Newspaper Page Text
. m tUUkst. tibttne. r"-L....N?? 10,049. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1890.-SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS. A BANKER'S SUICIDE. j. BLAKELY CREIOHTON TAKES POISON. MOJTP DEAD IR HIS OPTICE-A X.ETTER EX p_AlXIN'G THAT UE HAD SUFFERED FINAKCIAL liOSSKS. Sarpaia. waa cauaed ln Wall Street yeaterday by At infortuatinn that J. Blakely I'reighton, senior aamber of the tinn of .1. B. Creighton A Oo., bankera and brokcre. nt No. 72 Broadway. had commltteil *****- Mr- Creighton was a nopnlar aan aniong tl.e hrokera and liad auoh a happy dUpoeitlo- th?t none of hia friends had ltnagrned suohanend of his career. One of them said. after bc beard of the suicide: "Creighton waa a Ma> v4-rted feilow. and alwaya had n smile and a jest ??dy. He wns aliout the last man in tl.e world I would have expeeted to kill himar-.f- If he had ??ly $5 leH he would give tho money to a fnend ln need. He waa thought- to be in comfortable clr ea_.Bt_nces. and l.e had a young and chanuing ?rifr * Mr. Creighton was thirty-two years old. ahort aad stout. with a roiin.l. bi.yish faee. whieh ^hitually wore a pleaaant look. He must have Ulled himaelf on Wednesday niffht. His body tjM fuiind in hi. offlce. on the second lloor of .>. Bri'i'Hvav building, yesterday morning. Tbe offlee is a lnrge front room. in whieh are ?aaarnl di-sks, a lounge nnd a few eaay chaira. _> tlie end <>f the !__?_? ia n _PWt_g maehine. look 4m odilly out of plaee. Paintint's of various fcnda, sMfTed birds and deer headl adorn the t_ls. A ?tranger in the room would naturally tbink be had g"f into a hotel lea__a__*-00_l by Bistake. Tlie ?iil.v thing in it. exeept the desks, lhat _B_t4_n_a bnsincss is a stoek-tieker, near a frmt window. M?x Kini.lson is the jnnitor of tlie btiil.linir, and _> and 1ns assistant. .I?.hn Anderson, were busy dustinij tlie otli.-es yesterday liiornim,. Anderson went int<> Ihe Oa_ee of J. R Creiuhton A Co. aud aaw Mr. Cn-ighton's body on tbe lounge. At jr?t glanee l.e tboaght Mr. Creighton wns aalecp. but a *?<??.i ?, look at the ligure alanued him. and be weni t" eall Knmlsi.n. T??gether they made ui examir.:.ti..n ;md stiw thnt tin- biokcr wns dead. Jlis WM ei.l.l and stiIT. Knitdsou oalled in two pulieemen. They notired a rcvmlver on the ine. Some blood had flowed from tbe dead _M__ moutli. On n desk in the room were tlinf ketteta. Two of these were sealed and were adtlresaed to tlie broki-r's wlfe and sister. ?Mra, J- BL Creighton, New-York,? and "Miss E. g. C. Creighton, Morristown. N. J." With the let _t t? hi. arlfr waa u jewcl-lmx. ninrked " private." The thirU letter was oj>on and intonded for the aublic It was ns (ollows: To ahcni It may : I hove b.-n throui-h a ftoi Bgaar. I' fitl.t. have lo*t the battlc, and now. ?. ?:: m> jsA.r liraln 1? achlng ivith )>aln and %o budly _at H has lakea j> .r.r Jie k's bnal ??:!..rts t.> h?ld IiIk h.ail a a'?,c- ?ut>r. I aiif way to th' irotd af <i..i1 and ond a _ t?,.it in th.- f.iti.r. would no denbt l?- naelaaa. I Md paBBy u, all n.y kind lrli_?l. aud ?lsh Ih-n. h sluc.-re aud Bailtil awrraa-. J. BLAKKI.V I'REIOHTOX. l; i-'f.r. Mid notify n.y wif>- klndl.v. T!i?' pi-liiviiK-n thoimht that Mr. CreifbtOJ] had djo! Iiiniself In the Bout-h, and a rrporl to thal r.f, t was sem ta Pidlee Ile-dquarter*. Later it wis iJiaeoTered the revolver l.o.l not l*een liae!inr_ tl. There waa no ixumiii found la the Nuiii, e.ther, i>ut an Inveatigation lo.| a Coroner ._ belierc tlmi Mr. Creinhton ha?l awallowetl ai-.e pulaua _ntl _mI tbjvwii awa.v i c b .tile whieh _.| eontalned it. Then he had bin down to die. Ikiviag a rerolver handy if ti.c pofawn falled to h its wurk. Mr. rulghlun'BJBBII-l n in the lirni rearlied the oft'.ce i ???? nfter 'j*" ????" s -f ihe sni.' waa Btm ta HfrwIfiimTtera. Thev are 11. II. BUfham nnd 6. V;m Veehten. Dofli aaid lhat they were not Bwajfj of nay ha_lne_a tru_i>le that could have dnven Mr. i rei-lit.n t<> suienle. Mr. Crelghton ki? i been in Wall Stieet siuee he w - a hoy. Uf Ind hpfUfl :isa st.-clc in a hr .ker's offlor. Liier he had heen a elerk in tbe rmploy of Hat<?? A. I... Five yeara agu Mr. ( iri.lit >n lwcime a _rr_il?i >'l the !;rm ..f W. P. Wight dt Oo., th-n.p.ving the offlce in whieh h<> ended his 1 fe. Th t liiiii was ?JlsBolved alxwit a jrear ogo ?? .1 Mr Crelghton heeame the head of tbe now t.'.n, with Mr. Brighani aa ntannger and Mr. Van Veehten as tne St. ek Exeltange men her. Ajrtbnr E. I'haflin, a s?.!i uf t-be ?te II. H Oflin. wn> b pcr.v.'ril frieml ..I Mr. Creigbton tnd had a desk ln the uflire, bu! il was said by kuiii of llie remaining partoera that he had no tit-resi in Ihe lini. Mr BrigiMain aaid: "I eannot nndtrratand the iii.inei ot Mr. Creighton, nnleis he had beronie ahlenly Inaanr. Su far as I know, his affaira mv BB_aperutia Tlie flrm is aolvent and wc _11 Ih- able to nieet all our <oiitract?. Our lading al the bank is not Impaired. Of course e lirin wlll in- diaaohrwd l.y Mr. Creigbton. utti, Imt tbe bttBineaa wlll k? on atfain. Mr. krlghton had nol been in koo.I hedt.h latoly." Mr. I'relgbton was a son of the late l'ouim..dorc >_n ( relglilon, ol tlM l'nil<'<l States Navy, and it, 1...JH in liiooklyn. llis grandfatbn was Ad iral Sirinirbaua, ol tba Navy, who s.-rvod in the '_? ..( IHlJ. Six years ago Mr. Crelghtofl was ?jrried t<> Miss __rah rraey, wlio was aeveraJ irarb >oi.iit?-r than himarlf. They had no cnil Iwn. ln ilu- v.iut-r montlis ihev oeenpied rooms I Mis? l'lait's boardin.-hoiiw, No. '.7 Madiaon ?., fr-uitui_ tlie r.'|iiare, and they Ihed at _iarehijiont durin^ Tl.e sumiuer nionths. After b ret ;rri of Mrs. Crelghaoa from tin- eountry tboi.t two weeks ago, however, ihey hiretl a s t ?f ro.m.s ou the third lloor of tlie llotel Here*fortl, n Eightb-avc. and Eighty-flrat-at., o\?-r!ook;iiK Dkrtral Park. IauM wtvk Mr. Crvlghtoa was away haa lever-l daya and nighta in sue.e.sion. Besii.l to a friend at'tho hotel that he had taken llBBi and folt Iw-tter. As be had not omnplaJnqd ?f illnees the explunation WM nol understood. Hi. fn.-nd he-ird on Tnestlay that Mr. Cmghton aad n^-t some serioiis l.usii.e_s revorses. -Mrs. Creifbton had l*vn told by her hU-hand not t/> *^>k for hoine 6n Wodnostlay nitrht. as he ttBteted t-i be kept downtown until a late hnur, yet a> .ii.| |1(,t rest, worrj'lng on acoount of hLs ttarnf* and at br-akfast jreaterday morning ior b* phii'dy abowed her a-ixiety. She had run,' tn a Bteaarmrer to aend a not*' of tnqur* to l or knaaad'i ..tiiee when the Information of the sui ?