LONDON NOTE8. ADMIRAL SIKI)MAN-''I-Ar>ST.>X!AN BHW ORir-ATI-ANTI'" SAILINOS-LOBD L!NnSAV>l.Vi:KS_MlTi; i.N PF.PYS. London, Noveuiber 2<* So Admiral StHm.n is ,1.-ad. and .-.nothei of thoae stout sailow whoae aerTieea were ao ??' Ind a.lm.ra.ile dum . th. BebelU?. haa pa- * .wav frum UMMJ a fc-WMtlon whlch.I ?" M hta _?" or Unew llttle of hlm. *J eWJ IST.1 ~? to hl. Mi ? Inew him ln thoae day. Mid he _howed kindne* Ih N*vcr,n-r, 1861, he wmmMded rt maUini; eiiitor of Tlie Tr.l,.:,-. m- J- ?? ?'J Ko.val. and I WM to go .... ? aptain S.edn a? s ^ ggj Bai it wm n..t h eaty to fo- ??*? -*?* urv oi ,l,e Nav, was applir. to. He altofetber deeline.1 to gtve nn or.ler thal I '^u- offlee ahould fake a j_un_alu*t on board Ml ?h.e. When we llinhl. l'ert __oyil be bnd done iu and raore than all he pn m.ised. bul be Mid. I might llke a day or two to lo-.k ibonl n.e lor qnarters. nnd meantime I WM w*lw___ to f?J where I WM I believe I _pc.l1 Mt more nlght. on heard. Till Ouptem rSexum. -bw at, Port Kovnl. r.aaicned tne I lent. Oo? after ward I fonnd myaelf on the deck of a 9*888* commanded by thls able and |?l_ant offleer: on one of the many expeditlon.. whieh Admiral 1?? pont .sent doring the next I** ?_?_-__? to haraas ihe MM-yM MMt? I nn-1 hira nexl in Lmaon, manv years after. an.l we talke 1 -er tl.e old timea. Sinee then I hiv_ never Men him nor. l think. heard ot mm Ull I rend tbe i?wi of hii death. But ln- early friendlir.ess WM not ? tb ng to ne forgotten. nor his faee. with lt. snil -r fmnkness and ir,te11._ei,ee. nor the genuinerwes ind> of tlie m?n whlob ewybody who knew him or met hta MW an-l U-\t 11 h-ppew, h-. MwMtbelral mt_J ofteer o? duty wlJJJjT I eame in M.teet I knew many ?J*-J?.* Adm.ral Dup-nt. C'apta.n Rodfen, < ***** ** 'j who, Ste.ln.aii, wer. both idmtrala a llttle later. nnd many Ua-Ottl ITH- Mllw of high eapacitv and tfurneter. Bat lhe memory oi tbe Am bim* to he ellMed. and allgbl a. wa. oui .cquaintance. I read lf Ml death with regie*. and diatant m are thoae day* l bope l may wkn*rwl .d_re mv debl to hta, md teitify to tbe Mfh ??_?*?_. everyhody about him had of hi, nhility aud his honorable Dature. Thnt neat. Mnlibl.nrnal - Th. Diil. Newi ?' of London ..-._< te h?re bad ita t-_npet -i-evet tjnlte of the b__t-_orely tried by the O'Shen-1ar* nell IneWent ll I. **r?*aded thal the wicked T..rv pn-ss. for which "nn languig. ol Oonta .1 ^be^.tw^.-bM.-withhideonidemoniti uotisot delighl endenvoml to make pollucal cap. IMI ont of tai.-_-n.iiie tn_f_dy. Do uol iup 1 qnote the?e ^ent^?lees iv_ exnmplea oi wbat am Gladatonlan friend ea.n say when roueed. mm them a.- iMtanee. ol lingulir mlldntM ind M f?ii_ to this whieh follow.: -lle"- he ia the eo-respondent :r. the O'Shea divoree anil -" He might defv to tbe end of ttoe the ehaate erew to whem adultery n onlv an oflence when oommitted b.v an opponent. while lylog aud forgerj are no ?;>,,. e. .,* all " Thi. might pa_a Into the newd texvbooh of,< m a verj good pattern ol Um art of Innuende; and of othei am. \ reannngeuie-it of Ih. millngl ol two ta portant line. irom liverpool lo Sew Vork la prom tedJoi nejri season. The White Star and Innwn o?,mp__.ie_ have agreed-ao, al l< nt. we are a_ h-ired-vo dMpMlh thlll IM ?!_*? altonilte uiatead of fcendui. them out nde bj aide the Meraey a_ thev have done all laal aeeaon ani* the Tentoni. .md Ofty of New-Vork. Thm* two shipa, tignkdff with the UaJMtie and < it. of l'..n?. are ao M tjme their sailii.s that oiw of them -hall lenve Liverpool and one lea e New Vork e.'