Newspaper Page Text
Atniiecmcma. >CADr.MY-f 15-Th* Old Hom*at*ad. AMBERG TBil.\TBJr*-B?Warrei raa Kirrhf.-:d. THEATBE-a and B-A Texaa bt". r. HROADWAY 'I iHATitr^-H-i'ipri" CMlCKElUXa MAl,l.-S-su[il"v. ( asINO-8 15?Paat Jona'iian IOLCMB1 B Tiii:M-Ki:--> and 8:15-Sbaaiaa OBnen. JIALY'8 TMKATRE-a and |:13-T3* L*?t Word. 1 DEN MVBExE Otara Bad Wax Tn'jl?_u?. 0AR0I V THrATHi:-s-Siin?*t and Dr. Blrf. URAXB "I'I l-.v HOUSE 2 a '1 B llH D Da-gl.te:. BiAMMER-HTEIX'S HARL1 M 01*BJU HOUBjVVB:1a rii* I'glji Dwekllag. HEHkma vvs JTIEATRE-2 and 8 80- larmana. BO-STER x. IUAI.s-2 and H-(arn)*nclta. LYCEt'M TMEATRE-B ?O-Tha IJ>r. ?alAHIsoN BQCAItE Tlii:AinE-3:30-After-Tli,U2h.* aad a Pali cf Si* ta-l a. laTTROPOLlTAX OPERA HOrBE-B-lVa* Hngiicnoto. MIXER'S M II A VI. T!i;.ATI'.l.-2-lronr.a*'-:. B Sxiaii (,f I'i;- r. _ SiATlOX IX Al ' Dl my or DE8IOK-8 U> 0 and , 30 to 10?Aiitmnn r.xr.iintion. Nnv PARK TH!-A-Mli:-s :18-TaVe Inapxclor. MBI.CV ".Al'.I)KN-2 an.1 B-Bj tt*. 1'Al.Mi r.s THEATRE s IS The Mldf.leman. 23D st. THj**AT11_>-2 a-d 8 lB-Mea aad x\'on. n. _ BTAXDARD THBATMV-8 l.'.-r.*<-_l?a Ten Baa. KIAR THI'.ATP.F^8-The S.i.atir. BUOADWAY TBTatATRB-? T3? BglT D.n-U.rn. I.vio.v 3QUARE Ti!EAT?;i.-8 K?-Tho Ctmnty Falr. 14TH-8T 'ill t AT_R_____ *?'' 8 -Bla* l-a" Inbex to atopgni>ancm*j._ Paga. QtA 1*383, C*l. a. ?.*T**T-.a . 8 a? Inatriirt'nn. B ? a-. ''TI'.-fn'.k ..." 4 6 LeclNotirea.. 4 6 Aninmn r.raori*. i ?? fanataaa Fo'infl. I li jsinsera aaa 3lW**ral_ 4 Marr.aceanun uaaina . 8 ?? jaoac aaa M"".n?.?-- 6 ' Uiar*iiaii*oua.10 8? j E5_,M i-nonoea ... 8 d ili?.'?'ianeona.5 , , i , ,?? v.M.e** .... it i Vnauai liKC'iniema. 4 '? iiaVrinc aranaaaMB.. 4 (? N*w I'ni.i.*a:inii. I -4 j, virteuo Xoticea tt 4 J" ? an Hteamai'a . _ ? I amralic Min-iiati? I'loixna.a .i* ?? wVtaa. ? n ? P.ii.n. N"tic*. 8 6 r,?a"rM .'..: ....H *?* RealEatBt.. g " C._._cial . '' ;. Keaik*mta. ?' ? , -in.ia. ri'e.-iien* .14 4 I'.iomaann Kiai*. 8 1-8 >,:?.,*. ? 8 Si*eia.**a?tea . ? >' y,. ,?ie ... .'. 2 Btearaiaattt .' BaraWMtaa... j ?'?< 5_f??l'. Hiraa.niniCarriaaea. > 1 IbeTirt. ?J?|_|i.. I ' U'lntei l>s,,rt Ir* (.Toam. s 4 Work Vanted". ?'? *??' UuGinrco Kol cr-3._,_ OmCE FURSITURE In Qr.-at Yarn-tv, ii.a?uta't<ir*d by I, i* b-XJ-EW. iu l-niten-st.. New-Tar*. PeaUa. Llbrary 'Jablea. *c._ 1-7T..i:L M. il.l'.Ms' in MA1I. 3UBMIIIMEIW i year. c bio*. 8jbo*. i "?? Bally. T daya a treek.81000 U w 8. ??' *' ? - ni without Suuday. . 900 JM -'? J_ I- t Tnbune . 200 1 00 j__ _ \V*eKlt TllbUBe. 100 ? _ _ ^'i'l^r^'i'^T:-^-0-^^ Tl \f fflfS pfe aV:.;.vf:;M,^,'"v>;::^'"-: ahleh ca*e* extra, paM*ia will be paid by *?bi rlb^*. Itemli ' . i- atal xird.r. Ekpres* Drd ' ? . ,-?'i or r'ca.T^ Vo'-:!l Kote. II acnt ln BB B3t-H*Ur**l le?er. ' U& ^roV^tbnBe 134 ftp^a^^ /dt-*-s all earitapondtae* itmplj ra* xnaaa . ** T?rk' nrtAVr-n OFWCW OP TWE TRIBPMR JOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY VYEDXKSDAY, DECEMUER 3, 1890. FOURTEEJJ PAGES. TBl SEWS TBIS MOBSISG. For4fi.ii.-The IrhB Horae Rule membfrs af ]' .rl.ainent heM BDOtBeT loof aml exclting roeet |na but viili.i'it reauh-i ??> motloB lo laostpoiie t c riueatiOD of I'.irnelVs rKirom.-i.T WM dcfe ' The Irish Lnml-Piir i-.w blll waa (Hbc is* I ln ibe ll'.'iso it Comiuo-is ?-~r There is a Mlnis ,,-,;,l eriai. .n Bratll ?== The Rrktatajr wai '? pne_ \ man Buprmaed 10 t* Padtewskl. "" .-: Binrdewr of Ot-Bi-ral rV!verskoff, haa rx-en a ;, si.'i i.i MarKillt* , . ,..,,. ?.?Tbe rei.ort ol Seeretary tMndom wa* Roth branohe* in aeaalon: Tl" v,.,-.,;,.? Tlw F.leoii'-ns bUl took first pl - -unllniahed biajajteaa," ?Bd general 'i?->'i"<- ^>?'?' prolrably be i*?_iin to-duv ; bU? for the free coin l .. ,,! vere intr*?ln.-.-. 1 - Tbe lloute; - ,. , ommittce on ihe OenBna will begin a hear im o., Frlday of the applleaUon for a recoi nt ol n.-x iork ti'v: Mi Fraink Introdaeed b ix*-.:'i>**r ti .,,.,. the Iloime voMm! I.nsider the t .,|i\ righl I'iU . II..-th'-'lhe New-HBmpBhire lowei h'.:-< , ,.. __ exm BeoBloB. = Tbe lodlana ki ? , ibeii daBces ?od made depredationa _,a,ck' more trtmpi 8l**rted foi the Bcenea ?i . .,?-),;,.. _____ Tl.e Coniieeticul Fannera ,,.,.;,. ?.ct ar Hartford. : A Wg loekout ?f ihiaaaB-Jmn waa begun at R^heater. = , ,,;irt0r electloBB w.-vc beld -.i Pittsfield, Mam , Hud30B,> V : Milwaukee, 3ml N'ew.HBveB. < ?""? The Natlonal < oaventlon ?'t tbe 1 ai i< ia AlllaBCB begBB Ib Ocala, Fra. l"be Co rl ul \ppeuls afflniied the deeUiioB ol the lowcr i in the CBBipbeU-ATbaekk bi*_tv3h of promiae '? ( in- and SBb_?i*Mi.-P. II- Sumner waa arreite., eharced with foiiing the name "f ?'?'??- \ Ldgar. s'ir"P"?'l t.. hnvc commltted auieide ... VoLis. -The eommlaalon for tlie reriBion of the ju.iicif.rv heM b meetiflg. "<? ^ Mrs CyruB W. Pield celebrated their treddin. : The funeral ol .1. I* rownatsnd ,..?_*.,? a l..i'.>r ImbetMediB l,is I't.nn tr, openi::? t,n.. nnd lr??-r. '-"- - ;;?'"l advam-ea.i.i,.lel.,ai..lsir...mwiMiMuall .??..'.? ; The We4rtr*t*r.-Foi****aat for to-day. Fair. i?i loxvedhy el.linea. ?nd iierhap* b*iow: bUuHUj eooiet foflowed >'V w?nner. remperature -- Wd;,;:lhi:hel,t''^^.-;l. The da^takm of tbe Conti ol A_*pe8Al8 iRainal ,,,. Kituhbarf iMilroad ('"nilianv bM B m ?!?'