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audienoe obcered them. Mr. Croacdale eaoaped durtng the cheering. Mr. Scott waa introduoed, nnd be reoeived a royal reoeption. He apoke M followa: The taaue tnvalved la Utla eampehm ?a a T?ry ataaple one. It U a qneation only aa to the odmtahrtratloa et aaunlctpeJ affalra. There la ao eonaest U the eMate. 60 t* aa thia ejsf la ceaeeracd, there to a? eeateet ever oa? ? Uooel toeuee. The twa dlvtaloaa et tha PeaaoeraUe party have ee edjosted eheir dlgereaeea la Ue OeoaTcaaioiial ar.d Asaembiy dlatrlela ae to hare ellmlaated from the preaent eanvaae all purely polltleel qoeetlont. aod the only poinl ef dlSereaoe te thia fueaUon ef munJetpel tovera eaant. Tammany Hall to new la etiooat undtapuwd eooarol at U?a city aoveromaot ead before the people eahlng h? be coatinued la pewer. All the eittoene of Rew Tork. Dentocrata aad Repablleana illke-all that are not ooNlled under the Wtgwaajra banner-have nalted la ao eerawt an* dctermlaed attempt te thwart her atplratloaa aad rebuhe her ahOTteoaotni*. Taaaiaaay Hall epveato to her reeord for the laat two yoaew aa a reaeoa why her away ahould be porpetuated. We appeal te the aanae record aad uodtrtahe to demon etrate from It that sbe to unworthy of confldeoce and ahonld kc repudlatcd at the polls by all hoooat clttieae who love thetr cltv and dealre to aecure her welfere. We aay thls record U one of violoted pledgea; of unfaRhful admlnla tratlon; of ehama and falae pretencea. The preaent Mayor of thia city, wbe ateads la thia conteat for T*n>. aaaay Hall. and to whoae fate ahe haa lUkked her fortunea. hae Juat publishod bla letu-r svcceptlae her renomlnatlon. Twe ytera ago be wroto ? almllar .etter They are both hefote you, and. road atde by alde, they preaeot an lo tereatlng contrast. The earlle* one la full of promlae, the later la takea up with a relteratlon of aileged per fomaneea. Jbet oa examlne eeeh in ln the ltsht of truth aad blatory. Two yeara apo he' aald: "The chlef ain. of my adralolttratlon w.ll be to ao oonduct the puhiie bualaesa that the people of thia city w'lll. for every dollar of the poblie treaaun.' that may be expended, obtaln ao adequate locreeae ln the publlc property or a proper ad dltioo to thc public eonrenlence." The city apends over a mllllon and ? auarter for stroet cleanlng? about et.000 t mllr for each mlle that la attempted to be cleaned. Dook about yoa ar.d aoewer whether with thls exnendl ture we obtaln a "proper addltlon to the public conven lenos." R?ad the atory of how the money awarded by the Board of Estlmate la expended by thc Tammany Hall Reglater, and tell me where the "adequate" return la to bc found. Two yeara ago he aald: "ln the aelectlou of munlclpal ?fticcra I shall prescrlbe no other teet thnn honesty aud spe.lal cajieclty for tbc oftirea to be II.M. I pledge myaelt to aecure for the people thc very hlsheat crder of publlc aervantt that the cltlienshlp of the county t Ul afford." I shall oot mentlon namc?-I shall not clte speclal luatancca? but 1 ask you, bearlng in mlnd the hlgh aotinding words I have quotcd, to recall for an Instant the Mavor's appoiiHraenU and then ny to flt to them the alluring pbraaee "apeetal capadty for thc oflloes to bc fllled"?the "hlghcat order of public ecrvants that tho tltizcnshlp af the county will offord." Two yeara aeo he aald i "I shall apare no labor to provide ample achool accommodatlona for the chlldren of our cltlzena." Twenty thouaand children knocktng valnly at ti>a doura of our publlc schoola ahow how well thls ptedga has been kopt Two yeara Sfo be aald: "I pledee my earneit effotta to serure a praetical aad thorough r.-form tn the admlnlstra tion of the btreet Cleanlng Departmtnt." How wma thls pledge ledeaeaadl By forclng out of oftice the only Com BMwatoaOC who had ever been reasonably aucceaaful, and then trylng tlrst one and then another new btoom, but. alas: with auch poor results that the Mayor hlmaelf ia obllg<4 to aay ln hla lettcr of thc preaent year that the present condltloa of the Departiuent to "merely one of grogreea." Twe yeafd ago h* aald: "In exerclslng the appotntlng pewer I will oot be aooved by eeaietderatleae of petaencJ frlendahlp. nor will I be affccted by lndlvldual preferencea." Aga.n I will not mention namcs. but will aak you te compbre thia protesUtlon with lts reault, and lf you have auy difhculty In determlnlng whether or not thls pledge hca been fartlifnlly kipt, just ask the flrat Tammany Hall man you who ls not a member of the charmed clrcle. So much for thc pledgea. I mlght dctaln you whlle I detalb-d other pro.nUes. and other fallurvs to pcrform, but lime la preaslng, and I must paas on to thia year's letf-y. with lts ab<gat:ons at p'lformancea. The letter slarv* with a illttratloa of tho falsc prctence that btteo kevt kcea kawered becauae the tax-rate has been roducrd. 1 uudcr'nok to doronstratc la?t night before another w ttence r-;.at the low rate of iss'J waa dae te oeeeieaaiea eeoctlaod, not by Mayor (?r?nt's Admlnistraf.on, but b.v that of hi? ktcdeceeeer, who atade ap Ihe bodget f>>r thls yoar. I ravthei aaafkttteeh to ieaasaetiate that she low sate <>f thls ycar was not due u> rceaM erical epproj-riations, but to tha on ihslon ot a part of th> Mate tax aud un aunormn! lntreaso (f \-aluaton. Thia la?t statement the Mayor atlcn.pta to pieet hy ca'.Iln^ altcnUor. to tht larse aaaoatata of money iu veated ka Ihe lajeawveaaeat of real estate. But he Nefleta to add that ti? steat bala of thls saaaey ha? boea apeat ir. and aeat Well Btrert aad m the apper warde of thc city,and bat l.ttle m ifeeaa sraada in whirh the excessive hiueaee of valu- ; etlnsaa ha* leea laaaweed. The Mayor laya grc?t str. ?? upou , th. f?'t that he is rcsponsible for the appointment of only ene ol sbe pteaeal Tax tcm.Llaslonera, but he does not and lajinot eaaelaha re?i>ous:blllty for the deputy who roade thu i r.'ijii.imiy over-valiiutlon. llr elalins creat credlt for the wcrk cf the Dock Depart I ?nt. t.nt hc torteSa to tcll you that hc but recently made a cnat crTort t?. disjilure the Dock Ccmrols?ioncrs, but one of vhoni was spgadaded by hlnwelf. Jf that department la ?Mtined to cr.dlt. It Is not ra*y to aee what share of that tftdM atteehw to th>- pieeeat Mayor. Hc alludes v. ith preat rtaplaaala to thc rCteleary of the j.oliee aud flrcmen, and to that rxt-:it ?c , un all ajr.-o with him. But how mveh ol tius eteuit Is ettached to thc preaent Admlnistratlon t Were th'.-. geparta.rau not eejoaUy eWtlaal ln ish: and 1M61 Ot doc, ihe Mi.yor ewaa to claim c.cdit for hla lerbearaaee in aot aVwtawrlae th'ir edkleaeyl lf thia bc his ldca, we kboald Indced t" eratefiil to him. The Mayor ebshBH credlt to hls udmlnistratlon for the ka i that dnrlng hls torm the 2Lj pcr ccnt bonds of the ?Hy have *old at a prcimuin, but hc doea not tt'll you that flsla wiis within thr<>- Btoatha aftcr he betame Mayor, and iH.Vp hls adu.lnlattatlon had been falrly start'd; nor does i. tell you that thl* has not slnce been npeatCd, I'h" tmth ls that thls rcniaraablc linancial ochi? vrment ras due to thc Mgaelty and skill of otir present Controllcr. Th- Mayet Opierca thc fact that no rapld translt leg. tohaMoa waa obtahaed !u?t wfcater. Ko do we all. And \m ;i.-tlv rrpreach all who stood ln thc way of that m >st d.?:riib;" iMumniaaallaa But ls thc Mayet him-cif fr.