-l. Wednesdav. Two tesultr. will follow. Firat, the raoing, al aray. oftirially dentod, will now, tn faet. eome to an end. The (oui ship- are for all praotieal pur p uDythn.K ..f the kind. E?per_MM h-.s proved that the PMMflM is lllowed te handle as M liket the creat bnlk ol th<- _M-U ll would Le inta-r eatmir, therefore. to hear fr..u. Mr. Isnm.v whetbei he means to give us this boon or not. A linle voliit-u- of ' Lyn's and Other Foems." by [g-dy LtodMjr. 1S 11" Intereiting examnk of ? klnd of lit.rr.turc never too eemmon iti whieh grn"' ,n 'helr tttle. They will Btir no pMBioM md aie nol meant ta; bul wboever reada thei.-i will i?*"l that be baa a-pem a pleaaanl ii?iir ill 1lie compuny of an aceoinplishoil wmnuli. whoaf ilelie.iie Blneerlty ot natni. baa eapnaaed Itaelf in nn agreealle way Mr. Walter C Pepya. :i ueeeendanl <.i Samnel Pepys, Itaa been good enough t.. tteml me lhe following Intere llns letter i"r pnbllcation: **] ohaerve you aay tbe name is eommonly pro Doaoeed in London aa if written Fepa, nnd thal lirtng membere of tbe famlly gire lt the gonnd of Peepa, aoeordlng to Mr. WheaUey. "I qnite airre thal it daafa not mneh atgnify, 1.1,1 perhapa vou would ?How me to aay thal Hn* bmIb famlly bare for certainly nwre than IM vea.*~ prononneed their name Pep'ya -Tlie deoeendanta of 8am. Prpya'a BlBter, Mra ii the famlly ol P?py?-i'ockerell. do, how to thla day prenaunce the name aa Peepa, whioh polnta to thal '--s ,r,,ir'-' **** Diariet.* l>'" Diinelation. ?? I may n.Kl thal thoae "f tbe name are gingn* luily ieu in number, tatlow Bfty. and thcy can all i.e traeed haclt to one anceiter." This aeama t<. leave tl"' queatlnn of pronuncii tlon jiial aa open ri before: Mr. Walter Pepya liiuiself cloiibtiin.' whetber ihe other hraneh who call it Peepa do nol now glve 11 the aame aound _,s dld the hnmortal k'i"**.ip blmaelf, Or very Ilkely there wai n.iare than one naage, even iji his time. (i. W. S \nORfi Of TBE BBIDOE EXPERT8. DBLAT IN BUlMITTIJffi THEIR REPORT I TAM ON TfXNl US. The Board of llrtdge Kxperta, eonslsUng of Bi ? gaarael Bpenrer, of Drexel, Morgan .<. co.; rarl H. Bachhola, of Uw Brle Ra li aad I'ompany, Bnd Ui >rge w. rivii.pi,ei. if the Polytechnlc Inatttnle, oppeai to bave patterned after the Bridee truatees lhem?.'lves In eia- llltle. bj tt...-true : n.?u- ataUon. and doobl i ?? the pl itl -.' tra,;,. f..- the ui loadl p ai d kvadli _? ot Irali ' plan. for the ue* Rtrni Inre. have i ?- | nothlna haa been done to put them i'i exec nl on \ftei lhe inll. last winter of ron tltntlng a . ' expertu by legislaUve anthorlti to conslder pl? Imp-ovtng tha Br dge termti als, lhe tru lee. .. lopted th ? ?ame plan, and Mayor Orant Majror ("hapln i d Pre?l :,. t ii iw. Hea ' -??'..- led an axpeii lo an Inl These . nmmis loners ipeedlly organlned n >I -"! ? [or plan* A n.iniber were preaented bef re iseptembei 20, il"- 'I "'.i for their -nlnni.-i-:.. Then ll we m noiim .-.I Ihat pnt.ll. hearlng* ? ;?? o ? .. ,.f cxpoui dlng the plan. iul mltted. Bnt i ; ? . . - ..-:.'? .*? .. Worthni . Rm ?-?. I w rh n (1 other. have preaented their vlewi itlnri ol ? ,,.-. rabmitted. The expert. have ? ?? tho hewring* and ;.. ' li i ge.Ung tlw ma*. ol ! , ' ??? t| .?-,: -,- ?' f lhe proi I. m pre ? i ted to th. ni. 11 was boped tr, have lhe rep rl read* Ion at th. S ber meetlni . the trn.te**, but !' a.i I ?; >:''',? , | th. I wai *... I that a . |*ei I il nieetli a w iikl bc ? ?? tlie end ol this month lo r.Ive md eo Id. -i, rep ?:;. N iw the ? xpc -- i> tli d ?-.rii i mi) mit ,: i a. |] tles ol Ihe fruate . ln I * : ind report at the V meetlng wiu be held Ial In 1 pui), r t hearlng tf e rep trt I ? .. ? M '" ? clil t*c- ??? ttf lo ii I portei ' ' I have iwcn nothlng 1 ili< our preaen. lall-swli whl. '?-.'...- ? i- : ' " and traeks, is the besl adapted to rt,- pi ?;, ased rhani dnre the h. . forty-flve leeonds, and tbat ls a. i ???"? ?> with .af?