> rewehed t!ie hotel. rter brotber had k?''o to *e ?fli<* ia Bro_d-ray nnd had uneon tDihii.).' criof V.nin!.' Mr. Trncy had thrown ?Jnaell on the lifoless body exelalralng: "Oh. ivk: Jaek! Whv did von do thla?" He had ?bhed for a time lik?- a ehild. Thon he had aV?ti_|jT of h ? siatet and bad sent a hasty nus. *t* to Mrs Haufrh, a friend], Iniriorlng her to ?; i * <.':ee to tho Hotel Heios-ford and br.-uk tho ?r?*> as t-emlv as nossihly. Ihe clerk |n the hotel had roeoivod a messn.-e telephoue. aniioiineing the suieide. when Mrs. ?josIi entered and as';o! t<? l?c abown t" Mra. harbton'B rooms ..1.-st blven Mrs. Creigbton Wlrd down to the elerk tlTongb tbe apeaking Thr. Baklag why the meeaengii had not anive.l tlw elerk and Mis. liousi. weal to her room T lx-ard Mrs. f'teightoti plaving ftenaanaly on plano. Mrs. Hansh laM Mrs. Oeighton what hat.per.ed, after begging her to l-o brave -J t*>HT un nn<Ior a misfortiine. Tho JTO-Bg Idow w- til'l rwr! ImUcvo the news at llist. "Jnek Creigbton would neVef de-:crt me in sueh ^eruel ntanner!" she oried. Then as the r-onvietion of ber h_tl?a_fg aui. grevr in her mind. <he ?oat all control of --.'If ?nd fille 1 tb** ro*im* with oile. of degpalr. aorse i?: the pinpbiy of Mra. Walker. v/ife nf 1 b'.tel propnetor, b< lpe/1 t?> e.'.n?ole the frnntlc an and ta pn-vent her from dolng bodilv ? t? honvelf. H*?i hrother aaw hei and de. J to ne* far her in nreparing Mr. f'reiirliton _ ? for l.ti-i | Ho ol-tained a permlt for the aml of the t<- an undertakor's al.op in aft?r'oon Mra. R.iii?h aent telegmma to ?jaj in Moniarewn. N" J.. callini? them to tity !a?t eveninir. Tl.e fuTH?nl arraiH'ementa. aald. would V completed later. ? FOTBB OF TBE CEXSr*. j_hahingten, Oct. 23.?The Censu. Offlce to-day an __d tbe total popoUfflPi 6T the State of Klorida to ^p>*845: inrreaae litO.OtRJ, or 44.88 per cent. Th? pail.ui* of JacfcaoavlUe and Key Weat. FUu. ara Ph a- folldw.: Jaefeaanvllle 17,1?S0. lnereaae 0,010, ?*?_( 1,4 :n ; Xtj \fttt 1?,0.?, Incmiac ?,1<"?, I^r MR. GLAVSTOXE REJOICES. THE GRAND OLD MAN ELATED BY THE NEWS FROM ECCLES. PREDKTING A UBERAL MAJORITY OF XINETY IX THE NEXT HOUSE OF COMMONS-DIS Cl'SSING LABOR TROl'BLES IX A IsTEECH AT WEST CALDER. Edinburgh, Octk 28.?Mr. C.ladstonc ls grcntly elatcd by the return of a Lilieral from Eocles, an.l to every one who speaks to him on the subject ho expresse* his delight at the grcat victory which lns party has won. Mr. Gladstone spoke nt West Cnlder to-day. Hc referred to the resnlt of tbe Ercles eler-tlon as a foreeart of the triumph of tl.e Libprals in thc coruing general election, which, if the present ratio of gnins continued, wouM give them a majority of ninety. Keeurring to tlre Irisli iitiestion, he ob jeeted to the immo "Scparatist," i<s npplied to the Home Kulers. Tlie lajpcllatina. lie said, wns un true and imfair. There was now no qiu-stion among the Liberals about renioving the Irish repro sentation from Westminster. Nor did they pro pose to rejH-al the Act of I'nion. But they did propose to dclegnte to Ircland tlie eontrol of local affairs. He advocated thc principle of one man one vot* and nhortor Parliaments. Commenting upon the enonnotis power workingmen now pos sess, he sald it wt.tild prnvc Iienellcinl, as the judgment of great qiiestions bjf the* is more enlightencd than that of tbe educated eJaaBMB Ile would uot venture ? decisixe opinion upon a general eight-hour bill nntil hc saw a definite mcasure. In spite of tl.o rc-cnt vote of trades unions, Mr. t.ladstonc <li.l not sec his way to con sidcr a gencral legislative proimsnl. A specia! eight-hour mincrs' bill was on a dilfcrcnt footiag. He wa? inclincl io tliat eight hoiirs a day was quite enotigh for mincrs. Keferring to strikes. Mr. Gladstonc snid that down ho tbe prcs'iit tinie. when the contest t>e two*u labor an.l eapital had goBC to the sharp ftsiics ol strikes an.l lorkoata, thc laboring Rtafl had in thc main been rLht. Among thc mcans workingmen ought t<> sclcit in order to strengthen their position lega] eomhirtatioR waa thc most valuahlc It was a sonnrl systcm, and with only ran- exceptions was it hai-sh upon in.lividuals. Th? bulk of what had gaincd in the contirst with capitalists ha.l lieen through tbe judioiutis use of eomUoatioB. Workingincn ought rtot to eontract tl.e habil of appenling to Parlia ment t<? help t.hein out of difficulty by a 'special act Freedom of action. reliance liponthetBaelves and unity of policy would lift to a higher position s*s individnals an.l as a cla?s. (Cheera.) THE BEHBING SEA DTSPUTE. OBSER.VATIONS OT A TRAVELUXO EXOXJSMMAB OX THE Ottawa. Ont. Oet. 23,?Sif (Jeorgc Hadcn Powcll was Iu town lo day bMdlng g.x,d by t> Ihc MJnIsters be? fore hl* flepartare f"r England. He saJd he hf*d a pleaaant trifj t<> tlie Parlflc Coast, Whlle ln nritWi Coluinblii Iio made ini|iiiries into certain matterv con ne.-ted with the sftagnp biu-lness. and ?<>"?> bfteh With lu foimati.n tliat rta? nol previoiisly been aecept.-d by tl.c liritikli (ii.v.rnnicnt. ln the aeg)otlaitons lhal have alrcady lahcti pla<-e, he said the I'nited states nia<1<- three or fmir OODteotlona whlch it was tliouglit baal to iiii|tilre into. One 'waK that Ileliring Sea be luoged 10 the I'tilted States as inare claumm. That rofitentlof. ha<I b,-<-ii fmi^l.t by the r.rltikh a,nrl sucrek full',. Tbe Aroerlrans then entered a pJea that tlio Canadlau sesJers were kllling all the feniaJc an<l puii seaN and therehy d<i>'etliig Ihe sea of these atilinnls. Tlii". i>?,iiit tJ.<- liritikli tiovernment had folt dispof."*! to s/'cept as true, bnt be was ln^kjon of fhets whlch bo would use upon his retura BO Knpland to show that such wns aot tbe c.i*... I'j , ? o? l?,? otbet p..nii Bal 'uaa coliccteS 1m IK.rtdiit informatlon. and. as lt fuwl been 'rwolved tn submit tbe vhoto affalr to arbllnitloii. Ibese faets would be of great value. In any eveni, he sald, Canadians should lnst-t that this marter be settled this wliiter. (ANADA AND THE NEW TAHIKF. Ottawa. Ont., Oct. 28.?As a rf-Milt of Ihe M< Kinley tarifT. rertala j>er>-oiis iu Xova Brotla are tnakinc ar rangenients with stcanikliip rosapanles for tlie expoftf* tion of live lobatefB to F.npliind, and are also in eon inuni' atiou with tbc Mlnlstcr of Marine and Fisheiies on Ihe Mihjcct. The (roverninent has rereiv.-d advirys from the Kng ljsh suthorttles on thi- <-pir oin-sti.-n, sajrlna that there arlll n >t be the sllghtesl diili.-ult.x ln obt.-iii.lnk,' th hlgitest prlre for I'Miiadlan cg?k, prortdliig they welgti over Iwo poumls and a half t.