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AMONG THK COLLEGES. JOHNS HOPKISS. T_STI\<; ELE T1UCAL I OSVEBTERS. Balttmore, >M.. Dee. 7 (SpertBD.-Enronnglns prog -?- i.a- been made ln Ihe dectrical departmcnl o th. johns li..i.!i.n- t nlvenlty. I tho. *>gh test oi thc enicien.y.of "eonvert. rs" hai been made. n?e* i tm ********** f"r ********* ?hc i.H'-r''"!!'^ eurrents small in .iinat.ttty l ul blgh ln vnliin* or pi.ire to t**m*** ot ****** quantity bai k>* voltago. w j -,ir]? Ineaaiateeal lampe The*d uT? are ol ireal beneflt ta lhe.electrtc UgM eom paniesand la eaasn. ll Ute Issl w-lon ***** Wm mad. -me M?. .,tnt*.t tt** ^^TZTa ?laiap . tbtnrtng the !??? ?.-::. ot ***** ** ?t_*rent Und* ^ nt i. .? *_. hnrn. Profewer Henry IT."?**?? achieved a W_to reputttkHI I.i tl.e el?rt:Kal WWM bj hll ,_Vcrii.,i_,K 11" ll;.-(lcvi.."l^ver:.ldv..?nao-a, with _ *?_.-*? to p..d........ a onrrenl ***?"**? nou.lcal maiinor. II h p.-baH." thrt a. -' -' ' ?., H new balMteg ipedallj Ho** ** ***** ?? maehlne. .I the **. al ?1? ??*?*? ?">??*?? atrueted, and -pedai attention wffl Hljj ?? > *\ developmeot ?t tl.U branoh al <'>'?,,- lt,. Thc , ?5Su.aH, pkln. ha, ******** do:..- mon." ****** ***** j in. M_Biee mtt ***** ***** ***tn\}*ai ,'' tlon ol le__alnd m Ita weHd. MM valuable ...idi- | Uoaa hare beM *** for tta mtt**** ln Um_ pasl ..). IIIOIllll-. rhe KSlgnatto. ol Dr. ?dward llBSeey llartwell B. aueelate ln physical tralnlng snd Hreetor ol Ita gynmaslum waa I greal mrprlse b<>th to tta toeultj ,,,?! tta rtudenta. Ilu ptoee *vlll be hard ... HU jip will wmaln antll January 1, wtaa hc wlU take his new place ai Iliector ol physleal tralnlng ta tta public schoota of BostoB. Thn dlrector-; ol tta nn. verslty athletic asajclation v-Hl nife tta twrtees to appoinl A. v 81 '--?? Uw Yai- plteter, i i Dr. Hartwell'i place. The Hopklni truntee. hav.- dc-: b-ti t<. ro-catabliim th.* marine laboratorj ander tta rapenrlrioo of Dr. William k. Brdoks. Thc laboratory wlU be ln tta nabaauu, aad wlU reopen lo tufl. .' ln Uology sa c\i-.-ll.-!it BeM for the 'i-.ii-' ii'.it. "I oi-l'-in; I itodle- I and researche.., which had been closed to ttam tor\ teveral years, aartng to tta wrarcltj ol lands. Tta laboratorj ara. RMintained fot Bcveral yeon al rsrtoiis polnt! ? ? ? ?' ' li -a) ? li. a!.l nt IHatUfOTt. >. C- ' ln these annual trli" valuable Mudle. were made in propaial m md nuaintenance ol the oyrter, whlcn j..,. i #u publlshed and wMtely circulated. Piw-^sor brookn ba? become an authorltj on oj'ster c.Uture. jr i--'i ihe laboratorj hought n wi. r Reld. and ln . ,lu-.i timt year ? ven ? id. nl . und r the ol Dr. nrooks, pr.*r ut. i thelr Modli - al Oreen rurtle Key, Ir .:.?? iu.han.a?. The resulti were i M, --..'?--: ! ;..,'.':? nexi ya?ii ;a part. ol twcl'v. , i). ong noi iniv ol llopklmi studenta bul ol \m.teaam trom other ".!!?.?-. speni March. Aprll, >iii\ and Jnne al New-Provldeni i, nc.r N'awau i ?? ? , , i ai fl unlvcrslty wa. unable lo ??)d "iit un rd ! ? ?? bul Dr. li. V. WII. ... wlio it now resideni nulurallal al ihe tiovemi enl ilshlng iislion :,: WoodS H"ll. Mass.. -l'l-in ^eversl montli* ?l Orecn Turtle K.-v |n Ita studa .1 mariue llle. There will be twelve or rtftoen in ihe ptirt) to spe'id nexi sprlim in th>- Rahnmsaa, and Un Inp I-. antleipaiert wlth coii Eldarable plcasure. ? >t course nearli ?H thc n.cti ln tbe binlv'-'iii ( itirse would llke lo po, but IT lircx'h. will telect Im- a**ociatca foi the eapadlticm. THE CALULOGI VNS OF PEXXIXGTalX. Pcni.iivto:,, ji, j., Dec. 7 ispecial rhe CallUaglan Literary Society ol Pennlnpton Semlnarj relebrated their twent.a nth annlversary on Priday wlth ? i oh and ploasing programme. VI 3 30 p. m, ita throe Micietv^ i.t the Mmlnary, a ol the lown Mk, aisemhled iu _c- Pra n cthurch, where they werc aateilatncd by the R. h Rlfford Selson, ol New-York, whh an addren on "Irish DroUery." At T .-.'nt o.i..'!. rii^ Mmlnary rlaapel was rrowded, the memben ol th.elety occnpylng the platform. The \.u .it proeraname waa well render. i md showed tbal -f,;., ran had beei Ui i : T aration. I'he programme ?h- a- IoUowr: Callilojtian chorns, Invoca tloo p|_l , ,!,,.?:. ?? Vn-niic ' Mi?c- Aii.'c W Kiinr. ui.'l .-.:.i...- E. Black; lalntatory, MUs B. Belle Clarke; Tauiysan's "Dream ?l Eair Women/ ;i :.. DaUarte* vi-h .M.^. M;.y l.illn.'i.' ,i Cleopaira, ***** Hnttle Vaabasklrft ;a- Heleu ol IToy, Ml*. Mlnni? Baitl. .. ]*/*****? daughter, Mlsa Belle L. -i breehl us .loan ol Arc, and Hls. >.;..--?? l,. Fordyce a- lun Basamond; voral solo, Miss (', Bsrtu . . <? .?:?, "Joan ol Ar . M Bmma P. Carmao; planp .?>!". "Martha," Ml*s Hadlo .\ __swart; recitatloii, ? Wild Zlngsnlla." M.