Newspaper Page Text
WEDDIXtiS PAST AXD TO COMB. The wedding of Miss Edlth Stockwell, daughter of jeorge P. stockwell, to VTanklln W. Itoolton, of Mg*. York, took place yesterday afternooTT ot the Chnrcli of the PUgrims, Kemsen and Henry st*., Brooklyn. The bride entcred tbe church with her father. MUs Oertrudo Storkwell, the brlde's sister, was niald ot bonor. Thc brldesraaids were Miss Marton Brook man, Miss Esther Leonard, Miss Eglth Woodrnff, Miss Hch*n Newell, of t lin ago; Miss Ellaabeth Roblnson and Mls> Auna Ward. Tlie best man was Fredcrlck C. Nlcholls of Boston. Thc uthers were Herbert Hob bln*. of Brooklyn : Evert J. Wendell, Howard A. Taylor. Ale-ander T. Ma<*on and Hirhard P. Futler. all of New* Vork. The ceremony was performed by Ihe Rev. Dr. etorr*. Thc?? vras no general rereptlon, only tbe lm mediate relatl4-e* meeting at the home of the brlde's p-M-enU, No. 37 Rcmsen-st., after the oercmooy. At the New York Arenne Methodl*t Epl??.pal Church, Brooklyn. last evening Miss .loale Lawrence McDerm.ut. ? Brooklyn artl-t, was married to Oeorge I>. Beatty*. The oflldatlng clergymen were the Rev. T. 6. Barnnm, the Rev. Abrom Davls aod U.e Rev. Dr. Oeorge P Maln*, the pastor of the church. The brlde -as glven away by ber unrle, E. B. Barnum. Mis* Madellne Uarnurn. a cou*in ot the brlde. wns maid of honor. and the brktesmald* were Ml*s Ma? geottys and Mis* Ilesslc I.aruum. Frank Beatty* wa.* the best man. and thc usher* were W. M. Tuttlo. Frank B. I pharu. I. 1. Rohmer. Harry H-l*tead, C. J. Post, Jr.. and William A. Weteter. A small rerepUan foi lowed at No. 1..01 Dean-st., the home of tbe brlde s uncle. Xlw wedding of Mis* Helen Bectrwlth to Fran aft Dudley Lelgh wlll take place on 4>ctober 2B ln Undon. accordlng to a cablo di.patcl. reeelved In New York yesterday. The wedding of Mlu Mabel Ferguson to Willlam Klug Biclurds. j... wlll take place thls afternoon at tlie home of tlw brlde. No. 3M West one-hundrod-_nd twenty-thlrd-st. A receptlon will follow. ?antel Morrel! De Wltt. head bookkeeper of tlie Importer* and Truders' Bank. of ? tit** clty was mar ned Ia*t night to Mi** Harrlet K.. daupliter of the late ,l,.hn **atterlev. of stevensavc. Monat Vcrnon. Th<* reremony, one of the prettie*! of lt* klnd. took pla-e in tlie Beformed Church. in Fifth ave. Mount Vcrnon, ?nd waa *?ltne**-cd by h large number of frlend* and reliitlves. Mi.s Kittle MeBOBB 4v8* maid of honor to IM lii-idr. wlille Ml** Geitrude Valentlne and Mm Hattie Watklns 4vere bridesmaids. Edwin De Wltt wn* br<t man. Thc brido was giveu away by her unrle, T. Valentlne. HlH Bessle Hla. kwell Taylor, daughter of Dr. W. rtem-en TOylnr. 4v..- inanled la*t evening at I o'clock to To.4nv ml D.cliins m. Tiie reremony wa- peifoimd at st. George'* Cbareb, A'tona,. by the reetor, the Kev. i harles UeMen. The nwdd ol honor was Miss Nniinali l.urncit. nlere of tor bridogrooto. Tlie bridc*ma!ds 44ere Mi** Agnes Remsen Taylor, si-tcr of tlie brlde, and MI** Ei-ic B. TrowbrldgO, of A*toria. Ml*s Kalo hrarborougb, daugbter <'f Iti-hop SrorbOfOOgh, and 1 MM >uy ciu.'i;. The be-t niBn 44;,* Walter Dtoktason, j biother 01 lhe brklrgroom. The a*bera wero w. Rem* | *e.i Tayler, jr.. brotheroi tiic hride; A. Pteraan Rther, . M. SmaNwood. uud J. Van Wyek Du Bols. A rcoeption lotlowed at the lion*e of the bride"* pareuts, j Ko. 1C1 Frunkln:-*-!. At Ro?cllc. N. J., yeatergny, Mi*s Sarah rampbcll Berdan. imghter ol Danicl W. !*? rdan, was married to William thiil.-."!! Hofe, ol tl.e Central Battroad of Nc44-.)er-ev. Thc <.i*m i)> WM p-i. >rmed by tho Ber I A BlauvrM a" Ihe Flrst Presbyierfun Church. Many frlend* were nre?eni. nnd tlie happy couple at MM *.et out 00 .. snuei wedding tonr. Xewbnrg, N. Y., Ocl. 22 ispcciiilj.-Mlss neronce r__*k T?'4\,i-i.d 4\ii* Uu- uiiviiioou married tofharie* VrSeKonale, ? I Kohwoy. N* ?'? The Kev. w. KJ Hall. rmrr 1,1 th.* FIM Frci-vteimn Chgrch, porfurmea tbe .lfinmiv. ut ih- home of tbe bride'* niwvnt*-. No. 189 ,.,??,_-.. R. L. Ferrls. uf lirooklyi., wn. best nn ,;d llie l,l'l<1.-:,l?d- W? ??*? A!"'" T,,4V,,*end. Ol Mllioo. n rou*in ul ihe brlde; Mi-* Hattie c. Marah, ol Prlncetou. N. ?'?: und the Mi-* Kniec... belknap and Mnlli" C. HuH, ol Newburg. Thu in-lier.- were ? eorge C. u. od.-il. Rugeue Udknap. (i. Elllot' Br_wn nnd r*. Wetki, of rhe s oruament* were diu'.nond*. lhe gllt H lhe beMegroOM. Bethlehcm. r-'im.. Ort. '22 (Special).-Mlss Fditl, Hraa-B-n daughter -1 Mr*. Rlltabath iloncv.naii. and ?Ss ' /U.....-I".,di....:i,n of the OlBSfl of '.-.. _-___Gh, vi.-i iui.iTK.-d tln* moroliig ot Jbe i1 ,,,? of t - bridos mothcr. ln ihl* rlly. The -wedding wi', prlvaie. Tl,c Bev. V. H. II. n.^atli pastor ol Orare luUi-riin Churrb. 44__, tiic olln .amig clerg.4nt*u. Mr. ind Mn. -Inimele v*ll noUw a wedding t'dp thra-gk thc houlll. Vorfolk Vfl.. Oct. 22 lHnHl.ll ?*?**? *****?. Hlp, c,,," ,f* Sew-York. and mn* Mary D. VValhe, 0 Noi'fn'iii wci'? -aawt-gthUalteniopii ln Chrlrt Ep.-c-pal r ur h th'* rlty. M'-> holho Wnlke. a *';<-'* ?f the .,? dc w. tl.e maid of honor. and I'okmai. K. Kl*> , N.-44 Y?ili. II"' best BMW. Thc ii-,icis 44ety WIHoualil-y Kharp, l'. Hcnry BonduU and Dooglas 1 , iv*. f Sew York aiul Ilenry Walke. Jame* I ^'nUw. _ ",,, w.iiKc A. K. Ilanckel and B. Lelghtmi llubard. r ,,f Xoi-?lk The bridr-niBids 44er? Mi*- Hlggjnsun, nf f NU Y-.iK. (he |.ridegro..m'* ->?.-.?: Mis* AlljuiO?nnver. ,1 Morrl-.f4.wn. N. J.: Ml?? Ruilly bakw. MIm K *"' '" T,vlor Mis* Etbel Ncidy. Ml** Annte Walke ;>n<l Ml. i-., Mie 1--igh. ol XorMk. aod Mi-- D,i-y Cayter. o ?tittnioie rhe i'tiilc 44.,-c *rbll? *ilk aud ii.,'..,,iii-.. AHcr lhe nervlces hi the church :. rccep I.,,, 4v?s held ai ihe liiune ..1 the bi-ide'a purenl*. Mr. i. rl Mrs. lliggin*ofi have gotM r*<iiith on ihelr weaoiug Bo?ton ort. __ ("Sperlal>.*-Thare wa* a faahlonable vudd n^ n Rmm.inn l Rpi*romil Church thl* a-tornou.i. Ih- tonunBtlug |...?ie* were Churle* lj?*l< ne4v Ki,- .-f . i-iiiri, ,4'.'1 1;. .1 ... nnd Mi** Anne Procior. daughtei , T o,a* E l'i."!'.. ul Heaco.. t. The Kev. Lelgb i.n Part* ?a* the iflr.latl'.g rlergVBMi.. Th- usher* 4'cre.l.".;.,'*? Mundell. P- l>. TragotJ. i.'ourtct.av liulM E 'Wn, J. II. Sonther. <i. F. Baker, W. 11. p.,?i,.l ?i?l T E I..?< t- r. Jr. Thc bride'.* brother. 1 ll i'r., 1.1. u . 1. -t ,1.411: and tbe brldesmakt* were thc S:i*'.5 l'i,"' .r and Blre._ MH. TALMEmVa TWO STOCK rrjUPAXIES. T',e _-.i?, un".?iiicuts wtSck A. M. I'almer niahc* of fon.tng productloni at hls t?o theatra give proa-tae of _n lateresllag aenaon *t botb honsea. At Puln.c-* TUciire ?n Norember W be will Introdnee thc young Knell-h ?, tw K. ft. W.llurd in ll-nry Arthur Jonea? ,,Iav ? Th" Middlemaii." 1-atcr Mr. Palmer will offer ?? ludah '' Mr Jooea*. mm-c rereig prodoetloo. to bo foBowed in tu.., by "A Vlltage i^.e-t." by aktaoy UrondT. and '? Wcaltli." In all tbeae play* Mr. Wlllard wlll wpeor, and aaek --.,1 be pie*c!.ted with nexv scenary. oagaelally pepared by ti.e Boank department of the theatra. Mr. wuurd* gonnh-ity In Lortca m the rharoetor of ryma Blenknrn. tl.e pottcr. ln "Tlie Middlemaii.