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IX NEEDOFA 1I1.M LEADER DIFFERENCES AMONfl Rl PUBL1CANS IN THE NEW-HAMPSHIRE I/lWER HOUSI Tlll. f'.'-': ". i SES-lOJi .!.< - X. IH-." SOTH1NG AC COMn.I. III I' THE gJSXATE I.Vl'ATi i;.\T TO ACT-1 Iil. PROBLE-d COa KilMN'- MEM BERS OFTHE HOl'BE WHO WERE . ? ?? ,i . ) M'H: RATORS Ibt TEi.b'.H\iit io raa -__*-**.] CoBcard, S. il., Dec. 2. -Ta-da.. evt_tB, or k*ek ol eventa, ai l oacord have demonat--?ted ?- t ibe Republieana ol the Honae nre aadly ln noed of a reaolute and angaeiona leader. Not a th.n. haa heea aeeompUahed. The t-oYernorB _M-aage was ne. read. The Honae dld not even organlse. Thte is not tha fanlt of the Repuh tteaoa aa a birfy. Ry Ia. the great aaajorits of them are raady loi bualneaa and prepared to da it lt is tl..- huM of ? ball-dozen leadlng aaaa who are pnraalng an IneapUcabk policy of delay How long tiie nwiaberB arlll feel dlapoaed lo haag around waitlng foi wnrebody ia -.. qitea tion. The Senala Ls hapalieirt to ;>',; "- i:?' Bobltean i-emtars are thoroughl. iinlted upon a deflnlte purpoae. They hava held two eon r-rcneca to-day, and ha-re agreed npon a meaaore dtreeting ihe elerh to laclude in hia roll "i mem brra eteeted to the nexl Honae thoa. ohoaen In .e-aeqoencc of tbe _n*reased populatloo, aa de i'lire.1 I'.v iii- eenaua "t IM? Theii plan is to Introdnee tlu- aa a law, expreaaeil In tl.e exact lananage ol llarry Banghaia. Dr__ocratic reporl ,,i 1881. T.'i..i report aahl: "*Repiesentation ln tbe preaent llouae i--. baaed upon the eenaua ol Ibe United Statea taken in 1880." The Senate hill will aimply ailinn thal Ihia princlple nppliea to repreaentation m the eoming llouae, aad will nirect t't.o clerh t" acl aeeordingly. Whether the Senate will gn rurtber nn.l .ir-al with the claimantd from the claaaed towni is nol yel deeideil. That queation wUI he held open f"t t .? preaent; but the Go-rernor'a -neeaage, ex p j, ing the i ecaei.I hii aetlon in convening the Legialature, ia addit-eed I - both houaw, and mu8l be delivered aimultaneouab', :i"1 ,h> ?OWCI' houa. is not v.'t i.' n. receive it Speakci l',,t,.n haadeciiled thal befora the llouae can even Ize and eleel lt. clerk. the atatua mual be rletermlned of thoae membera who are alleged U> have removed froA the towna or warda that I th.'ii.. and of thoae alleged t. hold IVdcrul affieee. There :>re qneationa of fael aa well as ol ?w involved in thia motter, aad, inatead of pro oeeding by ordinar* methods to tbeir eonaidero ,u nioii is being made ut reacli a harmonioua irrangemenl with the Democrata bj -wne aort ol dickea. What tiie Democrat. wanl ia more than | anjthin- elae to coi.?ume time. I i prolong tbe K . ai as mueh BB poeaible and to beap up its fxpenaea. Ihia they will charge to tbe Repui. licana, declaring that no extra aeaaioH waa neeea ,,- anvhi.w. Thoae ol the Republican lemlera who favor an arrangemenl of the matter with Ibe Demoerala pr. teaa to aee tl. k plai - clearli tnough, bul they urge thal valuahk- time will he aaved by an agreement, and thal II an agrec menl ia nol arrived at, the llouae will al oace he plunged lato wild dlaorder. Thia i? than likely. but ii is pointed out, ?n ihe other hand, thal tta Democratic plan ol obatruction btu got to be mel at aome time, and it might aa well be deall with flrat ne ,,.t i, |a also argued thal o memher. rlghl to hia aeat la ? iiucation ol blgfa privilege, and ia ., arae'.v a matter foi politieal eompromiae. The t w ..n.i the faeta, nol politioal cxpe-iiency, ought t-, decide it am< the Democrala make no co ment oi theii utter diaregard foi the law and the facU They bluntly declare that if theii con lideration ia fo be purcboeed, the. will have i ..,,,,1 round price foi it. li ls admltted on all slde- that it a membei ha? aetually reanoved from ,,. !,,,.:, oi ward tl."