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WASHINGTON GOSSIP, HEN ASD Al FA1RS AT THB KATIONAL CAP ITAL. ji w DEMOCRATS vi::\V THE TAElFf T.\W ivn ITS EfTECTS SEXATOK Ql'AY AND THI. oiiur.MANsiiii'-um: phase or the I.vihan TBOt'BI.l -:-!-...' ' :?' RF.X EJUL BAXT1 R'S AMBITIOX. Was).in-i""ii, Dec. 2.?Tlie DemocratB al tlie Cip:tal profesa greal aatisfaotion with the Proai dent's Mcasaft aod tjaaaetjueni continuance "i tbe l'epuhlican programma. Bul thla aatiafaotion ia rxpreaacd for public eouaumption. '?i coursc, the ! __ ci Democrat* in VVaahington have not yet I ? . , . .,-:-,i fTotn the exhll: ration "t b Biseceaa whleh wbb t<> 11> n. wholly uaexpected. When Mr. . evebuMl waa retlred Ihey really thoughl il waa t,,e cn.i of i e I'ctri'" i""'?'??. :>t Itxtal f?u a lona time. Thla deapair baa naw been aucoceded b\ :i feellna __ extreme it: tiie oppoaite direction. Bul ilu* real leadera in privatc convc aatlon do nol echo tl ?? hilarl' ???? ai 1. faction "f their foHowers an i .i-1 i ,,t se.' i'i i''1" 'spliere all rus" in thc future. They __e la tbe altuatlon of one who haa been ad] - ?? gbe i'.i'ii t?i aa enormoua property through miarcp rearatation, and i^ in terror oi juflicial action whiofa will oorn el restitutlon. Thcy cote with . > tbe declaration ln thi Mcm .?? thal Importe undei ihe new t..:iit are increasing. Tlna one f ,-r il - -s. it 1 a ..ll ci the de laration m ide i v i ,.-. ? .? ? rning thc prohiDitlve ehn Ibe iioTA dutie*. Thej atao know thal ilu- putting ;,p iu p.vr.'s waa un eleotion dcvlce acting in '" wJ>eraii'"'n with tl.e nattiral eauwa wholly out*ide cf she tarifl meaeure, and therefore they ,;? -?? "i .te m tl. any comfort ilu* possiblllty now ?f::;_ Indicate l oi a rednction "i P"1 ?? ?v":v ,:.,.;i t':.s. they know that tbe nn**aal-ees created im bosineas ein lea by tarifl discuasiona .'.?:.i ?'?-? i ].,r >n alwaya act? agalnat tlie party rrsponsible t r t'lem. Sow tlie Preidenl Btrongly expresaes aa aalnlon , _..:nst .liiv more lariff tinkerlng until r, proper time haa elapaed to teal fully t':,e ncw ]aw '1 his aentimenl wlU eertainly t>e approved by tl.e bualneaa eommu it , p rti< ilariy aa all thc ureaeal Indicatione ooncernh* thia new meaeurc ? tn nol uDfavorablc reaiilta. If i' ahould be _e_*o*>k*trated wlthln the n.-\t fo-.\ moi ? i t aal the ?eneral effeel ol the new Tariff 'nl! .- after ,.li ?ood, than tlie aaviora >'f tbe eountry, tiie men who haTe t'.i- atrol of the n*?xl Houbc, mlght lad Ihat a tarifl agitation looking toward free fa?ie pfecedlnii a Prwidential eleetion mighi have ,iisa**rous reaulta. !t thej do nothing they givc the lie t? .-'11 their deolar I >na agai ?? tbe Re ? n - ??: Then ii they fatl to atli I ?? "?oney power" in aoeordance with thc deeree of Ibe ttetei - saiona of thal eloac oorporallon, ihe Farmer-' Alliance, thej are eertain to Inse tbe aupport of tKi*. asswwiation, which bi forawlly nnlted todeviae poaaihk Bchetnea to ahake ti,e tu_t*4t .>t thc eountry. Suppoae tb< dtaatioa ?"? Improves thia winter thal tbe eoaotry eoald look rerward with eontcnt to ;. 1" np racation of Coagreaa is a furthei i i ?* .r ia tbe ia>ajatabllBhmeni of values. Then with thal BBtieaee wouM tha lmsiness n:.'n of the countrj ].,^k npon obetrnetion tactiea (ri.n. fhe Democrat ii Congresa -xs lim-Ii would force an extra aeaaion 1:1 the iprtng. Thlnk of the tarifl dlscuasioii b*in. opened rlien ::j>->n frce-frade Unea, ol th** Biaoentation ?.f the tbouaniid and one propoaitions \n inake every pooi man rloh who is a mcm'icr .,f the Fr-nri'is' Alllanoe, by a farced i ?es8mcnl upon the monopollal biiaineaa Intereata of ihr countrv. The l*ei)'ihlion!is' amion this winter will bc i'i hannony with the Praaident'8 Measagc l.ike him, they have no BpoloKi*e i.i ma',;e. r.or mv chancea to maki in th*ir policy, Thoy are not tveak enough I nr.i modlfy their plana m acoordance with Demo eratlo eritleunn. _*h?*y "vs-ill prc-s tho Electioi inll. I.-V helieve it is .> meaaure t"> aid in Beenring the hoaeaty of electiona. Tbe Repuh lieana aay no oi.". however partia n, eaa - lor a Btoiaenl ihe poaaibility ..! Iiaving un honcat .?eo'jnn eoanl ln t 1 *?? South when tltere is the -...? iiange., ,,f i Repabll m *u. ??--. and ll i i.s t!.e\ iiitn ;it riothiiiR but the boci rini.' of ;..i hor.cst result n<> .mo eaa proparly aay that thc propoacd Election bill has an ultcrior i S nator Edmunda saya that the public ?-??'il booh .(?'? that tbe only objeel "i tbe !?? ? ? ? i >p< ed ia ia plaee eonteated election oaaea in the . ii the co'irt.s, where they oan be setl eordaaee wirh lenal rulea upon tlie |udiclnl ??, -mlBftP*n of wltneaaea, ns euch diaputcs are "?<?, lied ln Ku+.'Iui.'i. J.'c and hia Repuhlican i f.T*??s say do talk f.i'uiii fori-o oi laurpatioi ol po'.v.'is sholl he nllowed lo cloud the . ? Il ls for tiie ir.ij.',s' ,.i fully enlightenii ? I publie now upon thc aubject oi prop. i I lcpialatioii thal t easure haa been callcd p * proaaptl) in the Scnate. ln the faca ol the ? let-al c.