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DOCTORSIN CONYJbNTION. SHE tJivATB MEDICA.L ASSOCIATION MEET9. A PIsAX TO SET OX FOOT A POPVLAR SAW1TARY MOVKMEXT-THE PAPERS READ. Thc sevcnth annnal meeting o-t the New-York Btate Medical AssoelAtton began ywterday in Mott Memorial Hall. at Xo. 64 Madisenave. There were about flfty phystclBi.8 tn attondwire at tke oponlng. and fully one huDdred more registered tn the coiirse of the day. The offlcers of the aasoclaUon are: Presldeot. John O. Orton. Binghamton; vice prealdent*. William MeCol lom. Brooklyn; Dougla* Ayres. Fort Plaln: Mattliew H. Burtor.. Troy; secreUry. E. D. Ferguaon. Troy; txeaa orer. Joun H. Hlnton. Xew York; dlrertor of the Ubrary, John W. S. Gouley. New-Yok. ln hls annnal addreas Presldent Orton rongratulatcd thr aoolelT on it* prusperlty. aod continued: "The readv aciulesoenee ln the grneral demand of the profeaslo'i for an extenslon of the college tcrm and carrleuluru. and also for a reo.ulre.mont of a proper pre llmlnary educatlonal qualiflcatton for enU-anc* upon the atudy of medicine. la evldeooe of a unlted desire and offort to elevate the standsrd of medical educatlon. In part fulfllment of thls desire l* thc recent enartment in thia State of a law rreetlng an Indepon.lent bosrd ot medloel examinera . . . I am not preparcd to aay. with sanie. that the doora of onr medical colleges skould be cloaed to all peraons except those wear inr nter,ry det.ves. Rut 1 the Hrae ls near when BJbetfl ciuivalent at least will bo the unl veraal po<sessloi of every medical student. I bellove the grrtit majorlby of Ameri-aa mrdleal ooUeges are more than ready to mcet every Jnrt re qulremeiit ot rhe prufesskm. and that whatever of blanie Uvere may l>e re?U at our oxvn rtoors, ln tl.e uaqnaxllfted and urrsultwhle nvatwlal we are permltting or c&oooragtug to engage in tl.e atudy of mediclnc. Let every office ia tlie land be permanently cloaed to student* Of r,i:e?Uonable natural abillty and without proper prellniluary cOucatlun. and we shall cease to hesvr of Uie .ncompetency and dupltcity ot onr medical college*-'' _., lii tl*e closing part of hls address Dr. Orton aald. -Medleel plii!? and enliglitcncd stateMnanship have riawlc- s.ii ceas pravaiMe f->r a grar.d sanitary move nient Uiroughout thls eountry by organlsed eftort agalawi preveiiUble dlaaaae and unnoce*wry di-atti, aga_?t U.e .11* which toi ture humanlty and enfeeble _a feiato. . ? . L'ndonbtedly tlie flrst and most importsint 'tep ta thc education of tlie massct ln the etaenUal BKIS of sanitary srienrc. This can bCSt bo attaU:ed tlirougt. sanitary associations and publlca ttons, ax.rt especlallx by calling to our aJd that lm? portant BflSOey aird inatrurtor, tlie secular press which ha* becuiuc in tu* eountry tor tlie cituou what tlie tcliool ia for the i-hlld." To a< .oinpl.Mi UUa puipo>e, Dr. Orton recommended the appointii.ei?t of a committee on popular sanitavy scieuee, whoae duty lt should be to pi-epai-e sctjelca foi tlio aecular press, and to >upervl>e tlie pubJUabion of icacta i?n pitu saolksaiaa. Pajiera were lead as Mlows: " Prognostlcs ln Medi cl^5,? by Dr. .I'.hn C-onyn. of Erle ?ounty; "Tho Mlmlcry'of l^UicrcsJossB in Vcgetable Forma." by Dt. K. F. Rnish. of Wewtckcstcr f'o.nity. a -u.f;:c*l pa]>er bv Dr. A. Pulmer Dudlex? ?f New-YutK. ln thr uii---in....n ihero ?u? a dxMrusaloa on lnti;v cra-ilal lesioiis. ik xviuch Dr. Jaoses J. Futnam. of Maaaachiisetu: l?r. Charles K. Mills. ol Penna\ Ivania: br. OkarlCt I'liclps. ol Xexv-York and otkera BsVtlel PdTl.s most Intrrcstlag featuro of the se-on last nlphl was a pagcr a* -H)pnotUss,1 read by Dr. H. Einest Srkml'X He defended and apheld hypaoUs- a* a ren.edial agent of the grt^toat valiu- to tlie physiclati, SSaaSl la a UBl?eal .phere. To fortlfy lll* Poa.tlon Dr. BchnSdi relai/d three cases from hla own Practtce. ta wrtci ka claimed an sbaolatc eore from kypaotlc a flueuce. Tl- 8?t ch-c wb, that of s^gf^^iJ rdri waa nutft-.! wllk aen'oaa disca-cs. for wnion_sne keca treated i.r tw.nty three pkyslraaaa w,tlP>..t svKcesa fJevt'O aPpHrallonB of hypnotle ti-eatmcnt effeeTad a cu~ In a afCUBd case oeuralg a wnr cui-cd, aad ^ thlrd rhroaio rhfurnallaai fgelded to themy-. t inCaenca. Lr. rschmlK atteinpt.-d no exphtoa; tlon Jf hvp. on" phenoaiona. Hls papcr exeltcd prcat ,n,Tf^triV.^"* "tb^^c^un ' w'i.i bo continued lo-dav ai'd to-inon-o v c A YALE ALTY.Y1 A.<iSOriATtO\'S S'EVT OFFICEKS. Brtdgeporl com... Oet. 22 (>pectali.-The animal meettug nl Uie Yale Alunini Asaoctattefi of Falrtield CoftFity x^ft> kcM IhlB aftcmooo at thc S'-asKIe Club ii BrMfcport. Thls wm tbe lirM SMCttag heid slnce ti ? associall. s xxas liatorporatcd, and the Ftaaace Coas aittaa odapicd acarly txv.,'. iu a alacaaalon about l.illa ooiitracted by tlie old assooiaton. No papers xvere read und no ?pee<-liea made. Tho followtag ofBCSta vc:-e ui.*ulni..u?ly ek-rted: Pix-sldent. UaS li.v Dr t.ardlii-i S. I'luinley. of lii-eenllelil Hlll; vlce iiroalder.t^. Ihe Her. saiuuel r,coville. .Sw.mfi.rd: Jud>:e DaxM F. Ilollktcr. BrMgeport; 1-mlcriclt st. J. Lock V0C4. Xo:?a;lx. JifggC Lymai. D. Hri-wster, }*"*>"? ? .?r..i^ i.llvar T Slierwood, Koutkpurt: fdJasj troa ,^T -i "i? ,.' -".P. iIk Rev. i:..l-er ... S. MrXclIle ai.d -^ci'x ..-.', if. lieardslev, Ilrldgeport: E. 11,,. \ew-Yorfc .i'<? rolonel riiimthy li. Hortar, stan.foid. it waa ? '?-. .: t?. '"'1 a diiiner at i;r,.i--'i...n durlng ?'?.- wtnter, ??id u i x.-ar's dlixuer rommlltcc xxas rootlBacd._ FLSTER Sil.IUKKS- ASD BAILORS' JfO.trJfJJ.YT. Ktagstii, N- Y., net. 22.-Th? ristcr rostnty Knidleis aad >-i !..-" MoubbicbI was anvcilcd here io < The meailicrs --f Oraad Army of the l{.-p..t.iir ii'osts tn rwn and adj Intag tountlCH t>. the numbet uf 1.000 r:r-- ln Ihc p.ri'ie previoii> to the un veiling extrclaci. in ilw pn^salon also were flve rcacafaBtcs .>f mitlHa und. v;vral drk w?nli8thn?. ,xn ontiO!. w i< d. Ilvered bv (teueral Gcorge 11. kharpe, ut the dcdlcaiion refeasaaaea. T7/C WATBBSPOVt VP TS TBE 80TXD. From Tlxx- Bew-Havea Osstifer. John E I'.ix\i-is. eaglacCT at Tomlin-rin'i- brlrtpe, thls city saxx tbe tvatcrspout BJCiittoned ta -Thc Vmriet m lRvlti- been srcii by iwe reatdeata in Long IslBbd sound oif tbe m'outli of tl.e barbor 3 p. m. guaday. He tald tlie alght xx..*. oi.e of gmndcsw and waa r?*Bm? spectacle. The wtad at the Ume waa ?outswest? blo? a sisJa, aa_ H wea ratalng;-???Jly. j_t bef?re tbe beAvteai p..n of tke ahower, * fcw nilnutea before :? o'clock. he aotlced an Imiaense toovlng blAck cloud hangtag apaarcnily over savta Ilock aod exuendlim down tu the wuter. Uie xvhole ln ballnwil !hape, the polnt r* tbe water. It soonied to move la ;vn eaelerl) dlrcctlon and to he j:.xritin^ rapidlv. Tho watcr under lt bubblod and bolled a:ul fixVOied, tkrowlns up a ?ae-Htlrliiff ma-s ot wuicr ftoni seventy ti. 100 fcct tn helgkt lt moared at a nxndd rat?. aud juat aa it xva- oppoette the iie.x Uirlit t_asc, h.- saya. a v?.-y brlUiant flavh of Ughtolug <* currod, Bcrompatiled by a heavy p*.i.l of thundcr, and iiumedlaU-'.x the wlioie thtng ccllap-ed. c>ttr in:oiniru.t who aafrates tl.e abnve totcrvlew witn Mr Powers, and who iias rrosecd the A'lantlc 100 timee. shx* that be hi:ii?i-lf bat encoutite:*sl wati-r a-pouts of't'he same dcscriptkia. and at one tlme, when ul fbc Baliatnas, ut.e xv;.- rupid'.y appi-o;wJun? the shlp and thej- l.a.i to ihe awverai r^.nnon tolls Into it. wl.lie also the enttW en.-xv slaji.tcd xvitU tlioir entlrc lui.s iiower, the desiif! effcxt bdiil (.TTiilned. collapsliiK tl.? apout Lut f?i this lt would not bave been broken and would litive strurk tlio aWp xvlth for.e enough to kiiocfc out the ma*ta and BeiagB Uie ship with wnter. PaUJm /.V TBE SLEXPIS'G BOOM. From The R>>*tott HavaM. Thc pirjudic* prevailk tlvat plants iti the akrphig roosnfe air; injurlou~. beaftiioe they ai-e etuiatsxntly trifow lng oxfl caibo.iii aa id. HCCCBI totjestlgatloiis have sIkixsii that lll effMita HJ* ultogetiaer too i-lk'l.t b> deaerve coi.sid?ra4lo-i. lf arooai !?> pioperly ventllated, plants tan do no baf?, ar.d. eveir. if lt ls not. the o,UfliitltV of cwb^mic ?i :d exbaled i.y tliem will not aatarially affoct the pnrlty of tlie air. OOTTOX MARKETb-RY TBLEOJUPJL LUSSIISSl. O-t. -.J, l p. .n?The kali* of th?