Newspaper Page Text
dLtihnm. VOL-L.....NM0,048. NEW-YORK, THUR8DAY, OCTOBER 23, 1890.-TWELVB PAGES. FRICE TRREE CENT8. ROBBED AND ALMOST KILLED ^ tfEW-YORKER'S ENCOUNTER W1TH A 6AVAGB NEGRO ON A LOMEL* NBW-JEMSEY ROAD jBB HIOUWAYMAX SEXDS TWO BULLETS INTO HIS VICTIM, TARF.S H1S Pl'RSE AXD E8CAPFS. Ph.ladelphia. Oct. M.-A .prcial dtopjteh to ? Tbf Le<lp?*r" from Monnt Ilolly. *? J- ^*\jZ d?*rate robbcry and ****** ????*' ?g.g S* Mansfield Township. Burllnft?J, GD?nt?. ??~ year.. wuo ? a ***** *? *? York, and wbo Uve* at No. -1 - York. llls a?*?i!ant was an tmicno " S^J^M^T Vhen his train SSLnLhM hd i? ??' ?? .ot tbc xmprcs JT that S S <*??? tmlna Il. order ? reach hTdcttinntion. He arcordiogly alightcd from b? train and hoarded another ob the Lcwiston branch Thc eonduetor informed 1am of his mis take whcn he saw k* "rkct. an,!- i:P?n ?acl?in? folumbus. Oolsttnc left the train. and. aftcr con ?nltiDC wilh peoplo around thc station as to thc distance. otarted To walK I i Unrliagton. Tbis ?M aboi.i :? o'rlock in thc afternoon. Ookdlnc, Iving on a Ml m tl.e KurliniMn G.unty Iloapital, told ? rcmarkabl? story of bis adventurcs aftcr Icaviug Colun.bus. S?>??n aftcr starting on his joiirney he was over takei bv a colored nmn. wbo cnrried a valiae. They walked alon.; toKClher, and ensrmed in con vensstion. The road M thrnugh a strip of woods. ?nd on thc outs.kir1s thcreof thc nestro askcd Golstino to fumibh witb cliange for a dollar. DiUHfHtH no iMfrr, Golstinc produced bis p?r?e a;id handcd ovcr thc cbangc. Tl.c Mgto phflli a tlollar in Golftioc'l hond and immediateiy olaced biruself in front of bim aud dcmambvl bis nioney. Thc whitc Ui?n rcfused tfcld deanand, whereupon the negro ?npficfl with bira and nttempted to obtaan his purae by forcc. Oolstine is of athlctic build. and wac holding his own witb l.i*? aaaailant whcn thc highwayman suddcnly dirw a revolvcr, and, hold ing it oJoic to his virtim's fncc, pullcd thc trigjjer. Thc bullct cntcrol (iolstinc's month, hiit still hc lipld on to his burly aasailont. when thc ruflian again flrrd, this bnllct Mrlki?g t.olstinc in thc hmd. Hc fcll imoonscious to th> ground, and thc ucjfro. aftcr strahng a wnteh and his pursc eont'iining ?4', fled. Somc farmcrs. travcrsin? the road latc in thc evcninu. dkwovrrrd thc woanded m Jying unconscious in thr road and placiiifc him in a w.u-uu, brooghl bim to thc iiospital hcrc. When tbcv reacbed thc hos pital abovit midnigbt (iolstinc was still uncon? scious. Hc icgaincd eonMiovNicM tbis momini:, but Nva* M wcak trom his? of blood as to bc unable to spcak abovc a whiKper. Dr. I'arsona. thc phvMcian, c.\trnftcd tbc wcowl bullct, whfoh bu<l fiattcncd ?gailWt tbc trontal honc. Thc >>all wbich cntcred thc month is s'ill mbcddcd in tbc hcch part. of tbc throot, tbc doctor not bavinn bccn nldc as yct to rcacb it with hi* ln?tr?mcnH> (iolstinc is in a dangcroui condltion, uutl tbi physicians statc that tbc chanccs arc against his rccovcry. Ofllccrs wbo visit'.-d tlie ulacc whcrc tbc strntr gie occurrcd to-day fmina tbc rccolvpf wbicii tbc ncgro u?cd. A Hurhu^Hii (;<?u..ty Xunner ?-rw>r?? ?>?!?< scvn n Btmnjrc eolorcd mah )iis bon.e "fh? aotcd sii>.|ii^iouaJy. anil thc autbori tic? Ijclicvc thnt is tiu- raan wbo comn.ittcd thc crirac. I'coplc MC ocotlriitg thc ftontltry in all dirccttoM. and it U thonnhl t!u? desp<i.i-.o will soon ic in rnstiidy. Oolrtlnc s.ys he eaiiW idcn tifv 1ns Mcailant. Prwcni >r 3?ibl. i>f tlii* e*?nn ty.haa tnkcn t!ie mait?>r in hand, and >vill civc all thc as?ista:i?c al b.s eoiimand. Tlicrc i? no si.fli nain' in ilic rlty dirertorr a> I.ouis c.<>: t.'.e lKu- i- tnu na'iK- lo l? fonnd in thc girectory o! ! P "t MMrCMC4. IOIt KOBBlSr. HIS EMPLOTAH FOUKIG.V (.OINS TO TIIE AMul'NT OF 5VOC0 ItTOLES IS IIOBOKEX. -Tt.colore Micop.M. of N-. )-'-' l?Tet?>n-iil .. Hefeokcn, a.tlerli f?r Pullrc Commlwloncr HTIIIIaai ftz, ot Hobohcn, w? arrestcg In Ncw-Yorii la^t nlght ehorgH with itbtrfng Mr. I'U. He ?:<v a <lcrk in the onVe ?1 Mr. I'ti, who li Ucfctf *pc;it for iCTeral rdllroad and st"?ins!i!)) co::ipanies. lHuing t!ic aft'-i noon tix> rlnef clcrk. Altx-rt bCMhog. I anie to New York WtM two rolls of inarlts, eat h roll hiipixisod U> oonUin *0(H) worth. Jlo was suiprised lo tind U.nt Inatead of #1.000 he bad but $^00 whcn hc opened the n>liv He hR?tenc<l ba^k to thc offlce and dlscovered tha4 it Iiid bwn r>bb<d of *-?.000 in i:old and sllvcr. mostty forcicn cotna. The pcUoc woec informed. and they leaniKd that Ma^'puot ha4.Rf>nc honic from thc ofltce a;.d liad a ronverwUon with hU wlfc. Thc conversa tl?n ?w overlward by a tcmwit. and it warrantcd thc arrest of the ?0*HM1 as an ?<?< .miplh e. M.e ?M takcu to Toliie ll"a<lqaarters. but rtfuMd to> tell wi.?re Jicr husbaud ha'l ^>ue. Clilef Doovvaa found l.tii. later in New York. ^.v qrim scmcoxzm btxk is coiuuax. Haltinwit;. Oet. U <.?pe?ial>.-Thc big MeMlCff Vlr pinl*. d. Ihc OM Uay Line. Norfolk for thi? citv, ?a* in colH?!on Ihlc ?orning olf the mouth of thc X' llivor. with Uifl tu? Volnntcer, Owlng a icel of Ivc ov-ter m hooMrs. both *c*?ch wete bonni np thc rivcr. Thc roJwitccr ??? stru. k by the bow vi Ihc VirgiaJa .... the .tarhoart aftcr qnarlcr. The blow nm** i"c tng lo ktrcli hca?Hj agatosl the achiwiwr Hanson Haroe*. tinking the bttcr c?*?el No Hvw *trr lo-t. but ti.cre wcra sercral namw c?.ape?. fhe fcarnca ?? valnei at 9Sfif?. and *ai inrt ln*urH. Khe I ad about HOO bu?heN of oyctCW Ifl hoM. Iho prow of th, Virgtnla ?a< i?a?agcg to Um eaten -, tl.(KX). Thc IfWI VCinnteCt N .onMderaMv CMMged. ,?d two of thc othet antef waceh will harc h bc i?..i ?. it wa? Ihc \ irginia ahlen SU2l 'X'the licnjto -hSSS Lonbc hul Ju.y. tausing a hMk of lour Iive?. nrnrnxa thf. i>RH'? of WMO <>il. PM?. ?.:.?-.. ?>ct. ?---?. -Thc Stauda.M 011 OW n? ? prodnrcn of the NoHhwc^tcrn OhM lehlan Sh? bkrh eyc ihK mnl* by .#*. red?.-l ni B.i ?ve oU S 1 S <ots a barrel. the prire now beliiK M Zu ThH ?? the fldrd drop In the tajrhlg ?j.rH ?n.or. U mm of -reat unrest. and II 1- ^.-1) prc CHiter, :?,? other en.ploves will bC tggR^^ cn.pU.yme:;! in Ihc ne.M lx?o ^.V'^i ?,", ?5hS ?? fl.M,?.. |n Ihc produ.t. and tl.c Ojl IBCO ?? of tkm.n, h^ccd. The ?li'*"d8ld',i':^r'tt>r,1l%ees tit. U.e %liualh?, and BMhca ^uth tern.s as u ?w r?g jtKW49UJun askassisatws. NC Urtean? Urt. tl-Acttaf Chief of PMteC Journc * the rottrc ... the Hennessey aa?aaiInatlon ?