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0PP0S1NG THE LODGE BILL ji;i:i:-<<'INA<.i: REPUBLICAN SKXATOR IMTiN., lf) I'l FEAT THE MEAS1 RK. PUCOCB-AT1 OBSTRffTlVI SIEAS-RES KVBA '"'' l;: BOXTED TO I H' CHA*i _S "' PASSl SC y--; | I.!.' : IOM BILL i;V ?; HIM rO.VCRl S?. [ai ii.11 -.Ktr.i ro rua ruBc__,i Vnliiflflton. bee. 7, The Ete " "' '" ' .; pied Hve daysol Ihe time ol ihe Senate Ias1 w frt.ti. three lo ronr I.ra heinii ipenl npon it caci. ??..,,. ?. \>1 im,- progres. "?: '?? *> ar "!"" IhlB 11 ??? ? - .' bIbh*4 innppreeiH ne, votP ,-. - raroll now aa II ? - Ibb 1 ? .ri. -1 I MI ,.H,1 t . I ,.." D.I"... ? , ... livemliBoppo?itioBlot?*hi???MeBB? I and Pugh, and bb execcdinglj 0 , and pn4i_ ?1 Fridi \ a 'i . ? ;'....i'-i il. , .., yesterday, wiil be renewcd lo-moirovv hj S_, tor (iray. All Ihesr ?:' >?*f"i "" '" " ?,,...,,. ol Ibe (ommiltre on Privile et ai I Klectiona, and they, wilh Mr W-i '. wiu. ib ? foUow ne\1 i? Bimply elenrins the w i* r?r tlie ,.P,l ohatructive debatc on the bill which wiil be ?,,:,:,,?;,-i| on the DenuHratic ai.le, cklefly by M^sra Morgan. Gcorge, Call, Dnniel nnd n few .'.ti,,.,- ehoiee apiritfl ol equally forroi lable powera ?, il,,,-, v and enduram-e. I nder the present rulrs sneh b pitajram-M*, with tbe neceaBary re plirafroni Republican Sem lora invohed in it, wiil , .. .,,.;, .,,;.. thi .usli i" tlH" ond ol llie ?*_?? tion nexl March, or lu -ome poinl Ibbt side ol adjoiirnmen) al whl< fi , the aak - "l oll "' buBinesB, tlie Election bill wiil have m * Bbandone.l unconditionally. Tlie intenl.: ' e min ,ritj in Ihe Seni re to lighl lhai mensure to Ihc (.?,l ],. | 11 p enihlc m*thods ol o??8truclioti Iiob m'.t yel t.urv de. lared ilself, bm .1 cann* I louhted. i;?. only l ope ol llie bill'a p iss ee liea now in , ,.,;,,:_?? oi llie r ik*N yet n? tual m ivcnienl haa been biwb* bo far 1 1 force nn amendmei 1 1*1 Ihc Sei te \oi is ibe ? tion on llie Republican side ol the ehaiubci - M . , ,. ; .. ,:?;,_,- i;?- enii. us 1 oinmittee ... nny immediate elTorl lo ae, m ibe adopti.. ,? ,, ?-.i;oi,.' '1*1 ? 1 , a?i lluil Ib likel.\ lo i?. donc foi Ihe pirsenl in Uie wb> ol presa 1 - tho Kleetion hill wiil l?e to lengl en 1 r ilailj K..MOH ol im- Senate bj rhanginj. Ihc hotn lor roeetinB to II rocli _ionii'_. N !-?'?' >.--i"'> "' V f,:._ he r?_orlcd lo, hut nol 1.1 once. Alt. n?'ti:er ,_,,. ,,,..-.;-?, 1 iv nol ;. highl) Mitisfnctorj onc lo those Rep iblicanB wl n ' ave nr '"' ward t 1 nn earl) reilrmption ol p.n. pk ,., ,1,. dii 'dion ol honesl l 01 re< 1 1 .1 elcctiont.. 'I he ohst. r <??? in '?"' P ': "! ^'! lloai and the othci I ? '? ? "' " ?' ^''""j' paaaage ol ibe Senate - ? ?-' ' ?'?' ? '? '_'' ' '?* 0.,t ,,, th.., ntion ol laai _e_?ion in the Kcp ib liean ranka hetween th ? ln"e r >in i_e in I unli free-eoina^e m*n Bj 1 curii - toincidenee n.e lew rlee d*.l opponenls ol l ?? I Ie 'ion ' tbe Republican si-le arc l"a lini Ivoeatca of Iree ,. ? ... ;,t an.t eosl lo pt ri) harmony. and th have Tf- .?:??!?. heen Btrivinji lo pn-j idb-e, and. II posRihle. deatroy, the ehaneea ol tlie pendn . hill i.v Btirrinfl np again all the BBnoyinji ilillei encea ol opinion ol l ?-' aanim. 1 M<*?>r? l.ninl. ... .-. ,, ,| |,1 |( 1, .:- msiMinc ti...: tbc Sil ?? ' llie long fle. . he diaplaceil b) a new rrci.ina^c ni ? and 1 ,.-. ;,..- arrangii u '?? *?t"ke ?' bargain ovei the !.,.,?: ,;; l.i , - a wny bb !?? i I : ;..-as wit*i fi- ua****" '?? ' I -,., u, the '???. li ?'ie , ? r IV ol I'-: lh 1 ?? Srnaloi> ? . dem nd 1 '?? _i.v.-r. thej vill 1 1 . . . ? , ,!e wl.i, [< wiil l_ke ii ,:., tbc minorit; Sena?e it-- iclo powei ovei ij .,,. |f, howevcr, ll. ? iteai bo ,, ol K ? ? , . |.,ir ci ai.i-1 Ioi Ibe pieacnl .. .. m . p ? , H,id his rrien ls - ? - , . ? ? li . ? .1 - ? v.i-,1 the minoritv, thia linie nol r?r their own iMilitical lienelil. bm hlniply lo pull clieatniita oul ol i)i<; Ure lor il.-- inipenilMl South. ... Dcnitf. 1'here are, p rb!i|is, from Hve U> seven Republican 1. -.?.; o ..- aa likel) to vote ' ? I Icctiou bill, il it ei rucB t*. IH , s, . i.Vitl ??,-.,?? ','??..!,... of tl.e ., ? idvco i:e;>ubli. a 1 volog would de , ,. hill \\ tbe t ?. , Id .1. ? S 1 le ih. ir >'??'- ibe V. ' ,.,-... 1 1 i.-e t? re.-.i-li c ' ' ? -.' ''"' ? hjii ,|1( , . : tote.. co ibi nol . M i- c ilithui ... ?.?:??? ? '? ? ' ? ' ? ... tions < on ni ' ??? . : .