-o from iipreaih; was h>- not, ln part at leeat, to biaaat for the aai Bannetalekn attitude whicl. he aaeaaaed, whtoh t.ndcr d aaeccae laapiaalklei Do you beilcYC that lf he had been a? bised attalrl. aa unaelllsh, as capablc a? some ( of Ifeeae who piettded him, we ahould now be withont a ; wt.ldcviMd rapid-translt BSkcawl ihe Mayor? tctter may te falrly characterlzcd aa a Cttei of epalegy ea an exeaee f?i the extotcaee of hls ad ?lulatiellf. bnt he forgets some subjecta that aorely aecd exi',....ut.on, lf not apeaegy. What does he ?ay j about the BactM Board, all of whom were appolnted by i hiJi.selft Xot one word. What about tho Regtoter*! offlce, tha "Tammany Hall fa.nlly helrlcom"? Xot one woid. What about hia own and hl* succeRsor'a administratlon of the IberUPS ofllcet Not ouc wcr?l. What about the new paika la the crowded dlatrlctal Xot one word. What about Tammanv IIhI!. hla sr,f tifcor and creator. tho (irsani/ation whkh made l.i.n and whivh smiiwrt* hliu 1 Xot ouv woid. "L'pon wha' doth this our Cae&ar feed that he la prown so k-;.at!'' Is it i^-slblc that thc Mayor lntends to repudiatc hls n*ter, or ls he a?hain'cd of the nume of ThmnaMT llall ? geareh thc kttot well uud you will hnd ln It no UBieaCC to or ...ention of th? oriranllation to whlch he owc^ hls verj (KdMfcal cxistence, fcave as a meet lne paaee for sbe eeatvcatMa erbieh pat hin. ln aeaafaaaUoa. Our opponents have eaoualtted a f.nal crror-thev have "awapped betoea wnilc aiaaetag a alieei" Thev etarted Ihe awepahja wi'h the avawed aeteraUaatlea to suud uix.n Ihrti leeeede. Ia ? aiaRle aeeh they have abundo.u<i that Une of battlc-thcy now aaalCtlfC for thc rcord and aupcal j to partlfan i.rcj. due. They have ralMeed the atr.i't* of a I teuagad.' Coi uty D.u.oirat, who has und. rtukeu to sound Uie j keybot* of alaim i;v pHCtaUalng that if you elts t u Repahi lican bheiirt aud ( Of* thelr Intli enie ln 18M will lo*- tbc Statc t.. the DefherieAe, Do you belleve such rub bUh a? Ar: the ?heilf? ond County Cle.k sceh poUnt pellUeal fietor. ln a general ile.tlonl lf the\ a.c. let T.imiiiauy Hall explaio how 11 happ-red with btth theac oftlos ln Hall. that thc Peeasrailk eseatddate for the ire.i gency in lt"d ran ao far behlud hls ttchet b. thia city. John VV. Uotl was the next spcaker, and be was tcoeived witb eutliusiaam. He aaid : There ha^ been nomethlng In the air Uiat la a premonl tiou of vlcto.y. Two >ear? oko the cltlzena of New. York appoinbd Mr. Grant a eajntnlMee of one to see to |ha proper admlnlstntlon of munlclpal attalra of thls ctta-, and wheu called Bpoa bv thc poegde to make a rc|K).t as to hls admtiilatraiion hc aln.ply MK.rt* progr.*?. (U.rlslvo laughter.) The has bera nauu and will b. saade dur.ntf thia aaetvaes w> dlv.rt the athraUoa of the people to naiional l??uc?. Tainiuany llall h?s invitcd men to ceoas hare fron. tegcrcM Itatcs la thc I'alea to oallghten U.e peepat of N?w-Vo.k uirou her affairs. (Dertolvo laughur / It will bc Interestiug to h**r IheoS gr.sit men tell!::g u? ab<j<it the fallun- of our' t;<al oaoteta to provide '.rojHrr s.hool accou.modalion. They will tell ua Obont thc pro|)j.-U.on M wMen thc brldle-path ln Central Park at "a coc.t of eiOO.OOO, erhtle thousands of our chVdRa rcntl i? to acheel Iheas visitors have a right to coinc to New-York, but they have no rlgh", to coine to Xcw-York and alelaetl th?- ilght* of hosplUllty by tclllnf ua what we want In local affairs when we know more about It then they do. (App)au?e.) I would li.;c -.?> hcar what my learncd opponent haa to aey to the people of Xcw-York face to face aod not Uirough a ItOrary bmcaa. (LaughKr.) I aald to Mr. Nlcoll the Other day : "You ar< a geotleman and I claim to be aimthcr. f^et O.cte be ae tUaghag of mud in thls campaign. I alfail aot aay w- wotd kehked your back UJit I will not be pre pared \-> <uty Uforc your face. I ahall net atrlke you be lew fc* I ii. hat upou your polltlcal re<ord and your ex laceatadeWaelCS I sloj.ll deal you blowa bard a.^ laat ebame thc belt." (Applouae.) I have been aflea St ? rl ? i ? wi.n I was a boy, ar.d alwaya wondered whcn 1 .. ???. ... Hthat ;:o ap a- a tun.bJer and come down llke a cl... . ....:?'. sriobBt'l changea are nothlng tn comi*rl?*n { to Bbeee pcrfcrmtd by Mr. Nlcoll. (Doud appiauae.) Mr. GofT aaid, in oloslng, that if elected to offlce be would do his duty foaxlessly, for bis hands were not tied by any man, an announeement whloh wm greeted with loud applauae. Roger Foaier also spoke. * i THE LEAGITES APPEAL FOR FUND& A LAROE XNCREASE NECE8SARY TO THE COM MITTEE ON REOISTRY, POLLS AND CANVA88. The followtng appeal for aid in carrying forward the eampalgn waa tssned from the People'a Leagne rooms laat cvenlng: Tammet.y Hall depends for I'U enormous eampalgn fund upon the osaMane* of every ofuoe-holder. as wcll a* llquor-doaler, the gamblen and varlous other ltirra Uve souroes etf lneome. But tbe League, ln the prose enUon of the eampalgn. Is obllged to call unnn tl.e prlvate clttjeiu of Ncw-York alone. and to rely upon volnntary contributloha made by these cltlaena. wlth no qltcrtor obleet but good government admlnlstcrcrt on I tiKlneaa prinelples. .... , To enable the Pooplo s MnnlclpaKLeagne Prnperty to map out and plan a andaaaBfld rAmpalgn. the, flnanre remmfttea of the Leagne ahonld be placed to B posl tton. before the endo? fhe pre-ent week. J? knoa tho total amount of money that'the LeagM Bsay depend on. Wltbont mich prompt and ready resPO"?\ OW" onr dttiens. the worit wlll be serlonaly hampered, and cannot be exeeuted properly. .. .__? The ettlien* of New-York should underdandthat the strongly Intrenched posltlon of Tammany H*ll rannot bitaken. and: vlctory rannot be assured, unless all. and eSpedally those who are flanrlally able to render a-Mst 5*. doeverytMng ln tbeir power to^upholdtheihnn* of those who are artlvely engaged. day and nlght, In pushlng forward the eampalgn wot-k. -^ P Tlia Commlttee on Reglatry. Polto and Canyass of the League wlll be at once tocrea^, as thewh de volvlnTnpon It l? too great to he handled wlth i?? MiMent foeea Its prlnelpal wnrk from now untll ?US"111' be*the aelJtlng of men to man the polN on elertlon dav. Two thoinnnd men wlll he frtnud to w that ttoiaw is enforeed wlth referenee to eler ttTneerlng wlthln 1B0 feet of the polls. and also to seo h.t ^he BrorUtona of the Rallot Reform law nre o'v ierved fth proW to a?lgn another orre ot 2.000 men U wafehers of the cunt. The latter forre wlll ro on dntv at 4 o'eloek In llie aflernoon. and remaln at the polls untll after the vote la eounted. MR. BCOTT EXPLAIX3 HTR POR1TION. The Republicans of the IXIh Assembly Distriet had a splrlted meetlng at the Bleeeker R.uldlng. at Rleerkor and Morton Bta., last erening, whleb was addressed by Franels M. Scott, the People's candldato for Mayor, Wllllam Morgan, the Republican candidate for Con grcss. and other speakers. Mr. Pcott was lntrodnred by Vnlted Stales Marshal John W. Jacobus, and when the applause had snbslded, sald : It glvea rae a peculiar pleaaurr to enjoy the prlvlleg. of addresslng you to-night aa your candidate for an Impoit ant cltv offlce, because I see In my nomlnatton by the Re BabUeaaa of thl* cltv a recojrnltlon of thelr bellef ln my falrnesa and atncerltv when I aseert that It Is posslble to administer tho Bov?BBWt of thls city on a baataeaa baata, ai.d wlthout regard to fartlonal polltlcs. You know, ^ dla the Republican conventlon whlch put me lu non.itistion, that on Natlonal or bU.te queetlon* I am and have been n Demoerat; but In the samu dt-rroe in whlch 1 belleve ln tn. prinelples of Deraocracy. to do I belleve in tho prlm Iple that the adinUitatration of the affalm of a city goven.m-nt llku thls i? a matter of buslneas, ?nd no'. of polltlci. 