??' him. he loeea hU p ,. Eleven peramia, eight Democrata and three Republieana are alle <? I to be tl.ui diaqualifled, , ' aeveral ol tbe Democrata are here clairoing eitber that they haven't moved ;.t all >"' '".i.i temporarilr, Sia KepublleHna and two Demoerati nre mlmitted to hold Federal offlcea, awl they ni ii T .- diffli iil problem concerna the aine mero bera who aetcd last .1 - ??*?jWiaui ?"u,"!^0?' Tbey nre iil Ktpul Iu ?, and the I/;'""'' 'V* '; iitthai ii'-. .>? all dia.-|i_i iC__j ri_.c judbia a ... " :-' P '? ?.? bowever, I o of ,?... i ., i,-,i States Suprt-me Court mu one ol thl ,,,,?, ? bdi-A, hoiiii ' - BIPe.r_jn ''V ,?,,.,..M,?...l bythe Presideni oi l, ti.e he an Executive depart. r the Sui ??.; tt'tin undei the autliorit.i of a redeml s ..i ..?_, te la not a Fi. I ' ' olde/ in ani aenae bat ? allegiauc. to hia Mat lle maj he ... .. ?? . bi i ita proicaaca. 1 ?? - *?-?*-?????? ? ,h? ( iae ol these . inc enume ? i I ' , u ,. ?? .1 eommi-aioti Thej w.-re empio . . , ., ..-:- is Uuie .. wei.:upi ' ';'? ,..,.,, ,.-:. ii.'. So reaaon ppea?. therelore. wIv t, -i an- nol entitl d to tl* - ' ln the New-ll_i_p-i"re Le*.-] ture U'M '. ""- | I' , {.ever. deviw know. to otatructive tae.iea . ? I Kepublic.? ? " ' ' ';'""'r , ,. , |j party, wlio actiiallj ra\oi ender. ll wHl n.ean ita ? n-jim litica ton ?d ... Bepublicana am.I: 12 Dewierala. ? ;?' '? ,,?,..! npon whlch .!,:- ia i,-i.ia,,t-,! is ih ii will r.'.i ?' - the numtai ol peraons ,.-_-_.i. . ? . a quorum lo auch i u extenl au wil ? e . blieana tattei able l.itrol one wben it bi needed. . , . Juat how thia ia figund onl la nol pJain to M; on. who ?ddi i.t,'! suhtraet.s Bc.-ord S_ ,? old-faahioncd rules. I h<- Honae as* ,i eleote.1 consista ol 313 mem !_,- t, -,,- a mit ?? de -I men, '.' Democrata and _-* i..:,. ,',, _V.a: gnndonlrted Kederal ofllre-holdera. ? ,.,.',.?..;:, ,i . Bnd 2 Demoen.t_: und 11 memtara .... ,.h., ,,,| their ivbiiI-? Kepublieana ,/,,, H Dcmnrrata. and the 1 dal memtarji ip la ,,.,.,.,,. i , , ?,?? i ? liepuhli i na ori lnall> hl I . -,, ,,,,., ',.,.. :? l with eleven loaaeii they v' i i, .,.' i.-,9, or :?? more 1 in i.orum Bul i..,. - ? erator* i r? thrown out. Lhe quorum is reduecil to 141 nnd tl.e ^P<>>>U;_a .,.,.,,. ,|, ,., ,.-,.,. li mii bl !"? claimed thi t 141 "V';1;..",. - ., ,. ?:? ..!.!.? than M???. but not arhen Vfe nine men t_.erif.?.l i . redue. the quorum are aetnallv present an I willing i" -' V ?I j,. ge.tUtn.enl ol tbe mattei ia poBtponed until tt. ?::,,-..,??. morning. ?*'- aooi aa tlie Speaker ,,-,.,, | . ||, -. ,.?'i-t,:.'. i..?<!.... il v.a? l.roiiKht up i..- Mr. <?.-.'?'-. who -...- l.-t nigbi ;;?"'" !,., tlie Repubiienn ei uena t i ImmI on 11 <? He, .1 ? tl?. House ii ud b\ unaniinom oonacnt referre4l K, the Judleinr < ominittee. Tbeir report, ae. lonling i" i' ? rraiigement, iv >s lo ta made ln h-,.| ,-n hour and the cnumeratora were lo ta ihrown over, bm ao lou i u proteal waa made bjr tlie vietinw and thelr frienda tbal this wm found Imnracti.'nlile, nnd Ibe day waa glven up toa ?:?ri. orderly taaring ol each eaae Meanwhile ln.tli honae adjourned. 1U1AI. OF POLH I. CAFTA1S KIII.ILE I. Hii REP0RTF.T) THE BiXTH 1VEXUE II'TKI. TO n:-: a iii.ri'f un.;. HOCSB. r !*r? r-ft;.t.-iin rhoau-i k".i !. a. of tbe __-nty-aae ond i*re. Inrt. txiis (Hl tr.a! before tbe C iitiriiis-.'