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I TIIE COUNT'S VISIT ENDED. HE WILL SAIL FOR UTVTHttOOL TO DAY. WELL rURM-B WITH HIS RFAKFTIOX IX TII1S 0Q8J-HI MB8IIIR1 WITH A HJRSV ACX.DEVT. Yo*tenlav was tli." lust <la> of llie visit of Uie Count of Part* nnd bat party Bj mi oaaaatry. ?*? mornin. thev 4VII1 ,,-all f>r Livorpool on tl.e s-tean.s'*H> 80** Tt.e Oaaatl and hl* BBM i-ofnrr.od to tbl* ettl "? Thurs llav i.lglit, after a trip ""indc 4''H by ti l ?'.>-rit's n.rrmv eseape from lnjnry. M riutt .biiri:. X. V. he aii.-i.t.M from tiie dwwttg ronm ear, aod Btade a ml MJ8P a* he -.tti-mpt".! to Ix.Hr.1 lhe n. rvtltg train a.i.m. ll,- tong t? tne paardrall Iv "??" ***** oomotw, Ut a rtan??*rou*. p;>slti<.n. till l.c 4vas raaeaad l>y the tralnnieii. .m arrival ln this rlty tlie party weart at onee lo the Wiiidsoi llotol. and ln Ii.mor <>f lii paaMBtt B arblta banner witi. ti.e Baaa- ?*B. laaaed trom tta Bacataf all dav yrsfj-rrtay Thc Count of llauBBQBTl-la was MBB d'irinp tho d.iy. He snici Ibal ti.e Ooaat of Barta bad aafarei bo bv toiiveiili-nr.- rrom hi- a. (ldent "f tlie ni:--lit liofoix*. aml that ail the aaaiBliini "f tba aaa-ty araaa la ti..- i>--t ,.f iicaith aai ajirtta. "Oa* -tay Bi this eo-ktry," aaM tho Count ol llaiissonville. "has 1k*,*ii most pl"-. ant. There hi*. been no frlrtl >n of any kimt. and onr 4ve|,ome his lioen so hearty a- to lenvo no rlonlit ?f it- simority. Tlie Coiini al l'anl baa baaa entertained aaaijv. here i>y araa? iht-oh.i1 MenBe, and tho Wl.-a tlm* hl- vi it liart any algnlfl. bfl "8 i* most pafoatatoRa. i B*ay aai 'hat hi- aaa graal nl.e<t wa.- HR mMkSUOfl <>f hi- hi-l >ry of lhe Civil War. it is la*poaalbln lo say abaa the boob \.iii ba putilishert. When the fount 4,as a'l?4ved to work ln his i,4vn eaaatry, thc preparatlea of his btaaaay araa rapifi. Hut sinec hi-- e\il<* from Frann- his tabOTI baaa baaa desnltory and tta ptagiaaa of tta book grcatly hin derod. We wlll po m.w to Kngland. 4vlu*i-e the party wlll -main for aavaeal month-.., <>..r l-lins, ln,4vevor, ar" not yet matnred." Last eveiilni: tho Dnko of Orleans nnd fhe Dnlte of UMa dined with 08J88BJ8 B. McClcllan at ttt ManbattaB f liih. Tho Cimnt of Fnrls nnd rhe iemalnder of the ?tittc spent tta oveiilng <|iiletly at tho W-rtsor. ,rh" entiiv partp aal for their pbotograpbt in the Oaaarfr. prlvate partaa-* al tta batal ba tba ?ernlng Tho iK.rtr.iiis are' tn be aasd in a lar_-c hlstorleal engravirig to le made '>f tho xone at iho re-'ont nnn finet given t<> (he Oount ln 'hi> .-ity by hls .omrade. of tiio Armv of tho Potoaaae. The anpartng wlll l,e laade by tta Ikancr Lae Baah Rote < ..miKtiiy. Sh ,niv beftora the C'oual of Parta lefl Montreal tho Afr. Uneriean Leagtie of Rew-Yor* --eiit lum a aorBMi liivni.tK.ii to a publie reeaptloti th.v wero aiixlons to glve him. T<- ihi- tba Ooani replled a-s fnllows. i Diani .v?,u very tunch tor your fcttor aad :*v,,,'*,,iV!-v tor the share l too* ln tba arar arbleb brought tbe a_c IItlon -i *b-very ln in*. >'iut"d statea. My long atandlng feeUng* on lhal eurae of modern <i4,li?:..ion aouM ii.,\- l. "i ?r.iiM.'.l by yonr Intended rereptlon. i ,i,"?|v tt -M-1 thal my saftlng for Europe oa Satur? day B-orulug prevent* aae froto aeceptinf yonr kmd llivilat.-.i:. ' _ j_ POOaHIMMIGBAXTSA T 77//; BABQE OFFICE. BTATEMl XT-. AROt. THE TRF.ATMKXT OF Tlll-.M DERIED r.v sii-iiKiXTloxuKNT vv RRBR. Tho Itov. Dr. Thomas J.r.imm. Immlgiittil T'ort ciinniatii. Prataatant Bptteopal Cbarab, im* ailtaaa ... Berretary Wtodoaa. rbargiag tta oovernment with erltalnal aeaiert in not ___tag aaMable provtatoo for tte poorer rlaaa of Ina?frraatt wbo are Baraaaartly detalned al ihe itarge Ofk., n tbh etty. i>r. Dramia no- they are b-rred to >i.*op apon tho arell-trodden 1,11,1 an* i-ii.'d Boort ..f tte Landlag Barean arltbonl plUow, bed "i- eovaring <>f anv btnd, and aI*o aBb ,.ni dlctinctlon >.f hi, rare o* eo-or. it wa. ti.e ea* i ted ru.lom oi Ibe < latle Oardea Oommlsslonera t., [? rvtde :< datty repatt of aoato alad f.-i ibe poor aod nennllest Immlgraat. wbo wora detalaed In tbe ,. , ,..,, eltber f >r exaaataatloti or tot aay other par no*., i.m he wy* xlvpo l ti"- Bral art of tba Goveni n,?i,i -,i,.'i taking rootrol -f tte Barfe OBJca 44,,- lo 1 ? <i thla nro'-'iirv prortoloa f..;- tba frtendle..* aad -rieu atiaaoera Tbbi action, Dr. Dram? ia . praetlrally dooto* tln- elaa* of laimtgraiit* to ttarvatloa ao loag a* tbey are detalaed ln tbe Barge i-n,,.'. or '?!-?' it nr'-'i a:iiiii'.ii-ly throw- tl.'ii' antlre aialntenanre wWJathere on tbe .lia-ity or tba abarehes of Bew-Yorb < ity. if tbey du not atarva II la beeaaae Um BiteBlonartaa and tte Mnd-bearted eanpbiye. ln tte barfe Ofaea pat ttelr banda into their poehata und givo rettof. wiion -liown Dr. Di-inmis lettet Cokmel Webar, l'nlted Btate* BaperiBte*nde_1 of Itaaatgratloo, *ald Ibal H aaa ;. ayaai aaagBaraRon i.".'. nlaatateaient <>f taci, Tbe targaoo had orden to tak,' In tbe boapltal ;.- roani of Ibe datalnad loimlgrant* ..- <t arouM bobl, and the ,-.,.t be -ai.i. ware provided wltn i-oU. Ot-ca*lonailj ? ,?.,,; (md to *hx*p ..: We Boor, bul art oflan, and l genei-allv had theli :,.?.<-? wltli them, aothey iini'iii,. .ufler from Um coM, Ile gave itoaltivc wdera, ba s,nd to tappl. Ibe poor Immlgrant* wltit foon. nul ii ihe Governinenl pruvlslon 4\as not sufllcleni he imid for n ont >>f IU* nwn porhet. i>i. Drnmm :.;.* ? th:- He deelared that thero 4\a- provUlon made by tte ?iovcrninent for tli'- detalned WHAT MV. CLEFELAXD EAS TO BAT. MTCPL\. BD BTMPATHY ror. THE FROSWSROUa BATI0.1 ANI) NOT A WORD ABOUT TAMMANY. Alii.nv, .'.r. 31.?"TM Argna" -.Mll p';Wl-l. to mi.m.w tM loOoaleg latorvtoa witi. ex-Preakteni Clev.-'.ainl, i.ii tM i>iliti'-::l BtaattOB, -et.t to it by its Kav-Yorfe earmpoagoal: ??i.f i..ii-e it i- aaaaUeBB for me io eipreai IM deep taaxaB i i.-ei i" the etoettoaa aoa pendinp. tkoogk i hav.- -oiiieiniie- feared that my repeated aM eafaaaed kttoa >.f ;tivit:iti.?ti.-' lo vi-n dlffere'ol i-..:.iiti.-- aM add. aa pottttoal neetlap migbl be eoaatiaed a-; ln*l i it :..- :i tark if -vn.I.allli with IM fortlllies of tlie exeellent oaadktataa la IM DemociaBe BefcL i am mn tii.t IMn ti-?.''?;? aaa .1 aatVc qaaattoa dlsniK-ed more taoraugfety at.d ni'.'- liitelliLTiitly lia- l..-:i the ol taritr rafom, l.y it< Denoriatle a.i voeatea. IBB ma] perbapa aagp B thal lf ti.e Deao rn.tir i>o<-iti<?!i ..:. tin- iaaaa i- ti.e eorreel one, IMre bllnilld Ik.- laUMBlata and ready a.ijuieseence on tlw jmrt "f tlie I'fiple. Bat tlf Judpment of our coinili-.v men has been so tt-aiiimelled, an.l th -ir penaptlOBa nave boc-n m etooged :.y pavjadtaa aa* appaali to m tt latonat, that IMB apprebeeBon of tli" ln..- provtae- ol our ooveriiniei.t haa l.<en di-torted, and tl.'-y have for year- beaa I'-.i to l.eiieve tliat IM eoadBCt ..f public affalr* atigfct paaperij ******* *?'? **** ***** <?"*- M ?ocnrlng geaanU ptoapeHtji tonnded an prinelpla, M1 by glrlag B diiwt advantaee to 881 t.'.in BBaaea. TMre ran be no adva.ue in tarifT reform where tl.ese idea paaall - lt ls certainly tnie that ii. sueh a sellisli Ogeratlon the lutewata ?f aoaiB ? <<- tiie poopB ...i.-t i"' aagtocted. pi-ole-t on the part <if tlie-" ha- Mea -tlth.-d bjf tM most lu.a.ii geeeptloa aageajotery. .