- day Included 7 5<aj bale- Ancflcau. ' fXtuioa ^loa-ti banlv sleadr. Ain-ifK-an?MiddJaa., low fuiddlaBS tUuSv, CKWUxtf dv.lxerx. 8Jf_d buyais. Otto btr and Xnvem?..-r deilvsi.v, 5 AiAHtrb 3xi-04d ; Novon.ber and Dacan.u..-r dell\e.-. 3 84-o4i&6 S..04d ; Ui-ceiuber a/id Jai.usiy d. llv?i i .'. B4-444S 3j?4d ; jH.iuat-y and >ebruar> il^llverv. f? :4i-C4?b au-C.4d ; l'tbiu?y and HarcB d.-Lvery, 0 30-048 a-li-ik; Mar? aj.d Aprll dcjlv.-ry, S_87_HV 0B.s-i.4d; Apili ai.d May d?llv?f\, 3 30-dsa.l 4o-0*0 ; Mi) and Juua d llvoM. * ?l iiao 12 H4.1. Oralvikioo fi.t. -J?.-C<>tu.n oulet: ailddllng. ? 13-10c . low nilU.llii.^. 9 710c; good oidliisiy. 8?: _?:t ?ad Rr-as racelpU, 9,8?S b?l.-?; ?.y>orta eaasBtWuBBj 0,448 B?lw?; nalua, 1^Xoifuli?,*Oct S.-CotCea sbady: mlddling. P U-10c; net and gro?a lac-j.pu. 3.1T? bal.-s; txportk to OreBt L.-R "i?, ItVSa ksles . eisxatwlae, 1.743 balat; aale*, 4,341 katea ; k.u?'?- B8 06. Uair*. ^SavaJ.iiBb, Oct. ?.- Cctton qul?t; middllng. 9 7-lOc ; low luludib.a. ?%o , ?oo<l a.iiaJ.aty. BV.- ; aet aud iroa* rvoelpta, 3 nU l*\t?: sales. L'JiL bslna : atox-k, 124,903 balee. St?70i?.ai... Oct ifil.-CotUwi flrm : m:ddltng. 9 18-lCr ; loa* mlddllna:. 0 7-lOc; good ordinary, 8 1-lUc ; flot r?c_lp>, h"44 bslit.* rreBB, v.ila baWs: einorta coaaiwise, 8,441 balea; aalaa. f5S balea; atook, 151,00* balc*. ELROPEAX PRODUCE MARKETS. Liverpool, u?t. 2H. 8 40 p. ?.-Betf^Holdera offer auBa-'iidiy. PorB-Tna aObPly 1* |K>or. Haroe-Uoidura ,,rf>r luOdaaabjIv. Brttoti-Holdcrs odar mod^rabtly; Cum b.kiaaid out. about 118 l? HO IU, flrm at 89a. lyng clear lalddlas aboat 40 Ih. flrm at 32s. Obaeao-IloldeH offer nTlerttaxiy. Tailow fariwtkiu atid,. Holdcra olfer iiiodixritely. I^ird-5>pi/t aud futurea-HoMar* offer mod irauly. W h.?l-Ho)der? sOst moderateiy. *}?r UoUWfB offer spaaingiy. Oato gajst aod tatarca Haldars ofer mrrtlerttslv; n.lxed W_?tem. CKitjbar. flrm atas M_ Noxerbtirt- Crm st ?? 7d; pm.en.ber flrn. st 4a ?d. Hopa at Londou-Paolflc Coast-Kolders ar? oot orft-rtng. ? OIE MAAKETS. 011 Cltv. Penn., Oet. iV.-Xsawial Translt Certlfloab-s twened ?t'gO?sc ; blBhest. 81c : loar.-at 80V ; closrd, BOV: : wiies lftonoo bbla: thartera, 14,882 Bbls, slilpucnU, 127.5851 bbls: rufis, 88_88t_au_ IMttsburg. I'-r.n ort. 28?Petrolaum dull: no Biii? ae?!o;ia; yataooaj Tranalt <J*rtldc*ica opened at 80S.r ; cloaed st 80?ac: hlgbHSt. 80?ac ? IsweaA 8/>St Bradfofd Tenn., Oet. 22-X?B?i*l Transit teftlflcates ewnod at 80V ; rtnsed at m*to. algbest, Slc; lowest, 80V:: oksBraooas, 8*0,000 bbla. THE MARKETS. TOTAL BECEIFTS OF PRODUOB. B. E. Peas. bvga... ? tOMoea. bales.--. ?i B. W. Flour, pkga.. 710 Iteans, blla. ?'? Deana. baga.. 1,233 CotUMi, baica. 9,374 Cottousoed oll, bbla.. 400 (opper. bblt. 80 l'opi?r. cakes. 1,034 Mdd fru.t. pkgs.... 7,8*' Molaaaea, bbls....... 1.00.4 fcplrlt* turp., UU.. 08 lloalu, bbls. VK Tar, bbla. 250 I'ltch. bbls. 50 011 cek<\ pkgs. 1,003 Oll. lard, bbla. 100 Oll. lu'.r., bbla. 50, bblt......". O80 lOleo stock. pkga.... 1,4.0 Egga. cea*s. 7.103 Pcannts. baga. 35 Heur, pkg.. 28.873 Pecane, pkga. 08 Coruroeal. ihla. 425 Fork, pkgs,. 6oO Cemmeal, baga. 840 Beef. pkg....... ft.O Wheat, buth. 80.300 Ciitmeeta. pkg*. 8,714 Corn. buah.808.300 | Lard, pkgs. 8881 Oata. buah.110.000 i Lard. kegs. 2.108 Rv?, buah.. 17,600 Butter. pkga . 7.081 Malt, huah. 1?.000 ( beese. pltge......... 16.411 BarleT.liuth. 08,800 Dr"t*.d hoga No... 180 Peaa," buth. 1,800 I Ralalnt (Oal.). bx*. 7,210 Oatrueal, blla.. 8211 Klee. pkgs . 720 Or-ate. pkga. 287 Sfarlno p'.tga. 518 Oraaa aeed. baga.... 1083 Tellow, pkga.. 88, HidTa Xo.-T.. 1.370 Tobaeco. lihds. 122 Hidea, balea. ?5M iotacco. pkgt. 32 Hopa. bal-a.. 1.708 WhlaheybbTs. 82S latif. balca. BM waat, aalea. 1,101 Leather, aldes. 16,830 I Brtndy (C.1-). pkgs.. 00 OEKaHUL MABKET REPORT. COFFF.E-Biatll gtowtka on the H_?.tj***_L,t!*! eaeler, and traLng was more ?*uve. Salee. 1,000 baga Xo. 7 18<ae auue ; also (reported. 7,000 baga c aud t., al lb??c for Xo. 5, lbSc for Xo. u. 1 <JjJ Ior Xo. 7, aud 17>20 for Xo. ft. Mlld grade? m mdieratv deanand. Bnle*. 1,000 baga .Maracalbo, 400 buga M,?*'0" ?"<_*" bagi Ouauu-aiu i>. t. In th? eptlon llne thtre w_. ratln moh. atlr to the dealbifs, and a genera.b ?t"nif6? ?"***'_; OcloU-r gamed about 5 pointv wi.lL lalcrdellveilee ahowed a rl?o of lOu.O polnta, cloaing flrm. Tbtaw were BBB-kl rcceiotJi at Blo and tjantoa. and thla, ln tonJuneUon witb tho Jteadv advance ln cachange, served aa the ChKf clrment of a'.rciigth. llevr* na? hlglicr earlr. and thla, too. contrlbuw-d to the buoyancy. Uavre opened *a fr. better, but cloacd i fr lower. Ilamburg waa \ pfg batter ?u October aud Xoverober, but oUierwlse uncnanged.. L.mdon aUo advanced; oftlclal quotatlons, 2:46 p. bi. I October, bla Od; Xovftvbcr. 81? Od, Decernber, 70a Od; January, 70a 0.1; Fabwary, 76a Od ; March, 73? (KI. RIo qubtee: He?ulor First, n a 150; Oood hcoud, 7 4 000; Frchange iprivatei 23La ; recelptv 7,000 bags l RIo clnar. ance? for Europe, 2,00(1 bag*. totnl atock. 170.000 bag? : Market quict; bantos receipt?, 16.000 baga; rceelpia at Kio Julv 1 to October II, loOO, 901,000 baga i ttme tlu.o, 18S0. 704,000 baga; ?ama tiine, lbStf, L 157.000 haea; rectlpU at Santoa. Julv 1 to October 21, 18?<0. 1,001.000 baga: aanie tlme, ltbO, 7880(>o baga: aame tlm.-. \ba\ iiO^.oco baga; total aalca heie to-day, 24750 bngs, aa follows: Clotlng prl<-cv Hlgheat. Lnw??t. S-lt. Jaiuarv .1' .GO&lO.S'i l-ebruary .Itt.u.mia.10 March .14,7ftXI8.80 Aprll.15 ift? 15.rl5 Mkv .Ii.4fta*j3.o0 juue .15.-Oul5.H0 (ict-.t>"r .l^ I.'xmm.. " Xoveiubcr .17.70?I7.; Lreeii.b. r.17.30017.'. Warchouae ilcilwrlo. tlnct 1 Tork, 148 1184 baga; Ba timoi-.-. e 30.3^0 big?; tOUil, 10r,'..7l COTTQX?On the t.|H.t qu..t.-d ft?id.r at unrhanged prki*. balea, 518 bali ? Ior cousuinption. l'or*. r cclpU. .(0.iil5 1ial*a. agaltist 48.806 l.alo bklfl da.v lar'. week, luid 18.40a bsleh thls dav last year. Crop moveinent Balen. Balea. 181-0. 1h.s0. Vlaible tupply.1,870...33 1,027,801 Itoceipto, lour daya. iso.'.ta.i 170.000 Expc.rlt U. <?reat Brltoin, four daya.. (ll.'.re.i 841,4147 Kxi^rt- to Fraara, four dava. I8.u8d 1J .-_?:? 1 Rxi>orU to Coiitln.nt. four daya a 13. U.I 10.152 Btoek ln XcwVork in llc.nseO ware l,.,u.-*. iiiuiib-d dellv . 28.883 lTj.l78 In otlor I'la.ea (ctlinated. 11'..*.L'4 tH.i'M Totjl attck lu Xew-York, bv runnlng rOUBt. 35.880 47.SW ?to-k lu ail frataad Bbatea ik.h- . 88*444 IK.ISO Quotatlona art uaaed on Anv rlcan at?idard of claaalflca tlon. New rotton: Uptaada. (Julf. Oidiaary . *H 718-10 Ktrlvt Ordinaiy . 8 l-l? 81* .i..od Oidlnary . 8 I i-16 ?"? strlct Oood Ordlnary . '-'V mm '.'0-10 Low Mtddlbta ... . 013-16 10 Slilcl Low Middling . li>)-10 10l? MiddllliK .10'? 1(.,-I0 (J(..<l Mlddllne .10-s 1011-lii 6t.lct (iocKl Middling .|.) 11-10 ll'7* MMdlliig Folr .'..T-?? 11 Bja Fali.U*j liis-io KTAIXEO. liood Oidlnarv . 7V i Low Middllns . B 18-18 bti.vt tiood ordinaiy.... b f Middling. 0 \ Options?t'oiitiii.icd on tl." Bpward lurn, and Um spaca latlou reached a wn reai/eolafcie atfaTegate, ln tbo aarlv deailnga pnct^ ahnui-d galn-i of about 3 poluta, fti.ii tms ?a? toiiovMed by reoewed .overlng of "aborta," leadiug to a t'lr-jc'r ri^?' ol 1J-J poUita. I^iici m tli" dav bowever, there ?** a gsnaTal reaVtlon on a ruallsliig novtuuent, and Uie elo?e ?** only lw_ pointa jIku.- the Knal of jrestt-rday. Llvorpool aame '.. tnil better :it tliu ouu? , aml u.U -?nr;. I tlie rlsc. aud report" of heavv rainx ln tht S.viUi aervrd to InUuislfv tin- tlrnme? There wu. h further ilecrcicso in th.- i.i.rt 1.llpt*. und this. 100, [_<1 komethlnk ut d? ivitli Mie earlT atmicth. Bolc?, lito.ioo i*i.". Closlng prlte*. Hig!i.-?t. Lo?eat. bales AiK'U-t ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. ..lo.5J.MO 54 10-55 10.68 100 FLOVR AXD MEAL?FLOFR?The full bu\inc bv tl.e lo^al liadt lurulahed the elii.f feataie of lo-day'b dealinga. Patoata had nioat alteution. aud straighta ?ere lu very cood deoisud. 'ihe csport iiKjulry wa? modcrale. As to pneea tbo f.