Newspaper Page Text
' - 'L ? 'l '.'? ' 2 _v r... . a 1-4 W . 0 *S gsj^i | I _r * . C ' 8? ?. . I : '*. I _? m a*< : * ?,I-.IssfJ'*| j ; S S88S_gSftt*E Tal.le No. 1 -..iow- dnruil- tlu la-t l?' year tle- net aaitrecate Increaae ol mone) lt artuai ?'?' '? tl-.n among the people ?as .727.7.'".. "'^"7... ni.mnilT iran-.L.-duni.K thal perlod, "? eapltrt I-i. rease, .. i.t.i.l. . Jal.1.' No. a iliowi thal foi the laat ten yeara ti.; acfreeatc lncrea?e haa been M7^0._?.0-i4. A.e ,.?',? nx.i.t'.lv Inrreaee lor -__.?? perlod, |3,00.,iws. ? Table No. :< kUow? tbal Iot the penod <?t,"'"',' ?kmiUm ff../n Man-.h I, i--n. t.tober 1. i-;'"- " aMcrente Incmwe luu Insen ??? -.< ??---- ? >-*- ...A,<',].;.'. nii?Tiif.iv Increaae "i. san..- period, .. i.'.''".-'-'"' capltii increaae, aboul 01 50. , ?,_. ., TaLl- N.?. 4 tMowt> thal for tlie cortrspotiflli P 1" ?"? " of ulueteen nanth< Irom Mairh l. l--"-- to on.r i. 1.->rt. th.- aoreKate rtivreasc in rlrculation amn people __. ?-ii.-'.i- IH3. Av. aiw moitthl.. n for - ium period, *1,160,500. l*er eapita decrcase, a ?? u 4.) eent s Tabfo' No. S ahnwi thal lor the i..-r;-si ol ?onUia from -ti.iv l to ".????>? i, i-'??'>? ,!"' ,''?:'",'?'. Ui- .".-.??? "f rlrcalation li. actual use amonit t ie peopw _?;?- .-r'i-.aM.iia!'. Averaire monthl^IncreawJ ua aa;...- period ol three month . ?.--'.'?'-1.- - *? ,?,,,.. van-.u- rhans - ln Uie amounts ln acinni rir ralatlon among the people were raii.ed I'artly ?> *? addit'-m- "f new fcinda ol m >ney, partly by tne reove m-t.t -.1 oertaln other klnd*. and sometlmc-. .erj lareH.. b. Ihe puli.les purs l hy Ihe I;- <-?' > "" partnient. Tl.e pnliey ,-f hoardlnc ln '?'*?','","?''" a very kirge KUrplus. ac. mnto mulnl. for the "ea.y derreaae of rlrculation shown from Marrli. <"??}' Orti.t.r. I--'--. The op].tc pollcj ci keeplng tne aa Iow ..- bj the P'U' ha Ui-lted si.-ur, bonda. and thertby ??. ?-' ''? '"''",-'? ;'",'? at the <ai le 1 rnlnp 1 ey to the tanniis of trade, _-.r_.-lv .. ln rlrrulatlon diirlnp the to 1 nlne.n month*. aa al ln tal lee Xoa :i _nl ?'>. , . ,,. ,,,, Thls fa.-t *ill le more readily understood by UK atatement thal from March I, le-.5. to '* tober l, tl- i .t.i wnount .! sl. rs .t .-i redetnyi wai ?70.021* 200, while f >r a r< rrespondlna ]? rlod from Marrh 4 1**9. U* ?"ctober 1, l-'-"'. "'" U.tal amoniit dUhuiscd in the redemptioa at . purchaae w booaa ?ft^ ftt30,7b9,001. S1LVEB. Iu my ia. t aanaal lepari. i preaeated. lor the con rtiwatlnii ol Ooi nieaa. a plan 11 the atUliattoii of the kU\.-i- prodad ->f t ? : nll 61 ?Im. Tl.e uiaa.1-'' propoi-- waabrlellj thla: ro purchaae, at ii ?? ..- el pi ?. i livcr t ilU -? I' du. i Diini ?-.*?? lUd lo I-'.- Ul J' t.- de .?..?.;-?. ? ? .:. value, al t ? dat? o! pi ? ' tation I Sl-.- ,.f ts ,f ,'v /?.; .... it tl ii.' t. ol the ' Thi measare waa lacfeated aitli a ? ? to pr.mote i: um of k_M an I llv.-i _,; laor.ev. iu i .1 ? :? -.?-.... of ai :??.-. . - ??? . ,,, ,, ,- , .-! .-? Uie .merieati piaalar ?.t silver. ?na. bv ?.. d riihance 1 ? ? " DI tal, Ul Ul ' !"'?:. - - ?'? " l"''1 v'!" ' ' we ,'" '".' w.,.1 afet) ..; en our ? Ints to th free i i- -' t - ?' n.. la'> di a ii.,.H<l ri'.-1- , . ,,, \ btS '?!. UKiyn p, wtth aome rood H?aUon . Uie mearare ?ueite.t-d wa* lavoraidj r.p?.rted h I Hu m ..' Ripr stntai vea of th-; i .". ? --' from thoComi. Itv.n I Inan . Wclghu, _nd Mea aiea, aml wa ni ' ' ? 'he House . ti,. ', .i - ftenate by the i Aa Uie n-ull of a roufereme between the two bndloa. a blll ma paaoed, aud apprwved bj Uie l*i*?ldtsii . Julj 1. j...