Newspaper Page Text
PART IL NOV. 1, *890. ) '**. PART IL PAOES 11 T014. " ~?.~ i ?(*? BEYOND THE HARLEM. BRioirr skhs fU w?i\3BESTEI HPUB LKANS. rRosrixrrs of thf. tarty OABDlBAYBi UA GOOD--AN ALLEOFD UBPBCTMMI IX TIIH " BAU. I'.A.IU'.V DISTRICT AXALTZV.r. P^eksklll. "ct. :;i <-.<? i inll.-Thousrli todav th? pol I -truati.m U aatiaa . ag ll Wdaleheater Cimntj. iK.rt.riiIi.rly u. tln- 90*8*90 V------ 8* **-** _\**or.:hly Histrut. yet a* earh day clr.M- MMW M tln- fl.-rtn.ti thr hMI cradaulk i> ltftinp *** il*** Mr* nre appmrtn,:. ali potr.ting t?' ?nd r.viiu evi denc- ol a aaaegtag BepahBeaa eMaeej M the 9*Bo on next Tuc^nv. wtth tt..- retaN M *'i ************ Imm carti of tln. threo diMrirts Hl tl.e re ??!<?? tn.n of Cor.nty Crotnw.U: and 'here i* h MOOt *\ cii'-nt ptoeped * aaa tooe* al T3o*o****** i>u' n<yker an.l HM aMallOW -.f J IBMBtt >>*? *? llu' Bfl York n-prescntatlon It. tho l"'?<" hon-.- ??' w*"h tiu-mn. lekMl .!ier T. C Adam*. wh??e apotleas record tn Uie art miuistra tion In th<- aflea wh;h he has lw-ld for th. l?*t *? .?*?? K"v* hlm a nnanlim.iik n m.lnatlon M the hand- of the Kepnb lle*n ('...'.v.-ntlnu M th.- DM M-tnrt. ha? lor his pp..n?mt Iaaa.- C. 91*0*8, 9* tOOOWX who i- now Ul wtth pn.-un.ouia. There lb M douM of thi MmMob of Con.nussioner Adam- lf a large niajunty. und he wlll greatlv li?l|, th. re:iiRindi-r M lia < Urt. Tln- rtvafst .'?'o-.-t IMa )ear ls nia:iifest?l in the Aaaeinbtv .onteat*. which will be aMa? und e_ citlng. ln the Ma fcgl irft ' ' ** t,K> iandldate< are haattta* M ?? J"' i>'-trltt u stmng tlglit Lt betug b] - DBOMll l...verii..i Hlll'e henehman. ChaiMi I HeCMIttni, is engaged in the He.-'ul.-an t-.-k ut overcminK Xo********** Hurn>'. i ? r;ty uf lAUi. by which last year he salled tn ..uily Into the AaaaaabM. T*0 wlly (iovrrnor's tricken and p lit'.cal astuR-nea* may boodwink aome people. ^.iii Uh t-*<*l tttBmo ol the Ul Vsacmbly Platrlet know a gbod IMBg when they aee lt. and lutend t? haea It. and th.-y will see Uiat the voi<e and Influenee ol J. Irring Burna wlll agnln U heard and felt ln the lntere?t ol Mi ri.iivtitr.ei.rv at Albany this winter. in th.- iirt i'i-' riradford RkoAea, NOoalaaM bg tl.e llepn; ! I ' * **** of ir t-ler Baa. Timuir!. li-i raee bla piuruTlty ***- obtiy 231, yet the axtrcaa aapopiiMiMi et 9* DuaaiKialh cumii date. WUbaaa i:\-t-... ** bto*t the "Btm McIMb" ol th^ Weaa.;,- -' naMM Um ? -*>??! - tion." ai.d who tt -' ? r-':- ?"?'?'-peiuU-iitly tor _, j..-. - - iffMnal iii'- regmtar Uuaannatli eaaMI d?;?-. Henry IbMob. tha* lnmrinp ihc eleetion of Judpe i;.itiorti..i!.. ipara on Bi Ki.ode^ ta eleaorjr. There are mmi. DaaaoenM wfco ***0 never fmeiver Hyan fm- in- boB. im :'i'- aool tatareaMai eoateal u in tl.e Illd I>i?trict. whe.? -Alie" H>;.tt. 9 pn' oclous youn.- aawMeaaMr of Mm Mag, iia- ot***ot the li^ts agMaM Uie old war-hor5.-' the Hon. .Iiin-s \\ Hust??l. fainii.arii hseara ih M !l!~ (uaatllMaM .w- tne '?Buld Kucle." i.eiicml HMbafa potttktJ .ai-eer and BglaMllli ' -.-n-d. U taO "''.I Know:. and ^.tniin-d io ir ?inir<- ... Iiii- stajn-. Thn- C!rat'>.t M paili.i Mm aatevai lha mce ht ti.t- twenty st-umi tim<- ..nd i- l ..und ta arta "I lha n-ult there ls nttl?> d.miit in t.'?- aitaia M Ihoei arho ha\.- rtatted tne iltaattan. v.-t tn- DonoaaM un- wooBb - uud ar>- rea ftln'g t" everj aaan, poaaMe and ini jto-sibK-. iu HWteb tln* distriit from the liaj.ds ol Uiv MtthfM Kepiibliniii sti-v.ard wiio lia* HMM ni.m piird-d ao aaaU lla tatmeea. .fames k. Ambf, tae ________\} - >kl r*? ilrrk. -md wlio l- ?ON lntlmuu-ly a: d .l.-"ly luanituaed with tbe tieneral' aflairs. biisii'.-*-* -\:A pulitiii... tuuii uny Other, ree. iitl] ?aid to th.- arrltai ? n.t- Oiaml *iii i?* ie Meetad by m haadnaa ?lially 'Maai' Fi<h nnd the 'Wlched' oibbs wiii aMs piiabiy aoaeaaa mto the ehambcr l:th wlU bt- a BhMMMO Me lha .-.pci^enl.ip, bul can n"t obtaln It nt t: ? imnd.- .-' tha '(? W .-aucus. He daj^- ii... aaeetva H al Hm hands M hi^ i-<-<:iiritr?iii lollowers and tli" lH*v. ? to*. 9 lio w .uld probahljf "fl,-: lt to him In u deal and fOMtt->ii with Hall. The result wlll ba thal tbe (.vneixl \m)1 be tlie next _P*_-_r _l t*e ili?w. I*m _?>_*i'i>??<?? te* br tho voutliful and iiievptsriei.ce.1 pollti'lan irom (Mclnlng. ure on u wtthBBOeO - bM! and BN 1^' I1' 9_98_U**4 bj the irllb proii..-.-- aad ;...- boptt beM **i bv their leaU-.-r. The QeaCNl, Who haa Ix-en ther" M mnni tinie* bef'ir.-, wttt Ui-- aecaatoaMi eQaaalmlt) aQeatlj 1. uks over the Md, (.-.'Hv t:il.<-^ in the lltaatMB, --t his mactiincry in BOtton, whlch, nmnlng aaMatht] ai.d wi'hout a will Nll 9* t n.iijonty ol j<?. t.. 1,000 on .N ireaaber 4." -Tlie HlghMal DeaBOUial," flK- leadmir and strong ??t Dm Mti- argiB ln Ihe eoonty, aM at thia iiii.. last year. arhea Mr. Hyatt wa- n mlnated a-.-a.ij-t Gen er*l H.i-'.'-d, t.'i-. uni'iux other mtiit--: ?? ? >f eoune 'Ar. Hyalt l.a^ no BBOR mt< 1.11"!. >>f l>?-nie elected than ha doaa ?>: gaylog hia boneal debts, and ?uch a tfealrable , ..- Buwtloa cannot b-- diaeorerad by tha M kiiid of inagnifi ing gla*-.." "The Haw-Yorh Woiid" of late lia:- been devoting severai oolunii.-, a we?k t<> aaaalllag .rei.'-rai Hnated und ?MNpeaaaaBag th^ poiiti, al toadlltoa lu thi> .ity. Oalj la-t araek There was a colunii. of the BMWt e\ agguraUd DMBIMa ever printd. Koanded on on-- 01 two m?.iKi.lIi.a:.t la<l>. an i:n.ig;i:atiTe ivporter built up a mo?t absnrd itoig, full >?l MaceaTacMa, artaetate iiieuw, taeoaaMtenctaa and wrun?- bMaaa. -\> u> the defe.-tlou~ fj-o:;i UieiU.-punli. an ghaMm in thi^ <it\ . n< whieh - Th.- \v?ridr MBttoni (?corge \v. BflheiMon, Frvd Maaaar, Joha Babto, Bgherl 'i';-a\i>. eu.: ln tiu f.r^t place, Coiuuei ReheKaoB ha?- beea -i-ore" on the Qeoeral lor NaM Feaia, uud he WlD give no more truuble tlils yeur ihan ha !.?* la th?- pa?t. ai.d that i-> UtUc. La->t -pring Boherlaon obtataed ir. aome way tiie nomlnat.ou ol ihc Bepahlleana ln OupaiiMor of tiie lawa * l orBaadt Tiie Daaiutrala NaoaBaated bupervif.oi' WiUiani )'.. Ihone, ai.d the laiicr was clo. ted by siit\ four voH-?, whlM aU the other Hepub lican tioket but gapwlaoe wa? aMebeg, Ihe taweal LJunUlty bMag ahON 800, and the MgheM over eoi). Xht- t?t-nerul uiil nol v. th. i olooel. Ar t'i Aaaeaaor John Babta, -d. who owei h. politi. al poaltlon to Htuted'a Loflaenoe, u-.d who la uieL:tione<l by ? X.'.c World" aa'aaothor recalcltrant, bx fe?i-> t.ur. i.-.-au-e Johi: -mitti. J,., oaa ,,f lluated'? trusted lieuUijanti-, reeeired the poatmaslerahlp la>. ?uuiincr. and liain.- thought iha' hc uu^ enhttod to tb - t-.l'*-' plnm- r<>itni i-t-.