Newspaper Page Text
ftmnternentg._ ACAt)?af Y-H:l?? The Old Reaaeatead. AMBKRO TK KA .' KK K-Froiaout, jr , and Rlsler, SSB. AMKRICAN INSTITCTE FA1R BUILDINO-IOB, m te 10 p. .a.-Ia?.iatnal Kihlbition. BBOADWA Y th tATRK-a?Paul Jaaaa * IJOC TUKATKK Sll-Thf C.tV DirecMrj. t CASIXO? i:15-Poor Jonathan COLUMBUS THEATKT.-8 15-Monay M"ad. BALY'B THBATRK-8:13-New Lampa for Okt BPKN MUaiB-Otereand Wax Tablaana. ?AROEK THRATRK-8-Sanael aad Doctor BilL ?UAMi OPKKA HOU8B-8-A Man of tha World aaC AaatJaxk. ?AMMERSTEIN'S HARLEM OPERA HOU8E-8:15 IITrovatore. HKatRMANN'8 TBRATBE-S-Soaatta. XOHTBK* afAL'8-A-CaraaenctaV LYCKVM THBATBB?8:30-Tha MaJster of Woodbarrow. 3IADI80X 8QCAKB THKATRI-*I?-Baan BmmmaL METR0POUTAN OPKKA H0U8E-8-r?w Pupll lo ataghs. MIXER'8 fiTHAVI. THEATRS-*. 13-Tpa Bnntra. *XF.W PARK THEATRK-816-A Pailor Match. MIBLO'8 ?ARDKN-8-Nera. FALMKRr. THKATRR-B:13-TheHelratLaw. FR047T0R3 HSD-ST. TRRATRK-al?-Maa aod Wo?*n BJTAR THRATRE- 8-The Senalor. BJNIOM8QUARETHRATRB -?:1B-ThaCennty Fatr. 14TH 8TREET THR ATRE-8-Blne Jaaaa._ Inoei to ^oofrngements. Pacs. ?'oi.i rara Oot. aaaaaeverte.H o.iWnatrurtlo*. 8 K4 ADbaonoainaiiM..ll 4 Marriairaaoa Uaataa 7 6 rj Aurnen 88M ot BCBl Miaeaiiaoaoos.13 4_ 6|_iaoeiM?aoi.a. 8 4 Anrninn Reaorta.. a ?i *">?" la___saaaaa.ll 8 6 Rew Paouaaaoa. a l_ Roara aoe rwrns.... ? V 3 Ocaan Hteaiuera.. n b-u Esaaeea caatccaa.... ? 3P..iitioai. < ? fe.?icc*a.voucaa. ? l;Prowo?ala.II ? Iianeirr Acaoaanias.. 8 4 Ballroana. J* 4? DividauoNotices.. ..II 6 RealRstats. ? M faraaaaaajajaje. ?' 4,Raa.Raiata.......!'? ?'? " lxmrsi.c aaiuaoana Hoasnsaoo Flaia. ? j{ WintMl . 0 8-8 Saleaby AucUon. ..11 6 Ex.aia.oua.i? 8 ?u*eia.-Manea. ? ? F.aaatnal.11 8-5lStearaiK.aia.1" ? 8 I Taaeo?>rs. 1 ? forsti*. B 4Thalin.11 J> HtlnWanteo. 0 ?..->.Winter K'sorts. B ? Jiorsca an" i-amaras. ? IWora Wsoted. B n? Botais.11 5i _ JBnsinees Xoticea. ""tTHiTiIn li TfcRMS *TO MAJIt SUUSCIUUKftS. 1 yar. 8 mos. 3 moa. 1 mo. p.iiv. t eava a week.81000 aooo i? ->o 81 go Kstlv, wit.o.t Sunday... 8 00 4 00 gOS ?o bi.nday Trilmne . ^00 100 oO - Wceklv Tiibuuc. 100 ?- - fcenil-Wfflklv Tribnnc. 2 00 ? - a ,nZZ VMBBM i>rei?a!d bv Trlbuue. except on Daily and S.inuay pniVr fo. malf suf,s,-rilK-rs ln KvW-York City aad on fiaVv s. ml-Wceklr and Wceklv to forclirn co.intiles, In vl.lch -asea extra 'po.tage will be paid by subscrlbeis. II. mit b.v Paatal Order. Express Ord.r. CbeeR, Draft or Itec1?t#ted I-ctter. . - ? Cash or 1'o-tal Notc, If sent ln an unreglstered le^ter, Will be at ..wner'a rlak. _ to Maln ofiice of The Tribnne. 184 Nassan-at. New-York. >d*-e?s all corteawndence almp'.y "The Trlbune, >en Torh. BRAXCM OFFICF.S OF THE TRrtllTNF. \d\c-iis. aicnts for publleatlnn In Th" Trllmnc. and orders fm reanilar detlvery of thr dail.v Bamr, win bc ie ceiv.-d at tl.c follo.vlnp bran.-h offlces In >?>?'._ nrk : Maln branch orTicc. 1 238 Hroadway, corner Slst-at. i',3 tth-ave., enrn.-r 14th-?t. ?'".? West 23d-?t., corner 8th-sve. IfHt \\>st 42d-at.. near Oth-ave. ,S2 Avenne A. near Ea*f 4th-st. 700 M-hvc.. entrtvnee 47th-?t. 1 (iC'i Batax'tx. betwcen octh nnd 61st ate. 1H0 l a-? li'.th-it.. nor Hd-avo 1.C85 Oth-avc. near rsth-at. 1.T.-8 Ist-avc. near 89th-st. 69 l-lbeilyat. -___?. IN OTTIFR CITIES. \Va?hlpgton-NJo. 1 31'-' K-st.______?_???? ?.*.? TOTJNDED BT HORACE OREELET TIlTRSDAY, OCTOBEB 23. 1S90. TWELVE PAGES. IHE SEWS 1IIIS MORXIXG. FoKign.s-Thc Parlinmeutary election in the EccJee diThdeci of Lnncaabire reanlfcd in a vieturv i,,r tlie Gtodeiamtona. ??: Rnntmnakar-e egaiaat Mr. Ihuiison, M. P., and 'otlior Nntionalists at Tip ijerary wrie withdrawn. :-Mr. Sheedy, II. P., was taken to the jail in Clonmel to serve his sen tenoe of a week's imprisonment. =^tz The new French tarifl bill will he nnnoiineed on Suturday. - TJm. rrew of the Britisu sliip Feurnai.frlit were resrued in mid-Atlantio by the Pritisli Rhip l.tipineer. ^=ttt Tl.e p.diee made a raid on tl.e bcttin* ui-n ln I.iverpoul, urresting 300 BJM10B8. Jbmiestic.?Si\ i^'i-sons were killed in a eollision on the Cincinniiti Soiitliern Ruad, and two in a railioad wieek ne?r Birminphara, Ala.: many were injnred in both aceidents. .. Majur Me Kuilev coiitintied tl.e canvatss in his distiict. Tlie, Pieehytcrton Syaotl of New-York l>egaii its eeeftloaa at Leehport, and that of Ncw-Jcrscy eon cluded its nieetin,' at Atlnntic City. rrrm Soldiers' tuontinn-nts were dedleatcd at (jreenwich. Conn., and KlngatoB, N. V. ===== Tlie bodj of tlie si.\th vic'.iw of the lire in tlie I^eland llotel , Syracusc, has heen foiind. ? ?=?. S|>eaker Reed made two ad drefaare at Borilngloa, lown. City and Snbnrhnn,?Thc Bnsiness Men'r Re puhlican Orpanizition indorsed tl.e Pueiwn ttohd - The County Democrafs heid a mnvs-mccting nt Cooper L'nion to ratify the Pcople'a lickct; Trancis .\L Se.utt answered May ir tirant-s letter and John W. Goff and others spoke. ? Ovcr 1,000 women sumed a call nrg ing men to Biipport the anti-Tammanv tieket ? ?? - Tlie Fassett Committee l^gan an Inveatigation of the admlnistration of The < rfmmissioners of Acconnte. ??- The work of tho baseball confeivnce came to a stop, on eceoont of Ihe determination ol the Players' Lea^ue to add to ites repreeentatiun. -^= The World's Fair Committee on Foreign Affairs practically de termined tlie charactor ot tlie ?an-.