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NEWS FROM NEW..IKRSEY. .TERSEY CITY. HEBREWS ASK FOR POl.ICK PROTECTION. The murder af Jeacaai Jacob*. of No. 'Jl? Henry-st., New-York, by * Jersey City hoo<iluni on OrU.ber 14. whlle Iio waa pearsfnlly wnlklni: up RallroBd avc. has jtln-ed up thc Itaaaasr population ln .lersey t'Hy. A con.mltt.-,- i-cpt-oieniliiB laafat: Rphmin. nnd Rcth Isravl cuugi-cKittlons, Jersey Cltv l.odp*. K. B. U.. and Iludkon Lodge, 1. O. O. F.. had * ?i"i ajvaacg with slierltt Davl* Tueaday nlifl.t lo flev.kO ihc beat metlud ta protcrt Hebrewk from bclng ?oleated. Die bhctlfl pi'on.lscd lo cotisolt with the polue om. inis Bi-.d thc dinci-ei.t nnd ta d.i aJl he couin lo sco tliat Hebrews are iki more dikturbed than otner rtMscn* The Jersev Cltv police have thus f;>r Ball <i to capture thc hooddim who killed Jacobs. WHEN THE noOKMAKRR WAS TO BTO. William Dul.l was the defendant ye*tcrd:iy iu 8 sult to collect 8180 brought by Jacob Wltters.hcln. Tlie plalntlff BBtf tl.c debt was for money loaaed t . Oal.l. The defendant told tl.e court tliat aa January Ui Wlttcrscheln aafeed him 88 go In'o t* iiookniaking business at l.itttenberg and Cllftou. Wlttcrscheln made thc BTCfOagsVaa ll.*l "Her 888 B8T8 had brgun Dahl was to stand at tl.e gats and If B lertain lior-se won Dahl wa* to run away with tlie money und rbeat the ? rtistomerk. If t!ic hnrse lost thc racc then Dahl and \ WlUeracheJn were t.? (outluiie the b?siaesK. liahi tald tlie name under xxhi.h they dld baalnea* waa Scott ii io He s;iid that tl.c money d by W.ttei-ciieli. arak used ln tliU l.usines*. The Jury faih'd lo agrve | snd a uew trlsl xvill be had. A pcfjlion is l.fing rirrtilsted for signatures for the pai-d-.n "f Xeff-aB II. CvUcndall. who was fCiileticcd l,i~ .inne T,i n term ?.f nino tnontl_- at tlie i IH-nitCiitiarx. C> ..eodall WtT_ conyl. tcd oi BaVlng i <mi-iilte1 t." deiiMiid tbe rM><?.ii(l NbUobbI Ilanlt. lll acruniPalro, John II. Van Loaa, wl.<> araa one of tl.e clcrfe- ln tnc lianli. fled to Cauada, xvhere he noxv ik. The Hiid-on County l.iiiuor-Di'aler-.' AaaocBttloa met last evenlng and dc< ided t<> areept the rernm jiici.dalions of tlie E\eriitlve Cotnniitte.- of the st <tx> AskCHiation aud l?i indorse the Dcniocranc RliMrB Iiomiuatioiis iu Hudson County. PATER90X Tho alrlhe of Bboal 2:>0 of thc 830 dyor- and lielpci-s j ln the Weidinanu Bllh lompanx'- woraa at PJicisBlo rantlnued yestcrday and both sWe*. remaln-jd j 6rm. A f?no of BwMcfj were at tl.e shop* all da) |S prcservr i.i-Jer aud prot.-ct those who were xxilling lo work. Pl.K.-ts ai.iM.intcxl bv tl.e -tnUcrs men hoverng about to ii..lii.e nppltrant* Ior eniploynieni Ut Ue-p awav. The tueti say tliat tl.nnpmy W? 4-loiut.ii an agrce.menl :<> u> wafte* for overtlme vU,"'<1 bv all tlie I'at.-i-koii; emphiycrs n- a Miiix nieni of tke blg grnrral -tnk*- about ihre* yar- aPo. li.rause of tl.e dnhie-s in the ril.lK.n lr:id-, dtc- 10 the pre-el.t .apri.e ol faXahlun. tlie -ilh iu:ll- 01 '-a"l'"< lirotrter* ln K.|. Vaa Wlnkle-ave. hav ? , i,,-,-u d,.u n i that tl.e kU.i'|'..,:e i- - o.i a.ioiu.t nf a .Oatli ln th. -i u t.-aiH-.- Tne Ihrowlnl Btlll of tY -:?i'.e flrm m st. I- -till riniiilnp. Proimiiciit r\-tii..t? !B tl.e city ye?.t?i(l..y psve Wll f.>. fmblrcatlon tlie pi-oreednigs of a iitfllonil bn.*nniai con? vention of the Ki-iiian Hrotliern.MKt xxin.'i ?l">e,l its Kekk.on ln Odd K.lloxvs' llall Tiie-day nl^llt. im- ?B? due to t'u- mosf iii.portaut a.tioti (aken by Ihe ron venti'.ii. tiani.-lv a of the rimsrllutloii removlnp the hccret oath t.oiind rltaraeter from th.d'-i. ex. i |j a- to th.- r.\f i.tivc coiin. II. Tlus -t.-p was the reanli nf rtiscu-t witli thc I't-onln BasAaai'.na and tlie a, tn.n ?f iPDonovsn Roaaa. lt waa votcd ... reroniiiienil Ihe ontanlxallon ol mllllary and iiaval force*. hnown M --Tlie l-'eiilaii \.'l Ulitflrra." tliroiik'!i"nt th* ' "iintrv -to aid Ihe i ?* liorernmrnl hi rase ol aar. A new co-.iin il wa- i-hosam. sa1iird.iv when Mr-. II .?--ll- i:r--l I! ' cnrpH lo l,.-:,t Ihc ganl ont of :i abe l nt'.d nnder it n v.-l! x\ (Tivclnpc conlitnlns Ihe BjtutiNna|ih nf a wnman nnd live pulpy *?:.'> 1'ilN Mrs. ISurhe. wIki slill llvva ln thc i.eichi. .rh-Mil >.f Iit ol'l home. i|nh-kly heartl ..( Il,is di-.ox.-iy. and clBlmctl thr pm|?erty. ^hc aald llitit when she hthl the nirpct. s ?*??, sbe pni her pi.tnre her -Hviiigs nitder it. ^In? -ni,-' nuentlv <,.-.,,t whs-rc -li ? had hi.l'l-n II,- i'iivcbil?e. Mrs. il,,?.|- s.iVk -li-- ha- im .:.,. .'im lo nixms Mr-. Ilnriie Uie ph .to-nph. whirh, li..\xeyir. ?lc ., M-tk i- cvid-illx l.ol 'i.-i-. Iis H i.i>:<-'iit- B wollilii xxith'a Rftataii i. whib- th - ilainwnl s nrjaii ),as :, d.-pit ?i-.ll ..I 'mtllUC. The ition-y -i.e prop. to kers f-.r herself. Her pr*p.s.Hoiiifiw not -uu Mr-. r.inK". ai.d she Ihraalea* t , have Ui<- other wtfkrw inestcd._ NMriTlirnN N'K.W JKR5EY COUXT1ES. _i PLAISFIELD.-Hcnry M. Btnaley has been rntraged _l -,, dc'ivcr a lerinre ln I'la nticld in January. . . , N. M. y l.otv' a North avc. lallor, wa? r?l,l,.il nl rlothlnp and nm.orK-d il"Ui> xaln.