po many *peel.il train** wcrc reqptrefl to carry r-.rc
-ncrs Ifl I.trtden ParK yc-tetsl.,4 lhal thc niinn"r."is M8a
B-H4-VS near the gBOM of the C 'iirse eO?M rot Tiold them
nd some Wflffl flhOgfli 81 BflBf aa ti.e main line, di
lliar-e their I ad- and iin-ini! Weflhwari 'o the BOUt
iwiiot- fl wf* a great crowd ibat tomei ont. by fai
?hc grcaiest ever M*cn on a rUflfl ir.,-1. -,, late in th,'
icBMin *'f* '* tl,,% w''',IllCr remain c'.^nv und bright.
_,,-] hr much eSOflflOei b] the ilu'ii-md- that 4vil!
Thc naatag waa hlghr. tataraailng through.nt. bnt
lh??. were some disapjs.mtn.ent*. Ifl thc tflr-t r.u-e
.(,- |M-M8naWfl enterti-i" cd -o ie-T"*<tf'tl an opinion of
? he tan Ih the Moon'a honghMOpeog Ihat H 44~a*- 8BBJ
in cet * t'"1 ? or ,,o;'01' a-*?iii-t ever] atartnr. Caaaia
t-ern*. who -ccm- to p..****-*-. unlimited qnanlittee of
soeed wter, he m m tbe luimor io try. waa rery cn-try.
Iradmg all tbe way. Tiie rc-nlt, bowever, might hav
p?m diffcre'ii :' RflObl 1,14 ;,nd F.i-14 l;lo.soni had not
?^ m ri,lll?ion ?'id grapgfld eut "f the hu.it.
nr-ttin- ?'?"? '"*' aeeoai raoe, ii. whleb Oarrlaoo'a mM
Text aaw ?> atartar, h*d hc^t, golng oo ilaoa 8
'fbur-day af1enio,;n. Nearly all the tancr- aa H'
inr. we? intereatei bl the i> walhUlt] of Teal wtnnln|
MgOurrtaoo waa a baggarad bj Um BUI Daly .r-.w*.
'tbat hc getamOnei t i Mg ne*8e inv dtgnlty, ride th.
colt M-MflM -'""I ?tn. Hc spent Ihfl mghi in a Turki-h
jatfi. feO-fltag. Text 4-,-nt t thfl post nt 8 to 1. g"t
off ir. Ihfl ranr nl lhe OeM, went I i the fronl in tn
jt*?ch i.tid wo:i ba :4 aantor by two lcngtji
Garriso-'s hOIBfl BOOOUBOa WBO the last race
_n*t i*^ naally. but OolltaUO did not nd
Mm. The ' floapiUM* i- ln flne tach tgeflfl ii." >?
6tor.:'on eapturai thc $i.t>o.i hoodkap In elevei
jlyj,. *? i m and -it other bflfluaa. The Trelli
coh ?qaeaaaa' hoaae In front ta the fourth rare. an.i
tamneae Wgn the flfth. Il Ihfl fourth race Audit
jell fcre-kiiig ii": ne, k and one of little gTebfl-"- rib
Next gtanOnj thc Ltnaon Blood iinn-,- A?nelntlen
w.ll gi4-c a bet.ctit for thfl EUflOheth Qty llo-pitiil
nnd th- "rpliar A-jrhaU*. Bocb BOU-lUBhat ta thc rlnc
will coiitribute "f_">. and thfl club'- contnbu
t ii, Wll t-e 03,8001 Thfl m a geiierotis art
?nd ahenM b? aa.pe.rj appreetatad A almltar
benefit "*U1 be ghrua bv Uv Nc*a Jeraeg Jockey Clab
whe-i th** _-a-beth raeea a~" resiuned. Tlie lio-pitiij
ar-l ?-4 inm will rflMtVfl from both elnhfl BOt Iflflfl than
>Bnh" wna m derh _.- n-ii.-.l. lt w n<'t a elam
bakc but ? -???:-? remtaOer of one. He treaaed Ihe
?reeafe of tiie .-iu.. '" *unve of _?> famoui ehun-aoup aml
t.'*? tall 'he Ur-Cb ? -.iu- ou the old gentl'.'
mar.'-^ head.
nn5T Race- rr.rr. hamm .\p. *_o hach. aioo
Alili, D. .'? i UIILOXOS.
I"- ttln?.
St. Tt
\\ c TtvaB** b K CeaalB le*?* to Tea
?Mook?AUe* ITan - - - ? .
_09v NI lt n <.t 1 b?1 2?1
V.-. ?.'. "d?iv's th. f Glory, 4.9 __..._,
a. ' .Atiigtou. 2 7?1 5?2
a. Ihaaajaaa * b. f x* ? ol. . I loe _.-?..
v , |m :i 6?1 2-1
. Oaahle'i hr. M Mateoe. 4 \i* ...
,. i ovingtan 0 .?1 u?2
O-^nw. h *--i' .*'? rl . i '? '.' .
[ ii ij 4?1 7?o
J. H. M ? k'B b. t. Early B -
9.) ?, 0 5-1 2-1
D a. Hf.iDL" - ih. ,. H 1. - 1 90 1 Wabe 0 20-1 *i-l
I- ?" V - ''" , o , ? ,
??? " 0?1 2?1
1 '?
_>r,ob._ and l.co II 4.,-,- MltbaraWB. afUt rcp-nt-d
1 frui.t.
>ud.?,,:?? - ????? S ' Cau*_a J.i'ii,
Kt a millBg p? .- jiiJ >Vii. 1,. \,- ,,,-_,i--il 44 inn Bg
... .. ? ',. 4! Ih."i <il, UU.
iHt.. , ii --_ CBUM in
?1 .nul botb ? . ? ? Bg U.' ir ju'Hev*. They
ar.*n-1: i?- - >?"'?? ?P i*?alu.
ggfOXD .. B? Cl-TAKEt) r_UUBB-___t*V
OL_D8 K0X.W1NX_K1i Ol 81,880. 810 i.A. II
8880 Al.DI.I.. M.Si-.N rV'KLONOO.
St. Pl.
E. n ??,_r-:son'? eb ? T"\t. br KlaalOtO
Mm.vi.ii. 1_- " '? l-.li, 1 ?-* *?l
Hoi-gi B" ??-- t, C. Dri/.i ..- -' i-? ? ?
M. b_ rett'* it 122 _
- tt. ;l .?1 5?2
K*4-?U>ll** *-'?'. - Nll-.,-.l.. 10*....
. . '. o 5 2 4-5
E. F. Bum-idc- ', Lord ol tbe Rarflm,
j,; -.-: ll-, O 3?1 1 ? 1
C. H. Johr - 1 - ? jil-yiO f.0?1 20-1
M-jo- i<_,v 4?_- aragutr* wa 1. -? ??' *? H?-aa) *9*>ed
? _->i> of tuo J?4u:_l_. -i_ l?d Ui th* /ij..' ?l_ fc hc r.'-'Cl i"
tn-ir cr Jacb i.-?- wbo hd lato thr _*aro_*-tc-, clos-:;.
MtawaObg _*aa* lota* - ' *******'****
mm owiyiiv J-a i-??? - ?. three^Bartaaa ?f
. i.H.gtti taflSf* Ja.14 I*"-'?
THI1UD I'.A..-.-. t.l.i 11ANI.I. .4P. 888 EACH. fll.OOO
Al'Di-l'. 1 1-10 MlUSg.
.v l'i.
L Oaaaafa eh. b 81 r* 'rf?r, . ?. __
. - ,... .- 1.- . n-ld 1 5--' *-o
ji,-\-..>?.,_ ."s.?bic ? o. -. _b?mi ? _ 4__ j_t
T M Oanr'aeh.b Eiyloo. 6, SW-iOlaji-n 3 15?1 6-1
*??; ::, >!""V- i.,''''o 5-1 8-5
BeaghBratai *? b. g. 1 aeat -tag ^' Q ^ ft_J
?TbiauB r- ?"?--? - - ? . 1 "
v , 8?* ? 9? 1
?*...D-!v-s ?".'.' :>*-> 1'^ ?(1_g?-)0 ,,..! g-.
A. j Oeaaa. h g. nml, 8. 82 c^^rt q ?o_. ^_.
T n ? 1 1-> 1.
MaOrtMM M] Pehoa Beportei aafl ?*dg? mn arlg
draviii. raw* K.:.. Bl I ? ln'1-4 1'i-t B_8* 10* r'uinln
for mvh r..g* ?" ?' ll""' >N':' 8bb* a bg OaaelOam.
?_? ?.".. away bi 8* ?*na-b -nd *-*. wi* Urt gram --?
>Mirt'T ?'-? aj .. k_sa- Omhi.-'d ? aagn baaOM
Elsto*. "U.! iH-at. Al lanov* a BeeU.
Uii KTH RAI E -Ki.LlN'. ,-wi i.P.-TAKl'.s. TWO*
LON4>a. _
Sl. I'l
w a Baaaa*a b. a.-, bv Kvrie D?iv- _ .
