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STGOKS MORE ACTIVEs _ FLUCTUATING MARKET. a/AXUES APPR15CIATD MATEBrALLY, BUT U>TJER 8HARP ATTACK9 DECLINE, CLOSrXG STRONa SALE6 AT THE STOCK EXCHAXOK-OCTOBBR 88 OOVBMiMEST BOSDS. 10.0*0.88. BOSM ASD BAJtK STOCKS. K*n f>i\ lst 4s 8.000.B2?? B.OOO.81 LBAM8 lat coup 2*00.lM?a Lf A 38 8 1st 1.00O.......ISl*i Lonc IsUnd lat 1.000.118 UKA4 <'hio O M 8.000.H*M 6.008.811X. Lou st I.ATax lat 6.000..b3.100 LN oaad Tex lat 9.04)0.BBM Lon.s* NaahTille < eeelUn Hraneh 1.000.102 .87?* kfotronolfa atlslsl ,87'a1 3.00*.ili*J 5.000 . *3 -.67 I Mll A _*??".' _ aCSaa.a_> csPacaaii ?.2l>00 67** I S.IHHIt ... wa% llaw. aaalm\[ajtiastf8. laj au.-oo.a;% 10.000.a8U.. 6?m ' ?AA*Z2Ti222 aaj Exchaxag* *J_ 12 .-?? _8 St XlchoUa Bajk ii :_!**_? jO.'.'.'....100is B.10*w Afkar,axs 7a -%nt BB bBBH 3.000....,_ ajBa8_*88B88l 88'* Tean Ssttkaasat Ss, s ooo.a AtckWa/ 8a? t\ la.eao._8Ms AOO*.SS | BfsTM 7.000 . . 6800. J0.000 10.000.1. SllSbUe A 1-stlflr BMBSBB 6H0O.!4*a Ba* niiWn. 1..KXI.0* Can Honlb lat OtO 4.0OO.10.) 2.000.100M Cet X J O M 6b Besiatarad ' 6.800.110% rleg 600.S1IF110 StiirBnr* ynincy NabEx 4a tK.HTO.81 Cl.ic and E 111 O 6a 4 0o*.88** Chic lt l A P*c oa j ("OOUOU lS.OOH.100V, o.'.OOO.?(H"*' L, ? CK..l?a?4s klorna A Fasex Ke? i_fffl M 6.*00.Pl>M (T*l lat Peo t)ee a Ev Ut looo.ios Phil aod Baadtog lat oref incoma 15.1.00 M.. 08* 2d oiei incoBi* ?.::::::4456> Srt r-ref Incorne 9.000 ......?8?s Phiui ano Kaaoing aJaTaa 2.00...aa 8.000.*?> 18.000.82V. 3 coo .c... 82 rii-Ii A Dan *s 2.000.118M Rlrb A W*>*t Poipt Cai Trutt 6s 1.00a.72 6.000.72m 16.000.72*4 10.000.7B 8.000.73 ?s Terni Trnst 6a 25.000.87 Mo KAanand Texaa , Rome Water * Og ltt Co* 14 000. .....7S?b 5.000.. 107?? ~8S RioOrann* Wn lat ...78V ...T??B aolT:::::::_>i~ ?.???.7i?. niKBI_ jS%\ If-OW.7* 10 voo.7nJ4 8iL Ark aua T lat al.. kan A lex'.'d Tnist Reeaiots 1.000.88*4 3.000.87%, 30.000.43 m 3.000.87 MoKauATax 2.000.87*? (?? ti 6s St L A San Fr 2.1 Tmst Hiceipta ' Claaa C 70 | 1.080.118 M* Kaosaa A Tex Bt I, V an.l T H Oen tta lat Tmst Rceelpta I 1.080.112S 1.000.81M , Sav nnd Weat lat MobilrAUblO 3.o0o..b8...?9 O SJ | Bi L A Iroti MouBt 8.000.IS CairoAATlst IS.OOO.OrtM 2.000.107*4 l.oofl.OB*w I CalroandFul lat 87.000.6?M 10.000.87 27.000.I01S Bt L A lron M 9a lO.OOO.sViOF 81 *? . 3.000.118 r-fcv cCh. A *>t L Cslro Div 1st I OoO.80 C*l Boc* V A Tol. 6s 2.fHH..82'a 2l*0?.HS f.)HV4T8K ba 2.000 .88 C1..1 Stl* X O Ss 16.000..11 Band K.ou tt 4..KMI.B2t? 2.000.82*? Det Mack A ? I, l? 3.000..03.. 81 Pul A Ir Rga lat 8.000.?7*? EaatTeon V A On OoesOoldBs 2.000.107 >; WarutBDO lst 13.90*...lOiii 2.000...... lOS's ?.ooe.......ioe 8.008..106i? 1.000.106S ajsIBsS At 8BBA 8*00.VS8 8*x> Pa* Con 6s 1.000.,.a_..78i| IndBsod WUtpf 7.888-.....U7 iBtaaVConp Ot Traat Beoelpu 10.800.78 IawaC*at lst 8.000.88 Kanaaa Pa* lst *0B 1.000.......11.'.', llntk wiat 12 000.123>s j Spok and Fal Oa Xas-, ( A M I. 1.000.lCWX, Con at L Ark AT lat 10.000.108*a ! tilnCw BVCh.oABt I.4si 10.0.1,1.71S 3.OOO..Bl 52.000.71?s 5.000.91 >a TanuC Air B Oa Birmins'm Dlv lat 6.000.86 Tenn Div Oa 8.000.98 Tax * l'sc istAs 1.000.91V 84.000.91H T*x and Fav 2d mo 9.000.88 Tol A A A O T lst 1.0011.1S7S 3.000.107's Tol Peo A Wn 4s iO.000.78 m I* Y Cen Ex 5s I ii.oer.108 MjO.182*4 I S.800.102*4 , N A" K:eTBbfd lst 1.0*0.118 X i' ont * Wesl IOaa 6? H.000.84 *a lst 1.000.111*4 'Norfolksnd West Xew Rirer lat l.ooa.lll lo.oou.........o , Xor Pao lsx conp Tol A A A X _ lst 6.000.?ilfila| 4.000.108?s l.aoo.Ht)1* ; rjni, r, Eiavatan lst lf or Pac i on Oa 2.000.109?? 18.0'K).87% Uu Pac Dan aud 0 i.oo*.87**; lst 10.OO0.B3. 87?s 3.000.84*? 10.0Oos6f.. 87'ai 11.000.?4Xs Nor Fac * Mon lst! 11.800. 84*s 8 01)0.H'4 , VUh Rootk Bl '.at e.OOOalOF.104 Xor B ot Cai 6s 10,000.100S Orearen imp lat 2.000.?108 1 000.18X?4 Obio boutnern o BB-fi 2.000..0 8.000.85 ?s Oregon it A Nsv lst 1.000.108*4 Penn Oo's 41* Conp 1.000.107 4.000.107'. Pswand Batt lat 2.000.7P?, ?aVOO........79 ?i 2.000.110 TjB.on Paolfle lat 1.088.......114S Wab**h B B lat 13.000.101 ,i 4JM.102 Wabaah B B 2d 1.000.76?s W?i. Deb 8*r B 6.000.37 WaatSbera ?td 4s 7.000.108?i 2.000.103i? 8.000.108*. KaBisterad 3.0. W_,.10SH WattUn OolTr 6t 1.000.88 ?? TBE QINEBAL UMT. eiostsA I *fa. . * sbaraa 0*'g. HUftLawtFtBai., B1C ___?*! __ STOCSA. AOTVALSALBA au* TAa r... "a, Allanti* * **a. 6'a AuD B AP.Vta. Kuc BAP an. huiiur.a.<? .jBfaaSB avonxu.- | 68 981* saaaa i'acuia.. ib^ I4t>[ i ?.;.i r<* JB....I .- I ~ ctuira. .SJ. W' 113 8U 85 >? 36*4 3&H 3.>?, 13,810 6*4 SY ?*? o\ _6i. lvo S4u 7b* ?2a. 7?y 8_U 78M ?il>?4 .,0-v 1-4 84*4 ?????. l.b 2U?? 50S 88 V. 45 ' *S , lag . 00 S lu87a 20 V 6SVj 44=4 121 2?H 8ti ' .Bk Bl 2e>4 '.'8M 28 X, ?$H 3nV ( tl.l-.Sl ^??UM>.| |l.? AU..? sa lat***... ? aa'iu uru..... < BM tk 4.S41 .? l i.ioA b. iu uil A4it. tbicA Xorwaa. La.eA Xot an. I BM M A 81 r. ? uloMAbP i>r. iM' Ml. a> r? 1 McbtLAP nr . bic 81 r M?>. i D1PX1A.O Bll i LicBur A BJ X hl * Pacmc. ( <u* PtlBB... f*(lt oiet. l?l HVfc'lll CCCAbtL. 08 da prel. 9o Vo 80 I't.L* VX. .44X4 145 144 Esal A Baosoa. ?B7M .;-i lS7*j lM-11 4? ??._ L*D 4> K? >rot. Jt'. 5.'-. bt** A 'Jei.i. X ,i .. L a ei.n 1 -: :?: 1 Riruil 2U ort. Bl a J h...._ > A PAl 1>1_ Rariau.. llousiotiA lax UliBeuuanV..^ I?UI,1 I'ailLlM Mlik MML-. KlBA* A Pem? I.b, ?x v? . LEA vV ?ru... Luu.ssiLA T. 2 ??. 68M .18'? 4i i 83 | 120 33 bj 76\ 25 | *8 76M A ! I1BX, ii:... 4H.H 31 68^ ?-? -, 44*4 92 125 20k. 5^ ! 461. 94 ; 130 1,180 0 900 iadf 400 IOO 400 4o0 40 20. 0 108M 108*4 IbsM 108Bj' .. 1 .. .. 1 ?? 1?J> i!4o 1 'OM 61^ dO'a OU'a S8*4 dO?. 24.036 .10 i .1-". 109*4 Ib.i'a H,;. .4 UOV, 1.V36 14 , 14 I 14 , ltM I6.4I IV BJ 7bM 77' 40M -7m ?iM 153 33 I .. | 30*a .."*, 30::4 IKia H8 I t-b^ bi, , 88tJ vj 144 s. 114 , 144^ , k', .39 { Iri., k, 48 2-^ 3.10 88 lUO ?rf?? 14.b87 77 k, 12,896 165 1 1.320 3.180 190 9.149 806 1,800 lSk, l&M iO\ 16\ 3. ll'b\ 100 M 108'. 14 I .. iS*j 59"* 30-s. 301b M< 80 M L_s bLora_ ;o7M lo?-. lo?'. lo7*. iW,\ lu/?. Lvos itlai.u.... ,>o t-o 90 i-u I'U V1-* LauisA Naau.. 79 80*? 79 7* '. 7rV 78*4 LXAARUu...; t. 42 I 49 M?kat i^t.... 100 10bV lut! 14a: ii * u .... .. .. , .. SarB * o ioi. .. .. ! .. .. : 90 I BXCaUW.: 24'*, :?'.. 24-> 24 j 241| 88*4 IdlcbCsiil-.; 98s| 98S, 98M 93S 92 | 93M kLk? W._.| .-i .. 92 95 MLBA W Bll. U3<a|ll3M 113M 113'* 1I3M 114M BmI om 13 18 M 70>a 51 12'* 26 M 99 atta* A oii.. Al A SlL M*U. kUBatT. 14* f JB'i 89M 30 l.a. ?... 4.1 M MBPaolAC. htob* Oluo.... alk" A 1 cx2da oo Bfad. 26. N x. * *iu.._.. 9w N Y Ctrntr*!.. NY i: ABl l... .. BYLAbLLBrul .. kYCA8U.2Bfj .. Bklal AW.... 81*4 M* >?-.?_ 42*4 AYOAW. 18 KY bA ??._? 7 MbSW on. 28m Aot A W. .-?or AW prel.. >*TUi Paoiac. .NerPae prt.?. ."All, Cll. OluvA axiaa._ houu.... uresoe imp.... or I* X. or .