bao!uto reat as the only conditlon
of e$aapttta r?-Ntor*tloa to h-aitii. and have r^commended *
ae* voyage, The nearcat dlagnosla of hla ca.e la nervoua
proatr*tloo, wBb lndlcatlon of mor* aerloua dl-ord'r.
Do vou want real ostato, ?crvant<;, board. or rooms?
Tken extmlne the little advcTtlsemeuts on tho nlntU
page of Tlio Tribnnc.
A dlnner w?s plven to tbe offirlals of tbe Western
T'nlon Telegraph Company last eveninp. by Janies
Merrlbcw, superintendent of the Soufbcrn Dlvislon
of the compauy, in the club-hou."e of the F.ssei
County Club. in Hutton Park. West Orangc. N. J.
There were twonty covers lald. After cigars were
llghted short siR-eches were made by nearly all tho
gucot?. Those present were Ckaites II. Tlnker,
superintendent of tho Eastern Dlvlsion: O. W. E.
Atl.lns. of the cotitnict department; William D. G111,
of Pliiladelplila, superintendent of ths tuiru* dlvislon;
A. R. Hrewer, secretary; II. H. Ward. raaktor of tbe
New-York oftlce; R. II. Bofhtttor, treaMircr: Edward
C. Coekaay, puwlinslng ugent; W. C. llumstone.
supcrintend-nt Of the New-York dlvision; C. L.
litickliigham, patcnt attorncy; W. 11. Sjinerville,
suporlntendent of pres.s transmlsslon; A. S. Jirown,
electrkal engincer; D. J. Carson, general manaper
SOBtkerB Rf'll Telephone Company; s. c. Jllncliinan.
supcrlntondent of bulldlngs; llenry Bentley, presldent
riilladelphla Local Tvlegr.iph Co.; S. M. Plush, manager
J'liiladelphla Hell Tel-phone Co.; Willani Holmcs.
^uiierlnteiident tarlffs; F. 11. Mtrrlkew and, A. a.
Darwln, of (Jlen Rldgc. Dr. Notvin Oreeo,, presl?
dent of tbo company, was dttuincd ut las home by
From Tlio WaslUngton Post.
They aro tearlng down old bouses all ovej tho rity
to mu'ko room for tbo more modern house. Wbllc
tbesu honscs are belng demollsbed there 1? usually a
clas* of people who crowd arouud. e.mer to pick up
ull stray piec<;s of wood wbicb rome In tlielr direc
Uon. Colorcd peoplo generally prcdomlnate ln this
class, and many a famlly ls thus suppUtd with fuel.
Wbllo tcaiing down a house lu the northwest sectlnn
of tho eltv i-ecently the worUmcn were very niucli
bothei-ed by tbeM' ?? wood hustlers.'* as they t?rm tiiem.
'?The "wood biLstlers*' ln this case were comixiscd.
with but onc exceptlon, of hinull Dcgroe*. This ex
reptlon was an old nopro, wlio had one tof ?korter
tban tlie otlter, and was nearly bont double, but
whether witb age or not no onc Unew. Hc looked as
if ke had worked bai-d all bis life, but appearaaeas
are dcceltfnl. . , ,.. ?-..
The wnrkmen became so Ineenatfl ut tne wooo
hustlers" tbat thev dwvc them all aw.iy except
tho old man, After a whlle the oM mau b;'cumc
more hold und endangorert hlro3elf ln tnliig to ret
Moces of wood. One of the workmen spoke to hlm
about It. telllng hlm he would be huit It he pe^'sl'^
ln jtettluc in the wuv. The old man mumblcd out
soDietHng. but paid no attteattofl to tl-e warnlng.
Finally he lOt closo to tbo waU and rtooped to
Dlck ud a plece of beam. Jn?t as be st/opod a bncii
fcn to front of hlm. and 1ie lwrmwly c<e?ped ?K?lnp
bit. Heeing tlils. a worhman yollcd :
"Look out. ole inMii. or vou'il be nilioa.
'?1 don*t care,** rcptlod the old m?n. aat Btt*
tlnued to conflicate all the wood thnt came ^tbtnMj
rerirh. Apsln he barely esrsM tolng hlt vHfb
another brick. and apaln tlie workman *h""ted.
"I done tolo yor onst to plt awav ftAM dere. The
fust thlng vou know you won't know- nothli:g.
?I don't cflre." relteratM the old man. oohlng
aronnd for more wood and. seelnp sorno to tktto
terlnr of the buildlng he went for It. He had hartly
nassod the door when a heavy beam fell ln tbe Ptoar
fie bod lust var*ted.1envelopli.)r hlm ln a rkmd of dust
t4ereral workmen.'thlnklng that the he^vy beam lad
ninloned the old man to the around. latoM.eeWBja
rcndeMH the a*sl*t*nee po*slhle. 'm^"'3J/,Xs"Ji
ndse when. on iwhlng the place, they fonnd the Od
nian RUtherlng tho wood as unroncerned aa tbouph
notktea h*d hapnened. The workmen were speeehlea*
for awhlle and tnen one sald:
"Look a' har. ole man. yot-MI have to glt pnt o
thl?. We don't care 'bont losln time or carryln ver
knitjua throtich the strost." . .
?th* oM rnin looked contemptuwslv at the apeaker.
and tben sald ln a tto^.*rt*-eOBUn?*tol Jaaej_
^O'way. nifgers. I don't care. I ]i*t had my llfe
?sured for t?40."
i i? "
Prom The Chleago TrThnne.
Tht o*n who has ehsrge of the cue* and tahlea at
I Madlnon-st. bUMard liall wu tt hlt work when ht
wm asked if there had been mnch cliange ln bllllard
*?*A good deal." he replled. ?The old cue was;Br*
fe?t lotur The ene used by experts to-dav ls abtmt
fotVr feet long. although the average ls four fee eight.
