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THE FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. WHAT THE WORKMEN OF NEWBURG T1IINK OF THE TARIFF. AND WHOM THEY WILL CHOOSE TO REPUESEXT THEM IN COXGRESS-THE RIVAL CAXDI DATE& 1?-rom * BTarr coBBEsroNnsjrr or tM TBiarsaj Nrwburg. lt. Y., Oct. 21.?"Are you alarmed nt ihe Poroocratic netlvity lierenhoutsr"' a lcading Repuhliran WM asked this morning. " Not at all,"' .vas the sentontious renly. " They're doing the tnlking, but we mean la get there." This tersely expresses the attitudo of the Re? publican party in this cloubtful distriet, and any b?dy who hn-s learned to esteem deeda rather tl)an words will argue hopefully from a critical oxarainntion of tbe situation. Tbe XVth <^ngrea Monnl Distriet, in wliioli Ncwburg ia situabed to ahcadj noisilv claimed by tlie Pcmocrats on the itreiigth of the narn.w plurality by whieh Mosea D Stivere was ?*nt to Cougresa at tl.e last elec? tion? " Hold togethcr and we shall rertainy rlect our man." cry ardent dlacialee of H1U and t leve land. and U.e locul warapnaen eanpk wlemn ad jumtions of barmony with patbetic appeala to voters to toke of the.r roato and "work like rixtv" for Henrv ltacon, who BM been to (on gres* before and would like to go there ngairb Workingmen are exhoewd lo opiv.Be tbe nmilt. iniquitv of the McKinley Tarlff bill. Mr. Baoon. thev are WM an suppnrw of Roger Mills. while Clarence Lexow is pledged to tbe principle nf BaataCtton and MffM pnees, and, in order that natural obtusrncss or want of edu cation mav not impair tl.e value of Pcmooratic suffrage, tl.e local rommittoc BM estnblished a sort of evening kinderirarton or political niulit iscliool on tbe lines of tlie rruowned Tammany institution, at whieh the ranU nnd flle nre sed ulotisly instructed in tlie prineiplea of tlie new luiiot law. All tliis bii6tle and demonstrntion have sisrnnlly fitiled to disturb the ci|iianiniitv of "tbe ememy."' A eaenaJ oMtrreF, ladeed, aaighf taJte alarm at the.r apparctit inertia. were the eanvaas in tlie handa of leaa ahrewd and eapahle men. As it is, their fear Mr. Bacon nor the prineiples l,o reprcsents. Newtoirp eontains ncarly a fourth of tlie popnlation of Oronpe Connty, and more tban a fOOFth <-f ita wealth. It is the rentro cf an extenMve river and baek-eountry trade, and j. f;ill of business men, wlio, in tlie nbsence of a sir.^lc local issuc- of importanee. are only too ready to aignify at tlie polls tlieir gratitttdc for Ihe beneflte eenferred! bv tariff on them felves and those they eniploy Thrrr are in New mirg hnree owners largely interested in the ship ping of .?ounlry produec, cizht or ton creumeries whieh gather in fnrnierK' milk. a rotton faotory. an iron shipbuildinp vard. where a steam yncht wns built tor IMon Baaclenvll and the keel of Jamea Oordoa Ihninelt'i Noormahal was laid: I Bteam-engine worka, rniployiug '-'00 or 100 rorhingmFn at proteelion wagea, a luwn-mower 1 etory whieh nends it< nll over tlns eountry and Eiiropo. an artifietal toe-machine worka. a wlre faetory, a mualln blenehery. and a IMP, naper mill. Ex-Mayor Odril, a sterling Repnhlican.. is extenelveiy iBtewted in tl.e icc i?is!ti(-s nnd hsl wlaler tranaported lus handa to Lnke Champlain to make up Ior the fallnre ()f tbo tocal crop, All IheM eatahltohnaents are ?r..sncro..s. tl.eir worknaen reeeiee good wagea ;?d .upport a MvlngB hanh with an nnnaually hrge aawplua: and a d.spositinn to aubvert the |,.n"efkent regime nnder whieh they tl.rive ta ,o raie aa ta prore that the intelhgence of tlie eoaimunity ne?hi b? \-lndieation. -Who Ls Uxow? Wl.enee comes he awl whitber is hc goinsr Mked a faeetious. Denio eratie edit4.r Ihe other day. ?? iic is the Republican eandidate for rongreM ?M." -The JoMrnal" pe.tinently rrpl.ed. Itt ISae from Boekhuid County. and heto **** O-nurea, aa tbe rcpresenUstive - ?*<11-^ an lnlaw of Brandn-th. of plll fa?e: has an ?Mwtaw?u* -?' ^ h:,n0son'?i,,,,isp ^JSTS ilcli svness. withont bis genina: *?"'** J* S^lf nr hi. co?.it,.ency. and B-j?t. IZo friend. ?i everybody by, P?f> -?.--.-.T^iTJSsn: -*f" w;w rr^JumteTGrand Anny Vhi ; .. ?ort Wnvne. Ind.. who W!,s for ihe Vnton wbito Mr. B-.n wns enltivating at nJ ,,s,, |..r rto?nt totonre, hnl wheee natu XtUpniir. were nnt free from a tachBi?al v ?rtUo,M.s there are wha remeinher Mr. } i ,? ? ;, v.heti.en, Republican. and they h t ,.,??,,?;,,, tho prospeot ?'???*?V^! v ?,.,.. .?;rt heneh tetnpted hin. to renoanee \! ;t!i; lltoenergyinthrnatlnghlmaelfonttta ,t;,,nve,1,.ona,a.n,tthewin..f.liol^<land ,? ,,, ,,.:!...,,es. u.oreover. rem.nds thein ofthe .imilaritv Iwtween ll* present aitMtioll mJJJT ..cuii^ltherejeetionof " ?^udoptiTn^nf theVpithrtwnnldaja^^BBlh. ih.- eondilion in whieh " HnnndinB' Baeon Btas ,??, hinatU when the people announce the.r ch'O'e ;it the pollB. . , -W? are going to eleet Mr. l>XOW.M aald the qn?l*d .bovo. " Tl.e Demoerats l.ere t?f?re have aumetiaira ?>^n able to rounl ob dis l^ns an,,,!., us. loit. s,. lar as the Onigre^ man and Assemi-lytnan atc eoneemed, nnc art abaolutely hi.ii.ioiiious." This is Ihe opinton of aneh representative Re nul.licana aa Mr. Rltehto. ?.f "The Newburg Jour puitiii an? .?? . ir rMBBBitteeninn Od*?l "tli i, ,., U i tirabam. The MMkrnn K - ol llighlanda. fonnerly a New l,..lll.-, 1. IHIWW.1'. i ,,,,,? IdlSltl'Ss h,lrfi ^^^r'\:i^ l.soppone,W..,rl.1l P^Sf H^heXIbe7?"Sf eh^hT.eial.Wand '' nnd ci.til. conlidetitlv coiint 'r^e'-'n, o' " ^n nicnt,! sPi..stor> wl.?te ou the sntii.i.e.s o r- i mflodioUB teimr voire. Mr jayloi i- - ?' \.\)lllit. Rooney" aml " In the rendint ?wulion of annws . ^ ,'l;':i!,U"- , UT ? e t . ii"ke a ...ark. and ..,. ],.., ur .an aina bin sP '( Jim. Itoi:,v v"""s. ,,N ,1I,:'" ? ,i r |. ?an, unlortunatoly. ?tnlS i:"ir'lb.n.o,era,i.:,snlo,,,,k,,-,,is. whieh lron, a purtt " w| , , Rfl Pc.,c,v' platforn. Irtoh JJ^-jjJ1 ff'SfM interrato.1 in HndinK out. K*en ^.j, , r^of^lr^^.^^^clLonthencst that Edwaril Mnrph* nnd hiB.Pjj"""1 ^K; will lail t . ln" ??"f? '.'.'""'odell laat lliree daja' rpaistmtimi. aaB? ?'?'4,H,I, V(lt,.1Si ,.,t. -we have rea^atered nearo <. whtoh' la m,.rethan th> totel v?to^eaBMj^l \ vwte is BMnrcd. ?" 7"; ;,' - hoiiae-to lakea, I hav,- peraunalb' auperintomtoil a n hoase eanvaa. of voteia for eampaiia >? ?' tne retiatodiata, and a dav or law before/'r,'" ivin!r prop,* u, .....I aainpie S^VtlnTitoStow a hrief ayaopato of the 1?%**,?%,'ballol " and,ons roncernina ""\,1S ?;, ft ,Hi Sueh efforu nre evicVntly laauw t; l?r <"^ . lae etfe.t, and the l*?*'?** ?'V, "", roT,o for If'they tin.l tl.e.r HJ^J^'IjKT and naacht. Sewbnrg pull* ,'*'w ?" 3 tilf. rate. 4.000 ratem aeeoHlBg to Hf.,J!Wra-?Ofl to Its nomal Republican n.aj?rit\ 1 ??ni - 0(, :<oo, tho,,...!, lt gaee GeBfrn Marrtoo o^ir For a city eaaab>ying ao ajw^toM. "jgfa aiagalarly amall roir&a populotioi1. The P^?T tenden, i< s of 'he workn.en are ahowl? lTFl BCgart that i? tto failnreof '^.^^ ^ Mv road I-, Mpwly b nafne for Ihe new ' - ^ cn built on its aeeonnl at a local ahiwrar ?^ "' Baanimonaly dcided to ehrtoten 1 '>",r ,;.'", "8 cey." Tbe icc tiiael.ine eoaapaoy,Ivthe WJS. had more arder. this year ^J^LfW? the South nnd elsewlier'. 1 "?" wl l ... .? ??. reeentlv enlarged ita (.uartcrs: ^Jy'r^J'u gine rompany is bulMlfB a *?J2g3b ???, ia reported that tbe Saiisbtiry PMJfH'gHE ene,,;r,,ed bv the aUnaalaa &?>*??V?l J5en try by IV MeKinln WH. "^/""'^P1 ??'