-borl Liue.. P Uec?V KV.... PbuA Keauiua P f? A C. P PCaiCa. is.Lt A txar. KtW Pl. IHM' 1?M BtAWPtBfl.... 7?m! 78s? K.XXa: oa. i lll lll MLAATUbl1 .. . blLA uf lst ?, 70 I 70 Ui* Ulll..^. ..I aa I htPAUorei. j .. I Br.iitiii.k4i.. ..!..,;. Carviiua. 13 i 16'4 09 , 9B*j ;-.'?. 24 Xj 13 1> '. 09^4 30>. 12S 24*4 18 1BV 69*4 90** 12M 24 * 15 17H 70 311'. 25 m 101's lu2>s!l02?a 102*. 109*4 103 16 | 14 '4 315 410 290 2.i75 .14.. 12,724 100 626 200 100 ioo 200 10 6.250 l.ilBu 1.100 606 12 708 6bS 29 M 7f.*4, 36 y 22 Xj 36 28 M :u 58 ** 39'* 7bSi 8? I 81*4' 42>4 17*4' 7 . 38 M 19 , 6e*? .OM 7a M 36 V 82 m, 35 Bl*4 48 , 17*4 7 I 2BM 10 68 *k ?iV'm 07 I 36M 21*4 42'* l.M 88M SlM 31 S. 31M, 37M, 37*4 164'a K'4'4 17' 28 ?48*4 5b /9 s. 70 85'* 884* 21 i 86 M .. I 83m ,il? 31'. 1"M 37'. 37 M 22 S .. I 36 6.H00 4.1V.' 626 101. ll'O ISS 11.1 2.U0U YbM 13.700 81,440 88B 21 '4 43M 17-. 7M 2SM Iio. 69 29 M 413 , 2.8'a 4*18 ,J4'4 154 Sj ItV i.i . 218 180 10 I 19m' .IS ?<> 110 1111 70 23 32 , 87 ; 96* 32 20 ! 37**' 156 >-,, 214M 10 4.700 _B ??? W4B4WUU4BV .-I ?? l JB ? w ___. aoutui-soinc... I5MI 23M 25m! 26V k.'.M, 88*4 Tesat Pac. ?8?? 'JPI.T. 'lolA OI.KH.4o. Tol A O C prt.. TeiAA .* BIS). Voiou l'?cirjc_ l P UAta. Va lildlaoa.... Vx ucuo uan.... 33'a 62M 27 lf. - 18**! 1?\ 38*. bi't 27 1?.M , 17M .. I 06 I ?7m, 33 V 33*4 5-4-Hi 62*1 2,-. 27 S 600 1.820 7? 92M 84 300 68M, 18.816 28 I 026 XX vxsbiiret......! W A L A. VX | A LK prat. VX r* L'uloo I ki. AdaniB >.ii,r.. Siuvr Kxur.... ua Bxpr. ..... \v>iIsyara-o s>x Amar lavbla.... Ct.icx.sslr.... pa. .Iu Ntll... Coti Oa*. 1'I.IK "., Dameroo Osa>_ C A M C4* 4..I l 01 OOBi........ UsB :aal.j (oa*. NrwOn Oasv.. TeunC A t*....! do *r*t. 22'. 22M 22M 22 M 21*. 82** 73 S. 81*4 SS ?44 V1 21?a 83 M, 73'4 82 8S 44*,' B2 | 48 V Osuna atiiuut 4j4U?4rauTar.... Qoieksiiver on. aju li.o ix. ort I'ACP Tf....| WiaaeBiac.... laVladauaa.... Kat Ijsaeed.. C*t on raeu.. BO BBW. .dadoptf. t***TTMt... 8jbsa* Bsaa.. To? PA West J_" d_g H ?L Q*?a*T 0*... BotbBU., I Phosars. *4J sa, 8-^ ioV 42*4 22S 11 i il '? klMi "* I 81V 1.." 110 89 I 148 i -4 I 43'. 42 M 100 47 100 4. 62 88% 10'. 81% 12X4 73 M 81M .45 114 85 I 140 81 45'. 48*4 43 4!-. 101 I lOOM H :: j64 j bl \ 94**' 34*4' 26 : tbM 4uM 40*1' sa H I 10 42*4 B8 9M 48M 7M 4.M 87 I IM Bt'O l.j'iio 1.050 650 1.280 8<K> 8.126 8. Ooo 100 400 1.600 is Sts :oo 47 98M tfdV 80M 9BM| 96 ln ' 18 | 18 , 1B ] 17 4b M 4SM, 48 f 48V 4M 19M 19*B i9'? 19*. 19 , f 41". 20M b ??. 17*4 41?4 20 M 73 V 16 17?4 41*4 41*4 90M 20M 72-V 73M 15 j 1 17*4! .7 14 14 3*f. 3.60 846 8.60 85 8* ! 84 _ __ itotal sta?f*aaokl for ihedaf".."..".'...._****_ ? ^_L_ TBalTBfSBft. ,o-j.4 |0?.* leS-X. .">?* .OffclOSM StisOOO I * aa-d.r.uaau. 17M 48 191. 17 M 41*4 20 M 73M 16 17 IS I IbO 87 100 400 ioo ioo *Vo 100 208 1,400 700 800 (Sii 3.000 72*.. 87.360 1 17 100 )? l?l 16 ! 700 a.bit i 4*0 90 100 ii 44 ?V4 42 M 100 18M 42M 20 M ?_!_? AX TBB Q0K90UDATBD 8T0CK ABB P+ I rtOLBTJf BICBASQM _ trocc- _________ Open- Ulgfe. Law. Clot- -barea Waaaaa. t__T eet) S lng- ?e*d. An. Cotton Oll Tr..... lfia. joa. 101, 191, 1*0 AtohTopdt8K. 88_ 8.4 M. ??'. '.MO IhlcOaaCo. 444 44a, 44 44 110 lonatCd.ted Oaa O0..IOI 101 101 101 100 Chle R 1 a Pac. 70?, 77T. 70S 77% 14i>oo Cblo Bur k Qrlney.. 9_S 08. 024 03V? 6 M10 Chlc _ _ 111., 44... 45 iv, 46 300 CCC* Bt I..! 88 S _ 07 J. 064 180 (.-.nuda Mouthern., ... 627? U? 610 (oloredo loal. 4_Lj 4Si_ 4fltj 48. 800 _ M X.*_,'2,"t_. ?1 814 80-i SO'a __ 800 fhle BjQ Bt. Paul.. 004 814 004 ?0'a 17,470 Uhlc * Northweafrn ^OPV io84 108L. 1084 120 Caut of New-Jerscjr..lj_s? ji8 * xj.a, 118 00 r>cl Lack _ West....l44?? 144a. 144 1444 4,040 DnTROrtl. ft?a^ *5_bJ 64*4 K 800 Bocklng Coal _ lron _4?. ?4\ 24?? 8t*? 100 Lake _We...107?J 1074 l?"* afS H 1. EftWottpfd. 6fli ??>'? 60. 094 100 _ RS mjiT ,70 7W, 84030 Alo PaelUc.. ?04 704 88 0??t 11800 Mlthigsn Central. ... 1134 l?8?. M. 100 Mexlcan Oiitrtl. _l _ 244 *4 4 244 100 Na: Laad Tru.t. 204 _o?i 20 20 1.400 Nortb Am Co. aja. N TLII W." 214 M Y _ Neiv-Eng. .. 4i?>; Nor Pteillc pfd. . 76>i N TO a W._ ia I'aiilc Mail ......".. 4. ?,... 86*4 :l?4 8,820 2i'. 21?t 21*4 810 484 42*4 48', 2,420 70. 75?a 78 780 18 17?? 17*4 200 124 42 41* 840 1'hlla _ Readlng..".'.'." 87*a 374 874 87H 1,440 lUchmood IWPT 1?4 10**i 194 104 8.W.0 Rlch _ W P T pfd 7h 76 *6 70 100 ?ugar Reftiilng Co . .' 78S 784 724 72S 16,760 Tenn Coal _ lron.... 48*a *?'* *%.'* **l* **> Texaa Pac. 18*. 184 184 184 400 Vnlon PaelBfl. 5- 624 6X 62. 4,820 Wabaah ufd.'.'. 214 21 4 2i*a 814 454) Weetcrnlnlon.,. .14 81 _ 81- 81. %10 W|? 4.00 Central. 28s, 224 224 224 KK) WheeUng ? E p. . 88 M 88 33 100 Wheclln^ 1 L_p? pfa__78*a 73*4 78?? 78?t 200 _Tstal thajea aold.".116,200 B0SD3. At T * S P ine. C7*? Can South lat.l6>.>a Krle 2d eon.100 Ken Ce*it 4?. 80*4 Moh _ 0 gcn. 07 r _ R lat pf Ino.... 057i I' _ R 2d pf Ine... 45U V _ R 3d \U uie... 304 l'hll a Rcad 4a. 81"* R _ W P Tr 6a. 734 Tea Pac 24. 80 \ Total ainount.<-. 881.onp BIBISO STOCBi. Beet _ ReJoher .3 50 8.60 8.30 3.r>0 100 Cruntwlck Con.08 08 .08 .03 600 Calodonla B R.150 1.50 1.50 1.60 100 Calurnet _ Htcla.ttM. 2.94'a 2.0-1. 2.04*, 5 Cholltr .3.35 3.85 3.35 3.85 100 ComsUick Tunnel.10 10 .10 .10 1,000 <*ould _ Currv.2.60 2.10 2.10 2.50 200 n?ie ? Bcrcrol.1 oo i.?o 1.00 20 _lorn Sllvtr.8.50 8.50 3. .10 3.50 100 Tluron.6-12?a 012. 6.12 _ 5 124 -OO Julla .40 -*0 .40 .40 i?O0 Leodtille .10 .10 ^0 .10 100 Llttie Cfclef.85 .8* .36 .85 100 Nfexiran . .3.20 8.20 8.20 8.20 100 Mutual 8 . M .150 1 60 1.50 1.50 100 North Belle lale.1-2* }_f }.|f J ?6 200 Qecld?ntal .1 8S 100 1.8^ 1-00 200 Oseeola .tl.'tt. 41.02 _ 41.0. . 41.024 H>0 Pkealx of Arliona. . .80 -80 .80 -89 1 800 Brrail Rope*.?8 .88 -88 -88 200 b'llver Klng.15 15 .18 .13 ItO Sutt.r Cre.k.1.25 125 1.2,. 1.25 2..0 Otoh_OorT._^._. L. J25 125_1.25_Id?__1400 Totaj .ales.-,????;_8_M_| silver fiullion 'certa....'.'00*4 ""l00?j~lQd>4 l00?s li.OoO CLOS1N6 PJUOBB OV BOSiON STOCB8. Botton, Oct. 22, 1890. Yesterdav.To-day. Yeaterdity To-di.y. Atch * Top. 31 36', Best * Alban.v...ll? I08 Bost A Malnc ...2(S>4 207 (Tlilc Bur _ Q 02\ 93 Cln San * flev.. 38 27 Eastern R R.100 109 Ri.storii R R Os. Fitchburg pf. 86'4 87 Fllnt _ P M ... 224 .... Plint _ P M pf- ?*0 Boat A Mont. 63'. (al A Hc-cla.204 298 Piaailla . 21 214 lluion . 6 5 Kearsarge . 14 13J4 Otceola . 41 404 1'ewablc fnew)... 15 16 Qulncv .109 104 Santo Fe Coo.._> .50 Tamartck .179 175 Mass Central. 10 20 I Aiuilston L Co... 60 504 Mex Cent eoa_.. 244 25 I Boston L Co... 57g r,'t m T _ X E. 424 484 1 San Dlego I. Co.. 17 Ii Old Colonv.107 1C7 Weat End L. Co. 20 204 Wl? Cent co? ... 21*4 224 Bell Telcphone...228 2254 Wla Cnit pf. 51 54 I Lamaon St Ser... 20 20 4 Allouer M (new). 