The ffleetlon to the long rue ls that lt eontalni a
number of Inches that are never ln use. BQ.*awtoar
kawfto tbe plevcr has to rench. An.rther ot))e<tlon
"that tka sprlng In a long me is aeai tht hand.
wtn-reas In a short cue lt ls uear tlie tli>. wl.err- lt
*. uld Im?. Another objertkm by tbe aveiage player
fo tho long ene ls lts welpht Tho ordlnory welght of
* rne of tlie preaenl time ls ehrhleen anartfl. theiwelght
of the old style ene varled from eleht<-en to townty
four ouneea. The welght of a cue for a ladyK ?hotild
not exeoed flfte*n ounr???. A maai wlio pla^bll^rd*
regnlarlv wnnts hU own cue. If e man ls P^'?n?*?,T.
Hind of a gam* be runa toa fanry lt|B*af4toaf
?nd malio?anv, or rosewood Inlald. Hu. h a cae eoeu
SSSJl?m tlie otolnary cae ls made of ?'*hJm?P?J
and eoroa Umes ol Wekaty. Btwh cue. oost about aa
What l* there about the flgures flve fect elght inches
thnt la ao atlrartlve to ponoemen ? Dld yon ever no
Ure a deacrlptlon of a drowned man who was not ]ust
thst tallt Maybe you have, but Jnst ncUce a:id ice
If the vast majority of them do not eonform to Uiat
nile, and alao are reported ss wearlng Congress gslt
er?. Wliether men measnrtng flve feet elght Inches
hlgh o:.d wearlng Congress gnlter-i sro mjre prone
to (ln.-.MiIng than others, so far n* ls known. has not
liccn detcrmlned, bnt It certnlnly 1< an odO saggeatlon
whicn comes to tho mlnd of many who conatantly
watch such caxe*. _____
snoaklng of Congress gaitera and drownlng reralls
a fashlonable middle-aged pbyslrl.n who Uiorou;Mv
bolleves In thls fi.tallty- Me gave It away ln tha
wlse: Whllo consnltlng r. man ln drPrate henlth about
Bffl cnro for hlms-lf in the wlnter time, the doctor
said : ? What klnrt of shoes have you got on!" Tliey
pruvod to be Un fntal OBSafOBSS ga'ters, nnd the doctor
objectcd. u Dld you ever see an occount of o drowned
man found In tlie BSf that dldn't say he had on Con
grens galters 1 You langh, and aey U>at docant make
auy dlfferouce, aud tliere Is no connecflon of caiisc and
effect. How dn you know tliere lan'tl You can't
trace It, but I*m not certuln tliat Congress gaiters do
not tend to such morel and physlcal dcgcnerary tliat
a man I* llablo to full off a ferryboat. or ln a SS ol
despondency to ]ump Into the ilver. At Basjrato. I
wotvt weai them. T told a woman the same tlilng
once, and she laughed. I went on. and when I rearlied
home found a letter from her, w.ylng she "* ?*?
no o paper after I went away, and the flrst uwnu
found seveiBl conflrmatlons of what I snld. und she
wanted to admlt that she wiw* convlncod.
Thls ssme physiclan I* a bellever ln the "Imp of
t!ic Porverse." Hc has fslto ln some natnral law-law,
mlnd vou: lsw, not clisnee-whlch brlngs unfortunato
cirenmstoncea Into conJuncUou. A psUent that
should have stayod at home snd sent for hlm, but
romes to his ofn?s instead, makes a mlstahe tliat may
brlng down other evils. That day ls ot all days In
the year the worst lio could have rome out ln. und
a rarragf U psitlcnlarly hard to obtaln to taUo hlm
home in, aud hia litune at tliat time ls atro to BO
arningcd In the worst posslble sliapo for Ufe care of
a fttak man. Juat becau?. Just to aeeoapony that
unfortonato stsrt. Maybe demous, llke ml-cry terres
tr al. love company, and each one brings aevc . other*
o caAy trouble and dtatnay U. the surro ff*?* *
the lirst one's home. He does not say qBttS th.s,, bnt
ue wlil iiisist that by some law ofcourse. ejjssra
accompanlment. the "Imp of the l'enerae docs his
work by spclls. _
Some people have an Idea that the shot-tower ls
(kbsotote, but accordlng to a man who knowa somethlng
about the muiiiifacturc of leaden pellets, the idea ls
crroneous. ?? No,- ho said tho other day U> a Trit/une
man, '-tho old mcthod of sliot-making sUll prevalls.
The lead is dropped from a tower tho samo as ever
exeept with thls dlfference, the towers aro not mado
so tall as fomierly. They nscd to be bullt up to a
height of 250 fect or more, but now a atoartore MO
fect high ai.swera every purpose. J?0W lo ?st Wg
ifs the stmpast thlng ln me jrortd. A Wowlog *o
naratns has been Invented, which, pendlng a atrong
cufren ofalr up the tower stafl *#**?? j*ffi_
t? the fallitm' lead, and a drop ot 160 ftWt is Just as
gooft a> 5150."
Thero aro pcrliaps a few old playgoers who will
remesaber when tne toaseOlaw Wlltlam E. Uartou
broughl out hi. forro of "Toodlcs* ut tlie old (hanibcrs
Stroet Thoatro "SO many years ago." playing the ttto
jmrt and there aro rcrtalnly many people who, if
Iher do not reeoJJ the "palmy days," are yct lain.llar
will, the iiicirte.it of Mrs. ToOftJos'i purchaso of the
ImBMrtal coffin plalo. beartlif tlie nanic ot '?Tompson,
with a *p.M The pivrtirnlar s-ope of the estlmable
woinaii's far-seelng economy so huiiiorously rldlculed
by the roovtvtsl Mr. Toodle* neert not be dv.elf upon.
What ls iatoieaUng to noto ls that there rerentlv dled
iu lirooldyn a worthy old gentleman who ls saM to
Ituvo been the orlgimii ??Tompson with a 'p.- At
any rato the story gocs as a family trudltlon that
When '? Toodles- wa- prodaeed a large suid ?onsplcuous
bn.ss plalc upon B door fnuit In wltBBB-st borc the
nime of ?? Wllllam w. Toapsaa," and this, it la said.