\p!aB"':"!s ??! Mr. Edmunda Ihe oi (?f the oppoaition ^vi!l be fully ocoupied in dq good ihuir deelaratioi s ",: f?,s ible foree and fraud .?'o<1 by tl.eui againal thia I Senator C*nay is r< ;,orto I a.s aaying tha* be ba no tnteation ol rcBigninij h a place at ihe baad -?". the Republiean Naiional Committee. 1 probably true for Ihe moment, bul whethcr h? triH remaln al the licad ol the oommittce d ihe eominf Preeldential oampaijrn will depead wholly upon the will ol the Republiean Preaid?n. tial eandldate. Iu accordanoe with timc-h( tradltlon, thla place \* alwaya tU'e 1 by boi. s'-Ir^-te'l by il.e Nationa] candidato. EatU such candi'lriie Ls eboaeii it is not probable thal any rhain/c in the ehairmaBahip of this eommltl c wl I take pktee. Comrrei ? ? ui D .raey, of Xebraak t, aaya th il th ? troublea oul v.'. -? ?,?. -.. ibe Indiana is alwaya ug frravated by eoi Hi< t.- ol ?? ithority lajtwcvn the In tcrior an<l the WaT Departmenta. He sayB that there is one ^<\' now by which t1><' possibibty 'it tro'ib]? .--in b<- qnickly avoldcd. Thia will be through ilie prompl arreal ol Sitl ?. Bu I, Red i ... I. Ul ieh Dog, and. indeed, of all tho varioua tnown iiii'loi a -i. i varlety of ad edi' >? u'l"i'..-.'t nHM.e.s wbo are eonapicuona amo p Ihe rouaplratora. Thcre would ia- no dlfflculty in n' - talning evidence ol thla oonapiracy Tlic arrc I ,,f Sitting Bull and b doaen of tlte rinjr-!e ei would nt onee pul an eml lo the agitation ?? d the danger of an otitbreak. Thla baa '? <? . (,eneral Milea'a I' ?. but the Inl 'ri >r ?>partment unlil an aetual outbreak takes place la in oommand ? I Ihe Indian*, and up to tbe prcaent time they will nol consent to have these nohle red inen laid hoW of bj the vigorous handa ..f ih.- Army. Thc North Amerlcan Indkin ia h I , it -, pum aod limple. Ile haa acquired all <.f the viee* '.! <-ivil,/xt.,,.?.. which be has grafte.1 npon lua own Burdei ui treaebero m ni ture. !!'? baa no natoral virtuea known t<. thoae who eorae ln I t with hn... Hc only kaowa aad under- i ttanda the argumei l of faroe?anything short of | that he attributea to faar. Ii is believed bere : ihat t!." Interloi Dapartcoent, tllrougli nol yicld- I 11.Z t'> thc plaa oi tha mllitary to carry theae rlng lexi'iers off, will make taa poaalbUitJaB al an out hreak fiaater Blan they are now. L'nleai I frhiefa are t.-ikcn awaj thare will be sor-.- aorl ol irouhle. Onee tt U begun, however, the mU i arai will be ln command, and ll la believed thal ??.er,er_! Miies will then make abort work ot the ringiciujois wbom be aoar aeeka ta atreai aad ro Baova froni thc sfcn?- oi tiie ti ?uble. Sunaan Ocncral Baxtar, who iell npon New Voik-ava. yeaterdaj afternooB, atrieken with pan.l.vsib. is the one vam perbapa ln Ihe wholc world wba bad arrived ;.t tbe ai miall of h.s am bitioa. For nearly flftecn ycan be hai ate tt ?.e made Surgeon-Ueneral "i the Army. Ile w.-ui appointed t., thc regutar Bervice aftei the trar. Doring thc war hia aervloe waa thal ol a lurgeon ln conneotlon with the Annj HoapltailB In lagton. He waa pu-hing aad energrtie li the proaecntlon of hia elaln i t"i the ofllee ol Suricir. .,c.,'rr,l. \ gr_?1 man] "i lus BBBOciatea laought thal be pre ard bia clalma um early, and, ihere'o.-e, to the lartrlaaenl al men ol longer ,-'x Hrii'iicc I'y so dalag ba nia-le in;.n.v bltt>l er.emles. Iu hia trampoiga tor the plaac hc U-<..iri"' tho pliysici.-in in attendance upon many IJepnbl ran lamiliea. He waa the Rarfield family physi lan. He waa npon the day of ! iination . ! ' ? .? Preaident, and thro i :_ hia abseioe '? ?' I'. is. .. |itire I rharge ol Ihe ITeai ent '.- ? '1.11 r. m.i- ?!..?..<? .-.. m .'l ;. hitt.i qtiarrel following ? i . 'a . I in j; | |., |atl r u ?- in ible to .? il'o 11 roroui l ii .,-- ,\t . ne titn. Ur. ia-i r waa near ln thi* rieain-d a|.ittnenl . iil yeara .aa. hia nppointmcnl waa nctnally made out ai Ihe White Honae. \fter geeing the appointmenl in writinjr, tbe dortor haateni-d fo the Senate, where nomli itlons are aent. and n e ; the ki'i'H.v wins nf Senator Morrill, ol Vei [ hia friend, he _too_ amilii _ ?'? id h ippy, icr-eiviia; eonfrratulationa upon the appointmenl 1 whlch :..-? i-i c line. The moraenl Iie left ' ? White llouae n vigorous opponcnt bnd entrrejl and rr.?lo a change even at tbe last moment. ll waa only a few niontha ago thal Dr Itaxter ??-? eelve 1 t',.o cheriahed appointment. He waa ap pointed iit the age ol flfty-three. He had nine ' yeara of active aervice to look rnrward to before going upon tlie retired liat, Hhs health waa ap pai.nt.ljr good, bnl a abort time ago he wai 'r..ii''!.'