5*4 B_ l Waler. Power.... 3 3-10 34 Atlantic ..._..,..-. 20^_20_] Cuntennltl Mia.. 20_21_ CLOSJNG PR1CES OV PIULADE-PHTA STOC^CS. Bld. Aak. Bld. Aak. Penmrlvanla ...6214 52T? , North Aroerlcan.SO. 304 keadlng .18\ UWi St. Pa.U.00% m I>*igh Valley... 61S .->1\ Read n?n'la. . 82' Nor Pac ?om .29?a BNb Read lat pfd.00 00 Nor P.?c pfd.70 764 Kead 2d pfd.4*.4 4.1 Lehlgh NaV.624 524 ' Resd 8d pfd.864 37 MONEY MATTERS. Wednesday, Ont. 2t?p. m. And still thry harp on Trrasury accumnlntions ?not only tht "bfars,*' l>ut tlie i?nornnee af aooie who pretand to l>e " lutlls.1* The worst enemj' lo every house ia the fool that is in it. It is hlgh time that every one understood, ;Om1 prohably all but ft ,1a do umlerstand, thut tlie TTeBsnry'B tnonthly stotoment of at-srta and li_ bilities glves the totol amount of (tovernment deposite in Xatlonol banks, wliile. on the other side, amoiig the liabilities are credlt* to diabursin^' oflieers, a part of whieh are the credits in Xa fiorml banks. It is known to nll exeept foola lhat tho Treasury's doilv sia'ement of oVpoaita in National banks U the gross amount of siu-h deposita !ess the. nmonnt that has been plneed 10 the credit of diaharaiBg olfireis. Thereloiv when one wriU'4, beeauae the "daily"1 statoment now sliows "less tlian $.4,000,000 deposits, ' against "!?:40.300,(iOO,'' as per the monthly BtattS ment of Stptcnber 3B, thnt' " practlcally f5,B00. 000 has beeu tuken out ol the oanks and locked up in the Treasury vnults in the pas-t three wceks,"' fliere is exhibited ? pitiful ii;norance or an immense auiniint of wlekedncss. We l.nve n<i doiibt tliat it all is a pieee of gross sttipiJity ?MflBjatlni 10 appaar wise under ' double lesds.' 'llie Treasury does not withdraw money from the National banks and put it into Treasury vnults, Every volttntaiy surrender of deposits by tlie banks or lorced sunendei has resnlted |q takiug ont of Treasury vuults the (llllcrenee be? tween tbe amount of deposits and the price of the bunds hei.^ bv the Tieasury for security of sueh deposits. i'be Treasury uaes ita deposits in Na tioual banks exactly the saiue as does every mer cliant. Internal levenuc colleetors make the de? posits, and the Trensury draws upou them in pay* ment only of its biha. la the one case the de posit of an individual la trnnsieired to the credit of the Government and in tbe other tbe Oovern ment deposit is reduced to add to the credit, of the ictlividual. It is n purely hnslness operation, nnd one that is fullv eomprebeiided exeept by tbe wise men from " Theory Vllla." The agents of tbe 4 per cent bond svndioate should employ intelligencc to aid them ia foiciag tbe Trensiwy into further purehaaea of 4 iier cents, particularly at a tiine when all the Treasury's surplua, excepi 913,000,. 000, is in actual eirciilation now and the cer taintv that the enlarged appropriations and the cstim'ated reduction ot revenue poinl to a delb-ii inslead of a surplus. Tbe money market is all right. A let-out of ihe tl6,U00,0?0 to f20,000, Oi'O whieh is still loeked lip and wilbheld from cireulation will make money a dru?. Don I any one forpel that for a targe part of tbe lirst day s paymenta for tbe last parchaae ol 4 per cents the Sii'b-1 rensiiry cashier-B chcr-ks were cashed at the teller's desit, und thal ?o!d cerlilleates art-ra carried BWay that rever vet b?TC appeare.l ln any week's bank stotement, and thal this lollowe(J Uie ori.iaal loek-np, made portly to forca the S<-. retmy intJ. Ihe -1 |sr <ents, an 1 pnrtly for rffect on the BMBCy market for stock-jobbing pur poses. WHAT WAS IX)NF. IN STOCKS. lt is bartlty our alrfit tn write ai.oiit the atock markel. We quoted Moiidny's closing as lirni at ihe liyiircH, despile lhat day's desperate raid ou values IbroUffh the employment of suppo6ed l.oii doii br'okera to seU tbe market down for aeeount ..I New-Vork professionals. Yesterday we char neterized the silly attaek on Rock I^land seenn ties ?s a waste of ammunition. To-day's tnaiket h_s been so in nccord with these charaeterizations thut there is little left for us to say lieyoiid that dreadfully tires.'iue remurlt: " We told you 80. Vet to-dav'h murket, witii all it_ d>vefc?l*,<l strenirtb, liati it* u|?s at'.! downs. It was irreg ular and fluctiiatin^ from tbe starl to the Unisii. 'Ihere wns a CpnliBUOtta reaiizinjf of tl.e prolits ol lnie pniehn-so's. nnd an ov_|.rea_Hacan to ntiu"'< values wherever nnd whenever tbe opportunity olteml. SmIi tl.e 'one ;md temper of the mark-M exhibited n trndencv lownrd appreciation thfll bns not l*een seen in the last four weeka. Tiie business done was not larue? _17,Tis3 ahares ln tbe generul market?but there waa more tbnn a 11su.1l full nf tendanee of clientA ln hroiteta' offlcea acfklng f.r joh lota. The tendency townwl a hlgher range of values waa conteated at every 1-8 |*r cent. whieh is not a posltlre proof that the "ahort" lnterest is " praotieajly eluoinated." It probably in the ngjrreffftte 1. lnrr/er than ever.' Chlcago 01? aold ex dividend of 1 per cent payabra October 10 to afoekholderB of record fn-dnv. It waa the one atook that to.dav de fflned. From 44 3.?a44 5-8 it deelined to 4.1 3-1 n43 7-8. Aa wt are adviaed. the eompany la enrning over 5 per oent per annum on ita eaplml ?;tock~-wnter \nd all?nut beeause of the lea_l eompllcntaons tthieh are inatituted prlnclpally for effect on the .Voveniber election of ChleaiT" otllciftla, it, it 4 per oeiit atock. flnds litlle support at 44. ut whieh figurea tbe Btockholder is re.ilir ing in dividends neaflv 10 per cent on the ln vestDient- It ls stated thnt Chlcago is eorotn? Eaat Ior aid toward ita World's Fair. The mnn ner in whieh the city offlclala and the nctty conrts of ('hicago have treated F~_nern inveatmenth in Chico/o'a great neeeasity?tlie siipply of gaa ia n?t llkplv to aid the Kiir committee ln ita solicitation of -aatcrn oaaital. UkMier haavy reallzatloBa ia tbe laat half hour. -detl r.y - bear" attackT tb* flnal pri<*? ""F matcrlally lower tban thiflrat olthe ?. bat the market closed stroag and promlalng. THE DAY IN THE BOND MARKET. av^v1!^.*111*" 4 **r ?nt? sold UmIbv at 124, and for them we" Xnce.l ? *?* "gore. Annexed are tbe oloslng quotatioos: U.84Ma,18,.ll,lMf.. lOls,*'"^: g rur fu 1395 . lll nb^T: frttJffig^ *8 up,|i7;oo?.v.v ? ?m?t$k:: i ::: -J***^.'? - v. Wl_l2_IJl|i^^I^5^4_120__._ In State issues tbe business wbs oovered by sniQll aiIca 0f Louisiana consol 4s at 01 1--. and Tennessee settlement 3s at 72 Of cltv bank stocks AmfTiran Kxehange aold 112) at 168- St. Nicholo* Ifii rLV^5 and W?tern NatJonal |5fJ| ?t 10?al06 1-2al06 1-4. Auction sales of several isHiies are reported below. Tke general bond market waa modrratoly octlve aad flrui. That yesterday's suddenly devrloped anxiety to wll Rook Island Ss at aiiv flgin* ?