--. ;, r I ., - ; . I - l ''; C - ntion, lu ' " I 1 ' ' ' . ?. ,, 1, 1 ?. . - ' iied 1.1 ? 1 intaii e.|. the .,..-,??? . tr.. i? ni.d |i csi .. rui ? ' 'do 11; deUne. i? the 1 rospeei ol . _ :, ,,,. A , a Vote J. ' ? lfcp.ll. ope 11 ?' Ibe sil ei i|iieslioii r .. I*c ; ,.,,.. ;_r.niiid, us i*. e ia ifitn. Im I and ?? elee tio 1 e ? .:.. diaiHiN -'I "I Tl c fr? ? ow tbe on-y sen .? < ' ' ?' progress ? I ,, , |i |f tlic ? m be brought lo auppoil ibe ,,. ,, .,. , i lailb, liie parl.v - : i;.|.:.-M-i,' es. wiil la* Iv illc.1 wiil lu. re n II . |r tbe rest if I ? "' v 1 11.' t. e Kl. etion I omn II ? ,. )| ii .,?.,,- oii, lo lo? ii":'l ?ti tbe pendm, bill bef. re ' he < ri.toiH if, i let 1. :'???:? ? 1, | the hol'd - V Iii ??.- ';l"? ?? ion "( Ibe .... iu 1 . -. Ihe 'li-. ??.?;????? ible re n ? ,. v . . ? ? through ite .,.,.. ; ,,??-? 1 he three ? ,'; weeks lefl hei , ihe heginnln? ?' .1 ?? ? ?? wiil . "'? 1 amplc t nn. for the Rcpublicaiis lo " ?-? ? logethei in f.,,,,._ j., -.i|ij,ort ,,t ? Bul it mlghl a_ well hc admitted 1 il ?? jood deal "I hard .? ? he done ? ihat l more \igor " ' ? l****'. H il.e pres nt Senate ?- .' ~-*-:i.- is tn ge1 tbrn . thai bo i . <?? an ele< lion law 1 ! kind l?e inlclnl to the Btaltitc '.ki h; the ttlM ("ongress ,\ FAVORARLE (ifTLOOK FOR THE SIIIPPIMI BILLS. Wi- .;??'.?.?(' ?-. !?'? 7 '-ii'i.-ii. Tlie friend of. Ihe s!ni.|,??:_ I ill " lil. '? p i ?'? ?' the - <-. :i'?- i ? ? ?? and ?!??'? bow pendine ; i ihc l__*?e feel conildenl lhai one or both ol them, or u aubatitute roi niug 1 , i.j.t fi-. firen ol 1 Iie 1 Ioi ut thia seaslon. l.ll <? ic of Un wlll probably bc Ihe Tonnage blll, Ihc friend ol whUU ?lf.;th b ." . major |r ln Uie llou e; there havlt ,? been aereral Infomal i-onfereneen wiilmi the bal i. ? the resaM ot whl. li h i- i..' ' - '.' '???? *'" '" "! - lidenl of bu. ? ?? - Ihaii ili-i were when . aembled. The Uv* B_-ar1 uii ni de i . a I - free-trade advocates ol Iree ?l ip? have m de no Imp ever ni. tbe friendi ol lln i ? ? ' '"* '?' . ..ip-" ____. waa extrem >lj i .p il u Itn ??? a len jreaw ago, and b) ' ' I : ? I.'''"'' t > .l.-iii lt v ?'? r ?- .H'l.-.l .i- "1 ' .1 nnd ',.,.. ,i . al ii- no alai it a mlnd- ..I mi' n Renl ? i.-?:?., ? . t ?.. : >ti\e t el -n. it l? rongr. rhe Ufe * iM be pr inptly i-uir.p .1 ? ???? (>f ttnj i , mi Ition whl. li mighi h ? i efore eltber l.r_n< I. nl Iie | ???--. i ' ? i ? ? l,.|,,-,. tho free irade lienua ... i-ontro ;' <?? i? Htrons majority wlll bucIi n propo Ition Iwve an (hutiie ln tlu.: Uifly. \ proralnenl anfl Inlluei llal Kepubllen i Rcpre 1i\.- mM to ,i Trlbuue coircauondcnl i'"'1 ?-g.i-.1- :!." prospe. I ?! Ihe pa ire ol a! I ? : ? ' ?" tV pendl] .? *?l Ipping bill* iw exlremch favorable ?nd he la a man wlioac Jnil^ment '1 leglnlutiv. pr>ba bllltlca ls rarcly. .t ever, -t l_oli DBM CSAT8 ATTACKIXG THF. TARIFF, \\ , Unftan. Dec. 7 (Spaetai). The D _ioei__e lea/iors iu the Hobbb eviace a Btrong dlspoaltion to attack ff.B tarift Bl I ? -B-O. bl propoalBg * few huudred BBBlB-BBBDtB, more or let-, when th". llauanan Mll t? broualit |BI*B?1*1 for BCUOO. -MM Ol t_t D dfKire t<> Bflopt UM -une tactica totranl tiie Toba nebate blll, bal H _o*a mmbm prababla thal ti.-y *.iu b? IBB?NaUBSi by tl.c n.ilueace of __utbern and Weatern toBaooo n.auufaeturei- and dealera There tfoei iioi sccn. to be aJi.v Inauperable objectlon, paillamentary or otherui-e, to uniting Uie two blll*, a- they are both desiKned. ln cffeit. W <.>:rci: crror* In the i . law, whleh wa. enacted ai * iii -i- iaea. .- at the lv.t' se.iion "1 longreas. J! the Way* and Meiiy i our.iiite.- thould eoaibine the blll*. the* ti.arebv averl or eacape i m Um ? niiarni ... nt ln whirh Uie leader* of the Iree-trad. ml oril 1i,\' ive Un propo?'"' ??. othera: ?. tl Ua' ' ? ' bsll ma) i i, down ly ?ree-tra'le '? amendmenta" av t., Inaill ? .'- liil.if. Judce lloiiK .__..<* lOll.i ,>???? ? ____Jbbbb BbIIi tiie Mi Klatoj law, afl it b ralled. aud Ihe Elctlou bill wore ******* ?\ ' ' tothfl Itcpul. II. ?!.,". Evaiw ' ""!l1 f\c trinmphanUy elecl >d In Ihe UM Dl ;???' '"" " ' f.tiul Ihe Deni rral l_*M?tu?! '? ?'' Bor" ?? Ith. dMrl . toBlvell . blS Demo I ltv. i U.l.ia, thal nexl lo MeKlnev. i :,,;- , ,? ,;???. mn ... ao] Republhali who wa de featcd. I?ei.nn- in Tenno- - '-? " " ln " ',. ii! I'l ? lllll heritol Den.o.ral ., -I IHUe f" ay.; '?' ' -i.i 1'iv.i ...?,. allhoufh Ihe. ;;'?'