V hctllVst'lloUs forOS of M.ggestiot, WBsthC Origto
..f iiurton's wlttlclsni. Tbe Tonipaou referred to w.i?
raSSlSmwBTo^uSaveV a brief shotrh of whose bua ness
ram - apoeared ln Tas Trlbune at Ihs tim- of WS
death i ls reaaonal ly ronrolvable, lf not bUtortraiiy
unTbentleatea, that bo one enloyed more Wormwhly
ihe droUery of tbe oricinal Tooaas than dld the ottgtoal
??Tomiisoii?wllh a -p.""
]f you do not thlnli thst the summer is over just
stnnd ont ln some fashionablo strcet atul wat.h tlie
faees. What nrownlng ralls "all the breath and tbe
blwm of the year- you will flnd there, The sumnicr
harvost lia? been gatlwred and all the pretty faccs are
buudled Uck agaln. ln Uie last week tho Incroa^j
of the nnmtier of yonug and hAndsome women and of
tostotal gowns tn the streets has been pirticularly
notlrettblc. lt was a cause of loneUneas to tnu poor
bachelor who stayed ln the city all the summor that
no pretty young ficca wcro left to BfigBtoj up Uic
pil msntS. and It Is s wnnderiul rellef to seo such a
foro loailfarf even lf yoii do not tojow Its BSMMIOC
and would not even make bo!d to look at her a
aecond time. II Uie glimpsc only tllts acro-,-. one.
path lt is llke a refreshlng brecze. Surely "beauty
is Its own oscusc for belng.
What becomes of all tlie old photoguphs Of f*ces
beautlful and not so beatitiful! TBOSS memoiials of
??one dcad deathless hour" when we put on our best
looks so as to let people at a dl?tanc<* both as to tjnie
and spa'cc know what klnd of people wo aret Is
there a gravcyard for photographsl The old tlmc
albnm was the cemetery for many, bnt that ha* gone
out of fifthlon to a great exu-nt. and tlio dead photo
graph, llke the nnbnried Greek of old, has to wander
for manv years U-fore lt gets a tlnal restlng plice ln
siiine rubbl>li heaps.
A ruinmaglng toiir In an old bookshop tho other day
ihowoft that the pbture cemetery llself mlght hav?
t<i niovo. Down under a pllo of old und torn hOOha
and pumphlets lay n still more torn album Clled with
pfctaies taken some ten rOBTS ago lu tho region of
the Ftowery. Forluno had evidently been unpro
pltlouti, and tlie loved one's pi< tures had gone at
amtion with the clock, Uie stove and bedstead. Who
rould It be that would thus buy eorpseg tluit he could
not even dlssert? It mlght have brought flve cents
at the sale. The old booUmun could not now get
rld of It h> u glft, so it lles ln the rorner, whlle somo
ooa talks of ?lltUe Patjy tliat had tho moaslea aud
dled tbros years ago como Easter.
A Malne man, spcaklng of tho nncxperted "land
slide- ln bis jstute whOB Mr. Reed's aaaporh majority
was plled high on the hcads of tbe Democrats, said :
?? We all cxpected Mr. Recd to win, of coursc, But
had he been defeatc*. wo rould not have been moio
BSSBSei than we were oy his magnillccnt victory. Thls
electlon shows how powcrful. and yct silcnt, is Uic
Influence of the people. In th!a case the people had
made up thelr mlnds. Tliere was no dlsplay about
it, no brngging, no llrewoiks, no BsSSSlBg of forces lu
advancc. Wlun the day to voto came every man
dropped his tools or farmlng utcnsils or left his atore
and went to the po'li. It was all as caliu and Irre
sistlblo hs an evening tlde. Bstt, to my thlnking. lt
h thla suirit of Inlepeirtence and thls sclf-ni..uiding of
oplnlon which wlil ups-t the most tartful calculatou
Ofa Pollticai expert when lt is not baa.-d on tho
"mpcr of the pabttc. Whnt tho i-cople want they
c-nVrallv get Malne wanted Reed and Democrats
will tell you tcarfully tliat ?he got hlm.
"The prectlre going down the Bay to meet well
known Amerlcans refurnlng from Europe.- said ? man,
??!? becomlng more and more popnlar. Amerlrans
are alwavs dcnmn-trotlve In thcir welrome to favoiit"
*ons. They llke to see them back. They are prowl
of them and are qulck to sh >w thelr fe-Ung. Tho
returnlng Ronian con-ul who had schleyed greit
vlrtorieT had hts trlunipli In Rome. Amer.can* who
atoad proniinently l?efon; thelr couuti-ymen have thelr
welrome home." _
"HoW far a rollege'a populnrity depends upon IU
success ln athletlrs. ls still adlsputed question. Many
Of tlie younger college gnvdnatcs malntaln Uiat wlien
a colleue has made a brllliant record ln athletlrs Uie
tlde turn* ln Uiat dlrecUon. older men are not so
wllling to ndmlt thls, at least ln whnle. There have
been several 'opscts' In atldetjcs recently. Yale nn
doubtedly lesds all collegee to-day In her athletlc
achievements. Prlnceton's record la?t year was ad
mirable. Harvard aeems to be lo an unhappy posltlon.
Perhap* lf we wstch the sttendance ll?ts of entering
coll?ge men. we shall be ablc to make up our mlnds
thls vear a* to tbe IniSaTOOS on young men's cholre
whlcfi victorles on Uie water snd on tne fleld exert."
Thls K the opinion of s roiiege gndnate who hoUeves
ln all legitUnste enrouragement of athlctlcs and wbo
vet prefers to bcDevc tliat mo?t men cq to college for
the college-not for IU athletle posslbflitte*.