-ncr. at Puilee lleadquartera yeal rdaj beeaaae be receuUi i t-. the Rxclae Bowd ? i pori tl .1 the Slxth Avenue H "?!. at Fort*r-f'J_rUi at., *nn a ra pectable honae and .; B-i k. Grlfl ?'?? ';- praprlatoi ol t!;;> botel, waa of k?o& moral < (.ai-tic:-., Ctarh Ball, .. lawyer, repreaantlng an euociatlou ol propert. ownara, aad ;. t..; to< apta ti Killllta <>', la Ing that tba hot-l -_? a .'ioiiTe <J aa?Ignatloa bafai. tba i*i'.ort *\?s Krit ,, | .. >.. '. .: i. i pon ihe raptatn. i"i>ort . ,\ . - : ? '? ?- gianled to _rlfl)th. bat wm ra v,?..,_.. , . evidetic. f_;i...-!?<- bs Mr. Ball aad ,,.,.. , and <? mtri ii>- been Indlcted. D.h;.-i?-t Atl rnaj Fello-e araa preaent -.t ti.o be.i-.iin_ ol < *j'?. ,i Kll-lea'* trlal reate__Bj ta aaeertal tbe iuri,?> oi ?itaM*e? ?rbo arere .-.?iv (?- laatll. p?i;iir<l Ing ti.' bai rl i_eter ol ta.- bote-. Ha -Mi*t he aad laiifd t ? -eenre tha alten-ance ol rorh wltaaaaei ln t... ? rrUiil. .. tmieoedina , . .1 . I ..-" Bllaa ;>i> pt_re*l :i- for Captuln K llilea al iba trlal. LiaHl !.-ii. i.i .ra. 8. i..-i?ii.H. ?.. Jobn II. lloMoo, Irviii-: p. bermun, and other men teatlBed tbal Ibe r-i-th .? ??? i; a.1 bore .. bad aa-ae and lhat mv ? aad ii ? , \-ri ... !,?? -Ureputable had bee ?een en V i.u'- ??.. 1, i ; at lai ? i. mra. i>ther aItneaae 1 r?_rr??. :? . ,.-?.? la Uifca ?? ? ..I iaal n l. r.. I proa . . ii ::,? .,-?? aal '.. ' MBUjT u_|.|,,'.l, ... th* *tO--Cl. _i,rl n.alttiv in it_ IMM..I. .nil ..n..l_. t'_..,-.?iii|< iii_?i. .jujilltlMa.. S.vrnp uf Kl_? U tl.r an<- perfeet Uxativu aaJ i. . ? kn'. Ilirrllc BMam, ?rere a'rpeetoa' io .-.v* ?trongar t.-unumv. dld nol appeai al Um Irial. and the fommltaloner* dceided to I...V"' toapeetor Byrnea Bceare the Bttenda re nl ii.., e a-ltneaao* if poadble al a fnt-re day. Cnlonel Tlltti'rl U> gO mi" lillat objected to d "h>j and wa i": w.Hi iii" defaw " Captaln KllUlea totifled lhat he had roade I port ... Um t:\fis.' Board ln go d falth, aa a true nient. bellevlBg that Mr. Grlflltai waa ? aian "! -'';;'' tnoril "?.u.i'.t.T, and that the aotel wa* respeetaible and eiiUHed t<( ? Boanaa. Aftor reeet-tng ihe I. from Mr. iiell, he aald. ha bad raade ln' of roputable bnelneu rnen who had ttm? near ihe h-.t.-i. and tha] Md apolani ln pralee oi Mr. ....."tn A3?furthe aieanaot all rxlai hirriaelf thal thi ' was reapcrtabki, the (*aptaln aald be had *enl Ihroe polleeroen rn plain elothea, who were nol hnown botel, aod alao two dliaena, to --t a; 9 ?" all lirotuilit b*rk favoral.le roporta, I'oll.einaii .> ? Sfiho^ti^OBma -..ia... ?.??-.f.: nicrly; ? I near Hh- hotel - Id " reajaWtled I. ' **> * ^?Jil. tSruil[%pt.ev.**n oftheTrc, ont - xx i... rnrnwxrli xx a . a aargoani ln UK .->? . ' ;v:.;-r..-'-^:'.'''''-'-'-r'.,,r'';:i !;..i ?' s? Hotel from Aiifuet, l?8__ to Aug]*J. 1 Mr. l-.siilUl.. Tl.' issc.isl.s1 ttio l.'.'t 1 t*nrf aud bad rtever icec pei-otw ol known bad eoara i i ?^_a^wmnae4?Unnedon Deoimiber 11. M. H. DE YOUNG ON THE FAIR. oonfident that tt will be a gbeal success. n.xvs Of THB r.rn.niv.s x,vi ptk" THE i-. prBLlCAN VI 'T.ntv l\ CAUFOBXIA. N ii rv Young, rd "The Pon Fmnrl ... I kte>- and -lee-prcldonl oftbe S -tlonal WarMjar. r rommlsilon. h In the Hty for a fewda>*. a Trib" roporter aaw hlm -.1 the Flftb avenoe Irtel day and B^aea him about tbe prru-rota a Mefe H b i,,,,,!,. loward tha Falr ?The WorkTa Falr n dlonal rommlMl m, be bim, ??],,. aeeepted the alle for the Falr and Ibe i'i:."- of ,-;,. propoaed bnlldlng*. "?;1 vv" ,,,,v" '' "' ? . x"i,?i, ?iii now aatHorlM Ihe President to laane a Batwamallon *n t" |nfornj ..?.,., r??:.?:,- thal a World*. Falr wHI b held. i hai.onbt a* to t.acfta*. enterprl e. There I* alwaya i greal d. il - - :? the atarBng on! rrl i.rmou ur.d i ihlnh lhal a yeai from uow. when i* nnderatand thd Mnd ol ^u>>.n thal tbe ? II - ,r,l aee ii*' i<-'.t'"''< ol the bolMlnga wlt rli ar.