\n.c:iean dis play. ? ? t The f*venth annual rneeiing of the New-York State Medical Assoeiation began in Mott Memoiial Hall. ss= ^Vlnners at Elizaheth : Te\t. Cracksmnn, Servifor. Madstone, Mephisto, and Dundee. == St<icks more aetive, and materi &Jly higlier, cloalng, after a sharp reaiTion, btrong. The Weather.?Fureca^t for to-<lay: Increa6ing cloudiness and rain: slightly warmer. Temper ature yeBterday: Highest, 57 degrecs; lowebt, 4r.; average, 50 1-8. There could hardly be bettcr evidence of the gfpuaiUnn'a doubt of their al.ility to defeat Major McKinle.v, even with all the aid the acandalous gerrymandrr (jives them, than the fact that they have felt it tMC8s*ary to call in the aid of (Jovernor Hill, who is now on the itiimp in Mr. McKinley's district. Meanwhile, :,, our dispatchos from day to day indicato, the Majoi's own stirring canvasa goos prusper otialy c.n. Every whcre he is received with genuine onthtiniasm that i? not eonfined to mon ul his own party, and bia eloquent speeche* are eagerly heerd. Tbe election in the Kccles Division of Lan cashire on Wedneuday goe* far to ju?tify Mr. t;iadstone's prediction at Kdinbnrgh on Tues day that if the (iovernment should grant a geiieral election it would be shown that the eountry had been won over to Home Rtile. Tbe Conaervatives won in Eccles at the last grtwtion by 202. The present election has been warmly contestod, both partics regarding it 8>s highlj imp;>itant. Hente the victory of the (rladstonian candidate bj a majoiity of 205 ix'ssesses great significame, esj)ecially as Tt followa a long list of that show unmiHtaWably the rising tid? in favor of Home H-ile. Such innnifestatioiis will not encourage the present O'vorniiieiit to take the lisk of an \{?peal to the eountry. The meeting of the Forest Commission in this city yesterday waa made especially inter eating by the preaence of represcntativeg of several hrms engaged in tbe lumbering btusi n<**% in the Adirondack region. The lumber m?n Rppear to favor the plan of a State l'ark, but for a time at least they are anxious to re Uin the privilege of cutting treea and, inci dentally. of making money. Such a privilege, it is clear, ought never to be granted except und?r the moet rigoroiw restrictionM as to the H___l a/id ?iae ol U9m to ??. ???vei Thg lumbennen's interest* are commonly believed to be diamctrically opposed to those of tho people at large, and the State offlcials must hare a caw as to how far they let the wood cntters go. _ Mr. Scott made a particularly effeotive apeech last evening at tho big mecting held by the County Demoeracy in tho Cooper Union. Like all the Anti-Tammany meetings in tbis cnmpaign, it was well attondcd and highly suc cessful. The document given to the public as Mavor (.rant's letter of arceptaTnce furnished the' text for .Mr. Scotts address. and hc made exeellent uso of the roaterial thus supplied. The alleged achievemento of Mr. Gmnt's ad ministration were ruthlessly nnalyred, and shown to have small basis in fact. A tellmg oontrast waa drawn between this lotter of tbe Mayor's and the promises mado by him under iiko eircumstanoe* two years ago. The latest letter furnishes an exeellent target for de structive critirism, and Mr. Scott is wisely making the most of the oppoitimity it t?ff?rds. THE DCTT OF TO-itORROW. Only two days more remain for registration. Friday and Sattirday of this week. We be liove from the indications on all sidos that the people of New-York are awaking lo tho serious nature of the conHiet now at hand. The ques tion before all tho residents of this city who desire to see the reputation of the metropolis advane*d, to see the community benelited in every element that belongs to a higher civil ization. is whtther they are wiiling to give over to Tammany Hall the absolule doniination in even- Dcpartment, lioard and CoBBBt<MkBB of tho municipal govemment. ls Ihero anythinn in the history, tho eio?pogition or ihe pur poajeg of the Tammany Hall organization whieh justilios so eoinplcte and uarmerved a srnren der to tho boaaea of the Wigwam? Have the Tainmanytacliievein?iits in the administration of the affairs ofl thi< tr.wn been sueh as to en eourage tho extensJon ol its present enonBoun authority? ls it deairable that it shall b?re an absolntely unohockod control for at least two years mor? of our sohools, our police, our Kxcise liiard, the tnxes. the appropriations. the docks. tho charitios, the piisons, and every in stitution whieh is maintainod in the interost of our citizens? The investigntions of the FBMOtt Comniittee have diacloted so mueh al ready and havo givensuch startling bints of Relda of corruption not yet haM bare, that the answer to this qnesHoa should not be at nll diftlcult. , ._ _. Even if the voters of New-iork elect Mr. Scott Mavor, Mr. Uoff Pistrict-Attorney, Mr. Hawos presidont of the lioard of Aldermen, Mr. CofBB SheritT. Mr. Hellainy County Clerk, and all the candidate* on the same tieket, even then Tammany will retain a prodigious aniouni of patronago. ol power and of revenuo in thw capital. Tlie ineoming Mayut cannot by any posaibilitj shake off the grip of Tammany hom the Polieo Hoard. Taunnany Hall will Itill control the Department oi Chaiities and Cor roctiona, the Fire Department, the Depaittnent of public Works, tbe llealth Department, tho Tax Depaitnient. and nearly all, in trulh, of the brancboa of the mnnidpal administration whieh have most to do with the health. the comfort and the oonvenience of our reaidenta, and with the reputation of the ehief city of \inoriea for doecnt and ordoily adjustmont of affairs. Bnt the gain by the election of tho men on the. union tieket would be immons neveithcless. Sueh a Mavor as Mr. Scott, with sueh aesociates as those who have been nom inat d with him on the tieket opposed to Tam manv Hall, would be able to exeieisc a restrsiiiit and an Inflnence over th? Taminany Commis sionors, the Tammany Hoards. and the Tam? many anbordinatea in tho varioiia I>oi artmenta thut'would bo invnlnable. Ii tho union tieket is suecossful Tammany will loae the control of the Hoard of hstim.ite and Apportionnioiit, and that lioard mctos out to every one of the De paitments its appropriatiuii. No Depaitnient can excecd th" oxpendituio allowed by the Hoard of Estinate and Apportioiuneirt