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THE PARTY AND THE TARIFF. MB. Siri-UB-AN think- ??i.on.Tit ?x is NOT A Kl riT.l.HAN DOl TIMNF. A WBXt T_AD__l- D__>t*< -10X8 PHOM Tlll. taAW 1-XH'TiMN vmi "I- roRECASTS OF pOUTIOAIf \M> IXDITSTRXAL , i: \s'.\ a TO ?"Ni' IB tii MM.r ot TH TVV" !."_., ??? Hr, r? t,?,,. than tort, .??? have ' M r,,'.",".f Th B Trlbune. I.'',;,,,, a,.,,t: ln?.|??, f,.r __.i_re ..,'?? ? J /.,,._,.,,?,, hli .' ?? ^?jS'S?^.^^^ ___? "p- >????*"? "";;';??, 8bon, ..uv.ry and :,.? .Iff'-red. **_-?*?? '. ,.,v ??? ,?v -vv,,. A. . ?- ^"?,'n''ul. _ Rejnbltcan from tha blrth of the party. w Hb. - ;ilM1?., . ?, ,iv tbe Mv,...i?-...i ** ;. ;.?'?,?? ,,,,rn,": then mxtm.i.k*!j -.r^; ', ,,;. _Telec___i ol ICew-YortlB 8. . hu_d__l tnon , ,,,._. b. Kplnner. and ?- , . |onaI ??, j hl,...l Ke?,.Mt.i?.xi.K"'- l'] ? |||tol| llf .,? ; ~.*?-Hs ::;;,:-;::,;:;;; ;.?-",;.*:::;::..; '.:.-....-..?. _T__ ,,. ... .,"? '"i"'1"'"' ""?"?"",''" "" ?M?*.*^2' ,? i.'ilt, Bo v.?. _se thal __aq_eet_?> waa Hii^iZ a::'Zm.a^^nl.^natu^'',a, of Il'.I.V t,il- lltj ? . ., ... , Ti,. .?,_-> I.-PUM.':.:. I'M''"'-- ??,?? *J t_,,,v t.-a.. of it- hlHtory, elthe. I '?"?'?? _. ni .- in 1-56. and 18-4. aad lf_?. ? BOthlnij SSS' ????':;'! Nol uni ! 1880 w_b then i ' - " ?>" nlaiforra wldc h eo___ltted the party to the poacj "' ,,?,,', ,n-m. Yet.t.ilM".. M tl.e .?.'.. ul... now r..n ,.,., ,.... ,,.,;,v. one would Hippo_" that II never had ..,\ othcr spe. lal reai >n for exlstence. Well thi old Wi?. eleraent has galned full control, , a,?i ,!?? Republican porty. which aawuined that name avowedly because 11 profeased to reprei.l the Weas ol ,,?. orlglnal RopubHcan .art.. founded by Jell. i... thal it .- nothlng bul Um old Federal and ,, . ?,:.... ,,..??..i. Sotlcc bas been given to all I,...- rraders to qult. not_1th*tanding the urg. i-Mt-h were made to them In I.5H .i v,?i,i?..|..t tn il" | ? ' prevented many thon i Mnds "! them from tahlng leave nntll thls year; bul now nearly all have gone, aa you have dc .red. And _h?-r.- ara yon I , .? i;,-i?it.|i,-.u. party has loot every one ? lhe thlricen ori(dnal State* >'i ihis I i lt haa lo-t Congraaa bj tke largeat majority eeer linoarn. it baa i i,-',-."i the i ' :t "? Nr" York . Ity t > over 85.000, and In Brooklyn to 22,000; - utterly anprecedented. II haa loat Kan?ai by 60,000, Xebraska by 70.000 (raanlni thlrd ln ihe race), Mlnnesola by 30.000, ond aaea Soatk Dakota, where ta I > ? w yoa had tMBtlU of .01 tbe a '? You have paosad tha ?. Klnl j Ui * al the . I ' a majority apdnsl yoa ot 700,?>o; nf whi. - jrorthern Btati akme glve, npon Conweasmen, abont 300,000. l- 'ii" artli le w irth the pri. e ' ind whal ate tha proepert. ol the party tor lha (etarel Voa trj to look 1 : fnlU f. rward I ? i-??'-? Bnl whal hava yon to eoai I n The rc-ult ol lha ta* ek tlon l to nn lmi>e:?. habk Bepnbllean to*tlmony. ha. ronvlnc-1 manufaetnrera that tha Increaaed dntlea on Un-plato, Uneni aml other artlclea nol now made here will ? d be malntalned; nnd therefote no new worki will be constrncted ta* f- produetlon ol these ro ds, fucti oi than m a*e to be noed nrast -Ul be mported; anl the piii"- wlD be Incteawd by the amonnt of Uie duty. Th'--. the eoui try li proap roui f r 0 a next two yoar-. ?? X. KJnlej pri..-" will prova ? better pottt-cal card ln 1892 than ln i -???"? lf Qm eoai ln ?bouM not be prosperona. and . Mf_mmpt_? ih uM fall off, prtcea may not ad. i ... peopie _,!i _., ui-:, .nt tbe thlngi they wai r. B .. , ,- .?., in ..-ii,.- thal two year*' hard time th- M< Kiul.-v tarid will help the Republtran. ii i -'?'- ' Whether buslneaa la good or bad, for the nexl year*, either eondltton will Injaie tlw prospect* ol . BepnbUcan vtetorr. Yoa have horried tlw adn ot aea states. wltb a .mall population. lor the sake ,,: | briel control ol U.e Senate; and you will ipeedMy ..... ,.. very Ktntea tnrn aoUdlj asalnit you,, Jual :, .,..;. ,,. -, lu. aiready done .? m? petty 8tat? _-,H he pocket born .ha. aendinaj lo 1 - lle ;'? ,.?,._ power. without iu Vatl anal lu te ? and the voteaa ol theae Senator* will re..? Ihe m Uuence ><t New England and x'e 1 '? rlpher, fhelr votes will . ?" paa- a free - Ivi -? MU over a:.\ Presldential veto. . ? havo awnllowed np Ihe irplus nnd rrcatcfl an niormnai dcflclcncy. Tu me M l ? ? ? .., ,?.i t-, th" amouni ol * a year the <?.v.-i _.???.<? must run Into debt for thal amount. ThU sura cannot bc raised b> anj I Ind ul taxatlon: and therefor- you wUl have foroed r? " lax it ... tpon the c, n try. i np ?!? ilai i amona thc rirh.who will for the Ur I Ume p*a hl.- ll. Ir skare, '?' a I. Imnn -elj P pnln tt,. ,.r and wperlallv ln lha West: bcrause II "lli take Ihe forni ol an Ineome lax, exemptlnfi all ii me ,,. ,|..] .-l 000, xviic" dlrecl tr.vtii?", :- once intrort.ired. ns, I to Mr MrKlnle. and Mr. Reed, ll - . will '" ..... ? . .: u.. at.on. and Inc the ro ln Hblj I rd the I r"xt-. ? i' '?;!? attarhmeanl lo the party whlrh did mch K.i work ?' '??'?*'"'? '"" :"'-:r'" : hhould be lirnomlnlonsly destroyed by lt- new n i i ? .. | . .,-? a.ent upon lt destnn tlon, I l them mo?1 since. r f ' >' .'"'? "';' P?r pn?e whlcli wlU . rofer n< h vaal benefll-a npoi Sa.lon. Jnsl as th- pro-slaven !'?!?"- ol th; Denio .ratlc manacers ln i- ?'