- ha* bean aagneatmnnUe, he having played tne part for <-ver 900 algbts at tlie Shaftc^bury Theatm ]\e _B? fnr the la-t ft-w week* been prc.entlng the pla> ln tlie eluef pr.vlncial citles of England. Mr. Willard -ailed on saturday on thc Arlr.ona. The Madi.,?i BQnnra Theatre wlll ojkic IU rcgnl'i Sc_*on ou Thorsday. 0< tober 30. wltli ".ydncy GrundV* (omedv 'A Pair nl Bgnetnehra.- adaptetl from the Fiwneh of lihkhe aml Delit<,iir. Thls plav wa* pro duced last Mosoa at the Uarnck Theatre. I.ondou. aml |> still in the heigkt al lt* popularlty at that house. Mr I-lmer BOBOUBCe* that UN play wlll be prcdu-cd Witk the greatOBl poastbM care as to s.enlc adoinnicnt. ald tl.e roet wlll roinprise the leadlug n,emborf ?f tke Madlaon Bqnnw CMnnnng. induding J. H. stoddart. F H H'.lland. Waldeu Kam.ay, H. Woodnitf. II. Mill ward MKB Maud llarrl*on and Mbm Nani.ic Craggork. l)_'lv re?car*Hl* are now in progrc*-. and it 1* **a.d that r,:F rE-i" srsas ftCSS51 ':: a%ep<2. m,,,,,,.,. tuc-jw ?* **^-*y aaxisx mp'S^BSA, vVK _ tl.e hoaoa and puttlng down new carpeb.. I THE VISIT OF 0 fi*. BOUGBTOX, THE ARTIXT. Oaarge ll. Boughton. the lamou* Asioclute of the F.o-, al Academy.^ bo left New-York thirty veor* agv aad drliied .<> l.ondo... Wkeea he ha* riaOi earoed fame and hetaM uith 1,1, brush. u on kk way to thl* oonatry Mr. Bou-hti n at one time lived in Albany. and hls early arustlc , wa* paooti ln thi* clty. He went t?, ?Maoa 10 fl.,l?h his s.udies, but flnally dc-ldcd M Uiste l,l? home in Londun. _ Thc biililant S....C-* that attended hi* work lias made one of the lenders in the art drcles of Lo.. do.,. Mr. licugliton left houthamp.on last Thur*dfty .ui the Lat* which U due in thls clty t^mATtonf Durtr g his slav here hc wlll be *',e-P"0^ "iric*^t 1>T< ?adlk. urrsldci.t of the < luirul^r ol tumn>??-?.?*? "? Uoiiie. No. j.i West Forty-scventh-st. Mr. bmim a'--. on the Lahn. *-- -* Tlie "little ad-vertise-ent* of 22_a_?l%J_r,nS to .vcry .ondltloii ol ma.. and nr?an. TTM9 r slong tf,e whole garnut ol bumaa naconngea. nonilin; y,,u will lind tbeui on |M kWAB j?*?e* CELEBRATIXQ A SILVER WEDDIXO. Th. HohMhaa. Soclety. * Oeru.aa mu.lcal ??**? tion, w.lh a.....,.il*c.*h!p of wme 100 **?***\****t? ft, sllv-r wedding of IU treasurer. Morlt* BaUlu. *1O0t cvoning ,t Z .0,1'I,"* bOB. gO. 267 West ******* at -rn, pfU WM ? mom enjoyable (JOO, lhe hall MM -ml 4,1th evtrgTBen. and leagleal BBga* ??<? anppef uble decor* ed with exQ"," eullnary an. and every p.04Uion having bent HWtl H lu.ure * BlBBBOO> BBB UM. a _Ml_B_af handwrne peOMOgl of sllverwa.o wZ rai. He p\\pmk9 and a_hort p*= ta_g^"2R? S&L-S2 9. TttemX V. Baliln. J. B. Bo*-,, J- W. M"'~J' " H. i. Mtwray. Pr*f**??r ?* ?*?? """?'' W' L*M*m " bUMg. WORK FOR THE WORLD'S FAIR. THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIHS MEETS. PBACTICALLY DETERMININO TBK CHABACTER OF THE PANAMER1CAN DISPLAY. The World's Fair Commlttee on Forelgn Affalrs held its flrst really lormnl meetlng Unro Nl organlwtlon at the Gllsey Houso ln this Clty yestcrday afternoon, ani lt was the flrst meetlng of any ol the commlttee* formed slnee Congress decided thnt the Fair should be held In Chlcago nt whlch action has boen taken indl catlng wlth anv degre of detlnltcness tbe policy to be pursued ln anv glvcn dlrecUon. Chauncey M. Depcw, the ehalrman of the commlTtee, waa unable to bo present, ond in his absenoe Thomas JI. Waller, ax-Gov ernor of Connectlcut and ex-Consnl-Oeneral to Lon don, the vlce-chalrman preslded. Tho other members present were G. V. Mwaar. * Delaware. acttnr sec retary; A. A. Wllson, of Uie Dlstrict of Columbla; C. H. Way. of Georgla; M. IL Lane, of Mlchlgan, and D. B. Fenn. of Loulslana. B C. K6rfft, of ********* and Mr. Depcw were the only ubser.teee. There wero i also present the followlng members of the Commlttee j on Forelgn Exhlbiu, represcntlng the local Dlrectory | of Chlcago and appointed to act m conjunction wlth Uie Commlttee on Forelgn Affalw: *X. T. Balter, ehalr? man, M. A. Bycnou, J. W. Ellsworth and T. J. Lefw.s. The commlttee a?t."mbl?l nt 2 p. m., and after hew Ing the views of a nlmbcr of experbs, decided to recommend to the National Commlaslon the adnptlon ot a plan Mihmltte.1 bv ft* E. Curtls, of the Depart ment of SUto at WTaahlagt<M, for a united exhiblt ot the South American rountrle*. Tlils practloaUy do termines the characfer of the display. as Mr. Curtls's plan, which is Indorsed lyr Secretary Blolne, has nlreafly bfen favorably reeeived by the parcnt orgnnUatlnn. The speeltlrntion* ln Mr. Curtls's plnn provides among other tMafi for a inodcl of the house * Genoa In which C'olun.bu* wa* born : a eollectlon of portrait* of himself and hi* fmnlly. and ns many as posslblo ot the men who were ?**oriated wlth him and his dis coveries; an IDaatiatlon * U.e Court of Fenllnaud und lsabclla, wlth the b*o***4 f.gures pi-operly co-tumed: porti-uits aud fac-similci, of State papcrs relntlng to Uie lirst voyage and <iib*cqueut oecurnmccs in the life of tho gi-eat disroverer; a perfect rcprn.ltictlou of the cnravel ln whlch ('oltiinl'ti* snllert. manned hy sallors in the cos'unic of the time. to be moorcd ln or near tho ground of U.e ExpoMtlon, the coravel to bc equlpped as nearly a< poaelbk as it wac during U.e voynge, etc. Tlio cpocli ef Corter. wlll be lllnstrated hy model* of Uie shlp ln wliidi l.e sallcd. of the rqalpnea! of his men. th'-ir arnis and armor, natitlcal Instnuaeflta, tfl.'ips aud rbarta: MOdela of tbe templea ard pilace* of Montezunn: illu.trations of U.e rellgioai cnsto.ns and aoelal ronditkmi oi tbe Aiteea, their nrts am! Irdn-tri"*, wlth <? * nm d fii'ures; ll!;isttnt!ons of the Inca* ln 1'chi. wlth inodels of tlielr templea and palae-s; iiln.*tniti"n* of the prehlttorle c.viil/at <?n In Yaeatan and Oentral Amerlra: motlels and rellea troai tbe t-.iins <>f tl.e Toltee citics. Ti.e Colonlal period showliig tl.e rievelopment of the aoalheni coutuil* fn.m the time of the f-mnue*t to Ihc cpocli of the Retr.dabon, wlll be ilu-trated by treaeara* from Uio niu-euui* of s.mtli Amerlra. The IBastraitoni of tbo period wlll be dlvMed Into tln-ee classes: r.ian, his mamiT of living apd hl- oeritputlons, the nat inl I'o-ouncs upon which he worka and tho rcults h" pn duf c*. Tlie plan cnntemplate* U.e cstabllshment of ? central bareaa at Washlngton, tn have elmr^c of the collcction of south Ameriran axblblta. Mr. Cnrtla appnrad b-foie tlie rommlttee and snid tbat appmprla tions of 1977.000 t?> dcf.av the expen.*es ot aajeats sent to M.uth AmerKu ?f anange f-r and 93.000 for tbe Washinctoii biii'iiu. woaM be Uw miulmam amoantt on whlch tbe pmpoaed work could be aetOHplMMd. He al*o aaggested thnt .1 number of army and navy i-nic-r* should i,e assigned to duty ln the State Departnient, ao thal Secretary Blaluc could asslgn tliem to tl:-- n-spvcilve south An.crk-nu togatkma, ahere U.ev could a.1 tl.e ptofeel i.v Indnc inp ihe itovemmanta io encouiage the aending <>f ex *. lhe .A'n.,ii!itee deci.lcd t<> recommend Mr ( iii-Ii'* plan MMl re.;-.:.M. ,1 lii.u to frame a r.--< -llll i T. to thal eil.