(, |.,. ,.. int:al provlai in ol ?* m li .re i:. Intlilj i-i '..?????' ' .,. . - ? at -'? ?' i ? '? ' ii. k-tal teudcr notes, n_w i ? ? f. ;..,. i. I"-'.. "' - ' [?:.,? inaterla* pi.intt ot d'.fl ui i. ? ? that tl ?'. I ? t,, i ???, . IWO cunc.'s tlni a tu ,!,,. .. -I ? aud i ? ? ? ' aa ni*,. -? ? ........ :...! .llll at *..- iiui -.. : i ? ? I :' ' ' ; - ?: - - - 1-. ??....!?" ? , ' ... ,, .. ,. .... ... ? ild l-c ei. ; . i ? t III l iapf-IJ Jl . , .? ? ' ? ' l - -.?????' ' ;' ??." "l;, ; - '??.? ,, '' ? ..... (.? ,,,...i,. _!i .;. *t Ih" rroaoin : ... . ? ..-. ? ' ' ' '"? '', ," t.,' dl* . :.>:?' 1 ? ? i ,,,..,,( i ?- ? ....... 1 ,, ?ci:i - "1 ,? ? "? " ?"*? ? ,71 -? - ? *? !1v- !':;,, , ;. - Ol allV.I , . . c-i-V, re ol tl.e i". ' ' ' !.. , *ht ? ?.. e;,r,*s ?1.04(1, lo .Iul) ' ' ' ?','."i the t_ Auausl *:?? *l ' ? nnd to h ptciubcr ... Bl.-l. thi I -i. adcc. trlth S...-I ^"wHhsU. dlua . ? lar lhal tlie advji ,, ,, re >.. il*. ' '? !!- ?' ?' -' '-? , !M " , . ,.'.. |iw ha* in>< I*' ' ' &?=,' : ??? I ,.S ,11,1 rcsulbs will evcniua ? uiiic .1 lt to 1 i , . ? ,i A ,? i i: ? !'? ? '; "'? *lm ' ,;''' E ;.",;.'?? re^vfcst the'merii, ol Ihe law, *???;;.? '?-..;'V. . , -. that .. ha* been Uie t ? rculailnu u.? I . iJSJR ?*v__.*Biv*W^!__a of -.:-.??.. U ? V" ?.:,.; ? j :. ' . ?t ..,,? s/Hjo.iaxj lo . ...,. i ii s .1 .4 nwar.1 I. ??" i> ?-*** 111 ?*?'?" i , ., ,. ? _i : tiuia. H ? ?'?''??? b> "" '?'"" RkUag Ton ei. bj I--;-'" ?*<," ? mportatloii* ?l ' ? - ' '" ', ,.., . ;. ?--,.?;'.:::;..n.^,..;r,.,i^ ,;,,; ? th, new-Uverltw, I ?T'';;^;1',;;'vv;,>??.'.. -??.???? 8 I ? ? , ..... ,.-.,,,* < ? ,' .-? t M' f. siocli ol sllvei il *ny time, 1*3 ? \ 5 1, ,. ? .,- or dlmli Ished bj < "'? " sssgaj, . ? ? i and atea advanoe ol allvei ?"l,,::,:"^:,'i ..-'?-- ahould I '"' tl !. bl . ...... I'.*' I- ll. l'u?'. ... "' ;". ' ,, ni i re*' ill ' '?' ''?'? '' I I ' ''? 'n '"' ?*}?&, lafi-X <; :'?:;?:-.? !US*J__ _S*~_S ' ' ' SB a'.nn*Tn-f to nearli one half ol the world'* ann.ial u I .lf ailver. would pi ibabl*. .:i create a Miortau* _bra_4l. and thi* Ui farn ?.8 ea - i "?'- and ], iiiinneiit advano* ln ]>i\rc PRWlOVt MKTAlB-DEPOBriB ABD tTBCHABKn ii,- rakat al tha 8****1 'i?-p"**-it-<t at tta ?tat?. ar*_ ___ag __aoai tarlai tha a_e_l yaar laBO ara* -1 ?.-?--. r"_:t *><* ol whleh BB.&a_,7_? 80 ?< re redepo* Of thr zold denoalted. 830,474.000 ?."j was Ihe p.-.l _*rl of our own nlnea; ?7.ia*?0.70a__. foreign coln v..l tuiilori; 8*J6*?.474 0a. llgl:tw..i.;ht dome-tlc goM colu. _,.d *si.M2,oi:i ?:i i,id i.iiu.'.i il Tha siiwr lajcetved aK.Ts>.at^d :i7.4:;--.7-s.i7 itand ard oune**.. of the r.iritni; val.f WA -B5.13S 15. ln rludlnp rcalepoaits. T'.i.i '.'-_'.-'; atandai- ounte*. >'! the vai'ie Of atOSOdlfl tt *>s_t_ie tiltcr rccehc-i. 88,430.160.8*1 aUaalat*- < umc-. ?; um rotnlna valae <.f wmMMk .*??*?'*^';''' d ? ? nr .."i. t ?. ' 7 " '?? Hand ird ou ? ? , of ihe coinlna .al,.fW.aM.7oai:.. " *-?? an ' ? bullion: 1.'.:..;.-i.i.-- staiinard nuncea. ol t... "??.?? . r ,. ,,, . , . :-1 7 . is f .i--'i "Uvei otn .11. Jfe .V;.'.i-T..i .?-!'..? :? m'*....???*???"."?.??!-??.:, f*3 74. aa unrurrctit dome tle e< ?."??.';;-,?,_. " .-. ol ti.<- rotnlna value <-f ??? ?""' ? , ?' ,;,.:., n; an.l -.-1.7 i"!o_ -tandard ouneea. ol the eotnina value "l if..-..,.ii,;..,,. a- >M materiai. COlNAGR Thaeomaro* the mtaU, durinii the flteal year. waa the iar.-t ,1, the Wrtonr ol the mlnl ln thl. c.try. a^eatlng II2W1 1. ???** "JJgJk., ... I . j . -a.'.; 81 ? <O !? Ivcl dollara. " Bl'-1.