Newspaper Page Text
yoi-T.No'16,0s>'_. KEW-YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, IWU.-TWELVE PAGES. PRJCE TIIREE CENT8. PEACE AGAIN AT TIPPERARY. THE PKOSECI.TION C?F TIIE IHIS11 LEAD-RS liOES OX. ? aSTKKTiOK <"'?' lill' JIOVEBJCMK-lT _ ___AY TBB raOC-S*-?SBS AS MUx.Il AS rOB-BB-E-PROTESTS lKO-t TH I- IU'.rKN'I>A'N !'>. , DaBlia, Sept. 28.?The stircts of T.ppcrarv wrc tartMiftd witii pcop'o until :> tett bour laat niyht discussing thc r-_ritin? incidents of ihe day. As liitlo real pn>?rcss had '>ecn Btade toward u disposlti'i-i nl thc eaara a^ain^t tbe arrcstcd Nat-oaaliata, aad aalbr _e_rral imp?_rio_ ei-atad bv the court s ralia*- waa not one cn.npl.meninry to tlie taihaaal't scnsc ol tnir.iesK. there was mnch sp4?i-ulation *s to ?hal iiic atorrow waaW bria* forth. 'Ihe leadtng .Vttioiiahst. lia_l a prolon.oJ ronsulTatmii ... thc rvcning. A furthcr attetnpt 1. briug Sergcant Kennrdy. af tlie police force, ta account for sumo ol thc ulnfobiug in fr?n< ot the C-urthoiis* yesterday will bf ruade. Tlie Mtuation al Tipperary t_ia Bta-niB* waa to.iclj more trau'i'.il ihm. yrsWrday. I l.e street. were st'ill Thronged witb people \x-ho sceiued Ut }>c Inburing under vippre.ssed cKcifamicnt, *ut "ihorc xvas BW collisinn with tlie police. The aaabaritka toolc apevial preeautiuns to faard again.t the posaihility ol an outl>rc_'i'. A det_climent ot -oldiers aa*i_t-d iho police iu lnauitaining arder. TJ.e sp-uo iu front of thc twrtaionar was held by a ttrong trnard aud both Ri.ldicrs and politv pntr<?I!ed thc ?.treefs. Thc (H'ssion ?'f thc eourl for Ihe trial ol the conspira'.y eaara x.x*- ol ahorl duratioa this mani mp. Whttl tiie hoiir for opentng came the pre sidiny magislmic BBBOUnced that it would he nu ji-ssiblc |a ro on with thc caata this _-or___g, ;| thc .Judije al the Coanly t'onrl re<|i.ired tbe huild iug. It wuhl be fce-Hiry thi>reiorc io pdjoura further pro<y*>diui:s until ilic aticrnooii. Befin. |be mig_trate could ileclare thc court ndjourard Jimathy Heaiv .priinj: lu his fcH. and in thc name (?f thc drfradaBta cuiered an raraetl pro lest againsi au udjournu.eut f"r tb. l**___ |flvt?n. It WM uoi riffht, hc ui.c.l, Ihal thc u.a-isTr.res in s'ich a caae bIioiibI bui! ihrii action. t>i tiir ronveniemv of thc Couuty Court. Tbe judge ?l that triaaaal ahotild he tbe onc i<? yi>W, in? stead <>t hllBttini ?n fht h*tl4?T of his lish's in the preioif-ev Men lu. ! i-ccn hroBghl 'o *-1p8*ri-ry far from their l.onics for trml They h.xd a rieht to exivct that ihe tri.l would l?e r_*-dittoua as pus*ii)lc. lt waa I?romlaa more and more m_uirV6t, Mr. Hea'.v dcclnred. Ihal the defonrian^ verc heuiK trealH with every iliacourtety ihe authorities could devlar. Mr. Ucaly's pnilrat w.s nnavailins. Xa boob te. hr rcMiwd hi> .vat thc courl was adjoiirncd U-U. the afttraooa. Whtn t_e . u'.rt reopened in the aftcrnoon Mr Rouan ptouecded with thc stat-nirnt ol the I roxxn\ ea?* a^rainsj the aeena-d mcu. 'i"hc *Bro_ecutina oftioer read lui.c extracBi fi.>___ spr-chtfl tuade tl varimis _Ta1rff_till? tn(?<*tin^s V.we \hc inaugara tion ol tbe Plax. ot ('.iinpaian. aud uiso quottd fro_ ivaoiuticns aitftad af tbaae _*>?*?in?t. Ii apprared to be the 8BJKI td the ptw*ruth?B ta prolnpa 'be easc a? fia a* poasible. A. ohe point Wiliiaa O'Bripn. who, wnii Mr. IHlimi, wnt lu bave ?ailed for thc t'nited Stat>-- nrxl \xcc!<, chafHagly rr miuded Mr. Banan ti.ui his m ip xvas to s.ji for Amcnca on Thursdax nrxl, addlng that np pcared to be a nu-.i* arain^t titne b-t\xccn the &*?_ oouaatl ano ihe shjp. When iIk* caurt wae ndiourued Mr. Ronun waa still speakiii-. I'pon thc ad-ourntncnT heuiL' unnoiincc<l Tnnothx HarrinBton inadr a stro;n protmi against the coirrt. that is hcing purt?iied by the proaprutiita. lle $iiid \t w-_s cvirtci.t tl.ii trtc dc.sisn of thc (.iovcrn Uieint w__ to prutract ihe ___| U> thf irt-Ueat *_? at?at _b-BJ_i. -?a Ito dv-ionnr-e^t rhf? fiVfUmenr nf ' the caw as alto.othei- unfair f 'he men who wtra ' bein. tned. His protc.t, howcvei, scemed to have no etTcct npon the c-ur*. and the present poliry <,f __ prosecution wtll. i' is cciicrnHv iwlicvc.J, l?c maintaincd r*< the '*vl of the trial. John Morlew who haa bemi prrsonally invewll gaticr thc eoadition ofartniis in Irrlaad, ih-parlfd to-day for Enfland. >\\A'.K KX* BS-F.S IX lifiA. l.nndon. >->pt S*. -Thc J'hronlrle's" I'alraUB "? r?iixm(lc?t sivs: -1' i? rc|"irt?si that thc tronps in Bta ar*> roanaHtliir U?e xxiide-i .\.c-?< - and ?ho*lli.g )*opi<; hMl-Kitolna-l.v. m-mt.iI poB_l_r l>a?i. r- bpv? bw-i ar.enl4?,l ar.d -hot ln ibelr irs,xl?n"- Tlie _?ld_.C?-e ol othcr.N a.v bOMCgWl a'"! a Uvely fiiilla'l' pro<ced? ix'.wee'j bealrgers and bealefexl. BiioiUts ef p".,p]c Imve fled u> i)i?- -??>??' luary of tii Cutnedral it OM <>'-i. I' i- ramored tha. ib- i'nvei_?r-4ien cr-fil U h d;:ig in Uie Pab-t. mi- i-j "rui t<> petlllonx lron. the ini.ahiuint^. Many -i-tMn and rblldren whe tcd ibBber f"t- pn_4y_on botre l_*$ bayonoited bx i!i? I?*U<t iriianl. borerul tfynamlte bnoiM haxc bi-en IbM-B Into lb? Paav-e by a baod of ritlaeu -nint-rs. -B$ R0T4???Or Ji.-ti!i-- Ibe a^ t> ol ih'- irn..p? ou Ibe frouti- ibat k rwalution lm- lieen deelared. H . e*tin_t'?i Ihal :uk> per-owx aere MOed en. xrouii<t'<i lo t^-o ?iax?" tiphtina. Mnetiogi- of i.o.i'..???? iiux-<> l<04_i )i?-lfJ ni Uombay l_ BenoHiH-e thc (.nveraaieal of <?(.? _u_ t<i a-K fat Bririrh anoex-?ao. ? ? ? I.Ali'i: TBOfBLEH* IN Al vrHAll\. Bel-Ottrne, _ept. -<i- Thc >t4.l?c ol tbe wool aliear e> ? i? i.??? griii-tal. i ii<- ?xiuM_fr? .u<- -mng Ibelr worhpeople I"i _re_i\iii? Ibelr agreeawiil?. Al m ritna-reitie lieW a? broben iiii :t xx.(-. _?eM>-, ?uble<-t tn ti'" rin-eui ot ta<- einpioyers and ihe nnlon*. Uuai a i?orii >t. nf ibe ni?.i ompPTed shall b'- L'.n un.?.ni?t~ :irtd ..-At iiir?,n nnu<T- >l.ail wmk foriy si.\ lioui xv^.'n!-, ai ibe \x-np-.? jx."i before ihe Mribo. nnd vimii m ???: M .xi'i-.. io -;niic ai tlie bMdlng ?.f nlbri lal/-n partie-. aii fntine rt .p .t..- bettreeu ihe dlrfn-lorn mo'I lae mlaer. -i^all be refrrred lo a board uf arblirar ii a. ever xxi.i.-ii m 'u.?e of the -upreate Cattrt -h__l pre?.,de. i_c -treett-t ul ibe V-clarian rellwayt Imve ^erunsd from Japaa a ^ui.pi> "f ? 'iai aufbclent la meet Uwit 1-ija.i'e_$enl* for >ix wcek*. Ai a iii'^:tin?; wiiiib xv_s attrnted by :((M>_ of ihe c.\??utix-e ortiir.-s of Oi<; vlrlorian unloaa a v-t<: of ron fl<1(X'irn m fhe Mrlke ISumatlUM xxa- ptseed, aial It ?*?> r4_w_u_$a8t8 Ihal one rtay"* pay be levled erory we?k from cai li uuiuni-.' who I* at wtirb t<> nwlntaifl tlie auiLcie. a aat t-Bmalcd il_t tn.- * . uouid. il pald by all Ibe -orhmea. pr_8_re an ioi-ooi. of _-j w?e*_-, but ii .v ici. llkelj that this auiu will be rta_?at. ? ? 1 HF. M ^-sA(?RK OK liBBMAN- AT VITI . LiDdon, ->ept. -Jtt.