* ? ? ercrted, thev will nnderi.tand thst Ihe Fa r ?. ? 1 ? ' a plgantlr tuece** All t.lelaj and nml* r. gardlng I.lect * ota alte were rau*cd pr. .,v tte greed and *fln.hne of ccrla ?; ' After flvlng them the enorm u um "> " - and agrcdng to Plve tmeh the bulkl tlio K;.ir .r. the very Hcart "t iii.V. t"eli i , i? iieflt the rtlj In Ib. ,.?,,.. fnl .'x.H.-.t.":.. I .?! :? lake front altc and proparod - roMitlng ivs. ii'.iii..:..!! ..-' ? ' " ronnestcd me not to .-al - ? - " '' ' ' _,, ,,r twn th"- " ?? ?? dini. iit> V,..- ? ...?i,-"-, i'..r,. th* ?-;??'?... ' ;;. from the lahi front. 1 . lhal . pieoul there lu thi..,- IBte G.Idl. ea will ' ,.,,,?,. H ,-. ii." eni re exr ' : ? ? ' '" ,,?? tweh gr. ? .i":".i'i -?"- "''? departn?nt t .1 arts and uall group lacludlng musle and drania, wUl h thepark. The art bulMlng 1* to b. - - m ,,,, ?ite of the oW etpn - ? ' bulVilng will 1* a permnnent ono and - mtaalun i,xxi,--,i-i t i-H-1 " irurtlon aniorml thal would haxt I.i apeiil npo f()r ci,:,i!,i- l"in>'? Ml'.*-"-'-- ? Lu, ,-, - ." Bra-ard 0. -f ftwcoUd not have ht rultural, mchiw d and ? ,;. . poaitlon ? v.i.:-ix lf the l-.i" front al ,.,;., *j| toe ritato and loreign buil - Ihe ? ?11* . .. |. | , rreat ? - - ' ^ s,,,.. i. , : ? .. (Tfj 0,000 :?: ' ' ? M "'?'- I'" ' Ifonli hall w.ii be made up thn , '? ? i,.,...?'" i i , rnake - i "??'? -' "??''?'' "f ' *' truil prodiieta. We will bt - ? ? jea the i me ".:??.' ""??-?"? ' ' .,, oul vlaea, bi I. ln fact, p ?? ? ?' ?' i-"-'- ' " a?rd?n. H< t.M.u***. sre ... be . ?i tru ? ,-.,? i." aeen lu varlou. ab ?1U ai... ). ix- ir aetual opcmtlo! fn r.i aln tn* ??**< -?" Begai .;.?-,.:??' '; !' ?Wo liad h greal H i ihe b.-i ? ? i '? .; the p ,i m ?:? ? ?? . i ' - - ' ?'? l. ? ? ?? i~. ,?, . ,., xxl.' -" -.' 1', I.. I ,..?'.??.'?? ? ? ? ? 1 ? . ' ? . . I RORRI ll TM TR 1L\ M.O ?' BOLB l" I 0 - ^ r\\ tl. --- t ? ? >? ?* h?*" ?- ?. -. I \ r" ;.. , S-, ., ,,.;,..., . |. V ,!;,?:. I iv ? h ? ,?,,.:?.. 1 betw.? U aml 10 :. ? road, ' I ? I ' ? , , -,,:;.,?? bonnd aouth. I ?. one of the pa ? ? i ? f,,., .-. , ore .?'?? Inr-lt. Uill. wlth a blaek ni?< Biid '.|.,.i. i'x- . bough! i" t.' ?' foi II -? ' h0 g<il ,,i, ?-?' ' ? ? ' ? ? - ' '"; ' ? ??. 1 t , pnl.i fr. in tl. Blg -i.i.v 1.1.(1 iVlnowi, tbe roupl ,,., ?.?..?!? eoach and Ibe cai I I ? I . .. . r tra pi rpo.sclj i ' oved ' t'" |:,,.l. pnll -n out 1 ?"?? ,-' -- '^i'- '' '' b '" '" ''? *" ,,,.. ,, senger. p( Mr. H-kmil, ?'? II '? and i'i ? i'".i who i ? . , .,?. ,? ihe .. '' .mi I" di iovci x' i, , :. , ,. , ? rhe !'? t Uitlmation lh?' robb a K-ntlon wa- ii" pnlliiig "i ?' ; ahot Into the top 'i thc . ir und crylug up< gejitlemcn .' Ur. - liai I uld I i *?? d i ,? aee what wa tbe tnott. i and fonnd Uie i .. .. .,. . ,,.,? . ,,, Bl , , '.. .. Ui" pi ? I '-'I'I "?** ' ' . .., ;i ,,., i:.\ ....... x, and i gav?i Ial n Ij ?' ' ?-'?' or ato He Iheii tunied lo ?.???. ul, ? I.W -1 h* ? ;,,, money.' -i knot, l?tt?r; ?hell out:' na r,I .,,.,- i.Mi.ur. i,":.--'l ln- l"i" '?' "" ,, ,?| ',',-?, .1.. robb" li. ?:. th. , !'?,, .,,,?,.:??.. -viUi th ; ' r;-' , ... 0f tbe ," :?,.,.:, . ' ' rnen, ?:" i""": '" '? ?? '? ?? '? ' -:'- ? ^Tae'tralBBieB ?<' Wiat, at the ?? idnc ?-at larted. leavl.i ib* , ? ??'.?" "??? v '" ' ..,.,? i,u' i,i-"" Uiie that *oiii"thli i ' ,. , ,. , . .,' ? h laben on again. Ur. liorli irt. ilw I ' v ui"':'' l man. * '? bl '-'"' *" i:' ?