-r -inith woritag inu-i ,<n '??? eral Hu-ite.1 before Babie . ..u .1 wote. Br. Bibic ??? nol .onirol a dot--n votao, aml thia HeflecOoD h f ?. count. .'f Egberl 11. !--a\i-.. UtUe ?- .<? be -;aM. He wu? ? for Corooer b fore tln- laal n publleaa eonveutltw, ,.:.d, thougb bsvlni a large l ; (owtng fail'-d ta eonnect, aad be laya iu*- d.i i.cucrul Husted. ?ho liad ao more t ? do a U the ma.. "i tha meoa. Hia toltowen and li fl..>- ? lilin-ell and a half l'.-n. '?...::< neJgbborhood - 1 >-.1" Mar?or was sikh,.-l ol a.- ti"t NoelFlng the < itv < !<? U ah.p tt waa aol " FNd," hot Fraah. Baaaei thu.-. liOalnil Bhal <i-e 'oui.i (>^ expe. ed from b ll'-nul.u.-an Common Odttncll, a- >Ir. Manae. waa b Democnt ol the moat peMMmaeed aehool. who ran m ii,. i>iii...rat.? Uckel ia.-i iprtng for Town i lerkl n? kiniDl> ivceivod ti* cociplimeut?r.v vote of 1 l>--nv> r?uc Aid rmen. Banaw never ha.1 the remota t Ide'-. of t-ver roUng tor, ;.n> Repaibllejn. "Iius ha^ -ilic BorM" faK:'i<-d the -lf.ia tion Ui tl* lateaae <U^u-.t and ridi.ul.- na only d the Bepahlleana of thfi I6wa, but ?i>o u.e gaeeal IhaHDoaiNm nw* le ******- *??* Bf*** foapiii Mia. -u*J ln.- K>" i- "scared" b.idl.v. Onb a term d_i> BflTha rsitro thl- .itv m lhe latataaM of -hwaMMiy and htn-2if " I>e-'-nt IJeiuocrat* are dlagu?ted wlth him ai,d _k rword la the Hou?? of Keprw^ntatJve-. rficrr _-*> xtttAif, men ir thi. pkM-e who havi at diff. :.-nl writter. him for d?.uu?erif-. b-*,k.- and ollaw ***** ?{* ha%.- itut bo attanttofi i>;ud t.> Iheto r-emoeU. T*e vwigroi* man'i "baird'' k giving ont. and lhe MMte Plaii^ ring :n conaeanenN hav?- no ue Ma blm and are . vorfetag band and flst t-.r -\l.-,i.- Ttolor,ji.*- IMk \ nrid-t RepnbUcan. This d. __r*_ of gtahtaecher'a **** ?*?>? _''**r'^ }hSmV'rl> ? U.ati candldate, .- popular ln thia ptaee and wlll pro. ably ..vcciv.- .. bandaome .?*.< 1n i .:- 'in ? M,-t?" ? lu-.?? propHeUir of the \ inderbilt Uotal, N.w York, a tormei Repnbllcaii and now a I ?.-m . -at. l_*? Ma "-a. ?.:t and la worMng mlgln and maln lor tbe UeNoeNlle Oongiaaatanal n/n.-'i':.... The Coonti Trea?irer contest U* rtpaa, wlth_two IfKiproaehabk neii ln tbe 5eM ?'' ?'?; ? f?* gfjjj fn>mwell wUl nm eloae. wtth the oddf ln Mrof ? f h latt-r For ffcronnre the Denioiiain have ahopl tne wonI ttekM that .-ouki be galheml tagethei ln the eonnty. .\ fnil Bepnbllran w?le at.d a 9********** U Tneadaj ahoald Incnn a aweeping Kepulliian rlrtory at thl- OtOtO imd B <he I o'nil.v. ilF.f**lsc. -\ DBMOCBATll ? l.l.i'H ' john i. Daaaaaaat, ?'hief Paiaaal iap??M?a * iWeoBooo, ha- wrlMaa lha MBowlng leuer to nm Juauce MV M:t !r-1I I 1 ?**?' by 'The New York S.m ' thal \ou are pub un. BaaMg ti,... ti-.. BapabBeaaa ta lha Wl h waahlj DMMM hav.- been .olonUing voi.-r-. If vou btlleve ih'~ to be tru.-. and hava .-vidi-'i.-.- Ihara f ooo whleb i tom hi a inar.-trit.- mt. I wlll. upon Ih- -?''..' bB nlahed n..-. laha OOOtJ W***** "*"'*' *" ***** tl'"M5 '" any muiner MaaaaMi tlieri-with to puni-liin.-nt. lf. howev.-i. I.V- -t ,|.-iii-iit- 'ii Bfg NpOfMI I* l'iv< inad.- ar.- not baaaf upon suffl'.ent Meta M warr.u.t officiai ottBm >n?"h m i''*rt- ?'*** iau- *" >""r "i'"";,n' I* MttMMl bv any offl.ial Mfabj B n? 9*0*0 M make. I wlll f*s-lgl. to the work of vi-rlh'"H * th reM>tN. in -.,,!. eleetion di,tn<i- tt? io.. mavdedg i.ate, auch of Lha Ikhuo^i-Ua. auperv.?or? ol J4ta*U'^' !>o-t Ott -d for *-nch work An early reply i_ soliclkd. yon may uam. atJ me. a iopuiiu rovus i-andidate. BAJCVRfc ?HaBBMIIIRR.Laa CARVABB IN* THE VI1ITII 4-iNl-MI4LY Bt8rTBR0T. Snmno] BtraahoaDnjar, ahe iv-paar Bapaa_aaaa r-tndi ?ata hv Hh taaeanbly la lhe " Hlt* Dhavtet. is Btaalai a *rrone fl^ht .-_pai::>t lbaaaaan] Hall and the aataeaa .auipalguers ol Uie Jolm J. 0*BftOB A_*oclatlon. llc *Bm M BAMTTRL BTRABRfMJRaBB, h not TrtlhBBl tt-OBI mpport from I.epublie-ne Hrlng ont of ttK' dlatriet. Mr. naaahiwipt has o?n a realdent of the VIIIili DtetatN f?r e_8htaeB yc_-?. Hc is au earnesi and anibltn.u*. von".- man. and ha.s hostft of frierais. He has n?de aa e* aUeai Baprfaab-ai on ti* ooten ejaee tbe aaa-BM op-wd. aad nd eren tlw multtpllcttg "f ci.ialdatcs -xilT Ucfcrii him if he cnntlnne*. to grow Bl pnbU. erteom a rapldlj a? ln the l*-t wvek or two. Ill- friend- ar* 601 iOBl Ot RB I -? THE FIGHT IN THK ANXEXEI) DISTRICT. MK. HKI.VTZ'S Sl'I.i NDID OAMPAIfRB AGAIVST pt'RROT'. . AXI .I..VTE. Thc ehaaca* lor lhe oaaatlaa of Lool* J. Hetntk, the anflTBinn..,::\ candidate f?r CetnmlMloBer of Btaad Laiproveniena lo tbe Twattty-tbtrd ond Tw-nty-foaurtb Warda. gro* ' ? l!:: hh hioata aoa , ,v uiat ii,-: leaMoa nt tBsne aaeaaB thal ol bo. gieafl a ne i lj hs alll hava, The vUpttomm eampalgn ahleh h Ba* beea ttaidiioflnj ha-. .roused tbe enthnslaam of the peopk lu th- dt-iric Mrongly in tn*- fn\-' : ai afati -' the aappef raaaldaae '.f ' Pairoy. >it. Hetata' popnJarttj bi the eatghborhood, his nattrlni eaa ' aacara the j. ?-- -i-z*- ,,f tha MD lor laeal iti]iirov.'..i"M>. hl- eaeeUent reeoati a* a I u-lii'-.- man, hh -mud iiitei-Tifv am! ..ropiiized <iu:il ii aatton* It tbe otBet ot themaatn i aaaht him au alaaoal brealatlble eandttate, arhlle hh c?i . - haa b a BtabariaUy etded t>\ tba rt*--T> cot.-i <ii--,.-i aaao. - many pen i.- arho BJare hanaerty ttrancb '"i a-lagtaner.b> Tammaay Hall aajalaaltba reie e. Parroy. They hajl, Indeed, thej hn.>4v i,y c.\ ,?.,,...,.. . . .,: u BaBeo, the beachman of Parroy, arere , the j.r<>j> >-"<t Imp-O-reeaetit* '? , uld he BBca-fieed Porray and Tanmany. Tb. Jir,,|,. ,,. n ... peopta Im ??? '--lf. and a large ntunbar of theag a* enroUed and ai i a. i ??? worhera in L".,.i Inqaraveeaenl part] whieh, v.nn me i > 'i Oaant] D ? ptaoai Mr. Hciut/. in Bomlaatloa. :? i . . i.. iri'-n a mo-t tban gt. one. Sof t" tfoab ol tbe ha. - ln Mj. Helntal toter t on. inoctii.p ha*- baea heM la everj one ,.f t;,. ? ? | OM 0* 'i.'i 'liafri'l- i: tb. tBTO aml ta mb ,i'. 'im. .4.1. ot Ihret hare baea beld. Mr. Hetau haa made leveeal each olght, aad hh ntriirfrr- ilBcertty. hla eemplab i ? artth tha :..|. tl lhe dlatriet, aai ht* art a Ideaa aa te tha ^av in whleh thao ihoald be nppUetL, ben ? on hiui han of 4"'tcs. At lil- )' -??? ?? Thiril a,ve., 4-n__ii!,- ? ? aendlag oal rlnnlars, api-nJN and other fomi-. of ,amp_lgii litcm ture to tlie 4-otrr- ?,f the tt atrtet YeeaarBay Bernli-f a ?? earl tall" eanipalgn wa. ? i t-d. Two lar--' tri.i.i.-. gayl) deeorated and b. ?atraettvc p ttera, arenl oat baaa headejaaiBwii lor ?* lonr "f the Aaaezed Dt*trlet One ol the traeaa waa diava b\ f"ui barae*, tbe other bj ahjht, aad aaeb wa* aappUed wtth a braat hand an.l piei.ty ol -peakera, B-aonj whom erere ex-Jadge Angel, Matthev/ T. Breen, 4 l. 8ebwaneeke, Perdlnand Buehmer, _rthnr < , Uutta, John l?c HaK, i>. nlel i i .lialan. Lpul* A. jr., Wiii,iu li scliott, William u Mc< rea ai a < are ici -. ?? [Uej were also ? ?' ?u,'lU ? ? -?aeuj. wau ; tne Mtiwd* wltli tong* and .