-0 711 hul.i-.dla... . .iv . . 1 nfl - .: 7.'. il.;. .r eolaa. . .(,,.:.-,: iso '??? Tf.tll . ??. ?, a-.iti-,. to the c-Uni-te. pldha_- ^"T* -^%k^-r'wa^__rSi?^^i ,?,M han were eathatifed ?i -'_>; ^ y/ provlal .11. ..( tbe ii" ol >??> -"? ' ?- ? 81 ii 3oT,?77 70. Pt'RCHASESOF81LVEB. srn*i___nE.._.?*-.??? - ofFfbruarj _!b, l -?;.'", ?'''??,'., ,,, . Bai d 323-135. -,.,- iu itandard oonces, """ - -?1 ?-* averafe ol W 05.8 wr fln^uuce^ ,. Tiu- amount of rtiyei pui - ..< ** ?j lJU.!n't'i,Tie.Ki.lor:.K.: on the OlOMI ol *Uver. d ?,.' - 'V .*/' Sded .!....- 3.;. 11?>. includhigthe hdaiioa ln tii- "'ii. mtold ">' ?"?J* *? *"=' ?IU* Lkc11 #A5,CP8,0S7 -11. FR1CE "i WJ.VER. Ti.e price ol Ulver In London, al Um betfnnlng ol tha flaral jcar, waa 4_! .??' and ?t t!i<' < l"??? 47 :t ?? pcn. -. an adeance ol &3 1 peaoe, e?ulvah?i Ut n:.o centa por Bim ounce. . The average price, durtag Um year, waa P0.0O,bba per Bim oun. e. ? ._.. the doee of the flecaJ year. the .... taalions ln price luive oovered a wlde runge. To Joly 14. the dnte . ii?. ... .a .? ,,1 tl..- nev. silver laa, the l' u< '--"l ? , . H-i-ii.e ..un. ?. "'I AUtnwl YA, in.-.l. Um iicw . ';,.. .,.,i nt0 .-!'.. 1. 1: - I'ri.e lu Uiidoii had re_ehedS1 I 1 i-. - -? ?? " " ?*** ?"?* ? ''' ?*' ' '" ""!',;': hicliesi price in London waa rea.' -d Heptembei ::. vi/.. ??? ?? - I--'- ?? eaijiivnlent. al mr "'.? . . ,,, -1 inii l per lln- ounee. a .d ln >**'}or** . , . stlvet lou. I?ed -.1-1 |H p -.en! price i imi . .i: rn ANii EXFtiR re. ?|...,. 1 , j j .....a- mcmla 1jj in-i export, du Ing Um year, was: ?..,? .. 1 .. ? ,..1.; . niODI l*T 01 'J' '11' IN " SILVER. The mlnea ..f Um l nlted btatc* ylelded, dui 1 ! Uw calendar year l--i'- pre. ioua mel ib aa foll tw*; . : ? S..v ? 1 ' -,,, ''?'' ' ..... ( 111. 11 ? I ? . ?? F ? ; di ol ' . il silver In the ? I to ha. im year, .,.?! . la'.'.. ?'' Colnl WOHL.DS . OlNAi.K. The 'i.i'iiiia- ol Um world, d uing ihe 1 al ? u " ,: 1---.'. a.- .ut ..- rcp irted, a w 1 '..;%? ?.-: ' .." '-., 1 -. I.I..- STO.K. The atoefc )-f fold an 1 .llvwi ln Um ' nlted state . on .V,.. iub :? 1. I."'. . ? t.::. ited l_ liuve 1 i::,'..i::. ol wl I. a -t'.. !.-?'?.-. i-.i ? - ? .,-. . . -.,-...t.--.i.i hUtiKtard *\ ?? . - . . j .. - . . -. - ul ulvci !-.?? IMU'sililAl. ' ...N-I MITIO.N. i:?- v.ii. i th. i . Ioua aa t?i? ii-'-'i lu Ihe I '- ; ; ? i ar:- waa. foi Ui , ? . ... i | - md ver, *".7o7.u?-0, ,,i . . - ._..,..: Ild ?7,iiV7fP33 . l.l '-' .Tl ? i. ? '??-..: .11 ol 1 -? - ? ..:.:?:':-.. ' ? tho. .!.-.:.?'?: ' ' ' imiii. and al :? 11 IU. i ... i ..i.. ,.:...- pi .' i .1- .1 .... . , , .! I...... UJa have me hon.w l? tittti it be ? ? " od ? ? '. t ? ??'?' ? . : ?? i ...;.. . ? . ' ;:.- ?..;- . Otl . ?. ?' t I ' ? ,., : . - ' . ? .1. : ,. ._poit. , ? , . ..- u iu ? . ... i ??' .???'? ? ..'.,: . ? .... i . ? ' ... .... M7.t-_, : i ': ' - IOIII I . t of ? ' , .1 ? ,;. ' . .??'.-. from ii>>- incuiii I ' lorui. li ? al ? . ? . . ?? 1,1 ''- ' ? ? irrenl ilvn i pa> tin1 i" . . -. ,,.-,???- ll b>' le ? ? ' , ? ? , .' . , ? an ' ? .-.. f i ? .- ? -i ? , I... i-.l ? ? ? ? '?? . ibe !??? :? ? alll ... i foiiii vei I ' ?i .. ' ? ? ? I n ii," ll" ' ? ? -..- ii ? in nd '" : ;? ? ' . ii. i' : ? ? ? ' ': , ni, ,-. i,.i: -.-.:.:??? .-.:.. it f the iul tt ? ? Itulldin rs aad I' f ,.-;?? i ? ? ' ? ? r ti..-1?.* ? ? ' . ,i ihe i-r.'.. t. ol bai ,: -' '? .-,-..:?;. i. i " '? '", : fr iii uie i ..mmlti - - ''? ?? ' |: - ' (.roimds, and . n tlie ll u - ? ilcnda . ?,.,... ,,,,| ,i ;i, || i,. ,: , t i lnto la ? at ii. pr t ae 4011 ol t: ingrca*. NATIONAL BAXKS. The n !???? ??'