Bright. crlsp nttle odvortlsements. doicriblng tn a
dlrect way the varlod reqnlremooUjof a best of
peopaa, flli many colnmns oo the nltrtb page ol Tha
Wbffla to4Uy.
o ? ?
From Eugene Fleld'* London Wtter to The Chlcago
It aecma more thau llkery thst the ps?*lon play
will never agaln b<- done at oberumiuergeu. The
sentlmcnt at Rome ls agalnst the pjvfirmanco. and
among HOOIBB < sthollca very generaUy the fecllng is
that uie pay has a demorallxlng influence. The noble
?Dlrlt which fortoerly characterUed U?e perfoimanc^
ha? qnlto dlaappeared. and the whole buslne?a liaa
degeneratod Into a catch-penny affair of the choapeit
klnd Tho arhfmo la now oontroHod bv a Vl?ni>ea?
"vndlcate compoaed of Uiree rtch Jew* ? these .hiewd
aoeculati M Ixiught the control of the ODerammer?'au
Vboatre for thla aaaaou. and have proflted enormcualy
thSSom. The aeeommodattons tor todglnjf and
vletuaUng aro practlcaUy la tho haads ot Cook aud
of Oage, two London speealators. Between the
Vienneae spectilators and tha London speculatori Vm
paasloa play has been dregged down to tto low Jevei
of a country falr, where robbery Is toleratod becaose
It l? cxpseted. *rhe extortlon has beeome so flagrant
and so notorlona that the Reaeut of Bavarla ennonnee*
that he will Interpoae to prevent a repetltlou of tho
pasaton play. * . .
An Amerlcan managcr went to Oberammergan ia?
month and trled to niare erranaement* wlta Josepn
Ma!er and his aasoeiatos to give a serle* of per
formancea In the Unlted States. Tm* enterprlslng
i?er*on propoaed to prodnce the passlon play on a ?eato
of magtiinrenc*> hlfherto nnpsralleled. and. to begin
with. he coneeived the brlllunt Idea of having 100
AposUea lnst??arf of twelve? He wa* preatlv dlsgtiMea*
when tlie < itHTanimertnn player* Informed hlm tuntno
snm of money wvukl Indnce them to sppear elsewttere
than ln their native town.
Tlie stoamer Ralefjth, from Doboy, Gal, whtob
nrrive<l to-night, reporta that at about 9 o'clock
this evenlng, while comlng up tlie lower bay, she
paase<l the Hamburg-Amerlcan stoamer Wielan;!,
from Hamhtirg, liard agrqund on the Rotner Sboel,
with lier wheel exposeu and a blg llat on.
Dr. Stoiihou |$ WettJ dled ycaterday at hla home.
No. 130 West Thlrty-fourth-st, from heart fallure. lfe
waa horn In 182f* near Halifax. Xova Seotla, and waa
praduatAt irom tlie Unlverslty of rcoruylvsnla ln 1850.
and for over thlrty year* has been a promlnent phyalclan
ln UUa eity. Hs was a member of th* New-York County
Medl.al Socletv, and leave* a wlfe. oue dauehter and
three son*. Tbe bod/ will be burled ln ths faniUy plot
ln Maple Orovo Cemctery.
? ?
Galesburir, III., Sept. 25 <Spe.lat).-0<orge Davia ?
re-id.mt of this city atBOS 18KM. dled thla uiornlng. Hc
was WttoTV known throuphout this re?ion as one of the.
eirlr Abolltlonlsts. and was one of tue dlrectors of the
.inderground rallrtad for tuglilie slave*.
? *
Notre Du-ne. Inal.. Sopt. "I.-Arthur J. Stace, pro
feasor of dvll englneerins at Notrc Dame Unlverslty. dled
this evenlng. Frofeifor St*':* was born in Sueset. F.np
land ln 1838. At tbe age of ten hs waa baptlzed into_
tbe Catholic Chureb, hla famlly belng ooo of thoae that
??went over t? Romc" ln the wake of Newroan and Man
nlnp. He had been connected wtth tb* Unlveralty of
Notre Daine slnce 1800. He wlu a Blfted and mahv
slded man. arhieving dlatlnctlon both as a lltterateur
aad mathemutlflan. Profeasor Stece waa one ot tb* com.
uilxsloinrs to the ParU E.xposltlon of 1889.
Richroond, Sept. 2J.-Colouel Willlsra C Csrrlngton,
who served as mayor of this city for four terms, dled ln
Wllllamsburg to-nlght, sfter a llngerlng lllneaa.
Denver, Sept. 25 (Speclal).?Word has Just been re?
celved here of serlous troublo between two towns
of BoatoB and Springfleld, in Baca County. Sluce
Baea County was formed from Las Anlmas Coun?
ty, by tbe last Oeneral Assembly, there ha*
been rlvalry between tho two towns as to which
akoaai be tho county scat. The people of the
town of Boslon assert tba-t Sprlnpfleld hus not the
if0,000 worth of county prcperty neeessary to prevent
tho county seat from belng moved by a majorlty vote,
this fall. The only buildlng at Roston avallablo for a
county court-bouse was a hotel. A few weeks ago this
was sold by tbe shcrltf. and wa* bought by Sprlngfleld
nnsii. Lato Suuday nlpht a larpe party l.ft fc-prinpfleld,
with fortv tcanis. and on arrivlng at Bo-ton lmnvduit-ly
pn.cwded to remove thc buildlng. When the bprlug
fleld men wero about elght mlles from town, tlie cltl
?eaa "f 12.e-.tun dlscovcrcd the. temoval, and, with armed
rafltoas, started tn parsatt. [ A pltched battlo occurrod,
and a nuinbcr are rcisirtedj killed aa* wounded. Ou
niidliia tlienivelves defeated, .he sprlngileld men burned
mi tlie Ijulidinp. Tkt new county of Kuca is largely
luhablted by ct?w nunrhem and rufliaus, owing to lts
close proxltolty to No Man's Land.