-ii.i speeches i pon reachlng Trem-nt, thej aere Jotaed by two I tru. k- .-a. i. mai ned by a mn for. e ol ipeaa ira. ._nei holdii.g a me. lU.n llwr. ilu ,?...?-,- pre> . i on i<> llicli Uridge. Kii.gKbiidge. Wi'-t Farm* nnd Woodlawn. In thc evening Uie> h .d a ron-.: - we. Ung In I ..rdluim, m front of Kear:..--- Hotel, where the ipeaben wci-e relnforced bi Mr. Hetnta aad ea AMenaaa Jetaaa L Tlii* afierii'^ii a blg parade, irfi'i'-i- the antpleet ol thc Cltlten*' l.'"'al Lmprovemen. party, ?111 take plaee, in which tbe Republlcan. Conntj Demperacj an.l N-44 Yorh Demorrarj orgaitlaatlon^ ? f the Twent) ihii'l aud ,.,( . becidec many other political nd ,. ciiii-. 44il! take part. Tbe parade wlll > trl ,ri,? one-h ndred-and-thirty fo rth st. aad Wiin- ai". ,. , .,',;?, John H. ?' ' '"' wlU be I!" -" -"' marahal. I ? ? nlng ?-' - "l*10*9 ! S"** ;: wlU be beld li I rbach'a Hall, ? ?>'''1 aevei tleth st and Third a4-e. THF.Y MIST KF.i.lSTKK IIIM WITH III*- HAT ON. It mm i aea, ot Ba 300 BT. tl < n< hm dred ahd thlrty fchirth--t.. aenl oa Oetober 25 to Ro 2.5S5 Elfbtb-ava. f,?. tt,. ?- iterlng hh aaaae lo the Wxty third B-ectlon Dtatrict <?'. tbe XiXii, AeeembtJ IB* iiut. i; ?? nnBli] "iiici- t"i''i hla. to taae o_ h.s i.;.' (oi the pnrpote of taklnf tha caatoaaw. oath. Here f,,.,.,. -., do -,,. deetarlBi tbat aceordlng to the Hebrew ? ,. nol reejabsed t,, uneover hl* head arhen th. The in-!>"" ? refnaed t., regfattei hh name, bni they wlll ln- obUged b. do ... noar. becao i Ingrabam, ln thc .upreme Conrt, Chambera, gned a n:.i!".i'iniu- reqnlrlng tbeea to do so. .//.' 9AYE THE ri,rsTi:iiri:iTER .1 BEATlXt; a man boagbi ? trii',.' iii Joaeph Levy'i fancy aooda ?aora at So. -- MiUberrj -'? y uw i I pald for u wltb a 88 UU. He left l .to. Ing iu- change aad tbortly afterward Hlchael I'aslp, gentl) Wt ooBfed. rate, came m tb. ? i i,, luv ;i handberehlet He ib ? banded over .. BS bill in paym at, but lavj .i baea aahaaated _nd he leal a be. ":'i ' ? for tha bUL The lad tuok ii t-> a hreher, arha at once s;.\4' thnt ,1 44a- . oantetii n when tbe boy bfoagbt baeb the aaeoej nd tha la formatloa i>*v4i af apea Cbrlo and i?-:it him so ui,mer.ifully Hiat CBtiO iraa g?d |Wb0B a nollreniaa atanaad la an<! arreated lum. Dalted Matet CbniailaaloBei BMeMi heM Oade la "?i.:,oo ball for eiatnlnaU'iu. Mr. i-.i-iMd.- also hcl.t rrank liaa-kta". f">r e.var. InatbM on ihe oharaa ol aaaalng eoeaterleii ?aonep- Ha i>hi,i lor a dru.k m tbe llqnoi ttore ol fioaiat Dowfia#. Nu ii.J"_ lio4*..r> 44ith ? 89 MiUnt.rfcit bUl. WEH8TER nr-II.TY Of MAXXLAlOHTEJl. After belnp >mt itnee 4:10 ?>. m ,,n Thursd:i>-, rhe ]iirv in th,- eaaa "i Cbarlet MTabater, Ihe ilaper <<t lioiieit M> N..;ii. latainitl ? rardlel ef inwi.laii|hlii ln iii" iirst <i?pt.-4" when Jnfir'i ('>44inp aperted i'an i ,,f ..-neral Baaaaaoa -'.t n :13 o'elaeh jn r-r.i;ii_. Tn.. pi .ed to be ,^,,>ui broh -ln.m ',f ihe trlal a ?! tbe rerdlet. Thara a liiti.- fiprlae af lhe rerdlet, a- tbe Ju- oa Tbandaj iii.'iu had , i.'"i arhal 4,,,u!n ba 8?na artih B/ebatar m <a-e ne 44;,. found t', i_4<- i.i lasui <? wbee be kUIed .vi, BcUL VVilliam P. lli.wc. HMMMel f.r RebBBBr, an,-e Io ,,\ tliat ln 41C** if lhe rory'i qaaatlor .,ui,i n?t bal .? tbe verdlcl a eomproaalae ono. He a-ke-d Jadp> ' owtag t,, iu pend -cutanee lor a week, i . . lum time to araa ap t pellttoa h* a aaa triu. Tbih nation wa. tranaad 9BAMCMIM0 FOR A hmmaTMB ACTRC8B, lri-iiecviir Bpraai oa Iharaia) laaatvad a lataaraVaaa C_W "i i'"i." Rai '. af ni .-?.. i..kinn tliat Hatvh !,. Mada in thi- .iiv for Run. DBveaport, aa ?Bgttah rt-e <? !v,, ;,,".rs ,,!'!. BThO BITiVafl ,,., -auii I. ttieatrleal eoaapany aa Oetahar '_m and mnrnti ." ?? hatal la Jaraay Cltp. dha bad baaa rtc* I iiiifim" tha rapaaa g-oaa Uverpool, aad ibt aat _aaH t,, :,,|4,' tiK- hatal irhaa Baa aaaapaaj itartad foi ?*;,,? -aui _be woaJd teOoa ii,,- aataiBaaq la t rt,,v ,,i I'-." Baaaa Ihaa taqatrji hai abatra lhal Ma laafi Bba hatal ia Jataey CRp, bad the had aal **-n\ ! i_i > m,'s-:i|r? fi tli,' inan.-gcr uf UM BiaBBflBf BBf had n"t aBpaaaal la OU. i..'". lo paetar Bpraai j.* tcrdai i*?*nl ?at u pttMtal B-BIM, dliv tint a police Macea foi il_.v. Davenjiori. THEBUDGETFORNEXTYEAB it is not l'Assr.D inraoUT a HoW ruiBXDBBX OOLBMAB, op tiik tax i>M'u'-t MI'.-VT, CALL.S ATTI.S'Tli.N TO V l'-'' ;-: Ul M i ii i;i 09 ui.. uusjyo IT- 8U*. Tbg fint! im\Mi?g ?f t;:,. Board of E****** temay. wl i.l. ;.-? ... the f***** "' tag ap tbe PfoviaionaJ allowaoeea of tb (l.-p.irini.-i'.ts f.,r isiii. m* ebaracterised bj -"""' mn.?ual ka i ? nul.(.-'l-for i'\' H' The Whieh lell aml .-reni.-.l the coatentioo l.u.1 ln-i-n loft:.-.! liy I'.-rsHcnt Col>-m:.n. ol '?-'' ***** Ilcpartmcnt, h.s h<> scirl himself "only ? !(">v minutcij befofe" the scssion. Tho toti! tom appropilaled r-r keeping I 9 - lla governnieni in nration daring 1801 was givea bf Dgputgr Ooatroller Btarn aa footiag ap 98-ifi***** 999 98, an.l th.- matter in.s aboal ta ln* lettled at.that ;ij,'ure whea Coauaiarioner Celpaan m niurk.'.l Ihal he mt.-ml.-.l tO o'Ter ? WBolntinB cx plu'iaiory of Uie waauiB which had oaaied the Tu i oninii.soioners to laereaae ti.e valuntioiis ?f real pstnte in various paris of tlio eity. ? Utal whieh bad Ik^ii pn-wnte.i hy the Paaaetl < om liiit'.-c in i w.iy ta r.-tlc.t apoa tbe departmeai of whicli l.e wai the i.. "I never have had," .Mr. ( oontinned, ?'aiul I n.-vpi wiU havi; tbe ti\ otli.v ***** f"< political purpoaea." Tbe Mayor. ControUei Myera .\mi PreMdenl Amolu began to look aneaay. Thea Mr. Coletnau Dontinaed, reading from 9 ***** I U-torc Iiim : Por the last iiiiMi'n conaMarabl I leaai on ?? l going on la Ntatton t.i :.?? radndion of tn- ti ? Nte, and a pmnlnenl rea-on th-r.-for ha- been fc:v'-u aa the lncreaaed value- m?.i>- bj lha Tai Department. It appeon ta me tliai u.e ]?:. ple aboold be edncatoi .-.- to bo* ti.i- Ngaetton wns made, and lhe laaooai plainiy .-ef tarth. Lukt year, in T**rlng up tlie gaal !,.idi.-e;. thi- Board omltted ta ii.,.liuu.- tltoQ..-;;:> ?? . th. - ' Bnlred for the snuc tax; 8818.767 ll lhe omonnt stifi due ta tlie firtate lor btata purpoae?; and di...77.nlj .'.i. the umount d.'e for intereat 08 b mdl li Id ln t*** l.y ttw ftahlng i-imd. The law re<|iUrc- tbal thoac -ums should bc ntisert annually from taxaUon. Kl. thnt tlme a dertaton haa been rendered b; the Snpreme t'ourl ln r* tbe 0818.7U7 ll, wbieh nm standi aa taw ni -,(1*1, v. e ara abonl .anittlng a large mm tor thia tear, alao tor state tas patp u I al*. the ln due ta th. Mni Ing Fnnd on the bonda beM bj it in tr.i-t (or tbe eltj rheae the Naaona whj ihe dtj rate i- ao low. i .nn ..i : th it ultbhoklli -? t!..