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TURNINGTO PASTURES NEW. THE FA96BTT C0HM1TTB? TAKES UP ANOTHEB DEPARTMEVT. I HAVINO FIMSHBD WITH TBE TAX BUREAU, IT TCRNS IT8 ATTEKTIOK TO THE CdMMIS SIONERS OF ACCOUNT8-BICH FINPINO* INDIC'ATED. The State Senate Conualtnra on Cltlee yesterday tnlshed IU lnveaUgattoh of tha Tax Depertiaeot; and began an lnqnlry, whieh waa InteresUhg f?? the start, and prointses to Jtohl Unportoct resulU, Into tbe ad tnlnlstratlon ol the Tawmedy Cemmlssloners of Ac counts, Maurtog F. Holahuu and Bdward P. Barher. lt ls not llkely that the cotnraltdoe wlU adjoorn ou Frtday untll after the elocUon; there wlll be no aes aton on Satnrdey ? but on Monday the coxnmlttoe wlll prouably nicet ag?m at the nsual hour Henry A. Pprry. Peputy Tax Cotnrnissloaar, who was exHtnlncd by Wtlllani M. Ivlns yesterday, waa not the least nnhsppy and nncomfortable of a long llne of wltmesses who have been unhappy and nncomfortable whlle they have been renderliiK an ancomit of thcdr aajBBaajBjkJi to Uus uimtisT-W- ilr. Perry la the Peputv Commissioner who was rccomincndcd for ap polntmcnt by w'. Kouike CoeltrM and Kdward g. Stoltes, tuid who, by ?euu> of a Clvll Servtpe,ce,amlnation that would haafl boiMi campeUUve If only there b;.d been any other candidate to compeio with him, was rall raadad Into the oBiea Uut be now hoUU. on the witpess's own Invltation. Mr. Jvlns cxamlnod him ln relalion to tlie Increase in valuation of the Seventh Yfajrd made by him But lastead ot #aklng plalu ao swers to the plain rjucstlons asked by Mr. Ivlns, he caveeed his efnaiai aelf wlth words :?< wlth a p>u roent :ue uitfrad Vhose words so Indtoilncily thaj it was diflt eolt to hear theni even a foe-t away--Sona'or Fassctt, waa sat gt Its elbpw, had to ask blm to rcpoat hu answer^ scvcrnl times?and prpbnbly tbe hest way to fcim up hts evldenee would be to wy that he explnined nothlng. He sald that bo had made 5,600 altcraUom. ln tbe assessed valucs ln the Seventh Ward, and that he etood by tbem. He Inoneased the asaessed valua tloj) 8l.f>ea,Q0Q, or about 10 per cent oa ihe bvbbbbb all aronnd. Tlut was all that he did say that was c*sa* Md direet. He would not budgu from Ute posl tlon that all he bnd done had been dOM according to hl? Jndgmenf, and this Jndgniont of his, whlch hc cited M his. nmltoii'.y dozcia of tlmes, seeroed to ls? the. only torto:- thut d- term.ued the copstrucUau of 'hc law, uccordir.g to his oath. He aald that "la his Judgment" the BaaBBBBBMts that bp tound ln the sescutu W.u-d when Ue " oturted out on if were too low, und odded BBlvely: "There, Isa't a pleoe of property ln that distriet whlrh wlll sell uadec tbe valuation I have put on it." (Laughicr.) Mr. Ivlns agreed wlth l.iin so thoroughly lB the rfcw of rei^nt twllBtonj aa to tbe percentage* of uuder valuxtion allowed that he iciinrdiatcly began to try to discovcr Mr. Perry's idea of a proper and con IfMHlajaj perccatagg. >Ir- l'err>' ,,*rwW0B toe* rcfuge iu tlie word* "aegtoarf clrlunlsmllec:,.?, Jlere are somo specinjcn (juotioiis and repUea! Q.-Tell us wbat you nicau by ordiuary rircum ttancea I A.?A valuation of any plccc of property tlutt gives as a Msfeguard for the city. aud also taf tne tax v?\or, a Kr.?od faeway for tha taxpayer. Q.-How muchl A.-'t'cn per cent perhapa. 1 um suto tliat no valuation ln my dUtrict would be rexeraea by a evmrt. . . . Serwtor Fa>sett-What do you mean by aaylng tBBI you regafd ihe prdinarji clRnastaocea Mgda whicn pmpcrrN- ls snld to be " a suiefuard to the t?r,? and al tbe same timc io give taxpayeis a P.^way .' 1 leu-e tell me. If von can, '.?;.at cotistltute ordinaiy circum btauces fpr tM **k o' property t A.s-The valuaUon I piare pu cacli und every picce of property IB P>y dlslrTtt ls accoitllug to thls, tiat lt Wlll seU for so mucJi nader the most ordlnary elivumstauces. U.-\Mint are ordinaiy ctrCMaataacea 1 A.-v?nat lt will seU for at any ume wlth a JaB ioeway Ior tbe toxjpaycr. And so on. and so on, uaiii Mr. Perry adoi.tted that property aoW ln a private sale mlght bc tousidered to be disposed of under ordmary ciicuinstauces. But he landed MmseU ln difflcuiuea a**;n UnatejHBtafr, for 1.0 roaiarked that it waa very dlflicult to get at the aeUal pneos pald ln prlvato 6ale, bocause tuere weio traualcr* rccoixlod wbHU. lu his Iddgaaajl, wcro pot true. l>eyueuily uo reliance could be placcd on tne deeds wbere property ls once transfcrred under what he had admlttcd were "ordiuary cireuuisuntes.'' >lr. Ivuia?Now, tliat there may be no niisunder standlng, do you mean tliat ln lixln^ tluse values you are posltive tliat vou lixed tbe veluc Uie property woukl brlng undoc ordinar/ clreumstancsat Wa do not mean to say tliai under ordamry cuxnnutancea tlie property mlght brlng more than you tlxed! A. it iAlgliu , . , Q ?Have you any nouon ln your mlnd os to what tho average exejass ^ould bel A.-Posslbly anywUere from 15 to 30 per cent. .... ?rt Q.?If you have made a margin of 15 to JO per cent. after raislng the esscssmwit 10 per cent, the margln provtously must have been from 2.> to 40 per <#?t? A.?I Jiave notlung to do witli Uut. Mx. Ivius turned liis bacls, as lt were, ou - ordinary clrcumsttincee,"' and opeued the fcevenUi Waid b<;ld book, to hear wuat Mr. Verry had tx> say about tho increase that he had mado on the vulue of some propertles as compaied with othcrs; ln short, to see whetlier he had madr his Increascs on any definable basis, or in earrytng out any atteaaat at eojaaHiattoni or had recognued any standard wbatavar bnt " liis own Judgment.'' Tho Bxaatoatton ou these po.nls also was exceedln,:ly Involvcd and often obscured by rtason of Mr. Perry's ?e.iie:icc? und inelevant replies. Mr. Ivlns touud several erature^ ln the fJeld book. bigher f'.gures havlng been wrllten over imaller ones that had been nearly, bui not quite, scratched out. In one iustaiue there had BBM a cliange from ?32.000 to ?33,00n. ln atiofher iroru *^e..?0o to *3U.0(O. Mr. Perry aaid that aay chsngc* that liad been made bad been made becan>e. according to UU later Jndgmeut. an in? crease ln the rakaa of property Justiiiad them. Wliere did thi< increase come frMI.' What real cause Itwl be flOff. ll. supposjng thero wns any BaBrraae I Well. Mr. Ivlns could get no soilsfactory unswers us to that. Mr. Perry dedared that he didn't gn by reJ akiaie trans aetious. By wiiat, then! By lucattoa. Mr. Ivius biUd: "Wlll you explaln how there raa be any valua tlon according to locatiot. If you set aside all coi.s.d ra tion of actuul liBMBBIInna * -1 dou't ?ct a-ide ill," sald Mr. Perrj- "1 *ay that 1 am u t guidad wholly by transaetioiis: to an e\ient ll-helpa me atoug. Tlie groavcat tbi.-g about ? tax aaeastor," added Mi. Perry, "is to rtgard cyuaii-auo;. Mr. lvii.a got tbe inapbook of tl.e city to supple ruaut tbe held book, and eamestly besought tbe Blt ness to tcll him tlie ie..!