Newspaper Page Text
w Qy<ui>a^ Vol.l.IV?*H),05?. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER *% 1890.?IWEftTY-FOl R PAGES PRICE FIYE CENTS. THE NEWS OF EUBOPE. MR. GLAW^NE, MR. FREWEN AND MAN CHECTKR ON THE AMERICAN TARIFF. flt'MORS ABOl'T BBBBTBIBO SEA-OREEK AFFAIRS -THE gBIUBBIigUBf CnilUT VON MOLTBlN VITt'-LABOlt TROFBLES- 1RFAAXD-MR. OLArWTOXK OV MANY THEMKS-MR IIIaTlBTT Hl FROFDE'S STFDY OF BIA (BJ X | VI1. I.D?M R M FI >I E. |BT CABI.E TO TIIE TIUrUXE., ggjBjrdgM BBB Bj r*' Tribenr Attoeiation. London. Nov. l.-Mr.'a McKinley tariff Bpwrh at l?lBdBB hns ba.I ono remurknblc effect. 11 BM reconvoror-d "The Times'1 into a eilocist of Mr (.Udstonr nnd a friend to Arocricn. B is not teBf !*"'"<? t"at j??">al 6i,l(* tnat nftor ,he BBBBBat al the McKinley tariff. talk nbout bfaaaip aad tateaaBailp with Ibbbjm was out of ,).,,<? Ni.w tl.e same autliority says: "W* are gagBtlf nustaken if tho American people ob a a'li.'le are not plcasantly impresscd hy the perfect tone and IBBPBI *l Mr. (Hadstone's observations end BJ **8 BfJBBfg, ardent nnd even enthush.slic, nitnre af the teelings he cntertains and which paj entire nation shares with him for tlie great tngliali ^P^ak,"ff ^'Pul)liR bBBBB the Atlantic ^ No douM Mr. tiladstone hns (riendly moods toward America, bnt tl.e exprossion al them in liis Dun dec speech is MaWtfBBB peculiar. The McKinley tariff is. whatever its ments or defeets. an Amer? ican tariff, an act of American policy, adopted aud ;.}>pr,.M-.l L.v Ihc majority ol tne Anioricari peo? ple. "I aag not," aagra Mr. <;i..dst?n", 'about to brinc railin^ B4**BBItte*B ajiainat tl.e American people." Bef*M hc has linished the sentence be jjuMallBB the policy of the American people aa n polic.,' of tluml.T and fraud. Later he describes it as a monstrous injustiee. Ijiter still, he says: " Tlie word Protection is a rniserjble misnomer. Tall it nppression. CaU it delusion. Call it fraud." The main object, however, of this ingenious addn-ss is ta oeaviac* Bagtead that the McKinley tariff will de her ik harm. His argument is suturned up in this tine sentence: "Gontlemcn, wc do nol deal with this c.untry or with that oountry: we deal with mankind.'1 The effect. he says, of this aet must l>e to raise prices in A'l.erica, hence la diininish her power of cx portation, and henco 10 rediice her eotnpetition with England in la* ithcr markets of the world. II England is damnitied in *?ne of her twenty markeis. BB* gains in the other nineteen. "So," continued llie Coiuleiiite, "even if we go nll round the world, it rcmains true that eaeh country which hivcs ;n-ater BlilngCtaOJ to protection within ita own I.or.lcis is thereby, though damuging us in its eara market, giving ?s more command in fvery aag of the otlier nineteen markets ot the world." lt would be a bcautiful argument if the other nineteen markets were not eaeh one of them, Baittek colooi.-s inc.lnded, Protectionist. Mr. Olaual?W. in any case, is tiue to his Free Trade faith. He deiiounres retaliation as suieidal, nnd clings aitk toueaUBf lidelit.v ta his hopc of n Free Trade millenuium. Evidence averso to his own view, though it may be, has riot more efteet oa lus min.l in iiscal than in poliucal mattei-s. Vet all be now ver.turcs oa hy way of prediction with reference to Americi ia that a aigiia! trinmph muy " possibly'' be r*> aerved for his IrCtvBadtag lii'-nds in the l'nited States. His h?*J UmllBj here think that but cold encouraceiucnt. Some Engllsh Free Tradcrs go so fur ?s ta doubt the wisdom of uli this reettirlng of Amerleans. One remarks: "If an American were to "all Mr. QteOBtaDg*B. com ments impcrtinent, we could hardly obaMt." Mr. Moreton Frcwen puhhsuoa in "Tlie Fort nlghily Rc-Yjew'' an article on Tbe Kattoaal Policy of the l'nited State* m a tone very dillcieiii from all this. He point.s out that the Eaglteh are again skIiiik with the DemocraU* party i't Ameriea. as they did during the Keliellion. lie Kcs that the l&telCBte ef the Aiueriean workiug Baaa are at. stuke. "The American workiiiginan.'' says Mr. Fr.-wt-n, "also has begfl c.nsulU-d. and he l*lievcs in.plicitly that not much later his con.munity. B*BB8tad by modern machinery and cheap caj.ital. will Ik- able t* produce all that. is rfquired hy all during B six hours working day. He has the sensc ta recognire the lu.pi.ssibility of this mx hours idcal if the product of foreign paujier labor is I* bg allowcd to swamp the home markets.'' Mr. Frewen is an nilgllBBBBaB who lias beea in Americi. Man.-hesler is ic?s cvited than Shefticld about the M.'Kiiiicy tarifl ; perhaps baOBBBB Man.hesU-r BM no Colonel Howaid Vincent to preax:h retalia 1ion. There has l??cn a meetiim *f ibe Manches ter ( hfimlv-i- ol < oinmcrce, with B S|M-e< li bf its j.resident. Mr. Lee; a moderate speech, railn-r sensil.le Ial a Frce-Tra.ler. though bfl is .-rcduloiis Baete. Hc take* what hc bclicvcs to la? faets from dispatehos cabled hith.-r. They come (iailx in the joint interest of New-York importers ar.d r.ntish manufa--turers. There is at least one New-York m-ws BgBBacy which does not acruplc to rcplMBBl 'he Ncw-Voik importers' nrgjan as a:i "independent" joiiruil. However, Mr. Lm con aasBl hiniscil and hi-- Maiiehcster friends with ti.o laaataaftr ihat th.-y will not be much affected by lhe tgriff, (>r not for some years. "AaaefaMBg," eoiicliides the sensible Mr. Lee, "have a pvrle't rigbt ta theii aara affaira in their own way.n WBBfl the English puhlio, and Hritish maiiafaeBureia aad Ma?ii organa eagcetally, have grasped ihis elemcuUiry propositiou. you will bear ooiisi.lei'.ibly IfgB Bntiiii noiibcnse about the Mc? Kinley taritf. Ihe report Ihat Sir JbIbm Pauncefote is nbout bt, BBBBBB BBjatlationa with Mr. P.laiue on the Behrlag Bw bbbbbbbb bm ******* interest la taM lUbjecl on this s:dc ol the Atlantic A long n.-ws Bgem-v d.sp.-'t<-b llBBI New-York profess-s to state Bfcelaaly what Um Mr. BtaiM is gwiag ta take. ].:ke other dispalches from the same sour.-e. this is oagfl to the crilieism ihat the atilhor of it know* Uio much. However. almost anything that comes by cal>!e eeems to la- acceptc.l hei-e as gaagcl. -Tbe Times" iBMillBIBBg afresb and at lemrth on the subj<-ct. but bas uot much that is new t>. offer. It cxults over Mr. Blaine's bUbbjH refusal t-. sub mit ta arhitration <.n the .juestion whether BebriBg sea is ? mare clai.siim or BOfa and sneaks of him :is to let an impartial autboritv pronouiue or. BMB ? clmtn. Whether this artiele lias any other lnspirution than IajhI MBBBBiy'a iast. dtaaateh is douhtful. Tl.e arritet si>cak> as uaua! foi the fiovertiment and the people. pro :laiiiii.i; t'..? entiie rendlness af Englnnd to aab mil fhe i-.