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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. FOR AN ELF.CTRIC RAIIAYAY TO NF.W TTRECHT. The rapily growlng siiburbs <?1 the city on th<- south west, Weat Brooklyn. Elylhcbouine. Y.m Pelt Iiv'.or. Bath Broch and R.-nsonliur-i. i.iloixl a flne BtM ?? prospe?Uve protlU fn.m sui-faee travel and a new compwiy haa Just been formed to bnild an ****** road, ln addltlun lo the gBMflaBMI al lhe line* of tl.e ErooMvn Cltv Rallroad Cmpany Into this recmn. Tho new .orporution is C4ille.l the West Brooklm Electrte Railroad Company. :md it lavs out its ronte from Thlrty ninthst. and aeoond-ave.. I" Th.rty ninth ?U, tho Ratl. road ai.d Eightocntli****,, * Cropsey-ave.. New-Itrwl.t. only a amall port um of tl.e ****** the eitv. and that ls oecupled 99 a nillroaa track ln Thirtv-nintl.-st.. BBOBaBl B> Weventh avea. The entire i-cute ls lour mlles BBi ? hall " '"K'dlmtors al the oaBfSBf nre Rlchard Hawley. Charles Hellowe. T? Allen N. spenee und **? Bm* nedv. of w.-st B o tfga ! HaAaM H. ***** *** ****** fi. KadfoK. ol ?w-Y..rk. TfcBflMB Q* 9****. 8-*>* ?aM. Jaaafk f. f** ? WUBaai P. Bm, ******* WMJ r__i_____. jsw vt**** ss 5?w?s ,rr^he,,Ui *^. Aicl/li tl,- bou.-van. of New i'tov.htwl'l H-rio.Ulv objeet to an eleotrie road ln lt. R topJd **** *** *** in ********* neU il,rt,,K TRYINti TO PROYE A COLONIAI. TITLE. The ca e of Alfred Eoo BSBlMt CBlflBBB A. f>trong. 00 tnal before .lusticc Hartlctt. ln tBa Supreme Court reMcrday. involve.s U*e titles to valuablo real cstato on Long Wat.d and Matihattan Ulaiid. The su.t. whlrh 1, an ?ld one. was brought l.y Mrs. Ellzabeth Floyd. to compci tho defetidiuiti to remove a bridgc BCNBa a plert of tornn r BMaSO* lati.l. at Sprlng's Nrck. Tl.e caae t itut flPefl the t.tle to tho ?BBiBW and tl.e FW homeaP-ad ad1'.li.ii.i.'. Ofl tlie seeond trial. * JSSB, the plaintlff won. aud tlw- (icneral Term afflrmed IM IggMMB. The OBBfl of ApyBflM ordered B BB* V* ? IIBIIBI, on tlie ground tl.rat i:> ISSS, after tl.e Engllsh ocrupatlon of New York. all t?e laiids in New-York and UM IsUt.d not 98****** ***** liy the ******* * iMBBB were grw.tcd |0 Uio towns. and BBMM UM i.lainflfT could slmw .lo. un.euti.ry title. or prove that her _UIIllll bad lhe pn.perty ****** 1<i,;0' **.*__ mm be baM to bc faulty. Ot a ?2?*?f,'S gj rourt of Appoals raveraed IU own declslon. on u Sl tkat itwouid orartkrow IBa titie ta aiB * U? Ui wh.< li oceupled ln OotoflW "?ftJJjg rexo.-ds prevtotis to ISOO were dafBOttWB. ?*I"W ??? li.u-re.tlng eotonW raeoj*. ****JL*t?$& tlio tltl" to the property wt-re read. J.istiws naju... r?aerved lils dcci?lou. llimiUM TROFRLES DBOVB iflM BO DEATH. Osear (.aliiiKhi. who coniniitU-d siiieide by f.Mooting himself in Pli.lade.Ipliia on Thursday. lived at No. 390 , umbcrland st.. BlOOklya. Hc waa f^n.erly the man? ager of C. \V. H. COBtar. the New York ******* ***** twemw, and in .lanuary VflBl into parti.ewbip with loBfl A. Mulle-r and Henry Yogel iindcr IBa llrm name 01 Muller. OalBMBI A Yogcl to nn..iiif*rtuie and BIBBgragrH- inks at No. 100 Haekman st. New Y?,U. H? left Ua hon,.- Ofl Tuesday mmlflg in *P MMHOr good gBtflta. U is not k.iown whe.-e i.e spen, neatei BlgBt, bol fraSaaaiag ba wa^ .n KcwOFart and wit to PBUaSelpMB. Bflalaaaa Mwablaa . uauouMfSiv eaaael Um Io kU bUBaeW. ??. OattnrtU M m, is money lo go tO PBlMSelphbV The d?ul bbbb'i Uuloeaa bflflbta ente aanaei bv a iwte lor $000 Wblcb WM Bflfll foi non l.avn.ent and aaBflTfli blin grcatly. TBare was al- ???f'I'"?? ?!^ liicmbers of ils own tirni. Ills lawyci v/l'MU* J-^ti"i-d a on the Flrsl Xatlonal Vmli pt lu-oiik u i fo ? * t-v* drawn by Mr. ll?llu*UI belore hl* aulcWo. it B. iiot behevwi that Ba had amooat of money la any bauk. _ _ HE IIAD (<?KK HBKLS IN 108 BTOdaSOS. Anotlier BttOBpt tO defeat tl.e ptOVlBloaa of UM Clvil Scrvire rcgaMUofla haa Just con.e to light. ARJiough lhe BflMala tell or the laoldCBl t***9 ****** to elve IBB name * IBa BMB. Ha appl.ed lor ex amlnatloii aa n COBdMata for a plaee on the pollee loica. WBBfl Maaared by PoBea Barpaofl FBfd Ba *_, found to be aader the aBadaid helglH * Bn ** .oven in.hes. The next day his bn.iliei vMBod \S. J. I). Ci.inpbell, s,-(i-et?ry ol tlie Civil Scrviee OOOB aifcilna whom be knew. ..i.d s.,1.1 nut tboN waa ? ?Baabha for aornral paraooa Bad ateoanred Ma brothei and he was 0*1.' tive. f-et -ven in.lie-. Mr. Caap beii flaaUy agreed t-? aaaaanre tiie eandMata himself. He did ao and found 1.1m ii\<- feet -ven and u .juart.-i inrhe-. Hc. IhoagM UM BMB'a b *l* vv-i-e aluiornial nnd a-l-ed Ma 1" r'-.niv- hB BOCba. 1 'PQB /-xaiiiina Hon they wert IWwd to be padded h?U an imh wltb ...ik. ihe candMnte and hia brothor trted to laugh ihe niattcr oll as a Joke. MAKIN.l A BTBBBT RA1I.W.VY sYNLHATE. Tho Frooitiyn city Ballfflad Ooaapaay ycatarday Oled certiticaU-s of ti-a;.?fer fo it Ol tl.e i-ntii-e OSpltal -t". k of the NewAVilli.-mi-tiiin: and HatbaaB, UM Orand frtroel and Newtown, Ihe Hrooklyn CroaatOWO, tlw Onoapolal ajid LorlaMr Mreet, the Calvaiy OeaMteiy aml tho OraaapolBl and liinokivn rallroad ooaapaalea. All these. r.?ds had in-en leaaed by the Brooklyn Clty Railroad ri,iiipai.y, but by this . hange the I!r< >kly,i city Company boaonwa i'ie ownei- nf ;;:i tin-, roada. The company now Imld- H'l Blilea of track <r eighty mi!e?! of railroa.i. it vtrtoallj owni the Baeond-ave. Itne from the Thlrty nltlth-at f'-ii'.v and i- tnal.iiic an ele.