-- Ltzxle NIMIotoa; tahJeaa, "The Totla ol ita linde"; _u_ i riectkans?Genaao. M Sl Is S. Hnntor: French, M,-s Martha vv. Hankm; spanl h, Mlsa. \. LUida rinfl; ] ? the Ught i ?., od< . val di. uiry. Mi?i A. . Limiii Grafl; vocsa duet, >!;-???. Carri. Uarbei and j MiHi^o l?. Pordyeo; benedlctlon. A |iir.i-a;it featuro of tl..- day ?iw tta wclahle ln tta parum al tta cIom ol tta entertalnment, which wa? enjoy .i hj n ny oM mu'U ni -. ??' ,i" returued io uj ra eci lo thc lsdle- ..f the society. ., . . . tho Ualll.'Ciim Society visll d the Alpha i i: ? i tiica ?;?'... tnlj grwtcd wlin a p - i- programm.*. Ihere ihe.. made thelr ithcan Ilill. v. hl' li ha > lieen ' it-hed ln a band naamicr. Tlae propranitne pr -<*ntcd by ,'i-lj.-. nuiucd ? ..^ ,,ii..t Iiiter' Un -. ai d i the . losc ol i thr ? . ? urned lo i,.?? ? i Hall, wliich vl.tatloti. DARTMOITU. IU ver, X. 11.. l) '.. 7 -, Iihb <i" i?'??>! '?> have ?' i da* exer. next breneenu-nt, and ha. assl e.lpartsa Itollowi: y: t - i-.? Thomp' ?:., id Co roid, N. il.; n I, c. S. Little, .if \V. bstcr, N. II.: w i1 r. II. II. 1. b ? ? . ol N'". j. ,it. v. u, poet. II. ?. JI Ua ?.; ohorister, VV. ....... f J allotd, Ha** ; toitrodnrtory addra . 1". J. Bagbee, ul Ha 11 ?? Vi.: addrea to pi Wei i n; O. rge, I . N. ll.; addreaa to andenrraduati . E. W. Teirl ,. '_. ? Randotph.Yt.: ran.pu' addrewi.PranK R il Wlnchester, Ma?*.: plne-tree addi ? . V. Pluui nar, Ol v.'W'i n Ma* ,; Ire&a, <-. M. Watson, Bl 11 .v. rln'I. N. II : ' hi ?: leles, M. <? I V ..??????. Mfl "- ' ford \i.. 'sl-, i brenre li. Wlll* . id liarton l Vt. , ...? ... rrition has < f, , y.-.r: I'n VV. ,'. Ladd, 'i'l. of La i I I?. 1 Cox. 'ti-. ol Kl ' , ? e. - '.-,. ti. I*. ?..-). ,.; V??? ?!..,.., , ' ,. Ooulll, i f >i n"a] -l i, Mlnn.: >.._? o| I i ? Me.; u. t:. Vu I mM ii. >'? ii. ? ? PEXN'SI. LY \X1 \ C0L1 I ',? : Ij ^jiir. . I'.-t.n.. D? . 7 ?- ? na ., ? .-. ird the ii ipletl' t. . t .hlrli !,,? fai ?. 11 and ? e be -.. I. o Autt Ioi monl noa rorap! t. . and a< tive i i ? , ihe l irl*ts - - vai iti n. ?i ? , ? ,.'? ' ''_,. a-ith a | . und , . -? ? i i .... und l eel aIdc. 'fl ? l ., .. ?' ? ? ? ?:? ?? ; - . _7i. 1; il- ! Bllll \ ' U' .'"I In 1. I . U Wl ll -'' ? ' I , ? ,. ?li,.. nnli . "tn i- ?'" bj Ji fitt-t, exi lu Ive ul tl ? , ' ia Ly 27 X.''. II . mppl 1*11 Tlif,.- . . ui ii . illi-,-- . ,,, i ? a i implcte -? i ',! . ?. ;.? . -.. ide. iir.d Is < nn st 1 n led uiinlnc ti. ';,. mado , ? , i - . -. , ? ?'?-? H . , . : ? ?! .nm ventllatod, i- ' i , 'II tl ?M.|., ? \ ma il ? ? ', .,,. |t : mlle |> ?. Jr.. reprc ?nted tiie local I - ' il ihe i min ii |.ifsenlU (|u- >: . i ! , ? ' Iti'li. IIAMII (Bul i. N Y.. Dec. "? <?.'??' lal ,; ? .' I ,. , ulie i lu Iie . i'1 Uon of lli,. ,. ? !; -. hi. '. .'. Iii , tenor : V\ i (..r.. -..-, .1 ? ":.|. t!i-t lioas; 1-, ??;,. -:ii. ? ? I, ha* . l'i- 'l!'l- thal .t d wblc , ? ? ,- i .car wtll coi -i-t ol .-, . llll. ;. 'Hl . ' ' l:.i,i'|. r, "'..I : V, 'llght, m, '.'i : Kheppard. '01 ; Htmaaa, "92; y,;\ 4 -?:'..'? piltl : liy, '91, ma,; tl ?. ''.'J, nnti. , ii ? ??. ? ?: ?! ? hi ? 11 imilt : i ? ?.." thr . ''!"?' ? li\ men nf tii ? junlor ? . i?"lt.i i'!,i; I,*,, ?,? , i i |. .: . ?? < :,. :? i. ? ni,ii, i.i ii . i . .. ? i : i.: Jenkln . 'I ,.< i. l>. Iia i hl. ? ? I itWii'-IV i ? ' ..,,;.. m ?.. Dec. 7 (. perlal).- The an , il ? .".t lc> . ? , juat been . - >"'i give* a t" ..f SW" ; ?.. i. ? ii, th. ? ? '!'?>!.i< i'. i in Ini ".. An ... ? -,,:,,.'?'??.: lum ls ? .' ? ?-. ? a ? lal '.f cxtcm |Kir..i,.i'?!? ? mpoi : .! '!?? lamatlot i. i .ti ? ,,i'. tyl ?' "'i\ .', tba -i.ini term ol he Junloi - The ,..'?-' nutire able aaa ta I ire la Uie luil dwarrlptl m I Ihi i _l\ gtvaa witli : Ibi the rnrloni I .-. tbe rharaoter of the ItistracUon. l Im nea r (nUtlon i- aui ounted d to tbe degree "i Master ol Art , Tii.- wlll k ?? iftei frri-oU ln i |r.i'l.i.ili- ha? piaBCd wlth i ;-.-'l ; a '? ??? -. .., i ? t..>,i n ii; an ;,,, po(,\,-. tudy. ?j b_ ., ; , ?? i ??_? 11 ,i, Iia. iv entlj been rr araau...''- -1: t Ida .'..- m ,, mecting on Vondaj lo . .. -_f (--.ncn-^s -Imi.lil tjaoraa tbe naeatloii mbtihej or w* C?*r> subaidlie steamslun toMUth a ,r" ? ?...,,?? \ Depatationii lrom tbe >annt ??"!"atHHWda. sorlatlon have a-i-t.-i ln i?? IR oos ?<' f (. J.,,.,,,,.,.?? i,.:?,rt and at other l .call I-- 11 ? ?,,., )wM : ,, everal Sundays. Noondnj mw <?"- .,. dallv Bi theh rooma .nrini tbe ?* "LfJL f,? ,-, Tbe JnnloM have ? :-?? ted <'-*'_. 11 c Rmeryl iw Day e-xerdses BjfoHows: ^^Vaw, Wco-pi^ldent. ll. W. Pooro: "^?f?$aln. L, K. .V. I.. H' * ' v : orator. E. A. l ?fl ' ? ,. ',.,_,,_ ; ??,,.. _,... ndUt. vv. ... Il.T.-v: port. F. ( , ii. R- liiirncy: < '::' ,,!;.'v m ,,. . M. PetmalL of arraiicroiiicnt-. < ? 8. Rlcb, B. *? X*on, HARVARD CTATISTICB PIIOM THE si:w_ TXD1X. Cambrldfe. Mn-.. Dee. 7 ;-:-- '- ?J I ., _ yearly pnbltcatloti ronlalWi.