? ,.;.,.?,,,?;? i. more Bignirrcant than .t- _i..-.:.-. ( ,1 md. Tbe ncniri boWB, and holcrs righlly, ,li:il xvhen (.no railriia-l B*a?rba another .1 * 1,0,-nd ti. avsuni.-ali IUobligat-ioBs and to carrj ,h m ??,. In g?od naith. A indicial deaamn l ,.n, ..jv,,; ui.iil'lbi*si.rKTlln.;i.sin:i oommtiBitj x herustrid bumiteamBioialiU was ih-un. ? PUI_ Bnd prBtHioe, Thew hM i"-;i w nrnth u'aviM ?"?-' ???"f* ]oi^' "?** r,lin,;,/1 pwptrtiw li,;,', a atrong bhjal ol Judici?l comiiioB-aciijaO ,,? su.ii a .jii'-snoii a^ t!.<- one involved in thia i,..;- iti -ii ia ieli4?ta_ing. -n.ith M. Weed han grrde_ np !n- loins and i ,- ??- im- the -kmator-hrp prii ? in the deadert kind of dead earn_et No other coiwtructiop ri,n be plaeed tip.m the fac. that be haa en ^ (,_.,,l room- at the l>*lavan Houae in Al banv i'i ''"' ?*** ot Januar. during whieh thc'i rting for Senatoi wiU take plaoe. Mr. \\,-d i? eonvinced thnt the New-York and lirooklvn -_*__ator_ an.l A-RenMjinen will mid porl him in <..*(> _rOT_n__- Hill doe_ nol decide i , uike th.- -a-Mti i-ii'-P bimaelf. Tbal would ..,:?.av I..- ii good -ti.rt. ainee that portion <>i tbe Dem_*.rat_c lcgishrtora -viil I-- al ? I - oon trol th*- party .-au.-.i-. Thf." ia no lign :<* ic thal Mr. \Vae_ rostots bavme; written thal lett 'i'._ .%. udvanc" w._s made yeeterda. in unravel ling th.- Uranite State tan. io. Out corre sj. .nd. iit who mi on tho ground i- oonvinced that there ii ;. wxrful lack of leadership among tb" K epuhheana in il.'i Houae. Thal b ?dj ii not vet oven organiaad. The kiiutty qoeation whethei nine cenain enu_aerato*-, irbo di l.dut* laal J..;;". are Federal __-4*e_K_ldei- in the rtrict ?enae, and Aei-fbi- diaqualified foi _eat_ in ,:,,. Uoua., bai prored t<><> difUcoll a ptwale thua li.. : but until il i* aolvod ira progi-wa iaappai atlj poanbie. li is hettei to go alow .. :.l siiii-i* than I? ruah ahead ;?' hraakneck apoed and cO-__bH blunder. thal will prove ad vaatageou. to tba Democrata. Still, deiibera tion i.- not <i noiiimo..- ui'h ___g___ti__. Tha i>. nioc.Ht. puiici on ih'- Federal __)<__? tiun l.ill WM disrl.we.l in tho Senai- Jr*-___r di.y. Al n_s oxiKTt^.l, it is a polic. .1 flli buttering and delay. In tbe Hral ikinniah the oppositabn -iifl-i 'l a eomplete rotit. The bill takea its piaoe, on Seoator Hoar_ motion, aa "iin!iin>ihr,! bnaiue-*," and will in the regtilar course ol things come np For diaoua_._-i i very day al 2 o'eloek. lt ia expected tbat Mr. Hoar wiU open Ihe general debate to-day. The Rc pubtiean forcea were admirably bandled in j -- terday'a prcHminary atruggle. The moat the L>e-*oerat. can now hope for ia to dela* action. Tho majority are determined to puah thia im portant mearare to a rote, and thia will cer t i.iiiv be d. i;e. _ It i- .1 reaaon for general rojoicing that the llouae of ltepre_entarivfca a* a v*eiy early arage ... tbe aeasii n ahowa a di poaition t? dispose ol tli" (_jpyright queation in tho right way. The - iKite passed the bill al Ihe laal aewion by a deciai-e majority, a*i< 'i1'1 ", the previous C.m .'I-..-. and onl\ tho con<.iri-enoe ol the lltwae i ,? ,!, ! r, remove tho blot upon our National I;,,,,,. tbal will remain . - long aa we penrfal in tbe treatmenl wc bave hitherto aceorded to roreign authora. The bill nuw offered differa aomowhai rrom the onTHtefeat-d la* May. and i, ??',.-.-I |,v nol ?. aingle intere^l concerned in tbe making ol booka. Tho votn yeatcrda* ,,, raVor of et.nsidering Ihe bill wa* IR- to 7) . n-hich is detidedly encouraging. The mat tor v..?it over 1 iII t?-da.T aa unliniahod bu? ,?.... The Honae rannol .1" a wiaer thi ig than ni paaa the bill al Ihe earheal moment. SBCBETABY IYIXDOXTS BEPOBT. The annual rcpoil ol the Seeretary ol the Treaaury will t" a dry and dull documenl to , i .-? who are anxiotts Ni havo and to hold linan ,.,.,i .,.,,1 ,.,., nomic opinion* withoul any racts whatover .. supporl them. Utit all who ha TO a .ja,-,.,-.. ,i -iie lo know somethiug on aneh aub jectg will linrl in Mr. Windom'a rep. rl a mine ol information Kar [v, if ever, has thero been issued a publie documi ni of greal r cducational value. Ita arra* of fecta will be tire*ome only .,, those who want Ui know aa little as poasiblo about the business and induatriea . f the Na _on. li roaipletely disposea of a hoal ol , rrora whieh in rec nt clectiona have I - i II - . vou**. '1'he ivii.'ii thal Ihe Treaaury ia on tho re g i bankruptiy, havins he n rmptied h. Kf* publican unwisdi.m. ia dispelled by tl.n.<._J rpcorda and otimafc *. For the laal lisenl vcar . -? .ma receipta imreascd a?. ml M...??<?? md internal reventM ai.oui .ii.70o.ono, while publie land receipta deei - d *U.??? ?* other re. ipl ? wen _uh.i in ial j nn< ,,,. ,- ad. it."' in the eonditi 'ii "; Ihe pe >| le .,.,,1 jn bii-ineaa activitj is ahown bj ,.,.. |\,...mi .ii liaenl yeai I - ia expected l . be abo i .32.nin.fthicvh. with an .-ti.nn-l aurplua ol -.1...00U,.i un ?hc nexl liscal year, will more than - ,l .?rofl the !'.-? ol tb. - I i-half pci i !.??!> whieh mature n< tl !**ept< ml oi Mu.-.i niisapprehension or i -aggcration in regi ? Usi ma paymi nta ia alao rcmoved hy th. lt is ahown that a re ? Ij .;; '..i about .10,000,. for thi >? ir 1892 will re-ill from tl.'