TislaV '-... ff ,-M40"?-.. '0-.V.V 1 6-2 4?.
r. j. luW-naaa'* b a. ?^?-^?'2 ,_., 4-;,
Dlamoud Slable'B OaOlBBB. *Wy.(^^ , 40__ __-_,
C. F. _*odcr.-. ag. f. ^^V^?Jl0 10_, 4-1
E. McElm^. . ch. B. Cobuwib g*M _"* . .._. j^,
s. v,-. aaraara aa. g. Mr. ?88^00^ o __. w
J. B. mOlllllllTh ch. c. St. P_tr,-kv10b. o i2_x __.
w. c. Daiv. b. f. 8_*. aark. M*^ Q ^ M
LHP MOtr. b. g. v-'drkc.^ou^ tt o
j,~,r Oaal lc'? Pi-? tlV.y M strv.n-?i 0 30-1 10-1
^T*Shr.vc. br. f. RomeltB, 1^,, - . M_. . .
j_A.J___g.ah. tA-J^Ohj *- ? 10-1 M
Hi ___? naid? th? r-ioing. r!o?*ly attendrd br St.
p_W-a *-..d Oaagtarb -vt aaa head of flba baaiiiliilii
_? ?f^ Bon?. Thr Tr-ILs colt then came to th- front
__.!.? toa Book" B?aehB_ laeeaBl. a n,,* bdo- ta*
Sa_Z Jt. ti.. -.80- - -? - ******** ** th>
2SLtataah ani hoglt NO, bre-k'n* hfr aaah and oo,
of Wcber'* rib?.
rx>TH ??*-? 8-TI.ftW "WJSKtStiaS.^;
eooo abi._d. ao ^ auove ma Ot AUb. "i
>*lLUs nettlna.
bt. Pl.
c. j. do..-_o> b n. Oftaaoaaa. ? i-f^V j___ 3_0
T. NV. 8-flOVarU U 8- E4W.. *. ?^V__i*i__ 0 12-1 4-1
a | bn.ith'sb.' ii.r.. 4 Ul iM l"."--.0 8-3 7-_
5. W gewaaa. b l Oagarvlaar. aajj^] p 10__ 4_*
i. __Mga. ah. t. uaata Jm. ? IW ol.ilUjll 0 e-i 2-1
Tin.w?1 5* .
.-?r Mraa fur.,,. ftaatatam ?aa- n<4 G^aaantai bad
IldTgataB *-ta_a, * ??*'-- ^':i '-"','' "
SSS-mtaam Je. tgaeOh-ni aaal w>.<, d j. ?crc ??_.
bI *,o. ADIH.D. OIX 1 r I.LOX..S.
Be'.tln.. '
St. PL 1
* u rj.,. _,i.'-? ih. _y-ii>'."'in by Rb- ...
^nfun'3'. u.t'ui,. agtilOfl 8. .< -logWu I 8-1 -*-'
H. ? Wliliiu*. < CS - b. .. KcporO^j ^g ,_,
C. ??_,? ?.???> Vh. g. My ?-'"i_u\.Ii.1i:,% n__i 4-5
V.Tonlr'a t.r. a. guin , ,.. ? l2_, :,_,
H. R IUk r> rb. e. X 4, ?<". ?' - ' " l * '
g. M. .Srytatah. Wflgaaai, - , J0_. -_,
ta Brown-- i-i.. a ffaataafla, a Mfl i i. v u 1?-1 ?-*
D. a. Il4-.if'? br. B>. Ua "^Ojjg , o ._? ^
B. F. raagfln'i tt. e. i?'d Bort] jJ.!U_?0 ,.?_, ...
O H.ir-t-fl ' e.J.g ta ' -i-l-ilo 0 20-1 0-t
i'lfTH I .10
Afu-r b* i-'-" haf ??' -i P* ma* atJ *?'? :,",T ?',rt
Whiu-no-c bO ti.'ir !?*.*". Khuo'iii". ?-'>" bhraagO i " "
99MB* by t,4, laag*?i Oapafflai aaaaaat, a aeeg la**n*J
My fcii-K. Paaalar, jr.. auukibi aaa] UM A 1
first oafil gnwiwraf r.-o baoS, *ioo add^d
bix Ptn__oiroB.
K.',i. W't. .V.rm-. ? W'l.
Laaataka .n? ? R.'hvat .?J^
Eghavtaiv . lOHlN-v*e- . H
. vio?. c. ' -" . v i
Fju\0. ll" i ' "??'? ?'" ?
8151 >D KAO_- hl.I.I-1'*'. S4VI..:..V1AKI> TWO.
VF..4it"LDs. ?tn _i4CH. 4Vi) aBDEJ). BIX i l I
Vflpe. w-t Vamr ar%
-|m.t.ioc. -U4-. COar-i._. **?
i.vcrvlo .10S I Zenohie . "
BiaaaitMe .iPofi.oidKt.-p.ee
I'ark RlJae .100 |
audi',1). iv Miur.s
Kaaaa. \vt. Vaaaa. *____
lusttwiy II. lio v.a*A_- .? "'
D- ll.ntl. . 110 l'.lii\ .*??? ;*?
roL'KTH aaCS-SWKKPBTAKEg maidf.ns. m
1 Al.ll, 1500 ADDI-.D 1 IVI. FURLONOs.
****)? *\\"i. Nuu.e. Wl
Dake of Leinnter .. :|0,J. II. . tt
Rettter . i in z. n.i. r .!''?
Ier?c'. '-a-. 1 >.'. ,! ..| w.l '?>*
\. a . 1,-,'iv iui.aa
'. indal . . .101 Orlacoa . M
V'l 1 ? T.|0t , I'. ia i .:? ... ?'
-gni.'.er .Kllr.iM.nl- Ulue . M
in '..-, MlJif"?>'r . ?
Runinua . >>.-. I Haiiiiah . tt
M. Kf?-?.I). . ' r.ii.. I fllly. ?''-'
..nd e i'n*t. <ir, | liou.-.. .-..uon . iu
Xamc. W't. Name Wt.
A..-. at . 11311'.le ld>ard. IM
tt* ?? ......... ll -? . g
i;?!*nadl--r . 10!- i *? ren^iier . W
Flambeau .10 . **
Ciadijro . 1'* - ll S .-. 99
rhi:..,.?..-. V : fJrecl- H- .
I,., 'Wat.-h Ma.'?**
i. aa HloKs-m.101 I i era?*% . ?**
Ra-nb.er.inj r.eek .a
aiXTH r.AiT.-wii.T: i: iianpkai- ?co i.vcii.
?ooo ADMii. i l-M M1USM
8*8*t .121
t-a\l!HR llell" .1-J1
Nou- ,1 N.-\,r .112
IjUiii\I?w .IU'
I..- I'.la-kburii .lie
Wllfrcd .11.
bnrg .10.,
Plnr. 100
.one r. iee
Mast-rlod .100
- ?
OUessja '"*? ',l iSipeciali.? The runior ls sgsta sMesI
thal the lialtinio- tuid OMa and fhe Xf.rthern Pacitl.
\Vi-con*in Central system are to eesahtne In the first
i toanseeattneatal Une. lha story i-- an oid nn>-.
t ut there aie now nutiy ad.led reu^on* for beUevMg
it io be tme. The BalthasM ;?iid i >iuo knacrty had h
ira<k?we eontraet Wtth the Illlnoi* Central. A >>hort
time ago this eontraet c.\pired. aJid the IUu.ois Central
SttSPei the Iialtimoro and < >hio otf itt* track*. A truro
?a* patehort up. but the DllnaM Central refu?ed to ex
tend Uie i-ontract. and tl.e lialtim.ire and ohio tu-da>
.rtcirpics It* ciucafto terniuial by M|iuitMr'< ni:lit alom
The whole Uliuois OMHral t-Tiulnal is in lltiKatton, and
it i* lij no nieaiis SSItalB ilmt it will not bc o i-ited b>
the Federal OeveiBBMal and the clty of ChieagO.
Tiieirc i* as sjassMsa, eoaoeqaearttv, thal tiie Balttatow
.n.i oms nm*t aoeare snoihn Chkapn Mrmlaal
i atoM it haya a new one oatrlght, a piooseiMg wtu- h
? .-i tn.- Atehsssa gMMWOjOOO, n can only essm M a.
_*___%, stattoa, <?r itmt oi ti.? MsesasM OaatraL
I li- MeSBBS hi nSM - rowd.-d. The lutte; :s the lar^-e-t
hi .1 in avery way the t?'*t dep.ii in tlie w.-rlil. 11 h
naart) eempkasf, and *o far a.* known, wiL he saaf
akae i.\ ti.e ffMeomrtB Osatml k esaaeetkH aith
;Jie NortlK-m I*a<.lic. The liait.mon- and uliio lia- sO
alon;.' b?-?'n iicntloned a* a temu.t of tlie new dep it
Thi* impre*>lon is leepeaef I.v the fact that adjacen;
l.r.)p--rt\. -uitiUjIe for'*t..rehou*<-*. ha* bc<m bo.iK'H ?>:
i.e- I-.altlmore nnd Ohio. A* liirtl.er pniof of tlie
eaasoUMaMea -ton. it aaay bc mentioned that tha Ihk'
.rii'.al* M the lialUnion- an.l OhM *'?'"? madi a trip
i.ver the Nortliern Pacitn . aith UM de-Jar-.I mtentioi:
? if tharoaghhl laspsstmg thM rmA The esasoMattoa
??....i.i ai?o i< eoaalataal wltli ti.e wlah <*t Heary '. .1
iai<i and ti..- aggrsaMve potiej M lhe ptaaenl Rain
;, ore i-nd iih.u niaiia^'. i.icnt. A cinifer.-n.-e Kiw."i.