-trie road of it now. The Flatbush-ave. line is to 1,.- ? -i-nded to Piti'i.iiids, and if lhe AMermen will cou aeiit :.ll the will loon i/.' run l.y alectrleity. ?XTEBAL BEQUE^W TO C11AB1TY. The wOl i-f l-anc ii. FnrtBlaghrn waa oit.-it<i fm probi.te yaaterday. By IM tcrni the c-t;ite iv left to hb ehudr-.'i rableel t<> baqneeM ol S1.000 eaeh to the gmadcMMrea, 8?fi00 t.. the i rooklyn HoqiBaL c:m i to the Urooklya LlbraiT, lhe Brooklyn lu dustnul gebool an.l Huine for Iiestitut'- Fhillreu. and UM l'roie>t.ii.t Oiphflll AsyJum. and ISOO eaeh to the gocletar for Ike K'-iief ol Beapaetabk Agod Indlirenl F.-i.i.i.-s, the Home (or Xeeo Hen, the Home fnr Oonaamptivea and the < hUdreu'a AM .-otieiy. IN AID OF THI'. M IBINER8' PAMILY ASYLUM. A fair for ike bei efll nf tha Marin. ra1 i aailly Aaytam nf CHfton, Stat?n I-:;md. ?j- t*f -n. i! Jf atC idlj i.i the JMUMOO Bulldinrr ut Knitni-t. ^nd Ptetbaah-OVe. Many baBdaoOM bciths wata i-.?:i - ??! around tb urooai .-. Itb aaefal aaa IBaej rrtlck-s for aaM oa then. A reataaiaal ->nd groeery .~^.i w/ro an.o.ig Bm olbei attractliH.a. Many people areie pre-ent bntli a't. :n000 :?:.-. -\ Dlng. Mra. II. II. .l;n k-im it. peeeMcat * lha beard, Mn '? A. Coraer rlee-prealdent, Bn, Frai,. ,s MeDoaald eorrttapoi ??--. MiaaMarj C. Rutin-if.iid reeordlng -? ??i-t-.iy imd Mra. ?'? W. Johoaoa treaeur.r. The dlfferent bootfaa w-i- iu ebarge *t Mra. Carver, Mra, Dewaoa, Mn. Doanlay, Mn, Qeotga B. Joir?? er, Hit I ".,.:. tb. Mi,-,- Ooodwta, Mr-. William T. DeniM-, lhe Mlaaaa Bawy -, Mlaa Ratherfotd, Mlss ai.-x a:.d?-i-, Mn. C. U. i.'in.oi. Mn. Edwarda, lha Klng'? Dautihteri, nf tha Klaapaou MeUiodLi Bptaraaal Churrh, Mlai BMa Bhadea aad Mra. K. J. (iooda-la. 'lhe Mli trtu lu on tM-Ci- . > ? OAT11KBBO ABOUT TIIK TOWlf. Tl-.o v.-rdii t i-i lha eoaoa r*a Juiv in the caso of AiRvd Olaen, u.e vlrtlai <?! ih*- biyaterioaa shfxitlng in sjxticti:-t.. in ni- Pllth ;ivi... on Oetober 19, la th.a be eame t<? Mfl death hy u ganakol WOOOd in the bm k, lallctai by aoaae anknoam peraoo, AU BM Inrostiga tlana <;f xiie B?w-CtrBekt aatkorltlea, hy tho Eighteentli Preclael pollea, have lalled lo Ikrow anj light flfCa the i.iatte.-. The exai.iiiiati.ti of Eirl B. Chaee, the banlter. who was held lor graad Mroeny la eoanectloo arltb some iiotea drawn t,? the urder uf tka Oalvary Baptial Ckareh and iBflBBCl <i. H<i!lan<l, Wfla h'-ld yesterday in the t?otca Avei.uo Kdiee Couri. Tlie tlu.rges were di.s mlssed. Morris Sc-eley. tlfty gaara old, of South Third-it. near Wilheave.. yestertiay BflamOOfl attempted to drive a hort,v- attackad t.. a hHek-oaM are* tka L"i.; laMad lUllroad tracka al AttanlM an?i ciasMiu uv.-.., wkaa hc aa.s attaeh hy aa aaglne aad laataatly klllaB, The havaa **?*? **'--" MIMd aad tha aatl SaaaMkBeS, Ike Itntes were cluaed at tka lina-, but se'loy drove luto mm*, htaaktag th.-ui Soara. The (nltx-rt Lramuli. AaaOftatlafl wlll open their aca mu at the iliookly.i A.iideiny of MflBM 011 Nov.-m h?r '-? with M.Kee F.v.i In's ? (iolden Olaiil." The tiates lor the otler pi-lfoinutiees l.av. been tlxed for l>e.-mber 10, Jaaaary 12, Pekraary d, M..r< ii 4 nnd April b. Dr. a. Y. w. Jaekaaa Metarad upon -The Intro du-t:.>n BBd F-arly Hi-toiv al t'e BngBafe l.a.igung'.- m t,r*-A\ Bittaia* bcloaa ifca DapartaMBl * PkUoMgy M th^ nioakljn insiitute yaaterdag Mteraoaa. When a del'-t'i.tnx. "f baalaeBI men asked Mavor Cfcafln jraaaerSaj ta .'i'i M aeoariag tka paateg of Baaaaa-ave. wlth graalta bMnka, ike Ma.01 ^uid ha i.iuld pixiinisc nothiug t.'iis but he li.timutod ihat there waaM be a blll pivsentcd to the LetWlature next winter aaklag for more money for street Impi-ovtment!,. The tlitl. of the ?eiie? of organ eaflflgrtl ln Plymouil. Church under the ilfgaUafl t* s B, Whiteley alll be glvcn at 4 p. iu. to-iia--. MaSBBM II. Iraneklyn, of the Roval Aradeniv ol Mu-ie, UflSofl, wlll sinp vlce tlons from Hande: and lUydn. Mr. WWteley aiil play mnalc by Wagaar, Lls?t and SlendeUsohn. William H Kaufniann, a letter rarrier, who drew ti,e ]i-,v of Ihree i,f Ma Baaartala and then absronded la^t W***8* a'"' ***** lfl*B?Bfli a",;i' * had spej.. the mouey, waa sent to olng Maf MaM MBBfl yctei-day tor two year* Jba llainUtoB Traat Company bas elected WllllaiB -1 ? Highe-t of all in L-eavening IWr.-U. S. Gov't Rcport, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking ABSOUrJTELY PURE ?. Lyon flrst vlce-pretldent. and A. J. IhBBh ?*ond 4 ire-prealdent. ,,, .???., ?_. *]0O2Z\\*XTlA*m\\mm lirooklTi. wlll be eaten on IXremb. r - apeaher. wtH be Oaaaral Jolm W. *f^?^o? ine.Uinrld.e. ex-Oovc.nor WUe ****** ?^'krt' Moraa Willlam Cnrtl* and Ur. Tnlmage. Pnl.ra Captain Freneh, ot IhB 5^_e?___gft has rcclved a gold and dlamond badge. worth *^>0. in bonoTol hls ??-??? bi.thday. which orrurred .... Thtirsday. Thc new *tairr_,se* ronnectlng the ferry-hon*e al Ji:*.^ the elevated ******** Jj*^ atata at 4 a. m. to-dav. Tl.ey have 888* $10,000. and S; exUted to prava a gnet pablte convenleuce. H03f.t7 yjgira PROMINENT AR^aTsTtTIIE "OTELS ALRRMARLR Qaeraa W. WBrte, BtgreMty o ti/u s. ,,.? i. at bt. PeUrsl.urK. ASTOll-T. V. PetNeriJ, '* ranton. Fenn. ???-W12.