-l ul gl.000 ou Tnesdaj nlphl. Yc-i?-!sl:iy t.nliii: wh**n ^Ir. D"ty re?he*l hl- store l?- fi.und tliit Ihe fronf d??r had been wrenched ofl snd the More ilfled. v clerh nameil r.eorp? Reautn ifsayprared froai Ihc rlty diirina Tn--,;a\ nlphl nnd his cu.].l..x.-. at .'tne swora ont a warraiii for lii- arr?i. i;i THEIIF* ?I!D.- Thb*ves cnteied 11??* Imnse of ii. K. V,, s in lr\iiiR l'li.c. Tnesday nlpht. hui wcrc frlifhteiied bx a wahefii) rhlkl bciore tm-. hid -.-. mil inoiv than Mr. >.'? wstrh aud rlialn and some kinall .Iwiijre. v eadisel. evrdenily dr..pped by Hh tliievc.k. xxa- haiiid onder tlte windows ol lt. il. aeiiers hoiike. nexl d...,r. PArtBAII'.?Whlle Htelewelry *fore of Charles lircinr sras i.ft in charve "i " b*?y nanwd llenils. two << i??;sil Dirll canie lll. and "lic ol theSB. I-X driw.t.^ Ihe at ietiti"ii ?'f the buy t-. -..m.' clo.-k-. In the wliidnw. .-n ti?*- isthcr.t>. -t.-il l"iir xxatilu-k out ol the -iiox-.c -.-. 'I.'IO tlll.-vi - c-r.l],, .!. MAIH-n.V i;i-lio|i N'rxxman on Tne?day evinin, AfjfilrBted a im-xx rhapel aud bjelurenaini Bl the i-n NEW ARK. Tlie llrel reutiioi. of tlie :;:.(!t Reglment, New-.ier?ex Yoluutetrs, xv;ik li.ld ye-t r.-tay ln tlie to ,m- uf l.lni dn I'ost, (i. A. U. A pei iiiancnt a--o( ialioii waa f .ruix-J. with li-.iiiU K. Tayluf piv-Kietii. Ira Carmeii and Lawraticc rarretl vlec pre-ident-, (.,i? li.x -":.? tar\ ai.d Aiiilii-ln- i'l.-cnl ury tiv-a-ur ?:. Arfgssenial Cliiiier folloxv.-d th- ni.ctilik'. Tlie 1'nv IbBAfd xe-t.-iday. alf-r an inve-tcal., ., oi Ihc -iat'> "f tm.itiiial hiktltiitious, fuund .h:U laxaMe piopcrlv .v.ntli inoie tlinn 1*4*1. a Dlllll. n di.lta ?-. wa- not a-Ck-cd Ior ta.v-. Thc IK aid cxpect- l<> lliid one Btllllon of addltlonal valiiainii to be addetl ;., tin %ssessment. .? ?. EUZABETH. flirce atorea iu Morris-ave. on Tnesday ulRhl were ? rtidc'l l,y tin'-.'--. whn rarried ofl .1 i,.t "f ron.e liuii ?ry and -one- ? leilwiicht'k tool-, Th-x tn-l !?> effei I uu entrai" luln Ihe ii,,M.iiii; ,,t lh?- nv.-i.-r ul J,,,:, (.,,,;. I.UU, hlll Uie in-.d,- lfl.ll -1.IlllK nl ihe ci,n,r foiled ihclr Mlitii*. Thc IttKird "i lUreclnr* "I Ihe N<-xv .i.-t?.- Acn ruRni.i! -., :,-t% will l.ol ,i divhteiid 11,1- \- 11 but * ill expeiid Ihe pmfll - "t Ihe I (-1 Inlr ln ltti|?r< i "1 Ihe crouuo- ,-f Ih*- n? al IVaverly. nnd xuii l.uilil ., IICW ^1.1:,(1-1..ii.t 1111:. li ln-,i ti,.-:i tli" presenl one. Tli--i- ?as ;i surplus ..f als-tui .fT.'Hi;. l?-!t ufter pivi'ik- Ihc <-\j-,-ii-<- ,.1 Ih' f.ii:'. whirh wa ihe Bto?t -tn. L-liil one ic-ld ln *ome years. ? ?. ? ORAMiE The flKh annual tiic.-tini: u* Ihe Sunday ?chool In stitute oi Ihe l'i..i.-i:nit Kpi-rupul Ui,...-? ,f Ne?ar? arns h'-'.d ;.c-T-i-,l.,x aftcrnuou und .x-.-:,;:,^. I'her vcre aboat J'a. of Ihc Sunday -< I.I worheri nl Ihe fJtore*C r>re-.-:it. Tli.-' . ..ndiu ior of tli" IlisfJIutc wa saai K'-x-. lloxd \v. Tomhlna, of llnrtfurd, ronn. 1-aucr- were reod l.x thc Rcv. Ilcnry Morlon ai.d ih. i:c-x. Alf.,.1 A. liHtier. ?f New-Ynrh; Ihe Hev. ( ii:,.ie j. Ilolt. ul Kordham, X. Y.: tbe Rev. i;..b- i-t s. Carl.ii, nl Klooniflebl, X. J.: tlre Rev. K. Mnrbm MrAlllsier. of Kllsabelh. X. .).: Ihe Rev. WillLun I'.natii. of Smilh uraiige: thc Ret. IVm-bI llarruwer. <>i \x--t Nc. Itri^'lit..!.. X. ^.. nnd the Uev. Rl.hard Hayward, of I'pper Mot.i. lair. N. J. Mfk. Kelly. nl sotiih Oraage, gave a Innrbeon at l.e. loiii.? in sout.'i urauia.* ave. y >-trni.iv m thirty Bve ,.i Iicr friilid-. OTlIJCll HVBVHBAS T0WN& WESTCIIEPTEI. COrXTY A NEW UTEMARY ANH bOTl.M ( I.I'l; IN RYE. ThC Apawamik ( luh of Rye is tl.e iian.f B liew liU-rar.v nnd k..cial 04canizatlon toanpoacd <>f pUMulnenl reikident*. of Rye and adjarcnt lov i,-. TIm- nnine is that of Ihe tribe ol ladaaa* wiio unpiiallx owitrd and innijied the teriitory. Areacdlrtg to thc l*tc Uev. Dr. llaiisl. Tne hl-rorian of the town, thc naine Api wamls kictiities tbe - Umd of thc iijatera." Thc Brsl iiin-tioi- of thc <lni. was li'-id at tt- temporarj hoate iu thc old of ihe Bptaropal . bnrrh. John ill-.iT>>!> rtltnam. of the tiflil of ?.eo. I*. INit.n.l.i A I o., IiiiiilMur-, wr*ftc!ected psefldenl and lifty m.-n ciu.,11 il thelr i..rnck as incni-crs. Many other* have -inn Ik-'-ii propo-ed. to BC Brtcd upon at thc n?-M ueetlllB. Tlio aadectt of thc c-lui* are efrtlrery of a nt.-rarx :n?i fcorlal chn.-.Kter. free frosa BoUttca. II I- l.iicii'lcl t, liave a setles of Icctil.Ck dcBvercd and ollier e11terln.11 inenta kIvcd durini; the ciimiIiik winter inoothk, aud ;.k kOOt. ?s Ute faSBShefBlip xxill xvarraut the ui.d.-ilai.ini.' to eie.-t a hnndoine and udmiialiiy arntuged rlob house f<>" a fi.ti.i-.- iiom<-. Aimajsjasswats have already been asadc wju. the Rev. liobeit CaJlycr to deUvcr tae ftist Ifxture la-fore th* rlub at an eai ly dav. 11 Is Bt/pexl to cou'.xii.t.a'vc ull thc Iitciaiy abiiitv and twctal Highest of all in Leavening Power? U..S. iov't Report, Aug. 17, ?88o. Baking Powder j?___?? ABSOU/TELY PURE mnterlal In tlie nelphborhood at tha Botna of tha Apa wanils Club. _ wiilTF. FI.AINS.