Uence 10 gain tho majority of the votcs in that Hoard is of inesiimable value to tho taxpayers of Xew-York. The registration already rocoidod is full of onooiiraaemont. It inggeata, by the fignros teceived from the several distriet*. that many of our eitizens whose interost in municipal eleetions has previously been somowhat apa thetie. are concerned gnfficientlj in the coming election to register thelr name* and t i purposo casting their votcs on the side of eomomy and efliciency in public affairs. Bol an appeal that should stir the mtrst slug^ish mind, that should inHame the indifTerent. that should exdte the dull and the ti.rpid, onpht to be made here, and now, if powible. Kvery BBjency that may stir the eitizens of New-York to do their full duty in this campaiffii and in this election ought to be employed without dolay. Tho omergoney ia of the giavest. Kvery man who is cntitled to vote should 808 to it that he registers his name and does not lose the priviloge of casting his ballot one week from Tuesday noxt by failuio to have his name down on the registry-list. Cnless we can get out the full vote of all New Yorkcrs who ar? opposed to Tammany Hall Tammany will rule this town for the n^xt two vears. What Tammany rule means when there is no check of any sort, upon it New-York loamed by the blaekoi and bitterest experieneo when Tweed was our " nncrowned king.'* Tammany has not had full sweep and full sway sinee the timo of Tweed. Let evciy voter rcfdsttr, and l?'t every man who does not wish to see a renewal of tho Tweed infamies cast his ballot against Tammany. Af/7. QLADBTOXK IS MIDLOTUIAy. Mr. t;iad>ione's voieo may be itnpaired by ag1? and pbysical intirmity, but his lofdc is as Iceen and meiciless. his argumontative forc<' :us overwhelming as in his hest years. His ar taignment of the Conseivative Uoveinment at Kdi"nbnrgh was as powerful as his indictmont of L.rd i)ca;onstield"s career of diplomatic ad vonttire ten years ago bef:>re a SootCB audienee. There were two counts : repudiation of party pledges and misgovernment. Kaeh of these counts was preaaed with lnminous sim plicity and cnmulativo forcaj. |n lB8t, as Mr. (iladstone prosents the case, tho Tones deftated Hoino knle by plodgitifj themsolves to govorn Ireland without Coereion. to giant local governmoni. and not to BMkc lar?e advances from tho TrCBaory for buyinp out iBBdlorda. Tho lirst pledge was guamn iced by act as wvll as by election oratory, for m 1885 the Salisl.ury Hoverninent had allowed the (iladstone Coereion Act to lapse bj limita tion. The Tories wtre then in alliance with the Irish Nationalists and doing everything in their |K?wer to coneiliate them in the hopo of defeating the Libei-als in the eleetions of that vear. When in lHMi Mi. UkwatofM appoalr-d to the eountry to sustain the Honie-ltiile bill M the only alternativo for Coereion the Torios oontended that it waa not a ense of excludod middlc, that the island could be governed with? out force legislation, that an extension of lotfal government alone waa neoeasary, and that the Liberal achemo of land purchaso waa ex travagant and monatrous. Theae were the pledgea. Not one of them has been kept. Aa soon as the .Salisbury Uoverninent was in uoww it (uiavt?ii ? QoeifiivA b.iil, bju? it Uug systematically cmployed force in governing the island. Local government reform has not been granted. Parliament has been asked to vot* S->00 000.000 for buying out the landlords. Every pledge made in 1H86 haa been*repudi ' The misgovcrnment of Ireland Mr. Glad stono dcmonstrates most f.-rcibly. Absontcc ism was one of the worst signs of.Englishrule in the last cenfiiry, and it has bocome a Tory habit the Chier Sccretary rarely leaving Lon don Poace is maintained in thc island only bv the emplovniciit of a police force eix timcs ^ large as thnt required for England and Scotland ; and the harshness and brutahty with which it has been employed servo to provoke tho people and to render the law odioiis. "Their administration of tho law," exclaims Mr Ohadatone, in one of his ringing sentenceB. -'? is worse than the law itself. The Govern? ment itself is a pattcrn of illegality." in ordc-r to appreciate tbe foroo of these de nunciations it is only neceesary to lemember that the Coercion law has been paased and ad ministercd for the sole purpo?e of preventing outhreaks of lawlessness and restoring the au thonty of law. Whcn Mr. Gladstonc, as the leader of the English Liberals, doclares that the state of affairs is so bad that the Irish are justifled in hatinp the law, and that the Gov ernment which aflects to be striving to re store the authority of law is its?!f " a pattorn t,f illegality," be pa-sses the soverest sentence of condemnation upon the present admit.istia tion. it is a sentence that dooms Coercion irrevocably to failure. Coercion wnr* nnsuc decade after decade when the two Eng? lish parties were united in upholding it. How ,an it be anything except a bancn policy in lutnre when one of those parties is arrayod against it, and a itateaman of Mr. Gladstonc s authoritj dcclnres that the Irish ought to haf. tho lawV Indeed, he came very near saying that they ougut to break it. JX APPBAL TO THE SOVTH. The Ilon. S. B. Elkina btJ made a valuable coBtributioB to the ampaign in the speeeh dc liveied yestcrday in West Yirgima. Mr. ElhilM ipeaka as one who knows how thc Suiith has been aided in devclopment by tho Republlcan policy. lt is passing strange that. in ipite ol the wondorful lesnlts already aiV.ined. the po litical power of the Southern State* is still e* erted almost unitedly against the po.icy of the Republlcan party. and yet not s-> strange when it is considered that the votes of the Bouth are not the votes of the people. It is natural that Mr. Klkins speaks