Newspaper Page Text
HOPE OF THK BLACK MAN OVKRWHKI.MIN'i SESTIMENT IN FAVOB OF THK FEDERAL ELECTIONS fflLL, miEW ntvtiv: EXFRESSIOJCS OF OMMOS WttOht AIBO IMBBICAXS IS M.I. PARTS or Tiil'. ra" XTRY. Atlanto. ...... Dee. * . I ***__*_" pclttiiia-.v txtve i. wnn ing themselvca with tbe Jreteoeethal theytaow and raie what ******* man tforth and Soath. . thlnWng and ?ayinfi abm. Uie Fedeml Ele Mon MU, The THbune correspcndent ,;,. | ..,, ai vo??' pali - rn BBthai lnformation on tfcl$ ,?.?, at li* hands. b, cewaltta. frcclf; Hie pastor. oftkc leadinR tfrlcaa MethodUl Episcopal ana i-u * charch. ... many importanl p lnt? ;n aj|"JJ* * th,. ,,.,??,. From their answem I 1$ ej*"^that ,?c.r ronpwitloni are nnanlmously and -"? ',uy ? fftiror nf thc bill, rhese ? m********* ,air' ,?,.,? tha men and women of I.*"*,_?__ 5 ,;,,,,,,,..,:-aiv m.i, of . Imrat-? ^( ' o ablll.y. and In om.? ot v** >;? . utswcR mahe certain whsl wa. near* ?"????? ? S_._Wtln.Unee: that tl.hared elttom. Soath and .?,,? are unlted in desiring thal the men ol ther ra.o may be pnateetod in tl.nloymenl ot hel. S-Mviili. asm,:....nt.,,lthem by tbe Con* ********* mT\rm among the many a.r ?l. ai, ?, Ihe aftmaUve, ?(? Mleoted im menllon ?*? of tho s__. ?aarescntatlvc: ,,_. . . '?.eis.ii Chapel, Newport. K.v.:ai.endan..-. ^. tl... J ,- a. M, Hi.h. Ihe p-ator. ?.. bi. P??H? <""??< ET, u -the only afepuud ler the neffo a. ,. votcr ?MadUsen: tho only medlomth^wUchhceM ""' , . ,.,,,, a ritizcn ?ii"1 ;1 voter 9*m ******.,?'?;.\ '"?_,,, ?.? be el t""":1V "'TV r" w Iteratdh.- , ?; ,.I." Bap_sie unitedi sl*"-" ? f?: f* ^ Kn",Uuml W,L? pavt-r: * Xo clS- Oi people .!..,. W__l rigbl aml h.-ii.e can rlghtly oppose ?u< h a l .... "^JSt.Ty.^John'sAfrican Methodlst Eplaco Church ;ottendance 300; the Bov. James M. ruraer ..y-: -Tbe hlll ll I -???' ? I ""~!" "' ***? ***** hut th-* gnlM. '"?|| b?v$ ai v fear." Boaaoke. Va.; Bt. Paal's; att< '? > 400; the Ber. H... r. (?,;;..;?-: ?11 - ' :"' ' '? ';> Co?*?$? ttt Ite Bepu .'in partj h'i Ihem show it now. lf tbe i, :i ,- nol pasaed w teriomdj lear thal .mr paaple ln I - ?..? wm Iom laltb In thc BepnbUcan party and ? he railiod lo the standard ta sobaequew ele. Baliith n. '"? I ? ? Cyprian Afrlcan Me4hodl*1 Mseopal; tttendaticc K?; tbe i:cr. l. B, Ferebee: .?\\v petlUon the senate lor the flh and perpetuatlon of th'* Repal-ii' ?*??? party. U *bej fall te pas. ibe I Ul, ?o far m Um vote "f the neiro 1$ cancenrad tho psrty Isnow a" 11$ U(bl ?t. N'U.I.. :-:.-. N. .'? . Uuc CbapeL AJiu;ui Methodut Bptocopal; atteodaace soo; the Rev. l. i.. Slma: ''We ar- praylng mgiit .mii ?ia\ f". th- ' ill to pasa." Wlh a, -N- C; **. t ahn*. Metbodlal Episcopal * st Imf--do : the Rev. .'? H. MaStocha wrttes: "Tlw bill t- Deceoaarj to be pasaed In oede* to leeure to s? m a i- mttt thal |osl aad tt* ele. ?? m guai u teed to oa m u.e Coostii itton N ?? ?- ? l sttendance ol thls chateb, bat every Atra-Amorican In the city thlahi ****** jitacon, Oa.: Btewaid'i or Cotton*v?. Afrtean Methodlst Episcopal Church; attaadance i.M'n; thc r,.v L. II. Smlth aajra: "?'??" opinion a. tn the sasM9 ??? tbe Lodfe bttl 1- |asl whal every InteUlwnt eolr.rcd person'. w oongr$?atlon'a optalon should he.vls. II wlth tbe psasafK ot tb.- Lodm blB we are fuwan |s$d pollttcsl Ireedom. wKh reasooable protectlon be lore ?:..! tft. i l i. and wlthal, i bettei t__nlHatw. ? kangaxlsted.lo. the eetabM.l BeM snd p. ? ol '"" mucb-needed peace anl ?rospertV, tbon we pray snd hope the bUl maj j?ss. OtberwlM we d . n * want tbe i Ul pasaed nol deslrtag to increase ? . "? m *** ***** hai.dv -a-- ?? ' lu/' N ' reply of tne Rev. Mr. Smlth's, ls abwlutoi. I oue Ol the many mcetved tbal quaUflea by i bi ich a. o*.c iutic - :t' theemphatl. snd iu mln au | B lavoi ol Ibe bUl. ri ' ' tbere U -much virtueln an if " mi Dem *rata sssume th>. Me. ? a:" brtellU. eoloem rlttieas of ****** **"_ tectmn. bnt only fc*r lt may not b. enfowed, ' ?" ? - a*a tM-nn them I ???