-.t ibrccted t . the Satlonal ''oin.n>*-i>n Dr. . yi..* Adl.r. .11.:.tor of i.ricnt.-il|iiit>. of U.e Miiith-o'iia.. I11alltutl.11, w-i* engaged ii? n Con mlsslonrr to co to (..nstantlnople und other rltlea of Tuiliey und tbe Orlent, t.i endeavor t.> eniut th** ernn.cnts, scientific hodles i.nd corpor.Ui'.ns In U.e pi-oie. t of ffi-wnrdlng cxhlbll*. Hc .-111 nt1-!. go t< Eirvpl. liouphonl llowe preaonted an applirathm fn? tbe New-Yo.-li ucency <>: the E*poslllon. atul i.l* apjH.Ini ni'-nt will be reeonimonded. Me?ai?. Ma-'w nnd Itnii-T were app'duted a snbeommlltee la prepare r,-** rewmmendlng Ih* mnflrmstlon of iin ta\u* Oovvard :ih C..inml*sloner t< lupin and Bomyn llit. ll""-li a* (V.:n'iii--ioii.".- f. ? liinn. Both of tbe*.' a.en went t" Ihelr i>'*t* l.*t Jnly. Tln: rommlttee then .id.iou.ncd to meet this after noon at - o'-l-i'l.. Tlie Ctmmlitee nn rin" Art?. mnsl*UB| of A. O. f.itlloek. of Mn?snchu*ett-; fliannrev M wpew. A. \. Wil-oii. ... V. T"ii- -v. ol Mlmi.? 'l.i : W. 1. liiKhanan. of b v.a . M. .1 de Young, ol Callfornla:* II..d-.-.-s ol MarvbiiKl, and T .1. Woodward, >.f Lm.lsluiia, wlll meel al th? HoU-l Brunshlck, at 10 o'clock HoniiHf. TO F1LI IX TIIF. I.AKF, FBONT. Chlcago, Oet. 22.?Al a mee'lng of lhe Lx-al board of dlreetora ol U.e WorM's Fair la-t nlghl it wa ordered thi.t Ihe worb <>f iiiiinc and plllng the Lake Fii.nt slioiibl b".Tiu a^ soon a* rontracts nm be let. About M.\ty acrei ol th" snbmerged l3nd* wlll be nsed. The w.-ivs a:id >^ans Commlttee rcportc.1 to the lto-inl thal tbe Hibmerged land on Uie Labd riont .oiibl be fMcil an.l plled f?r fcm 11i.ui tTOO.OOO. and pMgOd il*clf to piovidu $800,000 for that i?n pote. The nlntli pnie of Tlie TriMinc to-day rnntalns a varle.1 Btsortuent of IntercsUng '?Wunt'' menu. . ??* K0TEB OF TIIE XTAQB. William ll. (i-ane will give Prander Matthews and Georjn- II. .lc-*op'* play "<>n Prohatiun" nt a sp?ci cl matlnee at t'.e star Tbeatre some tlme n-'xt month. It was p'aved in Chieago last sca*on and Mr. Cra:. hns the *'en<iy that wa* u*ed tlici-o. Mlss Mary shaw has a new piere ln three acts cilled "Marital lnfelicities." It 1* l.y Adolpl'C Cotbett Tiie sa'e of seats for " A Fa'r of gpectadea*1 wlll begin at the Madl?on Sqnare Theater thi* mornlng. TIk- op -iiniu wlll be one week from to-night. " A I'arlor Matcir *tav* at tl.e New Park Thea?te only for thia week, ?"<! on Monday Uie stacpe wlll i.e occupi-d l.y "Uendiik Hadaon" in i ratnodelled form. ihe ca*t ia hca.led by Lonli Hii.Uo'.i. Mr. und Mr*. Kcndal wlll glve a special matlnee at the llftli Avcii.c Thca're on Wedneaday of next week, at whieh they wlll play '-The Queen's Shllling." The attendiin.e at their reg-ular perfoi-mances roni nre* IO ba a* larpe as U.e size of fhe tbeatre will pTinlt. The iral productlon nt Daly's Theatrc of "The La^t Word " tlie new .onierty from tbe ?? nnan of Prani von schontlian, ls flxed for next Tucsday evenlng. F.beu I'lympton has be^n engaged as leadlng man of tl.e Boston Miiscum (oinpi.ny for the old comedy *ea*on. The lion* did not appear on the stagn at Nlblo's Garden la>t nlght. as It was hopod that they would. Tlu-v were aaeeeaafalU landed bom the sliip. but Uu. ?atwaaaiV arrangen.ents for . their appcaraiico in "ciaudiu? Ncio" eould not be nmde and it nas po*t po'ued tlll toi.lght. Miss Mtnnle I^ilnier's topical song "H'R Very Rare." in the comle opera of "Suactte." at llerrmann's Tbeatre. has pnived decldedly popular. To-night sho wlll iutroduce a shlrt dance lu fhe Urbt aet. IXTERCOLLEOIATE FOOTBALL OA.VF.S. YAI.E. WITH FOCR~sri!S.- DEFEATS WILLIAM*. New-Haven, Oet BB.?TaM played against WUIiain.s on the Yale Fleld this afternoon. Yale played with four subsU.utea, her four best men, lthodcs, lleffel tii.iier, MeUaag and Hartwell. laying oIT. Yale worn by a score of 38 to 0. scorlng oightccn ln eaeh of tlio two thirty mlntite halvcs. Yale's be-t work was done bv Wallis, Morrlson a-.d Bll*s. although William*, tlie chaniplon hiirdle runnei-, made some phenomentU run* and did some phenomanal muflmg ?*_**}*. I** \_m work lor William* was dune by btreet and Gar lield. , WEM.EYAN BABtLV DEFEATS AMHEBST. Middletown, Conn., Oet. M (Speclal).-Tho Amherst and Weslevan footbill teams played here tln* afternoon. One one InUf of thrtsc-quurt*r? of an hour wa* played. \Ve?l.yan made two tonthdowns frcm whlch no goals were klcked; Amherst one touchdown and a tafety. Score. 8 to ?. _0_ HARVARD STILL MAKING IHO SCORES. Buston Oet. 22 (SpacUD?The Harvard foctbsll elaven dsiest-d the I?srt...oith eleien thl. sftmoon. 64 to 0. The HarvaVa ws.i. .Jiows dcildtd Imp.ovcment In bKxklng Lid aorking to?rther. The,centre still reir.slns lu weak ____* The short tlme that IMIlMl b--fon. the |BBM Wtth Y_r n-uders it Impos.lble to traln a new man for centre. m Uu- gsu.o to dsy Hangs played lame and Ciaaatsa re turned to his old posltlon as rlght gufcd. ?- a TRB CAPTAIX OF TBE BPBEE BtTM A DIXXXB. O.PUUI Willlforoa. of tha North ******J___\ Ha252p 9-****' **** * ***~ ************ ort^r*t* tho trial trlp of his shtp, whlch arrlved ln port on Mond?r. Among those p__j_t were ****** __*_* Walter Phelps, Governor Abbatt Herman Oelrlcbs and W'.llhMl VtU. ????? m -? NEW**S*SE7 PRU1BTTERIASS ABIC8T8X. AUantlc 0*6. Octs 22 (Speciall.-The last day of the slxty-elghth snirtal meellng of tbe 6ynod of **_**__ was by Ur the roott prolinc of Interostlng debate and pronounced utterancca on ijncstlon ? of moment. The llrst matter of moment before Uie aynod wa? the report of tlie Commlttee on Educatlon. presented by Dr. Fred erlc B. Brace. It act forth Uiat there were at present 830 yoting men preparing for the mlnlstry. and was supplemented by a long dlsconrae by Dr. Hodgee, of Burllngton, who showed the great need of more studenU. The flnanrlal report of the Commlttee on Forelgn Mtsslons dlscloseU tht fact Uiat th- ehurches nf tho New-.lcrecy Sjmod had contributed $80,308 * forelgn mlstloni, Just onetenth of the entire amount collected for that purpose by the presbyterlee of the entire country. At the afternoon aasslon tbe delegatea *> the Women's ChrtsUan Temperance Unlon, now holdlng their annual conventlon here, came ln a body. *B****9 nfter they were *eated a revolution wes ptwented In connectlon wlth the report of tho Synndi Commlttee on Temperance Work, Indorslng tho nobli work ot the women ol the Temperance Unlon In their crusade against lloensed wloona and In their efforts to drivc from tlie State the demorallilng llquor trsfflr. The ladles were so e'.ated at this oompllmentar)' *3*_**_? that th?y s).orl;ed the dlgnlty and deconim of wm; seinb a*e by H.dly applaudln*. Hot debite wa* waffai for a time. until a suusUtuto resolntlon ?r ?men<unent was offerod. commendlng. Instead of l?*>raw?. tne work of the Women's Christian Temperance i.nion. POR TBE HtPROVEMEXT Ot XElfPOBT Newport. B. I.. Oet. 22.