--<- thlnga fmin the tax budgel I- mlsleading tn n public. nnd i un al- ? -.; 'i ? opinion tbal tin *m ol letu, itu- Board dlvretlon .., paj or kX the Interaal on lhe beM ln trual by tl.e Hnklnc Fund i- unron atttntlonal; aml thal anv boudboldei ran applj to the coart a-i.i eompel ni to npproprlate thl um. It ls cleariy a viotation of tbe eontraet, am) tb. latnre baa no rlght lo Interiere, aa II i- a pail * the (unda and revenuea thni placed to the paymenl >?f the .itv ?! 1 will not take tlh- re-pon-ili'lltv to vote . the ronflrmatlon at tln- departmental eatlmate; bnt. to plaee ayaelf rlght npon the rerorda, i "H '?-i-'' J reaolntlon ta Include thea* Itema In tbe e?tiioal t<- a-k t!.. adtl.f the Corporatlon Coanael, -" ti...t we i.-iav act liH.llu-i'tlv upon lif flnal .-tini.ii. lf thal la nol done. i wlU vote lor the eoaflraiation oi the eatlmat. . dei pl ..--t. To rontlnue thia mode of making np the eatlmatea by leavlng In arr-.r- eaeh yeor i?veral mlllioaa of di.llur- lf u.iwi- ? and dungeroua: and l. I i -".-. do not -.i-h t-. be a party ta it. und I nov. offer ? roanln tloii : ??That all amoonti requlred bj law to be ralacd bj ti,- eity bj taxatlnn be nwa biaerlei n ihe Ihu! ?'?' tor the . nirei * yenr." Whilr reading thM Matenenl Preaideiil Cotanaa inter.;?-'-teil aa opinion to tbe elfccl thal tbe , ? mooy L-ivcn befdn tlie Iisv-tt 1 oaunittce bj 'I'.-. Coamiaahmer Feitner aad Depntg Has l om misaiun i r.-try, botfa Taaunanj NpreaentaMvet la il..- r..\ Pepatfutt, would lead to eupporl tbe elaiaaa of tbe BtaM Board ol koeoooon la Mm oourta, aad tbal the eity would so.m be Uabk to \,\ more Btate taxee than ever. ;,'.,-,,i i Intenaeljr displeaaed at Mr. i - st-it'-tpent aad dedaotioaa, aml riwwed I.-. .... ? i pi laly. j, .-,--.. !...kinir anrrily nt tl..- presi.lfiit of tbe Tax Department, "that wbiM depreeatiag |Mil.-i.-i.l aetioa, Mr. CoMaaat'i - inei.t and e,.ii<i!i.-t ut thi- tum 90*ot ven much : of potttica. Ti.e ;.'t ol 1889 waa approved, Mr. ),y both jronreeli and Mr. Ivine ll makea very Uttle differenee wbether you eall 1 it politiea or not, bal youi objeel lo I ! thal reaolntlon aoa i-. plainiy hnoarn ta me, : teli you. Board is entitled to all ibe eredil ii i-.., -__t from the :? lu. tion ol the <???' - -.'....iiii... and 1 Intend thal ll ahall have it." Pieaidenl Uoleman repiied in ttrm tonea: " ^ bile I mn a member ol thia Board I intend lo try i ? I do tn- dutj t" the people, fnUy and honeatlj'. ' Then- is ao political Intention m my aota.' "Ol oourae not," the Mayor returned with a BDeer. "Bul the eap aeema to Bi you. itroller Mj-eri trled to poor oil on tl.e tronbied waten by wying: "Why nol leave tba qu.-8ti.iii t<. th.- eonrta? We can de. Ide ln Deeem I ber abom iuerting tiicso State Itena Ln the Imi.Ij.I." -ii we are gding to abaudon our gam m the 'i.niLvt for tbe benefll ol Mr. Coleman'a poUtical ! frieu.i.s," Mr, Uranl aaid, "I moal eoriiesi - and .-?iipii.iti'- ii ? protesl ..-.unst aucli actiou. ? ;.li- .M.vMi." wid Mr. LoMman aeverely, .? ! are aU arrong ln making auch an Inainuation. Whether you are Mayor or are nol Ma ir, l am : reaolved to do my duty. 1 ani nol a can foi Maji i ?''?-<? ** ?* :i nomiaatioi . \h Uranl gfVe anotlier little neer, and an ?wered: " ln.- gentleman lirsi advoeatN tl.e Ael 1,1 i- ?-.', and dow wanta ua to abi n lon Ita ,,.,. |re3. Hia \ i. - - ipp ii ta depend -itu tton." ?? 1 am perfectlj aincere in my views. Mr. < ole man repiied, looking ii\cll.\ al the Mayor, "und 1 do not believe thal tbe a.-t accompUabcd trjjftl il waa Intended ta 'I". I bave workeil bara and faithfully, and my offlce baa nol been ln any i i ., |ineeure -I bave no' been ipcaklng of alnecuret, nut nf vour action bere to-day," Mr. Uranl retnrned pctulantly. ?? \ ,i??i\ baa ever aecmed me ol neaitation ? i expraaa my viewa, and wben 1 am wrotig I am ,,,.: afraid to b knowledge lt I onlj aab ->oii to rrad the t-st nnn. ol t-. In\ Cemmiaaionen be? fore tbe Faaaetl ? ommitl * " The Mayoi aaid thal tbe Beard wai not bonnd by what ti.c.'i .-;.'. un the witneaa atand, bnl by wn action. --I have been flgbtlng," wns Prraidenl Col. : ? ? - - for tl.e beat li '? ot New-York Cit; and ita |*on!e. Now nu wori y done. I wlll nol take the reaponaibflity to \ \.,t?- agninal the coi l rm tl m ol thia d^partmenta] eatimate. bnl I i plaee myaeif n.-- t npon the reeord ; I will offer a reaol itl I .<? thea Item ln il..- Ntimate and t.. aah the adviec ol The ('<>r poration Counael ao thal wt may act Intelllgentlj ! upon the Bnal eatimatea li thal i- nol d?aie I j wil! vote for the confinnatlon ?.f the estnnaie ninlcr proh "I don*1 care what yoi, dc ntni'-r piotest tald i Mr. i.rar.i. "ao long ?''- "' 'ote foi i!n budgei." The i-oll was th.-i, ralled. and Mr CoHnan'a r.-ar.lution to inscrt fhe itcms left ont oi 'b-* bndget w?- list. the Mayor, Lontroller and Preeidenl Arnohl votlng i.l-.iusi It. tln' Prculdent Col?nan hnd aecompliabH Lia Lbieel ol .Tillin.' public attentlon to the lyatei I . nul b portlon <t the budgel for lla purpoor ol drcreo^ng ft? air* It howrever, li to aee**pl hia propo -iti..:- aaking the a.lviee ol tbe Corpoi s.-i ns to lae p.opij.-ty ii Imertiru the re Itema ln December. lhe proviaional inidgel ai ftnally aettled la .s foUowa: Mal ******** ' *'?' , M-i,,n;., taiiata t.? 189! i aa ''- m?wt'i <-. ii,il i arpoaei ?? tor . ?tl Th.- Bayo. iliy ll.. ... , ,-, ? i-i ? il!' 00 b--?i< 1.5111 '.11 x:i 3,11-' i -,;??' ?",.:in.-. _\i:,:) :,. nv. l?a S7 ]'..<j. iiil'.i.m and Inataln i.i, ttf Drlaelpal ... I i - ,;: -.-, l.ioi i.ii c A: n..." i. - and Ut .11 rooni? t.m- . .".'..:?-." ?-> 12 ? o. . 1*1 572 00 1 II :i-. '" .. . :. 0 '?'?." . ? i : I.o.Too i ii li, i,u'ii..-iii nf )'??' n ' bari ,???-. . 10000 2 H The Health 1 -'.'-. ?ih.- l*o .- ' ? n .-nt ??-' >tr ? Thi i -? i" i ' ' ' - - 13 ">i.< ?? ol lu:.? \ \.Dielita lis -?!? ihi |i 'i i... ii .ur.: . ? ? . ?-I.---JI .ir.... C?lle?e ot OU of Vea-Volt. li 7,000 00 M....-.o<i K<.rn?l < olleg N V. ISAOOOOO 121.000 OO _Ktl\- rtWng |,rii,tii g -la.iou ,r. aM Maal U^fta Slg^OOOO Manlrlnal aarvlc* .-xin.ti.iiif b.iail- . . 25.C0000 2i0000(.' ;it. ' , - i?... . _?,_.. io 8M8888 '' ' ? of Ae- ?_,._?___, -- -oo ru, taaa *. . 27..-*oooo .*?'???!? Ir Tta s . . ? ,,., ,1*1,0 ,'-? ;- ' ? i. i; | . 1. _.,..,<? oo 18 '!.? Bui a* ?:.,... fi&llPM t1a\88888 1 r ?,-r iitinii of pehlt. ier- __. __ .-040 oo nri> . 40,104.00 4.-.IMW uo Paad ter -tr-,; and paeB ... iaa rat ? ?areta ?. ... |__.._iIS r__'*i-_\n. sila .... I* ,?, t.. BfT.OOO'fl = __'(* ?, - ilanea indirlar . ... 