NEW PUBLICATIONS. STORY OF A " BOOM." BULLIONAIREN OF A DAY. An Inslde JBllirf *J* ^mt Southern Caltfornla ? Boom." Bv T. 8. X* DyK lamo. pp. 208. Fords, Howard & Hulbert Mr. Van Dyke has wrltten a most entcrtalnlng ac count of the real e*Utc ? boom-' whlch occurred ln Boathera Callfornla two yeara ago. lt may woll bo douhted lf a "boom" at all reaembllng thls ln cssenUala ever took place before. Both tn lts tncepUon and lts coosequenccs It was untoue, and though lt serves ad mlrably as ao example of human grced and folly, those who study It have the aatlafactlon of refteetlng that Uie ubobI train of dlsaster and ruln dld not follow thls par Ucolar eahlbltlon ot those dcfecU of character. Tho aouChem Caltfornla "boom." as here ******* evldent fldellty to facts. had no analo^y with thosc wholly feetitlons aod fraudulent opcratloos ln whlch ehcer Impndent mendaclty. cnnnlngly sapported by appcato to cupldltv. leads men into noaltlvo hallnrlna tlona about town sit*a or other real property. Never tbeless H preoented the stnpular *i>cctacle ot a crowd of ahrewd caplUllsts and buslncss men mnnlng Hko sheep after a apeculatlon which. though really basert upon had no ronnertlon with th? only atable IntercMs and solld prospecte of the reglon concerncd. Clearly so strange a phenomenon was well worth study. and Mr. Van Dyke has done hls worl; with art and Judz mtFor several years before the "boom" Southern Call? fornla had been attractinp Easteni rapital and bralns. At flrst people went there merely for the mlld winter. Theo they began to flnd out that the s.nnmer was not lees pleaeant and salubrious. Then a few here and there experlmented ln various culinres. Oaaoa spramr 'op eiong the uplands. Irrigatlon unloosed tlie pro dlgious fertlllty of the 880. Colonies like tliose of Paaadera and Riveralde ahowed the material advaticare? ef we>ter calttvatlon. In a wonderhilly short ttBW these efforta proved lucratlve. and from year to year the prospects of the aectlon were better assured. nntr snd thia ls one of tho odd points of the " boom"-lt was not theae undenlahly fertile lands that were the sub Ject of lt. They held thelr own steadily fmm flrst to last; but though the value nf Southern Callfornla was flrst proved dlrectly throuph thelr cnltlvatlon. tho graaring crowd that roured out Its money ln tho "boom" never soupht to acquire thls rlass ol arreape. Of course one explanatlon of thls Is that the boomers svere reallv only sperulators. who. buyinp solclv for a rise. cared nothlng about the rjuallty or location of tha lands-ln fact. as a mle, never -et eyes upon thc lot.s they pnrchased. Ttiev were operatinp prensely llkn stork garoblers, In short. and for their purpo?e lt dld not matter even whether the land they traded in really exlsted-tliat Is. so long as the ??boom" lastcd. At flrst, aecordlnp to Mr. Van Dyke. the natlves held aloof from the "boom," Imt they wcrc soon drawn ln, and then they went pevfehdlty of basla, bclng for the most part situnted In the mbarbs of already establl-hed towns like Loa Anpcles. After a Ume, howevcr. the owners of cnttle-raaaes and dry traets got the ldoa of rt.ttlng up thelr holdlnps, and scores of town sltes vrere thereupon plotted out any how and anywhere; town sltes with no excuse for exlstenre, without harfc ronntry. or settl-rs. or water. or Umber, or anythlnp: and the twenty -live and tifty ,'foot lota tn these lorations went ofT like hot rakes. Then the town people proreeded to dlscoutit the purc ly Imaginnry ftiturc of the new aettlemenis. A jnont deal of money was flowlnp in, and most of thls was sunk ln "lmprovenienK" of whirh far the most BC8> ular were hugc hotels, twenty years in advanee, of any poaslble growth the eountry could develop. ITescntlv the Eastern spcculators bepan lo sell Bpuin to tke natives. Theae had already repented of havlnp let thelr land go too ehcap: and fre<|iiently after it luul risen to ten or twenty tltnes wliat th-y received for It, thev would buy lt apnln. in the li?pe of I'llint lt the aecond tlme at tipircs more in accord with what they now thoupht its trne valuo. As in all such movement* the crowd lncrenseoahs nod over wavy awells ol gronnd clad ln wlld-oata. foxtall and l\y. whcre Ihe y.-lp of the royot* sUll wak?v, tbe cool sllence of the niKht- a*id the wlldcat lies in Hk- edpe of the llla< and mai)7.nnltu fo sprina npon the hare that play- alotip lts edpes. I the cottape of the man who but thmc yeara Bgp re oulred ? speclal bfjhkkeepcr and atcaoarapher an.l tyi? wrltor txi attend to hla prtvute acrmiiitii and tor teapondencc. Now he f-nd- rahblta qnltc as pood ;;? ovater* importes was Migetcd and bobbc kardaklp en dured. the eountry BssUed ibrouph and i- now more prosperona than eeer. Mr. Van Dyke, la his klgkly fnterestlnp volnme, sjlvefl many graphlc pkinrea of urenery. and many reali-tic and knatorons ?kctckcs of Mfdfferent typ-s of rapftaUsta nnd sperulators. The tvhole story tcrtalafjr prrscnts. as Arfcasns Ward would "have aald. a larpe-sized moml lylnc around somowhore.; and a? the aame tlme it is set fortk In these papes with the charm attachinp to tictlon. Nrto Pnblications. riHARLr^S gCRIRNER'S 30NS pfnr.isif TO-DAY. PACIFIC COAST SCEKIC TOUR. Fmm Routhem Cr'.lfornla to Al.iska. The TeatfaJte, Jhe Casadlao Paclfl.- RaJlway. TeUewatOM Park and the Oraed Caoon. By IIKNRV T. FIXCK. author of "Ro maotle Love and Per^onal BJeaajSp," and --C'linnln. and 0*?r Mualcal Studles " WIUi 20 full-paxo Illustratlocis. gvo, 82 .VI. Mr. Flack'a n*w book i? a patrlotlc dwnonstrttlon of tlie avpcrlarlty of Amorloan acencrr. Thc Uescrlptlon, by ao fxptrieaufM a traveller and ao vlTacious a wrlt?r. of tho cbasacter aod SceeaaJlllltj of the natural prandeura of Uie 'faclflc Islopo. Ia as ut-rtsii ln;: aa it Is valuable. Tha 1 IcCare U more cemprehenslvs than any heretofore attampted. A LITTLE BBOTHER OT THE RICH. . Aod *ber Veraea. By EDWAl'.D fS. MARTIX. ?mo, fggg, "The pcema are W**, phlloaorhlcal, piacoful and slto '(?Sfcet doll?htfuL"?fXew-Tork Son. PETEB THE GREAT. Enpcror of Reaala. A S'ody of lllstorlral nioprapliy. By El'tiEKE S( HIVI.KK. With 200 lllustratlona. yew aod Cheaper Edltlon, 2 vrla.. 8vo. 80. A aew aad cheaper edltlon of a work whlch has taken tlie Bifhaat raok aa e'portratt of Peter the C?reat. and at a {faapklc plrture of tke moat lnterestinff pcriod in Ruaalan aiatotr. Tbe bcauty of the lllustratlona ls s featuro of the ?