1 conslder K ta he B very great stop In advanca ln the solutlon of the problem of gowrnnient that lt haa tK-on powible at thU tlme to unlte the great body of the tltliena ln a eoncerted movemont axalnstr-not Uw l>en.ocrotlc party-but a nollltcal corpomtlon whlch oxtst* only for the bcncflt lt can derlve out of public offlrea, and whiih Inaults the Intelllpunre of the con.munlty by arropat Inp to lteelf the name of one of the great patrles. lt w.U bo my effort, If elected. ao to oomport myself ln tha Mayora offlce that no Republican, or any other CiUien, wlll ove. bave cause to"rcgret havlng aaslstod In my election. EnthuslasUc were also made by Wllli&m H. Cor**, W. llawes, Corncllus Uonovan, Wllllam P. (ireii. Chwles A. L. (ioldey, Mr. Elllott. Bankson T. Morgan and W. Harrlson Roome. Reaolutlons plcdglnp tlie svmpathy and wipix^rt of the Enrolled Repnblbans ot the fxth Aaaembly Distriet for the emire tldcet vtta read by 8. Walter Lopan, and were rarried BflaM great applau?e. a NOTES OF THE CAXVASS. S orsnville Harri* aaptared befate Um Doard of R?>b totry of the Serond Election DlstOrt of UM 1VU. Asarmbly liistrbt on Octot>er 16 and r.qucstod that hia b. regtstered. The n.embera of th.' r-?l?try boara WMted M ki.ow ?hat his flrst BBBM ?as. but he reaBScd to tell theui. aayinR that he was known Ui kBatofaa and soclal etrdea by th-- name ha had glven and he wished to have his nam. legtsanvd that way. The board lefaatd to IBgtstet hl ?,B,. a?d Mr. Horrla appeared befo.e Judgo lagrabam, W the Supreme Court, ChamU'ra, yiattlday, and ask>-d for a mandiiinus compelllng the board to regUter his nauir a* he had glven it to th.m. Theie wis no oppo-ltlou to th.. motion for a lnandamua, but ludsc lagVBBBM rearrvod his deeision. The Prohibltloa party wlll open Ita headquartera at No. 94 Fifth-ave. thla cvealng. W. JennbiRa Derooreat, the Trohlbltton candidate for Mavor, aud othcra wlll diacuss Uie quo?UoDS ot the oampalgn trom the Prohibltloa polnt ot vlew. The Orgaaliatlon of Flrat Voters h?a sent out a requeaf to all apeakera, aslilue tbtm to auuouuce ?t meetlngs that all who dealie to unlte lu tbla movim.nt BgBkaat Ta.nmauy Hall caji do ao by aou.R to th<- luadquartrrs of tho Faopta'a Municipal League Ixfo.e Friday and rcglsterlug thelr A ratincatlon meetlng to imio.-e U.e People'a tieket ?m h-ld at the Youi.g M-n's Repabikaa t'lub. No. 400 Tenth ave.. on Tueaday evCBUaB. Adattaaea were B?de by W.U lan. M. MaalBiBBflJ and John V. R. Taatb', Um readldatea fo. AMeraaaa and AaacaaMy for the XVth Dtatrlet. Th.' moetii.K waa loatracted on llallut Refoin. retmi by Edward F. Ere and Cakwal u.'o.p..' Pvaenbary. A public BMttlng of tl.e Bastaeii Men'a RepabBeaa Club of tl.e Xth AaacaUy Distriet *?s luld at X... 13J F.ast Tblid-Ht. on Tue'duy niKl.t. R? aolutiona w. re pasf. d Indoraing the eandldatoa i.f the Peopb's Muulel].al League, alaa th.. AaacaiBli eaadMate, Wflllaai E. Bara, ai.d Um caiididnto for AMeraaaa, Joaeph MarUn. j. ti.o.iibx Btearaa, eaadMate fo. Coacreaa ln Um XiVth Dlatriet, ?a? Uie pue^t of tl.e TOBBg Mea'l Kpubllean Club of TarrytowB on Tveaday n-eaiag. He rteelvrd a?suiaii.e? of Um undl\id'd ^upp..rt af this elub aud of the Yrturaae* lasa Isllia. the two powertul orgaalzaUoa* ol this ICttlaB Mr. is ealuing votes lat.ldlv, A meetlng of th< John A. LagBB RcpaMh-an Club was held laat ulgbt at Xo. t>3 Ludb.u st. Xkeodure F. Ruhlt pr.-id'd. Bpeeehea were BMda ln lavor of Bamael Str.s^ lK)..rgei for AaaamWy and Charles h. AUler for Aldenuan. laillBtllBBS were |tvea to elcctiou aflwera to be earefu. about Um NglatiaUea .r voters fiom wdglag-bowaea, and. whea possibb', u> aMata aeacripUoaa of ti.os.- legiateriag, la oider to Bteven! MpeaUBg. Tbe Republican UrgaatsatMB of the Iat As^rmbly Pla trlct n.ot at No. 1J1 I raahJlB st. last cvrnlnu- anrt lndor^.-d the eandldat'-s ?SBlnafad by Um Kepublleau Couuty t on \W.tlon. A lar^e BBBlbsf of Hepublleans of the tlatltel we.e present and llateaed to a apeeck by CoraaUu* Daaaraa. candidate fo. Ceagtvas fton. tae Vltti Kistrict. Pet?r 1'atton, BNaMaBt of the orgauiiation, coudue.ted Um BBMBJag. The Bualneas Men's Republican As*ociatlon of the XXllld A?sembly ttlstrlet has l.idt.r^d Percy D. AdBBM. the Rtpublleau taudldite for Coi.Rrrss In the Xlllth l?ls trlct, and WUIlani Jolinsriu, jr., aud Jaiims B. RlUhelmei, Republican taadlaalss ior AaacatWrnaa and Ald. iBMjmtlTrlT t" li|c XXllld Aaacwbly Dtatrlct. Tl.e XIXth .Uv-mbly Diatrkt Republican Club held lt* regular weekly BMftUMj last nljiht st the club roon.s, No. 271 West One-hu..Ui.d-ond-twe.ity-ilfth-?t. There was a larue attendonee ar.d mueh eaBtaatasai. Forty ptopoii iion. for BMBtberaalp were reedvtd, and resoiutlons were pas??-d thankiiiK th. the C. F. Bradef and tho ExeeMor cluba for, thelr pNBaaee and aaalalBBea at the Bwaa Birrthi of last Prbtof iiiaht. and aetoowledgtoi the court'sy of tho K.-v. KBUMt Resslcr. ot St. Josrpk'a Chaieh, ln glvnsg the club the u??- of Um hall la whlrh tae BatrttBg **?* held.!iig apeeehea ln sapBarl 0f the union Ueket ?<r- n.aib- by Prastdeat tii'oriio F. UaUader, Cob.i.ei c. <i. Vaa Beypea and J. H. MaeDoa. ald. A rouin.lU.t' of th?- club whlch is li.alili.R a thor ough kouae lakonnt raaveaa raaarta that n.any Jtepab. Itraaa waa have not heretofoM- \.,ted wlll legtatet and vote thls >ear. A roUsiiiK u.eetli.2/ BBB>! the aus|,Ke? of the Jolin W. Cook Republican AaaarlaUaa of tbe XlXth A>s-n.bly Li? tv'.ct. wlll b" beld at Rtaer'a AaaeaaMy Reeau, lu one. hundred-and-?lxtreutli-st.. katwetB NeveBtti and Rtfbtb ave*.. to-night. The apeakera will br Praarla M. Beott, WU'lam H. Btllan.v, Jehu U. Lea\ltt. ( ol.... I ll. Altn.uu. John W. Oolt. I'er?y D. Adama, Abn.-r C. and Tbomaa TUi.u.loi. A blg meetlng of dfreyroni wlll le held agiln In Chlckerlng Hall toni?ht. A nmi.b.'i of BdalatrH wli: addresa the me.-tlng oa the nr.J <i mnnb 1pal tttu m. A public debato betneen J. Not.le llaves. npi-sentlna the riipli"a Munieij?i Lsagaa, and u. s Blmaaaa, oi the lan.ii.any Hall orsanl74?ttou of th<- Xllth AaatBlblf DUtr.ct, took plaee la?t BlgBl at Roon. No. 24. Cooper Union, before a larve audl-nee. Mr. Hayes BBBka of Tan.manya re.ord. aud boped tlat tBasa ptvaeat would voto for UM fuaion tic>.et. #Mr. BlBBaaaa aaawered him and the.. aiK.?e iu favor of the l'< ople a Ueket. It.v far tbe luajority of tl.ose BNSPBt al?o f?\ored that tlek.-t. At a aturtmi of UM UolOB Lal.or 1'arty deleitat. s to^ the Aldenuan Conventlon of the XlXth AaaeaiMjr DUtilct, h.ld la>t Blgfet at Whaae oak Hall, No. l.OSs ientri-av. Cliaile* E. fawata la U.r chalr, on motion of Churl.a I.. l)e\edn, ChaMe* E. BWBBOT, the lndrpendent Kepublltau candidate. waa lndoraed for AldcrnAa. At tbe meetiiig of th? Woikinginan'a Republican Organ liatlon of tbe XlXth Aaaembly nialrlet held kMl evBBlag at Tenth-ave. and h.xty-nlth-at. Henry presldeU. The attondanca wa? large. John J. Hoyd oi*ned the speak Ing wlth a atlrring talk upon the new tarlff. He waa fol lowed by H. A. Matthewa, the " Dlah orator." in one of hia tharao??latlc apeeehea. The othe. a|Makera were Colonel J>. B. Blchlea anB John K McCaithy. The colored Repubilcaus of tha Vth Asaembly Distriet held a ratliicaUon meetlng at thelr headquarters, No. M Sulllvan-at., Ia?t nlght, at whieh Edward Msttl.uwa bm> alded. 