* i , o?v. ????... -; -.;\,:.;:. bZ??*? eoltotB -ccti.'s re. orda ? ? ?"?**'? '"*"-"?.nts" ' ' , , Lat earel. taken .t.n(i.;.,i- and h ta a waj .in.,..>< >". P ? to make tba tafomatloB ?** J JJ"^*^* rellgtoaa, pollttaal, aa ?dl a- iw aeaoiari ?,, .f Harvard , taba ?!** boot b,en ? tabd - ??,.-.nt ,...,- ol ,he 0XL9** H ^ -J J';; | ,? , O.OOO The N-wYork ls Ihc Ur.--<. Wlin 8 ' _. -,- Thc Chleags .lui. i- the oWeat. ,?? to ihc li-i la tba noru Moantaln llarrardnub. ,l oi.iv th.? poon b?o. m- ??** tworta ,ac,Wnmn?lc,,n,.Mul.v,!1n,v^'..:'.-w,,i,i,,. ??,**? ever. bmn.h ol ?ttletl*. ttW ?J? ?J feattUM l- b Hst of the tw?tjr-flf? nnrn ta tt '?' ? S^whomDr.8ai?w?t'Bl?U.howtabetta monfj ,.., i? prertoae .ean there hara baan ten ?"'' rtr?,gei than am man now In Ibe j?i?*i. .tmngcat man wh- ha- erer been Wed by Dr. su toat, betagO. L. ro-..-. >:.. The I i u, um anlveralt) la P. Nmbb. L .., who liaa played baaabaU a. .1 r>oib..U wlth civ.-r Ity laama, *ni waa j thia fall onc ol Um beat mbatltwte m* re BntreraH- eleveo. Rnlay, tn. and traBord. L, ;. w_o ,, wm be remembered, wera tbe piardi i Harrart) Yale nme, ara bot* wall un nn ilielW?;) . membep if Iheeleven who u IToll Theitl"? ..' ., are wlth U--. exreptlm :':;.:. ,;, i"-:u: ...n....!..- . - Tha univei Itv dlrectorv rontalna'-'.sr.l -tudeni*. , , ?' ? , ? ptve '2.O10 aa tii ' ' ' . , mado the yeai l-ofore. Pi. ,li.s lor hl ? " '- Iriven .--??' ??-",':;,,," titSHti.thefro .1 a M; l ejitj I. other departnient ol the ni Ivei Ij l.i ?-. ? ',f in mietlon and Ruvemmeiii mm rl( . ot h| toriral mino_rapb8 i- ln m ?..,'., i .upervMon ..f Prof. -t \. 1 l. ' I';:; . adl rn-slonr-f "The Yeio Power b y r m,_,- i, ,trnrt. r ln p Hlleal ???"'; ,,?.. '.,. one part >1 the w rh wiulr d I.yH rollene I* orlglna. I rnliVd ? " bi-t?nr, ind the bm?. gra ' ? ?? e I n* ..f tl.i- - ?"! oi worit. I NK'V gcbene lady. Dee. 7 (Speclal .-The wee* ha I _uW ,??. ilt ,,,,,. The football eleven. havln .-,,. p,.,, .-.!. have i!i-i'iii<l-'l. i.i.rt rtbletl ? exception ol fymnaaliim ? >rk, ..." ? ' ? ' Howevcr. the mana?w tor thr comlni lalho.1 of, BDd Ibe l.a-h.ll dlreet : i ? ? ,,,? |, ih. jymnBilnm, U,e .,..Nt ?,...?. it l- i.-iv-- to *a> that 1'nlon ? pi nd ol ht r football eleven. Tt:" ,-!. ?? rluh , In -?? 'ii- ' ': -? P" * ? '' R ' ' reporta twenty-one ippll. ? l I I '" ? " d I , , re <<???? ??.?:??? < ' x qnartet aetected from ibe rlob wiil i banquel *-?" V ??* Cltj ??> '? I. Th. prc*. it ? " " ' , d njtall, Uilleapte. W? '- eemid h A Jranian foons Fl ! ;' M *5" . b?.."rlw rian.lall.Laii ? VV..'4C< ?. ?* ???':"!""' lf.rr-1 ? |y. |nl H.-?nn".H ,-..?.,???? r ? ,),,'. n-rillnc of ? ("? i% v' "', *",!. 1 '?-', 'l.-i-M'," ? pari ol Ihe requl ' ? ?' '?'?': ihc nppei ' 11-' -? __ # _ PMVEHhlT^ "I I EVNUYL tM v PhlladNplila, Dec. 7 -;?? ?.: . I ' ' ?? ?. ,i tbe - - rui,' leam were ? :?? ,.,. . , n Bataida* n .11 ??? ? ,,._ ., , |, ? .,;..?? by leadii -.- oi th. lal ?_ tbe team -.t. Ihe I ne howti Ihe laal - ?> ? . wd t ?pn - ? : wo ;,. ^.^:,. and Prtn. ttu anti tl..ill tea 1 Ivanla. and ,. ? r tean - ' ? .. ,? . ? -. fliej ?'??:?? - ' ' , d'T.P.. Ikimi ? . . ? ? ' ? ?? ? ? . .,-,: t. ? ? ? . ? ' idd. ' . lu ... H. t'amp, ni ? ? i ?- ' ?? '" ' .: . : ? rivid. "1 !? im : ..:??? Ihe I protewtooal d part ? I pi ?e. ?? ifh ' ? ? .'? ' ?. i-a. ? f denti - ' ' - I , ..,,,. ,.,', ?.?. -I-.-.: . . '''? i . i uv. rsrii ??:,:. ' ? - , , ? ..? -n ... . I i ?? rn :". . Ithses, N. 1 ? i" ? " '-. "i|1 :f ''! ' ' 111 ol D i . !,', ,1 .*? . ? ??' ti'* ? i the .... ? a- wa. an en] ?: . - ' ? th ? trwi urj .1 Ihe A number ol . liamje. will ?? Begfoter whli h ? 11 oai lt. herealter be mad ? ln two da. In tead ? I h h. ' ' - lenerd. A .esr i I idded to 1 . . ' v ' . ? ? the lr*sl min yesi ?? : i ,.,,??.ii,v ? I--.un. Iii tbe third yai ol tta ? , ? . _m . ? il yea ;-n .?' i. heen >d. ???> lo 1 . eilu. md im hlteetnre. . .- ? ,. i. 1,1 \ ...-.?: a. al tta annoi. . ;.? . . :? Ih, ei .1 iva in nl fui.d ??; ? ? ? ?' H , p i_ Mi - . "I. aud y, . in 1 si ??'?? .. , the .' i ,. (I B-.oclati(. the t.-n. '? 11 ta h J' ? Tue. laj '? in \- ? n.e c.|." a. ? ni ,'??':, fV im 1 r . utiti iii the I'.'.-.'i'i.'ii ' I-'. ... i l..-a.l i ? M --. M. i ?? I'Mka-rale . Mr Ic.d . 'i I**." i er, Mi I. # *.vii.i ? WlUi , .' *> -1 ' I" l?-oiev H i,i. heen . ? , : . i ln tlw ? uter. rhe ? have proved v, -?i .?-. ..I tbal hl yea" ' '???"? ''"' ?" * '" ' Ihe .'...- ?'? lo t? tlve. ai '1 ihe I I ml ??' l ,,! .) n '" -i.' I. II .11. The le cturei i nml in i . ol India ua. who look as I mili I . Mudel Husband." The d batlng -? - ol the rolle -?. Ihe 1 hll ? . aml th.- i-.i ]"'??' hi i. .. :ii -" i depjrn i fr itai l ? I .... rtiiiH ? anal "ii IV. diai lay < tt? unlted lu .of a I loi i. ?-??.. li ol prou ? 