-on wh| llie a>se>binenU ln lialf a dojen ilietBBl ta^es tliat Ue pirked out by chanee did not ludiuit* Uiat there wa? any " ?(iiiallMilloun as the results of Perry's etJorts. Mr. Ivins took a sau.plo lloca b>juuded by liBitou, couth, Mouvgomeiy aud YVaier ,-l*. '? AiSunjipg Uu*t tne wgbt lois?" Wltoess?1 ?ei. '. a*sume ai.ytuh.g. Mr lvins-Well, 1 asaume. Ass.uiilng that the loto at tlie Moutgouiery-st. eud of Uie block, Ibui you bave BaacsMd for e>i??u,0t><i, ate woitli *(>n,0O(J, lt would lejavo oply dwi.uoo M u.e otBai loU. Witiitss?Tahe tho wbole pleoe ln bulk. 6.?WeU, UkW> lt ln buU. Uo you n.eau to aay that all Uj1? property la only propeily as^-esablo fpr #100, i^Kj >\l.e:. >ou nave n*r-??.ed a three atory Luildln^ on mo fatar-il. slde of the bl-ek. Ill feat dlsiaut trou tlie Wat'-r and rfliiton st?. romer, :.t fjo.ox.. A. 1 flont tblub l'.n IM Blfto 1 ralsed lt from $?<),000 to , BlOO.OOO. , . Q.-i don't say tfs hlgh. 1 aay H is low. A. \v?Tl. then 1 acMiowledgo that It la low We dou t w*a"t tt> Jnn.p a maj. frtwi aeO.OOO to ?15O.0JO all at , ?"(?-lii bow manv case* have y<uir Jumps U-eu 25 p?r cent to brlng ihe uverage ot tbe aggregaie Jump M Iffgf eantl The witnea* wa* posed agaln. or at least nothlng , deflnlte cmM be gatto red from what hc sald. The flrst BUntBM ad the d?y was (onimlasloner (>>|o- j piau, wUni wa? reiulled to toll ?'hat hc k.iew about tlf) MBtf by Uie (ominlsaloners u? provide Uie Kfgiater'a oBicc alUi rertaln mapa for tbe block index ?pateaa. Mr. CaaaaaM said that the ilthog.aphlc and prtoting (ompauy wlibh received tl.e BMtracIa for U.e n.aps ?ere to afeuae. llowever, he aa.d Ibal the Tax Comtnlsaloiioia had placed Uie maps ln thelr BBMS al the djafeaflj of tne Ueglaler. so Ihen would be no delay lu prt-parhig for Uie eew bbsk aytcui. BJatoraidj tiUon. tlie verb'rse prealMM <d tlie lioard of As^soorh. was th?u allowed to add BMraraJ IhOBMttd word. ta Uk: IBMFd ln oxptomlnk' or Ui trylug to ox plaln delgys ln his offlce hi closing up s*?essrii<jiit laata. >Ir. fillol. ?a4d tliat the BfBiaal l.c^ixl bad ta get rid <-f tM ayroara of BaBaaaaaMt rolla whlch luul bjm BlBBhUri ttndei the adiiiitiibtiwtlon of Uv prevtoiii Jsoard of A^e-aois.. ilr. liilon'a lWj*rd l*s bcet. In oll.</' ?? o.;Iy" bve years aid a balf. Wllbaui II. Ja?i>er, sacrcUwi of tlie lioard of Aa ae??or?, gave aome lBfonuaUnn about tbe work of the boaul ar.d Us worklng bour?. Tho meetings ?f tho Board wcra slioii. and tlie assassors bad uo other clerlcaj help but Mr. Jatper. He sald that they med to bave two rtorha, bni now tliey did some of tlio clertcal work themselvea, as one man could not do lt all. Ehsha J. Cadwall, thedeputy eoumfaloner ln eharm of the paraouai taxea, admittod that pcrsonai taxation eonduoted on the preeenl luethod U a ? gawe of ntm." He was aaked ahout the toxatloti of co operaUve bulld Ing loan aaaoetottons. He aald toat these aesoclaUous were pu| on the roUa. He kaaw ot no law under whtel tner toaas could be remltted. becator Faatett asked lt, aa a mettor of fact, Uie Eaat Blver CoK)peratlve Aaaociaaoo, was not Uie anly ?b* toxad. Mr. Cadwell aald Uaera wai* otbera, but he could not recall thelr naroos. Slr. letn* then tamed We attoeUon to the offlce of Uia CeBuntoMonera of Arrounta. He beaan thls ln vosUgatton by puttlng Oommlealoner Maurtcc F. HoUhan on the wltacsa stand. Mr. Holahan aald that ho wa* appolnted by Mayor Grant in January. 1880. Jils sasoclate, Mr. Rarkcr. was s4apotatcd about two wccks later. Thc employes oi the buresu oi AecounU, Mr. IviBS found on going over the Bst wttli Mr. Holahan, are neerly all Tammany men. Mr. Irlns ashcd: Q-Ptd ?ou trr an egperlment with a man named fiSW b^mp.Je?^d^rta r^&^^Ud. "i tt no'wa's B S!^Dkl?t ycn know that at one Ume he was the mf^TmrnKewM Hnbert O. Thompsonl A.-l Q^Who racommended hlmf A.-He came hkncaft ScWSbS sA& gVKr.nZc^ K^mr^mSket stong^hhTcame out in tho -ytftoUUSST *P%8 suspe7ded two wecka ^f^clw Z the payrous of the city 1 A.-I do not know that he la. Mr. Ivlna then referred to a bookkeeper named Melvllle. who was one of thc men who had formerly U*B wployod IP tltf PO.Qk pepartmcnt. Ile came to the Commlsslouer of Acconnta* offlce a few months before thc Invest^atton ?f tho Poek Peparliaeni waa takcn up, and he was put to wprk ipve,tig?tlpg the adalrs of that depertroeut. feenator Fasactt asked how the Pock Inrqstlgatton wtw starbed. Mr. Hola? han aald that soon aftcr J. fevrgeaut Cram. the Tam many Po?h Commlssloner, was appolnted by Mayor Grant, he colled at the Bwcau of Aocounts and aald that ho belleved that the Dock Pepartment should be luvestlgatod, becouse " he didn't thlnk Uiings were going ou all rtght, and he didn't want to run the rlsk o| havlng hls good nsmo larniahed." The departrasnt, Alr. Holaiu* testUied, was under investlgation for three montus before the beginplag of Ow publlc InveMlga tion, whlch was adjourned from October 7 of tost year untll aftcr the clcctlon. Mr. lvlns-Why wib Uils adjournmeat Ukeo Mr. Holahan aajd: " OU, we djd uoi waot to bo ac cuscd of douig lt for pollUtal puipu?e*. We thought it best to loTit go on untll aftsr ekcUou." _ Thc witneas then told how thc Dock Invcatlgotion lios been stoppod and complalnts n.ndc to Ihe Mayor, and how the Mavor had cxoncrated the Corajnyssiouers. Mr. Holahau said Uiat beiore ihs gppoUitmeut a? ^"Ui iuis.iouer of Aoconnic he had bocu * uecto) Tir^jacury sgentkhad bevn councctcd with tl.e Cuitoms scrvicc ln Wasinngton, had aerved In the BtoU Assembly and had been Agctotanf Cierk iu |i.e auic bciiatr.S*& buch cxamlnations as were nuiOc he conTd not teD whether his bookkt*per-* work wa-s acc.iratcly doiie or not Mr. Irlna trtod to tfud out what the Oonv ml>Moncr knew about bOOkkeeping, und what bijoi.6 oi tlie city tiovernmeiit he U:.d porsoiialiy axamlneC. HC admittcg he had iie.vor made a rcvommendi.ton a7 to changlng the uietiuide oi hecntng tho awounta U\ any ot tho o.ty ofliecs. aud had PCVef coi.suhod with tbc gencrel bpokkecper ol the city a* to what manuer accounti should he kept to. Hr h?d ?een tho books ol only a lew of thc city departinenta. ?TS?e voii seen the bopks of the Pepartment of Taxea gfV Agffgatfncifto!5 "YcO ??Haveyouex .niiued them?" ?? No." Mr. lvma a^ed why tho FireliopartmeBt had not been toreatftateJ ta years, and Mr lioiafla.. oSuJd not aay. He wauted * know why the pcuartmeiit of ChaMttoj ai.d ?f?nrtton had le.t bccii lOuKed luto. Mr. Holahan sa.d that lt. h. <l i*cn InveSaated tii the ? North Brothers crlb-buj.s benn- ee^SS iTtoThehl thnt this ^IgaOon whlch was held nearlf two year. ago. ??*??*??