**geld by all bfftuallsts. or saot, postiMld, by CIIABLES SCBIBNEB'S SONS, rtsV7iP BfUUDWAr. XZWY0K4. Xen pnbUcationa HpHE FOFULAli SCIKNCE MONTHLY FOR XOVEMBER. THE ORIftlX OF Ml'SlC. An artlcle by HERBERT 8PENCER, In whlch he dlacuaaes the opposlng vlews of Darwln and othcra. THE RELATIOXS OF MEX OF BCIENCE TO THE OENERAL PUBLIC. Prealdentlsl addreaa at thls year's meeUng ol the Amerlean AssorlaUon. The auUior polntt out Uie waya by whlch sclentlflc men mar become more ueeful and better appreclatcd. By Profeasor T. C. MEXDEXHALL. II.LUSTRATED ARTICLE8. THE ROOT-TIP. By FREDERU'K LE ROT BAR OEXT. MY* CLASS IN OEOMETRY. By OEORQE ILE8. HABIfJ; OF THE BOX TORTOISE. By A. O. MAYER, M. E. THE LOOIC OF FREE TRADE AND PROTECTION. By ARTIIPR KITSON. THF, HISTORY OF A STAR. by Profeaaor J. Norman LockTer. SOME LESSOXS FROM B.VRBARISM. by Elalne 0 lllll THE HSS OF ALCOHOL IN MBDI CI.VE by A. O. Bartlcy, M. D. HUMAX SELEC TIO.n' by Alfrcd R?i?ael Wallace. St'1IOOL LIFE IX RF.LATIOX TO OROWTH AND HEALTH, by Pro BKMCB AVS PORTRAIT OF PROFESSOR AMOS F.ATON. 50 cent* s Number. ?500 a Tear. Pul.lisherl by D. APPLETON A CO., 1. ? AND^5^nOND_STREET^NF.WYORK CITT. rrv^TRIHCNE MONTHLY ?*? ron 6EPTEMBER. 1890, A 5UMMER AT CIIAUTAUQUA. A 001d?T(ETE HISTORY OF THE MOVEMKXT. X. THE ASSEMPLY AXD ITS PEOPLB,' WITH ILLUSTRATIOXS. 1. Founders of Chsutsuqua. 5. TJie Collcire Coursc, 8. The Hall of Phlloaophy. 4. Women of Chautauqua. 6. UnlverMty Extcnsion. 0. The LUerary and Sclentlflc Ctrcle. 7. Caautauqua'a Many Sldea. II. THE SEASON OF 1890. WITH ir>LUSTRATIO!4S. Reporta of Uie daUy lecturca aud entortalnmenta. par aoaal goaalp, Uata of vlaltora, ete. III. THE ASSEMBLY GROUNDS. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIOXS. Complete gulde to all the bulldlng;., dlrectory of offlcers aod departmenta. Chautauqua wlt and kumor. 85 CEXTS A COPT. THE TRIBUXE. NEW-YORK. JnBirncnoR. For Boya and Younjc Men?City. a -Mcrs. WlL.sON 4 KF.LLOOO'S SCHOOL, A. No. 832 FIF'IH-AVE., near 60:b-at. A acbool of hlgh eharacter, preparatory to ?ny college, ?clenUUc achool or buslnotv (iyinnaalum. A CLASS FOR LITTLE HOY8 under experienced ln?tructreaa. FourtwenUi y0tii-st.__ A-CIIK'ULARS OF OOOD jCHOOLS FREE; state .wkether tor boya or glrla: elty ? coMtry. I- V. BUYEBOOX. Am.-riean 8 hooi awwau, 3 W. I4thst, N-Y A -BESTLET SCHOOL FOR BOr8 A.Prinopal. WILL1AM JOJfRB, A. B.. Harvard. 024 Madlsoi.-sve.. ntar 5'Jth-at. _ JjAlTXARD SCHOOL. 117 AXD 119 WEST 125TH-ST. AITI.K AXTS EXAMIXEJJ ON AXD AFTF.R BjEPX 10. RIXITATIONS BE(ilN SEPT. 23. i rcparatiun for clleg'-, adaoola ot Scieuce. Law or ModiciiiM, and BaalBraa. Hlgh School. Gramuiar bcl.od ai.d 1'rlmary Departmenta. Laige, welkVcnUUt. d claes-ruonia, a.nall cla&sta. l.idlvldual attcaUon. Well fQiilpp.d gymiiH.-lum. Mllltary tralnlng. No extra ctiurJtet. Trn resldcnt Btudeota rereived into the home of the bead master. Catalocuc. Parenta lnvlted to Inapect S-n.s.. Md nmmgm.^ mjjHm ^ ^ B COLUMBIA IX'sTlTUTK, 720 nth-ave.-Frlnc.lpal. EDWIX FOWLEK, A. II , M. D. : We-I'rlu.. X. A. sii 1W a. M.?s.i.ii'i. Prcparati.rv, Prhnary aud Kfi.dei irarteu Depta. Stedet.U rapldly prepared for colbc.- or l.u-incas. Oymnaatlc tralniug. Mllltary Dtill. Recp.'iu sept. 20. Scnu Ior ?atalogue,_ pOLCMBIA QRAMMAR SCHOOL, 616TST., XF.AR MADISOXAVE. FOFXDED IX 1704. Thorough prpparation for all collegoa, sclentlflc achoola, buaineaa. rrcparatory Dciiartinent. Flr.o ftymna'lum. ^, , , i DR. R. S. BACON, A. M , LL. B. Pilncipals: { HK, B. II. CAMPBELL, A. M. pOLLEGlATE SCHOOL FOR B0Y8, 34 Wcst 40thst WILI.IA.M IfeOOWELL HAl.SEY. Pn. D. (Formeriy Everaoa ?), w ill raapen s?'|it. 20. Pvplla nr<: pr^par. re?idrut pupll-. wlll bo recelvjd._ F~~rQ~ IRELAXD'S CLASS FOR BOYS, 19 WE?T 42D-ST., : r.HDpens Tuesday, Scptember 80. Mr. Ircla.-.d wlll be at | tin- daas-rooin_afier_sepieuibc.r 15. 'J to 1. _ . ] XBTRVCTIOM In eonuaerrlal branct.ea. elocutlon. flUll. ' I tarv aclcncc and tactl.a ai.d dedeknt ICnellan siven on itaaanabls tern.s; loni; experlence. call roeadaya aad Thimdays b?-twetn 8 and 8, or addrca* _B. F. UTATT. 113 Madlnon-ave._ JH. MORSF.'S SCHOOL FOR BoVS. 423 Madlaon ? air? rfoi.cDfc Uet. 1. Full primary, lnt.rincdlate. I aud acadendc coursoa. _^^__^^ I"a. KEMP PR0S^6tA'S_SCH00L"r>bR BOTB. t* XI5 Madison-avc.. oor. ?M?at.l ! wlll reopen Octobcr lat. Xumber of puplla llmlted. Ia. dlvldual attentlon. Refera to th>- followlng patrons: ! Revd. R Teyry, 1> D. Jainea W. (i"rard. Eaq. ' Jas. A. Oarland. Ksu. Ho-i. Oranvllle P. Hawea. i Aodrow H. 6mlU? M D._A. J. Whltc. Eaq _ LP. P.AY (late wtth Wllaon * KelloRB), head maater of ? the IRV1XO HCHOOL. 301 .'.thave. Claaaea, cle : iiicntary to acadcmlc. Colleijo pr?paratlon a apeclslty.^ MW. LYONS COLLKOIATF. IXSTITUTE. Xo. 6 ? Kaat 2-d-~t., corn.'i Braadwajr, opeua sjept. 22. ih.rtytlfth year. BerelVaa all agea, and prcparca for loil'tc a.ieiitltic arkaol or bu-tnei??. Th.- geiiUem. n ? I o^e aainaa follow have had one or moro mns lltt- d for eoUi pv : llcnis. M. Aie.v.iid r Rev. II. M. MacCracken, D. D., Frae?sl?. Bu k, M. 1)., Orson D. Mimn. Jlc.ry I>av. Itev. Andrw Oilv.*. D. D., James M. I'arr. Willlam A. BawkafcBar, KBV. Edward Krana, Juni'S T-ikott, Rev. Jm. It Kerr, l>. D.. Balph WeBs. AU Ui a ve.r engrBMS exan tnst on? witbout rondltlona. Tnlnoti Kw io B'-Ou BiiBBm. K.o-:.a or. one Boor and aiedaily Bdanted. (TireohiB aettiag f?rth Advlaory Com n Itfe Sp 11 na L.dd r, Qimrieilv Written F.xainlnatlona, Receaa, Wslka io, at Putnam'a and r.and..:ph'a. _ MISS PARRIER, formeriy wlth Mv? t)V VERXET, S.hool for Boya. r^opena O'tobor 1st. r.2 EAST 30TII-ST _ aiiss Ki.Tcin'MS ( lass for boys. **" 8:.9 LEXIN'UTOX-AVE Prlnclpol at home from 1 .80 to 2:30 p. m. _ IS RFI'ARATORY rollegc nchool at 170 Weat 47th-at.. ''on.'.cl'd l.v 11 K Avils; the 1, ,,?. r U'lght ho.v ... nudv t t! eae?? <*4 and ap.edT dev. lopment of e* br t'e ine'l.ods of l-.atruction e.nj.kyed; per Joiiai BttanV'aa to earh; UmiW to tweive a.holsr*_ ROOBT ORAMMAR SCHOOL FOR B0Y8. 