'i he Karl Men ' lub, u m i " '' organlsallon ol the '.,1' ??.?. ln- < San . '1 H l ..." tl tta ' Ua Ib i .?. .,,1 j... t- i??:? ih'- (.-nvi"- prlii ?? r ? are i nounced x* I dlo *"H I H . ute ol i .i in-" ." rhe . amw I I' .llll ' ardl .1 Ni-wmaii." "Tta Caner ol Talleyrand," *Th? . ? i . ? of Acaden i Uur?.1 ?< >M i oh ol Travel,' ?? j ;?. -. ..,, ii stage," .penrei and Kwlll li l |hj jtor. 'i Sl ? :."?'? Life,' " l: <? Mi . . (,i i.,?,.-??.iu.' - t >--. .*< t ,.' i'"-i'\ it, Oerma ) . ? ai hl.'.' .' an prop.*e- t . . aea n.unber (1f hare ? .1 ' oi nd i u. * lnt< II . ?> mskhi lu - io r| >!up ?. '??2. and Wheeler, 'l.t. we ? ita hai ? . , , ';;. .? ? Ol lu... ii,. li.- ..1 ? a i. oand i oi a- inuiv "iit ed .i- wonld prubfabl ?' . have done. Byder, '02, wa tiie i i i hound i ,; Bac ,. "?:?? eeond. i M' i M\ Rl _. ?? "I VMR_.ll \. w.i :. De.. l .- pei i .1), i ia- . niver Hy I.n , il ?? ..III i?. I'l l-'lii, l|.",.'| So. -,.:!. SO, i hc mn ..... . , ev. I'. i rain ,?-?? . on 'Bl liral I'hi ?...?; ..?? ' rh .,,,.. U|1 -ii.-k-i ? ? ? : |. Andrew D, '\ i..i. ? .,, ,. \e ?ii ? .nthMpol _?? and ?? i all ..r \: ? , |n th i I number "f -The Populai Adenre Monthly." i . Vorl "?? ? Ing ' ? hlstnry ol .:.?? ? i soon I !??*-,,!-.''.idlng to whlrh Ihe Srrlt.inre* mn*! be Interpreted , ,? ?danee wlth lhal wii i believed "everjv here, slway* nnd b) all/ di n i I ?? , . . ti ?- ol iiiu'.i.'- wrlten .?( Ihe ,. , iv..'i\<' eenturiei ?( ibe I'britfi lhal itara . - i g llke n . sen -,-.?. , .ga.-adl.ig tta i ?___ . I thc Bll :.-. aud thst, on tta i t ?? dlfferlu. ?-hro.aoln.i.*? ?f <"'* **Ptn_|f.nt and Hebrew venalon. bsd ... i. respeeUve adherenU Ir, even ,_,. ,t?__ lo the Hw of ?el?olMtW?n in tta thlrtecntt ,i? , ,,.,.,, fnrtbei thal chionplogj cannot coaieundei ? wle ol Wth ? tai objed ol dogmatle, .'"I. i. - "i M IHblc l* ",'0. .,,.in .?.?..._.,,. ,?? SSrt?n :".. ptibll. ? mr - a_hli ?!. ta I to give ou -Ihe ,"::';;,VrMu-Vn;,!;;',"Vir''.<r.ow;.'-..i1'-,'.i-ii'' .....i J. olThe Iron (Town ol itnly. and lauraate niembei _fthe __v_l Kaffilcal ****** "f Port?Sal. I*ve JI' .'.'ipnu. leAur'..:?. ^rhe -Manafactun ??,.. _.e ol ,,:?; ' ,/'.-.,;. were ln tftaWjurl.:. Thn. ls) tndwm ita fneeti ol Uie nolrorsfty. VALE. ?;IM i-mur EXiuirraos open to prre oosi Vl.TITI ?. NewHavcn, Doe. 7 |8pee__).-The tacnltj ol Vale haa .-..???d i? open Ih.mptlitlon lor the Hi nrj i8me_ Ten Byek PHie, botler known t* Ita Junkat Kxhlbition t" Ita whole Jnnlor ekws. rkk roncedei to tta ,..,.!.?..-adn,.-.". ? i...vli.'J- thal evenj rlasi f, ?? the l. .1 len oi Bfteen year Im been driving ,,,' _i? Tta Jnnlot RsMbltkHi wai Or I i, Id sl Vale ni I8T1, snd wa. then open to the enUre Junlor CUM? ... rommlttee ol three. appolnted l.\ tta lacltj ? vlewed sll tta oesay? tnbraitted and wlected Ih. ' "'' ** "'" '""", ""':i' Tho writer* ol mv, lelected pol thelr .,.I,,.- i,v heart snd Ister prononnccd Uiem ln ,,?i,llr ihe laenltj dertdlng who n . entitled lo Uie prtso tot '"?"'''""'' "' ,"'?''1'", IUon ?1"'1 1'1'" ,?,?,,,,,,,?. Aboal flftecn r?wi sgo i. rtange wai ??.,!? i,, ihi and the eompetltton wn Um ii.ii i,, :,. i. ' ln mdj a. .. ln a nu.]. '' i,v ?f fll , .. ed tta I"'-' ?P" al ei In r icl. ? : ? - trom tta eontest. ln i ?-- ita llenry J.*uu I n Bych Prlre-a wew estaMtahed by Ita Kingsly i I \-.,.cii,ti ..i tta rferoll and ???-. Borlefy. The a. :.n.l dlnner ol tta Vale l hl. ,_-., t*1i I h.-ld .... Wedm .: ay nlitht, Thlrt; ;?? ?1 il,,. , iuii and a number ol ? ' - al I, e, s, '-li ?:.!. '.1, |>ri- lde?l. II, p, n . lo loa__ -.? .made C. II. Ilan II, P, ii. '?'.. . . .;.??, -m . r. i*. Howi ..I, ttt; i "?!; i;. i,. Ilnntlngl ?' . '-'I ? ' ? "? Starrtll, L. -.. ? "1 I.. ('. lllll'.. !,t. 'Pl. The ?.f lke nl 1" I mi.n In tl.e ai n' "niil an . i.-- i iwenl; >ix yeni ih iuii I l.xfecti >?? ra. Ita a. ... , ? Tii' li-'-' i< i "05 i' ?? : . a i " . ' ' : ' ].. ir ... i . ... . .. i. .... I man N H ln l ii 14 incl m i ... iv i '?. i - i lar i I I ' ].; , | ? , ? .- il in ni ??: : ' ' ? ' II I ' th i, ? ? i i ir W. (f. "ui ' ||C ** III I I I'H . . I Ulaven l ra. ue iilno. h...- lejen ' ii-.II - ' ? ? i:.. . ?:.. 11 of tii ? *i iie ' I ' ? ,,, ; it, -; '.i,i, i .ni..! . '.?'.: v'. ?? pra iid .:. ? ???I ? . ' ?-' i >| II irn i ? . iJetiult. i- an','. I i *,; . ?:.??.. i i i... ? hnlriu i ? .' aeel . | ? ? ? ? : .. -. i ? ' " ? . i rhe ? the '?" ? pt i ?11| be I. ? : Ita a ? , will I." i . ' , nfNi.w-Yi.rh b*A ? I I'' with I :' I . -. , ? . i II .? . \\ ? . - .. ??? . ? ? ?_. . ? . . .'....: . ? ?. - I ?'. - -' ?? r ? ? ' f. - ? . dav. II ? ? ? : 1.71 ' ? ? ' II" ? I". ? ?. ? " li. ll ! '? ? ' Ihe .1 itii.ii o/ I I nn Wcilnt-d \ ' ? l ? . i '.?1 ? ' ? ? I pi.WN IMYKI i ??. i : I ?? .? ? ll.