Newspaper Page Text
' ?i y\ : _J V0,?L....N0,K),'ls^ _a,*V__fe. 1 -___k-__nfc n ?., NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAV, DECEMBER 3, I890.-FOI RTEEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. PARNELL STILL LEADER. Tlir: TRISII HOME Rl'LE MEMBERS fcti.UN IN SK,SSI??N EOR MANY HOliRS. j.\ IMEnnMF.NT !??.?!'?.-. :\.. ICTION on FAR Rl l.l.'s Rl rtRK.M S i I'l : i'l'i I 1'. 14 TO '?' -VEHEMF.XT WORIr! "N ' ? '" . irrs i Tii/r -H ?'? ' i'*a VI- i.i. IXO 111 ILY. London, !)'?'. I P irai ?? it to aii imenl t-1 t tnf4??ine "' 1*4* ll ah ra ni rrs i?i tlw H ?' '' ' ' Conaaona t_ . ra l?-i ihe adi isahi il ? "' reuio1 Ing Mi Parnell fra a ": ""* onallat party wna reauuieil in a llnuae ol t'omniona al aoon lo-da* Mr. Pui i*ll wna t' ?? Bral ii.oii-i.-i ol tl " i> n Iu arrivi tl.e plaee ot mi't'iii,- During the pro..linga Ihe ntportera were exeltided rrom the rorri .??. After the meeting ha.l procmled iu bu-hi ta, a hall houi ? . ocetipie I in reading lele in fron varieua pci om< in Ireland a .1 tlw ' nijed St.itr.. aad Ibe urij-inal manlfestu w?ni '?> pald." b> th'1 debftate. ? I th. part., i ? ' : ,bf ' ml" ' . ? ',-s. The i.'.hI m. ol the -: - ? ' '? ? ?? '''? gjueaajy lnternipted by clu.nng. ,!. O'Kelly aaaerted that il wo ild l_> tho basnsi iBgratltude foi the Sationallata i-> abandon Mi Pornrll limpl* hn-aiiae a niani'aei nl politielans who bad aoufbl an allinnce with ihe Irkh pnrty, foi their own advnntafe, now thouphl Iil to nban ,,.,n the poaitl 11 Mr, Parnell had taken up. an l __d intrlgued io ronpar. the ilownlall ot the traated leader of the Irifth Xation. Ppon the eoni luaion ol Mi. < 'Kelly'B rem irka na B-jnurnmenl waa l iken for '1 be mem han r___-r_ilik.l at .' n-. loek, wl en Mr. Pn i? l ni.'i.'.l t<> adjourn in onler lo enable ll e Nntinna ? |ati lo take aorl in Hw debate on the aeeond readinf i I ll e Land-Pun li >?* bill, \ aharp eontrovers* l ???- p'.??"' ? i-rnit - ' e eahle diapatehe. whieh had l?eea aenl I ? tbe dele galei iu Tn.' i nite 1 Sl itea roi tl - purp. ae ol ln Rncnei-g theii n. tion. Mr. Kenny admitted th il l.o had cabled i is own . l rte ?'- ' "? Mr, Sex1 n ai d thnt il.r aupi liBpatefa genl in tlw party _ name, aftei I ? ferenec hel-l laal Friday night. did not a. .ord with Ibe MTangemrnta wl iob 1 ':- "''' ?" ""' conferen. e John ' ?''? onnoi lhat 1 - -?? ' id , ? ??? ii lle j still** I Mr. parneU- action in iss ,-,| the mislea ling . dde dispatihes thal I been aent 1 i ? ??? ' ; Mr. .'.ni;,. ? ' ' parnell- opp .???? ts - Mr. Parnell was appe .le i to t? de. idi- - 1 g expn Bsion lle repl ed Iheir proeeedii * I -, .... T,._ ., | ? . in'' - ' **?'? ? I, , ,. , , .;-... . ; Ui?. .,, . .-? ion Mr. Pa . ? ke: Mi lian: ??'?', "" ' ? :"; ',";,i:' - '" I - ... . , Am ri trying to intl ? the d . I lea ' lerc Mr. Si-xton said be bec me '?? re li ?' we ..I r.'-:.- * were beiny .'ived from ? gates Mr. l-.- rll en ,,,... ^Ir i ,X|oi reic I '??:. Ind ?Idual 0 . (,, i. "-. t-,.,ii ni ' ? ? ? ? ' ... M- Se.tAn i :. -: ' "- ' ?? . i ? ?' ?' . . . '; ,.. t--i ; ia1 the en dl?ttnw ? ntitled ? ? U< r*iu-?? aad I iheroloi. . . ?' I. -ifcmnlns hlm ?? ? UKllo !tj la- )i ?: II - ?"?i.''.i ' i "?' >r ? '?'' neoc-T-n ???'' I ?' Ibe II ?:'..- Rnle rau< and tli ? ? ? nl - ?- ? '??"'. ??-' '? j i-ora aaai . bt.) i a_ppo i ihe mBjoriry. -ui. stantial unanlB Iti wouM '??? aerui d. folonel N"U.i ?r. ae?i n ought D ?? '?? .a* hb. ex**rea -Ion ol npliUon li U?b1 B*l* . for li. u ..?'.-? .-, nlatake. n la *?ck an linport_iii expr mu ol i.plnion lhat prob-tilj the lolegrain' froni ihe * m \n.r-'i'.i wrre f'-r... rt tbereon. hear!"i Mr. rieston niuM no. sea tbtti u anln I,... fullf.'v tlie d. kgatc* votli g Bgabi.1 Puni. Ol Hmi. !i".i Mr.* Fnqueatkmablj- ihe cffi'il ?l Uie. "..,.,,. ha* tee to < eat. lalse Impr ? >. ;, <: ?'?!< ad. ?nni.'ii.v il.'.h What' all Uii li anema an. iher pl. ??? ol pi re olistra. tion. Mr. Parnell--Tn_t li a most Insolent. ini]. , ervatl.-.. (1 haerc Ve?, nioai insolem J).-,-:.' .-. ? Mr. barrj i rlae Mr. Parnell Slt down, Mr. Barr Mr. rui'-rv T:nt bIIo*. a;-. Pi.i.-ll 1 will nol aii'.u \,.ii. ?|p, Mr. Leam* Iv iu p,i. .<?>>, m of ihe rli. n Mr. L__bii Hi.-'-i- .? '.' i-.-ain- 1" li ? rrrtaiiil.i prndura*- h Uae Impre^alon. In Imi.lyliid thal a i.f t?i*> leadlne men ol the i>arti wci. iiwiii ii ?"? dlrerUon. iviillarn Rednioi ?! I* ? nanie ' ent 1 . at?N . . Ani.rl< a, all ?? ? .? I. Ide i ighl tn La- ?? teen gli an. i lleai. ' j- I hear t .'_ I .1'.--' , ablrgi . I'i l.y ? ertaln ri ? ? ? ? ? pBrti ln ai Ei .: ai.d . I wilh .r lf Parnell ls to be d<; ??_ li ? without ??.-??? ' . . (Hear hear! Timothy llealj said he rei inh-d this line ol . le .-s a red herrina rlrawn aoross Iheir path lo -l.'l i> them m coniins lo o de. ision on tlie question "I l-rnell's rrtirement. Joaepfa Nokn'a ? - - it the rpu stion ? i the retiremeui ol Parnell .hotil i la? postpone the memberi bad perw ? I '????????? - ..? ibeir co atit-uenta I pct, tl.e pa.a i, meet ... Dublin and decide Ibe uiattcr, was re ieeted by .