-Mr. Rolton. rnglneer of the White Plaliio sewer works. hn< reported to tne Board ot Trustees he haa made a rrttlcal examlnatlon of (he foundatu.n wall* of the sewer 01818881 ? ^ *?{ xvl.l.l. mueh f.ult had been _ound. and hciaaj Bl BM tl.e portlon Uhl In Fortland- tmmt UjftB._tkM portlon uf ihe wall laid in K?*e"d,V_s nnl' STSrti' he rondenna, In tliat tlie mortar I ia* not ?f**?; ?me lioard dlrarted tl.e cnpineer t?hate -iwh portion> nf tlie walls as were constructad contrary to Ihe ^ueeiflrations torn down. moint VEKNON.-lf all of the taxpayers had liee'i nt tlie meetlng of tlie Vlllate TnWees on Tues rtat-ni" Ii". tl.ev would have learned somet hing about the Incon of tl.e Hcniocratir aaaaabara. The E?rd is ( by a Demoeratie majonty who-e ,1 nnlsiruti.... durlnp 1l.e last few moiillis. h-js, n.. I," Al 1he ineetltig on Tu?srtaynklit tha oay-roU of about r?-j.000 was honded in. he Uited dlarn?akM it wea abowa that some of the emnloye* p-c.-ivinc hlgh snlarles were prosMy ineom ,,,'tent' that 1;.e w.irU of macadnmlr.lnp Mounl \ ernon iv,- vas d'-fective and expenslve. and thnt nianv I.i her Dleoes of Improvemenl Involvmp larpc ex nendlturr* were unnecessarllv eoatt* and not well ,,??,. A ni.ique enlertalnment. representlnp a .liiBine school af a handred years ago. was flvrn ln the chaprl of llie Presbyterlan churcli laM ntebt. Tht nrfair waa for Ihe benefM of tho bulldlng fund, and alfl be repeated lo moi row nipht. I ? IjONG ISLAND. I/.NC. ISLAND CITY FEEI.S ITS DISIiHACE. PatrlCk .1. (ileaann. Mavor of I.onp Islnnd Clfer. r.civ.'.l a vew vlsltors in his cell in tlie Qaecmi County jall yesterday. Tho clt l? ten l.y tweniy f.-et. and there is a snnll inl.le in the room and four on ihe left taere k an lron rot, wbjeh ranpletea U.e furnitiire of tlie rrx.m. Tlie Mavor trled to niaki- llffht ol his imprisi.nnient, and sald thal be would ralhcr si-end five tears iii the ''<'U for ass.-inltinc a man whtlo iu ii passkm than to be routlned there one day for hteallni pwhBr money. Tl.e eell he oceapra ia lltc oi, ? iii whlrh ex Mayor Pe Hcvolse wns roaflned f..r three veara afu-r belng eonvlcted of lng a larpr a....?.int uf the etty. tPm&^TI*Jfajrot i,a- .v,.-iv,-.i a number ..f pre*e_ts, eoe_4atl_0 of basket. ' ' xt'th-'Mavor's offlre in the City Hsll thtnc* went on the san.e as if tl.e chlef e.xerutlve, was l're-eiit. \\hen it was n.-coarv to siihmlt doruments to the May, lliev were s.-nt to him Ly mcssoiiger. Ihe rcsnectuM^ t'-idents ol the rlty feel keenly tbe ?km ]?.u.l.t the plaee 1-y tbe BBfkMKM ,,f it. chi.f BMalafraia. Ea-t "rtaM"*-**" ?''*' mmnred thal ex Mate ?Jcnntor Fdward P. _-??'? ,,,,. i.leasj.n candidate- for A?*?niblymnn ln the Md Dlstriil Of y.iert.s Cmntv, lia.l withdrawn. Ile sald ,.!..,n I..,-.. nomlnalcd ?'"^", ' \ T'^ Lanrenre McEntee has been nommaU-d for tha oflkM in in- pBtra-_w_ JIOME NEWS. PROMINENT AKRIVAI.S \T TITE HOTP.LS. IJRi"NMVI('K-r.x-('onc..ssnian E. D. Hayden, ?< M.a .a,lii?.t>. ( l.AREMX'N-Vlccnt.. O. Otteaada, Argen. llne Mlnlst.-i at Wasiiinnt...: Erarata Bnach, S*-. -refary ..t ;l?. \,..,.ti,?. ]..L-..ti..n. and J.ihn N'.'ucll. of Ihlrago. KIITII WF.Xl'K lA-.;..\.n,<.r Chariea II. Hawyrr. ..f \,??.iiiin i-ir.r-. and Allen W. Thurman. nf Ohla '-IE sl y i;.ar.Admlral ti. I*. Carter. V. S. Xavy, and ?!.i..'ial ., , ii. Wllllam*, of Indlaaa. IIOFFMAX-Jndee C. I iinivrr ol Waahloatoa. VICTORIA-Resetdy ,.f' itaitini. WINDSOR-Danlel N. Uchwatd. .'f lluffalo. and r.v-lm.- M. Phelps of t'lil'ouo. WI?AT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. World'. Fali ' ninniitle*' f.n Flne Arts, llotel Rruna. , , j, ",,, .,. ,?. Comn.ltt.-e ...i Forelaa Affalr*. ull* i II..H-. . 2 |l. ni. M:,.?. Sdiatc (-"mmittee on dttOB, F.irt II. .S'U'crloi Court, io ;io ?*. ni N.w-Jci-. v Jorkey ci'.l. race.. EHzaVth, 2 i>. m |NK>ple,a .M>i.ilcl|>al League BMetiag, (.'hlckcrlnp Hall. i p. in. I'.in iii nt ]~:>i<- II. Frothlnghiim, Church of Our Savlwur, nt....i(hn. 2 ;.. m. Illnatratiun ..f Ballot Beforai law, LcTinpton Avenue 0|?ra Ho'iae, 8 p. m. Moiitrcal.Bmofcl.rn laemaae rr.atch. Drookiya Playera' 1,, ;,?.?.?? I,,-, liall Brtrtinda. :i :ao p. ni. init.'l M. i.i ? Chaiitlea annual BieetlBg. Temple Kinaiill-El, 8 l'. ni. I,,ii-.- Ubtad Baptlat Aaaorlation, f'alvary Church. Ilroofclrn. Iliisini-.. \|,.ir- ReiiuMieaa Orgsnlratlon, xxiid Aa. aen.idy Dl-irb-t, No. 1U4I Ea?l s-\.'i.n->i\tli-st.. g p. m XYllth \--'ii,',i( Dlatrli t Conntv<y Aaaorta tlon, W-ml'l'- A ? ll....n.?. 8 ).. m. ii.rmsii Ri-publlciwi rirgsnluttnn, XXllld Aaaembly IIMrl- I. N... I !f?7 Thlrd-in.... 8 p. ni. Ward I'Ihthi-i Cor;>a i.arridc. 7 :3n p. m. lllooiiiiiiLdjIc Repubiirau I'lnb, No. ir?s< Wr*t On.' ?iiii<lr..<! ainl.foiirlh.s| . g B. in. \,m-v,:.. Mut- .M.ili'i.l Aaaaelatlon eonveotloo, Ko. ?;i Madl<on-ave, ? - ? -? NEW-YORK TITV. Th* nnfopsy li.i.i yesterday ..11 John w. Willlama, ul.n aa* B?<inlled l.y a niiise ln Iielk-vue Hospltnl, II. c. R. l.iiwren.e. un TnesdHv, Bhawed ll.nt dnilb ara* dne lo ni-nle .il.oliollsm. but was haalened l.y th-- fraetnrr >>f the nose infllcfed by Lawrenre, who |s under nrrrat. ci;.'