'J'he fusion notnloees for tbe city and county ofliees aod Cornellua Donovan for Congress In the VlUi Dtatrlct, Ignatlua Dugu. for Aaaembly, aod Thomas Dwyer for Alderman were lndoraed. Warm apeeehea ?? T. d- ?." Hllek Mrarirc Concedxl to b?* puret*'.. Ail drugglaUa were made by Btephea R raeaeh. rraah IwrraH. John C. Dodd. Mr. Donoven aod oOiera. _ Maoy of the membera of the Brooklyn Young Repobllcan Club aasembled in the rooma of the organlraUon fn the loun.ton Bulldlng. at Fultoo-at. aod Flatbuahave.. laat evenlng and ll.tened to apceehea. There waa **** thulesm monlfeated. and the aenUmenU o the epcaker. we-e heartlly applauded. Prcsldent Charlce A. Moore calbd tha mceting to o:der. The ajMbM wcrc W 1,11am II Wlllhwns, DanlH <?. llarrlman and Mr. Moore. The headquartera of the club wltl be opeo cvery day from 7 a m to 10 p. ?.. and ex-Aaaemblyman ChaHee Morton. tho father of the present elortton l.w ln Brooklyn, will aot forth the new votlng aystem to all who dealrc Inatruetlon. ? ? MR. GOFFS LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. (HVING HI8 VIEWS ON THE Dt'TIES OP THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY. John W. OofT. thc Pcople'a randldate for Dlstrlcb Utorney. gnve out last nlght 14s lettor of acccptance. It U addressed to Whccler II. Pcckham and Is as followa: _ i sccept the nomlnatlon by the People a Munlclpal Leagt.e for the ggfCS of Dlstrlct-Attoiney, and in ao dolng di-rlaio mrs-lf to be ln thorougll acrord with lts elrr.s a?d prlnrlplee. From my cxpcrlence aa ***** nistrlrt-Attorney 1 fully eppreelatc the responslbllltise and labor. of th' oftire. I alao reallr.e the fact that a Dlsflrt Attorney be he ever so well-lntcntlon.'d or emlnent In hls nrofeaalon, cannot rendcr cfliclcnt aervlce to the people unlesa hls hands are frec. He la the Inatrument of the <.tate for thc enforcement of Ita lawa, hls p.ovlnce beb.g, not to quctlon thelr wlsdon. or feaslblllty, but honeatly lo aud cxccutc mandatea. Whllc It te hls duty rlgorousty to proscrute ofb ndcrs. Tpt r? shou d take care that persons SOCaMfd of crlme be proterted br all th" saf'guards provlded by the law, and that BC cot.Mctlo.i should bc soueht for execpt upon Ice,', Ittdfft BCClag no Interesu to protect or prosccute, 1 am frce to admlnlsWr the oitlec unhampcred b.v pledge oi p,omlsc, neept to dlsrharge my duty fcarlessly and Im parttally. Thia pledge 1 shall. If Saeeted, SCS my test efforU to redeem. Yours vcry alnccMy, JOHN W. CiOFF. _-?? A DBMOCRAT1C CHAlJiENGE ANSWBTED. JOIXT DEBATE ON THR LOBBY QUEST10X ITM NFXESSARY IN MASSACHFSETTS Boston. Oct. 21 (Speclal).-The Dcmocratlc gtete CCBtral Ommlttcc acnt the RcpuUhan s<atc Com miitce a ehallenge to a Jolnt drbate bHween Oot eracc Bnekett and \v. E. Raaaeu, DemocratJe on dldato for Oovcrnor, and Hctny Cal?0t k"(I?e and Ocorge Fretlerick Willlama. The rcply of the Be pabtican Ceeatnlttee is cau?t;c and engxcatlrt. It ls to the etect that there can bc no doubt among Ihe roters of Naaaarhnaetta, thanks to tho Investigatlon of last aprtog at tlie Mt* Hoaae, as to the podUoi. Of Mr. Russell ln tho lobby. Mr. Russell waa th" roanad for thc Weat End road at thc State laat sprtng and erenrbody sappoacd hc was rctained teran>o of hla Influenre. In a nolltlral care?r there nover has been thc Ulghtest anfff?tton of con nection with the lobby attirhed to thc carrcr ef Ihe Kepubllcan ca..dldatc for Oovennr. The PenwcTate have also preaented for thc raffrages of the rotera of the MIth Dkdriet John C. Crosby. as thelr can dldatc for Ooogreae, agalnst Frank W. RoekWCR, aga:n p'.-e-enting one who by the Investigitmn WM sbown to bc ronnorted with tho labby as agalaei u man whose long publlc career has had no eonnc<tlou with it. In vlow of these faeta. and In vlew of tbc f.ct that the Republlcan party has prcsented for the Mitfiuff'-s of the p.ople of Maaanekusstts no one con nceted With the lobby. the rommtttoc det;m a |Ofat dNrusston. wl.i.-h ls rarcly of value. pecullarly un neresRiry. Tho people of Ma-sncht.sctts know thc facts In thls ca?e and can bc relled npcn to vote IntcnigCOtty upon the rnaMc-. Bnt the eotntnlttec has no intention ol rcmatnlna Ihrnt upon the subject. The ItcpublUan speakers will not bealtatc npoo any and all orcastons, upon tho plitloru. nnd Olaewhcrc to dlscti.s before the p-nple the <|t.cstlnn of a lobby and the relttlons of tho Deanocratlc eandldatca to it. Mr. b.slce tooii np thc Uenmcratlc rhallcnge U^t nlght nt Uhelsea, nnd atthough hc diacuMod the mattcr fuliv. neithcr -Thc llcald" nor -Thc Ulobc'' has tl.c roorage to prlnt his remarks as tbcv were he.r.l and \- they sppearcd ln "Th? Doeton /onrnal" thls nionilne. REN'F.WINC, ITS ATTACK ON BRRATOB VANCF.. Charlotte. X. <-.. Oct ^ (gpccial?.-Thc'Amance haa sjottcn ttie DenorraTic parfy into another innddle ln thls Statc by leaning a circulargrom WaahlngtOO. slgne<l b.v Colonel L L. Pnlk and other men promlncnt ln thc oreanlxatlon, whlch appeals to the ord-r to support no muiLfor ofllce who h;.s not bowed the knee to the Al llatire. Thls ICOCWe the bltter IgkJ Ufat tvas flgcd ?t short tlinc ago on Scnator Vaaca. Tho Alllatico men have been WOrklBg aaCICUy ever stnee then. Colonel Polh expreescd hlneetf a~ against. vaacc: and stthMgh i jrreat manv of the conventions have Indoreed Vunce, iwvertbeleaa they have left op-n a door for pos.lblc rctrcHt. genator Vancc bns been stnntping fhe gtatc frotn one end to the other, an n.iuMial courie of arteofl for a eandMate for thc tnli.d st.tes Benate: bnt he \s ?v.dcntlv ninrh topreaged with thc nncertajnty nf hls riertlon for ll? hi'^ l""'" ***** h\ i,n Del22rraI', |.\,.,?'ivc commlttec of imp>ndlng gaogor. the Al lianee seems deternilned lodofeal bim. IXDrsTRIES BETIVRD DV TIIB TAR1FF. Pttt'abnrg, o.t. 'JJ |?pcr4al).-->lany new induMrle-, wiii frorn thc passage or th" MrKlnley Tartfl Ull. ?*?nd one Pltt*bnr? lirnt l- even lalking of eatabtlahlng branrh hoaitca In Bngtand atnt on the Flnropean Con tiii.Mt. The fiitn is Park Brother*. of thc Blach Dlamond ^teci R'orks. They ronlempkUc the cstab Itohment of a bran. h ut Shcffleld. Thc itcel they pro po?e to Intrndnee is made by a ?-, rvt prorcaa, imd la partlcolarly anttcd for rntlery end loola of all ktada. For ntany yeara uo per renl of the aoda-aah u>ed In Ihe mannfaetnre <>f glaa* has been Iroported from Rng laiid, and all tl.c peartash u^-d it. the niatnifactilte td \hitc paper has been obtalned frooi thc same, sourrt. SallcnkC aud other tonns of rat.-tic s.xlas nrc also largely imr<?rt(d. Now the I'nlted States will manu rarture thelr oern snpply of thc ehemleal*. Amone Ihoae -;>id to be rcady to rngagc in the nanufactnre of the abtwe namco artirlea N Captaln J. B. Ford. of the llttahnrg Plate <;la^ Company. The eaptalo ls sald t.i have arranged for the pnrchaae of a Urge tn.e* oi land in Batlor County. abonndlng ln natural fh? and ,alt well-. aud propoaea to mannfartnre all thc rheni icala uscd iu tlie three itiimcn.e facioriis of the Iltts bnrg l'late (Hass Coeapaay. Tho Pennsylvanla Balt Maanfartarlag Cotnpaay at Ratrona, tercnty mlles up tbc Allegbeny Rlvcr from Plttahnrg, al-o propoeoa to Dtenufartare eanstlc sodas. Tho company onec did an extonaive bnalncsa In aoda-a?h, pearla^h nnd other rurnte of oauatle aodaa, bnt was furrcd "o abandon It scveraJ yeara ago on aeronnl of a roduction in the iarltf. Another fertory for Ihc nenutarture of thes.. producta i^ projerted ot Cbarierot, np the Monongaheta River. There are only six alumlniim pltnts In the world. one ln Ptttsbnrg and flvc In Ruropc One of the lit. ter. lorntcd ncar Meaieheater, Bngtand, liegan opera UOOJ In Jnne under the patcnts of thc Ametlcan con ccrn?the Plttabnrg r.cduction roenpany. :t lw^ a rapadty Of one ton a wcelt, and a half lntere-t i< owued by re ktenta of PHtabnrg and Allcghony City. Tii? Ptttahurg company proposcs the crtM-tlon of s new plunt hcic. gince ihe rompany began worklng under if proresa it haa Inerenaed lts rapacity six-foid. until a* present it ocenplea ?n ir>>n bnlklmg 7.".xi7.