-hole i|iieslion ta arhitration and then tgBgg will. tl.e l'nited States on pnictieal meaa un-s for preventim: abuwa in seal llshing. Tbe opposiiion vidory in (irevct wns at flrst d.rm*^i HVely ta hurry eventa in Southeastern Europe, Hiid p-rhaps lo brin^' on an immediafe collision Ijetween lireeee and Turkey. Seeond thoughta ggg icassuring. M De]yurn?i*. tlie new IttBM Mlaaatee, is somethinK ol a "re brand. no doubt, hut the diffl-ulty 8t tl.e situatiou li.-a BBBrBBf th ni perwrnal ehaiaefer M Tricoupis falls baaaaM h.- n * ?ro last and far cnough M the Inr'-II. 11- rond 1<? Oontent Ha* impatienee ol rh. |.11<r BBfll in fireece. Hut lie bad Inirls Melded so u.iu-ii bg BjagBBJaM picssure, nnd had gone so far toward quarrelling with Turkey, thnt hia reputatiun for prudence beeame its<lf a aaaaBBff. aBBBBBg alept toiiudly wlule lf. Trieoiipis rulcl. but wakea up on M Delyannis's retiirn Ig power. A vi?iiant writ.h wlll be kept, and be will ilnd it difti.-ult to Uike a single sta*]. toward lKartHities, or to commit himaelf Bf any overt act Bg the relief ol Cw-te, still lesa to attempt it. What he and gjg frkoda wanl 1a a?iuciLaU*B. Xba*c Mxce Greek ironolads might, or might not, prove ahid t<? swecp tlie Turkish fleet from thc Aegean Sea, but there are other fleet* to be thotiubt of. Tlie declaration of the StateB-General in the Netherlnnds re6pectinK tho King'a mental inca paoity i8 not likely to have anv important politi? cal result. with one exoeption. The King hns long beon really incapable of governing. The Counoll of State is now King- Queen Ennna will presently l>e proclnimod Kegcnt, nnd Prinoess Wil liclmina will bcoonie Queon in 180". Thc Grand Duke of Nassau now takes Luxemburg, and the eljuirgle to prevent Connnny from absorbing thnt province will be watolied with interest. Tl* celebration of Count, von Moltko's nlnetieth birthday occurml with all. and more than all, the PVmis'*.:', remony and splendor. snve tbat no oivn proiTiotion was ofTorrd to bini. Tho Emperor put iuto liis oonfc'ratiilationR a sentcnre to tho effeot Ihat Count von Moltke had not monopolized power in the Army and would lcnve suceessors when he departed. This was understood t<> be an amiablo sneer at Prinoe Bisinarck. who wns not invited to tbe eelcbration. Si:< 1. is the magrianimity of tho present ruler of Germany. The bombordment and capture of Vitn by Ad rairal Kreruantle's lleet is one more blow at thc East Afriean sHve trndc. The orie;in of thc n'lar mI with tlm Sultan of Vitu was lierman, but thc English beeame involved and noted with prmupt dcoision. Thc Arah slavo-tradcrs liave rcocivcd a mtioli-nccrled lesson. Tiic Dookers' I'nion have turned thc otlicr cheok. Tlieir oflloials a few days age issuod 8 pastoral to their flock with roferonce to lhe no4V regulations of tlio dock owners. All their coun scls are for peaoo. Thev aoeept the tcrnis, they forbi.l nll strikes. Vo; what tln* London doek .ompanios have done is nothing less than to rc volt again.t Iho lyi mnv of thc Doekors' I'nion wliich tbey bave so loag endurcd. Tliey havo organired a nc4v systeni af perinanont labor, and proposo t.? tnann-jo thoi. ovvn busincss, an act of presuruption hcartily apprnved by tiic goiiertil publie. Tiic strua_le bctWB8B t_I Shippiino; Federation and tbe Searacn's I'nion sccnis likely to break out flrst at Cordiff, wlierc citlicr a 6trike or a loek otit. may occur al any moment. An emissaiy from thc Australinn strikcrs has arrived, wltli n mis,si>.n to pcr.sua.le tl.e Knjrlisli publie that thc strikc is not over and tliat thc men will win if they aro liolped. Tlie numlier of his converts is thus far limitcd, and tlie amount of money subscribed is niL Mr. Ralfour's visit to Ireland had a practioal objeet. He went t.i soc for hiinself what things looked like in theae .listriots wlicre thc danizor of famino bns lieen snpposcd la be grealo... lt is a remarkable t-ou 1 ?: remarkable for nothing more tban for the friendliness of his receplion by tlio very poorest olasses of tbe Irisli people in tbe most oongestod .listriots. Mr. Italfour takes. it is now seen, a practioal view of theae nsponsibilities with relcrciiic to tlio famine whieh bo publiely acceptod somo woeks sinoc. Hc bad thon every information from others. Hc adds to it what can bc soon with his own eyes. llc went with praotioally no eseort, or none oapable of protooting him against anv 0fgaala.d violonoo. Thc full result is yet to bc seen : but Mr. l-.lfo'ir snid at Oahray thal hc meant to pnsb larc-e rail 44-n.v solicmcs in Mayn. Donegal, <'<>ik, Kcrry, and elsewliero. Hc will sjicnd a million and a hall in Galwivy. A line alons woslorn Ireland will Ih* opened up by these railvvays. H" returned ta Dublin yeeterday. By far the most ronarkabh* pn***vi-e ln Mr. .iladstoncs Irisli *-peeeli araa 1!" passoge on the l'lan of Campaign. " I'nilcd Ireland'' liails lt aa a splotidid vindientinn. .Mr. Gladatone ndmit that lha P'nn is Dlegal, and deciai-ea that he vviii justiiy nothing that is WegaL Ib thc nc\t braath lio says Ihat it wns an bbaolntc neeo-it., and thal tho real autliors of it are tbe Govern ment. Most people wonld tliink tliat a justitici tion: yet nobody denies tbat tlio plan is Ulegal. Tiie Pope has pronoiinco.i il so; and Mr. Parncll rofiisc'i to aanetion it. Thc best oonnenl <>n Mr (Jladstonc's defence of boycoltiiIg is tbe murder of Mary Flanagan. It ls lhe BSUal story, with one raxiatlon. fTanagan toah an erleted farm. He araa warned and hojcoUed : but, prnving l_Be_alble to this form of moral siiasion. lio WM to havo lieon murdcrcd. His assassins murdcrod his danglitcr by mistake. It wns last weok that Mr. Gb?latone ohallenged his opponcuts to show Iiim any recent oaso in justilioation of their chnrco that boycotting rosts on orimc, or that. in liis own words, crimc dogs Ibe footstcps of tho Lcaguc. Lord Hartin^ton war- oordinlly well reeoivd yesterday in Edinburgli. llc niadc two sjx'Oehos, atid BBtanlly had somotliing Ib Bay in reply to Mri Glalstono. He points out, ninon;. olhor things, tbat Mr. GladftOlM is the first Rnfliafa ol tho liist rank to tell tho Irish people thn. they onght t" hate thc law, nnd tliat this advioe 4vas tho moro sinpular sin ??