? ,ii.. .ai- al both roatfa wiii bc held M <
to IllOIiOW . _
Wa-lunpton. Oet, :il.?x-cietury Tiacy Mm i-emnte.l
tiie sasxphed portlaa M tk tfnes yer*' asatsam M
-ii-pe-: I'.u iu ;."*. i I.v roii.t m..rtii.l k Oetuber, l ?-.
?mm LMntenanl XsImm i. Uoaataa, tiki f... a n aor
thal bad i aa sngnsigef .
n ,?i-- by him t" a mpsri * oMesr. n- h.u- MM * i
- ii. !:i* i-.-ub tarl | ths MM t?o ven a i the
Seeretary thought that he i.atf suifcreo a aaSaaaat pa
lehmeoti l.ieiii'-nant liou*ton ***** on dutv at th<
.Newport Torpedo BehoM wIMo *.-i-pcnd?d.
1 |eiiU"-aiit F I'.. N- Ma*oi I:m* hSSB oid-T-'d t..
n i-ial dun I'- tlw offlce i f tha lenstan <.f UteXmvy.
*ni- .'-on V. V- Woore h^* beaa d<-ua.-Iic<l from ih.
I.nllCsl.Ot".... ....... 'lO-i .Qiiotatio-t . '.-.\
PlrM ra.-- at 2 p. m
WMhMgMab o.-t. :n.-.\ insiUmshli smmmi of paraaaa
| *a". two Un.- i-ac-* ai geMll I ? ?"<1;1>' :,i'ri ** ** * '" "'"
' .'th". i iBlmli Olaleee paM haehm haagaaaaely. lt hs*
i i-".. c.-cid-d to co.it:. 1. '?*? *9 aU aest week, weamer
?.-niiif.iiiB. .i .i. Ca.r-i!i did .. t rr.ak.- haaha M4ay. hav
.,- ?-..? ralaf oit a- a liiiihwabw MM Meht Ihe elab
Ma d.-id.-d not ta .?..,-;... Ueiwrtee, whe araa ruied ?rt
ifMi h> ia*-. Meepleehae. raee. C. D. McCey ****** *
mtt M Jan,.* R*we, arha arffl r.-tum be,,- n. tii:.- M Msrt
'.h. ra ???* ii. At w- k. ,. ,,
v.rit ,?,.. piim *:h>0 divided, for two.waroldv sell
tn*l ibi.'-IM*' *,'lV,rmI?'i, Uav., 10.'!: ?>. C-'ibenis
n*; I'p.V'^'m-.ha R " .J-".*'. _? _ *__* **?
ZV." ffi-l t; -: r..-M.,,- ii-.i^min I ta .V Baitha ii
Ws4 *_ ll.I '- > CertaSi I ta S. katsata paM
1 r-'::;.0n*:...-,!. -- i;,^*'^^^:::^:
t\^bi\_uiJSm * u.-.i.'m I" ?*? ?****?* * r?yl '
m'--,.. o'?fji.ni :' 102. bover L.^land... I'mi..-- I:
:,,?i Vau?u?*? l;J^;:' __ tZrlo\.
'nf u,?l'w ,'-,!'-' imi the omera. Walece b
-,,. t* 1 amlast ori rt..,.,.,,?
ii.iii tlie [ormei ^.'i ""' ' .,? H- . . _ ,.... i..,,
M taalsiaUdei'.'S?0atr^?btaBaei|8Bnl.aaiec ,
end ai" TO te. piaca ea vl. 19 roi -- ____ ,,
jmmm **** <? ehMMjm^ SBU^SufcJS?
*_ i.Maiua.n "-. j> Bettma Fexin-de 7 t-. a, Pia.h .
^Twi^S 7?M ?' I "h-rr .oo M l. M
,M ".;,.., ha .. hai?; ra^-Mfle ta* aaoar
ar*e: odd*. Mut' ll- t** ?I ->0.
The enti+es for to-morr<'? ar.- aa follow*:
_._ __.,._% mi:- for fwo.v??rold?. Blddif Doyle
?0- Ti..r>t 102 Winaid fB, Eaaton ?, S:r BavM Ho.
"L -,. ,. raco Onc m'>- Blnntyr 107. Klly M. tt
PaatBT U W Switt "-? 'vv?lrto -fobi"nn lo:'- r*Tthr*u
1,? Fleet Wiii? 102. l?np ShOt 110. DeftW 100.
T,,.,H ______ - mUe; liatidii-aft. St. John 118. Ci_\r.
vles* '110 i'i-6 Sfi;'?i. '"? WfleVM Itt, FMn Killer
iis Vai-riiu. s*. PHaee h?wbhI ill. PrMea Ja..??s (MM
Mandnllr. eolt) 104. _______..___.__..
.?..-..th r?---1 1-K- aniea -Mden Re*l 104. KlBa
HaSSS M. BniteM 102 Mehleea tt M*tl??l tt
Ivui raee Ba i Mae bandleap. EvaajtrtM*^Jtt
iteoewall 140 B- ? ot ******* 180. Klila:i.-v 1 io, I.li.lr.i
l*_ i.ry i..i?n l-".'.
-. a - *
Jehn >i "ard *>l< not lu a ptaaBBBt tran.- of irnrd wte-j,
rteMay. H? Maked a* U
tbe t.a.*.bi. I ??i had wattlMI hia. i-.-i-!<!"-.:,!?.-. "1 d"n I
.... Mij ?,,.- Hi-.,therl.ood i- b-lna MMned fei HMMtaa ?
.ctti.-iti-u. m mm. ?! ***** had asymmg m do artm
t. No d-mand. eW.er ***** <"? indlr.'. ^*-- n.ad.; an
IU- cap.t?l.*W M the effeet that th* Broti.erhood ********
- BMUaa oii tha Playe?< l.-bkuc eaateNM* eommit.
t im it I- ?aid tliat Uiere lia* been a con?o!ldation.
-..* beaa aaaa aaMlurw, eseepl bete m aaw-Tetk.
Bat that .:o-? n..t t*k? h *t ****** ******** U*t**\ aee
,. \- w.Vora thn kn tn the "IM.atlon. *j* ?_.* 6t*A supj??d
*onie of our (MjSmMaM ar' dome amag fo bold aa I ??'
:u.-ttiig? witn tho xaMoi.ai baagaa pMpla. ^>oy ar.
.<..y:> aanvnattkg BMmaMaaa. Th.- aaw-Taafe 9*****
Uaagae paapM ao amhaalag. *i.at foi i ia aaa kjn.?.
; t.cre ik a pro*p.-ct that TbMbM may ha boiiKhl out. and U
-tw li don* i ma i". rcaeon arhy tt Ptayata' bagaa eaa
not tu on Oie *ane a* lt did thi-. la-t ?-?^on."
Another ardent aappMlM rf :b- plawr i* BM sk.w in
.ond.ii.uinjt U^ trlMltttr He ?a>* thM fteaMaM Addi
on. of CataagB. * u"- man wlio Ue- oth>r* ar.- afraid wll,
*?!! ihem out. ?* MeAlpia ai.d Ma otlier Xew-York baeken
tlii i MlMail t.i talk of a i.-omproiijl*e. "Taloot* i? a grea;
-. heiii.T. but he i* not q.ilu- -aM' lagBldlBj his plave:*." h'
coatiaaei. "Ia orucr to keep them n. Baa ha haa Mvlahed
piaaei M M some of t:ieiu, and ha- ai*o not puid tl.-.i. MM.
.aia:l(- * full. lio|iin.- U- *** ***** Uter and probal.ly hav.
,i qui-t tiik ao .* ta heep them wtth hMk The Kaw-Yark
v ?.-?? rh" Leagaa pMyan have ae eesttaaee M meh u.. hara,
^ind thev *ay that rMkei than itl\- J. th-v will n-vr |,!a
iu ? (oii*<.iidat.-d Hew-Terh leaa. Tti.v siy thnt if tt
<Cew-Terk elaM i oae legethei ?? trttaii oi ma l'ia>
r- League irOI t.av.l BCteaa U." BMtfg? * *** War.;*
w.nid.'!*. ui p.-f-'i.- ta upportt&a Ui" aaw elab.
? Vnu < an put '.' ***** Uiit UM Bn.tliorhood I* ct a*le.p
and tluit it>- ?trenetli ha* bcea eiMftlM?tad. The -a;.