-:v. ThU I , "ii twenty teconds bead' ij : ?: ,- nnd well whe l redaced ti pr.. Ure lt be eedli gl d i atid niisafe. We have hai.d i,. ,, ii pre enl u le i a Ithoi I i ? d*.'it. Mnr* p..? I it v. ,11 suU< ?? foi toi | ?? - and I time iome u ? . ? . ? ? i?. lupplied, eithc'i Incllned I i think U al Uie nei l brldge a tu f Um ? -i'i- lion maj I ?? ?" ?'?? now , ? g thc maiter and < Imab |i..r'i?? I .r? , ?' i belleve we - liall . i I ? ? i! Mr. Martlu. II i "','!???! withh n,< ?-??. ? i i ? i When '?!'?' trleitj I. snl -* * * sl foi teai l ? ? m'rl be | ? -:jfT? < i,l: ai.I I When I ma t-i Franee, i aaa ;,- . One ?? i aU ? i r,.i ? ' thal al" ? '' from Bngland oo a aea eoyage . , India ar.d i >, i . and i flavor iiiur.h Improwed tlicreby, Anotlici man ro marked i - a peraon wbo bM always Itved lu Uilt ronnlrj 'Jo.-s.rt know whal good tea reall. Is, n-? how Ughtly boxe ??'. tea ue closed befon bei . . b< <> 1 ??? .i ? i alr alway< ,. ,.-. t evidcnc-e of hearlng. Bul na makai .'n - e an.. aara nnn n . bul it i- believed tbat he tell by tb. m t ... of tbe I , . ,| general attttude of the person who iddre* hlm a courae "f InatrueUon in ?" deaf and-dumb lustltute i- nii thU r. o ler need t.i learu t-. talk with hia .pura, i'ol.oillXi; MBEBSCBAUBB. Prom Thc st. Loula Olobe I" ",-? ? gel '" ? bot, ! : Ihen tbe ?hx <-uaiiu?* i- drlveu ,-ut. __j?i lhe pip^- gil i, war. GOSSIP ATTHE CAPITAL. J PASS.V6E OF THE COPYRIORT i.H.L. \ I-iTTiKV WITIIIN T1TE W.M.I.. OF THB 8BK_____ CHAMBtn |U_r?-EHE_TATtVE HEX___n__o_l EXPL.AIXS INUtTY l.l ">!'.. IX '.MA'i.s TO!. gORIloTTI X. in C XOT IM W\sII IXGTOX Ml'.- W \N \M \l. l.r.'S SIT..IM. c\i:iM-r--.\ 1.I..M1..I-" EX< EOP S S. '*>.V Fhov mr. uotTAI POMM-OJiDI >"! orTVSTmr.rxr..i \v., blngton, i>-.. n rhe pa age ol tl;'' ?'"I'vngl.t blll by the ll....--. ..f Repn.talivcs mnal prol ablj be eonaldered the legUlatlve evenl ol the wceb. ,: ,,, fnreflhadow ibe enaetmenl at tbl aeealon "f ?' ?w whlch .. ???.I Jnatlee. nol t<. wj deeenry. .houbl have bronghl aboul v.-nr- ago. To wbal Mtenl the ,,,|?,--.,,i, wenl in pcrpttuatln ? a rortdil ??> "! i i ... whieh aa :, i.:,i..ii we bave everv re. "-, I i ?? a-hamcd hlstory will no donbl reeord hereafte A ,n?l ?: erIUe, however. forelgn at well ;|" ?v"1"'' :'' I. r-impelled tn admll Ihal ibe MaMIUi to lhe hlll_ embodvlng lhe prlnrlple thal the Mthor -hall I mltted ,., r.mtrol ihe prodwl nl bl* Inl*.r. wl . ?.r olher haee licen anl.__ltl ?' for r ? ro., I i f pnbll. _e-.ilmenl oo U.i- i|ueil.? '? *. ; ? n'',:iv ,.v.,M...iv ?......_ . wbo I.- ffilkJwed IM ra ,.??,?,,.. ofdltfrrenl eopyrlghl blll . confloed le a r_m .,? ?oUy. bnnd nl literary , ul,., ,..,-,,,:?. had fattened i|. lhe bvbor ?f olhei . .;.,..? ,( nftalr whieh - * ' ' .'" ''"' "* lhe publie ..- le H.ui 998*4 upon - i ol men loo mode. 1 perhap. to Indnlge In vlgeron .1 . rmiMUil) a! ..,:..?- "' '"'I-' " .. | .,, .,,!.? legl latl.e tedres?l ol heh .. i ,,, .... , .. o\ en' eould I iv. pemi itod l? * ?? ' . - ? ..,. kull \m ? -,! ' fnrman. uf I ' ** *?n * ?***- a ;'' '"' "X' ' ? ; , ? " " . roalonlr to ...., b, le. .... - ing to : , . ..?,,,?..,, allh.111 Injur. lo I . . ., , -,,. ? ' ? . .. im 1 ?' " ?". ? '?, ,,111-r ul "The < ...:...?? ' ' ' ? all. III md tba r the 1 ' " '? " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ever. 1 I, . , ? ' ' ' I-,...... ? ? ? .? I ' *??*" ? . ? r ' ' ? I he -.. _ ' ' " de. .;..-. ... ? : , ? ' , iheaper'n i , nepi i itea Tbe fl -,--..?. ; IM '? . ' ' *' ' ' ' ' ? ' ' ? ? ' r tn- rei ' '? i - : i ?? ....... ? i ? ? . I .. ? Mo ?? ? ' . ..! f.l-tilllt ? ? ? ?? ; '? .., ..... I ? . - . ... . ? l 1.7 al : Warn-i Hr. I'l '' I mni. 1 '?? -? '- ' 'ii. I . tinuanro of thi , ?-. ?? .i "- ' ' llielr 1 ..;, ..' | :.|.. I 11. llie | a . .. ??