\t ii-t. however, the-e neglBiBlBi Oaei aro iinm-.-d. and ii. BpH8 cf IM Boada "f ?tapeptaaeataUaii aM do'.oakw whieh -ur round tln.-m. tl.' > Mglfl lO IBB tM lii-'ht. <>ui BfH CiilU.rMs and others whose lntere-th have been dl-.i> gantad. wfclle Mvaatagee hav.- been teeorded t<> ?<* favoral few, are not to be mueh lOBflBT deeelve.1. They are discov.-rliif? more and more elearly that the laB aad aaeoaipBUalBg tabor whteb aMadd have ;u!de.i to their eo.iiton and paaapetttg have N'-.i oiveit.-.l to the aggraaataaaMnl <>f oBMra, atelB tiu-y have eoa aUntly ri-owii poorer. They fail to BBB in IM aea* nmlation i.l vast fortune, under eoodlttoaa, any compet.sation kr their glBCOaiaglai labor or for their ?iforc?-d imd plnc.htng e<v.iK>!n>. They will not alwaga be BBat, but will naturally and it.evltalily demand th-; faaaea u> aU and laaraf to none whirh our laaUtaltaaa nromlae. ?? 1 am contldeiit that we shall sex ure a majority lu the next Haaaa of BBgfaaaalaBaaB. our aaecgaa may nut I." -o IBMftBg and dec'.sive a* many of our san gulne Iriends anticipatt-. bM it will ba -af" an.l BBb BtaattaL I eannoi lOCgBl how BMttoaall a reform move- whtah must IMoagh aaMaa latoreata BtaagB laliaaiaod and aaaiaagalwali aaaartod, ai.d ahlch mu-l overeofiie alnise- Bag -tilleted and aiTo ganUy maii.ta...'?<! I bclieve that ail our . 'tin - tm.s b- IM re-nii ol hard atraggta agalaat Uaae odda. 11 i.- nut, aawarar. toaalala Ual IM roaapkrta trlaaigh of th.- aeoata'a caaae raa M awoh tanger telaj>ad Tl-.*- efXeetlve iueulcatioo ol wnole otae do? wh.eli ?harartarlaaa tba i?--..<? rratle pr ?, the thoiougb <n cusslon golng ..ii lu every |,mt ol iiie r oaa try, tlw '? I'l-ta. -e.i -.:,< .e.e- ut tli- i;.-j nl.ln ?ui p?i.'. t' -ernt. IV- perpataattiwi m power throuitu <e<-Uie-s enactaient* whieh atldo tne re-u!ts of tL-c people'a aaffnae, lt biutai methoda ?f hwUtotlon, aaa. above all, tM dlatreaa da'ly iiueat olnp oai people'a home urid'-r the operatloa ol a ne*a Inlqnltoaa Knii' law a ta* wbieh nol "tilr eoMocea tbe coal ol Ba nccaatartoa ol Me. but foatera IM cxtortloBi ol traata and ...iiibinatiiiii- iiiaAe cartala the adveat .1 a fraar. bett-r tlme and ti.e aaeeodency ?,f Uu* dsauxraev, -WMtover tbe mar reealt may M I an nol al ,.:i afraid thai Ua aeai al *a ***** *** ****** ? fhat dlamiuraaement will iu the least Mmpen it, aiaor or When it- a^grcaMvenea*. Tbo Dcraocratl. part) la Uiotourhh united, tnd ha* planted llaelf on D>rho rratle Drtiielplea. It will notabandon t tacred laaae, but wlll eonunue tbe wartare ui.t.l a arhtavea romplete auaotau Tha partj IMI know no dtaroongemanl In lt*ef>. wlll not wnver BOf BJMf la 18BO." A SALK BB tBUMMEIB* MXABBBBATBD. C. C. Kliayi..'. BB BB aaBBB. said ve-terdav: "The report laieiy raaatred Boai Loaaoa taal (Mra was ;, B8ta there last B*M -f SOBATOO BBBBdrtaa i a gl*aa >.xag iqatlon TM entira talcli ol acals ln all BtfB ol the world b_s| jraBf <Hd n.M oxcor-1 MM Im'.f i-i tta aaaoaal <\> atad taad, B-da- tta v.inie A-wba eateh, whi'li was onlv BO^dOO sl Ins fnr tho la^t vcar and 100,000 for tho pro(""din. yo... baa nut nmounted to oM.Ow ln live y< ir-. HANDS OFF, TOLICEl A WAI.SIN*. TO THK DI'l'ARTMLNT. From Tlio Kv.iiin- C8J1, Deeaata tho fair ararai-g rtven acveral das no. the poBce eontlnue taetr unlaafol rorh In he?all ol ram inaiiv llml .on.i'ii.i.'ii- come lu to us from nrarU all ?_* tion* ol tbe city abont ttetr a_rorta BBalaat IM ,.uii lamman. tam_*lgll. I?_r perulclou* actlvlty auuine* varlou" pnase*. KomeUme-i ll l? thc i :ii-a) t,. matntaln order al Lcague nieetln; -, whlrh have been lavaded by ra aiuauj li,* i, i- at ,'tlni-. U I"* Hi-" lalin. ? M piiitoct ir'-in ini noyance aad aoinai oatraga tpeebera in the Cart btu '"'?''.?",ii'.', mort odtonatve aai oatrageo?i form ol 11 ' to lk- f.-ni.d in the attempt* ofearuJB poll e captain* ,, rurther the Intere-t* of tl.e vvlgwani bj suoiw mcthoda <>i coeirelon aml Indlreci Intimidatlon tnal have i?',..iii,. exceedingl) tamlllar i late yaara t>> tta op? ponent* >'t IRmmaiiy Hall. .mong tbe i.t consplcuout oir.-iid ?_,- In Ihl" mat? ter ls Captain liraut, of tbe Blxteenth Preclnct, whicb - tbo Mlltli a weinblj Distrlct. Tln- i Mclal ba* been thi .nbfteel nf complalnt i"i- araeb*. Ile hit*. lt i- rlalmed exerted all lus LnBuence in -.half "f that pollUC- Judaw l-'i:i..:. li-xl.'i.'K 8. Qlbba. \s ,v ? rbody bno* -. la-nmany want. tu .end ou i - back to .v'linu'i. H cannol do ao i>y fair meana, aal t, ,? leadcrs know lt. Wltb ;. fair electlon Ulbbs woul-1 i?. beaton, bea an oot <>i tlghi. Henee tl,:- eflorta ol tbe I'liiNia.a. Pobre Captain, .^???'?". ?/Ii;Ui'J';; :!."'; 44,.-.iid niiiUo tho comlng ele. I >n In th ? Xintli ?*"?*??" a- pi at a taree i.s tte prlaaary eloettoa thcrc a ita tt?lliSs'p%'''lMn? Captain ..rulit's ra-o, we WCtUdBOl have lt -nderatood Iw I* tta worrt.offuwer. tbera ;u-o a ver.ii otter captaint Ju-t aa ai aaan io are ata rellably intonncd. Theae men baare bad eaety warnlng. [hei **}** been told that they eannol t .lu* anv parl whatcyei m thl- munlclnal electlon, however much tbey ;-?- ? ' di> so aud however great the pre*aure npon them m.i, be ... exert tbem*elvea ln Giant'e behaR. The Uepublican* ol tbl* clty and tb.-l. all."- " ? ? propo** to be buUdoeed by any parl of tbe 'V "' ''. ... :-,i??.*n,. Tbej <w.t Intend to be ?'"??".".';. ?f a tlnala vote. They triu n.'t ubmll to ui,r > .t.*w* or nnfato treameat. Tbera l* ao reaaeai WBS tnov Let ttla fact be elearly ondcrrtpod onee tot an. if tbe poliee authortUe UiTnk tbat tbey < iji de*clve ot hoodwfna tbe Republlcan toaden nQa* ''''.[,.,'. viiu dnd themaehe* wofally ?Wjjl?_*.H are deterlnlned that tbe polfee jhall heep t'.*- r >>??''; Ofl Thev are golng to *ec that ii i> done or th v 4* . know tne reaaon wby* Tlna b paata btngaagr., bat every w?rd of lt is nv ant. . . , ... what la fofag t" ba daoa aboai Rl Woll. n tne first plaee, let everj opponen of ^??MLi?";,#_r hiniself n member of a BeneraJ committee. having loi his objeel tbe eolloetlon of wlftenoe iua,n-t h. '?-? Whe.iovei' a member ol tbe lorca, b. . i-* t ina . ivuu.!*mai.. MTgc-int. inM.?--t.>r..-i.i*orli.ioi.d. >' ? ?"' ,. mlaatonar, * tnttad lo be wertlnt blnaBlL'Blg*'?L? Indlm-tlv the IntoK-t e< the antl T. m>" candidate*, fel tbl* fa. t be rirpJrted >matoer*dlla8?ls ?? lhe portj mauager*. tlw la, n..* ,?,...;?.!.? .?''?? " >,?. nabllran County Committee o. lhe ; '? l(.'(fJjr. {?ounty Democricy Ia Qtive Comm tte- o^-tbr^chair niiu, of tl." Municipal l.."i:-.'"<K.xo,niiv,' ' "' .; u'.? If vou bave nol the Ume I. ," "' ' ..u..,' . ,l,.?,e ,. then -e..". or Mme your ...?'?...i'!'';"'?' ; [;!'. .'?lii - nnd 4vo iBKiire roii that H wlll bc prompuj ior '~k\mrTnm& ^^n.nrtfr.!;;! ,.;,,l, ,::t -p^'--; ". m.- i'..:..n,.,.y ^Mtitr.te thl. nolnt. ***J*^'imZ m^oTfmf^ ,.,,,,-,,,1 l.:sa..1l....-i.v. ".;?,, ::;'V. , "-.J nivri.of iwllcoman al once o. Uw '"'',, ..".'.. ,,l,1? a.?i cbar Gsra v;,;";rv. ,SA ^??s w ??a?S__3_?iS3^^_? ;1';;:::",:,";...M ?i:!;.;?i,..,??w?.?? ,,,?v ?.-> _>>" ":? '?_ KfciW?'.".;S. i- ?....? !i .till largor, bat we hardly tblbB ao. IHE OFFICIAU DIFE.'R. APPRMSF.ns ANT. Ct KTOB HOTfBB OFFICERS NOT 4QBEKD on Tin. TARIFF. Ti.ere haa Man ? dlffereaee ol optakw MBreen ol ndala ol IM Caaton llouae aM th* ApprM*' -? torea ... t.. I!.,- r!:,-it:.