1 00B.84O 00 1.081 .'?'?'l 81 re'*n_atori<-* __., __ , .?., ,-.. n(, tlon* .... 1.?'>?*_???? " .V. ,?-,'-?'. ittaeaa. 888.878 88_twarm _-..ia?nr,T VI ?_-?. (tn< i I : I i Oaaaral Paad.^.cifoaojB 2.500.000 00 * : 01,1818S 881100J88 8. ATHLETICfyPORTB FOR TO-DAY BOXHOLDEM FOB A B? DTOOOB MEET RADIBOB sqf\r>.f. r.ARDF.X ALL l_EA~T TO T.K t'KIVF. VN IMMRNSK 0ROW9. All the prtpaianeal for the Int-r.atlnnal loi"'. meeting ef . ? Mai m thaa AthhRto Oah ?nd tha ?? ,.,,, ?,. rl - af Mi--... I*ra?re Oardet. 'o?.:i.t heje baea pertortad. Tbe Oaiian has bbeo aat to eao d,t??, for tl. " -.-? aai 8V*B? 9******* *" takaa to laaara tha affair brlng weU eondnrtM. C-rtH-lI.Vaafchairbaa_Waia,theManla?^BAtt^ b l ??., Atbletle Coeatatttee, have abebtod to ptaee. Reaw bt boxe* a.i.i reaorved taaaa .... aaa. al lhe Hadtooa mraaia QaaaRa, ttcbef eeaeaa after 8 f*leeh thto ?? 0_e_.wfltia__hiaBeaaa_laaarthapai ea aa over ii, tha cei...... thc i.arden am br tf^etollj weU heated. _, Tbe toltoa-m b a bat of thoae wbo have P>arcbaaed ,?? ....?.,red aaata u,> ... hat akjht. J*. a. Wllutna, J. 8. Porter, J. ll. rTaalar, l. C. H F p itoria, R. J. Wootoap. H. OgWeha, IL Heatlnway, w. C. Deaaeraet, m. h. Kikin. J. P. afataarara. F. J i..,?riue:,. v. a. Hewlatt, W. B B-lott- j. BeJbr. B. .,-? h fcltoap, W. J. Baaa, Oeoraa pagaet, r a. VVare D _ LorbJf, B. Van Schaick. VV C. BMBMter. . . Y?-,,r.l. R P. Harrt*. F. W. llan.l.i,, A. PerBJfc B c Oonverae, "? T. hurlow. J. H. Othw, ?'? ?- -**">'? ,-" ,. BcUngru-n, .1. OafaaD, vv. H. Itiawa, Oaarp w Oarr h A. Ratlat, w. W. Behaaah. O. W. Bpaa, ,;.' k. Bmltb, j. ti. OU_* o. O. Tpaaa, A. R- *>*****' I I Btaart J. n. HarUett. J. F. Pederse... H. A tppaitas, i>. ,i. Daaaat, Mr. labrtOte. J BWer, r. J. l",., r. I-:-. W.C. De-her,J. B. Whlto, F. O. FullgrklT, L. A. Bnibe. IT. J. BRBB. J. J. Maiu.;..,. 1. _v,,n. l>, Mc...>44:in. F. Far,'ll. ... A tbUtt, Dr. , u. Korria, B. B. __tbbooe, P. Itolte., h. .. Barro, i?.*,f!. .>. fc Green. Jr.. C. A. Barhatota,, H. OhM i w -r.nton m. 8. EwrhrimeT, A i haaeee-d, W. J. ;,v,n. 1, C. H.-.I- A. H. , ?;1i, :. .V Thoi'iio. ctark- uaaeed. J U Waf. ". Kpwbel, UVL Caij, ... Ragaa. F. IT. BbRRhebtor, l'. C. ajaoee, ,. l;. Aadewen, B. B. Douii. H. P. RUto, VT. H. i-laflln .i. B. Tbotnpeoo, O. H. Lawn-nce, c. de Caaaaova, >. " ' *? *? ^?*"- *? L .uihtoOB, VV. ... Hol,..',-"U. K. H. llallry. J. ivaiie. I, | B Meaba P. A bandtomt, <*. H. Btonton, I HBaeta _ \\ w haa, P. ?? i,ir^"^ A- D**k_ (i' tSa.f.1*-! M?,,,,l ii F.Uddp. ... \v. Radar, i C Haattta, I. B* -J* ?^l"l ' i-lt,".,v. r. P. >. Hannea, F. Adam*, Dr. P.P. Otb ;;.n.v4. (.,,.,-. m. H.OIpn?.R. >i. Biahe. ?r-r. ?. uv, C l> Alaer. B. H* Orbrre, 8. H- Brpea, BL C. H. M'-ut, M. 8. tar, O. 11- .'.-'-? ?. d. B Lamaon, J. T. Raaton, W. T. Bowne, P* B* "*?* ouo P w. HaatllB, w. Bbeebp.lK. Hatrlott, J. Col lot, J i. Bry. '?? M Rlgga, M. Hareball, ?T. J. Oaaae ?,v. D. I- Toiiu-kiiis. .1. II. HaJiaoe, ... H. JJol?. L. CoUU Dr .1. C MlUcr. W. T. Well*. E. Dwlght, Jr.. p.j. Oteter, V.. M..i. w-li-.'.l- r. Rootv^J. D. Pooto, i- i: wetler, J. U I uHwaeO, ?? K CarboneU, vv. B (?^Mwla '- W. Hull. P. a. Mlll-r. J./H- Dpa. H. A. .?cter W. li. Dunean, W. H. Baatth, 8. O- Bayer, l. B. BboaR. a. Urant, II. Cl",i. M. L CWttna, m j. Rao-ea, v. C. Ilaaranan, l- Bipirt. R. t. ImvI. .i. '? --..ti.u'.ers. .. Baatbargh, w. W. rajrtor, I Dewtoeh, k. Harrtoto.J. H. Klaibie. c *. OaRblfe a p- lohBii. i>. 0. Wright, C. Mollen, < . II. u-'aito. \ ".n- - ?-? 8. Tuw'or, F. W. Raraon. R. B. i i.-vi.n N F lenii. T?\ ? a. ( al iHFtH.5 va_?^c . ,-t ii. v.. Merritt. W. R Taahar. B, k. '':1- ^"L- teorn v. A.: Morthnac Blabop. 8. L K .',,,,.' \ Y. A. '-. I""' been appolnted ?\?l ,';,-.', m tlmlng Utber H. tan ln t,',- attempt* to beal tbe W BO aad 7" yard* reaorda. 4i \\y OTHER ITj-_at_B_TIKO CORTE8TB I . , ., i ,;i,-,. toothaBtoam aill p:ay i i ,,:? ,,,... nl Athtetl. Clah thi* aftoriiooB al Bi oh iM,. beglnnlng ai 3 p. m. ., ollcge AthletK AtBOClatton am h n ? _;t,,- UU* afternoon a. the Man Athleii Club gronnd*. Plftj leveti h it. am! R ;,4c.. begintting al - a'ctoeb. Tbe Orange Atbletle Club footbell teaan wlD plaj ,he toam "f tbe Rew York AtbtoR. Club tbl* afterni on - .. pol.uiiiHl-. ??n.>!:u..J-Iifiy-af;l.-t. and :,...... b iglnning al 3 i>- aa. The l'r,',.'l,l All.l.'tic CRlb b tt?B team ?U1 VlaH Cievelaad Mimciut.-iv after the Tale-Prtoe-toa l_be aad play ? toaai of eoUeaje graduate* la thal ettp. Tbe N,.ii" < ??..-?-onntrj A- odaOon artll h.ld lt, weond ran on Etoctkn Day, al M arla Para. Tbe a-rnual toll gaatet oi tha 8th Befiment, R. ??-. ?-? N v. tthleOt AABoelatton v. iii tata pl. at the ;'.-?i,.rv oo gatarday avantoB, Boveaabet 88, beg H. - o'etocb, ahea thc toOowlng eootart* wlll be op n ?.ii a-natrars: 8l_ty-yard da*h handicap, M . r'_ Iinu'in im'' >ard im. Handicap, SaO-yard ? A'.- ;-,: '.''i. h l?00 fard n.n handicap. '""" ", ' ,, ' . . ,.,, u 'ii !"- nn. Uandl hl"h jtiofp 1 nd , WO-anl mn liajioT ,,, md ',ue nul'- ?''?" huuelrep* ,"'*'1 ''llu ',' , ....ilui-l V4.ii I,.' BTtm to tbe 44H.ii.-s in each eoatatb ISSPIRIX-! BBBTBCT FOll THE WAVT. The rrutser Philadelphla ha* alr-adj made a f.r ata, aml apon thr. ton* hai glven pracl i . ? '" t;'a; parPoftheCon tltutbai ahtch "arn* all offondcri tbat ,|, .. niul n,,i i" i ?- Sav. iu anv lUgbttog way i . P80 BA *hlp* wltt ?,:. n-i,n> ??_ all tl '"; ^ ?^ f**j '" ' tbe Bay to ancbor ofl Tomp ldn vUte .,, . ? oMimed to di*pute the r Um channal. and to*i a part of her i i , ithoul dolnganj dantagetotfa a -r-uip- "? "? ' daj Bba n ??ip Brenierhavcn found Hi I'biladolphla at anehoc to thc Lower Bay just wbew ? i,. -aanted to mab* a ahort .i.t t? bo lo Ma tootn Bayonne. I.hip driftod har amahtable atern Pblladelpbla't bow, Inrtoodlng to I ,.;k to her lhal -.v, ..i.i toai ha raaaeaabared, bat the war.vo**el luffered ooU t ehlpplai af tba palal on :i!l? ..... ,,,1-m. aad her rall hatflp red, and luwl i" anebor. ,.,,?, .-.'?:,,? dr.d?,k i"r i?P^r-' ?-?-"" t gr-iRr of BAIBCM may kii.l a tiiif.f. i r__ple*oa* aotae la loha Waahart barber *op oa ,??' p?t .1. .,r of the ho*ue Ra 88 W.tor ,,-,, ,,v , -,?-.u.akcr Itvtag aa tha aaaaa Boat eariy , . ,v morning. Ihe .hat_ahat gara aa aUm, .,,d P..1..-.aaaa O-Mara. of the i-nn,--.. tAjmA. Bat , , ,?? -i, .,. !?? cllmbtoftlu*JafhafaiillBbl ? :;t\.'Mi.raf..u,.da.'ur.,4, wn, I,.. .-:..'-l th-* SthnraBh.riMrwIaiew. Tte h___!T JT? ,?;, i? u. i.kata arara etjhaaaa raaort i ,, ,,?r. ii- had draab ai aU of Walaae*a bay V I"',-!.- ?a....n I-' -ld I...*..- U'.MIu, \ ?'?* ,i bar.r. "I RO. ?1 ^^- * **^m** ,,,;; ? Li been toehel ap Ia a eall hr a eeaptoird ,V?,i. f tl, I,.