*.. Thc; trorka have a rapartty of between :too nnd 400 ponnda i day Vit are now nnabk- to snpply Ihe decnand. ?.'<>t long agu the nsc of tlie metal was ronnned to jewellcra and ronunanded fB? a pound. Thenrlce bas uoaj been ...(lucisi to #j nnd it^ Hcid of itsefalncsM largwy c\ tended. At preaenl tl.c rompany impons from Os?r manr thc rlay from whlch the metal ls ntracted, nnd iu tlie l.nxvs. of reductlon oi-crat-s the lar?e-t dynamoa it the world. II ls the Intention. howevcr. to Dllt-e nae of Ihe raw materlal h*. bc obtalncd m this nrantry when tho now works arc ronetrncted. NOMINATF.l) FOR COXIlBEeH Pittsburg, on. 38>-Tkc BcpnbBcan c>nvcniIon al Dnbtds h;.s nomlnated Dnnlel (lysder, of RMgcwnjr, l'ci,..., for Ctngreaa ln the XXVIIltk Di trlct. DRTL1XIX0 TO l;F. A CAXDIDATR. Albi.ny, X. V.. 'ni. SS.?Xlrhacl c. shcu, Demo rmtte randHlalf for Congresa from the XXXIal Dtolrlrt, has tllesl blc dCCUnaUon wtth thc Sccr?jtary of Stats*. -? ORSKTTRO COXOREn>MAR sANFi'RD. Olorer>rilf?, x. Y., <?rt. ^ t*v 'lali.?Xa*enti's ni>cra Jlou>e. capable of holdlng l.MHi pccphl, ?as iioi half large enongk la nreommodntc il.os.. a-hn wlehed to hear John Mhford, men.lcr of Uoajgrcs* fiom thls disttlct ?nd randidate for re-cl'-ctlon; F. X. IhecMMsker aud Judge Wecd dlaenea the politlcui (jtHstion of the day. The bcaefta whirh will aermc lo thia rlty from the McKltlcy blll arp to fully ap prcchVCi and recoKi.lred by mr.\ of all polltlcal bellcf that aigument Is unneresaory. People bere admlt th e?l?tcnce of a large debt to Mr. Sanfo.d fat his effort. ln thelr hahatf ln securing the glove schcdulc of tarltf rate*, nnd thc a^Hhnataam with ahlrh he was njoctved would indleaie tha! they meHt. to pay him up ln Nnv-m bcr by gftrtng him a largely Inirrased majorby. Tlu soldlc elcmttit. whlch was at one tlme oiipoaed lo Mr. ganford, U now ln lme. The rlty of Oloversvlll - li... alw.tys le.ii a R'jpuhllrao slrongh'dd and Ihe Nc?cr ln ou. reeoUrctlea ha? wHI-aaade farattare been anld at surh low prires as arc offer.d at Flint's. ltth-sl. near gtlMve. They are iramped f?i room and have "rut" prlrca to force aales. j THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE IN8URANCE COMPANV. In 1889 inereaaed lto aeeeta and ita dlvldend, bealdea paylng to polley holdera. $5,839,313.31 Whlle it reoelvcd fr6m ita polley holdera. 4,418,336.47 Its proflt from lntereat and rent and proflt and loas aecount waa 3,282,884.8o It pald in cash dlvidenda.? 1,160,829.01 It haa a aurplua of aaseta over lla billtiea (by New-York siandard) of. 5,410,890.92 PIIILIP S. MILLER. Oeneral Agent for New-York City and Vlclnlty and New-Jersey, ? 1 Wall St., New-York._ ronslng rally to-nlght lndlca?es that It will long re> mdn so. _ SPEAKER REED'S TOUR. SIPBAKING TWICE BEFORE GREAT AU DIRTNCES IN M'RLIXGTON, IOWA. UWKLLIN'G VPO.V THE NECF.SSITY FOR AND THE ?KRSflTS OF THE NF.W TARIFF LAW AND THE PROPOSEU ELF.CTION LAW. [OT TF.I.EORArtl TO THK THIBl'ME.J Ritrllngton. Iowa, Oct. ?J,J.-8peflker Reed arrived In thls Hty from Peorla. III.. at tlve inlnutcs after noon to-day. He was welcoincd at tlie statlou by a largo uiiniber ot peraona and wa* Iniuiedlately drlven fo tho I'.uiie of J. W. Ulythe for dlniier. An lininense tlirong O'ro?;te?l him at tho Opcra Jloiise in tho afternooit. Mr. Reed waa mtrodneed by ez-deMtoi Harlan, of .Moui.t ritaaant. and apoae for an hour. ile aald ln parl : ihe prlnelpal part of one'i edueatloa comes after ...lU'Ho duvs. liooivs aiv only the kc-y to the real cdueatlon of llfe. <?n" raUroad or a manafactory l? u.ore of an eduration tli:n. an otitlrc rourae of bootta. Tho aiualeat edncatlonal iaflaenre of tbe L'nlted btatea is its bidaatrtes, whieh have been toatered by tho protectlve tarlif. Bfe are a people intcBlgent enough io Kovern Mraetvea, not by tnc wtadora oi a few, but by an average Intdllgenrc of all. The people aro better to make laws for theenselvea tban are ti.o tew intellertual gianis. \ law made by thls borty of ; people before nio Is* better for Uien. lhau would DB a ; law mado for thcni bv the people or another rom munltv. The lawa made bv n> aro better for ns tban laws made by tbe BrehangeU. WlUlWaul you llnd a I ;.lK'her averaga level of InteUlgenee lu any asseinblato iiiltalde of the l'nlted state-i tlian you find bere l Aud I I have s(v>n thousands of ju>t as |OOd n.eetlnifs ln this mtted M.ite.s. i-ifty yearx a?o Uk; popelar InteUlgenee was not so great: but bv roramcrrlaJ and bttalnea* lntcr rourae, and bv the frlctlon of Ideas, we have rome lo tl.e preaenl standard. We have got IntelUgent enoiuu to rerogniie tbe eontrol of the n.ajoritv. (Chcera.) Mr. Reed then spolic of ll:e Lodtfe. L.'II. taylBf. in tnbftanee: There Is a great wronc colnz on lu Ihe land: *,oo.i.(?oo of Kontbern pe.pie and tlieir renrc*?n<a?lvc* are drprived of thelr rlghts. W.r- these rlgM* equally dlstribnted all over ti.c eoantry, the ca.e w.u'd nol be so I'.kI : but. they are tukeii and tiiiust Into tho i.nnds of the s>outh. who theiebv nile the pe 'P'o wboae righta they have tisurped. Wlll any one ^ay this Is Jur-t I Now. we w;.nt to put u stop fo that. tCheers.l Wo bave g<>t lo stop lt by 6w. All th.- reptaxentatlvea of tho M.utli and the editors admlt tliere Is not an lionest nuint or a frec ballot Is It wrong t'.at the l'nlted Slates -houM ldiow BOflMthlng al.oiit the-e soiithern inethods that plaeol in twenty-sU seat- In ihe llonse of Representatlvoa men who had n > moiv rlt'hl there than l.hey had in thr- Rnglisb l'iirll .me-.t ? Th. re Is a greal rry that the blll tskos iwav tl.e llbert* ..f the people. it doea; it lakes away llberty io ? t'.il l.allot-boxea, to ronflaeate retntna >nd to dl< rranrhl?e tbe n,-gro. How aen-dtlve ihese Dem ersits are ahonl hayonet*. Can it be Uiat this is a nwm >ry ..Kti.e pa-t thut snggests thH tlmhtlty I (Langhier.) The speaker Ihen tomed his attentlon to the Tarilt blll. It '.vns a good blll. he thooght. It had l?een r.a!e<l by the intelllcenee of the rmniry. Mr. M!1N, >f Te.M.s, l.ajl gOM into spfiii^Di. for a time, and Ihen btoomed fbrth wlth a Tnriir blll. Comlng fron. that tnanniaetaring stute of Te.tas flanghW), he ?-as lully :>ble f? knOW the whole lliing. ?)?> the olhcr llilid. !,.(? RepnbUeani bad selocted a rommlttee repreaentlng every poitlon of the fnlon. They had pro-liieed a bill, and tli^n for tcn months had llat ned to opinlons and sup^estions from hnndreds ef rOMualttees aud p-r -nns iBtereated. The reshlt vns a bill treated by the intclllgcnra of the people. Mr, Reed pald a eonpHBiant w Cuigressman John ll. near, and rlosed his .pe ?? h am?d rheeri. a bage nudienee asaembMI 't the '>|H-.-a ll .n?e th.s ciii.? tr lo p.s-rt .-p.