> tbe sccare. Toronto, ont.. Oct, 23.?-The Bmplre," a liovern ment organ, says there Is not a word of tnitJi in tlie rejKirt tliat tbe Dontaiton (ioverninent has Invlted tbe Consula-Oeneta] of M-..\i.o, Hrasll, (iuaiemala, Ar gi.i.tliie a- d other Koilth and Aineil-iu repub lics to vikit ottava to rotisBfl with tl.c Utivemaieul n-paiillng new avemi'-k of trade. A TINNKI. T*i I'IMNCE EDWARD ISLAND. Otsaara. <<ut., ".-t. *j:i (gpertal).?nwing to tbe kuc ccskful rosapletlon ..f the st. Clalr Railway Tunnel tl.e Iio.iilnion liovernmenl hak been aaked to aski-t Senator Howland'k projeit for a tunnel BCNBB tbe SU'alt-i of Nortliiiinl.crland to Ptinre Kdward Ikland. Thc preiiniinary survcya have been eomiileted. There are no great eiigu.i!nR dtlllrullies iu ti'e way. The Bfeorteat dhtan.-e la-twi-.-n Prlnce Kdward Ia*mnd and Ihe iiiallilimd ls six atkl one-I.all ii.1l-s, The COSt of the worb is e-tiaiutd at An P^ugllah; hak otr.ivd t<> eotsstract the tonnel if the Caiiad.aii ..overnintiit guaiante.-s il per real Uitcreat on tli<- bonds for one Inimtred years. -?v - - gJlTtMsLEIlS FOOL THE (TSTOMS OFFK EIIS. Qaebee, .><t. 23.?The caatota house ofltrera of tbis city wtrre lafunned last nlghl tliat two .-.-irtlaarfk uf sniiiggl.xl whlkkey would ptf. ot. a rauntry r<iad on ths? way to thls city. They aoconcllngly bept walch for the wairohk, whlch apjKjared BbOSJl inidnigbt. Tbe ofgoen si-1/.i.-d them and druve ihc... to the ruktoia hoti?4-, Imt vbDe tbis wa*? belng don?-, 14s barrels ol vhlakey wett larnled on the Islaud of (Brleajia. The two raj-ts m-n; tik.-d b.v tlie Bfonggter. lo dlv<-rt ttu. Offkon1 dttc-ntioii fniiii tlie inalu o|?ei-dilon. THE VISlTIN.i IBOX AND STF.EL MEN. Sudbury, <?nt., oct. '23.?After a dellghtful run over tlie t'auadian F-.ulfic Rallroad the northi-rn con tinpent of the iroti and Steel n.en \i-lt/.-d the nilne? at BadlasiJT. and s'arted for Nlagara I'alls thls Hiornln^'. Ivanhoe Fiin.ace, Va.. Oct. 28.?Tbe southern sertion of th" forelpn .ron and M?,-:'l iiiktltute \ Isltors spent vckti-rdav exattUning tbe Qfassaar ti.-ldk. Among those present were sir Lowtbian Bell ajid >u- Jai.ics Kltson. OOMbTIi ULAf'K IXTROrBLB. Vteaaa. Ort. 23.?It li reported lhal J. Hlack. thi newlv appotnled OOS**? of tbe Falteg States at l'esth, whlle J.itiriii-ying t > that city to aasrnaae the dutlek of bis oflaie cotnnietitod publlcly upon Au-trlan alTairs in a nianiK-r whirh hi.k ott<-ud<?d ihe (ioverninent. It lk fiirther bs*M Uiat tbe ?io\?-rii..ieat hak wltiihild its e\ei|.iatur Irmn Mr. hJack, and will pcrl.aps refaae to ISaftS lt at nll. AMF.ItKAN ABOflABOLOOlCAL BIOHT8. Atbei.k, Oet. il.?The pmp ,sed by the French Qoverataent for the Dcipbt c.\cavatlon? tiireateus to brlng about the trai.kfer to tbe I t-ouch of tl.e rig'it held by th<- An.i-riran Arxbacol-gical jn-titute. tuileas the oreck OoverBfaeat ls aaaatai that tbe BOeessary S>4i),0oO will bc ralsed. a> TO OBOW C/.TTON IX CENTRAL ASIA. 6t? Petersburg, oct. 23.?A company rompoacd of Rnsslan and Helglan rapltallatt hs* been organited to engage In the cotton-planting industry ln ff*S provlnro of Anioo-Darla and liokhs?. ln Central Asl*. Tbc new organlzatlon bae a capltal of alKMit 3,000.000 roubles. B) THE STEAMER HARCELoNA FIX)ATKD. Qaebcc, Oct. *?3.-The BtSaVBar Harcelona, ashore at licd Hland, near Illver Ou Loup, ?a-t floated this monilng, and Ls now on her way to UiU port Ju low. 0 . I'HINCE AND PRIXCE* BETBOTHEO. Berlln, Oct. 38.?Prlnce Maxlrolllan, nephew of tha Orand I>uke of Badan. will *hortly b* betrothed to JTlneesa Vlctoria Loulsa of 6olil?sswtg-Holateln-6onder boung-AiifTuaaeribOTg. > _ LORD DTTNLO T1IBOWX FROM HIS HORSE. London, OcV 23-Lord Bunlo. the huabund of Belle BUtwi the coarert-hall sluger. whoso matrlmonlal dimcuiilea have been'the aubject of moeh dlkcusslon both Ul tbe court* and amoais tbe geueral publlc. wa* thrown from hia horao whlle rkUng t>day. and one Of his tlfouldera was dl.locatcd. a -_. FRENCH OUN-COTTON FOR RCPSIA. Parls, Oct. 23.?A vessel wlth a eargo of gun-rotton has r_'U_ from Rrest for a Rnaslan port. Tlie pun cotton is for the use of tlio Iiussian OBiiniBBal und was acnt from a Froncli Oovcrntncnt powdcr fact??ry Thls pleco of news, |f conflrrnod, would provo to bo one more evidcnrc of tho cordlal scntlmciit* now prc valllng between Fnmce and Russla ond whieh ron atltuto a moral allianee often strong-r than any alllance, formully slgncd ln a dlplomatlc liistnirncn; ?r protorol. lt is scldoin lndccd Uiat a K.iropeati Oov ernmetit furnlshoK dlraetty anotm-r wlth s.nli wai-kn matorlal as powder. Oermnny has often sold Krupp giins to many Powers, but they came fiom a prtvata flrm, thougtr the Esscn foundry ls somewhat iinUer tho control of the I'.erllu Ouveinnient. Iiut. If the latter allowed the Krupp finn to sell at.rond nomo of thelr fainoiis cannoii. tlic.v were not BBnied t<> tlieir destlna tlon on board (rcmian Navnl veaaalB, and they did not start from a Oov riimcnt arsenal. Thls ls ihe case, iKiwcvr, In tlie shipment at Hrest of gun-rotton "sciit from a l'rejii h Oovernnient powdcr fn< tory," und deatined for ?? ihe usc of tlie Russinn tiovernmenf Rrest |s one of tho three great rBilltarv ports ln Fnn.v. Even though the gun-eoiton hns been l.aided on bonid a Rusalan shlp there and If lt ls not to 1*> uscd In war. but ln works of fnrtlflcation or ln any other way. tM fjMi remalns that the PreaC- and Ru?.slan GovernmenN Imvc trai.sarted Int-rnatlonal boalneM whlch la never ettempted exeept by l_wara bound together by tho Btrangeat mutual fiicndsinp. NEWPOCNDLAND'S REflPROCAI, HCHF.1F.S. Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 23.-Tl_ negotlatlons whlch Mr. Hond. of th" Newfoundland Goverinnent.i* mat.inu' wlth a vlew to enterlng Into certaUn rorlproral arrangoniciit? wlth the l'nlted states for a free exchange of pioducts belweon tliat eountry and Newfoundland are attr-wtlug a great deal of attentlon here. Belng asked whethcr the Domlnlou Oovernment wa_ offlrlally eognltant of Mr. Hond's nit?slon, C. H. Tuppcr. Mlnistcr of Marlne and Klsherles, sald that tho only btUmation the Domlnlou Govemment had was what it h;id t*oa_ ln the uew.papera. The Newfoundland fSovcrnmont had not commnnlciitod to the Oovernment of the Its intention of ?eektni t<> negotiate for rerlpeocal relations. t)f rours" there was no llOCC?.Ifj for It to (lu Mi, as the rMand BOMkBSJatd h_Q aittl.ority t? 11 x It own tarlff and regulatr its conmiorclal arrange' lents. Wltli regard to Mr. Bond. statemont thal Nc ?"mnd land had not ussiiis-ii the Domlnlon Goreromeiil that the Halt Act would not he enforce.! against I'anadlan rcaeeia, Mr. Tapper said there iiau certalnly been some correspondt-nce on th" mattor. BARAH RF.RNIURDT AS CLBOPATBA. P;*.ls, (?rt. 2'.).?sardou's rendoo of " I'lenpatrn," ?itlen for Sanili Henihard', had Its tirst prodaction thls evenlng at the Porte St Mniiln Theatre. F.v.