?Vn,nto" aive UutiOM to H^^"K^Sf^7Sa? Theni 0f Bjanv now liands. ?? ,n/njT?ntlnue tlieir laeu. the Den.ocra.ta projy>ae to ^^00 ^ flght on a tnriff l>aais. fahew gbeaOd bnnt af ao"^ i 4e>tor cajJiBWflJi niaterial tban newapapcr p*i* i , \ graphs vrarning laborrrs' wivrs to look oot for higher charges on plna and necdlea at the dry-gooda sWes. THE SYNOD OF NEW-YOBK. CHARGES BY THE COMMITTEE ON 6YSTEM ATIC BENEFICENCE. THE BODY ACCUSED OF NEGLECTING THE X.EGITTMATE OBJECTS OF GIVINC? PIIRASES IN THE REPORT OB JECTED TO AS VIOLENT Loekport. *. Y.. Oct. 22 (Sperlal).-The hnslncas sesslon of tho New York Presbytcrlan Pynod opened Uils mornlng with a roll-rell. ahowlng nearly two tlilrda of the delcgates presept. Tlie modcrator ap? polnted Hls standlng commlttcea. A gloom waa caat over the bodr bv the nnnouncement that Wateon H. Rallenttne. a tog delepate from Pcottsvllle. N. Y., had been fonnd dead In bed st the house of George Mornn. He had reUred sppsrcntly in pood health and liad pissed away atiddenly. The Rev. Unatog Van geho mhoven. of Buffalo. presented the report of the Commltt* ou systomatlr Beneflr-ence, of whlch hc la ej.alrman. The report In part sald : '?Your committee cannof refraln from exprewlng the rteepest solieitude at the manlfest nnd deplorablc dlsloyalty of thc Synod to tho trrasnrers of the several boards. The rommlttoe sugpe-ts that there la no Christlan vlrtue ln feedlng brggsia, however worthv. when it ls knowlnply donc at tho eost of horeaty ln payinp the pmcer and butehcr. Whon the Presbyterian Church has promptly and cheer fully hept her rontraets with homc and forelcn niKslotiaries, With aged faUiers. "her ilnthHto. arhooM and ollcpes. then she may with plory to herself devotc her surplus to hos pflata, acytoms, city mlsslons, ronntry St.nda.y schocls, ete. Now. lf the Presbyterians of thls Synod do BC* know that they are roomlly culpnblc ("dls lionesr objeeted lo) la the dlsbuisement* of funds to tho abjerta ralled la our nilnntes ntlseeltonecns, when thrisa salaslonaries arc starvlnp and sendlng for old shora and (lothing, they oupht to bo told so ln all wlsdom, tendcrnesa and love." A heticd dis.u--i>Mi tonk plnce. Thc older heads nbjected f> Ihc rwiorl bclng ariopted with auch Vtolenf and ?n-PresbyterlMn-llke tangangc The word "dis loyal" made thc tiphi and Ihe reinarks were bltter and rauKtlr. Thc Rev. l?r. John llall, of New-York, potired oil on thc trotibled watcra. He remarked among other Ihlngs thnt Ihe Idca aow ls to eausgeerate or rarticr to mlsplncc the pi?>d clenient In cntliollelty and to thlnk thnt tl.e work donc in loyalty to a phrtlcular church Is narrawncaa and ronaeqneBtty thc church work ls nrgleried and dlaregardcd. Killian Van Itonseetoer. of New-York. fnvurcd the report a* read. He bellcved it. rallinp a spede ? spude. The rei.ort was rcferred bnck to the committee t<? expunge the objertionable. w'irti di-loyal. A inotion t<? reuuesf the n.anagers of the World's Falr at Chlrago to close the patos on Sun day wa> refcrrcd to Ihe cotnniKtee on bills. A motion to forn. a Ncw-Knphtnd Synod was nipped ln the bud aud voted down before lts urpers could even speak on it. Report* of committee^ took up the rest of to-day's sesslon. The cighth annual meeting of the Woman's SynodicaJ Committee of llome Mtsslooa of the State met at thc Fir?t CotiRreeatlonal Church thls mornlng. The prcsl dent's addicaa by Mrs. (Jallup showed Uiat the r4Miae of In.uie nilvsion- ?as advaiicing. She sald that the Synod uscd in 1*H7 for mlsslons $.i:..3B2 :i7: ln 1Sm8. 930.42180: In lf*!'. *">7.1b4 47; ln 1290, S?dl,320. In 1*1.1 thc Homc Mlasten Committee la aaked t<? ralse 873,000. Mrs. (it-orpe C. Yelsley. of H.idson, tho aerrctery, icportad that the icretota thls year for home iiit?-'-i<?i.- wcrc *50.078 f.O, for frcedmen $.'.0, 078 04, or a total af tlOfl.15.154. Tlie rest of the sej^loii to-day wa-s taken up with committee reports. CONVENTION OF THE NEW-.TERSEY W. C. T. T'. Atlaiitic Citv, N. .1.. Ort. 22 (Special).-Tlie seven teenth annual ronvcntlon of the Womt.n's Christtan Trmperance I'nton <>f Kew-Jersey was opened ln ihe ltapti-t Cl/ur. h here to day. Mr<. S. J. ('. Downs, Ktatr prrsMent, In thc chair. Mrs. a. C. Rcnnett, of Atlatitic Hlgidanda, coiidticte<1 a prnyer scrvice, ?ftcr which Mis. ,1. H. Leedom, presldent of the At? laiitic City unlon, webomed thc convention, Mrs. Willlatn lleislcr. of IVnibcrton. respondlng. The :in nual addreas of the pts-slderit waa full of wclphty sug geattona and progresalve idens. Mrs. Stargaret A. Ellis, eorrespondtog serretary, reportcd 173 unions, with 6.000 members. More than 8,000 were held in thc year. E?.scx County raised tlio largesl suni local work, .?s>,C>00. Tho treasurer reportcd that more than 81.300 had been rulsed for M.-.te and National work, and that the pald-up mem ber>hip was than 7.S00. The New-Jcrsey Synod, of Uie Presbyterian Church bclng ln seaslon here, a number of lte members vislted und addreswed Uio con? vention. and Invlted the dolcpates to vislt the synod in a body when the report on came up. Mrs. Anna L. Hamler reported fiOO Loyal Tetnperancc Legtons, with a nembershlp of 10,000 ehlhlrcn, Mrs. T. W. Seabrook made a report on franchise. Mrs. M. (i. Cr.tmer, of ur.tnpc, lec the aflcrnOOn devotlons. A memorial servi.e was hcld for thc ulnetv members who had dlcd ln the last year. Mis. Chfra C. lloff* num, of Mlascaii, addressed a n.a-s-mecting in the Upera Monac. _ THE JE86E I.EE CENTENNTAT. IN ROSTON. Uoston, Ort. 22.?The sccond day'* sesslon to reh> bration of the rentcnnial of Methodlsm in Xew-England was ralled to ordei about u o'clock by ex-Governor William flaflln, who ptc-idcxl. The excrcl>cs were opened wlfh the alnging by thc roogregation of "Come, Humtde Wnner, in lYhoae Brraut."' aaing by .tcss? Lee on Uoston Common one hundnd >eara ago. Mr. Claflin then brictly refrrrrd lo thc condltton of tho eountry, and partkularly Of NewKnpland, a eentury 8gO, and to the advent of .lesse I,e* to the New Enpland Sfates. The Rcv. J. w. HaailNon then simke on -Je-se Lee's Mi-don to New Engtand." The conpregation then aaiip ? Hlow Ye th. Tiunipct. Rlow." nft r which tho Rev. .). H. Twonibly kpokC on 'The Comparatlve (irowth of New Enpland Methodism." a nocm cntttiosi "Jesse I^e." by the Rev. Marlt Trafton, eloaed thc first sesslon of the day. At the aflcrrmon sesMon Charles E. Kimball was in tl.c chair. Aftcr prayer bv the Rev. I)r. R. h. fireen addresM'v wcis- dellvered as foltows: ?'Methodism lt. tl.e ronntry Towns,-' bv thc Rcv. r. A. Plammcr; ??Thc Episeopal F.lemeiit in Melhodism.*' by thc Rcv. Dr. <?? 8. Chadbourne: -Yoiinp Men in Traininp To d.iv for the Methodism of To-morrow.-' bv PT>>s|(icnt B. P. Baymond. Thc exerrlaes were closed with. the readlna of a poctn. '-.Icssc l^^e and the old Elm," by the Rev. Ur. (.eorpe Lanslnp Taylor. n.\PT!r*rS INTF.RESTFD IN MISSIONS. Lorkport, N. V., Oct. 2-2 (Spccial)-Tbe Raptlst Mhwtonary Convention of Ihe state of New-Yorlt will mcct lere for it? elphtv-third annual meetinp next week, Tuesdar. Wctotintoir u}id fThuisday. Tha president. tl.c Rev. .1. !i Calvert. of the "The Chris tiai! Immlrer." of NewYork, will pix-tde, ihe sccc lary, ihe Rev. II. W. Barnea, will rcad the annual report Addrcases on the mlasldnrtry work of the staic v\IU |j? made b.v th" Rcv. c orjM Whitinan, of Buffalo, nnd the Rcv. Dr. R. '?? S<vMn<.nr. of Auburn. ric Rcv. w. ii. P. Fnnnrc, "f New-York. will prearh the annual aermon. The Rev. Dr. Ifownid "sp.xKl, ul the Rorhoter Thcolopical HCmlnary, will preaent the Kunday-M-hool report, nnd the work of thc Snn day-arhotd will l^ dlsensacd bv thc Rcv. J. w. Phlllips. of pohoea, thc Rev. .1. B. Lemon, of Roih.