^ahor Itevd up >n h!a sertiltd np pearanee to-day bof..rc tl.e p?> ple .f'Mi. Ile dweli prlnrlpaTly on tae rwentl) ended s-?i. t. of con ere**, detalling Ihe metbods ol Ihe Dcm rt;.t> in ih ir .?if..ris t<> obsirud Imslnes*: and ;.~ l <? lei.i them >.p in a tnast 'flv niauiu r to pnblir -.? arn lie was Bn?wered wlth loud rheers and n'.irs ..f laugbter. In rlo - Ing. Mr. Reed sald one reform thal be no.ed to aee ir.oiniill-lied soon ln C'.ii'.'.rs. w.s ibe otiolltlon .>f ?hr- rn?t?m of BdJoarnBieal nn Ihe death of a ni<*mb r. When John Rright died Ihe I'rltWh Parllament roit Idered It waa dolng Mr. Rrighl more honor i y r n llmilng ln the work of the people that. it would do l-ipi bv adlimrnlng. The r>peaker polnled ont t'.at In tbe lad sc-joii iwenty-flve days I;a1 been wa?lel In ibis manner, at aa ennrmnns expen-o to the peopl*. ||f rlos.-d his sptech w.lh :.!. e|. o u nt at1. eal io tlm t>" to rallv to tho mpport of cool government. t'onrre?sman ilear rlosed tne meetlng wlth an alile Mr. Reed wIR speilt tomorrow in Waterloo, Iowa, where nxtenalve preparatlona are belng made to re ve blm. HJ.INOI> FARMERS IN < -..NVKNTION. THE MCTUAL DENEFlf ABSOT1 tTIOB TROfBLIXO THE POI.ITH IANs. SpringfieM, III.. Oct. 22 (Speriali.-Tho annufll ron ,'tition of ihe b'tate Aasembly of ihe Farment' Mntnol Reueflt Assoclatlon . to-di.y. T!.i- a*sodation i^ c.iising ronslderable nneaslne<'< to ls.ti. polltl ral pint'es In the state, nnd whlle the < b.t.u hos x<-.\ erally been made that the Demorratlc of southern Illlnols would ralTer most. the attltnde of Ihe order of lat ? baa been sneh n to . ... e the Repnbllrans somc nervoasneaa, esperlally :.s the4Demorrats hIso are naklnf a secret as?anlt upon the rompiilsory Ed neatlon law, whlrh is aunctioiwd i.y tiencntl John M. Palmer, who r^.lls lt a sido l?sne. The assembly haa :,een rlosely watched. lt wns fcarcd that E. >. wil -on. of (Mney, DeBjocratlr randldute for 6tate Treaa nrer, would rerelve the Indorsement of the order. or ,tt kaat be inndo prealdcnl of It, In whlch plaee hc wonkt roiiimiind great power. This, bowever, bapplly for tbe Repablkaaa, has been avolded, nnd j.kIro Clrero, of Lindlay, a stanch Republlrnn and raadldate for Congiess iu the XVHIth Dl-t.irt a^;i!n-? Mr. For man, was plaeai iu the prealdent's ehalr. Wllson. bowever, is on the Rxecutlve Commlttee, nnd wlll no doabl make his power felt. With tl.cso etements in it HUnoti poUties rvndered more anecrtaln than tli.y have been for ears fhe aaaembly adopted re>olutlons derbirlng in aror of a revlalon of the Revertne btw, tvductloii ln ?h< pcr rent ol lAterest, for ihe prlntiug of sebool ' oba bv tae ritate, for the adoptlou of the Phddotk l>ure-food bill. now pendlng iu Ihe l'nlted statc Sen ?. nnd agaln?t the Cunger Lard blll t.s claea lcgi-. la:iou. ? THE OIIIO BOOOLBRB OBI.IOED To YIRLD. Coluiubiis, uhio, Ort. St! iHpeclall.?The Uemorratlc fiinuis of Uoveroor Campbell in ii.e llonse of Rep entatlves ralBed to his aapport thi-. afternoon and with tl.e aid ot the solld RepnhUran sid.- tiltnosi rraahed th,-. iiumllion C'ounty Dbbmm ratlc Coo<n.- gang. Foa ?everal iaya theru luw baaa gren aneertalnty ;.s to the reaalt. Beranae ot tl.e BofpjBd deierralnatlofl of tha ciu rlanatl iriBBBtaon to aave the gang, ihoaa who st?K)d on ihe .'(Dnin.ei.diitioes in the (torernor's hist spBrial mrs. kaaja asMuned the uggr.'ssivo BfternooB and moved ,i mi-peusioii of tae rakB that the nenate btll debtgatlai Ni tM Mavoi of Clnrlnnatl tl.e power lo Bpaotnt men. i of iiw Ihatrd of itiblie ImproveatenU migl.t bc put on iis paaaage. Reewgnlting Ihe Incvltaate defaat ll.ut awnit'sl, tho Ix.odlcrs ihen Offered lo BCCept IBB 'omproaajae, but tiiis waa rejected, uml twenty-oM UcBBriata voied la the afBrmatlve alth Ihe Repnb Beana. ?be vote. stood aUty^itfbl yeaa to tlilrty-two :m\s. Th.s w"s adattit short of ti:e BeroMarf threc f.iunlis vote reejuiivd to aaapend tha rules, bu. aa vehipod the fact tliat Um BkaBtptons ol Uoveroor Eaaip i.eli have aafartaat aireagtk lo gaamntoe tl.e pi?s-afc.j . .|1C iion parthaB blll lo-aaotTOW. fhia llj.u oi poiny \> aa agrord upon at a ranference held lu ihe Elerntlve iifMra la-t alght. TBe ooBapttrialae i - * i ?ns Bltorward voicvl on und lost by a vote ol Ul jrcaa io i;u nuya. KEPtT'LJCANS CtifNTED AOAIXMT TI'EIR WILL. Dctroli, Mah., Oct. 22.-In tl.e t.'lty Connetl i.t*t ,lght th,'r0 wa* conslderwble controvet?> bct^een the rcn.ocnit* und Rcpublbaiis ns to t!:c appolitnient .,f jlettkBl bo.ird chiilrnien and other .uatb'rs iK'rt.iln Ing to the coming dettion. The RepablleBna wara i.i the nunorlty, Wlth a pte^ldent iu tl.e . lintr In the mldst of the roi:trover?y. a m-rtioti w:.s u.mle to Tha Karal Blur l.i.. , a avprrb. tracs. ?t?-.'i hkfbway hrtarea N.w ??< I'hlladelj'his. Ralllmoh' and waaklagtou. \ta Jrtaey liti'al Reading and fi and 0. Ralttead*. All the tratna '?, on.ili.ord wlth Iwid-ne.v dat rrarBBS aud SSaaS i?i.Torcai?. the Uu??t ever i oi.'li... te.1 l,r Ihe Pull '?'" loqi.anv. The fiateat tral^- fietwei-n Xew-York and WaaMlftSB run vla thla root.. btailu.i foot of Ubarty-at. adjoorn and thc prwddent detlared tho (ounril ad Journcd. Then thc Dcmocrate pnt one nf thelr num ber In tho chalr, and fyllowed an hiatotteal prccedenl by nnscstlng one of the Bepnbllcao AMermcn, who has moved from hle ward whlle hi* home ?? nnder goJng repalrs. The preeldent pro tem. connted the Rcpubllcan mcmbcrs as as-entirtg to all n.otlms, aad tlie electlon board chalrmcn were daly appotnted by the I emocn.ts. The affolr haa, trcotcd cmaidcrahie ntmre ln h*al clrclec and tho outeon.o will be watchcd with liitcrcst. ? a> WKINLEY AND HILL MEET. CHAFFING BACII OTHBR ABOUT THE GOV ERNOK-S VISIT TO OHIO. THE REPtBMCAN STATESMAIf ACTIVELT COR TINCINO 1118 CANVA88 IN H18 QEBRY MANDERED DI6TRICT. IBY MLaWsUPH TO TB? TBWCM.J Doylestown, ohio. Oct. W.-Major McKlnley con tlnued hls canvaas among the voters of Wayne County lodav, drlving by carrlage fronf Orrvlllc. ln Ue southern acctlon. acroa* thc eountry a dorcn or flf tecn mlle* to the llttle vlllage on the northeastcm border near /inmmlt Connty. A rtop for dinnerw made half way at Marshalrllle. a town of 500 Inhabl tanta. whcre a two hours' reccptlon was heW at the leadlng hotel. and many of Mr. McKInlcy's old frlends. both ltepubllcans and Dcmoerats, came ln to we come him and assure hlra of thelr ald and sympathy in hla flght agalnst the gerrymandcr. No set agaagckgc WCCC mado durlng thc day'a rrde, but a rouatng mceting waa held tonlght at the vlllage hcre, ln whlch Repob llcans from all ovcr thls acctlon of thCCOQgokj tCCk part. Major McKlnley made an eloquent and forclble argument ln anpport of tbc pollcy of protectfon put ln forco by-The law whlch ao gencrally MM hls name. and he aroused the enthnala.m of hto aoditora to the hlghest pltcTT. . . or> It ls hard. Indecd, for an outslde observer to ap prrclato at thelr full vob.e the devotcd affeetlon and sVnccrc esteeea ln rfSkft the Major is hcld by hto con sttCnento In the rarloce cauntles whlch have had the peod fortune to eend him for the last fourtcen years M thEIr rep.Osentattve ln Congrcse. Wayno County has been twtce before a part of thc famous With Dlstrict. an.'. thc votcra bere glvo every evldenco of a hearty dctermlnatlon to do thelr part to re-clect him aguin. The county haa nsiially gone Democratlc by froti. 