.ta.i.*t* may be al.lc W drlve tle-ni a *liurt iletaftre, bul
th.-y mi. aeVM set tn.-m the wh..lt fli.-Ui. ? ?r...ut a bitt<-r
rtrugr-le. There may ta a ne.-etlnf ! Ihc BlMhethoeg m ..
tew days, f..r u.>- playen hav- MM eenadeaM la IM eeattal
bf.aid of dlreetore, iu- ma acttaa M Tni.-.tt. McAlpM and
oth.-r aMehhoMve M UM Waw-Tarh t.-am have *hown men
that kaaa iii?ii at 1-ast hav,- BO id^a of piowting th"
Whehtngtoa, Oct ui.-AUout f>oi) i.:.-r*.K.s s?" sn
t-xliibltion irxitliall came here toda\. b<-t*e.-ii Prim-e
t ,n a-td t^e lolumbia AthhttC Club. m wtuch tha lornie!
team won by , score <>f M> to 0. Tl.<; match wu
played on th<- ftrounds of Wie Columbia Club. SD
Aaalostas island. Tne Maeetas kaM ptayad a ha.v.
ilpawaa game. aud paae the -.pectatoii. tiie best as
h.b:0"ti sf footbai; ever seen in this .-ity. Touilidown*
w.-:c made by Horaan* (2\. Klng (H:, ^p ct C.'.i, Viowl
tili, and speer V2). Capti:n 1'oe klcked slx pivaJ* irom
tne twelve touchdown* made.
Victoria Haiel.
fcUi-av llrm* **?> '>?** -7ln-Bl. Knt.rrlj Bcw la 1U
ap^tBieo'u. Juuerieaa **** L.mob<t?a maa.
Re-_nan__pa, geaetabet ". nnd arOared to datj at "
Kaval BOaprtal, Navy Yard. Mare i-lund. November i?
.??.iinei.l- eleven t>f.ke\tf.i> Bt 5J_____
william t mr_, Maaa., Oet. ::i jgpoetal)^*-arUh-aaa *?>
fcatcd Onroell ,,t f-M,tb-_u thi- Bftemoofl bf ? nwir* ?
i- io l, ifter aae of lhe aaaal o-clltag gnnaea eaee iflen
here. Corneir- back- pUved a wa-OarfUl game but
grilUoaaa evchVd in tcatn work and trirk**. j1
and Hcrna'idc/. phivcd a Jlm* game for < ?>rneli. ai.a
HotehklM, Blgelow, .-ti-ct put. ..artield for William*.
'gfbahlngtan. <-<t. 81.?lt ka bbM at lha Bmvf De
piiitinent ti.at thc gefeet fl-KOvetflfl in lhe raal tael
-imt whleh aupparti lhe itaihoaig prafflOBr-ahnfl nt
thc arn.orci CT-taer ____? will not niiitTinIlv dc'ny
the romplction of the veaflflL Thc cnii-er may be
lannrhefl in h>*r preaeul ibbb-Ubb. nnd ;. nc44- anw
eaa I* made in time to put hl Blaea when tlie veaafll
i. goehet. Thc oni" io-. pritoad bv the Ooiunwanl
la in ihe time oeeapM ln Btfllag thc getarttre ifret,
The eoatraetora who auppIM the eefeetfvfl ptae."
rw ini red nndcr the coi'tnn t le rcplace it- Thl- 1,'-'
tattara in tne pm of targe ataal eaothagi hi naval ron
atruetion haa groa BdOlttaaal toraa to tha flrgnaaenl
agaiaal it- aae. in oue eaaa flverj. aaa ef flbenl
?evenwea eaataatel eehnnai intended for one of the
new crui-er- araa t..iir,,i la ba gata-tlvo. Thc gefecta
in rh.it eaaa, aa la thls, ware af auob a Batare taal
lha arere aat rialhle upon the *_rfBre "f ihe [**_!?_?
and were developed onlv upon lini-hiin.. Al KOBI
two of the bu-gea-t iUpboltalna linn- rngaged ln :?'???,
construetlon ha.e alreadv etideavorcd to bave wr'.ught
Kteel -ii' -tttii'ed fnr .ii-t-t.'ci in *ever_l ol 'he con
trarl reqnlremcnta, ao. lt la probable ihat -ome ?
ehaoge "f thil kind will 1/c inithorLied.
Aflbary Paih, Oet 81 (Bpoctol).?Tbe earpi
ma-on-. paliileii, riaten an. phmbflra nf .\**burv
Pnrk and nei.hbnrmir -ti ?re town* met to-nl-ht and
deeliei lo tafOrni Ihe baa*e* tli.it after Aprll 1 nine
hour- ahall coii-titufe ? dag'a worh.
l.ynn. Ma- . Oet. 81.?Thfl Mate T.oard of Arbltra
tion eaaM here t><i;.v. bul the propoeei nentnenee
lOOhtag to a settlement Of the strlke of the DBOrOC-O
vorhara b-h not baU, owlng ta thfl peratataney 441th
whleh Mr Mwotaog. maalei irorhaMB <>f thc Knight*
of Labor, tn.-isted unor. being present Bt the BOO
fareneo. II araa a-ftetned bo Mr. Morotand thnl the
UBOfuiuniti was ir.ter.1ed to bc a prlvnte one between
the vrart-uoa, _aaj-B_aen_rer* nnd the Door-, and that
the prcsemc of repreeeartat-vea of a labor organlaatlon
waa not destrad. Reportera alao were nef enpectei
to be pre?ent.
Terre ilautc. md.. Oet. 31.-Tbfl Ntnere' State ron
rentton flgjenined at noon tadny. rhe eooaerval re
eiemcnt raled the neeHag, arhlch araa for thc perpo-e
( geoMtag whether a itrttfl -hotild bfl in.t'ipir.ted or
: ,,t n.e ? on- entfcm 8eeMed to -tand bv the eontm t
-igncd in the r-prtai with the ,.*.ator*. ^.J*"1"..3.
ton lor blorb rool aod TO for bltumlno"*.an,
not demand an Bdvanee ln arogea. lf I* no brfl"*?
thal the dimcultlea ln Inatano are aettlei until next
rear. _
Trenton, Oet 81 fgpaetalV-Ih*. B.J *?? e,,*i\\\.
ihe citv Phpstrtan of Trantan and aeetalr* a aeeanl
Bent man. h.^ been flinirln. ifleotly ln a divorce anlt
rinea baM aajtng. gotwlttatnnaltag ttwt he waa ?
marr-ed man he rourted a poung w-oman ?f fortune
?ni boeaaaa engapad to ber. Several month* a_o it
ie_4cd ota 'hit owine to -ome *ort of eomg_r*tte_i
hU OOrtdlng could not take plaee, and ever sim-e then
llMN baa beea ? P"1 deaJ of ?ritati.,n ln aaBlfl*f ?ver
lhe BBtter. <?n Juie SO, 1888, I>r f.i?Ull niaxried
OeOn P. Blghtarrler. of Piorhoht and slie le now apptj*
tr? for a dlvo-**. ln her applicaUon -he aamara thal
Pr. Cosr.ll de*ert.-d l.er imnieiUatclr after tli'tr boneg
moon. Her <:nry i? thal 'her ? ?*" m4wrie?1 at Mana
sipuin. a lOaiHa b->--i below Freeliol'l. bf lhe Rev.
Fredenek T. iirowr, a Praahrtertaa etergp-MU- The j
Wtffl atid -im of tb? mini-ter Wltnoned tln* niiirriat'e. ,
?ad a? the aton OBea agreed to bnep B inernt, Dr.
rostin mglng lhal his means 44,n!d not permit of j
ho-Bniuplug Dr. rcei'iii and Ui wlfe froea Maoa?a_aa
I..? t tO Brtelle, renialntn- f,vir dav - ai a botel. Then
t!*~- itflmnul to PreehoM. his wtfe lepablng ln ti*e
Itome of Iii- inother. A few months laler Dr. Costill |
went to R>~kv Iii 11. near PHneeton, at,d ,,pcn<*d an
offlie. Hla wife a-s-it- that h*- profl?sed lo send
for her ;v5 s,?o"i a- hc could furnl-h a lionse, but he
neaur d? nnd lor her. la 1008 Dr. OoatOI eaaaa t.i |
r-eni'in. Hla eoartahlp here nna one lhal everjrbn_> |
npp.,?ed wonld end at the altar. but rumon ?r^.t't\
an imesiiration and a disrlo?ure of r_ye secret wedding |
in Maaasqna-i. Mr-. Fostill made up ber mind U.
?ne for Alrnreo. Dr. Oob-UI ent.-r-d no defenoa u>
?? wlfe. i i n, aod Bpeelol Moater Ts-va. r.,.nia!ne..
irho t-'-ik I ?? t"-tin:onv. adv:-e? a .leci-ee of ab-olute
dl4,,-e. Whl'e hl* rrlease fp>m ttK* Frcehold v,,ke
will have Dr. C^ul! fr>"e .,? wed Whom he rhfise*.. then"
i- said to Ik' little Itbellhood thol the Trenton wedd_"i*
uiil oreor. a- the relativ.-s of the lady here axe ince.nsed
aeain-t him.