-The Kxeontlve Commltteo of the Newport Inipiovement Assoclatlon, at * meetlng held here October 18, Ptolc?sor Falrman Itogers pt? siding. adopted resolntlons conceming tho dlffereneas belwcen the summcr rosiilents aud tlie electrlc atroct milwny. It was resolved that the propo^ed extenslon of Rnena Vbfa-st. should be consldered upon Its tncrlts; and wns not rrgunled by the commlttee asa satlsfuctorv substltutc for the carrying out of thn agrecment for a settlemcnt wlth the Newport street RaHnai Company made ln J.ine. It wa* further re solved thnt there bc prcpared and presentcd to the proper authorltles of tho rlty of Newport a mcmorlal rcqnrstlng tlie wibml**lon to Its qualitled votcrs of n propoattbM to nnthorizc tl.e rnlslng and expcndlture of such an amount of money a* might bo nceessiiry lo carrv out tbe said ngr.-emcnt hy c.mstrucUng along BaatOB'a Pond tl.e new mentioned ln U.e agrcr nient. and to extend Cl.annlnt.-ave to Mlss RfJ*^1 Bddltion to tl.e ?um of b-O.OOO to be pald to tbe com panv to meet tbe eapenaea ol remoelns and ?*2*J*9 ts railroad. and iip.6oo to be Paid to ti.e e tJ et Wem* port o? aeeoonl nf its emv******* ta ?**???,!" t,,.? d new . oa I a'OBg UM wc-t rn side of E isttn s l on l. whirh said hv.1 mentioned two mmmmb a? tobe mel by prlvnU- aubs. ription and from Uie funds of tne in. p'rove.nent Aasorlatlon. ?,-?? A XEW dJFT BY MR. 8A08 TO CORSF&l. Ithaea N. Y., Oft 22.-AI the meetlng of the Comell I'nlvemlly Inmteea tn-rtay Henry W. Sage adde.1 9200,000 io bis prcvions glft of 900,000 for tha ** tabllshmenl of r deparlmenl of philosophy. Mr. Sage's glfts to the nniv.M*ily now amount to more llian +1.000.000. The presldcnt's report showed 1.^14 students ln actual nt'endanrc. an lnrrease over anv pievlous year. The treaaarer'a report. showed an endowment of about and nn annual Inoome ,.f over 9000,000. Tl.e lihii.rbu.'s report showed over 100.000 bound volume* In the. library. Tl.e new librnry bulldlng wlll be ready next spring. Tho new chcmin.1 labomtory was op-ncd. Among the tni-t.-es rocentlv elct'-d, Andiew Carnegie took bls eeat. F.x Governor Corncll wa* pn-sent In Improved henlth. Dr. J. O. Schuiman was elerted dcan of tbe new de piii-lnictit of phlhwopbT. Dr. Cl.nrles MeOofi Tylcr wn.* elerted profe*sor of fhe Metor? of rcllglous and Chrls tian etlilrs. lie ls the paslor of tlie Congn-patlnnal Chnrch of tbis clty. Tbe new chalr ->f p?ychniogy i5 vet to lie flllen. and al<-o two asslstant profosochlp* and two f"ii..w*inps. Oeorge W. llarrls tuw. eleeted Hhrarlan; Herberl Tnttle. profo**or of modern Enropean hl*t..ry ? Genrgo L. rurr. as*i*t;uit proteasor ?f anrlanl ;,nd me.l1aeval history. and Dr. AlU-ri ,-liaw pn.fe**.,r of the blstory of Itistlftitlons nnd of intcniatlonal law. A SEW COLLEOE PREfilDEST. Clevelanrt. ohio, or-. 22 (speriiil).-The Rev. Dr Charles P. Tl.wlng. who was ehnaaa prc*ld?nt of Wostern Pcccrve I'nlverslty and Adelb*rt College, of this rlty, in Ancnst, retnrned to his hOMM ln Mln neapoUa yeaterdav. He has spcnt <cviral davs In Uie rxamlnatlon of affalra, li ls niidcr*tood he will ac eept and at once bedn service. Dr. Tbwlng has been elerted preaMenl <-f aeveral coiiegcs, bnt ha* 'le.l.ii'd all pievlous ofTcrs. lie I* ibe antbor of bnoks, one of whirh is - A.ncricn-i CoUc?-*. Blid I* Ui- pastor ol Plvin.-iUi Chnrch, Mnncapolls lhe impr.i-tant ln the Xwthweat. Th ? B'1"11' '' l.otb tbe (Ollege and Ibe uiihcr-Hy. wlth hftv pro fessors and 900 students, I* regardad as very brlgbt CABt TO TRY TO BBEAK TIIE 'i-YABD BElXtBD. Priaeeton, ** ?* . Oft. 28.?l.nthcr II. fary. "83. who on Satarday lust lowcied tbe rceord for 100-yard to ? i 9 seronds, will try on Pridajf nast lo break tbe 75 yard r -c.itl. The Umen wlll bo C. C. Ilngha and Ciia.l.* KeW, of tbe A. A. U._ If there ls anrtbtng you need ln t,n*iness or at home. yon wlll probabU BtM it iirtvc.t.sed ou tho nliith pagt ul Jhu l.ibune t-o-duy. -?. THEY WILL DO IU>SOR TO VOS MOLTKE About tbirtv-iive men. aaiong whom were Mr. lirimm, wbo preslded; Mcesra. Jurrascbah and Thiem. seeretariea, and Dr. Berraa, hoi.orury aarNtaiy, me! laat evenlng at So. 1WJ Third ave. to complete tho ar ranfepwntai for the featlval ln honor of the nlnetleth btrtbday of KleM MhoI.uI Yon Moltka. The 1, o.i next suiiday, but the .elebraUon Is on Monday a. the Mi'lropolltan Opera Hutue. Carl s. hurz N U> bf present. but wlll not speak. The pn>gramnr.: wlll consist of bv chaunccy M. Depcw, Ccnei-al flegcl and Mmlster Willl:un Walter ri.elps, music by tbe orcbertra conducted by Mr. ry-iUI a solo by Theodore ai.d songs by -n.,i-i'i*es of tlie i.e. thovi-n Maenaarehor, patrtonr lune* *tetvoptlcoii represoiitatlona of lhe ,., 'irreti.e* in tlie liiu of Yon Moltke und in tlio V-,unro-l'iu-lan War, FerltatkHM by ll./r md an unUillng nl a *?*?**** bust of Yon Moltke. th w.?-k if Max Uarhmaa, llerr NoM, prealdeut ol the New-York Gcr.naii L'lab, vs Ul prc*l?le. PORTRAITS OF FIRST 00K0ME89 MEMBER*. ( laiente W. Bowen, No ?S1 Bro_d4vay, cluirnian of tiie General c. mniittcc nn the Centennk- Wfcfcra tl?n "f tlie Inangnratlon of Wnshtngbm, deslres ln lormntlon regnritng portriits ol tho followlng men, ber* of the llrsl CongWM under thc Cii-tltutloti, wbich met ln ICew-Yeeg ln iTr-o, ln order tliat the> may be nsed ln the fi.rthcnmliig volume on the ocle br.tlon : Thcodorc niorK^vort!,. Nnttb Ca-ollnr.. Pcnjamln Ilourne. Rhnde IMand: Jonathan El.ncr, Ncw-.l.-i-ev : Ti.cidorc Foster, niiode i*tand: ..corgc Oole, Mary* Kviid. Ilenjamln Goodhne, Ma*-.? husett*. Wlllii.c tiniv-on, Vlrglnia. banmel Orifln, Vtrfloln; Jon:,tlian urant, >:?-*-<husetu; Thoaw* Hnriley, Peoneyl vunlii! .loim Hatlmrn. Ncw-.orli; L-anlel Helster. I,enn* John llcnrv, Marvland. ramuel John ___ Nortb CaroBna; tteurar Leuanrd. *naaiarha i#tts: (Jeur-e MatheWB, li.-'.t-.a; Andrew Moor.*. v.'j.hlu; 5Stoh Porkor, Mn*?aelm*ekt*: Tl.m.i". sY.rt l'ennsvivania, iieorge Fartridga, Mu*sacbu*etu. John rtcele. North Caiolina Jose] I, Stanton, |_-, Rbode Sang. MtrhaeJ ttenlfee stone. Mary-toiid. jonathan -iturgw-. conneeilrul: .Khn waRwr. _*jP> gli?ia: Aloxancfer White. Ylrg.nla; IMlne Wmgate. Ne\4 ilaiiipslilr*.. -? SO FORFEIT FOR EMPLUYIXd KXIOBTS. Thc report thut the flrm of McDcrmott <_ Howard. neroreo lcatb-r ?oaatartarera at Pnrk-ave. an,i bcbenck-*h, Btonhlyn, had r4?.lu*rd to employ worfcincn wlio wero Kniitlit* of Labor. beehOM they wot.ld have to forfeit *j,0?0 to tlie Morocco Le.tlier Manu f.rtinerV Ass'-ration, w_* < mphaMcally d'-nled b4 Mr. M.Doimott. yesterday. He *ays that there ls s -trke of fiftv men ln hls shop, but tliat bc b*-> no fartelt to loM and even lf he dld h- luid no meani of linowlng that lils employes were Knlglits of Labor. e - SOT TUE OXLY IXSTAXCE. From The Detroit Free Fress. ? j wish to make u coniplalut," said a man wbo antcrcd tbe Clty Rallway ort'te tlie other day. ? vcry well, sir." wa. the reply ?? lt it agslnst a conductor.^ "Y''S." ? . n{ wai gelng np on ? Oratlot-are. car, and -?." ?'What was the number of thc eart" ?' 1 dunno. 