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SERMONS OF THE DAY, X. TBE THBOiiOGICAL VIEWS OF A NEW PRES B. | l.i:i \N PASTOR BBB KI.V. DB. ''; OBftE L. BPIMSO. OF TBE l'HII.l.II's 1 II. il II. BPBAKS FRAXKLT RE (.A!*.* iM- Till N '?: ? - YSV OJ \I.\IM-.'! \~- rilAI BA STEM 1*, t n ' '.-' >D TO :.\Y AlthsPra ?? ! er ln the Metrepollfcui (ipera Hooae last we^ the new pa-to'r ol the Pkllllp PrcKbTtcna'i rhnreh waa heard f"r t:,.' Br?l Hme by manr'n... BMMatam ?.f hl. chnrch. Hto reputatlroi a an eloqaenl ipeaker had preceded hlm, a ? t? t.,v ida- :'..ipe. lations ol 1 ?'" **** ued lle l> a Western man by blrth. educatloi and e_ pertence. ll- wa. Dayion. Ohlo. flft. year* nu father s 1 <? :",!">!' _? , ?;-,. ol ln. .1. '.. M ' fort. ol 1 Incinnall. _ lu hpi, (. |g a nephea ol ita greal educator. Dr. ?. II. ffev. iu eomes ol a 1 '*' ****** ,-d . ..1 ? ? - '? ? " PU_ir. 8plnlng .penl hl. j ong manhood on ihe Wesl wn pia*.' and among tta Indlana snd latoi delended the v-r P*rt? Indiai - and --..nid ihelr rlghts. He ,.rvrd tv.. rear. m h Inioo -ddier ln tta f.-mnw Kanrtt rsvain snd wa? woanded, Hh coll-giate itadle. were pnrsaed a- llanover College and lllghkuid fc*ve--.'.. - 4 In i-.i' bc wa- gradnaled from Uie Mc THE ? '? ??? '? sP,NINi: Conntch 1 ?'.? ?.? ' '-' '? ,Ie wcupied l.,.. ' nnall and .-. i,. ... ? 1 Irei 1 ' ? ? ?' 1 . :? - ?? an A n.. ? m , ? . . ,?...-.-.. wai 'i:i d ln tha ? - '' * ' >? ? : ' I' ? . I ... :, \; u ,. : : - tlM ' ? ' ? ralnl ..... ? nf the . ielail ;- whi' : cxtoi ? 1 ? : a_ indi ui d !??? .1"- test. lk? 1 n ? 1 . 1 ? ,,f review J ? Ihe \.. ' eail more l ? ' * f.gnvei ?' , . I . I - ' ui. tl.e f Tll .llll*. H lo,- ;.. VI ' ' ' ? ? gr' metii.polU, i. seeiu* II,1 ..Ul "t Jilil'. of dead eimilre-. of ? ' ' ? ' .' tftne-i when ?.,--. _? 01 reli. Mltl .n. a ? : UiM . . I k nu :? ? ... ? . .?,:.?. : ol Eg.vpt-a SlOWl] . . ? ' .... . ?: ? ? ?' ? ??? ?'-? " utidci , . ? i?i th. cerj . .? - ??? ,? . . , ? 1 . II ... efleldi. wtan ...? v . '? 1 . , ? ' ? ? ' ? ' ' ' , , . ? ? ' . . ? .. ' ? ; ? ?' 1 "' "'"" : govi nine nl - ' docirines. Ite -nirl- frateroitl. rlaarllable, and n fcllow , . ' ' ...: "f whate. 11 lh-rel>iiotl ., ? ,,. >,, ;. rn.i nl ? 