>*??, the Tammany otkrlala wnM havo ?? e^"^',^.. u^, niauiiolntiig Ihoaus Brcnnpu a*. t ... ffltWi and VoiTc.tlou. \? aowi as Tammany had diu 'od of Mr. Brennan the torcatlgntlOBi waa rtoccd anit no niore was heard of it. But Mr. Holahan de fUred that the Ipve^jtatiou is going tu bc taken uy U,T1^> committee. whlch sat untll MtCto thc aiternoon will eontlnue tlta uivestlgMtlo; of thc offlce of thc Coromissloucrs of Arcounts to-day. TEt: CEXTXAL I'ARK BAILBOAD. 0PP0SIT10N TO IT OX THE PABT OF PROl'KItTY OWNF.US 4L0XG ITS IlOCTE. The represcntatives of the East Rlvcr, Ontral Pkrk and North Kiver Baltroad were met before the BaUroad (-ommittoe of the Boaid of AMermen yestcrday by a formldable oppobltion, on the part of propertar-owners. to Ihdr propoaed roule ccnncetlBf the Ea^t and North ilvcn. throush Central Fgrk. Thc proposcd routc ls from the Eatt River, through Fifty-fourth-st., up Avenne A, wjth double tracks; through Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth lis. with slugie trsgska; through thc Transverse Boad of the Park. Wcst Elghty-Milh-st. Nlnth ave- and Seventyninth-rt.. to thc North Biver. Propcrty-owners in West Eighty slsth-fct. were rcprc sent.-d bv Gcorge C. Lay and Herbcrt 8. Ogden; ln East F.ighty-fourth and Elghty-f.fth sts., by Sachett 4: Bennett, aad ln other portlons of tlie East Bide by H. T- Lippcld and John Grnnt. Henrv W. Sackert prescnted a rcmonstrance acalnst the rtii'-road, headed by John P. Ciimmlus, and sigucd by owncrs of property iu East Eighty fourth and El?lity-Glth sts. assesscd at about two and a quarter millions, or considerably more than oae-kali of tl.e a^^cs.-ed valuatton of the property ln thosc strcets along which thc road would run. Mr. Sackett argucd that the local authorltles thould not prant tireir pc misslon to thc company unle-s It was apparent that tho neccssary coiisctiT of property-ownerj could be obtalncd. except under 8?tT8?>rdlnary elrenmatoneci of public neccesity. Here lt wa* apparent from the re aacnstrance that such ccnaent eonM not be obtalned in thosc strcets. Moreover, the pubUc needs were alrcady met ty thc street mllway rnnnlng through Eighty-alxlh-st., from Avenue A to Madlson-ave. Thc nereasHf for a roal through (> ntnl Park was admltted : but Mr. .s.uUctt nrged that tho Park Coniinis.loiier wero now ecnttmctlng such rallway throngk the n-ausverse Koiid, and they had authorlty to connect it with thc in Blghty-slZtk st. lf. therefore. the pctltloncr waa permlttetf u< croas the Park, it ahould only he altowed to connect with Avenne a by rnnnlng ovcr thc tracks alrcady eonsteneted in Elghty-slxth rt., which was a wMe street well suJted for the pur pi.^e. whlle Blghty-fonrth and Elghty-flfth sts. were narrower and were built ap with flne residencca. Mr. Llppold a::d ^lr. Oiatit empkaslSCd thc polnt* made by Mr. barkett, and abo polnted out the un neceasary ftonger to ehlldrca from the building of rail roads through tlu-ec icccesslve pnrnUe] strects. Mr. Lay and Mr. <'i-'d<-ii showed that We-t Eighty-slxth-st. was one of the gnasfj ntreets wcst of the Park. apd thnt lo aitow thl? nulroad to n.u through it. iintead o. tbrough aojue lc*? liupurtant street, would be l> do vast aamage to the property In that pan of the < it\. Thc repics-ntatives of thc eampany mndc ?n answer so tiu;se argnmenta., and thc committee adjourned wlthoat reachlng a condualoa, the chalrman saylng taat nollco would be given of another hcariug. -a-? UlS HIM) AFFEVILD gF OPHW SilOKISO. Judge Cowlni yestcrday suspended tl.e sentence in the raac of PluUrch T. Tlroaycnis, who plcndcd guilty to iteallng n pearl pin torth t?25 from Mrs. Myra Beals, of No. 11B Weat Nuict.v fourth st, on July 20. T. N. (urtlsb, of No. 131 East ricveuty-sUtlist.. wrcte u 1< ttcr to thc Judge. a^fcTiT,,' that mcrry bo hhown Ihe pilsoncr Mr. Cartlas wrede! "Thls man eecsea from one of the best fumllles of omyn.a, Asia Mlnor, aud 1? ?tnrrtoi to a most psttntablt hviy. thc danghtcr of a promlnent mut. m gnvwinnh, On. Hc lu.s three rlUldrcn. one of whirh wu- born le-ss than two nreaks u^o. Thls man is not n rrunlnaj, 1 have knowa him for a grcat muny ycar?, havlni gane to school with Mm. Whlle I do not beMears ln teftaenclng Jastlee, I gecJre to Intoim you th..t thls mau'? uiind h. affcclcg. Ue losos hw hand oa oertola *ubje< is, kclng au oplum stuokor. ??1 know that lui.svy l? *n his fainlly. Hls brothcr only a few penrs afo romtultuxl sniektc un- a mcre trifle. One of hla andea died to ad lasane nsytant, a ruvlng BtoffsyM, uml another umis Uied b. *top u truiu and waa lii^tantlj i'.lilcd. Thls uieii will ev-nluaily be , an inu.atc of ai. saytom. I thlnk ihe dia*>race up..u bim bv hi?. eonfii.en.eui ln the romba U pu6l?limeiit. Hla brvther, T. T. rin.ayctils, of the Mlnerve Puhilabtog t>>aapnny, U rcMy to look aftcr lum and Hnd him a in vlew of Ui facU." ? ?? OOOW SEIIKJ) FOR VMBiBVALPAflOM. j Chnrles fc\ Wllbur, the Spe<ial Agent st t thia port. ycburday seited UJrty tw.. <:as.;? af bllliard <loth from H. A. dae*ar U <??. importer^. of No. 431 Breaaaa it on ths grcstnga that i\?- etoth hag bcs.n un.leiv.ilucd. There were 2,'?'H1 yurds ol tiuth, aud Mr. Wllbur sald that lt had been undervaiucd V.i per cent. The new neamer Kpree, of the North Ucroian Uoyd i.lne, whlch arnved ucro on Tkctdaf on her atatoen vo>agc, had among her pa?seiiger? u man who was amUUoui to go Ipto the BiillUicry IllMfhffM Ile ls mikin Ma>er. Ho decUred that hc had nsdhtog dut'able except k.iuc Uuen. whlch he v?lu"d at 4^o mark*. But the cuatou.s inapectora fanad lu hla ttuuks a large nsjnber of dutlable urtkie?. They were taken to thc aeliure rootn Iu thc Cuatom HoubC. BALB OF "THB PTICA BKRALD." Utlea, N. Y.. Oct. 28.-"Thc I'tlca Hcrald" plant was aold hero to-day upou an order of the Supreme Coprt. The entire plant with aU fraucliltcs and prlvlloge* was aold for 86.000. lt was bld la ln the tntorcst of oredlt ora of the grm af Bllls II B. berti 4t Oa. who have slgnl fled thelr Intention of concelhug tl?ir rlaims agalnst tho company for 50 cents oo the doUar payable ln stoek tu the new rompany. The elaimi agalnst "The Ht>reht? amount lo akont and the Plant li. vciitorted at tfig.OOO. It ia undcratood Uiat Mr. Bob cru WJll eontlnue as literary managcr of "Tho flerahT Comaanr. AN APPEAL FROM WOMEN VOTE AQAINOT TAMMASY HALL THET CaaE MBN TO DO TBE1R PUTY TO THE CITY-60MJ3 OF THObB ACT1VE IN THE WORK. The appeel ol tha womcn who are intorested ln the movement lo rtd this city ol TaBuneay's corrupt rule for the asslstanoe of every woman ln Uio effort to get men out (a rectstcr nnd to vote for tbe can? didate* nom.natad by tho People 'a Muntclpal laague. bas met most fluttering and eucouragtog retarna. and yesterday tliose wbo have uuitcd ln UiU auovement Ncni out toe lollowlng to volers: We the uudcsigu.d woinea of New-York, recogni/Jni taat the coming ruuoiclpal ehctlou luvolve. a cout?i, not oT party ag.ln*t pany, but of Uio p oplo of *??*??