? '
gan Antonio, Tea., >opt. 25 (Spccial).-Lock
McUaiilcl, chalrman of tlie Republlcan State EAecutive
Coininlttoc, publlshcd au address to-day denoum Ing tbe
Urwiu manlfcito, wOiich practlcally drew tl-j
color line in tho Republlcan party, as unwle
and unjust and urgin^ county organltatlon as
tendlng to brlng out the full strength of the
party. Ho advlses noralnatlons for county offleers
in countles where Republlcan strength warrants lt,
tlie ereatlon of a fund ln oaoh county to defray tbo
oxpenses of the campaipn, and regards the future of
the Uepnbllcan party ln Teias as brigliter than in any
boutberu state.
* -
Washlnpton, Sept. :3.-Fir?t Lieutenant J. W. Bcnet,
()rd;iance Department, has b<*n relleved from duty tn the
oflice of the Chlef of OrJnance, Wtuhmgtoa, D. C, and
ordered to dut.v at thc Iruukford Ar?.nal, Phlladrlphl*.
Fort tleane, Va., Sept. '.'o.-The traintng ahlp Jamea
town, from Funchal, Birlved here to-nlglit.
From The WaRhington Post.
?This ls tlie day of Journalistlc enterprlse, aln't IfT?
said a man cartiestly as he put hls bead inslde the
part a!ly opened door.
??Certainly" was the reply. '-Come ln.n
Hc was shabliy ln atflre, and bis lacc showed tne
marlis of viclssltudo. 'Well," he sald, " I'vc got a
Mhrata AU 1 want la *i">o a week, aud I'll get more
news Into your paper tliuii you ever had iu your wholo
? llow ."'
?Just -end a rep')rtcr around with me and l'll show
you. 1've only gto a wcek's work nmpped out. I'*e
ju^t p it a llre catlish in the nOKtt ot tha pump aroumd
tke 'oriier, and I'm golng back iu i? few unnutes and
swallow it. See? The dovtors will pump uie out
and vou ran ltccp thc tisb on exhlbiti >:i in the ollico
for tiie benefit of anybody who doe-n't believe tbe
storv. For to-morrow, that's Tuesday, I'll take a
panehato and Jump olf the Washlngton Monumont,
and iiobody but you wiU know that I'm goini; to do lt.
On Wcdncsday I'll make arranpements to dlve olf the
Frce Uridge, and get frustrated Just at the crltlcal
moment bv the police: "on Thursday I'll tell somebody
that I'm Tascott, on Frlday I'll firow a bogui bomb
shcll at some Cabinct ofllccr, and ou Saturday I'll draw
my salary."_
Tlie Bucklngham Hotel, New-York, enjoys an envl
ablo rcputntion wflh tho travelllng public, belng cen
trally loeated for the receptlon of guests, and has for
ltri jiatrons those wboso approval ls based upon long
ejiK-rleiice, and who all agreo thot ln every respect
this clepant'esUbllsh.ment has fully and falrly won lts
hlgh character. Tbe charges are reasonablc, and
acromruodatlons unsurpassed.?Roston Evenlng Tian
llub Puucb is the ^Lmdard punch of the world. Hub
Piinch is alwaya unlforui. *Sure to ault. Grocers and
Whlle snaay nt^ople aay the stvles, others thlnk the
'ow prlce-*. in fnrnlturj have enahled the Fllut Oo., 14(.U
st. and (Jth-ave., to capture tTve trade.
When baby was alck. we gsvo ber Castorla,
Wben sbe waa a chifd, abe crled for Castorla,
When ihe became Mlss, sho cluog to Castorla.
When ske had Cblldren, abe gav* them Caatoila.
ADAM9-PINKNEY-On W*dn?eday, September 24, 1800,
at St. TUonisa's Church, New-York City, by cbe Rector.
Ber. John Wsstoy Brown. D. U.. Mrs. Huale Burobell
Plukner and Mr. Jobn Dunbitr Adanis.
BACKCS-DAVIS-At tBe Hotel Brunswlck, New-Tork,
ou Hsptomber 21, 1890. at 11 o'clock ln tbe foreooon, witb
tiie ?uldaoc# of Kev. Robert 6. MscArtbur, D. O.,
Harrlvt Ivlna daugbtxr of L. Wllmer Davls, to Ucnry
Cllnton Baekus, all of New-Tork City.
BALLANTIXE? WIL(iUS-At tb* ProabyterUB Church.
llhsea, N. Y.. oi Wedneaday, Septeraber 24. bv the
Rev. Ata Flakc. aaslsusl by the Rev. Dr. Davld waters.
l.ni- daishter of the late Jobn B. WUgus, to JohTi
Horbert Ballantlno. of Nowarlt, N. J.
BIRD.SALL?BOLLER?At Or*e* Churcn, Onuige, N. J.,
on Wednrrtday a/u.-moon, 8eptciuber 24, 18UO, by tho
Rev. Antliony Schurler. D, D., aaalsted by the Rev.
Aleaajul-r Muuu. Margaretts, daufhter ot Alfred P.
Holler. <?(,., of Kast (irange, aad William Blrdsall, of
KULESTOX-ABBOTT-On Septmnber 2, st Holy Trlnlty.
Krde, lale of Wlrbt. Faagleal. by tbe Rsv. ?. H. D'U.
fleld. M. A.. ssaisted bj tbe Rev. A. J- Wada. M A-.
vlcar of the perith. and the Rev. T. w. Falr. M. A,.
?eorge Washingtoo Kgle*ton. ceq.. of Olen UaB rark.
Menirotithshire to Any Dorlnd* younaeat danghter of
tlie late Adrolral J. Arcb*r Abbott. Royal Navy.
NELSON-SIIF.RMAX-On Wedaeadar. toptember 24,
1B90. at '?fiaytotofc> Dover Vfitoa N-Y.. by Uie Rev.
jobn P. Apuleton. May C??lUf daughter of Davld B.
Shenran. to Heratto Nelaoo, of New-York.