-t. r. and the Rev. Pr. ^. Bnrnham, ILunilUm Thcihagirnl Scminarv. Thc edw ational report will bc pre^enied bv thc Rcv. John lireene, pnmipal of f'olpate A.adeiiiy, and will Ire dls.tisscd by iTe-idet.t invi.i .1. Hill, ?f Roclieater I'nlversity. nnd the Rev. l>r. W. c. V. Rhoades. .f Brooklyn. Tl.e state Pas tura' t'onferenre will imli its mretlng ln ronnerllon with the ronvcnllon. -The "<lale of Relipioir will be dbwnurd bf ,l"' i;i'v- lM- A- ('"H- "f ,ll,v;i"H lTofess... .1. II. t.iln.oiir. of the I'nlversity >f Roch-s ter, and the Rcv W. c. Rlttlllg, of New-York. Tl.e l;ev willard 11. Roblnson, >l Brooklyn, will prearh Ihe ' annuul sennon. Thr tVomen's l.aptM ll?me and Fo'itiPi. Miss.on s,?|eiics vj|i HM> h';ld * sess.,,,, .-4 ii Mi>. Watnimiy, of lioston: Mr*. ?;'?''? Inpalla. of Bnrmub, and Mrs. W. R. rtj tor. o New Y<?rk. will ipnik. Ihere will ikj ahont MW delrgn'es it aitenfJanrc. - STATISTICS OF THE RALTIMORE SYNOI). WHmlagton. Del.. Ort. 22 (fspertalh-The Preaby tcrian >yii<^l of ilaltimore began lts busini-ss sCssions this morninp. Rcptarta from prcsbylcrlcs showed Ihe fuUowtag staiistbs: Prcabytery <>f Baltlmore, M rharches, 40 mlnlsters. rummanlrantM, h.-iiim M.tida.v.s,.h,H.I members; pie-bylcry of Washlnpt ... city. 27 rbnrrhex, :>2 mlaialcra, .?..?.".:? ronunankant*, ?;,.-14 Sunday-sclKK.l n.cml.ers; piesbytery of New castle, 01 chunh.s. 42 mlnlsters, 0.:il7 roinniiinl eantc A isnaatatton was nftogded icniestlnp the World's lalr C^mmlsslon to etaac Uie BBpoattfon on Minday. The Chureli of the Covenant, Washinpton, was hclecb-d a> the next meeting placo of the synod. Tho Rcv. W. P. tjwart*. of thc Newcaatle presbytJO', was appolnted to prc?cJi thc synodlcal scrmon. on -Fanilly Rcllplon." The Womana synodlcal Com? mittee an Home Mlsslons reported M socletles, 23 . - le.anl- to'al ontribntl ns 810.4.">2 05. "' M-c sc? wX made by thc Rcv. Dr. .1. T Ulhaon, / pTitsiiurK aud tl.e Rev. Ur Wlllliun Irwta, ?'f "f ' v*pk ThU even iie the lU-v. Samuol M?-Lnuahaii. Y^hl.0iultm..^epr!csb^rry. proaehed the synodbal ?SSWiOa. <"' '-SystemaUo Hencv..lence. OOLD IN THE ISDIAS TBRRJTORT. r.olnosvllle. Tex.. Oft 22 (Kpecial>.-TlMj exrltement ^.terf ln tl.e Ctotamaaw Natlon a few days m;.. on ?, oi the dlseovery of riel. leads of Kold und SSt t Arbnchto has reached thia rlty 2TL arowlng to Intenslty. lt was flrst belleyed that Jg JiS ?S heca "emev toM dyrtng the h-t tow $4Eb!?? Both the method and resulte when Syrup. ?* Figa ta taken; it is pleosant and rcfrcsbing to the tastc, and acto gently yet promptly on th.e Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, clounscs tne system effectually, diapols ? oolds, headachoi and fevers and cures habitual oonstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of lto kina ever produccd, pleasiriR to tho tastc and ac ceptaole to the Rtomach, promnt in Ita BCttQB and truly beneficial in Ita effects, preparea only from the most healtby and agrecable eub stances. its many excellcnt qualities commena it to all and have mado it the most popuiar remedy known. , .. Syrup of Fi<rs i? for sale in 50r. and ?] bottlrs by all leading dmggiRto. Any reliaole dmggist who may not have it on nand will procure it promptly for any ono who vmhes to try it. Do not acoept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, MAN FRANCIMCO. ( AI... LOtlSFIIXE. KY. NEW-YORK. N. t. days several car-Ioads of rich BjoU-bBBrtog QunrU have been tahen from the mlncs. whlrh haa bad tM effcet of eonvertinu the dislx-llevcrs. The rosnpaaj that wns recently ehartercd to oiierate thCM BMMB wlll mect at Tishomlnpo next Batarday nnd laaM Btoek, whlch wlll be put on the inarkc.t at onee to the aniount of frlOO.OOO.OOO. Scnntor Tnhor. of OokWBdO, after hdvlng exanilned varions ?pe< In.ens of QMrta tilieti from the rnlncs tliem the rlrneat in coin bcarlnp he has cver soen and he wlll hclp to aeteiop it PROGRESS TO PEACB BLOCKED. BASEB.VLL PLAYEB8 WANT TO TAKE FART IN THE 0ONFEREKC& THEIR APPEARANCE l.N THE tJF.ETIXO TUTS AN EXD TO NF/iOTIATlONS, TEMPORARILT. AT LEAST?BOTH SIDKS l'IKM. Aa waa paadlctad in yotcrda.T'a 'J', UW Natlonal Leasuo has r.fu.-.d to rscelva UM playcrs la BV rooferenes In tho efTort for peace ln the lawhall world. This BcUOB, for a tlme at HBMt, pteveela further actluii on ths l?rt l'' the el-.b ewnera to lettta the ba^cbiU diniruity. Wbea negotl?tloi.M for peace, were BtBftcd Uio club eWBats were carcful to sUpataU that they would ant with Uv Brntherhood, but wlth Uie capltaliabi of toe Ptayera League. When Ward. Hnnlon and lr?ln enU-red th.- com Bdttae room ?t Ihe Hfth Avenne Hotei yeatrrday tbe Na Laagao presaptly refaaed io bo an furtlwr alth tha eoBtenaee. Tae PlaFere* baagaa nra "?i?i toat *?? piay. er? Btttadad as rapttaltoU aod not as playrra, ba? Ihe .>'i club awarra Iboaght dlBeraotljr. Whlle Uie playrra huvc been axctaded fren tha ence the "dcl" for psaec la not olf by an.v BMBBB. Tha acttletaeflt i? mcrcly detayed. a nretlM wlil l"' B",d l'" duv WBlCh BHiy cau*.. a bfCBk ln the l.lookad-. The l'iay. r Laaaae nicn argoed that the Xatlcnal Acr.em.nt cl.ii.s had Mx .n ?n ihdr . omii.KU'e, whBa UM Ptayera' League Uad three. Allcn W. Thurman BMI thls wlth th?? >? miirll that tl.e orlnlnal confcr-ncc was held wlth thr'c llele. tatea from ciu-1. of UM bodtoe, th.' Natlonal L-agUt, FUyers Lragna and Amerlean AsMelatton. Th.- oorrld.ra of Uie Flfth Avenue Hot.l b"'-'a!i to lifl up ai an eariv heur yeeWieay Bwrnlng. Ihe Amerlean iMortetkM neii were the Rrx aa the acen.s and ahuwwl by thelr acttons that, waa eoaalderabW tronbta ln thelr OlgBBllBlfam The club, not repicscntcd in OM bl,' .? deal ?? were dJasattaBfd, and pwmla?d ta make lt wairw for aomthodv lt thelr latoratta were not pretected. Ihe Assoclatlon men held a BWeUng at 10 a. .?., whieh tested for over an hour. About noon the paaca commlttees of the thre? .orKanlratlona caine MJBther and rCtllce. t" I'arlor W. Tl.e three players, Wa.d, Irwln and llartlon, walkcd Into the room, and thon the troubio be?ao. They had eredennaU ln the hhape of a rcsu lution aaaaed by tho Bralhcrhoad appatottug thrin, aa Bcl.-?itea to egBBllM tl.e reprcscntation. Mr. Thurman t-ld tlie BrlagatM thut at the oriulnal eoii feraaea heid on Oetober 0 only Blae m?>. ?rw peeaeat. That nectlnc Imd ndjonrncd to KMet aRiiiii on Octobet i'-'. Ile caid thut us there weM BOW a do/.n BWB i.r.-.-nt. BC could not. all the Bsertlng u. oid.r. A L. Joinisoii sald that th. P.ayers' U-agns had declded to kacmae Its romn.lttee t.. sla membera. An Informal g|ae?aaton Idlowed. When lt ?as aeen that nothlng could b- done Meaars. Oocdwln and Johaaoa and Ihe three ptayera wlthdrew f... a prtsat* eonsnltaUoo. ln a khort tlme th. v r-n,in..l aud Johnaon aald Hiat U.e playira would rotlro for a tlme at Itasfc Ward, llanlM aod Irivln then wlthdrew. Then Mr. Thuiman formally call-d the eoafeNBca la order. lt waa thva B?v#d th. tbe Ftoyera' Leagaa commlttee N' In.r. a-.-d to six awmbera. The motKn belng bast by 0 le 8. the Ptayera' baagua delegate* wlthdrew from tl.e BMWUBB. Oa motion UM commlttee adjourmd. The Biwoklya L.