* agahi.t U,e body of corrupt polltlcUns who now hold our cltv govcrnment, aud bu.levlng that the laauo of thla electioa dlrecUy couccrna th. cornfort Bad health of eveiy LuacboUl aad tho moral. ol Ue cnllre coau.unlty, do oarncuy e?troat every vot?r who aa* not already doac ao to regUter upon one ol toa t?? roniaUiing day. for reglsuauua, Uie -4th and JWtb of Octoocr. and oo Novcm Ltr ? to eiwt Us vote tor the caodadaU-s nanied by tbo I'conle's Munlcipal League Tl.e appcal was slgned by over 1.000 woinen cluding: ln Mrs. A. H- Olbbona, Mrs. Jay, Mf?- Ii- C. Potter, Mfi. C. V. H..1/. Mia. W. E- Do:gS. Mia. ('? Kaiuh.i i. Mra. J. H. Choate, M.s. II. Cr.-oy. ;.ir?. E- l>. Gtdlcln. Mrs. M. Oix. . MrsjtS.B.Ser.lefMlii, Mrx. K. W. Ol.der. Dr. 1- Ulacawtli, Dr. M. F. JVobl. ... is.I . I .iih? ,il . r MiSJ ll. Ilkll r, Mis. A. I. i. n.:.?. .Mr-. C. 0. I>c?. m r*. A. Mackaj .anUth* Mis. WTtj. Rke, .ura. M. 1 i.imi.I'-, Mta W. WhIUiey. M.a.J.h.K rnoc.'.an. Mrs. F. R. fc?ea, Mia. li. Ij-.r.;-.... Miss De Mciarthy. Mr.H.Oll ahrlm t, Mr.-i.J.W.ilooa- vclt, .?1|?? KehUR, ifra. H. V. Satterlec, Mr>. A. fclUkney, Mra. Francla 0. Shaw, Mrs. Arthnr <i. Bcdbwieh Mlaa Eu.liv luekcmaa, Mrs. Wtllfan. Lanjuan Buil. Mr*. Kdward. BtB, Mrs. Haleo Campi ell, Mr-. C. F. Ckl. kertog, Mrs. Charlotte Snilth. Mrs, Wllllan. Jay. Mrs. wiiiian, i?. Deuglas, Mra. Ad.iipb Kadcbtmrg. Mlaa Ileli. Imoii. MS n. v. ;;. Cri-ger, Mlaa Mary R. Prlmc. Mra. liatx rt W. chapln. Mb? ,ii - j i.iio- Lazaraa, Mrs. Kdwaid S. Mead. Mi*e uaaca i>. dg". Mrs, sale... II. wajaa. Mrs. Frrderic H. Betta, Mrs John Jay I'bai' Ur. Mnitha W alu-tclu, Mra. J. Ptorpanl Morgaa, Mra. JticharJ Mortlmcr, Mrs. Fafi* Ad| r. Mrs. Bebrrt Caitrr, Mrs. Marv Mn;.<a l.odeo, Mrs, i;. C. fct.u.'i.aii. Mr*. i"isfd.-n Kood. Mra, ' . lt. Lov.eii. Mrs. DcconJ L( kwoad Mi?. l>. F. inplcteu. Mrs. J. A. .Mltebell Mrs. Ijenry i;. Itckaaui, Mrs. I P. Bamw, Mra, ( btfMiee i: Mr.-. Th.iidur; lt. Bt( naon, M's, Arthur fliooka, Mrs. (?. (i. CratweU, Mr.-.. Ilciirv ( ls*s. Mrs. niet-/ ( Ivmer. Mra. Aithur if. r.-iicr. Mi?j Batbcrine nm bani, Mrs. Cbarlcs Drray, MaJame V. dv Ui/noe, MH Jellen T. Darjto., Mra. W1I1ISUI th. iMMlgc. Jr., Mra. Henry O- d? Kores.. Mlaa Sophla Fuyeu-a. >;,.- i. a. imnDi*. .>;r.-. Uu?.cU II. licadly, Mr-. Ribcrt nayCock, Mrs. Eaafaaea Batten, Mr?. J. s. Hunt, Mrs. Qeerga n. Putnaai, Mra. Taesaaa laavtet Mia. 0. K. Blsstl. Mrs. Montague Marka, Mra. Will H. Uw, Mlaa Aiujc L,. Llvlngatoo. Mra. D*>id Lydlg, Mr*. S. P. Morrla. Mra. B, Vsu Bsaaaaaiat, Mu Ed?arl A. Morrlson, Ur. Julla ?. M.Nutt, Mra. Urusder Mattbewa, Mrs. S. 1?. McClur?, Mrs. Gkaitaa MeBaraey, Mra. JoMuh Me.s.rtaal, Mrs. MBBeaa Mlller, Mr<. I'ct^r Moll'i. jr.. Mrs. Johu W. Mlntoro, Mra. Vv'w. t'hur.h liowell, Mrs. K. S. FwweB. Mra. C. Lassrcaea PerlUna, 1..-. (ince I'cckham, Mrs. .( (iarcia Turon, Mra. Charb'S A. Poat. Mrs. a. ii. Lewls. Mrs. Ilrnrr Parlih, jr., M.?s s. c. Batoartard, Misa i :o t OavU, Mls ITnrrlet K.bMna. MiSS Jull'i Ial.uni. Mrs. Buasell Mcbblna, M ?? Far j'l f| 'fgwlth, Mr?. Ouatavt) IHfiilinmr. t. If. Sturgls, C. f-elii-rin'rhorn, ,\,i Mr-. v Mrs. Krinrla B hroedcr. Dr. Mirla Vi.itou. Mra ("* ci'f n Wntts, Mrs. Thomns W. u?rd. Mr-. Charlca K WhBebeaa, Mi-s Kll/sbcth H Wlsntr, Mra. L. 1'owler W.ils, Mrs. J. K. ZlinBieru^ui. Mrs. 11. Andr^v-. Mrs. C. L. AttTbcrr, ,Mr?. Kdward liavaM. >!rs. <> .r?e .v:. ltiw'loin, MI-"? Jul'a ('co;. r. Mr*. Hearv de Coppet' Ml?? Mar'a P.o.v.n Chapin. Mr?. Ttieodor- I.. Do Viune. Mra. J. O. pBMW Mra. J- J. 1t!"5'iy" Mra. Rlcbard Hei.derion, Mrs. Perclval Kaauto s . u.,n Whe br Ketth, Mr<. llebcr BewtaB, Mlv s V Mlnfon. Mr^.. w. H. Merrtll l>r Aiice* Ravnwnd. M ??- s. M. Van Aicrlnoe, ?! . i s;?rl n,..Ml.c d: VSry Mra. J. M. Whecb-r. ....- W. K. W..rUcn. Mrs. T.urlc.H Turkeneaa. It was inroiT'c.tly dechtred yeaterdap In r? p?l>er whieh oppotea Ihe Leagne that this movement was eonfined to Ihe ladies of St. George'a Prrdeatonl F.pis rhnrrh. itoch, boweser, is nai Ihe cice. Allhcugb n nimibcr of hdles nmneeted wltli tliat churrh nre Interestod in tlie movratant. it Is by m Bieana rontiMB to or any other one ChBKh or (IcnotnlnaUoii. EVERY O^F-S DUTY TO RE6ISTEB ONLY TWO DAT8 L.F.FT AN'D TAMMAVT IS FAIRLY AWAKE TO ITS DAKliER. Friday and Saturday of this wceh are the last two dayi on whieh those intending to vote can have their iiajncs registered. On the rcgisti-ation of Uicsc two days depend.-. Uie result of tho cominp election. It will mean eiiher a contlnuatlon of Tammany mlsrnle nnd OOrrnptlOfl or the good govcrnment of a ticlcet made up of well?hnown nien, who can bo trustod to apply bnatoeas principles and experience to the raan agenient of the local govcrnment. The reglnratlon of tho two previous diys has been against Taniniauy. and sliould the election tal;e placo to-day there ls llttie doubt in the mlnda of many that a ronsing majority agaiust Tainni.iny would bc |;iven. Hut the Tamman> le:iders ln the b.wer wards have been calk-d to aciount by thelr ehief ar.d strenaoni efforts are belng made to get out a bic Tammany ragUtratlon. To dr. this a rcsort hss been made to cotonlsatton, and in several (UsirictA Tammany piots to ni) up todglng bouaes with trampj have been dl.-covcred. These are notably ln the ivth. Vth, Vllth and xvith Aaserobly Districta. Kffort- will b? made to break up these Tammany achemea and t.'ic arrcat of Uiosc who reglstor Ulegally wlU follnw. liut tliis alone will not prevent the Tammany " heel ers" from erowding upon the reglstry lists tbe rumes of bandreds aud perbapa thonauda of tramps, whoso vob-s wlll eount agaln-t those of men who are fegally entitlcd to voie. Kvery voter wbo is in aympalhy wlth po<d povern rnciit should soe io i. before going tn wora to-morrow mornlng fhit his name has been property rerorded on iiie rrgbtry llsts. only by {ottlng out a blg vote can Taininany Hall be defeated. RIGHTS OF INDKFENDENT DAKDIDATE91 TUE BUiCGLIXG FLATLAXDB IiKMiull ATS -KINGS fOL'NTY PBOBIBITlOBIBTiS. Judge narllttt handed down a derision in the 5u prenic Court In liroolilyn yesterday granllng a p I'tnplory Wfll of maudanius to conpel the t'.oiinty Clerk to pnnt on th- ballot b(?rlii^' Ihe nuiii- >4 Btohard Pfagto, the Indepcmleut ramiid.'.tc tor Kuper visor In the aecond Wnr-i, the nuaeg .Mr. \ngle dc sirxs piarcl thett of other randldgUki nofntnated ??? - rordlng to hw, JMge Bartlrtl deetorea that thla is ckarlj Uie InlMthM td the Leglalatarl us. eapifssed in tlie statute. The declsiou is of totereet to all tode pe.udent eandldatea TK- Prohlblti ?n party In Klnga Tounty hss falled to rilu its certiflQBtee of aanuMttona as a ragalar [>artv und hus only untll 4 o'chx-l; p. m. to-duy |o blc tbe Mumes ot (iindidates as liidepeiident BOaUaattone. Tho KlstlMtids Dcnn crats liavc baagtod u^ain In trying to comply with Uie law. FtrM they Bled thelr rertlflrato of nomlnatlona with t)..