SPALDINO-ORIDLET-Oo Wcdnetday. Beptenber 24,
bv dfte tm. Albej* <";,iPay. ?- D-. **?. Medora A.
ur'Hoy to Aadrew spaldug. v
NoUeet of narrtogt mnat bt tadoraet) witb fall
name aad addrtaa
RARRICKLO-On Wednesday, Beptembar 24, Julta B..
*|f" of Andrew Barrirklo. and daughter of tht late
Jt r unlali Lalor. of Trenton. N. J.
Fuiieral s.rilc.s at her lal* roaldene*. No. 73 Orand-at^.
Jeraey CUt, on .-aluruav. Sept?iub?!r 27, at ll *. m.
fnienneat at Tifntou. N. J.. at eoovealouc* of faaUly.
BF.ACH-Oa Thun-day. Bepisuiber 25, 18W. Franete Jtn
\Ur B?*Kh. youuger awi of Henry N. and Martha Cran*
Fu'n'.^j' inTe^'st hls late re*W4?e*. No. 481 West
Mftth-st.. New-Yoi*. oo Haturday, at 1 o'clock.
Inhrnient at Uroenwood, at coaveaianc* of famlly.
Cl'MMIKS-On Tue?a*y. 8cpl*mb*r SM. Zhaodor* R..
ouly son of Henry IV aad Julta A. CummlnJ. ln hla 21st
p?n?r*l sarrice. at BJa lat* resldeae*. 44 Uwrateeeta,
D1ED. ' ?
OB WOLFE-Oo Thurtdar/8-t?-aa>r 2ft. after a ltoa*srV
1.1* lUn?BM, stephon Ue woifo, M. D., la U? 64to yaaf
of his age.
Funeral prtvete.
FLOYD-Kntereal lat? real on Wcdaaadsy. 24* SnOasHnv
Anclai W'...w?a of Robert Klord. and daoghter oi UM
lot* W. 11. Rarrlnguxi, of Hartlfax, Nova Seotta.
Fwrel arrvteea at her fili realdanjo. Xo. 104 ajanSh
Klllot Plafce, Breeklya. o? Pridsy, SOth la**.. at 10
a m.
RataUvee and frUoss sre rsapectrally lnvlted a **a*ad.
InUrnaJnt st eonvealsnee ef ramily,
HAMIT.ro.X-TOl'XG-September J5, In th* Duaaflea.
Presbyterlen Chsrth, W. J. Hamllton to May H.
Young. bv Rev. D. W. Skell.-ng' r.
P.t'SsKr.I.-Suddonly. at garanac Ijike, X. T.. ThnraxUy,
Soptambtr v\ Itober. W. Hoaeall, of Brooklya.
XoUce of fuiirral acreaftcr.
WIGOIX-Soddoniy, at Xorthweed, X. If., Meodsy, Sra.
tcwber -2, Henry B. Wlcgla, of Oraog*. N. J? la hl*
78th year.
Frienda are tnvtted to attend the fnneral from hl* lata
resMence. 92 Iiar-at,., Oraage Frldar afternooo, oa ths
arrlval or thu 1:30 p. m. train from New-York.
Dermrlaaent ?f fltafr. Washington, D. C,
24. 1800.-Inforn.a?<oo hia Uieu reeelved at U..
nieut fjom Mr. O. 11. Dock'irr, the ConauMacnetal
i'nite*rstB.tea st I'.io de Janeiro. itmil. of the de*tt>. aa
the Slat <>f Marcli, 1'<00, al Klo de Jan.-iro, of SVphi*
Uuff, Xcw-York State.
1'ur dUpatcit Xo. 73.
Datcd July l'J, 1890.
Drpartaicnt of Maie. WaahlnKtnn, I>. C, September
24, 1800.?1'ifonia'Jon na? been r . ??? >d al thla D<-parv
tnent fron Mr. Aullck Palmer, the ('..n-ul ot the Cnlted
States at Dreaden, Oermauy. ot the rt.-utli. on the 20th
of Juiie, 1800, st Dreaden, of Nati.au Cohn, of Xcw.York*
Per dlapaseh Xo. 83.
Dated September 8, 1890.
Offlce. SSO Slxth-ave.. conicr 23d-*t.. X. T.
fipeciul Noticec.
I arpet CTeaalao.
T. M. sitVAiU, s.u 7thave.
Tslaphons, ISO 10th. hand for circular._
fpraana Balldlnsr
or reroodeiiing thelr hou?? abould examlne tlie noveltlsr
ufactured by
ao extenslvely used lu nrst-elaaa work. A vlalt to Uieli
now *Uow rooms and ln?p cctlou of the Mod.-l lUtli llouw*
will prov* Inetructhc.
43 Clltf-st. (tiesr Fulton), Xcw-York.
Poatoftlce Noiice.
(Should b? read dally by all lufcrratcd, aa change* may
occur at auy tln.v.j
Lettera lor fort-lgn eountrlee neod uol bc apenally ad
draaed tor uUpatcn by auy pa.tlcuUr ateonicr, cMSft whiu
lt ta avnlrod tu aeud dupucatos of Uuikli.s aad conunvt^ial
docuineit>, lutt?'r? not ?,K-tiany ad>Ufa*?d beUig *uut ujr
Uie faaUist veaaela availaole. _
torelgu malls for the wivk indlng S?>ptember 2. wUI
cloae ipiomptiy ua all vaaea; ut thla ?-, >; a? foilon*.