^.L-ue eharaptoaa wlll r-turn beme thls momiog and wlU troaa bata wlth Um Uahwflla bam at Waahlneton 1'arR this afternoon. BECLJ1MMQ MSCUARQED COSTICTS. URGEN'T NEED OK MOXEY FOB A CHAB1TT WH1CB DESBBVEB BVPPORT. The liome <>f InduMrv and BefttgC for WscMrged amiets, ;i most worthy rbortty. is nrgently ln Bcd of pnblb' support. It began IU worh of retormatton ln lbTB and up to the Brsl day of tbe present ve-.r. nnd glveu sl.elt.r to 2.4B6 n.en. Oi the* l.l* have fnund en.ployn.ent. In I9M the dally nnn.ber of inu.ates averaged .1 -i. The yearly MB**aa*!b**a reaehed BBJOOO. und nf Uns aato. fnmi ?s.oori r. an 000 has been ralaed by the sale of gowta made ln th,- lotne. For tbe btg balance the liome has been coinpelled to il-'penrt upon voluntary contrltiitioi.s from the eharltabta publle. The wotk of the home ?*. begun In a sinall nouae ln waters... bnt as Ume wenl on II betu. nera< nry to fln-l more commodiima quaitora, and tn. hJdnuartera of the ln-tit?t,..,> have been lwl?i rhanged Now II is fonnd that the presenl premiaes >t Xn 40 EukI lloo*bm-?t.. are ato<e|lMr toadr*iuut< for the parposc. af the home. and lt ta haiietatltwb neccs-ry that a targer totltding shouM be foono. The managemenl "f the Imdllullon bought thrc and onehalf tols ln Wcst Staty-lhird-st. brtween Tenib and Kiey-.iii. in*, and the new baiMiag I llow m imnse td erertlon. The gronml has r.?M M7AT00 whlle the esttomted roal nf ihe bulWhu ' in* be BoO.OOO. About Wd.OOO has alread* breii Wlll ."' * .,.? ,.,.1,,, ,,,,,1 ,-,,Nlr l.iil.irs bcli ,?'?- the prliiripnl ronlrlbtib ',; ,:'.,. H. Hoswrll. at the taome'a lemporar) .piu.Vcrs. No. I.t" Flral**e J0/7.V UOVE. TIIE BASK WTMt}L\M, PARWSET) john llope. who waa impihated in the mbbery -f the Manhattan Haalnga Banh. at Btoorhei-at. and lireadway. wlth his father. llope. wV llberatea from Bing Blna Prtaon apon a pardon from florernor Ilill yesterday. H"Pe rccciv-d a sentCIMC of tweaty rean bv Jadge Fowtng In July. 1*70. Ile raeae to (bj, rlty yeatorday. bol aays be wlll go lo Bnotli Anu-rira BOM an.l Joln his father Ifl th- eattle bu-i iioss there. At the Petectlve llurea.i lt was viid IIoim w-is not ??wa:it"rt" at present on any old rharire. a:.d there wa-s no reaMB why the pardoBCd bnrgtar aeed be watehed. John llope was thirly years old when the Manhattan Nivings BMh was plundered M the nlplit of Ortober 27. IB7B. lto was arrest.d for eon. plicity in that lOhharf on February 1H. InTO, and 011 july !? toiiowing he wa>s eoatrleted. but be leaaatoed lu the Tombs pcndlng appeals nntil Febniary .'?. 1***. whinhe w v- sent toMtag Btog. The thlevcs never ha\ 1 leen aMe to BM any of the secrlties. ralaed BtOV? #'?-(Kii!oO whlch were tahen from the bank. and tlie banU was uble to get new s?uritles ln pluce of IBOaa aUilen. whlch were cancclled. -.?- ? TUE FEDERAL RtTUilsr, IX CMICAOO. Cbtaago, Oet. -- lOpertol).?Adelph Ctoea, ehlaJ ln ?aartat of Govcrninent bullding*. and rontiertcl *'lth the offlce of the sitpervislnc Archltert at Washlngton. ls hereior tlie purpoau of niaklnR a th.roiigh ln?pcetion ?,f the abahj PMaral BwBdlag. Mr. ciuas sald Ihb cvenlng that he made a hasty exauiinallon Ihb Ufteriioon to M-e If there was any Immcllatc danper M ihe bulldlng enUaaadBg. He Ib BbIIbmI there U not ? soineuilng," be addea, " uhm bc ioM t. rell. vc tn founilatloiis of the tcnlble welpht. but 1 eannot ten even with my thlrty years' experleuce ln thls, sort m work'Juat bow I* to bo a/conipUshed. I thlr.k tne bolldtog ls ln a deplorable sute.* THE D8B OFNICKEL FOB ABMOB PLATE. THE HAVT DEPARTMENT ACTIVELY INTERE9TED IN THE MATTER-TESTB PROPOSED. Waehlngtoo, Oct 22.-The ehlef of the Ordnanee Burean of the Navy Department la fclvlng hls attentlon ai preaent to Ute procaremeot of the nlckel ore or matte for whleh Congress approprlated a million dollara. Rcpresentatlvea of the flrma whirh deel largcly ln thU ore and metal have been ln eommunlcatlon with Uie Department, and to aacertaln the exact eapaclty of our domestic nlckel works several competent steel experts have been sent by tho Department to various parts of tlie eountry. Chlef Folger, of tho Ordnanoe Bureau, lntends to asecrtaln the posslbllltles of the alloy of steel snd nlckel In other brenches of naval con atructlon, ba well aa ln the manufacture of armor plate, In which lt ha* alrcndy shown snrh credlUble qualltlcs, and ls preparliig to have made at the-Waeh Inpton New Yarrt a serlea of testa whleh wlU lnclude proof trl?ls of proJecfllCH made from the new al oy as well a>s the usual tesU of elaatlclty, breahlng strenpth, ducUUty, ctc. HELPING THE WINEMAKERS. W&shlr.gton, Ort. 22.-One of the provlsions of the olstlng Tariff law ls that mafccrs of swcct wlnes al.Ul bo allowcd to use gr.ipc brandv free of tax for tho purposc of feetlfytog U.clr wines. These wlne.. howcvcr. are not to contaln mrre than twcnty-fmir per cent of alcuhol after fortlhratlon. Thc Com n.lssloncr of Internal Revenuc I. charged with tho duty of transferrinp the bmndy from thc bonded worehouse or dlstlllcnr wherc It ls made to tho wincry. The proper excoutlon of thls laV refiulres a larpe number of new stamps and tl.c preparat.on of new rcgulatlons, but ln vicw of tho prest of other worl: at thc Ilureau of Engrevlng and l>rlntinp it will bc lmpbsslble to prnruro a supplv of statnps untll after December 1. By that time the vintnae seasou will have passed nnd the wtnemakers have b"Ct. precludcd thls year from all beneflts tntended by tho nct. To provide acnlnst thia. tl.e CommisMoncr of Internal Rcvcnuc has instmrted tho rollectors at Snn Francisco, New-Ynrk and eMCWbere 10 notlfv (?> per sons lntcrestcrt thnt hc will rnnslder applicatlons to refund thc taxes p.ild on all spirlts which may have been used In the fortlfle-.ition of SWCCt wlnes, pro vlded tlie spirlts so used and thc wnncs so forttiled are such that no tax nccd have been pald on thc spirlts had Ihc Internal revenuo nfflrers been junplled iwith the proper stanips to atlarh to tho didvrcnt packagea. Hc has Instnictcd the eollcrtors that they may u-c sBeCtal botuled wsrehonse stamps, propcrly altercd. In lleu of the l-epular stainp^ re quircf. bv law. and whlch arc to bc l<sucd hcreaftcr. These IWO tcmiK.rary rullnps have made by c .n.mbsi.mcr M .-ou in order that the .wtoemakers may tlla >car have t'.e Icnellt of thc law as con temphiK-d by Congrctc. -s> NO I.F.TTF.R FROM MAYOR GRANT. Washlnplon, Ort. 22.-Cp to a late hour this eveninp Bjcrtctory Soble had not rcccived the Ictter which was reported ln Ihe mornlng papers to have been writton |0 him yestcrday by Mayor OragJon the suhjert of 8 rcronnt of the pofMHttoo of Kew-Yon i n>. TO ISSCE NEW TKEASCRY N< ITES. Wasblngtoo, ort. 22.-Treasnrer llnaton saM to-day that he espertCi 10 have icady for Isaac by 1 a larpe supplv of one, two and livodollar Treasory DOtes and that they will 1* used In the purcl.nse of sllver bulllon ln order lo meet as far 88 poaalbhl thc preaent demand for notoe of atoal! dcnomlnations. These payments hare heretofora been made In ten. 100 and 1,000 doUar notea, prudpally ln thc targer denomlnatlona. Thls was newawary becaose of the lack of Ume to prlnt a sufflclent number of smaU notes to mcet the pnrchases. ? '? A PEN8ION AGENT TO BE DISMI68ED. Waahlngton, Oct. 22.