-A rirlti u ui_.ii uf trar iv*- b?en ert-r?i to paacat. fiiim,ar t<. viu.. to iMprira Into tlie ncicnt in.i^ a< re tln;r? ,,t a (.craian merrhant ?n?t -evt-i ..?'.tnan t_at*B*_ bv the uat-vee. \ dispatch foni BerBt _n_h tlie reporl I?at (;er many r_? dcnianded kati?fH<tlnn and ftiptaiatiiili tr-jin for tlie killh.g of Oerman aableeti at Vitu._ bBXMaBN KKHF.I> AiiAIN DBTKATEO. T__a_er, f+pr. _*? Tbe Mouil.h arniy ha< dcf?-Hteii aiid n.i.icd Ibe iD>ur^ei.l- ln Ibe di*lrt<t ?f Alt Mliokli nia.i. Tho r-bel-. pr>t licaxilx in k.ll?"<l and WuMOded tti,_ iiianv areta n.aile prt-utor*. All thc ie_<iei? wiu, were ?.iptu.tii _?$$ bebt__r*. Tae vtetorlua* iix^ip, pur?i.c?i tbe laaarctaU $__ dealroyed aeveral _| .;,-? vBbxfe-. _. . ?. ? MR. WIM.AKDS FARF.WKI.I. I'Ki:i*???.MAM K. I ?iitaa. Btpt ?_?. Br. vYIUari. ol r.e itaaBc?htiry TfieaUt, gave hih fa.-ewel ptlt.r_IflU tbt- CTcnitif ]ir?oi to lii^ ilepartiii- for Aincrn>_. Hc appeall< iu ?The Mlddloinaii" b-t-te * 1 i lll.?lil Hi.d cntl.u-lasiji audicnc*. ln a ?ii?ctli Mr. WHUi-d i>.n<l be xx?, roa _d'?it taai .\a_erkaaa aa*M Judg< in... _a|_r_aily. IHF. _4*-> <>K THF. Bt-TOOBfM'L. -88_-a*tattB*a, *?<pt. _?!. Tbe Miltan l_> sraiited toubje tiie u?ual peii.ions Iai the p_a_lBea of thc a_e_ ber* of the irexx- of tac warslilp BltapBiil, wf.o lost their llvea by the r*ccnt foundonng of that ve-scl at ata. _ _ THE JEW* IN RlIBHA. Bt. Petei-burg. bept. 21.-A apeclal conini.-4ion. rom prtalog ___ben of the (iovernment aud U.e (.oxernon ef the B4.v_ir?? whlrli the Jr-? lalialul. I.a* occn np painted te eomlder t>.? p<_lUoii of the leWB in R__-_ IN'FLL'F.N.A IN BBBLIK. berliu, Hepl. -8-Ai. rplde-nii prexaila lu the Bawhera niburba of tfaia Bty. Tiie dlseate it lu |bc?o_?. Tbe 4_(,iot. baiieie {t to bo tnflueuta. FOR AND AGAINST BIRCHALL ALL THE EV2BESCE POH THE PRf>S*EfTTlON PRESEXTED. _ ._ BjJTXESSES IHIR THE UEFEXCK TErVTIFV ? A ?XBarjKf] Cl'KCi MsTANTI.VL ( ,\si. AOAlNhT TiiK auli ;m? MtTuma+jn of yoc.n;?; uKaxw'i??;.!. Wooaalork, ont., hrpls SO.?Tbe ronrl opened this moruiug at 10 o'clock. and in spile of tlie aloppy, iiunv west her there w_s no appareot faUiug otf In Ihe *lse of the crnwd. Mla Cmniwell. of Baslwood, wa* the nrr,i wltneas to day. slio tc*titied that uu FebroaiT 17 slie went lo (hc station to meet *ome frlenri- who were to come on tlie U:2U train. She inct Hlrchall iu Uic lajie coinmg fcm lUc Kruntford road lo Ihe ktnltoli. He was dlinatsl in a navy-blne short co.a nnd blaak cap. His slioes were muddy and lii* Irunaer* were rolled up. She did net at that tlmc know Inin. lle enterril tlie station und laoiight a tickoi for iluinilton. She had do deubt a* to his idenlity with the prtauBer. Jame* Hay ward. a young slorekeapcr nf Eaatwood, loatified that he w_- ut ihe staUotl BB ihe day iu niie.s. lien about 3:15 oVbieb. and aaw Miss smiili iherr. also lilrchaJI. who wa* 0*1 Uie platform. Heiny .lonea. now at Drunibo. formerl) porler al the Baalwood stafien. was tlie next wllne-s, on ivi, niaiy 17 he s.,w al uearly lualf i>ast .1 y man tati Ihe pUtforta wuli Miss Allce Snilth. This iiikii lie afler ward identitleal at tho jiail n- Bira hall. Miss M:iry gwajrse *aw Ihe pisnncr n( 'he Ka-lwood alatlofl on I'eliinary 17. Her desrrlptlnn ot liis ikilh Ini roinrMed with Ihnse oi fnrmer w||im*i?s?*?. His beot<i were muddy ai,<l his iroitsei-s wer.' rolled up. (ieorire llay, a brakemBB on Ihe <4rand Tninb Rall way, ti-stifled thst he -V .-K<st .i'i ihe morning weal l.onud4psHl train from Eastwooi to Siiapeuslain Biidce. Tha- wltnesa wa- pavitive Iha1 he <??? I'.lra liatl grl on Ht Kastwoaadl, and thai he ??? him la-t imi llial run at Xlagjara FalK He luicw tlie prisoner arvll. having torn Inni m Woodatorli lu the wlaler uf latw. where lie aTHs known us l.o-it soinaTsi't. II*' liad aevn hlm with Duiiiev. T)w prisoner got otr the Irata at llamil ton. and when lie came barb be lad a thkol fair Xiajara Kalls. Witnea* ?sw the priwauer agiin mi Prbniary 21, when he _ot nu Ihe Iraln at siisp-tislaaii Kridga'. o:i Ihe American sio>, and got "rr ou Ihe Canadian ide. The witaeio waa a !>tt> lonftised on rrosa-examliia Hor,. .Imi. .-. Dullield. i ??? - BSTliI 641 Ihe Orand rui'ih train from Niagars I'all* to London and reUim, -*w ? Ihal on February 17 la?1 Sie -? the prl?nnrr ihi his train. The traln w?* neariiig PHn.etoti -.rhen he lir*. Iiotici't the prSOtnT. II.- reina"nl-ei -ii the day |>ll tienbuly n.?ll. Ire<aii?e on rh*1 dat he had I" ahange his i>o\e- fiom one train to another, whlrb w*? i ni usual. Witness . onl'nned : ?? I was passlng tbraush the train with go-rf- foi -uie aoal n.'ti.'I tlie prisoner ni Ihe anuiklng ear. 1 trie.l lo -"!! hlm i book and surafeded. The lan??!? l eajj him wa? ? Mark Twa n's Tranip Ahroad." l soM ?^?ii a'j.a saauie elgats. and midh* orance* l.ctw.i Prlni ? im nnd Wi.ioDa, t' <? lir-t station easl "f llamiltam. lle got off at llamilt ?:> and g't a tleket for N.i.i-i l'all-. I -al down with tlie prisoner f..r ,ib mt hall in liour a:id wa- talUasl logTthcr. lle 8-'.,eit ii.c aleuil bu-lne-s a.n the r wal and t ld 'u? Ii - name w.i- mi.iiIi anrt IM W,i? oll his WaV t'< liUlUlaa, w!,.|.'. hc wa? 1" rna-i't his brntber. Me nffarrt 'nc a ilgar. wln. Ii i fr.oh. ||e a!-,, had s flaek and .aTerrd me MMiiethifg ont "f it. hul I told fclin I dldn'l u>e II 1 mrt.I Ihal his h.K.ts were very mnddy and t':'at his ti,u-e:- u.-rv roi:"?t np" iieorfje fVuniball, a a.rard Tntnk Railw.ty ii< k?l ' lerk. ide-i : ].-l I lir- ^: ihs ... lv\,. Miketi, I . K?AtU.aal aoM a' Xlatfara i i'i- l.a?iwrei ;i i in. >n i ?? ? ,,.. 18 and s ii. in. .. l.-l.n.a-v 17 fcisi. Thesa- aere Hia only li.Kets *old from ihal poini 1 Kaeiwaaod f.-r two we<ek- l.e:<..?. ., <1 f..r a iia-ek aftorwa .1 Mr. Oak*r, faar llK" i raiwil, a,: li atirea'd Ihril Ihis an all t^e erialewe a.Min-i ihe ai tha- i,si.?t;'<i oi ti.- defence y.aung MaDonalrt. who heard shot? m tho twauap oa lYhrnairjr 17, w?. re. amIJext and H*>vere>v <tti?s--MV?raa"?1 bv Mr. Marhalucb a b> Uie stotenicnt niade by Inm. lle wuuld na?l OOOJp Uiat he had said lhat Frlealenlmrg, who oarrolu.r.Ki-al hl- ovldeine, i.ot \w"i him: Ihal Iha-rr1 u.i- an Interval of four "i Bvn 1..I1 nt.?- |aa:twea*n lh. Iia.:s, ,,, tbal lt was ti.-iue. :; -J. ,, J .:.(i ji. in. nln-i he h...,:i| lle- Uriuf, but if b" liad - i.'i ih< -? Ihln-'s :'? \ wara true. The courl adj imi i j j,. n,.. uIk-ii IInj cvMeaiae r-r ine defenin ?? a- eiiUir?*d upaan. .l.ilili Kaabh, ll.aliae i- Il .11 . iiilie fralli lt.. :p.i in wliirn l'?i,v. ? ii't |...u wa. l.Hind, ? .. !:i-t uitli'?s foi- llw il.le.,..-. ln II...-:.ii,.- .f ICbniarl Ir .iboul ai a. a J.aa k, l|a' heaid I.". - .1 liis-il. oii'- a<i_i is!.. i.fla-:- Uie nl||.-r, 11, 11, ? -. ., , W.-ttrh.nii. Ii" -in. "i.ei inall aaime ? *l. 1. ": .'Ii ' (?:' .ng Inin. l hey weui *a??i. Mr?. m hultz, a (tcmiuii i< aaiuari, w.i- i.iii-.i i>.i - ? -a.ii .