? ihcCo u ll< i ol tli i ' "':',,!' ? '?"?' ''? full ti ? In n f. '??? - ? i" Ui? bank*, and . ov? t i- nperatlon ol tho U iw< .ii. ended I, I " U ? iieriod .....,.?? ' ? " suiti.' : liijiilda.ii.ii. *iii*l '?' .ui... . ? ..?...,.,- I'Im" : ' . Il.i'l I, -,, ??.:., IliUi \ i] ... .1: . i i n.I . , Hi, nnd '?? I ? '" - .1 ,,' ,. ,-,1 11. ll, ? bbl ?!.:-,>? ? ' _4-. ci.ii ? ?' .. ' , ;er growtli 1 8" . , 1 ir p.'i ?. .. 1 I .1- liUllil ,,':, , 1. ; ,:,-: ..I. I - ?> v.i _ ? ? V ,|-1'"- , ... - . : -.- .-,.,-..? ln capltal * - I ? ' ? boiida <i ,..- . -i ' ? ? :' v ' ? ,,:.! im."' ' ? '?"' ' ' , :? |, . nt..! by l.wful moii. .. . ? ;; ,,,: ... ii ... . Ui;* :"' *? "? in . - - -. aml I'i" . ? ? .. .11, (ll u ? ? .. 1 " ' ' "' conditloii, a ?? ' ' : ? , . ???? ? ipl 1 il |U ? .' : . '? dl "I !'. Hl ?? Jai?7,(H).i.(*-."i. ' ? '.-: - '-? '!" ' 1! '?-' ?" -"';'-, ','' * ?| c..'"-:.."' -.'"?"". liaBli, ?'_'! ?? - .. I ?.,,,, ' .-? ... T "li llll : 1 0 III CH.ll ... m-. .-?-.,.,."i.::.i 111 l? -'I i' iider ? 1 ? ,: .? .-,. ,,f d?'p ? 1. x,, ..,, , , , the ??.., have beeti m.i !*< llll. t pr nii. ' '''.,, , ,,,.-,,|!,.;- n-llll ... . ... ?l .Ir. nUtii H ',">?'- ba* '" mie imr< ? ? ihe 1 I ' ? ... ,, I (.1 1 ed. tl. ,,.,... ,.!.,.- por ? ?, ii-:.--:. i::d th-it .? ? ? ;.- cei.tnm 1 li- nl p,.| uratlon ",: ii- "1" liled renorU ol ? 04. .- i ? . - 'IrlT'-eeelveal --.i '- 'Ulated ?bo*i tha* dl if wa-r* ; ? _.,-.,! I ,: . Iipoi ? durlnp the |oar ended Jui ? ... 1-. . . , . .u.,..,. .-.-J,... a an aveiagn r* ?? th . . : . ppeliiliin. "n ? ' ? ' , .- i- .,; . >?-'? '' ? . ?? .1 (Irais* b\ latanl 1 ' '?' ' ,,' . ? . publli bed rel ? ,si:-.i'|!-'.i..-|. ??!'?'- ? ??'?? and d , , '? , ' ::,n.:-l latemeut* id the 1. 1 ? ' _? * . '' " -" ? ,,,,,. .- 1 ' I ai.d rs pten.l*.'? I ? ' 1 .. ? ?" 1 . V,?, ?..,' I,,:,,.- rii.ii : ,!.l I l\Z : -i :i:7_..*47 lu siiv. cold -i'i--i.'.- rv . ???? *' "-?' :,~ I" - !'? : ! 1 un . ? rtllli a'- - ?'?'?- ' ?'"''? "? li ->'? ?'"?''? noie* a , i 1 ?"'' ln S.xi aal ba T,'i<" t'iti.1 receJpt* ol ::a.4 at) mal *tnR* r< r - p tember 17. |800, ?,. : ' I 127.27.'' .'_.*1, ? ,1 whl< h .oin and i.i:i-r ., Htutod s.Wi 1 ? ? . 1 I . il...;,-. Bt . 81.04* pat <-.-..t. The Jui1... n*S LH_.K ?SSSA'S'.S ....... ..,,..?.?. f.-r tl..- iwn rtaya ln ,:i'" '" ' , - a.i i i'i ra*?pS*Uvel3 : ... l?uo. for 1 ' ".' . - J.'-ni'l - !"'? percentum. Tba hnr?a_ed : 'l,?" ' " ,?? |s dt-mcd Ugnlflrant. wlMn . , ..;;'' ui,., the ,-.-?t apparent aai "f ?'?"' ?" P*Per '""'???' '' .. .i-i.- i.i laatia etmUattng aotea tha A **. '".'.'..'': .. VV? .--.., "" be favorably ... and li rapldly extcmlli.g IU regardi- tliati ne wi ^ ,,,,,,?-,. tt_n, of tbe year "';'';'",.,, ';-Y-,',._ i.v ? more ,httn ?**???__ iegiaa ^ENOBAVlNa AND 1'KIN.IN... Th work ot tha I'-'if-i'i "f Bngravlni .nd l.iutlnp ,??,?; um part year haa beea sat'.^t.ii.iy perf.,r,,,.,t. -rm- iiiir-a,. araa able t" ?** ?? ?-?*? "!??"? ??? . . I '" !'? actaallj aeedad ,',, ??,,. K-orl ol ihe Depertmenl being rurotohed. Tha ' - ,rv i ?.'? auUioriaed by acl of .lulv 14, 1800. ,?.? ir-a>.ir. ..-. '.i'i'? , , , ? ri.:i?ml..i,tl<.a- ol teS^n?i?? ,,,r "r tVrV TE f?m .,"iiIIil?';!?,^ r-.iK.vt.. r .. rapldb aa poaalbto ... ... Diwoarator) work on Um imw wlng ";?:' :,:;,?,.' '.s'l /,,- pu'hed torwaH with all aoa ' .1. ,1. . t "at'1 Wli l- lompletcd aud fltt.-d .1,. f..r J -mna'trv if th"' RnJ-?u ;" *" ?*"'lv rt;" ' ' l,K "";.' n ;i.v. be prc-ral or.m_wdln| ..f the . .', .. eser uion of the Bureau'a work romplete, an P-ir.i^firiss.s^_a%a.iat ftT;,:,.. . *_ tw ?5?