-. iote ol 14 to .... Mr. " Kellj deel ire l Uial, whatever mi| Ihe rr_uli ol th g, the qnetstn n ol Mi I ? *>|i- retiremeui w. : i nol be decideil al West-Binatei . ileciaioi i il nol lo Im , Mi.'dly reaebed. ll wo ild lie l_e_t 1 -the ?:v titiic |? tbink I he p .wer ol ihe Lihcrul part.. t-i do aaythiua loi tbe fui ? ol the liome-Kuie eauae waa limn I ? ||o .-.? ol Lords, ii li'.l. waa alw iy? a 1 eaa i a uienibera feared a revw tion H n they w< uld Bi i'i -pe a r.-\"'u*."ii ii. EngJi-nd baaed npon Iriah claims. Artbiii ?? ' onnor ad. ised Mr. i' irnell i? i draw, <_> Iwiiueforl i il wo ild I* iniposaib c i i j, m i., .?? ihe lender ol the partj Mr. Jordau aec ised Mr. Parnell ol su.rifl - 1*^- ,,, . . i i tlie Xation to hia iiiaenaate priile and . . hle anibit ion. M ,; o'olock the neetina i Ij. irned for an I poa llie rensBemWlng ol th. M. i K. de ilare I ital " would :?? imn . ? i.t*T.n lloine Rule .iitboul formuiii an a with i.-i Englbih party. Me atroi.tflj obje. t**?i i - aubordinating the I'lt-.'V- ol tho Iriah people to any partieular man. x'i honoroble ?? m;.? :i.i-?' 1 c aaid li ul been olfered Mr Parnell. The (liainnau Whul waa it ' Mr. Kenny?1'.<- tenipoi nily. liut inatead ol aceeptiiig this offer. oonliiiiii.t Mr Kenny, Mr. Pan ell bml i fc'ied h man deharring him from tbe cbairmanship lienei' ahould ii ma oriti ol bi ,''-':'? ' ?'"''' '"':' ." wo'il.i bi'st I'.i him i" retire. Why ?|i?i Mr. Parnell in .I'ine expreaa iaa*-Ja--l |n ibe m.I faith ol Ibe ut* i ' P"11 liaving ti.-- Ilawnrileii interview iu mim Wnv did Im? Iotji the iutei ir . n --? n until ;. peraonal int.-r. ' wa ? - ?-..-.I ' |( !*?*?? ? lle Keiin. had littb' l >nr for the 1 . ol M.i Iriah part. it Ui< \ ilepende i [mi the ? ta. aave them Irom Ibe i-biraiierj ol r.n.l. btatesmtin ln ..rm-n lookeil l? Ibeir repre-enta. | tiv.s- in tlie l ou.i i '?:.? -. not tn P , . roi i Ivatimi h I'arn-li bad Ih-.ii i deairoua ol aaving the aituation hi' ivould bave withdrawn. H> adopting that eoiirae he eo'il i ! li .- rxintinued lo la- u? lM lo IreUtnl. H prrarnl poii. Iemk*d to remtei Home i. e , ni-M _ m 0.1;||(-t! (|(i( 1(|(?, ,|,,, ,!?- had haal little j Itaderahip rrom Parnell ln reeei ? n tftei , ti.e exp< * ire rrs iltipa Irom Ibe dr ?...<? - ) ad eome lo tlw e_?i ? ; aioii thi i Parnell - eon- | ,. . . leiulerabip ?u? 'I ? e an intolei , al.le di*Ri-re 11..?(. ihe .peakci ?? - inlen ipteil b. enra ?i "Oidei r oud 1 dM "i l; ' ailrtre_aiiiB (il',',..., -.;.led : " Wh:, di In'1 vou i. ao at Tueadav'i meeting? This ouirhl to b. stoppedl Mi Parne 1 l_-i him go on. Mr O'Brlen then explainnl thnt IIi liarry had told Ium liefor* 'ia- I.^ai la.-i-n..' thal Mr. Parnell wonld retire i.* r.^iT.. t.'l Mr Borrj -Mr. I_?ne . inloi.I me. ( nei of "Oh!" . , , \\, (j'Krien reaumed bia remarka. initori. i proa. hing Mr. Parnell loi hia connenion wit i ?? lUwArdeu interview. Angrj- letorta were made , i.v Mr. Parnell, who denied tbal Iu ti ;i aid Mr. Uladatone wa_ falae ln i-oneliiaion Mr. Ol.rieii| ?aid. "I leave it '" ."'. ?***' ParneU, io cou' i""' t!. Irin'.i iH-oph* ol the Imneatj "i your nari ... thnt cravi" matter. Thia i? -be v"r'-' lunment ..I inv li),-. I s<i- shattered !?: y?ii. wlm brmiRlit is lo :, anlendi.l potdtioli, all ol Irrland'at llupeB." i I..' l.l'-'l iil ; W88 li.'IC i'lljOUiflC I foi "I Tlie Iriah party will ?<?? ittne lo norrott ihe d b <",-si,,;i ,,' \f, |; ,,. >_ ;., ? n for tbe retireBieni : nl Mr. !'.i. -il 'I I,.- -im, >rs nl Parnell are ? ? Baidei 115 in , other ..!?'? *'ni.|ii. | Ai m'-:.'.,| ,-. "s nnvtlnj! ol tlie Parli mientai v j repi wni . . ??- "i Mie > ?ialn I party. M | noii, ??? :.,'i .8. ? ?1r. Parne I. tu .dr an nllustiiti , , ? .. ; ???,..,,, .,, ,, ,.;,. 1 ? Mr Pi rt ? I] ifl lita ' reeeiii m milesi ?. lli it :.'-? I- ?' ? r?pn)ler<. lind ... ?,...' nf the Nat 011 ? ? ?' riy, '., |> ..IJ , rj ,, Iod 1 :,..? Iiiri stn.l 111 -nl ,,.. ., ,.,; ,, |. ,.. , . . tji.ii nl Uie 1..1 - 'I ,ui 1 1 i?|ve le 1 upon l! e eonspir..t\' exisfin, ? '.?,', .? ,n,l e .rner nl H '" Ho -- ol 1 U'i xi'i'i, ,.-'..,vi Irish i.u-i ,i"?"s ,,1 :.i- lionae ntnl He 1 . I.aboiichere 1 u*l Proleisoi Stnart. Mi Sexro 1. replvini* to Mr. P-rn< 11, 1 aarrtei , .,. . || nn',1 Iii* friei de bad been loyal lo tl,,- .,,..?., : 1, ' addeil " We are ; onr ''"i1!":.! itea, Mi P.n .? I. nol nui al ll. ,,],,i., .ri- ????? frofesaoi Stnart - 1, .: , deiij . ' f stateroeni made con i-ernin? tlieiu hv .Mr. P ... , , Mi |'an ell --.,s piesei - in tli tr; nl Ihe II.. ,.,? ,,i . urutnoi ?? "? ' - i-bb" B??rniiiu l,,s ..,,.,)? .'??:?- i,-i,..i!c 'B- liiali mcrrnl 'ra nl tbe lion.1 ? ?,,..,.....i.s wei ? also preBerit. aud ti ron ,- wc? lield ix't'.xi'i'ii them and their leadei :? fe pxpe. ted lhal a aeneral meetins ol Uie 1.1 nietiil-er* ol 1 - H - **? of 1 oninioiia and il?. House ..: 1 .??. '? will Blmrtly Iv held t? ron s,,:,'i ii?e politii ;il ?itiintion ?The Teleyrapir ? il ? vrsti-ixlr. - meetlng a li'i:..|r,-s relicarsal ol an Iritdi l*arlinr**ent. whloli it showed I41 Iw* Biiire than Saxnfl faney ever painted it, .nui contiBiiea: "The dlsplay ol elo uii-nee waa iBinaationed aad profnse, the e*in fusioaa and eolliBloBe ob Qjuewtlona ol proeedure were interniinable and ifiextricaWe. and ihe progrea* nl liiiKineaa waa iuipereepttWe l.. ? ?,,,,,,,,,..,'1,,'is iii,"...??? ?'