{ I ? : M ? I . . : r Pa 1 i fur l I" , ? : 'i . llo i "I ' ? ?? ? il . |i :i - ,i III llllll J llllpll I , - .. | i.ih. i ,,i i Ihi l., ? . ' thl' ? ' ? ' .. Iicxi tn tn i.v Pi il "i Pu i 'l ?", i Iie i ! ? , ? . , ' '?;;??? ll' llll" ,. i . - I ll? ,. II ? ,, uf pl : '", i. ? ? I ln i .ll '!? : ., tl pl .- .1 | I", . i . : . Vt ii , ?. ' . ti., ? ? , lt ,, , ?? ? , ?? i ? ry lu thc i'i il ... , . i. .? , i....i l h. K' Biiii. li . l", l, ul ? Mass., ?. oldcal _t I',,,,. t ul lln ?' 'i ' . ?? i -i ' . ' ? -i ,'i. rl ., | ., lill ! Ll III ? I ? ? ' I ' I t.l hl dcaih ? .',.-.. ,,i ..i., . i n lim I ii _ i'-:.'. ? . Ai|| be .i | !:? ,l..i iv UIIIIllM i . Tl," ln tl i. : .i -rl. t valt >!?? pH|M-r. i .-, :, ..I ? Mi I I. f.T a pi.i -1 , . ? ? , i.i il. -,-1 .''", Maj i, I hiu, i an n ?, I ad '! "i tl ? roll | ? THE ' "i.l.K'.i: FIIWT, I HEN i IIR \II r \,.r p u Van, X. '. . I - 7 rspei lali.-TI - |Crni tTT _? nku Collrj! >. iimr Pcnn v in. . , i, ?' , li '. il I \ ? 'tl I'l lld . ? l''i, . Iluriltut DII u;ts ,,., uil) tonuded bj the i ., e RaptM . li ' ? .1 t. nre ni Hlltad il> . vi,. ||. Tll ? ",ll' . ? I 'i.i 100 a. '?? i"1' . ille -".,| li of Pe Va lt I hai '-'.iir- ' ? naieil up ',, . lilll, i m.ii ,. * ol Keul i i -i .-? for n ...... ,, ? i were i ? ?? . toi thc i lln ? hiill :,, ... ,| eampn . i'h , ' r it* t ? ? "? "?'???? iu iin ii .i.., i .?.i.i n ., ..,,... tr - i' .. ., ? - ; .;.,!,.- Il'.-li '? ? il .ut -i i ; |?.,.., ., ui, ,. ? -. . ?? tl " . ? ? ? .? "' ? ? ? ? ,.ti... ? ? v !."i;Mi,"i:v i 'i. rF.PIII S >. .'.-,; . | ' ? I -t. htepben ' i , " nvri ;- frum tbe Bev. Dr. V. r , .....11.?-1 ,.f LK*an Hoffma I I '???'.. hemliiBl | n '?? ? Ytn. Dr. Iloltm in |lve Uie r ,| ? .. :,? t , ba to ibe t' ?? '? rm Th? partlal rotn ?? an*n '?! Ihe rbua 'if 'Oi! havu ,' ' nt; Pi* "idciil. < Un .,. - Otu : i ||j . ,|_a j,-.- i.t.'i.i, ...-' _?? Dun. an, ?( ,., .m'l.U'-cp-i" : -1'ictaiv ..i.l ltva.ii_*r, JBMb VrabM, "f,?. K'rv Boclety h now readinf - Hlclit-ii.*"." M(4Jlng_ are heM even Tucadaj erenlnt PBINCETOW. Princeton, V. J., Dee. 7 (i>peclai).-The rampni --*- i mi-v appearance, Tha worti D]. the m? Eutfa la morlDg -tcinv lorwart. TbB Albert '' II:tll ,. no, ,,?.,,,! t'.i a?.i wiii be accepted by ,". ,rill,.,-,t ttymonom. Tbe new Chemleal Hall Ib ,,w partly ttnder roof. Tbe wort upon the two ban* " ,? ,*,.. llterary aoeletiea U alow. Tbe Wblf Mttl . ?p tn the lirst itory. "WH t!l" toondatto. tn tha "ih,nafldtog . not yet oomplated. around tor tbe . i trmltory Davld Brown Hall, wUl babrokeii *???" [' ,,.?.,. <prfng. Tbe bnlMIni wlll bB In tbe ibape . .. nnadimitle, wltb an open coort II wlU be o ,; ,.,t;, of Dodd HaU, aad wlll r.pleta tha toartli *5 , -,?i,'i qnadranglc on tte rempaa. Tbe ,;*f?r the haudsome bnlldln., wbleh la tbe |ifl ??' Ji? rll ,:,., b. Uexander, wlll ie left to tbe ebolee nf t ..' dOOOT. J ,',- tbc ra el popolar eteettvea tbla term *n b ,(.nl,i electlve, b) Dean Mnrrajr, ta the itodj'? Rj_1be*peartan llterataro, tha etosa eoariBttng ?f 10?, ,,.?,':,, |.w, .". to Innlorfl and Benlora, ProfBaaor Woodrow WHwn haa i etaee of IM; bia tealor elecflve ,., the bl tory ol poUtlcal .nomy. nuaibera Cd. Pr.. e. korWUltam U. Rleane baa i Jonleeand aenlorelecai ? ,? ,,?. ,?,|, of the Bocla) and political elre.r EnrUah hJ?rv ln which hli etaaa numbeiB 146; hl. acBilor -i-ctlve ln hlBtorj of political tbeerlea nnmbeea 18. ,',, ?,,-.?,ilv lar*e elaaa, tor b labjrct ot tte kind : ,,? J|:.?, aad anior eleettw In tte HUtory af ,;...??. ,pby, under Profc w Alosotmn Otwoo*. iu whirh ttwe an- 113. ,.?,, namber ol new men enterini tte two upi**" , ,., , uii? year la lamer than etw befor ' vi . meettnn ol tbe membera "f tbe fbotball fa ? i _, | .,.,. Jbmb* ii. RIW?, ?"-? ot Baltlinore. Md.. waa . , .,' u olocted *ucc.?*Bor Ui l apt ?m I'" ? , ' ,.,, ?. ? nm, ii' Phlladelphla. ' \\... ci,. Llb-rary Boalels held ti..-.r *opii... '" t ? o \i-. . nl. . 'I .afllu, "f Uelfast, Ireland; :" . "prl ' "I', ll. Newton. ol Vt.lnR. .. of roriteatanti tor tlie Balrd prlr i .,,, n ? alA rliapel 'Mi Wcdw la iil-'ht. I. .im.- ll. Bnii '? ? '?'?'?" '? '" ? ? ","? ;? . ,.. tarouel (.. V , .-? II. .tcplicn . ' lalro II i" , . .??,,.. .! i. ?' y, :> *??? ^ ,. , Mv.r- H?rt II, .Blll I ? , i.i.i.i.i,r. NEVVnPAPEB MEN IN -r.-.I"N. ,. ,?, 7 [SpcriaD. rhe fourth -"'? ? ? ' i ' V tmhlcd ni 11 o'clorb y. I.U |n <'?? ? ? ? lal ll.I. Phltartelphii. *. o| -.?:?? Phnenl. w?* .... t-ar were el. i I .... _: ,,,1. nf ? Ti,'- Pbo ?? ,f ? i ?? in-lnccioi , c. i;reeii, ' W , v.. ,?..,. rommlttee, Walton l I imrr-; Mr ll.irl -.1 rhe Hwe M i ? ? well, -I - rh. Franblln and v v niaa ". The Pei I aere read aa folp.a-8 Thel ?Be? , ,. . ?? .. r un ,,- .:. M Mlll-. ?? "The -. ,| ,t. -',:-. rj SJ I ?? Pbnrl -Th. ,,.!',r.,l Rdt - I '? ' ? ' "??"?' . ..