- changea ol i laims fn m the 0ld to tho :."? Inw, and an admiral le aug .. ? ,n is made to avoid tbe in i ? ????' centrationol paym nts al poriods thro n* i apart. The __*cretary reviewa with jnatilhthle aatis raction the policy ptiraued in nae ..I Ihe Treaa , i . irphi-t i-' avoid tn n< I iri tnniblc, and th ? , unparis m ivith tli i ? administrati' n is parl i retl l il le. I?e posits with banl a were neccs-arily a lard* and inad. qiute re m dy, v bi h depriv.-d thu l ? ? .;IV ol res .11 ? l r any om n ncy. Hui b* ;i;.,. ,,..,,., ... - ,,t bond. Mr. Windom was i , , put into . rculation over aixtj i ighl n i iona with ii Ihr. ' m. :.::.- ln anotl i | ;,?. reporl r is .h iy n thal lb*> aclual . tjon 0.11 '1 rcasur; baa in. ;.-?-? tl even hui dre.1 aud *ev. ntj mi :: >ns in I "" ., i one thousand and tw . 1SH0 to one ''l four bundr?' I md nin< I. . ...|.. millions in Ihiio. and lhat it wa" r. nearly tw ' ' milli. na d I nineteen moiitl - "l Mr. L'l. relaml - A Im tration, bul i u n ased n arly ninct* f. ui mi ' iona durinj" ihe c ?m ?p nding montba u id. r l'r,-!'|.-ni lliini- ?!.. l.-harg -a ol iu ? ? also, are wvll mel bj pn>ol thal larg. r . t.,iii- ol int< i ual i -i.:!1"- have becii . Ilei t. .1 dui .M'_ the la-'. year w ? ii .ii-. and tir- reporl Ihr .ughonl bcars el< . testiinony to ii" ? nicienc- and lidelily ol Ihe publie a. rvice. -.., :. ? iry \*. indom'a n marka on l qu 'stii :i ..i ? es] ? . i ; ? rcdital le, Im i_i i ? meaaiiro linally adoptcd bj ? ? ? ? at il.s lasi #,...i,,,i diflcred ea-sciitiaJI. from thal whieh ],,. had -ir n : i i ? oinmendt'd. II" does nol ticsitate 1" commend im|?oi tanl and its. Inl , hange.. eilei t d bj tbe a. I, whil. [tointii ? ? the i .. 1 lhat even l.< tter re nll ? mi :hl with |..--'ui have Ij t-n expected had l - 'J rcasur* purcba-. - been > ? nliiied t<> ailver ol Am. rira i pi-dtictioii. ii- b* Mr. Windom's bill n w.iuld have be n. II" attribntea the rapid ad\-ance whieh .? <i ni Augual and tho -ui-' quenl d. clinc in the pri.i ailver bullion largcly i i apocnlation di ? <l upon the Rrcal a. cumulation of bullion in thia oity, in |iart ^> importations, and express a the i..|." ihal the new li.ii. upon faii and uillicienl trial, will bo found to secure a aubstuutial and p riir.ii.iit adTance in tbe |iri<-e ol bullion, i..--"|.-- fiiini.b ing ,i '-MiMii: ui ?? ii i| iiiii-i-" in the <uppl. of arailable ctirn ncj." 'J ho ;?-|i -n does not *u .in argue the queation of freo ooinagc, bul ii aui. init- atrong reaaon for the beliol thal the ex Uting acl . iiiin.ii' I?(? altered with wiadom "i a<lni]iiate knowledge until ita workinga have been more thoroiigbly teatod. lt cannol be demed that leas than fotu iiioiulus i- i".. sborl a time in whieh to decide whetber mch :. mea> uie in. .-ts publii ii'-.'ls. Similar rf*a**oBiBi; i* applied with evon greal pr i'u. <? tn thi- tariff 'jiieathiB. The now ktw wenl into effecl only in part llctobor ?i. Nn portion "I i: haa been tostcd two montha, :.:i"l that is :ini long enongh for n.aikcts to become adjiiatcd i" new conditionn of demand aml Bup ].lv. ijor long cnough Im a singl. additional entablishmenl for Ihe produetion <.l articles previouslj imported tn gel into full operntion. Very importanl provial mi ol the ii'-v. law, and particularly il."-" v. ln.ii will .!'? moal lo re move hiii'l.n- from coB?*jmers, have nol gone into .-il"-i a- all as yet. L'ntil tbe effeota of ui" meaaure bave been fairly diacloacd by actnal expetience, the Secrotary holdt thal ma teria] departure from the policy a [opt*?d by i ongr aa would be nio_l uawiae and unjust, and ho arguea with greal force lhal coBtiaued agita tix.u for cbange, tvitfa apprebeoaion that thi proviaioaa ol tbe neti law iBay bo! long be Buatained, vnil d*vprive the couBtrj <?! man* ?'f the i.Mi'-tits the acl v,..s deaigned i-> aecure. This midhl be deaired by mere attorney* for a foreign inlereait, bnl with whal propriety can p'siiit bo rtotighl bj BB] loyal Ani'-ti vun'f On the ?-' nnal i,tie*.tion ni I'rotection Socret'irj W induni ronden* - i..- i a !? n -H" ig ? ., - an argumci.t of im aUtible i >n p, Th< home iiuilx'-i in li-is countr*. ba- rome to be largor and beth r than ihe market ?>l all othei coiintric* cumhin tl, and iu.inlr* m s.iii,it?"l .an afford to aii t> ita own pi rincpra I,. be <n i\ ???. i j foreign i ompi il "i. rrnl ol their largi -i aad be*l maikct*. Mr. VVindom'a elaborate review of foreign eomm - ia admirab'j calculatcd to enforce thi, .rgument. Hia 8teUm?i? Wrding tho >lIjX ;1I1(1 v:irl,d i:,:,h"--' I-'- btatne*! .",,;?.., ,,v bl_ |>epartmcnl an- ciear ind n atmotivc. ln gcn ral, tht* reporl deaervet ar more attontion lhan 8uch a documetit nauallj ,?.,,,.. There are thommntU, li no million*, rfcitirena who have beea and will bor.,g ,?;?,?_. and wnting Bboul public affain ... foUDd iKaonuicB of facta which thi.i _flk?d ? ,,,,;_,.. before them. KveninWall -,,,.. ivhrr.. ...-' Btenthinkthej know some . ingabuut linancc*. there are nol many who h^gr*,,, the aignilicance of the fact tbat ,;. - , ., t0 ., ,,.., .