1 was golng up on the ear, and tne conductor he ??Do you know hl* name?" -?No, *lr. 1 viil.ucd at hlro and he never pald the lca'st atlentlon." ? wi.v dld you whlstlet* -I w'anted the tar." " uut you said you were golng up on the car." a I ineaiit that I wnnfed to go np." "And you whthtlod:" -I dld." "Aud Uie car dldn't stop?' -It didnl." " And what did you do then r "Took the next on?." ?? Al. t Ym i We wlll of course h_va tbe eoodaetor Olschargod. Oood day I' INMEMORY OF YETERAN8, A MONUMENT DEWOATEP AT GBEENWICH, CO.VN. OBATIOJC DEUVERED ?T OEXERAIi HAWLEY TnE UKVEIL1NG BY MRS. THOMAS RITCH Greonwlch, Oet. 22.-An lmposlng monument waa dedlcated here to-day to the memory ol the eoldlera who tought for the Unlon. The whole town wai ln hollday dress. ?8tores wore cloaed, and bnntlng and flags warc flung to tbe brecie or draped on houso fronu ln great profuslon. The sccne ln front of tho Stone Church ln PuUiam-ave., where the monument ls sltnated, waa an lmpoelng one. Over 10,000 people were (atbered on the gnwsy blnlT. Tha banners grouped abont vled wlth Uie autamn follage ln brighU MM, The programm* of the day began wlth a procession. Tba chief marshal waa E. H. Johnson, the partner of Mr. Edison. He tm asslsfed by a mounted sUUT of prominent young men of the town. Then followed the honored guwrts ln carrlages, mounted offlrers, Wheeler <fc Wllson Band, Lombanl Post, O. A. B.. ot Oreen wlch; James E. Moore l*oat, of Danbury; Bncklngham Post, of Norwalk; Douglass Fowler Post, of rionth Norwalk; Hobblo Post, of Stamford; Ellas Howe, Jr., Post, of Brldgeport; Samnel P. Ferrls Post, of Ncw Canaan; Weatport Post and Plckett Poat. of Bldge Oeld; veterans of Greenwlrh Townshlp, Sons of Vet erans, Dayton Lodge, Knlghts of Pytbias; Orinoco Councll, K. of C.; Amogerono Hook and Ladder Com? pany, Emplre Lodge, I. O. O. F.; chlldren of tho schools, etc. Among the prominent men on tho platform were Governor Bnlkeley and staff, Llcntcnant -Governor 8. E. Mwwln, the Republlcan candld*te for Governor; Jndgea of the Cnlted 8tat?* Courte and State Courta, Sen.ator O. H. Platt, flenator Jcaeph R. H*w Icy, Congressman Frederlck Mlles, State Sena tor Moad, General Noble, of Brldgeport; Com? mander John C. Broach and staff, G. A. R.; John T. Walt and tbo Bev. Benjam.n M. Wrlgl.t, of Kent. The exerclsee were begnn by prayer, offored by the Rev. Washlngton Choute, piistor of the Stono Chnrch. Colonel H. W. R. Hoyt, prcMdent for tiie day, msde the openlng adrtn"-, In whlch he pald an eloqucnt trlbute to the brnvery of tho voluntcer* from (ireenwlch. Then the fllag was wlthdrawn hy Mrs. Thomas Rltrh. C.iptaln Benjamln F. Wrlght. ln bchalf of the monument commlttee, prcs'.uted tho muimumm X<J_______y ^*. tncmorlnl to Uie town. lt Wi* acreptcd hy J. Albcrt Loekwood. tlr*t selectuuin of the lown. Tl.e Ureenwleb iboral Korlety, Hl by Profcaaor Alfred llullam. sang --Tl.e ritar tipenglcd Haunor," arcompanktf by ? bnnd of mu?lr. General Joaeph R. Ilawicy then d-livered an oratlon, wbirli occupled nearly an bom- an.l was rfosel.t li*tened to. AMOUg other things lie said : ??Tlw war bld to arttle U.e qucstlon wlietber U.e vl*lon of a great KepuM.i- sliould be l-calll-d or whether we sliould p.<-,ent tlie spectucle of a 4<hIf.nished L-outluent beggtng for a klng. Th-j old eountrie* saM we luul no lohesloii, no history. no rentralUed powei to keep ii^ logetber ln sm-h a stniggle. They tlwuglu we worahlpped only Uie dollar aud bangered after ,, ii-ul ihiuga. Even ifter tin- u-ir wn* settled If was >aid thal no demo'-rai-y rould levy and Collecl such ?lioiiiious taxes as WeiU n.-.e**:.'i\. lue livil War wa* a war, not lor the blarka, bul for the South, not lot- U.i* i-oiintn : Imt a w.ii- f..i- the Lord, for liunianity, for all natfon* aud for tbe rcnturie*. And when tba wai- wu? i>a*t the old sokllers, iu?trad ..( formlng a ravag.'ng bcratne our be?t .-.ti/.en*. Ihev are found iTT ;ill prof?-iou-. lu all our States and leriltorl"*. lu lUnlng l.i n* remember thal llberty la a b.irdcn and not a releaae. Ti.i* monument ls nol o.iill to Ihu dead alone but ahould teach and in*|jr. Ibe living." . Tbe Bingtng of ?? Anierha by the aortety aud tlie Hiidie.i.e, and a benedlctlon bj lha Bev. Ur. .1. T. Wlll*, Cloaed the ccreinonles. A bnnqiiet was t-mlersl to the invlted guests at tho Letiox House. Here General S. E. Ilrnrln re-pondod tothe loast - - CoiiiK-itiiut." He *aid he iiev.ii Uillllled u proud.-r dutv than wben lie wa* called to wekOBIO home the veteran* of the war. He boped tbat it would not be buig bc.ore evcrv town tn tlie state Inul a soidicrs* monument. heuator l'Utt reaponded t<> the toast -The I'nlied States," and th- llev. M. Wrlftht to -'Tbe Ladle* of (in-ciiwleli in tl.e Civll Wa- ? Var.' TO (JISTEB SOLDIER8 AND SAILORS. CXVE1LIN.; OF A MO.NTMENT AT 11X00X0* bl'KECUES BY OEXEBALS VEABEY AN'D SHARPE. Klng.ton. N. Y.. Oci _9 'Sp*ci_|..-Tlils wa* a .*ivat day for thl* clty and county. and nature HBlled n-o*t p.opltioiis'v upon thc Imposlns reremonlM at t ndng thc dc.orat.oii of tbe *ol'ller*' innniiiiicnt. which Im* hen erected to tho netnory of thc I'M'i' County *oldier_ and sillors who dlr-d !n thc war of ih; l.'eb.lllon. It wa* uuvellod ln the pieseuce oi 10,000 people hetv tnl* alterooon. From early mom Ing to raldday (irand Army men and visltor* from tlie -urr.uudliig town* and roiintlc poaitg Inl > tbe r,tv by thomnnds. comlng ln bv spclal traln*. WOgOOS ind on frxit. The Clrralt Coart, la MMlon hcie. wa* alJnurncU for the day and all bastaeM wa* largcly -,11-pended. The strcct. were lined wltli fUgs, banners jjid baatlng, and martml mu-lc tllled thc air. After ihe ceremoiiy of unvclling .ind thc aro ptanre af the mniiuiiicnt by the iiiunirlpal authorliJes fieneral '.eorge H. tliarpo dellvered an elo-iuciit omtion. <.cn cmi W. o. Veaaey, Cw?ian4*r la rkhl of the nraad Armv of thc Hepublle, f illowid ln a brief addn.'-s e\ prc-*liii,' the honor he felt ln belng preaent He said bfl wa. fully nilndfui of tlie kMorle ?asoriatton* Ihat iH-loiigid to ITster C.unty, snd alluded to tbe fact ihat lo-ig before the laiuliiii-' of thc Pllgrtm* their cxisicd a Dut.,ii tradlag p<? t hcie. Conu_ao4er Clark* *on, nf the Kew-Yorh state Departau_t, *i-n made H|ipi-oprlatc. rcmark*. The glogaton I'lillli.riiioiile .-or ety -,ing MVcnl palnotir l ?iigs. All thc ?pc_hPr* Acro loudly cln.r-d lt was thc mo-t enthu*teatl< tlimng that has ga'hcr, d here slr.c.. |be war. TO ulgiit (Jcncral* Ycoiey and (lariion held a te cption ,.t tiie ... a. H. Hall I'nor to tiic e-errfee* tln* army veterans aiid several coiiipaiile. of tne National (.'ia:*: irom Foughkeep*le. Newburg. ChtskUl aud tklaoltg, aml stveral citll bodles paj-whil througli the lea>llng streeta. Among other tldii^s Oeueral uharpe ln hi* addi**_**> -?ld : "It ls fortunate that tliis dedieutlou ocur* WkflO our land Is drapod ln thu glorle* of autumn. Nature come* with vcstraenU of yellow and scarlct and wltb drenmy exhalAtlou* to wltm?* our unvolling core inonlul. Thls raemorlal ls without a rival ln Uie rlver coontle* of thc Emplre _Ute. Tlie groujid trodd' n by tliis prOBflaatan .* runnlng 04er with Blstorle momorle*. lt wa* followed by Peter stuy4es?nt lu luso, belng tlusn au Indlan ti-ll. **>en hc brought a detaclunent of 100 men and an equal number of Iiullan alllM from l*l?nd 10 ryscue the vlllagc of E-opa* from Uu* betleglng MvegM. Alter tlio massacre ln 1603 the same track wa* followed by the force ?ent up from New-Amsterdam In two ?loop* to the Bedoubt (now Rondout). and then.e to tho old vlllage. In Uctober. 