-llne contiuucd atrong, and a itllglit mlvii'i???? was acored ln aon.e cason. ln addltlon to th-- reported aales, it l? uoderttood that extenalve ronlracta havu L...J. made by milU f..r hlgli urad.s for varlous forward de. Uverlea at full juicc*,. Balea, 8O.SO0 bbla (7.100 ViU f..r oport , Inrludiiitf 1.500 bbla Low BxtTfl ?t *;i ,'0.i*4 16; lu 500 bblt (,'itv Mill at *"> ISifBS 4(> foi the Waat ln d\-n; .18,100 bbla >Iiiin.soti Extn ;.t -i-3 70&W Ift; ii.lno bbla Wlnter Whest at c3 70.:$b 75; 2.UKI oblx Buiierfliie at ?3 lOuril 03; 1 500 bbla Pine al 82 76u*3 75. (juota tions: Cltv Mlll i.xtr.i, Weat Indlea, Vj 15.83 40; do I"atenta. B5 46uBd :.'?: Low p-ttra, r>* 70-84 15; Wlnter \Vb?at, low gradta. 88 7o,/ti 15; fair to ebolce, fi '.Oii t"> 10; faary, *i 50?i83 00; Patenl*. ordlnary to rkolce, eyi uirtnii <>h; faary, *5 75; Mlnnoota Mprlna Wheat, i">i .xtrs, iJ 70u<4 1ft; clear, *l O'..;*'. 83: Rye MlXtunw, t1 ftOaaft 15; Stralghts, poor toluiny. *. 00?a5 75; 1'at enta, oidlnarv Ui cliolc, ?5 40ut_ 10: fa... \ do. ?o )".i ?.j 1ft; eiu.K'ru..". aprlng ai.d wlnb-r, .t.S I0??8 8ft; llne, ei 75<??3 75. Marset clos.d atroog .mUTIII.KN 1 I.'.l'K-Knirlv adlve at very flnn prleea, Mal. <. l.NW bbla Slilpiiinc Oradea, *3 00<i*l 15: Trade :m<l l.n.ii.v l.\ tw. *i _'..i*5 4ft; Palenta, *5 10 ...RYE FLOLR ) heid und ln |!"?d deawuid. Salea, .si>(i fibla BupcrBne. ?,1 7Sli?M 15. and fanejr, *i J.. 1H'( KW1IEAT FLOf R-Btoadr, bnt uulet. Quoud at r_iia2 15 for new rrop, f-it u. .holee; fajiry at ?_ 20. BITKW11EAT irRAlX-Quot-d nt nMuttih' bu n " noo < (jltXML vL-Mesdj. i>il?w Weatern qu('t?-d nt *.' Soaaa -^. aad Biaadywlae, aa _n. Halea, J5n bb.s. URA1X W11EAT?Tha "liills" bwt the aid ot the f-.r i-.?iu actOUBtt tu-uiv. ai.d tlie ra>. .11 waa a weak aud v.' .njne.1 b.iougi.oi.t Bwat >> Mie aeaidoii. Earl.i LlveiiiOOl cablet ean?- l?d lo?.r bi aunig eaaea, and the weat-ul lu U.e 1'i.itid Klui'd..m waa h-|?rud h- Hii l.aic accoaot* als* report.d a d-cinc Tbe dometUc uews wae a . ..i.tiau.. toi \. "Tao Fai_?.-r?' jteview ol fbu-Hgo wa- quoud ns tauraatlBg a iedi i-il n ..f .^o,o.^l ix n bimn in tbe rleW as eoMparvd wni. tne i,' Aaures. <?th-1 dUpatrbea itported H-- api*a?aiice ii IUsm.ui nv 111 llllnoia and M1-...1H ln .. .cition to whli-h ti,h vat.y'.:il rl aiancrw ul we:e deeldedK l..i.--r i.-u'.al to 2S0.04U i.uah wheat redue>d "p-adativel - llgaies, m.-v.-., -how.d a.. liiervaa. ol I Bla.lMO b- u avallable atoeha ? a^t .,f Um Ko.Ki.-. and Ihla. rocpleU alih bvavy ,-^iimp bv Wall street rou?-rn? lat.- ln u,- .ic rauaed a deulliiu! Ko.elguera aold n <el< atelt pi-iy u.u. I. all day whih ?a* .moth-r wc?k''lilii? faelor. D.-c n.b. 1 staittd at *1 00s,, Rn ajainat *l 10 th- orti. ,a . |o>.- o i.-ateidav, und gradually advunevd to sim^ t,ls was followed by n b.'.ik to "W>\ rlualag st alOVV May epso-d at -1 1- - nnd mbaeqnenUj toucbed *1 18., after wb|. l. II ,;-o,^,'d I..CK to rl 12^, IcaVlBg oB Bt 81 12j. ll.t'r.ei arr'v.i'.s U-dav Were .'.04 ->" bUMl sjr.:.^. hi.U .-,.--" I>??"" wlnter, againat C43 ll'O buali and 01.818 o"?b a ryar a*to 8catoan. reveipu 5.'.28s buah; flrarauica. 15.210 bu?h wueal nnd 55.1KJ0 j.kgs rlour. On tbe sjk.i tb. r. ?ie ?> wi-ak und unaettl-d n.arkvt filb.wlng apiloiia, aud Um cloae auowtd u aligkl detlim*. Mlll" r- tonk 18 000 l.'ioh parl >o. g red aflost at aboni 81 10!*, but tiwili.K otberwiar ?a--i"* ibere w?s nuia_iE doii'- f.n cxporl. ."-al-s. I.04(' (-"" biuli fufiro. 24,(K.i In-.Hli ai?.L 1miudin:- uniMad'd w % i.d nt Sl Ofiiiai 08*t: Bo. '-' r-.l arioal ?1 10'.. d'. ... ?ior uuoh-d *1 Odtj No. 1 har.i apring nomlual ?*' *1 I . s, ; No 1 .Sorllern +1 11V; Xo i (K'tolwr, Cloaing al t1 W. do Xovember. eloabtg at *1 O'J: do Deceniber, Bl t*j .? *1 lOHi, .lo-iic. :.t ^.1 We; do January, fl I0*?, eluaibg ai 4-1 10',; do Mj. *\ 1 _ -_0B>l 18%. clo.iu'^ aJ. tl V:-?: do July, rloslaa ai ?i Ofthj.KY14-l'nckaBBed ir. i.ric. ruling Bnu and m1'"< Wtwtora. ba i.oatioii-i?, quoted at 70.(74. ; Canada, 70.f71c to anlye. Btata, 74A7H il Vul.i.V-(J'.i aod uoout ?leuuv X*. H M'lWauka.. quoteu 77&77'?t: uuaraded Wcstarn. h5o8!i. ; uogradrd Cauada. Bbulii" exlr.. Ne. 2 Uo. !H~V2c; Xo. I Canada. S?07c.. HARLEV M.vL'i- linn butQulet. i OllX?lleavy re el|>t* and c.ibic proBtptad rtallilng to-dal. Blid Uie coi..-e'.|U<-iio* ?d? a iowrr rauge of prlvCa at tb.- clota, Free aclllta by Wall fcireea ai.d a large opc ;,tor at ti" Weat. howcvci, bad auMi-tolBg U> do ullli th. denreasiou. ln tbe early deallitg* there waa a .-.iiBhi si.ow l'i'- of Ciii.nas", ii'.d aoin BMHlU? ad^auced s>t becanse >l -ini eattmatc of "Tbe farn.ur*' Revtew" predirtlug a d. ereaaf of iw.OW.000 to atM.OOOjOOO nu?ii in Un yl?ld ?>? ean.uard WlUi th" i.ovcMiiii- nt fljiur. s. 11'.. bcfo? Uoon tn. KiJi-ii. t weafeaotd and ul'.l'natel) broki MV, rlbslug wlth a sllght itvoverj ' "i the s|*)t tiiti" *;.s i divllm of >?_L'C w.tli fl--. oaenng-. Abonl alx were taken for nxBort jud rleereucea ng?r.;?atcd 2,685 l??b. "I'.i.ul .>e?r' reovrt* a d ?. rcaae ot 157 ion t,.i>i. for the v.?k ln ; ? ,.,> atoebg cii?t of tbe Roekiea Salea. l.ona.oon l.iilh futUI* 108.000 bu.ii ajiot. includlng t'ograd^d Mir.-o .nl Wilt- 5iio.0Hc: No d Mix-d. S'.iltC -levaf.i. 51'V. "ji.c afjoat: XO 2 October. ftf'Vi. 5C.a? -, rlokiBg nt l?9',i . do xivon.ber. !jaa,?5BHc, HoMbc m MV: d-. ueeemhei. ?oa60??(.. dosing at ooc; do Januar , "f,,|?f at ftBV I S M;.y. oi?.il%.", cloKlng alleiltc... OaTS?Wer<- ir.or- or let* InBueored b' th- flurluatioiia In whett and rOTB. Earlv in lln dav Bbcre \v.?k ? tllaht d^cUn- followed bv t ria.- nf '4(7^-. lat toward (Re tloae tb- gooerai markK we.ik-u-d on r.-allilni; kflvlng i,rr about i?e lower than yeetordar. Bpeeulatloa ?o* nort nio1?rat?. S|K)t lat* rul-d Wac hlgh^r. bnt Um cloae was not ?o 8rm. and trading '. ss actlv. . nearanees lOl b.i'b "Ilradetrect" reports nn InCMBtt ig SlO.nOo t.ush for'th* w. ek in tTatlabl- -to k- raM U th- Boeklea. Salva 835 000 bnsh futur*-, 132.(Kh. buah anot, Ineludlng \o 8 Mlxed yt 48- ln ?l-vator: Xo 3 nTiltc. IP-c In ?'?l?vttor- Xo. 2 Mlaed, to.TiOVjc in elevator; Xo. 2 Wlilte. 58' ln elevator- Xo. 1". 55- ln el-viitor: Xo. t (hleago 50.4,i50i-J(-: l'ncrid<?d Mlxed. W<4>rn, 10.7 50. Whltc do A04fa0_e: Xo. 2 Octo! *T, 4t.ri4!'Si rtoslBg at 4f*c do Xev-rnh-r. 40,4^i9,.c. '!os|ng at 40V,. ; do r>-<-mbir. SoVt-nciVpe, eAa*SBg a*50t,e; Tlo Mar, f4C?4fl SfSc, rloalng at ftfVBi Xa. 2 Vv hWe. Xovember .,2U:i 53c etoatng at 32?4C ; tlo Decaiaher. S89n8%r -lo?1n^ at '.Re' FFED? Onot d : 40 T^ S2^ff?3c : 00 Tfi, B-vfif.-, ? 00 m BOflHV' 100 TA. 8110*8116; Shsrra, 81 20_?1 SS: Rye Foed. OSeSgl. HAT AXD BTBAW? Ther- la a dull tnidlug ln liay. and wlth eontlnu.d free arrlvala tlie niark'it rule* ln bnyeaa' favor. wtraw flrm on but BBkeraiaw >*re:r ateadv. X'EW H.vT-rhOlc.. 7.1c; fair U. r>**l MaXfte; comtnon lo ralr. lOfftfJe; elevtr, mlxed, BOkftfte; .hlnplng 40*.V^.arTRAW-Lniig rye. tiOaShe ; simrt iyoT 4?n.?Oc; oat and Wbeat, 4Ott80r. HOPS-Holdert retaln tht advaotage. and ln aome ln atancet prleea ?how a further allght advanco. 'Ilieis- i rttb-r rnor*- llf* to U>e trading. Ii. good par; for cxijort. KM.', 181*0, rholoe, 40?47c medium, 42W41-; corrimon to fair. 37*40e; Btata. 18*0. el.olce. .41c; : ..-diuin, 30_H_c; oou.mon to fair. SIS'.'S'; Ma'e, IHfH lH.i_2c ' do old. lfKM.'c; Ptclfic Toa*t. IH',.0 fair In afc'dee. 3CiT4?e; choleo, 1880, 32e; raedlum, 1*7830c; do 1HKS, |j o.'Or. METALB-TlX-Steady but very aakt: apot. 21.8V : lania-i 21.30<-.LfiAl>-*te?dv but qulet; yiet. .VOOc C0PPF.R-4)gll ahd unchanged SPPLTLR-Qulet. PIO IRnx WARRAXTK?Xegleeted. ? MOfaAfflBBB Had a Ught lnqulry. Xew.Orleana qimvd at 284 45c. fair to .tritUj faniy ; Port* Hlio. 30./880 ; Kng i;ab Uland, S7#Mk VAVAL f?TOR_S-SPIRIT*j Tt'RPEXTIXE-Theie ,.|. a dull rn-i - iiakm n.nrkttt U.-dty berauac nf fr? i a?p nllnt; gnoted 42e.ROSlXrV-In falr reouoel and flrm; aalea. LfiOO bble good alrstned. 81 W Stmlntl, Bl 4ft; good do, 81 ftO; E. al 05 ; F. 8t TOBdl 7a; O, 81 80C81 85 ; H 81 05*82: 1.82 06; B. 82 15; M. 82 80; X, 82 80; W. ?-tiSS rJk*l!** crocral aapact of th. market frm.f'^arl^arV^'l-w'. hvitce io Jbxb, 80.000 caae. Btltlsu bark Mary _*",___ __ BbbIBbibb houce reflned. on prlxate U-rrus. Brltlah MfS. u.eJnj,^_'__._. to IStca, 8.C8_fct_l?. sS*j\Jg _,_ ^__. _Tortvats UO.S i?,ue Ita^lfijgftf&jya ClAA^?f?-?eiBWa4? W"]-i"-__? jfcl.*,i lle U. S;ui Domlnuo, luu.bvf. atnttHBTaaacsai^^^ low, 40c; Meabaden. crude, __?__,? i f,V?, p a^ ' extra oioftd *ri*t\*"forold; at thc Wr.t, all tof old *?. ?u OctoiJ-r %12./812 M for new Dftcember and Janxiary. an" V-rr V*ATS-Riitber e/.aler, with a siow trftdo. fisJas 8 000 ff tiMilTbellles. 