-.ii.... and aMeaelng ol all hultl d ,?,,,, .,,,1- .i" on hnttilBB marhlne or trtnaa. ?,.?.(?,.,?,??-..?'.. thal aoeh arBelea. InclMtag nndor ,,;..??:.. jeraeya. cardlgan Jarteta, atocMnga, et*A ;,.,-.. duttabla under the new Ta.-in as wearlng ap ,,,.., ,, 401.2 ren1 a poond and fiO per cent ad v:??re,?. BU1 at the Ap.ira;-.'- StOWa aooda Of Brfa klna wrn ?pp:?-..l -?:,..-:i.n- M tobrka Btao nnde, ?.,. newTarli wlth a duty of aMal M centea ponnd illl(, ao per eaal ad iralorem. TM taP?WT * ,,??.?., preferrr* IM rtowa at tM Appralscr-a btorea. TM eontlut of vk-ws aroae throagh ********^ worda tabriea BM goodi ln tM B*a and oM rarifl lawa Bal wttaonl racoanllng all tba torhnlealltlea i? the ii may be bbM thal tM AppraBar i- mra ?meeedlng ta appral e good" ol IMa eB - aa ****** apparcl ta aaxardanea wltti Beclloa 386 of the aaa Tarlg?. . , .,,.,, Now all entrtoe ol ?* rtaea ol good ??' ' were made altor Oetober a remalaM nallqnktatod ln ,1, i.iiieit,,.-- ..iii.-....?.-? th" ColJeetoi d< dred ta reaeh a aalfonalty ol oetlon wlth IM Apprataara In paastng aueh good*. " ***** Intended ta MM i ron forence on tM qoeatlon among Bas heaata ol depart go tM aervlce wlth tM Pnltad Btatea Appraia -.- to that at. aajderatandlni mtgnl be effeeta* aa -.?,:, M poaatble aM linporten apawd tM ?I*n* ?, .ppeattng to IM conrta. Bat throagh an accWonl mlerenee -u.i nol ool tata ptace, aM aoaae fortj ,i i:i:v eatataa remalned nnltqnKtatod ln IM I ?1 bctor'i office nntU yeaterday. Bpectal Depety Col I.-mr cou.-h eonauKed wlth tM Board of Oeeral Ap pralaera and tl." United stataa Apprabera, aM M la uuderatoM that tM L'nltod Btatea Appralaera agreed aith M..r. inii. bealng Ibelr optalonona letter to them irom Unltod ritates Sonator Aldrbh, ol Bhode Island. The l nit.-d state* Viiprulser*. ho-.i.-w. maae no ue U-i.ii,-. nnd ibelr opinion* are ik* blndlnp. No? tho ,:u--ii,.ii is lik^:\ to come belorc the Boaro oi <?-.. eral Appralaera on an appeal ol an Importar, wbea nn autborltative opinion wlll be i?n*ere*. A Deiuocratlc paper t<>..'.i occa*l?n yeatardaj io maUe an aaaault on Naval Offleer Will. ln eonncetion wlth this cu-tom- eplsode. n eliurged ibat tne ,., ..,i f i.-mivr- i.a.i Indnred Mr. Wlllla Uj dlareRar* tbe ,';,-,.. oi duty ladkatad on ih<- Involcea bi the Ap p - i- -i and to computa the dutlea al lhe hlgh'vi rate nuder Bectlon 3?0. Tl*? aune arBete aJao glvea ool the Infonnati'.'i thal all ,-nli-ie- on thi- ' la- "1 eoodK have -remalnod ln tM Coltertor'a offlce nn iiuiildaie* -in.-o October ''?." From tfaeae two atata i.i'-iit- the inaccnracy ol tho artlcle i- a- apparenl aa ihe -i.lte of lhe unknown aonrce wMnre .. nnanal o. I ... faet i- ahc entries Mvc nol reswhed Mr. Wlllla "i-.-i-au-e Ortaber B they have remalned ln tbe CoUeetor'a offlee unllquldated." Mr. ? aid yeaterdaj tbal when tbe enfrlea did eorne ta him ?.!???. there migM be tlme for raggeatlona or rrltlelsm, bnl he trua.ed tMI they would be al leaal honorable and intellipliil". There were other mlastatemeata ln ti.e ?irtlrlc whirh aie nol wortb rjotlelng. TO BBCtWVB TIIE IRISH VIBtfOBB. Flnal aftaaggaaaaB aata made reateraay for the rer*>ntion to be (tiven John Dillon and William <>'i;p.-n. the Irish envoys. on their arrival liere,. JMagB 1' Rvan prf-ide* at tl.e BMaBBg WBtah was MM lt. No. .1 i'ark I'lnee., nnd aBOOBBeed that apailBiaaita had Men ?eeured in BB Hodhaan lloaae for th.- two aieiuban >f I'ariiameiit, an* that an addreaa bobH ba pn m*ed ta Baaa la u-iiaif ol Um vertoea ir-i-ii aoetal and i.e nevoteat mgaalrallnai in the etty at n o'rtoeh to Dorrow evealag. TM orgBBbmBoaa taklng paii Inctadc IM Bnnldpal Conncll ol tM Irtah National league, rl li h haa i barge ,,f the arraagmaenti; tM Irtah Parliamentary Fund Aaaorlattoa, IM Iil-ii Hoaaa Rak Ctab, tM Mekal .ii.'.er of HlMralatu aM i!"- rarta - Irtah count] ar , lattoaa ta IM eity. The .-ia,,-- ara eoauag an tM rteamer La l haropagae, and General O'Belrne aa Douaead that thoae going down the ba woald reQulre lo M at tM Bai ??< '''?< ..' hall-paal . to-mo Ing md board tne teamer John E. Moore. The Qrat meetlng vill be ln Phlladelphta on NovemMi '? th next m Boaton on Noveanber 0 ln tM Meteopolltan . ipera llonae ln thia rttj on November .i... aM ta J ?? . ?-. on Novembar IS. Taej wlll vlall aftarwai* tlw ]u1nelpal cltle* ln tM country, and apeak at m*-s ineetingt. ln aid of IM HOBM BBM 08* X To ABBB8T HLBBAl YOFERS. . hief iBapeetor Byraea haa man; warraatt for BB nii-e-i -,f poraoni wM wet* regl ????? ln ii i- etty. y'?< ? ei ???? ?'??.- -, ? loiind prooj "f i uii'iui--..' regJatration, warmnU ha baeo aafccd tor, bu! tM poitccd. aol expeci to be able lo an-ht tM gultt] i .- anti] they maM aftempfi ta vote. "n eterttoa dnj offleara with IM v ii, UaBr iiaiid-. ....i b* atattoned al the poUlng pB et mbore BB peraoai Mva been regtatered Utagall ,. - ?-i ns th- men num'.-d ij., ,ii i.^d irj u> vota .:.ey wiii lc anaBeu. UE E8CAPED THE PENJLLTY* AN AGREEMKNT IN HKSTKAINT OF TRADE. THM XHVV-TORB AND NI.VV JF.RSFY BWRRP A.VD LAMB HR<>KF.ll-?' asmii i.vTlox DKRBATKD. Tho -mt <>t Jndd. as troasnrer of tl.'" ?VpW' Yorlt aml Re~.?JdfBBI b?BBB and Lumb UrolnT-' A- " elatton, agalaal Dcaala Umnriabbbb f>r B BaaaHj "* Bio.000 fui- baving bratam a eaatrael anterad i:i'" ,,v Harrlngton a- n memlier of tln* ass.xlalloti. wa- ,1,'' i'l'-' i>i tavor of tbe Bafendanl by a |ary bedbre JBdfla Boolutaver, bi th0 Ooart <>f comm. . Ple..-, yaatagday. This jenlalan hoids tbal tta Btafeara1 AawelaHnB waa aa ni ajal ana becaaaa it taaiad to re-trnin ha?b 1* ;,..,,,?;.'it!-i.. waa faraaed bt i *??--'. wbea tte i.n-in."--- "1 .;,.. -, broken, <>r >t.p eaaufl?k_a. iiiorciiaiit-i waa rompletety dennrattaad by eompetttlon. The pool ,:iin-d, iti-,- eblef provWo? ef tho euulieef by whleh i. waa broagbl btba e_tadaaee belag tbal a aal lona eota?ilaaloa of l"' cent- a bead abeaM !?? cb ? '? by aU ii- _eatbert ea all abeea baadlad hy tbeaa, a m tbl* Bmnunt waa .<> he turned over to the trcaaurer <>f tli,* poal, Mr. Jnd'.l. vn arrangeaaenl araa aiaa B__e with tho butchert j that th.? latteraboaM form aa eeeeelaltea t., ea .wrata '? with th" brofcera1 pooL BroBaaa weta oftea bea?y | |o.,.,-, bj Ibe CbUbi. <>f tniti ben t<> pay f.n- sit.-op dea.-. ,, ,1 io tbeaa, and tteae haucfl waee om --r tba abbR i,.:, ..,,. ?f tba deaaora?aattoo af tta barfaeea. la um!".- an ii+.Ti'i'in.'iil with tlio limkers th- hut. her, f,,rmod tta Reer-Yorti Lhre stork Aaaoetatlon. Bba ttlpulatton 4\,-i- tbal tba Brokara1 Aaaortalabn ahenli pay tho l.iv -t'x'U Associatlon 3 3-4 ccnls a ho-j'd on al! -Iie^p -old. and in roturn f >r thls paytaenl the l.iv Bto. it A--'. .aii.iii guaranteed tha Me_ibeea of tta Broben' Anoelatloa Bga*_s1 bx* i>y the taUare "f aay butrhcr. To aaabe tba UM-blnaltoa aaaea aalM, tta Brobera' A?*oelatbM Bfreed t" pay BB i eaaata ? bead lo tbe Batebera1 Aaao-riattitn. Just tha aaaaa, <>" aU 'hc ihaey -"i,i i,y any of tho BMMibera of tta BretotV Aaaociattoa i i batebeea oatatda >.f <he Li.-,* stock A ,i.iti,,n. and the latter aB-ortattaa agreed t<> pa] 18 eeata ? bM- ." tta Diahara' B-taartattaw foi all tbeep boogbl hy ono of the BKRBbera of tho batehen- organlaa tiuii frmi any bai Baaeaben <>f tho ttohare' *******' tion. The miituai eoBtrari of th.