* the paitieular law t'ney 44ore most to hatd is a iniMer form of one foriiioily paased and ct.foreod wilh st:iet!ie*s "Y Mr. GladatODC hiniself ar;iin-t this** sanio Irisli people Mo tiiir.ks it udd, moreoTer, TTint thc Homo Elnle leadei should dcrote so aineh Ume to dlatorted Ttraloaa af laeal ineidcits. lika Tlppcnuy, whieh is li.'tv, und like Mit.hol-iovvn. wliioh is old, verv old; should lcnve all thc nmin issues at ono ?idc, and should bave nolbii|g to say ahoiit Mo'iu- Kule ltsi'lf and tbe real pieseiit iii-nnimr of that clnstle, jdirasc. On this point Lord IIurtin_ lon and Mr. Daviit ai*c of one mind. Mr. Daviit's I'onmiont in "The Ninoicentli Contury" ou Mr. G-kdatooe. Midlotliian speeobes de.ils in qualifled eulogy. IIis ciinplaiiit is a complaint hcretoloie board in I'nionist nionths. " I-'rieuds aiul loos alikc," says Mr. Daviit, "are still in tho d?rk as to wliotlicr tlie novt ( clcition is lo bc fouis'ht upon a deiiiiito and democratie Home l.ulc propiovil, or upon the nanic nnd fame of Mr. (.ladslono alone.'' Mr. Courtney bas apain licon playinR his favor? ite part ?f OMiidid l.-iond to tln* .Joveriimeiit He spoke on Thursday to liis eons.ituents about his reeent visit to Ireland. He is as staneh a I'nion? ist as ever. but bc dislikes the Tipperary prosc oution. lt was a th_Ig lio wished bad not h;.p pencd. Tbe state of thinga in Tipperary might justify it. Ho wns lar lrotn sayinjc tbat Ministers 4vere not warraiitod ln what they bad done. Hut Mr. Courtney Ixdioves ho is expicssin;.' thc fcoliii). of many Cnioiiists in Ireland and out of it when hc says Ihat bc wishes it had not heen done. rndoiibtcdly be does. lk* tho n.eriti, of thc wbut thev may. most Torics think tlie proseeution a mistnke. Hut li-w aay so as frankly as Mi. Courtney: wlio, indeed, is not a Tory, but a Lilioral I'nionist. nnd a man whoso opinion oounts. Hls spcoillo objeotion to the proseeution is that it stnnds in thc way of the eominjr land settleinent, 4vhich be. like most inen who really study thc Irisli <|ue_tion, thinks a vital niatber. He makos the rather itbftllBI suKKCstioti that a oonferenoe ihould be arrant-ed Intween Mr. Parnell. Mr. (ilnd.tone, Mr. Morlev. Lord Sponoer and Mr. Hal four. If those flve men eould njjree on a land bill, tho land question wonld he scttled onee for nll. Tlie Afriean ooiiirovcrsics bave l-ecn of tlie> liveliost kind all Ihtaagh tbe week, and aro verv far indeed from briag ended, or iieor Ihcir ond evrn. Poor dead Hurton lias li_wl a shol fired at him- Colonel Grant, rhe surviving partner in thc wcll-knowii Afrioan finn of Spoke and QffBRt, eaBBCB forward t" express liis boliof how nuicli liotte, ;, fellaw and liettcr a travollei SihIi,- \V.lh ij,;,? Hiirlon Thi*, how. vor, is hut a'n .pisode. What tl,e puhlio 8B8SR lor und read. with av.dity ih the Staiiley diapute. Mr. Stanley has bad his back |a rhe wall ever 88.888 Monday, <>r porhnp-, Sunday. Tba fngliah, who like aU kinda ul lightliig, muab onjoy tbe cool rcadincBs with which bc meets all comcrs. Hl.s letter to "'?? Times" of Monday was g letter of dcliance. Since then Mujor Harttclot's brother bas rc.ioined with an air nf being c.onsiderably astonishcd by Mr. Stanlcy's hint thnt he knows more than B* bas told. Then came long American telegroms giving pretty full details of Lieutenant Truup's testimony: then a letter from Mrs. .lameson. She. too, has a book in press. Then Mr. Bonny BI brought on the scene. Then the English press hfaJM ta BBflgjagt tbal Mr. Haiimj would bettat stay in England, give up lecturing |B America and see lhe thinir throuek Of this rathcr perlidiotis ndvice the great Welshman takes no notb-e. "e embarked on Wcdnesdny on the Tcufunie; not, however, without a parting shot in the shape of an interview?two shots, in fact. He replies to _***? tennnt Troup and the rest very lirrnly and very guar.ledly, in a tone of iinshaken confidence thnt when all has been said he can hold his own and something more. Mrs. Stanley sailed with him on the Tcutonic So did her mother, Mrs. Tenuant, and her co.isin. Mr. Hamilton Aide, one of the most aecotuplished and BgH?able men in London, wit!. his dramatio honnrs of last BBMOB still fn-sh. Tt* IBBM ship carries Mr. D. 0. Mills and Lady Arthur Welh-sloy. Tlie American Minister sailed the same dav on the City of New-York on two months' leave of absence. Among the toBBBB on which Mr. GladatoM lias discoursed licsido Ireland, lhe wickclness of tln Irish (iovornment, and the wickcdtie-s of Um American tariff. nre the Dundee Art Kxhibi tion, the growlh of art galleric.-, the aiogreaa f,f *tt in aaaetal, SeotehmeB, art, indiistry'. the idci af beniity. Ih* price of t-illow-rnndles, Mr... Gladstone, Mr. Glad* stone, silk handk-erchiefs in lluskis-on's iiine, Dundee, Laid Provost ol Dundee, and Mr. Car negie. He lavishcd eulogns OB Mr Oarnegi*, on his activity, on the splendid mnniier in whieh he has preaeh.-d, or still more splendid manner !n which Bfl h:*< practised. the munilieont, donation of vast funds. These vast funds were gained, says Mr. (iladstone, by Mr. Cnrncrie's oiierg.v and intclligcnce. He is the grealcst ironmaster iu the world. Mr. (iladstone seenis qiiito inaware that Mr. Carncgie owes his vust teitBM not only to his ononry nnd but .|uite as much ta the exisU-nce ef thnt very system of Protection which hc de iioiiiic-s aa a fraud, a BjBJBMf and a gjrtBB injustiee. Without this there would have been no Iron iudustry for Mr. Cnrnegie t* fl*W rich by. Mr. Caine>iio served Mr. <;iadstone as a ie\t, moreover, for an interesting scrmon in "Tln- Nine teenth Century." His iirticle bcars tlie title "Mr. larnegie's IJospel af Wealth? A RevteW and a Recomnicndation." He applauds Mr. Cnrnojjie's idea of giving while aliv. Ilis recoiiii.K'n'lati.m bj ta n-H'Malilish Lord ( arlislc's ('niversnl lk-ncli cent Socicty. enlnrging it beyond its OWB .-.r.-le ..1 EvBBgjelkB] I'rotestnntisiu, eaeh member 1<> bii:d hlamell in honor ta uive venrly a pcrei-nta'-'c al his income, to be fived by himself. Not havinu enoagb ta do in aettUag tl..- Iriah ?jm-^ti>n and hfiaglni up and n-arranirinsr tb* Britiafa Empire, Mr. (iliidstone is ready ta BBBBBl ibe praetleal 1k giniiing of tliis scheme. Mr. Froude's Short Study or l.or.l IVaconsfield, a little daodeelmo volume of ?*.'