-rv availnblc seat wns oeenpled, The peifbrmanoe made a profnund laiBtf lk.ll The marvelloua talent of Surah Ik-rnhanlt was displayed to the gtcatest pnsslblo efTect, and she revelved B perfert ovation. In the tourth art. where cieop.itra overhoars Antony and Ootavla, she brought down the hoin-e. The aeenle t-ffects were mueh applauded, tspcrlally those in tlio Irat and thlrd aets. The light to play ' Cleopntra" in thls eountry In Engllsh has been sald by M. Sardoii to Misa Fanny Davenporl. w1m> will play it at Ure Flfth Aveniw Theatre on PoccmlTer __, under the nuViBgement of Maretu R. Mayer. This wnl ho tho prodaction .f the play iu America. A PRIEsT CONVIOTED OF AggAt'LT. Tlpperarv'. Ort. 23.?Father David Htmphreya, ono f the defendanta ln the raoeplrary ra,c now on trlal here. wns found guilty to-day of cipimlttliig an Baaaalt upon tho wife of a pollconihii and was ?eateaeed to ].ay a llne of '220 or to be commftted to J all for six months. Ir tlio Ma.istrates' Court here today tho prosts utlon BBked Uiat tho siiinmotis jssiied against Mr. Harrbon, meniljer of thti House of Coiimions for the midland rii vision of Tipperary. and a nnmber of other., on rhargea of Baaaalt ln connactkm with tho rerent _Ua_rb_nce liore. be wtthdrawn. Il was nated that rh.- Crown ln U'lided to prosecino Uie arenaed men at the assi/.-. Messrs. itedmond and OTonnor pratoatad agalu t tl ? tif.iible to whlch tlio arenaed m^n and thelr vrttneaae had been put.. The court dlamhaed tlie ninnuonscs.. THE EMPEROR'S PRESENT TO VON M'M.TKE. Berlin. (>c*. _Se-__rperOr V'lllinm lin ?u.< (?> CYWBl vili',c ns a b.4_al_y pi''-.-at a _MM??01 a Biivci' baton cmbelHshed. with imperlal cagles and bct wlth dlamond*. Coiint Von Moltke. arrived ln llerlln tbli evenlng. Orowds of jieoplc checred the old general as he drora to his i)iiarters. A cornmers ln honor of T'liint vot. Moltke wa* glven by ilu- Blndenta' Assoeiatlou thls evenlng and was at t<-nde?i i.y -..ooii ppraona Inelttdlns many men nromi ,'iei.t ln n.ilitan', Btorarr and arlistle rlnles. Paator Roggc _aUrei_J an oratlon in whieh he extoHed Ihe veteran. Profeaaor Trenwhlw simite on the artny. A letter oount v.,n Moltke was read ihtuiklng the studciits, who teJegrapbed their eongratnlatlona n repty. .-? POfSONF.D H1MSEI.F AND FIVE THILDREN. llerlln, ort. _:{.?Anothcr tr.isedy ha-s been a.liled t/i the llst of horrora whlch have raeently occarred ln lierlin and the rletnlty. To-day tlie commnnity was shoelie<1 by tlie discovery of the worU of a poisoner, whlch la almoat wlth ".t pan.llel In the his? tory of erline her.). A farmer named <".nst gave to his ehildii'ii some aweetmeata ln whieh he had pn^ vlousiy plaeed a qnantlty of pohum. Ile then pnrtioit if tiw polsoned ronfeetlon himaelf. After anffarlng great agony for some tlme, the mnrderer and tl.r.'*) nf the chlldreu were rellevcd bv death from thelr anfter ings. Two olher of Ihe rhlldren, who al-.> ato of tl.e iweetmeatB, are ln a dyini rondllhin, nnd the phy.l ilatis any there is no po**ib!e rhaucc oi aaviug them. No reaaon is hnown for tl.e rrlaaa. ACflDENT T(? THE flTY OF f IIK'X'.". bondon, <?<t. 83.?The inm.n Llne .ieainer City of ChleagO, Captaln R<-<!f.rd, from I.iverpo..l, aailed from Qaeenatown for N.-w Yorli at 12:4S oVlneh thl. after? noon. sh.- .abaegaeutly returned, it having heaa found tliat her piopellcr wa-s not worldng property. Two dlvcl-s made all examinaUoii of the BtOBmar and it was _|a_orerod that a wiru hawaer larenty fatboau in tongth had beeome antanglrd ln the pro pellt-r. The divers romoved _H.? obctruetion und the .ieainer again proceeded for New-York at n.'M p. ni. THE noi'NDARIEs OP BIBRRA I.F.< >NE. Puiis. Oet -.1--The ".loiirnal des Debata," com inentlng on the preparatlon. that are belng madt; t<> dlspateh b Brltlah eapedltloq to n_ tho boondarle. of sierra, protealB a^ailnst a purcly Uritlsh expedl tion for tho purposc. lt derlares that tho reiinidarie, ?houid bc fl.xed by a mlxed Comatlaalon, comprt-lng rapreaantatave. of Franee and Bngland. riie ??sleclc" says that Franee must amteh the ac tion of thlae-peditlon, whlrh uiii oe fully anned. BBCXPTIOX TO DILLOlf AND O'RBIKf. Pnrls, oct. 23.?A n-ception wa^ g.veu last. night, by M. Ratralovlt'h. Mr. Williain 'liti. n's fathcr-;ii law, In honor of Messrs. Dlllon and (.'lira-n. Am. ng the ptu'st*. were MM. Joaeph Brnest Benan and H.< t->r Henrl Malot, the aat-ora, and mm. Unrdean, l'ressenso ln an Inunwlcw to-day Mr. O'Hrlen said lhat his liartv ._d licen asstired that th" Ameriean toiir would 'icid suiiicieiit funds t<> but untll the general eJoctton. ? ??? - -^ AID FOB AI'sTRAI.IAN STRIKERS London, Ort. 33.?The Tradea Counrll met tiday and raaolred to nils<- ?20.000 l.y rollortlen for Aus tnilii., the large Mirletlea iu tho ni.-an.ime li^urn^ the money to avoM aalay. lt was atated al the maetlng that a lotal of ?14,000 had been lenl lo Aus tralia._ \N BLETTIOSf IN NEW-URINsWIfK. Frederlctoti, N. B., Oet. 33.?One Of U.e bll'.orest poUtlral eanteata oaer foaghl In this eountry to .u placa today nnd rcsulti- ln Iho rt-lurn of Ils-inicr lllair ai.d j,i> eoUeagnea by a latge Bwiortty. THE COMTE DE I'ARIS IN CANADA. Niagara Falls, Ont., I ?rt. 33.?Tbe Comle de Parls nnd party left hero ladag for Klngstgu by way of Toronto. m THE RALTIMORE ARRIVES AT MSnON. Llabon Oet. 23.?The I'nin-d Siates ateamcr Ralti morc. Captaln fichley eommandlng, arrlred here to-day. ? CAJfBBIOOl BOSOBM MR. gTAJfUBY. London, Ort. ?__.?The Cnlverslt.v of < ambridge has conferred a dc^rec ui*on Henry M. Igaaley. FLAMES BOSE AS TBE AIDIEXCE WBXt OCT. Juat as ihe audlence waa leavlng Waldman's Theatre, ln Newark, laat nlght, Ure waa dlacivered ln the npper lloor adjolnlng the gallery,' whlch l? uaed M ft central statlon for the flre-alann .y.tcm. Fortunaiely nearly overy one wa. out of the plat^ and thla alone pre vented a panlc. There wns a rommotlon among the laat to get out of the house. An alarni was qulrhly aent oot and the flamc* were roon cxtlngulshed.