.l with :. weakneaa "f the eyea He wonhl s-.. white apota whenever be fnatened hta al te ' ,i cloaely upon any dark ohject, il" vislled an oeuliat, who told him lhat he wna Ibrentene;! with hlindnesa Prompt actlon upoi] :;s pnrl i.r >i, hl rellef, but be h ia ' een ne n ' led ?? <?? -'?>..? tl i- trouble r'ame on. He said, a f." we?l a jo, to :i friend, tbal hia ainbition In life w i:l!v natiafled. He had nothlna more to desire. It is Iml just to ii.- s.iir',.aiii-<i.'i(,i:'l t . aa. thal tn hia -trii lil.s in the paal hia Irienda hnve been i.s devi ted aa his enemiea I nve been active. T. < CRAWFOBD. A WXI8TEBIAL CBtSIA TX BBAFIL CAt'SEfl WHI II MAV IIAV1 PRKCIPITATEO II Rlo Janelro, Dec. _ A Ml loi < li.^ro. ThV. Ironble i- pml ibly Ihe nnlcnme of the elrc in h -weeping vi. i iry for ihe Rep. bl i an i r -..ui had t" be made ln Ihe < "*i ' tlve of i .: ? i ? whi a I:." ? ? . . ... t ? f l .... ,? .. ? ; I ?? : ..I : ? r. tn*f I ? ? ,? ....,.-,., - , v, ? .. ?. -. ai . en enl of a me of the pre-enl Mh;:-fA"- may h tn _ il:- i ? -1 - tt - -1 rrlsls. Tnls I. ol i ,...., ,? - .f tlie ?! ?<?'?. foi not, so ' i- a ,. ' ? .':?:?". Ul. ?"?.' ?" iii _ . >uld '- i '?? ? i ?' -.."iti MiniftT.. The .? ? I l.y ii.:;,' u,-i- tli I i ?? repnblii-UT forni ol . . . ...... ? .-..,, .-1, !,:<?;.: i:....- .... i :-?????. ..f reiui - . , ?..: . c- ? ., Sllv. ii Martl - ,. ... -.- - ? ?? '?;:? ? ? t; iv dl? .pi.? ?.l "f t'.. ?'? ? -. . ... ? . t > the Ik?i -.!? ol th. !;?? publl " '? '?? ? ' "f !!l_-il. ? PR. K.'.ll DECLlXIXt! 1 MOXEY REWARD. . i .? . .... i .. ?? Satl mal " " .'? ' ' Dr. Ko-h will ..-.?: n. I ? '? i allo .1 i- U ?' !'..: .. Der. _. M. IIII... M ul t i "?' I'' ?- - '? ? .?? i.ty of i ? - i ...-?? v : bas ulor at l.c-lin. ? - T" H1XD I.ERM -NY AXD Al STR1 \ Vlenna. Dec, 2, ("oui I Kali ? . ??????. ? ].."ll.; \.| '? ??? || , ? deleg. ? .' ? ; i ? ? | trea Hc declared t __ i (*?-_! iu_ pe ??? ? ' ? !? ii ' CODUED IX A FREXIH RAII.IVAY r..RniA01_ ;. , t, ._? ... ? V I'lttirh woman, 1! '? ....-..? : . : '?;.?.?, to 1 ua- attneked i\ u i-i . _-|io plnioned her aud i : ? ? 4 ".-'?" _? a. uvirv np M rt'it rewiu ir.vx . T.'i" Hague, De.. -. -.? tlu- Dutch Rei ibllca lurlv ariire I hi proj -''?, ? :?.-?? .. . . uf 1 , .. II ?-. ? ? lo preveni ,i'....i-. TIIK POPE VND < AltniNAI, I. ' H ' I'.:.-.: _.?Tlu . .-m [lUliI . . Ln ??? .-....?' ? I I. v ; ?'..? me. I ii- i ?? , - . DISORDF.R IX TIIE < '*?'?'' Is! VI R. i.-- ls, De . _ ? ? . . . . : ? ,' . : ? . . Eight ? ii. - , -- : n: fi ...j. i" t: it"?: is i ' i ' - ?? .i - 1,...... ?.-.?? I 1.-4.Old Ul. 203 ,.? . ? ?:.' pl ' i :.' Ni K ?.] PERlXfi 1(1 ' :i : "' :ta i" ? 1- _.,_)<?(._ i . .-..?..? .? I, . ij I ? _ i., ., ri ? ? ? ? ? : ? nt t ln " ' : . I I ? e i , ?"? ?'." i ?? ?" :? . ?!??- i r . .- .i.i f the .1" - .... .... . I ... ]!? . ? ? OPEXIXfi ' >] I IE REM ?. i '?'.. Berlln, Dca, ir. i? . ? ? ? i i., n ?? Her h. ? ii. '. ol ]?? i,..i ii' ?.-.. i iffi e ..'.'i repr. . utatlv. ol I' the MU pro' I . foi Uk . f<*n. - ; II-1 -ol u.d. D M'lndthor ', *':?? I'alor of th- O .:,...... Ihe thanka ol the coimtrj areredu th< '? nt foi .? " land l: i : l.-uU'.-, ? i; ? "Ml hl ' ? apilTii .1 ? I :'.!?'. Tlie tlll I ?? paaced 11 i ; ' n i ? ? ? - \ ' Tl'' K liALE l> NE1V1 i 'i "? 1 I Sl. .1, ; . '-, '?. i ., Do< '-'? ' ,n im- reglo i lasl nlght, whlrli i . ??? down li ? John' . bnl ra. i i I ; ? ? ', :: ?.? :, < ?,' un ll lt ll. '.. ,;. ... I i' . i ' 1 . ..' ? ? .? . llO ::. ? ? ,,,:\. SKL11 1 K'.KF'S Ml RDERER .Mi'il'-'l ED parl . la . _. ' mati who i ip;>< ed ? l. Ih ? | ..!-.. i ..".?? la Ihd ,,. ,.,..,| f_ Hv.1.1 II I. hi. ' ? i :.' ' ?? .' "i ' ? II. li,. |_i< ,.i Sl, . eu ii >-- i he poli.e i lioldiu_ Mai y ]???:?: ? .... i i.i . oni i ling the | ; ;,],? ,.)-..?,- . u.enl ''? ? i Ibune. ? TXFOBMATIOS fA TBE rid.< F.70.V CATAL'XIUE. Prlnceton, X. ?'?? ""' -'? 'i ? ' ' 1. whi. I. will ""a.. ? 1 iri ' Ih. 1.1 tei p ..... :..:. r Ihun iiuy pi . ;??!.' lOWln ' : OK . I ' '?' ' ro* ..ll_on, I . ' ? ...v . \V. M. I Moward ?'? Warren, In fru. t. i ln l?-l< . Jol P.rook-, bi tru. loi In mal I ? I ' ? !,,-? aa 1 ?.' in 1 " .a !i ? '1 ">.? in a . I , erl II. Beattle, In tru< lor In I. ln; II >b ?.. W Blake, Inwtrncl ? ln Oreeli . u_< 11 Wl .. un*. ln iatli - ; a rl E. Kpee and Erne-t ( ) h_n on, l I n ... .? [I a|.|.' II' ii' I ." ! : th.. whole numbei ninei.. ..a.i ? nnm .. :,.,| in n c di parti i ?? ul !? ?'? '? ? ?' ? ? r:..a-ii and niolli. w .". rh ?? li >le I. in. ?. ? t lle. ?- -:.'., "i whom "4fl u-e In Ihe andar . r_fl_r HM.v. Tt, Pl. BEVTEB rOMMlMtOSDKA. I,.,. p|i|a_e ol l .i i:.a an'--.iv. L. I . h aglUted orei ,,.,. friei di] rt. ilrj "i! Iln ' ftwe. n Jame II irp. i ?,',,i jo -|,ii BlgUn foi plaee on the V'lllagc l__.rd ?i ,,,:.. ? ... . i. -.. ;..,. a . ia l ntglii tli .i Mr. Harper, ?? ho i- "t Ihe -vell rm -.1 | Hurper llrothi r A ' o., ol Uil ?.' ?? ? ,?'