MUUAl-At 8 a. ;n. for i.iuKjui and TotMyo, per a. a.
jAi'UKDAY-At 1 a. in. for Krance, Swltrerlind, ItaiJ,
bpaln, i'ortugal and XurKey, p?;r ?. a La Hourifognc, % .a
Havre; at li a. m. for ro.tuie lalaud and Jaiuai>a. alae
Jacniel aud Aux-Cayes, Uayti, per a. a. Miaa; at 11:00
a. m. for Europo, por s. a. trrioria. vl* yueenatown ; a*
11:30 a. m. for Europe, per *. s. Elba, va bouuiampvoa
and llrt-mui (lettvrs iuu*t be direcWd "per Elbv";; al Yi
m. for Janiaica, On-itowu and i,uai< na!i. per a. a. Hondo
(lettera for Bdlz* muist be dlrvctcd "per Houdo";; at 1 p iu.
for Camueohe, Cbiapaa, xabjaco a.>d Vuoauui, pr a. a. fu
catan (lftters for ooier Moxtcan state* aud Cubi muat be
dljottao "per Vucatan "); at 1 p. m. for Xorway diroct,,
per a. a. Jforge (lettera muat bc dlr?tt..-a " per >or*o ";;
at 1 p. m. ror the Nethetlaads dliect. p?r s. a. Rotterdani,
vla Aniaterdam (lettera muat bo dln-cted " p<T Kotter.
dam ".) ; at 2 p. m. for ScotUnd dlrect, per a. a. AiKhoria,
vla (ilaagow (lettera muat be dlrectod ?? p?-r Anchona");
it II d. m. for Bluetltlda and UlSjtoaBj p<r a. s. Ouaelo,
frora Xew^)rloana. _
HUXOAY? At 3 p. m. for Costa Rlfa, vla Ltmon, per
a. a. 1'oxhall, frou, Xetv-Ori'-au*; at a p. m. for Truxluo,
p*r s. a. ja. Otevi, from Wew-Oitssns; at 3 p. m. for Bluo.
lleida and (iwytowu, per a. s. J. Oteri, jr., from Xew
Malla for tae Kotlttr Island*, per ahlp Troplc Blrd
(from !>aii Franclaco), elaaa here September -24, at b.W
p. m. Malla for Cbina and Japan, per a. a. Kaollc (frora
tjan Francisco), clo*? here September "-S, at 0:*' p. m.
Malla for the llawaliau lalauda, per a. *. Auatralla
(from 8an Francisco), rloae here Oowbor -4. at ft:fO> m.
Malla for Auatralla, Xow-Z<-nland, llawallan, Pijl an*
Kumoan lalanda, per a a. Marlirosa (from San Kranclacoj,
eloae here Oetober *12, at d :30 p. m. (or on arrlval at
New-York ot a. *. Auranta, with llrltlad malla for Au~i
traUa). MaUa for Nawfouiidlantl. by rall to Hallfax. an?!
thence by atoaroer, cloae at tUU oillce dally at 8 :Sl) p. B*. I
Malla for Mlquelon, by rall to Boaton, and thenee by;
sfc-amer, cloae at thls offlie dally at 8 :i0 i>. m. M*lla
for Cuba, by rall to Tampa, >la., and sBwee ST ?aaaii1*
raallliiK Mondsya and Thur?<laya) cloae at thls oillce 3;illy
at ? MO a, m. Malla for Mexlco, overland, unle-a,
dally dirocted for dlapatch by steamer, cloao at Uua
-e dallv at Hft.ui
The achodulc of closlng of Trsns-Paciac mills l*
arrangi'd on Um presumptlon af thelf unlnterrupted overland
t/aiult to San FrancKeo. Malla from the Ea?t arrlvlng on
time at Man KrancU<o on the day of aalllng of at-amera
are dlapatched toanco the aame day. Registefed maU
cloaes at 0 p. tn. pre%1oua day.
Postoffle*. Xew-York. N'. Y., September 19. 1800.
pollticai Noticea.
Repabllesui Prlmary Eleetlaaa.
Tho Republican votera BBSOBsi ln the aeveral Aaaemblp
DlstrlcU will meet st the plsces herelnar.?r named oa
Frldsy, September 20, 18'JO, for the purposa of eUxtlng
dalegatca to the nominatlng eonventions named as foilowsi
to be held at WsttsMS Hall, Eaat Eleventh.*t., betweea
Thlrd and Fourth avca.. on Thunday evenlug, Ootebst a,
1800, at 8 o'clock.
Delegatea to ba apportioned aa followa, vla.:
Flrat Aasembly BlaUict, 4 delegatea.
Seeond Aaaembly Dlatrlot, 3 defegau-a.
Thlrd Aasembly Biaulut, 5 dcb.-gaK'o.
Fourth Aasembly Diatiiet, 5 delegatea.
Flfth Assembly Dlatrlet, 5 delegac-a.
SixUi Aaa.mbly Blatrlot, 7 delegawa.
tcventh Aa??mbly Dlatrlet, 12 delejfates.
ighUi Aasembly Dlstrict, 4 deloaatea.
Nlnth Aasembly Dlatrlet, 1Q MlaBBSrs
Tenth Aasembly Dl-strlct, 10 delegatea.
Eleveiith Aasembly Dlstrict, 8 deleoates.
Ttvclfth AMcmbly Dlstrict, 7 delegaf.-*.
Thlrteonth Asaembly Dlstrict, 13 Uelegates.
Fourtoenth Aaaembly Dlatrlet, 5 delegatea,
Flfteenth Aasembly Dlstrict, 9 deJegates. ?
Slxteenth Assembly DUtrlct, ? deleiratca.
Se\enUenth Aaaunbly DUtrlct, 13 delegatea.
tlghteajith Assembly Dlctrlct. 6 delegate*.
Nbieteenth Aasembly Dlatrlet, 22 delegatea.
Twentleth Aasembly Dlatrlet, 7 delegatea.
Twcntv-flrat Asaemblr Dlatrlet, 11 delegatea.
Twentv-?eeon4 A*aeanbly Dlatrlet, 16 delegatea
Twentythlrd Aaacmbly DUtrlct, 23 delegatea.
Tweo'.v-fourtii Aaaembly Dlatrlet:
Twcnty-thlrd Ward, 8 delegatea.
Twenty-f?<urlh Ward, 3 delegatc*.
Kliw-brldge. 1 delegate.