- beoketa attpahrted that nnv neenber wlthdrawlag heforc the e__araUon of ?ivo yeara aboaM hartsM to their aeaorta tlon. Tl"' inoii'V pald Into thls 808888081 fund "as. after the huteher*' porrontage had boen withdi-awii. dlvlded up BaaaaiJ tho bBB-M In a nttlo lmscd upoi. the baatnraa t_cli ono did at tho Ume of the formlng of tho pool. The ?_proem*nt WOrtked woll for the flrit flve yoars aad batebera and broben altte taera happy. lt ama ,-r i??ad far ti.i*.*.- reart la 1887, but dartag this k tter period imiriaur- bogao lo artae Mr. Hairtngtoa, one of thc m-mben of thc rtrohere' A-o.iation. proteated that ex-Oongreetaian PMeoeB. alaa a meaaber, waa Miling ibeep aad h_nbt to hi- oara batehen ui lha markel and not paytag tte atlpalatad aaua ,-f 18 eeata , bead into the oommoo (and. Tblnga went from ...'.1 to u-orsa, and in .miv. IB8B, Harrlngton wllbdrew. In .lamiarv. 1800, tbe BBCfltad period of th" ;, ?i-i.-iii.-it elapeed aad ii wa* art reoewed, Bul ln Kcullng up tbe atfair- of tbe Broter*' A*wUUlon it wa* fcuiid tbal Mr. PMrork owed tbe pool Bl 1.000, ??-,.- h" had falled to pay Into the trea nry. M, ",i,'?k expre??ed a trllilngne*.. boweve,. t? j.a ,,,,. t. tli-*- 810.00(1 tbrfelt aa* eollectod Irom Mr. Iler niiLtoii a* a uenalty f-r his wlthdrawuL fWlngton wa* wed, and tbl* wa* the <;iso which wa* da'ld,"d yesterday. Ilnrrlngton derlared tbal tts ., ,--.'., i'.;??.- were a rostralnl upou trade and ,.,',?.,ou, i,riv unlawlul. Jndge Bwlutay r. In chare.iig ,1,.. lurv. t-'M ih.n, ihat the .'ontnn t upon1 lt* h"" ,. ,,,t i..i.a-4fui. bul if from lhe evblenoe th.;'. eon ,?,, tha the carrylna oul ol tbe contract lestral 'i ,"': :',',!", |, ,,.'?;,l:,-.4-.,l. The UTJ found that theexUtence of tba aa-iortatlon reatralned trade. A [/JNG LTnGATION ENDED. -!??,: DOVEBXMBBT W1X?J AB IBPOBTAXT tVB T..MS Sl'lT lll'll'N IN Iggg. TM 0 ivenimei.t ycaterdaj aoa a mll ln IM United Mate clrcull Ceurt, bclore Judge Laeombe. on wblrli , Ii;!:(. -,:-.-, -...I over twenty live-i'nilat <-,- 1!,.. ??,:,,; mvolved waa about B30.600 aud IM trtal bad laated nine daya. FBMr, Donnelly * Co. lo 1863. ... ,.?. ?,-,:, -f CoUector Hani'-y. DroagW to tata eity fn.m England nearly 100 tata ol Mam gooda, .,,!:i;.o-.,i ol a-orated an.i .oit..,. and mvoksea BBder 111 dlfferenl ,,.,.,?.. Tbeae good. were eBaaaaad bj IM AppraJ er ,?, aat, at .he r.te of 2 eenta per -'man- yard aa iwiaa almnartn drtalnw eaaalmareMtaln iaM maaBn delalnes. Ti..- tapeetesa piotoBil agataart OUa eB?Utoattaa,.... tM greeM ihat IM geoa* wet* dattabta al 9 per cenl ui vatorem as -aamaBMtaraa ol anaaMee," la i-'-> sojl was broughl to i*eow tM Bxeeaa ol tM duty ,..?.,1 over whal aaa alleged to ba tM proper unonnt, and tMeam batjMeB ln IM eoarta ever ilnce. .,, tn,- .neiiittni" the -ei-;.- point ln- been up I^'J'i.-r",;1.,. ?rh:.t ll-.-t'iala..n.i n-,!lv al ataM i- iearl\ SIOO.OOO. ,, , , K tM pre i nl ra?e wltneaaea eame all tM waj from ,.-?..,.. to leatlfy. Almon W. OrtawoM. Joseph B. i. ,,- w. w.ekha.n Smlth nnd Almon W. ?;,".u"1"; .,,,?-.i-i.i r,.v lhe j-l-.,u1.trs. and Henry C. Ptatl an.l riioma.. oreenwood for tM Mtoadant I.II) SMF, I1AVFJ T."> MANY PAflBEXGKRgl >uit haa l.een broagM in th.- United Stetea. Dtetrlel Court bj l.i-ttnt-Attornej BlteBall agatoal itoearaari ,,. ti,.- itaamii'iit Bylvan Shore for peaaltBa t-..- per mitting m.-re paaaengera <?.. board th.-ir veaael than .lie law ?nowa. II I- rhar^-e.! that oll JOBB 'i'-> -ho carried 17'. pa aeagera Oftoea marataaa Mreerttfleata alkywa, on one trlj. from BorrisanB to Oak Polnt. TM -.- i- $io fur eaeh pMBtiigar m ezeesa of aa Iimlt. " _ CABBB ARGTJED IN THF. 8CPBBMB OOCRT. Waablngton, >><t. BI.?In the Buprame Ooart'ol BM United .-t.i.-.s U) day tlw f.Jl..wln? 088*0 v ?" ir.-u ?<! : Bo 80 Uuatave F.-.iu. c al, ptalnttffi In error, agt William II. F.'h'-rt-ii. Coltartor, et<-. So 42- f ath'-ri.,.- Flahburne. ptalntlff ln error. agt IM c'l.i. a-... BIlwaaMa and .-i. IBal EtelboM <?>... . , ?,:; joBn Dobaon, al al. appallaata, agt. Jamaa No. IV-Wtmam <i. Mill'-r. appellant. agt. B. B. Tbompoon, deputy-aherlir, etc, I):-mi?<?<! Wlttl eMB, pUNi:J-io,0|'.hn,-;!,\vi,!i;.-:,:. adaantetrator, ete,, m ix'llltit airt. .':?? I'nit-.l .-' .*''?? , ? .. Tl'e daV .air fo:- Monda> wlll M as (ollowa: >*. 46, 17, ?9, .vi, 56, ete., 56. 57, 98* **** BBd *'???? THF. Ci.I'lIT OF APPF.AI.-. Albanv, Oet. :il.-In ihe I'it-1 Oivlsloti of ih" Court ,,f App. aB to-day the fottowrng daetatoaa won- baM d down: waiia..- wavs. appeUant, agt M1M B. Davldge and another reanondenta; MaxImUtan Fleiacbmaii an* another, app.-llaiil-. art. Kl.n N-winati. iv-poiul.-nl. ? aJllrme*. wltb ?? Lrdta ?' Boberta. appeUant, a*-'t. IM Rtuyveaani Safe Depoall Companj ol New Vork, reapondent. \;,,?; ,-i f... reargumeiit deni.-d, with B100 eoata. iu tiie BeeoM Divtaton IM gBtowtog dectatana wero taaatod dowa: WUUam P. Abet.dr.itli, ,-espr,ndent. iiL't. tM Man hattan Rallway Company and the New-York Elevated Kallroad Company, ?pi>eiia.nts. Motiori for renrgu ? . nl and lo amend ramlttitur denl.-d. \.ith #10 roata. ?i:i!i |.. Heaunan, reawaident, agt. Ilerman Kochler, anpellanl: tl.?- Metmpolltan l.ifo Inaurawe Company, t-e-niiii'ieni, ak't- Myn-n N. Uabrock, appeUant; (taorge I,. ,-. i appeltani .-.irt. tM vUlaa* oi Bdgowatar. re spondent; CJiarlea A. Fhllllps a.n.1 aiK.ther. appelMita, :,.-.. Renjamta C. B. Tarfcer et aL, reapondenti. Jud'innenl afflnned, wlth eeata, i in- uu dlvtatoaa ol ihe eparl haadM dowa mi oratr that when IM .'ourt artji-urnod to-day lt BaM i reoem bbUI ilerembcr 1. TBE ISCREASE IS MXFBB88 CBABBBB The expiess eompanics will advanee tli-.-lr rat.s to dav aeeordfcag to prevtoai aaaaaaeeaaaag, The es tent of t.'n- adv.-itice mav 1." indi at<*d bv th'- new rate ... th- Aiiim- Company. Ka-t ol Flttabarg, on I m, t'.ere will l>e no advan'-e . rat*- f,o:n 1'itt -bunr to Chlcago and -t i.o'i - i"' rai-*i -?'. eenta a hundred pounda aud 50 rent- t" .ui torrttory beyoad Uaa* p gal -. The advanre la aaBnag mora IMa a reatoratfoa ol rate tbal prevalkd etgateea moatna ago. TM ei i r -- i anpantea tbougbl at tbal tlme thal lower p Ice wouB stlmula-.e I bBIc. j...\ Mve do .- ? large *__-. n -, bnt hav.- not Increa ed their lacome, TMg aiv now dcmandlng hr^-r net rec-int-. THAT DEADLY ClOJkBBTTB AOAIX. BtauBbaaadtag taa \:iri.<i aad aaaaaatta jtm** th?t hm baea paand ....t upon u.e wi.-k.-d rbjataBe, the f'.n Mteal ?( ti- ? ?? 9****** peaaeeeed Br Ua Uttla aalaaaea _* nut giat iBllj haBWB, a . ? rtain aawaaaea aaa bM i- tddlctad ta ti.e eBarette haiiit haa r.nt:. m*4t aaaa llaooverlaa la Urta dtaaeBaa, mA n. haa r...ina th?i ? ? :.-i-tu- and a>. umiir.-iu Brm i naabtaattaa peeallarU <i ii e roua t.i Bm aeeketbeafc. Ta heva bm inmblaalhai in it- aoat daadly braa, taa aaarBB aboaM ba uf a.. . ip i, in- klnd, bMB Bm rMepat Ba BgmreBc. bt lhe :, -,;,i. ai, axealleal aeeaa M Bm draam i- BB bai ih,ii -.;? vtrtto nn. eBaat b. laiai la/iir aaataal Baa _u ot iltttaa "t a ui.le vitn u, nmaeaUa .,?,.iiv ataaad, betweaa hia kaaaa, laaa aii I r -a MI '.f tli- ??! .,, ,;i,p m.d earry * -i<?rk town taaata Bm ?gialB. a'"1 i ki | ii i ii' i- -i>. ?iti. a .1,11111111 ..I aa i r*lngly uiip-.i-i t aaaote. TM newepapti bb* * ,u itloa baa h ,i th m wabreltaa aaetiayed m tiii- *ar, liul lie never repaBta Ad III m* b* orlpimllv p-rfnw <l iir trid tn part n.i'. Bm fiuiur-s with iii- baada aa U'jl laJaa l.ut l.lti nf thr bianna alaBk atttrk tm '*? ** * Hui." I-. a.i'l li" bgd M ' I" a ilru- atore k. grl llttnl '>><l 44IU1 'on.,) t-ii.