- -nt "; all paymeBta b raadoal ;hi.tiineofe_c4..ptionaUtringencyin ,??,, ,., ?. ntonej of anj kind, while intam jistnrbed timea mone.i waa iiaed in leaa than - ?.,. ,..?. ,,t -i!l paTmenta. NN hen legialatom and Hnanciera learn thal a meaaiiro n-hii-h .!,,!,, s the coniidence <?? ':' i;'- ?*??*?* wh,th ninrtecn onl of twenty paymenta are madc, must du harm, even though il add*. lo the oaah Ms...| in "ii'v .ni" paymeBl onl ol twenty. they maj acl more wisely ia Congre* and 1,1 bank parior*. _,_____?_?---???-?-? TBE /'/.'/>//;/.V."> BBOAD WF.'.s. ,,,?. 0f Ihe strongeal paaaagot "' ''"' I'1 ?"' ,Wn\\ \i.'s-;i'.'.. is thal relating lo foreign trade. Hc ji'ini- i"H one atriking advantugc ol Ihe i;,.,,i,:?,..:;v poliry "i>'<-li baa l"- n ad iptod b? r, ngtctt,' li embodiea the conciirrence of both houMvj iii a il-iiiiit" offer ol ii.ntry to .niericaB p 'rta of apeciflc aTticles. (Irdiimril* j, lieciprority Treatj U negotiatcd in the dark ';,,,,I the conaeBl ol two-tbirda ol l "? Soaato ,-innot !"? "''t: :-."'l withottl protractc I delay, ,vhile ofl n '? i" withheld all igcthcr. Tho II,,,,.,. ),..- alwaya be n im lined ln r mdemn ,;,,..,, inti ii. ttional compatrta aa unoouxlitui ?? i jn prinei]ilf, ainoa they involve inva*ion ">f the rj?hj ,,t tbe renreaentativea ol the people to iiiTtiatc i ??- im ? ' ?lation. I" the piwent in .; ni..? Congrena a.ts in advan. Ihe Kx ,,.,,,-,,.. _nd s..11.1:1.ii. ih" princi| ln of Reti ,,,- irity. Thc Si ite D< i"iMn.-iit in d ,,i-, -Iiicii'.' countri. - in Ihe "Kiiith 1- lt ?' in a posiiiou to al ite ita torma with preriai 11 1 .;,| ,. mtidi :i"-. 'I i." rt'Buont ol twi -thii ,.,,. - .,..,,? has 1 ???ii aci iir. d. 'I lie r >ncui - . ? oi the IIiMiMi in tlic bnrgain is now nn .,.,., ...1: x. Commcn ial r .iiiparta- l?< l we< n the I ?j| | -: ,: . . "! -1'iiii Ii Alll' in:i KM I" qnirklj and di ? ?ivc ; iindo. Xi.:.. >t of ih" Ki ? ip "? -: ' ndment, a* ... . |", .. ,|, ?.; , .,. 1 tl* 'I--' ii' ??? it. 1- nol t ., i.i.,;. ii.ii.x nf n I..-. Th< 1 :' iod - Ifei4 bi '? '-'? ? iintrie*. ft"'.i whi< a it rc< ive .,,_-,:. ,? iffee and hidct n frco ni irli t for t l 1 .due . "ki I ir as il ia ? ?n. crn il 11 ? [>i . . .implr-t" d ?: i:i-." tl n. Thc ad' ... the world lor 11 >pical pn il !'??? ai ? c .nferr *d ?|x?n 1 roiintrioa. .NII tbat is required in onl 1 to ?? vi rt thoae privib gf* inl 1 |M*rman nl henclita ,. ;,i, , >nl t . iii" ronrossion. 'I lie I'n ? ? ;. ?:.-- tl ai tin : aro thc in- ? . ni ' n Ij n id pimitivc ,? tion in ,,1 1;. ripriN'it) on the parl nl ihe An. r:.-iii republie* and S|iain. '1 ?? ncn 1 ? ., x .,r,.;::-.'. t . I ?? .1 I.i' II impCTtatll f.K ' ' of 1 , . -?,"., ol -- ?' M-lim: the Nntion'a cxp rt tr ? ,, ( |] '?':??. M ?'." N'"-:'-" znrla an i ? ir-rai iiag ^tnt(? v .-I imp rtant inflncn. -? in enlarging tl ? Fowig 1 t for Ameriran pn dtu*o and m iiml ,.:-'!.- oponcd f< 1 - ? ? n| i| ?? ? !i |>in< nl nt thc x ? 1 ? I ',.,.! mlv adviM :r l' ? ' ' ,. ibe coniplcmcnl nf 11 Ile i i.i tli. n ' ? : . ::' ' ,, ,.. 1.. ? I.i* ailviee i> Fn 1 ? ?'. . ;,', I f! ' ' !1'' I Amci c.) rrixti lotn thi r. ?\ .- ., ? ? 1 1 .ti.i lt . .1 I '!. . ii uu ii'vci . tru iiioiii' iK-ing 1 ? : ? ?: ;? ' ? ? ,.\. ., tbat th. ?? low I. ? y..-.l thc milk ol hin "l . ii ? . ?? ! ir- M . a: ! K.i . . :?? 11 ..:i i' ,,,., . (he ; i : ICIJKll", an I 1 " I' 1'. ' ' ? irill' ?! I?? ??' - :? xl ,,.,.. eiand and Mr. Havid C- im ' Ild ? \\ ,? in.-lv alludcal ,11 1-- ill** I mi.- '?? Ihi m iiijrn li' ' whii h h:i I pi th< - ?? :? ? ?? - >- ? ",.| I IT ,':!? \Vitll4l - I ' . _-,- ,,,T. li is Wil !' ? 1,1,.,, ,.|.1. 1 in 1 urms, -?? t- r Hn tn ii-,- r ? I K111 ?|m in 1 >i< ivh 1 .1.king an l . ? ? . ?? .a. b . ibroats: 1,1, 1:1 : ui, aft. . .? ,,.v.,. in ;. 1. ? , ? intim iti >ii is t'l-.t ... ,| it i.i-- I,..- imp I ility 'il , ? , ,, . |,. , . tl,.. iiix -i.-ri' us I.". ? ?? Iiidi 111 ix drivi - Ih ?? :? " nn a Um .-? nl ivh n ,y, 1 thc otli' r '" itw .ins inln his k< 11 " aml. iiband '.ni!.' all Furthi r attemptJ to meet, , ngaged ll ? d 1 r <tc I -?i\," - ol 1 |_amonl lo dn For thoni \\liai n< ither :- ?l*l*a to do i' 1 him ",t. Thc l"'|i'ut 1- tl. |1 :i -?.x." f |i, .-, ? luii l,.-,':i atmnged and lhal tlic protncol* have ;lt . l> 1,,.,-n ,x, hanged. Tlm t"ti:.s ar ? ;i I i" 1 ? ,l,,i Mi. t ;,-\,;.hi,| shall l,.,,iii.i- thc oavner in i,... aimplu "i i'i" wdid N"-,\ ^ nrk d<! :.'.iii.>n Iii 1 he l '-iii "i'! ? National L'mn cntion .>l 1 KO'J, nilli n 'ii" I'i 'ii"11" h m ni'iix" iifraid. pither in the ?-"ii\ cntion or \\ hilc ho i> n-addling l"i Ihe I'i *si?l( n. 3. aud lhal Uot i>rm*i Uill shall throu Smith W'< I ln thc ... ,,\, - and : ike the ^vnatorahip. Thi 1 nl il .,?11' ,s ;i preiix pi rgrammc, and ii 1 - ma Ic positivuiy ht*auliful hj ihe udditional proviMi ,!, ,1 thc lion. II iw II I1 r.'i'.M-r al.all be thc 11.-ti,,.< ral i.- noiniiu ? for l?o' rnor. \\. ha\ ;il\'.a\s loll a pcctiliar kiii'lii"-- For Mr. Kl ? 1 Hc l,:.- Ii.i'l in- month upen **i long nithnul lx*ing abk* i" t'loKO it upnn anvthini' cqual i< hi- "i?--i-i-is Uiat 11 giv?4 11* i nn 1 ' look al him. |.i bo s.,|... thcre i- Gonvral Jonc*, tvho .- nol ivithoul "?i:i:nis aud n.'-iHs, aml wh 1 h .