-A new penslon agent at Pltts bnrg will probably be appolnted by Uie Preeldent to d?y or to-morrow. The ApproprlaUon act for the payment of lnvalld and other penslons for the flscal year endlng June 30, 1881, provldcd among other thlngs: ? Any penslon agent may deslgnatc and author Ue a clerk to algn ttoe name of the penslon agent to offlclal rhecks, and Uiat thc offlclal bond glven by the prlndpal of Uie offlce snail be held to cover and apply to the caae of the person appolnted to act to hls place In such rase, and a new bond shall be requlred from all penslon agenta now ln offlce."' Thc AtslsUnt At torney-tieneral for Uie Diterlor Department holds that the pmvtslon rcanlres all pcnalon agents no*v ln offlce to glve a new bond. In reply to a aecond requcst for a new bond from W. H. Barclay, the penalon agent at Pittsburg. tbe Commissloner of Ponaiona haa rerclved the followlng telegram from him: "Replylng to your telegram of Uie lflth, I eaU your attentlon to the fact tliat In September I lnforroed you that I deellned^to execute new bond, and I now ronew that declaton." Seeretary Noble aald to-day that the Department would have boon glad to retaln Mr. Barclay. partlciilarly ae he was an old aoldler, but hls ab?olute refusal t.. romply wlUi the law left the Department no rcrourac but to appolnt sorac ono who would romply with uie law. There was no polltic* ln the matter. ?*? I S1LVER PCRCHASES AT THE TRF.ASCRY. ( Wnshlngton. Oct. 22.-Thc ofler'.nps oT sllver to thc Treasury to-day amounted to 1,274,000 ounres. The amount pnrchased was 515,000 ounres, aa fol towa: 15,000 ounres at 81.0025. 100,000 ounres at 81OO30. 100.000 ouncca at 84.0040, 100,000 ounces at 81.0043, 200,000 ounces at 81.0044. BOND REDEMPTION. Waahlngton, Oct. 22.-The amount ot 4 1-2 per cent bonds redeemed to-dav under tl.e elreular of October 0 ls #217,1:00, inaklug the total to date. *2,30b,o5O. Fot'RTH CLASS POSTMASTERS APPOINTED. WasJilnpton, Oct. 22.?Fourth-cUss postmasters were to-day appolnted M follows: Pcnnsylvanla-R. R. Joncs, II all ton; S. E. Shenk, Kerr.svlllc. New York?H. J. Morsc. Dunbarton. Ncw-.lersey-Mrs. Hatinah Mlller, Tnrftev. Conncctlrut-Mrs. E. J. Ooodsell, Mlnortown. TO DEDICATE A S'EW CBCRCIT Tho dedlcatory services of the new bnlldinp of Calvary IYesbyterian Church, In one-l.uiidrcd-and slx tcenthst, betwcen Flfth and Lcnox aves., wlU lahe place on Sunday and Moraday. Sunday morninp. tho paator, tho Rev. Dr. James Chemberi, will preach a blstorical disconrse. Hc will bc a-sslsted in thc ter vhc by the Rcv. Alired C. Roe, and A. P. Kelchum, (hc (halrman of the bulldinp committee, wlU make a statement of thc work. Ih thc evenlnp. tho Rcv. Dr. John Hall will preach the dedlcatory sermuii, and the Rcv M. E. Dwight will lead the conpreparlon iu thc dedlcatory prayer, other clergyinen usslstlng in the =cr ?stierlal services will bc liold at 2 :48 p. m. in ron nection with the snnday-school. ut whleh It ls expe-ted that John Paton Will make an address. Thc oth-r sneakera at that tlme aro not yet annoaneed. t?n Mondav evenlnp ronproti.Iat'.ry addresses will be nwdc by tho Rcv. Dr. Harsliaw, the moderator of the New YotK Presbytory! the Re*. Dra. Bamsay and D. f*. Wylle and the Rev. John Balcom Shaw and Anson F. Atoerbary. Other frienda ot the chnreb wlB apeak brlefly. MONET FOR MR. GILROFS DEPARTMEST. >THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE VIARES APFROFBXa* HONS-OBJECTISO TO 1TKM8. The Hoard of Estlmato took np tne eatlmates of tha Dcpartment of Public Works yesterday, the totol amount of whlch ComrnlaMoner Ullroy bad ptoeed for tlw comlng year at 03.357,370. When the lioard got throngh wlth It the total had been cnt down to ?2,001,? 220, a rcductlon of fgWto.l.V). The allow.mee for - lamp, gaa and clectrlc llghtlng" snffered a reductlon of *12?.0O0. only $700,000 belng allowed ln plaee of $820,000 asked for. The Board drctded to u?e gaa ln llglitinc the strects If the electrlc companlos Inatat on thelr demand for hlgher ratea. The amount allowed the Department for 1800 wm ?3.215.210. A good deal of Ume was taken up wlth the Itom for " repairs and rBBjOWale of pavemetits and rcgrading.? for Whieh fgfBt.ftftft was BMBt, tlie same as allowed Isst year. M.ivor Crant Mirprlsed CommMloner <:il roy by dechirlng that the amount was too large, aod ?50.000 was taken off. The next dlsrusslon was over tlie eatlmnt* for re> pnvlng htreets and avenues. for whlrh tho Comtnls sloner asked Jino.ixs). Mr. (iratit supported thla amount. CMtraOer Mycr* thought Uiat tliis sum waa too hlgh ln addltlon to the #1.000,000 autborited by tlie Laadetefuia. rYaaMaat CaaaatM eanv t? the Con tr Iler's aid nnd th" amount was redtced to *l">0,000. A few unlmportant roductlons were dimIc In other Items. Preatdead Cohman nsked for *118.*O0 for raaalag tha Tax Departaieat for the year IBB1. He reasarked that his dcpartment eost le?s than slmllxr dcpart.nents ln Beataa, riiltadclphia, Iialtimorc or New tlfhjani. when tlie value- were Inflnitely *maller. Tha cstimnfe ?as ndoptcd wlt'i a redurtioti of onlv ? l.doO. a petttton from rttlataa al ti.o Annexed Distriet, bv cludlng Henry l). Parrap, PmmbI M. Purdy, willtain ii'i rman, A. H. Tappan aud It. D. Ilamllton, wiw read, raBIng atteatloa la tin* faet that tlio l*i?rk < om niias|oneis> had ;?j<u<st for tinj " Inalgnldrant and totnllV laaU 'I'mte .um of to meet tlie requiremente of th.- Annexed Dtatrlct for tha yar 1801.4 a hcaring will bo Bceorded the reprraentativea of the Twcnty third nn.l Twcniy-fourtli Ward*. The estimates o( tae Uharltiea Dcpartment will bo taken up thls mornlng. IEMXK rOMBMOT AQAtS TRIES TO ESCAPE. Boaton, Oct. 88.?JJCBBB lVunemy ha< made anothet atten.|>t to eaCBM from State BftSM at rharlcatowa. Ile was in BOBtary contlnement and h.vd siicrceded ln tawtag off tlvc boKs from his iron d.>or and bad re .noved the an^le in>n Whlrh prolerted tbe bolt*. llo had beea graated the asa of a kathe, aww and other to BUUiuftVtare a tin penelL. for whlch hc l:.n been trylng t.i art a patent, but bad a*ed Um leefa a portlon of the tfiae for a far diffcraat pajyoer. CLOBIXt) POICES OF CAUPOBJflA STm'KS. san FiMilate. Oct, -"-'. InvO. Yesterday.To-day. reateiday To-day. Alta .LU) 1. K) Xavajo .10 ?5 Jlulw. r.><> ?;'? H,-t Jt li.lchcr. .8.441 3.>> llidle (on.2.85 ...0 ( boiiar.aia a.aa ( ou (al \ Va . .4.3.. 4..o Cruwn I'oint.-.80. 2.'.<0 i.o.ild \ ( nrry.. L'.S.'i 2.L> llale \ Jtoreroaa.S.ou 8.10 Mexlran .J o*> 3.40 M?no.I.?S II'. Mount IllaUo. 2.00 < pliiB .4.75 4fH) I'oto.-l .0.75 ?.75 >a\atfe .;4.<n) a.40 Klerra x. \ada .. :?. 10 3.3* riiioii i oi.-oi.a.iH) 3.1a I'tah .1.15 l._? V. llow Jaeket ..:i:'.> a.i'O I'limiunriH. alth ...2,83 2.74 aevada Qu..n.70 .85 ll.lle Ia|e.:s) .?.?) North Belle Iste..l.M 1JM Oonustic 8itaatloit6 tPttttteb Females. CooK -Ry a Brat-rlass swer:i?h cook: n.o- ref.rtnci. < all Mre. MAI*M?t4U?, 8Jg'tth-eve., one BJjMjip._ ,,...,K and TAC.\blTl>s, Sft'KSE and C r.SKITl,.-lly a Hwrdlaft wwunu and rSwftf^RA MrTMALMB^^afl^tS: avc., bpatalra. _ _. _ - rf-soi.K aud LAUNDRES8.-B.T a S. otrh C Pr!rte5!s7.t WunW preh-rred: moder ate uaL-cs. Mrs. tOI.LlER, 128 W. -M*i C"ouK.-llv a reiiahle ""iiaii a*. Br?t ihvw .Hnner and ordei r. in re?tau , ,llt ,,, iii-tchi-s b ?rdl.ip-hOuee; can carve. 318 Weat 3stb--r., rar._ Ca Oiik ur l IIAMIIERMAIH.