-!,'? livi.-d -c-i-'i . ih..' 1 ?d from i;.j:..?'?. .-:,.? .ii,ud imi shou wlni. i;...r.|> iivei to llobla'a lioii-e 011 February I". abiml a)::,n n'oloak. .lohn Frvlenburg, v.ii.. iive* uue mile iiic u.- pluaa wliere th.- L.sij w^i laauad, said tln.' on l.'.ni.u. it he ?.> brtiiliriK' logs f,.r 5Ir. Kipp on liuvcrii'U'* I; ...'? ind overloot iwu ta.Niig men <>..n< ,-j i. 11 ? . ?>. siraiigers and aahe*! him if ii.'-.. iaauld ri?l? wiifi l.lm. lie u'Til'il tfiPQi <(..ut d lulle. All -i- 4,- ? - V: i I. _- ,.-1 II.-. Ihauked him lor (.'.<? r.d'-. aud ?'?!il|liua_al c.-r ?.a, ?Iv-t :i'if)h^ liOVrriMt."** l:o,(<i. | ;,,- inrn . .... i'..ats ar.d d>d i.ot have mu*t ia he*. >?,- ??-? .,1 men was Ihe prisolier. If v.:,s iiboiil li.i!.'|.i t |li lu Uie mori.iug. .imi,.- Ailuri-.'i, ib? 1 "?.t ivllne . 1- 1 liiimilai baieikeeper. i?n rebrnary j". earh m ilw m . iwai n.'i. ume to hl* plaae ,.|,.l . 1II11I to ,, 1.,.. II.' gave ihem rraehers, < h"-?? t.?-?-< <?:,.- -. .. i.'-.i. .it en!'.'. i!l, ihe "thec named Haker. I; .?? laiu-i . J, |l |,.,.,l- viltii lllbb(l> lav,a-| IJ,!-!!! I 1 . ?. v r,.''ei tle- w rv r-?r drink. rhe huggy ln ? hie'h llfi iu...a waa mnddy. Il" knew >. n^nnai ? *?*1 v?e;|, .-x? --J.t lliii! he 1 ' .?-l-.n.illv v.i ,ii<1 ;H 0I1 .1 ,.?? l'..K.-|- w<i- ;? I lo i'i?? WlllK-ss M;. nilver. n luniH'r, hviiia.' '?< ?? land on< |..*if m ;? 1,1,111, ..I iMiicioii. .I.iled ihal alH.iil Fel.rua \ I- ,' :i faVloafc in ihe morning Iwai m-n uvi.kruH i,,,,, |,< IMppilaj 011 his dci 1. Thei siild IhaM V.a-ie .-?,:/ I.. Frtlicetou lo i.nv h..i-c. nnd .i nu- 'il t ?..- ?.,-. Audl**w ^'oll]|g. a fijini'-r. Inllig bNo ,, ,, ,,.,^ , hall mlk*s norili ol I'rliii.-ta.n. KWurr th. ! o:l Thui -'I -\ llilaRi mc. February SX>, ?' ?'' ?."' !??!.. Iwo .irangi-rs ? -,,- i-.i -,i ln- Ulall aiul sas|>.yl tle ?Ml t.'i.-i a,, , ? ,j, \ ? g Ihelr foofslen- were lllBUdlbla' at t..'ie<a.?? |,_,|,. _ |? ,, |o -nppose they wore rilbbti The neil nnmlng ||i> followed th" Iracfc id tha-ir v.-lm I.- t.. I?r1iiia-?<.n. Uttlil-I r-tianb liK-s ln Prilliefaali, where his fal'n-i a hota-l. (?n Thursday 1,.'or-- ihe leali w?, foiiml at 11 a. m.. I.a'.er a:.d ( olw.-ll drova- lo hl Ik.ii-'-. Wiri.e-s and 1 hr.-e utha-r mm ?* ho had i^-.-n ull | ,'lf aoroll.l's Jllll ?"llt Up |4) Sl*- t|?. sti.l Al,.|i lleilWaaJI'l baalv wa- foinil th* alav afler lt:- fH-'.\ar\ uu llia- n.uil near Ihe swhi.iji ha- **w the ti.i. I,'i.f a bi gg\ that h?al atouned Ih.-ie Hli'i ?a? f.i ,t tr:i. I, - a,f taa. nia-n about ln the swamp. Hie il.s . a-.-.l man's navrl w-faaild noi make a 111.11I. lo . 01-iv j.oiid wltli am I f 1has.v Thoaaa* f'owan, of \ ....,! ihal f'oln-|| nul anotlier nian r;aii'a- t?. iii.. lio;i-a- on iVfdnesde) . lui dav morning. 'lh?\ ae**mad lo I.i i drunken pree, 'vailllarii Laneaaar llv?i lw? m les where Ihe l.odv wa- found. lle aald Ihal <>n I'liiirsilav mornlug at I :'M o'ciofli i;.?.ize Raka-r nnd i'..|wli had .o.n. |aj hi. Iioii-i-. Bppara'iilly (iiniili aiul iislng had langunge After some wmds ilc-v alriea- off i;i ttia-.r bugf/v. Several wiiiie-,e- to-.;, Ihe hliud t-. sa; llml ?Sk-ii tlia-v s?W lanaell'S bodv Ihi'V 1!i"iu:ht Ihey 1 ?? o-m/.,| hlm ia- a p.'<l!er Ihey h:i<l s.-.-n ;il.? nl 1V1 h,<l-1.? k I h-n wveral wllna - es t/..tnia-d iha! a rrrlaln Irall ln lh arwamp inentloti'd bv tln; l.'roWli WltllCsaes ilid llol exial, A I'AI.K WITH 'rilK i:\KI, (IF ABERDKHN IW.-a OBIHRVATlBTXH iV ?*A\A|il <ll?l'(**s(- U T?l laDKKGaVU MF:\slT.I S II.S II'J.I.AM'. OlUwa, Se_t. 'Jli IHperlall.-TlHI ftirl and ? 'oimic lal Xberileen is.^l^d ( toil.r, 00 tha-ir ti-wu-ioii iina-iiial tonr ov.-r tln- I'aiHatflan Parlflr Rallway. Tha- Msilol-s have beeil r*-i?'*"s1 with Inviiaiinii bv airabera a.f the Utanlnkm liovernraenl aml have laid out ? rather ratonaiva aiaral pnvtnnMm fo: n ihnii ilns- stav in the Homliilon ravpiai. Tlie Earl ha. foiiuiiri tIi*- oiihilon sime aihviug at Qnehea" llml po lltlcal uiiKin with ihe I'-lbrd Malea i- na.r Ihe da-lltiy of the Uoinliiloii. I roin liis ohsctvatlon- IM s.n- !?? ilisioi.-is-d Ihe dajvelopliiciil ol a tiealiliv XaUulUal BOatlmcni ln all Ibe proviioes he vi.liwi. W'hile m (aiiiaala tbe Karl will Bial.?' a atttdy n| Ihe lm|arial f"deiat.oii'n.-i a:,d *<.??? to what i'\1ejit publio -enli meiit .an thls skle of Ihe Atlantl' avnrs Bto(*ngtheiiliig the tjes between Canada aJid tha* ifst of ilu- Linpire.. tl.- aalmil.s ihal Ihe uiovcinenl is -t.ill in its inf-miy m EosbuNl, but tblabs Uiat h seasibH plan will yet be worked ovl bv Bllllak itatBSBMfl without aororlai tlie prepowOerance of anv parlirn lar soctlon in dlreetlno the affalis of ihe Kmpire. The Eail tapreaaed regrel al tia action Of the Salul.uiy (.ovi'iniiient In arj'estiiin Me*?i>. 'J'brleu and Dlllon. KpeaklBf ns an ex-Vlca roy <?f Ireland, Iki r<cgajdisl Boetelva BSBBatiros as au Inanlt to tho liitelllgenre of nnadeni rlvllltatloii. Th. tiictlrs piiisiieal for tlie la?t four VOBT* would Inavita bly remt upon those who Miught lo Lflc tho Xatlonal a?pnatioiis of a woithy jMMiplc. Ilosao RoJe he ic gaided *s an event of tho near fuluri-. Parbapa iv cent Incldent* ln Ireland would hast?-n It. At aay rato the ontragfou- pi?reedliiga rasoently wlaaaaos*] twd ulrcady fUmuUtod the (es4 0X Uotne Rulert. Though the gual aeemcd nnrerlain at llme?. ? &*"?' ,ll""! moiith ? <>nI'l not fa.l ?.. worb wonder*. II' _??"*' lh. f. mpiTunii rt of tli- Iai ?:? penplc. Tliey ?w ? ?_rm heartcil, iluvulrous racc, rbaflng uiirtrr lH__cii_mie | re.irahit . i?irc llnnie Rule ?*n? graiited Ircfcind wnuld ."> lougcr pnn-e a -unne ol dnngcr, but raili-r ,in hononihl.mpctitor i?f KhruiimI Iu tbe *"" !*? iiewe \s recird" tln- threatcned faniiuc, lt* tlioiig.n ,i xvell romtdemd nyMcn. of rallwny aiul piiblir worki would rl<i nurh lo avert mtVehlef. although. uilinmi icred lv a uovernment out of harn.ony wltn ffte Mgnt ful B?pli_1lon? ol the people Ihe full bcneflta ol tm h a ?)?>?_] of relief u.ight i."t be lelt. ? ?> ? DR-tTTtn TIVK HTOBM IV M.'.KIHA. l.oml .u. -pl. _?!. A ?l.~p:-t. !? from Algerla ?*> ?> ii, it ., -1...III i.;i- -xxcpi i.x.r n large i-irtlon "f Algerla, doing an iiunieii*c unmuni ol duniagc. _ ? ? CTBAN SF.WSPAPEKS l\V"l' RF/1PB4XT-Y. Ilnvnna. hept. 20. The kadiiig it-Wspapara here rnntiiiue io udvorate ro.-lprority wllb thc I'mt-w bUR'.s ? ? -1. AV1N DEFB.VTW MrAt'MFFE. Londoa, Kept. _7.-sh.ein won ihe Bght ihl* raorntas with M-Anlifl. in Uie sc.-oud round. TWO FOBEIGSMISSlOSa FII.I.ED. r.EXERAL B BIRD liBYBB NAMKB FOB r_fB_N, AXD EBW1M 11. (xiN'.Hi:. "I _OWA| TOR BRAZII Wn-hiiiglnn. x-pt. _?'.. The IYe*hlen1 to-daj *-fnt ta Ihe wnate Ihe follovli.e nmnlnatbniB: K. iimd i.iui.i.. of New-Jcrsoy. t" he Envot F.x traordinari ;iiul MiniMrr Pleiilputentiary ui npaln. Rrfwin il. i-niuirr, of lowu, lo !"