-,? ' ,.. We aa ini "iu i ni. .? : '? / |* ' ',}..?? marble. etc. p.-otcctcd. and Ihe JI ' , . -' ,\ .. (im pioic-iion. . ?.. - ???'??: ' '... ? feal me. and my oppononl bud all the i . ? ten iiiilred. iu. i. didn ? ...P ???? 1?n'? ,:'.'? ;?:;_; ;r, .;;:.';.?'" country und appr . latcd. ? H,\\v FOR ST. THE XKW BlU. WILL I'llOBABLY III BA?i M '">X | x 1101 Sl WII li ?''?'? Ml v:!:' !-" hlnuton. Dec.Ti I ? ** Inllmsled ln Wasl, j Inp. n -: pal ric n. Tln ? extr melj .able Ibal the llou-e ? - mlll." eensus v 111 ?gi_ ? . rec mro '.id ll l;,-;,;.moiimcnl '.. ib. ??' - "' " !l ;;:,.-, membec b f.tal whiHi ? I' I' ev< I I b,? state ". .? part ol .? preseni repr ? roncm or Ihe Ktorl -rol l 'II - ? * "? :?.. ,,f ti,,- ..,,,,,1.'..I a i.ill whi. h i- no .aM I ' everj si ,te and wliich I- fair and libenil '?? ? dreme. polltlcally spcaUiiiK. will di-arn. iM-naoftall. opposi l-oi .,,?, pass ,:?. ii,.,,,. witlaoul miu-li difli.nlty. H.m n|>luioii prebal Iy will md lurn out to l>o reric.-t. \ ..? , ,, man> Demcs r.i * III opp *e .. ... I '?'< '< y ' 'V i.ffered i v a II. unbll an n mml bc, ? li i" ??' .... .,.., aclion m, Ibe nl.;. '' "" ,,exl Pri Idential elc.lio.i lf '?" " ? N"", . ,:, nud ?nher l>.i ' Him ...- able 1- co" nd Ib.* n ? III itiiite ln ib and unjii I" anj bill whiali m ?> hc !'? enl.-d, . v ,- Ill il, I, .lt lt, Mr, "i.i.i'?? ?""'? ?d '"''"? *. ler. i'*? .'? iiii. '?" |,|- 'Mi.tlh.ll lo ?X " Kepreseulotiv d?le for -ii-..''?!'. i- oui ui n , ?,,, _ ,... ,,r position lo bx ih ' ' i;.. m.iihl tircfor. la Ibo Inlen-sl ol ' lirm .. .! ..I :.. . false ratio ol I h. IM.-iW, l. ?- id nl I ? , |? l- !._.::. whi. li. ' ? iV'. "? ' ; .- represe itatioti nl cighl Mal ba . ? . "> . ,??. state. M?; n.-"i.i. bj two, aud ol om :,.,-;,:.. bj sevei .1 n . would i. snd Sew Yorh wonld lo?e I. ?? II l<?? ' state* whi< I. wonld imiii ui.dir i lai. Oulhwailc would be: \rkai -..- I. < *?M? *? " i. ,'.,,;?- ;., 2. Se .. ka .. :>??? ?' ' !. |V.;|. I. _ , -? I. lulal I"- rl.-" MUl v.I l.w woul. '? indlai ' '? : 1. M ,.?? ? 1. Nea. Vorh I. . I. ' . 1 ' ? , ? M ,?.| |,?. ,.| ..,- siai -v llll" Wl I tlK I >' f.. appon ' .....,1 .1.. I ini. ?? lhal ??...? 1 ? I. in all ? ? .;? !?? - : > .! ?" !-?'?' 1?' ' ,?. ihe pn -. ?,!.iii"(l states. w ,;.,.-. | ,|C_ ||| I'i.i f- ? ' ? ' ' total ,,f I.*,. - ?v*. ,!'..:.-. ? ... ,,f thc ll--"- a* n<r* pn- thal Mr. ihithwn le' "ful u,;,,,,,,,. , .. , ... seem- lo l>e rr not. - ? - a xi< : r\i:i.i \mi n r.\K> q\ ksti , HOW bll a U- THK ?? \ \ n V IX 1 III. IMITTKI Bl ' ll.!.: ' ' \\ , h mon. !?? ? 7 -i ?' ?: "ie . ? !.... rers ?.' liie II .... ,i,d iryii ? ' - - dve . ivel md I , Huin .in f ,' .. | . hilver ( . ? -'?? b'.IU .,,.??. i mav i ih* - ilutiou. \' ?' ? : ? ' ? ? - ' .... . ? _ . tlned bi ?' majoi :v ,.'. :l, ? II ?? - I ****?*> ... ? j thc | .. ..??' I.I '' - KilVM ' eutly Mr. t otit ? ? ? ?? of tl ' ?' ? ' ' xre*t ... aei epl tlae Bnul .:?'?'.? n um- be< an?e vacanl lle ??? *- oppo ' , . , ,.-. i' ? Speaker i i ??' antl u 'i b iiii a vaeanry In llw rhalrroanshlp "t < ? |, -- t',' vaeu I i . ' ? i i ? I ' ' He m un ? ? . . , Ml. I ..: example, Sp :tki Roed upi ,,f Penna) la _ lo ' ' -i ?? v t:..- pnm idlon ? I Mr " ...,.-,.-.. .. ? .. Mr ;?,.,.,: i.i. . i ...... oue l>e].-i ite, ??:??.' ? . ??? ?? . ? ' ? : . \ . . -: . , . I ipp, Ne ' V, Ucpllblli Hl Messr*. r-:?? ??>', .- ? \ ? . Wii \ ! . . . i ?? . ? . ? i a ? ? . ' ' ? i. >wn ' ' ' ? ' '? y: r, Mn ut <? < i no, N'--. ul ? i ? ? i | Mi ? l ' ; Hemis ? ?? l ???-?? . ?? , . li i ililll f< ! i t v. ?? I.. : I i . II hlll prn ?: ? for tl fie ? |. ..? ??( all du< -? I "i ktnelp -1 ln Ihe I ml at State , and 1 ,f i ? , ui . rertl I. ate li ?? n liaiitf<* I i ,,n m, nos a i ' ? li i- ("M mated al i_-...." ;,, lt i- . I|li icd, i- ln the handK ...' t\.il il ? ? ;f Mi. i ,y|oi -: nuld u- t. lii fortu I I ... ? ? ? . ? .. , ...... . ? , ? ,, r, ? | | of thlrti p , ? , . thal ::.' ' * -. .??'?' ' ' ? ' ..,mii) ?? cl.alrmi ' ,,..!?. . ? i . I by the I her, ?'? .1 - ? on < ?"? ' ' - ,,. |.. th' rn am tlee ba * ma .rlty of ll eieci .i ' 'i li ni ?".' Here i. ?here the pai I dll - itno nf Ihem . ontend 11,.. Us ?? rose" meanl i- merely ii lemponu \ . ? , n-*." and ii .t :< l1 ' n .11.' io al. ? ??.