? ' ronitbt about thi dbstruetlon of -lax-cry. ?? the 1 natlcal I" ? ' ; i f Republlcan mana?rer? lodav > ' ?' "? |e'.n ,fprotectionism itself. Thankstothei ,. ,,f siaveholders, ave have n N'atlon of fm* men: tha ].- tn th" m.i' csh nf moi ' - ?hall ?n h:.v, i. Ni,.!.". of free t?*ft0MAS Gi BHEARMAN. Kew-York, Bov. -.'?. i -?"'? Mr. Bhearman i> nol tmttworthy in bia htetory. Fonned ln 1856, withoul expreaa refei. I ? l '? tariff .fuesijoii, the Rrpnblican party wns heaten j., IVnnaylvanla Another reduction ol dutiea I the Democratic party Wought the panic of 1857, foieed the tuntr queation upon tbe oountry ,...j iraamel bj Ihe Rep bli nswitl thiadeoUiw tict. in thelr Sational platform ol I -??": i-> Tln.. wblle pi ix ? for ,!"' -?Pl,"rt "J the r.VTi.-rnl '"???. ' ent l.j dntle ujh.ii impon rli: .MII. I.n merrlal pro peritj and li . Mr. Mn'iii'ii'i. bert knowa a-hether ln* e ford the oh oua evaaion Involvwl in aa_ ing M l Free Tradera aa well aa Protectiouiata eould in dorae thia decl ration. I1 waa openly advocatad ir- Intended I i the aupporl ..i EVnnaylvonia Rii.| otber St&tea which lavored tbe protective policy; il 'l"! ao, an.l Mr. Lineoln wa* elected. Aoco'rdingly, before the wai beftan, the Morrill Protective Ttarifl waa enacted on March 2, I8C1, I.-. ? part. .-nti-. The prlnciplea adopted and vic loriouf in 1860, and cmbodied in law iu l"61, have been thoae ..i I e Republican partj evci ainee Mr. Sbearm n'a atatcment aboul tlie platform ?.l IHgo i> even more |?lpabl.v in error, for tbe only reference in thal platform '?. tlie tarifl queation waa thia: "Wc reaiflrm Iho hellel avowcl in 1876 thnt. i',r- duticaa l.-'icl lor the purpoar ..f revenue ..',,,iil-l si. (iiacritninate txs t>. t ivor American li Mr Slicarman will hax't* poor auc. -s- ln tryin? tn perauade men ol s.-,^" thnt Iie indoraed tlie ileclarati'H i'. lt.60 al i ?? i aoted, but eould nol awallow the empty phnUe >.i i--" Aad intelli jjenl men know that it is far from the truth to aay thal the Repnhlican part.. "noa boasta that it is nothing iml the old Federal and Wliijj party restored ' Mr. Sl-earman ,s t,< he profouiully pitied ii even tlie joy <?l ;, (.real aucceaa doea nol enable him t . :,-i nearei the truth than thiv The returna for Conftreaamrn lor Northern Statea nre nol yet so , i,iii;iletf t',1,1 Mr. Shearman oi .,"\ body elae can state whal the majoritj ia in thoae s.| ,,?,. Uui about 70 par eent "( tlw entire Northern vode baa been thua f:,r reported, T!,,| ?howa .' Democratic plurality ,.f 1.-^^ than BO,ooo. Nur is tl,e ii.ll .\\it,u atatcment aufficiently eorrect to bewrorthy of even a Free-Trade theoriat, wliow oontempl for facta ia nal ural: The reaull od tha laal elc?"l ?? rdlng lo onlin peorhable Iwpubllcai, tcaUmony, naa ronvinced manu l.u u,!-.--. thal the im n n--<l duties on t,,, plaUa, Unen* and other arttcle. m.i now made here will not be malntalned, n.nd therefore .." new works aviii be con atrurted for the produrtlon ,.f theae aooda, As Tbe Trlbune reoently s;,ii.'ii, __B_e 0f tha paapootd new w.iks uie now in |.r" i.^s, and will MK.n be in o|ieriii Othera wtll iie oonalructed : only :i wci-k ago ? pnrty frwa an Interior State aailcd for Europe t.. purehaae maobinery, the luoney to buiid worki bavla_| just been r..ise.|, liad Wi. Shenruiau bt ited thut ?on,e mauufarturerb hi.-ked ecnfldence ln maint.nan.e of duties, so that BOtne of tbe proposed new worki would uol bc built, he would baTf told ""* ??**" lrutb but bia ar_ umenl would have bad no roundation. There waa dai get ol too audden over-production ii, Bome brencbes, bo many were fi'.- new worka proposed, and ol too vtotenl ? depreaaion of prices i now there is b probability thal tbe gradual ln rrease of prodnetlon wlll be reuulated by tbe demand. Tne fate ol Bennei and Venaner and the other propheta Bbould warn Vr. Sbearman thal thia pmotica] nation baa Bmall reverenre tor sl,,,:.. i ;,.. Mr. Sbearman 1, ia been predlcting be? fore <".ei v election for maay yeara, and haa guesse. : rigln once, but a BportBtnan wb.speraefl unall < si,?. ,.11 over a w.I baa bad lucb 11 he hite nothlng i.H day. Long before Bn ineome tax Ib Imposed, Mr, Sbearman wiil probahly _ee a Demo? cratic liouse votini i? ies ol paper currency by ,1,. thousand milltona, to satbify the deniagogues , i,?.| fanaticfl wbn make its ??!y vietories poaaible, and after n shorl rxperienee of Buch legislation, ?bould the country for If slns ever he condemned to thal fate, tlw people would probahly i-e ln the mood tt.I tbe D.ocratie party, ita demagoB_i?>a and its free tradere, where they could .1" little harm. If KerJOhllcanfl care I tor nothlng i>_t partiaanahlp, tliey would dwire no better tltle ,le.-.l to control ol the Governtuenl mr b genera Hon than four years at unrhained Democracy would give them.?Ed, ? TIIK VIBTUES OF THE <HIN_>K Till'.IIl OOOD TBAITS DESCMMS) BT * CA1J lYH'.NI AN'. ro tbe Edltor of The Trlbune. Mr: We are glad lo an?** ''''' " "'' v"'v v ? ? ?' ?"' _. i"i" . :,rv" !,.__ agalnft CI ne i exchiBlon. Froni our ?????- il . we think the manner In wMch Ihc. are perWuted herr i- .hameful, ? ?' e br eve II Wlll 1"' ? ? ' ? bc r--.i--.i-l .- the .!,?:.?? ? Liot ?" "'"' Gmer . 11,. , ,.... ,. ... _-,.?? ibnreiw. tlie l?e_ "f ervanl and whenev, ? lerffred wlth by fhe whitea, thej .n I . be perfcrtl. l-.nest. v ? elass tbey are good gardei ?" ? ind ? in, hme i. md wlll .upply our . Iti* ? - da ly wlth all l-;1,'! ol - ll i ' *?