? Knvoy K_tr__r din.tiy nnd Ministrr I'lcnlpolentiary i? Braall. ileneral E. Ilnrd r.rohh ln- arhltwed an imnopthV lareer lu _u<.inc_?. poMirs aud war. Il<' wa? horn ..n Sovemuer i". IMI, al Kurllngton. S. ?' ? -**"1 '? Uie -on ..f K.i a ni liurd isnilih. ;. n?i?*'1 Iroo nwnn faetiirer nnd miner. n? mmi wa< e_uca_?l at the pnhlk arbiHil- anfl nnllege al linrliiigiou. and al Uie uiiU.rc.ii; of tr..- ( ix il IVar pnmiplly uhVrrd Id4 aert ??'? ln his reantry. lle was app.di.lei1 scr.Mid iM.len.v.t ln a N.-xx .i.i .v remnienl. atnl pnrUclpafed In the Hr-.! luUHe ,.f 1'iin. When licneral Kearnr a*_unied romtuand ol ihe l ir-t Xew Jcr-cy r.ii-i<i". he ?P I?,mt.-<i young i.nihli llr.t h.-ui-: i-.t ol r?Hitp_ny ''? ;..l Nea-.ei >?- Itcgimcnt |.ienleji-nl linibh xx.i- -- aigned for duiv oii?ibe hrlgade -tafT ..f < .lo-.ei raylor. and n-U-f the hatilc, ol '?' ? "*- Mdl? aod Whliv ?Hih i reeti he wa? alt:iel?ed i - Ihe ?l_fl "f I' rorbetl, .md dl<tUigiU~bed ell ii the lialtlc ??! l-_.njifoir? I'.-i n. I'i Norrmbor. ' -<-? ' " *b- peo mcded ... !?? inaj.* >* llw SM Xev J.r i:?_.ol. nnd m?hi hii. . I ??.naiii ?? I'-im-I. He _'?n dMIirll.m mi Ihe t. 11 !?-- of Kn_l.-rrk_Brg. Il.aiirell._-.vilh) .'.n otii.T _r i - - ?' enga-ene nl?. Karly ln \ ?<?*. Ihe <?;???? ?f . ?" "' f'"- re..'n-!:t esplred, and f.?r * _lt??n i-nw ???:?? -i ^trubh ?-? i:i ivMiimand n| ibe ?rnntlng ramp ..? Imverly. N. J. !?'..??.. i ?? r.?.~.-l the 114th and :i7f1. Ketflmejit*. >e_ .;. i ,-v Voh.nic??r?, aud ln 1-iH \x ? - -gain al the _r*?ti? ,,,i, ? .nl i.ranl. lu M_rrh, loa.'i, he \x;ii .,,.?.. ). ..? | | ..-?. . ? .. . ?:..l f ,r ii..-.l.>.-f 'H^ -t v .,. i..f ??? i'. 1.1 -i.ur.\ '.?iti?ml nr ihh xx it miu (..,,.,1 ,mh ol i ?? ?? ix e in i-,;.. ;??"' *-''"?'* lliln .1 -!.xc l.ll?llic>. With !..- faf'.i:. Twi. )i_l Uter ii.- father died. ?nd ???--_ '?? M. .???: rh*r_e ol io- large Imn t:?iew?ie ln N>w Jer_-y .,:.,! |i; ii^x Ixanu. Ilxing al lu.rliiia'on. ??'.???? ' ? __? .? popular *nd i.fluenUal iliin-n. lu MTll '.?? -.x> a ineiulw "i "i'- * oiuu. i lui il of Unrlingioii. I.* i.?-< mldine oiIh-1 phuen ..f Irnal and Importame. !!?? ,,..,.? ,<<i,ii,.-i| \: I'" I .--'-,1- Ohen Hv Ult'-r i:....'e .1 ? - ? : ;. ihr'Migh Ui* su? ? *?u_l. aud rnntnbuied 4 . InUTcMinr i" imi -f lhai ?it*n '? ?? l.ipplnenir. MiWnuii.e." lle 1 a- l>een ?u arfne .aehl i ui and I,.,. 1...1. ,1. ? t.r-t-i xx .1. m.t.i) 1 UI iu. ' ? II* 1 ,v )... : lm x.-xm lotnmai.rlai.l -I Ihe fan.'.ti- I'hll ..??.. Iphu 1 iy rn?.j.. and i-man md?| iv Vcv. ler-ey I..,',.,,!. ii' it. r,c Y>Mhio-ii ? ?i.t.i.iii_i. xwi.'ie. Uie 1...11.? i.->.? x?.,; i!i? NaUoiml |irire I'rueMl 1. ni I.I. x? 1- c|... 1. .1 ^fat<- . onin.aiidef nl ih- .Ncxx ici-<x it?iiid Army ?f ibe Mepnhlte, t>ut u. rllnei a re*leelb_t. l-?i year be __* il? B-pub h<an eat_id-t? f.i Un\en_?i ?' Xf* /e?h .. und Buade ? tlii.- uut .11 si'tte ot D-Berndk thr__|rhoul !ln-_.ii (o.mtv. Il4_ef_| <>.ubli iii_rile?1 x( . Kllm hCtli \\ad aoi'Ii \ an l>n.-< lu l-i'..;. Ihe dough ?.. of ('..? Re. f .nillaiidl \ .in l.'en- -.?.'..??i (>???:,.' ..iii'i. .11.1 :.. - Inn.ilt hvc lu lieitilv. \. .1 . |||. ? . Kd.cxialc: r...?. Ih .?? onc ..f II ? haml.1 ?? . Ihe ? |>l m 1 i.-cr. ??! I. M-i ? le.rn 1 i ; .? ?u \| ii. Ii 7. 1-1 .1..1I . ?'..?.< 1 I ..uil.arxl 1 . ????- ? . I- ?-'? H' ? 1 in 1 v lie_?l Ull. \ 1.-1-, ..t 1'. -t in II." ? ? '? 1 n .? t?. ? , u ?i,. ?f . i|,Im|.i 11-v ng ?? ! ? : ni ii tli. ,,( !? . ? ?? ,, , .? .. L-.-H<M..''-.l < ? ??. 1 ?' \;' " . I MX ., 1., ,|, .,', t 1 >..-?? . ,;..|. il 0:1 lh. pt_?ii.. of I !'??? f, |..n iu 1. ... I .-. :;: . n u._ ? n. lh. n until 1-'.-. :..? |i.nxed : . I_-.t?r. 1 ??.... -i 1 ?* ;... ,,: ,-. .:.. ,. ? l.-ll .? ..? 'I Ii lllku ?' Ii "1 '?!? ? l< 'I , . .?. : 1, , 1-. mi !?>*.; ..' ?! <i 1... it. 1-: ?. ??.rl M?li I ??!- i:-' I'l I--4J Ul'l 1 - l:i l"l I- ??' , ? ?,...;.??. fl 11.1 lll. \ IH'. I'. I" -. I' . |. . |..l t .-... ?ikI I ? - w ... 1. !?? I V flr I lt, ?,, , ;_?..tri'l, lie ??? ???. 01. ?? fpon (le < niiiii.i'"" ?, \_ri. ..!?. >' hill l-i-t ? ''. "I.' ? l:"'1 ' ? : ?'' ?, ,., |,i .;?',...?' . iil I ?!-?? ?? 1 . ?. |<i;i| _ _?,] 1 ? . . il \V.| ? 1 .1 M<V .:?' . "f . |, ,. il, lill , tbe 1 ..!..?? I-? .1 I .1 ' ' ' 1 ? 1 ? ; ? ??'' ' ? ' ? ..,,: ;.?,?...... 11..1 n.i.'...i ?' 1*1.1 .11 '-? op..;lo*d , ,| ,.. ,,; |.-.| I 1.1 I.. |V I'lliX lll I - Il iMl'l' I ?' " ,< , ,1.1,., Il i..? ? .1 I- 11.11 ? ? I' 1' . ?? ??' lll '?? '" ! TBE \ l/7"N l/. /,/./s"> ( "A'./?'/>*?? ??.? K ?, X. . A ? , : KV 'S \?. '1 '! . Oil.rl i-ti: 1. '? Ti.M. 1 ,, . ,-, - .,: jn 1 ,.? S.ili.. il I'ri-Mi 1 ??..'.- ??? ,,.?. ,.| |.i 1 .? ?ri i.l'i' l.l 'x IV.Kl.Mil H ,,, ln .:..?? i'l- ic|e.ii ??: Il ? I-u ili'H ' miniille. ., , ..,. u-l la* r f .... u.i- i" --i"i v ""? ?lf,rr ,,?,, ..? 11.11 :..?:?? v .1 .1 ? irdc ?' i.H'ciing, pre i?i"l r?\ei I.-. ? apiaiu -i" ? i'll Ni.h.d-mi. ?_"i ui._le an ?_! ,1,, M..;..| II. VV. Mi iJiugltcy, ..I Ihe I'.-llli-xIxallia i:,.;,,;:,..,!,,? 1. i-ul . pBpei ..1 Ihe panile ?i_teni avtid c,,,:,. . : r ii ihIUh.t. ..1 ihe Fiilvei iiy ?>! IVnnayl xa.i.a, .a'l 1 P_per imi criniiiial lalNHi-*. Mr. M<'i.'. "_? ?iriNi_ly in tuvvt ..1 .'"? |..n"l'- -x-i.-in *. |c|Kll?F t" pPBrti -'Hi.l. .1- xv. II a- (?> ix.-im-i a refurni:_ori inflooi..*' ?nh irlinliuiH Mr. Paltou, ,,1 ludiiua, .1 v.ue-iii -1-.-11 agai.isl u.arking , n.llialv lle bellVvt* ihal Ihe I'l ??" ?.II i'f 0 ,,,.|\ r.l Ihe !??!??. M.'it. .:i "f .1.iiiiinal _ei ,., .,.,.xt-ni aiiU_..iiil?. Mr. Mrl_Mt(h_) _MMl |i,.,i ti- I'.i-iiill ni ?>Mein nia;i- iu. nutrb ll*_l 1..11I1I .itiaili lo au) rrimiiial -? li_.g ?> lie rb?e* lo do m-iii. Mi. Une-U-MV. -?( Xem Voik. favorrd Ihe Ii-t tillon ayatew. for iriinloal n.-tituii..n. 11 ?u> 11.1I apeeiall) ?ppllistde 1" r>formalon plaee. f-.i Uie ytMtiiR. Mr. Ilart. '.f MIihi?-*.?1_. nrged Ibe adoplloi. ,,l u uiilform nii-tii"! <>' romplliiii! Hc -tatl-tleal por ilou ..f prlson I'-'iipt-. iin?l -iiixxil why lhi?. \x?- *? liabl" :i ? ?' ui*'"1^ "' BM-rlalBlllg unportant '"' ' I" jui-mii <!i-' ll'lilie. ?1(,?"t ,r, \\ in'- -i'l '"? aBhed Ihe heitphi ,,f uni.i x\"i.- ij.-fi.n- hini io ' ha_r alutl he ,. 1() ,,, .;,., u|Hin tl." mclhod ui admlnl lerBig Uh. paroh' -y-lem. lle xxn.t .,1. 1,1 relate what Ii" l,?l t?. ix ln Ihw iT.|.c 1 ln a ? i-ii lo ihe niiio pcnii.ii ti.i.x lasi Jaiiuary when tlie hi.anl of iiiHi.agcr. were iu ,_.,,?,?. 11,? round ili.ii appll'iii.i'. f?r parole were uliullted before Ihe hoard h) Ihe lialf down ..1 11 llme mid Ihal <-a'l. mw ?'??> i*efern*i lo lh<- meniher np 'r..,..|iiiux lh"' loiinlv finni w-iiiih Ibe l"i -.n. 1 rajie. ?Ihal Ihe iii-.'ii"-i e*_niioed the pri-oner prlvalely*?r -,.inl puldlely aiul made |*i-_ r..oui_K,ndatloii Ui Ihe bo-nl aiul upon Ho Ihe l??rd aeted. Ii xx.i- tlie -rvnrte v of Ihe -enuie*' i_I-imI.iI by ihe uciiiIm-im Io C.h iithcr. They gave ih. aorl ol iiltflitioi. to Ihe ,-,v,.i-,i ..1 tli- priMMiei-' ii-mJucI iu pri-.n. Imli-ert. one i.f tl.e board *howed hlm ?