=*SS JTS-J KnstiH. of IxruLU-Ui. CLAKFXDON-A dl?P ,ede. BW-. Mlnister at WaahJagtSB. J5J5^VRRU& N,.Non PBC*. of Rfchmond. V:. 1 IM l_VL W.vno Mae-aaCb. of renn.yl??la. > ll. R*\,'" -MM a. Raaaan. of leare; l-.of-^-or RHBRaa ... Jmmer. ,f,,, and **>C.Bg..aaaiaa **<*****/*J^ k! .,! onlo. ST. .lAMES-Attorney-Goneral John P- bt~* tou, ot Rcw-Jei-cy. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. oreat RagaAUaaa taaaa aai tta.,. c<-oDer CaJaa. 8 ?. ~; H -f-Menv AaM Tao?MT aaniailHlBf, Bbb-i nrv Maaa, i i>- m. Llnden l'ark race*. 2 p. m. ,-nte?t? Maahattaa aim, ut Oa* ?"d Saiford Beerteea aaaBaal , M*dlM?> Sq.-aro Garden. 8 P- rn. viti. AaeeaaUS DMtMeB ReB?Mtoaa AtaaalatlBa No. a Norfolk-st, 8 t>. m. ? _._-.-? XVHh ABM-My P1*t.ict Republicn A**ltBI?? ><>? .81 A4*enue 11. 8 p. m. - -??? nid ABBBBBMy Distiiot naaatalaaa meeting, lirook*. A*?Lmlilr Rooms 8 u. >?? __??ir. Colunbla (..lie.e sti.denU." Antl-Tim.-any 88881-81, Berkelev Uwviiiii, 8 p. >"? , - llluatratlon of Ballot law. Federa, Club, 8 p.? M 7th Raabaaaa Vabsraa Ctah. erabbaaee. "TJLbi* Athletic AB-tMtM. game*. ManhatUn AU.Ietic. ""orS'^^Yor^Athlotlc Ch* football mate,,. ** ^'oltrcuiege.C.e.eent footh.U m.tch, Broo.iyn, I NEW-YORK CITY. The Rev. Dr. DU is aL_ty-tbrea year* cld 10 Tbe open aaa?- for ?aaO aai laaa* *8f**?"l ??> gina to-day in V lii-* Slate. TB, new Issu, of -Tha Ncw-Vorh ^'f^"(^ wliich ...av be Obtalned lree .... **+**^"**^ ?fflce aai BoaMaflka station-. eoatalna -?P???; it boara of deala. mails and la Po*o?ee William Mcdurc. an old nu-.nbor of tta ******* sa?rs*aiwr??r?s or. i? tbe Pa..e,-,es. Mr. rr.n.e. tbe aaalati. - m ?mn. haa been n.ade .miit for baalaaaa i? tba araa ou d.nies of tiic ofJea. Thc,r wkk b has been in lhe drv dock ,t the M.vy Yard for tbree weeba, barln* i4-palr* I,,- to ,u. stcrn ptolaa, -.,i,? 44erc ta-**lwj? t',e cruiscr Ralti.nore ran Ber uobh _B IBaitoa Harboi n Beptoaa-er, aa. Imtai aat al the *o_bjraataalar. SJS. B>-Uaai trim to go to tbe Waat on a ? lalae. , , . Tl,,- t,nt.i anniversary ot the I.o-rerr IttkUok ...d Yoi.iiK Mear-t lion.c aHI u.Ue ptoea *t the MIbbIob , lii.H*.. Ra. 88 Bawaay. tomorrow ailernoon at .. "eloek, aiid-at T ::w in the avaalag. Tba rattea Baarl iraaiaiiai ?aa|l_?a1 Oew* ('0(,Lan1nspec.orofc,.'ti'>,.i:.t.vT4ven,y-l^ tion Distri.t .,f tne XXiiid A-manbly Di.-t...t. to -i !:;i,S,,,,ionoi, tliotlii,,. dav of i^ratio, ni- Btaaaaa ^us Ibal N aaa akB aai bad taaaa toa .nurli .|uliiliic. A musl,,i,i and lity.a.y entertarnment tor tbe bjiefl ,/tllca.ine^ Minday MhiKil Bf tta;f*?r-;?. ?* Ktraogera wlU ba Hvaa at Aaacaaaltoa Hall aa IM evenini ol >'ovciiiI?.t io. ,,?,?,,,, hare raahetl forward aappitoa af prbne ta] to;in,,u,it,.,...r,.w?s?,,'-,arh,,. QacBatl *. to tbe t..-i ait at tho aaaaaalli toa Bfarea -f BB aal .<? MBta pei loo pouiui-* The tanawaa oa "T^ ImperiataWa Book. or l?roofa tbat tbe Btble la Wvtoa," whleb are belng '-' .1 v..,.t!.-st., are attraattog toaalaarable _^J'n' uxbe Betoatlflt laat," Um Bfib tenaoa la the aarlaa, 4vill be dclivered I'Hiwnw fivemnp. ___-?*>- "??* SOTES OF TBE STAGK. T?e eaal for -AM tor Her.- wWeb will ba pr*; s.,,,,,. (or ibe first tlaae la tbl* oaaatt. at tba TWA Avenca Theatra next Thu.vday evantng, will ba aa aa l0WS: _. W. II. K. lluyli lr.4or .j B i)o_-,ii Hadford..Joaep*.? ?r"? I.oi-l' .x M 'j^.i.,,!! 4 ol?n,'l l?an ,r. -.; NV !Ul, ?? H?."llt->".ii,.'.| ,ri i ..'.liurt Lla_*ay.*? ii vv,-cbart ^.,ol,"> ..'.SeyineBt ii" s Orryrten* .???? i. liard .lohiihon.. ' ^ Wnite .V:,;:;.r,.,,.,?.:::mus n,hi- c*mi*.ii ?? i-iuisf wlll 1* 8ung in BaaUah at tl.e II utoBB Opera -llons.' thl* Bftenooe and -ll Tn.vatore" tln- eve.i.nir. ? Ebtaetto" wiii be. ?laaaatiBl for ..niy two 4v.-eks nora ,t H.-rimaim's Theatre. and " Thc Bat" wlll be glT? wltt a to include Miss Mlmile, I.illv i'osl, Mi. Wlllie and Richurd OatTOU. OPEXIXG OF TllE 8BBYJAS gKUFTCBISm, To-day the sesslon of tho Sltnpt. hlna. or Nation.l vs-eii.viy of Sorvla, la to bo opoaai at RelfraBe. The ilection of Its menib-Ts took pla. o in tbe latt-T p_rt ogseptoaibar, and thc Oovanuaeal lias a pail Baajorltjf in tbe aea AaaoaaMp. its p-ini-im-. tbe Bad i U . carriod 118 aaatai the Ubatala, 15, and tBM I'io-rs.i-.n. ?_. The uppmlllnn ta thc late Aaaaaabiy eoaated 13 vides. Tho fariaaaaeatary attaattoo reaaalaa tbera f ,re in the i-iurn' rondition. and lhe pottttoal itatoa ?f se-yia ha> n"t chan-.-l mn.-ii eitber, it haa ratber impiwcd in t" -atoraattoaal BRalra, WI boat waabOBlag lha BtoaBly rolatlaaa wbich have alwayt prevallai bctwei-n Sorvh *nd ?aaria, the Dotgraale Reaooey haa aaMinaiial ha Baatfrlafi thc aimcr reeently dhiplayed by Auatrla on account of Ibe V. 11 ?f l:cr |,i?t fe, cx-K.fiK Mllin. I" the wiiv >f rc]iri-;als. tho Aaftro-Hanaanaa Oafanaaaat n*d BaaUy aaeMei to aMha a blow at **ervU., by prohibitiii- the eatra. into Aaatrta of Bervlaa garfaao, aater the pw-.-xt tin*. they wata .il-4-a.ed. Th,- potb baatiMi h eaa .f lhe arineip-l htaarhoa of Barvlaa eoaaaaorca, and tha three Refenta who govcrn ln tha aaaM ..f the raaai Kln. Alexaodar atanapi so ihttf-Uy that tba Vlenru Cabtaet has lavahei it*. lacree an<i penaitted Ibe im portattoa > f Barvtoa awlaa late Aaatro 11m>i-'urv. th >n.'h llmltlng to :i.">iX) ? ereeh ti>?' aaatber ol tbeae Imported aataaa-B. The reiatlon*! ot Senria artth hei aatabbar Italgaria arblrh arere aoaaewhal *<:a'i:.'d. have baaa ii n li Improvefl of late. A* 11 the oae*tlon* of home ii llilri whlih turn i.i.iiil' upon t.'