-. a ||. lal-1-.i.l.. -f IIHl . ? ' ' ?'? , . eatly eedneed majoi itjr. cxi .... (, ? . ? . . ? weeh ai'.-i i < ? ? . ? lorj i ia. - .. nelgl ? ild he. - bom i have :. , f-,. i ?!-? a In b w< ,.. i i....!.? tha . hall .. . entui ? ago lle .1 |, i .? ,1 mu ' i.inplUI. d roatheni ,tl. lan . 1.1. ? ? II ? ' a < ? ? ?'l tl ??? i ? ;i, !??? ' yeai ig'? be .ne rt.fplj .?I m tl.e diatrlm of tbe _.< u.a| Advenl I e hua d ?' i ? . ' '? ?' >l " ? . . ui... ei iti. ' . atl< a pl f j,,. ,1, a* t . U.e ' ?ea I lln e .-' the -.rfd roraun i , .? m*. ,| i| ,\. after the ele. tion i ? ? u ,-.i and and found hlm <. alel bed frnm wbleb h. mtgilt ii.-..a > ?? .;. lli li.-i.ltli l.iit I.i* lliirul _.? ii . lear anal .Ign e ? md he ?..- full >.t i,. lavortte ii . j t, bi i be -ua ???I tbl ' tbal i have .olred the greal problem i r,;,i i , .p (e|| altbln thlrti rean Um date ..- tba he.-onil \dv nl i hillj believe tt.wt it will i . . ... , |n ? ... ? -w t' Ir reei I'cll, Adan..' i neplled, *ef conrae i have i >t been , < -,,.. . ., d laba.ii. u -. itndeol ai fou, bnl 1 havi . ? ,. . ? . aod lia.e heei i Ihal p ? .. ,,, men tba i i am i am i ith. rlined tn thlnh Ih?l ron maj i.rht. II i i r.i.-.,i,r, , .Mr ,- i wrltteti thal In Ih .1 flme ' Kal ui ,.,:i be |oo -I >.ut of bb prl on, _-:rt ll Ul |.t to dlreelve Ih, N iii... - ' li ma) Iie iruo tha) tbe t i. ... nd r. a li.v.) - ip ed Ine. i n - , I hiive felt Ihal -u. |, , i... faet a .-! jron hmm It I il . written that then lhe devll ? mu"I be too ed a HUle ? ??;, on." Ve . I ... a. l? ii" thal Katan la loo_e; he ma t bave , , .:..i ia . iai. day ' ? r ?? iu h tal man may ha\-e modlied lu. tb. I..., .1 rlawi omewhal ?? ? I il llme; al ?..y rate he. now thal Un politleal 'devll" nbtoh re gained bt. Ubertj reeently will be lu cbaln. agaln al tbe end of -,?" rean. Repi-eentatlvei W II. rtaln, ul Ibe Vlllh Teia ir,-U..I. vva- Mirpii ed le reeelve . |.|..:a'ii Uie olher daj i:..,a the Mayor ol i .:?? Ion, aahlng bim lo gel ii,.- I.- . .tar - ?..'?? d. i . .1 . log iaa i. ra|| .,, tbe tt ?? Honae ind a - lo Ih. I*nyil_ei,i n..,, lhe i,ii/..a- ..1 the eblol e_pot! ol Teaa had ar ! i ,, ... a |,, ,;r,. nltite of twentj one guti bonm I'..- Pn IMnl lli hl ue?_ugo to r,mgi had alluded i. tl.,' favored poalHon nl Ibe (Hill porl for aba_irblng .. torge ihaie of lhe Imde hl.. i. i,, i?. ii.-Mim ? .1 under . pull \ nl reelpi.j wm, ||le itloii aud had iiigled ,.u| i,..i \.--t-.ii s.\ u.i in** ii ;, ni..-' importanl polnl for rom Bierce wltb **onlh and ('entral Amerlea, foatlfyln al lhe .io.- time II.a. ?? . . . .;. .. offer to Iha President tlio tbanka uml eougratolationi ol bia con -tltiu-nt.. _ lf ,(,.. g>lbrwlng bad md nppeared In a i?'i.i i . I'".i?,..m |,ut 11 down '? a -!m- upon tho ma?l ,-?i liiii-i.e of tbe Ratlonal fapttol. The ronveratitian i, anld t" bave token plare nver a telephone ou Wcd ue-'iui laat: m.i, .-iit'-r "f ii" 'iralorl.i to t.,-:der of ihe ftand i?, vi... thlnk we contd leai.nt thc Irom bone* f"*0'" ".rehestrnl Bceompanlmenl to the .. M e*i*lah" 1 There arn onlj seventoen i.ire f?r them i'i I'"' wh'il'- icoro, and they wy 11 would .;,V* B. t'J'< Itand Leader?II woald be an Insnll fo the '-"tu |K)s'I Mai Bger "'.. i nt h" i ''" id. I nagbl t" i.'i't. perhaps, bj way of ezptanatlon, lhal , i,,, Waablngton Phoral Ko let organlxatlon, bj tbe ?r,v, wbleh ha. done *ome In tbe pesl ,,,1 , etiH dolng i greal d. .1 In ralstngg the sta la d ,,f piualeal taate In Ihl. commnnltj will perform tha ?? Meaeleh" i eit Wedne lay. ,\ few min1.1--. before Ibe llonae wai i ill-'i to nrder mi Monday ? Democrallc member, who wa< waltlng ,,,.,? Iropatle Iti for the openlng "f the ie_ilon, ea . ] .,!.., '1 ? ||OW -i.l ? to h''B'" '" v ttlng Hnll l ihea tbe chalr," qnl. My replied Repre*entaUve iiprlnger. Tiie ,.