- ' ' - ; I ? ' Ti ii* V.,-.,i,V '? ? i".' '. , [;::;.',M i a farintr. und Mr. Seb.a- h* , ,?,i - . Identifj hlm." _ # rVXDA FOM BM0WS UXIVEBSJTT. ProvMenoe, H I , '"?' '-' '' "; '"' '" 1 aubmltted bj Rovema Davl the 8o^i?aie t*ouii lu derlded that Bwwn I i IveraltJ '? '?' ''"'??' tfl tbe 000 iH-n acrlp votod bj ' ongma* bi 1868, ihe further approprutlon voted bj the laat I tngreat ol 81 an annual n.'va-- foi tea rean by an addlUontl u .. of $1 000 b year, and a! the end an annaal api r. , .? ol |SC 000 ' ?: th* ipporl ol ' MI. -?? for tho baneflt ol agrleultore and tueehanl. arU, h tead of ,.. x ? ?,.,'-, ... .1 Bl Kll - ? ? tli . ,: thia l.i-t ap| ronrlal Klng-1 -i.I haa been eonatlug on ft 1 - ? - elght t...? ;,,., h..... ? rty or more itodenl by tht pisicax-d ol tli* l'i-t fund. P*q rad*- )i" xxl.,,,. i.,.....,, :..- ., '? ,, bolla and ,.'t,,-i k.i all > .-'.|, "i?- al a* rtrtelnl) canard bi ? aa ?' '?!? adfnl nianhti - .? ?, -. ? l ? ..? ?? ai .1 abo. Id i.i- ,,.???: ?>- - n aa pi x. ? , , .,.? llaed'a aauaapi i | r, m*d) Iw ? x.-i> *'?'"? '' ?' ???? ? uti.*r BntDur*. it ".-..?." i'U- ? .? !? lm| , : and miieb. ? tbe blead. Hood's SarsapariSIa riold bx .iII itragglat* 81 al* foi -'? i>. pat 'i anU i" 0. 1. BOOB x " "i ii' ti). .,n,a i."X'.-.; xi,., 100 Dobob One Dollar READY FOR A BIG BTRUGGLE.] THE V'OUXG DfDIAJa- A-*XIO.S POR WAK. *S 1MM1 D1ATE IDVA.V1 ii 01 TROOPB TO TH_ Bili LAXDS BXP1 TBD 01 PRI OATIOXfl BT THI BAVAOl 8c BITTIRO H' LL TARIRG PART IN THE OHO-T I>in> i B. Omaha Neb., Dee. 8.?.-drtcea i. ... Plne RMga laeney reporl ihal the eampalgn againal Ih.- l . ,ii , ,??i | npcn ? earn. -' mn.lately. The troopa expeel to advanee to the Bad Landa al one., amt every prorfa-on i being made for u hing and ardnoui ram , , ... Tl.rcrii neni Iw advertUed ... foraae and ? rt-porl more dcpreda , -,?.. and the - ? ?' "'"; r""- '"':l'- n"' iru*J .,(',.-:-. al i'i."' RMge predlrl Ihe expedltkm will be bj imponanl aa anj In Indlati blatory. .. -ci,.. ..,...- | .. ihe followlng from it apecial eor ,eap?ndenl M Pli .1 nr.B. D.: -Jndge llnrua, ,,- Desdwe d, .'??"? ln U?H aooit Irom rnnulng the pmntlei ol the h. t.:.- ramp. Then |. no donbt, he ... ,, ||, r,,i a-ort irs for aror are preparlng thor ,,',. -i.K lor .. great atrategte and tlial thej have no ,-,.. bt ol al Ins np thelr purpn e The b artlle hand . ? exrlnalvelA ol yonng men. who have .-,,..! the ad. re ol ll.Id rhlela, tahen ti... ?..-,. mi,, iheir own hand*, and have vowed to Hght deatl rhe gho?l danee, ...d( ? llunis aaid, la ,. .... .a. ,:,,-i.. |oi - .nat i- varled dnrlng Ihe daj v.ifi tho oldtime war-dame. He rorroboratea fully t:.,. prevtona rrpnrt* ... lo tho Bl und u.f fiaal Bnd lt|?n whieh thej have, end a; they are maa IM ?, a blg aupplj ol a new patlern ol I ,,,,-,. ,.-;. -.,.:. me old lyt* What Irtendli . ure la.fl bere at ll - ag< ? ! ire i .mlng ln end vaenl Royer Ihal thej d - wl*h Ihal the trouble ,, ,,,: .?. ettlcd wlthoul blood licd. Royer*. reply ?? ,. ,,.. ;. nfr.iiil i. . too I ite now.' I..-.- dl.patrh i ? ? I ? ?? v.?,,- rorreapoii l?at < ? her. r. U-rdaj and i i thal the .Vor Ucpartmeiil wa* advertlalng foe pro ,,.,.,; ? ? i bi 'i iroi p 'ri.i Ut llne Rldge, whi. li would Indleot ? n pnrti . led . in pal st i'a.,1. Mlnn.. i>" " i i'i.*r i'n--" dlapateb (.,,-., - k i...'. N. !>.. -?<??-? -"he da I) r,.,?.., H , iiull v .i'!'i i- ln !?? the .. ei rj to ??. t .,,., eai - a ? al ->:?- i m?H.nt md * ?- roa , .11. lt i I,. ? III . ? ' -: r-atarday, ? il m day. .. id ?!.- h."?'. he will I" I, *i ij?r M. n i t to rtay : I ???I . ... ' ? "" ? ? hls rhlldr .:, ? '? "I um ind ... - ..