11".im11.."a .11- aa 1 road a : il tiu- New I' ' ? Nu . ? ? ti? 111 ., ? U ? l : . . ...-??? . . . II. al or .. ?,!_. u,en.bei-.l.i|. fieni ? ?.,i ,.,? even ... .. vt* lu ihe tu ? l*n. ? ' M.I. CHBISTl txs IBl Wl 1. ?.M1 . \\> r. . Ive 1,.......ii' tn nabei P Mcthi-dM j,, , . . . itherai .0:1 ...... ? lan*. All . any 1 . . . ' ' ' ?|!"1' \\v lutvi ? ' ' ? ?'? f lth ttnd kimwlertp:; . ,,1 ., 1 uf ,. which ..... nicm !? ire naeli -I . I ''" : ,;" ahaiM. li .? ii l"i ..I la'l >w ? :' ? ,, ,,, TlMU. I. a whi ].. t. A- . ? MT) .1 aeeh oui nu ui ? Mv H ' _H who love. u. ;_.,n. an.. ? 1 - _,:?.;;:.? exM ? N . ' I ? ? |_ve* ? . . ., i... 1 ???. by tn bul -ha' it do ' '? prtv ruiisi.U III 1 l- , ,. .. , . .-.. patch Ita b. ' parl of lt I '? - nund. ? , , . ? Ilu We Ui.mld l"t Uie .1 ol ean I tal. ? ? ? '? *? 1 ? . I ..?.,.. fthnuij truth jtamlsr thU-i.ot another-1, the loat world. 1 : wh:. . Uiri.t .1;. I. .,? I i!i .t il i- Ju-t a- much ,.. nr L ,-f ihc t . ixtTi ti, dav a* a-hei lic ', m. ?n < alva ?>. l?oM nol torg. I that thc (Tiarch ls 111 ? ? i '?? v K;,', t your fa . traln your . lldr tn, nonrl- li - und ii - :.: . i oul lic dc iltute, 1k? . md to all tl M h f.-.r , ? v lielp 111 live a_ l : ? VV :; \ r Tll I 8110 LU '???? !.-t ' - .1. tll and woi , i ? . ? ? II it.iild : uv I. i ? ? ..? cuud III tl ...... .1.. iii pira ' | tion t.. ,. i ile i ' ? , iiuil "? iu ftu tlu .,? iven un ... tl." wu ' i . , tliia ond wc Inviu ? , - tn '?'-' I" tb, . lol witi ii. : tn rhi ei I . i_e . a. h oll er, praj i >r ymiBUt pu to . , i, . and .., i) up .nm ihat :????'. ? ? ? ii old Dr. I vman : .-?? hcr laj ? ?' ith hcdie ln I . Tlie I-". I.." ivplled "l h \enU-M thin. uf uil T ?_--- .. ls there no ? ,!l,: *'? t.. he .iv.,i i e d? ., , widc ..|" ti. hcre aud Irc ? . . ' ' .I , ; . ? II VOII OUl. t-M pl III .ll el,., tj . Iii uc ln Kin. I :.-.., .aitli Ihc Lonl. i ? thc dej ,,t thc wlikcd." .!,|"', '? ?"'? h"w ' ii,,- dav r if\al .. , !l We need a warnt cnthnslaam In our work. m , ,| _u-iii;i - Chrlstianltv, bnl ' ""' '?'"'' , Jo\oii . hopcful. virlor; li spirlns .plrit * | ? ol . IIS ul - i" ?????? *? i j .... ...,? ,? _ dc ?! ?' i du im .1 li ? .:'.,.' .1 and poiii i man l.- ? -??'- " "? r:? woil.i an'l in- i . . . , ?t cnl down t.h. . h lt ,,'?? f, i and liim d.