<*-? lahl_8, whleh .-? alway* t'.,t up In _r.t-rl.-w_. order and dellvered tl onc's d ???. ind they I n wtohli have :, ;,-..,,,?,( word for ill whether tlicj ?ro pu'" Vftei , '?'?-'!. of more than three year* ,,. , .- .,?.?;,. we ran sa) to Ihetr rrodli that we have never v, ? ?? the worse 11 lliiuor. They work on the rai, h. for 1 m i -??" I ? *?" ' ,... ||| ,? ,i ?? A ttiem_?lve_, usuaJly li '*":- 1'"!" .. . .... md they '?? 11 ? ,- Hli l ile n tl ?'..,...? ? l ? ver , ? doni looklng up If one ] md pendli . no llm. p .... or In wab h ? _ for Ihe i mncr of too many a I We have noon a doten boy?, ?? tft. r " ? ? I ':l ... ?- qneue at A ? lea. U. I !'?? mitter while ? me bloek. a ? them ln tliat n ' ? ihe I-..V-, tlie uitln : ? - would pu , ? . '. Vet. vv.' 1 : Satlou which ?? ' ? ? ? !?? < I-,,- ? ? liave wi h '!?! >v . ??? ? rlelirate f..r al. , ,? make . Wh ?? i -!"?: 'I tl,.- ' eat ll. <1 ..?? frol ? .,,,. we ? ?' -?,.?.... .> ' .?.,? ' ! . ? ? ' with ml doul.l ??',.? ? ? ? . ? ; .... .... Ilt \ - THOMSON. National C tj. ( il . '? ?* 15. ' ??" AN EXC.LISIIMANN AX-tVEll i" "IP LY_X. To the Edltor ?? f The Trlbur e. >ir' I. ?? ? ? '? ' ... i ? . . a< : re ilre ? Ihat fi I-" !?: iyf?lr, v i ? ? . ' ' ,i leader .ta lo d i .;.?.? ' I.. ? u ii,: iyi Kir L ? ' ? ' ? and try tn und* of wool baa been encouraged on .niei i I :-:,7 to 1861 wool -??? m acirly .ei - ?? ?. ,1 woollt,, fabrl. i thi prl. ? of w.iol thet . , penre pei i? u I lt i --:.;. when l la_? t.., tive <i i.v v. t tbe Bheop (...,,.-1.Here one of wool arlj fn md .. thlrd, II ? : ? ? dut. II . ' ? ? ' iriix ? , ? , wooll.!, Ind i tne lu tl - - !' :. ni - ink t,, it pei - md I I ? ? -\|,. :....,"? .,( the !?' ? Ifl Now wli,- i" the !' ' ' ? -?,-... ? i : " .: i - ? ? ? I falr - throve llnel ? ; I ind * half) whlle in the ao l employed liad artuaMy I ifroni 34,000 to --.'. .?. 1 ii ?*" wi ? i:,'?!? i-iiu- f,,'.,, 22 ??.. 1 .t,,.r . mi j.l.ivt.-d In thc \ ? ? . >ll< ln .,. fiirtl.t IWIVII 1-7', ? i .,,..,:.,,., ,, ?.? ? ep lias | | ]47 ? . ? ,, I : ? : ? and tlu ,. i .,, ,, I ? . Ir i ..'??,? ..... ., ., f, ,:,. 2b pei ? '.17 |,eni ". i ? t emaln ? !., mld ? I tlu .? > "i llie \..I ? iterlal to the I arl er today a Ith a I l -,(??? -.-. ).,?., lr.i.l,. in .?. , .1 wa*. free. --ir, In dl?eu? Ing the I'nlted .( I of lt, dlret t taxatlon, !?' i I i i I ? ,ii.|... t ? in proti i nirain ' .'? hat . in oiih ' - ' mlng ol MfiRKT' iN 1 ItF.W l S 1- Milf.n'i ?l . Londoi , Not l l, i -.'.,. IIE WOI I.I. 'I '. KT. Ill- 1. ."I i. \ i.l. |N OOMFOm r.. the Rd II ,i ?. f T '? ?? 'I.l I, ii ., i- . Slr: I I ? ? d wlth ? i '??.,.'! .,, ?,-,,. ,: cdlt.rlal on "The lle<|iilreiin-iil nl l'ootl_tll." Ten .?'....?.,il'l l ,"" I rliei ? 'I Hini :,n .,'... j,,- pl. would l.i.;.-- thc . ? ? dure i on I , ' :.: Ing i'i". Jn-i t , .. .... : . "men" plaj footl.aH. n belnii a eitled fact, there ' '"'" !'? ? , W III ii, ||?, future '!.? ,:??? to _ Itne ,',??.. , : , ., .: ? '",1 iny, ill ii..- three grval ? ..i>, .??? . ?? ,. . ,i to play their game bere, then Iher ? hould , ? Btru. t -.1 .. ultal Ie hnlldln .-. l would ,. ?? t foi ;. ?: ,'i. 1 tbe -]?' .1 h bull rtug. I oofli .11 doe nol re ? 1 , ? fleld, nnd ? ? i :., , ? -in.ill ,iii i. i. ? l,!i li, . , . i,,, i, ti. i ? be un uu ded l?j an . .., il ,i.?? i, ,?, .' ? ... Sueh t building wouM -.. 000 .?<?- rereliil ? | ? ? nne. MM boxea .,, pao . 2.1 ?? ei ved -.1- al ?-'?: .. i imm) .. , . ,??! ? ,? . nl -l :,', | ,,,,, 1*0,000 ? :,'.,tl i'iiiii -,_i, .it:l .... ?_ ,.,?,., Potal . ... i ikt almost pay I nf llir -! I .. i Uon ln ill iim .fn! would be -ultatile f.,, nearli ..xj ,t|,| , . ll liould be .-., v nl .,.,, . .'. , |,?* ?', , liiiitan Atiil-'tif nui, bulld aui-h .. .trurtui., their i land ? ill. L Now-York, Dec. :i, li IK) ? ? - AN ADYOCATE OF FREE r"OINAG_ f .. 11. b K <i Itor ol T I. b iii I. ii ti e. -,, ? Vour clll 'i.i "f todaj on free notnage i* np :i t.i ti,i :., v,i ? ? Hi loug inti | i,. i,;..i, ' ? keep* thc halan. e of tr ni-- ln men bai .1 . |m porl . i ? i. rl . .t- tlie U. Klnle. blll wlll , ? lalnlj tl". ti,,-, b v. ,ii i... ,.,, p..'-I.,,,tn .,, lor the rcaaoi thal tlie aupplj o| rold ln thia country ? .ii;.i tbe foralgn demand In aettlement "f th. of ,.' de, ? lili beli ? , I prl in Ip .1 a__ ?? _ iv.- ! ,? ;:,,:,. in.,? ? \ , :, mu |,?|,,-r , ||| p ,., j better .'.,,.1 mor.nveulenl inalluin ..f exchang. i ,, Amerlcai trade, Po afford the rurrvne) a . n.. .,?i._ tion noa recjulred t.x our country' rapldl.t grnwing .1 for room bu*tnc8a capital i <??. raplta, and to ??xi.I'l ,1 ooraer In currency, our .???> i | ,i??iid follow ti,.- example ol Pranee by lnr_M_ing oui car i. iny per i.iiniii t>, if.- imm pro-perotu buslnoai to enronrage home peoduction and Industry. Thli country ihould .,.>t, m ibe preaenl valae "f bulllon ..ih'i-r, avror tree foralgn illvei colnage, for I ,- " ... n ti.Ht we would be paylns to forelgn hoMen ..f -iher lOOforaboul -.. ,,, merrha-diae rahw. rhera >i....ild i,e no ohjeetion to catnlng .-i bmm produeed llrar. t_e foantlty would te bbu___ __.ii I woaM i.-i .iu t u'.iii ihlpaaenla ahrood to p*.v loe ** ?ame, aa II woaM lor h1I<*m ?iiver, which would t*a* i. tn. >U'ti ii,-1111111(1 for foM .uld eettalnty ca.iM. a pM premium, aa oar -upjiiv nf 10M would nol tolig ***** ih- f.;-.?.. ii demaad tor --"id lo pay tor tl.e anneeee ?an i""1 ha ni .'ii''11 allver. Tha Bepabllean party arlB ba beatea In IW3 lf they have nol the ari dom to tapply the cnirency <? ,n:,.