. i?.i Rrliordl ve^terdav appointed tlie foiinw .n(_ . l.-rii-. al -alarics of 01,000 a year earh: Lawrenre .1. Maher, F.i-i.-st n. Perrin, neorge A. Ilasel, Iaadorc Flnkk-r, Ali.'it .1 c.ilver nnd John ('. de Jtmge. Tb?-lr inin.>'s were Inken from the ellpllile list of men who passed Ihe ( i\il Kervlre ezamliiation. Tht- incinl.. rs of ih^ Coll.-n Rxrhange vote<l yes terriay on th-- queation ..f amending the liy-laam "f llie Rxrhange -... ilml i|nutatlons of ?po| rottofl should i,f made ..u..- a dnj nt 'J p. m., Inatcad <if twi.e. ai has Ih'.ii Un- Tbe propoaed amendnient was |tis>| l.y a v..!.- ..f .... t.. 3.1, twofhirds of all vollnp i.-'in^* ifi|!.:'.(l t.i elfert tlie rbtuifre. Tlie Rxrhange wlll vote ..ii Muiniav un the qiiestlon of abolishlng rotlun (I'ttiiicat.'-. Ih.' ia-t .-( ih.iin.ince and amatanlllon Ktorrs f?>r Ihe new ' niisf.- s;,,, Franeisro were sent from ih. Navy Yard i" Mare l?hind, Californla, yesterday, ArrlMea.oii Ma<knv smilii will address the itndents .,f ihe I'liiini Tii>'..|.i-'ic..l sciniiiaiy tliis Hfternoon, un ?? iii-- ( 1?? 1._-\ as a t'iii/.eii." jli" MM-iei) nf Amnlenr I'holugraphers will i:i\. all < \ln!.iii,.ii of liinlern ~lii!c made by tbe llowton liini.-r.i I'bili, al it-. nnitnn, Xo. 111 Wc-t Tlmiv elpl.tli-rl.. iitmorrww rvening. M.bjert, -A Trtp t? Ihe White Muantalns.'1 John R. Moxwell, a leller-rarrler. who waa Bire*sted ..n Fi'liniiiry i_'. rharged wlth .lealiug muney from . i-ii-i. \\is ut-i|uliled by a Jary before Judge Benedirl m ihe l'nlted Stales CirtnH Courl yeot-rdsy. \ ,"n/.. I-iii.... ol No. lon M'.u -1.. berarae a. i|tisallll**_ >.i Allgnsl '_'!. wilh I'lanK ?>,?.,._ ,,f ?;,, j .i.-i-.\ -1 . ulio olfered him 0.1 if he woaM gel .??-',.00 ihanged ml" llalimi money for him. Bpec nbtnined *i7'. from liiii;:.' a> serarity, and banded him a wortli I.-- pjiekage whlrh he s.iid roiitalned tbe 0_,5OO. s|?... Ihen dKipprared, bul wax aft.-.ward arreated and iti.'.l. Judge ('..'.vin-' yesterday aentenced r>'poe to live years1 Imprtsonment. Tbe ladie- ol Ihe ('.'lilliil Bapllsl I'liuicli. ln r.,ri\ - scc.iii.i st. ii.-.r Sevenihave., will pi\e a reeeption al the . hiuch this evenlng i<. Uartr paalor, tl.e Kev. Will ii.ui M. VVlilker, aud his l;H?le. Th.' I_rk rommlaaloners yeatarday pnve ihe eon Irart f..r bulMiiig fl.c -ewer in Tlnton-oVe. to Thbdman A ( o. at 013O.-_.V1 bO, whidi Rnglneer M-ver-, ai.l ua- 11 per reni abxe ciirrent ralea. I' liarvry, who had made aoate money In tlie Wesi and came h.-n- on his way 10 hia "1.1 lionn iu Ii.IiimI, waa rommllied for 1 \ .tnlnatiou as lo his sanity yeMlerday In a pollee roart. He had l.oupht a Urket on tb> nty of HerBn, whiek salled yeaterday, i.ui on Ihe pler derlared that l.c had been roblM'd of t*.VK). Nothinp could be leurned about the n.bliery, aud his artiona were so atranfe lhat hc was not ai lowed t<> snil. l.ut wns arreaated. The trade s?)i(*ol for boya at Slxtv-sevi-ntli-at. fu.d lirsi av.-., iind'-r the sup-rvUloii of Colonel Aiichinuty. wus upened last nlv'lit for the w-ison, wllh larp?- rktsatas 111 liri. klaMtip, house, si.ti and fraara pnlnllup, aaHtblttf, l.lasteriiip, plumbilip, sfonccutllnp and ear peniry. The aebooi is mpported by (he work af th. l.uiiils nnd by voluntarv sub-cripilon*., Aithough the Eilcfc Manufuctuirr>' Assoclatlon at Ita last incctinp "declded to luise tlie prlre of ?j.'j ri-nts a Ihoaaand. the iiuilding??MUerlal deaiers (,-ii JeiU-d. nnd bc_BB a iiiovcment whlch luis resiilled in maliiiip hrick rheapei' ihey wei-e U-fore. The .aMs of UBCar R. Iloup und charles M. Iitiilis, rierks, foiineily In the employ of Henry I'lewn A Co., barikers at No. 16 Broad al.. wbo were. cliarged wlth the tlieft of posrage stamps wnrth nbont Bl.lOO, rame np yesterday In n pollre eourf. BurtK ronfesaed his pullt nnd wns held for trlal. Hoag was dlscharged. All nrticles left over from the fair lntely held ln nld o/ the Mlsxlon af Our Lody of the nosanr wlll be sold thls evenlng al ihe (r.thedml Brbaaf Hall. Ranf Fiftleth-st. between Foiirth nnd Lexlnpton avei.. at 7 o'cbx-. Aaaona ihe artfeara ure a valuable plano und 0.'?O in pold. The CommisslonTs of Charltics have not lieen able as yet la take flnal actlon ln recard to I.nwrenee. tho nurse ln Ilellevue HotrplB-t, who nssniilled a patlent In his ehnrpe on Tnetday. They have nwkcd the offlcers of the trnlnltip school In Ilellevue llospitul to Investipnle ihe matter. Wben tbe offteers report fo ihe Hourd, tlie Ci.mnils>loners wlll d"rlde what they will do. -?? AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. PLl'MF.D ABTILLERYJilES AT DRILL. A FINE F.XITiniTION HY MC-HT COMPANY "K" ON THE PARADE GROCND. The Pnrade t.rnnnd al ihe aontbwesl eorner of Pros j.ed Paili was the arene of an exeellent drill yester? day afternoon hy Captaln J. W. Dillcnbork, of Uffbt Battery K of tbe lst l'nlted sfates Artillery. A temporary stand had been ererled for the gneats ?.f llie i.fliiers. and l.y :i oVkwk ihe apartatora nambered 3,000 or 4.000. The -j:id Iteglment. N. (.. s. N. V.. aeni ? pnird, ronslatlng <>f Iwo sergeant*. three rorporala nnd iwn illes from earh. rompany, under of Cap? taln De Fnrest.witb Lieuieiu nts Joteph iiull und Whit ney aa Miliallenis, for th" pnrpose of p.anlinp llie gronnds, l.ut Ihe rrowd gnve Ihem no Ironble. Pnnrtaally at :: p. m, Captaln IBIlenbarh rntercd the gronnds al Ihe head ..f battery. with IJetitenanl W. T. Van rommandlng Ihe ilr-t arrtknn. l.l--u lenanl Fred Mni-h llie aecond sertlon. Lleulenanl <;. W. Hnrr ehlef nf Un.