?? pagea, is a better aoeounl of tl.e great Tory lcador than can nny whete eme be found. It is Disraeli the man wh* interests Mr. Emudc most of all, and hc has galnted a portrait ol him which i.s both like and litelike. The elever .lewish adveuturer stm-ls oal in almost berota propertioBB frc3*> thia amall canvaa. He was not a irreal sf.te-.inan nor a ?rreat, writer. says Mr. Fmude. His political work dics witli him. He achieved MttUBg thal will last. and his novels would prea-nt'.v bc forgotten. but lor thoir nutho.'. No matter. |.is-:..'li r.-mains a gftat ti','ure in his century; origioal, unique, of rare cournge and genius, nnd now seen ta ?"' - iiiucl. more amiable, eharming individnal than tl?.' p- blie hns heietofore thonghl blm. It is aom thing to hav* tbe most aingnlai si-itesm.-ui ol his time deacrlbed by the flral ol living r.rtists. Ii Eogliah politiclana comptain tbal Mr. Froude has not? dealt fully with Disraeh's politieal .-arivr, that woul.l be to wrlte the politieal history of Eagkad for forly years. A (iladstonian eritic is Bflgry b*> OBBje Mr. Fn. ide " introduees his own Toryiam on many oc.-asions." and this it describes ns "politieal impertinence." wliafever Ihal may mean. lt would have beefl all llghl had he infrod.iced GmdetonhBB. TbcM objectlonfl are not important. Whal the people will like in this book is tiie vividness with which the story is told, lus rharaeter depieted, aad the in.e aatare nf the man BPl forth. has nlways beea a BOIt of n.ystcry man. llc prcterrci ta bg. !t waa his waj oi playing the gaaae. Mr Fraade has set. him and lus cure.-r in I '-al light. T* neither his virtoea B*r his fau! - Mogrrapher bliad, and from IIB lirst BBg* to -st the boofc has that Inscination ol style wh.. h is Mr. Froude's sccrct. Mr.' Mndie, who died this veek.' will alwa\s have n .-elebrity ot his own as tlie fouadei of the presc-iit Icndinc-library s.istciii ol Orcat llritnin. He coiiceived the idea of lending lumks to tlie gen? eral pubiie on payment of a small ycnrly gahBCfip tion. Iie had some lit.-iary gifto, .. soit of in stinc? for what. |>eop]e WOOld wiah to rcad, nnd reBaarfcable baaiBeaa talenta and organlring power. Iie ereated aa enonaooa baaineaa ..ut ..f nothlng, modiAed to a ciisiilerable dejrree the whole course of the publishing trade in Eiuland, kept up the puMiabed price ol booka, and Hxed in the Engliab pablle the habil of horrowing instead of buying book*. He .-vni loiind tini" to form opiniotis on Tlie uioraiity of hooka as ihey came out, and set np a kind of censorship whiefa has not done much barm or good. Mndie'a is now a liniited liability company \iith a baadred thoiisand labeexibera, but still managed by tbe foaBder'a ronnger son. It is notr.l among Mr. Ilodie's i-laims to remcmbiancc tliat he knew Emenon nnd publislied lhe Inl Eocliafa edition ol Mr. Lowell's piH-ms. <i. W. S. --?-. ART1?TS HOBOBBD BT AB .U'ADF.MY. Mtinici.. Nov. 1.?Taa Aeaamnj ..f \rt- h?-re bt*,** coiif'-rre<i acmMrahlp upon BaMer w. Oaleaa, Um palatnr. anrt Mr. B*M, of London; Mr. Uutlirie. of Olaagow; Boberl w. Baebeth, th. eagraver, an.l HaaM Tlioruy.ofl, tlie K-iilplor. ?-? BI8MABCK 10 BTABT A BBBWaTAT. BerUa, Bee. l??Prteea Btaawrek haa in-ui- anaaga inents |0 start a lireuerv at li i.-ilri. li-rnlie. 8*v*fal MaaUmrg rapitaltata ai-.- InterealM ta IM reacera, whicli wlll have a (ap.tal of nOOjDOO tnarl;-. TM gnaaetera wlll ran tM brewwj Utr tift-. reara, MTtag r.-nt ta BBaaarck. TM ex-Chaneellor reaervea fcr hia Mlra Bw rtaM t" bar IM ?? neeni aftar nftv y.-.r-,. lt i> t-\jK-( te<i the boaaa win .io a lar^e exporl tr.ul-. NUT (.FII.TV <>F KIl.l.l.Vl, ]|KH I1F.SI1AND. Chatham, Oak, Nov. 1.?Alne Wallace, cluu^eo with the niunlcr of her lnubaiul, Juimv. Wulla. <-. al Pmt Alina, wa-. ilo. tared not puiliy l.v a lurv at au oarlv tliis Bwralni, anrt vrus Imni.-.ilnt'elj' dH charge.1 by Judpe McMahon. ? A F'.HKSTKR KII.I.F.I) HY ni!I(,ANI)?. Pesth, Nov. 1.- A party of hrlgajirta forcexl an en inin.e iii lha baaae ..f a taraater, near Piatabaifj and after maiBertog tM beeater, plltaged tl.e bn::*e. i;i:i>KKMiN(> a BBAZIUAM LOAB. Kio .lanelro. Nov. 1. A laBBB hn> lieei. B*BB*1 BBlamlateg u.e leaemgttea "f tM IBM tataraal kaa with ihc aald aafaattad ln th- 'TBIonal IBbbbbt bg wltli tlie l-oki o the la?ue l.anks. THI yacmt WHIM in 90VTSUB8 WASBBB. Ileaiifiut. N. ('.. Nov. 1.?The M-liooner jarht Wtil.n. with a party from N-w \ork. a;nv*l B**B jrealerMy. ?-? TIIK IIU1TI.SI1 V08B AT VITI . Zanrlliar, Nov. t.-An officlal report atatos that tha lo** at tlii ftioriiimg of Vlto waa fonr woUJ.rto*. XM uaUva teaa aaa my fciiied and amav woondad. BLAINE IN PHILADELPH1A. HE SPEAKS TO A GREAT AUDIENCE IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A STRONG APrEAL TO PENNSYLVARl A"S TO rPH'.I.I) TIIK CAUSK OK PROTF.CTIOS-A SHORT TALK FROM l'OSTM ASTER ORRXftAL WAN'AMAKF.R. Philade'plur, _v0v. L-Scorctary Iilaine arrived licrc from Waah?IgtOB at 1 :0T> o'elook thl* after noon. An enthusiastie ero v.l eheored bini as hc left tlw* I'eiinsylvaiii.i l.ailroad station. and bc rc eeivi*,| a sploiiditl wcleoinc l>ter iu tln* afternoon, 4vhen hc appearcl on the BtRfB <>f tlie Aoademy of Music la uddrcss thc l.cpublican BIBBB IBWltiBf. Tho -pacious liuildim.' vvas crow.led to thc doors, and hiuidrc'lfi worc unable to gaiu admission. Mr. I'.laiiie 4vas iiecompar.icd bf ieveial mem? ber*. of his family and I'ostmastcr.Ccn.-ral Wana n.akcr. Aficr his .peei'ti Bl tbe Acadeniy of Musi ha went to lhe Cnioii Lcaifuo, whero he hold a IBCeptiOB 1 o'clock until ?? o'clock. Mr. Hlaine beyaii his BpSBCh as fi.llovvs: UE LLAINES AUDRESS. Ladies and (iciitleincn : Thanking you lirst of all for aa old-.ashioiied, hcarty. Fennsj Ivania wol ?oinc, for whieh ou this oeeaaton, as an many olhcrs, J am v>ur dohtor. I 88?II prooeod to th" duty' in hand. Tliis is not an ordlnary oeeasion, or 1 4vould not, bg hcrc. Mr. Iilaine then spoke of tbe polithal eampaiprn in this State, and eoiitiiiuoii as Inllews: Thc Congreaa of tbe ['nlted Statea has bttely paaaed a new Tariir bill. I)<> you aunpoae that the great Free-T-nde papers iu New-Yorfc aud eloe vvliero throughont tlio I'nion wuiiiil eaic I" fol l,,\v up .Vlr. Delamater <>n peraonal ehargea it tbey dul not have aome great purpoae beyond? If they cau oloot Mr. Patlison and defeat Mr. Delatnater, It is a prodigiona gaia to tbe eanae <>t Free Trade and it ls a prodigioua loss to the eaaae ?