1777 urold like outitnuial brllllance (ieneral John Vaug'han. attemptlng to reoch Ilurgoyne at famtoga, stopp?d to plundrr and burn KlngUon. then th- capital of the HUI*, while IU arm* bearliig populatlon waa nnlding thn Myooet to the breaat* ol Hurgoyne'. tOTX*iB- 9 T_.**.pa*k_r Mu raMliad th*. Bttrrtog ger.od.of the Bebelllon and tha aeenM aloug this aame aveona aa regiment after regiment mairbad to tho front_ Tha monument ?Unda on Um elevated plaaa front Ing tbe Clty Hall and lt U an imposlng structnre ot Quincy granlte. tweoty-eight feet hlgh. Tbe aor motinUng flgure, nlne feet high, represents victory restlng upon an American shleld ready to erown her conqnertng sons. On two sldea on lower basea sn brouie tigures by the Henry Bonnard Company of Xew York. Casmr Bnbere scufptor. One ls a soldler on the sklrmfsh-line, the other a eallcr proparlng to repel boarders. REUNION OF PENNSYLVAXIA VETEBA^S. Bethlehem. Penn.. Oet. 23 (Speclal).-TlM elgb teenth annual reunlon of the snrvlvora ol tka 47th Regiment, Pennsylvanla Volunleers. was heM here today, 2.'K) of 300 members pnrtlclpnted. After a big parade, In whlch the Grand Army posts and tha Bethlehem Rifes partlclpated. tho Vetemns dtnod al the Msrket Hou'o. At the buslnesr meetlng ln tho afternoon. the followlng ofPcers were elecicd: PreM dent, W. H. Wyeker. of Eauton: secretary, C. W. -Vbbott, of Allentown; trcisuwr, A. O. B*P**J* Cataaauqaa; chaplaln. W. D. C WwM ***** Easion. A camp-tlrc ****__ **J* '??^,?? to nlght. CTencrdl Gobln, Bnrgws Goodwlu. P?**? Coppk and ex-Mayor Chldscv of Ea-ton ***** tha orators. Tha next rotinion wlll be hew at r-asion. - m '? THE EPISCOPAL MISSIONARY COUKCIL. Pittsburg, Oet. 22.-Tho Misslonary Counell of the Pnitestnnt Ept-ropal Chnrch contlnued Its sesslm today. The subjoct ln the mornlng was forelgn mH slons and Mexlco. Addresse* were- made by lUshop Searborough. of Nnw-Jcvsey ; BMMf Whltaker. of Pcnn sylvanla; James II. Potta. of New-York. and the Rev. Mcssrs. Thompson and Gravcs. nnd Mlss Slbyl r^T mlsslonarles to Chlna. The speakers were of tho opinion that It was uot money that was naeded In Chlna. bnt teachers. Blshop (illlKJrt, of Mlnne?ota. then rend the repr>r? of the rommlttee to whdi the report of tho Board of Msnagers had been refcrmt yesterday. The com mltteo empl.aslzed the paramoiint linportance of tho | work among the colored people. It commended the work of tbe Rev. IVivld Gordon. In Mexbo. und ex I pressed the hope that the Houso of Bishops would. I at their next mcetliig. elect a misslonary p.lshop of ! Japan. It also rcrommended that tho contri'utlons | of the Cliurch for mlsslons Klwuld not be less #:,oo.()00 for the enaataf vcar. The vcncrable Blakop 1 Plcrre. of Arkaaaaa, rnniplaln-M of laik of *uppon by the lioard of WsafcMM ln Ma w.irlt In Indian Tet* I ritory. In Um afternoon tl.e commlttee on membi'r ', sblp and tbe mode of tllluig vacaiu-le* made its report BUnop Tuttle, of Mlssourl, oHercd a re*'.lutl m that tlie Board of Managers skoaM htke a-to;. on 'be ! matter of eartng for aaperannuated mlnlstcr*. lusliop Tuttle, ln his sp ccii preeedlng the re*olutlona, aald: " l would have ever- mlnt*tT and ev-iy b:*l'?)p married. A marrled man Is worth four slngle ones to the Church.'' OBIIUAIIY. TIIF. RB-. DR. JAMBS M. 9HERVVOOD. Thc Kev. Dr. James M. Sherwood, a wrlter on theotogtrol rahjert*. dlcd yeaforday from paralysl* at his homo. No. 35 McDononeh-*t., Brooklyn. Hc wa.* prcachlng on Frlday night to tho congrcgatlon at tlie Trlnltv 1'rcsbvtcrli.n Chitrrli. in tli*-t cltv. when he had a paralytle *trokc. Ve was carried home la o romatoM rondltlon, from which ke never retoeared. Ho wa* a natlvc of Fi*HHlll. N. Y.. and was born ln l?1,t. bl* fatlier belng a farmer. A? a youth he suffcrcd from poor health and in?tcad nf DMsIng IhWMIRll the u*ual college coiir-e hc *tudied for ihe Presbyterlan minlstry with thc Rev. Pr. Armstrong, a relebrated pivacher of tbo*e days. In 18.'ir, he 4va.* ordalned und for khm year*; held pas torate* In aeveral places In New-York st .te. Tlicn hl* henlth ai'itln falled him and he eamc to thi* clty, where lie bnmedintflly entored on a lonrnnltotle rareer. Hc ha_ been Editor of "'The National Prearhcr." "Thc lill.lbal Repo*ltory." "The gew-Vork RvangelM" and -Thc Rctoette MagBstne." In nortner* ship with thc Me**ra. (?erlbner be started " llonti at Hoiiii*." At lhe tiinc of 1,1* death he 4va* RdltOT of "Tho Homltetlr Review" and also rondaetfld "The Mls*ion arv Review nf the Woiid." Dr. Kherwood i* ihe author of two work*, -Tke lil-tory of tiie Crow" and "Thj l.ife of John Hi'ii'iiei-d." ._, . , llc have. a wldnw nnd five children. rh" funcra! 4viii f.-iUc nln,.t hi* lionn* to-mnrmw afternoou at ;> o'clock, thc iuiiiiil being al Mooiuiield, N. J. J'-SKPII HIT,*3AM. JOMBh Ruh*am. nf the Brai of Rubsam A H'-rrman. the brewcra, of Maten 1-lanrt. died roddenty ut hl* home on Boyd UUI. Stitplclnn, on Tue?dnv night. He had a stmUe of apoplexv. and he rvmalned un Mmaetou* uatfl ta died. He wa-s fiftv clglit year* OM and was born In Fulda. (icrninnv. II* cinnc to America ln 1S5S. H* *ilS employed by Oeome Berfctel for live yenrs, and Mved by Jiidlrtou* reonomy enonnh money ta form a ropartnen-hlp In 1870 4.ith hls present puitner, Angn-t llomnona Ten dav* ago Mr. Rnbsam re turned from uermnny on the tteaner Fulda, wfcere he ui-nt li.-t ?pring for hl* hcalih. im Tao*day even li,,* ir* entertal.1 a party of fiiend-. urtll 10 oYloek. U n "'' b-'k Im- aont t" bed. und two hour-- Inter h_ un* .1,-i'l. Ile I'uve* a 44|.lo44 nml twoi daughter*. The fum-ral wlll take ptace on Buudsy afternoon uf ?? o'clock. CAPTATB OBOBOE BBIOGS. The death wa? annonnced i*f tbe MarttlaM Kxchans.. ye-'.-iiiav jf Captain George Brtgf*. a.ted eight y ? threo year*,.who dlrd on Inraday at hl* hoiae, Baa'l hundred niid-f.,r:y*i.vth,l. nnd Ni.rth Motl ave. Captaln Rrlgg* was born In Fartaawath, N. II.. and followed u.e sea for many year*. Iie waa tn bls day B f.unoii* sea raptaln an.l roMBMndei manv a flne \e~,.l. For some time IM w;i* superinteiidont aud port i-aptaln of tl.e Collin* lie was president of the New Yor'.i Flaatliig Dry Doek Company, a dt" 'or of the seamen's Savlngs Ban!;, and was nl*.. riinneeted rilh the PcamenM Pfottlmt Charrb. Ca? talu Brlgg" *** gr ,-i'iy respe-1 ?.! by all wbo knew him. lie leavea a wife nnd several < lilldn-n. .