120 *> KBl 8211-SX. T>,n?oui7h nreDBratiou ior BaaatBaB or rollegj. Primary 'JSSff ' i?l term bcguis Mondsv. S-ptembcr 29. Deparmrnt. i au . , u.woN 111 fti.lN... ll. ()., Prlncipala, } gg. W. IIOWELL, JR., A._M._ 8T LOt'18 OOLAEOB* 224 Wcu Osth-at. (Centrai PatBl ?atrlcUy aelect Cstbollc tchool for boya. Llm. ii*d number; all lahguaiies; orlniary, raBjaatfrJal, claaaical. TUE COLLK..1ATI; SCHOOL. 7?l MadUcn-nve., near | l*re|a?.ratoiy Ui Coll-ce and Bual? neaa, l'rln.arj DcparUnent. l*a.e.ita are lnvltod to Inapect tlie achool-iO!im?.. .. ..... F.LMER E. PHILLIPS, A. M., Prlnctpal. UX1VEKSITV OBAMMAR BCHOOl* 1.473 Broadway, near 42d-at. 53d y cular and rtference. Tutara aent to homes. m_ WOOLBEY ACADElfT. Suceessor to _ THE OIBBF.NS AXD BF.ACH SCHOOL. 20 W. 60Ui-st., on Oentrsl Park. FOR BOVS OF ALL AOES. f Preparea for bualneaa or collega. 20tb year beabia Sept. 29. D BEACH, Prlnclpal. _ WUODBR1DUU 6CHOOL. 8-' EAJiT 46TH^8T.. ReonaDk Octob'r 1. _ . . . 1. WOODBRIDOE DAVI8. Pk. D., PrlBClpal. EST EHD SCHOOL, 118 Waat 71a? Bt. opana SepultV a eollegUto achool for beys: mllltary drtll; nc? gymnaslum. CHESTER D0XALD8OX. A. M. For Yoang Utdiea?City. A-A.-MRS. T. HARBOROVOII UPTOX?School for ? girls. 228 Waat 4l?lh-?t. Speclal atniuoo to dell cato aud becBward cblidreti. MISS WARREX'S SCHOOL FOR OIRL8. COLLEOE PREl>A*ATOKir PlUMARy. th FOR BOii 100 waat fOat-ei Jngirtmum_ To7 Youna Lodlea?City. Aorivatk aRT CLA8BE8 now fonalns. ,?eaaoii ~? .Lio-oi sn-iUI l.istructlon n ?ater color an? draw.os. fiVdlo faTBt KOBERT Y. BLOOD 7^SSSSSlW^*WSm^ Ai cJntn. l^ark Bulldlngs. 1M West SBUi-si. HlghaVK.n?'.h l-Vneh and Msthematlcs. f^BUi year b*?ina October 9._ .T ?~"??~nEV DR AIID MRS. OARDNER'S A."ib"Fooi.B^A&?'1??r^_^^: . FamlCr and Daj School for Olrls. ? *??'??' (E,ublTshed 1H02* Miss DAY. PrtnelpaJ, ~i-MM AJ/iflE DgflWffi iwsm jaeghja. A.Prcpafea %r toilage or'Har>ard ExaalnaUona tor Woroeo. 718-716 Flfth Avenuc._ X^M^DTJdTnsELLff" W^BTT A School for Olrla. fjfumbcr limlted.) 26 Ea*t^thjrt._ "7-MADFMOISELLE VELTIR BCHOOL FOR A^ib-KiuWiTen conducted entlrelr iu Frenol.. 175 West 78d-?t-__-. ' a -MAUAME DA SILVA. Boardlnii and Dav School A. for aiVla. French tho languaga of thc acfcool aad th* famllT^_24JVeat. 88th-*t._ I5lS8 CROCKER AXD MISS BECK.^for_Boya.__f.Ch^.?r4K._oPP, Brysn^Par* Arkm^^u^^S*^^* U*m Bpsetal toiiraSa of Studj. 10 East 76tH-at._ A " B,oVrd.ngSi!0KdS Day^ool for Younj #Ladle. and Cbl dren wllh'KlSdorgortcn. Puplla prepareJ for Barnard Md?S? collcgca. 047 itadlaoii-ave._ dren, with Kliiiler^nrtcii. J. teet .}8th-at._ __ Y-'.IwEST EXD AVEXUE SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. A.MiaiIMARTMA b. THOMPSOX, Prlneljifl. l'rlraajy, P^paTatorf: collegiata: rcaldent pupllaKmdersartei. for Vojaaifl gfri?. t'ai Weat End^-e.. cer. TBtk-os._ "a ~MISST~ F\ MOORE. Boerdlnc snd Day School for A.(?rb. KlnderCirten bj BpexhUlst. French aad UOiBBM conversatlon. 117 Weat 70th-at. _ A-~MTSS-ErMTxfWELV (Fornicrly "with Uie Ml'ses A. Cranam.) Home and Day B^hool for Olrla. Bin dvi-garten. l'rimary and Advanced Departraents. 87 W-at 130th-st._ _ "A -THE"~AUD'JnoX SCHOOL. vVaahl.igton Helphts. A. Advanugcs of town and countiy. Boardlng pupUa flsM to SS M. eliza a.-u.-^n.^!-^.^ "a -fHE RTVET.SfYiR SCHOOL 1'iVP. oiki.s. A.Mlss EMILY A. WARD. Prlnclpal. 8i?cloua quartera foi realdcat puplla. 50 weat 10ith-st., c.i. M.uu.auan-avc. A-MISS GAYLER'8 SCHOOL FOR OIRL8, ? 174 Weat BOlh-st.. ClrcuUra sent on appllcaUon.__ A -A.-A.-THK REED 8f lipOL, A. 6 snd b Eaat 6:td-st. nnardin* -nd l?av Sfhool for Olrls. Miss jBUaTTr. M.AiH-t,-r, |?*elpju_s?^eaadTaa Mra. Sylvanna Road, who < ontinuos ua vlaltor. l?eni) sev.-nth year._ _ 1 "-TRUVINO SrHOOT. FOK KIxr.EP.OARTXF.ILS, A.IT wAt KM-S^T Hew-Yas*.?Bcalna 2ft*B y" ???. H. EMILT M. roi-:, Prln. and F.d. af Eladaaartea liBg. GLASSICAL SCHOOL FOK OIRLS. ??-,???. rlpals. 1,961 Madlacw-ave., near 18ath-?t - U AJ8XEM BIXDEROARTEX" ASP PUEP/^^TSo.,' H SCHOOL. 37 West I2at, nmtilltii.' an'. f?ay School for rcniig U'li. k -jnd cbll lf n. Two vacaritlM._ _Icrni* '"0,''rat?,?_ MMEXOLISHSFUEXCH and OERMAX IlOARDIXO and DAY SCHOOL fnr YOUXf. I.AHII..S aa; < HIL DREX 222 MADlSOX-AVr... BEW.YORK. "lll reopeii O.t. 1st. IblKi. French ls tlie lsngtiBg<; of IhS faliun :?nd school. Spc-'-lal cla>ses In hUtorv. llt-rat. re. art and Fr.iich raurefHtlofl. Spedai gtteation u> ngiiaa, rreosa sni Ociman nrUnary dci.artn.eiit. , 50th Year. MME. A. C. MF.ARS. rrlnclpal. _ M RS. OALLAHFR-S SCIIOOT, FOU OIF.f.S. 51 FlITY-HECOXDRT. SPEOIal ci.A.sM.s i-or ai'Vax. i:n Pt PILS. T41ISS JAFDOX'S . \y\ School for O.rls. 84S Madlson-ave. Will rcopen Octo bei 1. Bnmber of boardlna puplla llw.lted. C?-? for lltUa chl'drcn. Pr.-psiatlon for ll-r\?rl (Xaadnatl. ns and Xiar luid ctllcpe. MISSMS ORINXELL'S DAY SfHOOI, FOR i.IRLS, OC i.isl 54tn-?L. i-nixn, ,...??,..r 2. Collrctat*. l'r para. tery and Prlaiary Vcvi*. Kind. r.-arbn. Fruebel meti.oa, I8i REYNOLDS' schooi. FOK OIRLS, 86 Weat 4">th st. Trlnrlpal at bOBM fr> ". - to 3 o'cicck._ IU MIBg S. I). DOREMUa, BCIIOOL, ?".. Eaal Twenty-8ral Street BJglisEB A. I M. FaLTOXER I'Fr.l'.lN's BCHOOL ItIfoic (.iiiLS. 2141 l-enox-ave. Ej?!ftk year bcpln* BeptBmbei 80. Boardlnp puplla. ?^00._ MISS M BLACKWELL'S bcbeel aml KUteCrsvten for Chlldren recpens October l, at 130 East gjd-et._ 1V1 M iss oinnoxs'.s school fot. i.iki.s. 50 WEST 47TH-SI'.. KF.OPF.NS <>CV. 1st Tl-.n-t- bfaidl.-i^' papOa will bc takan. _ (SS ilAIXOW'd 8C1100L. \ ?Ji Ha-t 'JSd st , ? WILL REOI'F.N O.N THE ll.SI.AY, OCTOBER 2._ THE Iir.EAHLEY SCHOOL, C East 40tlist., open* OctObet '2._ rpilR M1SSES PF.RIXE'S BCIIOOL, 44 EART TbIH-ST._ THE XII v?K> MA-. i.n s & h.?.: : .- i.irls. 4:1 Wn-l 50th Bt?Will reopen Oetobcf .'. . l.?s-> for llttle buya. At liume Septenbet 17. . . VAN X0!S)!A.\ IK8T1TCTK. (Fv.nd-.l .18A7'. Ifomj Bnjl V Dav School. OOLD ANIi BROXZK MEBALS. FA!.lH EXl'OSl'liuN. Ibe'J. i!30 Bod-282 71aU?t. anU \\e*i End-ave. Mir... VAX XORMAX. Prlnclpal. 1 10 MADISOX-AVE . _ ,, , I4o Mr* Robrrta and Ml?s Wallcer's F.nallsh and Kreneb Sl For Uoth Sexes?City. t'SICAL. METROrOLITAX CON'SERVATORY. M nest prlvatn Instructlon In all b'an^h.