-. ?hMI labhOC. that the gnfllf n,en arc ??*?* nagct atr?l aM the eviden.c to <****?*** " afecaty .? ||--T-o< the offlte.,. Tl.e.c ma, bc ? few mm u.moportant corroboraUvc fact> ??????? ,p. bu, the arc ?**** with tkt Jrt-?JJ^thej Next Tuecday is the day Kcd ?ij" *" .', of dOttettrc. .111 be .t-ady to go into **}*^***" tlie fifb-en ...en now under H^-JKMtSSS aw rhargcd direetly wuh the murder. whOc uie aww rhartcd with beiai acccecettoi both bcfore a..o tiw act _ ?-?~ BTABBED TBE MAS THAT DID HIM A *r*D**'* Port Haron. Mlch.. Oct. 22.-A man n'""*|tff*" mm M aKM at thc kwcta of W> 0W?J wealthy taimcr living neur -n.lth CrceK, bi? tot a of watcr. It ?a. glven UiOK ?^W^ kr. o-Ha?'a ba?k was Uirncd PcUctt tt^bbcd him ?cverml Uu.e*. Mra. O'Hara UUerlered. and "?" brutuiy pounded and stabbod. Nelghbor*. licannR tt< aoUc. ru,hed In. but Pellett eW?1-" ZE*?. huU. Mi. and Mr?. O'Hara will dle of ^lrJ^. Bdhbco vm uadoubtodiy *J.c caaaa of ttoe onmc. TORIJES BEXTEN IN ECCLES. THE GLADSTOXIAN CANTHDATE ELECTED TO PARLIAMENT. ROBT'g MAJOIUTY OVER EOERTOX 206-A VOTE OAI2TKD IN THE HOUHE OF COMMON8 FOB HOME RfLE. London, Oot. 2t."?The Parliamentary election in tbe Frelen diylsion of Lnneashire to-day reaulted in a viotory for the Glarlstoniaiw. Mr. Roby, the Liberal candldate. received 4,901 votee, and Mr. Egerton, Conaervative, 4,0!iG. In the preceding election the Liberal candidate received 3,985 and the Conaervative 4,277. BIRCHALL TRIES TO EXPLATJf. A0COINTIXO FOR HIS MOVF.MF.XTS OX THE DAY OF BF.NWr.U'S MCRDER. Toronto, Ont., Ocfc 22.?"The GlobC to-day pub ROie? what It ralls ati IwlatTll of Blrrhall llterature, prepered by hlmsclf, and Mffi It lia* nothintfto do wltli the antbbiography whlrh he N said to be lntent upon. The dorumenta show tliat Hirrhall Is cndeavorlng ll formulate a theory that would be conslstent wlth liis innocenre of tbe chargo of murder. But in dolng thls he liad to admtt that he meant to hare swlndled Oolonel Benwell. He aKo fmmd it neresssry to Invent tlie flctlon that young Benwell was in the plot. Never theless, his verslon of Wfcnt loOk plare, ecperlnlly on the day of the murder. Mnrredible. Benwell, be says, jent with hltn to Evtwood on that day. It was arranged between them that Iienwell should go from tliere to see eertain persons at and near WootUtoek, to whom Rlrrhnll Ivad gjven tiltn letters of Introductlon. Benwell wat to mako ihein bclieve that he wanted to buy a farm. This <lone. the Iwo were to return to Kastwood, and th'n to the Falls and Renwell was tn send a cable dJapatrk to his father that every thlng was straight. When the money. the ?:>?>. ar rived they were to divide It. Meanwhllc I'elly wa? to be thrust into tUe lir-t Job tliat offered. Tliis wa* all lie was to pet f<tr the ?1(10 he liad pnld to Hirrhall. Ilut Benwell nevr rame bark to \Vood?.tock. Blrrhall walted for him at a trystlng place ouUlde tho town. and flnaliv condnded that he had nol. met with a fvlendlv rerepiion at tli* hand- of penona to whom hc had iVrn sent. aii'l tliat he Imd fono on to other?. Aerordlnglv. Hirnha'I to >k the affrnooii train fnr llaui tlton tktnklng that Renwell might orertake him there on another train. A train did not roinr;. and ?o Hirrhall wont on to the F-?IK and wnited thei-e and then pr >eeed d t > Haffalo. He admlt- that in (tring fcow tlie outoKiiis of WuoiUtoek to the nulwuy ne rtid hia best to pass unnl-erved, explalnlng thli CODdnd in a somewhat ?BMtlafartofJf way. OOl.DWIX RMITI1 OS THE MrKIXI.EY DILL. Torotito. i?it. '"t. ?2.?OoMvIn Bmllh, in dl? ru?la? the MrKlnh-y aet, aaya the agltatlon r,vatr<t In Oreat hfttaln and other roantriM of Ennope bjr IliU t^nie (iiicht I" I.ave coi.viiired llie C;\!i;idlans that it is not partiddarly levelled n?aini?t Canada, and that therefore then- ll no wnrmnt or esrnso for un frtendlr demonatfatton* ?imtnat a netghboHag eon mnnllT wltli whii h the Qu-cn is ;it PCOee. The oi' Ject. ln> -MV-. <?f th'' fninx'i-- ol the MrKinlev art, liV that of th- criimdiiui i;.ivernment. vrhlrh anttcipated the pu"in^ of ihe MrKlnley art 'y a deelaiatton of a larifl v.;u. I? ?lmph to seenre vote*. LH Rorope ??d ranada rnlt for ihe n--ult of tbe fall efertloni t-> Cwi yrOM wiinh aiv now at hnnd. Tlie n^tiit of tlnM) eio<timi- ?iii si.ow *o far rs proterttonli.t rormptton nil! allow frec roting what h 'he re:il tendenry <>; Amerii m oplnion. Tbew i-. ?tronj; rraM?ii |ii belleve that eveii amnng the R>puhllran? In t'nnffsB. who B?vc ,i party vole In hvor of the blll, there aie many who thouaht it a M** naove. - ? ? HGME6 FOR <;ERM.\N WcKKlNCMEX. Beriin. <?rt. 22.?The "ReJehsanaelBer" to-day an nounres that owlng to a lark of funn- the Oovem nient is abUged to derttoe mohlng loani to eewpanlei ?*o as to nn*l>!e theoi to build dwelHngs for WorkaMR. naron von Berlepsrh, Pni?Khvn MlnUter of Commeree. Mgai " Whlle the fkwnawH Joyfully wwlromes ali oirorts in the dlm-tion of provldlnp linproved dwelMnga for tlie worhlnenien. It nnust on prlmlple de^line to *<sist kalMIng rompantea fr':n the roffen of the stat?'. eaperially a? it Is ronlMrnl that there is tnflrient :-^]iitHl and latbli'' ^P'rit In r.<-rlin lo form" whlcli wili be eontenl wiih ni^erat'' )j]i>iI1^." Tbe RorlolUt* t-illi of formloB a hur au to Inqulre Into the elp?iin?tane<vi of the worklnumen. I' I- said lhal llen- llebel ?i:i t^- pre*lden( of the bnreau, -?. KA('IN(i |N EXtJLAXD. London, <><t. 22.?The niec for the Cambridgeahlra ? taiifs wai rnn iii th ? Newmarhet llonphton meetlng ti-day. Tli<' ne wns won by M. RphniMl'a threr yrar-oM i.llv Alirante. Captaln MarhellN three-yeaiMiM rfc^tnut ">lt Relmnnf wa? wrond. ;md (.. Maaterman'it Ihree-yetir?>M bajf rolt Tostlg third. Th<Te were twentj nlne ?t?rter?, The l.i-t bettlng wns u ty ?-' agalnM Allranta, -'?> to i againM IVlmont, and 'i io l agaln*t ToKttg. Uvrrpool, t'rt. 22.?Shorth- l*forr llie rai-e for th Caailiridgeahire >tahe- w;t~ nm ;it Newmarket to-day Uie poiiie madc a raid npon ? mmiier of bettlng rlub.i in thli cltv .ind nrre?ted 3?ki |*r*onK. Amonc the prtsnners were utme of the proiuliienl men of UverpeoL ? _ ^ ? (RF.DITolts OF FIRLR A f"0. MEET. I/ondon. (irt. ?.'!