*? sulted ln steadlness at 100 l-4al00 1-2 for tlie bonds. Atchlson, Topeka and Sanf4. Fe iasuea were flrm?thr 4s at about 83 and the lncome 58 at 57 and hitrher. Missourl, Kansas apd Texaa ?f \nu *ef? un'isuaUy actlve nnd rose to 78 3-4. Mobile and Ohio 4s sold at 66a67. The Phllo delphia and Readlnjr, issues were flrmer?the 4s at 82a82 1-4; the flrst r* up to 86 1-2, and the arconds to Af., Reference ii made to our full re? port of bond sales. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. The Treasury to-day purchased 315,000 onnees of tinc silvrr at tl .0?30a$l.0044, making the total purchases under the new law 10,887,400 ounces. To-doy's prices were the lowest yet paid by the Trensury. Tlu< money market to-doy ruled a llttle flrmer and some call loans were made at C per cent.. Thc common ranye, howevcr, wai 4 l-2a5 por cent, with a rlosinc at 4 1-2 per cent. The Clearing House btAtement to-day was as folloxvs: K.xobBnges, $121,514,725; balaures, B*V 121,336. Th** Sub-Trensurv was del.tor at the Clearing House to-day ?348,<s0l. lts net galn on bolanro xvas Sii.'.;.,23j, made up _ gains of !*a78,64fl coin and $70,580 currency. Thr day's operations in cliideil: Rcreipts, 92,704,774: payments. ?2.130, 53U; resulting in a general balanci* of ?*_?*_[*_?" 550, consisting of $103,727,877 coin and $6,006, 67ft currency. Tho United 8tat<?s Trensury at Wnshington re oeived to-day $90,104 Natlonal bank notes for redemptlon. The customs receipta were 5756,825, the in? ternal revenur rccclpts $466,335, and misccllBneous reccipts $16,770. To-day's Washlngtoa Trea?ury statement of oosh on hand and depositl in hanks oomparrs with tn* flgures of the laat previous statement as follows: OcUvber 21. Ot tobor ?22. ll*ia___t?___. N.-t sold on h-d..el.'.3.Cf?0.882 8l53.807,.,l5Inc. 82<?J.71S Nrt silver on h'd. 14,508,751 18,702 887 DfC. 8<:0.f04 N.-t l.-pal-b-tid'-rs ? ... on hand. 6,107.238 0,161,284 Idc 50.046 Artusl raah (n Tr.asnrv vsult* ox> r out-taiidiiiu ... ... f-ortlflrat's ... 8178.710.8"1 8JI178 171/88 D r. ?887188 Ixposlts lu baiisv 23,714,707 :3,2gd,ic; Itw. UKK 1-" SfSt eaak hf.l;in<v?,f 107,125.528 8'!W 410,.,1S inc 8'if4.!'85 Tlie foreifeii cxchaniies wcrc tlrn.rr foi SterllBg and unchangpil for continenfals. We r.-vier quo tat-ions for business as follows: Bankerh' nilla at $4 Kl 1-8 and $4 H5 7-8 for long and short sterling respcctivelv: French francs at 5.22 1-2 and 5.20: rciohmarks at Ui 1-2 and 05 1-2, and gullders at 3ft 1-2 and 3ft 3-4. THE FOREIGN* MARKETS. In London British eonsols were flrm and 1-16 hi";her at 04 3-4 nnd 04 7-8 rcspecfpely for raonr-y and sociiiint. Tlie ltenk of F.ngland lost ?89,000 hullion 011 balanre. Bnr silvcr wus stoady at 40 l-2d. per ounce. Euglish stnndnrd. Amciican rallxvays fully responded to ycRterday's improve ments in the home mnrkets nnd cotitinucd apward till the close. At Paris French I por rents rose Ui U4.45, apainst 84 liust evenin>r, and siglit cx chanxc on London wns easier at 25.28 1-2 frs. to the ?. ... Droxel, Morgan A To. annotince to holdcrs of their rcr-cipts for akoek and bcneiiclixl inicr.'sts in atoak of the Cbloago and Atlaatif? Rallway Com? pany that they are nreparod to SXebaagC SMfipt* for 111001110 niort+rnue bonds of the CaiCBgO nnd Erie Rnilroaxl Company. on tho b;.Bin b^j f, rth in thieir rircnlar of March 16, 1887. Due notice will be *fiven when they are rcady to exehangv re ceipts reprpsenting other claasoa of securitles. The governors of th? Stoek Bxcbanga lm,ve ad niitt-d to dcalincs at the Board the following se ourities: _, , . ("Vntral Paciflc Riilroad Company?Extended I.and tirant 5 per cent bonds to n.iituro OotorK-r l, lftOO. issued in exchange for unrcdccniPd I-aiid C.'raiit boatla of IM70. $4,261,000. ChirHgn. MUwaakec and St. I'anl Railway Com pany-An additionnl $6,346,000 of common stoi-k, issued for purcha*jers of tbe stocks and bonds'of r.itinoctii.g rallroods, mokinjr the total amount now listod $li;.027.261. NnshvJJle. Chixttnnooga and Bt Loais Railway Company?An additionnl S7.".0.000 first consoli dated mortgHges 5 per cent, mnkiug tl.e total amount listod $2,500,000. New-York, Siisouehaunn and WcatCTfl Railrond Compnnv?General mortarage 5 pr-r estil gold bonds to aiature Anguat. 1. lu-io, $700,000. NlBeteenth Ward Rat.k of rtew-Vork->CaBita] atopk. $100,000. London nnd Jfew-York IavrstneBl Corporation. T.iniitcl?Central Trnst Company'S rproi).ts for or dlnory sh-ircs of ?lo or $50 eaeh, 1:40^,000 or $2 490,0*iO, Tl.e Nationnl Starrh Manufncturina Company hns anthorllH thc pnyment of tho MMiii-annunl intntcst of the first mortaTAgf 6 per's. at thc (" National Bank. Tlu, f.ill,vu-ln* serarltta* vv^r.- sold nt th,^ Real K-tst. Fv hMiik-,- *nd AnetJaa ItAora, LtKltai, bv Adrian 11. Mull.'i- A; S011 : ? , .._ 140 fliaris CofiaelldBted <ias Co.. of .Ncw.Anrlc. 100*a. Iko Bhsrra <*.- (Hisliirlit Co.. <,f llronklvii. 00. 2.M. kliut.k liun Sb-amlx.nt fo., 17U- ,, . SlO.000 Cltv of Kll7al?-fb. N". J.. 4 p*r rr-nf adjustment boinN dii*. 1022 int^i.kt .lanu.iiv snd fll?*. 40 Hbar-s i'nit,'l suxti-s l'i.o lasaraaee t'o., i:.ov. s" n."') Jerary City .v. J., 0 pn f*nt fumi.-d d.-b' booos. dn- i'Vbniiir.v 1, 1000. Int. r.*t Kebrniiry and Aujruat, SOSfl "jO (itv of Rahxvsv. N. J.. I P"r rr-nt sdjiistmfnt bond d-'o N,,v,n,i,, r. 102;;: redepmable *fi?r 188_78**. 13 ,1-aii-s Mork. l nnd Vnl'on Natlonal Bank, 23.V O BBBi** Soventh Ward Katlooal nank, 140. 40 -lmik-s M.'rt,:inl'-s' N?tlo:,al Hi.nk. 000. 40 abBre* Broadwov Inaurane* Co.. 110. II -har.-s MeebBfilr* and Tra4*r*' liiMiranro Co. f5d p?r ceiit pi.ld ln Ibiiiidatlonl, 85. ,. , ]8 sfcsres Kottoa Itatleaal Bank f17.i p"r estrt pr*id ln M,l^^hei2lp Ktrw.TorS Cotioa ExchanRS <b\\ d.tcs P?,ilO Bb*trs Natlonal Park Bnnk. ?.13\. 10 aharea corn Exeb*ns| B*as. 2W. :,0 aha^?* Jr-fl.-rsoii Klr- Insurani-,. Co 101. 30 slinr.-a Doipbtfl .Ma.itifactnrlnR (0., of Pstrrson, Kahmrtst li. B. Clnrlln Co.. ronnion. full pald. l_t?4_ 10 slixr.s n?nl F-'tHtf and Anrtlon llooni, I.ln,lt?d, lao. 10 sh.irrs T?'.'ntv-t!ilr.1 Btreet R*Jl*Sjr Co., 887. nn hh^rf* Corn raeaanaT* Bank. 25I'.. ? slinr-s Tv.?ntv-tblrd Stroet Hnllrond Co., "40b. fVO klisrv* Oa iinwi-AnierKan Dank of Xrw.Tf8f.___ 100 iharos Tl.e Coi.solidatcd T*J*ffa|rli and Klartrlcal '"Iw'aawNS V^w-J-raev ITeatlug Constrnctlon Co., 81 prr ,h?.ro shaN-s Southern Natlonal Ito.ik, 03. RATLROAD EARNINGS. aTCIIISON. topeka AND S.XNTA fe. 1888. 1^80. 1800. ESS^JaWbs::: aaoSJSI ^U? .7'.^!7 ^ir? t.V?V,t 14.:.- 10X84 272 28^28,888 26,688.081 PT LOl'IS AND SaN FIUN'CIBCO. Niimb'-r of n.lW....... .._VS? _al'f_ srlfd'tttn c , ,n?A ?