* j:'11 ,,HH,!l- A' w1"'"' ha.irt-i* Democrats. please state. xew-Vurk Clty; r Stred Afrlcat, Me? . ?alsoopal Zlon Chnreh; attendance 1,000 the Rev. :,VJ?,.. ..w. -The bUl te absolul U ^JmScalpwl .Uo o/thenepaoraee Tbei illl, that the BepnbUcan party ^^t^o^ tv- rsee U to oas- tbe blU. The Wlur. -. thl. wui i,e Ihe dertraetion ol the RopnbBean partv m* aa ktetrtevable hoa* to the negro.", v. -I-'. Mounl Zlon Alrlcan Metbodtet Bpta copal ChnKh; tbe Rev. J. Tl - ?- WBR. ***?? u_ sUi.;'l,V; .,'?; ? ; ei nesei Alrlcan MethodW ? ?. .tor i ? - | - irtunity to expn-as lt. .. o i lun >" I !, lixM^ atlnTE ' ' '???? .... olthe . ?P,-bel ' UTo. ti.e Re^ wit.-v .'.??:. : -W. ? ?? . ' "'? ??* tue pn-'A-i ?? ot i' " I'ill"' _?/.-'?:/.'."?'7TT ...v/a KEIPP1KQ. Froman Intervl ? : 'J ?" "': ' '' (Me.) Jouri tl. Bucf. ' Ity wii ? ? ' Canid- ? ? eparal la ? "?( fetaui : .n-'.:"?"? ,:;,'r /.':V. _ v me ' ' ' , ": sasn ?? ?$ ? ',i .': ?;?... i',v-,";,v i-.i.i.iv r... ? - ? . ' ao 1 ?? t- ;,- tiie law I ??? Iril B Al a - . ,i. mi und.? : wtatoverd ,...,; mii yurd .. !???- <!??? " ??''" ? ', vi...' ? ui 'l.- Mtkii.l.*) hlll. .'11 nmie ? ? . . ' I ' I ';,',,.,...: . . u..'....,-,. J ii Ihi. I usliiw liaey ?"- ' . .. .? i ; : . _?) -.. h Un. front U.'"'" * ? , ? |||.e. und nid.r ..'.?-> Oie> heei. ? ' lp from '" '. Si. .Wt 1-iM* dl' 1 . ,\ .... , enoru. ... addiilonal ad. ' .,.,.-. ..' th. riira. /? and i-????*. M ?ben pl) New York aod l ?? nos \\i-. and tln dlfh ??''"?- :i"-n';,_":'";_c hhe canVarrj ftein I ;"/r Uu.'" ,,:-k;,:.:,!\v.- :;,., - ? Di'-r.T i ?r i *' * -i ' * "? . .1,-. Btean - "? Une Kvera n ritl. e i ? rn.-':. '.f V-;-, ?- a-hlh- we iii.-iii ni ?crj ..'. ...... . ,,,,,,,? ? , it our own (' . '"''', * ? irelmi. We pay abo MOO..KMI ? year for oui f'.r-i/n mall ? o.oa.I 11 <?> tore arii ^"'^ atid mahe out ol l -'( '" ? mlllloa dollanj annually, while i ? uland payi I oi i Ui ???? a ' ' '"?? . ? dollam a yi ; ? ' ' fort-lirn maih i ? ' ? ,"?:? "f :' " and a half old ?.:.; ? d ? ? . All th.? naUoiin i ? pie ??"?t I.y 1 Tii.- reaull is, the i i IUsl -?..?? or, the <n-.'.ii t..-ia\. snd " i- eeduced Ui llw humllla tio:i of tl ua. ? I ? ' -" " '"" ?,;,m- ,... :- and are ' "'" '?'' siun- oi our '??? .. B.'e ha an miormou f r .? . ,?,.;,,. ,ii<i ,t ball ni dollars a rea. oui ??:?? ? . u rj rm ? lhai Ul |aei . en( ? " ' So* loi the butldliiK UP ol a Irade wlth an) I eountr) reall. .ipen ' ? me atten pl i " anfl rertaln mall U.e - u >l '? I) . <. . lin- mer clm-it ruiivt Know when the letter, liie order or tha d.-iiti e*m leave, will arrlve, and the retorn he niafle. 11^ cannot, In the?c da* - be remlttod I ? I frelshter for i..- ii ? ;i-'i" :"'<J ' " *u Ireiichts, and certalnJ) will trade wilh lhal coautry whicn sffordv the* re?|Ulslte fa. Illth ?. Idii ,1,,- p?-'/ 'i.ti'.n "f ..ur Um' on the oceun f* ou.n the ei.acuneut Into law "f both tln The ??<?. mr of fonr or llv. lli ?? ."I Ums, rapable <.f BMlntaltiinn al sea twentj h .( un hour, i msumiiiti fron. two I" three bui dred lo ? (d i ?? .1 - day, em ploylns* it. itv handlln. from one h mdivd t,, ,?,.- |, i sl __,(( itttv men, b. .- lor .-oarse i d earasa. aud c.uld m.i nfford lo carry ih. m 11 ? had She mnal be the mall ?trrlei aud the pllol fm eoninie.-.e. The '*Chi?*a?i Llmltcd" l? a i,.-..--rv now iml th.- frHeht traln nannol be dl?