700 to 800. Mr. McKInlcy's frienda look for ward. however, to a small margln ln thelr lavor on November 4. .. .. An lnterc>t1ng lncldeTft of He day waa the mceting early thls mornlng on thc train from Canton to Orrville of Major McKlnley and .iovernor Hlll. The Major boarded thc rars at Masalllon. and leorning that the Uovcmor and some frlcnds were on board. made hls wav to the spe. lal car at the icar whlch they occ.pied. Aftcr shnklng banata, Mr. McKlnley sat down alongslde of ihe Ncw-York stateesaan, and for ten mlnntes they chafled each other goodnaturedly on the Oovcrnor's vlslt and its probablc effect on Mr. McKInlcy's At two or tlnce way sb.tlons bands of muslc appeared on the ptoffornw, and both distlngulshed poliUciana hud lo bow to tho crowds. Mr. Hlll was on his way to Wooater, where ho spoke ln thc afternoon. To Btorrow he will go to Millersburg, in lloimes County. the atrdnghoU ot Jacksonian Bonrtonlsm, and on 111 day he aiB -peak in Maosillou, before sutrtlug JAtst * Major McKlnley will cxtend hls tour to-morrow Into Medlii County, whcre he will ?p?nd the bettcr part of two aay*. returnlng on Mtturduy to joln ln tne grcat Blainc denionstratlon at Canton. TO MAKE FREXCH WOOLLEN8 IX NEWENrtLAND. I'rovi.lcnce, U. I.. oct. -2-2 |Speclal).-Theru ls a good prospect that ? grcat many ?MM may bc erected ln thia city for tho prodnotton of FrcMk woeUene Thta will be one of the BtTCft resulw of the new tariff. Charles Hurrez, of Charles Uarrea <fc Co. No. 454 lirobmc-st., Ncw-York, rcprcsentlng Bnrrec <fc Co? of Franre, has recetuly made several tnps to thls cltv nnd Pawtnckot, for the pnrpose of loohkif ovor site* propoacd for thu new mlll. Boceral have txeu examlned; two la mtnfkdphto, one in thls city and ot.othcr in 1'awiu.kct. There ls every reasot. to be lievc, howevtir, that the slte in thls elt\ will be the ..iic rhoaen. it ls the Intentton of the eorpocation reoresenred by Mr. Barres. u. build a ?.O0O,unp n.tii -, mewhere outoide Ncw-York City, but wltlnn a day'a lourncy of if. Mr. liarrez salls for Eu;opo ou La Urctagno November 1, to . lo^c ihe iuiatigem.-t.t*. ,-? ' THE AMKMICAM IICXASB SOC/CTT. RnshtrBto) Tetm., Oct. 2i.?The American Humane Soclety met iu thls city this mon.lng. Nearly aJl tlie Btatoa of the Cnlon arc rcprcscnted. The only busi neaa transarlcd up to noon to-day was the reading of thc aiiuuai rcporto. Among the topir- to lK5 dlseaseed will \*i ihe foUowlog: ?? llnataae Bdncnlion," " Hnmanc Work." -ui.jc.ts of Hutnaue doetoflca>" "stato Con rontions," "The Blghts of a Matc to I?rotcst Agalnst Cruelty,'' -Dchornlng of Cattle," -Clippitik' aud Doeh ing of llorsea," -HoMcehoelng," "Tho Present at:d Future Progrea* "f llumanc Work In the West.* The ?ddresa of trekotne waa by thc Rev. ticorpe \Y. F. 1'ilc, of Nashvillc. Among the promlnent nu.ui.bers arc Bdwlll Leo lirown, preeldent of the a->-o clatlon, ClUcago: Braatua Bnrnhani, secrotary, of Cin? clnnati; J. ?'? K'lso, of TorontOa Caaada; Matthew llokc, of Nasliville; c. h. Yateaaan, of Xewack, X. J.; Mra. M. L. Titlt. of Iiuifalo, X. Y. : Mrs. Mar> Bogcra, of Louisvllle, and Ccieb spelty, of IndlanapoHs sinoug tlie spenken will i?c Colonel D. w. McClang, uf Cim?innati: B. P. Uradstreet. of uhio: E. F. Lhaf ger "f New-t?rleswi?.; A. \v. Landon, of Chlrago: Mr. Uu?>cll, Mie wellknown tarrier, now of Te.\a.->; (i. II. THompsoii, of Ucnvor; A. t. Beed, of Xatchea, Mi-s.; Mra laroline F. Whito, of iliiludI'lphla, pre?Ment of thc wouiau's branch; Mrs. ||, l, t. Woicott, of Boston; j. j. Ketoo, ol foivuto. Edwln lirown and Brasttu Bnrnhani, _ i BVKSNta WITll UER CWTHES O.V FIRE. Mra. Margaret nranl, a irtdew seventy years old, erho ltvctl with her soo ou tlie thlrd floor of the Icac metit hutiM! No. -,4iJ5 Flrst-avc, wu.s burncd serlot.sly ycatcrday. Okc hivd been left atoac ln her rooms, and sbe t.ied to stop a i-atholc under thc kitchen slnk with somo mortar. A Pghled keroecne laaap, whlch ahe had placed on tho floor, set liro io her drcss. a minuto later she raii out of the bense with the fiames all aboul her. She wt?s scieamlng for hclp. Her appear uiicc in tbc avenoe qnlckly ransed a, rrowd to coiicct, ar.d savcral peraona had the pccacncc of mlnd to throw >oi..c btanketc about her, aud .-.mothcr the flam^s, but shc was bnmed so scrloualy that there wa* ?aid lo be llttle hope of her iceoYery. An ambulance n.rricd her to th* Ilivrl-m Hoapltat. An ajajsn of lire w.ts riiii^' by aomchody who saw Mrs. Ornnl run out to ihe sldewalk, but the Breaaen four.d no ln the liou-e. -? TlIB WMATHBM REPORT. FOBECART TILL 8 P. M. THCRSDAY. Wsahtaaton, Oct. K2.?Vet Bew-ftagtaad, sHgtany aaratcr, fali weathct, feUowed ln the southern part by raln. Inr Eaatem Ncw-York, raln, preceded hy falr In tho Derttwrn |?rtlon: sllghtly warn^r. exeept statlonaty t-mp. r.itur ncar New.York City: south-astcrlv wlnd?. ]',.r Baaf. ra l'cnn'?ylvanla, New-Jerscy, Marrland. Vlr iMniM sad l>.4awnra, rbjadlacas and raln; co?itlnued cool, sastrrly alads. The mod' rate . ydoulc dlsturbanee noted last nlght senth of Loubrtsaa has dlsafalshrd aaaaewbat and is now ever Alabaaaa, Thc stonn not"d at the saaw tlme nortl. of Mcataae has mmul Into th" KuUoUa, with a sontheastcrly movement. Thca? two atonna appear lUtely to aalte em U.c raka r ciuns csualng ralu ovcr the grcatcr aerttan of the eountry. TKIBUNF. LOCAL. OPaERVATIONa^ ? , isi "l5 M?&-'l^3??tTrPwraaa:' so>0 In the dla;ram a contlnuous llue shows.the baroiuct.r lluctuat.ons )rat>-rlay, aa sboortfed at tl.c l nlt. u sut. * stgnril s.-rvl ? statloa at tl.l* cltv. Tho dasiies Indl.ate thc teaipsfatare not.d at Perry's Pkcrgaaey, Sun Buiiding. Tilbtme Ofgee, Ort. 23 1 a. m.-Falr yestcrdoy (orciioon y.cld'd laur ... the day t. a shut af thln clrru* ciotids. Ti.e loaiperatare raagsd bctw.-eu 45 and 5* J ? gteea the ?\?.:.:?? (SO*e) belnu 1*3 high.-r than on the cur uano.idlni day ia?t ytai and 1T? iuv.. :han 01. Tveadey. ln and BcSI thls city lu-dav tl.erc will probably 1^ ln .fiialng ?it. Ulnesi and raln. Mlghlly warmc:. OOLD MEDAL, PARI8. 1878. W. BAKER i CO.'S imlim Gocoa l? abtol Kfe/w P*rt ?Mtj it U solublt. No ChemicdCz sre uted > i lls preparatlae. 1. h?i ntrr .?<? Ihrm ii?t '?? u.'?sk at C .? ?* n.liril with fitsrch, Arruarwl or Si<gar, and It :u?r?f.>r? fsr n.or* arooeirlval, tuH?l Um Ika* MM ???'! * tuf. It U d-..tiom, aoarUhlag, ?trenfl.itntns, .:? ?in Pioiatta, aad adsalrabiy tdapud S>r lUTsild* ?i well m persows la bsalta. Hold by Brerera narywhere. W. 3AZEE * CO.. Dowhwtdr. Ku) Fn THE OPEN FIREPLIGES BEFORE C0LDWEATHE1 U lforlvJAacsay.fe(a. HM SQUARE <???-, cor. BroadMj. Headawartetp Chetea Maatela, Urmtea. readera dc TBas RAILROAD INTERESTS. A CLAIM FOR 20,000,000 ACRES. NOT WILLIXO TO 6lVE Of THE ATLA.VTIC AVB PACIPIC GRAVT. Chtrago, Od,. 