- a'.', t>l\ taken tin- lieid in pci <on. Bul, nn the 1 Ibei band, we ha\" nevei reil thal tbe t'cneral x, is warranted in aeeking lo creale Ihe im (ii-fssiuii that be is the oaly member ol lus |.aii.\ who i'.\s thc frcigbt. Mr. r'low >r haa never submittod lus bouka '.? poptilai inspec tion, bul we venture 10 ?i.- thal be ! paid more l? niuciaii' freighl during thc h ? fivo years lhan anj other citizen oi .\ w-York, not .?.\r'-]i-.ii?' the Lioiitenant-(iovernor. A in'l'l aympathy foi .l"ii<-s 1-, natural aml rommendnblo, bul the man whoae bowehi ol oompa* .'ni are in good ordor will um \x,i-;, tli"in iqxin ?!? ii'-s. lt is thc gluoni,*, li n. ? ? of Mcsara. VVhitnej and Chapin nhieh pnqicrlj . ihe couiiiiiscration <>l ""ii 1 :??, med . vening ( 111< mjairarj The IIfII 1 c, --i. . lian. ? .- ?-in- I I'h.r,' I'?-11 arning 'I withuiu thc vivli-"-! icgard 1 . iheii oomfoii an I 0011 venience, aluaya pmvided thal it ha ? I...H ai rangi 'I ai all, ol which 11 ? acknov I.? th 1 ? "? 1: . >'\ idenre whatatx vei v .uieihiiiK lienidca 1!." pies m'c of t'ol mcl laamonl in Ai 1,'!-.-, ,,:i I,'i-.i"'-s 1 ,,ii,n'i t. .1 with the ii;.ii. poitation probletna oi this city, will hc 1 aarj 11 eonrin. ? tho public thal hi l, 1 (.(.,;1,(i in hurjing ttM htrgest ind iharpeat trhcl ;" the State._ rns C0MM188I0$S BEaFOXSIBILIl T. ?i-j, Conatltutional Uommh-rioo ia again in ,_i,.ii. lt haa greal labora yel t.. perform. Its rim. i- -ii."-- I" :| '*>w weeka, al the long . ^0 reaulta oi ita -eliberaticma muat be ?ub njijted to the Legialatnre. Immediate and definite aotion w now nece?aary. While th ire j, no ,.<?<_. i-.n For precrpitate ha-t i, the time , p.. ? ,.A doliberation and protracted <li<. ii--i'.n hM gone by. li';' majority of the Cominiaaion ' |,;,vc ii"? f& arrived ;it a clear and well detlned concluaion ;.- to the bcsl form and m,.thod ol rcviaion of the Jtidiciary artiele "1 .',,,, Conatitufiun, they are nol likely to be brought to -.i"'i cont.uaion by on.- prolonged M,,,,!,,...,, B| thia time. A motion waa ad< pl ed ve.stcrday, that all propo-itiona previotisly ,,.',.,'.i ,,' i.v the Uommiasion ahould be re wlI,side'vi and regarded ;.- atill open. If this in.-i'ii- Ihal fllt Commiaatonera are now coming logether with a lincero ptirpose bo aink pei ?t>nal .,.,..., Bnd t.. ni'it?? in a plan ol reform ) . ;!.,, |.,,iin- tbal I'li'iui-"* to ni-'.'i the ap? proval of Ui- l_egi_laturo and tbe people, il ia u(,|i. ii n moana merely a reopeniog of the (.mt'r ,V( r-.ii - Ihal were heard in ihe aeaaiona Bl Alhany la-' aummer, tli" prospectii "F tho ',.,. ., 0j the Commis-ion'a labora are gloomy indeed. Wc do nol believc thal there ia occaaion for ovil apprehensiona m thia reapect. Tha !,,?_. n>. ??- takon by Ibe Cominiasion haa s 'rved .,'? pxtfllenl puipoae. lt has given an oppnr |i;..,,i foi ih ? membera i i aaeertain ihe riewa ,,l tho |... |.'". aud especially ol lawyem and judgoa, regarding their main propt isitiona. lt M ,,.,;.. tho. ? opinion-. have D< l been as fully ,?. de.: I. di* expr.? d as would have lieen ,i <,.. 'fhe Ihr \ - - ? '?:??:? of this i it. in ,, ,. .,,. rrom blaine in the matter. Alth ngli , .;, . il t-immittee was apjn inl -I for Ihe pur ,?,.,.. ii iiber the publii n r t1'- aaaoci ition haa [l( i;,| ,,,,.'., ? .. , ; nny con< lii-ioua it rea. h. d. |i,.;,it.. thi I icl auflirienl has appean 'I to in . ,!,,. : -,.,:,; gonlimenl ia united reapect ? ?, ; .! ..I tho in re --'ir nl .-"?'"? uni?*1 ? on. I. f thea.- Ihe pi >p *-ed proi ? >n . ('o?nij Jttdges and _.?ri -galea in ! ,,..,?... nl limiled popnlal to p .,,,s. Tho .ml) pretencool an argti ? in favor ol thia pi .1 si >n was thal <> ..,-. ?!,.,' -ni.II rs-. ? ? ? ? '; ! ': l-ff,,r'1 . . ,.,i their fnd ?? i '?? -' ?'' '*?'?'"*- r?r ' Had a- thia :i giim ., '. ? ,"i Imdy. in . .,?,.,- >n ii i- al . ndcl nsild**. II ? j none "' ' | i . .. ...... | i? ,....: ?-. thi ' ' .,. . . ,..,..... ma. Whal that i wsnn . . ,,',. ?i-. .n ? i: nt ?'?? -"? ? '' ' l >?? ?.? Ihr ?:..I ?n ?" ??!.?? (jaged in ii . ., ..;.!? ?:? ' ' ? ? ' '" ,;,,?.. . .urt. I ? ? " ? ? ? " ? , . . . ... pr.t _. a man I I ihe.-? i* a . , . mt- . ? i ? , . ? ?? , !'?? ad.'.|ua-0 f. ? - . . ? :i he made, nol on thi .?" eeonom* but onl.i of dis ?!l.V. Ibe mi ii '-.'":?- ol lh? -i ?? ni" fo :l'" rr , - ilitod b. ? .. .' ?? : , :i -.;?: I ' ' >???" ' ?' " i in 1 . ? ..j.. ... ii.. | as ln I ? . ' llui to ii . M ? nit ' ' . ? ,?" din ? ? ? ? "'?'' . i is III ? . ? ' ' ' Ih ' .... ni |i, have iu.-t with ? i?m, i ? they i i',...i |.i..i. ,-? ? ; ll.l'k H| ".I wh.-li tli ' .is* -;1 nins um ? ? I T< rm ??? ,i . I ln |i ?, .sj.I : ..., . ? ?' ,,i w| ii 'i there -h_ill be a '. iwnil l'< rm l , l ,,| i ? .? , ?-?:.. : hi ir all . in !',.? t i . in it un ?. -? -in- lik-sli t. i ,. iidnpli'd '? .t? - ' ' initj ,1. , .!.. - iii" |T i|i >il ? ilding - i. h ji - :,,. . whil meml -i- ol Ihe ? ? ? - I'.-iui ,, : ? in ui li r |ud i-ial np irity. II n .? pi [i -,..| aincndmctit - l;a' e mei kV:,l, .. , i, -,;-. |.,i- :l;i.| ouNp >_ n "i'i o-ition ,?, .;, ? mr ',; ? of the aiul in tl < oin ,.. ii . th. -" w hi. ii . nt< ntplnte thal soch .