.,lt ol i;,. RocUawny t ir <?? ral ?? . H ,,, iii.i memtierol ll ? k II ^- "1 aln. J?. i. Pn .ident. Mr. Mlgl n, bli rl ral, V a brother ol la-iniinl Hlglln, ? well ki own polltl. n ol thl iltv, and i- employed In the Xe? Yorh tppral ef* ? i,,-.,. be i. chan. ? t - dcp_ Th0 Boaid -I !?'? ' "I the . 111a I en.].I to nll "il vaomich* i'i tbe Hoard ol Hewei C-mmN _lo.,.'r> and ..I Wa meeting betd on Tne-daj eawnlng, Xovember 4. IU rota for Maaara. H_rpcr and Rl.tlu reanltcd la * tta. F- ?'? Umlj. the preald-Ot, and J fredert" h Rli hniond v, ? -.,.,.,. ,,.,i v. m i, I \. iVynn snd Andrett J. II. rinie ?.-,.?,,i foi iha lattar. i i he li. * Iw.n ' i ,re nl o metnbera ol tka i . ? x . ijon, to a Mr. 1 i ? ? 1(1 I.i '? ,vn ? , : ?.,,, , [||| ||,* ,.\, .ptlon : '-I Mr. I'lrhmond, ???. .'?-, li .,,! | , ;?? ,,., indepondenl ln lt wa id last nlght II tt Mr. Ilarp r'* ' !?? "i i.i ? hallen ?. tl .,; ...-? \ .. . , i , .!.,?. h ???? ' n i'at i: ? ?' . ? '? and thal he had promptl] ** orti H II .. hM nol ' o learned thal Ihere wa* anj p r 11 " i l " i tho tiro candldalea. lt wi i d j thal Mr, Harper' , the lioard had rnoi with ii p n? ral appr. val nl ihe . Itlzena rrf tlie vllhia Al a me iinii nl thc I rl ol i: ii -i-. - .'i'i l.w<i ' ' ? i i !? nlted I:, i tie. Th' IJ.i inied il .: I .i ,i ,,.,. | ,;, |soi, Mr. II* pei 1 alll eontlnuc to bci upon i ic Uoard untll that mcellni;. ? TO BROP TWESTY-TWO .v.-M'/'N. '-? ISIOX OF THE JL'BICIABY COMMITTEE 09 TBE XEW 11 x Ml'MlIRE HOl'SE. ' lie/rrd, N. II.. Dce. _. i . ? Hon ? ..... larj CBm ?? tn day rot< i, tn i.mmend that .-ii"- ,,f ix\,-nt\ (wo meml<era, twelve Democrat* ?iv i ???'.. Rep Mleans, !"? itriclicn fr-mi iii- roll ol thc ?. :i- : Meatra. Marston, of Eseter; Lord ' ni..! l . ? er. and Moorc. ..f PltUtleld, on acroiml ol rlratli; Mes^rv MaMi, ol Mew-lpswleh; Bi i .-. ?if !'.:?",ll: liarron, , f .... ill: Welch, ot i?- vcr; of I ? '..,?. . irk, ... I. mi bi tei. nnd Si : '?. .,f Con. ord. h. I ral ., i olnti ?-: Me --- O'Con i ,'. i.,, r, i",i \'- i ? :? | .?.,..ii. nf Manrhester, Doylc . :.",,; i"'('n:::n-ii. ol Nastuia: IVtl ilnger, "f K. tnc: Mar |, ,,??? ,, -, . rnrth; t'n>r.iu. of Portamonth; B'aldo, I Id, and !?? ?? i, ul ! Iiuc, for i Itanirc nl ,,,?..'? ? : ., Jndieiul ? ; ?? it. ? .;"?? II, a .,( ,'? ? i. rl ; ul M----T-. Al bot ler: n- i-i . I l Itl. i irg. and sjhaw, nf Illll, l ? , intii ?:?? .i nienil ?? - aro ?. bul t." a. lion wa* t ?!? n ....- i h .. Cll| illtj "t i--n -? ? ... - . v. . ,. ,i ,,. , :, - i ? |ei ih, i ul ... . -,... : >Mi hed, ?'? I ihe .. miuit le ? lo08 n n ? - iul II to-moiroM ,,,-:.',. -.'. i tlw repjri trill ln- p pared. ?? __ __. 77//.S ' COl l> H ill' IS COLD, \ BITIXfi UR IXIl v NMABJ? WIXD COME W1TB [i] r.MBi i :?", xx- Vorl ?- ? - l.-ci:. bitlnaT, '<\i ?t :? . . . ??-??: ix. All tlirot Ihe 1 ? a< v..- il .!?? re - I. !?" (h Ire pilnt Iti : . ? ,!..'..? Ur- numbli . !??? : ,..?-,'. .- ..,,,. x. ..: ,,' luti i ?? A :. ,' ','.,'! ? ? ? mi ? "in- ? .:i ii . v - ? , ? ? ,i 22 degrees, tl ii ?'. la*. .. II had hn to -" drj ?*? . '? I- ? ?>... ndvei ' -f the ? -i lal - ' .-...?.-.,.. . . re ..-.," Nat , ,,;x. x ,ii. i. ?? dr. .-. ? "' -I" tl ? tci p**tatun* f .11 ? ? ;,, _ i .' j .1 .,"l .il >', ,?'? lo k. I x' 1 . ? ? ' ? '? I no I ? .' ? ' , ,. ??.,,,: |,| ? ? ? ird < ihe -? i-'H. '.'.?. yet nporl. i N'carly e\'i ' ' - ? , i.u .. crilKII i :??.??' ? II THE si vi i: An i ? ?' ?. * '< ? '"' -' '' " ? A*l ei-ord a I - -: ' ?.-'.., , ? ' : ... . ' li on ! ' ? ' i ?-,??? . . .. ; ? llacni r th* i if i ? ? ? i , , ... ? ? - |, . ?? " ? ? . ' .. . ? *x ti ? ? ? - ? ? ?> x.', ; ; ; -,v , CANADA. ... .?? r r-.. 1 ' ? ? I ? , . ? ? . , ? ! . | .-, ' . ' w IM) V Lil ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ? ? ..... ? : . . |4 ind ? ? ? ? . Is'| .' 1 with ??_?:. ? /? t ? . ? ? ? ? v. ,: - ? . it ai ? - . .... . , ? ul to dr;ri U __ . i', ,,,-" oti* <( -",r.. i.:-l ll'" ?? ': '-'-?li of > ?.;"': ? . . ? .? , ,i x- ,.,; imn ol ? paga of Tha 1 /iT\ xir ]<> i.i i m i: ffsjBFf. TnF ,,:? isios IJt :.;' ? \':i'r.i i.i,-.i:;r." iu' , \ . M . M '" x'*1'' '1 ? | . . | ? ,..:-,,. \J,].".,! Ihl ' '?-'.!'' IO III*" l???. t -.' , ...... .,..?., ,. ?? .... ,.,.?,, fmiiid la. I .-? ? -. ? ?' ' . , i... . i-|. ii aud it .oulil ,. ;. .1 ..I ? . ? "'i '.'".' ' ' ... . ,a. , .. ? it w:i ald Ihal ;. iii.tll ii"-it . litti ., .1 ith. i and ol . ,,: , ii,. ? . ,i- ? .,. 1 i, , , ai .i . : ?- ?>?" I" '"PflJltig i | ,,,,. VVr ' m ,i ...ith. Mi-. AiI.u 1 I" owitf , ,, v H || i|| , | ir tli.- tll Hall ln Urooklvn, i, . ; .,? ..,,.- ,., , Ciil.inihla II' ind i si? ii, i . ? i.i: : le a i ber '.t i thei ,i . ;? |itv. ' lli. I ii I. ? ??? Mi- \ibiii I |. . ....????? ? -ii- old. I'.II of . ,?, |, :i ., , it ln Um i . our! . i ' "?'? 1.... i ?" i' 1' .? .aiul i : ? i."" ... I i. ? ? . Mu. li ? ;< r un ? ? ; ... 1 .....|. . ;. i iil j ii Ih. ; ? . : . ,. .| ,, ll.ilililr II ?' .. ? nd i I ?? Ilaby I inti , ' \ , .. , .rtei.ud ... II. a I.