^*k lll O, L . 814.001 8I0'1...IJ aiMO.'i- ?? JAnl 10 ...-t. I "? ? ** ** "' 0!,::;'-' ft 517'0:: CI.EVEl.AND. CINCINNAT1. CHICAOO AXD ST. 5r,f.r^,,v,no'-: ^,^?iafflUB OHIO niVF.R. Ni-mbar of inlle*. .,..^U. ..rrl5, atvaai! ^BTtV'ia0^:: yiS ?;?S ffi? F.IT.OPF.AN FTNANCIAL MARKF.TS. Ixindon. Ort. 22, 4 p. m.-Coiihols. 04', f,.r BMMiey at,d 04'. for tb* arii.nnl: \tl?ntl> if.'1 Uf .t JJ', .?_*.."*' aaart?SS trnst.**' r..-rtincatf?, 34 ; Cana'lnn Pailflc 78's ; _y? '2'.-: Metleaa *Hlaary, ll'si St. Paal tatjfBsss, feC Ti'dia lou.11 II MBa atf* al ot'^u to-oa. ??! laflB-ied u?-r rupo^. Tb an..,u.,i ol bullluji ?it_ai_fii ironi th.? lfcnk of Kngland on b-ilfn*,- t.dv 1- IIO.OOO Faris iidxIi-.-a qii'itr .1 p'-r .ent rfnt-s. Bt 04 f,flnf? li ,.pn>lin^k f,,r tb*- Bi-.o'.int. and ?-xc!,aii(r?- 011 l.r.n^on at SS rrSBC* 28*a rrntlm.s for chorka. /inanrlal. Real Estate Ln nl Trnst CO. OK XEW-YOKK. MirrvaL mfe biii.dim.. sa NaBBn*i*i. Caplml. 8380,000. MarplB*. mO.OOt* DKl'OJslTS HECEIVEI) snlilact to etMCt 84 a'ghl Bj*j 'nl?roat allowcd on dallv I ?isir.-B a-.d , s,t tlcst -a ?.f deposlt Iski.o'J txxarli.g lnt ffat. cbTh* 011 :hl* con.pany are pavable ti,ro.i?h tbe N- w-Yori; llonae. OENEHAL MANAI.EMENT OT KKAL ESTATE A ?BTTr 8PE' IALTY. WlU act aa Excculor, Admlnlstrator Trustc*. Ae. THt'fsTBEH. Herrrsnn H CainniBOB, IIotj*U Lmox Belkoap, llanrv 1. >xro:-dA tuss. __*?___ js* Jl. Vataass. Lispensfd sufwan, iiTk.*.- B ri\ tMi.eier S. Masoa, "osarft Thon p.oo. ?_? W. Cosgosh.U. ii#,i,rv laaarl* Morrls, Cbaa. A. Pratoay, ,r., rldwiT. a^ fttaasasBB, _ wiiiibb. Haaa, lool y. Kreawan, *.?!?. D. Barboiir. '?"fpe MUBilne. B. XMUurber haa A UlAJISISlbSlli. Douflss Hooliisin, Jr.. Jas. T. ItaTii.,>r,-i HFVI'T C. SWOBDS, Preald.-nt. 11EBMANN H. CAMMANX. Viri-Prfaldent. H EN BT W. BK1014LE K____8JZ:? 5XK FKANHSCAN niixv in Xew-York dMtri-s bii a??nrr for Cal.fornla. Addrasa C, rr I bun r/OIHp*._J_ I) ATKNT on luteTiil novclty for aale. Fricc bm rAw1)irB|_'?iKEI|f 2M arouwajr, n. v. o?a. iinannol._ *_u ~~ ? STANDARO CHEMICAL COMPARY wa? im;okp<)rat_d jvke. laeo. ukder the LAW8 OP TH? ITATE Of KEW-JERSET. CAP1TAL .... i? .,000,000 Divlded Into 10,000 Share. of $100 Each FULL PAID AXD UKASSE-SAB-X. .?,__! b.0,l,le!_ '? the awnufartort tnd aala af draaa and cheralrala. Tbe eompear are the Ml. proprlctore -ad -.aoufaetnrera af -QulealBa." tl.e a.w reaiedj:. that haa fY??S? "".ch _""arveJlBoa aod uopreeedented aucceea lo the lnnnmereble fllteatae aod allrr.._ta wbere Qiilnlnc, Auti pyrlne ete.. bave Boretoforc beeu usod by the medical proltaaion. It cotu tht conauraer only ooe-tt-t- the prie. of Quinlne. aod about oae-tn-totlt-s tht price of Aotlpyrloe. All llie phrtleiaot wbo have used It predlct that tbe entlre medical Brofaaalon will giadiy preaerlbe and ust lt freely ia prefrrence to dny of tho hervtofore uaed un certaln drviga. Th. oroflta from tht -anufacture ot Qnlnln. run up ln tha miliiona. Tbt rovaHv aloae pald ta tbe dltcovtrer of Antlpyrint tkr prevalesee of the Orlppe amoiintod co over a iii.llion dftllar*. The eatlmated atlca wlll yleld a proflt of 8860.000 per .diiuid. . Tbete flanrea apply to Ihe L'nlted Statea alone. and oa the ? apecUtlon of a ajnall bualneaa for the flrat two roara. Tha wbola elvlllied world offer. a ready and an eaeer mariiet for tbt conipanr'a product. more eaoeclallr the 'oiintrlaa ln whlrh vtrloua Fevert are prevalept. Tbe cornpany ralla attentloo to tne faot that aa aooa at flve ont ot every ooe hundred (or only 8 per cent) of the phyalclant ln tbe L'nlted SUUa alone uae thelr prodnct, thr'net proflt per aununi wlll !?? equal to one-tlilrd the ptr vtl.ii- of the capltal atock. 8200.000 of the atock was placed ln the tr.ainry aa Worklua; capltal. Tb proVide tht fundt ? nanufteture on a largt tcale and to Int.-oduce and advertlaeuhelr produtt atrlctly and only to the medleal profetaloo aSd tbe drug trade of ths I'uitcd stau-a, Uie con.ueuv are now aelllog a poitlon of tht trvaa ury stook at 820 per thare In lou to aui*. purrhatria. at their ofllcea, i nlt-ei Bank Bulldlug. 90 aod 02 Bread war, New-York. The urlce wlll be advanced tbortly. The companr haa no Indehtednea* of any kind. Tbe ttockholdcrt wlll be rlchly rewardf- In aubalantlal dlvldanda, as tha coit.|*i.t wlll pay DIVIDENDS OT 150 TER CENT PER ANNt'M on atoca tiot'.lng onlr 820 a sbtre, tnd accuranlate a hand aome aurplua beaidet. Ari-ngemenia or" belnir made to enlarge .nd eQ.iIp the IBctor.v and lahoratorlct to a capaclty auinclent to anppiy 1..-. r a-'d demanda. Th- sup. rlni.ndcnt eatlir_tea Lhat the faelll tlet wlll turn ..nt 20.000 aToa* per annum, at j n-t piotlt of 842 per _rca?. Addltlonal enlargementa wlll be made at th* rien.and kMraaatB. An.ona tbe larjre ttorkhnldcrt are Gcorjre W. IJunn, Eto. I'r. sMei.t of the compauv; Eugcne Uarvny, l-'xi.. of T. W. M.ver* _ Co.. Bank-rs. Dr ?el Bulldlng. PhlfaUrl-. nhla: EdwarU Kearoey. Eeq.. of Meatrs. Vau Ts-nell t. Kearney. Au.tlonoera. Nrw-York ; Sainuel Mlllcr, L>y.. of M:a.r?. Ferr'a _ KIq.iII. Bankcrt. New-York: Clareaea Uclaflcld. Kaq., Clvll Englncer. 2 Wall Strect. Naw York : Wllllam H. Scott, K-*q.. of Jamea D. Sniltli _ Fo.. P.anker". Mllla llulldlna. Nei\-York. and .everal pron.ln.nt New-York R ntlen cn whe wlll aeaU lu tha Board of Dlrvctora on. Th.- compa.n '? atock wlll b* ,? aafe, aound and prnflta hlf lnveatment' a< Us btialnea* will be free from th.- vlcia. sltudea that aiieot most eaterprlee. of a comrr.errlil or ln dustrlal nature-eoed or bad cront, ihe rlac or f.ll of values, liualneat ileprea?liin ur proaperlw, wlll not arrect ihe ?nrn |i>_ nower of TH'7. BTANDAllD CHEMICAL COMPAN Y'S atock. . _ . . i . Ita future value can h? eatlmated. aa It la a certalnty that ita hualneas and iiroflt* wlll Increaae year affr year. Appllettiona for ?tork and all checka. drafta. _c. ahonld be .<1^^DA?,.T) CffWftCAt. COMPANY, 00 and 02 Broadwav, New-York. __ OMAHA WATER WORKS B% Gold Bonds, DIB JL'I.Y 1, 1007. COUPONS PAYABLB JANL'ART AND JU_T _ We oBer, at par and Intereat, a Mmlted ninoant ol' iheia bonda and call nlientlon to tbo follorelna ataiemeoti EARNINQ8* 1886. 0_W.84t.ei 1K87 . 101 9s3..;0 lbw8. . 230,0'. 2.03 l8f?....T?.~..~_......... lBl.aas*i 10*0, est'd. JJ.1,000.00 NUMBER OF WATER TAKER8. Dec. Bl, '86.:'575 .. .a; .8.073 ?aaC"......*?*'> " '80.?.??" '1KI. est'd.7.50. POPI'I.ATION 1SMO.:I0..51?4 CENSl'H lsHO.1311,-ViO THIS I'KOlM.KiY, BBBIDES ITS _JU*aW8-B AND INTEKF.SST, IS EAKNINU AVD PAYINd 6 PKR CEB_ DIVIDENOS ON ?SOO.OOO PKEIEI'.KED BTOCK. C. H. VENNER & CO., 3.3 WAIiTj ST., NEW-YORK. 8 CONGRESS ST.t BOSTOX. , III Western National B__ Or Tlll". (TTY 0- NK'.V-YOllK. 