|, i,;;,-.? ..I 1 li" I .011 ll! I ,ii ll i . I'" ' ? ' t"'i |,, the !?? opl ? "i tho \ hole Stal . aud Ihal the.i nl, k|| l ?? -? |i rated from tlu nthi-r .lusti. ea ol ipi in i .in i and tui ;hoiit tho whol of their terma exeiriae noiui bul :_t-|.?*ll-_t |ui indiction. Tlu *e are ehnns - - > radi. .1 a i ?,i iK'iii.iiui tbtt' .i: ninenis t.. mstaiii ,!,.-in ..inl th" presentati.iii ol the idearesi |iro_f_ ..I gain i" !"? dcri'.i'd rrom theii adop tion. \\ o :.|i|'i. hend ii . such . \ ideiu. , ni i, ? /ii. n. I ii".'. ''"i lai ii I.i I.* ? n"i yet ., ;i ,n; lli-h_d. I ni Ihe :i-ll lH.lte.s nl l!.. -. i;iil"ll.lli."il!- 1 > B?lh. .,- i. il li |" (-,r :i "l;-t.. Iheii -il i'i|. at >:- ' llfl im , -, ,( tho ( '11)1111 -i ,n - v ? rk. Dii th ? i.i'n i hiind, il tl...-.:i !.r-;."l |i..iiit- wen.t ol the w iy, Iher.' would 1 ? iiniitiimit. upun the m:iin p ol reform. And without sm-h . ubstautial ima iiimil) ibe r_iiHiii iiiu-i la.'l. i ilure in the i:ii<-._ The ivntiici. ..( N'ew-York catn. t.> t!,.' fr?nl in l.ul . Until fiiBhinn IohI i iU, and t heii u irt iti il,.- luuni.'ipal oninpniitn fi?r ______ K.iveniiii^nl ,\ill nol I.. nmiiii foi ut ten, N'ow th?..i ..-?? taliinti i i the *\... l. ..i tl.e ll.mpil il Sntm . I Stin.lny V-Socintion with ?? ln-..ri\ Roud-.vill tliut il .mIuhmMiv l '..intiiil I.','- huv. Itcii .? i., mnl r .. t hon hkIi ran. a _h nl the uptowu rei il tiaiii' 11 ?? work baa u-.n i-k_.. -??<l in in the iri...-i systeiiiai.c i*.i.i, aud Lbere ean bf an>t ih.i tia- hospital fund will Iw 1. i .--l \ benelltc.l b. i!?. elTorUi uf iii?' wonwn who have resulvrd to gjvt. iluMi- time and etlorta to thiaenterpriae. ?. ? To tlu. bajehall magnal i: It would be .-. rriid to the general publie ii before the _laii Ni.** Vear atandi tlptoe on the aiiity iuountaiu-t< u ..I the future yoa eould _ei tle your differenc-i aud H-iii.. .- the ::.-.! American ?ame from _h. arena ul dlacuaalon. ' 'an t you ? "The s|M'ai..-i i..-i- m bia uaual manner and a-i ni.uii..-.I hia aubjeei ' So remarka ' lli" Kieb :,.il i'l.iiii'l " lli la'i 'li.iln. .I-I. |."il Of a -imih'II fbe ?peakei ia lo l_ eouimended. Itlaiuii iu ..'i i.iual manner before u r.mgre ntiou, _.i. iij ,.?.,; . .,, a handtpring ut a _tep-ladder ur .. bai l,?)U ui :i piilie], la pl in have ..n unfoi liin iie ,.Hi.i i upon ih.- 1..I1II. nnd UioUKhtJewi I. .- Iui lictt.r I". ii apeaker, even at ihe risk "t bei . i .... i a. ... , . iu riae in hia iimial Ml ,?i?.i . provid.d "l roiin. ihal lrs iiHitnl maiiiiei ,.. .-, , pfiil aia! >li in'i.-.l ?_. I be painful perfoi n ince i I Su. 11, tbe fi atei, ,? .., ,,. ?sl?.Ij eoi tributc -.methina ?" the technl ,?:,! kMiwi.-kc rn the mcdi^l men who are watciv m, it. and benee aijtiomplBih BOtrn- raatote a* vantage for manktedi bul li is a mtlatWieo to learn thal the ahow is ? gteal pofJ-tof failure. ? ? - H anyhody <ii';prts to Btieh weat her ns that ?>l -,- ter_ay we are eBtirely arilltai *al he Bltould "?im rrate. _ # _ The Bliffhl tire in OM of the hutldtag- of "the oM brick row" of Vule recalla the e_tra*-mlliiary immunity from firu which the collcre haa em ?,v...| The nio.iern buildiBga are ateam-heated, i,? ,;,P old onea bavt been Bubjected for Bwnera tiona to tho pcrila whleh eome From st,.v,s. open ??;,.,.s uml lircplaecs. nnd rtweclally from 1 holttl *? i,-s voubr men who are ln the habil ol nbo* br onvwhere and e*rerywbere r.n.l dropplB? nmtehee :??l tbe ttump* of olaara aad cUtarettea ... the ._j,-at. ,,,m,',"I of the aafest, plaaea. And yet , flj-MiuBlnc has ,.!4vnvs been tho rarest of all .,..,,,s .... the enmpuB. lt used lo bc boaely and BKn.!eroiialy aald that tbeae venerable atructurea ,,,.,,. to burn. tbat the pure Bame nav,n? Btortcd t- li.-'c tliem up. alwaya went oul j;i datfuat, aad kepl thlnjni darh, Whatever may happen to Rprinjo-r el al, b ,.. r from now, then.can't aeem t. he any ,,oHbi that one Tliomaa li Reed is Speakw oi the preaent Houae. S*ot eontent with bavin* one of thc - - ..iv.,- foothnll Ktnaet playcd within her ..... . .i.i,! baa Ihe three-ply, double and twisted niwiii-rmee to BttBReal t4if*l the Thank??ivina ? < ? _hall ;,;,? hc playcd there. I* la ?ueh eahibitiona 0f.l which prompt -he '' ':"' '"'' ?' '" horaa-leccb t. osk heraelf lf, i''i-''' ?>?.*??? la nol rather a difflilenl orenl re -*. ? I',..-!.,. Blniiahtcred Home Rnle, Mr. Parnell ??,v ,..,.,.? 'l..t.-,;.,,...'! lo make way with l.lmaclf. Suii i le often follown i iu Ici TrHSftffnrts In il"* eaae of the Jananese murdcrcr .[.. im have delnyed hia ea.ition nearlj l mont'H He wm - - nentenced to be exec.' .luring the w**e? b*?a nninjz Februarv 3, l??0: ,i,,. ||nr,| Bcnten. ? la fo? tbe week betrlanina Jai u ary i,,, is ,i. lt is in nrdci '- aak whal has '... ,.,| |>y tiii*j |, istponement ol alm< st a Ai,s'i',t,.'.v noi i ... muttl be the anewer , i ,.- ,-ry unpre i liccd ??? ?rvei, FKBSOSAL. There |* ulk ??' n iklna th* i: ?-. < irl II " ' ih. thi : ' ?-,...., -... . , .... , . .'??-,-( ,1. .,'-?? ' -,.",. :? - ?'?''. i ' i , iici : ? ' ' ,-.... . - . Itural Hal . ' ' ? .? , ? de . tlial ? , .... i, ( Ttea ?? , ? ? a member of the . - , -, t , : IK ? ireh, a bra ifh <t .. |? i?