-fi " '- ? '*> '? ? Piiih wl n iU tlv* ' '? '?"' I ' . .... i tlmt Wlll. " |s l?, ? lllf fniit I'f Clll tion to IIS wiil retn undcr ? nntiin-i ?vc ' ran - i . ' 1 .?- a .ni, I , 111 l?l-W. sl ? ?T kl 'Al ? I ? wcre all rctit itin . iiiulii .,. . , Ile va.t.'l ,liic. nor waa 1 ' ....,,? - '.? rtltVt. wei.t 1 ? n. Phllip went tor t. ? HEARING FATHER WXATIUfi HE PREAi Hl - THK1 F. .FHMOSS. M VNY i" ? ? ' " ''-'?? , him: ii .'i' i sr.i.vxn - -?!' HIS KV lay tn I Pathcr I . ' ? ?. ? ? Kulhcr I I ? i I ?' ? ._. 1 tha ? ? ? | 1 I ,- ? : ,?;??' I ? : ; ll p ? mted i.i"' ? , vu.- II, >':?? : i ? ? I I I ' .- 1 ? ? 1 1 ' ' ' . ' ..... : lh' I lo I ? ' ? ?; lt. _n.Ua ly ? :?'?. d< ? i ! . . ,| , ? ? ,,f iv .rui r ? II ,,:?,! !,..-. ., .'... ? tin ?? and ,,' : .'..' . I* >'? ,:'] ?' '' ? 1,1"!!., . I 'I' ol 1', th" < ; . " , ?..'. I ? s --, ,]., al |fii.'li "1 Ihe d nalai-.- < .... l.fl i I . II ;,.,;,!, bellcv . HOW P ISTORX 'ii- ' '"' ' TH 'li ? I DAY. : I ' ' ' th. pi'- ' ;? ? ? ? ? 1... >. .1. ??!? I' -. , tl. ' ' : ' ':' ?''"' | |o '?.'"' ., ,. . , dcai .n. ? . : r,.niiilllc .., Ihc ' l ' pri ili. lf I ;!,.,.?.' . Inii. i ? ,. ? ' 11 I.'- i ? ,,, , , :.,',,' Ihc "I | ?? I..',l 1 lllll Th" licfo.-llicd I i:..i',' ? ? , . J | H..USI .,.',.' Ic io th. [. I..,.,;, x'U iii . I ' 1TB \ '" i From 'i ' ilev. - ' '' ' i ? liir.l a ? |, . ' '? . I I,. ,11 I., J....I ' i iid after rammliiK duv . ? I '?? ??' I' ' **'?* '"""?' , , tiil. 1 ? ,,. tn cxiieri'. ei I he tl I.I l>< arl I "Hi tbal would ... . ? .' hln imn. he rammed .1 do ua und l l ? .,,,.!, ol painc. ll" Inad '.-'. ii - ' ? I teAl. Wltli _"h ii the N.V i fo 1 wilh Hu ' "' ' "::i''' ?' ,'" , .,, and thc vcnl .ii -??'"?" ?"* ?' ,,,,",, S FROM NEW-JEKSEY JKKSEY CITY. _T ]?.-, i.i i.v tiik i.kand jrnv. every . ? ti.rai.dJ l ... day. i (Jia .'??? **< : .. !>.'." ? Uie wrutius nl ??' ..,",,."1 wa. (irand Jin ' 'i''1 ""l!l1 v ?, u which tl.irt ? tcithcuen...;,'? n.,-. he wal'rui plral .i li U clccl on fraud* that . ..,.,1 pjcven nien to Iv rouvlctcd ol ,.,, m 1 I '? ? "-';!l "f ' ...,_.? i ?,.-. ,rd V -?? DonaW. < i -? '':" .t- . II v ivld''n1 , ,,.,. n,p| many men wh..m Iie ,hls Jury. Mr. W ' ' ? ll.: ' ???. ii- aaid. V,.- " ???? " -?-' ;?;; irv, ?? i ),,.i no .,?.