|emscd with, The same condltlon attaebei ... the oeean and IU W'Dt". lai'.iiiiiy u. Hie "T.irui.ii".- bill i- adeqaata for both cUsw - ?.f -..-vv.-U-.' Thlrt.a . loi. fo. - ? ?' Ihouawod mllc^ wlled l? ample, and lf It was e$rUU tn be tbe law f.? i- ten year* wonld irlve ..?. all Um uhlpa re-iulred: but nn surh rcrtalnty uttaehea t.. lt. nor _an, Iii. enormous rapltal rcqulned f.<r the*? .--.-. ifi mall vhip-, the immcn.?1 of Ihetr main !??? anee, .nui Ln. en ei|iienl I hlllly of emploi in-- nien. n. ordinary traiisportaUon, make it lm i" itlv ? that Ihe | nrtle -n_ i i -' Into -.., I. ,'i. t.-.pii-. - -i.iii Know ii, advamc Jual whal tbej n i) ,l,-]" npon. Tho Po.tal sub^ld) blll mects Ihl* re iiniremeni hy ;> hnnntv Bboul thc sanM, wlth iBithor ity ln tii-- PoKtmastcr-iieneral t" make contracta foi ? aj menl for .. term "f yeara. Reclpaoelt) with any South or Central Vmer|e|n re publi. :.i.'l there i> where we maj rea?onabIy look, for Ihe rrratloii of ., mnrkel wouM '?? only snch In name without mall iteamslilp and fr 1ghl - line of our own. , WHEAT IX WASHINGTON. NOT EBfOUGH RAILROAD ( -RS TO MOVE IT. TBE TEtAR- PROP VT TWIATV PIVE lUUfiox BVsnELS, vvrrn thri e mill 10NS OP OATS VM. FOUR *?XD V lt VI.I' MIlfLIOXR OF KVIlT.l.Y. Beattle, w.iAx.. Xov. 2<< (Sierlali.- Petnnw trom the greal graln region* ol Washlngton shoa an n lonlshlng produ.: of wh...' thl **) ar. i rom the be t o ii i. learned that tho ylcld wlll nol in les? than ?5,000,000 buahels. Thls. for a -'it-' ?" new, K verj BnrpriBlng. Tho largeai ylcld "f Cnlifotpia. wlth more tl..ii t<n tin-.'. ;.~ much .iii devotcd to wheat, waa 07,000,000, but -lii'C that time Ihe soil ),..- growa let ,,,| ;,. adapted lo nnUI bow ii ioet boI average more Umb IlteeB or dghteeji buslicls lo the acre. WaBblBRton'B yleM Ib all the more rtriklng when tiK.t oflasl year only tboul 3,000,000 bnshcl* - li rontraated wWh It. Thl* year, however, h very large area ol new .11 k_ bronght nnder raltlvuUon and town tn wbeat It ls e Umated thal .Yhltm ut i oni tj, wul. onlv o.fourth "f ii area devoted Ui wheat, ibj prudflced 8,000.000 ba np'-. ''"' region Bouth ol Wm!. Blver !', Un Oregori llno 7,0t_),000, Ihe Rlg Bend i I ColvlUe rcglons 2,000,000, and vaiioni other nectlons of thc Btate enough more to mahe Uie 25,000.000. The yleM "f oatt I? about "J.OOO.OOfl bushels, and ol liarlej about l._00_B_l bushcls. The graunerle* ol Eastern VVa&hlngton arc llterally bumthig. There nol ro ?ra ln them Ioi ?? tenth pari ol the wbeat. For ? u ha. i.ii plled many leel high in sacks in the ih'l'1- aad .' Ihe i illwaj station*, while ihe rolllng .,-? k "f .'.ll the rallways wai inadequate to take I away. Ilul even if the wheal had heen brought tn tlde water t" Pngel Bound. or floated down the Colum? bla, i'- Home ol ii mlghl have I.n, nn barges, but UttlB of it cirald Imve been rarrled away. oa . , . , . dolayed wlth t irgo, li inBtralla, .... Minrn .trike Ui. re. II mlght have tnred al Udcwater. however. ;i..'i Ua* farmer*. paid lome i in rj on It \- it la, Uiey rannot pet an* ,, ,?_,... . . ?? ol the difBculty ol ftettlni ? u ? ? indlgnant 11 wlll lake tlll Julj nexl I i move U."I'. and it li by no mcani certalu Ihat II wiu all he out by thnt Ume. A cai li 'Idi :>:i0 buBh,:-, and to Iransporl the wheat ol Whitinan rountj ? ? ? wlll requlre 24.242 rars. BaUmaUng elghteen car* a, Un. II wUl req ilre 1.847 aep-i ile ra t.i tr-naporl n.e wheat ol a Blngl.untj ofhclali of the I'nion Paclfic Railway *?y ?hei enough (_-_ Uon* their road la Baateni Waahlngton i., ,|, ,j, all Ihetr avallabk .ar. btwy lor more than u year, or I U JaaBary, l-H_. DlBBatlBfarl ??'. ?' '" kvk of mn hirnl bed bj I nUli , -.?