-i.?< Mwing i... ut,.., , i .- i-iled to ti- attentlon ..I Congre?_, and I [ilromm nd thal an approprlatloii I* _nade Bl Kll ?eealnn for H< erectkm. FOREIGN rOMMERCE. The v.-ili." ol "i.f f .n-lpii '"imti'T.'.' diirlni- the laat ,,.,,, rmt wm greater than Ita aay orcvUnu year. ? unounted to W,847.1?.0B-. aa agalael W.487^-1. 02- ,,,.:: ? the a-cal year ld8?, ut. Increaae ol IIM, 1)00,000. .. -,-,?. v.,i?e -. importi al merrhandlte alao during the ; .., . ,: ,.,; ,,,, waa the largeal ln the hlrtotj of our '."?m:r.e,am'.untlngto?78?.ni0.409,aaai:ain 1*74 -. ViT^.Jiiring ihe fTacal yea. leedi, ?"' ?" '?.' ?'!''. ,".,',',: ,,- . m- at. ol in- nlia.-li-- durtn* Ihe .me i , .'-,;. . r-'.'.-.-.-.''--i. ... againsi *74J.4"l.37S for n^rUlons y._r. i--i'. an in.rea e ol . 11 ..?'-; ????*?>? Th,. expiirta exce d i Ihe Imporu ol merchandlae W ,',","V,''.r'- ol .'o'l.-ati' merrhandl_a wrre W1V "... .' . vni.,.. ,,f .,. :i|? durina '.:,,,,. ...aunvii ii. the '.?:?- npart lw, iU.t ? ?, n? : r, d ?.' of ,.1 ln. n aae IT rUI .na. hrrad tnff . i' '' ' ... ,...., nd t..-i a al manufaeture* ol. ?eg I,.- |.;,-,.l-'i;il . r.;ii."f.'.---'-'. pn?. -"" '? *"-',-; durinp ti,.- la Uu '1 yean ba I en Vr.ll. li.lM'IM ? !.?? g;?a.s^omj f-.;-'. ?;; I . a.' I-l l-.',UM .-?'? l- "?" T .'.I I ? , I 1*17 I . i , :f. li.i.'.vj ?.- ..<?> -.. ?.!.l Sllv-r 'I ' II - BI'!'- IE. ;.u., 1 .art l - 18 i ''?-' "- ?'' - ? ....... , - ?-- i ? i- r.-' I ' ? " . ... - , r* ' '? '.- .. _ - .. '.. 7 ' - rr., . I ! 7 - I ,, . ? | , , uil -I trade ln i ., ... ;, i ,; ,l inioill.ted I" ?:? ??! ?' ?? ? ? ? : ? ' ?' ' '.?'? d Uu I , ?.'-'?.' '.ti, . ?' ,,,,,,,,. , im tradc ? Ih .?? "i Imp irt* of 81*1,27 i :i,'l ? , ? -.2 -7. op. :' ' . ol p ii . ?.' I , |?, pr. in ii.-i, lian.1l. with Nulli Vin'-rh a, ? \i..m, ,,. c mi ,i '.. .ei . i and \\. I l.i'ii- -. IC, Ol '.lil. h I'I- 1 ll l* III II" , ,, ,r, .; .. -,. -. porl . B'i.lOO, lin, an ' ? * ? i -?' -.-"?"'. ? , : IVltll h lllttl '.':.' ? I" :> I" Ul' I' ll '' , ,.,j. o| - bb Ii the valm ol the ?' .I 14-i aud of th ? ? porl ? I. ,7.V_, . . ? n ?,!..? .: in... lAI'i i; ? ?,,! value ol <?.i?, 11- .-I domeatle merrhandlao . ,i in. n i ? "i t?1 i''.,n 1,210 '?'.'?. Ibe prcced , and wa ?? iter than Ilial ol anj ? ; ' i ' The . ii ni-.-'?:. i- n: dccrea** in value nl the ?mi , ,| ,i atti. i.f " ? |, ,i' ??.. at f'lllow* : tl ?HK V '? ,-. t ? "? ? 117 i i ..-. i ? . .11 ui . -. ., A 15 ?'?! .. J , , ? ? ?: 18,1'.KI '..-j Im md i .nii'if* "ir,-- ?f i '.." in \ i.'.l 4 nsil i -,s . . ._. ....-.? ?78 i--s i., ,??.i m inuracti re* of . 1,801 i >i 'lln -..: , i; ? r id< ... .1 i...l l()3 ... .. . I r.'.i', 157 \\ jjd. ai.J .,, ,i .. i r*'i ot . 1.355.824 *"?' ??'?'-' *I7.:i.-<>i : n m. ?I'iflVioa (.'i'iHr "r;* . J' 3 ia 5i? JruItT, Inrla-lng BUU. 1.012,081 Ti:,.r.' uu lucreasc In h." ralaa of dotneatle at ?"'r!', ika i alted Btagtka. 84*4,4?8 f? T* ;: rnmnj ........... l*,;'M)2;0f_ To rranre . . ,?, ,.,;., ra ttouth amertea . *V.'''! , ,,, To *V?_I l.i'ii-s. -_?-,-, ?..,? Tn Mi -:'" . Aad ?? ?acreaBa- _____-__, .;? BHUab XaHh Amarleaa provlneea... ?{?"J-'sS To Brltlah Auatralla ' " ?rn.. ralaa al Uae prlnrlpal artlcles ,.f domeailc ex ,v,ris dnrlng U*a tini.'"- raara aodlag Jana 30, I-"''"'. *aa M*W10??1 l$m |_..,| lb<0. ,,,.,, .?? n?n... ,.. .,.,,,,;.,?;,.?, ?300.0 8 00/J ,./;,,.;?-, ' . 127.101.--7 128.870,881 151,:'-,'-' I'rovlaloua, eor-iprla Llf- ai7i'<_ucla !" HM.o'.s .-so 104.132.444 .80.781,506 : ,, hi i; ot" ..'