-.-I wllh them." and !? .i ...I,. reply. immc.rial mstonif ln lacl aonn ? Ihe unmd J.'?? ?? JJ" i lh.ut -,"'i P'.utorareeiwaj II renia ed I imvKi When thl. t-dr dccid^ . .". ? ? . , ' ...V!;. .....i.r. .tn " !? ??"" i ; . M. V.. . ," ;, l-Hh ll I . ,,,,?,, . .\ \ ? ar- nid. Wa-a ' ' m w m:k. M.NnA- , v\VS .'I IM RITA! D\*i rl lli ? ? ' . ? ? ' TaZn ,1 .. M h?w ..." 111 ' I ? ? ? ? ' 'll I : - - j * ' . ' ? ? ? i.i.r/ ... ' P lh- a ? ? a t , ? ? ? . ? ' ..tlMifMl f". t 1 ,:.,-?? n ?nn , ,;? i ii .1-; ? , . in i:? ii i i i.'-' " ? ? ? ? 1,.,-mi ' ll,? l,,l.i , . , ii, pa hc T? ? i ?.., i.V/J '' X.KE I '-.? I' ?'? i-'1' ,/-V ,. . ,?.?,.>? I, .1 , >" ? ll ?! al! ? ' " ' ?' .. . 1*1.111 ll ". '""?" ' |. '? I ... Oi Oli'ATIXH t . "' ''' " . : "' . , I ? 1 ?,..'I,:,'- - -cull. UU."? ? ? ? ? ? ? i., ,?.... tatlrr. Ita !:??? r. A. IU ' ; rMirdi :? .,., I thc ronu ..,.?????? ' ''' * , , ,.....? '"".-';"" ... .. ? ol ,'..neal ?aP< ' ai.d larmen wlll apeak at tbem. ?"?">? "' ? i he ... % Dr, W. II. P. I'"'; " ? ' OTHER SUBURB I.Y TOWNS. Wl STI IIESTER COUNTY. PEPICATINli A MOI ST \ EKN'ON CHUBC1I. e,.:.? att. ... - ? a, i . .; ' :.,<? i. ' . . - ., beaan y. '? laj wltli the retlsl tta. rhr leni | (lf ..,,. rhni . -? tl,- fir*l servk-en ln lt rhe . | ?a wa. nik<d al both the morning and even . u is the n,..-' elaborately furnl hed . rhureh ... the I.,. and enual*. lf B**-"J ....??? ? i the I ' awhei ln N .:: i . ?|.,a ihe nrerlor. Th. , a*. rhnreh. d.rectly . ? ., wtth a. rsn.-l " _,_, .., I,. ?n ar, of. rlrcle. ea h ???*"? ,,?,..,.,,. I the bark. Theeushlonsoltho .1 wlth mstted pln*h. '<": U rhe ..'?.?"?".mnlan,on ,i attractlve paturn. ; . ?.hnrehtbej wera paetad wl?.- ibooemUA.;-? Bev. rhark* ?. U e. ihe paator. prearh^ ? ' lh. crmon. I thc I ...!._? r.-v l?r B.T. '?'? ' . ? ,,, ';, "...i:.-v. Dr***" ' ' ? '?,???;',:.; |.,.v I P. 1 '? r "f ' Pro'l-ytcy. ' -"^ Pra?; v.,.,. ... ,m,.||| n Moiinl V-' ""?? takcn .?, ,,. H - , ..... ... i . ?????." ' , ?I? '. '??? ? -?"'??.'.'. " ? . I I" I ". tfl. ***** ' ;?;"'. i : ? ????? ??' ' ' . i. ? 1 ... -.'?? . ? ? ? ' I,? / |IRS l> 11 *OKl I'.V. -11 r: t - : ? rilR^TMAS '?' '? ' ? ' ****** : ? ? ?? *? . ... ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ' ... . a ? -. ' ?. ,','IMS' ? ' I . I.I..I ? | ? i l I ? ll ? ? . : ' ..vrii ? , ? i ' ? '? ' ' . : , |,.pll mal foOl avera pr. ' ? ......,' ,\ nf lt" , l I :? ? 'tn ' -"'"" I VV, '." "' , - . . p-.ullli t. b. tn." ' ?' I .-f ihlani' [th. ' .. ,.. \. K. , ., . - 1 ' . . I'r ,1, ,,.., Ur, Di' ' i i. , H i- ' ."'I ?' I" '' - rt ..I the .-hurel ,...... ,,. v,*s MURpm >? BAttY. I '?' ''?'" l,M ,i.,.ivinral Par'.?? The l.a : I tl.." ? v? ,''.,."i ??.. i' vi rphy, .,, IH ,.,.? ,; .1 ?, ,. ?, ,,? i . ' i'"' * h 1 i 1.-11 ? ? mi. h,?i ,,..? auy pail tlu la part. rii 1 " ' Ita ..-?'" ? that thc inte. ,,,. *:,y. his nol I ' ' i ' ? a-htofa i ii" ' r ?"'' "' " " ?.:.-? ,' H i '<?''.. |,l.. n ." ' " ''lu k | . , th . :,.?:;,,.,,',!:, ?'? for .. .horl ' ??.. from ii- mother. own tood wlihoui ; .-;;,;.'."" rhe 1 ? , , ,., ? ,.; tlt lllnc .. ., ,, ,811.1c thal th ,, ,,..,? vu,,.,-.i , m , ?.'?"?", _;ih?vcr *?nMwn' '4",, Lliura--: li. tbe >"?'" loniama im lodlll*, Pot'"*'?Ue Vitrioi. Jlermri o. oihei' ""?4- *"'? ls .uiiriinlccd parcl. '????"JS .ki? t .....s :iii blood ?_TeclioM? **_**___[ "H.rU "' '', -"' ?_?rted ThU eerUfles ttal ' .' .'/.?? ? ? I****** . .,. ? r - on uad ' - '.fc !,?;.?:???.?."? $ ' "' -'',N Y-r , ,:.i,,..?'.,..?. ' ? ' ' _ rr to i.' i-n ' : ; ' ' '"' a nUV.\ > BBA7.1L1 *. N ^rrV'_*r:,,1.,__r_.?,,ro.ed*my-if clenca (or Mi aagerereaseeouattf her.-d.iary ft wlth Ml of HM ipeeltai ****** ** eare, wlthool avatl. . ,,? ?mmlMd tM ,,?.,. ,,? ,? v?.|r eO?P?y. '"* JJ2 ... . M,ng meywn Cael B l Cure, v.i...-h I ___alt taMas .;; STE^r-s ? ??d n-l.'A-* '??* l,','"Vl highiy m s?P??l .,, hba dii" <????? ?*"'' ***" wlthln .. |.-'i.d '.: Bvo montru " ' wpalnfa-l *>?*>aMd fr0B, my W-J ? _ivs_ S- ?;. ?liiiH'i-.i*. .,,H,;"'_,.\: o t.. ?cp. ?i__ Lr drai 1 oo- mall fl 00. 143 W. la. . r ?-??."? i,",l'*'-' tl wall*.. *n****** .:. I* ?, n-V,., -'??--;?,;" ?"*???? JJ^J?recSttonaa.?* lirazll in ' rui i."' " . ,-.. wiil pr< b ?;,:'./.....,,BfSHEM'??'-??'""?'." [look upon ihetr departure. ? ?? HOME NEWS. WHAT |S GOING ON TO-DAY. PBti ircbB' ball 0 ? ; '' w , Tw(mty. P. ?. Sumac, Toa P "mrt. I l i1 ! ,. .? ,- ,.,... i... han. c, M ' - ' ? : " ; " ? ?'?'?.''??' ril, Tem Broek . . .... TcmneianeB Union, Son Pa ' ? ' v- ' " ... ,t. ? !' ?.' B p. Dl. ? ' ' ' ""?' S P' '"' ? II _ ? W'llia Cartl.'