-.'' '???!. I th. |o. a'- unl ii . ?? .1 ?'? . led Iu I. i ;. - , ? ,. i la- dai; ii'. r ..: an Iron ni wi i ??; ln ' 'l. i ? ' ? '-r 1 ith. i .!??.' li ' I i- ; ii . ri ??:'.' ever r. ndrred ... i breach .- ? n'l ln hi.: n ??? m tliai . I MH ': ?ri Al im,:,: I .. - IValter l l.r.ilng. ln ahl. i. ? !"? :,..,.... i |; .... ? . ..?? ' i - i ,, ettled, bul ine -? ??? kuo <n. TBE BEALTB Pir I' 'Tl\ i) AASOCIATIOS. i . ' ii i i- .- '.i" ? ,. i,..;,| ... t->i 11 -.- II ?mi ? -? ? .. i- : -, .".. I .... ?,. ???? ia. Dfll. -i - ? . . ? ' . I ;...-?? IV. : , I ?'''' v ? ? ? ?, .,..,.-? , i , ..a ' . Mr lai . .'. ? lalrmaii ol " ? t'"-.J "' i. ? ? . ?. . , Ibe n. ii".",; "' . .... ? ., ..,??: ? ? 11 i.v.vrAJ ii w / n-vttu k i. \niri r/o.v , ? :. l.a, . ' - ? ( . : , .J_a.ni_i.tlt> ti, 'i il*-r I.. i j ( ,|. -, r i . -' ". ? ? iM ? '? ' I'.'l . ' . . |? 1\ .1. Il'"' .,i,., , .' i i; ,,. i . trral n ?? ? ,,,....- -..i . I....-..- Manie, _t-a_la llat">?? ... Ilfn i Ii,.|,.. .|.r i. Uai ' i. iia.-B, Aitia.i Diobcr, i;. '. Du __dQ M. BlataaU. ALMAXCE MEN IX OCALA, PRE^JDl ST P iLK ' i"M.'N.:> TIIE FARMERS' PtiLICV. BO*i :: poi itii xi. ;?.,???:: _ rn ib HIG * v ' ? '?'? ''".?:?.? s- xx, n.i. v v: W pi MI i ? tt. :? \<\' ? i roRMKD ? Oeala, i l... ii? . _, n _ .-n thi* aftcrn *>n n public meetlng nl the Natlonal Parmers' Uliance wa* hekl ln il.i"- ? '? ? ? ?, aboni ] ?.?'i.i p r* >:i- i '? * ; i- lent Hoge nf the 1 lorida Alllan' i, I ' ilovei: ? i len ..?- v |< ni d I ie ?'? ? , d ?'? ? r .11".?'.,-( i,, John i'i i, si ,:?? -?? ?,...,? md a ] '.'?,! " i' : ? ,1 !'?:? I!,,- ! || : ?.', -? .- -? .' ??[' I" ? '"?? . all. Presl i nl Poulks, ul the sjouUi I'."',. ?' ? tllian. ? -. >? ,, ii, uie :. ill >rt addi ?? : ? i' ?.-..?,..,, . . . vilia ??? .,t tlie ballol box in 1 -'i-'. ,i . nlli , -ri. ?.. iilr-Ti l ie '1 len il ? i ll< ered i i the '"?';". MI the peafc - ,.f Ih ? after; ?? >n dwelt -. 'i)i ni the ? ? ? and predleti 'i ,:.,? .-?? eral ; revalei i e ?Itlil i i ih >rl Hi ie i,l the Ideaa ???..:. dl d in thc VUUw re plattorni adoptod .ii St. Loula. i':- .Iden: Polli aras Introdii "i I,.- Mr. Ilngvr* and dellvered lil* anuual inldress, in xx i.lrli hc ''"?- .irn ii n"'i the aii. m e ,/.i .i .,, :...'\-i-iii,??.' Inrc ti... |a?t ntcetlna ind then n xi.'-,x,-.l :'. - "- i.::' ?,!''im! deprei ion Tlic '?? il '!?, l ..-? ii ' li it thi - d ?;'!? Ion la an a ? >nial.\ lo the -nui '.i ol lu.l istrlal pr? re ?. 'Reti igre .ii Aii:-',:, ii. .:.-. iliart' ' l ? "ni'??.'?? Natlonal ,l.?? .i\. i ?' p-.?-? rfnl ind proi ilslnR a !? tliii rounn i lant lt. piihl ?. : ? ?. '?.: j toa. li . at the le "i .?'.'.I lli ? ? ? ., i .i ..: I ? alarm il '..??.:?;.? . i of t ,, iu, v. po ? . I up ,?: IdlllE i : "i, ll I - ? .. ].,,. ,.? ll : !? ll both pollti. "I i ii ? ? ?? ? ? , -I en I'onriiKli ? l!l ? ? lifloii. Wltl : ? ? . .'lidlnB !? ? I ?? ? , nl il ? ?,, ?? lnto .... ..'., v. i ', '. ? ?? 'l '.ri.. V ? ' I. . '.. X. || . , . ;. ? ? ,. ? l.u I--. , ri.,": ' ? - I- ,. on. that an o niitatlon t** , 1.. .1 ? ? ? ? ? ! ."-??'I .' Ihe " itlontl prc ld< nt m i the i ? -i all -' ite i.llian. . thWr ?;-?? i .? : looh _ft. .'.:??..'? . ?-, | || ? ., . !???... ' ..' -.,;?:? : i ? . ? ? f the Mlli ? I'--- .1 ' I'ola |: ?? v ; i . r i ... I ; ? . , .. ,| | ln aiipp irl ? ' are proiirtrj p.>ii I to oui xx hole pa i !'? ord and l il popul n ? '?? \i,,i ?? nl ]?? nnd pati ull. : en ''.- t. ? -? K:< i ? ?' - ? I'aml i." In -x i -.. ? f All ?? P" ' IX 1(1 tli* I ? t ( . 11 1',, . ' .? ?! all .i .... ,f ?i ?? i.,- are :. "'?'- ' - i t'oii ? ... il.c |, i| I ? ? ? of i ? . , \ ' ?,,??:, ... .... ... ? i ? ; -.. ?:? ?::.-.:?.]'? ? il ? r ? l ? i ? d ? ? - - ,. .. x : . ? ,,f I*, iii-nr | i , . - : ri< ? ? . ? , ? ? !????? ? ?'.?? . ; ? I I'I* :?' ' I . ? ? I ". 1 ' ' ' ? ? . ' ' ? ? ? ? i . i . i -i rn. ? ..... ? ? ? ii ? ? ?,-,? ' . ? ? . ? ? - ....... , ...I , ? tl I .1 , ??i ?? I i i.| I li.l'l, ... |l. lUfcs, ,,f |*nl ? '? : I ? ..- i . .? ? li ? : ? ?A'.iRK "' rill I ' ' MKI ' il"' '' ?: \ . I ' U -I i , . . - , ? i ?., ? " I. a I ' ; ll" 1 II ix. ? . . ? l.-l- . ;..-.". xx ?? ? ? ? I ii,,- -?..-.- ! . ii tln M i i I ? - ? ':?' 4.II.I I'-l-'l-ll | . ,- ' ' ? lllllll I Wlil-l I Iih v ,.,,, .11 ni- I I ?? ' . Ihe , ? ,i a- ? a ,1 ? la ? I.lil II ? ' 1 ? . ? ilijert of Irrl . I n ,?. riim. i ? mu I..- ' .'?? ?> i i' ?'" l ' '?'.?? "?,| , | ],,. j, ?. 1 |... I a ? |. I. , .' .-? i ""? ? ? ? l!f' ' 'I h. !!"' '!?? "f ijl.. .rgiirllie, - '? 1 iiimol ln ma iu ..i-i : ; '"'? >UiU' l.i'i.' ? in Ihe WorK of i'"' i- i ? ' " ?"''? M: l.iwell |.i f- i nol to | ? '. ' i d- l.iil nl Un I -.,,, ! Ilii .li . . I ? ' " ; rfll. i. li. i ..' tli . ?? li.'"I H..I h"l ' ?'' "' ' ! i... . Iil lo hc ln-M >'???? ll-l '' |.....l,,in iiiui |,i. liut ln (!.. The ir- ?. i of ' ' " .ii I di ? it ? ?l I". Ik ' laam a i ln I 1-t. r '"?.I' . >iid Im? I'oard i I i I ,-.:?, li.ll, [ Ihe lllt I ? 