>.?A meetlng of ilw riedllori ot Jaine* II. Kield A; (o.. the baakera who reeeollJF fled Uie rountry, whk lielrt t')da.v. The rwelver ap potnted by ike liaakraptry Conrt annownred that tho toUl amoimt r'ali/.<-d fi-in the a-sei-. d the tiiin was C180. The meetlng adopted a aaggeatlon made bv the m-fiver that the rrsdltora anbwribe a fand for ihe parpo*e of provlng t.ile to Ihe anm of CfltOOO, agaiti-i whirk amoant ? <!raft had brcn drawn and pro?ented for paywenl In New-York, but the paymenf of whhli i?m1 Lcen *topped. DRCL1NB OF CAUADIAS PIIIPPIXO. MontreaL (M-t, 22.?It 1-. now twclve ycars ainre a ahlp ha> lefl thls j>ort for Engla<id In bal'.ast, but th ? Khlp Ruby i- In t!iut poaitlon, ber .tcent-. Iiavtng be^n unable to obtaln, elther In Montreul or Qoeber, a rargo ahlrb wonld pay for louding and nnloudlng. >hc wlll Ibcrcforc bave to po lirli In talla-t to the Itriti-h Channel, wlierc ?he wlll 1 ad r<ad f.>r the Kbite Rl?er. Th* oatlook for Ihe Cauadlitn ahtpping ti-ade i? anproniUln; THE NBW FlIEXt ll TAR1FF B1LL. Pari*. Ori. 22.-The new Tarlll blll \\\\\ be l??oed lo the Uiputic- on haturday. Flax and hemp tue mado Iree f;<ni duty. ?AgrlrnMural prodactn ara placod in |wo ratagoricT- the Br*l eoin.UtliiK <>f rereala. Uve> sto?K and in?at. and going undcr a niaximiim tarifl. Inplying tliat they wu.t be lueluded In any ireaty; all other ?rodnrta going under h minlmuni tantr and bemp avaflable for treatjr purpoae*. "Jereral Uepntie* Inteiid to demand tbs M?ppres?lon of the inmltnum rategory. AI.I.OWEI) TO tELL I1F.R FIiSIl IN' CAXADA. Ottawa, ont.. Oet* ?-??J.-Tiie L'oUertor at Lorkpott, X. s.. telegtaphed to Mlni-ter Topper yeaterdaj that tlie Fortland. Me., tWhinp aehooner (iear/ie Wlllard, whieh docs not poaaeaa ? m..d-is vivendl Ueenae, is ashore at that pnlllt, and a-klng permi-Mon for tho capuin to sell his rargo of freah ??h, whlrk woold otberwHe arolL The MlnWer gave th?> nrre???ry perinivMon. bnl sahl tliat the ca?c- was Dtft U> bc iou Mdcixd a. a prcdxb.m. UXUSUAL HOXOR8 Tn (<HXT VOX MOLTKE. Ilerlln. Oc*. Ii2.-Thc Kmpcroi h:>- ordered that the eolois of nll the repimentN lu iicrlln be bnniplit U the howe of t'ount von Moltke M Sunday. Thls dis liaetlaa has aarer before been aceorded to a Oeraan i?lt|ert. Riperor winiam, ihe Klng of Haaony, the t.ianii Duke of lles-e and ?everal petoeea Wlll go in a bodv to Coaat von Moltke's bonae to convcy the eon gratuliitlons of the arniy and navy. A MEMBER OF P.MU.IAMEXT HL London, ort. 22.?Jaatex Laaraace Carew, meml>er of tfie MOMI of ( otrinoni f jr North Kildar.', is aen outly III A RA1LWAY TO MOL'XT KILIMA-XJAIIO. Berlin, Ort. 22.-The ?Tagcblatf t,ays that the tui ds f>r the (oi.stnirtion of a railway fiom I'anjatd. ^t Afrlea, to Moutit Klllnii NJaJ-o have been ?coured. BARONEvS ALP1IONKE BOTlttCHlU) EOBBED. Paris Oct. 22.-l>uriii6 a reeent Journey Barone*i , Alphonse Roth^rhlld wo* mbbed of Jewelry valued at , C0.000 francs. _, - CAKDIXAL A1.IMUXDA UY1XG. e 0ct. 22.?Cardlnal AUmonda, AichbUhop of Tnrin. i? dylng. , Fl'NERAL OF OAITAIX Bt ItToN. THacte Ort 22.-Thc funeral of Captaln Burton, the j travSur/wuf heW tfl-day and waa aUended by the Govemor, memben of the Mnnidnal CoundV foretgn consnli and a number of mUltary and neval offlcera. THE TIPPERABY PROSECUTIOWS. SIMMOK8M WITHDRAWN-MR. BHEEHY TAKBW TO CLONMEL JAIU TIpperary, Oct 2?-The poMce tnmma?w ???* agoinst Mr. Harri+.a, Member ot the llonae of Cora tnon* for the middle dlvuion of Ttpperary, and other on chargea growtng out of the dlaturbnncee that ocftirred at tlie court-honae hero at the opening of the eonaplracy c.~,?*. have been wlthdrawa Upon belng informed of the withdrawal of the aammonsgg. V. B. Dlllon. connsel for Mr. Ilarrt*on nnd the others agalnst whom the itimmonM) had been Issned, wrote a letter to Oc.rge Bolton, of rounwd for tho proaecutlon, In whlch he saJd: " I aceept thltt a* an admiasion on the part of Mr. Bolfonr of the trnth of my rontenllon that aftcr hta Ncwcaatlu spceeh lt would be impo*?lble to socnre even the semhlance of a fnlr trlal for tlie acrusod men. Con rernlng the Intlmation inntained ln yonr letter notlf.v Ing me of tbe withdrawal of the ?ummonscs. that other proreedlngs wlll be token npdnU my rlier.M b> the Govcrnment, I 'would say thut I shall tahe rare tliat olhor procecdlng* nre Instltnted forthwith to Jiavc the rondnrt of tlie p<Mlce on the occaslon ln nue'tion eon stitutioiiaiiy taWatlgated." Davld Sheehy. Mentber ot the House of Commons for Soutli oalway, who U one of the drfendanU on trlal here on the charpe of r0n<plraey. and who waj jC'ferdav ndjudpod gulltv of eontempt of rourt ann lentenred to onc weefCa impiisonmeut, wa? laly" '' dav under a utronp cscrt liom U.l* p.are ?? lao Clonmel Jail, wuerc he will servc lui aeutenre. THE BOl'LAXGIST REVELATIOXS. Parls. Ort. 22.-The '? Flgaro" to-day jmbh^stne la-st InsUlment of It* aerles of artlrle* cntltled Les Coullsses de lJonlangism.?? The artble whlrh appear* todav states that aftor the reverMW snlTered by the HoulanplRts at Uie laat geoeral eleetlea for men.bers of the Cliamber of Ueputies oeneral lUmlenger wl*'|c'J to flec to Amerlra. M. Roekefort, however, perMinded him to go to tho Island of Jeraey }^JBt1JS m eludlng its HtirhM the " Flparo" s:,ys f^*JS/22 Usiied ln good falth, wlth the objeet of expoung tno knavery of Gcuerai Poiilinpt . ?_,_,. The " Dlx-Xeuvien.e .Sicne" ptfbllfhM I onWWrt aeeoani of his pertonal expewee. Afi.-r derW l that he loat the whole of his aavlng* afterpaftog ^?**f * debts. bnMea ioo.oi*7 franea for ^-^iJBVm vasio, of fJermaojr." he ,ays he Mrrifleed tlir! re rIng pTnMon and an offer of l?0O.f?0O for a kctnro lour In Amerlea. He denlea that he ^SStLttJTu DnrtaM dt'aea or Rarm Markau for !"onr>;Mh,'^VH vague as to the orlgln of hli reaoort 0?. Me cbatkngei. his arruacrs to glve an arrount of bow theya*enred thett rlrhe*. and "o *how that they have made surh BM rt fiees as he has made. ORIGIX DF A l'Ro SLAVF.RY RfMOR. Dcrlln. ort. 82.-The " Relrhsan/.eiger-' to.lav P?b an exphwallon of the orlgln of the rerent re port that the oenaan adrnfal-tt-llon at Baganoyo had i^ued o derree aathorialnn ahwery. it ?eeai- '=' \rabs had aenf a pctltlon to the (Jermans aaWng tlu. fa.llltles be given for the aale of slaves. Ofl ItM prot.f.d that otheralae they would be anabto lo <""]v*to *'^ devaatated tanda. In wme way ? ropy of the petit.on berame po-ted as ? prorlanation and upon thi- were b-i-ed tbe false acraaathma made ngainat the Oermana. rt?. nritish Con?ni at Kanslbar, Ihoagh knoalng Ihe ".;:.,,.! rr'V'n.ible f.r tho rkargea. deettned lo dH i ii.