. - B eond - irli p. in .. , nibla *** Frult 1 _, ,...., rhtrd-B m OfBaalia ' '" ?tb ' - \ ..-...? . A , , ". ? ? ?' Cboieb, " \. , . . ? - III ? c"r'" Nl.W V"i:K CITY. ,, . . ? ' 'TT Ot rhe ? ? . ii ? ,,, i .,11 ?? ' .: ' ? ? '?'? ' " " - f ? - p ? ci. hl h -t, ' ' ." . ..... , - 1 ' ?? ' . ,.., lic. ? ?? S. T'lnlo. . .. ? ? ,N? _S_ ' ? , . 1 ' ......... dlfflcull lo . .... ... e-ieidej ? ? f?r the v ...... ; son-liirl fhrti , " : ' f he aai . d.Hir in the !.:,:. Eyi . r,?, (ouuty Dii ' ' :'' ~''v' '' x . "? I h:.l _ ... ? . t a en ' ' i. ? -? l land fai , ...inmlttee w imri ut ? ilM Ihe Murhet ( !"'" "' .. || , , a !:?".? -' IuhiI A . ?,, held .- ~ ? -"??..: tt^tamm y I ; ...:?. were re-.-le.-u ? ...... , lenl trlal. Herr ,. mrer. Ncwman C.; director. Newman 11 ? I ; "?>??'?" , SI""" :'"'' d Llpma - 1 , I '?'?? ' '"! ,'-': '?? " v-:" ?"?, . .. ,?. M,. ? ni wlll dellver a lu I ri al and 11 all. ..., ,? i, thal thewmiam ll" '., , , ?mo unpl , Klddci ??' h ? I JitoaS-l ,n, i Kiddcr ?t uran ? ai d ul i ? l? thc v:, .1. ile .Uu ? v.i.l c*.p N "'""' ' , .,.,?(,?. ,,,-t.ires to the people, m ? v-;::1';;;: .. I -1,1 .,,,,1 . dui ? al '?:?"' :"'" *' ""' ? " "' WT^W..?taacup-.nJ-^^'-;(^^ ,.""? _' Maaw. No. 70 II place at tlae I ? ?? "' ?' ., , - , , i, rl..?rlc M< ,.,,,?: ,,i?, *., _..- burled M--*':d..v '" ii.- frnhin ? ,.,.. .? v, , . ? ended b, . large numtar ? , . v nnrh *. ???? tormerlj rertor I ?? fw;'*Avl . . wusl.lugton.hs, ? .1 ' ?;' ;;/',. . . . ?u ul m. uwrence. .,,. : ...i ... the , - lli i. !.?' ! !?,:? ?'??' .,, .,,. let. ^ i: hold ,t- annual tn *l ? i , . .;, , ..."!' ' , , .,?- rtremon. .?U I'?"- .???*? ?? " ' ,...,-,. Xavler. In Wesl . ,r . inr..ugmgatl.! 'raTiciin.************* ,,.,.,,,,. The altar wa- haud >n.el> de. . . ,..,-,. ?,.,!, wa. Ilghts. solemn ? !. at U o-cto* 1..1 .,, | , ihe .ii ?.' ?? und hc *er ": ?. '. ,;?;.,.,i pregnw.i ?rae given. nnder dlrec ^lmLv.J.B.V??ngandProte?orB.(H? UXFEILIXG i MEiloRIAL TABLBT. IX COMMBM0RATBS TMB WkBBtXOTOX cy.STF.X MM. Sl RVI i - IX W. PAUL* < HAIM.I x ,.,.m-Tegatioa attended the lenrtee >..terday ia '-t PauPi Chapel, Broadway nnd Vaav -t- rua I(rfn.ionwnStheunvcUlngofthebrmiBetablel ewetol ... t)i. m-;.. committee ln tbe nortbern wall al ma ,:,..,;?..;.mme. tl.