- ? - , ?? I ;, |jrn t.lon of membei 'hlp ol Um> ll< ', .,,, H ihe exlsilng < <r._u i?., mm ? ,, ui, ?. > i .? '.!? p ? ' ? i i.i,ii Ihc io-,i.i::v vi'-'A. and hol. Ihat tl.. I t.amcd inembcr." ? ho ?'?' 'll1 ' ?' ?'? '?'??? lo la Mr. W li I ? ., ', ?, , ? i: ...? ;i,.i li I I," li .i Jorii) ??; I..n.lll -e l- .il? li ,. nndei i" 'i lli 'i the Sp. -i i< r I ln .me tl- ul l .i, !,, . Iie proper ? ot ' ?'? :' "' ??' ': ' ' ";'' ll he ? . :,. |!,,,| | |?. !:?? 1 I ? iii itn. o r l liii ? ' : ' lle- . nli-ui ii. h< pr >l.abl> wlll it o .Int Ih* Ihlrleenllt mcinher ol Uu eomiultl ? l lu- ?? ,..;,.,,n lo li llcve Un' peaker It, uu tlu llver i|iie ii ,n ln. r ..-.'???????. ,,,.,-lr ? ? he iip|Mi|iit-d i., mllii ? ? ? h?ll ti.PPOI eltl ' ?' I" II' "I 'I- ? ? m lh- " h ?ii lt, lf.. .1 fr't , , ;,,:? of M.|| ' ? i i ? u-d milln.He.1 ? thc p_. .'tn 11? l? an1 |. - ' " , , . . , i , ? f free a d i |,,,?.??. tr, i'i ihc li I ..)? ful, if nol .H?l< nl. o ? -i " ??? u || al-vtc nm. Ihe.i ? of tl.e pro ? ? ?? ?' ??" ? ill"' ! "II I1 both bl ii he* of < - ? ? TO ISCREASE TIIE Sl PI?L*i "I II M.K Dol.l.ARs. _.. h . '?? .1"' " -perlall rhe . ;- I. ,,.,. ,,||] ,,: .,;:,, , ,| ? ? (cpl l bl -'?? a ".? ""lt ?'? provid ? for thc ?.igc ol I . < the i nlted Htate' i ?? han< "d l.\ .. ? l nl ? /. the f??? ts and . trodiu (I.t Uie m, ? ur ? i i< live di maiid in .-n part. nl Ihc ' nlou foi i I ,uppl) ol i. i ? id .uartei dollai - iln .,.;! | intended lo .uppl) a publl. wanl, und ? -, iial :' ." Uve lupport, ii ii'- Ih i : io tlie Seeretary ol Ihe Trea-un a id ha* re edved hli cordlal appro* iL i he ' II ti,,. seeretary of the Tre i utJ lo i aui ?ubtldlary colai -f IbB I'nlted flatei no*. ln. or wblcli bm) bereafter i"- recelved Into Ibe Trea .-.??. an.l __b-Tra_a_riei "i IbB United Btates, which ..r Bbi-dad. ?-'... mutllated, d>;o d, oi ol ei for clrcalaUon, or are ol Benominatiom foi which t'lf-ic i- io rurrenl demand, lo be re. ilned al the inint- of Ihe ' nlted Slatci Into n. lt d u.nni of -.ilv :? coln now autlioi icd bt, la- ., nulre : lo ne-1 ti ??? <i mand Uiei : .i. i he i,, n, , the ret ulnai ? uf suelt ij .i i" iiea.? i" !?? |8 .- 'mm Um rolna.e ul ?.;-.-? r bul ? of ., nomlnal ralue exreedlng .;. ? ro*( thcreof, de nomln r '. i!:-- ? II* or pi Dfll i.i id." The atttuitlon ..f Sen itoi rell ?. ., < nl >rado, one nl Ihe I- adiim 11 an.plon of free . ? i ...,i , .. ? r,||, i ? of - Iver, waa dra-' Mi eherma bill, ainl I. ? n murl d ll.lUhtl. i -i, ,, _.,, ,| piii;,-.-. ,-.|, exei m rcilou ji-,, ? '.. th, | retar? ol Ihc Treannr) hould reeoin an lu. ... ?<. ,,-,. portion '-f half doltar plecc*. flr. i ! , hc ha ; :,;; p?l of lllU . thnl half-dollar i'i'"- r?peclall) u. .eane .,,,, ;,.? ... ;? ,i in srealet immher. i? |hc ??? ''Ill '. .'i'i-- red an ,,,, ,|,. hoivove-. v - .-...- .1 by Mr I. I n?i meet bl appn.val i.o l ... , imm . ., ,. .,,!.??,ii-'l Ih- .. ' . . ?.I :.-i -1 -I'.' M Iiec .lf. r... leimi i ? ? ' "',:| !*.' ,H. ;v . houhl >?? ? . led ? II |".1 ol Its l'tiv ful n ? ?? COLUMBl STS TTRST VOYAGE. . raih: ih* r ?ku vi. oi m koii ? vi :. ?: III . ,,, . , vM.ri '?'' I.ITTl U-. i.,;' .T lais a.VI U ? ' \. a .:,.-! ...e lillS ot Y - Se* . rh II I I ... Ihe le ,.? ? hall. iml I"'"'" "''' :?-.,.. eentl ' ' i ? ? i ' '- ? - .. . ,.? ?1 ...' l "ar, ? atletid. h, ii.- I ?? '?????- ?'??'? " '' ' " " " , ,.,-. II xi ... | ?,, ih,. "old, .d(l ??? ?? " '' !' : ' ??' | !..?__, ?? v."l, ,i - , ,?.? .... .,?? vla dl) depi. le-i iii f. a. I ,.?? Iuii stacnt.Hi ..I .. -Mn," rhe le Itipcr refeni.cdm al al . ,,| ,:,,. |.|i|e aud il"' -'?'?i' .??| ?'hii li i ? 1,,'i,.,': dovi :. In thn lielicr ki owleds ai d appi ? ? .f ,.?? life nnd av iioai? ??! ' ilnnibu* and Ihe -.,,?!,,_ de li ? i" i>'.!'??". ite hl iiaemorj lu ihe ' nllcd . . !? . ? raim Hu i'- ; " il ' K n,.i, in i ? ..-'. . _ ... ? i .1 mini) wa: ?. II,, nartti ularl) Ihe preal liidnenie for P?-l exeilcd b) sm b Ikm pfai loo. ??' Hae |* !'?? ? thc late .lai I ' Mid vetilnreil l i mi Ibal Iho , lalefo ..??I- ii" I"' '"? I.J.'" " ' ' r pi-id lo tbe Nc i aid a ta Mr. I.en.a\*s luinc. i ... imbiaua im ," ? ? ? wo Id ii .1 ? |ii iiii I iiiii.*. I i . ? -? , , | |M"I V. II,. ll ? , .. : . . . ...... ?' on aml ???.... . ? . ,i .,' .,. th. ,. .-:?? ? m I'ill.I l.ibi-ii-i I II Ih, . ? i re | , ,' .J .1 KI. '.. Mr. \ i . ? ?:. I ? ?? ?