(i f the ^''.'?i ol boalneea ond tha .-> h.-f "f 'n" debfcar . iu-?-. H- ih" majority mu-i m thi- rountrj i... ,.;nl__ i.v tl"* Party thal '.aniiiu be at; .?f"l I,, j, ,nt|, -. Wlial u,.'iM be the premium on thc pri?-e of p" i?(.'.* -ti'i,|.- if the Oovernmenl did nol i**ue ni,,. ? Hn,,, it iini ten year* a*n ! ii now meet* the l,u-Inc. demand by InrreaHlna Ihe aapply, u- l*e liov. rnmeiit ihouM >i? wlth Ihe rlmilatliiy I'nltcd state* i ii -. it? currenry. Aa an \nere**e <t carrenry ,ii the i'i" "ni Mme la a- Importanl t<> Hie country ,.,. Btl incraaae ... dutlea. and me reqairea Ibe uti.rr ,,, make protectlon to home tnduatrie. n aoarw "' I pr_,periiy, Ihe trrwter the amoanl .,f home produr I tl -I- the areater the amnunl rd capital rwpilred to , iierform t:." itreater hwrtneaa tn all raaea. I'nlted state* curreney f,.r traalaeaa naea u t? our people ? ? jood h- pnld or -I'v'-r. to aM bualnea* prodnrtton und .,.,?-,ii.,jit.'rn. lf wa id'-p onr tonelcn eipenae- down to Ihe mlnlnium tor torelim Imporia. wow count tlw. um--,-- and not llw rthylorki (or vote*, or th.- K>-pub II, ,n parta a-lll di?lntegTate. (iK'?l!<.K W. DKAN. . ???? Vork, N"V. -1'. I-''0 i:\ii FOR FOOTBALL XNII TOR ITS I'.l'.XINV \M, IlU.WW l'T,.VI"J'.S To the Bdltor ,f The T r i h ti n e. .-,.-: It Waa wl.h :. tei-Uu^ ,.f 'll.,crt, ii"t BW mlnglcd ?iii. Mnoaoment, thal i read In tMa nMcnlna*a Trlbune Edward C, Towne'i critletam nf toothall. There aie two t"p!,- in hi- arttela -the eBeot * :, toothall i-lu.t.i|iion*hlp on tbe nnmber ol men enter Inc a i'.ii.'K". and a dtaoertatlon bb football Itaelf. a- to the Brat, i have nothing lo ?ay. Whether oi iu>f this afferta ihe eollegea lu nnmber i- ono think*. and the puni* Itaelf l- another. i do aol know avh>> xir. Towne i-. ivr how extended hii knowledga of atMetlea m'.y be; bai i .1" hnow lhal In nlne (***?<* oai "f ten tl.e people arho da nounce football are tiu.-.- who hav,- M>ldom. if ever, \\itii.--",1 i, pennllM Kiiti.e, nnd aarh.. haae fh"ir i nt 1,'lsm upon heuraaj.. nol upori a thoroojtfi knowledge ... ihe upori. ind on the other hand, Ihe men who nade rnHeae athletlr* a atady, *ho have t 'l lnwed them wilh mt.rr-i Irom Ihelr Infancy, atxro* aithiml n d lentlnu ' ''? ?' ln prononnclnR football, i .1 i- played to-day, thc Kneal all around .?:.-.?? ln lha . mntr) rhe Liifin.-nt- tli.-.t II la - .< WIM Weat ,t ....'inc.- nt.i", I'.-t'i athletic and p*ntlemauly . iiltiir-"," thal ll ls ihe sureal metbod "f "(tolnd douhla iiulik lo the dcvll, Ik-u and mannera," and thal nl human lif- w. uM be le? "lf a frx_ ? . >lmpl] meanl lhal Ihe mon UkiuM draw |ot? . i f, .,, i.?? off, red to i'i" in:. ? ? il - i " ''" ihe ii.. ' ? i .1 . bberiah I ha bad tha ? i. nd, The rhamplon football team ..f to-day la the .... ! I-..1 ini.-. l". ihe " a able t-. Ihe other. rhe tralning nf tlw men ? ? ? ? 'i ,? .1 di'..-: iplng v'. iml , ?. ,...,.,..,. .- healthy ? oi .iituilon i ma ? ? ??!- not onl) foi n footl tll battle, ' ir tl.e battle ol li'.. Into he i. . ,' appen, bul a liuppen . ?/. r\ ?? l ?-.- l' wtUrb Mr !',_!,-? '...,- | kill hlro, bul " Hr, i . ? . ? ? - .' iyed \ 10 ihe ill, md I,, ... '? all othci i reply Hut . let l iplnl :i ? 1 fb.I ' iii pe ; Ie . ?',-?? r plared ? .- I -. '?? ' i.i I'i'i.i k ii m.i . I'rti ? . rrcnl .. N- ".. ?"? '? -'?'? I " ? ? ? TOYS FOR IND1 iN t IlII.nni.N ir ?. i,iivo unixjrra m ._ u i i r i tbe v A 11 ?? r f The Trlbn n a. ? ; | ? ? ? > a I ' ? I . i Many ol 1 . ?? ? ? ? ii . ' i'a ? ? . ? ? rdlns ........... I ... . , ?! mn, bj ?'? in- t? t tl . ?' ' " ' ' '? rta ? ' ? ? .? ' .... ? ? ?; t Of diajl | irnlm ?? . ' . ? . id and di ?' w::h ??.-' rhey . ? ? Ihetr hand ' ? ? ' ? ' ? ?.? , ... IM ? n tn I I ? ? ? ; li ird. .11 ' ? ; lotiger . an* t? ha vi . ? uniu ihe ? i ??? ?? i ed to !? I ... I have i : , : ? ... . . ? . : :.,,:.!,. 1,1 ll ? ?? ' ? ? i of two i three of I i ib ?? |. tl '?? ?> . ? . d I ? ., i ttlf?, tl. tt would urel ? , . ? .many prople A ("iv wreka aao. wiu I i out i? i' * i '? i '.? r '?. ?'.f thc* ?' ,, i |o ni" : - it ? ,,! uche t. the ?? uttle rhlld "? . ?' ?' ? u ::.?.-- _ i i do. I !""? plain and t ? -i oatur. ii, .., .. eneer (?? ' ? ted bul we I, iv. ? ? ! til'lll lu ' WHI the i md Sew V-.rlt who read 11 ? ,? ? ' ? , ? ? ! t'l.-ll, t , me .? :-., - '?'?? 'I ' .1 ' . ?.? ii i i ? :. ti...?. notlfy me, and l will m <ti Oiefn .-nt I i. , 'f . ?? i* wlli ,.,-.( .??.-. tl ????.. ? . ui I, ? . | ,1 ii, '? . iv f, . ,1,1 one oh . iu ,?. ? .? t ? ,11 niiitii ulioii for lhal pu.. I, ,t Hu- . h .-f iblna l- 1 ? _ i t1" i *??'. I ..?.;, . ; ? ;,. ? :,,.!_ l/llll .|. ! ' ? -. .1 |.? h th ? Ih ul ?:. lonelj n d de nlate lllll, , '.r."i '.I. Iilllll I.K1NMJ L. No. :.i ? Broadway, M i \ mk, l>"' i i iu ? |., 1,1 STORK AN AXCIENT PHOSOI N. , ItllVXIF.n pnopaWJAI. '"I'. THK l.'SR "I' Tll! I-i;..'. I '.i I M. ' Tl.1 I ., II, .? Rd II ?? r " f T he T r I T> ,i n c. -,; \ I.,,. . un.. I" i.i The lili.nn.- i". .-iiii. ipokcdl. ;,,,.,._. h I,| II." !., ' ?ai.i.'- ItnlCH vl?, think ,!i..p- , ,/ ., |.i..i uni M tlie third p. i nn : .nl ir ..,,. i... .,; plind to either ? ,,' and ? p. rl ill. ..!,.". i . thon, trlal. h h , propo .1 | ,r ihe [,.,, i,, *-. li...ii i !,.