.<' a.titnd.- ta be .i.-crv.-d t,44_rd ax-RIng Mllan, the Beprnri :mrt tbe skupt-'hina w!)l puii .juie'ly toaetter, Inaaasach as tiicv ai- of thc same mind, namely. tliat M l.u i i ottilng bnt a flr-fl.nuid, who thouid be expull-d fur the saSe of the country. T//i7 XEW SIEAM HEATEIl WIIARF. The OOOaa steamshlp CBaBfBB] of r*,i4annah h?s made a wi_e prorisloii IfahMt Southern fnnt being frt-tt-bltten when BMBtOi at thc 44harvc? ln tliis ett| They have fltted up part of tlieir pler. No. 3o. North RI44T. -vi that it shi?l! I>e hculed 1,4 .^t"aiii, nnd l'loriria frnit n.av bc tohatl Bttaighl from .ho 44_:!n holdt ol tlie ve*>.el_ and shcltci.-d fron, tlie mld on ilns vhafff. C'aita and wu|-on? v?ill be i?__'<l under -li,-ite_r, a., U.ut thn Inut wlll only be expo*e. to the froft la Xr.m tuc ot]\ui to thc coiisiguec'a -.toici NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. EOSWABK Sehnonfcr, n bulltler. forty-flve years old, eom mlttrd suirlde bv ikOOttBg at his home. No. 200 South hlxih-st., yaatardajr. hrhnonfer met with some b.isi neas iwtewea tetely aad draal t>. forget his tvenl I -? Yestrrday his uifo wenf to Irvlngton and three of hl ciiiidnin to aekool, loarlag a BttM ?on home wlth hia fi-tlnr. The iaIU-r th-n t?>k a kIioIuhi. h-avilv l.iaded, placed tln- inuz7lu i.?f!iin-.t his month iuhI liied. Tiie ebarpa MIMd hia Inetantly. The uttM -on u.e s-.iio wttaeaa lo tl.e iMtMa, i-.ui to lnform tiie nelgkbora. Man Murphv. BjBBd llTtOOa. appeared at tlie Third 1'niiie PredDcl Mauon yeaterday. Hor faea ;uid i.e. it and bady were a amea ..f eut?. and brtdeee, laflletad hy her falh'-r, who h?l beaBM her with ft he?v\ atfflp, a' the end nf whieh wa- i.n Iton huckle. The glrl WBi * great au-mv and a phyaletaa was called t> atieiui bar. Fatrii k Murphy, the father, waa lorkod up. lhe New Prgtand gavtagi Baah and Trnst fVimpaiiT was iaeorpoiatfld yeaterday aith BS,000 ooo eanltal. Among the rorporaton are Jame* Klncannon, O. 11. ...iixl-ell and HoBWT A. Ncl-nn. of this clty. ln th?- (ouijn-tilive cv.ii.iiiatioii for th- West Polnl appolattaent, ordered bv Congraaeman Lahlbaoh, th siieeessini eontoatant * ho*** M. Nuitm.iu, seventeen years old, living at No. -*2 Ati.dcroy st. PA9UUO. The Passaie Wheeling club hns decided to change the OTfaktsattOa into a general athletlc eluh, and the neeeaaary alBBa are now being taken for r?-organl7.ntion. lt has been decMed t?> wMve Inltlatloii feea up to Jan i.aiy i. t tttnfany i.'s onnory has boen le.tsed. H. F. Poppl.s. loeal trallie agent of the BrM road, annottnoaa a/t<-r Inanartlng ntany sit.s i,, New Jeraey, aome Penneytvatila mm Nw-Ymk ciitdtaiisrs have llnallv deeid-d tn e tabllah herv a manuf;--ef?iry of leatber gixids. Tln- wlll make ti.e twenty third mui.u faet.iiing plant In Paaaalo. Mayor llowe ha* been eontined to his bouao for sewral day s by iui atlaek of actatii B. NEW-BBUNSWICK. ComidTable rvif-Tneiit BXMM among the farmrrs at .Ml.ldk-hiish. a village tOO* milcs fn.m New Rruns wi.k, be.anse of ihe lin.lii.g of a vein of copper on Ha'iirl IN.lhcmu-'s plaee. A lartlnad of 0TB has le-'-. -Iilpped to a New York svndhvite who made. an Offer f,.r th- ore. Man- yeara ago llieis- wa* a imiie Ul what i- ii.>w a porttOO of this eity. and it was worked .,,?? wererti year*, but daaUy telled t>. pay. Tkla vatn it i tkooghl 1.- a .i.ntiiiiiatii.n of the old one. Bokerl v. Parter, gnperlntendent of Cenena, haa MM.t n s. hedflhi i.> ti.i* eity wklcb itatea tkat ti.e nam ber "f y*"y'.<- in MMdleaei Conntj .s 50.487, New Urunawick 1B,46B, an.i Pertk Amboy ?,47ii. JEBSEY CIIY. Edward Sailtk, alneteen ycars aM, of No. ISd Otand .t. waa analgned before Jnatlea Btllstng yeaterday Ui ihe polloe ciiiiit on a ckarge <?f manalaagklef. lla B aecaaed of being one "t the two yoong men wko threw a ttooe at Joeeph Jacobe, ol Ha 210 Henry st., N.-w York, two week* ago an.l frartnred *ii ? aknll. Jaeoba dying from ihe injurles. bmith wa-; remanded in;- exnmlnutlon. Hnlth utole B90 iro.u his mother after the assault aiul led to PlDVMeueo, ll. 1._ _ NORTHERN NF.W JEBSET COrNTIF.S. pBANOE.? A deBgbtfUl (on.ei-t was given la-t even ing tn Unlon Hall. Orange, in eompflmenl to Mi-s Uli an faraloe, the young viollnlat Miss Etoaloe was aa si^te.i i,v Adolpk Haii.legeii. vlolonerllist; MUa Am. Wanl Murray, mprano; a. D., lenor, and Mra. fieorge r. Bea nd. plano. EN.ii.EWi . i>. Mlaa Graee Beoedld waa thrown from h.-i- carrlage and aeriuualy hurt iu a ranawag oo rhunday. The coa. Iiman reeeived a few bruisc-s, bui ua-. not iin.l dangeroualy. OTHER SUBUIWAX TOWNS WESTCIIESTKR OOUNTT. white Pi.AiNs. Beraario hornaaaa, aceeeed of Joaeph BealfB at Ama.valk la-t Angaat, was ar<jiiitt-.-?l in the l our, i.l Qyef ani Tci'iniiier yester iiay.Deteetlve englneerlng work aweitltatei the cbanglng of, and plpea in tka aewer ayateai. ln a iiumiicr nf plaeea the plpee MlB have tn be tukeii uji and ai a lOWBT deptk. iTOO plpe will hav. iii i?- siii-u.uMi lor vltrlfled jiipe i.. aeveral pla. .-. ih.-. e.iiiira.toi- haa .nn-*-'i ?>, du ;.!i Bxtra wot* ui ?.