strongly and eloquently of the rcsources of West Vir ginia. and of the magnilicent future wbich is npened to the people of that Stat<> b.v the pro? tectlon of home industry. His si>occh is crowd i d with i:iformation, and is thfottghout an able and ciTective defence of Eepublican mca.sures. and espeially of tho McKinley bill. but it ap ,K*als with siiecial force to the people of the Southern States, where mining and manufact ures have already been developed with remark able succoss through l'rotection. The benefits thus reali/.ed hy the farmers of those States, in the IfaTger and nearer maikets for their prod? ucts, iinuieasurably ontweigh the many other l.enelits which the new tarifT confers. Whlle Mr. Flkins is right in chiiming that the new duties on agiieultiiial products will bonefit the rarming class in all tl.e States, by eloalng thr doors through which foreign fartn prodnrt? worth sixty-live millions yearly have heen in troduced, yet this ben?>lit will be more directly felt by the people of the States along the sen board and the Canadian border. Bnt the far greater and more enduring beneiits derived from the cstablishment of manufacturing works and the o|>ening of mines in States previously devoted to agricultiue almost exclusivcly, and rron the crcation of home markets for fann pandocta, not even the abundant BlitJatica which l.e prcscnts' can nieasuro. That is a hlessing which the Southern people havo not yet began to appreciate, gpparently, though in almost every Westein State it hftf been reali/.ed for years. Mr. Klkins dwells most forciMy upon the magnitude and value of the home market to the producers of this conntiy, and siihinits a grent anay ol facta to show how this maik"t uvcrshadows all otheis in inipoitance. lt i> Ihe literal tliith that the I'liiled States could l.etter afford to forego all the advantacres ..i any foreifjm trade whatever, as rompletely B? if its people were 8hut in by an impaaaable ocean of Hre, than to allow that home market t.. be senously impnired. Tho people of this COUBtry sell to all the rest of Ihe world sev^n hundred millions' worth, more or less. liut the people of ihe I'nited State* si-ll to each other alr'mdy moie than ten thotuand millions' worth of products every year. not counting a socond or Viiii.l sale ..f any article. and this domestic trade is ex panding at the rate of 80 per cent at least in each decade. The loss of a twenti'th of it would quite outweigh in value the cntire ex port trade of the Nation. Contributing by bis .wn entorpriae and faculty of orgaiii/ation aud leadeiship. as Mr. Elkins doos, to the rapid de? velopment of West Virginia, he has some rirfht to appeal t > th? people, not of that State only. |,ut of other Southern States, to uphold the Repnblioan policy which has made that de? velopment possible. PROSI'ECTS. ProphecT on the threshold of an election is not ..ft.'n of any use. It it creates false confidenee, or slackcns the efforts of friends, it is worse than aseless. It is. therefore, enouRh at tbis lime to say that the prospect for an? other Republlcan Congreaa is faV more en coui'aging than it was one month or six months ago. So much any obs^rver may gather from the tone of D mociatic c-mments. Six months ago, before the new Tariff bill had been pjtsaed, there was no sort ?f donbt among Dcmoerats about the political com plexion of tbe next House. They were abso lutely sure of succe^s. The parrisan redis trictinga in Ohio, Maryland, Tennessee and Kentnckj were considercd certain to gain for the Dcmoerats at least ten seifs in the House: other seats wer.- sure to be gained at thc South. wheie D'-mi ciats can coun* to suit tho:nscl\cs. still were r.ckoned a? aurely gaimd bv various fonns of Ileptihlican disalf.?etion, or by oppesition t-? the TarifT and Electkn bills piopuaed in the lluuse. Months have paased, and now that the elec tii.-ns are close al hand the tone of welMn forined Dem.jcrats has mat'iially ohanged. They absolntely certain of :*o niajmity in the lliius ?: now they aie bopeful of a narron and scanty inajority, and yet bctiay not u little fear, in cich of many distiicfs which they havo counfod upon, the Kepul.licans may soine how Buceced. Thus it is noteworthy that, al thoiigh Major McKinley has fsbout S,00l ma jority to ovcrcome in tlie new district c>n trived expreasly for his defcat, one well-iri foruied Democratic journal expressea the opin ion that he will pmbably " pull through." whlle otben are raising the customarj' silly cry about " the lavish use of money" there. .Kiperienced ptvaofgj have observed that whenevtr the Dein ocrats are aliout t-i auffcr a heavy and crushing loss they prepare the way by thia chatter about Hepublican money. H ? uy11 Ujge 4or ft?J>ubii?M to {elax jJi cij offort*. The odda against whieh !they have to eontend this year are very great, A national party rarely escnpes conaiderable lo*s from natural causes in the second year of a now Administration. The crops have proved a par tial failurc, and there are still living some lineal descendants of the fisherman who voted against the party in power beeause there were no eel? m his eel-pots that year. All the inconvoniences and all the real or imaginary burdens of a new Pariff bill are felt as aoon as it goes into ef fe'ct, and are then onormously exaggerated by indi'vidual greed, whilo its beneficial rcsults do not naturally appear until later. No new ad justnient of duties can please overybody, and those who nre displeased have grudges to sat isfv. while other people have M yet only biight cr hopes for their eonntry. But the.r* are some highly encouraging symptoms. In not a few instances tho beneficial effects of tho now Tariff bill can already bo tierceived by those who look for them withuit prejudiee. A great many. works