|,irary .-j, 1. :n.J-.. Now b* sliiiylj BB?Bpa ,,11 llie IiUv.Iih* uiiil.r 1.1. _od maWe Vtgataa* NMBBfta ?hliii h,' 4v,,,il,l aaVSf thln'K of wrlii:,.' tot hi. pip'T. The f>,: BBfl U iiiliur d* Ir'-t rBBt** I* to b* r..iiikJ in th" iiios,. Miailau af Ib* etgarette, a. potRane; i.t the |I_Ti-<<1 nia-,4 4v|ll Jinp off mdlly 44'itli Ih* Thi- palat af dlBeieati betwen ;> elgaraeta aud * ttaar i? ||m tiie *eant ,,f aaRMaaal ailaebbf, ,v ebjar, beateva* _,,,i!. wiii mmi g* uui ib* 11 - ht i*. kepi uii v.* l.y ih ? raiatiat dianrht cnx****. l in naaklag. 8 eltttatta lioivevnr. wiii -m.nulil r lo* | leag time. aal ln thl- "av i4iu iniin bataa in tRana aad labla uatan, at ana 8a more aerleaa Caataga. k well__*wB nm laeaaRy hnd in- bed **t ni Br* tiirnii.'h t,, ittfabiaa* ..f t.'iis fact, bal a- h" rimiia?, ,1 t? BZ?BgtlUk Ib* lliiine- li" BB* B*t til-d ti, adrart-M hhaatll hy atahiag ibe Ibat publie. -? - I'SIXG "ISDEX LETTSB8" ON ADVBB8BE8* Till. 1'I.A N PAVORRD Bt TIIK POSTAI- .MTUOI'.I TII> T ' BZPEDITB TIIK IHlLIV'l'.RY OF M r,i, M vrri'.::. The PpgRBBte -iiillu.ritiis fiv,,r tla* nse by the pilblli" "f "lll'lex letters" to 0\|>*"dlt" tho delivery of nuiller ln this ilty. The-e Index l.'lters BW iiiiTeh tta aaaaee of tha baa?eh peatoflri atattona tbroegh whieh tho mail aaaltrr nm-' paaa baftwa M raaebn it- daattnatloa. Ihe elty 1- divhted, har poetal IMfpoaaa, Into Blneaaan dlatrtets, each "f trhleh haa aa of_ce ai. wMeb la bandlad tte mail matter poatad ar intendod for delivery la the teetion. Tha. part <>f ihr .ity -.ntli ,.f Wall and BeetOC -t-. I- trlbutarv to liranch P, sltiiuted in llie Prodan Bzehaaga imlldlii.. The next se.'ti,,a la booBded on the north l.y Catharlne and Caaal ata., w?.*.-t Broadway aad] Piaahlla al 1 and tho poatoflea talka ean af its mail. Dtrtrtrt a adJoloB, batag Unttad i>y the K.>\4?ry. TMrd ave.. Poarteentb -1.. Canalae and Clatfeaoa ate. i)i-tri.t 11 i- ea-t of it. being boaaded by rjnttertne-et, tte Bowary and Bart Hoastoa-et. Fron Pourteenth -1. lo tn.- Harien Biver, Plfth ara. la lhe dirtdlag iino betwaeii tta Metioaa on tte eart and wert -id*'- of tba elty. Dtotrtd c i- north <>f A, aad exi aida to rwenUetb-*t., wbleh i- also tte anttew bowadary of L>. ? and P an waal and eart "f ihe dlrtdlng avo'iiio, and po t" Korty-foiirth -I.; <? aml 11 aro 011 lha wert and eaal tMea of tta elty, wath .>f s,*v,*i n.tii -1.: \v aad k. west an.l eart of the aaaame, below . me 1: nnd red lli -t. : .1 ls areat of Klftliavc, and rnn t<> P/ert une liiiiidii',1 and f.iiiy tlfth st.; whil. 1. is boaaded hy iho Harien Rlver. Btatton N is llie fcodor for thc sertlon west of the Harlcm, and sonth <>f Dyckmnn and ItlWOOd BtB.; II H denote- thc Itltfli lirlilge I)l-trl<t, whleh ls 4ve,t of .lonmic-ave. and extaad* abont half a mile ahove tho brliigo. R l- lltalted on tte north l.y a Um drawn from tho Itron.x Blver west t<> .1 ?:??> aa aaa., whieh, if eontinned, wonld ahonl atrihe Hig* Brldge. Distrlct I 1- i.,,iih of B, an 1 extenda 00 the 440-t lo tho Harien and .rn tbe aortt to ? 11:" drawn fron Klngabrbfge 1 Uttle aortb "f eart t.. Vi d Cortiandt Boad, aad along that road and Ounblll Boad to the Rrona Bivar. Laal i.i all come* s.. whi: li extenda north of M an.l I to the city limits. The ld?1 i- t > f.ii'i-,'- the tyttem In rogne la London, which city i- dlrtded InRpaectlon* a. cording t,, the com pa . The letter*, whi '1 are put at the <-nti .,f tbe addrou of mail matter i" be dellvered In London,**uch m B. C. (eart central), B. vv. (aontawert), '?.<?.. Indl cate the part ..( the clty lo wbich tbe artkle i- t<> go. In London then ar,* lometime* bt?f a doaen dlfferenl ttreet. with tha aaaae oaata, hence witbo-tt ume otli?-r direction it %%.? ? 11 < 1 be Impowlble t.> deUvet *one mail matter. Bnldn then ara 10 many ttreet* In Uwidnn tbat ii would be tta labor ol a llfetlme to laara when each one of them i- tltuated. in N-.4V .ork, there la by no mean. the tamedemand lor the extn dlrectlon, otberwlM 11 would bave been Introduced long ago. At the ?ame time, tbe postal authorltte* think that the propoaed tyttem wonld be .ni aid to ih.- aaaorten In the aervlce. Atslrtai 1 Poet maater J. Oayter haa prepared and oopyrlghted an ont Une poatal tnap of thl* clty, 00 which all the dkrtrlctt ,,,. 1:1,( ,,,,,. |[. givet tbe following explanation of Um advantage ol addlng tlw Indei letter to tbe addnu it the botton .>f the envel pe 1 ??Tlie aaaorten an n">4- rompeUed to leara the aitaa tlon "f all Uie ttreet* ln thc clty, bo thal thev will K,?,..v Into wbich poncb each letter ihould be pul II la true tbal they n i refer 1 1 the Uttle dlrectory a-hlch li riven to them, bul that tahes Ume. l? the next nla,,. even when the) know in what district a gtrcet - || always lahe* Ui ie to read the name of the street, ,.;?;.,iaiiv'ii. a- ,- ofl 11 the .?..-.". the writlng la not v,','v teglble, l .-i""-. most ol the rroae-town itreet* bctweei Fututeenth-at and the Hariero Rlver are ln two dl*trlct*. and 11 tabej aa appraeUble period ol .,?,- ,., n?d oul to which one the letter 1.- 1 go. 1?,? niental opentlon* ar", ol couwe, e_ceedlngly i,rief 1 t when you tabe Into r^n.lderatlon tbe enor ,.,.- amoutti ot mail eiatter handled they amoun ... ''.,....;,., if the Index letter ?y?t-m wero unlver ,,' ' .. ,1,.* ? ....-..?.??? would merely have to glance ,1 the letter al the bottom of the envelope ana lo*. rAo artlclc into the proper receptaele."' IBI8B BUTTEB tN Tlii: EX0LI8H MARKET. THE OREES I6X.E gECOMIBO A BTROBG COB PET1TOR with .-wr.i.i-v ani. DKXBA IK. On th- mbtoel ol tM Irlah battar ludaatry, IM swedtsh oovernmenl'a dalry agenl al Mancheatar' ,., - Bordlak Bejeri-Bdnlng," ??% Swull*b <i ilrj Jounial, as follows: ______________ Tia ImaotteilM ol Irtah Mtter Into Engtand during ,--., baa boen tho aame amount ln Quantlt) afliuni ssffturess ss.s&ss ?:;: ?:",,.'.?;,;>.2___T_i___S% .,,,^1 'ihls hi- been duo t" tl"- gi-eatei num.i.r >i ,,,'v, ll ,],!: -u-,ii-l. an.l Danlah ayatem atarted ln Snd during, tM year. brwh&U the QMUly^tta nroduc' ha- l?vn nipmved. Uu- I? ?'?-" I?n"'"1% ,, , r -iri.M l InaWtbm ln dalry practl e al daTfyVBoou. \n Important reform haa taken ptace t"i.e ,.i rcgard ... fi.wMlncatton *****?*?*"* I,,. bureftaser of butter noa geta M atK. 1 ., hV.n offlrlall rlasshled and examlned. Complatnt haa b.i heard regardlng the rarelcs ?er ln whlch raila u and ateniuboat companl. a-ard rtah butter to tlie EnjtlUli mnrket, hrough whlch lhe |.:.i!:e.-i-- BITlve ln B dlrtV rOI dltlon. and tlUIH ??.J,,t .... apnearance whlch i- In abarp <??.., ttest to swedlsh aud Dantea Imtter i- ?? ? -?-?<? -? n ^'a"d,'"A* iiitberto been u-'-d pac ?'-'"? "f ';,u- whlch are both , .:?-??, \ ?..! '.: di'lv :,,.,-,:....'.-. aud i.,fe.-i..r ,,',,.',?'???.,? whlte packagw. o* i.h bi wbieh bat ',;,.'',',,''- fn.m riweden. itaruanj aud peumai*. lt 1 . U-.-II dei-ld-d I.' bCgln the UlIC of l.-eeli p!M ..l~< - rte V;-i, ....I..-. ..I-. w:,hl- d.all be of u ? and rontata -.nty Engllsh Hko tlo ,'.. oak pahaL'-s. Ireland Ihu. ln jevero **?** * tartad i'. th. waj ". re,...-::.. .-....I I..