WilUe-barre. rcnti.. Oet 81.?Ai the nieetinc of th"
Exe'titive Ooauolttee Of the Women's Foreign Mi?*1on
,rv Sodetji of the Cntted Btatea tO-iay Interesting
reporl- wetO re;?d fmni the iloren oi* more retunied mis
-IniM-les tire-e'f. I'i-hop Thobirn. who )ia? rharsre of
thr work in lndia.. delivered an addre*,*. The collertlons
'ur the year were 0230.0-096. T ,-morrow night the
annlvereary of tba aaetaly *ill be held.
r.altiniore. tief. r,i.-A ..>!d hlor?de<l attempt at
m_rder wu_ coiiiinitted by a burglar early tliis niorn
Inu in northea-t Oattbaare. The injured man is
Ch-a_"Ie.s Breohe, aA'."d forty vcar--. a par*"rhaiigcr. OMUg
with la- familv at No. _.f--Ji> OrlflBna flt The burglar
(Mitered his be<lnK>m. Itolfl 013 50 from a biireAU
drawcr and t'*en stniek Drooha. who was flrtflflf h_
i,ed. a' terrible blOW 4iti tlie rlght teniple with thc
blade of a hiatchet..
lii'.ltimore. (?< t fll.?IyC4-eriii. A <>,.. coffee |mpcr.c?
here. liave raealved ti.e bOowlag dlspaeeb from their
nio euaiflaponOflnt:
Bto dc lanelro, Oel ^1
Evport dutv. now ll per cent. will bfl Ifl-UCed to 4
p^r eeiit. to take effect an .lanu.iry 1. 1801.
The Blfl news recently received here say* that the
matter of thc etport duty on coffec win be VOtad upon
bg th? Oangreaa arhlch meet- ffenmlioi 18. Dflatan
Iiere are cmtident tlieit tli,- duty will be reduc-d _-*
t;ite,i ia thc glapaleh. Other uio d apuflehafl leeelvad
:i tliis <it4 atata that the i-.-iport dutv on coffee 1- 88
., rcdiiced, but the _i-p-.iT.li it..,v,> gi4-en is the ociy
BM ihat li\e- tha Ogare of the reductlon.
t'orpu- Chatatt, "tt. :n (Opeetal).- A partg of ('Ot
rniiietit ougtoflflra vtowed u,,p- - I'as- through Mna>
ang I-land. from COTpUa Chtisti to the (Julf to dav.
rhe paaaaga nem la ? .aual tiurtv fwt wid,* bg atatafla
t.^'t Ofl uii. 441th a fal! if Bheul -,.\ in. he- tr, tln- mlle.
tWO iui e- I ,n_r thrOBgh Mustang [atand. The proj Ot is
IO dig a dli<"li tl.irty f'-.-t wlda aiul sat'-en f ?*t d?*"P
from .'orpu- .'hnsti to the Outf. Th Ifl, it is tliought.
?r!H in Blnet] duys make A rhannal '->. fe<"t ln width.
uf -tiflicieut deptii to ?dtnit tha aaaangi af ve?ei- af
uie iur-'"-t draaght tm- prwjoei wlll *olve the flaag
water gaflcttoo on Ihl* .'k,-*.. leaving ',ai4'est,,n out.
kcktik. iowa, Oel 81.. At the Ust Sajr'i -es?ion of
the liit.Miat. e.Hl |:ci-ki' [h*r-' ABBOOtattoU, t' .** f i ''
i-?g ea_oan ?aea <icei<si p. 11 Blnoag, Blarb Bta,
g. y.. p:*e-id, nt; Bngenfl Oa. r, Poreat Oitg. l'>~a.
, i..- pr-sd' nt. C. I'. DagflOt. II, nul*. ,i!. in. ,e? p'Urj .
, i: l: i M'.'IIiir, Ohto, tre?-urer. Albany,
.v. ?_., wns ehoafln as th> nl_, ? ,,i i,.._t m?e Ing.
K. I) .M,,:t*aii's,-t-?u- fBBht fbtailBI. Whiafe r?n on th*
f> k- U-t wee* al Mal ? ???- al L, I.. will a
? i-i '*4 aaklag I ;.., any m n<>4? at
ho_ tr.ii,. ui *"t baa b8 ?_?? meka. a tkmg i>** ,~"'"
,.|j,,'l *B tli- |*?tt s,de o( tli, radbg aud wlll t?: *""d u>
ti- ip n?i-e tn.- Ohtaataa 'i<-*r. lha wi.ra i| bfltag n_ta bf
uie Baaaaag th?t taaared Bu y_, nt.
>nn Praartaeo, Oet 'il '-*>erin!i.?latter* fmm the
mis-uig Kngll-h novclj-t, Dnvid christie Murray. ?ere
Mflfltved bflflfl by the Austruli.in steamer. Wnting
Iron. Dniiedin. NewZe.lind. Murray nUio* that he
lin* b." ..rn- an .ii tor. und ls travelllng wltli the St Maur
Comody couip-iiy, produciug oue of la-. own play*.
PUMJOAM hi i-kk-kxtativix
[Br maaaara lotai ramcsa.]
khttmgtaa, oct :n.-Bveij Bepa Hran BepieaenM
the ___m_ th.- MaM ?' Be* Vorl who lu.- heea
raaemhmtei tfeaervta !?? be re-eMettt hy a
niajurip. thaa I..- r.red two yenn :'-''- Dartog the
reeent *e.vn,.| ,,f ceagreM 'l.e wri."r.'f tlii- paragraph
wa?. :. .iirelnl olserver of tlie pi'.. cllagl "t tlM II '. 0
d RepraaeatatleeB, ia !"? '.i- '? ??? M sum paM tt
***** uf tliat hegj . and H i- o-.i- Mll 1" HU "f M"**r
Walline, ,,f ||?. j(;(| |)|,tPi,T .. ..i h, Of Uie
XVnitfc Diatrict; ttnfiid, ... tho XXth Dlatrlei
lialpe*. ,,f the XMXili Matrtct, Who.M' ii'"'" >:i
<-.npre** i?-k;.!i Mm Deeember, t :..t ii.-v he*<
keamekea to !>?? aerthy roUeaguea M meh ni.-u as
Bheemaa, BeMea, Payae aad Keleham who are theli
-'?in...-. F'-.-iv BM i win. I;i- ti::* heeil n.iii'.sl wa*
..oi "ni\ fai.iifni and attsatlve to t!.-- latsreMa ..f i.i*
d.-t.i't. imi svmead an latclllgenl regsrd i.-i the pabttc
?eif,re in geaaraL
Mr. Wiiiiace. altboagh .. new smmher, wai aeetgmd
u. a pi..<e ou th- Oommittae ?" Maval Again, one of
ii.- kadlag eeaualttsM ->f Ihc Ho??, sad M ref <** bad
a Voice :n ihapillg MBM of I'i'- tn.. t ii.ip r.al.t I
Hon of lhe *?.,*i..n. Itv hi* intcllii:.-:..- a* Well Ba
iu* indn-fn- in ti...:., >.t thal eammltlee he fallj
i \*4_*m th<- ju.i_-m.-n: ef Bpcaher Beed In a
i.ini a niernlrfr nf it.
Tiie -si.iie ..in he nM "i iii.'.-unitt.-e vork <-f Br.
_wn keiii.ii.ii. w hieh waa Mbotteua and arell gone, ??
vell :.* >.f Ma ui Urtag aaal ta Baatter of legisIM - b b.
m.ikI the ,, u]h-,,f tn.-r..ii.i.ii;t--- towhlcl
npiakltj in r-ifusi ti. the 11
.Mr. >?iii.?!tr- icrvkeaai 1 aenhr of the Comm ttee
nll Keforin .:. UM l 'iv ii SCTVlee -'.iii.Ii f htt ia 1 ISUh
t.il, able and kiastrktt Represeutatlve, St l
Iii.* intellucni h.hI '.il*e eoaree 1:1 .-"ui-mI M other pnb
He baabMM in all ..-f wii'.eh li- took M Bcttve part..
A-* a P-aditip MMBhM Of the lniporiuat Commitl
tlie .ludn iarv. M.. -Mi.-rniafi . ouiiuaiui.-tt lli" r. *p<-> t Of
hi* eoUeagam a:.d 0m eoofidem ? ..f the llou.se. lla
bMo twok an aetlve part iii aU 11. i-i.T* 1, ... ?
ii..i:*e. and the wmmtoem of hb lodgment waa r- >f
nizisi on all iM. -
Mr. BeMea wa* one of th Wai .md in
flueiitial seenben af the icnM Coaunlttea ati ippro
priallons. aud wa- iiitlii"!it.,i! ln manv Impoetaot nuu
ter* whK-h Mnsnstral from other commltto
'>f the. work M mi. I > er of tha
Commlttee ??!. Wnyi and 4h*b , It ls noi u 1 an io
-]?-mk. Prottbh i." member >'. the II ?'- aorised
iiardcr than be AM, ->r to better purp. bu b 111 the
.otnmltf.- room and 00 the floor of Lhe li mse.