of varituis kinds whieh were idlo and waiting a month ago have already resumed opeTationa. Searce ly a day passos without telegrophie mention of new works begun in some part of the eountry in direet consfX|iicnee of duties whieh afford ?largcr encouragement than before or a siirer market for produoers. The number of addi tional workeis for whom employmont is thus afforded must be in the aggregato large al "eady. Their consumption already swells the ilemand for farm or other products of homo in dustry, and in the building and equipmenf of new works there is already inereased demand for the labor of Ameriean meehanies. Ameri can bailey along the Canadian bordor has tapidly advancod in value. at some points hav ing about deubtod, and tho stronger demand Ior many other farm products is already per coptible. But the great reason for conh'doneo is that the Republican party has bravely and man fully appealed io tho intelligenco and patiiot ism of the people, and moots with a ready re sjionse. It has trmted the eountry before, in circumstances far more tryinjr. and has not found its confidonce nitplaced. niou-PRici;D coxcEBirs, In Brockton. Mas*., aeeording to a dis pafeh, at a well-known hoarding-hoUM the price of board has been raised SO eents per week on aecount of the MoKinloy bill. A lioar.linK-hoiiso keep?r so giftod should oertain Iv be patronized by all good Amerieans. They know that the sugar duty removod ommts for inany timea as niueh as tho duties added on potatOM and all other food products. But Amerieans are of coiirse anxious to buy where they can pay tho highest possible prioo. All know that this Is a National pecnliarity. Therefore, it will dotibtless be execedingly helpful to sundry firms to be advertiscd, in a sheet printed for Demoeratie campaign dis ti'ibution, as high-piioed conoerns, whieh plun der customers wherever they have a chanco. Tho people of this eountry enjoy being impu ilently plunderod : who doubts it? These firms look eare to import fjUBBtttiea of oertnin for eign goods prior to the pa?sago of i\\^ new l'liiiff bill. They paid the old rates of duty and not a penny more. They havo on hiind oiiough of the gooda imported at the old rates nf duty to supply tho pr.ibablo demand of.their customers'for months to come. Now they take <aro to advertise that they will " be obliged" to oharge their customers hlgher price* to lotrespond with a now rate of duty whieh they have not paid. Tho Ameriean who sees flt to deal with sueh lirms evidently wants to be pluck.d. and is in a fair way to have his- wish. Tho natnos of lirms whieh thus take eare t> extort the last rent they can for gooda without even a decont I'xciis? will be Rratuitously advevtised at the cNpcusa of tho Demoeratie parly, and very properly. About half of them may be rccog tiized by 'their iiamos as not Ainoiicans in lineage, and very likelv not in citizenship. bo they may be highly patiiotic iu striving io tiansfer as mueh Ameriean money to foroign bank aceounts as possible, and this is in strict iccoid with Demoeratie principles. As there :tv only about two dozeB of them mentioned by name, and their plaees of husiness are seat lored all over the countiy from Boston to Knn City. extiaordinaiy pams having obviously heea taken to get together as many of them is possible, an enortnou* trade is theirs. u tiiming that Amerieans prcfer to be plundercd. Notbing is said in this Demoeratie campaign shoot of the many other lirms wbich advei liso in this and other citios that they are sell ing tlieir gooda at tho old rates. as they are in honesty bonnd to do, having paid as yet not a ,oiit of inerca.sed duty. i'inns of that kind not truly Demoeratie. They eiukavor to c.minand the respect and conlidenee of the public, by fair doaiing and honesty, and that doos not serve the ends of a party whieh works for foroign against Ameriean interests. It is i.arely possiblo that some Ameriean customers who are not in lovo with extortion may profer io deal with peoplo who soll at fair piiees. Melancboly as it may appear, lirms of this kind are so numorous thatryaajry customer can liad ihom il' he p^':|<.-s,dp^,/ some nf them will doubtloss be enriohed by their timcly invita tiofl to the moan-spirited public. The election is not far away. The men who serve, foroign and Demoeratie interests by their adveitisements will oontributo libeially, no donbt, from the money whieh they eompol their customers to pay. in order to defeat an Ameriean tarilT for the promotion of fbrelgn industries. But after the returns have been i-oiinted it may appear well to theso peoplo t<> pander t<i the tastes of thoso Amerieans who wnnt ehoap gooda and honest deaiing. The chaneea are that sundry of theso vooiforous price-raisers will then be reducing goods to the old Bgurca. But even then they will not be ahead of cettain English and (ierman manu facturers. who are even to-day offering goods thr.nigh their ag'jnts here at a reduction just tufHcient to balance tho inereased duty. Strango that men should be so regardless of Free-Trade thoorios! m_^_______ GF.SF.UMKF.TCIIAM'S FOVRTEBXTH TF.RM Tiic Demoerats of tho XVIth Congressional Distriet have displavcd commeiidable good ^ense in withdrawing the candidate whom they |,ad put in tho Held against Ueneral Ketcham. |'h ? eoinmittee to whom the Demoeratie Con vention assigned the task of Hnding a man t<> oppoao tho Uonetal, aft'-r a wcatLsome seaich tluoiigh Columbia. I'utnam and Dutchess couu lics. linally sueceeded in inducing Chailes Au tin to aoept the einpty h.nor. but that gentle man, upon reaMaing that his eanvaaa was ab? solntely peifunitoty in charaeter, rea>ij:ned. and so tho way of the vcteian loador to the Capitol lemains freo and unobstriicted. Ueneral Ketcham has had a rerpaikablo pub? lic carocr. Pof