- Tnwa clerk, iu atead of the ("nuuty (i"ik, uud KOt lt t.> Uiu oli e of tho latter t< o lat" t> have it UbaL Then they pre pared a .ci ni. r.c ?ith ino algnatnrcs, bnt whau i; " ?ub wa< rcady for flUng lawycr to wlu.u. it *\f sub Itled fotind the aignera bad not iiia<j" afedav.t ii ,...d.ii.- io lu(. ai.d n i.ew eertlBrate win i.uve u? b<: ? ,g;..-il to day. Mbhacl J- ^tunlev liar been noinlnuled as an Indc pend.-nt Labor randldato for Aassmbfy In Ihe Vllltli iBatrirl ol Klugs UoUBty. Ue llva-, ln (ireenpolnt AS<AIT.TIN'i ANT1TAMMANY SPF.AKKItS. It freipieutly has leM. stiid thut Ihe poUre of thls City were Wlth Tainn.uny Hall uud v.oiild do all ln thelr power to etorl the Tiinmiany Ueket. That inlght do thls (pilctly and by thdr votea alone U.e liadasa who are oppnaed to Ta.nn.any eipecMd, but they did not thtoh Umt li.dividuul Boltoeaaaa wnuld parmll Tumiuuny rulllau. to tottrtota wlth public meetlnga and stop iliein. Thls Micy Uld. howover, with the Irarka whlrh went out from tha Paople'a Mnnlrlpal League bcadqaartcra with apcahers on Taeaday nigl.t. Wheievar tbe iruck* 1 went they y.nn faltoWSd by a niob of howllug rulliitib ! lu whkh the Taininany berlera wer>- p/edominaat | From behtod aserated raUread poata the Thmmany men j tbrew brlrha aud etoties Bt the hi^wl.oi-* lii the t.uclw '? and arged you.ig rnfMBi to rgi tbe b.inie-t-. Evrrj llnie the poUre were lalld upon to ptetarl llie apeakera : they langhad at them aud ln acvaral luaUspaos ordered ; tne drivei* of Uie tnuk.s to dihe BWay. Tbe apeahers Tbe Way lladr ( Irar. One ol !'.<? moji aartoaa obsuciew u. aacceaj tn tbo uay of nuiii ls laaated rlabt m tl.o iniddbi <>l Ihe mad to braltb. How tn is so.rc nnd ...alnuili. s r'liular hablt of hndv ai.d dlgeathai la lea ofum s aaana ol ueedicss ai.d. BBMBBtty, of van. taajBlIT lt i? ue1 n >s,r? to Invviah atfBlnal diaatlc purgatlvea. ' who ba\o uar4 then. ronlijiH ouilv know tbo conaequenre. A rcuedy ?vhh uattos ttit actluu of a rMUlaUnv medbUia far Uie bowrta wlth thut of a toslc Iwtk Ur tboae ornana. tu? llvcr aud tne atomach. la Hoktettcr's btumt.ii Bltlera. a?>cUon*d by tha aasl uedlcal autlioniy. and t... r>l..? dailv Uio lodoraauteot of onr frllow rouiitryinri. Wlth thk rlfectual. Utnucb BaMto, laxstlve aa hand. It la poaalbls m d.-fv Uasaa rhaftswa of ten.peratuie produethc of ronatliiaUou, aa well aa ron atitutlonai attaeka of blllouaaaaa. whlch beaet ?\im ueoule naiuraily keatgiy. Malsrkt. dyapepaU, rhflumatlam and kldnar tronhlM ars remedled and uravauiad br taa nttUta. -?? MB. COWIB'8 EFFOBT8 POB JCCT1CE. Henry i- Sp1***06 aecured an order from Judge tneraham ln ??<> 8uprerae rourt. Cbambcri. yesier i yisMitiring county flerk Scully lo show raose t 2-30 this af'ernoon why he shoaM not substltute rhe'ccrtlflcate <* luf>tt A Cowle ln place of that f Frederlck 8- 01,)D* ** iUt r**nJar BcpublJcao cau didato for Aasemblyman from the Xlllth Dtetrict, aod WOy ho ikould not eertlfy to Uie PoUce Comro|s that Mr. Cowla was the Bepabgcau caodidato forthe oMce meaUoned.* Mr. Cawle haa zL s-nended eoUrely upon the conrts to remedy the iTTt1 aot af thc County Clerk, taU he has ? , -nnthcr eertltJeate as ao indefendeat nemlneo of aSr ntgolar Bepubllcan People's League. Oooso .onrtr'if he ls not auceetaful ln thc courts, ho wlU stm be * indrpendetit caudldate. 4 B0pQB~ OAMB 0> FOOTBALl. UNIVBB61XT OP PENNBTLVAJTIA ME* ?KAT COLUMBIA 18 TO 0. The footbsJl match betwcen Columbla Collcge and the ITnireralty of Pennsylvanla te*m*. wb*:h tooU pkwo vesterday afternocn at Brotherhood Park. resuUed In a eomDlotc vlctory for PenDsylvanJa, the score bclng 18 to 0 The Columbla tcara was weakencd scrlously by thc ,o? of faneway and a couple of oihrr, and they feel conttdent ?nat w|th these men t*cy could hold thelr rivsis down to a much lpwer score. for the Pennsylvanlana Ganip pUyed a phenomeaal game, doing nearly aJi the briUUot nipplng Xor hls slde aod scorlag three ont of tbdr four topchdjwna. Columbla had the b*41 at the beginnin? of the first nalf and the' teams tondhfj flercely, measwring tbeir strength at centre-rush nnd dotug Utlle out"kle pkty. The vlsitora showed a llttle bettor team work at the atort and pushed through the Colnmblaa wlU) the " V trlck at every attcmpt. Pennaylvanla has a rcpuuVion lor Dlaylog rathcr roughly, aod aome of thelr men nlaved s nasty game from the atart. boldlug, tripplng wd shigglng. aud. to the dlagust of the spectators. mostly college studeuU, who wcrc aurprised that no _?? hi ?miallilfld It waa hard to dotcrn.lne whlch cTifb W8C thCSm * thc Old of the grst hall. for .'f PeiinsylvanU throughout wm pronoi.nced. th. ugh lt rtid not reauB sertousljr to the team, ss H ww no tahen vivanlamuef by Columbla. A dlspufe ln thls hall advantagc oi "J refcrecs, Mr. Casemont. bf PrlB.rtou, r^kStVeT^of^r Ely. of ? Manhatlcn Athlctlc ^Tho sccond half was startcd by with Ul0TlV- movemetit. and they sccmed to play nejah cethcr dlffercr.t game. cnlnlng klwcat ***?**?? IrSTrarrvlng thc b*l\ ecrcM thc llne twbe ln a few mlnut'" Camp and Cliurrh esrh scorlng lotirhdowiis. Ti 2 cohimblB* gol mad and began to refurn the rmigh n\v of the vlMtnrs ln thc laat qnnrter hour. and unialr otv was tndu gcd ln 00 both llTee, bnt the m* waa klckCfItoi l-ennsylvanla. maklng tho score ld to 0. -* LAFAYETTE gOORaW ON PUINCRTON. Princcton, N. J., Oct. 22 (spcclal).-The game with lifayette thls afternoon was a p.?or exhlbltlon of f'ootbaJl. The scirc was 26 to 8 in I'rlncctons lavor. Thc Prlnceton team was grcatly trippled bf thc loss Of Coptaln Poo, who wlU bc-pivvcnted frcm playing for a few days on acrount cf a spalned knee. and r-plcer. the Mfl halfback. is al*o nnahlc t<> ptoy. Honncr toOh Poe's place as ..uartcr-bark. and Btort nried 88 eoptnin. Prlnceton aUrtcd olf with the \ ?,ay and eeon carrled tho bafl to tl.c flfeen-yard l'ne. whcre it weut to Lafayctte on four Uowns. 