-By a col , ..I eirl m boardlns-house. Plrsae caU M. I... -Jii Weat 80th-at?, 8d Boor._ CaOOK and LAUXDRESB or C0OK1XO I iil"iic?By strvai t; haa c\< .1 lent iKTsonal 'cltv lelcreiices ; city or coui try. 1' call 740 .;th-_a_vc... mai 4-d-st. C" | 001C Bj.b Harr1'*r*T ** tiist I clasM .wtk; no objcetb.u U> tlie eountry ; Kuod r.f.rciice from U*t Blaee. Call or uddrnss 340 lMht 37th-?t. ; rlnir belj "'ice._ COOK.?Hv~aTrvwediah gtil ;.* llr-o-clas.-. eouk: pood r-fercnec Mrs. S. o.Uii;, Swedlah Kmployment Offlce, 213 i. tlat^t, CooK-liiirsF.woTtk.-Ry tao atrsng j-i.unp i/lrl*. *l?ter?, ln smtfll famtlv. kMMtaei ; Bo?d eeok and eaoapetcnt awtress and chambermsld ; bcst refrtvoees. ? WC Mrs. IV I.KK. S88 ISUinse._| COOK.?Flrat-elaaa. tro'n vienna. o.-r inanT : inakes all klnds et dcM.-rts. lnsttv nu Sts, ete.; ? :'lcr t.nvat- or ftai- boardlng-ho-is-. refrrrncea. Call it Mr*. BIBCK'8. 118 East l-U.-st.. b ;.d and Itn aves._ C*? iiiK.?Itv .i neat v^mur ? uti.M: pood ? .k and baker; ui awatd taku honwi work ln a amall famlly; peraonal refsrencea. ;i.VI 4th??U c.r. ofJMtl.-t. _ (' .k 11% :. g..?] KWidlali rook: *rllllng t,, ns.tsr waahlnc . 1 y.-er'n rcf wic e. can l-c aeeo at Mrs. MALMBLRlr**, y.-.j tth-evr., l djgnt up: iuK -Ui ? llrst-cla** bWfdlah took; . p.ts up dlnncrs and llne luuchcna*, ,<.:r| dlsho. *e.: aervea and BrcorM s ir-ttllv, ls a good bak.r and an wononitceJ tnanatf.r 3 yeara' reb-r.-nc. s. Call at l>0' uth-avo.. lst floor. Jai' QIIN'S._ CioTTk. Ilv :. tlrst"cla?.s Ijigllsh c.ok ; / eomprtent and tru?t?vorthy. -M'P')' ?? pcison or by lettwl at ala r^?t alst-st^ CnnK WA8H and IBjUN.--By a ?trong plrl; no ohjeetloo t<> sU'ali boaidb.p Ii.iUkc. 445 Tlli-"'.'_ ("ToOsT.? Br tdy. .ompctent Bcotefa Prot / estant: hiakcs nl.e sidc dlsh<~-. d aa< rts, salatbi. fte. ; coirse waahlne ; elter o./ouii liv: icfcrenc.a. With Mrs. TYLEH, 3?8 Oth-ave. _ 7' OOK.?By rapabU reang won an : cltv or \y cuuntrv nnd. r-tat.ds rooklni ln all lts brauchea; Will a?slat ln laundry fl renulr.d. Call 272 Oth-ave., near nth-st^ HAl.i. t>. 6<".k ?WA?M aad IBpif. -By a aeat, , tldv young elrl: K?od brcad. blscul*, .-fcups deserts. Ic.i flr-t-cla*a t ?fereucs ? wllllnp and ohllalim'; inoderatc ?ap??. Call 114 Fia?t 4l?t-st._^_ >-SOOK, WAShF.R and IRONKR.-Ily \y ircrinan l'ro'Cstant ; poed tOCk J ?ltli t.-f.-ren. >?* : foi cltv or Tountrv. Keidv at the BOME BVREAU, 133 CU.-a.c., ncar mth-st _^^__ c c ( nOK-l IIAMHI R.MAin, ^".-Rr two \.i..ric..n tirls: one pood rOek and iid'r. ss otlur tlioroiiel. rban.tH -i-uiaid, i?ltr?- A' ^'"od HOrkcrs; cltv or couii ,., ?? v...,rs i.i.r-ie-s. Ready at th IIOMK IU REAU. 188 Bth-eve., nr. lOtl-.-st. sy.t. IU ;.n l.neh-h ProtMUUlti UWt \/,l... laree . -\je ri-. and i'"'Sl rcfer" eiic.?? wages tao, c, Chrlatlaa Aid teem< ployn'ieut >.?? i.u . 50 lllble llouacj CimK Kxccll.nt ooThT i'r""i-lic .itimi. sinaii prlvate famlly: he?t ,.f , it, i, s :.??. Can be Men at preaent ,?,[,,, .,-. |H l.n-t gath-afc_, /,.,,.e. M. .. >? "i-h Prott-atant aa good \. ran.tli riaak and i-as-r: aouw and all made dl?lic?: rlty rrference. 24? r.\i~i -wm st.: riiM ?* t'1"' a._ ,.,,..!< ?r WAtTREHN.-Uy a colopd V K-.miaii Iu a amall |.riN:'te famllr. Ad dr.-,. IIARRIS, 158 Wot 3:id-st.. ad Iwir. /'.v. By .. tcspcUblc w..i,.an M food tn?k ln prlvate famlly: underaUmda all brsnehea ?t rooklngi pood city refennce. 1S8 weat :t3d--t._._ K l?. s .raV'?blc Eagllah Proleataait ...iiiiau ' exix't'lciicrd : t.oU|K.. eutrr sa.ic.s. des-ert-. .te. ; fot f??r "Vi'.' xrrr b,st .-itv rcfcnTicc. R-ady at the HOME Dl'KEAU, 188 Cth-avc. /.OoK aod LAINDRESS-CHAMBER. C MAIh SSd WAITRF..-S-II.V two youilg s. oi.ti L'.ris; rlty oi toontry: beet refer. .nce?: not afraid of work; go<.u eoen: <x c llsnt ni at. espabls wsltreaa; botn stfooa snd r..'n do thc w?rk betweea ti.em. taii Mrs HAl.r.'s. 5T2 Qih^ve., near COOK, *r.?By a middle-apcd roman as a.?Kl | I..I.. c.K>k. ?:.-.... aod Iruier; rlty or conntrv. H'<> M.l-st.. BreoUyn, c > ook.?uv vouiig Orsaaan weaaaa, ai-cak j log iJiplUu; sxerUent bak.-r. *M\ ...?sserN; niarketlns ; wil.lnr. obllplnt' aad irustworthv: cltv or countrv. ?/??*?? cmcc. lron. leadfi.s faii.Uies. 357 sthave.. L'Sth aud '-'Oth slK_ COOK.?Br a .nu... 'oo*. <arver: undrr atanda :<il th- wanrhea af bawmeas; > xcar-.' ev.srlence: wi..t. and r-ll.bic ln hoUl, rcs.auraut or fleb-kotli*: ilrst-.-iass - itv snd eaaatrj r.f.reii..'s. AeerMa r. i?.. Bas '.?'>, Tnbui.e DaCswa OCJre, i.-jv-s llroadway. _ f* OOk-<,JIAMBF.KMAID ind ?'AIT; (, ttKSti- Ilv S Blria, laf-iy nrrl?.-d fiom"romprl.nt and tnist?o-thy , ,. .. HHt?laaa cook, undcravOt.d* SMpa. aaaaSa rts ? the <>ih"r as chan Ixruiald and ;.Ur^. Call 431 Wea* ttd-t-_ >s. inik-*-Ilv aa F.npM-h Prote.Unt. sa C ?7Si m prrrate fa.i.llv: asofj rf.-r.ncc nill "ii!! Eaad l-*J ?t.. womli; imiulrv for Mlaa'KEtXEY._ ^w.i.k I'v a BiaS-taaaS cook : fullv enm C u'nt u. mke esTlIre e*M8" ?< kltehea. tolSSlZ ,.m-> famlly; wHlimeeg. from I.? "?"'1. X'i ," ffi ,^|| '-Aii for \i daw. 18? Wrat gtns-aa.. m am^ / lOOK.-Br a reaiHN-Uble glrl: assUt with i. iashln" : l^tVlty nfcr?.cc. Call at 245 K?st BOth^-t._ *YR~tK~Zi\r u flrat-elaaa co** In prl\-aU> C ffV,niiv :m*25fipt**!?? sTIui n..t isaa -.han ?*>. ? W for - ??8 ?l ->,J Weat I7th-st.^8dj?cll._ SfTesaVai?! *tt&?? towa Offlee, 1.288 Broedway. tTomeotic BitBfltiorH J5^'* Fetualee. COOK, WA8IIEK a. d IROXER.-By a M.uni: numan ... amall pri\ate famliy ; wiuiinj and ohllglng: 3 yeara1 ro'.'I city r-f crenre. Pkvlae call at 155 last T_d-?t. ; no carda.___ C" tHIK-WA ITRESx or CHABlBKRMAlD. ?By two'U'.it arlrls; U-t ckly r f. pencas, (all at 25B weat 37th-*t., M ?our. _ C| oi '7s. -Ilv a hr-.tvla-s cook; iias tv st city lelT. n. ?-. Ail-i, (? ?77 Oth-ave. (niiiK lt. a voung, as Itrat-rlass o.ok : whei. a Klt. li> iiinutd la k. i>t ; bnt ..( cltl i. f.-i.-? -I B., Bc* 25, Trthttnn I'ptown Oflice, 1.L3.H Uroidway. C~ ix.K. \v\s|t aml IIIO.V. ||y an e*p>?. iicnvid p. is. ii: ..r would d.. geinral w..rk in siiiali lun.ll.y; ?( felenccs. 1,258 a.l-avc., ld lloor. _ C(.<iK. uv aii expcrlenccd hotel and rea* laoraot eook; ateadv. HrrfXaaa plaee; b.*t refereneea. 8i Ea*t ith-?t., 'Jd i.oor. COOB_By ftrat-clasH Eagltah cook kitcheiiniald ls kept; undcrataud* all l.rauches and inarketlnit; 0 yeara' flrst-elaas city r.fotenco bv present emploj-er; leaving through famliy going to Eurepe. Addreaa all week, i:. ii., (iTo Bth-aye._ DATS' WORK.?By wTlllng and ohllglng wnman; t<. (lo waahlng, eleenlng, dc. (all or addreaa 215 w. st u:id-,t., oet 10th and 11 th aves. _ DAY8' WOBK.?A reapiVtabte wooian wtahea a few B.ngagesai-nts by the dav to do waahlog, Irontag or rlcantng; beat cltv refir.n.e-. it. 11., Tiibune I'ptown oiticc. 1,238 Broadway._ D'aVi*' WOKK" iiy ? ronipcfnt young wotnati: waahlng, Imnlng or eleanlng. :.dlr. -s i.l.KMAN We.M.W. 3'-'5 Weat 42d-st., M tl.*r. front_ D.w's' WOKK. :'?: a colored woman: waahlnii and lioulng or laundry work: ioi\ut>- fan.ilv n, Imardlng-houae. (all one u.'.-k. l.l/.Zl'l. MV??, 251 W. -t llat-at. n.\Y.v WOKK. 1 ".me rolorrd woman ((lahes thr"' day* in tl.e Wl I k awceplng, rleanlng er iioni.iL': rity refereneea. Ad dreiM -33 v.v. -?. ii-t--t._ D\Vs' ur ?..',?' ?.,ik wanted by a (ier iaan woman. 13d "th-eve.; rins 3 Unea. F' illMT-i l..\s.s rhainbermald and waltrcaa want< aluiatl'Ni: ref.renec. Call 3:0 rj??t 71-t-^t.. Mr. IMldefl. Gi.MHAi, iiuUsEWORR.?By a youag gtrl. xTI _dave.. 31 lloor; no .ardj^ WiiVKKM^v Ii.. :< Nortii i \t luuslc. ii rman and CnclHh : experlencH wid h-st rcf. r.s Addreaa Miaa B.. 70U Parkertat., Bcrton, Maaa._ JL'SEK KKPEK.?An cducated and re - tiii'd Wi.ii'iit ladr des.r-a a altoaUoa as hous.k.ener.