^c tiipir names. ^ _ THF PORTSMOITH XAV.M. BQl'ADRO*. london. oet. 23.-ller Majeaty* fhlp Cami?rdown, YireAdmiral sir Mlehael r*lme-*eymoiir romaand l?. Mitied Searborongh for Port??o?th loday. f?r"thL. pnrpo,. of pkring ln the hoapltol -t th^latter rtaee the m. n who were Injared by the aBpptag of Ihe nnrhor rable whlle the -mp waa prepartng lo Z to sea from *?rbor?wgb ln the rerent hcavj cale |?cre The other vch^Is of the fleet whlrh werealso ,-ompelled to allp thdr encbon. to esrape tbe dkingcr plmod in rerovering tl.c l?t an.l.o... -?l-' DERViPiiF*"karEi> ano rAin-r.^D. RMUm. oet. 22,-One hun-ired f^J^^ wero ratdlng ratth b>day. were attarked bj thj Cnptlnn n.valry. geVen drrvi.h.s ?ere kilkd and a number were Uken Pri^flne[%ietwMn ^no.-i and ?,e Mahdl hexperted to Uke pbwe .hortly at Omdar man. PROPOglXfl To T\X FOREIGNERS IN KA;'^ I-aris. ort. 22.-The member, of Ihe partjr -f be ,>,,.,< ,? the Chaabrr of l)epntlw win hoM a ineetlns a d,ww. . propoaul t? Phwe a pdl Uw on ??"?^; T be objen of the pn.>l ?o levy N?rh a t? is to '',., fn .eruring an e,|ulllhrtnm ln the recelpti and expenditarea of the Government _ -? ? A ORAP1I1TE MIXE IX CtfBA. ?ilVi,na. Ort. I-.- or.phib- ha> ...-e.. dSrovered near ganetl Rplrthu. and ihe ownert of the mlne Intend lo bedn worklng Immedlatelj in ronnedlon wltb awne A^ean rapltalUta. a. the m.neral. whh-h J.ja^good M tbal of siberla. ran be ?dvantageaaaly dtajHwcd of in the t'niied btatea. A FRE5CH I.OA.v To A M.VDRID HANK. Uadrid ort. -j-'.-The Uank of Kpeln baa rontrarted with the'itank of Parls for a three iwntha' loan <>t 10O.OO0AW franrs. The s^rnritv plven for the loan by the Uank of Spaln ronslsts of aMoen.ablc gpMdM 4 per cent bonds. _ GERMAXY -VXD TMK TARllF. Berlin, Ort. Cii. It Is Bndet?tood that offlrlal Inaalrtea are belng made to a<rertaln whether good* whi.h have MtlKrto i-f-ii oWolncd from Americe ran be imported from other roantrles. DISESTABUSilMEXT IX fCOTLAXD. Edinburgh, o.t. 22.-Mr. Uladrtone to day had a prtvte ro?f,renre wlth a nun.b-r of Seotrh -?"brr< ,f the ltou?e nl iVmnion* on the ;mt~.tlon of the Dl* "tiblisli.uentof f.cdi.rr;, ofsofard. RECOGXIZED BY ITALY. Kome ort. 82.-ltaly has rerognlsed the Govcrn rnent of the Inlted state- of BraalL OrFtCEBS OF TBE IWtDOW OUM AUOCIATIOS. rhltaco ort 22.?The memben <>f the Wlndow oia-? Manufa-tu'-vrs-'A-Hlatio,,. who hrld a I-'i-inary m-tlng ln thl? <ity aereral weeka ago. eonvoned agaln ?eVtcrdai The foUowIng offlren were He. ted : Ja.? a Chaabera, Pliubnrg. piwldeni; Thoma^ F. Hart. Mnnrle, Ind.. vi.-c prealdenl: WUllam Loeffler. Wtts ,??.? ireaoarer; o. F. Fraacc. Chlrago, aeeretaiT. " v.a, dedded that the general oforea of the tompaay ni.iii be in Plitabarfi The rrport of the udn.lnl-tr'tors who have had rharge of ,be operatton? 1 the Amerimn Wlndow (ila?Jom Mnr-erganlsed to tabe eharge uf the ontpnt of tbe fartories In the ronibination-ran.e before Ihe meeUlig .1!ld wa. dKpoaed of after a ahort dlaraaalon. The medlof apeiit nearty B?e bour* in endeavorlni lo aoive the problem of bow to get tboae pIhss manafarwrm who at pitaent are not .mbew of the rombtnaUoa ,.:.,,!,. its ranka. The Cellna oii.-s Company Is aiider t i ., b. t!.? rh.ef oppunenl of the tro?t. Tha nueSlon of priren did not rome up. lt is gililMM that the niatter wu> *etUed ai ihe laat ?eetlnf A CFXTESAKY FOR COIMED HM'TIsTS. The Xew-Lu;ht )iapti-t chunh Borlety, eoaihrtlBg of the New-Light Rapthtl Churrh. of We^tbury. Bldge WOOd and .lerlrho. U I.. ralebnted the ?ne hutidredth annlTeraarf oJ its orgaolfaflofi ye*terday. Exef^hw irere held In the Wo-tbtny Cbarcb, and the IRtle rltlage wae nii"d with eolored peoplt from all owr Uie laland wha raaae to tak<- p..rt in n.e eaerdaea. The tir-t ierrleea of ihe toelety, wUi l. were held at Ihe houses of the different members, wa< in the sprlnp of 171K). In 171.5 iho tlrst rl.urrh wus built, and the R''V. John llewletl was the IM pa-tor. A DKMAXD FOR TUF. FRASKUS Fl'SD. Bo*ton. Oct 22.-The Aldermen have informed the MmailinaetH Hc^pitai l.ifc Inaara&ce Oowpaay that. i.t Ihe end of si\ montl.s. tho < Ity wlll call ??OB R to turn over the and Inlciest of the Kraii?lln Iiind, which now a.nounS |o KMMjOQO. The klW r.' (juires that thls term of notiee ihall be *i rve-t. A? yct no atlaiklial baa been plarad on tbe fnnd< hore. -...d lt l? the oulnion of the trunteei that BOthlBl: wUI be doue a? to fesal proeeedlaga by tlie helrs untll Uie lmiladelplila ?U!t I- settled. -? SrTE OF TUF. UOISE Of RLFVOF. FOR WOVES. Alblon, X. Y., ort. 89 (Spcrlalt.-The (ommlit?e, BB Locatlon of the Slate House of for Womei. to day unaulmouily decidod on Aihiou aa tbe proper ifigfk MANY RAILROAD WRECKS. 8IX UVUS LOST W A SMASHITP ON THE CINCINNATI aOUTHEBN. TWO PXR80VI KIIXBO AWD MAKT IXJtTRKD RRAR BIRM1NOHAM, ALA.-ACCIDENT TO A ROCK IRLAXD TRAIX. OlnMnnatl. Oct. 22 -A dl?astrm.? rnllitlon necvrrcd at 4:40 thls mornlur on thc Cinclnnati Soathern Rail way. in a tunnel a qnarter of a ralle north of Sloan't Valley ttatlon, between frelght train Xo. 22. north t>onnd. and pa?*enger tT*in Xo. 5, aoatiibound. Tho latter train letrca Cinclnnati at a p. m. Another paacm ger train learea Clnrlnnatl an honr cariler. Both of ttese train* were held at Bomerset. Ky.. two ho.irs or more on arrount of n frelght wrerk. Whcn tho trark waa c.lear thc foremoat Clnclnnntl train started cmt from Somerset first, and met and pasaed snfely a north bound train. Then, at a ?efe dlatanre behind It, train No. 5 started ont. At thU tlrne frcljht tmln Xo. 22, northbound. was sldetrocfced at Sloon's Valley. When the first ClnrJnrtatl train paaced aouth the rrew of the frelght train app*ar to have nverlooked Uve faet that Ro. B was to follow. und they polled ouf nnd startod northword. Leas tlian a quarter of a rnile awav they entered a tnnncl, whirh k one-stxth of a mtlc lonir. In thc most helplesa ploce in whlrh tralnmen cver met denth, the engtiica of the two tralns dashod tnt> eaeh otlirr and the cara followlng Jamn.ed together. Then rame tlw added horror of flre. Fortunately the passcnger train had not entlrcly