- of ralasun. and alxly live runli nnd llie. The battery mlghl Jnstly be raUed the -l.av'' battery, h-s all the Imr-^ uf Ihal rolor, and a well-tralned lol nf horaes they are. The gel-up. of the men was faultlc-s. The N urlel plumes of the men were in atrlklng conlruM to the autnran hrares and tbe green gTBK*. The men were pal Ihronph nearly every rrnicelrable movement. wheellng In full battery lni" apil aertloti*. iu open InlervnH and in rlose Inlcrvals, a! Ihe walfc. Irot nnd gallop, wlthoal an error. alway* keeplng an exrellcnl Blignmcnt. There i was ihen a slj.itt hall dnrlng ahhrh th<- Artillery Ifcind I playrd. The scciukI parl of Ihe drill wa- liring prae 1 Ure, l.lan), carirldpes having baeti l**ued. Tbe men rbatiged Ihe dlrerllon >.f their tlie with greal uulek ness. Ilmberlng np aml taklng np new poaitlona a amarlly as an) artillery in ihe world. Tbe spertalor.. Ihoronghly enjoyed tl.e wbnle drill. Among those present were Colonel Looml* l.. Lang do... rommandlng t!..- l-t l'nlted siates Artillery, nnd Mra, Lnngdon; Major Juhn I'. Bgun und Captuin f"ol lon, l'nlted state* Artillery; I'aptnln Meeher. Marlne (.,].-: Colonebi Appl.'ton. Hlrhell, Rlrhnrd-*, Tmw Inluge, Partridge, Joseph T. Hfcrrej aud J. II. Frolh Ingham: Mujor* Arkeriuan, N. I?. Farr. < . R. Wal?*r and Wiilter lireen. Coplalna 1'uekrnne, llolmca, < andee, Himd. ('. It. -illini.ui Hud I'ern'in. I*urk C".imml?*lnner (i. V. Urower. The Imlterj retnnied t-. F?.rt llamll t..u Ht l ::k? p. ni.. Ihe bon*et> rHt'.ei- Urrd, as ihe ground ?ii- heavy. SEVERAL NEW i'IIIIi'' IIES HKIN't. I'.I'll.T IN aPPRAL 1 ? >I. BAPTlsT IXaTITFTIOXS <?l LEARXINO IX ..ll BRAR THE CITT. The s'.i.nd daya Se?s|oils of tl.e I.nnp I-land P.ap ti-t Bt its twenly-foiil III annual meetlng ln Ihe cahnry Rnpilal church \iei<- largely attendel yesterday. The meetlng uf tbe Brooklyn braneh of the Wi men's llupllal liome Mi ?ion .-.Mietv urcreded ih.- luisjness .i..n. The annunl report ahowed Ihal stic.e., had marked Ihe effort. lo ral?e fund- iti ihe rourse of Ihe year. An liileresting addre** upon Ihe work ?f women lu Ihe reforn.atlon nl ih.- world ?n made by Mis- Jlarv (;. Iiurslelte, of Rhlragn. Jfuderafor Rddr, wbi-e parltamentary -liill eiuit tnu.ii pi_i?e frnni Iii- fellow membera uf Ihe a n ?? bt lion, c.ii-.i ihe ..- ..cinti ii in urder shrnlly ait-T 2 p. ni. Tlie i-ea.liiu- ..f the letlers ..f Ihe rhnrehes ?:i- rompleted. Nearly a'l reiKrtiad aplrllaal nnd ii.ii i..i |.r..sp..|itv. a nnmber "( new rluirrhe are being i.uilt. und hnndreds luive l*en bapllred wlthln Ihe i...iiii;is of ih" uasiM-iallon. -y mmmnry ?.f Ihe leller* will l*c pre-em .1 l.t.:-. Addrc.a ? npnn the intere-ts , f tlie Mls-iiii.r- Ci.ioii. Home Ml--li.ll > > d.'tv and Pitblli-ation *wlely nf the denomlnation were made by Ihelr reapeetlve wrrrelaries. D:-s. w. c P. Rhoades aud ihe Rev, T. .) Whllaker spuke on tbe work of Ihe church Rxtenakm surlety. \t t:.vening -<'ssi,.n Dtm. n. k. Wood and ll. B. Iiull spnkc lljioll edinaiinnal niatters, l?r. Wood il" plored the btrk ..f RaptNt, srhouls and rollc^ea in niil aiiiiiiul NewV.itl; atnl l'.n.oMvn. whei. a pnpu Inllon of :t.(HM.,(Sii? w:i- galbered. Ile denouiired the stsiem ol leurhlng b?iys ..? *s?on hs out of knee breeebes lo worship Ihe -nlmtghty doiiar." and piri ii- s n.ii as th.-ir (iif--.s eiivered ih.-h knee* t.i wor shlp the ?? aliniphtv ntatrlmouy.' Dr. ll. s. I.loyd Kpoke for Ihe lntrre*ts ..f Ctdgate l"nlver?lty. Dr. .i. ,>. liubleman a-poke for Borltesier rnlverslfy. i;e-..iiitiuns were orfered l.v the Rev. .1. i. All-u. iirglug the cMabll.linienl "' il s<''"- "' IbipiW ln stitiltimi-- un l."iip Islalld. Tbe a--oclalloii Wlll on rlude its si--s,..iis to-day, T" 1"I!M A ( 1IAI.'T.M'yi'A HTATR CUXVRNTIOX. Plyiiioiith ( hiir.h wa- iill .1 bj?l erening wlth dele pites fi.-iii Ihe virloiis Cluutouqua a-s.-ail.i;.'. of tlr slate, tiiet t<. orgatiise a state, and with ntemlier* of Ihe ta-enty-seveii ( hantaaqiia (ir. le-. rom prisiug th- Hruoklyn t'hantniiqua Aasembly, Dr. K. s. Purdington, proldaul uf tbe bitter, prvaMed and Mi-s r. a. Teal aeted n- aceretary. An addreaa ol welromc wiu? mude by U.e Rev. Iloward s. un- ln th .ili-.i.c.- i.f [ir. AWkiII. Ih" Bev. Jaiitea k. iMia4ider -p..:..- ;.: lerglh ii|*on H." ?? l.ei.elits and I'.e -ilnliti" ol rlty .'i-Mi.i..iiuiti." i' nl ?!h- Ucv. R. II. npiMi "(hautaii'iua nnd Ihe lliane." A r?iatBiltt*e ci,ii:|m,s. il ..f Mi -. N. Il..i... ? (.ilhtte. Kih.-t !'. II..i k. the |Urv. R. II. I' 's'l-iMii. Mi- c. K. r..itin and Mi i: >. Ilannaaay uu- appoiut".! lu di.itt a plan fur perniBiienl ..i..