>f Protection. Hennaylvania is not onlv tln* Keystoiio Stat-' of llie I'nion, but even Ln B ureater aanae she is the koystonc of ihe eanae af rrotec lijn. Il she falls back no\v. wiion tlio tarifl is on its aeTewat trlal, thc ftee Tradeia sco, or think they see, an easy road to the l'rcsidoiiey iu 1883. Pennsylvania, wltli thc Bniroanding States, th<* -iv Statea that bordcr upon her, cin settle thc I'n siiion.y. I want to Ni?Ind you, rapeeiaUy you Benubiieana who boneatly dlfler from the great bod] "f your party, that every one ol those States at preaeRl is in Demorratie banda?Ohio, Indlana, New-.lersey, Delaware. Maryhiiul, West Virginia. Tho derisiM* point ?f the Btrnggle oi 1801 may lie in I'enusylvania und iu those States; aiul liow any true frienil of llie Kopiihlleaii H rty, how any boneet ivelievor in the doetrine <>i Proteetion, can pul lo ha/ard the stron;; positioii ol IVivisy 1 vani.i at thia CriUcal time, I fail to diseover. I impute uiotivi's to no man, and yet I must remind every iu.hi i mn be la niorall.v reaaenaible for the plain result-- of his aelioiis. It Pcuiisylvuiiia, under a iirtevt, ean af this timo l>e drifted froin lier life-long allegianee to thc doetrine af Proteetion. aud shall clect 8 cent I'Miian of whom I k.'io.v nothing polltlcally, except that be la ranked with thc Frco Traders; if they eaa to-day elect aa Governor <>f Fennaylvanla as ardent a Five Trader as Preaidenl Cleveland bimaelf, there may Ik* iu, lialm iu (iiloail that ean hoal that wouml. \V.Vlt.\ni) AGAINST TIIK. RBW-TORR BRRE IRAORRB. I s[M*ak strongly on this f|iiosti,,n: I speak atroagly beeauae I do nol want t.> scc tliis State mislid by 'thc Fn*c Tru.lcrs of N'ew-York Clty. Kven the blind oaa see that the Free Tradera .,t No44"-V<>ik City, with their powerful organa, are leading thc van foc Un* Demoeratle candidate ln this and a.ainst tho Republican candidate. Tho Boaree an.l knapiration of tho DemoefaUe ean raaa ln Fennaylvania .-..inos from thal oouree. Hr oruah-Bg blow'il they aucceed is upon Pennayl vuiia. Tho issuo iisell is ooiieoalod under thia mountain .>f abuae of tbe Republioan ebndldate fur Governor. Ils oltjeel is pbln. It is for Pcnnsylvaiiia now lo -how thal t!a* icsiilis oi eamnaign shall not bc onjoyed hy thc cnemies ol Proteetion. We bave bad some little experience ol late with tlie i>en.rate ln Congreaa. iMeriitnont., The:e is iindonhtedly In Repnblican ranks toiue differ onee Bfl l"'ler ol tlie n. W Tan;. hill. Let us be frank. There waa D diilerome. llut oi the sixt,v-t\vo ur alxty-threc milllona <>i people that now inhaiiii ihe L'nited Statea every man eaimot have hia say i" making un a tarifl bill. That duty retuitted to tne Congreaa of the I'liitcl Statea. Tho bill which was flnally pus-ol waa ti.e res'ilt oi cooipromlae, and I i*ome with confldenee to plead before the pi'oplc <>f Pennavl Mnii.i, and rapecially before tho people ot Phthv delpliiii. not .,, ilitlcr on dclails. lt was iu tliis great eity thal eompromiae gave us the Declani. tion of independence. lt was In tiis preat city that eompromiae gnve ua the Conatitution >>f tbe L'nlted st <t *s. \nl if thoae greil men who eon? trolled tliose great hlatorio cventa eonkl oom promise on issuo* pertalning to the very fonnda li'in of the trovernment, ean wc not as Kepub liea.ns?even if we differ on the dkitdng of an i or tlie rroaalni of a l In a line ar o Beetlon?caa we uoi forego our differencea aad as one man anp port th.* menaure tliat our Bepreaentativea have en i ie l ?' '< "neere.i I have a liiti- peraonal grievanee myaelf?bnt nol agatnal Bepnhllcan*. iMerrimcnt and applauar.' Iiuiin. the eonaideratiou ol thal Tarifl L?w u dis lus-ioii grew up on ihe queation ol attaehlng t<> thc bill <>r Incorporatltti with it a princlple <>f irade. (Cb-iMS \s I have Mld be? fore. eiaewhere, f". Uie little part I took In that f,,i ihe li'-t to.ii or live weefca I waa lhe moal popuiar Kepui'liean witli tlie Democratie party in tlus country. (Lnughler.) They thought I araa irylns t" rlivide the Rep'ihllcar party <>n the iloctrine ol Proteetion, anu l wae soon patted oi, ihe l.ack and eneounn-d hv Uie D-_nocatrle party. [Contlnued laughter.J Weli, I could atand lhal sort nl thini) nrhile I araa btbonng, a* othera arere labwrina more rarncatly than myaelf, io luiir- tbe I' 'publiean part) tocether, and llnally. - .,!.* man, 44-1 Incornoratetl the doetrine ol re. iroeitv In UeTariU blll. uf aoon aa the Deinocrate found that thal had he-'n done, they ? li,| iu,t 4vaiit ony reciproeity at all. They aaid in effecl: " IJ'"'i|'io--its. js an escellent meaeurc if ii will divide Uie ProteetionJeta In two. but il you go to Ineorporale ii i'it'> Ihe Republican pla'tform and make it a part of 11?*- political s. - tem, a*e do ("?' wanl any <>f it?and. ixaides llut, li is iineoti_ititutir>nal." lljanghter.i Nearly every De nocratic henator who apoke aoughl t" prove that reeiprocltj Incorporated in the Tarifl b;ll waa une. netltutiunal. llli; , HV OP ' M "V-TriTTI'.NAI.ITV. Did vou ever Btop to rafleet, my friends, wliat ihis eountry would have been to-.l.y il *TC had been nalked b>- the .-ry <>f nnconaUtuUonality every time thal it was made by the Demoerate? We should not have leen ahlr to 'lel.'nd thc I'nion when it 44 ia Baaaalted; am BhauW nol liave been ai.le to laane greenbaeka i?r iis aupp. rt 1 we should imt bave Ih-i-ii iihli" to organiie a National bank; are Bhonld not have been ahla to improve a river ihai did not have -wlt water u. it; -.40 Bhonld not havo been ahle to improve .. harbor ln the Interior Statea; we should not have been able t? ^e n.iom to a Bbtre, and, as tho next point, are ibotthl ii". be able to aeenre reeiproclty In our internatkinai trade. . ity every attempt, gentlemen, nerious and aoher, inuividual and aaauciated, ln even form ln which political action can lie taken, the Dei loerat.c party expecta u, wound and deBtruy the doetrine 01 pro icction und l bave eome t<> mis." my votee in leniis.lvi.riia to a-k the Mothe. ol l'l'ote.l loli to so,. ber offaprlnf ahall aat i?" Bttanglea. f m.v voice ean hnve bbjt laflnence with a aingie man among thoae who ard diaa?nUng from tbe regu? lar organixatloP, 1 appeal to lum nol to think that lt will I* all Well n.'M V''??"? l? ,las *?**?>? *?jy '," me within t.hc last month. vcry treauently : - Won t u* diaturbed about it. tlii* ti^iit ol <>urs is merely loeal .md next jear we will all be luck." Mv friends. .action is tho ofl spring of dlaeon tcnt. faetion Icads to dclcat. aml defeat Rada to iiiiitual lioatiltty aud dlaorganlaatlon. lf this nKl>1 is eontinued vith ? disaatroua end it will iye a lor.u Ume, 1 foar. bttktt JTOU will see tiie Re puhlican partv of Potni-ylvaiua oomc |..rth ta ita oriainal ttrcngth and it- tavineibh! power. Noar i- the Ume t.