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TARIFF IN RHOPE .-ISLAND. THB SUBJjpCf aWCOdBED . _pVSINATC* kJJ>Mc4 AUD ^?_B*pt4*N pNGLETE. ??0?_NG IN*E i__*#^r_JW^8 OjTHt ^EE XBADERfl W NEW ENGL.N?_rjpjB -*%, r?T __s___c_?_a *o tws a____u___l ?* P?Md2__^8rSc-Tht lt-*B-r_e_j_. tarned out teven hundred ctrong th& .ar*** tw tj_ir tenth annual ni.-t.__ and aupper in fataatrv _jal". Among the d.ttintfuished gueeta preaent were W?J ?>? W Aldri.h. S?__er from Rh<B_>**?_?__?'?_ Hoa. Ne! anf #0*. >. *?? ?*?*?. g. __Tg fr,m ____U.V$-**)*_-__ LarW/ Oeorge_ M ramenter, Preeldent Arthur Wateoo. ef the ?__ ioTcoancil: Elkry a Wltoon aad*?g?2 Soodwin of PawtuckeV After the ealratle-. had b^n *r^*d. Hw-ident John E. Kendrtek. of the ftlnb awjended the platform with the two speskers ofSlflS; Seaatar AMrieh aad L-ngT-eaman Dtaglry In openinc the exeroiaea he _aJd : "_/___ r ?*. ___?_** _ "Tl** ?. ^TZ. , ?__*,. _-p*t ?_____*? bi Intro tbe whole c__mtry_ ]**jg * tht evenlng the dncmg to yoa aa tbe llrst spea_-er ?. Hor. ______ DiGgley. o. Malne. ?? _^i __ Mr Direley was greeted with applawe aad ic *x****+ "SttS-a-aw n?b of Prc*._e__ . *J*+S*>^^ rLfto?S_-$_4? ^p^^18?,n Rhode uu^ _ _^? ^ Veetoe r_ult of the last Coogress _ J&r ??% a_ Jlr for the Republlcan party ln thT-atfoo. The worklng. of the last Congrea. hava 5 .r^wn . we-kn- in thi. party: lt haa done lo* the TtemocroMe party has not been ablo to do ' a, rhe laat slx rear.. It has rcvlsed the tarlil. 5ow my-triwA*. I am here to-nlght to speak about th," nrotrctlon of Amerlcan Industry and labor. There J J| ,vewed purp-se In __ McKinley blll. Whlle ?,foaraging Importations of those artlcle* whlch can ~* be manuf-c'n-- in thls country. It encourages the rn?__f_.*tarr. 2 nf other artlrles which ean as well be B*?_ here by r.strlrtin_ the ln.por.a_.i_. of such ,rt?-i.. The McKinley bill. lf you will give it tlme. tM prove bmeflcial to New-England. as well aa to tftg -.h.'le eoimtrv. Senator Aldrtch wm the next speaker. The ?99** t-nator from Rhode Island was reeeived witb grent apnlause. His speeeh was a* follows: Memrv*t_ of the Yonne Men*s Republlcan Club: I thanfe vou for your kind reeeption. I must express ir.y thanks and yours for Mr. Dlngley's clear statement ln r-ard To the McKinley blll. I am sure lt is not ueressar. to detaln you any lenfth of tlme and what I have ?. remark will be only a .nppleroent. I thlnk I <__ safely t* that no art of Coraeress ha? met so mnch hoatllity on thls and the other slde of th- At b_ .tic a_ the McKinley Tai-ff biU. The language of the opposing slde is that of denperation. Long before thls bill came up tbe Democratlc and tariff re forro pHpers v?ld what wonld be tts effects. If you ran be!i<-ve th'-se. the dirct oalamltiea aye likely to follow thU a^t Whv is this bill this artacked. when It ba? not been a Uw for more than three w**__ ? For vears tbe eolumns of these p?p-rs hav* bc- n fllled wtth the di:e. edPorl sta bs to what wonld happen if th" p-ofr_rtonl?t poll'-y BheaM he __ri*V! Into effect. Cnless th s blll ean b. rordemned tn the n..t election. the calllng of theee men will be _->ne. Pair rrttlcism. howes-er. sh ___ not * disc- u- t_.BU.ea. Tlie blll ?hon!d be oon.ldererl and _?cus*ed ov_.wher?*. Thc-e gentlemen are not s.u .ed wirh fair dt.TO.*k>_. Thev misrepresent the f_. ?= of the Th*- DemoTetic party has been tr.m *d over isltliln the last few years to tbe tartfl re fnra element The cld Democratlc p-irtr. wWeh was ^p^-prjt^rt hv Rardall In th. Iatt->r davs aod by Jawk aon n the rem t. past. that parl of tlie Democracy h_n gone -o the r?a-. while the RepuMirant of a l_W year; ?go hav. U_en the m-chlne. The Dcmncmts have gv?-n over thls q_e*t_._ to them. and nrleas rbey can r-fn'e the facts of tt. c_s??. their vocatinn 1* forevr. It I' wo .hv of*consid*ratlon tliat tnl. que* ti.-n is not conflned vthls __ie ef the Atlantlc. The pa pen if fcre ttteaflBtag the cjaestinn. I reeeived a paj>er t' ls m-irnin;- from Germany. whlch stated that ln ro long rtme Earope wiU he trirmtarv_ to America *?,j ec_mni_ p?W_ea. T ean aee aa?- *rrt-ypo-B papet* r._.t oppose the art..hut why the New-England pre.s <honld echo such sentlments as it doe* I cannot eon celve. I lrtetid to take np for dismsslon thls evenln_ rhe '? Addirs* IB Voters of Hew-Bag__i by the New En_ lnnd Tariff Ref'.rm ( _nh.- an rwl'lress pnMlshed ln all UM Mugwump p?pe_ ot New Ensltind. (Luughter.) It repreaents the faime?s of tlie opposlng party. Thi. uddress onot--. me as having sald in> U> the o, ueetion whether the purp ose of tbe bill was to reduce taxation. " N?t by ar.y roean-s * 1 did make that replv. but the ques? tion wa- wholly dlfferent. Bnt I made other state? ment-- al.o. I said that the purpose of this blll waa to reduce the rereuue and to rdleve the people of any bur_.-:i. Thls sUtemetit ls not lmportant eaoept a. sboa.iie tiie campaign policy of the opposlng gtie. It is not the truth they are a_ter, but the (.venhrow of XtoS policy of thelr opponents in .htaever manner they can effect lt. ln j_ply to the second statement. that BM proprtetors and mar.aaers of ln.D worklng establiih meuu ln New Ei^land. iiHludiiig C-Overnor Ames and nearly aii thc other p___fl___t Republicans en gaired in that businesa. petitioned our Senator. and Ropreeei.tatlves in (>njre-_ that lron ore and coal ?h-uld be put on the free list, and tliat the duty upon pig-lron and srrap lron and scrap-steel .hould be re duc?d to 24 per <ent ad valorem. I siated at Brookllne, Mass.. that. out_ide o< a llttle < -terie aronnd Boston there ls no senument tn the OemocraUc party ln favor of free iran and coaL At that meettng ln Broolrtine Mr. RouaeU made one admisflon. He sald that the wishe. of Mr. Mlll. and othew were controlttng ln that matter and that tliey did DO. dare to put ;on free coal and lron, for lt meant a low of electoral votes to the Democratlc party tbat they eonld iil affo-rd to lose. lf you say that tbe Nll 1* sectional faots will prove otherwtse. Tlie lron prwduet lo not oonflaed to Pennsylvania. Mlchlgan and uiany other States are engaged ln thls pursuit. The 10.000.000 ton. of pigtron made <n thls ooontry are divlded among twenty-four States, ?nd 32- fnrnaeefi helped to produte lt Should th'> llght of theae farnaeee be put oot. n order to tu enrase the proflt* of a few men in N?w-Englandl Hjaill a man has a eotton factory away from all mean. of tran?pe_t?tl0--c_o be compete wtth aaocher mlU of better locatlon aod with better __.a_l_.-_r>rl What would you have thought lf those amall ____-_ fvn__*_?