-? im I'i ? ? ' ?' .1 i. ? ? , ? ? ? ? , : Ibe I ' : , I" l.l.C.MI ?, ' ... ? ? ? ... I !? ?' I ? I t ' ? : ' ? ? . I ? , . ? ? I .... . ? ?' "'li' | ttl.S S Sl (/_< 1,1 \ '. ','?' / v//"\. ! I I"' ... ? ,? ? ri rl ? ? ? , ? ? ? . I t in ' ' '? ? ? d, Ilu ? ??? i l i ? ??:?? | . I1 liave a . rn . '.. IlltOiVK ol ' , . ? ?? I . i . ?! ? i-e a | ; |, ,r. ? li thc da' I Irial arrlted .... I lu ' i...,l. l ? ? . ? ? . . UOUK i I ,; .... ,??;!., .1 : J mii ? ii ii i||| ?? iho Jaadrfe, nan i vmi ... i l al .i Hi ? l-Uile in tlu- h ir .1. il .i ?? i ? '' ? i. ; , i , ? li ? ,:. I i;. j -? -. i t ,i llie ?!? f ? ?? , i I Iir |? ? ' il ,? i'l, IHfll , i.- i, .il I I (,. Jur) ? , led. l'i,' Mt I ; ' ?' had no ,.|..r, I ?..'. C||,. | , ?? I .' I , llt.ll Hill Ittll I '? . ? ll III I. ?? iViinc.-. all > I ,,, !?< ihl ? i 'I ? .ll) ? i , ? , ? | ? . . i 1 li i li i ??!?,', . ,'i.. ? ?; mpiltm ; ? i nl i |a- dra "I l-l \. '?.-'.. i , ? ? ? 'I l.llienl |. ll ..,,,, |, ' , elnll!) " Yoima mn ? ,!:.,_,. ? i ?? .i ui,| I ?. .-? ? I iel. Tl.c II |, .,,;,, . !)||l I ? ???.... .1 II lltll't I , . I .... ' I ' -: ? " Im rott am p , lul ,',,,. i ? repi'.i I.Im oii I : I ? ?:"??! \? il't i i'I t'i ? ui.*,. t, vcs or '; ! ? ' el th.< mn ti, ii ..,, . , ..|._, ? :> '?-? hl. li Iie I eloi ? |?m(i xiuded i I , iiked i ... pt 'I. ..ii ' I, ., i|... in i-t.-'i aga, lhai Iie ' uld n ?. t u ? I. i ? l ? ? . i - ' ; i . . i?*r i- i nlfry. rhe Ikhi ?? i vei i ' l. i Iie it im phi , much : ? . . .,, ". ,|| ihe ti \i i I. ? ? ? ume i ihe wriilnii ol lil : , icf, and iltid ? . , n nnd t ? ii lahl . ? I "' ? he . ? i ? ' i m ' ? ind ...e whti tiii| nnt \ ,i . ?.,1 n,,t d ? ii. Ihe ? !-?? w.i. n -i i'i , ,i l Ihe . || |h. 1 ? ? ' udiftil Ib ume . i.i. und be hail ?? '? -t ? liimiih .1 of i-oufed . i...,. ! i , int(t?. I reareaa, ' ' 'i ? '. . .1 ,; , I,, || ln _i mi, ... tii/- i. u.o oi,.- larieet li ,.,?., aud iih??i uiati dlureUi GRAND ARMY BUGLE-NOTES :\l. UfGKB AMi Hli: LOG US STATI B pgEPARATIOX- POR TIIE IXSTALM1 S_ OF 01 1 I' ?_R_ KJ.ETTIOXS 1_ VA-IOrS PORTS. |'-, r.illiM:i::<!"'- iM I'llief "f ll.e l,,;i.|,| ArillV Of llH! ,. icral Ruasell A. Al--".-. of Mlchlga* , Bopp d ,', \,,u Vorh ihi Friday on hl* waj lo Washlngton, ?rhere he la*.* been Mimmoned by Uie Berrelary "f War |1( ;1it,'ini llie meeting "f Ihe Logan Uonumcnl I'oni tllj., .... (ieneral Uger i- rlialrman of Uie committee . h i1 ? li ? ? irei ol Iie Mouiunent Fund. ' ibb o. i . whi. i. < .ii him to _'a ihington I* Ihe i ,:. ni i ii ?ite for iln- monument. ln Bpeaktng . , ., ihe liem-ral *ald: "Mra. Logan l?" _n_loufl . , |.,_. ii p| tt e_ in lowa < it V. ???- here ? he ? an ? ,: in hcr own windoa In her liome. I told her 11. ,i where she wanted II ihe ?4tc waa anre to be. Hul I djd ii il 'n--11 it ? in .'iv iii ii l tii i ".i ? nii her. l i ?,, ,,;,|; |otl Iii" I'l.'l'e for tlie l.'..Mi M'UlllI..1. BB *'C|| .,, -i,,,, da in r "im ) l\ ania ave. rhe) are both 0,111, ', itni Mid I I k Hut people wlll iren , . ??? with me lhai tho main Ihoroiighfarc of , ,; ,| ? pmpcr lo< itbMi for boUi. Never ihcle. Mr*. l.i ? ? lawbl |i? i he matter ;i,,,i ihe) probabl) wlll so f_r .- lua liu.liaud'* atatue ?;iftl." CiniuianderiuChief Veaxey, ln ln- nenei-l ordera < ,;n ihe I..?,'i'iirii!<?! ol iln- t,r_nd Vrmy, airnon Ihc death of Scnioi VleeCoinm-iider Rlchard F. I ? nf i,o-i ,ii. pa) Ihl* ?-].?<in.-i,i Iribute lo 111 ? momor) : I -?ilin ln tii- Xavj und ? ? ? ? m ,,.], md leiompllBhi I afllelal ol hla natlve Mtali and rlt) , anrtli) ? nnirade from hla entr) .1- ? r< 1 uil ' '? - indei nl hl. ti' i?rtmi nl ln 1SWI md lltly , |,,. 11 in itia ., .', uffli ?? '1 im - lil< h I." ha* i??? n mu?l ??>'. , 1 1,, di-atl. I'omrad* robln aaa uuUeraail) aod ,u?ilj :,..,i ? . ; ,! .1 ii ,,,iii.|.,.i aud hla . irtl 1 II lic ;. f..'? , ,1 .,, ? to all Ume llrave tru. . .,,,,; ,1m 1 11 his 1] .-.' Ildri, -? - foi III. Ih ? | 1 ind o ,, . ., . ? ? i-mi all National, d ? ? - ? 1 . ? , , ? -,i . 1 ? , Im he* , ii' tti" ' i--.ii upon tl. | -.,'.:.--,..,. O. - ,M .- ..IH. fOUl I .. ,|i< ai ii- -i-i. , .I' ,?? .1. r of the C iln 111 uidci ? ? ;??'??? ij ? . ? the 1 '? | ? ?? 111 Com ind.-r < larkson, ... '? ? , ??,'?!':,,.. \,.M. v?i i 1 ., . - \ 1. ?'. . \'. . r. lohn 1 Bln -, . a 1. I , ||. Xnit. l'i|>. II ?- ' '? uil. ' ?' ' I '.. I. IA I I ? VI ? li - ' ? ? "I- \\ I ,1 I II., , , ,1 .i.l V I ... I I I . ? 