-s. also sur roi.nds papttt with saBCriof advaatacoa ln CUtas Work. L^^turcs. ConcorLs and the Lancuascs. Rcfljicd boaiiilnu' pilvllegoa for lady pupUs. Budlei Bcek and Albctl Kost Parfc-os bradlBS d.-jiartnicnU Oaeaa Sopteasbaf 15. Pupih reeelved at any timo. Book seat free. 10 AXD 21 EAST1ITII-ST.. NEW-YORK._ COLLEOIATE ORAMMAR S:IIOOL.-C assi xl, Tnt ?? meillat.-, I'rhiary De|4srtmtaU 1 r l!oss BOa parenta a'd guaidian a-iUi rataloirti.nd InforiuJllen ..t ?. lmnl 10: elthcr seB' citv or rountf)-. Mlas DOXOVAXg SiTlouL D1RECTORY, S0 East litl.-t. _ klusical Instructlca. I E 1)1>T Vnc.U, aCUOOU J ui-. ii?-.- s i'Iamin ":,""?, THE HIM Vl.H.lN ^ ;>'' ?nn. i.i>T ......AN ?/.!;;??;?n AVD PAM0V8 NFWYOr.K COXSERVATORY UF Ml'BlC, Ior -0 \<-ir- loraled Bl '. FAsT I4TILST. ONI.V :)il -I.... I a-t ol .Yl'H-AVE " _ NOW ulTN 1'AV AND EVlMNu. Bavjo ? HEXRY .'? DOBBOX, k?le mui.ufa. turer and teachei of Ui- pat.-nt BeU baaje, i.ito Braadwap. 50 Went ll'.'-th-t. _ HANIO ixHTRCCTioXB.?Tatalosnes n.sll.d. Full natirrars. Ladles B-uirhl Bfiiatrtp. Or-h-.tra .,,.1 hne banjoa. EDWARB W'lW'N. T.-a.;blO? all thc? iMd"'? setM**\_ \r:* ttraQAynj. near tutb^t._ V?M*lBa MARIE i?. LUK8CH, of VLnna. Trof-ssor ef v.^^i I'ultuc- ?li<> for a i.nni'-r of y-ai? hs- ',. an ln the hlJhest ""?.?'will. th' F.-.roi- :.n Shd Xew.YorB pnl 11. . .? liotli sln-'-r and l-s-n.-r. arlll iwelva. 05 pmpe' I'.'fe. S'i.-tlnn. a n.iinh.r i.f puplla ln th- srt. \ .k u! Instructlon alil l* Blveo IB prlNBl- lcs?..,,s snd elaaaea, for Mrior. oratorin and opers SJagftB. \ ounc ladles can lavi t-oart Applv 1 :S0 t<> 3 rJMl n 111. noan. ?i, I3g West 8fJ8h?t.. Mew.Terk. Rrooklvn. A-A-THF. BROOKLYX IIEXOHT8 SF.MIXARY. Hoard.i.K snd I?a. s. lo?.l fot HIHa. 40tii v.-ar o|icm S. Adareas for cin-u.ars. 188-140 Montaguo-at._ rp HE MISSEi ELY'S 6CI100L FOR OIRLS. 140 AND 142 COLU.MBIA HEIOHTS, RRO0KLYX. A For Boys nnd Yuunz Mcn-Ceuntry. LEXAXBEB INVIITl'ib, ? MILITARY BOAROiNO B< iioor.. Whlte Plalns, X Y. l^lnclpsl O. R. W1LLIM. A.^L, P?. U._ M'lwbuttoWx (K.~ J.V MILITARY iSlTITUTB, jK ,1U"L->1 Rev. +. h. LAXUOX. A. M.. ITimlpal. Llaut. T. D. LAXDOX.C'ornrnandant._ C~~he"ltenham academt. oooarn, pa Lnexcelled locatlon and aurroutdlnfa. Xew school aaalvaoent. Oyir.naalum. mllltary drlll. fte. lhorough preparauoo for collcgs or scleoUflc acoooL For curcuiar, _lJ_^J0HNJ;A-tyiN ?l0Ef-A- *-?? p^u,e-,??,?_ ELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR BOY8?At Milfoid. Coan. 1'bmiui ?ho ara unfortunstc Ul the manBgenisni of U..U- -oa w,U do^wjIMo jggf *. Mflfift^bcl ?4 Open all 'he year. Tborough Uiatruciion ln Uookkeeplng, Banaung, Coiumercial Law, 1'enmaashlp, CorrcKpondcnce, ArlthineUc, tc. ; Tclcgrauhy, BtenoKrapfiy.Ti pewr.tlng. *e. Buslnes* m^a supplled wlta oonipi-t'-nt asslstanu on shorl oollce. Xo charge f??r Bltustloi.s furalsbed. hand for cat'l'ga. t'KlTFlHlLD'lXSTITt'tErFriv.hold. X. J. : 45th y.-ar .ol'.ece preparatlon a ?|y^lalty; builnraa. hlgh achool snd claaslcal eouraea._ NORWALK MILITARY INSTITUTB. XORWALK, COXX., Frrparua for College or Uuslaaaa. a.iorougb l- *? iu,... . ar-jlul traiaUig. Moderats chargc?. &upexlor bulldlng. C'lrvular 00 rcuueat. _ PHAXK 8. ROBERT8, PrlnelpaL _^ rpHE l'EEKSKILL MILITARY ACAUEMY. 1 imI6^iia&^l^d:iV^^^ Jnotrncnon For BafB and Young Meu?Country. NI fraja). lliua?w--~? _^- - . ? rTTir vVKXCL lNSTITi'Ti;. BRI UUI.PORJ. COXX. P V.rcllaiit hon.e achool foTboya ; advontaf/a flrat-cla**; .,*?u a wTja pkawrd : 8480, Bcytna Sept. 5.1. 1890. F? Jl^uUraiBdarcaa SETU B. JOXEs^V A-.-??1**--? ;|.|i aj iKiol. FOR IIOYS, S at TrfV BRTANT SCHOOL, Roslya. LL H. T. 0\eriMktBl;>J^Boujid,_ Bend for llluatratcd catalogus. 7V.7?i\fi.'R*BCHOOL st the 1'eekaklll Mllltary Aoademy. S T^ition hnaithful; eare and Inatmctloo ezsellaak 11 ""MC70HX !?. T1LDEX. a. st.. U. D.. Prlnclpat Bwdloticljxuhir;_ -[JlT^OSWKP.L" HOME SCHOOL for young boys from alt to twclve years, at Moi.egan Lake. N. Y.. omna Sept 24. It la tn evary aenao a home. For clr X?.V iHfc reftraaMa, aand to Principm Mrs. D. D CHAMliElU.AlX, Mohefan Lake. X. Y. __ THF, OBWBOB W. CHILBg PBJIB. wt.? PBJZEB TO PBIXCETOX FRF.SHMEX. iFro.n tho Xcw-York "Tr'bune." Sept. 27. 'WM 1 Prlncetnn. X. J.. Sept. 25 (Speelal). , The aivardlng of tli>' prlAM offnrod by the aluninl a*?o elatlon. a?d frjeoda of Prteeetan Colleue for the beat aet of examluatlnn pa#"ta for admlailon bethe fr>'?h n?n clas* wera anno'inr.d to-dav. Tho Phlladclphla nrlrf of MO. nfT.rod by (Jeorge W. Chllda, waa BWBlded fc? Frank steckley Henderson. (Young Henderson fl'.ted for l'rlnc. ton at ior inu SWITHIX C. SHORTLTnOF.'R M.dla Academy, Mcdla. Pa.) For Young Ladles? Cour.try. COLLFOIATE SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. F.NOLEWOOD, V J.-Reopena beptember 24. Fi?|*ratlon for rollege a iDcclalty. Puplla admIU<;d to Vimai. W.-llcaleyaml ftafthoai oai earfiflcate. adalixk w. 8TERLIXO ?mw CAROLIXK M. OERRIBH. A,_B. ?O^rrrTroAKDTNfrsi'II()()!,, for mlsso* snd rhlldren, Ktamfori. Conn. : healUiful lotsUon; n.other'a eare; careful tralnlng. Addreaa Mlaa A. TIU'RSTOX, Prlnclpal. HOME IXS'i'ITUTF, Tarrytoivii, X. Y.-A Boardmg and imy school for Yo-iiig i^diea and l.lttla t.l.l-*. Wlll leopen b>pt_ 17^_Mlaa 51. W. METCALP, Prlnclpal. TiTi:"Mls"sKS f.RISWOLD.'LYME. COXX.. Rlvc thor iii.el. Iri-tli < tlon in the aclld and ornanicntal bTBliChSa, Ihcladlng the barp, drswlng and rleh frrelga embroidcrlea. They flt for rollege lf dclrvt. The toft and braclnfc' aea alr Ii aspeelallv recoinmended for delicate glrl*. fceacbers. MUUOAB ABD FOREIOX TEACJ4ERS' AGEXCY auppliea Proftubora, Teachera, Tutora, Oovc-riieeses, alc to Collegea. s.hooi* and ramlUaa Apply to " Mr?. M. J. YUUXO-FULTOX. 2? Union Squars. A-B1.ST TEACHLI'.S, Amerlean and Fovlgn, aupplled; ? ill t.ranrlica, any luoallty ; no charye. 'leachcr- wanicd. no reiduratlon fee; form for atamp. P. V. HUVSSOOX (latc B. E. Vveryi. Aueilcan S.ho.d Iluruau. 2 W. 14th-at a COMPETEXT FREXCI1 TEACHER, i Lei.t.d ln J\ |.:c -, |(> v. ars' i-\|h li.-ii'.' lu - li nols nnd fiiielll-s. d tlr.-a mMgemeht as vimtiBg >.r rcald.-nt U-vh>-t at gov. .ri.iss- Eng'.lsh. . l. iii.'