-.ia \ and ? '"in ii ui el. . i ihe ? aae ii.ii- tlon*. To Invent, by toklna tl i nd Ui i.nre tlie adoptlon n,t<. an old ;,rni , ,,iiji ,,,.,1 . ii.f " radb il and elementar. ., word ,. , prunoiiti v..,iiii ,..|n I, near!) hopalcM laak, foi -!, .hcapcan put Into Ihe uourh "f nn ? ,,f n,.- r_mmou |... ,pi.- :, .' ird la, naed u i pi'-; oun, whli h, II .,, >,,??. mljchl he adopted and .rporalad Into Ihe buiKuaae, l. mlghl I-- decllned In tbe ra ?? . .,. ,., ta i nxempllfled al Ihe rl , ot ti,,- tolkiwlna |,,.. n rltten f..i lhal parpnae, ond aol ... arrogBte Ihe i redll Indlraled Wlth .ill iii- word ? i I..i .i -uni. hi ii.i . . uplim Ki i-l.-ii ii.m-i,,.. ? me word i a. antliaa llinl i.? aa ight ll, .\'-i killed ." I.i. ariuhl, And pl mi ii io i f.c i. a i dal \ \ ,,i." .' ", ? , mwd nf |><" ," IliaZJ ? ? >i,i \ i i iiii aliiilai v ir.arden. Ih. in i. I .. rtalnl. ii hard .?,.? ;_ l, mu -t I,-- r.irt, and anl and . rlm, Mrau he ... Uie, m_m her oi hlm, i . ? number. per on i k irlj re'i der, I.,,: tuideteriiili ..1 leave the Render Wl.rer ,,. I, .. ?' ,-rd imll hll ..,,, -? Imnle, mnda t. Ik Inp, iii ? .,,<>,!,<-?i wlth it-. Uleri, .?' nexl .^ iiri,DPr .. ., . led* ?! Interkipur; ' \a v. ill .'?-. ... ;, ,, .-"I ,f I m.e, ii w 'ii i luator 'round i.i iianie. Aml ,n -h.i.i lona rememher taa Be 1. woman, or be lt uaa. Y-. LAKIN BRDWM Behoolrraft, Mleh., December I, I8M. (IVEBWOBKED bTAOE IIOB8EK. T o the Bd i I ., i .. f The 1 r i |, ,,',, - Mr: i f^.-i ii my <inii to rall attaatlon io tbe ____?i way ihe poor itaaje horan ur-- mada lodraw i..,.i n,.',i vniilrl ii,,i be I'". I.'.I>- f'.- fi >ii r,.-. ;, W|s ( '. enough before ihe new atajtea were put on, bai ti,' kufle "Moah'i ark-- (for they raaemble tkal ancient ii?.. ? ,i" more than anythlna elae. boldinc fullv twe. -a aaoala, ll ant mon. fur two la.r._ _0 j>_11 is hiuiply ootrafeouB, and tlu- horlety for the r*iwent_on irneltv to Anlmal* ahonld lake it np. A l RIEND ol' THK DRUTES. New-York. N'.v. _!?, I_00. MEMOBIAL WIXDOWS DEDICATED. 8BRVICES IX THE Rl I'l.. 10BAT1 _> TH1BTY BEVENTII BTREET METHODHPT I PI8COP \l. .'IH lt ll. TM,. lervirea al the renpenlng el tho _Wrty-ee~enth .tm-t Mcthod ; Kpiscopal fhureh, between t*econd and i.v-. ye lerda) In the mornin , ifternoon nnd evening, were ol ,u, unuauallj, ,,,,,,, ? Ive characlet. Tl..- t Inirt-li haa been cloaed for two monthi ami haa Ih-.ii lubjectcd I-. rhange* which make 11 almost un .... . nixnble t" Ita membera and frlendt. rhe ?ma_ wlndow? whleh formcrl) admitted Insullh'lent llght bave been replared bj thtrtern beautlful and artl Hc onea, dedlcated ... the ...",.,"rv ..t varioua person*. Tin> pulplt and the pev, have been remodelled ami repnlnted, and new furnlture l,_^ taken tit>. place ol th,. old. During tbe trylng ttmea of the Llvll W/ar the Thlrty '?%??.,th Mi.t t'liurrh waa noted f'.r it^ alleglanre to the l nlon umi fvr the patriotUm ol Ita members. TTiroughoul the wai II kepl the Btai and Ktripe- Bbove ,. door and oltered ahelter to bellcvei in tlu- L'nlon'fl raune. several tlmea the turloui drafl rlotet. tbieatcned the Uvea ol Ita tnwteea and paator, the Kcr. Daniel l ,,n-v. The war bistory ol thc church it, par* Inaplred llenm A. lieatty wlth the Idea id preaenttng to ,t a memortal wlndow ol Oeneral Ulyssee ?, Grant. The wlndow, whirh wa. dedlcated ycater thxj oeeuplBB th'- '?< ntre "f the Ktreel wall ot the church. i. ,. io i.v IB feet.ntalnlng three panela, ';,-t ln Bve pleera. The appei part ol the Becond pnnel contalns .ni esceUenl portralt of the dead Ueneral aa he ap ,.._...1 during the ttvtl War. Above the portralt, whl. Ji reprwaentu flrant ln the imllorm of a iJeiieral, is a white 'i,.v- beaxlng an ullva branch ?>! peace. Elab oraie bcioII wort ornamenta the whole. ln the i ddle pai ,.| i. th,. National eoal n ? ? ma. llcl >?_ an ln arriptlon commemoratlve ol Ui < ": ,Jrant i, the re. nd ol hl liIrtl md death. - Ile freed llie s|rtV... ||.. r.:,? ile.i brethren. lic isvcd Ihe I'nion. ... ,-..- to <ii". bul the fame ,,' vlrt ,- , Immortal.*' an Bentence li ? rlbed In i.tMrr -iimrf- of t '? wlndow, Al t:," bottom ol thc ,..,...' ? , is the Btate ??,,,t: ?? ure, , -i b) llanrj A Iksalty." rhe , '! wlndow. are H_t ? feel and are built ln t_" paneh. rhey, too. are beautlfully ,!., ited and In Ibed. several ul Uiem ? mrate. il on. , '. fllntot ll. the P '..",? Lodgc, No. 12, ln : ......i i tnpl u thi ?,-?', Mrs.T. f. Ellxwortli. 11,,. en lee. i e. in ln Ihc monilt g. '?? Ith 'I ?'?'" H unllto . II ?'? ' foi . |,u . pr ? ?? , ? ? ' - Ipture and a , . i. . _,, M n , i ? . ? ? rd . ;? were opened I , | , ? vi ? Uet William 11 I,,,; ., . Mr?. M llotOi n ? mad.1 Ihe . enrted by ihe Kl ir*.. I>au_ i er i '? -.1 by ihc Bpworih !_?_ '? ?.,!?..:?, wil ?? ??':?.. I. r. Kldder, who l done. 'i Ih i ?? ?? '? ? . ;??. i . ?. ' ? ? ? !? ? ?' ? :. w I .- . ; A ? . 1 y . . ? ? ' ' ? . . V t*T 1 ? evei lu th< ... ? ?? ' rd Ui ? ' ' : ? ? ? ? , ? . - - . th.- al W , ? . . ? ? ??: of lh. ll M ' i . '? ? i _ j. , >? . - ?.",,,, ..'v i ??-.. ro n ir ' . Ind J X| ? 1 ?? I I ? i ? .. in;. ii .. .. llr n l ? l ? ? . 110. rn.l i -::l De . ' : "> ? ,-, ? i t r ? I.a* i ? . ? ? . - x ? > I IHI. '. ? ' i ' .1, J ._li.._l l-.l'M ? ' \ ' , . ' .-. , ' ' ' ' I" J . i I I ' I ' ? I'l .1'. .1 ... .. 4,. I ... irt : for Ihl .-it .(.-'?'.; ii. ni'. ? i T S .