?? .:'.'i.",.??'??' .M i. *?.' ?**'?' V ...??.. " ?- --.**&oS* i-:-.i'-'- ?j,od?.t2d ^'iur^of '?""" -*0fJ,10l ?hJ.MMTl **#*.>*> IruM and iteel. and ri'.;.,-;,', jSa. -" i7.7ta.02i -a.iia%208 '1'olf,?,'-ii':'r.s*''i!f '":i""' --'.-ii'Mi a^oo,aoa .mm.ooi '"'Cinr'""':""""" ''5--I.I11 1I'.7I7.710 13,184.847 ,?,.".?;. .?.',. i-cafce (.,...,,,aj 8.B27.M_ 7." ??., ... ",'?' .."....'.'. o,_t?,3a0 .,o'.io,i7. 8.858 M __eni|caU', dr'n.'-. -*/?_? *** ,",a1, B.?88.873 8.842-IM ?.22*804 ,,r 5,004.04)7 7.5UJ.'-5? 0' ,.1-;f. < "!', r ?**?*???? 1117.1.80 0'.I'i'.'.J "??) O.0lO.e_0 ?-_r_ Md mr'aklna. 1 177.210 f_-_?i*i-?_?_. *?J.Vi!_} IpWSIIturiHUf...* 8.880,108 8.?2? i.MO.081 / B.510,208 :."7i 884 _ 1.059,547 w>|. r.;l .30,702 8072.2-1.811 8.-'? '?" VbBm ed^all -.? - _ .6 .,..Jil04t;3?i_jj_.f,':9e-45.-.":i.^ 8 ?>er caal ol enuiiM-r ?ted artlcl. ? M< ,,._., >.,v 7 ? "ma v-ilu-''of ttt* .l.mi"-ti'- eioprti durlag tl.- iwo -nrtne i.m.' ::ii IBW>. i,v group* a. re_j- e.-ni Jonn ??? .|( ??,,,.,. .,,,, ,. foiiowa: "'"" '"- l . 1888.? - 1'"w-.: i/_lae*. Pr. ei Valaca. 1'r. ? it l1tl?-W *..-*.%8**BU*-.?**0 T**.87 8B_ II 1.808 74.81 ' .': ' '" ' lga.87-.807 18.00 IM.10S.87_ l. 87 ,,i tt.inlng (Includlug ndaef. iaai7SII 8.71 ?-"'??-"?''?"?'* *?" . - _?:SaJ:?" Z-S M7..0-4 8.48 Ml - ? ? i'iWfiT- ..4 B.141 4 0 '11 . j ?.-:-.??> I. ".'ii 1848 203,8: s 1'0'rl ' t!It_,i"i ilur of ii"- import* wa* ?-i7-...:ii". i";-. i , iou.1 *-?__" I-.7-.7 0vei in- prtt-cding ?? '";T"r",':f tum?t -W.Vh7.-SI- "' 'V' ,' ,,?? m 111.7. Jmi dutlable mervhaiidlse. '' ?,??;,.:,..:?? .I.- reaac ln i iluc ol the , ,,.?. - lo. IN. Ki.A.s... 1 r, ? '. .'? '? ,.?.?_ . *4 '' '- ''?"?? ' ; ' ._,?l,r.,tra.o,.'h...Tuac. D ? , . *? : ?--',, . 7 ' 1*1, I'H ind Bi* ,-**? "f I...... 4.1 . ?- . . i ,.,. , ?. "r:. 8.112.113 ?? ? ?? ? .*: _?:.?:.,_.,.,"... Krea ifdutj ( . ...u? i:.- I ,.. ?, .-. gicrud*.... ? i . 2.710481 ' ? ' . J.O'.I Ilu . Haa. J Rl< r .... . , ,?? i 'i - . , .: ' Uua ol u_r import* 817,1 ? , i..l?M ... , ? , o.o-s :.-.., |,4l . 3J_ i . . .-. - - I , Koa ? ah A ?? I'"'- - ...,; 1,437 .1 i Fl i .*!? il ? ?? , .- lollow*: . . ? *. ... ..ayla . ) . i; - 1 , ? , I 1.1-0544 1,1 i , -..iu:. irViBt-OBB MWIO-4 Thavaloaol iraported inerrha. II.ared '? ? ? it. Bve ... _? v-.u-s. haa l>a-ti a* ' ?*? ??*'? ? a ,,'.'.-fd ull - ... ........ n, 't r*r.eofdul " ? ? * .... ,lv,r WITH ' KNTBAt tNH *"" "' 'M1!??, * ou loul ? ;? rtaof merrtiB. -,.1 ,- - * * ? ' ? '? ? ' i! '' " ' ' ' ? tourtol ; " " ' .'? ' ' ' ? ' ' ? ' ? etport. of ' . - - , .1. : " , ? - ? ? ' ' ?? * , ? ? ' ' H .,l-"-'1-! I1'1 . . - ..,-,;, .." Ui roiirl ' ? ?' ? ' r, ,. ?Xros* t : ' ? ? I ' ' ' "i. .\. WI ? _^_ i r - - ? ? ? - '. ? ? . ? ... . ? ? i 5 . 1 s :: . ... . . . --?. . ? i ?-:? _ i I I , 0 .. 11; :: |g , S ? _ iiiii.ii \- L ---->..- $ ? a, ^ H c:i-'-::- - .-Sa.c, f 2. --: ?"S_.__ i i x. ! 51* ,? .*? - - " 1_ r_ _n - t i ;, ._- .- . - g ???. li' ^|i?gj?'i'.- ? i_!|;J_ _/ ? -. i Ei _ -, ij. *...:;? *l, gg'O gj I " __ - ? 'Jj. ft ; ^ ;'' __?!___. - -'t ? '-?? - iLliil i I - ?'-"?--=. *S5 .-. - - :? J ^ ;.-'?:?'.?:'_ :ii|s| 11 ?*? - . / :3 5 I 3 . I <? -nl - . ' -' ~ / / ,. r- '????* " "~ ." ? - rl--' - " - ??-? B u - - ? -l. i . ? : - ? - - I -Tt " ' - '/ : : ? SfSi a ??-??- p? -?/.? l % -._..- __ - tt I - ? s . . ... -. - - ??-?. : -' . : ' ... _?-;._____-. ' : ;: \ contparlson ol oui ro ? ?? wltli tho entJre .-??;??: ? ? : ' ? .. tl ... i -T" the il . f Importa a w #117 iv_.-.?l. -mi ol exports #55,140,322, an oxe, - I> . lltii ? ? ? .: '. - ' '"' .flT~->- | uf -'-I- ?