1 :' " .,.;.. a ? ll. 1.1(1 .'I ' l" III P T..V lllil ..,.1.1...... II 11 ' ' tlll ? f Sl .1 - ... !-. a. ?.,;:? . | . I.lil la ?! 1. ll ?ii. rftlly f >?.I. lf yOU "at,. tll I.iii ..? ,,?? ., (,..,. Hne : ? . ri. i. i 'ti- odver ,.[: ? TBYISO TBOr.TXU TBACK CASE8. 1 RI BO4 . ?' 01 U' ' II V '?!' '. "I s ''? '' v I' 't'.*0 PIATION 11 1'-"KK. li... r.... ?.. of Re. ?.. of the Xattonal Mng _ ll .., held i*- I-.aii. i ? ? 'I the ... li,ii llotel i. I ? " i .I:|" '' ..i ni ? memlKi ea. h ol Ih.' Bvc dM ... ad .'i ai. I. i- tli. ' - . i ''"un" ol .:..? li I All m.i t Iie inad' lo II , r . .- |,. ii i . i. . to I. la.'l I - , ..... . .i .i .Im too, prr lent, i ? ? IllgtOII, I.i IHii.1 la-iiii"'. > ,,. . -I ... ? . tt*. Al.l"'. I ??? i, . . N'-.livill. '? I.. ' ".I ? '?' '" ' " il 1] Moi ?. Ilartl .- ' ' ' ; !' ' enutl.e th tn lli. We leni I' ' ? ' ' '' ' I it- .- eipeeted tn .1 .' Imoni it*.-- preseni ?en- B. II 9v\ \ a -i,Uv|.. Kentncki ; J. IL Whlte. ( n.rl il l'.-.f.. r-ltedelpbla Jopn H""1 and J. J. H.a, ii- i >n: ... .1. Ubbj. Gard i er, Me.: O. B. Herrlngton, Ponghkee] -.-?; J. Iltdtej. jr.. Ptdlad. Ipli i: R. 9. Iletlielbarh, Lonl-ivJIle; Hln.I, Bralth, _.__?? v. :'.. .1. ii. pettlt, PhLbvdelphla; Praak L. Kerdle, tiharlea Ureen, I'tlca; i. ll. Cummlngs, Harrlsburg; it. II. Pawling, PhlladelpJila, and Charlw IMekermaa, tli" fa ? - d Iver. .-;.;.-... ?. ?;..;? broughl from Hart-Otd _ badgel ol rate. !.??? board eonsMered nbered Iu le i manj uppeals f. im de. >lon?. Mo-t of the ite ' I t :" n ti''. as, all lough - nol ti lt "i.t cnttrelj. - rml . ..;.... ... ei ? \; ell .1 foi pulltnu ho. ??- and 11 tle p - ?. '" ' lean_o lT_ ir re. ids. .; purlf. ln* liudl). Arjr.imei.t- ??? i . tlie ri 'i .. -' - '.i''." P ??-? nted :iii<! -'..::'.. The <!? ?:?_::.??- idjourned ;,t " P> r"- to meet agaln al 10 a. lii. tl) i'.ai . CBABTEB ELECT10S8 IX M.IXY PLACE8. I iMi.-lMi . 8UC.__.SOR TO MAYOR PIV'K IN'Mir. il'U'ii'!.,. . .:>...VI E-BS IN' M.i..,. CHfSETT- IOWX8. Plttufleld. Ma , D r. 2 fspeclaJ . Th. fl'*-t eleetkffl .f nfflcer* f .r the new ctty of PifUfle'd tooh iil_o i Ri pui li. ii. .?!.-. ted elev. IM 'rmen ind C un. iv -i ind Ihe Democrats tcu. Charle: 1'.. i. i.. .... ? ii, waa el.. b l Maj n by - -i ma Jority. Ilud.on, V Y. Dec, 2. The rharl i ??'-: i hare to ?! ij : -siiited in the .'.I la ii .'? I-" gl. y for M i - -.:. . !?? iiii i lldate fir Ald. rm.n. T.'ltj governmenl H now .-ntircli Democratic, f.r ? ?? lt - incoi ii ratlon M :iv:,.ii..... ii,.,.. _.-ti. ? .pecial electtoii Co tlll the . -.? the el. tl ti of M.f or Pi i <?'..??::,.,.? u.i- iield todav. fhc \ '?? u;. Ught, Petor .i - i. ? ? iv :.. , re ? ,i li R !??.".' io . IV. .; U ig* Uep. . ".-ai ; Jobn -' |.a ? ii Lat. 11, 1,131. I'r ??.'! ii. ... r.. i.. I..... j Danlel I . !'? n '. Detno .- lo ,!.n i- li rt..l Mayor ..f \Vo naor___ I ? .?-'? i i] >i ,i>. rhe I'ity Coitncl . iu. N.w*-I!i!i ti. fonn., Dec. -. Ne. Ilavrn's clty elec :? >. ,i ii - ? .? nt, i- ?''? ? rnt, de -.- .. i Jai . - l>. Dewell, 1. ah un, bj i ?'. ? " rfM pre enl .1.; or I i Ropi 11 ... . be Repal licon al . lo-fl mu U.i rm ,' iiincllmen, hul nol ..... .......... . t. ...I,.,.ial I'nlra. sufltcivutli t-. pro.-. ivli ?! '-..I...I vol. '? n ,ii" ii ii... up ... ? nt boards. I i" '' mo ? - j-. .- . M, 11 -?.. i,'.. _ Maj 'I I'i. - Bia Ifo d, :.'?;? Mi an, wax r ? ??:??. .?? i . i ivrw n fell ??. I' at ? .. . ' i | i i. -. . 'i ii- : : i ? etecj I AMei-ini'ti, a ' ''">" mon '' intii li iv 111 land l.'l l p Ml. nn and 5 Dem i , ? a ? me ..- l.i n.e Itepubll. n ek-el Ih ? - ? ??! !'..,..:.!??.':. < lera ,' 'i rreasurei ,1 I.-. nll parile.. iv ll< -.i- vote aaa I'e.. ?--.-?-??i; no, 2, ll >l? ' '?'. . Dec. 1. 'lli ? cltjf tndar "I". ted , .; ...... ;.,.. ,? ,.;i. | ,. M ,? ,.? | , 7 i a . ???. II. I-,. il i . i ? ; ibll iti. i ? D. . i'iii."ii. Dcmocrat, I- ch ? ?-, I I t'lcrk. bu D :.. i irr. U. publli i'i. i ? irer ?v . | . .. . ? t t**o and t'i" . f th. srhm. ?'? i ' !?' ird .? .t i i; !? ,,,.,| (I . : ? ? 1 1 . I' ? ' in : nl "t'i Ite ,, ?. ...; Ves, _. ti -. no, 4.7: u...J."iliy f ' .'I , ...,". . ic . -? '?? ??? m -? Tayl ?:? (Rep.l ,1^. . -1 - - t t - - M ? ' ' - to ?! u i-i I-i a b t.i . vvi '? -. ? ?. i <i rit. ' ,. ? ? ? . . .I ..i ... . ? l threo 1 .. .' ? .? : \ i:- pub i :,.? li- [ui li.;ms el I ih. l> m - ? ? i. ? "-- ' '? ,;:;". ,. |on De.-. ... a." . ? - < ?.. '?: M .. .;,., -. IL i ??'? II iWe lltCp.) ? I Uay. .i r .:,. ptiell iDem.) bj i , i ? I fmr ita. aud lli. ... md ? .' ?? ? .i- i ' ? ? . ? . l.l.'.il. i,i . - i ... a ilrew? (Rep.l aa M The .M , ". Den ?? i .: -. 11 ?? ?;. i- |<ep .' ;.? I I- : Ye., 1 .._- . li .. __?'>. , , ivo Dr. John W. foi ilin Dem.l a ,.?;..,. Aldec ; ? ? ; i ?. D..| ; l in. ? ? . | ?. i ... . , ?? . -??-. ...I .7 ; i..i, _ , , y titll ? i. ?? ' - I ? ' II ... i en ?.? v....