-. IU perrenl advance.On accouni ..i ImpMvenienU .ti prugre?a, ... the parUkea ol u.e Metnorhu MethodUl E|.i-,i -[i.ii Church, m. .loln.'s Hi.uia.. Catholl. Church ,, ,,i t,i Bcthel Uaptbt Church, a.i ikree rongregatlons now hold rellgloua lervlcea iu ihe trarioua publi. i al-. MAMAROXECK.?An liidu-t.ial tckool lor gi.l- artll i- <i|ii n'-.l in.iay by si. Tkotnaa partah Mra. Alexander Taylor, ar., N ih- patrtmeea. MOCNT \ EKN"N. Mr. and Mra. ChBliea II. -techer nve ?> receptwii to temmomte th aove tb aunh r--n-> .,,' ilu-ir inarnage, a: tlieh- home, N... i-u rotirii. ave., i.i-t nlght. There wott a large number pieaent *-l i.i- memljcrs ..f th- Plrai Hreabytertau i bnreb, of ..i.ii., ||r. Stecker la chortater, and there arere man. .1 h-. - wbo came to extond tin Ir congratulatlona tu ih rouple. There were many glfba preaented t<> Mr. aod Mra. .-'.-.Ial, aial B -l.|.|i .' un- -...ived.i>lie nf ibe largeal and moal euthuslaatlc Bepal'llcao roiiflcu r.1 ? ii iiH-e Inga evei he'd in the town '"..k ? a -, heuermann'i Hall. under li.e aaapleea of the \\>-t >..|i- K-jni Inati Cluo, ni; rhunday nlght. Aaaembly iiniii liradlord Bboaea mni otkera Btade i.ling ipeei l.e.-. LONG ISLAND. LONG isl.Avn CITY. Tln- InataOatloB of the Eev. . harlea Parh aa paator of tke Utoria Preabyterian . hni-iii took plaee on evenlng. Anaong tkoae uhu took i.ait in tbe exereiaea irere u." Bev. Dr, J. B. K"-rr. oi Ni v. York; tke Rev. Charlea ll. Boblnaon, ol i.aitin..i:??-. and tne Rev. Meaara. J. II. Hopklna, ciar -a, - i ledde - and B, McQuei len. Hl NTINGIOX.. Four storeBeepera at Huntlngton wei-e Wedneaday iwindled oul ol t-i> oa?-h bj eaanlng ....-:- ',r i ani (., r. employed by J. It. ,-ruth. o Oreenlawn. Kmlth had brought tke man Ir an Vc? i >rti i" v.i,rA on hia term. --?. ? ALONG THE SOUND. BB1DGEPOBT.- Mr. and Mra. i?. T. Barnam arrived a' " Ma in." ic t<-J.I .-?. N< .i:\vai.k.? n.e County Commiaalonera have awarded ti.e eaatrarta for bulldlng the now Hon.e for , (hlldren t<> be erectcd In Ikla town under 'approprlatlon rrom tke Legltlsture to lirnis m New . ..'.I East NorWBlk, the BgflOgBie aiiioul.t be ing S1S/WO._ BTATEN ISLAND. BICHMOND.--Yeaterday ua- Ike lasi dav ol r%'is?ra ti'in in Rlekawnd Coanty. ln iBTetal ilatrleta in we-t lield over :.__?* ttOVBO* have beOfl iryisteis-d hi one d,-, ttlit, whlch i- ountrarj to tl.e new Ballol Befurm law, TUL AVTUMN DANCB AT TUIEDO. Tl.e ailtun.n Bt TflSOiO last night was the bmbI aaceeaafal ever glrea ai tke ctab. Noi oal) u.-i-e tke <ntia-'e Blled with Booim paitlea, hal even at the elab boaaa Bfaa i ikea, having heea engaged fm weeka ln advanee. Tta ptowaa were ln i.-.i au.i imiig wtth greena, aatamn leavaa aml Chlaeae Mnterna, At ? o'i lork many jolly partlea MU down tO dinner. Nearly all tl.e gue->ts up in early tralns. but fm tkoae wko .-.>aiii aol do ao there was .. ipedal Uala from town at ? o'.-Imk. rctiiiiiing i.fter th- ball. DanclngaM aol le-g... jntn Mte, rkaia waa a eotllloe, BMg. aray Moota toadlnf, rt.e fa\?>.? weie haaehea ol gowera aml oatiich ;i^*- Much aama m-nt was eaaaad bv tke Ktaea Igaia, Afluwg tke aub crlken and I' gaaata were Plena i.i,nil.-.ii, Mr. Bnd Bra, Ooorpe QriaweM, Mr, aM Mi-. .i.iiih'- i. ii.-- . "i.-- Biaaaa, Mr. aad Mra, v. i.i-uioini French, Blaa French Mr, and Mra. Harkarl c. I'.-ii. ih.- Mlaaea Yaraaaa, JaaaM M. VanMna, Mr. nnd Mra I'.iui Tucket in an, Mr. and M.s, BaUard Bailtk, Ur. and >ir<. Ilenry Janla, Hr Tkaaaaa n. . hetii, Mr. and Mra, liei.-n k Nwan, Mr, und Mra, Ckarlei B, AlexaaSer, Pkllltpa tlaalkij, Nr. M.s .-.ddi-...:. iiinniark. _*,. N. TklMr, Mlaa Kaiinii- i.ul-i-. Mr. and Mrv P. I.o.liiai-d, Ji., Jaaaea Browa Potlar, Mr. and Mrv Qaiaaea Ckrp, Mr. ai:d Mrs. < h.-rl-- II. i/avi--, M.-s, Mr. and Mra. Ileetoc de Caatro, Alfred B. Oaakaag, Mr. and Mra, r BrawaeU Barakai, Mr. and Mr.-. QreavtUe Kana, >ir. aod Mra. FarnanSa Yaaaga, y*->* Jiaitm M.t, hell, John H. Davls, MMa Floru Uavt>, Mr. nnd Mra. Charlea MaaM, Mr. aud Mr?. w. Beoaora cry der, Mi?s Cqrier, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrcnre Klp. Mr. and Mrs. John JI. Foster, Mr. a..' Mrs. Wllllam Kent, Mr. and M.s. .h.nie-. II. Heekman, Mr. and Mr-. I. ... ...rlev, M. and Ml*. B. II. Hnnt. MMfl <?.'..<?- Cju-ley.,- llarrimaii, Jr., J. O, liartholninew, Mr. aml Mn. l>?jmi? Dudley Rider, Dr. and Mrs. JatueM *). i.reei.e, Uu- Mlsv-, llowltt, Mr. aud Mr?. ln;d Allleii, Mi..s l.'Uu tftot, J. J, Astor, Mr. and Mrs, J Aui WoUo, Ml. and Mr-. Macgr-.ine C*>\. Mls<? (rawford. ..Irainl raaiar. Br. and >rr<-Tr. w. wutrou>. mi-* TlrgtaM coudert. Mr. and Mrs. Stuyve-o.nt. Flsh. II. Madlson lones. Mr. and Mr-. F. R. Habey. f. l>? l'ev-ir Faatar, B* -N- B8Bt9*90\_ Flemlng Tuckcnuan. R. L. intting. Jr., Mr. and Mm. Il.marri N. I'otter. Mr. and Myg, liru.0 I'rleo. MlM iYlee. Mr. an.) Nm I'ooper HaWtMi Mr. and Mrs. E. Uolllus Morse, Mr. and Mra, Henry I'arl-h, Jr.. Miss Mare'aret Waldo. Mr. and Mr-. H \ Miin:., Charle, A. Mutih, Mr. and Mrs. Koberi HMlfWlek, W. II. Taller. Mr. and Mrs. Amos French. ',. Lorlllard Ronalds. Jr., Qeorfa L. Bonalda, Mr. ond Mrs' B Faltoa Cuttiiig, Mr- aai "Mra, Jame- Hrown i?rd itobeii Varnum, WendeB Ooodwln, T. Hunictt i'k1,|Viii. John P. Klngaford, t.nold ll-vt. Mr. ami Mrs. oenJd Hoyt, Waa naaaaaa UrlawolA aud J. E (MM * -?upper was aerved In the large dlnlng room and on the laetoeei plazziu. LanderW