-,i-.i/.aii.'ii. Tlie ruiiveiitloii (dii ...,, lliiut- in -.-si.e Mili iilrerniami and evenlng, in-h-.p \ ii.c.-ni ?iii ? iiB*1hi? evenlng uptm ?? ? hantauiiu . niil ihe Cliurt h.-1 ,,N TRIAI. 1 'I! KH.I.IN'. Ilfri llP.oTHRR IX-LAW lli.. irial 'f -liiine- Irvlng Itanoort f r Ihe n.nid-r ,,f ItaiiH .1. ..' -s"". r,'. ii.i.isi.n .iv.-. un June l_, 1-'..". fru"< _*gnn yeiderday in Ihe I'onrl nl s,s-i,,i;, |,.( fe Judge M.oi'- Uftd A-- '.' .li.-'ic.-s I'lMiraddy aitd MrMuhm. MrXIclad. w_a lUtiiuoii' brullier-liilaw, aml .... Ihe duy >.f Ihe sluutiug 1-... Who acpamted from lils wlfe. Wenl I. l.ei falher's Ii.,..-.' t.? s.-.- bl-i chil.l. Uhl- lalkllig with his fatl.i t in hiw Uta l.iithei.|ii-]..'V a;.p-uie I. aml lianiioii shoi him in tha rhe*!. HcXIrlmla dled u.e following day. RvWenre In regard lo Ih? sho-itiag was niv-t. bj Bernard MrXbhol*. Uie father ?.f Ihe dead man. l/uunty l*h\ -.< I.m rdaritard, who nnd. tl.e uuUipay, und ihe polli-eiiK'n ?"b<i arreMed Itaiimm. riu- defence ?1U be bcard ? ? ? IIk WENT TO A IIOTRL T(? KIl.l. HIMSRLF. a man went t" HruwnN lioiol. at No. I47 B'aahlng Um st... ou Muudav, hh.I aeeured a room, regMeriug a~ ll. Dryer. Xulblng wa, w-cn ..i nin. afler he avm t.. th.- iiKiiu. ai.d yeaterday Bflerne/dl the duor was broken open. Th.- man i as foun.l lylng deu I wlth a platul all t wiiniid ln hl? furehead and a Hritish bttlMug revolver In ln- tiK'ht l.and. II- tuvl evldently ili?l iiistantlv. The man was dreated iu (iaik ekaUtea, aml ha.s Ugiil hair aml n ItfBt maatarhe. Ile ls il\e f.-et uine Inrhes ln height und ahoof fitrty years aid. Dvryer waa IdentlBea as an >>f Ce rlothliic llnn of Kol.ertsoll .v Kniifiuan, ol No. '.4.'. BtUBdWajr, New-York. _ MADA.ME DIB DRUAR IN lll'SlNI>S M.AIN. ajadame IMs Detatr. ih- sp.a.l. prleale**. \vl. > reeenl iv rrtarned t?. thls cuantry dbigalaed aa a nan. has si.uplu -fi-enh Uelds and pnstiuvs new.- by adrer luinp bararll aa foUowa, " Di4 Debar, l.'ic Curiton iv. I'rlvale slltliius dslly fiom ll to 4. I'lcturcs nnd Independewl wrlltan (omrnunleatlona. eptrlt llfe (l.-moiistrated." _ha sais wlll BMtka lirooklyn her home here nfler and pn.fesses lo have a tirvoratlon from the ,,(.' ?-sa* LAYIKU THE IU.AMF. AT THF. MAYOIt. D"( II The ronventloii of tha Klnga C..unty Women's ci.rlstiun Teinperanco Cnlon ended * ta Ibe Laaia Avtnue i:on-r?a_t*oiiBl Church ycilcrday. Mn.. II FOR -0YERC0ATS--$10 -5,000 OF TMf~ WORTH FROM f" ?? ZP 32? ?? """ PafsACa-tav OU 3ALE TO-DAY TEN nOLLARS EACH* -"SALE LA8T THREE DAY8. TMiiPftDAY--FRIPAY--SATURPAY. - STORE OPEN UNTIL NIHE O'CLOCK EVERY HIGHT. TTT qTFRS-CAPECOATS-O VERCOATS. _, ? irr^..,^!,,. .wt ,,f Fine Overeoats and Clsters have accamnlated apoa oar hnnds, we Flnding an enormous anralraato* g___j__ of 5.000 of our eboieest pmaeats dariBc .he ,ex. have deternnneil to make a BWr^biiJMi aAuunw three days. _r_r?___va lVTFT/TOVS CHINCHILLAS, BEAVER8, 8HETLAND8 and Flne Foreign They include fSUnn M^T?>Sj OBUWJ ^ C()ATS ARB rHJ,Ap .JJgg Overcoatings in all faal^ Assignee Sale P^teblislinient*, but l-ASHION U8UALL- FOI8TBD JJPO* ?PUBLU?n? TAILOK 8HOP8 for BROADWAY TKADK. They have NEVER BEEN SOLD FOHL^lSU^rS T0 DOLLARS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NICHT. view and you ~jg**?^^ from our $15.00 and $18.00 grade. will bc oiTered ALSO during this sale at $10.00 each. A. H. KING & CO., Makers and Retailers ofCood Clothes. 627 & 629 BROADWAY. Nianers <mu nci STORE QPEW TTMTII. 9 P. M._ _^^^ V K r.nlT detail-d 184- ?* ?"?"" _ "__* fS ?'trons Hbe saM thnt Mayor Chnptn r?ealred the J' , him rortlsllT. hefOW hl. rr-cl.-tlon. but rrK.llv - n, .,..! Ml how Ih. Alderm-n *** *WB !2 pn.p.,.!!..... and Ih* Board ... Ratiaaato toltod to n,r?,.ntc any money to aay ihs bwItobs. ;h? X'r.ip'.V Th2 ?S nf narflHIca an*1 smofclag elgar Hiiea w.-rc also 8lws#*ed. OATIimSD AHOIT TMF, TOWN*. Tl.- foner.1 of isaae H. Froth.n?ha- will tato plarc at g P. SL to-day ln th- < lii.n-l. of thc Savlour. I.i Pterrepoat-st. Dr r.asttra. R. Cooper. a d-Btlat. of An.lty and (-,mr1 ktk.. was ander lioods ln th- sp.-i.nd DU rl , poibss CoaH yesicrd.iy to pay * ? *?_? to ,?,,?? sl. wlfS ,nd three rlilMren. who- he de ,.,.,, . rrar in, when he hsd nn Inrome of f?..noo ry?r and aept a farsi liorae and a yarhl. Ile went ? willl .nchc, womaB. Ile rcturned ln - cw month. an.l seeared hl? wlfe's f,n:;v.-.,.-s bal .? |,-f. b? 10 Ilv,' ,n ?w-Y?rk with a ? ?? nTappeared Inrtmrtwlt* a thr'a.liair ...i, of .M.hcs and a almw hat. Imbcs r. raraw. s..p-rvisinp englneer o! the Cownty F.?^, wllllnr. ...m,,.,.t a li.x?l ktnun- Mr .**? I,,,. provWed UN rlrrhaand dranghtsmen are patd ,iv ?;? ,,???>-. Inalead nf a i*rcciitage "..<?" the rnst 2 Ihe wort done ..nder hls dlre-llon. i?V*^T ,? .,,?i ;, riimmnnlrnllcB on tha atalier to thc I?nar8 "' ?,-,',',!',',,? fmybool Whltehail will he ptared on Ihe HBWlllon Ferry llne oa MtHtday. Thc 1:,v. Aagwata B. Metsoa has been Inrtri lcd ,., ,?? f lis tlnirrh of ci.ris. fThrlstlan UrtentM). rrcda Ih- Itev. F. K. ???-??. "* BtHOB. ;??.,??. evldenre was taken hefOre Fnlted states ,'., itttlkkioner I;-..'ws ,,.,..