1 nucLto.i recovcred thc ball on four downs, and Klng made ,he first tou.hdown ln three RslnshM tV 8 ruu rr-und the cud No roal. Prlnceton agata maheg thc hrril down the fleld. apd KJj.g u.ade a sccond tonetdtrwn, from whlch Homans klcked a goal. Klttg left the iietd. nnd Cnrmn toofc hls ptoe* Kdther >iie score-i ln the rest of the 8rst half. la thc sccond kalf Lalarettc startcd off with a rath, and succocded ln SrS ?l- '??? ? I'''1",ell'n'k ^^"J "? W,'CU Mar.1. got through at, npenlng nnd made anJUIM perted towhftown. from which a goal was klcked. thc fmal score 20 to o. WHAT ATHLETES AHE DOIKO. The E.xccutlvo Committee of the MefropollUn Pla trlct Crkhet Lcsgue has dcclded 'upon thc form for th;, trcphf to be pre^entci to the Manhattans. tt w 1 be a silk pennai.t. thc dctails of which WBI bc worked ont snhe?nently. lt has been NactoW to present this. with thc other pmes. at an cntertaln ment to be glven ne.xt month, whlch will close the last ehaptcr ln the IcagaaVa mo^t successful acasorn \ spe-lal committee of rcpresenUUvcs from oacl. club win mcct on Tuceday evcnlw to completc aU arnuigc nento for the ontertalnmont. The annual general mceting will tako place at the Aator Housc on the first Mocday to November. when appUcatlons for memberahlp will bc rceelvcd and acted upon. The bowllng season ls now in toli swlng. and the tn.nnlers of tl.e woodcn sphcre arc all gettlng Into shape for the p:eat toumanicnts of the se**on. Bowllng appc*rs to glOW more popular In New-York each year. Many women's ctaha have been ergenired. and ln the uppcr paJt of the cltv, on the Weet Stde, where there :usi iCTCraJ pnvate Blkge, the game ls cxtrcn.cly toahtonahto and popnlar. At t'e Knlckerbocker Hotd. in One-hundred-and tUirty cishtli-st.. acceml Improvcmcnts have t^ke.n place Iu the bowllng alleys, tlie mcct notewoithy belng the loug nceded for The L'boeutx Bowllng Club roii thelr gamts hcre, and they are b. be coiigratulatcd on thelr eomforUbie head ?inartrrc Thc Voluntccr P,owllntr Club ha> electcd tlie follow in2 ofgrers; MnrUp Maar, preeldent; Jamcs Polan, rtoe-pre*ident; charles Yungman, sccretnry; CharhH Kornc trenanrer; A. c. Hennann, Onanclal sccretary; H. Hclioonmaker. iccordlng secretary. Thc Voluutccr will bowl at No. 1U0 Wcjt Fourteeiitli-st. ihc Brooklyn elnbs espeet to make great records during tho seascn, atid. from thc gaincvs alrcady rellwl, largc acorcs appear to bo thc order of too day. Tho Bowllng Club has elceted the followiDit oMccrs : rr'sM'ut. Nathan loncs: vircpreaident, Felix Levy; fcrn'taxy, C. Trltschler; ti-easurcr, (i. Wilntr; captain, k;harlca Harka; riec-captolu, Uonjajuin DeiUer. Thc City Cnlvcrsity football t"uu. will play the team ul tiie New-York Athlctlc Club to day. Tho unlverslty team will llne up ln this war : fcmith, i<-ft cud rnsher: i.ailawa^, left taeklcr: .salius, left guaiti: Logan, ecntreru-h; Van Blpcr, rlght guai-d: Kclhy, ngkA tackler: MattaUcn, right-end rushcr, MilUid, auarfcr back: Evans, left hairback; Adaiua, rigut halfback; Voun;; icHptaln). full baek. Al. InU-i la. ro-?c l.iatrh will takc plli J this aftcjrnoon betwcen Ihc Brooklyne and a elcked tcara of Montrcal players. The match wlil tako place at Esat ?:?!. Paik, l.'rooalyn, sjuI prnnilsva to be an ci'iilng guma. Thc toltowtogplarera will reprcsent Brooobiyn : .'aines O'Brton, gosil; J. Uonncit, poiat; .1. lt. Flannery, civcr yolnt: C. H. Bckcrtc. brttt d'\fon.i<; L. J. Ooyle, rr.uid defcurc; John O'Bricn, thliil defenoe; F. II. Iiot.t. tcJitre; II. J. llaon. 0ra| attack; W. 0. Anderson, ,c. 'ad attack; E. M- Usu. tluid attack; A. Uurns. ouUlde home; C. A. Ki.ali, inalde homc. P0| A OPKAT IXfXKlB 4THLBTIC MEFTINfl The big Jolut athlctlc mctliig to N liehl by tho Wnghattan Athlctlc Chtb aud |he .?'alforl Har.iers at Madlaoti b(|tiare (>ardcn on Kilurduy, Noveinber 1, at rt p. m., proinlscs to bc ono of thc rho^t l.rtlkotit ln docf aniutoi|r a'hlcUr niectlngs eve,- hcld in the I'nlte/I ? itCgca. TfJghcM for bnca aud aeats are now ou aalo ,.t No. 524. Flfth ove., and Ifccae who erlsh to procuio boacs or ?eaU wlU have to opply al once, ss they are bclng aold rupldly. huthcr II. Csrey, Prliiectoii College and Maiihattau Hhletl' Club, Uolder of tho wniUJ's rc.ord for 11 1 2 eeond, for the looysrl tuu, wlU ecajfcto at Ihls mceting, as will T. P. ConnctT, M. A. C, Aui'.ican uud ,'anudluti elisu.p.ui. aud g.catcat dlsta... n n.i.ucr HOW ui ihc eiii.lei- pith: A. P. tieorge, M, A. C, AaseitCaa ;iuU . iiiadiau tha.iiplou one u.ile ruuiier: A. F. Gofc, liuid, M. A. c., hoJdcr uf the world> rcc.ird f r the runntog IruA Jump, aud the Aagarfcng clmmplon; ?Frod-' Weatlng, M. A. ('., fJic 220-yanl rhiunplpii ru:| nei- of; 11. L Psluiun, M. A. C, chaippioti liaif mllo ruiiuiT of tlie Uidhd Miu>; C. I.. Nlcoll, M. A. C., a?d E- P- twigc, If. A. C, the welMiMown .radkCfCi &? w- ^ar.y, s.lfonl Harrlcr*. Ilw cUaiupiou I'.ngllsh rtn.ncr; W. II. f'"itcn, S. H.. qluui.plo.i Uiig II.h ranner and boldec ol u 3 vorld'- rec rl for twetve m'lr*; N- U- Moegan, 8, ||? ehajaiplcn lou ) ud runner uf' Englnnd: T- L- Nlrhalaa, 8. II.. thami.ioii 41 ' yir?l ,iii ii' r of Englaal: <?. I|. VJonia, s. II.. I.WOyard eiuiuplon, anu a bost of oti'-V iihted athletes. It will be the 11:--t of thc ealfoid llar riets t'am of rhamplcna |n New Yort City. They have ..impct'vt kt |he f'ai.'.dlai. ehamplonahlaja, IVtrjlt, Chi i a-". Iurtalo, llestou, and \v\l\ cjmpotc at PluUdclpiiia ,?, ?aiur?lay. _ _ rtio vossortu HtrsK i.v 4 coiusioy. imvd Noad. maater nf the stcam cttialhoai Aupist [iciii.i;c-t. haa aout a report ui the (lnlted ttut ? Loral Inspeetcrc of htc^im Vessels about the c.iUlilon l^e (WCC8 h|s bcet and UiQ atcaincr THlie, whlch occirrcd nn Tucsday ulght Jn Loug Sound betwcen the Kxecutlnn aud Stcppiug Stones lightt. Tho capktlu f1iya that the pllot of hla vc?tel aaw the Tlllie ap proaehlng apd hoord her blow one whl-tle. whlch he aiiswercd. "The ateamar approaehed bead on." the report goep <m. 'aud when <i"*e to ua he |are ua another one whlatle, and I answered that. Ho Im mediately -tecred rlght aeroaa our bow, and although I stoPPcd aod baeked ray boat at onec, the TtlUe ran ilaht acrnaa our bow, alnaing botk our boaaorU, whlch were 'llght. No oue waa lost. Our boat waa sorne what damaged aUo by tha coUlai -.. FOltjy ADIROVHACKHTATB fAHK. LVJMBER ME!f 01V1IC0 THEIR VIEWS BEFORE TUE FOIUQbT COMMIS810X. A mecUng of tho Forest CoramKslnn of the Stato of New-York was held at the law offlce of KnevaJs ? Perry No. 33 Xaasau-st. at 11 cVrtork yeatardey- ***? eral lionrs were apent by Coramlssloner, Therrfore B. Hasselln, Sherman W. Knevals ?****??? Co* to llstaDlng to snggesUons ln rivard to Uie beat uiethod watera of tbe rlvcrs havtof thelr wo, kj the Ad irondaek wllderae-s. Bepresaatotlvos of several tnaa enga?ed In lumberlng thera were prosent. An ln forwal discusston toak piace a* to tha slae of the pro Idimudwk distriet, cMtalnlug upward of 8j0O0JX)0 acres. other, thought that I/DQO/30J bcbbj WouWU. enough tor the perk. There waa a discussion regard tailhB heet way ior the atota to aenaire utto ta the ZfiSSmH purcuaae or b, tbertg.d of Wtoent domata. tothis connecUou tho qneaUea um ta to wuat ahonU be doM wg? Bwta- ?*?** Ng ?' elnba. aocleuas and hoteis to th. frnnrn ef ._???? . Ex-CoDgresMnan F. A. Johnson, A. O. Thnraton, MTX-Baenron, of tne BMaBBBa bBBtaM OaaagMF. afd of Glens Falls, spohe ln fuvor of a plan by whlch too Stato rnght aequlre the rigbt to Uuiea upw whlch exneas ve bawibI ls have ?een ow? r arc s: wga. ??-g sa ys and liernloelt of a certBIB siac m* w ana nemiirs.