12 !h avnrage. OT ; 1.800 BfeBxed iwi^a 9&IV Plckled Bellle. quoted at 8_d for R m avefaia BDa%C for 10 Th ; PlckloTl Hams, OtfOV , SBBSked dolVloV: 'Plckled Hhoulders, 6V,c ; Snv.ked do SSc _s*?*w^^?^bS iralu aerved ai tbe chlef " bear " polnta. V-or optlon* CfCkd ^t'polnt,, wh.l.-.rrar.ot- ^^/VX'^ta. t*7 nobits OI " cssh " ssli-, 2o0 U_ (l.'i-SiC. eionns 0t-0cP ...y StCBSI stcady; *Bt*a. 100 U-a. 81, 8.1*e i October -ales, 250 tc-<, u.oQ_, Xoveaxbsjf clo-ed at ?...?> bidi- asiea. i.aoo te? ii.58a8.ooi-: Dejxraber Blescd al ? ,iHr Bld- Baia? 1.880 BC*. at 0.70e ; Jauuarv rlos.-d at fflnBakjT^aa? eWe; iVtsriavy eioscd 8_7e. Kellncd Cnntlnent qui.ted st a6?_.86<'I SoMth^?*Jb_i 7.10.BlITTKH-There ls a StrMg Biarliet 'V?_?JM''' ?i..i a fal'lv ai-Uve demanri. State LfcBBiety. hn .IBVtUl do falr to rhulre, 1_* !.t>!' ' StAe ' Cria.?.r-y, tuba, fao.-y. gaVdiVi; WfrtB i rcimarv faniy, 25*281* . W.-atrn Cr-aaoury. fan,:x. ??wtiiv; do efcolee, MfWk*; do __?! "> __"?_? I:, I nr ? ' .tune OearoVrv. iwioe: r* to ekelce, State Dalry, half flrkln.a, ta_?_8* B8*_ fsmcy -- , rhoce 18482U; i-ood, 17318.-; falr. ?**.l0?: sui,- bslry, grkkst sal tm-v is-r.u.-. stat.- l^ry^flrklna. Snloe to fancv. 17.118?K ! f*lr to sood. 18218e i W**trfB Imltatlon LreaSnarr, rholet 18C20_-:_BW_I. _5ln/siia?: |OS12e; vVeattrn bitoT. rhSle*. 18ai7e_ln sood. "^r',-.: tatr, 10810V; Wostern fa.t-.rv. June arktaa.Jhacv. l.^w 13. : -ln tulrt IO.J(il2V; falr to UMJ ? JraU. 1 /Ur. .?,f,.,as iiiL.?iii-" thlnl-. 0???10e; fourt'i*. P .'.'e ? CHI EfsE?Tha ge'neral Btarkct hBS a dul looh and prlc-s rals li bnvrs' favor. BtSU Fa.-tory. full fM-.j.. s-ptem ri- anv i^.c: dn Awcast, 8>-e; d- ?_i,?^?s^.i_d Z i.i im.? gxjg??ac! e,..?tn..n to fnlr 7s*?g__: psif_sklai*. M ' full sklnik :aJ>ae; llght Bklfna. Bfrfae! W-r^.n i a- tVfl'l'ai- f.i.i.S-Qiil-t for the dav bill flmii nn fanry B^k^fesad I'-nn^MU.Ia freah *?d** : u,,d ^ 22ei Western. rholee aj.d faary, Kattkei leeaoBB*, to* ^'sVuTillRnw-Vi's'tl s li't'e rvtsei d.-mand at grmj^res. BalfM .l.n hhds Mnarovadi.. 80 k*t B7_I?-. Bti dbb? Mo&ea^mK 80 te,.. JMOf. Fsh wanlnB ??at^dal -. 7.I.I.-; Tentrlf.iMl nb t. -t flj : d . e^ aad ..I ?' J < ? i>rt-...lloni.-t and rnished. ,_1-hv . _l i/?" Tl-lfte- ii-i.r ; Pnwd?-r.d. 6V! Oiannlated. fl\y.: "\" 01148c: Confet tloners' "A." OO-Hic; -C" 0 l-l?e; "l," S^fiS lo-IO.:; '(, o 11-10./ 5S4'sriTAlItI%VI-^ra--d atfOflf, Tholre ln tc? quotr.1 at Sr :,''.<? d O'eo.nareatlre ilul'; rlty. BJ.iWI-1*:, SAk'B. 7.0 tes dlreet f-om the Weat to aiiiroiind'ng ???*??._, .,,? lXLLCiW In it'od d.inmd aid Tru. Piltne rlty n TEA-8alea to-day bv au?-U.? lO4?0 ?*J"_'K>_?ll?ww: Mi.vone Hv,r,?. n^i:i : Ym-ne nr?55i u "','?, '-"*.,,'"' p-.ial. IShCSOVl Ol'BPOWdef, ll?.t.y- jjt imlT V..ui.i? Ilv-o-i I.Ttfl--: fi?mpowd-r, l.^.i/.S lmi> H-. 20 '?oUe: Jap.m -1'r.r.lir.d. |8?-?2<y: fUskel do ifltc: Wnha" ifV; r^Vu? ll?21e; Indl* snd Oranye pekne, lji-.c-'. i 0 lo-.u Pormosa lB>s<34c; Amoy, is C18. ; FrvichoiT, lTh^'-'OVic. LIVE fJTOCK MARKET, ' ftsw.Tcrk, Widncaday. Oct ag.-BliBVF-S-ItareJpt*, 17.-. .-ar..a.:, of 2,740 he*d-20 carloada Ior ba.tii.ana lon.p.u.v. 61 carlowd. dlraet to eltl bIbukktorvta ?'hou'? uae.^3Varload* foi ..xpoftatlon allve, and .1 ?_^_'_? ?,, mafht*. uiaaluir. wRi. 12 .atluad. already ??_*>?_{ koiu.-t.i.m o\ur ."? ' rBfloBda t. '?' **!? Ihe tna.K.t ,n,.;.o ?,?,< snd atller* waft^llged k. drop oriee. V, lic i.t loo ff. to mcel the vlews of buyef*. but Bt the rdu.'tion a largsi I ualnees waa trartasclcd, und Bssat sf tl"'-)::i!ao'''iu,.uW^oiw^io ateera raaajed H} Priee fromCS I* #S .0 lOllioion lo pi.r.i i.atlve sl-era aold Ht -.( ...o-t-1 00. ?^iL-s'siid ov-ii Bt 88 50-81; bulla st 8170??8Q. *?d old "bandboxaa" at *8 3o per h.Ad. _ luarkeU um-lisngid at :.-.-'l 'or?'p'r,fc?.t__ l,.s-;, aud j-<u..-,id for ABierkao steer*, estlmatvd d.a*i "'^...iim-nts toilav, V..0 rattlc on tb- l.rlain. 800 de OB tl.e Alexandrl* and 4.h.-> Muaftorsol ln f in the Bothiiis. Rrltannic an 1 llty ol IM-- fo-moftow theJLe-mvatv lli.l will be laden ?ith oou bt-evea; Uuj Orlnoco .arius ewi iaitl- nnd 05 aheep. . , . n,? Bermuda t-jok 20 sherp and aalled Ip-day. ?|ea?Mi. v Lulxer: .-> h.iitu.-ky bU-?i_, HB8 TB, aviri'i- at H W l)< r It. : il'J do. UB( Ik 3t if l fO! .12 do, IMrS'aVgafBJ: T? d?.' 1-.-1 ta. at 81 fd); 10 du, i;?:<o n, ti iiY. ? l ti d.. 1408 ::., at 8180; n> du. 1S00 V ' at M86i W ,80,^1WI gi, st ??: S ,i,i, iJ3i ft, ai 84. 28: Ul '!?. 14_ ? aifrtSOi 17 do. 1317 Bl. st 84: ???> do. IJ.H. w di 84; 10 do, 1*? rr., at r< 10 15 dn leosraa), 1607 tb. at t-l :. IM do. __*, at r in do 1^'is 0>, al *8 85; W do, llb.i m, at 88 80; i, Ohlo i.o, 1107 rt, al Sl -'.6: 14 do, l...'.7 Bl. Bt 84 Mi ?I dp. 1807 tn at *. '.i>: IM d... 1841 1?. at *4 :<??: !?? d., ISIS ?. at B4?0- ?-' du 1274 ?. at. #; I".; IM <lo, 1288 !Ti, ai ^l 10: ?j do 1802 ?, at 84 i i.-s d .. 1241 r>.. at 88 f>w_s ; 2 do, llij - at ,8 00; Im do, I3li X at f-i I" 81 Indlsjis iln, i.i.-.. "?' it ^i a:. lo do, 1872 tb, at 81 10; .* ktutueki Oxen, i.-,'i-< rr! at *4; :i iio 1813 :h. ??- 88 30; 2 uo, lsso m. at rtftO; 3 lluilk. 117, Bv a: 82 50, _ j shamUrg: 3 Kontm-ky bteers, M.>, Bt at >i so: n, do 375 Bl. at +1 30: 21 do, 11T". :*-. a' *3??: *;' _>*?";<_>. I.)-; Bi at 81 UO: 17 dn IS* Bl. at -fl 3,': ; I. do. 1180 B>. at84 10; lOdo. 1101 B:,rt88?. Ilsllenlieck * Hulll- : li b'.at- Itull*. f?0i Bl, nt ai s.,. XewtoB 1 OIIMI 38 KentueBy St . r? ?.:,:.:i rr, at *i -.-,; 17 do. 1470 ?:?. Bt Sl 88: 17 do 1427 Bl, sl *' 05; Hi do 1517 Bl at *. 00; l'l do, 1">.'>1 Bl, Bl 81 10: 1. di>, 1403 Bl at *-l ?0; 18 do. 13VI ff.. ..- ?l 40; 10 ln, 13iW ? al 84 ?-'?*.' 20 dr. ll'T'.' Bi, at. ?l 2u; -" do. 121M -n. at ?un 17 do 11-7 !B Bl 83-.'., I do, ln'ii' Bl, al 88 70; 'i Indlana do lln.l Bi, at +3 05: lu do. io.-.:, Bl. at -f;i .o. I i-' Sadler v t ... iniainl. Tn. -dav,. r> Ohlo st. ??. IL'7-,' !h.' al 84: Is d,,. 131" tr>. at 84; 10 do, 1207 ir>, ?t 84 10: 2 Bnlls, '.'.5 Bi ut 82! 1 d... l"l" Bl, at *J. i Sandera: He r-v,.,-. |0?0 Bi, st *3 pei ipo Bi: 28 do 1074 Bl a' t3 10; 37 . olo-ii.lo M>- ?-. 1108 B>, at C3*i; i>. ii,, p, ?t 8820: 18 do, I.'mm ?.. st. 83 2..: ir? lllnola Sl.-er?. 1153 Bl, at 835.-,; 1:. KentU.kT do. 1288 ff. at *3 *.?' 17 Kttlt-iek. " >x n imkI >t:. ?-,, 13-.L Bl, Bt i.i:,, io Stnte li-:):-. --li Bi, at (l 70: I "bswdboBea." tH 50 p-r h< ad. . |-:,it 11 ot:..:- 7 Ibillv 11.3 fo. at 82 25; i ii" l-lo !h. al 82 20; 8 do, 1240 Bl at 83 15: 2 do, 1000 Bl, at 82 14 i 5 do" 1151 rt, at 8J 1". M1LC1I ...XX- lliwelpt*, 13S 1,-nd. Trade dull but nrli.-s M-wlv, with i?x.i to ekoke atoeb aelllng at *17 60a (50 p r li'-id. .1 i, I'urils -old: 7 eows a' "2" 50u*50 per bead. Buim \ M II .. I l'? ?"'-? *l -|7 ''"' ? '?'' ie'r I" ?|J- . . <xi v s- lt-'?? :p-.k i ,,r''. bead, .,r whlch 775 it r,i>uv ,i i,i-i?r i,,i loth i.'.i-?i- and w, t.-n--. snd f.if V-aN. Ke,?.ted -:,!?- well al kfHe b-'? Bi f..r pooi t. ,|,,.| .- V.i.l-. ?3iH)p*i lisi Bi foi, and ..'.,./ *i.?"j for iniik- i-. a i-arliKid of Boffalo falvea sold at ' iaU-5'llall. ?i.--,-k X llollla: 13 Oraaaefa, 228 fh irmi . Sl 82 ,5 ta-l li"' rr.: >'. F. I l*alx??. 31m Bl, at*3.,.,. 1.1 dp i;.0 Bi, atC4; 8 .I-. lu ::?. al 81 80; 8 V_pla. I.o :-. at t-.. ?J.l do, 155 IT,. al 87 ; 'J do. 144 tb, at +7 .0: 0 d.,. 188 I\ at 'inil.-i l.a.-k \ I), v.-.-y: 0 i.r.--i-. 210 Bi. st 88 50; 2 VrtxH 181 ?, ut ^T; 5 do 131 Bl, at *7 50; 0 dn, 10a rr,. at + ^ 17 Harl, iu do, 130 to lBH Bi. Bl Osj-W :?-1 ffi ll.iii,? 8 Muli.n: 54 Budalo i'*i\.-k loS rr at .?? ; , Vrala, 13.) Bl, ai ,-.-,?; 12 do, 131 Bl, at 7 V . 3 do. Ho Bi 1 li.'HarrlBston: .i'? Weateru c'fllves, 25ii 1b. at 8800 t r ioo tr l ii i iiftia: 21 VeaJa. l<vo rr> at 7l?<-: 12 do. iwi Bi, ai ; i..,. ii ,|., ii.j :' nt ???: 2 .'?> 151 rr,, at 8?av. *l i bi-ott: L5 (itJu-**-f, 20. n., at 2'v ? I X Pidcoek i Soiis: .0 Veal*. 181 B>. ?t 87 50: 20 d..." 1.0 tr., ui *7 56 : 3 Fad d... ^77 B>. at e-5 : 1 d?. l^i. B?. at K11EEF ANI" I>.x.Mll> -?e,-.T|)ts 37 cXrlrads of 7.51*.. b.-.d-"'i oarload* st J,,-y <"it: . io carlo.d- .t bOth-si . and 6 carloada at lloboken. Fourteon rarhaxda w.?r? .-..i. -Un?d dJroct. More than 20 rarloada w,r- luld ,,\,-r v terdaj maaUng tbe total oo aale, 14 rarloada. li.