-..;???;'') ' ; iK-tltor of Sweden und Drnmarl. Ir. tbe hntte n ?< ? ? ,..'u,| to tM price tor Irtah Mtter ln i -'?'. "? J been '.e. ?..,,,: hfche? than tn 1888 (>r tMwdlnary ,i.i-iu ii - ??'.;n,-,i , n-i-nerv butter about t-hu auneVS a thi- awedteu and nani'h. Quototlon. < l J ,-i-v iiett -r mnired iietwoen ?;- renta pe' 1-'1" ,, nf about IM affldle of Aprll and enda al the ?.ld .,.',, _., ,,:.,-,. and i- ..f allghl eonse.|nence during le reirutader ol IM rear. The numMr ofmllch coars .XiT^ni.un.ed .., 1.550.110 111 1OT2 the imm , .,. |? i--- aw i.:i--i.:..'-'. or a decreasc ol UI...-.-7, ..,' ii per cent Tl.; haa bi a creal meafure been ." l ,v the -:U- of vounn atoeh for alaughter ln the h market. whieh haa been carried on to a Sea'terextenl than l^retofore ^^u- ^'rtn hu.d tri.ti'il---. and th - f.'-t ha- alreadi been th- i ii ,,f 'evu- tl.iu^ht for tM future of dalrylng ln Ire ,, \ movommil is on root to appiy o the BneUsli Uovernmenl mr ihe removal ol tbe exlatlng prohlbl. ?,,, SmnM -hiHiiucaitie fymEngtand felfetand in iird.-r thal 'he uf 11m- atOCK. eaptciaiij dalrv- .attle. mav ...,...? .hi-.ui.-h purcMae fn.m Kng 1,:Th,. experi of Mtter m MrmattaaUy lealed paek ,.,V -ee.ns to ba on tM Inereaaa from Ireland and lo the trople^ with eaeh year. ntAMOSB-BACM. VERRAPIX fOME HIGH. A Liai.lmlB.1 tta- Murrav i.iii amda a taafaey to raltoa Rarfcat nt day laat waab la wanb af dlai aad ,,.1(.k MrnptB. il.' leancd tliat tbera ?u- aea* la !>?? had. >Thn s.nd bm ni) a baW-daen ..r th* Bral that are brought in." atid .'"? Murray m"- n-ldeab "Ry Bm wav. 44hat :,r.. th-v MUlag for B IB ' ...,.?, gollar* a dnien," r- _.i"*?'. tb* marketmaa. ,,- , ,. ,.,,r.ii u," remarked lha epleure from ?.,-.,44ii. ' "Dlan-t-d.hack* r*m? bigh, bal ",? n,u-t have tbem." and b* *. ??if ii aa* 8100 a dotn," --.i.t ?? B_rbetmaa te a ?r,,,,,.,,. rep rtrt aba ?,.- ttandlng aeai Mpeopla la thls ,i,v -aald pay Llial h"ni f"r dataMad-baea* aad "? 4?r graatbta." "ii,.w is it thnt the nppty anr nun om whn lha ,,ri..' i- -" hlgb '?? aak< .1 Um rei ??'I'errapiii ?Bb tb* gnala* (l.ain nei ',':i! ed lealc* ur,- m,.| ,,, |? ,.,,.,,! ,,,, tlhe ,iaii,- at k?a UAm," BBld th,- dealer. "Som. ttme- th,;'. ah' no". I" b* had ?t a'.l. W? depend prlncipally for'oai dbuaaajd hanba n Um tappl] .;<''.--'ii by i,-iierii.en In in--ii i"-'- dnrtag Ib* MuatB. i aml h, i'i over till tl?, "iii'.r aavrb i tbem ralaabto. The BabenMb i.niwi pena ataag Uu tbw . partly Ifl Bm wai r aml partly ,,,, bm lead Into ark k Uiey pal tbr dlamnd-bacb* Ibey hani apdariag Ibe ntamer. Tblae thej tell la tba wiatei ,t ;i i,.,ii,i ? i?- Bgan. Thn Bm bM laharaan aba an ;,?, Mis .,,i ri. .matle to fellew th-i r irai.,- M *ea (pead ii,.. t.ii aod utatei da. - pu? rlag aleaa poklaa ???cki dawB la U. nnd M Bad Um kmpta ti>?. ,rH?i .,t ,.i bm -a M ii. -.???>"-")? "' wlnter, i.mri," ,n in -,o"i. ?d "!'. aat* t_n tpriag. 1 , i,t rellaw. kaew by algaa |bm irber. ta aoba ?l"v* .? in ii?. taad fer ? llamaad ba k. if kbay '-au Bad half u da.-en a weeh hbey iu4,. atada gatd wpt ? H i aa* u Btttnpl mail*. <o ealttvaM jIbmmiI banbt by a bmm who i.u.u a |, ? i.n Bm baaba al ii"- -8u>aa_bary Rlv*r, ln .N-iv-Jirv',. Ui arhMh ha bad liuniir la of tliui. llul it did not. |>ro\e paaBBBB, and Ot abandoned the undertaklnir " '?Win;.. 'I" BB** of BM (l.:ii..ond-Mltkn eome ftoini" "Thev BN rauKlit all along the aBBBB from Malne to feaaa '"" Ba Bad aM B* bbxbaaBad on.-* from Batttwaa bbbbb, mgaBaiy *o**n Long l-iand. They wtigh about fotir paaaga eaeh." FOREIGX XAVAL X0TF.8. The shlphulldlne programmc of lhe Freneb Navy has d aiUBMl BBBBBOB among American Nuval Offleera ol Bf* bBCaaas of the ral'.lng figether reenntJy ,f ei,. ( ali.nef 'inncil to san r tion. lhe suppre.sslon'. f tlio Coaaetl of the Admlralty. and to MBBBM it with ,t gnperior Barlaa ObbbBJ, The Mini-ter of Bartaa. Mwevar, ha- ayaaaaau ..f Um BMlfBa for Br* ?.f BB ti,,-,- utopoaed baaBa>aMpa-BM laamaflanBrt bbb u.e i haile. M irt< 1 and il.e.r eonslnn tion will 1c le.'iiii early aeai pear. Ti.e pteaa af BB ti.i.-d rtBBgl. bM Jauregalbarry, aro abaoal nady, and, it ls axaarieB. wlll ba B*eepted at oaea. The Bra ships i.rst men tloaed are te I"' nearly alikc. Thev are. eaeh to bo :;.-(. f.-t iii lotivlM. BI BBB bn-adth of beam, and havo a ili-nla? . ...-nt "f about 7.-J0O ton-. Tiiey are. to havo ir'nle'-M'an-ion englnaa of about 12.000 tpraapower. Intended to glve a -P'-.-d of 17 knots an tour with n-itiiral draugl.t. Tlielr armanient wlll cot.-lst of two 47 ton. four 33-toa guns and eight B 1 ".-inrh breee.i loadlBg gun-. TM new French ironrlads and rrulsers are not only belng BBgwaaal B *lic, but many improvement-i are b' ad.ied ; and the de*igners BB8B to be Mowtag llie examplo "f the Kngli-h Admiralty. But, If the critldama of fhe Engllsh naval ofhrer< are true, tlie Eugllah naval ContiaBtara have not le-.-n rtircful about making tlie ships habltable, an.l tlw-.v have also negleeted r<? Hi-*ht. ventiiatim and reom to get about the machinery, all of whieh are indl-p.-nsable. li,,'. arman.ei.t of -ome of th- Freii.-h vc-els has, h iwever been -ev.-relv erltl'i-ed. it Ma Bean polnt'-d .,111 that'tbere is a general halilt of over guiinlng. whl.h make* them dangaroaa al aaa, The Uus-iati enilser Pnrnlat Aaov, In whlrh tho Caarewlteh and the Braad I>uk.- <;e.,rge an: to b-* taken on ? erataa te ladte, Chlna and Japan. wrm lo have exeltod the ll)teti-e admira.lon of tl.e Ad mtaalty and tbe BBBaBiaeltoB and onirlneer ofTlrri-, of the Itrltisli Navy whlk* she was lying In l'lymotith -oun.l. bnt. unfortniiafelv tof tl.e F.ngllsh <-**rv\ce. thev ueie not permltted an offlrial Im-pectioii of her. Sho I- -aid te have every rnnceivuhle lmprovcmcnt, nnd is nttad li. tlw most tidmtrabie order. Her BTaBBBI of Interiial commonleatlon by tolephonea and tatographi 1- de-erlbed a- perfect. and so al-o are her BTtange menta f..r hoi-tlne boata. It la rare Inatoad to Bn* nil Ih.- nuveltles ln eomplete working order and thnrouglily ellielent. One of the Engllsh servlre pnpera ?everely erBtebB* the Admiroltv be.ause one of the 888*8*8 of the Con -titi.tloii Corps of tM I nlted BteteB Navy was per? mltted to vl-lt the I'ort.smouth dockyard. It BBja: -The aetlon Of the Admlralty 1.1 p.-rmitting th.I rtructor of tM Dalted Btetea Navy to v.-it oar doefc rarta aad Inapecl tl.e vartoaa vaeaeta of wa.- butldlug und repalrtng teerete B, I cannot help reauarklng. far fn.m e.?,?ne,:.:.,i,ie. TM BBaatruetof ol Uu 1 nltod Batea Niiw ha- pi-esiimably ask..-.! for IM permlaaton Meauao M hopefl to obtete aam* vataaata tefaimattoa :u?i 10 teara a tatog or taa m IM BmBaa of hta perambeta lona. We hav- nothlng to galn. and tvoty htnar to lose b\ rourteay of this de-er pti .11. BOH ^ehTam^n^of OPtotoS that we Should teBtete umbl" Thi- o.-.tb.irst mav have been BBBBBB*** by I report Of IM lierinan and naval exp.-rt- who have r-rentlv ,,;?... -, .,?.,- ?f in-peetlon of the TurUish Navv. Tli. v found. so thev report. thal the Turkl-h war v.-.-l ue of --smh aa anttqaatod deecilptton as to ataM them dangeroui for etem te bbII Ib." Thi- may ba a Jual eritiel-m. for In no oth-r country in Enrop.- has there been ao nttta advaaee ln Bte r*ara aa In Tartosv. so little dhporittoo to keep up wlth the titi.'