! tlie wlmle uftair 111 .l.'v ii'. ?'"!(?." 11 \:,'i:iNi;r ix sr.MM0xF.11 iiomf m DMO.N 1. Kt.l i,\ %XD OTHI K 11 I'POK I iw ov PAKXI M. IN XF.F.B Or' MIs III.i.i-. ei,,, ago, De.. - ln ?n l'ih ;'v "-'A ?" ' ' '"' ' dreadi . ,, .. ,.; i,v him on the Parnell le idei I lp, Mi ; ? _'.,n. ,,:.' Ihe Irlsh dek'?nies, sald 1 , - , , ?? lhal "?"? of the |,|,|, ,,,. ,: ,?. . .: n 1. , : I M . r ? .:' ? I" tlie l? ",: ? ;.. ,| I nm atlll 1 il ? ? : ' xx,:,- -. I.,: ns .1 I".'. foi 1!"- I illV ". ? II . . r ? 11. 1.111 11 ? ! , ? ? -I. nia'm il; "f 8*1 h prlest* n ,. 1 , r ihe tw., li ? | ? ' ' ? ?. . ,m in l>< ? , ? I ? . ... .,,,.,..??? ? , ?. 1. ?".:.ii t .,,. II ' ? 1 ' , , ????:??: "? II ' ? , ,1 Hi", .,111-1. ''." -??? I ?..f;- W' ,.1 ,,,. derrde loday rhal 1 1 .: 1 :?? -j. - PraaMent 1 IttaeraJB, r;i 1, ?. .- , ? ? ?? ? -,-ell ?'? -? ' ? , 11.teUnti '"-I-- *,, opinion "ii ihe preaenl altnatjon ol lrt*B i ? 11,,. atai 'i ' '-. '??? Parnell fhe : . ird haa beeti lian**l . newapapei ital n*aiU ."' irp. n 111 10 be ?? xx .'', .; , r. ' .?'.'- um ? ? - w .-s. j,j .-v ., .| our piibll*h*Nl declaraiton, rtil |l .1 1: .?. .ln- 1 , i:;,|. "? r ,1 ? ,s ir, any mannei . ifluri 'ii 1 ?, :,,'..:.. \v.- i,,,\v axxall ll.? d. . : .. ],-?,?*? tativei oi Uie Iriah u Jfifl.N I'I I.I UN WILLIAM "ilCl N. 1 1' ?'" V.Ni 1 l ]. .-I I.L1VAN, I. P. ..ll I. WlTHDRAWINfl -fusi iiiiTHiNs 1,1 1,11; 1 ? SK CBlrafo, De. -' Sp*elal). lt la probablt trne lhal Ihousandi ..f dollar* In aul* -rlptl in* made ?. fe- davi ;,..,, h.ixi- . "??: aitlidraa 1 a ihe re*nlt "f thr I ,, Hrleri anl Parn*!! inll to. 1 he ? ??-:. of t ? ? i?"i, paral) ted, and ?? III n?innln xo 111*1 !?,? *|| .. ett!"d. M i- "-'?!"-1 for 1h.n1 1 niake moth. .,...? ,.., _,?j tlie' ' 111 - ?? ? ? *>no i)d i'i ? ?? iriah partj Iti Lond be 1 - - nf ?? .. ,",?;?? ?.,!.? ?? il I ? ? ft ? ? . . '. ??:." Icavlng 1 ? , , : ? , .iix. ? - ? ? MINISTER I.!--'"IN DKMESAf.TATF.MKXT. I-. . . J. Itol i-rt T. I .. . ? ? ! ? "? ' li . . 1. . ? .. ? I," ... llll , . '?" p' ....,, , ?',!,' |,????"? ? '. 1***1 'I. II.-11*1 ' ? .. ,?.,:., . ul mi. ;?? ?? 11 siarl for I end ol Ui, ? Ul" - ? s-| \Mi:-.'. J:-. -l li:. iiI.D1.KAD1 II Phllade , ' ? i" ' ' ? ' ? '"' ' ??-.., x ,'." Ol |_ tn 2. i ,, ".- Iriah ?? 'i'"' 'I l'-"' " ' I .,,',;:. -i ,: r.i'i .?:' ' ?? h m ? .... . ,, ,,,| - 1 i.ii 1 I..'-,' i" , irpresented at the uie< 1 ? I \ -1 STEMl N I I'BO.M ?lli Wil II \V '?' i II. iifll'l 1, . .- ??; W III ernon II lt, rt tvlilfli h" ? ( . I.i idllte 'i " -i" ' la I t took | v 1 ! ,,| \',. MtOarth.i'- .-"?nt visll 10 l.'.n. lhal hc dld nol n naril Mi l**ni?*l 1 , ,,;,,.!;,.,i. II*. told hi. Miiarlhj II |1 Ih' ,,. , : , ? waa Inadinl ,1 le. v il 1 um , ! ,,,, ,., i)ne Ihe proi*?aal 1 mld I ol nn ?? ? '" Mr. ur an ,.,.????, i- - ? ? ?? . - '?. i" "I ' ; ...,.,, |,, idei. rilr Wllllam '? ? ? dM nol alta. I. , ,.,,,.. , , Mr. HBAMI-a pleBf* ?l Ibv! .lahl" ..,,,.. ... The ir.-!. party aad the lrl?h NBtlo p 1 , ,.,: , higb< ? "i" ? ' ? lacllBB KeetiHlj ihaj ; .,.,.,., , a?n l BtloBii or Ifldlvldual pledia ln tbe nn | ,,n-sti?nal.te fad thal no aarty. "'? l-""" '.'|cl '" ?' t, ,;TJ .... .. . io rarrj boi aebeaie foi home rnle rtj_ , ,, imvi' th" .?,! "iirr, "."?'? a"0 aupporl of th* .,';, \atlon, as declared bj lt- reprwentallt-' ln iMr :'',',''',",;,., i;,., 1, ?-:: William aays that thc latean* a , ,.1 i| |>ariie!l' ,, ?:,- :.. U, M> -Ir Wllllan.M ? 1 | ,,J,_ ,,, rtnd Bre ui-wnrlhi '.1 iiotl. e, and 1 p|.-rt t Hn |r itli. Htlsll KVNPATin W 'Jll PA1IM I.I. |)UI I..,. |i, , . _? A nn, tin ? ol Hi" ? lional 1 ... ? ? ,. |,eld ber m daj rbr . ? II ' >rmj .1 -? II. aly. ??'" 'i '" ntl n-t by ,,,,. |?;.:,", ."? ?? .- .'i ?? Itb .,""?? tii?1 rh,, , . uie :i vlolcnl |. c li ln favw .,1 Mr. ,.. || \ i-??? ? : mi moved 11 id ., < atholli 1. . . ded .. i" "!:''i "' "llll"! 1 '"?'? '" '""' '" -apporl .,,. |.,. |l( ||, 1 hc 1 .Inll ? 1 ' 11 ? .rried, Ibere b. ini* I,.,'. dl ' . ?! ? . ,. , , ,, 1,1 , . - ti . . ; 1 ? I.-;., nl llll" orm 1. k .1 ,.,.,,! 1 . ,,,' . have adopl d rosol , -I Parnell. 1.,. ii", . _ \ ni"' IIiir "f Natl 'I I , ,,? I.,- . al llallylantlers, inl 11 di*p ii h i*i Mi 1 eith" . up| iii' .,1 1 1. :. !? ? ' "'? ... ?. ,, ; . (ju ', 1 ouiily, 1 ?? i... ' "t '..ini'i 1 |? -,.|,|,,,:-i lliniell, I!.- I. ill I 'l" U. 1 l ,, .. |,n .. , ?..,,? im 1 ?, hl rh, 'I ? rediifilon . ,, .,1:1-1. ix. liue ln Ihe effi rl ol Mr. i',..,.|i IH '1 1 *>1X4I MR, '?!. '? !?? i ?'?'?- BET1 IllKMK.N l I.,, ,,!,'ii. l?-?'. --' \-- I'I M. '--.".?? Tievi lyan, ,::- ' amp ? ' v-ni'.11 ilu' ??''? Earl ',..? villc and M ?'..<-? 1 ,.,i ,1 Mr, ?'ii'' i"n ' hoii ?? Ihl* niornlm d ,1 ?, ,.. li .ui ix., . th ? 1 I'.'..,"- riie ,,., i undei dl 11- lon a 1 th 1 rrt 1 iiaeBl ul tht 1 Icadar. it na* dccltted to coavokt a BteeUui oi the I prrra and member* ..f ih<- Honm- <>l C-__**a*aa. ... ii.-.: b atatemeni bj Mr. - ? ??? THK LAXD PPRCHASE BI'.L IN TIIE i!'l SE. .... r, .t;-. OM MR. BVIaFOFR- HOTIOS THAT IT ? PASS ITS S-COXD REAU1XO. Londnn, De.