-*> ?? IIF.NBY B'ABD POOLE. Cltv ol Mex'.cn, .nl. 22.?Henry Ward Poole, one of (he olde*t Xv_rU__m resldents ln tl.e city, dled hen yesterday. Mr. Poole waa a man of rare attalnmcnt* .uid his aehotarahlp was reeognlaed in all the teboob. ,,( the Mexican capifal. Harvard College Ui 1877 con fcrred upon him tl.e degree of Master of Arts. A hrother and slstcr llvo In Massaekaaatla and Wllllam *_*, I'oole, of Chlcago, ls his brotber. -*> Do you want real eslate, Krvailta, board, or rooms* Then examlne the tlUlo advertlsements on the nln'h pago of Tl.e Trlbune. --_. MR WIMAX TO ESTERTAIS TBE IROS MES. Niagara Fnlls. ..nt., Urf. 22.?The members of th Northern MCtlon of the Brltlsb Iron and Steel In stttnte nre eipeeted tn arrlve here on Frlday. iMtil foi the purpoae of ro-opcuitii.g In lhe ratertaiamenis lo be affoided them heie by Braalus Wiman, a foeal rom mtttee has been appolntad, eenslMlng ?f the. Mayor, Ike I'resldent of lhe I oaiil ??! Trade. tl.e Polic". KafUtra'r and a number of prominent elt./cns. The vl-ltors wli: arrlvo at B :30 a. m., *t*M all the polnts of interest. b entertatned at an etabaraM Inacheon al S ovi..i-k b.t Mr Wlman, and at i n'eloeh Mati for Wn-hington. to joln the Southern *-'tioi< ln tbe Mnt pre-ei.tat.ou ol the whol- tn ihe P.-esld-ni. WACINi; WAR ON COFFF.E. Dr. Mend-'l. of llerlin, say* that the Inebrlety ol nitfee, if nol u* dangaroaa to olhers may be M harm MI to its su'ijcet* as alcoholl*m: and there la Httle tiapata of the fa-1 tbat In the high ncrvc fooakm \ make np, ica and colfee boionic M harm fullv and habltuall.v iic...s-ai-y. M to reiidcr (bcir fn qiient n*e dangerous, a* teudlng lo drlve tho ...ariiinen- toater than lt waa liitonded to run. ihu. eau*lng liirabiilabto wear and tear. Of la.e there ha grown up a far more r.itlonal. bCMMM he.ltl.ful rty to.... thal of cocoa drtnklng. caatom haa been largelv brought gboat by tl.e intn.duction Into thl* .ountrv of that In.-ompiiable product of tlie coco-i ton... Yan HoMMfa coeoa. This cocoa ls almoM abwiiiteiy aatrttlOM and atreagtkaatag to the ******* sy.iein. (ientlv stlmulating, H alds dlfeatfoa and all the tlesh formlug functions, and Is perullarly ad.iptol for the nervous and dy-av-ptio. Van Houten's Cocoa has a world wldc repuiatlon as belng superior toany tlilng of the klnd manulactun-d. . ? ,,,?.., Trlronhrr.-n- I- ? l>' rloP * t-y('r* ni**n D**11' oi aii. B**e 1801 :hs mIm *ve baa awMMatly MMraaMg. If van nrr llred Us. * 9*9 _***** O'd fsahloned grlplne tma ? < oinfort. A msn evrr> thing. I.lrbls's Caaspaor's ?*?ract af Beefc Hskes ths bo*? boutlloo sft?r danslag. 1f??lta,i -naiklinc MlfWlMII * * perfect Uble Noti.ihf srtifielsi. aa* your dasl r for lt. Woaderlally FasalBailac, .... ,,?w nn. R.-4i>uot, lor old aod young. 6old br all tor &l"iT; WeTT*IB w?a Budlnstruclths whole ttmlYj. MABKIED. ACKFX-SPIEliEL-On Tue?dsy, October 21, st Uie Flrst Pr-sbyterian Church of Oenusatown, Ponn.,by the llev. i haHes Wood. D. E, John Arkeu, of .Mew-Tor*. to Mlss .irace Eirlly H|>le?el, of iJcrmantowa. ADAMS-8Hi;ilMAN-At the Reformed Church oo Uie ^_____m_mrm, oo Tnosdar. Oe*b?w 21, bv tto Rev WsflSy * Daris. J>- *-*-. AU?a aaofhlor ot Joha ff. nsmaa. M Ohartss Adass* MABB1ED. SO, at Um Hew-Ttrk Avsnue MBtbodlat -gtaeefgl OMtJj, Brooklyn. by the Kav. f*7g. Barnuio. wnclo of OitMttX ttalste. by tbe Rev. Ahnn DavU and the Hev. Oeorf* T. Malns, D. D., Jessi* UwraoM, daugblcr af M?. BmRf a. MsDerinut, m ocort*- Bavl* Baatay*. both of Bre-.klyB. DEWITT-SATTERLEY-We-ntsdav evcnlnj. Oetober 22, 1890. st the K-fsna-d Ohuirh. Moant Vornon. 1*. TT. br th., Rsv. I. E. flaUth. ol Urseawieh, Conn.. *??I?IM by th" Rev. C. g. OI*Bt*-*?*r. ol Mouni Vernoo. paalsl M-rfMl DoWltt to Hirrlet C, da.gbfcxr ol Mr*. HarHsB A. Snttcrl-y. HALLE-hlDENnERO-On Taeaday. Octob*- 21. IgflO. al th* rreldence of the I ride'* pareat*. bv thc R*y. Dr. O. Uotthi'tl, Hattie, rldest daughter of Hcnry gneoberg, e*q . to Mr. JarqM* 8. Halle. HARLAN-FI.A.rO?Oa Tiie*d*y, Oetober 21, st tb* FUM l'rc?byt<*rl?o church ot Yooker*. bv thc R_v. RlcMrd D. Hsrlan, i4?*lf.ted by th* Rev. Br. John R'ld, EllsabeM l'almer. dWhtcr of the lat- EU_n V_ff?. to JokA Maynard Uarlan. ______ nAZZARD-r.OETSCHIUS-By tb* Rev. U. Tt. OrltetM Uie ho*T,? of thc brlde. O-tob-r 21, 1*^0, George E. Has *ard, of I'- ri'-n 1. _*. V.. to Kata (lo- uehlus. of th** elt-. HKIOIV80H-WALKE-On Wedneadar, OctoO-r __, 18O0, st Chrl.t Charck, Norfork. Va.. by tbe Rav. 0. 8. BarUo. M.rr Dlsnm, eldctt daugtiter of Mr. Wt*M*m Tslbo* Walk*, to J*m?* Potter Rlg-1n*on, of M*w-York. BOFE-BKIlDAN'.-on Wedn**day, Oetober 2a, at Pr_by tcrUn Church, Ro-cll?. N. J.. by MV. E. A. Blauveft. Kai-ih t'ampbell. d".*Wr of Danlel W. Bcrdan, aad Willlam Clark?on Hope. MACK1E? THHUbTOS?On Wedr.eeday, Oetober 32. 18H0, ?t the i*e?id?nce of A. Iliu.u*r I'oyd. t*q., tu-iberWiid, Md., by thc Hev. Clarenc Buel, rectnr of Emmaniial Chureh, (hsrl.* FhuI Marhle. of New.York. lo Vlolat. yoiing,.'nt daughter of tl.e l?t? liecrge Arn Utead Thruston. of Ma rytand. , WALKER-McNAlR-At XorfoJk, Va.. Octeber 21. 1800. by tho Rev. n. s. llart-n, Arthur Lurlan Walker *o Aonle Laurtc McN'slr. Notioes of marriages muit be indorscd srith fall name and addrcw. DIED. IJRir.ciS-On Tm*t**my, October 21, Captaln George Brigga. lu th.- 8ilh var of hf? wre. Rclatlve* and frl.-nd* are rr?|?>etfiillv invlted to sttend t?1 funersl astvtats :it I o'.-look on Kridsv. 24th Inst., at hU late nsldene*., ltuth-M., went of Mott-ave., MoM lla ven. CAbU lladtl|.|| at Rriitot, R. L, August.u L. Caso, son Of Ueai.Adulral A. Ludlow Csse and Anna Rogers (ase, ln the 37th vear of hl* agf. K>:n-r:i! at th i ? U.-....? of hl* fsther. at Brlstol. B. I.. oo Iildav. C.u.i).r 84, 1SW), at 11 a. ni. Intt.rn.ent at .\\it|?rt. pfoaaa omit gawaia. ? COLI.YKK-On Ortohcr 21. Anne. wlfe of the Bov. Bobert ? o Ijrar, MtaUlet of Uie chur.-h of the McMiah. Kew-Tork, ?ervle? at tl.e rh.irch, Parli-ave. sod 34th-st., on ThaiMajr. st S ?'cio. a. DBAKR?Ia Lsadaa, ln Ui* ICtb vrar of his tge. Frank Blotd Drake, .mly -on ?( Xi**______t_ti W. and Illiah Lloyd l)r:ike. Ku-itoI aatvteaa arfll le ben ln London Thursday, Octo ber -'3. i iit'I.MAX-On Mondav .vnlng. Oetebff 20. 1H90. An thonv ... ln Iman, in Uie iV.t'i yet* of his azc, at his jcil d--ne'--. No. :.'00 llsttlc -L. Breaklya, Sf. V. Funeral privat-.-, Chlcago paper" plMM t*t*. EAOI.l-? Al Wllmlnwton. X. C, Auirust 31. 1800. Robfft Xeison Faale, late fsnUIn ".tli c. 8. (Ilo'ilan Cavalry. ?on of Henry and Euca Eagfo, of x.-w-York Clty. de reas *. Irt r-d at Wlln.lnetnn. X. C. pevratHra, Va., papeta \_**m co***r. KKHBKB-Dr. a. F-ri.. r. Mcaday QrlakMji. l-'i-n.-nil snvli-e* ut lil* lat" r<-sld.-n.???, \o. 70 2d-ave., T!.nr ?''..<-. the -3'! ai. -' u. Bt. PROTIIIXOIIAM-Oo Mondav. Octaker SB at his late resMener, Ba. 131 r.i-inscn-st.. Brooklya, laaaa H. Frutbluihani, tn '.i-.e 8.::. y,*r ..f hi* age. Funeral servlcee wlll be h.-id al the Church of the Savlonr, l-O'lier of ri.-rrei.ei.t-*t. and MoMoe I'lace, ..n Thurwlay sften.ll, Ortoh.-r 99, at - !'? ">? Frl.-nd* are i.'.d nol t.i *'-nd fl.nv. r?. OUM.KX?Mary Kraw-la, wtt* *?* I*** B. OalMa, at Tor. r'lnitton, taoa., O'toiH-i 21, ???? M tt*** 3 months 15 Funeral servleea ?! Otaaae k***nt PieabytatlM Chur-.-h, Booklvn. nt - p. **., Oi 23. HKWL1TT-At .Manhassett. I.. I., on Ortober _____ 1800, I.i,:i. wlfe nf Wm. H. Ilewlett. Bclatlv.-a and m.-iids are respertfuIlT lnvifd to sttend tho f.ui uil fmm her rcaMeaw, >laiil.u**, /,. I., on Satur d.v (Hto'er ti, Bt 1 P- in. Traln l.a\e* Lone Island Cltv nt 11 a. in. Cniages In *aMMg st UTCM Xcik statlon. PoaghkrepaM p:>i."rs j.lea.?c ropv. isr.i.iN'-wetii.