-.- ?*.ito?and.-..n..,ra4 tar i iv ratori and tbeata. Tln- poliee -aid he bnbbI arall . .._., ?aken l? ruurt, a- lha rn/."i. *****";;;;;';, himm -n,,,.?*? and -iln'ar-. 44 cp ." 'K- u , .,i,u.t..v..,!Mink.,,ar,va,1iuirt / ,., r,,,,, TV I.'I"' '?*'?'' t" ?""" *' A1,,",,t' "*1"1 S_ ,'*v,n"" ? , . ' tn tbr "'I.- An ambalan f.miid him "??'!-''. '",,,?,? wm rarrieu ... Bt. Vln -'?'l!.,lM1'1," I ll'?t''---'l to be ln a prvr.ri.,.,* ^^^LV'Viui:'..,'.'!..''^-'^.' - Tl/E BABCAI A fBBTBBBBB UmVBBAAAWBB ' ,.?'..........r Vaa Ota. ftoalrei to eaattaa lha paUto ' pjMu H larpoatot araa h eattlag al ,, i j,d Baetoteaee, tolaaD repreaeirRai ataa U t, ha ? l.ii.'i BtVtor arho ha? het;n olf dutv on a.. .uni of Utaaaa aud h bbBb_ Ib aaaaaB aaa* aw the raaaaa tbat ha had hewn 888888-881 88 p.wi- hls ui.lforni aad i la unable to PBaBBR H. ?? 88 ?<?W oUK*r :ia_4 wl_ | I dil lha -ume fal-e Uie wa* arrested and punlslied for liiic olfenre* a year ago. Any peNOfl t/> whom the nucal mav hetvaftrr apiieal Bll ohhge Uie li*A inaoter hy I.1- irrot. -?. IIIE DATE FOR WOOTFB DEATH FISED. J-H.\TE>CED TO OIE BV ELE'.rTIUriTY-HIS OOVN SEL IXTE.VIIS TO APPEAL TO A ITNITED sTVTI'.s OH'IIT. Joaeph Wood, rolornl, who on May 10. IPSfl. ahot and kilie.i ChariH Iliiflin. a!-o I .lorcl. near Shaft No. 21 rrf thp Baa Aiju.-duet. at whl.-h th-v both workod. aaa braagM d..w;; b H --a;- pMaoa M Bag aagg yeaterday u> have a new gaM Bt Ma aaa MMa Ni ti.i- waa naeoaeafj baoaaaa IM OaaM ?f hppeeta tav ov.-rnil'sl all Uw axeepBl N MMB hv B. J- Hairv, Boodl eoaaaaL The eoaaaanel BM aM B 9Bot_9 ot Ci.ief DNa Mve Ja.'liM.n. a:id aM arraign.-d before BaeanMv .-myth M l*art II of i.cnera! Baaatem ti .- itaaoeg? ,,ve:Tui..i lha appBaaMaa <>f .Mr. iiair? for a new BMI on Bm ground M BM gMCMMf of new avMeaea, aiaga aa Begaaafap. &'>d CMrt sp.rk- aske<i W'?id lf lie imd anytliing to Ng why Ju.lgnient -hould not Le pa--se*1 on him. Mr. ll.iir,- ii.t-rpoaal M a-k for a stay of tl.e -entctne. M IM ground that there were tliousmd- of <'..lor_-d men conipcteiii to be Jurors in thi- .Ity. yet none of them ?:v- -ver empanelled on a paM or pctty )ur.>. The ofliclal-, t* IM MOM did not have tl.e eoaattMBoaal nght thu, to keep colored men otr Jurle,. Mr. ilahe IhattgDN chall?nged the array of grand and petty Jtiror-. |,nt \_,-, ?nlei- smyth OVemMd this ebailengB, aaglag IMI il came tao late. Mr. Ilatr having aaaaaaM .., tl..; Jury before any evMoeN aai MMa. au exeepttoe t. iMa raltag wa.- MMa. Mr. Ilalre sav? lie will -*-rve the BMMf ?lt!i a haheaa aorpai lo produce ti.e petaoaw la a n.ited Mate- i i.i.r-, _ mni he ean carrv tln- ra-- t. IM l nited btatea dupreaM I'min. Ihe Becorder, lo rneentenalng Wood, s*i.i that ho had liad a fair t:-i*i aj.d I.A been at.M deffended. He d.recu-d thal W.hjO le deUVONd l.v tlie slientr within '? -?' **_* to Uie \?anlen .?f IM tftnta Prlean, and tliat hc bc put to death hy ataetrirlty - me tlmo in the course of the v._.__ t.eghiiiliig iiecom t. - ? PLENTTIN THE MEAI MA..EET. FISH ARE DE.VRER. HOWEVER, THAN LAST WEEK-BAMB CiMIM; i\ with t - I.L. WEVTHK.i;. IMa -en-on of the y.-ar i- Blwaga .-. time of pl-.-nty in tM i..<-at nnrk.-i. Fhrawra and Ilo k rn ??;?-. nm waiiiiii^' to Imi:-- tbelr eattk ;i:n! iheeg during the laag wtatar, an beglnnlng to ihtp them ln large num her-. aad then- i.- t-vn praopeel ol :. - eadj aM full aupplv tNffl i:ow iiii Kow-Year*a. PHcea bave o, rurdinu'ly t*P_a*4 _ tnile. The lisli market ha? her-n pcctiliarly unsf.tle.1 iat'lv, BWlag ta Uie w^n- l-iiIh-, re, th- coa-t from FtatMa to Beva brotia. peeveatiag th- gahlng laianli from getting out to ,ea. The ,iuppl\ M red snappcr h*- beaaj ulmo^t rompleteily shut off on this ac 'oiuii, and uli Beh Ma gone up in prire. The supply of .odiish for last fYiday's eaaaampthm aaa so small ihat it s?M for lh?N tlme-, it, un] BgUNa. The market i- -lo'.rlv piii::ng up again. thoogh, and lt l thoaghl that it will t**0**M it- n-cul.ii -i-ady ailBBpi Bl out IM niiddle of i:-\t week. rtK- peieai for bmm m praaenl iie: prime rii. teaM 20 rent- a poaaa, pottarMaet raaal ga ceata por * iiou-e .-..-.-ii, -2-i eenta, airlofai toam l- to 2" aeata, Debaoaleo 2.'i cents, round boM 1- raata, Ha; bM l 90 mbM, t'.--!i ramp beef v> eent-, it. .f, ..-??i ia eenta, Bg i.f.m :, to 7 eenta, tiie. go eeaM, aavel eoraM t> "tit-. plate niniod 7 .--nt-. riiinp eoraal 1"> cem-. oxtaUa 10 eeata, beef livcr 8 aeata, 1.1 kni aeyi 12 eeata, real ehopa from 20 t,, _:, eent-. Bla real 5.aba, leg real u eeata, i.-r-u-t vai 12 aeata, thouMar real 1- 12 eeata, raifs heM M eeata, <air iu-ei- 70 eenta, <-air- MB 10 eeata, -*.-cthr?td- 7;, eenta ? palr, MM qaartar matton 1 ; .-eut-. fun- unailia iiiutton iu eeata, neb 1- nbM, BagUab raBllB 20 aeaM, rn. k ehopa 2.. eeata, Bnghah ehopa 88 eeata, ihoahBr lu rent-, niiittoi, Mtaagl .'. cent,. lauih |fl rent,, MM ?luar'.-r lamh 17 rent-. for- qaarter lanin 12 eeata. ra.-k lamb eMpa 25 .-ents, saddlc hmih 23 cent-, leg lamh lfl eent/s. ahnnldn- laml. 12 Hfflta, llliaal of lami) an.l 10 caefe, tota ahopa BaM 8f eeata, Mab frie? <; i-.-i.ts. ham 14 eeata, baeea Id eeata, aaoMd becg i?; eeata, tmoMd teagae 1- eeata, tata poek 11 oeata, ?i.ii port 12 eenta, tardlng port U eeata, eaa lanl M eenl -. maaagaa i". eeaM Ia the fish market the prlccs have gaM np. an.i range ahoal u tolkrta: Bau 80 eenta, Maatta 2:. eeata, hluettab 15 eenta, nfawm 80 eeata, laailnatl :i:> weahflab 15 eenta, whlte pereh 15 cent-, hpaulah imukere! 50 oeata, peen ttutM 2<i eenta, >ln Bom 1- to .'.. Nnta, baHhal 90 eeata, hai 12 12 eenta, MngMb 86 ranta codflab 10 eenta, bMrtflah n> eenta, kloandera 10 eenta, porgiea 15 "-?'- --.. 1..-- 90 eenta, eeB 18 eeata, lobatera 12 1 2 eeata, whltoflah 15 eeata, aeollopa ^1 S0, -oft rlama 00 eenta, pieherel 15 eenta, aahaon Boal 15 eeata, btart baaa 18 eenta, red anapper 2.. cent-. pampano 35 eeata, wM ? -haii 80 eeata, aanoked berring :;:, Nnta i".-; doaea, amoMO ^uiiiio.. 2s eeMa, naohod mii'ki.-i-cl 2b cents. dry cod 10 eeata, hard enb 00 eenta li.e butter market pn.-^n;.- a frilj -npply of bath lngh and Inferlor go<Kl-, wtth a -lichr falliup ?tf * t..,- -lii'ply of niedhtri! qaalltb . 1 id IM prtaN raaipe (rom 18 10 30 eeflla .. poand, with talrl good butter ta be at 20 oenta. CMCN !- Mvaaclng .1 little ln price. nnd egga aMo, nil aeCOBBl ol the COOi weather. Th.-e hn- been a prefcNHN iMwn (01 Ice-houae egga when tui: --.