- Tlie Ibm oulalde of that to the flrealarm ayatem b trlfllna. Ilow mueh the la'ter la damagnd could not !?? oatlmubd. Had the flre aaeBjrrai lon u.luute. aooncr there mlght rx. n a _n?t lo?a of lUc, TAMMANY'S RUM BAKGAIN. MAKEs'G A DEAL WITH THE DBAM-SHOPS. THE I4IQI.OR-SF.LLEB8 UXITIXO TO BITPPORT THE WIGWAM TICKET?WnAT TnEY EXPECT IN RETUBN. Tammany Hall is uslng every efTort to secure tbe solid vote of the liquor-sellcrs of New-York for its candidates. Seriously alarmed at the growing srrengtu of tho Union tickct, which is gnining support in the mo6t impressive manncr daily, the Tammany leaders are resortlng to every device tliat dcsperatlon can suggest. to save their ?foitune*. It is elcar that some of these leoders have made tbe most disgraccful and corrupt oasumnecs to the Hquor-dealers that viol.tions of the Excise law shall l>e trcated with even more leniency in the future than they have lieen in the past, if thc kcepers of the dram-shops will give all the votes that they can muster to thc Tammany candidates. On Tucsdny, October 14, the Liquor Dealcrs' issociation held a special meeting at its head iiuarters, No. 52 Union So.uare. The as-a.ciation is c amposed of dclegates from the Asscnibly dis? trict*, wanls, and police precincte of the city. lt* p.-Ckidcnt is William Pndian, of No. 327 First avc.: .Morris Teknlsky, ol No. 3(t Oak-st., is first vicc-president; Danicl Iblland, of One-hundrcd iin.l-twcnty secor.d st and Second-ave , i>ec >nd vlce-presidcrit: Ilenry Keilty, of 2,142 Third ave., recording seerctary: Daniel MeLoughlin, of l.eny and (lirer.wieh sts., flnunci il Bccre'nry; \V. F. .1. Frelle. of No. 22 Desbrosses-st., is trens urcr, nnd Frc.lonrk lkryan, of No. 174 l'.ast Onc hiindrt'd-and-sixtl.-st., scrm-ant-at-arnis. It is BBsViatood that there were present at the sjkccial niceting 11 w following delcgntes: Pres-ident William 1". .1. Prelle of the Fifth Ward, Prcsident Thomas F. Keennn of the Vlh Assctnbly District, I'resident M. J. Deery of tho Vlth Asscnibly Dis? trict, Yice-I'resident Kichurd W. Conroy of thc Vllth Asscnibly District, Prcsi.lcnt Frcdcrick J. Biinkcr of the Scv.-nih Preeinct, B. F. Kcnny of the IXth Asson.bly District, Presidcnt T. TroaUing of the Xlth Asscnibly District, Prc-ddent Aklernia-n William Cliiiicy of thc Twelfth i'reeinet,, llcnry llirsch of the XHIth As-emhly District, Heniy Hirsch of the XVlth Assembly District, Presidcnt William Padlan of tlie Kiglitrcnth Preeinct, 11. K. Murphy of the IXth Asscnibly District, Presidcnt John MeC'auley of tbe Twentieth Ward, J. J. Mul baan of tbe XXIId Aaaemblj District, Pcter Seery of the Twenty-first Prccinct, Prcsident F. T. Rinn of thc Twenty-sccond Preeinct, Prcsident Divdd Holland of thc XXIIId Aweinbly District, John F. Keilly of the Twcnty-third Preeinct, M. B. White of the Twenty-eeventh Preeinct, J. Stephyn ski of thc Thirtieth Preeinct, lt Ledwith of the XXth District, and Prcsident John H. Ehuhiiss of the Winc, Li.iuor, aud Uerr Dealet*a' Protcctlvc I'nion. A report was made at the meeting from a com? mittee which had been enipowercd to confer with Taiiiinany leadcrs coi.evrning tbe attiludc of Tammany llall toward 1hc liijimr-deal -rs. Fer sons who wcrc present at. the uieeting asseit thnt the cointnittee reportcd that its members had fouud the Tammany leadcrs willing to give ijbe most swoeping asaurancea that if thc Taminany tioket should be elected the DLstrict-Attf.rney's .fHeo would proteet the iutercst* of tbe li'iuor de;.lers. Oi course this " protection of their Int4*r88ts" really meant that violations of the Ex Ci? law v >uld be allowed to go on unheedod i unpunished. It was otwrtcd by the committee ' .1 rbtar pledges were ao strong and came from aaJtBaih <:?'?? rtcra ln Tammany llall tliat, tlie Jiquor dealers c'ould feel assutvd that the pledges would bc kept. It is even asscrted that tlre committee declared further tlint the Tammany leadcrs had promised that if the T.n.many candidates were elected. ex-Judgc Cunning S. Dedfold, who is lookcl upon by thc Uqoor men ae their osiiccial friend iu ollicc, aliould l>c rt.-taiiicd as Assistmit-District At torney, and should liave chargc oi all tlie Excise wises. After thc report of thc couu.ittee had l>een rcad, a niotit.n was made that thc Taminany Ueket should receive thc support of thc Baaocia tio.i, eapeclally Mr. Nicoll, thc Taminany candi. date for Dislriet-Attorney. Sotue of the dclegatcs pn-scnt were oppisscd to Tummany and protcsted BgaJnat thc adoption of this motfon. After a pr,> longed and s, bitter and pcrvmul dehnte the motion to support thc Tammany caudidatcs Was -d. Since this meeting of thc eentral body of Uqttor sellers, the papers <-f the city that are fricn.lly tu Tammany have printrd reporta of a aumltrr ,,1 tueetinjfs of district aaaociationa ?f Uqitor-sellers Which bave decided by loriual resolutioas to stip poit tiic Tammany ticket, and espcciallg De l.aii.ey Nicoll. Tauui.any and the~runi power in thi.s town are tberefore lijiting together in this eaapaigli, with 11 closer union evi-n than ever before, and with au BlliaBce l.nldcr, more audaeioua, n.orc rjiameful and tnore corrupt than in former years. And it is plain i>eyon<l dlsputc that tlie kevner. of t!ie draiii-shops now U-lieve that if Mr. .Nicoll is eleeted Dlrtrlet-Attorney Mr. Bedford will do rctained as usslstriiit in charge of the excist- i.ikI tliat the Disfrict-Atloriiey's oftice will U' so nianaced as to proteet viulatofi of thc exeisa law. Tbe li'iuor dealcrs un1 now aetin ' 011 tliat belief. I'lilc.ks DeLaaeey Nieoll can now that the*.. liiiuor-dealers have been deluded and n.isled hy falsu gaidesi Btiieaa he can give a eomptete aud satlsfaetoty refutotion of the n-ports that tlll the fetid air .if every lasr-room in thc city, hc is a di.suniced Mr. Nicoll must understand that these reportir arc to tlie ciTcot Uiat, without pro lest he haa pennitted hls inanters in Tajumany Had to aaaarc thc ownera of gn.ifceries that he will Ik- their fawtiing BerVBBt in the Distriet-Attor ncy's place if he is eleeted. No man of splrit or self-rcspert can jiermit rcports so infamoiis to go DBCOBUadicted. When such sc.indals arc thiek it is tlie urgent duty of Mr. Nicoll to rcpu.liate on the instnnt thc plcdL:-s given by his false fri<mds in Tammany llall if he desires to gct a single resneeTalilc vote in thls eommnnity. Ile must repl witli scorn thev Imputations on his manJvnod nnd his honor if he .lesires to appeal to the deeent citizens of New York for their sulTmges. lb- ought imniediately to put hitnself on record in no doubtful tcrn.s. Ile ought, to publish n signed dcclaration of what h<> Lntenda to do with violators of the excise Inw if he is elected District-Attorney. PERZMTTIOS- DtlT/jra BEBRE1YS TO ABERWA. The ntiiiiial meeting of the I'liited llchrew rhari tles WfM held bvst nlght at the Temple Emanu-Kl. In Flfth-a've. Tl..? report f'?r Uie year endlng Septcn.bcr 30, 1890, wu*. reu<l. It showed that thc work of tho soclcty 111 thc,lakt year hfM beon larger than ever t^fore. Tbe dlsburkcmi-nts were alout 808,000. Of thik ?17,(XM) was i-er<-lvikd from tbe Itaroa llirk.