> stand forth. If bi lo tbe power of every Republican in the Stete 10 Joln witb the greal throng on behall of thc batue af Proteetion. upon which Pennaylvanla, aa 1 havo aald before, _ ti.e leading State ..f the l nion. I do not.b t., i.nply al all. gentlemen. thal tho result al tba etectlona for^<*7fl%wl?etl?! *.vo l?*e it or whether 44-0 rain it-4\ill 111 .ui.\ rrral degree affoet tne Repnblican m rtj be liave lhal from the Pi-ddenej ol An-ln-w .1 ,, ?OH, 44,11, one e.veptioll. down >" thc ol Abniliam L1.1...I.1 (cheera --ln me repeat that name. f?r I hke 10 h".n Ibebeerad leonUnned .'hcriiii;, 1 Ki, baah further. fr.-m the Ume ol John t^ulncy kdama. to Abraham Llnooln. with one exeeption, avrry Adminiatraiio.i l<>*.t ?t? seeon.l CoaglBaB. Ba l have not cume here to raue a wall or to sound anv alarm upon the possibility of the losa of the House of Reprewrtutivee. I hcpe we ahall not, los? it. | believe there is a good chan.-c that we shall not; but that is easily recovered, lt is one of the natural reuctiona that comes be tween the two PreRidential clections, four yeare anart. and, aa I have aaid. baa been s frequent that it creaU-s no distiirbanee on the one side and no elation ?>n the other. I nm not speaking of that. What I denlore is a popuiur vote in Penn sylvanla that shall encoaragc New-Jcreey in her Demoerncy : that ahall lead lhe dissentinir branehea ?f the Democratic, party in New-York to close up and make their strength felt; that shall ciipple Ohio ln her cffort, to throw off Democratic power in tbe cxecutive and pcrrymandering power in the diatrieta: that shail throixJiack Delaware in her Kcnublican procress: that shall make Marylind a liopol'-.-s. instead af a hopeful State, an.l that shall take from us the power to establish the Hepublican stnndnr.l in tlie new and advnnclnu 8*888 of West Viririnia. Everv one of those coi.siderations on front you in the vote that a Kepubli.-an caats in IVnnsylvani.i on Tucsday next. It is not a qaeatloa <.f aeaadal, ol ahow, or rhrtwettaB, it- is m.iie of these; those Bi* mercly tlie tnasks that, hide the fr.-c-t.rade face U-hind them. KVgTAIBIBO TIIK AI.MIMsTltVTION. It, is not generally c.nsidered in the best taste for a meml>er of nn Adminlstration to eulojize the rresident under whom he serves; but in l'ennsyl vnni:., where?you will exctisc me for siying I nlways feel at home?y..ii will pnrdon me for say inii that the Administration ?f Prcsident Harrison (eheera!, so far as that cminent. man OOBtroB it, hns been a modesf A.iministrntion, a working Ad mitiistialion, n conscieutious Administration, an cm.-ient Administration. The country has In-en pe.-iceful,, prosper.tus. It, has gone for -.vard ln a quiel career, such as a Republiean (lov eniment should always ?xhibit. I ask you, in casting your ballots on Tucsday next, to remein bet thnt you can sust .in the Adniinistrati.... of an able, ii oonacientloua, an ladependent Preaident or vou can set the seal of doubt upon it.; you Oafl do much to perpetuate Hepublican adti.inistr.i tion, or you can do much to destroy it. It is in your haoda. I have come here, not with the pur paae Of eulogiaiBg the Administration, but te bear my teathnony and t.. gtv* you a warBing that as lViitisylvania votes on next Tuesday the Nation voles tWO ycars hence. At the concluslon cf Mr. Blainc's speedi there were cries for Mr. Wnnnmakor from all parts of the beggg, nnd the, upon walkiu-r to the front of the stage, was |BBBB*d with prolonged applause. Mr. Wanamaker thanked those present for giving both Mr. Blaine and himself such a welcome reception. "I ani siirc," said he. "thnt Mr. Hlaine, although they charge him with being a monopolist, has a very targe place in your hearts, for the crowd upon tl.e outside of the Academy Ls every bit ns large, if not larger, than tbe one ou the inside. That man must be stone dead who would not appre. iate the welcome which has b**fl bestowed on Secrct.ry Hlaine. " I know it has lteen said that this was only to lie a pleasure exciirsion; thnt Mr. Blaine would nut. speak on the issties ol the day. Was there anv iiiiccrlaintv ahOBl his words:' (Crics of "Not any". N?, tbat Ls true: there was not a single iineeilaintv about what he said, and f al ready feel the victorv wbieh is sure to come to the He? publican pnitv in Pennaylvania oo Tuesday next. No man iu IM eountrv descrves more piaise than does Jnm.'S ?.. Blaine. Yoi. can always tlnd the rlght way if vou flnd Mr. Blaine, at.d so to-day, when vou beard his words, I OOUld bear you say : ?? I will vote ns .lamcs <;. Blaine votes.' lt has beetl aaid, and is ,-till being aaid, that w.igcs in ihis coiiulry wv not keeping pace with protection. Thia is not true. is it trm- that all the nragea will or can l>e raiscd at one time There are other ihini's ihat are far more important. plenty of work is what is wanted and no stoppa-ze ot the l.iills." . . Mi- NVanamaker Indoraed what Mr. Malne bad Uttered In PreaideBl Harrix.n's Ad? ministration. siying: " I have watobed close l.y ev nv itep during these laat two years. aad I never ow nny set, of men more devoted ta the interest Of any' eause than tbe chiefs siirroi'iiding the Mr Wnnr.maker closed with the deelarati.n thal he had "come hon.e ta vote," wbieh pro (lined much applause. -?.-? COLLAPSB OF A B10 BU81XE8S. TIIF. ABCBOB .MANfFACTFRIN'r, fOMIWNY IB A BAD STATB. HagH li. Edwarda, b broMr nt Bo. i--i Fmnt-st.. \t trnstee for a nu-p*, amaMr of eredltora In this eity ?f goo -".ond mortgaga baada of 1000 eaek, kaacd oa Fchruarv 1. l-WO. l.y the Atidior Msiniifariuring <""i paay, "f, Mich. Tlie bonds bear a Interest ol 8 V*r e*Bt, and BBB* to BBBBU* ln Iva yeara. Ti.ey were aeeand by a, aaeoad mortgaM on eighty Bve aerei of land oa ti.e Rlver bbbbbb, threo mlles betow Defroit, and OB the inimen-o cooperag" plant -ituuted tliereon. was tt* property Bf tlio compaay. A condition wa- ai-o Inaerted ttal should anj defaall he made in any of tl.e payments or Interest for mor.- tl.ati thirty days. or iMoM the worM Bteff rannlng, tM whole aaaoant should Meoam due, und bboo wa- ta ba almwed tor totaeloaata asjeneea, Mr. Edwards 00 Frlday BB* a blll in the CBeaB Court. in which he relntes dcfault ha- been tnado for more than thlrty day-. th" buslness of tlie company M .l,,!e.l BBd lo?