-nliiy ln tJ"**"* *~ ,,..,,1,,,. a hribe made agalnsi Flerre Parsclls, aSaaj V rt *ir .n?n. Mr. ParaelK wa. esamlned ln hla own ,.,'- lf nd denled eatghatlrally that hc had ovcr rc vo '? vat.l. from Ihe RefalngloiiB. .ad aon. \tTmmSt 'hat hc nc,,-,.,cd lt Mr ajhUtBl tho V'l.npr Remioitton a place in thc Navy Yard. ' M,. 9 ifartlne nf Xo. 300 rnmi.criand.?t.. who la ov iv -ii: . TcTr's old. herarae l-adty Mghtcned by ^1, ? hoi.kc vc-ktcrday hmmoon. aad soaght IZ-I - r.,v fJeelnfto Iherelhir. "ho wwt , #,?r a tlm.- ta two lln-tn.-n. BBd was rf i? rire urg d nsrmxATi ciirrtri !!,.,?-;:c. thciTS roethod In ln- madne**. /nnonnrcments. A I.fXi'RY Foi: TOKBldTf. _s aaartaV^aW.aa' *tv A Nr.w COLLAR. "E. a W." Sjlioshonc. MB? * Wa*' 4..r vnrTitorB.Fi> With CaaFrfB HAKWt r_"r_rViril'fl,*stS iWetas Boap. .Sold wefywher*. 25 c-iits a cak,-. v,,r Hovnton-s OrlebratttJ Mrnacee. bot water uaifiM,or* h'Btrra and ranBC*. 8* w aSS ^'ON FkK.SA.'i: CO.. 207 and 200 Watcr-.C. - ?*-> FRI'IT SiaIV*. _, nmlth Food Comraaj'. i?l?t.n s-^p rfaasTe. th.i... 81 KtffUi *v?boc un<l all drassuta. HF.NRT A. DaMF.LS, M. D, 90 WEbT B9T1I-8T. ni.easM of th^ N,nous Svki-n, .i-nlto-Crlnary 018888, ,?{*iEta a?l Sicrlllty. llcir. 8 to 1. 5 to 8. Kk.fp'is PninTS to MBA8VBR f. imt $0. Nlin(. sett-i at a?y prtre. ^0'J and su Brsadffs*/. NP.VRRMORf! ;::?!?;;':l1 -^l"fr^B.U anli' i^-nanv,- KOZOIJONT haa LJ rJ Ml ili'-n. ali. -? ? ?JTw?raW-CS^ 'I;:;rt..".\i,r.--.l.' lof IWa fUw. ^_ Opera Glasses, .4 tr',""'. iKlflHT FLOOR). .im-ic ?r ...(? irai'int fMiMrta'foa l?n*a? ^r^T/ l'ht Unifti'rf "( th* fttlHt okUtlMOt* i'nd aniiarf "*"Hri*MttOTtimnm***l?'Mr- Thoettit*off**m i?,?,; *i/' ..'i<' <?'>"? '"'""''?? f'"7'''- '""'' "'r<"'' "'"? 77"'" '" '.or/*, arraa******'* V"'"' ""'' raiwiWa ?<?***?. B*a*farr '?.? rli?al*r???^*fc*W**a)4**?**S laj??B?l I* svilwaa l.i?p*(-f.oii or" ?/.is ?****. Theodore B. Starr, 208 FIFTH AVENUE, j /.ViVfro /fSBBlfttf l(fMf*80a Sq.. \ 2,'itk <md 2Q(k 1126 BROADWAY. / Strcets. MAR1SE INTELLWESCb. MIN1ATI KK ALMANAa 1..U4T. Sarrna* 6 1? I ??'* J ol I Uo?" a*u ? *'J ?*? ' **0*,B'? *** ,0 II10II WATKK. * as a*n.1rHoo* 1 on ilov Isiind 8:181 Hall oata. 8tl8 f%ZlSSS Huos. J..Jiii..r.l*U.. I 4-JllMelUlaia. 8:8* KHIPPIXa .VA7hT1 poaTOFNBW.Vi.KK .Wf,|..\K!4UAV. OCT. 'J'-MSBO ABBIVEB. g.,.,n,r Msli-stlr (fjrt, l'arsril, I.lvertMiol Ort 15. gnaatis laarald witu in.lsa an.l ,..W4uos?r? to J Brm* laruar. Ar r,;r.4n:?^""'.V"6U<Hn. Uorr.... 14^,, 0_IL uiir.-n?town 19. aitl. nulsB and |>?*s*mser* u, A ti l u.lcrhlll siram?r Statrof NavaiU (llr). H'mii-rsnn. (llassow oi t IB. vi* 11 with .u.lBBanil iMissanscrsto Ilal.lwln.Ko .ii.lmrf Iwnar ,u?n. Orumlinamn. lliamaa Ort .. ?llh mii.rtorii.'Oli. Kilr8*C'ii Htraiii-rl.iiu.-n (Un. Browu. rtaroua Oot 1, ln bal laat to mastrr. Arnvr.1 at tha Bar at .41> m. HiiamfrCltj ol Aleaanoria, Hs.iscn. Havao* 4 lUya, with ffSfS na*B*.i?ers lo gBS B Ward a Co. Arrirad at Uia Bar Bl u iu Bargains in Blankets. io cases 10-4 white Blankets at S_.7^ 10 cases n-4 white Blankets at $5.5o. 5 cases 12-4 white Blankets at $s\oo. io-4California Blanketsat $4.7^ 11.4 " " " 55.75. Our stock c( Blankets rep resent a full line of the celebrat ed California and Eastern Mills, includinij white and Fancy Color ed Blankets, nianufactured ex prcssly for Ladies' I (ouse Wrap pers and Bath Robes ; ranging in price from $2.25 to $50.00. Lord & Taylor, Broadway and Twentieth btrecu Wpianosv^ Grand, Upright and Square. Moderate Price.. TO ItEXT, INSTALMHNTS, AND ETCTTANIETV 5th Ave.,cor. lGth St.,N.Y. BEST HATS YET, MOST STYI.U-I.F.AssT COHT. $1.90. FAR M RPAKH THOSE ?I>KU IIF.II E 4.T ?l.l>0 AND S4.II0. IMKEfTPKON NAKKKTO WKAIIMt. SAVIN4. MII1DI.K PalOPITK KENNEDY, ?28 COIlTI.AMtT-sr. (I'l* MTAIBAI, V. C. HIIAYNF.. FIKRlKIt, oflera S'.lakln Uannenta, Should.t Capea and leadlns (aahlonable Fura. All good. h.ivc th.^ilrra name ln. tnereby carrylng the guarunteo of rdlab?_y. MERl I14NTS ??!'.ll. Kur. rctall-d at both atoisja tJPTOWN. 134 \V. 42D-5.T.. NEAK GTHAVE. IIOWM'OW.V, 103 I'KIMJI.-l'.. W_Si Or _ WAY. Steamer RBldgb, I.lttielle:.i. Dirien. Wlth liimber to South BrooalTB siiwmili ('?>. Steamer City >.l Atl.mta, Dole, Waat I'n.ut, \ a. ?Itn m.laeto uidDoDiinloii MaCu. .steamer l.ucj . Miller, Btabba, Hnng.>r, wlth mdae and paa aengcia to F il Smlth <t Co. 8UNSKT--Wlnrtat HoiV. Uxht. F.. fair. Aicity lalatui-Win.l Itarht. sk enwdy. C-EABJCD. Steamer K.1am (l)tcln. Bteuffer. amBterdam via Rnuingne runoh. lidre A '"? St.-amci fhc.ter (Hr). Toilc. AmalerdBm H Srtirrt.iira m MframT Dermuaa (fir), Frni.r. wiBdward Idaada-AB Ourerbi nlyt- .t i'o. SIC.1111.T siu.itti.n Tower | llr>. liodtree, >t J..i.n... pr. _, Mill.r. Iiull A "'.'. ? .... st._io.rr J.tiu.iK 1. ThsmBMB. Bl Abb i BBy ?. AeaaelaA < .. steamer snrato.n. l_4Bhtoa. HaraBa .'anifnaa Ja. K Wiir.l.l i'o ._...... sr.-Hiuci iNiflwi Riaa. fiaivcaton <? it Ma Lm-,v < o Bte_ruerCltvof Biruilnaliam. Itera- sa\_iiu.Ui Iti.waikef Hle.Hi.-r \la.111.jiiiii. >lcK.c. JU'l Jm BaHNVillu Wlll 1' I IV.I- _ ' ". steamer FBarsee, TxiBoo, V/llwlticton, S< -Wm V ( lv.ia a... Kleamei sidoiiiun (Un. I.wock. >">f I* H?