-: __., .'.? ? d ' ./ . . . I ', l .. ' ? ' .??mi.' ?? ? - I ? ??? ' ?? , : I' 'i ? ' . ? ? ? . ls .. alitte tlm ? ? I t i: p.i i ur nl . ? Iwl. 1 !?? , (IJ - I , I May.'i -I - ?: ? . . ? . .. L'. <???? >? ?? ? . t. .i - ? - . || in . i- KI.F.t ll' ?> IN' Rl ?'' tRETII. i . . ? i . -. ? lerday . i : .. : ? ? i i '. VV. A. M. " - . ' . VV. II. .1. I .1 i.i ' ?,..- 11. .i itliiui V. < I ' ,\l.a ? '? ?? I . : ? 1 rt'ard, I...IH- "n. ..... i . i . , i. i nll; 1 tghth, ?' i!m r. Diitui iii" i ? "'' '?? ?v'. <'".!'?? VVard, a i ?.,. i .?? \- lioard ol Rdu . ? i ll.-.i ? !?? ' .tle, 7. I'i.- i; ird ? .ti-. III : ... i ? m iv IN vi .1 ????.. . , ii . enl . i | '?? : n. li ?; . . ,: .1 ,:... :, ? I ? .11 ? I,,,. -| vilovi Voi : II i" tt ifle uitli u r,.M. ,-. .1 .. ,..i. i,:ir.i...,. ihe .lev.I.'pmeiil ol unii latcnl Pulmonary i || ,; .?., ? . i. i, '. ol .-a . ?!- fa'.i I ? ,,| . ?? , riire your i on tli >n . old by promptly i |ir. I). Jtiyi i , ? ??' reni-dj (oi all to" l. ? UiimuI '..: i I _.. .". REIIII.KN CIIAMIW l'.,,l ,11 f ? ',? r .:- >po. .' ,, ? 1 r per '-!-"?. .'. Tl,* (......i.rl.i.r. i i.'',-...? i i rwrty "il d .' I* a , , :: . - '1. 1...I-H.. II ? i ?? K -..ri' Thraai *r ( mi_ii. ' ' ? i?' ? '--? ,,f' " ?lll,nxii , ? ? lii.iii iii.s ihe i I'i..., <? i? Bii? \V. I ,, , ? , , ,' , . ,1 -. 1'" W, -t, 141 ?-. i. ,: ,, ., .? ? . 1. ua to :..i. s.l'-e. a Wiu-ri ? .? . .x i (*i?? Bei Ca?to.-u, W ., .. ab* i, 'i i i lilld, Ih" ? r.'-.l foi "a-Mila. v., . ?. , . . ',....:, x aator.a. Wiiwj aliu tiud Lhlidrea, ah? t.axo tlicin Caa'-xla, MABBIED. DANZIOF.R-KURTH On n." "? wtai 2. 1880, by K'. Itaphael Um umn, M. a., Mlaa MiUla rurta u, ? 1: > u :' i , ? iu v : - iy i' ?'-- -,, 1880, bv ti,- luv. :. l. tn..-. nt ? I*' '??>'? Jua ph ' ",. ? '.- Uui-a .' --. ??? ' ? "' ." ?-'! X. J N'oticea nt marriagea aituM be Indorsetl with full iiaiiie and a tldreat i>n i> aBBOT tl i?:?-? Oraot* ?*??"" '**m. "?v*,Bb#' ',A ,M9 I . . . ; , .- li . ? ' .1' , . ? |-.,.',.- a '.' ? li* ,x' , I" B I'I ?' '" : "?' r.-il-iii.-. IS1 .i .,- ll a r. I ,! i,. II \ VMli un I*' I, ifti'i.s uli - - . taclald. I . H'xj . .. ? J Im Da.' ...:. . .... ,, ,; x ? u< ? -I' i" I} i Ull ' ... lp.ii '?? I I x Ul ? . I, .-.- x..:, - - ii .i' i, |s'i,-t. aeal ?? li-..,-. ? Kl'idl' " li ti'??> r* . .:, sn, ta s [Clty, <i rt, ? . . ? .'. : I -.1. I*. l.I.'l 'li" 1*1 ? |. ix rn , ?' 18 d 85 j ii* x. ii x i:i;|s .,,, d ii'-1 i. M i rai. ? ? :'????- da. ?: ??? i , i tin ii " l? , p-iin.-ra ? ' - '? "?" '"''"'" "'' Watai - '' "K ... Traln loavoa i.i-.ixl peutral Station. 1 0j p. rn. DIBD. ' IIT-I.r.- 4udd*nly tt lirtl.I,h*m, rnrn., n?*?mh*r 1. of :.?;,.- u . :, i, W. il',11, formerly or ilns etty, iu ? ?,,. year .-I i. I jj'.Nisi s ? - -i ? iunday Vateaaaat 30, Mar carvt xx. luw .,' ii -iry j .. (iu*. 1 . .. .... i, :,| at li-.- la',* nttdetiea, 308 I We?l 3U.h'*t. . "ii VVVdu U :, -r a, M 1 ;i. tn. im. i tor. ? c, Xavtrabtf 30. il U. Ia'- Wtlt i T. Manrbt. ;. , | . : - ? .-.,-? I th* ruil. tt >. - ?? . i , ir '? .??.., ax . i.ii I l.,''u-st,., o:i l-'rlday. i.< , ? in .i. nf. 1- ? ,?',,.; ,--*-- 1>- a, nt. MUTLI i I ?' il II H ''?!. N"V*n.b*r 80. l*y\ ,i ? .-, ;?_ " ? . n u Ife " f Ti.i rmoa \i\. ,, ...!,. ;hl r ,f Mr. Jiilia >. K?yi .. :-. liliij i. '.. \ , VVedneaday, Be. ibUbm A. I'ARl'.l -:i M.i' i l'arrl*h, afnd '??'. I,,,.i..,, th I'1. ln*t. :. r. 2 p Bl. fpini th* r id ? ?' ... ii. -s, arka IVl -, IVaat nea? r ' V. ; s.wii- .. ..; iri.iv, Decembat 1 l".,r? JoaepB T. r-aud*. ll, fni.x. and fr'iend- ar-' Invll '? t" *U rtd runcral -*rx!ira 1, at 4:80 p n. Bl iii* taM resi Brooklyi . ___?_,? ;..... ? . 1. ? - <!_?? bv 11 ill ? ? I' . ., Tarr, ? x., ,i I" ;|3. ' isEYMOCIt At :;.,<'.. n. N. V.. M ? S*. 1800, Am,, ? .,.t,. ?; lalt-le b\ and taa Btta '? . . B.MITH-AI ,li \ rnofl De ml ? t i II imlth, ol ,' ra? !,|s ns-*. 1 j.-,;.,.., ,; . ,, ,-, .-\. and _d at,. Moui -. x -. ? n - i, ii ? ' ' ? ?? Bl 8 ") .? . ' 1". I!.. ' ?>'.,'. t':iti l.?alst'-. N" 62, V and A. M. H \ -. . . I * of 1 II. I.. 9th R.'trli ... r ..I, ln .-tl .1. Traln . Uiand Contral s.i-i.-i, X.vr.IIaven U. n? a'. ' . IVII ,. On S nday N'oveaabet 80, 1890, Moorei Mlrlefe Wblt- . . . - . ..___. Kun.rai -rx, ,- lat* r- I? .- ,. 88 W al Sttli-at., ,,,, \\ ?,.., ..l iv. Il .1 ..'.?. I . m. [n'.rii., i,l ni - i. M* -. Opccuil Xoticcs. A.-A. <? \s\\ r.t.i,, MASSEY .<? <'0? '",:,-? :i ,:".'. ? . ? - . 17--i -t.. 1 _i., ninx- reeeivlBB atatk of .w.ui s| (." .m.i : v aad be I I i I T"it.:.T auth r.r.s Sl ? lally -?: ? ?! by m ? .-f taa trai la Evrapa ar.d m* - ? >. : - PEESEXTS. Th,- leadlng II i - are IVORV IIAIB Iir.r-:' I IVORY POWBElt !t".\l s 1X0 MIRRORSJ, T"K " :? ,'. Sll Ll. BRC3HUS XX.'. , ,, ? ? Bl - OF MI ? ? ' It II 1 "-. BBCBUES, Dl! is-s m . mtm "TWT" I.' 5" 81*1 .! STAXD8, FIXE>T i .'.;:-.! < i T i.lakn ?"T'i:.F_v, iM.iii'i y..v.y. s ., ii.., b< un b!i.