<:?. | ! .??? ? ? I ' I i ? - ? l.M V. 1 I If. ' ''II- >? * ? pri.-.. , . !?-..?:. 'i phll ? . i 01 ? i . ' . ?'? ' ' ? ? . ? i v ? ? . ? I ? ? ? .? n ,.. - -?. i ? i ? . ? \ ...... .1 ' ? ? ? I ? i ' i an.mi ? . ? ,.. i I ln .,.: i ? ? . ? ? ? N-. . : i I'. ? -it ? ?? ' ? ' ?'?' ll-i.ll . ell !>?|H ' -I 'P ; ,, | | ?,,'??'.tll- I , ? 1(1 ll? I Moiula. i ? i'i-' I' '? "' " " h Uie ,., ? ? i ' '":?" , ;? |;.| I II..* sll.dV I ." ?: l ?.-,'' ,.,,. M wr, lae. I Ita ih. I ??? ,-,.. ,|. .. l puienl . f ?ll in ?' ? Iher. f >t.. ai ? ihal ihe. i . |n?|e pl: i arj I Ih, ol I ,. ..,.,:, , i m il ku iwn Ml ? r.iuln ln - n ' il ih iu.i.1 : ? |.' >? and I Ihe diiatna ol I I ,; . '. , i . .. .. ua if Ihe ' ? lani-j *'?: , ? I I'uvei : i .. , ,,-,,, . lub, .. I. nll ..,.\. u.i. -. '-??'.. bj , , .. i ' Stre ? l.llihl ? \\ ..-i , . \* i ?.:' EIHITY. v i iteto. . i" . ; ? . . <> ? '?' ' ? .' Alumnl v?- "? ?''?.' ' " ? ' *U\ l'"1'1 !" "' B" i,n ,i tn iqui ' .' il '' I! "*** llnu -. II ' '' "? im I'.. :,, md aud Profi ' Hl att-nd aa rcpi ' ? ? ol Ihe fa. nlly. J. , '..I. I i ' ? ni rleeted i ? ".??... tta ? ii ;-, ... . \\ V I '? | I' ? I 10 I _ ?| the i U .1 igical m.m bj ii I ?:?) wm.. i i il ,' ,' ? '."i w. II. I ? " : | ? i I'H I N1VER. n . llal .' ? ? " i- p I Whlte ' ; I dent of tlw I'tali 1 nl ? a ng !n. i itatr Ba?l in ii,. ii,?..,. , ni Ihe endoarmeni unl lu Ikllng (nnd will ha. ? hl wii ler addn ,, I'hil l< Iphla. ,. I-. ; np ' : ':"- Uethi I i i I t'liurch, l Dr. I ||. 1. ?? . i ho ( '.''_!... ii, liuvti been eleotsd a_eatan of tta >i"i*r<* of <'""n?-ni"" oi t',? now nnlventty. IN THE LOCAL C0LLEGE8. EfTEBPRISE AT OOLUMHA. Tta wm! taa bean ? busy ono at CohuaM* Ot****** not only for itudonts, bnl tor tta e Ueff ?.m..*r<. Perhaps tta ehange ln etapel attendance bM boen tne n.u_ thoroughly dlseassed ?abjeca. After January l. attendanee spon tta ctapol ?__ee? wlU be rotantarj ,, ,,u ,|,. itudonts. Tta ******* chaplata. tta ***. Dt i orneliu- Dnffla, wlU ta ***** ***** ***** etaptoln ,,,?,..,?.. wlth full utary tor tlte, and tta toUowlng clergymen tava eonsontrf *******_*?**? ? one n.o.,.1, .,"!.: F? Janu .ry. Ihe *m*..Dr. Van Do Water ol Nt AndiwWsl tor February. the Mv.J*. Mt^o?C_lmf;l?II^^Al*jM-llfcJ^ Htnlth; for Aprll. the Ber. Dr. Brown. ol tt.^Ttamas s, II ? wall known ttatla tta wlnter ol I - Lewto MRnU?rtortp^todt?ttaCol^bJ.2Mj^ .,.?,.??.? valnahki tostnuMnto, eonetottni rt kta . ?.,... wftMtor n transl nstrumen t, thlrteen-lneh eqnatortal reiraowr, ? . Deni clook, nl roacop*. *** rta Mends of tta Xe ^ ta ?W to le?? ttai Mr. Bnttart^ta. .upptme.. hto gifl ot ?^?'V*t,\. ;::.,;:_;;:,,_:;,-^^ S_USSJTffJa?tt ..,,.., Ol I'..-.deiat LOW ?? ?* ?" * *** __f* '* toltunbla -iiv, iv.f >or J- K ***_*__^ HHTOid Jaeoby, of th.*crvator_. hwe. Bt tta n . , of Mr. K..U.-.fu.,l. ******** tta JtartO? _?.,?. .'.Inoliu*:!., :.vs,.^ -olni'i....... ;and "IU.' r?pt:ted.__Lmea.urMolretoctl(_?olpto^not ,,.,?., ,v Br. Buttar.L Mr. ww ,,? J. ploaean ln celesUal I.??... ?'.. o. ?'?'> ** Z*** 9*7 ****** ******** to*i?? value ,.... aoeurecy. AU -?????", - wtrMn .1... thero toa good proepeot o ilu w*?> ,,,.,. ,unl*. work tatim publlshed In IM nenr 1 n,.. aii .tor -f tn-. Uck "? enrarorj bu? laurfj ?,-,,.. i? ? letter to Prol.i ****. U> reptatograph ;ll.,II,;. ,,?,,.. ,?...,, _, bm. nnrd *o*** i****** . .-ai rhe Columbla f kiUegi Athtoth I nion li 9****_* ** rtVfl i,. enl rtalnmeut, lo tta near totaro. lo i i.,,,,.1........ - heavj debl locurrad bj ****** d .... ,i?? ,-.? ,.-.. ... athletic, rowing - I >-U ***** lenaliunem will , ..-..ta' lu character. and tta i:??. aud plaoe rill ta arranged lator. rhe _ ,-.??.;,,ii...,- have been sdopt.-o uj thu irustoe. ul Columbla i-ffectlog s compleU. "--"I" : ;., tt- kmgtu Ol ervl.i ottteen ot llw . ? . rS? Iltf , , ?,.., I'rolea ?... ?' I >??? prol ?*ar, lusuruuor. uicr ;> an ufflcer wh.;-.. temporary, oi wh. jenrke i- not ,.,....? iu, ..::.. :er havtog . . ed ? ' - '"? "' "* "?",""1 . 'ivi-i rhai tl ? ? ?:?.?'- ol .'?! l_*tmeto?, mtow ' dsfterJnl, ';? , and atter^ July 1, ,_.,.... ,:?,.,,, fsUuwslup*; aud from snd ii-' V ? .' : ,,,, the ..'>'?'. ot Ita univenity . - . .:?;??" ,', ??...-.- -i. ?'? '? ? .?. open to ? ? ?????? wtaol. Tta sppuliitrd ? ? ? ? ? V ? 11 . tg feiiowHhti* ' . . l?l thi aywrstoom ..' .. ? ithout itKh per i ? ?? : '" ' i Kdi th. :.;,., ... staulUlMd. pro. tlnue ? durlng i I ***? ....,, t -. .. ,k [.:.,. .d.illi.. ? ? ?'?'-? ?"*" "a "? ?"" ? -. ? iflocung or ln ?>' w?) .-.?..>. i ? ***B*V** . , .? ? ilrecog .... ? ,. , ...... .;....?, uij pi ' _ y. T- -r ., lu, I, .1... I .WII i _??..-. ent ol tno ? eave -.f ata-OM '"? , ? , . ?- tenrhas .0 Ita ra ti* . .: i i at ?