*lii-r day Kpeaker Reed rel ited how lie ?? 11 rieUmlaad when he Bnl beeame a pollUclan. it was le laaa h. ? made his mai'i^n itrunde for the -u-r. i.- -i?!,!.;: ? >.f Miiti" ||e wa. then bl ? i.iuth \eir md pos^*?sed 'll i'i" amhltli.' b newly ft>?ir*'i polltlrl m i ta " had ?? et, ?? -i ' ? ?? '!? ded U ?' ' Tru i" Reed be ihe andl In1 ? ? "?? ?' ? I the ? ?? ? ei t >i Re : - , Itllng In hls oflii ?? , . \ li iii ? ' ? ' "'' ,,f his telecUon n aaa ?< duU, ralni day, and Reed the | ?.-(' t'iat ii ere ??? ? ?? three __ ? ? ? ? , ,-?? I :., idmttt ? ., ni. ,- i-i ..... . pp | ted i . Inform Beed ol itlia ere; and, -.. .- ii :. il '? waa, "Jt.i . en. II you will ttl ? ich ind . I " lurii i l . . ?: i. ed i . " : '-? ..- ur ia : ? ? lleed returned I ? : \'t itee ba* Jusi :??" ? a-d tba c-.n._ii date ,-?'-? d ' ' ppolnled pbed I ? I .-???? . . ? ?? I 11 any e ba ? ? | . ? , | ? ' it ihei ' - - ? ;i .i I and . M,. u ?, preaented t., ibe I by ? , . ,' ? |ti P -?? . ' - - ? . ;*> I.1B4." ? , mra i'i" Ol I al II m ' ?'? fi- ""can . ? ile .. v,t.,..- -..; --ed .1 .... . , . ?? |n P ' dphl' i- - all. - ' ? -' I - ' ' ' Ihat | ti ? ........ - i - - ln that d pup, r II' .,"!-'? r da i ? ted nal * ' ' " '' ,- ? ? ' I . ' ' I ... - , ? , ? ls the letter rc ? . i akei I see I tbat '" ? ' ' r? ? . . .,...'. i -,. ? ? ' ?' ...-, i| | " >.-l| vcill. I ' " Phelr life, and 1 md . . - ? ' i-.i'u \ man ? ' weulth ' ? i .,.,v. ? a> ? rannoi *pend all hl* ni"nej hefoiv ?? i|| di . " . ..... \if\ ? ..????? ... i ...i ' ? ,. , t tho?e ? ? e and at tl i ? ? I.,.. ?? ||. ? . M ?'? i ""'? ' ,. ? ? - . -1- ? i f . ' ?? uu, .i ? 'ni , . I. ? ? ?:,...? I - ? . ? a ,... }.??.. .., n :, ' ? ? iph i.? "f tli ' ? paper* u 'l Uien I wttl let a ,,.,.. i, ui, . Youra fral ? ' 'HN A( KRH unedle > to add that t!?<- letter remained nn ,'.-w.: ln ,t|,.. letter ? toi mle ci uigellst ln ||?. U, .! V.i- ,,-,)..-,l ? .' -'?... Ml \1 tlll-ll !?> pill ofl ibe debl tl i I had ucui mlated ?mi Ih i i.f ;, i lke the man from "i.mPa \, re, - be aaked 'i.- ui in t'i.- name of Uie i \ man wh" .laned hlm ell a Ttaoma. .I i,.?,.. j,, i . .. i ,i. ihiil i 'i? '""" ... wtthoul , paper, ind ll. Inhal lanti to the numbei ,.r i, ,,.. were i :tt.-i I. ip|Mwed t" Mr. Wamtma .r eral prlnelph "Xow," i .nUnued Ihe wrlter 'II i,,u alll furnlafa nw wllh cnmigh .-apliiil t" ? larl i i-uutitri newspaper I i?ill giiHratit?*e thnt li. "\ nionlh Iline the people .( Ilu* lown will liave rhnnpiHl ihe ? ,,|, iituti nnd wtll i.Ildlj for vou i. n i- ? ? landidate ln laioti. You need not be kniwn ln Ihn n-.u, ... t.u:.. but you will be fl." piawei hchl d I tin... ??? and whatovei ytm _ii -.-? ? . Phl. K o Ocmo 1 ,v.:,, l,ut Wl ? au * "i". Ihe p i" , Ihl" ,,i i . mii .mu"- over i.ii ii ij .al thii : uu. ibere ara about I wtj Wtei i ln tl i. Bnd ti?. p_.tni_c.ler lleiu ? d V ,"' "? to ko. p Lta tin i , .rlo '?' Henator Veal aoy. that the name ol "Siinsot,** , |ung t" the late **. - f'ox. was i. matant toiin e ,,f anaoyanee t" thal genlal tate .man, ,',, on. |:'' " natoi \ r .1 t1.thei .!,n . -iti. nox waa pnylng .. Itytng n?it to th. ni. bnyhood in nhlo and attended rliunli ,,-, mdaj li,.- paster took foi hh text 'Aaa aervant deslrotli Uw ? .' Tin- preai her laegan bj n ing bo had ??? i i, pi. tut*e lllo trailm the i"\i. wl ted :, ? ime looktng toward lhe we t waltlin tor the end ?.r hl. day's work. II waa itiI ti-d 'Umglug for - The p.-ei.' her dwelt on thc wortble* of both r. Iir. |,i,iur.'i Jaeob Ion rh - for Juaeph and old Piimion's ii.-.-i-.- I" .-in. i .j, s n,?!?,? ni,,', ?!.,,; H,. Iiiiia.'i*ii in. .t. : ? ih ? ...,,i i ? ;u ..1 ? i! i- . ,ii i ,s . ? ? md annoyed lie to ed and , ,i -? led wltli ii. oi .