^****? h"M theia ... the CentennW celebrattoa otttoi* anpiration ol tieorfd Washington aa Pnd Preddeal ,,,.,,,,,,,?- I- Bev. I?r. MaMnhcy. recu* ?f the chapel. rondurted tbe regular Sunday rfrvlca. , ,, afterwaid l.c _dd, ln reference to the unveillnaj .. n,,. authority ... place tbeae tableta aod menwrtalB ln thta church. of which, aaroucaoaee,?bBraaiaaa? , irreat many. Ib veated ln tbe veatry of tl.c pariab. Thi, |. the only cotonial church buUdlag aaa daudbig , ... Mtv and 11 iuu8t be toeogutsed a- beartof. iu :?.:,',".,,,?:.. i-,m.':>??-.Wontothachar* ? -..- u Ucstminbtor Abbey d. tor tbe Bal J* .,,.,, ,,?. v,u be more eapeclalb lowbeo heaa SnSr. ?a lUled all.morlal. by the *?-?>" ? ?f the original toundere ol thia pariah. e^d tofartl ,?uld no object . Ibeea wall* all ?*ve?d v.h memlilalaoloccurrei.. and of per**-?>i"'"*? J thc hlston "f the ?." n ??*1 "f ?'" >,A<"' "' " :.^'ia^K^rhbf^r^*om ? thc church undcr Ihe sanrtton of relleloa, f? lt *? .. .eol to elcvate a ? ?tbe tooe ot oar Kte ,. Mulctahey then walked down tta atoto ****** ?. ..,.,,, hls as .stant. tto Rev, W M. ?"?"'? ***"* oUta^e,.w.,nell.'WlandtaII.ttaa?|^2 off tl.mmli. taving cli^e of tta memortal. ond , .. n.,11 -tt A. lionowe. I?. Aogtt???a , H. IM...*.!. .ln* tta l.nto ... Whieh c.vtred H snd in s few ?ro?to gavo ,.,-,?,?,." u.i ?""?'.. M,.Mia'i.-y.arl..l'!-|..n.-od thal it would be rarefully pitwerved. Theteblrf t* ,, ., ios-4. and tf lio lo. to tta ooal al 1 .,?. ,,?., ,,.,;,... hsviug branchea of oUva and oak at de. i his ln i rlptlon u on n. ln commemoration of th.lenntal ..r Tt^ *'^1f;' ? ?-,;;;,' .'..'ix."'ataS -??-. tpril :u?, MIKi>l.?*?* h-M ln -t '-""!.T"V ttVtt^.rr.'h;pelcon.mltto. >'? ' '''"'' NT.^'r_' i,k i ?,,._ i. ,,.. ucv. lu-. Moripm l?u ;;' t", ?? UPXiiI,...r _ ??? ?_?^_l "L^J_S5_" JtSa rommittea n nml Ircdeii; k flarl .avi.IAug.ul ' IsiImmi. rhai m Hallett Al*>p I-""''" Hnwland I..U. \in,,r\ Slbla ? I "" Kd ? ard A. te Roy, jr. MA.RISE INTELLIGEKOh MINIATl IBB ALMANAC. BaariBaeroe _f4 9 ? ?'??- ???W* IXCOMIXG STBAMBBS, TO-U*l .V. ? '*"?? r" I""' ,?vr',::,,...N'i l*.N*t.1 Atn-r li ,.- . .1. IIBC '?' .. ...... .... S'otSB .N?i" Amw ? Mfl. ;. , "soi ilB.Ha.ui.A.ncl 8 . ...... WBOBBBDBT, D* '" , ? v?v _>? _Nanona. wgr::;::: ...I^_^.v;:;:^^-:->va..