< H "' ? II . ll- 1 bl-.f. .1 'i ? ' . If tlu- old ,' ? ? ; ' ? ' ' ' ' '' ? ,kl ' ? ii .. ' ? i : Ani IM I f?i I"1"-' ? |e 1 ,,, :. d thal ? "? :i ' ? | , . - v tll. , . . . Ita-h 1 I - I. ? , . . . ? ?' liot ' '?>.'? ' ? ' : I ' ' . . ? tr. |. .' ... ,.,-.; ? ? i'" Mg. ... . r ? : ? ? ' : 1 ' ! i...l I'i 'I ? 1 I ' ' . ? ' . ll-.e I " ? ? ' ?' v ? -.1 ... . ? . i ?? ' ? ' ' ' ' - - ; ' ' ' ' ? ? Il< ' . ? - " ' . I . ;. 11 ' 1 ' ' ?? ? ? . I ? I 1 ? ! I ' ' ' ' ' . . . ... ? ? . ? . . Il-l* J ..rt . ? ' ' ' : ' ; ? : helit al tlu. ....-hlla I! .1 t , I. I li li ? ha I ? ? -. ? ? . . , ; II ln. . t lhat wl. ii '?'?" ln . ... .rs ln i!i. ii -. "heii ' .,' ? h-i ... ? , ? , . i ,.; .|. .!- Ih. ro..| : . iiiiIh l<. ' \ . un !-.. ii I ..ii ..i .,,.,.. ?; ,- i ? ?? . .. ai- i - \. ? i .ii , .i? i. ?? , i.-. ? ; ? ? ? ? i. IL Ililltlll.'llt il i-i i , ;. | ?? .i alth i i l?-ii '? , " , i ... M. at-. -. I ? M ? '!>"?'! ol U. .. ,, ii rtntl , i , - ....... ? I . i'.,. ,,..,.. i .. -ii.-i-.i ; ,1 - mi, , .? i . r lo iims-I ? ?-I lhai ln Ii iu ,, | tn ail v iil li-'' ? I I' . . ,? - ,i lai lli- ' .... ; , ... Iiiilali lo ? i be Wai from I . \ a. -i t il liiln ? ollVi ' . . i | .. ; ..t ? ? .ir. '? II here thl* lf ?: llltlf loi I ,,",t \|, . ; i. ,-i j ?, i ?.: ... me i iml i'i -., n ? ,,;,,:? , ? i 1 Ih i."l-i".l to tlm ? , Ihal i, ? ai. .11 ? ..i ? r nntll . il> ? new from Ihal parl ol the eoui i . AN'.I ! RRF.AK MA. IIAI'I'I S \l \N\ HOMEXT i,I,\i.::m. -.iii.i - 1 il l S : 1 THI HTI'ATION r?.si ind rni ri n. ? t .lk with h >. m. ..'?? i ? .- '?" ral N< laon A. ? i three ..r l_ur ,;.- tatung over I ut _lr ? .lene i Indla . uprtalng v i'li t? . v. -.. i .pai: mi ; ea, i. Im iiu.^i i , i L; - K iii^M.- -??! iui vlew ol the altuatton In tli<- North ln an Intei lew thl afl i n ??? be |. quoted i : .... !:??]:. ??. "f the iltuatloa lo tha , i he .ii-.n',.. ? . la oioi uread than II Ui been .' anj I ne , '...- ..... in . ? ? ' i ? t . m a. dlff.. .a ? 6 , ,ii-i- .I i ii jer . ' "' e.mnl ry 1 ?? t-.? ? i<- bl i..i . ,,; Indlan warlar*. n i . more eoniprehenalve pha i-i ,-, evei li |. red by I'??? um -h or even i- i ? .i Mi" difflrult.- ,-,.,, ,,f ln ufll. le :. f.n-l auppll. -, r. liaioua da . in ,,.. uid ih. Ii.nate dlapo Uirii >.i the ., , ? ? | , .-,, ? llilo." \,.- ?? ?? . ? . ? ;.i ailou* on Ibe parl ol Um ? N. i ..a i . replied I ??? <?? nei .1. i;. eri thln ? will b ? . ;? ? .: n i .|. ,i ,.| applln* .,, e ,, r , -I ta iil l. ? .1*1*1 tpendll. . .11 l! ... , ... I., rn< ? i-i i !|... i|,,. loyal _nd r dui <? i '.?? uiimb r and li :i ion.i n. ? | Indla bn il. a | |, ? ,n,.,(,., I ,l,i.. ii,- I'larr Ilull.-. I_r. -? ,. ,1 BataM ln Ui.a to-nit:. Vapoi i?...-: loupl d ... *llo, _1, otl... i._n_ reaewed _ua rtdcioraMl. ?**"? TtTT _P fcdiria^ ^ *v ^ tkl \'our health ; a citadel. fhc winter's ? torms are he comin^ enemy. <**!?'? :': ? .._S '?-**, jlj - tf i^ uja r^rVvi - |____ ?*?-? >v (___-?Tr*>'* 1 "-7. . V *i'^r4t ?' ? You know tliat this cnemy will sit down for fivc long nonths outside this citadel, and do its best to break in and destroy. Is this itadel garrisoned aml provisioned? Thc garrison is your constitution. Is it iigorous or depleted? How long can it fight without help? Have you made Irovision for tho garrison by furnishing a supply of SCQnL?___M<r^^ ,f purc Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites <,f Lime andSoda? lt restores the flagging energies, increases thc resisting powers against dtsease; cures Constmption, Scrofula, General DeWty. and all Anamic and Waslmg Diseases (especialfy in Children). kceps coughs and colds out, and so enablea ih.