1.0 lllUIAUWAY. CAPITAL .... 83,500,000 Dt-nosltorv of l'l.lil ( M .ncy. of tlie L'nlted Ststes, thu stat of Kaw*-ark, u.e city of N.w.voik. HKAYTuN IVLS. Pri-ehlcnl. ???,.,_ V. V. BKYDEB. Yloe-Pr-'sident. II. a. smith. Caakler. . . ,, tiios. 3. BBEXKAB.Aaat. Caahler. Tlie BCCBBBta of lndi\ iilnals aml in. r.-aniilc llrii.a. aa w.-ll a? th\?-e of BBBka aml, are ai.d arlll raaaiva avenr ftcHity eeaalatrat with co.ise.\ati\e manaaciiiciit. . _ ItOAIlD OV DIBrXTOBS: HKAYTON IVKS. V. I'. SNYOER. I'liWARD J. P'-IKWIND. CIIAIILF_i J. (. AM?A WM. N. COI.ER Jr. C1IAIM l-V M. D_P-W, I.OOI8 FITZilEBALO. MABCKLLUB I1AKTL-Y, HEKKT 11- HYDI. P. 0. M.\ lTHi l>si ,\, r0H3fE.SEAlUjE9.Jr. SYDN1CY F. TYLEIt. WILLI.\>. C WHITNEY. _ LOMBARD INVESTMENT COMPANY, ISO BIIOADWAY. NEW-YORK. Anthorlr.rd Capltal.04.BOO.OOO 6 % GUARANTEED MORTGAGES Sccnr.d bv llrst licn on ImprnvcU nty and Farm BfBpert? ln flic Wtat, ?jfl.000,0(^1 luniiiyl wilhont l.*s to an biveator. Tba BwrafaffB la aaalfastl Ij the utuvbaaer, toic-UiBr wltli mortyatie imtu or bo..d wlth lnt-rat tBU|jOn. atu.heil, whlch ar- parabaC, wl.r:. dn?. on pr.-H.'iitat'on ln Naw.yark ?i IIim'.o.i, the sbihk a* s railrotiil or (.ov.-rn iiienl iKind. and are R.inranieed by a fnutl of *8 OOO.Ofaj. zto) tniat in?t tiitions ii>.id ihe -.?'. nr'fii s of thla conpan.r. Send or arrlta for puinphli-t glvlnu full Inforinwtlnii. HK.OKCAM/.AI l?l\ OF The (hicago & A.lan.ic Railwaj Co., I 23 WAI.L-ST., { j NF.WYOUK, Oct. 21, 18f*0. I TO TIIF. IIOI.DF.RS OK Ol'R RKCEIPTS FOR ' STOtK AND HI'.xr.FI. IAI. IXTEBESTB IN STOCIv OF THE CH1CAOO i ATLANTIC KAIf.WAY CO. We are now prepai-rd io exehnaae oar recelpia. na above, for Inroiue .llortanfe Bonda of tbe ( hlrngo <_ ErleKnllraad CoinpaDy on Ihe bnala aet forlb in our Itf, IIBJ0. DIB NOTK E WII.I. BE (JIVEX ITHBB WE AKE REAIIY TO EXCIIAMIB 01 K UECKIPTS KEPUE. j aUaTMa OTHER CLaVBBSBJ OV HKfl'UlTIEai. _DREXEL, W^AM_& CO^ Ufa?-TIKllT avlflr?IWIT StKE.! i'lic Iiaalalliiii-Ht Il.iiiils of thi Pbllndrlpbla Bond and InvealHleul ta. PniLAOE-PniA llV.NirAANU iNVF.feTMF.NT CO.. I.inuln Uiflldini'. I'nlon Syuarc lnvr-___ii'-i. br ia_r??"i ar by letvr sollfltt*^ rjNib.S TKITOT COMFANi OF NEWYOUK. 80 BBOADWAT, NEW-YORK. L.n.tal .81.COO.000 Si.ri.l'.a . 3.750,000 A'ltnorl/i- to a. t js K\c. i.t-.i. AdiuUilotralvr, tlMBldlBB. i'.e. rttar or Traatao. i"id I* a MKBl U<po?ltoA for iiiou-.v. Acu aa lru<Uc- of BaaflBBBaa of vorporjiioiia, and bc. ...nt, ii.. iranaln a?vajc] ui.d Kglatrj oi t_Kka. Al!o?s intcr-'Mt on d.poa.!-. may bt- made at anv tlnn- tnd on l?a daya' notlco. wlth lnt*r.-?t f..r the a;.oio tUin? thov rumaln a/ltk tlie Con.pan.v. For u.e raaseataaeo of u.posiu.r. _JtCa_bbbt alao obena riirrt.nt a.'ounU aUliJ.-ct. lu ac. ..rlan. .- ?!th IU rulm to efeack at aUbt. aod allow* tntcrcat upon the reaul'tUn dally batancea. Snch ihecka paaa UirouaU ihe ' Ttti0daH.pccitlly to the MANAGEMENT OF REAL FfsT'TF. andt-n Ifca rnllectlon :'.rd rerulttance of Reott. UNmrfcW VrSJ^A^SD^'lBEPBOOP VACLT8 TRCSTEES. .Vui. WhIU-arlBbt. 11- Van ReuruPr Kauocdy, IfT **?? flZ V- wKard. LS. V%* J V^drrbl.t. ?_TAlW'Durr. 0. | WUItana. (harlea H. I.rlai.d. SU^ABSSt Mw.rd Kln?. .iT_r1JbPh.rk.r i n WMlrv Ainsat J. i'arK?r. V H MrAlp.n fsamuH F. Darg.-r. VieoHrB*MB (Sraart '????'?>' \'?"\tXL Chainicrr M. DeBB* W. Fn.len lt.<a?cvflt . EXF.CCTIVF. OOMMITTEE. Wro. Wbltcwrlal.i '< '.}? ^vB,11*"'* Fdarard UthtU. '? RSF' (*eo. V. Masroui.. t. L> Wt_d.^._ ll <? llara Jumi-a T. Wooflward. F.UWARD KINO. Prc.ldent. lAUBM H OdlLVlE. Herond Vlcr-Preaidrnt. A. 0. BOVA^jSON. JJ5$f AealBUBl BerrelBlt. /manrial. fTSaafi afti WBLb-rAYINO INYBWTHBXT AT F1VK DOLI.ARH MONTULY. Nast llrdrsaptlon Nav. 1. WE OFFER FOR SALE A XlMBER OF PBEMIUX BOXDS OK VAHlOCb F.l'KOFEAN OOVEBifSlEXTr* AXD JfL'NICIFAl.lTIEA wniCH HAVE I6BUED LAW fclly aUTiioriked loaxs aV.uKKViAur.K MONiHI.Y IX AMOCXTS OF 8200,000, 8100,000, 880.000, 810.000. Ac. *C. WE 0KFER THESE BONDS FOR ?80 CASH 0R OX 20 MOXTULY PAVMKNTS OF FIVE DOLI.ABH (08.00). AXD SECCRE TO THE PCRCHAMEB-ALL. TI1F. BF.X RPITS ACCRCIXO FROM THE I^X'fWrMF.XT IM MED1ATEM' AFTER THE PAYMEXT OF THE FIRST lXMTALI.MHXT OF 85. EVERY BOND 18 OCARANTEED BY THE OOV ERNMENT LSSLIA-O IT. AXD I? REDEEMABLK AT PTB FCLL FACE VALCE. ?. H. HORNER, BAXKKB. 0B AND HS WtLL-!*T., X. Y. Burlnc snd aelllng of European aocnritloa s spectalty. DrrtfU snd cable transfers to all parU of Europe. Dinibeno IVoticea XORFOLK^A^xTwlliBTEIkX RAll.ROAD CO. PHILADELPHIA, September 24, 1890. NOTICE is herehy given. that the Iloard of Dlrectors haa dcelared on tho preferred atock of thls Company s dlvid.'nd of on,-. and one-hslf dollars per abare out of the surplus Income of tha Company. porable at tho offlce of tbe Tr.*snrer, on *na svft**r October 28, 1800. to th* atockholders ss reslatered st 8 o'clock o. m.. on October Tbe transfer booka arlll b* closed from 3 o'clock. p. nv, October 11. 1?00. untll 0 o'clock, a. m.. O'-tobar 28. 1880. A. J. IIEMPHILL. Sccnfry. fttt AMERK AX Tobacco COaTPAXYr 48 BROADWAY, X. Y.. Octobor 8d, 18'JO. T<HE REOULAR QUARTERLY DIVIDEND J. of TWo PER iF.XT. haa tUla dar been declared o* the preferod stock of thls Companv, pajablo at the rarni l crs'TU_ and lrxist Co., 80 WlilUm at.. New-York. oo tn; , lat dsy Of Xsvember, 1890. lo tlie holdera of the preferred : atock of fscord on tbe 18th dsr of Octob.-r, 1600. Tha I transfer books for tha prefern-d atock will be closed on I October 18. 1800, at 8 o'clock p. u... and iiopcu on No? vember 4, 1S00, at 10 o'clock *. in. _WM.H. Bl'TEER. 8ecf?taf_._ THE NATIONAL STAKCH MANCFAC'TCHIXO COMPANY. THE SL.Ml-AN.NL'AL INThKlvsT dno No? vember lat of the Flrst Mortgajre thlrty year 0 per ront Oold nonda of tlie Natlonal Manli Manufactunni; Lotnponv arlll be puld on Satuidav. November lst. 1800, at the Ibase Natlonal Uauk, New-York. _ C11AS.C. Bl_RN6\ Se.-rctary. __ OREAT XORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, 40 AND 42 WALL-ST. T NEW.YORK. October 17. 1890. HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Com? panv h*x-a deolared a dlvidend of 1 ner cent upon the Preferred Capltsi Stock. payoble at tiiN offlee on and after November 1, 1800. to stockholder. of record on that date. Tl.e tranafer books wlU bo closed at 3 o'clock p. m.. Octob?r 20, and reopaned at 10 o'clock a. m. November 8, 1800. E. T. NICIIoT.S, Rerretarv. BartKrrg and 9ro!.erg. F. OT. Gallaadet & Co., BANKEIfS, COMMF.RCf AI. PAPBR. avTOCKS AXD BOXD8. WALL-ST.. COK. BROADWAY. HENRY FITCn. Jr.. { MEW-TORK. Membar K Y Stock E.rchant*. ? " ' " -fmancial ittrctmgs. OFFICE ()F THK XEWYOKK, f.AKK ERIK AXD Wl.STERN RAll.ROAD I'OMPAXY, XEW-VORK, October 22. 1S!H). TIIE ANXITAL .MKKTINi. of Ihe Bond and Mo.-kiinid.