-, .. In ihe lloua. ,,i i utnmoni ta-day ? ii:. Halfour moved '!:.t tbe Iriah hand Parcbaaxi 1.111 pa* i'- -,? und road '?Ir. K1U* movr. an am ndmon . <'? ' ?*' ''' i i .1 li ? . .ii ni;-..1- 'i, amrr ... :?/.'. I tlw liuperl.l F.xcbr. ii.-i . ..?. ? waa utijtiat t<? iho ? ?' il: land. Ir. (.1.1.1. _!d he 1 I i ng ln tl.e ', iil ln. ih" li. ' "?? -..i'i tha! wa ? ?: . .,- ? a. i rj. Th-i ,..?? ntmoval i.| ihr iv. -ia- '?? ??>-' li ii". ?'::' ?' iu.,;...-..; 'ii..- ih.intt. i , ? i..??--.?? have pown lo i .: .. , W I..' I. -um. li.ii i.. ?. >'<l in the piirrhaa. ol '?' '?' Dld Mi lialfmir rt ... nl- Ihe |. .dllt- II ." Um ' i..i. ;..., ?:?-? \.. .- mighi -'"|i i'i-- piin!.a*i' ??: ',' ? ? UI.I1I-. ii .: i. Mr. I .11 mi la. i ? iod l. 'i ???'..'. I' ?.-_* ... .,,,-...: |.? i.i--;* ai II .i ? ?: il ll. ? lhat, i.i '.. ? i ol ih. (a.' Um |. ??' ? '... ? ?-.''? I Ih" .... . ?:...:-..'. isiitlakr iu |.a Laml blll thu r k ?>]?] i .11 Ibvlr d ?n< Ai ?..) ra h ii | ,1 aell i '<?? ? ' il "i ls iali authurl < w. : i ? Ih i.?.i . : tiie -i .?!?? inaiii . and Im. Ued aver> mi" l' i.-iaI nl Ir. Innd ? . p|i tlw Mr, < liunil. '1..1I. .i i..-'. Mr. II llom II he ha I cal . rul ".-'I lli imioini ?.(ii i -i nnd . I Iie hlll, i.i il l>' alial art- n i llinit< d. Hia eatlmate, he Bld, i ? i,,iui al I. ?- .'.aa ? I" ' ;i >"."??.'. ll adi 'i M l.alt. in -.' n im ".iv th- rou<-_* i iu removiiig ll ? nvrnly yeai iu adhoi !?> Ihe r_i , ?I. . I..."..r, |. ; ? ? : i ? ? ? t ' ll ?.nipl. ?? the : ? ? ....->.?.. i . ? , ih. in |n,,? itiiuB (nr ni. aJ ? ?....>.?.. -, i,u .1 ii ..?.,? a... ii i iipr ion ai ?' ,'i - iplli ii i m. ii- b.iiiM rt on ? ? inii ..( '? ii-. i - ; rh. nie ln ? ' ?? u ible .1 I.. ? li*. m.'.iMii.-. llefei rinjc '?? ???? un-.' i.!??; .??,. , : . . ? ? . I.ic i ? I md. Ml. Iu loiii.? 'l - i \ i. t(,i rhui i. i. i i ,? a i . . ? i? Iu ihe In1 ,?1 the lo. al a: : ., P41I.I. lWIN.i DIIRIKN \M> |>I1 ' I IRISII .MF.KI 1 v- I.M.V HANOI 1 I'l lt :... in i-i i;\ m.i. un. I r ? lt tll. .. . ? . 1*11 I ? ' ?? .lf 1 ? ' ; ' ' ? ' ? ? . ? - ' I ? lt i 1'i.o.t-d - I all. l.'.f 1 : .,?!... I ? ? '? ' ? ? ?.f I ; ., ,| ?....-.: - if Ttln ? . ? . ? ? ' . . ....,!?' ;,,.,.?? 'i ? ' . .: ? \- ll . ,. .1,1 Mi -a\- m, I I ,r ii, ,'; -ho -Ud 1 ' ? ' ? ' ? !' ' ? f i t. ? ? ?:.?!? j.l '.. ?' ' ? 1 . , ? ? part. . ? . ? , ? ?? ihr II , ,, - ? ? I tl at '!? I II | ' '?? I-' ' ''I.. I. ' ' ? ' ? i ' . ? rr_fl.ui ? ? ? i . I i ' i ? ' ? . i i I il ? ? ... ' II dnl ;i I- ?' ? ? ?i . .. Fath. .1 fili< ' II . . ? i.uld I ..'.'? ? i. ?? I-, u.-ll . .... l,.-l, a ' ' . |(| ..l'.-i ? .11 o|. '.."'? ' II*. irr MrKi I I Pa l .: ' ? ... ,, |.?,. ,:,|.., ?-?! M liiii "ll i iy be *li rrre i i ' |n, ,:,-': ? ', ?? ' I I' II. th- i ? ??'?,-.' ,,, r|, j ihr ? ?? ' p ". ? ke to Ireland I I am ? , h io >i ??'.! It." M.i ?? ' - u.!! iii if. Keenan r. plle**, il I |u 1 thls . .-.? i... i, ,..? .,., ,-.ii .'l-ii.iil people, ai .i lb?: Iiava .t rrrlaln fra-llnf i ,: ;1 nian wh . Bftri Mng . long on i ,p a Mi !'.II ln been, i.? no. down tn. ?? ?'. .,.,.(,,,.? ih. --.;uid.. up i n j |,"i un beael bj aieh itiipendin. ituacten uill l.r -M>i?hi i?? i?- ? >... ,:i,,i, h md a III i- o >r_lti.l! i ?< iv. .. ? -. laln in< ? ? ':" | ? i . Rul thal ln ni'-l iv rntl Ul'l.l aiai i".. I,,,,, ? and o .!.?- every j.r., tirnJ uiai. ?!???**. M il -" iftoi'ut I. ia I..--.--! !?I f. <*i -i ii .tion i a ni iulniM :'"?' ..,,i,.,, ,i ha t.i ?> ??.. ? . iieut :.? a ??: the 1 i,| ud. 'i ?U. '' " ,i .,, I ' ii ? ' ' I-' ' ' " ?' ?."" ,:"' ,,n" '"' . Qtliin'in |.... .-.. a i?l Ui ? i. lor .1 ?. i >ive ... ll< ri u ri.ed # I1. lt .. . i ?? ? ? ii ha . i uiai rmpl .tn nll ' '? ' M. Keenan, ,.,? . . | .. ,ii... ,, , ,., f, ii.m i.i. ..?: li. .,1 \V,.t! .111 ' ''!.' |en. .loll i 0111 ... ... I ? !?? OtlM I ' ,;..,.... .,, Ir. i .nd ln Ihr I. I. i arli ? ,,,?., .|i i .. : ' ? ... ihe ' f >r "ia- ..lli. ; . who . ,n -????! Ui i arll itn.iilan puil ,.iijui.i lli.ti -U! I* i ? ;. a i . ? ,: , . : . i an , iir.'.l ii.iiuiiili iu '? 'a al* -.i ih. II. in. i.'i.i- ; "> ; .. |f M, ...,,, ,.|;-, ,-oiiiin'i ?? refii nl I.i r llre >nld .... dl, ? bai .-ir. I will lt I . ii ii -.ui .? I ?? down il ?? I"?' ii* "' I, ,!... Ihii i inowii ni. I de*. lop."d U'tui ? Ih |n h |K >)?). ai-'l I" F.n -l. I |..op|e, ;i r-allll .,,i;(| . .? i ,ia' ln tll'- I Inniph ? f Ihe I|0_K! liiii' ' l in Ihl ? ? 1,1 < II'PL I '?' ' '?''?' "?' ' THEA1 Ul' il. M i i WEK Molillrrll ?. III., I'"* - l-"|M'<UI '. I" ' l'?.i_ '" mial.n| i ' . ,:, ,, ,.?,:.??! fi in ihe \. ? i "..i. I ,,,,;, ., | , la. ? . lle had i "'"' "w ,,?.?,, I.. plii ul Ithod i?pem ll.mae foi on, , .j . ? ' ?'? ll- lelt val inl : 4 i it Ihe ho I * i ,i /' it/: /' '.'/.' i"/. \hi: BAV. I ??, i . in . , ne' "??" Un i ii, i- i ai lhal ' i.I . ?? il* ' ''" ' ' lt wa- ofl Ihe Thl !.'?:? iili.kt F ? ; ' '" i,,,i M -.. ,- nt ei ?? .hl ('? i in I' and i '"' ,,,,?.' rluc li i.. I.. Ihe la-l |M Wl ?? "' ", " ,.,., ,.i . V.1...I-. v.:.._ tollowed al.^ig bi II** ??* "' i,h i Uly, A BULLET IX HIS ilKAD. I Hl. ll SERAL OF I l) rOWXSEND STOPPEH 1','. THE OOROSER. EVIDRJT. i: TUVt THB kVVWYEK WAS BHOT IJCTJ THROWX OVER THE PAMBADES OPP1 i I XI s. THOROI ..ll!.