- onrai 1/..1 |i il - '?,??? ra. <- wo . - ? ' "'; ,: .. ,? ri itnu A. l.ii on >? I.I'?i ... j , ? : |t ,. ? , j, .. , ? fijrt. ? , .. - wi uanu < \\. ? ? '?? K ? to Bai i ra .-,,;..., :--.? .. ? put "1 '?<? ' s ? . , ? ;? ? '-:.'?'? '.vi ?.?'! ? Of 1 IliiK a il ' , ? : ....... ,',.,, !?. , , ? ' reeenl Afrlean travel . . ... - , ? -. , t l.y Dr. ' .'i-i Po* ?"' will "I-- '? ' - ? | . - ;?:..,;-. i. wtt< ! ,?! ; -;sf I -: I - ? ot Kwnr ???:?-?? - .i -i.i "f ' : I ... ? iftei ...?'.-- il|. .i ? , - ,- - , ? -I'l'-r ? x ., -, .-..-' ' ' ' " . . ? iln .,:. I '? ?'. ? - - : . !- ". : . . ?." Ill "i- ira . 1. 1 -.'i. ?/.-. RVSJStl ? - FIBSl BKClTAt. :.'??'' ? ? ? i' ;. whlle j - ?' ' 'l .... ..-.,?? ? . I to I I . ? i, and. I i ull ll i'i--' ?'? "''-- '?"' - ?'? - ' ? I ??',. . ..: - ? '? ,.....? - nal i ? irp .. ... D" ** -, ,?,'?- ' . i tn lt* I n.iti" r : ? i , ? - .,.',. !."*. . . ; ... . . , , , -?? onl) inI' al I I I ... = ,?.' ?.,... id ?'?? ty ol ,. , 1 . ii, t. Iieaixl II ? ? ?? ?' '? ?? ? ., ,,( ti.. l-liil --.., t.ix. aiien h ? ..'?'.".I i tn tl. ? ? ? ! '? '??' ? '' ? ''' _i ? .t.i in-'. .1 ? ? m : for tn. ?? . ?? h "i . ,. t"?,x.-,i . i ?. : Bai M 11 ? ? ? , s.iil ?-?'??< Iii K im ?.--,. ,i ,_j... ,,, . : i liopln'a i,,...|i,)-,ti,.!. , ..... I ?? 1 ?,. ? ? rhlcli I . . ma '1 ' Inc tn hlm. ll ?. ' ? '? "- ? : , ? ,- i ,.i rn*(|iienll) . ull ? ?'-?( '' ' -,.,,. ; - |,|| ul ? itlnienl Khlel xx ii'.n. ti,..! from n ' - ln i,.. ihlu -s '\ ,, l , xx: .1 n - i-iiiiip . -. - li.'ii llrst |i ? i , . ?, nn -li fiu-l"* by th ;? '.. llll III) . ' "li n' ? ? ? i ' ...\. rful ?.,. i.Iiiini wlu.'l .i .,,, i , ...,- ul-) lulne ?vhl. li ....?? e_| ? I tr.nn i. |,.. ,? . . iul,-. It I . :. x.; i uml . .pr . , I4t|n - "l"ii- i >iin--- .in.l ._ .1:,, , . ?? s.i li ii. ,i Mr. Ki.iii.i. -I i-i . .,si x,'. |.??? i ,x i,,,x..-! 1, f--, li:.~. llitell .<????? >? .1'id rilj . ii I. -i" ? ll*clit, Mr. iii.M'in.'i x. i:i x .id ... Iul _) ihe Nime pliu-.- i i i,i.,i i ,.x ,in ruoon, I"-. ,??:,?- ii ;:..'.:,,'.. Un Ihl. . ;., : li- v III I'I ?> t -x.. .,i ;. , el id ? ?! ni....- . .rn Andanl md vii Inilon , bj II i)di . II. ilim ii Snnutii ";?? ?? ? ? - v lati ma, lirleft's rjulte -Aa. Ilolberg'* Zclt." Chopln's Ber ind tli*' mil { ln A ll .'ii v ,, iuriw Iti .. ,!..i. and LUzt'a "Llebetrauar Xo :: .i ..i iscoud Hun _i...i.i i:inn,-"iiv. A Hl'.AN Y UB.VDE. ? i ,m Th* Detrott rribun ?? i: i i i.,:i. ii. tt-ice. t ,i i Daniel W b ter t- Bo_ar Q, UU i, and all the waj dov n lilll. .,iiiM. in niB wki'.m; DIRBCTIOir. 11-...-.1 The rlttsbi rg i hronb lo. li Unvenior-eleei Hattl on nnfds r.'at. n^ he i?y*, ... i,v ,i,.i bo |.,.i"' I'hlladelphlu |on b Waatorn trlpll ? WHAT HU' PEOPLE W.MT.H H08T VAI.IK. From rhe ita t< ti Jo irnal \ i,- . ' :? -. nol i i lieap ?:? ?r ? ?. ahould i ,? i , I...,;i.. .1 ,i. r ,. ? nn*)) '-n: - i.i cotno. \, .T IN DE1I 'Mi .11 sl N,i\v. ;'.,.',. i lie v?-i ; i" .'' i Tne buluine ol p.iwer I In a poaillnu to aympathite x, ,11. i , ,, . , It will have .... pla. ?? lu tbe .1 -m llou i. ? 11 M \V UOMK IN II \M'V s,,\t!'. riMK. I'..,'.. i ii ? I'iii iburg i iii -ni' i ?? Tha Wnrld'a I'alr [ifloiile ara worklng up ;> | ' :!1 uf runtrot. After .i whlle Miej ?H1 iry lo _Bt :> l .iir lu uppli their \ iteni to> Iti:. AXD __?/?>. FIELhS tiOLDEX WEDDIXC. thr. BUDAX. I'li'.i v ..r rn-TY Yn.ns \on pkes KAT AT TIIK ? I.I.I.IllilTION Li ..ill.TVLV tions r:;..n ILL ovi-.i*. Tiir. WOtMJt. Mr. and Mra. Cyraa _. HaM -.liarala. t_a_r *__? ..?(I.lil. reeterdaj H'ni'l ...ii-'r.itiil.t.'in- f:-'"i. fi'i'i'.-S aii over .ii" world. \ -hoaaaaal or _wra tmrnmi wen ,. ..,,. ...i im ,.i,.,.,r. | in-:--...-.-- M'.-.r,.Ire_ l.y iii.'iii nt thelr home, Mo. _23 K.-.-t tm-uu'fir-t t. There **h- ? notablo family renntoa aleo, aa. <._p in tereeUni fu. ln connectloa -1t_ tha ocea-loB *_??__. Um eotlre brlrtal parts ot 1*40 aaaa prcaenl at thi i a.- >- -;- i-.i .y. Mr. aad Hra. n-.d Umit-d iii.-ir InvlUvUoiM t-. relaUvee an-i InUaaMa trlend., bul even then thelr ipa-loni liiiii-> waa crowded. Tlw receptlofl h__te_ frwai _ i?- '"? anfll ?? n, ni. Mr. uiai Mi ? i-i'-i'i -'" a" awder .1 -oaatltal tVn.l bell whlch Imng In tba D_rl__ md 9mm lf> eeived congratnlatlon . On the t.-.M. ta Um hall ?_? ;t btrge 'i i- iin.'iii fi'.i "f i tar -' ta all eallan. lt um- i. ol Um warrlaff "f l_40. aad a eomm imoraUon <?' the golden weddtng <>f l-'?">. si_'.ed i.v Benjaraln ii- Field, u ":-.i ?_*. T. -hermaa nnd other weU-kaown people. Alter UM r-Cepfloa UMn 11 ii- a family dlnm r. There were ao brf___t_r lootfng people la th. wh__a .... Ih.iii Mr. and Mr*. i'i'i'l- Mr. Pleil -I"-:' ?!,?? __j at l.iiiii'', i.Ivlng un? .-"?- and atteodli _?> ? ,- , ,..,1 ?i. .in s,ii.-Ln Mi. I'r-I'! i'i' .'I'-tity OM ..,.;,,.. ,,>:. bat I. t..,|.i'- !,h;.|i,!.|.-- took "II __0_t twenty Brb jrear- lt Mr. i I. kl looki _n I ? ' - runnl br ig, Alter the m iptlon ww all over he ehatted .l\a_lou_iy mi'' <?:..-?.?.?' i' i.i- weddtafl aad Ma Bfi :'i m.i i.."?-.-,i- . ii" and bli ?__, who waa Ml-a Hary liryan si .ii-, of < ;'ai. i.i. i.i-.::.. w ? r v marrtoi bj Mr. Field. fath ,1 t Ptcv Dr. 1*MM. w__ti*_e_fmt?d ?.:.:i ..... idins ? ?? iear eg >? Yr-i<>r._i . ,|., \.a. ii li l | - three tamoai hrothera, .? ? r - -1. r i -1 _ j? i.n.i Dudlej . : tbe Rea. I!"'iry M., h - Ma rlilldre ?" grnndchUdi m, .'f the many roi ??:? 