- -i. aM -v. .,- the prtoe la mnewMI loaar, Tiie regetabta nartat la wcii Nppttad. ji,, 1 imi;-c prodneta ara abeadj eomlng ln, an.l ? .o>a mp i piy (rom IM Bonth. Applea have advaaeeg a ttttta ln prl e, aM tha priee of all vegjetabtaa and fniit 1- Boderata, ralMr than extNaie. im bQowlng are wbm "!' IM prleea qnotod: Tarnlpa (Baaata 15 : cents 1 balf-pert nu.f is ranh) ? bnlfpotili. IobwIon I Ufi oeata a batt-pech, iqaaah 18 rent- e;irh. '20 eeata a hatf-peeh, tplaach 15 c-nt- ? baB-peek, icap vegatahlN :i eeata an eaaw, iMItatta 2:, eeata .. ] qaart, rgdlaMa, hot honae, :i cent- ;i baneh, pumpMna 1 from 20 to 25 eeata eaeh, pota ?><--- (awml 90 < ? ; hatt-peek, Eariv Bon 90 ranta a ball poek, Ba ao '??:.'- a batf-peck, i?-p.*r- io .ent* a dooaa, peM 30 eenta ^ bah pe.-k. pa.--;.-ip- go ; a doaen, oyaer planta 10 cents ? bm oh, ..nioiis .n-d, 2-1 c.-.t. a batf-pedt, peDoa aaaa prtoe, and white 30 oenta, okra drfed iu oeqta, maahrooma b -i. 81 36 1 pouad, lettuee (ho?ton) ~. em *-. MM n eenta a buoch, bon. radl b 1". nnd bottled or (raab ln the Not. herbk, inclndliig thym. awcel BMrJoram, nge ?"-' nuinma aavo.-y, kalc 2<> eenta a doaen, gr en tos 33 c.-nt- a <l..z.-:i. garlir K. c nt- a tmnch, . g^ plani-. fr. m 10 ta 2'. eenta eaeh, rueumbera -i to .'> .-ent-. bot-b man \" l nt-. rranlicirlw, from 16 \? 20 cents a .juart. . ehlvN 6 eenta a baneh, eelan fr ? 10 t<> 35 aonta a luii, h. eauhflowen from u> y, |Q ,-eurs a head. carrata 35 'ents a baaeh, cabbage 5 to 10 .??ih-. r?^i 10 to tS eeata, tavoy i" cent-. Brnaaola iprouta 15 eeata a .pial-t, u-ets 81 cent- ? baneh, beaaa, i.ima, 4<i cent- a peefc, -t.-n<; 50 to 80 eenta ., small meaaure, applea, rooklng, from 1 ?JO to :ni eeata a half pe'h. t?ble apples from :io to &O ! eeata a haif ;>. .-k. rt.eie is pfenta of came in tl.e auwMt, but it la ln fair tv,ji,e-t. and the prlCN are llrm af aU.ut tho | following ligure- : PutrfdgM #1 50 a palr. pnilrl. rhleken gl 2.'. a palr, dnefca, mallnrd. #1 2*. a paB, ranvaal.vli from *; B0 lo f-l a pair. teal 75 ccuts a palr. Kii<:lsh -n:p;- gg *>o a droen. q.iall W _ d'^.-u. 1 gnii-e #1 M a pair. woodroiks gl ">0 a |alr. agaeht f". a dozen. Ni.w tlnit tlie wtatar weather la cnilng nn Aiid ' gun.- cat. b" -hfpiH-.! to BdvaBtage. ? too* deal ot j bear meal aud -maller eame w 1; i." sent to ! th.- market. Qaail are ln Naaoa U>-day. and a ;ro<^l ; wlU be found on IM -tali-. I.l.i-d. ,f .-.nirse. between the ?ma!l hoar of IM moiaing aad dayiight. I 1 ? . v H! retail al ???.'! a doaen, aM m** iun ... b Baaa, aceorgiag to ail the Bwa ?n Bm to_t*4. - -? - - TIIE t.oVERSMESTs slllE WELL t'AUElt F*>B. Tl.e iui,ber Brm "f IM United -tates rireult f'o.irt, Crtatloal iiiam ii. befon- Jodge DenMBI, eaaM t.. a ***** M-t.-idi-.. \--i-taiit DaBad 8tataa DtatHet-AMetaeg .i.iim 11. BoB imd aharp "f tiie. OaaamaMM baalaaaa, ?M ciii.ilinteil ii with aurh energy aml sklll that Breaty-oaa prtoonan weN aBMe BaM or pieaded guiltv. T!,e curc? 111 tno-t ca nnterfelting, bul aeveral won tor amaggllng or forglng jx^iai natoa, Twenty-one m a Ungle term 1- an nnuauaOy larg" nu.'ilier to Ih- brooght Iwfon- the Judga for >.nien.e. Mr. \. ti wa.- oniy Ncentl) appotated t<? hi? praaaM plsu-e. the October tena batag IM ti.-t at whlrh ho eondnetad IM puiaaatlaa f rMa ?.over,-inicnt. .VOr SO PIXiR AS IIE MK.Iir IIAVE BBBB. I.ernarti .-t. JoM QBhf. ut" n?- fomierly a ?'..n gNgMhAl mii,i-tvr 111 BBgMag, ai.d win. plfiwled pnitv to MaaMag ? paaMM.k ir ? a aoama, made an i-l i|iicut pi-a fur mcrcy tu Judge Martlne in O-.n- '_ erai Baaataaa yeaaariag. Ha nM that his hfe had 1 1. en agoltaM until Ma pavarty gnaa bM ?> *** IM i paaMthook. 80 ho '?*<! ?*? "?'?> ????** ? *'?t<-h B ln poaMI aMa ba aoeaallBBI tM ettoox ***** HbHIm IMagM that lhe e\.-u->- .,f lelng " hard up" for 1110:1 -\ wa* ratber tfda, and aeataaeai him lo two yeara' im- j iir-oiun.-Lt. tbe a.n.mum penaJt.v. I WORKINGTHE ALMSIIOUSES. TAMMANY TRYING TO KttCE THE FAUPEB VOTE HEK WAY. ADDITIONAL I.VTKRVST1NG FACTS BROrOUT OOT BV the radMUH mmWBBBBBBBBBB. OOMMITTKL. Tlio state senatc Committee on Cltle* adjournad yeaterday iiftcriioon. -tibject to the call of tbe chair? man. afi.T an in,|iilr.v Into tlie *n<a-ure> taken hy tlie 888?8 |g prev.iit and de.ct reiristration. Mr. Beaadaaaa B-aaad wMh Mr. iv.ns tiw ubor of examlulng thc iiiimcr ,:i- witnosca wbo testliied on ttil* siiiijict. Mr. ivius, in ia?-t. went away before re . nul . it th<" Ml to Mr. I oaidman for the reat of Uie day. .-enator Fa-,-ett wa*. not present at anv ttaaa, and Baaatar MeRhafhlaa pre->ided. E.\-.'< rpora tiun Oaaaaal haaaaaaa ?_* a a_8aaar la the BMhhaaaa) and took notcs af it. Police < aptain Ph.l.p ('_*.-.C... Of thc I.lev.'iitl: !',.,.n<t. swore tliat the regi.try ll-M had lx*en exam n*M aml omnarcd with tlie BBBBl Ilats <>f lodKiiiic houset iii lus precmct, and tliat warr.<nt* fnr tiic am-st >,f paeaaaa araa r, g.stered fa.?ciy were BPfSad for. Captain t___ldy iiientioned a dlflieulty in detectlng frauduhnt regtatratlon froat l"di"kBR liouses, which wa-, al.,, nfcrred to by many of tl* 44itn^-se- win, aaaeaaBal him. it h that Mpsa ia i beap lodging li..u.-**-. ?re ofu-n men in rod.iced ctr , um-tai?.<?-. arha ai-e aahamed to glve their true nama* :,, the; ln,u-e clcrks. aud giv flctlttoiis ones, IhbI re.'.-ier for voting purposes Ly ihcir correct name*. Inapecitir Alexander s. VVLUtama **id tliat whlto cheap lodirlng-houses Are> the resort of the criminale ?f tha tower <i_-.s. it ??, n?t t,> ha ?aaBaaaai thi* itic ia, t that a l"Hir tniti li4tJ m a cheap lodglti;: h.-use ?:is prima laetB aaataaaa ha ?**?. a .rtminaL Tlie rhances for arre-tlng p?**?_>l<- win. regNtered illegally were. tlie laaBaalBB licld, much better ?u cloctliKi diyr than before lt. < apr.i, . Jolm J. Il"ogan, ._[ the Fifteentli Preolnct; tapttuii John II. HeCailagh, of the Fourteenth Fre cin.-t; captain Heahtot, af MM Tenui Ihaafaefc ai.d t'ap.aln John M<* iilLwrt, of Hw M.vth Precinct, all Mat?BJi that they took iiKAuurw to prevent fraudulenl voUng by detatling men u> exaraine the l<?dglng-h<>u_a Hatt and eotnpar. them with the regi*tn.tli*.i li.sts. VThaa fiaudukiii n".'i-"_tion w_s dcte, ted warranta for lhe offenders were otjUuuod. 8aat8 warra-iu liave ahaaiy heen ai>nli'"?l 'or, aml - plain clothos men" 4i_l ho al tlie. p.-il- ;?> uiake ariv-t- il tli" preteiider-. shotild aBtoaapf le vote. ?Would lt l>o p.*--'l>lc BJf you to an*.**a thesn nicn heaata efeatha. aapfa ??ioung" Chptafa M.-i'uiuga waa aahea. ??There would he great difticulty,"' he ?aaaBBBBt ? BTe 4vait untu tne eaaaplattoa of the registry Baa. hto tote aa aaaht aa tovaattfatfaa." -Wouldiit it be pos-i-lc for you to get the naniee registcivd on thi' Bnt 8a| and Beajta tlieuP ??Nothing ii impos-ihic." tha CBptahl -ald; bnt he added that it would take up too much time if a i.i.ui liad u> make m?i. than one visit to a lod^inn-house. licRides, it was easy to make arrert* ou election day. 1 .audiilent vot..'i> geueiully went to the poll*. e*trl> ? ai o 01 .1:30 a. m., aud ollii.r- would he waiting tor Uo'in. H-M lha Wttaaaa Maad was arton.