1 ? .; ? . ? - . . ? ? ? 11?| tt'Cst I , ? ? ' , tl M I I , ? ' . I ? ? - . 1 ? , ' ????? 1 . , ??,,.. v. ? 1; ? . ? I 1 ? II II \V Mn II litihol A Mn '! I ? 1 ... ? r. I ... v. . > ? ? ? I'M ,1 U .- V .. I l-l. I ll* I '. I I II 1 s 11 ,1, ' ?? 1 1 11 ?: ? 1. , : 11 ? 1 '? i- . 1 ? : ,\ ? 1 ? . ? 11, ll! I ... ll;.- dav. J ? ? ? 11 .-. - ? - 1 ii 4" 1 t'.i v ? ! >?? I 1 1 innlii \ iiij . '? ' ! 4 I \'. ,:? Jllllll I II. " 14 - . M'l lt uil I Ka !'?? ? ? .? . . 1 ? ,1 I hrl.Man ll-in ' mi. I 1 |H. II . ' ? 1 ii ?? I ., . , Iir J11I111 I'. 1 II 1 Im V Kl, li 1 , . .,.'.., r < I M . .111.1 ' !? 1 11' II 1. A M . , ? . ? ? r. r. F. V. lln ' I'nlN-rl II. I |. ... \s I. IHI. . . ? , ; ll. Il?il.1 . .'? ., >li i-hii. 1 11 I ta l. ., .1 tt |ih, ,,, Xi. i,"i 1 11 W , -1 ? 1 , , ! \ ' 1? \\ K. II. I .1 ||, ,,,; ,11 , . ,? - , ' , , ? ' i.fl 1 ? , ? 1 ?: I II . '!? d .I ?.(. cll M itthi v VU-Qiiad M ,, : K Willi im '? Mllf hell , , md William . ? 1 on - ni"i il. .id latt 1' Bo ird ?? ,n.i.i,i \: ??.imand 1 ?< ?? ? . >.'. \'an WaRenei i| 1 1 luaat* ? John vV. Crawforl J. W. 11 . ; <>hap lln, h. T. Kln M ith, ' ' oftt i llll I ll,' ??< I .,.-! ? ,| || .,.'?? ! 0 I-. M VV Ifilmi'i'i, Itankln, Xo 10, iii.I ,-n ?*., _fr?d T w il -mi ? 11I01 ilce-i ainaiand , 1, .,. - r Ilolland pinlui ? ' . I ? - , . 11 i,|| lol II lo i, II i..l I ll ll . I III. ? ? , , . ai..s - ? ? , , -i riaii. lol 1 ? , ?, ,1 ??...,.. , i, - ? ? ? ?' ',1 iii w. lame l" , VV - ',. .,?? Vu ? .,.,,., ? .1 . v> : , ' I'l ? I. "I ? .'. I ll I, ., . i !.!?,? ,,. .' II IH v .I' ' i ? I \ V. Ill. i. 1., ,,,...,, . ,..,:., ,. VVIIIiam ? vi lin d. lul. . -. N i" 11 f . ufllrer ird. Wlllli lltml , 11.1 ,,?: nlnlatl itlou W ii" "?' 1 Ka. lo Farn-ll, E 11 ? ? ' Ibel.ii-- di ?? il ln di i" ln. ,,. , ,1 . W ..4 11 II . ?? Ibi N.H .n ai 'i'l 1 1 . Ilkla -"" ?, '?? ii' ">"i> j.iti.-i. Iloward WhlUu] jininu vUi ??ii '?'! 1. _ ii ? 1 t'n.i. tara., in Morgaaj uuaivr .,,-... ,*.. .*. ?.. -.V i *******.? r1.;. Ti': i ti.. ,, iu i: ir- .-"i. i ' ' - ?''' ' *h U": . ' ; ..linvc.,.! Tl...... M.,"..".. psrunent eneampaaent. Jaroea " ? *? ??? v ,:,';.'"::;M!:r-, >";:,..; *.* -'?"?" - ,: ;?";?";:.?... ?i-d , '?;;';"'.'..:? .?',,?.*n*o.. __.m_ ; ***.i *********;:';..:'N'". ***F?&*\\^ fflrrs! "; - ^;r.S_.^T? ??,,. ,.|il Hiimiit. ?''". . ,|, . - i? li'-v-,v;;.i'',-:,i'i..-i?,m'.::.- .,";...!'' N-? Vorh iimnd Ar.n "' > . ;'' ,/'?,,?:?,,?. im ;. ;',):; -.1'.??:??;. r..mna,.d.T. wHh Ih- . '-KVJo-r.-V.e'.'t'-.-M.'V""" ii ;?-;,:;;,; . - i,t ,,? V,,?, C. nn-.. s.itnuel < olllli*. m J . . us ,., t.,rt t.,n..ii ..( .,- raptaln llyatl s ?na Marshal. ,.,,..,.? Asio. latbm pre?ented il,':_,!.:,:1':";/'-v:1,.-. v';-'(, ,i.r^,r^:i. K___!;:*r./-s ss. sksj: ???.?? -l"'!'1"'1 -? . I . I., .Iltlf'll -llli M I- lO Wad ?<?rib Vo I I" *****' . ,!' i n. nlnth Ihe Bt. Paul' remperance ladeM ?rp ?',..;,, iWtfflV^TJ^Kgfcj, Js_ nniiiilmon v.le. a*Mnp ""l-.r* . oe laUon lo i-l.c ,,?, ?, ?f the Blevenlh Arm) < :i*- "'',-,.. i,,.,,,,,,, ,-,., . -,_.|?;, lh^ retired ll-tof the A?Tj_.f rhe remilar inonthly meel ii? ?? ' ? ??.. ,,..,, i^'i^/MS'ffl^JJK..?* "'in'.'om,.Ithth.W ' ^JSmS ' l,e i,uaC,' iml wl. . K l? M 'i !:_!. ?ri.? . . - ,.f \ct_ . . ??Hl li- held al " .. "? ' ' .i,. 1 ! ;:.-? the Ut ? ? ? . talk 'iv/./ ?/.?.' tn: ifisrs ti: tlXFB. ??? ? s I ?' P , . - .-.,?."?? ,f ihe - ? . ? ? ? . . unll rml. u ... ? Ol !.' ...,.-?? ,_ . amile . . ... ?? . -.i.i ? ??? .i llitHe .Ir ol ? uaai . ie rep .rl. lin* ? - I . .._.-? i ,[ , ..... d want to buy ' ? ? l "dl In -.ur I ...... ? I ? I ? hi jj.- " '! ". ?' . . ? .,?..-? 1,-, .-.-i ? . ls i. Ranu as ., ? mal ? ? p : .. ? ? i ? tha i ?? : ? : ,. . il- ???,-.- run ? <l Mr. I i i .-r roavi rv.i- ..- . .. -i ii thal c all a u*. Al . i.e!,.-- i;..- c _ , ll" rame im. , :. ? ? ??' na i * I'utiit I' ? ? ? ? ? ? I II ? ? of tbe - * |S>p| I ' ? )>K"lAI.I. iiiii H Xl_S I ' l al nl ? ? ? spaldlnir. V. ? | I'ark and . I I nlll.1 ? .-,t | , ,| ' lf . I | I i ? ? - , o ? ? .,;., ? N . . ,?. . i ? ? ',,.. I \ I,' /I I- lon. N. .1 . I) ' Siiuiik Men's ? ui \. i pr VI Ol : ' ? i ? : : i , ? I. .|, ' .1 . i.i|?-l ,? i i . . I ? :. ? ? li. I i ! ,1 '. in ,i - Icd |, i - \ . rtil* e.eiiii |ili II ? '? terlati ( . . i ,: i..