-iB or tbe Xew-York, f/ik>- Erle and xVestern Kailn.nd Coanuaar, for thc elctlon uf Dlreetofs and tlie traiikii.tlon uf aueb otln-r bosl M*a as ...nv , otin- before the n-.-eilns. xvill b* iH'ld st tho otllce of th,- I'.inipany. Ko. '-'1 ..'.,.t'ltnUt-st., ln Ui.- cltv of N,'?-Y..rk. on I'noda.v, the I' dny ol Novi-mb-r n.-\t. al 11:1.1 o'clock a. Bt. Tb.- paila "Ul be .,|hh ?t 18 o'.lock iiooii, ai.d remulo j onen tlll 2 o'( lock p. m. ..r that day. Tl.e tnui-fei- Ixiokk nf both Common and Preferred I Sfock w.ll b<- closiHl at :i p. nt. ?t. HaMfflB/, the 'JMh I inst., and will be opened it 10 a. in. on WajfUtSBSSF, tbe I'Jiitli day of Ni.v.-nil?r n?-\t. Hy order of tha Ito-.ud of Dlr.ctors. A. II. M.X. I.MNol'ulI. Secreury. 1\nction 5oke. a ITCT(ON SAIarT ()V C< )N I)KM.\EU PR01? iV F.I1TY. Cl'TTINOS. A, -.-Phibdeiphla De|i?.l ot t> M. D.'i>iftii,rnt. Xo. I.l-S I'tilljib-Iph'-j. lVnn., ' o''t 8 180'.-Th.'..- will be sold at public uintlon. at tlio sehuylklll AfaenaJ, ln thls cltv. eoniBn-nrlns at 10 p'tlock I a. in.'. WiSjieailav, Xavamlief 19. 1800, a lot of rondeinned ' ci.itlilnp. eqilll>*S* :in,l (ii.urt.-r.. iikt.i'- utor -.. " o .I'.-n and rottOB ,ntt.i,-'. fte. .?at.l.'Bii.k wll bf fumtahedI npoi. ? ai."ll atlon U. thia o't. ?r Bt Srhuylklll Af??tial. I.ieut. i ,,l c (,. sAXXTI-.Ll.l'.. Depilty Q. M. ...-i.. ral. __ S. X. mnaual 3n3trnmeais. ~THE EMER80N PIAH03, conbxln elements of thc hlifhest cha.act.T. Fas: MCOfBtAg the sMttropoUtaii fsv-rlt,-. M (lo:i'" i ?e*a a ,d ,-a*onab.e terms. THE BMKK-OB PIAMI Co.. 9'i Flllh l,r? u.-ii ? lllh BS, ItFIIOVAI.. U'X|. KNABK A- CO. havt- reinoved to thelr n,-w warcroomx, 14? l-'IFTll AVBM'E. neur .'Otli-Bt. , A BBtaarf of aifrhtly waad Srand, uprleht snd ?qi.aro planos of oor n ak: xvill be aold at B llb'.-r*I rislucllon fron. our reifular pricea. _ *lV0p05rtlS I>|{01'OS\Ly I-MK COAL F(?l: THK V. 8. I CO.M.IM. SI.XlloN, IIOXOLCI H. I., AND FOR THE NAVV YAKD, MAKE lBLAXl). L'Al*?October 1'.. 1880.?Sealed propoaala. .?nd.,r--,l --pfouoaala f.,r loal ior the l". ?? Cnuili.a rsta tlon, llonoliil'l. II. I., nnd f..r tli.- Navy Yaril. I 1-l.tnd, Cai. bi b- op.-n-d .Nuv.-mb.-r 11, l?'.n. " will be r,-,ei',.-d at the Bumu of Provlaloaa und ; xluthliiK. Xavv Dcpartini-i.i. Wsahlnston, D. x'.. untll 18 I o'clock ..O...I. Xovcniber II. 1800, and publU-ly npcn.-d i iiiiii..-uiat. r- tli.iutt<r. to fiirnUh 1..00 ton-ui.tlii.c :t<. , oal ? ;.i lli,.,- l.tland N:ivv Vsrd, und 1.000 ItHH Sntflrs ,i- roal it tbc i s. (.'ou:in'/ SUtlon, llonotulu. II. 1. Th*; ..ul mukt in all eaae* coiiloin, lo tlie XBV.V -t:in,lur:l und i?i-. the ubiibI bbvbI Inaprrtlon. Blank '.lopo?*ls will i. furnl-l,, ,1 iHMiu BbpllcatiOM 10 ln-' ( oiiin.aiiiiui.t. >lur.- Island Naxv Vaiil. tlie Xbvj I'-iy ' Ui,-- S.n Franclaco, Cai., or I., the H'i.,-au. Tbe hldv all other fhlnc- b. Iiil- i-qubI, d-' ClUed bv lot. The iJ-piirtii.'-i'l fSffVca tli.i nfht to i.aive defect* or to rfject **J ><r Bll blfls imt d-eni-d ?ulVuiitav.-enns t.. tlie O..V. ni!.:. uf. F.DW1N BTEW.xRT. l-ayuiOkter-ii.-M'r:-l _ K. Xsvy._ IT'S. "ENO'JNKKK OFFICK. Boom .".-'. Army *L . BalhllBS, sr*nr.Yofk, Beatetnarr 2), 1890.?bcalad nr.MH.sals, ln trlpllrivt-, will I.. r-.ivnl at thU otll.e ,.ntil X-1 .,',-lo;-U i/oon. on Oitoln-r "2~>. \>'->0. f,.i furnlahlns uiat ?? ifil- -nid constrtictlUB u s.t 1 ? - arhaif at Ksitfly Il.?-k. N. .1. The iitt.ntlnn of b'dd.-rs la !n\lt.d t>, Aets of Coftgreaa ap I i,r,,v,-,l FehfuarT -11, 1888. anil K'ebmarv -J3. IK--7. Vni. -.'.f. I psce 332. and Vol. 24, j.dS" 414. Statutea at Larsv. For I kii- IfleBtiona, T.lauK furtns snd :ill lnf,,rin:itl.ili apply to tlie underslcned. O. L. Oll.f.EwPlE. Utaat-Col. of Euclnaer*. ITXITED STATES ENCJIXEER (IFFICE. U ClIAllf.r.STON S. C, Oct. 17. 18'?0.-S.i.ld pr... uo^al- iu triiilb'Bte. to be op'-n.d at 12 noou ou N.ii^inb.r 18, IB90, wlil bo r.-celx.-d at thls oSJce for tupplvlns and I d.|?.-ltlii|l about 00.0(H) tmik of riprap stoun on tlie j.tti.-k l at Chsrleston. K. C. The att.-ntion of bldder. ls ln vlted to tlie A.'tk of i'oii(jr-,?s uuproved Februarv Jd. 18*4.1, I a-id Februarv 2*. 1H<47. Vol. 23. pBfe 332, and Vol. 24, i.uKe. 414. tstatutes ut Lurgr. I-'oi- all seceaaary Informa tiui apply ro FREDERIC V. ABBOT, Captiilu of Fn f T M TKI) STATES KNGINKER OFFICE. \j CHAIU.K.STON, K. C, O't. 17. 18!>0.-Sc:iled pro poaal* ln irljpHrate. to h* opened st 12 ikk.ii on Xawewbet li, 1*<90, ?ill b<-\?l ai Ihl- ortlc.- for tu.pplvlnc and depokltlnf bNv.iI .".O.Oih. tons .,f rlp-rap kto'.e on the Soutli .l.-ttv at (liarl.-ton. s. C. The attentioo of bldd.-rs ls ln vlbd to the Act* of ConSTSas spproved l-'.-bruurv 20. IHHi. und F.-bruarr "JM, 1RS7. Vol. 13 ratfra 332. and Vol. -4. imcte.411. Mstut.-k at'.-. Foi .'"H ne-.-ssafv Infoima li.ii applv to FREDERIC V. .xniiOT Caj.talu of F.u ?rliiefra. Cotels. THE HAMILTON. 50:1 FIFTH \VK.. COH. 4'iD KT. Amcrlcan |l*u. , lega.t aiavitw n a: n.tro'y rtnovBtet; Bouthcrn cxixmure; cuialiic and acrvu,- unsurp'iskel. _? J, V- JORDAX._ THE 8HERWOOD, AMEKICAN rl*A-.A**" "'iIlEOANT APARTMENT8. GEOKOE Mi. KIlAY. ?rcnro!0!tg. bkoo. | nt*UkW&*R& BP.SCIAI. Ktn.XMltT8*0 I'- Bt. ; N^wark, 0:80 AFTFMN ,", ni.: laur-o.,, 0 J'J P-.m- ; Oo-Ji-n. V 04 EACCiin.ON p. in. ; MuiUirtown. 81. p. m. ; 1 or. jer vU. 0 p. i... lt't'ini ou Oct. -., l-.KIE H'Y. ijiie xTart. ^^_ VlfW-JElTsKV'jOCKEV CLUB RACES, *.T EL1ZABETH. X. J-. TBVMDAY, Oct. 10. to FRIDAY. Oct. 24 Oraud St*nd. for centlem.n 81-SO. ladles 81. 1\mn6fm(iit8. HC. MINEKS 5TH-AVK. THEATI E. . EVEXlNoa 81V 1MJC M&*& 8**Tl"RI?AY. MR. AND MJiS. KEN^AL MH- ANU MBS. KE.NDAL, m. AND MKS. KENDAL. fUndcf tb* Dlrertoii of i>anl*l 1-rohman.) (?inirisi^ SQCIBE.By Plntfo. ".*-'*,rf'i.XT>%KEK-THE 8QCIRE. Xext Wedneaday (uuitln.e) of tlio QL F.EN'S SHI1. riv,| __ ui, ivn Mlt*>. KEXDAI*, "' ? .' I.rtjtja_____ g?1 ^i-e* ?! '"" B t"Ui*"1 LYIJEI'M THEATRE, 4th-ave. and illid-at. DAMEI. 1.A8T THREE WF.EKS. ..AtiTTlIP.KFWEKK*,. y ^ ^^BKBH. K. II. SOTHERN, ln Jerome K. Jerome'a dellphtful , TIIE MVISTF.K ?>F WMJUHAKBOW. THE MAISTEK OF WOilDBARKOW. txeub3*B. a SO. Alatuiee* WtAuia-lay so?l fcalurtlBj. _i_IBIt7-la1it-. ii .iTin.rnrn l ?_? i l i. a i~l luifiri* __________________?____________ A#-1.-A.-UNIQN WUIBJ. jg^SflU ?_ TEAR. 8D YEAB. NEIL BURGESS, > THE COUNTY FAIR. PERMAXENT ATTRACnON. Bv?uIdb?. 0:10. Battuday Matiaaa. X_, a WBOOai-DTsTlTUTfi PiUi. IHB B0TB ORAND NATIONAL IN_U0TB_A_ EXHIBITIOH NOW Ol'EM at the E_blbltloo Hall. fd aod M avaa., between 0Bd aai 04th au , frora 10 a. m. aatll 10 p- m. ADMlSfclON, TWKNTT-.XVE CfiX-B._ A.Cj .