-, IRO The funernl ..i .lr>hn D. TownaeBd, tlic retired "rh . ? |.. ; ||cd !-,, ; ivas I .uu l al ihe : of tl ? Paliaadea netir Knel .vood, >'. J al ipped yexferd ,\ b.i ' i e order ol ' .- . i, ?, .... ;,.;,, ? . ? I ?? ?? i ? 'iul beei i,,' rdereil bad k lined Biieli ;??? >un I tli 'i P.ul ii . mpl*HI ordered t'oroner IM! i.i niake nn iul pe-, Tho preparatlonfl for the funeral lie an ;,t |n:30 jresterda.\ mornlna;. The ,,f the .1"" I I,- i '... ?! tl, ? r-.'iiLis nf <?>'. '.V. \. ei roon, ln 1. ,'.?.' ?? I. Old Mr. Town Ihe l.itli.'i : ;- \\ Ilowea, I ie hro. In-law, and , ? _ M Ilowea, the aepl <????? ol tht* dead m n, were preaent. \ i*-x- ol tlie vlllajce people irere nlm pri'*. -ii ? Vouni Mr. Ilowea, ivhn is ;. elergy ii ni. I'.'i'.i.i t, read tlic ien rte for rbe burial ol the dead. \i 10:4s, aa Mr. Ilowea waa in the ii,,,,-. nf tl:e -???!.-i\ i, ronatahle named Poat enl ?; i 'i'i apoke ni ." low l me to the ?? laker, Mr. Taylnr, who had rhurar of the [iinerul. Tb*> undertsikei looked starlled. Il*? wenl i|. tv. Mr H wes and iutarrupted imn. The eleriotnan st >pped his readlng The oaaatabh" tiien aaid thal he h.l he.irrlered br t'orotafr [lill io at >p Ihe funeral, All nf tli* relativea in s -t ? I thal the funeral ahould v mi They >n t','i il.i". ,|i,i not xx?.,r nn Biitopay, I 31 , .,? .ii.sti:-i -A-'h whal i. ,1 nlrend;, ,"*.'" ? ,| thnt Ilie: *'3B1 ''I i" '" allowed to i,,r, ibf IkkIj ln peaee tn m, .-n'-i.t followed. \i i ,,,? fool .,i t ,.? ?;,-. HtiMid the eonttahle \. ?? , his urni upliftcd. ti? said: " I forldd the .....,, i !..- i- !? Idei f' ;i eaae "i murder. The t'n int. P ?- I ? urdererl thc i , roner l . moke ui autopax .-* ri? I bol,| nn inqnear.. I ihe urders of tl.e Coi onei. and .:. s i ?? .?:.?! ni ial he ? loppe ! \ telntl ,?','? kei reraoa ? . :- ie ' urmu'i i mvf.l a:id ordeieal I e bwl.t ti, be . Ill I " 1ll".'v' c. ll .ll ' ' i| . , , , i ? '" :-Ii ?. , I.,. ?? ? . ? i, \ ... . paid DO Ile ?'??; ' ? I1H 1 iti-l: ? 1 r ? . - r l.'i'l ? .. n - >' dead in in'i ? ; - ?? - ? !? , ? : " ? ' : . ? ? ? ...-?? l thnt M . ? i - ll-.e 1'iilVi I thi I it '? i tl II ? iV.,..- r ? ire ,, ,. , ran. ?? on the p*r ' ?' ' ''* .... ,,,n .,. | , I'OIIIBII I ? i , ?tn uiiialy olijeet.-d t.j . , ??.. . ... ? .. .1 b ' ricL tn in. le !ns v on 1 liur* la> I- ,, . ?"?; - ni';,'??? I I.. s laken bold of Ihe enae . r, ' ?"? . ?. I .1 :? - :" '? I ' ... ..; || .- :,.??? \ Veslerd \ ? .. ? ? ? pa I ,: ?? ?? " ? lo ???? .. ., Pr .. ,-. ,-. uiiiieil W ud waa :?? md ? . iop ol t!.- elifl I' i '"'''? ,h*u ? | . ... .-.? - t nnd * l.viiu on the - m ?- - m. '' - pr. 'l .. rel ittves ill *u.t thal !'''- >-' '- ""!1 '",| ,:" ,- ,. tht ,..? ? l ? ini ? - ":-- h s I i .? I, lili ? ? ' I ln thc dead nan'i I - '? ' ? >' ''? ?'? ' '?' "' :' "' '"' !i ? ? ? ? ' ' i li.i.l >.?.-.. lli.'.l ?? ' ' : he ? i s ,, ... , ? t iT'lu I ?, ,;,,. ,i.i - I ? ' v ? ..? ni , ' ? ' ? . ? ? .????' ?? .. ... Mr I iimii.I ,? ? ? ? ? ! , ,i ||e eln - I " i ' ' ? ' ' ? - ' irl.ha.ll. :.,,,?? . ii. M .I'.i.n s ' a \n nn jsiay ,i r/v rroons case, x-, .-:'? ,?:: x> : i-i.ii rtti. rn ? '? ?ni.w ??'? .,,,, , .S| .'"i,n.:i i rn i.inin BY ".'. h: uu i.. ? , D. - ? d B-?'at.*n R"? . . ,,* ? ,i i,i..i ? ? ?rd* -f .I-.I-? ' "' ;":';; c i. ?i.H iBia.'" "?.?".-??''-| ?';;";' . ..?.'?..ene .1 to be eaa.uted bj el.d biij _, ,,,. ,., ,? .,..,.? la .:.- ii ' "?' ??_* ??" M ' A,,,,!:,,;,...r.1 h.d 334 rat-rned. a?d there I. ?*a. tt, n ii'.. I. Iiad t" rcBialn here. , ?.x.. ?o doabt/ aald Uoverno. IDII to-Blaht ?ir?. 'udfa Brawn** iatli?* 8oea ?|>erafe aa i atoj ol ,.. .ad .'.'?!? a*a* r. ? rwed ..f hl laaoln? a .ID, ,._, i luireittBWrawdtodayal'alteasiatei. ,?,?,? ,,,..*.i in I8HB ?tvtn? an appallant In ? raa* mm, ,,,.,,.,. il," rifhi I ' appeal froni an adv-r . ...,l ,,?, .,, ;. hl*h-r roart; but iu the eaae of W.I no , mipLilliI i . made. i.i '. ' **4 Iti '"" --' ,.,,,-t, tn,' l.uitli.itlon-1 rl.hts bad bee. ,i ria*? .. ,.',?,.,..,:. ara?* memberof the ]ur> ihleh .ed bia.. in ?"- -: '?. ',' ;",';r:;;1 , foeripn I. ...... th- ' ?-? "?' ??" ' ,"11'"'' : "" '" :,?!? ,?.i,,i." hi'.--' i" -'-' '?<? ? u"' '','" V lam vei.rh alitUd IIibI .'?? n..:-' ??'"-? ? ,:,..' i ii-v, ? ?;'';;' ,., ,.x,-,x -..,." lo taarara fBMBN ?'???:-.'?' '*?; ? W'^,e"rTKr:HS,?'S ,!,!?.,. alll tl.lnl; it lu duti to pnHnna tn. II mai r|| ? . lon - ' |mi n/i Bt,MA.\cE of rnrxu wa wiushibf. s.,? I,..-.,,,. I" 2 iKpc-iall K.i.m" I-; ,t ? lhal ?? ' l ??? '? IVII blre.laM? m l" anpcl* , ' ?? ?'?_? ln . nrlnuall trllh hls relallv,*. IVII hlre. I will be ,?,,.,?.'I..I ? - '?'?' '?? "?' ... ,,, ',. I ' Ul rl ?- W'th ,?,,,i ? \ Mv ., u-b,.-. I. "" ' i.n.l , Ib* .,."? ol -.. ????'?' H ' ? "'" . Vfri.aii ?? I.I ' '!; . ''?,?" "I '" ' ,,, :. isngli ', -.tfinatit. bul Ibren ?-' - '?' "' , nfprou.i ? Iii Ih.- Sull.Mii.iib*. Ir-. , . .? ,i rultuii*, ba nl rxtreniel) , "x, , i. ii wotnon "f :??' " '""? _. Wii-hii',' ? mted in um, rj ..,. a . nt" i.i'n, " w|'' " "" i i , . ; . ? ,:??, her im-:'.-" ual aaiaai i.v Eontra-t, Ow_b i?o_-_atare_l. aetlng aa a ?