nearly forty years he has been in aetive service, and iu all that time be has been defeated at th" polls but oiice. That was jn his famous campaign of 187^, when he was beaten by about 800 vote*, at an expenso, it ?as said. of over #100,00(1 to the successfiil candidate. His nomination for Congress in 1H64, in rocognition of his gallant services on the battlelield, was made unanimously, and 6VPry time since then, fourteen time* in allt his oonstituent* have awarded him the honoi by auviaijjjiUuii. W Uvii it i* naasm bered that the district la, or rather was, natu rally Democratic, and that previoua to Uen oral Ketcham'8 election no man ever repre scnted it more than two tcrme in succession, tho Gcnerars continued 8uccc?8 will be more fully appreciated. ... liut the reaHon of it is -imple and obvioua. Gcneral Ketcham represents in Congrcss, not the members of his party only, but the people of the entire district. His conHtitcenta, Dem ocrats as well as Kepublicans, understaiid and appreciate this fact fully. They know Gencra Ketcham thorougbly. They troat him. and laat so !ong as he is wiHing as aerye them they will doubtless rejoice to have him repreaent them in Congress. WOMEX TO THE BESCVE. Woman's inUuence is an organizcd force in Knglish politiei. In the general ehTtiona there the l'rimrose and Libera! Leagucs do a great deal of effective work on opposite s.des and ,erve to dinct thc moral force of public op.n.ou. In Ainerica womens interest in pol.tics has been in the main a Bporad.c dcvel.pment oi tomperance agi.ation. It ia one of the ****** of good government which has been sys tematically neg!ected, greatly to the diaadraa, tage of the State and Nation. lt la one of tbe noat hopeful algna of thc prewnt revolt againat Tammany and saloon rule in this town that women are taking part in the strngg o under the Icadership of the most cultured and rol.ncd. The moral effect of this unexp^cted re.nforce ment will be very grcat, The uprising agamst Tammanv misrule is a battle for ciuc punty. ,or clean and whole-omo pt^tke, and for com mon deeency in munlcipal affairs. It is a strnggie in which tho women of ******* havo aa much at stake as the men. Thelr m tervention is a crowning proof of the intpor tance of the isiuec of the local canvass-an in vigorating i.uentive to all good dttaena to do erervthing in their powei to orerthrow the ovil and corrupt forccs of Tammany and saloon politics. The first impulse to this movement bns been imparted b.v a committee of weli-known wom en headed by Mrs. C. R. Lowell, Mrs. \\. H. ?khieffelin, Mra. R. W. Gilder, Mrs. J. J. Cbfjp man, Miss Lowell, Miss Lockwood. Miss De McCarthy and Miss Kleanor Jay Bchieffelin. They have issned an appeal t<? the women of New-York in support of the effort of thc i'eo ple'a Municipal Deague for refonn in the ap proaching election. Signatures 80 the appeal und HnanciaJ oontributiona are aoiicited, and the practical suggestion is made that every woman who algna her naine shall make a point of anenring at least one voter. Simplc and itnpretentiona as this plan of campaign is, it ,-an be made a very effective agency of refonn. The women of New-York ca.T do much to aid in ovrrthrowing the ring of corrupt polificiana that now has the town by the thruat. The appeal pnblished elaewhere in this [aaite ahowa that hnndreds of signatures have been already obtained, and that much earnest work ha.s been doiie. The energy and spirit shown by the women ought to shanie every listless and in dolent cifzen into action. We Ivlieve that will be the efTect. This movement ought to enlist the henrty support and co-operation of every earnest woman in Ncw-York. The secretary is Miss Lockwood. of No. 114 Kast Kighteenth-st. The treaanrcr is Mrs. C. R. Lowell. of No. 12" j-]nst Thirtietb-at, Let every woman who sccs this appeal aend in her naine and her coiitri biition and tiy to influence at least ono voter. No spirited woman has reason to fear that she will unsex herself by giving aid to the CaUBS of good government and puhlic morals. (llnd tltlings rome from the XVth Congress District of New-York. Tbis district consisls of the eonntiea of Orange, RockUnd and Sallivan nnd ifi one of the eloSCBt in the Srate, the preaent Republlcan ConRressman havlng twen ehoacn hy a plnrality of only T4. It is preity rlcar. how ever, from tbe letter from Newh.irs. which we print to-day, that the diatrict will send anotlter Repnhltenn to the LIM Congrees. Our party friends in OfBBge have n flrat-elaaa enndidatc in riarenee lesow, e.nd they nre worklng for his elcftion with unanimity nnd enthiisiasm. Tbe tarifT is playlng an lmportant part in tbe eampaign, sime the county contains a btrgC nun.bcr of lmportant buelneee Interest* wbich have been stiinubited by tlie paSBBge of the IfcKlnley bill. Both empioyera and empktyre BBturally desire ihe suceeaa of the partv which beUeres in protecting Americ/m labor and ATiieriren enpital. There is reason to briieve that the other two Counttes of the district will do as well aa Oranir.. In that evi-nt, tbe XVth will be all right, The situntioti ll fttll of hope, bnt. 6iicress is conditioned upon bard and unrcmitting exertion from now until election day. Tl.e failure of tbe applc rrop in N'ew-Jorsoy has strur-k a deatb-blow at the indtistry of naaking npplejack, which flourisl.ed uforetime in that State Applejack, sonietitnes disrespeet fully styled "Jersey lightning,-' has the rcputation of ix>ing one of the most eeduettce an.l pmrerful intoxicants that the hiinian anatomy ever had to deal with. What the people of New-Jersey who have lxcn in tbe habit of rejrardintf applejack a-.i only one remove from tbe st.tlT of life will rlo now is melaneholy and pninfnl To eontemplate. Some of tbe fortunatc ones prol):.bly have a sniall snpply left over from last season. nnd it ls ensy to se.