-. wto| epace. .lay' reguliil Uie _pokane and Palouac Railroad ?*?"? foi 200 and ..II they couM gel waa mjvi teen I - _ am-unt B- wheal per Bere Ib about fortj I u i.. . are Boorea ol l-stancei arhere farmi ul -'?> ,,, 300 b t. i each bave averafed M ? d ?'?" b Prank IIUL had 45 aorea whl h ? i?,,! i pound* per a. re. E. bradle., ? ' paj _ baa 10 ? -' "2 buah. I I i berry, ol Watervlllc bi the big Bcnd . mntry, vostcd an average of 77 bu-hel. from i-\ a;.,: -i- bushels lrom another ?><?? Kamuel Hnl . pi riuced 02 l - buah. ... ea of an a toalab-ig yleM mlghl be cited. bat " whoat giowers'waB raused Uiia year when _. J. '? cutl pr duced >n Uia farm Dear Pullman l"! ,,; ., -.:.-?!- acre. Tlrti .- Ute trlamph of Waihli ? ?' ? ' ? l? that they af U, it.ii. eamule* ol ;v.- ? i*? <";, exld -'.i'l ._ Uie N.irthwe ?? n Expo lt_i . Ie M .,... ,-. ,. ntre nf 1 ? ?? '? ?'? early I uallv l'!:'*vl unt ....iu',1. md _ ,. ., j ?,, ,,..,?> on u!..m- ? ,av.-,_ ...mi) lo. I e...,.)?!, . ai 10 wnla. ln rhlcogo uiifj daj I l ?,] '' ?'' ' - -] ii* ?.n tii-- _une d ? - * i' ? were pavli .- 4?. lo 47 ooni Tr_i,.uurUUo? froi ly, I'hToago _. 32 1 il ? ;?? . , . for 70 1-2. I'-fiv .i iian ?' ? , T ??? ik-dnt 'i:_- " "i"- " ? "? :-. . uidil-'J ??" t. for Ulffcn 1 ?* ";:.' ,' hcre li r.n_-o,iiciice ols m ll ?'? ,:? ? - ?*i ?? '?? aud a*_Ti th " Uie rall ' ' ?? ;' . ., | ? ? ? .. .?? , ? ' ? ? ' r ? ? ? Wa ra Iroad froni ? ? ; ? ?..-?: of abo ? > ' '?? ?*<? ": " ' '. . ? .... , patc nf ?::?. ?;? - .'1 -? I Pa '? I '. ? i! ' ..? I.trl.k ? ' l al ' ' |, ,-_i ?? " i l?v j-',. j ' >ng. and H I ,. , n .. ri..- il the move _ A UI' iE ABOARD OF A < l-V ILBOAT. V BE*, :: : H '? . ??? Ki'.i-I IT FROM I t \ . THK ll"M V I.N Tlll ' IR' "? \V,? ?? ? -. !?? ? -. . 1>" . -J. -"Thc Ma a be* do," i ?' u old re Id-1 I ol thi \Vv< ? : . \\ ? ' | . , < II ll ,.-,.. | .. taklnir a i ? ' ' !l?" . 0f a lioal nd we had II ' mlle streteh of oa 1.1 a stoep mouutaln o I I ' -?? ? i md I wei ? .nf'.l .-lo-.v ot BOU-H " . Ihe ?? ? " ?? ? | | Kc t1 H ... II lu, .1 up Iti no??? r 1 I- I, kcpl i ntnll J ? ' ??-' l" l a_l thc tl nd a. led u II I wanted t ? ? omo ,,., i,,,.,:??). '1 .- '" ? .i a lon oi "!,-?? "f io- ? ?. hi th_ md Uie owi ?? .id th il th had cv ? I . . ..- ? f |{ up, *. ? , :. -i ' ll Hl i '-? 1 -? I kind, rhed t*m la ni WMj j.., |t havi u '? '- n ????''.. ii ? niitinuc i to ' , .? ? , ff wlth lt, - ' .1 ' ,., ,. ,i .-,,,-, ed ii- i II. When Ihe I oal h wi al. ail ?. of the ui o.l-. Jack U ' ' lh,. boal lel drlv ? al Ihe l"-.n a II i B h, r* ,,;! || i? iu,-,-ii ihe ??>?? i -. ? . ? , ., i tmipletf. s,. ii, Uie beui. _t.d i' w -. I. lo . ??? u ,; at,?( K-.o-... ?? Ihe '?-?-' : i evenil - iie ? tl opp .!? the bo tt, aud Ihen all ? aa -i 11, ?Ily Uiat llm< II wa gctlb.g duak, and Ihe full moon soon i ume ip ln ?' rlcar ? \. V Uu: luaw I we wcre , . nvcl* be drlver \< ll *1 l?i k U. ? d i , ,i ., heai bad |u l aaddlcd oul ul ti:- amall ;, fi-\.- yard* ahead ol the mule* and ? . huftlini: aloiiu il,,. towputh. Wc eonkln't *ee it ln Uie dini light, iind aa we dldn'1 h tv, _ny guu we pald lltll ? att* ntion ? ? ,,' , ?' i arther on the t oul tli!ii the b< tr wa* inuklng t-,i the ? l- irli . and lh*l ;' kept kMklUg oo: lt-. -hoiiil,, ever) f-"A itcp When wi gol ?<-n o-ji of ihe v-.,.i- UM drlver reported thal the ix.n had i II Ua towpath, ?Lnu k ii. to .. publi. road, rlrnled around and rro od ,, brM|. ""'??, Uw raual. Tha i,i-t pari ul '.. Btate nic.ii wa :. t true, aa _**ei_B praved, though ba th u,.-h! .t v,,i ;.i iln- time. ?My bost ?.: <i i were ilttlug on ;. bem-h looking a.) thc moon trom Ibe msii ol Ibe l"it. IVhou Un der the i.iiiti- we hcard iimietliliit; hearj thi : ??? : ? ? ' ind -i . and i.w.h,.',_- .