-Ii fliod. Tli'* pSIBfjmlstiai ln Eastern Eur.ipe are drivlng Hc |,n-wk to thls coiinl.T ln larpe niimh.-rs. ln tho Jear c;,diiig heptember :?? then- were :t--'.:i-Jk llebrew im.... grunts latided at NewV?,rk. Bfaloat g*!.B74 In the previouB year. Thanks w.-re extended to the authorl tl.- at Ihc HarSB OttVfS for the sbJa akkjktancx- wbkb they had given tho soclety in lts work. A.V ATTEMPT TO BREAK JAIL FOILED. Atlanta, Oa>, Ort. 'J3.-Early this raornltig * des perBtc sttempt to brcak J*il here w*a dlscovercd by watrhineii Just ln tlme to prevent it4 success. Four wlilto pri^.nera. led by Ctiarlc* M. Osburn, convlctod ?f murdcr. aad saweal tbe hin?es of thelr rell d' tlirougb, and wcrc t Wfatb ou the wlnd.w bara. Ho.r they got the * ls not kaowa, but it l<< th.-ught by ,i?- jaiior, tJtay were amaagfei ln by Oabara's wtfa (?ni.fclenites *.?? uiidoiil,t"dlv walling out-ldc. tho polke tlUnh, to .verp,7?er the Jallors and *iJ li. * geu Btal eaeapa. _ _, TBE S10CX REIAOIOf.t CRAZE ABAT1X0. Ple?c. 8. D., Oct. 23.?Over a thousand clvllired In dUtns from Crow Cr**k**nd Yankton Agencle* pa?od Ihrongh hrre yeaterdaj'. rcturnlng from htanding Itorlc, Whwe they went some tlme ago. to penwade their more barbaroiu brethren that there wa* mithlng Iu tl*9 tornlng of bj. ludlan Measlah. They report that the excltcment bUII eontlnue*, though BbaUiig some what. tor tlie re?*on lh?t Uie saency suUiotttsas ***? u*ed atrlngent mfauit hy arreatlajt a ?ood many tawawes _ tha oraaav RAW WIND AND DRIVING RAIN. NO TEMFTATION TO REMAIN OLT-DOORS. THE WHOLE ATLANTIC COAST V1SITED BY A BOISTEROUS STORM-IT MAY COX TINUE TO-DAY. New-York and tbo people who live ln lt bave long been Inured to almost all the varletles of atmosptterlc condltlon conrelvable. Yet, of all the damp. raw, lumbago breedliig days evcr esperlenced ln this elty yesterday wlll probably be regarded aa one of the worst. In the eold, bracln, wlnds and clear skles of Tuesaay and Wednesday there was no apparent warnlng of tho mNerles ln store on tho followlng day and people felt sure that they were going to have an agroeable fall. They wcro not so gure yesterday when they made their way out Into the strects and found themsclvcs ln a drlvlng rain tliat peltod ttiem fr?m all dlrections?a damp, raw, chllllng atmo9phere and a northeast wind laden Wlth rheumatlwn and pneumonla, and seemlng ln the stroeta to blow from every polnt of the compa.s at one. As usual, when wlnd and raln form themsclves into a trust and proeeed to " run" the city, the only way of agoldlng dJacomfort waa to .tay lndoors. Thoso wlio were able to do this did so; those wha were not 6truggled ln mud and water Uirough the atreota and hoped for nothlhg worse than a drenchlng. Yet the ralnfall was not by any means heavy, the total record for the day not reaching an Inrh. The storm wns part of tlie cyclonlc dlsturhanco whlrh has hung over the Oulf States durlng the last two days, gatherlng strcngth as lt moved northward. Over the South Atlantic States the storm dlvlded, one part pa-s.lng Into the Ohlo Vallcy, whlle the other moved eastward to the Atlantic oast. At the samo Ume a thlrd storm ln the Northwest moved eastward as far as Mlnnesota, wherc It was rentral yesterday. Of tho three ttorm., that on the Atlantle roast was tho severest, and caused galcs from North QMQttne to Malne. All alonp, the roast the wind velnrlty rangod from -J0 to :itl mlles an liour, and thls, Bfcompaaled by a dense fog, eaaaeg eonatdarable danger t-> ihlpplng Whllo the Atlantic eoast storm ls movlng northward. Its two rlvals are taklng an easterly dlrectlon, and It 1* possible that tlie three may meet and hold a ronvtiitlon on the New-Eugland and Middle Atlantic oast. Heuvy raltis f.U yesterday in every part of the eountry east of the Mlss|sS|ppl, the heaviest downpottr being recorded ln Cliarleston. whlch had 4.04 inehes. At Savaimah the fall measured 3.70 Inehes, at Hat teras 2.H4 liiclii.. nnd at I.ynchburg Inrhe*. whllo In tlie soiithern and Atlantic states gcneially. the fall ranged between l and 2 Inehes. ln Sew-Yorh yee* teiday tho rain began Its work at 10:30 a. Bt., and oonttanad steadlly up to . o'elock, when it took a brlef racesB. All fJirough the nlght there was a lon* su. - cesslon of heuvv showcrs. The maxlmum voloclty of the wlnd ln thls city was 24 mlle* an hoiir. raBCBCd at 2 :_5 p. B_, wlille the hlghest recorded tempcratiira was 50 derxeca. .. _ The wlnd did not blow vlolently over tho Bay untll after nunset, when it began to rlse. and by mldnight there was l.alf a gale. sendlntt the raln ln alMet*. over the wnter. Ail day lt was thlrk weather off the ro_,t, and from Flre Islnnd nnd the Hlghlartds ves scls ronld be slghu-d with dlfllculfy. VTOLENT GALE ON CIIESAPEAKE BAY. PASSEXGEI. STF.AMEIiS IN DANGFR-IIOfSES CXBOOPED IN BAI.TI.MOKl'. Nnrfolk. Va.. Ort 23 fSpeekU).?A terriflr south eaBterty p.ic raged on fJbeaapeake Day from 3 to io oviock this mornlng. The wlnd blow at tho rata of sl.\ty mlles an hour. Tho wavee at Old Point wasbed across tbe new lron pier completcd by the Oovernment laat apring. Paaaongera on the l~iy Llne steamer Vir ginla, whieh was coming down tho bay when *.tru.k by the storm, had a terriblo expeffence. Waves l.rokc over the vessel's deck, flooded her downslalrs saloons and wraeked tho pantry. At the Horestboe, lu>t be fore she rc.vhed old Polnt, a tremcndoiis wave atraek fho boat, crtLshing her port wheelhoaaa nnd shattcrlng tlie Jolncr-work on the port slde. All of the passengci. had on llfe preservers and tranilc men and women boaged Captaln liohannon to boach the stcame., whlch ho, of course, rehised to do. Tho steamer Oeorce Leary, whlch left Wa-hbiaton aftornnoit and was due here thls mornlng. has not yet arrlvcd; but no fears are cntortalned for her snfety. as It la helieved that she has taken rcfugo In one of the numcious trlbntarles of the PotOBBK and Is walting for the t*"n lo ico down. All of the telegrap- linos of the signal Service along the eoaal are down, and If dtsaatora have eeearroi no news of Ihem can be recelved mitil to niorrow. Ilall.lmorc. Oct. -J:i (8pe~la_- Tho worst storm this year has raged on the Cliesapeake I'.ay today. Th" wtres to Cape Henry we*. btown down this mornlng, bnt to-nlghl the Signal Service had a wire worklog. Moaeier. thal entered the bay last alghi report a rouch trip up. Beveral orster arhooner. Bad other small craft were seen ashore, but it was iwpposed that the rrewa were safe. The tntn In the harbor h-re t<> nlghl waa verv hlgh. Ihe water rlsing over tl.e plers and fjoodlng the lower atrret* along the wbarvee. Tne Norfolk steamer .farted to-night. but aeveral Otber bay aioumer. would not fare ih<- itorm. Report. from IK.tiits al.'iig the upper bay atated that the aind was ln thls cltv the wind b|ew a gale all day and In crei-n-d lo-nleht. The pmirlnjt rain itood.