\ miisic ; exrellciit refereneea. Addra* A. U.. 108 W.-' I2d.?t., Tiilniii' A..n.y_._ AEVERBTT STOXE ifalf), 1b Eaat .-.2d-at.-Tutor for . coll -" ei.trii.C uaBBilnaafuBa, Ricoinu.4W.dcd by Uie Kev Dr. laylor: "A ?aecaaafal basahcr, Mtaaatty quall ll.d." ._. AVAI.I. 14RADL' \TE arlaliea prlvats puplla. Stud^nta i.i.-| f i- College. Hlaheat l?,t:ii.onlals and city reierencea. Addre-. YALE, Bo\ 8.1, Trlbuno ottiee. As11 ? ii 1 ? v.\ aud fnrrlan pruic-sor-. eutora, Kovcrnnasea :.nd teacher< of an braacbra, bc., aupptlra t. cflle???. . i.ools iiii.l fauilllc-.: Ensllah, r' llenuan and si*nl?h ajmki'U. M1KIA.M COYRIEltE, 150 .".Ui-ayc, cnr. 20thst. "a DVFRTISKMEXTM FOR Tlir. XEW-YORB TK1H AlA'i: WILL RE IlKCEIVKD \T THK IITOWX nii'ii i s \?. 1 .'ns [troadwar. eorner Thirti-nr?t-?t.. un Hl 0 p.'?..,.: 270 W.-*i Tw?itr-thlrd*t.. eorner 8th. ,Vl. ? t.M' llth-ave.; I.-.3 Fourtli-a\e.. rorner H"ir i..,-.!tli -t 700 Thlrd-a ? .. ????r i-r I "rt v- ..??.. n:b-t. ? ? iTi.ird-. -.. Kl?^it.: I.TOfi fli-t-av-.. {;,? ; l.?K Coliimbua-ave.: 89 llcrM-sV- .VJ Avetiue A : 1.328 Thlrdaye.. and th,. ll UtLEM (.llil'l.. if') FArt (tii'-'nii'.li.-l-i.iuUj 1 ntv !;fth"i '!.? to H l>. ul. ;>t niwlar nfllre n.t-..__ Hi-si "C 1 i;.\citi;i;s' a.,i\iv. 12 F.i-t ITUi-at., L,,,,..!!-, c.,?, |.-...,t tea< l."'-- tutora. .-..(-n.-s.., ny; .l.i-.ns artUU. v... all 1 ."< In'st ".!,;!,".'; Euatllah. 'J-rman. Frwieh, S|,.i,,UI. apoken. _ TFtV'liFII WAXTED.?FlriWlaiw it- ar> aa anb-r. x?t -t ?nd Inatructor In aillllar) Butlea lu a mllltarv school r,7i ,.. ...ii .?.?. ..'tl'.-- s. ('. s.. M.'dia. iv.-n. _ _ Wwtii. IMMf.DIATF.LT.?Lady f.a.h r ior jrum ?',; crade o sh...,!. 11.-a. .lt.: miiat ha\e ..Crtiliil eaiM-H.??? a'id b- ?We to iria.v for aiarrh. ll;','-1 I ..? 's and l.v.d 10s W! ST MTH-BT. Prltata U'-a n- ain t:.:.e bv app. laUnefit._ C'i"\i;i. M W.wii.'s ('I.vssF.s. 131 r i-t ">-th-t.. rom. ?,.,,.,', 1.1, ; ?_:,. iirtiei i..i.f-. 10 lu 12. Wediit-daya and Baturda.t . Bcnd for rlrriilsra. l> 1 \\\|..S l.aicii..: Aeadelliy, B0?i 0|>.-ii, 102 V. V a'itli-?t .'I11--S und prlvaf l<-aen?; ull tlie n IIARVARB BEILLY. li.aat r of .bi.,'. .".IU Flftii-ate.. a-reiAi wib ol elBeaiM fernnd for him. ?iifoiifir dT.ksvoki II, cirsi vrB-WE., ai?na . 8AT0KDAT. ?"t. ih. cia?s and prls-ati Itiaaaa. Men's ila^s eammanre.4 Moidav. Dbc. i._ ruiilroii09 >1 ti'h.MKAL KAILHOAU OF NEW-JERSEY, J ruo'l "I LlllVRTY-sT.. XORTII RIVEB. Tl. T; of October 0. lSK'i 4-30 a. ni. tor I ..hIoii, AllClitown. Man. h Chunk, Wilkcbarr" S 'inton Ileadlna, llarriabunr, Tuma't'ia. SMib.-rv, LewUburg, Wllllan.?|iort. <)n sniidayi. for Ka?'0!i, AUcntowu, Maucb Chunk, WBkas. birrc snd b" ranti n. ? 7 1 m 1 ni 1 r I .-r ?'?' All'ntown and Maurh ChunB. On sui.days, '* a-ten, Allontown, Maueh ( bunk and Si.aino 8 ;'. snd 9:00 a. bi. for Faaton. AII"nto*n, Maueh ('huii'k. Wilkcaiarre B-wnian. Readl a llarrl?i>iiig,.Potu ; ,,. ratniii . - ?!i..s|... smibiirv. I^'WNbuni. Wllllama. iott' Throush Bnft.-t 1'iri r 1 ar to Wllllimsport. I -00 11. 11. for l.aatoi.. Allento'vn. Mau-b C.nink, l{e:.d hia. "llarrlaburg, I'c'-.Ui". U. ?". Mundaya for Eaaton, Allciitown Mau.-h .'inii's. and Pott*vll'e. ?< '5 n'm tor Eaaun. Al'eiitoun, Maueh cimnk, Itead iirJ. its'rsbni-', VMlki-sbartc, bciautoB, Tamaqua, Potta* ? 4*':80 p^m. for Eaaton and[ Allentown. - ,-, ',, ,,, f,,r Ka?ton AUclifown. Maucb ( nunk, I.ead ine llarriaburs', ????? Bnudaya at ?'> :<0 p. n. 7 '?i 11 111 f.r 1'3-lon ?:'d A'le,.to?n. Co'r Atlantic lllphlands, at 4:4'. 8:14. 11,13 a. m.. 1 ??(.. I-80 .'. ''0 ll. ni. Siindavs. ?? :00 ... m.. 4'"0 p. in. l-'.r l'rr- '.-l.'.i.l. M 4 1'.. S 11, io TO ?. 111., 1 MO. 4:30. Kor' Braaeh and point- South t?. Point Pleaaant, nt 4:i.'?. 8 15 11:13 3 m., 4:00. 6 :(0 p. ni. bundava, 'lOO 11 111 4 0') p, 111. ' Kitudaya tralns do not 'top at Orean Orova or Aahury '"'Foi R.d Rsnk, st 4:18, 8:11 11 IS a. m.. 1 30. 4 00, 4 (,1 0 ?< 0 p. ni. H':nd?(a. 9:00 1. 11,.. 4 0') p. m. For Lak.-wort. arrivlng .? v'w Vork foot of tlbertyat. Xonh Rlvar, 0:37 0. m. R.ti.rnbiK lCBVB Xew-Y.rk. foot, of Lllierty-at.. at 9:45 p. tn. _ FOR PIIILADElPIHA, BALTTMOR1 AND rVASIIINGTON. ROYAL 111.1 i; L1XE. ] or Ihlladeiphla at. 1 *l, 7 A*, U .on, 11 30 a. 111.. 1 :30 ? ? t,.ii 00 5:00. 0:00, f:30p. m., l-:15 luiilit.. bUXDAYa, '.. :00 11 OO *. m. I 00, 3 :20. b 00. II 00 ''' h'.'.r i!al'ilmor<' a'nd Waahlogton dally at :?:fx>, 11 30 :.-\ ^1,1 Kimdat > m.. 2:00, :i :'.o, :. H'O p. ..... 12:13 Blght 'Train" I?i"ln? at 7:43. II :."0 a. ?>. . I 140. 4 :00. 3:00. , giib in 12 . iSnifi.t e\r.'pt SaBirday ijlght . ba\eeoa< ...ton Ior l..aiui- lfarrl?b.irg. Pi>t??%lll". Be. l-..r Sunburv, and Wl II Vl* l'hilu deiiihla al . ?' a. .... .1 'Mi liuflM Parlor Car). . :30p. n... 1 ?'' 1' 'i 'iinii.-1-i. ? acipts-i iirdti iilphl . sundaya.n:00 ii.m. Tleketa nnd P'r'nr.Car s at? can be |.f eured at ?l..y,?l. aisini 1 I" l. ::v? llmadwav. 787 utii-av.. 2'H Weal i'n,'-t 131 Eaal ISath-at.. Kew-Torkj 4 Cour:-st, 800 loiin'. it Os Bmadwav. Brooklyn. \,.?.Vork Tranafer Company "111 eall (or and checlc ba?g:ig" f.Oin bot'l <* resld'me._ KIIHill VALLEY RAILROAD. utttSVNOEB TBA1X8 bave foot of Cortlandt snd .,,,,,..... ?u. at folbiwa: -l ... f.o Stattngtun and Intermedtate polnte. u . f ??? ?..... \i?. Lyons. Elmira. Rocle-?t-r. Buffslo. .. a 11,. Wii'l l*otuvlllf ai.d pHndiml local ?oint-. Chulr ., 1 n- '.ii'i I'ullm..r t. huap-nHl.Mi Brldge. ''',,?,.. .., f.r Maueh Chunk and liitcrmcdlat" polata. IIii 111 fo ?? ai.d C. JunetlOB and ln'enn.dlut.- poliits. rfc.i. r'ar t.. Maucn Chunk. _ . 1 . ? for Tunkhannoek ?nd Intermedtate polnU. Chalr ..? k. rimiiwtlon t.. It^adl.iB and llarrlabnri;. ?i ul 1. 11. for Elmira andprlnelpal Infrnnrdlat.' pelnta. i halr 1 ir '.0 wiik' tbarre and Pullmaa sleeper Sa Busvenalaa 1,1 !?7a? n m for Pttttavllle. Maueh Chunk and Intermedlaty ,o'ni* i'hsir rar t?. Maurh Ch-mk. 1 k%, n/ .'. for Miri.l. Chunk and Intormedlate polnU. rnnncc'loii P. ReadlnB and Hai rUI.urit. ron.n^' ;"" for ,,, neva, I.V..US. Elmira, lloeheat-r. Buitalo aod tl.'' Weat. Pollman steeper to Lyons and Scni?enslon "'?r -il'H lenvli'B ?t, S a. m.. 11 a. BI., 1 B, m. and 3:40 ,, ,n lonneet fo.