* ?? ? ?bout flve years. leavtng present owners for a space of ?MUlB ? ' L. " the bordwood and young treea Bf?ll*Bf?1 J? ZrS B. HMderao... oi St. Louls. Mo who own. rJamTand a trart of wtld land at Bacquetto Lahe. ad S S fJSuL acqulsltoon of land fttBI dgBggf, gSS IM.'ST Pnvuege ol cuUln, off |he spruca timber before thelr Propertyp?a?d ftv*to f?r5t p? was rether severo on tbe ????., ?fn5 thett of some ot acn-ea-and was ln favor BTjKMi*ing t thelr l?^lWfelaK'&gr& State park, whlch be would make llke *ne "" u Invltafiou to fJve thelr views gOABO OF WBC0MO9 MEETISa. The mceting of th. Board of Edurat.on yesterday was uausually llvely. The greatar part oi Ul? J? ShTwM toJtaa uP w?i, diaeaeato. *J? bwdgaa for 1S001.1. Bf a unanlmous ^"^'^ doclded after eonsldemble debato k> ?* ?JJ B^ of Batlmate ??d Apportlonment for ^tfl'4J4' * i, BBB7JM7 more than the appropriatlon of last year. Tbe^geat items in the appropitol.on jrf: J-aJja of tcucl.ers, #3a?9A,000; salarles of Jaaltor, ?lBO.Ow*. "ll of tatcbers and janlter. in Uie^hooU. eiTii.700; salaries U ofticers and ciarhe. tdBffO. si.lares of sup. I-Ir.fendenta and cltv ?uperlntendentt. SS; aalarica of tn.?? Bgenta. BIBJJOO; support o| Nnutical gehMl. HfTrWP; suppucs boohs. -M**^ BUNMNK); rents of school property aud erecuoniflj teuipoiary school bulldlngs, aVs5,0B0: fujlj^or MhMta aad hall of lioard ol BAscattoB, il05.000. JM BM other uethoae of llgMlag tor all the schoola aud tht hall of the Imard Ol Educatlon, *-'1'(H^!'nim)ttiy, con. After ....? adoptlon Of the repent a c0";m)1|tir5fl^L. .IsttoTol the pLident of shelBiBt* and ?fiff* BM of tbe Kinai.ce V,JI,inWm?t? aiid \pportlon preaent lt to me lioard of to?*t*J%?vfSSvfiL ment V commuri cut on wa> i^felted rrom nup ?" endent JMpe? taWiig for tl.e ?PP-';l?r'^u gaugffl to be tiscd lu Invt-tlgalJni IhC nieinod, of lnausuw sclence ln the Dger evenlug hlgh school. .-?? ARRJVIXG AXD DBTAMTIXQ TRAVELLBSS. Aniong tlie pasaengers a/rlving on the steara'hlp Majartte. of tM WhUe Har Llne. yesterday. aera lleu.y Applcton, Majof Jam-s Csrapbell. Dav d Dun caa Dr. K. t. Hasell. K. A. McCurdy. Eugene Htggtos. Ul,hop IU.rst, CMBt IJHtoka Toda and famlly, Isidor A. b. Twombles snd John U. Mackay. Coant Toda has been for some years Japanese Minlater to Austria, and is on hia way bome. He wlll be tue qucst of the Jupanese fonsul. whl'.e in this city. Atnong tho pirsengers sallln? for Iiremen on th* Barth Oerman Lloyd steimship Travc yesterday were Captaln H. BBBinget, the Rcv. J. K. Knudaon. Dr. CHrl Boumgcr, the Bev. Dr. C C. Tlfranv and M. Moncreiffe. On tlie H'.-d Star steamer Noordlaml, for \ntwe:p, were S. D. Msrlatt, R. Camlnston. Uie Rcv. A. Maliegewskl and H. C. Bennlng. on Uie Whlte Star steamer BTunnie. for Liverpool, weie Captaln W R W. navawl I'utUng. J- II. TitUton Ceo.l Hartley. Di-. E. KaUsUnecht. F. Victor W. Oaborn. Cap-aln J. B. Tliomp=on. W J- rarruthers Wata andi Anti-ony Waltera. The Inman ateamer C ty of ncrlln had ani->ng ber passeug-rs the Re?. Manlo-. Bovd the Rev. Thomas Praren. the Rev. Dr. Norrriau Fr?aar tlie Rev. K A. Morjlcl.lan, John lewfort l.ane W. I. AneBlnctoM. the Rev. C. Ralph Evnns and E. J. Stannard. m-~ TBE UrVMSTIQATrOX OMKATU T>ESrRSD. A weak attempt was made yesterday by Demo erats to show tliat the Republican offlceholders of this city are maklng a. concerted effort to subvert the Clvil sorvlre law for parti-ci'i purposes. Thla charge was made ln counection with the controversy ln Uie Examlniug Hoard of the Cuetom HOMB, and the clalm was BUkde tliat Ciptaln Wil'.iam E. Peirce, of the Board. and I-'nitcd Statea Clall servlce Commlssiontrs Lymau and Thompson liad checkmated tho con-t splraey. whetenpon a arheme wao set on foot ti> thcni from otbee. Tho bottoin of thls attack fa-Us out when two faets an> presented. It was Ap praiser Cooper who reqaested Thoodore Roobevelt to laveaUgate the atfaJr. ard not Captain Ptoree. Meesi^. Hlrd.-all. Kyder aml Waldeti. Who resiRiied from the Loard, are not meinbers of the sanie DOUtteaJ paxt.v. Mr. Birdsall and Mr. Ryder aix: BepnbUoana, ajid Mr. Walden is a Demoerat. It was aUo rharged that the spedai qaeationa wer<? Impruper. Bnt the fact reauslna thai tire?e (piestioiis ware acccpted by tue l.oai-d ..f Examlucra, aud linaily indie-sed by the Hoard a* Washlngton. There ls a ronsplracy, wid no one wants it uncovered any qntrfeer than Apptoiser (ia<per. beeause be lia.s not get beeai able to get any mor" examlnera, and bu?lnea> u bUU blocked at Uie Appralaer'a ?t?rCs ln conscemente. XOT TBE 80RT OF AS EMQAOBMBUT HE MMAMT. A Wall istrcet man said ytsterclay that on tbe prartons evenlnir he had calle<l on hia nestrdoor BBtfhbara, an elierly roupto, who had Just returned ft-om titfs eountry. Tlie only scrvynt they lusd al the um" was a IHUe rtrl ;'.bout thiitocn years old. who ivspiuidisd to the rinic of tbe bell. ?Are Mr. and Mi>. (lieen it Boaaet" was asked ?fea." " Are they engnited >" Th" flr' loolojd honitled as ahe nnswere.1: ?Why. they urx- inarrled.'* Talking of patent medicines ?you know the old prejudice. And the doctors?some of them are between you and us. They would like you to think that what's cured thousands won't cure you. You'd be lieve in patent medicines if they didn't profess to curc everything ? and so, between the experiments of doctors, and the experiments of patent medicines that are sold only beeause there's money in the ? stuff," you lose faith in every thing. And, you can't always tcll the prescription that cures by what you read in the papers. So, perhaps, there's no better wav to sell a remedy, than to tell the truth about it, and take the risk of its doing just what it professea to do. That's what the Worlds . Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y., does with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Prescription, Pleasant Pellets, and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If they don't do what their makers say they'U do ? you get your money back. DANGEROUS USE OF STRONG FUROATIVES. Most pllls and astrta'lvM which a? t qulekly ujwn ths bow.-l* irritatc arxl <! -ir .y u. ? BMSSSM coats <>f o- > stomach aud boweU. Ind <4. thelr cathartlc ls dtreetly eauaed br Uie Irr.tatlnn of th? bowela, whlch they producc I..iir acfcoo , be aoothiog aad atimulsjlng Inattad of Irrltallng. A eonilniied use of auch r-n, ?:..-< produces (hionte tn<aano?tloa of the stontaeh sod TfSls ofteu eiids !n % Csi.g. rous dla^aa^. Tii* ua.. of in> s -nulne txniiort d CarNbtMl gyasssW rsait Is lilgh y ?eseat. 