- .hoold aek proteetlon becaus. of their un favr^-able locauon and bad mack-nery ? but thlb ts rot Ltoitwl to thi. cla*.. lt ha* been ?aid. but other n.auufactui-re bave pedfloned. I presnme that * theae man ha?e yleld-d to the unportun ntea of thoae travelPng aa*ent?. 9**M about New-England to aeciae slgaatnre. to petitlons. merely to get rid _ thmn. I know how easily men are gotton to sigu such papen. btrt they never hav. pre-ented such asrtm-B-B to me. Not one of them has ****** j to me to have lron and co_J on the free ll_t. I know. I b^evw-. that whea tae Mlll* blU wa. before Congrese | oue of them aame men, who have bow .Igned tbis peU Uon. aaid : , - lf this blll I tb-11 be obllged to cloaa *f miBBJIIIIIj and let fordgner. supply my cixtUtruert U th,.y h*d . objected to the McKtiUev bll. I kaow my malls wouid have borne miaalve. fro_n tlaem and U it had been for thelr lntereat. they wouM Mt have appealed to me in valn. In regard *__/***+ me_t that Mr. Whitmao tbnaMl have been ********* the old raie_. fr_m hts report. daled *__*_____f_J* vlnch ha S r__iu_. with *9*$** 2**J**]*4*!ohZ beer, 20 per tt* on atock Invesfed. I can ?T .iTLTlt man w!.Tn__^ thU _$Bt__ie?t must _??$BM*n**tt mrn th\ -. Mr. WtaUBaa _Ud to me that ?__***_ had aiMiwn a ___? ir__-t_d ot o _*";-. . . _a* bS i".u*cea_T thi* toat ** to tor jawUgtOJ U_ tariff. U. tt. mierewt of the people of tho . atmn ; and of Ute induiiti. of Rhode I.laud. _ The next ot-Je. tten whlch 1 wlsh to ?$_????" e__E___ t*. t? tha -t_*e_?ent ln rogardJ? tho ******** . amount whl.h American c__si_uei- of ^on *ABX_B*m | Pay over the Engii*h priO-*. It U not alona wiiat yo? fiave to i_. Ih a thing. tt ls al_o what yemlhaeeto pav wtth. 1 do not ___-* the _t?_en_n? ***_*__*_*_[ ! die-*. _t_el ralls Bave beee *>_d aa taw ln Asaerir* as ? . ??reat l.maia. We 9* ml Xo .no.lin * money oxotte. 1 do net beli_ ?* ^t___Ohe man _-tar.-_.-r* are desltvus of fnereaslng thetr money at the expentu. of <__sr people. MMM. _*__*, ls wne that tir.pons laaraaae ?W be _aad ta be tro. fmari V*^^,**_*' l"_* ET. aenl to you flguraa whlch w.11 shew _**__*_ tottttj at the Tariff Reforrn Lea_P?e ?? ""^"i -rom l*vtT to 1?37. an?tor. tbe tariff oj !__*_i th? imito_atl_ns per _\2_[*___]m_Z $T ft*: aader the tariff ?_ ia$7 tr ?8._*_****_ *S Uriff 0f l-_lp MT IA. Toa wotUd e_fp*ct a deereaae af eaporta. bnt what do we flnd11 VnAmt the tariff of 1?4-. **Vo_*m w2T__,*i7ji per captta: qndar tbe tariff of \W__ ____\ *__ under tl_ tari* tt !*?-. ?12 2i- ^V *T*%m\. faltaer of th, . aeetrioa. There la no fe?v TUm d -re* ,_r 'y , befween $he twa. ? _*__***_ **A wa ha _ ioc reasa. tha dnttea $? aU o_ the aa i eeulUee of UR I afcoaM be vory glad If any oo. would name one." ? i-syp*j fw f.KtJdER DUCaW^frfiUSSTUL LECTVRt. I Gl^rarU|lJ||)fe AT 0p(gpf7B,,r.VlOX HJ-ARS IIIM m ii^PL^rD t?1 ajA-taAart ticket. f TRfmetftaf last-Rr**?l_i*_ th# lan- hall of Cooper tji-loa,' urr?r the A9B ttm People's Munlolpal lf.?qr- tolbear thf>Jrj0&n>'?>T tb* F.-v. Dr. Thomas J. BRaajr. ln aRvr-r of NfeJOandatat- an the Antl Tammany tlr-et. waRone of RSa-tnost MtRhalMtlc that ha* taken plaee slnra' tha t*a*tpalgn beghn. Hundreda of pef Bons who wtahed to'R?<v Rrto the ball were unabta to do so: still they rhCtarfrom onf-l,1e wlth as mncb vigor aa thonah they had heard what the orator aald. Tha pt-xrortn *.*_ tBBttmtBt ?n'1 ,hr *Nl*s leading , lo the.plettam tn the ra_r. B**dy of the hall were also i flla-st. a?B_Tj_ng one of the rrush and pnsh and ex? cltement wh)eh ta known only, a. a mle, durlng the helght ot; a PpaROenttal ea_pnv_ The presenec oi* Father Dtteey was the attrartion of the evenlng. and H waa apparmt from the app**aranee of the aodlenre, without at all rrpeaklng of tha applaase wlth whl'-b the leetarwr wa? pixeted. that a majority of thoae preaent were Rnman Cathollea and peraons who were formeriy aeeaatomed to vote the Tammany Hall tieket. I'r Jeremtah Couahlln, the president of the Antl Poverty Soelety, called the rneetlna to order. When he stepped npon the pla'form ln company wlth the Rev. Dr. R. Heber Newton. a onlted eheer went up whlch fatrly Bhook the walta of the blg bulldlng. In the front B?_ta a large number of peraons had found placea whlch they are aecustomed to ocrupy when tht Rev. Dr. Edward McGlynn make*. his weekly addresaes to the members of the Antl-Pnverty fiaclety. Among those present were !Sy!ve?te-- L. I Malone, of Brooklyn: James P. Arrhlbald. R. J, ! Ref'onnel], and John J. Bealln. Dr. CouRhlln noir. lnated the Rev. Dr. Newton as chalrrnan of tho meet i lng. Dr. Newton said ln part: "It ta Bcareely neeessary to tatroduce Father ! Dneey to a New-York audienre. I walfced down town j wlth him one <1ar and tamoi lt almost lmposslble to J earry on a eonversation with him. without being In tcrruptert every moment, *o mueh was he engaced ln , aeknowledplng the salutatlons of the many pei-son. j who pasaod that knew him. (Applause.) Father Ducey has been one af the most indefaticable men ? ln this movement. whlrh is dlrected apiins, w-rong and corrupt! >a, and whirh ls ln behalf of Justlee and of llgkt (Applaase.) Father Dtirey ls 1 >yal fo his | church and loyal to h!s riUzenship. and is a llving j denial of the i-frairr that the Cathollc ls nat a true ; clUzen." ,Applause.' When Fathi-i- Daeey got up to speak he was j unable to go on for two mlnutes. so eontlOMMS was tho cheering. He said among other things: ?? It ls ' the duty of every public man, and cupectnlly of 1 every mlnlster of Ihe Gospel, to Uke an actlve ' personul laterest ln the welfare of his I eountry and of his city. and to see Uat good citizens , are elected to public oflice in tbe city and in the state and in the Natiou Iapplausei; and these are in sub , stanee the wunta of the bighest dignltary of the I Catholic Church ln ti?' United states?cardlnal Gib bons. (Applau-.-. i - Mlnlsters of rellgion have a greater responsibllity , ln thta regard than other citlzens. lApptaus-.l Tho present goxernme-it of New-York ta a disgruce to ti.e lnhabttaata and to c.viiliaiion (proionged cheering and applauoc, again and ae_n reneVed., and hniwing thki h pure city i? esaeutial to U.e real pr -gies* of this great metnp Us. we are d^termlned lo liKht the good light aud to porsevexe untii we att_n tlie end for whieh we are ainung, no niatfr how mueh i-idicuie, alanJer or . aiumny the eneniiea of the people , *eo Ut to eaat upou us. ilmmense ch.-ering.) "Thi. morning a New-York newspaper Informed the pubhc tnat a certaln Father Dnoey .derisive laughter, *--a. t<> make thls evening a bitto.- and parnsan liarangue againat a ccrt_in hall 111 t~b city. Nor*. my fnends and fc-llow-elti-k-ns. all tliat Father Ducey ls going to do is to exerclse tbe rlght whlch belongs to ex-ery Amerlean titizen. to critici*** the maladministra tion of tbe eity's alfairs, and to point out where. tn his opinion, improvemenU can be made: and lmprovements. he thlnks. can be made by getting a majority of the citiaens of New-York to defeat, by their votes .m No vember 4, tlie present municipal administration. (Ap? plause., Thla'paper sald, or inslnuated, that I would not appear here to-uight. But am I not here* (Ureai choeriag., Tiua t_U. whicn thi* paper a_d 1 wa Hoine to wUUe professiug u> be loyal to mv race and poUtical falth. has done more t?an ali other aarcniiea to degrade my race and my faith in the eyes of the Ameriean people. 