*''? 17'. an ? ? ? ' ' . 13. I!.. per .ent of our co . . ,. ? ? ? , .. .- . 20."2. ni !--". I'-.i'-.'. and ln i -".'. 17.00 In Uie f tabl ?-._? what proj .. uid vbat ' " ? with the i - ?? ? ' f. -?-?..... ?? ' - ? ? ? ? : i '? - '- : or 1?H ?? ' ? ; $15,. ? 1.8161 ?5 "' 'i'- ?*?: ? 1 iu ; ll . . 111.(.75 - ? - - .1 18.1 - -i . . 00.114 01.19 ' - - ? t n - | . iX dutiable i np irtod were a'ld t-.; . I rom th ? 1 of the value of 1 I . ? ? - . ? T.i irlna o I I . , ,f Ue eiport from tlr ' ' inil am-.ull . \.\ .1.: IN K.'.il.*_ V*i nt VXSI-HITATION. ?i\ <!l . ted . I I ? ? ' ? ; ' " ' ' ' ? H ? ?" d ror,. i .... '.,., ,..--.:? .'..-? ... i ? i : ' . it aiul aab . J >?? IK'1 - - - uirt. ? ? itj.iat ? ,-.,. , \.. ?. nl tl ti v. r. inb .... I llll-TI ">1 ' ? .- II , . ...... \ it Mr a |-i.?:?-?: a .1 |..a. tl ., . the acuuu iionl X VVItiATI i entlrc .: - un.-' tod t.. ? a.- ol Um fntted , . i. ,.,-ra-i i ?- Ui I Iowa: li.l. 1 .1 \ 1 i.i vi s' i> i i - .. ,., i -..' i ! . . .. al ll. II -1 _ Tii. . . . . ? ? i ted I 74.-Ull lol unl li.i ? ' '' ' ' tal. .. ? .., .; Un |.?? ?-...?? ha n.iva I 10 l toiu d [.? ;. I,,,,;- ,;.. ing (he ii ? II ?.'???>?? ' , Ull . I...... Total ...l - .1 ... .:.... in lenp. ? ..; unl ul. ? -. I 4 | ua! I . 1 f . ii .- I - l , rotnl ii lak.-a , ? ...a . ail*. N ? l ?' . ; , . Cl '... '? i ; i ' l .". -I I.v .'. . ? ... i . . |-. i.Ih \tla tl. ..n'l '? .11 i . : l.'l.i 1.01 . I ? 1.1 II.- l.'-ii ? .1 '-?? ' ? i , m; i -.? nt i-i li.K T..',:, ' .'. . ?.? i i ..-. ia -i mu v. el t -ii' i'i i-'-"' nmounted i . *o.37 ? I,, . ti a ii . -.1 year tlier. a re buill al Uie Inl,.. ti,,.i t... ;\ i!n ? ? i . . 1 . with .. i um ;,- .i.iij i,.n i, aiid II l '.ll.ililn r.i.i-l, 11.77.'- Ion J. rhe .1... um 'i'.-'I ium t uiti ? '?' "li tl.e l.iUo . ?' , ? md ..>i th . i i. I'. .''i t ni. I'i" ,. ,. ? llM .' ? .-,, 11Ita Jun ??". t ? ?". a i I.Ot 3. ii.,t ion . . it th. VV. i. ni rl.ers, UlU.l 10 l,ni ' on tho I'a.ltli' . . i. r.'-.ii'.'- loi'si n'i.1 un the Ai'.aau.. and Uulf ......I -. 2,i ? -.-??' I'" l',,. | ;, a,;n . ..liii loni ...-?-. .-m I'i I. ? ? ..l thal en gtiKiMl in the whale Itsherie.. la '.'_'-..>??_ Ion . ol wlilih I-.:, , ii . ion i. ?|e mi '? ? el . aud t:; i 350 t.m are nallitl|i .'<? sels. 01 ou i,.i .| ii n'lim. ':t--ii : .an."-?'?. l. ??-:'.?'** tona are ateam aiul -. ?'? .400 Ion .Uier than ateam. ci,,. reslstereil -.. .-i ? ln lude Uie dneumented Ion mu-,- Hbve n-."iiti..ii-.t. ln the lorelgn M-t-gotng Irado, aiul i ..?:;:-. ion tn the w i.i, I ? tlnherv. rhe onnilled or | ,.. ln. lude I'. !"'?'. i il bim dorunu.ited uii.i.-i- ihe i ..1.-I..I law.. and .'uguged In the "eoastlng i,,a ...a tlie ->.. ? .i-t . the rlvera and the itreat l;,-?. ,,i ii?. i ntted Statea, aud 03,307 um-. Iteenmd foi iln-t li. rl. _,<?----. the couatlog vo->el>, there la a large nutu ber '-f ii f r?r erata, aot ree i i I bl law t,, be dotumentetf, i >n*istlng ? i barge* _n. n il boal . tt-hl.'. repre enl ?< taainan ul eral hundred thoaaaiul, and there l* also .1 rery ..,. ,,,,,, -?, m iii rauul i ..:-. Iiar. . ghi ,--, uml iinull craft of variou uuenumerated under tli- lawa ?.: Iha l aBed atalaa,aa* i ept um < in Um reai ?? Ihe aggregata ol all these veaael*. dorum. I aud undoi umcnted, iroiistltulei an Inimenaj; fleet, whleh, .., |ie ;,,,: ,, ,:,-,. i, thal "i i'i i ' nlted Kli *dom. I* ,,, d tbercto. Ui a large nortion ">f taa rcsiduc .,i the world'a i . i i ? i. " _" emplo*/' Dieni dlrectly aud Uidlrertlj t-i manj pcrsoua, tui't heeps ln ??..:-i-. .1 h trd> el ?