-,,,., n ,,-,,. ^ i-, - . ., a !,.,t ii v.;, . i li, re I ? ?i Uie be u fa< Ui it *..,.- nllfliiK i ? "I and .i.ovinu it. la*ad ii"i ., Um igbl II w < irv Ing lo p.i nui a .,' ;,n i.. ....; luid -'iiti'i. md before my foiupnniifii liad ,, think aiiul t" ?!?? alth the heai Jack nv? ;. \ell aud tli-!..-'l it th. I',..' v. ith .t 1 lub, II. llll It I oii tiie -,,!- ,,i :i head, and wat goltifi i-, deal II : I,;,,. . ,. hi n ' he lieui nji ivlth onu oj Iti wia - and kiu* ked hli i hc i- over heai] Into Uie ? inal. I'tou , ii i, r,,i, i-i !."??? alonu the il"". ui icar i. ol the, huncy ii had iuell. d, _ud are boUi plt. hed ul ..ii.nil'.il ,i over ibe Im ad IUi Iron ban, i lu U_i i .. ..i'l tall and begnn lu b. Ilow Mo-;. huli . * glnu from . .,!?- nf Um i. ?'?! lo Uie oUw r. We foll. ?ed II up und pounded it %o hard over ibe t:''mi ,.nd shoulden Ihat H ii.-h'.l j,a-t ii-. tumbhni: over .?reryUili.(i lu lt? .,?., .md .pranii (io... Um dde "t thc I ?t, srranibled ,|, ihe bauk bm wanl _?n Um (owpaUi tuward tlie wood. I'lu- uwner "f the boal llod np for Uie nlght ii.;ht , . and ii. i.. who hi-l erawlcd iml oi tin- iquddi ,_,t.-r v. 11'i-.,11 any aasUtance, fouud thal bi l?,.i, so badlj tbumped bj Uie b. u thal .aildn'i ii,,. io- riglri ...iii at Ul, We gol him aboard and ,,vi him lo Ih*i. .iml tbe next da) hc aaid ln i ...,re nii.1 lame all over. ii" *tayed In bed foi fiau d_j and i ? tna Um real ol Um tnp tha ewaar i*-) lo stexr Ihe bo_t hln-at'-" AMERICANS AS FINANCIEBS. IIOW i 111V ARK Rl GARDED A.BROAD. I/i\!)n\ \M? i> \ in . IMAZBD IT \[ W Vl'-K's Rl ? : AT DlSl'bAV OP POWER \ TALK w rnt MK. PAOE. One nf Ihe im--.-iu.T- nn the Teate. whh li **** hvi* here Wednesds) .fterno ? . -.- ? Hathanlel l''"''- "f Washlngton, who has made twentj two transatlantle trips in hall .im number ol .ears, and has become i rell known among the Un uiclei oi th ' :i-'" ' mctrnpoll* a he ls here. Less than two months ago Mr, rn ' i : rlty fo Lond m ?? ' I erlln. ? '"' bl thnt short ipa.f time be has srcompllshed the pa. |..v.. ,,r iu. tnp. found ample ipi irtunlt) I ?" enjojr ment. an.l trsvelled home in \ lelsnrelj way. A Trlbune reporter fnand imn al the 1'ifth tvenue Hotel ye ti -'I iv . ni,il i :.iti'-,1 Wltli ! I'i. al. mt l!i- Dl I ; .' ?i thc foreign money renlres. ? lt ?a> Ju-i abont as ti^lit a wineeic a- London ronld itand withotil going under." said Mr. ft?ge. ufor ln.! i'i- a- i-i.,,,". t1 ? liank ol l i'1 "' '." wlthheld another Iwcnty four !. . the Bsna ol En_ land'i nol have tah.p Ihe Itaringi' and ? ?'"? of ?.. iller ? iid Incvltabl) I ave followed Ui- collapse ol tln- Harinits. Thc llartn* naarantee i- baefced up i.v more name than have been m ...ii- pnMI.. for it reqnh d . ln mendoo linc ol credit. i am Informed that Engll li i ipltal :' h*va lost i.v.-i .-:;.. i.i ir ii i,< m ??? a, pouth Vmerlcan -i.ilationi in tbe la-t th-c years, m y.ra ran sppreclate whal ? di-iin iIich- im beon "ii t.Um ol London bai hon -. Thls monej wa- abont equallj dlvlded be ttreen government nid IndnaUial Investmenl snd it l ,,i, i :i the bnlk >>f M were ? total ha -. The Instahilltj ol tii'- ......i!i American govemmenl .and the nnmrnpnlons schemea of some of their polll n ? xn I,!.. for thl. wrechage ol Engllsh . iplt. I. When it will end, and how, no fore?ce. There mnsi be Uquhlatlon snd ? footing ap ol balancc beforc i mfMcnce , an be (nll) r lored Thal will I,. ii.\ months .?( Imiulrj and ?? rhen yon <l ? n..t bsah for ?? rapld building np of ,,.,:. ih.. reporter ?*_ed Mr r ..- ? ??! d, ,,.,,.?? he .-. pli. ?!. Ihou '.. di in.'- ihl -?im?'?/?