'Applause, again and aealn reuewed.. , ? Two of the noble-t men that thls eountry lias pro duced were born in thi* elty of parents, and . b.v, txeua sjh_. voloea aad Haraa*- to t a*ir les.soi, ttfrt-trlifor-eet a noy. and tne ressouB ?nioh Uiey ln eulcated still rtag tn my eara Theaa men s na-nes were t barles O't-onor and James T. Bnafc .applau^i. and tliey taught me to beware of these halta. (Re newed applause.) Why should the clerpy be4nil.efl atfainst bv tbe newspapers for tlie stand that thev bave lafeeu In thi* coniest I is it laerause of the ?ide whieh th-y Lave takon 1 Did you e.e:- hear any elargy mal found fault wlth tor apeu?tns lu favor of the pol-Ucai unlverslt*' ln F.-urwentb *t. * ,A volce.^-1 Lhouid say notl" Langhter and nppluUfce.) 1 shoiUrt ?ai not. either. my R+eoa. So long a> the clergymen suit our particuiar xlews, thex- are all rlght, other wtae, 1 suppobc. Uiey are all wTORf.7 (Dcrl^lve laughter.) m EXTHU-tASnC MEET1NGS TS BROOKLYN. OFRICIAL. BAL-OTS TO BE INSPECx-D-FE-lrR-S OF THE C?R~kBm Tha RepubMeans of the uptowm portlon of Brooklyn fflW Turn Hall, tn f*umter st.. last evenlng ln the lnu-rests of the candldacy of WUIlam Watson for Mem iier of Assembly in the XIlUi Di.-tnct. Tha liev. Dr. A. stewart Walth presided. Bpseriias were made by Dr. Walsh. e.\-rH.'nat.Tr Jacob Wa-th and Mr. Wawon. all of whom were recelved with enthusia.-m. Mr. Watson expressed cn-at oonfldenc- that he would win despite the opposition of John Y. JlcKane and hi? friends ln C.nivesend. who wUl support aU the Re pubhean candidates save Mr. Watson. EnU,UfU_stic meetings were held by the Federal Club in Uie Twentieth Ward. b.v the Twcntx flrat Ward BepoMkRBS in Delmonieo Hall. and ln nearly all Uie Eu-stern Distriet wanK William Kramer a<l dre-sed half a dozen meeUngs in the interest of hi> eampalgn for blierifl. To-nluht Uiere wUl be a meeUng of Thirteenth Ward Republican s in the Bedtord Avenue Ta^ernacle, a? bouth Thlrd st. About 1.^:00 ex ?ilunteer flremen and prlnters paral ed last evenlng ln the Interests of John Courtney. the Demoeratie candidate for Bhertit. The start wa* made from the (.ity Hall. and after ruarchlng to Atlantic-ave. and the Bar. a boat was taken to Broadway. Th< march was then taken up the priuclpal streeto of the EBbiern Distriet. where Justlee* Courtney aod Kenna reviewed the llne at Bertford-ave. and Broadway^ The Board of Eleetions ln Brooklyn ha* Informed liallllll that Uiey can lnspect the ofhclal h-Ma bearing thelr name. to-morrow between 9 a. m. and 1 jTdeaf mut* named/BUlaW Lelplt. ls reglstered from No. 170 Atl-ntlc-ave. ?e ta not a cltuen *?<J^? he thought he was loinlng a club. He was held ln ?500 ball ye-terday. Judge Bartlett heard argument. yesterday upon M appliration by John L. ClUMs. the Republi.-ai. canrt, date for Congreas lu the lat Dtatrlct. for a mandamu> U, (ompel County Clerk Oatphln, of Queens I ounty. la atrlk^ the name of James W. Coveit from the o randidata, flled by tl.e Gleason lnterest to be pr.nte.1 a- an lndenendent tieket. as lt appaars on lha regular Ueket. Deeision was r,-served. Wllllam Domeyer. the So- iallstlc Labor eand date for 8apamsat oi |ka Twenty-slxth W.rd. d.e.ilai. Wednesday. As his death did not ocrur elght da>s betore the election. the vacancy cannot be fllled Judt-e Bartlett yeaierOay .Itamtased the ?*PPllc*fon to have vtrlcken from the>' of the town of lllgh UifKl ..rai.g- Countv. the name* of James Craney and hia son. of the Weat Point Hotel. on the grju-d that IRM live upon land ceded to the Oovernrifcnt. and Uaer.-tor? not . part of < ?ran?e County. Judge Bart.ard clerld.* on Wedneaday upon a like uueat <<n ln Po_rhka?*i>*le holdiag that |l~BSH hving Wi8?8 ^LVot^imm\Zmmt\^ \\\ZotMtmt SSTrflSe? ftreVht ,a,*th7%mnd tha. __aTla_aito>a. the Ust of qualiOed voter. ln the Jr^rth Strtet .R the town on ^Zax^it^C^m u, law Thev were taken hetoTr L nlted Mat*> tom _i^oner AUen and s-ted, ttot lt JW-J*~+ \ntlOmn Uiat they had ?lols_Jta ??T *?d ** were released upon thelr own r****a*-B*n^'-*ea- .? The r*-tTlatra_on trom Barrea BBOXOf. t^Jg___ ni.sety-etalr. aod there svara MSRMH ?880MgM ^ievihr***! r.<tst_rx-4 from that ?SSKfJfCSS; Asthe namea of Ixty of ^JSm&m\mm^oWu appeared li. the Ust. ol voters. thelr reeorOs wui i>e toveaULfaled T\*"i n_JtfiYlC?R TO WORK AT THE POLLS. The xneetrng ln sopport of the People*. Mnnlcip League held laat evenlng at the RloornlngdaJe Re formwl Chereh. Boele-.rd and 8_th-eiglrth-B4.. em phas'red the faet that the eh-m ara taldng a mi> acen and ronstafltta mereaatng m'erest in fho canvass The aueodawe w_ larfe aaat the a#grerUtlo,. of thr ?re_ dlrected cata at Taouaany ml?rnle wa. er^rea-asd hv enthwRa-tte aod ?fenerou. applaswe. Many women " u9Mni Tha Rev Madlson C Peters. pac?ir ??( _! b^. Dr. C.- P. W. BMI-S8. of the MaMaoa Awute B-RRt CR_?-: B_?-_8?'fc. A RteanR-l Atoert __nu.?. a._ vt. j. aihooo. Tbe ***'__! B. Heber KewToa .ent * tott_r rtr_fret *?_-*? wrltten .peeeh. Dr. Umendorf aad Pr. Tobon ox preased thelr l_tent_on 0f t_r.on_Uv worklng at tha polls. ^^ MAYOR GRAlfl,} CIWSUS. APPB-1* g DETEWcrnn. to work this " B-*-" t-"***"11* THE ELSOTIOX 18 H_I_> Governor Hlll reaehed tbe Hoffman '.loose-oon after dai_ last evenlng, aod be ftmnd Mayor Grant. Rlrhard Crober. and flcereUry Speer, of the Mayor'* oSce, waltlng for him. They went Immedlately to the Oor ernor _ roam. Tbe Msyor thi Mr. C ober ha I ev d -ntlv long ago made up thelr mlnds what they aould do ln the matter. whleh Taminany Hail ls Just now uslng to sttraet the attention of the voter. of New York from Tammany*. eorrnpt record. and all they wanted was a publlc announrement from the (t__emor that he was ln sympathy wtth them In that effort They dld not remaln wlth the Oovernor long. tmt the Mayor _in 1 hls secretary hurried down to the CMy HaU. where tliey went to work on a letter to the Secretary of the Interlor. After they had goue Oovernor Hlll refnaed to tell what was dlgenssed at hls lntnrvlew wlth the Mayor and Mr. Croker. The letter whlch the Mayor and hls _ecre.ery got o_t My. that there was not Ume for the Mayor to procure all the proofs whicb he could get. showlng that the Federal Cen.u. wa. not a rorrect one. and that lt was necessary, for reaaons unexplalned, for him to use the utmost ln preeejitlng what he bad. Tbe Mayor flrst refers as proof the ortglnal enum eratlon boohs of the first flve ward. of the clty. but ho says lhat these books do not lnciade the entire populatlon of theae ward. a_ returned by the pollee enumerator., a_ there have been -ereral addition. made to thc .chcdules .inee the flrst books were put ln the Mayor'. bar.ds. The Mayor hoMs that the popu ladou In the_e ward. i. decreaatng ln place ot increea lng. He further say? that lf the popui i-ion of the __cond Ward, whlch be selects. ts less than 1.000. whlle the F_IthI Oeasaa placed the number of thc in habitante of that district at over 1.300. he ls wllUi'g to concede th- accumry of the Federal count. rne thlrd p__>f whlch thc Mayor l_ a compntation of the inhahltanj* on the basis of the r*glstration or the Ia_t Natlonal election. The registrntl-n in 1*p? was a llttle uv. r ?