__' I.l 1 ll- 11 ' J - , !? . . . i: ? ..-?'? r, i f. ??'!'.? A... ,,. J || ( !?-. ?i II ? ? i.'.l. ? . llll ? ... ? . ' . ?, ? 111 lU-for i', i rial ' ' - '.,?..,. ' 11,1 1 ? ? ? il . Mi ...'??>? i I S i ...', :.:.-.. i ...- im",, . i?; t?? ll . ,i,i i., !?.,.? i\ ii f, ??: ida J ir t ,:?,-'. on. \ . , I'iiri II llefn ? ' ." . r, ' II,d A Unt I. ?..' - , ? ' '? ' rlualve. , ,, . ? nt <???? ? ? Part tll-!_?_._? l i ., ,i \ .- .taiil l'i .'.-? ? v ? , _ i :., s. iu. :., , I.l VI KTO. K M v I.K I ! - ,:', Tl I.l i.l! 11*11. Iiuffalo. Oii-. 0. r.i . I '?'" ',. id . ?..? .1 I.r n , Lln, ? ,..r. ' . 4 .? . ? ? i ??. ' I I I. " ' M llll ll ln v ... ,. | ,.,,.! t ,? . ? ? , . ., _, ., ::- -,?? li.iul ,., . ., . ?,. . ? ilull Mu , ..,,.., ? | ? ,.,., I ln ??? ??? ' ..... I, I hi, ? , . , ,., . |, ., i ?. ..| , . ? ..:.,,., I ... i '. ,.,??,,'? ....,,.,.'. , . ? ? ?? l'i,. f.v.-i i ,.., i: ? |.l _ ,-?., ,, afl ?, ., ? ;,, .,i?i un ? I. ? ? II.,. i'.. ? ,, 0000 I. id .,.,. i. ad M,:, i , ? . ii nnt .i tiii ... ;i _ 'n -.i ,.i., ti. |?.', nt i ? ? . ami liutrl ?'?::.' ||. I.l tii :. . . r..".!.. Sl I.,, , ? I. Ile ,: ,,., .." ul .il| |,? 1,1-, I . I ?, I 'I ,: . . liitiie, .,,,., : i , md f 'i , I- li A Ul ' ' ? id Indlan I - . .... ni, ,i .... II. Mark.i 10 ., ,,,. aliln. "I .io ? . ,: : "N M M'.K l , - |tl : I I.l DKAI'll. I., ?''? , '?. I p. ," lottnii Vini-rl. Mi't'iin. - - ?'? I'td. I'li. .:.,. im |,it|.-il .. .ih. balea All I Lln.? ?- d i|iilt , l,m ,. ,,li tm.rl, ui M dtlll..-, d.-llti-n, .. . ., ,,| i. ,. .? ' , - ni.i I,,,. ? i , .. . md Krbriia , I i iWd t-llvt i l.r.iur. .... M.H.... ? M.i ,\|,nl .I ? . lu-. > I. rtld .,". Mai d.lhi rv . tl" "' I - v|_. .,,,,] |. _, ,|V,,n , | ,,, , ? id i in. ;iid l.tlj ,i, uv, fy. . ?. ,,|.. , ?. ii id . Juli aod A"-",-' dolltt i , ?.-., ni . llVeali ......ii llrni . inlddluiH OUr li.w mlddlliiM *'*< -??'A i.rdluari .--;. u.l and .',.?. .-? h '-, i,.,,.l, I,'.l.- . -.,,. a 511. .... NorfolB Ii. , - ml idllng I. ind ?>..'...,?? "?'.."">, ,' :",' llll lUlllllj Ul ,,. I nnI ? ? I' ?' ?'?" ' i,.... ,.\|i,.rt- Ui ili, t mitlllt Ut, ? ' .' ? v ?. I IHI .,i s. i ,,| ,t,, i. ail .,1 .I ? l,.? mlddllii. 7Tai HBI r, . '? liel aud |?rn ? - il-' ? '? "'-1 '"''' ."|, irta to the ' .Hitliiitnl . : ?? .'",'-""- I 051 llf . | , ., .,,? :. |;t.i ;)r , ""-, per .; , ?n?? ,._*. mlddllnu, U.e ow uilddlliiB, ? ll-l..t ,, .I,,,,,,. -'., , . , . 11 '-'?! ' 12 "'... ..xnorta ... I-, .,,.? ,.. .. ,i ,.(_,,.?.. ,. 10.085; cqnatwlaa, 1,572; bbIdb, B Ml at.ot.'lc, -lo.ilt)-. TIIE MARKETa TOTAL BECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. n. \v. i-ioiir. um, Leather, aMea I ean?, bbla. .... , . ttou, i. - i ntauu. .1 mi 1,1,1*. I.r ."I fruit, |. ? .?? *<>.i~.? il ni,, bbls I.'.': -, SbU. .. I.-L-. i.l- - i ormneal . bis. i , b i - .. W II ',;.',. i um, i.n-i. i, I,. ?h . Muli. buah... ha ? . i,uan. I .- ,,?!-. ? .' i bbla . Maxaeed, i a| ??I ,-? ,.:,:?- . lll.i ., bile, ll.'pv bai *. l> : 300 15,831 215 2 ...?.-.. 33 "in. 1,'I.VO .'.-J 11,11, 1- ooo 1,2 ', 2 Hn, 827 120 IM ', 101 ;r.;i I Mu a ???-, bb i 3.4..i i Nplrtt* i. rp . bbla.. " I'.o-iii, bbla. ",, rake, j.'K-a. nll. lub. , bi..-. ?? "I... itock, pkga I'u ! . |,l tfs . . iitmeata, pkga i.n!,!. pkga. i.j.i, ,i".-. 1 V- ? |,.K-. I ||l t ?? |lk-'s i r ? i! lin.- N..-. Q.itckallver ila-k-. Hl ", i llf?.. Sug_r, iii.u-. S.itfar. bbls.. blU P'aM*.. - , . , |,- ? Tallow, paxta.. WhUk cjr, 1,1.. GENEBAL MABKET BEPOBT. COFFEK Rio un the ipot had a alow Inqulry, but ihe - ln prlcea were uulmportant. No aalea reporl .1. No. 7 quoted 17.e. Mlld growth* in IlKht requeat. The ael im, u.' iu. . : w.d lowei ? uii j iimdeiatr ?;?'"'.. d, i.,?-!.' - ns th. hr r avanlon. M wl I I r, u.i- .I in December .l.-itv-ry. aod theru 1 ' ?? ,!,,;,, ? in -.1. ni!'..,i.. IIIOIlUl, onlnL" tu d -i.iiii-i.,! hltuation. ll.ur. cab!_ ilao h.,d a iiid thr .!? II nu iu exchauK- adu. .1 .. the ?"*. IM. i- at th.- rl. nbowed li- ul ".ai". |""'..t ? I'" ? de l.ned :i f . M.?k ln II.ii", 236.000 f which 145,000 b. ?? i i; ,. nn,. li iinbuiu with. angc .,' iuon.nnt. London waa Ir regular aiul unaet ' J om lal .uotatl. i i;, [,. m. December, ;:>->?.!, Januarr, 7,'.,,..: Kehruary, 7iK(id; March, 78-; Apnl, ,2a Miy. 71-:i.|. RottenUm rahlea: <;".'! ordlnarv Jaaa. irketd ind at our nuntation. (Uo quofea: !;? .--. lar !!r-'. .10 _,,-,, 7 . 500; good txeeooi (10 klloai, . - 050 ichang. prlvab . 23; rw.-lptu, 8,000 Ljc- Rio ? for i'l Stal -. '.< 000 baaa; U ?.,' atock, I0O.OO.1 i...v-, market Um Santon recelpta, 17,000 baaa; i" ? 1|.L- Bt UL. .lulv I t., U.mbei :., IK.',., I 231.1'UO I,:,.-; t :. . IHH'J, 1106,000 I.:.-- -,,:. tlnu' I&88, 2.181,000 il Saiitoa I'.iv i t,, i?.mber .',. 1800, I ,0!.,0Pn bn-.'s: .:,,,,,? ?;.... ]--, 1,0911,000 l>:au? ' aame tln." I-- . un '.,ion .,,_?-. Total nale. bere to-day, 20,000 baaa, a- followa 1 ?-. II:cl, -t Lowaat, .sa!--. JHtmary . !.-.._,. n::_ !?;:(. 16.80 3.c. I bl II il v | , -'... I -, .-, March. 13.35* 13.40 15 3." 1 ?'.':... 2,250 tprll . 15 lu r i .-.-_?(> . W ?' .15.10 rl i.|._ 15 13 16.10 l 50 ? 17.8 I7_J 17 oi 17 :; I 22 250 v. . ?' ..-? deliverl.-H .ln i,- ?,,.>..? i, l -.?.?', Saw. i ? '. ? I ,.,_'- s i o ? .. 13 268 ? ? i OTTON'- The apot mai ?? ruled dull and w..ak tl,r,.i__h "?-'"?* ? re uni. pnrtant. Balea, 143 balea f.,r con 1 .' : '? ? Irt'.iO. |880 n - Bal>-? '"Pl . 