-n.and onl.i i..,i auii nrirea ki,o.v,il io, In.prox-i-n-.i-iii; but tl,,- -,ir; I? ? in li. uVua ?i. fidorod aud dealera h,.. ? Ior ? latf-f uBk-1 i ,'for- th- cloae oi Uie we. k. < onin..ui u, ehoi. - Sheap .? ?! ,t ^3 75i4<5 60 p'.-r 100 "'; poofaat t? beat Lan.1 s Bt f.<..' *" *i'i.-?-Juiid I Bocklogka-: ioo Rute Lasihs. ?o it, avatastJ ut SO sx. pef l?iy m: 74 de. 74 B>. nt f)2->. 203 r',".;. , r,;-lli do, li'l B?, ai tfll 164 do. iio'-, tb. m -.'-,'75 'i'.?iat..- Bherp. 94 IU. at 85; 11. do. 120 11.. al 84 50. MCollina: 158 lodhm* Lsnfca, 72 Bv. at ^o : 175 do. Tl Bi at 86: L'8 eull*. ol B>. ;* 84 75; 53 sn-.p aod i/?inbs 83 Bl, ut 83: 37 Indlana ri!.;.. 103 Bv. at 84 W: ?>ifl Ohlo d,, r-7 rr., .a st bu. " Hherinsn 8 raK'ff: 183 K-ntw-kv sh-.t) rekoleo). 1K, T, 'ai 86 30: 3"3 Mlaeourl do .^3 Bv, a. *l ',5: 15 do, BO -,: at 85: 122 KrntOvkT do. W Bv *? 84 75 : 547 .'anadl... I uobk mT1-.- Bl at 80 08 2-8: 210 h-..Wua\ d". .tl B, lt 80 25 110 do 08 ?. Bl a.J; 7d du. 08 tb. Bt *5M7'-j: 1-20 >h - i. aud UmhB, udxr'l. 00 B>, St 86 12?j. X-wtou 8 OUteU: luft f"-'" Skcep. IX' Bi, at 85: 88 Kentarkj do. lll rh st 85: 81 da. lll Bl. Bl 8476; jg ,!? 8] rh Ht ei: M5 "li." Umba, UP Bt. Bt 88?; n, If.lnf. ''\ <??> 05 B. ut S'l '-'I do 7 1 :v ?t ,?.l 15. nrrlrilaxek' t- Dawey: 257 st.-i> Ua.b*, Wg rv. at ?0 "5 3i> do lV>-j Tl, xt ??l: 15 stal- bhvtp, MO fh, at S6; 82 Maliman do m7?-j rh. ut 86 25. k < llollla: 43 Wate L*n_s, r__at8C50: 10 dd. .11 8i, nt 80 26; '.10 do, 711-.- g, at.88 23 : 11.. dr.. i!7 rV at 80 20 80 do, 02 rh at 80; \f2 do. HO rh. a!> i.', (.,.'? toi <lo. O.r-j B?, at 8880; 14 State Bheep, 121 Bl, at *. 50 2fl do, Bd r\ al 84. H llari.n?U,n : 166 Stub- \*. 71 V.\ at 86 82*a! .0 do 75 Bl, at 88 80: 2" i'.<>, ""--? 17.. at 80 25; lii rt... ,VM Bv. Bt 88; '?? >-;'?te Sheop, 100 Bl, at ^-5 : 21 do, 8g Bt. a liuine * Mulh-n: l',3 lanartlan I?nil,?. Hlb B), at *rt V2-i ; II Mu'. do, h,' TT-. at *? 75 ; 14 do, 71 tb, at *0 5.i hi do, "..o. fx ut 8<i. 4<v FetiB?yivaaIa do. 07H. fb, at ?.l 12'.- : 1"4 d-.. 5.-1 Bl, ut e5 75 15 ('.nnsylvanla SJicj.. b2*- TU tl ?X' B bo,-k-. !>0 B,. al *'J. ~l yi PtdrOrk X > 100 XX'r.i.rn Loanba, 81 v? Th at ?0 4(1: Ul do. *2h BJ, at 88 87%; 441 Vlrgtola d.. 67% tr- at *U ifC4 I". ui.svlvaii:a d.> ffaw kh.-fp . 7<vJ, n ,i ?,. 80 : 10 sute sherp, 1051, Bi, ul *?'. 30 : 2 1'? Bosyivsnia do bO B,. al 81 50. J. F hftol-r .x io.: 71 Wesb-rn SlircT.. <s;i nx, at 84 II; 14 do (s-lfted tor .jrport- 120 Th, ut tr> 50. Il.r:?-l'..-r.-ip> 80 i-ariwda of 5,fel3 bead -22 rarloada at 40tli-kt. and 14 inrloatla al Jefaej City. B.-Uiand falr atnl prlris -biidv, aitl, BBlva ai 8180884 70 for S>ui* Has*, and I'lF- kold aa hl?h aa 8. 75<?* 1 r-.'. S.-l. -.- Ibld t sh?? 4H tJtaU- llo?/k, ir,0 Bl BVOfBM, at I. 80; 10 do, 3i'3 ih. at 84 63; 3 do, 283 B. at 81 63; 17 Stite I'ltra 131 Th. al 84 75; 24 dn. I2d ff,, nt 84 MO: 4 louifh H, i'-. 377 Bl. at 83 70. A. W. f.utnb: S fctate 1103-., 150 g>, at 81 70 20 do, 101 tn, a. 84 88. IIiiii,.. A Mullen, la>i y**teid*y: 2M StaU- RasjB, 133 tr., st ?. 60, 2 ronKh do. 33>> Bv, ?t -sl 50. J. N. I'ldcock A .V.Uk : ?0 .suit* llocs, IMO r\ at 84 70: 10 do. 151 Tn, at 84 75. * LIVE STOCK MAJUCKTB-BT TFJ,F..r.Ani flullalo Otl. 22?C'attli--l; -. ipia for _? last 21 honrs, ?.',71:0; U)Ul for v?*-.-:i 0,.:- Ur. lt,020; for aaij.i- tlme laat vM.k, 18.280; ? -"?.?? i Uiruugb, 2.720. t N,?. Vork, l.i'.HO: on asl*. ?K'; inark.-t staadv. Bgewp and IJliiha K-r-|p> for tl,.- l.wt 24 boura. 4.000 bead; tolal for ibr *,., k thus p.r. 23.800: for siaYi,,- tlme la-t vv?j(, ?'4.000; io.ial(r.?d through, I.OOO, U> kr*?*Ta_ra. all; on kali, 8.4.R); market dull aud araSS. llojwIUf ,-b.S*. for live la-t ^'1 hoiir.i. T.o.iO li.-ad ; b,ml for we*k thus fur, Jis.'.'RO; for aaaaS ti.i.e Ix*! wevk. 47.IHO; . ooslffned Ihroush, ",100, to Xew-York. 1.0HO; on **\", 4,000; ket steady; i.-a-. t, 84(300*4 85; nedlun.s arvd mlxed. -a_ ? eommon to good Yorkert. 84 Md*! 50; piga. I4 ??*1!i ? roiiBha, 88 253.3 Ot). 3fttca_o Oet^_T-'The ^venlng Journal" report.: ^.Vi_Lif?.lpt*. il.000 head; thlpnianU, 5.000; markej 9*,UTilidr tThlgher; atesra, g3_aT8ft | natlve butehert' ,loW^ _r_aa 76 ; Texana. ?2 15M8 1ft; rangera, mi 55? SKfr 'ffWlia. 3?"oO0 heSd; ablj-anto. 9.000; __2_ falrfv aetlve. lower; packera, 88 854184 10; beet T-i a! 15??>? 26 ; prlme heavy and butcher wejghte. 'i'i^ffa4 40; lUglit. B8 74*a4a6; plga, 82 7;iaa3 Sfll 3^ *? TTVelDta. 9,000 head; market actlve, atead.T to faatp-eUaaag* w 25 a$4 -. VVMt?nii ,_ 90_84 80; I? ?'. afl85_a< I lamba. 84 H3ft?5 90. **a_>V__li Oct 22-?C?Ule~Rocelpta, 8,700 head; ahlp. .. aoo-' market ttead?; good to ftney natlve ateera. !jf_S__ftT 'fair to good do, 83 80i*84 40; ttockers and M 40IJ8O, |? 10; Tp-,n? Md Ind|ant, 8? 201783 40. S___!a-C4>taa7 aVMO head; thlpnxjnta 2.400; mtrket 1 ST,- fair to chdce heavy. al 20*84 85; mlied grndet, lt IS*f#4 "0; llght, fair to beat, 84 10O84 20. Sheen R-cciVvta 1 BOO hetd ; ahtpmenta, 1,800; market steady: good to ehoice. 84?83. a i OBAiy AND PRODUCE MARKETS. FBATUBBS OF NEW-TOBK DFJVLlXOfl. Tlie bolls ln graln made a vlolont oppoaltion to th? natural course of prkes yesterday. TlierB la notlilng moro certaln than that this eountry haa graln (or ssJe, bnt speculators have carrled prVea to a polnt whero the esport demand haa been checked. Tlie Inevltablo reault must be an equlllbrlum betwePii tho Europoan and Amerlean markets-a baigiln betweeii iiurers and aclkrs. aaetrtd-tora are unwllllng t/> reach this eonclualon and vigorously conteat every reacLon. it is natural Uiat tlu-y sliould brlng forward every aj-cument ln tlieir favnr aithough Uie Hcsflail Hy *,,.,,,? a trWo prematiiro. Wheat waa actlve and irrcjriilar, cloatog sllghtly lower. Tho trading ln niitiuni amounted to about four mllllon busliels. i"ush wlicat was unsettlod by the conUnued laok of ex nort denisnd. but some satlsfactloii was dcrived from {j|e fact that a few thousand busliels were taken by n,1rorn' advancod In the early doalinga. but frea seUlng e*u?ed a reactlon and the oloslng was rnther weafc at drdiue* t?f 1-4 and 3-* cent. Cush. corn wns about 1 ?? cent lowcr, but at the eoneesslon 1ms thnn 50,000 bu'shfU were taken for shlpment. On the outward movement corn ls ln a better posltion than wheut. but bulls ln wlie:tt tlilnk corn ta too hlgh. Osta worc dull and lower aithough they opened somewhat lUglicr. On the spot tlicjr rlosed L4 to 1 _ i?nt hlKlier, but thore was notlilng dolng and tne hl_her qtiotatloiis were uonilnul. , . I.ard was Btfeeled advt-rsely by largor arrlvale of Iioji and decllnnd from 4 t<) 7 polnta. Vlnal quotutions were an follows : V. Iieiit-(?>, iflOsi-ii; Xovember, $100; oe eember >rl OB 7 m ; Januiu-y. *1 10 3 4 j May, #1 12 7 8. < ,,1-ii-Ortfil'er, BO 1-8; Xovcmbor, 51)3-8; Oorcni-er, fiO; M:iv, ?H 1-4 wnts. nata-4Vtobar, 40: Xovember, 40 1-4; December, 50 i i; aiaJTi 5? '-4 taata. 1-hp.I--Xovember. BUftd; Dece.mber, 80 Os; January, BO -''; FebruarjTi ??" n". Tlie recc.pts of gmln ;.nd flour at New-York, Pnlus rlvi.liiii, l.iiliiinoro and BOBtOR wer- a-s follows : 'A'lie:it, v..... bushela; eorn. 314.00-J baahels; o?t?(, I01.WI3 l.usT.els: toUl graln, 551,013 bu-liels; rlour, 43,Sttl luukacrs. Al l'lilcag_, Mllwaokaa and st. I.ouls tlie urlvils wen-: Wlwat. l!?:t,u?(> biislieL*; eorn, '.nft.OOs l.u-'i.l-: "Utn, '_.r.' i,u-iieU; total graln, 751,103 buslitU; flour. '_0,-tOO b.irrcln. TME TRADF. IN CHICAGO. flii'iign, (>et. -2 (Bparlal).?Wbeat fn-day actevl ratln-r pecallarly. The local orowd was bevtrlsh, rabfca aare euslor, and some early bull rumors were Kpej.'dUy wintradtoladi Nasrerthebsaa, IBo ofTerlnw of wbeat, iiroiiiui #i or> for Daramber, were ipeedlly ?bflorbed. wiien tbe p!t htarted tttera wn? a rnmor golag areaad Uiat "Tho Farmers' Berlew" In lt*i UHlay'fl issue would c>tlnirtte tlie, wheat yleld at 355,(mx),uO(j kaahelfl. It proved to be fitlso. Just at tlie cio*e HalCltf-BBB tooK B BWf8 bloek, a million ur -o; a",d poflalbly th<; oitcinm's. arklcb uUappeared so promptly duriiig tl.e day wem very largeiy tj. blin. in i.,, ur opened ?i *i <>v: l--. s"ld betwaBB *i <>'-i l-d iiinl *1 (.- 1-4, and eluvii m *1 dil 5-0. Oecvinlr ..p.-iu.l ;il <?1 l'5, -Old bOtWOcn *1 Ol 7-a aml #1 ')5 7 hihI (iu-?s| at .tl 05 1-0; May opened M ,fl 00, sold between fl Od Li4aa!l Od 7-o nnd Bl OB U4. aad rlosed Bl ?Tl OU 1 ??