__. ...<_>o. Tlie Mayor's last prool U a eomputation of the names ln fh_ clty directory SPEAKER REED IN SflCHIGAN. ADDRESSIXG E.YTH USIASTIC ACDIEXC-S IN ADRIAN AXD DETROIT. Detroit. Oct. 30.-Speaker T. B. Reed made his flrst speeeh in Mlrhigan at Adrian thls afternoon before a large aud enthu-iastic audience. Hla remarhs were oonflned ali::o>t exrliuilvely lo the tariff $_?$____? and the effect of the McKlnley bill. Mr. Reed was met at Adrian by a crmmittee from this clty who e-eorted him here to address a mon .tex maas-mceting this eveniug. The rink was rrowde.1 to overflowlng when he was Introducod. II- addresa was opened by reference to the rules whlch were adopted by the last and whirh gave to the majorlty the right coiif.-iTed upon them by the people. He made a pa. _ing r__rence to the Solld Ponth and eulogUed the Lodge blll a_* a measurc to give the people the Hbeetjr of an honest and Just ballot. He d eclared the work of the la_t Congress to be tlie bj-st and greate.t of all, i_* none other ha.1 -.-re_ ta thn.w down tlie gauntlet a* they had done in pa-sing the Tariff bill ln the face of an impending elec? tion. Mr. R.-ed's -ul..juenr remarks were d?v<it_i entlrely to tl*e MeKlnley blU. The etfcer eveakcn were General R. A. Algcr. S. M. Cutcheon and HibUird Baker. -?-?? THE WTOWAM*S L.V. T DEHPAIRING EFFORT. Tammany HaU U makinc fra'rtJr efforts to make a show of strengtfi a_id $nthusiaam at the ma_s meeting to be lieW at the Wlgwam to-nlght. Ex Judge Lei'e_ ter Holme and hls ?? sp ?llblnding*' committee pretende-l to be highly encour.ii.-e_l because they thought tbe names of Senators .roo-man. of Maryland, and Eu-.tls, _ Louislana. whom they have taken the liberty of an nounring as liavlng ?? promi-ed" to be preaent. would draw a re. pertable crowd. The meeting ls to be a last despairl._g effort to rorivtnce the voter. of New York that the flght is purely cm DemocraUc. llne. and to befog them a* to the real __uee of fhe campalen. It ls predirted by ,ul__antial and solid Dem.. rau w*ho are supporting Mr. Scott and the Cnion ticket that Messrs. Oorman and Eu-tis. lf they do appear. will steer as clear o_ kx-al politlos a*. Mr. CYlsp. of Oeorgla. ,Ud lae. w?ek. If the f-.nator*. fall to appenr. W.,___** nckrari John R. FeUow. . Anthony Jj.-hoff. " lcewan TurnSr _n.I "ldM -U-ral ^P'nola are tl.e best _____-. to be offered to fill ta tbe gaps. a MXXIOO _ RCMORED DtTY ON AMERICAM CATTLE WasMngton. Oct. Tfc>.-Tbe Dopartment of S.ate l? without Information re^perting U.e alleged impo.ltion by Mexico of a il$.illta Mtlng duty of $:.00 p r cxr l,?d on American cattle. which 1* n-ported irom the West. AcUng Secreury Adce snys that when th. Mexican Government- by a decre. IseMd a ye-ir ago, ln creased tne duties on lmported ratt.c and ?___ . _hl.h. by the way, were general _nd not dir ded e? pccAllv BMjktomt t?e Lnlted .*t_t__i. the D p__-t.i,em o: Sta^? wa* inlormed of the _____ wlthln tw.-nty-Iour hnure; and, whlle he cannot deuy the la_treperied BC uon. he la eompaHBi to d.mbt lt Kan__* Citv. Mo.. Ort 30.--Regardlng the prohlbl tory Mosicau dutU.s on Amerlcan cattle, the fnllow Ing dispaUh. leedved hetv to day. seems to be _____! tlVr tv of Mealeo Oet aO.-l_e__ lt "" adrt.tional duty on 1ve n her than U__ which ha- been ln force durlng U.e la-t twaltre months lha wrilT U ,e.?g W.-.5. and ahoaM a OO* dnty * **-\****_ g%s?i ?? ^%r_oS__r 9 WHERE TAX VAL-.VTMN-. WERE INCRE.^ED. Tho l'eopl. s h? laaued a clKular U whicb ? -?e* i* BMsihil aho_i.._ that thc hvtnttt ot th* tax valuatlon. of tho rc_W.n bound-d by thc BaWery. romna-ve.. Eart r_arl___.th_t _nd BlrM__-__, under Mayor Grant wa. $120,_1- .',9. ?-' NfrTES OF THE CAXVASS. A B_at mrt of .-oiartd t* _* wltt t. held at Mort_n ?nd Bleeck-T -t-- le-BlBbt, and arlll mdora.- the __sf_es Munic.',.! La-u. teeaty aaariaaMbaa. The Rev. AJea wacr Walt,r- WlU pr ? &<? ** among th. .peaker. w.J t?. F M -he Rey.. Dr. W. B. DeHleB. tlie Rev. B R Sm.t... BanKai _. T. Mo-gan. Jr.. Con.ellu. Donovan Lucla* L. Van All,... M.ior io__. W. M. Randnlph. Krauk Karr.h and Loui* Lat.ra.r. TUc Praiicla M. Sk:o_ lt_i.|?lgn Club of th? VIth viu_>_.-lv D.srlct. comijosed nialnly of H-brewa, was ?r,a..l-d U-t ni-ht at No. 80 MeiMk-i S-V.nty-Qv. _IH1? w.r. eunllrd. Th. Mlewlaf ls X* \* of oBic rs: Preadent Moses Le_l_-___l ?_-B-|$?bH nt. John p sch__-_; seeNtaiy. H. P. Luh_; twaww Un noiiter*. su$saatalai-BS, No-J. Fn_-ni?n. Th_ ciut, lnd_r__d tae noimnaUon* of custav Mcnulnfcr for Aa ?-__blr and W.a_a_n Oaaey tor Al-.rimui. A r_U0c.t.o_ i,,*l.n_ wlU bc h-ld tomorr-w uight rt the san.* |_aee. BjtftM hm.dr-d Rputl.can. cr.wd'd lnU. ta? h.ll ?t No n7<"> BftXhM*. a-Sl nignt to attend the r_g'i_r meeting nf th- Voimg M n*. Club of the Vlh A?t_>n.blv District. Among the apc-J-er. wmisj W_l_r Iog_j. li. CotttOf, U*-rg- Blliz.rd. A. Morehou*.- an'l Cufwlt-. Danevaa, Xto i_?,tiiur eandi-ate for Coiigr^ss ln the Vltn D.?tric_ Cr.-oriie H. Bru-iune.r. pre-id-ut of U_c club, |i.sidt_. Xwa -aaillar ?w held la-t nlght ?t Xo. 449 Elghth .ve. one U. th- !___? '_ t_>e RcpuMI-an n ot ta. XVUi A_s. nibiv Dlstrlet and the otn _ . _nas*Die-Ung. ln rhe _t_e.l. M>i--h enth.i.lMr.i ._* n_Milf_ted by tM i ro?d taat s. ra A .r.und th. .p.aker*' pl.tform. Ad? dr*-** mott ttbto by Jo-eph 1*. O?Flynn. Edc uud C Lee. l olonel liu-enbury md John H. C. X. vlua. Tbe Mgular w._-kly ? -tlng of the Vlth A?embly Dla? trlet K.p_bll_an Aiiielltlsa wa. beld laat t-_Bta$ a* No. 45_ ?inuid-.t.. wlth Theoclore Broadh-ad ln U.e chair. Ih- mt.r-stiug featur- of th- tn-taig ?aa an ad_J_?? by Job l_ U'_gi?. -ttrstary of th'' **t*_ League of Repub? llcan Uub-. who spoke upon the munlclpal iMue. of the nre__it .-au.palgn. A _(?*_._. wu gl^en ln Weat Ormnga, M. J-. hvst evenlng to BtaS Xt. < ?ndlt. the Republlcan noinlnec for Caotress in the Vltfi XtmJetttj ttoXtttt, by ***_** lata of Sfewaift. Tn*y _-..-ch?_ titt torches ?'id _BB< n-ra to tbe hon.- of Mr. Caodlt. In thc llne were the E. M foodlt A..oclatl.a. th.- 11. M. Doremu. ArtiHery. _<? Hecrr A I _-Kr A._-_tloo. the \>.-r_n 6?ldl?. and -mi.orV A_4_clatlon. .nd the Kourih Ward K-.xiblK-.'' Club At the home nf Mr Condlt a_dre_._a were mad i,v C. Wllbur Mott. ..