1: cV.cj as a.) aporout. laigtjs* ai.d dUuetic. b aacH iu actlon la due solely u> lt. solvnt snd atiruulatlag pfotyr. tles It soothea and sllays inffarnination, and ls Uurafon much preferable to all atrong purgatlves. Bcw?re of lm:teton?. Or. Tohoie.t'a leeture on Csrla bad Salt aad pamphleta malled free. Eianer 8 Mcnahjasa Co.. au- a?ent?, g gaw ay-st, Kcw.Yeek. Kopecially elegant and attractive U our p.lRLOK KRVrnUE this season, we having made ?np an unu sual assortment tliat a large stock niight ftvoid the increased dutie*. An early aeiection is advised as it will be impossible to replace many of the finest coverings exceptiag at greatljr increased cost. 6E0.C.FLINTC0, Fiirniture Makers, 104, 106,108 West 14th Stt FACIAL BLEMISHES, thi Ergast EataWlahSaat lo Um WcnsHC the m-atment of Ha.r aod Pealp, K-rema, Molea, Warta, 8up?mi.ou* Ha.r, Blrhc:arks, illOth, Frackles, Ur1ii?U?. B/ I >oa?.K. i V?ln o.I/m.i. in..- l'iuipicaBiatkMad*. Barirr't Iict, &<.ara, rntio.ja.VGwdtr Markt, FscialDe fSaoaaai au Sudi. n Ch{tk?. ete. Ccosultatlca fr?? at offlce cr M lett^r. 1?* ps#e book on all v__^- aliln and s.?!p adertlnosao'l thetr rr?-atment <?ol t**l*4 to aay addroae for jocta. , JoHX H.WOOMIirilT, ParmmolVyfl, l%& Wct 43d 8t.. New Vrh nty i WOOnHTTatT'C FACIAT, COAP forthe 8hln and I | *)?-Ul?. ?l X>rw/?7l?t? or tg 1.1.1, /".4? rgu. ? [ PURE ICE. PURE ICE. BE8T IN THE WORLD. Manufactured br Ihe New-Tork Ice Co? st Wt.lte Slai Factniv, lll to S18 East leth-st. Re. ou rnend.-d by Natluiial Ho-ird <T Health and eir.lnent pkyMClaaa of Iht Ity. Order lt from your lce man or from th. fa-uiry. NNE. RrPPIBT WAY* 'BEAUTY CAN BE ACQL'IRED AS WKLL AS nDRX ? A faultles* couiplexlou .o\wrs a uiulutjdc of athCf P8jf defect*. Bv th' u?o of Mine. A. Blippert ? ?ur^ rcnowued Pace Bluah. you can a. curc thls. lfo?a ics. iTutic. Does uot eover up but leaaovea entireiy tr.i bl?n,Uh. Vour compl-xlon th-> aan.e ln t^a o.orM.ns <?. *tMnt aa nlght ou retirlni-elways the ?*oi?, ttLur.ess. S.-ud tt. po.Ugo fot cooipiste ezplsnaUu. M.MB. A. KIPPEBT, 8 EA8T 14TH-ST.. Nt*-YORIC. THE COCRTS. THE CASE SHOULD BE TH1ED IN yRW-.T7.RoEY. Judge Laeombe, in the Cnited fitatcs Ctrcnit I'.urt, yesterday va.ated tlie stay g^nted ln the 8888 uf tha Atlantic Dreriging company aga.nst the Dergca Serk Company, on the ground that the case should be tned in a N-.wJersey cwrt. The eoigtotocl allete-l that the value of lts yards in bayonnc, N. J.. WCC lmpaired by the closlng up by the ttofcndaat of a uavigable chanael which ia coiuiecied WMk Nav^-iara B?y. , THE UNITED 6TATES SUPBEME COCRT. Washlngton, oct. 2S.-in the Supre,me Cnwt ef ths Cnltcd btates to-day the followiDg buaineas was 18888. aoted: ? . No. 1,203-The city of New-Orleans. appellaat, agt. William Wallace Whltney, adm.pistiator. ?^ Vo. 1,3i:o-William Wallace Whltney. admluisfrator. ete". appeUant. agt. tlie city of New-urleaua. Mouoo to advanco subniltted. No 1.2S0-Jlm Leeper, et al, plalntifTs In error. agt the -tate of Texas. Siotion to advauce sui.m.tted. No 1 2"4- Henry U. MetTOW, tru ,ue. et BL *P pellatit.'agt. the Cumberlanl Telcphone Tele^ph compimy. Motion to sdvanee subniltted. No 30-The New-Engluud Mortguge seourlty 08BV panv. appellaut. a?t. J. P. lifoves. wjerlff. Ctg.. Ct 8L Apneal froni the Court of the Inlfcd Sc?tes fn- Uie Dlstrict of OfCfCB. /Jiimi^ed wi.h tO.-ta ^Tl\%^T^&^i al. appellanu. agt. ^ratWcawta^fMne* Yards Companv, ,p. pcllant agt Charlee w. Ketth, et aL ete. ^?j"f> No. fgWohn ilaidlng. plalntiff ln error, agt. W. M. ^faT-TIie^ Company, appeUant att thc wIDtoMMttk Unen Company, et ai- Ar^umsnt ''^v'i'/ourn-d untll to-morrow at UO-rlJ* The aay rall w-11 bc as loltcwf ? Nos. 31.. ?I. 35. 3o. od. 40. 41 (?aa 100 and fMCh 42, 43 and 45. C K'.E.S ARCT-ED IN THE COURT OF APPEALS. Afhany. <>ct. 'J2.-T1* foflowtog egseg were argned toduy in the Cotvt of Afpcalc Thc Nurthanipion NaU-mal Baiik. Ptoinilff aad mpoudent; agt! w. OIU ?>"". *V****. ^"- de" teU?Z\u& Naffilal'il-th of Elnftoto. nwpondeut, agt ? ..-.iv'aniu J. Utwuiher and other*, appCUunU. 1 uSa a Kajitpina-. pMlntig and apictkaat, agt. J.>ka v lloraii dufendam aud rt??poiideul. The i'..-iii?. appirllanu, agt. Ueurgc Dowus. aasgocd '"'ph' dav eatondne for Uiaaotiow u as fMtowai >o?. u jcm ' 474 -147 I'.l 4"ii, 4-1.1 ai.d ?""?. In thc aecctid UtrUwa tc-dng the foiioAixK- ensaj WtTl.e"r':K:Nationul Banfc of MertdM,, agt Peter W. (ialliudct, tvapondent. wiiHaiu H. htetrcti aud others. iwspcndenls. agt. the Thlrd Vattoual Bank of l.uirato. ?Vi*11'";; ,,, The Mayor, ete, of Ncw.\ork. re4J?ttdcuu, a,u Danlcl D. W\l!e, eppellanu r>ubnutte?i. Augasta if. ??-"? ??? HPPjHUni and i?--P"?;'?", ;';?'; thc prUldent, ete.. of ihoOelaware and rtadsoH ? rnal hJiiS^SoVlriS SU, *9, I.W1, M* 14M0, 1,1 IU und 1,040. COt'UT CALENUAK> FoR TU DAY. S,ipreu.c...v..-.. rr.l icrai-bCjIyM'Vaa br,ut, P. J.. ^VfVS^atlicSsSt: ^2?. nrakfgfa J-Mouoo J.. \o,. 834. :ui. b*. !?'-? ??'? 8fp. 88-.<, o.o, IMH iKhi, r&U. bid. wt.. :?>?? ??' ?. J "* ' '.'...'"a.,:,^.. J Ar'^m^'iu', i?5. .888, 188X. lo. ?*?? '>o.. v*T"Vr..U/r. i Jia" -i^'*W8l"wri8^l84*ai8L ^,%1Sp? lii.*:'*!i* 7.if no, :w. 7oi, fUSw .. j... u i CH | ", .1... ..W". -??'. ?*sas "???> hupMi.u t'ouri i r II I'^rt '.'' ;? "r' t'Biasnaw. ? -fB*. tl. Me.leu ?? Mclc... Nu.auc..r. BoV??4 Cg.rt-?.r ?U 'r\ ' V ''.',':.. Hh7 Kis. 1788%. 8184. 18*. 18*. H-4.1, >?*' ''' ,V- .jin H? f^msvaia co.rt ii rora it**^ b w i . n ..? ? lierdl. A. II. MwaMWhlU J*-" ''.,:p*',?,, llenrv ^ I. J i.iii.n. .??*.>??? IkCW >? ^'? -1 a? ^slipcrior'court^i;..!.! T?rm-?Kfore INgt-, J.-M t,J4 -j.l 8C2 Vihi. '??'"1 ?18. 'JW, 014. ro'J- . . ... ^ >.:pVri?r CoLit- tltal UraT-rart li itMsajrneg tof ?kf l,rs'.nc,|.r 0atJ8>-Trt-il Tsins. PjM III-?sf jf? ?v.; r^. j v... i:s.s e|o. Til 813, l.?-7 :.???.. :u! Ild-.f.* N? hin." 188. ?0l 888, Bfl. fcl. 810 bIM 8rt ?*..?? lV:J^A %- Te.m-H.rt, I-gjMj. luir fL* . k..- 18. 'i~?. BTO, :i.-' Jl'i 38-1. 288, .'.> -."? - . ;-' Wmgfhrhag.gno.?>?f '"v wrt iii.i!i .'. i-oMuuon tVa ii.i ri? i;"t i' ?***? ??%zl* f; l ..n..s M 122 ;t0, .* Ii.<. -'*> 15* -,l?-H. n' iKi * CltV (o'.rt- Trlal TVri.,. V?r: I- ll.f-r M,';-", ,-,.' "I?sT islitfi, in>u, lis:'. n?i. i3?5. i34>i fg?t, ui*. '*??? l*?itv'<c'.rt- Trlal Tsassi V.rt II--IkefsW* Olsprlrk, i i ?, ,,n II.-Iiiau agt liiinlriun. Wo ealeaawr. . ciiy c.ert Irlal Tanr Part lll Befm Ven ^y=?. * Nos iWi. Ifol. -lT^. 1888.8838. 3?. _ ...h ,_ Ci-y tuiirt rnal Tcnu-V-.t If-fMfJars BheNiks '?"" Suo. al eal-'iidar .. _ _ . - - - t vr0.i,t ot nSeed sc-ioe, Part I Befers K>?int. ?? anJ Aaakstai.t Attorney ftraawe-Ifes. 1 ? '? ? eluslve. PhadTnea Xea. I to ns |Reli*alve. - CcTrl af 'ecr-'l s.'-l.c- l'ar-1 11-MeaC SinvtH. ?v and AsaJstajit WsulctAttornoy J.<ron.e-No? I 8B.W M,oo'!xt <? ?*':> cai eejMiai ItoM "I ?*"*? 1*** L and DUUlet-AUoruvy Oavlv-Noa. I to 7. aw tluaive._ AX OLO (fBAVEYARD FOg A tt/ATgg HMfJVWft OhleJ Englner Ffeley reportol to the Aqaedutt CoaimlMlon Ttaterduy that he let the coulracl for reniovlag an old praeeyard. to make room h>r lt* new Croton waier is?*ervi.|r at the Tlllraa Rlv*' t-aoiu^l U Hoyt, sn undoiiahcr. offared to IJ8B888? W 100 b?>dlcs Uirro for gl.a^d. lt 8188 tlie lowest 8* and was aeeeplal. No bur.ala have Uhen pl?ca aaew for aiore llian thlrty yeaia.