gonn into the tnnnel when tlie rra*h came, and so the three aleeplng-rar* whbh ald not leive thc tmrks scrvod as a mcaus of csrape for thc pROsengere. Th""?e sleepen were detr.ched and drawn away from the bunilng train, but the bnggajre rar, mall car and two other coechea were slx pcrson* were klllrd In th* rolllslon and firc, alt of then. tralnmen. Thelr names are: Deegoa, t'. T... ]>o?tal rlcrk, marrb-d, cinclnnatt. ? ioiiM, t. I,., flr-Miian, I.udlow, K.r. Monteomcry. John F., Albany, N. Y. l'ln.pott, Jcil.n. c/iplnrer, Detrolt. Rttflacr, E<lw?rd 1'., eiprens Bcaaaafcr, marrlrd, Cincin? nati. Wetah, ?. tlreimn. Somor?ft, Ky. The Injnred are: Pat Taylor, englnecr, Somersct, Ky.: .t. <?. (hiyle. po^tal clerk, Cimlnnati: John R. Lonir. haggage ma-stcr. Ncwport. Ky.. aM tralnmen, and theso pamengers: W. D. Wbeeler. .Ww-Orleans, In chargc of a muaenm freak known as " Wlld Rosc," both ahghtty Injnred; Miss ollle tfctt.v. Payton, Teni... and Areh Mnr,ihy. Madleofj Connty. Indlana. The pa*sen pers vm able to walU over the hlll to the train, and rcM.rncd th.'lr ] At 11 o'clock to-day the hent aml smoke were so In ten-e that it was Inipo-sible 10 cleir up the tunnel. The gencml managcr, Mr. Carroll, left lx-re by thls morn!ng*a Iralo f>r Ihc acenc, and wtu persorwiiy iiirert whaterer is neecanary to bc d<.ne. Itirmlngham, Ala.. <?.t. 82.?In a collMnn on the Kan^a* Cttjr, McmphN and lllrmlnghan Raitroad at Bnsley City. two mlles from heic, at 10::iO la^t alght, two Mcn wcte killed and a Bnmber Injnred norsor less kcretrly. ,Thf d'od a>d w.unicl were br.mgiit to lhl< i ity ;il a late hour. Thc dca<l are: I. l>- Planklln, drnnmer. ol Na-h rlUe, and J.>im Kllllan, flreman. Thr wonnded are: itcorgt W. DavK shclt Mound, Icg broken, badly Imrt; Mrs. P. R. Wagoner, Ureen vlll;\ g. C.: Ai.nle an?l Mattb- Wagoner, Dinc and four tcen years oid, danghtcM ol Mr^. Wag.ner, sraMed, but not aangcrotuly; E. P. Botc, Lyno, Ala., rtghl arm and lec broken; OeorfB Reard, N'anvoo, Ala.; J. R. fHrcna, Weatflcid, h'. C: ?'? M. Rockniore, Ja<per, Ala.; ,i. E. MIM-, W'-ttifll. N. P.: R. !"?? Sander*. Jaapcr, Ala.; ?'. Y. Tynnell, Scw-oricam: J. A. Taylor, M?g iiuh.i, Aiii.: w. \v. Planalgan, Ueniphls; \v. ('. Iiurton. Conlova. Ala.: .1. M. Reard, Xauroo, Ala.: the Rcv. (i. Stnith. .ta-pcr. Ala.; l)r. Sanford. Hot Barlnga, Ark.; o. L. lllil. nirmlngbae>, allghtly hurt: R. M. Long, Cor tlova, Aia.: >I. S. XOWnley and Walter Townley. of ToCailey. Alavi Mtaw Salhe inrt Mlas lda bau^.lon. and F. M. l.angiton. of (iallouay. Aln.: Wllllam Wllllams, rarbon lllll: Mra. Poatcr, wifc of thc rallroa.! agent at BnUigent, and bi>y, n.uue nnknowa, sUghtly Injnred. Tho an Idcnl bappened In thli way : The Kaasaa City p:u--engpr train due to 1-ave at '?> p. m. wa.s an hoar luie owlng lo a walt for ti.e Ocorgla PaclBc train. Thc aleeper for ihc Kansa* <ity train had not bceii at tarbed, but ahen Ihc Heorgia VvWt train.arrlved thc dCf-nmaaicr aigtudled to thc Kan4aa riiy train t? rcl 1 out "f the aay. Thc rnndnctor of the Ka:i...s c:iv ii-H.ii. was on thc ileepcr, Iml thc englnecr. John Uua K'll, of the Kansaa I'ily Iraln. .uulfi-t' ?>?: the depoi mastcr'n aigtial i<> g . ahcad aml palled onl fbr Xemphla. lic arrlwd ai Rn?lry City beforo bc dlscorered that \v h:.d lift iK'hind the -leeix-r nnd th?- rondurtor. He Im mcdlately alarted laitc t?> Rirmlngham at Ihc ni<- of loriy nillc, an h?Mtr. Tnc Iraln uad not gonc h.h a n.ile wli?n, nm.idii.g a rurve, h ?-n? run into by an ,>utp?|iiff frelghl train. The r crhca of the rctnmlng pnascngcr train were -tclc^ iped" In u irlghtfal man ner. Killian, ? dn'man. rlm au? killed, ?;., nut un the ''ii^inc. but wa? l.i u pu?4Ci.g?>r roarh on ht, ?;.>? td \nirrv. >ll?s.. uii to h" ?:.- tn bc murrled U> morrow. The iiii!in>' for tlw aeeMeiil li pnt wholly on the enfrineer, Fhartcx Ru?m>II, ol Ui> p:.ikit tr.iiu. whj. pilllid ont wlt'ioul )>n>|).f ordVri ..nd then utidertooU to Larh hvc or ?i\ n.lli. arlthoul iseertai.lng wbethcr the truck wa-< elear. II" haa not bc. n hcard from. KWMM nty, Mo., i'?t 22.?A -etlim, t.ll end wrcrk oeenrred Ihla morning at t :::o o'clock on thc Fnlon Parlfk Railrag^ on.- mlle and a half wc?t of Armoardale, a anhnrb of tMs <ity. in whirh ninc jmt mhis were sciou^ly injurcd. and thc englnecr of the Roch laland train fatatly. The Roeh l>land n-o-; tnc Inlon l*u. itir Irarka Into the tlfy. An easthonnd fn'iKht. whirh leove) Ihc atatlon b-fire the Cnlon Paclflc paanengcr train, wa? dclaytd ncar the siene <t the a'tld'-nt thla mornlng, and, a< then- waa a heavy fo^r. torpedOM were ptocrd on the traeh to warn tho loHowing train. The pOMCugcr eugineer. wata-d b\ Ihc lorpeguc?i itopped bla Iraln, and befcre a flagmon conM bc -??uf back t . warn thc rn?tboand Korii lakuid Irmln \>-.~ MIowIiik, .!.<? R??v.i UUnd tmln i-raahed Intai Ihc Walhvna, .. 1' ^IcrpiuRcar ?>( Hie rnlou Parlttc train. The Roek I-danJ cuguic waa lompletcly wrecked, aud th" ciigtnecr waa baricd un dcr Ihc rnlnc *rii ? nivman |timped and aarca hi> bfe. but hc la ??veicly brnlccd. mc damage u e timated ul gthtOOO. , ? ? , Thc followluc are llw Injnred: Patrlck ' iillcn. Roca uiaud cngl.r. l.w- lu Tuprka nud has n wtfr> and iwii ihildiMi he aiU die: John ? uir. a IC<>-k I~land Mrcnian, fcartured jaa and Intenwl injniwv-: Edwurl jaiks??n irolorrd., ..f Rdwardavllle. kun.. bo.h legs brlnv. |hc; 3. II. llrayaon. Ihillman ron? durtor: .1. K. Kliuiey, of Chlrago: J. A. U?|nhire. ol l.ln.oln. N'-b.: John Dri-toii, (MCqua, kan^. Ic.t lea ? broken lidow the kuew: C. J. Avcrie. Kwrliign>ld. Ul.. snecli.l agent of ths C'cnsnc Imrean, t.a< u apralncd and 1 brulsed. ' 'fhc Injnred were ta;;en to thc hhtcrs' Ho, | l'ital. _^_ PRKPARINC Vtm AXOTHRR DWAKIWfc libcttv Mo., Orl. 22.?Ocorge Kmlth, of place, witi'ic walklng on Ihc trach ol the Chlrago. DnrKngton and Qnlnrt Rallway nea:- hcre. -u.pri-ed fonr nen at I worl engaged in kaxcmni the mUc Ite Intomed tho poitre hnt thc wraM-ba wreefcera had diaappcar-d ' whcn they arrlred oo thc grannd. They were erMcntly arcparlog to shlfl the ratta In otdcr to wieeh the Rar IImcIou pa?*ngerdreln. There h grenl exeHcinent In IhU mrallty o?-cr thc dl-ovcry. and it I. pwUy In rfcaacd by thc rynlt of the '"^"^^fZwu thr t'hlraao Mllwaul. a:.