-neral __ Burd Crubb and other* Mr. Cendk trsd- a tt/M reply. The eniPll'i ?epub!,can? nf tl.c IXth Asaerobiy WBB__ had ? rouslng ___etlng lMt nlght ln thr B;ee.ker Bulldng. at Ble_-k-r and MorU.n sta., to r?_f_ th- P-ople'a Munl elD.1 -ean. _____ Fr.n_lln B. Mlll-r prealri.d. _>d ,plr_he. were n._?le bv WlUlam J. <i.___n. ***** Arpleton. Henry -owenthal and J. Nobie Hay_. A letter >H read trmr, KrancU M. 8. ott, regretl-ng a'? Inab-lltv to be prcent kl _e meeting. llapld tranalt wl.l t_ tbe Ui___e di-..ia_<_ to-nlght M the People*. Munlclpal I__._____--.Ung In*!. ln wood Aju-rig ___ ap-ak.ra ._p.et_ to be praaent ar. KrancU M. IkoU. Joha W. Ood. WIlllfB H- BcuamT Uenry Aluaan aad Tuooa. F. Tlmmlna. Th. EstAAor KcpubUraa Clnb wlU hav. chanre of th< meeting. The ProhiUUaaUt. held a i____.-___-U__g a* Chlekermg HaU laat clgb- Th? hall wm run. hlltA by a" $**? ?.nblage of a_a. women ai.d ehildmi, whe hearfly ?P plaud. _ thc aaun. WlUlara T. W?____l. tB. Pr^iblttor. -__ia_lM- for tont-ollcr. prealded. T__-I?.v. Haary B. Hu-Uun open^ U_ aervlce. wlta ptwyer. A____a?? tt* \umt4 ttom ___ _?*'. Dr. Charlea V. _?-_-. Prol^aor k. A. Mor,ala. W. Jennuifa Demonac, the randldeu. f?r Mayor Ckarlaa E. Ma_-_*. .Jeorge ?. v___i. X. L wT_s_I?t. l__Ut_>r of 'Th* V__a," and otht-x. _t a !__? ___:? mmmtlmu * u* XiXtb BM9MM*A DUtl!-* ?s* a* buaaa tBtm a mmBm\ 8ms l_ Jttm M. Saarls. Oinagt P. Glrooda*. ThaakM V. TRbbbIbi ?? ?????? Tlas mmmBBm aa RaaaR ib ?aaa tanv*_ rs P-w*td thal _ a_-__* Ox* mmmU paeRaa af __ _?tncl ther fsaad _*> tapaoilcaaa who warla* aot hav. r-gi*t-r?4 ???pt far Uaslt p?f, Wllaaa 8p?***. aod O- ort- F. Or?der wm ateetat M i^aaa la ?pWB? the ort-.iia Uan at ?. rrasetuiB af tha Raaac ra* elaba af the disukt. I* waa dretted le Ml a retUtoe*!-' BnaRag IHB8888- er_lng ia il?t Of t-? , lt_.bl_-.Bja. Tka M8?11 ta ftiiaahm BaR. m Basaod avo.. last evaa taff. .rgBatlsed by p. H. tf'-aa lnfiose-al labor -ader la tha Xvitr. laaaa,ihtj Dtatrlct waa atta_d?d by aa eathaa?Mia efowd at vatara w*a are appoasst la tka ca.,dl?tca of Ta__?ty Hall. M.-. Spellman spoka elo quently. orglaf hta baarera to work hard en Noxemhr 4 tr. eleet tha aotlrc antl Tarnrr,any tt?et A larp ly attended roac?? ra* ?s Rr?-Mleeria of tha Hld Anaaibiy DlstrVt waa heM laat evenioa la Room 4. Cooper Valoa. C?trtaa H. iiurray praai.ed. and apeeehaa tn favor of tha aatl-Tamau-y Ueket were mada by PoUee J'.istie* Chartea N. Taintor, Rleix-laa Ftah, T. A. Engbhardt aad Or. J. Rrown The ?_ ?in Repoolleaa Aaaoetall? of th* XXII. Aa-M-ab y Diatriet will bold a ra inasal? ra**rl *ur to-dar al t'aloa Uali, No. 1,501 aeeaoa-axa, ta n.dor-a Ihe Paople's Munle pal Laagae faoaat aud Ihe Diatriet Uaket Another rousinj aceting waa held laat night at No. 678 Tenth*-?. by Uve Qtwtnan Re-rAIlcan Aasoctatl? of tha XVHth Aaa?lbty Distrti*.. Adolph Ooebet pro sided. John o. Bojd, Edward Leffaaa, C_orlas A. 1?mm*r, K.publlcan nomln**- for Coaareaatnan ln tha Xith Diatriet; Henry Power*. ot th* People'a Municipal L?fua; K*?rt Mlller, Rapubllcan nomln** for AMBBB?8 of the XVII itii Distriet, and olhera made speeehes whlch were recelved with the frsaieat ***thuslaa_. A letter from Prancls M. Seott, rBgrettliig that his numerous en ~*"?enu would nol pennrt him to be preeent, and corn - pllmer.tlnf the aaaoelattor- for thslr aarnesC work ln the interests of fooa go*-?ram_t, waa read by the aeeretary, Louls Sehnel?>r, Jr. o REFORMING THE TXJRF. PIZRRE I/)mLL__0*S UNION CLUB DINNER ALL THE RACI-3 MAGNATB8 THERE-WHAT THEY DID. One of theae days the world may learn all that oc? eurred at Plerre Lorillard's dlnner at the Union Clnb last nlght and this mornlng. Good news aa well aa bad newa generally leaks ont and by and by gets Into the pape.-s. Bo mueh ls known: Mr. Lortlland. who ha? had numeroas hobbiee ta his very actlve llfe? men of genlus always have hobbles?has almost coneluded to let Tuxedo take eare of Itsclf. while he Ukes eare of the turf, or rather under - takes to reform the turf. It is a noble undertaklng. May he succeed. He haxs long brooded over the daliy Increaslng evidence that the turf ls irolng dowu hlll. and he would like to come forward as a modern Hercules to cleanse the Augiean stal.le. Last nlght he gatliered his friends about him and Invited them to relleve themselves of whatever oplnlons they mlght entertain. The tabie was set for twentv - four. OlUllianj there were to be twenty-elght plates. but W. L. Scott was obllged to decline an inxitation owLng to illneas, the Hf?(glns, J. B. and Ben Ali. were kept away by busl? ness elsewhere and -senator Hearst waa called to Cali fornia Theae gentlemen were aadly missed. but tlieir abaence tm In a meaaure atoned for by th.: hilarit.' that prevai 1*4 among the Twenty-Four who wero not absent. Al 1 o'clock thls mornlng a card sent Into the b? mootllH I?11 at Uie club retumed wlth the mlscel Uneons lnformatlon that tliere was a heap of SPOOCBJ? fying goinir on, and the gentlen.en were so imraersed tn an animated diseusslon of turf matters aa to be really unable to Ml what was going on aasaas them. Everx thing would come to tbe front later in the day or nest year. It was bellcved on exeellent authortty that these gentlemen. all dlstinpilshed ln mahv waxs. were the Twentv Four that broke bread wlth tlw Xiaater of Rancocas; D. D. WIthers. sage of Urook dale and head of MonmouUi Park; A. J. Cassattt presldent of the Monmouth Aaaoetatlon: Auiru-st Ilel mont, Jam? (ialway, John A. Morri'. owner of Moriis Park; Alfrcd llennen Morrls, J. H. Bradford. J. G. K. Lawrence. seeretary nf the C. I. J. C.: Colonel Lawrenro Klp, John Hunter, Captaln J. H. Cost-r, rpiesentlrg Uie Llnden Blood-Horse Assnclation: John ,i. Heckscher, Corneiius Fellow?s, ex-Oox-ernor Georg: Peabody W'e/tmore. J. O. Donuer. James R. Keene, Gen? eral Danlel Buttcrfleld, K. C. Lltingston. H. DoOaweey Forbes, presldent of the N. Y. J. C.; F. f.ray Grl? wold. T. Hurnham Baldwln and Predertck Ho y. The x-enensble Leonard V.'. Jerome was n t pn sent. Mr. Jerome haa been 111 for some Ume, and sa_s fur __ra***9 to-morrow for a long aojonrn. At 1:30 ? -Rtlngul.shed-looking gentleman came doxi'nsialrs and graeiousiy voltuitecred the Informv Uon that he was the flrst of the guests to be allowed io leave tne tabie. "I made my little ipeecfc*" he aald. "and left them doing tlie ?ame. Mr. Lawrence made sex-eral sp^-eches:" He bowed low bottoued his coat to his rubleund ahla and fafled away into Uie night. It waa afterward learned that he ii Uie hnad wiiter nf the In.mi Cluh. Tke ruenu wa* arranis'ed by John G. Hec?cher. SBOOTING BIS 8MALL BROTHER. AN HIGHTTEAW OLD BOT WALKS TO A HOS riTAL WITH A BL'LLET IN IX HIs BRAIN. John A. V. Al?lo. flfteen years old. of No. 5&*i Park ave.. and hia brother Wllllam. e.