-'??" sh?U ta aalLJi ______ THK rXTVERr-ITY'S _NTERF.STS. \ ! ' ntM "' I ";" ntv "' . ... ' .',.;. |* u lt. [ ??:-,' - ? itam ? ing made I m annual pub f TH ?vi. th-> pnl Ihat l.ail l ???.'. ? I ... uf a ? ? r-purtl ? ., f >r i '.'?'' I ? - . , ,,v VI Tlll .-Ln !' tii BEMIN VRY. ry uf ....... RputJc nf . t. I- nl ? ? !. a- I rs. Thc i ? nbera of ihe :. I ? . ... ... ? . ? ? 1: . i',-.t. ? ?? ? ,.'.| Mr. i.iavcs wa - ' i ted ? . ? . . ? ? ?? nn ITiilnv ci -'" , . ii '.?? ? l.< hl, .?? aiiti ' v. ' ? V ? . ? |i;-..'- At IL I'l , n , , i | | , , ti| ||E ' ITY OF M"?? N >RK ' ? t -,\. :. 't " I '? ".'?'?? . ' ! ., M. N'nlt*. an alii i i. *-???< ??- '" ' ;,.. , |? |n i,| . u i.:.,;? . ? to JI tlll' I . -i'l ,1 :,, ' entli i ...??-.. f thc ii ttus n ,,;??? ..ll ?,'? ' , .,:?,,. ou ! ui. "?' '? ..'??:?. I" t . Illp , ,.|,,.v v.,. ,.,,-. i - ,,. lary, nud i I n ',, iti v i!, eu lu _u I '? ' oa U?e , . !.?,! KL ( mitfi >r, i> vid li. i .. .1.1 i.-iii, lllpp ! Ic ', - II .? i M : ? : ii Well mtl riiarlo. I'. stmba li weiv pmiKd lor liio.r ,,?u ,i, i, a ??;;. - f hi Hi- t.."il!\ ?:?? ? and auituli'e , ,ii,.|,.;,,., . lln p ? ir..' ' I,-' 1. llll .1! I...-.'" ?? '1 ' I ' '* "."? ,l "' > ,,.,,. ,t iho eveiiln. we* ihu ilcbiie, won bv John i . , ... - umi, I i .i, Icl ii 'i.r. lit, 'l'-. l ? I, 1,,,1-ui |,. ni mi ... Mfreil M. Dail. -. '08, waa ; ;,, ihc K'-wu II ard r.i ?> KtXDS OP /.'?'/"l.o\ KRS. Letter In Tbe imeton Tran rript. ? i am ,,,,i h ive .. woman who ha ? ,i hiuband i . ? hei. ui ,i .-i.l ?? hu li . ? ? . i ? I.I...I'-. ln in\ laiplo: ? ? i Iv.i I. . ii. oan wh i iu mber "t ? l . . . ...uliiv oill.V -..'!. a- ,i ? 'lul'T, ? ?.. , I I p.n ln -ii fuli II* i ?'" i _,..:?.) i prim . ? ? I have found |?, ?? ! i ! UlC tlll. I pi ifllUllI ' I ? ?! '. .-?!?? I vn.rkc. , uid th y uv n,-- t.t protupl nnd devotcd lo pl ?? ??? tu re i , : ? ? t | ire ? ? ; ? ' ii. '?? und ihi'j .,,,' iml iu th< ? ever . i : ? Inein: thcy . | ..", -I ;l I :? l|| . tll ' 1 ? ', ?',". li'.'. ? ? ? fiid ii of ? ? .1 ? .ti ?. thal i .nr. ; ? ii.-v v hi Ui ,1 vll! ' ' " ? 'I HOod. "Olll "! ',.? li, '.. ?, . || ii ui. -. it , .uitl arc alimx i , iiiia lt I"-. ? ?-?? ? ,', III) I'tiMi'. -- ,- I :i.n i:.\ _j|f." ln , t*. thl Ii --. >r.ti.; ? and ien*lb!e ;?? 1. \ |. ?', ? lt ad li \. Ith whleh oth ?:? bi .Im ?? iu ni , , , ihc Umih< 'i ll :i i "ii'!.- womcn a l o tt.t-r-lj ] icn.pot irj ?'. ? nn f. nn Ili< ,i\ , i i, .,,.<? i,t", ti for .. llttl ? we 'ih -, lp?nd lu f- |.i ud iiii In.tu i i'i 11.. are in-I stlchlci f r i i ur two :....i?? b wci-k, ttco ihu afford to wortt . I.cup and ttM do not ron-ulcr 'hc fiv-t that thcy at. cheanenlns labor fur "ihcr- u> wlunn It i- a ncce-iitv Whlle ,t can hardly be sald thal MMN ****** a plaee who i. not In pecuuiary need of lt, lt -iwuM ba lakl with emphasli that no .ifl or woman not oMi_-.i t., work baa a right to ?,ot* '?''????'? '"'"'?;,'.'* 'h,| ?* elnaion or the detriment <>? ttoee who aroobllajed tu \*. aell supportlng. It la uil tte more ea?y tor aidri wfc* can utck and ehooae to prt n fair price forber labor, and. for tte nbe -f ooory other glrl to whoa, work atanda f". passable comforts and hnneat livellhood, alw Bhould in-i-t npon proper remuneraMon. No oae ran deny hcr tbe God-gfven rlght i<? exerclae hcr |. .w. er? and develop her own abl!ltle?. bid every luch .? i ihould -cc to it that she Ifl not a rfumbllngblnek In tho a-ay ol any other worker. and thal *hedoea :?,. make llto harder tor ttoee la tfbom n m ai.-c._iy a toll. some itruggle. . .. ? -_____f _, . -li,, you at lioni.- .' in <iuircd the pr ?piT.rtor of :i large atore to whom a rooac ** ' '?"' ?_#??! f<-r ' "'.'.''m'v".. ?[',.,:,,t ara i I li'l'i. ? I a"1 dcjit-ii <iet:t upon mv e_ tor - li.nic _ivi uipport." ? *h that makea lt bad. Tooeee, we jtva owMb ?mail oav of thofle we emplov dnrinn tho Wl d_v .-?-.., an young ladlea who have bomea. and . r.-i ...u," ta fo- h tew weeka to eern b little pin wv W".,n get plenty of tliem cbeap. bo it toaSl worti. onr wblle to pay bigb waaee. I wnpppae you ?.',,-',!_'... to wo? tor loar dollara awwk." "it would baidl* pa. my weeklj ; ipena-.. to m ?i iti.ii" of clirthea. i couWn'l altoid I i dn II Ioi - tiuiUo not,'' ptocldly reeponded the comfortafta n.crtlia't wlth aa.y Indlltorenre to the mt thal t_ ? itf,.. .tv of a homan bouI be banglng am lu| ?n.i. usu.-.. "I am v"!y aorry- i ?houJd ',- wiflin? to ake you al that prtee, and **?hap* *ve yon itead employment But of conioo we don | . . e -? pa .... than i- neecBaary. Yoa know tbc U? of siipplv ?-.i .t.;.'."?. t wSSee ;.n tteao thlnga." he wkCiVk tii. "lat Mi.llo." ___- _, ? AiiT NOTES. r?ne of tte most. totflreeehBg Oatdaa ono hreagM ta thu cfiuntiv i- i.'.w ou vicv ai tte TWrty-elghtlHli Bjajiiertoa ol Mr. hVoAm. I bBbb tte reeaot veriM of tui, poputor Preaek arttst. wbe "f Mb yeara ha- baajaj more partleaJarly kaowa .?