Mr. Bainea M tbe verj - >. ? - r was as ignod
pUee on the < oni nlttee on 1
',re w-liuii 1* called ap ai lo d
ImportMUl a..d al Uu WUe tlme 1' i'l'.'- ' -
b.-iore Congreee. As .. niember ol t...'i ? uauiluee ln
j,..: rn,.-d i.i* dntle-j wlth *??<?1 Ini lll?cn ?? and lie
itm alan .-v-.-r ready wlth hl* *< rvi. ??* on lhe floor.
Tne veteran Uenaral ^'t-. ?.- ? '?'? ,M,,
of the Jeadlng commlttee* ot the House For-iin.
.md Fo?t..nire,--<iiii ni* worh tlioroughly, a* everyUal
bai known iiiin to to ll l?r ma
Mll- biife 'UtllUe nl ll.e WuTB ' -.liiul.'.'. U) and pe
formed b] the eight Kear-York Bepreaentitlves wh
bave been renomlnaled oughl to luffice 10 iliow tliu
th'-v hit\e atiaiii'sl |.!.i-->- lt InflU. nce a'.'i u
whlet entltk them to a v>.tc ol contttonce >m rnesd i
.11:1 lliis.iv M I.l VV nriTUDRAWS FROM fXDER
T1IF. BEXL uV -?v . M \N POVI I
Jeffer*..!. M. Levy, 1 m mber of tbe Generol 1 m
miu'-e a d ? I th ? < ommlttee
many Hall, taa -em rhe followtng l" kr,
eapMiaa lUelf, u. Hmibm F. Ullroy, .....
1 omailttee on ..ru-iin/.aii >n :
i,, ....,Dj -.., . i have a ????! wit 1 Tammany Hall 01
.-aliii.it.1..1. utipp r ?
? v.-i) booomble in..u.* ta ui> power to advan ?
\W,"l-> itlll sincerely Mtaebed to tha! orjtanleatio
and anwllU. 11 > believe th it lt
h* tl* uu.- ezponent ln lhe city ?t the i>.
Ih n,H* Jefferaon, the fact haa b.n ': myr.
a:.d more af.par.-ru il.a. lha policy of tb >? -' 1 -': 11
?nd ti.e m.-iiiod.* of lt* managtmenl v ? " ? ?? ?
rather t" ie?tR>3 thai I ? pmmo ? lhe malntenai
supremair of Dcmoeratlo prindplca.
iho exerckc m u. ? -ou bimu power has bet-ome
ca.ii year B?re arUtran ?> d uoi.nenalve to mm
manh-'od of th ?*<? wh?> ;.r-*iiM^'ted f lt
Ni.niinatlfa.s for i-ve.y ..llt-e. however loeal I
1 ha'-.!. mr, m ? II ?- the -?? r?l pollo ol uie ??
ution, ??*..*? dl. toted by lhe 1 nti U e ' md ar
dirtnm of one man, b* whom th. p
eri I- d In ?nch n man ??: ai 1 ? In p rll tl. pirl n
citv. btate aml N.?. ? 1 i. an.l il unre*tralned, 1 - dlctal
tbe ??' t ol the ttato In the nexl National Coat
Irrsspectlve f the popular wiU.
II eannol he k>- aighl of bj the rltlzen* that I n
Demoerac] meain ?* government by tue pe p
lor the poople" ?nd ti.at an orgt lx?1 m wiii. 1 ln li
management vlolatea thal fandamental prii Iple, cn
n"t be Democrartc ta ipplt and eannot properly be
i>. m... natlc even in Ditma,
lielii'tantiv, but neverthelesi flnnly, ronvlnc d tha
the sdvancement ani supr mary ol Deiu cratl
p-lnepl--s cannot be li..p-: r. li the wpport or
raceeat of rammany Hall, and? it preaent lettei
-h.p. a <i tbat on the rontrarj tbe nw ? -i Tammanj
Hal!, on le. th.Ir. u- -'*.? ?? ?? ? ? ' th
raceeat of tl.e p-irty ta Ui- Bi .t>- a id n.i .1 1 d
nn dutv t . wltbamw fn-m I
therefore rwpeetfully realcn as ? 10* ' 0 tlie 1
tnlttee "ii 1 .i.-Miii/.ation ai.d ' ? 1 ???? I >mi 'te.
Sa:at .j.-... N. N'.. Oct. 31 (SpecMl). A ' .1.H-' r.. ,h
fiecNion rend.-reii thi- afternoon b) Joatiee Frothlng
ham Piah, of the Bupreme Court, wbo .* hoktlng court
a. Dalliton .*;... a aamb r of ? it.?-? ni .- Ul ba pra.
dlsfran.'.l-iM on Tii-*ds\. The taapectora of Electloi
i>i-.rrtet No. 0. of Baratoga Springa n.-fu-.-il to r.-_-.i.-:
the name of Franci* w. Watcrbury, an oM and 1.a
nent cttlaen, on Ihe ground'thM he bad reatded In tln
diatrict only flfken 9**x *** thia wai tbe Ia?1 da>
of legMllilliBi. a tesi .a*e va* made oi lt T. F.
Ilaiulltoti. **, .0,111-1 I..; w.it.ii.ui.. went t? UaUaton
^pa at inxm to-dai aad moved before .iii**...'-1 Fl?h
lor a inandiimu*. reiunaM Immedlat -!y. -.npel th.
Inspectors to place the name of Mr. tt'al r-..i.-\- >.n the
poll ll*t of the Nlnti. District. Mr. Hamlltuu a gued
tbat pwldcnin ta the a*- nibl: diatrict mei n. rwiuire
nenti ot the Mw and thal an etectlon dlstrict waa
nothtnc more than a p lling plaee. H rcf red l
other tlilinf.. to tlie declaton "f Juatice Fattetson, 01
New-York rtty. "tbat the eleetion dlatricl w..* ih
Aaaemhk dlMrlet, whlk 1 ?? - ? 1 illed <?: ctlon dlstrict
wn? merely a poIUuk.- pla.e for the eonve l?iee "'
votera." Mr. Hamllton wa? ?.pii~-d '.-,- Jamee l
t-wayti-ch. who apiiearert a* attornej tor the lomd of
Inspertor*. Justlce l'1-l. .'.-:.i-l tlie mui.lain.u aml
thu* rastalned the action of tbe Board ln refB
t?. refrwer nraterhnrT'11 name. Then h nM to bc a
larce 'number of -iniil.'ir <-a?."s lier-.
Chleago, Oet :;i (Speetali.?The Democrafa ar- rtis
rouraged at the oatlook i:. Chleago, aad altheagh Oaa
??ral I'almer 1* speaklag BigM a-.l 9*9 ln thM cltv thl
week l.e fail-i to iirou*e entliUNia-m. A member of the
IiemocraUe Ea<-< utiie OommlttM ttday *aid: -..iiii
party is in a had ptlght nnd BO BBS NaXSM thal kd
latter than the commlttee. There V- absolutely 110
money in the tr*4k.*.iry. and how we are Kolni: to pay
expenses I cannot *ee. Uiwier wa- aaaaaasl h*
e 12.ooo, bu* haa bM taaiUlhaled ever the *r.:,-i..
that he ti nM 1 1 have glvtt. Rera, nadMata f...
The Standard Cocoa of the World,
A Substitutef-r Tea ani Coffee.
MoHtrhold KonhAll 0**T Eump*.
Now tl.at it, uuii.jU- tu a.s are draw
lnj the attentlot. ..f UM American pub?
lic to tln* ar?i BBd, ev.-i- -in." t* 111
?entloli. the kral * all roeois, 1|
wlll soon te appre. iued ii"re a* well __*
BkSMPsn all w-t llie world. AU thal
the nianufavturer* rc.iuc*t is *uuply
sma iriai. or, rttll ttMtt, a eompara
tive test with ahatever other eoeoa il
may le; ihea van H0UTEX1
001 vA im*_t a .li ... e of
IU ?rrat supcr.ority. It ia hSHmtt <*
this tliat the Kugli-li paper lltaltk,
aayai ? uuce tried. alMBga u-ad.<
___\\rTo a?old tbe rrfl ttaaM ?f T.a and
:orte*. uae reasUnliy VA.S 11". ii.NS
COCOA. VMtt h a Ml'.CN'.iHl-Mlt <?*
lha 8BM.9BB aad a MkBBhMg aud uuuf
_____i_t bmttxmgm.
' Z.Z. __. ^^^^^^AZ^j2z^7^777^rrrr.'t :v.:; vrru, <'?!<? rrrr77.\ .v.va:?.?.> 7VEZ3aa&>
The Century Magazine in 1891.
) The recent remarkable serial suc
ccsscs of this magazine.? the famous
War Papcr?. Kcnnan's Siberian Arti?
cles, and thc Life of Liftcoln,? will be
continucd in the coming volume (the
fo/ty-first) by "The Gold Huntcrs of
California," a series of scparate iilus
tr.ted paperson the gold feverof'49,
tclling of the discovery of gold, the
movemerit to California (by survivors
of various cxpedition**), life in the
mines, the Vigilance Committees (by
the chairman of both committees),
and many other incidents of that ex
citing p.riod, including a papcr by
General Frt-mont.