-? >iii:ii(itp(.lis liud only 457 csis. Uulutli only 1..5. Thcarnvals liorowcre aov?uity-llvo?cara; tin> tsatimutesfor )yiaraday aovanD-aeven. -'1'i.e |*ar_iara' Bevluw*1 wns "iu in u summarj ol tbe corn .UuaUon, whicii admlited of ju-t abotit sueh au uiterpratatiou u-* any one pkascd lo glvo lt- Beara on corn Bi (jiu'c nirtirad ttila report to nua.i a rmp of over 1.7iiO.uoo.uuo. iiin biilN. n... eoontlng any exeept the marcaaniabld rora, dwlarod it aieaut b crop ul not over l^ioo,000,000. Prloea atarted eaay. but otoaed about where it oi'cik.hI. Tne arrtvals were, 33- cius*; tne eMlinnfcs for Ihnrvlay 400. \e-sel rooin was riiariored f?r onlv 25,uuO bushcls. (?nts acted abotu a, did. Tb* iii'id.'iit ot tne prorlglou plt to-day waa renewed buylng of pork i.y Dunhain At c>. They t?...k alxiut uo.uOU barrabt, whlch niu.-.t moJoa iieir lino a ii.i.w on,-. Tltero wen -to.oo.. hons iw tl.<; yatils. and prires tlierc arara 5 cen's lower. .Itin uary pork opened al -f i- -?.' nnd cloaed at *12 40, May i.pcned at Blll "u aud ehawd at #1U 07 l--_, January lard opened at fal i;7 1-2 and cloaed at tfti H7 l-2(i' ayo 70. January rlb* opened at #5 uo and closed at ?b 95?3SO 07. TUE SIAIB OF TllADE. llaltlinore, Oct. 22.?Cottoii verv qulet: mld.iling, 10'sc. Flour Him; H..nai' andAVcaUni auper, iWUxnWOO: il.. eXtlB, taao?44 70; Uu u|li), e-4 BftaaftaU; city mllU, Kio brand.^ .xua, *?> .usM ?*? ; WlnUn ?noil, jiuteut, tftaftaaftao; sprtng do do, aft7AadO; do u? stralgbt, flotOaaftoO; du u.. extra, #i 5o_84 ?5. Wbeat, .Southeiu, erarce nnd *nn, Kuitz, W?c?aivO: lonaberry, 814*811 07. Wcatcrn i*'\ ; Xo. 'J alater i-sU h\?it. anil Ortober, *l 01 '* gflltt: l>..'. niher. 81 04*81 04%; May. Bl ll(??ai ll3*. I'.iiii, bouthcru :iiui; ?lntc unU jeilow, ft.'^-.oc. We*.t.rn ...ns: mlxed apot a'.u October, 5ao; Kotember, aa'so; iulr4 tlils y. Br, Mc; January. SO'-.c na^'iil: May. 5?V; aaktd. OaV at-arca; ungiaded Koutkern and l*nuia>Ivanla, IBnft2e; do Weatern wklte, 4'..lf5Jc ; do d; niix.d, lna50.:; ; aded Su. 'J wnile, 51u'.-c. hf-aU.. aml unchanged. ilm tlr.ii; piiine to cholee Bawthy, 81140*812. rra. vlelona iirm. iiuttei actlve. tggs tctlve; 2la^-c. i od.s' ateady aml unchanxed. Sugar Ira; g.anuiat.d, .,. . ( opp*-r (iiii.t: reflned, 14-V- WhisK.iy very acdye; bi "o Kiwa-M b. i..v.ip?... p"r ateamer very uul-t. i. .", _d j;..'. Ipt* I ??lui.r. 11.000 bbls;, 8,000 buah''eorn ft.ot'o buah: osU, ft.000 buah. hhipmwits II.,ur', 14,'X^) bbls; (o.n, 8.000 bu?Ji. _j10s, 181,000 buah : eoin, 14,000 bush. i;,.n, Oct, '-'-'.-Mnrket* unehinecd. Re.'flpts? Flour, I.'.hvi bbla, 4,000 s.i.k.; corn, 17,000 bush ; OBBs, H7.000 buah : hhoits, 10J ton*. I'.uffalo. Oct. _'-\ --Wheat?Sprlnc cjui.t. ? atle*. 6.000 b'^h N'.. i baifl *i li:-^; 8.5o0 buah Xo l Xorthern, 8106.; :, (...0 buah No 1 Nortu-ii.. 4.1 01, clm.lii(f sic lower; wlnt.r tearco and nim; Xn 1 red. 81 07; Xo 8 extra nd, tl i'H . Xo 1 wlili". *l 06: Xo 2 extra whit". ??! 03; 5,000 bush No i wklte Oregon. Ofte to arrlve, rl asked on Uie auot. Corn dull ; ol.enlng Xu 2 rdlow at 5l.'?.' ; Xo I do, 5.*?e , Xo 2, ,-,;c ; So 3, ftfl%e, cloaing _e lower. oats atrong; offer bigi llght; aalea, H .ar? Bo 2 wblte, 51. un tiacK; N". 3 Hlilt... ./<'. ; >,. 2 BilXJ-d, tbaMB'iC on trivckj Xo. 2 whlt*' In .t,i"-. 52c ask-d. Harlcr Offeringsi lljlu: inurkil tluu and unrhanevd. Bya auebanred. Ilour tluu and unehaaged, N'lllf.-.d aU-adv. Canai fr>-igh> tnd ';ed. l'.e ci-lrta I'.oir," 10.(00 bbls; wheat, IflO.OOO buah; eorn, (lffrn-i buah; oata. 40,000 buah; barb-y, 20.00O buah. Canal ?liiniien's_\vlnmi, 01,000 lnh; corn, S'.'.oOO buah; bnrley 40,000 buah. Railroad ?.hliini.iite-H.eir, JO.000 1,1,1a; wheat, 10,000 buali; corn, 51,000 burh ; oats, 52.000 buah. Chlcago, Oct. 22.?The Ii a.linR futurea ran^-ed du followa : WHKAT. XO. 2. Op-'i'inf. Fllphoat. Low^nt. C'lo^Ine. Oetnb-r .ei o._ ?1 o'l'* $1 O-'U 81 02\ I.. cembei . I0i'? lO.'i 1 oi^ 1">'? Mar . H^i 1 o;.?4 lus1, 10'j'? CORX. XO. 2. urtober . 02 i2'? H C'2V \..v.u..<r . ?2> S.itj b2\ u- 1 May . K 55J? 64-V 65s? OATti, XO. 2. ..tol.-r . -14 14' 4.1U 43'* |)l! . 11 o-r . -(4s, n>4 iJ\ -4 3 U ..;;,v . :7v4 47\ 40 ? 47s* MI~SS PORK. PER BBIj. ... ,-ci- ber.1033 10 i'i 10 35 1040 ,,..,, .U:f<i 1^40 1^20 12..0 iJaj .Ii?7_ 1307. 12 n7?a laOT-j laro, rr.K 100 _us. l.or-niber . 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 ."0 lunuary . 0074 '? .0 ti 5 u 70 \M. 7 0."'2 7 10 7 05 7 10 ?HORT RII1H. I'ER 100 LB-S. Perembei . 5^8- B.S7. ftft?*i 5ff_ iguuarv . 500 .'.Ji t>$:? 50a*. \:.lV .:. B-<_ 0 3J>? 8_.*?i ms.'-j 1 i.-li uuotatiOBS Here as (ullowa: llour quh-t an't un haiiL'.'d: ,Vi> J aprlng ?h:.t, >4t 1 OJ'a.i*! .2V: Bo 3 sprin; vvl. a', OOSiwOft' i Xo 2 Ml, ?1 Ui'auel 0i\ , .No 2 ei.rn. :.' '4c ; Xo 2 oata, I3'4?4Jljo ; Xo 2 rye, 1.7c; Xo 2 barley, ili-ni at 7mc ; No 1 Baxafl d. *l 41'^ ; prln.e tlmotby se>u. .-1 _.1 <j* 1 25 ; meae i.i.rk. p.-r bbl. 610 lOnflO 2U . lard. iicr ',, .. . , c. ?(,''-? tburt rilis ald'n, .l>oaa, ^jtOiteotj' dry -?lud'ah.iuid.'.a. 85 02^dao 7ft; Htu.rt cliar ald a, ...\ .1 aft8ftt>#5aS; ahlflXey, dlsUllera' Onlshed aotda, per w-ji *1 13. Xo 2 lvjilf .cts, I7'4':; Xo 3 do, 4d\>tl7,ae: Xo 3 Istrley, f. o. ti, 01a71c: Xo. 4 do, f. 0. b.. 67<h)3c. irticicn. Reciinifl. snipuients. I |? r bl.M. 14(00 15.00<j ?Ali ai. bush.a. Ol.OoO 11."00 1 ?.? bu.h.IJe OOO 2.5.0 0 ,i;,-. t..1-1..207.0-0 235,000 1; ,? bu h.. 12,000 lO.i'OO l.'arly. ?>'?h.100.(KK) 52.0..U on tha riuduee Exrhanga to-day Uie butter market w? BBcbangtd ; ??*??? IBrflWac. [?hlladrlphla, Oct. 22.?flour niarkot rul'sd flrm, e-irh bettoi u.i.i?>d ai.d ligbt oderinga. Mlnaeaotta claara sml lu? ?-rade wuh-.j were eapectaUy tcaree; Weatera and fennsylvaala aatraa, #3 50a?4. Rye tloir ^t^ollK and ad vancllig under vt-iy Muall aupplb-t; .;h..l. .? l'eiiuai l\ sin, ?4 25 |i--i bbl. Buekwbeal flour more actlT. and ilrm at f2t*2 25 iar 10O IT a-s to quailty foi new. WheBt?Optioil r.iarket ?as dull _,d MBtewBait irngulur, clo*4af s._i-jc lo?er. (holce grail.'? Wtrre n..t ln larire ?upiily. but iiiil I, r* ?eis- buldlns "'? aad afferbaga waje ln kowi of ro> nnlrementa. Xo. 2 nd in xxport ebilator, *l i'8v?; also it 8108; Xo. 2 October, Bl0-'_fdlo8; Bovambar, il (.2'4-el 08?i; Deeenbar, 8104*?tai Oftla : Jauuary, .; h.'iVitI H7U. (om?I.lttle ..r 110 d,'inajid elthtr on tp^eulxtloa or fcr cxport, and epitoa prlcea were ?hciiy no i.Uial- ( arloLi aera uul.t. bnt flrm uiider lli/ht ..rf.r Ii,m Xn. 2 inix.-d st..rtk'' ln ^'ram depai. 0t> _c ; S,, 2 1"? BBXed liatk, 80c : Xo. X blsh lalxed dcad at..raa-*i in "Otli-et. i-levalo . (Ili : N?. 2 hlifh m!x<-.l ln gralB d(ru.t, 1,1 kT,-? Vo. 2 n.lxid October, 50HioOOc ; Kovtnabrr, OUSic : i>,.*.n.b.i. SSsjftuOhio; January, 57^^r.jtc. oma-Loal irirte ilci.anU Uiiht. an.l prleca of carlot- a ahatl" -.iikcr , .'.der utereaalBf tuppllaa; Bo. 2 aii\"d, Ile; unsraji'-d, ?'?',. N'o 3 wlilt.'. 6.c62*aC; Xo. 2 Wblte, t$e. Futurea a'aie "diiil and %jC lewer. Xo 2 ivhlte Ogtober, .12853 . snv hiIh r 61%tft2c; Di'cemb-r, 5-a52s,c: J.inun y, 52./ v.,. Egsa Orin ; I'enaaylvanla lir?u. 24c. Hugar? Be Utvd atcad- : irranulau-d. 0\.c. Pawd ?troni:er; wlntof r.n tlH?(rlH50 |nr t"U. Otlicr artl.' BaCBBBBOB' ,. ,..0,1.-1 lour. 3.300 bbls, nx> taeka; t.xoo buah; .0.11 7 100 : oaU. 15,WO buah. Rnlpmcnta-Wbcat. I j.'O bush ; eorn. t>,000 bu?l. : .,nta. lO.oiK) buah. *M I^.i.N, (>>t. 22?I'lo'ir ?l<a'ly, Bttteg. Wheat-Afb-r luw.ii aawalBg ?f WaSc, the market WMtkebid 4ac. tuit ', rnuvercil aul fldtwarad a fml .ent BB-Vfl tlie lowct i'r... The mark.-t WBVtred aaalu an-J lh* t nrten.-v ?ns ii'.Vrtu i-iitil ne*. tl.e etoae, whlch waa nm. at Wap abova ... _waat |K,uit and il^ut th- tWBMi a* v. ?t?-rday'a rlaae. V? ?? caab. UH'iai'..1!!'; D(tre_iber, 01 O.'Vr lnd ? May, ayiiiaV; July. tnhic; auci-i. BBb. Coia?Tka uiaiact nn.-i.i-d weaa and *ae lieloiv th-- clo?r of ycaL-rdav. There aaa a rallT and pilcea b<-<'Uin.' Ilrmer, but dorilaed lat.r; n__reved jnd etoaad >?.iVc b.-iow reatcrday'a i?t*?t piU.?. v. 2 ca?b. 47Sc ; Xovember. 4l?'?c : PerOBaBer, 4'.iijC: Mar 52'4<f32?ae. fiATS?The market np-ned lOWflf and liipr Kiisht riurtuttioii ci(ia<-d Viitse bvlow. *yeaterday't tSS tliriir.-: Nn ?, 43c bld; Maj, 4n?jo. ^Ityr. 8ft>?e ,1/ llarb-y Orm. b.itaulet; Xehraaha, BM; MVIaenn-lu. B_?'