- all polata In Mahanoy and Hazletou coal uglaaa arXBAT TBAIXS. s m for Maueh Chunk. Ila/Pton and Intemedlata tnlet*' and 'I a- ?? ,or Sheiiaiidnah and lnterm.(IlaU) '"''"'in n m for Ifaaeh Chaak and lalerBsedlate points. -', m f.'.r (i.'i.cvi. Lm-ii-. Elmira, Rotheatef Buffala and' tl." Weat. PulUnaa aleapet to IVyaaa and ftaaasaataa n'ld*''' oneral EMtetB OfBce, 1'3.> Broadwa>'_ rnni; ilOYNTON BICYCLE RU. CO. I i.k for llek-tA bv way ol the X. Y. and Sea Beaeh -7,1 lli.i.le RB. ronte. llay RldK" Ro'ind trlp tieket, J- v 10 r.riBiiton Beaeh and refura, 40c. koara, ^?.,Y' . 1.,? tl... foi eaaBdnatloB und 'lr Wk ln 1I(Iy t)l f-t(. a RlnrB. 'S:1''?'.ii -7 13 ?*:?. all:liB. ni.; ?4 00, ?8:1S and Lii"-,a r. m. CaUklll and Alt.any. 3:90, -7:15. ?9:S5, !tis1.!a*B B?.i ?? ?? ?5:,'s *^5 ?' ?"? iranatona, ?.' , l'nli.t <'oniwall, N"?hur?. "3:30. '7:13. 8:25. '0:20. \ A if 1^ 3f?a m.. *1 15. H 00.4 80. -5 1-Y. 5 :U. ?0:30. 2 'iT atl '43 P- n>. Montr-al and C?nada Eaat 7 :1S a. m.. 1. i' in Eleaanl alswplag car* f..r Bagato. xiat'ur* .?.!'' fietmlt CaleagO snd St. Loula on all tliro>mh ''? a * L-at>'? Brooklvii, via llrooklvn Ann. \. ,rl in a m. : ? ? :O0 P- m. Jerm-y City. P. R. R. Statm,,. * J?.-fla'm; ??M p. P, ? Pallr. I Hallv exrept f4at 1 V - ^'11 otlirT tr>ln< riallv exent Sunds;v For ti.kets. '," i.i.hi.- i'l Ior "nd ab-eplna-ear aceoiiiimdatlnn or ln ^.tion' Blddy afaesa, Braoklrn, 833 Waablnatn.i-at., 72?1 ^T5S at \"...'X offl-.', f"o'. nf Fultn-i-at. X-w-York C|tr : Lm 7ftS" 0*9. I. "71 Bmadwav. 113 Bow.-rr, 12 I??rrr 1.1 .. U Weat l'.?.Vh-?t.. auid Weat Shor- SUitlon. foot of w"? 4?d-Ht.. and foot of Jar-at . Xorth River C. E. I iunKRT, Otneral Paaseager Agent, 8 Vaodaraat^va. RfliiroaOg. MEWYOBKCENTRAL Hudson River Rallroad. All Tralns arrlva at and depsrt frara 4BRA.NI> Cia?THAL STATIOlf, Fourth 4re. and 42dSt, How York. ' aaM owly Railboad Btaticw ik tws QrrB> - ??ZS?tt**s. *&t8&iB?-** ? ??88 A. .nr-CUlcAuo UyaUAaM.*** SiiailTaW loSli^ltfl^lHW^T^&X VEST1BULE LIM1*; EJl?-?u4^Laeloitil 7 W. ladleaapoli. 10'.80 8. ??? ??? lafa^LUVtBTERR ?AY EXPBJ?-dolly ?eap? Sundayx. ,jmstm 6iiORE VESTIBULE LIM1TED diJfTP. M.-KiW? b''?? Chlcajto 4:50 P m. next -Due at DetroR ?' 9 10 ? gSfflrY M.-FAST W^^t^K^rm^; ri^^^'^'-T^HO^K.MOXTltEAL AXD NLt, OAllA FALLS ?.x?.t'Toi'lS AXD CHICAOO EX 8.13 ^?!-'A^.?Li 11:20 b ? n?t day. St. PKE^S?Due Indlanapoiia aa ?v I^Hl*.7,:8E^Ks}f V\D 1IUDSOX-?8:30. f 10:50, CLIKF (KIXI.STOX), AND UVU s, g. 11 :80 a. iii.. t 3 :80, 3 5 N IC ???? ? , 4 ;5- fl :00 7 J,n keeual* 10:20 ?>, "I;| ' V , Weit Folnt). 18:30. 111.80 8:15 P, m. tor Ofttslseae (w ? an ... _ P CT1CA- AXD SYRAClJSfcj ?-. noc-Hn^rF^96%i7o%ao:o. ?tfWiiV^iofSiWg-fl ?? ?~ 8:00. 7:30. 8:11 HIAOnAltA FALLS-10 20. 110:80 ?. BV, 4 :80. 8:00, 7 :80, ?AKa1.5ua*-?8:30. 111:30 .. ?-. t3:30. 7:30 p. . ^^rk^^a'^ni.. |.:lg g. . 112:00 nlaht, .,nl.VT,rVS AXD MOXTREAL ^^tftlo B.M??tf#" - ?:U P- ?... -18:08 Au'iMr*. OEXEVA AXD CAXANOAjpUA-tS:^ feUM SefjMT P^anTiVrc^w^ ^esteotfs Exprea. c.Us for BB^ekeg tassesc ftafJ fc%By4ei?eSd5rUW * ^x^Saturday. otka, "1'BjShV VVo?-lrEY ,tot?EORO- H. DAXIFI.S J0H^H?eriii Manacer. Ocal Paaaenger Aaent. _ RIE RAILWAY. THE ONLY bOLID TKALN RoUTE BETWEF.X NEW-YORK ANO CHICAGO, And tl." only llne ru.inlog lt* DINING CAR THROUGH TO CHICAGO, 3 00 V M., 0:00 P. M.. 3 30 P. M. ALL SOLID EXPRESS TRAIN8. ^iTE,^.VcBHAiUuosPs JS?^WfiSr* NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FAST TIME. 7. UNS 111 ai-ED BY SIEAM AXD ILLCMlXAxi^ li,A yy illl. CELEBUATED PIXTbCH UAS. UAltll IOAL ENtil.NKs. Trains k-ave atatuMi Too. ol Uiau.o-eM-OS- at hours named below Uio loo'. of Wc-t :Md?t. llvo bolon. Uie i o Wt.-.TEHN UAV EXPKE-*. Hil.O A BL .-..r. a.iy. i ??.- p-ipuiar ii.orn.nK -.'*'". 9* on Eln.ira". Rockeafi r Buffalo. Klagsra i-aiu. bi p'u ou ?Hrd.?'. li^.U.iqua Lake. . tha \\,U and Cauada. I'u nian l'arl.r i it to UurfaU 3i00 1'. BL .v.iy dav. ear on ti.i- iram ? new a"l li'rh- /.atlbuLd plal/Wn.. ?*^*'?9P** eara-a =olid Fnlliiian traw rrom Be""?arB, m aaia i"v, jlmeatean, Lake?ood. ChaiiU'iqua Lako. Maron M-ad^l'.S and Younu*to?n to ' Iiicibo lnll ," V.atihuiel -l-.pli.L- Cars x.?w-V.-rk lo Clevelaud '. T. w ? v. -'. to Ci'i.-i.inatl snd sr LmiI*.. KKsV PA?Y \\i"*TKI?> BXPKKRVai. BkSM P M Bvan aay, Vla l)u::?;, ai.d .\iaiaj-a FalU. v iJld tratu o; 'laT coacne- aud l' ~. - l--r- tu .1.;,,,.. ai; elaaXea oi BB???-p?eta earried through v-iti.out' chaiiKO. l' Budet Vcatlbultd SleepipS ii-? II .1 Pulhuau V.?tlbuled hLi-plus and K c-Unin- Chair Csra to lKhe.u-r, Ilamllton aiidloroiilo. nh,. rlv ' t" and no-', coniplete tnln for Hamlltoo, To ?L' *uii\?t In.-lpal polnt-lu Cauada Nnd Mlchlfaa. WBrVPEBJf NH*1IT EXPKEiaM. M30 P. SfTsvi-n dav. holiU U.i, ol vnokinif.Day. i-.--ni.r and Pullman l?urt-t Sl.-eplas Fars to i nlcas.i. % 11 halan an- a. cortv. MCid\illu, Vo-.iiBstov. n jml Marteo. Pulluian i-.i r~ from Youugatewa to UAClanatL Fullnian bh-epvi lo lludalo .... , li.-M-t <.-? i"1 317. 7i:i ar.d *i.7 Mioadway, U3 Boaorv, 1 l'.:i" rv I'ii- ?. i'hanib.-r and \V. -i ::l.|-t. It ries. S'ew-York; 831 and SM Fulton-st.. Ilrooklyn; 1.7 Uroidway, WllUam-burtr; roiner N.-?;irk and Hudson ata.. llotiok.-n : and Xew Sstallnn. J.-r-ev 1 Itv, arhere and I'arl-r and S|.. p!nz (ar re>. r\:itlins and ord' rs fof checkluB and fr'.-sf-r of bacaraire .an be o'-taln.d. w. c. RIXEARSOX. Usoeral Paaaanser Agent ENNSYLVANIA Railroad. UN AND OCXOBEtt 30, lft'0, Tralna lca?. ?tail'o.?? lut* ?S l/.*.??Maiwa corlUndt .? ... 10To0 \. M.-i H E XEW-YOKK JXU ( Hll A'.'> LIM iii.u coniiniw-d i-xcltiKiv.'ly of pu'lnian \->tion:-, Dtawlnii an.l >ut.i Kouiii, bl epliiff, hinoiunf, aod UosarvaUim t'ar?. pi *.-utli.H iluaii.-lai n-porta, f. lourapii m ami ttpewritera. lutiirooin-- for butn - a. s, ladi-i,' luaid, barli.-r-.->hoi>, m.rarv ami all '.?? i-unven; lem -- of i ? or oiii. ... i.u:.t-.i bv statiouary and nioxaii:- eiHttrlc llahts. Arrlvea Cloclnaatl d;44), a:.d Chlca^o ti :4b a. m. n-\t day. li.OU ?..?.. I.... .... A..M ANO i IM -INNA I I i.At I'uiln.ati V'.-Hbul.- Mi-jiIiib Cai und Binlng i ui I'hlladrlphii h. vt. LmiI, i. .ii.ii^u juid i lai'iimati, r.i?.-nvj.