-?'-. i li, i 'i I ?".?.' ,' i| ln in, ? until the iiiiiii tei ln ? but ' ..I l'Iim|ii. in ? ?When Um river ls pa ed, the dark, w ilten llood mounted and beaven itlalncd thcre will be uu - h i.l..*. <1 ).>i. for there will be no .uiitcrt" lu beaven.' 'i hc ii be ' I'.s-'l iu i.I.. and Mr. Cox wllh a i it-1; .nui dlgiilfled tread wenl out lnto Ihe i leai mornlin; .m-.'' UepreaentaUve iPOonnell, ., dl Irlct, and Ihat th^i Repabllru..*. rii-v ....? blltert] uppo ri to u.uit ;? knesra ? tba "Ulnir Kunduy blll," and thei Kii.ueh.iu were made lo beltei'e thnt ii wa. tbli i.i them ,,iui,i\i,,ii . Rieaaam In favor ,.f n l. rh Hr. ? I'Don tieii. a. "f tt..- . ii'iiuiitti-e ,,n Bdueallon, had luacitt .1 pliii-t lie tried his I-- _?? to .!. __,.-: ? linu iiiiimI- i.v perMnal rlalta and Mplmitlona. bat IM Ik..i, he eould <. tmaller than ii wonhl tove been if i i.uf ih'-m telly from torne itiee. vender lo Part Bow, BOtteM on on.-. that a piir-i.-iiiuriv awarthy ol'l ItallM ga*. bim h-tt.?r BMwnre for hia aioney and alao kargirand more perfeel unta ihM any olher. Aeeoediagly, being ii thrlfty man even in Ihing*, be reeolMd t. deal wttb rt.i. fellow exefaatrely lf powdbh. i - nexl <\.t\, however, aa he de eended IM _*____?* wa) of tbe elevated rallway he mU-ed tM vender at bli a-cnatomed ttand, and ao M*****a*-d * ,,ln*' "f peaunta, wbleb mbaeqMiitly tarned m< to m i rather wormy Iot, from another bm ?f Itedj- 9* bM n u gel ti.ilf way t.> Broadway whea bo rame aeroei IM generou. ?_ nder -eiltng bi- ware. aa a?aal, ln a (lilfei'.-iit plaee from n.e OM M O-capled tho day before. The newapapcr man dld nol wanl two plnta ot I m fact, he bad aot then dl-eovered the ? .in ..f li- purcbaae; neverthele-?. :?? a mental note f ihe nen .tand of hl? ehosen iniri i| iuppl. ? ' d pa ed along. Th.- .?.-.( time he ' ? on to gn through Part i ... re i .' from H i Ih iy. lle i ?_ed ahonl ... .?.-_. to lli d blra al tM no. tand. i. .i lu " a not, ? III honesty Ium rupted ? :. - .111 ?? ? ? tl tho em papei nian. ? l, ... l.,. ? .-: to remain bi one -..- ,nd iell ? my So ,"* : ...... moi ... _e ai ?! goi among hl. * , anad .- dime, whieh a horae . .ir lor .ub-eqnently n with lomlly ? , .- : ?-.- ? .1 ? a.f aliere . i of you ae 1 paaa your , ? ? ' ' ? it i leehanleally . ther tbong U ??*,., unneratocdo." ald tM Itallan with a ? ? .. ?? ..? " W_tJ dOOl T'.'i ? llke tii" other fWU r* ._?-,- people ... .-. . :._d al n ? I ' * '1 ****; . 1. I . I _??!? . . ? Mked with i gtln. ??. .Tt.tii.iy." s_.ui th" advlaer "Looh ?t me, ior ln?U -?'. * . , ,,,_.. v -,. I i reglal of _!?? aod not oT ..tner . ||, Ltka . ' ' ; ' ... ? Well tliat'- ... " r-i'l'ed ' ." nian. wltti , . ..-' you've ?,', '?"?': ?"" thai ? -? you \.? . ion f( al.' -". any ? ? ? -. waa ?? . - ? '? ? ? .. ' . i ng ball j -i . . . people "m ? ,.____. l I pl '? ?-. - '? -? ? ? ? go by I ?? tnuig - ?? 11 , ? " ' ' ay. i ..???' ? ", ?! . ii ? ' ia de 1 pui ll?' : v Wl OF TBE Pl rHBEB'S DEYICES. II yg] s FOR Al ' I " ' Bl \ i : , l I.IW1 ' i .. ; . Ud u lawf-T ' ? . - ? l.iit ||. ,rt|.ie n . ret> pi I .??imi ? . ? --\;.-i ten. ? ? d be - . f u P ??'' l !- oa the ..%,i . . ? d. and lhe efore ?'. ? ? ? i '? i , ? ? e | had wil ' ? plun prett) ? im>| nl " "''??,;- ?* . ,i ,.;:?.. ? ?-. and bad |,r.a . l !? i! II.J ? llf H d l I liille faet to l pre lhe blll. bul ? ""' .,,,,. || ,-;i :? , it, .? I |N_ld ll althoul more - i he nexl im.- tho pl ed me he ..."u .11. i ,,,,. hi a - fui a . ? - " n i.i-ere 'o be niatle ., i;.,. a. ... I ' ad lli erva il pn |i I l nn ihe furn - ..;... itoor. ,- i uuide a b'lto | .i?. |,,,...,i ih, aind.i. to i t oui Ihe and lold il,.. pluml ..'.'