orrhestra played for danrlng. __ OBITUABT. PR. HENKY JAOOB BMMLOW. Iioafon. oct. BI*? Henry Jacob BUjatear, M. D., Ilo p., dled ot his aurniner home ln Newton, MaM., yes? tcrday, agc<l scvcnty-two, lt? waa ed.iratcd ln the imMl Latln xhool and the ilarvard Medical CoDBfB \4_,\dus *eeking further ii,,tru.tion In foreign cities. later, he waa for a long tlme aurgeon to the Massa rhiisetts GCflCffll IlosplUI; and for twenty years hc lllled the ehaMa of surgcry and chemlcal surgcry at Harvard without an asslatant. He was acttve ln the earflat exp.ilii.ents with ai.aecthetlrs, and in Novem l,rr. IS4S, made tlie orlglnal annoiiiiceinent la BMa . o.intry of their dl'covery. He hns been an extenslvo wrlter ond lerturcr nn surglral toplcs. one of his aoika on the niechanlsm of di-loeatlon by tho tlexious mcthod (ln.lii) Is still th? beat thlng of Ita klnd ox Mai lt haa changed the prartlre of his -professmn Ur. Hlgelow'a labors aod attalnment-* serured Mr him meml?M--hlp In nany and Buropcan BO i-icties, among them the American lAcademy of Art* nd geMflBBB, the Soclete At.utorolque, tl.e gOCtofl ,!,? lildlogle and the So. iete de Clilnirgle of Fian.o. \ sist.r and a son. the latter himself a well-Unuwj) pkyaldflfl of BobIob, MMflra him. THE REY. CLF.LAND KINI/H II NEI.SON, I). D. i::iltimope. Oet BI (Special i.-Tho Kcv. (leland Kinloeli Nclion, D. D., OOO of UM most prominent rdneatora and HafflMM it. Marvi.nd. dled yeaterday nt the home ol Ma son In H.-.Itimorc County. Dr. JfgMOfl was a native of Ytrglnia, a graduate of MeMaaOB Collegf and ex-vire preaMefll of St. John's college, AnnapolK Ho atfldMi for the rrotestant Bplaeoaal mlnlatry In the Theologleal Semlnary of Alexandria. Ya.. and wh* f..r a tlme, rcrtor of a church ln Boataarn Maryland. He was n son of tli llon. Hagk Nelson, the fifth son of Oovcrnor Thomas S'el-on. one of tl.e signer, of the Deelaiattea of In lependenea. i>r. BeMea hal tui-d auaiaroaa im portant ptaeea in Bplaeopal Chweh bodies. and at ?,c tlme of hl, death WM d?an of tlie eon?-orati.." nf Waafcingtnn. and president of th- Bceledaatlnl <?<" rt . f Maryland. As a HneuUt. he had a nailonal tinn He was tln- master of nln- lananagea, BBd had tran-lated the Bcrlptnna Into thlrty ril tongucs. WILLIAM J. SIMMONS. T.onlsvlIIe. Ky.. Oet. 31.-Willlnm 3. MflMBaBB, pr"?; denl of Eckstoln Nofon Intaatrifll College for Colored v utii-, dled near tfcla eity yeeteiday. i>r. gtaamona waa tor ten years preaMeal of Bm eokmd Blate i niversity here. and Ibr aereral jreani hut been ila triet se:rctary of fhe Amerlrnn H.ptiat Home MMahNL Ha was born in CharMetOn, S. C, nnd was fo.-tv-one vear. <>:<i. He wa* ******** at Fniverlty. . ,: look a Iheotoglcal eonrae at Madison Fniverstv. Kew-YOrk state. OIDEON L. PF.ASE. BmI WTlton. M-., Oet BI (Sper!al|.-CMdeon 1.. peaae, who was betteved to be the last sun-ivor of tke Blaek llawk war. dled this moroiiig In VTlt-.n. Me., after a long illuess. He waa boni Febiuaiy 11, lfcOl. OniTFARY NOTES. Mtriich, Oet. :i1.-Hcit Johann N. Xu=shaum, the i el-brat.-d fierman surg-on and ocu-ist, died in thi i itv today. ftiuglikacpalfi. >'. Y.. oct. 31.?Dr. SbsnmI TathlD. . ne of tho oldest physirlanii of this cltv, dlod here. yeaterday, ago eightv. He ind b-jon preaMent ani tr:a>uier'of the Erle.-t'r. Soclety. Annrrt.nreni'-nta. Ilpwnre of n lUffbt irri'ntion of the throat. r.r.inin.ell's'Couch Prop* glve iiine dinte relief. Geuuine have A. H. B. ..a eaU. drnj). Sold everywhere. ltKK STIS'OS, Health Food rompany''. t.l.iten Soap curet them. 61 Plfth aveni.e and all druggiH... DoYnt' Want a ClBAfl CBMBlWnOBj PM Corn-ll's B-nioln Costnet.c Soap. 8old everywhere, 25 centi. a eake, _ _^ For llovnton's cclebrate.l furnaees, hot water lieat-ero, Baltlmor* hra'eni and ranees, go to Ue I.OY-Vl'ON Fl'K.NAtE CO., '2o7 nnd g8g Watcr-at. Henry A. Ua.viels, M. D, 00 W'EaT ??THST. Dl?ea<es nf the Nervou* Svsi..'ii. a-nito-Urlnary Orgina, I.i-potence and Ste.-lllty. ifot.r* 8 to l. 5 to 8. MM ^\'I^?sIOW'a BOOTBIBB SYnF^ |(M hMB n*ed for over PIFTY^VEARS bv MlMjIONS f MtiTIIF.I'.s fur th.-lr CH EDKEN WHILE TEETH. NO Viti, PERPECT BOCCESB It S.)OTIU>i the iTlir.D. SOU'KNR the (ItTMS. AELAY.S all PAIN . (FIIF.S WIND CfOLIC. and la tba hent remedy for J.IAERHOEA. Sold by Driiitelnta ln every part uf th? ?,orld. T?entyflve eenU % lioMe. Kr.vv's BPRCtAk BhLB or Coi.i.Ans. ,'e. eaeh. 75c. per dozen. Braadwwjr, balwaaa nth ?nd 12th ata. _ Claret Jugs and Liqueur Bottles. AtteattoB ls M?w, d t? a iag ? aaattai of ti.? Baest Bngllah i ut glaa* < uuret Jag*. DBtanters, lAaoomt Bottlsa, ete , reeelved m Hm ibbbiiiii. aad ?b.e? 'hcu BMiuntod witli wild .ju.t tnpa nnd haailea. Tbeae good* ttow a varlety of ppti ik.It beaatlful term aml .tyle* af tatl ag. Theodore B. Starr, 203 FIFTH AVE-JUE, j Bttwot* fronliw.t MtuUfOB Sq., \ 25.7. (IH'l 96-/ 1123 BROADWAY. \ StrOOtO, MAJUNE INTELLIGENOE. MINIATl'RE ALMANAC. "Io-bav. Baariw* 8 -3 > ?,*t? Ul I Mom tt** ti -7 p. n I Mooa'a a_? ln , itio.i wtraa. a./^-Sanri/ Hoo*. 10 '.'5 fl?r Iilau 1 '.0 .."> I ReB Oita. 039 p.jf?&aimy Raaa. 11.181ilar.lalaad 11:8*1 u?ii u.i.e. IXCO.UIXG J 8 TBA MBBS. lo-H.i Y'liri Fram v,,?i Unt Ktrurl*.L.Teriiool.Oct 2h.CBBBTB ("uv ?f ' ' llnlterilaui.AinaterilHiii.oct -4. .N'etii Ainer lriiinUil.Bl Cro.i.uot _'.' aaviiAV, sov t, l.a , iiaiD] ais.i''.Ma4re..Oct 24.Froncli Trans B*aa*rt.A*Btawall..?'t 8*..Paeta* Rail , i: ._.? ?'