Another notable feature will be the
publication of extracts from advance
shects of thc Talleyrand Memoirs soon
to be fssucd in book-form in Faris,
the manuscript of which has been
secretly prescrved for more than half
a century,? to be? printcd first in aa
American magazine.
Other interesting serials include
miles of which was over ground never
before traveled by a white man; " Per
sonal Traits of Lincoln," by his private
sccretaries, Messrs. Nicolay and Hay ;
"Advcnturcs of War Prisoncrs." ex
periences of Union and Confederate
soldiers during the civil war; "Ameri?
can Ncwspapers," described by notcd
journalists; "American and English
Frigates in thc War of 1812 "; " In
dian Fights and Fighter-," byofficcrs
who served with Custcr, Mackcnzie,
Crook and Milcs; " The Court of the
Czar Nicholas," by an ex-minister to
Russia; suggestive papcrs on the Gov?
ernment of Cities; a series ofengrav
ings of noted pictures by American
Artists; the " Prescnt-Day Papers,"
by Bishop Potter, Scth Low, and othcrs.
Fiction includes "The Faith Doetor,"
a serial novel of New-York life by
Edward Eggleston; "The Squirrel
Inn" by Frank R. Stockton, and nove!
ettes and short stories by nearly all
the Icading writers, Joel Chandler
Harris, Eiizabeth Stuart Phelps. Bran
dcr Matthews and macy othero.
An American in Tibet," papers
i describing a remarkable journey, jco
The November Number,.
1 whieh betfln* ffie new vnlume, contain? opening chapters of ?evera! important ser<a!*i, incTu^lri"General
0 Ichn Bidwell's account of "The First Emigrant Tr_m to California" (1841). "An American in Tibet,"
A '?? Karly Victorie* of thc American Navv," and "Colonel Carter of Cartersviile." a <lelir,htrul illustrated
, r.oveiette by F. Hopkinson Smith. AttO " Life in the White House in the Time of Lincoln " bf CaL
John Hay, "On the Andersonvi'.le Circuit " by an ex-Union priioner, *" How London is Governed,"
"The Priniinc of Tme C-KTUBY," twocomplete ttOlie_,etC Nearly one iiundreJ illustrations. Ready
Mevrywhcre Nov. lat Begin iBbacriptioaa with November; $4.00 a ye.ir, sinjj.c numbers 35 cenU.
Suoscribe through dealers and pestruaster., or send remittance direaly to the publishers,
ta _
zt_c_o-corjj__ovocc>_b_t>_c; _!^Ei3_iX_ax?>_o_i ?__.'
.??_-. si. . . . ? - _.'. . ??? *-___>_??-'?
OU. __>_./!^^___CR_V*'i>Cii._--^-r-_-. ? _l"~_._A__i_-_J
?,,;??'. ..-. and notlfled n*
ili.,i hi* privats campaign headqaarten - I
vatoable lo him than ours I*. Carl Haertl - ba*n'<
?*ment. and would be taken ofl lhe tlcket
? ? ii v. ,,iiiii ha. ??
i ire d mouncing the efforta be*ng
made by lhe . nlted state* Marshal ;.eure an hoaeBf I
eleetlon ln Nai thal Hltehi ock'* "iii"" to daj I
? nambei ,,f men belng enmlled a* **peclal
depuile*. und aa i-oon :i- commi--.lo.ied arcre iworn
;n ti, i . i'.l dutle* ?f iii' -" '
I . ! .!.,?> :
norning and rontlnue for t?rn daj lt |* ralrulated I
,ir,r >.? ,,.. ,.*" me.i will _*.? com___?*loned i
M?ndaj evening.
Betvidere, N J., Oet. 31. The roarl derhled to-day
?i,;,t th IIiiekett>to~ii ?.tn -i.irv rtudent* were lecallj
regM red and entltled to 4 te at tbe ensnlna electlon
, , N C. ' ? i ' ' -' '?' ??'?''?" '
nf the Vlllth r ngre**lon_. DlBtrlel I I ggeti | ander
reei Ived ;.t the i and* ut L B.
Panrltle, lhe Etepabliean nomlnee. For aome tlaaa the
Uepubliean* beld ai aaa] dM boI Mkt aeaa?idala la ta.
._ld: bui. as PolmMil Cowle* would nol -i-n tl"- d*
mand* nf the Kan.i'T**' Alttaoee, ai"i aa ba i- mueh
weakei thla Ume than i>* (ore, I ;i?- ieelded
? ? v... a good ReM to pot -"in" i'ii .ii- arorh apoa,
o mi Panrltle * .* brorght ool al the eteventh boor,
and the Indlral - are thal be alll be el 11 <l by ?
large majorlty, a. Ui<" distrlct i- <l>-e. and Colonel
i',iv.!??-. bj rea*on of deki. i'i hl* famlly, bfl* nol
., thorougti r?i ra* . Mr. Fan. Itli
m "f iiii-iii-""!. ?? and ha* n host of frl 'nd* I:
both parth**. The demand* of the Allianee have been
. by 1,ini.
ffewburg, Oct 31 (Special).?At< r ey-General Chaiiea
p. Tal ?" haa arri tan ao opli loo la regard to tta i
I \vi.i Polnl belng ellglble to rote on eleetlon
day. The Attorn.-y-General iayi imbatanthvlly .l~t
. ii aa the terrltory ol weat Potnl l* owned b:
ihe i i : ...! states, bftving been eelN by i l* State t>,
the (nlted state*, tbe n ' "' property tho*
reded are nol entltled to vote elther al Highland Fall*
,?? el-wwliere In thl* r-tate, and In luppon nf thl*
, it - nunieru i - legal refereace* tonching
.nn,u the -.une. _ _
Th- MlBth Ward Ploneer ? orp* paraded through Ui
,.u ktreeta In It* dlatrlct laal night, accompaal d
- Men . Repul Ucan Orga
Vciin.- Men. RepobUcan Club of the IXth As-emblj
:, ihe Slnth Ward Repnblican Club and tho
iin!,. .,1, K:t-t side political orgaalaatton. The
formed al I - du .hotwe, So. 16 Ablngd >?? 6quare
iikI u.i. comm mded by Major <? sorge B. Hebl ard <-uid
Vdjurant L,. Mlner Tbr? company ofl-eere'wer ?
Con < waln Moi ri* \ an lerblli an I Ue i
Come-.; -?, ,n,i. c iptaia Willlam n
,,,-, Und and Lteutenant i>. lt. Murraj : Third. t'ui>
? u.i.i,n li. Board and Lifutt-aant .f. L. Irvlog;
l-'ourl dtd Jan '"- i au ul a. A large nu
,_ the leading Republiea politltuvi in the oi trl t
.-..iiirii at tb ' lu? ii,.'.i- early n the evening -1< ,
d. Am.,ii- lhe* ? arer ? WUHain
ll, i oi ., '- "I'- Lt, l'i'.u.. J. i>. <_'.?? ta. Jeren i.m Paog
born, Charl'.*> llohey, Jolul W. Jaeobus, Thomaa J.
I'.iirtnii. WUUam Bdwutd*, WUUam il. OreH, uud E. T.
raere w.-re a',i>u: .",.X) men ln lin..*, th* earpa in f.ill
n, arlth whlte -'u '- aad axes, aod they
moved off. Il'.i i-i! i4 ;. bra*M band. amid ;, bl n '
rockets, Boman randle. and r?-i Ire. Ove 2,000
p.'i-,,::- ware pp hered la Ihe Misara to rteu lha
pro, e ilo
a meeting ara* beld laal av nlagal n>. :;._. Boarery
ef Company E. Bd Bottalloa, of the Irtak Votaateera,
prealded over by Ueatenant C. n Ketly, bo Indora I ??
candldacy of John W. Ooff for Dlaljiet-Attornay.
Chairman Ketty denounced the lylng i porta iuit Mr.
i,i,if araa born lo England, aad a^ert'"-* that ha araa a
nativi- of < ;:i". Weaford und araa aat ahme a gond
Irtahmjui, bul btbi b loyal aad devoted Aamrleaa ettl
w.-:i Ueutenant Jama* Bergln ul-" -r ?
upporl of Hr. Ooff, f"i vham ne predict.ii a trl
umphant majorlty oa l aad
M l.. i Dempaey ...i-. to rn.* lMhane nytag:
\ . rpj of the In. i ?ed lettar araa aent to the 1
?f "iii,' -un- ;i ten day* ago lor tha paraoaa ol pahU
ratlon, and wa- refnaed lasertl '?? ?"
Thl* 1* a copy of tha letter referred t ?i
Tto the Bdltor of "-Tha bon": la ftaatt. an.l fuir
pl.,; ; a ,. rou to pubUoh thal "hfll l? ?ho*"J ""'' t'1"
far, ,.f the moon" and rvporl d bj you ej-ery afijr.re
'-in-ilii-' Mr. .r* bavluB been born lo Manchcter i*
?i,.,,l,i-l4 in rue. Ile wa* born ln the town ot
. .,.:,,iv ivexford. Ireland. my o*m blHM.lari..
l well remember blm u^ ? i-* ? ,,,(1'-..?"?'') "," '\ "ll"
people a ? llving there 4-.. Wl< HAEL DKMFbSY.