*?_? nea*. Thea Omtm .n'.i bere and la wrtttag NaM-nalM edJtorlal* for i Oeraian Bew-paper, a-hlk M* aa *&* ..-?:.! .-, Olncianatl with roung WUehlre Tha latter. ; mother refu^ed to reeei*. Iu i - ?n'* wlfcj, l ecuu e *be ..a? 1 a dlvorved ', ,,Ml fhe ol .;'.- ?!? -.mj fathatr. who araa ln the ~.-iid__ Oll I'ompany, i- Iu *li_r>. : _| t ,- yonng ...._ ."ii get ou aioney. -? he la s;i_i,(i.-.i there for the pre*eiit, bm taUu of brina iu? .ul., ln . !ii.iii!..-i?. to ae ure hl* n | ii.. r*\- .-:. .i;.-'. nu.nev. hi- int. ntlon ls to io Ut London and kei|. tieueral boofh iu a Ung U? p- or. RAILROAD INTEREST8. < ENTRAL AND THE THOI 9AND M.v.MrS. FRIKNOM OF THK ROMl. .VAOrBRTOWJa INTJ 00 OKXSBFlt ? i"? v."'!' URE THE ID1 i 01 A IHVlsIn \ OF Bl -I2-I *? I. Tbe projeel ..f tha .*?'<-??. Vorli Central R-tlroad for the bti Idlng ".' .. llne ... raad from ' ??'"?i '" ;' l'""'1 thal will tho Uraffle ol the r_r__a_d laland a .. ...;.- eellng among the frlenda of the Ronio, Waierlown and ".:?!??? borg Railroad, whieh ha? btUi erto e iyed . mtrol ol the traffle. i> ? ?.alied v-i-niv. thal about two year. ago Preeldeal Depcw, of ihe rentral, la aa la-ervlew al St Laal* pi-nounred the roimtnioOon of . rallnnd p."";,';<>1 to anotbei aa "wickad an.i fcttle I.'-- thu ' rlmtnal." Tbe new II ?? |. lookrd upon bv the Rome, walertewn and "..-.' _ people as :.nteepriae lhat -III dlvido tho . s;1-' ng bualne*. and poaatbl) l""i to OWun.i g ... ?..???, ..f tbal nonpaay own a inajni by ,.f it. ,..; t.i ui-a. and Uie remalnder la held bj i.i | T^ituiv who nupport the iu_nag-_e3nt. Il li un_er ! f'<.c<i ??! good -nthority thal wltbln a _S- awnthe au > offer ?f 125 for the ootitr_ of tiie property a i- re :, 'd, althougfa it "*?> renpled v-itii an a_reea*enl lo purcfaaae tbe entire rapltaJ atoeh ..' the .>;.il?n <?f ? ih.- mtnorltj itaxkhoMeri al Ihe -me prlee. \ nimor i- revlved that tbe Reme, ft'atertown and Oa-enabiire ? IU ronnori tt? two ternUnal potnta al ; Ri.u.e . ,,i i tira tn buildlng ? *hort ptooe <>l road ami t??.., hulld bii extenalon froni i t4.-a m a pnlnl neai i Rotl.Ia_1 .1 ?'"'I -IV -Hfl.lV mli?v ',. i a.iia-i-l MIT I ' ih- Flteliiiurg ?J lem. i' aurh a project wyre rarrl.. i ..ut tlu- n.'m Vorh <'-ati .1 -oiild I." pai-lleled pn. ' t iil. tn ni Huffalo to Uba '?. " fille n alrajirht 1 line .s? .11 [<i Iie niwle t/. Hoaton md -Irwl roi wuoi would I-- ? tabllabed artth tbe prlnelpal potnta Iu ;.. i Ki gland. |.. \n\- 1. r.. \1T.-I 'Rflt'XD FRRIGHT RAT_* , One, . n*perlali. At the meeting "f the .. || i.a.;.'!-- nt the W"-'--i.i l'..l'.."N la i? iv 11 ..i i_ iidv.inee aro.bound freight lo I tHe i-i ? f "'? ' "'i'- ti' -' :. - ' ? ' I ri- ,?:? ;, dnl -. taklna etfeoi Ja iun t, i Id* .. ui , , westl onnd r ?? the some a - ? n ilbonnd. .; r -ined, i ? oraniltt*!*. .aa ?p *B>to en the . .1 '? ' '?' ,h" ? . a io. ? ui '? < : ??''.' ' ' : ' "? ? ... ? .,.,......., , ?>-?? ? ?? -, j .: :??; ; I ' tliat 1 ? ,i ? rnl ? ? ' ? ? ?? . ii .'.? ?? ?. i ??? ?' ??' ?? ? ? !. ? '? K ' - ' : . ?> r,, m.mntain rNirmiM ( II '.:?'?? ,,. .. I.., ,. I,, . ,. ? : , ? . i- . m Rall ? ?I aa forn freight ral ? - d 1 ? ' ? . -<i , . i ' ? .V. ? '. , < . ? i ?. :i oi . im; n;r. i m ?: facii ir fori ...-.?, ion more mon ln ... i . ?. will he tlt ?' otrt ol ... . :.. K ,,-?' -.- .---.? -I to-da! for fu ther re z ,, , | ? ,. . - .,re eniH ryed *'? tl'." I 1,1 if. y_l_l B-4 tt* <-o.ii l..*-'.'." I l ? ;.! ? ,..' .' 4 ,".- 1 ? ?' I ?' .ii I. ,. ? '-. '? _ -.if'!ir.i:v PA.SFF.XG_a UWOCIATIOX. ; .a.: :i ii m< ' - So thi ?? P - ? -? r i ? ,. held ?? . ? ??? , tbe Hotet r*aa ! -,. i,;,. j, .. .,- .,? ..-I i ... ?!;'....- eharacter, .-.-i<i ooly ? ..,.-?.. -.-'. bbM to bae ? ? ? __ted, ? - meeting Ulll he u -ld i-i .aonary .1 i ob)U h ? taai . ? ? ? BANTO DOMfXHO CRNTKAL DIREI I". - Tha taii-boldera ol Ihe Santo Oomingo . ->ritrr_l i-,i ., _ ' mpa ij at thelr aai u_ awellng yi l Tdaj ,..,:.., ng ,ii,.. lor.. ll ? atlo ?'. King. II. L. I i;,.,p . r w.?nl. P. I?. Ilorrla, H. II. DlbbT, Mllr m 1 ..-,,-*??:.!. H. U. llden, C. R. \Vll?oii >'?! V.W.F.mlen. I , will ti.-" ou ! rld .\ i" eh rl olB ? - ? UIODLETOWN AM> < !?' W. f'TH RAILROAD ELEC *? ,i aica*ting ol the Middlelown and rrawford I'? i ?. ... .. ihe eompan. dB. ?-, .',-,?? r il'.I ,!'''' ' ' ? , I . . ?. r li i. omp-on, A. U. Ma du ? ' ? ? niK .11-,. II I - '' >AO MAY I'K Bl ll r. Kii. --toii. N. Y.. 0 : fi a tl e Weat Klmre -? . , ? ? ???'? t!. ? ... ;. ? .? I ir_lti_. K* ? -. III ?.: ? ? ;m ' ? -: -''-. I INR-. i. I.. Fulennide '? r_ut- I , ;i . ?? I. Ilnmphi -y ha . r anent, ol Ihe M uneaj .11*. I . ,.,'. -..-. Ma.a . and ihe Oul itb, - i- ? ,-..i Mlautl. : ? l - - - , ,- -,,; i;.\ | I-.N I1F PWO I'.'ll'-. ... i. . . _, Artl. !?? ol ,. :.. ; mi nf ;...':.-? and I ,;.,... . >? . ,,?i. ii der the nann* of ihr Chieago, I , , , | ... i,i, ... ?ni>rri?r l: illn ul < - -a;.. ij, a?-i. ,,i ,| ; ,,. ,i ;? th< olll. ?? ??! Uie n ? ol state. 7 '//.- Kl I "V TBE a"/*l tTi XE B l.VaT O pl.ilad. Ip ? .'? De*' - "??' ::'1 ,M' ,!"' k''v"'" " |, , ,,,, ., ini>h t" < 1 av xx ,11. Ull ll il "I 1 :?"i ,;l I, . eutiuti iherks I .r .t .i le** were paid am x. bul au) ":??.niauda - t.feded that 1 ,.mi tie .,. .I onlj iMOO ln raab, nnd ? ,.,_._ i: . ; .. due blll f ?'