'nl iti.iii-. the ooe ?__ k p.s tow i 'i Mr. ni i Mr . FteM Un B-oel vaa Iraaa !. a il ii. It __l -i.'ia-I b> R I"'--' Uat ' f f..i.' -H ' I, lud uk Mr. and Hr_. . IIII u i E. '?'? l I we, th. Dah* ,.; Anryll, Arrhdatron lairar, l/wd Monek, D_____m i. iit ?.. pn f- - a- iv.ii am 'i i mpson, Admlnl EUehard .. Mayno, Jane I'obdcii, .Ir II. i> Oooch. >:r foha : ... un .Tn:-ii - Rcutei aud neorfa W. BaaaUej ? i ?,.? of the i I ii '?<?"- " paeeea. ?ere Mr. aad Un. _'il!ln_i .'t-it.'I- .i'.'1-in, >Ir. and Mra. r.vrua W. ' ;' '>' |r., Davkl DnalM. Pleli Mrs. Dudl_y !'i!'i. Ju U. ? -i phen .. HeH Benjaala H. FkHd, .:?? Uev. Dr. Il-iu. M. K.-'M. Mr. and Mra. LVlivai-d Mm o F Id, i d '>;r. nnd Mr*. C. De ivv-t-r l,,;,!. -? " | " .? lOdDd M-BT di ..?.-.. if tho . . Ai ton* thea __n 9t .ud M.-. ll. ?;.-.? ii Mr. i ai m i.- lerlrh .. ralln . - ? Mr, ?> d VI Jiw ' - W*. lierard, Mr.. ; I: ? ' I , ,. r.-ii. ... ? .1 -?.?l.|.-.. the li-1. i>r. 1 ' ? id. tlM M * ? i d i?-. \. - 11 lt. MUa Hewltt. <??,.,.,-. >, 'U Durtou ?. ? .'. Dr. m I ? ., Mi lil._-.-L.iid. Mr. and ".--. .?: ii. ... Mlll . W. 1 -: ? mta, i -.j. .. ', n ui. k. i..-;_ .'??;? Utnter, Morrla K '? ? !? Ul -i. li Potti - ' - ? .' ? ?? II.ut. d. the .i.v. . : ?.. , . :i ry i s.turle*. w ll _l |>r. and Mi >. VI U ini II. Draper. .1 BESIGXATIOS KY BB. 8TASTOS. .,-,-.1V ng DOI - S n WISH TO lii. 1 REAW hXI OF -; ;; ,. > . , _ , ? ?:.' i sv. M -, | ,? ? iid ? : '" ad <" -'.rt to i !.??' - d hi ic as ti ? I th ? " B ? ? ' 1 Vorlon -t--. ? ,.,...:-., . ' . reaard 1 UM ..-'"'? ' 1 :???;? in th. I . . wr to T. II .??."? ? i. to ' ' ' , and thla m i . ? ? : ' ' ' ' ? . ? ?. !? :,r ? ??'? I : ? ; ''? ?? * ?_:..'. wttb ? - md tlu. ?:-...;? " Fr-n. ? u "..- i ; ? ? M - ., for r.-,-:. ? : ' ? . ..?,?.-,..i iv aome people to '?' "'' '?? '' ..... ? || Ud not wUh to . : ? m, to be .i ?""??'-? """? ;" ...,?? ne I ' ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? n-EDDIXGS PJST AS'D TO COME. ,,,.,.,..,. ?;...... gai?l ,, _, . . .- ,,t AU -tiU' C____l___ . , . -...., ... the Bm. : ' ' ? '..i.'h. niii-latmg. ren aw?y by her und". Btanl . .? brtdeet-JlMa arl BO ,,?. usUe? were Pranh ilowliii-, Waltei . .. ; .,,.m.v. Kd-mrd iv .1-n. wli i *???? v ?"__ __**!!_? - Mr. and Mra. Maaaad fte .... s? ,.i ? -? - ave. rhe*. wew im-.-.t . .,,. .,.,, , few rchMrm. I i. . ,., | i. ? Erto-M to T. II. ... , _|>n. will take /."? al tt. <.^rr"'' , Kiiiirve - " "' ? m> M 4'w v ? ni tollow al .-ii.-r.v ........ -?,..-. ? land t. ,.?'...?, i'-r ' * ,., t Chrl-t rhurch, N< ? BHuhton. H, ... i;,.-1 vedder, daaffMer ot Dr Vedder. will be marrlcd lo i - - L v , '? v. . ?... . ,.,. at he r.i' er*a I m , Ko. M ? I . h. i"-. - N""^'. Tha weddtti ?l ?,m.. ?_ l i -? "-u ton*1*** "f ''" ' Lanutna of l ? rl anrh. . d Fn.^k t. DeO i ? ,?'? i" !"', -< ? ? ? ? :,:'v. i i u ? i ?? .??, . ? . rv /."'// w." "'' sOPfffE ' ' ftBBBtl. -,.,,,, , . i -..- ii.ii IIW i"| . i. , ., v.. ??* '"' ' ' '?' ? - -i.?|,,;iii ii" * ' ??? . UU_ u:i li.a 1 ? Ua ,., death i, ?.tli tn > :? ?:.- '! ?? ? Vl ' Maekai - Ith piw Id.d Vm. i* th. t wl - i- ?1 .?- .i.epi . ? ? ? i i ? land, Mrs K ... 1 ud) Klanton. Mr I I- ., Mrs i ; ?,.??,. ii..V .? Hall. Mayor ??-?<"<. ,1,v ??l ." : ? . a .... :. i > Pnrtt es . t K ll Ha ??-. I lw .'...-I VI. Depew. ? i --.i,,ii?i. ih. Itev. Dr. .'.Mi. Hall. .atar I .,...! the Rov. Dr. Lyman A Irchdearon Ma Uy omltb, U ' - urder. it_ve. In a lew __rd_. an arcount ol ?*-"? s ./... ii. ; -ii ot herldrl , ?? ' edacaUtM ln >iiit/crii.ii.i. ot ii". attempl to b h i bo .....'.t;'^^ Uie 1-Monn 'i (. ?dom ahl :. ahe Iwd lca I I .;. 0i uberty. -- hor a real on a touiil of !?? H-hl. a bad been f"1"-.1 ~ :"" P? ?""?''"! u-iju-l trlal, .."i ot ha ? to deatb B ? ? the archdeaiou add "? '??- been 1 !?":?<! ?'' ,!* i aited B_U ?? '"?'- " "f ?*?' rr-_ad?hlp -V- ' ; hoped thai the i ?r would llaten to thu ? .opbie li'iu berg - death would _. ii blot apoa tha 9m* ul , ,,,-., eountry. Hm rea on. lor whlch -.-? aad .,:.,?? ? I i ? ?!? : ' ? ? '. I *??tt_l in oU r .?:"?', i. - .- ?..- I ? ' .aWBUtttV. ' Elooue'iit u.i.!.'.. -.- were alao aaade bf 9m. 9* earet Mo..-- aud Mrs. Lt ?? 1 ? * i-J i-''-"? '?"? ,','. tiTm, exp. -Ins the n.iupath. ol the Batherlntf ?rtth "lls_ ..1.1'-1. -.. aiul :...-.a_ th* <?/.,:? ... -omnta ' ??[ -i,Mi..'. M.i-? I'.- ? l ununlmoiiHly. Tir 1 ?lll 1,. -..;,: to t ? li" ? ?' ' MlnUtci al V\a?UnitM_. ? ? ..'_' BMA8HJAMB TlmWlXQ roSQBESA. w. lilmrt ;. Dec. _ td 1. ..: -: ???"?? ' " ' ;':l niatidei ln . alef ?.i the 1 idtln 1 Uraalllaa Miuadroi, .': J Mr. \..l in -. tho llraclllan Mlnlati . are " ? ? '? l " Ui.-.iip.ti.l t..<i..i '.i -.. r t..i..-- lllalueand rr;. 1 ?"'? .pent .re than an hoar ln vltae* a| the praa-aal im.- of < ongre ? ?? The rfalton attractcal littl" at-ia Uon 1'nii ii'.'-.i ..." iitci'- dld nol hnon ... Umw P** ,?. Mr. Hm. ti..- rliairman ?t tlw Foreliru Adaw l-iimmlttec, wa? Um" only t'onateaainan nt." P?_ ?_? -eapei-e. Phe part] at-J n-ii".t Ih. Seuato and r?r ?o ... .line ..'.-cneil Uie proceed_n_? fra.iti UM .allcry.