|ianlon. or uoat of trust: is rompetoat in the awnagement of aertanta: hlgheot refereace giveu. Ad dre?e ii.. sution p.. BraaBlra._ Hiii'M.i;KK.i'i;it.-By % respcctible m!d dle-aged woman. to wldower wlth chll dren pref.-rrcd : cltv or eountry. Pteaaa ad dr.*? IIOI'HEKEEPER, Paralppany, Morrla Co., N. J._ 0C4SEKKEPEIt.?By a comuetent ano trusty Amerlean woman, for elderly Beraaa ?r wldower. Aaaraaa iioi.'_E. kKKl', 44J Wcst^CSd-st._ HOl'SF.B EEPEB and COMPAXIOB.-By a ladv ln a -inall QUlet fniiilly n. -\e? York City; can f'iri.ish Mn'l ref.r.n.e. Ad dreas K.'lv C. I!o\ 5. Tiibune Oflice. II II HOt'sEKEEPKB.-Br a wc.l-.du. ated (ierinan ladv : fos'tion of tru?t; hgh-st refereneea. Addreaa M., liox 11, Tnouno L'ptswn i.nice. \,2.iS Broadway._ H0f"$i-:*BTEEPER.?By a touiiu Oennan wldow, Kj.iklu. Kn?[lah. as ?orklnii pouaek.?.?|..,r: uud"r?taiid.s the care of all housework ; la a Kood cook : exccKent isf rr n'ca a- to hon.stv. aobrlety and capa blllty. Apftlv or rall 887 dthave._ nOl'SEWOKB - By a ?irl in prhate hanlly e,,..d .-ity refereaca. t'aii 136 um.--! ; (io eards._ UorSKWURK.-By u mlddle-aged IJ .11 Weat lUt-st. Hiii'-i;Wii|:k. Ilv .. tdv, Uior ouahlv, l'io:rttant uirl: . yeara' tlrrt^laaa city referenre: good i imk. aaaher ?n<l iron-r: wllllng and ONlg Intf: cltv or eountry. Call at 114 E. 41st-?t. H.ifsi;\vi.KK.-ttv swediah gtrl; 1' int; c?..d cook aml lnundi.>s; moaeraCa wagea; eacMlent refereneea. Mia. ? i .1.1,11'.K, l-? Weat Hi.rSI.HrOKK ?Uy a vcune Swediah giri Ki.t'llMi ; good cook, waaher. Uo-.rr; wlJllug and eMIglng , city or coi ntry refereneea. Ap^lv 352 4th-ave. || oraEWORK.?By :? aeat, tidy. thor 11 uuai.iy comuetent youag _u-i . tirat-eia?a r. lermcea i sood plaln cook ; waafc aud lron; aUllng aud obligtag; modcratu wagea, Call 111 I'.a-' 4 1.t-,t._ H'~ Ot'SEWORKe-By a r.'sp.-cuhle mlddle. Kifed nerasfl for general hooaework in a <mall famliy l n honie preferred to hlgh WagM. 34'J Weat 3;tli-at. H~~ ol'VsrAVORK.-By a leapeetabta glTi" . Itv r.fer. nce. I.Hl', llox "... Trib -- I'ptown OBIee, l,ZBB Hruudway. orSI-AVoitK.-lty a rcHpeetible'woiiian; _or cucklng. l alt 81 WaMh.ngton Sipiare aft- r 10 o'clock. HoVaEWuRJC^-By a good Dlaln cook: ?asne- and Irona: or iu nn-tll faoillv ior ceucra! ho'.aework : beat Mferencen. Call a. Mra. nil.CK'S. 110 East 12th-et.. be iMccn 3d and ith aves^_ Ul'aEWOKK?By a neat, tldv. thor ougaly roanpetenl Wetah girl; ??.? !. iu. . cltv referaace; good cook. waaher and llron.r; wllllns and olillglnif; city or eoun? try. Call 27S .lth-.i\e., ni?ar 17th-at upaUIr^ Bjdl's'EWoliK.?Ilv a young glrl. not ' II laag ln Uil* coiintry, to do general houk.'work : wllllnc to learn. 04)7 3J-ave. ; llng llrod'.lrk'a bell._ H H.i siAViiitK?Br a young Swedt?n .-?..I ln amall famliy. Call 310 Eaat _5th-?t.. 3d bcll.__ kl drM*.WOKK.-By a reajiecU-ible slrl In a 11 -.11,1,11 prlvate famllr; heat city refer ence. l all _4(i Weat a.'.th-at.. rear._ H()ir^iw^7Ririri..?Bv atrrniryounj won.. an ; la nood (wk ai.d laui ilreoa ; be? of rrf. raoe* , cltv or eountry. l'loaae call 710 Oth-ave.. near 4-tf-at^_,_ OrSBTWOBX^-By neat North aMiajaad Klrl; rl.a preferr.4 : walu on table nnje.y und i> good r<K>k and lauudreaa: b.-at rerer "n".s>. Wlth J^r^TTI^.K.JH^^Othjav^^ H" ~brhEW4?BK.-By a veang glrl, U? pej vate faxally : geod elty rt^erenre. Call i .lav?. MQ y**\ hUth-at. MAiNAllO_ INKANT'S-NLRHE.-By a ailddle-ag'd ImBMI : rapable of taJOn* charwr from blrth aod brlng up on *?*??? _S__* ritr referenca. hlmmans's bell, 103 Wssl 10.01-44. Donuflitc Sitnationa iUantci Fernales. Jaxitrfss.-A lady dr*lr.?? a sltuetlon as fctnlUc** : Uikc lull i i..n -?? . tu.' ap. .^ lotir 1 i.iuuape.s; Ucriuau Adarvaa Mra. AliBOl r, Rooiii 12, 51 Ollvcr-at KlT. lll.NMAlU".-By < I'uung. -' o -? NwcCiah llrl; i??:? r. ui e. ' all >!?-. mai.mhi.K'.. 852 4tii.\c.. up<uira, uver bntclier store. ADY'a MAJD.? By y iung"Vreai h girl: spcaks Englieh; know* li?? t? eul and iu; halrdresser; tnlling tu travci; nniiu-s. t.o.iahie refar nees f on. la*' ei.ipk.yer. Ad. diess or eall 387 4*Ji-a.o. Lauys Maid Biid NEAMSTUKr-b. By a ncat, llght-colond S utheRi aoinsu; end' rstands fancy ue diewo .. m-ll quall. fted te tt-tv-h ehUd.f.i: i. -t ..f eitj nbr enecs. Addresa MAHTU JOUNsON, 202 i_lii.tun-a\c., Kewarfc, S. J. LKDY'a MAID.-By Brst-clase dreae. ...akcr and aeamstrcee; Uermaq I'rotestant: fln^ nredle wrorker; under?tands now to uack for truv.-ilinp : u?t r fereuc ?. Call at Mrs. BIRCK'S. 119 Eaat l^th-st.. betwcen 3d and 4th avea._ LADY'S MAIlJ?llv ITHc-tint : |'ivik? French, Oerman and Eagllah : tlr>:-c a-a hairdresaer and dreeemaker ; beat r> fcr enee, Aadreas K. >AMi.Mi.ii;l;, 146 West 20thst. _ \bfg MAIO.-By aa Engii?h fi-l; j pnod sesmatreas; wllliiig and i.hliplug; refereneea. Addresa a. K.. B?x 19, Ti.b une I'ptoun Offlce, 1,23*. Brnedway. LADY'M MaTd. Ac-ijv s yooita tromin to wail ?u ladlc* ai.d m ? : nn.! istund* tr**?maklng ? would do chambcrwnrk ; pood .erejenee, .'all 132 iith-av-.. upatalm, LADV'M M\ll> iu . nr>t-clas? uraidT i/o-rf bairdii >-r snd iravelh i do dr. -s. ??akliie- b. -; < ii\ retcr.ncea, Call at 133 Weat 33th-et. LA VS 1>RKS!?.?You np i -\, . ii t-. j.m uut by tlie day traahllitf snd Inmlnr, or na Bret-claae laundrcs |., ptivate famlly; k'""d r.fcrencs. tj, M.. \V<\ SO, T.lbiu.e "C p lowii Offlee, |,2tt llroadway. LACXORFJKS, Ae!-lly a younp eirl aa pood jil.un laundreaa and h.-lp with chaniberwurk wllllnp ,iml obllging : goud ref.^iic.. ij.'.i 8th-ave.. rlop U?p bell. Al'NURF.s.s. -i,o,.i| lamidrcsa; no ..bje.. tlon to boerdltlg-houae ; po.d ref.-r. in e?, 103 Ki.-t 2'.'C)i st. LAl'XDREaUi? By s geod IsaadreM v her ow.i home; iia* uood referencej i.iain rlethea, 50 ete. a doUii. Addii -s .".? East ISth-at.______ LAVXDRE88.?By youug P.oteotant aom. an : l? Drat-clsaa ln all braathee; has i??t of refereneea; rlty i r i.tuntry. 11ea*e .all 74'J Oth-a\i .. mi.r I2d-el. LAINURKSS.-Coii.r ?.! womon wai.ta '., or 3 davs ln a private faiiurv. Wh VVest 3dst. : rlne 3 tlim*. LAl'XDRESH. -iu a OratclaM lau.idrcM ln private laniily: wllllna tt. a ? ;-: with I chamberwork: beat of ..t\ n-fcreiiee?, Ad? dresa H. C, Trlbiii.c L'ptowu iitlicc. 1,280 [ Kroadusy. aT: N 0RKS8_By a flrat.rln??~ ianndr'sa In prlvab- fainil. : 3 w.'s' eltl r.f.r I enrcs from la?t blace; ah?? |. h?mc lf r-' laolred. Addresa u. R., Bna U5, Trlbaae I Dptown Offlee, 1,288 Bmadway, LAI'N'DRFSS.-fly i re?pectaWe aromaJI, to p<> out bv the da) ia tlist-. i.s laundrcBs; beat ei'tv reference. -J> i-a't llat-at., l ttfht, bsek. IAUNOREstS.?II* ? ii'-t sw.slUh 4 laundrcss; ?llllnp a?-i-t rhamber. ;werk: reference. Call Mr*. M M..M iii.ilo. 352 4th-ave., one fllpht up, uvCt but. ner storc. _ LAi:\l)RK.s,s, tC.-By ? llfSIt < l*rot.nt4iit. Or?t-cl?aa; wi 'Init to as,ist I in chamberwork; best of refereneea; no oo hectioo to eountry. ?'aii st Mis. IIIBA.K'8, I 1 Vj East Uth-st., bctwrta 3d and 4th av-n. L~AlNURKS>.-ilv S c ii.|.. tcnt Hiui.di. -s In a |.rivau- famlly , b. ?t <ny r.fneii.-.s. MAID and .?sKAMM'lll -> Hy a conpe. tent persi.n : wiiluu u> a??lst ?>'ii ? liam bciwok; lest cltv Addr.s, (i 11.. 10.5 West 42d-st. ivi AlD.-llv an e\|i.ic nccd Inn h pi ? k^mkI drewmakcr. Addrcas. ..r MAIO care Mra. Iku-on, 3".0 tith-avc. Maiii.