-. a fadacapa palnter, the pleture In <*ae Uon i* ? Nuie i"'''? devoBed lo |h? titalmcBil of a itiHglBi siii.jc't. it icpreaeatB thi ii, ly Famlly aloaa ia a ttrai fard aad apparee ihe pnint of Btartluf <>n ti.e flght tato Egypi. Tha -un kaa n..t yet rlaea, aad tho teene, Uhuuiaed bl the pale light "f t'au mooa, i" ibroaded lo tha ? > 1 i tonder tui/" ?^> freqaeot In Cajla'a laodacagea, a-hlch, In thia partlcalar laatanoe, bapartfl a Uad al | poetl. ..,.'1 ilnwmj at.-n tsfhere t-':'< l? ei '?r,>'-,' In keoB : || .- adth the rellgloaa ehaiaeter el tt - ? ??? Ihl , Bgarea of tbe Vlrgta leaaad bb bb aae wlth tbe Htty I. Mihi in het ..ra- ai.-i Joeeph daodlng bealda baraN ' palnted a.,u ,-i tbe baekgroe I ?? UM aM f.;ni. waU ind UlgMKf '" ?-? ttadow, ??- if th<->- wtr?. I i,v no m-aii- tte eeotial feataraa "i tha i- tara, bu | ,.nl\ part and pared ol tte entiro painting. Th'.- w?.-ij ioi fall to pleo ? ,:i low ra of Caata^l -.. and banrn Bloaa rotoiedlon, aod roi -i.tit.- a ibigularty happy retura lo tte l| ? ahhfc be adopted ot tte ootaat of hla artlatte rare r. tn ,,: tt tbe few | * ' mPBB are eomprlned ln thc aatamn exhlbli m <-1 Um Ka ., . ti Academy ol Dealgn, one --f tte n. ??* . ftaa. i Ed ? ird .. ??.?'? .v-i r tbe I Sonud." It ea ? '- '? I" ?'? rtbed a i aarfBl ; ?. t ir ttere i- no Uvlng ereatorB '?? . "" lt Mb, ? ?? | od tbe rockfl la dea ?: - i ;? . . . bo?ever, entirely In kecplnaj wlth tha y atmoaphero whleh la deadeted wlth ? .e Bdellty and clevei - I!- Portf li"" iN.'-v-V',;'!;. M B f ? the month of Xov< mber, whli I I iVo* photngiavuTB "f tte ftunoaa Holbetn, knoa bb i!,? Amt.aasadora,11 reoeotly paichaaad trom Uwd r.adaor .? :. ? .,.?! ?. lii'-rv in London, ? roven .' Uaale ..f more than a bandred wood hlocha t \ ' erl Darer. i ine b* ok of I ? than thl r...t i -:.. ed Bt tha back, and Ib riea ?? ;?? ot w i ,.,. i,,. , i ? d .i for tba Ulaatral i beok. Av|ry clevei p rtralt of tho B'v. Dr. M rsanDlzkr Uarla Bn oka nov i ?? ?? ? al ' " ' ?' ?' '*> -.:..;, - ??-.?? ..;_..,- t also '>f ? :???..???? ...?t.-.i bs tl- ..'?? oi Ven e tol I and i ? ? ' ' ' ' '' fanillj unUI purchaM by th :ing Vietor Bm m tnuel, ??'??? ? - ???' ttem I - T.?. exMbtt at tho I ?,'?? f tta rlngl ? ' reara by 11. W. r ,-,."-r. and ?I -' *!"- " f" ' "'" rt* .,...,..- lof Dotcl .nea. haai ?'?? Biade of tbe e . 'v * "f talned an. h ? . and other Uluatratod perlodleaU. \t hk- Deeeatter meetfag ol tte > ? ?*'< Uagao cd Xotr-York. whleb took ?lace on Mo 4 .?. ,.,..... .. ?.,. devoted to tbe dlai ,-?? ? ?? ? "* v D.F.HamUn .,_ Batl . u wudi ol tbe Or tectnre," whb h wi ' ?' : -Tta Vlllage Fesl i.,?i to ln theae roUmn* i ?tarl I . _ ! :,.... imi . ' J 4 b. , . ? bead oladark br ? i no unworl ? ' ' ' - , mi,. william H. ' haw'i rbner and admlmbl" , ? ,i park ind Prosp. I ??"???> ? ?' .... ? . aai ??:?'?' .i .,-.???? aith II ? palntlag ol tta P ? ' ' ' . v Pi tates on tta walU ol tta Whlte !' \ | ?'.-. (I ' ? II, . - Ven ' certain 1 . .. ?? <??? "? 1 . : with bl very i i >' ....... , ? \.,. r. Knoedler A Co, h ?? ? p , , . r.iiivr ol v ri, tj r. ? ? which won n i ? i...-. . Illtl... . II ' ' 1 . ell . ? i proud. i'.-l.r-' M"? ? ? ...v,i,-,i, |? al * : tu,. iine \ .... -i,.i. d. ? ,- ? Three -.'?. .., i ;...r.- will thu* he I wtll evaniluallj be rool I In ' ' "rl (ur llw .-.-.. i*t .n i'.l dl ,i . [?He deaUi ? ..':?' ad ;.. ,.,..-.. ,? .I" ? T.T Ol Ita IfOJ ' _ .? .,-. .. ,. ....I. wa? 1. ? v. ... \ w m *U snd <?.:...? .?? ,ng in- ta*l known plrtare* >- Hw "**?" Jerusaton." uos In the Natto I M. Vcrlal wa. UkcwUe the I ? i of rattle alnee Ihe days ol Kwel dn Jardln. Home hard thloi v 1: x" Ln hto Inanmral ***** ** * l?,i tta .....?'? daj MK ' ? ?? MUletM repa. ?.- * ? '"' Mr '?""? "'" , ate ... ***** too yoars, , I s 11 ,.._..;.? hall a eenturj taoct. II I* i. . ,.,, ,',.. late hlstorj ol rhe Angeluf I m eianiple ol Ihe mereantllo use ??( plcture*. It? ,. ,,,. ,,,. ,,,,.? .Implj Innated bj t ************* UJ ? iyudli ste "f i;"'i.i:'"ien. \ tteeeo tte l**t boan ?*' rovered In .'? v I li . pital ai MlUin, which I. di lared bj bo ti.- i:,--i t apj . ' ? i bratod ??..'?' -ni'!"-.." The ? py. which heart tiw . .?.,.,, ?:,l...,| ?,.-.-. a l altl *IRh i ,i ?.i repeated * **** ***** only i'i" other laj bj m * ? .! T r ffatl ' .1 MhlMtlon sl txA ?? "''? ;> ' ' i '..:..;. .-. stford loter. >UuA bul , I .... . . if ttad .which t at lapsn. ?-r tta I, ..r ihe .300 ? ? ???? " ? " ' usnufm tnns ol which Ja| in lu. ?U u heM I io ireeminenre; and evon In I e lt to tor ix \ idsptatlou. Photogrsph. !,; . , ri "ii taar swaj the palm Iru i a . ? ''"? lartura whose death :> ? "'? 'p md rapMHj ol IkbricatJ n beeame b I ? ajua noa ol ItS Mt i-taiH." :;, ll.- unrl.t'U. III U?-' ******