* kdegram fnmi u very pnmil .,-,,1 rallroad iimii, B?klng hlm lo pande a eerlaln nrl-oncr Ihal dav. aud hc -mi be *?miW rather art mi n>_i Il.'aii 011 anything ihe w.n-den intght -ug ?mi \ft.'i- Ihe mretliig Iw _*_ed Ihe wardmi wbah xx-a-i'the .ff.-.t of tln- iiiiiliod ou prteoti dkriplBM and he tlial il ???. mnal dUa-lioiiv -ITO BBOTBBMA F1GBT 01 EM Ml'TTOX riluPS. Morria and Jobn Ogden, bnrthera, tweuty-eighl amt IBIrty -evc. vcai- old reap. tivelx. ha<l a i|_arrel _' tlietr lioiiie in Bettai- h-*t inghf, xThlrh mav itbbII In a Irafrdy. The rnother uf the men i.*-<i eooked them s,,n.c iiuiitoii rliop., and II aeewi? the i|uanllty xx?. loo rne-tgm Ut th- ixxo .n. A tu/hl nm? ? <>v.r th: dlxi-ioii ol the <lio|i-. .11..I Mnrri. kdsed ? earving Unifc niiii rnt a /ni,iiiful g__b bctobk John** rlghl an... aetartaB ""? n.ain artery. lle thea Bawbed blat arrooi tlie fui-elHMil. a tomhte ga^li. J__B B iu tlie ntv Ho-i'ltul ui .4 -rltlcal cout-tlea, aud MorrU ls lotked ut;. THEIR SECURITIES GOXE. INDltiNANT RTOCKHOLDERS OF THE STAK l.VSURAXCE CtlMPAXV. TO TABB ACTIfJCC anAIX8T TIII.;.*. PP.rKlDBXT -A COMMITTIX'S HUbBAXi I'lTtUV:*.. Tlie report was raade yestenlny of tlie cora miiia'e appninted liy tlie 8ti*rklioldera of the Star Insuranrr Company to Invrotigatr ihe affain of the enmpany, nnd liad ont. it poasiblc, whal hail iii-rniiia' <>r thelr ihuuaands of dollars in Beciiri lies, supposr<l lo liave licen abstra.ted from a safc aleposit rompany'a vsnlts, and wliich lias ixvn so BDXiuUBl.V avvuitcd by Uic stockholders for Uie laat month. It cui liarrlly Ih* called a satisfnrtory report so far as Ihe Interests of the stockbolderB uic conccrna-il. Tbe histnry nl tlie Star Ineurance Cmnpany'a BlTairs, ns far as known, has lieeu recently pub lislie 1 iu Tli- Tribune. It may lie luiefly ie vlewed as followa: Tbe company ln 188*1 dis contiiiucd liiisineas. Iis asscts eonoisled, ricrord inc lo Iho sworti sluloniriit of I'lebidnit Nicholas l". Miller and Secretary rieorge s. Middlelirook iMIIIer'a mn-in-lawi, on .'.ary l, Iboo, nf I'liita-l Sf.ita-s iioniis, markei valnr, f**ll?,Tin: real eatate, ??'..''"": collateral loan, $7.fi0"; anil raah nnd othrr B-wrta inuhiiig np lh<" of $.'.'('.,'MI. Tbe liainlitiis consi.ta-d nf ilie bnlaw* of noi \r: iliatributrd of g'ii'al.'.'?.*>, and some unnaial hrases and rlaiios in litigation aiiniiint iofl lu SJtr*fS>o?*. DinkiRg Ilie aggrrgatr liabllitie*. Sj';i;,'.';.'i. lu |ss7 ihe cotnpaii.v puid i'*. Blnrk holdera h dlvidr-nd of ?'<" !*?.nl iu lii|iiidation. lt ilicti huurd iiint. vm'Ii judicioiia haiulliiig Ihr aeciiriliea which Ihr roiiipunv said il hrld would hring in n lew yeara nl Icst un per eenl on ihelr t:i'c valnr. i in- si... klioldi-is aniird pntlenily until fci?l sprmg. when VVilliam '? Klrming, <>i Nu, IIH Will-st. aa'ting lor tha- o{ W V. I !cin inc, i.iniiiii; ilis- risiid wilh llir was llir roin p.inv's nil.iMs wi*rr giiing <'ii. < illcl * iiuiiiInt ..f Ihr s1'???kliolala-rs logetlirr, and an inveatigaliaiii W.IS :?<?> on llHal 1::.,!, I li's llinalr Ut t I aa - olliics ..f ilae compato '""' "rl .-al- froiu llir ullierrs nnd dirrclnra i?> givr any silisfa.-i ,n inforuiatioii. \ hst ..I tftC ainrkliiililrni, suppnard l? ?* :sInmiI lliirty-nna iu numlirr, was rvrn rrfus.-d. jn urder. il w..s hrlirveal, to prcvcnl lln'in enUina u grnrrol meriinu r"inall.\ i romndttt***, ennsiating nf Jatnes < arl., i hatr i;,iti; IV. ?? ria-ni:?_?. Ilenry RaalcriMm, K. S. Is'ila-v, nnr >-f th,- :.n.i-r si .. kholaleis, atial .1?? .ph i Wo >d waa ..pp'.int" I to ran v nu ibr invotii. ition. During tl*** last roainih tbia raimmitfra. haa Uburrd aaaiduoiiaiy, and th" reeailta nf Ihrir bilmi ? were siibmiitrd '.. ihr ?iaarklii>laU?r>i al .. aivrei nirrtina: lirld yrafrrdaj Bftrrnnoii nl N? ,;r' Pinr-sl. tha- gt?aekh.dalers presa-nt, rrpp aeiitiag in all fnlly 2,?i?<i sharra, ? r ..'".nt iwn liftLs of ihr eapilnJ "f tln- conipany, werr I. <' kimr.o!1- ptcsideiit ol Ihr liansrviwrt Ilauk, nrvfoty nim aharrs, rhairnuin: e\ Mayor Ik-wiii, Blau icpri~ov,tuig tlie I'.-ta r l.'onprr ratotr, sa>sa-i,t> liva- shares laVnrur \ llrll. Frcda-rn k lk)inle. |oo sbarra; Willtaa Ia Taylnr. (erorgr W ll.ird. .1 W Murray,|.-nt iri-rniaii-Amrriaan Inaurana.e ( oiupan.v. M\ly l? s.?- sliaics I! S liilli'V, I'1'' ?,:.ures; Rnlwr! I.en"\ Kt'iniralv, : "" sl irra; Will <a' Kleming. mnriy-rashi shar*-* '? W Sillvi hoin. m.m.v aliatrs; Kmnry Miik-r, tln. aii aharrs: 1' I., tbirty sharrs: .lohn II MilVr, .lam*?? < l.rk.srv.'iif. f.. i.-s'...'.s, ;,,..) \!>s Mm Robrfls, ! "(' .shares Thr shares ire al f*?*MI ?'" '' I'ha- ropaort af tl...tmnitt.-e l\ is i.-.l by Ml Wi.ed. b*a-r?*i_ry. lle !*?,,?_ by aulmiitring il* R'atomenl rraaoureal fmui W. E. Hoaie. llir . lmir nmii i?f 'i',v Spri'leJ rouinntfrs- .ifffn.iili-d by Mu? .lire.fa.r* lo win.l up thr rnnipamy'* niraim. In aiiba1**nri> llir rrpnrl ronllnunl: Alsmi n munUi ?,o Mr lloxir. in eunisan) wMli tlie s.-.-..-t irj, Mr Mi.ldl.-brook. h.'l g?ne l?i ll?r i?lfl.f 'br ?*l? ,!,.,,,.s.t 'i.inpinv, BUil npaiird tha- va ill id 1 ie -nr Insiii nu ?'' oiii|?n>. in w lii'di I'l.-sncn' Milli'i . , . -t , ||..l| 01 III.lo|. III*. ? I Hia ?. laial l . the sa- ilfllirai wrr< drpoaiti' I 11??* '?" '"'* i" ""' .,,,- , ??| .:,.,? I l.ulj .. lanaWII p.ip.T cn\ (*la '!>??. Il|l .all W),t, i, wi-rr .. fi-w prn?-ilbil inema.raii ln Mi IL.m ? .. , K ,?| Hu'l prrvi.i is la. '. - UU"" ;''' " ,, ,,] 1,-,-n iwai ib'falratiaaiia, Btii"Unlin? l<> ?;.,,;,, ft|,M,IIIMa, whii'h I'lv-ul-.nt Mlilci llild l?Ual .inivi,',,!,. u.aiild i..t...r it.n-iali-rutioii nothing ? ia il-iul lln-ni "i.' ''?'?-' ?,- ::,?,-. st..'.?:, I.) ? Vi.'a prrai.lrtll of ll.n\ ,,,,, . mI .. is iiaw dra.l: ihe ..ihrr waa I.- ih ,| .. , III seaMtril '?- W hia'll lltor? iT'l ,,-, ,.-,i I., (,- ??.,. ? i ll. s. Mr W.1 *ai I. pi< ? I 411 inlfie llllg aif lu-WS lo Ihe st...-k,?.l Vi Mi ||?\ii< I nl fnrllirr aaid lh M n "i lm '" i .? prcsidrlit s sT..:.'n:cn' 11 e <-. mtic. ol l .i |M,,..11 a.o l,.i.l Imvii Ir.iiisle ? I (,, \,.ihr I\ Slaaa k ill ( hl' 4|Jai : lalll I II ' ii imih diflii ill " iniMii'lb1 ?ilh Ilie l:ts*l -u.'iii MaU-iural "i M r prraialrnl. ill l>.?iiiUt, im ivlm i, lu- had aald Ihal ??' SluaS liarr Ilie IJiaxcriniii'iil ha.nda wrrr k l mlh m llir |nassi**aion ol il.i ,,.,,,.. Sa fni uia Mr llnkir klirw. |*r*f*i?l*-nl Miliris p"i-ho,..,l iiaara ...nsi-i.-l **| Ihr |ais?iblr ,,.s ,!i .,i .. I.v.sui [ui Sl"".oi'o in I'lii iigu. icl ,,, ,Mnit\ rlnim ??? all ?vrr P?8,???i' in ?' l'-?n ??? ,l?. North Kivrr Rank. I'hira?n. The liwsini . s.i|,pos,'.| i<i rrsiill liom a ' ui.i lr b> Miller with th.- l hiaag.s i'rnsi I'oniraany, aii-l has pisi Im.