-, Englaud i . .mmerrlallj aonnd al Thls hns been ? donghlng off, tl. h II decper lhan wa rxpccled. it --*vill resull i and I sntlclpnte In Ih.mtry ?- w 11. In Ihe *?? iihdrawal o| i apltal from pnrelj p rulallve oi '...'.;? u ilcn d i p, ?-,. . bul l bellc e the dlfllrnlty in seeurlng eapitfll. The crl ha helped ... ln thl* re pei t. lhal II li i den ?i ti vortA; . nd lo no country more than Bnglaod. lhal we can lahe ,.,,.f ,,:,,,->.. over here rhe ara) Scw-Vorh wlth stood .ln- .iiivii wa- a -urpii-'- lo Londonera. and an :,:,. ,,;,.?. i ran uwure you tn tn ei I. xi ? ' ln London ol ihe time. II opened ihe eyc* "f hwetgn ,.. _,, ,i .,;...,? . . aatrj ? - ?>''?' >blj !:i ,!"'' < ;i matton as n ??? ?nej . enti n !- better Im] xr4 txt tn ? ?? < ? .ffalr." eoatlnned Mi l?a?i i >mes al . Hnae when 1 la feettng thal we ? ?? ? ttreat i polnt .1 ad .1!,.-: -.-? th" Sonth Amerli u i ; bl ? >a. >' ? the itablllt) ..( i ? '"?'? ' ?' ? ' plan ontllned hy Secretary Illalne. Ilh p Ib) trarried al ad a. i otli I ? Bnropcan i ?_?.rn? Jv.- the power und I Western HemUphere u .1 Ibal we are i ? ? do ll. Bugland wa. prepartns '?? 6 ' ?' , ;_,?., hn_, doni - -aii. tnu rli ui sffbli ? ... h. broushl tha bim i- tt.-- - ' ... - , ,. revei i.i- latus ,. the foren osl tn ? i lt .???>' '?? ?Whal did you in Ki .kind aboal tbo M K bill porter ii aiulrcd. i -. 1 thal ..." re had ? _ ralue ol go ?l. exp Mr. I'l I " rad. but il r.nplatid regards Amei I sell us ' ? ' li i ? : I . ??: ' ' Deni l . .ii . au . ?::,??:. " ? ? ' ' , , I I thi llepnbl .' ? ? ? ? ' ? ' ?' tl** l\ -. . ..:. rh. v ? ' mtoil ... Itcpu ? ' | ? """ll". '.mt thls fccJtna -tl a prebalil" rc|s-al i- ? ? ' ' ' .. ' .... r. I rvwi ? ?? ?. ? ? 1 ' 1 , ? ' ' ? ? ?'" ? ' ? ' ? .... ? tlon lo c.iil.-l : ? ? ? ? ei nll ""l ? t lllfl ? ? ' . ? ln i.'.c ??' |, ,si-i,'. un ror nu t\ m.dexsiaxs* ciruRcn. , ni.vm .' ' . ? " ? ' '? IIK.M' l-'i'. THI f?A1 \ , i<\ I S I 1 M.I , .,. ? ? , ? . . i- .- ? and in i. '''?' ... ',,"111! ? ? ?: I to I ... Ihe V ind ' ... ? , . ? ?? i i". and i'i i >' ? '? tf~4 r ? . into '?>" i lu d ui i ? iii'->- in i'i d ' itlacsed " ?| |v ,?_ ,..,?' ? ? ,,l ? ?? I, ;,. ,p| ? ? ? i i i nf Maly ai 'I I |.) my I iant ii i ., Iiii i riiun :.. I Koii.i ,!? -I "III . , I. _i ;,? repn ibd lu llll' S) ? ' ? - '? ' .'|'"l ??. (Ini iiitiiiiii . i hcvalier i ! fl, ii.I . ?? Ing '". t* .? i. ln .. .? ? i-er 11. pupil ? , lt liuas . illig O.I III I'.l; ? |t ,.'. ? l!l IU ler h lluiii" ln I A ii." I'-'.-'' ,A| . n .i-? tiu i 'i ? II.?? nl i ,. nd (i ? rn .-> im i '.' ' .b of theli diltli it It l? i-onvc. atlm wlt'i a ,'i'iiiic, ..'...- Hi" or ne i d - In our oavti v:il ' ? have i, ?.? i ? .??.'. I'ur ? aitei ? ? f onlv two '".ni frotn l ." will lllld luiii-i l: in a l'l'.t.--ta,il 1.1 lld. I liaVC Ish-II ill Ilic i ,,,'. : ? , ? ,r ?? a i ?... ?.'.-. 1.1, .11 '! au. hen in *. "1 ? Ml l .'. ? ? ' ? < H , ., . ??..'? ?: a ni ri.- ? hai ? Kev. |, || ,;| , il Lu Im I Ihl ? t ? I li . ? ili-a U i ,, . ,] v. Mi-. ai'- Who wi-li""- to send me ri'.iii" r , , . ,,'v i n i-i t n iii i?i do ' ' ?.? wl have !,,,? |_ed to iai"- ??'?'...?r.,n i return." ? ? .. LADIES' BECBPTIOS \r III:' CMTBOUC CtTB. 'i he cntii-.lii ' ,uh ? Ml jrlve t ladli ' n ? ptlon on : .. rhe h'-v. i ulkllng ls ,rd i apidlj und will nndoubledlj <??? readj i ..,, . li.,- ,,|,i , lub hog '? having been ,,!,i, || , ,,., i" varated un ,lul) I, ulllumgh an .-xt.-ti ,,,,, n i\ ." rranleil . 11,, |. n.te Ihe elnh wtll ..,., ......-: I ln, thirt) ?i\ , . |, .,.? ...,- luivlng I". n c.ii .lled ... he I ? ' ..." Ung CHEAPEST BOOKSTORE IN THE WCRLO. 265.672 ,'"r?r,,u.'.' {'VV'.'m "".?_".(?_. 