>.,. .:; Itendolph-flve., Jer?ei I Ity.
The followlng deliclou* iperlmen ol mnddled I.m
piage appeared yestordaj Ui a ktter addre*aed la W. J.
., the Dem craU. caad dal tor < ong ?
tu,. i i i.i Dlatrtet, hbI ta him by lea_ tta-hoa maaa
hctarera ..? tbe bead af arkom I* ei l'.rk Co
i.. M. eoaaer*, ol Brooklya. a Btaaaf Daaa
H. ,.?i.,uii,- tto great amjorltj ?;? ?'.;"? ??"
oeopl- ii, ii add -?',? tin ? - more i" heli butfen,
,',7 V.i." ...I i.vin/.ii.i.....-. i?*?" _*- '"-'!.??'??'t?
,[..) . i thlng* of ihta per** aia daM ap
Kv, --..', ?.! staaemenl* ef tha numban .md en
.,,. iha. tli ? luli *.t- not
Id I ? . v
WI1 . ,. B ! m ? ,. __? CAXontn
. r ? .*r_ kttaea n ?. 4 aan af
,,, xi\r... 4- aabln Dh ?? ottm la aka
, ... ? ,h, Itat ..f *aadhtBBBi la bc raaad f ? n-xi
I Ib-b* v - atday, of
M ti, -r B*-Bf .: aohUcM BBtamaa"
f - ,h a -. i'..i.i' * ?._' d*?i n ii, * aa* .i.n,
?i ,?.r.
mUar eaadMa ;: i?ii,.
ilVi ?"?'* at ?!??? d-*? ' *? "af "*<-? a*_a a..a JbbbUi
r? liiiitt-'" tniMiioi- *aU Jaaaaa A. Otmm, .?>." n-guiariy
r ? . 4 Uie uoruUi^uu, _ ?uto ?? a leaal dacaUuo, a* Uie
M Pay 50 Fsr Ceii
:i IhMf Um ii:" ***** ? -"?"'? artici>
A forl
Ytt - - - Maa v. inting
lurniture. f.-om Iu> W ..; '?? **? ***** I
and Wbo .'..i ii"t.
j-. ti t.. piftj |..- ? - - ' ii.rr -ii. ? betwen *he
A* .:.-?'.- 1 MM sivllg.
Plala i-'.ruit.ire. ,, aad '>. ? mott
? I'l ?', ? ui. ' - ?
li -.: '. lavea - ?
?? III \ OF THE M IKf.ir."
Stores: 104, 1C6 and 108 West 14th St.
Uanvtart-* *. IM, i->.j *H ~t r.iu.--t.
vnil lif AUT *he BtoM and i"- I llghl it i* p- . ble
YUU WAIf I h, .-,., twm keroaene oll.
OArKi ,, ,,LARAXil .u i. -.r. i: i'i-... i ' i"
BATISFA. n.lS _.
c.aipi r *X'e 1 ave Biade ai -l *-.l i over i.OOO,
SlmrLlt OOfi *inee il ?a* f.-nt.'! ln l--"'
\Ve i.ir.-r over 1.0. O van"...-- ol -4 d
_.??.?? m sad llangitiK Ump*-e\vn rtyte aad
DURABLE i. ':?"" i" ''"'?, N:cl"'1 "*?***'*
Lamp io Bfegant banquet md PMas
,mm___,___ Uiinp-.
I AMPS. Ni 'ail'U' liefter for v"i- own U-- nnd
bMmrwi . sr???g!WI OIMTB
?aMMhsiaaad bf BDWABM NflXSa A co..
ln iin-l 14 Cellrar I'lme, New.W'k.
?____ ,; i k. , r . .;,. Birclaj * . Send br rlrealar.
North American
Repretentai.v* McKINLEY. 0 LOOGE.
ti.i* : OIL26LL. Pa.: FITCH. H. Y..
.Scoiti.ii 1'
Hy Tiif Maa H 0? Loase
The Ladiei of ths Ljsi Caaan
I:y Gaa. Ham:ltok.
R?!:ef te* the ^upreme Ourt.
By Ex-Jumca Biuxaii trasaa,
*_m*tm Men iii P.,iin. ^.
By Ex*?N.\iOK Warneb MaiBB.
Reminis^ence5 oi .. P,,rir?.i Fainter.
gy ilci.x ,a P. A. H?al-.
Klection Methodi in the South.
ot BaaaMn, .*. c.
A Southern RepiiUii-nn on the Lm'ge B.ll.
By A. \V SHArrrn. I'hief S.i;,ervi*or
of glacana B North CarelMe.
Old Poe'V By WiU VMSM
The Laadaa PhRee.
By H-lo?)is-:os.!i JaOTi Moiieo./
The Rnlhla* Sex Hv Oacaa Iay Ad/
?0 .nu. n (op); a-j.o.) ? l?ar.
I _?? _. eaaiMaM of MS ISrty M the Xlllth i> m I fer
tu L ?* s.a.u e. 9
lli.. UI'-'.-Ker Ruilulir,' i?a* Uaadeg la?t nifflil \>Ub
cnthnalaa * KepuMleaaa fha Bar. ai xa-.der
Waltrre, |a*t<> uf Ma MathMlIM Fp.-.o|..i zion Ohateh,
in ll. ?? K.i---i... w** ? .'.a riuaa M th. u.e. tln*. IF i.iide
I o.r ytewlag ipearh, ahlah ?a* m Mai aMh ?t>
iii.m*-. Ba mm latraiseei Uie Bev. Dr. n. n. her
Dr. MiaMs mM B paM; "Battag Bf i>og
len.denee la tai* .m l Immi i"ii" seeaaa aaa ag|| i.<-t?
Tanunaiiv HaU. PM \.jr* I l.a\" l??-ii llilukim; ihal
.-..a.. ii..,.,- .u.i.' t" ^-- daaa to eveMBia* t.-'? aaaeagl o
atlOO, and 1 liaM- t**** t? ti. ... .*...n that lt 1?
ii..* tn.e m u.t ApplMM WWBMi Mwagh ?>? ii:my
?t.-.-t*. l t-.i a- if i ind laeMvad Uit.. ..i. * mmi e>.-ry
ili? ?-.- \..'..r.!n I jUend"d tle- lou. ral ..f a UMfc clnld
who had SM f"?. hMMI paMMUSBj, MaagM on by Uie
.ond ttea ..f aar mm*', an MaaasM vietim M thl*
aUoiii.nab'" (...>' BBBMS.
? l\.n kii.>? ai.d 1 haSW, my fit. nd*. tt.it the . ?;o-?g
., ... m ">-'r ??- ?*??*
j . . . \ msaM
v . - y
,-ulli- ll.le t" '-;.'!''- [ "' '''' kMB
i naa ? ui u. ui ii ? *"MB petBM [LsaghBa aad a^
Maaae.) ll ?- m ? ?--? MM MM aaa <>t our BsBMg
eiergyinaa *?*?* ***** * Mthe ot Sl ono if h.- ?ouk naaa
., jor Tammsj lui. tha .?:...?d \'ui<* ut **:-*.
- K'.ooo -tro.n;. l.\-:_- ou.- ol IhaM * tm
BlUIUld .?' (" U: l?<"? *'-*' *'" *>*?*?* ***1 " "" C* *' C"'
g, x. ii.ii.vi., ' ,:?-?- -..il-... auila.* anU *,- .* .l..?..
K.-1...U i a '?
d n n ...
tu Ir mr.n.. i!,.-i
hall >, ? tle* ?.
, Mll l M -
io,- vti, \*-ii.i..v li,-.tricl
ot Di h vft*?
.- *?. . a. .1 . . ln UM
. : b. Ma... \\ 11 ? " *a.
_t_ Rev. U W li H r ca.
i ?:i.. I u* D'.ioai. ,'i i'.? I- *>'?** i..n -n le. j H
K. aiii.U-.. A . ... ic lU..0oi>.. ai.d l.a..< 1 r ?.L
*>au PMatMaa, OM M, i"90.
? t. rdar. T.^dav. Y aterday. To
.. ..i.ai 17' 8tr*nA*. .?
B.Kb?r 1.20
J 10
| .,
.1 .M.
. on..
. \ \
ClOWB I'1 -'nt
i ervaa ?'?"?
.,, id v . rr ...
Hal.- i Xi"' B - I B ?
llaakan . a"?
Mouo .I 'i'>
ju. imbio.Ul
.. ii_ut,r ...
3lo l-o.o-l .
?J.I.*. I *a>?ir.'
. N. ,a u.
i -, li.luu l UAaol.. .
\.-n i., n.4Miw.< Ita .
.M Iiii,' l-le. ..
1 30|.SolUi l>Uii: UM
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3 10
1 IO
4 10
2. il