? the '" ?'? B) an a i uige | ||?.?t tn- ei"..:'' * lion** bank* these due bill- rill ' ,?. i,,,i?.i,'.i .,. anj bank. rownni l o'elo. k th. run oo ' ,... 1,,, h ??ni.'' t?? have i.B broken. rhe luiu ..l ,,,.,, ,.it,? . thal --aiiv iu the dajr r-mipleteli euclreled ,!?? halhling rapldU rtwlndled dotrn. and le- rwfc ,,,,. pto., thoae thal aad todred II.? tngney. is,.,?,,.,,, Mar-n aald: -1 thhik thc run I* Bbovl ,,vr We l.i.vo pui'l ererjt oue prerfnUn* them .,.,xre* and *re u* abki ta pai all It la unl? oar .mall "i-i" Itore thal t>-v<? been inaklng thi* run on ? rhe large i...-ii.? >' ?" ?*? ?? '""' ,"":''' I|1V" I|ucfc , , ?.. ,nd over fio.000 haa been deposlu-d ,.,.. inornlnf.' The .M'". ?*? belonglnit lo I.Itj ."?; dl^ikKxaniluerDrea tbat tbe bank u,.,!.";.? ,tl) -'.iv-nt. ano Iherefore ae *aw uo ,-?..-..I. fur wlthdrawtng Hw Bi bot. . ? -? TijtiK ill". QOODS <>" VBIUHBBB AXD VLOPEO. ,.,?,.,., ? x. j.. !>,?.. 2. A f-? moHtlw ago there ?rrlved ln thla ittj i.-"<" VVlafoualn John McCoi ber. ,,.. xx,? and tw.. . Udren. Mra. Mrtomber at, an v ,"i,i.nd he uot. aad m.uj trlendH call upon ber ln Her little a. "'" ?? "'" ??_? V.ncUu.1 ItnoiiB Ih" nuaiemu - ? I M,,',??b r a-as llenrj ?'? "inltli H.e a-. n ,,., .., . pompany. Two ???"*? ago -i - paik 'i ' ' '.'.,' ',.. n.' :?' ? ? ?>? -i;,i l?k*n? ""? r**? * ttit? ,?.,. ..?. ,;,;?,! xxitJl *Blltk. MctOll.bvl , ", ,, ,? ,,-.. of the intli.v between hi. wlf* and s??',i,','ntii ahe had desert-d hlm. Unallj ',.? ,.,,,.. txui: '.n Ihla ..ix ... ..ia.. and w.fe. I.a?t ' . , ,,;,,,! _i the Ihiiiso .-:""' . |J ,,?.,.,?:'.?. ii- alll prol il Ij ipplj for .? ? - ..,. /, JOE <>! I r*O.VZM Bl MA'BM V iv ,,. ,,.,1,'n. v I . D ' 8 '*-!? "??'? Mattheti D , . .,,,,,x -,x x, ..- ,?:.". a ?*cUi "i" and r**pe.l il ? .?., ,.,.4,1 ,, !.,,.,!,. xi .ul .?i."ix . .mi,t.. rommltted .le -in- morning bj liangtug hlmaall ln ma garrel ! | (. [??;?.. Mr. Moore had bee.ilam holj for '.',??. ,.,?-. .xlm-li wa- ' "i-i bj ni iio.ii",. Me xx.. .,.,'.,'tti" exeeutor* of tn- eauta <?* U;.rx-x Kennedjr, ot Naa Vorh, and araa a reiatjv* ot Uw lattor. P. II. SUMNER ARRE8TED. THF. EDOAB MVSTERY COMES IP 40AIK CHAROISG THB PBISOBEB WITB rOROIBO THIS DBAD MAX'fl E4AME A VBED Ot 4 IflUM TO OBTAIX 4 PORTl'XR liV PRAVD. i'i',.''! ii. Suatner, tli" real eatat> brahat at N'<>. ins Bro dway, who reecntlj beeaaae aotarl* <>'is ln ronncotion \-itli tlie m.VBterlou* death ">f aa unknowfl iij.hi in tl."' lietty Houae, at N"'itikor*t \ locked ii;. b! Pollee ll(*adi|iiartera laat even* ing 04a cliarge "i i"i?.-.?. . He tvenl to lonketa iiinl Identifled the body "l a ataa arho waa h*. I "? "-I i". have '?? mmiti ? I tuicide Ib tlte Petty Houae, aa the body of hia fortner friead, Jaaaai ll. Kdtrar im Kngltahnian, who waa atid to ha\-e Icai money in apceulation Rt Wall Streei baeanrl ! ahopn. Ii- paid for the burial "?! the aupfoaed , I-i .''.. body, bul ihe pollee anspe ted t??i! play nnd I'.i'isii tbe body to be dug up Bgaifl an*l | pbotojrrapbexl. Thea Snmner aaid l.e !.;><l '>eeii miafakeB in lus Identifieatfon, and decwrad daa] tin* body wai aot thal nl hia friend Edgar. So">n he aaid le had reeelved lettera from Rdgar, arha ma iii iu this phy. [f_i Btatemaata he^xuaa to eonflicttng tlini the pollee were inelme.1 to t>?. ii*" e that li.' never bad knowa t nmi aaaaai Kdgar. Snn.n.'r previousl) had lieen Itnoxvi as an aV ]*>irr"i awindler and had been arraaled oa a tharajB ..I Bbeatiag Davtd M OaviJson. of Na. 110 Var ick-st.. onl of f3,000, ln tl..* li..!:t of the alleged eondnet whleh lei rn Sumncr'8 trreat yeaterdav, intero-t in Ihe ur.* terioiiH death at Yonkera is renewed, heeause .1 i- eharged that Sumoer haa expeoted t" get <"n trol ?>f property belon,jlnt; in tbe unknown Kdgar in Kaglaad. A few weeka ago, it la aaid, Bnmwet wenl tn aee V. S. Tiiraer, 1 ataryer, at N... 45 Broadway, whoat hc had kaatva iome time, and unfolded i" hltn part al a new chapter Ib the Kdgar mystery, Sumner atid thal Rdgar, arbo really waa dead, had inherited araa* ert.- in Knglaud anioiintiiig to ahont $30B,4M1B. Kdgar could Bot get |*?*Be*aion <?! ihe property ln hia Lifetimc becauae he waa in diagruce with ins family and bb 01 tc i*t, hal lie n ia tl e oldesl a*a and had a clalm which coiiW Bot he dianatted hjr other h.'ir.s. Sumner aaid hc wialied lo uet bflp ia the preparalioa ol a boq ia power ol aUora**y Bad , a will in his favor, piirporting to have lieta e* ' ecuted by Jamee II. K ,'? t n year ago. With ! sinli papers m h.s poaBeaaion, Sumner aaid, ba : could hegin a attil tor thc rccoverj of the pr..,i ,.;.? in 1: 11 land. Ile urged Mr. 1 rriei to are i, re tlie forged ihx mnenta and offered hun aa 1 ?? , i ihe money wh! -h mighl ia- ulitoined if the piatl ? '. Mr. Turncr liatened to Sitmner'a talk and prom is?"i ' 1 t. ink it "??' r II- bi ?'?? up hia mind to .. ? ? - ',::;.-. nl in ordei to belp on 1 1 t I..