|i ... ? rii - ? ? bj mn . :, ... b? ilu i /;;?, PI'RSI | ft F iTHER i: v t \ Manv ol i ... . i . | to ? ' I ll-) ,.f . I : lllll tl'U'l llll nd > of iiiii I ? : nl I iti i n.tiiiK : ! ' ? . ? :i .1 |l. dll) . .? . -? PRIXOE i Wi ,1/ \ I \EI l\ HI'SXl i I' 'I hc . ' . ? I l iaiil ,,:,)..: a-eller, ?ho wa u ?> !.? .i Kiiiii|h . rate ni ? a ? i; ln. I i ? |lelf."?II) latnlll ?'? ... .? || i mi thal li ? ?' -.??'I ill ? tolloaiut. hu le in. Ident, a? lu I. .?? k pl i ?? aai.ilu ou i he i ad lo Kl' \ \ . ,ii i - I da), I'rince \ lad i . aud i 'lf. ln tlie mldsi . . .i idiiiillni lorm, and wen nlgh fraatan to death Hlld .III:..I ' fl ICIIII) ll"l. ' .'.'?- .. ..:??? "i ii II.i Ihe*.' pla ii i???I..," uieetin , .i -..iu-1?? lini.-." or inii,..i'i i..mii I'oward eveulnp we - fort. . in-c si* rmili sIoiik '? ? Keiierallj .uppll -.. ||| l_l(, tt .:. . ? :?? .'I II .ui.' <. \i ? - in i Bv .. lli ! :? I..- iiu'iienl the ..i .!-.ii heanl us comloic ? I Into il.r r ?.!.!. rifh1 in band. an.l ,' Iicii w lt li t ii .? half .'.'/'Mi -1 o i ?. ,i .v i\. ha l< ' . i . ,:. ? i md ii,.,,:."??!. ln ..?,.?- thal could n i I..- nilvtaken, lial we wanied 'i!,'i v!. il -\.> were lisvel . ??? ? . pracllcaB. foi bldden ,. rrttora ?i .ui \ in.,ii... -i..i Ihi I'rince, 'hihI these, nij ' ? tll. "..-li tlie . i,iml, \ ???l.ii .... i pit pnrt." .Ul i '??? ? ? ni. ? " ' Voi duui o, .i.i tho i . ? i. ii i . ? nci i--. ii i for ' ., .ab'ii . i 'ni'; to r.vel wlth a " ? ? ?. ?h ? ".ii "i ai) w n . ':??..' .i id h ? .ii,, .im. -.t lo l.rn I. hlm i .i.i >. lini Ibe _;? ini ' . sl hl itrouial snd levelli ,: hl llfli full ul Ihe pi ? I dou'l ii you itm Mosatider himself,' be re lorled, ? iml if \.,u don'l -.Imn \.? nu Kisirt rou don'l , ? IV'i ll, In make u lonit ator)' hort, ?(.< were held Uiere ? ..iii ilaj uutll .. deta limenl "' inllllar) fr-am Kl a ? 'ii.-' b) nud \ : vi . ?- ? - ?__! 11 >.,i and we were llt.C.-.l.i ?! |. ini lu, ? i |l|ilfl| r , ,.,| _? ,.,." ' And a nuld Vlexander he held up Uie ?ame vm.\ il he truvelled lucngiiito nnd ?iilinii it pssspoett" "lle ? mlll I,,,, i nni|iwslhauably. lt |. a rommon v.imiik iiiii i iiiivi imn iviiidirt ko ijiioii_ti Uuasla .Mtli.'.ii nn.|i.r i iclciuiaja." MANY CHARITABLE WORKU, TO AID WI I.l. KNOWN IN^TITniONS. V TALK WITH v. n. DE FRI K r I'La.vb FOR OOMCXO I.NTJ.I'.TVIWII.Vrs. A. B. Ba I reee, well knowa In eounecttoa witti tu? rliarlUble projeeti ol thta clty. Intend. lo Btt ap ,, ;i great .part thi. i>..,,i ,,f worh al Um et?_g <?! ti,? preaent -i-'in. lo. iiii, wn.ter and tl.e cotntng tprlng, iiti-._ I'er, be wlll manage .1 large bbbbb* b| enterprice* wlileh wiil afford umuse-uent bi ii mXo talnmenl t ? Ihe pe mle ol the Itj and BU, al UM bbbb Ume, the trea-nrie, of worUi) in itutloiu bim! .<K-ie__ whh h ..." i;i ne< ?. ol i i,,ii . 1,1 ronversation e.iU, a Tribune np rter Mr 114 ir,. ? gave bu ontllne of Ihe woth wlileh llea att . 1,1111. ?? M) tea ?' began thl* \?';.r." he __d, -wnti the ktanley lectura al th. Metr poUtan Opera 11..,,., im the benefit nl the t'onvafcaceul Home .,: t_inaUl ;<. .1. ii |g nol jenerally known that Mr. ittinkj n> n-r.i-ii .. ,.(?'?lor thal !'?' i.'t-- After all expeim h.4 been pald. |,"?|?' ",: i*B-_Badj uom tin ?-?.??. i* Ihc Home. .._?>?. ,,,-\i enlerprfBB wllh arhieh 1 am coBBectelM ti? f.iir of Um T".i' hei ? Matual Uenefit I .- K which bas been ieacrtbed alnaady Ib ThaTribane. 1 fr_ tii.-.t 1 have L'ivei. m- note lor 100,000 ... tbli '?tiim, .1 1 mi. i.ii.i.n thal 1 _____ pa. ll al the eloaa a! the 1',./.:-.'? -From December 13 to Deeeariwr 2a 1 n|Uu roaduet tbe C_aiity i>"H bhow, oa the wcoad Ibbt ,,f ih.- -...iii-e" BaU-lnf. Bl Mo. 110 FUUi-ave. pk% pruceeda ol Um b_o*? wlll Ik; dkitriboted BBAoat tw.i_. ln-int:tl- of .itv. 'll.e Uea of tha CharH] 1. 1 bhow cobmm '11,111 London. Every rear c_a al n,. .:i-:i: London daiil papen Beada 1.0*01 Ot doiu tij w-ll titow .1 women ln *ot Usty, ?..'. droi and '!>?",i-_vj Ihuin, The a d -li- btb then _dd bI i f,;, A number '.; well known wonwn In tl ? B__| tlu. .I-..- thing for Me? Vork. Mi . lUrrisofl ?n4 \i ,,;,,'. er i leveland are al 0 Intereated it. t|:f? cutcr im.... Thetra wlll be _.''<*.? ?i.?n- on exbU_Uoa. % . than 800 "f thi e a-era dre ?*d i.v tha roaaf women ",' Ibe Normal College. \; of the othera bave been decorated i,v the mma.- < Um vartoua hoapitala "f ti<* clty and by well knowa ? , ei ' ipUMa Thomp-on, who ?up?i ballet al Um Madiaon tMiuai. Uardea, a I ,... _ my a?.Utant- ... Uie Uoll -'.".. Antither ?;? ba Mi . Jull 1 iii..