-ght year, old. ln Uie abseni-e af thelr parents yesterday afternoon. got SOOM inolasses and made some candy. When lt came to 3 dlvUlon of the candy John, who is a bljt. strofiK boy for Ma age, thought that he onghft to have a larg-r aharc than Wliliam. who Is sniall and puny. This did not suit Wliliam at .Ul and hc Insisted upon ?ivin% uu aqoal dlvision. Th?-y had a wordy dlspute for so:ue time. and all the whlle Uieir tempers were belng aroaaed. 1?0 boya an- Cubans and both have violcnt tempers. A'ter John liad ta.:en more of the candy than properly belonged to him, Wliliam tried to p.-t It back by force. He struck John. and after Uiey h.wl wresUed lopethet for a few momeuta John puil.-d a sm-U self actmg revolver from Us p.Kket. He savs tliat he did It to frighien Wilham. He .r.apiied the pistol Mveral tlase. in Wlll__*a tooo, and then there was a nport. Wllllam fell to Uie floor and blood tlowed trom a sruall wound ln Uie centre of Ids fore liead. xmly one elramber of tlr- rev.jlvr had a cr trulge ln it, and the ball passed Uirough tlie boy'a akull Into his brain. Aithough Joiin was-frlghtened %t what he had done, he did not loae his pre?ence of mind, but got his tuothefs apron and tled up Uie wound. The injured bov did not lose conaeiousness, and after the effei t al the fchcx-k pa^-eA away he got on his feet aod began to cry. John trteU to stop the flow of blood. but waa not eucce?ful? Then he put his arm an-und his brotber's waist and Uiey walked together to Mount nlnai Htrifttal. several blocks awaor. Tbe house stugeon saw at once the serious nature of the wound and put the boy ln a oot. It is beileved that Uie ball entered a considerable dlitance Into Uie boy'e brain. His symptom.. soon became alannlng and at a 1-te hour il waa said at the hospltal Uiat Uiere waa only a sniall chanee of his reeovery. Captaln Gun ner, of Uie bluty seventh-st. statlon heard of Use shooUog and sent D? tet-tlve Campbell to make an lnvektlgaUon. Tne de tectlve got enough lnformatiou to wanant the arrest of John and he was lorked up. The revolver waa taken from him at the pollce statlon. He said that he liad carried It since laaf July. and afterward co.itru di?-ted the Itatf tflt He s:ud that the sliootlng waat a< cldental and that he did Dot mean to shoot Ma brother. Mrs. Auldo called at the pollce station last evenlng. She w?* greatly exelted and den.anded the of her son. The prisoner WUl be ?ken to Uie Vorkvllie Court thls morulng. WELCOMING TBEIR CONSCL BOME. TBE. ITALlA.v COL01XT HAS AN ENJOTABLE TIME IN TAMMANT HALL The Itellan coliny mn?*ered ln strong frirce last nlght at Tammany Hall to welcome back thelr C^.nsul-Gen eraL G. P. Rlva. who had reeently returned from Italy. The large hall was decora'ed wlth Ameriean aod Italian dr*as. whlle the dlff-rent bright unlforms of the s..ver-_ gnard* gave a elieerful cotoring to the dressee of the men and women who fllled the hall. Consnl-General Rlva arrived al 8:30 p. m. ae companlea by Vlee-Co?-__s NaaelU and Poma. He was rer_ved by a commlttee conalstlni; of Laigl B?llaro*a. prealdont; Vlneenso Romano, Te-idoTo Parombo. R < arluccl, F. Be Lorenao. A. Leamltl. 9. Volpe. f>. , arKirale. A. DelM Paoll. V. Rortnt. L. Trola. G. Bar kHtl Capt.ln Caatelta o. A. De Caro. O. Borlello. and R Ntcco and guards trom the folin***lng so-rletlea: C/rono d'ltalU r.arlbaldi. Itallan Veterans, Vlctor Rramanuel aod Amadeua. Bpeechoa of welcome were made by A. LeajnlR. 8. Cantonl. R. Rlohelaaielo aod Captaln 8. Perraco. _ _ . . Amoag others preaent were R. Grlllo. L. Rovorai. G. Lordi T TeaJdl. C. Baraottl. Dr. 2uoehl. Dr. Aaaalta. fhevaher Cont**neln, Joe P*coraro. L. ErtmcAk, G. bonanno. G. Te__o. ftoft-we CiJIS^S. F. do Lorenao. Dr. Abtmo. Oaplala R. Uodl. ^<rolmr M. Lemml, V. d'Aatoalo. A. Lapenl^ Reeara. O. Roaao. F. vai-?._ a r Aatart?. R-afio BAato, G. Guarante. ttSk??______i ?*"*n- '?Vo!pe' ? __* t_J3 w_M_?t ap tUl a lala hoar. PENNINGTON'S ANNIVERSARY. THE SEM1 -CE-.TE_.-_AL JIJBILEE OF THE WELL-OO .TO NEW JEKSEY SCHOOL. i I AD-R-OSBM, HTSTORICAL kXTt R_Ml_nSCBNT. BT MA.VT OF THE ALUMNI-TO-DAT'S PRO .RAMME. rBT TBl.B__B.l-i TO THS T ?_.tr___] Pennlngton. If. J., Oet. 30 l-peelaD.-The seenV canteanla] Jnbll <v_ of Pennlngtoa Semlnary began laat nlght wlth a reeeptton by the undergradoate. ln tha MetBodMt Chnreh of the llttle vllla$. _ Penrrtnfton. There was a musleal and llterary entertalnmeot, the following stodents taklng part: B. Ooerdeler, Xlas E. Belle Clarfce, of Oeean Qtoot, V. J.; H. 8. _?__ borough. of HaJOmor.; Mlaa E. Wadley, Mlaa Ray Mor ris. MIm Maggie Bnrd, Mlaa Helaa 1_rwtUlg_r. _ Elien vUle, N. y. ; George E. Barber. of Asbory Parfc; T. Rrown. of Mlaa X. V. __ri__n, L. E. Travis. of .;ng fi ing. N. Y.', Mr. S ulzer. ol Tren ton; M_s Jnlta Hoack. of Waahlngt ofl; Mlas 8. Stewarl of Rrooklyn; Lools ifleb. of Camden, X. J., aod Miss A. a. Connell. of Scrantoo., Penn. The exercises began thls mornlng In the _ethod_t Church, whlch was crowded wlth .todenta, atamni and j friend. of the inHtltutkm. General James F. Ru*llnc. pre?idf.>t of the board of tnistees. preslded. On the platform were a number of promlnent men. Beneatb a canopy of buntlng over the platform bong tbe por tralt of the Rev. John Knox *haw. the fotinder of Pennlngton fteminary. President Hanlon made the sddres. of welcome, which was answered by the Rev. a. K. Street, one of the o_e*t mlnlsters of tbe New-Jersey Couferenee and the only survlving member of the ttrst vtaltiag com? mittee to the Mminary commencem.nt General Rusilng then apoke of the sue____ of tlie lnstltuil n, paylng a hlgh trlbute to Dr. Hunlon _ antlring eflorts and ablllty. An intcrcsting addrcss on the lnfluence of the p_.p__.fory sehools npon tlie success of stn dente ln oollege was mide by President Patton, of Prlnceton Universlty. The Rev. W. V. Kelly, cl New-York, made an addresa full of reminiscencea of ihe Institution a early 9*0. Tlie mornlng sesslon closed wlth ad elo_uent address on "Comrnde." by the Kev. A. J. Palmer. The afternoon exercises were pre*ided over by the Rev. Dr. J. B. Graw, pr.sldlag eldex of the Trenton district. ITofe_or Jolin R. ILin.on, vlce-presldent of Pennlngton semlnary, belng lutn _ured. gave a acbi.l arly ad-lress on "Tlw Educatlonal atandard of Pen nington .Semlnary,*' dv-elllng on the importance of thoroughne-s in tho classroom. Tlie Rev. Joseph G&s kell then told about -The Flrst Students of Pen nington." Willis Fletcher Jo___u>on, ol The Tribune, dellvered an able address on -? CoetiucaUon at Penning ton,'' referring espeeially to the retltiing lnflnen<*e_ B> education should have upon Uie munuers and morais of young men. He said the day b* BBBBBi when we should say: - Here has man set up an lntellectual staudard. to wlui h wo nan must conform ln oi_er to be his oqaal"; but rather: ?? Here BBB woraan set the standard, and man, to be 'ter mu*t up to lt." Mr. Johnsou's addresa waa reeeived with great enthusiasm. The exercises of the afternoon clu_ed wlth remarta by Henry Baker, on "The Fliwt In eocporaieca>a The evenlng sesslon was opened with prayer hy the Rev. Mr. Moore. after which Pre-ident Hanlon kitroduced Mr. Johnson as prcsidlng ofllc.