-i- . .,:.? :i Ncw-lurk U> .'olunibus. Arsl%v* Clu iiimati lld.i a. in.. Chlcagu i .IMJ p. in., aud it. LOsilS in p. in. iihxI day. 6i30 P. .M.-'OIE WESTERX EXPKEfM for all polnt* ln U?' Weat, Xorthw. *? and bouUlweat. l'uilnian Vi-stlbulS ,->i.?..),!,_? i j, X'-w-YorB io PitlahurK, bt. Luuis. c'!nca>;o. i in- iniiatl snd M"itU'h!s: Pennsvlvanla i.ili,- i i iJUilng lui n. ? : i. I'hl!ad..ii.!..a. uml t'ullmau Dlnlnc C*r pittsburs to Itli-li."i aud Chlcaso. Ariivon ?-. . liieuv i.atl li:X p. in-. Chlcaso '.> 'M> p. iu. next dav. and Sfc LouU 7 00 a. m. MJt'Oud niorull.tC. CooaeCt* for i.'lov* liril aud l.'l-d.. dally. .-\.-.-|.t >..t.irJay. S'OO P. 8I.-PAC1F1C KXI'lll.s-. Pullniaii B'ifTut blcepiUS ^ar N.-?-York to l huas''. Xew.York to Mem bals. via Khensudoali Vall.-v; .ir:i\.-- w.-.'kda\< at olunibus 7 13 p. ni.. Ch-veland 0 3"> p m. aeat dav. aud ilnlv ?t I'hleaiM 7:1X1 i. ni -,? o:,d Btomlag. Con necU for Tol-'do dally. and for Corrr, Frl". tho OU ?H.Binn^. Cl.-v. land and .'ohiuibus. i-\i.^iit Sat'lruay. BALTIHOIti:, tVA"*IIIN?TOX AMI THE ?*OI TIL "Waahlnstnu LtmlU-d ExpisW of Pullniaii t's/a, dsllv, t-xe.-pt Simdav, 10:10 a. m.. Blrtve Washlastoa bTso p. in ; and "Consrea?|onal Lluit-d" dally with l.iniiig Cai- Bt '.i 20 |i. in., arrlvH \Va-.luui;ton 8 -.'?'>'.p. tn. ; remdar expre-s 0 .20. 8 :00 and 8 :I0 a- m . 2 :10. \ 80. 6 .00 and 0:00 p. m.. und 12 :1S illSBt Foi- Balti.r.nre onlv. 1 :C0 p. in. Sm.dav. O:!:. and 8:80 a. B-, 4:30, 6 :0Vj and 8:00 p. Bl., aiirt 12:15 nlil.t. l"or BOUtSl on Ch^apt-ake and Ohlo Rallwav aiid.rin.-uinatl, tHoapeta, Dlnlng Car and Cosehea throuth, .. no p. bl daily. Foi I.'.i.b ilraneh, ri.lnl l'|.a-ant. an.l ln.,. nn.diat.- sti ti...i?. arerk'Caya, 8:10 a. m., I2:jn an i .", :io p. m. Sunday, D:fS a. ni.. 5:13 p. >n. tdo not >top at Aabury l'a:k on Snndavl. FOR ATT.AXTIf CITY: 1 00 p. m. fThrough Day Cosehl wi-ekdar-.. eonnects for Cap- Mav. Tor Old Pclnt and Xorfoik, vlx New-York. Phlladelphla and N'orf.ilk Rallroad. 8:00 ^. m. dally except Siindav an-l 8 p. m. dally; vla Riltlmor.- and Bay Lln?, I'.ld ii, in. we'-kday-". I'dll i'MIl.tllKI.I'll! t. Eki re*-. Tiain^ lea\e . foliows :? 0 20, 7:i0. ? 00, 3:3". '.. (10, ChlcafO Llmlted, with Diu ii k' I'ar, and (0:10 v; ,-?,.:.. .,, i...- : -i . and ii > a. ii... 1-.'.L'0. 1 .i'0. 2:10. ;i 00. 8:80, i .ou, 4 ::i0, 5:00. 0 00. 0 gO, s 00. and H 00 p. m and 12:15 nlwht. A'-Conimodatlon. 11 10 a. i:i., 4 10 and 7 :00 u. ni. Sun. da\>. E\pr ? 8.18. m .80, !' 0 > H> Lln lt.-d). and 10 a Bl., S 0?. 4 MO. 4 :8o, 5.00, B:*l. n :lO and i) :03 ii. tn , and 12:18 alRbS Ac.o . leodxtlon, 7 :0o p. m. Tho N'-w-York TlBAalar Coinpauy will .all for and I eheek t. iXkiag?? from hutoU ai.d r tideuces Uirough to . ij.-'ii st'i.n For tiu e-tablos of local trains ai'ply to any tl.-kct agonl ' of th ? Con jiauy. CHAJt. E. Pt'OH. .1. R. WOOD. Buer. rjrneral Paas'r Ae.-nt. BALTO. & OHIO R. R. Fa>t F.xpreas Trains vla PHILAOI I.I'HIA to BALTlMOKi:, WASI1IXGTON, CHICAOO, CIMlN-VAll, BT. LOUW, AND ALL FOkNT^ \VEf\ All. IKA1SS. Lea>, ttbW-kURK. tjaatol Lib-.t} -al, aa lattotTSI Foi CINCINX A I l.'b l .LUL Tv aSliV M, 5 ,00 P. M. Wft \\^M11Nu1''Vn IIALI 1MUKL. '-? OU A. M 11 30 a m "00 3.0. 6:00 i*. M.. I2:li a. M. All tialnt dallj'fxcoptil ao A. w,.,.ud?v. For NultlOI.K, vla Bay Llaa, 2 P. M- w.-kaaja. ?n.r?et o"ie"V. 201. ill aod l.lto ?w^J^*?: York. and 88 Iliooklwi. HTAX1UB tOOl Ot '''KS^C^'cU^^i- il. <- and check ?^TodElU* ' ^ r" t0.HAs'o1''.SC.'LL. ' Oen'l MouaS'ir- Uou'l PSMSeaav* **** (Tccan Stcamcrg._ B" KK.MCDA l.'iiVAI. MAII. AM> CAULE QFEIIIU' MT.AMMitl' fOMPAXY. Hl.iM COMPAX1 I'lEII iXEWl .7 Nulllll RIVER. For ll.-r.nuila, bb. ORIXDC" I li.n-d..>. Oet. 28. 3 p. in. l-'i.r st L'ftlx, st. Kit' . AuUsua, i.tiadal'.-M-.-. Uosalnka, Miirtinliiiii-. Kt. L. v'.ii, Bkrludos, i.rauada aud lrinida.1. bs. CARIBl'.EE. .kev. I. at noon. I-'.r s'abruot-i and ti.l..t-> BBtdp K> A. E. OUTERKKI1X4E \ CO-, Acen'i 88 Bloadway. __[rHi)S. (.....K .t KOX, 201 aul 1 22* Rrv.ailway. PACIFIC IIAIL BTEA5U1UF COMPANY'9 LINEB TO CALIFORXIA. JAI'AN, CH1XA. tEXTKAL AND bOt'TH AMER1CA AXD MEXICO. From Xew-York, pier foot of Caual st.. X. K. tor bsn 1-raiulaco, \lu Uie Utkaiua of Panania, CITY UP 1'MvA *t\i\n Saturdav, XovHnbef 1, mon. From 8an Frau.-isro 1st aud Rraoiian ata. FOR JAI'AN ANU CHINA. CITY OF PEK1XU ?aUs rat.'rdav. Xcv.-mber 1, 1 n. m. For fn-ight, paasage and Keneril Infomiailon apply M eoiuiiany'ii oltlco on th-jil-r, foat of Cunai-st. X. R. H. J. BULLAY. Oemral Supi-rintendant. ^ COMPAQNIE GEXERALi: Trunvitlantique. PKKNCH EIXE TO HAVl'.E EVERY SATPRDAY. Company'? I'ler (newi Bo. 42. Hvrlfi lllrar, Tt. Nlorion-??. LA Hi.rit.iOWXE, Franstul.Sat., Oct. 25, 3 .30 p. m. LA IIUIWAUXE, de Joikm-Mii. Sut.. Xov. 1. 7 J8 a. ni. LA < IIAMI'AHNE. Ilovi-r Sat., X iv. 8. 1 80 p. m. A. FOROET, , lt a. m. Lahn.Wod., Oet. 28, 7 I. m. I Ki.lda. hat.. No\. 8, 3 p. m. Eidi-r S,t., NOV, 1, P a. m I Werra.Tuea.Xov. 11,1 W) u ui. Plrat rahlr., 876 aod npwara a berOi, aceordlns ao loca tlon. bccond . aliln, BSO a bertii. Bteerago at lowuel tatSB. OEUUCfig * 00.. Me. 8 Bowllaa Qm QUtnum Utsorrg. POLAND SPRING. Opoa Bi*a and aieum hem. flr?t-r|n? aecoanaaod*. ilona rn roeneellea wllb tke "Far Faaaed" POLAND WaTER. XATlHB'rJ r.REAT ME9IBDY. Greatest Medicinal Water in the World. CL'RB* ALL DIr4KAMK<4 OH?ln?t1n*fro? Dyepeprts. HUney and Mrer Can*. plalntaanBBll aUaeaeee nf ihe Olnary Or??,i?. "?end for Illnatrated Paraphlet ?( iu Umtorr aad Wenderfal MedlclaRl Prop?-nle?. MSW-YORK DEFOT. 104 BUSBAU.ST. TrfbnM BuUdlng. bead for etrculara. IIIRAM RIckf.R a COXB. _LOOK OUT FOB 1M1TATI0X8. DR. 8TR0N6'8 8ANITARIUM,' SAKATOUA -PHIX.M, Open all the year. Equlpped wlth beat acpliances. amoog them maaaage, vacuum t/eaanent, SwedXab mova ment, tusDCiifory treattnvnt, electncity, Turkiab Ruaataa. Koniau clettro-thcrmal. Vr nch douch and other'batM aod rr.lneral w**?ara. A cheerful reaort for treatmrnt or rccreay tlon. Outdoor and Indoor ?por*?. 6end for elrcular. ' tuAKEWOOO, .NKW.JKKHKY ' LAUREL HOU8E, OPEN UtTIIIIKK TO JUVE. Train* leave Xcw-York at 3 :li a. Bk, 1 30 aod 4 80 p. av PtrffjajB A PORTEIt, Mnaaaei*. Al'Tt'TlN AXD WIXTER IX A FORF.