<l at Pi.ul wreca. wnuu proved that it waa arcontplHhed by Iraln wrcekera. rf:; ovf.i: and kiu.ed ry tiik cars. AUaata. ?.a.. ort 22.- A Rome apoclal to -Th Conatitnllon^ aaya: "A IcrHWi arrldenl orcarred oti tlw Une of the rhattaoooga, Ktu. ? and ColambUi I.all road thli mornlng. Four perwna were kttled. A -uthbound pa-cngcr tral-i lefl Ihatlnn-joga on Hme eod ?as rannlng at a notcrntc rate nf ipccd. ap ! hroaehlng Chi.kanmugn. as Ihe train dashed ont <? a ,.... a itimad wagon ?a< upon a rroaalag., Theonglne V..V tK wagon Md killed J. W. Jenh n> Ide wIfe a." I.aby, and Mrs. Jamea Howniau. all of \\ull?T <.'? uniy." ?? 4 WOMJUTi BYKSTrCL BUStSESS CUtEER. rhieago ?>r?. 22.-Wllllam J. Rotd., of Rcw-BcdfOrd. Ma.,p ?f the dcfcndat.ta in the snlt broaght bf Mra "llannah Kate OwHte RlrhmoudWcot (ireen. in the ClicnH CawH of Cook County. agnlact the Wbxoo.lo Lcnd and Zinc Company ct al? for co..iPlra.y to do fru.d nas tilcd a rraea blll. Mr*. Orccn'a honw; Is at Fa,t ItaaaPtoa. Ma-ss.. and thc foOowtag brief o'f hcr eaicar l* extrarted froia the nnCWCT fllcd by ?Cwaid O. Lcaapnekf, another of thc dcfendania In het suit Couiplalnant Ls atHjnt forty clght ycara of mm fakc has DCCn three Hme* murrled and onro dUorred: has bcen . P-dle fil^capearlan re^er rtder tlie condud of a kttCCgCr; has hCOght and aod llai llT MA* and gghg?i hgC denlt oxt,na.vely 2TIi \**1 la b-ad and rikc mli.iiie i.U*-h*; has oflen Une*- lrte.? tn ??"?' . nilnltitt ronipanle* haa orgMlcrdjm*.**, gfjj nn;nf,ai and boatoeae ooerated ?nrh KSXm. ****** ?A ****? 1" relailona with haiiii r?. ? j t|M! We,t; ycwTcjk_an4Jg*JS5 ??^r ^mu: ba* been on THE B. M. R. 0. IN LINE. THEY IND0BS1 THE FUSION TICKET. MO OTHER COUR8I OPU TO HOKORABLE Cm 2EX8-A VNANIMOUS RESOLVH Tbe Bnsineas Men's Repnblloan OrgeoIJaUoa haa uken ita gtand betWe the other good etttBena of New-Vork who h?T? deeiarad that manteipai reform ii tbe paramonitt iseue ln the pendlng can? paign, and laat erening they unanlmoualy in daraed the People'a tieket. This ts the decielon of the Campaign Comxalttee of the organlaation, after a full and free interohange of eentiment The meetlng waa .held at the oommlttee'a bead quartera, ln the Oliio Soclety Rooms. No. 23fi Flfth-aye. Abram Wakeman, jr., prrelded, and Charlea D. Sweeny waa secrctary, and a rall of the roll ahowed that every Aseeiubly Distriot in tbe organizotlon waa repreaented. Before the actual buaineas whieh catled thejojh vention togetlier wna entered upon C'olonel VN lll iam L Strong, who had nfclgnod his positien as ehairman and his memberahip in tlie committec d.irtng the turmoil orer a straight tieket laat week, flnding that hia aasociates had dcternilned to JoJn htm in what he considercd the only aenal ble aolution of the queation. a united support in common with all peuuine upholders of good gov ernment of tlie tirket pre~ented by the People'a League, withclrew hla reaignation. The Colonci'a announcement was leeeived with eheers, and he was unanimously requested to retiirn to his plaee as pre.iding oflicer. Tlie resignation of V. C. Miayne waa nroepted after a short debatr. The roll of the Asaembly DLstrict was then callcd, and in responae to the question referred back to tliem at Friday night'a n.eetinp, whether tlie fuslon tirket. ahould be indoraed or whether it waa atill the desire ot the orpani/atlon to nominate a straight Republican tieket, the distriot Becretories made tlieir report. Tbe voieo of every district, l?eginnlng at the I*t and ending with the last on the roll, vu that, nlthotigh the sentiment from tlie st.irt had been for a tieket composed only of Kepubllcans. the preseut shape ot the cau.pnign left no eholc.- to honorable meu and self-resperttrur citi/ens other than the indorsc meut of the People'a tieket. The universal opln ion seemed to be that lt was no tinie for the Husitiess Men's Republican Organizatiou to hesi tnt<>. when the opportunity to overthrow the cor rupt olipaiehy of Tnn.many Hall was oftered to the people ot Xew-Yoik. Julius Loliman, of llie XXITId Distriet, moved that in view of the deeision nrrived at in the several distriots the ?omruittee sliould iudorse the fusion tieket Speeehes were made by Colonel B. F. Hart, Abram Wakeman, jr., J, P. CoIUgan, P, II. Spell man, Cliarles P. Sweeny, Henry Melntyie and Colonel Willinm L. Strong ln taxnt of tlie motion, and l\v ex-Judge Mirciis P. Norton and Janies Drieeoll ln faror of taking no aetion. Colonel Strong reviewed tl.e effofta wliirh liad l)<*en made r..r u BtmigRi tieket. and told the committee liow l.nrd be had worfced in prrson to seeure to Repub lieans tbe opportUBity to vote for men of tlieir own politicil iaith. When he aa>v that the effort w;.s a failure he had chanped liis pnit and had rtedded that there wat bnt one tliin^ for a true Republican lo do, an 1 tliat waa t>> unite Wlth honcii citizena Bgatnaf Tamruafty Hall. Tlie Colonel's remarka were reeelved with appUuec, and at its cl<*e tlie vote was uken, and reaulted in all bnt one man presrnt voting for the motion of Mr. Leliniun. Thia vote was cast by axWUdge Norton, who alterward withdrew it, and joineil, -mid the eheers of hia a?K?ciutcfc, ln roakLng the deeision unnnimous. Chnrlta D. Sweeny offered the foilowini reso latlons, whieh werc'nuT.ptod by aeclamattou: We Um caiiiiwiBn OanHBtttea ?n<t reorasentBtrrea of the AJMemUy DUtrteta argaalsed *dor Um Dartacaa Hea'i RepuMlean Orgaelzatleo, have d.riarrd and now brlleva tiu.t Uie it.-i i Mleea voW** of the elQr sho.ild have Republl , M randldafa - ealy ta vote for. We fert aaaared. ir at tiv> iNslmilng of tbe campalen, wltk RepaltUeaB raodWate* ?t turh hlgh rhararVi a- Uiom> ?rko exoreaaed ttetr wltllBg. Mnw to be the ?tandaidbearm of th.> BuaneM Men * Be ,?.; llean DrtanlraUoo. v? rouM swean fr..m tho ada.lolatra Uoa of ti.iH .ity ou a ttralght RepabUcaa Ueket that ear? rupt ollgan i.v. Tamraaoy H?ll We reallzed late* that a rtralaht RepabUeaa Ueket wonM be tidlni TamKaay Hall, Aa It-nubli.-....* ?< <, ron >lder tlw aiatter ..o further. A fusio.. Ueket eoaaaaMd at Democrau and RepttMl* ana. repwaeBta th> foreea ot i>o-.-11-. Tanimany The hlch rhafaeter of Um caiidLd;it.^ on thU tieket is aagaeatloaed. Thett wweeaa at tho n.xt rl?rt<ofl aieana VW aowafall of tl.e n.o^t rrrrapt nmnlri|K.I Kove'mment In Um arorW. Ko RepBbllean eaa bealtata hrtween his (lntv on the aoe hand a..