> that they will cherish it 88 the apple not to say the applejack?of their eve. To think of New-Jersey without applejack is like thiukiDg of Cbina without Cbinamen. Ex-Conjrri'ssTnan John K. Rnasell TVm.l. nf MassaehusettM, says that be bopes foncrress " never will do 8 preat deal.'' Of a Detnorratie. CongTCSB that is truly a piotis wish ; bnt tbe pcopb* have lately had son.e experienee of a live, working, Republlcan CongreaSj nnd they are very well s;iti? fled, tlianlc you. A do-nothing Congrcea will i>e in order if tbe Democrats should ever happea to get the upper hand agaln-end not till then. The eity's floating lmtbs are rather expensive Ihinga lo keep when not in use. List winter tbe citv paid 70 cents a day st/>rai<e for each of them, but, by some ehange in eonditions and riretim .-.taiices, or through a desire to "sc|iiee/e" a rteh muuicipality, the prioe has ijone up, and Counms sioner QUroy linds that ly mtisi paj >;i .".0 a day or clse keep towing the bathg around tlie barbor. Tliere is w:arrely anytiiinx more uwless or dis liearteninn in winter tiine tba.i u lloatinj; hath, nnd it. is poaatble tbnt. the ft.rnier custodtans liavc n>lt iinpelled 8a raise their tcrms on accotint of tbe wear and tear to whirh tleir fotltnaB] were sib jected. Mr. Gilroy thtnkB tbe Dock Coiiunis ^illneIS ought to provide BtofBaje for the l.aibs. Wl.y not ? Give them tbe batha hf nll gaeana The election of ex-Attorney-Oeneml Li-slle W. Rnasell for f'onsress ln the St. Lnwrence nml JelTerson County District will nmteiially strengthen New-Vork's reprcsentation in Wesh iniiton. He is a thorough lawyer, an excellent speaker and a rendy and well-enuipped delmter. Tbc KcpuhlicnuB of his district ought to tun. out an.l give him a rousing majority. ? o. lf alieentecism were trumps, what a hand Con BBeaBBBBfl Stahlnecker, of the XlVth District of thls State, would boldl Hls I?;-.,i. frieuds cuunot claim that he haa been a Repre-sentutivc who has Bgage* sentcd. No, but they can ol.wui that aa an ab scntee be bas bnd few e.iuala. Think of a C'on gresamau earneatly struggllng to cam hls salary i.nd serve his constltuents by the sweat of Ids *!> sencrs frora Congreeslonal dut^ : Tbat's Stahl accku. Ihe (CQfild afeojj Umi gul cj |M reilr ealaj be mlaeed anawering 3921 Still, ha aaka the voters of the distriet to re-elect him. Unleat . they are etone-blind to tbeir own interesta, they J will Bend him to the rear and elect J. Thomaa ' Stearna. Mr. Stearna could he depended upon to <le vote himself to thelr intereaus, to aerve them witb abillty and fldelity. PMMOMdt, Tha rtev. Abel steveni. LL. D.. for many yeara a reaident Of Boston. ns odltor of ?? Zlon's H"raM? aml l?.?t.h,liP:.'nt0H,M' hut now of iaataajri fJalifnrnla. la iTiM.i iLTtlnK ?nn,,N!r v,,i?">? ?? W? h??tory of Sictliortisni ln his BBfeaty-atv.ntli yetr. How Mr. Moody tern.lnated tbe MIoim pmy'r of a ploua bnt uninteresflnn brother. at a revlvul m?"tjn(? ln Bntfalo, was rtcacrtbwi rerentlv In TUe Trlbuna From the aamo city rome* tlda other atory about rho ev.nncllsfs aMBBjaa way*. Whlle h* BTBB thnnHorl.ig str.-nc truths Into the henrts of hl> heii-rs laat rtnn day nlgrlit. an aped de3r<m who ?at n**r him ?? ... pl.tlbriu ?rpt InU'.ier;,,,* BMttMMB >ncnl? \nien." %,d ZSfQl A ma" w,,h Prtnelale kiaman tofca *S ?? aBafWSS f3 They say that f'olonel (harle, E. spra,,,,. of ^ts f1*-*** ?**Pr*'*'* ?" ???* the day wb?n Volapuk wiil t* lils lonirue. v " ? The name of Mrt. f'-isanova, Arrhbsliop of 8,nti ago. f'hlll, nitist be added to the llst of tl.oae i?r l.tes who have rome bnrarB m grara <r.-e<i b* -avors of tlieir r-untry. The 8MBf*ar*l b?-tw. en P:e?ld.'n; nil aaaeaaa and the otarwaetaalag maimiiy ..f tbe ton Kr. s, had, at tho beirin'iliif; of Aupist, beraBBI BS arni? that a revolution, mo h as Cf.lll hml not kn -wn s ne IBSO, uus foared. Al BM aame f:mo the p paia; niind was graalty exeitei by the strikes at the v?;t petr- legloti, :l| \'al|i.itais.., and nt th" < anaS wntfc Mar s-intla.... whlrh nail almost a-iiiii-d the r?rr'P>r of 4, uai revolBtloo. At th.s ni irnent Atvnola .on i asanova suereedea' by his IntervmUon ln bnnstM about i?ea.e between Ihe e\eri:tiv.> aod Ir- .-i-: ,ta poaer*. liBlatareu dtaniiaaed hU MlifiUry ?ni a new Cablnot ??> formed i f peraons it ..? ??? aneoasBtv* iF.|s.-<t m pnlltiral Blffenenre., bnt ;WI f abBt) and nlshly rcsjic, tcd. The strlK.'s w.-r- bronalil t<> i (iil .md thelr cxreame* rherked. ?>u a.ik-u-t u'l th' le:t*srs (.f :ill tbe pnllllial parties gave * ?p|endld bairfinet ln Ibmot nf the ArelihUlma who wa.s t b-iIk d i.y niimeruaa -p Mkers in t-:ms ?.f enihualassa for his liitcrv-'titlotj, wlil* h h:id savcil his t. uuti) fr.,m a fe.lons crlsis. TBE TAI.K OF THE DAT. "The rontrre^tjonalisf t-lls of n BaatM man whi Ii<h nua-imit Heaven, aod wbo has found out tli4 lli-re wlll be ro ;n en.mitfi lu lt f?r the entire ln liabMaata, IhiaNsahoart all tlrne. of a bundred worlds lika thls. K..r B I?"-t'.|i m.iii. thla i* very tBtBBlaBBBa Hut then, hc pmbablv doe-n't e.\iw>(t t'? nv-et all thase people iu bis >et. An f/nttaielT F.nd.-TBe folLiaing obhunrr notlre f.n a BOktal i aid idl, the -t?n oi a J.ui'iiali-,iir birtn .md aeath; Dir.i). Budire?.?At I.eMnirt m, (?i-.. Oetohar IB, 1-90. l.exi.Kl'ii W. liuilLVt. in;-<l UC arwh*. In -.rrtcr t. esi .;.?? the Ignonifiiy <>f UeotninB b tloauiu- BlioaalM tion upou tl.e rlalttg tdc of d.-i.t. it cho?? uitl. bon Uodkiit Ui nake i's own end ahlfc yet it eoaM pa? f..r its own IturlaL "Tae -and- of the shora wlll drift a'er its ?rav.'. Um uo -tench fnun it> rarcasa will Hoat ..ii the wava' ndib.r ?? I'ri-ss-: Uear Irlr? Ai-ctpt our Uuwfca for yoar ronrteay In exrh^iudif with ur littic niliml " and allou ii-, to rxprcni the h ip<> that \..u miy ii?