? lhe I rl. Ua. . il,. ,i,,i it ? N... mu. li. lle a-eni up on the roof. whi. li i. ... fiirnaae (h -re. Iy, II.lai ? ' ' I ' ...!. ia1 . ' ' ..I d u !. ii lhe next I ... ,|, luged. nn. ,,| , i,?r e ii ,.i. ilu .- n. ? "C nf l ? neeei, i. . - Anotber ? beme . I my plui i i prote?_ed .,. , ? in vuln, wu Iil pl'" ? f ilrengtb nl . I ?? ?,v , .., p | .i.t i i - - i bollei I id. :,,-i beii . ,? | |eet. -ii-. ?f lhe bot and eoM water ptp?*_, wbleh a-rilona, he iald, ? ??.?- .ubjeai t.. i vrr) :?? .? ? i ? ll? I '?"? :- wenl ' -.J i" .pl|ies i,' . ihem in t-?1. to pui tlnn.r. I, i, \ i dld nol . are tn paj bi ueh i re. . i ig ii .... ., ii wa 'iil ra'l) . under i . . -a.-: ? ?.. llie pluiu ?? ?'* i.ip and ? ,i , ? n a i Iie '? ' ? ?.' wiim i.i bo ., -..-,ibel. 'I..- a >? ' . t'i belnei i Inl.( bo , |? , ,,.,.i ni'.. .1 _'ur. '? "I tbe li .... ' I .- ? I 1,1. and i irm , ? . aiul rvpi i il piu \\ ?? ., tl ?? blll ,. , pre-ented I |e d to I Item ..f the trlp of in- pn tion. bul had ... gl* e ln .,. u. u ll. i I .:.? vi..-- Ull. ? ,:....,i ,.( ||?. | i ml ?, ii? - liut li ? lieal iiuikin ? .. Irllllna ... . plpe n en I ?? niui bl h I! waa lle ild their ?... no burry ubout puylng it. bul l , ? ' i .1 :..;.' Ibe i, ... un I lll.allj i _>iupel|i*_l ?| |< ? l| i. || .? -i ,, -.-iu, li l J..v ti:'I | ai |, ll i had Iei blui wall | . , . '? . ... ii.-i, .\..\ ....- had tnrgotten hoi um. i> tlu... he ba.1 i" ai ..a the Job. i a-ouid ?..t have ttrl fu le* tl in ' ? -There .e ..rit-i- tlilng In wbleb I ha.e outwltted l,i.- plumte-r. I Invo furMddeii Ihe _errani unaler i. in i.r i . u.i al, la. Imva. tutrthing tw do elth ; .im, . i i- he i- rfms preventa*d from nirtlng with i n >-. ii.- i t Ihrough lu. wajt* In naif Uie nmc bu Unl 1 ii..u...ii.'' CHILD 80VEREIGN& ROLLAND, SPAIN AM) SKI.VIA \S LITTLE IIANMS. Puiis. N'.v '.'" Three of tl.e thronca of Eareae, aaaaely, thoat "f Ilnllanil, Sp-titi uii'l Sc'tviu. ure c'eupicl Bt tM preaenl momtnf by ntn ehtldru, aad il '>?' ' ?'" pi''.'tit rtiniors roii.'or.'iim,' 1);C ill-heiilfli of r.m peror Williiin and Dom Carloa have any fotni'i'' tiuii, it is pnssii'le iiiut the n.nnlier of iniui.t lovereigna arlll short ly >>c ?iifmlml bf a nine yc-ir-oi.l Iv.iser of Oermanj and ? four-year-oM King of PortugaL lt Ls theitfaaa qai e poaaUTd) that on tbe o.urfon of the nexl eoagreea "f crowned beada i" Bnrope, tlio Aaaeiated ol i'ne Lord will be attended by their nnraea ln lieu oi i hanceUora >?r Prime Mlnietera, aad that iho t.-s tivitiea in bonor "f tbe meetlng will take tlie f..rm nf reriewlng dollg Inatead af s'.l.liers. Tlieir .-o:i ferenees will be devoted lo the die_u___e_i af ean ? lies, and they will hntaf one anathar in baapM of pap. Whlle this reduotio ad abeurdam may eall f.Tth i smiie, the latter will qoiekly maka way fa? **> looh of extreme gravity whea one renaemhera imw vast are the ltiterests wlii.l. cen're opi tlie pie oarioua liv.sot theae Royal ehiMren. Tn th** eaae of tl.e little (^'teen of the Netlicrlunds, a- i-i I 1,1 the baby King of Spain and of tlie boy monareh of Senrla, the bapplneaa and welfaxe <>f tlarfi re apectlve rahjeete and tbe tiaaqaiUifty had jK*.ice e_ Europe are atakad upon il.eir exJeteaee. l'"r the death of any one <.f the three bafow the attala? liient nf their majarity waald result in eertala rhaoa al boaae and in prot.itiie war imth nrithla and beyoii'l tlie fronticr \ painfttl featate of il"* altuation i. to be fonnd ln the (het thal althougb. the tiiajority of people aic tl.ns in.pel'cl by co'i ilderatlona "f Be.f-_Bh.i-el t>. eapeeaa wiehet aad to offer np prayera fur the eoatiaaad aataty aml lieiiltli o| tlie iiiliitit M ? ?:?