-. constitution t<. hold thc fort v( health. Palatable a___________, ,,. , M . CAtTION.?Scott'a Emulaion is put ur? in salmon-eol ?-?I '.vrapp-rs. SPITIW -?"??' F.n . prenenned ? tne ?- _ ..?,?,.. Prepared 01 ? Scoll .v Bownc, ., il i-, ? ' ' . .. M - -. ? iring Chcmi ts, N'ei V rk All Dru 1 ' ........;,,-' ? r ..-.,? , ....;- . ??? there will be no hn-lllltiea. tor a "i'l be ' : ''';"- . ? i> iimnv ludia rou ha I ?? ? '- ,! " ' ' -\1-.???:..: I en- ' ' :: I"" N"-*"1 :,.,.-. ? ' by tho ? ? . men. <?l thls. .... -, .....f - .'i ? :?? ? ! " |, ,.. r- ? ,.', ihonl I : I : ' need to be : . ? ?' Bul ? ' ? ' .,?.'??' I ? - IVI i. the ? ?' ' M ll ?_.' 'I i: ?? have, .-?'? , . . - . -? . '??-??'' 1 . ? ' .1- ' ' gn.-l.U-i " ? , ' . | ? . . -ll... but III ' ? . ?.Id ???! - ? ' . ' .' I , . . . ? . . i ? II p. _ : ? "'- " /.\ 77//; FIELD OF SPORTS. [?'?:; Tlll - VI STII ? ?? \';!: ?? -. n ??? ? ? ? ? ? .1 i:n - ? . . ? .. , ' :| " ?? I ' ' . ; ,.. H ' ' '??-' IV. s. < an-. W. M .. I . ? ,; I nl w* ?? ?? . I I" \ 1 I .. a ..... ' I ' ' '.V' 1 : ' i H. ? ? I .. a, .a '. t . bl' i Ihrre ? ? \ mi i-vn ? ii'.iii iMi n i ?' ' |... ;:.- .i .at wll al -I m.i |< ' nl o '-i- un' ? ,.... .. ? ? . f . ..- lai ? i ' ' ' : " ' I i ?l n ra'J.'fl m of .-.rlalu i.toiiI ? ir . r. pula ...iv.-. ..I tll. ' ,.,.,,, . i-.Tl .iti -Ilik'U - I.'- ' nol I. lp il l' : ? ? ,| im etln ' tthl. ' ' " '?? ' -, . ,. iJiletl. I'lub a i li. Id '' ?? iiil.lioii ., ? ,., i nl ll l. uie-tii. ? au '? ? I ling l.-tv i n Uk ' " ? |U ,;.. |ei ilnl -.. 1 l'tt'-i wa i. ?'? ; ? ? i ? ? lierketej flul. rhe Hl- ivu i I :).r,n, ,!,.?.! veral paa ol t ? ? ? ?!'? W. ... ,.-.:?. ? Iti ?: other Intei l.-ti n,e I'i I ll ? " Ihi'll N ? ^ , , I,,..) , | H-..,. i them ..Ith llttl. i l"'' i ln iillow ll, rk. lej whci Invn t? I Men un , ,..,| i luh, .in.l al " in liphoW ? ' l '; '; PI 1 g-hi, i; ihe IlerUeli ? Huh ?:. ti. i ? . ; i ?? . !_,:,,. i , p im wa thal ol .. a li I iu, I'ai i ,,,;,. ii |ni ln .uneii ?? i i'i ? Im ' ?" i crli i ?.. i luh Ihoughl ex. ?- Ive and rei I to pn, I... II ycitt ii,.in lefi tbe Lerkel. \ i.i .. bult, _n i ?ul ??? i, j,?n,-.l the New-York .t ? lub. rhe i , ciub . . v illliif to p i "a- i" iltluiate es p, , . ol il ?:. I'i <? - but V ..? '? II ' '. '' lo p_).;.; , . ? blll* Iu a hleh - cre Iho oxpe ? ??: .i i ,- trainci ln addltlon to ihe h dner etbploj cd i.- !.. iuii l! rebell id i he ______ r .oo i.i',; -a bj ' ? ? ..... i Daval. ol i.n.ii il ..I th ? Li-Ruu ''I ' '?' rk au VVheel I,,,,,. [n i.-| i-ndhi - elghti en ol i ? ? I - l 1.1. ! ? i ? iida>ty 1 m il,.- ,..?!. a nl ii ., ln, I pl. ul i'OII*. lloii ainong imateur Bthletex vesierduy. Vm ug the ii , ., i...i athl. i i '. Illle" Wimu.-. ,,i Ihe .?.,-. Vthli ." ? la1.. Ihe i i ' i bl.-5 Mn-rl.'. anil V. 1. /'.i.iiiii.-i ir i... tl.e rh.implo.l ol the sj, v j,, ..... Vthletl. . Inl I lilrt' ? ?' ,, i ? . . , |? . ,i .1 ,,.,- ni. uii,-i-. .1 ihe Ne*. Vork \ I. I ? ? HA1.E "I KP.N11 . ?.V . i'"l i KR -. i ,.., inti ,-i. I'... '. 1 p. Ivnte .1: ,,.' i i. r...i w . ii wii ..a. i.i AIm1i.II ih I.i ' ... I . . i ? ? ; ; iii l . 11. II w, ?. . . I ' ? : .i?#i, ,1 . ,,,, ? h ;. IIai.- i . , . i . ' ,, ,; ,.:,i. all leoltei and nll . ? ???..:.. ,,, .,' _? :u l .' . ' li. IIII !-. I.i- \- ii-. kl, I. ' i u:a. i . j j.. ,!.,,.,. '.; irie Itu ..-. i,. mu l-.-r. - i . i l. \,i,-:-,;.i- M< <????? "!'. ii f.. i. ? ? llci ' nle M. ,,,,.. i, .- r.l l! di . >,... | : . I M Iwuuke ? i|-.,,i.i..t in ' I he Kplrll ..i ll . ? ? I m i.ii aad <?.H....M-..I..I i imltm . f.r rh<? IIol i l I'J. al. J'.'l '?"