-ii ilrciale I iu his favur nn?l apprnlral l". Ibr t rnst. r-ntnpaiiv \lr W'oo.l mrili.-i rc|M>rta'd ihal ihe I'uniiiiitlrr had l.-.iina'd mily one nl Ihr luml\ six m tluitv dirrclnra ol llir roapaiiy ownrd more than ten sli.uas. und some nl them only Hve ahunn.. fine ..I tia'sa- is tho janilor, wlm is ui prrsi'iil iu rl,;,!_,,. ,,f il.illc.vs iii Xo. :.s 1'iiicst , iil n aahir.v of jt.'i .i wrrfc Tl*r nansrs ol most nl ihr 'l> ii-ei,,:s w.-n- imi known, 1***1 ii wa-s undrr?i.l thui \li Millcis two m.iis wrre nlsn inrm?aTs ,,i th.-, whieli Ihr rrporl drsijjnalrd n.s n ?? airaw board " 'llia-n i-antrlhe trrmii nl .lauira R. Mrrerin, whn had !??? Il sa'lil h\ tln' ellM" lols on N'|itcml>c' I '. i ' make a-. rtnin pioposit n.iis tn Mr. Millct in I'hii'ago. Tm iIc tiist pro|iositioii, nautrly, Ihal Mr. Millrr Mhoiild iromriliatrly aasjiiii ln Ihr Siai InKiiraiuc Coiiipnny aa 11 il.ums nnd inlrrrsla ot lus iii nny sini-. ihr piaM.ianit replird ihal hy so loiii'i h>* would Ih- xirtiiullv iidiiiitflng llial br had appro piiula-.l Uu- M-i-nritii's ol Ihe company t" Uis iiH'li iise, und loiv rrfuard lo dn so. As lo ihr ,,11,'ri- propoailioii, Ihiil lie at nnee resi-n lus iifliu us prraiib'iil of the ranipany, Mr. Millrr had rr fnr^d la.'inla'i Ibr oflhc upmi .Jfiii.ind. bill Kili 1 ii ih- icsolntion ralliriK i"1' Ilis rraiaimlion ?,.?. ,,.?, iudrtl hr wonld al . vnralr tl.fliif IU- midc Ihe Iniihci- rolidilion thnl in h.m- hr made nu aarigniurnl ns ilraired, lir alioiild imi la* held noi'iiuntahle Lo tl..' Iwn ik-fiiliBtimia rrferrr.l t,, .ind Ihal tln' iiggrrgalr anioiinl ?f thr pa'id i.i llir cinpaii.v on ihr Uiivrnonirnl .ida during llw laai rrw yram, nnd wliieh waa rrrdilrd ?? ,iic I.ks, sl.Id Iv ulluwrtl as a purlial oil-.i i<> hia ImlrliUiliM-a, . -Thla n.I, auid Mr., -I'M-Hrd Mm grratrsl ImliuiaUun ou Ihr part uf aevrral ?l Ila* aiiH'khiildrn iinmiiu whom waa rx-Mayur llrain.. :H?. latter auid Ihal ns I.esl rllta'iis H was tl." ,lnl,v ol I'verv stockhol.'..M' present. tai s.-i aMde lus IM*iwinul iiit.-.cst, in order to hlltlfi to lUSllC' this nialrfarlor. Millrr, il n wrrr tme Ihal lie aa* i iiiHlrfartur As rar ns the invi^otiimUbii nai _?W il appraird Ihal Millrr had IIOS of il,,, aeet.ritiea al whieli he wa> ihe trtwfaecl oaa ,,?!,?? Kithci his gnili nr iiinocence sliould bi oure be uroved ir rasslblr. With thla ohiet: in view h.- arrsratrd a reeolut on that ,he prffOOBl coiniuittec ol Bve he coiiiituied aud 1.lll|?;wcicd to Nikr wliatevci aclnni tliry BBW llt i?i ,,id (natilHlln. criuunal ?r rlvil priM*erdiiiB*i Lauut Prraldrnl Millrr. and Ihal eaeh slurk nTiMrr aulasa-rilir 5? cenis im earh sliaiv ul ni" slock to Blipfdj' Uic colllllilttaM' With 10** OTtWjaO fnnds for carryini ou any snob piosccutioii. i hia resolntion WBfl itninediately and u iu. niii>'.ii.-sl> adonted. nnd tlie mrrting SOOB riflenvar.l Mhwnril. Mr Wood, wln. had laeen drputed t?. llve tbe rctuli ?x Ui? -cttui W the "wajfaors, turthcr KtitJ ih..' ni imv of ihe bloekholdrra had |**-n itronglyT.i favor u( beuinnlng eritninal utwtfainn at one* uguia-l Mr. .Vh'_t, t?ut thui the legal r"'<> meiil of thf li.tlll- h.i.l liol xct ilc-iilcl whether tbht xva.s ihe l?r_i rntira. lo.-'dopt uflder the rir (Miin-tancea*. As lo the tiatore ol ihe nhantc whleh rould lie l.rou.lii u'.am-t liiu. they were Hiiiallv iill.le.l.lcil. >illic hcliccil hc rilllkl hc lfi.llilcl for pcjiirv. nnd other-. for cmhiv/lcnieut. nhtt ever BCtion WUB llwhhxl upon. lu.xvcvcr, would B4? lakon wi'hout delay. Il is said tliat Mr. MllMT lins rcccnilv invratrd in a lar.e reafanranl in < hi rae*o. lle was loriucrly roBB-Ctwl with ihe l ubi e.on i'oal and Jron Company In tbit fliy, the ttock of which is bow erlling at u low ttgurr. MURDERED /A A I.OXELY WOOD. A CR..ME I.iKi: TIIF. KIM.'.Mi f*?P* VNXIE LE*CC_fEY - KB&WUft 04* A KM*BO. f'amden. X. .'.. sept. _h iSpeclul).-A murder re tembliug aoruewhal tbe butebcry ol Annle l_coney a year ago atiired tbe people of tbe _a_w vlrlaity this evenlng. Annle Mlller, the wifn nf John MIBer. b young farmer, was found wllh lier head almoat severed from her body partly coflceahjd ln ? rlunip of bashea a half mlle from her home. -lu; liart had h frigfatful .traggle lor llfe wai evident. Though Ibe rain had beaten down lt dld nm* obsrore the mark- In Ibe earth. \\t lefi hand l.urt liecn rauajit ln Ute leeth or her alaycr and xxa. bltten. Mr-. Mlller had goue In MoTiroatowu lu Ihe monitng and was retnrning lo her higne. -ii" B.i ai Merrhautvllk! and |.m_ u short .ni Ui- tleMs nnd through a pleie ol^ Lillle Nellle l?e llndroy aud her brotber met Mra. Mlllcr on Ui" n?d helween - _nd :i o'rlork. .md th.-v -.,? ber wulb toward n." dense wimmU. Ahetid of her. about a hundred yard-, they __w u negro enter lh- j wihkI*. That ?,i- the la-t -eeti nf Mrs. Mlll*r Bllve. Mi.; fiuled lo appcar ai Ihe farm hou?e. und a wiirrh ini; party __n dl._*nven*d Ui" awful trutii. FmneU I l.lngo, a hurly negro, i.ain-t whom ihere wns a I rhaiu uf driiim.Jaiitlul evldime lu Ihe Lerouej mur- | der aud xx ln> WJ t!i". t.r-l man ;? i r< -t-?t f": thill rri.llC, j l?,.i i.e.-u ;,i woih ..'I tti" finn. and <aiix iiu- iiioruitig , he ipilt woih "ii ui-touni .,f t!i" i-.ilu. -.?s:11_: he xxa. i going t" l'hil_dc|phla. lle ili-1 n?i g?. md *?"?- !"nu,i il lu house loiuelii. II" a'i ???'?:- "i" il''-' i-ipt "" "f j Ibe tn .in ti.Iiildn-n ?viv go Into ir-e aunK II xx..- -ii- -t. I und t.ili-n io Mer Itunlvil'.e. \ pic.-e ,,f ,|,l |,|i|.. Ma.iuel -tiiit. foiiiol i.l lh' -'-'.' ''"' """ der xxa- ntl.'d into n i mi place lu lu> .nlrt .leevc. ? ? yt'ELTAlXE FOCXIl Ol'il.TT OF itl'BltER. 1 ||K j: &_ l?i;i>HNT x -':?!: >N I BKi ? MMUNBA u: 's i ?>:*. mkbi v. The tnil i.f i ti'ir. ? McKlvaiise for murder ln Uie iii-.i i|.._r.i".i ,'i ni" r..iui .1 v>- !,"?. Ilroohlin, >ci..|..iv iifiern.Hiii. Ui irlei Mlon.e? i:hl_wny, wlm hitft i.a.-i.'.i from :,'- ;:ui!-['?? llhrn of Thur.da.V. i.illed ttaiil-.i Urj. of tli- Rayinoud MM .lall. a. a w It ii,.... Th"' wurdeu le.fitted Ihal MrKHaiin _? ? I i,/./|e iii 1.1ni und ibat iii" prt-oii-r U?<l ilin._teiied lo hill him i.t-t ? The aarden te-tlrtcd furthei iin.i ; .? lin.l found u Kiiif" In V >? prl?mier'? rell uhoiit twn week- ac?. and ihal M- luid ll.ercu|.>U deellued .., admll xi-it ?! - t. ihe priw.i er. lle xx.,-, .?.: .,'?.'. i|?. ,.,), ihal M BliHlne winibl .'.mimil !_I?*ki>, i.iit *? .iT.t n,?t he mighl hnrt - "." one elv?. (!ni.n,-.' il. I'uni. ihcn mad. n -:r. .-? plea for the ?.-.|iiiii.,l of lils rll.Mil. H" urgued Ihal t1'- pnwiiier ,im uol eutei l.uia** house iu u frbmi'Mi* maiiier. le . ,'i .- Mr-. .? was uol 'iire whethei iii" - .-.mi ? , ;, n ,,.-,, ,,. ?i:tu. i( ibe pri< ui?u enl 'red tlmiii-b i'i ..|_.n window. he cniitinn.'d, tlw . wniibl ii.4 ui' l?"!i a fel'.iir. t.ut a ndsdenicaiior. .,.,,. ,, ? , ... i,i ,? |i ?? kllllng "f I ii' ?