>f men, more or 1 ? .,, i,i ? upon tli- a-ater, art- who waahl an d?ul i'-llv i??? ol . i ?? "f "?ar lieta-a n r.o l'nited >'?'."? and a foreign a.val power. 11 tru rea-nta no small portlon ol th* wcalth. Taa l,u Ild Ing, equlpplng, and navlgatlng of the ve*seU, uilttig and -!? um, lorm i flourtslilng l.tdu . i would hardlj be lu exiacence. wcra .t not rar ???) ,,,,,!?,!,,!, ..:.led I. Uie 1'il-ial Uu-. i the i :i-n,"'? t" '::,/??"- "f the l'nited -'-: liut i',,, tli,- tx.'..i eifcct "i the*e law*, the ahlpi ,f _llpn. would pecd ll monopoUte thla tradat, ha i.i.... have aliv.i.iv um anprotected foretgo trade, Value* "' ti'- ;-?!? *?***- ;i"'' ' taatt* ?,: n - r. baadlac of ti,* L'nited Statea earrl**!, r^apectli ly, In i ?? * d N hiclea in Amerlcan veaaela, and In fordgn veaaela, _.r Ing .a ii ii-.-ui reai from W37 to 18B0, laclualire, with tu* lanvntage carrlcd In A.rlcan veaaela _oln aad baBaaa l?tlud?d fr. 1867 to I87B, laclualve, ta Bktthad .f t,-__* |,. .tatlofl 'au B*t b* ... ii di. > ? .1. I- I - ':-'. - - cudlng I" ' ni- ai.a ln I" .,,,,,. ota, i An,-iii k't ii. . /, i . ii.. \, bi< le*. ? - - - V' -? lotal. 181 ' :7 821*1 ??' ?.?'. ?728.nVI.8M iw-jj .., Itt-I .i-i 10. ?? ? -? ,' ?,'.. -' :.',:i .|.,.,;.i -..-., -I", -ii , ? . , _ I ,,, " ,-.?,, .'47.75! - 9 i.,,| .' I -..i> . -?- - .??* , '?> 00. a,i'?' _ l ,.,, '.1 l i 21* i.'.'U. 4. .1 ..! I s,- ,,'l 842,0.1 " -. - - IH || ;s.i ,-?, ii ,. .- ... 4 i-,-, 107, I" 487.. 10,124 0*1,4 0 1 ..,., .1 -il |?,;-' U4,l*i 1 '?-! . ?? ? - ?_?,; '.s' ,; ? . . ,.7 -.-:. ' , , :, j .',??. : - '1-7-4 :,._?? ? ??> -s-,i _?... ,io :<vi '??? i.l'l* .?-.,. i IB_ i : ->?> .. ? v,: I.'.IJ - . i i- 78 27 - ?? ' ~ .',',. ? ; I 1.3 ? ' -l lh-a" , . 1,31-1 -0 1)4. l-;5 , , ? ... . --. ;-- U7 I -.'i 11 .n .... 1,4 811.170.171 1 IH77 i; im -i i :,!?-, ,, ,' ?>' "?."?'? 2 ? ',<?; I 1'.M.015 ???.* |n; . .,,'.,. .1 ....;. ? ? . , 'J |m7u ui i-:i . ?: ? >>'?.! !?l ? ?' ? >- I " ir, ,, ?_ , -.,.| ? i;t : .- I < ?! '??< 4 ,.-! ? -, , ,?? V I ' ." >s. i. I ?'. I len 3r.U73.3l7 - -*- ' ?" ? ? : ?? I . } I--4 I ??-,;,<? ' I.II < i : ? ?. ? . "J .. - ?; r s , *8 I 171 .,..,? ..i | .1 nn ,:i '.i,-7 ..( | . 1*' i I \ V l.-'..s I.s. II ta; ? - ? - - ? - ? i-'j . t ' l-..:t I |s ?, 1871 1 -.".: . . I : I ' 18 7(1 ? '- - ' , . ? - .,?:-.' 5 ih' V .! : ? - ni'.nal | . ?'. ! ? ? ' . ? ' ' ! . ? ' i ? - - n t . ' ? wtiat li i ' , i . .? ? ... : i ' , * ? the pr I1!K i itHITHOfSE ?EB Thanambernll ' " 1 ,oH33. . ? l,i l. ' ? - i - ? . - . OUt tl .t the l ..-.-'i m ??** i ii i: -w INU ?'::'? ? rhe opifatK - ?' ? i ir wtth tit** usua i.i- ,.:.. - : .. I ...??'?'?? '?' '? ' . ? ? ????? .- .: ,, 1- 1 ? 8 .;:; ;-.- I lat Um- ' ? ' ? ? ' ?' ? ? ,?: '. 'i . a-- upiu-ai I .1 , Un.v,tii,ul - ? un vanotis |ki , , i .. i land. ln P ietl.ui ..: Hi dute nl ? i- la r*'P?". ha ,-ullipIei rt, IH..1 .. !. Ll '??'?'" '"?' ':"??,l "'"" resitlt.s, ma.. i -t I.- '' ': yed. sTK \MIU'AT IN-1'1 .'IK'N' SERVICB r'?,.. ?-, ,. apward .-f T.000 Inapeetlo-M "* .,.-,1,1 reaaela dartnjl tha laal Iscal year. ':? more lhaa mj?.Hcen. at -w') ?.** *J" lieenaed. There araa a oaoderate toerea "' ' i.?a and llewieea, and ?> aecreaae .-i "''"' ' ,?.,- r.fti, i? the number of tlv? _ >t. Of an eettt ,... ra .?.. .----I ''' tha ' ,..|. during Ihe year _a loat thejrjt^j number of ...i un i- ram*- i_ ?-_._. . .I-..'."- tl..1 *3 1-a.t t! Thera wew . .0 In-pcrtUMw . I forelgi I ' v' dttrli g Ihe f -. .1 vea n.e reeurd 'f the acrvlce lor the paat t. unu i__r*