*.i.iv niuMiftic Oetaher 20. Fkaale Oaraer, wlfe ol C. ol.v.-r im**, and dausht r of the |a|? 'ltiom.1* Oaraer, ir. Funeral servleea at (it-icc church, Fr'.dsv, Oeteber 24, at 10 o'.Io-li. joiix*o\-Al Retrt Mailkilaagh. Vaaaday, October 21. i'.o1 ert D. John* tn. Fum-ral * rvbe* at st. i.-ik-'s M. E. Chunh, 41?t-*t., n-?r oth-ave., Tfcataaajr aaaaMir, at io o1' ;o. k. MAIUSIIALL-At his icsd? n.-e, No. iiO 1-tn*_., Breok lya, ..a 3d dav (Tii.-*d.v, rvealag, 10th lumtii (Oetaberi 81. K.lwin Maraball, ?,?-l fti yejM. Ir.nds :ind r. l.ilUes a,e Invlted to stt-nd the funeral al th" above nddre-B. ou .'.th <ay r"h'ir*dav) evninit. M 7:30: sUo at ap .walk Ueeung-haaaa on 6th dav (Kr dav . at 11 o'.-lo-k. Trala leave* li.V.hst. (\. V. * B. R. B.) at 0:lo a. m. I'lI-'.IU i: Ar l'l.-a*:int\ille. N. V.. OK S-.-ond day. lPth moi rh l.v.m. Martha Werct. In the tiotn of her aee. Kelatlve* and liieiid* of Un- familv ar?- ri'*|?" tfullv lnvlt<d to att-iid th.- fnueral ?t ih" hoaae of .I:un.? li.ree. PL** snltli.e X. V.. on l-'ifth dav (*ds>), 10th month, 'iM, Bt 12 30 i>. ni. Cprriia.s wlll aieet the tralaa leavteg o.ond Central DeDot, N . V., at U 2.) aud 11 :1>' a. m. PBICB-Ol Wedn-Bluy. October 22, Harrl't I. Price, la tl.e Tiid year nf her ag>\ lt-latlv.K and frlends ar1 hivlted to atbMid ths fun?ril ?crvffr-?nt AU Soul*' (hur'-h. South Pth-?t.. n?ar B'-dford ave.. Hrooklyn, on Frldav, tt l :30 p. ni. BllEBWOOD? At bls lat- resldcnee, ,Nn, 35 McDonouflh ? t n.ooklvn, on October -.':'. IWIft tho Hevtrend Ja:nts M. Bherweod, ln tho V7tl. yea. of his apa, Ciieiirt* rt the famlly ar-- n s| e, ffully in?1tc<l to attend tho fmi"roi servte*e, al hl* laM .-ertidMi):*, on Frlday, October 2lth ln?t.. at ."> o'.-Ioek |). m. Int-rii.-nt ut Hloemll'IU, New-Jer*.y. n'rmliitrtiani. Conn.. on fh^ 21st lnst., sai.ii.-l S. SMnii. r. iu tl.e 7.">th of his age. Xotl..- of fun ial le is-ift r. HOCTHMATD-Oa Wtdaesdnr, the 221 in*t., at his home, ln Mld.11 towB. Coiin., SUj.heu C. bouthmayd, forn.-rly of NVtv-York Cltv. Fun n-rvl. ? s on Fr'dnv, the 24th !nst.. at 3 B'elerfc. Special Notices A~._ Pnndo-tligheet I'lana "' llrut Mherry "| .so4v the fMsritO * -n bi- li_d at ali ?r*,t-c.*_*? hotel* aod r.'*.aursiit*. fc-ht by aM deolct*._, 41 ra. C. A. nlncl-lr aollclta ordera for homo-made 'ama, Jclib-. *p.' e,i, pr.*encd anu brandled fruit*. Ah. bOlute' punty gudriiot-ed, aud only _raf-cl-_- niaterlal used. All fr'ilt put up iu gl*?* uud atored for cuitumiera fall For circular* cont-Uilug prlcea and ref.rcncea ad dr.** Mr*. C. A. blucUir, No. 1 AUco Couro. Ilrooklyn, N. Y. _._ New-York Agnlnat HAVE TOO RBOISTEBBDI Thc Tanurai.v Hill d.*trl,t. shoived an averue ln cr a*. of rc_I>U_tIon f?r tha _r*? iw* dav* thla ve-r over tu,. dav.- 1*4 var. of onlv tt Wr ftiit Tlie mtl-'iiiui'i.anv di-tii t> fot tho same daya shawtd ni svcraa* h-tWM* of ao pet roah Tliis BMBM VICTORY FOR TIIE PF.Ori.K'S Ml'XICIP-VL LEAOL'E TICKEX if Ui!? avcraee is nrcalntaincd. . _.,.-_ lf vou do not knoiv araere to r-cl?ter wnd a t??tal ,-nnl to UM P 0. le'* MBBIcIOBI Le-iig"'1. NC 1 Hl Hroad ivav. MdTM 44 111 rece.iV.' fulljnfoi-n.atlon bv MM mail. obi.m ue Conetlpatlon Kcndlly Yields To thc rcgu^r ueo of CARTEli'S LITTI.E LIVKR PVLAaS. Poatofilre N'olice. (Should bc n'ud dallv by all loiilUBHa. ss akaugM ~ay *eii_*_?ra*?Jr Kregn. countrie-* n.ed not bc spe-ially ad _rc?M*_ fo. dl*i?tch by any nurtl, ular BtMnrr. 6?epl ?rV..M lt ta d.-hli 41 Ui s-nd rtuplfiati's of banKlns and ?M ? ,-i?l ioeum-nt*.. letters not *P',-i*:iy addrcs.ed Mag ' .,._ |,V th? f;i?t.-i.t v.a*i I* avatl-.blo. Fo. I-i "Bi:* foi- the week ..iding Oetober 25th. will lovir'o it* ln all reaesi at Uii* offlce a* loHowa ll ' 'si.AY.-Ai 10.30 a. m. for Eumpe, per *. *. Xorn aiuiia. Vla bOuU-WBtM and llan.hure, oA 1 P- ~. r ll-inr-ii. I?*r ? ?*? t.'liio n; at 1 p. m. IM ,"??1, V V. _M*c.,. Cobo, I-cr *. ? Santisgo; at .... i? fnr JaiiiiiK* l'-r *. *? Durlan : at 9:30 5 Si r NVi-fo "<i- n. H-- rtOMM* J_*M I'?''? - ?? 8:30 p. m. for St. Flerie-Ml'iuelon, pei ateamor from 'laKATt*RDAT--.AI 10 ?. m. for thc Wlndwsrd Ielsndv p*r , ?! Flan.b'iiru: St 10:30 a. m. for BureOB. \?t j. *. SorT'e vla g-uUia-iBtoo and flrtgn muat b* ,.(?. ? ?? im- Knrec"): at 11 *? m. tor, per a. a. i-rln* Willem'lil il.-tt. r* for Cur.'"*o. Veneiuela. Trlnldad. i ltl.h i'l nit i <'"'?"? niu',t ?'?' 'ilrc'ted "Der Prlna u-ii'.n Uf- ? at II ?. m. for Fortune IaTand and la i-ilc. i*i ..'? Ad!rond?ek (letV ra for J.cmel and Aux rVv *i *-!_? bi dlr-.tcd "per" ; at 11 a. rn. r r' v','nJav ?; .'."raeio und savaHll-,. vla Cur*r*o. per ,. s. ? i i.rtrlnlilii 1,-ttcr* for othei- (oloiiiblai, pnrH ihuit be _!.??_"V- WaM-'Ida"); *t 11 ?. ?. for France gwE Vcrl-nd 1?*14 Si,?.n. l'ortugsl and Turk-y. p.;r *. *. La lMMB_vV\ia Bavra: at Ti 80 ?. m. f,.r Bumm .per i.o..niigii , "^ QM.^n-t.-n il.ttr* for Iran,e, Switier i_..a laal* Si_iu Hoit' and Turk y m-nt be dlrccled ??_?,' i"Vi firl-i". at 12 m. for gsrwav direet, per *. *. iirkla ilettera Binat he direet<d "per HcUa".; ?t 1 p. m. lor the v. tiiir'an'i* dlrct. Kr a *. Amst-num. vla AuUer. r_-il^ini55 ?* ailBKifl "p-i'-,: at l ? n> f,,r Hrirtland <llr.'f, MT ?>? a. flnna-l*. vlr. <;ia-*ow fetter* be dirt-fd "i-.-r Flrcaaalan: at 1 |>. m. for __r__i*h_ ChlBPM, TabBBfB and I BMt-B, per ?. ?. V_.a_Mi iVttrVa in* Cuba Tampl ?? and Tuxpam dlivct and ntk-a Me.lean St-ite* m* Vrra l*rai BBsasV dirc*t.*d "per ?- ,'It_ri"> at 3 P. m. for Blucil. lda and Oroytowu. per - . I (,t-rl jr. from Nc44-Or>_i*. ' .rviiA V-At 3 p. m. for Coata Rlca. vla I.lmon. pet - a FoxfYll frou, "New-Ori,-!!,.: at 8 p. m. for Kustao. ._?r a ? S Oterl, from N'ew-Orl,_n?. 'Mili. fi,'- the Soelcty i*l*nd*. per ?hlp Clty of Tspcltl tJLm, Si fi FraticNen), clo-e h.-re Oetober ??_... st (1:80 ,, m ' _l"lla for l*BlM snd Jspan, p>-r a. a. Clty of Peklna iHun van Crani'l-io,. rlo?e. here ...tolicr "2?. Bt 0 HO , n ' Mail- for Vu-trall*, Ncw-Z. *land. Hawallan. ."IM an,| Sair'.an Ialund*. pr a. B. Z.slandia (from San Fraa. i. o> . pwe B*w No4,'niher -9. at 0 30 p. m. for on ar J-,, _, v.w.v-rk of ?. ?. AuMnl*. with llrltuh mail* fo* tiTJ-wltat Mail* for Xewfonndlrind, 1^ rsll to HaUfai. .ntt thenee bv utenmer. cloae at thla offlce dally at 8 iM ? ,? MilN f*r Miqnclon. bv r_u to Bo?ton. and thene* I y st-anii r do..* at thl* offlce dally st 8 :80 p. m. M*tl* tor fuba hv r.ll u. Timr-a Pl*., and thence by ateamcr oillns Meadajr* ?nd Thurvdtv*., cloa*. at thl? offlce dally _i 110 * m. M*U? for Mi-tle-. ov^Hsod. unle*? enaclallT adcTrciwira for dl?p*tch by ?te*me?, cloee at thl* offlc* d*_y " ?Thc^whedul" of cloalng ef tr-n*-f*Bclfle mails ls ai* rane#d cn the Brcanmptlin ot their uninteri-pted ovarland tranalt t" San Fi-..n<"ta o. M*ll* from the Eotf arflvtaB na time at *Un Frane|?.o en the d?r ef **n.n_ ef_**a_a*_| an- dtaratched tl.ence the ?*-* My. HafisterM bmU ,,?,,* at 0 n. m. rrevto-i", da*^. roRNELics v^yevrr. r^t-_*v?. foatofflre. yew.Tork. W. T.. (VtoheT Political Notirea. ' Kec-l*r NeaikMrtaa FOR BIIERIFT. JOHN J. OORMAN.