-wr kauw ihe liunlUailua ol pulllng down vour nflire slint. Bespecifiilly, KN"'?W a WIIITSoX. -('.'Inladeipliia Prt as. An EnglUheorn*spoua>nl ..f ?Th ? claBgregatli nahsi' teiu the bilk?a*lng story bJjobI Benjaatfa r.lieti. tha youiiK BagUsh labor kader abo has raeaaUf raaaa to the frot.t. aud who. I.v tha way, i> it Oinciepa' : ?? Ile was ifBMtlniJ to at. iniineiisc rrowd of workin^ nu-n, iiiauv of tlii'in KorhUl^ta, wBM ho hegM u> taik ahout hU IMvlae Maaaer. He spoke of what ths Man of Naaarath saM when He was upon Um *<?rth; he K.l.l iheui what th" >Iau of Nazaie:h di 1 w heu He dw.'lt aatong men; aud M BBMM B hai lu: lasUBVaji tl.e Man of Nazareth n.mld do to WtMrhlagaaOB and dotU hsborer* aara ll" here to-day. Ile i::s-w and nion; larno as he -poke of the rlgttteoesacw ai;d sympalhy and BnncHahneas and laaa at tae Man af Xaaareih. At la-t .1 BoclaB4 erled out: -Lct's glve three rheees for Ihai Man af Na/.arethi He u tii? best Mit.11 of whom w.' have e\er hcanl I' And ln. ?ailatily ihwrsaMa of haa* and eaps were upUfed, aud Ita us-ands <>t rafCOl Joined in ringinir rbeers for the ?Man of Kaaarath.' Ka 'the world ajaeaa.' " Intellicent fowBoattoi TB1 new reporter apelU " vtetuals " v i ta 1 a.' ForaBMB?Yea, he's fw-h; make >r ri^ht and dump'i ln here; aanl to ??> t.? pn-ss in just threo minntes. And this was wlint ti." j.ublic iva^l when the pspr wa- i--a>?l: "The \enlut of the oroner's |iir'.- Wi4 that th" (l"C"as".| <ainc b> his aeath from the e.'fects af a SUBshsB wound in Uio victuals."?tWIutoide Herakl. ? The Austro-lfangariM cazefte" is d.tlns i?ood work for the anti-Tauiniaiiy tl^ker. It U the officlal or?*n of over 4<ki Austro-llungarlaa orgMliatlnM ln this and oth"r (ifi.-s. with a toCal BarBtaeraWf of aboni T".,(M)o, and al?o of ihe AiTstr.i?Huiiptrian Consulatoi in the Iniied Mtata*. Iioiii" (soaggUng .|iiiie rlose to his watch ohalDr What have \ou in ilial locketl I'hollle A poMagf -lainp. Doiiie Ittioala! BThal pi^tsce stanipt I'hoif.'--The one on Voiir lMaf love Icfter. I dfr tarhed u (a^tuliv. it Baraaa] roar m.a-t red npi lt ..fieu tiMH'hes li.ilie. Dnllie- You dtvailfiil f.'llow! Tm so snrry ! flu.lli.'-M.ri'v : \\'h\ ' i>oii>?ikN-uase i BioHened ttamp bjr presslnj lt on's iear, tlamp tn>ae.-<Pltralmrf liaulKla. (in" of Ihe < lerfcs of I'ay lasaoeaor O. A. Lyon. it rhartn of t!:e N'a\*y i'ay iBBra at --an Fraaetaaat ls t'nl ti"l Antoflto I'ranci-d) ttoflBBB. He is a Parsee. snd wir.'ii ln ludia bta waa BaafaaajM Ooafea. His ancest >rs erected soin" of The BBBBt micnltleent palaes of anrieat Indla. - Do \ou iliow yoar hasbana t<> rarrr a nluht-keyi* said a mA-.-re baikliiK wiaaaa lo Mr-. \lc<.u<tley. ?? (>h law, no." rrplled lhal ia?i\ ; ?? l never think of Midi b thlng. llulf ih" llate he'B rateh hi^ death nf old 1 rv i:in 10 Und the l.-'yl.ol". Il>> )u-t shsBH ths ?liutter- on.?>? or iwi.". and 1 doWB and let him. in." iWa-hiiH-ton l'o-t. Tlie -uiiinicr reaort hotel olerlt H hrgianlltg to tind his speerh after the paal aeasoa'a raaapwlga. AnB if you will l"t him tetl the storjr, he is a Biarh-abas-a Indlvidiiil. "Ior htstaare/ s..>s one of them, -th rlsrk s. hedules 011 BetKBg up al 7 oVh* k. Well, at C B BOJf lianiiners 011 his door and says a lady wai.ts to see him al oaee, down m tlie oilue: ran't n*t a mlaate, and nohoiy else will do. Ip lumps ths clerk and falls down to the ? lloor to liud tho arcapant of ewlte a. f * .\ampie. l.iyin- for haw. fJooi BtortllBg, tnaduii".' s.i\s the clerk. 'l?Ar! ll^w you ha\e keP' BM waltlag" ?*? replie-. 'Very sorrj.' says the rlerlt, w.slilnit 111 his ?oul that he had kept ber half an hoar. Tli-n she be?us a.*a:n : '1 infend to spend the iay In to?n. and pot Bp early to ?*? if you thoiifiht the 10 oVtorB train waa better than tho 10^0. What do yoa thlak ''' He's just ?ot |0 nrlt h:s te"th and -niile, and say that the 10 traut is f.ister by two BttMte*. bal t!i*t he thmks she araaal (Ind less (inders lu and letter rhywa from the 10:30. Then sh-.-'ll thank him and t;ike Ihe 11 M tlBM." Tho Member Kn.m (ianl.-- Paps." tnqulred a Ton gre-snian's intie aaaglitvr over ? Praara k-s>ou, -wnai l? tho Hvnrh f?r b I el Te horse '' ??A hutsc you mean, don't you! " (.fSconcse,(v<>ua.ioU dauchter. Tl.e French for that is horse (ln roatbat." and the iikmhIht <.tn?k"d n? whiakora wlth prktrful Bbrolty and went 011 with hU Mwapaaor.?tBTashlBgloa Bim. BIBAKOB MTAL1TY (?F THE |PM IMWEK. Proan The Waakaagtaa l*ost. Tho ntlflMl BartBaajB saloons in Knn-as and lOM evideiitly hav? us buuij Bves as a rat. NOT KXTKNS1VKI.Y ADVF.nTISF.D. Frotn Tl.e Ilaltlinoix- Ameriean. \ New York pipor ticuts?< lt out thut over Ija mllllon dolhirs ..?> dMrihuied to wmners as tl.e T+ sults of horxerarlag last M-ar. and c?lla lt -fortunea on the mrf.'' KothlBg is said ab-.ut the mM>rmnei of the men who ftirt.lshed the m.ney for dlstrlbutlO* T.ic otbar feliows can tell BOB about A CMV SPKCIMF.N. From The- St. L mis lilol.e Demoei-tt. niicahrr Keai'a aervtce ? bchaif of Major McKlnlaf l> a llne lllusiiatlon of the BMB of reelpriKIty. TYl'lt AL Of TM1 PAJtTYV P.^LICY. I'rom Tho St. Louih (Hobe Dcmormt. Tho b(M.t with whlch OaaajraaaaBM Kll8?re Jrtrkal down on? of the of tl.e House ls 011 aatahBiaa ?I tlra Texiw. state Kalr; and U.ut Is really aS..ui the best ayaabal of the Demoeratie polley divriug taa late sc?*io'u of Caaajreaa. M E Tti THAT MeKlNLBY BILL. From The Mlnneapolla Trlbune. Oraaaty to the dUmiMt of the Demoeraey. the Vf1** of necesauritv* pemUiently and obadlnately r\?fua; toai? up. The only lUag that haa -goue up' ls tae ur uiorraey. AN OYERDUSE NOT ALWAYS FATAU From The Washinitlon Piast. lt I* annouiirt-tf lhat ci-Oovernor St. John W,,,I1'IS the atnmp lu Kansa*. The Kansas maa wlu^ strons'ly tempted to tokf up fan raaKUtaoa ? 9^W vUuw Blaiaa