22?A loea.1 oaper slates that the Atdd. aon, Topek* and Santa Fe Railway (ompany make the elalm that the Atlantic and Pacinc Utnd ?mnt was not legally forfeited, and that the rompany will make the effort to* have the award restored u> the rompany, Slaee the Atrhlson, by the pnrrhaae of the 81. Louls and San Franclsro llne. seenred control ot tho AtlsnUe and Padflc, lt haa been deterralned to romplete tha ronstruction of the latter. To oomplete tbe Une the gaa between Supnlpa and Albuquero.ue a dhtanre of aixmt 450 mllea miist be rovered, and an extet.ston mnst be cotiHtnirted from Majaaxj to tho Prulrlc Orean, and It is also lntended to extend the line fmm Mejave to Pan Franeisec, The land grant was orlginally lJ.nOO a.p's of publle land per mllo of road <onstructed ta Uie etates, and 25,000 at ros per nnlo in u.e Terrl torles. By an art of Congness pas~ed Jnly is, i ^el?I, tl.e grant, ln ao far as lt appliod to uneompleted raileage, was declared forfeited t<> the fioveniment by the fallure of the railroad con.pauy to romplet.' ln eon tracr. Skilled attorneys have been engasred In examtn Ing the case and glve lt as tl.eir oplnlon that 'he Covernmcnt eonld not derlare the land grant apply ing to the nnrompleUd BMB forfelted, berause of eon di.ions preredont to the constnictlon of the rond. The act making the grant says that tho lYCsldcnt of the l'nlted Stotes shall raaaa the land to be survtyod on earh side of tho llne for forty miles a* f.wt as may oe rcpiired by the ronstntetlon of the road. It also provides that the (iovernmeiit shall extingulsn the Ir.diau title prepararory to the belng eon strurted. As a niatter of fact, it Is rlalmed, the Indiac tltlo to the land*, where no llne BM yet been eon strucled, has not been extlnguished, and only a portlon of tlie surveys have been Now that the line is '-o be completod, the rompany proposes to swe If it has any chanre of securlng the unpau-nted portlon of the grant, amounting to horacthing over io.000,000 asres. in BddRjM* to muking prepamtion* to eora ploto the Atlantic and I'ariiie, the AtftilsM has in hand plat.s for the ronstruction of a inimbcr of new lines. l'erhaps the nfost importnnt of these is an ex tension of the (.Julf. Colorado and Sar.ta Fe Railroad from Kan Angelo, Tex.. to El Pfcaa, whete connecUoa wlll be mnd<: with the Mexhan Ceatral sy?u;m*. These extoastona will also give the HMta fe a short reute from the Oulf to rsan tranetsfo, -?. unng for It ,i share of tlie BOBM buslues*. extenslon under cenatoerattoa la the eeMtrwitoa of :?><) bUm from springtlcld, Mo.. to reaa., glving the Minta Fe syst.-m an outlet to Chartoaton and other boatBern seaports. .snme w..rk on Uie. ext-;nsion? out lined above lt belng done now. THE CHICAGO AND ERIF EV.TniNER Wabash. Ind., Oet. 22 <Spc-r;a!).-In the W^ba-h (Irrult Conrl this aft-rm on Jndc f'onner made his rattng on the applic.t.on of the Waia-h Rallroad Om pany fot a tempnrary Injunrtlon restraining U* C'lib rago and Erie from throwing the trains of the Niagara F.lls sh.,rt Lnc oh* Its trarks between Laket .n /tintion and Ilammond. Tlie Wabash was repre-enhd If sollcltor rtuart. of Lafayette. and the Catrafe and Erie by I?tlo (iresham. Mr. Oresham laid ronsiderabll stress upon tho Indiana law prohibiting tl.e kaw ol one railroad bv The court, however. waa dlsposed to hold that under sertlon BJpaf of tlie MBtatea a lease. whlrh is n..t absolute. and whieh d.*s not prcvent the leeset rompany fr m d v chandng its dutles as a common carrier. Is valld Judge Conner sald there was no proof submltted that the buslness of the rhieago and Ere had been Intr fercd wlth. and, as the breaking up of tha thnagu line would enUll loss to the Waba-h <:>ntpany and ln _IBfitl? to the public. he did not feel free to withdraw tl'.e protectlon of the law. He emp'-aslsed the declaration thut his rullng shonld n..t be HBBBUl as d-allng wlth Ihe case on Its merits; foi. at tM tinal hearing. his rtewa m.cht be m.-diiied. but eaoaaH eeldenea had been aabmltfedbt t * W*ea? -ati-fv hi.n that tl.e r. :nPa..y had a lea?e anda wfllsh1 U-anic" im.ll Uu? ,-;,.? K haard fnnnally ,. January. _ LE?i MAMI'TLATloN <?F BATES. Cl.irago, Ort. M tM.erlab.-A SBBMI of r-trenrh. me:,t and a deaire far atabte rates "?w.,??" ine Weatern raade. The aptahm la Beneral that thera la |r?a mMlpakatiOB of ratea thut. at aey Hme BM tho lateratate Commerre Art wet.t into eife.t. Tli.s u eapedatly the raae aaaoag the r.xuis iu .he soutu vcatera dlvtatM of the tranv BgreeaaeBt, and a* a ,.uaenre WeaterB a'd Nortliwestern n-a^ls are Ukh g Bwaaarea to extead the sy>tem. The Weatara Frelght AasarlatlM lo-day agraed la adapt BM ?d vanred Btt-cent baata <^ast of a Bm exhsadtag fraa >t. Paal to Mankato. b> Fort Dodga, to I)es Notaea: we?t of that line the rates are bas-d on tho Mlaaonrl R.ver TOcent baata. tl.a;tuutn Failhorn r.iled tn day fbal the M.lwaukee lines roukl not apply the Cl.ictco to Texa-s BOtata. The ainter tourist rate gneei of the rentral Tnifie Asaodatkan will be Baatlahed M Xoveaaber la. Tha i-ates will in all eaaaa bo ^0 per rent of tho doub a tocal rato BOrth Of tM Ohte, and 4 ccnts a mlla ? u ?^ ,.,,,,. ,1 trin ti.kets. ohlo Riv.-r li'ics have SfaSeeTS imbm rateT on ?**? bjstUng. oWa RWer^Tniirag... from 4<? to 30 BMtB, and ou catUe In.n. IU to 10 cotits a hundred. -? KAKBAB F.XPRESS TAX LAW YAL1P. KBMaa city. Mo.. Oet 22.-The laat state Legis lature enacted B law provlding for the taxat.on of aJJ BBpreaa eeapMfM doing buslness m the Mada over rented or bMBM BMB, the tax betog H on every fino aaretvwi or eharged for carrytM fretg** wttMB tM St^tte Tho law provlded for an annual leffOTt fttM the rompany to the BtatB Aadttar for eaeh years business. Laat June Auditor Slebert at.en.pted to eaforre tha ktW. The 1-orifie Exptsoss Company reslsted. rlaiining I at the law was dlsrrlmlnatlve In Ba ope.atlons In favor of nvllroad cotnpsnles, of express *?**%*?*? iMt, own lines. and of Moamboat lines. II. r ? ?M also sct up that the law was no, v.tlid bersu.e it Icvled a tax BBOB lateeataM comn.erce Tl.e raa> pany obtained a t-niporary injunrtlon WgJ^jJJ auditor from enforclng tbe.tow.To^w ??? valld. f_^_, T1UIVMF.S WANT AN IXCRBAUB dF W.\r.F.?. ( hlcago. Ort. B8.-A general demand f.r latlCBTtl rages la betog by the paeeeager tratamea of m MlrhbJM teniral. the I.ake HMfB and nearlv all ihe Irank Baee, -The aeaaaad is not ? ^,***'M*" raaraa we wlll bW have to doal alth it. aald the e> rtatoa aiiperintendent of the Uke BMM t?> ? fyg* ?lf a ronference-1* keM lt wlll uke ptore at n^velBM. Tho demand for totlBasad BfagM is not lOnBaM M ine Lake shore. bu, l.a* givwn out of a reaalatlM MM * the passenger twinmen ou a numljer ot Itoea to ti> to secure an lnrrease. Tl.e emploves s|,0w BB IMws.t.on ,o ?trike or engage ln any protrarbd conti. raraf o^ti the matter. BM the demand is not yet in anv forn.?l aMM and will j.robably not be put ln this lor.n. me l aka ikaN BfJetolf aaatoratoM that Ihe tieinaarainMi bo adVBttce and they wlll probably aak th" y^* o appolnt ll comn.lttee to roatof at "f^*'-*-* lommlttee IroaJ U.e romiwuy. lbe matfa-r r aagea will bo aattlrd lu a BttUbi tory waj and fldtk mutaal good teeUt.g between BBjaJafBg and aajpHgreja, ? a OENERAL HtutD RE ELECTED. Baltlmore. ort. rJ.-Thc dire<:.>.s of the Weitert Mniyland. Daltlmore and llarrUburi;. r.nltiino.y ana rumberlund Valley. ItoHlir \aHe>. Westcm MatT land Termlnal and Western Marylaad Tld.'water rall? road companles met at Hillen's ^uUon u>day and r? elected ITesldent John M. Ilood to tbe head of aoca tompany for the ensulng year. r.eorge 11. Fner w*a re elerwd aecretary and treasurer. Thlsi ta ?WBB ll.Hsfs elghteenth term as peeatoMt ?t Ihe ?*.wra Munland. The reports rea.I sbow the B*^*"! varh-ua corporatlons to be In f!r?t-eluei condiUoB. FO* A PRESBYTERIAS ISIVER.<!TY. Charleaton. 8. I1.. <?rt. et>-Tke Pi-esbyterlan Syne* ot houlh rajBMMt, ln nessloii at Yorkvllle. BBggt mou?ly adopted Ihe report of the Inler Lobv mlltee favorlng the esiabljsl.inwit inf' ? ITe-bytarBBi universlty in MO of Uie aouth Atlantie itojaa. Vletarla ItaieL m 6th.ave.. nroadway aud ^BVat. a>jg*f asw ? ?? apixjiutmsiiU. Amerlean a?i? i^ifoptan piaa.