2,078 -1 2.8 - 131 " day? .... .... i'tti ;.7.l .:,- ',74 - - ... i.- ? r .lt, "., 7 ,!a.-- . ;.; . .% ? I "rts '" I ?' '?' . ," ? ? : -.". -.I 4 . ?-, ? 'i i ? ? 7. :,t i 03 Ool ? Ni w.Yor l.- -, ? "' ? ?? : ii i ? .:< Kt ji i .71 lilaic. ? Htll .'? I ,'.-. '1 10 ",i, I ? il ? .. . -. w \ .. ? -,- runnlng 50,010 110.018 1 ? ! ht ?' - ; ..-?- 868,1-1(1 . ? ? - ... QuotaUoai ?.-'.- ba-cd ou A_i,?r..i_i, ht,.ni..ri of c,a?s,ii a Ni a .-.ifon. (-..laiida. r. ,._. . ?> ia-io 7i. ? ...Ini.-y. . 7'? 7 *.?-1.. - : irjr. S'n b 7 1-', ' ?? : - ?-: uirv. --a B 18-18 . --'_ |. H lli Ktr ? !...? Mlddilng. Bl-ld ;n_ . :, ;i6 .,it . !l 1.1.10 II '? ?-?- ? '. ' Nllddllng.10 1-18 lnaj 1'air. 10 ? ll I0*i i -.-. .ii i ia iih .taini:d. ? ????? Lo* Mlddllng.8 Mfl .8', I i . - ind al . .. . i her \>a- a ? ? ? . ? , ii .? ? ?-. i 4 it.Sa , . ? . ? . ......,., ..... ? ? V .1 1.17 . . -. t :> BU -.< ..'_ ? ? i ?? ,,, '.- ._ l;i 500 ? ? . ?? ? :..i ? " ' ii ? ..->.... ?.. 4 n... .". ,i ?. ?..,-? >i i ;. -1 _..',.,1 ? - ? -" '. -t .?? ? - ..? , -1 :..-1 ?..._ ? . .-.. ',?; ?> .",?; j. -i l ami >ii:.w, . ? ,i ? 4 , - . . , I . ? -? III . - . ? ?.-,'?.; . ? '. . ? ? . : . ;? , ? . inter : I t ? ? r.i 15 1 r,.i v a t -. i t i.", t ri : :.?.. M (I r - M-4 ? ' . _ I'atfl ? . .atb 3. i; S - ? r ?. . ? III _KN I : . . - , ? I I.-'Ill lUUt. i tjiJi..f. but _iiu_rB.Be, *tu+t :<.%. ai.d flan. .. '. Ml \ I I I..I K .? I. ? ''..,- -J J.". .'Ml'Al. ? ' ? M 25, and ? ? md ral . > ? ? ? .... .. ? ill. . a t'l. i ? . ? ? - . i . . i ? . tl." I ? ? ? ? ' ' - i! ? .? , ? Ma , , . Ol . ?- , ? , i . ' - ' ...... ... ? . ? ,? all ? - ? . ? I .: i i I , ... ?' ? ? ? - ? tak,... I 'l | ? ? ? ... I ?, ? ?:-'.,. iv.. v, i ". X? 2 I?e.'emher. *l 0'. ft-ltl IBI 0. .. do Jin.'.a - -, - .- "?. . ll ? . IIVK , ... ... ,??... i v i . ...... t . n III t ? ? : 4 . ' V, ?.? . _ S 1 > ... . 'j tl , .. II , KI.l ?, M \1.T ll I ' 'KN II . I .1 ii . there ? .i- in, ? .- ? ind I . ? . ? ? ? ii ,? ??. ,. -- .? , , . . , h Iii ilui rr* 1 , - , . . ., ? i , i . i ? ? ii ??;. ._ , ? .- \\ ,?-!. || .? N -.' !? ? ? : .. \ . ? VV. :.? re oi , ? : . I . I ? ? . ' ? ? ? i-... - I . . ? ,.n..,.r 1 , ? J'.diim N ,1 . . .'.,-..? Ul ,,- \ \ I le elovat... \ ,, .' i i: ' ? ? ? . I ' V. , | .,. \., I, ... I , I . ? '? !'?? ,- t I . I |. i.i ... I i'i ' - ? - 1 ? . ??.,. - |i ..-,.. -l ,.,.->? tl 0.1 I ' ? ? ? ; >; 81 ."'.. Bl '.'.'??r' ? : ii v. v \ \ ,' ,: v v\ ii,!,, ? ''?',,, / ,? rlvalf. md , : . ll \\ . i|. I.'i.i.Vi .... _TKA*A Loiik : ? i , . , ,,?i whi at, 10 . 15. nm-. i;..|i ,,? from till c nfln.d i, nr. , ni ... . ? i i l?i)t r.' I ,\ nr stal |,,.!.,.li, ::- ? -, ?; ' - ' .' " ??"'' lli-dt'.l. ' .'Ul .?, <la.-. IH."* : . . ., I . .'1 i ? - '. I-, ... ..', . (holi, |_8 . .; i, iln IK-8 I ? ,1 ,|.\..| . nm.. :.,,,| un. him.-. I. Ne?r-Orlewia ii. ?.?. ,,,:,,.. ,| ... :.., ? I" ,.,. Ui ?, ol, ? . Potto Rd ,, '.'?, ii I ? I-I, [-' , ,1 .. fSOt NAVAI, sfllltKS .I-IIUTS lllil'IMlM; |;.,,,, , nui. hiu .?>,.-, ilit -'? "iv i. ,.,.? i ii ir. :.',, , it'...\. ilit a llfht ln. . Kti-Hi ' II 17. roid du ? 1 .-?, f? Bl 00 ' *' " '? H*l H - ' ?'r- 0.1 i I ? >, K i" 'I ???? ?'? X, "ii ?'".. W . ?... -I 87*. ? W v\ ... ..ll.. i.i Ine i- " ?? .-iii.-f fiMture t., .1 iv .,,,1 |, ,. . . r ll< d :>' ",|! -'' Bdj I '.tlt.ii.-i ? ,|. . ? '. ' .. t Bm i III. I V, ||0 . |'"l,:i :|'.V , ,?, , , ,,.. , . rlon ? > ? Wn - . ''? i .!..,???? ' ;ti,,.(.>, . ,,,r ,, .: ; 11 I ' rd _tw, rltt 6 'i W. .. r.i .V, ? CI,,.", ' I iid prln.e, 18c 'l'allt)?, 15c; M ,t'i.,|. . . Ka l.'i likthl ?.-,' -? : i. mt ,. :i',. . i.'i..i. h i .prln . '29u3a ,.vin 1,1 ? Int r 115 - r rrud i f08 ? i, ?, , irnl - ntei Ttl'tTT,' i.i'iiiil aprlnc, ,','J ? , i ,, ? ?? r SOW'J hl t ? ii oi i. i . . \\ iu ... ,-r <t ' at,,. wint ;i fiir: blaa.-l.ed wlnter .,, ?, ii i ,i |i ln. 53c ? \- , bl.-aw h d, f>-i ?'. i s,-,i fi |,,.i,i wl r, iB_.l _aiMnlded.4N<f4V ,? r th; o i nt _traltB, ?::? Ran. 2t im . w Kill ii.iii'-. ii," I. ??'?_?'! ...i"i dull and srala ,,,..... , t ? .: II I ','! t" I.'v, ri.I, ?.'??'I t,, I t.tiiloii :,,: I i,l.i -'.'? Tu I.t. ?.I I . "" bal< - . ' : . hlila -ii. nr lt- 3d I - I'KTUOLEfM i II > ,? i i ItS P irl v- ,| ..!"?,, , ' Utiaiil :iii ,? ii ..... rndi > ",. Mis, i' nt s< li.M;. ni;- , nnt-. ii <i ',"? ?,, HalUmore t.. Uia i i,n. .1 Kln-d ,..,.? ,t 13a Hd optlon ur-iln ... tui .1 . Ki, .lt iU . ' ' Mnlille '" l.lvi ,|.I -n?.i tinila r. mi l ' ' m? ? hoont r VV. II .lont. N'uevtta. ,,, s, w-York da I I I llrll -i, bark t__ttl ? ,.i ui North nf llatt.-raa, lapha K _) 4,1.?, i, ll II,.Itl.ii. Ii..|i.-.- to I'.irt ii, I'llii,.- .ui'l i uu prl'i'. ' "' I -1 ?.. . im.iN's PORK v\ i. .i adll maliitnined i>i ? , niitlnu 'I .I'.vn Salea |."_> ',i.|- M -- M -- .t"l ?!" i II ' Short Clear .' ? ,., ii . ' - ? i- ? ? ?ll _?"_.. tl SO i ii. u m -. . !?? ... tl.t ,1' f.l TK Steadi ii.i'l nulel t ,t, r.tra lliillu \|. .- in tea ? ' , ' ? ? linllj ?'' ? ? -I! >' I ? t. ln t.ii- ..,.... Plal - Wl BKF.F ll IMS l? llaut demand 0>..? f? xl B12 ...... ii;i h.*1. aud *11 SO at Uu *t*t...1_CVt ' MEAW CaaMaoad *a* b?_ ?..,,.? ! no nu* rlal change. Pickied ?. i ,s ,.? lfe******** Hckled 11,-iin a, Ji_,fi?c: Smokad do. *: H^ul?a__ _>! 4 ',.!?..? hiriohed do, .,'_?.. i.,:. M111i>f rii ii ,u>,,i4^?a! RSS. ,At i>lcago, January eloaad at . 