-d by a lon| sirlng of peptaaaBaatfvaa ot the Buwerj toi|toa>aaaaa pro pi-Otwil. in i!ni-'"is and clerks. some gHtt?tB| witb dliimonds and 44ell liiTeri a#> to .i,cir halr; BBhan '"ik ,,t elbow; all kpaaaat .uiu laanraat hy their pri>to_ sious?of li.e ptaettea "f teHag rotaa, and all, i>> their ptodaMtoaa, aace* bb a?fat ii.e poii.e ln laBfaaj tlw poth clcau. Jolm M.iiili. proprietor of ihe \Viii')->r Theatr., at No. 4i Bewaay, araa aahad hy Mr. iinaniiivan ai>.?t a man MMBad itellly. ? rh're'.s quite some B?_Jj? ia thc," .-ai.l Mr. tsmitii. ?? What are their name- I" ?? Tliey 're all Keillys. iLaughter.) It appe-red that tho " hotci-clerli.'' of thc Bowery, aa a rule, don't take Ujc trouble to lind out tho " front1 name of a lodger. Thi-, of course. ofters anotlajr obbtmle to thc BBB-Bg out of fraudulent registi-tiou. Mr. .-iiiuli, however. -snd tliat the iian?,:.s ol .oma ?'tuatpneta" from hi* houte "aere in the po^sculou nt detecttves. He cheerfully acknowledpsd that he IvaA Ix-en arre ted and convic ted " la*.t Januar. a year ago"" tor pe.ldl.iiK 4*ofes but he hiid not eugaged ln any traiisii.tiolis of that hind this time. I. W. Tumcr said tha. he wa.-, one of the propneuirt of tha Phoaali Heaaa, at Ra 88 Bewaep. Thcx- wera :'-!> b'-tls iu the aud an avorage of from ?'>0 to _:7o lodn.i^ nightly. ?? You're preiiy full all the year aroiind I" snggestod Mr. Iloardmiin. ? Not p..*rs.iially," said the witne?s with grave coB cem. Hr. Tiimer BBBBl had any applicatior, made to lum to leal in vof.'s. -I'm a DMBeetBt," hc -aid, "and I 1:1,4-1 a partner thal is a Kepublnaii, and b.tween tho toro ef ii- aa Beef pretty pooi IracB <>f*." M"-t of tl.e |,m1-iii_ hoiwe witne-se-, .ald tliat Beteettveo imi eaOed at their paaeaa to aaaaaaa tlu; lata. Edward Stonlev, ef the Aieada H"tcl. awata liko the othL-r^ t'ut no one had approached him on tho siibjeet of aeBiaaj voaet. imt a todaar aaaaad Muhifei.1 t,x>U the stand and admltW. after nonie pis.-vaiication, that two aakaewa m-n had ealM an.i 'aaaaaaf' aaa al.'.iit etooUi n matter-, aud he bad ledened them |a -tii.!.'4, Mytng thal "aa wa.- tfe pr. j*.*r paaeaa to -..?c," heeaaaa '?tba heyt la tha hoaaa lhaaght pr'tty 4'.e!! uf Dtonhrf aad a atM veta a- he t.iki Ibaaa.". K. stocliitK:, Wardea of the Iiranrh VVork boaae ai Hart. Istoad, atabBd thal ha had Baea eaUad i:;,iin hy enil-saries ol BtoBaid I'roher wl.o talk.'rt t.? t,im < autio.i-lv aliout the tatpottaara of cettina a go-*d 4,,t>. out from the i-imd. Oaa ef taaaa ?aai ?n wiiiiam ,i. ?tohay, a . embcr ef4ha ttata Daaaaaraill t uminitt'S'. -He al-o told me that he beloniri"! t> Tamn ? . Hall." said Jlr. ttTTlllBf "J ui't I?? an.l H I gentleman in my house at ?attrb 1-l.r.J ou Bitwrday. I 1 liave fatRO-toa tlie other man's,'. but I WaaM I know h_B if I saw lum again. Mr. Hnkey htaafM me a letter of lutroduction from BbB pn-aident Bf tha uVnartmeiit, 11. H. ToiWr. I _4ke<l fuin WUat j in. haalnaaa 4va-. He sa.u Ihai h>* had aaaaa t., _?o ' if all the men on Hatfa I-laii<l wtm wen; euUU.-d U. I roae had ben raajuaered. i ;<.i'i hua aU af tiw ; men ?.i my pa> ioii wbo ware entltled t" reb had I eitber reguiered or would regi*tar UuM aiternoon.' ? oartng your lutanrtow **.tn Hr. Htahat dld he -.iww 1 you anv uo.umei.t- :" "Yea, ha -h.,>4e.i me a letter plgned by l,n hard ii,,.... rhe purpori nl it wa* thal ? cke. npproved it:- iii-'in.': ol conductlug tbe campaign, aud ;v;vi-.'.t him t>, o? one or two genitemen whoa? nama* B-ere taentloued ln tlw letter. Mr. GUiuy, l tblnb, 44.1- aaa ?i Um aaaata, Tha otiier= i am aaa sure about.'' . ?? 4\hat dld Mr. Hl'key -iv abont the rotea "f pau ;>ers under your con.rol .'1 ?? He i-;-.i tbera waa a very .i"** ajaeana in t.i* U!-.trnt acroa* tbe rbrer. There wrt. m Ambbm?y Haii eaadldata oi whota he 44 a. to tavor, he Irelng i? raiiiinauv man. I tblah the name iw BM u tioiied was Ryaa, aud he wi_s rary auxioiu to -Mscur. all tiie votes he could l<> elect him over the ean eaadMaaa, Kiv-des. i tr_nk. la ui?- neaaa. I u>id hla l keew nothTne *a?>um? m-rit. of theae p taaa. He then a-._?jd if there were an> pauper*. iu mv laatltatlen entltled to v?U'. I >a..t If I'.ere w.r. _n4 they were iiud-'r Uie wme nilc nt, other- ",m inltted by nmglstmte*. and I c_t_ui_y waahj not ui low then. to vote unle?? tliey wer*> di..h.irg?l by tl.e < omiul-.iuiiera Hc a-Aed me what mv poilti.-al purir wa-,. 1 told him I w_* n,?t a polllician. II*" asked if 1 44a- a HepubUcau. I _uld nol e.xaetli j thal 1 had rotad aarM ol taree rtttten-iu tlrfcrtr at the i?->t eiee tn,ii, and I >*_. v.-ry tndependent. Ke aud th,- gemlo in u," witii lum ??iid that m 18TB Ihaaawaaa naaa f"rtv rote* aeearad la n.?i- LsUtud. whv-a were ?_?? m . '. . l-la.i,l. 1 -am U-Bfa 44a- al lli.vt tlm* a Hari'* laland lln-piwl to whleh tli-**." _a-gM be men o.mpa. tint in vi'te, nul Ibal Institution h.i- i^-eu ai-oh-h.-d."' ? llld he -a\ lO >"" lO -?! -la.i,. ' -4-11. Uie Kepuu. licui- are pnabJag tiun<-. aad i waat ><?. to Uu <0J v, u c.m tor my Btaa Rvaat'' * -\e-, ?ir; Ju-t exaetly tbat." ?? y.iii twaat that he rofeiTd to tlir paui^ ?-.iii. yaa tbr, leflea. Ha s.iid ii- h?i ??,?, ;?r. F^taa and Baaa i?d proaUaad t<> -.cure aaaaa v.>t?-. af tba lower aod of tlw lataad." ? At the Inaailr _-yl..m I ?? Yes There aie forty or flfty attendanta There." Dattag the rc*t of the Inreatlntloa ruorc todflaf lioaH etotha aaaa <>n the st_.,i. Thc avaaattaa ylaha?I tlie names of .everal mou wla. *tand 111 ..isplelon ,,f r._.-.u-riui{ fruiiduleuti.\ : and Mr. Etoerdaaaa _aya tliit ih. v wlll be * atteuded |a" WhBBbBB th- f iln toai aftar tbtaa or not._ t.BB.iT BtsiSEs* trBBWBBBtM AOTFTB. The buslnens fallun** m tiie la-l week. a reportad l.y K. (L l?un A Co.. of the Mcrcantlle Agency, 4iere 1!H? tu tlw; Inlted htates and 'J. iu <aiii4da. n total of HR, BfBBBBl '-"-"> Bl the pis?,'edliu BBfl BB_ Ml III tha taBtSaBjaaB-Bg week la*t yeiir. In their weekly review of trade BhRBBB DaB i '"? cai-efully n\t,M ;i potfllaa onini'ti. They 8B?u*e th - nagllgenc< by referen. ?? t. the ,.le?-.i'>ii-s. a* if lhe price.. of i,,< k- a>id ^raiu wera iiitiirollod hy *ueh lnfluence*- It wus admiited thal rollectloni were *atisfact?ry tlimughout the enntry, iiiiti tliat ihe freai ladaahtoa. mi arbbjh aaaaai d.|K*n<l. were nrver more actlve. They venture to say that the pr.Mlurtion >,f iron i*> al lhe uiauuuim, and add U_?_, while irwu _s>"m. jtruuger. atcel 1. wealar