.l'.-i ... . -... .. _4.CI -II.wueooc uiimi.1, M>4-. :; omalj*.Havan*.....Oet Su.N v * Caba OOTQOlSti BTBA I//:.'.'-?. 1_-_t_t. Veaael FViut for Raijaataaa *Ml_ gervta Oaaata.UvaraaM. ..ju.?ni a am Aae ..,!.?. an, ber. uiatan*. <> aia t n M.l' r. NO l.lnyil. lliiii.,-.,. 6"Oaiii V - Ul Ol.ilam. Rata Anmr. holienl ,111 .. (i.iio a ru '.' M.l a in IA l.r--l?ii!ie. (? riririi Traim. lur,,. ... d BM ' ?0 a 111 Alliiiiita. I'** HraalU Hla Jaueiro. ae.. II in . "jr.,: I'ara. Fae.Ba Mail. Aapievrell_ IU a in Vi m tabaa. Attaa, Port aa Ptiaea. B . ... I pm s i> i? Yuiunrl, N V A I'a.ta, Raraaa. I i?-u ." i> iu . uaawAf, Bodf. -t. Ar.ruua. Iiq.od, I.irern-oi. 9 311 P ID WBDBBBOAt, M,?V. 5. ii, rinanlc. Whlte star. l.iveritool. 8 a ao *. l.d a iu i ii, ii" i liii-i." Lirerii'iol . 11 a lu ailnr. M' l. Hroinoii . B an ll aia >??.'.! II* .i'i 4m?i. ilaini.i.rc. 11 uui 4j_.?na b V--i.-i Aiin-r l'.,ii:-r,i.iu.9 SO a m 11 ?0 4iu 44 aaleralBaa Kert *l_,r 4iitw?rp. 8 a m 11 J,' .in Ma_aia, NYA'ub*. Ilarana . 1 )> m _ |, in slllf'l'l SO SBrTS' pOBTOr KEWYOIU_..... FRIUAY. OCT. 31.1800 J.ltK.lVEb. Pteamer r.armanic, (Un. I'l.mnn, I.l.'erpool Oet 22 Qiie-MKiown ... with n,,i. ? and i-taaangftr* to J Hruo* laiuay Arri4e>l ?. HM llar al *.:..?* iu .-.:? un, r i ,,Inn,'. a ?,-r . \ ??_:??.l,-.-^ mir. ilaml>nr_ Oot 28, -,:,:,,-?:, iii- .ii W4, ?. t.i ii..:.-. aud uaaacnaar* to 11 J lorlie. Awml at Ui* at ? a m W.eland (Oar), Rarenita, llamhurg Oot 10, llavro gl, wltb nul*'' aod p****..f era to H J i ?r na Bteaiatr Allax (_.r;, c;.i_*.<>_*ri, Br*w*a Oct ti, b.uia Read To-morrow's Sunday Herald IT WIU. CONTAIN Lively Campaign News, FMPRAfTNO AtXTOOJUTH EXPRES8I0BS ON THF. OUTLOOB AND PREDICTIOXB ON IHX EVE Of ELBCTIOB BT Lead ing Politicians. KEEP THEM FNTIL BMCT TH'SDlV AND F!ND OVTJtMR wm. Ot'IiTHi'l. PBOPHEtt hBB. a BTMfOttll B OP -fUNl I> AKTici.i.s i.i HIVIB* TEKS ANI) OTHEI..S ON TMK QCXBTIOB . Can Politicians ba CMsUas? THREE NEW BTBYBMB BT LBAMBMTMAW1BB ANI) PMOPBBBOMB Of tXT.TFKE, OOMTBABTBD FOIt MAKlNO THE PERFECT EUAN. BBOWIMfl BOW fBBD OBBHABD is WOBKOfo TO Ol'TSlM.lVAV sl I.I.I VAN. A. CAMV *MITII .?> YA( UT BVILDIBO. PBBPB INTO AHIH>?1>' IIRKHMXC1 ROOMS KI.KVEN BBW fl.l'RMO; BBB, TBBBVICHAOIB. THB BIbtmlAS I'AINTER, IN HIS NEW BOMB ANOTHElK-sTOKV BY j|l,H\ BAWTHOBXB. CUMAXOBBB^AVTSORlIATBEBIAU BBIBLBT BABB o.n HEAKT BAIUJBB. MAKIXG BOPBM INDKIC OBOIND. BOW MBBBSCRAVM PIPBB ABB BCI l.l'TITH.n. FABHIOB1 BIOBT PBOB PAB1B, I'liivl's'iv fl IR* rBOM Tli: Ul KKNs PCBBIBBB IN lAMDA, BBStDBfl All the News ot the Gity and the World. PRICE 6 CENTS. *f.6^m .gORNELt ****** Cer.AaterPUce ur.:.,/k,)?Li^l Fins Rsady-Made Clothing ATKETAIL. FINEFITTINGTROUSERS, OVERCOATS, &c, FOR MEN AND BOYS. OPEN BAVfTBBATB I'NTIL 9 V. *ti. 'iHE ONEV AI.TERNAT1MJ! Anv'hiii'- abort of BBtlM prahlbBlOB la a tn-ason, and a delaatva Tamnany acheme ta ebeal tbe people. A II mm Ih a.n l-'-id ie.- a d --.-i-dU tanrtlwi nf Ibe LIQUOR TltA 'IH ,nl th. I-l,..-i.l^ Ml NI.'.PAI. I.EA.rlE i- ?riekedU- c?i mitteg to a I c mm ol Wa **M*8*?t*_\ at Nl . i-.V BOUttaa, and ?***/ vote lor thi? _,*-_-? m "u\s'h.i u.'j-'.oii- cltli?n, aUaUter nr eburch aaaaeai <???<? vote i.t -r-iviir..".- method ,1 codjHlna aud pro UcUns UiU mooiter ovtl wltli i-ul'.v eonipllclty.Mil do-s ;. thia alao luke th" man who wuettoo- it wlth bla vote liJrailv.r'-.'en-U-Jo- tht ttlU* *** ***** thia ***!? _\_\ Uekit that in. ans noaltlve and .!, termlned op loTtmi .... nil- .. to-.e.s 'I our Ity potltlea, the Uquee Tnirh,; la l,.nl.-! ii. W. Jei Dl. aa Demoreot tor .Maynt, un I William T. Wardwell tor Coatroller. _ FALL SILK HATS. t rown, me.liuiii bell. lirlm, lull roll. OubuU $4.80 DIBBOff IROM MAKBB TO WBABBB, BATIBCI kIbnnbdy, ?? COBTLAMIFP-rtT. ? (UP BTAIBB). CURE for the DEAF. PBCBg ?'AV. UIPBD_ i.i) TUBULAB EA.-i OUBHIONa pe.fecUi etereoMdealBeae and aaura la baaa\ *"?*[*** toiufcrublc. Mll-adju?lia?. t>ui.--e-.ul when a.l reuKJ-oJ SST WbUaara even heard diatlncJy. WHte or oul ta* Ulaatrated book nf proof* PBBB *** only bT F IIISCOX. 833 llroiiwajr. CJr. New-TorB. ibipMb 88, witli mii." aad BBBBBBgara M Oetrtehe * co. Ar nvcl ,,t the H.u-al .',.-'>';, in siMiucr I'.iti.'i.-ut iBr) ilurr:.. VfedlU?rran_*a port* v.a Ah... ii? oei M. wlio iadM andpa***4-g*rata Bawrlaga Archibalrt. Arriredatth* Barat 4.80 a Btcaioer Plaxmea (Br*. Boyce. Ko*arie fiepi 18, Baana* tyre "1 Mi'i.t.'vii!'". '.':i Bto /*u*iro Oct 8. Vlotort* r.Bahla 1 ' -ltbBld*. to BaakA-IerwU*. Arrived i.t Ita. Uaral 11 a ti'. Meatuer BomOOhl. 'Ur . I'.l.,,.. ?BntO*Oct8, witli ladse to Buak * J*roo*. Arrlrodat in? Bar a* lo.aoa m. Staanier Oe*W Clyd*. Holiawi, Baa Ijoiiiiii.o. _M alto in.'.s- .i.i.i pa**engera ui Wu .- Uiya* >v Oo. Arrlrad *t th<> ''.?.'.li'clMV.nlii.,',.-. COlton.Ct. I I - '?',' si I.,iro.,n,l \.is san. SP. -tthmdaa and paawagera to -las R VVardAoa Ainviii nt thc' al 0 i. tu. . M,-auier rormore I Bri. O-lue*, Haran* 4 ,l.i4-a. wui, nn'se to i m Ceua.l m 4- Co. Arriv_.| n I , ? I," ?_..? ''??' '"? ,_,,,,.. ., lalnn'tte. Percy. Nea-Orleau* o <Uy... *4 ,il. iml*,' U>_te*Dier Va.eo-i*, MIII*r. Rea> orleaaa,-lta aadae *ad paaa ''"?ZZ-a nr\ V'.r,' ] "" RcKee J*. tt ??lUe 4... Cherieetaa, wl.l. imtaeandpaaaeugorato >*-m >'' iy?laa . ?'