_flat_iB r,r..s. Steamrr Wyauokc, lloar. Norfoilc aud U.ehiima.l? UM l*a> ailnlon Ha (, Mea.nai Ai?ctil...rn. I.-wm. Rallimure II ' roatrr. ?slfiuner rntlMiie 1 it v. r..itli'i.l ll.-ratu. llxlt. Mii|. I Umbeth. rei.-r.l, m? Kran. ia .. lM-arl??rn .v <... llara feppuia M (l_Bl|, Baarpall, _< J \V far kr' _ Oft ..... .... SAILKD. Sicitn.r. Dotbnl.. llr.laiiiiu- aml .'.tret IMII'i. t-r f.lver imh'I; Trate. jltvuiea: N...?r-'.inml anl iia ile.i. Antwrri*; CtMMl, litlVMUm; M?e ?? h???-. B iv.niuali Alfuu |iim. < :..n.? i ton Wy.iii.ue. Newport N.-w?. Mhll'i'niftnu Hall. larCalculU. llaraa Uucht-Bda. far Vlrai, IltMMUlU 1111. .MUvi;.Mi:Ni.s ok STEAMEK-, FOREIUM -ORT-. Soi-THamToM. Oet '."J-Arnvcl. .teaincr W.ira meri. rohie lron. Ne* V..rk >.n her w.ic ... Iii?ui*.ii. iie. i*rncei"le?l. scttiv Ort Bl P-Wd. auM.aar Hnti* iiaeri. Kopfl. Irom Ne--Ver?..n Ikt w,iir 10 H\...ieirir 11 initAi.rak. nct'.'ll l':i? .t.inirr Lrtlmnpi (luli, In fnu . Ma?titerraB?BB ii-.r;.s >.u n. r arajr ;?> X.a-Yurb Pkhim Oi t H laa.rd. ntramnr fllrnnrrht un. i'.T?u..m. frimi JafBB aud China pnOM >m ner ar iv l.. New-Yoru SIKZ o.tJl -Arrlwd, alc^inci 1.l-ii.ii 011 (Br). Jucoln, from Manlia. Ac. ou li-r iur i.> New- Vort. IXVOXtlXO STEAMKRB. i.*-u*? ' P?M_ <nrn,n c.;'.| / ,,l4, ? circa.aia..(iiaanoir .un.Anctcr i attaa .Fnit i.iiii.iu mtlft. Ai,.. 1 iitnlain .Rotter-I^.n.... <>ct II.Niin A.ner lll.yiii.lid...Autweru. ?'.-t II.|t,-,t s|?r ! I_|iu.lir.-iiirii.(Xit lo.N i> l.lora riuinv OCT. -I t'ltfoiPara.Aapinwaii .<>et'.tl.Vaciflc Mail ?ATLKiur. ... r. -."> Cltjof Clieatcr.Ltreruooi.oct ia.luiuau l OUTQOiyu STKA ?//;/{?. lu-Uil. Vaaaal r<iel _m.. Pnr Mailanmaa. aalla. N..nuannla. Hamb-Amer. >o*.n I ?". '" Orin.K's uuebec, Ha ss.sini._.. N Y _ Cui Iw-rm.i.ia. 1 ;. iu J Iia. .Naa.ail. 1 y iu i.nt ui.aV. oct S_. I'mbria. Cunard. l.lTermMil. 1180 am 3 ia (Ircaa.ia. An. l.or. (H.i.r.i-. I 51.11 1 i> 111 IH-kla. Ttl.n.valla. (. oi>cOlu?ei...2 111 --JU |> 111 hunvia. HambAmar. Hamburc. 1 Ml l.lnv.1. Aiuau-r.laiii. .Nrtli Aiii.-i. A.naier.laiu. 1 l> m l.a 11.1111 aorfnc. .ranc.iTran.. Ha\ r.< .... 11 30 a ni .1:30 1110 Pbiladelpl.ia, K.d Ii. lAciuyra.11 am 1 u ru T.BHUAT. IfCT. 2i. WlacuuaiD. liuloB, Lltaryaol. B aa 3 |> iu l> 111 JUST IMAGINE! A RH< i; THAT 1.1-'.Tli:: s NO r.I'.I'.AKINTn* I WHAT A RLKSSI.Mi II MFST I--' v,>;- xi ii. xoT iiavi; .111. sr.foilTEBT gi"8> I'I< IO.V TilA'i Vol' AR| WF.ARIXH M.W Ml'T.s IF vni ui.'.i, iu ;-?. next T > >;.i.i., 1 sii'i'ii ,\h au:: "i a I'Ri rr.i: i-'i i.?i: i.i.m.'i 11 AXDWIDTH in mv ?llll IM i.IIM" I.IM .,r-l|.,;k. III.M, IVMINU [ HAVK tltl XDAXI'I 11F VAR1F.TY IX LKXirTit* AXI ividths ,\Ni, i.ns 1 ir.xi hii.vri: i,,,> TO i-'it ! ,'\.l A'.-MN AND F.VF.RY Ml.N'fl 1 .,il II.KAS AND i-Kl.n.KI.M r.s. . CAM^EYER'S MlVarALF gAKMIVN \VElT)d\i _rt "TKi r-ii)UTi" siioi> in bitton. \n h I rOX'JRBM* AND I.AfK jiyt.uu TlfF.RK is N-i IjOXUKK any NF.TEJt.MTY np " RRF.AKIXO IX A KIDH " ">'li..\. K" IIA8 Rf.MoVr.D M.l. M'i^l-V IOR ?? I'HYSK. AD I.Milia.vil. " IX THIS I.INI.ol KROEB. kieml for Cnlnlounr, Mail.-.l I'ipp. A. J. CAMMEYER, kkixtli Asrnuc. ror. l'ilh Re. FURNITURE. Our __;oods are sellingr ofl very fast* but there are MANY BARGA1NS YET. Secure Them. A. k 6 & 8 East 20th St. ioitmeui.y warkkn wahd a vox hf.tirim. from ri??ine?.s. 4 0me anb *ba 1 l( t wd if viii' < 4nnot al.hee with the ?.?.i.k-man make an (ii fiik ano have it kefokteo at the offu-e. stiiki: mi-4t he ii.eareo eari.y ix d8. CEMBER KOIt MKaHtst*. I-??"I? & TAYLOR TO MAKK tl.TKRVTION-i IN T1ME l'Olt THEIR JtNl AHY WHOI.ESAI.E TRADE. PROHIBITION THE ONI.Y REVIEIIY FOK THE DANOEROlB AND DElTRI ( T1VE 1.1QI OK TRAFFK. kii-ciu T\UV wiN'li.'M -..vs pilvate .r.l/.-ns muaj ,. A , ' ,,, ,' .hai. im- I.HJloR ." "Kh ,t? Blrl Lnd dV-*..lyiiiiui'.-nrcrule 01 roln. ?r. BllALL lt he atteftg i.-ktroy ,1! <rilvl\IMI AT A OXAT VNI' SWALLOWIXO A ?l,U I ..,11 1. ILI.I sll.All H III , '"? ' ' V . ,. ....I ? ,1, 111.1 ,1 UW m tiH-11 ,,l..t.u.:4k Bio.ii.i|ul ft-Mirtn, bhb ...1,1. ElB.ti >"'- "!" an* - I'-l'li.k 1411 l.'ORUOIl- OF THE I I8gl ?? THAFFIt . ;;;?',?.,:.; ,;;.:,,:,t... ta* kkfchlicXx vxmx. ..,. , ii.ikiltV aav. ?? I 4..I.I aanl t-, t>- ut,<l- -r?l* -d 41 .?,"??"?"?,? .< ?>.-? ? ' - ? h*a i I...- ? . : ny\\.'.;. ..?.,.?.??. IH . ' . ..... IKXFIII t r,;?;,"ia.",. ' \;.::i BIKl ," ' .,i I iu in i?ita> a t ,i \i..i: . ,. , ,|, t. i- ?>? i '.? ,. i.i... ni: i k m ? i- 8 i.,.'.;.:n'A;.'.,..,:.,-??> ??,-??.:,,, ^??-,,^ A SUMiMER CHAUTAUQUA. 46 ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAP. Pt'ltBalMUBP HY THE XE\V-YOKIv TlMBlM. THE TRIBUNE MONTHLY FOR SEPTEI1* BER CONTAINING: 1.?\ romplele hiafor.v ot < liaiilaiiqua aaaadj il* pt'ople. ?i.?An aeciirate rerortl ol ln" vear'? doiii^M at tlie A?.Mniblj? * :i.?Unide to the tiroiiiifl* a,lU Biiil?liiifX?s llircetor> ot'Olllcero aiitl llepai-liiieiitt. I.??:iiaiitauqiia %Vit anil IW An indiapenialile hand-uooi*, lull oliiiterestaiid amuaeine-** FOR SALE 0\ THE ELEVATEO RAILROAD 8TAND8. 2B CENT* * COPV.