-d tlw; atreet. and b iiiinibiT of bonae. have been onruufed. HIOII TIDK ON TI1K NEW .IF.USEY COAgT. Cape May. N. J., <?<t. 2.\ (Sp.-i-iaii.?A s..-vcre eaaterly gale has b.s-u bktwlog all dav agthe rate of about loriy tive mlles per hour. drlvlng before lt a heavy ra'n. Th.- wlnd has cnused tbe lldea to rlM higlier, and, whllo there was little damaKC doiie b> thi- evenlng'. tide, ex eeptlng al rape May Polnt, there is a feeilng that to morrow iiiornin-'s ti'?"d wlll do lOttM Injtiry. At Cape .Mav I'.-int the hoard walk and dnv- ln front of Preal deiit iianison's eottage haa been m-aabed out. aud tbe roudway un either alde of Carlton Hall and in front uf postma'-t'-r tieneral Wananiakei-'s eottage has been bntlly wasbed. Carlton Hall may go ln the mornlng. HIOII T1DE ABOUT STATFN ISLAND. Then- was an nnuaaaUy hlgh tlde _ba_l tl.e shores of :stnten I-laiid laat nlght, eauwd by the strong eaaterly wlnds. At Boath Beaeh Ihe aarf broke over tbe piaaaaa of aeveral hotel.. htH the b-Udlng. were not wrioaaly damaged. The Bteadow. at the is-ar of the hotels were rompletely tOOded. The coal yard >>f K. Penti Smlth. at We-srt Ncw-llrlghton, was flooded. tbe water ln it belng wveral feet deop. The staten Lland ferryboat. had roaaiderable dlmculty in maklng iheir slip*ut at. OeorgO, OWlng to the hlgh tide und wind. I-? . A GOOD YEAR FOR FALL RIVER BIUB. Iloston, Oct. 211 (Kpedalir?A dl.pateh from Fall Blver says: "Thls has beO"n an exeellent year for cot ton n.llls, desplte fho hlgh cotton market nnd tlie low prlcea pravafllng Ior the manufactured prtat cloths. The Culon (Vitton Manuracturing Company, with no roofs to Its factories, mado glglfOOO net. on u capltal of $7.00,000, B little over 1?S per cent, and de ciared u guBrterly dividend <>f 3 jht eaat. The Migamoro Maitufacturli.g Company, whlch lias re eentty Inrreased fts capltal and added lo Its plant, earaed WtnjOQQ on u taplt-I of #ooo,o.x>. iu<.n; thaa ? per cent, aud carried about $20,000 to Ita surplus uccount. This showlnff enrouniged the dlrecUirs to dcelii.e B quunerlv dlvldehd of t 12 p-r ej-nt. At tne ofllec of the Merchants' Mlll stockholders have earm-d that their Inve-UtU-t of gdOO^MO hns pald 0180.000 In the hksf twelve months. $20,000 of whlch nas boeti cxpended In iinprovemoiiTs, leuvtiig a uct gaui of ttl_U,04>>. over l- per <c-ut on t_B c_pltal. OOLDSTEISS BtOBX SOT BELIF.VED. I'.onlentown. N. J.. Oct.*" doubt Is expresscd as to the truth of tl.e statcment made by tho man who was found shot on Tue-sUay night in K.-eler'.i Wods. at Columbiis, a few mlles from here, and who describes hlnisolf as I^uls OoMatB-a, of No. .'I'.l Seeond ave.. Now-iork City. Oold^teln say* that a < olored man waylald him. and. after Urlng two bulk-ta Into hW head, maaod him of his money and wateh. lt ls thouglit. however. that thi. atory 1. an Inveifllon. aud that Ouldaieln attempt.-d to cummlt sulclde. A tele craiu was BCttl to the addn-ss ln New VolJ whlch he 1 nve but an anawer was recelved saylng that no sueh rwnon waa known then- ooidsteln ?aio .; wii> on his La', to v.-it a man In iu..lli._t..n IMuhd onfflthi. but nooiie of that name l? know.. ln the ptoee, t>old?teln |s -tlll baatw trcati-.! at Ihe lluriington County Hosplul at Mount llolly._ A reporter r.II"d yesterday nfierns.n at the offlce of It. Hoa A Co., bulld.r- of prttnlng pre-ses, by whom Goldsteln was sald to have been emplnyed a. a m*v chanlc a.d W.rncd thut no i.i..u of that uame bad ever worked there. and that tboy had never heard-of him before. _ _, VLEADISO OVJLTY OT EMBEIXLEMEXT. Worcester. Maas.. Oct. _3.-Fredericli Klmball. who. np to Aprll I was paylng teller of the People'a Savlnga l;ank, and who departed wlth ?M3.000 In bonds and $3,400 ln ca.h for Europe. but returned and waa ar guilty )d tbe Huperjor^^rtmlnal Court la A BIG DEMOCRATIC FUND. CHAIBMAN FLOWEE OETS $300,000 FBOlf * THE IMPOETEBS. A TAI.R WITH MR. CLARKSON-THE DEMOCRATg BEATEN AND _ BOODLE'' NOW THEIR OBL.Y. HOPE-HOW THE M'RINLEY BILIi BENEFITS THE PEOPLE. [BT TELEGBAPII TO T1IK TkincNf.1 Wasbington, D. C, Oct. 2.'I.-There is no doubf that the Dcmoerats are frightened about tbe situa tiojn in the West. They bardly know what to make of it. They were so cock-sure that tha bottfim was going to tumble right out of the Kepublican campaign in crcry Cnmrrcasional dbv tricf west of the Alleghenii*. that they made pmcfically no prcparation for a conflict such aa Speaker Reed. Mr. McKinley. Mr. Cannon, Got cinor Gear, .Mcssrs. Henderson, Purrows aud othere .have precipitatcd. Chairman Flower. it is true, did drnw on hls great Ixinking botise in Wall-st. for enougb money to prlnt bis astonihhlng antt silver speeeh. which, with great sagacity he haa beon industriously clrculating rn Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Montana and other silver-loving com munitiCA, He nlso printod his friend Amos Cum mlngs's roaring attack on the Speaker, and Sena tor Oarlisle's philosophical thesis showing that Moscs and Julliis Caesnr were both free traders. Tlien he BBt d >wn among his gold bags, with a complacent smile upon his cheruhie, face, satisfled that the Ik.urbon shotgun nnd the lie about the high pricea would do all the rest. But some thing has shaken him up at a great rnte, nnd for thc past four dajrb hc has been hustling arotind New-York "pulling thc legs"1 of the importer* viciouslj*. A promlnent Dcmocratic manager, who lcceps a sharp lookout for sueh proceedings, and who at* ways boba up when Deniocratie, "boodle" is being put ont, was in at Chaniliorliirs last night. Aftcr ctirsing the McKinley bill for raising the taritt on the c.hampagne he was drinking, he gave some hints of Flower's success at uioney-nising. Tlie net restilt of this ciiiining ehap's ronfession was that had Itccn r.iiscd. Whcn it was snggested that this wus a good deal of mone.