10 ?? *Yr ?? i.iii.ssi.i, hoj_ KuftVn. a furti... .irhtd^r- *-*Z demand waa quite modemte. aii ,'??._**?*? *** 4V, liicliidln-. ii.- I.AltI)iD,*v.>?V W** " akn -. to-day. i,,1 ... ",??_? wlth t , g_ .^'1-'<?3 .prculatlv. irl clea, Dotloia broke 6_tfEm!?^2 *3 ?- i ?! r,t",y' a. (iv. -(alh* lL ''ll** hMee. ..oo tc, . ,,,? . ii,, cit, ,.,._? dWSJl ., *,.."' ' . ? .?'""' : December nomlnat: laaaZLVft ?.? 0.1* aakod; -al.-, 2,500 tea, e.l2*.l5?^7jS" ,?1 ,t 'i.J.i. Mked; -.'-. 730 tea HR^v2*8 . .- V ,,, "'*"*'? **!!**? 75? '?"'? "27c \..t.V "T**! at ,....?. w; .,,.. tc. Hjaaia*.'. _H* fta rW5Sa^e53____3S S?4_^_*^^_f!__SI ImlUUon ( i.?.ni. rv choice ?:t,,>;? _-,_, , ; Wo?t?2 air, iitiae xv. .,, ,.?.;',,,:,!: ??"*;-l. weffl fancy, r,.-h 20if22c: i,,.,- ir,?,_, '*1* ivio,,1 thirda, I--*ii. :.?,...,. ,s?.?.',' *,,;;,'?'""'. ll _*u7: in flght demand Iml llr,. ? . ,'J1,ra. ? ?1 JI. factory full ? ,-..?.,. un .,, .... ,;?,', '"' *&***? st** ,r;'''.".::'^:',:,v'^:,,i'----^'"-4-.^.^ I'-mi-luni .>'.?? Vrt,-j,r; .!'?''ht l?1Ulr?. SUU hoteofall P^k,"d.hi4iV7?!Vc;'.h_^rn____^..S ?...?;- le?er.l|y_t.iivlw.^'V_nL*^^l?ffi and Penn. Ivai . ? ' f< ""Jiirv. ?*? de__S.V_Z _M*to_srs_te.??Z I Hl'-: CwTtrlfuM 'lli ..''."' ???>_ ******\ Jse f.V:-.. . y^^^SgS I ^ri ??(' '? ;, 7-Hw. .? C _',.,' ??;!'>'( >V: U'jL :.>T'.^;,,^:.,/:';"1,.k,^.,.,n<""^ CM^hJ clfr^Vft'c*. _??&.*? *?r?l _j ////. SIATE QFTBADB _?%^a_S2fHJ '?'.?. : No .* ii,:.v: ..,?' , ,,? _ .-?' - ? 'a, '..'... January, ?.,.,.,.-.,.,., ?"??. 1*. '? ? g ' ' "? ' VtaOi . .-..: v, r ' -ii...1' t-. i..:r /.j, , ii,. ,, . , '',:"? ? *a .ui'-t. botter rtmng i .?'..-', ' ' i ?< ; fe\i>*t ? ? . ? *_ ?' ? . . "? *?? ? .? ? * " No. I hard at ei i . . . -s ',...'. i'*" '?? -1* 1 ?' 87^w___ :"? < ?. ?? ? n i . . . . , *\*l*l 11. -: ; ? ' -; I .. '.N. r!- K' ? ti , V,; 'j * Op fcj - , ra. 1 ?*" u ? " -? ? laaMoaM XVJII.A 1. Mj ?.. _ O0,,li... I,. ,,,.., Lo c ?*? fc 9? ? ...V NO. 2 51. Jannarjr .. .-,, , -,. " - . , g. OATS NO. 2. ? ia i.i'. ?__. m Mj> . '. ' ? 4i. Wl .-...-_. POWC, PER ___. J> ??" ???.- .il , ?? ' 1004 3' ;? . - 1. .'' 1, (.5 ii iq I.A... ... ) ft. 5_? ?.. 4 " A .1 ? io '., r._ v,..:_ .4 SliOttl i.l...,. 1'. .. , 1 ?1 "i 1 :'. i? .a I _*?_ .'j ro K ? ,-.-? amt-T r -. '. ?-'?'? - ' n ,. l r.u'. ? ? - .._7, ? i ? > > ? >/ - ' 1 1 ' '? 7 _0 ... ? , ?_! ?*ar"*y. Bu*** ..-wv .:"?_? ' .' ; ., .... r _._.", !...-?_..,. ?1 naol. _>.?_! '-;?_. - , - .. '. -; ' ? '.,'___ vv,,.-_. v activa ???-.- J ?:...___, . 4 . . . . , ... .: j -? -'I- 4- H J4, f,.' . . . -. UMI -v 'tn (J . . ,r?t_t 4, r W . " ,?? - I ? . '1. Da ? I Ma ? ? , Bj ? ... 4- ' ? ...' .J - -,? . ...-.??. .^ ' I"''' " N ? ?* - . . ? , . 4 A - , ? N .' n.ix<_l . , to _*, <*B ? '? . .. a i it.aa* ' N . . rrbraaf ? i ? ??... . . - v| '?? -I i N" - v....i ... \ , j . j ?___, ta ..i ? M . | ?-_> ," .'. CttJ - - jjj _*?'?'>:? -.?.-; . ? -? ll" ?v, BU ... i. N B10 - ? . -, e-ira, -*?' 'i ? i ? - ? ..--., . : ' ?; -??. . .. B- d -. . ? .ra * ? .-;, I ... '? SN ?'?'??' .aBi ?a, 4..- Dee. 6.-1 u ,- _K N.i -' -j:.,.. oo Ua . \ ; ??_.?. , on. ., .:;, \ ,.,-. aa N - Bhlt, ?..;., \ ; N.i-' 1T_? ..? .a-.. PorB lanuary. irr *}* ?f. ** ' ' -. .. IV ?' " -v , ' -,.,.. y .' ' ' ' *?- ... I : . pla-Whea . . ? - '.- .1 - .' ? tcgal Ktftttf ^ iri;i..Mh i -ni kt ,.! tho state ?i ____-l_fc 13 i' " ot trla I II] .. . . v. J. ,.*. p Mlitl la atfullial ? ..? II UBB ... --; I.u_. '. Itou.r for I .. ...? ... k-t) for ti... u ...: ,.: . . ? l\ , - li..-, tal lu I stali o| s a ', >??? \ .rk M8(_la_ ,. ii ,,..?-. , . .t__ :> -a_ tn* ,? . tlie ti . 'u- . ?8BB Mlaa 00* ? ii. II,., . ? . '-? - ? i. - . ti... Am ,;.'?- iri ia. ? ' ???ii. U . ... .. ? . v\ 1. , t| -. || . ;_ Ijrt* , tui, Man ? .-. ?. i_ ir-4?e<B iaed. *_ , _'a ?? I. - I ..* *?? I'tlelpa, M.i\.!.,:.: i.i 1 -? ? i ? Nallj !_.' .4 .1 *? i.iiii.,, San.-aa, I'hlllpia.n __...?_..>, ..-? \. VIibbjH. All.vit v.,1. l.liullii-lin, \.H. I. ,..!!. ..,. BTil-. ',, ii. . , i .--.? ita. I.l..d Ui, dua, M ,. i Ki ..,,-. v Uiui ' , i-i a Mo . , - ?...-? .,? I - ? - :? 1 ,-...,.. -. tne*! M ? . ,, v .-. II ? , - H*??> nm,! and Uie Xew-YorB l..f.- InBurance Bnd Trast C*a> i ? - l,, t',,. ii'iMi ? ii IUI..I d?-f 'iid i-i'.. Bnd ? . Vou ur ? lierebi aui. i - |>l8_n !B thl. irtloii and b I ;>? "f v,?i, . J plalnUffa' Bttuni y* * thW tweatj dj.. aft, tii-- ? rj * . , - . \ lualve nf the da.t ,,' aen ?? *?? J* ,-. ,,: i our ' illure .,, .i|,i ? ar . ? ? Bl "_>2 i>, taken i_.-t.i-i im. tj ..fniit. for tfee ri ll.f d.-u.aa_ i.i tha , ? IHi'rtl N.wVo.k. Xoi mbei l.i Ifl llll.I.IV.? A . Allin._.> r . ? ? .? ttl ? ? I' 0 ;.,,.! ' Xo. 1 ? ' lln . -? t . v ? " !*?___ ro th. .1 f.iidaiiU, VVIIhelm \. . . _ N___ \- K |, i. ? . .nne M i ? -. "??*__" I...-. I. ? ? MlMo Suil.paou l'liM|ipi.,.- '-anip-'B. Matlilld . i v .Ifr - \.hi ' M '?* *'? Llndhelm, Wllhelni van I.lndhWm. I'tortia* *'.' ._,,T hi,,,, 1,1,.I i;. i,,?? Nl,'. Kfddn* itthur __"*''_?_? Stoll.l t'lari \ _tolBel Seba.Uat. ..'.alaer, [!???*?*?? i'i -?., - ? , . i \ ?. ,,.- ^t; I. r ton v ' .., __. for - ', ma la a rw! Bpon | ", br P'?'_ :nm pnrauant tn au ord-r ot tii IIon ._-* P *?"_**, > "' af tlie JuaUre* of I ? ' <''."'.._,. N'.w-Vork, .Ut'.l th. Itii day .a" Deremher. jBBB. mm nied m _ ' ? ' i iK v.r:u I'ltt and t'ount. of _ . Vorfe, at Ihe lountr Cour* Houae, ,,. aaid < lt ..f S _ \ ? llll.I.IM.- v ' iROOgO. !? ? ? -. ?- v". ' T*