-s. I::it perMpa Um Tmrktali Oovernaamt aUl awaken to tM fut that the (itvek Navy 1- b.-ing ain--i.i-ni.-d, and ti at ll is not wlee te bBow it- owa Bavy te eoattaua deegylag. in vtoa of th- teel Uml Oreeea aaa ra nutiv Invlted bte* tor addlttoaal ikfp* aM guns. H i poaalble that aM antlripate- an opportaatty I * tli dlsplay ol a eommaadlBg naval toree ta tM Levant. Bo little eoaeern la BB bf rJrreeea al Um eveata tektag plaee ln Bacedonla, aM watai appear to favoi- Bal ?arlan dealrea; *M ibouB any eaaage take ntaea Uml would be anfavorabto te tM aaptrattoaa whl.h Gi.? kwM upon a- taglUmate, it la Ifaely tliat her naval _ ba caUed upon t<. glve weight t.. tho ? proper rompenaatlon. Hul tbe Influenee ,f (he Or*eJl Navy will d.-p.-iid much upon tli" at demand for proper rompenaaUon. ,,f the oreek Navy wlll depend 1.. - tude ..f Engtand, Frene* and Buaata, the pi-ote.-lng ,?ver-- for il th.-v should -land atoof wlien the tark .1, pui'i-v -hould be f.-lt a- i.nju-t toward Oreece tlw l.'iitei-'- force wnaM probabty l>>' more than a mat.ii fnr Tiirluv. The .oi.-truetors of lhe Engllsh Navy havo sug .,.-t ,1 to th.- Admlralty IM umumUy br Baking attarar ti.,11- 011 the erui-ei- Magieienne. BOW 011 the WBBl roaai of Afrtea, All of Um prtaoaera, mtoet 01 otker Wtae, are eonbned In r.-lls dlreetty over tM engine 1.,,,. To eontlne a man in a ceU 08 board aUg f'-r taat.n daya ls in ItaeU a aever* pantaament; MI v, h-n aa in aeveral eaaea, tbe "-Us ara eka* t.. IM ..-,.11 ptpea or engine room IM puntahment ap proachea ?? barbaroaa eruelty." n Ma been repoHid ? ,.,,,i inataneea. In ahlps ol IM Audacloua. T mrma ino ud lurvsforl clussea; Uml priaoner* hav been ,?il' ,ll''nV ,,,!,, -11, f,?... I.-..' llUd ?a,,t ,,f veutihl ,',',, xo iinpi't-oii a man tor a breaeli of dUelpllne I- legtil. but to gnll him nllve ha- not been a inog ntaed pualahnaml bi any navy. TBE DETECTIFB '? POSTED" B1M. SUQG__fTI0R8 WHICH AIDF.D A MAN WIIE.V HF. MiT v " BtTRCO BTREB-R*" A wplllaiov.n B-tlat bfUt 8 BtntJ *t " forewarned. fotcannod' When ho was ? iRrtaat ln Boaton ha and Mveral orhen boarded with a woana whan bnBhand wat a d..te,tl4e. The det-etiv,* loM thon. from um to ume ttorln abont latereatlng aaperteaen whkb be had had and explalned bba mattoBa af earrylag on ??imnco gnmee." Then an lew new "bnneo dadgn. Bearl) all <>f Umbb an *rartattoiM Bf oaa ae two atoeRI ichemea. _ "Among otter thlng* whieh tte detecttvw told aa, Mid Hr. L? in giviag ha atory lo bJa Menda oaa evening, -l- an epigram la whieh Bahart <;? IngenoU ai-o bellevea. II la thal tta man who heglaa a abate ,,.,.?, witb a M.44H la a Uar. i n-ii yaa thia a m, aJ Uumgh tta rejwn eoaan ?'? ,a!?r' l ** "fu'M *****. mv fiienu. the d.t., av,-. t li of th,- -dii.inon.i game. '?? i waa reading la a ear otm on aty way Irom Boaton to New-York loog aftar i had laal si^ht of tha drterttva 44hen bobm on.- bebind bm <Tatpo4 bm tigofoaaly on lhe lajlng: ' Hello, Charlay, oM man.' ??? Mv iii.mi" i-n'i I ?harley.' 1 -aid -vcetly. '??ull 1 beg your pardOB,1 -aid tho man who b_fl uappad me n genaroorty. -i thought yo.. wan a trlend whom i oftan naert on lhe road. l am a eon meretal InveOer irtatm to, we rall ,>ur-eive-.' Aa ho went on 10 BBOBhae M 't. ITe-ently ho oamo ba.k. ???I- llil- Mrt eOgBfOdr he a-ked. ?"uii, n<>,' i anawered plaaaantly. ??? I bope yon 44;ll exean me tor my nidonoss," h.* .-aid. "I felt vory mmlt like a fool when 1 saw what I had done.' ?? ii,- chatted eatertetatag-y tor a whiio and teaaaad a verv deeeai to-ow. fhen be raaroed Mtd l looked ut him. ? -My nti.'le dl.d tho other day,' said he, ?? -Did he P , , ? - -ii,- didn't troat his nepliew very generously. ???Il-m-m." ???II,. 44 ab protty well ofl, was my umle, and he loft noiit; oi hi- nioiity to mo.' ??He ynwnod. ???Nothim.' ox'opt a ring- I don'i rare for rliis*s invMlf. bat ha i.hvuyh wore the diumnnd-prt.ed It blghly. lt is -aid U. be 44i,rth two or throo hundred Bnilan. 1 aaaat won a rteg ln my Nfe' ?"Have y?u got th.* ring wlih yon P 1 asked. ???, >li. yi-, I havo it in my po.ket.' ?? >HoW inii'-h i- it vvorth " -?!i i-:,t wottt iiiu.h to me. betau_e I havo no ? .? har ??' ?? VV hat 4v mli! you take for it I" -Hh. anything 190, -n>.' ???I roaldn'l affbrd to k'l^o that much for a ring.' ?? -well. ny 880.' '?Thal I-. :.* m,>ro (hall I rould nliortl.' ?iii,' draauBM tnraed tta *_,?,?...? 1:1 hi- hand aml loohed ai h. lo lhe -,-1.1 bebiad u> 44_s a man who. l knew, wn- walchlng u- an.l U.MnlnB Ho had toauea forwara until bl* h..*i ara* oaer tha baeh <>t aai ieal. ii,- 44 ,. -, near Ibal 1 could feel nl- breatb l under utood lhal he wa* v.milni: lo bm II I should albn ?) ? it to be 'buncoed.' 1 thro 44 my h...,.i ba. k agaiuel ,,,. ,,: klou and nlted mv ptrtt aa| eye-. Tln* drummer 4va- -mi madiMting ovea tho rinif. ??.,... here, Jlnny,1 1 tabl, "l im. six months onee i,,r tta taaaa game. ? ? "The man behlnd mo i.tir-t inta a roar of hnghter. ???i.\ joval1 nd he, -i ttoagfa yon 4401- boohed. The ',1111111111.1' wa* icarrying .10441. tho ai-lo, makiug tor another car."_ Tl) MAKE TI\WA*E XEAR BAl.TlMORE lialtlinor,'. <>.t. :>.?. II m iiimoivd thnt K.hvln R?r t,m. nf Chlcago, an.i . party af oapllatlala from tliat .Ity will -.011 ntili/e tha I'l Ahhetl Kolllni.' Mlll- pr8f e.-.y at .'.nitoii a* B manufsutoiy 188 B? <'?'?- BBBl p aaaad Uuwan. mi. Rortaa wa.- in RaMb?on la-Bag and spuK" ah.-iit hl- pr pOBBi uiAiiufaoforv. ndding. bOWOVer, that all tta plans hml not yet fullv doveloped. Tho capital for tha aea entarprUe wttI eone cntlrei. from Cblcago, i.nd -..ill be loii-idri'-hie lu 4?ouut. SOON TO SA... THE SKlEg. 13 THIS THE LONG BOUOBT Alltgiqn, HOW _r__RRIROTOB AXD B> TLEB'S f_Tl?ft_ p^. tllJXE WII.I. FLOAT AXIl MOVK-X0fi? AXD IXfil.N'lors CONTftlVAXCU. Mt. Ciirmcl, I1L, Oot. '2:. ..-iperlnl'.-The Pfnm^ .^ I'.titlor aerial inaehlno, whlrh no.v <>r?ipk* tbe ilti tlon of Western ?*l',..t|?; , ls the Jolnt work ?T__ 44-ard J. Pennlugton ;md Klcbard A. Iintler -, 9 ,114. ' ** Mr. IVniiliu-ton ls rnanagor of tho Monnt <W Maohlne and Pnlley Work- |orat/*d here, and hl.p]** ioti., w.hlrli have horo.oforo been m lh>. aay ..^ ??nviiig Pi.thlnos. _?_ provlng very- mk.*^. Mr I.u.lcr, iho partner iu the Invciitlon. I. g J* _tandaid Ranufaeturlng Company. Vtdit ke u 7* an inventor, his opinlon- aro sometlme, imirh yJ? after by Mlentlsu. These iwo if^taZz wero dirortly rcsponslMe for tbe ? "* < iirn.el. Aeronautle Ravlgatlon """mpar,*/,^? ronlly ilia.terod l,v tlio ivyret'iry of Sta'e, irtia^ nbaaqp8Bt ?r?anl__tl?p of tho rompanv at tie(J?) Paetta Hotel la Chbago. Ite |T*| of the dBMp.ny I. ?o n...n?f*'turo th**^J? iuvoiited air -hip, and to ron?li-u<"t ii tft^n/fc! niaking aluminlum under a now p.neois of tbeb^. The mon eonpaabig thi. company are *|2 iiian.ifa.ti.rer- of tho l'nlted Btate. and rJ: and aro flriii in tho bellef lha. Mes-r. is-r,-, J~ and Hutlcr liave wdved thc problem of -.<ri j r_aw tlon. The followlng I'onrd of Dlreotor* ha- heen **:??w. E. J. P'niilngt'Hi and Un hard A. l.ntw, t^ Carmol, III.; Janies \. Pugh, E. I,. Chn?b.rR? ..'liarle- J. Ittaang, Amxtjnmtt -liw, .'hirago, .a ? >u-1 0. HawRaa, liarry' Twyford, Btrmingbem, 9m\ j. 0. L. PukIi, .'oiiii <". UaBerwood, Joba s. m-,, (Jeorgo VV. .