\t for the itnportere to put up, hc rcplied. with a know ing wink, that he gucssed "thcy'd gct it back from thc people on the other side.'' " It's a whole lot chcaiier." he ndded, " to pay our cam? paign expenscs tJian to pay those Republican tarifT duties.-' And he is no dotibt right about tlnt. Whcn this eonversation at Chamberlin's got to Mr. C'larkson's cars. he remnrked that he did not need such evidence to prove that a big Deniocratie corruptimi fund ba<l suddenly 008B8 into exist cnee. " I don't know who?raised it or from whnm it wa? obtained." Continiied Mr. Clarkson. "but I bave beard it drop a deatfl times witbia thc laat twci.ty-four hours. As things stand to-day, the Demnerats are heaten, and they know it. Their only bope is to s:iil right in with their money. There is aot a larae parehaaahle vota in this eountry outside ol New-York City. dn the c.n trary, it is wonderftilly small. Hut the majorities eithcr way are also very small iu many Coagrea* sional districts. Forty-two men sat in the last Con grcss on majorities of less tlnu 1.000 in a total vote per district of about 3.1,000. So that bribery can alleet the result materially if a party is willing to employ that kind of method. Tliio Dcmoerats are now putting out a great deal of money. They arc showing signs of a nenvly awakened aCtlvity. They realize that their dastardly conspiracy to crea'e an aitificial nse in prioes has nn>. rably fniled; and that, aa the Westeru people licgin to appreciate the n?-w Taii.r bill, they s?-e that it will operate quiekly and imruensely to their inforcot. " WTby, JBSt see what if does," Mr. Clarkson exelainied, waruil.v. " It rediu^s dirc.-t t.ixaiion to liie amount ol' $75,000,000, and th,- |K*..ple who are thus rclicvod arc tlu- poor pcple, aud, most of all, the Westeni lurmcrs. lu.Uvd, u tioea more tluin that. If experience is a |[Oud t.-aeher, tlie net cilect of the McKinley bill will he this: Uy its lower duties on goods not lai.ely pro dueed in this eountry, aod by it?? a iditioiis t<< Ihe free list, it will n-uut, to fl,e people about $115, 000,000 whicli y,.'ii v.cie into tiic pubiio rreu|sury. These ?ntatstted iaxe-4 . wore <f!Atx<c4 taxes: tliat is, they were duties ua artieies whercifl tln-re araii praetieally no doinestlc oomaa** titioti, and tiicr.-loiv tlie duty was ad.led to the foreign exporter's price, ami Hnally collectesi froor, tlie Ainericiii owBSUUser. Tl.e duties on siu.r, mnlnssrs. ueedies, ni.titing, aeetla, sisal-ur.uw and iii-iup an* tair samples ot tlibi taxaiioii, aud it l.-ll hcaviiy oi. the puor people. "All t.iat the M.'lutili-y i'ill has swept away. It lias Uirreaeed ttte duties on what ? r'ine Uoena, llne pmsiies, velveta, Hne pu*tt?ry, an.l a varietar of expeusive ait el-s, the giv.l luajoiily of wlncli have never yci been maimiactured iu this cuu try. It is noiv pruposed to give our peuple a ebauee to make thok,e ti.b gs, aud the duty is proteetive. These are g,?.,ls that only tlu- wealthy use, aud thereforr, iu so far aa a prutective tarifl tixes the eohsumer, only ti.e wealthy will beat thil new biirden. Hut as a inatn-r of fact. this sort of tax is alniosi wholly paid by the foreigB pro iluce'r, an.l liears very lightly on thc eonsBBaer, if at al. L'pun a HSUSt blu-nil estunat.', even if every penny -,f tbis new duty were paid by the coikSumer, it would add only ahoui (40,000,000 t,. the gcneial revenues: aud that is tar more than olTset by thc fjWO,000,00(l taken fiom the revenuei li\- ihe repeal <>( iTT* sugar duties. " T?tc people arc t;etting hold of these f.icts,'1 Mr. tiaruson added. earn.stiy. "They BISJ facts that Detuociatn: lie-s eaiinot ellace. and I boi;e\e tl:cy arc faetrl that Deniocratie 'nnodle' canii^t oNcreome. <:f the impoteney of lyiag the Deni... crat.s are now e,nvine;?.|: th-.ugh I dare say tl.ey'Il keep "" I.ving just the san.c. beeause tl-.^y are luiilt uli-.t way. Hut thelr u.ain depeadeaee no\v is 'buoalas,1 and into tha! kind of eonteal we can Bot full' w them. In the lirst plae?, it docsn't agree wllh our prineipl.-s: and in tbe sccond. it U inipossT"lc 1<> our purse. The only thing we can do is to SilQIBon the honest, Chriattan people of tho land to the peiformancc of their duty. We ?an point tn eur party's record in t'.e House. clcan, patriotie, helpful. We can ex|.ose the utt*?r bar rctiness of Deniocritie polle\. and tl.e corrupt n.etl.ods t<> which the eiicm.v is res,,riing. We rest our case osl facts: thev Tcst tlieirs on s c^lcssal dception. Ouf weapoa is pnnters' inkf theirs is 'lioodle.' Now, let's see who will win., coxsn at ivhakise vsder grast. S\ racuse, N. V., Oet. ".'I (Special..-The kiipp. sert ln* sane man. Emcry IM.iilen l:.-aii. lauip. h;.k hfJOa rtl4 clurged by (bief of I'olice Wrlgljt. HfrhaBap lia* heaa hesi bare on tbe soaslaal chargc of steaiit.g a towel from a Wag.i<*r ihWflM rar. but r*-al.y to .-nalile Ih* Chlef to til.rl out sonielldtig al.out bim. Mr. Ilcau champ's MWllllllll ttaat bS wa* forim-rly l' Mate* ( onsul to Cologne. and is a nian of wcalth, are now cktablished. The (bicf tblfdU tliat Heaui luitiip is kiif fering from tho etfets of illskipaiinn, lieaticbauip's relutivc*. wbo live at Terre llaute, lntl., have been ln rouini.tnlratloii with the fhief. A gf*tf*ateb to night frcm Terre llaute say-.: ?? Emcry ||. Ileaui bamp Ls a resldent of Tern: llaute. and was OsSMsBl tn (<ilo):iis during Pr.--ldent fJrjufk Adtiilniktrrtlloti. iio li?k l^-cn a praitlklng lawyer here. Wblle abroa I as (oi.kitl l?i marrled a wealtbv (ierman woman. About a year ago they w.-nt abroad to \ i -it Mra. i'.eaurlau p'b fam.l\. aud wero pralmbly on thelr way home to Tcrrw llaute whaa tlw Bfivcnturw ocrurrod tn Ileaucll?Jnp., SQVABBL1S0 OYER A BOSPTTAl. Jollct. 111.. Oai gg (Special).-For yeara th* Catholla Pranclacan sliters here bave furr.lshed a hosplfal for all B.vt?. It has been a pullic hoapltd whr* any one was rared fo:- without charge Hnd the slster* w,nt ai Uke <ai-e of the alck without chargc Tlaj hos pital la malntalncd by contribntor* from all sect*. pub? llc fairs, ete. The Eplsropal Church people cineelreg tho Idea of twttlng up * ho-pitd nnder l*rou-st*ot man fatement to be called the 6llv*r Oross Hospltal. All tha p?ople, CBthoUca Inrluded. eontrlbutajd, fslm wore heja and exhlbltlons glren to forward th* enterprlse. A great aucces* was sasured whyi tho Woman's Chrlstlan Terup<*rance Trlon aud'lta adherente got eontrol. They at ome ahut out the EplM-opaliaaa and I'nivei -ak.ta and *i?4it Ixaclc to tr* State Llauor-DssalcW the 023 that body had contrlbuted ajtsl aa aStH&aaTSBasP"