*T OF PIXBBs BARNEGAT PARK, NEW-JER8EY, TIIF. NEW UEALTH HEHORT. THE PINES. Thla new and exqulaife hotel opene Oet. 1. Trnlim leave foot of Llberty St. St I j A. M., ItSO aaf 4:30 P. >l. __NEW-Y0RK OFFICE, 40 WALL THE AUSTRAL, PIXF. l'AKK. BREXTVYOOl). l.OMJ IM.AN1). X. Y. otls etevatsr; ateaas beat; tir.?; s.m room*; st*. uat-d In a \'dtk ..f the liie-st \mnti.s ?f for.isrn ar.d r.atlva evergreena: laid oui thlrtj rcar* ..,;?> by u.u.?t all Soutlurn tourlate. wlll ti.l- \e.r !?? n.or- ittrartlve ever i.^for-- ... In addltion to n-? paintlog and fumlahlng. batha hava been iddid io dlnVrent suiu-i of roo.i.s, vhlch iwpmve D.enU wlll n.ak.; tl.-' Charl- st?.n Ho'.d. ln lt* a^polnl. UieuU. ?>? ond to no:..' lu Mio >!.. _ _E. U-_J A('KSOX. Pron r. Charleatea. b^C._. SV M \| 1X N" .1 ? i'AUh. HOTKL, open threi.shout tlie year. COOi feel aoava *** levrt. 50 mtnutes from X. i ., vls D. L. a W. K. i'v. Reautlful aceoery. No nialarla. Alr drv ard braclag, Houae hcaied by ?teaiu and wood flre*. A^orrmodauoaa at BBaacaa rat??. 8- x. akv^A-suju. TI1L' DKXXIS."ATLAX'l H CITY, N. J. ~" Oeeaa tad of MICHIoaX Avaaae. Opeo aU tha year. All wgst| ^vgalia^aa. i'roprletor. UJintcr Reoorts. _ MOUNTAIN SUNSET HOUSE, WERXERSVILLf; PA. Four h'.ur-fron, .n. ..-i...n- r?i health aodcomfor*BBBSBi (UmmII ii.l m li.t- i r- ? 11. Alr. ?B??r ai.l ?? ? i"-rv im?.ir> iai??-d in Ane-rba. I*rg". snooy. rl..fui r.-.n.-^ .st'am h.-it R..I...I rat?* f'U f-iii aod ar'iiUr f>-l!?Btful driva m?.ry w?* fi.f ckoige. '" i.ros. ii, pn.p r. ^ BROWX S M1LLS-IN-THI -l'IM> 1.1. L'mitlv f.iiiil-li.d N'W Ii dri. Xow ol'IN' FOR WIXTER sl.AS.-S'. _ __... Ruonia .ii -uit- with i.ath Sun parlor* op?a wcki tir- ? : .-:rle '. -?>.(-. el. lal >r, livery, lafc.'. '-'L-' hoMMfroai N v-V,.i; ii, V.i,-svlvHi,:a R 11. P. S. ATTI4 K, .Man Rrown'a Ml s A (Pccan Oiramcra. A C1IAKMLNG Al iT-MX TK11*. J\ T?.v..' the _ - UED CBOBS Li-NL BTEAMLR3 HALIFAX, N. i... and BT. IOHV8 and PILLEY'B THE LAXD OF Tllk" KsQCIMAfX. An oc-ji. \ui ..- at oi.<'i4'ia't. i of tt.?;t Of ?0in? ta F.uicp- lieauttf aall bv davln-'h' tho.-:. Lo:..: I.'and. VineVard. and Xatituclft Soui d>. Flue of Xova (.co'.ia m 1 bold rucfd Jfewfoundland L^.a-t*. Abundar.ea of ffohinc -I.' OtlliS :ind :. 'ota'. . I o' alr J...1 sr.-ne. Fu--rirsf CabUi, Uicluding iueal? ai.d ataterooni b-rtos liallfax *16; s-. lolm's, M4 : Pllley'a lp!and. B40. DOWHIN'O t AUCH1UALD. ltf Uroadway. J APAX-CHLNA. OCCIDENTAr AVP DT?TENTAL. BteBBaM leave San Fr*nri?eo aa lol'.&wa: OCEABIC.Tharaday X'o\.:..b-r illp. a UAEL1C.Bfclarday( Da mibcr 0, l ;.? m. BEl^ilC.Tueaday. Dccaaskir BfjlBwaa oVlaMC...'.'.'.'. -llHir-da. JaBUBTV K. I P B* auperbly AapoluUd tiaaariar AceaaiBBBliflaai . gescrvatlooa c?a be nad- by letter or aetegaapfc to ard > cabiii plaiis acen at .37 and 343 Dn.nd'. ar. Nc?-l'ori. ar Uaasa 74. luiiro^u BaltdlBg, San l ran uea, LELAXD BTABFOBO, I'r'aident. T ir. OOODMAB. Uaaaaal Paaaaagat Ag^nt. _/_ \V\NN\M FAST FREKJIIT AND PAS sr.\..!.il LlNK-io.r ?i-a.. r> areefcly from Sew l'.er Hb. -s- IL. i o; u! bvriayat S> > \. " llie. \\.,li..-. Bk s^ I'Al.L VHAS.-I I Mondi' ?>. :.'h..r J" -I p. n.. Conae tin? ?!'h Ccntnl Rallwiy of Oaortla and Baran n.i Horda avl Weatern Rail?-ay Ior all BoiaBs IB Ul6R0i" 1 l-.'I'.U'V. SOLTH 'CAROLIXI. , Al.A. RaMA aud i.oi'istvNA. Cii.urpa,-.i aceomwalaMaaa ? ;.*, tabi ? d'hof. Foi frelgfit and pa??ag? apptl ta h J D HAs.HA.ll N. |W. II. Rlll Tl Ijep. Agt. ?aaakABX " 1 a 1 W Ry I Fast Line. -fll' Rroad?iv I "' I'roadway B f WALKER. Ag?Bt Oeean Steamshtp Co., NCHOR LINE. U. S. MAIL St43?mehlpa. MW-V'.KK and 'iLAMfOW, \ la LOXDOXDERBK l'..r .1 X. Ii.. fcol af L.roy-st. C;ra-;? " l. -?"., :? P- .... JFtlnopiJ. ... ,N'ov 8. 2 p. ?. Anchorla Xov. I, t> a. ?.Inirii?arta...Xav. 1., . a^? L*Un t50 a:id *.;0 S . ond ''!a?? 5.'P?. Steerage, CW tawn. .oo alEDlTEBRAXEAX SF.KVICE. I \V vl, A7.0RE.S. iflBlULTAIi AXD XAPLKS. ss. lil.l.i.i:\VlA .;v.?l'ir(1'i' Boveratef IV 0s UEVOXIA .\\ dn.rday. Deeen.ber I. V.-d ii lates : ( ublll. tsL i, jli?>. st . r^ve. +.'1 50. RataB !,. \/or.-s- Tiii. KteeraBi ?2i HF.X DERSON r-ROTR F.RS. Af enj?. TBowllnfjOi^Ba^ ^UlON LINE. " UX1TKD kTATEB MAIL STFAMERS. FO)'. Qb'F.EXSluWX A.NU LIVERPOOb. Leave PUr 3a, X. R-. foot of King-at. I WISCOXSliT . Turiday, OrtadVr 28 6 s. m. I ARl/'.S'A .Tuesday. Noven.b-r 4, 9.30 a. m. i \vvii\ii\i;.SaSdajr. Xovember ll. d p. m. vi'v\l?\ . fue-div. Sovainbei IS n 10 s. n>. I aiamK*. Iii-?.ta\ Xoveiuber 2': 3 M) J> m. CaDm pie?g?. *50 B60 *^0 aud ?100. S'cond CsbPJ. *a?AJM 11X0^1%' '"CO.. 36 D^adway. N..T._ \ ixii -D" I.IN'i: OF STKAMSIIII'S. ICVOB LAOL'AYRA I'l l'-RT" CABI LLO. CL'RACOA. MARACAlBt) AMi lOBO. pi.r 30. Ka?: Rlver. ? SS. Vr.Nl/.I'lXA. llr.r-!.v,.r . 1 P m. ' U I'Aiis ? W-dn .dav. Xo?e.iilVr 10. IB Jja ? Ihcae Aaaerteaa ateaawhl|M. From I':..- 16 aad 17. Ea-4 Blyer, at ?J^lBk for Bavana l'r ^r.-e. ( .n.pc .... l.<-"???. l.ont-ra, I'anivi ,.. ? uspani, .'nd \?r-i t ru/. I alMtaui .~ ? .rd ii i- >?>-?" > aibarian, XaasM. IBBOtiaisu d- - .itri. .iuaiit...uM , aud ^u/??u 1ffi^ii.!'^N;;;r^H-'vW^nal^^ ; SAXTlA-.o. Kaeaau. Haatlairo. Culw. >,,4,.hl,*'jJ1JJf3et -jg. P? f"" ',:'r,:r^r>rt:"w.u'r.'7.^''l'i:Mi ani 1 .ck.. ? v ll' Mo. . ?*? ^ hl Al! Vtea'nierV hlw '^51^ paaaaagat aeeoj ??''"d at one-.irte af aas V* laat WM. IV ClVDri B CO. ..eiieral .Wen... y T. O- EOER. O'l A?t. f?. S.'Fr't Line 347 llroalway G JkmaN LIKE V ?- bbbI Boya) Mail Ofaaaaar ior O 1 BXBTOWX ANU LivmtPoqL. rj IV ?>'?' X EW YORB NV 'J1;:'^^ ^''"."ft'',',?'?; t m^ 1 lirLmhpier 48''x. R-'. aVolnlni' Chrlatopherst.'Ferry. FiitTsi^cAtii'N. aSo :a ^^^%j&.ras ^Xs'GSneralA^ii^BbWUNU URAXN. K. T W'ffi |:,KKVlSTt^x'AXn MVE,-POOU ROYAL ANfi? UXITEB BTATliBMAIL hJtAMEB, .^.?iiTc.oa 20 0 30 a n 'BaJaH c. Nov. IQ a. av JSrwSstoSaV 1 |?*?* SSKSk DdJ' k> "? t * iiUon . Ba?? ?1? **a m BrttaKS'V6r?lV? 30.* ?"? VtJai Whlte Star DocX. foot of Weat 10th-?t ?B?:w"d cabl'.i o.. BMSB ateamera. Saloon raloa BOO .nd uowird W at.-ain.r and lo-Jtl-N. of be w..inut aa jpUNARD LINE. VtWYOUK IO I.IVERPOOL. via QUEENSTOWX. * From l'ier 4?, Xortti R.ver.? FAsT F.X I'REsd MAIL SEUV1CE ggyg- & ? | S S aOTiaSfK-fWSS ?Jat:&-&la: KiSSitji Caoin MWMMM ?i?0 aml upnard. InW.m.-dlatj. B?a kp?y^ te>g ^ -??? s I I