> 10 tlie property will ensuo un Bh a recdver is appointed. He ItamvBB* aaka that a recelver ba appototed peadlBg tho fore<-io-uro of the nortgage. *????*? ,llat tho amount due be oniputed and e\ei uli.... laaned agalaat the property of ti.e compaay an.l all pei-son- intercst.-d tliej-cn. Tlie BroMwag nnd Third National BBBM, "f ttB city : Wa-.hb.irii 4\ Boen ol Woice-tc.-, Ma--.. and Tlionia--. BMEellar and Wllllam Kct-n ciaini te hold a aaaattty of the eompenyfe paper, MI Br. Maaiaa --ays that it ?*<*?* ghraa after tM BMWtgagB aaa aaceated, .md hc a-Us timt they iie torever debarred from exeeatiag any etelm M tho ,,[.,,,. There i- a Bret Bmrtgap ,,f BlOOfiBO em the property, bj mean-. of whieli money wa- rateBt 1" New-York ta md la roMIMIng the plant ef BB oom paay, whlcb ??-, a!m."<t tetellf ioatroyed by tire thrae |-?ara ag >? TM reaalt of taa pcudtiiK MBgattea alll ba to alpa oal tiie capttai atoek, wi.i.-ii aaiotrata to g&00^)00, and 1- larp.-iy held in New-York. To a Trttxum reporter, Alfred Haeltaaa, a btator ui Bo. 188 1 iont--t., a director ln IM BSBBBBBy, and iin aaaoctete ol >ir. Uaaraa, aald: -The compteta coltopi "f tlii- BB*at c.operanc e-iiili|i-liuicni iu IM i nited Stetea i- said to be >iuc t?. gruaa mlamanege m.-iii, te call H bg ao woraa name. viii-* is Braag lauguage, bal l battov* it to i.e true. Tha ateea> Boklera ?ltoanal tho preBaaat, Uaga Malallatbi to run tliinK'- |a*t as lu: ptoaaei, and to vote th.'lr proxtea al ti.e aaaaal ueetlaga. Ita raa tfetega tete the ground. The falluro of 8*ng*C .v WclK "I Wall -t., a year BgB, aaa due to a?lvance- of moit-y aud ci-.-dit made to H.l- conip.ny Ba*** Iii- manaps in-iii, aml ? li.ri-"! nuinl.e.- of other b.i>inc?.s men of il.i> ciiy were bltten to ii BBCaBc ** *** ******* XM baUdlaga of Um company ara of tetofc, '?'''>' ?'\ taoalve, aml are MocMd wlth the bbbB eoaapteta ui.. i.ineiy br turning out Meaa, baaUag an.l atevaa. n..-- iii?f were prodaeod i>s amrhlnra aa whl.h BaftllBth held patenls. The pteBl ha, a .apanty for the priMliiction of about lO.utX) ba.rel- a day. "laal F.-bi-uarv tu-- -tn klioid.-rs ataaoaad Mataltath. aM had dlapoaaf <>f all lus ato. k Mt a tew -i. irea. ana olected aa preaident of the eottlpanj '"-?<?/.'',>la' Ke'';.11'; ,,t tiila clty, wbo la the torgeat -t..< khold.-r Iho ,,.'.,.-i-n aaa in a bad n-*y at tM! tmn-. i nd tM n.-.v adiultilatratlon Mve doae ?MI teey kw d to play t 00 il- le.-t again. Th'-ie were !..ur dlrecl rs elretad. (I.iili- II. in.viell. Ileiijamiu WmonajJJI. Mt*_U*W I.mi and iiivm;!/. The e.uiipaiiy BMB* tl.e lOU t. Mr. Edwarda and other enditora. arbo aare alao atock holdera. to Inaare IMm again-t *>*^"*** *^ a-era eettlng pretereaee over them. lhe n.-t totereat baVanS dui? ... Amimrt. whtab ******J** M>'r Edwarda repreaenta one act ol tetereata and Mr. Ma. Kellar anotlier. Neilher BhabM M loM tk* money and wlll do what he can to liecp it. I ani myaatf a >to..k liolder.'' _^_ DAIRT WABMBB8 WIB TBEIB FIGBT. ('hlcag'.. -N'"v- t .Hiirciali.-The Illinois dairymen and BjnaBfB have won tlielr BgBt ** a B*ttgf pilc* BW their product. Tho i.'lilcago BtM DBBlBB1 l?roteetlvc. iMoetattoB met la>t niglit and de-Ided to advane, the prtoe of mllk 1 cent a aaart, They .-lalm that fa.-.uer, _,A ataapen Mv* raivd prteea aa Bmm and that thev are force* ta Mvaaee orfcei ti.**_*___**:. l* * Mbely th..-. ti.e prtea will BJB t". ? '<'1"'' bc'orc the Mi 01 thl -ea-nti. ___^_ fSB Bf TIIE BBBM SAPOLEOSS COAJtMMAB. - < ktaaga, Nov. l t***ob_i. ******* l*> IttaMa, an old lettter dtad U^dav. aUtf three f__t9 old. He BM born o. BM* I, ItaT, BI Farl-. I'nuice. Ills fatlicr. Louia Kl- hon. WM boru ln 1'arls. Auguat 1'.. ITgg, 4ii.l u*s for a tlme, In 181ft, .????hmaii |a N'i?|...l?Ki llonaiiarte In 1p:?J he eiolKraf.^1 fo tl.e Tnltc* 8tatea, l-M-aUiiu' in Ne* York htatc Tlient-e h? iuovc* Wtai, raaehteg cucaao oa Qotatar 80, ibw. REPUBLICANS SPEAK OUT ENTHUSIASM FOR REFORM. A GREAT THRONG IN COOPER ITN.ON CHEE18 FOR i ilE UNITED TICKET RIXGI.VO srECIIES BT CORRELIfS R. BLISSj ELIHU ROOT, PR. B S. MACARTHt-'R, R. T. BARTLETT, JAMES W. HAWES, HEXRT GRASSE, FRAXCIS M. SCOTT, JOHR , W- GO. "F AND W. H. CORSA-IM imil KN'THfSIASM EOR THE Fir.flT AOAIXsT TAMMANY. If tlie Republieans of tbls city wcrc late ta mtifyine; tho nomination <>f tho Anti-Tammar.y tieket, tliey more than made up for thc delay last, niuht. Thousands of Republieans went to tha l ooper I'nion to show by their presenoe and en tliusiasm that, they are heartily in aeoord with thn effortB ?f those who are leading in the flght to overthro4v tbe corrupt and jrreody Tammany or gB_?RtiOB.' It vvas ii Republican ineetlng ln every sense of tbe word. Tho speochrs, the aen? limonts, tho presonee ?f many women. all marked it as a peeuliarly Republioan'ierinjr. Enthu siasni vvas on tap and it ran in an almost unoeaa in^r stream throiighout, thc ovotiin;?. Long bafafb tho deeiB were opened the.c waa a larjje crowd of men around the huildini? enget to get insidc to sceurc s?*ats. Tbey v4-ere lortunafe to "ome early, for itiside of twenty minutea after tlie doors bad liccii thrown open every seat ln that jrreat ball was ooeiipiod and tha. ables and 80R1ridors 44cro crowled. Heforo tha mectiiiK epBBBbi an ex.cllent band kept thc audl? ence entcrtaincd, but at intcrvals thc cntliugiasm would get tbe better of tho band and a 8iioce.,sion of oiicers would dn.wn lhe musio for the moment. Scattered ilimu-li thc audienoe were many women, who seemed to Ih* as much in? tcrcsted as tlieir busbands and eseorta were. Tliey did not ohoer, but dld tlie next best thintr in waving tlieir bandkerchiefs while the men applaudcl thc scntimentB to whieh tlie speakors itave nee. It was a Repub? lioan night, of Republioan v'ot^ra, of Republioan wonion, of Republioan ideas and Rcpubllcan en thusiasm for thc entire Anti-Tammany tioket. Oa tlie plafform wcrc Colle-tor .loel H. Krhardt, Colo? nel S. V. R. Crujrcr, John I'roetor Clarke. (Jcorse \Y. Wanniakcr. Jaeob 11. SimniB, Nathaniel A. Prcnliss, JaOBh IC 1'attcrson, William Hrookfleld, Bemard lliglin, William II. Hollamy, Internai Rcvenue Collcctor Fer.linand Eidman. Assembly man Franeis Volncy Kimr, Patiiek II. MeCann, Andrew B, Raaapkiey, C. Volncy Kin*. R. J. D. Slatcr and other wcll-kno4vn Republieana. Uofore j.roposing tlio name of Cornelius N". Rli? for chairman, Colonel S. V. R. (ruger made a little spee.'h. Hc said that this was a Rcpubllcan moetins,' called for tlie purpose ol' ratifying tba noiniiiatiom| made by thc Republican County Con vention. ?? Ho dilTercd." hc oon.inued, " on the best policy for us as Republieans to pursue. I wa* ono of tlusse who dill'crod, but I am one of those who belleve in tbe rule of thc majority. Applause.) Kow that our countv conventiou haa named tba men on this tioket, let, us doolare that we will da a!l wc ean lietwtvn now aud ole.'ioii time to eleel the caudidates upon our tioket. (Applause.) I now tnke pleaaure in iutroducing to you that st-anch and trled Repnblican, Cornelius N". Blisu." MR. BLISS WAR.Mf.V WEI.CO.MED. As Mr. Miss step;*c<l lo thc edire of the plat forin hc vvas loudly applauded and it was some time betore hc could spoak. When quict was re storcd he said: ln bBB?BB tba plaeo as your eliairnian to night, I will say only a (Mr worll. Tho BepnbUcao party la pie-eminently the party of reform. lt i- .