*siiiks, .'oliinitiiis, olilo: \4'. r. Deway, ftag Smlth. (iraiid Hapid-. _ileh.; Nin _. I,. Van An N>w York, X. Y. \t a moetlm; to ho held in *t\ city VV-wliie-.lHV. OeaobOT BB, an e_e<utl4-,? romiMk will l>e appmntod fmm thl* lUt of d.reotiri. ? imipowerod to i ogln tho ronstruotion of thc n.*con-> buildni.-. In th* Ir rois-trur'tion of n flylng nuchtne the I v.nlors have dopeiidod lir.ely thoti.h i *t ?v.i-liui.*^ s.i lhe 4";k tiieor.v. Thl- aaeaatM I- ircner.te* I a tttpjt prop.-llei- In front of tlio -hip. Thc bladetofQi piop'llor are perullarl.v foimed. M a- t<> rau-e tV _, t<> defleit to44anl th'* rear affr dl*pl*<e<l tn tw*\ thu- ta-liig advaiitage |,.t:i ,,( im rel-tame *> .4->ll *,( tho vmtitiin in driving tho ship forward. Ob the ? rornors of tlie wing* aro pmpeller wh,*cl4 to m and lower thc *lilp. These wlnrs or planos are **? -tnirtetl in sneh a maniier tliat th.y ..ill kaftBBI iiieni-,_'i4,s mt, paaaahadn wRaa tho ship i- ii...,^ Ing. At the raat .n.i of the baoyaaey ebaMharhl taihod Iho hall Thi- I- u-od to gnld< Ue* ship % dlfferenl heighta whlla in anttoa. .)<:?' aisive u^ uu 1s a mdder >>f tta nan atylt aa atrt -?-?-, boala. Thi- radder l- enployad t?> ^'imio tha *-iipi one -^de ,r tta at?sr. Oa tho top oi t.'.e i,i_oyw_| chamber ls a ?all o.xtondlng lt* full lenztli and tdjuta l.l,,' llie Mli* of an onlinary ship naviimtiinf tlie mm. I'ndor tho baoyaaey ehaatbn i- the eabbt, bog aftor (hc fa-hion of a Pullmaii ear. Baaeath the <--___ ls a rcocptai'lo for st n _j-'* batteric.-. OB Uie ha corners of tho rar aro eiisliioiiod btachrt*. d**4i(n_a g tmah the Jar whe:i tho -hl'i al.chU. [| tho front ond of tl.e baayaacy , ambM u i roinpartiiieiil dividod bv a pirlition (ron tbt pn rhtmbar in thi- eoMportaaeal i*. a nttry bi ont'ine. eapable of doveloplng ore hoi-^pom for "i.i-li i44,i and a Half poandl of lu ?relgbt. Din.tiy on tlw* nafa. ibaB of tln ,'ii--;:n* i- heyed tn" large propeller. n* revoii. tbma, and conaeqennorj th" ?p .*,t ,,i th" tblp. tr*. un der ihe oontrol of tha operator. rhe p t 4,iin?u)_t the -hip i- piaecd in th ? fronl end oi tbe <*!jin uf a i-iiart phued in eaay r?,<? ii thowt the i oarai he u B foUow. I!;,- itrltobbaard govern* tho eieririe.ii appatnrei, whieh by th<* operatba. of ti.e levei : tha bb> rhanlral and worblna devlcn n-.,| ,,.; board. Tlier?bu i- beated ns well a- tighted b} electrlcity, . <\ thu -tor l., battertoe ?ro aan a.s bat_rt to nep ihe rtlp ii i ron -I- trim. Tlio matetlal <>f whkfa the aerial machln u ron. ;,,.,si i- ainmialum, wbich i- to i^* mt-utfattarrt it thi- clty. Tbe Roant Carnel Aeronaurii" N*.iprtlm Company la ba. Ing a -hip eonstnlcted. and a prarthaj deroonstratlon "f iho aew hfea \4ill bo .iv,'n J_ Moat torty or lifty daya FLOBIDA 0B0WEB8 WANT TllElE SHABi, ALL THF. ADVABTAOgB OP A snORT KASTF.Rg fri'it OBOf vot to no TO californii. The partial failure of tM BBB*Br* frnit crop *t boen IIHIng the p.iekcts of the (iaifortii.i fiiut-gn.wera with F.a-tei-u i.iotiey In a way whi. h ha- been a< tk* lightful to tliem as it I- IBBfl.Bal '1. a.;d tl." repurtt ? if tii-se big aataa and axeeOaal prtom wiuch han beaa priated in th- aaeraaapare Mv* aaatetMaBBd) the lioi-i.'.-t orange-gioweti UagB aM their armfaaal a- IMy lOOMd at tbelr and ...unt-d tli- dollarl that the rapidly ripening fruit there n-pre-cntot AJready they ara abipptog Uadrorang - Borta la -mal qaanUttea, aM gaBlag f..i.- prteea Br Uaaa, iiiougkl mu-! MMM ti.i- fruit am beaa Briad raUaral early aml _>??- not ntiy refaaaeBt aaB iM IMBaaffl Btate oaa ts B it- boeL Tl.e orange-grower, bbwever, i- Blwafl ? a dilemma about his fruit. If !?? Bleki il betor* CMB> ana, ba m-.-t -n it at a tflte when almoal rvarytetf else is doing ao, and if he wait- lor hlgher prirc*. an< lets it hang on UB Bm until after Chrlttmaa. it willta improved in flavor and command a much huh-r prl?, but it inay. ln the meantiinc, M Blpped bf *n ?? friendly frost sweeplng down from the rhllly Norta, and then B* will wi>h that he had not held back Ba crop, OpteteBB differ -Iiu-htly as to the volume of M'- liorida .rup of nrni.ges. -,.m.- aatBOrhBB -ayinl' tliat it wlll bv about Iho BBB* a- BB - BM BV BBBBB - ? itn-1 4 Day, Sew-Yorl agenta tor Um n.ridaTraa ..Exebange, eompatteg it al Bom 1.SOOjOOO B t.**-* ' im>o Iioxi?-; that I-. nearly half B millli >n l>oxes shorl Of la-t year. an I " li.e Fruit ii:, ie .),...? ial.' puttir.* I ,u abaat 1,730,000 boxea. TM aaatity >a t**8 *'?* exeeUaat, on me araote, II M aaparted. aM that hlgh prteea are tooMd tor i- ipaarent Bom te* fact 8* -i-n-.u-r- are aaktag in aome Inataaeea Bi i bMBraaa fruit as it Mnga "ii u.e treaa. Th- aaa bbbb* heated pler, whlch haa i..? provbtad f-.r thi- wim.ri FlorUa produeti on lai.dlng In Kew-Yorh ?'1uPn)? ? ereat noon to commlaalon merchanta, ? ^e11** _ thoae li-i.ida prowera wM -end the fruit ou baa a agenta to be sold f..r th.-n- oaa aetoaai TBE BEFOBMATIOS OF H0T8. r_RM Er-r- vvixnin.; thim bacr to HosBatf -A CHARITT IX RERD OB R0RRT. The work of t'lrnlng b-ut Imya Into pMd baaaMj l.een rar.".*.! N -ucessMlly _M over "lrc'J_.v*r* " ,hc llurnham lndn-.rial Karm. - <'?.~? J8f J ?,.,.. cotambla .?>...,.v. R. V. The InOtaUel?fJ8 (owrted ...i Ihe tteeey that when tha boya W~?"J e-U laBaanen af the Rrga etttoe tor mo BrtJetBn ire.- and brooka of tta eonntrv. ihelr ???whi"r mi and iiuiv.uit hla araaM anert Iteetf, audthrti** eiiimtio,, t.. li- aad rtnl aod ptaf laaatai aT^taana The ehoek-af al the baddlag hanan tot ? ??*,in* ""J howi'ver. oa the farm .- ..artl> BRB M _* 9 ?*? atlon with pooplo rt wholo-mie ?*?'"* partly t, the mo.hod* u*od ln J4ernirt the boy.. Tho founder 8. .he Inatlt-tton, ** tt Kound. ii.-. maaa a attty al ttnUn -?llli-"'" Lope. k-i tt. incorpoiated wlth ?\?*?f? MM Idea-* of hl, B~ The BB- ??_?? J || Rl T nnd bt** who wero rtrtna 9**^ BMMrt 44 hen they went to the _h_rah_a_ ?*? .-;_,?, havo loft it with hahlts of ind.:-try aaa ''"'The'fan... whi.h BBB a 01 from tb^ddrttt? ?__ ,..?.,. m lacorporatad aa a aaa aartarlaa t* ****** J; Ud -.." ?? beVabng uVa h_ah.H tth. JjaRtJ ?i,,iiv .?....,? tb- an hi.u,"- ,1-iv," BW? ***"? ,,,?,,, Maaa. Ray. annealaailB ttj?baii?i-Jja ,.,.? ,.,,r- au Bl BdaRnloa. Thei ara *?*?___ !i.,- . *?^^j**^tEtS -?,',,, li, lhe.....'I'lau.eof the ..flne "" ,h; . ? ,lo?; by i? written .urrendr-r "1 Hu pa? Oianlia..-' right*.. und bf hBJBB_8 aRBR "Ih" ln?H,' Ko.'lho drst few ii.on.h- iho 1' v- * v K?Pl ? g on lhe farm and aftcrwaid th* an* a. BBTBB Inrniug liad.s. Tho -8888888 Bf '? n.-." ^'^ g when tho 888-8881 niliahtli ot aartBl ? ? 4 ihelr ellev.. Tho ?> -te... "f .?oi.di.. t.-.g th* ^ tbe bMlRattaa bM baaa a-h_p*ed bj Rr. *9*Tmmt that at a Fre.i.h h-MlBlllB Bt Ma.tray. BBd Bar UM -nl "?'""'.'I""' ^r'' '-"P'*1 ";"" "" ihmlitef ,,, j jmv 4.t baya, aad ttai aia ibrpb K"Zti,-rn.T!^'!^;'!'1^^ 1,1.1.4,11- l ntv bo>'k ,.re H..44 thon". ? "' ", f0r "*_f 1 iirlen. n,o,:ev on hand o give the ***_ g |,_n a few week-. In Uu- "l; "..j-.w V* ?ppeai'sl t.'I lan ai't ?"????"??,.TU* *** l hnJ t.- aid him n. tta wprb ot -*> ? - 'M ?r tl ,'ir evil bablt* and ,.--.?tothna. v ?? 5T-m__5 r , ii 4,.,,i tor lioo . ?loiii.i.g a- 2_n Xe ??? a_md for. Aai artleln ~aj be jgg* Vtfl__88_gM ..Vi taaVB of tta fa.m. N.i. i" ???';, -oni dire<_5 w ? - i'.v '4.11 be lorwarded. ar **l*JZbmm M tS farta ai Ianaan-l'.....-1^ ^?w N, Y.. .lmply ttddre-Kcd to thc Dimiw,