^ OUTOOIXO STE i VBB8. IL K..UAV. 1). ,?, Mallaetaaa aatl .,_... ?-a Jew . ^ ? ??::..??? K__S?..:.: '.i p- ? ? . . An<..".'. Jamaiea ? BDMBSD8T. Ill '" ClvafKc^ '...!.!_ . . i...t .ui ?-.Lwrru. ' I1 ? .1 pm i p m ? i ? .. bb la .a a ia 1 B u> ,t i.i i p ta 1 *. Mi !. BVtt. Or, BBB. : ? - .,* ? ?"?".li ?.'-? ' ! :; . .- twaa Havaaa. 4'. ? illi _.!'?>. l?BC 1 1 Khartia. i:..? ' A-,' K?? |M .?? m *? J _. . \ a VU, Votlo l. " ?? - 11 d ra 8BIPPIXQ SB*8 ,- v-ttvv vol \ . Sl SltW. DEC 7. UN aBBiVKD. , r, i ? u ?. i...". S*~> ''"? Weweasua I* ....?:..?,?? N..V.'(..S0'.."l-'.l?loa - ? ? V .'?' ir.1.ri?*i?. '? ' " Amvedal ... . ... .".'? ? ' ;' ,',' r. i..?n_T, Hsstlmn N"v n. ?itii tu.iM -,V:::::,:;::Ki;-v.,n'-.',VA.-.-.i.--? .,?:?'??'" "'' ,,. ;. ,??.? Bottefftsa. Xsv taX fl* -' - '.'?","'i'uvr- N..v:a?..i. "'.lasuie. l "?(- , % ',,'"\ ;^,,..iti:,..iur.ii4 |,<t_ tigera ui -a r-i._-.i.- r'.. I,." <ir . lu, i, i ; a ra o.'i U, li - " : ? ? l?.sodi ne* ajrri-ortahee . . . ; .. -.. r< c aBOattO -..^,":,uM....nMM_ r^TtTJiil sTelMKieMO.Nraarawttaaatosio jlTi ,. ._ ,.,..,,,. sarsnaaa I* dsgawUl u..t- . I'tarr. Nswport >???? ?u.l Norfoin. -i - ? ??? ^^^ .'\.._Xu_Va.'Witiim-.-aa? ??^v. >,.;.,'??.'.. u ??? 9**ma*wm***?*u V j;"";;,'^.' ,,,.? i- ?.? " ???. "Wtswn vla KlacoMM an? rl I'.'- ** . ............ v,a aad J- ?" ,nrl,M ,, . treah. SfWj cloar. ****** U,;'\v^'i,.'-. n? c,,i. Al ,-,?> uiaaa-wiaan bAlLliD. . i inii.- tor UremoBli Alfunv, ni?a. BtramcraKtrurBanlBuu^ . . t. . |U .,.?,. ?o. lli< '?u ''. ?V..ra?.u. Im.tBnUai; 0?vS , ? anvaiu.' ??.'??>-';'?;'?,? A Uauriu.. eaaararai -""'"'? ,',*',. '?_ai ?<*.icfBei?r nlmiaatoa. \ ,V;:?...,;?-.... it.. B".^^S_S_ToFW?AM?M. J.OKI.I...N ro&m ,. - 8_llMl .i.'.m_i (ialll* mn. Mnr cci '.ii ua DvarpaalBeBjaa f<* :n',u';^i- 7 A.r.v,..i. aUMaai u leerfagae im **> rem !????! ,?..,...., H.-.-.DUnd .Bf.n. ueuaa aiitwb ,i ' ???? ? ***" ?? I,,, ...-? lark. _ ABnouncani'iaSB. A, Mav COLLAM. ??__ i w." kkeabBaa. M* * w* . ni-'.':.:-.11-:-^...,^,.^ "???? SMim K& KMi'i u* u* n ;??*-,- J \. ". .f?,jiw. UeaaBh AU ti?-K"UI V*"l?. ."*'"?'? 11E.NRT A UKStT.hH. Ji D. ,. ^J^IySL^uo-vftomBoxm ?_d. i-jurcralv'tar th.a ctBBBi