> Ba? uol iniirder. i,iil in He Ii ' d*_ree. Mr. Ilirdy re . |,.wwi ,'.. ,.? nnoin i. ? .lo - '" I'''1' Ihe Iheoiy of , ,.?r, |. ii, n n .t ..?'. ?".! i" Ihal ??( r?\p Tl , . N ,, ,? ii. t.ii.l Ihal of l>l II -ralinm. whh h pn. ? .'I-.-.I >l-KlxaJTie u?i only lii.ine. but f._h>l. from ,,i;t', t|,.. a ii.< . jii in. i MuHiicy Kldgway .??I ii|i t'. I r llw people. .1 idge M Kim ,. j, ,.i n,e ia ?? lu .' long addr-s- i" lh? Jury. lle ,ia.|i ,,|,.,i, tl," 11. ' tl"' 'tl I'm t'-nii "nv to prme ii,,. |iri.?i lo he ii.-.iie hud l*eu given hy h'> n-l.x tix.-. Tli.- j.ny retlied ul abw-it ? o'cln k. Tb_ |un anhed fnr invtru<llon. lu re_*rd ?? the ..f In.anllx after <1clil?*r?ilnk' l_f tbneB h.,iir . iiml .'--ii'i retlred. Al a I't- hour m Ihe ex.n ,?? ni.ililn. i,.?i '.i leMtd from Uiem. and Judge M."??re .?x|.re-?.-.| (!,?' I! I.Mltioll "f waitlllg illl lllghl t". il ,,..,; i tl llw fi'iiwr th" Juri delilierui-'d llllltl li-'i.i I" ?(???'? Mglccmu ii|."ll rotll.. Iloli. \t h.i-f i'.-t l_ tlii- liiornlug ?1." Jnrj e.-im -o-.l .x. ?.. . t-eeill. I nf mnlii i.l murder ln tl ?? llr?t ?!?-'-?? H.e. ;..?..! ., ir, r.? '? i' ? d itl ni for ni?- v ? ? ? Illl I ii;f. ItEVORP.' Tm- i ,,i ctii ' n imi r i" iii ii\ \ 11 ? ? i - v- - I :,, ?.,. , iv. ..t lh" h. " meni "f Ihe ,,,,. . ... ,..-?? I ...i*e N i. 7:i : !?s .r.| me, earl> w. .,..,;,., ? : . :, ?i il ??'?? ?i- _.?-l r< ?_m lo '? ?? ;...v ; ?| ?; et ' "i :-? ' ??'?' I'J - ' ' ??''? ' H ',.. ...' ' ?' ? 1'iree ; <-x i ? :- itl. Il.pls ' ? ( m I ' ? .... . \ , .. , . ? ??? ?? '<- ' : i , ? 1 i ? ? I.l mi Vl|i. ,.,_:?, ,|_?.j, . lh,. ' ?? . ? |? : ?" c\leu. ? I CI.I-MI. - ,| inu ' .? ul ? . ??'? '?- il" ?? -? '? ' ? ...;, ,. | , -?, l| |-..|MI. . |h? '.??"-.? H 'I ...lll .. ie ,,. I, ?,.'?..,'.? ii i ????'???.. '. -? liudcr'. Imi' er | ,,, | ,., ?' ? .- tt.''??' : Ighl 'I -:'? ' , , ,| .,;,.? .,;: Ihe ui.!.! ,,f >.|.l..|li|.cr lll, lll ? ? ? . IM t.. pnt ?ul II. _hii II 1.4.1 i ..;.?,,? ,? ..i i' ? ??'.? ?: .ln ibe ' ?? "" '? K" '? ,11M,. ,; .. Hrv nen II ?'-'?'? Ihal t' ? flames wei.I li _:,,,?. .. i, i.i. I' ,li ... hour ifier i i dnighl i.viei ,, ^ ....??;?? ' .? i . ctiicol ??.. ? r.*1 ?"-?' ? ' ' ' '' Ihe .?'? .?,?'. w. i.ille.| i'i ' - ?? lo pi-evcnl ? n-.n- I??-? x ...,,. , i :.. I'r.iul. . ul 'le:e. Hv. - ? f Hn ,.?., |i,,.i\ i.fih .. _|ii..l lune .n_de -c\e. ,: :-.:;.? Iniesilgaiioii- ?l Hw '"?? - ? - i IK--F.4 "i -r.\ ii: \t. M ?M'FAi n i:ri: I",.- f..iii -inry fa.l.Ti liu.ldmg >'??? M_ IVe-i Sin Icenlh.l. xv..- xxie. U.--I hi llt.ii'-- "I iinkiHifTn ..n-in ,..,, I% v..,i .,,i,v. rtif Hn- l.i.i!i.-<l up eienlhins of ,.,.?.. |i, ii ? luiihllm: cx.epl .. -if-'. alii-'h <lr..p|?il f ..iu ..ii nppcr -.??>?' lh.. stTo.ld a.a'l' xxiihoui ?I he irr.4i d il" * and l"-".?' ,,'':'" .,,,,?. hi Mor.-i* KmIm' ?- ?' i fm dee_.ii - I ,? |..r> ,,,?! hi- lo.. ??'?>? i""'1 ??'.'""" I B". I "-I1"' ??'?' I I,,,.,.,,,, ,,,,,: ta i -*- lu.vr- of .ilverplaied war.. and . |V(... ),.urlry, |.i>l __?>til ---.",''1 '?'' Ibe Uurd and I?iirth tl..'i-. I. I* Falmw* k. niamila. liuw. ol .-, Hxiu.e-. iMiiinled Uie |..p .1.41. ''.''''?' "|-.".1. J:i.i?mi. TIm' hiilhllun ?i? worth miiIj -rl"""". All ,.f 11 r pmperi v ?.i- ii: -ui. .1. liEtlsluS IS i 'v'''l RIGUT ( i>'/.'. -, ,,??.. ^p|, ..*? .|M-.lali. JuslUe Mlller. >.f Iho i ult.d Stat". I'lH-nd i "iirt. rend ?;??'! au liuportaui de ,1 , ?, |?,|.,x .l." .;.i- ii'.n "f ropirighl for Wel. ,,..?- I'liahrtdgcil l>i't.-?>? Tlie . im- wa. Ihal of ,,,?,,.,. Merria.u ag. ? m- llulladay llildi.hiug Coin p?.lV fhe inuiplatuaiile an- own r- ol lh.ptrighl ,,| |94ll. .ni.l ..iv*. 'I lll.r.'lliHl |iul.|i-h"!'? ,,f ,'?? ,ii, |...ii..i-x. xxlii.h wa- i-ued n 1--'-. The cx ,,,.?,. |,?. ,,f ;, ...pynghl i- f.'Hv Lwo X"..;-: -.. IU l,-ti llenn C \?m - ?"? "f ?*? ''?*? L.'" - , ? .,,?( t>irtlvio <x ?????. of < Iiieag... I?? pfaoto-litho arai.l.l. n..f Ihe l".-7 edllhm. Tl.e_. .e_ii.n ?..,e M?W I"'' one foiirlll Umi priee of Ihe laie-t PdlH.Ml. ,,?, i.i' -mi- ln .everal M.ite.. and aftei ..ilmu.tite ii'.'i.Mi".-- .Imlgi* MllhTd.Mlded lu i..x.r ,u. .Irfi.iuii'.i rhe MerrlBiii- hehl that Ihe reprtiil ??, ' t.i.'U ihe lali-'i wlliion. eic. .4 urstiSTEK WHOXAYS II_ KlbXAPPFM , ?,,,.|,. iv .n . .--I". -''- '-l'""'l ! raiil. l:.itti.:."l. ,,,,,.? ?,.,,,. "i'l. ?!"? kves in t'1:- ? tx. si.ys Ihal. whileim lu- way t" ' H?-d ye.terilay. hewa. kiilnap|?ed hy a gaug ul gyp-!< -? ,""' ,,f ""-' -M,M''- iunipid out ,1 ihe wagou -??'?"?'l hlm nnd rarricd him lo Ihe ?pi|1 xvln-,- l.e was gagged au.l his liands and f,,., w,r,. t:.,i. \it.-i il.iriv ihe klduapM hoy *_-? ,,..,l.-.l iu gcllims hi- luu"'- ""' i'- ?""?"'?, ?","? ,1,1.111- ih- ...lix.i-. l".i|"-'l out from Ihe baek of thc wagou .ni'i '-? ?,i",<t ? ? ? HU.ED BY AS VUI1TBH' WIRB Wim hendeii. M..-.. sept. 26. Kdwnrd Tryoti aud lieorge llaniBrd were In.lanily UHlad lo-nighl by the rleitih-lUhl gu> ui"' romlng "" "ontaii wllh an ln rsndestent einull. rhe wlre luui been taken fr?.n the n.i.i.'ii aud Albany <i''P"t t" altow a bnlkllng lu be m,,x..i and xx.i- left aangtng lu R roll hy Ihe tide nf Ihe polc. li'.ti. had holil ?f ihe wirc. B-raai-'f baBdi vrere badly bnrncd and it i- aappoaed tbat Tryou at lemnled ln __attl hlm and lilin-elf fcll u vl.-tlu.. Word !?? "'lelephoned lo Ihe -tat.o.,. xvhcr.x tho -Utrenl w? ahul otf. -> Ibt I'"*" "",ltl '"' '?,-'l,':'"1"'1 ? ? .V/./.so.V l.iWh'HS Tlll: KTALU4AX BEOMD Kattkal. III.. -"!''? -*??? SeUum. Ibe grenl Maiue slali,..n. Ihe xx.iil.f- -UlHon n'"'ixl to-Uay. FMftina io?crcd tha two year old rtcord in ALL THE JTEMS AGREKD TO. THE TARIFF BILL RKPORTEO TO Tllfi IIIOCSE iJV J'ilK CONFEREES. A VWB rjr_ j.t UOOKEO POR TO-PAT-COOtCBPJ! blOXS MADE 1)Y li'illl BHAJrCHES IN ('0? l'l.r.r.xt i:-Di.\ao::i; TWUXE plvi-.d .vt 7-10 CENT ?tVMl'i,."MI-?i: 061 VO :.?!'? - IJATE IOR IU (Tl'K'iL ,vs , ' ?*" ITT KXTHNDKD. V. (Br Ttl-EGBAI'll TO THE THIBl'NI.J v Washington, Sept. 18.?Tho raoiferees on ths) Tsrifl riill sneceealed in settling their linal differ emes and linisliing np tlieir fen-days' labor ?