-mv a ytwac ??artalan girl. 14, tpcaklng Krenci, only, ln a feoillj t.. pluy ?Kh the ehlldreii. Addreas b. S., 13. West 3d?t. \|\li? and b\EAMSTR?->S lljf a I'm; i?I esUnt tftrl K giusvliip il-ildnii: bm: , itv reference. 33lj:a?t Ll-t-st. ; ,,,, rsrea. N~ I'RHE.?By a young glri; cxucriene. d; best cltv reference. Fll'.sT FlA)OR, 103 fast 53d-sk_ ^L'K.'sK..-Hv a ii ktdli ?:!-?? d cxpcrleni-.-d wonni.i; "can take car ol a b.'y tr. blrth: pood t'ali at L'U i.a*l 84th-st._ ^l'll.s^. and fsF.AVNTKEKN -Itv ? i,.r~ m.ui I'reteauint i'-'Ii: tcr.d hfireo.e*. AddrtM K. Q., !?*> Macdcagal-at.. ifkha. NVllSK ? Hy a tl.orouphly ronipetrtit p'rl : tirst-.-laas refereneea; und. .an ?f . hlldren from blrth; also pood sewer and; u.odi rate Hagra; vily or lOiintrv. Call *'JJ* '?a?l ?l"l-,(-_, fvTl'ltNERY UO\ KlfM-Sh.--Hy an <-<lu 1^1 .atcd North 0 lll Blll PrcteataM plrl ; ?eeaha French and Eagllab pooil aeaniatrww aiiU n..c iic-dli-Horki-r: 4 v. ars' relsretiec: no to cot.ntry. Call at J 1? ljt*l U'that. Mra. UlllCK. _ , 1*J UI'.Sl'.?l;es|:citable wo-nea srsnU rui ln 11 fant to Uke eur.- of oi ...dei iluld, ?ili -et sood care and be *ciit v. *i huL Addreas Mrs MAUL'IKE, r3 .M.tio|*.llOu.a\e., ilrorklyn._ \lVlVStilAlI?.-lly uiw I np lh pirl, 1? ehaaibermaid a.ui >?aitr.*s; <?xn.rle.iced with chlldr.n ; beat refereneea; "iy or eountry. With Mrs 1YLKH, 3s8 Oth^a**-_ NIRSE.-Ry a v.-ry capablc Froteatant womau for childrcti or Infanl; city or eountry; b?-?t rcfeis-nres; <-jji s. w ; ui,; be tiM-ful; la good in strkacas. Call -~'l oth. avc near 17U??t . Mr? HALL n._ rV] I'RSK.?Ilv roinpetent Protratoot uur-c; il cao taki fuii euarge lron. Inrtl.; has cx icllent lef.reinea: eltl or couutry. 1'lcase call 74f> blh-av... near 4l'd-?t. f4I tlfggE aad CIIAM i.I.UU All).--Ily .-one ll |H-tent I'ls-testant perawi . ls wlblnp to po a> thc eountrv : ha* pood nb rencc. Can be seen at 531 Wc?t l3J-?t? Ilaywiwal'a bj II. (7R8C?By a rc*p.vUblc ><oi>,au tu* ln fant's naras; nnd. rstands the .-are of a baby frou. . a)?o ri.dcr-l.u.di bm.-i; p up by thc bi.ttlc- the beat rltv rafrrenre. ? ull or addrew. C. A.. T?j? 1. l p toan oniee, 1.288 Brasdaay._ jBJ CRIUB te babv or growlug rhlldren snd 17 do piatn eewtng; city or eountrr : es> ceileut refereneea from laat place. l.OoO 8d are.; riag Jamas'a bell. Domretic Sitacinoita OJantei Females. [VlKSr,.-Hv a re?i?,taMe glrl aa ...,".'""''. [?_?t*e*?-r: HdlliigaMobUg. ii-'. has beat of ref.rciic.a or uiji do chan.. r^e??^t * * Vmm la" ut ''7 V i um:. exjierienc.-d. ta take caas et ___,?.r. .' ?i?|.:.on ?wiagae walt m loi w^'V-il' f'r"""*- **?"*?*.? M.e. IN' J; r.''i :""i ?' AM^ rnr^-RraB40ea" ,. , r"l"??"i Biri: (ouipeient; city ?I His nsViJ* -'". :,t Mrs- -N'ALM I.I.Ud >. ? ,_? Ul,.;,,,,. | |||Kbt l,|l. N I t>boi . II vMBKKMAIO.-liy voung Biri; ,-t citj .ef.muc. _.4 i_a,. h-t. -.1 i;... r. |r.?t [hJl'lteE oi MAtU.-By ii,iddle._J,"<i Freach 1,;,"M" ?' "iir>e to griiwn cnlidr.n or -?_t:."??"? t___2l,M'J *?M*k? n" ttiru'*, ^HMlt.^"JtMa" K'L" J" JN l'wtff Tu-'-at. JgflUg^Jt^_^ I\ ,,'r->,t; ">' a >"""(.' Ficach glrl. oi ia \\,,? IHl'-at.. l?t door. IV t'H.sK. _Uy a coni|iet.iit~iwid triialworthy i^; wiiling aud 04allg___f: ?___> i.f.r.iue <;_,| 1,017 Oth-avc, UtWBM 5ith and jSBtfc ata. VlKM..-|ly a rospe. tllble woman aa ,,""!.'" f", "w,rlv '"h "r aenUeaaia: LU..d city ref. r n.e; pr. ?nt eniuloyer ran i.e wen. AddrwM 48 W.-t 73.1-1. i\ t'lWK-A lady wlahea to tlnd altuatiou ls f,? a 1'intctint woman as ln. ants nur-.-: baa be.11 rivarly 4 y.ars ln tt.o iaii.ll>, and can b- hlghlj i.tomnandcd. lai. l" >i' 11 at ._'.! .dadi-uu-av. . IV ri:>.'; or~R(.1 s.i,w,?;i;? Rf-PiSSik 11 gtrl;'a let.-cn. e; ao carda. ln. ?!'?.' .(I. Weat -'..Mi.t. Mudame MKDfcU, PIISI M.,\"?a,,t,ila-"...N,:,.:-.-,.' to Mu 1 ire ..? an bivalm, by a ?., at-d anl . vi . ri.-i.c'l Ijd.v, wi,o can fun 1-I1 "(??! iifss. Adduaa \ .. Trlbune Oftne? latEAMsTltKisM wlll L'ooiitto day cr sreefe O or |,n.:.,..,,;: taiidoall khida of faadly - aing: 1- Buud dre-amaker; und. rstand.- tlt tiiig 01 1 iittnii.': aut aMlai with oUter <*(.n ;? i<|ut..| Mcrence_252 Sd-ey*. jajKA.MSTIU_5~o7 IXVAI.IO'8 'xi'RBK. ??? -Ilv an Amerlean I'rot.atant woman ? all r. mialel laili.a' drcas._ ; would be wlll. 11.i.' t>. a-si-t witn I'liamlierHork : ?illln_ and r.tMlKl.i,. Ready al the VlV>TFJtts.JtT "ne uthBIta ' lae cth?u- B 10th SEA ^! ^TKESS.-By_Ami.r|caii woman ; all k.ii.U fau.llv aewlng; ,i,l|dre,,-? a sp.,h,.ty; dty r.f.r. ,,.... Mra. UOOME. 2.1S1 h?+\f., aea. UKAMMl Ki;s>.- IU I,, r'n.,7i I'ro^*_ui| ..J."- :,s s-amatr.s, _ti<t uke raie of 111 - val.d lady ; beat cltv relerenre, 1'it-aae cail 648 Weat 40th^t : no carBV "" S X'K"|S11 "hejp-fo7 the cltv at BtE O TILUSOX, id FsMt Uthat v isniN.r M.vt4?vi>s.. iiv i^r^ ? young glrl from I'arla in nrlvate fan.ilv E???. .r,'f.'"'ucca fion. X.w-Vork Cltv! M l.l,Ii:.\, 113 WVst 30th-t. ' ta- AITKK-N.v-Hy yo-aV w.'.man ; can' ?? tuke a hutler'a pia. e : wiiling, ob Ig .ne and truatwoitiiy; uneueaUonable ref. -iMica from le,din? fanilly lu cltv cltv <r .ountrv. at 357 4th-aVe.'. be? tween _5th and -?th ata. ? \V AITItFJW BBd CHAMBF.llMAIO.-Bjr f? exptrieneed Nova .Votia glrl aa compe. Beat ?alt.-a ind .hamli. nnald; w|||/i,g ;.. .laai.t alth laundry wark; rity or oui" ?m illi,:.'.: """s- Wlth Un- Ti'LKK. W *____*___*5 "__,__* alrl..!.7. a? waiv 7lh w peaa 01 u, uke eare uf chUd'reu. i?-J0 ir Ait__I-8ft_Jrc:-B' "T a^aantora. ?? ..-rman 1 Mt-atant; mak. a all klnda of ?tada; will aaalat wlth chan.h. "vork beal ref.r.ncea. etth.-r prlvate or llne boarding house. (all at Mra. IUKiK's. 119 ___. IJth-at., between 3d and 4th av, a. VV \i rui:>s.-nv a i^rnato glrt la aaaaB u -t'"'""?'- **??*??K- "?? W IBTOKKINd "111.1 MKi.Ki-i iZZS . Of young akt?W w,ti,, daughter >' years Old: ln | ,,,,.,11 fanuh r ren ?. 1'i.aaecan ii.".si:ki.i;,.,,;:<(a., i;_.,r;;,':;t; ?? WUMM- la uke 111 waahlng at toa-a or -.. out by the day. Mra. u" O ll'j ]_,_ Mth-st., Kooill 7. L'd fl.-.r. SSB>_HBBJ VV '?".'V" ?"" ILBAB1X4..-A aeaajeai ?V able I.erBtBB u.-ii an aaiita to d 1 .?a-hli_ and .i.?rajag by tne day. m iBaa bjmZS* a'AMtixii.-n.v a rotaivd^woeaaai ba ata y ?ork at hou.e. 50 aud 75 K,.u |!Tr Kaat'^IUl-Kt0""1 KO ?Ut ',V ?* U??- ?<>? YY\*m\''(,<>. i'l.RAVIN4l.>_jr a aW vv r.a|a-.>tibb> woman: Inalde or mitnlB-ll i??-n,c'i'itl " n"'nd'"*{- ?M Ka"t TJihal* \V VS'! /N? T',r j? "??p^Tahjr~^"omii77 ? ? g. eti. in, n a waahlng al liome : Hml-claaa culf, (ollar and ?Mrt Irou.r- dty tvtrr ',*"'.? .1 '?" or addreaa C. BBX-LY. 8 _l laat BB-hat., ? daya \Y ash'i.vo.-a ratfattabse f-BMB-_S v? Moi.mii to go ont "aahlng bv tho day ? g.-al r.ference. Aduivaa L.\ I'MJItEas' 120 40th-at +*oo. WAH111STO.-By"arat^cla?rfaiiillv iaun. dn-aa to take waahlng henjia ' BftH laaa eliy Call or adda-a-. 70U 3d-_\u. t?p lloor, back. ' Wamii.m* at Me.ar7ae~ a daaea at ajS liome Laundry, 101 Weat -..'d ?t __ n.air^ J. II. _ ' _I'ASIIIV(I.-By a rc|. c'at.!??*,,? j.,^o" V? home (.aahlng- I.8M 1-t i.f, -il tl.a.r. front. left. ' W' ASII1XO for nrlvate familiea lii~hot*_.' or daU. wlahlng thelr rlouhea don? tn l.r telsaa atvle; uioderats _pnc, AddreM or call FRBXCU LAfNDKE-SS. .18 Weat y6th-at._ YOl'N'ii Nwedlah woman w.?he* work bv the dar of j.iv klnd- wllbng and rbllg. Ii.. r .11 or addro-a _H W.-t 85th-?t. JAN1T0K._^ Y.HN.i .(Unred dr!. 15. to 4ta lu'it iioi??..rk in fainllv of 2 or I auulu. Call 3 daya, DAV1B, 218 Kaat 103d-at.; no carda. _^_^ iC-nUnued on Mnth Pagod,