- Percy. one ot Vm > ? . , cxblbltion wlll Im thc l_ it la oompo-ed "f thlrty 3 - - ? . nnd?r ,<i of M - M. 1. -? rni 1 - - I er p >?? -\\\\ |g given t" tboae '.i, ho ibow Um t ; tl.Ua .. , .. .1 ,. , ,. ? _ ? , . .? '... I "... ... ; . | MTiired Um pitmi.f __*gtBi atepnlal hrated Ru_?li ?? ? \.K *"i ??? e of I ?' i.. i;.i--..,'i RevoluUonary party, 1 ? lectu ?? 11 1 1 .etnv 1 11 ,,, ?? f,- - ? ?, : ? i ? I ' 1 i lic 1, ?, .: ? " 1: ? da ? l -. u ? ? :. '? ? .... .1 1 , ? 1 1 " ? ? ?'. . tlu! |c :??'-.. 1 - l 1 befi lend . .- ?.. . ? out of emplo) i,i"iit. or arho . ????'* . ?? . . \\[. 1 .1-1,10. ? ..,'1 li .'? ? i- aorfc; t,? ,-i 1 lieerlul ^;"l ? l< anl) ho I I - .-. ?^,t . ,,f ?elf ?up| '. ? ? ? -t ? 1 . thi 1 ? . ? . . 1 '.'. '. ? .1 , ? lln . ? -,..,.-?: \-ua-ial ? t_nl ? II of I ? ? : ? ' ' ?? u ill I.*, 111 fact. 1 ' Ihat tbe < II . .,. ? ? . - ?: . 11 1 ii ? tra Aa* t'. ?? . ew-Yi -... .1. Lyon?. wlll alt 1 UkB ! part iu 1 . , . . BOB *a v.oiri.-'. ? ?? ???- extra. tahwiU. wil ....;.? ? ? :??' t . . ? . - ; ? ' ? ? ? ? t a_| peoj ? 1'im 1*1. Mark'a llo-imil l? Bhaertai ? i. f . ? to all. Tbi . I ". 1 ? ,;.-.i m . pari ?? Um _?n, N ? -.. \; 1 1 .... ? t'.'..- - I.?.-:.- li 110 . . nn r.'io :.-.uii .. l'i-* uecc-alt) 1.1 .ut Ui thal put ,, ine ? ity ? ? ' ? " ,,, ,.,. ,?,',, d ;. il "-it aLU o- MBMNMlBl ?'. 4 .tii "f l*ebi_arj Mr. l?? l. -e w U _>veral -m Ul rha ??- ? ? ? rpriieB. Maivii 1 ': ??? '? -*;'! ' ": r ? ? I- ,.\ I . l. < ? ?: ? ! ? ? . ? . -.. !'.- ma. ? ? i ?: ? have ;,!? ? 1 ? k a ft -. th.-. ? it ? . ? ? . ok_ri i . a ' B . Kv. . ? ihlng i ?? i ? . re wiil .-? * ? ?-. ? ? - , - pr 'fi-.? i ' I ? model pro ? '' ' ? ' ,. ., . , then* wlll I>1 . . .-...;. .,' Ul- f_|.. . ?? t'.'-l . Uu- besl >?hi Ihe |,e ? leuk'., ei< , I each ???<?. aill '.bvted '-r \ large nnmta'i of ; ,.x.i - ? md .'.. Itiid ii !?? J aid '". t!. ?'. .ihe?< "f tne ' , ' i .? ,..? 1 \ '., .-?? . ' t rhe ? ? - dei dn a .1 '."?" i ""?? . , , . ,. i ? . i i that for i t uf the itrai'l ill .?! deavt>t _ ? _ , ? . . i he i ember* ol ? Sea ^"rk. lia\ ? 1 ? -. t ?.-??? ? i ? e and ? , bring about that cnd i o ... ihc Mad - ? ' .... ?...,? fi ? ... n, ral ind \> III ? i * II -.ill ,-t.r-i . ??: ? ?I wlll, I ir -? ; .' Hmta . tlie < , ? - nl ptrt of lh ? pro. ll ? 1 INMI v , ? ., I .- 1,- wtll be , -? '* \ i, li'.i.t. Ihe Al ? | * , ? it foi ihc Itiver. nf t I ? .',,,-, ln . n ni Uon alth i'"- Vlb gory, vi || - ' with ti. aid "f th.- |ot it memliers. .?( ihe i.mnd I I , . j their ? i.cjii ral ".hernian a ,ll n'viea i ? ii io the aar u ?! ?.- , a-hen t icy i i ? ??? a ; :?.:?? . il i . tablcau wlll .'mi aith .i re\ J i , the N ? j m ,11 i'\ Ive ii-.--.n- .i T - li. t - brea-tB ? little tt.iu'i,*- .'f II ? dertnkiiig." , Mi I'- !?-.?-,.- is groatlv t terest tl t, hii? * ,1 tl :',-? praltM of in.i pw 9) -e ol ln-. I.i-I ?-!? i PROMIXF.XT \BRl\ l/> tr THF. BOTK 1 vi hi M V HLI ? Iim- I1 ?" ' "-? T Itr.i NsWU'K Mn iie, lleara '8 ? , : | - \ i I < II. *". " 1 M ?s _ ,...,. ,. llrtH . luhn D ?" MM" T I?. b 1 land PARK H^" "" -** -;"'"' ' ' . 4 , \ i, |.'i'.t \ r._..r- ,.i . ?:. : M* ,? ? ? 1MB WEATHBB REPORT. I ,,,;,i \sr 1 ? II. S P M. Mi'M'.VY. u ,. .,,. p . v ... Kea Rngtaad, I t-'?? ? V*-1 y, , ,,i, pcaaaylvaala aad Mea leraey, eeM -r hwaateri) arlada fB i aaa - i .. u,,., ;l, N,u \,. , vv. M oi ii aaayli bbbi bbb .. . .I indiana. falr. eontl uied i old ?_?Ut i ',' , . . i ? UliB taa ai I VV - 810, ,.,,,' iealn-i aouth, rl) wlnd* ?:.",,? . taiMOVI LOCAL 01_ERVATI0NS. ... ;.4_4. --_;- W-*J-^4-_j;, ? ,' J..:-,4-- .?.-*,'J"---.--''_VT"r :,, ^.S^JJ-^A *". H*'??>''- *"' '. -'I ? ?^4*^T^t_!_--?:',:' .tiii A-1 >' :_{_s_jea? 30.0 'J9 5 ,?,..-,. 4.,..,,,:.. ??';vv;:;l.:;,;r;'":;:; f.',.^"^^ ? ,i ? perry'8 PhanBaey. MB BBBB**, TribvBB fMBee, Dae. B, i i *" The Btdaa etearai <-Mt reBterday, aud k. (>i Baoaally falB, atllh aaatlag nort*. ,-!.,l\ >\;n,1~ i.i,- lempaf-tOBB fell fnini ?l? Ui IH d? ,.. twt-vvn ii.i.lii.-lit ami ?IB-lgBB. the BBBBBBB ('-_*?) i,,.,,.. '., . |uw, thi.ii il.rn_pBB__B| dar l?-t year, ,: i i 4 lower Uiat. "i, saturdaj ' |? Md ucat thta ill loday Uuwa ?.u PBBBbM ba i r fair weaili- . f<>li??ed ov t |u'.dlne?f. and .n.m. ? lf You Wm Mi'.r ihatB '?( the K..n<itnre bargala, at k'llnt/a (li brtur _,i in Uir ui .**?_*