354.672 ********* ????..Itr^Auet 158.782 ****** '*?'** ?"nK'* **x-f tsv niici OBAND llaailli.) ( \t\i.(H.i I ******* 81 CHAMBERS-ST., 3d Dusi H"i (-H? IUII I'ark, MH'.IOBE For Cbristmas TrfE, _^_^_iv.tNJ.^.^^ ?Jrj - - IT __ __. _>\ \ I .5. _f %!.?? wiil publish a handsomely 2^ printed and daintily <vj illustrate-d Spccial Issue, -1 full of Christmas Cht_er,; g including ___ _v\ 5j Common-Scnsc in Chvistmas Gifh by HELEN JAY. |j Dressing a Chvistmas Tree, by MRS. A. G. LEWIS. |] Dccovatiug a \ Church Altar, 5Jj by EBEN E. REXFORD.^f jj i Conducting % Chvistmas mVv.,m -3 Festvvals, U^b ? ?^ by MRS. A. G. LEWIS. %)j| ^ 1 _-___> ?m ^ Chvistmas Tea, . , ? by MRS. M.B. BROWN. *\. ' v\f ^j December Number Now Ready on the 3 Ncwa Stands. 10 CENTS A COPY. 1 Cend a Dollar for 1891 Subscription and you may | 3 have thc Thanksgiving and Christmas Numbers Free. K ?? CURTIS PUBLISHING C0? Philadclphia, Pa. fe I /'/_ /i'"7/ Al //'_''/'. I't. ? i rhe I'.ll V dl Uaxd . ? , ? ?? ? ' ? I : li ' tbo i.r .:.,:-. i ?. Ur. K ' ' ? it rin ? ? 14 ?? no** ? wn d ? iiUtioii* * . .. t ? i ; .i.i ? i ? ? ? ? uiiU ol : i ' , . , . l ' . ' - _,|, when he Mmi-II lu. * ? ' | fanillj "?rvaiit. i : - II |..i Ume fl i '-' V 'd -. IU. -r- l" ' .., :, ri. I ' ? ?? 1 - , ?,,? ,,f the w.-rtd. bul wlth nn uv Uian tl.c ... ' '. I' '' ., . ....... t in... .... ., i. >'.\ -, N.'.l.- Iti i Mll'l i ? ? ? ? - i .!.'...,,-. t iti Kl.'it* , , -r u I pul.llt . ? , - ul.-Ii l?l L. . I. ...1 ,, ? . ' *?-|H IHI. - nr. Koi Ua tui .-,: un ibtiii '.i "'? l? k, "'? li' ii '? ' " biiiI .ln ? .,i.-,,iii-. ui. i ri" . .lowly, and ? m - lu ~_<tj '?? mi nnt, ? i. pt lhai ?? ' '? i.i.i_k , -?ii. ln * it ?' ? i. ll. i- ': ,, . ,| , : ? i '. ? -I ' '1,. tlirll .H'.-l. i:.'l i.i.i,- b airkcd nn I ' ' : - ' 'V ""' uiillke u l-dl. 'i ? ' - - '" '??? ? ' ' ?;"w i. i, , ..,,,..t,r.iri . nl iluli II . uilvali we .ImII iii-f- ? ia ?,. liim .1 aurh, Bml i ? .n nu more im. puii.tuallj '? 2 P , h. wtii - li '"" ' ' tlie in, : rruiial " I ?'" i ? ' ' " , ;'' lui'i.i ,,.,,' ? i'iB ile . ui ? II, ht, iweel dl h, and, I ? itni-ii. nn ? ith, i i'1" ' "; ,:'i' , i.r Roeh . -mn I tcllcelual rnthei than phy.ical in.t li- i? mi h?i initlitiur i ' at rhe llerlln I ulwr.ii) and Iie kiiov* wel thal liunun -,,!i-: md sl f ?"> .., . , a ia '.'i '" tafc.""' ,M*dll) ? nei , : ,. ' tiiio l,. dia ? ' ilthl MI' ewn ufteni. VV lien tlic i I.M-k -mi.-' ?'?? tlu ''' '""" h'*t'l '? - "l* tlie Itnuikcn-itrn ?? Bitd k<l !?) b .Miijl) ; baltcrn u.-weat bull lal lc* ? ' oaifiirtalib i ? ' Ins dapple iraj riie .ii.iin.l li,.' '? Id I""- "."'"'"?? where '? .inii %t\A lurn* '" I""* at "'" ,l' ' '''"'' ?*'' "' l1""" tl. i?'..,,.. Uie .ten ln the lltlle ? .nl rarrtci ..f the . , ,, ihc top 1" i "' ah ''' tbe i . ' >or live*. I .. - r.tiv lu< r.unca ln m attin . *. i..-'. ?- ?_? u ever ?ii in i:..U'i, Ro?v. wouhl he tlie Ju.f the riiilia tii... nlBht. Bnd whirh. <*ve*i al nerltn. I re punted v.lth B ."Hli,..tu,'"i mlle. Were the . .?? tWI.II 8 i..?t .i hc ? t ft '" ' ?i hait ,.-,1,1,.- iu.t ,i iml'- oettt -'<??? ?'""'l and ?P Lnt'Khtli-Sn" lh.-man int.jnurhhat and the Hiiini,,. rual werc .noth-r i-mar. k. for 11 u about thc lame time thal ' manled ? I rr drlelwruh -,, i-t .?.. th.?./ ' I ? te'srss ;";;:': Un and ' ','',', ,, ^.i fa. I.r I- ... ll'- ' >l ' ?'' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ao tn. ,,.,,?,,.;, ?. , ,, i I, and iinl before thc . ? . ,, .' , ... . .. ,. ?!^_?n '- ';h ?___, *mf^ . ?d haa!hh|8fMnawtthm E_^_3_. ?.. tbc -53-..,...r. toW U. lur It - aa. tion. hu ? ' ; wlth ni": ???'. " 'i ' ? ? BOT >' RPBJSED AT MB. UIGGISS'S TROCBLB. The -??:?' ?? >ry i n h u "" "f rharl. s. Illcglns _ i inun I by ti 'rrlng Ihe I dn .,. ? . npiiny. did it sun ,- all fi.mllisr with ihe ufl t.,, 1... ,a ? 