- Iowa, 00873c. llay afcady unchangfl. Ili-m Loaree 73e., Tlt>ja<?ed Orm r Bl 8M??. Botier ?teadr r?ca 'l7<fl7?ae. Liad Prm . flft SMaff 85. Kkmaf "6 Hr lron cotfon BaW, ?1 ?n,Y?l 8.1. Pro\iaopa-Adv|ert ~,re not ?o ftvoroble aa yaaterdxv and the i.iB'ket waa f? u'llct, but ilaadr. A good many aft_,l Koutbern ordtra ftlled; l'o-R, 811 ; Ijtrd, BBaaijlZsj. Dry ailt meata-Boxed ahouldera, 00 ?.>*; lo-ga. B* 75; rlba. ?? "? ? ^aTaft ooSao.. ^rr2^r_aa 40^ w_n*y. W W2d; riba, 84J28; *'ear ^7^ 40.^wnjsay. Corn meal ttcady. .*%"%*-* ""?_,*'Sf ooo bi wheat, 30,000 10,000 7.000 bbl. , 14,000 bush ?w**"^ aaooo'buTh oak'^OOO ba'sh: rya; bush; wa. M.00OiftWi eaaa, BQaKJlstr. ,Jrh#b4^ /lo&Turt; eo?. 48,(bfo baak; oato. TBEPETROLF.UM MABKEJ. mrara TOOM TTTB F1E-D A!fD P.ABOX OT FBICEB. ^JmTJEL nioro bu.lne,. ln *?****?? JBntr at tha conaowatod ?aaJB-? raaaaaOar M_Z were advanced to 81 7-8 canta a barrel whlle _^hgherflJuraat01lC1tywM8le?nt-. A covarlng h^S borTw- Plaloly aa adeQuata excuae for 4 J ? J.?;ruit tne demand on that accoont waa not _2t_5_fTt__B morT^an a moderato rally. Tho tufflclent to cause' ??? ? ^ m prc4nftion ls export bnslneaa bl ta_BBB ?? ??j? Veatarday waa lncreaslng. JSS^m\T?m deaSne on Tuoeday. even more spwulatlvo tria^ iuo ?^ mucn Tlie markot, ln ot^ ?^^Tboen aaUsflcd. tnanlpulatlon tliat PubU" t 5 ^tber slde and tha There ls no mitflldiJfcB*B8B ^ ? j, ?-. dally fluctuatlon. ha? "g,^ certlflcatoa wera n'tfe "ran J oaf prtea. and S total deallnga wera m followa: Fxchango. Consolldatcd. y>T*A? IgrgK Buckeye, Openlna . . ? 8013 817-8 . Hlghest . . . fOl- 80 1-8 . Lowest . . . ?W 81 1-4 . Final . . . - 801- lW.OOO Sale-. barrcls 3-000 T m, iy>nta; caaes, 0.83 oento. fjpW5r*? M-33 *?>> ?* -* 0a^rvtgnVo'^lon.n-AntwcrpUjOM ?ranea; Bromen. 8.60 maVks; Loudon. 5 9-inpw^ HAVANA MARKET. Havarra Oet ?_-fJ_;jagjja_g jff Vaaaatg ~KEAL ESTATE. Bl'STXISS AT THE EXCHAXGB. There waa a strong toneln ?? marBe. ??*?? _*., ?f tho pniperty oBaradaoW ?% o{ : of llobert C. Townscnd offered 9CVOn*J j h ; .a,,.. at bat ?<*? Ilailtlngt,,n ^ . tog ataW wUb a taaaaoaaa boaaa theraon. ? ~JgJ^^t in the T?.wnsend. who owns a one .. jn'?erv-seventh property. for *_i?<>?&? *0- Vn _ lsiixioo; lt *.M it. L a fou.-,t..rv briek on a M. J^^fog ail<l f.,r B16A00 to D. M. ft"J_?_^"u twenty-fourth ?_.305 near One-hundrcn an 7J^r^^i st.. four-atory brlek n_t houses ou?<???? ?64,1*00 for the three from <>. B. *eio d Bareral pMlii the up^r part of^ga i ? offered; a plot /''fl\^ucT*o%rrtsln Junel Pfrca #5.500 from ?'?M<,HM'(?af'' Jf%5eac_ ftom Wllllam ^."WmbBttadbr^jW^ ? ,g t..m-story .Neulls. No. 344 Eaat *im e . M ^ FralldH brownaiona dwvlling on lW \%r*__jr4.ftVe, ls a two- I Mrbwoager fw ?8.W0. >?>- M*? * u bPOnght 84,300 ttory fmme bullOlng on a lot jijiuo, u b froni Wllllam KeJTer. tldrtlcth-st. is a four Ifo. 4a West ??n^hundird-anrt.fiur ein ,rory and basc.ncnt browt.stone d^eUing o^ ^_ 100; the blddlna ran fr?? *";?~nS 4i? Kast Twcn Muller waa the Inyer. IJoa. <???,.,,?,?,, ?? lots , tjethst. are ^.ur-stJ>r^? ^kJS.i^ ?_ch from John Mc 2VXV2 cvtch; they bronghl **?g?J& Ward. be- I Cormlck. Bla Wta ln tho ^'"H,.^" h" P.V-fi caeh; tweeti ('rehard st ^d,hru,c,hh*ic'.'der07 tSie now atraet two adlotnlnj tota oni the ouher slde oi w brought fflftO, and others troni aftOO ? aaow^ The following prlvate na"? ??-^.^Jne dwelllng Luv>ter Haa sold the four-st,.r> brl. K BM BTOW * , ona lot -_2x<;OxlU2.2 knovvn as No. ij^Y Knapp 8f ' seend-st.. oppoatta Wvoraldo I ^nstone dweUIng on . R5'r^&.^^?HOT'i!iinS KT-JJ J??!^_-a_5. aS&F aaa- ; r-_-_*alflaA_& S-. BftS i on Uw market wlthln the next few wocKs. BfeW.Taa-, W.dnesdiy, Oct. 22, 1890. The fouowing aactba. salea aara hatd 88 toe __c_tn*o | and Aactton lubm t?-day - 2 301 to 2,305 I ??& S^iwelB^wlBjljtf^jyt^tt ; 375 ft . of _eaox*ava lotiox, tjouia .>*^"Lr- , ? "WaatfaU with lot No 344 f-a ?jg.^^. 20W-?w i^^^r'^^-iv^^ro8^^ ; J ?TO!&?S?t??tf K^ave^'a of iiw_SS_*AyTaStf I80th-.t? runi.mii to' 117. 12-Jtn-et, lot 23x100.10. W U S?B?*iT?ftaael lM.ce, 230 ft a of WTaVat, 23x90 ,re and dweiilng. with fc?.Jra-JH jtaat w of b? lngton-ave, was adjourued to .November 0. -? BBCORDED RF.AL ESTaTK TKANSFERS-N. T. OITT. Xlflauy-at, w a. 2U0.3 fl n of lOlth-at, 30x100; Joa W Lafet.-a aud wtfo tu ElU V l'trxeu- - -. - 8800 licnn.u-iiv.., BAjftOtt-jdJId-aa. MallWj aaata ^ Liit.ey to Wm l* Kooney.?-.-? ? ? ?? ?? ?? " a a 100 ft . (-1, 2oXlCU.d | .'olouu.o to Johu L'oluaibo...????? l-;.i tt ii "1 Julla-st, .'oXlOu; JuLi. UaA'.cl-st. e s, 10U lt ? (" n"?''">- , Viiloul.) Cclomi.0 to Johu 3d-a ? s l-.M It n "I Julla-st, 2&B100. JuU. l.a utuwav. Hue, tui to Joaiah sv 1 *>aa_|B?B.Jf '?.?00 3d-?ve, b a ear Juiu-at, i2,.4M0oxluuxlO-.3, ?BBM bi boiiiaidinc _ael.................. ???????? ?'?'wv V___U_a_V? fl a, -OO ft s of CUrX-st, lOOxdlsx W1.8_??o"i; llelUBU ClarK aud wlfo to Johu 14;oad. ^i "uctj' naak "&&&jjA lvt-r y_ei.Ui..-'* l..i.(l->, 0 4-100 act*. lord Vallnuii^ave^ a: fWtt a ol Uarki.w'lWxJibx lol 3.\330.1; Jo'.u O'llrlui lo Jolui B W?a> 3 _?:;,i v ^^ft'u oi jua ? _a-jBa|; i?*>_ W lbo,np?ou. jr, io Altour C lucXer---v--^ *-'-? Trmlty ?>?-. s a tor I84tb-al, moMoo; 1 uaUlard 1 uuinaa aud wite to !? r.uici* ( onuor.????;?." ' _exl',.^0..-avc. w s 18 ft . ;.f linbl-at,40.Ux.3; RotTiiiaou ..Ul and wlfa to Uaiilel B *?a*?_.... }. *^ Sun.c prop; UBOlel s. Fo-s to IhMMfl H l.vird.... 1. ?>-? Cudar-.t. -Vo 1MC ^'2-10_47.1; Morltz Baucr _id %sif.- io lUndo.p'.i uugaauhelmir.......j......"?? clliit.nni, a a, loo ft fioiii u.-nd-at, 50.1x100; UavW Ltvy aud wUB to ^twla.h^lowalijr^ e0U.-?t n ?, 300 ft w of lat-ave, 2^x102.2 (No 323 Eaat); Jullus Scott to Ed?^rd J BhBvel_.._. 1 SOtli-st, ii *. ?t5 ft w of lsuve, 2jx10-.._; Ld ?a:4 J Bketelk and Wlfe to uora ?Cott...;...... 1 RjlhoaJ-ave. .- s. Lot 150, Man Melrote bonth, W5 10\75; AatoB Scboeubuelier and wlfe to A.m Mtlbir .?;?????.v*_r * 147tb-.t ? *, 175 ft w of St Mcholaa-ave. 17.7x W 11 ; DeaU J Dwyet and wUfl to Win Haliih 1 llntl.-st n a. 834 (5 ft fl of AVewwe A, 20.8a mi.ll; Itoii. rt Hattl and -_e to John * Brady 6,900 l(jtli-n, n a, 148 ft e of Sth-ave. 24.0x00,-6; tlla V a and Ai.ra.n H Oaytoo to Bvb i Loa. io*> lOth-at n ??, 124.0 ft e of Mh-VC, 24.0x1*0.5 ; ?aimi t., MarUia R loun.-ond._???.__'?*____ .Saino property; BIcaard Tackar, by John Ryley CominlttOK, to saine.,V ___i"?*.* _.__ lOtii-I n s 148 ft e uf 5th-a\", 2l.0xt<0.?; aamo ^^ ?bi-s propartr: __*elia"? and Baraa'B Tue'ker, t.v v a Johnaon. _uiirdl.u. to >-a.u>-.??. ?? -" Chiaholm-at. w s. 75 ft a af 'aanlnffa^aaja 81.4; Ldward Ktiiuell and wlfe to Wrtgfat Caae. 6.000 6,000 0,000 1 84,7,10 100 22M 3,000 KECORur.D IIOBTOAOEB. Brady, J F, to R RelW, n s lldtliat, fl of Aveoue A. 1 l\rei'u*li'._.i?' Mtrv. to E McNetU. n t 130th-at. e of 8d *W_4_TB_?7'C. to t-naera' Loan and Trust t'tw.pany. Noe. 5 and 7 South Wlll.ain-at.. 1 ear tOo.OOO. Tajupbeil. J V, bi 1 L Buttouwteaer, s t e of lOtb-Ve, d.manrt, 841.500. ._. Samo to A Brown. sa.ii- pmp. rtv ? vears. fSIAOpO. fa*te, W, Ui i. leiiiitll. W ? (. hUholni-at, a of Jeunlnga "t"CouRhiln,' P kTj.'-i Emlcrant Induatrtal Sa-lnna Rank, w s ilh-ave. a of 128d-gt. I i.-ar. +'-5 Ooo L'heaterniaa. R. to a J Connlck, a s 72d-st, e of 10th ?M- 2 vear?. ?3,000. _ , bwver D J, to Bouttahle Mfe Asaurance Society. s - I4 7tn-at, w of St Kkhafaa-vc. u yeara. 6 moru, Edcl" n to B D fjHSotA, n e cor 3d-ave tnd Julla-st, 8 yeara, X Btorta, i-'iirietoi. i !??"? ??? to Jf " Mabaa. a a cor Hud?on nnd Lorov ato, 0 inunthe. 2 Btortgagea. 114.009. (;a^.ral(.. LouUa. to Morria Nkyer, ? a lat-ave, n of 113t!i-st. I year. 4500. Uallagber K-.itc to Bradley _ Currler (o, ? e cor Morn Inatlde-VC and llrtth-at. B inonths. ?-',700. ll..-'-tl. I I . 10 V HBertot, . i 53d-st, e of Lexlngton aX<j..hnV,?nr.,'Nat'!ianlel. Vn H K Thurber. w a 4th-st, n of Ilanow.4t terurea not-'s. Kar?t. Anna M, bt Mary R Crow, n a 150th-at, w of ('onrtiainlt-ave 2 yeara, 82,000. Maitln Patrlek. to Joaeph llv.uns, n w a Wtahlngton avc n o of lr.l'th-'t, 2 yeara. #d(M>. ivtttt. John. *i Ij A CuriU, 182 I.lberry-at. 3 yeara, S2(i,oo0.'