<l hi- dealre to rete for ti?. randtdate* of aU pollUral falth ou tho other. Onr i-olltir..l faith Is ?o stronc and ahiMBdlBg that we , vi. readtty wtttwtaad any hnniiliation of votinc for a few Demaerata, to rld Uie ntv of su.h a carrapt rale as Tar.?. maoy Hall. Wa th^r-fore hereag v^** earaelTea tu nippart Uw eaadtdate-i an thr fusion tlck.-t and use every houorabU effort ta elr-t them. \ big nitifleation meeting will be held by the orpanization early ne\t wcek, whieh will be ad dreised only by Kepubliean speakers. mr. i/imxoTivE fxhisffr* at altoosa. Pittsbnrg, o.t. 2S.--The delepates to the annual ronv, ntion of the Ii,ternatio;,a! Ilrotacrbood of Lore noffre Bngtneera today d??ed Um F?iB?;lvanh Kuilniad'a ahopa at Altoono. and In conaeiptenee no ?^Ion waa held. The elertton of the prand ofJeeta will take plaee Friday. n wau -lated on trastworthy nuthoriiy tbls afternoon that a nem- oPiro w:.s lo be ireatcd. Flrat <;<t AaaUtant <hief T. S. wlU be. r?-e?erted, as also will Serond AaslMani De Losm Rverctt. lt Is iniely the ncw nfflce wlll be lhat or Thinl A*?lstai?t. The \Voman'< Au\iliary Awxlatior. Ita* elei-ted Ihe folfciwing trfHcem \v.nh> graiid preaMcnt, Mrs. W. II Murdo.i;. Cblcago. re ctcrlcd: worthy ptard .Ice prealdent, M?. CosaeB. <vli..nbu>. ohto. reclected: worthy prand Berretary, Mi^ llarry bt. tlalr. Uipnn?>p??rt. ln.l. re^leded: worthy prand treoMirer. Mrs. a. W. Urw. Uetrolt. worthy rhapkdn, Mr>. F. c Johnaon. Phlladelpbla: w.rthy prand puide. Mr-. King. NewJeFwy: worthy nsHid -i.1ii.el. Mra. May. rit UiuW rtw ^ \ ||f? hoi.orarv nicmbers were ele. . .1.. M >. ( f..i: ? li clarae, tt'lnona. Wlnn.: Mr^. Rohert ? >rr..I""'? 111.: MraVllamm, Uocheatcr. >'? V., Rra. ft. H M... Boek, Chicago._ FOR RfSSlXG -hrs-S COLLKCTIXO AOBXCT.'' Kluilra. X. Y.. Oct. M.-A s-nsatlon has beaB^ereated |1(MV by .he arrest. a. Troy. M. last nhjW. * M. ?. iieardaley. of llatraoa, X V., ???**ftoi^ ,.?arp-- of obtalBlng tnooey ander faise prefa??J^i SjilBt was made by Henry C. ****??? oJrh olBrea for R. O. Dao * CaJ. an liBBgener B Q DUB A lo. have, an agenry ln thls ut>, BM beee and got ont ?bwrlp4lo. *+?*??*? to, ..i,,.,,-., CoOeatlBg Ageney^ *???kw trafeUed b.? rented . boi m "-J^^gjTJ-d U. Stortbarn throngta iho noathorn part K w niMl - ??,,?,.,- ?t Peonsvlv^uia. taklnp **<??**' *? SL^lJt ?S earh Tl.e flrm was doinp a bwge bMlBCM. H of the eustomrr, sent a baU , ^?j? l R. O I?nn d. Oo.-s agent here or co.le.Jtan. W* ruMomer w.s not on Ike^botjj^ *J^J>f? and an Investigatlon was w,fU"- . , ... were eerui-d. andJ?***L?2a ,-o11(ernln? his eon CtowaBB made a swom stau "'?, , ? arpesteit neeUon wlth tl.e bnatoea*. an?? ?? ^ ;4Iid l:.-?.r.l-lc;v ?.r.A ?..lawaoB atana ?B^ authorlile. are ar.) well-known here. ??? i also looklng Into the matter. AlfBR/Ci.V 1SSTITCTE ARCHITECTS. Wasblngton. Oct. 2'J-The annual ronventlou of tlw U, ncun Instltutc of Arrhitert- bBgBB ln thta rttg ,d?T Tho attendai.rc wa* encouiaging. icpr.a-nt .', >. # ti.o inion. Rkhard M. Ilaat, Uw ",,? f rT.he l?*titu was uuable to be pre>ent^ldent of the BBBBOBWfc ? * ?,, u.ou.,1 of IRaeaa, and his .oport was teud by BM of Ihe board of directors._ TBE WA.rU 8ET HSK CARGO O.V FIRE. Tbe athoiner f-Ulc Marah.U .rrlxet at U.U BWt UU alghi from TkaMBM. Me . with a ???? Um caaal aaed u Kiauk F MorM 1 Co. Ou OetaMT 17. ed tai>- Cad. tWaag i beuvy oie Rbbi Ihe BBrtBanna, aaa si.ieM mtial ?ZTaMah .uried Bm d*vk laaa. Kcbm of the kamfci of llmc' were bwaeu open aad wt on ?r?. It wa. fouod uteea ^rr to U.row ov.rbuard about * hundrad barrel. ot lln.e to ?v? the v??M. While c'earlng the d;ck of UM bumlag lime tf>e wittln kad hi. ??l aoC ankle. wverety buiuea. MR. SCOTT ANSWERS GRANT. DEM0CRAT5 CITEER HTS ABRAIONMELTT. COOPER CRIOJf PACKED WITH AXTI-TAMMAJIT MEN-ADDRES8ES BT JOHK W. OOPT, BX ICATOR ORACE AXD OTBXR& Tammany Hall got another screre dreeaing dewR laat nlght, and by Demoerat*. too. Tbc Connty Dcmoerats had a rooeing and enthusiaatio ratlflca tlon mceting at Cooper Union, whicb waa attended by tbouaands of Democrata, who showed their sin cerity and eoroestneas by tbc energy with whicb they eherred thc names of the candidatcs and the aentiments to whicb the epcnkcra of the evening gavc utterance. Long bcfore thc hour set for tbc meetiug to comc t<> order thc hall was packed with enthuniaetio Dcmoerats. Thc aialea wcrc aoon crowded and thc corridors were so ohoktd with men that it was absolutcly impossible to g?v into tbc ineetuag-room. Haync's 00th Kc^itncnt Band playcd stlrring nnd patriotlc airs. Throughout the entire evene ing thcrc seetued to bc only onc acntiment and that waa tbc overthrow of Tammany Hall as thc eon troiler of municipal affairs. At all tlme* and Wiieneyer tbis sentiment was eitber hinfied at or plainly spoken it cvoked tbc utmost enthusiasm. The platform was hung with flaga and hanners, and a finc pieturc of Franeis M. Scott was taatc fully draped with patriotic colors. Sitting under tbc plcttire on tbc platform wcrc Charles J. Canda, lVtcr Kuslt, Patriek H. MrCann, John Hayen, Jaraea O'Brien. Charles W. Dayton, Erncst Har vlcr, Charles J. McGec, Pnlice Justlcc Manrice J. Power and ex-Scnator Gcorgc Langbein. <Jcnerar*JyliD NtWtaei and ex-Mayor William R. Orare stcppc<l upo,n thc platform together. They wcrc instantly recognized by thc audience, and a wlld eheer waa set up. Ge.ieral Ncwton stepped to thc desk and intro? duccd cx-Mayor (iracc aa tlir cl.airman of the mceting. Rcncwed ebecring grcctcd Mr. Orace m he aroa? to take chargc of thc mceting. In doing s<> he addreased his fcliow-Democrata in part as folfowa: I deslre at the outsct to thank vou for the honor hav pli.'d In the aelcctloo ot ruyself aa chalrman of thia meetlng. Wc liave met under the uu?i>!c*? of the County Democracy of the CItr of Xow-York to ratlfr the immlnatlona of a tkkct ssaeed In thc fleld by mi Indppendeut Itoiy of ettt? ?saa, aud Indorsod not only by tho County Oemeeiacy, but b.v thc rcgular Republlcan organliatloci ee welL (.irrnt applause.) Aa a Demoerat who*- unswrrvlog lovalty b> the prlnclple* and tradltlonn of Pemocrary haa not antl caunot bc Impcached, I ?tand ktfle to-nlght to sfcvto that thc tlcket headed by FrancU M. Scott. with every aaaaa aa tt from to|i to bottom. will MCStCC mr moai .arncit and actlve siiro><u* from thli tlmc until the Stsasag of thc polls on clertlen day. An has beeo mado In every uar hotmraule U> U.c rontrai-ting partlcn, and ona trheae rCMee no true Demoerat who I* oppoael to the cor rept domlnutloo of Tammany llall in thc affalra of thla iltv i.ccd hvsiuite to cwpouse. Thls i? a purely local one, not cunpllcated by Stale or Xatlonal party taaues. The quostlon oi? afeleh vou arc to daetda l* wh( thcr thls cltv 1k to bc Bjavcfaad hy j, n.u.iU iiK.1 |?rty to the city'* Jyst lntcr^ts and lts maagcaMat on tru? baataoae prhwfcylea, or Irava it aub j. it Ul thc contrt.l of a tew rorrupt ead atn?oliit?