\ ;. pi V'..:nt.s. mi ni> im; rm -; -. BOXWOOD AXD WH :?: KI'.I.U IJOTTLrS. A.? Rohr-t ??i).ii?r*i!l*, Aiirtionrer. I!V ORTdll - '. CO. fi'tii .vexi'f* ART '.'.t.i i.".HaS, :,?;. vrir-.\Yl.. MI : B ::iT!!-sr. FREE F.XHIBITION DAV AXB BVEXIX*. SALE ro.>l 'RR ?W THt U I iv a:."i> ir.;uAY. AT s p, M., BB, FESSEXBI N N". OTIBt eolli ? * PAINTINGS \M> BRONZES. . ll .RACTERlBTiC EX aMPLl 8 01 BRI4>TOL, i'.n :;si ?.ur. bkard, rnriim, t'ABIa :., xi: dcraxo ii"'ii i v. i.ii : "i:ii r*cy KART, -. IRVIX't, J. it. : .1 'iH\s..\, !. ; JOX] - 11. II.: REN I IT, MARTIX, MeEXTI E, MI'i. N'iT. XEAL, 1'Ai-r. VICDDER, WHITTBED4.R, wau A.? C. I'. Wciinoip, -*..i-ttoti<.?T. Ftftfc Av'.vi" Auctlan Ko'..-.*, _i0 5Mi-av. EX!.' L'T0R9 BAXB of a PRIVATE BTOCK r^F Pir<- tin" and ??:-. ? ? cld Wfnea, itni-iii'*. -?ox* v^!.;*d -. \ , t, , - ? . ttatt ot A. < . Illtt" lil Of Mr. W. r iui:i> ..ii Ti'.'.-I'jV n*x' D< - - :? .' A 30 o-. io, k p. m - ? ? . rad -, th* i ? Tli ,'??:? ' p-jitl. ? at. '? ' r* I ',?-???' la 1. ? ? ? " ,--:', f',' .1 x 'iiiciii -. - r l ? ... ition. (? i ,: ,'?? M..i,(iv ih ? ? fi i o i, ii,. t., 6 i". ii. Mr. w. Ll. ."? ,. , , "x II i ?:?: ? '. -. \. M. Kiioi.'lrr A: lo.. . r* ta '.,,'ipi; t cn,) 170 8TH-AVE- CORXEB l':i>-ST. ? il PAixTixna by I " ? i i.rti-ta. ? ? ? | ? ETCHIXOa AXD EX(.RAVIXG?, ,\ - 4 w.i;: ; i 0LOR3. ITO '?? ll v": ' ' '?'? " - D BT. An l..n'!li_.-:.i ii.d in de* i ..??'.. ., " ? ? Uldil g. - II x - I'I ' _ Ertnbliahed l*1K hl)J<.. U F.LRAli. - ..".'.; ? . ,,'!". PREIJERVEO, BRAXBli-i1, CA.VXEU A.N_" hl'IC.-Li H-t'liJi ASli JjUJ.I 8 I't ::.. R1_0 fl'RRAXT JEI.LY A .sl'Iv 1ALTY. r.x, r .-?:..? . II (alL Pot ;r:r,. ,? . r , ' .. -. . .. Mr - Mr. 8ARAU _. McEL r.A'ii. BOU . ra' i( i" tlya. N. V _ ??.?i'i tli.i- i'.iI.I bv II - -r:p? ' ii KOfi. iir'K i i i ,' . . . ____ >.i, ,.t- ...' ilu' -mi* ui Ci* K.'i.iliiiiuii. Th . Iniaiii*** and , . .ii, ? a" ? ' ' ? !'? ?? ,? . - ? . ' .' ' . !? . ?', - ? Briti.B I ? : :.-.., , ? .- f ? ' ft I . . >' :? ? . ?:-'.- | i. ? - - M. Hlt h. , - i riEHl UU x s r .[.i.-, \ in ? .MI H M M"N niOMERY, 8 ? Paawafca Naii-.'. da ill Inl c*t*d u kaafaa aatf ? ? / , . ?;. - i, ? : .. ? -i illy ad. - i , ? ,?? ?-|.xll ?.. 'i ? i,,.. tn i- ? n ?..,'. -?? . -!'.-,. x\ : n\. <|i.\V U I l. .1 I I I i l" ??? i . ? tor st. Tl ? i vla frt. , . . ? . r ... !".?:,.. ? -, i ? ? ' -. % ? \ i. 1 ? . ; ? ? .'"??... III. f,.r i ? .i a j,..'- i ? - i r ,,...? i; i ... i , -i r l-'.ui . , , ?? dl> p* ;.,i --|,.r '.? ? ll " .' ' ? ??? I ??" I.? xi ... , , r lor Ir* 4'id ,,..'.,.- ? , . a. i.i. fii- 11, I la Ai - 'I -' I.-. ilir< '? ? ', ?" I-i..i nd ' ? ' , ' t 1 ;>i i i? r,? - . - . . ? i ,1 .: i , . at 1 p. ai. , |......i-,' . I ? ? .....--, bt ? I ' ? !_._._, - . ?.. ,- | ?:..... |. i - ,. l'.| i l; .n i '. ii ' ' ? ' ? I. r- ? | ? llrltl.'i ? , ' . . ,. iii ? .-1-..I. V I" - a -. : , ! ii. ..... |, ;? f'r i i ? ? - - ' *>' .., r -:?:,!. a ?' - ?<" P fo bt, . Mlou ? - .'. 1' .1 ' . i 11 K!> 11 Ith HO i ry 10 ?. ? . :, ror l rance - . ?? ? r . I l i i. Spaln, P i,. i , . i a . r ,-.... ... rar. id :'?> :. n, ? ...... a '??? land, !< 1. > ? ..i,..- Au?t] , ? .1 v ? '...'. p.'r , . i nuria i-la Q_> letl r. :?..- oth - l uropraa ?i , - i ? - , il s 10 .. m. ". .0 ?. 1 '???', - i. !..|, Noi -i -.i ' . I ' ? - - i _ r.r i , i. ' l !?' .'? eoiuiti i -, vla ti ... >. . . ' || ? i i ? | - 'la ... ? r- -? ? . -1 ?uei Tblngvmll<" '' '??""' ' " *? ' ..-'..'. th.- i. - :,::..?.: : ii , ' ' Ai ' . : i. ,-t i . ...:! to >. Bi. for lan alra and IJri'j ih r -. - li-iido - >._ lloi ..??:? Ir_,. [| |..p . - p . - M_i ?.--:-..- i i' . -.? ia I'.UiJda.. Dritlab tud Diib-i uulao* r P-ln. it l| a. . . r r land >nd ,'iiii_._. per _. -. All-t ,at. -? for ind Aux-.". '????'? i'- dli ; J ?>. ? A .-i" . al l ,, ,,-, for Ci - ? ChU a- in' .-?? ind Vi __..;? p*l - - ...?;/.,'. ' !? :- for ? i:i-1. 1 .. . ? ? ?? ???' i ??'?':, - ii , , \ ? . ' <t ?i,. i . ? . I i ??. . -. ? , .t.i|,j'i. jM-r * ?. < hbia i::?_. __a .- . ti. -. .. ? :_. ... .- ... .. i. . Mall* . . ,? . . - ,. i.. m, ; _>d s_ ... . I.:,,.,.. |. - - - Al-m.-dt (from __n .ran. Ml h.-r.. i. i -r -7 ... . ii.' p. m. t.i irrlval ..t _._?? \ ? . i ., with Drlti.h ii a - foi loitral _ . i , ? ;? .?: :. Still i ....??...; -? P w. . , - - .v -?- .a fruia .-. I'?.. - ',-'.'?' '?? iil to llalifax, aa. tlnrnt*. l.y ? , ? ... ,i ?),.. offl ' - ' ?' . . i... n i .,, i.... on . i ? ?. i.v ? !__., ?.,:,.- it a Mi - far . ,,?,. i -. rnll "... Thi ' ? ? ? ? ... ? -,.i 'n_ ii...,.;?! ? . ii .ii. -.ij-? _. .i s:..|..:..-. iioae ai lala HM. un..? _;,..,???,i'i ad le -- .'. f. r _.-, l M .1 ? '. li .? .> ? , , ... |ul. ,f . .uif if Tw ' ? ' '? ill? ?- ar. - ? ??...> r,?.<t .... ' ? ?...--. ?n dl_i_.t_.-h i 'ti.'. ?" tha nmu. anjr. MglaMm ____ ,.?.__. _. o p ai^vlm^ ,.AV r0TT p,?,?_. rmiMci. Re?-Tork, K. V. Nov ... 1..0.