*8 tliis aflernoon, and tsVjBJBjBirl whieb they tsigncd was laid hrfore tlie ll**_Js> in time to la? reid partially tlirougli hrfore .uljoiirnnicnt. Majef Mv Kinloy, Ihe i liainnan of the House (ominittee af I'oiilerence, had hoprd to ivoid the loss of several hoiirs l.y obtBiniag nuaiiiiuous 0004*08 t'? dispeino with ihe readuTind tlio report in full at tho clcrk'S aifftk, as the wliole of it will nrcessarfTy appear in lo-morrow's issue of "The <'..ngress^ial hVeasfd. Bnt Mr. McMillin, of Tenneaeec, tlie nuking mi noiity oonferee, deasaadrd ihal ilie whole texl i>e rend, nftci n f.alure to fWre tho eonsidcration of tlia* report overTintil ne\t Monday. Mr. MeKinlry will call np the Tariff rnra?iirr in its ncwa-st fortu inimrdiatrly Bft**r ihr rendinc uf tlie journal a*> niorrow, and Uiere is little doulil Ihal the previoia i|in*slinn \*.i!I br nrderrd, and Ti voie takra on the ii'lopt-.oii of the report, rtotne time during the .ifter noori. Mr. McMillin l??k ihr Iroulde to ansmuaro Ihal tho niinority iu llir Ifmisr wonld offer no un nsn.l oppisition to aprrdy action. und, ii the satne poliey is followed in Ibr S-n-ita\ He bill in its Btnrndrd furni will gn l?i Ihr Prraidrnl nc\t IVtb dtiy ni Wednenday. Adjnurnmrol WiU liwlouht cdlv follow .n low dnya later. Il .iit. r '. nVliM'k wla?n Major McKinley,' carrylng u large i>..ii<i!c uf oaprrs, nnd tl.o Orls uf t;.c Wuys und Mrana liintmiiier, Mapir I'araon, with Ihr rnrollnl cunfrrrnrr hill iimlrr liis arua, rntrml ibr lloiisr Applause broke out on t'lO hVpublia-nn snlc whrn Ihey Bpprared. nnd ii l*e i.niic grnrrally pviih*nt Ihal r-irly nnd nnilnl .,. ti.,.1 ou ihr TnrifT bill rmild nnw lie bvl. TI*S wpain waa soon i"nnu'lv piisiitcl, and a few Mn?i inr mrnilaris e\|in:lra| ln rraeh a v..'c npnn it larforo .i I..rninrni. Ilui Ihr llaiiiar Ims fiveal Krialnv rvrninu'a aresion hir il.a- eatnaidrratbHi nf peiisi.,n inlls. nnd n aiiling wlueh should last hryond H ..'<?!,,.?!< waa loinul lniprarli?_Me. Mr. McMillin's drmaini i r llir readinc nf Uie bill cniplicarcd tha- ailuatia.n still funlur, nnd auy matrrial onuTrcsa nltrr tliat Ifceaoje Inipuaibk*. '!hr drlay in rrportina rl*** ?*i11 in in new f.rm was dne auloly lo ihr difhVulty in prrparing il ior pr.'sent.iti..'i. All II* rhanges madi- by thaj ronfrrrnee had lo In* rmlaodic.l in llir lr\t, aud then thr wholr had to !>?? gnw ovn cMrefully and cnipared with the originul. Smir ni ihe wurk had brrn antiripatril, nf ruiirar, r>m enough altcr.i fions were left to llir very lasl lu krep the c.erks busy for liour*. Thr t i!l Cunfrrenro Comtniito.'. in fact, had upon the report i^fnrv i nVliK-k. Its lalNirs wrrr mrrolv prr fiimfory, howrvrr: f r il simpl> rrgisitrrrd with maehiiw^liWe rrgiilaniy ihe ik*i'i*bin? alrrady ?r livral ai by the KepuMi.-an ra.nfrirrs lt tnnlr ihe Itappnlilirain BBMnhrrs nf tlie raanfrrrnre prrhaps lhree-.|uarlrrs <>f an houi t? siraiuhiarn nui tbw .iifliiiiltir*which they had teft furmallj uiisettlraj 1 .st niali'. To luake the passaue of tlie bill ns snmoth an<1 88 rasy as p.*sih[e in laith the llousr and ihe S-n ,i:c the rrprrsrntatirea ol rnrh brastoh aonoaBjce*! ? wUlinKneas lo ?<> s litt!.- fnrfhrr in the way ..t ?vinreasiona tbau lad hsro llinugl.i pai*a>llM> larfurr. rhr Srnair yicl.led on.- morr pninl t? thr llmisr in ihr Sugar s. hralulr. nn I ..ffeie.l to Br. Ihr ratr on .,..?, :,!,.,>..? No lf., I'.t'li alandanl. sl '.-1".i? . pound, instrad nf rt-Ul. The llmar Ihrn P?v? i |itila> adalitiainal gr'iund un thr Nmlrr-twinr I raliaaii, -?'.:.-. n-m- al hal lo acurpl H duty of -, |.i ,cr,t n poiind. ll.stcn.U'' ;i f"U ,vnt- ""'", m?s still i linlr eonlraavrrsy the rlnie on which , ,. |,ii| shoidd i.c pui into ??'Tc't. iViobrr aja'as , r>,| ,.s u hiiiiafaeiorv <.promisr Tl* fn'.l i-omiuittrr was Ihrn arnl f"i. and ihe rrporl w-is nroiiiptl\ aei cptcj and aiglird. i (,.-,?,? ciclit i, ilun ihe hVpiiblican ronfrrrrs f..r tl,- i.m.'i",' .md ::.l-trapri tlej braiiichl to Ihe i-oiisiibratiaan ol ihe ilirTrrrna*r?l"*twi*rn llir ho;is.-s, M,n.i whi.h. ?l least. werr nl a awivping and r ,,|,, ,| ,i, i|-.? !???. They ha\e s ica-rribil iu reltliiu ?,, , , ,.,. ; . - ,..| Kicni-ity all Ilie dillic illb*s ihal .? iriM'ii. .m l il* ics ill nl their work hasalready ,?oiiiiurndrd ilsrll ln Ihr % uH rnajorit.V ?t il.. I;,-, iiiii, .ns ?:. bntli hi nu !?'- l* is within |s i.i s,v ihal im repairi niore generaUy s.n ta,.|?r> i-oiild li.ivc I'ccii n.'ivcd upon. Tliewialies ,., :?.i , lu.iiM's : re f/uirly rmlanlird iu t'nc meaaiirr i,. H,. i.,ini ?hi< ii Ii i> iieen linally given t? i'- and ,i pniliiliiy ivllea'is l.'cpnl'ii' ui arnlimenl t.' ? Inr a-r degrrr than .?ilhrr lla* uriuinal lloiiae bill ... mra_ ,,, ,s amrnibil by ihr Srnatr. r:.a. in.-t umrked elmngr rngrafleal on llir llonse i ill is ihe re ipt ...ii v iincii.lnieiit. ln ll* ni.iui. in dealini: wilh ihe larilT sdiclnles proprr, Il.i ferrna-r haa ^>a>' ?.k l? t!i.< lloimr H.iirea: h i th .i suiip'v hrrauae in m in> fralurra ll*r IIoiimi i,,II h is uiairr rrankly awl.rag.ia.|y proiralivi-. II,.- I'liaucra niailr in Ihr bill b> ihe I'onferenne i iiiiiuiiiirr .1-' ativrn in detail in aaither roluniu. ii:,. luoie importani alierations and aiklftlona it ihr various arliealiilrs may, however. !*? briefly iu ili.itc.l und aiimmariznl. Ii,- riiciuicl s, lie.i' noi more ilmri ., |,ii|| iioren iia-w paragiuphs, lltr tiity amendmrnts ,:,,.(,. lo. ihe Srnale proving ratlar iinimportanl. ; ,, , ., . , h| ;> maik* dnlaSblr al :.'? cnts a ponnal , splii 1.,'iwccu llir llouae and Senate atea. lliloraafairiU iclnnins at -'Il n'lltN a poimd-llie Senalr lljsnre. ol liiiirii*e are p:t at ;, i : c.nias i pounal?unolher halving uf ihe diffrr ,.?,',? hrlaeen ll* iwo Imuaea. Kmxseeil or lin w.,-il od retainstl* Srnale rate, 'i' erntaa gallou un advanrr of '? -cnts oo Ihe House Hunres. ln ilie Kartl*nwarr and Ulaoasvarr sebednkl ihrrr is a grueral retiirn lo Ihe lltioae rateo. Ihilia, e.iitlien. st?nc and crockciy wuiea, go I'.. k lo ?? snd ??'> per eenl u>\ valorent, iiiHiend of '.:. and .".<'. The ghasware ckaadfieatiou waa rhaiiged by in<* Senate, and Ihr rates ,.,,, | |.,. old clu.ssi'.icnlioii is restoml, und hkher dniies are r.-sivcd. ln b few inataoees tl?. dntles are eha8fn*il lo simple ad vulorriu r.itcs \ kinhI many BmesHlmenta werr by Uie Sriialr M Ihr Mrlal schodnlc-all in tln* direc iion uf lower dntics, espeelally a.n mannfaetnres ,.t iroii awl alrel. After a hard Bnlil iha> IIouso Pimferrra ubtaiued a n*Uirn t<- II* orifftaal Igarea iu many paraitrapla. Iroo heama, eolussns, etc, ;.,, I.ncl; |o O-lfl ron<, irom s-io. Steel raila ',,. un) al 6-10 cent ii pound. insiead of f,.|ii. Anvils bw made dutiabie at S1-1 (l.Mts a pound. instead ol 2 eentB. (*BS6 hullow-ware Bka foft bark lo 3 rents , |?,uitd, lron -' i-'- ?ent.s. The bifiher Bpojobs rat.-s on'sporliiiH nflcs are lrtained. BJock tin ls pui ?n ihr dutiabie lial ai the Senate raie-l ecafj a pound.after July '? ' -???asrt the product ottiio im n.incs in the L'nlted Staies must exceed :.,0i)0 loiis iu any one year up to 180:., to securc tho retention of this duty. The House yielded in the Wood schedule, and various ivductions on whitc pine in planka, cedar posts, wlnte pine sliinjrles and claplioards. 1'ina rlnplioards are cut dJ8*TB ta Sl from $?' I,..,- 1,1'iin Shinples are ta\ed at 36 rrnte per 1,600, iitstead oi .':.">. I'ickeis aiul paliusni are made dutiabie at 10 jwr cent ad va loicni, instead of :<? The su^ar dulies have been so much diacussed aad the uluin_cs so >vidcl_^ pubiJl_i__c_l aUiaV it. la