-lv Irrc tpoasibte men who dumiuate the fortuues of Tammany llall to-rlay. My eejcM ainuainfinrchip with th? piMcat randllate for Steyer, Mr. Fraaeh. II. bcett lasedaaaw), warranta n.c lej ladoralNil him henrtlly. Kc has labored by my slda for u.:i:iy v;ir- l> i evi v ^not ?c havc soiiRht to at.tniu f .r th" i itv ni N'.w-VoiK. Ile has ofleu led thc wav. :?.id I Uave follow.'d hln. a- a ala* and Lrntd-n.iiidcd, man, v. li.p knowa no ?CCjadti e incn on account of tae-, ra> Ufdea or natlvlty, and has had no objeet Ui publlc ll/e but thc publlc ao<J, and who has asplr./d to no dlaWncUon ex> CCpt that of bUng a toni cltlien. He has ? clcam rteord. LitiM an ?.?"-?r..t..- ?,?>& ?i,...i>in?<*?W' Pnaaly *h 1,'? |< wi?e aud dlscreet, and by hU peraonal expertence and tdceitlaa ka publlc aifalrs Is fully as w.H cqulpped to fuifil the duU.w of thc olhcc of Mayor *? any man who ever held thc olllcc. Ile was AaaUtant (.'or;?)ratlon t'ounsel for, and won nany In.porunt sults for tlie city, aud had thc lull conlldcncc of his clil.-fs?Jiutec Lact.nbe and Mr. 1J. ??ku .in : and, BallM WSaty oth> r lawycrs who flcture ln piit.ll,- ! f... be has r:c\rr attlptei I r. Ulncr ln m.v Mtf .n.:iiM-t thc > Ity. He is at preecat Aajacdaet GenaaWastoneR iiikI hi- rwort Ihcre and hla Pgat agalaal thc aajaadckakas .,r the raatractora ahow hla. t" be'a man of traaaeaa and de . l-ion, imU b tru.' s.rvant. of th" mtf,- of Xtw-Vork. and not the U-'^'nt inoiith|il.rc or too! of eontneturs. ot jdt taadklate f"r Ceatraller, thc Hon. Throdore w. M\.r>. no mor' m .?<! be sald than that his admlnixtrallon of tht! Jituirs ot siut oillic l.a* wcll mcrlt.d hl? rcnomb natlun ; he Is rut.uiii? <>n his rccord. (Apetaaat.) jnhu w. tioif deaeffvee the hi?he>t teaaaaaaalathaa, Com bis herc as a mm' ? hlld fiom Irdand. hc passcd through thc er.idations af fortunc untll his frlcnd, JudKe James Flti. ?ciaid, ni"' Jadge "f tt"' l0"rt of ''cncral Sesslons, sccured i.ini a plare as tlerk in thc eeaaawretcl housc of H. B. L'laflla v to. 11.^ eanacat and uedMahta an.bitiou to ln.. prave his ceodlttea b-d hlaa lo apcad hi? nl?.'hu at tha ?ehcola ef the Caoper L'alea, fiom whlth he gnduated ?ith horu.r. Kc tabaeqaeaUy aUadkd law and ?as admltted w the b..r. Itta recerd aa an Aailatiat Distr.ct-Atu.rucy joo ue fainillar ?ith. Of thc ifelahU candidatcs lpt me ?ay that Mr. Coraa Is la evcry ?ay ?aalMed (or thr dutics of that importaoi Sfgec of Shcrilf of thls .ouaty. Hc ls well known to hU ftJknr rhlieas from ?cykeed ap, and aifl paM a targe voto. Mr. Hciia.ny'a baaaaaai trahalag makes him fully compa tcnt to apjircc.atc the nc.d of rcform in the admlnlstrUloe of thc Ciurity (l.rk's othrc. ln whlch auch Brave abuaei were only Uc- oth-r day ..hown to cxM and stand aa a dla graec to tb- city under thc admlulstration ot Tammany llall. Mr. Ilawea will ?l\c .ih a competcnt and uprlght admln Mratlon af thc oftice of Trc^ldcnt of thc Hoard ef Aldcrn^en. I kaea him w*U efaVlallj Meawra, ft.tdaaaa, Varnum, ittU ?u and Theaaaa ar-- fully equipped. Beafeaataaally and ln jx'lnt "I char.cfr, for thc dtsihsr,'.' ot thc dflicatj und Impurljut fnn.ilons of Judgc, vt thc isupcrlor and City CNfta. Tlie cx-Mavor was frcoucntlv applaudcd thiough ont bis speeeh, and whcn he liad tinished the obecring was lond and long. Cbarlec J. UoUee, tbc 6ccrctary of thc mect ins. rca.l tbc nauics of tbc vicc-prcsidcnts. Among tfacu were Edwnrd Cooper, t'. C. Baldwia, Charles A. Jaokaon, S. lolcman, Elbridge, T. Gcrry, ISobert S. Mlnturn, O'JJricR, Frnncis F. Marbury, Adolplms C. Ilarbaclicr, Bahcrt 0. Mun thc, (barlcs 13. Coincil, Truman A. Mcrriraan, William M. Ivins. Hcnry H. lieekman, I>r. Cyrus Bdaon, jr., Frcdcrk R. Condert, J. HngcpdN Robb, Fitagcrald, Adotph L. Sausgor, Conrad N. Jordnn, Jcrcnsiah Murpby. Wkrchrt H. Teckham, Stcpbcn S. Ulnke and Hcrn^in Oclricbs. Kx-Scnator UcurgC F. Lnnghebl introduccd a aet of rcsolulions in whkh tbc Tammany Hall map agcfl of thc local Oovcrnincnt were sevcrcly acored. It eharged Tammany otlicials witb making unflt appointuicnts. and s;iid>,tbat tbc public conscicncc wns shocked hy tbc rcvclations af Mayor (irant's utlims 0f tbc Shcritf's oftice. Thc extravaganl aduutiistration of tbc KcKister's offire waa refcrrcd to in no pleasant tcrms, and the dirty and up ti.rned strcct? wcrc potntod to as evidences ol Tamnaany'a unsaianaacment af public affaira. Charles W. Dnyton spokc to tbc resolution*. Hc was waraaly Ue said in part: BeUeve ?* ?n,n ' >?'" >0,) lh:U ,n ,"H4 ani i?w the mlss'on o? Tammjuv Hall was thc debat of the Den.ocratto .arty of thc rnuiitr/. Thc inaolcnce of ofhve, the ln?o l.ncc of thl* bialalria young nian, (irant, apcaklnt through ?aethrr'a |>fn HaagtaVf and BaejeaaeC), ln announcloi lo 1,700.000 paepte lhat his party l? the only party thal will savc the ?lty, UXc eac'S brcuth away. (Applauae.) H..I thc v.ry bra\ado of Tammany Hall has stru.k deep tnto tho tiiliiiK of thc |M'opK and on Kofoaahef 4 Scoit will le stnlfg trlumphantly. (Applauae.) Thla la a day of tntclllL-cinc. of n wspapers and of thought, and el^tleo tay ?"l aheei that the |?>oplc ..f N\-w-York cannot ba iwi d any laagrr. .(Afedaaac.) Whcn Mr. Payton had flnisbc<l speaking tjhe chalrman put tbc motio'i on thc adoption of thc fficlutiuna, and they wrre adoptcd with a loud shout. V>'illiam T. Croasdalc. who is now runnlng for ( ongrcas on tbc Democrotic. ttcket in the Vlltb D.strict, was introduccd and Uicd to make a speeeh for frcc-trade. It scemed to bc the opin ion of tbc meetinsj that local affairs were under lUHMsgkin aml gTeat confusion followed. Tbc lp roar was tcrrillc. Wbcn it was at iU beighl ?Stcenlar them were proposed, and ihc