-..:>, -.,-? then IN many wha yeara and lnii* for tlieir death. Sev eral daatardly attempta have already been naada it Belgrade to taka the life of young King Alex uri'ler of Serrta, In Spain both tbe Carlifta i I the Repnblieani ma-le no attempt tn diigulae their diaappointment when the little King began to re? eover frau hia eevere illneaa a year aga; aad i!,ev make no pretenoe of eonoealing ti.eir convtetlon that they bave everything i" gain by bla de* parture i"r another world. With regard io t!i? Netherlaadi, tne diaappearanee of little Qneen Wil belmina wonld reault in tbeaceeaaion to the i of the wite of tne r.'iariir.^r (irrc.'l Duke of Si\e WVimur, aml Ilnllnnii. with all it< ei "rn,,, ia t idg and magnlfleem eolonies. would beeome to all in tenta aad pnrpoaea t German province, endowed with al onl aa mneh autonomy and independenas na cltlea uf Samborg and Bremen. It is ciouht lul. bowaver, wbetber the populatioa will aubmil t,i German domlnatlon withoal a atrnggle for the maintenance of their, and althomrb ih* Dukeh " Sehnttere** or mllitlamen are s ir .*Iv ? ; for tba trained armiea of tlw German Bm> i>er..r. v.-t tiie vletariea ni tbe r,".-.r* over the Kng lieh in South Afr: u. aad themagi lat n * ivhi.'h h.Ls tiecn "fTcT,'l f" i, i of t'.e N.'therluti'ls, t irnish gaftunda f"r I'.'lief that they would not siirrender sritbo it mak? Ing :* big and aa . Birbt ln tbe defenoe of politieal and m iteri il Interesta liltbough little V'leen \\. . , | exc i" - ly frail and delicate, and, llke tbe * " ' AlbinoB, aaffere greatly from anaemia, yet tl i ??* . ire determined to take :... ehan ea, d I ta -. votiou, aie i:.ij***!!.*? 1 to parl the knowledne tbat the deatb "f their childrvn be ,i onee tollowed I und p?war, i p - ? intry, riie po i littu* i>. ol Servi i is pn. bla boyl in aoLitu ..-,-??? l to in aoth hia piliou. t., ..,r' him w i io the iii'Tiui._? nnd to kiaa . ' li.' s .,?:? .... ? . I,, i....- ? bim, and thej are fnthei . ured. ,-,-ss.,r on the l .i n." ol **--i via was i i ere l . . blood bj ; ?? i\.: ..- era, .,-... . .,,\iii !,,-:..,. .s t ,.. were then, and ?Uu have . ? _ ,.. now by tla I I ? ? the aa i laainHtic.n ol \l ..i,... t ..?? kidnappinii ? i Prince Vlexai gari in t:,'- uiiddle of the night from . .. i: .vs..(u enil a. il iea ll >i la inol tion "f tlw perila to wbleb llulkaii r . .-.? ire ex? [I s,,,| I , e doiuestic ? In oree aml t.. h.s : ?? ? ? r s , - ' ,>r .. . ,? rea ic inotlier, exeepl on r .n- o ?. .al ,.??_.., s ,?.. ' 1 . . . , I ? s 1 . e wufi indiiei . father I ? ln . e dc * ? I ber i: * .? ?nt thi ilispute >.,-?? a lo le ,.. ' ? ? N' . ,ii,,,,.-: ? ,-' ;-.-?; ,|,-i ote.ll.i ? .,,-.'ii : iIiiih ? i wonld ne tn ich it yon li .1 not ?i I Ihat letiet. mi b I - l I ?? you i ,?,- ii I ,-??.-..? j i l'.i i ?? ye ns r i to love j ui'ii. "* .- miaen , i nij life fr. :.. >"U. I!.i I Kinu Mil vi s. i ,? . roiild ? - I'liia miut alioW im. how ilitTerenl ire your pan r 'rer*. li I appe ii hi tl e Sk ipte ii i i i '**?' ..I m\ u.i right li yon i i'i'1 y? " ' ' u 1] l.aae the ivspeel uf your pi ; tha ivh, le eli ill ?'??! world Kinga ii e i - ? e '-.I to 1 ave he irts ? w. * '??? I ?? ? ' will v,i ? ||e ia i . he rl foi lus niothei lie a*_U have ii" h,-.rt for na'" GREAT BARGAIH SALES christma.s"koveities. Seifu Pofceloios, So!id Silier Wares, Rokubei Kerarnics, ,.ft Bronzes, Taizan Earthenware Decorat'dPorcelains Ohimiiia Faience, Saisuma Faience. Will offer on Honday, Dec. 8th. l number ot novelties inall dep.irtmcnts. Sjiocial Extiiiiition ofthefamout Bronze "Koro'* by '' Chokichi ' aiul"' lpi-*i" frOal tho Universal Expotftion. 8?rcelona, Spain, 1838. aml an embroidered screen by "Nisbimura " from Tokio Exbibition. C'I'KN KUIMMis lltllll 11 I lIM.-la 11 . I.KC . IO. First Japanfse )]'{'% *% Tradinjj; to., J8, -io a. 22 i:ast 1 s r11 st. ilii.TH i:i.N U'UAV A. RM A* t-i