(.' Broadwajr and Soth-at EvtBlBfs at 8 15. Matlnee Haturday at _? AXuTUER POPULAR SUCCEBa. ___ ._ X. T- TIMES, OCT. 10. THE COMEDY OPERA, FOOB JO.SAT1IAN. __AdmHtloa 60 tenU. Baata on aala 0 waaka akoaf. A-THEODORL THOMAS' i _ POPULA.t 8CXDAY COXCERTS,__ LKNOX LYCEUM, MADINOX-AVE. AXD 69TH-0*. EYERY BtTkOAf EVEXINii AT 8:1?. FIRST COXCERT, 8UXDAY EVEN1NO. OCT. 28. AT 0:10. y _ Herr THF.ODORE REICHMAXN, Soiolat. w Oenrral adinlaaloo. 60c.; reaerved **_U. 60c. ejtra. __ BOX OFFICF. AT LENOX LTCEl'M XQW QPEX. "I0a_>em_. _? NOW IN THE dTH YEAR. _ I'ENMAN T1JOMPSON AND ORIOINAL COMPABT. ?.-.?,?., T?E OLD HOMESTEAD. __. _ _, MATINEE SATl RDAY AT J. KVEXIHOB, 0 40. AMHERG THEATRE. Irving Placa. Every evenfeif, Maorlct Herrltoo. To^ight, Frt u.ont, Jr.. and Rlator. msa. Friday, 1'rlel AeoeU. flatur djyjsvetilnf, Otbrllo. ___ BROADYVAY THEATRE. Cor. _lat-a_ Mauaaer.Mr. PRANK W. 8ANOHB. -.,?... P?n*,ou',*t *?a aafaal Theatre lu the World. __ EVEXlXUei AT b. MATI 5 EE HATCRDAT AT 1 . ---i THIRD WEEK.^i MISS AGNES |?.d her Opera Comlaaa I -i'l her Oper. Cowiqbb I'oropeny, preaeatlMJMaa* |.ni.-tl>'a Murceaafttl Work, HLNT1NUTON -1 PALX .TO.NF.S. I -1 PAI'L JONES. i BIJOU THEATRE B'waj, Bear 30t_-at Evi rv I'laht. Matinrea W. Un-.d.v ai.d Sat urday. 8D WEEK, AND LAST BtT ONE. Ul SSKUS I'OMEDIA.NS, BCRKELL'H COMEDIANS, tn the ecreanilngtr funnv farce romedy, THE 11TY DIRF.CTORY. THE CITY DIRECTORY. _OEXF.RALADMISSION, 60 CENTS. , CDLU.MBL'S THEATRE. 126TH-8T.. NEAR T.F.XINQTON-AVE. MACHAYE'S MWBATIUNAL j MQNF.Y MAD. Eveninea. 8:1V Wednaadav and Saturday matlnee at B> NEXT WEEK-TUE r_EMF.NCF.AU CASE. _,_ H AMMERSTEIX'S Harlem Opera Houaa. 126TH-8T.. NEAR 7TH-AVE. ORAND EXOL1SH OPERA Mood., Wcd., Frid. Ev'gs, and but. Miit. Tuoaday and Tbnraday Ev.nli MIGNON. IL TROVATORE. BOHEMIAN OIRL. lll?s. and "at'irdav Matlnee. _EXT WEEK-MASAXIELLOandJ'ARMEX. ALY'_ THEATRE, Bi-_d?ray and SOth-at. Fnder Uie msn.Kenient of AO.l'STIN DAEY. 11th Seafon. Eviry nlght. 8:15. Matlne*-s st B. LAST XIOHTS. LAST 4 XIOHTS OF NEW LAMPS FOR OLD. "Oenulnelv Amnalnir."? Coro. Adv. ,. "UMght and Amii?li>p."?Eve. I'oat. LAST MATINEE SATl'RDAY. Tt'ESDAY NI(?HT. Octther W.-FiiV, nrodi.ctlon of aa entlrely new eomedv bv A.CMVBTIH DALY (from the Oer. man by Franr von Scl'onih.?.i> entltled, "THE LAS. WORD." In whlch Mlaa Ada Rehtn. Kltty Cheathana, Iaabel Irvlnar, Mr. John Prew, Jomes Lewlt, Oeortf fiarue, charlea Wkaariiiali PaiaVifc Bond, Sldney llerbert, _e., wlll appear. Solff of s?'tt? no? la prturvaa. GARDEN TIIEAThE. ?? KUNfeET." and " DR. BILL." MAD1SO.V..VYE. AND _?TH-RT ABSOLUTELY FIRKPBOOF. HAVOBO-UHbT THEA. lltE IN AMER1CA. SAMCEL FRENCH _ SON.Mana?era Evry Evwilnrf ?t 8?"_CNBLT"-Comedv ln ont tjt, bv JEKO.ME K. JEHuME. Concedcd bv all to bp one of THE PBETTIEST PLAYS DOXK IX NEW-YORE. At f> p. Bt,, | " DOCTOll BILL," 1 COMEDY IN 8 ACT-. ONE OF THE 1LNM1.M PLAYS KVER 6EF.X 1W TIUS CITT. _MATINEE MATURDAY AT 2._? /iRAND OPERA HOUSE. sJfReerv*si Scata-Orcheatra Clrclc and flalconc-SOe. "%J,LT- I AUNT JACK. | A &7Z$tm Next week-( ORA TANXER ln "Onj Error." hRft.VlA.NN'S THK.A'i HE. To-night at 6. A POSITIVE Bt'CCEBB. MIXNIE PALI1EK I KrZFTTF COMIC OPEBA CO. BUitu SottA on sale t?o w.-ek4 ln aihance._ w K M OSTER AXD BIAL8 UONCERT HALL. Mallnraa Monrtav, W.-Une-day, gaturday, caRMeni ITA. AS THE DI.MU (I1RL (?F BEVH4__ Uwud S'l.ieas of MARII'. LLOYD. S-no-Coiale. ADISON SOUARE THEATRE. A. M. PALMF.II.8ol? Managtr. EAST 3 NfiiHTS. o-O O- ? O I MR. RU'HAHD i IX I BEAD MANSITI.I.U ! j BRl'MMELL. I D-o 0-0 LAST V. \ TINF.F SA I'lltllAY, LABTAXD SiiI'VEXIlt NHlHT. OCT. g. f MADISON SVt'ARE THEATRE. EXTRA. Mr. Palnicr b'-K-* t? aniiomii-e tha* the REOCLAR FALL AND WIXTF.R SF.ASON 1890 91 wlll open on TlllltsUAY EVEX1XO. OCT. M>. wlth the productlon fflrst Wnie In Aaterleal af a coih*hJv ln three n.ts adaptj-d by SYDM'.V ORl'XDY. Eag.. from tht l'r.-nch of I_:>i.'h-- and n.-la?oui. -ntltled A I'AIR OP srKCTACEES. A PAIR OF SPP/TAI 'EES. S_e_of_scnts_ ro-weneea Uil. Tkaraday Baerakta. METKOPOLITAN OPERA HOU8B. THE LILlPl'llANS, ln TnE PI'PIL IN MAOIC. LA0T S HTOIITB. SATl'RDAY LAST MATIXBB. POPI'LAR PHK.ES. _Roaerveda. ats. 108.. 76*.. ?l. tl f>0 NIHLO'i*. NIHLO-. Mr. F. (I. OILM'TtF.T_aaee anrf Manaaet. MATINEE WF.DNESDAY AND SATl'RDAY. .ilatorical Dran.atic 1'aceant and Ii..!.'. ot O.O CLAUDIUS NEKO. : EW PARK.fliCATKE. B'waraadSBHi-at EAST 3 Nir.HTS. LA8T MATINEE -ATCKDAY. fiVAN. A: HOEV, ln A PABLOR MATCII. Be?t Orcheatrs Scats, ft. Oeod On'l.cstra Rrata, 600. EXTRA, NF.XT WFEK-IIENDRICK HUDMOH, wlth_Lqt'IS_lfARRISON and ANN1F. BQTD. ___ O" "TEKO. -Nlf_f?.<-EUE.N TE1JO. ? * * ? ? ? - OTERO. MAT. SAT. only. ML'SEE. OENERAL ADMI8SI0N. 60c RFS. SEAT. Bl. 0 KATORIOi SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK. WALTFR D.vMROsCH, Condui-tor. ApDllcatlon for admlttance to Um rfcaraa must be made ln uer.on o-i anv THCBSDAY F.VFXIXO BBltrasa 8 aod 10 at A09OCIATIOX HALL. 28d-at. aud 4tb-tve. whera th.- retalar reheareala of the aoelety ar. ketd._ PHILHARSIOXIC SOCIETY of New-York. 1 Fonnded 1812. Forty-nlnth scaaon, 1800-1801. VHEODORE THOMAS.( onductaa SIX SATl'RDAY EVEN1NO I'ONCERTS, jn Nov. 15, D.-c. 0. 1?'J0; Jau. 10, Feb. 7, March 7 and Apr.l 11, 1001. precded by -IX FRIDAY AlTEli.NOoN Pl'HLlC REHEARSALS ou Nov. 14 De<-. 5, lfiaO; Jan. 0, Fcb. 6, March 0 and Anrll 10. wlll ba alven at tl.e MF.TKOPULITAX OPERA HOl'SE. 8ubacrlb',rt of la?: araaoa may ren*-w ti.cli anbterlptlona tt the box-offlcH of Uie 1'hllhain.onlc Soclcty at tht M-tro iiolltun Opera Houat (Mt*th-?t. entranc*-) from Oct. 20 untll Oct. '.'5, Incluaive. On and after Oct. 27 untlalmed aeata wl.l bo aold 'm ucw subacrlbera. Bualneaa communlcationa ahould be tddrcaaed to At (. HOEUBELEN. Beciv-tary of tlit New-York Phllharmonlc bock-ty, Metra* _ pojKaujOnera^ House._ PALMEB 8 THEATRE. EVENINOS AT 8:18 P. M. BATUIlDAY MATIXEEH, 2 P. M. I-?? JEFFERSON-FLORENCE i X ~ C'MEDY 1 O.MPANY ' IN THE ' HEJB "" ' AT l j IAW. ! ?. - a _ pR-CT X)lT8 2JD-ST. THEATRE. EVERY EVENINO AT 8:18. CHAK1.E- FROHMAX 8 COMPAXY. CHARLES 1 Ui.HMaN 8 tOMPAXT, lu Dt Mllle tnd Belaa-o't 4-act play, MEN AND WOMEX. MEX AND WOMKN. MEV AND WO.MEN. _MAT8. 6ATCRDAY AXD WEDNEdXIAT. C TAR THEATRE. B way and 18t_-st kj 183d to ICSth tlme ln New-York City. MR. WM. H. CRANE. MR. WM. H. CRANE. la Dav.d D. Lioyd't and Sydney Roaanfrld'. Oreal THE 8ENATOR. Baata aeeured four waaka la advaoct. Only bmBbbbb tttnrdty. Evi ty even'n( at B CTANDARD THEATRE. EXT_U. O MONDAY. OCT. 27. MAI'HICE RARRYMORK 1'ir.t Productlon of HEOKLKSK Ti- MI'I.E. Meata now on aalf. _ HTH-8T. THBAtRE. Noar Cth-aTa. R*sicrvfd. Orvhcatra Flrcle and Ba'conv ,10e. AX 1MMEDIATE AXD Bl<< BVCCEBS. blVe jeans. blpe jeans. "Aa dlatlnctly Amrrlcaa ta 'KhenandoaV or Tba H-nrleiU.' " "A eomedv drama?without a vlllaln." Bi JOSEPH ARTHCR. autbor of 'Tbe Still.