Congrea?lonal Cenventlona to be held on Monday ev*B>
Ine, October 0, at 8 o'clock, st 'the place* dealgnated a*
followa,' vte.:
bixth Conircaslonal Dlstrict, 184 Prankllu-at.
Heventh Coofwaatooal Dlatrlet, 135 Kighth-at.
Elghth Cougresslonal Dlstrict, 03 Ludlo?-?t.
MnUi Cougresslonal Diatiiet, 28 Avenue A.
Teuth CungrcaMonal Dlatilct, 223 Thlrd-ave.
Kleventh Congreaaloual Dlatrlet, 41U F.ighth-ave.
Twelftii Congresalonal DUtrlct, 10j ICast Fifty-rilnth-**,
Thirt?enth Oaaftreaalaaal Disttict, 2,20n T!.inl-ave.
Representation to be the aamo as ln the County Conven?
tion, exeept that tBe Twenty-aecond Aasembly Dlittict ?hall
be eutltled to 12 delegatea in the Twelfth Congreaslanal
DUtrlct Convention aud 3 delegatea iu tho Thlrteeuth Con
gresalonal Dlstrict Convention.
Judlcuil Dlstrict Conventlona to be held on Wcdncsday
evenlng, October 8, at 8 o'clock, at thu places hejeinsitci
Thlrd Judlelai Dlstrict Convention. 50 Clinton Plse*.
ieveatt Judiclal Dlstrict Convention. 1,228 Tulrd-avS.
Delcgiiba to SS apportioncd aa follows;
Tliiid Judiclal Diatrlct:
Thlrd Aaaembiy Diatrlct, 1 dclcgato.
Flfth Axseuibly Distllct, 1 delegate.
Seveuth a\S*embi> Dlstrict, V delegatea.
Nlnth Aasembly DUtrlct, 10 delegatea.
Seveuth Judiclal Dlstrict!
Kighteenth Aasemuly DUtrlct, 1 acMgaOa,
Twentleth Aaacmbly DUtrb t, 7 deligaU-a.
Tweilty-tlrst Aaaembly Diatrlct, 'J delegatea
Twenty-seeoud Assembly DUtrlct, 12 del'-gates.
Aasembly Diatrlct Conventlons to nomluate caudldataS
for A-sembly and Aldeiman to be held on Ki.day evenlng,
October 10, at 8 o'clock, at Uie headcjuarlera of the Itepuo-,
llcon organlzaUons ln th* reapectlve dlatrlcta. la the
Twenty-fourth Aaaembly Diatrlct, tho Assen.bljr DUtrlcl
Convention to nomluate delegates to the Kourteenth Con.
gresslonal DUtrlct Convention aud caudidatea for A-vihbir
and CoiiunUsioiier of HtNOt Iinproveuienu, aball be held al
Turn Hall. Cuurtlaodt-ave. near Oue-hundred-and-ttTUetu.
at. oo Suturdar evenlng, October 4. at 8 o'clock. EacO
Couveutlon ahall consUt ot aa macr deleamtaa aa Uiere may
be electlon diatrlct* ln Uie Aaaembly DUtrlct, exeei>t thaf
in Uie Twenty -fourth Aaaembir DUtilot th* d-legatea ahall
be apportioned aa followa: Twentv-thlrd Ward. 84 dele?
gatea; Twenty-fourth Ward, 12 delegatea; Kiugsbrldga, ?
The Aldermanlc Convention ln the Twcnty-thlrd Ward.
Twenty-fourUi Aasembly DUtrtrt, shall be h. Id at Turu
Jlall Courtlandt-?ve. uoar Oue-hundied-and-nftietb-at., aa
londay eveulng. October 0. 1890, at 8 o'clock. and ahall
conalat of 34 delegatea. _
The Aldermanle Convention ln Uie Twenty-fourth Wsrd,
Twenty-fourth Aaacmbly DUtrlct, ahall be held at Uie.
' rooma of the Saburbau Club, One-hiindred-aad-aeveatjr.,
aeveathat. and Vanderblltave., on Monday evenlng, Octa
b?B 9 at 8 o'clock. aud shall be conatitated a* foUowst'
Tif.-11'.y-fourUi Ward, 12 delegatea; Klugabrldge. 3 del*?
Tha places at which Ue prlnuvtea will be heM are 00
Flrat Aaacmbly Diatrlct, US rranklln-at,
Seeond Aasembly DUtrlct. 409 P?aul4i,
Thlrd As*embly DUtrlet, 185 KighUi-?t.
Fourth A.*en.?y Dlatrlet. JMJM Hroadwav.
Flfth Aaaembly DUtrlet, lfil Weat Uoustua-aV.
alxth Aasembly Dlatrlet, 440 OisatUa.
avaota Aaasmbly OlSUlot, 86 CDjiB Plsea.
Elgha Aaaembly Dlatrlet, Ot Ludlow-st.
Tenth Aa*ambiy Dlatrlet. 26 Avaass A- ,
ilsvsauj lieeihly DUtrlct, 107 W*** TMrty^ooj4aV?s,
TwSry-flrat AaaeajVlr DUtrlet. ICWl IBaat^f^.ftlawaaO.
One-huii?*fed^u)d^1xt*enth-at. and Secoudava.
Twenty-fourth AaaaanblyDlatrlet:
Twenty-tlilrd Wsrd. Turn Hall. Courtlandt-av*.. aeaO
On? hundredand-nttleth-at.
?Twentj.foora.Ward, rsaburhan RppuH'esri pub. OarSa.
buridredanft-aeventy-aevento-st. anft Vaaderbllt-so?s
Klngabrtdge, Kcpttblloan Hall, Rlverdale-sve.
The polla will be open from 8 to 9 p. m.
By otdsr of Uie Republican Oounty Committee,
8. V. R. CRUOF.R, PraaldeaaV
WIXXJAM H. BKLLAMY, . naciraaailiia
Caaalraaa af toc Bsonttrs Csmmiaa*

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