- eoBBulted fieorge It. Phoehua. a new*. ... ,.,? i.M-. and afierward ifltrodu -"I him "1 ? -. | 1 Hc who co ild iMiat ! Im : in the pr ?,? m l on of the papers v imner had a 1 |?nR . ,;'v md the reporl >r i-i tne N ..? ulaer 1 -. aa I he la alleged tol e offercil to Phoeh ib d al ire ul tlie 9 ?? ' ?" "' ,?:;,_ to 1 ii pcr . cnl il his pl ma Bad with \ -. M -\ s noeeaaary at Hrst, Sumner Biid, 1 ? the (?. .," .., ;i,,,: "X S imi er w*a ?? ll? ioaia.ii !: i. ir'a ? l ?' ? doeuoaent Ib 'us ,, xn 1, or it I" oebiia woul I appeud t<> it thc Beccaa ry jural and maka lha date iome time Ib l*ao. Thea Mr. Taner eould prepare the papera la ? -s'.'T far Ihe reeovery ??f Fdgar'a fortune in England, and eould ahm draw up a will, 'i-t.'.i - ??:- . .. ta whleh Kdgar'a N.iii.i' could be aigned Nuiaoer aaaa .\pi:<,i*. that both the aill and i!.e potrer -if attaraay ,,: K| he iIm.xii in his own f;'vor. a.i'l be le^ally ntteated, the knowkrilge of hls Brailt befcag fall protectiofl for the inteirata "t" hia etmfedcrarea r*nn?i.iB fonnd an exeuae f'.r refuaiag lo 2? nri tl,.- ;.,"? ?! preparatioB "I ij|C forned p..iie.-.s. deelarlng tbat hia wrtifli ite ai a rtoaary xv-is nol iaaued nt a time which would Iii the ilat-a. ll,. and Mr. Turner talked af flBdlaa another ? ,ti :., .I.. thc worlt tl "x delayed llra affiir in nrder to get Sumner fo ? ommit himaelf furthcr. -i?.r.. xx-is talk I ' IMinelma mhjhl go kt ita .1 notaiy, and, repretenting biaiaelf l 1 he Kdgar, ilgn K'Ln's i:,Tii". t" 1 power of attorney in Kumner's fa\ >r Mr. Turner and Ihe repotlera made 1.fforl lo Had a i",'..rx- for auch 8 par? p,,.... ,,; ,.,iiis.-. and r ;- said tliat Sumner nl '.mr "i"l of w "i'i--. and declared toal ? ,;,., |, , ., ;, wi r "! aitornej wn ao il their aid. Ve*tcrda> tlie lawyer and the rpporter areBt t-i .. . |, .,?, mr I' riitw and ahnWcd aa '.li-^r"! ,,.., :? ni attorney, whi. h they aald SlM .1 ? .. 11 t" ' .? twyer. 'I lt* bame , 1 .:. ,, -,. s ?j.1 to the ?l.imenl i I,,.-,, s.-., 1 1 t'?, apparently, hefora 1 w. -| 1 i,|.s,,,,. H Botary at N*o. 3.15 Tho rmwer oi attorney w n m Sum nol irj h "I certifjed tl ?? . , i peraon; II>" ' <,,"i'"> him. \ il iod .1 lew daya ago. li .i*sf and tlu* \x .tt..'-s -4 . ;?.,,.. ,? .1 st .? White, ?li?> I* ;'' l ?? *var 1 ? ,? nne ?' ??; v ' e ch ir^r.- ">f , on;i (<ir Thompaon ''i . lurulr* I'. liee foiirt 1 1 day. Sum ,.,-:,. nfflec in llruadway late .. i.ftornooii. !!?? said hc lived al No. 4-'? s, \,, I, .' s 11 .? Huwe St llummel xvere ra ,,, ,i,.|,,, 1 him, ii,- \x ,'. loeked up M* ?Iti il tuuking aay atat3> .-t,,i- Byrnea aaid hal evenina thal ihe . . ? 1 ,? Uottj II-' *e 111 \'inlx.'rt ... ?.,> ,?,. ; . r, ' 1 a B0M011 man, aad , . u,an pr.di.ihh hnd eomiiiitted auiclde. Ile fl,t howevei l l I ? r ha?l diaappeared ?r inti nde l to make itsa .? V'H.k.'ts stii.'i.le ia 1 prool ol r>l(ar'a death. Tlw* warrant ".1 t;.- chargc "i forgerj ?aa , aurpris" tn Inapei'tor Byrnea, who thoufhl ,;, , sTunitiei niight l?c :? ???i'""! ol ihe crime "f mibonlaation of pcrjury ob the ttatementt made 1,. \|r Turi <? ?? '"''I" '''" "luatice White ,1,, ;..|,t u.^i tn accnw Sumner "f foraery, rVu. as l ,.. r .'oiinol lie produi-ed and ma> he detad, tt n,.\ I..- impoaaihle to prove tl.e foi_*ery 01 lu* Bonie. ,, , r'ranria R. i'urn**i could '-"t he fonnd rcsfer il.i.x \vi,.'i. 1 Trihuno roport?r <-?? 11*?,1 at ht* ufliee, Nn. i'i Broadway, .11 tn.' aflernooB, ae waa ,,,,i there n..1 reporter weal 1 1 hia boaar, Bl So. 350 South Bro. ii-st . KUgahetb, S ?'? Ita waB tiere. and bla family s.n.l he li*d left arnrd in Ihe morning thal he would probahly be ..xx ix all Blichr. and ia eaae he did return would not he i.i'-'; .">!"l ?' late hoiir. Thc famili ho> ' a l never mentioned tl"' Sumner catte al home, and i',.'x |ir,,i'svl lo know imthitiir alv.,'it ir. ?| .,,.1, ,,,,i,| '??.? .im idea where Mr Turner was l,-,.i\ ,,, 1* fo.ind, The Utwyer'8 onee ataa v ., iod aevoral ' Bica iu tl..enlng, bul at a late hn ? be ! 1 a. ? ??' rel irne I there CBABOEB WtTB ATTEMFTEB IFMTBUBIM9. BaHlmore, Der, _ . speeiall. Tbe annooBeeaaenl ln ,,... , ,;i rourt t..<i.v uiai a; attempl bad i--.''. B*__a ,,, |?.|i,. the mu in a raae for da_na?e* a~eerla_ ":" <*" ,.,.. , ? : Rall re st., raa ed i i ,,,,,, ,,.,| tran .erred the . ? . to the liraod "ary. T_ee ,i,, ,. ii. i.i.i, :i-..u. ;? v..-.i".\ propertj owner, anteraf ,,,, ?.,::,-. ti..- .ii.. rlalmlng tbal tba aaaaa-l au.,.-.:-' hlm for roiidemnalkiu ol Bia propertr aai in . ...,. xhe rity'a aa ird *aa ... itlrmed, ;.nd a* ?:,?, ,,, ibe verdlrl ? -? ????>. ' l",,f 'aatga il-nlaa ? . 4) ?? iroej !*-''.' I'i be brougbl befora hlm. ,,.?i || wa* i. ..?!'? ?u ? "i '' al th ? plalntlR _a_eti ..,..,, | the .., i ln ia- uf i'.e , .. u waa repo-i-d .-< the < ia_e_ Jadge thal tba l,l_ini ir had offered rhoii r -? ? i, tbe foreaaaa, a aad _eeo *v ;. ..... id ?.'.?;?!. >ma:i. ui.o 'tatoa-ttoruey *tll ; l__l?-a__. S'BL&OS .'/. COYKES'DALL P.ltiX v_0. -?.,.,, ,, -,. i.. !> ,. j ?-]..'? i! . rhe < ..iirt of ,, ,, to-atey pardonrd N'elfcon 11. .'n'.a-uilal!. wi.y ,..,, ,.i. |, | ..,, ||, t.. nlne nonth-' Iraprta at nii'iii in the atate Prl*on, ._ oonaptra | la eoaaertla ii ti. a robberj at l'x **<?? ^ Ka____J u*a_ ol J?ra_r Uur.