. tiii_n.*rCltyol uoluai la. *i*y. BVraaod navia Bmnawlck, ,... ? ,. ?,,,.,,. ,,..; .,,.,,.i, i, i ? ii -i ! i,ry ,4 i ?' M.r.Vn'l.r/ii.y'ui.i.'nie. Walter. Na.rt Mew* _._.l Rorfola. ? iili in.lne.iii ". n.nii.iis'i.i ?> I" "I'l iKOUlUMB MtC. w^tkili'il r..M...eii. -vrUaao. ambaaiaaiaBaraUa Baieamef II M Whitaey. RaUett. Bortoe, arttaaa-aa to ll P M'N'sKT VVindai Baady Ko?k. modon Atrr.y isi.i!i.i-\viini n.iii. vv. clcady ,:,.raie, nvv, elear. Arrl4e,l yBaiard . ? s, .,.rTWerHl.l (B*. Beanett. r,?ud>n oct is. with mdMaud iMSMim.-i.. le B*B4*r*0B Bwo. -rrtwdal tba Har *lst!i'in'.'r pawaae. Tnboa. 4' llatiagtoa, BC, wttB ***** aad '; V vvBraiM &? * DaiumoraBrtlb mdaa to u c .'oa. ***' CLBARRO. ateeaerBarvia Br). Walker, ursrpaBl rla Qaaaaaaawa VaraeB li Biowb* Co . Hteamer Ii BiloiBN Malet, li ill .?". l< ' ? ?? ?? '" ? , ? _ . *?__*..- mdaa .'.tyiur). nn, Brutol Jaatsa ArkaB A "ataaaeet Aaehorla mn. CBnpb. . I lat aw-Baaaaran BSMaaMrManaR lOerj. Raaa, Raaibara IbaeaulbtpaR ?ateaa*ar Rl_at lOer). Baar, Br**?*a rla BaaihtiBBtaa ??'t-___-r -TeUgoUad (...-n. Baeaaar, BraaMa Bnatar tJf?'.nieroU.UmiDtcli), Uakker, Mterdamria Boeaaja* r_.'t??j4>tiM?4uyt-r(B*lg). Braraaa, Aatwarg PaaetuB. yo ' ,?? i ,, hieamerLabroUtuBlPrt. Joo*>*?Hb. llarra t Poi I M a? , ? i. .,, h I'I..,,,' iBll, .-...I. ?' ."..'.' sp,-,, ,? V ,ai.... .... Htearoer Hle?K iHii?al, Claa-lnt fc?4-on* QoopH. .,?,,...-. si.,,1,,,1 Allianca. (iridttha, Klw Jau-Miv, a. iu ..nn-'ri 1 S, ?. . s 4 r.i../.. ?'.-., Nteaaierataieol r-4..?. Waiuma, linuiaw' ffwa li,,,..i.n., , li _l.i!l?r4 c. l.'O. si, uner !.-,? ,i. i-. i',:.;, ugton, < ? um iton aud -i i. taoariii. - Wn, pcini?a .'u. _ ,. ,, -;,,??,.".,-.,'. . :?-... Wooahoua*. Waat Poiat. Va uru ''-I'.'jinVi "il B Whltoej Hallrtt. lUwton ll f Ihw i I -inn MiiUMi.i.uii i.i. . Waiu**, Mi.i,,un,, .vikci;,v DoiigU hlii|. ILii.i :t K,-.. I' . I ? I Hol n . ? >. Ii .i _ Crpru* i r.f 8 <?? n*. h .* igii, j vi Elwall 4 ,'?. barfe iji.'i.e .,.?! i . . , ,.:???? ' ,i,ii,',.. Heaiaiaoll Bt? bAll.ll> i Btraaara Blaeb Pttnao, for saaua l?ai Ah na. Ki. - II at Auna ii., '.. ? Monugo luj. j "-* r.eutii.n,*. i.?in,'.H- Oalveatou ,:i,,,,:., .-_.....n..... BtaMaf Tasa*. Paraaodlaa Ir |uoia.Caariratoa. M n I- i i: . '" I..,...!,. ,1,4. .UL Mu.i..*. KTB Of BTB-MEBB loi;ii..N POUIB i ola*o.'4t o,i so BaUeO-eteaaMT BtblapM (Br). Wii??u. j for Naw-Vork. Ok.rvihi;. oet .1 Arrivoil. ?lea-uer I*ol> neaia (OBI ; Praacb, lr,,in \e?- Vork I <^L'te*.To44'N. ,'ci.u Antvad. suaaiar City ol Berl.alBri, II a ni, Irom N?w. York ou lier way lo l.ive.p-oi. au.l jirocaod ** MOCTBAMPTO*. Oct Sl Kallod. aUaiuer Aii.u*l* Niclorl* 4-en, Alleui*, Iroui Uata.arg Uauoo fur btwVoxA. There's a run on Black Cheviot Suits, and we sell them ior $13.50 to $24.00. Many attractcd by the pricei, prefer our Mixed Suits?from fancy goods, at $9 to $30. Of course it's a matter of taste ?the point we make is in the price. HACKETT, CARHART & CO., Broadvcav and Canal Street, Open late this evening. REPUBLICAN RALLY, iie 1.0 imikk Aisrnn ok thi: BBBBBUBU corm oilia.MZAlloV COOPER UNION, SATURDAY EVENING. A mass-nieetinRof Republicans and Independent volers will be held ln Cooper Union Saturday eveninp, No? vember 1, to ratify the nomination of the Anti-Tammany ticket. Every body come. CORNELIUS N. BLISS will preside, OTHER SPEAKERS. ELIIir ItOOT, Tlie U?v. Dr. B. S. HAC ARTIirR, ,EOWAM T. BtlMI.III, DAN'L O. KOLLI.XS, and ?n ors. ??LOOKING BACKWAflD." We assume all responsibility for the fir as well as the wear of our clothes. Bring back whatever seenis wrong and wo will ritfht it Loose-back Overcoats are fashion? able and we cut them in Meltons, Ker?. seys and smooth Beavers, at various jnices. We conimend to wcarers of flne clothea our best Black Mclton Over? coat, with u Ltalian cloth n liuing, SiO; with silk lining, $45. R0GER3, PEET & CO. THREE )Prlnn?, BROAl.^VA.T> W.rreo, bTollES. )J-J4U , ADWAY'S PILLS an exc-illent and irlH C.ithartle. purdy v-catable. t* ,?'c?t aud l)C?i mellclne lo tho worli for tae CURE of mll CHortera of th? S.-.m??i?. Uver. Bowela. Ktlnar* nii-t ?r Nervolla Dl-**"--- L,o?* of Api? Uto. H.-aUeka, i -ii?a'loi of ll." Bow-'*. I't*.** and ?'.. *P*__**__*_* t e fu'tr.i Vla?** PERrECT l.IOF.STlON *** it Kw?p?S3 by ***** BAnWAfS 1'ILLS. Prlc. 4* erntsperbox. Kol.l br nll draicfflal*. | /^MlOD CXXMUMh " GOOD COOSINO. M wko daalre **?0*' COOKUia jjod eookin* m their homaa ?h?uld uaa . l.iEHK. tiniPANV* l.lLiiu. COMPAMY** 1.1 Llill. tU.Ul'ASY'.l EXTKACTOFBEEP. BXVBAOrePBBSP. EVfiCACTOKBEEK. A.llah. __4***8**0 ***** ***** mOOeW* Md hwM botuv*, ???aaa ***** >i?J?" ??*?? Ooe pounl la <-0uH *? 'or" *?*a** el leaa aeM # value of about *7 60. Aft- for I .>?>.<; COMFA BT* end bt turr %o*i {* ******* *m: wtth *?****** o'J-u.-u *** L**t>*" *?'?*'*?? *??'>**** ***ra* labfl. ^_ - |F V"i \\ ANT TO READa ritowaljtef 1 neaalva nuweaa Dewaaaper, b?> Th? BWBMim . ALL._ <JEW TARIFF LAW AND THE Administrative Bill. 10 CENTS A COPV. || PAMPIILKT FOKM, M PACKS PUBLISHEO BY TKE TRIBUNE. NEW RATES COMPARED WITH THE OLD. ThP pamphlel Mtt *'*" ?r',5X iiiiiilr l???- I??"at? ordrrs; und *^Xg ?onViiii.MB 55 .kilvvru-Avnuntmotitt* ?,,.<?liui.rr* <?" ???' P??* U?M,B *" Men willioul exira cliarge. THE TRIBUA* *