1,: 1 II im ' ' ' llli/s'liii bachcd ln the mian.agen.eni ol Mi :.,,? i.\ n. 1.. I'l arber, aud tbal Mr. rhurber h..i Ind. rsed a ln ... .,.,? .f.,,?..i?..i. i hi v i -?.?? : armcrlj ? |n the Hoard of Hridge 11 -* * - - .. bul M ,!,., uneri to t 31i lllggli - ? - ? une and Mayor ?? .. .,,-! .1 ' ? r. he pui .11 ? .!-. - W 'i a." r Mr ii.-- v hls h n?e ? ' N ?? PtemiHj'.r -? . . : ?. L. 1. HOLIDAY ffEDDIH__PBESENTS. A Great DeaJ for a Litile Money. FURNITURE. Ud_M* Deekl ... |l?.00?ad I ;M?snl And N:..iii-iiiiI? (Mhrr ">iv|.-m. Hiiin.lina C'aMaeta. (Md Desigaa I MII and 1 pward >i,.-i, ,,i,i,,.?.-. wlth ll??? ? I' *?! 1.99 and I pward ?m.I.-i.iII.IW ain.l." ( "i.i Tahle- .9.00aad I pward Iti. lii v t plo.i .er.-d. anti i ( him. |lfl Ot aad l pwari" llsski aa, s, all '.* aat* m.u I pward . du all ' - n ? -: ? ' ? i ?? : , m N 'i' IBI.B" RAHBLff, I.ADIBrt' TOILET KTAXIIJ*, atr.V-. h,\*\ IHAIBH. . II %VIM. r?T..M?-. (Ilil PONIEBErt, . ll I.v \ I. i.i. .-"?.*.-. BBCF.PTIOM t'HAIKH, LIBBABY TABLE"". PEDErtTALM, >*i BBBB8, A.'., t\t. A|.s,i ,. , PIIOPOSR . LOSI N'. IU T I'l I i.i-.n.v .'i .: r*i i im 1.1* >iK t'OVEBBD PABLOB II ItMil'lli:. NOVl I. NTYI.KS v M. I I.' .. \N . , . I.KIXii. AT Sl . II PKIl -S ._ W II l III r .Ji IXSKK. TION I" I N fl III \ ?-M.;.. ?Ill \ Of THI at \i\KH." GEO.C.FLINTCO, FURNITURE MAKERS, 104. 106 AND 108 WEST 14TH ST. Holiday Presents IM. Wedding Gifts IN IVORY, TORTOISE SHELL, A3VJD PEARL. A si'li'ct BBBortmenl of fvorj Tollel Sfis, Mirrors. Brualies, (oiniis, Hair Pins, etc. To be r. obote & eo.3 114 East 14th St., Betweca Id iad nu Ave.., opp. acadono ot Mu i. l.-r aiii.isiir.:. im.. RABPEL BAREM0RE A. BILLINGS, I ni'uiiTl ll" tat DIAMONDS v. i> "I HKB PRI ? " ' ' ? ? ? iha iar-r. -'. a-.".' .il ' i i ? ??? ?? ' ? ?'? aad Dl u u id .itry. 6a UAM9AV bTKKE. AM> 29 M.\li>:.\ l.a.M., K. V.; 1 KC 4.M.IU.W'. ITB4&EX. LuNdu.n. I LADIES AND (IKNThKlMEV who wi .1 to expreaa theif appr. mtioa ol a physiciau'a kindly Bt rrice- by mmdmi I _in tlial is elegant and oseftiL, bal not i indt'Hcately expenaive, %vill <1<> well ta ; examine the gennine lealaldii audealf. skin V'isitiuc List- and Diariea spe. I ciallj iiiamil'ai'tiii'i'il for the prolession | i.v the undenigned. Drs.riptivo c_P** culai- wiil be mailed, If deaiied, to anyi I _iv.-ii addreaa, or a mesaenger witi* i sampie- ?>r theae goods wiil Iie sent to 1 residences in this city upon anplica* tion. WII. 1.1AM WOOD & COMPANY, 56 ami 58 Lafayette Place, N'ew-Vork. -.i PBBIOB to EVTBY irTHBB LAU91BAM9BJBM .MIO.I vl.lTV OF LIOIITv AK*?__l TKLY .tii: ivii PEBI kitlv .i.mim.e. Tlie "Rochester" Lamp I- THK WOMirit Ol TIIE AI.E AND A " BOOX TOTUBPI HI.K '-VIOKETIIAN 1,000.000 AI.ItK.t l>Y _OI.ll. l.o.lll -ABIETtKll IKOM IVIIIl II TO SEI.BO-, VVIIHHM. AM) CHBIBT-UB I.IFT*. Naaafaeiared bf IDWABD MII.LEK _ ifl, 10 .ti.l li I oll.-iii- I'lu.-r. _???--Yark, ;; . . n i_rk I'lace and Bar '<??-' heai for rircnua. LADIES, ATTENTION. DON T FAIL TO CALL AT OUit RETAIL SAIESROOM, 929 BROADWAY, N. Y., AMI BXABUBM THE IIA_D?_*.-E Family Sewing Machine, N1NE ilLUONTH ONE -KOIMtED _*? IIB AND WHICH WILL 8? GiVEN AWAY A Ktv\ BAYB BEFORE CHRISTMA8. Tl( 8-CT_ NOW IlKIMI I***.IBB FKEB. I 11.!. AVU _ET O-K. \ lll.l, I.IVK OT ll.'T MIEI.MWOKK NOW BV EMIIUITIO. AM) 1 Oll >A1. .. The Singer MTg Co. READY] TKE TRSBUNE MONTHLY POB MiM'iniR, CONTAININC NEW TbIFF IKDUSTRIES PBOTECTION i:\PI.AI_fED AND i>i:n;>i)i:n THE B'KIHUSV UT l\ OPERA TION. A NEW ERA OF PROGRESS. OLD AND NEW T.l-lir RATES COBFABED. PRICE 25Cb |,,;,i COPY. THE TRIBUNE CDUNTING ROOM,