-r of the evenlng. After the _ngmg of the reu_.ii ode. the Rev. Dr. B. C. Llpplncott was Bt_BB_t_d to tho I audlence as the repr_-_ntative of Alpha < miega, tho oldest literary soclety of Pennlngton BBfl.ii-B-7. He gave an interesting skleich of tho ht.i...> nt the soctety, dw.lLng at some leng h npon the MBtlBBB ren dered by General R-ullng. lts founder, and Dp. A. M. Coney, lts flrst president. Ihe slnging of the Alpha ode followed the addresa. Mr. Joh_*on then ______ duced E. C. Si.yder. of Wesleyan ruive. Ity. as a repre_entAtlve of the Phllomathean Soclety. Mr. Synder made a bright little speeeh. ln the course of I whlch he had something to say about th_ ______? and first pre-ident, Colonel G. G. Oreen. .' vVood hury, N. J-: (.nvernor Rubert Taylor. of I_P.,esa$$_ senator Alfrod Taylor. G. C. Dalres. G. T. Craftmer. Judge J. Frank Fort, of Newark, N. J., and many other members of the soclety. Mr. Snyder ls thc young.-t man on the Jubllee prograinme. The ode of the Philoniath-an Society was then sung. Judge J. Frank Fort, of Newark. N. J.. followed Mr. Snyder with a wltty ttddreas. The f_.lll-__BB so? clety was ably represented by Mrs. Jeannie Fish Ber dan, who lu the course ol her remarks menUoned many former members of her BtttMRf. among them the lare Mrs. Mattle Baeklej N elson. r_ Paterson, X. J., who establi-lied the _____ EtarklQ Nelsoo medaL I-._idcnt Reed, of Dic__n*on cli-ge. was the next ipcahnr Ile made an earne?t appea! for the up building and perpetuatl-ii of preparatory sehools, ihowtng the inahiiity of pablte and hlgh -h>__ u> p.-epare men and women for coll- ? ? He waa hcartlly applaud-d. Dr. Lloyd Wllbur followed Dr. Reed. giving remitiisrences of Drs. Coolt .md Vail; and tho exerclset were brought to a cl ae a1th >ome reminis cemes of Dr. Wiley by the I.. v O. I.. Dobbtot, of Trenton. Tlie e\crcl*es of fhe dav were .iit.-r.-p.rs_l with mu-tc by tbe Ki'ter.hou-e urrbeatra. of Trratoa. The pr-_ramn,e for tn mormw ls an Intetv-tlng one. Governor Abbetr. ol N -w-.h-r-ev. wlU p. -i .' in the momLng: and Governor B_S>. <>t -*_$?_-$? at the afternoon BBBtloe. OBITiARY. JOHN 50BT01C John Norton, the head of the large and well-known flrm of Jol.n Norton _ Bott, of No. M WaU_t, ship ping men-hants. dled yesterday mornlng from heart _t?tM at his home. No. S9T Henry-st.. Brooklyn. He BBd been falllng since -unday. Mr. Norton was OM of the laree.*t and best known shipplng merchant in t!le .-ountry. He was bor seventy-t!ir*_ years ago in Bastporl Me., and came here about flfty years ago. He wa* twtCB ?__?$<, and to** a wldow, four ianghten and a MO, Edward. Mr. Norton lost a son. Attgustas, three years ago, nnd another, Ellery. about l-r>7. He had a brother, Thomas, who ls promlnent in Brazil tniil-. Mr. Norton was flrst ln business here ln the .rm of RusscU A Norton. shlpplng merchant* tn the W.-t Indies trade. Twenty years ago he took hls ?oaa in partnership wfth TTtm. and at the tlme of hls death he had vassill sailing ta La Hatte. Buenos Ayres. Rosario, Port Ellzabeth. t-Uth AM$B and many other place*. He was a member of the Church of the Holy Trtnlty, at Montague and Cllr.ton sts., Brooklyn. The ____eral will be held at his home to-morrow at | ::iO p. m.. the Rev. Ur. ChArJe* H. Hall offlclating. The burial wlli be at (Tfeenwood. COT'NT F.Dl'ARD D'AT'XY. The fni_ral ;>f Count Eduard d'Auxy, who dled on Wedneaday at the PavUlun Hotel. West New Brlghu>n. s. L. will be held thi* monung at the church of ot. Vlncent de Paul. Ln May last the Count. who U unmarried. with hls brother. the Due d^Auxy. the Duches- d'Auxy and their Utree-year-oM daughter. enga?ced a ?utte of room_ at thc Pavilion Hotel. The Count became lll about two wceks a?o from ga-trttls. on Tueeday la-t. whUe out walking. he was _eiz-d wlth a chlll, and he tlnally dled from pneumonia. Count d'Auxy was born ln Belglum ln 1 ?$?. Hls famlly U one of tlje oldest ln Europe. his oldest brother belng Due and Man.uls by prlm-genifure. All the daughter. born slnce the relgn of Charles VIII <_f Franc. have been C.t_nt___es. whlle the _-ond. thlrd and fourth *on* have been Counu. Hi. mother MM one of the noblltty of Austrla. The dead Count*. brother. the Due d'Auxy. ma ried Charl $$$ Soutter. the wldow of BobeM . oufter. formerly of Nerw-York. Mar qul. Csen-vUe Prodtnes. her flr.t cousln. waa Senator from Nime*. and at one tlme private .ecretary to Count de Cba-abeea. Her father. G. P. Lamar. was a coualn of Ju _k$ L. Q C. Lamar. of the Unlted State. Supreme Court. Mr. Lamar was for many years president of the Bank <_ the Republlc of New-.ork. Th. Duehe.. waa wme >.ar. i_o Involved ln a law *uit wlth W. K. soutter a_ executor of the e*tate of hU father. Jamea T. Soutter. who was a banker. The .ulta were brought _ff an accounting ln the Interest of tbe wldow of Robert Soutter. who left four chlldren. The Due d'Auxy and hi. wlfe evpeet to return - Europe next .prlng .nd take Uie body of Count d'Auxy wlth them. Meaniime, the body wlU be kept ln a recelvlng vault. ANTHONY BENSOJf. Khyert-n Oet. 30 (Special. -Anthony Beneoc, treae orer of the Clrter and Delaware Railway Compwy. and one of the oM_t me_h_nu ln thi. city. dled here today. after a brief Ulne_s, .ged _eventy-fc_r. He waa one of the best-known reaidenta here. lie waa born la Mai__town. th*. eonnty. had been a fanner and havlng ratnove* aere ln l._?. s_ga?ed la the ?__? and leed bo__ne?. a__rwar$ going lato tha groeery trade He had been etosely -lenttfled wlth the Clater and Detaware ReUi-ad froas Rs toeeptiem, seeretary and ut-wuiur of the B<_a__t BoMam Bank over twenty vear. dlreetor of tbe Flrst -fattonal Bank of Bpndoat for fl-teen year.. J B^?' J_*_\___ *? _^_?*_ matters aod a pUhw * _X* ___***_* *H^oAM Chai-h here *ar lw___lr-d'e y___a-. _________!?$? THE Malt Kxtract. Tha B**?t MoinUre T?la Ri all tasea af uvsPEPSIa. MALXUTlUTfON ta CO*f. VAI__C_X(._. PLLMOIT. ART aad Thi*)? Uu-ibla. lndoraed by all phyrtelans ffcreughoat tha ctrllizaa warU. There 1* notiiiag "just aa good" whea roa cao obuin tho 0.a?.n* anlele. whlch haa the dgeamre af -JOHaJIR HOFF" oa tha ne*k af exeij bctUe. Ci*a?r aV ntmOmlomm Ca., Soie Agenta R Rarclya iMrrsi. .New-Yark. CLOSINC OUT. 500 Wardrobe Folding Beds In Oak, antique finish ; aifd Cherry. maliogany fliiinh; to make room for Holiday Novelties. If yoa want a Folding Bed, now is yoar chanee. 1 *?