? lc< at "i " *? ILIM OO.'g ,,,,.;,,!, Melipcgor. bai ireanlli - BHT, bj - :..' ,:?'.,; m:.',,',". ,,-?"'- i?t*ated .,, 1,11.1 -i .," llaute - '? ... . , rearl - I) ' ? ' ' ' ' . ! ' ? ' UV"!,dntu I I .,..r. |?,?K|,| for thc purposo ??' .... 'i" (allfornlu i*nd the - ? - To to-"'.'' rr.i i. -: \!';:tn . BOi'Ts . . I ? ? . ? ?, ...'.-? I - H - , ,-.- I. ? I ? . . . I' ? I Vln-tlcao. ?l , . ? ? ;uba. T,.- i ?- a.. II*. a i /?? . r?/.v FOB V ? ' ,r?; ' vn I | ,. | , .?::,-..':. I ? ?;??" 'i - I...T '. ' :' . ? ' ? ' ' liarlaiut will . , ? . , ?...-.? ' ? ?' before th. ? year. ,. ?; ,nd xx .- t ? I'tlea. X. >*.. and 1 . ? ? ?.. , before he ? : Ile n ? ? d 'ionoi ll. l ,.,;,, . . .'?.,?'? ; ? ? ' .? .i:?'..- ?? , |, ? ? .? n .?? it. and , . . ? i ,.'.-'? ? ? ; . g ? >,.? -i ui i ln tit*,,. il BTCri Hi: M X"T tXSAXE -- ? ?' ? ,._..,- ? . , .? -??? ? . , ? ? . : . II ' i i t. -? |)!ij , .-x '. trere .. ',??.'?, . Ih.Mi I ? ? ' '''?' ? ? ; . ? ' ? ' t . ? . ? ..-,.' ',,-t. UbaM . BnUo i CHEAP^ST COOKSTOftal IH TH.:: WORLD. 2r>e tiTi I'araraaa Halldaj* a?*l Ja?call*. Roaka, Ou,b/- \ r \ ni ;; I'ici. K. llaanlB, eal Knnll'li aaa ti... ..? an Baota*. 11 ol i: ?'.; l. i . 354.672 ??? irn 7P0 llil.l... I'iu",-r Il-.iW,-. A , .. \oo,foc xr ixv i'ici. i i.utMi ? ???: .11? v ** (\r\!( i un.. 81 CHAMBER8-ST*. i :id lioor w.-si i nx llall r*arh, nkw.mmik Holiday Presents Wedding G-ifts IN _VOEY, TORTOSSE SHELL, AND PEARL. \ Roleci* nsMortmoiil <?t Ivorj/ Toilol NcN, WlrrorM, IJi'iinhcs, ConibM, llair I'lns, t*it*. T<> be hud of 1B4 Lrast 14th St., UNRIVALIEO Sw33tPaiiiiines Ibe all *y.*io Itkt dolicate aml coaceutrated ?cents WLOBYIUAiSC Dr-ii'intn, j *%*jj2\ '017/919, Brorti1wHy[ NFW-YORK BLACK O0F.8ETS. lAtNGDON & PATMHUER'S CBNUINB THOMSOiViS CLOVE FITThfi L 'llir iiminsi iM'.i'T.iiin in ilu' arl "i Caraai Maklai kai kii| , -? r.;.' bed Ib aar I B *.-r; i.i: tf-e ( drbet, rai ?... tbe lat**i Freactj ,t..iL-,i.. i-' - II (I KT MEOII il aad i:\Tl! t .-""J I.OMl iralata. T!ir?a V y raracia ?-.iil -mi?i? th* iii"*. laaildlana. NaaVIa IS.mhI raat Bla. I ? IValieaad I'ri-itehCrap, LADIES, ATTEMTI9N. OONT FAIL TO SALL AT OUR RETAIL SAIESROCM, 923 BROADY/AY, N. Y., AM) KVA.llIM: '.",11. HtMI-OMK Family Sev/ing Machine, itrsa nn NiNE FiiLLiONTH UM- HROD1 t ll) Bi l ? aVXIl WHISH WiLL 3-: GiVEN AWAY t 1 *E%? hUV* BEFO:^ GIHRISTMAS. TH ivl.i'? m>\> BEIM* l'*' I ??' ,';' ??? ? llat 1X0 UB1 OSE. U-H.I.I.IM (1! IRT MIII.r.Hlllilx MIW Dl RXIIIBIT1UN \n:' i BB -ti.;.. The fee< IKITg Go. thi- ni i) "iii ti'i !?? I INDSMAN ft SONC L piAfJOS. *? i.-r\iii.;s>iii.i) im;. WOSDEXri L I* TONE tM> l.*>TWt* iirti.U tii- ,.i UltillBiT B\( KI.I.BSCB in ?0?la> H\n-.II!'i PKICE** ? 1 i:; rEttU??TO ?tl'lt 23_EAST 1 'Tr! _____j_j______jj_ R1N8EL, BAREMOltK ? BIIUXM, n 5 aTlfiKrii n s y i ri u* y iU ^ ** XN ." ? . . i ; 1 i ?- \ x ' ' - '? Y ; , - i .mu: - - ? '??? N -I PBRIOM TO EtTEttl ilTIIKR MM"? *WO?V** i*4ii ?>i .i.i n ??<? iH'ii r. iix*hii.? 11 i.i -il l. \\i> Hl Kl Kl Tl.l -1 NHI.K, The "Roch88ter'' Lamp IHTIIK 1VOX0KR OF THE l?E tM? t "WKW TOTIIEHI 111.11 ?' ?l '??' !"\x 1.34*0.;.?)?? ii.ur: iiiv -<?' "? iciin \ IKIRTIEM HKOR 1VIIH II Ti? -i ' ? \\ BDIIIM. tMi ( iii*.i**i ??** "II I *? i|.,i..ii;..-i.,..-.l i.x BDWAKO HILI.ER * ???. in ni.,1 IM < alleaw Hiace. Sew.Varfc* i;,.'x.,' :, 1'.: I ? i- I . - SE TARIFF ?> CRITICISED BY THE LEADIlia MANUFAGTURERS CF Tr!E COUNTRY. W ill Im* jiulili-hi (1 IN IMI IM ",e Iri'iiiu*' *_e>8BtlBl) ifkr 1t>* '---In-r. WILLBE REAOY IN A FEW DAYS. PRICE 25 CENTS. II you wiuil 'inc Bf**.**1 l-** alVivi* RMOSJBJI vtil.l 1 oi:i "*ine uml :i4K3t'?'*is ln THE TRIBUNE, NEW-YORK*