<>-dav tha hoi>e of rltiaena <>f uii partle- arba liave aalte_ for tha preeent municipal campaign ln ono inpreaaa effort for tha overthrow of tlii- dangaruna 0r4.-a11i7.aU0n known as Tammany HalL Tliat ls the iaty of the hour. An.l are caa wttbont abatlag aaa J.>. or 11 rt 1-- of ite piiiiiican prinetples ait'ird to Befer .i.e lUnnatoa of state ana National limae* until tliut duty ls a.> oomptUhed (applaaae) and bid ?.>d-spcod to all who 441II aaattt in tiic koo.1 work. lt Is not in aeoord ultli Itcpubtlean u-iire fo con* du.t a polltiiaJ campaign of dofamatlon and slandor of Indivldiial oppoin'ut-. (Cheera.1 We leave that to tbeae who naako war uix>n elergyaMa and women. lOreal rhaatiag.) For the preeeau Kmrar 1 h;ive bbbb Imt tho kindost foelinir-. I havo no dls paraglag wotda lo -ay al h m porsonally. Wltli trood Inteot-OOB, lie i- a vletliu of the sy-t<m pla, >'<1 him in offlce. and BT?ch ileinaii'i- of its repie ?entatlve* rabjocttofl t,< -even'-t dl-< ipllne. Tlie Tam? many robbera <>f tba Tweed reefibe alway- made Ita Mavors reapectobla men; it ralned and ilagracaal a brllllant |ournaJU*t, Oabey and dhava an ahle. and lionoi-alile man. Jolm T. Iloffnia... into obecaiity au. soiial exile. Thc tame fate wlll soon or late overiaka every pnbllc man arho Uatena t" Tammany'a i)land.<h nieni-. no 4vho may bo for tbe time tlie rnlert of that or-iiii/.a.ion. i.ot ns a- loyal RepabUeaaa, b*. liovoiN an.l ?npportera of the trrauei Rallonal Itonub llean Adtnini-iiatlou of lli.rrison. Blalne, Roed. MeKln loy and all tba reat, tbOW t>? our follo4v-<ltl/.on- of Now Yorb tlnt we nr<' i,n>ad enoaab to alve our i>*>*">t effort* for tlie reBemptfon ?f onr fair elty from Tammany inisn.le. hv raiifvinc ln cood failli and pMglng "iir lelve* t. eleel tiie eacellenl raadMiItea, one and ail. af ? he union tlcket vvlileli lia- been pn*-ented l,y onr own roaventlon aai the patriotle mon of t/10 Municipal Inatnn (Greel appmaae.) Brfaie eloalBg liis sji^celi, Mr. Rliss said that h" \4-ai,tcii to make b peraonal expUaatien ic^ard Ing the Circular Whioh was hein?r distrilmlcd at the door. The intcrviow, lie said, was one jriven hy him aeane time ag >, wtd he hehaved that he WM thon right Thc addition Bl bis siffnature i? it made ii :. totiftrj. Dnring his speoeb bia rofercnoos |o Messrs. Blalne, Reed and MoKinlcy lir.n?lit out ._rc,t applause. < lieer after went, up as tbe name- of thc RcpuhliiaTi 188-8-1 wero nicntionod, ;,n,l it iciiuii'led many of those pieaenl <>i the greal ibUimbIbbm ?f the campaign of IfBBt.. BLIHU BOOT8 BLOQUENT ADDRKSS. Mr. llliss then inlrodiiecd I-Milm Root. who \va? reeeived ns only a w.-U-known and popuiar Republican cau '*? reeeived by cntliusias.ic Be pnblieana. Mr. R?>oi spoke aa fallaarai I.a.lies and lieiitlemou I tbl* 1- a meet tOg aml 44,- are l.ore a- Kepulillea..- to .11-. 11-- M8B a BepabUcan (Undpotnl tbe i-'o- ". tbe prraeat tftm?, p.iKu an.l the People'* Manlctpal Leagaa ?, ra.idida.ea. I .nn heia a^ a Kepi.l.liea.1 li.pplau-ei. a ife-b- ' K? imblican, 44 rn. ha* never ewervaal a imirbreadth :n loyalty t? thal party 10 -av tbal 1 beBeva tbera aevar a ,- a tlm.- when weighty con*Wcratlon< Impelhm aU "o,si Republican* ,.a<l all iro,Ki eHlaen* .<> -ot a^ldo f.,r tho time bein? all af!ilia;l"n- <>f party an.l to vote ln tho interest* "i thi- eoncerte- attaefcaaoa Taaunaay Hill iCheer*.) 1 belleve. ;.- ti Repubiiean, tbal Wf -I'VuM -upport it for .li"-<" r.M-011- iu.,1 many oiliorBl 1 n l" Hr'. pla.o, lt I- ii'-x. Ui ^^?. rth to a Hopnl.noaR luU'i 1 vppi-.usi'.' lt contain* a namber ol tba b88K ,.'t.ii.h,-. and the .n?-t worthy KopobrTcai.* ot tiu- .lt. .mi whom we 44II1 honor uMBerra* ln loiioriiut'an.l H> PbwlBg ln thoae plaee* of publie i-ii-t 44ho.r thev wlll be a beaefll m tiiolr Maaa ang u iu.uo. ... .hen- paity. (C-aawa.) kMTLAVBM BOR sTAlXCH UKPi Bl.K'\\s. I 1m?1m> IhB Ume vv ill never 80BBB ahen 011 a..ount of party ar~"*aaaa 1 -ii.iti Ini it Baeaaaaay to ham my back upon such ab?Mh <>i<i haapan _ tf.e aaa_a ol ltopul>ll(ai.t-n? an Corsa (apiilau-'i. and Ilellamy (ap plmi-oi. and Varnum lapplHU-oi ttnd ?hc otlicr men from tba BaambBeaa afan thl- union tlckeU riirt.,4 uui ihe "tli.i aaaa upon this tlrkot are thc men iho h_4 0 piis-eil itmlor the s.rutiny <>f lionora-,Ie ang di-lntore-uii m-ii wba arere appalntai f?r the marpaaa i seic.iins the lio-. eaoBMataa f.r the-e pl*.?a o| trust and Ikm.'T. They ai*e mou whom. next to Benul lleaiia, 440 most honor and adnure. It i- trt.o Ibal o44inil t" &"?!>' BdMBBtaB they ai-e i,?t RepebUran*. iLangbtrr and applaaaa) Tln* i, un hi-1 rcaana why Rapnbneana tboaHI work and 4,,ie for tbeae candMalBB. Tlie -?*,?id n>?-.on I- that th'-se DeimN-rai*. have been M-lerLnd an.l pie-, nt-d t<> us by a re-ularlv orpinl-ed ponvonUoii ,>f the BapabBeaa party. lApajaate.! Th,j Renubl.can party I- tbe organlaatlon of wtihii 440 are 1'iit whi. I. ha*. renduetad our ttnliM ln the past and, i.'.mI 4.1111Ag, 44III Rad 11- t<> virtorv lu tlio future. ,, herrall li I- tbe fai.h of many u yoar pa/gt :..|,i 1111404 a year to eoaae. it i- ino- ihat more taat?aaal ,1. e-'imi'wn. poUtleal Bgbt*. Tbe hls' >r4 ,.f ?h o.utt i-al ??..;.ip-,;-a- Ibb* -i.owii tbal .?'?!> ?eBaalted aad nm certed action, ?y?tem aa.i nwtalned , if,,rt irataoaatia erlorl ln ever arMentng .ircle- 44I11- p ,||tlral n^hts, and lf we wiH.ld liave the l;,-;ul,ll, ,1,1 pai-ty In power 111 thl* ,lt4. we inu-it see to it thal tl.e maehlnerr of thU or Ktiuliatlon has been well olled Hnd readv In all IBl anali?.1 ???-?? for ?- work lo ha accomob-bBd bv Ha