_^^ Heol <_Btate. HAVE YOUR TITLES IN8UREC. TfrLLGi/ztRflrfrzECa (A-.II CAP1TAL. 0300,000. S4 BA8MAI' ^T., N. Y., 10 tOI'RT ST.. Vulaal I.lle lllda- "rooWlyn. Hfonej to Loan on ..ond and Mortgage. Allbeleweal C'urrent Raie ol' Intereai. Plxrd Rniea. No (har?ea for Dlabareeueate. DIKElTOKii fieerge W. Qulntard. Albert Tag, jol.n Strt'.ton, JaatM Feilowa, Wil.ltin stenway. EdBtaad C. stanton, (ii-oriff C. t'biua-n, 1'.. Carui.ii Coint.ea, Wtlllaiu Wugner, Charltv. Vnauf'at, AXDREW L. M)tf__.B_l, 1'realdent. JOHN A. III'VER, Vloe.prealde-t. ADOLPII KOP1T.L. Secretary. Boeineaa Ptoprrtp Zo (?t BriI.DINUa, I f LBT fTOlIBi*, _.BfC_-*- ' ,K OH,AT TAmiBT? all7.4NT) <_ WRiTlNii. S BMbat-a 1*4 QUrtion Salro of Eral Catote. D V. HARXKJT A CO.. Auctloneera. 78, Xaw-Tork City. WE WILL 8F.LL OX TUESOAT. OCTOBF.B 28. 1880, OWE HUWDRED LOTS LOWERRE 8TATI0N, Bfty muviteo from R-ctor-st. br el'.vated rallway ?xpre?? train'. For roaps. terma ar.d full jianiculara, apply t* B> V. HARXETT A CO., AB*SJssss*JB, 73 Llbarty-sg, J. ROMAIXE BROWX 1 CO.. 50 West 33d-st. HOLT A BCTLER. AWorn.-vs. 111 gliBgBBI. JAKEB 8. FITX n. Avent, sasaMttS Hudaou Rlvst AaS> road Dupot. Toi.kirt x. y. REFEOT.E'M SA1.B. A dealrable farm of 22 acres ln %Ve*tch?ster Conntv, sj the ktaSMa sa Hks Mew.Torb snd XottSan Rafl. road. Blll be aold at publli- au.-tlon ?? Xoveinber | ltrtrf) tt 11 a. Bl., on tb.- |,|.m|..-. (ttUavled on.-l.aif mlli oorrf r,f th,- property (consltilns of 70<) seiesi reciatlT Dureruxaei by Uie Afdsley Company from ( yms VV. H?i,| forthe imr. poae .rf devdoplOK h.b. tflwn lotn ....| attas. ArHindand at frult. good bsrti aud sh.-d*; ?ever-falllns -.prlng wst*r roav nitig to the house and born. For p-irt|,-niars, B. 1;. M. WRAY. Exeenb-.r, 10 |__?__S, sWv',1 a -wcjlabS V. kxkBMTt 4 ^kTisaalasssa^? WlU sell at Auotion THUR.SD.VT, OCT. 28, At 12 o'clock noon. at the Real Eetato Exehange aog Auctlon Roorn, 01 f/i 05 UfceHj Bi, Xcw-Tork Olty, UNRilSERVED bAf.E, 255 lots al BAT RIDOE, KIXUS OMXTY, XEW-T0R8I, situsb-d oa Tblrdsve., 7ktk-a*,, 81sb*t., Fotirth-sve., 80th st., 82d-fA>, on tbe, diri-ct llne of th' BiOBklja "L" lUUrosd. rjaw kalkflag These lota are ellgll ly BiMafed for b':s!n*.-a snd resk dence Mttpnaea, 8d?v.-nue h iu( tfca n.alu i.,.?U.et4 thor. ouflifare and 4th-?..-n,,- b*niK UXi g.-aiid bcui?\ard trors BiooKlvn b, Kort KSRilltOO. Haiidsouic v.lla* a,,,i b i<-k tiats and -?? - - era a'padj ore. t-d on adjoitilna pi.p-r.y. t ... u.- r ug an ln,n.?'iiat* d.inand for |h*a* loia I*r Impfov-Bl Bt T,,.s ls now ln lh>- f.out rank ol d -: ibl. liive-tn.<n: Brosaow, snd caa bc r*sek_ frwm N V. C.ty ln ?'?'? natiiiitoa vla 3bth kt. On a ... b- r?a. l-d x ia BM*>klvn B Plge, Fuitou. Wall and llsn.ilfnn r<" l - snd Ua K.-iaf - B-arA. Tltle |k rf. .c aud guaraatr-d by the lAWyar*1 Tltls Insuranrp < o. without ri*t bi the pin-l,is. r. 50 p?.r r.-nt n.a.v Manata il v ??* at 5 p-r cent Intereat Xo feasrviieaa. X* reatH.-ll?s. FORXELIL'8 DOi'.KMi?>. F-asj., Atty. 128 B'way. Map* at Aurtloi... :-'. 71 a..d 73 l.,h.-rlv .??.. sTitn (Jropcrtn i"or Salc. Teerless mansionsT Manbattan kgaatv, N'oft* .-<l-t.,'. betwers 88k and 3t| svea.) tatdaat ttnikh , ???'. by M f,- i. four storka, ba-e faent and eeUar; claa?icai orivinaj and uiuqu*; "L" ms? tl,,n at eetavr; Inap-etitm n.ot.ii. s? .?:'i'i- n* th-:-s housi-k in "Mn City llouao," by Uaaarll btafSea, archlb-'t, ln "aeHbnff'a" for lun... IS'.au Tit.e- will b* m-,ir.d l.y th* T1TLE i.i'.x P.x NTr.E AXDTKCST f OMP.VN i, 6-i L.bcrt -:., Xcw-Vors. .xd dr,-s lllLUAKI' Lil.i.Xi..-?, Owuai and Ballder, 0?. \t at W4t_ A-1218T AXD I22D 8TB.. ?'-t of 7-r, ... ?uU n Itg ? lo alioit : kinf..iiiid -d i.v thr-i- isirks , trlrr,; bw l.ard ?...h1 ; |5 b. \.?:;? 1 plai i lrmr?; all kmdj of ln,j,roveni,nts; prtc.-a, 8I8.0HO, *2?1.0<a1; . ssh *o (i<)0 to .43 1,00: style, oualltV and llni-h .tiual t.. n- ,,i f40 0<^ hO'1-.u.. Tltl-: "lll b.- -?-,.. r;/. -.-.! ??? -J,- I I IT.I -.1 A R.XX. TKE AXD TRVST COMPAXV 55 Lih - -i ___l'_s.XIIT__. '.'IM __? ?_ IL'.-.l-t PBIVATE HOt'BR Ki'iR KALF.. t'1~xv. .-. U'lat-i . n? a? tsTiat STT. - 8-'<,rv and la-.-u,-nt H-iruitl. -' Ino/ilr- on pfemlaea <?- watrhn,an. Ptb mot<rat* TWO I'F.RFr.f T i.i HX. Xo- 5.1 ,. .1 .7 ...-? n.-ar MobbI Morris I'.rk 5.'l Mit-d tl 3<-0 ; aeabla deors: hard i.?v.,d: >? tr?. Tlt!e? WlU b* bv fh^ TITI.F f.f.vRAXTEB AXD TRI'ST COMPAXT. " IIFXRT .r M ,.r.Klx. ???_???????????????????-??-?--???-???????????i Citn propcrtn Sox 5alc or xTo Cet N0.1 EAST 620 ST7 Supcrb houae. Perp.-t.ial slde lr.lit evjual st eorn?f. Can't be dup Icatcd. 2-story dlnuig-room *af*a_B_ Newly d-coratd; readv for lir.rardlaUj octupancy. Apply 60 BROADWWY, BOOM 811. THE 08BORNE. 67TH-ST. AXD 7TU-AVE., Bf. T. TO LET, unfurniahed. 2 very haud-on-e 0 room apan menta <n tbla ab-soluUsly tlr?-proof Apply al 479 FIFTH AVE., N, F.. Cor. 41*1 Rt.. DECORATION BKIMJ KOW t OUPI.ETED. Th* "Superb New Uuildmar. Perfert (soBtbers Kxposiir.-. eonbxinlnp 6 sulb-s of apaitmeii'.-. uf 9 rooms each, and oas sulu- pbyalrlan'S otllci-s of I f**ass and bath-room. Is r.-ady for BtCMpBBrr D"-?t att.-iulun.., k*. fu>-l and elevator. Kull pa.-tlcu'lara will b* ?altfd and olai.s ahowa iiiiori appllrXtlon to ^ CHAr4. A. SF.YMOFR it IO.. _^___ _ FarU Avc *nd 4'fd__f_,____>__ FIFTH AVEXl'E t'OKXBJt Flne flate, with 126 leet on street ai.d avmue; nir.s reans; Iione betb-r; 8160 per month. _IIKAI.iH F' wil) CO_ 81 ItkAve._ CO'l'II-ST. 347 WF.ST ? KU-cant Beeood tlat. Htkl r**BB1 alO and bath : i av wl'idow: h-it f flsAsd l.n'. Conntrn propcrtrj for 8ak anb Zo itl FIXE MANlFACiUKINU SITE FOR ?>ALI. Consl.stlng of nlns acres, aultablo .for mM.ufa- t'irin*. ot buildlng sltes, ln tho ctty of Hudson. X. T. B*aj snd nearly new dwolUiiK* Bt* 10 BUaUfct* alrsa^v InV.: aud 53 vi-ant P,t4. Lo.-at.-d tv?o rallroid dep..'.- and ? ?, i boat kiadlnffi Will be ?old for. va'us or ej. changed for property ln B*w.Toftl or BroolCya. Adiresa J. T. BIMPBOX, H.d-.n, n y. || AXDSOMF. and .?on.pVt" r-s denee *t IT.-r-.^vt ad, L. I. : about 14ij ar> - of UWd, u.ider a hiirh iist* of cu'.tlxa'.lon : flne outt>'ildin?-<; Bratektas a,-con,modatoo for abou', 70 hors--s; aniplo cirr ac - r ,jm ; about 1 mll* from statlon. RICHAJU) V- HARNKTT t CO., 71 and 73 L!>'Ttr-t. SiciimboJis STONINGTON LINE ALL r.lRI> KKDKII). The Innd'- B4WIS, B- sl n. oi Fiovldvucv, 82 S8. ITuiti ?tt 82 25; ? oru-ai-oiidi..< MtacBJ n to and frou. all sS4wtaS* aeata new pier. ?u X. K.. one block abota Canai-ki. Bt 6 p. ni. daby BBvepI Saaday. NORWICHLINE PA8VICM bUDVCEO TO all POfJfXg IIO-.TON. 831 VVOUClf>TKH. *J. STEAMF.RS lesvs PIER 40. Nuiiill UVEJL af* TIKK AliuVE DLtoDliU&aLA BT. fEBKl. DAILT (Sundaya ex.cpteui. 6 I >'? . Icl.ets u,d .u/.?.-o,-rai iccured st pf.ucipal OfliJ?B lu VeW-YetB. Ufoo.O>u a_ Jerbay City. _ S3.00 TO BOSTON. For Flrat-cla** LUultcd Ti.k-M. 1'ARLa aUaVt'CEO, vtt FALL R1VER LINE. bU-auicrs PVRlTAk aud PllatilUM kl _*_**__ Leave Xcw-York froju Part 88, ?>? B>. foot of Muiui-afc, i uai.y. tmuAAya UicluOA-d, al 5 p **.. i ?< *'?? ??'?_! * ?" _ PL'LLMAX VKSTlBClaB EXPKFJiS TRAlBa kSWSl ! Fall Rlver 6 35 aud 7 So a. m., due l'ark 8>,juar. ?>ui.on, ! ^C^ue^tltn tyd.xa.,;.\UVtoat f_. akwafctga,4 JfVJ*?-| | City 4 p. ui. FuU uigbi's rest. Au oIk.11Ls.Ua ?a ; SbSB BlaSBsSta - -?a A-A.-TROl HDATS Citv .?: Tr.-v or 5?a IStS, lrvve Pler 40. B. jt.. 6*Ot W.-a. ___?__^__*___ ! ext.-pt Saturday, 0 p m. mmt*r lowh?- at ABany ! pATSMLL. IM'DSOX. AXD COX_ACKIR i V> -Hoata leave d*Uv. Booday rxeopvd, ,?_ ? _? _ j foot Jay a:.. X. It . at 8 V M i-oatMa lui| Bt ll-.d-oi. * * I B A A R. R. for all p-lnts . a^t. AUo L.banou sprtnfa | it. R. dir.-ct to Beaaiastoa, Vt. ' T_ t:\V-li.\VKN.?Sl im.'iM l"ivo P?k-ll -"!iP i 18 (I'ler 25 E. R I Bl Bj*. BS. -and 11 |> n l?,___" "' i captSi). ar.ivlng !n Hinu for ta.:.- Xo tl. anl La-t. Ccqal Xoticco. N KW-Y(?RK sl'IMtEMt: L'Ol KT. Wf*_ ,-ii.wt.T Coaaty.-Fdwaid M. Inxoldaby. ria.otuT '"'?t ???" SL__!?*r-tfi W\"l_,a-.a. i^i^'iavBBBal U?lav*a. s* tk* ioimu'.u-- ,.r u.- p-rk..n bim.??"_ _* iaid John r. Mbobiiib M*f) _,?*.^?J__^^? Mlllkau. h.-r hustand, J*bn RnrlBa_M. y__ llln. J. F.-d and Ls ida John U-- U Mll ha-i '?/>'??"?? Mipnl. ui.-nui suiiuii.,.!-.. |o tlie ab?\.-i.ari.a l,,',,_P_L| pi, , ,l.-liUl Miininoilk. io ii,.- a.-o.. -,..v ? .? ? ,-___ ? sr?. BiiBinioaed lo BUBWe. tke sii|,p eiu, aBM ilalnt ln thl- Bctton. ai.d to actve a .??,,. , f v<*___?? ol New-York. I>T.-d XvW-1 orB. .__?_ _"'__? ASHHET. F FIT.ll. Pbxlntlff'a Atterney. 61 XX4S?? Stte,-t, Xew-Tork ClU.