_QC for this style WardroUe Fold* , <0_.u iug Lei, in oak or cherry, I large French bevel platf j.rlass. A great number of other patteiit Also bargainsinParlor and Cham ber Furniture at the Brooklyn Furniture Co., Retail Manufacturers, 559 to 571 Fulton St.. |_BROOKLYN, N. Y. STRANGERS IN THE CITY Are. Invlted to look over our warerooma, and wltl ^la;a pr.ces on exery article th>-y can laatlt? aai that bealdet the gmtf \arl-ty of art:*tt<* pa**?? th-it **? exrlnaiv-ei*! show. we und ,>?*11 the trade twenty to Mty pr cent, belng wllllng to tuia gaaaa for a factnry pr R8, ai;d Jusl no*** some vetf haadaoMM p.o-a are inarsd laara to remnr?? rat.-s, Ihal ai'- Xht '*!<la aud ends that serx.d aa aa_plea mar en. and n._? rfKm lat ?B* new a?.c_? of the oomlu_ holi?v aaaua GEO.C.FLINTCO, FIKMriHE MAKER**, 104. 10B IMI lajj fft-T 14TH ST. ^^~*~*"*?"^*^**M***"*T***^T~",'~*^~W~^ James II. F.veretf. nf tlie lst Ulster Distriet, R a son. lu law of Mr. Ik-nson. SriflDU IX TBB PARE An nntnT-vrn ni.'i. abasl forty years old, wlth .andv mustache. dark h.ilr lUgfctly baid and neotly dreased in a dark ?tt of rl tht*. xxith ralfsal? shoes. shot him seli near >i,.unt >t. Vlnrent Hotel. in Central Park. about b o'rlo, :< li-; ev.-nini*. Nothi,:|r s_ foond on h|| pers ,:i whirh might lend to hia identity. His Nx'r wh. iHi.en t<. tha Moriru". II- -hot iumaelf ln t.i right temple x*ith a .JiM-ai.bre pMol of a cueap _al.<_ THE TTPEWRITEF. <,Ii(Lf PA IROSS. I From Th? WashinpUn Post. A voung wlio ls an e.xpert with the machine and li_ a p.-euv fatt and a pleaalng tr.-iner reeently t..,.k rharge of un o_ce in one of tlie leading ho~ls in \V_hinpton. . , . -. ._ ??The averaer lmlr-lall^t., snd she, talking Of ner aafrons - w a ?pevim*n ?f man thai IrrlUta- me be yond mcaaaiT Ha - cencrally very nervons aM alxvavs in a liurrv : u-uallv ha* mort to say than .-x has "time ta say it in. II- wttl dl<t_ua a few Uaea, i,.,.i Into lriBO'i'*rabi ? .,<? 't?? " ??>? tnr-w th'-ra a>id-. scan all the dailv pap.-r-. then all of a <rndd_n Id r..-.-ar^ to lum tlut ln; mwtt see a man ln tria eafe. Ha retui-ns ln about the sp^-e of tlme lt would Uk*i to make a OCCktall and ilrlnk it. aud OnUhes h!a aitlcl.'. I do not WM to work f'>r 1;>nrn_lsts: they aro extn-mi-iy nervous ard maUe Um operator s.1. They will noi uermit you ux stop work for anything. You must bimply play tlie keys unt.l tli-ey say stop. rhey will tell yoa anv lnierruptlon diaturbs their Un? of tiiou?ht. ai.d you will be _-?e<l le reroal orer a slngla 1 MntMhte as many as a doten tlm.w. riiey wlll no. j alkiw you t<> eorr**ct an ern.r. saylru* it takea np ton 1 mueh &M: tliat they prefer lo do tl.e rorr*?.-tlng them aelvos. The:r work Is ganerally very inieresuag. bu? in doine it vou are eitlier kept very MMI or worfc ln analehea a few Unes at a time ilt depond* somewhal on how 'many Umea tliat man ln Uie cafe has to ba "^?T?i newspaper man ls bad enou^-h. but dellvar me from the man who is writlng a book. The ml.ilstw baS doctor are two classes of people I am actnaiiy afrald of not of themselvea. but of the terrlbly long and dlfflrult word? they use. I remomber once wHttoa Z very R-f *ermon from dlctatlon, and I know about half the word- were mlsspelled, aud If that man had not t,een a mlnister I know be would hare gone ouMide and talked to hlms.:lX. Medical work is even mora diflirult than Blbllral, and several plixslriam* havo told me tliat lf typewriter operators would make a ?per|al study of mediral work. leam the terms. ele., they would be pald almost any price for thelr work. -Tho man about town oecaslonally strolla ln, Ra ls aaaat Ukely to be very audactpus and v<*rv hlaiiea seeming apparentlv to have nothlng to do n*_ Mll time, whlcli he does by cliinnlng to the operator and intervtewlni* her bx asklng how many adn rer. ?n#) has. tf she beU on the raees. what slie shoea ahe weai-s, aud flnally end* np bv asklng her to go to dtnner a8 one of the swell hotels. thlnklng probably to lmpraaa her, but ln this Instance ahe is not impre-jsed; lt la aa old story. . . -The sportlng man has oeeaslon sometimea ta *r_ta a tvpewrltlng ofUco when he wanta to send a 1 ater to a fnend out of tovrn. gix-lng hun a tlp on the rr?as. Ile pavs well and talks the same. "Then there ls the man whom all hotel atraeDea abomlnate; wlio Is here to patnt the towr r*-d. anjt waa si-ema to hax-o nothlng to do b? t<> get drunk aod sober np. Ile sits In the same rlialr all day, hall asleep. aod would prolnbly ga fast t.Wp were lt ao8 that his numeroua and freo.uent vi-lti to the cafa kex-p him ?anovlng. The nlgtit befon; he leavea foi* home he wlll dictate a letier to his wlie, ?lllng her how lonesome he ha* Ottn her: bow husy ha has been; w|mt a mlscrable though beautuul cltv Washlngton Is. anvwav. and how dellgbtea he wlU be to aet home once more. ?The man who has lots to say. hut ca nrva* put Ma thoiigbta Into words afford* the operator mach s-mu-. ment. I had an cxperienro wlth sueh a eharartf_* the other day Ile waa frooi Ruryland. I an* om Ing toward rhe a tall. gaunt lonltlng fellow. wlth hav seed expres-ilon everx-wbere about him. He wora a liome-.pur> sult and a I-ename hat. whieh he p-illlalr dofled as he addr-ssed me wlth: ?? -Sav Miss what ls that there arranaement yoai bc 8Mb?M at; ls lt one ot tl.em writlrtg uiaeh1*. a I've heard tell about' Well. now. I want lu arl'a a letter to mv tr.rl. I want la t?*ll her I a ?> bei> ail rlrrht and somethlng alaiut thi- '"re rlty. but I d.m* hiiow lust how to si-srt ln. Can't you Jual wrlie a niee letter for me and tall Recky just whnt I s to sayt Make ,t niee and floaery. you kaow. *r mteta l? -* beat drl going; the'* a d.slsy, sfea - ' "I begtn the lefer wlth Ihe qaotat"vi. T'< mfM Io*t *0 s'ght, to m"m?H*x- dear" and "naile t later?^*ing and flowery to the extent of thraa pagea. Ry ronnlrv c asln *ead lt 'oo' ni *t me. and -ott Well. hv goa'i. after Rerkv re_ls that she wlll take the flrst trat'. fb*? xx'ashlnirton for she'll want to see eoox of Uh>*? thinca she re*-* aboat.' ... MVhe*, I told h m 7? eent. wrai lh* eharsr he tn>'c a "o-g l^athir pc-fkatbor* ont of bla -xxk-t. . ni'R a huze --oll o? greasy b'll*. lad *_ rn, Ma d?? an.l sald- 4Wd you sav T5 ean'at ?reat Hr.att! II woaM be ch*ap at B2 \ Uke thal and eall It >-|,,sre ? After promlslni- tn brtng Reekv MJRMinil a'a rome*, to WMhtngton. ha poefceMd his l*Rar aa4 rrfrod. away. , _v? . b Oh__M?I aa (mtrOttvtro mOTtm OBB Hror ma wlth hl* confldence. and dletale sorri*- drx- cnlntere?i ?nr? t*w paper. 1 know ahont wha? to expe**' Ha w?U ataee on rar *>?? th* <n?*a*t arrav of eahiatr*, iiM.ri'.. 8??i and *aot-tgM*i thst it wa* avor rar m.-fotona ?o bah"M. and probably beain |a d c'ate a bHef. and wfll app ai to av* a* the ima-inarr Jndrre or Jary I?*?J***? "?"??. ?? J'll bb rto^nrss, fo- from three R? tom- hoar* R th' U**** lt a. a-aBT UVes him to get ln shap* a W4ral?r wKar.' aa ha ealla tha br.?f. Py tho ttmo t have flroaha-1 | a-a nulte rrady tn rm home and dream of al\_-ca " ' aad tnaaR of pnmlae aoiu."